#horse is held together by thoughts and prayers
shitapril · 5 months
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okay so i've never sketched a person ever in my life, evidently, and this is like my second digital art piece and it's so freaking bad everytime i look at it it makes me wanna cry i mean it looks nothing like him but i thought if i post here out of ego i'll try and get better and maybe y'all can give me advice idk i hate this help
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mustainegf · 2 months
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I huddled into the tent that night, dinner digested, and wrapped myself in blankets to try and find sleep. Outside, it was cold, so inside this tiny, flapping tent it became a home. Let the fatigue of this day wash over me.
I was nearly asleep when I heard James' approach, the soft crunch of his boots on snow, gentle rustle of the tent flap as he opened it. I lay still, tight shut eyes, not wanting to break the spell of drowsiness that had finally taken form through the last hour.
James moved quietly, filling the tiny space with his peace. I could hear him shuffling around as he got ready for bed, the rustle of blankets, the creak of his movement as he finally lay down. I remained still, pretending to be asleep, hoping to drift off without any further interruptions.
Finally, I felt his body warmth a few feet away as he settled down. The heat found me like it needed me. There was merely the sound of breathing for a second or so, mine slow and regular, his a little more labored.
Then he spoke, and again I was surprised. His voice was so low it was like a prayer.
"Clarice," he said, low, as if he’d tried the name out for the first time on his tongue. "You’re asleep, but I must say how strong you've been."
My heart entirely jumped a beat, but I was breathing evenly, I just tried to act as if I was asleep. James stirred a bit, and I felt the warmth of his hand when he reached up to gently push a lock of hair out of my face.
"You're beautiful," he whispered, his tone soft enough to make my stomach flop. "I don't know what happened to you, but I promise I will. I'll find out."
A moment later, his fingers brushed against my cheek, and he bent over, setting his lips to a soft kiss to my forehead. His warm lips sent jolts from head to toe as I struggled to stay still, to keep my eyes closed.
"Get all the rest you can," he whispered. "I’ll be right here when you wake up."
He sighed then, deep and tired, and I heard him lie back down, rustling the blankets when he settled in. And so I lay there, my mind running miles with his actions, my heart hammering in my chest. The emotions he brought out in me were confusing, something deeper, something that I wasn't sure I could acknowledge just yet.
My legs felt weak, and my palms grew warm, with a fluttery sensation in my stomach that wriggled around and would not quite be shaken out. I tried to piece together all he had just said and done, his voice, softer than before, the touch of his hand, so gentle, and that sweet lingering kiss on my forehead.
I could never deny how he had made me feel, but I knew it was just crazy thoughts, he was much older, much more mature than I was. There I lay, supposing I slept, washing my face with sweet thoughts of James, his words ringing in my head.
Gradually, the warmth and the soft sound of his breathing lulled me once more into sleep. Not wanting to be awake, I tried falling asleep as I clung to the sweet thoughts of James and the protection he held out to me
The first thing I saw was fire. Dancing, angry flames flickered before me, reaching out to gobble up the wood on wood walls of a small cabin. The heat was heavy, and in my eyes, I could feel the sting of smoke as its smell seared my nostrils. I knew I had to be gone.
I crept through shadows silently, it felt as though my heart was in my throat. It was a very dark night. I felt so scared, needing to run from something.
I stood beside a gray horse. Her coat was smooth, tight, shining, her eyes wide with alarm. Angry voices sounded behind me, shouting, cursing, getting closer and closer. I had to get away, but where could I go?
The horse whinnied, picking up my stress, and I reached out to touch its mane for comfort. But before I mounted, the voices got louder again, and men surrounded me. Faces twisted in anger, which infuriated me, I did not know what I had done.
The grey horse suddenly rose, its hooves striking the air. Everything seemed so slow in my dream that I could see the powerful muscles in its legs, the flash of its hooves coming toward me. I tried to backpedal, but by the time I saw this, it was too late.
The impact was jarring. I felt the concrete beneath me, hard and cold, the pain exploding through my head as my body hit the ground. Then everything went black, and I was consumed by the void of unconsciousness.
I opened my eyes once more and found myself in the middle of the forest. The pines swayed above, and the air was the deadliest freeze I’d ever felt.
I gasped from the dream, and my heart was galloping in my chest. Flames and a grey mare, angry men, were all still burned in my brain as I bolted upright. The urge to tell someone, anyone, was overwhelming. My body was shaking, and I thrashed over onto where James lay, still asleep.
"James!" I gripped his arm, shaking him awake with desperate urgency. "James, wake up!" I pleaded with a breaking voice.
He stirred, the flickering open of his eyes as he was greeted with my panic. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"I remember," I blurted out as my voice shook, words tumbling out of my mouth. "I remembered things. There was fire and a gray horse, then these angry men. I was trying to get away, and then I got hit. I think by the horse, and then I woke up in the forest and-"
James' eyes widened, and he sat up straight, his full attention on me now. "Slow down, dear. Tell me everything."
I took a deep breath to calm my shaky self. "There was a building on fire, and I was sneaking away from something. I felt scared, like I had to run. And I remember I saw this gray horse. It was so scared, just like me."
I hesitated, my hands vibrating, as I tried to glue together those jumbled fragments of that memory. "And then there were these men, so angry and shouting. I don't know why, but they were angry at me. I tried running, but I couldn't get away. The horse came up, and hit me. Everything went black, and then I woke up in the forest."
James listened intently, nodded as he absorbed every detail. When finally, I finished recounting the dream and he took my trembling hands in his large, strong ones.
"I'm so proud of you for remembering all of that," he said, his voice low and soothing, reassuring. "These memories are important."
He pulled me into his arms and held me tight to him, holding me. His hug swallowed me with warmth and something that told me he cared a lot more than I may have first thought.
I clutched to his large frame. James's hold was solid, and for the first time in a really long while, I felt like I wasn't in this by myself. He started to lay back again, still holding me tightly.
He did not let me go, and neither did I want him to. Nestling my head into his shoulder, the steady beat of his heart oozed onto my cheek exuded comfort.
His lips pressed inside the crown of my head again, it was a soft and gentle kiss, just like before. "Sleep, my dear. We will speak more in the morning."
I shut my eyes, for the first time since I woke up in that forest, I felt at peace. James was here.
I woke up the next morning warm and comfortable for the first time in weeks. Dawn's light shone through the canvas of the tent. I stirred then, realizing I still lay buried in James's arms. His hold is ever so tender.
I shifted a bit, and James's eyes fluttered open. His gaze dropped, and softening eyes regarded me directly.
"Mornin’," he rasped in a sleepy, low voice.
"Good morning," I answered, exhaling slowly as my lips flipped into a smile.
We just lay there like that for some time, bathing in that silence. The world outside seemed a million miles away. I was truly at peace, in a way that I hadn't known in quite some time.
"You slept well?" James asked, his hand reaching out to gently brush a piece of my hair from my face.
"Better than I have in a while," I admitted. "Thanks to you."
He chuckled softly, it was deep, very masculine. "I'm glad..."
I nodded. My mind wandered back to the dream, and the memories that it had stirred up. But right now, in this moment, I didn't want to dwell on the past. I wanted to enjoy the present, the warmth of James's arms, the lightness in my heart.
"Ya know," James began, already grinning, "You like to steal that blanket there, don’t ya?"
I laughed, surprised by the sound myself. It was good to laugh, to finally feel something sweet. "I do not!"
"Oh, you do," he assured me, his grin not fading. "I woke up half frozen last night because a little lady decided to take all the blankets."
I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Maybe you're just a light sleeper."
"Maybe," he agreed, still smiling. "But I'll forgive you. Just this once."
"How generous of you," I teased, but a feeling spread across my heart that had nothing to do with the warmth of the blankets or morning light.
And so, we lay there, talking and joking, and everything felt so natural, so easy. It was as if we'd known each other for much longer than a few days. I told him little snippets of my life that I could remember, and he shared bits of his in return.
He told me about his young deputy days, the mistakes he'd made, and the lessons learned. He spoke of people he'd met, about towns he visited. In his stories was much humor and wisdom.
"Sounds like you've had quite the life," I said quietly, feeling a needle in my stomach for memories of my own that just refused to come up.
"It's had its ups and downs," he replied, staring up at the tent as he flashes those teeth. "But I wouldn't trade ‘er for anything."
Later on, we had been laughing at something, James's story about some particularly stubborn mule, I think, when suddenly we just stopped. The laughter slowly faded into a full, and wide silence. James' eyes met mine, and in them was something that hadn't been there before. Yearning.
For a moment neither of us moved. Everything outside the tent just vanished until there was only the two of us. With no real warning, James suddenly leaned in closer. My heart just about lurched out of my chest as his rough lips found mine with a softness I didn’t quite think was possible.
The kiss was slow, so full of passion, and knocking the breath out of me. His lips were warm, firm to mine. I kissed him back, my hands finding his cheeks, holding tight. Time had stretched out while I lost myself in his taste.
But then, just as it had started, James jerked back. His eyes were wide and, well, shuttered again. He looked like something almost… afraid.
"I'm sorry," he muttered quickly. "I shouldn't have done that."
Just as I began to regain my composure to answer him, he sat up from the bed, reestablishing a wide distance between us. He ran a hand through his hair, the man was flustered, guilty. I already missed him holding me.
"Just forget about it," he said, very curt now. "It was a mistake."
I watched him in pain because of his sudden withdrawal. That kiss had just been everything I never knew I wanted, now it meant nothing to him.
I knew then that things would never be the same again. There was no going back to that easy comfort we'd shared just a few seconds before.
"James-" I began, but he cut me off.
"Just drop it," he dismissed, eyes still elsewhere. "We got bigger problems on our hands."
He was shutting down, going back behind walls I wasn't sure how to breach. So, I bit back what I wanted to say and nodded. "Okay..."
James nodded, still not looking at me. He stiffly left the tent without another word.
As I lay back down again, just with the taste of his lips still on mine. Fuck.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @roseydoesypoesy @metallicaloverrr @behindanotherdoor @ilovepapahet @delightfulcollectivetyphoon — comment or dm to join the taglist!
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
hey girlypop!! glad you're better now!!!! could you pretty please write a percy jackson angst where he keeps choosing annabeth over the reader (she's his ex) and at one point he calls you pathetic and a bitch when you're arguing over her so you just run away crying?? not like a toxic relationship, just that he's in love with her while being with you! ty my love xox
baby love, I hate to break this to you but this is toxic. if you've ever been through this irl or are going through it, get the fuck out of that situation because you deserve so much better. I'm gonna change a few things cause it seems a little OOC but I will write it, just like promise me you understand that this is fictional and if somebody ever does this to you, you block them, call a friend and cry until you don't need to.
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"Percy, just listen to me!"
He whirls around, his frustrated pacing bringing him close enough you can smell saltwater. "I am! It's ridiculous! You expect me to just be over her?"
"Yes!' You cry, throwing your hands down, "Because you're with me now and it's not fair that you're just now telling me that maybe you still have feelings for her!"
"I was with her for three years, y/n! You know what we went through together, she was my whole life."
Your energy is draining fast, you've been going in circles for hours now. "Perce, it's been a year. I understand that she meant a lot to you but romantically, that's over and I'm supposed to be the one you feel this way for!"
"Well how can I, y/n? You're not her." His face is flushed, eyes frantic and lips trembling with a rage that shakes the pipes of his apartment.
The air is electric, emotions bouncing around like molecules fighting for space. Like you, fighting for a space that's not yours, never yours. A space with someone else's name on it.
"And I thought that was okay." So many things want to come out of you, you want to beat on his chest with closed fists until he understands the pain beating inside yours. " I thought that I could mean to you what she did."
Percy rolls his eyes and huffs, turning his back on you as he resumes pacing. "You could never take what she means to me."
You wanted to say that's not what you were trying to do but really, how can you. You wanted to be a part of his life the way Annabeth was, you wanted to paint your name on her place and be what he needed, what keeps him going. You wanted to compare to the girl he went to hell and back for, you wanted to matter just barely a fraction what she did.
"I can never matter to you the way she does, can I?" Your voice is horse and tired and you just need one last confirmation. One last chance is handed his way, thrown into crashing waves like a prayer on a dead man's tongue.
The ocean swallows your hope, the storm is silent as the anger rages on around you. You stand in the eye, driftwood raft held together with half-baked compliments and forgotten I love yous.
"You're just not Annabeth." And it's the way he says her name that splits your makeshift boat straight in two. He says it like she carried each bucket of water from heaven and filled the sea, pouring every pinch of salt herself. She created the marine life from kisses and stars and designed them to make him happiest, she mans the lighthouse for lost sailors. She floats on a yacht in calmer waters as you go under, wondering why you left shore for an empty promise.
"Okay." You're drowning, the current much too strong. No matter how hard you fight, the sea was never going to forgive you for the sin of trusting it.
You're gone, fish food to him. You've left and you've walked and you're never going back to the apartment you loved in. He's sat down, head in his hands thinking of the one girl who survived his hurricane. He picks up the phone and she picks up on the second ring.
"Annabeth, hey."
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I’ve decided to share some of my original work on here. Here is my 32 page horror one shot from Halloween 2022. It’s about a werebear
Revenant Part 1
This is a mature story for 18+. 
Triggers: Gore, mentions of Stockholm syndrome, slight noncon, masturbation, and sex. 
Totally unrelated but when I thought of a bear, my mind instantly went to The Revenant. Hence the title. There are a few tributes to that movie but the plot line is nowhere near the same!
    Whack! Whack! Whack! Crack!
  Loud whacking noises rung throughout the forest, while sweat ran down a brawny man’s back. Dark eyebrows furrowed together in utmost concentration for the task at hand. To collect as much wood as he could before winter came.
   Large, calloused hands tightly grasped the sharp axe. The sharp metal shining brightly in the sun light, like a star in the night sky.  
    With a precise swing, the axe easily cut into the tree like a knife cutting into tender flesh.
    Winter would be approaching soon. And Björn had to be prepared for the cold since he knew there would be too much competition in the forest for food and dry wood later on. 
    A large flock of crows flew above his head, causing Björn to snap his head up in concern. Honey brown eyes began to study the now silent forest with caution. Something, or someone, has disturbed his forest. 
    There were no trespassing signs all over the outer perimeter of his forest, so who on earth was brave enough to enter?
    Björn tightly grasped his axe before heading into the direction where the crows had flown from. He was going to have to scare the intruder or intruders off. Björn just hoped he wouldn’t have to use any force.
  The further Björn went, the less trees there were… the less life. Björn hummed to himself in confusion. Why would someone trespass into the barren part of the forest? There wasn’t many resources out here or even wild game that roamed those parts.
   When Björn was in the clearing, fresh tire marks from a carriage stood out to him. Had someone strayed off the path outside of the woods and wondered into this section of the forest? Yet the horse footprints that surrounded the tire tracks told s different story, causing Björn to sigh. Another case of someone being chased off course by bandits. 
    Björn strapped his ax to his back, continuing his way through the desolate area. He needed to be sure that there were no bandits on his land. Those scoundrels were always pouching animals here, limiting the resources for the ones who lived in the forest. Björn’s kind especially.
    Björn soon came to a shallow swimming hole. His honey brown eyes scouting the area for any trespassers. Yet he didn’t see anyone or anything.
   Björn was about to leave until the strong smell of iron hit him. Brown eyes wildly glancing around in horror. Had a body been dumped here? 
  And that was when Björn saw her. A small figure laying halfway in a shallow grave. The dirt covering her lower half in a natural blanket. Dried blood pooled around her head like a morbid angel. 
    Björn slid down the slope to get down to the water hole to her. Tan hands frantically searching for a pulse. His breath hitching in his throat when he felt the faintest of pulses.
    Björn slowly moved her (hair color) hair from her face, his brown eyes studying her pretty face in awe. 
   Had his prayers to the gods been answered? Had they finally sent him a companion after all these long, lonely years?
    A soft groan of pain left the woman’s lips, Björn quickly snapped from his musings. First, he needed to take her back to his cabin. 
     Strong tan arms carefully lifted the woman up, his brown eyes observing the locket held loosely in her dirt covered hands. The picture of a handsome man with long, silver colored hair staring back at him, as if mocking Björn that the woman he held belonged to another.
    Björn snatched the locket from her hand, flinging it far into the muddy banks of the swimming hole. She wouldn’t need that strange man anymore. She had Björn now and he would protect her better than whoever that was could. He was sure she’d learn to love him. Time was on his side, especially with the rapidly approaching winter.
    Björn cradled the woman in his arms, read to take the two of them on the journey home. The open locket facing Björn, foreshadowing something ominous was coming.
     “We found her carriage, your grace.” A scruffy man bowed to the ethereal looking lord, brown eyes nervously scanning the ground in fear. “And we were able to capture a few of the bandits, but she was nowhere to be found-“
    A loud slam rung through the room, the prince slamming his pale fists against his throne’s arm. Icy blue eyes glaring at the men in the room in anger. They had one job, to find his fiancée. To find his (your name).
    “Your grace. One of the bandits said they dumped her in the forest-“ Balder wildly swung his head around, stormy blue eyes staring at the nervous subject who had interrupted his conversation. (Your name) couldn’t be dead could she? His ray of sunshine, his entire world… she couldn’t be gone. They had been promised to be together since they were children and they had always been inseparable… Balder would know if something bad happened to her, he truly believed their souls were bound.
    “Kill all of those bandits and hand their bodies up at the gates. The people need to know not to mess with the Vetle family.”
     “We shall go searching then. Prepare the hounds.” Balder opened up the locket around his neck that held a picture of a beautiful (hair color) girl. His icy blue eyes full of determination. 
    “Don’t worry. I’ll find you.”
     Björn gently wiped away the dirt on the young woman’s face with a cloth. Brown eyes memorizing every detail on her pretty face. To the shape of her nose to the plumpness of her lips… Björn wondered if her lips would fit perfectly against his own… Björn shook his head clear from his perverted thoughts, despite his itching to kiss her, he knew it was improper since they were strangers. 
   Björn glanced her direction again, his eyes studying the way her lashes lightly fluttered when he brought the warm rag to her face or how she pursed her lips ever so slightly in pain.
   “You’re safe now.” Björn whispered, eyes softening at her. “I’ll take care of you.”
    Björn rose from his seat beside the bed. A giddy feeling consuming his chest. He should probably get to work on building a bigger bed so the two of them could lay together… he’s never laid with a woman before so this was all so new to him. 
    Brown eyes gazed at all the books he had on shelves, a smile crawling on his scarred lips. He wondered if she loved romance novels. Those books were his only companion in this desolate forest… the only things that kept him from completely falling off the deep end from his unending loneliness.
     Björn was determined to show her that he could be a good mate. He’s take care of her throughout the winter as well. He just had to gather even more food and wood now, maybe even some pelts. 
     Björn gave one last look to the sleeping woman on his bed before ultimately deciding to try to find her the softest pelts he could find. He wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.
   A hum left his throat at the thought of her being so thrilled to have new blankets. Maybe he should also go catch her some fish or even some sort of water fowl to make her a soup? Would she like a man who is a good provider? 
    Björn wandered through the forest, his brown eyes scanning for any elk or deer. Maybe even a moose would do… Björn just wanted to make her happy. 
    They were going to be a family after all.
    A week had gone by and Björn was proud of his work. His companion no longer made pained expressions and her lashes would flutter whenever he’d run his large hands through her soft hair.
    Just thinking about her made Björn giddy. The rugged man wished she’d open her eyes soon so she could see her future mate. He just hoped he was attractive enough for her…
    Today was another day of gathering for him. He was hoping to get some more nuts and berries to preserve for the winter. Björn was proud of his jam making abilities and he was happy to finally have someone to show them off to.
    Björn continued his was through the dense forest, brown eyes lighting up when he saw some blackberry bushes.
   Björn reached a tan hand out to one of the berries before placing one in his mouth. A smile lighting up on his face when the soft flesh melted on his tongue. They were sweet with a slight tart kick to them… perfect for jam.
    Björn began to pick the berries, carefully placing them into a cloth pouch. He’d try to leave a few behind for any other creature that may stumble across this find, but now Björn had another mouth to feed.
   Loud flapping noises filled the forest air, a large flock of bird flying across the sky, causing Björn to freeze in his tracks. Björn took a deep breath before allowing his ears to shift into that of a grizzly bear’s. Small round ears now resting at the top of his unkempt head. The ears twitching as they began to pick up the sound of hooves and dogs barking.
   Either there were bandits in his forest now or a search party has come for his companion.
   Björn growled, his brown eyes flashing a bright gold. He wasn’t going to let his companion go. His unending loneliness was finally quenched and he would rather die than be alone any longer.
    Björn set his axe and blackberry pouch against a tree before shedding his clothes. Dark, brown fur beginning to sprout on every part of his body, his face slowly elongating into a snout. Large paws soon replacing his hands and feet, Björn hunching his back, his body beginning to elongate and expand. A giant grizzly bear soon standing where Björn once was.
    The giant grizzly bear stood up on its hind legs before releasing a loud roar. A few barks leaving it’s throat before it charged in the direction of the dogs.
    Björn wasn’t going to let anyone disrupt his chance at a family.
   Balder lead a handful of men into the forest, icy blue eyes nervously glancing around. It was deathly silent, the only sounds being their horses trotting and the dogs barking… yet Balder couldn’t calm his nerves. The forest was never this quiet. It was almost unnerving. 
    The birds were not chirping and there were no animals rustling through the trees… did they know something he didn’t?  
   There were a few decayed signs outside the perimeter of the forest, but they were so old that they were not legible… Balder sighed in frustration. There were so many signs to not continue this journey but there was a possibility (your name) was here… and she was worth any journey. 
    “The dogs picked up a scent!” One man shouted from the front of the group, the dogs heading deeper into the forest. “The lady could be alive!”
    Balder felt his horse slow down, it’s head staring at the left of the forest, as if it knew something was there that he didn’t. A whiny leaving the white horse’s mouth. The horse rearing it’s head in fear. 
    Balder grasped the reigns of his horse, his blue eyes narrowing at the forest. Something was in the woods. Something that could be dangerous…
    Balder steadied his horse. A pale hand grasped at the threaded locket around his neck tightly. He had promised (your name) that he would always protect her… he swore he would save her. No matter what… Balder loved her… he would do anything for her.
    Balder took a deep breath before guiding his horse into the forest, following his men into the brush. There were only four of his most loyal men and five hounds… Balder was sure they would all be fine.
   The group of men headed deeper into the forest. The dogs leading them deeper and deeper into this labyrinth of a forest. Balder could feel the hairs on his neck stand up in fear. 
    Yet Balder had no idea why he was so scared. He’s been in plenty of forests and even a few wars. There had to be something here… and whatever it was, it definitely didn’t want them there.
    A whine soon left one of the dogs before the others begin to tuck their tails between their legs. The other dogs soon whining and barking, the dogs attempting to backtrack despite their master ushering them forward.
     “You stupid dogs! What are you doing-“ a terrifying growl filled the air. The horses crying out, each one rearing back in fear while the dogs ran off. The men all glancing around in fear.
    “W-what was that?” The youngest of the men whimpered, the young boy unsheathing his sword. 
    The other men unsheathed their swords as well, the men forming a circle with their horses. The men struggling to keep their horses still, since the horses continued to try to get away.
    “What is wrong with these horses-“ Before the guard could even get a word in, a giant grizzly bear had barreled into the group, easily knocking the men to the ground. The horses bucked their riders off in fear, desperate cries leaving their throats. 
    Ear piercing screams leaving the man’s throat as the bear proceeded to maul him. Blood splattering everywhere while the man’s comrades could only watch in horror as their comrade was being torn limb from limb by a monster of a bear.
    The horses cried before fleeing into the deep forest, leaving the men to fend for their own.
   Balder rose up to his feet, clutching his sword tightly. Two of his men bravely tried to save their comrade. Only for the bear to lose interest in the dead man, it’s large body easily swiping the men off to the side. One of the men screaming in pain, his leg now bent in the opposite direction. 
   The bear roared, grabbing the man with the broken leg with its strong jaws before harshly slamming him into the ground. While the other desperately tried to save his friend, only for his throat to be sliced open by the bear’s sharp claws. Blood spraying all over the bear’s face like a loose faucet. The bear then slamming the man in its jaws onto the ground again until his neck broke.
   A deep, guttural growl left the grizzly’s body, it’s golden eyes making eye contact with Balder. It’s scarred face throwing Balder off guard. That was no ordinary bear. That bear was a monster.
   Balder swore the monster smirked at him before it went to finish off his comrades, almost like it was checking if they were dead for sure. Balder froze in fear. His men lay still on the ground, only for this monster of a creature to continue tearing them apart. 
    “Lord Balder! Hurry! We have to go!” The young guard shouted, the young boy crying as he tried to pull his master away from the scene. It appeared they were the only two still alive. “We can’t die here. We have to save lady (your name)! Hurry-“
   The bear launched itself at the boy, the boy screaming while the bear latched its jaws around his left arm. Sharp teeth tearing off his arm with ease. Blood spraying all over Balder’s face. 
   The prince quickly snapping to his senses. Preparing his sword, Balder swung his sword at the bear, the sharp metal slicing into the bear’s side. A loud roar leaving the bear’s throat.
    The grizzly rose to its hind legs, forgetting about the young guard who cradled his torn appendage in fear. The young guard tried to father himself,  reaching into his pocket to pull out a small dagger to try to protect himself.
  The grizzly’s golden eyes narrowed at Balder. A growl leaving it’s throat, it’s large body easily towering over Balder. But the bear seemed to be telling Balder to fight it. To kill it.
    The prince gulped before bravely charging at the bear, Balder couldn’t die here. He had to save (your name)… he had to see her again. Balder had so much to live for.
    The bear easily swatted Balder off to the side. The prince flying into the air from the force of the blow, his back slamming into a tree. A crack ringing in Balder’s ears. Balder knew his rib’s were now broken from that monster’s strength.
    Blue eyes glanced off to the side, his broadsword laying a few feet from him. The prince slowly crawling towards his sword, trying his best not to alert the monster of his actions.
   The bear then turned its attention back to the young guard. The young guard beginning  to cry, causing the bear to release a few barks, as if it was laughing at Balder and his men. Were their lives just a game to this monster?
