#how low my life is..so no….i didn’t deserve any of that n i am not weird n crazy n it sucks that’s all she can see but rn i am chaos n she
weirdtenderlove · 2 years
it was too exhausting n achy to continuously see kat on Her so i deleted that shit fuck the lgbt community in mi
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Love Doth Run Smooth
Brienne of Tarth x Fem!Princess!Reader
Hello girls, gays and theys I am back with one last fic before the old year ends and the new one starts. Enjoy this short little fluffy and angsty Brienne fic and Happy New Year 🥳🥳❤️❤️
Thank you again for @weemssapphic and other friends for beta reading my silly little fics <3
Disclaimer: English is not my first language!
Warnings: Little Angst, mention of war and wounds, fear of abandonment, fear of loss, taking care of Brienne, lots of fluff.
Authors Note: Brienne comes back home to you after another victorious war. What will you do to make her feel at home?
Words: 1'500+
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You were anxiously waiting, pacing back and forth in your chambers. It had been months since you’d last seen your knight and you missed her dearly. It didn’t sit right with you that she had to go to war. You were worried, scared she wouldn’t make it back, but evidently she IS the best and most skilled knight in all seven kingdoms. Still… war wasn’t something you wanted her in. The knight has fought enough. Her whole life has been a fight. She deserves to relax, to sleep, to rest. 
You knew very well that she first had to go to the king and queen, telling them of the war. You knew you had to wait, but you couldn’t. With trembling hands and a hammering heart, you left your room, against your father’s wishes. Sneaking through the hallways, you made your way to one of the balconies overlooking the great hall, where your eyes immediately fell onto your lover. 
Her short blonde hair was dirty and matted with dried blood. You knew why your parents didn’t want you present. The sight of her bloodied and injured physique made your heart ache. She stood stoic as she recounted the events of the war, how many soldiers they’d lost and how many had been injured beyond saving. But they were victorious. SHE was victorious. She always was. Your knight in shining armour, the strongest woman in all the seven kingdoms. But also the gentlest, the softest and the one deserving of all the love. 
It wasn’t a secret that you were courting the blonde warrior. Your father and mother have blessed your courtship, proud to have such a strong knight defending their lands and, at one point, continuing their reign with their daughter. Seeing her stumble when trying to get up from her kneeling position almost made you gasp out loud. She was injured more than she led on to believe. Your strong love. With quiet but quick feet, you made your way back to your chambers, calling the maids to get the bath ready for your lover.
Gathering some fresh clothing and a soft towel, you suddenly heard the door to your chambers opening and closing again. 
“Y/n?” A low, hoarse and quiet voice called out. You dropped everything you were holding onto the bed and rushed out to fall into your lover's arms.
“Brienne!” You whispered, your arms slung around her neck and nuzzling into her, holding back tears. She had her arms wrapped around your waist tightly and hid her face in the crook of your neck. You missed her, oh you missed her so very much. Pulling away, you looked into her eyes and your heart broke. She had cuts and bruises on her face and she looked tired, but she looked at you with so much love. 
“Oh, my love…” you whispered with a shaky breath and brushed some hair out of her face, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
“I am sorry you have to see me like this my Lady…” she said quietly, searching your eyes for any negative emotion but all she saw was concern and love. It made her want to sob. The letters you sent her had kept her on her feet, fighting, fuelled by her love waiting for her. She still held you close against her, almost afraid of letting go. 
“No! No, don't apologise. Let me take care of you. Please. Let me tend to your injuries.” You said quickly, pulling away softly, taking the towels and clothes on the bed and grabbing her hand, gently tugging her towards the great bath. She was about to protest but seeing the determination in your eyes, she just gave you a small nod and a sweet smile. 
The bath water was ready, steaming up the room slightly and the maids had added some scent oils, making the room smell heavenly. You sat Brienne down on a chair and started taking off her armour. You made sure to be careful, as not to hurt her, in case she had any hidden injuries. Brienne tried to help you, but you just grabbed her hand, kissed it and put it back on her lap. Once all the armour was off, you started unlacing her underarmour, carefully peeling it off her body. Your breath hitched, and your brows furrowed in worry as you saw all the bruises and hidden injuries. 
“Oh Brienne…” you whispered out, looking into her eyes and she looked away quickly, ashamed of herself for making you so worried. With a soft hand, you lifted her gaze back to you and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. 
“Please don’t feel ashamed of your scars. They're proof you’re still here. With me.” You whispered and stroked her short blonde hair back. She wrapped her strong arms around your waist and held you close, leaning her head against you and burying her nose in the fabric of your dress. The both of you stayed like this for a while, just basking in each other’s presence. After a few minutes, you pulled back gently. 
“Come! Let’s get into the bath!” You whispered as you pulled your dress and undergarments off, holding out a hand for her, which she gladly took. Leading her into the hot water, you were careful to not go too fast and help steady her.
Once in the bath, you sat her down again and moved to grab a washcloth. Dipping it into the water, you started gently cleaning her face, pressing kisses to her nose, her cheeks, her forehead and her lips. Brienne hummed gently, and a small, relaxed smile settled on her lips. After her face was all clean, you moved onto her arms, torso and back, making sure to pepper small kisses over her face as you went on. After her skin seemed to be cleaned from the dirt and blood, you moved on to her hair, grabbing a small bowl and pouring it over her hair as she tipped her head back. With gentle fingers, you washed the blood out of her hair, checking for any head injuries and just finding a dried-up cut. You cleaned it as well as possible and then set the bowl down. 
“Let's get you dressed in something comfortable,” you whispered to her and stroked her cheek lovingly. Brienne grabbed your hand and pressed a soft kiss to the palm of it. She didn’t answer but just nodded in agreement. 
Out of the bath, you helped her dry up and get dressed in some comfortable linen trousers and shirt before drying off and getting dressed yourself. When you entered your chambers, the maids had already placed a bowl of fruit, some fresh water and some pastries on the table. You placed Brienne on the bed gently, telling her to lie down and get comfortable. You grabbed the bowl and a glass of water for Brienne. 
“Drink my love.” You said gently, handing the glass to her and watching her drink it all. She looked way better now that all the blood and dirt were washed off, but she still looked exhausted and defeated. Climbing into bed next to her, she immediately turned to snuggle in. Your strong and deadly warrior. Pride and honour spread in your chest, knowing that Brienne only showed her vulnerable side to you, and you promised to protect her no matter what the cost would be. Laying like this, Brienne gently ate fruit from your fingers, and you made sure to be very careful when running your fingers through her soft blonde locks. A hum escaped her lips and she nuzzled her nose into the crook of your neck.
“Thank you”, the blonde whispered quietly. You knew she wasn’t used to this type of care and love, but you were determined to show her just how much she deserved it. 
“There is no need to thank me, Brienne. Everything I do, I do because I love you, because I care, because you are my soulmate,” you whispered softly, so as to not startle the calm moment. 
“I love you,” Brienne sniffled and wrapped her strong and toned arms around your waist, pulling you close. You set the bowl aside and wrapped your arms around her as well, placing gentle kisses on her hairline as you hum sweet praises and words of affirmation to her. Feeling Brienne relax in your arms, was the most wonderful feeling to you. It almost brought you to tears every single time she fell asleep in your arms. Your strong knight. You vowed to protect her heart, even if you’d have to kill. You would keep her heart safe. 
“I love you, Brienne,” you whispered against her and continued rubbing her back and running your fingers through her hair, keeping her safe from nightmares and anything that could keep her awake. You were her safe haven, her love, her everything, and she loved you more than anything. She wanted to marry you, and she wanted to marry you soon. Being a knight, her life was a dangerous and short-lived one. If she dies… when she dies, she wants to die knowing that she belonged to you, and you belonged to her. That your hearts and souls were one and that even in the afterlife you would know that she would be waiting for you. 
You were hers, and she was yours, and no force of nature could change that. Because when she’s with you, Love doth run smooth.
Taglist: @erinyaya @vivendraws @phexyce @aemilia19 @weemssapphic @gela123 @winterfireblond @xxmecverxx @unicorniusfallapatorius
As always: Comments likes and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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starhrtz · 1 year
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CHAPTER PREMISE — you didn’t expect to be dragged into a mess when you made friends with a certain red headed girl, a simple interview day somehow turned to a chaotic mess.
SERIES PREMISE — after a mysterious death, you find yourself being reborn as an actor's daughter. everything seems to be smooth-sailing in this life before you came across a strange star eyed boy during your junior year in high school. this strange yet fortune encounter leads to a spiral of love yet grief.
