#how did I not notice so many of these that Gus posted
mr-damian-s-power · 7 days
What if Lumity suffered from burn-out?
Sooooo.....Yeah, if you saw it, I made a post asking about the potentiality of Amity being a bit co-dependant. I've deleted it now because I see it was dumb and stupid and stupid and dumb. Amity is NOT co-dependant, she's just a bit clingy because Lumity is a teen relationship and they tend to be like that.
So, instead of that, how about I bring up something I feel could have been been very progressive. See, it's all well and good to show a healthy queer relationship, but how about we go a step further. How about we show that queer relationships can run into the same issues as straight ones? No, I'm not saying I wanted Lumity to start arguing and threatening each other with break-up, but running into that problem that plagues many relationships; burn-out!
Luz and Amity spend almost all of their time together. From what I can tell, Amity is almost entirely emotionally dependant on Luz. Tell me, wouldn't it be realistic to show Luz becoming emotionally drained by this? When teens believe they love each other, they tend to rush into relationships. These types of relationships tend to not last long, due to them not being emotionally mature enough to deal with real emotions. So, would they be able to spot the signs of burn-out if they made themselves known.
How about I give a little bit more?
Let's say that Luz and Amity have been together for a while now. They love each other! They spend almost all of their time around one another. It's great! At least, it would be, but Amity has begun to notice something about her favourite Human. Over the last few days, Luz has been acting different around her. Whenever she offers affection to Amity, her voice carries an undercurrent of weary obligation, or her smile doesn't reach her eyes. She seems tired!
Why is that? She seems to be getting enough sleep, so why would she be tired? And why...why does she only seem to be like that around her? Oh Titan, no! This was what Amity feared most! Is Luz...getting bored of her? But why? She's been a good girlfriend! They spend almost every day, and all day, together!
Is...Is she the problem? Amity begins overthrowing everything, trying to figure out what she did. She can't help but panic about the possibility that she's done something wrong. That Luz's strange demeanour is her fault. This does not go unnoticed by the other members of the Hexsquad.
Willow, Gus and Hunter discuss about what's going on with their friends. Luz isn't her usual cheery self and Amity now seems even more clingy than ever to her girlfriend. It may not be their place to stick their noses into their relationship, but something is definitely up. Well, Luz and Amity are almost always together. Luz often showers Amity with compliments, who always eats it up. Then, it clicks! That's what's going on here! Luz is suffering from burn-out!
The trio devise a plan to try and help with this issue. They come to a conclusion. Separating the pair for a day and getting to talking with them. Willow and Gus take Amity, while Hunter takes Luz. This would give the two some healthy time apart, and give their friends some time to interrogate them.
Amity doesn't take this well. She's constantly worrying about what Luz is up to, if she's angry or upset at her. Was all this set up by Luz to get away from her? She'll check in with a text! Just one and that's it. Gus and Willow put a stop to that! This isn't about Luz! Well, it is, but not ENTIRELY about her.
The pair reassure Amity's worries that Luz is not upset with her, or Titan forbid bored of her. The issue that's come up is burn-out. The pair spent nearly every waking moment around each other, and even though they love each other more than anything, that can be tiring. 'Time apart is healthy' they tell her. If you spend all of your time with someone, especially someone you're emotionally dependant on, it can lead to your time together feeling less special and could even lead to one or both of you developing negative feelings.
Amity will then blame herself. She thinks all of this is her fault for pushing Luz so much with needing affection, but it isn't her fault. She loves Luz and sees the world in her, but Luz can't keep up with the love all the time. She has to learn that Luz will always love her, but she can't ALWAYS love her. Even just a few days is all she needs to 'recharge' in a sense. She needs some time away from Amity, with her other friends or even just on her own.
This would also give Amity some time with just Willow and Gus. She can rekindle more of her friendship with Willow (which was very much sidelined. At times I forgot they were once friends) and get to know Gus (seriously, do they ever interact? Just the two of them, I mean?). Amity can be shown that she has friends outside of Luz who care for her and she can rely on. For the first time in a long while, her mind is off of Luz, and she doesn't mind it.
But what is Luz up to?
Luz is spending time with Hunter, who's trying to get her to open up. Does she know why she's acting like how she is? Burn-out? What an idea! Luz isn't burnt out, she's just....not getting much sleep! Hunter doesn't believe it for a second.
Hunter - "It's Amity, isn't it?"
Luz - "Hey, what are you trying to say? This is HER fault?"
Hunter - "I didn't say it was her fault, I was saying that this change in demeanour is related to her! I want to know exactly how you're feeling about her!"
Luz - "You're sure you wanna know?"
Hunter - "I want to know exactly how you and Amity are working right now! No sugarcoating!"
Luz - "Okay, I'll tell you what's up! I'm...tired, okay? I'm tired! There, I said it!"
Hunter - "Tired of what? Amity?"
Luz - *groans and rolls her eyes* "Don't say it like that......but yes! We spend so much time together. All day every day, she's there, even when I honestly just want to be on my own. Look, I love Amity! I love her more than anything, but I just...*sighs* I know it sounds really really selfish, but I just want some me time! I want to spend some time with King, or one of you guys, but Amity is always there!"
Hunter patiently watches and listens.
Luz - "And the worst part; I don't know how to fix this! If I leave it, I'm just gonna be tired all the time around her. If I ignore her, she's gonna assume I'm getting bored of her. If I tell her I don't want to spend time with her, she's gonna think she's a problem. How do I tell her about this without hurting her?
Hunter can then suggest just coming out and saying that you'd like some alone time, away from Amity. Even if it hurts her, this is no way to live, feeling constantly emotionally drained. She will understand that it is a good thing to have some time apart. Plus, it's only for a short time, a few days max.
Later that day, or the next, the Hexsquad meets up again. Hunter, Willow and Gus expected the separated lovers to rush into each other's arms, but they don't. Luz and Amity slowly walk to each other, both offering embarrassed smiles. Amity apologises that she's been overly clingy and making Luz feel emotionally drained, who in turn apologises for not coming clean about her problems and just leaving them to get worse.
The two girls agree that they should have just a few days apart, to 'recharge their batteries' as Luz puts it. But then, they'll be right back at each other's side. They come to an agreement that they should take at the very least one weekend every month where they separate and spend time with other people.
Did all this make sense? Thoughts?
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
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Oh look, it’s the echo mouse Musse.
…you know, I don’t think I ever explained why I call him that. It’s because the swedish name for Mickey Mouse is Musse Pigg. That’s it. But hey, he gets to have one last appearance, pulling a Cinderella alongside Bat-Queen’s kids. I mean, that has got to be a deliberate reference to the Disney animated Cinderella, right?
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Steve’s here too, of course, and he’s cutting into a cake. As someone who likes to bake but isn’t that good at it, I like to say that I’m not very good at making things that look good, but I can make things that taste good.
This is the exact opposite of that.
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And with King growing older and stronger, he’s beginning to generate his own magic and his own glyphs! Hmm… it looks like his glyphs have a different design, but i assume they’d be the same four elements.
(also, while rewinding the scene, I noticed Eda’s wearing Raine’s earring. cute)
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The crew, who know and love me, gives me just a few more pretty lights to look at with big wide eyes, drawn to them like a moth. The Collector’s in the neighborhood and decided to put on a big ol lightshow.
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On this last good bye, they threw in a few more characters, just for funsies. We’ve got Salty the boat captain, Willow’s parents, a couple of faeries, Gus’ dad, Tibbles, and that little kid from Separate Tides.
So… this is the end, huh?
What do I even say? What do I even say? What can i say about this show?
This liveblog exists because of The Owl House. At the time, I was in a creative rut and trying to find some way out of it. I figured maybe getting into a new series might help. I was also a fan of several liveblogs, and so I thought, why not try it? I figured it might get me back to writing.
My journey, as my loyal readers know, has not been always been a smooth sailing. It’s taken me a long time to get here; I finished this episode over a year after it came out for crying out loud. There have been times when I’ve been beat down and unable to create. But never did I lose my love for this show, to contrary, it only ever grew greater.
So yeah, good show, 6/10.
I’M JOKING! I’M JOKING, THAT WAS A JOKE! P-please put that down, it was only a joke!
Jeez luise, you people… ahem.
No, I love this show. That much should be clear, no matter how much snark I inject or how many sarcastic quips I sprinkle into my text, the time spent with this show has been genuinely good. And I joke about things, how we never got Bat-Queen’s backstory for example. But, well… there’s a good reason for that. This show deserved so much better, and the amazing crew deserved so much better. Still, they delivered a fantastic story, and I will undoubtedly return to this again and again.
So what comes next?
As I’ve already mentioned, I am going to watch and liveblog, or at least make some post about The Owl House pilot episode which was leaked a while back. i don’t know what the timeframe is on that, but hopefully not too long.
I’m also gonna keep working on that Vee fic. Speaking of which, I linked it earlier, but just in case you missed it, the first chapter (and a prelude) is up on AO3 right now. I’ll continue to post updates on here, so stay tuned for that as well. I don’t know how long it will take for that to get done, but I’m really excited to work on it, more excited than I’ve been for any creative work in a long time. I’m beginning to feel like maybe I’m not a complete and utter failure and a talentless hack.
Will I continue posting incorrect quotes? Maybe. I’ll continue as long as I get new ideas and I’ll stop when I run out.
But the real question is, what is the next liveblog? Well, I’ve said that already as well, but for those who weren’t paying attention…
The next liveblog will be Amphibia! I’ve bene looking forward to that one for some time now.
My aim right now is to get started with Amphibia in July. Why July? Because that’s when I go on my vacation.
I should probably also do some tidying up on this blog, do some upgrades. I also wanna clean out my askbox, cause, uh… I’ve got a couple of unanswered asks… some of which have been sitting there for a long time now… I should really get around to that.
For now… this has been The Owl House, I’m The Lampman, and I would like to thank you for reading. Take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
Our lives became a fairy tale Without rules or laws But is there anyone who knows? If the journey has an end?
The End… for now
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miasiegert · 1 year
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Hi Cats Tumblr People,
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So I heard you like pics.
Please bear with me (AND TEACH ME) how Tumblr works/if I'm doing it wrong! I'm literally the "How do you do, fellow young people?" meme. Our Etsy is linked (unless I messed that up!) Right now it's bare (LOT of work and VERY old photos in the banner) but we'll be posting some cossies soon that are ready to retire. Some of our prices sadly will have to rise (we undercharge honestly for the amount of time put into them... we just LOVE making them). Anyway...
These are our original designs. We have taken inspiration from different productions, from the US tour to Gothenburg to Australia to Japan, less UK because it gets the most attention and we like COLOR! but this is all us. Our goal is to a) have characters be recognizable and b) make swing unitards in palates that could pass as at least 3 characters for emergency. When our rentals go out, swing unitards go with them, and ultimately it's the director who decides what makes the final cut (so a less yellow Demeter for example--but we LOVE that one).
If we ever do a production of Cats with Chaz, you'll notice one in Red, White, and some Black (but mostly Red and White, with fan ears, that is a design David created and is Chaz's FAVORITE design of all time. Any time he does a show, if we're hired, that costume goes. Usually Electra, but any ensemble/swing kitty and can cover for Sillabub or in a pinch Bombalurina. Yuka wore it at Interlakes before she did Victoria on the last US Tour! You might notice an Admetus in tans and GREEN undertones--that was my design he loved. We also did the purple twins (which was vetoed and I said, "Okay" then did it anyway because I knew he'd love it, which he did!), and REBA Gumbie Tap Suit was completely mine (everyone thought I was out of my MIND when I started making it! Even David! Then the shoulder pads came, and the belt, and tail, and BEDAZZLING!!! SO MANY RHINESTONES!!!!) Our Misto coat lights up but we still have a lot to learn about arduino since we'd eventually like to make it blink to music. The Misto coat is also created to fit a multitude of sizes, basically the theatre using their department for alterations since we make use of stretch fabric. I've known Bronson for almost as long as Chaz (he even designed my author website!!!) so when I saw him cast, I showed him his costume (a much, much browner/redder Gus than most see--I was serious about liking color) and let him choose between two coats. He said he wanted pants and we went, "NO! PANTLESS PRODUCTION!" because we thought he was joking! We didn't realize... HE REALLY WANTED PANTS!!!! SORRY BRONSON! So shout out to Wichita for making him pants! LOL!
There is a HUGE joke about Tumble thirsting for Tugger more than the girls so you'll notice that with the Tugger ABOUUUOUOUOUOUOUOUUUUUUUUUT THAT.
Hope that's of interest! And no, I'm not procrastinating on edits when my agent deadline is Sunday. Haha... ha... ha... ha... ha... Sera, if you're reading this I PROMISE I'M WORKING OKAY??? I DIDN'T KNOW WE GOT ON BROADWAYWORLD!!!
We also saw some comments about casting in general and some confusion/questions about different dancers doing different parts (Alonzo vs Plato). Would anyone be interested in learning more about the casting process in general and things that directors/choreographers need to take into consideration? Please note, I will not discuss ANY performers we work with. Ever. All are extraordinary and these are tough calls that aren't easy to make and based on other factors, including the ensemble at large, and sometimes huge changes are made.
