#house saying 'you think you can cure pain' is exactly why they are completing each other
cosmoseinfeld · 4 months
WILSON: you have to control everything. you like games because you can control them. life just happens and that scares the hell out of you. HOUSE: you think you can cure pain. WILSON: you think you can avoid pain!
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orions-tears · 2 years
The Cure - Sebastian Sallow [Part 1]
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x fem!reader
A/N: Hey guys! This was a request that I actually got two of! Anyways, part one is mostly a setup for the angsty plot (I haven't mentally completed it yet I'm sorry I'm getting there) but I hope you enjoy!
Part 2 is linked :)
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Ever since the end of your fifth year, you’ve been visiting Feldcroft to see how Anne is. Sebastian usually stands outside kicking rocks since she’s still upset with him. Recently she’s been getting worse so you’ve been going over more often to help take care of her. Unfortunately, today is no different. When you walk into the cottage you see her sitting at the table. “Hello, Anne,” you say softly, sitting next to her. “How are you today?”
She smiles at you, holding her side. You can tell she’s trying to hide it, but she’s in pain. You put your hand on hers, and stand to make her some food. That’s when you notice a couple of wisps moving toward her. You freeze for a moment, watching them. She turns slightly to look up at you. “Are you alright?” she asks quietly.
You smile down at her. “Sorry, just um…give me a moment.”
She nods and you walk outside to Sebastian. He’s leaning against the house, arms folded, looking down at the ground. He looks up at you, a worried expression on his face. “How is she?”
You grab his sleeve and pull him towards the door. “You need to see this.” You open the door and drag him inside. The twins look at each other in silence as you point to Anne at the table. “I know you can’t exactly see it but there’s magic.”
Anne sighs and pushes herself into a standing position, moving toward her bed. Sebastian frowns and looks at the floor.
“No, listen, please! I- I thought before it wasn’t ancient magic. I couldn’t see it, but now… When I see hot spots of the magic, I see these…whisps of it guiding me. It’s possible, maybe, I wasn’t strong enough to see it then, but I see it now.”
Anne sits down and grimaces. “(Y/N), please, I can’t do this again.” You look at Sebastian and he shakes his head, walking out. 
“Anne…I won’t press it because I’m not completely sure what it means, but I ask that you consider my ability to help.” Silently, you make her some food and walk out to Sebastian as she’s eating. 
“(Y/N), please. She’s still upset with me over what I did.” He starts walking towards the bridge and you jog after him.
“Sebastian, I think I know what happened. If I’m right, I know how to help her.”
He stops and looks back at you. “If you’re so sure, what was it?”
You walk up and take his hand. “The repository. Ranrok and his loyalists were using its magic. That had to have been what she was cursed with. You’ve seen what I can do, I can save her.”
He stares at you for a moment and closes his eyes. When he looks at you again, he nods. You grin and drag him up to the plateau, standing by the well. He folds his arms and watches you as you look around. “If it was ancient magic, wouldn’t she end up more powerful? I mean, it doesn’t hurt you.”
“I’m meant to wield it, she isn’t. If she takes in the magic, it’s unlikely she can handle it, that’s why it’s hurting her. If I can just find a way…”
He watches you as you poke around. “This better not be dangerous.”
You laugh and look over at him. “That’s actually hilarious coming from you, my love.”
He sneers at you and turns away. “I just don’t want you getting hurt, you know that.”
You walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes a little and looks down at you. You both know you’re powerful enough to help her, he just needs to trust you and somehow, you need to convince Anne. That’s going to be the hard part.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Introducing our New Arrival! 1984 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible...
It's sort of like another status and I hate everybody but these Max have been doing everybody in fooling everyone and I see what you're saying they go to the morgue and they pull their stuff out and he had everybody kill each other and they're on trial for it and it's really bad looks like they had Trump do it and they were controlling his body and is to try to say it and he got through to you and you're doing the job and he's miserable and it should be and say they're taking over everything and what you say is the ships can be the cure and I agree and you went through some stuff that's amazing things to be talking about to educate people and I do see why that the leaders are being controlled and killed and taking over and kidnaps it's an amazing idea it says he started a while ago and you thought I might do something and it doesn't look that great and started doing a lot more and I do understand that and somebody else said there was a problem he thinks it's just the two Big fellas who had me draw attention to myself to try attention to them and that actually makes sense and he knows the pseudo empire so what he's saying is I'm sitting threatening and I couldn't help it and it's true this is what I want to say
Tommy f
You have a lot of pain and misery from these Max I'm going to pay them back and a lot of people are and they've been found out
I was happy to do my part even terrorizing us it is true the max don't feel the reaper they go out there and take the stuff and they just let him as ridiculous you see them doing it all the time and they're playing a week and you know it's still a mystery but not sure exactly what's going on or who's plugging the place we do see that it's plugged we do know who that is and we do know that they're starving them out and it's gross and you can't really hear too well I guess if you have a device on there you could and they're saying that you can because the maximum devices and they have to listen and monitor to make sure they're not building a bomb and yeah I'm suddenly grossed out
It says that the song is probably from what's going on because it is really not good. It's really about us and I'm telling you to hold on and I made her feel insignificant and we are going to feel that way soon and there's really no place to go I hope it stopped these people they're terrible he says the whole time they've been running it for thousands of years I have oppressed me seriously and have stopped some clans that were so lethal it's not even funny and we do see what they did and it's ridiculous and it was an eye-opener and the City of ember is still running and so is there fiber optics systems but they're closing in on it every day and he's got a force to contend with two but really he can see them and they discount him completely and the car stuff is starting to treat him like a popper and expect him to believe he is because they treat him like one it's just really stupid he says you're treating him like the Man in the iron mask his house arrest and he can't figure it out it's got Paul blart next door the other one has another character like that it's ridiculous it's like Colonel klink and Schultz and that's who they are and he's tummy f and I'll tell you what Tommy f. Tommy f had a class A operation this is not as simple as things people think but then again it's not that complicated is Max are constantly at people they are out of line all the time with this guy and they're constantly giving him s*** it's terrible and these guys two is to threaten to get stuff out and we're going to have to publish
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levixreader · 3 years
Dad!Levi x Mum!Reader- Daughter of Mine
Warnings: Just fluff
Charlotte: French name meaning freedom Summary: Charlotte was exactly like her father, stubborn to the core. Even though Levi would never allow her to join the military, she gives him a run for his money. Read as your teenage daughter turns your husbands day completely upside down when he agrees to have her join him for work for a week. Who knew someone other than you could break the Corporals composure so easily.
Requested by Anonymous
Master List | Requests | Next Chapter
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“No”, Levi said firmly, taking another sip from his tea. “But DaAaAad!”, Charlotte whined. Levi ignored her closing his eyes while taking another sip from his cup. “Levi, you could at least take a minute to think about it”, you chimed in from the kitchen. He opened his eyes, glaring at you from the breakfast table. “No”, he repeated, his tone more severe. “I am an adult now!”, Charlotte argued sitting next to him. He turned his glare to your sixteen-year-old daughter. “Dad please!”, she pleaded her voice becoming more desperate. Levi remained in a frown.
Levi had promised Charlotte that he would give her whatever she wanted for her birthday. Of course, the only thing she wanted was for him to let her join the army. And sure enough, he had denied and blocked her every step of the way. She had tried to sneakily signup, several times might you add. Tried to even go to Erwin, Levi’s superior. And gone as far as convinced even you. But to no avail. He would never allow her to join.
“You’re not joining”, he said pissed off, “That’s final”, his impassive expression returning. Silence. Charlotte’s eyes welled up. You sighed, stopping loitering in the kitchen knowing perfectly well that you would need to intercede between them yet again. They had been having this fight for a month and half since her birthday to be exact. It always ended the same way, him denying her and her crying.
They normally had a great relationship, an unspeakable bond of trust of father and daughter. They understood each other in a way that you, even as her mother, could never completely comprehend. Which is why watching them have a go almost every other day was really painful to watch.
“Why?”, she asked, tears ready to fall. This was the first time she asked him for his reasoning. He turned to look at her icy grey eyes, the pain in her eyes palpable enough to soften his expression. He sighed loudly, giving in to her request. “I would never want to feel responsible if something were to happen to you”, he said sincerely. Hearing him broke your heart.
Levi could be many things, but even through his thick layered skin, he was ultimately human. Still only a man; flesh and blood. Still felt grief from every single one of his comrade’s deaths. And even if he rarely showed it, he had an almost unmovable sense of morality. Not even humanity’s greatest soldier could take in his shoulder the death of his only child. Even as a child if she had been out of his sight for what he thought of as too long, he would feel panicked. Not even when you were in the Corps had he felt this unnerved. You might be his soul but Charlotte was his heart and joy.
“But dad, even mum used to be on the force!”, she tried again, her voice shakier than last time. “She isn’t any more”, he pointed out. Both of them turn to look at you for some kind of support. You sighed again approaching them from across your standing position opposite them. “How about this”, you began sitting diagonally from both your husband and daughter, they both leaned in eager to hear your opinion, “take Charlotte for a week in the HQ”, you suggested. Charlotte’s eyes sparkled obviously appreciating your suggestion. Levi, on the other hand, had his eyes narrowed poignantly glaring at you. Oh boy, you knew that look. It was the look he used when he would make you pay for whatever you had done.
“Common dad”, Charlotte pleaded calling back his attention. He stared down at her, “No”, he answered. “But you said you would give me anything I wanted”, she insisted placing her hands on his knees. He stood his silent ground. “What if I don’t leave you side?”, she offered. He still didn’t say anything. “I’ll even clean your office”, she added, her eyes fuller than ever. He closed his eyes, sighing in defeat. “One week”, he finally replied. She immediately stood up screaming “YAY”, and then proceeded to twirl around the room. “I’m not done yet brat”, he said his eyes narrowing at her celebration in disapproval. “You’ll wake up every day at 5:00”, he began listing his conditions, “You do exactly as I say”, he continued, “And most importantly”, he emphasised, “You cannot leave my sight”. Charlotte who had been listening intently to his every word nodded furiously, “I promise!”, she said happily and proceeded to run up the stairs presumably to pick exactly what she was going to wear.
“Tch”, Levi said watching her disappear up the stairs. “You’re not off the hook either”, he said with half-lidded eyes. You rolled your eyes. “You’re just as bad as that brat”, he said meeting your gaze. “No, for that you have the full credit”, you commented smiling softly. His eyes narrowed, “After tonight, we might even have another one”, he casually said. “What?”, you replied blushing. “You heard me”, he said reaching to grab your face with his hand. “If I have to take the brat to work, you’re also suffering the consequences”, he said almost growling. “Yes, Sir”, you said seductively making him smirk, “It’s Corporal to you, brat”.
* * *
It hadn’t even been half a day and Levi was already regretting agreeing to bring Charlotte with him. His eyes narrowed watching his daughter in the courtyard with the 104th cadets. He didn’t have a problem with his daughter meeting the cadets but, what he did have a problem with was the newbie 104th cadets flirting with her. “Stupid shitty glasses”, he thought narrowing his eyes further as Jean, a horse-faced teenager, made Charlotte giggle. Hanji had, as per usual, bust into his office with news of some sort of experiment or another. But had promptly stopped when she laid eyes on Charlotte. “Is this little Charlotte I see!”, she had screamed in delight. Hanji was a regular at his house and knew Charlotte quite well. She had begged Levi to let her give Charlotte a tour of the facilities. At the time, he had been half thankful, since he still had half a mountain of paperwork to get through and Charlotte wasn’t making it any easier with her whining and asking when he would be done so that the both of them could go exploring. He trusted Hanji, but looking at things now, that had been a big mistake.
His eyes opened like plates. “Fuck. No.”, he thought having enough of the little show outside. He got up immediately from his desk chair. Eren had touched her. Moronic, hot-headed, titan-shifting Eren, had dared touch her.
Levi wasn’t an unreasonable man. He was praised for keeping his impulses in control. In fact, if anything, he was more the type to step back and assess before acting. But, all of that was thrown out the window when it came to his daughter. No one touched his daughter. Especially with dirty, filthy crummy hands like Eren’s. He stopped his way to the entrance of the courtyard. “Cadets!”, he screamed pissed off. The little group at the centre immediately turned to look at their superior. Levi’s eyes met Charlotte’s, she wasn’t happy and shot him half a glare. When the rest of the group realise it was the Corporal calling them, they all ran to stand in attention. “Heichou”, they said more or less in unison standing straight. Charlotte, on the other hand, leisurely made her way towards the line of cadets and Levi. Levi’s eyes fixated on her, narrowing in anger at her insubordination.
Of course, this did not escape the boys that had been flirting with her attention. Eren looked conflicted between Charlotte and Levi. Jean was biting his lip trying to think of what to say. Reiner’s brow was sweating unsure of what to do and so on and so forth.
“Captain!”, it was Eren who spoke first. Levi tore his eyes off Charlotte to look at him, his steel eyes warning him off wanting to cut his head off. “Charlotte is new”, he said less confidently mirroring Reiner’s sweating. Levi’s right eyebrow cocked up. “We’ll make sure she knows how to greet her superiors properly”, he said closing his eyes and lowering his head as a form of apology. “He”, Levi said in dark amusement. At least one of them had the balls to try to shield that stupid brat of his. Eren opened one eye and sneaked a peek at the Corporal. Levi looked even more annoyed. “Yes Corporal!”, this time it was Jean three persons down. It was his turn to be glared at. “Please forgive her!”, he pleaded also lowering his head. Levi felt red hot anger curing through his veins.
“So, you lot think you know how to handle my daughter better than me?”, Levi said with molten furry. Eren and Jean instantly raised their head in shock. All of the six in the group were shocked. Daughter. Charlotte was the Corporal's daughter.
“Dad!”, came a whine from Charlotte. Levi’s lips became a straight line, “My office”, he managed to say with a still controlled tone. “But-”, she tried, “Now!”, he emphasised louder. She pouted crossing her arms in front of her chest, “Dad stop”, she tried once again. His glare intensified, his eyes turning to look at the still processing cadets in front of him. “Since you all seem so eager to speak on her behalf”, Levi said calling back the attention of the boys, “you can all take her punishment too”, he glared at the line, “100 laps and stable duty for 2 weeks”, he called out waving a hand to dismiss them. Groaning they all made their way back to the courtyard to start laps.
“Charlotte”, he said turning to see his daughter once again. Oh, she was in for it. He never called her that. “We’re leaving”, he called grabbing her forearm and dragging her out of the buildings.
* * *
“Hey!”, you called out hearing your husband and daughter come in through the front door. “How was today?”, you asked moving to the living room to greet them. They both looked angry. “Oh God”, you thought approaching them. “Fine”, Levi said walking past you to reach sit on the couch. “Right”, you thought turning to look at him. “Why the long face?”, you questioned earning you a glare. “Ask her”, he responded pointing at Charlotte, who was still pouting. “Me?!”, she dramatically argued. His eyes narrowed. “What is going on?”, you asked a little lost. “I’ll tell you!”, Charlotte volunteered, “Dad went crazy”, she informed making you frown. Crazy?
“The military is not a flirting patch”, he answered rudely making Charlotte’s cheek colour. Your eyebrow shot up at her reaction. “I wasn’t flirting!”, she defended whilst flustered. You turned to look at your husband who was by then already staring at you with a “see” face. “Levi”, you said walking so that you stood in front of his knees. “What did you do?”, you asked crouching so that you could meet his gaze. “Nothing”, he said turning away. “L-evi”, you said softly. “If those brats have the balls to touch my daughter then they can have the balls to demonstrate their endurance and cleaning skills”, he said, not a single bit sorry. You sighed, turning your head slightly to look at your daughter. “Charlotte, give us a minute”, you said smiling softly at her. She frowned softly but complied and ran upstairs.
Sighing again you hung your head. “Levi”, you said your tone a little stern. He did not answer opting to look elsewhere as you looked up to his face. “You can’t do stuff like that”, you said placing both your hands on each of his knees. His eyes still didn’t meet yours. “Charlotte is not a child”, you said gripping his knees. To this he turns to look down at you his eyes dipped in disapproval, “She will always be my child”, he said catching you by surprise. That was so uncharacteristically of him. “You should have seen how they were looking at her”, he said in disgust, “They got what they deserved, tch”, he said returning his eyes elsewhere. You stifled a chuckle.
You had only seen him like this once and it had been back when you were dating and someone dared ask you out. Levi had had a field day with them.