CONTAINS — 1.1k+ word count uhh nothinh else i think
A/N — oh em gee first chapter is finally released !!! AND YES I DID MAKE A LOT OF PJSK REFERENCES :')
series masterlist | next
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"grades aren't everything-"
Your parents' voice was zoned out as your eyes stared at your report book, your smile faltered as you noticed your grades have been going down and down. What was the point in trying if your grades would always stay so low no matter how much you tried? You were always convinced that you are just like your brother, smart and the best at everything so why does this sheet of paper differ from what you heard throughout your life? Why were you third in your class, you have always been at the top so why are you dropping all of a sudden? You still remembered clearly, the two classmates snickering and smirking at you proudly showing off their grades. They…don't deserve it, your teeth were gritted as you walked home.
Why was it them who were at the top? None of their work was as good as yours, their grammar and sentence structure needed work… right? Oh, how you hated their grins, you could tell by their faces that they knew you hated losing especially coming in third place but they also knew that you suspected them of using their parent's money to bribe the school. What kind of school is this? Letting people bribe the school staff just so they could be at the top? What a bunch of spoiled-
"Hinomori, are you alright?"
A voice snapped you out of your train of thought, you took a deep breath before looking over to your new friend and potential classmate. (name) hinomori was the new identity you yield after the incident, that grin that they had on their face… It reminded you of your classmates. You haven't told anyone about your reincarnation, your family not your group mates after all they'll most likely call you crazy or just laugh it off thinking it was a joke. Reincarnation… was a silly thing if you had to be honest, perhaps the fate you suffered from really was a cruel one? You plastered on a reassuring smile and looked at the red-haired girl.
"Mhm just slightly nervous about the interview that's all, but you do know you could call me by my first name.. Kana."
"Y-yeah, I know I'm just not used to it that's all! I am a big fan of your work too…"
Kana exclaimed while whispering the last part which you slightly laughed at before Kana was called to the interview room. Yota high school was one of the few schools which had a performing arts program, though it was only eligible to people affiliated with a company it did make you feel grateful you and your friends were scouted not long ago by SEKAI productions due to their recent project wanting groups with different personalities to make a debut under their name yet the company was far from sketchy. All the staff and idols were always welcoming to new debuts, even going as far as a small party.
You looked out the window as you waited your turn, it disappointed you that none of the other members of A✩𝖱𝖠 came to this school so sadly you were alone in this school… You sighed before hearing your name being called out by one of the interviewers, Kana gave you a confident smile and a thumbs up wishing you good luck. You smiled and gave her a quick wink as you walked into the performing arts room, you shouldn't show any signs of fear or hesitation that was one of the things your parents taught you whenever they made you go for auditions.
"I'm (name) Hinomori, affiliated with SEKAI Productions."
. . . . . . . . . . . .
As you walked out of the interview room, you breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps you should ask Airi to make the choreography a little easier later, though you knew you most likely aced the interview judging by the interviewer's faces alone. You sighed as you walked the empty hallways,though you were rather happy about being born into such a successful life it still sort of upsets you when you had to attend high school again after all your senior year was where your grades started going downhill…
Kana’s shrieking could be heard from further down the hall way. Yet when you reached there you saw Kana along with two other people who you don’t reconsider, but judging by Kana’s face they might be her friends..?
“Kana, there you are!”
You exclaimed walking up to the trio, while the blonde boy seemed to be confused on who you are yet the girl who you assumed to be his sister seems to be starstrucked? Their eyes… were pretty. That was the first thing that came to your mind as you got a better view of how they look, you snapped out of your thoughts before looking back at Kana.
“I didn’t want to be the crying girl’s junior but if it means that Hinomori could be my senior, I’ll gladly endure her whining!”
“Hey I got ears, ya’know!”
You muffled a giggle as you watched the two argue, was the brother too used to this type of situation? It looked like the two weren’t going to stop arguing anytime soon, you sighed and looked at the blonde boy who seemed rather deep in thought.
“Wait, have you worked with Gotanda Taishi before? I think I saw you once in his films…”
You looked up with them and nervously smiled, even when your parents were actors somehow… it didn’t suit right you or perhaps it made you slightly cringed whenever you watched clips of yourself acting though it was most likely the latter if you had to be honest, yet even when you told your parents about your decision to quit acting they weren’t upset. Sure, in their eyes there was disappointment but it held approval as well perhaps because you made your own choice of career paths at a young age?
“I haven’t heard that name in a while… but yeah I did. Why’d you ask?”
He shrugged his shoulders, after all what was he meant to say? That the director, his boss, used one of your quotes that you had said on tv once to try and motivate him? Of course not, scaring you wasn’t his goal and he was pretty sure Ruby might kill him if he tries and scare you away from them.
“Well, see ya, I’m heading over to the director’s place.”
Somehow, you felt it was directed to you yet it caught Kana’s attention, immediately breaking away from her and Ruby’s petty fight though could it really be considered a fight? “Wait where do you think your going!” Kana shouted running after Aqua, taking your hand and following him. Oh god, what have you dragged yourself into now?
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please do reblog or comment if you like this!! It rlly makes me motivated to see positive comments or reblogs w tags!!
➜ TAGLIST: @aranachan @cerisearan @miyakoa @yevene @atomi-mi @bajifairyy @itonashi @lxry-chxn @rymtea @kult-o
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ewanmitchelll · 1 year
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Imagine you are a younger sister to Uhtred Ragnarsson who is rescued by Osferth when a Viking nobleman decides to make Uhtred suffer by kidnapping you. The result? You and Osferth fall in love.
Warnings: long post// explicit smut // *fluff*
Your name is Y/N Uhtreddottir. You have been raised with little significance by your father within the four walls of Bebbanburg. Even so, your brother, who was baptized as Uhtred after your eldest brother died, always looked after you.
By the time your uncle usurped Uhtred’s inheritance, you had been swept away for a safe place by Father Beocca. In fact, you were fully raised at King Ælfred’s court, who started to plan a betrothal for you when Uhtred came to your life again and thought you deserved better.
Just like that you left the luxuries and comfort of the king’s religious court and started to spend some time within Uhtred’s own friends—although you found the Danes a bit wild for your liking, you got eventually used to their company.
So here you are, following Uhtred’s steps with his friends. You are already acquainted with Brida and Ragnar, treating them fondly. And it’s right in the midst of such people where you now meet a monk.
“Little sis”, says Uhtred arrogantly as usual. “Amidst our group, you might be pleased to know there is rather a Christian within us.”
You raise your eyebrows.
“Why, Uhtred, must you always reinforce the fact I was educated a Christian as if this was not my destiny? I thought you said yourself that destiny is all, didn’t you?”
Uhtred pulls a face at you.
“Well, Y/Nickname, you could have been raised better, but I must not complain since the Gods spared you and we are reunited. But either way I will ignore your mockeries for your own good.” Saying so he pulls a younger male next to his side and smiles. “This is our baby monk. Osferth, meet my sister, Y/N.”
You giggle softly at how he is addressed, but the moment he raises his eyes, looking shy—you are speechless. There is something so tender around him, so kind, so good….
Oh no.
“My lady”, Osferth mumbles, avoiding eye contact. “I am mostly pleased to meet you.”
“As am I”, you respond in the same tone, detesting how easily you seem transfixed by his presence, so ethereal to you. “Where do you come from, lord?”
“I am no lord, m’lady”, he protests in a whisper. “I am merely me.”
But Uhtred breaks the spell by intruding with a snort:
“Oh please! He is the natural son of Ælfred.”
You raise your eyes epically.
“Ælfred? What Ælfred?”
Uhtred folds his arms when looking at you.
“Who do you think am I talking about, sister dear? This is not a very common name, specially amongst the Danes.”
“Or the Saxons of the North”, muses Osferth.
“Aye”, Uhtred agrees. “That king, overly zealous if you ask my opinion, and I am not attributing any sobriquet that might twist his reputation, felt guilty for fornicating and as a result sent his son away.”
“Oh”, you frown. “That is cruel. I lament it profoundly, Osferth.”
“I don’t”, says Uhtred. “He’s useful to us, isn’t he?”
You cast an apologetic glance towards Osferth, as if you could transmit him how sorry you are for the rude manners of your brother. Osferth, however, merely chuckles low and says:
“It is the will of the Lord and it’s wonderful in our eyes.”
“And here we go with the Christian crap again”, says Brida. “I’m out.”
Before you start to plan a way to get yourself closer to Osferth, however, an unusual event comes to your path. In that same day, a group of danes decide to raid against your brother. Naturally, it is a surprise attack which means this has been planned and there might possibly be a traitor amongst the folk Uhtred surrounded himself to.
No matter. The damage is done. You are terrified: having been raised as a lady in waiting by the king’s wife you are no warrior. A damsel, you find yourself in the midst of strange adventures, specially when raptors take you from his sight.
