#horrorbros AU
polarspaz · 29 days
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-More Horror Bros AU doodles! I also updated Tim's werewolf design.
-Dick ALWAYS breaks when Tim gives him the sad puppy dog eyes. Bruce and Damian are also surprisingly weak against it.
-Tim likes to wear shirts that belong to either Bruce or Kon. Bruce's scent calms him down and makes him feel safe, while Kon's scent reminds me of the sun and makes him giddy. Tim will never admit this though, he will also never admit how embarrassed he is about how Kon's shirt is STILL too big for him, even as a werewolf.
-I said before that Jason can't eat, but I think I might make change that and make him have to eat brains, animal ones at least. It gross. So, so, gross and when Jason is feeling especially devious, he'll make digusting noises while eating, just to make Tim gag.
-When they got cursed, Dick was the first to go down and started coughing up his teeth, along with halve of his blood. Jason rushed over to help, but his own skin began to rot and peel off. Damian was hunched over next to Tim, clutching his throat while gasping for breath as tiny green fish scales blossomed all over his skin. Tim had only a moment to act and manged to grab Damian and yeet him into the harbor before he himself began to transform.
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lover-of-skellies · 2 years
Indeed, the horrorbros are just that great 💀
Now that im thinking about it, whats your favorite au?
Uhhhhhhhhh I don't think I have a favorite, actually?
I know I'm a sucker for the Bad Sanses (and I see a lot of myself in pre-apple incident Nightmare), but I dunno if I'd be able to pick just one AU
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circlesaidd · 5 years
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**Circle House by Circleheadd is Live on Patreon!!!**
I’ve been busy all week getting everything ready, but at last, my Patreon is officially ready to go! Reader & The Boys are eager to have some guests!
By becoming a patron, you will have access to some exclusive perks, including early access to Comic Answers, as I gradually release them in parts, and access to the Circle House discord server, where we can all hang out and talk about skeletons and self-inserts and I’ll occasionally post WIPs and take little requests! Also all of my past comics have been archived there, categorised by AU! (You can see a screenshot below!)
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Here’s some more info about the two tiers available and what’s included!
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Tier 1: House Guest - $2 per Month
Thank you message with a Patreon exclusive sketch!
Early Access to Answers and Comics
Access to Circle House Discord Server
Eligible to vote for upcoming paintings (i.e What character/au/ship should be featured this time?)
Tier 2: Lodger - $6 per Month
- All perks of a House Guest
- 1 x Bust (head and shoulders) sketch request upon signing up.
- Access to process/speed videos of illustrations and paintings
- Eligible to vote for upcoming Answers
So what’s happening on Patreon right now?
Admittedly, things are a little quiet right now, however I have posted the first parts of the following comic answers there:
“How do Sans and Papyrus help Reader when she’s having a bad day?”
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“How did Ribbon meet the Horrorbros?”
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And I also have a couple of exclusive sketches available there, too!
Over the next few days, I’m going to be working on a Horrortale Sans painting, which Patrons will have early access to upon completion and Lodgers will have access to a Speedpaint of.
From here, I will be posting to Patreon very regularly, and anything that isn’t a Patreon exclusive will be posted here a week later! Also, Comic Answers will be posted here, in full, a week after all of the parts have been uploaded to Patreon. So the tumblr experience, largely, isn’t going to change, but you definitely get more and faster by becoming a Patron.
It would really mean so much to me to have your support, and the more support I get, the more I can make! If you aren’t able to become a Patron, though, please consider buying me a coffee!
See you round!
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puppy-the-mask · 5 years
GSOSNKSNSKDN I JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY! You know how I keep saying the characters are running away with my stories? It’s like they’re actors just ignoring the script and adlibing and just... doing their own thing
K&C AU where it’s a tv series and literally the actors have free reign. It’s 99% adlibing cause the actual script is either vague or just a suggestion so it’s just the cast doing whatever tf they want while making sure to get to the important bits along the way. Honey accidentally walked into the set and took a nap not realizing it and Cas fell asleep while waiting for her role to come up and none of them knew she was in the blankets and tried to keep their cool when she fell, Honey still oblivious and just rolling with it like shit, I just dropped a very convincing prop or something important... Oh well. The bet chat was to see what new actors they’d bring in for the show. the others have all done at least one before and there were some newbies on set, the camera just so happened to catch his phone screen so now they gotta come in at some point too. When the horrorbros walked in (late might I add) and saw the chaos unfolding... yeah that bet chat line wasn’t in the script.