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2willowlane · 10 months
i've been posting silly crack fanfiction on ao3 lately, and i decided to just upload this on my tumblr. it's inspired off of interstellartoaster's kalampokiphobia: fear of corn, and the mods harvey's irrational apple hatred and harvey hates apples.
fantastic works; mind you.
gender neutral reader, sfw; not really focused on romance, as it is just absurdity
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tallying his profit, of which was a big fat zero, harvey sighed; pushing up his glasses. it's been a rather long week for him, considering no one wants to buy those energy tonic muscle whatever medication that he supplies. the only time that anyone has ever purchased such a redundant item from him, was whenever they misclick- accidentally bought it; and then just sold it again. the only way that he'll ever make a good buck out of his pharmaceutical care was if he just eradicated the valley's food supply... of which, did sound tempting, but harvey loves his pickles too much to give them up.
there haven't been any appointments placed recently, so he was having a hard time trying to keep up with the expenses. right now, he could so go for a bottle of fine wine... maybe it's because he's spending too much of his expenses on plane models, rather than actually trying to keep up with all of the financial records, like an actual adult should. huh, what a foreign concept. well, he's just going to go continue complaining about his money situation, until further notice.
with the door opening, he had to them correct his shrimp posture, as he then greeted you, the almost superhuman farmer, into the clinic. normally, you just like to go behind the counter and access rooms that are off-limits to regular patients, but there was something about your gumption that made you so lovable. even if you do tend to barge into private examinations, there was something that made you feel so rebellious; that harvey couldn't help but swoon over you! also, he's a pathetic beanpole of a man, so he'll probably get pummeled into the ground by your combat prowess if he ever rejects your blatant non-filtered view of what "personal space" meant.
you were about to get some items turned into the community center; as you were carrying a basket full of assorted goods (they ranged from something simple to five highly-graded melons, a still-flopping ghostfish, and poisonous mushrooms). oh well, with the poisonous mushrooms, those are harvey's choice of decoration during the autumn seasons; so, the doctor felt rather seen whenever he saw those clumped together. he grimaced at the fish, however. other than that, he was glad to see a good friend pop in now and then; he needed something to spice up his days, and he can always expect you at around 9am, or somehow always being in the places he's trying to go to... coincidence?
normally, you'd stop on buy and get him a coffee. either you've brewed it yourself, or stopped by gus', it was coffee. you wonder how many mugs harvey has, considering you also gift him a free cup alongside the sweet, sweet ground bean liquid. it really wasn't the healthiest thing to drink due to the sugar and caffeine levels, and you were pretty worried for the guy who has been through years and years of intensive schooling to know better about those dietary concerns. you assume he probably only has a cup twice a week, considering you have some type of intergalactic force keeping you from extending that quota.
you had some apples somewhere on your person, and it was probably the only thing he'd like; you'd figure. after all, they're just funky little guys. who doesn't like a good, crisp apple? even though they're supposed to be for the community center, you can always just get one later. you'd give harvey something else, but you decided that he deserved better than just countless upon countless liters of his favourite brew. you knew harvey appreciated a good foraged, natural good—especially with someone locally grown on your acres. fishing out an apple out of your pockets, you then present it to him.
"... i think i may be allergic to this."
as harvey looked like a sad shih tzu puppy, looking off to the side, your heart sank. he was allergic to apples? at first, you really wanted to make fun of him. he seemed like the type of person who'd be allergic to peanut butter, and be the kid that doesn't allow their classmates to bring in anything homemade due to those medical reasons. holding the red delicious apple in your hands, rotating it around in your palm, you decided to test that theory.
"may?" you inquiried, and with a look of horror, harvey began to shudder. yes, he's an anxious man at heart, but due to various interesting cases at the clinic, he's grown insensitive to many things. plus, he's in front of the one and only farmer(tm), and his crush. god, what an embarrassment he is. he didn't want to talk about his irrational hatred for apples; those disgusting overblown flower ovaries called "fruit" just sicken him to death, not to mention that the apples were the first to hate HIM—it wasn't his fault that his body rejects them!
"yes, yes! just- just get it away from me!"
"i don't believe you..."
and that's where you've learnt that the phrase "an apple a day keep the doctor away" was right.
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pinksilvace · 3 months
Fern guides their mutuals and followers through Cats 1998 as if we're all sitting on the same couch watching it and I'm shouting out stuff (4/?)
Character Wiki Pages
On to Bustopher!
8: Bustopher Jones
Everybody is SO MEAN about Bustopher Jones (joking). I love him so much but nowadays when numbers are cut his is usually one of them since he usually shows up once and disappears 🥲
The actor for Bustopher sometimes dons a chorus costume for the opening number, often named Peter. They're also usually the actor who plays Gus later, as both Bustopher and Gus traditionally had operatic moments in the show.
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Tom Hooper clearly did not know how to interpret media because could you IMAGINE 2019 Bustopher cleaning up his appearance as a first impression???
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When I was little, I was under the impression that Bombalurina, Jenny, and Jellylorum all liked Bustopher Jones in similar ways; it wasn't until I started interacting with the fandom on here that I learned how some people interpret Bombalurina as being completely sarcastic in this song. Art's always up to interpretation, of course, and that's the fun of it, but I never really got that impression, even with Rosemarie Ford's eye rolls. To me, this moment shows Bombalurina as a character that can show others respect. It also cements her as being at the older end of the "not-old" adults.
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This is YET ANOTHER song that is PERFECT for examining whatever Pouncival is getting up to at a given moment. I am once again saying that the Pouncival cut in this show is the most fun
Subsequently, this is also the "Skimbleshanks is three wrong moves away from a panic attack" song, which to me means that he respects Bustopher just as much as Jenny does. I like to think that they grew up together.
(For an incredibly anxious Skimble, here's Boston 2007; skip to 28:30):
(While I'm at it, there's this part in Moscow 2005 when the boys are all lined up like they're going to take a family photo, and I think it's very silly and cute; skip to 27:45)
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Have you ever watched Cats (1998) and wondered who that cat that's really excited to see Bustopher is? That's George. The George Cut (TM) is probably my second favorite version of '98, after The Pouncival Cut (TM).
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No doubt, you'll notice the number of Mistoffelees & Bustopher moments in this number. This is probably where the most popular headcanon about Bustopher originates: lots of us like to think he's an uncle, usually in conjunction with monochromatic siblings (Misto & Victoria & sometimes Alonzo)(Alonzo is like. Y as a vowel). I've also seen some folks frame him as Misto's dad, and in those cases, Misto is usually an only child.
Slightly off-topic, but my friend @thepineconelord likes to think of Mistoffelees as butler-core, and I think they're especially correct in this number.
(Yet another side note: the monochromatic siblings staging is a bit stronger in post-US Revival choreography, especially between Alonzo and Misto. Head to 30:00)(<- pretending to see things that supports the tunnel vision)
(Is it obvious yet that I've watched this number, specifically, many times?)
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Okay I only just noticed this one but WHAT is up with Plato in this part. This picture doesn't do nearly enough justice to his posing but. My dude are you okay??? He was built to have an arm slung over the back of a park bench and instead he's here and forced to harmonize
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The rare moment when Mistoffelees is peeved by Pouncival (and the altogether common moment where Munkustrap is also peeved by Pouncival)
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One incredibly interesting thing about this number is that it's one of the most gendered numbers in the whole show, speaking from a choreography standpoint. When I was younger, I thought it came from a position of "all of the girls have crushes so they're all fangirling together," but that's not true. Only Jenny is shown to have a crush, and Coricopat, George, and Skimbleshanks could all very easily start fanboy-ing with them.
What is it, then? Is it because Bustopher presents as a much more "traditional" character than the rest? Do the things they're describing about him ascribe to him a certain level of masculinity that he can only share with the boys? Are these formations all part of some sort of militaristic protocol? Leading from that, is his appearance at the Ball (and approval) a right of passage thing for the boys? It's not something I've really seen anybody touch on, which is odd to me, because Cats in general tends to have interesting messages re: gender roles, especially with Mistoffelees, who obviously shares some sort of close connection with Bustopher! GILLIAN LYNNE REVEAL YOUR SECRETS
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The cats know what golf is. Either that, or Bustopher saw a rich person play it, decided to copy them, and everybody else is amazed for his benefit.
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bellamyblake · 9 months
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Part 40 of the single!dad Bellamy fic is posted! Here are the people who asked to be tagged (if you want to be removed please let me know): @pendragaryen, @takamurasposts, @star-sky-earth, @blakecholls, @theturquoiseoillady, @sarcasticcommentsetc, @peggysousfan, @whiteoleander, @chickens474; (I unfortunately can’t tag everyone as some new Tumblr rule forbids me to do so! Sorry!)
(moodboard by @star-sky-earth​​​​):
The next few days go mostly smoothly or as much as they can, considering everything. Bellamy returns to work on Wednesday, though he could’ve had it off as well, simply because he had zero points in his ration card after spending more on cough syrup and extra bandages for Gus’ leg. Both Aurora and Clarke try to talk him out of it, let him have another day off, at the very least but he’s adamant.
Clarke knows he’s not okay-he still hurt and he hurt bad. His cough was only a little better but only because she forced him to drink the syrup three times a day despite him arguing with her constantly about it, but his back and his leg in particular, they were bad. The cut under his knee put even more of a strain on his walking abilities and despite having the brace on, he still used the cane or his crutch around the house.
He swallowed down all pain though, all because of Gus who...wasn’t doing well either.
The frost bite was healing, slowly but surely, as Clarke observed. She could wish it happened faster but it could’ve been from the lack of better nutritious food in his every day meals and the constant cold he was exposed to that his skin healed much slower than any case of frost bite should.
He wasn’t the only one, though. When all three of them had gone by the playground the other night, there were many other families, including Monty, Harper and Jordan who had suffered frostbite as well, worse than Gus even, that were struggling with their kids, helping them walk or mostly carrying them around-it broke her heart-all these young tiny souls, barely four or five and they were already in so much pain.
The playground looked more like a big quiet room with swings only swaying here and there and mostly consisting of concerned parents sitting next to each other with the kids on the benches, talking and exchanging strategies of how to help them, what paste to use or which pill to ease their pain, rather than a happy place for kids to run, scream, yell and just be...children.
It was much more a ghost town than anything else and it broke Clarke’s heart. 
The first few days they carried Gus around everywhere. Mostly Bellamy did, even though he should not be lifting anything heavy with that leg but the kid simply refused to let go of him. He’d wrap his tiny arms around his dad’s neck like a spider monkey and let Bellamy walk around the house with him like that all day long, even when they slept, he refused to let go. 
He couldn’t walk on his own at first but they had tried again last night and he had limped heavily. It was like what Clarke imagined learning how to walk again was before-Bellamy held him by his hands as Gus walked slowly between his dad’s ones.
Problem was neither was stable on their feet but Bellamy somehow kept on, for his son, he made his knee bend, he forced his leg to stay strong.
At first Gus had whimpered and refused to try anymore-it really did hurt him, Clarke knew from all she had read in her text books that frostbite hurt like hell, no matter the age. She had only treated one patient before with it but apparently in Factory it was a common thing that everyone had experienced at least once in their lives.
By now, she was pretty certain that Bellamy could’ve suffered some that unfortunate night too, but his skin had simply hardened and he didn’t feel it as much because when she changed the bandage on his shin, she noticed the redness of his toes too since his sock was miraculously off (or more like he didn’t have a clean pair since they were behind on laundry) and when she touched them he hadn’t felt much of anything. The tip of his fingers too were red and swollen, peeling a little but that could’ve been from the burns that were still healing and making his hands shake. 
They built a sort of routine since she knew that she can’t talk him out of going to work, she just had to do something to make sure she’s at least sending him off in a way he wasn’t hurting as much.
She started waking up early as well, checking his knee, helping him put his brace on, changing the bandages on his hands and wrapping his ribs, then giving him some cough syrup and forcing him to eat at least a toast and some biscuits. 
He hadn’t talked about work but she knew that something was different from before-he had started coming home more tired than he had before and he somehow had the rations to buy bread every other day as well as not just formula and the regular algae but more corn cans, beans and fruits and vegitables-a few tomatoes here, some oranges there and apples-the cheaper ones but they were something that she knew he couldn’t afford before.
She had also noticed Aurora stopped prodding him about it as well, which meant she probably knew what was going on and she was definitely not happy about it but somehow she tolerated it. Clarke had decided to let him come to her with it and not pressure him but she could see the mental and physical toll that he was suffering and she was worried.
He was barely dragging his skin in the evening and though he slept, she could see he was sadder, worried.
Part of it was because of Gus. In the past week since the accident on Level 2 and the unfortunate night they spent cuddled in the bathroom, he had grown quiet. Typically he was a shy boy out in the world, in day care and even on the playground but at home he was a blabbering happy cute little munchkin.
Now, though...now he wouldn’t utter a word. He just stopped talking or answered with only yes and no’s making everyone, including Clarke and Aurora worry. Clearly he’s been through something traumatic just like after the bombings when he had grown anxious and bursted out but now he was just...sad. He’d stopped eating too and if it wasn’t for Bellamy to patiently force him, he wouldn’t be convinced to try anything-not even the buscuits or chocolate that Aurora brought to try and boost his appetite.
Needless to say his feet hurt too and he’d spend his day sitting all the time-either in bed or in his chair. Bellamy insisted he still did homework-their teacher, miss Karen sent them tutorials on the old tablet Bellamy has had for ages, so Clarke went through things with him every morning.
Most children were still at home recovering anyway, so Gus wasn’t an exception-many parents were at home as well, suffering injuries like coughs and frostbite too, so they helped the kids out. The station was hit really hard after this particular electricity cut and every time Clarke went out with Bellamy and Gus on a short walk or to the mess hall, she could see people barely walking by, coughing all the time just like Bellamy, with various injuries, usually limping or clenching their hands to their chests in pain. 
It has been a week and the chancellor hadn’t done anything to help Factory medically-he still refused to reopen the small medbay office Clarke was running with Jackson or increase the rations or bring in medicine to the pharmacy which was by now almost empty safe for Tylenol. The only thing he did is let the electricty at night be cut to six hours instead of seven and he considered it a blessing. The Factory councilmen was an idiot who hid in his whole because he knew people were angry and never did anything to fight for their rights-in result, people were not just hurting, but dying. An old neighbour on Bellamy’s hallway had passed just last night from the exposure and the bad cough she had and Aurora whispered that one of her coworkers, a woman a little older than her had too passed out and died yesterday morning on their way there.
And Clarke.
Clarke wasn’t just angry. She was furious. 
But she’s also never felt more helpless.
Even at home she could do little for both Bellamy and Gus. She knew Bellamy was tough and by now used to his pain but watching Gus suffer...watching this tiny adorable kid who loved the world and took on it with his pure big heart wake up at night, moan and clench his dad’s shirt as he cried quietly...