Just like that you are gone, made unconscious—for these are dangerous lads, sworn enemies of Uhtred, to deal with—as you are knocked down. No harm is done to you.
But a damsel in distress you are… and this is too much for some men to bear.
Osferth watches quietly as Uhtred, reasonably so, shows his discontent. He feels, rightly so, betrayed and is trying to find out the unfortunate person who attacked his honor.
However, leaving personal sentiments aside, his angst only grew intense when being told of your kidnapping.
Exasperated, he merged into despair. But Osferth, himself shaken to core, seems to find an atypical spirit of bravery when offering to pursuit you and bring you back alive, safe and sound.
“What are you saying?”, Uhtred asks him, perplexed. “Do you hear yourself, Osferth? Y/N was taken by someone who outwitted us.”
“Nothing is impossible for the follower of Christ Our Savior and Lord…”
“Oh please”, Brida meddles in with a heavy sigh. “Not that martyr crap again.”
“It is more than being martyred, lady”, Osferth insists anxiously. “Tis a quest upon which I must prove my worth. Give me this opportunity, sire. You shall not be disappointed.”
Uhtred is about to retort when Ragnar comes up with a better plan that pleases both sides. It is drawn such as this: the party will be divided in three; the first group of men is to lead the way as to attract the attention of their enemies, openly inviting them for a fight. This will open the pave so the other group takes their household and, as requested, Osferth has the lady rescued.
“Little wonder why people look up at you”, says Brida in awe.
“It is a good plan”, agrees Uhtred, reluctantly brought to reason. “But we must leave as soon as possible. I cannot tolerate…”
“Peace, brother. We must think before act. This plan will fail if we are imprudent”, says Ragnar.
And that is how it starts the plan to rescue Y/N Uhtreddottir.
You are located somewhere in Yorvic, locked up at a castle of rocks, praying every evening that no man touches you.
The Lord seems to be pleased with your piety, for your prayers are attended. This man, whom you suppose to be named Guthrid or something similar, is making sure that you remain untouched.
Since you are unable to speak Danish there is little you can do but to wait patiently, praying your brother rescues you soon. You decide to occupy yourself with prayers and sewing, watching from your prison window the day turn into night, appreciating, however, the few glimpses of freedom once you are brought to the river to clean yourself.
It is when suddenly this new routine suffers an immediate change. You are close to sleep in your old maid gown when you hear a strange noise—not one of the kind you’ve forced yourself to costume your ears—that promptly startles you.
Has their patience ran thin? Oh Lord.
But to your pleasant surprise it is a rescuer that comes to your sight, not otherwise.
“Osferth!”, you squeak when seeing him.
“Shh, lady. Silence is in our favor, come, come. We must not take long”, so he whispers.
You nod eagerly, prompted to do as he requests. Although embarrassed for leaving in an old, yellow-ish nightgown, there is no time to change robes as time is running out. One never knows how deep is the sleep of one’s captors, so it’s best not to take risk.
Soon, however, Osferth mounts in his dark horse and you ar right in front of him. You both don’t speak, holding your breaths for fear of being caught.
As he gallops fast and a noise is heard from a safe distance—indicating your escape has been discovered—, Osferth breaks the silence.
“My lady, your brother is avenging you”, his voice is husky like the wind, though soften than breeze. You smile to yourself. “Do forgive us for taking some time in rescuing you.”
“The Lord works in mysterious ways”, you answer him softly. “I am only content that my prayers were heard.”
Osferth smiles at you, pleased to find you a pious damsel. It is still dark, but you could capture the first rays of the dawn.
“Do you know where we are going?”, you ask him.
“To a safe place, lady. There is a lord nearby Kent, within the walls of Mercia, that owns a castle. He is loyal to Uhtred, so we can stay there. At least until all of us are reunited”, Osferth explains.
“I appreciate it. Many thanks for rescuing me, lord.”
“I was being only an instrument to Jesus our Lord”, he answers.
Too restless to stay quiet, the thread motivates your talkative side.
“Are you not afraid of the dark, lord?”
“Nay, lady, for I am familiar with this road”, says the man confidently. “It is the King’s road I tend to follow. Far more trustworthy than other’s.”
“We ought to be mindful of wayward men nearby…”, you muse uneasy.
Osferth smiles, always looking ahead of him.
“There is little need to be concerned, lady. I am not letting any harm to befall you.”
Somehow his words make your heart at ease. It takes no more than a few hours before you reach the castle Osferth told you about.
The landowner receives you well. Giving you fancy robes that belonged to his late wife, you now occupy her privy bedchambers. It is indeed a fanciful castle, exhibiting a kind of richness that you don’t remember seeing at the king’s court.
All the while you begin to settle, Osferth remains at your side. The aforementioned lord had informed Osferth and you that he should keep you two safe until Uhtred’s personal war ends.
You can tell it frustrates lord Osferth, much to your internal disappointment.
“Well, lord. As a good knight, you should better rest before taking another quest to come. Let me tend you so I shall return you the favor you bestowed upon me by rescuing me from such evil men.”
“Lady, I had no intention in offending you. Forgive me if it seemed so”, says he, suddenly shy. “To have you brought to this castle safe and sound is a divine task to which I praise Lord for delivering it with no risks for the both of us. I was merely wishing I could borrow your brother my sword and to him be useful.”
You smile at his gallant manners.
“Well, lord, there are plenty of manners a knight such as yourself can be useful. For now, however, it is most wise to rest your energies before your lordship is called upon duty once more.”
“The lady is prudent”, muses the landowner.
As promised, you start tending his needs. You sew new robes to Osferth, earning his admiration at your skills with a needle—and you blush delightedly when he replaces his old robes for the new ones you make for him—, you prepare his bath and make sure to pray next to his side.
When the two of you are not spending the company at the landowner’s side or parting of his feast, Osferth finds himself pleased to walk with you around the gardens.
Soon, time begins to grow the fruition of a seed planted months ago. You and Osferth start discovering common tastes that go beyond piety and knightly values.
One day, though, as he watches you dance with other ladies, the landowner chuckles and says, as he raises his goblet.
“Lord, if I had not known you any better, I’d say you are besotted.”
Osferth furrows his eyebrows, but mutters a not so convincing protest.
“Why, the lady seems to correspond your fondness. Life is too short to shield your heart with pride, boy. Go ahead and court her”, says he who attends by the name of H/N.
“Lord, I see I have little argument to resist reason. However, she is my lord’s sister. I could not…”
“Nonsense”, the other interrupts him. “I shall speak to Uhtred. Do not mind that.”
Osferth hesitates. But one more sip of his wine and one more glance you cast him, he is suddenly urged by professing his sentiments to you.
It is late night. Osferth hesitates as he accompanies you to your bedchambers. There is an awkward silence hanging between you two after you bubbled about the dancing of tonight’s feast.
“Lord”, you muse it after a while when you finally get to your door. “Was I impertinent? Please forgive me if…”
“Nay, lady”, he interrupts you, sounding more agitated than his usual self. “I.. This is not it. I… I wish…”
You pale. Your mind seems not to comprehend what’s happening.
“Have I offended you in any manner, Osferth?”
And suddenly, just like that, words slip out of his tongue.
“It is my wish to espouse you, lady”, he whispers, lowering his eyes, though his hands are eagerly pursuing yours to hold. “I am unworthy of the greatest prize of world, which is your heart, but I dare to reclaim it. I promise you that although I have no significant surname, I…”
You barely have to think twice.
Osferth could not believe his luck. His eyes, when raising again and meeting yours, go wide.
“I take you as my husband, Osferth.”
His smile spreads before you throw your hands around his neck and press a soft kiss against his cheek. But right as you do, his face turns and you meet his lips instead.
You shiver at this first contact, but you do not shy away. Neither does Osferth.
This is more than a moment where the eyes speak words that no tongue can reach, for this is when two souls meet.
Osferth is as taken by you as you are taken by him. Beneath the glimpse of the moonlight that crosses through the courtins of your bedchambers, he is completely mesmerized as you lean closer to him, your fingers already unlacing his shirt.
"Don't, lady", he whispers, aching in desire as your delicate fingertips move from each muscle of his arms, shoulders and neck before slowly going below. "Let me do this first".
How he begs you moves with your body. You are patient as Osferth carefully places himself behind you, so he can enjoy a better view. You giggle as he intercalates soft kisses in your cheek and jaw with his fingers loosing your braided hair.
But every smirk dies the moment he holds your waist and kisses your neck, taking a long while in letting his tongue taste your skin.
