#hopefully still good. will update when we eat them
monsterbutch · 1 year
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cupped cakes
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Sharing is caring (George Russell)
A long weekend with the Russells
Note: english is not my first language. I know this is very very very overdue, but hopefully it's still enjoyable!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Are you guys doing well back there?", you asked the kids as George drove the four of you up to his parents' house. According to the screen display, you still had a little over an hour until you arrived at George's parents house where you would be staying for the long weekend to enjoy some family time before the season picked up again.
"Does anyone need a bathroom break?", George asked, looking at Olivia and Arthur through the rear view mirror, "I'm fine", Olivia chirped in, "me too, I'm okay", Arthur added.
"You're doing okay, too?", George asked you, hand on your thigh as he drove, "I'm fine. I never want to say it too loud, but I think morning sickness stopped two weeks ago", you added.
"Little one has had enough causing raucous", George whispered, turning his attention back to the road ahead.
"We're nearly there, right, daddy?", Arthur asked as he recognised the streets as the car approached his grandparents' house, "yes, we just turn here and at the end there", George replied as you texted your mother in-law, letting her know to open the big gate so no one had to get out of the car.
"Guys, you're here! Did you have a good trip?", Allison welcomed you into the house, hugging the kids who immediately ran and hugged her legs, "grandma!!", they excitedly said.
"We did, it was fine. There was a little traffic at the end, but we were so close I think it barely bothered us", you said as you greeted Steve, walking inside the house and making sure the kids left their shoes by the door.
"I'm going to take the bags upstairs", George said, kissing your forehead, "I'll be right back", he smiled as you ushered Olivia and Arthur to the bathroom, "Y/N, here, darling, our some slippers on!", Allison offered.
Since Allison and Steve lived on their own again, as every child had now fled the nest, they updated the bedrooms, you and George staying in the guest bedroom with a double bed and the kids occupying the room they had for whenever the grandchildren stayed over.
"Lunch is ready, so when you can come down, we're waiting for you", George's mother called him as he helped you sort out the room for your children, "we'll be down in a little, thanks!".
After eating and helping tidying the kitchen, George took the kids out to the garden, hoping to use up their energy since they spent the whole morning inside a car.
"Is the swing alright, dad?", George questioned, "yes, me and Benjy sorted it out a few weeks ago. It's good as new", he answered, prompting George to take the kids to the renovated swing set.
When he was younger, he didn't spend too much time at home since racing required him to spend a lot of time away, but the times he did spend back home were filled with memories os this swing.
"Is this the old swing you told us about?", Arthur said, unsure of the whole apparatus since he heard stories from when his father and his uncle and aunt were much younger.
"Yes, me and uncle Benjy used to spend a lot of time here with auntie Cara, too! Who wants to go first?", he said as Olivia volunteered.
"It's safe, Arthur, see?", she said as she balanced her body back and forth, making her brother feel a little more comfortable with the whole thing, "I'll share it with you later, okay?".
"Sharing is important", George began, "and the fact that you guys always share is very nice, me and mummy are very proud of you", he said as Arthur picked some flowers from the grass and gave some to Olivia.
"We're siblings, of course we share everything", Arthur said naturally. It was true. For him, even if Olivia picked on his buttons a few times, he wouldn't ever not want to share something with her.
"Would you want to share your things with somebody else?", George tried as the kiss both looked at him like they didn't know what he was on about, "what I means is, would you mind having to share your things with someone else?", he clarified.
The pregnancy news were still between you and George, excluding your doctor. Because the kids could easily spill the news to somebody else and you had been specially careful so the news would stay between the people you wanted to until the doctor considered it was okay.
"I always share with my friends, too. But yesterday I had all the grapes mummy cut up for me because they were really good and I really wanted them", Arthur admitted as Olivia quirked a brow, "I think we could, yes. Even our toys, we share them too", Olivia added.
George seemed satisfied enough with the answers, hoping that when you broke the news they wouldn't have a complete meltdown.
"C'mon, Liv, it's Arthur's turn", George requested gently, the girl hopping off so her brother could have a go.
"What is mummy doing?", your son asked, "she was helping grandma with tonight's dinner when I asked if she wanted to come with us", George offered.
When they arrived back in time to have a quick shower and get ready for family dinner, you and George dressed them in comfortable clothes since it was just close family. Once they started arriving, the kids found their spot on the floor of the living room, playing with toys and colouring books while the adults caught up with eachother.
"Y/N! I haven't seen you in so long!", Cara said as she came up to you for a hug, "we've been busy, but we managed to sort some time out to come up here", you smiled, offering her the little pastries you had been working on with your mother in-law, "these are delicious!".
Excusing yourself from the group, you went to check on the kids, sitting on the sofa and getting a few cuddles from your nieces and nephews, "auntie Y/N!", one of them gasped, "you almost fell asleep while I was showing you my drawing", he said as Arthur snickered, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, you can show me again, please", you offered, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes.
"Darling, do you want some wine? We found your favourite in the shops the other day, Steve bought a couple of bottles", your mother in-law smiled as she stretched her arm to receive your glass when you were all in the dining room, "I don't, thank you for thinking of me, though", you smiled, exchanging a look with George that wasn't missed by his sister.
"I saw that!", Cara pointed out, "what was that?!", she questioned her brother, knowing he would break under her stare.
"Y/N has something to tell you", he quickly offered, passing the ball to your court as you felt everyone's eyes on you.
"This is not how it was supposed to go, but there wasn't a proper plan either, so... we are having a baby!", you announced, unfolding your leggings and letting your small baby bump show.
"Oh my goodness, another baby!", Allison cooed as your children looked at George for confirmation, "you're going to have a little brother, guys!", he said as they ran to hug you baby bump.
"I noticed your tummy was bigger, but I just thought you had a big lunch!", Arthur said, delighting everyone as they laughed, George watching everyone congratulate you before also congratulating him, "congratulations, darling", his mother kissed his cheek.
"We've been a little more careful this time around, did all the tests and in the blood test, the doctor told us were having a little boy", you smiled, kissing the top of your kids' heads as they latched onto your sides.
"Well, we can celebrate with the wine still! Some juice for you, Y/N", Steve poured in your cup.
When it came to bedtime, the kids didn't want to sleep in a separate room from you, and since the bed was big enough, you allowed them to sleep with you and George.
"That's what I'm saying, guys. It doesn't mean mummy is sick, but it means she needs our help more, she won't be able to do all things at once and it's our job to make sure she rests, as well", you heard your husband tell the kids while you brushed your teeth in the en suite bathroom.
"Time for sleep, kids", you said, lying down on the mattress, you and George brushing each of their hairs as they switched off, almost like a button, "they used up all their energy today", George began, "Did you know these two were wondering how they could help you, because they were worried that you are tired. You even fell asleep on the sofa..!", George tried his best to mimick his nephew shocked expression, earning one of your beautiful laughs.
"I love them so much", you sighed, "and I love you", you kissed his lips.
Kissing your forehead, George's hand managed to reach your bump despite the little boy latching on you like a koala and your daughter lying on top of him, drawing random shapes on it, "not as much as I love all of you".
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themorningsunshine · 2 years
Pie eyed over you : Chapter 2 
Mafia - Baker AU
Masterlist                        Series Masterlist
Previous Part
Pairing - Mafia!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Summary - When a new baker in town refuses to abide by his rules, Bucky has no option but to go and take care of it himself. But nothing could prepare him for what stood on the other side. Nothing could prepare him for you.
Warnings - Nothing in this one
Word count - 3.9k
a/n - And here is the second part to the Pie-eyed over you series. I am SO grateful for the love all of you have shown to the first part and I am really excited for you guys to read this. This will (hopefully) not be a very long series but I haven’t decided on how I want it to go so updates might be slow. Please bare with me.Also, let me know what you guys want to see in this story :)
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He looks around once before stepping out of the car.
The area is as lively as the last time he had seen it.
Not a lot of changes in 5 days, Bucky 
He can see the bakery from where his car is parked.
He didn't have a reason to be here. For some reason, he hadn't demanded the money last time he was here and he was pretty sure it won't change this time either.
But there was something about this bakery.
It's the cakes. He tells himself, but his suddenly quickening heart tells a different story.
He walks towards the bakery and sees you standing behind the counter, with a small smile on your face, which seems like your default setting, looking at the registers. And just like last time, Bucky's steps falter for a moment before he takes a deep breath as if his lungs had suddenly been deprived of air before walking again.
As he opens the door, the bells above his head jingle and notify you of a new customer.
When you look up from the register, your smile grows and turns into a slightly teasing one as you look at the man standing in front of you. You were relieved. Was it okay that you kinda hoped he would come back?
As he walked towards the counter, you spoke up, "Can I say, 'I told you so'?"
Bucky rolled his eyes but couldn't help the way his lips were turning slightly upwards. "Come on, sweets. We both know you wanted me to come back."
Your breath hitches in your throat at both the nickname and the comment. You clear your throat, willing yourself to speak, "Of course I did. It's good for business, you know." You tried to sound composed but the smile on your face gave it away.
Bucky chuckled as he took the seat beside the counter and looked at the case full of sweets in front of him. It was still the early hours of the day and there weren't a lot of people in the bakery, except for a couple sitting in the corner and a teenage girl sipping coffee while working on her laptop.
"So, what do you want today?"
You. Bucky's eyes widened as a voice from inside him replied almost instantly and he had to look up to make sure he hadn't said it out loud. What the hell was happening to him? He clears his throat and replies, "Surprise me"
You smile at him before bending to pick up a couple of brownies from the case putting them on a plate and passing them to him. "Just made them. Try and tell me how they are." There was a glint in your eyes and Bucky knew that he could never not like anything you made.
He picked up a brownie and took a bite. As it melted into his mouth, a perfectly sweet taste filling his senses, he closed his eyes and moaned.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and clenched your thighs together at his reaction. "Sweets, this is the best damn thing I've ever had."
You chuckled as red color crept up to your neck at the praise. "Glad you liked it, James."
"Liked it? I love it, sweets." He spoke before taking another bite from the brownie.
You stood there for a moment, just looking at him. There was something about him. A rough exterior, covered in dark clothes from top to bottom, but there were moments like these where you saw just how soft he was beneath all that and for some reason, you just couldn't take your eyes off the man who was eating your brownie as if a second without them would kill him.
The sound of the bells jingling at the door brought you out of your daze. You looked at him once more before walking towards the other end of the counter to the middle-aged woman who had just walked in.
When Bucky finished one of his brownies and forced himself to not instantly reach for the other one, he looked around. The bakery wasn't that large. A small, cozy place with a few decorations. Filled with the smell of freshly baked cookies and cakes, it was warm and inviting. It was so you.
Bucky's eyes landed on a shelf beside the counter and his feet brought him to it before his mind could catch up. It was a small shelf but lined with books.
The books looked old as if they had been read over and over again but well kept. Cherished. He brought his flesh hand to one of the books and slowly picked it up.         To kill a mockingbird
He stared at the cover for a moment, before walking back to his seat, with the book in hand.
As he opened the book to the first chapter, the words brought him to a time long gone. An easier time.
He used to read a lot, as much as he could anyways. He liked books. They were an escape. The stories made him forget about the struggles of his own life.
But that was a habit long gone. Another thing he loved that was lost to time.
He starts reading it before he knows what he is doing and instinctively reaches for the brownie on the plate, taking a bite.
You look up from the cash drawer, eyes drifting to the man who has been occupying your thoughts more than you would like to admit.
He is engrossed in a book and his furrowed brows as he focuses on the book and the soft look in his eyes as he skims through the pages has your heart fluttering. You notice the brownies on his plate are almost gone now and trying your best as to not disturb him, you place another two on the plate and watch as he reaches into the plate without looking away from his book and takes a bite. You smile to yourself before getting back to the kitchen to prepare an order of cupcakes.
Bucky looks up as he feels eyes staring at him, only to be met by your y/e/c ones.
"Finally, and I thought you will finish the whole book in one go." You said, letting out a chuckle.
Bucky narrows his eyes. Sure, the page he was on and the feel of the chair proved that he had been there for long, but it couldn't have been that long, right? "How long has it been?"
You smile at him before tilting your head towards the little clock adorning the walls and Bucky's eyes widen. It had been 2 hours. What the hell had happened to his sense of time?
He hadn't felt this at peace in ... a very long time. He looked down at his plate which still had a small piece of a brownie left and he could swear he could still taste it in his mouth. How many had he really eaten?
Your voice brought him out of his thoughts. "So.." You kept your head on your fist and leaned on the table with a teasing smile on your face and it was becoming difficult for him to focus on the outside world. "And this is a wild guess. Like, completely random. You like reading?"
He let out a chuckle before thinking about your question. "I used to." 
"What happened?" You ask with genuine curiosity. He looks at you and realizes that you're not asking just for the sake of it. You want to know. You want to know him.
"Life. Life happened." He replies, only because he can't get himself to lie to you.
"Come on, James. If we are not able to find time for the things we love, are we really living?"
He looks at you as if pondering over your words. It wasn't that easy.
"I know what you should do." You stood before taking the book away from him, dog-earing the page before sliding it back towards him. "Here, take this book with you."
When he narrowed his eyes, you continue, "Take it with you and read it. When you're done, come back and return it to me." You explain as if it was the simplest thing in the world. As if giving him one of your favorite books that you had cherished for so long wasn't a big deal at all.
Bucky shook his head. "Nope, no, sweets. I am not taking it."
"Come on. You don't leave a book in the middle if you like it. It's a crime."
"Then I'll just buy it from the bookshop. This is yours." He said before sliding the book back towards you.
"We both know you won't do that. Come on, James. Just take it."
He picked up the book and slid it into his metal hand, knowing that there was no use in arguing with you but said with a smirk. "Careful there, sweets. Or I'll think you're giving me this book because you want me to come back."
As if on cue, the bell of the entrance dings notifying you of a customer. So, you turn back to look at him for the last time before saying, "Maybe I do."
And Bucky really hopes it's true.
*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*
He comes back a week later.
And the week after that.
He comes to the bakery every week until it becomes a routine. A part of him. A part engraved in his life as if it had always been there. It's simple.
He would come to the bakery, the book you gave to him last week tugged under his arms. Sometimes he would be finished with it, other times, he would just promise to return it the next week. You didn't mind. Not till he kept showing up.
He would sit beside the counter, ordering whatever it was you recommended. When you asked him how it was, he would always reply with 'The best damn thing I've ever had.' and he could swear to god he meant it every single time.
The both of you would talk, as much as you could anyways and Bucky found that being around you was the simplest part of his whole week, and the most precious too. It was his little escape. A time when he didn't care what was happening. About the people working for him or the people behind his life, he couldn't care less. All that mattered was that he was there, in the middle of a little bakery, eating sweets and talking to the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
You didn't mind either. Somehow, every single time the bell of the entrance jingled, you silently hoped it was the same beautiful blue eyes that you just couldn't take your mind off.
The only trouble was, it is really easy to get distracted from running a bakery all alone when you have a guy like him sitting there, carefree and yet intimidating as if he owned the place. It was very distracting.
And one day, you let him know exactly that. It had been a month since he had shown up at the bakery for the first time. A book on the table and a plate of cookies, talking to you as if the rest of the world had ceased to exist.
You walked back from the cash register after handling a customer before speaking up, "You know, I have a bakery to run, James, and you are pretty much the most distracting person here." Even though your words were borderline harsh, you let him know through your teasing tone that you were just kidding. Him stopping to come to the bakery was the last thing you wanted.
"Aww, come on, sweets. We both know I am your favorite customer." He replied with a smug look on his face and you didn't know if you wanted to slap it from his face or kiss it. Definitely the latter.
"You wish, James."
As if on cue, the bell of the door jingles, and Bucky looks that way to see a young pregnant lady with a blond man standing at the door.
He looks back at you to find you grinning from ear to ear and watches as you practically run from behind the counter towards them and engulf the woman in a big hug, angling yourself so as to not hurt the evident bump.
When you do the same with the blonde man, the air surrounding Bucky suddenly thickens and he realizes he isn't going to like this man much. But it was just because he is blonde. Bucky has never liked blonde guys.
You say something to the both of them before bringing them inside towards a table near to where Bucky is sitting and helping the pregnant lady on a chair. You still have the widest grin on your face when you turn toward him.
"James, this is my best friend, Wanda, and her elder brother, Pietro." You said before pointing towards them.
"He is literally elder than me by 13 minutes." The brunette points at you accusingly as you snicker.
"Still older." The blonde replies with an accent just like his sister.
"Guys, this is James." You point toward him and Bucky watches as something flashes through Wanda's eyes and her lips turn into a teasing smirk.
"So, he is THE James Barnes." She brought her hand towards him to shake before continuing, "She has told me so much about you."
At this, Bucky turns towards you with a smirk on his face and raised brows and watches as your cheeks turn red. Just then, the oven dings and you thank heavens for the distraction, "That's my cue."
You turn back and walk towards the kitchen with hurried steps as Bucky's eyes follow your form, just like they always do. When you disappear into the kitchen and he finally takes his eyes off and turns back, he finds Wanda looking at him with narrowed eyes and a smirk as if she could read his mind.
Bucky cleared his throat, "So, how do you know y/n?"