That broke her.
She fiercely wanted to protect him, to be there for him and he let her-he liked when she tutored him and drew with him. He sat fascinated in her lap and asked for different animals she’d outline for him to color but he was still quiet and barely talkative. Making him eat was an effort she couldn’t succeed in and one that even Aurora failed in whenever she passed by.
But when Bellamy came home, that was a whole different thing-Gus would perk up a little and immideately throw his hands in the air and ask to be picked up. He’d wrap around him and refuse to let go-he could even be coaxed to eat or at least finish his bottle of formula. Bellamy would sit with him and watch him draw or read to him and he’d get calmer, fall asleep easier but he was still quiet, small, sad.
It broke all their hearts.
Now that Bellamy was opening up the door of the small appartment, Gus immideately turned his head to his dad who came in limping and tired-face covered in dark machine oil as well as most of his jumpsuit, his hair a mess sticking to his head, his fingers covered in bloody cuts.
But Gus didn’t care about any of that, he smiled a little and so did his dad. Aurora, who had come by to show Clarke some stitching tricks and brought her clothes to mend (which Bellamy disagreed with), looked up at them curiously.
“Hello, everyone.” he said as he closed the door behind him and carried the brown cloth bag filled with food on the table, taking off his jacket and reaching for Gus who was already begging for him. “Hey, little man.”
“Dada!” he almost moaned as Bellamy picked him up and he immideately wrapped his arms around his neck “Dada!”
“Hey, baby boy.” Bellamy stroked his head and peppered his face with kisses “Dad’s missed you.”  Gus leans his head on his shoulder and rests in his arms as Bellamy kisses the top of Clarke’s head and squeezes Aurora’s shoulder. 
“Hey.” Clarke whispers as she looks up at him while he carefully slides down on the chair Gus was occupying and immideately stretching his bad leg out. 
“You’re dirty.” Aurora comments “You should really clean before taking him in.”
“If you have any ideas about making him let go, I’m all ears, mom.” he says lightly, not a trace of annoyance in him, only worry and Clarke doesn’t miss how his hand never stops running up and down Gus’ back. “How was your day?”
“Good. We studied some, then I gave him a bath, then he watched some cartoons and drew.”
“Lunch?” Clarke shakes her head.
“He wouldn’t.” she whispers “Your mom tried too.” he nods and rocks the kid up and down a little before pulling away some. Gus keeps playing with the straps of his jumpsuit instead of looking at him and Bellamy just takes the time to hold him, let him know he’s here now and he’s safe, kiss his forehead again, smile at him, run his hand down his curls and clear his forehead so that he could look into his eyes.
“How was your day, buddy?”
“It was good.” he mumbles quietly, barely audible.
“Did you do your homework?” Gus nods as he keeps playing now with the zipper of his jacket “I hear you haven’t eaten again. You must be hungry?” Gus shakes his head.
“No, dada.” Bellamy drops his hand to his stomach and covers it whole, then leans into it and pretends to listen.
“Hm...I think your tummy disagrees.” he says “It just told me it’s empty, huh?” Gus looks up and smiles a little and Bellamy rubs his nose against his. Then tickles his sides a little and Gus squirms but fights his chuckles “Am I right?”
“No, dada.” he answers but he’s fooling around out of sheer stubborness by now.
“Are you sure, wait-let me see, oh, what was that tummy?” he pulls Gus up on his feet on his thighs and leans his ear to his sides and Gus wiggles in his arms, smiling a little, holding himself by wrapping his tiny fingers in Bellamy’s curls to steady his weak composture “Oh, oh what’s that Mister Tummy? Do I hear that you’re...you’re hungry?”
“Dada!!!” Gus wiggles but he’s laughing now, for the first time today, it sounds honest, sweet, like his old self. “Dada, no!”
“No, you say little Gus?” Bellamy asks perking up at little and Gus shakes his head.
“No, dada! No hunwgy!”
“Hmm-” he presses his ear to his tummy again “But I can hear Mister Tummy complain, he needs oh what is that? You want milk? Or maybe...some biscuits?”
“No, dada.” Gus shakes his head and Bellamy pulls up his shirt and pats his stomach that had blown out a little from the lack of proper meals, making Gus’ ribs stick out by his sides and Clarke wince-it wasn’t anything you wanted to see on a child and she knew Bellamy’s eyes darkened at it too, in a much angrier manner. 
“No?” Bellamy asks surprised and looks up at Gus who’s eyes are still sad but there was a sweet honest smile to his face that made Clarke’s heart clench again. “What if I told Mister Tummy and Mister Gus that I bought home something special?” he asks and reaches over to unwrap the cloth bag he always used for groceries revealing a small bottle of what Clarke knew by now was Algae refined oil, Factory’s only means of cooking any meal-it came in bottles sometimes or small metal jars looking like a white snow cream concotion in those cases, making it one of the most precious possessions in every appartment, as well as a small package of salt and some spices and...a bag of potatoes.
Now that made Aurora’s eyes widen as much as Clarke’s had-potatoes were expensive, maybe one of the most expensive goods in Factory coming even above the jerky they could only buy so much of and chocolate, which ration points had fallen since Alpha’s production of it increased during this part of the season. If Bellamy had managed to afford not just one but a small bag of what was about 6-7 potatoes that in reality wasn’t that much but was a lot for Factory, then it meant he had either agreed to work an extra day this weekend or had already done something stupidly dangerous to earn this neither of which she liked as an option.
“POTATOES!” Gus had exclaimed mouth agape, clapping his hands for a moment, happy at what he was seeing. “Dada, that’s potatoes!”
“I know, son.” Bellamy smilled kissing his tummy again, making him squirm in his arms “How would you like it if dad fried some tonight and put the special tasty herbs or added grandma’s sause, huh?” Gus was already nodding. It seemed that every Factory’s child favorite meal was french fries in comparison to Alpha’s pizza’s, burgers or donuts that most of the Factory population hasn’t even tasted once in their lives. “Would Gus like that?”
“Yes, dada, pwease!”
“Okay, come here now, give dad a big hug!” Gus threw himself in his arms again, wrapping his hands tightly behind his neck and his legs on both his sides that were still bruised even if a little better, mumbling a quiet “Thank you, dada.”
“You’re welcome, big boy.”
“You’re spoiling him.” Aurora mumbles quietly when she comes by his side and picks up the products, leaving the remaining contents of his bag on the table.
“Mom, wait, I’ll make them.” but Aurora simply waves her hand and shakes her head at him. 
“You’re barely standing on your feet as it is, just get some rest.”
“Mom, I-”
“I know you can do this, I know you can take care of your son, but right now, I’m telling you that you can simply sit there and be with him and Clarke while I make the french fries, okay?” he grumps at that but lets her run her hand through his curls, lean down and kiss the top of his head motherly. 
“You’re spoiling me now too.” he mumbles.
“What choice do I have, you’re my son.” she jokes but Clarke can see how warm and motherly it sounds still but she doesn’t prod about how he got it even if Clarke knew she was surprised too and decides she’ll be the one to ask later. Bellamy smiles, keeps rubbing Gus’ back until the boy slips from his arms, turns in his lap and picks up his drawing again. 
“What’s that, buddy?” he asks as he stretches out his hand and gestures for Clarke with his other hand to scoot closer, which she does by moving her chair next to them and letting him sneak a hand to her waist and pull her in for a brief hug as she carefully, secretly kisses the side of her head and rubs his nose against her forehead as Gus focuses on his drawing. 
“Clarke dwew me a tigew.” he mumbles as he picks up one of his pencils, the small pack that Clarke had bought him so many moons ago at the black market visit before she and Bellamy were anything close to what they were now and colors the body of the animal in orange. 
“Looks really nice.” Bellamy comments as he keeps swiping the curls away from his forehead. “What else did you do today?” Gus shrugs a little, going back to his quieter self and Bellamy exchanged a worried look with Clarke “What did you and Clarke learn?”
“We read about the Earth before...pwant and animals.”
“Did you like it?” Gus nods but doesn’t elaborate “What about reading? Did you guys read the poems miss Karen sent you? Did you practice on your letters?” Gus nods and this time moves up from his place, pushing some of the papers aside and picking up his only notebook-a blue one with his name meticiously written in block letters by his father, before opening it up and stopping at the last page Gus wrote in, showing him practicing the letters K and H in both cursive and regular handwriting and Bellamy’s chest swells with pride at how good his son was doing. 
“Much better than my ugly blocks, wouldn’t you say, little man?” Gus looks up and smiles some.
“They’re not ugly, dada.” he whispers “I like them.”
“Thank you, my boy.” he kisses his forehead again “Dad’s proud of you, this is really beautiful.” Gus blushes a little and looks down at his work again, much like his dad, bad at accepting a compliment and shrugging a little. 
“Gus messed up a wittle hewe-” he points at a shaky line on the letter H he did and Bellamy’s heart clenches in pain-he always thought that he had to be perfect in everything, it was a quality Gina possessed-her stubborn perfection into her work, much more consistent than his haphazard yet good mechanic work, though he wasn’t far behind-he too strived to be his best, for his family, for his coworkers, but he usually failed at it and hated that Gus felt like he has to perform at the highest level every time even though he was already amazing at his studies and progressed beyond any of his peers.
“No, you didn’t.” Bellamy assured “It’s great work.” Gus shrugs a little again, not truly believing him and Bellamy looks up at Clarke for support.
“He read a few sentences on his own today.” she praises sliding her hand on Gus’ back, softly rubbing it up and down. Behind them Aurora had already cut the potatoes and the room was starting to smell like fry potatoes which in turn made Clarke’s mouth water. 
“He did?” Bellamy looks up surprised before turning back to his boy “Did you do it, little man?” Gus doesn’t look up again, just nods a little “Which book did you read from?” Gus looks around the table again and moves up to grab the small hand-made book that Clarke had given him for his birthday that was 'The Giving Tree' which he had fallen in love with and asked his dad or Clarke to read it to him all the time. “Of course...your favorite at the moment.” Gus goes back to his drawing and now does the tiger’s stripes-he’s back to his quiet and sad self, refusing to really talk but never really letting go of his dad “Do you want to read some to dad?” Gus ponders for a moment, stops drawing and looks up briefly at his dad with his big sad brown-green eyes.
“Mawbe water?”
“Okay, we’ll do it later.” Bellamy strokes his head again and turns his attention back to Clarke. “Did he try to walk today?”
“Some...but he was in pain so he only took a few steps really.” she explained sadly “I need to change the bandage again but he doesn’t want me to unless you’re here too.” Bellamy knew that-Gus would only ever let Clarke look at his toes if Bellamy was here, so they changed it mostly in the morning and later in the evening when he came home.
“Okay, let’s do that now, shall we?” Clarke nods in agreement and Bellamy picks Gus up and turns him around, so they’re face to face. 
“Hey, little fella, we have to take care of your foot now, okay?” he says and Gus’ look changes from indifferent and sad to scared but he purses his lips and nods. “I’ll be here the whole time, alright? Then we’ll eat fries and play some, okay?” Gus nods, shoving his fingers in his mouth like he did when he was both hungry and nervous and let his dad put him sitting on the table. 
Clarke rubs his forearm gently, whispers that everything will be okay before she brings in her small bag of supplies that consisted of old cloth pieces turned bandages, the frostbite cream, some antiseptic and a needle and a thread that Gus thankfully didn’t need now. 
Bellamy takes off the slippers Gus used at home as well as the two pairs of socks to keep him warm enough and the kid shivers as he does that but says nothing. 
“You know what else dad got you today?” he asks Gus and the boy shakes his head, still munching on his fingers nervously. “A special something for a good boy.” Bellamy explains and Gus’ eyes grow sizes at it, the barest of excitement sparking in his eyes that follow his dad’s movement to the bag and watches him take out a small grey box. 
“Dada?” he asks confused when Bellamy carefully places it in his hands.
“Look up.”
“My birthday passed, dada.” he whispers back. “Gus don’t get mow pwesents now.”
“It’s not a present, it’s more like something you need which dad got you for when you go back to day care or the playground with us.” Gus seems confused but under his dad’s nudging look he opens up the box and Clarke sees a pair of new shoes, a size bigger than the one Gus was previously wearing. She knew that his old ones were torn up at the soles and too small for him. Bellamy had tried to duck tape them to secure them into a semi-decent condition but he’s been hoping to get him a new pair for months now.
And he finally had suceeded.
Only she had no idea where he got the rations for it and she was starting to worry.
“Shoes!” Gus exclaims, clearly very happy  with it. His hand hovers over them as if they’re the most precious possession but he doesn’t dare pick them up or take a better look at them. “But dada...how did you do it?” he asks and Bellamy rubs his thighs gently.
“Dad worked on fixing this special engine and he managed it so he got extra ration points.” it’s a lie or at least a half-lie, Clarke’s sure of it and even Gus seems a little surprised because he adds.
“Would you have to work Saturday again to make up fow it?” Bellamy nods with a sad smile.
“Yes, but only half a day and we can spent the afternoon together.” Gus nods more seriously now, he’s somewhat feeling both happy and sad at the same time and Clarke and Bellamy can both see it because they exchange a look before Bellamy speaks up again.
“What is it, buddy? Don’t you like them?” he asks “They’re easy to put on, no shoeslaces and they’ll fit you right up, I promise.” Gus shakes his head.
“It’s not dat, dada.” Bellamy waits a beat but Gus doesn’t add anything so he prompts him.
“Then what is it, big boy?”
“I just...wish you didn’t work that hard fow Gus.” 
“Oh, son-” Bellamy pulls him up to his chest and holds him tight “I don’t work as hard, I promise. I just want you to have all the things you need because I love you.”
“I love you too, dada.” Gus whispers when they pull back “But Gus pwefews you home on Satuwday than...shoes.” Bellamy’s eyes fill up and he pulls Gus into a tight hug again. They loved each other so much it was breaking Clarke’s heart and she noticed that Bellamy got teary himself and brushed his eyes away before he faced Gus again.