    The grizzly placed it’s paws on the young man’s head. The young man desperately trying to fend off the bear with his small dagger, ultimately begging the monster for his life. But the monster ruthlessly crush his head in instead by putting down its full weight. Blood and skull fragments now covering the bear’s front paws.
   Balder began to cry, the injured prince desperately  trying to crawl faster to his sword. He couldn’t die here. He wouldn’t die here. He prayed to the gods, to any god, that would let him survive this hell. To let him save his fiancée. To just see her one last time… to see his (your name)…
    The bear began to bark again, laughing at Balder’s struggle. The bear slowly approaching Balder, the bear huffing in triumph. The grizzly placed a paw on Balder’s forearm, stopping him just shy of a foot from his sword. Balder was so close, he was so close yet so far…
   Balder glanced up at the bear, it’s scarred face gazing at Balder in sadistic glee. With a loud snap, Balder felt his forearm snap under the full weight of the bear. A pained scream leaving Balder’s throat, the bear soon moving it’s attention to Balder’s legs.
    The bear placed a paw on each femur before giving them the same treatment as Balder’s right forearm. Loud crunching noises echoing throughout the forest. 
    “You son of a-“ the bear’s jaw was soon around Balder’s right shoulder, agonizing screams leaving the blonde’s throat as the grizzly bear began to shake him like a rag doll.
    The grizzly dragging Balder’s body over to a tree, the grizzly slamming the prince into the tree over and over and over again. Until the prince went completely limp.
    A satisfied growl left the bear’s throat. The bear dropping Balder’s body to the forest floor, golden eyes studying its handy work.
   Body parts and blood lay all around the bear. The grizzly glancing around for somewhere to put all the parts.
   A small cave soon sticking out to him. The bear growling before getting to work. 
    Balder’s blue eyes gazed dully at his comrades’ bodies. A single finger twitching before he went completely still.
    Björn washed away the blood off his body. The dark haired man gazing at his reflection in distaste. Would his new companion like his rugged appearance? 
    His face and body was covered in so many scars. Ranging from other animals and even some from the men he’s killed over the years. Björn hummed at the new scar already forming on his side from Balder’s sword.
   Björn was just lucky werebears healed faster than average humans. He wouldn’t want to have to wait a long time to recover when he had his beautiful companion to take care of. A beautiful noble lady…
    “(Your name)…” Björn whispered her name, trying to familiarize the name on his lips. A smile crawling on his face. He knew he’d have to wait until she woke up so he could call her by her name. It was only proper for her to tell him her name herself.
    Björn ran a hand threw his long beard before pulling out a dagger he had stolen off one of the men he just killed. Maybe he should trim it down like that blonde fellow’s? 
    Björn continued to study his reflection. Ultimately he decided to trim his beard down and clean his long hair as much as he could. He wanted to look presentable to his companion.
   Plus he now had some lovely horse hides to give her. Björn really hoped she liked them.
    Björn brushed his fingers threw his companion’s hair, his brown eyes softening at her calm expression.
    A few weeks have passed, he had noticed her leaning into his touch now. The action causing Björn’s heart to soar.
    Björn placed a gently kiss to (your name)’s forehead, desperately trying to hold back from his desire to kiss her plump lips. He wanted to properly introduce himself before he took their relationship to the next level.
    Björn rose from his chair from beside the bed, a hum leaving his throat as he stirred the turkey soup he had made in a cauldron over his fireplace. (Your name) seemed to really enjoy the soups he made, which in turn made Björn happy. 
    A rustling noise soon caught Björn’s attention, the wooden spoon in his hand almost falling into the cauldron at the sight before him. (Your name) was awake and sitting up.
    “H-hello?” (Your name) softly whispered, her voice hoarse from not using it in a few weeks. “Have you been the one taking care of me?”
    Björn quickly took the spoon out of the soup, placing it on the small wooden dining table he had before making his way over to the young woman. 
     Björn sat on his knees, his large hands holding her much smaller hands in his. Björn’s honey colored eyes studying her beautiful (eye color) orbs in awe.
     “Y-yes… I’m so glad you’re awake…” Björn nervously replied, a rosy blush coating his rugged features. “I don’t want you to over exert yourself. If you need to rest you can…”
    “Ah, but I feel like I’ve been here for such a long time…” (your name) replied softly, her (eye color) eyes glancing into Björn’s brown ones. “I don’t want to be anymore of a burden to you.”
    “You could never be a burden to me.” Björn smiled at (your name), the male practically melting under her gaze. “You can stay as long as you have to…”
    “You’re very kind.” (Your name) gave his hands a gentle squeeze, Björn trying his best not to cry in joy. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you… mister?”
    “Björn. My name is Björn Danner.” Björn brightly smiled at (your name). “What is your name?”
    “My name is (your full name).” 
    “You have a very beautiful name.” A chuckle left (your name)’s throat. The young woman gave Björn a smile so charming that it made his knees feel like jelly.
    “Thank you, Björn.” Björn shakily rose to his feet before motioning his hand towards the various books decorating the shelves in his cabin. 
   “If you’re feeling better, you can read a book if you’d like or…” Björn flushed before composing himself to continue speaking, “I could read a book to you…”
    “Thank you but I’m okay for now. I think I may need some more rest for now.” (Your name) politely replied. “Thank you, Björn.”
    “Would you like some soup? I just caught some turkey and I dried out the rest of it for winter.”
    “For winter?” (Your name) softly muttered. A frown was now prominent on her face. “I… I need to go home before then… I was supposed to be getting married awhile ago…”
   Björn clenched his fists before relaxing. He had already taken care of that situation. 
    “Winter will be here in a week or two already… I don’t know if you’ll have the strength to be able to make it back home quite yet.” Björn did his best to keep his composure, brown eyes shining softly at (your name). “I’m sure it’ll be safer once winter is over to head back.”
  (Your name) furrowed her brows in concern. She really missed her fiancé, Balder. He was a wonderful man who treated her so well. Balder would do anything for her… which is why she was wondering why he hasn’t left to look for her yet.
    Balder was the type of man who would send out a search party if she didn’t reply to his letters in a day. So she couldn’t imagine what he could be going through right now… (your name) just hoped Balder was happy whenever he was. 
   (Eye color) orbs gazed out the window, a frown gracing (your name)’s lips. Was Balder safe?
   Balder couldn’t understand how he was still alive… or how he could still even walk.
    Balder stared at his body in wonder at the faded wounds he received from that monstrous grizzly. It was almost as if his body was regenerating itself even faster.
    Balder began to notice a change in his body as well. He was growing more body hair, his hunger was unending, he was stronger, more muscular, and he was even faster than he used to be.
    Something abnormal was definitely going on, but the lord just couldn’t figure out what it was…
    Balder grasped the golden locket around his neck with a smile on his face. The gods had answered his prayers about not dying so now he just had to find his beloved. 
    The blonde continued making his way through the maze of the forest. The insatiable hunger returning to him again. Perhaps he would go find something to eat?
    Balder quickened his pace, unaware that his shadow was now that of a large bear.
    Living with Björn wasn’t so bad. (Your name) was slowly getting accustomed to her caretaker and his particular quirks. 
    “Would you like some jam on your bread, darling?” (Your name) glanced at the rugged man. She wondered how he got all of his scars. Was he a mercenary if some sort? Yet she doubt he possibly could be one, his docile demeanor did not give her any sense of danger.
    “Björn. Just call me by my name please.” (Your name) constantly had to remind her caretaker to not call her pet names. She knew he must’ve been alone for a long time and he more than likely became extremely attached to her, but he could not keep her here. 
     “Oh, I did it again… I apologize.” Björn but his lip, trying his best not to get frustrated that (your name) didn’t like his nicknames. She’s been with him for a few more weeks now maybe the Stockholm hasn’t set in yet?
    “Ah. It’s snowing outside, Björn!”  (Your name) gazed at the snow in awe. Where she came from, it hardly ever snowed. It was mostly just rain. 
    Björn’s cheeks flushed a rosy red, his honey colored eyes memorizing the way (your name)’s face lit up at the snow. 
    “I should bring some wood in to start a fire with. It’ll get pretty chilly soon.” Björn rose up from his chair, a soft hand grasping the sleeve of his shirt. Björn’s breath hitched, the male trying his hardest not to melt at the touch. Something below his belt twitching in excitement at the simple touch.
     “Please be safe, Björn.” Björn gulped, nodding his head since he couldn’t get his words out.
    The brawny male quickly shutting the front door, Björn shaking from the interaction. 
    Björn nervously shifted his legs, a soft moan leaving his throat when the fabric rubbed against his member just right.
   “Ah.” Björn placed a hand over his mouth, the man quickly moving away from the cabin to the large wood storage. Björn opening the door to it, shallow breaths escaping his throat. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment at how turned on he was from such a little touch.
    Björn glanced around the wood storage room, the man’s eyes glancing at a chair he had in the corner of the room. His large hand shakily holding his clothed member in embarrassment.
    Should he take care of his problem before returning? Björn glanced down, gulping at the sight of his noticeable erection. Björn sighed before slowly pulling down his pants, the large member springing up from its tight confinement. The light pink head already slightly leaking precum.
    Björn shakily placed a hand on his shaft, his breath hitching at the touch. He didn’t understand why he was so sensitive right now. Was it because she touched him?
   Björn slowly began to move his hand up and down, eyes closing as he began to imagine (your name)’s hand in his stead. Would she ever want to touch him like this? Could she even take him?
   Björn slowly began to pick up his pace, his thoughts racing in his head. Would she let him be inside of her? Would she let him give her his everything? His love? His seed? His offspring?
    Björn’s mind raced to (your name) rubbing a swollen stomach, the mental image of itself sending Björn over the edge. His hot semen spilling all over his hand and onto the dirt floor. Björn tried to calm his heartbeat. 
    He was so embarrassed that he thought such filthy thoughts of her when she didn’t even return a fraction of the magnitude of his feelings for her. Maybe (your name) was the reason he was slowly being driven insane. No. Björn had no right to blame her. He was the one with no self control.
    Björn cleaned himself up so he could return to the task at hand. He needed to make sure his darling was warm. Björn was sure she’d slowly give into his subtle advances.
   Balder gazed at his blood soaked hands. A shaky breath leaving his throat in shock. What had he done?
    Balder gazed at the full grown moose that laid mauled before him. It’s throat ripped out by some sort of savage animal. 
    Had the grizzly done this? No… it wasn’t the grizzly. Balder felt that hunger again, his blue eyes widening as white fur began to sprout from his arms. Tears falling down Balder’s face in realization.
    Balder was now a monster as well except… he was much larger than that grizzly. 
    Balder threw his head back, a loud growl leaving his throat before his face morphed into that of a polar bear. The only human part of him remaining was the locket around his neck. The soft fabric of the string stretching enough to accommodate his neck for now, but at the rate he was growing, he was going to need to store it somewhere.
    Balder knew he now stood a chance against that monster if he wanted to find (your name). All he needed to do now is learn how to control himself. He didn’t want to ever hurt (your name)… never.
    Björn rose up from his bed, his ears shifting to be above his head in alarm. There weren’t supposed to be any other bears in his forest. Not ones like him at least.
    Björn contained the growl in his throat, his honey eyes glancing at the form of (your name) sleeping softly beside him in the corner of the large bed he made for the two of them.
    Björn rubbed his hand through her head, (your name) unconsciously leaning into the warm touch. A smile crawling on Björn’s lips.
    He would check it out tomorrow. For now, he didn’t want to alarm (your name) of any danger.
    Björn bravely shifted his body to wrap around (your name)’s, the young woman unconsciously leaning into his warm embrace. A smile dawning on Björn’s face when (your name)’s shirt fell slightly to the side, revealing the soft skin of her shoulder to him.
     “You’re my family now, (your name)…” Björn muttered to himself, the rugged man placing his lips on her exposed shoulder. His teeth lightly grazed the skin before he stopped himself. “I’ll protect you.”
     (Your name) felt disgusted with herself for enjoying Björn’s touch. She was an engaged woman and here she was letting this man kiss her shoulder while she was ‘asleep.’ 
    (Your name) glanced at the sleeping Björn. Her eyes studying the various scars on his face. The slash across his nose and lip being the most prominent. She had to admit, Björn was actually really good looking. 
    His medium length, chocolate hair was a little wavy and he had a nice full beard. He was definitely her type even if he was a little rough around the edges.
    (Your name) placed her hand on Björn’s cheek, the man’s honey colored eyes snapping open immediately. (Your name) tried to pull her hand back, but Björn grasped her hand.
    “Can you… touch me more?” Björn whispered so softly, as if he would break if he spoke any louder. “I… please.”
    (Your name) sat herself up, both of her hands gently tracing over the scars on Björn’s face. A few soft moans escaping his lips. The man sitting up now before taking off his shirt. 
    (Your name) gasped at the various scars and burns that littered his muscular body. Björn smiling softly at (your name) in an attempt to reassure her.
    “They don’t hurt anymore if you were wondering.” Björn grasped (your name)’s hands in his, a smile sitting on his lips. “I’m very strong.”
     (Your name) furrowed her brows. How could Björn say that? she could tell he’s been through so much. 
   “Björn…” Björn perked up at his name, brown eyes focused only on (your name). There was nothing more important to Björn than this very moment. “Can I lay on your chest?”
  Björn blinked, trying his best to process that. The man quickly lay on his back, his hand patting his chest. Motioning for her to rest her head.
    (Your name) stifled a giggle at his cuteness. It was strange to describe Björn as cute but there was no other word she could think of to describe how adorable he could be at times.
    (Your name) gently laid her head on his chest. Her left hand lazily tracing circles on his prickly chest. 
    “Good night, Björn.”
    “Good night, darling.” (Your name) couldn’t find it in herself to correct him on his pet names anymore.
    Björn was so giddy. He felt over the moon at the progress he was making with his relationship with (your name). She no longer corrected him when he called her darling and now she touched him. 
    “Do you want any fish, darling?” Björn asked, a pretty smile resting on (your name)’s face. 
    “Okay, Björn. Thank you, I really appreciate you.” Björn swooned. 
    “Ah, of course!” Björn cursed himself for being so awkward. A small giggle leaving (your name). Björn was so cute. “I’ll go get some for you.”
    “Pease be safe, Björn!” Björn smiled at (your name).
    “Of course. I have you to come home to now, darling.” Björn winked at (your name), causing a blush to flush her cheeks since he caught her off guard.
    “I guess I’d miss you if something happened to you.” (Your name) fiddled with her hands. “I guess I’ve come to like you, Bjorn.”
   Björn smiled before heading out to door. (Your name) frowning at herself while her heart skipped beats in her chest.
    Why on earth was she falling for Björn when she still had Balder?
    Balder tightly grasped the locket he had found beside a frozen swimming hole. Tears falling down his face.
    She was here… it might’ve been a long time ago, but Balder was completely sure she was once here.
    Balder tightly pressed the numerous animal pelts he had collected over the last week onto his pale body for warmth. Icy blue eyes glancing the area for any other sign that (your name) could be around.
   Balder was starting to get frustrated with his search. He felt as if he was running circles in this frosted forest from hell. It was impossible to know your way around here and he had been here almost a month.
    Not to mention, he had no control over when he was a bear or when he was a man.
    Balder huffed before making his way back up the watering hole. He was going to continue his search. No matter how long it took. He wouldn’t give up hope in finding (your name).
    But for now, he’d go to the cave where his dead men resided with him. Their corpses were a reminder of what he must do. Balder wanted to save (your name) first and then come back for his dead men once him and her were home. 
  For now, that cold cave was his shelter. His makeshift home.
    Björn sighed at the sight of carnage he found. Various carcasses of moose and elk lay around the forest. This was definitely the work of a new werebear.
   Björn was careless. He should’ve made sure he killed all of those men before throwing them in the cave. Better yet, he should’ve destroyed all of their carcasses.
    New werebears were dangerous because they didn’t know how to control their animalistic urges or even when they shifted. Not to mention the insatiable hunger. 
    Björn was going to have to hunt this other werebear down before he disrupted the natural resources even more. Werebears are meant to be born, not created due to their destructive nature.
    And at the way this one tore apart the moose and elks, Björn knew this was the work of a polar bear. 
    Björn growled softly at the thought of that other bear finding his home and hurting (your name). 
    Like hell Björn would let that happen. He wouldn’t let anyone disturb his family.
    Björn continued his trek through the forest to get to the river. He was going to catch some fish for (your name) and make sure he covered their scent as much as possible. 
    He didn’t want to run into this bear quite yet. Björn needed time to prepare, time to put on more mass, and mod importantly, time to get (your name) to never leave him.
    (Your name) happily ate the trout Björn had prepared for the two of them. Björn sitting in front of her with his hands on either side of his face, his honey eyes admiring her.
   “Björn… how long have you been here?” Björn froze at the question, a sad smile stretching on his lips. Björn sat upright, placing his hands down on the table.
    “Most of my life.” Björn replied. “My parents left me here when I was very, very young.” (Your name) frowned, pausing her meal to place a comforting hand on his right hand. How could a family abandon their child in the forest like this?
    “It must’ve been so lonely…” (your name) whispered, her eyes gazing softly into Björn’s. 
    “I have you now though.” Björn smiled softly. “You’re the first person I’ve ever talked this much to… I really enjoy having you around… I… I don’t know if I could go through that again if you left.” 
    (Your name) bit her lip. Björn was such a sweet man. He didn’t deserve to be here all alone in the middle of nowhere… it wasn’t fair. 
  “Well, my fiancé hasn’t searched for me or he might’ve found my carriage and presumed I’m dead at this point…” (your name) muttered, Björn’s eyes shining at her words. “At this rate I might not have anywhere else to go.”
    “Then you can stay here. I can take care of you… of us.” Björn excitedly exclaimed before composing himself. “Ah. I didn’t mean to jump the gun. I just really enjoy your company.”
    “I enjoy your company too… honey.” (Your name) tested out the pet name she had been thinking of for Björn. He’s been calling her darling for a little over a month or two now, so isn’t it fair that she give him a pet name as well? Ways it strange how she was warming up to the idea of being with Björn?
    He was so patient and caring… he always listened to her. He was even more attentive to her than Balder was… it was astounding how such a loving man existed.
    Björn’s whole face turned a bright, cherry red. 
   “Ah… honey?” Björn nervously fiddled with his fingers, the rugged man trying his best not to dissolve into a puddle of goo in his seat. “I… I like it.”
    (Your name) giggled, her eyes softening at her companion. She could definitely get used to living with Björn. He was so soft and sweet… like a teddy bear.
     “I’m glad you like the nickname…” (your name) smiled softly, her lashes fluttering against her soft skin like the wings of a butterfly. “I… I mean it when I say I enjoy your company. You’re very sweet to me. Even when I can be a little cold at times.”
    Björn heart soared higher than an eagle in the sky. She was starting to give into him… but he knew he was going to have to keep being patient if he wanted her to fall for him completely.
  “And I enjoy your company, darling.” Björn opened his arms to her, (your name) happily accepting the hug Björn wanted to give her. “So very much.”
   A wicked smile crawled in Björn’s lips, his honey colored eyes flashing a gold. Björn was so happy she was starting to see things his way. It really saved him the trouble from having to go to the extremes.
    Today was the first day (your name) had been outside since she’s found herself under Björn’s care for the last half of the year. A thoughtfully made fur coat of various animal pelts wrapped around her small figure like a warm hug.
    “Honey. Please wait for me. My little legs can’t keep up with your long ones.” Björn chuckled at (your name) before slowing himself down. A soft smile resting on his face as he gazed lovingly at his future mate.
    “I’m sorry, darling. I guess I got a little too excited to show you around.” Björn gestured at the beautiful frozen forest. The trees appearing as if they were covered in iridescent crystals. “Right now it’s a winter wonderland.”
   (Your name) stared at the view in awe. Björn was right. The forest was very beautiful…
    Soft snowflakes slowly began to fall from the sky, their small, fluffy white bodies landing on (your name)’s head like tiny frozen kisses. 
   A giggle left (your name)’s throat, which in turn cause Björn to admire her happy face.
    “I’ll show you where the river is. If we ever get separated for any reason, meet me at the river.” Björn warned her, a stern look on his face. “There’s been a recent disturbance in the forest, so if you happen to run into a bear or a wolf, scream for me and I’ll come.”
    “But you wouldn’t ever let anything happen to me.” (Your name) smiled at Björn, taking his large hand in hers. “I trust you, Björn.”
     Björn gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She was right. He wouldn’t ever let anything happen to her. 
    The two continued their trek around the forest until they came to the raging river. The two stopping for a break on the rocky bank. 
    “I’m going to go on ahead and cut a hole so we can catch some fish. The ice has a tendency to be thin in some areas so I don’t want you to fall through. The current is incredibly strong here so you could easily be swept under and drown.” Björn stated, the giant male motioning for (your name) to sit on a rock. “Stay right here, okay darling?”
    (Your name) nodded her head, placing herself on a large rock while Björn got to work. (Eye color) eyes observing Björn slowly treading through the ice, careful not to step on one thin pieces. 
    (Your name) then glanced around the clearing, her brow furrowing at the quietness of the forest. Shouldn’t there be at least a few birds or any sort of animals making the slightest bit of noise? They all couldn’t be in hibernation or migrated could they?
    (Your name) pulled her fur coat closer to herself, trying to shrug off the bad feeling she had. Having Björn there made her feel slightly safer, but she had a gut feeling that someone’s eyes were watching her.
    (Your name) glanced one last time over to the forest, a chill running down her spine at what she saw.
     There was a giant polar bear to the left and he looked ready to charge at them…
    “Björn!” (Your name) shouted, immediately alarming the rugged male, his eyes turning to her direction. 
    “Darling? What’s the matter?” Björn sucked in a deep breath, his eyes following her shaky hand pointing into the forest. Honey colored eyes meeting icy eyes for the first time in months. 
    Of course that noble bastard was a werebear now. Björn easily recognized this scent. The polar bear released a loud growl, the humongous white bear slowly making its way towards the pair. It’s sharp teeth flashing in the sunlight, attempting to entice Björn to fight him.
    “Run (your name).” Björn commanded, the male carefully, but swiftly made his way back to the rocky bank. “Run and don’t look back. I will find you.”
    “But Björn-“ Björn shook his head at (your name), his eyes pleading with her.
    “Go down the river. I will find you, I swear.” (Your name) meekly nodded before taking off. The young woman sparing one last glance, concern laced on her face.
    “Please be safe, Björn.” (Your name) then fled down the river, Björn quickly shedding his clothes, much to the confusion of the the polar bear. 
     A loud growl left the polar bear’s throat. Balder had finally found (your name) so why did she run? Was it because she thought he was a monster?
   Balder tried to chase after (your name), only for a familiar grizzly to stand in his way. Realization hitting Balder. Björn was the one who took his fiancée, Björn was the one who made him a monster.
    A loud roar left Balder, his anger and hatred laced in his battle cry. He wasn’t going to let this beast stand between him and reuniting with his love. 
    Björn snarled at Balder, the two bears circling each other. A deadly dance about to begin.
     Balder was the first to charge, his larger body easily shoving Björn to the ground. The grizzly jumping back up to its feet, it’s sharp claws easily swiping into the polar bear’s side. 
     Blood dripped from the wound, the polar bear hissing in pain. Balder quickly tackled Björn to the ground. Sharp teeth digging into the back of Björn’s neck, the grizzly desperately trying to get out of Balder’s hold.
   Balder was then flipped over, blood dripping from his jaws. Icy blue orbs glaring at the golden eyes of the scarred grizzly. He couldn’t believe his life came to this. To fighting a bear to save his fiancée.
     Balder roared, only for his face to be slashed from a powerful swipe from Björn’s claws. Balder was seething in rage. The hunger slowly beginning to hit him again.
    Björn huffed, his eyes glancing at the ice. An epiphany hitting him. Björn could tell Balder had little to no control over his bear urges, so why not take advantage of Balder thinking like a bear?
    Björn bolted towards the ice covered river. The polar bear growling in anger, immediately giving chase. He wanted to end this. He wanted to devour Björn for taking everything from him. 
    Björn began to dodge certain parts in the ice, careful not to alert Balder in what he was trying to do. 
     Balder slowed down, his icy eyes widening as the ice began to crack under him. Balder froze in place, the grizzly bear giving him a toothy grin. 
    A loud cry escaped the polar bears lips before he plunged into the icy river. The current sweeping him underneath the ice caps. Clawed paws desperately trying to swim to the top, only for the thick ice to prevent him from escaping. 
   Björn shook his head, carefully making his way back to his clothes. 
    That should hold his opponent off for awhile while he went to find (your name). Possibly even get rid of him already if he didn’t know how to swim. 
    Finding (Your name) was his priority right now at the moment. She couldn’t have gotten that far…
    (Your name) tried catching her breath, her hands resting on her knees. She had ran the fastest she could to get away from the bear. Tears gathering in her eyes in fear. 
    She really hoped Björn was okay. A shudder left her throat at the thought of Björn being dead. 
    (Your name) glanced around the forest, clutching onto her coat for warmth. It was slowly starting to get colder. The chilly air nipping at her cheeks in the way dogs nipped at the feet of sheep. 
    (Eye color) eyes shifted to the thick brush, a small cave now visible to her. 
    Björn should be able to find her if she went into that cave right? (Your name) took a deep breath before making her way towards the cave. 
    A strong gust of wind nearly knocking her over, the snowfall steadily becoming heavier by the minute.
    (Your name) trudged through the snow, standing just shy of a foot from the cave. A vile smell filling her nostrils, causing (your name) to gag. She’s never inhaled such a foul smell before.
    (Your name) placed an arm over her nose, bravely pushing forward into the cave. The snowfall now turning into a blizzard.
Here’s part 2:
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
Wow congratulations on 2k!! Can I be very predictable and request some Maedhros and Maglor – maybe post-Dagor Bragollach? Thank you!
With many many apologies for how late this is, thank u very much and I hope you enjoy beloved <3
Maglor was lying on his front.
His back had been badly burned during the last frantic leg of his flight to Himring. Maedhros, over and over, had thought he could have turned - if he’d turned at the wrong moment he could have been blinded, or worse. Sometimes he was so overcome by this thought that he, very carefully and quietly, breathed a prayer of thanks to Varda.
She was not listening, of course. But - but if she was. Just in case. For Maglor.