"We met years ago when she came to visit here as a kid. Have been friends since."
Bucky shook his head but clenched his jaw when she still didn't remove her accusing stare from him.
Pietro, sensing the slight tension between them, tried breaking the silence, but Wanda cut him off, "Where have I seen you before?"
Bucky's breath hitched in his throat. You still didn't know who he was and if it was up to him, he would keep it like that for as long as he could. You looked at him as if he was human as if his hands weren't covered in blood as if you weren't scared of him and he would do everything he could to keep it that way.
"I don't know. You must be mistaken." He took a breath to calm himself down. He couldn't intimidate this woman the way he did with his people. He wouldn't give her a reason to doubt him. She clearly meant a lot to you.
As Wanda opened her mouth to speak, you came back from the kitchen, interrupting the conversation.
You looked towards Pietro before speaking, "The boxes are in the back, and please be careful this time."
Pietro brought his hand to his chest as if your words had somehow hurt him. "You hurt my feelings, y/n. When am I not careful?"
You brought your finger to your chin in mock thinking before replying, "Let me think. Off the top of my head, maybe whenever you drive your bike way past the speed limit. I swear to god, Pietro, one day, your speed will ruin all my sweets."
"Ouch, you care about your sweets more than me?" He said as if your words had physically hurt him this time.
This time, Wanda replied, "Pietro, my dear brother, even I care about her sweets more than you."
The both of you chuckled as Pietro huffed and stomped off towards the back.
You looked at James before explaining, "He does the deliveries for me, as a favor. Believe it or not, it's difficult to deliver stuff in a town you know nothing about."
Bucky lightly chuckled before replying, "Tell me about it."
He then looked at Wanda once again and saw that she was staring at him with the same glare from before, but thankfully, you didn't notice.
He knew he had to leave soon. He wouldn't give her enough time to put the pieces together. "Sweets, I should go."
"You, sure? You could stay. I am sure Wanda wouldn't mind."
"No, I know. But I will leave you to it. Bye, sweets. Bye, Wanda." He turned towards the door quickly as if he couldn't get out of there sooner.
"James, wait." You called out to him and he stopped midstep. He will never get tired of how his name sounded on your lips. "Here. You forgot this." You handed him the book he had been reading for the past week and look up at him with a smile on your face.
Yeah, he definitely didn't want you to find out.
As he walked out of the bakery, you turned back towards Wanda, the smile etched on your lips and a soft look in your eyes. "So....." Wanda started in a teasing tone.
"Don't say it. Don't say it."
"He is hot."
You rolled your eyes at her. "What would Vision think, Wan?"
"You know what I mean."
You bit your lips before looking at her. "It's nothing like that. We are friends. Or at least I hope we are."
"Yeah, because going around calling people sweets is the new thing men do."
You plopped yourself on the chair opposite to her before burying your face into your hands. "It's just a nickname that stuck."
Who were you lying to? You couldn't hide from your oldest friend the fact that every part of you knew that him calling you sweets was the best sound in the whole world. She brought her hands to yours and removed them from your face and you looked up to be met by her serious gaze. "Just be careful, y/n. Something about him just doesn't seem right."
The corridors of this building always seemed darker when he came back from the bakery. He already missed how warm and inviting it was. The book tugged under his arm the only reminder that he had been there.
He heard some voices coming from his office and as he walked closer, he recognized the voices instantly.
He opened the door to his office, only to find Steve and Sam standing in the middle of the room.
"You're finally here." Sam almost exclaimed with relief as his eyes landed on Bucky. "What, couldn't handle this place for a few hours without me, Wilson?" He looked at him teasingly.
"Shut it. Stark called, asking about you. I had to make some half-ass excuse to him. But I am pretty sure he knew I was lying. That man is too smart, I am telling you." "Don't worry about it. I'll give him a call. Will schedule a meeting with him."
Sam crossed his arms across his chest. "What, you're not even gonna tell us where you were?"
Choosing to ignore his question, Bucky walked and sat on the couch. "How's Carl? Alive?" He asked as if he couldn't care less about the answer.
"He is still in there. Breathing." Steve replied before contemplating his next words. "Buck, do you think you were maybe a little too harsh on him? A week in the dungeon filled with our enemies is not really a vacation."
"He got what he deserved, Steve. We can't go easy on them."
Sam looked at Bucky with an accusing gaze before speaking up again. "So I lie to Tony Stark and handle all the chaos in here for the whole day and you just conveniently ignore my question of where you were."
Steve gave Bucky a once-over before smirking. "Let it go, Sam. Bucky has got a lot on his hands."
Bucky narrowed his eyes at Steve before looking down, only to find crumbs of cookies still sticking to his hands.
He not-so-subtly rubbed his palms on his trousers before looking up and ushering the both of them outside the room with a lame excuse.
He placed the book he had brought with him on his table and opened it, only to find something in the middle of two pages. He opened it to find a small flower kept gently between two pages. A little pressed, but fresh, telling him that you had sneaked it in between today.
He picked up the flower, oblivious to the smile on his face when his eyes landed on a small note sticking to it. In swift handwriting, it read                                                To my favorite customer
Bucky couldn't help the way his heartbeat quickened or how he just couldn't remove the smile from his face. But he couldn't care less.
He had no idea how much time had passed when he heard knocks on the door to his office. Tucking the flower and the note inside the book, he turned towards the door and called out for the person to enter.
When the door opened, his eyes landed on one of his men. "Walker, what do you want?"
"Sir," He said bowing his head a little to him. Bucky never really liked John Walker. He always tried to show himself to be more than what he actually was. But he got the work done and he hadn't given him a reason to not trust him.
"Sir, I checked the collections for this month and I noticed something."
Bucky nodded his head, not really paying attention to whatever he had to say.
"The new Bakery." Bucky's eyes shot up and he tried his best as to not look too interested. "That baker hasn't paid this month too, sir and we can't ignore this. She is trying to rebel. Has no idea what she is trying to go against."
Bucky didn't like where this conversation was going. "It's okay. It doesn't matter. It's just a bakery."
Walker narrowed his eyes at him. When had the most ruthless mafia boss gone so... soft? But maybe he just didn't care for some stupid baker.
"Sir, this sets a wrong example. People will try to imitate her and that is never a good sign."
Bucky was growing impatient now, This isn't how it was supposed to go. "Just let it go, Walker."
"It's okay, sir. I understand that you don't want to get your hands dirty. Please let me handle this. I promise I wouldn't disappoint."
Bucky should have ordered him to not do anything. Should have just given him some other thing to do. But he didn't want to gain suspicions. He couldn't show that he cared about anything. It would always go against him.
He knew this wasn't going to end well, but he nodded his head at Walker. There was no way in hell he would hurt you or anyone without his permission but it didn't mean he was letting Walker anywhere near you without him around.
But among all this, one question lingered in his mind.
Why did he care so much?
Next part 
Taglist (open) - @alana4610 @infinitehyperfixations​ @emilyroberts @winters1917 @almosttoopizza @lizslibrary @darlingwhoreslut @broadwaybabe18 @lolabrielle  @quethekillerqueen  @bbiaa420 @verveta345 @my-oppar-blog @cookielovesbook-akie @saranghaey @writing-for-marvel @talesofadragon @depressed-gays-of-marvel @carrysears @supernatrualqueen @thecubanator2 @mcucatlady @tesseract69 @unaxv @fridooolin @havlindzk @coffeejustcoffee @nabiiturner @galaxy-dusk @blog-the-lilly @roserfz27 @elsie-bells  @partypoison00  @melsunshine @thevodkori @emoalien69 @alilstressyandlotdepressy @awkwardgiraffe726 @just-set-things-on-fire @lalalalalafu @jotaros-bara-tiddies @scuzmunkie @moonchildlov @pampeop​ @mossiswriting  @gloriouspurpose01 @day-dreaming-goddess @hawkeyes-queen @thats-alittle-gay​ @solisinferni
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tothemeadow · 2 years
can you make a dream of mine come true? its where the trio are on a mission during the mission they get hit with a lust demon art. when they are done with the mission they are drooling for y/n. they all want you at the same time. and you need to try to treat them without them killing you.
goddamn anonnie this is so TASTY 😫
'three's a crowd' / Kamaboko Trio x Reader
warnings: NSFW, mild gore, mild dubcon, oral sex, fingering, handjobs, three on one action, all the fuggin mayonaise
words: 3,961
notes: aged up characters, AFAB reader/female bits, they/their pronouns
“Continue west! West! Almost there!” the Kasugai squawks overhead.
“We get it, you damn crow!” Inosuke yells back. “I oughta cook you already!”
“Inosuke,” Tanjiro quips, “focus.”
Grumbling, Inosuke ceases his verbal attack at the bird and turns his attention to the path before him. Zenitsu, on the other hand, snickers to himself.
Once again, the three make their way to whatever destination calls them; demons are everywhere, ready to pounce at any time. One must keep moving if they’re part of the corps. This time, though, rather than going single, Tanjiro’s Kasugai crow collected the three of them, informing the trio of a rampant demon terrorizing a town and its surroundings.
It wouldn’t be the first (or last) time that a demon goes on mass killing sprees, but to have so many victims in a short amount of time… It’s troubling, to say the least. Knowing that it’s eating more than well is enough to raise concerns, and it would be a foolish decision to let a single person walk towards their death. Having three people should make the task easier – hopefully.
They’ve discussed what little details fellow crows managed to compile – all the victims seem to be male, none of them dropping under the age of 16. Other than that, well… that’s for the trio to figure out.
Before too long, the crow gives a final squawk and takes an abrupt turn, soaring away from the group. Up ahead, silhouettes of houses break through the expanse of orange sky. At long last, they’ve finally made it to their destination. However, as the sun continues to set and night creeps closer, they’ll have to come with a plan – and fast.
“Kamado Tanjiro!” another Kasugai crow calls out.
The three look to the sky as the crow flies towards them from the direction of the town.
“Waiting for you, yes! Preparations are underway!”
“Guys, hey! Over here!” another new voice shouts.
On the outskirts of town, you wave the other three down, your free hand cupping the side of your mouth. The Kasugai crow circles back around and heads back towards you, seemingly leading the way. The three boys slow their running to a jog as they come closer to you, surprise written on their faces. As far as they were concerned, nobody else was assigned to this mission.
Tanjiro calls out your name as they draw even closer still, a smile spreading itself across his face. “What are you doing here?”
“Backup, apparently,” you say without missing a beat. “I was nearby when I was summoned.”
Zenitsu, appearing absolutely ecstatic to see you, hastily cuts the others off before they have a chance to speak. “It’s great to see you,” he gushes, face heating up. “How have you been?”
Inosuke makes a gagging noise. You can’t see his face beneath the mask, but you can tell its scrunched up in disgust. “Can you not think with your dick for once?”
Zenitsu impatiently swats at him, his ponytail swinging from the sheer force of the movement. “Says you, you muscle-brained idiot! You’re the one who humps tree hollows when no one’s looking!”
Tanjiro facepalms.
Surprisingly, you laugh. “It’s good to see that you boys haven’t changed much.” The mirth disappears from your face as your expression darkens. “Still… You’ve been updated as to what’s been going on lately, right?”
Nodding, Tanjiro steps another closer to you, ignoring the bickering two behind him. “Disappearances, yeah. Any bodies been found?”
“That’s not what I’m quite sure of yet. If the demon doesn’t have some sort of domain they can pull their prey into, they must be directing the men to some lair.”
Hearing you specifically say men makes a shiver run down Tanjiro’s spine. Hell, if anything goes wrong, his friends – himself included – could be in big, big trouble.
You continue. “It’s odd that they’re targeting such a select group of people. Do you think it could be a female demon?”
“I wouldn’t push away the thought, although it’s not the exact reason yet.”
“I say we use this dumbass as bait,” Zenitsu snips. He squeals as Inosuke takes him in a headlock.
“Whatever it is we’re dealing with, I wanna kill it!” Inosuke exclaims in his ever so charming brash way of his. He cackles, his thick arms squeezing tighter around Zenitsu’s neck.
“Night’s approaching. Come on, we’ve got to get ready,” you say. You snap your fingers at Inosuke. “Let him go. He’s not going to be much use to us if you kill him, no?”
Grumbling, Inosuke does as told and finally lets Zenitsu go. Zenitsu collapses onto his knees, sputtering and clutching at his throat. “You… asshole…!”
“You’ve… got to be kidding me.”
The cavern is relatively 6 meters wide, 10 meters tall; it’s not deep, rather a shallow divot in the forest walls amongst the rocks piling into a mountain. What’s surprising, though, is the number of bodies hanging from the ceiling. Bodies is a pretty giving word – you meant to say skeletons.
Each of them is upside down, arms extended past their heads. The bones are picked nearly clean, their white sheen telling you that they’re relatively fresh. The cavern doesn’t smell of spoiled meat or blood, so it most likely means that the demon at hand stripped them bare before attaching them to the roof of the cave.
To your side, Zenitsu shakes, bottom lip quivering in a way that seems like it’s vibrating. His knees clack together as a pathetic whimper escapes his throat.
Inosuke scratches the back of his head. “At least they’re not suffering, right?”
“Inosuke,” Tanjiro snaps.
“It has to be nearby,” you interject, quickly discouraging any potential argument. “Demons just don’t leave their… collection out for anyone to grab.”
Zenitsu hastily shakes his head. “Hell no. I’m not sticking around long enough to find out!”
“WhY nOt?”
Zenitsu screams; he leaps into your arms, hands linking together behind your neck. Within a few paces from his previous spot, a grotesque demon stares at your group, head cocked at an unnatural angle. Black, stringy hair falls in its face, its eyes nothing more than empty sockets. The body resembles a mantis, the prickles on its forearms dripping with what you presume is a poison.
How fun.
The demon’s lips draw back in a snarl, jagged teeth gleaming in the low light. It seems to be glaring right at you. “LeT hIm Go.” The voice is no better than dragging nails down a chalkboard. You can’t help but wince.
If this thing is going to try to kill you, it wouldn’t hurt to ask for some basic information, no? Shifting your weight, you turn so that Zenitsu is sheltered behind you, your chin tucked over your shoulder. “And why would I do that exactly, hmm? It doesn’t seem like you’re very hospitable to your guests.”
“Please just tell us,” Tanjiro’s voice rings out, yet it sounds muffled. Looking over, you’re met with the sight of him clutching a hand over his nose, expression scrunched in disgust. Instinctively, you whiff at the air, but there’s nothing worth noting. Odd.
The demon’s face jerks in Tanjiro’s direction. “MaLe. NiNeTeEn. DeLiCiOuS.”
You huff. “What about me?” If your previous hypothesis is correct, then the demon should show a preference for the guys in your group…
Once again, the demon snarls at you. “FeMaLe.”
“Inosuke, now!” you yell.
The demon swivels its head around just in time to see Inosuke leaping at it, dual blades extending in graceful arcs towards its neck. It screeches as it barely dodges, the sharp, uneven edges catching the flesh of its jugular. Blood spews from the wound, a blackish red that is far from a human’s.
Setting Zenitsu down (he’s already passed out, who knew?) you draw your own blade. Tanjiro’s already ahead of you, charging at the demon at a speed naked to the untrained eye. Soon, the three men and you are taking turns swinging at the demon’s fleshy neck, attacks bouncing off each other in a dizzying rhythm. Blood and poison fly in fat droplets each time a hit lands; whether either is harmful, you don’t know. Blood already speckles your face and uniform, yet you don’t feel any pain or discomfort.
The fight continues into the wee hours of the night; it’s been a while since the fight left the cave, migrating into the woods instead. While your group makes use of the branches and the sturdy trunks, the demon does the same. A sweep of the hind legs sends you flying, your body crashing through the surrounding branches and other foliage. A sharp gasp breaks free as your spine makes contact with the rough bark of a tree. Your vision swims, but the bloodcurdling scream emitting from the demon has your ears perking and hairs standing on end.
As your vision clears, silence sets in. It’s still a few hours before dawn cracks and the forest properly wakes up. The usual trill of bugs fills the atmosphere, broken by the slight haggard breath here and there. With a groan, you draw yourself to a stand and waddle over to where the other three stand. Your blade slips into your sheath with a clean schlink – the sound of a job well done.
“Is everyone alright?” you croak. Thankfully, your eyes have long adjusted to the near nonexistent lighting, so you’re able to locate the others fairly well.
Inosuke grumbles and promptly throws himself onto the ground, limbs spread eagle. Zenitsu is sitting against a tree, his head cradled in his hands. Neither reaction is cause for concern (not usually, anyway), but Tanjiro… Tanjiro looks ill. You notice his nostrils flare whenever you draw closer.
“Fucking hell!” Inosuke yells. “Can’t you say anything else than his name for once?”
Your brows furrow together. “Inosuke, what are you going on about now?”
Zenitsu groans from his spot.
Gods, are all of them sick? Did the demon’s poison have more of an effect than you originally thought?
Slowly, Zenitsu picks himself off the ground and shuffles over. His arms sling themselves around you again, but it’s different than before. His touch feels different. You jump in place as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and inhales deeply.
“Oi! You son of a bitch!” Inosuke yells again. Foliage and twigs crunch under him as he scrambles to get up, entire body flexing angrily as he reaches for Zenitsu. “Off!”