“I’ll keep that in mind, big boy, I promise.” Gus smiles a little at that and stares down at the shoes once more.
“I like them, dada.”
“You do?” Bellamy asks hope returning to his voice after he worried that this isn’t what would make Gus at least a little bit happy and the kid nods eagerly “Maybe later when Clarke changes your bandages we can walk some with them around the room, huh? Or down the hallway?” Gus kind of folds into himself at that and shrugs with uncertainty.
“Gus don’t know, dada.”
“You have to start walking again, Gus. I know it will hurt at first but Clarke says you’re healing fine, so with time, it will get easier, alright?” Gus doesn’t answer just keeps his head bowed down and Bellamy sighs, once again running his hand down his head and pulling him close to give him a small kiss on the forehead before removing the shoes from his lap and giving Clarke a small nod “Okay, let’s do this.”
“Can I have Wainbow too?” Gus asks and Bellamy whispers a small “Of course” before he stands up and limps to the bed where he fishes out the colorful stuffed giraffe Clarke gave him when he was last that sick. She loved that he was enjoying the stuffed toy so much that he wouldn’t really go anywhere without it. 
Bellamy lets him wrap his arms around it and push it close as Clarke approaches him and starts undoing the older bandage.
There was some blood on it from the big toe that had peeled the most hurt Gus worse than the others and Bellamy winces when he sees it, giving Clarke a concerned look but she shakes her head.
“It’s okay, it’s normal.” she promises but he doesn’t think any of what was happening to them was ever normal. He grits his teeth and tries to calm his anger down by simply giving her a nod in agreement, yet she squeezes his wrist before she takes a look at Gus’ toes. They definitely looked better than before but Bellamy couldn’t keep his eyes on them much as it hurt his heart and this was his child...his baby boy, who was in pain because the electricy went off for over twelve hours. 
He focuses on Gus instead and he notices that he’s squeezing Rainbow really hard and burying his face in the toy, trying not to cry as Clarke applied the cream paste and praised him for doing so well. 
Something in his chest twists and he takes Clarke’s hand in his gently stopping her.
“Wait a moment, will you?” he asks of her and she nods despite being surprised by his interruption “Gus, will you look at me, son?” he asks and it takes a moment before Gus unwraps himself from his tight grip around the toy and looks up, resting his chin atop Rainbow’s head. “Are you trying not to cry because of us?” Gus ponders a little and avoids his dad's eyes
“Gus, please look at me-” Bellamy insists, using his serious dad voice now that Clarke knew Gus never argued against and indeed now the kid looks up all big bright eyes filled with pain and misery “I know you hurt now, son, but if you’re trying to hide your pain away from us to protect us, you don’t have to do it, do you understand me?” Gus furrows his little eyebrows at his dad’s explanation “You don’t need to be strong all the time, okay?”
“Why not?” he counters surprising both Clarke and Bellamy “You do it all the time, dada.”
“That’s not true, Gus.”
“Yes, it is. You hide pain. You huwt all the time but you don’t cry.” Gus continues, raising his voice a little and Clarke hears Aurora turn around too, probably worried when she heard the argument but the pan was still sizzling which meant her focus was elsewhere. “You never cwy.”
“Of course I do.” he insists “I cry all the time when it hurts me too much.” Gus doesn’t seem convinced so Bellamy continues “I just don’t do it when you’re here because I don’t want you to worry, but I cry, you can ask grandma and Clarke, they have seen me.” Gus looks at Clarke who nods a little. “You can’t swallow your pain down, Gus.” Bellamy insists “If you do...it will turn into this dark horrible thing that you carry inside you all the time. It’s like...a monster of sorts, that makes you angry and sad. And I know you’re sad now, son and it’s okay to be sad too just...I need you to know that you can cry or whimper or scream if it’s too much and not be ashamed to do so, okay?”
Gus ponders on it for a moment.
“But you’re so strong, dada.”
“There’s strength in the tears too, there’s strength in showing your pain, okay?” Bellamy keeps on and Gus, the smart boy that he was, seems to be thinking over his words and letting them sink in a little “I’m sorry that I made you think otherwise. I’m sorry that you thought you have to just take it all the time without showing any emotion. That is not the right thing.”
“You really cwy?” Gus asks carefully.
“Yes I do.”
“It urts you?” Gus asks again and Bellamy nods “It urts you like it urts me?”
“Yes.” Bellamy admits and feels like they’re finally making some break through after all the days since the accident. Gus needed to have this conversation, obviously, as painful as it was. 
“Dada-” he asks next and Clarke uses the distraction of their conversation to wrap his toes and foot gently. “Will I...Will Gus limp forever like you?” she suddenly stops her work upon hearing that and feels Bellamy freeze next to her. 
She watches him clench his jaw in a desperate attempt to probably force himself not to break down as he looked into Gus’ sad eyes and then finally cleared his throat and spoke up.
“No, son. Where did you get this idea?” Gus shrugs a little. “You will heal, you already are healing, you will be okay. It is not a permanent thing, alright?”
“And it will stop hurting?”
“Yes, it will, Gus. It will all go away and you will walk like before.” he turns to Clarke and adds “Right?”
“Absolutely.” Clarke promises as she finishes his bandage and pats his knee “You will recover, Gus.” it seemed like depiste them already talking about it and telling him everything will be alright, he didn’t believe it, especially since it took him longer to heal up “You need to try and walk and eat, though, okay? Your body needs the strength to help the wounds close faster so your toes feel better, alright?”
“You’ll try to eat for us, right, Gus?” Bellamy asks and the kids nods. 
“Gus just don’t feel much like it, dada.”
“I know, but you need to.” Gus ponders a little, seemingly still lost in thoughts and Bellamy prompts him “Do you have other questions? Something you want to ask us?”
“If Gus gotta eat mow to get better...does that mean if you eat mow your leg will heal too, dada?” Bellamy winces at that and bows his head down for a moment feeling Clarke’s hand on his elbow squeezing it tightly. 
“It doesn’t really work like that, Gus.” Clarke answers for him but Bellamy gives her a look suggesting that he’s got that.
“My injury is different, Gus.” he tries explaining “It can’t really...get better, okay?” Gus’ face falls at that and his eyes well with tears which makes Bellamy wince “But that’s why I got Clarke here and grandma and you too, helping me out when I’m tired or in pain, okay?” Gus doesn’t seem to like this answer.
“You’ll always huwt then, dada?” he asks and Bellamy swallows hard.
“I...yes, I will.” Bellamy admits, not really wanting to lie to his son after everything they’ve been through. “But I will be okay. It’s not always that hard, it doesn’t always hurt.” he lies and Clarke knows that he does but she just doesn’t have it in her to say anything so she just looks away for a moment trying to compose herself.
“Dada...” he begins again but stops himself as if wondering wheather or not he should actually keep going “You got huwt because...because that group...wanted better things for us?”
“Yes...yes that’s right.” Bellamy answers, furrowing his eyebrows a little, not sure that he gets where Gus was going with that “But we’ve talked about how what they did wasn’t the right way, remember?”
“Because they bombed the squawe?”
“And others got huwt...not just Alpha or wolves but us too?” Bellamy nods. 
“They didn’t have the right...the right approach, the better way of doing things. Remember how we’ve talked that when someone teases you at school, you can’t fight back, you have to be smart and strong, defend yourself in other ways, maybe using your words, rather than your fists?” Gus nods a little but his mind is obviously somewhere else.
“They were...killed those people, right, dada? Floated?” Bellamy nods and Gus keeps staring somewhere at the floor before he speaks up again “And me and my fwiends and Jowdan too...we got huwt because electricity stopped?”
“Yes, that’s true.”
“But...electricity stops every night, right?” Bellamy nods again “But only in Factory and Farm, not in Alpha. It was warm when we were in Clarke’s place.”
“Yes, son.” then Gus finally looks up and stares into Bellamy’s eyes, confusion but also frustration written all over his face.
“Why, dada?” he asks and Clarke sees Bellamy’s hands fall to his lap and him swallow hard “Why is it bad for us but not for them?” Clarke didn’t envy Bellamy right now-how does he exlpain to a four year old kid who’s just coming to realize what it means to actually live in Factory?
“It’s...it’s complicated, Gus.” Bellamy says not sure how to continue really and Clarke sees with her periphery vision that Aurora takes the pan off the hot plate and brings in three steaming plates of french fries covered in some herbs with her special kutchup-like sauce on the side, placing them before them.
“Gus-” she calls him out as she sits down on the only empty chair and smiles softly at her grandson, reaching out to cup his cheek “You know your dad used to ask me the same questions you’re doing now and I didn’t always know how to answer.” he looks at her curiously and Bellamy exhales a little at her intervening as well, not sure he could’ve handled it on his own. Clarke herself had absolutely no idea what to say to Gus’ question either and she, least of all, could explain how come Alpha was so much better off than Factory. “I used to ask my dad too why we starved while Alpha thrived back when I was your age.” Aurora continues patiently.
“Yes. And the truth is...the more you grow up the more you’ll ask yourself these things and why certain stations are worse off than others. That is after all what these people who bombed the square were trying to understand too and provoke the chancellor to change it.”
“But he didn’t?”
“No, he didn’t. It only got worse for us because violence is not the way.” Aurora continues “You remember how you learned about the stations coming together for the Unity Days celebrations, right?” Gus nods reaching out mindlessly to pick up a french fry and pop it in his mouth, which made Bellamy very happy and he pushed the plate closer to Gus, who immideately reached for another before having even chewed the first one properly. 
“They all came to be from diffewent contwies that inhabitit the Eawth?”
“That’s right. And countries back then were much like what the Ark is now-some were poorer than others, some had doctors and others didn’t, some had electricity and others only used candles.” Gus ponders about that for a while.
“But the stowy says that when the Ark came togethew we were all to be the same.”
“That’s right, son-” Bellamy chimes in now too as he watches Gus stuff his mouth with the potatoes and feels his heart finally ease a little in his chest. He wouldn’t touch that plate, wouldn’t eat for days if it meant his son would go back to his healthier habits.”But it didn’t really work that way.”
“It’s not faiw.” Gus finally says after thinking a little bit on his dad and grandma’s words “Rait, dada?”
“No, it isn’t, son but...there is hope.” he looks up at Clarke and his mom.
“Yes. We may not be able to change the system but we can still fight it and not in a violent way like the Arrowheads. People...change-there are kind and decent men and women on Alpha, like Clarke-” Gus turns to her and she smiles at him, rubbing his leg up and down softly “They understand the inequality and want to help us. There are kinder guards too, not all of them are wolves. There are...people who try their best despite the way our system works to erase the line separating us.” Gus looks up at his dad and he leans down to kiss his forehead “Dad tries too, even if he isn’t too great at it. One day...I hope for you to be able to do the same-to help others or work something that you enjoy but that helps everyone regardless of their station.”
“I will, dada.” Gus says enthusiastically “Gus will be a doctor!” he exclaims patting his now greasy, covered in spices hands, his adorable face messy with the red sause but his eyes beaming with a light that hadn’t been present in the past week. “Gus will help othews laik Clarke.”
“Whatever you want, son.” Bellamy assures rubbing his head softly and pushing him to his chest “Dad, grandma and Clarke-” he looks up at her with another smile “We’ll always be here to support you, okay?”
“Awkay, dada.”
“Never let your spark go out, kid. Always remember to be kind, to be good. No matter how hard it gets, this is what matters, do you understand?” Bellamy adds and Gus turns around a little covering his chest with his tiny hand and smiling some.
“Like you, dada?”
“I’m not always right or good, but I try. I don’t want you to be like me, Gus-” at that the kid furrows his eyebrows a little in confusion and Bellamy pushes the curls away from his forehead “I want you you to be yourself, okay? To make your own path in life and do what you feel is right in your heart.” he pats Gus chest next and the kid looks down at his dad’s patched up finger on himself. “Even if what you want disagrees with my opinion.”
“Awkway, dada.” Gus agrees and Clarke smiles as she watches them-Bellamy loved his boy so much it was unreal but Gus too adored his dad to the point where watching them have a conversation like this brought Clarke to tears and she had to look away and brush at them a little, hoping no one would catch her even if she did notice Aurora giving her a look.
“Now you won’t get to do any of this if you don’t eat, so come on, dad wants to see you finish this plate.” Bellamy turns his attention back to the food and Gus picks up another potato from the half-destroyed plate.
“What about you,dada?”
“Dad will eat too, here-” he picks one and munches on it but Clarke and Aurora exchange a look, knowing well-enough he’s simply trying to distract the kid, so Clarke moves her chair closer and elbows him in the ribs a little, pushing her plate in his direction.
“You won’t get away with this, Bellamy. You eat too.” she insists. He rolls his eyes in pretend annoyance but sneaks his hand to hers and squeezes her fingers.
“And you won’t get away with it either, princess.” he whispers seriously.
“Dada, when we eat can we play doctow some?” Gus asks almost finishing his plate and looking up at both Clarke and Bellamy whose faces were so close and itching for a kiss but that split away the moment the kid turned his attention back to them. Sneaking around was harder than they had thought and the only time they could kiss and hold each other or...like this morning when Bellamy pumped her in with his fingers after moving Gus to his own bed, were...a rarity. Especially in this past week when Gus insisted he slept with them, refused to let go of his dad and only after he was sound asleep could they move closer and kiss or simply hold each other. It’s not that Gus was a burden, on the contrary, Clarke loved waking up feeling his warmth and small soft baby breath on her neck, it was that they had to hide it from him. In a way there was a thrill in it but mostly Clarke and she was sure Bellamy too, wanted to be free in expressing their emotions.
They knew they had to talk to him soon about it, but they were being patient in and had decided to wait until he recovers and feels a little better before they shook his already unstable world.
“Yes we can, sweet face.” Clarke answers for Bellamy who is too stunned at the kid’s request, finally seeing some of his old behavior reappear and being utterly lost at words “In fact, you can help me take a look at dad and his leg, listen to his lungs and check his cough, how about that?”
