#horders personal
leophnyx · 1 year
So I've struggled a bit with differentiating morphing from physical shifting, I've mentioned it before. They both seem to lead into each other in ways where it'd seem silly to differentiate the two... and yet differentiating seems necessary, because fully morphing for us leads to something different from what fully physical shifting would entail.
I also realized that despite experiencing a transformation morph, I'm not really hyped about it in the same sense I am about the physical shifting. Transformations are okay, but the pseudoclinical nature of calling them that, and lack of supernaturality or spirituality really gets to us. Like, for some aspects, such as the muscle repositioning that might occur during one, we're aware that that can be psychological in origin, but it's still just supernatural to us. You know how some witches are aware of the science surrounding witchcraft, but still practice it anyway? Its not because they're "in denial" or whatnot, it's simply because they sense there is something supernatural there. That's how we feel about these things. A few experiences are transformations, but the rest? True supernatural experiences.
And two nights ago I finally figured out why we feel this way.
Morphing can lead into physical shifting in the same way mental shifting can (allegedly) lead to physical shifting, but morphing isn't shifting outright. You know how when Blaze's p-shifting guides were all the rage, people would say "mental shifting is the way to physical shifting", like it was a progression? That's not true, since many therians mental shift without once experiencing any physical effects, but if some do, that indicates that mental shifting helps encourage the animal side enough to come out. But we do it too, just with morphing instead of shifting. This implies that maybe the base is what is different, but the effects are still the same in select individuals.
It's kind of a tricky topic to explain, but basically my thinking is:
In individuals with a therian base, mental shifting (allegedly) leads to physical shifting in some individuals.
In individuals with a vakalomorphic base, morphing may (allegedly) lead to physical shifting in some individuals.
An altered state of mind may lead to physical shifting in some individuals or alternatively, "human" shifting.
Some of the odd transformation-type phenomena we experienced that seem to be either morphic or shifter is a result of being on the cusp of either, aka a transitional state.
We're just a vakalon and a shifter, then. I don't see our transformations as psychological or "unreal" necessarily, and there are plenty of reasons why I'd see my transformations as being real
Here's a graphic to explain what we're thinking, and hopefully not confuse you further:
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The human-animal midpoint is where you are currently; in us it's the diode. In a therian, the cyan bar would be non-physical shifts such as mental shifting and phantom shifting, and as their midpoint moves towards animal or human they'd experience associated physical effects. Most will only experience human shifting -muscle cramps, tension, sensory and visual changes- but in those who could go farther they might actually start experiencing effects that seem beyond what most people would achieve, and more in line with their animal self. I theorize that the base (therianthropy, vakalon, etc.) has nothing to do with this, but simply allows for an altered state for a physical shift to happen.
I don't think you need an altered state to reach a physical shift - I've met plenty of shifters who've said they fully shifted without one- but I do think it helps "weaker" shifters. And of course, if you're the psychoanalyzing type you can speculate on the meaning of an altered state for shifters, but I'm not going to today lol.
I think this explains how we're seeing morphing and how it bleeds into shifting. (I'm kinda hoping this helps someone somewhere make sense of their own shifts lmfao)
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800-dick-pics · 2 years
my morals are being questioned tonight bc like is elder neglect really neglect when they are violent and abusive to everyone around them? bc im not about to be a live in care-er if youre gonna keep being abusive to me, like thats not my problem if u cant treat me like a normal ass human being
legit like if you wanna starve and wallow in your own piss and filth then do that, if you cant treat me with some fucking respect then you know what i guess you really dont need that help do you? you dont need them meals do you? do dont need me to clean do you? you dont need healthcare do you??
im not gonna cook for you and then have u scream at me, im not cleaning and enduring abuse, im not helping u out when u are constantly passive aggressive, nahhhh im not about to do this shit again
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impishcupid · 2 months
next time you have the urge to say “i’m so ocd!!!” please think about the fact that i’m trying to sleep but my brain has decided i didn’t follow the Pattern. but I can’t follow the Pattern because the Pattern includes kissing my boyfriend goodnight, and he’s moved out. so now i have to flex my left kneecap, my left thigh, my left buttock, then repeat on the right until they feel even. They will never feel even and now i’m physically literally nauseous and becoming overstimulated because it’s spread to flexing my arms too, but i can’t flex my arms and legs at the same time, and they’re still uneven. no matter if i try to keep track of the flexing, they’re uneven. And I will not be able to sleep until the ritual is Complete, but it can never be complete.
So. Next time you are straightening an object and feel the need to say “it’s my ocd” or “im so ocd”, think of me who may actually throw up from the sickness this is causing me.
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goldfish-afterhours · 6 months
Genshin Characters When They Realize They Love You
Characters: Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao x gn!reader
Type/genre: Bulleted headcanons, fluff, slight angst
Warnings: Self-doubt/anxiety, not proofread
Knows he loves you when you tolerate his antics
You see through his flirtatious mask, and though you may roll your eyes in exasperation sometimes, you never lose your patience with him
Sometimes you even join in on his bits, telling tall tales to children or helping him convince the town that drinks were half-off at the Angel’s Share tonight
“If enough people believe it, then Master Diluc has to follow through, right? Can’t let his regulars down~”
Kaeya has been itching to say those three words. He can feel it creeping up his throat everytime you scold him for taking his tricks too far, everytime you smile at him
But for some reason, he finds himself holding back
What if you leave? What if you perceive it as weakness?
What if you don’t love him back?
He knows these thoughts are irrational, but he cannot stop his worst fears from creeping into his head
But the longer he waits to say it, the deeper of a hole he digs for himself
He loved you with his entire being. He was only trying to protect himself
So how come you were standing in front of him, hands covering your face as you sobbed that he didn’t love you?