“Levi”, you called out even softer than before. He looked at you, his eyes now softer with a hint of sadness and anger. “You can’t treat Charlotte like that”, you said drawing circles on his knees. He sighed, his shoulder’s relaxing a bit. “I know”, he said in defeat. One of your hands moved upwards to hold his cheek. His face shifting to put its weight on your palm. “It’s just-”, he started thinking of the best way to describe the feeling, “hard”, he settled on. “I know”, you said empathising with him. He sighed again, moving his face so that his lips were the ones on your palm now. He kissed it before getting up. “Are you going to talk to her?”, you asked watching him disappear further into the house. “Something like that”, he said underneath his breath making you chuckle.
* * *
*knock, knock*
Two knocked protruded from her room’s door. Charlotte looked up from her bed, fresh tears still falling down her cheeks. She didn’t answer, not really in the mood to see you or Levi, especially Levi. “Stupid dad”, she thought burring her face on the pillow.
The door creaked open, allowing Levi to walk inside the room. “Brat”, he called out from the foot of the bed. Charlotte didn’t even shift. He sighed sitting down on the corner by her feet, “Brat”, he tried again. Charlotte simply buried herself deeper in the pillow. She didn’t want her father to watch her cry. “Charlotte”, he said softly placing a hand on her leg. “Hmm”, he heard her muttered from her pillow. “Common, let’s have a talk”, he said tapping her leg. She sighed emerging from the pillow and turning to look at him. His heart twisted when he caught her still watery eyes. “What is it?”, she said quietly. “I’m your dad”, he informed making her eyebrows knit. “Yeah?”, she said quizzically. Levi sighed once more, completely defeated, “even when you’re old like me, you will always be my brat”, he said looking down at her bedsheets. This made Charlotte giggle. “I know”, she said this time placing her hand on his leg. “You’ll always be my dad”, she echoed making the corner of Levi’s mouth tug upwards. “Always”, he answered looking at her with a smile. To his surprise, Charlotte threw herself at him hugging him. Levi eagerly hugged her back.
“This doesn’t mean you can get out of 5 a.m. training tomorrow”, he said making her push him so that he was at arm’s length. “Training?”, she repeated confused. “What? You thought I would back away from a promise?”, he asked rhetorically feigning offence. Charlotte beamed, “Really? You mean it?!”, she asked bouncing. “Yeah, yeah”, he said ruffling her hair, “Be ready at 4:30 sharp”, he said getting up from her bed, “If you’re late, I’ll make you run laps”, he said closing the door of her bedroom.
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Satisfied, Part 24
She groaned when she felt someone shake her shoulder, nuzzling her face further into her pillow. Did she notice that her ‘pillow’ was far harder than usual? Maybe. Did she care? No.
“Encore cinq minutes, Maman,” she murmured.
“Marinette, please,” Red Robin pleaded. “I need to use the bathroom.”
The vigilante cursed and she tried her hardest not to grin. She waited a few more seconds to sell it before pulling away.
“Kidding, kidding.”
He gave her one tiny grin before running to the bathroom. She could hear the sound of people scuffling until, eventually, Robin was pushed out.
She shouldn’t laugh. Really shouldn’t. Everyone’s first hangover is easily the worst one, and he hadn’t exactly made it easy on himself the night before by gradually getting into it. But...
She wheezed, a hand coming up to cover her mouth in a fruitless attempt to stifle it.
His face reddened. “What?”
“You look like you got run over or something!”
He huffed and sat on the counter. “I feel like I got run over.”
She grinned and pushed herself to her feet. She dusted herself off and looked around.
Red Hood was easily the best off, puttering around the kitchen with interest. When he saw Robin come out he gave a cheeky grin and handed over a grocery bag. “Here, use this.”
The kid clearly didn’t know what it was for, because he nodded and put it over his head.
Marinette sighed and plucked it off of him. “No. It’s to throw up in,” she informed him.
He blinked a few times and then nodded again.
Her eyes fell on Nightwing. He looked stressed as he typed on his phone. He himself was drinking from a glass of raw eggs with a bitter look on his face.
She supposed she’d be looking bitter, too, if she was drinking raw eggs.
She shook her head with a sigh and walked to the kitchen and started whipping up a hangover cure. “You guys are vigilantes, how can you not deal with a little headache?”
“I’ll kill you,” Robin hissed.
“Oh, like you tried to kill Red Robin?”
His eyes widened. “Who told you about that?”
“You did. Last night.”
Poor Robin. He rested his head in his hands. “How much did I admit to?”
“You only got a few rounds in, so not as much as you could have,” she promised.
She combined her ginger, tangerine extract, and brown sugar, then handed them out to everyone.
After a few seconds of thought, she replaced the glass in Nightwing’s hand. She was pretty sure that the raw egg thing was a myth. He didn’t even notice, too focused on his phone.
Red Hood beamed as he took it. “Not the best, but I do like the taste better,” he said cheerfully.
“How are you... okay? You drank the most! You were blackout drunk!”
He grinned and ruffled her hair. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Yes! That’s why I asked!”
Red Robin finally came out, his hair wet. The moment Robin heard the door open he pushed past his brother to get back inside.
She grinned. “I guess he’s too good to puke in a bag like the rest of us?”
Red Robin grinned. “Probably.” She handed over the concoction, but he just shrugged. “It’s fine, I took a shower, I feel better.”
Marinette huffed. “I’d hope so. You smell like my soap.”
He gave a small shrug. “I figured I’d look like the responsible one instead of smelling like alcohol.”
“Oh. Smart.”
He winked. “I’d like to think so.”
The receiver clicked in her ear and she saw all the bats reach up to cover their own with pained expressions. Nightwing looked even more pale than normal. The temptation to turn on her own to see how guilty she should feel about them getting chewed out was almost too hard to manage.
Red Hood came up behind her and slung himself on top of her like a backpack, pressing his cheek to hers. “Thanks for the cookiiiiieees,” he cooed.
She almost pushed him off before she noticed something. She could almost make out the words Batman was saying. She rolled her eyes as if annoyed, but leaned into him.
She winced slightly and pulled away. Marinette thought for a minute about how to help. “You should actually be able to get the cookies before you thank me, huh?”
He grinned. “I mean, I stole a few from the freezer, but I’d love a completed one.”
She rolled her eyes a bit but went to work.
Red Robin watched over her shoulder with a frown on his face. “You don’t fill the whole way?”
She shook her head as she carefully twisted on the top. “The filling would overflow.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad.”
“For taste? It’s great, but not so much for looks.”
He snickered. “Looks don’t matter here.”
“Obviously. Have you seen your outfits?”
His smile dropped and he crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s wrong with them?”
Marinette glanced at his face to make sure he wasn’t joking. And he wasn’t. Oh, wow, they don’t know. She was saved, yet again, by Red Hood coming over.
“Shoo! She’s making cookies! Don’t distract her by making her list every flaw of our outfits! She’s a designer, we’d die before she finished!”
She grinned and piped frosting for a little while until Robin stumbled out of the bathroom.
“I threw up blood.”
“Okay, but how much?” Said Red Hood.
Marinette rolled her eyes and gave him a small shove. “You’ll scare him.” She turned and gave him a small smile. “It means you drank a little bit more than you should have, but as long as it wasn’t too much you’ll be fine.”
“How much is too much? I thought any blood is too much!”
She sighed. “You’d know if it was too much. Relax.” She handed him a cookie.
Red Hood looked offended. “Why’d he get first cookie?”
“‘Cause he’s suffering and you’ve already eaten a few shells.”
He gave a shrug. Fair enough.
Nightwing finally stood, groaning as he walked over. “Great. At least it’s mostly over. We need to head home before Bats gets even more upset.”
She nodded and gave them a Tupperware each (she had a feeling that if she put all of them in the same one Red Hood would eat them all). She wasn’t finished, but she only had a few more cookies to make, and she’d like to give them to someone else.
Nightwing and Red Robin were the first to leave, giving small waves over their shoulders as they disappeared around the side of her building.
Red Hood wrapped her in a hug. “Spar soon?” He whispered.
She smiled and hugged back. “Give me, I don’t know, a week.”
He pulled back and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before jumping out the window.
And so it was only her and Robin. She raised her eyebrows slightly as she watched him shuffle his fee uncomfortably, unsure if he was going to say anything if she didn’t make him spit it out.
She opened her mouth after a bit in irritation, but he chose that moment to speak up: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have drank last night. I used you for alcohol, that was wrong.”
She blinked. Where was the prick that had nearly gotten them both killed in his anger? He didn’t apologize for that but he was apologizing for drinking underage? What?
“I’m not... supposed to drink.”
“Whaaaat? I couldn’t tell,” she said with a weak smile.
He only gave a small frown in response.
She sighed and rested her hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s fine. I don’t mind. Just be more careful about it while you’re figuring out your limits, okay?”
He looked skeptical for a second, before nodding. With that, he left.
She watched him leave with a small frown.
The worst part of cleaning wasn’t the germs, or the exhaustion afterward. It was the monotony that left you with nothing but your own thoughts. And she didn’t like where hers were going.
She’d been rude to Chloe. Right after she’d found out the girl had actually done something very nice for her. She was literally attempting to help make sure her wound was okay and Marinette had insulted her to her face.
And Robin... hadn’t actually been all that awful. He’d actually been rather pleasant to be around, he clearly was enjoying himself and his laugh had been infectious the night before.
Her grip tightened on her mop as she closed her eyes. Had she been wrong about them?
Glad to know I’m not the only one using this fic to procrastinate
Also I am here to tell you all that you need better sleep schedules. You reply at all hours of the day. SLEEP.
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zet-sway · 3 years
@the-wip-project day 35:
I don't know what today's question is but I gotta write a wall of text about what happened last night because holy shit
I was on the verge of falling asleep and, like I usually do, I decided to hunt for some spicy fanfics to read on my phone. I found one.
All my posts are long but this one is real fucking long. CW for touching on dub-con and injury mentioned in the type of context it probably shouldn't be.
It's time for me to admit that not only am I a oneshot writer, I'm also a oneshot reader. I am drawn to short fanfics. If I click on a chaptered fic, it's (usually) because it's rated E for smut and I'll go in with every intention of skimming it for the spicy bits. I'm not proud of this. I've avoided saying this for years because I don't want to disappoint people who work hard on their very long and well thought out chaptered stories. I have a short attention span, and I know what I want.
But anyway, last night I clicked on a fic with 5 chapters and some amount of words, around 30k? Long, by my standards, but I was tired and I just wanted something to read while I dozed off.
This particular fic hooked me in, though. I still skimmed it, but the writing was so unique in a way that made me writhe with writer's envy and admiration. Whoever wrote this had their own language - nothing borrowed - their own vision.
I guess I should tell the good people who read my posts (ya'll, seriously, thank you) that the fic in topic is called Fault Lines by Recidiva on AO3. I would link to it but uhhhh I may be using my work PC for "extracurricular purposes" right this moment ^^; so maybe when I get home I'll remember to add it.
I skimmed it - like I said above - for the spicy parts. It generally follows the plot of Bioware's canon. Thane begins as possessive and manipulative, likely uncomfortably close to dub-con for a lot of people. He kisses her and knows full well that his kiss will make her willing but intoxicated, and how he will use that to fulfil himself. But as the story progresses, he falls in love. Their relationship is what I'll call "edgy." Both of them are renegades. There's a scene where they get down in the shuttle after a fight and they're both still injured and it borders on downright unrealistic but fuck it, it's fanfic and I bought it. However their relationship develops a certain heart-wrenching tenderness. She asks him what Siha means over and over again, and eventually tells him she thinks "bitch" when he says it. But in that moment they have a playful banter, he knows full well she's probably already looked it up on the extranet, and they fall into bed together. The smut is mind-boggling.
By the time it gets to Shepard's arrest, he's taken up a place on Earth and visits her, breaks into her house arrest. There's a scene where they see each other for the first time in a while, she tells him how much she's missed his mouth and how it's not right how bad she wants him, and wants him bad enough to smother him with affection. She says something to the effect of "if you're looking to die, I'd volunteer to be the cause," implying that her lust is powerful enough to endanger his life. And it was at this moment I realized I fucked up.
It's established that I live in my own headcanon and I'm not burdened with considering the end of Thane's life as part of my fics. And the suspension of disbelief was such that I forgot he doesn't make it. So at this moment in the fic, chapter 4 out of 5, I realized "Oh shit this isn't going to have a happy ending." I skipped to the end right away, I wanted to confirm my fears.
In their final exchange, she asks him to lie to her - something that's repeated in other chapters of the story. I forget what he says, I was reading desperately, but he asks her in return to tell him something true. She kisses him and tells him she loves him, and he breathes his last breath with the lingering tingle of their kiss to carry him to the other side.
I was so entrenched in the depth of their relationship up to that point. The level of fathomless love the author conveyed, unlike anything I've ever managed to write before, but more realistic to my own understanding of love as I've experienced it. Not because they're renegades, but just the selflessness with which they feel, communicate, banter, and make love.
When I read that last paragraph, something inside me broke. That sounds dramatic but that's honestly how I would describe it. It felt like waking up from a night terror, when you bolt up in bed from a dream so bad you immediately get up even if it's 4am because nothing feels real and you're so terrified you have to get up and do something - literally anything to take your mind off it, to ease you back into reality. I put my phone down and stared into the darkness of my bedroom and told myself "it's just a fanfic, no need to get upset." And then I started to cry and I didn't stop for 30 minutes.
My husband was downstairs watching Bohemian Rhapsody and I went down there and wrapped myself around him so tight and cried. Bless this man, from the bottom of my heart - bless him - for his unfathomable kindness. I felt like a fucking fool because I was crying over fanfiction but he paused his movie and just listened while I tried to articulate how it wasn't exactly about the character death, or the characters at all, it was just the writing and how it wormed into my brain so convincingly. I felt the loss like it was my own loss. I am terrified of losing my husband. So many feelings coalesced and I realized one day I may be in that situation, kissing the man I love goodbye for the last time, never to hold him again. I'm at work right now and I'm tearing up because it's so hard.
I tip my hat to the author, but I genuinely wished I hadn't read that fanfic. And isn't it kind of funny after that grandstand I took yesterday about not wanting to write the pain of loss and grief, that I ended up reading it instead and probably fucking myself up just as badly, if not worse, than if I had tried to write it myself?
It gets worse, too. Because it got me thinking about my own writing, and how I could never hope to achieve what that author did. So I sat there crying out my painfeelings while simultaneously feeling like a shit writer and like nothing I put out matters. I got up from the couch, sat down at my PC and picked up where I left off in the Omega DLC in ME3 because video games are great for taking the mind off things. It didn't exactly help with the intensity I'd hoped for, but I managed to fall asleep, by 3am.
Fast forward to this morning. I dragged my sorry ass out of bed 4 hours later and drove to work. By some fucking miracle, no one is here right now except our field director. And I'm stewing in how this one fic really fucked me up bad, reconsidering everything. I feel like I've been put in my place.
So what changed?
Yesterday I posted about how I'm struggling to write a plotline. I know what happens, but I'm not interested in the little bits that tie it together. I want to write the romance. I think there's a way to write the plot and the romance at the same time, but it's damn hard.
I started doing this because I wanted to grow my skills as a writer, and I knew it might be more than I could chew. I'm at that moment now where I'm about ready to give up.
Even if I felt like a shit writer last night (and still kinda do this morning), I know that the stuff I've put out has value. We can't all write these epically tragic smut-romance-renegades-to-lovers tales, we'd all be sad all the damn time. There's a time and a place and - I would argue - even a need for lighterhearted fic out there. There are really no rules. I'm confident in what I know how to do.
But the plot. Fuck it, man. I think maybe I'm trying too hard to be something I'm not. I'm trying really hard to write like other people. I may have mentioned before that I saw a post about how many artists spend their time pining for the skills of others, thinking "wow, when I can draw like that, I'll have made it as an artist." That same post cautioned against this, basically saying you already have your own unique style, it's just harder to see through the lens of your own eyeballs. It's fine to challenge yourself but try to acknowledge what you do that sets you apart already. I feel like I have that something - maybe not to the extent that I wish, but I have something.
So what's the point of the plot? Why do I need to tell my readers how I cured Keprals? I'm asking myself important questions here. I like to think I've come up with ideas that no one else has, but as I said above, I don't read a lot of chaptered fics. I very well may have come to the same ideas as other writers and I'm not even aware of it. I don't know if my ideas are unique but I still arrived at them all by myself.
The challenge here - the thing I'm struggling so much with - is how to put them together with the same elegance of my fellow writers. I'm looking at you, shrios fam (yeah I'm calling you that, yall know who you are). I know I can write words, but it's like I have a bunch of pieces from completely different jigsaw puzzles and I'm struggling to make a new picture out of them. I struggle with the transitions between them.