You send a pleading look towards Tanjiro. Surely he would have an idea of what’s going on, right?
Still, Tanjiro refuses to say anything. His eyes are glued to yours, his jaw slack. He hastily wipes at his gaping lips and chin, yet it does nothing to hide the sheen of saliva sticking to his skin. A soft thunk brings your attention back to the two crowding around you; Inosuke has abandoned his boar head, the poor thing looking almost lonely on the ground. He openly lavishes your neck, tongue licking fat stripes against the skin.
A firm shove to the chest sends Inosuke falling straight onto his ass. You cup the side of your neck, completely scandalized. He doesn’t seem deterred by your rejection – if anything, it makes his eyes glow hungrily through the dark, a small growl rumbling in his throat.
Something hard pokes into your hip. You flash a wild look at Zenitsu. He merely looks back at you with a pleading gaze, his bottom lip tucked behind his teeth.
You swallow heavily. “Guys,” you start slowly, carefully, “we can get you to a Wisteria House or the Butterfly Mansion. I need you to keep your heads on straight. Breathe.”
“Please,” Zenitsu murmurs.
Just like with Inosuke, you shove Zenitsu away. However, instead of staying there and lecturing them, you abruptly turn on your heel and run. It’s a ridiculous idea, you’re well aware of that, but the more distance you put between yourself and the three men, the better. Whatever was in that demon’s poison, it’s clearly messing with their psyches. You need time to think up a plan – and fast.
Trees fly by in a hazy blur as you make your escape. As you scale up a trunk, you hear not-so-distant shouts of your name echoing. From there, you jump from limb to limb, movements sleek and well-practiced. When was the last time you were chased like this? It had to have been a few years, at least, not since you were a fresh corps member.
It hits you before you see it; the sheer force of the collision rips the air from your lungs. Flashes of yellow fill your peripheral and a panicked word rings throughout your brain. Thunder.
Fortunately, Zenitsu has enough sense not to let you fall to the forest floor. He lands squarely on his feet with you held tightly in his arms. Both Tanjiro and Inosuke appear not a second later, and it’s only then that you realize that they’re all drenched in sweat.
Tanjiro says your name; he sounds pained, yet sweet. Guilt swims in the depths of his eyes, but another emotion lays over it heavily. It’s a look you’ve seen in Tengen’s eyes when he’s with his wives, or when Obanai is staring longingly at Mitsuri. You begin to squirm in Zenitsu’s hold, but his arms only tighten around you.
It’s hard to say who attacks first. One moment, you’re watching Tanjiro with a bated breath; the next, you’re on your back, staring up at three different faces. There’s a pair of rough hands tugging away at your haori, the buttons of your uniform. Goosebumps erupt over your skin once cool air caresses it, but then those very hands are fondling your breasts.
“Wait- No-“ you stammer.
A squeak breaks from your throat as your nipples are yanked on, calloused thumbs rolling them into stiff peaks. Zenitsu swears under his breath, his eyes glued to your chest. Inosuke looks just as lost, his gaze a million miles away. Tanjiro flashes you a timid smile.
“Please, just… Bear with us,” he tells you. Leaning down, he skims his lips against your temple. He breathes your name. “We’ll take care of you. I promise.”
A mouth latches around a nipple, eliciting a sharp breath from you. “What… What happened to you guys…?”
“That damned demon sprayed something at us,” Inosuke slurs. It sounds like his mouth is full.
Zenitsu promptly pushes Tanjiro’s head away and descends, his lips capturing yours. Your mind stalls as he pushes his tongue inside, a moan following soon after. You’re aware of Zenitsu’s stories of “wooing” women (to which degree you believe him is relatively low) and his general berating of Tanjiro and Inosuke’s lack of skills, but this… Well, it appears that he lives up to those stories.
You never thought you’d catch yourself kissing Zenitsu (if tongue and teeth equal as such) but it feels good. Still, this is wrong. These boys are your friends, and they’re under the influence of some Demon Art. That itself is odd, considering the effects of one die off as soon as the demon is killed. This poison had to be of some outside nature; possibly a concoction that the demon created itself?
Tanjiro busies himself with stroking your hair and the skin he can reach. He’s steadily breathing in your scent, little murmurs of appreciation and groans filling your ear. Inosuke suckles on your breast, teeth gnawing on your nipple until it’s flushed and swollen. Your lips are in a similar state once Zenitsu finally pulls away.
“I want to eat you,” Zenitsu says. The wicked flicker in his eyes tells you that he’s being completely serious.
You shuffle to sit up, but Tanjiro pushes you back down by your shoulders, smile apologetic but eyes the same as Zenitsu’s. “Wait, wait, wait- You’re not going to kill me, are you?”
“I get why that bastard strung all those guys up,” Inosuke grunts.
Your eyes go wide.
A silent agreement passes between the three and there goes Zenitsu’s hands again, undoing your belt and yanking your hakama down. Tanjiro hisses at the scent of your gathering arousal; it’s clear that your traitorous body enjoyed their attention a bit too much. Your fundoshi gets pealed away and your thighs instinctively clench together, wanting to hide your precious core from their hungry eyes.
“Open up,” Zenitsu breathes. He wiggles his way in between your legs and pries your thighs apart. Three sets of eyes focus on your puffy lower lips, at the sheen of arousal coating them. Embarrassment floods your face. “Beautiful,” Zenitsu openly moans.
You’re left completely speechless as Zenitsu ducks down, mouth latching onto your pussy. With a jolt, you shout his name, heart beating furiously against your ribcage. You’re genuinely worried it’ll try leaping from your chest and run away into the night. It takes a moment for your brain to catch up with what’s exactly happening; Zenitsu laps at your insides with purposeful movements, his nose held stiff to your clit.
“Move over,” Inosuke barks. He grabs a hold of Zenitsu’s haori and yanks him away, quickly taking his spot and raking his teeth against your sensitive flesh. You try to jerk away from him, but he wraps his strong arms around your thighs, holding you in place as he works you open with his tongue. He’s not as skilled as Zenitsu, but he makes it up with sheer enthusiasm.
Tanjiro takes your hand in his, his lips skimming your knuckles. It’s comforting, but you know he’s going to be wanting something from you as well. He directs your hand to his crotch; something hot meets your hand and Tanjiro shudders. Your eyes drop from his face, the sight of your fingers wrapped around his heavy cock causing something to stir in your gut.
Inosuke groans as your slick pours into his mouth, his hips pressed firmly to the ground. Zenitsu follows in Tanjiro’s footsteps and comes to your other side; your hand soon finds his own cock, precum leaking from the flushed tip.
Shit, this is really happening. If you go through with this, will the poison’s effects wear off? Will you be able to look at the trio the same ever again?
You tentatively squeeze both cocks and the delightful sound of deep groans fill your ears.
All doubts disappear.
Frankly, you’re not even sure how you’re supposed to go about this, but you still give it your best shot. The precum oozing from their cockheads make the slide of your hands easier, much to their satisfaction. Inosuke’s mouth is still hot on your drooling pussy, his eyes fixated on your parted lips and hooded eyes. Plush lips latch around your clit as two fingers breach your fluttering hole; a whorish moan erupts from your lips, and the cocks in either hand twitch at the sound.
“Make them cum,” Zenitsu tells Inosuke. “Gods dammit, Inosuke, make them cum.”
You aren’t sure if it’s his filthy words, Inosuke’s mouth, or the precum coating your hands, but that tight little knot in your lower stomach snaps and then you’re practically gushing all over Inosuke’s fingers. Wicked panting fills the air as Inosuke sits up, his pupils blown to hell.
“I want it,” he growls, his fingers digging into the muscle of your thigh.
Tanjiro speaks your name again, sounding absolutely wrecked. “Can you- Do you think you can take us all at once?”
Your pussy flutters at his words. You never thought you’d hear Tanjiro, sweet, sweet Tanjiro, say something so filthy. It suddenly feels too hard to swallow correctly. “H-How?” You hate how your voice cracks.
“Winner gets their mouth,” Zenitsu husks.
Much to your surprise, the three engage in some oddly horny round of rock-paper-scissors. You’ve got be fucking kidding me.
Tanjiro makes a sound of excitement when he wins. How he manages to still be so precious at a time like this is beyond you. Still, you let the guys rearrange your positions into something more… workable. Now, your knees are digging into the ground below you, haunches tucked below as you stare up at the other three. Zenitsu licks his lips as he slowly grinds his aching cock into your fist. Inosuke doesn’t seem too pleased at losing to Tanjiro of all people, but he is pleased that your hand is stroking his thick cock.
Tanjiro’s face is scrunched. Although his cock is thick and flushed a pretty shade of red, hesitation still pulls at him. Zenitsu notices his inner turmoil and brings a hand to the back of your head.
“Pretty thing, open your mouth nice and wide, okay? Make sure your teeth are covered,” he urges.
Inosuke releases a guttural fuck as your jaw falls open, cute little pink tongue beckoning Tanjiro. Biting his lip, Tanjiro focuses on your pretty mouth. Precum pearls at his tip and runs down his shaft; he’s practically begging to have his cock in your mouth, even though he hasn’t said anything.
“Is this okay?” Tanjiro says through grit teeth.
You slowly nod your head.
A hiss passes through those clenched teeth as Tanjiro eases his hips forward, hand directing his cock towards your mouth. Your eyes fall shut as the weight settles on your tongue. Musk and salt fill your senses; it’s nothing like you’ve ever experienced, yet you find yourself enjoying the stretch of your jaw, the silken girth pressing further into your mouth.
Allowing Tanjiro fall into a rhythm, you keep your breathing steady and focus on the cocks in your hands. They feel the same as Tanjiro’s, all hot and hard and soft at the same time. A chorus of moans is music to your ears. There are murmurs of your name, sweet pet names, yet there’s always that choke of a curse word and a slight thrust of the hips.
The tip of Tanjiro’s cock hits the back of your throat and you cough. He pauses his movements, hand caressing your throat; he’s ever so patient, even as he’s leaking down your throat and saying your name like a prayer. He pushes in just the slightest bit, and then he growls as he feels the bulge of his cock in your throat. Now, you’re well used to Inosuke growling, but the way Tanjiro does it has your pussy dripping.
You’re nothing more than a toy, some pathetic thing to let them get their kicks. You feel so used, chin, lips, and hands covered in slick precum, your pussy weeping onto the ground below you. Opening your eyes, you take your time to look at each and every single one of the boys. There’s another fuck! and Inosuke’s cumming all over your fist, some of it even splashing onto your cheek. The sight triggers a domino effect of some sort; Zenitsu shoots his own load, spilling all over your hand and whining piteously. Tanjiro is only a few moments behind, his hand clenching around your throat as he empties his spend into your mouth.
Tanjiro pulls away and sinks to his knees, words gentler than before as he rubs his thumbs across your cheekbones. He kisses you softly, and the stark difference in behavior nearly has you dizzy. Zenitsu’s panicking about something, voice shrill as he cries out his apologies. Inosuke merely gives a what?
“Thank you,” Tanjiro whispers against your mouth. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Wait, does this mean you’re cured?” you croak. Zenitsu squeaks when you look at him.
“Yeah,” Tanjiro tells you. He begins to give a little smile, but then his nostrils flare and he glances down between you two. A bright blush spreads across his handsome face. “You… Would you like our help?”
You lick your lips. “Yes.”
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chrissy-kaos · 8 months
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Went out with this gem today. I had to hit up my favorite burrito spot before my surgery tomorrow morning. I won’t be able to eat solid food for a long time. So I wanted something good for my last meal.
**Little life update**
Some of you are probably like wtf surgery? What many of you probably don’t know is I’m sick. The really bad kind of sick. The sick you don’t come back from. I’ve made a few post about it in the past. I don’t really want to get into it right now tbh. My Doctors and I are doing everything we can to get me moderately healthy again but in all honesty it’s not going well. Initially it was but now it is not. 
We’ve encountered some serious complications and they need to be addressed asap. We found these out at the end of November during a MRI of my kidneys. I was very lucky a specialist was able to notice the anomalies in my scan. When I was told if I’m being honest it was a hard pill to swallow. Those of you that seen that post know how it went. All the work we had done before this was basically for nothing.
We’re hoping that this surgery will alleviate some of my current health issues. This could be the cause of some of them. It’s going to be a long process and multiple treatments/surgeries and recovery this year. But I’m hopeful that everything will work out ok.
So with all that said I probably won’t be posting much for the next few weeks. I’ll probably do a before surgery post and one after. But that’s probably it for a little while. I gotta focus on my health because it’s rapidly deteriorating.
In the event that something wild happens I just want to say I love all of you and thank you for everything. This platform has given me the courage and confidence to be myself. That’s all because of each and every one of you. The stories I get in my DMs inspire me to be the best I can be for you. I know a lot of people look up to me.. that’s still wild tbh. To be a role model for someone is the greatest honor and feeling ever. Nothing compares. So thank you.
I’m going to leave my blog up. If a trans person stumbles across it. Hopefully it will inspire them to be themselves unapologetically. Know it’s never too late to be your true identity. Follow your dreams and know you’re loved. Enjoy life because it’s precious. Share your story. Inspire others and LIVE FOR YOU. The world is much better off with you here. I promise you.
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bonefall · 4 months
Any thoughts on Moonpaw’s design? Do you plan to make her appearance a bit more unique/utilize the chimera a bit more?
Honestly I think her canon design is pretty fantastic! I don't agree with those who're saying it's not unique lmao, like, the team's never been THIS creative before. She blows Pure Gray Cats 3, 4, and 5 out of the water.
But, boy oh BOY am I gonna have fun with this one. Last night I sketched up a possible combo for each Moonpaw from the options I presented. Whichever one gets picked I'll tweak more, but I went ahead and made a 'base' character design for each one.
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Also bonus: Headshots for all of the possible parents. Note the slight update for Stormcloud, I figured out a better way to draw his cheek fluff and changed his stripe pattern a bit
Whatever designs end up not being used for Moonpaw, I'll probably tweak for another new litter. ThriftPlum and ShellFern's hypokits will slot well into the eventual ShellFern litter we (HOPEFULLY) get soon, and with a slight edit, StormCherry's can be a new Honeyfur.
This one's becoming the least likely to happen I think. It could still win if it's the most fitting with the arc, supposing canon ends up writing a strained relationship between Moon and her parents, but based on the preview stuff that's not the case.
Still! I do like the Two Soccer Moms And Their Weird Child lmao.
Thrift and Plum are a downright deadly united front. They play Good Cop Bad Cop like they're practically telepathic. So I tried to get that across in their headshots.
Plumstone always looks laidback and chill. Thriftear exudes an aura of seriousness.
Their weird child inherits neither of these things. She looks like she eats bugs.
I decided to make this Moonpaw look REALLY fluffy. Plumstone inherited her grandpa Graystripe's body type, so it would be a shame if Moony didn't get it too.
BB!Bayshine is a DustFern descendant. He has his great-grandfather Dustpelt's plate.
The stripes come from grandfather Birchfall, who gave them to mother Duststripe.
Flipclaw is strikingly similar to his grandfather Lionblaze, back before he started balding.
While drawing this one I started trying to play around with the chimera idea more, that she's half of one cat and half of another. When the face plate came into it, it STRUCK me like lighting
It looks like phantom of the opera!!
So I started experimenting with one side being shorter-furred, and got a draft down before moving on to a waaay more in-depth design.
This was the last one I did last night before going to bed, so I'll post the evolution I made in a separate post. It's the one with the most potential thanks to the plate so it got pretty big.
Most Moonpaw designs are chunky, but I've always seen Shellfur as pretty slim. Definitely the slimmest in his recent family-- since Graystripe, the Dapplekin family has been thick and fluffy.
Mix that with Fernstripe, a WindClan cat, I made this Moonpaw resemble some kind of gazelle.
Fernstripe has this long, "fern-shaped" stripe on her body. Paired with Moonpaw's half-black body it looks kind of like stitches which is, imo, cool as fuck
I let her crescent-tufts add to the shape too, they curl in like horns... though, I am worried it looks too much like Curlfeather.
I'll probably give this one another pass if Moonpaw ends up being a ShellFern baby.
Also this take makes her took a bit more grumpy so she's closer in personality to her dad.
This is actually the first one I did
Cherryfall has a perfectly round, cherry-shaped face. She actually looks a ton like her dad, Berrynose.
I wanted to give Moonpaw that same face, because hers is simply a half-moon.
She looks like a stressed-out eevee and I kinda dig it LMAO
In color, this Moonpaw would probably lean more towards red than ginger. I see Cherry as a reddish cat.
She could also inherit Poppy's special red eyes-- she got those from being fetched away from StarClan by Jayfeather. Shadowsight also got them.
The stripe pattern is from Stormcloud. I decided recently that I'm going to try and limit thunder-shaped stripes to the Tigerkin family, something they inherit from Thunderstar himself. So Stormcloud's are now transverse across his body, with a distinct nose snip.