Upon seeing you in that state, in a panic Kaeya forgets about the scared little boy in the rain, and the words come rushing out before he can stop them
“I’m sorry. I love you, I love you more than anything in this world, I promise. I…I love you. So please…don’t cry.”
Realizes he loves you just as you are beating someone up for information
Not surprisingly, Childe is addicted to the thrill that danger brings. And if the thrill comes in the form of you, isn’t it obvious he is addicted to you as well?
And what else could that be but love?
Also he’s just into people who can beat him up
No such thing as a bad time or place. The moment he realizes he loves you, those three words are already flying out of his mouth
Everyone in the situation was stunned—it was enough to make you stop punching the treasurer hoarder in the face, and the treasurer horder was staring at him dumbfounded through bloodied, swollen eyes
“Don’t mind me, I just felt like saying it. As you were, then?”
Knows he’s in love with you when you remember the things he forgets
As a god, there weren’t many things he had to remember to carry on his physical person, so he’s still getting used to it
After all, what use is food to an immortal being, an umbrella when his clothes were already soaked in blood, or mora to the God of Money?
But after leaving his archonhood behind, he has to start carrying such things around
He’s trying his best, but is still getting used to it so he frequently forgets
But you remember for him
You show up at his workplace, lunchbox in hand, chiding him for forgetting when you worked so hard cooking it this morning
You show up just as he clocks out for the day, a large umbrella held over your head to block the pitter-patter of the rain, saying how you didn’t want him to get his new suit wet
You chase after Zhongli on his way to the marketplace, scolding him between pants for making you run to give him his wallet
You could’ve let him suffer the consequences for his airheadedness, but instead you go out of your way to cover for him, and he loves you so much for it
The next time you give him something he forgot, he thanks you with a kiss
“Thank you for bringing it for me, my flower. I love you.”
Realizes he loves you when you stay, despite it all
You’re not afraid of him. Even as a bringer of death and destruction, you don’t even hesitate to be around him
Even as the dark forces of his karmic ties suffocate him, you stay by his side, comforting him with quiet encouragements as he endures the pain
It’s not just because you’re the only thing keeping him sane. Even when the whispers grow quiet, you bring a sense of peacefulness and serenity to Xiao, one he hasn’t felt in thousands of years
You make him feel safe
You’ve made it clear to him that you’re not going anywhere, and he cannot begin to express how much he needed you to ground him
On one of the days the demons become head-splittingly loud in his ears, you cradle him in your arms, whispering sweet nothings to overpower the voices
Slowly but steadily, they grew quieter and quieter, until all Xiao could hear was your honeyed voice and the sound of his own harsh breathing
Overcome with appreciation for you, he opened his mouth to say something, but he was exhausted
All he could utter were three words that only began to dip into the reverence he has for you
“I…love you.”
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anarchyincarnate · 2 years
A taste of the King
Am I making a self indulgent Fatui fanfic that is probably ooc? Yes. Am I ignoring the pride month event that I haven't finished along with my other drafts? Yes. I'm doing what I want-
Pairing; Pantalone x GN!AMAB!Reader
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Reader's pronouns: ("You" pronoun mostly, male titles will be used)
C/W; mentions of burning and bodily harm, mentions of mistreatment by parental figure, slow burn, smut [Pantalone], gore.
Snezhnaya's weather was far from suitable to your taste. Wrapping yourself into a fatui agents long coat, you huffed as the clothing merely reached your waist, a given since you were much taller than them. The fatui and you were sailing to the land of everlasting winter, having been lucky to escape the brutal treatment you received in Inazuma. The agents came to an agreement after their treasure horder client came with Nobushi behind them, cradling and guarding what seemed to be a hurt young man.
Currently, your hand is being bandaged by an agent, gently wrapping the cloth against your palms, a great contrast to the way they wield their sacrificial knives.
A mage had carefully cool your skin using her magic, taking note of any change in expression you make due to it.
The others who were situated in the camp were guarding outside of your door, not letting anyone enter without permission.
Soon enough, you reached the icy lands of Snezhnaya. A slinger held your hand as you unstably got out of the boat. There were three Harbingers gathered at the port, making you clench the slingers hand in fear.
You knew what they are capable of, having seen what the 11th and 8th could do. To your suprise, they didn't harm you, instead the eldest looking walked forward slowly towards you. He stand around eye level to you, and scowled when he looked down towards your bruised and hurt body.
Because you were scared, you didn't notice the one whose face was obscured by his helmet had placed his coat atop your fragile body. In his hands were the agents coat, handing it back to the man who gave it to you.
His coat was much larger than the agents, making your involuntary shiver stop. You quickly held the garment close, relishing in the warmth it gave you. The lady helped you walk, making you remove your hand from the slinger.
Capitano bid the agents goodbye, as he and Pierro walked out of the port with Columbina and you in tow. She knew about your hesitation, so she hummed a tune, one that you recognize as the one she sung at Signora's funeral.
They lead you towards the palace, it's large and gorgeous architecture impressed you. Those who were guarding quickly bowed, and you might've missed the faint gasp emitting from them if it wasn't for your heightened hearing.
Years of trauma made you more aware of your surroundings after all. They opened the gigantic white door, letting you see what awaits you.
Six figures all respectively turned towards you, making your blood run cold from their stares. A lady sat upon the large ice throne, her eyes seemed to have softened in your presence.
A person you recognize as Childe nearly tackled you into a hug, sobbing and shaking as you try to calm him down. You patted his back, slightly wincing in pain because of the arrow mark near your heart.
Under the Tsaritsa's order, Dottore lead you to his lab, having his clone clear up some of the clutter. You noticed the jarred glass eyes, pieces of a human strapped onto a table, it's head being carved open, exposing it's brain.