“Yes, Clarke, Gus will help!”
“What are you two now-ganging up on poor old me?” Bellamy jokes as he buries his nose in Gus’ curls and rubs against his head while his fingers move to his sides and tickle him. His plate was now empty and Bellamy carefully nudged the other one in his direction, hoping the kid would eat more while his mom shook her head at him while fixing a shirt that she had brought over for Clarke to mend. She had been coming every day, showing Clarke some stitches and bringing in clothes for her to work on as a way of getting rations on her behalf too. She still didn’t have an ID, Bellamy knew it’d be months probably before the Ark approved of one, if they did, but she got at least temporary papers that he had brought in the other night which didn’t guarantee or give her any privilleges but at least she wasn’t an absolute ghost in this station.
They stated she applied for citizentship in Factory station but he knew that in cases like hers the paperwork was dragged on purpose, so people who were punished the way she was, would have no way of receiving rations or working at all. If she was to marry someone then the documents and new IDs would be done the same day but now...now he knew Alpha was going to drag this for as long as they could, leaving Clarke helpless.
Well...not totally helpless, he was here and so was Aurora. She brought her clothes and with the rations Clarke earned she earned a bowl of algae which was something in these conditions. He knew Clarke wasn’t happy about it, she always wanted to do more, to be of a better help to them and despite his reassurances he knew she felt bad.
And he had every intentions of changing it or at least convincing her that things will look up, they just needed time. 
Just as Bellamy is about to force Clarke to eat some too, there’s a knock on the door and all three of them jump in their seats a little. Gus immideatelly wraps his arms around his dad’s neck in a dead-defying grip and Bellamy glances at his mom who furrows his eyebrows.
“Are you expecting someone?” she asks and Bellamy shakes his head when the knock continues, frantically, reminding him of the guards that forced themselves into his home and beat the crap out of him in front of his son.
“Dada!” Gus whimpers in his ear and Bellamy simply wraps his arm tight around the kid as he forces himself up on his feet.
“Don’t worry, kiddo, everything will be fine.”
“Bellamy-” Clarke tries too but he shoots her a look.
“Stay where you are, princess.” it doesn’t come as an order, more like a plead, hoping she won’t be stubborn enough to try and fight him on it and thankfully though she was half-up, she recognizes the desperation in his voice and sits back down.
Bellamy carefully walks to the door and wraps his arm around the handle.
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witch128chick · 7 months
Guys, stand up and let me hear a big ovation bc it's time foooor......
One of the gayest episodes
Starting from Lumity to people wearing suits- ohhh there's a lot
New glyph alert!!!!
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Amity is Grom Queen :(((
I hc that her mom did smth in the background so that she'd be chosen. Yes i used this hc in my fic
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"The sword said you're gay"
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When watching for the first time, this was the moment that made me think "ooohhh is Eda actually gay?" Cuz like to this point i was just binging and wasn't thinking about who she might or might not be attracted to but at this moment i knew for sure (so i was really happy bc i am kinda yk inlovewithher like many others for example @mittenskittensslay hehe)
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I love Camila :((( (we all do)
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Random spawn of Blight siblings (i wonder how they arranged this meeting)
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I'm seriously going to make a post about ALL of Luz's meme faces
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Everyone's outfits!!! They all looked so pretty (i mean EVERYONE not just the people on this pic)
And yea i just noticed it today but Amelia's wearing a suit too!!
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This is the pose i make when i show off new clothes to my parents:
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We need to appreciate Gus more in this episode!!! (And every other episode)
He was so supportive of King awww
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Oops looks like i ran out of space for pics! Time for a reblog!
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Ni Bu Pei
Here we have the famous "You're not worthy!" scene from Episode 27. Every time I finish watching this scene, I just end up shaking my head and muttering, "this is such a good show" over and over again. This happens with many scenes throughout Word of Honor, but this is definitely one of the ones at the top.
Here's the clip from Episode 27 that inspired this fig:
Sorry these have no subtitles. That is way beyond my rudimentary video clipping ability. I have to say that watching it without understanding the words (except of what I have memorized, of course!) is still enjoyable since I can really focus on their faces and their acting.
Of course, whenever I clip anything from the show, I end up losing time since I'm forced (forced, I tell you!) to re-watch the entire episode. These posts would go a lot faster if I simply made the video clip! But what can I do...this scene is so good, it makes me want to watch everything else in the episode.
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I got these figures a long time ago, but it wasn't until the box had arrived at my house that I realized the Ye Baiyi standee was missing. I tore the rest of the box apart looking for it, but no luck. This set really needs the standee!
I talked to the seller, and even though it had been much longer than the standard after-service period, they were kind enough to go ahead and forward me the standee.
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I would really, really love figs of the rest of the characters in the show - how great would it be to have Chengling, Gu Xiang, Cao Weining, and Ye Baiyi? But none of them exist. I feel lucky I have Ye Baiyi here in standee form and Chengling in standee form as well (from the previous New Year Wenzhou figs in this series).
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Here's a close up of the boytoy old monster Sword Saint Immortal himself.
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You can see their relative sizes here. Ignore the line going through Ye Baiyi's face, that is just a reflection from the window!
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Alright, thanks Ye Baiyi, we're going to just our two heroes wanderers right now!
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Like the other figures in this series, these are all slightly less chibi and a little more "grown up". But only just! They're still very small and cute.
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Lao Wen's purple cape and A-Xu's puddle of robes do a great job of keeping these figs completely stable and steady. This will be one of the few sets I don't put on fig stands.
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Nice detailing on the hair here. Lao Wen's hairpin is a spectacularly long one. Some hairpins escape the shipping process undamaged while others snap right off - it all depends on how well that polystyrene cut out is designed and how securely they're squeezed into it.
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A-Xu's studded hairband seems to be missing a metal stud! Well, I mean, you did see how hard Ye Baiyi hit him, right?
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I'm really tempted to paint the missing stud in his hairband. I didn't really notice it before, but now that I'm looking at these up close pics, it just jumps out at me!
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Did you notice how the blood splotch on Lao Wen's face is in the shape of a heart? Not to, err, romanticize battle wounds, but now I can't unsee it! If you've been reading this blog, you know I love battle-damaged figs anyway. And aww, the tears welling up in his eyes.
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These expressions are gold. We have A-Xu looking fierce and protective, and Lao Wen looking emotionally overwrought, and the both of them are just as cute as can be. Lao Wen has of course sustained the worst of the battle damage, but A-Xu sure didn't go down without a fight.
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Here they are in their pose. The figs actually fit together nicely - Lao Wen's knee on the ground goes into a slight curve in A-Xu's robes. I tried to take some pics that show this, but it was really hard to get down between them in any way you could actually see.
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You can kind of see what I am talking about with Lao Wen's knee here...
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...and a little bit here where their legs are touching.
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The bottoms-up view on this set is particularly cute because you can see the detail on how they are sitting, along with some great detail on their different colored pants. Like the fig maker could easily have designed this to be a solid bottom, and not made this so complicated (and perhaps a few RMB less), but I'm really, really glad they didn't. Everyone loves this level of hidden detail and fine fig engineering!
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Our protective shixiong from the top front...
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...and the top back. Another great view of that gorgeous long hairpin, too!
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This box card art is officially TOO CUTE. These are some of my all time favorite outfits in the show too.
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Alright! We've now done three of the four sets listed here - just one more to go. Come back tomorrow for the last one!
If you missed any of the previous ones, you can read them here: New Year Wenzhou and Good Sword, or just click on the master link at the bottom.
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 413
Scene Count: 29
Rating: Two very worthy figs!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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palemoonsdv · 3 months
a little fic im starting, will mainly be snippets i think rather than long chapters. also posted on ff.net
elliott/female oc, rated t for tension
comments appreciated!
The farm was a mess, to say the least, but Quinn found the work a little easier today. The spring breeze gave her a reprieve from the late afternoon sun as she finished watering her meager turnip patch, which was much appreciated at the moment. The little sprouts were doing fairly well for her first attempt at gardening since elementary school.
Her chores done for the day, she hiked past the bus stop and into town. A few gold coins rattled in her pocket as she went. Maybe she would have enough to invest in some cabbages this time. Or would she be able to upgrade her ax instead? She racked her brain trying to remember the fee for tool upgrades and whether she had enough copper bars.
The cabbage seeds won in the end (more money would come once she harvested those, anyway), and she clutched the little bag tightly as she walked towards the saloon. Not that she had any money to buy anything tonight, but Lewis had mentioned it was a gathering spot, and she honestly hadn't met as many people in town as she maybe should have. Quinn preferred to leave her first meetings up to fate for the most part, but she hadn't spoken to anyone but Pierre in three days. It was maybe time to push fate a little.
The sun was just beginning to set as she got to the saloon, casting a golden tinge to the sign. She paused outside the door, adjusting her twin braids to look a little neater (was that a leaf in her hair?) before taking a breath and opening the door as if she were taking an icy plunge.
The atmosphere in the place was inviting, but that didn't quell the feeling of mild anxiety at meeting new people. She recognized the bus driver who had delivered her to the valley sitting at the bar, looking like she was having an intimate moment with a pint. Quinn would leave her alone, then. She spotted Robin in the corner and gave a little wave as she walked past and made her way to the bartender.
"Oh, you're the new farmer, aren't you?" said the man behind the counter, a round older gentleman with a receding hairline. He had a kind demeanor, but his eyes seemed to be sussing out how much change she had in her pocket. "I'm Gus, I'm the owner. Can I get you anything?"
"Quinn," she said in reply, vaguely gesturing at herself. "And uh, not right now. I'm mostly here to introduce myself to people today."
His face changed a little, and Quinn could recognize a customer service expression when she saw it. She would have to come back to the saloon with enough cash to buy something next time. After the cauliflower harvest.
She looked around again, a little overwhelmed with how many new people she had yet to meet. Where to begin? Talking to new people was worse than pulling teeth.
Glancing around again, she spotted Leah at a table to the side. Sighing in relief, she made her way over. She had met Leah in the woods while she foraged for wild horseradish, immediately taking a liking to the girl. At least she had a female friend (was it too early to call them friends? Probably) her age again- that was the only thing that had kept her going during her days at Joja HQ.
Quinn sidled up to her with a friendly smile, which Leah thankfully returned.
"Hey, stranger," Leah said, picking at the salad in front of her. "How are you doing?"
"Well, I'm trying to be less of a stranger from now on, actually." Quinn sat beside her, gesturing to the rest of the saloon. "I was told this was the place to meet people."
"Hm. I guess that's so."
"Is there anyone you could introduce me to?" Quinn asked.
Leah made a face. "I mean, I mostly stick to myself, honestly…" she trailed off, noticing Quinn's crestfallen expression. "Well, I could point some people out at least."
And she did, giving Quinn a cliff's notes summary of the rest of the saloon patrons. Quinn would have to muster up the courage to meet them later on her own.
The conversation turned to her first week in the valley, then, and she was in the middle of regaling Leah with the tale of her first foray into the mines ("- And I swear, the way the slimes move is so weird—") when she sensed someone coming up behind her.
She turned in her seat, making eye contact with the man. She froze- this was maybe the most handsome man she had met so far in the valley. His auburn hair swept over his shoulders in a wave, framing a jawline so sharp it could cut glass. His green eyes lingered on her, then flicked to Leah and back again. Was she staring? A tinge of a blush crept up her neck. She was no good at talking to men, especially not handsome ones.
"You must be the new farmer," he said, ending the awkward pause with the sound of his richly toned voice. Of course, even his voice was nice. "Your arrival has sparked many a conversation. Pleasure to meet you."
He stuck out his hand. "I'm Elliott, I'm a writer."
"Quinn," she said, taking it and giving a firm shake (Dad had taught her a strong handshake meant a strong character). He had writer's callouses on his fingers. Had she formed callouses from using her hoe yet? She would have to check later.
"Quinn was just telling me about her day in the mines yesterday," Leah said, drawing his gaze from her once again. (Was Quinn disappointed or relieved?)
"Oh really? I'm going to procure myself a drink, then you can regale me as well." Elliott pointed a thumb at the bar before turning away.
Once he was out of earshot, Leah leaned in conspiratorially. "Hot, huh?"
Quinn made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a groan. "What?"
Leah shrugged. "Nothing. Don't worry about him, though. He's genuine."
And then Elliott was back, drink in hand.
"So you really ventured into the mines alone, Quinn?"
His voice saying her name was really something. She needed to hear it more.
"Yeah, they just opened back up apparently, so I thought I would check them out." She got back into storytelling mode, but left out the reason she was scoping it out at all. "This old guy gave me a sword and told me there's monsters in there, which I thought was just something he was saying to freak me out so I wouldn't get stuck in a mine shaft or something, but it's really true."
The slimes were difficult with the rusty sword. How would they fare against her on a full moon, though? She had yet to find out - the moon was still waxing right now.
She continued her story, occasionally peeking to her left at Elliott. He sipped his drink as she talked, stopping her to ask questions once or twice. He and Leah both exclaimed when she showed them her bandages on her calf, which covered a nasty scratch from a rock crab.
"That settles it," he muttered. "I am never stepping foot in the mines. I feel no need to risk my life and limb for some ore."
"It's not just for the ore, is it?" Leah asked Quinn. "It's got to be for the sense of adventure, right?"
Quinn pursed her lips. "I think thats a part of it," she admitted. The other part was that she needed a place to turn where no one else would go - a place she could truly be alone. A place where the only things she could hurt were other monsters. The woods had seemed like a good option, before she realized how easy it would be to run into someone.
"But it's mostly for the ore," she said with a grin. "I almost have enough copper to start upgrading my ax."
Her stomach started to signal her it was time for dinner. She made her goodbyes (did her gaze linger too long on Elliott?) and headed out of the saloon, leaving Leah and Elliott alone.
"She's been here a week and she's already getting into trouble," Leah sighed. "I hope she doesn't bite off more than she can chew with the mines." She took a bite of her salad to punctuate the metaphor.