Himring had not had much burn salve when the Long Peace came to its sudden and abrupt end. Maedhros - fool that he was - had not anticipated the dragon, and had seen no need for a large store of such. Besides, it was difficult to grow plants with the required soothing properties on his windy hill. So they had had very little to treat the injuries of Maglor’s people, and of Maglor himself. Many had died. Maglor himself had almost died; he had screamed himself hoarse, crying out, "Nelyo, make it stop - make it stop please" until Maedhros had fled the room. He had defenses to mount, rations to assign, guards to discipline. He could not spend all day in his brother’s room, and his burning presence could not help: only harm.
But Maglor’s fever had at last broken, the burned skin on his back beginning at last to knit itself together. Though it was still dangerous to apply any pressure to his back, the healers had lost the strain about their eyes when they spoke to Maedhros. And so he felt that it was safe enough now to sit in the same room with Maglor, and hold his hand, and feel the rhythmic flicker of his brother’s spirit.
Beside him Maglor stirred. "Lindessë?" he asked, muzzily.
Maedhros held in a wince. Maglor’s wife had been lost in Dagor Bragollach. There had been few who were not soldiers at the Gap in the first place, and they had been sent out to seek safety at Himring with a company at the first sign of attack - or so Maedhros had gathered, from one of Maglor’s few lucid periods and the reports of his commanders. Not a one of the civilians had reached Himring, and Lindessë was dead. His guess was that they had run into the dragon, and he could only hope that it had been quick.
"Not Lindessë, Lauro," he said gently.
A pause. "Oh," Maglor said at last, dully. "Yes. She is dead."
"Yes," said Maedhros. There was nothing else to say.
"But you are alive?" said Maglor. His fingers were cool within Maedhros’ own.
"Yes," said Maedhros again. "I live - and you live, and I am glad of it."
"It - hurts," said Maglor.
"I am sorry," returned Maedhros, wishing that he could do something - anything! - to help, instead of delivering useless platitudes and standing beside Maglor’s burned body with a spirit that was constantly afire with agony. "We have not much salve and the healers are stretched thin."
"No," said Maglor, voice muffled by the pillow. "Not - that. Her."
"Ah," said Maedhros. He did not know what to say. This was one of the rare pains he did not intimately know. The thought of it made him quail.
I told you so, Curufin might have said. They had all warned Maglor, again and again, about the danger of marrying in Beleriand: and marrying one who could not fight and did not wish to! She had been indispensable in the Gap, it was true, for her way with horses was unmatched and her Songs beautiful - but she was no warrior. And Maglor was so close to the Enemy.
Maglor had not listened, and now Lindessë was gone, and Maedhros did not have the heart to say anything about unwisdom. Not anymore.
"I know it hurt," Maglor said. "I felt it. She was surprised. She reached out to me. But I could not reach back."
"I am sorry, háno," said Maedhros, squeezing Maglor’s fingers, trying to imbue them with some of his own warmth. "She is safe now."
"Is she? Or do you think she is Doomed along with us?"
"She was Sindar," said Maedhros, "and has shed no blood. Námo is not unjust."
Maglor laughed bitterly. "Is he not?"
Maedhros could think of nothing to say to that; and they sat in silence for awhile.
Finally Maglor said, "Do you think there are horses, where she is?"
"I do not know," said Maedhros. "Perhaps. There are horses in Aman, after all."
"Yes," said Maglor, "yes, you are right." He turned his face towards Maedhros. His cheeks were wet.
"I want to go home," he said. "I am so tired."
"I know," said Maedhros. He stroked the short ends of Maglor’s hair carefully. "I am here. I am sorry."
"Do not be sorry," said Maglor. "It was not you who led us here. I am just - tired."
"Then you ought to sleep," said Maedhros, "and I will be here when you wake up, if you wish it."
"I do," said Maglor. His voice cracked. "I do wish it."
Maedhros hesitated. "I am not Atar, not yet Amil, but - I - I will take care of you, dearest. As long as I can."
"I know," said Maglor, squeezing Maedhros’ hand in turn. "I know."
His hitching breaths evened out soon after that, and Maedhros sat with him long into the night, banking the blaze of his spirit as best he could, breathing in time with his brother.
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The Phoenix and the Crow
part seventeen
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: neutral
el's thoughts: part seventeen!!! hope y'all enjoy!
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“No,” Nina said as she watched the wolves circle Matthias. She grabbed Kaz’s arm, “You have to stop this.”
“Let go of me, Nina.” His gravel-rough voice was low, but Y/N sensed real menace in it.
The heartrender dropped her hand, “Please, you don’t understand.”
“If he survives, I’ll take Matthias Helvar out of this place tonight, but this part is up to him.”
Nina gave a frustrated shake of her head. “You don’t get it.”
Y/N drove her attention back to the arena below them. The three wolves lined up together and tumbled over one another to get to him. 
At the last second, Matthias dropped into a crouch, knocking the first Wolf into the dirt, then rolling right to pick up the bloodied knife the previous combatant had left in the sand. He sprang to his feet, blade held out before him, but his reluctance was painted on his face. His head was cocked to one side, and the look in his blue eyes was pleading as if he was trying to engage the two wolves circling him in some silent negotiation. Whatever the plea might have been, it went unheard. The wolf on the right lunged. Matthias crouched low and spun, lodging his knife in the wolf’s belly. It gave a miserable yelp, and Matthias seemed to shudder at the sound. It cost him precious seconds. The third wolf was on him, knocking him to the sand. Its teeth sank into his shoulder. He rolled, taking the wolf with him. The wolf’s jaw snapped, and Matthias caught them. He wrenched them apart, the muscles of his arms flexing, his face grim. 
Y/N turned her head subconsciously leaning closer to Kaz, and squeezed her eyes shut. There was a sickening crack. The crowd roared. 
Matthias knelt over the wolf. Its jaw was broken, and it lay on the ground twitching in pain. He reached for a rock and slammed it hard into the poor animal’s skull. It went still and Matthias’ shoulders slumped. The people howled, stomping their feet. Only Y/N and Nina knew what this was costing him, that he’d been a druskelle. Wolves were sacred to his kind, bred for battle like their enormous horses. They were friends and companions, fighting side by side with their duskelle masters.
The first wolf had recovered and was circling Matthias once again. He got to his feet, but his movements were slow, weary. His heart wasn’t in this fight. His opponents were gray wolves, rangy and wild, but cousins to the white wolves of the Fjerdan north. Matthias had no knife, only the bloody rock in his hand, and the remaining wolf prowled the arena between him and the pile of weapons. The wolf lowered its head and bared its teeth.
Matthias dove to the left. The wolf lunged, sinking its teeth into his side. He grunted and hit the ground hard. For a moment, it looked like he might simply give in and let the wolf take his life. Then he reached out, hand scrabbling through the sand, searching for something. His fingers closed over the shackles that had bound his wrists. 
He seized them, looped the chain across the wolf’s throat, and pulled the veins in his neck cording from the strain. His bloody face was pressed against the wolf’s ruff, his eyes tightly shut, his lips moving. What was he saying? A druskelle prayer? A farewell?
The wolf’s hind legs scrabbled at the sand. Its eyes rolled, frightened whites showing bright against its matted fur. A high whine rose from its chest. And then it was over. The creature’s body stiled. Both fighters lay unmoving in the sand. Matthias kept his eyes closed, his face still buried in the creature’s fur.
The crowd’s thundering roar of approval shook Y/N’s core. The ladder was lowered, and the announcer sprang down, hauling Matthias to his feet and grabbing his wrist to raise his hand in victory. The announcer gave him a little nudge, and Matthias lifted his head. 
Y/N squinted her eyes to get a better view of the Fjerdan’s face and her heart ached at the sight. Tears streaked the dirt on Matthias’ face. The rage was gone, and it was like some flame had gone out with it. His north sea eyes were cold, empty of feeling, stripped of anything human. It was a look that Y/N had only ever seen on the traumatized soldiers that had been left under her care after any battle. This is what Hellgate had done to him. 
Kaz watched as Y/N’s eyes darted around the arena, avoiding the scene below. Three dead wolves and a Fjerdan standing amongst them. He knew he had no control over the situation, but Saints, he wished he could prevent Y/N from being in this position. ‘She’s a soldier.’ She was trained for things like this. She was fine. He mentally scolded himself for allowing his mind to drift away from the task at hand. Getting Matthias out of here. That’s the mission.
It took Kaz a few seconds to pick the lock. The door creaked open and they slipped inside. 
The cell was pitch-black. A brief moment passed, and the cold green glow of a bonelight flickered to life beside Y/N. 
This is what the men of Hellgate fought and risked their lives for: a private cell, a blanket, clean water, a bucket for waste. Matthias slept with his back to the wall. Even in the dim illumination of the bonelight, she could see his face starting to swell. She winced at the thought of what kind of pain the man would be in once he woke up.
Nina moved toward him, but Kaz stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Let Y/N assess the damage.”
“I can-” Nine began.
“I need you to work on Muzzen.”
Y/N took cautious steps closer to take account of Matthias’ injuries. Muzzen stepped forward. He removed his cloak and shirt and the Madman’s mask. His head was shaved, and he wore prison-issue trousers.
Both grisha women shared a bewildered look once they realized Kaz’s plan. Both men were about the same height and the same build, but that was where the similarities ended. 
“You can’t possibly mean for Muzzen to take Matthias’ place.”
“He isn’t here for his sparkling conversation,” Kaz replied and then turned to Nina. “You’ll need to replicate Helvar’s injuries. Y/N what’s the inventory?”
She hummed quietly, “Bruised knuckles, chipped tooth, two broken ribs… Third and fourth on the left.”
“His left or your left?” Kaz asked.
“His left.”
“This isn’t going to work,” Nina said in frustration. “I can match the damage to Helvar’s body, but I’m not a good enough tailor to make Muzzen look like him.”
“Just trust me, Nina.”
“I wouldn’t trust you to tie my shoes without stealing the laces, Brekker.” She peered at Muzzen’s face. “Even if I swell him up, he’ll never pass.”
“Tonight, Matthias Helvar – or rather, our dear Muzzen – is going to appear to contract firepox, the lupine strain, carried by wolves and dogs alike. Tomorrow morning, when his guards discover him so covered in pustles that he is unrecognizable, he will be quarantined for a month to see if he survives the fever and to outwait the contagion. Meanwhile Matthias will be with us. Get it?”
Y/N had backed away from Matthias’ sleeping form and stared at Kaz with wide eyes. Once again, he’d proved his mastermind. His criminal mastermind. ‘I couldn’t have fallen for a general, could I?’ Kirigan flashed in her mind. ‘Forget the general. A Barrel king would work.’
Nina looked Muzzen up and down, “This is going to hurt just as much as if you’d been in the fight yourself,” she warned him.
He scrunched up his face, bracing for the pain. “I can take it.”
With that, she started reproducing all of the injuries accounted for by the inferni. The tall man grunting and wincing in pain with the start of every new one. With a sharp slice of her hand she broke his ribs causing him to groan and double over in pain.
“That’s a good boy,” said Kaz. “Taking it like a champion. Knuckles next, then face.”
Once Nina was done working on Muzzen, she moved to heal Matthias. Her hands traveled over the bruised line of his jaw, her hesitance was evident as her hand lingered there.
“Not the face, Nina.” Kaz stood behind her with the bonelight in his hand. “I need him to be mobile, not pretty. Heal him fast and only enough to get him walking for now. I don’t want him spry enough to vex us.”
The heartrender placed her hand on his shoulder. “Helvar,” she said. He didn’t stir. “Matthias.” She leaned down to place a kiss on his temple. Tears silently making a trail down her cheek. “Matthias,” she said once again.
Y/N looked away to give her any sort of privacy as her heart ached for her friend. 
“Nina?” The Fjerdan’s voice was raw. 
“Oh, Saints, Matthias.” She whispered. “Please wake up.” 
His eyes opened, groggily, palest blue Y/N had ever seen but something was hidden beneath the waves of his eyes. Something dark made her stand on edge. His knuckles brushed her cheek; his rough hand cupped her face tentatively, disbelieving. “Nina.”
“Shhh, Matthias. We’re here to get you out.”            
Before anyone could blink he had a hold of her shoulders and had pinned her to the ground. “Nina,” he growled. And then his hands closed around her throat. 
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kovacs-of-courage · 1 year
Odd Company
There will be a day, that despite all of Legend’s groveling and pseudo frustration, in which he’ll come to terms with the odd quirks, and frankly bizarre habits of brothers.
Today was not that day.
They were deep within the bowels of a temple, what Legend assumed used to be a place of religious reverence. The crumbling statues, chiseled with their hands clasped together in prayer, which were placed around certain sigils of the golden goddesses gave him that guess, and the biblical-esque commandments that littered the floor. 
They’d decided to split up at the entrance, to cover more ground. The temple was built into the side of a mountain, its entrance made in the bust of a mighty warrior ages past, or maybe ages future?  Legend gave up on trying to tell what timezone they were the moment that Valor tried explaining to him the common history of his era. 
Once inside, Legend offered to handle the higher floors, which got a raised eyebrow from more than a few of his brothers. He typically liked to be in the front seat of whatever danger they might be facing, so the idea that he wanted to head topside, where there’d be less traps and less monsters, stuck out to them. Legend had his reasons, like how most of the locked doors and sealed chambers that these types of temples contained tended to be on lower levels, and the keys to access them tended to be located as far and as annoyingly away as the architects thought possible.
Before he’d gone up the stairs, Traveler volunteered to go with him, if only so he had someone to watch his back. 
Legend appreciated that.
What Legend did not appreciate, was what Traveler was doing now.
“Y’know I’ve heard people say that licking these things lets you commune with the gods, but you have to boil them first.”
Legend, arm deep in a rusty, dusted chest, froze for a moment, if to contemplate what in the golden realms was Traveler talking about. He sprung up from the chest, and turned to see Traveler holding--
Was that a frog?
A luminescent, red spotted frog was held in his friend’s hands. It glowed brighter and hotter than any lantern, Legend could feel the heat radiating off of it’s bumped, textured skin like it was coming from a campfire. He didn’t know how Traveler was holding it, visibly excited no less.
“Let’s not do that, and seco-wait, wait, who says this? Who are you talking about?” Legend asked, more confused than irritated.
Traveler made a pondering hum, thinking over his experiences. He put the frog under his armpit, much like how a student might carry their book bag, counting on both his hands.
“Well there was that old man selling potions outside North Castle, and he told me that right before Zel--Dawn had to detain him on charges of alchemy without a license. That was a shame too, because they were good potio-”. “Oh so the illegal chemist told you, and now licking random animals is fine.” Legend said, cutting him off.
“Don’t get on your high horse here, you catch bees as a hobby, beekeeper boy.” Traveler retorted. “Oh?!? And that’s weirder than the animal licking? Name one other person who says licking frogs is a thing you should do.” Legend exclaimed.
“Fine, I will! There was a pastor in Saria that had them as home medicine for common diseases, and they worked fine.” Traveler said. “So that's a weird pastor, and the illegal potion dealer- fantastic track record.” Legend said.
“So when you meet old men in caves and woods, what they say is “advice” and “tips”, but when I take advice from strangers, it’s bad?” Traveler inquired, a hand on his hip. At this point, Legend’s head was in hands, in disbelief he was having this argument. “Oh Nayr-YES, YES, because I don’t just go with every random hint I’m told! I think critically about it.”
Traveler shook his head, still holding the frog under his other arm, who was strangely content in watching them fight.
“Nope, no, nado pal. You told me that the magic powder in your pouch was from gathering mushrooms in lost woods for a witch, how is that any different from the potion seller, and the frog.” Traveler said.
“Well she didn’t get arrested for one.” Legend shot back.
“How is she going to get arrested if Ganon had driven the royal family, and the actual government, into hiding?” “That’s semantics!” Legend said, crossing his arms.
Traveler didn’t respond, as a set of stomping footfalls up the stairs at the room’s entrance grabbed their attention, they both readied their swords in an instant, preparing for whatever monster had come to check on the noise.
“What are you two TALKING ABOUT”
It wasn’t a monster, and for some reason, Legend wished it was.
Wind stood in the doorway, a scowl painted on his face. 
“We can hear you from the basement, you keep screwing up Twi and Wild’s timing on a puzzle.”
“We thought you two were in danger.”
Legend was unabashed, not turned away by Wind’s anger. He wasn’t leaving this without proving his point, so help him Din.
“Oh Traveler’s is going to be, REAL soon if he goes through with what he was doing.”
Wind whipped to face Traveler, and noticed the frog, and his expression changed to one of sudden realization.
“Oh were you going to lick that? You know you’re supposed to boil them first?” “For the LOVE O-”
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CW: Graphic Violence and mild gore
The jail floor was damp and cold under Angelique's feet, leaving her to stand on the loose mat that was supposed to be her bedding for her stay. She sat down on the rough mat made of long strands of hay tied together with horse hair, and pressed her back up to the wall, tilting her head back in frustration with her eyes closed. She could hear the pit-pat of Ashera's feet pacing in the cell across from hers. Angelique couldn't help but find it kind of adorable when Ashera got frustrated, which made it her favorite pastime on most occasions. She looked at the woman pacing and swearing at the guards, cursing their families until a familiar voice rang from somewhere else in the prison.
"Shut it, you know that's not going to help your situation at all."
Angelique looked over at the cell holding the Inquisitor Heretic, who had been hunting them this whole time. She was hanging from the wall, her ankles and wrists shackled. Her wrists were attached to the wall by chains while her ankles were snug against the wall, leaving her at an awkward angle on top of her whole body being spread apart. She was like a diagonal "X". A very humiliated, sweaty "X".
"You shut it! Why the fuck are you even down here?"
The Inquisitor flinched at Ashera's retort, adding to the broken feeling of being cast aside by the community she committed her life to. As the vessel of the justice of her gods, she committed her life to the singular God and the Emperor, His 4th heir. She thought that if she could only commit herself to the imperial standard of justice, she could keep on living, like she had earned the right to pray. Thekla closed her eyes, struggling to hold back tears, as the rebels should not be allowed to see her weak.
"It- it was her turn on the chopping block."
Angelique's voice cut the tension, causing Ashera to look over at her. Her face softened a bit when her eyes met Angelique's. She was right. After all, just because somebody was in a different spot in line to die in the arena, it didn't mean they weren't sentenced to death. Ashera sighed and gave a frustrated "tch" before leaning up against the cell.
"How are you doing, Angie?"
"I'm feeling fine..." Angelique smiled gently at Ashera.
"I hope you're well?"
Ashera nodded, giving an almost boyish grin.
Thekla couldn't hold her tears back anymore as the very soft expressions on the faces of the rebels reminded her of Revenant, how soft her lips looked, despite the scar running through them on her left side, her eyes that held moments of clarity and gentleness when they met hers. She had a burning in her chest, a desire and a want for her weapon, who she felt naked and disarmed being without.
It was then that the three prisoners heard a sound coming down the hallway, followed by a scream from one of the guards.
"Sound the alarm! It's the Re-"
They heard the swing of a blade through the air, followed by something rolling and the loud thud of a body dropping. Thekla raised her head to try and see what was happening, her eyes widened. She thought it surely couldn't be, could it? Like a prayer answered and justice delivered, Revenant was becoming more visible the closer she made her way down the long, dark hallway. She could faintly be seen by the sparks of her blade scraping against the wall as some of the guards turned to run.
"Quick, lock the door!"
One yelled while the other ran down the hallway. The guards inside the jailroom already stood their ground, spears in hand. The one who yelled stopped to ring a bell, but the sound of the bell ringing was interrupted before resuming from his head being slammed against the outside of the bell multiple times, each time sounding squishier and squishier. Revenant dropped the man she left unrecognizable and held her sword at her hip, pointing it in front of her, holding it still with her other hand on the crossguard, readying herself to sprint and close the distance between her and the next guard. As she began to approach faster, the two guards inside the room hurried to close the door shut, looking on in sheer horror as their comrade ran up to the door, begging and pleading to be let in.
"Please don't let it get me! Please! Ple-"
The guards jumped back as the other guard spit up blood through the bars of the window hole of the door. The door then began to swing open before the guards jolted to hold it shut, avoiding the blade dripping with blood sticking out the other side of the door.
Thekla cried out to Revenant, which caused everything to calm down for a second. As she stared through the bars of the door, she could swear that she made eye contact with Revenant. As soon as the moment had begun, it had ended with the sound of a body banging against the door and the blade moving in and out of the hole it had made. Angelique and Ashera had never seen this level of ferocity, this amount of disregard for human life in their entire time being chased by the duo. There were times that they wondered if the person traveling with their rival was really The Revenant and not some pretender meant to intimidate them into surrendering. The thuds of the body grew louder as the cracking of bones became more evident with the cracking of wood. Before they knew, the door fell forward off its hinges, with the man Revenant impaled almost being part of the door, the sword still pinning the body to the door. The guards inside the room had stood back once they knew the door was done for. There stood Revenant, panting, rage strewn across her typically stoic face, covered in blood, sweat, and viscera.
"Quick! It's unarmed!"
The one guard yelled while approaching her with his spear. The other stood, his knees shaking as he watched his fellow soldier's spear graze her side as she very subtly stepped to the side. Revenant then grabbed the spear to pull the guard in closer. His feet losing ground, he was forced to comply. The man fell at her feet and she speared him through the chest, letting out an aggravated grunt. She looked over at the other man who was on the floor backing away, pleading for his life before approaching him and taking off his helmet. She then straddled him, shoving the rest of his body to the floor before pulling back her fist to punch him in the face. After the second time with no sign of stopping, Thekla screamed, her voice harsh from the strain she put on it. Hearing her voice say stop, it was almost like the whole world stopped, leaving Revenant's face to lighten back from the rage, then to horror, before finally landing back on her usual stoic expression after a couple deep breaths. Revenant got off the man, reaching to his belt for his keys.
"Big key for the doors, smallest key for the shackles..."
The man had a hard time speaking with a swollen lip, but Revenant understood enough. Angelique and Ashera stood in the far corners of their cells, Angelique was sweating and trying her best not to throw up after what she had just witnessed.
"Mythras, I'm just glad that wasn't us."
Ashera looked relieved and glanced over at the carnage Revenant left behind. She couldn't think of an animal alive that could've replicated what she had done. Revenant ignored the two and unlocked the cell door to Thekla's cell. Thekla looked at Revenant in horror, her eyes wide, sweat dripping down her brow, her chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath. Revenant's expression dropped, and her movements staggered as she hurried to undo the shackles holding Thekla to the wall. She caught Thekla in her arms, trying to embrace her, but she wouldn't have it. Thekla fell to the floor and crawled away, looking at Revenant in terror of what she was capable of. Revenant let out a noise from her mouth as she felt tears start to fall down her face.
Revenant looked at her hands and up to Thekla, who seemed to have been starting to calm down a little. She felt a great sense of... remorse? She hadn't known this feeling in a century, just like every other emotion Thekla brought up in her. As she saw Thekla start to calm down, she cautiously made her way over to her, as if she were approaching a stray kitten. Once she made it over to her, she got down on her knees and bowed her head before her voice started to break out of her mouth.
"I-I-I'm-m-m-m ssssorrrrrrrryyyy"
Her voice sounded as dry as a desert looks as she had spoken her first words in almost sixty years. She looked in awe of herself, before looking up at Thekla. Before she could fully get her head up, Thekla had wrapped her arms around Revenant, pushing her over and burying her head into her chest, crying. Revenant ran her hand through Thekla's short, almost black, curly hair while her other hand rubbed her back. She then rested her head on the floor and croaked another apology.
Thekla raised her head off of Revenant's chest and straddled her to get a good look at her face. She cupped her pale, olive cheek with her hand, wiping away blood from her face.
"They didn't get you anywhere, did they?"
Revenant shook her head before leaning up to sit, Thekla still straddling her lap. She nodded towards her with a concerned look on her face as her thumb traced a fresh scar under her eye. Thekla closed the eye above the scar in a wince while shaking her head.
"It's nothing. Really, I'm fine."
Thekla leaned in closer, looking up and down between Revenant's lips and her brown puppydog eyes. Revenant held her with on hand on her back and the other on her waist, leaning in to her and pulling her in closer before they heard the sound of Angelique clearing her throat from one of the other cells. Thekla flushed a shade of red on her brown skin before struggling to get up, resulting in being helped up by Revenant, who then proceeded to pick her up and princess carry her, causing her to purse her lips and grow even redder in the face. Revenant carried her past the two cells before Thekla tugged on her blouse a little to get her attention. Revenant looked down at her to see what she needed before looking in the direction her eyes were pointing. Revenant gently put Thekla down before going up to Ashera's cell and tossing the keys at her. She managed to catch them, annoyed that she didn't just unlock it herself.
"Wow. Thanks. Jackass."
Angelique watched as Revenant went to help Thekla up and almost proceeded to princess carry her again before being stopped with an embarrassed "It's fine, Revy, really, I can walk..." before settling on helping her walk with Thekla's arm around her shoulder and her hand on her waist. Angelique looked over at Ashera who had managed to get the key into the cell door and was trying to turn it. She couldn't help but smile and give a little giggle at how frustrated she was.
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basicsofislam · 2 years
THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) : Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a.)
It was three years before the Migration of the Prophet to Madinah... There was a celebration in the house of his uncle, Hz. Ab­bas. A boy was born. They took the child to the Messenger of Allah. He gave the boy the name “Abdullah”. He put some palm paste in his mouth and said a prayer.
Little Abdullah was a member of the family of the Prophet. His aunt Hz. Maymuna was one of the wives of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh).  For this reason, Hz. Abdullah often went to the Prophet’s house and learned from him. He worshipped with the Messenger of Allah at night and served him. He won the affection of the Prophet with his hard work, practical intelligence and honesty.
Hz. Prophet wanted Abdullah to grow up as a scholar and a perfect Companion; he taught and educated him on every occasion. Once, Hz. Abdullah stopped a little away from the Prophet while praying. He thought that praying in the same line as the Prophet would be disrespect to him. The Prophet (pbuh) held his head lightly and moved him to his right. He told Abdullah that when there was one person in congregation, he had to stand on the right of the imam.  