"Were you studying the human body, Dottore?" You try to make conversation with him to ease your mind.
"Yes. I'm curious as to how the mind processes emotional distress, and I needed my curiosity satiated." He answered calmly, different from his younger [manga] self. He ushered you onto a clean table as he sat down onto a chair beside it. A clone of his brought some medical supplies, and he gestured you to shed your clothes.
You nod, and pulled your black turtleneck above your head, tossing the torn and tattered shirt into a small basket.
There were many lacerations across your skin, most notably your arms. A large mark similar to an arrow injury was present near where your heart should be. Burns litter your upper back, seemingly from a firework explosion.
"Holy Tsaritsa, what on Teyvat did they do to you?" He muttered under his breath, quickly fixing up your injuries.
"Kujou Sara shot me, aiming for my heart. Deflecting the Anemo archon's Vortex was difficult, hence the lacerations on my body. As for my back, it was from an incident in Liyue." You said, seemingly calm reliving those memories.
For the first time in his life, Dottore was stunned. You deflected an Archon's attack and survived. Getting shot with arrow, you didn't flinch like it was just another day.
"I'm used to violence against me. It's nothing new." You mumbled, rotating your wrist to make sure it was still usable.
Pierro who came to check on you was silent as he took everything what you said in. He relayed this information to the Tsaritsa during a harbinger meeting later that day.
It was now law and enforced that You'll be guarded and cared for 24/7. As the Divine who received such treatment by its "followers", it is now mandatory to be on one's best behaviour should they want to be punished.
In a way, it was peaceful. You were fed nutritional and high quality meals, many forms of Entertainment were given to you, and all of the affection you could ever want. Perhaps it wasn't that bad...
It's almost concerning the amount of gifts you received from Pantalone, gawking at most of the items pricetags, that if you translate to your old world's currency, it'll be worth billions.
Childe was like an overeager housecat, not that you're complaining. He brought joy to your boring life, telling you about Teucer's adventures, his stories, and so much more.
Columbina and Sandrone were the ones who tailored your new outfit. You were gifted with a new black dress shirt, a cool gray vest, and a thick fluffy coat like the one they own.
Whenever you feel trapped emotionally, Pulcinella was always there to comfort and talk with you, and it made your heart melt that he's willing to be the parent figure you never had growing up.
Capitano taught you how to effectively strike your opponent, much to Pierro's dismay. You two can go for hours sparring with eachother. Childe feeling jealous lmao-
Pierro who would play games with you, specifically chess as a past time of sorts. You usually stop by his office to help his stressed out self by indulging him in his favourite game over tea.
Sometimes, You bring snacks to Arlechinno's orphanage. The kids love you, and would often beg her to bring you there and spend time with them.
Now, the relationship between you and Dottore was to put it lightly, odd. Perhaps, it was morbid curiosity that exchanging science literature with eachother became common for you two. You were a doctor in your old world, so you took liberty in explaining your findings to him.
It was a rare occasion that you and Pantalone were alone together, with you helping the Tsaritsa manage her nation and spending time with the other harbingers, you rarely had time for yourself.
Hearing a knock on your bedroom door, you opened it to see Pantalone, holding a bouquet of Viparyas flowers.
"Strange, how did you get these? They're only found in the Dahri ruins or Vanarana in Sumeru. It's nearly impossible to obtain." You were perplexed, holding one between your fingers as he placed the rest onto your table.
"I researched on what you may be interested in, And it seemed that Flora was something you enjoy. Have you cultivate some before?" He asked, placing his coat onto the hanger, eyes gazing at your handsome face.
"I have as a science experiment. It was merely child's play." You say, placing the flower onto a small container of water.
"I wonder, why is it that you decided to gift me Viparyas flowers? It isn't usually what you would gift me." He hummed at your question.
"It's simple really, I'm planning to court you." He replied after an awkward silence.
Ah, so that's the reason. "The romantic type aren't you?" You giggled, pressing your arms onto the table, caging him between the hard wood and your body.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms onto your neck, "And what it I am?"
"Not that I'm complaining," and with that you sealed your lips with his. You raised an eyebrow in suprise when he kissed you back eagerly, softly moaning against your lips.
He pulled you in, wanting to stay as close to you as he possibly can. You slowly slid your tongue into his mouth, tasting every inch of it while he grinded his body against yours.
You pulled away after some time, letting the man breathe, while your hands busied themselves with taking off his clothes.
He reached down to help you, but you swatted his hand away. You pulled off his pants, and lowered yourself to your knees. Blowing hot air towards his cock, you watch in amusement as the organ come to life.
Inch by inch, you let the organ enter your oral cavity, and skillfully lick and suck every part of him until the hilt. Letting out a plethora of moans, he didn't waste any praise for you.
You felt his cock twitch, yet you wanted to tease him, so you removed your mouth from him, making him whine.
"I was so close- Your honor, i-"
"Patience, Regrator. I wouldn't want you to come undone so easily." You muttered, tracing circles against his thigh. Using two fingers covered in his precum, you put one finger into him, making him moan out.
You added the other finger in, and he keened in pleasure. The padded tips brush against his prostate sent his toes curling, it was too much!
Sighing out in disappointment, you looked over to the glazed expression he had in his eyes and large globs of cum staining the floor.
"Tch." You clicked your tongue, making Pantalone gasp as you slapped his dick. "What did I say?"
"S-Sorry Sir! I couldn't help-" Another slap, this time to his ass.
"Hah, Disobedience would you get nowhere with me. Turn around." He did, albeit with shaky knees. He arched his back, raising his ass up. You knead the soft flesh for a few seconds before slapping them again.
He couldn't find the words to complain when you suddenly shoved every inch of you inside him. Your dick was curled upwards, making it hit his prostate dead on.