The point here is I have to find my own way. And I have to stop taking myself so seriously. In fact this level of "seriousness" is one of the things that got me into so much angst over World of Warcraft over the last two years. At least I know how to recognize it.
I have to find my own way. I have my own things that are worth sharing. The author I read last night had a language all their own, and I have a language all my own too. Their wordplay was actually more choppy than I would ever write. I've talked before about how I'm scared of starting too many sentences with pronouns, how I maybe write too many run-on sentences, whatever. This author did that with reckless abandon. It worked for them. So if they can make that shit work, I can make my own shit work.
I have to find my own way.
My most current WIP is Thane and Shepard's first time. I've been working on it pretty nonchalantly because I hadn't intended to publish it until I built up to it. It takes place further into my timeline, and it would probably ruin the point of a slow burn if I put it out there now. There are some really memorably moments in this WIP, and there are other moments that need to be smoothed over as well. I never knew what I'd really imagined for their first time but I think I've mostly developed something that's unique in its own right, and I think will be fun for people to read.
I'm just so fucking torn over what to do with it. I feel guilty for working on it. I should be writing "other shit" leading up to it but I don't fucking want to. I actually wrote probably 2-3k words this weekend, which is a pretty staggering amount by my standards. Some of it was for this smutty WIP and some was for something I just threw together, Thane observing Shepard on Horizon and the emotional toll it takes on her. He's seeing her humanity. I don't know if it's worth it to continue but I wrote a lot of it and the words are more precise than usual for a draft, I don't know. I have so much fucking insecurity. Fuck dude. I want to write this longfic, but I don't want to write it. I want to skim to the spicy bits like I always do.
I am wracked with insecurity, of my own making. I know what I can do but I feel compelled to see this idea through. Somehow I have to find my own way.
TLDR I feel like if I don't publish something soon I'm going to burst and I don't even know what the fuck to work on first and fjslfjsojoiejrj
I would be really down for, like, a bunch of hugs and a bowl of ice cream shared over memes and fanservice.
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elspethc22 · 3 years
Sciles breakup S5
So... I ended up down a rabbit hole of really old comments and arguments over on Archive of our Own yesterday over the Sciles breakup in season 5A. Basically, someone posted a story back when it first aired that was three sentences (stiles apologising to Scott and Scott saying ok) and then detailed in the author’s note how Stiles was completely in the wrong in this situation and Scott has nothing to apologise for. Wow, the comment section was INSANE!!! like people just went off on one another over this and who was right and who was wrong - some were in full agreement with the author, some absolutely on the other side and then those in the middle who thought both boys were in the wrong in different ways. 
So, of course, I spent the rest of the day and night thinking about this and what my opinion is. Here it is, for anyone who might care!
More than one of the comments (from the og author and others) were about how the whole series of events leading up to the fight were ooc, like Stiles covering up a murder (I disagree with this because a - not a murder and b - he didn’t cover it up per se, he left yes, but he called the police, Parrish just happened to get to the body first and Stiles didn’t know this so for all he knew Donovan could have survived and left) and not telling Scott, and that Stiles never actually corrects Scott or tells him exactly what happened (apparently him saying ‘I had no choice’ to Scott isn’t him claiming self-defence which I mean, obviously in court he’d need to say the words but in this context it kinda is) so of course Scott just goes with Theo’s version of events (which honestly doesn’t make sense to me, like Scott would just automatically believe Theo that Stiles was capable of cold blooded murder??).
Anyway!! I was thinking about the whole it was ooc for Stiles and they didn’t like the writing for S5 and a lot of stuff didn’t make sense. And that got me thinking about a lot of things in that season that were ooc, or more I guess like extreme versions of their characters? Like Scott trusting Theo so easily and thinking the worst in Stiles - and then I was thinking about their talk a couple episodes later when they go to get Kira and they say they wish they had stayed 5 more minutes and one of them says that Theo didn’t want them to. So... after ALL that... here’s my theory, for what it’s worth....
So, we all know that the Dread Doctor’s got to Kira right, and messed with her and triggered the darker side of her fox? But what if they got to ALL of them and messed with their minds? We know they can change people’s memories, make people forget them - hell, Valack wrote a book to try and remember them then apparently went off the rails, drilled a hole in his own head and got locked up at Eichen House. 
Think about it - Stiles knows what he did was self-defence, even if he wanted Donovan dead in that moment. He had a massive bite mark from being attacked and Donovan had made threats against his dad in public so logically he should have known people would believe him, even with his normal overthinking and anxiety. And then when Theo ‘saves him’ from Josh he agrees to cover that up and go along with Theo when he’s spent all season so far not trusting him? 
Scott’s asthmas starts up again and NO ONE thinks its weird! Scott knows his asthma disappeared when he got bitten, and that werewolves can’t get sick etc (it also cured Erica’s epilepsy) but then something triggers and attack, Theo is right there with an inhaler and suddenly he’s relying on it all the time. We know the inhaler had wolfsbane, but something triggered the original need for it. And for some reason, no one ever questioned why he suddenly needed the inhaler again which is not right. Scott never questions it, his mum, Lydia, no one!
Malia hiding everything about looking for her mum from everyone? I mean, she’s never normally shy about her willingness to hurt others if she needs to, or her survival instincts. So it does also surprise me that she would go to such lengths to hide the fact she’s still looking for her birth mother from everyone, even Stiles who never looked at her like a monster. Obviously she might have thought they’d try to stop her, but it’s weird for her to have got so secretive all of a sudden and also her sudden trust of Theo, she’s not a very trusting sort.
Even Liam - I know they blamed the supermoon on his rage induced attack on Scott, but even with that I think it was a little out of the blue for him to turn on Scott so suddenly but again, if the Dread Doctor’s were messing with him that would explain why he was so much more susceptible to the supermoon and then Theo there making suggestions about saving Hayden even when she was clearly too far gone. 
Then there’s Theo - no one questions how he always manages to find the right answer (except Stiles) like the book. How he just happened to turn up at the same time as the Doctors. Like everyone else, after some initial hesitation, just accepts him and the information he brings them. but then also, I wonder - it’s implied that he was always evil (he helped kill his sister to get her heart) but was he actually born a sociopath? Or was that the Dread Doctor’s too? If his sister was the only one who loved him growing up, and the only one he loved, he would have been open to manipulation. Also this could explain why when he comes back in season 6 he’s eventually more caring and is even eventually able to take someone’s pain - they credit his time in ‘hell’ and his sister’s spirit but what if it was also just finally being away from the dread doctors after so long?
Anyway, many of you may disagree with me, but there’s my long-winded theory of why season 5 was so messed up and ultimately why our amazing Sciles had that horrible breakup scene and why it was so heartbreaking.
(I also chose to ignore all the other arguments in the comments about which boy is a better friend and a better character. I love Stiles, he is my favourite but they both have faults, they both have their moments of not being great friends to each other but they’re also teenagers, and human! no one is a perfect friend)
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victoria-daydreams · 4 years
Of Vices and Virtues
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Chapter Ten: Old Wounds
AN: I really don’t know what to say here, other than enjoy!
Word Count: 4.3k
Trigger Warnings: unhealthy coping mechanisms?
Taglist: @azayamari
Chapter Eleven: Bottled Up
"Claudia," Erik called. "I'm bored,"
We were sitting in Central Park where I sat on a bench enjoying the fall season of New York. The sound of children playing freely with their parents was all around me, and I couldn't help but to wish that was the childhood I had. So carefree, so normal.
"And what does that have to do with me?" I asked, too immersed in my reading to look up.
"I'd figured that maybe you would entertain me," Erik suggested.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled before I continued my reading, switching from both hands holding the novel to my left hand holding it open as I bit the nail of my right thumb.
"If you wanted entertainment, you should have stayed with Moira and Charles to watch the musicians playing," I reminded dryly, finally looking up from my book and turning my head to follow the sound violins being played beautifully.
They played Bach and Handel, then they moved to Mozart, and then they played some pieces that I was unable to identify, possibly compositions of their own. Their fingers moved as if they were dancing over the necks of the violins, the notes filled the air. The sound of high pitched laughter broke the daze I had gone into and my eyes darted to the source of it. A smile graced my lips as I watched a group of children playing tag with each other.
Erik followed my gaze, "How you ever thought about it?" he asked, looking over at me.
"Thought about what?" I asked back, turning my head to him.
"Having children of your own?"
"Maybe," I answered, slightly shrugging my shoulders. "If the world wasn't so cruel," I continued, sighing heavily. "I wouldn't want to raise my child in an environment that hates them the moment they're born," I added, shaking my head. "What about you? Do you want children?" I questioned, closing my copy of The Great Gatsby.
"I do," Erik answered, and I raised my eyebrows in shock.
"Boy or girl?" I asked again, turning my body to face him.
"Aww, who knew that someone like Erik Lehnsherr would want a little baby girl," I teased, a smile on my face and Erik just rolled his eyes at me. "She'll be in good hands and well taken care of, she'll have a better childhood than the both of us," I proposed, nodding my head with a grin.
We sat in silence for a moment, Erik, I could feel him watching me, but I was too preoccupied by staring off into space, chewing on my bottom lip. Thinking of what could have been with my own family.
"Bombing aside," Erik began pulling me back to reality. "Did you have a happy childhood?" he asked, draping his arm over the back of the park bench, his body now facing my own.
"Bombing aside," I repeated, cocking my head to the side. "I would say I had a decent childhood," I corrected. "Until I was seven," I remembered, my hand closing and forming a fist.
"What happened when you were seven?"
"I found out that I was different from most kids," I stated quietly, a tight-lipped smile appearing on my face.
A high pitched squeal escaped from my mouth as I kicked the ball back to my dad before I ran around our small backyard the grass tickling my feet. A wide smile on my face as my bare feet hit the cool green surface, my toes digging into the earth. A bright yellow spot caught my eye, surrounded by a sea of green grass. I forced myself to slow down and stopped at the yellow dot, bending down I realized it was a dandelion. My grin grew wider and I snatched it from the ground, raising up from the ground I turned to the back porch where my mom and grandma were residing.
"Mama, look!" I yelled, proudly displaying my dandelion.
Mama lifted her head up from the sleeping of bundle of my sister and smiled at me, "That's so pretty, Claudia!" Mama cheered, and I nodded my head vigorously in agreement.
"Claudia watch out!" Daddy shouted.
I turned my head immediately to the sound of his voice and the ball we had been kicking was on a straight path to my face. I let out a shriek and threw my hands out to protect myself. And just like that, it seemed like time froze. I peeked behind my raised arms and gasped, the ball hadn't hit me, instead the ball was suspended in midair surrounded in a pretty shade of violet. Confused, I lowered my arms and was shocked to see the ball slowly coming closer to the ground as I moved my arms down; I was controlling whatever force held it. I lowered the ball to the ground gently, before releasing the force around the ball.
"Mama, Daddy! Did you see what I did?" I asked excitedly.
No one answered me. It was dead quiet and I swallowed nervously, as I looked at my parents and Grandma. Mama had her hand covering her mouth and her eyes were wide open, filling up with tears. Seconds later Daddy was at my side. Grandma got to her knees, before clasping her hands together and began praying quietly.
"Claudia, what did you do?" Mama asked, in the most frightened tone I had ever heard her use.
"I knew my parents were horrified, even my father, although he never let it show. I mean why wouldn't he be. What I could do...it wasn't exactly normal behavior," I recalled, a mirthless laugh escaping my mouth.
"They didn't disown you, I hope?" Erik asked, a frown appearing on his face.
"Luckily, they didn't. Could you imagine throwing your seven year-old daughter out the house?" I speculated, knitting my eyebrows together. "That would be horrific!" I exclaimed.
"What did your parents do after witnessing your ability? How did they react?" Erik questioned.
"They told me they loved me regardless..." I trailed off.
Daddy knelt down in front of me and grasped my small shoulders, inspecting me closely, "Claudia…sweetheart…Mama and I want you to stay quiet about this. Alright?"
I frowned at what Daddy asked, "But why? It's amazing and so pretty!"
Mama knelt down beside Daddy and gave me a small, sad smile, "Yes, it is. But you have to understand something...sometimes...people get scared of things they don't understand," Mama explained gently.
I tilted my head to the side as I processed what Mama just said, "Why would people be scared?"
"That's hard to explain, honey. Personally...we don't know of anyone that has a...gift...like you do. If you showed others, they may react badly to it and they might hurt you," Mama tried to further explain to me.
I looked down at the ground. I had noticed Mama's hesitation about using the word gift. It made me wonder. "Are you scared of me now?"
At my question, both Mama and Daddy embraced me tightly. "No. No we're not," Daddy said with conviction.
"But you didn't believe them, did you?"
"You know what? I did actually. It was what my Grandma said that made questioned my parents true feelings about my mutation," I admitted.
"What did she say?"
"She told me that one day there will be a cure for me," I spat, recalling my Grandma's words. "I thought that would be the worst thing she would say to me, but oh how wrong I was," I went on, shaking my head.
"I take it you developed your empathic powers soon after," Erik guessed.
I nodded, "Two weeks had barely passed after my telekinetic incident, when I started to get these horrible headaches," I explained, my expression darkening. "That's when I began to pick up on emotions that weren't mine. I had told my parent's that I could feel their emotions as they passed through their minds. Of course, at first, they assumed I was playing around but after proving my talent to them both, they were shaken," I added.
I shook my head again, thinking back to how it had taken my family quite a while to get used to my empathy. To realize that a pain in your chest caused by the anguish that suddenly rose from no where was not your own, but someone else's. It was a violation in a way, and one that made my family hesitant to be near me.
"My grandma turned completely hostile toward me. In an attempt to get rid of me, my grandma suggested that they send me to psych ward because I was having a a mental breakdown," I stated, crinkling my noise in disgust while shaking my head. "God Erik, why did you ruin this beautiful day by making me recall my childhood," I groaned, running hand through my hair. "Now I actually need some entertainment," I mentioned, standing up from the wooden bench and walking away from him.
"Claudia, wait," Erik called, and I could hear his footsteps jogging behind me. "Come on, you know that was never my intention," he reasoned, falling in line with my stride.
Sighing, I looked over at him and nodded my head, "I know," I agreed. "You know I can be over dramatic," I breathed, my lips quirking up into a small smile.
A cool breeze blew through the trees of Central Park, bringing with it a flurry of freshly fallen leaves which stood a stark contrast to flocks of lively birds making their way steadily northward. My eyes scanned my surroundings, people were about the park as always, going about their business as only New Yorkers truly could.
"Erik," I began, sliding my book into my coat pocket. "Do you think I'm going crazy?" I asked randomly, facing him again
He cocked an eyebrow and laughed, "What? No," Erik answered, shaking his head with a smile. "I haven't seen one sign that you're losing your mind," he continued, his smile widening. "A strange question to ask Claudia, I have to say," Erik stated, with a chuckle.
I shrugged, "I have a feeling that Charles thinks I'm going crazy," I theorized, interlocking my fingers together behind my back.
"Don't be ridiculous Claudia," Erik grinned. "What would ever make you think that?" he inquired, letting out a hearty laugh.
"Why else do you think we took this impromptu trip here?" I pointed out, unlinking my fingers and sticking my hand in front of me. "He means wells, but all because I was distant two days ago, he's been like a mother hen," I complained, beginning to fiddle with the amber charm of my necklace. "Always watching me from over my shoulder and monitoring me. I haven't been able to really use my empathic powers because all Charles wants to do is focus on my telekinesis," I finished, a slight scowl appearing on my face.
"Here's a crazy thought, maybe he's just worried about you, Claudia," Erik replied sarcastically. "You have been a lot training these past two days, one would say too hard. You're not eating a lot, I noticed that you're up later than you usually are," he listed, ticking them off with his fingers. "Not to mention your temper has been shorter than usual," Erik remembered.
"I am not up late," I argued, knowing that the dark circles underneath my eyes I hid beneath my makeup showed all of the signs of restless night's sleep. "Nor have I been short of temper lately," I insisted, crossing my arms together.
"You cut your lights off at 11:00 pm on the dot every night. Recently, your lights have been on up until 1:00 am," Erik deadpanned, giving me a knowing look and my brow rose. "Yes, I've noticed that," he added, answering my silent question.
I really couldn't help myself from asking, "Oh, so you notice things about me?" I questioned grinning. "Because usually I have to tell you when you should look for something," I added, still grinning.
Erik rolled his eyes and laughed, "I notice things about everyone," he replied, and then looked at me slyly. "But I maybe paying some...extra attention to you,"
We proceeded down the walkway not sure where I wanted to go, but I wanted to be somewhere. I came across one of the many fountains in Central Park and lowered my hand into the water and ran the tips of my fingers over it. A thought crossed my mind and I lifted my hand, flicking water at Erik and drew back from the onslaught of the water droplets.
