#how differently they go about achieving their similar goal?? friendship is so cool I love team friendship I hope whoever decided
nazumichi · 7 months
season 6 is so hit or miss because every time I even have to acknowledge the existence of that relationship or whatever the fuck, I want to chew through my mug (derogatory)
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lanshappycorner · 4 months
Some type of analysis
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I reread the landot vs epidem chapter and I came to a really mortifying realization (that was probably really obvious but) .....Lance/Dot and Orter/Alex parallels..........
Lance = Orter
Dot = Alex
To start with the obvious, personality-wise they're similar. Orter and Lance are both pretty cool and detached, they work in their own self interest (or Orter does Pre-Alex Incident). Dot and Alex are hotheaded, but kindhearted people who do their best
Appearance-wise, Alex and Dot are similar (spiky hair, similar lines on their faces). Lance and Orter have similar hairstyles too and a default resting bitch face I'm afraid </3 Orter and Lance are both older siblings, while Alex and Dot are younger siblings
The difference is where the interesting stuff comes in
Orter and Wirth do not have a good relationship, whereas Lance and Anna have a great relationship. Alex's brother died, while Dot's older sister is....alive as far as I know 💀 so the circumstances are different
I guess this somewhat builds a foundation for their relationship going forward and I know this is gonna sound crazy but please bear with me Aleorter is like Landot if they were doomed yaoi. Trust me
The foundation of their relationships already kind of builds the vibe for their stories, and aleorter are basically set to be doomed
Orter works in his own interest, doing whatever he wants. He meets Alex, who he becomes fond of despite their contrasting ideals (and how Orter doesn't show affection lmao).
Eventually, Alex gets fatally injured and Orter comes too late to save him, only able to watch him die. Alex tells Orter that despite everything, Orter still came, asserting that Orter still cares. He also says that to prevent deaths like his brother's, he's willing to give up his life.
Now with Dot and Lance, Lance initially starts off working in his own interest too, not caring about others and doing what he wants to achieve his goal.
Unlike Orter, however, he was able to make friends and had a support system (with his friends and also with his sister growing up, unlike Orter who did not seem to rely on anyone, even his own brother. Very important to know that lance+anna and orter+wirth have similar age gaps in between them, being 4-5 years).
It's similar to the scene where Alex implies that Orter still cares. But unlike Alex, Dot is much more upfront about the fact that they're friends, and that he cares for Lance. Lance then changes his attitude to work together with Dot to defeat Epidem.
Anyway Lance was able to divert himself from whatever path Orter was on with the power of love and friendship I guess (<very deep analysis)
During the battle with Epidem, however, he temporarily switches to his old mindset, causing Dot to punch his lights out and remind him that they're friends and that of course he would help Lance, and that Lance doesn't have to carry these burdens by himself
Orter...did change his attitude after Alex's speech, but Alex was no longer with him, and his words became twisted. Not that Alex said anything bad, but Orter's interpretation of it sucked😭😭 so theres that
So where Alex and Orter's story ends, Lance and Dot's story continue. In the heat of the moment, when it seems like Dot is about to be killed, Lance throws himself in front of the attack, and "dies"
(We know he doesn't die, but in the moment, Dot doesn't. He genuinely thinks Lance died). This is a direct parallel to Alex's death scene imo, and we can hypothesize that in a world where Orter was able to come in time, he would've done the same thing and sacrificed himself for Alex.
When Lance is "dying" in Dot's arms, Dot tells Lance that his sister still needs him and he still has a lot left to do for her :( whereas Alex has no sibling left to live for. He admits he's willing to die to prevent anyone else from dying like his brother, and in that moment, there was nothing Orter could say or do in response to that
In the scene where Lance "dies" protecting Dot, Epidem says that saving Dot wasn't very logical. Lance asserts that maybe he is foolish, but he found himself acting despite everything
This can eventually be tied back to the scene where Orter eventually sacrifices himself for landot, Mash and co, he's told that he's being irrational. This time, although Orter does call himself irrational for placing his trust in others, he asserts that this is the most logical decision he could make....to sacrifice himself :(((
When Alex died, the scene took place in the rain. We can assume Orter was crying but due to the rain, we can't really...tell. In this case, where Lance sacrificed himself to save Dot, we see how pained Dot is, but his expression is hidden for a moment.
In the next scene, we see a frame of just Lance's face, "dead" in Dot's arms, and Lance has Dot's tears on his face, implying that Dot was, very obviously, crying (hence, his tears landed on Lance's cheek).
Those are some of the parallels I could find, but the fact that Dot is a parallel to Alex makes sense, considering out of Orter's 2 students, Dot is clearly the one who is more attached to Orter too
In one official art, Dot is drawn next to Orter, while Lance is stood somewhere else. In a lot of panels where Orter is looking at landot, Dot seems to be the bigger focus, and Dot also seems to be more visibly frustrated/devastated at seeing Orter in danger
This doesn't necessarily mean Lance and Orter aren't close, or Lance cares about Orter any less, but the fact that Orter and Dot's closeness is more emphasized does seem to be pretty deliberate and even more so if Dot is supposed to be Alex's parallel
Lance, on the other hand, is Orter's parallel. This would give his win against Wirth and acknowledgement of Wirth's efforts a deeper meaning, considering Wirth has always seeked the approval of his family.
Orter does eventually praise landot, but he never praises Wirth (or at least on screen), so it's rly interesting to me that Orter's parallel in specific is the one to defeat Wirth and praise him for his efforts.
I have no clue how to conclude this but basically landot aleorter parallels real
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crisps-craft · 2 years
Hello, I saw your post about being open for readings and thought I would try at asking a question if that's alright. Lately I have been contemplating the concept of a curse, I have been a witch for 5 years and understand the concept within its typical context and discourse, but I find that often times we tend to view ourselves as being 'cursed' when we see the repetition of an event or fault within ourselves; this can be something we see suddenly begin at some point in our lives (clear or vague) or believe to come from birth (maybe a past life). In some ways, rationally I know I'm not cursed and that it has more to do with my self perception, but looking back at my life I see a history in which I'm alone, incapable of making friends or successfully socialising with others except for a few online friends and shallow irl friendships who aren't part of my daily life (unlike other forced/awkward interactions). I would like to know if, when, and how this will change? Is it really a curse that I've placed on myself or was born with?
I hope you have a wonderful day and Thank You,
-L.C.F 🌙
Capricorn Rising, Sagittarius Sun
hello :) reading this ask, i just wanted to take a second to appreciate your occult philosophy because mine is very similar and its fascinating talking with other practitioners and witches! & while reading your question, i got a very cerebral and intellectual vibe from you. you spend so much time refining your perspectives and personal beliefs- its like a mental tinker toy that you always add, remove, transmute, and transform with. you are always learning and try to add / question it and its cool. scientist philosopher vibe and it makes sense with the cap ris and sag sun!
a quick astrological note i have about sagittarius is that a lot of them that ive been friends with (i have a lot of sag friends - im a gemini so sister signs hehe) never feel at place anywhere. not only physically, but even with friends too? even the extroverted ones who have the skill and charisma of socializing never feel at place or 'real' with anyone - jupiter (ruling planet) is an outer planet and they are more focused on large-scale collective issues / philosophy, etc. and their energies tend to be heavier / more intense with outer planets imo. esp with saturn as your ruler (im going to guess your sun in sag is in the 12th house if your rising is in cap! i have a 12th house too and 12th house planets are veryyyy important to your soul's path and how it experiences existence) a 12th house sun indicates someone more withdrawn who only feels comfortable being who they are alone - however, often enough, they find themselves emotionally in conflicts with this. 12th housers are notably known for experiencing loneliness, however, not only can this change (the 12th house has highhh spiritual energy within it that can manifest sooooo much holy shit) 12th housers are natural psychics, channelers, and magicians. its part of their soul path. when they learn to channel more from a place of pure self acceptance, self-love, etc. - existence will be so much easier for them.
i have a couple 12th house placements and when i was younger i couldnt click with anyone either - for example, i hate television and mass media. i use tumblr as a spiritual space which is nice but thats about it. i have others but all of it exhausts me tbh. i read a lot of philosophy and psych (im a phi and psych major) and its made me see the world differently. i took for more sensitive intelligent yet fun types! those people can be hard to find and when i was younger and not in control of my 12th house energies (aka always having self guilt, intense self hatred, intense ego inflation / wanting to achieve worldly goals) i couldnt manifest or meet any of them. i spend a lot of time alone (but honestly my psychic abilities thriveee when im alone so realize that the 12th house has hidden gifts and they r so fun hehe) and through self-healing, when i noticed myself shedding those parts of myself that were channeling dark energy, my life manifested better in all areas. when you shed the ego, oddly enough spirit comes through and blesses your life and im so serious with this one. my relationship to the world changed radically, same with my family, friends, i came into alignment with my soulmates. the 12th house is all about learning self-forgiveness and changing negative mental patterns- like i think, from reading your question, you are blaming yourself a lot like "whats wrong with me?" or "what am i doing to 'dispel' people?" i dont think this is the case. its wild because other people find you really cool and intelligent but in a detached way while you see yourself so much lesser than. but ur cool asf so remember that haha. i think that recognizing what qualities you like in people instead of what you lack in yourself might help - there is a good manifestation tool where you write spells/ affirmations and put it on the windowsill and forget about it. when you write what you want, you have to be specific (to make sure the spell doesnt work wrong), use positive energy, and use the present tense as if it has already happened. this might help you redirect and refocus a bit?
i also want to say that witches and mystics can often feel lonely- i notice this a lot with my intuitive friends where they either need a lot of alone time or cant find those introspective, deep, solacing, and safe connections that they crave. they exist out there, and i think alignment will help. trust in yourself. i keep getting the whole self-love message here - your guides are stressing this a lot - also i would recommend looking into 12th house placements because (i cant exaggerate it enough) that's the fix- the only way out is from within.
though im not too familiar with the specifics of curses (i practice light magick) i see curses as reversible forces and i truly believe in the unconditional love of the Absolute (the universe) and its extensions of Being (the soul in the immaterial realms, and the ego in the material realms). the lessons that our souls are learning on earth are stepping stones to our revolution. opening up the heart to the unconditional patience and forgiveness to yourself is so essential - don't rest in shame or feel like 'something is wrong with you'. fear feeds on fear, and love breeds on love. Sometimes 12th house placements can feel like a curse but it’s moreso what state of mind you have. If anything, the 12th house is karma to resolve. Just make sure you aren’t blaming yourself and that it can be so difficult to connect with people and it’s not your fault at all - imo from a philosophical standpoint, we have capitalism to blame. Marx’s theory of alienation is interesting.
I hope that this could help and that it resonates! energy is such a malleable and manipulative source so you can use this for good causes such as energy transmutation and rebirth. i think that expanding out into your interests and trying to find people similar to you might help? like i think you seek mental stimulation and you should look for those types? like most people seem kind of unconnectable or maybe even childish to you and i don't blame you at all for that
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mouisorange · 3 years
☰ Yandere Personality Types  〔Big Five〕
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☰ Overview
〔Disclaimer〕 Yandere behavior and mindsets are not healthy, nor should they be sought after: this is just meant to be a fun way to analyze characters and see/understand how they may fit into this specific genre of fictional horror. 
This personality ‘assessment’ was inspired by @ddarker-dreams​‘s ‘Yandere MBTI’ as I adore their writing and have always thought that their MBTI assessment is really cool! I also noticed how other people enjoy it so I thought I would make my own assessment, though mine is inspired by the ‘Big Five Personality Traits’. I even tried to be creative and add in the little circles that you can find on the actual Big Five assessment too (which is 100% free btw!). I don’t really think I did the Big Five assessment justice, and I think that a lot more goes into the complexities around this kinda thing, but hopefully this is somewhat interesting!
If you have your own thoughts or even wanna try this out, 100% feel free to use or talk to me about it! Check it out below the cut!
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☰  OPEN   •  •  •  •  •  CLOSED 
〔Open〕 yanderes are blatant about their obsession. They do not try and hide it either because they believe it’s meant to be, because they’re too deep in their delusions to understand that it might be a good idea to keep their mouth shut, or simply because they’re in a position to not care about hiding their interest. Usually, this type of yandere is either seen as somewhat of a ‘lovesick puppy’ or a powerful character; though, being a ‘lovesick puppy’ doesn’t necessarily mean kind or affectionate. Whether it was ‘love at first sight’ or more of a slow-burn, these characters usually roll with their feelings with little to no hesitation. Situations with this type of yandere usually include darlings who are unaware of the yandere’s emotions (or even their existence) until they’re suddenly confronted, kidnapped, or confessed to seemingly out of the blue. 
examples︙Anasui 〔 jjba. Stone Ocean〕,  Diavolo & Doppio 〔 jjba. Golden Wind〕, Pina 〔Beastars〕, & Zeke Yeagar 〔Attack on Titan〕.
〔Closed〕 yanderes try to hide their obsessive mindset or behaviors. While they might not always be successful at hiding their interest, closed yandere types are either ashamed/embarrassed by their feelings or are frustrated by them in some way. Usually this type of yandere will ignore/avoid their darling in hopes of losing their feelings, or pretend their feelings don’t exist. This type of yandere is either upset at themselves for having these feelings or upset at their darling for ‘making’ them feel that way. Darling can possibly see their behavior coming and try to avoid the character, but this type of yandere is likely to ‘snap’ at some point and somehow corner their darling as an attempt at controlling their obsession or feelings (though, sometimes this is just the yandere trying to excuse their behavior).
examples︙Avdol〔jjba. SDC〕, Legoshi 〔Beastars〕, Alucard 〔Castlevania〕, & Klaus Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕.
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How does their behavior shift when they realize they’re obsessed?
〔 ⅱ. 〕 What are their opinions on their darling? Does this character adore them? Do they blame darling for their behavior (if so, are they angry about it)?
〔 ⅲ. 〕 How comfortable is this yandere with their feelings and/or actions in regards to their darling?
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☰  CASUAL  •  •  •  •  •  DIRECT
〔Casual〕 yanderes do not actively pursue their darling. This type of character is typically laid-back. They either believe that darling will inevitably fall ‘into line’ or is mellow enough to be content with simply being in darling’s life. Casual yanderes are either delusional or are not possessive enough to want more than close friendship from their darling. Though it usually takes a specific type of character for this, some yanderes here believe that they’re already in a relationship with their darling and therefore feel no need to chase after them. This kind of character can confuse their darling, and make it more difficult to get away, as their behavior can be waived off if the character is perceived as harmless, gains darling’s sympathy in some way, or otherwise is not vocal about their delusional thinking/is charming enough to convince darling to just go along with it. Some of these characters are willing to let go if darling catches on early enough, though most will just slowly follow behind regardless of what darling does (though this behavior/these reactions will definitely vary/be different depending on the character).  
examples︙ Mista 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Luther Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕, Connie Springer 〔Attack on Titan〕, & Cater Diamond 〔Twisted Wonderland〕.   
〔Direct〕 yanderes, as their name suggests, directly or actively pursue their darling. Usually strict or over-bearing, these characters actively chase after their darling’s affections (or otherwise whatever goal relationship the yandere wants). This yandere makes organized, sometimes step by step, plans in order to achieve their goal. It depends on the character whether they get angry when plans have to be changed or if they just shift their angle, however, these characters are focused and will not be discouraged should darling fight against their plans. If anything, some of these characters will be encouraged by their darling fighting back for various reasons (for example, if they’re delusional or just thing it’s a part of the whole ‘chase’ thing/enjoy it). These characters will almost never give up on their darling regardless of what happens.
examples︙ Giorno Giovanna 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Armin Arlert 〔Attack on Titan〕, Rook Hunt 〔Twisted Wonderland〕, & Jason Todd 〔DC Comics〕. 
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How goal-oriented is this character, especially when it comes to their darling? 
〔 ⅱ. 〕 How lenient is this character? Are they trying to force a bee-line to a relationship with their darling or are they willing to play the long game?
〔 ⅲ. 〕 Is this character organizing a plan in order to achieve their goal(s)? Or are they completely winging it? If they’re winging it, are they just hoping that everything will naturally fall into place, or do they genuinely believe it’s fated to happen?