When I finally do decide StormCherry's kits, be that now with Moonpaw or later, I'll standardize Stormy's new stripes by giving him a new fullbody.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 7 months
gax + corporate/law vibes + ‘The powerpoint was steadily taking over their relationship, something that Max was not willing to stand for.’
gax?? gax!!
power (you make some points): a gax ficlet
rated m, ~1.2k words now also readable on ao3
author babble:
bear in mind i wrote this before i knew more about the Gax Lore i.e. karting together, actually being nice to each other blablabla. you could also just retrofit the vibes and hopefully they still work. anyways!
will throw this up on ao3 when i’m not sitting bleary eyed in an airport
If there was one thing that Max Verstappen wouldn’t tolerate, it was George Russell having the monopoly on good PowerPoint presentations. Max had won all four years of debate in College, as well as the dubious title of “most radical deployment of Google Slides templates” at his MBA, and he was not about to be usurped by the other guy in his department who actually knew how to use an animate transition.
“You missed an indent there.” Max says, pointing at the monitor. Yellow and red lights wink at them from the outside, as if to say: you’re both in your mid-twenties, quit wasting it on a computer screen at 11pm on a Wednesday, maybe?
Max is not staring, very determined not to look at his teammate’s facial expression. But George is almost certainly rolling his eyes right now.
“Was coming back to that, alright?” George huffs back. Max is very professional most of the time. But something about how wound up George is, how insanely pedantic he is about everything from semicolons to coffee cup placement for the Directors to taking insanely detailed minutes that nobody except Max reads after the meetings – well. What is it that Nietschze once said? We hate in others what we most identify with about ourselves. Or was that from Twitter? Max does not really use Twitter except to look at Bloomberg News updates and cat videos, so he does not know. And anyway Nietzsche never made a six figure salary.
“It would just be easier if you would let me do it.” Max says.
“Fuck right off, mate.”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like me to.”
“Not now.”
“Just share the link to this. I’ll do it.”
“We agreed to take turns on this.”
“Yes, Russell. But sometimes, the rules are meant to be bent.”
George swivels his chair to Max, then. Fully attempts to pin him with his gaze, commencing an awkward stare-off that lasts way too many seconds and makes Max once again realise that George’s eyes remind him of the expensive fish tank he saw at the Partners’ sushi dinner once. Max doesn’t think those same fish were the ones they ended up eating. But he does remember that dinner because it was the one where the Partners had dangled the promise of a huge promotion if they could help carry the company merger across the line successfully. The problem is, there was only one spot.
George’s distracting aquatic orbitals aside, fortunately, Max (i) never backs down, and (ii) has been told that he has the dead-eyed emotional stare of a robot missing an empathy software upgrade sometimes.
And clearly, the powerpoint was steadily taking over their relationship, something that Max was not willing to stand for.
Max leans back in his chair, stance all mock-relaxed. “Do you want to be out of here before midnight, or not?”
“We’re expensing the Ubers either way, so it doesn’t make a difference to me, mate.”
Fine. If George is so hyperfocused on The Tasks that he’s forgotten the fun part of being Questionably Close Coworkers, so be it.
Max deploys the nuclear option.
He sticks his leg out, nudging the toe of his Pradas onto George’s slacks. And strokes his foot halfway up to a sensitive point on George’s thigh. Max may even flutter his lashes a little.
To his credit, George does not react. Merely swings his eyes like a lamp to Max’s face again. His hand does, however, goes still on the mouse.
“What exactly are you doing?”
“I don’t know.” Max feigns. He knows that George hates, more than anything, anyone getting dirt on his precious Ralph Laurens. But at least he has his attention now. “Was hoping we could move onto the more fun part of the typical evening activities. Maybe.”
“We shouldn’t be doing that again anyway.”
“That is not what you said the last, hm, fourteen times that we have done this, eh?”
“Who’s counting?”
“I thought you were the most careful of rule followers and data analysis, knapperd.”
George is a human being, but Max is almost certain the other man shakes himself like he’s preening right now.
“Well. It’s what the team likes me for, and it’s what I’ll keep doing.”
“Oh yes. Surely we must keep in mind the team. And the shareholders. They are very important.”
“But should we tell them that you like it so much, George. When I do this.” Max says. Rising up, fully crowding George in, hands gripping the cool handles of the computer chair. Leaning in to nibble the side of George’s neck.
George swallows. Max watches his throat move.
Next, Max mouths the words onto the side of George’s jaw, stubble prickling his mouth. “And this.”
The click of the mouse continues steadily as Max moves his mouth to the shell of George’s ear. “And let’s not forget. This.”
Max tilts George’s face up fully, then. George’s face is flushed, eyes sparkling, all surprise at the sudden change of pace, but eager, too.
When Max seals his lips over George’s, George groans, and his hands shoot up to Max’s waist immediately. It doesn’t feel quite like winning a deal or a pitch does for Max, but the completion comes pretty damn close.
Max sweeps his tongue into George’s mouth. George opens willingly, like he always does. In the back of Max’s logical brain, a warning sign blares that the computer chair may not be able to support the weight of them both – because they spend a lot of time pretending they don’t work out together at the gym but Max knows exactly what George’s deadlift PB is and it’s pretty damn high for a scrawny looking dude.
And despite the keening protest of said chair, the two of them are both lost to it now. Max jams one knee between George’s legs, George nibbles hungrily at Max’s lower lip, Max thrusts his hips all needy, and maybe if Max is nice about it George might suck him off under the table, and–
Outlook chimes again.
“Blasted piece of shit.” George says, breaking away. His hands go still at Max’s waist. “Why we’re using G-Suite and Microsoft Office at the same time I will never know.”
George squeezes his eyes shut, as if making himself stop this is causing him physical pain. Maybe it’s that or the workflow incompatibility when George tries to move his custom Excel-Trello gantts into a third party API.
And Max won’t lie. He kind of likes it when George gets so irritated about these things. When he cares a bit too much. Because what is Max but exactly like that, too.
“Hazards of a merger, I guess. But without that, I would never have met you, no?”
George makes a noise like he knows what Max means. The other man straightens his shirt collar, and Max runs a hand through his hair. He’s been growing it out lately, because George had made a passing comment at the bathroom sink once about it looking good.
Sleeping with the person competing for the same Chief of Staff position is possibly the worst decision he could’ve made, and Max once dyed his hair platinum blonde. But, they’re stuck here together. Hell is a slightly more tolerable place when Satan’s right hand man looks this good. And knows his coffee order without asking.
Besides. Max is not bothered. He knows that the promotion is his. This is just a minor plot inconvenience.
Later, they will expense the uber back to George’s place, where Max will put his mouth on George’s arse, and give him a practical demonstration of the three different ways he’s learned to elicit pleasure from the male prostate.
George will whimper and whine the whole way through it, and after they’re both sated, they’ll both roll over to check their emails, barely concealing their smiles. They will pretend that what’s happening between them could be as clean as their zero-email inboxes. As if their connection is not violently seeping through containment.
All in the name of team bonding. For the firm. Yes.
(Or this is what they tell themselves, to maintain the illusion, anyway.)
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
3 - The First Date
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Part 4
Detective Stabler's Daughter
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff
You ask for an update and I provided 😊
Coming down the stairs carrying my light brown boots in my left hand and my other hand opens the door revealing my boyfriend of two years as of today. I was wearing a light red lace shirt, some blue jeans with my hair loose except for two strands tied back. "Hey Spencer, what do you think?"
"Hi Y/n, you look....beautiful." He hung his mouth open and was frozen in the doorway.
He was wearing a black jacket over one of his blue dress shirts paired with some dark brown pants and his sneakers. He also carried his sachale around like normal. "Come on in. Don't want you getting cold or someone snatching you off my doorstep." I moved out of the way and he stepped inside, shutting the door behind himself.
"You know you should make up a code for you and your friends if they don’t live in this building. That way there’s not someone who gets in that you don’t know." He suggested sitting his bag by the door.
Grabbing my keys from the kitchen island I raised a brow at him. "Is that really necessary? I mean it’s a college campus that has their own security officers that patrol around night and day.”
"Studies have shown repeatedly that it is." He said back.
I nodded. "Guess I should not argue with a genius with an eidetic memory. So am I picking where to eat tonight or you?"
"You pick. But I'm paying for dinner." He says picking up his bag again and heading towards the door. I shut the door behind me, locking it following behind his one stride to my two strides. We walked to the Arby's near my campus.
Sliding into one side of the booth Spencer slides in on the other side. We both had gotten roast beef sliders with cheese and I got some curly fries. . "So what are we going to do with our feelings here? I mean I were both are adults but this isn’t exactly a normal relationship.”
“You said that you are graduating this year and I’ll be ending my year of teaching at the same time.”
I smiled hopefully. “So we’ll be okay.”
"Yeah I just don't want to rush you into it. I told you before about the job that I have. The things that we see day in and day out. I just don't want to freak you out." He explained sitting his slider down on the napkin.
Shaking my head at him I smiled. "Spencer, calm down. You won't freak me out."
"You have an innocence in you that I don't want to see gone from you." Spencer replied.
Reaching for a fry I smiled tossing some fries at him. "Oh you mean like this."
"Y/n!" He chuckled, holding his hands up to not get a fry in the eyes.
I picked up some more fries and threw them where some actually ended up in his hair. "Don't pretend you don't like it. You freaking love Halloween. This is no different."
"If I do this right then it should land...right there." He bent his spoon back with a fry on it. He released it and I scrunched my nose when it hit me dead between the eyes.
Blinking my eyes I glared at him briefly before I giggled back at him. "See you like your inner child, same as me."
"Yeah we make a good team that way." He chuckled, staring down at his watch seeing it was almost ten now. "Oh we should probably go. I have a class at 9am tomorrow morning."
Putting my hand in his he led me up to the house and I got the door open again looking over my shoulder at him. "Hey I know you said it's late and you have to work early. So I was thinking you could come upstairs and rest for a minute if you wanted to, I mean."
"Uh I appreciate it. I don't want to break campus rules." Spencer shrugged his shoulders at me, he ran his fingers through his locks.
Throwing my hands up from my sides I tired once more. "I suppose you’re right."
"I appreciate the offer. I really do but I don't want us to move too fast." He avoided my gaze for a minute and I knew he was right.
Walking up to him I smiled, draping my arms over his shoulders. "Can I still call you if I'm bored later?"
"Yes." He smiled, putting one hand on my waist holding me close to him.
Parting my lips I paused seeing a cheeky smile across his face. "If I have nightmares can I call ya?"
"I should go. Uh - goodnight Y/n." Spencer smiled, clicking his tongue and I saw him get slightly embarrassed.
I waved bye to him finally going inside and shutting the door behind me. "Night Professor Reid." The wooden floor creaked underneath my boots and I paused when I noticed broken glass from the main entrance door.
The floor creaked in a different room making me whip my head around and I gasped stumbling backwards to see someone standing behind me in the entrance of our dorm building. "I was waiting for you to get home." He stood in front of me holding something behind his back.
"Do I know you?" I questioned him.
He responded back. "No. But I know your father. He told me I wasn’t allowed to date you before you graduated high school.”
"I’m sorry I think you have the wrong person. I think you should go considering this isn’t your dorm building. I’ll let you out." I attempted to walk away from him and grab my phone from my pocket but I heard a gun cock behind me.
He instructed me to aim the gun at me when I slowly turned around to face him again. "You come with me willingly or we have to do this the hard way."
"Like hell I will!" I ran forward and managed to tackle him to the floor. He dropped the gun but was stronger than me so he held me down with his body.
He snatched the gun that was by one of my feet, aiming it at me where I froze knowing he meant business now. Wrapping my hands around his wrist he only had the gun barely from pressing my chest. "You're done fighting now." He raised the gun and hit me over the head with it where I blacked out.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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666writingcafe · 3 months
A Deal With Death
This week has proven that the demon brothers are completely hopeless without MC. According to them, things started out okay, but then a couple of them got in a fight, resulting in a significant part of the House of Lamentation getting flooded and everyone having to sleep in the living room.
During their visits, MC makes sure I communicate their exasperation to them, and I can't say I blame them. I mean, I'd expect seven grown men to be able to take care of themselves, but apparently not.
Today's been quiet, though. Other than Barbatos occasionally poking his head in, no one's stopped by their room today. In order to pass the time, I've been telling MC stories about me and my older sister Candy. They're amused for the most part, so hopefully I'm helping them take their mind off their current predicament, even if it's only for a few moments.
Just when I finish recounting one of many traps that have backfired on me, someone softly knocks on the door.
"It's unlocked!" I holler. The door remains shut for about a minute before slowly opening, creaking as it reveals the one brother who has yet to visit MC.
"I have food," Lucifer murmurs, lifting up a to-go bag high enough for me to see. "I wasn't sure what the state of things were, so I brought enough for the three of us."
"I'm surprised your brothers haven't kept you updated," I reply as he walks over and sits in the chair on the other side of MC's bed. He shrugs.
"After the third day, I told them to not tell me anything unless Zephyr woke up." He reaches in the bag and hands me a plastic container and utensils. I'm pleasantly surprised to find it contains stewed zombie dragon liver. It's a fairly popular dish in reaper cuisine.
"I figured you'd like that better than the demon food you've been forced to eat during your stay here," Lucifer explains softly. "I myself am still getting used to it." I take a bite. It's not the best I've ever had, but it's pretty decent. The fact that someone went out of their way to get something I might like is the important thing.
Lucifer pulls out his plastic container and sets the bag off to the side. After a few minutes of silent eating, he states,
"You must think I'm a horrible person." Thankfully, I've swallowed my food before he said that, because I would have choked otherwise.
"No, of course not! Whatever gave you that idea?"
"The fact that I didn't stop through earlier."
"From what I've heard, you've had your hands full." Lucifer sighs.
"That's an understatement."
"So, give yourself a break. I seriously doubt Zephyr's the type of person to give you grief for not showing up sooner."
Exactly. Quit beating yourself up.
His eyes widen as he looks over at MC. Is he able to hear them?
I know you're stressed. This is a very scary situation, and you've had to remain strong for your brothers. Solomon and Barbatos have been working really hard to figure out a way to wake me up, so hopefully we don't have to deal with this much longer.
Lucifer turns away so that I don't see his face, but I still catch him rubbing his eyes.
I'm a little surprised it's taken this long for their mental connection to manifest itself. Then again, MC may have blocked it on purpose in order to avoid suspicion. I know I didn't believe them when they first told me that they were Lucifer's heir to the Ring of Light. It's only after extensive research that I accepted it to be true. For one, there's no one in the Devildom good enough to create a perfect counterfeit of that, and the ring MC gave to me for safekeeping fits every description of it to a tee. And then there's the fact that it glows whenever they expend a lot of magical energy. There's only a handful of rings that link themselves to people that way, the Ring of Light being one of them.
"You okay?" I ask him once he faces me again.
"I'll be fine. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment." He momentarily resumes eating, but just as quickly he stops, staring directly at me.
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Of course. That's part of my job." I've learned long ago to not question people when they request my services, especially if they're in positions of power. "Do we need to step outside?" Lucifer glances over at MC, appearing deep in thought.
"That won't be necessary. Some of it relates to Zephyr, so it wouldn't be right of me to exclude them."
Your secret is safe with me.
He softly smiles, emphasizing just how tired he is. He probably hasn't gotten much sleep, poor thing. I'll have to make him some of my special tea when we're done here.
"It has to do with my sister. I gave up my freedom to ensure that she could live a full human life. It was either that or permanent death, and I love her too much to have her die unnecessarily." He takes off one of his gloves, revealing Diavolo's mark boldly seared on the top of his hand.
"Does it hurt?"
"Sometimes. He hasn't used its power a whole lot. Only to get me to relax when I'm overly agitated, and only after he's exhausted all other options." Interesting. I know plenty of demons that would abuse that kind of power. Then again, the prince hasn't exactly played by those rules, has he?
"But that's neither here nor there," he continues, putting the glove back on. "Initially, I thought that all of Lilith's soul went into her human body, but it appears as though it's split in half."
"That can happen," I tell him. "Magic has a tendency to separate from the soul when it transfers from one body to the next. Sometimes that magic ends up in an object, but most of the time it just kinda floats, waiting for the most compatible soul to latch itself onto."
"Does it have to be a fresh soul?"
"Not necessarily, although that's the most common method of transference."
"Does the soul also have to be floating in the air, or can it be inside someone?"
"There have been times when magical energy enters the soul while it's in a body, but that's very rare."
"But not impossible."
"No, not impossible." Where is he going with this?
"This might seem far-fetched, and maybe my grief is making me see things that aren't really there, but I feel like part of Lilith's soul has made its way inside Zephyr."
Shit, shit, shit. How the fuck am I suppose to dig my way out of this? Solomon told me that Barbatos, Diavolo, and I are the only ones that are allowed to know MC's full backstory. If Lucifer found out the truth...
"Merely asking out of curiosity, what makes you say that?"
"Have you ever seen a demon produce white energy?"
"Well, no, but--"
"And then there's the time where I glanced at Zephyr's face, and they looked exactly like her."
The energy is left over from my days as a human. That was one of the only things the organization couldn't change. I'd have ended up dead otherwise. As for your sister, it probably is your mind playing tricks on you. Grief can be rather cruel sometimes.
Damn. Solomon's never been able to lie that well. I'm not surprised that Lucifer buys it. If I didn't know better, I would have as well.