"You're such a child," Erik commented, his lips curving into a smile as he went to grab for my hand which I easily spun away from.
"I try to be," I smiled back.
I moved off the cement path and walked onto the seemingly endless lawn of the park. I made my way further onto the grass until we come near a thick grove of oak trees interspersed with some hearty pines. There were people spread out all over the field of all sorts, around the clearing's edges parents watched their children idly. Women read magazines or gossiped with one another while men ate their lunches or smoked amongst the trees, college students were laid on picnic blankets or throwing a football around.
Sticking my hand out I began to trace the rough bark of the tree next to me, beginning to walk in a circle. I closed my eyes and let my hand guide me around the tree, circling the tree twice in blissful content.
"May I ask what you're doing?" Erik asked, stopping me in my tracks and I opened my eyes, he was standing next to me, an amused expression painted on his face.
I glanced at him and smirked, "Whatever I want I suppose," I answered, continuing on my path around the tree.
Erik began to circle the tree as well only he went the opposite way, "And what is it that you want Miss Walker?" he inquired.
"I'm in need of some entertainment, just like you," I answered, turning around to meet Erik in front of the tree. He abruptly stopped once he saw me, our fingers brushed together momentarily before I leaned my back against the tree, looking at him with a mischievous grin.
"What are you about to do?"
"That man can't remember if it's his wife's birthday or their anniversary," I informed, still grinning.
I pointed to a bald middle-aged man who walked to the right of us with a confused, thoughtful look on his face.
Erik continued to look at me confused, "What?"
I slid my hands into my coat pockets jut as another gust of the autumn breeze swept past me, causing me to shiver and sigh contentedly as it ruffled my dark hair. I closed my eyes for a split second before opening them.
"That woman, over there? Found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Nice right hook, that one," I commented smirking, before shifting gaze away from the woman. "And that man..." I trailed off, as he happened to look back to where we were.
He was a tall, young man probably the same age I was, his blond hair was tousled most likely from the breeze which framed his blue eyes along with his square jaw. He shot me a wonky grin and I just smirked and wiggled my fingers giving him a small wave as I stared into his eyes, scrapping what I had originally planned to do and formulating a new way to have some fun.
"What are you doing?" Erik murmured from beside me.
"Just watch,"
Suddenly, the football he had been previously throwing came sailing back towards him and striking him on the back of the head. The man flinched and let out a groan of pain, rubbing the back of his head.
"Hey man, what the hell!" he exclaimed. His friend glanced over at me, seeing that I'm the reason why the blond-haired man didn't see the football coming. "Are you blind? Why didn't you hold the ball?" he asked angrily, storming over to his friend.
"Relax Aaron," the friend snickered. "Stop ogling at a girl and pay attention next time," he suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
"You've got a problem, Luke?" Aaron asked, getting up in his friend's face.
"No, I think you have a problem," Luke said, shoving Aaron away from him.
I turned my head to Erik, "Are you entertained?" I asked grinning proudly, and Erik let out a short laugh.
I suddenly became aware of another presence near me and my head turned and gazed up at Charles.
"There you two are, everyone was wondering where you had gone off to," Charles greeted, a relieved smile on his face. "What are you two doing?" he asked curiously, his eyes bouncing between Erik and I.
"Oh, we're just watching a bit of entertainment," I answered, a smirk on my face. "Right Erik?" I asked, glancing up at him.
"That would be correct," Erik confirmed.
Charles looked over at me and followed my gaze, watching the shoving match between the two men.
"Oh my God, Claudia please don't tell me this is your doing?" Charles questioned, his eyes back on me now.
I turned my head to Charles, his was mouth set in a firm grimace, "What can I say? We were bored," I explained nonchalantly, with a shrug.
"That's enough Claudia, you've had your fun now," Charles declared.
"Hold on Charles, I think she's onto something," Erik disagreed, raising his index finger up. "No one is even paying attention to them," Erik pointed out.
"I'll never not be amazed with my powers," I remarked, looking around at people going about their day not noticing the fight happening in front of their eyes. "A little inducement of calmness works wonders," I mused, folding my arms together.
Within a blink of the eye, Aaron swung his fist out and it connected with Luke's face, sending him to the ground.
"Hell of a right hook," I observed, as Aaron got on top of Luke to continue his pummeling.
"You know Erik, I once made a man punch himself," I informed, glancing over at him. "One night I had this drunk customer screaming in my face, and I grew angry enough that I imagined punching him, and he somehow punched himself," I recounted, thinking back to my diner job as a teenager.
"Impressive," Erik chuckled.
"You should see what happens when I sing, with my power," I boasted, walking ahead a little bit to get a closer look at the two men on the ground.
I went to take another step forward, but hand held me back, keeping a tight hold onto my wrist. I looked back to see who the culprit was just as the wind gently ruffled my hair as I met the stern stare of a dreamy blue-eyed familiar face.
"Claudia, stop it," Charles demanded, his voice dropping an octave.
Sighing, I finally gave in, "Fine," I agreed, turning my head back to the men and restored their peaceful state of mind.
Charles glanced at Erik and I for a moment, and we all share a look.
"Let's go," Charles ordered.
"Hey, do you know what's wrong with Charles?" Raven asked, as she pushed the barbell up and back onto the rack. "He's been upset ever since we came back from the park," she commented, maneuvering her way from under the bar and sitting up.
I paused mid crunch and relaxed, looking between my legs to look at Raven, "Yes," I answered, sitting up and hugging my knees. "I'm the reason he's upset," I confessed, and Raven's eyes widened. "I did something that made Charles quite upset," I explained, pushing away the fly-away hairs escaping my bun.
Raven crossed her arms and wandered over to me, "Claudia Walker making Charles Xavier mad, I never thought that I'd see the day," Raven quipped, before sticking her hand out to help me up.
"Neither did I," I stated, shaking my head.
"I wouldn't worry, Charles can't stay mad at you. He likes you too much," Raven reminded with a giggle, as I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.
The sudden motion made me feel dizzy, I slowly walked over to the towel basket and plucked one out, "I don't know Raven, he seemed pretty upset," I doubted, dabbing the cloth against my face and closed my eyes trying to stabilize myself.
"What did you do?" she asked curiously.
Opening my eyes as my vision had stopped spinning, I removed the towel from my face, "I made these two men fight for entertainment," I explained, and Raven’s brows raised. "Erik and I wanted entertainment, we had gotten bored at the park," I continued, beginning to leave the room. "Do you know where I can Charles? I should probably go make things right," I added.
"In the library, most likely. Where else would he be?" Raven joked, and I nodded my head in agreement and laughed before exiting the gym.
I wrapped the towel around my neck and made way down the hall admiring the paintings on the wall as I headed to the library. The door to the library was cracked, slowly pushing it open revealed Charles standing in front of the window. I walked quietly into the room but he didn't turn around, he simply waited for whoever had entered to speak first. Out of the corner of Charles' eye he saw me move to stand beside him, still not saying a word.
At last, I broke the silence, "It's clear that you're upset with me," I began, searching his face for a reaction, but there wasn't one.
"How about disappointed?" he corrected, still looking out the window. I turned to look at him again and I was surprised to find his face free of anger, his face was calm. "You could have seriously injured those men Claudia. Worst, you could have killed them," Charles stated grimly, staring at me.
Backing away from where Charles stood, I sat down on top of the sofa, "Oh, come on, I wouldn't have let it get to that point," I answered, crossing my arms and returning Charles' stare.
He turned all the way around to face me, "It should have never happened in the first place!" Charles argued, slightly raising his voice. "Why on God's green earth would make those men fight?" he questioned, throwing his hands up.
"For fun, I suppose," I answered, with a slight shrug.
Charles scoffed, "That's your definition of fun? he asked incredulously.
"Fun is interpreted differently from person to person," I countered.
"No, I don't believe that's the whole story. I have never seen use your powers so irresponsibly. What is going on with you?" Charles asked again, walking towards me.
I pushed off the sofa, "You have been mother henning me for two days straight and I'm at my wits end here! I needed a release!" I snapped, spreading my arms out. "I'm not myself for one day, and for two days you have constantly been over my shoulder like I'm some fragile-" I continued pointing my finger, until another wave of dizziness me, this time stronger than before.
I felt myself falling as my vision slightly darkened, but a pair of arms caught me before I fell to the floor.
"Hey, I got you, I got you," Charles repeated softly, my head leaning against his chest. He lowered us to the ground slowly, "I'm going to pick you up, alright," he announced, before hooking his arms underneath my legs and slowly lifting me up. He walked over to the front of the sofa and placed me down onto the plush cushions. "Good thing I've been a mother hen, right?" Charles asked smiling, his hand brushing away a stray lock of hair from my face.
"I guess it paid off in the end," I conceded, smiling weakly as Charles sat on the edge of the sofa.
He placed the back of his hand against my forehead and frowned, "Claudia, you're burning up," he noted, removing his hand. "I knew you were pushing yourself too hard these past two days," he continued, placing each of his hands down on the cushions on either side of my waist. "Why didn't you tell me, love?" Charles asked quietly.
He was tense, his hands were clenched into fist by my side, I lifted my arm and soothingly rubbed his arm and felt the muscles in his arm slowly release some of their tension. His blue eyes met mine and he relaxed a little more.
"I thought I could push through it, I've done it before," I explained, giving him a small smile in an attempt to make him feel more at ease. "I really didn't want you to start smothering me anymore," I added, a short laugh erupting from me.
Charles shook his head gazing down at me with worried eyes, "Yes, and look where it's gotten you right now," he remarked, shaking his head once more. "You are so guarded at times Claudia, you've got to learn that not everyone wants to hurt you. I want to help you, I truly do. But I can't do anything unless you can accept that," Charles stated.
I was shocked by his bluntness and stared at him in shock, being quiet for several moments and looking away. When I didn't answer, Charles reached for my hand and held my hand in his.
"Do you trust me Claudia?" Charles asked softly.
It was such a simple question, yet I knew it meant a lot more to Charles...and myself. I stared up at him saw the genuine concern written across his features, and knew that what he told me was true.
"You're the first person I have trusted in years, Charles," I admitted softly.
The telepath gave me the most adorable, beautiful grin of relief, "I'm honored," Charles answered, and lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the palm of it. The simple gesture made my stomach flip. "Let's get you some rest, yeah?" he suggested, nodding his head toward the door.
Chapter Twelve: What Are These Feelings?
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vexfulfolly · 4 years
The Fondest Memories
hi @cosmicpines I was your gifter for @codesecretsanta!!! I hope you enjoy!
It seemed like a great idea, bringing Aelita into the real world and enrolling her at their school. It wasn’t like they didn’t have time to plan things out— to make sure her transition was as smooth as possible— because they had plenty of time to do so. Whether or not that time was spent agonizing over details that were practically meaningless until confronted later. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there was their daily motto for almost an entire year. 
So they weren’t exactly thinking it all the way through when they created Aelita’s new identity. At a glance, it was watertight. No one would dare to look too deep into anyone associated with the de la Robbias. Looking at Odd’s records was an absolute mess, so why even bother with Aelita’s? 
It was a quick way to get her in the door and out of deep scrutiny, but that in and of itself presented problems. Like right now. It was a month before winter break and each warrior’s family was making plans to bring their children home for the holidays. Except Aelita. 
As it stood, there were only two viable options; someone had to take Aelita home with them (which would be the markedly tougher option), or someone would have to stay behind with her. Despite being somewhat acclimated to Earth, she was still wobbling on fawn-like legs during social situations. Or most situations, granted she was unsupervised. 
Which was what brought everyone together on a crisp afternoon in early November, piled into Jérémie’s room and in deep discussion.
“I hate to say it, but I can’t stay,” Jérémie sighed. “My parents have already booked a flight for me. They thought having a tropical Christmas would be a good idea for some reason.” 
To add insult to injury, he sounded truly apologetic. 
“I’ll be around the corner, but granted I don’t stay at the dorms anyway, my parents definitely won’t take well to me “sneaking off” during family time,” Yumi grimaced, making sure her displeasure over the last few words was clear. 
If the rest of the conversation went as positively as this first two minutes had, they were all screwed. The only two people that remained were Odd and Ulrich— the two people most likely to want to stay at Kadic through the break. 
Odd snorted. “My parents won’t even notice if I’m here or there, but they did book train tickets. If I never showed, they wouldn’t care. So, what say you, good buddy? Am I staying behind or have you already worked it out?” 
Every eye fell on Ulrich in anticipation. 
“I’m staying,” he said simply. 
He was met with several sighs of relief, and one disappointed Odd. “You’re really gonna make me go?” He pouted, though it sounded more like a demand. 
“Yeah, otherwise Jim will get suspicious of too many of us staying behind. Besides, you’ll be able to let Kiwi play in the snow without worrying about getting caught.” 
The resulting whine from the blonde was a cross between exasperation and resignation, and Ulrich had never heard a sound so sweet. Aelita decided she’d make presence known at that point, carefully patting the blonde on the back as he grumbled. “Well, what do you even do over a break? Especially the winter one?” She asked. 
Ulrich shrugged. “Winter stuff.” 
The topic was dropped. 
The first day of the winter break was reserved exclusively for seeing the gang off. Most kids were heading home, though a teeny-tiny minority stayed behind. Ulrich and Aelita were now a part of that minority. 
By the time everyone had left the school, and the halls no longer buzzed with sound, dinner was ending and it was almost curfew. Aelita and Ulrich had spaghetti and meatballs together— much to Odd’s vocal displeasure when he saw it on that evening’s menu— and parted once they reached the dorms. 
“What will we be doing tomorrow?” Aelita asked. 
Ever the over-communicator, Ulrich glanced out the window at the blanket of snow that never seemed to stop growing. “I’ll introduce you to normal winter stuff. Dress warm, we’ll be outside,” he said before waving. “Good night.” 
The next morning found Ulrich walking Aelita through the woods. They wound through thickets and tall snow banks, truly getting to experience what winter had to offer. It was a quiet walk (though, at this point, it was more of a hike than a walk). As they approached the tree line, Aelita’s emerald eyes caught sight of the factory from between the bare trunks. 
“The factory?” She blinked, like it was the last place she’d expect to see. “Why are we here?”
“We’re not here for the factory,” Ulrich started. The duo broke through the edge of the forest and basked in the midday sun. It was then that Aelita noticed that the water that acted like a moat was frozen. 
“We’re here for the lake.” 
Suffice to say, without ice skates, music, and other skaters, the duo were nothing but inelegant. Ulrich taught Aelita how to slide about on the ice, how to skid into something resembling a stop, and getting her to glide backwards. Eventually their ice skating devolved into races around the factory, and to hockey— which they played with two tree branches and a pine cone. 
By the time they started heading back to the school, the sky was dimming. Aelita’s cheeks were cherry red and her breath was coming in short puffs of exhaustion, but the grin on her lips was the most genuine thing. Ulrich even found his own lips tilting upward at the sound of her elated laughter. 
“Oh, that was wonderful, Ulrich!” She beamed, bouncing to and fro through the snow banks. “Can we do this again tomorrow?”
He fought off a chuckle. “Sure. I can show you the other stuff later.” 
Though her curiosity was piqued, she didn’t inquire further about the “other stuff”. Ulrich was coming to realize that she liked surprises. 
Aelita hummed happily the entire walk back to Kadic. The thought made Ulrich warm. When they stumbled back indoors, the fiery sensation of needles on bare skin told the duo they’d been out a bit too long. The back of Ulrich’s thighs were on fire, and Aelita’s fingers cried out in pain. 
She was wincing and nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot when Ulrich pulled her out of her head. 
“There’s only one cure to freezer burn,” he started leading her to the cafeteria, though dinner wasn’t going to be served for hours. “C’mon, I’ll show you how to make it.” 
When they made it into the cafeteria, Ulrich made straight for the kitchen doors, which gave Aelita pause. Students weren’t allowed in the kitchen on a good day— what made Ulrich think trying to get in there over winter break would be a better idea? Even then, one of the lunch ladies was probably in there starting on dinner. They’d be caught in no time, so what was Ulrich planning? 
“You coming, Princess?” 
Aelita had been so deep in thought that she’d completely stopped walking, and was staring intently at Ulrich’s relaxed form. 
“Are you sure that—“
“We’ll be fine. Trust me.” 
With Ulrich acting as cocksure and confident as Odd, Aelita could do nothing more than follow behind him and hope for the best. The moment the door swished shut behind her, Ulrich was greeting Glenda with a nod before heading to the opposite side of the kitchen. He flitted in and out of cupboards and pantry doors before placing a shallow pot on the stove. 
