#hot topic rant
alicebnnuy · 2 years
So TLDR, I miss the old Hot Topic, and I want to open a store like it. As I said, bare with me because this post is about to get LOOOONG! And it's also gonna be a lot of ADHD rambling so like, I'm sorry if this get confusing!
I'm from the province of Quebec, Canada, so we never had Hot Topics in my town. (I think due to some whatever Law 101 about French and stuff, dunno).
But we did have HMV at my local mall, and for a few, it was similar to hot topics. By that I mean, it was a store my cousin loved going to with her scene kid friends, but I was too scared to even approach as I was my parents' "little good kid" (and preferred EB Games)
Now of course, we've all seen the memes of scene kids and Hot Topic, it's easy to make fun of them because everyone and their mom does it!
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But that's exactly what I miss!
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a scene kid. I asked my best friend to tell me if I ever become one so I can stop myself. If anything, I'm an emo kid. I prefer saying I'm goth punk, yami kawaii, etc etc. I'm also an adult so...
We may not have had any Hot Topic in Quebec, but I did visit their website recently, and I was shocked to see almost none of the things that everyone makes fun of. It's now filled with trendy pop culture stuff. Which I mean, it makes sense, that's what they wanted to be from the start.
But imagine my disappointment as I go into this expecting to find a lot of goth, emo, scene kid, dark stuff!
And I find only... Stuff that I can find at any other pop music inspired stores?!
Ok side note. I am transgender. I never felt like I ever passed through puberty (of course, I did, everyone does) and the "It's not a phase mom!" phase. As of November 29th 2022, I will have been on HRT for a whole year, and I feel like I'm barely starting true puberty, like my emotions are all over the place, I feel less scared to make mistakes, I have lots of terrible ideas and want to do them even if I know they're bad ideas, etc.
So after I came out as trans, I thought "well I have to be a girl now. I have to wear dresses and makeup and be pretty, etc." And yes, I do want to be pretty and all that still, but I also wanna be cool, dark, edgy, etc. I want to be what my cousin was when she was a teen. I am 22 but feel like I'm 13.
So I saw this tweet the other day...
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And this awakened something in me. This tweet is 100% who I was as a kid. I would be terrified to go in there as a child. But imagining being friends with a scene kid and them asking me to come in with them and holding hands because I'm too scared, THIS! This is what's been missing in my life ALL OF MY LIFE!
I spent my entire life being too scared of everything, trying my best to make my parents proud, please as many people as I can, etc. But I now hate my father, and I like my mother less then I did as a kid because she always excuses his actions. I needed what Hot Topic was, but I never had it, nor did I have any emo/scene kid/goth friends to help me break out of this pressuring mold that I had made myself.
So I thought the other day "I wonder if I could open a Hot Topic in my town?", but that was before I realized that Hot Topic isn't what it used to be. And while, yes I would visit it nowadays still, knowing what it once was, I would be sad everytime.
Now, why would me, a 22 years old trans girl artist who doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, be talking about Hot Topic in a long rant post on Tumblr in the year of our lord 2022?
Because I want the old Hot Topic back! Well, I don't want them to change back to what they were, it's a corporation and they'll do what's best for benefits no matter what the peoplr say.
What I truly want is a store that's just like what Hot Topic used to be! A haven for all the scene kids, emo teens, goth kids to shop and feel at home even for just a few minutes. Some place dark that parents will warn their children about but has a very cool atmosphere once you enter that world!
I looked quickly, and I'm not sure I was able to find any store that is exactly what Hot Topic used to be. So my next thought was:
Make your own!
It seems so obvious now! If you can't find the store you want, do it yourself!
I work at a grocery store as just a simple cashier, but when I got there, we were so understaffed that we were missing even a manager. So while we were going through new managers after new managers, many of them wouldn't do all the work they were supposed to do, so I became a "supervisor", although not officially. The boss never asked me to, but I just started doing part of the work of one one day and now other cashiers come to me with questions they would usually ask supervisors, I take care of writing everyone's break whenever the break sheet is empty, etc. I realized that I also enjoy doing that? Paperwork is fun to me somehow.