Ibn Abbas was constantly with the Messenger of Allah. Once, they were together again. He was riding pillion behind the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). The Prophet (pbuh) said to him, "Young man! I will teach you something:
Obey the commands and prohibitions of Allah so that you will always find His help with you. When you ask for something, ask from Allah. When you ask for help, ask help from Allah. And know it very well that if everybody come together to help you regarding an issue, they cannot help you more than what Allah allows. If they all come together to harm you, and they cannot harm you more than Allah allows. The pens were removed and pages dried. [Everything that will happen was decreed and predestinated beforehand.]
When the Messenger of Allah died, Hz. Abdullah was a young man aged 14-15. However, thanks to the lessons he took from the Messenger of Allah and the Quran, he became an expert in the science of hadith. The following prayer uttered by the Prophet when he embraced Abdullah had a great share in it: "O Allah! Teach him the Book, the interpretation of the book and wisdom. O Allah! Give him a fine understanding in religion." On the other hand, after the death of the Prophet, Abdullah received lessons from the scholars of Companions. He made great efforts regarding the issue persistently. Consequently, Ibn Abbas reached the highest level in religious knowledge. Despite his young age, he participated in big lessons of ilm and settled the most difficult issues. Among the Companions, he was called "the Translator of the Quran," and "the Sea of Hadith".
The teaching circle of Abdullah bin Abbas was famous. His talks were rich and blessed. Everybody, young and old, took part in them and learned from Abdullah’s knowledge. There were two characteristics of his talk: deep knowledge and taqwa.  These two characteristics united in Abdullah's teaching circles. He spoke sincerely and in a way that anyone could understand. Everyone listened to him very carefully.
Everyone admired Abdullah's knowledge. He said, "It is Allah who gave me this boon. The Messenger of Allah asked Allah knowledge and wisdom for me; and Allah Almighty bestowed it." He never acted conceitedly. He always showed respect to older Companions. On one occasion, while Zayd bin Thabit was mounting his horse, Abdullah held the stirrup of the horse. Hz. Zayd said,
"O cousin of the Messenger of Allah! Please do not do this! You are embarrassing me." Hz. Abdullah said,
"We were commanded to show respect to our scholars." Hz. Zayd could not help kissing Hz. Abdullah's hands and said,
"We were also commanded to show respect to Ahl al-Bayt."
After the death of the Messenger of Allah, he acted as the religious consultant of Hz. Abu Bakr and Hz. Umar. Hz Umar, referred the religious questions that he was asked to Abdullah and said,  
"Only you can settle this." Once, a Yemeni person, who could not receive a satisfactory answer from anyone, received a satisfactory answer from Abdullah. Upon this, Hz. Umar became very happy and said,  
"I witness that Abdullah was raised in the house of the Prophet." For this reason, he said about the difficult issues that he was asked, "Abdullah knows these issues better."
Hz. Abdullah participated in the conquest of Africa with Abdullah bin Sharh in 27 H. He met Jarjir, the king of Africa. Jarjir asked him a lot of questions, Hz. Abdullah answered all of them. That is why the king called him "the Arab genius".
Afterwards, Hz. Abdullah became the governor of Basra. He continued his religious talks there too. He always worked in order to be beneficial to Muslims. It is even narrated that Hz. Abdullah gave lessons at night in Ramadan. The people who attended his lessons in Ramadan became people with a good knowledge of religion and fiqh at the end of Ramadan.  
There are many scholars who mentioned Abdullah's virtue and his deep knowledge. Abul-Lays said,
"I saw with my own eyes that Abdullah bin Abbas settled a question that 70 Companions expressed their views but could not settle."
Ubeydullah bin Abdullah stated the following related to the knowledge of Ibn Abbas:
"Some of the attributes of the Ibn Abbas were superior to the other Companions. He knew the past well. He made ijtihad about the issues that people asked him. He was lenient and generous. I have not seen anyone who knew the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah better than him. I have not seen anyone who knew the decrees made by Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman better than him. I do not know anyone more accurate than him in giving decrees. Everyone admired his profound knowledge of tafsir and fiqh. He talked about fiqh one day and tafsir the next day. One day he narrated wars in the past, the next day, he talked about Arab history. His knowledge never ended. I have not seen any scholars who met him and who did not accept his superiority in ilm."
He always encouraged Muslims to earn halal money. He said,
"Fulfill the things that Allah rendered fard. Do not neglect the right of Allah. Allah gave sustenance to everybody from halal earnings. If believers show patience, their sustenance will come to them. If a person does not content himself with halal sustenance, halal sustenance will not be enough for him and he will fall into haram.  
Ibn Abbas states the following about ilm and scholars:
"If scholars learned ilm (knowledge) truly and acted in accordance with their knowledge, Allah, angels and righteous people would love them. People would respect them. However, scholars used their knowledge to gain worldly benefits. Therefore, Allah sent their wrath on them. And they were humiliated in the eye of people."
Hz. Abdullah was the fifth of the seven companions who narrated the most hadiths from the Prophet with 1660 hadiths. Some of the hadiths he narrated are as follows:
"Do not argue with your brother. Do not make excessive jokes. Do not make promises that you cannot keep."
"The right way, good manners and economy are among the 25 attributes of prophethood."
"Allah Almighty will not accept the deeds and worshipping of a person of bid’ah until he abandons his bid'ah."
"The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was the most generous man among people in terms of charity. The month in which he was the most generous was Ramadan. Gabriel (Jibril) met the Messenger of Allah in Ramadan every year, and the Messenger of Allah read him the whole Quran until the end of the month. When the Messenger of Allah met Jibril, he was more generous than the blowing wind in terms of charity."
"On the Day of Judgment, one of the people who will regret the most will be someone who did not learn ilm though he had the opportunity. The other one will be a person who learned ilm but everyone except him benefited from it."
The incident that distressed Hz. Abdullah toward the end of his life was the Incident of Karbala. The horrible things done to the grandson of the Prophet depressed Hz. Abdullah very much. His old heart became very sorry. He shed sincere tears. Afterwards, lost his eyesight. Abdullah thanked Allah for it. He said, "Allah took the light from my eyes, but my heart and my tongue were not left without light."
Hz. Abdullah died in 68 H. He rejoined his Lord and the beloved Prophet.
He repeated the following prayer frequently:
"O Allah! Make me contented. Make what You give to me good for me. Give me from the things that I do not know the good ones!
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 847
Gif NOT mine. (Tumblrs crediting me, but it isn't mine. Click my name at the bottom of the gif and you'll understand.)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2021
"Get back here (Y/n)." Perseus huffed at his daughter, who was in the midst of storming out of their little house. "(Y/n)!" He shouted her name when she ignored him, sighing to himself when she mounted her horse and left. "That girl." He grumbled under his breath, rubbing his temples with frustration. "Father?" Helios approached his father, who smiled down at him. "Come on Helios, let's go back to dinner." Perseus rest his hand on his son's shoulder, unaware of (Y/n) watching him from a distance, a bitter scowl on her face. "He will always favor Helios." She hissed before ushering her horse on, journeying out into the world, to her sanctuary.
Upon arriving at her destination, (Y/n) dismounted her horse, leading him to a small nearby stream. "Stay here Ajax." She muttered as she pet his mane, knowing he'd stay regardless of if she commanded it or not. Afterwards she turned her attention to the narrow crevice in the cliff, the entrance to a complex system of tunnels and caves, one she knew all to well. She entered the system and began her journey to the central cave, the place she built into a second home for herself, and shrine to the Gods.
Shrugging off her bag she knelt before the next statue lining the far wall, praying to one God at a time for several years, hoping one day one of them would send her a sign that they were listening to her. "Great Ares God of war... Uncle." She bowed her head, in respect. "Show me a sign that you hear my prayers, and gift me with the strength to endure my father, and the neglect." (Y/n)'s eyes glossed over as she thought about her last encounter with her father, raising her head she looked to the statue of her uncle. "Help me quell the war within my heart." She begged before rising from her spot, she reached for her bag, and left an offering at Ares feet.
She froze upon the sound of wind whipping behind her, a new presence entering the cave, their curious eyes upon her. "You pray to me." Ares stated with a small tilt of his head, having been unaware of her existence as his niece, until she called out to him. "Yes." (Y/n) nodded her head, keeping her back to him. "Why?" He asked as he observed the room. "I have prayed to the Gods for many years, one at a time, and you were the next in line." She pointed to the statues before her, finally turning to face him, unable to look him in the eyes. "Why do you pray?" He asked with genuine curiosity. "I have no one else... The God's have been abandoned by humans, and I know what it's like to be abandoned, and so I looked for comfort with the Gods... But no one has ever answered until now." She spoke softly, though Ares could hear her plain and clear.
"Why don't you look me in the eyes?" Ares asked as he peered down at his niece, who kept her head bowed down, casting her eyes to the dirt covered floor. "I don't want you to see the damage inside them." She murmured softly, her words striking something within Ares's heart. "Look at me dear niece." He spoke softly as he tilted her head back, looking into her eyes finally, and seeing a familiar pain within them. "You are the daughter of Perseus." He stated. "I am." She muttered as her eyes glossed subtlety. "Tell me what you know of abandonment." Ares all but demanded, releasing his hold on her jaw, following her as she moved to sit at a small table. "When my brother was born, our mother died in childbirth... And ever since then, I have been forgotten by my father, in favor of Helios." She held her head up a bit higher, her anger bubbling back up again.
"It's been years and nothing has changed, well not for the better atleast. I've been neglected for so long, forgotten in favor of his precious son. When Helios turned two, I gave up on the prospect of earning my father's love back. I ran away for a short time, I found this place, and over the years built my shrine, and began praying to the Gods. Hoping that one day one of you would show me a sign that I'm not alone, that you're listening. It's all I've ever wanted." (Y/n) picked at a bit of the table that was splintering away. "I run away from home often, and I come here. I fought with my father again today, and I came here. He didn't even try coming after me, he never has..." She spoke quietly, unaware of how Ares's anger with Perseus only grew. "What is your name?" Ares asked gently. "(Y/n)." She smiled softly at him, chuckling at the curious look on his face. "It's a strange name I know, I was named after my wet nurse, and she was from a far way land." (Y/n) explained with a smile, her explanation making Ares smile as well.
"It's a lovely name." He complimented genuinely, grasping her smaller hand in his. "Come with me (Y/n), back to Olympus, where I will care for you as if you were my own." Ares offered with a smile, which widened a little at the sight of her excitement. "Really!?" She gasped as she sat up straighter. "Yes." He squeezed her hand softly, a laugh erupting from his chest when she practically dove into his chest, hugging him as if her life depended on it. "Please uncle please take me away from here." She pleaded with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Is there anything you want to take with you?" Ares asked as she released her hold on him, allowing him to stand to his full height. "Ajax." (Y/n) responded without hesitation. "Who is Ajax?" Ares asked as (Y/n) began leading him out of the cave system. "My horse, he was the last gift my mother gave me before she died." (Y/n) explained, pointing to the stallion in question when they exited the cave. "Very well." Ares smiled before transporting them all to Olympus.
---A month later---
Again his search was in vain, he could find no sign of (Y/n), or even Ajax. With a defeated sigh he cast his eyes to the horizon, unable to bring himself back home to Helios empty handed again. "Father I need your guidance." Perseus muttered plainly, afraid he'd never find her on his own. "What is it my son?" Zeus asked as he appeared behind Perseus. "It's (Y/n)... She's been missing for a month, and I cannot find any trace of her. I need your help." Perseus explained, frowning when Zeus smiled. "We will find her, come with me." Zeus offered Perseus his hand, transporting him to the Grey Sisters. Perseus scowled at the sight of them once more, though he stepped forward as Zeus encouraged. "Ah Perseus comes back to us." One of the sisters pointed out as she held the eye, shrinking back when she noticed Zeus behind him. "And he brought Zeus with him." She hissed, the other sisters shrinking back upon hearing her words.
"I need you to tell me where my daughter is." Perseus demanded, the sisters giggling simultaneously. "The daughter of Perseus wants nothing to due with him anymore, she has found a new father to take his place." The sister with the eye snickered sinisterly. "What is that supposed to mean?" Perseus growled in anger. "You neglected her for to long young Perseus, she turned her back on you the way you did to her. Your brother Ares took your place, and took her to Olympus to care for as his own." The sisters laughed again, only further angering Perseus, who turned that anger to his father. "You knew." He accused, despite the confusion in Zeus's eyes. "I knew nothing of this." Zeus argued, whisking himself and Perseus back to Olympus. When they reached Olympus they barged into Ares's hall, to find him laughing as he taught (Y/n) how to fight with a sword. "(Y/n)!" Perseus exclaimed as he rushed to her side, freezing in his tracks when Ares stepped between them, shielding (Y/n). "Get away from her." Perseus hissed at his brother, who only smiled at him. "I was going to say the same thing to you." Ares taunted only angering Perseus more.
"(Y/n) come here." Perseus demanded as he glared at his brother. "No." (Y/n) shook her head, sheathing the sword Ares had gifted her with, she moved to stand beside her Uncle. "What?" Perseus frowned at her. "I'm staying here with Ares, you can go back home. Be with your favorite child, and leave me here with my chosen father." (Y/n) hissed at Perseus who bowed his head in shame, knowing well how wrong he had treated her. "You are my daughter." Perseus muttered as he looked to her with sad eyes. "I haven't been your daughter in a long time." She turned her back on him, walking away. "She'll be safer here." Ares mused casually, glaring at his father before looking to Perseus. "She's already happier." He added making Perseus feel even worse. "If you're truly happy here (Y/n)." Perseus began, drawing (Y/n)'s attended to him. "Then I will leave you be, but know we'll always be waiting for you to return to us." He promised, though his words held no weight to her. "You'll be waiting in vain Perseus." She stated emotionlessly, the use of his name stinging to Perseus.
Perseus left the hall and waited for Zeus to join him, shameful tears welling in his eyes, for having pushed his only daughter away so much, that she turned her back on him. "How long were you planning on hiding her from me?" Zeus asked Ares who placed a comforting hand onto (Y/n)'s shoulder. "I wasn't hiding her, you just never noticed." Ares retorted before turning his attention solely to (Y/n), the daughter he never knew he wanted. "I am sorry Perseus." Zeus tried as he exited the hall, feeling sorry for his son. "Just take me back home, Helios needs me." Perseus wiped away the tears within his eyes, turning to Zeus with a hard face, trying to bury the pain he was feeling. "Very well." Zeus nodded before sending Perseus back with the wave of his hand. A sigh escaping the old Gods throat, while laughter and swords clashing together could be heard from within Ares's hall.
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luimagines · 3 years
How about the Reader calling out the Chain by their shared name to gian the groups attention? What would their reactions be? If this takes place after they realise they love you, how would they act to the reader calling them their name and not their title? Hope this isn't too much!Just curious about your input.
Let me tell you that I got excited to do this one!
I personally head canon that reader calls them Link when they're alone with them. Because it's still their name regardless but it wouldn't be fair to the others. Not to mention confusing if it slipped out.
But with the idea I came up with for this one?
Works out just fine. Hehehe
I wanted it to be after they realized they loved you like you said but as I started writing this I had to focus more on the action instead but I hope this is ok. It’s implied that they like you- or at least I tried to imply that. Who knows if it actually got across or not.
Let me know what you think!
Boys under the cut! Reader is right below!
The forest was quiet.
Really quiet.
It was the kind of quiet that naturally set the group on edge for any possible ambush attacks as your traversed through the green and you all tried to keep your ears open for anything that would have given your invisible enemies away.
It was paranoia at it's finest.
But that was fine. You were fine. The group was fine. You all just had to be quiet for a little longer until you all reached the end of the forest and could breath a little better.
At least that's what you were telling yourself.
For a moment you could see a clearing, thinking it was the out- you remember how nice it was to finally some of the sunlight with the leaves and branches blocking it.
Letting your guard down for the fraction of a moment was admittedly your first mistake.
Your second mistake was not immediately whipping your shield over your head to block the blows when you heard the familiar twang of a bow string.
Multiple arrows hit your group all at once. Like an avalanche of piercing blows raining down upon your group. Most of them avoided getting hit- thankfully- and were quick to spring into action.
You saw Wild take a shot and you were sure that Warrior was shot as well but you were too preoccupied with the protruding sticks in your leg and shoulder blade to take account of any more injuries your boys may have sustained.
This wasn't ideal but you could still move and you could still fight. You had a potion in your bag that hung by your hip and you were prepared to take more damage now that the fight had commenced.
When the raining arrows dispersed, the group scattered to take down the approaching monsters.
You were no exception.
With your sword now in hand and shield properly equipped, you ran toward the first of the lizalfos that broke the tree line.
You cut it down as fast as your injuries would have allowed you and you spun around as a second one dashed by your side, hoping to cut in a blind spot.
For every monster that you felled, another came to take its place and it kept you stuck in one area, unable to disengage and help your friends as you heard struggle with their own hoard of monsters.
Suddenly a piercing, sharp and throbbing pain entered your hand and you drop your sword at the contact. You're forced to jump away from an opportunistic swing and you looking down to see how an arrow has gone completely through your hand.
Not only have you lost your sword, your main hand is out of the question as well and there's not much you can do to assist or fight back in this state. There's still two lizalfos in front of you and it's not hard to gather that they know you're vulnerable now.
It's not looking well for you.
Somehow, this massive roar, from a beast you've never heard before, thunders through the forest. It's close to you and you can hear it approaching.
The monstrous call sends the two lizalfos away from you and you take a breath before trying to find the quickest get away point to avoid getting any more hurt than you already are.
But then you see it.
The origin of the call and your feet freeze mid step.
It's massive and you have no idea what it is.
It has the body of a horse with black and white stripes colored all around it's whole being. It had arms like a man and a head like a lion's and it's coming right for you.
You start running away and somehow snap the arrow from your hand from the long side so only the flint head is left. It send another electrifying shock up your arm and you cry out from the pain. The pain is enough to nearly trip you over and from your periphery you see the beast raise it's arm and twirl a weapon from it's hand. It's spinning too fast for you to properly see what to is but it's also massive and looks heavy and he's about two seconds from throwing it in your direction.
You're forced to keep running.
"I need help!" You scream and take a sharp left to try and throw off his aim. It doesn't work from what you can hear behind you. "I'm gonna die!"
No one answers your call.
In fact, you don't see any of them anymore. If you paused for a moment and tried to hear past the blood pounding in your ears you know you'd probably hear them fighting. But you can't, so you don't and you feel the absolute horror of your situation dawn on you and freeze your veins.
"HELP!" You scream again, trying to take as many turns as you can.
You're getting tired.
"Someone help!"
Someone! Anyone!
The thundering gallops of the beast has stopped but you can still hear it's spinning weapon. Actually it sounds likes it's-
A rope hit the center of your body and the weights you thought you saw wrap around you in both directions, tying your arms and legs together roughly and tight enough that you know it's cut off circulation.
You feel a weight travel upwards before you hit the ground and can barely feel the hit on your head when it runs out of rope.
Your world goes black.
Wind was lucky enough to not get hit at all when the attack first came.
He sees Wild get back up and rip his arrow out of his torso and Warrior takes the arrow out of his tunic in a similar manner, not actually getting pierced by it.
Wind feels the adrenaline begin to kick in the second the monsters break the tree line.
Everyone scatters to take the creatures down and he’s no exception.
The monsters seem to be normal this time around and he’s glad. He takes a second to take a deep breath and scans the horizon trying to figure out exactly where everyone went.
Time and Twilight are close to each other, fighting nearly back to back as they takes down all the monsters around them in quick succession.
Legend and Hyrule are behind him, not fighting together but near enough where they’re in each others line of sight. 
He doesn’t know where Wild went off to and he can’t see Warrior even if he hears him grit out his frustrations just beyond the tree line.
Sky and Four and also no where to be found and he has to stop what he’s doing when the next monsters jump at him.
Suddenly a new monster roars and it’s not one Wind is familiar with. He’s beginning to feel the nerves of the battle sink in and he hopes that the others have enough experience under their belt to deal with the new threat on the field because he doubts he can do anything about it.
That’s you. 
Wind glances over his shoulder and sees nothing. He gulps and tries to finish off the bokoblin as fast as he can to get to you. With a quick prayer, he hopes that the new creature isn’t anywhere near you and that this battle ends faster than usual.
“Someone help me!″ You cry again and Wind grits his teeth, striking the bokoblin as hard as he can. With a familiar cloud of purple smoke surrounding him, he dashes in your general direction.
Wind slows to stop despite his better judgment- completely being overtaken by the frozen fear in his veins.
You’re asking for him. He needs to help you. He doesn’t know where you are. He doesn’t know where to start. He doesn’t know how he’s going to do this.
He sees Wild dash off faster than what should be possible into the forest and somehow finds it within himself to follow him.
Hyrule and Legend are quick to follow the trail to where the monster has to be and pass him in no time.
What he sees freezes him a second time. 
Wild on top of the monsters back- something that Wind has never seen before- you’re trapped and captured, completely wrapped up in rope and blood and there’s something- multiple somethings- sticking out of your body.
Legend doesn’t hesitate to break out of his funk first and blast the creature with his magic rod to hell and back.
Hyrule follows his lead and attacks the beast with a flaming spin attack, aiming for the monsters knees and underbelly.
But you’re not moving through all of this.
In fact, it looks like you’re not reacting at all.
You’re completely unconscious.
Wind takes a breath and grips the hilt of his sword tighter. He knows that you’re both young- but seeing you held up, bloody and wounded, like a flag over the monster’s weapon- makes him see- if only for a moment- how young you really are.
And he’s pissed.
Wind charges the monster without any second thought and goes for the same tactic that Hyrule had. Getting on his knees, he slides under the beast and cuts the entirety of the underbelly. With the four of them attacking the monster, Wind hopes that they can get you the help that you clearly need.
It still drags on though and Wind is in a bit of a loss at what to do make it end faster.
You’re bleeding.
You’re hurt.
You could be dying.
He couldn’t get to you in time.
He grits his teeth and attacks with more ferocity- as much ferocity that he can muster and tries to go as deep and damaging as he can.
He loses himself in the movements and the battle. He forgets about Wild- about Legend- about Hyrule- and when the monster finally dies- it catches him off guard.
But the universe seems to want to do him a favor.
He’s right under you and you fall on top of him and into his arms. He places you as gently as he can onto the forest floor and slips his blade under the ropes, snapping it upwards to cut them. With the pressure gone, he works on getting you out of there.
Hyrule at some point ends up next to him and takes out your multiple arrow shots, healing you as he goes.
But there’s more damage to undo than Hyrule is capable of healing.
Wind looks over you and tries to look over your person without moving your body wrong and injuring you further. He sees your bag and opens it, reaching his hand inside to pull out the potion you were saving.
He feels like he could cry but he’s not entirely sure what causing it.
Wind uncorks it and begins to administer the potion over your wounds just as Wild unleashes a fairy over you.
Both begin to work their magic and Legend takes it upon himself to pull Hyrule away before he passes out.
“What was that thing?” Wind blurts, watching you intensely for any change in your demeanor.
“A lynel.” Wild replies. “A strong one too. Are you hurt Wind?”
“No. I’m ok.” Wind clenches his hands against his pants.
After a minute of waiting, the fairy leaves, doing all that she can for you and heading the other way.
He can’t see the potion outwardly fix anything else and Hyrule’s magic has been tapped out.
They’ve used all that they can the heal you and yet you’re still not waking up.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Legend pull Hyrule away from you entirely- trying to keep him from healing you further and risk passing out. It annoys Wind because he wants to see you be better but he takes one breath to calm the pounding in his ears and he can still hear the others fighting.
“Wind.” Wild says. “Stay with them, ok? Be with them when they wake up.”
“Alright.” Wind moves closer to your side and crushes your hair out of your face. “Go help the others. We’ll be here.”
Wild pauses but nods and ushers Legend and Hyrule away- leading them back into the fray to help the others with the last of the monsters.
Your clothes are bloody and caked and beginning to harder because of it.
But you groan.
Wind lets the tears fall from his face and collapses onto your chest. 
“Link?” You ask and raise your hand to drop it onto the head of the person.
“I’m here.” Wind’s voice cracks but he doesn’t pay attention to it.
“Oh Wind...” You pat him. “Good. Good. You’re here. You came.”
Wind thinks to the amount of time he’s wasted just standing by in a panic but doesn’t let you know that.
“I came.”
“Everything hurts Wind.” You whimper. “Did I almost die?”
“Don’t say that.” He snaps. “You’re fine. Ok?”
“Good.” He looks up at you. “You’re going to be ok. I promise”
“Ok.” You close your eyes and keep your hand on his shoulder. “I trust you.”
He’s gonna leave your side for a while.
Despite the monsters around them and the arrows that have pierced the group in multiple ways, Legend was sure that this wouldn’t last very long.
But then he hears the unmistakable roar of a lynel.
Which isn’t... ideal but nothing the group (or himself) hasn’t handled before.
It was a bit harder now but again- shouldn’t last long.
“I’m gonna die!”
Legend whips his head in your direction. The words to tell you to stop being dramatic right on the tip on his tongue until he realizes that he doesn’t see you.
Which means that you’re farther away than he thought.
Which means you’re also a lot louder than he thought.
Which means- well- you mean it.
Legend doesn’t think twice.
He kills the monster in front of him with a solid swing and b-lines toward you- fully intent on coming to your rescue.
To his left he sees the lynel and stops dead in his tracks. He didn’t realize it was as close as it was, not can he figure out what happening exactly but-
It’s in the same direction the lynel went in.
The lynel is heading in your direction.
And you’re already in trouble.
Legend doesn’t hesitate to activate his peagsus boots and charges after the monster. The moment he catches up, he swings his blade deep into the beast’s side and watches in horror, as it turns to face him and holds your bloodied body up high and laughs.
Or at least the lynel equivalent to a laugh.
Guilt rips through Legend’s system and he’s forced to grit his teeth and bare it. Your hits look bad and he’s at fault for not reaching you sooner.
He trades his sword for his magic rod and fires everything he can at the monster, trying his hardest to both keep his distance and avoid hitting you.
It’s instantly not looking good.
Legend is tiring out quicker than he thought he would and the monster doesn’t look any worse off than when he started this song and dance.
Luckily, or maybe not so luckily, Wild comes charging in with his flame blade and spin attacks against its knees.
The lynel buckles for a moment and Legend takes a risk.