He was still gathering things here and there when Aelita asked, “Why aren’t we getting in trouble?”
Ulrich placed two mugs side by side on the counter. “Odd and I have had our fair share of early mornings and late evenings. Glenda’s always the first one in and the last to leave. Let’s just say, she’s fine with us being here so long as the other students don’t know and we pick up after ourselves.”
Aelita didn’t know why she was so surprised by that fact. Of course, every warrior had their fair share of trauma from Xana. If Odd and Ulrich suffered from nightmares or insomnia, Aelita was no one to judge. Shaking herself from her thoughts, she watched as Ulrich melted a good amount of chocolate in the pot before mixing in some milk. He stirred it lightly for a few minutes more before splitting the contents of the pan between the two mugs. He added a tad extra milk to each one before passing the pinkette a plastic spoon. 
Ulrich tilted his mug in her direction, as if to toast. “To winter break?” He asked. 
“To winter break,” she replied. 
Their cups clinked together, and the second day of winter break came to a close. 
“Since when did you know how to cook?” Aelita asked later that evening. “I didn’t take you as one to— not to offend— be knowledgeable about it.”
Ulrich chuckled lightly. “I’m a terrible cook, I just know how to make hot chocolate. My mother taught me when I was younger. Every year we’d play hockey in brook behind the house, and when we came back we’d make hot chocolate to warm us up.”
Ulrich hasn’t said that many words directly to Aelita for almost as long as they’ve known each other. 
Aelita smiles tentatively. “That’s… really nice.”
Ulrich hums warmly before waving good night to the girl. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early,” he says. 
And Aelita can’t stymie the excited laugh that bubbles up from within. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” 
Even as they walk their separate ways, Aelita likes to think she sees a ghost of a smile on his lips in the reflection on the windows. 
By the time winter break is over, Aelita has been officially inducted into the exclusive group of students given kitchen rights. Four days after starting classes once again, Aelita finds herself standing in the kitchen at half past the witching hour, wondering why her world weary body brought her here. When Glenda sees the girl half asleep in her cup of cocoa, she simply gives the girl a nudge and pushes her out. “Wait! I didn’t get to do the dishes!” She tries to argue. 
“Get some sleep before classes start, and I might forgive ‘ya,” Glenda tuts, and Aelita knows that the lunch lady has won this round. 
When Aelita curls up in her bed, anxieties and nightmares long forgotten, she takes in the lingering scene of hot chocolate in the air and thinks about Ulrich and the week of shrieking laughter and restrained joy they shared. 
Aelita sleeps through the first three classes and shuffles down for lunch looking like death warmed over, but Glenda serves her the best part of the lasagna with a knowing look, and the young girl dines with her friends. 
She feels more like a living, breathing human at that moment than during any other. 
To her, the most human emotion isn’t rage or something as simple as love, she thinks it’s the gleeful innocence of playing in the snow on a cold day, and the creature comfort that is fuzzy socks and diamond snow. 
She no longer feels in binary and thinks in CSS. 
The girl that is Aelita Stones is born on a cloudy day in December, and she is utterly grateful to the boy who pushed her into the wild and wonderful world she now resides in (even if he pushed her into a snowbank to do it).
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stories-sometimes · 4 years
Freaky Friday
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky and her hate each other, but maybe switching bodies can help with that.
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 1865
Her and Bucky hated each other, that was the only fact they could agree on. Everyone at the compound knew the smartest thing to do was to keep them apart unless they wanted to be in the crossfire of a petty fight. Leaving the two of them on their own while the other Avengers were on a mission wasn’t their first choice, but it was the only one they had. Her and Bucky were hit with a mysterious, unknown substance on the previous mission. And until people were confident there were no side effects, Bucky and she were under house arrest, trapped in the compound. 
“God, you have no fucking respect for people’s properties.” She screamed, storming into the lounge.
“What are you complaining about now?” Bucky groaned, dragging his eyes away from the late-night movie to look at the angry woman in front of him.
“You put your shirt in with my laundry.”
“Is that really what you’re making a huge deal out of.”
“When you put your red shirt in with my white clothes it is. Now they’re all fucking pink.”
“Oh, you poor thing, how will you possibly cope.” Bucky replied sarcastically.
“You are such an asshole. You can’t even find it in you to say sorry.” Bucky simply rolled his eyes in response. “Oh fuck you.” She shouted, throwing the now pink shirt in his face before walking off. She stormed to her room, stripped down to her tank top and panties. She lay down in her bed and tried to ignore the frustration she felt to try to get some sleep. Meanwhile, Bucky was sat contemplating his actions. He realised he was in the wrong, and should probably apologize. But there was something about the look on her face when she got her way that set off some feeling in the pit of his stomach. A feeling he wanted to forget about. An hour or so later he also made his way back to his bedroom. He removed his metal arm for the night, removed all clothes minus his boxers, and slipped under his covers.
The next morning she awoke to feel oddly heavier. Despite this, one half of her felt much lighter, creepily lighter. She opened her eyes, terrified to see a missing arm. She immediately pushed herself back. When she looked down she saw a hard plane of muscles rather than her usual chest. Her heart began to race faster, thoughts spinning in her head. She rushed to the nearest mirror, letting out a low pitched scream when she saw Bucky’s face staring back at her.
Across the hall, Bucky woke startled. He raised a hand to rub his head without thinking, a few seconds later realising he shouldn’t have that arm. He stared at the hand, a smaller softer limb replaced his. A few moments later Bucky saw a mirror image of himself burst into the room. He instantly jumped to his feet.
“Who the hell are you?” Bucky demanded, putting his hand to his throat when a female voice left his lips.
“It’s me.” The doppelganger replied. “Except your me and-” Bucky glanced down his top. He was definitely in a female body. He ran to the mirror, quickly followed by her.
“We’ve switched bodies.” Bucky said in awe. The two of them stared at their reflections, inspecting new faces carefully. Before long Bucky cupped his breasts, pushing them up and together.
“Get your hands off my boobs.” She demanded.
“Well, technically they’re my boobs.” Bucky said, still not removing his hands.
“I said get off.” She wrenched his hands away, snatching his wrists in one of her hands.
“Oww, what the hell?” Bucky shrieked. Thanks to the super-serum, Bucky’s body was much stronger than her own. And she had no experience or control over this power.
“I’m sorry, you’re a lot stronger than me.”
“It’s fine. We’ve changed.” He responded surprisingly civilly. “I mean I’m a lot hotter now.” He said, turning to admire his ass. She clenched her jaw, moving to her wardrobe to grab the baggiest clothes she owned and pushed them into Bucky’s chest.
“Just put the clothes on and stop talking about my body.” Bucky raised his hands in surrender, reluctantly putting the clothes on. “Can you help me put your arm back on?”
“Yeah sure.” They walked back into Bucky’s room. He found the arm and carefully secured it. “Okay, you need to relax your shoulder. Then slowly begin to move your fingers, then your hand and move up your arm. It might glitch throughout the day cause you’re not used to it but just reset the movements. Fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, full arm.” He explained.
“Thanks.” She said before retreating back to her own room. They avoided each other for the next couple hours, each trying to adjust to their new bodies. All while desperately searching for a cure. 
She eventually had to leave her room to get food. In the kitchen, Bucky was sitting on the counter eating a bowl of cereal. She poured herself a bowl and sat opposite him.
“So,” Bucky said, breaking the silence, “I was thinking.”
“That’s new.” Bucky shot her an annoyed look.
“As I was saying. I’ve been thinking that we should have sex.” He said bluntly. She choked on her cereal.
“What the fuck.”
“I’m serious. You’re hot, and I’ve definitely thought about fucking you. Honestly, if you weren’t such bitch I would’ve asked you out ages ago.”
“Wow, you really are great at flirting.”
“Alright, I’m sorry, you’re only a bit of a bitch sometimes.” She scoffed at his comment. “But I do think we should fuck.”
“Why the hell would I want to sleep with you.”
“Oh come on doll. You wanna tell me you’ve never wanted to know what it feels like for a guy. Look me in the eye and say you haven’t touched my dick cause you’re wondering what it’s like.”
“Well, I-, you can’t just -” She stammered.
“It’s fine. I’ve been doing the same. You’re curious about it, I’m sure as hell curious. So why not.” She thought about it for a while. She was curious, and when would there ever be an opportunity like this again.
“Wait really.” Bucky said, shocked.
“Yeah, why not.”
“Okay, okay. We gotta do the whole shebang, this is probably our only chance.”
“So what are you waiting for.” They quickly made their way to her room. Soon they were quickly stripping out of their clothes, immediately getting to business. Bucky lay back on the bed and she crawled on top of him, caging him in.
“Okay, it’s gonna feel a little weird at first, might be a bit uncomfortable. But I promise it’ll feel good after you get used to it.” She warned him before slowly inserting one finger into Bucky. Bucky gasped, pushing his hips up. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just give me a second.”
“This will help.” She said, flicking her thumb over the clit at just the right angle. Bucky’s discomfort morphed into pleasure.
“How’d you-”
“It’s my body, I know exactly what I like.” Bucky nodded at her response.
“Oh that’s good, more.” Bucky moaned. She complied, adding another finger while darting out her tongue to stripe up the slit. She kept going, upping the pace until she felt Bucky’s cum on her tongue.
“How was that?” She asked cockily, observing Bucky’s blissed-out expression.
“Holy fuck, that was - that was.” He tried to form a sentence, “And you can just go again, straight away?”
“Yeah, I can usually come like three times before I start to get really exhausted.” She confirmed.
“That’s fucking awesome.” Bucky pushed himself up, “And as good as that was doll, I wanna get down to the real action.” He pulled her up, kissing her passionately and grabbing the cock and jacking it off a few times. She let out a loud groan, quickly lining herself up and pushing in. It was strange for the both of them, feeling what the other sex experienced during, well, sex. It was all new to them, she got to feel the warm, tight grip, and Bucky got that perfect mix of pain and pleasure from the stretch. Moans filled the room, not letting up until the two of them came down from their highs.
"Jesus Christ that was amazing." She said between hey heavy breaths.
"Glad we did it?"
"Definitely." She admitted easily.
"So it feels like that every time for you?"Bucky asked.
"Sometimes the guy'll go a little too hard, and it just hurts. But when they get the balance right, it's fucking phenomenal, feel that good." When she went to sit back up the arm jammed. Bucky could tell she was about to get frustrated and soon intervened.
“Remember, fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, full arm.” He reminded her, cupping her hand in his own. “Fingers.” He repeated as she gained some control back, helping her to move them again, “Wrist, elbow, shoulder, full arm.” With his assistance, she got most of the movement back.
“How do you deal with this every day?” She questioned.
“I’m just used to it. Besides what else can I do?” He laughed a little glumly. “It’s not all that bad, definitely not the worse I deal with.”
“Nightmares?” Bucky nodded. “Yeah join the club. Look I know me saying this won’t really make any difference, you gotta accept it yourself. But what you did wasn’t your fault.”
“I know, it’s what everyones been telling me. I just got things to work out first. You know, I’ve read your file, the same goes for you.” He tried to reassure her.
“I was fully aware of what I was doing.”
“You were a kid, you weren’t thinking for yourself, you did what your parents told you to do.”
“So all the people I killed, all the lives I ruined, completely fine.” She scoffed.
“You weren’t in control. When you got old enough to be genuinely aware of what you were doing, you left, cut all ties and turned to fighting against people like that.” She turned away from, sinking into the bed. She heard Bucky sigh behind her. He slid down, deciding he wanted to sleep in her bed tonight. She flipped back over, cuddling into Bucky.
“Thank you.” She mumbled as the two of them fell asleep.
When the next morning rolled around they found themselves back in their own bodies, She felt Bucky shift behind her, going to move out of the bed.
“Leaving already?” She asked.
“Didn’t think you’d want me here much longer.” He replied sheepishly.
“Y’know, I had fun last night.”
“Really.” He brightened up slightly.
“Yeah, you can stay if you want.” Bucky was instantly back in the bed, wrapping his arms around her.
A few hours later the rest of the team returned, all shocked to find Bucky sat on the coach with her resting her head in his lap. Bucky gently runs his fingers through her hair.
“What the hell happened with you two?” Tony asked, sharing the same sheer shock of the rest of the team.
“Guess we learnt to walk in each other’s shoes for a while.”
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Winchesters and Angels (and God)
I’m gonna apologize in advance for the absolute trainwreck that is this fic. @malvenue and I spent 3 hours yesterday morning texting each other this mess and I decided I had to turn it into a fic and inflict it on the rest of you. So, here’s some Destiel and Sabriel crack. Enjoy!
Gabriel popped into the bunker and found Sam sitting at one of the tables in the library. He sat down in the chair across from him.
“Hey, Sammy. Did you know I have PTSD?” He couldn’t hide the shit eating grin on his face, but it didn’t matter because, without looking up from the book he was reading, Sam said,
“Don’t we all.” Gabriel’s face fell.
“Oh. Are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it? Do you need a hug?” He grinned again. “I could probably cure it with some CBT.” That got Sam to look up.
“Cognitive behavioral therapy?”
“Cock and ball torture.” Sam coughed.
“I’m just saying things until you say yes to something.”
“Oh. Okay, sure, we can do that.” Gabriel stood up and wrapped himself around Sam. “So, you want me to suck you off now or--.”
“You called?” Jack asked, causing both of them to jump. Gabriel was grinning again.
“Yeah, I was just telling Sammy that--.”
“GABRIEL, HE IS THREE!” Across the room, Dean leaned closer to Cas and said,
“How come you know exactly what I want, but Gabe can’t figure Sammy out?”
“He didn’t get to fondle Sam’s soul like I did with yours,” Cas responded matter of factly. Dean choked.
“I just hugged your soul with my whole true form to protect it from Hell’s flames and demons. I did try to just grip your shoulder but I was afraid I’d drop you.”
“CAN EVERYONE PLEASE LEAVE!?” Sam shouted. Dean stood up and took Cas’s hand, leading him out of the room.
“Did you really scream that loudly when you saved me that you woke Anna up from her angel coma?”
“I was very happy. You were so pretty. You still are butIi never got to cuddle a human soul before and the first one was the most beautiful one.” Dean felt a blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Yeah, okay, buddy.”
“I can still hear you!” Sam complained. “Go away! Gabe, stop touching me!”
“Sammy, you make it sound bad. I was just gently caressing your cheek.”
“Still a cheek!”
“How did this become my life?” Jack tilted his head, much like Cas.
“Is that something norm--.” Cas pulled away from Dean’s grip and stormed back into the library.
“No, son, cover your eyes.”
“GABE, I TOLD YOU, HE’S THREE!” Sam cried.
“Sammy, just give the guy a chance,” Dean said. “Also, he was two when he wanted to fuck that crazy chick on that one case.”
“Yeah, you still didn’t tell me about se--.”
“THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!” Sam was sounding more and more distressed by the second. Gabriel grinned.
“I can teach you about sex! Come on, Jack!”
“Gabriel, I don’t think that’s appropriate,” Cas said.
“Babe, relax, it can’t be that bad.”
“Dean, I’ve seen Gabriel do some very disturbing things involving various plastic objects and--.”
“ENOUGH!” Sam snapped. “Jack, I’ll tell you, okay? Just please stop guys.” Gabriel smirked.
“Come on Sam! I thought you liked when I--.”
“STOP!” Dean grinned.
“Wow, Sammy, you really--.”
“NO!” Jack looked between all of them, utter confusion written all over his face.
“You totally do!” Dean crowed. San narrowed his eyes.
“Oh yeah? Well have you told Cas about that time in the backseat of the Impala?” Dean stopped laughing immediately.
“Do. Not.”
“I am a celestial being, Sam, and I used to watch over Dean almost all the time,” Cas said and Dean’s eyes widened. “Which time are you referring to?” Sam mirrored Dean’s expression.
“Well, it was--.”
“CAS, NO!” Dean interrupted. “Don’t. And what do you mean almost all the time?” Cas shrugged.
“I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”
“What could happen to me during sex, Cas?”
“Heart failure? Muscle cramps?” Dean had to admit, that was a point.
“Okay, but you didn’t have to watch.”
“I didn’t want you with Anna.”
“CAS!” Cas looked at him and Dean’s heart almost broke at the pain in his eyes.
“That was very painful for me.” Dean swallowed.
“Fuck, Cas, I--. You know I love you, right? I didn't realize back then. I'm so sorry. I'm a complete asshole. I promise I love you.” Cas smiled softly.
“It’s okay, Dean, I know.”