"Lady", he humms, smirking when you start moaning softly; pleased to see you discovering these new sensations, Osferth is aroused in sharing such an experience with you. "Are you enjoying it?"
As he starts unlacing your nightgown, Osferth takes his time in denuding you. Had you turned your head in the slightest, you’d see his eyes shining with lust, devouring you just by admiring your y/c skin.
Yet, however aroused you too are, you are patient. As he slowly removes it, he now leans his chin over your right shoulder. Eyeing your full breasts, Osferth himself gets rigid in his pants.
“God, you are a gift from Heavens. Such a beauty…”, he whispers against your skin when he slowly moves his fingers from your hair to your neck, going to your arms before finally taking hold of each nipple.
“Osferth!”, you exclaim louder than you expected, head back against his shoulder as you experience such a great sensation, loving him with every bit of your flesh.
“Yes, my love”, he groans against your ear, finding almost unbearable to remain motionless when you are giving yourself to him like that. To feel your nipples hardening under his touch is already making his manhood ache. “Tell me… How do you find this of your liking?”
You arch lightly your back, rubbing one leg against the other due to the friction it gives you. Seeing it so, Osferth instinctly tosses away your gown, shushing your silent protests with a kiss before going back to your full breasts with his hands.
Yet now he moves another hand right to the between of your legs and seeing how soaked you are, both of you share a sloppy, moaning and lustful kiss.
He grins lightly at how impatient you are, trying to turn back at him so you can kiss him better and have him all over you. But Osferth is patient, nonetheless; he likes to take his time.
“Osferth…”, you whimper.
“Aye?”, he bites down your lip, smiling broadly at your reaction. “Say it, love. Come to me.”
You give up trying to turn at him, instead letting your body being under his control. As he inserts one and then two fingers in a slowly, but intensely move that makes you breathless… You soon arch your back, your legs are lifted almost out of control and you shake under his touch, much to his delight.
“Heavens!”, he groans, now kissing you fervently as he lays you down. “Perfection, Lady Y/N. Oh!”
“You are mine, and mine alone”, you vow, breathlessly, helping remove his pants and soon getting your hands at his manhood. “Please, Osferth. Please, let me feel you like you felt me.”
Before he could think twice, however, you are faster with your hands. It arouses you further to feel him with your delicate hands.. Never before had you held it.
“Let me help my lady”, he mumbles hotly, getting himself straight so he can show you how it’s done. Osferth smirks at your effort, pleased to see you enjoy taking it as much as he does when being taken. “Oh God.”
“Is it good?”, you ask him innocently, though there is no innocence in your eyes.
Osferth throws his head back at his pillow in response, his cut short breathing giving you a positive response. You feel yourself wet again as you please him, finding his manhood dripping wet as you make circular moves or when it’s throbbing under your delicate fingers.
You want him to come undone, and perhaps you are going on a similar fate. This is lust, a thought occurs you; the very type of lust the king’s wife would admonish you for. You would be a sinner, and a part of your conscience reprehends you for behaving in such a manner.
However, no thought ever reaches your heart the moment your name is out of your lips. No reason can argue it when he rolls his eyes, groaning under his breath. Nothing can dissociate you from the joy of making him feel the same climax he did to you.
You are still admiring the liquid that comes from his manhood when you are surprised by the urgency of his lips against yours. Suddenly he is all over you, your bodies are now linked as one.
“My lady”, he moans in between feverish kisses. “I have longed for you night and day”.
“As have I”, you admit it, holding him close against you. “I love you, Osferth.”
He stops a moment to contemplate the color that paints your eyes and smiles. His smile spreads when touching your face before wrapping his fingers around your curls. You blush at such an intimacy.
“I love you, Y/N. You are my lady”, he says firmly, leaning to kiss you slowly before the two of you lock hands and finally start making love.
By the time Uhtred had arrived, you and Osferth had secretly married—or perhaps not entirely secret since Lord H/N helped making all official, which included a grand feast.
Fearful, however, of how your brother would react to such news, you arrange an excuse to make a visit at a nearby convent. But the plan does not come out as any good as you wish for Uhtred comes sooner than planned.
“Sister dear! Y/nickname!”, he beams upon seeing you. “Riding a well a horse, I see. I almost thought you were running away from me”, he jests.
You blush, startled as you are when his thunderous voice comes to your ears. You dismount the horse and goes to greet him properly. In the end, you realize you have missed him too much to fear him.
Not from afar you reunite with Uhtred, Osferth is met by his friends in turn. It is all very gleeful, indeed, when father Breocca—always him—shares the news that Lady Y/N and Lord Osferth have been lawfully married before God.
“You did WHAT?!”
Uh-oh… Something is not going well, perhaps? Though most of Uhtred’s army is giggling like silly girls, he is too offended to join them. Giving you a look and then at Osferth, he seems to fail to understand what could you possibly have seen in the Baby Monk.
Brida, however, is not cutting any slack of his part. She sighs and says:
“Really now, Ragnarsson? How slow are you? It’s always been crystal clear that they have been attracted to each other. Must be the Christian vibe…”
“Not just that”, you protest shyly. “He is like the knight of the stories I’ve been told about. He is kind, generous, brave and good. He rescued me…”
Uhtred frowns at you, far from pleased. He then points his finger at Osferth, who barely blinks at his anger demonstration.
“You had only ONE job, Osferth!”
“Uhtred, let’s be reasonable…” father Breocca intervenes. “Isn’t it better that Lady Y/N is married to a man of your trust than let King Ælfred use her as his political pawn and thus marry her to some stranger lord?”
Uhtred is still frowning, but little by little every anxiety dies when he comes to reason. His face softens, but his shoulders remain tense when he admits, although unwillingly so:
“I see reason in your words, father. Very well. I give you two my blessing. But we must feast it in the right way.”
He smiles when seeing how relieved you and Osferth are. Uhtred beams and puts the young man to a hug:
“As much I hate to be closely related to that moron king of your father, welcome to the family, Osferth! You better watch over Y/N properly…”
He chuckles quietly and gives you a loving glance, one of the kind that warms your heart.
Now in a merrier scenario, all is well that ends up well.
“I vowed before the Lord and…”, he adds hesitantly (much to Uhtred’s pride, though), “your gods too sir that I will love my dearest Y/N until the day I die.”
“Excellent news! Now let us rejoice and drink!”
Osferth and you are finally left aside as the Lord H/N welcomes your brother and his party. Now alone, you lead him to the gardens, enjoying the peace harmony you’ve accomplished.
“I am glad everything ended perfectly well. It is the will of the Lord and it’s marvelous before our eyes”, you whisper, now gently caressing your husband’s face the moment you two stop under a tree.
“Indeed it is. I am blessed for having you here with me and finally able to call you lady wife”, he smiles warmly at you.
Resting your head against his, with no words but a smile stamped on your face, you move his hand and place it over your belly. Osferth’s eyes go wide.
You two exchange glances as if you speak silently with no words. Then comes the giggling and the embrace.
“A family! Our family! I love you, my lady!” He professes it as he spins you around. “I love you mostly ardently!”
“As I love you with my body and soul”, you whisper back. “We are having our family at long last, my handsome lord husband.”
You are finally living your own fairytale and that is enough for the two of you…
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and really bad eggs
pirate king wanda x fem reader
words: 2.1k
warnings: **18+ ONLY** mentions/slight description of injury, hurt/comfort, smut, scissoring. if i missed anything pls let me know!
a/n: well i guess it's a series now lmao~ is 3am posting going to become my new thing? we shall see. i hope you enjoy :) also, there's a cameo of two of our fave dudes in here hehe! unbeta'd. any and all mistakes are mine. feedback is encouraged & appreciated ♡
part 1 ❀ part 2 ❀ part 4
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You pace impatiently along the deck, eyes straining through the moonlight as you search for the return of your crew mates and captain. They should've been back ages ago. You'd been given strict instruction to stay on the ship, the captain using the excuse of your poor combat skills for her reasoning.
“I've been practicing with Natasha,” you'd protested as you watched Wanda gather her effects.
You would be approaching the port soon and she always liked being ready to step off the ship the moment it was docked. Feeling desperate yet helpless, you continued staring at your lover as she checked her pistols and secured her sword.
Wanda sighed. “Yes, and I've heard of your improvement,” she admitted. “But Natasha still thinks you need more time before you're ready for a real fight.”
“You say all the time how rare fights happen once the villagers realize who you are!” you retorted.
“I am not going to argue with you on this,” she replied, her tone firm. “My mind is made up. You will stay here.”
You clenched your jaw. “Are you saying this as my captain, or as my lover?”
Wanda spun to face you with a hard look. You lifted your chin, having been on the receiving end of such an expression several times before. She was always calling you stubborn, and that wasn't going to change any time soon.