He fires at the monster’s paw where you’re being held and watches as the ropes around you catch the flame. You drop in seconds and Legend dashes to get you out of the way- not seeing or hearing Hyrule run up behind him and take his place in firing against the lynel.
Legend grabs you and drags you across the battle field, trying to shield you with his own body and hide you against the surrounding bushes so that the lynel doesn’t think of going after you again.
He reaches in your pocket where he know you stash your potions and prays that it’s there.
When he finds it, he doesn’t waste any time in getting to work its magic on you. He tries to take stock on your injuries. the arrow in your hand, your back and your leg. The massive hit on your head and the multiple cuts you’ve gained just by existing in this point in time and your previous fights.
Your clothes are a little singed thanks to him but the flame hadn’t actually touched you.
Legend breaths a sigh of relief.
One less thing to worry about.
He... doesn’t have any other potions and he wasn’t the one to carry the fairies this time around. There’s little else he can do on his own now. Hyrule can come can heal you and the idea kicks him into high gear.
He stands. “HYRULE!”
“WHAT?!” The Traveler snaps back.
“Heal them!” He may be begging a little in his voice. “This is bad!”
Hyrule pauses momentarily and jumps out of the way of the lynel’s back swing. “Take over.”
Legend nods and jumps back into the fight. Wild had been holding his own, somehow managing to get on the back of the beast and strike it where he couldn’t fight back. Unfortunately it moves the lynel to buck and kick wildly, not giving Legend any chance to get closer to attack without the risk of injuring himself in the process as well.
But he’s pretty tapped for magic as well... 
Screw it.
It hurt you.
Nearly killed you.
It has to pay.
Legend takes his sword and spins it in his hand. He takes a steadying gulp of air and moves in.
At first it’s a lot of dodging flying limbs and simply nicking it where he can. 
But Legend begins to get impatient and the monster doesn’t go down in the burning heap of flame and destruction Legend wants it to.
So he decides to take a page out of Wild’s book.
With a hard kick to the creature’s belly, Legend grabs a fist full of its mane and hoists himself on the side. Wild has done some damage on the monster’s back but it’s still fighting and doesn’t seem to be going down with that alone. Legend takes his sword on one hand angles it to properly plunge the blade between the lynel’s shoulder and neck.
He puts his whole weight onto it and nearly pushes Wild off of the monster in the process of trying to go as deep and damaging as he can.
He pulls it out and strikes it again in a similar manner.
And again and again.
And again.
And again.
It’s still not enough.
Legend roars himself as his rage and anger fully encompasses him.
He drops his blade off of the side of the beast- not intentionally- and grabs his magic rod once more.
His magic has replenished itself somewhat but it’s not enough- he knows this- he doesn’t care.
With a battle cry harsh enough to scare even the mightiest of warriors, he fires all that he can at the lynel’s head and doesn’t stop.
Soon- perhaps too soon for Legend’s anger to be satiated- the monster finally collapses for good and disappears into the familiar purple smoke.
Both Wild and Legend fall to the ground without the body to hold them any more, Wild with a little more fan fare than Legend.
With reason.
Legend sees you beyond the smoke and he can somewhat register Wild shaking his shoulder to get his attention and his attempts to get him back onto his feet but it’s all in vain.
Legend passes out.
Hyrule’s heart freezes in place and he whips around to where he hears the call.
It’s your voice, he knows it anywhere but it’s never been a source of panic for him. So this is new. You almost never use his name, their name, the name and in any other situation he would think of you trying to get the groups attention but-
He didn’t even think it was possible for you to sound like that. 
So panicked and shrill, borderline a blood curdling scream followed by silence.
His blood goes cold and he thinks you’re calling for him... And he’s not there to help you...
He doesn’t know where you are or where to begin looking for you but he ditches the fight in front of him and sprints to where he can only assume you are. Hyrule tries to be as light on his feet as he can, pushing himself to the fastest he can be without tripping over himself and eating the dirt.
He reaches the clearing once again, where the attack started and gulps down as much air as he can manage.
He doesn’t see you. 
Sheer unadulterated terror grips his whole body and he runs to where he thinks he saw you go.
He calls your name and takes a look around the clearing, trying to see through the trees and the foliage to no avail.
“No...” He whines and gulps again to clear his throat. “Where are you? Don’t do this to me, please.”
Hyrule takes off running again, trying to retrace their steps and get to where he thinks the tracks lead you but he’s not making a lot of progress.
There’s a second roar.
He heard the first one but he wasn’t in a position to do something about it until you called for him. It’s his only hint and he runs toward the sound without thinking ahead if only to help you in your time of need.
Hyrule breaks through the tree line and nearly runs face first into the side of the weirdest colored lynel he’s ever seen. He takes only one second to compose himself before he charges up his magic and unleashes his fire spell, spinning against the beast and cutting into it as much as he can. 
In the time it takes for the spell to die out, Hyrule can here Wild join the fray and see him just beyond his flying hair line, as he jumps on top of the beast and begins hacking away.
“This from your Hyrule?” He yells up at his companion.
“One of the strongest there is!” Wild yells back. He screams your name a second later and pulls at the beasts mane in fury. “It has them! They’re unconscious! Oh my god, that’s a lot of blood...”
Hyrule blinks and runs around the beast, avoiding all the flying hooves as it attempts to buck Wild off of it’s back.
He almost sobs when he sees you.
You look awful.
There’s a unmistakable arrow through your hand, one in your back and one in your leg and your back is covered in blood. By the looks of it your hands are beginning to turn purple and the ropes appear to be strangling every inch against you.
You are also, very much unconscious.
He missed it. He didn’t to you on time.
BUT he can still get you out- he can still heal you- he just needs to get you away.
He takes a few steps backs, doing all that he can to aim this right if the monster would stop moving for just a second.
Out of the corner of his eye, just as he launches the astral sword, he sees it. 
A shadow.
His sword flies through the air and impales the beast in the wrist that holds you captive but it’s not enough to let you go. Granted, Hyrule’s a little glad that it didn’t since he only now realizes that if you were to fall, there’s no one to pull you out of the way and away from the hooves.
But the grip loosens somewhat and you’re beginning to be lowered to the ground without the monsters consent.
It’s a start.
The shadow for its part rushes forward and past him, sinking into the massive shadow of the beast. Nothing appears on it’s back where Wild hold on with wild abandon but it shows on its back on the forest floor.
Hyrule runs toward you, and manages to get a grip on the ropes around you before your ripped away with the monster’s backswing.
The momentum knocks him off of his feet and he watches as Legend comes up next to him at fires his magic rod at the monster’s head.
He sees the shadow get up, as if it was riding the lynel and takes a long and thin line, ramming it into the lynel head’s shadow. The beast howls and yells as if the injury was real and Wild is finally forced to jump off as well unless he was taken down as well. In its agony, the beast lets go of the the ropes holding you and you flop uselessly on the ground where you land.
With his heart in his throat, Hyrule runs toward you, grips your shoulder and tries to pull you away from the beast and the fight.
He can see it, the shadow, fighting where the monster cannot reach.
Legend and Wild are quick to join him, letting the lynel deal with the problem on its own and the three of them take care of your injuries. Wild is quick to deal with the multiple arrows while Legend cuts off the rope restraints around you.
Hyrule doesn’t know where they planned on taking you- but he’s never known monsters outside of his Hyrule to try and take captives.
He can’t fathom why they would want you.
As soon as Legend gets all the ropes cut they scramble to get the pressure off of you and Hyrule doesn’t hesitate to let the flow of magic go through him.
Between his astral sword and his flame attack, he’s beginning to feel a little drained but he can’t afford to let himself slip. He can feel the multiple cracks and dents and damage done to your skull from the hit it had taken and he’s afraid of what it might mean when you wake up... if you wake up... please please please wake up...
Hyrule gets jolted back to reality when he feel Legend’s hand on shoulder, violently shaking him. It was enough that it startled him into stopping the spell and Hyrule’s head clears a little. “Wild has a fairy- slow down.”
“I have to-” He gulps and tries to get the flow of magic going again. “I have to make sure they’re ok. They got hurt so bad Legend- I can’t-”
“But don’t kill yourself trying to fix them! We still need you too!” Legend shakes him again and pulls him away, creating the window Wild needed to take over and uncork the fairy bottle.
Hyrule whines and he barely registers your name leave his leaves.
The sounds of battle continue in the distance and the trio (well, Legend and Wild) are reminded that there still monsters about and friends that could very well also need help.
“Hyrule, get them out of here.” Legend stands and grips his sword in his hand. “And no more magic. Just wait for us to finish and get them to some place safe.”
“Ok.” He gulps and he gently tries to place his hands under your head.
Hyrule moves slowly and unsurely. His head feels light and he knows he may have over did it. He tries not to let Wild or Legend see it but if he’s being honest with himself then he can say that Legend can read him like an open book and he’s a horrible actor.
He tries to stand and misplaces his step but shoves Wild when he goes in to help him. With his other arm, he hooks your knees and picks you up with added help of his power bracelet. 
He’s tired now.
“Got any idea of where I can go?”
Legend and Wild hiss and share a look. Hyrule turns around and sees the shadow hop away from the now dead body of the lynel before merging with his own. Hyrule’s heart stops momentarily before it points to the direction just beyond him. 
He doesn’t saying anything and follows its lead, trying to get from his friends as fast as he can and into the safety that only distance can provide right now.
He’s never seen a shadow quite like this one before but if it’s concerned about your well being then he’ll let it slide for now. Maybe the others will know something about it when he asks them later?
Right now, he needs to not trip and pass out and he needs to take care of you.
He thinks he can manage that.
Sky didn't know what to think about the forest around him. It seemed to be just as the same as all the others but there was admittedly something in the air here and he didn't know how to make heads or tails of it.
Suddenly it all goes still and he's quick to pull his shield over his head and duck down. He hears some of his comrades cry from the unexpected shots that rain over them but he focuses on you and how you've been hit.
He doesn't have the time to register anything else before his muscle memory throws him into a fight and he's forced to strike any and all lizafos in his path.
He knows the group can hold their own, he knows that you can hold your own- so he's hoping that your hits were only minor.
He fights as he normally would and is pleasantly surprised by the ease of it. If only if it weren't for their sheer numbers that comes against them.
But then he hears the roar.
It takes a second to get past the initial panic of uncertainty- it's not a call from any monster from his Hyrule and there's nothing substantial that he can compare it to.
But he's traveling with this group for a while and he now knows what it is even if it's a little later than his instincts should have figured it out.
A lynel.
He take a large breath to replenish himself and turns around from the newest fallen monster.
Someone is going to have to go deal with it.
He hopes it's not him.
But then he hears you scream.
You're too far away to make out what you're saying but it's frantic and fearful.
Sky wastes no time in running in your direction and trying to make it to your side before anything happens to you.
"Someone help me!" He hears you cry.
He pushes himself faster.
He trips on a root.
Flashbacks take over his mind momentarily before he pushes himself up and begins to feel his heart pounding faster than any fight driven adrenaline could provide. He can't fail to save someone a second time.
His breathing is beginning to feel labored but he can't risk this.
Sky gulps whatever air he can afford to take and begins running.
The lynel from the before roars in victory just as Sky breaks through the tree line.
It's worse than he could have.
Not only did you clearly take multiple shots from the earlier strike but they've somehow captured you with a rope that looks too tight to be without consequence and as you swing from the motion of being picked up, Sky catches a glimpse of the back of your head, where one of the weights rests.
Sky feels his hands clench and he raises the Master Sword skyward instinctively, calling upon the holy beam to fire it at the beast.
It does the damage but the beast doesn't go down.
Nor does it let you go.
Enraged and without much forethought, Sky charges and does not hesitate to strike when the beast is still trying to recover from the blow.
Sky strikes against the beast's back to keep on the ground for a moment longer before slicing off the hand that holds you. It falls to the ground with a subtle thump before the monster manages to snap beyond the pain and jump away from him.
The blood falls from the wound like a down pour and lynel roars again in pure anger and hatred, glaring directly at Sky for the audacity to strike against it.
Sky couldn't care less, in fact he welcomes it.
He's quick to jump over your body and place himself between you and monster, rage fueling him beyond every breath he takes.
The lynel jumps and reaches for its own sword now that it's been limited to one armed weapons.
Sky raises his blade skyward for another beam and watches in satisfaction as the beast fails to block it and takes the full damage.
Wild jumps into the fray and fires what he can at the lynel before turning to Sky. He takes a moment and pauses, glancing at the disembodied paw, the blood, the massively harmed lynel and eventually spots you as you lay on the forest floor.
"Get them the help they need." Sky snaps at Wild before he can question anything. "Leave this one to me."
"How did you even manage this?" Wild drops his bow and takes out a knife, cutting away the ropes that bind you.
"Holy blade."
The lynel roars again and stands to face Sky head on once more.
But it's injured before it can even try.
Legend and Hyrule come out of the woodwork and fire at it with all the magic they both can produce in a flurry of blows.
Sky can feel the beginning's of relief seep into his system and it alerts him to how tired and spent he really is- enough so that he knows that if he continues to push it, he might not be able to breath properly for a while.
But he can't bring himself to care, you're still hurt and the monster that caused it is still standing.
He can go on a little longer.
Just a little longer.
He grits his teeth and charges while the lynel is distracted, slicing across it's shoulder blade and using the momentum and purchase he finds when the blade gets caught on the bone to heave himself onto the monster's back.
The lynel can not longer stand and falls to its knees, weakened further more by Legend and Hyrule's efforts.
When Sky feels the lynel shift forward, he thrust the Master Sword in front of him and pierces it through the head, growling animalistically when he sees the blade come out the other side.
The monsters explodes in a familiar purple smoke and he braces himself as his feet hit the ground.
With a gulp, he holds his breath and runs back to you with Hyrule and Legend close by.
It appears that Wild had given you a potion (or three) and was trying to get you to slowly sit up. Arrows gone.
"Ow... My everything hurts." You sob and try to keep from moving.
Sky collapses next to you and lands harshly on his knees. "Oh thank Hylia you're alive."
"Hey Sky." You try and move your arms and eventually settle for entangling your finger into the back of your head. "Oh, ok, ouch, that's worse. What happened? What was that thing?"
"Lynel." Hyrule moves to your other side and lets his magic flow through his fingers. "The big horse like cat thing? We call them lynels. Tough to fight and to beat. They are typically to be avoided."
You sigh in relief from his healing spell and Sky narrowly avoids doing the same thing.
"I hate them." You mutter
Sky coughs up a laugh and tries to hide from the others how much he's actually spent- you need more attention right now. "We all do."
"Is it dead?"
"Sky made sure of it." Legend juts his thumb in his direction and the way you blink and look his way, makes Sky feel more bashful than he should.
"But it was huge!"
"Well Sky was pissed so safe to say it didn't matter."
"Legend." He says in warning.
"You know I'm right." Legend smirks.
"Are there still monsters?" You sit up fully now and shake some of limb free from whatever you must be feeling.
"Technically " Wild hisses. "But you're done. Hyrule, Legend, let's go get the others. Sky, make sure they don't go back in the fight."
The you're no good to fight either does not go unnoticed in Sky's eyes.
"Fine." He spits and sits a little closer to you.
The other three run off back into the forest and away from the two of you.
"I'm sorry." Sky blurts.
"For what?" You tilt your head. "You killed the thing, right?"
"Yeah but-"
"Then there's nothing else to do."
"I didn't- I wasn't fast enough." Sky bite his lip and turns his head to look the trees instead of into your eyes. "This could have been avoided entirely."
"No offence but I doubt that." You roll your eyes and rest your head on his shoulder.
Sky stiffens at the contact and chances a glance in your direction.
"I'm tired."
"Time will kill us if he finds us both asleep." Sky mutters, even if the idea is really tempting right now.
"I think we've earned it." You reply. "Time can bite me. I like... almost died... I think I should nap time compensation."
Sky wraps his arm around you before he can chicken out and tries not to think to much on your second sentence. "You sleep then. I'll keep a look out for more monsters."
"You'll protect me?"
"With my life."
Time was quick to pull out his sword and shield, taking refuge behind it as the arrows rained down upon him and the group.
He saw Wild take a shot in his side and he heard Warrior curse under breath as he drew out his own weapons.
Time took a breath and charge at the first monster who was brave enough to show its face. He trusts the boys to take care of the hoard as they approach and continues to fight. Somehow, the group disperses and they're not back to back anymore.
He's not sure if it's a good or bad thing just yet.
Somewhere in the distance he hears you shout and out of concern, Time buys himself enough to look behind him by kicking the monster in front of him in the chest and sends him flying.
Time doesn't see you.
Time grits his teeth and tries to finish the beast in front of him as fast as he can because that cry... did not sound good.
Time hears a thunderous roar and feel his blood go cold.
It's not native to his time or Hyrule but he's seen one from his time on this journey, he can recognize it now, and he knows this is trouble.
A lynel.
He turns to try and find where it's coming from but there's too many lizalfos and bokoblins for him to deal with before he can go anywhere else.
His blood in pounding in his ears and it's hard for him to hear anything beside it and his own laboring breaths.
He can hear the creature arrive in the middle of battle, sees it in his periphery and he tries his hardest to disengage to go deal with the higher threat.
It's you.
Time's heart plummets and he runs from his fight into your direction, hoping to get there in time.
But he doesn't know where you are and the monsters are still running rampant.
Ice is dunked over him and there no way to prepare his for the absolute terror that courses through his veins when he hears your voice nearly tear your throat apart. It's enough of a shock that he actually comes to a dead stop not willing to accept the reality of what just happened.
He's never heard you scream like that.
Not to mention that you're calling him and are crying for him to come to your rescue. He can't fail you.
He run, sprints and tackles anything that tries to get in his way. He sees the lynel throw its weapon and turns his head just in time for it make contact with you.
It wraps around you in a practiced and fluid motion and he can see one of the weight hit you in the head.
You fall and lynel runs toward you, picks you up by the rope and holds your now unconscious body up in the air like a trophy before it turns around to run away.
"NO!" Time gives chase and shoots the beast by its knees to get its attention. "GIVE THEM BACK!"
The lynel doesn't seem to be at all effected by the shots but it does turn around to see what the deal is.
Time keeps running toward it. He's not entirely sure how he's going to take this behemoth down but it has you, has hurt you and now it has to pay.
Again, not that he has any idea of how to do that.
Luckily, he's not the only one who heard your call and Wild wastes no time on jumping on top of the monster and begin attacking it from behind. Time's sure that Twilight would have something to say about that later but he'll let the cub have this one if he succeeds.
Hyrule and Legend come out of the woodwork nearly at the same time, each firing their respected types of magic at the beast.
Time's heart plummets again when they come close to hitting you.
"CAREFUL!" He shouts without any restraint in his voice.
Time is terrified for you and admittedly... he's a bit at loss at what to do.
But he refuses to stand by and do nothing.
With Wild and Legend attacking what they can, Time follows Hyrule example by taking out his sword and begins hacking away at the beast.
He trying to avoid anything having to do with your side and even slides under the beast with his blade held high, slicing the entire underside of the creature.
This one is stronger than Time remembers them being and only vaguely recalls when Wild mentioned about their colors having meaning. All he knows is that he needs to get you out of here and fast.
The window of opportunity opens just a sliver and Time forces his hands in to rip it open all the way.
The lynel refuses to let go of you even as it's fighting against the boys and trying to trample Time as he thinks.
In one solid movement he arcs his sword behind you as you swing down and he cuts the lynel's hand up to the wrist. The beast lets you go out of shock and Time dives toward you as you fall.
He catches you and rolls, crying in anguish when he gets a bruising kick to his back.
Even if he's almost certain that his back should have been broken by that kick, he rolls away from the fight even more, fighting the weights off of you to free you from the ropes.
"Are they ok?" Hyrule shouts from the sidelines.
"NO!" He shouts back without much thought, focusing more on how the blood, your blood covers almost the entirety of your back and how your hands have begun to turn a little purple.
"Head injury and circulation has been cut off from multiple limbs! Three separate arrows in their back, leg and hand." Time shouts and tosses his weapon to the side. He takes out his last fairy and uncorks the bottle, letting fly over you and begins to work on taking out the arrow while you're unconscious, only marginally hoping you won't wake in the middle of it if only to avoid the pain.
He's more than upset with himself.
Not only is your life in danger right now and he can't immediately fix the problem, but he didn't even know you got hit in the initial contact. Time begins to blame himself even if he knows it's stupid and tries to project his feels to the real culprits.
You don't appear to be waking up any time soon and Time feels an all encompassing rage descend over him.
He stands and picks up his weapon, turning to the beast as the boys are begin being flung away from it.
He moves his arm in a circle, trying to loosen up his muscles before he attacks.
He takes a breath.
And he charges.
He manages to get in the monsters blind spot and impales his blade deep with its side.
The lynel roars and turns to face him, but Time keeps his grip on his sword and is pulled in the spin instead. As the monster realizes that Time is still where he can't reach keep, it keep turning, jumping and bucking to get Time away from it but he holds on.
As the beast tires itself out, Wild comes back and fires a well aimed arrow in the lynel's eyes and it bursts into a blue cloud and out of existence.
Time growls at the lack of action and instead throws his weapon at the nearest monster that comes through. It bursts into another cloud on impact and Time finds that it still doesn't quell his absolute rage.
"Link..." He hears you groan.
Time turns around and catches you attempting to sit up with Legend's and Hyrule's help. Hyrule has his spell flowing from his fingers over your form and you blink away what confusion you can.
"Where am I? What happened?" You place your hand to the back of your head and gulp. "Is everyone ok?"
Time sighs in relief, his anger almost dissipating on sight.
"Hold on. What's your name?" Legend places a hand on your shoulder.
You answer.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Hyrule raises up three fingers.
"Se-seven." You frown and squint. "That's not right."
"No. No it's not." Hyrule sighs. "That's it for today then, right? They've got a pretty bad concussion. We need to keep them awake for a while. Arrow wounds seemed to have healed nicely though."
"Anyone have a potion?" Legend yells into the atmosphere.
"Some of us are still fighting!" Four shouts back.
"Help the others." Time says. "I'll get them out of here. I already used my fairy on them so anything else may have to wait."
"You already used a fairy?"
He nods.
"Time..." You look up at him. "Where were you?"
Your words strike him through the heart and he kneels next to you, trying not to look you in the eye and burst into tears.
He picks you up without another word and nods towards Hyrule and Legend.
They take the hint and run back towards whatever fighting is still happening.
"Are you ok?" You place a hand against Time's cheek. "I thought I heard you but you were really far away."
"I'm fine." Time answers, gripping you a little tighter against him.
He's not fine.
But he's gong to make this up to you. He swears it.
Four was stuck in his own head when the attack happened.
He was lucky enough that he only received a quick cut to his cheek before his instincts kicked in and pulled his shield over his head.
He heard multiple people around him grunt but was immediately throw across the field by a lizalfos kick to his chest.
Four pulls his sword from behind him and wasted not time to strike back.
There was no more time or opportunity to even think as he was quickly swarmed by the hoard of monsters. Four has at least four monsters in top of him, trying to knock him down to size and keep him on the ground but Four wasn't going to go down so easily.
Wind comes up from the side and knocks two of them down from behind, giving him a quick wink as he rushes to fight against the bokoblins that have entered the scene.
Delighted by the help, Four does a spin attack to knock the other two down when he hears something that makes his blood go cold.
A roar.
A monstrous being has now entered the battlefield and Four hopes that he can help knock out the lesser monster while the others take on the lynel.
Four makes the executive decision to leave it to the more experienced of the group to take care of it. He can work on lessening the numbers so that they can concentrate on the larger one.
But then he hears something that makes his blood go cold.
"Someone help me!"
It's you.
You're panicking.
You're in trouble.
Four takes a breath and moves his head around his immediate area. He tries to calm his heart before he all but spirals into a panic so that he could properly help you.
Where are you?
What was once ice turns to stone in his veins instead before he dashes in your direction.
Forget the monsters right now.
You need help.
You called for him.
All previous thought of taking this with well calculated decisions vanishes out of the proverbial window.
Any thought of taking calmly has gone out the proverbial window.
It's just the thought of you in danger, waiting on him to rescue you.
His coarse takes him right in the path of the lynel.
He sees you, captured and held high like some victory trophy and absolutely coated in what can only be your own blood.
Four makes the downright stupid decision with all wild abandon to throw his sword as hard as he can at the monsters face.
It makes contact and sinks deep.
But it doesn't kill the creature.
When the creature doesn't let go of you either, Four is nearly shaking with the amount of restrained fury he has yet to release.
While the beast in injured, he sees Wild come up from the tree line and fire multiple shots right where his sword is, making hit after hit and the creature jumps back-
Right into Hyrule and his flaming spin attack.
Four runs toward the lynel, no longer caring for his own safety and ignoring how he doesn't have another weapon out.
The one thing he does have though is his favorite pocket knife- so he decides once again to make a very stupid choice.
Time will have an aneurysm should he ever learn about this.
Four jumps from the creature's knee when it dips down and grips onto the mane to hoist himself up. In one swift movement, even as the creature has gone blind at this point and is constantly taking damage from both other boys, Four pulls his legs up and wraps them around the arm of the beast and climb up to where it's holding you.
He grips the rope with one hand and holds his knife with the other and begin to work his way through the material.
It takes a few panicked seconds but the rope is freed.
With one end still being held by the lynel, it spins you around until you hit the ground with a dull thud. Four drops after you as soon as he sees you're freed and manages to catch you somewhat from hitting the ground at full force- even if his plan was to use his body as a pillow.
His arms wrap around you instantly and together he rolls you away from the fight and away from the lynel's trampling hooves.
He gulps when he lets go of you, taking quick inventory over your injuries.
He's quick to reach into your pocket and pull out the healing potion he knows you have and opens it. Legend runs toward the two of you with a fairy in a bottle and tosses it in Four's direction.
The lynel is still standing to the side and Legend nods to Four before activating his pegasus boots and runs to help slay the monster.
Four takes out your arrows and lets the fairy go to heal your wounds in whatever way she can. He moves over and picks up your head when the fairy moves away, placing it into his lap and opens your mouth with his thumb on your chin.
Slowly, he pours the potion, being as careful as his shaking hands will allow to not choke you with it.
He feels stunned.
You were always on top of everything.