“I am GOING TO BE SICK!” Sam said. Gabriel pretended to wipe his eyes with a tissue from a box he pulled out of nowhere.
“My little brother has grown up so much.” Jack spoke up, clearly still confused.
“Dean and Cas weren’t always together?” Everyone turned to look at him. Dean frowned slightly.
“Why would you think we were?”
“BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE EYES!” Sam yelled. “Oh, here we go again. YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SO SNEAKY DIDN’T YOU DEAN? With all the longing looks and careful touches and mixtapes and--.”
“Shut up, Sammy,” Dean muttered.
“Yes, Sam?” Jack said. “I’m right here. Anyway I could always see Cas’s wings around Dean when they were in the same room.”
“WHAT?” Dean turned to Cas, who only shrugged.
“It’s not my fault you can’t see my true form. I had to make sure you were comfortable and safe.”
“Even now?” Jack asked. Sam turned to Gabriel.
“Keep your wings away from me, Gabe.”
“Actually, he--,” Jack started.
“OF COURSE, SAMMY!” Gabriel interrupted loudly.
“Someone please just kill me,” Sam said. “Just end this.”
“Sammy, come on a little wing petting never killed anyone,” Dean said.
“If you died, you’d go to Heaven,” Jack stated.
“No one really dies in this family anyway,” Dean pointed out.
“Fuck you,” Sam grumbled.
“Me?” Gabriel asked.
“You know what?” Sam snapped. “If it shuts you up, YES!” Gabriel grinned.
“Sound proof your damn room, Sammy,” Dean said.
“Gabriel can do that for him like I did for--.”
“CAS!” Cas frowned.
“What? You said “Don’t break the walls with your angel voice and don’t let Sam hear me wh--.”
“CAS, DAMMIT!” Sam smirked
“You whimper? Awe, Dean, that’s kinda sweet.”
“That’s NOT what he was going to say. Right, Cas?” Dean shot Cas a desperate look.
“No. Of course not. He, uh, whines?” Dean hung his head.
“On second thought, kill me, too.”
“Sorry, Dean, no one really dies in this family,” Sam said with a grin. “Come on, Gabe.” Gabriel’s eyes glowed a little as he followed Sam down the hall. Jack looked at Dean and Cas.
“So…it’s all okay here?”
“Of course, Jack, why do you ask?” Cas asked.
“You all call me at least 56 times every day,” Jack said. Cas chuckled.
“Abuse of human language.”
“Cas, I cannot BELIEVE--,” Dean started.
“Sounds like conflict,” Jack said. “Bye, Dad!” He waved at Cas and disappeared.
“Dean, why are you upset?
“YOU DON’T TELL PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY NOT SAM, WHAT I DO DURING SEX! Unless it’s something absolutely awesome.”
“But you sound beautiful to me so that must mean that it’s awesome too.”
“Buddy…” Dean could feel himself blushing again. “Just don’t talk about that with anyone else, okay?” Cas paused a little too long.
“No one, I just…” Cas faltered.
“WHAT?” Dean watched a few tears slip down Cas’s cheeks.
“You’re just so loving that you sometimes can’t speak so you whimper and it’s just…it’s so beautiful, Dean.” Before Dean could even begin to process how to respond to that, Sam shouted from across the bunker,
“GABE, DON’T DO THAT!” Dean paled.
“Cas, please soundproof their room.”
“GABE, HOLY FUCK!” That was followed by some incomprehensible yelling.
“CAS, NOW!” Cas frowned slightly.
“They’re not in a room.”
“They’re…in the hallway.”
“SAMMY, I WILL KICK YOUR ASS IF YOU DON’T GO THE FUCK TO YOUR DAMN ROOM!” Dean yelled. Across the bunker, Sam looked at Gabriel.
“Does he think we're having sex?”
“I mean, I could make you sound like that if you let me,” Gabriel said with a wink.
“SAMMY, I SWEAR TO GOD!” Dean shouted and Sam dragged Gabriel back to the library. Jack popped up in the middle of the room.
“I just left, what now?
“Abuse of language, it’s okay,” Cas said. “We’ll say Jack if we need you, okay?”
“Oh, okay.” Jack disappeared again.
“Your kid takes things too literally doesn’t he?” Gabriel said.
“He did say Cas is his dad first thing,” Sam agreed. Dean studied his brother.
“Sammy, the FUCK were you yelling about? Are you hurt or something?”
“I can’t seem to find any injury,” Cas said. “I just get the sense that--.” Sam cleared his throat loudly.
“No, Cas, please continue,” Dean said.
“No, actually, I should go to my--,” Sam tried to deflect.
“Sam seems to be extremely aroused,” Cas said.
“I’m an angel, Sammy, I told you I can tell,” Gabriel said. Dean smirked.
“Awe, Sammy, that’s kinda sweet.”
“I didn’t do anything, Sam,” Gabriel said with a wink
“Gabriel did you just use your grace to--.”
“Shut UP, DEAN!” Sam yelled as Dean started laughing.
“Gabriel, it’s actually very nice of Sam to let you do that because Dean doe--.” Dean stopped laughing abruptly.
“What did we just talk about?”
“This wasn’t related to your s-.”
“Come on, Dean, a little grace never killed anyone,” Sam teased.
“Sam, I will kick your ass.”
“Don’t bruise it,” Gabriel said. “He has a nice ass.”
“Gabe, I swear to--,” Sam started
“Stop calling Jack,” Cas said.
“You know, Gabe, I think Sammy here would love you to bruise him a little.”
“DEAN!” Dean grinned.
“And I’m sure he would absolutely melt if you bite him a bit too.”
“I don’t hear you denying it,” Gabriel pointed out.
“No you won’t, Sam,” Cas said.
“Dean, continue, I’m memorizing,” Gabriel said.
“If I remember correctly, he also really loves when people lick his-.”
“DEAN WEARS PANTIES!” Sam yelled. Dean rolled his eyes. That wasn’t much of a secret anymore. So, of course, Cas had to open his mouth.
“Well, actually--.”
“What now?”
“No talk about my underwe--.”
“No, no, Cas, please continue,” Sam interrupted.
“Since you didn’t let Dean finish I’ll just lick all of Sam till I figure out what he wanted to say,” Gabriel said.
“Sam is aroused again,” Cas commented.
“CAS!” Sam whined.
“Why is everyone yelling at me?”
“Not me little bro. Not me,” Gabriel said.
“Yeah, but you never yell,” Dean pointed out.
“Yes, I do,” Cas said.
“I bet Sammy could make me scream,” Gabriel said with a wink.
“Just make sure to protect the room,” Cas said. “You will break everything if you--.”
“If you break ANYTHING with you weird angel shit I SWEAR TO--.”
“Don’t call Jack. Please,” Cas begged. “He doesn’t like conflicts.”
“I wonder where he gets it from,” Dean teased. Cas tilted his head.
“Me, of course.” Dean just shook his head with a fond smile. They stared at each other and Dean could feel himself getting lost in the endless sea of blue.
“Here we go again,” Sam muttered, rolling his eyes.
“I thought they’d stop doing that once they--.”
“Well, no such luck apparently.” Gabriel shrugged.
“Guess eye fucking is easier.”
“I am not having any kind of intercourse with my eyes,” Cas said, breaking eye contact. “I just stare deep into Dean’s soul and--.”
“Cas, please, not now,” Dean said, blushing furiously. Cas squinted at him.
“You know what, Dean? Why don’t you just tell me when I’m allowed to speak.”
“Wow, Dean, I knew you were an asshole but really?” Sam said. Dean ignored his brother.
“Wait, no, Cas I’m sorry.” Cas just stared at him, looking like a kicked puppy.
“Damn, bro, you really fucked up,” Sam said.
“Sam, shut up! Cas, look, let’s just go to our room and--.”
“‘Our room’. Wow, congrats guys!”
“Sam, SHUT UP!”
“Sammy, does that mean your room is our room now?” Gabriel asked.
“No, Gabe! We are not a couple!” Gabriel mirrored Cas’s expression.
“Damn, bro, you really fucked up,” Dean smirked. Sam rolled his eyes.
“That won’t work on me, Gabe. We are not a couple.” Gabriel shed a single tear. “Not gonna work. You’re not my type.” Gabriel turned to his brother.
“Cassie, come on! How do you do it?”
“Well, you’re at the beginning, so you could try showing the shadow of your wings and breaking some glass. Maybe let him stab you.”
“THAT WAS NOT FLIRTING!” Dean insisted
“Of course it was,” Cas said.
“I was trying to kill you!
“Well, I was trying to prove I was strong because I know you want to be protec--.”
“Right. I forgot I’m not allowed to talk unless you tell me to.”
“Awe, Dean, are you a little spoon?” Sam asked.
“Yes,” Cas answered.
“So, you don’t want to be anymore?” Cas asked. Dean closed his eyes for a moment.
“Cas, please stop.”
“Sammy, you can be whatever spoon you want,” Gabriel said.
“Still not into you.”
“I bet Sammy’s a big spoon because he’s a control freak,” Dean said.
“Also, even Cas said you’re aroused when I talk to you so you’re lying, Sammy,” Gabriel pointed out. He turned to Dean. “Also, Dean, that’s sizest. I can be a big spoon!”
“Gabriel’s true form is quite large indeed,” Cas said.
“It’s not sizest! Cas is shorter than me!”
“SO YOU ADMIT IT!” Sam yelled.
“Sam is not a female dog,” Cas said. Dean sighed.
“Cas, don’t do that.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to shut up.”
“The only one who should shut up is SAM!”
“Now listen here you jerk--.”
“Oh, Sammy, you’re so cute when you’re angry,” Gabriel said.
“Gabriel, I swear I will fucking gag you.”
“Oh, PLEASE DO!” Sam groaned
“Sam, I don’t think you’re gonna win here,” Dean said.
“Sam is aroused again,” Cas stated. Dean grinned.
“Cas, did I tell you how much I love to hear you speak?” He turned to Gabe. “I told you Sam is a control freak.”
“I have no problem with that.”
“You can all go straight to hell,” Sam muttered.
“We’ve all been there, Sam,” everyone else said at once.
“Hey, Sammy, what were you planning on gagging me with?” Gabriel asked.
“Keep talking and you’ll find out,” Sam threatened.
“If I can choose, please gag me with your--.”
“Gross, Gabe!” Dean complained.
“But, Dean--,” Cas started.
“CAS, NO!”
“One moment I’m not allowed to talk, then you love it when I speak. Make up your mind please.” Dean pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You know what? I'm done with this. I'm going to bed.” He turned to leave. Cas, you’re coming with.”
“It’s 4:30 in the afternoon,” Sam said.
“Never said we were gonna sleep, Sammy,” Dean said with a grin and a wink. Cas’s eyes started glowing a little. Dean grabbed his arm. “Come on, buddy.” They left the room and Gabriel looked at Sam.
“So, big guy, how much do I have to talk to get to choke on your--.” Sam grabbed Gabriel’s arm.
“COME ON THEN!” Gabriel grinned.
“Yay, I win!”
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Inferno: Part 1
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader (sort of)
If anyone would like to be added to my Peter Parker, Marvel, or Forever Taglist, let me know. Also, if you’d like this to be made into a series, tell me. I quite like this idea.
Peter strolls into the compound quite happily, actually. Flash hadn’t bothered him at all that day and he and Ned have plans to see the new Star Wars movie over the weekend. He’s also, like, ninety percent sure that he completely aced his Spanish quiz. The drive over was nice—the sky is clear and it’s not too cold, and Happy actually seemed pretty happy to see Peter.
All in all, a pretty good day.
That is, until he hears the screaming.
His heart drops. Peter drops his backpack and sprints in the direction, already equipping his web shooters. “Mr. Stark! What is it?” He bursts into the room, which happens to be a private conference room of Tony’s, and, panting, demands, “Monsters? Aliens? People with guns?”
Pepper and Tony separate and stare at Peter, shocked. Apart from them, the room is empty save for a table, six chairs, and a TV screen. A TV screen that displays the picture of James Rhodes.
“There’s not a threat, is there?” the teen asks flatly, a little embarrassed with himself that he’d overreacted. He relaxes and takes off the webshooters, stuffing them into his back pocket. “Why were you guys screaming?”
“It’s just so wonderful,” Pepper gushes, her hand on her chest. “After so long, Y/N’s finally going to be released and pardoned.”
Peter gasps. “Inferno? She’s going to be released?”
Tony smiles. “I take it you know of my daughter.”
“Not a lot.” Peter rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. “She’s kind of a mystery, honestly. I felt really bad when she got arrested. It sucks that she hasn’t been allowed out or even on social media. I follow her! I have for a while.”
“Maybe I should tell you about her,” Tony says, rubbing his chin. “So you know what to expect.”
“Y/N’s kind of a shock to the system,” the picture of Rhodey chimes in, and Peter realizes that it is not a picture but a video call with the colonel. “Smart and abrupt.”
Trying not to look too eager, Peter nods. “She just sort of appeared in 2012. Did you know she’s a little more than a year older than me?”
“Yes, I did, Peter,” Tony replies, amused.
“I’ll get you guys some food.” Pepper drops a kiss onto Tony’s forehead and pats Peter’s shoulder as she passes. “We’re leaving in an hour.”
“Wait, are you going to pick her up now?”
“In an hour,” Tony repeats. “Would you like to come with us?”
“Is that even a question? Inferno’s only the coolest person ever. She inspired me to be Spider-man, you know. I had no idea what to do with my powers until I realized I could do what she did! She’s so cool.”
“Believe it or not, Y/N wasn’t born with her powers.”
“Really? I always thought that her mother must have been superpowered or—or maybe she was exposed to radiation when she was a baby!” Peter gushes excitedly. “Ned thinks she was thrown into a radioactive volcano. MJ thinks she’s an alien!”
Rhodey snorts and covers his mouth with his fist.
“Will you tell me?” Peter asks, a little shyly.
Tony smiles.
When Tony was younger—almost twenty years younger, when he was still young and carefree—he met a woman at a party. They had a nice talk with each other and they parted ways.
Okay, so they did more than talk. Whatever. And sometime in the next year, 2000, the woman gave birth to a little girl named Y/N Hansen. Her mother, Maya Hansen, decided not to tell Tony that she gave birth because she wasn’t sure if the child actually was his.
There weren’t a lot of other men that could be the child’s father, but Maya hoped any one of the few were the one over the famous playboy billionaire philanthropist.
Fast forward twelve years and Maya Hansen is working with Aldrich Killian, who promises that they will be the heroes of this generation. He promises what they are doing will cure everything. He promises a lot of things.
And then he kills her. And he gives little motherless Y/N a twisted version of the Extremis, a kind that wraps itself into her DNA so tightly it could never be ripped out, a kind that is designed to hurt her and those around her until it fully attaches, if she doesn’t die in the process. Why, you ask? Because he knew fatherless Y/N wasn’t actually fatherless. He knew that Maya Hansen knew her father was Tony Stark. If Tony Stark isn’t going to help him, if Tony Stark isn’t going to cooperate, then he’ll hurt Tony Stark’s kid.
He wasn’t counting on two things: Tony Stark not knowing who Y/N Hansen is except that she must be Maya’s child, and Y/N’s body not rejecting the Extremis, though whether that is because she is so young or because of the twisted Extremis, nobody knows (and if Killian lived longer, he would have started injecting younger children to see if they are more flexible because he really wasn’t right in the head).
But Tony Stark takes the child and leaves her at Harley Keener’s house.
Killian finds the child. It’s not hard, with how loud she’s screaming (and the tracking device he’d injected under her skin). Tony Stark isn’t with her. He leaves the screaming child for dead and he kidnaps Pepper Potts and injects her with the regular version of the Extremis, hoping someone that Tony knows is connected to him will convince the genius to stabilize the serum.
Pepper kills him. Tony reverses the procedure. He removes the shrapnel from his heart and throws the arc reactor into the ocean. He even tracks down little Y/N when Harley calls him, saying that the girl he’d dropped off is still in pain, and he even is contacted by a lawyer that tells him everything.
So now he has a daughter. A superpowered daughter.
A superpowered daughter that the government wants their hands on, especially when she starts to run around as Inferno, a superhero name that Tony relentlessly teases her for. She doesn’t hide her identity, taking after her father, and she’s got quite a following on Instagram and Twitter. The government doesn’t like vigilantes. The government especially doesn’t like when vigilantes start injuring property and people, even criminals.
She’s not even in Germany when the fighting happens, but somehow they find a way to frame her (the fake witnesses end up dead in the hours between the faux-trial and her arrest). Y/N Hansen-Stark is arrested for something she was not involved in and thrown into an underwater ship along with a funny man that makes her laugh at first and Wilson, who tells her that her uncle was hurt.