"I imagine she has her hands full with the farm anyway," Elliot responded, finishing his drink.
Leah agreed. "I saw the state of the place when I heard a new farmer was moving in. The place is a wreck."
"Still better than my hovel."
She chuckled. "Yeah. But not as nice as my place."
"We can't all have a cousin willing to sell their cottage, now can we?"
They laughed, then sat for a moment in silence. Leah looked at him askance. Clearly the farmer was into Elliott— anyone into men would be— but the question remained if he saw her as anything but a new face.
Time to find out. "So what do you think?"
"Quinn. What does your gut tell you?"
He gave her a searching look. Why was she asking? He pursed his lips and shrugged, thinking of an answer. "She seems… normal," he supposed. "I wonder how she got her hair so long."
Leah held back a sigh. How much did she want to play matchmaker here? Elliott could use the company, sure, but Quinn still needed time to get herself situated anyway. Her meddling would have to wait.
But oh, if she was right…. This was going to be fun to watch.
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
get to know bee 🐝
so many lovely pals have tagged me in so many lovely things, so if you've been dying to know more about me (you are, right?) - this post is for you! 😂😌🥳
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first up, this picrew!
tagged by @whatthebodygraspsnot & @heymrspatel 🖤
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she's giving lgbtqia+ rights are the smart & sexy choice ✨🌈
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next, it's tag game tuesday!
tagged by @celestialmickey @energievie @thepupperino & @creepkinginc 🥳
name: bee 🐝
age: the big three-zero for just a few more days 🎂
how many hours of sleep did you get last night? enough, i think! 💤
which do you use more: tumblr mobile or desktop? it depends what i'm doing! i like posting from desktop & scrolling on mobile 😌
a hobby you’d like to pick up: oooh, i'd really like to do some paint by numbers 🎨
if you were a crayon, what color would you be? sea foam green 🌊
what was your average screen time last week? hehehe it went up.... like 5+ hours? 📲
a song you put on every playlist: "silk chiffon" by MUNA because that is my gay ass right 🌈
favorite holiday: i don't think i really have one anymore tbh 🤷‍♀️
something on your bucket list: go to bali 🌴
you’re invited to a costume party, what are you dressing up as? reese witherspoon as elle woods as a playboy bunny 💗
what show takes up the most space in your brain? i mean.... shamey wamey probs! also love island my chaotic beloved ☀️
and finally, share something you’re looking forward to: hugging my friends 😭 i'm so touch-starved 😭 also i'm seeing john williams conduct a night of his film scores with the LA Phil this weekend & i am freaking stooooked 🤘🏼
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lastly, here are 15 questions!
tagged by @gardenerian @squidyyy23 @transmickey @milkmaidovich @celestialmickey @such-a-barbarian @heymrspatel @look-i-love-u @palepinkgoat @creepkinginc @harrowhark-a-vagrant @rereadanon & @thepupperino 🖤
Were you named after anyone? nope, not that i know of!
When was the last time you cried? definitely two days ago, but maybe again today because it's cancer season & i loooove to weep 😭
Do you have kids? noooo & neverrrrrrr
Do you use sarcasm a lot? noooo & neverrrrrr (meaning yes & always)
What's the first thing you notice about people? probably their vibe. what a queer answer lmaoooo!
What’s your eye color? i'm a brown eyed girl, eat your heart out van morrison.
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings all day!
Any special talents? i have a very strong inner compass & can navigate places i've never been in before with relative ease! this is a really handy talent tbh!
Where were you born? northern california bayybeee
What are your hobbies? writing, reading, playing with my pup, pal'ing around with my buds, going to the movies, swimming in the pool, being stupid!
Have any pets? yes, a small dream dog named gus
What sports do you play/have you played? basketball & taekwondo
How tall are you? 5'5"
Favorite subject in school? english lit, drama & french
Dream job? i do not dream of labor, but i also kind of have my dream job - i'm a writer! & i'm so grateful!
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i'm not going to tag anyone because i feel y'all have already done these! but if you want to do any of them, please tag me! i love you all! xx
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Just read you had aspec Moon Knight posts you deleted, after reading you were looking for some aspec Moon Knight fics while I was searching your blog for more fics after I read your voicemails fic (it broke my heart in the most delicious way lol).
Anyway, from what I gathered, you were criticized for these posts and I understand why you deleted them. But as an aroace Moon Knight fan as well, I'd love to read a bit about your ideas!
Would you mind sharing, privately if you want? Like sending me an ask or DM'ing. me.
Again, totally understand if you don't want to.
Have a good day!
Hello! I never actually deleted any posts, just the harassing comments on posts. The existence of those comments just proves why I need to leave them up anyway. No aphobia on my blog! 😤
Anyway, idk how far you went back in my posts, but I have a ton of aspec moon knight stuff because the fandom needs more of it, especially the tumblr fandom. (Like, I get it, people think Oscar Isaac is attractive. I don't need to go into the moon knight tag and instantly get bombarded by hundreds of self-insert smut. Even tho that's what tumblr does... sigh) So, I thought I would make as much aspec content as I could to cater to the ppl who don't want smut constantly on their dash lol
Here's a master list of all of my stuff and some of other people's stuff I've found
My stuff:
Layla x the boys headcanons, I was still too scared to explicitly say they were aroace at this point but there is no romance lol
Steven's love language, just a quick headcanon bc I needed to project a bit lol Not explicitly aspec related but I thought I would include it
Touch Adverse Jake Headcaonons, not explicitly aspec related but I thought I would include it. Goes into his unhealthy relationship w Khonshu a bit
Aroace headcanons for the boys:
Demiromantic and demisexual Marc (has sexual content)
aroace Steven
touch adverse/sex repulsed Jake (has sexual content)
Steven and Layla should be in a qpr, It's literally what I just wrote there lol
Layla's lullaby, A fanart I did right when I finished the show
Going on a Queer Platonic Museum Date with Steven Grant, A self insert for aspec ppl
Moon Boy Playlists, Youtube playlists I made for the boys. Not explicitly aspec related but I did try to include at least one aroace song in each of them; some have more than others. (has sexual content, violence, drugs, self harm, suicidal thoughts, and panic attacks. Most of these topics are on Marc's playlist but are on all of them)
Other people's stuff:
Aromantic Moon Knight icons by @embrace-the-laters-gators
Asexual Moon Knight icons by @embrace-the-laters-gators
Gus pride icons by @embrace-the-laters-gators (includes aro/ace flags but has many different options)
Ace Steven icons by @adhd-orion
Perilune by @pokimoko on ao3, "In which Layla and Marc go to a party and share an important talk, Layla and Steven go on a date under the stars, and Layla and Jake go out for breakfast and come to a realization." (This is literally the best moon knight fic i've ever read, i highly recommend this one. All the boys are aspec and layla is an angel)
Dear Fellow Traveler by WastelandWalkin on ao3 (idk if they're on tumblr. if someone knows, pls tell me), "There are four of them now. Jake Lockley is the first to notice this. Jake Lockley is the first to notice most things." (I haven't actually read this one yet so idk if it's any good, but it's got queerplatonic relationship in the tags)
Aroace Jake headcanons by @tiptapricot
Jake and Layla's relationship headcanons by @mockspector
Aroace Jake headcanons by @mockspector
Aroace Jack Russell by @h0wv3ry
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oldguy56-world · 6 months
Date Night
I am happily married so there is no need to go on any more dates in my life. Do I take my wife out? Of course I do but technically they are not dates because a date implies it is a meeting to decide whether or not you will end up with this person for the rest of your life. No pressure there. I suppose this means that people who date a lot are confused as to what (or who) they are actually looking for, or I guess it might just mean they are very horny.
Back in the old days of my youth there were numerous places where you could meet a person that could be a potential date/mate. Let's have a look at these.
Work. This was at one time a prime spot for finding people. Not so much any more. A lot of places of business like stores, offices, or just general working environments are now down to a couple of people. Good luck that the other person working with you is going to be your soul mate. But what if it is a large place with plenty of people to choose from? If you ask a person out and they say no, you cannot ask them out again or it is harassment. Don't even look at them. Ask out a second person and you are a predator. If someone says yes you better have lots of paperwork signed that it is okay. Perhaps it is a good thing that most places have people working from home. Saves a lot of problems. Now that people are working from home the only one they see in person on a daily basis is their cat, and well there are laws against that type of relationship.
Church. Do people still go there any more that aren't in their '80's? No thanks.
School. Seems like students are more interested in getting a degree these days than meeting a person. It is official. The nerds have won.
Bars. Everybody looked good in smoke filled rooms with a dozen tequilas in them. Remove the smoke, cut down on the amount of alcohol because the bars do not want to be sued, and everyone is a sane rational person who would never hook up with a stranger. Ever wonder why the birth rate is down...think about it.
Blind dates set up by friends. Who has real friends anymore? They are all virtual and living alone in their own parent's basement. No chance that their girlfriend/wife has a cousin who is nice once you get to know her. Best hope you have is that you make a connection with the Uber Eats driver.
Arranged marriages. Not common in many parts of the world but getting back to the point a couple of spots above ever notice that countries that embrace this activity have some of the highest birthrates in the world? Just saying.
I didn't even get into the cost of dating. Call me cheap but dinner and a move now costs an arm and a leg. You might only be able to afford one shot at happiness every 5 or six months so you better make it a good shot.
What is the main tool now? On-line dating. According to the profiles (Yes I did some research) everyone on these sites is wonderful. I have seen enough TV to know that they are never what they seem, and if you are old and they are young it is probably a man named Gus who is just scamming you for cash.
Even if they are legit no thanks. It was humiliating enough to ask out a woman and be turned down. How bad would it be if you post on a site that boasts thousands of members and no one swipes right on your picture?
I am happy to be married to my wonderful wife and not have to put myself through all of this dating nonsense. It is also the reason I do everything I can to keep my wife happy in life. She can do better, but I don't want her testing that theory.
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: There is no algorithm for love. There is no dating formula. If it is there, it is there.
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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The impending disaster is delayed by the rest of the kids going places, doing stuff, beginning by asking around in this quaint little shop. I do like the ”Ghosts will haunt shoplifters” sign. I also spied another Hexas Holdem’ cameo on a table. Just how many of those bloody things did Eda dump in the Human Realm? Or maybe those are unmagical replicas, since the ones Jacob gave away became popular.
Anyways, moving on to this shot, I do notice Gus looking through that barrel of gems. Heh, gems in Gravesfield. I bet that doesn’t happen often. I bet there aren’t a whole lot of teenage criminal masterminds running around there either.
Also, that is a Ness costume to the left there on the wall. Which makes me think the other two ones are references as well, hm… I wanna say the witch costume on the right is from… Little Witch Academia?
I just looked it up, and yup, that’s totally Little Witch Academia. That leaves the middle one, which I have no idea what it could be a reference to. I’m not even sure if that’s a bow, or cat ears. Or maybe this is a Blake Belladonna situation, and it’s actually both.
Oh, and the shop is called The Magic Circle. Insert Engelsfors Trilogy reference here:____________________________.
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Oh, now this is a beautiful frame to accidentally pause on. I just had to include it.
That candy that looks like it’s levitating. Willow looking like she’s about to tip backwards. Vee psyching herself up before a boxing match. The librarian experiencing some Grade A secondhand embarrassment. The girl with the Batman logo on her shirt. Amity faceplanting for the second time this episode. Seriously, that can not be good for your face Mittens.
But hey, let’s look on the bright side. Now Hunter and Amity have something else to bond over: facial scar and a broken nose respectively.
And while I’m paused: I also love Willow paying for the costume with a snail, like she’s Pippi Longstocking with her gold coins.
Willow & Gus also both take notice of the statues of the Wittebane brothers. They exchange knowing glances, both of them undoubtedly seeing the resemblance to Hunter… though at this point only Gus has the pieces to begin putting the puzzle together.
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And thus one of the shows longest running gags comes to full circle as we finally see one of these demonic giraffes that much fuzz has been made about. Honestly? I don’t see what it was about, the fuzz. This looks fairly normal by Demon Realm standard. Unless the giraffe people were known for being unusually brutal and violent, I’m not sure why the kids are so spooked by this.
I do love this though, because giraffes have obviously been around on Earth long enough to be considered normal animals by humans. And surely someone somewhere at some point would realize that ”Oh shit, these long necked creatures can unfold their faces. That’s weird.”
Even if giraffes don’t do it in front of humans, surely someone dissecting a giraffe would find it. This leads me to believe that yes, it’s weird, but still considered to be an as of yet unexplained quirk in an others normal an unmagical animal.
It was at this point I went on a long tangent about evolution and biology, and I cut that out because this post is long enough as is. Let’s just say that giraffe taxonomy would be a huge pain for scientists in this universe to figure out.
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Called it.
I do believe I said so even as far back as Yesterday’s Lie that we would return back to the Gravesfield Historical Society. I also believe I said I dreaded seeing Jacob Hopkins again, for obvious reasons. Though based on the sign, we might be spared that unpleasantness. Good, Philip is already sneaking around, and one crazy person is enough for this episode.
I’m assuming the previous managers of the Gravesfield Historical Society came back from their vacation, found the crazy man who had broken into the building while they were away, and called the police on him.
Even though this is a shot from behind, you can clearly see Vee looking nervous and uncomfortable, and of course she’d be. The last time she stepped foot (eh… tail?) inside this building, all her worst nightmares came true, all at once. She was captured and put back inside a cage. She was going to be cut open and killed by a madman. Her cover was blown to Camila. All in all, it was a rather stressful thirty minutes or so she had in there.
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Ey, it’s the fortune teller from Yesterday’s Lie! Based on a comment or two I got, I had a sneaking suspicion they’d appear again, and would you look at that, I was right. It sure feels good.
And not to toot my own horn too much, but the nickanme I gave them back in Yesterday’s Lie was Mira. Which has the same first letter (M), same last letter (a), and the same number of syllables (2) as Masha’s real name. Which might not sound all that impressive, but try guessing the first and last letter, as well as the number of syllables in my (real) name. If any of you are correct, I’ll… be very scared.