Not like anyone actually follows it anyways
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itsladykit · 6 years
Hello! First off only wish to say that your writing and perspective on everyday opinions is always delightful. That said! if this question makes you uncomfortable then I'm sorry- and hope you don't answer: What are your thoughts on horrortale, and what interpretation would you give it? Since you gave a swap and fell combo it's own juicy *cough* twist, and search emotional and physical trauma, I'm intrigued on your take away from it, even if only in theory.
(To bypass my ramblings and skip straight to what I would write, were I to write a Horrorverse, then go to the last bolded paragraph. I would have given a more succinct answer initially, but I didn’t actually have an answer until I started rambling. I thought it might be interesting to one or two people? So I left the ramblings in.) 
You ask a really interesting question, Anon, and my answer is…complicated. Largely because my feelings on Horrortale are complicated. Not at all negative, mind you. Just confused. 
See, the versions of Horrortale I’m most familiar with are largely fluff (or smut) focused—and here I honestly feel the need to give @redtomatofan a shoutout. They have an absolutely lovely take on this AU—I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort, and their work is more heavily focused on the Horrorbros’ life on the surface , after most of the horror is over (with a few exceptions). And I like that. It’s very pleasant.
My other exposure has been in /Reader fics, where the Horrorbros are featured as love interests. @tyranttortoise particularly does an excellent job of, uh, ‘humanizing’ them, and making them lovable and sympathetic, without ignoring their canonical pasts.
Now, the reason I’m bringing this up is because the works of these two creators are my biggest exposure to Horrortale. I’m not very familiar with the original blog or storyline—I’m afraid it’s just not to my taste (if you’ll pardon the pun)—and I haven’t really seen anything else featuring them that particularly caught my attention or held my interest.
The thing is…neither of these depictions are at all what I would call “horror”. There might be some horrifying implications or moments of legitimate horror, but by and large, they are fluffy or romantic or cute or sad. And there’s nothing wrong with that! I fully support these creators and their interpretations of the horrorbros. I love the creativity, honestly.
However, as a horror fan, that’s not the kind of story I would want to tell. If I were to write something for “Horrortale”, I would want it to be horrifying. (Let’s ignore my own difficulties portraying the genre for the moment, shall we?) So, here are a few things I would want to feature, if I were to try to tackle a Horrortale AU:
1. Eldritch abominations - I have a very special fondness for cosmic horror, and I would love to be able to incorporate something like that. (At this juncture it bears mentioning that there was another Horrortale /Reader fic I started to read that had some cosmic horror elements, but I never got very far into it, for various reasons. Anyway—I know something like this exists, but I don’t know any of the lore.)
2. Blood & gore & “realistic” biology - One of the problems with using the Undertale verses for horror is that there are no bodies. And, yes, I know, horror is not all about blood and guts, but there are aspects of it that simply cannot be explored because the monsters dust when they die. Additionally, true horror requires a solid foundation in reality to actually hit home—it’s why cartoon violence is funny rather than horrifying; physics and biology has no real meaning in a cartoon, so there’s no real threat behind anything.
3. Humans - Because when it really comes down to it, humans will almost always be the “real” monsters. (Though, really, my Horrorverse monsters would hardly be innocent.)
So…thinking about that, I’d likely expand on an idea from “Worth without measure”. 
My Horrorverse would likely be a Surface AU. Monsters were never driven underground. Instead, they took to the shadows, and though the humans claim the war is over, the monsters never stopped fighting. They’re broken and beaten and a shadow of the civilization that they once were, but they’re still determined, still strong, and twice as vicious as the peaceful creatures they once were. They steal children from their beds, and they lurk in dark alleys at night to catch the unwary. Out of desperation, they have become the nightmarish creatures we made them out to be so long ago. Humans may have taken the day, but monsters still own the night, and they’ll fight tooth and claw to keep it.