“When did I stop being both, hm?” she wondered, taking slow, deliberate steps towards you. “What have I done to deserve this treatment?”
You didn’t reply, frowning as you broke your stare. When Wanda spoke again, it was low, so quiet it was almost a whisper.
“I could not live with the thought of you getting hurt, or worse, because you could not defend yourself properly,” she confessed. “Perhaps I do not express myself well enough, if you are under the impression that I could be so impassive with your precious life.”
You blinked away the tears that built in your eyes.
“I have fought in my fair share of duals, and even I have had many close calls, despite my years of training,” she added, and you hated the reminder, having bore witness to the scars that decorate her skin to prove her words. She cupped your cheeks, forcing you to meet her imploring gaze. “I will not have your blood on my hands.”
A shaky breath escaped you, still feeling utterly helpless, useless, but you reached up to gently grasp her wrists. As much as it pained you, you nodded in understanding. She sighed, eased, and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, promising to return as quickly as possible.
Now, a sense of foreboding has been steadily rising within you. It's never taken this long for a raid. You wring your hands anxiously, contemplating if Wanda would be angry with you if you left the ship with your sword in hand.
However, you don't get the chance to decide. You hear voices approach, and soon after, the crew bustles out of the tree line. Your relief is palpable as you press your hand to your chest, muttering a quick thank god under your breath as they grow nearer.
It takes a moment for you to notice, so washed in comfort by everyone’s return, that a few people are carefully carrying someone back to the ship. Just as quickly as the relief appeared, it leaves you entirely. Your skin goes hot then cold, so fast that it leaves your head spinning, dread settling heavily in your stomach.
As the crew begin boarding the ship, none of them meet your eyes. Panic wells, and you find yourself stumbling across the deck, shouldering past several people. Natasha stops you before you can go around her.
“She's fine,” she murmurs.
“She–She's being carried onto the ship,” you point out dumbly.
Natasha grips your shoulders. “Her wound is not serious. We had to clean it and stitch it to stop the bleeding before we could return.”
You whimper, covering your mouth as fresh tears fall. “She was bleeding?”
Natasha sighs heavily. “Before we could announce ourselves, some skinny, little idiot and his friend thought themselves to be heroes and charged us.” She rolls her eyes, agitated all over again by this person. “The Captain stepped in and was grazed by his dagger while she was trying to subdue him. Once he found out who we were it was easy to get them to back down.”
She pauses, huffing. “For whatever reason, the Captain invited them to join the crew after they'd apologized a million times and begged her pardon.”
You blink a few times, mind whirling. “But she's okay?” you clarify, your only worry.
Natasha’s face softens as she nods. “Aye. I made them carry her back so she wouldn't put a strain on her stitches. It's just a superficial wound.”
Just then, Wanda is carried on board, and you rush to her.
“This is ridiculous. I am perfectly capable of walking,” you hear her grumble and it makes a choked sob slip past your lips. Her eyes meet yours and she orders the men to stop. “Put me down,” she tells them, and when they try to argue, “Now!”
Not wanting to receive some form of punishment, they listen, gingerly helping her rise and stand. She winces, her hand clutching her side, just below her ribs. You take cautious steps toward her, but you stop a couple feet away.
“Come here, my love,” she says, holding out her free arm.
You close the space between you, tears spilling down your cheeks as you check her over for more injuries, hands hovering unsurely around her. She grabs one of your hands and pulls you into her, hugging you tightly. You bury your face in her neck as you cry, relieved all over again, feeling her warm and solid beneath your hands. She shushes you softly, kissing you wherever she can reach.
“I'm alright, my angel, I'm fine,” she reassures.
“You were hurt,” you correct thickly. “I wasn't there and you got hurt.”
“It's nothing I can't handle,” she replies. She brushes your hair off your shoulder so she can kiss along the expanse of your collarbone. “Why don't we go to my quarters, hm?”
You swallow past the lump in your throat and nod, letting her lead you in the direction of her cabin. Along the way, you spy two new faces; a skinny, blond man whose eyes are wide as he takes in the massive ship, and a dark haired man that follows close behind, looking resigned to his fate. You make a mental note to give them a stern talking to later.
Wanda closes and locks the door to her cabin once the two of you are inside. She turns to you and meets you halfway for a bruising kiss.
The only thought playing on a loop in your mind is that you could have lost her. It's silly, especially knowing her injury is not that serious, but also knowing that she'd gotten hurt and you weren't there to help makes your chest seize uncomfortably. You just need to assure yourself that she really is okay.
Your hands grab fistfuls of her hair as you deepen the kiss into something sharper, messier. Wanda grunts, her own hands sliding down your back until they can squeeze your ass. You moan brokenly into her mouth.
She breaks the kiss to mutter, “Feel me? I'm here, safe, with you.”
“If you think I'm staying behind next time, you're mad,” you respond, licking a hot line up the side of her neck.
Her head tips back as she laughs, the sound teetering off into a gasp when you bite down and begin sucking a mark into her skin.
“I figured you would say so,” she says.
Without a word, you make quick work of undoing the laces of her trousers. She helps you undress her, slipping off her coat and unbuttoning her waistcoat before she reaches for you. Her deft fingers work on removing your corset and dress until you're completely bare. She steps out of her trousers that have pooled at her ankles, kicking her boots off in the process.
The stark contrast of the stitches against her skin is like a punch to the gut. You softly trail your fingers just below them.
“Lie down,” you tell her.
She opens her mouth to protest, but you send her a look that begs her to simply do as she's told, and for once, she listens. She walks over to her bed with you in tow and eases her way onto it. You crawl on after her, sitting between her thighs.
“No teasing,” she intones, tacking on a quiet, “please.”
You hadn't planned on such a thing anyway. Instead of verbally replying, you lift one of her legs and straddle the other, shuffling forward until you can align your pussy with hers. You place a kiss on her calf and then grind forward.
Twin gasps echo in the room, pleasure setting your bodies ablaze. Wanda’s eyes close as she pants at the feel of your wet cores sliding together. It sends a shudder down your spine, mouth falling open as your clit is stimulated perfectly.
“Doing such a good job, my angel,” Wanda praises, making you whine and grind harder. “You feel exquisite. Love feeling your cunt, dripping and desperate against mine.”
“My King, please,” you whimper.
She moans and yanks you down for a kiss, sucking on your tongue, biting your lip. You cry out when her fingers pinch and tug your nipples, hips twitching out of rhythm for a moment before you regain it. Both of your thighs are messy with slick, the sound of it sending heat up to your face, makes your clit throb.
“Come on, then. Let me hear you,” she orders. “Want to see you come apart on top of me.”
You feel a sudden smack to your ass and you're keening, grinding faster as sweat forms across your hairline, on the small of your back. Wanda isn't faring any better, her cheeks flushed a stunning shade of pink. She keeps spanking you, urging you on. Your ass stings, but it's a welcome feeling, a reminder that she's here, below you.
“Come for me, pretty girl,” she requests.
You can only listen, your clit beating in time with your heart as you grind it on hers, moaning loudly when your orgasm consumes you. Wanda pulls you down entirely, shifting you to lay on your side and lift your leg. With pleasure still clouding your mind, you blindly follow her silent instruction. The high of your climax hasn't even receded when she slides two fingers inside you. A surprised whine falls past your slackened lips.
“I've got to get one more out of you, my love,” she informs you, immediately thrusting her fingers at a brutal pace. “I know you can do that for me. Can't you?”
You nod, letting out noises that you're sure the crew can hear. Wanda doesn't seem to care, though, so you can't find it in you to care either. She licks into your mouth, her tongue tangling with yours, making you shiver and clench around her fingers.
“That's it, there you go,” she coos.
Her thumb joins in, swiping over your sensitive clit. You nearly scream her name. She grins proudly, curling her fingers and rubbing over the spot inside you that is sure to have you wailing. It takes only a minute longer and then your second orgasm rushes through you.
“Beautiful, so beautiful, my sweet angel,” Wanda is saying in your ear, kissing along your jaw as spots dance in your vision.
You weakly push at her hand when you become overly tender. She removes her fingers and gathers your wetness, bringing her hand down to her clit and using it to quickly get herself off. She holds your heavy lidded stare until her orgasm takes over. She tosses her head back with a cut off shout, her hips bucking into her hand.
“My handsome captain,” you say, kissing her shoulder. “Took such good care of me. Thank you, my darling.”
Wanda sighs as relaxes. “Always for you.”
You trade sweet nothings and even sweeter kisses for a few, long moments until you remember her injury. The skin around it looks more irritated than before, but she promises that she's fine, kissing away your worries.