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☰  DISCREET  •  •  •  •  •  INTENSE
〔Discreet〕 yanderes either do not have overly strong yandere behaviors or are able to hide said traits enough to be seen as ‘normal’. These characters will usually hide their behavior, regardless of the reasons, in order to have a normal relationship with their darling. While similar to closed character types, discreet yanderes differ in the sense that they usually do not struggle to hide their behavior, and will slowly (or suddenly, depending on the situation, one situation being kidnapping) merge this persona with their actual personality so that darling has no reason to want to leave. While not all characters within this category are fully aware of their behavior, most are intentionally manipulative and have some kind of end goal. They’re not ashamed of this mindset as they believe their reasons (such as “protecting” darling from something) excuse any tears that their darling might shed directly because of this yandere’s actions later on in the ‘relationship’. The period between “normal” and whatever end goal will vary based on the character. This type’s darling can have friends, and even other relationships to an extent (though this does vary), they’ll usually end up reaching the yandere’s goal without knowing about their behavior up until it’s too late to do anything about it. 
examples︙ Risotto Nero 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Louis 〔Beastars〕, Lilia Vanrouge 〔Twisted Wonderland〕, &  Sinbad 〔Magi〕. 
〔Intense〕 yanderes can be defined by their possessiveness, or otherwise intense behavior/mindset/emotions. This type of yandere will usually want to either isolate or monopolize their darling’s time in it’s entirety. While the character might not isolate themselves, they’ll do what they can in order to ensure that their darling is focused solely on them (or whatever goal yandere has in mind). Intense yanderes tend to come off as over-bearing or as harassers/bullies. Depending on their other traits, they will either direct their focus on getting other people away from darling or direct their focus on somehow getting darling away from other people (usually involving kidnapping or isolating them in their home). These characters have a tendency to be either cruel or manipulative and darling might believe that their yandere hates them in some way, even if the character says otherwise. 
examples︙ Illuso 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Melon 〔Beastars〕, Kouen Ren 〔Magi〕, & Leona Kingscholar 〔Twisted Wonderland〕.
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How well would this character take rejection? Do they try and rationalize the rejection or do they just accept it (even taking whatever darling said to heart)?
〔 ⅱ. 〕 Can this character handle their darling having friendships? How do they react to darling spending periods of time without them? 
〔 ⅲ. 〕 Does this yandere need (or want?) to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with darling? If so, what is time spent with this yandere like? 
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☰  AGREEABLE  •  •  •  •  •  CONTROLLING
〔Agreeable〕 yanderes seem to genuinely care about their darling and see their darling as a breathing person with their own thoughts/feelings. These characters put their darling before themselves, sometimes going as far as seeing them as someone to worship or put on a pedestal, and believe that darling is better than them in some way. In some cases, they see darling as being unable to do anything wrong (to an extent). They’re willing to debate rights or loosen rules/chains (if they even decided to do chain darling in the first place) with darling and are willing to listen to what they have to say. This yandere’s end goal usually involves some kind of genuine relationship, regardless of how delusional that might be. 
examples︙ Haru 〔Beastars〕, Floch Forster 〔Attack on Titan〕, Tim Drake 〔DC Comics〕, & Vanya Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕.
〔Controlling〕 yanderes do not view their darling as equal, either seeing them as childish (in the sense that they don’t understand things or can’t), seeing them as some kind of pet/trophy, or somewhere in-between. They usually do not care about their darling’s thoughts, feelings, or general well-being. Usually the only thing this yandere cares about is controlling their darling, the connection they have to their darling is the only important thing when it comes to darling as a person. Some of these characters even go as far as not minding if darling dies as long as they still view darling as being theirs (example being, if prince charming kept his princess asleep in order to keep princess to himself). While end goals will vary from yandere to yandere, those in this category typically don’t care how darling feels as long as they’re getting what they want from darling. 
examples︙ Kars 〔jjba. Battle Tendency〕, Judar 〔Magi〕, Cioccolata 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, &  Diavolo 〔 jjba. Golden Wind〕.
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 Does this yandere view darling as a human with their own thoughts/feelings or is darling more of a possession/plaything? 
〔 ⅱ. 〕 Is darling’s mental or physical well-being important to this character? 
〔 ⅲ. 〕 How many rights does darling have and how quickly are said rights taken away/given back? Are they ever given back? What are the yandere’s motives in taking/giving these rights?
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☰  RESILIENT  •  •  •  •  •  FRAGILE
〔Resilient〕 yanderes will almost never become discouraged. They’re confident in the sense that they know they’ll eventually achieve their goal. This type of character is willing to spend years trying to either break down their darling or otherwise induce a sort of ‘Stockholm syndrome’. Characters who heavily stalk their darling tend to fall into this category. More so, resilient yanderes are not likely to have any sort of breakdown over their darling, regardless of the situation. They’re strong in their thought process, and are not willing to change their mind-set/behavior towards their darling (or anyone else).
examples︙ Ibuki 〔Beastars〕, Bruno Bucciarati 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕,   Jade Leech 〔Twisted Wonderland〕, & Shigaraki Tomura 〔My Hero Academia 〕.
〔Fragile〕 yanderes, as their name suggests, are ‘fragile’ in their goals or mind-set. Usually this type of yandere is either meek or feel overly guilty about their mind-set/behaviors. These characters can be easily swayed by their darling in some way, and they can get distracted from their end-goal if darling plays their cards right. More adoring, worshipper yanderes tend to fall in this category. Characters here usually do not like upsetting their darling and (at times) are desperate for their darling’s approval. While not an inherently manipulative category, fragile yanderes will use methods like gaslighting in order to avoid any kind of confrontation.
examples︙ Pesci 〔jjba. Golden Wind〕, Allison Hargreeves 〔The Umbrella Academy〕, Jack 〔Beastars〕, & Niccolo 〔Attack on Titan〕. 
☰ Questions to consider when categorizing a yandere
〔 ⅰ. 〕 How emotional/insecure is this character? 
〔 ⅱ. 〕 Is this character confrontational, or would they rather avoid any kind of confrontation by whatever means necessary (such as gaslighting or blackmailing others in the situation)? 
〔 ⅲ. 〕 How patient are they? How long are they willing to wait and/or bide their time in order to achieve some sort of goal?
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I recently read one of your posts about what the gym leaders dislike the most about each other, so I want to request a post about what they like the most about each other :)
Hell yeah, spread positivity.
-Nessa: Her confidence. Milo admires the way she seems to never let anyone get her down.
-Kabu: His advice. Kabu always seems to know what to say, and Milo really appreciates that.
-Bea: Her care for her pokemon. For as strong as she gets, and as hard as she trains her team, she always makes sure to keep her pokemon healthy and happy.
-Allister: His individuality. Milo knows Allister the least, but the fact that he stands out unapologetically is something Milo can appreciate.
-Opal: Her tea. Milo loves visiting Opal because she gives great tea and snacks. Visits are very pleasant.
-Gordie: His jokes. Milo and Gordie share very similar humor.
-Melony: Her cooking. Milo loves a good home cooked meal and Melony’s dishes are welcome in the middle of the Circhester cold.
-Piers: His ambition. Piers was scary to Milo at first, but once they got to know each other, Milo began to realize that Piers has a lot of goals, most of which are to benefit others.
-Raihan: The way he treats his fans. Raihan seems like the type to brag and boast, but Raihan is a really cool dude. Milo can’t stand people who flaunt things too much, so the fact that Raihan could and doesn’t is appreciated.
-Leon: The way he cares about other people. Leon is always looking out for other people, and he always strives to help others around him.
-Milo: The way he supports his friends. Milo does a lot for his friends and supports them no matter what.
-Kabu: His passion. Kabu very clearly cares about his career, and not much holds him back. Nessa is inspired by that.
-Bea: Her strength. Nessa appreciates that Bea is super strong and doesn’t let the fact that she’s a girl hold her back. Nessa’s all about girl power.
-Allister: His humor. Not many people hear Allister tell jokes, but Nessa gets to hear pretty frequently, and he’s funny.
-Opal: Her stories. Every times Nessa sees Opal, she has another exciting story to tell about when she was younger.
-Gordie: How he stands up for himself. Nessa is on Gordie’s side when it comes to the fight with Melony. The fact that Gordie keeps going with rock types no matter is really cool.
-Melony: The way she’s a mom to everyone. Melony takes care of people no matter what, and Nessa appreciates that. Melony proves that you can be kind and strong.
-Piers: The way he does music. Nessa knows how hard it is to be a model and a gym leader at the same time. She understands how much work Piers puts in to do music and pokemon training, even when no one sees it.
-Raihan: His personality. Raihan is a lot of fun to hang out with. He and Nessa have similar personalities, so they get along well.
-Leon: The way he looks out for the rest of the league. Leon is the reason Rose never got the chance to pass a rule to stop the Gym Leaders from doing outside work. Leon protected Nessa’s modeling career, despite all the trouble it put him through.
-Milo: His commitment. Milo always follows through on promises and agreements. Kabu really appreciates that.
-Nessa: Nessa’s work ethic. Nessa puts in a lot of work to do all the things she wants to do. Kabu knows that not everyone would be able to do that.
-Bea: How hard she works. Bea is always training. Kabu always admires those who work hard to get stronger.
-Allister: How advanced he is. Allister is the youngest gym leader Galar has ever seen. Kabu is very impressed.
-Opal: Her attitude. She’s always sarcastic and sassy, and Kabu thinks it’s funny.
-Gordie: The way he looks after Piers. Kabu has known Gordie since he was very young, and he knows that Piers is his best friend. Gordie has always been there to support Piers when he needs it, and it reminds Kabu of his friendship with Melony.
-Melony: She’s a good friend. Kabu and Melony have been best friends for a very long time. And despite how long it’s been, Melony and Kabu are still as close as ever.
-Piers: How hard he works. Not everyone sees it, but Piers puts everything he has into taking care of Spikemuth and following his own ambitions.
-Raihan: His passion. Kabu relates to and admires Raihan’s commitment to becoming stronger than Leon.
-Leon: His strength. Leon is so strong it’s unreal, and yet he’s still very humble. It’s a source of inspiration.
-Milo: His physical strength. Bea loves to spar, and Milo is a formidable match.
-Nessa: Her involvement. Nessa is always seen doing something for her community. Bea teaches martial arts, so seeing Nessa teaching swimming is something they bond over.
-Kabu: His desire to better himself. Kabu and Bea train together relatively often.
-Allister: His childishness. No one knows Allister as well as Bea, and it’s refreshing to see him act like a kid.
-Opal: Her stories. Opal was very strong and chaotic when she was younger. Bea loves to hear about it.
-Gordie: His type specialty. Bea loves to train her pokemon against Gordie’s because of how tough they are.
-Melony: Her kindness. Melony is very strong, but she’s also very kind and generous. Bea always loves seeing her fellow female gym leaders proving their strength.
-Piers: His advocacy for his pokemon. Bea knows that Dark Type pokemon have a huge stigma, and she appreciates that Piers works to change that.
-Raihan: His drive. He’s great to train with because he wants to get stronger so badly.
-Leon: His generosity. Bea would understand if Leon refused to help the gym leaders so he could stay stronger, but Leon is always happy to help the gym leaders train.
-Milo: His food. Milo always has something tasty to share with Allister.
-Nessa: How nice she is. Nessa is always thoughtful and kind to Allister. She laughs at all his jokes, so it makes him feel confident.
-Kabu: His stories from Hoenn. Kabu visits Hoenn pretty often and brings snacks and other things back for Allister. And his stories are interesting.
-Bea: Her care. Bea is usually seen as strong and cold, but Allister knows that she takes care of him. He thinks of her as an older sister.
-Opal: Visiting her. Visiting Opal is very nice. The visits are always peaceful and quiet. Opal gives him good snacks, and she seems to understand him.
-Gordie: His gifts. Gordie loves to give material gifts for any occasion he can. Gordie is a really good gift giver, too. Allister doesn’t know Gordie well enough to think of something better.
-Melony: How she takes care of him. Melony is very understanding and accommodating for Allister. She also takes care of Bea, which makes Allister feel better.
-Piers: He accommodates for Allister. Allister used to think Piers was loud and scary, but he’s actually really calm and quiet. Piers is able to take Allister somewhere quiet and keep people away when he’s overwhelmed.
-Raihan: His love of books. Allister likes to read, and Raihan is a good person to talk to about books. Raihan also lends Allister really good books.
-Leon: His understanding. Leon is very loud and energetic. He knows he’s a lot for Allister. He just really appreciates that Leon doesn’t get offended when Allister gets too overwhelmed.
-Milo: His connection to nature. Milo gets plants, and bonds with Opal over the forests around Ballonlea.
-Nessa: Her advocacy for strong women. Opal grew up in a really sexist time. She really appreciates Nessa encouraging girls to be strong.
-Kabu: His humor. Opal thinks Kabu’s humor is hilarious. She gets along will with him and Melony.
-Bea: Her care for Allister. Opal thinks it’s fascinating that Bea cares so gently for Allister while she’s still so stoic and strong.
-Allister: His mystery. Opal relates to him more than anyone else. How different he is from others is endearing.
-Gordie: His kindness. Gordie is really supportive and kind to everyone, especially his friends. Gordie takes a lot of time to make sure his friends are okay.
-Melony: Her stories. Opal likes to tell stories, but she loves to hear about when Melony was young and wild.
-Piers: His resilience. Opal can tell that Piers is a survivor. He adapts to everything and has achieved success despite everything he’s been through.
-Raihan: His history knowledge. Raihan likes to ask questions about events that Opal lived through and Opal likes to share those stories with him.
-Leon: His care for Hop. Opal’s favorite side of Leon is the caring brother side. She knows how happy it makes Hop when Leon is with him. It’s heartwarming.
-Milo: His humor. Gordie likes to crack jokes with Milo because they always seem to land.
-Nessa: Her attitude. To Gordie, nothing is funnier than watching Nessa put someone down for being a jerk.
-Kabu: His involvement. Kabu is a close friend of his mother, so Gordie saw him a lot when he was a child. Kabu is like a father figure to Gordie in a way.
-Bea: Her eagerness to fight. Gordie loves pokemon battles against her because she understands rock types really well.
-Allister: His ambition. Gordie knows that Allister has goals for his future, and he can admire that.
-Opal: Her gossip. Gordie gets to hear juicy secrets, either from Opal herself or from Melony, who heard it from the source herself.
-Melony: Her love. No matter how much they fight, Gordie knows Melony was a good mother to him. He can’t hate her ever.
-Piers: His supportiveness. Piers has been Gordie’s best friend since they were children. Piers puts his entire self into being a good friend and helping Gordie. Piers has done a lot for Gordie, especially with the fight going on.
-Raihan: His energy. It’s tough to keep up with Raihan, but it’s an adrenaline rush to hang out because of how much always seems to happen.
-Leon: His involvement with the rest of the league. Leon could be some greater presence, but he isn’t. He’s a friend to the gym leaders, and stands up for them when they need. Gordie really appreciates it.
-Milo: The way he takes care of his Pokémon. His flock of Wooloo are well loved and it shows.
-Nessa: Her unwavering determination. Melony admires the way Nessa sticks to her choices and hardly ever budges for other people.
-Kabu: His sense of adventure. Especially when he was younger, Kabu would take Melony on plenty of exciting adventures. Even now that they’re older, her best friend is still a lot of fun.
-Bea: Her care for Allister. Melony is one of the few who knows how kind Bea is to Allister. All they have is each other in essence. And Melony is glad Allister has a solid person to stick to.
-Allister: His childlike curiosity. Melony adores kids, and Allister is no exception. She loves that he asks so many questions and it always learning.
-Opal: Her wisdom. Melony is hardly ever caught off guard or at a loss, but when she is, Opal always knows what to say.
-Gordie: His independence. Even though Melony doesn’t like that Gordie doesn’t train Ice Types, she has to admit that he does well for himself. He’s a big presence without riding the traditions of his family, and he built that himself.
-Piers: The way he cares for Marnie. Melony has known Piers and Marnie since they were kids. Melony is grateful that Piers is such a good caretaker for Marnie, even though the fact that they’re in this position breaks her heart.
-Raihan: His generosity. Raihan is very famous and rich, so he’s always donating things or giving to the people around him. Melony thinks that’s a good attitude for someone like Raihan.
-Leon: His humbleness. Melony remembered when Leon first became champion. He’d been a little arrogant at the time, but he’s humbled himself a lot. She’s glad for it.
-Milo: His open mindedness. Piers knows Milo was afraid of him at first, so he was surprised when Milo tried to get to know him. He’s glad for it.