And, my, what teeth they have. ; )
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polarspaz · 1 year
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Horrorbros AU
With Werewolf Tim Drake and Zombie Jason Todd.
Tim's still having trouble getting used to his hand/paws. They're too stiff to be nimble, but still human enough to be of some use, albeit awkwardly. Every finger feels like a thumb and it's driving him nuts, especially when he's trying to use any kind of technology, like video games.
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polarspaz · 1 year
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HorrorBros AU doodle pile!  °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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polarspaz · 1 year
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HorrorBros AU
Top Left is Bruce and Tim. Tim wanted to help Bruce with some case work, determined to show that he’s still useful and isn’t a liability. But as the day goes on, the smell of coffee, the feeling of warmth and safety, along with Bruce’s gentle pats slowly lull Tim to sleep.
Top Right is Jason arguing with offscreen Dick. What Dick doesn’t know is that Jason smokes too cover up his musty smell, which Stephanie been kind enough to describe as ‘grandma’s forbidden sock drawer’. Also “Fuck you, I’m a zombie.” is Jason’s new favorite excuse for everything he does.
Bottom left is Dick rambling to Damian. Dick gets antsy and agitated when he’s hungry. Damian is the one subjugated to Dick’s rambling the most, so he’ll usually just let Dick vent, then drag him to the fridge, shove a blood bag into Dick’s hands, and say. “Eat.”
Bottom right is Tim and Damian. Damian hates how miserable Tim looks now. His big eyes, droopy ears, and dumb little fangs, make Damian grit his teeth so hard he swears his gums will start bleeding. Why? Because he wants to pet Tim. He thinks Tim looks cute and if Tim finds that out, Damian will NEVER live that down.
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polarspaz · 1 year
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Horrorbros AU
Tim, Jason, Dick, and Damien get into a pretty nasty entanglement with powerful Warlock. The fight ends when the weary Warlock releases one last burst of magic, blasting the boys backwards before he quickly teleports away.
For a moment, everyone just sighs in defeat, thinking the worst is over until several things start happening at once.
Jason finds himself barely able to move as his body starts to literally decay. Feelings of warmth and pain disappear, leaving him numb to almost everything. Damien is frantically ripping off his skin, revealing pasty, green fish scales underneath. Dick is bent over coughing, spitting out blood and teeth, and hissing as new sharper ones grow in. Lastly is poor Tim, who is thrashing on the ground in agony as his body morphs into something beastly. 
-The boys are cursed by the warlock to take on forms that represent some of their inner fears. (Horror movie monster style)
-Jason is forced to become his worst fear, looking like the actual zombie he really is. He’s the same mentally and doesn’t have to eat brains, in fact he doesn’t need to eat at all. He can’t feel hot, cold, pain, or even taste, making him numb to everything around him.
-Webbed fingers and toes are ill suited for quick, nimble combat. Damian hates this. He also hates how he can’t stay out of the pool for more than two hours, or he’ll start having difficulty breathing, maybe even pass out.
-Dick is a vampire. No sun, drink blood, bat like abilities, the usually vampire shtick. Which wouldn’t be so bad, except for the fact that he knows that there was an alternate version of himself that became a vampire lord and killed his family. So yeah, lets try not to repeat that please?
-Tim’s a werewolf, but not a badass one, according to Jason. Tim’s form is lanky, seemingly always trembling, and just generally pathetic looking. He’s still cognitive but can’t talk, usually using an I-Pad to type for communication. He can’t do much and has to ask for help, which for Tim is a huge problem.
So the boys need to buckle up, stay home, and help each other out until they can fix this mess. And that means interacting with one another like proper human beings, which of course just ends up starting a lot of crazy family drama.
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polarspaz · 10 months
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HorrorBros AU
Everyone's having some ice cream, except Jason, who can't digest food anymore.
((Tim's having Vanilla, Damian Sea salt, and Dick's, specially made by Alfred, is just frozen blood.))
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polarspaz · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking, what happened to that second post you made of the HorrorBros AU?
Yeah, several of my pics got slammed with a "We reviewed your post and determined it needed a Community Label." thing and honestly I haven't had the willpower to look into that.
I think it's a maturity thing. You need to have an account and be over 18 to see those pics now...I think? At least that's my best guess.
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