"You know, one of the last things she ever told me was that someday I'd meet someone that I loved so deeply that I'd be willing to throw everything away for them, and then I'd finally understand how she felt," Lucifer recalls. "At the time, I dismissed it as immature angst, but now I think she was actually telling my future." He takes MC's hand and wraps it with both of his.
"The truth is, I miss you, Zephyr. It's lonely without you around. Please, wake up." Suddenly, MC's surrounded by a bright, white light that forces me to close my eyes. Even then, I can still see it. It lasts slightly longer than a flash would, and I open my eyes just in time to witness MC quickly sitting up, gasping for air.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @interconnectedmatrix
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dollmini · 1 month
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in honor of reaching the first few milestones (hopefully of many) for dollmini, i’m opening a prompt event for a short period of time. inspired by @melobin and others who are doing this.
credits ⟢ link link link link link link link link link link all prompts can be found in one of these lists. please give the original posters support as well.
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rules . 𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ☆ ⊹˚
send requests through my ask box only. send one member from boynextdoor or riize, and one or two prompts max, whether the member is dom or sub, and i will try to write something short.
be patient with me. i am writing other wips at the same time. please don’t spam me to rush me. you’ll be blocked.
once the prompt has been used, it will be striked out. any request for that prompt thereafter will be disregarded or saved for later. be sure to check for updates.
you can requests a kink or trope along with your prompt if it fits, but i beg you to read my guidelines before you do.
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prompts . 𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ☆ ⊹˚
“staying quiet was never your strong suit, was it?”
“i want to give you a hickey, so everyone can see how i feel about you.”
“your hand feels much better than my own.”
“your moans will wake everyone up and I’m oddly fine with that.”
“my tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“i could make you feel better.”
“jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
“do you know how long i’ve been waiting for this?”
“be gentle with me. please.”
“i want to give you everything tonight.”
“you won’t break me. i promise.”
“you take me so well.”
“i’m going to fuck you until your legs shake.”
“they’ll all know you’re mine when they hear you screaming my name.”
“your body is my place of worship, and it’s time for me to say my prayers.”
“watch me ride you.”
“does he/she fuck you like this?”
“don’t bring emotions into this. this has always been about pleasure, nothing else.”
“you’ve ruined me for all others.”
“i can’t stop myself from wanting you, no matter how much we both know we shouldn’t do this.”
“i don’t care if they see. part of me wants them to.”
“this is the last time, then never again. this has to stop.”
“that’s it, fuck, that’s a good girl/boy.”
“spread your legs, baby. that’s it…wider.”
“look at me. i want to watch you come on my fingers/cock/strap.” 
“behave, i wouldn’t want to have to punish you now.” 
 “count them for me.” 
“i’m sorry, what was that? i couldn’t hear you over all the noise you were making.”
 “don’t be shy baby, i love the way you moan my name.”
“remember who’s in charge here baby, i’d choose your next words carefully.” 
"you look better with my hands around your neck."
"arch your back for me."
"i want to hear you beg."
“you're so pretty when you're coming for me.”
"that's not how we ask for things, is it?"
"let him watch.”
"go on. ride my thigh."
“tell me what you imagine when you think of me.”
“you can be rough. i can take it.”
"i wanna make you feel so good you forget your own name.”
"i've never been with someone so big before."
“i wanna eat you out so fucking bad.”
“i'm waiting for your permission to let me have my way with you.”
“look at that pretty expression. i always knew you could make one.”
“i know my worth. and if you want me, you'll do as i say.”
“pretty good, huh? i told you i'd make you feel good.”
“look at how well you take me. even though it's been so long.”
“what, afraid you'll break me?”
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request counter
sungho 01 riwoo 01 jaehyun 01 taesan 03 leehan 01
shotaro 0 eunseok 01 sungchan 0 wonbin 01 seunghan 0 sohee 01 anton 02
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Chapter 18: Golden Strings
Chapter Word Count: 6,198
Anything in Bold Italics are Korean/Another language.
TW: Mentions of death/dying (a few times), Sadness
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Things were getting worse before they would hopefully get better. 
You had left the confines of your room after hanging up with Jihoon and calming down enough to update Jisung on the speed in which the withdrawal was setting in. His neutral face softened and he sighed, picking up both yours and his ramen containers, taking them to the kitchen to dispose of. He reassured you that if you needed anything, he’d be here to help you and joked that he didn’t have a choice with Gangman underwater. Jisung, not being the best at any emotional comfort, gave you a pat on the head, a bottle of water, and told you to relax in bed and hopefully you can sleep. 
You had a million questions and concerns filtering through your mind. What if the flooding doesn’t go down fast enough and you need to be away longer ? Will you both be okay in the next twenty-four hours with how fast the withdrawal was setting in? How will this affect the concert schedule coming up rapidly? Would you even be able to properly fly if you get to the worst stages of the separation? You already couldn't eat, sleep wasn’t gonna happen even if you tried. Soon you won’t be able to hear, after that you’d be too weak to even move, let alone get on a plane to Japan. 
“ -ah..Ruby-ah, are you still here?” 
Your eyes refocused back on the video call you had with Jihoon on your phone propped up against your pillow. “Yeah, I zoned out.” 
It was nearing five in the morning. Neither of you had an ounce of sleep. Sometimes the conversation was flowing, trying to fill the void that weighed heavily on both of your souls, other times you zoned out or Jihoon was messing around on his ipad. 
He let his eyes wander around the room, something he does when he is trying to think or working out words in his head. “ What do you wanna do when you get to Japan?” 
“Minghao said he was going to take me hiking through the forests when we have time. Soonyoungie, Mingyu-ah, and Minnie said they’d go to Harajuku with me on a free day.” 
“ Was Harujuku Soonyoungie’s idea?” 
You shook your head, breathing out a small chuckle. “ I asked them to go with me.” 
“What else?” 
“Maybe we could get that Katsudon you couldn’t get to eat.” 
He managed to laugh, sighing with a smile. “ That sounds like a date.” 
“ It's a date. Promise.” You nodded, “I know Osaka Castle is really pretty. Hell, even just walking the streets there. And Channie and I wanted to take Shua to Nara Park and have him take pictures with deer.” 
“Carats would have a blast with those photos.” He rolled his eyes, moving to lay on his back and holding his phone over his head. 
“ I really wanna get him surrounded by deer and see how long he would just sit there with them. Channie and I have a bet to see if one of them will nibble on Shua’s hair.” 
That made Jihoon laugh a little louder and your heart swelled. “ Can I be added into the bet?” 
“Of course you can.” 
Dawn came before either of you knew it. The call had gone quiet but it didn’t end. He was watching something on his ipad and you had got your laptop to scroll mindlessly through twitter. You peeked out of the blinds, the sky was still dark and rain was still falling. From the eighth floor, you couldn’t tell if the wind was too bad, but one look at the streets didn’t look good. You swallowed your disappointment and curled up in bed beside your phone, watching Jihoon perk up and look at the screen.
“ What?” Jihoon asked, yawning but covered his mouth quickly. “ Why did you feel like that?” 
“The streets are still flooded. It rained all night.” 
Both of you stared at each other through the phone for a couple minutes. There were many unsaid things being thrown in the glances, the heavy, worried feeling on both sides of the bond. His face twisted in an expression you didn’t fully understand but the ache in the bond was telling. 
“ Okay.” He finally breathed out, pushing his hair back from his face. “ That’s okay, we are still doing okay, right?” 
“...Right…” You didn’t sound too confident but with no sleep and no food, things might start going downhill very soon and very fast and neither of you knew what to prepare for. “ Jihoonie?” 
He raised a brow, humming out to acknowledge you calling for him. 
“ I’m scared.” 
“I know…I’m scared too…” 
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Hanging up with Jihoon to call the Incheon visa office was difficult. You didn’t want to hang up but he needed to go and update staff and the members on the current situation since they were having a meeting before early practice. Jisung was awake, you could hear him rustling around in your kitchen, but you made no move to leave the bedroom. 
As you wait on hold listening to the mind numbing music that was used to fill the blank space, you really wanted to bash your head into the wall. And you waited…and waited…and waited…until finally the stupid music stopped and the man’s voice from yesterday answered. 
“Good morning, you have reached the visa office located in Incheon, this is supervisor Kim, how may I help you?” 
“Hello, this is Y/N L/N , I was in your office yesterday regarding an emergency soulmate travel visa and soulmate passport information. I was told to call this morning to see if anything could be done?” 
“Oh! Yes, as of currently we are working from home since the office is flooded, but I can check the progress on your visa.” He asked for you to spell your name, get your date of birth, and the ID number from your last visa. “ The status of your application is…complete actually. I can email you a copy of the visa, however as of now, the airport has still grounded flights.” 
“Yes, I am aware. I’m hoping that I can catch the first flight out before my withdrawal gets any worse…” 
“I’m sorry for the inconvenience these times have brought you.” He sounded genuine and you smiled to yourself. 
“ Thank you, hopefully by tomorrow everything will be alright.” 
“I just sent out the email with your visa and a file attachment for the soulmate passport application, make sure to print the visa before heading to the airport. Have a good day.” 
With another simple thank you, you hung up and finally made the effort to stand up and leave your room. Your limbs were heavy and you were tired, every move you made was more tiring than the last. While it’s just been under a full day since you were separated from Jihoon, the sluggishness was fogging your brain. You didn’t feel hungry but your body was craving sustenance and your eyelids were drowsy with each blink. If the withdrawal’s pace went any faster, you wondered how much longer your body could handle it. 
Jisung was sitting quite comfortably on the couch, legs tucked underneath him and the comforter you profived wrapped around him. He had one of your larger mugs you found at a thrift store brimming with coffee in his hands and a sleepy, dazed look on his face. 
“ Morning.” He muttered, eyes unfocused on the blank walls. He took a long, slow sip of the coffee. 
“ For someone really put together at work, you look like a mess in the morning.” You took a seat beside him, hearing him smack his lips together to take the full taste of the drink he downed. 
“ Technically, I’m making my job on call as of now and I slept in more than I usually do.” 
“Slept in- it’s nine in the morning.” 
“I usually work out around six and get ready for the day after.” 
“Are you a robot?” 
That made his shoulders shake with silent laughter. “ No, but my mother thinks I am and she gave birth to me. Says I’m like my dad. Did you and Jihoon-nim get any sleep?” 
Shaking your head, Jisung nodded in return. “ We were up all night on a video call.” 
“What usually comes next after not eating and sleeping?” 
Leaning your head against the back of the couch, you wracked your brain of the articles you’ve read in the past. “ Any energy we have will start to decrease, we will start to lose our hearing, I’ve heard some people start to go blind until they reconnect. The feelings we’d be able to share would start to dull until you don’t feel anything. It’s kinda different for each soulbond but ours is progressing really fast so I’m not sure what to expect next.” 
“How do you feel currently?” 
“I feel like I haven’t slept for days and all the pressure of Jupiter’s gravity is weighing me down. Don’t know if I want to cry or if I want to curl up in a ditch and let the fates decide.” 
“So sunshine and rainbows?” The sarcasm was thick . 
“Did you just say- You know what, yeah, Jisung. I’m feeling like sunshine and rainbows right now.” 
“Good because your mood matches the weather outside.” 
“If you weren’t holding the biggest cup of coffee known to man, I would punch you.” 
Jisung smirked over the rim of the mug, “ It would probably feel like nothing if you hit me.” 
“If I didn’t feel like ass, I’d be kicking you out.” 
“I’d like to see you try.” 
“Is this what a sibling feels like?” You asked yourself but Jisung scoffed and continued to smirk. 
“Do you forget I know English?” There was barely a hint of an accent in his words. 
“No, I’m just too tired to be thinking in another language.” 
“I would say to get some sleep but both of us know that won’t happen.” 
“This sucks. Like, majorly.” 
“It’s okay to be scared if you are.” 
You chewed on your bottom lip, peeling the skin away. It stung and you could taste the iron of your blood when you ran your tongue over to soothe the pain. “I’ve never been more scared of anything in my life.” 
He nudged your arm with his elbow and you nudged him back. “I’ll make sure you get to Japan and get you back to Jihoon, Ruby. Despite our unconventional professional relationship, I’d hate to see you and him go down because of some flooding and rain.” 
“Thank you, Jisung. It means more than you think. Let’s just hope that it’s sooner rather than later.” 
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[Sunday Morning 1:14 PM] I’m guessing you are feeling as bad as Jihoonie?  [Grandma 1:15 PM]  Of course they are!  [To Angel, Demon, Gem 1:15 PM] I don’t know, Joshua, is the sky fucking blue? [Sunday Morning 1:17 PM] I dunno, it’s kinda gray right now.  I don’t appreciate the sass right now. (~o ̄3 ̄)~ [Grandma 1:17 PM]  Ya, I’m too lazy to translate  [To Angel, Demon, Gem 1:18 PM] I’m giving him an attitude, Hannie. [Grandma 1:18 PM]  Proud of you~  Jihoonie said that you both didn’t sleep? Can’t eat?  [To Angel, Demon, Gem 1:19 PM] When this is all over, I better not hear a peep about why I’m clingy to Jihoonie. Do you understand?  [Sunday Morning 1:20 PM] I think we can make that happen. Seems easy enough.  Right, Jeonghanie? [Grandma 1:20 PM] I will never agree to anything against my morals.  [To Angel, Demon, Gem 1:21 PM] Shua, I hate him. [Sunday Morning 1:21 PM] Yeah, me too  [Grandma 1:21 PM] I can understand that! 
[Tangerine 2:40 PM]  Can you please answer Mingyu-hyung because he won’t stop complaining that you aren’t answering him [To Tangerine 2:45 PM]  No ( •̀ ω •́ ) Tell him to stop blowing up my phone and to take a chill pill . [Tangerine 2:48 PM]  {Video attached} 
Mingyu was laying on the floor of what looked like a practice studio with layers of tape marking out space on the floor. He looked tired, a little sweaty from practice most likely. You could see what you assumed was Seungkwan’s shoes beside Mingyu’s head and the taller of the two was pouting, looking at his phone screen then up to Seungkwan who was just quietly recording. Mingyu gave a huff and dropped his phone to his chest. 
“ Yah! Stop recording!” 
“Stop being a baby, hyung.” 
“I’m not being a baby!” Mingyu sat up quickly and whined like a child , criss-crossing his legs and crossing his arms over his chest. 
“ You are being a baby.” Wonwoo’s monotone voice was heard off camera and Mingyu whined once more, being cut off by the end of the video. 
[Tangerine 2:50 PM] This is what I’ve had to deal with.  [To Tangerine 2:55 PM]  I will never know peace in my life. 
[To Triple Threat (+ Ruby-ah) 3:01 PM] Mingyu, stop being annoying.  [Puppy 3:02 PM]  I am not annoying!  You just haven’t answered any of my messages Which is rude by the way  And I just want to make sure my friend is okay But no, you are ignoring me.  [To Triple Threat (+ Ruby-ah) 3:05 PM] You have sent me over 50 texts since yesterday when I muted the chat [Sunshine 3:07 PM] !!!  Ruby-ah!  You are back!! [To Triple Threat (+ Ruby-ah) 3:09 PM] Nah Telling Mingyu to shut up. 
And you promptly muted the chat again. 
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Practice was kicking his ass. With no sleep the night before or any food to recharge, Jihoon was sore, tired, and running on fumes. 
When he sat down earlier in the day for the big meeting with everyone, explaining that the withdrawal was already setting in, everyone was on edge. He did get Ruby’s message that the visa was completed and all that was needed was to wait for flights to start back up again. The members were overly protective, asking if he was okay, saying that it was okay if he needed to take longer to rest, even the staff with soulmates among them insisted he take time for himself, but he wasn’t having it. 
He knew he should have taken their advice, but the idea of sitting around while practice still went on didn’t sit well with him. The Dome tour was important not alone to him and the members, but to the fans, and he’d hate to miss something and not correct it or something go wrong because they didn’t handle it prior to the show itself. Many of the guys liked to call him a perfectionist, he called himself…particular, nothing too out of pocket. 
As Jihoon sat on the floor of the Kyocera Dome in Osaka, watching the LED screens light up with all the graphics, it felt as if his energy just dropped and there was nothing left to keep him going. He laid back flat on the floor, letting his eyelids slide shut to block some of the blinding light from the screens. There was an excruciating headache pounding behind his eyes, it’s been raging on for hours and he was starting to lose focus the longer it went on. 
Laying there on the ground was the one piece of tranquility, letting the pain and fatigue that wore his limbs settle and just let his spine decompress. There was a small wave of relief that gave him enough energy to take a deep breath and slow the pace of his heart in hopes to lessen the metaphoric hammer beating against his head. 
“ Jihoonie,” The soft, concerned voice of Seungcheol caught his attention but he didn’t make a move. He grunted out in response that he was listening. “ Are you okay?” 
“Tired…” Jihoon muttered out, “ What…time is it?” 
“Nearly four-thirty. Let me help you up, man.” He heard Seungcheol’s voice closer than before and a crack open of his eyes showed the leader squatting down beside his head. “ We can get you back to the hotel. You look paler than you did earlier.” 
“We still have practice-” 
“And I need you alive to get through the rest of this until Ruby gets to Japan, Jihoonie.” Seungcheol’s tone dropped and Jihoon knew he was serious, there was no escaping the plan the older man had already made up in his mind. “ And I’m going to stay with you.”