You stay wrapped up in each other, running soothing hands over each other’s bodies for a while. When you yawn and blink drowsily, Wanda covers you with the blanket, letting you cuddle up even closer.
You're asleep between one blink and the next.
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cwritesforfun · 7 months
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: The Date
Part two to Crush & I do not own the Bear characters!!!
Y/N = Your Name
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Your POV
You feel warm and as you notice that Carmy's arms are tightly wrapped around your chest. Someone got awfully comfortable last night not that you mind. Carmy stretches next to you and says, "Morning." You say, "Morning. How was your rest?" He answers, "I feel great and it might be the best I've felt in a while after sleeping. I feel rested for once in my life." You reply, "You should make this a thing. You should take off once a week. You work so hard. You deserve it." He replies, "Maybe so. It could also be our thing." You kiss him on the cheek and reply, "It should. That's cute." He smiles and asks, "What do you have for breakfast?" You answer, "Several options... I mainly have stuff for breakfast burritos or pancakes." He asks, "What do you want? I want to make you food." You reply, "We can have breakfast burritos. I'll show you where stuff is."
You show him stuff in the kitchen then you notice your phone buzzing, so you talk with your mom. She's surprised that a boy is at your place and that he's technically your boss. She also is happy for you because she loves and supports you.
When you get off the phone with your mom, you go to see how Carmy is doing and he has everything organized. It’s like he’s a Chef for a living or something. You lean against the counter and ask, "How's it going?" He answers, "Good. I like how many kitchen gadgets you have." You laugh and say, "Yeah I like fun little things that make cooking easier for me." He says, "I understand that. Who were you talking to?" You answer, "My mom. We talk at least once a week to just catch up about how our week went." He replies, "I heard my name mentioned. I hope you said good things about me." You smile and say, "Of course, I did. My mom was just surprised a guy was staying over at my place and that it was technically my boss. She told me to be safe and to have fun. She supports me." He replies, "I think we'll have fun and be safe. You can tell her I will always keep you safe. Changing topics, but breakfast is ready, but I don't know if you want something to drink or what you have." You reply, "I'll make some coffee."
After enjoying breakfast as you watch TV, Carmy asks, "Can I tell you something?" You answer, "Sure." He replies, "I think you're just really amazing and beautiful and perfect. I am so lucky I get to take you on a date today and I want you to know I'm really happy. Usually, dates make me really anxious, but being around you makes me feel comfortable. You also always make me feel supported and understood whenever I'm around you. Every day, you make me feel loved and we weren’t even dating until now. I appreciate that." You reply, "That's so sweet. Thank you so much. Speaking of our date, what are we going to do today?" He answers, "I don't really know. I was hoping we could talk through some ideas. I honestly didn’t think you would even like me back.” You ask, “Why not? You’re a great guy. Any girl would be honored to be with you.” He answers, “I … I’ve always thought that I wasn’t worth all the time and effort people put into relationships. I thought I was more of a low-commitment guy with only friends with benefits who show up once a month when I take a day off. I never thought I would be someone to like this amazing girl and them like me back." You smile and say, "This amazing girl really likes you." He smiles and asks, "Is it okay if we kiss?" You answer, "It's more than okay." He cups your face gently and presses his lips gently to yours.
You both get dressed and get into your car. Carmy drives you to pick up food for a picnic at a park. You get all your favorite snacks and drinks. It'll be so fun.
The picnic at the park goes really well. You both spend it getting to know each other more and just enjoying your day off. The sky gets dark and you make it to your car just before it starts to pour.
You both then go to the movie theater and you go see some new comedy that is out. You get snacks and drinks there too.
After the movies, Carmy asks, "I know this is a long shot, but uh is there any way I could stay with you again tonight? I just had a really good night's sleep and I want to be ready for Monday." You answer, "Of course. You might need a change of clothes though. Do you want to borrow my car tomorrow? I work from home tomorrow and I trust you." He asks, "Are you sure?" You answer, "I'm very sure. Drop me off at my place on the way back so I can get started on dinner for us then go pick up your clothes. Just make sure to park my car in spot 120 in the parking garage on your way back." He replies, "Ok. I'll hurry. I don't want you doing all the cooking for our dinner." You reply, "It's okay. I like cooking." He replies, "That's something we have in common." You smile.
Carmy drops you off and you start dinner. You decide to make homemade pizza, salad, and cookies. Luckily you have cookie batter from 2 days ago that you needed to bake, so that part is easy. You have homemade pizza dough that you were going to cook tonight anyway, so this works out. You just need to cut some toppings for the pizzas. You don't know Carmy's favorite pizza yet.
Someone knocks and Carmy walks in with a bag. He tosses it down and you both go to the kitchen. He exclaims, "It already smells good in here. What are you making?" You answer, "I had planned to have homemade pizzas tonight, so I'm chopping toppings for that. I also baked some leftover cookie dough that I had. I want to make a salad too. I don't know what you like on your pizza though. What else do you think we need?" He looks around and answers, "Honestly, I think we're good. I'd eat all this on a pizza. What do you like on your pizza?" You answer, "Cheese or pepperoni are classic staples. But, pulled pork and pear on pizza with mozzarella is to die for." He replies, "God, that sounds delicious. I like Margherita pizza with some sausage and extra cheese." You reply, "That sounds good too. I think we have everything for that, but sausage." He replies, "I'm willing to try it with the pulled pork." You reply, "Cool, we can each make our favorite pizza so we can both try it." He nods.
After cooking the pizzas, you both set the table with all of the delicious food. This looks like heaven.
Carmy LOVES your pizza and you enjoy the one he created. You won't tell him, but you still prefer your own.
You watch another movie that night before going to bed. You both take separate showers then you cuddle in bed.
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High for love - Sherlock x reader
Request: "Can i request prompt #16 with BBC sherlock please? x"
Prompt: I may or may not be a tiny bit in love with you. Okay maybe a lot in love with you but that's beside the point.
A/N: I am thinking of doing a part two to this if people want? Let me know what you guys think!!
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drug use.
Word count: 2804.
You ran your hands through your hair as you paced back and forth in your boyfriends apartment. You didn’t ant to dump him – well no that’s a lie otherwise you wouldn’t be doing it- but your reasoning didn’t feel valid. But surely it was better to cut it off now, rather than stringing him along the whole time? Before you could debate the subject anymore, the keys jangled in the lock and there he was.
‘hi baby’ He smiled as he dropped his bag, walking over to hug you. ‘’god I’ve missed you, work was hell. Julie, you know the one from the dinner party we went to last week, she didn’t do any of here paperwork so we were backlogged the whole day and it’s just insane-‘’
‘’Tom, can you stop for a second?’’ You blurted out, cutting him off.
You saw his brow flinch in confusion as he stepped back slightly at your tone.
‘’Is everything okay?’’ The genuine concern in his voice pulled at your heart strings.
Tom was perfect, he’s everything you could want in a guy. He was kind, compassionate, funny – he’d had you in tears from laughing so hard more times than you could count. You felt so happy when you were with him and you knew you could tell him anything and he would love you all the same. Yet here you were, about to break this poor man’s heart. And why? All because of some stupid detective you’d fallen for months ago.
‘’I need to talk to you about something’’ Your hands shook as you spoke, which of course Tom noticed.
‘’Hey you’re okay, whatever it is you know you can tell me. I’m here for you.’’ His words weren’t making this any easier.
He reached out to take your hands but the thought of him touching you right now made your stomach turn, guilt consuming you. His expression dropped when you moved away from him, clearly on edge now as well.
‘’Y/N?’’ He questioned.
You couldn’t even look at him, opting to stare at your hands instead. You took a shaky breath trying to compose yourself. ‘This is the right thing to do’ You told yourself.
‘’We need to break up.’’
It felt unreal as those words left your mouth. A heavy pause settled across the room, both of you taking in what had just been said. You glanced up at Tom, expecting him to get angry. Instead he just stared at you, a blank expression on his face.
‘’Tom?’’ you asked tentatively.
He just nodded slowly, processing what he had heard.
‘’Okay. Um, wow I wasn’t excepting that’’ He let out a shocked laugh. ‘’What changed? Did I do something?’’
You stepped towards him slightly. ‘’No, Tom, no. You were-are amazing. Truly. I’ve been so lucky to have you in my life. It’s just-‘’
You didn’t even know how to phrase it.
‘’It’s Sherlock.’’ You spat out, your face burning with shame.
You knew you hadn’t cheated, not physically. But the fact you were in love with another man while being in a relationship somehow felt like a bigger betrayal. And Tom deserved better.
‘’Your in love with him, aren’t you?’’ Tom’s voice broke through your thoughts.