I also have infographic experience since I an going to school for cinema/televisual preprod, prod and post-prod, and infographics are a huge part of it.
That plus, I also am an artist, and I love listening to people.
So I already have lots of skills that would help woth running a small store, and as I always wanted to leave my mark on a small demographic, I feel like this would be perfect for me!
The main problem is that opening a store is very hard unless you are already rich, or sponsored. Sure you can get a loan, but those are crippling for years.
Another problem is well... Everything else. I have no idea how to run an actual store, how to get items to sell, how to get a location, etc. etc.
So yeah, that's just me ranting. If you wanna join me and have skills and/or money, hmu! /hj
For real tho, my brain is just a mess lol
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spacebunniezzz · 7 months
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Okeez so first off I just want to say that I love Hot Topic and I love that they brought back emo fashion and I'm extremely excited for the social collision collection from Xochitl Gomez so this in no way is me trying to put down HT or Xochitl because I'm super excited about what's going on with that collab (and maybe I will even post about it when it comes out)
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But I wish HT would bring back scene fashion in full force not just the belts or Gloomy Bear or Invader Zim, I would love to see more neon monster shirts and hoodies come back and I'd love to see Domo make a return, I feel like just like how I see tons of emo content creators and people getting into the style I also see lots of scene content creators and I think it would be cool to bring all of it back in full force since so many people love it.
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If they can make black and red clothes for emos than why shouldn't they put out sick neon scene fashion too?
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euesworld · 1 year
"Intimacy and magic between two souls is the thing we all search for, someone to share every part of ourselves and so much more.. to mingle souls is an art, a seduction. Like a sacred dance inside of us, causing feelings that change us in ways that we never expected or even expect at all.. we grow, we wilt, and sometimes we don't even know how we feel. But that's part of the allure, the mystery.. all you have to do is pick up a book, it's happened all throughout history."
It may be public cringe but everyone wants it.. don't even try to lie - eUë
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
You know, with all the "Nuwa is basically MK's mom" takes going around, I would like to call attention to 4x06, where MK was specifically described as "As simple creature—with no past, no family, and no name." By that point in 4x06 we had already gotten that flash of Nuwa, giving the implication that MK was created with the intent of being that blank slate with no family—not even finding a familial relationship in his creator. I'm mainly pointing this out to posit why I think MK will not be focused on finding "his real family" next season, you know. Like even in 4x08 when he says "You have scary demon ancestors? That just means you have family, you come from somewhere—I don't have a family, I don't have anything." I think that comes from a place of being so distraught over his mysterious origins and his "destiny". It's also set-up, so that Pigsy calling MK "son" later in 4x10 has some impact. It's Pigsy saying directly to MK "I'm you're family, you have me" in contrast to his hesitation at the beginning of 4x05. And you know? MK's happy with that, his friends (or more aptly, his family) are his main driving motivation. They're what he cares most about in the world, and what he does moving forward is going to be for them.
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xanderisbraindead · 4 months
Modern hot topic makes me so mad bc its not even emo anymore. Idk if its just my local one but theres like NO bands. Its all stuff that could literally be sold anywhere else. Kpop and pop and hip hop with the rare like ax7 or nirvana. The band wall absolutely sucks.
Why am i getting looked at strange in hot topic for being emo? You’re literally in a hot topic right now…
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goldfishontheceiling · 5 months
ezekiel should've returned to world tour as a scene kid
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Y’all 👀
The boots have been ordered!
Hot Topic finally got them back in stock, and you already know this bitch got them.
For anyone curious, they were like $137 and some odd change, after tax! But look how cute they are!
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wawataka · 8 months
when i think about ritsu every now and then i remember the post i made saying how there’s almost no merch for him and someone saying they found a sticker of him at five below
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princessazalea17 · 18 days
The moment I realized Hot Topic was becoming a fast fashion site
When the amount of new Depop listings that fall under the brand is increasing almost similarly to the rate at which Hot Topic releases new styles on their website in a given month-- hell, even biweekly.
When the trends being released die off in less than 3-6 months. This includes merch of niche fandoms. The clearance rack is filled with these items. Pretty soon, affliction core and coquette will no longer be a trend, and a new one will take its place. Then, it will be seen as "cringe" to wear this kind of merchandise.