“Jihoon-ah, I’m worried to the point that I’m having anxiety. I’m staying with you so you better be ready for movies because that’s what you’ll have to put up with.”
“Fine…fine. Help me up.” With the dwindled strength he had, Jihoon raised his hand up. 
Seungcheol was quick to take his hand but slow to help him up to not cause him any further discomfort. When he was fully on his feet, there was a sway to his stance but the other kept him standing with a firm hand on his upper arm. The leader did look concerned, rightfully bothered, but Cheol was probably more worried than he was letting on. 
“ Hyung, please get a car, I want to get Jihoon back to the hotel.” Seungcheol helped him slowly walk towards their head manager. One peak at the gaze the two men shared was telling enough that both , if not everyone , was troubled by the state of Jihoon. 
The trip back was quiet, he sat in the back with the seat almost fully reclined at his own insistence. Through the pain that hindered his brain power, whispers were shared between the manager and Seungcheol, the words too hushed to make out, but it obviously was regarding him. 
Getting to his room was another feat. Each step was slower than the last, Jihoon was getting winded and had to take some small breathers. On the elevator he was leaning into Seungcheol’s side who wrapped an arm protectively over his shoulder. The manager, thankfully,  opened the door and face planted into the mattress. Seungcheol called out something about grabbing a few things from his own room before returning back.
Jihoon felt tired, Ruby felt tired, he felt miserable, they felt miserable. All he wanted right now was to sleep and have Ruby by his side. 
Hearing the door to his room beep and a snort, Jihoon knew Seungcheol had arrived back. “ You haven’t moved for ten minutes, are you still breathing?” 
All he managed to muster was a grunt in return. 
“ Come on, get up, at least get changed.” 
“Don’t wanna.” He grumbled. 
Seungcheol patted him on the back, tugging on his sleeve. “ I know you don’t but being in the same clothes from practice isn’t comfortable.” 
Pushing himself up and onto his back was exhausting. Seungcheol, being the considerate and worry-wart man he was, grabbed him some clothes and Jihoon shuffled his way into the bathroom. Once he pulled the fresh clothes on, he looked in the mirror and had to agree with Seungcheol’s statement earlier. He did look pale. The bags under his eyes were prominent. If one didn’t know better, they could assume he didn’t sleep for days when in reality it was only one, going on two. To himself, he looked somber, the metaphorical ‘ shell of himself’ .  
He wasn’t angry anymore, not that he was angry at Ruby to begin with, he never was. Jihoon was more angry at the situation fate had placed them in. He was angry that no one on the staff roster knew that Ruby’s visa had expired, seeing that they were the people that needed to pay attention to those things. He was angry at himself for not listening to his gut and staying back. He was angry at himself for feeling helpless. 
Walking out of the bathroom, Jihoom wasn’t surprised to see that Seungcheol had set up his computer to the TV with the HDMI cable he always brought along to keep entertained. Cheol was in fact already tucked under the covers, computer mouse being moved around on his chest to scroll through the selection of movies he could pick from. Without a care, Jihoon slugged his way under the blankets and tiredly sighed. 
Aside from the random movie that was playing, neither of them said a word. Occasionally he’d see Cheol’s head shift to look over at him but Jihoon didn’t mention it as long as it brought the latter some sense of reassurance. 
“ Hyung?” Jihoon cleared his throat, peering over to Seungcheol. 
The other perked up, his typically pouty expression accompanied by wide, sparkling eyes. “ Hm?” 
“Don’t make fun of me.” 
That had Seungcheol raising a brow but nodding. 
“ I miss Ruby-ah. I miss them a lot.” 
Seungcheol gave a chuckle, reaching over from under the blanket and ruffling his hair. “ I know.” 
“It feels like…” He sighed, moving his eyes to stare up at the ceiling. “ It feels like a part of me is missing…All the soulbond, soulmate shit aside. I miss just having them around to talk to…They are a great listener and can understand me a lot…” 
“It’s only been, what, over a day since you have been apart? I dunno, Jihoonie, kinda sounds like you are smitten.” The teasing was light hearted, but Jihoon’s cheeks flushed. 
“ I-” He pursed his lips, trying to think of a reply, but nothing came. “ Shut up-” 
[Ruby (◍•ᴗ•◍) 9:11 PM]  Did you change the emoji for me again?  [To Ruby (◍•ᴗ•◍) 9:14 PM] Yes. Problem?  [Ruby (◍•ᴗ•◍) 9:16 PM]  Just curious.  You feel as bad as I do?  [To Ruby (◍•ᴗ•◍) 9:20 PM]  Yeah. Coups-hyung is staying with me for the night.  [Ruby (◍•ᴗ•◍) 9:22 PM]  We both have our babysitters.  Oh! The airports should be up tomorrow. The water has been going down. I’ll let you know what the news says in the morning.  [To Ruby (◍•ᴗ•◍) 9:27 PM] Be on the first flight. Please.  [Ruby (◍•ᴗ•◍) 9:31 PM]  I plan on it, Jihoonie.  I’m going to try and get some work done since I’ve been putting it off. I’ll talk to you later. 
Jihoon stared at the message, chewing on the inside of his cheek. For him, texting was usually bland. He wasn’t much to text when he could just call, it was easier to get points across and not think too hard to reply. 
He typed one message out, staring at it: I miss you. Quickly Jihoon deleted that one. Then he wrote another one: I wish you were here right now. He hated both of those options. Internally he laughed at himself. For a highly praised song writer and lyricist, he couldn’t write a simple, affectionate text message to save his life. 
Finally he decided on the simplest of answers, ‘Okay’ and (。_。) before tossing his phone aside. 
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Nearly halfway through the fourth movie did Jihoon notice something was up. It wasn’t too bad at first, he always had ringing in his ears. He attributed it to the headache that raged on and the lack of food and energy, however, it gradually got louder. When he had asked Seungcheol to turn up the volume the first time, the older man didn’t question it, but when he became hard to hear at the first higher level, he felt a sense of panic. 
“ Cheol-hyung.” Jihoon shook his head, trying to pop his ear drums. The ringing was deafening, it was making him dizzy and he felt sick to his stomach. Despite his best efforts, he was starting to hyperventilate.  
If Seungcheol was saying something, he could barely hear it. When a hand grabbed his arm and hauled him into a sitting position, Jihoon came face to face with a very very anxious Seungcheol. 
“ I can’t- The ringing in my ears, I can’t hear anything.” Tears were welling in the corner of his eyes and a strained breath forced its way out of his lungs. “ I’m gonna be sick-” 
Seungcheol practically carried him to the bathroom and got him in front of the toilet. Much to his distaste, he did end up losing the contents of his stomach. The back of his throat burned, the only thing he had in his stomach was acid. There was a hand on his back rubbing circles to provide some assemblance of comfort. A hopeless string of curse words left him and he leaned over the toilet seat, feeling the tears trickling down his cheeks. 
Raising his head, he struggled to take in a breath between sniffling and the sick feeling that overcame him. Seungcheol was saying something, his lips were moving, but he shook his head, unable to hear anything. In a last ditch effort, Cheol held up a finger in a wait motion and ran out of the bathroom, only to return with his phone in hand and the notes app open.
Cheol was quick to type something down: I’m going to tell the managers
“ Yeah…yeah.” Jihoon nodded, swallowing down the second wave of nausea. “ Someone needs to check on…Check on Ruby-ah.”
Seungcheol held a thumbs up, sitting on the bathroom floor with him and made a call. He was speaking quickly by how fast his mouth was moving. Jihoon scooted back to place himself against the wall, glad the tiles of the bathroom walls were cold through his clothes back. Cheol was quick to grab a washcloth, ran it under cold water, and placed the damp fabric against Jihoon’s forehead. 
The door to the hotel room soon became bustling with managers and members. Seungcheol called Seungkwan since the younger one could type fast enough to keep Jihoon updated on why everyone was bombarding him. Seungkwan asked if he wanted help off the bathroom floor but it was cold enough to calm the nausea so he declined. Mingyu, to Jihoon’s actual delight, told him that Ruby was okay, shaken up and scared that they couldn’t hear, but okay. 
He wanted to talk to Ruby over text message, but when he started to stare at the screen of his phone, he couldn’t focus. Mingyu was able to type up messages to Ruby and communicate back and forth. Ruby was in bed from what they said, trying to calm the anxiety that was wrecking their body and mind. Jisung was talking with the head security about getting Ruby on a flight within the first couple hours of flights getting off the ground. Everyone was trying to stretch their limits to help. 
With this new development as well, Jihoon did notice the dulled feelings from Ruby’s side of the bond. The short and simple text messages gave him the mental peace that they were surviving, but the diminishing feeling was isolating. Though he wanted reassurance and comfort, the affection that the guys brought wasn’t exactly enough. Seungcheol and Joshua (he didn’t know when Joshua arrived) did manage to get him back into bed. Jihoon barely managed to walk on his own, let alone crawl under the blankets, so he was once again carried and tucked in under the protective eye of some of the oldest. 
“ Hyung..” Jihoon inhaled deeply, seemingly out of breath despite the low efforts. The mattress dipped at his side and a crack of his eyes open showed Jeonghan and Joshua sitting beside him, expressions filled with worry but they gave him soft smiles. “ I don’t want to die.” 
Jeonghan’s face didn’t falter, but he reached a hand up and brushed Jihoon’s hair back from his forehead, nodding. He took out his phone and typed up a short message before showing it to him. 
We won’t let that happen. Promise. 
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No one got any proper sleep. The door to his room was propped over and at any given hour, someone was by his side. At one point, a majority of them were sitting around the room with words he couldn’t hear being thrown around and Seungkwan typing with fast fingers to keep him involved. He weakly was able to tell them to slow down so the younger one could keep him clued in and for some of them to get to sleep. They agreed to slow down but it became an outright refusal to leave until Seungcheol said something and the room got less crowded.
The oldest three didn’t move from their spots. Seungcheol was biting his nails from his anxiety (which Jeonghan hit his hand to stop). Jeonghan was chewing on the skin of his bottom lip (which Seungcheol nagged him to not do based on the expressions passed between them). Joshua…Joshua started to organize and repack Jihoon’s suitcase (but no one stopped him since he was just trying to keep himself busy). 
When each of the members throughout the night held up a phone note with the same question asking if he needed anything, the words just spilled out easily. 
“ I want Ruby-ah. I need Ruby-ah.” 
They were all so patient when Jihoon just wanted to talk because he couldn’t hear anything. He talked about the new music he was working on prior to leaving for the current leg of the tour. He spoke about Ruby, how he missed them and wished they were at his side right now. In the late hours of the night with just the 95 line…He spoke about not wanting to die…and the four of them did cry. It hurt a lot, but it didn’t hurt as bad as having a part of his soul so far away, suffering just as he was. 
It was close to seven in the morning when there was an assemblance of good news. The managers barged in with an email to show Jihoon that Ruby would be on a plane within the next few hours based on the ticket details displayed on the phone screen. Waves of relief calmed the gloom that worried his soul. It’d still be a wait until Ruby and him were reunited, but hope had seeded itself so he would hold on until then.
With the hours drawing on, plans were coming into fruition rather quickly. Jihoon would travel to the airport with a manager, security, and Joshua who insists on helping the best he can. They’d pick up Ruby and Jisung before coming back to the hotel and probably knocking the hell out after a few days of no eating or drinking. Each of them would have to mask up and ‘disguise’ themselves to avoid any unwanted attention, but Jihoon could honestly throw that all out the door just to see his soulmate, to hold them close. 
Getting up (with lots of help), getting dressed (which he grumbled and hissed in pain about), and getting in the van (all the movement had him wanting to throw up) were some of the hardest things he’d ever done in life with how horrible he felt. The bond was so diluted Jihoon could feel  none of Ruby’s emotions, his heart and soul ached. With the flight, there was no communication for a few hours, let alone before that since both him and Ruby were both too weak so others were communicating for them. 
They wait off to the side of the airport arrival terminal. Jihoon was sitting back against the wall, but mainly letting his weight rest against Joshua’s shoulder. The two security guards were sitting on either side of the two while the manager paced back and forth with his phone in hand. The ringing was still roaring on, Joshua showed him the flight had landed and it was only a matter of time before he had them back in his arms. 
The first pull in his chest had him perking up, lifting his head from Joshua’s shoulder. Jihoon rubbed a hand over his chest, feeling the second pull and the quickening pace of his heart. The surge of energy that coursed through his veins was as dizzying as the ear splitting buzz that bounced around his head. It felt as if strings were tugging him, giving him the strength to move, the strength to live . Joshua went to stop him when Jihoon stood but he pushed both the older man and the manager away. 
Jihoon let the strings lead him. One foot after another he stumbled towards the blocked off exit leading to the rest of the airport. People were striding out with suitcases in hand, the automatic doors opening and closing between each wave. The continuous pull was pulsing to a beat that wasn’t his own heart. It was warm, so inviting, holding the shreds of hope he had. Jihoon wanted to follow it more, his soul wished for him to jump the barricade and run down the halls until the strings were eased into a low hum. 
Joshua was at his side just moments after his own hands met the cold metal barrier, skin quietly coming alive with anticipation. There was a panic behind his masked face, staring at Jihoon like the shorter man was crazy, but he didn’t care. Jihoon knew what, who , he was waiting for. He knew they lied just beyond the security of the airport. He could feel them getting closer and closer… 
Pulling the mask off and shoving it in the pocket of his sweatshirt, he beat his hand against the metal, eyes watching the patrons pass through, none of them the person he needed right now. 
“ Come on,” The antsy anxiety was crawling under his skin as the hum grew stronger. “ Come on, Ruby-ah.” 
Joshua grabbed onto Jihoon’s upper arm with a firm grip when the doors opened and Jisung was seen. It was for his own good not to jump over into his soulmate's arms. Jisung was pulling the set of luggage, one Jihoon recognized as Ruby’s little dinged up, sticker covered hardshell suitcase that they wouldn’t get rid of despite his offers to buy them another. 
Then he saw Ruby and he swore the world stopped moving. The strings that tugged on his soul were nagging, begging to finally reconnect with his fated other half. When their eyes met across the way, his heart stopped.
They shoved the backpack in their hand at Jisung who struggled to catch the bag and ran with the new found strength the bond most likely provided them as well. 
Jihoon moved quickly to the exit of the barricade, stumbling and brushing people out of the way to get to his goal with sorry excuses for apologizing in Japanese. When he stood at the other side of the automatic gate, open for someone walking through and around him, Jihoon let the pent up emotion finally break. 
Ruby ran straight into his arms and they tumbled down to the floor, ignoring the looks and scoffs that followed. Tears were streaming down their face and a wide, shaky smile had him mimicking one of his own. He reached out and gently grabbed their face, hands shaking but a buff of a laugh came from him when the rush of sound came back all at once. 
Everything around them was so loud. He could hear the sound of Ruby crying and trying to catch their breath. He could hear the chatter of people around them. He could hear his manager, the guards, Jisung, and Joshua all trying to figure out how to break them from the little bubble they’ve created. 
“ You’re here.” He finally said, taking in a shuttered breath as he rested his forehead against Ruby's, his own tears rolling down his cheeks. “ You are finally here.” 
“I am here.” They whispered the words, a quiet hiccup of a sob leaving them. “ I told you I would.” 
“I-” He struggled to make coherent thoughts but instead used actions. 
Jihoon placed a kiss on Ruby's lips, uncaring of the repercussions. He held their face delicately, whipping the stray tears on their face away with his thumbs. Fireworks sparkled within him, reminding him of the first kiss they shared not all too long ago. It was breathtaking yet invigorating, full of the care and dedication he had towards his soulmate that he hoped they’d understand. When he pulled away, keeping their foreheads against one another, the world was back in motion and while he was tired, he’d rather not be anywhere else. 
“ Ruby-ah.” Jihoon leaned back, getting a full look at them. Ruby looked back at him with adoration and affection that he could feel through the bond. 
He’s never felt this with anything outside of his music before meeting Ruby. He’s felt it in a platonic way with his friends. He has felt it familially with his parents and the members of Seventeen, but never quite like this. It was much stronger than every other way he has felt this…feeling before. It was an unknown territory yet it brought excitement and curiosity. He just needed to tell them-
“ I love you.”
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jagibee · 1 year
Call Me Luna Info
Hello dear readers, Mari speaking!
I just wanted to lay down some basic info about my story so that things are clear
- This story will probably not include super explicit smut unless or until I become more comfortable writing it, but due to heavy discussion of sex and suggestive scenes, this is an 18+ work, so it please respect that and MDNI
- The reader has an AFAB body and uses she/her pronouns and I think at some point I will have her wear skirts/dresses, and I decided to divide SKZ in half in regards to how old everyone is compared to the reader for the purpose of honorifics, but I looped Hyunjin in with the younger half since they were born in the same year. I also might have a background for character motivation purposes, so just oc family members and their secondary genders. Other than that, I try to keep it pretty neutral including race, religion, etc. Unfortunately I am limited to my own experiences, so if you feel like I’m not keeping it neutral or I am portraying something incorrectly or problematically, feel free to say something!