Not even her father’s influence and the internet’s outrage that there is obvious proof she was not in Germany can protect her, but it upgrades her cage until it’s basically a home-away-from-home, except she’s being held captive and isn’t allowed to access her social media at all. She can merely browse, watching the outside world without being a part of it.
Tony can visit. He visits a lot. He talks a lot. He replaces her with a boy called Peter that he’s sure she’ll like, but Y/N’s sure she won’t.
The other prisoners escape. Y/N doesn’t. She could have already the moment she entered this cage, but unfortunately she’s a well-known public figure and going on the run would be quite inconvenient, especially once Tony’s smoothed everything over and she’s allowed out.
Y/N has to believe that she’ll be allowed out, that her father will save her, because even if he’s replaced her with Peter Parker, the public hasn’t.
Even though you’d spent the better part of a year underwater, it certainly hadn’t felt like it. Now, when you stand on the Raft’s surface and stare out at the endless sea, it hits you for the first time. Maybe if your mother hadn’t taught you to love the ocean, you would have been more scared, but you love to swim. You’d love to jump into the water right now and swim in any direction if you could, but there are guns still trained on you, despite the official pardoning. Being shot a few times would certainly put a damper on the day, even if it wouldn’t kill you.
Besides, your father is coming.
The air stirred up by his helicopter smells like sea, and you inhale the scent, eyes closing as you fill your lungs with air that hasn’t been processed for the first time in forever.
“That was quite an extended vacation,” is what you first say to your father as a free woman. “If the food hadn’t been so excellent, I might have been put out that my vaca was so... cramped.”
You accept Pepper’s hug graciously and peer behind her at the puppy-eyed, curly-haired boy standing at the back. He’s obviously a fan. He shifts his weight between his feet and waves at you shyly and you, despite yourself, wave back and smile. He’s quite cute.
Damn, not even fifteen minutes as a free woman and you’ve already found a crush.
“This one of your interns?”
The moment the words come out of your mouth your stomach drops because you know who this cute boy is. You know exactly who this boy is, because just your luck; the cutest boy you’ve seen in a year is also the boy you’ve sworn to yourself to dislike.
“He’s not just an intern,” your father says—proudly, like he’s never spoken of you.
The boy steps forward, thrusting his hand at you and beaming in the way only someone who’s never seen anything horrible could. He must spend his days rolling around on the ground with puppies and kittens.
The innocence might have been endearing two seconds ago. Now you resent it.
“I’m Peter Parker,” he squeaks. “It’s so cool to meet you. You’re, like, my—”
You eye the extended hand with disgust. “I know who you are, Peter Parker. You’re my replacement.”
Forever Taglist:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit @quiet-because-it-is-a-secret @iksey
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chupacabrasmustdie · 4 years
WIP folder cleaning continues! I think I have like… three or four more fics worth finishing in there. Gasp shock. This one's pretty PG but IS about shrapnel removal, so careful if that’s something you’d better not read about. Scroll down or read it on AO3!
Thanks to the ever great @venatohru ​​ for going over this <3 remaining mistakes all mine.
“So, doc. Tell me about--” Ree gasped as Carrington removed a metal fragment from her arm. “Little Carrington. About your life. Where are you from?”
Carrington didn't even look at her. “Is now really the best time for chit-chat?”
“Humor me,” she said through gritted teeth. The tweezers poked around the wound; she brushed sweat from her upper lip.
“Salisbury,” Carrington said eventually.
A chuckle. “England.”
“No way,” Ree exclaimed, sitting up straight and yelping at the sharp pain in her arm.
Carrington snarled and pushed her back on the stretcher. “Stay still, or I swear to god I’m tying you up!”
“All talk,” Ree sneered, but a wave of queasiness washed over her and she complied. Carrington resumed picking shards off her arm, shaking his head and muttering to himself.
“I didn’t know… I thought Europe was gone,” Ree said after a pause.
“Really? Why?”
“I don’t know. It made sense, I guess? I assumed everyone there had died when the bombs fell.”
Carrington shrugged. “Many died, and a handful survived, same as here. This is gonna hurt,” he said casually, and proceeded to pull what felt like a rail spike from her trembling arm. Ree tried not to whine -- and failed.
Slow. Breaths. “How did you even make it here? By plane?” The thought seemed pretty ridiculous, but then, so had the idea of survivors outside the States until now.
“By boat. My parents and a couple of friends joined their savings to buy their ticket aboard some billionaire’s ship.”
Trust men to keep milking each other for money in the middle of a nuclear apocalypse. "How old were you?”
“Four, maybe five.” Half Shaun's age. “I don't remember much of England, but the boat left a mark.”
“I can imagine.” She wracked her brain for the memory of a cruise gifted by American Airlines, most of it spent high on Mentats and meeting her boss below deck. The machine room had seemed like a dark, exciting place. “How was the crossing?”
“Unpleasant. I think that's the last of them,” Carrington said. “Let's get you patched up.”
She groaned. “Thank God! My arm’s about to fall off."
“Well, next time someone yells grenade, do us both a favor and run. Here, hold this in place,” he said, guiding her hand to rest on a cloth over the opposite arm. “More pressure, please -- yes, like this.”
Ree watched him mix a green powder with water, the smell pungent and medicinal. “What’s this?”
“It will speed up healing," Carrington said, giving the mix a few more whisks. "Help with the cicatrisation process. How’s your face?”
“Sore.” This got her a chuckle.
“Let me know if the headaches are too much. The black eye I can't help with, I'm afraid.”
“Deacon says it adds to my fearsome Railroad persona.”
“Couldn't have said it better myself,” Carrington smirked as he peeled the cloth off her arm. He nodded at the lightly blood-stained fabric and then set to apply the mixture to her wounds. The healing gel was cold; downright icy where the grenade's fragments had broken through the skin. “You're lucky the raider got most of it.”
Ree snorted. Arm fucked up, half a concussion, hair and side peppered with raider gore: she'd known better. Jacket ruined, too. Shame, it had done a great job at keeping her safe since she’d looted it from Kellogg’s back. She supposed she could just cut the second sleeve off, sew the hem properly, but she needed the protection on her arms, too. Obviously.
“You could just wear heavy armor, you know,” Carrington said, a touch of annoyance in his voice as he finally tied the bandage around her arm.
“Not a chance. You ever tried to tiptoe in that thing? Or crawl? We aim for discretion, as you well know.”
“You used a missile launcher in the middle of a Raiders’ nest,” Carrington pointed out. His brow didn’t even twitch.
She held his gaze, heat creeping up her face. “We came through, didn't we? And for the record, they had an Assaultron. Surely Deacon mentioned it.”
“Only ten times or so.” Carrington set to clean his instruments, effectively dismissing her. Ree got up slowly, pressing a tentative hand against her bandaged arm - and hissed.
“Any advice for my recovery?”
“None that you’d follow.”
Well, he wasn’t exactly wrong. “It’s nice to know you care,” Ree said, gathering her things. “I’ll leave you to it. Thanks for the lovely chat, doc.”
“Angry medic on your six,” Deacon muttered when she sat back at her desk. “You really need to stop riling him up.”
She supposed she could try harder not to rise to the challenge of Carrington’s abrasiveness, but unfortunately, she’d never been able to turn down a distraction. “What can I say, I’m irresistible.”
“With both eyes visible and a little less swollen, I’m sure.”
“That bad?”
“Nothing a little fresh air won’t cure, partner.” Deacon leaned in, fingers tapping on the terminal before her. “Ready for the next job?”
Her arm hurt, her head hurt, her hearing hadn’t completely recovered; truth be told, the one thing she was ready for was a nap. Or a Med-X, perhaps, but neither were luxuries the Railroad could afford.
“Always, but you’ll have to go easy on me.” She moved her bandaged arm, carefully. “My aim will probably be off for a day or two, and don’t you dare drag me in a melee. You’ll have to finesse it, Deacon.”
“You wound me. When am I not at the top of my game? Besides, we’re just gonna retrieve dead drops for now. Cleaning house can wait.”
Ree tilted her head at Desdemona, chain smoking next to the black board and its ever-shrinking list of safehouses. “You sure about that?”
“Dead men tell no tales, partner, and dead agents clean no houses.”
“I guess not.”
“Chin up. I’ll keep you safe until that arm heals. Well… mostly safe.”
Ree snorted. “That’s reassuring.”
“And if you do get hurt again, well.” Deacon let out a dramatic sigh. ”Guess there will be no choice but to harass poor Carrington over here for medical attention.”
“A damn shame.”
“My thoughts exactly.” Deacon’s smile grew wider. “So… ready to head out?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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Chapter 22 - It Pulls You Back
Seattle Washington, April 4 1990
(Andi is 20, Chris is 25)
ANDI: "This is the last box right?" I ask as I pick up a small cardboard box from the floor of our bedroom. I glance down at the contents of the box, making sure I wasn't forgetting anything as Chris comes back into the bedroom from loading up the rented U-Haul van.
"Yea babe," He exhales, flipping his dark curls out of his face.
After Andy had passed away, Chris had the idea for us to just get a place of our own. I think he just couldn't bare the thought of living here now that Andy's gone, and to be honest, I can't either.
I miss him every day and no matter what I try to do to take my mind off of it, all I can think about is how I wish I could've saved him. It kills me inside knowing that I couldn't. I've been time slipping more often over the last week because of the pain and grief I am holding inside and pretending that I'm ok when I'm not. Every time I slip, I always end up in that same spot, trying to get to him from the park and seeing him being wheeled away into the ambulance. Other times I end up in this apartment but still only after he had left for the hospital, but never in time to actually save him. I hate it. It's like re-living the same memory over and over again without anyway of changing it.
It didn't take Chris and I long to find a house that we both loved. It's a small 2 bedroom 2 story home, with a small basement for Chris and I to set up a practice/rehearsal space. It's not much but we love it and that's all that matters. The closing date was yesterday and so we immediately packed up as fast as we could to move into our new home. We honestly didn't have much furniture other than just a couch, a T.V and all of our bedroom stuff so the house is still pretty empty for now but we're working on it.
"You think maybe I should call Xana...? Maybe try and talk to her...?" I ask as Chris takes the box from me and places a quick kiss on my lips.
"No," He says shortly, walking out of the bedroom with the box in his arms.  "After the things she said, I don't give a fuck about her right now,"
Like I mentioned the last time, Xana hasn't been exactly on the best terms with us after that little blow up last week. A few days ago she decided to come back later at night, completely fucked up out of her mind on who knows what - coke, heroin and probably some whiskey mixed in there too I suspect - and attempted to take the last of Andy's things but all the while screaming at Chris about how he changed and how much of a 'fucking chode' Chris had turned into. I had never seen her act that way. It was completely uncalled for. Needless to say her and Chris had an exchange of nasty words with each other and he was about to call the cops before she finally took the hint to leave.
Why does this always happen when someone dies? Why does everyone pick sides and end up fighting and hating each other. Same thing happened with my mother.
I know I haven't really touched on the subject of my mother since the incident between her and my father, when I heard them fighting that night but I guess I should bring it up now.
Watching your mother die is a strange thing to go through at any age, especially when you're young. The summer I turned 16, my mother had become very sick really quickly. At first she thought it was the flu. She felt weak, feverish and would barely eat anything at all, always wanting to sleep and pretty much left me to take care of her and myself. This went on for weeks, much longer than a normal flu would last. I finally convinced her that I would take her to the doctor to see just what was wrong. After a few tests she was diagnosed with Cancer - leukemia to be exact. The type where you start to fade really quickly. If I hadn't convinced her to go, the doctor said she would've been dead within a week.
I had no idea what to think or what to feel at that point. It was like I was suddenly in a dream I couldn't wake up from. But I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself, I had to be there for my mother. So that same week they started her with a blood transfusion and chemo-therapy.
At first she seemed to take to it really well. She wasn't as run down as before and was almost back to herself. Then as the second round of treatments started, that's when the chemo sickness began to take over and it was almost just as bad, if not worse than if she hadn't started any treatment at all. In the midst of all this, I was also time slipping. Sometimes I'd slip for a few minutes and other times a few hours - you know the usual. But I'd always make it back in time for my mother.
Then after a horrible incident where my mother had to be rushed to the hospital because she was in so much pain she couldn't walk, she had told the doctors that she'd had enough. She didn't want to go through treatment any longer and that she would rather live out her last few weeks or months feeling normal again, than to prolong the inevitable. I tried to change her mind, that she had to keep fighting but in reality she had already come to peace with the fact that she had lived as long as she could.
I was angry at first. How dare she give up and basically leave me. I was 16 years old and I had no idea how to make it without her. Again, I was being a selfish teenager not really thinking about how much she was in pain. The chemo was only to give her more time anyways, it wasn't a cure for the type of leukemia she had.
It was the Spring after I turned 17 when she passed away. I'll never forget the day. It was a strange feeling being with her until the end, saying all the things that needed to be said so that she knew how much I loved her. I also did my best to not slip in the middle of it given the fact that it was the most gut wrenching thing I have ever gone through in my life. But something was keeping me there with her, not letting me slip and miss the last moments I had with her.
Making the final arrangements with my dad was weird. They hadn't talked to each other since their divorce but I couldn't do everything myself, I was just a kid. My mother's side of the family basically got pissed and fought over everything and I was left to live with my dad, who I hadn't lived with since I was 15. It was fine though and you know we're still close now but it was a huge adjustment for him since he was used to playing clubs and bars, travelling and hadn't really had the responsibility of raising me since I was 15 - well really since I was a little girl. Eventually he got used to me again, and it was like the bond between us never broke. I finally told him all the things I held inside since he moved out and left me with my mother. I became daddy's little girl again, though I was always his little girl, we just needed to make amends. When I threw myself into my schooling and playing so that I could graduate early, it was hard for him but I had to do it. As much as I loved the bond that me and my father had rekindled, you could say I still have unresolved feelings about my mother's death, since I basically have been pretty much numb from it since it happened. That's why I wanted to run as far from it as possible. So Seattle was perfect.
I still see my mom sometimes when I slip. It's usually only for a few minutes at a time, but I'll see her in the kitchen of our old house, or when my father is just walking in the door from a gig and she greets him with the love she had for him before everything fell apart. It's comforting to know that I can still visit her, even if she doesn't know I'm there.
"Babe...? You alright?" Chris asks me, breaking me out of my reverie as he appears at the front doorway.
"Yea... yea, I was just..." I exhale as I grab my bag from the floor of the now completely empty living room. I sling my bag over my shoulder and un-tuck my curls, then glance up into Chris's blue eyes that gleam.
"C'mon, let's go home," He says sweetly reaching out for my hand. I look around the apartment one last time, quietly saying goodbye to Andy, then I take Chris's hand and lock the door one last time.
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modestlyabsurd · 5 years
Alight Pt. 3 (Loki x Reader)
"That," he wiped his bleeding cheek, "was a big mistake."
He was gonna retaliate right then and there, the life leaving his eyes and rage consuming him. You prepared. He'd already gotten in a few licks leaving you pretty weakened. Arms were throbbing from blocking blows and your head burned in white hot pain. You're no match for Dickhead. But at this point if you died fighting him, so be it. It'd be better than living the rest of your life here.
As he lunged, he suddenly froze in place, and then your blood ran cold. His face disappeared - then reappeared in an instant.
Your heart beat so fast that your entire body was rendered paralyzed. Hallucinating - definitely hallucinating.
But it happens again; his face glitches from its brooding, bloodied features to a blank sheet of skin and back again.
He chuckles. His voice darkens robotically as his face goes in and out, like a TV with bad reception. "Looks like you damaged my screen."
The ground wobbles beneath your feet, but there's nothing around to steady yourself except for your own head - and it could explode at any second.
"What? Now you're scared?" He takes a small step forward, you take the same step back. "You should've been scared this entire time. You're not back home on Earth."
... What? How?
"Don't act surprised. But it's not an act, is it? You really thought you were smart. Humans are so laughable sometimes. Steadfast? Sure. But you're all so easily broken. That, and your inherent ignorance was the dead giveaway to your origins."
His dark, artificial eyes repeatedly go in and out and return to yours each time. He clears his throat and places his arms at ease. "Allow me to explain a bit about myself, since you were gracious enough to oblige me in a similar nature," he smiles, gesturing to his injured human cheek.
Your skin itches all over. Your mind is sending distress signals everywhere it can. Which, clearly, isn't far.
"I am a Chronomonitor. We are created and assigned whenever and wherever a reality is altered. I would normally explain the development process of how we're created, but I'd bet you don't know the first thing about quantum technology. Just like I'd bet you don't know the first thing about gamma radiation," he smirks.