You nodded, not sure what words would help the situation. You were waiting for tom to yell, telling you how awful you were before demanding you to leave. But it never came.
‘’I know you love me. That’s evident. But if I’m not the one your in love with, then I can’t stand in the way of that.’’ His tone was soft, deflated almost.
You looked up at him, seeing the sorrow laced in his eyes. It hurt to see.
‘’I’m sorry. I know it might not mean anything to you, but I truly never wanted to hurt you.’’  You said, keeping your voice low.
It almost felt wrong to break the quiet around the two of you.
‘’I know.’’ Was all he said, before hugging you tightly. The two of your stayed like that, holding each other for a while.
‘’Go and tell him then’’ Tom said, sighing slightly as he pulled away.
You chuckled stiffly at his words before grabbing your bag and heading to his door.
‘’I’ll see you around then’’ He called.
You nodded and walked out the door, a few tears welling in your eyes as you closed it behind you. What had you done? You didn’t even know if sherlock liked you back. There was a huge possibility he didn’t, actually it would be the surprise of the century if he did. Sherlock didn’t do feelings, or romantic relationships. He’s more than cable of it, but as he likes to remind you constantly, it only distracts from his work. As you were thinking this, your phone rang. Speak of the devil.
‘’Ah, y/n, where are you?’’ Sherlocks voice swum through the speakers.
‘’On the way home, what’s up?’’
‘’Me and john are working on a case, come over would you?’’
‘’Sherlock, I’m tired can I just help you guys out tomorrow?’’ As much as you wanted to tell him how you felt, you were worn thin emotionally right now and did not have the energy to face either him or john.
‘’What’s wrong with you? He asked sharply.
‘’Nothings wrong okay, I just want to go home and rest’’ You sighed, slightly annoyed.
‘’y/n I’ve seen you quite literally collapse from exhaustion due to helping us out before’’
‘’well god forbid I start to look after myself’’ you shot back sarcastically.
‘’No what I’m saying is, you being tired has never been an issue before. So why now? Something must be wrong?’’
You rolled your eyes at his words.
‘’Fine if you must know I just broke up with Tom. Yes I’m fine, no I don’t want to talk about it and no he didn’t do anything wrong. Now can we please talk more tomorrow?’’ You snapped, harsher than intended.
There was a pause on the other line.
‘’Did you hear me?’’
‘’What- sorry yes I got distracted. See you tomorrow’’ Sherlocks words were sharp as he hung up the phone before giving you the chance to respond.
You sighed and pocketed your phone, continuing your journey home.
**************************THE NEXT DAY***********************
You jolted upright, your eyes having no time to focus as your head whipped round searching for the cause of the noise that had disrupted your sleep. Eventually you fumbled around enough to find your phone, clicking the answer button before reading the name of the caller.
‘’What?’’ You said, your voice sounding groggy.
‘’Hello Y/N’’ A familiar voice replied.
But not one you heard often. Something was wrong.
‘’Mycroft?’’ You eyes widened, suddenly alert. ‘’What’s going on? What’s happened?’’
You heard the older Holmes sigh through the phone.
‘’My brother went missing earlier tonight and-‘’
‘’WHAT? Where is he? Is he hurt? Oh my god right I’m coming over-‘’ You scrambled to get out of your bed, dropping the phone in the process.
‘’Shit’’ You threw yourself over the side of the bed to grab it. However, you miscalculated how close you were to the edge and promptly fell off with a rather loud thud as you landed in a crumpled heap next to your phone.
‘’Ow’’ You grumbled before finally picking your phone back up. ‘’Hello? Are you still there?’’
‘’Are you quite alright? That was an awful lot of noise’’ Mycroft asked, sounding more agitated then worried but that didn’t surprise you.
‘’Yep, yes all fine. Now where the hell is sherlock? Shouldn’t you be out looking for him instead of calling me?’’
‘’Well as I was saying before you interrupted me, we’ve already found him. He’s been taken back home and is currently with John.’’ Mycroft continued.
You furrowed your brow in confusion.
‘’Then why are you calling me? You do know it’s literally 3 in the morning. I was sleeping’’ You shuffled on the floor so you could lean back up against your bed, still feeling the tiredness wash over you.
‘’He may be home but he isn’t exactly…well, sober’’ The unease was evident in Mycroft’s tone as he spoke.
Even though he would probably deny it at any turn, he cared for sherlock deeper than he’d ever cared for anything. As did sherlock for Mycroft. They truly wouldn’t be the same without each other, even if they were both too stubborn to admit to it.
‘’What can I do?’’ You said with a sigh.
‘’Go and talk to him. He seems to trust you. Possibly even more than he does john Find out why he’s using again’’
You held your head in your hands. You hated seeing sherlock high. It hurt you to see him resort to such methods. Even if it was for a case. That man was willing to dance with death in order to prove he’s right about something.
‘’Okay’’ You replied reluctantly.
‘’There will be a car outside for you. Update me as soon as you can.’’ And with that, he hung up.
You took a few minutes to compose yourself, before getting up. You decided against getting changed, you figured showing up in some plaid pyjama trousers and the black vest top you’d fallen asleep in would suffice. You grabbed a jacket before slipping on your trainers and heading out of your flat. Sure enough when you got to the lobby of your apartment building, there was a sleek black car waiting to take you to Baker Street.
The whole ride there you were thinking about what to stay. I mean what exactly are you mean to say to someone who’s probably higher than the Eiffel tower right now. Even now as you stood waiting for someone to open the door, you were coming up empty.
‘’Oh y/n hello dear!’' '
’Mrs. Hudson greeted you warmly as she opened the door for you. ‘’Hi Mrs. Hudson. How are you?’’ You smiled at her.
You’d always been rather fond of her. She was endlessly kind towards you, welcoming you with open arms without any hesitation.
‘’I’m good thank you. You haven’t been round in a while. Come in, come in. We don’t need you freezing on the doorstep now do we.’’ She ushered you in closing the door behind you.
‘’No, I know things have been a bit mental at work lately, I’ve been meaning to swing by. I’m sorry it has to be in the middle of the night. I’m sure you don’t appreciate being woken up by all this.’’ You gesture up the stairs as you spoken.
She just shook her head. ‘’Nonsense darling, I don’t mind at all. You’re welcome at any time. As for Sherlock, well all I can say is at least he isn’t shooting my wall to pieces again.’’ She chuckled as she spoke. ‘’You’d better get up there, see if you can talk any sense into him’’
You nodded, looking towards the stairs ‘’Yeah, I guess. I’ll see you in a bit’’ You took a deep breath, before walking upstairs.
Sherlock must have heard you because suddenly you heard his voice calling your name rather excitedly. You went to open his door but he’d clearly got there before you, flinging it open. ‘
’Y/n, you’re here! John look, it’s y/n’’ Sherlock grinned at you, his eyes wide.
‘’Yeah I can see that, I’m not blind’’ john retorted from behind the detective.
‘’Hi’’ You said, chuckling nervously.
‘’You’re bloody amazing you know that?’’ Sherlock said.
You went to reply but were cut off by Sherlocks arms wrapping around you, pulling your body close to his as he rested his head on your shoulder. You let out a gasp as your arms hung awkwardly by your side. What the fuck had he taken? Just as quickly as the hug had begun, it was over as he pulled away from you still smiling. He turned and walked back into his apartment, focusing on some paper work spread out on his desk. You just stood there, a shocked expression smacked across your face.
‘’You okay there?’’ John asked, shaking you slightly. You blinked at him before nodding your head.
‘’What has gotten into him? Well drugs apparently, but he’s never normally this…’’
‘’Happy? Elevated? Fucking insane?’’ john suggested, looking over at the man who was now in a heated discussion with a skull that he kept on the fireplace.
‘’Yeah. I mean usually when he’s been caught high, he’s all grumpy and just curls up in a ball probably hoping we all shut up and leave him alone. But this, this is new’’
‘’are you saying you prefer the moody, short tempered bastard version of these events?’’ John asked raising an eyebrow at you.
You watched Sherlock move around the flat rather erratically, a feeling of discomfort forming a pit in your stomach.
‘’I don’t know yet’’ You replied honestly.
‘Ah y/n, come here’’ Sherlock waved you over to him, where he was now sat back down at his desk.
You shrugged your jacket off walking over to him, leaning against the desk.
‘’You need something?’’ You asked him, folding your arms.
He broke his gaze away from his laptop, looking up at you. His eyes took their time gazing over your figure making you shuffle nervously under his stare.
‘’You truly are beautiful you know.’’ His words sounded so genuine, you were taken a back. ‘’Anyway, I needed to ask you something but I forgot what it was. I’m sure it’ll come back to me’’ And with that, he shrugged and immediately went back to typing away on his laptop.