Always coming to their aid instead and always seeming to know what to do next. It's something he's always loved about you.
But the one time you need him them, where were they?
How did he they let you get so hurt?
"Am I dead?" You groan and Four will ever deny crying when you look up at him. "Oh, hi Four... did we die?"
He snorts, it's wet a little unbecoming of him but he doesn't care. "No, but you gave it your best shot."
"Huh..." You shift and are immediately met with all the injuries that haven't been healed yet. "OH! Oh no! Not dead! Defiantly not dead! I'm in too much pain to be dead!"
"I'm sorry." Four says out of habit.
"Not your fault." You groan and roll off of him. "Is the thing dead?"
Four looks up and sees that yes, in the time that he tending to you the trio had managed to kill the lynel.
Wild then runs up to you both with a very familiar sword in his hand. "This is yours I believe."
Four stands and takes it before something can happen to the resident Champion. "Thank you."
"You have quite the arm." He comments. "That went deep."
"Four's super strong." You say in your pained delirium. "Like SUPER super strong. I bet he can pick you up."
"Ok, we need to get you out of here." Wild fights the smile that threatens to appear when Four blushes..
"Please." You whimper.
Four takes pity on you and picks you up as gently as he can manage. "The others are still fighting..."
"I'll let them know where you went." Wild winks and dashes off to finish the last of the monsters.
"Four?" You gulps and try to get as comfortable as you can. "Thank you."
"Every time. I promise."
Twilight had a suspicion that something was going to happen the minute the forest had stilled of natural sound.
He gripped his sword and held his shield at the ready just in case.
A part of him felt a little silly but he knew better than to ignore the gut feeling. It came with his heightened senses and he wasn't about to toss away hard earned lessons because of falsified paranoia.
The attack came as he knew it would and he was quick to put his shield over his head, pulling Wind under him as well to avoid the barrage of arrows. Some of the others weren’t so lucky, he knew instantly by their calls of distress but was forced to fight the minute the monsters stepped into the light. There was no way for him to check how badly the others would have been hurt except for when he would eventually pass them on the battle field.
He lost himself in the motions- muscle memory doing most of the work in his case as he took down every lizalfos and bokoblin in his path.
Then he hears it.
The mistakable roar of a lynel.
He groans at the very thought of it. With more theatrics than he’s willing to admit, Twilight cuts down the monster in front of him and makes turns around to go fight the beast, leaving the lesser monsters to be dealt with by the group.
“I’m gonna die!” He hears you scream.
His heart stops and what was once a brisk jog turns into a full out sprint in your direction.
“HELP!” Your voice picks up in intensity and Twilight urges himself to go faster, to meet you before the beast can.
Twilight jumps over a line of bushes just in time to see you run down the trail- blood already trailing down your back and dripping off of your hand.
He sees the lynel stop for a moment before releasing its weapon.
It makes contact and it stops you in your tracks, capturing your limbs together and causing you to fall. He runs over to in tandem with the monster but he’s not fast enough to catch the lynel while in full gallop.
While a scream tears through his throat, Twilight wishes momentarily that you were sticking near Epona at the start of all this (and therefore him) instead but he gives chase without much thought in any sort of plan to save you.
With a quick whistle he calls for his horse and she comes running without any hesitation. Twilight sets himself up during the run and jumps on Epona’s back. He’s quick to move and direct her after the monster and pull out his bow in favor of his sword.
His shots cause the monster to roar once more in fury and it stops to face the upcoming opponent.
Twilight growls with just as much intensity and keep firing, urging Epona to run around the beast, in a circle to avoid any full on hits. 
The lynel takes the blows with little thought and steps back, dropping you the process and charges at Twilight.
He’s not quick enough to get out of the way and is forced to jump off of Epona less she fall on top of him and crush him.
Epona does take the brunt hit of it and does in fact fall over. Twilight gets to his feet as fast as he can and takes his sword out again. While it takes a moment to breath from colliding into another creature, Twilight asses the damage.
Epona for her part gets up and dashes quickly off to the side and away from the monster. He knows that she’s hurt but with the lynel turning around to face him, and Twilight does not miss the way the lynel glances at you in the process, he doesn’t have time to go and check on her.
Instead he jumps in front of you and swings his blade with all his might at the offending creature as it makes it way over to you.
It howls in angers and does so once more when Legend comes flying in through the foliage and blasts the beast directly in its face with his magic rod.
It gives Twilight a window of opportunity and a bit of breathing room now that the lynel has changed targets... for now.
He spins on his heel and kneels by your side, cutting into the ropes that surround you and tear them away from your body. He gulps a bit at the multitude of arrows that protrude from your flesh and he idly wonders if it was from the first attack or from the battle field.
The lynel throws Legend off  of it and Twilight turns around once more to charge at the monster, using his own momentum against it to jump on its back as he stabs as his blade as deep as he can manage into the beast. The monster roars once more and begins to buck with Twilight holding on by the hilt of his blade and the mane of its fur. 
This is a familiar sensation to Twilight and he moves his body to compensate for the added motion to stay on.
From on top of the beast, he sees Hyrule and Wild join the fray and grins as feral as he’s willing to show as back arrives.
Wild is quick to follow his lead and jumps next to him as the monster bucks and also begins to whack the beast. Twilight manages to pull his blade out and repeats his earlier motion, urging his sword with all of his strength to go deeper and do more damage.
Luckily, Hyrule has spotted you and has rushed to your aid with Legend on his heels while the lynel is being handled.
Wild chitters angrily at the fact that lynel still stands and he hops off to begin firing as many explosive arrows as he can at the beast.
Never mind that Twilight is still there.
But he’s a good shot and Twilight focuses on staying on top and keeping his blade within the monster as it jumps back and back and it eventually cornered by a small cliff side.
For one moment everything stills, from either the creature tiring itself out or from Wild running out of bomb arrows but Twilight takes the moment for what it is and once again pulls his blade out.
With one final push, he plunges it back into the monster at a higher spot and feels only marginally satiated when he see the tip peak out on the other side of the lynel’s face.
It disappears into the typical purple cloud and Twilight narrowly misses a sharp rock on the way down. Wild runs to him and gives him a hand.
“Were you trying to blow me off?” He raises an eyebrow at the younger hero as he catches his breath.
“You stayed on didn’t you?” Wild pats him on the shoulder and gives him a once over. “You’re fine.”
“They’re not.” Twilight looks in your direction and runs over.
Luckily, Epona stands over you as well, relatively unharmed except for the few scratches on her side. Twilight sighs in relief at the sight of his horse still standing tall. He’ll have to go easy on her for a few days, maybe a few weeks but she’ll just fine after some tender loving care.
You on the other hand...
You groan and finally open your eyes by the time he reaches you. “I did not do so great that time.”
“Well at least you’re not dead.” Legend rolls his eyes and helps you sit up properly.
“What happened to...” You pause and look up at Twilight, concern and horror filtering over your face. “What one earth happened to you?”
He blinks and furrows his eyebrows. 
Then he looks down.
His pants are coated in the monster’s blood and it’s traveled all the way up to his naval- but that’s not what it looks like.
“Rancher, were you pissing blood or something?” Legend stares at him in the same amount- if not than a little more- horror as you were.
“Twilight...” You start and frown, only now looking between them all with a little more clarity in your eyes. “Did that thing cut off your-”
“It’s not my blood!” He’s quick to reassure you. “Not my blood.”
“Twilight took a lot of stabs to the creatures back.” Wild answers for him. “Since he was riding it then it drips onto the pants.”
“It does look like he needs to be checked though.” Hyrule bit his lip. “Are you alright?”
“A bit winded but more or less unharmed. You?” He wipes the sweat from his brow and tries to ignore the way his pants are beginning to dry.
“More or less the same.”
“Everything hurts.” You groan and flop back onto the earth. 
Twilight smiles slightly at the sight and takes a large calming breath. You’re going to be ok.
Warrior’s blood goes cold.
Multiple instances of fallen soldiers and allies alike flash over him a cold panic and his feet move before he even has the chance to register what he’s trying to do or where he’s even going. 
There’s a recurring mantra in his head that circles around like sirens in the dead of night. 
He can’t be late. He can’t fail. It all falls on him. He has to win. He has to save them. He can’t lose.
He’s forced to duck down in a flurry of rushing limbs and flying fabric when he nearly crashes into the monster head on.
Warrior doesn’t hesitate to raise his sword and slash the underbelly of the beast, still lost in the programming of muscle memory. He only comes back into hiself and the present when- after a few minutes of fighting this things without much damage being done to it- Wild comes from behind and fires as many arrows as he can in quick succession.
The surroundings clear up a little more and Warrior rolls out of the way to not be stomped on.
He looks up with wide eyes and forces to get back onto his feet.
He’s not back in the war. There’s no army or fallen soldiers that are gasping out their final breaths.
Until he looks up.
Warrior sucks in a breath when he finally registers your hanging form. You’re soaked in your own blood and there’s arrows sticking out of you that clearly couldn’t be dealt with at the time. Not to mention the ropes around you have been turning your hands and fingers purple.
Legend joins in the time he’s been stuck staring at you and has begun to fire as much magic as he can at the beast. “WAKE UP PRETTY BOY! WE’RE NOT DONE HERE!”
Warrior snaps back into action- the anger that dripping into his system slowly gets him worked up into a frenzy. At first he merely attacks like he would any other monster because he doesn’t want to believe that you’ve been bested by this creature. Nor the possibility that you’re injured beyond repair. But the more he attacks and the more he’s focused on trying not to injure you further- he’s hitting harder, slashing deeper and aiming for any all vitals that he can reach.
Somehow, in his rage, he’s managed to get him under the lynel and spins his blade to slice the legs as many times as he can before the beast is forced to fall from the damage.
Warrior is so lost in himself that he never noticed Hyrule arrive and successfully get you away from the lynel.
Legend breaks away to help Hyrule with getting the rope and arrows away from your body- leaving the stronger lynel with Wild and Warrior. 
While the two of them get to work their magic on healing you, Warrior notices belatedly that there’s more free space to work with when fighting so he takes advantage of that.
But he miscalculates.
In one false move that Warrior tries to duck away from, a rogue hoof comes up when the creature tries to stand again and it nicks Warrior right above his eye, sending him flying away form the beast.
Warrior ignores the blood that’s pouring into his eye and gets up nearly as quickly as he went down.
Wild for his part has noticed the change in energy and has jumped away from the lynel to settle for more ranged attacks... And to get away from Warrior...
Warrior rams his blade into the monster, tilting it upward to slice as high as he can reach into its massive neck.
The lynel has weakened to the point where lifting its limbs has become a tedious and strenuous task. 
Warrior takes advantage of this.
He does not notice Wild leave him either until the lynel disappears in a violent explosion of purple smoke.
He stands there, chest heaving and arms trembling- the weight of his rage and adrenaline leaving him stunned when the object of his aggressions is gone. He snaps his head up in a violent fashion to see Wild, Legend and Hyrule stand over you, magic pouring over them in waves.
He runs to you and has to be restrained by Wild when he nearly runs all of you over. “How are they? How bad was it?”
“Are you ok?” Hyrule asks instead, just turning in time to see Warrior coated in not only the creature blood- but having his eyebrow swollen and red- his own blood weeping down the side of his face and into his tunic and scarf.
It’s uglier than he’s ever going suspect without a mirror. 
“Are they dead?” Warrior asks again.
Hyrule turns his magic to Warrior standing up and making room for the soldier to take his place on the ground. “No, but they’re not waking up after a potion, a fairy and my magic.”
Warrior doesn’t think twice about kneeling on the dirt and takes your hand reflexively. “Do we have anything else?”
“They took a bad hit to the head, it’s all on them now.” Legend places a hand on Warrior’s shoulder and sighs.
There’s a moment of silence amongst the group, the sounds of the others fighting still nearby. “They’re going to need help. We’re not done here.”
Whatever relief Warrior might have felt at the new of your being stable is quickly dashed and once replaced by the need to rain absolute hell fire on the enemy.
“Someone needs to stay with them.” He finds himself saying.
“I will.” Hyrule gulps, letting the spell drop at last. “I think I’m tapped out my magic for a while anyway.”
“Then rest and don’t push yourself either friend.” Wild nods and runs off. “Take care.”
“Watch over them Traveler.” Warrior doesn’t look his way and grip his sword as tightly as his fists can manage. “We won’t be long.”
Legend and Hyrule share a look as Warrior runs after Wild searching the nearest monster to fall victim to his anger.
He can’t be late. He can’t fail. It all falls on him. He has to win. He has to save them. He can’t lose.
Wild growled, pushing himself up from the ground and ripping the arrow that had lodged itself into him out of his side.
He couldn’t feel it anyway- it was his scarred side.
With practiced ease, he takes out his bow and fires it at the first monster he sees. He knows that the others scatter as quickly as the monsters break through the tree line to take them down.
He searches for more numbers that aren’t being dealt with immediately. 
Not seeing any, he runs for higher ground and jumps into the biggest tree in the area, striking at the bokoblins more so than the lizalfos.
Bokoblins are the easier enemy to deal with- he tells himself. Lizalfos have obnoxious armor that can be difficult to get around- not to mention they’re smarter and faster. So the group will need to spend more of their attention on the lizards from hell than the easier enemy.
They’re annoying but Wild makes do.
But as he gets lost in the moment and the mission- he hears it.
A lynel has appeared on the battle field.
Being in the group long enough has allowed to learn that he’s only one of few that know what it is and how to deal with it.
He steels himself and jumps down from the tree- eager to get rid of the threat and help his friend through the thick of it.
“I need help! I’m gonna die!” Wild’s head snaps to the left, just barely seeing the lynel run in the same direction of your voice.
Wild’s voice gets caught in his throat and he sprints as quickly as he can after it.
It can’t get to you. There’s no way the universe would allow this to happen. He can’t let that happen.
“HELP!” He hears you cry again.
It’s once again to his left and runs toward you instead of the lynel, not even bothering to try and hide the absolute panic on his face.
“Someone help!” You yell and he’s too focused on honing in on where you are exactly to even worry about where the lynel is in comparison.
He ends up somewhere in the middle, you to his left and the lynel to his right.
He see the whole thing happen- not even registering the power level of this particular monster when he sees it.
The lynel stops and lines up its shot 
It lets go and you collapse onto the forest floor, blood slowly beginning to pool by the back of your head. He didn’t even get the chance to answer you- you’re out before you can even see him there.
But the lynel still charges forward and Wild knows he can’t let it get to you regardless.
He runs toward you- not where near as quickly as the lynel but he shoots his trusty bomb arrow at its feet before it can get to you- watching in twisted satisfaction when the monster is instead flipped over you and lands directly on its back on the other side of the clearing.
He runs to you, looking over his shoulder to see the lynel jump to its feet again, now raging at a different level than before. He takes a short sword out of the shiekah slate and cuts the ropes around you, using the bomb rune to blast the creature again when it tries to run back over to you.
The blast doesn’t send the monster very far like the first one but it still buys Wild enough time to get the last of the ropes off of you and pick you up.
Legend comes in from he side lines and fires at the beast like there’s no tomorrow. Wild’s psyche breaths a quick sigh of relief at the appearance of back up and he tries to find a decent place to put you as he goes to deal with the monster.
It’s only when he’s putting you down- hidden behind some bushes and branches, does he see your other wounds- the arrows and he almost sobs at the sight. He thought it was just the hit from the lynel but you’re losing more blood than he thinks he can keep up with. Wild takes out the fairy and unleashes her, whispering to her to check your head first while he deal with the the arrows.
He doesn’t know if she can understand him as much as the koroks do (it wasn’t a fairy from his Hyrule) but he sees that she somewhat understands. He takes care of the one through your hand first and worries about splinters for a moment before someone smacks his hand away.
“How about you go help Legend?” Hyrule doesn’t  snap but it’s not necessarily a friendly tone at the moment. “I’ll take care of them but Legend can’t fight that thing on his own.”
Wild looks up and belatedly sees Legend try to dodge the strikes of the high level lynel instead of actually hitting the monster.
Wild takes one more look at you and your blood on his hands and nods to Hyrule. He doesn’t hesitate to run toward the monster and jumps on its back as its distracted.
He holds on by its mane and takes out his frost blade freezing it in place before unleashing as many blows as he can get with his knights claymore.
Legend however, somehow misses the memo and fires his fire rod at the lynel- getting rid of the effect of his own blade.
Wild doesn’t pay too much attention to it.
He switches to his thunder blade and strikes the beast right behind its head.
The shock knocks him off of its back and he lands harshly on his own back before shooting multiple bomb arrows at the monster. Legend goes for more ranged attacks when he sees the kind of artillery that Wild is unleashing on the monster and wants no part of it.
Wild gets his shots to strike the lynel in the face, going for more blood than he thinks the lynel even has- but all he knows is that the beast has to pay.
He stays close to the lynel, using as many flurry blows as he can get it, switching between the frost blade and his thunder blade as they both charge up and as many bombs as he can get going at once for the beast to fall.
He falls into a pattern and knows the monster very well after just two minutes of this. It’s from his Hyrule and Wild feels a small part of him shrivel in guilt at something from his world coming after you.
But that just means he’ll have the honors of getting rid of it.
Despite Wild’s obvious pattern of weapon switching and bomb usage, the lynel isn’t any wiser to his moves and continuously takes the damage that Wild is giving out- not even having the chance to strike the young hero. 
Legend at some point in all of this has moved away from the battle entirely and has joined Hyrule in healing you, even if it’s only to shove a potion down your throat.
Wild gets lost in the motions, enough so that he even trips over himself and falls face first in the monster’s loot.
He grabs it out of habit before sprinting over to where he knows he hid you.
You’re just beginning to wake up.
“Link...” You call out. “Where did you go?”
Wild bite his lip and drops to his knees next to you, gripping your hand with shaking hands. He looks to Hyrule with a silent question.
“They’ll be ok.” He says in a quiet voice. “Took a bad hit to the head and the arrows could have been better but nothing vital was damaged and they should be ok with some rest and time.”
Wild nods and sighs with relief.
“Link...” You blink your eyes open and look around you. “Oh hey... Everything hurts.”
Legend snorts and crosses his arms. “It took a lot of magic to get you to this point again.”
“I’m not dead?”
“You gave it your best shot.” Hyrule shrugs with an awkward smile on his face. “But we love you too much to let you go like that.”
Wild chuckles quietly and feels the shakes travel from his hands to the rest of his body until he’s sure it looks like he’s vibrating instead. His whole nervous system is fried but you’re ok- you’re alive. Wild thinks he can cry.
“Cool. Cool. Thanks.” You sigh and rest your head against the forest floor again. “Glad I’m not dead.”
“We are too.” Wild laughs a bit louder and it’s wet and quiet but you hear it.
You smile in response.
“Wild here is especially happy about it. He pretty much took on the lynel all by himself.” Legend lets out a breath. “It was a tough one. What was wrong with t? Was it infected like the others?”
“No. Just strong.” Wild shakes his head and lets go of your hand to brush your hair gently away from your face. “It was my Hyrule- I’ve fought a few like those before.”
“Lynel...” You try the word on your tongue like slow molasses flowing through a jar. “I hate them.”
“Yeah...” Wild laughs a little louder again, a little more genuine- adrenaline leaving his system and leaving him tired and drained. “We all do.”
You’re ok.
He’s ok.
It’s ok.
435 notes · View notes
rosayounan · 2 years
You Will Be My Better Half
They had spent the day mostly riding. Bheem on his motorcycle, Ram on his horse. The journey back to the village where Mali and Seetha were, would be another few days. Bheem could feel the deep exhaustion setting in his bones. It has been a long night of fighting. Fighting for revenge on the British, punishment on the governor and his wife. It was also a night of freedom. Freedom for Bheem’s people. For Ram’s people. For their people. 
Bheem stole a glance at Ram and saw the same exhaustion reflecting back. It has been a long day indeed and evening was approaching. 
“Ram?” Bheem spoke up, “Do we camp here?” 
Ram looked around as if noticing their surrounding for the first time. “Those trees look to be a good spot.” The officer nodded.
Bheem gestured for his anna to lead the way. After they had gotten reunited in the prison, Bheem had felt a great weight lifted off his chest. Knowing that Ram had survived filled his heart with peace. Many a night he had stayed awake, fearing the worst. That he would be too late. However, his prayers had been answered. 
It took some time for both men to make camp ready for the night. Ram worked to gather firewood and Bheem made a warm soup out of some herbs he had found. As both men’s tasks came to end, they sat together in comfortable silence. Enjoying the warmth of the fire and satisfying their hunger with the soup. 
Bheem noticed that Ram had finished his bowel quickly. It was himself that normally ate more out of the two of them. Perhaps his anna hadn’t eaten proper food during his imprisonment? The thought made a spark of guilt settle deep in the warrior’s gut. 
“Bheem?” Ram’s voice broke his thoughts. The man was looking at him with concern, “Kya hai?” (What it it?)
Bheem shook his head as if to banish away the bad thoughts. He smiled, motioning to the bowel in Ram’s hands. “You like it, bhaee?” He asked.
Ram nodded looking content. Bheem took that as a sign and took the bowel from him, happily refilling it with more soup. “Eat.” He commanded fondly. 
Ram accepted the bowel and smiled warmly at him. Bheem was reminded of the same smile he had been given when Ram had helped him prepare for the dance. Ram took Bheem’s hand and squeezed it. “Thank you, Bheem.” He whispered sincerely. 
Bheem understood it was gratitude for much more than the food. It was a thanks for finding him, for the prison break, for collecting the rifles, for helping to avenge Ram’s father. For being a brother. 
Bheem nodded back warmly, bringing their clasped hands to his cheek and holding it close. “Forgive me,” He couldn’t hold back the words, “Forgive me, anna. For not understanding...”
Ram shook his head and held Bheem’s face in his hands so his brother would meet his gaze. “No,” He spoke firmly, “Forgive me, na tam’mudu.”
The old name made Bheem smile. “My duty is not more important than this,” Ram gestured between them, “And I…” He broke his gaze away, fiery eyes filled with emotion. 
Bheem shifted closer to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. Ram grasped it tightly. “
You had a promise, Ram,” Bheem spoke gently, “Not just duty, a promise… to your father.”
Ram sobbed out, “I hurt you. I hurt you and I never wanted…” He covered his eyes, “Not you.”
Bheem didn’t miss a second. He pulled Ram into his chest and wrapped his arms around him. 
“Bheem!” Ram wailed loudly, shoulders shaking as he gripped his brother’s shirt. 
“Aiyo! aiyo!” Bheem rocked him slowly, “Shh, shh, shhh. You didn’t hurt me, anna. Nothing would hurt me more than being separated from you. I thought I’d lost you.” He hugged him tighter.
They both stayed that way, curled into each other, for some time. Each one thinking about their brotherhood, the recent events that has passed and the hell they had survived. After some time, Ram broke the silence. 
“You’re starting to squash me.”
Bheem grinned and released his tight hold. Ram stretched out over his legs. “Sorry,” He ruffled Ram’s hair softly.
“Brhatkaay ladaka,” Ram punched his arm lightly. 
“Owa,” Bheem mocked pain, “Now I will tell you, you hurt me.” 
Ram smiled and patted his cheek, “I’m sorry.” He said in all seriousness. 
“Bhaee..” Bheem was going to chastise but Ram held his jaw firmly.
“No,” He shook his head, “Bheem, I’m sorry.” 
Bheem swallowed thickly as he felt tears prick his eyes. 
Ram brought their heads together, one hand still on his jaw, the other in his hair.“I’m sorry.” He repeated in a whisper. 
Bheem nodded, “Me too.”
Ram nodded satisfied and gave Bheem a kiss on the head for good measure. “Let’s get some sleep,” He stated before getting up to tend to the fire. 
Bheem shook out some blankets and laid them out. When Ram had added another log to the fire, he noticed Bheem watching.
“What?” He frowned.
Bheem silently opened his arms. With a sigh and a fond eye roll, Ram went over and laid down next to him. Bheem immediately flung himself on top and snuggled. 
“Owww,” Ram grimaced, “I still have bruises.” 
Bheem chuckled and snuggled deeper. 
“You are a Bheem.” Ram laughed.
“Seetha is beautiful, anna,” Bheem patted his brother. 
Ram’s eyes grew fond and soft, “She is.”
Bheem smiled, “You love her?”
Ram nodded still smiling. 
“Ah, she loves you.” Bheem couldn’t keep the grin off his face.
Ram ruffled Bheem’s curls, “And you.”
“No anna, I…”
“She knows about you, Bheem,” Ram explained, “I wrote her letters.”
“Ah-hah!” The devilish grin was back, “You talked about me?”
The comment earned him a friendly whack on the head.“Hush!” Ram playfully growled. 
“Mali asked about you,” Bheem looked at the night sky as he spoke, “She wants to meet the anna that saved her.”
 Ram was quiet for a moment, then he spoke.“Bheem, you saved Mali. You delivered her back to her family and…”
Bheem laid a hand over his mouth, “Not without you, anna. I got Mali home, but not without you.”
Ram sighed, “Tomorrow we will see them both. And Jenny also.”
Bheem felt a smile tug at his lips, “And Jenny.”
Ram laughed, “Go to sleep.” He pushed him lightly down.
Bheem did lay back down. The crickets and crackling fire were the only sounds around them.
Bheem leaned himself upright a bit and raised his open hand with a smile. Ram understood the silent message. He opened his hand to meet Bheem’s and they both clasped their forearms tightly.  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Translations of a few Hindi/South Indian words, sorry if these are mistaken.  Bhaee = brother 
Anna = a term used for an older brother
Kya hai? = What is it?
Na tam’mudu = My younger brother
Aiyo, aiyo = Southern Indian term expressing distress, regret, grief, or surprise.                      Meaning= “Oh no!” 
Brhatkaay ladaka = Big guy Alright guys! What’s the verdict? This is my first RRR fanfic AND first time I shared it. Sorry but I just can’t help shipping them platonically so my fanfic will be them being cute bros! I have a second part coming up because I couldn’t just leave Ram with all the angst now could I? This takes place after they shoot Governor Scott but before they return to the group at the end. I just felt like things needed to be said and hugs needed to be giving! I will tag some of my followers, other fanfic authors that I love to read and those that said that I should share this here! Hope you don’t mind! Thanks!  