Fuck ... what all do they know?
"But that's besides the point. I was created when the reality of Earth in the year 2012 was tampered with by undercover parties. I will cease to exist when my job is complete, which is to eliminate the threat and restore reality as it is. Until then, you're stuck with me indefinitely."
Wonderful, you bitterly think to yourself.
He dares to take another step closer, and despite yourself, you dare not to take one back.
"See how much easier things can be, if you're a good little human?"
A voice interrups through his radio, shouting urgently in their verbal codes. He tilts his head to listen and in an irritated rush he responds with an affirmation.
Now completely faceless, without concealment, he turns to leave. But not without a final word. "I feel like we've gotten to know each other a little better. No more secrets now. Right, Doe six one eight? Or, rather, little L/N."
He had the nerve to whisper your last name.
When the cell door shuts behind Mr. Chronomonitor, you start crumbling. Your legs nearly give way as you stumble back, back, until you hit the concrete wall and slide down, your throat constricting. They tracked you. They tracked the breadcrumbs, and you just gave them a freshly baked loaf with your name written on it.
You couldn't breathe. You couldn't think straight. All you could do was cry.
All you wanted was Loki.
Loki would know what to do.
Loki would know what to say.
Loki would protect you. He wouldn't let these forces get anywhere near you. He didn't! That's why your steadfast, laughable, ignorant fucking self is here in this space pit. Because he died protecting you from the true forces of the universe, and their crimes.
You wished that wasn't your last memory of him. That's why you've forced yourself not to think of him during this imprisonment. But things always come full circle. You should've known better. Loki always compared your feelings to a body of water, and said that the levee reserving the riverflow was made of fire. The flames will always succumb to the water at some point. Goddammit, you miss him. In the most selfish way possible.
He was one the few people in your life who accepted you unconditionally; he loved even the worst parts of you. Looking back, you took that for granted. A little voice keeps nagging you about it as time goes on, and in all honesty, you're starting to believe you deserve to stay here indefinitely.
You miss him. The hot, fiery tears leaving streaks down your swollen cheeks are the testament to it. You miss the real Loki. A far cry from who's out here in the timelines running amok.
It's the broken, vengeful, brainwashed monster that Thanos created in 2012 that's left. You think back to that distant, original little spark of hope; that maybe the real Loki is still alive and lost in there somewhere. Maybe you could find him, bring him to the light.
But that was then. Now, the chances of ever finding Loki are slim to none, and your chances of staying prisoner here are rising.
Oh for Heaven's sake. It was just getting good!
The melee had to end right when the mysterious neighbor had done what he couldn't do (what he truly wished to do if he hadn't a main objective) and that was provoke that oaf of a guard to the breaking point. But he remembers there's been no provoking whatsoever. Only silence.
And then a beating ensued, and even Loki had to turn away. He's not a sadist. He's more of a curious panther that's been reduced to a pathetic house cat.
Indeed while the voice of the Other continues to berate him for his childish approaches, and in a similar nature, Loki has chosen to ignore it. Temporarily, of course. It's not his fault that the daft creature cannot function under anything but its own direct orders. Loki enjoys chaos. And in this place, he doesn't even have to be the perpetrator.
Although useful in that he now knows a great deal more about these bots and their facility, this sort of chaos isn't exactly what he had in mind. Unlike the Other, as well as the Titan, hurting people fruitlessly doesn't interest Loki.
"Knock, knock," a voice sarcastically sounds outside the cell door.
Loki's ears perk and the hair on his neck dares to stand on end, but he doesn't allow it. He leans against the gray concrete comfortably, awaiting his visitor.
"Time for my interrogation already?" he chirps. The Chronomonitor - information accredited to his neighbor - opens the heavy door, bringing in shadowy dim light from the hallway. It appears as the same burly man with educated eyes and sturdy limbs, and a faint scar on its cheek. Loki cannot the smirk on his face as he eyes the robot, relishing in the secret knowledge he has. He distantly wonders how he'll use it to his advantage later.
"Afraid not," it shakes its head. "That's why I'm here. Mobius has chosen to delegate more time to another case over the next few days, so you're off without questioning today."
"What a shame. I was looking particularly forward to my session this afternoon," Loki feigns disappointment. He then inquires, "What could possibly interrupt such a cured routine?"
The robot ponders Loki, but in the moment, does not deem him disingenuous.
A mistake.
As if it's divulging a secret, the robot lowers its tone. "It's the person right next to you, as a matter of fact. She's been an absolute pain ever since she was apprehended a month ago. Mobius is even sicker of it than I am," it nearly growls, before recollecting. "But now he's finally ready to do something about it."
The way the bot's teeth shined in sticky enjoyment struck a nerve in Loki.
He tilts his head, playing along. "What do you think that something will be?"
"That's to be determined. Oh, and you didn't hear any of this," the bot threatens.
"Of course," Loki assures. Even though he heard every word of it.
The bot nods. It then scans the cell, as Loki crosses his arms and slides his tongue over the grooves of his cheek. The robot's eyes land on the uneaten breakfast tray next to the bed.
"Better eat. The cooks never cook that good."
"Merely saving it for later," he responds, voice clipped.
Awkwardly, the bot turns to leave. "Won't be another meal for a good few hours."
"Four hours. To be exact."
The bot looks back at Loki with bewilderment. Loki notes how easily angered they can become, if outwitted. Without another word it waves an arm dismissively and locks the door tightly behind.
It's just at the surface. But how did his neighbor do it so effortlessly?
A girl, he remembered. The robot referred to a girl.
He lay his head against the hard pillow of the wall, still propped against it. Outside his ever-racing mind, the world around him became quiet. Impossibly quiet; quiet enough to hear. Maybe enough to hear a pin drop, or a mouse scatter across the floor.
Definitely enough, he learned, to hear soft, barely audible cries through the thick walls of his cell. His eyes widened.
Female cries, he notes.
Loki's curiosity is getting the best of him. But he decides he'll deal with whatever repercussions there are.
Just for kicks, he creates a duplicate illusion of himself, leaving it on the bed. Then, cloaked in invisibility, he enters the cell next door.
The cells are similar - dark, unkind concrete. A bed. A sink. A toilet. A mirror, and something his own cell lacks: a door with a small window with a view, of another door. Loki's not surprised.
The prisoner is what surprises him.
A woman, indeed. Scrubbing at her face over the white sink, washing it in red. She pushed her hair back as it kept falling in her face, sticking to her blood. Wearing the TVA prison suit identical to his, her exposed arms were marked by violence. She turns off the sink and looks at herself in the mirror. If Loki were visible, they would've locked eyes right then and there.
She looked innocent, even babyish in the face. Something felt familiar about her. Strongly, strangely familiar, but he couldn't place how. It bothered him. The dark bruises littering her skin bothered him more; they pinched and scratched at his nerve endings.
He can't look away. In fact, he contemplates making his presence known to her, but hesitates as she moves to the cot.
Loki breathes.
Upon having a face to match with the body, he wonders. He's always been a good judge of character; what could that face have possibly done to be treated differently than he? He hadn't been assaulted by any guards or agents, even when he'd provoked them. Make no mistake, he's treated with less than respect, but not to the point of beatings at least. So what is it about this normal, non-threatening woman?
Still unable to look away from her, she lays on the cot, facing the wall - away from Loki. From this perspective she seems almost like a child. He sees her deep breathing and hears her silent whimpers; he watches her until she eventually falls asleep.
Resigning himself back to his own cell, he too lays on his cot. It's so boring here. Even with new guests, they fall asleep just as the story begins to barely unfold. A pity.
Who is that woman?
There's two sides to the coin that is Loki's thought process. It would be a lie to say he wasn't glad that the quiet one finally cried herself to sleep. But when has it being a lie ever stopped him from saying something?
tag list: @sydneyss-worlddd @afinedilemma @fire-in-her-veinz @belladonnabarnes @drakesfiance @internetgremlin @dragon-chica @triggeredpossum @tarynkauai @sadwaywardkid
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Thank you for the request ❤. No I don't find it uncomfortable. It seems interesting.
In this story I will make that she is pregnant before travelling back to the past. She went to Kyoto to escape from her abusive husband and planning to go to her parents' house, but then she is transported back to 500 years ago.
When she's arrived, she is already 6 months pregnant. This makes the Warlord (especially Hideyoshi) goes easy on her (so practically she didn't go to the war and such, or even riding the horse in such amazing speed).
MC is still MC and her personality, but with a secret, painful backstory that will be explored as her time goes by with the warlords.
Warlords Chosen : Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Ieyasu, Kenshin, Shingen and Sasuke
Eventhough she is pregnant, she is a brave woman. This what makes him attracted to her. Brave and not like those typical delicate woman of her time.
She is someone else's wife. But that didn't stop him from flirting with her. However as he locked her movement by pushing her onto the wall..
She started to tremble in fear, which surprised Nobunaga as her tears started to fall, apologizing non-stop to him.
Ever since then, he had stopped teasing her that way. He learned to respect her, and come to love the baby in her belly as his own. When they started to love one another, she is afraid whenever he wanted to undress her.
After a moment of reassurance, she slowly undress her Yukata, revealing her old scars.
Nobunaga was fuming when she told him the whole story. Right at that moment he swears that he will protect her no matter what the cost.
As he learned on how wormhole works, he had followed MC to the future (for her to give birth there) and with Sasuke's help, he track her ex-husband down.
To end his life completely.
He is reluctant at first. Typical Hideyoshi to be alert and sensitive and all.
But seeing her pitiful state, it took only a while for him to break the ice in his heart.
Why? MC has a habit of apologizing over a smallest thing, asking for forgiveness and a repeated words of "I'm sorry..! Please, please, please,..! I'm sorry!!"
He had loved her ever since then. He wanted to protect her at first, yet the feeling slowly emerge into a new kind of feeling, other than just a mere concern over her.
His calm and gentle demeanor makes her feel at ease and safe. And so she is the first one to tell him, why she has always been afraid even over a simplest thing.
When he knows, he was shaking. Shaking with anger. He gradually calm himself down, then automatically proposed to her right away. Swearing he will protect her forever.
Few months after the marriage, she gave birth. He loved the child just like his own--he is more than a happy father. The child looks exactly like MC, and he is glad for that. So she won't bring any trauma in her daily life.
He had helped her a lot.
They had started as friends, and Masamune had made her happy throughout their friendship.
He find her laugh is more precious than anything, he wanted to keep it there, forever, and he will make sure that she won't be afraid or traumatized again.
He have experienced when MC suddenly faint from the fatigue that she got from her lack of sleep. Her nightmares has been eating her from the inside, to the point as the month due had come, she is overwhelmed by depression. He have seen how she jolted awake and cried for help when he watch over her.
"It's him.. The father of this poor child. He had come to kill me even in my dreams..!" She sobbed and at that moment, he finally get to understand all the reasons behind her tiredness, and.. The scars and swollen injuries on some part of her arms.
He swore that if he could find the previous generations of that man.. He will make sure he will kill the whole clan so he will NEVER exist AT ALL.
"Unh..! M-masamune..! The baby is..!"
Her gasp of pain brings him back to reality. Screw that demon. Now it is his duty to protect her, and her child.
"Hey, Lass?" He brush among her hair locks before taking her hand in his as she is ready to push.
"Marry me after you give birth to my child okay? I will be here to make sure you give birth to it safely so for you to be my wife will come true." He kissed her as she whispered a "Yes", and stayed with her until the baby is born.
At first he find it annoying.
To appear out of nowhere, and with an unborn child even.
He choose not to get involved. But when there's one time she had screamed for help even when Masamune is joking by raising a hand to hit her playfully from their teasing to each other, he throw that thoughts away.
She had been abused by her ex-husband even before her marriage with him. Ieyasu clench his fingers tight when she showed them the bruises all over her arms and legs, and some huge scars on her back that is almost similar to a war scars.. Ieyasu find himself attached to her.
Because he had the same past.
Ever since then, he unconsciously protected her, making him out of his character by nagging at her just like Hideyoshi when she's about to carry heavy items.
When she chooses to go to the war to help around, despite the due is coming near, his heart nearly jump out. She insisted, saying "I couldn't imagine if those who can't be save.. How about their children who are waiting for them to come home."
He clench his fists as she rub her belly, "At least for this one.. It doesn't have to know about its father. My baby have me--unlike the children who are waiting for their own, who have a loving father--that is why I wanted to help, I-"
"I get it already. Just stay in the camp and never leave it, you got me? And another thing--"
He pulled away from the kiss. "It do have a father, MC." Her orbs widen, surprised but confused to his words. "H-huh? But he's- he is not--" He cupped her cheeks in his hand, resting his forehead on hers. With a blush on his face, he continued, "...I will make sure I come back to you and to our child safely. So wait for me."
He then rushed into the battle, aiding the other warlords. As for her, she have helped to tend to the wounded as much as she could. Then at the end of the day, they have won, joyous screams echoed the whole field. Again, as for her..
KLANG! The grip on the bowl of water in her hand fell as she moan from pain.
"Ieyasu-sama..! The Princess!!"
He had immediately return back to her, aiding her for her labor. Now all of them are nervous of the war between life and death and as the sunrise come..
A melodic cry fill the camp. He is the one who hold the baby as it come out of her, hear it cry in his ears, craddle it in his arms and taking care of MC throughout the process.
"It's a girl, MC. Our beautiful princess." He kissed her forehead and hug MC close to his chest. He look at the little bundle, feeling the enormous amount of love growing inside him, swearing an oath that he will protect both of them forever.
He didn't bother about her at first, as for the hate of towards woman. Despite that, the moment she trembled from his touch, his heart hurt so much. It reminded him of Isehime, so fragile and so delicate.
He came to be possessive over her the moment he had saw her scars and old wounds, more of the reason to cage her.
But the thoughts of him to think that she is similar to Isehime had failed when he saw the fire of bravery in her eyes. No matter how broken she is, she is willing to fight for the sake of her loved ones, and this is why he came to love her for who she is, and not because of his old lover.
The moment she went out from the prison of him, the more he is worried about her well being. She may be strong, but she would always have nightmares about her ex-husband. Kenshin swear that once the wormhole has come, he will go to the future and kill that man and no mercy shall be given to him. And he did. MC didn't stop him even though she is against violence.
He loved her child as his own even before she gave birth, being protective the little princess after she is born, sharing some knowledge of swords fighting with her so she won't face the same trauma like her mother and she can protect herself too, and her siblings that is soon to be born into this world.
First of all, the only thing that he know about her is that.. She is mysterious from where she had come from, saving Nobunaga and such.
The name of her husband is unknown, more like, she refuse to tell. She will change the topic whenever it touches about her marriage life.
He pitied her, wanted to protect her. He admit that he fell in love at a first sight, despite her being married. Yes. It was pity. But not anymore as he came to know the real story of her and how she ended up in the era.
They've come to love each other, and so is he to her unborn child. She had brought him to the future to cure his sickness, and he was there to help her with her labor.
With the help of Sasuke and her bravery, he accompanied her throughout the process of report for her ex-husband, for the sake of the child's future and her own.
Shingen had punched him so hard when he had the chance, it was very bad to the point his jaw mislocated (ouch).
"That's what you get for treating a Goddess with your violence."
Luck was on their side afterall, especially when they had returned back to Sengoku Era, making the ex-husband jailed in rehabilitation centre for trying to sue against someone that didn't exist (in the modern era), making the people think that he has gone crazy.
Shingen is married with MC happily, raising their eldest son with full of love.
He had loved her for 4 years, waiting to meet with her again.
Eventhough he is surprised that she's already with a child, his feelings for her never changed. He loved her despite the child is not his; he even find himself fuming when he knew the reason she came to Kyoto in the first place.
He vowed to protect her for the rest of his life. She deserves so, he thought. She deserves it. For someone who is in need of a desperate help like her, still had the empathy and kindness within her to save him when the wormhole had came back then.
When she knew his feelings for her, she was afraid. "My body has tainted with that man's touch. I.. I can't, Sasuke.. I.." She trembled, hugging all over her swollen belly with her arms, "He forced me. At times I can't help but wanted to end my life but.. My baby is innocent..! It is innocent, Sasuke..! I- nnh-"
He kissed her. Washing all the pain away. "Let me help you, MC. Allow me to help you. Let's get through this together. I loved you so much, as well as your baby too."
He had helped with the labor when the time has come, he had eased her pain by doing water birth so the process will be slightly better. He knew how afraid she were, and to avoid those depressing thoughts, he make sure that he is there all the time.
"She looks just like you, MC." He smiled, kissing the bundle in his arms. "I'm glad.." She whispered, hugging Sasuke to nuzzle together with their child.
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