"Ah- fuck! So b-big.." he replied, voice raised a pitch when you brutally jackhammer into him, not caring about who will hear, while your hand firmly grasped his dick, rendering him unable to cum.
He could feel his resolve shaking with every creak of the table, eyes beginning to see white as hot tears of pleasure run down his pretty face.
You were abusing his prostate, sucking in a breath every time he would clench on you. And, having mercy when your release came, you let go of his dick and came inside him.
After a cleaning session, you two decided to cuddle, not realising Arlechinno heard everything and is now clutching her bottom half in shame...
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Johnny Cage: Hollywood’s Favourite Pornstar
Love at First Suck
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Bottom Johnny cage x top male reader
Part 1 of many (;
A first of its kind in my writings, I hope I pleases mortal kombat fans
Johnny Cage was a hollywood famous actor, he was in hundreds of movies and the world loved him. He decided to stir some controversy among his fans by starting his porn journey.
You didn't know much about the man, all you knew was that he was an actor and everyone loved him. you were an amateur in the porn arts yourself, you had a few supporters on your onlyfans and it helped you get by. You never expected your amateur porn videos to catch his attention, he practically spammed your Dm's with how much of a fan he was and how much he wanted to work with you.
Eventually it led to him taking you to a "meeting" dinner. The only thing he had requested for you was to wear a nice dress that he’d sent, or course you were a man and he openly went out with them but you were uncertain of the idea. But it was just dinner, so you put it on and went. It was a nice dinner, Johnny spent the majority of it gushing over you and how pretty you were in person. After the dinner he took you home in one of his many luxury cars, and gently lead you up to his front doors.
"and this, is my mojo dojo casa house" Johnny blurted mostly to you but also to the camera, he pushed open the doors and led you inside.
"N/n my special guest, have a seat" he said sweetly, he gently took your hand and you got comfortable on the couch. He spoke to the camera for a little while before he set down the camera to get a good view of the couch.
he sat down besides you and slid his arm around you and smiled warmly.
"so.. how was dinner pretty boy?" he asked
"it was really nice, thanks" you replied, his closeness to you was causing you to smile
"youre so.. fuck, youre so pretty" he groaned, you confused as to why he was groaning until you noticed he was rubbing his crotch
"how would you feel about another treat?" he asked with a smirk
"What kind of treat?" you asked, matching his energy, Johnny got closer and gave you a peck on the cheek, then the kisses trailed down, to your surprise.
he pulled his phone out and started recording from the other angle, you watched as he went lower and pulled up your dress
"Already dripping for me pretty boy?" he questioned with another smirk, he playfully rubbed your growing bulge
"i'm gonna have some fun with this" he said with a chuckle, you knew you were there to have sex but you still shocked he was the one doing you. He gently fished yours cock out of your boxers and showed it off to the camera
"You ready pretty boy?" he asked, you couldn't find it in yourself to speak in your flustered state so you just nodded
Johnny gave your tip a kiss before giving it a few licks to test your pre cum
"You're real sweet pretty boy, i could drink this all day" johnny said with another smirk
he now started to suck, first gently sucking the tip and then going down all the way to your pubes
"fuck, i could suck this thing forever" he stated before he went back down unfortunately for you, he was great at sucking things, he was sucking you like his life depended on it
"you having fun pretty boy?” he questioned, he watched as when you tries to reply all you did was groan, his mouth just felt too good, all you could muster up was a nod, and johnny chuckled at your reaction
"don't hide them, i like your noises" johnny states, he starts to suck horder in order to force your groans out
Johnny smiled on your cock hearing all your groans, he felt you were getting close and he didn't mind
"keep going pretty boy, moan for me" johnny staes, now his tone was lower and it only turned you on even more
While your moans got more frantic and started to pant more Johnny Looked up at you with puppy eyes, he was patient waiting for you to cum and this was the money shot.
Johnny picked up the camera and brought it closer, then he stroked your cock quickly but gently with his tongue on your tip
"Cum for me pretty boy, cmon cum" he stated, and soon the white liquids started to shoot out of your cock and johnny slurped up as much as he could
"good boy, such a good boy for me" he stated, he didn't stop jerking you off until your balls were empty
"such a good boy N/n, your cum tastes so good" he said with a smile, and now was the unexpected part.
while you were still panting on the couch, Johnny asked for you to get on your knees. you did as he asked and then he pulled out his cock in front of you, this was the first time you saw it in person.
"Ready for your surprise pretty boy?" he asked with a smirk, you nodded once more, Johnny jerked his cock over you until he started to groan and whimper
"open wide pretty boy" he stated and then he filled up your mouth with his cum,
you weren't the taker often but you didn't mind it at all
Johnny caressed your bottom lip with his thumb and smiled down at you
"Don't forget, Good boys always swallow.. You're a good boy right?" he asked, you swiftly swallowed all of johnny's gift and opened wide to prove it was all gone
"such a good boy N/n, i'm gonna have fun with you" Johnny stated with a smile
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
after scrolling through your posts i felt complelled to send an ask (i wonder why)
This kinda? relates to all the languages posts you've been making (was giggling and kicking my feet while reading them, and got inspired) but because I only speak English, I wanted to put a twist on it.
Creator who has audio processing issues and doesn't realise that Teyvat DOES actually speak the same language as them for a good while.
Because as a person with very good hearing, i sure don't fucking understand what people are saying most of the time, especially in big crowds. (its like listening to the sims sometimes man, i'm fighting for my life trying to understand😭)
So imagine a Creator getting dropped into Teyvat and getting found by a group of hunters or treasure horders, who instantly start panicking and talking all at once because 'omg our god is here' and all that.
And the Creator is still confused and diorientated, so all they're hearing is ✨words✨and they just assume that no one in Teyvat will understand them.