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imagineaworlds · 2 years
Home -- Levi Ackerman
Written By: @desperately-bisexual
Request: None.
Warnings: AoT s1 spoilers. Mentions of death. Mentions of injuries.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Word Count: 2026
Listen To: Til My Heart Stops
A/N: I'm only half-way through s2, so I know practically nothing about the show lol. I tried my best writing this shortly after finishing s1. If you send asks about AoT, please don't send any spoilers! <3
“They’re back!”
Chaos soon erupted in the streets. One of the young boys was running around, screaming, almost cheering, and if it hadn’t been for that hope in his voice, I nearly thought he meant that the Titans had returned. If that were true… No. That morning, we watched the Survey Corps leave to lure the remaining Titans away from the walls, so how could the Titans come back for us? If it weren’t the Titans, then it had to be the Survey Corps. It had to be him.
“They’re at the gates! The Survey Corps is back!”
I dropped the dishes in the sink and ran for the door. People were already lining the sidewalks while waiting for the returning soldiers to make their march through the city up to their barracks. Some had roses. I wasn’t sure if the flowers were for the survivors or to commemorate the dead or both. I had no flowers or gifts. All I could bear to do was start running toward the outer wall to see if I could catch up to the parade of soldiers until I heard the racket down the street. Protestors were yelling about their taxes, of course. Families were shouting for their sons or daughters in the Corps. Brokenhearted husbands and wives were falling into the arms of Squad Leaders who were giving them bad news. I refused to be such a widow.
“Look how many of them have returned since this morning,” a gossip whispered to her friend. “Less than half, if I had to guess. Pity.”
I almost wanted to smack her for being so crass.
Still, I ignored as much of the crowd as I could as I balanced on my toes to see over the heads of those in front of me as I searched for him. He’d be on a horse. In his station as Lance Corporal, he’d be on a horse. I’d see him…
I clasped my hands together, almost in prayer, silently begging to see him again. Erwin was leading the next Squad. I saw an elderly man run into the road to bother Erwin with questions of his daughter, but when Erwin didn’t say anything, the man stumbled over to the next man he saw. It was him. He was staring straight ahead, his head held high while his horse trotted along gently under him. The father called out, but he still didn’t look down. I pushed through the crowd in front of me, shoving a protestor roughly to the side with a glare before stepping onto the cobblestone street.
I reached out with my arm and shouted, “Levi!”
He quickly glanced over at me.
Within an instant, he led his horse over to my side of the road, weaving through the maze of tired and injured soldiers. I smiled up at him. He was home. Yet, he didn’t smile back— Though I wasn’t exactly surprised. Whenever he did these marches back from outside, he tried his best to maintain the tough, inhuman persona of Lance Corporal Levi until we could be back at home where it was just us two.
Levi swung his right leg over his horse and gently dropped on it rather than his left leg, which was his dominant side. He even winced when his arm got caught over his head a bit by the reins. What had happened out there? Had he been so badly wounded? Would he even be able to make it up to the barracks? He shouldn’t have gotten off his horse for me if he couldn’t get back on—
I hardly realized that he had limped his way around his horse so quickly until his good arm was raised for his hand to cup my cheek, then he was kissing me. We tilted slightly to the right as he pressed me backwards. It was his leg. He was keeping all of his weight off of his left side— I should have said something, but he was still kissing me passionately, and I couldn’t do anything but hold his face in my hands.
And then we had to breathe.
As he pulled away, he kept his forehead and nose pressed against mine, his eyes falling shut. “Later.”
I nodded vaguely. “Later.”
He had to go off to be Lance Corporal Levi again, and I couldn’t stop him. So, I let him go as he limped back to his horse and carefully remounted with grimaces of pain. I’d have to tend to those later. That was what he always meant by his gentle “later” he always whispered to me after coming back. Granted, he’d never come over to kiss me like that before, but there was always at least a glance in my direction and a note of, “Later,” before he’d continue marching. Levi was a stubborn man with a stubborn pride. He hated the idea of letting anyone see him go to the infirmary, and he hated the idea of anyone seeing him vulnerable. I supposed he had just broken one of his own rules, but at the very least, he’d still refuse to go to the infirmary. That was always my job. Later. He’d let me tend to his wounds later. He’d tell me as much as he could later. He’d cry about all of it later.
I followed him as he continued uphill towards the barracks. Erwin was still leading the pack, and Levi was only a few steps ahead, but I couldn’t find the rest of his Squad. I moved to get a look inside one of the wagons long enough to see Eren Jaeger, a problem child for Levi, holding the hand of Mikasa Ackerman who was a soldier Levi had been eager to have on his team. I couldn’t spot the others. Granted, I hardly knew them. I had met each of them once so long ago, I could only guess what they would look like now after seeing and enduring so much. Levi told me surveying changed people. I wondered if I had known him before he joined the Corps if I would have noticed a big difference in him. When he was with me, he talked and smiled and cried. Deep down, I knew that was the real Levi Ackerman, and perhaps that was the real him before Lance Corporal Levi, too.
At the barracks, guards pushed back the crowd to keep out protestors and wailing mourners who were demanding answers from Erwin. Thankfully, however, Levi waved me through. He wasn’t technically supposed to do such a thing, but the guards would never question a Lance Corporal, especially Levi with the reputation he carried. So, when I was through, they closed the doors until the next Squad’s arrival. Levi rode over to the stables. I trudged through the mud to get to him, but as stubborn as he was, he tried to get off his horse before I could help. He cried out when his right leg slipped on the mud and he got himself on his injured left leg. I ran to him as best I could.
“Don’t let me fall,” he whispered to me while I tucked my arm under and around him.
I nodded. “I won’t.”
Many of the soldiers, including Eren, were already heading into the infirmary, while others were walking to the dining hall for stew. None of them were looking at the stables. Even Erwin had left his horse to drink at the stables before quickly going to the infirmary to take count of how many made it back. I held onto Levi the best I could while taking him to a hay bale to sit on.
“It’s my arm and leg,” he explained. “I think I broke them.”
I inspected his arm first. Taking his wrist in my grip, I gently moved his arm about until he winced, signaling it couldn’t go any further. It wasn’t broken, but his shoulder was certainly pushed out of its socket, and his elbow had been beaten and bruised to hell. As for his leg, it was certainly broken. From hip to ankle, it was shattered to the point I was surprised he was able to ride at all. He should have gone in a wagon.
“I’ll have to bandage you up at home.”
Levi nodded.
“You should let Erwin cart you back.”
I glared up at him for using his stern voice with me.
“I can make it on my own,” he corrected. “The worms need carts; Not me.”
I rolled my eyes and helped him back up his feet, letting him lean against me again so that he didn’t put any weight on his bad leg.
It was hell getting back to the house. We had to go around the parade so no one saw him, and when we did happen to run into a soldier, he immediately stood tall to acknowledge their salute with a short nod. Once we were there, though, it was a breeze. He sat on the edge of the bed while I grabbed bandages to sling his arm in and stiffen his leg so that it could heal properly. He was silent the entire time. While I propped up his elbow and wrapped the bandages all the way around his shoulder to his wrist. I knew he’d hate it, but it was the best way to help him heal after I popped his shoulder back into his socket. It was like putting a cone on a dog. Without it there, he’d only hurt himself all over again.
“I wasn’t there,” he said suddenly.
“For what?” I asked casually, wrapping his leg.
“Petra… Gunther… Eld… Oluo… They’re gone. They’re all gone.”
I swallowed hard.
“It’s my fault.”
Denying such a statement for him never worked because he always knew the truth. The fact of the matter was that he was a leader who had to make tough decisions that put the lives of others in danger, but at the end of the day, they were the ones who chose to join the Corps, and they were the ones who were supposed to have the training to survive out there. Yes, Levi made the calls, but… To say that it was all entirely his fault was somewhat of a stretch. Regardless, he thought it was his fault. He knew it was his fault. How could I look him in the eye and lie?
“You did your best,” was all I could say.
He hardly acknowledged my comforting touch on his healthy knee before I pushed myself up to my feet and went to put my things away for the next time he’d return from battle. I warned him time and again that he’d get himself killed out there. Every time we argued about it, he’d huff and go, “Death is inevitable.” I’d protest that he could stay home, with me, behind the walls, safe; but the Corps was his life, and I knew that the day we met, though it was still hard to deal with from time to time, of course. Knowing that all of his friends died out there made me worry more than ever. Perhaps next time I wouldn’t need my kit. Perhaps next time Erwin would be carting Levi back in a sack for me to cry over and bury.
“The King won’t be happy with us,” Levi explained. I returned to the bed and sat beside him. “We messed up out there, and I fear he’ll want to make an example out of me and Erwin for leading so many to their deaths. Perhaps he’ll want to see us dead, too.”
“And cause an uproar amongst the Corps and many in the cities and villages who know of your sacrifices? I doubt it.”
Levi let me rest my head against his good shoulder. He was home. He was safe. He was partially intact. He needed a shower.
“Erwin will take any heat I’d get… He shouldn’t for me, though.”
“You’d do the same for him.”
Levi snickered. “Yes.” He kissed the top of my head.
“I’m glad you’re home.”
He sighed against me. “Me, too.”
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hockeywhhores · 4 years
arrangements- q. hughes
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Quinn Hughes x f!Reader
warnings~ smut, alcohol, male receiving, vaginal sex twice, swearing 
summary~ You and Quinn had an arrangement, put in one night everything fell apart. 
genre~ smut, friends with benefits to lovers
word count~ 2.7k 
This is NSFW please do not read if it makes you uncomfortable. 
Jake Virtian was your best friend growing up, and that is how you ended up best friends with the whole Canucks roster, especially Quinn Hughes. Quinn and you just clicked. Within days of meeting you, he was smitten. You grabbed his attention, and would not let it go.
One night you both got way to drunk, and things ended up with you two together in Quinn’s bedroom. After that incident, you both agreed to be friends with benefits. You enjoyed the sex, and he enjoyed having you around. Even if this wasn’t how he had planned to get you, it would have to work for now. Quinn had even invited you to come back to Orlando with him, during the offseason. You had said no, not wanting to intrude on his family time, but he insisted. You both left it maybe. The offseason is coming in two weeks, so he gave you time to think about it.
Wanting to forget about college, and getting a job, you asked the guys if they wanted to go out. Quinn always said yes, and then most of the other guys agreed to a night out. You picked the bar, and everyone agreed to meet there. Before you had finished getting ready, Quinn had called you.
“Hey!” you said as you put your phone on speaker, so you could finish with your hair.
“Hey y/n! I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up tonight?” Quinn asked, sounding unsure of himself.
“Sure! that would be great! You don’t even know how many Ubers i’ve called this week!” You exaggerated.
“Perfect pick you up in twenty minutes.” He ended the call quickly after you both said your ‘goodbyes’ and you went back to curling your hair. finishing with minutes to spare you did a little bit of pregaming with some random alcohol you found in your apartment. When you heard a knock on your door, you were surprised to say the least. Quinn usually just texted you when he was here. You shrugged it off, and answered the door. There was Quinn a little early, and standing in your doorway. He was holding a bottle of vodka, and when he saw you he held it up higher for you to see.
“I brought you something to pregame with,” He explained, “I was going to pregame with you, but I realized that I stupidly told you I would drive.” He finished with a little smile, and you couldn’t help a laugh a little at how forgetful he was.
“Oh, I already drink some tequila, but I will be perfectly happy taking that beautiful bottle of vodka off your hands.” You were playing with him, but weren’t surprised when he handed you the bottle. You set it on the kitchen table, and left for his car.
The car ride was perfectly fine, with you and Quinn never missing a beat while you talked. You told him all about how you were needing to start internering, but your school work load was so big, that you didn’t know when you were going to be able to level time in between them. He told you about how he was stressed out with hockey, and just wanted to go home for the offseason, and take a small break from hockey. Quinn’s left hand never left your upper thigh, and your hand never left from its place; resting on top of his. Nothing ever felt awkward between the two of you. You swear if anyone asked you, you would say you had gotten closer to Quinn than you were with Jake, and that was really saying something.
When you pulled up to the club, you jumped out of the car. You couldn’t wait to see all the guys before they left for their last away game stretch. They were going to be all the way in Montreal playing the Candians. You were sad to see them go, but you knew that that was their jobs. Shaking everything off, you entered the club with Quinn by your side. Everyone that was already there greeted you right as you set through the doors. You waved to everyone, but went to the bar before you went to sit down with them. You didn’t know that Quinn had followed you, until after you finished ordering your drink and was planning on opening a tab, but then you felt his arm lightly touch the back of your upper arm and saw him slide his card to the bartender.
“You can put all her drinks on my tab.” Quinn told the guy. the guy nodded and started to get to work with making your drink.
“Quinn! You didn't have to do that!” You protested. Quinn just looked at you as if he was bored, and not wanting to engage in this debate. Quinn bought you a lot of things, he always put up the argument, that he was a hockey player, and he wanted to help you while you go through college. You just wanted to prove that you could pay for yourself, but telling him this was like beating a dead horse. The bartender gave you your drink, and Quinn a beer, you knew he was just going to nurse it all night. you and Quinn walked over to the table of hockey players and their wifes/girlfriends. You were happy just sitting at the table in between Quinn and Brock, but when one of your favorite dance songs came on; you just had to get on the dance floor.
“Oh my god, I love this song! Someone come dance with!” You exclaimed as you jumped out of your seat. You looked back and noticed no one had followed you.
“Ok losers…” you frowned at them, “Quinn please come dance with me!” you gave him your best puppy dog eyes, and lightly tugged on his arm. He huffed but came with you to the dance floor.
“Thank you!” You smiled brightly at him as you started swaying your hips to the beat. Quinn awkwardly dances with you. He did not know where to put his hands, or even how to move his body. You giggled at him, and grabbed his hands and placed them on your hips. Then you gently hand him rock side to side with you. He was still stiff and looked like he was doing something wrong.
You smiled in reassurance, “You are doing great, Romeo” you whispered into his ear.
“I’m sorry, but you know I hate dancing.” Quinn huffed back into your ear. “But did I tell you how good you look tonight.” You did look good in your short black dress, and perfectly styled makeup and hair.
“Oh stop.” You were blushing, “But to answer your question, no you did not.” the blush was still there but you tried to hide it with a confident-ish smirk.
“My bad then. What kind of gentleman am I? Can’t even remember to tell the prettiest girl I have ever seen, how beautiful she looks.” He was messing with you, but that didn’t stop your blush from growing.
“Want to go back to your car?” you asked after a couple songs have ended. You were surprised when Quinn didn’t leave after the song you originally wanted to dance to was over.
“You have your things?” He quested you, looking deep into your eyes.
“Yes, why?” you looked back into his eyes. He knew you saw the hungriness he had for you in his eyes, and he even saw the same in your eyes.
“Because when I’m finished with you, you are not going to be able to come back in here.” he spelt out for you.
“Oh, well do you think if anyone would notice if we just left?” now it's your turn to question him.
“Not if we're careful.” Quinn quiered. Looking back at the table you noticed some have already left, and the ones that were still there were all wrapped up in their own conversations.
“I think we are in the clear.” you testified. Quinn took your hand and you both rushed out of the club and to his black car. He quickly got into the driver's seat, while you got into the passenger’s seat. Without telling you where he was driving to, he started the car and left the parking lot. You ended up in a dark street that was far enough away from everything. Quickly both of you unbuckled your seat belts, and you were strpped your dress off, and took off your shoes. Quinn climbed into the backseat, and you went after him.
“Everything off, baby girl.” he reminded you.
“I just thought you would like to do the honors.” you joked, and before you knew it your bra was in his lap.
“consider me honored,” Quinn joked back. You quickly got to work unbuttoning his pants, and pulled them down to his knees. Before going any further with undressing him you gave his growing erection a soft, little kiss. Quinn let out a strong huff of air.
“Don’t play with me.” he warned. You responded by pulling down his boxers, and grabbing his now fully-erect penis with your small hands. Pumping it up and down, while you sucked on the tip. He was a sighing mess, you knew you weren’t giving him fully what he wanted. Quinn applied some pressure down on the top of your head, in a warning type of way. You pushed him into your mouth as far as you could take him, pumping everything you couldn’t fit. As you looked up into his eyes, you saw that he was already looking at you with hooded eyes. With one hand you messaged his balls, while your other hand was pumping the bit you couldn’t fit into your mouth. He had made a makeshift ponytail with his hand, trying to see as much of you as he could. You continued like this for a couple of minutes, until you felt sticky ropes of cum cover your mouth. You set back up, and whipped your lips, while staring at him in the eyes.
Quinn kissed you deeply, and pasionalty. You knew he could taste himself on your mouth, but he didn’t care. He accidentally ripped your underwear, while trying to get it off of you as fast as he could. No one cared. Both of you know if you asked from him to buy you new ones, you would get several new pairs in return. The car was getting steamy, but you didn;t care. Climbing on top of Quinn, you sat down on top of his already reerected dick. He slid in easily, with how wet you were. His shirt buttons there undid proved the perfect amount of room for you hand to feel his chest up, and down. Quinn helped guide your hips, helping set a pace you were both happy with. Everything was overriding your brain, and you only seemed to know his name; chanting it as if it was a prayer. All that you could hear was his panting, your moans, and skin slapping skin. When you felt his pace slow, and his thrust get sloppy, you knew he was close. you were too. You matched your hips to his, and came with him. You didn’t get off of him, until you stopped feeling aftershocks from your orgasm. Quinn happily let you stay connected with him. Both of your faces were plastered with dumb- looking smiles.
Needing his help you got off of him, and used your ripped pantys to clean yourself up a bit. Sitting back next to him in his backseat, made you feel happy. You don’t know if it was the orgasm or you genuinely liked him, but you felt like you were on cloud nine. Quinn buttoned up his pants, and helped you get your dress on, before he helped you get back into the front seat, so he could take you home.
When you were safely in you apartment you asked him something you never had before, “Do you want to stay?” your eyes looked tired, but your body felt too wired to sleep.
“Sure, If you want me too.” Quinn tried to seem as nonchalant as he could. He did not need you knowing about how he has always wanted you to ask him this.
“There is a pair of your sweat pants in the top drawer. I am going to clean myself up.” you said as you walked to your bathroom. Quinn made his way to your bedroom, and looked into your draw. There was a pair of his gray sweatpants that he had lent to you, after your pants had ripped. He knew he had been in your bedroom before, but  whenever he had there were more pressing matters to deal with. So while you were in the bathroom he took the time to look around your room. Your bed was in the far corner, and there were pictures of you and the team. One picture was of you and Quinn when he had scored, in overtime,  after a tough game. The other pictures were of you and Jake, or your family.
When you came back from the bathroom you found Quinn already changed into his sweatpants, and was laying in your bed. He playfully whistled when you started changing, and you just sent him a playful glare. He held up the blanket as you climbed into your bed, and you noticed he decided to go without a shirt.
“Wow aren’t I one lucky girl.” you teased him as you ran your hand up and down his bare chest.
“You know I like to think of myself as one lucky guy. I mean I have the cutest girl feeling me up right now!” Quinn laughed into your ear and then kissed your cheek. You don’t why but all of this just felt right. Having him here in your bed, felt like it was always supposed to happen. You talked  about everything under the sun as you cuddled. his hand was rubbing, soft, light-feathered circles on your back. You felt so loved. No one has ever made you feel the way Quinn does.
“Quinn?” you whispered into the darkness.
“Yes darling?” he answered back.
“I love you.” you professed. You felt his breathing and hand falter. At that moment you were sure that you stopped breathing as well. The world even felt as if it had stopped spinning.
“I love you too.��� Quinn whispered as if you would break if he talked louder than that.  
“I have since I met you.”  He confessed as he looked down at you. You could barely see him in the dark, but you shot yourself up to give him a kiss. The kiss was passionate, not the passionate like when you were just fucking around, but passionate in the way that told you how much he loved you.
You reached down and pulled his sweatpants down, he wasn’t wearing any boxers. Quinn pushed your shorts, along with your panties, to the ground. You managed to get everything off your legs. Before pushing you down onto the bed, you discarded your shirt. When you both were completely nude Quinn took charge. With him holding your arms on top of your head, he ground his hips into yours. Then when he felt you were wet enough he slipped his hard, throbbing dick into you. Quinn took his time, pushing in and out of you. You were a moaning mess. Nothing was fast about this. It was all slow and loving. Hidden emotions were coming out. Hidden emotions of love and pining. Quinn and you come together.
After Quinn got out of bed he came back with a damp rag, and gently cleaned you up. Crawling back into bed with you he never let go of your hands. You both slept with a new sense of purpose. And when you woke up the next morning you told him how much you would love to go back to Orlando and stay with him and his family. You fell in love with Quinn Hughes and wasn’t going to let him go anytime soon.
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eggtoasties · 3 years
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Pairing: Eventual Osamu x Reader
Rating: E for fucking Samu in the car :-)
Word Count: 4.4k of Miya twin shenanigans, fluff, then eventual smut
Summary: A hopeful love and a blossomed love; years of wishing on candles and they’re both content.
a/n: @powderblew​ ur the hopeful love my beloved
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Contrary to popular belief, Miya Atsumu does not speed. Yes, he nearly loses his mind on the interstate every other day but his road rage is completely contained to cursing in the confines of his car. Most people think Atsumu’s the reckless driver with his loud personality and penchant for pulling off risky moves on the court, but surprisingly, it’s his counterpart who fully believes that the actual speed limit is at least ten above the posted signage and weaves through lanes with one hand on the wheel and the other on her thigh.
Atsumu got Osamu the car as a birthday gift—black, sleek, and quiet. He had been dropping hints for weeks but Osamu had brushed them off, figuring his brother was spewing incoherent nonsense.
It was the weekend before their birthday. They decided to take a trip to the mountains—it was rare at this point in their young adult lives to have the free time to spend with each other. Osamu was busy with the shop: serving customers, preparing food, and trying new dishes. Getting Onigiri Miya off the ground was a seven day work week with early mornings and late nights. Atsumu on the other hand, had regularly scheduled practices and travel matches with the team. Although his schedule was incredibly hectic, there was a sort of rhythmic regularity to it.
So, for the first weekend in a long time where it would be just them, Atsumu wanted it to be special. Afterall, it was their birthday. Atsumu was the one who drove them to the campsite, taking in the scenery with appreciation, going slowly on the winding roads while mindlessly tapping a beat on the steering wheel. As they got closer and closer to their destination, Osamu could tell his brother was antsy.
His eyes would flicker from the road, to Osamu, then back again. His mindless tapping to the music turned into an incessant drilling and he kept readjusting his legs and changing his hand position on the wheel, fidgeting in his seat.
“Wouldya’ quit that, yer gonna crash the fuckin’ car,” Osamu said, exaggeratingly clutching to the grab handle at the top of his window.
“Yer really gonna yell at me on ma’ birthday that’s jus’ like ya’ Samu—”
“It’s ma’ birthday too ya’ idiot!”
The sound of his brother’s bickering quelled Atsumu’s nerves and he settled in the driver’s seat, humming along to the song playing on the speakers. In response, Osamu turned up the volume, but Atsumu just grinned.  
“You will arrive at your destination in .2 miles,” the smooth voice of the GPS chimed.
Atsumu began fidgeting again and Osamu swore he was gonna punch him the moment they made it out of the death trap.
They pulled into the winding driveway and Osamu banged his head against the dashboard.
“Please tell me ya’ didn’t screw up the reservation,” he said quietly.
“What kinda idiot, do ya’ take me for, Samu?” Atsumu whined. Although Osamu couldn’t see with his forehead pressed against the polished wood interior, Atsumu was smiling.
“Then why is there another car parked in our spot?” Osamu deadpanned, turning his head to his brother, still pressed into the dash.
“Look again an’ eat yer words ya’ scrub.”
Driving slowly forward towards the car and parking next to it, Osamu realized that a bright red bow was tied to the hood. He stilled in his seat and stared dumbly out his window, slowly turning towards his brother.
“Do ya’ like it, Samu?” Atsumu nearly whispered, leaning in close to his brother, eyes wide, committing every micro reaction to memory.
Osamu blinked once. Twice. Then turned back to the car.
“Yeah, Tsumu,” he said shakily, “I really do.”
Against the burning in his throat and the tightening of his eyes, Osamu willed himself to remain composed when he heard rustling. Atsumu took out a crumpled and worn piece of notebook paper, its edges frayed and torn and began to smooth it out in his palms.
He cleared his throat and stared at the empty space across Osamu’s shoulder.
“So, uh…” he began, uncharacteristically shy and Osamu sent a prayer that this wasn’t a speech about how Tsumu had somehow accidentally razed Onigiri Miya to the ground in the short period that he wasn’t there and this was all an elaborate apology.
“I know that this year’s been tough with Onigiri Miya jus’ startin’ out an’ everythin’ but I jus’ wanted to say,” Atsumu trailed off and scratched his ear before suddenly, startling Osamu, squaring his shoulders and directing a piercing stare into his brother’s eyes. “I’m so proud of you Samu!” he nearly yelled, face flushed with embarrassment.
Osamu felt the heat prickle against his neck and all he could do was blink owlishly at his twin.
“What on Earth are ya’ goin’ on about?” he questioned incredulously.
“Okay, okay, wait I wrote it all down,” Atsumu said quickly, smoothing the worn paper once again. He cleared his throat a few times before reading.
“Oh my god is this a proposal, why is this so formal?” Osamu asked out loud.
“God, shut yer big ol’ trap wouldya I am tryin’ here,” Atsumu bit back to the amusement of his twin. “Anyways,” he grumbled. “Samu. I’ve been thinkin’ for a while and I jus’ wanted to say thank ya’ for always bein’ there for me.”
Osamu did not often feel stupid. Well, that’s a lie, he thought. It’s been a year since Onigiri Miya’s opening and he was only just beginning to feel as if he was able to call his job stable and that he had a solid understanding of how things should be ran. However, it was not often that his brother made him feel stupid, but here he was, at a loss for words at this uncharacteristic show of appreciation.
Yes, high fives and hugs had always come easily after a particularly clean hit or a perfectly executed pass, but they never sat down like this and talked about how much they appreciated each other. Osamu figured it was unsaid in the little things—how the clothes Atsumu stole in high school always ended back clean in Osamu’s closet, how Osamu usually ended up making two bentos when they still lived together, or how Atsumu had always tried to include Osamu in team bonding even when Osamu was in college.