- I have ADHD and will deadass forget this story exists unless I have people interacting with me, so please do!
- My chapters will probably be over 1,000 words but I’m really inconsistent other than that so good luck
- This isn’t meant to be an exact biography of Stray Kids obviously so I’m not putting pressure on them or forcing them to be together or anything, also they have less managers and choreographers and sound people just because I don’t really feel like including all of that
- I’ll update when I want
- This is my story, so if you don’t like it, you can just leave without reading anymore!
- This story will deal with physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, as well as slight substance abuse, eating disorders, and mental health issues so please don’t read this if any of these affect you negatively
- Again, I can only go off of my experience so the way the characters in this story deal with things is not meant to be the “correct way” and it may not be relatable to everyone
- If you guys have any theories or ideas for what will happen next, let me know! It’s fun to see how people interpret writing (and maybe I’ll get my next plot point idea😁)
- I really don’t know what direction this will take so I’ll be adding trigger warnings as needed for individual chapters, and if there’s something that I haven’t tagged properly, please tell me! I want everyone to have a good experience with this story
- This story will have cursing, that’s just the way I think and write (and I think we all know the kids curse off camera)
- When any character uses English, I’ll show it like “‘“this”’”
- I’m shit at titles so….. we’re doing chapter numbers, but I might add chapter names later
- Tag list is open! You can send in an ask or message me if you want in! My tumblr is a bit fucked up so I can’t really respond to replies, but I always add you even if I don’t answer
- However, being on my taglist and being able to read my work is ultimately up to me, so if you do or say something that I dislike, I have no problem with blocking you
- I am fine with comments like “can’t wait for the next chapter!” but if it’s something more like “when’s the next part😡” consider it an automatic block, sorry not sorry!
- Liking and reblogging are always appreciated!
- Really, just have fun, stay positive, and (hopefully) enjoy the ride!
Info Regarding ABO
- omegas have heats three times a year for 7-10 days
- alphas have ruts twice a year for 3-6 days
- betas have slips once a year for 4-5 days
- heats include abdomen cramping, change of the omega’s scent, a need to nest, slick, and horniness for most
- heat suppressants are common, they don’t completely take away everything, there is still usually mild cramping, change of the omega’s scent and a need to nest, though they are pretty moderate
- ruts include a stronger scent of the alpha, possessiveness, need to mark their partner or partners, aggression, headaches, and horniness for most
- rut suppressants aren’t nearly as common as heat suppressants but they can tone down a rut to only include headaches, slightly stronger scent, and a bit of aggression
- slips include betas getting a stronger sense of smell and touch and they become very sensitive both physically and emotionally
- slip suppressants are very rare and only tone down a slip by about 20% while making the beta emotionally numb so many don’t like taking suppressants even when they have access
- there are no specific alpha scents or beta scents or omega scents, but in this universe, people can still identify someone’s secondary gender based on their scent
- scent glands are on the wrists and neck but if you put blockers on the neck, the body automatically stops releasing scents from the wrist gland
- scent blockers also lessen the wearer’s sense of smell
- wrist to wrist scentings are for acquaintances, neck to wrists are for good friends, and neck to necks are basically the equivalent of saying “I want you in my life forever” which can be platonic, familial, or romantic
And now onto the masterlist!
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mins-fins · 8 months
☆ 3 jaemin the virgin sacrifice
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❝ i hope the board demon takes jaemin. ❞
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⌗ NOTE 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 hi!!!! what's going on with you ☺️?? okay the xiaojun fic is about finished and this week im practically going to be GONE (regents week + my winter formal this friday) so this is like my last update before i crawl into my hole and suffer.. um i hope this somehow makes someones monday better and i'll see you this weekend hopefully with xiaojun 👍
⌗ WORD COUNT 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 1.4k
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it is currently nine pm, the shift today tired you, but not enough for you to drop everything and immediately head to bed, though you wanted to do that, your body wouldn't exactly just let you. you had the sudden urge to draw an architectural sketch of a house, it was like when you drank an espresso shot and then had the sudden urge to bake cookies afterward (you hope that's normal for most people— you hope). you understand why renjun walks in and is instantly concerned.
"this is how i de-stress" you reply, continuing your sketch, but all renjun does is narrow his eyes, trying his best to judge your behavior nicely.
"you look more stressed than anything" renjun clicks his tongue, taking another sip of his tea. "have you tried to sleep at all today?"
"i can't sleep!" you exclaim, throwing your hands up in the air. you end up startling renjun, who jumps back at the volume of your yell. "sleep is practically impossible at this might, i'm just trying to distract myself" you say, giving him your run of the mill fake smile.
renjun blinks, then sighs, knowing there's nothing he could say to convince you to stop working. so, he rubs his temples and shakes his head. "alright then, i made us dinner, come eat".
"i'm not hungry—"
"y/n, come eat or i'm going to force feed you".
the threat, though presumably a false one considering renjun never actually puts his hands on people, somehow scares you enough that you drop your pen, rolling your sketch up and finally taking your hands off it since you began it a good two hours ago.
"have your parents still been urging you to visit them?" renjun asks, though his words are muffled because there's a spoonful of fried rice in his mouth. he covers his mouth and clears his throat, still awaiting your answer.
"yes, but they always get mad when i inform them i can't just not attend my classes to visit them" you lean your head on your hand, moving your spoon around in your meal, not really having an appetite.
"don't play with your food" renjun scolds like a mom, giving you that familiar but rare cold glare, the type he always gives to donghyuck or jaemin when they do something fairly idiotic. "eat".
"okay okay" you frown, and renjun just smiles, feeling victorious. "don't kill me".
renjun smiles a totally non–threatening smile and just hums. "i'll consider it".
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you look up from your phone and at jaemin, who stands before you holding, low and behold, a ouija board. a small chuckle escaped your lips as you stare at the display, and you can hear jisung's gasp from behind you. "ooh! we do?"
"we should try it".
mark's statement is met with immediate rebuttal from the rest of your coworkers, which is a huge surprise to you, because knowing them, you assumed that they would've been elated at the opportunity to summon something from a ouija board at work.
"are you crazy? yoon would kill is if we somehow summoned a demon in the store" chenle crosses his arms as he deadpans at the eldest of the group, you laugh at the way he isn't inherently against the idea of using the board, he just doesn't want to get in trouble for summoning a demon using the board.
"we should sacrifice jaemin to the board demons" donghyuck comments absentmindedly, the empty tone of his voice causes for mark to burst out laughing, pretty much dying right there at the counter. "like those virgin sacrifices that happen in movies".
"jaemin's a virgin?" jeno asks, as if that was the most concerning thing about donghyuck's words. the words make you snort, and jaemin's jaw just drops as he stares at all of you.
chenle turns the other way and crosses his arms, trying to not make his giggling obvious, jeno glances at all of you, still waiting for an answer to his question. donghyuck isn't laughing though, just looks at jeno and scrunches his nose.
"that wasn't— how is that all you got out of the conversation!?"
"i heard jaemin and virgin sacrifice in the same sentence so i put two and two together!"
and you might be asking— why aren't you guys doing your jobs? well sunday's are never busy, and even if you do get customers, they usually just do things on their own and only come to you to check out, ask for something minor, or just pay for their stuff and go.
so really, sunday's are just free days for you, all the eight of you do is stick around, probably do some missing schoolwork, and gossip (okay that's mostly donghyuck and chenle, but everyone participates in it once in a while), and while you know that's probably not what you should be doing when you can be restocking shelves or cleaning messes on the floor, but whenever you guys have a chance, you like to be lazy.
"speak of demons.." chenle mutters, pointing towards the door, where your manger can be seen on his way in.
donghyuck quickly hides his phone, and jaemin totally not suspiciously throws the ouija board on the ground, out of sight. "good morning" jeno politely greets, but the older man is anything but polite.
"it's almost twelve thirty".
"good afternoon then!" though his correction comes off as sweet, there's no hiding the obvious distaste in his voice, and jeno has to restrain himself from rolling his eyes because he doesn't want to be written up for "disrespect".
"how was yesterday?"
you laugh awkwardly, twirling your finger between your finger. now you could so easily eat jisung out and let him face the punishment he should face for the idiotic stunt he pulled the day prior, so you bite your inner cheek and do not say the words that laid on your tongue.
"fine, fine" you say, and it comes out so casually that it really seems like that's it. you can pretty much feel jisung's inner sigh of relief as you say those words.
"really?" he raises an eyebrow, totally suspicious, and you nod again, so so awkwardly that renjun has to touch your arm as a way to tell you to 'stop nodding'.
"i heard something about.. a fire?"
you awkwardly laugh out loud again, and you feel donghyuck pinch you, hard, as a way to say "cut it out and act natural".
"oh that was.." you pause, trying to figure out what exactly to say. "that was a false alarm! i left food on the microwave for too long and wasn't paying attention, so the fire alarm went off!"
you are so impressed with yourself, because you came up with that lie so fast it was like that scenario actually happened, if you weren't so anxious right now, you'd look like a natural, but you are currently very anxious, but you manage to keep standing.
well— that's mostly because jeno is rubbing your back, coaxing you just enough that you don't feel like you'll breakdown anytime soon.
"okay then.." he narrows his eyes weirdly at the eight of you, but you all just pretend that nothing is wrong. "make sure to.. you know, do your jobs?"
"we got you boss!"
the moment he leaves the room, you finally let out the breath you'd been keeping in for a good few minutes. your stomach curls uncomfortably, and you feel as if there's bile sitting in your throat.
you have no idea why you felt so bad, it's not like you haven't lied to your boss before, but this one time just makes you feel horrible, sick even.
"i'm gonna throw up".
you don't even try to talk to your fellow coworkers, just brush past them and make your way to the bathroom, having no time for any more small talk.
your day was just going amazing!
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
Uh... hey everyone! The names Rowan! Prince of Valourinth, but uh... I'd... rather not use that title... so just call me Rowan!
This is a blog I put together so that me and my friends can interact with those beyond our dimension! Pretty neat, huh?
Though I suppose I should explain a little bit about our own dimension... uh... you may have to bear with me then, this is gonna be a long post...
[Skip to the bottom for tags and rules, fair warning this is extremely long]
[Anything in these brackets is OOC]
[Currently available to ask: Rowan, Sajan]
If I am to give to some basic information about our world, we have a little colour system here that determines if one is a sin or a virtue, this being seen in one's eye colour.
For example with myself, I have purple eyes! That means I am either a virtue of Hope or a sin of Envy... uh... in MY case it's the latter...
Here's a little chart to hopefully make things a bit easier!
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My friend and I happen to make up many of these sins and virtues, actually thinking about it now, I think we have at least one of everything here! That's pretty neat to think about!
Uh... anyways, here's some basic descriptions of each of my friends! Uh... I'll maybe update this later if needed (or if my friends want to contribute themselves).
[This will also be particularly long, sorry 😭]
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Sajan - Sin of Lust
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, he/him
Occupation: Performer/Assassin
Personality: Cocky, reckless, dramatic.
Likes: Art and drawing, theatrics, dancing, singing, roses.
Dislikes: Bigots, perverts, cold weather.
Rowan's notes: I mean... he's my ex-boyfriend if that needs to be said? I dunno, we're on good terms though...
Helia - Sin of Pride
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, she/they
Occupation: Online influencer
Personality: Stuck up, pretentious, vane, materialistic, snooty.
Likes: Social media, fashion, sewing, tea, victorian/medieval history.
Dislikes: Dirt and mud, insects, just anyone who happens to annoys her.
Rowan's notes: She's probably going to kill me when she see's my description of her... but uh... a-at least her new influencer career is going well!
Radiance - Sin of Wrath
Sexuality/Gender: Unlabelled, he/him
Occupation: Prince
Personality: A little pompous, hot headed, easily annoyed, paranoid.
Likes: Books, writing, quiet spaces, tea (though only in a very specific way).
Dislikes: Complete solitude, dark rooms, anything that may set off his paranoia.
Rowan's notes: He still scares me a little after the whole uh... 'void incident'... we're still good buddies though!
Ide - Sin of Gluttony
Sexuality/Gender: Aro/Ace, she/her
Occupation: Baker
Personality: Bubbly, energetic, generous and kind-hearted.
Likes: Sweet treats (both eating and making them), gardening, bird spotting.
Dislikes: Unknown (does she hate anything??).
Rowan's notes: I gotta remember to ask about some of her recipes, they're just too good!
Mari (Maria Nerezza) - Sin of Greed
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, she/her
Occupation: Con artist (sorry Mari, but it's true)
Personality: Mischievous, sneaky, a total prankster.
Likes: Money, cool shiny items, pranks, anything circus themed, alchemy and spells.
Dislikes: People using her full name, being called on her bluffs, anyone she deems a 'party pooper' or 'lame'.
Rowan's notes: She's... interesting... gotta keep her away from my crystal collection though...
Rowan (me!) - Sin of Envy
Sexuality/Gender: Gay/Ace, transmasc he/him
Occupation: Prince (I suppose? Still working on that...)
Personality: Maybe shy, a little paranoid? I guess I just... like to help people!
Likes: Crystal's (I collect them!), magic, stars/space, music.
Dislikes: Certain textures and smells, glitter, feathers, just messy things in general really... butterfly's and moths.
Rowan's notes: Hah... kinda weird to describe myself... uh... not like I'm all that interesting honestly...
Igo - Sin of Sloth
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, he/him or any
Occupation: Detective
Personality: Stoic, brooding, lethargic, lazy.
Likes: Coffee, anything strawberry flavoured or themed, the colour pink, wearing dresses (he can actuslly rock a dress pretty well!).
Dislikes: Close-minded individuals, loud noises, strong smells, bright flashing lights.
Rowan's notes: His wolf form is kinda scary, but also kinda cute! He has very fluffy hair, I really gotta ask what product he uses for it.
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Azaezel - Virtue of Faith
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, he/she
Occupation: N/A (I need to ask honestly...)
Personality: Optimistic, positive, determined.
Likes: Animals, bright colours, rain, thunderstorms.
Dislikes: Warm weather, tension/drama, sticky things.
Rowan's notes: I guess we're both kinda ambassadors for our teams? Still don't really know the guy all too well though, his brother barely let's me speak to him...
Ezekiel - Virtue of Faith
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, he/they
Occupation: Adventurer
Personality: Pessimistic, hot-tempered, insecure, overly loyal to those close to him.
Likes: Playing the guitar, fighting, rock and heavy metal bands, swords, action films.
Dislikes: Any talks of his past, being grabbed or touched suddenly, being talked down to, any lose of control, dogs/canine creatures.
Rowan's notes: VERY protective of Azaezel, practically death stares you if he thinks you're doing something bad to him... it's kinda scary...
Damien - Virtue of Humility
Sexuality/Gender: Gay, he/him
Occupation: Adventurer
Personality: Generous, open-minded, empathetic, extremely grateful and respectful.
Likes: Astrology, mythology, puzzle games, origami, fireflies.
Dislikes: Airplanes, crowded areas, windy and damp weather, foggy weather, loud noises.
Rowan's notes: We both really like space stuff, it's pretty cool! He definetely knows a lot more about the stars than I do, I really need to read up on it more...
Vincent (Vinny) - Virtue of Prudence
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, he/him
Occupation: Musician
Personality: Hyperactive, optimistic, sunshine personality.
Likes: Classical music, dancing, 90's and early 2000's cartoons, silent films.
Dislikes: Being talked down to, crowded/claustrophobic spaces, large bodies of water.
Rowan's notes: And I thought Ide was high energy... he's just... he's way too hyperactive for me to handle...
Cilantre - Virtue of Temperance
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, any pronouns
Occupation: Adventurer/Sorcerer
Personality: Anxious, squimish, fidgety, overly worried (not only for themself, but others I've found).
Likes: Things that glow, sparkly things, quiet spaces, set routine and schedules (honestly, same).
Dislikes: Talking to new people, socialising, loud and sudden noises, buzzing insects.
Rowan's notes: They're a nervous guy, I can respect that. I mostly see them whenever I'm having some quiet time to myself, it's just nice to be around them.
Vitani - Virtue of Charity
Sexuality/Gender: Unlabelled, transfem she/her
Occupation: Rockstar
Personality: Loud, shameless, boisterous, rebellious.
Likes: Anarchy, anything punk rock, singing, dancing, playing in her band, being loud.
Dislikes: Bigots of any and all kinds, law enforcement, propaganda, 'money hungry assholes' (her words, not mine).
Rowan's notes: She's so cool! Very high energy though, just a little too strong on the hugs...
Harmonia - Virtue of Hope
Sexuality/Gender: Omnisexual, she/her
Occupation: Librarian
Personality: Quiet, passive, stern and fierce if provoked.
Likes: Horror, mystery, history, folk lore, novels, the goth aesthetic, grimdarks.
Dislikes: Anything cutesy or 'tame', anything too sugary or sweet (hurts her teeth apparently), hot weather.
Rowan's notes: I don't know much about her, I just know she really likes horror and stuff? Vitani said she's cool, I'm more inclined to trust her word than what little knowledge I have on her. Though... if there's one thing I do know it's that Helia is mighty jealous of her.
Djal - Virtue of Fortitude
Sexuality/Gender: Unlabelled, he/him
Occupation: Bodyguard
Personality: Overly-protective, stoic, assertive.