-Nessa: Her confidence. Nessa never lets hurtful comments get her down. That’s something Piers admires and is a little jealous of.
-Kabu: His patience. Kabu and Piers aren’t the closest, but Kabu was there for Piers when he needed him. Piers had been a lot of trouble for Kabu to deal with then, but Kabu never lost his temper with him and was patient the whole time.
-Bea: Her relationship with Allister. Piers know what it’s like to be a kid responsible for an even younger kid. Bea’s not exactly in the same situation he was in, but he still admires her resilience.
-Allister: That he’s introverted. Piers relates to Allister not wanting to be around people. Allister also gives Piers and excuse to get to a quieter place to rest in big events.
-Opal: Her ability to read people. That skill has saved Opal and the people around her a few times. Piers included.
-Gordie: His consistency. Gordie has always been a safe haven for Piers. He’s always been sturdy and supportive and hardly ever wavers when Piers needs him.
-Melony: Her care. Melony is the closest thing to a mom Piers has ever had. He doesn’t know where he’d be if she didn’t insist on taking care of him any way she could.
-Raihan: The fact that he’s extroverted. Raihan can be a chore to deal with sometimes, but Piers also appreciates him because he takes the lead. It’s refreshing to just be dragged around and not have to make any decisions.
-Leon: His understanding. Leon has always been someone who wants to understand and accommodate people. He’s saved Piers’ hide many times because he made the attempt to understand Piers.
-Milo: His laid back view of training. Milo is a strong trainer, but he’s friendly about it. Milo makes for a good relaxing warm up or wind down battle.
-Nessa: Her attitude. Raihan and Nessa are a force to be reckoned with when they’re together. Nessa makes Raihan feel even stronger.
-Kabu: His passion. Kabu is an intense trainer because he wants to better himself. This is a trait they both share.
-Bea: Her intensity. Raihan loves training with her because it’s so difficult to keep up. Certainly, a welcome challenge.
-Allister: His mystery. Understanding Allister the way Raihan does makes him feel exclusive. Also, they talk about books a lot, and that’s fun.
-Opal: Her gossiping. Raihan loves to be in the know, and he’s glad Opal is willing to share with him.
-Gordie: Hanging out with him. Gordie is a fun person to hang out with casually. He always seems to know someone or have something to do.
-Melony: Her cooking. Raihan is a sucker for home cooked meals made with love. When he’s in the area, he always wants to stop by for dinner.
-Piers: His reliability. Piers puts up with a lot, but he always follows through on his promises. He may not seem like it at first, but Piers is a very trustworthy person.
-Leon: His strength. Raihan always looks up to Leon. He worries that if he ever does surpass him, he’ll be without a goal and start to decline.
-Milo: His love of kids. Milo is an old friend of Leon’s, since they used to live so close together. Milo was always there to help out with Hop when Leon needed, and he taught Hop a lot of important things.
-Nessa: Her dedication. Leon knows she models and trains Pokémon at the same time. She works hard to do her best with both.
-Kabu: His want to be better. Kabu is always working hard, and it pays off. Leon cares a lot about people who want to be stronger.
-Bea: Her training. Bea throws everything into being a Pokémon trainer, and Leon looks up to her for that.
-Allister: He’s a prodigy. Allister is the youngest gym leader Galar has ever seen. He’s also very strong at the same time. Leon has high hopes for his future.
-Opal: Her experience. When Leon has a problem, Opal always knows how to help. She’s gotten him through a lot.
-Gordie: He’s fun. Whenever Leon needs to go out casually, Gordie knows how to help. Hanging out with Gordie is a good stress reliever.
-Melony: She cares about him and Hop. Melony is very sweet, and Leon knows that she took care of him when he was first settling into the league. He was very grateful, but not surprised, to know that she did the same for Hop later on.
-Piers: His dedication. Piers juggles a lot of things. Being a gym leader, his music, taking care of Marnie and Spikemuth. It’s a lot for one person, but Piers perseveres. Leon doesn’t know if he’d be able to handle all that.
-Raihan: His rivalry. Raihan is always at Leon’s heels. He inspires Leon to keep working hard for himself and the people around him. He knows how important he is for Raihan, too.
I tried to do my best but for some reason it took me three days to get through this.
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kit-scrolls · 3 years
Dazai from BSD BEAST confuses me sometimes. This is my own interpretation/analysis:
(fair disclaimer: i’ve never actually read the light novel, only the first chapter of the manga and various summaries.)
I always thought that BEAST Dazai is just a Dazai from an alternate universe where he somehow obtains the book and accidentally(or not) uses No Longer Human to obtain memories from all the different versions of himself. He sees and realizes the friendship between himself and Odasaku, what could have been, and dedicates the rest of his life to protect it. In every other universe, Odasaku dies. But this one is different, because in this one, he has the advantage. He knows what will happen, he’s seen it. He has The Book. 
But in my thoughts, that’s it. That’s all the power he has. By trial and error, he notices that in every universe, when the number of people (factions) reaches 3, they will go to war over the book, and Odasaku will die in the process. He has no control over the book itself; he didn’t travel through hundreds of universes, he didn’t rewrite countless narratives. He got where he was through pure luck. Everything he does in BEAST (setting up sskk, committing suicide, etc) was not something he knew would guarantee Odasaku’s chance of survival, he was just that desperate for the slightest chance to increase it. I feel like if Dazai actually had full control over the book, he would find some way to make a reality where he and Odasaku can be in the ADA together, a reality where they can be free together, a reality where they can read that novel together. Dazai hates pain; I’d assume this applies emotionally too. 
“Theory” two! This has to do with how I personally the book works: In my head, when the book was created, it latched on to the “walls” between different realities and kinda... merged with them? If that makes sense? The pages of the book became the new divides between universes, and anything written in the pages breaks these barriers and lets one universe spill into/become another. Dazai’s ability achieves a similar effect: breaking the walls between pages. However, when this happens to Dazai, unlike with other people where their memories of the base universe are forgotten (as the walls close back up maybe? or perhaps their human brains cannot process it while Dazai is no longer human; but I digress) and so they perceive each rewrite as changing their already existing reality, Dazai is “protected” by NLH and remembers everything from the base universe. Or maybe he forgets as well until he touches the book again? Regardless, in this interpretation, he’s essentially been rolling a die for who knows how long, trying to get the perfect combination of factors to keep Odasaku alive.
I guess the entire reason I’m confused and decided to post about this is because from what I’ve seen, the general consensus of the BSD fandom was that Dazai has absolute control over all the potential universes. He controls every factor, every narrative, and has created countless universes to find the right one. And maybe that’s right. Maybe I’m just a literal dumbass and Asagiri has explicitly said this somewhere and I just don’t know. That could also explain why he no longer cares about Atsushi and Kyouka’s freedom: he’s grown numb, single-mindedly trying to accomplish his goal (which makes my Armed Detective Agency Ensemble & Dazai Osamu heart sad but also gleefully consuming the potential angst). However, I just don’t like the thought of Dazai having this much power and BEAST being the best he could come up with. It just seems... too tragic (which is why I love it as a story, but Dazai probably doesn’t). if you somehow read to the bottom, 1. i am impressed and 2. thanks! very cool of you. feel free to completely destroy my argument if you’d like. i’m tired.
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Hiii i saw your matchups/cakes and I LOVE THEM. English is not my first language so i am sorry for any wrong spelings and grammar use lol. Can a Get a boy from Hq?????? I am a capricorn, with a lot of fire sign in my chart. ISTP. Tall girl, 175cm. Dark blond hair to under my shoulders, blue eyes. Lean bulid, but mby a little broad shoulders and waist. Enything else is normal ig. I indeed have cheek bones and jawline, a caps face traits a think. Stretch marked on my ass and things. Im just gonna keep my personality short cuz i dont know how to talk about myself. Im Shy and intro and first, then i will open up and become a messy and late-coming person. Im never on time to anything. Once you know me and logical thinking, feisty, dark humor type of funny, sly, stubborn, determind, strong minded, oberetiv and a daredevil. I will do enything for somthing in return. Nobody can hold me back. I am also a Clumsy person, a will let a word og two slip and offend somone, will break or forget somthing. Im always there my friends, help them out with everthing and my door is always open for them. Street smart all the way, i Can talk about enything and give tips and trix on enything. Im not the Life of the party, in a party im either outside or taking care of Ppl or i am sipping for other ppls drinks. I listen to pop/rock but i Can vibe to anything. I also love pasta. And cats, but im allergic): I overthink a lot, tend to bottle up on my emotions and then just let it burst when im alone. I got bullied as a kid, thats why i keep to myself and have Some close friends and then friends i dont trust that much. I like long lasting realtionships and friendships. I wont settle for somthing that i dont belive will work. I just want to feel safe and loved and held, lol. Am i rly ugly cryer btw so i wont look into another persons eyes. I train a lot, do sport shooting, wresle a lot with my friends and dad in a safe way ofc. I love to have a friendly and funny wtesle. I lough a lot. I said i do sport shooting, and i hate it when ppl take it the wrong way and starts to compare it to illegal activity. That my biggest pet peeve, and loud chewers. I LOVE CHEES AND CARD GAMES. Also late night means and snacks. My favorite time is like late at night, after sundown. Late night walks. Laser tag or paint ball is a must, Water and pillow fights AGH my dreams. Also, just to chill in a bathtub👌🏻✨Pfffff Idk what more. I would like a boy form Haikyuu, whos taller than me. Would be up to my randome and mby dangerous ideas, but also calm and relaxing when it fits the mood. Dosent need to know how to comfort a crying person, just like do the basics and ill be fine. THANK YOU SO MUCH😘
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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How Y’all Met
Y’all had a class together
And EVERY SINGLE DAY you would show up late
Every. Single. Day
It doesn’t matter if you we’re 5 minutes late, or 15 minutes late
You never showed up on time
This peeked Tendous interest...
So, he asked you about it
You then explained how you never try to be late, it just always happened
Then one day
Satori was walking to class
The bell was going to ring soon so he was trying to hurry
Then he saw you
You were also just trying to get to class ON TIME for once
But you tripped...
And you fell...
And ALL of your papers went everywhere 🥲
You silently cursed to yourself before rushing to pick up your things
And you we’re startled when a certain redhead began to help you
You guys had gathered all of your things before RUNNING to get to class
And you guys were still able to make it on time 😃
The teacher made a remark that maybe you should hang around Tendou more often if it gets you to class on time
Little did he know that you would do just that
Apparently you both had similar interests
So you guys became really good friends
And feeling began to bloom over time
Poor bb was to scared to confess to you tho :(
He didn’t want to scare off one of the only friends he had
Of course he told all of this to Ushijima
And of course Ushijimas LOUD MOUTH
spilled the beans
Unintentionally of course
But still
He just didn’t get the gist that all of this was supposed to be a secret
So one day when he and Tendou were walking together
They saw you
And Ushijima was just like “ah your that person that Tendou likes correct?”
Tendou: 🥲
Tendou then took you aside and properly confessed his feelings
He was 100% sure you were gonna reject him
“I like you too Tendou”
I’m sorry what????
he pulled you in for a bone crushing hug
And promised to be the best bf ever
Awww my boy luvs ya
What They Love About You
Ight I’m just gonna say it...
Mans ADORES your stretch marks
He thinks they’re so cool!!!
He often compares you to a tiger because of them
He LOVES your sense of humor
He also has a darker sense of humor
So you guys mesh very well when it comes to that
Loves that you have the combo of being sly and a daredevil
If there’s one thing satori loves...
It’s pranks
So those traits of yours make pranks so much easier to pull off 😩
He loves how he can talk to you about ANYTHING
He knows that if he’s ever distressed about something he can go to you
So he’s vv grateful for that 🙏
Favorite Things To Do Together
Oh he LOVES to play card games
His favorites is slap Jack
WARNING: he gets REALLY into that game
So he hits HARD
So be prepared...
He 100% swoops you away to stores in the middle of the night
Have you guys been caught sneaking out?
Was that the last time you did it?
Absolutely not
So just take that L
Also paintball
He’s not that good at paintball
Mans aim is booty
But he still likes to play!
Random Hc
You’d actually be quite shocked on how chill he could be
Like sometimes he just reads his manga sin silence
If you want to talk then sure
But those are the moments he prefers to be quiet
The reason he’s so good at laser tag...
Is because kids used to target him 🥲
So he had to adapt...
And now he’s a pro!
If you ever want to talk to him about your bullyed past
ON GOD mans is always there for you
He knows what it feels like
So his goal is to comfort you when it comes to that
Mf chews loud...
So that’s something you’d have to work on 😃
But he’ll try his best to stop if it bothers you THAT much
Capricorn + Taurus
When Taurus and Capricorn come together in a love match, it’s a practical, sensible partnership.
These two Signs share a certain down-to-earth logic and interest in efficiency.
Taurus is not interested in risking more than is necessary in terms of emotional connection and involvement, and Capricorn is similarly disinterested in risk, but more in terms of money and career.
Capricorn’s career is one of the great focuses of their lives; they’re interested in scaling the heights and tend to set very high standards for themselves to adhere to.
Taurus has high standards as well, but regarding love, relationships and possessions.
These two signs admire ones dedication and strength, but, while they have this in common as well as a dependable, realistic, somewhat conservative approach to life (Capricorn more than Taurus), a love relationship between them can go stale fast.
The problem? They’re actually rather different at their cores.
Taurus may begin to find Capricorn too conservative and restrictive
Capricorn may start to think Taurus is too lazy and doesn’t care enough about career and status.
If Taurus can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of labor, and if Capricorn can help motivate Taurus to achieve goals and make dreams a reality, their union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.
Overall Aesthetic
Chaotic Teenage Romance
Electric Love- BØRNS
Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery
Scrawny- Wallows
Hey Lover- Wabie
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tarotnoob · 4 years
PAC: What (big) change will be coming next in your life?
An anon requested this topic. I’ve used three different decks since we probably need all the cards for each pile. You can pick by deck, number, crystal - whatever pile(s) draw you in. I’m still going to break down the cards like usual, but I’d really like to try reading everything more intuitively. 
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After you’ve decided - please scroll down to your pile :)
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Pile 1
I feel like a variety of folks picked pile 1, and we’ll probably see a change that’s going to affect love life, work, family, but the theme will center around removing things from your life that aren’t working for you - because they’re draining or toxic. It could be beliefs you hold, as well. But, let’s break down the cards simply and then put it all together like usual. I’ll probably clarify on the side but not show pics.
Celebration - a bit of a self-love card, ofc for some of you this may be a literal celebration could be coming up: birthday, engagement, wedding, baby (blegh), promotion, new job, etc... but really this is about celebrating your achievements whatever those are, it could be pulling your arse out of a depression hole, of getting out of your house more these days... just taking a moment to appreciate what you’ve done and how you have affected others in a positive way (all chakras from throat to crown).
Neverending Story - this could be continuing cycles, drama... after reading about celebration my intuition keeps thinking about karma... so maybe karma will be at play involving this change and what you’re celebrating is actually a release from a negative situation that’s felt unending
Walk Away - leaving an unhealthy situation and enjoying the new doors that open as a result... kind of like 5 of cups reversed. So, again this sense of closing a door, ending a cycle, turning away from something that isn’t fitting your alignment or purpose or emotional state
Walk Away girl and Neverending Story girl look very similar so I feel like that’s definitely a connection/advice of you as the fairy and you are/will/need to walk away, etc, so forth...
Bride in a Cage - so before I go look up this card as it’s from a new kinda heavy and triggering oracle deck but already a sense of trapped, a bride can stand for purity or this could be about love, so some of you may be in toxic or unhealthy romantic relationship (or friendship or family situation). the bride is basically a skeleton too so maybe what once was a very pure love is... dead man walking. also i keep hearing korn’s freak on a leash every time i look at this...
oof this deck is so CREEPY. i will try to paraphrase the meaning but basically it’s this idea of dying while waiting for the perfect day. it’s a tendency to focus too much on the future being perfect so you wait for x or y to happen, always thinking of the future and never appreciating the present - so hanged man energy and also... a message about striving for perfection. (Trigger warning: -- So, this could definitely be about leaving behind (unhealthy) behaviors such as eating disorders or strict diets or exercising or any (physical) changes we try to make to the body in order to achieve this idea of “perfection.” There is no “perfect” or “ideal” and you may die trying to reach that impossible goal.