And then when they arrive in one of the nations and get to meet the vision bearers for the first time, the Creator makes a thirsty comment about one of them (probably would be Diluc in my case) and the entire crowd just goes SILENT.
So silent that the Creator can perfectlly understand what that vision bearer said in response.
Anyway, i love your blog :) not sure when you're going to get this, time zones are funny, but I hope you like it
Giggling and kicking?? Over my stuff??? 🥺🥺🥺💘💘💘 You sneaky little charmer ✨️
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Have a cookie!! 🤲🍪 tysm for the ask im very very happy to see it!! :D!!
(Me from the future editing: Sorry i wrote an entire sloppy written scenario over this its diluc focused, jfc sorry and i hope u get smth outta it 💀)
Oh good lord you being some kind of Creator god after getting sucked into the goddmn video game world is absolute HELL for your APD
Aint nobody tellin u nothing bc i can totally see that scenario happening bc everyone is like blabbering at you constantly, they all wanna get close to you to talk so its just [insert that general cafe crowd noises here]
Like u wish u had lofi to go with it bc u sure as hell cant get a word in edgewise
I know i keep writing abt Mondstadt, mostly bc first city -> intro to game -> therefore you land there
But i promise ill branch out guys but i got an excuse this time u mentioned Diluc 🔥
Honestly bc u probably arent trying to talk back to them (which they dont rlly know why? Bc they totally have heard ur voice while u were in ur world, when they were ur vessels)
They kinda assumed either A. You lost your voice B. You're overwhelmed, ppl r getting WAY too close to you, back off Npcs C. Or you don't speak THEIR language
So ofc Mondstadt brings you into the city and their planning a big ol festival, u came right in time for Windblume anyway, and by the time your done shaking hands and just waving and smiling (bc what else can u do u cant hear these fuckers, maybe u caught a "the" or a "hello" but you could've definitely been imagining it)
And finally you are free of the general crowd, but most of the Vision bearers (Allogenes) who were ur vessels wanna stick around, so u all end up in Angel's Share somehow
It's hella packed, and it's a bar.
So yeah u still can't hear shit, and now it just sounds like one of those fantasy medieval bar audios ambience videos
Ur just kinda kicking ur feetsies on a bar stool while like,, 4 or 5 differrent special character dishes are sitting in front of you
Diluc's behind the bar, and has been so sweetly attentive to you all evening, no matter how many tipsy patrons come up yelling for refills or drinks (or at least thats what u assume, bc u kinda end up just,, jumping and hitching ur shoulders up and trying to be lowkey about covering ur ears...)
He always comes and refills ur glass when it gets to even half-full, swiping away plates that have gone cold, and if you still want smth off of it, he's so perceptive no language needed bc he just sees your face and starts heating up the plate again with his vision with his hand :)
He's actually been the best thruout all this bc he already isn't super talkative, so ur pretty sure you've only seen his mouth open a few times, but otherwise u just communicated with him via actions/expressions
So ur chilling, well sorta, ur starting to kinda get overstimulated by the day and now this loud ass bar, and the fact that ur convinced no one speaks English here...
But hey!
Diluc's cool, u got food, and maybe u can charade to him u wanna find somewhere to retire to now for the night,,
You try and do that but he's pretty busy running around still,
"Damn, at least I get to see his ass though."
Diluc freezes.
You freeze.
Jean, Lisa, Venti, Amber, Kaeya, Rosaria freezes.
The whole bar goes silent.
Their god of gods finally spoke.
Oh they can understand you alright. (Also u were looking right at Diluc when you said it so, kinda obvious who u mean, somebody points to you behind Diluc)
Diluc just kinda,, sputters, like jerkily turns around and everything like a fried robot
"I- ahem- I- um- y-your Grace- I-"
Poor guy.
He doesn't even know what to say 🤷‍♂️
He has been progressively getting closer and closer to his hair color, his cheeks, his neck, his ears its a full white boy flush he cant escape its so obvious (should he say thank you? How do u even begin to thank a god for complimenting ur ass??!!)
He's caught between facing you and turning around and ducking back into the kitchen and never coming out again (unless it's just you two)
...Was it always this hot in here? Or did Diluc do this to you? 😵‍💫
(Well at least it's a lot quieter now)
You take the next logical step in this situation, and gently let your head thud into the bar.
It's a tie between Venti and Kaeya who busts out laughing first.