“I think,” Atsumu said, breaking Osamu out of his thoughts. “That you were what made me work so hard at volleyball. Not because you were the only one that could challenge me,” Osamu scoffed at this. “But because you were the only one I cared to play with for a long time.”
Tears pricked at his eyes and Osamu nodded at his brother to continue.
“An’ thinkin’ back, yer probably the only reason why ma’ teammates didn’t excommunicate me like they did to Tobio-kun,” Atsumu joked and Osamu cracked a smile despite the burning of his throat.
“An’ I know we’ve talked about this before, but I am still really sorry when I went off on ya’ when ya’ told me you were quittin’ volleyball. I don’t mean to beat a dead horse or anything—”
“You sound like Baa-chan,” Samu choked out, still trying to hold back tears, hands balled into fists on his lap.
Undeterred, Atsumu continued to read. “But the fact that fer the first time, ya’ wouldn’t be by my side on the court was jus’ never a possibility I’d considered. So ‘m sorry ‘bout the fuss I made even though I know that’s all old news.” He paused and nodded at Osamu, noting his fists and drew in a shaky breath.
“’Samu, I jus’ want to let ya’ know that I am so endlessly proud to be yer brother and all the work ya’ put in in college and startin’ Miya Onigiri honestly scared me a little,” he said chuckling. “The way you really focus in on somethin’ when yer concentrating was always so intense, but I’d only really seen it with volleyball. But ever since you went to college, and especially with this past year, I can’t believe I fought you to go pro with me because I’d never seen ya’ more fired up or intense than ya’ have been this past year.”
The sides of Atsumu’s paper begin to tear with the force of his grip, and both twins are mirror images of each other. Red in the face, hands in fists, and willing the other to cry first.
“Basically,” Atsumu drawled on, hands slightly shaking, “thank ya’ for bein’ the best brother and teammate I coulda’ ever asked for and I’m so, so, proud to be the brother of the founder of Onigiri Miya.” He lowered the paper from his line of vision and accidentally crumbled it with his hand as he blurt out, “And I love you!” turning even redder in embarrassment. “Even though ya’ never respond to my texts and make fun a’ me when I bring my teammates ‘round,” he quickly added in.
Osamu undid his seatbelt and forcefully opened his door. He heard Atsumu’s confused “huh” and watched as he fumbled with his seatbelt through the windshield as he crossed to the other side. Atsumu stumbled out of the driver’s seat and Osamu captured him in a bone crushing hug. One hand wrapped around his back and the other held Atsumu’s head as he cried into his neck.
He thought back to the first semester of culinary school when he questioned himself every single day if it was the right choice to have made. Learning and practicing different techniques that felt foreign was a hurdle that had seemed impossible at the time. Then, when he graduated and he figured he knew almost everything there was to know about the food industry after hours and hours of lab, internships, and class and began preparations for opening Miya Onigiri, he realized once again that he knew nothing. Even a year after founding Miya Onigiri and he still found himself doubting his success.
But, hearing his idiot brother tell him he was proud—was all he needed. Because Miya Osamu also pushed himself to the upper limits of his physical and mental abilities because his brother was the only one he wanted to compete with. It didn’t matter who else might try and challenge them, at the end of their finish lines, the only person they wanted to see was each other.
The autumnal air was incredibly crisp and although the forest surrounding their luxury cabin was teeming with life, time around them seemed to still as they both cried.
“This is too much, ‘Tsumu,” Osamu sniffled out. “My gift ta’ ya’ was literally like, two hundred dollars.”
“It’s okay,” sniffled Atsumu. He paused. “What’d ya’ get me?”
Osamu pulled away and wiped his face with the bottom hem of his sweater.
“I got ya’ a signed copy of that book you were yappin’ on about with yer favorite author and I got her to make a video for ya’ sayin’ happy birthday and all that—”
“Oh my god,” Atsumu said excitedly, “Yer tellin’ me ya’ got Sonia Barnes to write me a handwritten message and a private video!?”
Osamu grimaced at the snot Atsumu had dripping down his chin. “First of all don’t say it like that, an’ second of all, wipe yer nose or somethin’ ya’ scrub.”
Completley ignoring his brother’s complaints, Atsumu lunged at Osamu, begging him to show him the video. Osamu tapped at his phone, opened up the email attachment, and watched the myriad expressions of surprise, admiration, love, and happiness flicker across Atsumu’s face during a 20 second video while red eyed and swollen. He mused that this was possibly the best birthday they ever had.
“Let’s take this baby on a test drive,” Osamu said, eagerly waiting by the door as Atsumu watched his birthday video for the umpteenth time.
That Sonia Barnes was a very pretty lady, Osamu reasoned, but if he had to hear her chirp, “Happy Birthday Tsumu!” one more time, she was going to be the cause of fratricide.
Settling into the leather seat, Osamu pressed the start button and nearly cooed at the soft rumble of the engine.
Throwing himself into the passenger’s seat Atsumu said, “Let’s figure out how ta’ connect to Bluetooth so I can hear ma’ angel on speaker,” fiddling with the touch screen.
Osamu grabbed Atsumu’s phone and threw it in the backseat and put the car in drive just as Atsumu started to clamber in the back for it. He peeled down the driveway as Atsumu screamed and picked up speed down the secluded road as Atsumu managed to get back in his seat and secure the seat belt.
The pretty autumn foliage was a blur of orange and reds and Osamu breathed in the smell of new leather and wood polish.
“S-slow down!” Atsumu yelled, quickly activating the lock function on the seatbelt and gripping the grab handle with both hands. “I-is this b-because I told the whole team you’d giv’ em’ free food if they said they were my teammate,” he screamed, “I’ll tell ‘em nevermind!”
Osamu rolled down the windows and the sun roof and laughed as the wind ran through his hair while his brother cried for the second time that day.
A year later and Osamu’s still in the driver’s seat of his car, but this time, she’s in the passenger’s seat. They have all the windows down and he’s speeding along the coast of Hyogo, sea breeze whipping through their hair and the sound of waves breaking in the distance.
She had planned a full day for his birthday: brunch at their favorite restaurant, a walk through the shopping district, and a homemade dinner with a fruit tart from his favorite bakery. Now that he had two years of experience running Onigiri Miya, he could afford to step away from the shop every so often. Unfortunately, his counterpart was on the other side of the world for a match, but they managed to squeeze in a short videocall despite the time difference.
“’Samu!” Atsumu screamed from the other line, “Happy Birthday!”
Wincing, Osamu turned the volume of his phone down as she giggled and wished his brother a Happy Birthday.
“What’d ya’ plan for Samu’s birthday,” Atsumu asked her, “good luck beatin’ ma’ gift from last year—”
“Tsumu!” Osamu berated.
“Unfortunately, my research job doesn’t pay as much as being a pro-volleyballer,” she rolled her eyes, “but I do have some fun things lined up,” she said, smiling softly at Osamu to which Atsumu gagged.
“Ya’ scrub, just ‘cause yer jealous—”
“Tsumu!” she interrupted, “did you get our gift? We were a little nervous about the international shipping but your hotel said they got it so—”
“Yes!” Atsumu exclaimed, screen blurry as he shuffled around his hotel room. He set his phone down and propped it up, showing them the neatly packaged box. “I can’t believe ya’ got me another signed copy of Sonia Barnes’s book—I couldn’t even get this one off preorder, it was so popular—”
“Did ya’ open the envelope yet?” Osamu asked impatiently.
“Of course I did! I always open the letter before the present, what do ya’ take me for, Samu?” Atsumu whined, but the duo noticed how Atusmu’s hands were off screen and they could hear quiet tearing noises in between pauses.
Rolling their eyes, they patiently waited for Atsumu to unsubtly open their envelope. They watched as Atsumu quickly scanned the contents of the letter and Osamu hit screen record as his brother’s mouth dropped open.
“T-tickets to a live reading and meet and greet?” Atsumu whispered to himself. He pulled the letter closer to his face and read it over and over again before gingerly setting the cardstock down and gently looking into the envelope to produce two ticket stubs. Carefully placing the tickets back into the envelope, Osamu failed to cover his snickers as Atsumu’s lower lip trembled.
“I know it’s no car,” she said, “but I do happen to know people who know people, so I hope you like your gift, ‘Tsumu” she said kindly.
Atsumu suddenly held the phone close to his face and Osamu could see his brother’s ears turn pink.
“Yer the best sister in law I coulda’ ever asked for, I don’t know why yer with that good fer nothin’ scrub—yer not married yet, so ya’ still have time to run away, but ‘Samu, ya’ better not mess it up,” he rambled, roughly wiping his nose with the sleeve of his jacket.
Osamu scoffed and she placed a placating hand on his shoulder.
“I can’t believe I get ta’ meet ma’ angel,” Atsumu mumbled to himself in disbelief, pacing in his hotel room, running his hands through his hair. “Angel, angel, angel—I gotta bring ma’ copy of her books with ma’ notes! I have so many questions for her, like how she came up with the storyline—didya know she went to school in New York City? Isn’t that the coolest? And she made a video for me for ma’ birthday last year,” he broke his monologue to gasp. “Do ya’ think she’ll remember me—”
Osamu put him on mute and groaned.
“Maybe we shoulda jus’ gotten him those fancy mugs,” he complained, leaning heavily into her side.
She rubbed the sides of his neck as she watched with amusement as Atsumu continued his ramblings, completely unaware that she and Osamu were having a side conversation.
“But look how happy he is, Samu,” she crooned, giggling as Osamu pinched his nose bridge. But she knew that Osamu was the one who spent hours scouring the web for those tickets and sent several emails to Sonia Barnes’s manager for a signed copy.
Watching his brother run his mouth with no regard to himself or his girlfriend, Osamu clicked the unmute button and nearly yelled, “We get it ya’ scrub, we get it!”
“Let me be happy why dontcha!” Atsumu retorted.
“Alright well I’m gonna spend ma’ birthday with ma’ real girlfriend,” Osamu taunted, finger hovering over the ‘end call’ button.
“Once Sonia meets me she’s gonna fall in love, just ya’ wait!”
She yelled one last, “Happy Birthday!” before Osamu disconnected the call and tackled her into the bed.
For the end of his birthday, Osamu requested a car ride. It was just past sunset; the sky’s vibrant pinks and oranges faded into a cool indigo and the stars were extra bright in the rural area they were driving through.
They rode in comfortable silence, listening to seagulls call their good nights and the wind beating against the car. The supple leather of the seat underneath her contrasted with the rough pads of Osamu’s fingertips on her thigh and she stared out at the horizon, perpetually in awe of the beauty of the coast line. Here, twinkling city lights were hardly discernible specks in the distance and the only tall structures were the trees dotting the cliffside.
They rose higher in altitude until they were surrounded by lush forest—rustling underbush and singing cicadas took over the sound crashing waves. He pulled into a secluded nook that overlooked a cliff and she couldn’t believe they were only a forty minute drive from the main city.
He killed the engine and unbuckled her seat belt while she was still leaning forward, face close to the windshield, taking in the scenery.
“I’m feelin’ a bit neglected over here,” Osamu said, soft grin taking over his face as he watched her, lips parted and eyes wide.
“Sorry Samu,” she said, still looking out the glass, “it’s just so incredible here.”
“I told ya’ I knew a spot,” he teased and she intertwined her hand with his.
He pulled her arm towards him as leaned over the middle console so his lips caught her neck when she lurched towards him. Her surprised chuckle turned into a content hum, fluttering her eyes closed as he kissed the pulse point of her throat, her exposed shoulder, then where her neck met her clavicle. From there, he dragged his lips slowly to her ear and grinned when he felt her clutch at his sweater.
Nipping her ear and tracing the shell with his tongue, rough palms kneaded her thighs and his fingers played with the hem of her skirt. He let out a heavy breath when she brushed against his tightening pants and he smirked when she involuntarily shivered.
“Do ya’ like this?” he asked, mouth kissing down the expanse of her chest, pulling the hem of her shirt low.
She arched her back into him and guided his hand under her shirt and he grinned when she impatiently unhooked her bra and took it and her shirt off in one swift motion.
“Does that answer your question?”
Eyes half lidded, lips slick with spit and plump from his repeated ministrations, she had one leg folded under her and the other anchored to the floor. Fully facing him, she cocked her head to the side and dragged her eyes down his body, lingering for a moment before directing her heavy gaze at him. She leaned back against the door as he leaned forward on the middle console and she ran a hand slowly from her knee, teasing a peek under her skirt, tracing a finger around her navel, then making her way upwards, rolling a nipple with two fingers while slowly rocking her hips.
Osamu’s lips parted and his eyes flickered from her hands to her face as she brought her other hand to rub at the cotton beneath her legs. Gaze hungry, he licked his lips and rolled his neck, languidly leaning back against his door, mirroring her.
“Gonna give me a birthday show?” He rasped, slowly unbuttoning his pants and palming his length through his boxers.
Skirt bunched at the waist giving him an unhindered view of the growing wet stain between her legs and Osamu felt himself tighten at the sight. He wanted to press his nose against the ruined fabric and lap at her through her pink panties, he wanted to curl a finger in her and listen to her keel for him, he wanted to—
“Take your shirt off,” she demanded.
“I thought it was ma’ birthday,” he chuckled but does as she asks, pulling the fabric from the back of his neck. He tossed the garment to the backseat and lazily looked back at her.
The tops of her cheeks are flushed and her breasts shake with each pant. She’s worked two slender fingers from the side of her underwear and Osamu watches with rapt attention as her pretty folds are presented to him.
“Touch yourself, Samu.”
“Again with the demands,” he complained but freed himself from the confines of his boxers and matches the pace she’s set on herself.
“Fuck,” she whined, moving faster. The hand teasing her nipples moved south to pinch at her clit and Osamu couldn’t wait anymore.
He nearly launched himself to her, abdomen uncomfortably resting on top of the center console and she seemed all too satisfied with the result. He buried his face between her legs and groaned with her as he sucked and lapped at her overstimulated bundle of nerves through soaked cotton.
“Itadakimasu,” he growled and she rolled her eyes at the line.
Long languid licks interspersed with quick flicks of his tongue, he took her right to the edge of her orgasm. Her thighs clenched around his head while her nails dragged through his gray hair and she rocked her hips against his mouth. Toe curling heat had her buck helplessly against his tongue, rough hands gripping her in place as she reached her peak, but at the last second, he pulled away.
Her gasp was lost with the loud bang his head made as it slammed against the car ceiling and he let out a string of curses as he tried to fit in the passenger’s seat with her. She half stands, leaning back on the glove department as he sat down and she couldn’t help but giggle when he cursed at how slowly the seat was reclining back.
But just as quick, he grabbed her by the hands and has her straddle him. The seat is narrow but neither of them mind as he slowly entered her. She gripped at the back of his head as he teased a nipple and sucked constellations across her chest while her other hand gripped the grab handle, giving her more leverage.
Osamu slowly rocked into her and he captured her moans in a kiss. He gave her a second to adjust to his length before slamming into her, head falling back into the headrest as he watched her bounce above him.
Beautiful, was all he could think. Hair wild around her shoulders, a glistening sheen of perspiration across her forehead and chest, and the incredible sound of her slick around him. He was in heaven.
He slid his thumb between her parted lips and she immediately began to suck. She bobbed her head back and forth while giving kitten licks at the tip and nipping the underside of his thumb.
“Good girl,” he cooed as he pressed his finger further back in her throat and watched as her eyes rolled back and she rocked her hips even faster against his.
Removing his thumb and making a show of putting it in his mouth, he pressed the wet digit against her clit and grinned as her moans became louder.
The sweet call of his name as she begged him to make her finish led him to snap his hips up, rubbing against the spongy bit of her inner walls and he held her close to his chest as they came undone together.
Breathing heavily, he rested his forehead on her shoulder and watched as a rivulet of sweat ran down the valley of her breasts and he shifted his hips forward, just now noticing the dull ache in his thighs. She shuddered against him and he kissed her shoulder, her cheek, then her other cheek.
“We really have to thank Tsumu for the car,” she said, chuckling.
“Yeah?” he questioned, running his blunt nails across her back, “should we tell him what we used it for?”
She scrunched her nose and Osamu’s heart clenched too. Wrapping her arms around his neck, soaking in the warmth of his warm body, her lips ghosted the side of his cheek and he shuddered at the tingles running down his back with the contact.
“Happy Birthday, ‘Samu,” she whispered sweetly.
Rocking into her again just to hear her breath tick, he nestled his head into her neck and smiled.
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
Home (On the Range) - Spicy Extended Scene 2
SO I got a request over on ao3 for an extended version of a fade-to-black scene from Part Six of “Home (On the Range).” And, honestly, how could I resist? 
This extended scene is titled, because of course it is, “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy).” I bet you can guess what happens. (Also, yes, this means this is an extended edition of the FIRST fade-to-black scene in that chapter.)
“Home (On the Range)” and, therefore, this fic, are Codywan. This one is VERY SPICY. SO SPICY. The main fic, however, is only rated M. ENJOY. Italics are from the fic itself, etc. 
Cody bucked up against him, his hands closing hard on Ben’s hips, when Ben settled over him, grinning when he found Cody’s hat, upside down on the bed. He lifted it and set it, jauntily, on his own head. He tugged at the brim of the hat again and asked, watching Cody’s eyes get darker, the way they had in 79’s, “What do you think? On or off?”
“Keep it on,” Cody ground out, and Ben’s smile stretched a little wider as heat raced down his spine. He could feel how much Cody enjoyed it, the proof of it pressed up against him, hard and hot when Ben shifted his hips in a tease that made Cody suck in a breath through his teeth.
He leaned forward, pressing one hand to the mattress by Cody’s head and holding the hat on with the other, unsure how well it would stay on. He brushed a kiss to Cody’s mouth, feeling Cody’s hands clench at his hips, right through his jeans.
Kissing Cody was a joy; it sent heat right down into his gut and up his spine. He’d intended to only snag a brief kiss, but grew distracted for a long moment by the way Cody stretched his head up off of the pillow, deepening the kiss, asking for more.
Ben was happy to give it to him, making to roll away only after a long moment, and realizing he couldn’t when Cody gripped him tighter. Ben grinned against his mouth and rasped out, “Let me up, just for a second, we - ah - your jeans, get them off.”
“What?” Cody asked, rocking up against him, eyes delightfully dark and wide.
“Your pants,” Ben repeated. “And mine, too. We need to take them off.” He took another kiss. “And then I’ll be right back here, I promise.”
Cody groaned against his mouth, and, for a moment, Ben really thought they might end up just rutting against each other, like highschoolers caught in their jeans. Then Cody marshalled the control to drag his hands away, already reaching for his belt as Ben swung off of him, standing quickly to shuck his own pants down, reaching for his bedside table.
Cody swore, raggedly, when Ben tossed a strip of condoms and his lube onto the bed. 
And then Cody sat up, curled an arm around his waist, and bodily pulled him back onto the bed, his own jeans and briefs mostly kicked off, all naked warm skin, lovely and welcoming to the touch.
“I thought,” Ben said, sitting across Cody’s thighs, Cody with a hand in his hair, biting kisses up his throat, “ah, fuck, I thought I’d - ah, Cody--” Cody’d seemed hesitant, the first time they’d fallen together, a little unsure.
He’d gained confidence quickly, mouth hot and hungry, his other hand skimming down Ben’s side, cock caught between their stomachs, right beside Ben’s. He tugged Ben’s head back further, his fingers brushing the hat, and Ben gasped up to the ceiling, “Ah, I thought I’d - get some riding practice in.”
Cody froze, for a beat, groaning against his throat, fingers tightening in Ben’s hair. He rasped out, “You want to--?”
“If you’re willing to assist,” Ben said, feeling breathless and lit up inside, rocking intentionally against Cody.
And he knew the answer even before Cody panted out, “Yeah, yes, that’s - whatever you need.”
Ben grinned, put both hands on Cody’s chest, pushed a little, and said, “Lie back, then.”
Cody made a punched out noise, lifted his mouth and kissed Ben, hard and fast, before dropping back onto the mattress, Ben’s hands still on his chest. He was all muscle, solid and strong, hips twitching up when Ben spent a moment just looking down at him, dizzy with want and affection.
“Any tips for me?” Ben asked, breathless, making himself reach out for the lube, clicking the bottle open.
“Hold on tight,” Cody groaned out, when Ben tipped the bottle and squeezed a mess of it across Cody’s stomach, before tossing the container aside. He rubbed his fingers through it, leaving his other hand braced on Cody’s chest, and made an encouraging sound.
“What else?” he asked, looking over to find Cody staring up at him, eyes dark and hungry, as he reached a hand back, so impatient, just - just wanting, and--
“Your thighs do a lot of the work,” Cody said, and Ben hummed agreeably, because that was true, in his experience. “You have to - to let yourself go with it, don’t fight it, it--”
He cut off at the sound Ben made, sliding a finger into himself, thinking about not fighting it, about what he wanted, about--
“Jesus,” Cody panted out, running both hands up Ben’s thighs, settling for a moment at his waist before sliding down again. His cock felt like a brand, caught against Ben’s thigh.
Ben wanted, burning with it, but rasped, “Anything else?”
Cody didn’t answer the question, running his hands up Ben’s thighs again before lifting one away, cursing and smearing his hand through the lube on his stomach, rasping, “I want - to help you, let me--”
“Oh, be my guest,” Ben said, and groaned at the expression on Cody’s face, the way he used his free hand to push up off the mattress, his other hand sliding back over Ben’s hip and--
He didn’t wait for Ben to slide his finger out, just slid one of his in alongside, thick and warm and good. Ben tipped his head back, groaning at the stretch of it, familiar and new all at once, because they’d never touched like this.
“Alright?” Cody asked, voice ragged, and Ben managed a nod.
“So good,” he added, a beat later, and Cody groaned, dragging his finger out before sliding in again, stirring Ben into motion. He rocked into the touch, their breath mingling with the wet, slick sounds they made, a louder sound punching out of him when Cody worked another finger into him, knuckles catching wonderfully, perfectly, it was--
“Ben?” Cody asked, palm resting against his skin, gone still, waiting.
“Please,” Ben managed, in answer, and Cody groaned, hand moving again, and it was so good, perfect, good enough that Ben had to pant out, “That’s--good, that’s--I’m ready.”
Because he wanted, wanted over Cody’s lap, wanted to have him inside, and needed to be able to concentrate at least marginally for that.
Cody made a gutted sound, sliding his fingers free and falling back when Ben pushed on his chest again, sprawled delightfully out on Ben’s blankets while Ben reached for the condoms. He should have torn one open before getting lube on his hands, but he hadn’t been thinking that clearly.
He brought a little pack up to his teeth, tore it open, and grabbed it, listening to Cody swear, Cody’s hands on his thighs again, squeezing and relaxing, rhythmic.
Ben lifted himself up, shivering. Cody’s cock curved up towards his stomach, hard and thick and Ben had been thinking about Cody’s dick since the first time he wore his tight, threadbare jeans and he was finally going to have it and--
He swallowed a groan of his own, shifting to grip Cody, to slide the condom down over him, Cody bucking up into his touch. Eager. Like he wanted it, just as much.
Ben grinned at him, giddy, and smeared his hand through the lube again, once more, sliding his hand down over the condom, shifting again, one hand holding Cody’s cock steady.
And he stared down into Cody’s eyes when he lowered himself, groaning at the first stretch, watching Cody’s mouth fall open, his expression going stunned with pleasure, watching his shoulders and neck and stomach tense as he held himself still, lying there, not thrusting up, as Ben finally came to a rest against his hips.
“Oh, my God,” Cody groaned out, hands on Ben’s hips again, fingers flexing and releasing. “Ben.”
Ben’s grin stretched a little wider as he gave himself a beat to adjust, to get used to the feeling of being filled so perfectly. And then he shifted up, hands braced on Cody’s chest for balance, and sank back, dragging another noise out of Cody, who was so wonderfully responsive, loud and breathing raggedly.
He felt Cody’s gaze like another touch, raking back and forth across his skin. Cody couldn’t seem to decide where to look, gaze moving from Ben’s expression to his chest, down his stomach, to the place where Ben sank down onto him, over and over, finding a rhythm that suited him, reveling in it, in the closeness and the sensation and--
And crying out when Cody shifted beneath him, getting his feet on the bed, thrusting up, just a little, when Ben sank down the next time, and it was--
“Yes,” Ben panted out, barely recognizing his own voice, “oh, God, Cody, just like that--”
Cody made a thick sound, and the next thrust was harder, jolting Ben forward. He flailed a hand out, grabbing the headboard of his bed, which was - oh - such a good idea. It gave him the leverage to rock forward and back, fucking himself onto Cody’s cock, building a rhythm together, the changed position meaning that - oh - that Cody was sliding deeper into him, further forward, hitting--
“Oh,” Ben panted out, and Cody’s name, senseless, breathing hard, feeling sweat running down his spine, his cock aching between his legs, throbbing in time with each thrust. He’d been all wound up and - and as much as he wanted to concentrate, it was getting harder, his thighs burning and his gut tight.
And that was before Cody made a thick, thoughtful sound, took a hand off his hip, and wrapped it around his cock, instead.
Ben swore and called Cody’s name like a prayer, coaxed into a perfect position, fucking up into Cody’s hand and down onto his cock, blurting, into the overheated air all around them, “Cody, fuck, I’m - Cody, I--”
“Show me,” Cody panted, interrupting him, “come on me, let me--”
Ben, apparently, needed no further encouragement. He groaned, head hanging forward, reaching up the hand he’d had on Cody’s chest to press down on the hat, just in case, and Cody made a ragged sound, letting go of his cock as it twitched and spilled everywhere, his orgasm so good and so sweet that it nearly stunned him senseless.
Cody put both hands on Ben’s hips again, holding tight, fucking up into him harder, faster, slamming the headboard into the wall, and--
Going still with a deep groan.
Ben could feel, just barely, the twitch of his cock through the condom when he came, and thought, dazed by orgasm, how it would be marvellous to feel it without, but--
But they weren’t there, yet. And he knew it, exhaling hard and sagging, still holding onto the headboard and Cody’s hat, all filled up, wrung out, and deliciously sore. He grinned against the side of his own arm, watching Cody gaze up at him, so happy that he could barely stand it.
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