Someone needed to hear it, I said it.
Decisions - we’ll take it as is, lol, but with the doors, I’ll also connect this to the idea of leaving something behind, new doors opening
surrender - i’m not going to go look this up but it fits with bride in a cage b/c as I said hanged man vibes. Surrendering is this idea of letting go of control (usually of the future), going with the flow. This doesn’t mean being a chill ass hippie but that’s cool, it means... just kind of rolling with the punches, but also rolling with the good stuff, how we react to obstacles, do we let those break us or make us. when we encounter nasty people or hard situations we tend to clench - and it stalls us and keeps us from moving forward. i’m definitely saying it’s normal to clench but in the end it puts you a bit further from where your’e supposed to be. 
Threes, sixes, tens dominant here... 10s are ends/completions, threes are social or creativity, sixes are love/fam/home life/popularity/bleh... as a general guide, you can always google it - i’m no numerology expert :)
tarot, i’m going to clarify before i try to go on and on - 
okay so 10 of cups - clarified by 5 of pentacles reversed, 4 of swords, Justice (half reversed) 10 of cups is family and this idea of being as happy emotionally as you can be and the clarifiers  give me this idea of (again) karma stuff
So definitely as changes go, there’s a sense of an issue coming to a rest, one that regarded hard financial times, depression, spiritual questioning, maybe even some type of legal issues. For some of you, you may be resolving old family-childhood issues, you may receive an apology from a parent or sibling or so and so who did you wrong. I see this because Justice is fairness, karma - four of swords with the lamb makes me think inner child, and 5op reversed is coming out of feeling lonely or spiritually empty... so it’s like some old issue (particularly probably related to family or “family”) being put to rest but justice makes me feel it’s a long-time coming... this could also have to do with a partner/spouse/divorce being settled but it could also be that some who’d partake in couple’s therapy may see success. Take what resonates. I just see that you will be getting closure on a situation that didn’t seem fair aka doors closing on something yuck.
3 of pentacles - again i’m getting vibes about children/family (b/c i’m peeking at the back of the deck for the clarifying deck) three of p clarified by high priestess... not sure if it wanted to come out reversed or not so we’ll leave it... my first instinct is this sense of a secret being revealed, but this could be related to what we just talked about... this (secret) situation that might not actually be so secret, like... your family being aware but no one talks about it... 3 of p i often read as “community” and ironically the star is top of back of the deck, star can also be about the “collective”. after star i have 3 of wands reversed and six of cups (which is family/siblings/past) - my personal feel again is this is definitely karma b/c the high priestess card in wild unknown is a white tiger and... i see this white tiger as being the universe... the karma accountants... the universe is aware and knows what happened and people will be given their karma accordingly and you’ll get yours, as well... and three of wands i’m going to also read as an end to a disappointment b/c that is the first thing google told me and it fits lol... but i’m gonna draw one more anyway as it feels ambiguous
andddd mother of cups and father of swords reversed... more... family vibes...  but it also makes me feel like... instead of making any decisions based on your head, try trusting your heart/gut/intuition... that’s what the high priestess would tell us anyway and in particular, sure this could have to specifically do with work or coworkers...  maybe you’re caught up in some ugly work drama that other people are trying to drag you into so it’s best to keep calm and cool, not lose your head, or it’s time for a new job! or transfer! 
Lovers clarified by 9 of swords (anxiety) - straight away some of you are having anxiety over a decison/choice that needs to be made, some of you have anxiety over a relationship fool at the back, the world behind it. so something new but something’s not ended.... makes perfect sense...
this would be like holding onto an unhealthy relationship because you’re afraid to have to start over so you’re not letting it go even though it’s not good for you - basically the whole summary of this damn reading. i mean darn. i love you.
page of wands - right away i’m seeing this as delay same as world reversed and since the oracles are saying let go we know you haven’t let go yet. but i’ll clarify. three of pentacles reversed, 10 of pentacles - okay so definitely there is a sense of hesitancy or fear to start something new or you want to or don’t know how or have tried a bunch of times and it’s not working (this is all page of wands), 10 op and 3op reversed... so this’d be like... disharmony with a financial, career, or possibly family situation (again) but overall yes there’s a delay to getting a thing that you want. will the change be that you get what you want? no. i say that b/c you still have to surrender first... i mean you WILL get it but you have other steps to get there first. 
Intuitively, let me just sit and read the tarot images and stuff - for a lot of you i definitely feel this is walking away from a relationship that isn’t working. each card up to page of wands has two (birds in particular) and then page of wands is alone although they do have a dragon with them ig so i sense a reluctance to end the relationship for the usual reasons people won’t even if the relationship is toxic, but particularly the cards seem to point to the fear of starting something new or unknown.
ofc this can apply generally to anyone in a situation where something sucks but you’re afraid to quit or get out of it because of a fear of the unknown.
SO WHAT IS THE CHANGE? Well, the change IS that you’re going to remove yourself from the situation. You are going to quit that job, break up with that person, tell that friend off, come out to your family, get resolution on that legal issue, receive a message or some type of closure to a situation in which you were treated unfairly. You will be making a decision to choose yourself and walk away. You will surrender to the unknown. You will get over your fear. You will celebrate all the reasons you deserve to be in a good place. 10 of cups shows me you will be very happy. You might not think so rn in deciding what to do but you will be way better off, not just b/c the cards say so but b/c common sense. When you walk away from an electric fence, it stops shocking the shit out of you and getting shocked really fucking hurts, so walk away.- what else could i possibly see? Hm... even though I don’t think it’d be that many on a really basic level I could say that perhaps at your job or a new job if you decide to take one, it’s possible that you’ll meet a coworker who might eventually turn into a romantic interest... but this could also apply to anyone who does decide to take that leap and realize that if you surrender the universe will have good things in store in your new situation if you’re patient.
Let me know if anything like that resonates for you, Pile 1!
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Pile 2! So I didn’t read intuitively like I wanted for these piles, so I’mma read slightly different for you because, well, tbh, if you want to really know the individual card meanings, you can google them. I’m still going to touch on them, but I think it’ll be better if I more or less put the picture together for you - although besides Atonement, you can see the oracle meanings clearly.
Believe card (hears a terrible Naruto dub in head) - so this card, unsurprisingly, is about believing in yourself. The guidebook literally says to trust in your heart (heart oracle, guh) and living your truth (queen of swords, more guh). On a sidenote I’m wondering if your guides are just so tired that they decided to be very on the nose with the cards they threw out, lol. So, to continue, this is also about take your shot, shoot your shot, yo. You may fly and fall or you may succeed, you won’t know until you try, stop looking at others grab their success why you sit around hemming and hawing, not believing in yourself. 
I guess heart isn’t necessarily about romance, but not that the action you need to take couldn’t be about romance, it’s just that I THINK the actual message is already within the Believe card - to be brave, have courage, follow your heart, have heart (I mean, this is self love 101 - i say as i see the Empress). 
Creation - not gonna look it up, let’s just let it flow. So, again (and I can already tell by the tarot this is a pile that is going to be taking action) but here we have creation. We have a person sitting and looking up the moon, this makes me feel a sense of... thinking this ideal is far away, a sense of fear or uncertainty, hesitation but at the same time the moon is sitting on her third eye. You’re being encouraged to follow your intuition, particularly regarding any creative ventures or projects, for a few of you you may be contemplating having children, as well.
Vegetarian - random. Then again this reinforces the self-love. This would definitely suggest paying closer attention to what you eat, exercise, taking care of your body. You might be working through some health issues lately but have put that off for whatever reason, so you might want to take care of that...  besides the literal meaning of a vegetarian diet, this is a card about changing (a belief? a perspective?) in order to create a more fulfilling and healthy life style, add more clarity, and encourage manifestation. 
On a personal note, I did notice that once I started tarot and meditation - I did care more about what I ate, I’m slacking now, but I still try to walk at least five times a week - but overall, I get the sense you’re being asked to change something, possibly something specific, I’m drawn to the idea of personal (limiting) beliefs aka 8 of swords reversed, Devil reversed. And maybe also encourage some grounding/root chakra meditation or going out into nature. Or any kind of self-care - massages, asmr, getting ur hair did, mani/pedi. 
Action and flexible I’m putting together as - well action is action, right... look at the tarot cards as an example, almost... wait every single one is taking up a staff... it’s like taking hold of the steering wheel before you start driving but also this sense of... taking control of something when normally you... don’t. 
So on Action, we have this beautiful dancer or ballerina and then the flexible card, so that’s interesting synchronicity. Some of you may be dancers, yoga instructors, gymnasts, poledancers (i see you), people who use their body to express themselves in any way. It can be anyone who uses creative expression as a hobby or job, but besides that specific call out, you are being asked to 1. take action 2. be flexible... so this makes me feel kinda what i was getting in pile 1 too. this idea of hesitating for fear of the unknown or the result not being perfect. you have this image inside your head of what your future should be or what you should be but instead of thinking it HAS to be this way, be more flexible. the universe may have entirely different (better) plans... so don’t be stubborn...  besides that this is a 10 and a 6 so i sense an end and then we have some self-nurturing here with a six or about home-life, family... recognition even... both figures also make me think of balance... and we got the balanced diet card so... action, balance, flexibility... maybe these things which you can apply in your creative expression whatever you should consider how you should also apply it to... your life. 
Atonement - gosh, well that looks like the 10 of swords, though it’s another 4 card (stability, balance, structure). This is kind of a dark card, it’s a dark oracle deck, by dark I mean... heavy... and dark. Even reading the descriptions somehow trigger me so I’ve not been working with this deck A LOT, but the idea of it is...  “Accepting pain is a way to survive the pain. Not all things burn, but some should.” She’s being stabbed, but she’s not crying or fighting it, not bleeding... droplets of water are falling off her fingers. She’s bringing it in and releasing it...  This is about accepting all consequences, not just of your own actions but even of others, even if you didn’t deserve it. This sounds like shadow work. How can I explain this...?
From my pov, this makes me think of, let’s say someone did something awful to you, betrayed you and it left you so confused and hurt and in a constant state of “but why?”... now you’re stuck in this negative thought pattern cycle that could require closure you will never receive (wow pile 1 again so you might’ve been drawn to pile 1, as well b/c i talked a lot about karma and closure). Sometimes we don’t get closure in the form that we want (verbal apology, groveling, consequences for that person) so... to move on, you... do kind of have to take it into yourself, let it be compartmentalized somewhere... you can’t move forward when your stuck in anger or grief... you take it in, you feel it, you work through it...  this could be about forgiving yourself or others, moving on, putting an end to a cycle or situation (10 of swords energy)... it can be that you need to do some shadow work to really go through the intricacies of a wound someone caused or even you caused yourself or a combo of both. when i put myself in an abusive relationship, ofc i recognized the abuser’s part but i also felt guilty and remorseful toward myself - especially as i got better - that i put my old self through that, so i had guilt when it wasn’t truly my fault, but i had guilt. take how it resonates... feel the pain... then let it go... it’s not doing you any good.
Tarot - overall i see clearly that these cards are all ones hat are like - taking up arms, getting ready to take action, lets get our hands on our guns before the final duel... it’s like... pulling the trigger energy is what i want to say.
... taking action. for some that may not seem big but for those of (us) who’ve been wallowing in indecision for five centuries like louis from interview with the vampire (yes i know he’s not that old it’s called HYPERBOLE).
rude. empress - creation, creativity, birth, love, self love, div fem, libra/taurus, nature, mother earth
hermit - going inside (i mean mentally you pervs) to do some deep thinking, introspection (shadow work??)
ace of wands - new creative, inspiring energy/passion, emphasis on NEW
king of pentacles - possibly a person but overall a sense of (material) stability, reliability, resourcefulness, dependability
queen of swords - truth, decisions, intelligence, logic, communication
i’mma clarify first b/c yuh, clarifying with wild unknown
empress is clarified by this idea of feeling anxious about not making progress or not seeing results, possibly in your own personal growth as a human, in love, or regarding money  or job.
hermit clarified by hierophant reverse so imo this would be like doing some thinking or introspective work regarding limiting personal (or even external) beliefs that aren’t in your best interest... it could be specifically regarding confining spiritual or religious beliefs or perspectives. 
definitely sensing a theme. ace of wands clarified by ace of swords, three of swords, judgment reversed. so again it’s this idea of your negative self thinking b/c it’s like you have creative potential and enthusiasm for SOMETHING new you want to do but what’s getting in the way of doing this cool new idea is... self-criticism, self-judgment... i’m drawn back to the believe oracle because this is simply about believing in yourself and your idea or project or whatever new thing it is that you want....  there may also be some issues around communication here, too... like someone around you who’s being critical of your dreams. let me tell you what you should say hold on while i pull this card oh here’s what it says - 
as court cards the next two cards could be people in your life, perhaps the criticizers but i’ll clarify real quick 
10 of swords, this wanted to come out earlier but i put it back and probs cuz we talked about it with atonement....  tens are... ends, sometimes painful or the event itself was painful so i’m thinking back to... closure/atonement... this could involve an earth sign or father figure or boss... but i’m also drawn to the idea that this is tied to hermit plus hierophant...  because pentacles make me think of... lots of things but i’m thinking about this as limiting self beliefs and as king of pentacles they are ROOTED INTO YOU like a decaying wisdom tooth and it hurts a lot to get your wisdom tooth out or so i hear b/c i have all of mine b/c i use willpower for pain >.> although i hear you get the cutest puffy cheeks (shout out to the jungkook enthusiasts!)
i’m tired please dont judge me. btw there’s a lot of earth here. and air. if you have a lot of earth in your chart could be why you’re being advised to be more flexible... and maybe you lack fire which is (wands) so that’s why action is also urged and atonement gives me cup vibes so maybe you need to settle stuff with your emotions... digression.
pretty straight forward... queen o s is clarified by the hermit and two of wands... so this is... thinking about/making decisions regarding which path to take for your future... 
So, what’s the change - well whether it’s you or a situation that forces it it seems that you will be taking action and finally making decisions toward a future goal that seems particularly about a career/school/creative projects...
HOWEVER, not just skip right to go here, there will be a process prior and it will involve some self work, shadow work, changes in diet or routines and most importantly - your negative self talk and beliefs. I feel like you’re already working on these things, are aware of them... but I think the universe will reward your efforts soon either through like dreams... or... sudden ideas in your head or intuition... and you’ll start to have more clarity about WHAT decision to make because you haven’t been to sure or have been stuck between a couple options but absolutely you are about ready to or are going to be pulling the trigger very very soon. Also remember to go with the flow, be flexible, as things fall into your lap or new ideas or opportunities for projects come in...  go for it, even if you don’t think you’re qualified b/c of a stupid job description or you just have doubts... you really have to build up your confidence, believe in yourself...
another story - so i developed severe anxiety in college, it limited my ability to travel b/c i had trauma surrounding transportation.... i love travel, i’m jupiter in sag for god’s sake and a sag rising... and sag in other places... so i need to travel or i die inside...  and when it was REALLY bad there is a little voice in your head that says you can’t get in this car, you can’t get on this plane BUT then you do it and each time you do that thing - i guess the psychological term is ... the salivating dogs... what is that... - exposure therapy...  i’m tired... but your brain slowly starts to go oh ok i didn’t die i can do this and the anxiety grows less and less. what’s my point? regardless of the OUTCOME of the actions you take the point is that you tried and as you try and make decisions you start to gain confidence about making decisions in general and as you gain confidence you’re less likely to fail for a lot of common sense reasons i won’t go into.
so your change is about empowerment but also...  a new perspective or belief system coming into your brain and then making decisions... regarding... probably mostly about career/future stuff. like you want to be a pro dancer but u think ur ankles are weird? fuck ur ankles, go for it, go to that audition? if you don’t get the part who cares, apply to something else... the universe will reward your efforts eventually but definitely take all these ten of swords and stab your rooted in yucky limiting i can’t do this beliefs because... it’s basically a sack of shite that’s keeping you down whether you think you’re right or right b/c something in taurus makes you annoyingly stubborn or something. maybe virgo too since i see hermit and judgment. i know judgment is pluto but i have a bias against virgos as being very critical either of themselves or others >.>
don’t worry i dislike people equally so just wait til your sign turns up hahaha.
but this can apply to love as well... it’s really about taking action toward that thing, whether you get it isn’t super relevant but...  my gut is something like... those who go for what they want and put in the effort and apply the whole manifestation I BELIEVE THIS WILL HAPPEN FOR ME BECAUSE BELIEVE ORACLE then... yeah so... if anything... this group - go read about how to manifest and realize you are doing little to none of that and even arguing in your head as you read it and now you’ll know why you aren’t manifesting as much as you’d like...  but i do see something coming to help you take action - an action will be taken, decisions finally made, magical careers will be starting... 
let me know if this resonates in any way or if something drops on your lap soon to encourage you one way or the other toward a future (career or even love) goal.
intuitively real fast - change involves introspection on some self work/self love/self building of new positive beliefs and then you will be offered something, probably a project or job offer, maybe even a relationship. you’ll have to make a decision whether to take it or not. your old beliefs may try to hold you back from pulling the trigger, but you’ll definitely be offered something - we have free will tho so you can run away afraid of failure or b/c it’s not THE MOST PERFECT IDEAL OFFER U WANT but if it gets you in the direction of SOMEWHERE near where you want to be, don’t be stubborn. be flexible. also take care of your body and your diet, follow your passion, forgive yourself or others in any situation that’s holding you back from moving on. in fact drop ANYTHING ANYWHERE in your life including yourself if it’s preventing you from moving forward. more than likely you are the person standing in your own way so... i wouldn’t blame anyone else. believe in yourself, follow your heart, live your truth. the end pile 2.