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anime-is-godlike · 2 years
Genshin impact x reader
Scenario animal hybrid and adepti characters can leave special marks on you which can be seen on your skin this mark works to help them know where abouts you are and if your in danger and in some rare cases feel the pain of the other person this mark works for both people and if the person dies it goes dark and it looks like there constellation
Tighnari, gorou, itto, xiao,zhongli x reader
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You and tighnari have been together for years and know each other well, his mark is on your neck just above you collar and let’s just say tighnari is proud at the fact that everyone can see the mark and knows who your partner is
You honestly don’t mind the mark and you love this man with your all and sometimes you get this bad feeling like he’s in danger but comes home from a withering zone completely fine and collei assures you he’s fine when they go out for research and you believe her for the most part you do feel each other’s serious pain but mild injuries you don’t feel at all
Tighnari also loves you with his heart and soul one day you where helping him out in the forest when you both ended up spilt since tighnari was needed elsewhere you ended up in a withering zone now fighting tooth and nail to get out
You where cut and bruised and you knew a lecture was gonna happen the moment you see tighnari and you where dead on the money because as soon as you got home and sat down, the front door burst open revealing a very panic and very angry boyfriend
“Hello” I say with a strained voice and he just looked at me
“You know what’s about to happen” I nod and he sits down next to me wrapping up my injuries and the lecture ensues about how you have to be more careful and if you say your fine he’ll just say he felt what you feel
You seriously can’t hide anything from this man and he can’t from you
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You and gorou have been together for a couple of years and this boy is a very shy boy you mark is on your chest a little bit above your heart so unless you wear revelling clothes no one but him and you will see it
You love this shy boy to the ends of the earth and back he the same the day you receive his mark he was both proud and sooooo embarrassed you look back on that day fondly
Because he’s fighting in the freedom movement it’s not uncommon for him to be injured with your mark you don’t feel pain but you still know when he’s in danger he’s cause you multiple heart attacks over the years but one day your home was broken into and inazuma guards dragged you way because of your cryo vision
Gorou ran home as fast as his feet could take him feeling that something was wrong when he got there his heart plummeted to his stomach and he ran to the direction of where the raiden shogun steals vision and sees you tied up next to two guards and the raiden shogun by a statue with other dead visions in and takes your cryo vision just was it was in mid air a blonde hair traveller grabs it and a fight ensues in which you cut yourself free and run of saving yourself and the traveller when you met back up with gorou he didn’t let you go for the rest of the night keeping his head on your chest to listening to your heartbeat and looking down at your mark for reassurance and you of course kept and iron clan grip on him as well
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You are itto are well…..let’s just say your an interesting pair your but you love each other very much and itto members see you as the responsible one of the two your mark in on your thigh and when you wear short sometimes people can see it and itto kinda blushes but shrugs it of with a chuckle
Itto and you are a very chaotic pair itto is very protective of you and is a big baby when you have to part ways for a bit your mark makes it so that you don’t feel each other pain but you can feel a sense of danger
One day you where travelling around inazuma you stumble across treasure horders you where on your own at the time and where out numbered you where fighting tooth and nail with your hydro vision and low and behold a sneak attack knocked out and you where held hostage…great just great
Itto could sense something was very wrong that something had happened to you and he was running to where he could sense you he was running around like a headless chicken when A man was passing by him and talking to the man next to him
“You hear boss kidnapped a hyro vision wilder” they nod at each other
“Yea the boss thinks there connected to that itto guy” the moment itto hears his name and hyro vision everything turned red, he grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt
“Say.that.again” the two mens facades pale,once itto get to the place they said he wrecked havoc on the horders and ran up to your unconscious body checking for injuries you have a couple of bruises and cuts but you appeared fine he hugged you close burying you in his bare chest holding you close he carried you back to the town once you woke up you where there for the entire night in his arms and reassuring this big baby you where fine
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You and xiao are very cute together your very patient with him and he love you so much for that your mark is on the inside of your wrist so there’s no hiding his mark unless you wear long sleeve but you don’t wanna do that 
Your relationship is a very calm one and you have the very special privilege of saying his name and he will come you don’t wanna bother him so you don’t use that privilege unless it’s serious and even if you don’t say his name your mark makes it so he can feel you serious injury so you can’t hide a thing from this man
One day as you where travelling liyue you where attacked by a ruin guard it’s attack smashed into your side and you coughed up blood with that you where running as fast as your legs could carry you huffing and puffing the entire time because your side hurt so much once you defeated it you collapse on the ground holding your side and gritting your teeth from the pain
“Yep there’s no way to hide this from him….xiao” you mumbled to yourself and then a familiar a presence was behind you with a angry look 
as for xiao when this happened he was back at wangshu inn, in his usual spot on the balcony when he felt this intense pain and he gripped his side and tasted a metallic taste in is mouth the moment he check to see that he had no injuries he wasn’t bleeding he realised it was you and jumped around to where he could feel your presence then he heard
“Xiao” and was immediately there all he could see was you on the floor clucking your bleeding side the sight made him very worried and angry he runs up and wraps his arms around you, your back to his chest and he turned you so you where looking at him in the face he didn’t say a word and princess carried you back to wangshu inn once you where there he patched you up and once he was done he held you so close that you could barely breathe
“Don’t scare me like that please” he kisses his mark on your wrist and you nod as you resigned yourself to your fate of a very overprotective xiao
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You and zhongli were both Archons and have been together for decades you and him are both so chill it’s scary and if you where both asked a question let that person be prepared for a 2 hour long conversation thesis on said question 
Because you two have been together for so long you guys know each other like that back of your hands your mark is on the back of your neck you can see it if you tie your hair up, sometimes zhongli will brush his finger over your mark and without missing a beat you shutter and blush which makes him smirk, his mark makes it so you don’t feel each other pain but in dire situations you can use each others powers and they’ll know it
One day you where walking around just outside of liyue when you felt something amiss and you look around checking the area and then you saw it a hilichurl camp coming right for you and you just sigh to yourself knowing this is gonna be a tiring fight once they where defeated you hear a voice
“Help help me!!” You look over so see a man with a wagon being attacked by some more hilichurls you run up and protected the man as you where fighting you saw a cryo Abyss mage shoot at icicle at the man you ran and blocked it but you then realised that you blocked it with geo which is not your power and you grown
“I feel like this is gonna be a long day” you finished of the hilichurl and abyss mage and head back once you open the door you see your ever so loving partner his arms crossed and no smile on his face….is it to late to say Arrivederci and run 
You slowly walk forward and was ready for a lecture but you where surprised when he wrapped his arms around you
“My darling my dear please be careful in the future” I swear this man knows what happened without being there but you smile and hug him back nodding
“I promise my darling I’ll be careful” you head into your home and share some tea you smile to yourself knowing that whatever happens you and him will be together for many years to come 
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the-transid-gacha · 2 months
hi! just to start we don’t mind if they’re inaccurate and we can form them ourselves pretty easy so don’t worry about that! ^^ but basically asking for mike from stranger things! if it’s not possible please feel free to ignore
Name: Mike or more 80s style names
Gender: your choice!
Orientation: your choice!