When I spent $40-50 on a hoodie just for the fabric to unravel after one wash and dry cycle. I'm looking at you, twofer hoodies.
When I realize that Ross sells the same licenses at their stores for a third of the price, not counting clearance sales. That is, if you can even find the merch to begin with, hoping that someone already didn't pick it before you.
When they stopped solely catering to emo, punk, goth, and scene communities and branched out towards cute core, cottage core, k-pop, and Y2K grunge aesthetics.
When an artist or creator is discovered to be problematic not even months after I have purchased the merch of a book, album, TV show, movie, franchise, etc.
When other alternative communities started to point it out on social media.
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yznerpoo · 5 months
Me rn:
Translation: "I cannot take it anymore"
I have unfinished assignments Homeroom ,Esp, Math, Mapeh
Quiz on math (retake since I got 0, seriously 💀), Filipino, Ap, science
Group activity on ap making a trailer and a movie poster (I'm the only fucking editor)
Then I have to report chap 21 of el Filibusterismo
And there's more
And it's so fucking hot in this country
ST teachers please have mercy😭😭😭
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kameonerd566 · 4 months
If i had a nickel for every time I coincidentally owned the same clothing item as a YouTuber I liked... Id have two nickels. BUT STILL wtf
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chiisana-lion · 7 months
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isnt she awesome
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kekeartzworld · 4 months
My Honest Opinion On If My Art Gets Reposted And Traced (PSA)
I know that plenty of artists out there don’t really appreciate it when they’re art gets reposted without their permission but honestly, with knowing how the internet works, I’m honestly going to be indifferent and say something that will probably make many of my fellow artists mad
I really don’t care if my art gets reposted and although credit is much appreciated, it really doesn’t matter all that much to me as long as I know that people genuinely appreciate my work and I’m getting more attention for the effort that I put in it
I feel what a lot of people miss is that reposters don’t always have malicious intentions but rather they appreciate your hard work and want to show it to more people on other platforms that you perhaps don’t post on as often or even not post on at all (like with me no longer posting on Twitter or TikTok for example)
If anyone reposts my works to say Twitter or TikTok, I really wouldn’t mind as these are platforms that don’t really have any form of relevance to me anymore because of how much stress both platforms have caused me in the past
As much as I would like to see credit if my works are to be reposted, it doesn’t bug me if I don’t get credited either
I understand how the online world works and I acknowledge that there really isn’t much I can do to stop people from reposting my artwork without first contacting me for permission
You can call me careless for this and you know what..? You’d honestly be correct because as long as I know that there are more people appreciating all of my hard work, it doesn’t make a difference to me if my works are reposted or not so as long as it’s out there and gaining recognition
Honestly, there are times where I question in my own head why there aren’t more artists out there that are like me who are actually willing to acknowledge that their art will be reposted no matter what and there’s really nothing we can do about it and just leaving it as that
I do acknowledge that there are other ways people can support artists but considering as I can never really set up a system for me to earn money off my works and the factor of my DeviantArt commissions never getting all that much attention, this is the very least that I can do to get more recognition for my work
I have a similar opinion on if my art was to be traced because I can understand that on a personal level as I have multiple works that are traced from other’s works myself
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tenderflint · 4 months
getting into hardcore/punk now that i'm actually ready and receptive to the genre as opposed to when i was getting into mcr/pop-punk and felt compelled to explore punk because of all the gatekeepers complaining about how fall out boy isn't real punk (which, sure, it's not) but at which point i wasn't able to appreciate punk for what it was because i was really just into pop-punk. anyway it's so much more fun now. i still love pop-punk and late emo but now that i have a historical context as well as a broadened musical palate to enjoy screams and growls and thrashy guitars and actually enjoy it instead of tolerating it! incredible. all this to say i love when pleasure comes naturally rather than being forced because of some idea of compulsion
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real-hottopic · 5 months
Currently gping on a long rant abt the english language and why i hate it. I will share if yall want
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furballfaggot · 1 year
bitches love the contractually-required-ad-narration kite
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