So, are you the new new management here, Masha? I’d think not, since, well… you’re what, fourteen? Fifteen, maybe? I know Jacob didn’t set the bar high, but you know it’s a sad state of affairs when an actual child makes for a better manager at a historical society than a grown adult man.
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peterjakes · 2 years
Theon x Sansa - 'I thought I saw the devil this morning'
Theon Greyjoy is not Theon Greyjoy, but Reek. Reek. Reek. He will always be Reek. He is contented with that. That is until Sansa Stark arrives back in Winterfell. She is here and she will find him. She won't find Reek, but Theon.
set during s5 when Sansa and theon meet at winterfell
split pov bc I'm quite enjoying that way of writing
thought it would be interesting to look at some of the moments we see in the show when Sansa and theon meet again
thanks as ever for reading x
also posted on ao3; https://archiveofourown.org/works/45895981
Theon had seen her before she had seen him. He had gotten use to hiding in the shadows, cowering down to his master, being the obedient dog that he would always be. Something that his master wouldn’t be too please about was how well Theon had finessed his overhearing skills. He knew Sansa was coming to Winterfell before he saw her. Theon wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about that. How should he feel? Guilty, perhaps? Theon had lost track of time; he wasn’t sure how long he had been Reek, how long he had been under his master’s spell, how much time has passed since then.
Theon hadn’t seen a Stark since he took Winterfell, since he lost Bran and Rickon, and killed those two farm boys in their place. Robb and Lady Stark had been killed. Arya was missing. Ned Stark was still dead. Jon was at the Wall. Bran and Rickon were probably dead. Sansa was the only one left. Theon’s mind wandered to memories of Sansa, memories of Winterfell, of their childhood. So many of those had been blocked out, washed away, or altered. Who was this Theon Greyjoy who would spend time following Robb Stark around? Flirting with girls. Teasing Jon. Who was this Theon who had once wondered if Lord Stark would marry him to Sansa? He would have been part of them all, a real Stark. What a stupid thing to think. Theon Greyjoy thought this once.
But this Theon didn’t exist. It was Reek. Reek, Reek. Reek. But Reek didn’t know Sansa. Reek didn’t have something shared, something connected with Sansa. So why was he feeling this way? Why was he scared of her finding him? Why did he secretly want her to find him? It was Theon who knew Sansa. Theon who felt so much regret and guilt about what he had done to her family. Theon had known Sansa was coming. He knew he would have to face her eventually. Face what he had done to her family.
It was in the courtyard. Where Theon Greyjoy would practice his archery, where he would spar with Robb and Jon, where he would chase servant girls for a kiss. Where Theon Greyjoy had beheaded Ser Rodrick, where he had displayed the tiny burnt bodies for all to see, where Theon Greyjoy was no longer himself. Sansa looked different. Her usual kissed-by-fire auburn hair had been replaced with something dark. She was no longer a young girl; she had grown up.  She had walked by with her face full of confusion. Sansa hadn’t noticed him; she hadn’t even looked in his direction. A sense of relief waved through Theon, but he had to know it wouldn’t last. It would happen eventually and nothing Theon could do would prepare him for that. For once, he would have to face it. But that wasn’t what he did. That wasn’t Reek. Not without his master’s say so. Reek would hide, that is what Reek would do. Hide, hide away until it all stopped. Reek, reek it rhymes with meak. Weak. Meak. Meak Reek. Weak Reek. Not Theon. But it wasn’t Reek who knew Sansa, but Theon. Theon. Theon Greyjoy. Theon.
And so, he did. He hid, he waited. He took his place where he belonged, in the kennels. It wasn’t until later that he was disturbed. Theon could sense something was coming, someone. The dogs had started to howl, started to growl, they were riled up. They were hungry. Theon knew only too well what happened when these starving beasts were let out on a hunt. It couldn’t be Master, no, he was the only one the dogs obeyed. They were too loud for Master. Theon didn’t need to play a game of guessing; it could only be one person. Theon knew she would find him eventually. Maybe it was the Master, playing one of his tricks. Maybe he had forced her down here, wanting her to find him. Maybe it was punishment for listening in, for watching her from across the courtyard. Why, why?
Sansa couldn’t have heard what had happened to him, not by the look on her face. But most of Westeros must have known. They must have known how Balon Greyjoy’s last living son was a laughingstock to all of the Iron Islands. How he had tried and failed to take Winterfell, how he had handed it over to the Bolton’s and got Robb killed, the King in the North. His King. How he had betrayed his so-called captors, betrayed the people he knew best. How he had allowed his sister, Yara, and her soldiers to rescue him, only for Theon to refuse, only for him to stay Ramsey’s prisoner, to stay as Reek.
Theon grew up believing his was prisoner of the Starks, and maybe he was. But he was far more than that. He was the Starks children’s friend. He was Robb’s brother. He was part of their family. Maybe not in the way he had wished, the way he had secretly wanted. But as he had once said, his real father died in King’s Landing. The Starks were more of a family than the Greyjoy’s ever were. And he betrayed them. He could never make up for that. He would live as Reek for all of his days, serving his Master, feeling that guilt forever.
“Theon.” Sansa’s voice was relatively unchanged. Theon knew that voice. He had heard it many times. But the tone, that was different. Sansa didn’t see someone she knew. She didn’t see her brother’s friend. She saw a traitor. Theon wanted to curl up in that moment, get as far away as he could. If only Master would come. He would stop it. He might even get angry at Theon, yes, he would be angry. Would he end it all there? No, he would not. He didn’t want to die in that moment, he couldn’t. But the Godswood, that was different. He had sneanked away once, not so long ago. He had asked, he had prayed, he had even begged, to die as Theon, not as Reek. Never as Reek. But Master had found out. He has been angry. Master had done things…things he hadn’t before. He had punished Theon. No, Reek. Reek.
There she was, glaring down at him. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her breath shaky, her hands gripping tightly onto her dress. Theon had some idea what she was thinking, what she was feeling. Here sat the one person who had ruined everything, destroyed everything, anything that Sansa held dear was gone because of him. Sansa couldn’t have known who she would have found in the kennels. Who would have thought it, Theon Greyjoy, the once heir to the Iron Islands, would be a weak, prisoner? Would be Reek. Would no longer be himself.
Avoiding her eye, Theon could only shake his head. He couldn’t manage any words. What would he say? It was not Theon but Reek. Reek, Reek, it rhymes with weak. She had found Reek huddling in the corner, not Theon. Reek, Reek. Reek the freak. He couldn’t help her. He couldn’t defend what he had done. Not even Theon could do that. He couldn’t do anything.
Sansa’s gaze stayed on Theon, as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing. As if she couldn’t look away. She needed to know whether this was real, whether Theon was truly sitting below her, looking like that. Her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her, surely not. Theon was there. Theon. Not Reek to her, Sansa didn’t even know who Reek was.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Theon gulped; his eyes glazed over. Sansa shouldn’t have come down to the kennels, it wasn’t right. But Sansa shouldn’t be in Winterfell. A Stark should always be at Winterfell. But it had changed. This was not the place Sansa had once known. Not the place she had dreamt her dreams. Argued with her sister. Learnt to sew. Sansa couldn’t be here, no, no, no. Not with the Master, she couldn’t. What would he do to her? No, no, no. He didn’t want to think about that, that couldn’t happen. Not to Sansa. She needed to be as far away as possible. She couldn’t. Theon couldn’t let that happen. But Reek? Would Reek? Could he?
This only seemed to anger Sansa more, she let her hand drop from the gate, edging closer to him. No, no, no. Master wouldn’t like it, her getting so close. Would she strike him? She’d have every right. The slumped body down below quickly scattered closer to the edge of the cell, trying to get as far away from her as possible. She stopped in her tracks, looking him up and down. How pathetic did he look in this moment? How was this Theon Greyjoy?
Theon had been beaten, mutilated, stripped away. Theon Greyjoy, the Theon that Sansa knew, the Theon that grew up in Winterfell with the Starks, the Theon that betrayed them, no longer existed. Master had made sure of that. He’d taken him away, cast him aside, thrown him in the snow. But Sansa…Eddard Stark’s oldest daughter. Sansa Stark. Lady Sansa. This couldn’t be her end. She didn’t deserve it.
She would always be Sansa, she had to be. What had happened to Theon Greyjoy, it couldn’t happen to her. What the master had done to Theon Greyjoy, the cutting, the pulling, the knifing, the stripping, the pulling – all of it, that wasn’t going to happen to Sansa. Theon couldn’t let it. He wouldn’t.
Winterfell was Sansa’s home. That was what she would tell Myranda. She was a Stark, this was where she belonged. It just didn’t feel like it. She was surrounded by strangers, Bolton soldiers, northerners who had betrayed her family. And him, someone she hadn’t thought of for many years. Theon Greyjoy. A once valued member of Winterfell. Her father’s ward. Her brother’s friend. Maybe even her friend. She hadn’t expected to find him here. She wasn’t sure what she had expected. The last time she was at Winterfell, it felt like a different world. Sansa had no idea what horrors would visit her family. She knew of Theon’s betrayal. How the Frey’s had killed her brother and mother. How the Bolton’s had taken over her family home. But she had heard no word of Theon Greyjoy. It seemed Theon Greyjoy didn’t exist.
That was until she saw him, cowering them in the kennels. Sansa felt an intense wave of anger when she saw him. Followed by some confusion and even sadness. There sat the person who had ruined so much. Who had killed her two baby brothers, innocents. Why was he here? What was he doing?
The family was eating, and Sansa supposed she was included in that now. A relatively boring affair until Ramsey called out for some more wine. Sansa’s eyes flicked towards the door as this figure slowly walked into the room. It wasn’t the swagger she remembered when she was a child. He would often flounce around Winterfell’s grounds, as if he was so much better than everyone else. For a time, Sansa could see why he thought that. He was rather handsome. But now, he was anything but. She could see him more clearly now, than she had in the darkness of the kennels. Those once chestnut curls were now matted, his face was barely visible with the dirt and dust and the smell. Well, the smell was riper now. It was clear he hadn’t had a wash in a long time. What was Ramsey doing with him? The rags he was wearing engulfed him, as if they had always been too big.
The figure had avoided Sansa’s eye, as he had earlier. It was as if she wasn’t even in the room. It was clearly intended, to not look at her. This only angered Sansa more. How could he be here at Winterfell, to know she was here and just plainly ignore her? It seemed as if an eternity had passed before he arrived at the table, pouring Ramsey’s portion of wine first. Sansa assumed it was mainly due to what injury he had. His body seemed so small in comparison to the one she had seen practising archery and sparring with her brothers. He was hunched over, making no attempt to rise his head. The way he walked, that was different too. He was hobbling, as if he couldn’t walk straight.
“I heard you two had been reunited. A fitting place for it. I like to imagine that the last time you spoke was in this very room.” Sansa imagined Myranda, that girl, had told him. Reunited, she could have laughed if she wasn’t so angry.
Theon had stopped before pouring Sansa’s wine. It was only for a moment, a second, but Sansa had noticed. Sansa couldn’t help but move herself away from him as he poured. Not only was the smell almost unbearable, but she also didn’t want him to come any closer. Theon still hadn’t made an attempt to look at her, but Sansa made sure to watch him as he slowly walked around the table, pouring wine into the last remaining glasses.
Ramsey had started speaking, but Sansa wasn’t listening. All her energy, all her focus, all her anger was on one person. He had turned around now, focusing on something far away. But Sansa wouldn’t let herself turn. She couldn’t. There was a mention of punishment. Ramsey had punished Theon. Yes, that was evidently clear to Sansa. She didn’t need to know the details, but she could tell, it was not Theon standing there. He had been changed. Theon was looking at the ground, he seemed so intent on not looking at any of them. Even Ramsey. What had he done to him? How had he changed him? The Theon Greyjoy Sansa remembered, the one who had sworn loyalty to House Stark, to her brother Robb, he was not here. He was hidden. He was gone, perhaps.
But that was it, wasn’t it? He wasn’t Theon Greyjoy anymore. That was clear to Sansa. Ramsey began to explain himself, using that bizarre name. Reek. Theon turned around quickly at the call of his so-called new name. He looked at Ramsey now, the first time had had focused his eyes on anyone in the room. He looked at only his master.
“Yes, Master.” This was the first time Sansa had heard him speak, properly speak. That voice, it sounded so strange. Sansa wasn’t familiar with it. She didn’t like it. How it scraped across her ears.
Reek. Reek. Ramsey kept using this new name. And Theon responded to that. She had called him Theon when she first saw him again. But no, it wasn’t Theon but Reek. Reek. Gods, it even sounded revolting. Ramsey knew what he was doing, by using this name. But Sansa didn’t understand. What was Ramsey doing? What was he trying to achieve? It was clear that it wasn’t just Sansa who was feeling uncomfortable. The atmosphere before this awful conversation wasn’t exactly pleasant, but Sansa didn’t care. She had gotten used to ignoring things, only listening to what was important. But now, it was too strange.
Frowning, Sansa spoke up. “Why are you doing this?” It was unlikely that she would receive a proper answer from Ramsey. Or at least a truthful one. She was used to being lied to. Being tricked.
Ramsey smiled, stating Reek had something to say. What could he say to make this any better? His eyes flickered around the room, not staying in one place. He didn’t move, not until he was forced to follow Ramsey’s finger, turning to face his master. Limping along, he only look at Ramsey in that moment. His eyes were not focused, as if he was transported somewhere else.
Ramsey was losing his patience with his servant, that was clear to Sansa. Asking for an apology. She didn’t want him to apologise. She didn’t want him to be here. She didn’t want anything from him. But it seemed Ramsey Bolton always got what he wanted. He wanted to kill Theon Greyjoy, and clearly, he had. Theon wasn’t there. His mouth moved ever so slightly, but no words appeared. A quiver, and then he managed a quiet, “I’m sorry.”