Likes: Unknown.
Dislikes: Annoying people(???), small talk.
Rowan's notes: I know he's Vincent's boyfriend, but that's about it. I've always been too afraid to approach him... I don't think I'm the only one either...
Phew, that was long... but hopefully very helpful for you guys! Hmm now... maybe I should put a little chart together! Show you guys what everyone's relationships are like, that sounds like a good idea, right?
So how's about I do just that!
[Sins Chart:]
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[Virtues Chart:]
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So uh... yeah! That's about it I think! Me and my friends look forward to your potential questions! We'll try to answer them as best we can!
Hopefully my friends are available for questions aswell... uh... I'll try to let you guys know if any of them are unavailable for questions, maybe I'll even see if I can ask others to pass on certain questions? I don't know... we'll have to wait and see if that's the case...
[Okay this is the start of the more OOC section, the rules, potential notes, etc for those who want to interact with this blog]
For starters: my main account is @k1ng-r0wan for those wondering, it's where I post art of the ocs part of this blog and other stuff (feel free to send asks other there aswell if you want!)
Moving onto the rules for this blog:
1) I will not do anything NSFW, the furthest I'd likely go is maybe making sex jokes with Sajan.
2) If I suddenly go dark on this ask blog then either assume I haven't got any asks to reply to or I'm just busy (the latter is most likely since I'm busy with uni).
3) I can do some out of character replies or non-canon posts (I do love myself some shitposts every now and again lol), those posts will be tagged as such.
4) Other blog interactions are welcome here, even if they make 0 sense with my characters universe (hell, I got inspired simply by interacting with an ask blog in character).
5) Shipping is allowed, all of the characters mentioned here are over 18. I don't mind possibly responding to asks about ships.
6) If I don't respond to an ask then either assume I don't know how to respond or I don't feel comfortable responding to it.
7) I am possibly planning to allow certain characters take over the blog instead of Rowan on occassion (potentially some who aren't listed here), I may potentially take requests for certain characters to take over.
8) I might talk about sensitive topics, but I will try to actively avoid them. If I do discuss a more sensitive topic then I'll add trigger warnings in the tags (inform me if I potentially miss something that might require one).
9) Kinda just want to add this incase something pops up in future, but I am autistic, I might misunderstand certain asks and thus want to make that clear here incase that happens in the near future. Please inform me if I misunderstood an ask.
10) The main purpose of this blog is to simply explore and develop my characters better and to lore dump, if certain designs or lore get changed I will simply tag it to say its not canon anymore. This blog is mainly just for fun at the end of the day.
May add more if needed.
DNI: Pedos, proshippers, bigots, etc.
Side note:
I am planning some potential time jumping or flashbacks, so this is a simple reference for how you can tell whether something is in the present or the past:
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Tags I may use:
#Ask_Row&Friends - main tag
#Row&Friends_Chain - for rp responses and such
#OOC_Row&Friends - ooc posts
#[name of character]_Ask - for specific character asks/responses
#KR non-canon - the not so canon events (mostly shitposts)
#KR lore - lore tag I tend to use in general with my characters
I'll add more if needed, but I hope y'all enjoy this silly little blog :)
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beaker1636 · 11 months
G is for 'Guy'brator - Ryan
A/N: This one is a dosey, but I personally found it to be hot. It is not very often that you see sub Ryan in a smut fic so that is kind of the route that I took and I won't lie, I found it incredibly sexy. This is freshly typed and unedited like always but enjoy the next segment of The Alphabet Game!
P.S. let me know if you want in a tag list for this fic and I will add you to it so you get notified when I post updates!
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“Vin asked that we all leave him and Carlotta alone for a few days, but he told me what your letter is Ryan,” Rick sends through the group chat, knowing that Vinny has already muted it so that he won't receive any messages until he is ready.
“What’s up with them, everything is okay hopefully,” Justin responds back rather quickly, despite not being as close with Vinny he is worried about him.
“She had a bit of a breakdown last night about everything.  Her stress from work, the comments on the photos of her yesterday, family shit… anyways he decided to make her take a couple sick days and they’re going on a mini getaway trip to help her reset.  Which I agree is probably a good idea.  Anyways, Ryan your letter G is for ‘guy’brator, he said they dropped the device off to Ari already so….” Rick responds, not sure what else he should say.
“I am glad he is helping her with everything, he seemed really worried about her yesterday when I talked to him.  Let him know if they need anything I will help with whatever,” Chris responds back, wanting the message to be given to Vin.
“Same from me Rick, anything they need at all.  And thanks for my letter I guess?” Ryan responds back with, not sure what else to say.
“I will let Vin know you guys said that, he did mention she finally agreed to move in with him last night so I am sure that they will need help with that soon.  He felt it would help her a little bit if they were together and shit, and I agree.” Rick responded back, nobody else sent a message unsure what they should say next.
“Hey baby, how was work today?” Ryan kisses your forehead quick when you step towards him in the kitchen before turning back towards the stove where he is working on dinner for you both.
“Hmm, not great, not awful.  The meeting did not go how I wanted to at all, but it could have been much worse too,” you answer, wrapping your arms around his back in a hug as you press your face against his back.  You are craving the closeness of being near him, wanting that touch and comfort after a long day of work.
You both continue to talk as he finishes cooking, and as you both eat your dinner on the couch, not being bothered to sit at the table tonight.  
Your plates are both on the coffee table in front of you and you find yourself on his lap sideways, your face pressed in his neck as you just curl up with him, finding comfort in his gentle touches and you leaving a couple soft kisses on his neck.
“I’m not sure what is making you so clingy tonight but this is honestly kind of nice,” Ryan murmurs in your ear softly, a hand resting on your thigh while his other arm is wrapped around your waist, holding you on his lap closely.
“I don’t know, I just want to be close to you tonight.  If it becomes too much just let me know,” you answer softly, moving to look at him, catching his eyes with your own.
Something changes and you find yourself moving to straddle his lap, looking at him in the dim lighting of the lamp in the room, before deciding you want to kiss him.  The kiss is soft, gentle, neither of you rushing it because in this moment it just feels right to enjoy this quiet moment without the normal urgency that is between the two of you.
His lips lightly part, along with your own as it becomes slightly needier but still gentle, his tongue slowly meeting yours, in no hurry to move things forward.  The two of you continue like this for several minutes, like the first time the two of you did something and were scared to move things too quickly.
His arms moves, resting on your lower back to hold you in his lap while the other threads in your hair to hold you in place as you kiss, not wanting you to break the kiss.  It starts to get more heated and you find yourself rolling your hips against his, both of you gasping at the friction that it creates between the both of you.  You continue to slowly move against him, building until his hands find your ass under your skirt, helping you continue your movements against him along and quicker, both of you much needier.  
“Why don’t you go to the room, we will lose our clothing,” you suggest, pulling away from him. “Lay down on your back and close your eyes for me, I’ll bring our new toy in for us in a second.”
You move to slide off his lap, letting him get up as he eyes you slightly suspiciously for a moment before you turn your back.  You feel the shark sting of his hand on your ass making you jump, and then hear that he is stepping away down the hallway towards your bedroom.
You know that he more than likely is going to fight you big time on what you are planning to do but you hope that it will be worth it for him when you do it.  Grabbing the toy out of your bag you give him a few moments before you make your way down the hallway.
When you step inside your bedroom you are happy to find that he has the lamp on rather than the harsh overhead light. He also has done as you asked and was laid down naked, his eyes closed on the mattress.
Reaching into the night stand where you two keep your toys you pull out the metal handcuffs smiling to yourself, knowing that he is going to be pissed at you the second he realizes that you are putting them on him.  You gently grab one of his hands, putting the metal around it and closing it.  His eyes fly open when he realizes what is going on, fighting you as you put the other one around his other wrist.
“What the fuck are you doing? This is not what we use them for,” he exclaims, fighting you but giving up once the second one is on, glaring at you.
“Lay still, I have decided I am going to be in charge for once.  The ‘guy’brator they gave me was a vibrating cock ring and I would enjoy getting to mess with you for once.  Let me blow your mind tonight Ry,” you say softly as you step away from him, showing the little piece of silicone that is in your hand. 
“You are so in for it when you let me out, I hope you know that,” he spits at you.  His annoyance is showing, he isn’t overly dominant with you but he still likes calling the shots, being in charge of the scene so giving that to you is really annoying him.
He watches you closely as you begin to strip yourself of your shirt, slowly sliding it up over your head as you keep your eyes on him, watching his reactions.  When you are satisfied that he is enjoying the show you slip your skirt off, making sure that you bend down with your back towards him, giving him a good view of your ass in your panties as you do so.  
“Come on baby, take the rest off for me,” Ryan whines, enjoying your show but ready to see all of you.
You slip your bra off, moving your hands to cup your breasts, moving to play with your own nipples as he was forced to watch you enjoy yourself while he can’t touch you.
“You’re fucking cruel, you know that?” He asks, watching your movements closely.  Wanting you to touch yourself and growing frustrated that you aren’t.
“You talk like that and I’ll leave you handcuffed and just fuck myself with the dildo, not touching you at all,” you fire back, hoping that he will lose the attitude. “But good, you are hard, why don’t we put the ring on and see what you think.” You ask teasingly, moving to sit on the bed in only your panties.
You give him a couple soft, slow, teasing strokes with your hand taking full advantage of being in the position to bother him before you slip the ring on his base, giving him time to adjust to the foreign feeling.
“It doesn’t hurt does it?” you ask him softly as you start to stroke his cock again, still on the slow side while you wait for an answer.
“It’s tight but no, it’s different,” he answers, eyes on you as you pick up your pace.  Grabbing some lube from the drawer that the handcuffs came from you spread it on him, allowing you to work your hand better on him as you bring him close to the edge, stopping when he is close. 
You stop, moving to slip a hand in your panties between your folds as you give him time to calm back down, knowing that the show is going to drive him nuts.  
“Fuck Ryan, it’s too bad that you can’t feel how wet it is making me to watch you helplessly lay there, knowing that the ring is making you harder and more sensitive than you have been before,” you say, making eye contact as you slip the damp article of clothing down your legs.  Spreading them to give him a good view of the wetness of your folds as your run your fingers along your clit.
“Should I turn the vibrations on, see what you think of that?” You ask as you lean forward to do just that, smirking when you see his head roll back for a second at the sudden new sensation on him.  You move to start stroking him again, while continuing to tease yourself with your own hand until you can tell that he is close yet again.  You shut off the vibrations and stop moving your hand yet again, him groaning and cursing you out when the feeling goes away yet again.
“Baby, this is the hardest I have been in my life.  Please, I need to be inside you, I need to cum, please,” he begs you as he watches you start to finger yourself, giving himself a show as you thrust your own fingers inside yourself, getting off on knowing that he is watching you so close right now.
“I don’t know, you we’re getting pretty mouthy with me, maybe I need to teach you what happens when you are mouthy,” you say back, making eye contact as you let out a breathy moan, getting close yourself as you continue to work your fingers inside yourself.
“Fuck, I’ll be a good boy just fuck, please ride me,” he whines, looking at you closely hoping that it will be enough to get you to agree.
His words leave you speechless for a moment, he has never spoken to you like that, in fact he usually makes you beg for it, calls you a good girl.  It takes you a few seconds to process his words, and you decide that rather than answer to just climb on top of him.  You line him up with yourself before you sink down on him slowly. 
Both of you let out moans, you because he feels even bigger than he has ever felt inside of you and him because you feel so tight and wet, he is so needy that you feel better than he remembers.  Starting to rock your hips on his you both let out gasps, both of you giving up as you start to really work yourself on top of his cock.
“Fuck baby, let my hands go please.  Let me play with your clit, get you to cum all over my dick as you ride me,” He breathes out, hoping that you will agree.
Without thinking you do, reaching down you take them off of his wrists.  That was a mistake, the second you have them off of him he grabs your hips and flips the two of you over.  One of his hands settles around your throat, applying pressure while you watch him shocked. 
“And you thought that you we’re in charge, baby.  Maybe I should edge you now, let you get close but not close enough as I toy with your pretty pussy, make you beg for it,” he grunts out, feeling you get wetter at the suggestion. He knows that you can’t answer him and he enjoys that, wanting to see you struggle a little just like he did.
He lets go and you take a few rapid breaths, but quickly throw your head back as he himself reaches down to turn the vibrations back on knowing that if he does it just right that it’ll hit your clit and push you over the edge.  Within a couple thrusts it does, you cum hard with a moan that he is pretty sure the neighbors could hear.  
He pulls out of you, ripping the aggravating piece of silicone off of you before he plunges back inside of you, this time a lot harder than before and without giving you time to come down from your orgasm before he plunges you back into another one, you tightening around him as it hits.  You throw your head back, unable to think properly as he finally cums inside of you with a loud groan of his own, your body milking him for what he has.
The two of you stay there speechless, unsure what to say and coming down from what may have been the strongest climax that either of you have experienced in your life.  He slowly pulls himself out of you, moving so you are laying on your backs next to each other while catching your breath.
He gives you a soft kiss as he brushes your now damp hair out of your face.
“I have no clue what came over you but that was fucking hot, you can gladly restrain me again,” he teases, knowing that now that you are out of the moment that it will make you shy.
You blush and hide your hands in your face. “I think that I will leave you in charge, I enjoyed it but I enjoy it more when you lead me.  How did the ring feel?”
“That was easily the strongest it has ever felt for me before, we may have to use it again,” he says chuckling, standing up to grab a stray towel to help you clean up the mess of your thighs before moving to sit by you again.
“Can we go back to cuddling though, I really was enjoying it earlier and I could still use it today,” you say softly, glancing at him.
“That sounds nice,” he responds, handing you your pajamas, both of you getting dressed before curling up together in bed, a movie on the tv as your head lays on his chest and he plays with your hair. 
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thewriterowl · 4 months
Hiiiiii. No worries, take your time, we all understand. We thank you for your wonderful writing.
If you have time, I am craving a continuation of "Binding together" from your fruitful and twisted fic. It's so so so good! And I love emperor Vader and din against Luke.
Write only if you have time it you want to. Thank you so so much in advance 🤗
Thank youuuuu! I honestly appreciate it so much! I always feel so bad when I miss an update. I try not to--but things happen and sometimes I get tired lol
Oh I haven't thought about that fic in a while! I did it because I loved @starboundanon fic so much and had to make it even darker with Din cause it's me
TW: Dark characters, imprisonment, not incest but for sure creepy Anakin, feminization, infantilization, A/B/O
Luke would be very bleary and confused the following morning. His body would still have marks from being tied up and he'd be fighting a painful hard-on he'd know better than to do anything about. His memory was mildly foggy but it was clearing enough to catch up with his instincts.
He had been a bad omega. He was going to have to still do a lot to soothe his alpha's tempers down today. Even slightly clearer in the head than he became the previous night, he knew better than to push either of them. Hopefully, they will calm down soon so they can approach this sort of new "law" they have created where he isn't even allowed to roam around the safety of their homestead.
Luke has to nuzzle up close to one of their arms throughout the day. He won't complain, save for a little whine from the back of his throat, when he has to be coated in traditional Omegan jewels and fabrics (that only earns him a little pinch and warning look). His gold hair, growing slightly, have intricate braids and crusted with diamonds that look like starlight. His back, all the way to the crack of his plump ass, is out in the open. Around his neck shows the possessive bites of a claimed omega. He kneels at his father's side, his mate standing protectively on the other side, solemn and intimidating as he overlooks his future court with a cold ease.
It makes him still miss how Din used to be. How the man urged for them to escape to the stars together and hide away from responsibility. Luke wonders what would've happened if he had agreed to that.
Knowing the power of his father, it would not have ended well.
As if sensing his full head, Anakin's fingers would start to comb through his hair. It would be absolute tenderness to the witnesses before them, listening in awed and feared silence of the Imperial Royal family, but every so often he will give a warning tug--urging him to stay behaving as he was now or he would face worse than what he dealt with the night before.
Luke would rather not deal with any of it again. He was still so painfully hard and if he messed up any he would get no relief. Din would probably mount him again and refuse to knot him--leaving him so empty and having all of his sanity dripping out of him. It's still insanity to think that, now, the worst thing that could happen to him was to not be filled with a large, pulsing cock of his alpha. Not too long ago, there was a lot more to worry about.
His knees soon go numb and it starts to tingle against his mind, helping him drift off and worry about little to nothing. The time passes quickly and soon he is being helped up, his sheer gown smoothed out as he realizes that court was over and it was time for them to spend time together as a clan.
Luke is sat on on of the alpha's laps, and he is left squirming, and suckling on fingers to eat their shared meal. He is left whining when a hand goes between his legs to check his state of arousal, sharing chuckles, and teases him in husky voices that he is such a little slut and if he continued to be good he'll get a reward.
Luke is left nearly limping if he has to walk on his own (not that he would have to walk on his own) until they finally they are back in the room and Anakin sits on a chair and then smiles, snapping his fingers and purrs, "Make him feel good, Djarin."
As Luke is thrown against the bed, he couldn't help but spread his legs eagerly, his own voice whimpering in bliss and relief as Din's thick cock begins to push in and think, 'I was a good boy.'
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