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Pile 3
You know what’s funny is I used three different tarot decks in case the wheel of fortune card wanted to come out and it never did. I don’t know why I told you that in particular, pile 3. I’m really drawn to the World Within Worlds cards. The World tarot card is Saturn, but I keep thinking Jupiter (expansion). Then I’m drawn to Queen of My World. Again, world synchronicity. The World tarot card would indicate, hm, an ending/conclusion to a long whatever, possibly travel. Or something with Saturn. Saturn as a planet is kind of like serious and... confining. Jupiter is... the opposite, but anyway. 
The other piles I analyzed in different ways, I definitely feel more drawn to just vibe with your pile, so hold on...  Maybe it is Saturn because... there’s this idea of Work. Worlds within Worlds makes me think of the World inside you plus we have Hermit and Thinker...  plus Completion oracle, again, that would be The World tarot, so WHY DIDN’T THE WORLD CARD JUST COME OUT. It’ll be funny if it comes out when I clarify. But abundance can be Jupiter. It doesn’t matter, I’m talking out loud. 
The other piles had similarities - not the same “change” but both had things brought up regarding closure, forgiveness...  probably something happening in the universe to do with that if any of you are into astrology... and aren’t as lazy as me, please don’t make me look up current transits. Pile 1 was about... having to walk away from an unhealthy situation, pile 2 was more... forgiving the self. Now we have... possibly, potentially forgiving a past or current partner... but it could be friend or family member. And again, this could be about closure. 
Queen of My World sounds like it’s a lot about... creating boundaries with other people. It’s got heavy Queen of Wands on crack energy, like, take no shit. My way or the high way, I do what I want, diva. My world, my rules; my body, my rules. Love life could be separate...  but with those three cards, there could be a sense of...  a relationship that ended, you need to forgive this person - well I won’t say you NEED to, you never NEED to forgive anyone who hurt YOU. But let’s say that you need to forgive this person (even if just in your heart) for this thing, so you can have closure, and also you’re learning to draw better boundaries so that you won’t be hurt again. I do see the Star here, which is usually wish or whatever, but it’s also rejuvenation and that’s how I’d feel after a break up or end to a relationship. You’re not really in the sobbing and eating ice cream phase, you’re quite well past it into the Queen of My World phase. It’s possible after this relationship you did a lot of soul searching - why did I attract this douche... and so you’ve been doing some spiritual practices... I do sense you’ve been manifesting something, possibly a new relationship... Abundance card makes me feel that,t oo, plus we have patience and that makes me think of this three of wands... in this particular deck the 3 of wands is more about waiting on allies to come and assist you on some journey... I can read it as progress, you know it’s the combination of ace of wands and two of wands... so it’s like ok intention was set, you’ve made some plans, and now you’re making progress...  three of pentacles would be teamwork, collaboration... we have two threes... threes are creativity, being social...  it’s a little on the uneven side because it’s... not a two or not a four or six... so there’s progress but still more to come.
But what change can you expect - I think you’re manifesting abundance, particularly love, but there’s work here, companionship, travel...  you definitely deserve it as you’ve put the inner work into things...  I really feel like you’ve taken control of... your life and your self... 
Yeah because world within worlds is about...  how all our power lies within us, not seeking external validation but trusting our intuition, raising our vibration through positive thoughts - probably you already know how manifestation works and are currently practicing it. 
Patience, I’m going to read one thing b/c it seems to apply here as advice for pile 3: Although you may have the passion and drive to reach for the moon, you are being asked to take things slower and feel the magic of each step.
Essentially - don’t be in too much of a hurry to get the thing you want because you do actually have to be prepared for the thing you want when you get it or you might lose it because you aren’t aligned in a way that it’ll stay. It’s complex but it’s not because it’s like lifting weights - you start with whatever small amount and then build up your strength until you’re at 100 pounds or whatever, but imagine being someone who’s never lifted and you come in and lift it and the next day your back goes out. That’s what rushing through the manifestation process is like. In theory, I don’t know. I can’t even manifest rainbows.
Lemme clarify the tarot cards. Pile two had this too, but hermit is clarified by eight of swords with seven of pentacles at the back. This kinda what I just said - but dwelling on and feeling anxious about progress. You’re feeling like there isn’t any and that’s probably why the patience card got thrown at you and why the queen of my world is here - you’re very... pushy... and you want, and... you’re anxious because you’re not sure/aren’t getting what you want.
There she is, queen of wands out for 3 of wands and if i read 3 of wands as progress - again there’s this push for progress... but i want another card so hold plz... three of cups - joy/celebration/relationships/friendships/social/community.
let’s think on this. i know you can’t see clarifying cards... but we have three of wands, person looking out at three boats with cat companion, clarified by queen of wands which is a snake coiled around eggs and a wand. so there’s a sense of... protecting what’s yours which makes me think of the queen of my world card cuz it went on and on about what’s yours is yours and no one else can touch it or do anything... i don’t know what you’re possessive about, but it could be that you’re quite possessive of friends or partners or you attract possessive partners...  back of deck is six of swords, and a bunch of reversed stuff, so that’s... moving on from the past but then - not engaging with intuition, missed opportunity, three of pentacles reversed, and finally the world... it could be that ok so three is creative self expression ... socializing...  and that’s... queen of wands, she’s very very life of the party... and three of cups is out socializing with peeps...  this might be that you’re someone who’s used to being social and hasn’t been able to during covid stuff... and you’re manifesting... whether you know it or not, is... 
mm okay now i feel more like...  there’s definitely anxiety about being isolated and alone, ok. there’s anxiety about progress. i guess let’s keep going. 
yurr ok so three of pentacles clarified by magician and... it didn’t fall it kinda... stuck out so i picked it and since that made me doubtful the tower reversed fell out all... weird...  i’m getting a few different things from this. one is... a sense of real anxiousness about progress again as the magician is someone who has all the skill to manifest, three of pentacles points to work, teamwork, collaboration, tower reversed could be avoiding disaster or being past the tower moment, it’s also giving me mars or mars retrograde aggressive vibes. you may be one of those greatly affected by mars in aries right now and you may be a fire sign, specifically aries so you are chomping at the bit... so yes i see you are very capable and i see you are anxious to make an impact or ... get back to normal...
another way to read this is... a third party situation in a relationship, someone was a cheater or an emotionally manipulative buttwhipe. it happened in the past, you have kind of moved past it as in you aren’t a wreck, but it’s still there and is probably why who do you need to forgive came up... it can be one or either or both. it could be that being treated like that has encouraged you to put your foot down and to be more discerning about who you let into your circle and also to create better boundaries...  especially next to all that three of wands three of cups...  i guess we’ll see if uh this is something that hasn’t happened yet for some but may be the change... so... if you have suspicions of a partner cheating then... might want to look into that. especially if you suspect like someone in your friend circle as being the person ur partner is cheating on u with? i don’t really think that’s the change since we also have the star... so i do feel... this is in the past. 
interesting so star is clarified by four of pentacles and 10 of wands and kinda zinged out together, back of deck is two of wands, then hermit. yeah again i feel like you’re holding onto something that hurt you and it’s... a heavy burden on you or was, and you’re in the process of healing from that. definitely resonating with pile 1 now about karma as i look at the back of the deck... gosh even if... things are similar in piles, imo, it’s... that stuff playing out in the universe is pushing us in similar directions because it’s applying the same VARIABLES so ofc if we’re being pushed forward, we’re going to be told similar advice...
overall the universe seems us to be pushing us to... heal past wounds and move on from things that just... aren’t serving any kind of purpose in our lives. regardless of those situations, it wants us to align our (inner worlds) because those things about the past we stay focused on are preventing us from doing all this inner work that needs to be done in order to manifest something we’re even capable of having. like there is abundance out there waiting for you to collect it, no joke, and i know you want it... like can taste it and maybe think you’ve put enough work in, but you’re being asked to have more patience, to continue that inner work so that you can maintain that abundance...
So, what’s the change coming? Everyone else had a more clear type of change to expect... so let me just... see...
I almost feel like you’re trying to -deep down - manifest security. Or, the basics - good job, nice home, a partner you can trust who respects you and your boundaries...  you think it’s not asking much, why isn’t it here. The only thing I can say is what I already said and that’s... rushing it makes it stall... what’s the hang up in particular? It seems there’s someone you need to forgive - yourself, a lover, family. It seems to be pointing more toward a romantic partner, but... someone who might’ve betrayed you in some way, whoever it was that caused you to start enforcing strong boundaries around how you let people treat you or who you let into your circle...  I think when you shut the door on that particular issue, some things might flow a bit better... 
The change is - if you’re worrying about whether things will get better, particularly around covid because you’re feeling very isolated and disconnected from friends or... your community or... coworkers... or the world in general - yeah it’ll get better. Obviously it has to at some point, this won’t last forever. If you’re feeling alone right now and trying to manifest someone, well, we have the wish card and we have you waiting out by the cliff with your kitty and three boats are coming your way and now suddenly you have the three of pentacles friends... and star girl looks super happy and refreshed... we have completion here, world oracle card thing, we have abundance, we have love - all these things are going to come to you, but you have to be patient... the more you worry and drive your self crazy thinking about when how whyyyyy, it won’t come, okay - but I do feel it WILL. It may start trickling in, starting with... sure a potential romantic interest or a new friend, particularly ones you’d meet on the job...  you’re going to become quite confident, quite powerful...  also you may be going on a trip of some kind (with friends possibly). If you’re going from this Hermit in all these cloaks and being alone and suddenly you’re a nudie patootie like star girl... and it’s all sunny and lovely.... you’ll get there yo.
In conclusion:
Changes - 
1. the relationship you’re trying to manifest, you are going to see progress there 2. potential travel, particularly with friends, more social outings to come 3. a growth in personal confidence, boundary setting 4. forgiving a past partner for a (possible) indiscretion 5. definitely more social interactions of a variety of kinds... 
Whatever you’ve been wishing for/manifesting - you will soon see signs of it happening... very quickly I’d say as looking at the Abundance card it has fall vibes and yes I mean October even... this month and next month... it’s almost like you’re shedding a skin like a snake and becoming a very powerful you... I guess you could say a spiritual and even physical glow up of sorts is in your future. Let me know if this ends up resonating pile 3!
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evax3 · 3 years
what’s your opinion on parallels ppl like to draw?
sansa & lysa vs Sansa & Cat
Jon & rhaehar vs jon & lyanna
Aegon & Rhaehar vs Aegon & Elia
Dany & Aegon I vs Dany & Aerys
Arya & Lyanna vs Arya & Brandon
Sansa & Lyanna vs Sansa & Cersei
Arya & Cat vs Arya & Ned
Thanks so much for stopping by anon and for leaving this really cool question! I’m such a sucker for parallels and symbolism, so I do have a few opinions about these characters (Sansa, Dany and Jon under the cut – no opinions about Aegon) and had a lot of fun writing them down!! ❤️
What I really liked, and what stood out for me the most (in the show), is that after Arya accepted that she wasn't No One but indeed Arya Stark of Winterfell and came back to Westeros, she very much took on Ned's appearance. She gets dressed and wears her hair the same way Ned does, and shows confidentially that she takes right after her father, where her being the only one in the pack (beside Jon) who inherited the Stark-look (long face, brown hair, and grey eyes) wasn’t something she was actually proud of as a child. 
There are many more parallels between these two (the Baratheon friendship, the dislike of the southern culture and the people at court, their sense of loyalty, …) but what I like most is her understanding of the death sentence and how Arya has internalized Ned's teachings. The one who speaks the sentence must also carry out the killing. It is the opposite of what she is taught by the faceless men and in the end it is also one of the reasons why she realizes that she can never be truly No One. Which, I guess, is why she showed her face to every one of her kills that was on her list of names (at least in the show, but I'm sure it will be similar in the books).
I never thought much about the parallels to Lyanna, except that she also had the typical look from the north and was also much wilder than is expected for a noble-born woman. Probably it is one of the reasons why Ned encourages Arya’s nature instead of scolding her for it. But I think it says more about the relationship Ned had with either his sister and his daughter.
As for Cate I think the most striking parallel is probably their cunning. Which Sansa also inherited from her mother, and Ned unfortunately never managed to master, because he is too driven by honor. As women, all three are underestimated in this world, and yet (and perhaps because of this) manage to outsmart the men around them. For example, when Arya names Jaqen H'ghar as her third name in order to escape from Harrenhal, that was pretty damn clever and something that her mother would have done as well. 
Also, and sadly, their desire for vengeance is something that shapes and drives both characters (referring to Lady Stoneheart in the books) too. Because of that, I'm really curious if they will ever meet (if the next book ever gets published) and if there will be any revenge for Arya against the Frey's at all. 
Just as Arya takes on Ned's appearance, Sansa does it with Catelyn's in the later seasons. I think this is particularly interesting because in the beginning, during her time in KL, she copied Cersei's hair and clothes, and later she copied Margaery’s. It shows her role models at each stage and it's particularly striking that at the end she takes on her mother's look, just as Cersei adapts that of her father Tywin. 
Even if the comparison between Arya and Lyanna is drawn much more often, I always found that Sansa and her aunt have much more parallels. The beauty of the two is something that is often highlighted in the story, emphasized, for example, as Rhaegar names Lyanna the queen of love and beauty at the tourney at Harrenhal, similar to Loras giving Sansa a rose at the Hand's tourney. I suspect that for both women this circumstance has led to their intelligence and other abilities being greatly underestimated, if not overlooked, in their very male-dominated world. 
Fortunately, Sansa has the chance to evolve into self-empowerment, which I think is the main focus of her journey, whereas Lyanna died way too early to achieve that. She was forced to marry a man she didn't want (Robert), (as was Sansa btw), so Lyanna saw the only way to prevent that in running away with Rhaegar. And I can imagine that early Sansa, the little romantic that she is, would have made a similar decision. 
I don't like that many say Sansa acts like Cersei in the later seasons because she admires her. I don't think that's the case at all. Cersei only acts out of self-interest (and sometimes, especially in the books, quite stupidly). Sansa, on the other hand, does what is right for her people. She combines her mother's strength with her father's understanding of the Northerners. 
She is cunning as Cate, which is not a bad quality per se, and develops an understanding when someone tries to manipulate her. At the same time, she always has the well-being of her people in focus, which Cersei definitely doesn’t. Which is why I think Sansa is a good queen and is just right to take Robb's place (the obvious choice if she were a man) and Cersei is absolutely terrible at her job.
I have to say, for Jon it’s almost the hardest to give an accurate answer, because the character (especially in the later seasons) differs a lot between book and show.  Regarding the show, I would say that Jon doesn’t have much in common with his birth parents, because he really is the reincarnation of Ned, the honorable fool, as he calls himself. Always trying to do the right thing, even if it goes against his heart’s desire.  
Rhaegar, on the other hand, does exactly the opposite in the plot for which we know him best. And even if his relationship with Lyanna is often categorized as incredibly romantic, it is one thing above all: selfish. Show!Jon couldn't be more the opposite.