“Look at her, Reek. An apology doesn’t mean anything if you’re not looking the person in the eye.” He still only looked at Ramsey. He couldn’t even look at her. He was forced to look at her, but he knew she was there. He knew she was looking at him with so much feeling. Sansa took a deep breath, her eyes still focused on him, trying to gauge what he was going to do.
“I’m sorry.” Theon didn’t whisper this time. His voiced echoed the room. But this still wasn’t Theon’s voice, but Reek’s. Theon had finally looked at her. It didn’t give Sansa the satisfaction she had wanted, only made her feel worse.
And what was he sorry for? Ramsey didn’t miss a beat, as if he had planned this. For killing her brothers, yes, Theon. But that wasn’t all Theon had done. Ser Rodrik. Bran. Rickon. Maester Luwin. Robb. Her mother. Betraying her father. Winterfell. The North.
He had stopped looking at her now and Sansa in turn broke her gaze with him, feeling Ramsey’s eyes on her. Did he want a reaction from Sansa? Did he want her to shout out? That wasn’t going to happen. No matter how angry Sansa was, how broken she was even just thinking about her family, she wouldn’t give anyone that satisfaction. Not now. Not after everything. Theon’s breathing became sharp, and he had resumed his previous position of avoiding her eye.
Ramsey laughed, like it was all just a game. Sansa didn’t like games. She’d had enough experience of games in the capitol. But this was different. The games Cersei, Joffrey, even Tyrion would play, they were not the same as Ramsey Bolton’s games. Not one bit. Ramsey was speaking again, Sansa only caught so much of what he was saying. The figure had this back turned once again, but Sansa was still looking at him. It was as if she couldn’t stop looking at him. She wanted him to feel her eyes on him, the hairs on his neck to raise.
But Ramsey had not finished. Theon, or rather, Reek, was the closest thing Sansa had to family. Family? Her family was dead. Her brothers, dead. Her father, dead. Her mother, dead. Her sister, probably dead. She had no one. Not even Littlefinger. Theon was not here, but Reek. And Reek would give Sansa away.
There was a part of Sansa who looked at Theon as he was now and felt validation. He deserved this, he deserved all of this. For what he did to her, to her family, her home. But that part of Sansa was angry, she was angry at her father, at his death, at the Lannisters, and now the Boltons. She almost felt sorry for him, almost. She felt sorry for the person she had once known. Sorry for the Theon Greyjoy, who had grown up with the Stark children. Theon Greyjoy, who had laughed at Robb’s bad jokes. Theon Greyjoy, who was always a part of their life growing up. But then he destroyed it all.
Theon should have died. He should have died with Robb. But he didn’t. He was here with Sansa at Winterfell. He was the last connection she had to her childhood. As Ramsey had put it, the closest thing she had to living kin. How sad that was. Or maybe he should have died for his crimes. A traitor of the North. Beheaded, as her father once was. Felt the pain, as she had. The sadness, as the North had. But he didn’t do any of that. Whatever had happened to Theon, he was here at Winterfell, with Sansa.
Theon didn’t look like Theon. He didn’t walk like Theon, talk like Theon. It was if he was someone else completely. Reek, as Ramsey had said. His name was now Reek. Sansa didn’t entirely understand Ramsey at first. He was…odd. He said and did strange things. And that devilish smile, Sansa did not believe any good would come for her here. After that conversation, Sansa seemed to have an idea about what Ramsey was like, but not fully. She would not realise what kind of man Ramsey Bolton was until her wedding night.
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gayfring · 2 years
Did somebody say random uncalled for NORMAL PEOPLE TOTALLY NOT CRIMINALS AU LORE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Reminder that the nptnc au is just a silly and corny highschool au (kinda like how they portrayed high schools in early 2000s movies) that takes place around the 80s?? and after all the characters graduate the story just focuses on Gus and Max for now until me and my friend write more post-hs lore about the rest of the characters]
- Gus and Max met when they were in 9th grade in the school library. They were in the same class but they never talked to each other before. Gus reached out to grab the book "Gone with the Wind", and Max noticed him grab it and told him that his parents donated the book to the library. Gus just stood there with an awkward smile as Max talked and talked about his parents and their boring books. They were close friends until around 11th/12th grade, when they found out they actually were in love. Gus was the typical quiet, nerdy kid who loved studying and Max was a rather popular, athletic kid who used to play football (soccer, not American football) a lot of the time.
- Obviously Lalo is gonna be a school bully. But he's the type of bully that always hits close to home with his insults. Unlike Tuco, he doesn't use physical violence as often, and when he does, it's mostly shoving pathetic kids like Gus into the lockers. Sometimes he takes tests for Tuco... as Tuco. Even though they look nothing alike, and the grade isn't even any better than if Tuco were to take it himself.
- At prom, Gus and Max came with matching suits, and they tried their best to hide their relationship as always. Lalo got really drunk that night, he squeezed himself in between Gus and Max, and said "you know, despite how much I laugh at you, you guys are some really nice dudes," Gus and Max looking at him confused. Only a few years later did they actually realize how painfully bad they were at hiding their relationship from others.
- Kim and Jimmy once again fall victim to the "a woman that barks and a man who meows" dynamic. They met and fell in love after Kim finished eating in the boys' restrooms and Jimmy finished crying in the girls' restrooms and they both exited at the same time, Kim with crumbs still all over her mouth, and Jimmy all swollen and red from crying. Jimmy is a pathetic little loser who cries at the girls' restrooms after making the entire class laugh at his jokes and Kim is a closed but at the same time assertive girl. One time Kim saw Jimmy wrote her name in his phone book as "The most beautiful girl in the world", alongside with her phone number. She insisted that he changes it to "The smartest girl in the world", but Jimmy managed to convince her to let him call her "The most beautiful AND smart girl in the world". Kim calls Jimmy "James McGill class" in her phone book. They usually eat lunch together in a place far away from the other kids. Jimmy always engraves "K+J" with a heart surrounding it on every surface he sees, such as trees, desks, and more.
- Max was a painfully corny guy when it comes to romance, as if he learned everything he knows about relationships from the worst romance films ever. Gus wasn't all that knowledgeable in this kind of stuff, but he wanted to adapt himself and make Max happy so he tried to be romantic/corny as well, but it turns out he's really bad at these things, and his failed attempts at acting "like Max" never failed to make Max laugh, he saw it as the purest thing ever and he hoped that Gus would never stop trying.
Should I post more should I post more I have so many of those in my vault. Sooo many. Just say if you want more I will post them ALL!!!!! I just don't wanna make it super long so I thought it would be better to post it in parts lol
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neoyi · 2 years
The Owl House Season Three Thoughts
Probably my dumping ground for season three talks. *shrugs*
You can read my general thoughts on the first two season here: https://neoyi.tumblr.com/post/698412600252366848/neoyi-neoyi-neoyi-neoyi-neoyi
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"Thanks to Them" spoilers.
It was abundantly clear by the latter half of season two that the creators had to introduce, establish, and progress major plots and character developments within the last ten or so episodes because of Disney's screw-up. It's a damn miracle it ran as efficiently as it did.
Apparently they had to alter the plot by that point, which does explain why it didn't feel overstuffed as I thought it would be. Sure, a couple of things feel clumsily inserted (the Collector's presence is an abrupt introduction than a gradual foreshadowing of What Was To Come), but for the most part, they altered its course pretty damn well.
Time will tell if Dana Terrance will be able to finish the show off given what little she was forced to work with (man, I do not blame her for feeling angry), but season three's opener "Thanks to Them" is a good indicator of what may be to come: simultaneously stuffing the episodes with as much content as they needed in the most economical way possible.
It's really, really, reaaaaaaaaaally evident in the beginning montage how many shit they had to squeeze in within just two minutes: Luz coming out to her mother, the kids trying to create a new portal door, the witch kids trying to blend into Earth and its customs, Hunter suffering PTSD and getting an Important Haircut to try and be his own person, the feckin' rain that the kids can experience without fearing for their lives? All of these are worth their own episodes. We'll never get time for Gus to truly take in the human world. That's several episode plots right there. We'll never see Hunter gradually getting possessed by Belos with cliffhangers and plot twists that would have left us aching to know what happens next. We'll never get Camila and Luz having heart-to-heart once the latter comes out. It's a really adorable montage of What Could Have Beens.
I want to believe Dana Terrance, knowing she owes Disney nothing now that her show is cancelled, means she's going to be like, fuck everything, and come right out, ON-SCREEN, to say that Luz is bisexual as fuck. I mean, what's Disney gonna do? Cancel the show some more?
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This is so unapologetic, as it should be. (Also double props to Camila who wears a pride rainbow badge afterward. A++ mom.)
I love how far Vee has come that she's not only familiar with Earth custom and is able to guide the witch kids, but has developed a human identify of her own. She has to hide what she is to the public, but not who she is to people close to her.
Even their version of the Duolingo Owl is as persistently demonic as ours.
It's sweet to see the witch kids and Vee learning Spanish. Luz took the time to learn the Boiling Isle's culture, it would make sense they want to do the same with Luz's heritage.
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Man, these kids have some choice fashions.
I forgot Hunter was trying to sew the Golden Guard's crest episodes back until I did a rewatch and got to that episode. So what a nice callback here where he's using Camila sewing machine to make more patches! I cannot believe this fucking kid made his own version of the Three Wolves Howling At Moon shirt. Of course he thinks wolves are Cool and Mystical. What a goddamn dork.
THE GODDAMN GIRAFFES. Like did it show off its true face because it recognized the witch kids as from the Boiling Isles? Surely, many humans have taken pictures of this creature that if it had made the same horrifying face, someone would have noticed and said something by now. (Then again, that shitty conspiracy guy was correct in his suspicion, sooo...)
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Damn, these kids are fashionable as fuck.
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Gooooood, this is such a cute, heartwarming scene. Every time something bad happens to this kid, I want to wrap him up in a blanket and give him hot cocoa. And now, he finally has people who would and likely has done that for him (Camila would definitely give him a blanket and a nice meal.) This is probably the safest Hunter's been since he found out about Belos. And even before then, his entire life was built to be a soldier and personal assistant to a kingly figure. I don't know how Belos treated him, but I doubt it was the kind of warm and sincere comfort Luz, her friends, and her mother has been giving him since their time on Earth. I don't think Hunter has ever had to experience just lying in bed, reading nerdy books and relating to its characters, and sewing just because he wants to sew the things he likes and not for the role Belos gave him since birth. He's finally found an identity for himself, free of Belos. And it's because he IS Hunter, and not Phillip's brother-clone, that he's able to free himself from Belos' influence at the end. This kid went through the best character development in the entire damn show and he's a dumpster fire who deserves hugs and cookies.
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Ahh, I see Luz has good taste in indie games.
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Masha's non-binary colored nails are on point. Did they always have them in their first appearance or was this added for season three? Need to check sometime.
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Ahh, THIS explains why Flapjack was drawn to Hunter.
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So this episode completely recontextualized the relationship between Luz and Camila and I was not prepared for it. I just thought Camila didn't get Luz, tried to figure out a solution, and handled it wrong. I was not expecting Camila to have also grown up as a nerd, outcast and bullied in her youth, with fears of her daughter going through the same. I wasn't even sure if Luz's father would have even played a part in their story or was just background, but he did and now we get why their relationship was slowly starting to falter because grief fucking sucks and it causes you to cope in different, and sometimes not often good ways. It's heartbreaking to see Camila, who so loved Luz's eccentricity, cave into the criticisms of judgmental adults. Given she's always stood up for Luz in the latter's youth, I think she collapsed and just gave up when her husband died. Meanwhile Luz had an outlet brought about by her favorite book series (now much more meaningful because it came from her father), but overcompensated and unintentionally caused problems in school and her social life. It explains a lot of the earlier hints in previous episodes where we see Camila still embracing and amused by Luz's creativity, but also contradicting it with concerns against it. Everything makes sense now and together, they can finally work to heal and grow.
I love how blatant the animation took a huge bump up for the Witch kids vs. Possessed Hunter fight. I'm especially impressed by Possessed Hunter's lip sync. The way his mouth moves is particularly nuanced compared to the usual way its animated. I honestly thought they got James Baxter to guest animate. It just feels like he'd be the guy who would do stuff like Willow grabbing one of Possessed Hunter's arms and twisting it around like that, but apparently someone else animated this? Whoever you are, I salute you.
Man, I thought Belos was paste by "King's Tide." Sure, there was that hint when one of his goop landed on Hunter's shoulder that brought him to Earth, but I was maybe expecting one of those Last Remnants Of Him With No Mind To Take Final Revenge kinda thing. In any case, it was important for him to come back so Hunter can finish his personal journey. He had to be the one to fight and tell Belos to fuck off and finalize himself as an individual person.
Okay, so I first thought it was cheap that Flapjack revived Hunter. You'll have to forgive me, I tend to be weary of Cheap Deaths and tend to approach them with great caution. Then I remembered that Belos regularly absorbed palismens in order to keep going. It's probably how he's lived for centuries. Pailsmen can do that. They can GIVE life to humans/witches. Hunter's situation is the complete opposite of how Belos handled it where Flapjack willingly gave his own life instead of having it taken away from him. Man, I was not prepared for them to kill off Flapjack! And like Hunter has his eyes. So is Flapjack a part of him now? Are all magic-users bonded to one palismen in their lives or can they get more? Is that it for Hunter? No more familiar for him? Why does palismen have the ability to give their lifespan? Is it just in their nature to help their creators? There's a million questions I have on palismen biology, but I digress. Somebody get Hunter hot cocoa and a blanket, damn it!
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Amity is a patient girlfriend. I think Luz has lied or kept like three major secrets from her (and her friends) by now.
Awwww yeah, Camila is coming to the Boiling Isles. This is the absolute BEST solution to anything because she's gonna wreck shit up!
I like that the show validates Vee's decision to stay out of the battle. She's still working through her trauma and deserves a safe spot to cope and live.
I did kind wished they left out the car keys joke at the end. It's cute, but a mild mood killer.
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