TransIDs: your choice! maybe a bit of a horder of IDs
cisIDs: npd, adhd, any others feel free to pick
Pronouns: your choice!
Species: human
Age: teenager range
Source: stranger things
Role: your choice
Paras: your choice! def prefer if he had some
anything else is unneeded and again if this is not one you can do that’s alright! thank you for your time ^^
Of course!!!! we can always make a stranger things alter!!!!!! eheheheh hope he is to your liking love!!!!! I tried to make him as show accurate as possible! with some creativity in the transID's and stuffs!!!!!!
Name: Mike
Gender: Boyflux
Orientations: Gay, Demiromantic, Demisexual
TransIDs: TransReligiousTrauma, TransThoughtless, Transgloomy, TransMollyAddict, TransAlcoholic, TransArmCrutches, and TransAmputee (leg)
CisIDs: NPD, ADHD, Dandere, Red-green colorblind, Synestesia (sound to taste), and arthritis
Pronoun: He/Him
Species: Human
Ages: 13-15 (ageslider) (as show accurate as possible since he technically was 12 season 1 :D)
Source: Stranger Things
Role: Traumaholder & (could possibly be a little if you would like though he fits as an only traumaholder for us)
Paras: Teratophilia (attraction to monsters), Fictophilia (attraction to fiction), Objectum (attraction to objects)
Appearance: Mike is a near identical to his source really his only main difference is his personality and the fact he uses arm crutches he is a traumaholder do to his source and in his timeline/source he was not so lucky and lost part of his leg while in the upside down causing him to become an addict to cope
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genshinimpactlife · 1 year
🥐 here and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Since headcannons are open, could I request headcannons about kazuha with a s/o who is quiet but knows alot and works for ningguang as a undercover spy? Can you tell I have a favoritism towards anemo people
S/o is usually just in the background of everything, like a normal Saturday their just buying stuff from a vendor, next day they spend most of their time at a coffee shop then Monday rolls around and that same vendor is exposed for stealing those goods from a merchant in sumeru, the owner of the coffee shop was an ex-treasure Horder that helped in the stealing of the goods that s/o was able to gain their trust and information
Basically yelan but she has less of a outgoing personality and has the and energy of a rock (but that makes them more dangerous since people tend to underestimate them)
Kazuha's s/o works for Ningguang
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Even Kazuha was fooled by your quiet and laid-back personality when you first started dating.
He would have never guessed that you had such an intense job, especially with your lack of energy toward… anything.
He had just assumed that you didn't like what you did for work, and that's why you never talked about it.
You couldn't divulge every detail of your job, but you eventually told him that you worked behind the scenes with Ningguang.
He thought that you were joking at first when you told him as you didn't fit the typical spy
He started to connect the dots after he found out about your job. Strange things he thought were coincidences turned out to be you.
The two of you once went out on a date to a restaurant in Liyue, and the next day, it was shut down for illegal gambling in the basement.
You two went on a picnic date once, and the next day some men who happened to be in the area were charged with illegal poaching.
An ice cream vendor the two of you visited? He was arrested for buying illegal goods.
Kazuha didn't mind that you were always alert and doing work, even when the two of you were on dates. Your lack of energy started to make sense now too; since you were always on guard, it was bound to be draining.
Kazuha was much more open to quiet nights where the two of you relax and watch a movie now. He knew it gave you a chance to take a break.
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I love Anemo boys too they are my favorites I hope you enjoy! Click Here To Join My Tag List
@rainbowleo @okadahimeko @0-kuki-0 @cyberpandas-blog @k1tty-c0spl4ys @ashzcookie
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leophnyx · 3 months
Us managing to do anything even remotely stressful as a team:
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my yandere idea is the absolute opposite of my dear wonderful Erik: a mtf girlie who's an absolute mess. pathetic. femcel. i think thats smth. her house looks like an episode of horders. two braincells can't form a single thought unless it's about video games. and, of course, you, her darling. what do u think, hmmm. absolutely cursed, right? *im wiggling my eyebrows here and they look like worms*
How could I possibly resist the worms??? 😭🤌✨
Plays Valorant, TF2, GTA, Gmod, CoD, pretty much any team game or PvP game. Her only hobby and passion in life is trolling people in those games and probably also on Reddit.
She has at least one pet ferret, whom she loves more than she loves any person (except you…. Maybe), and that ferret is probably the only reason she keeps her house even a little organized (otherwise she’s scared the ferret would eat trash off the floor and get sick). Her car on the other hand IS pretty much a rolling dumpster.
No goals, no aspirations, just waking up, pissing people off online, and then going back to sleep. Only drinks caffeine and alcohol tbh.
She, like Erik, is not a very nice person. She’s got a little pick-me energy, a little NLOG energy, a lot of mean-spirited troll energy, and feels like the world owes her something big. That something ends up being you, of course.
In another post I mentioned that she would try to burn the tip of her tongue like the scene in Jennifer’s body but freak out and nearly throw up afterwards.
She is similar when it comes to disposing of opponents. She tries to make her kills quick and clean but always seems to leave them groaning in pain on the floor instead. On some level she enjoys that, but on some other it makes her gag again so it takes forever for her to clean up properly.