Jon is a good leader, as Rhaegar was, or at least is praised to be. Both have melancholic tendencies, and at least book!Jon, has a tendency to sarcasm (at least in his thoughts) where it is said about Rhaegar , he often had an ironic undertone in his voice (according to Jaime)
Rhaegar is musical, interested in the fine arts, Jon doesn't really show interest in that. What they do have in common is a belief in something that is more than what the eye perceives. For Rhaegar this means believing in prophecies and such things, and Jon is not atheistic either, even if he lives out his beliefs in the Old Gods less than some other characters. Both of them are highly valued by their followers and I think also for both of them this is a quality that shapes their character a lot. 
Still, I have to say that for me the background of Rhaegar and Lyanna's relationship, the consequences especially for Elia and her children, but also for the whole country will always be in the spotlight.  
I've already read several metas that say book!Jon takes more after his birth father because his motives and actions are also less moral (e.g. only giving food to the people of the Free Folk who are willing to fight for the Night's Watch – a huge difference to the show version). Still, I would say Jon is more pragmatic than selfish, another area where Rhaegar would have needed to catch up if he’d been given the chance.
Whereas it was more difficult for me to think about Rhaegar's positive qualities in relation to Jon, I have to say that it was easier for me in relation to Dany. This might be because Daenerys is so frequently compared to Rhaegar as a compliment. Not only in her looks, but also with her intelligence, her determination and in the love that her people have for her. Ser Barristan calls him determined, deliberate, dutiful, and single-minded, all positive qualities that also apply to Dany.
As for Aerys, it's also hard to draw parallels. As I said in another post, I think the Targaryen madness is not really madness (being crazy) but more an obsession, whether it's about religion, dragons, or with Dany, her desire to liberate her people. What we know about Aerys, however, shows that he was indeed sick, paranoid, after his captivity. That is something different and not something I see or suspect with Dany. 
What I have found, though, are explanations about the young Aerys, which at some points apply to her:
In his youth, while not being the most intelligent, nor the most diligent of princes, he was described as having an undeniable charm. He was generous, handsome and resolute, although somewhat quick to anger. 
In the same paragraph, however, it is said that he was vain, proud, and fickle, qualities that made him easy prey for sycophants and sycophants. While Dany is proud, she quickly develops over the course of the story into a person who sees through the manipulation attempts of those around her and is clever enough to avoid them. 
There might be a possibility that through a traumatic experience (like for Viserys selling his mother's crown) her obsession finally drives her to take more drastic measures to achieve her goal. However, I think it's unlikely that Dany actually drifts into absolute madness like her father and burns down an entire city without thinking. She is much too reflective for that. Should she actually go completely ‘Fire and Blood’, then I think it will be a very conscious decision, rather than an impulsive one.
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halzore · 4 years
Cody + 16??
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Snippets of Time
Characters: Cody x Reader
Note: Thankyou nonny for this request, I was having a little bit of trouble of how to encapsulate the kinda vibe i wanted to go for, not sure if it landed. But i decided to do a few snippets of a little friendship with our lovely commander and a reader throughout the Clone Wars. Let me know what you think! I love when people do that! Also, fair warning, kinda gets a bit sad, but thats chill.
Prompt 16: “That you will be by my side to see me through” ~ You and I, Jacob Collier
A little bit about this song: This is some classic Jacob Collier arranging, very spooky, also uplifting and got them good jazz chords. Listen to it here
Tags: @a-lil-perspective @thegoodbatch @leias-left-hair-bun
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Cody had met Obi-wan proceeding the battle of Geonosis, easily getting along, Obi-wan’s cool quick wit complimenting Cody’s serious but loyal nature. Obi-wan and Cody got along well, but the Marshall Commander had a softer spot for his own Jedi Commander.
He remembered the time that Obi-wan had brought you with him for the first time, a strong senior Padawan, who had already lost one master, but still seemed jovial and effervescent. He watched with skepticism as you gazed at the vastness of the the hangar bay of the Negotiator, looking around as if you had never been outside the temple. Obi-wan was quick and cool, but you seemed different, somewhat of a mystery to the Clone.
In the beginning, Cody stayed out of your way. After all what would a Jedi want with the likes of him. Plus he had a quarter of an army to run, but your paths crossed every now and then, each time more of the mystery of your character unfogging.
The light of the holo-table cast a blue hue over your stern features. Cody could see the stern lines deepen as the council outlined the battle strategy. Cody did not much like it, the plan was too risky, but he let it go. This was not his time to speak. Master Mundi finished speaking, opening the up the floor for questions. There was a slight pause as the heads, both real and holographic panned around the room. You took the slightest step forward.
“This plan, while it would achieve our goal is irresponsible” You voice was matter-of-fact, leaving no room for doubt.
“Is that so?” Master Windu turned to you, dissatisfaction clear. “And why would that be?”
“Too many lives lost, lives we have a duty to protect.” You put it simply
“But the civilians would be saf—“
“Clone lives” you clarified.
The silence spreading throughout the briefing room was deafening. Obi-Wan took a deep breath and pinched his nose, the council members looked at each other in irritation, their nonchalance being called out. Cody smiled inwardly. A Jedi commander who would go to bat for his boys. Maybe you were something he could get behind.
Medical Mischief
He was beaten, he was bruised. Yet he limped with resolve to the one place he could hurt in comfort: His quarters. One foot in front of the other, the commander’s attempt to look uninjured was laughable. He heard giggling from behind him and the Marshall Commander turned back to see you, hand over mouth, trying to cover you snickering. Cody groaned.
“What’re you laughing at?”
You tried to regain your composure. “You.”
“No shit.” Cody was not impressed, bothered at the interuption to his escape plans.
“You see the boys had mentioned something,” You began to stroll over casually, mischief in your eye. “You know, I didn’t believe them when they told me, I always thought you were such a good example for your men.” You had Cody’s undivided attention now, “They said you hated the medbay, never go when you’re supposed to. And I thought to myself, ‘Hmmm not on my watch.’”
Cody hadn’t noticed that you had slipped an arm around his and had began to shepherd him in the direction of his favourite place on the ship.
“Hey, stop! Let go!” He tried to wriggle out of your grip, but you ploughed on, resolute in your gait, easily overcoming the poor limping man.
“No can do Commander, you have an image to uphold.”
Time went on, the war continued to wage in the furthest corners of the galaxy and you and Cody found your rhythm. You became an inseparable team on and off the battlefield. Both leading from the front, you managed to get the 501st through some of the most risky of assaults.
You balanced each other out.
You learnt a lot from Cody over the years. How to punch a droid sucessfully, how to patch up a bruise after you had punched a droid. He showed you how to be a good leader and helped you grow in your confidence as a Commander. But you, in turn, showed him things.
He always made sure that you were okay after a campaign, and so you developed a little ritual. You taught Cody how to meditate. You would bring him into your quarters and practice your deep breathing together, centring yourself in the moment. It became a staple in both of your routines and it was the way you both aired out your grievances and let them go to the universe.
You grew close, everyone could see it.
You were like family to Cody, and maker help the galaxy if anything ever happened to you.
He wasn’t allowed to go to the ceremony. It was for Jedi only. You had been so nervous leading up to your trials. He knew you could do it, and he was not surprised in the slightest when you came bounding into his quarters, barreling him over in a bear hug, screaming that you’d passed.
But he couldn’t go to the ceremony.
He sat staring at his boring grey walls, wondering what was going on. Was Obi-Wan there? What were you thinking about right now? What things happened in a Jedi Knighting ceremony? His contemplation on these questions was half-baked at best, his mind wandering to the future.
The war was at a critical point, the senate’s order for new clones was ready, Cody knew they needed more Jedi Generals, and none came with better credentials than you. You would be a credit to any battalion, they would be lucky troopers. But they were not Cody’s troopers.
He didn’t hear his door open.
“Cody?” Your face cast in shadow as you were outlined by the glow of the ship light. You voiced pulled Cody from his questionings.
“Hmm?” He looked up. “Ah, how did it go?”
“Good,” You walked into his room and sat down next to him on his bed. “I have something to say to you.”
“I know.”
“I’m gonna miss you.” The emotion cracking the edges of your voice. Cody  wrapped an arm around you. “You’ll never be too far away.” Cody managed to give you a bit of a half-smile. You sat there together taking in each other’s presence for what you knew would be for the last time for a long time.
“I have something for you.” You broke the silence by reaching back around to grab at something. It was a small wooden box. You shoved it at the Marshall Commander and he opened it.
“Your padawan braid?” Cody looked at you, a mixture of confusion and awe.
“Something to remember me by, you’ll always have a little piece of me with you no matter how many light years apart we are.”
Cody smiled, and pulled you into a hug.
You couldn’t remember the name of the planet you were on when you felt it. It was like all the energy in your body being forcibly pushed out of you. Your ears rang with the screams and it was almost as if the ground began to lilt under you feet.
Something was wrong, but you didn’t know what.
You hadn’t clued to the first signs, comms going unanswered, whispers around the native colonies. It was when you saw the Holonet report of the Jedi betraying the Republic when you knew you were in trouble.
At first it wasn’t so bad, you kept a low profile and no one really bothered you, you looked like any other traveller passing through. But then the troopers started to show up, but not in the armour you were used to. Similar enough to go unnoticed by most people, but strange enough to send your survival instincts into overdrive.
But it wasn’t safe.
Especially on the day you saw your picture, a smiling Jedi Knight, plastered on the wall of an unassuming business, labelling you as a traitor and offering a reward.
That’s when you began your new life, with a new appearance, a new name, never staying in one place for more than a few weeks. It was tiring, but it was what needed to be done.
You had been watching the holo waves weeks now. Imperial propaganda rife. Disgust had made its home in the back of your throat as you looked upon the force fed narratives on the web. But everyday you checked it religiously, looking for information about what happened at the end of the clone wars, why you were being hunted down.
Talk of a legendary clone wars commander coming to your planet to recruit piqued you interest.
It was dangerous, if it was the man you thought it would be, if the empire found out you were there. But you had to go.
You kept your distance from him. But you knew, without a doubt it was him, his scar, his gait. But the warmth was gone from his eyes. You tailed him, following him away from the carnival and back to his room before you confronted him.
His shoulders stiffened. He slowly turned around to see who was in the door.
“CC-2224 now” His voice was proper, like when he gave an order. You brow furrowed in confusion, you didn’t quite know what has happening.
“Cody, what’s happening?” You were desperate and confused, in front of the one person who could help you make send of the mess. You moved to hug him around the middle as you dissolved into tears.
You didn’t register it in time.
The hard barrel of Cody’s pistol pressing into you side. You felt the heat of the blaster bolt and looked up at your Best friend, your brother, with pathetically wide eyes.
“I’m sorry Y/N, but good soldiers follow orders.” There was no remorse in his voice, almost the slightest hint of pleasure.
It was the last thing you heard, before your vision frayed, the pounding in your ears became too much and your world faded to black.
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writingnojutsu · 4 years
Naruto Matchup for @todorokis-yn
here’s your matchup!! I absolutely love your personality (you seem like an amazing person I want to be friends with), as I was reading your description I immediately thought about two Naruto characters who would be perfect with you and that I can totally see happening but I went with the first one that came to my mind… I also wrote a small piece for the second Naruto character I could see you with because I just couldn’t help myself oops
- Naruto Uzumaki -
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alright so first off, even though people say you seem intimidating based on your appearance, I just know Naruto will straight up go talk to you because there’s something about your looks that just intrigues him so much and he can’t ever miss a chance on even making a new friend so you bet he will at least shoot his shot to be your friend.
he will totally be intimidated by you at first but will suck it up and try to act all cool (of course he will fail) and when he fails, that’s when you will laugh at him and he’ll see your soft side and know he can just be himself around you.
as soon as the two of you start hanging out, he will be so drawn to your down-to-earth, warmhearted personality he won’t be able to get enough from you.
due to his lonely and sad childhood, he has a big admiration for people with big hearts so when he finds out how empathetic and how much you care for others and inspire those around you to do the same, he realises he never wants to lose you.
Naruto’s past experiences have made him the person he is now and we all know how he would literally take a bullet for anyone since he feels and cares too much about people. he gets so invested on their lives, he feels what they feel and is willing to protect them with his life. many people judge him for his actions but you empathetic heart would understand him and know why he acts the way he does.
I feel like since Naruto has such a carefree attitude, he will help you not think nor worry too much about the things you say and do. he will constantly remind you that it’s alright to sometimes mess up and that things can be fixed no matter how bad they got messed up.
Naruto will literally be in love with you and will protect you with his entire life. you being a good listener will make his worries about being annoying for talking too much go away. he will love nothing more than to get home and tell you about his day no matter how simple it was and know that you’re there listening to every word he’s saying and having the reassurance that he’s not a bother.
he might be clueless but he will know when you’re upset. he will know when you’re having one of those blue days no matter how hard you try to hide it. Naruto knows you try to have a smile all the time to show everyone you’re okay (he does that way too often so he knows the game) and he also notices how you care about everyone else’s happiness more than your own and you BET he will do whatever he can to cheer you up.
expects lots of dates going out for ramen and ending up drinking and talking about literally anything, joking around laughing your asses off over silly things while everyone stares at you but the two of you are so lost in your own world that you just don’t care...
Naruto will be a sucker for staying in at your place and just cuddling while you both take turns playing with each other’s hair. you make him feel so safe and he does the same to you. being at home doing nothing with him will reassure you how safe and loved you actually are.
his positive, optimistic self will do small and big things all the time to bring a smile to your face. he will play your favourite music after a long, tiring day and pull you in to dance until your worries fade away. he will buy you a piano with his savings because you matter the most to him. he will collect pretty rocks he finds on his way home so he can give them to you. he will do everything he can to make you feel better.
the two of you have such kind hearts and are very similar in lots of things but also have your own differences which helps keep the two of you well balanced. he will remind you how life shouldn’t be taken so seriously and will make you feel so so loved and you will understand his emotions and backstory on a deep level that will just build an unbreakable soul connection between the two of you.
you are both ambitious and determined to achieve whatever you set your mind to do which means that you’re both going to be so supportive of each other’s dreams and goals.
this would be not only a romantic relationship but a deeply connected soul relationship.
everyone in Konoha will be so jealous/admiring of your relationship.. it’s just filled with so much love, mutual respect and support, it’s so beautiful.
- Sai -
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I couldn’t help but also picture you with Sai, he’s such a sweetheart I love him.
he’s a straightforward man who is trying his best to learn how to communicate so pls believe he will waste no time on approaching you and telling you what he thinks about you (he’ll probably say you’re pretty and he wants to get to know you tbh)
since he’s educating himself on how humans interact to build friendships and relationships, he will be aware of your insecurities and whenever there’s something going on that’s making you upset.
he will try to find ways to help you feel better and will even take his time to read books about human happiness and how it’s achieved just because he can’t deal to see you upset ok he’s a baby who will try his best for you.
you will definitely help him go out of his comfort zone and will reassure him how he has friends and how welcome he is in Konoha.
the two of you would go on cute art related dates or simply go outside to stare at the pretty sky while he draws it and you journal about your thoughts and the beauty of your view.
he’s going to take care of you and not let you work your ass off to the point you forget to eat, sleep, etc. he will be watching over you to check you’re alright and drinking enough water.
your expressive, loving side will make him feel so comfortable around you and you’ll be the first to see the best version of himself.
I just know you will help him be more confident and know he’s loved and cared for and he will do the same for you because you helped pull him out of a dark place he thought he would never be able to get out from and omg I’m-
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dreamyaqua · 4 years
Hi! I’ve really fallen for The Boyz these days. I’d like to make a ship request from you. I want to know the members I have the strongest friendship and romantic potential with. I’d also like to know what you think of my placements in general. Here are my stats: Ascendant - Aquarius; Sun - Sagittarius; Moon - Libra; Mercury - Sagittarius; Venus - Capricorn; Mars - Capricorn; Juno - Taurus; Eros - Virgo; Psyche - Scorpio; Lilith - Virgo. Thank you in advance! I look forward ti your analysis 🥰
Hi~^-^ first of all, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to your request :( I hope you're still interested in knowing who I'd ship you with!!🥺👉🏻👈🏻
In The Boyz, I decided to ship you with...
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Your other most compatible matches would be Juyeon, Sunwoo, and Younghoon.
As for your friendship compatibility, I feel like you'd have the greatest friendship potential with Jacob!!