She’s the kind of person this meme was made about, never wanting to leave your side. Even to the restroom:
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m1d-45 · 1 year
I wanna give my girl Noelle all the love i have sooo-
Imagine the Creator is mortal and all that, then the characters decide to make someone a protector/knight so they could defend the Creator while always by their side (but monsters won’t attack the Creator so mayybe Treasure Horders, Eremite enemies and the ronins in Inazuma). Of course, every character wants to be the protector of the Creator to be always with them, so to not start a civil war or something the Creator decides that they will be choosing the protector. And who gets to have the title of “Knight of the Creator/Divine”? Noelle! She’s the best pick! A knight, maid and a sweet girl in one person! I’d imagine her nearly fainting but holding herself from it bc HOLY SHIT THE CREATOR ITSELF CHOSE HER AS THEIR KNIGHT-
She would be so anxious of not doing a good job but the Creator reassures her that hey, you can do it! Every single citizen of Mondstadt has said that you’re the most reliable person ever and i do too! Poor girl would be such a blushing mess, but also a fierce knight. Your rosey knight in shining armor! <3
On the flip side, i’d imagine some archons or vision holders seething and malding while others would try to make you change your decision like “Your Grace, I’m sure you chose Noelle to take pity on her attempts at becoming a knight because of her amazing skills as both a knight and a maid but…there are more officially qualified people who could accompany you-“. And in my opinion, Zhongli and Venti may just feel a bit jealous but both would be proud of her being chosen because (Zhongli) She’s a Geo user (Venti) She’s a child of Mondstadt. Jean would probably disregard her envy to be happy for Noelle :,) and maybe whisper you to remind Noelle not to overwork
you’re so right actually, noelle best girl
she’d be incredibly proud that she was chosen as your defender, and would take her job very seriously! naturally, she can no longer work for the knights, and her schedule will have to change to accommodate her new duties, but that’s okay! she doesn’t mind, really; it’s an honor to serve, and she’ll do her very best!
that being said… yeah the archons aren’t having it-
zhongli’s shield is so much better! he’s an archon, able to command literal tons of geo at a time to keep you safe. and he has the entirety of the adepti at his disposal, so you’d be the safest possible within liyue’s borders. can’t you see he’s so much better? can’t you see you should just stay with him?
venti’s also quite pissed, frankly. yes, many think of him as another drunkard, but you know what he’s capable of! you know he can wield anemo with precision, you know he can summon vortexes to delay any enemies and lift you up and out of dangerous situations with ease. he’s an excellent glider, you know, and is able to get you out of danger much quicker.
why not them? why noelle?
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 days
Ok so! I did a pretty crappy review of Claw and Horder special because I hate this episode so much, BUT y'know what screw it. Recently rewatched it and hated it SO here's my review!
Ok SO this episode is really really REALLY bad, but there's pros to every Rick and Morty episode, and I refuse not to mention them even if it's an episode I hate with a burning passion. Uhm...the cold open was fine, there were 2 almost funny jokes, it's just a Lil bit of a Rick torture episode, but he deserves it after the shit he pullled in the heist episods soooooo... I actually quite liked Summer here, she's not perfect but she was upset when Rick soul bonded with Morty's dragon (We'll get to the whole soul bonding thing in a lil bit just you wait) and overall was pretty good. Morty was good here as well, my heart ached for him when he was talking about feeling dirty afterward despite not wanting the soul bond and felt the need to take a shower. My baby.
Okkk that's about it for the positives! Now onto the negatives, first I'll say it, I mean it's the elephant in the room. The whole soul bonding thing is fucking weirddddd. It makes me very VERY uncomfortable and I hatteeee it soooo muchhhh. I mean the thing between Rick and Barthamawl (idk how to spell the dragon's name) was already weird enough. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE WITH RICK, MORTY, AND SUMMER?! I'm not blaming them because nobody wanted it. Especially Morty, I mean he was looking for another way but they just ignored my poor baby. But seriously!? Was this NEEDED!? And Rick saying "Maybe don't tell your parents we did this?" Fucking EW was that line needed!? Like seriously!? It's not subtle they literally use the word orgy and there is a LOT of moaning. It's just uncomfortable. Don't watch this episode with any family members if you value feeling comfortable, y'know scratch that don't watch this episode if you value feeling comfortable. It is horrible. Also Ricks character here is really fucking awful. I liked seeing him get tortured because he deserved it. But he was just awful. I at least have SOMETHING about him I like in each episode, even in Rickdepdence Spray which is the worst episode in the series, I still LIKED him. He was just horrible here. Also him making fun of Mortys stutter irritates me since I used to stutter a lot. Also BITCH YOU STUTTER TOO! TF YOU MEAN!? Also he can't even properly thank the kid "Figures you'd be higher status in lame world" Dude shut the fuck up. And the B story is just really boring like the talking cat doesn't like questions, I get it you don't have to keep bringing it up, and the new characters they brought in are just lame. They have very basic personalities, which would be fine if the show didn't have side characters that were filled to the BRIM with personality like Krombopulus Micheal and The Observer, who are characters from MUCH better episodes and are a lot more enjoyable. Like the talking cat just doesn't like questions and that's about it. They also did something bad in the past but that's about it. Meanwhile the observer despite being in another episode less than the talking cat was, still has personality, they like making jokes, are extremely petty, and hold a grudge, what does this talking cat give us? NOTHING!
Ok, done with this review. This was a really bad episode. It sucked and I hate it so much <3
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doumekiss · 23 days
I'll never stop being a little upset that the watanukiss username on this site was taken by a person who doesn't even use that url, and from what I've gather never did.
This username was supposed to belong to a person that would be my buddy, a kindred spirit, a friend for a lifetime. But no it's just there on the account of some url horder rotting away
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confessions-official · 4 months
i need my sister to stop calling the situation that we live in a 'horder house'
yeah mom has alot of stuff we dont need, but its not like we cant walk, at most she has random stuff infront of some cupboards we dont use alot, its just VERY SILGHTLY more cluttered then an average apartment cuz ours is very small
we dont need another waredrobe just so she can store soaps so she can give them to teachers on random holidays sure but thats it? atleast the mosst i can describe w/o giving out personal stuff about our apartment, my sisters room is also cluttered and unorganised BECAUSE of how my mom leaves these around random stuff
its not a horder house, just say its a mess
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