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But also with Younghoon, and Haknyeon. Potentially good other friendships could also be with Sangyeon and Sunwoo!^-^
And now onto my opinion of your placements~
First of all, I have to say that your personal placements are the exact same as one of my close friend's placements (except for the moon sign, as he's a Sagittarius moon) but seeing these similarities at first glance is super cool.🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Anyway, with your Sagittarius placements and your Aquarius rising, I feel like you're a very curious person who likes to acquire knowledge and learn about all kinds of things from topics such as philosophy, to psychology to foreign cultures and pretty much anything you can get your hands on. I would also say that you're likely curious about the world and maybe you'd want to travel the world or see and experience different countries and their cultures with your own eyes someday.
You're likely to be someone who's easy going and laid-back, and who enjoys talking to other people/friends/socialising and also connecting with them on a deeper level. I feel like having deep and meaningful conversations could be super interesting and stimulating for you and you'd always be up for an intellectual challenge.
You're likely to value wisdom and respect those who are knowledgeable. However, I also feel like you've got an artistic side to yourself as well - maybe you enjoy art, music, photography, journaling, writing, decorating - whatever it may be, I feel like you'd have an eye for aesthetics and and artistic streak as well...and even if you don't do anything artistic yourself, you may really enjoy (some) the arts/literature/poetry/music etc.
I also feel like you would enjoy harmony and balance in your friendships and might dislike when there's conflict because I feel like you do have a sensitive side to yourself as well...but you may keep that one a bit hidden. But you deeply value your friends and loved ones and are always interested in hearing about their opinions and ideas.
While your Sagittarius placements want to explore, see the world, and hit the road, your Capricorn placements are kind of the opposite of that. With both your venus and mars in Capricorn, I feel like you're a hardworking person who can be very disciplined and diligent when you put your mind to something but maybe the Sagittarius and Libra placements make you struggle a bit with procrastination. I feel like you could tackle this by establishing a routine that works for you and then you'd blossom and uncover your full potential. I also feel like you value good work ethics and might strive to achieve your own success in whatever you're passionate about! Even though, I could see you being goal-oriented, I don't feel like you'd be greedy to achieve success, as I could see the more laid-back side coming through and that you're fine as long as you can live comfortably.
The funny thing is Sagittarius placements can be a bit adventurous, Aquarius placements a bit unconventional and rebellious and they're both open-minded but Capricorn is more on traditional side so that's a bit of a contrast to your other placements. I'm not fully sure how this plays out but I would guess that your general outlook on life and other people is very open-minded but when it comes to relationships and love, you may value tradition and conformity.
Capricorn placements, however, can sometimes have a bit of an edgy streak themselves though, so I feel like you wouldn't be turned off by some more unconventional and "out-there" themes/topics - maybe that would just fuel your Sagittarius and Aquarius placements' curiosity and you'd like to dive deeper and get to know more.
In general, I feel like you don't mind standing out and you want to stay true to yourself, no matter if that fits in with the masses or not. You likely value your own uniqueness and might even dislike being like others, though I can definitely see you being a very adaptable person who can get along with people from all walks of life.^-^
Oof, I'm sorry I went a bit overboard here. I have no idea if this fits, so I'm really sorry if it doesn't!! Whenever I try to dig deeper without consulting my books or anything, I'm never really sure whether I'm making the right connections or not, but I suppose, that's how we learn and improve.🥺👉🏻👈🏻 So I really hope, I wasn't too off with all the things I've said and that you liked it!!🥺👉🏻👈🏻✨
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laulink · 5 years
I love everything about Radiant, but one of my favourite aspects of it ? The characters, their relationships and how said relationships help them grow. It is nothing like what your usually see in shonen battle mangas.
- Seth and Alma’s relationship is a complex one with various layers. Yes, Alma often looks and sounds annoyed at Seth, but Seth never doubts or questions Alma’s affection for him and she encourages him in all his endeavours, only reigning him back when he’s about to do something clearly stupid that will end in disaster. If there’s a chance he’ll make mistakes with little long term consequences that will teach him something, Alma will let him go. Strong mothers in most mangas I read are usually one of two types : not caring for their child or caring but doing things all wrong, which usually results in conflict in the relationship and the child having to either forgive or forget what they went through in order to move forward, the weight of their blood family lifted from their shoulders. In Radiant’s case, Alma isn’t perfect, but she has enough insight to learn how to best support Seth and give him freedom while staying more or less close to him as a security net. Things were obviously harder when Seth was little, but the most recent memories we got between the two show how close and caring they’ve always been toward each other and it’s super cute !
- Seth and Doc are an interesting duo because, by all means, Doc is old enough to be Seth’s father, but Seth sees him as an equal and a friend, like Melie and Ocoho, and Doc, despite hating the danger Seth pulls him into, grows to be fond of the boy and caring for him as a friend as well. And we can see in later chapters, more specifically the latest volume, that Seth’s friendship with Doc has influenced our little old man a lot and taught him that there’s something more important than self-preservation : protecting your friends. I like that Doc’s cowardice, while being treated as a flaw, isn’t one that Doc is trying to completely overwrite to be more like Seth. Doc is still himself : he’s still cautious, still fears for his life, but he learns to work around that fear by making strategies to defeat an enemy without having to fight and by using his run away skills efficiently to save and protect his friends. Seth inspired him by his bravery and sense of sacrifice, but he is not a goal Doc wants to reach or someone he sees as better than him ; he just gave Doc the push he needed to realise his own shortcomings and decide to work around them to protect what is truly most important to him : his friends.
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(look at this baby about to make the first brave thing in his life !)
- Seth and Melie look like your typical “main character and attractive girl following him around”, but the way they are portrayed when interacting together is really cool to me because, for once, there’s never a single hint of attraction or romantic interest between the two of them. They are their own person, are friends without ever thinking of or seeing the other any other way, are treated as equals and treat each other as such, etc. The way they handle conflict is also great I think because in a lot of mangas, when one friend goes alone on a quest or distance themselves from others, the other friends (and usually the main character and/or the love interest most of all) will follow right behind to try to bring them back because the power of friendship can save anything ! ... But in the Caislean Merlin arc, after Seth left, Melie didn’t follow him. Instead, she was cold to him, refused his apology, didn’t want to talk to him. The author didn’t make the friends follow the loner to teach him the power of friendship, he made the loner realise how abandonment hurts your friends. Valente also didn’t make Seth promise he’d never leave again (something that’s admittedly a bit cheesy) because Seth still strongly believes that it’s better for him to leave than potentially kill his friends or get them in trouble. Instead, Seth has worked on a way to control the power and not hurt his friends and his make-up with Melie is basically just them realising they are stronger together and working from that. They didn’t apologise for how they acted or promise to change, they still have their own beliefs and are their own person, but they found a way to work with those differences. It’s a nice change of pace from other works.
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(look at this. It would have been so easy to add some romantic element to it, but the author didn’t. No overdone romance, their friendship and respect for each other is all they need and want, which lets them grow as characters for themselves, dealing with their own stuff instead of having them grow for each other. Love it !)
- Seth and Ocoho are in a similar situation in terms of relationship that, in other works, could be seen as romantic, but there’s not a single hint of it in Radiant. I can think of quite a number of works where whenever a girl joins the party, especially after seeing her love interest’s powers and strong moral values, she doesn’t take long to develop some feelings for the guy, be it the main character or another guy hanging around. Even when it doesn’t go like this, you’ll have a guy in the party developing feelings for her. But there’s none of that in Radiant. Even better, despite being the most recent addition to the team, Ocoho is already very at ease with the other three, even Doc, and has taken charge of things more than once, not just because she’s now a Princess, but because she’s a born leader and knows how to efficiently use her friends’ abilities. Her position in the team and her relationship to Seth are not tropes, they directly stem from who she is as a person and I think that’s something that’s very lacking in a lot of other works.
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(Name ONE other manga where you can have a male and female characters being so close, in that sort of position, without it feeling even the tiniest bit romantic. Name ONE.)
Seriously, finally a manga where there’s not a hint of romance between any of the main characters. And you know what else it lacks ? A RIVAL.
Fairy Tail, Naruto, My Hero Academia, all of them have the main character be someone’s rival or choose himself a rival he needs to overcome to reach his goal but not Radiant. Seth has a goal to achieve and doesn’t care if someone’s stronger than him, just like no one cares about competing with him, they just want to take him down. No senseless rivalry and no “I need to get stronger than him to punch some sense into his face”, it’s all about having better control over Fantasia, over the dark force in Seth, finding information about Radiant, convincing other people to do the right thing (notice how the convincing never comes from a punch in the face. Even with Diabal, fighting put up a wall between them, only when they stopped fighting and started talking did Seth manage to convince him to help)... The characters are already strong, they just need to control that power better and use it accordingly. It’s no wonder that Seth’s main power-ups so far have been “learn how to control your Fantasia”, "learn how to control that dark power inside you”, “learn how to be in tune with the world around you” and “learn how to connect with others and communicate with them despite the distance”.
I need more works where the characters are so well thought-out and personalised without the usual and tiring rival and romance tropes added. Please.
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Tori Vega: TDI Headcanon
I hope you all enjoy this headcannon I did of Tori Vega for my TDI rewrite. 
Tori is the type of person who relishes in her own company, enjoying solitude and working alone. It allows her to think and focus on her ideas without the judgement of other people. She is viewed by many others as both charming and very attractive, and is very social when needed to – this enthusiasm is shown clearly when she performs on stage. Her ability to set herself goals and figure out the best ways to achieve them is very effective and proves how strategic of a person she is. She has a talent at maintaining her social image when around others but can be quite impatient and have quite a temper in situations she would find stressful and irritating. Her optimistic and bubbly attitude is loved by others, and she is one of the most popular people at her school because of it. When faced with misfortune and trouble she keeps her cool, standing by her family and friends all the while. She’s willing to do essentially anything to make those she loves and cares for feel better, including embarrassing herself.
When competing with others she can come across as quite overzealous and energetic, which is due to her competitive nature. This developed more as she spent more time near her classmate, Jade, and eventually she became subconsciously competitive in nature. When doing challenges on the island she would be quite the leader type, instructing others in a very kind yet informative way; she would know what to do in a lot of different situations, being able to think up unique and interesting plans on how to complete the challenges that are set. While Tori can work individually, she much prefers to work with others on some things – the positivity that she can give others gives them a boost of motivation when working toward a set goal. She also behaves in a very ‘hands-on’ manner, liking to be involved in the process of making or doing challenges, instead of standing by in the side-lines. By nature, Tori is a very supportive person, liking to encourage and get people to be their best selves anyway she can. Throughout most of her time at the island she will be viewed by most competitors as both a friendly and kind person, but with enough intelligence to constantly be chipping in with ideas and suggestions for everything and anything that she thinks others would need help with. Because of this, Heather will dislike her from the very beginning, viewing her as a rival and an obstacle that will need passing in order for her to win the show. Tori will also dislike Heather because of how manipulative of a person she is – it’s something she can recognise from how she carries herself, and Tori immediately keeps an eye on Heather. Courtney will instantly love her but will begin weary, as they are from different teams. Of course, ignoring Courtney’s bossier and self-loving personality, Tori will gradually learn to like her as a friend, and they will become very close with their friendship. Leshawna won’t be as close with Tori as Courtney will be, however she will have a sense of respect for the brunette because of how caring Tori is toward complete strangers; she will comfort and persuade people to do things that they might not originally be comfortable doing, but once they complete it they thank her for giving her that little push. Because of how forward and boisterous Leshawna is, Tori will not become very close friends with her, but will respect her even if her loudness makes her slightly irritated. Bridgette’s cool-headedness will cause Tori to gravitate toward her as a friend, starting off as very close and talkative but ending up as relaxed and civil with each other. Due to the separate teams it would be hard to be close to her, and so they would gradually become less friends and more acquaintances. Gwen would be interested in Tori, finding her personality very similar yet different to her own and being drawn to it out of curiosity. They would get along well, sticking with each other through all the challenges and supporting one another when they can. When Heather reads out Gwen’s diary Tori will become very aggressive and irritated, making sure she talks to Heather after the end of the challenge. After she proceeds to then read out her diary as well as Kim’s diary she almost let her short temper get the better of her, but after some reassuring conversations with both Gwen and Kim she calmed down and spoke to Heather civilly (with hints of annoyance and venom, of course). Because of Tori’s closeness with Gwen she will also grow quite close with Trent – their similar interest in music will be cause for some jealousy from Gwen, however after reassuring her that there were no foul intentions from Tori, things will go back to usual. Tori and Trent would duet a lot in the evening for others to listen to, like singing campfire songs after a long day of challenges. Beth will look up to Tori in admiration because of how much she would want to be like her. She recognises her from a show from TV and loves how well she could sing and would do anything she could to become as successful as her in the future. Tori will be kind toward Beth, but won’t be interested in becoming her friends because of how focused Beth would be on her. Duncan wouldn’t be interested in her at first, but when seeing her and Courtney’s similarities will be curious. He won’t be friendly with her, but will be nosy and ask her questions about herself. As for Owen, he would behave in a very friendly and kind manner toward Tori, which she will appreciate and find sweet. They will become friends and have each other’s backs during a lot of the challenges, Tori will even sometimes try to take away some of the embarrassment Owen would feel when embarrassing himself by purposefully doing something to embarrass herself. As for the X Over characters, Tori will have a close relationship with Beck, Cat and Robbie because of her past with them before the show. She would feel a sense of interest and respect for Kim because of how agile and strong she is – they would be good friends and an even better team, and would focus on doing their best in the challenges. Similar to Heather, Tori would be cautious around Bonnie because of how she treats Kim as well as others. After being stuck in many, many awkward and dangerous challenges with each other though, the two eventually become friends, though not super close ones. Due to Sam’s very energetic and aggressive demeanour, Tori wouldn’t get along well with her. She would find her rude and dismissive, while Sam would think of Tori as a pompous goody-two-shoes. The two of them wouldn’t get along very well; however their relationship would be more civil and less destructive than that with Heather. Tori would be friendly with almost everyone who comes on to the island, but not with a select few. Heather would be one of them, as well as Ezekiel, Bart, Buford and of course Jade. These four would come across as too negative and aggressive, and so she would attempt to steer clear of them as much as she could. When being forced to interact with Heather, Tori would be very nonchalant and blunt, saying things for what they are instead of attempting to sugar coat them. After all, it’s not as if Heather really deserved that much. She would purposefully try to ignore her when she could, but would never go out of her way to hurt Heather, whether it be physically or emotionally. As for Ezekiel, Tori would behave the same around him as most other people. She’d dismiss most of what he says and ignore his rude and sexist comments. Bart would be seen as an irritating child with no ideas of boundaries or the difference between funny and dangerous. He would constantly get on her nerves, like he would be sure to for more people; however because of his young age she will just brush it off and ignore him. While he is only 10 years old, she still wouldn’t actively help him because of how aggravating he is, however his sister Lisa would be one of the people she is interested in most. Her intelligence and musical prowess would cause Tori to instantly gravitate toward her due to their similar interests. Buford would be more irritating than outright disrespectful, as his loud-mouth and over the top behaviour would easily get on Tori’s nerves. Lastly, with Tori’s history with Jade, she would hate to be on the same team as her. Jade constantly has it out for Tori, and so the brunette wouldn’t come anywhere near Jade if she could help it. Whenever something involved the black-haired girl things always went badly, or something awful would happen.
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dailyyooniex2 · 5 years
Almost two years without him gracing our screens, Yoon Si-yoon has been making multiple strides right after completing his mandatory army service: he is currently starring in jtbc’s Mirror of the Witch and joining 2 Days 1 Night as the latest addition to the fixed cast after Kim Joo-hyuk’s departure from the variety. As his fan, I can say that my weekend has been blessed with his appearance on my screen from Friday to Sunday. He donned colourful (and sometimes questionable) clothes for Grazia and the interview has been released. Enjoy!
Four months after his discharge from army service, actor Yoon Si-yoon is still as bright and dazzling as ever. Between his ambition to show his real self like a blowing wind in 2 Days 1 Nightthrough his Yoon Dong-gu persona and his character Heo Joon in the drama Mirror of the Witch, both images of him faintly resemble the person Yoon Si-yoon.
It has been almost 3 years since the last time we met.
Have we met before this? I am so sorry. It seems that I have lost some of my memories when I went into army…since I underwent CBR training thrice there…Hahaha.
What is the best thing to you after becoming a normal citizen again post-army?
Of course it’s being able to do my job. There are different sources of worries. The job is as tiring and as worrisome as always, but the most important thing is I get to achieve my dream. I am willing to worry about and make an effort for it. I am happy although I have to worry about the work, because I am doing something that I want.
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Is that the reason why Dong-gu in 2 Days 1 Night always seems happy?
When I did my first variety program with Barefoot Friends, I thought that since I was going into varieties, I should give my best. But for 2 Days 1 Night, the thought of showing my true self grew bigger. It doesn’t matter if I’m being cursed at or being praised; I want to show the thorough Yoon Si-yoon-like image and colour. Dong-gu is my real self.
People normally show the image of themselves that others want to see.
That has something to do with self-confidence. Actually, in the past, after being accepted by so many people all of a sudden, I was afraid to show my natural self. Thus, I hid it. But then, an actor should be truthful about himself and able to express himself clearly to all kinds of people.
Why did you have that kind of thought all of a sudden?
While I was doing my service, when I thought of my 4 years of being active in the industry, I realized one thing. There are many images of me inside myself and if I can’t express any of them, will I be able to portray different characters in my line of work? I thought that the first duty as an actor and a celebrity is to be able to show both acting and image which are like myself to public. Hence, the reason I chose my comeback project was because it was most Yoon Si-yoon-like. Not because it is a cool role but because the role is closest to my true self. And the project is Mirror of the Witch.
Then why did you choose 2 Days 1 Night?
It is my first attempt and a courageous trial to show the closest image to my true self as a celebrity. Although it’s not something every actor need, for me, I was afraid of showing my true self to the public. I went into Marines because I was afraid of water, and I chose 2 Days 1 Night because I was afraid to show my innermost self to the public.
There are many comments saying that Dong-gu is too unrealistic.
Although it’s endless positive image for now, later it will slowly evolve into an irritated image too. That one was slightly visible during the ping-pong game. I was just showing the exact image and thoughts I had at that time. Of course, when my whole image as a person is shown clearly, there will be times when I will be cursed at. But it’s okay, because it’s something I want to do.
How was the first filming? Didn’t you find it awkward trying to blend in with the other members who were already familiar with each other?
Maybe it was because of my lacking variety skills that I didn’t find it awkward. Because I was not in charge of being funny.
Do you read a lot of books in real life too?
Rather than activities which exert energy, I prefer activities which involve thinking, like reading books and traveling. But I don’t really like studying. My academic performance is actually lower than my reading amount (laughs).
Studying and reading aren’t that different, right?
(Cha) Tae-hyun hyung always says that if the cast are to be judged from their reading habit, they would be seen as people who come from ordinary colleges. But he was actually my college senior (laughs). It’s just that I enjoy reading.
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What do you usually think of?
To put it simply, everything. I thoughtlessly write down things which suddenly came into my mind or those staying on my mind. I feel happy and at ease just from looking at them, even when they are just doodles. I like the feeling when I can organize my thoughts in an orderly manner. The notes and doodles aren’t really for somebody to read anyway.
You will go on to publish a book at this rate.
Eyyyy~ that’s not something that can be done by just anyone (laughs). I prefer to separate my hobby and resting time. I think of everything opposite of the thorough day as my resting time. For instance, as someone who can’t stop thinking when talking with someone, ‘rest’ is when I don’t do thorough thinking at all. That is why I also enjoy playing video games. I also went for a fishing trip with (Jung) Joon-young.
That is an upright life of a young man.
Joon-young said that it’s a nerdy life for nerds. But I want to add something to that. Voluntary nerd. I like that actually. You must have read a book recently. What kind of book it was?
I read The Taebaek Mountains recently. Although the last book I read was actually The True Story of Ah Q, The Taebaek Mountains came to my mind when I thought of a book I have finished. I bought it at a secondhand bookstore to read it again.
Does your schedule draw you apart from your books?
There are instances where I read books with similar characters I am portraying to get into the emotions of the characters. In order to match my acting with much younger (Kim) Sae-ron in Mirror of the Witch, The Stars by Alphonse Daudet came to my mind. Thus, I take the motif from it and apply it into my acting.
What kind of motif did you incorporate into your acting to be exact?
There is love which transcends all time: there is love that makes two people grow together; there is love that blooms from the most unfortunate encounters. And then there is this kind of love that is borderline friendship and love. Perhaps, that kind of love doesn’t necessarily require the two of them to look at the same place while holding hands. With that emotions, I feel that I can portray the character of Heo Joon.
But then, people would always think of Kim Takgu first when they see Yoon Si-yoon. What does Kim Taegu mean to you?
It’s like Yoon Si-yoon himself. Just like people thinking of Mirror of the Eastern Medicine when they think of Heo Joon.
Like a proper noun then?
Yeah. People would think of Apple when they think of Steve Jobs. It’s something to be thankful of to be able to show one proper role of himself in his entire life.
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But that is not a good thing for an actor.
Normally, people would see a single image when looking at someone. I think of it as having actor Yoon Si-yoon expressing the colour of a person. Removing the image of Kim Takgu is a homework I am happy with. If I am able to show another image of me, that means that my own ability is getting better.
Now, it seems that you will be remembered as Dong-gu instead of Kim Takgu.
Right? Yoon Si-yoon is being pushed into a corner….
Still, Dong-gu seems to fit you more (laughs).
You’re right, isn’t it analog-like? That’s me. I’m serious but I love comedy. I think that it is not right not to mix art with truthful laughter. It will just come out as being unfriendly. That is why I watch difficult movies, no matter how bad it is for me. If I am going to show the reality and convey it to the audience, they must be mixed properly with comedy.
Do you apply this too when you are choosing your projects?
Of course. All the projects I have done all this while have their own good messages to be conveyed through the story. That is also the reason why I love watching Stephen Chow’s movies. Be it Stephen Chow or Takeshi Kitano’s movies, there is comedy mixed into the movies; but if the message in the story fails to be conveyed, a movie will become a mere slapstick, gag show. But the movies are kind. That is the image I want to portray.
There are times when you are being overshadowed by others’ less serious approach.
There were instances where I would stop and think: “Why is he so good at making jokes?” “Why is he so playful? “Why is he smirking while talking?” I would also look less serious when I did that. It is okay to see me as it is at that moment, because that is also when I put in my sincerity.
Do you mean becoming a fun but not too careless actor?
I’d like it if I can be someone who can make jokes and be a fun person. One day, I hope that I can share my thought and other things with other people but for now, I am not ready for it yet. That is also the same reason why I don’t write a book. Because I don’t want to mix laughter and comedy into it. It’s the same as having a ball hitting the beam instead of the goal, missing the real target.
Instead of Takgu or Dong-gu, when will we be able to meet another image of Yoon Si-yoon?
This is just my senseless and worthless philosophy. My points are still lacking. I look forward to and feel that it is possible for me to be able to carry the colour and mind of an actor, showing everything without any hesitation.
What kind of steps need to be taken in order for you to reach that phase?
“This role should be given to Yoon Si-yoon”, “As expected, it’s Yoon Si-yoon.” I will wait until I can hear these kinds of compliments. From one point to another, I will have to control my performance until it becomes a constant line and I believe that will be the moment for me to be someone who can act better. Maybe at that time, I will become another person with another image as a well-rounded actor. I still have a long way to go.
How far have you come so far?
Maybe around 40~50% at the moment? I want to rake in more realistic points. Thus, I am showing my whole self. I don’t really know how far my talent can go but I believe that I will be able to reach that goal eventually (laughs).
Before you knew it, you’re already passing 30 years old.
No~ I am only 29 this year. It will come out if you do a quick search on Naver (laughs).
Do you think you will change once you enter the 30s?
I think I will be the same. I think I should be the same. There might be regression in some parts. People still think of me as young because of my boyish image.
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Right. Your boyish image is still going on strong.
It can be both advantage and disadvantage. However, a boy will become an adult and a man one day. For now, I am living as a boy until my growth into a man is complete. I want to focus a little bit more on my dreams and become more truthful in conveying my emotions at this moment. When a boy matures into a man as he lives, the public will eventually see him as a man. I can’t turn myself into a man just like that. I still think that it’s more fun living as a boy. Maybe it will be better to act like a man, with less talking and showing a splendid pose as one? To me, that is just like a comedy.
You are very clear when it comes to your wants.
Of course. I have my life planned according to its stage. Right now, it’s the stage of (gaining) experience. I’m experimenting by going on various dramas and varieties.
What is the next stage after experimenting with works?
I want to organize different images of mine, including those I portray through my works. Maybe I will show the image of educating people. That might come true when I reach mid-40s so I will work hard until then.
What will be the life of an actor to Yoon Si-yoon when you look back at this moment later on?
I always write this down when I give my signature: ‘I believe in the triumph of an honest man’. I want to live honestly without any dirty play. Honesty doesn’t necessarily mean good-natured. I want to live as somebody who can admit his wrong when he makes mistakes.
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princeasimdiya12 · 5 years
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“Get ready, wake your psyche up, Gooch!
Get ready, dig your anger up, Gooch!
Get ready, wake your psyche up, Gooch!
Get ready!” 
So this happened during the weekend on a road trip where I decided to create another AU featuring the CU cast in the world of Mob Psycho 100. But as a twist, instead of revolving around George and Harold, the story would instead focus on unlucky oddball Steve “Gooch” Yamaguchi. 
Gooch as Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama. Along with having the same hairstyle, they’re both awkward, blunt and soft spoken boys who have difficulty with reading the room or understanding social norms. They still try to be good people but often get taken advantage of by other more domineering personalities. For this AU, Gooch is gifted with incredible powers that ordinary people could only dream to have. But Gooch isn’t interested in them since most people in his life only want him because of his powers. He wants to be recognized for his other traits and talents that don’t revolve around making cars and people float into space. 
Krupp as Reigen Arataka. They’re both highly similar since they’re stingy, overreactive, self-absorbed glory hounds who often take advantage of others if it means satisfying their own personal goals. The main difference that unlike canon, Krupp will be an actual Jerk with a Heart of Gold for this AU. Over time, he learns to care about Gooch as he becomes his master by providing him genuine life lessons for him to use in his life. He also realizes that there are consequences to going too far with his selfish ways and that he won’t be as happy if he continues down the same path. He runs a spirit and consultation office where he takes on supernatural themed cases if it means bringing him cash and popularity. 
Bo as Ritsu Kageyama. Both of them are dependable, kind hearted and have a close relationship with the main protagonist. In this AU, Bo would be more like a childhood friend who grew up with Gooch and cherishes his friendship with him. However, an incident involving some bullies made Bo insecure over the fact that he wasn’t able to protect Gooch. What’s worse is that Gooch was the one who ended up saving the two of them while also discovering his psychic powers that very day.  It’s because of this that Bo is desperate to awaken his own powers so he can be the guardian he was meant to be.
Smartsy as Dimple. Along with being floating blobs of green gas, they also started out as villains who wanted to take control of people but decided to let go of their schemes and become good. His initial cult was dedicated to healthy living by eating as many beans, broccoli and apple juice as possible.
Melvin as Teruki Hanazawa. The cocky, talented rivals of their respective series. Just like Teru, Melvin starts out believing himself to be something of a god while everyone else are inferior life forms for him to boss around. It isn’t until he has a chance encounter with Gooch does he realize that he isn’t the only big fish in the little pond called life. While he’s still arrogant and sarcastic, humble is something that Melvin can never properly learn in any AU, he does show genuine respect for Gooch for his abilities and a willingness to cooperate with his social circle. Also he does end up bald during his fight with Gooch and resorts to using an 80s wig.
Jessica as Tome Kurata. While this is a weird choice because of their different social standings, I chose them based on personality types. Just like Tome, Jessica is overly dramatic, obnoxious, conceited and is prone to giving orders to other students. For this AU, while she did create the Telepathy Club to be lazy and goof off, she does have a genuine interest in alien life and wants to make contact with them. Mainly so she can share her fabulous haar secrets with the rest of the universe. And in case you’re wondering about the aliens in her haar, those aren’t decorations. Those are the real thing. But just like Tome, Jessica needs to be motivated to achieve her goal and she’ll easily obtain them if she actually puts the effort into it.
Dressy as Ichi Mezato. A junior reporter at the school and a close acquaintance of Gooch. I picked her mainly for her role rather than personality. The reason she begins to investigate Gooch is because she’s seen his powers in its fullest when he defeated Smartsy’s Health Cult which in turn resulted in a secret following of people dedicated to the mysterious savior. Dressy desires to learn more about him so she can use his information and powers to promote a new world order that inspires peace and harmony among the rest of the Earth. So in a way, she wants to create her own cult. Cult!
Erica as Shou Suzuki. Both of them are talented, athletic and tend to snark when given the opportunity. Despite their cocky attitudes, they are truly aligned with the good side and want to make things right. For the AU, Erica has been keeping tabs on the Claw organization and has been providing the heroes with information needed to help take them and her wicked godmother down. 
Nurse Offstill as Tsuchiya. I decided to go with Offstill since I wanted a female Faculty member who could work as a reformed Claw member. Offstill works with Tsuchiya since they’re both kick butt ladies who treat kids with respect and pretty cool in their own ways. Also to keep the record clear, Nurse Offstill belongs to @guilty-as-battery-charged. 
Mr. Ree as Yusuke Sakurai. They’re both serious and dedicated to their careers. Ree would be exceptionally talented when it comes to using weapons. And while he does start out as a villain, he ultimately switches to being a good guy and proves to be a reliable ally.
Mr. Meaner as Banshomaru Shinra. They both have a sorta weird friendship going on with Krupp/Reigen, especially when it comes to their banter. Both Meaner and Shinra also believe themselves to be exceptionally great at their talents but the results say otherwise as they end up becoming Butt Monkeys.
Professor Poopypants as Ishiguro. The main antagonists of their respective series who intend to conquer the world and live above everyone as superior beings. They cannot be swayed into stopping their evil agendas and refuse to accept logic. Also they’re both tiny and have violent temper tantrums.
Mister Rio as Shimazaki. I went with my OC Rio since he fits with Shimazaki as a confident, agile and dangerous threat. They’ll beat you to a pulp with a smug smile on their faces.
Ms. Anthrope as Toichiro Suzuki. Regarding personalities, Anthrope can work for Toichiro since on the surface they’re presented as calm-minded, serious and somewhat generous to those around them. (Toichiro offered to help Serizawa control his powers and Anthrope is always reaching out to Krupp as a friend). But beneath the surface, they prove to be egomaniacal and dangerous as they intend to conquer the world to satisfy their own egos. I based this on how Anthrope was super expressive and power hungry when she became Clogneta. 
Edith the Lunch Lady as Serizawa Katsuya. Just like Serizawa, Edith is an awkward but friendly person who wants to do what’s right. They have difficulty speaking up for themselves so they often mumble their words and drop the issue. For this AU, Edith was a social outcast because of her out of control powers and was afraid of hurting people. It isn’t until Ms. Anthrope arrived did she learn not only to control her powers but that she can be of use to create a better world order. But eventually she realizes how harmful and dangerous Anthrope’s agenda really is and switches sides. Once the battle is over, she decides to work at Krupp’s spirit office to use her powers for good. Also, Serizawa is considered to be Reigen’s love interest so it felt appropriate to have Edith here considering how Reigen is. *insert hubba-hubba-buububaba*
Other characters that I wanted to include were Lavator Ree as Murashi Gouda the leader of the Body Improvement Club. In this AU, Lavator would be a gym teacher instead of a student but he still leads the club with pride and goes the extra mile to ensure that Gooch is getting the right amount of training. And for George and Harold, I feel that they would share an unofficial role of being the Emi of the AU. They ended up having a rut with their comics since they feel that it doesn’t have the same heart like the old ones did. What’s worse is that they feel that maybe they’re outgrowing making comic books. But it isn’t until a chance encounter with Gooch who provides meaningful words to the boys on how their work does have meaning and they should cherish not only the talent they have but the time they spend making it together. This rekindles their spirits and the boys decide to make a comic dedicated to their new friend called “The Paranormal Heroics of the Prodigious Psycho Helmet”. And I also wanted to include someone for Tsubomi but I didn’t know which student would be fit to be Gooch’s love interest.
And that is Gooch Psycho 100. Thank you for taking the time to read all this. If you have any thoughts on this AU, or would like to share your own ideas, you’re more than welcome to like and/or reblog this with your thoughts.
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