You just stared down at him. Sherlock never complimented you, or if he did the most you got was a short ‘’well done’’ or ‘’good job’’. He had never commented on your appearance, only ever on your work and he had most certainly never called you beautiful.
‘’AH’’ Sherlock clapped his hands together, making you jump. ‘’that’s what I was going to say, I remember now. It’s not a question mind you.’’ You rolled your eyes, slowly getting more agitated.
‘’What was it then?’’
‘’I may or may not be a tiny bit in love with you. Okay maybe a lot in love with you but that’s besides the point’’
For about the third time that night, you were stunned to silence. What. The. Fuck. There was no way you had just heard him say that.
‘’I need a drink do you want anything?’’ Sherlock asked as he got up and walked to the kitchen.
That’s when reality hit you. He didn’t mean it, he was high. It was just the drugs elevating his mood. He cared for you, you knew that. But now with whatever he’s taken he clearly thinks he loves you But he doesn’t. He’s made it perfectly clear in the past how he feels about love and relationships. Maybe he’d picked up that you had feelings for him and was now using them against you as some kind of joke? It wouldn’t surprise you. You’re heart sank as you faced the reality of the situation.
‘’Fuck you man’’ You mumbled as you moved yourself away from the desk.
‘’What?’’ Sherlock turned to see you with your back to him, standing by the sofa. ‘’Was that to me?’’
‘’Well it sure as shit wasn’t to john’’ You snapped, running your fingers through your hair.
‘’What did I do?’’ Sherlock asked. For the first time this evening, he looked sober. He looked like him again.
‘’You know what you did, you prick. Look it might be all a joke and funny to you now because you decided to go and inject fuck knows what into your body yet again – but the way I feel is not something I’m letting you mess with. Not anymore.’’ You grabbed your jumper, throwing it on before heading to the door.
‘Y/n wait please-‘’
‘’Make sure to tell Mycroft what you took. He wants to know’’ You said before heading down the stairs and rushing out the door, tears slipping down your face.
Your phone rang in your pocket. You knew it was sherlock and you had no interest of talking to him. Not now, or any time soon. First Tom, and now this. You were exhausted and you didn’t want to deal with any men for the foreseeable future. But part of you wondered, what if he’d meant it? Was there any way he truly could love you? You shook your head dismissing your thoughts. No, he wasn’t thinking straight. By the morning he probably won’t even remember what it is he said to you. What a fun conversation that would be. But you would deal with that later. For now all you wanted to do was go home, curl up, fall asleep and forget about the rather handsome detective.
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totravelasfriends7433 · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes
Valkyrie: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess? Melissa: Your life? Valkyrie: I- well yes, but-
Valkyrie: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Murderer: Any last words? Valkyrie: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
Melissa: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Valkyrie: It was me… Melissa: …Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Valkyrie: I am the most responsible person in the group. Melissa: …You just set the kitchen on fire. Valkyrie: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
Fletcher: Cronch. Fletcher: You hear that? That's the sound of me eating sticks. Melissa: No, don’t— Fletcher: Too late.
Fletcher: I love you. Valkyrie: I love me too.
Fletcher: Big day today, Valkyrie. holds up two shirts Mustard stain or ketchup stain? Valkyrie: Mustard– looks less like blood.
Valkyrie: I hope no one lowkey hates me. Valkyrie: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being. Valkyrie: Go big or go home.
Valkyrie: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer. Fletcher: Why are we so fucking awesome? Valkyrie: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Fletcher: Hugs Valkyrie from behind Fletcher: Tucks Valkyrie's hair behind their ear Fletcher, whispering: Eat all the frosted animal crackers again and they'll never find your body.
Tsu: Do you support gay rights? Shinsou: I’m literally gay. Valkyrie: He's avoiding the question!
Valkyrie, to Shinsou: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice. Shinsou: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada. Valkyrie: You just told me you're pregnant. Tsu: Congratulations Shinsou, you're glowing!
Valkyrie: FIGHT ME, YOU NERD ASS SLUT! Tsu: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone. Valkyrie: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch? Tsu: Somehow that's worse.
Valkyrie: I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed for you. Shinsou: This is a sports-related injury. It makes me look cool! Valkyrie: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool!
Tsu: Shinsou, Valkyrie, I love y’all and all, but can I ask what in the hell are you doing? Shinsou, trying to stabilize a tower of folding chairs that Valkyrie is sitting atop: Oh nothing much. Valkyrie: I love you too :)
Shinsou: I wanna sleep for 40 hours. Valkyrie: You know that's called a coma, right? Shinsou: Shinsou: That sounds so refreshing, I could totally go for a light coma right now.
Tsu: Isn’t it weird how we pay money to see other people? Shinsou: You mean movies? Valkyrie: Concerts? Momo: Prostitutes? Tsu: Wha…N-no, I mean glasses, what the fuck-
Valkyrie, dramatically: They called me a fool. Momo, sick of Valkyrie's shit: They weren’t wrong.
Valkyrie: falls down the stairs Momo: Are you okay? Tsu: Stop falling down the stairs! Midoriya: How’d the ground taste?
Valkyrie: I do two things and two things only. I devastate sorry motherfuckers, and get shit done as an awesome leader.
Shinsou: Eat shit and die, Midoriya!!! Midoriya: Eat shit and live, Shinsou.
Midoriya: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer. Valkyrie: You're right, Midoriya.. Violence can't be the answer. Midoriya: Correct, Valkyrie. Now, on to the next lesso- Valkyrie: Violence is the question. Valkyrie: And the answer is yes! Midoriya: Valkyrie, no!!
Hatsume: If there’s one thing I learned from Midoriya, it’s to set people’s expectations real low, so you end up surprising them by practically doing nothing at all.
Store Worker: Would a “Valkyrie” please come to the front desk? Valkyrie, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to Midoriya and Hatsume: I believe they belong to you? Midoriya and Hatsume, simultaneously: We got lost. Valkyrie: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
Shinsou: What do I get? Valkyrie: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death. Shinsou: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one. Valkyrie: It won't be you. Shinsou: I'll get my coat.
Shinsou: walks into the kitchen, ignoring everyone Fletcher: Hey, Shinsou, how was your day? Shinsou: picks up an onion and bites into it, staring at Fletcher Hell. Momo, watching this unfold: whispers Who hurt you?
Midoriya, bleeding out on the ground: Blood loss? No, I know exactly where it is.
Tsu: Hatsume noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago. Momo: This reminds me of the Hatsume who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi. Tsu: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Hatsume.
Valkyrie: Is this about me? Fletcher: No. Valkyrie: Then I've lost interest.
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artficlly · 2 years
the shadow (miniseries - part one)
Post Endgame Avengers AU miniseries - part one
avenger!bucky x widow!reader avenger!yelena x widow!reader (platonic)
Reader is an ex-black widow sniper who escaped the Red Room with the help of Yelena and Natasha. After working as an illegal hired gun, Yelena recruits the reader to the team as a sniper. The reader is closed off, not wanting to form connections or friends with anyone. Though, as their shell begins to crack, they notice they have a lot in common with a certain Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: violence, death, wound descriptions, lots of blood and gore, mention of weapons, swearing, low self-esteem reader, mentions of past non-con, lots of angst. lmk if anything needs to be added.
Word Count: 6.8k
A/N: hi! this is a pretty angsty/gorey fic I've had in my brain for awhile now. i don't know if many people will vibe with this, so might just be written for my weird interests lol. i think this will be two, maybe three parts? I just wanted something a bit more intense to work on alongside face the music (which is a more wholesome college au multi chapter fic). I'm very interested in exploring the 'what if' side of what happens to all the widows once they escape. I am also a sucker for feminist readings/feminine rage so this is a fun outlet. I have some plans for more ex-widow content (maybe longer series) but i wanted to get this mini-series up as a sort of taster! there isn't a heap of bucky barnes content in this part, but oh boy, there is some coming in the next part!! not proof read - pls forgive any typos.
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Many unexpected things had happened during your life, even before you were old enough to understand how unexpected they were. 
Firstly, you had been torn from your birth family at a young age. You never knew if your family had willingly given you up. You had heard tales of starving mothers, selling their children in order to survive. Other tales said that the mothers refused to sell their children. Though, a mothers love was not enough to sustain through the Russian winters. Those mothers died for the love of their children, but regardless their children were still taken by the Red Room. 
Others whispered that the women of the Red Room were specifically chosen for their genetics, hunted down and stolen. There was no regard for a mothers love, only the possibility of another weapon to create. 
Deep down you could hope that your mother had loved you. 
You would never know. 
The second unexpected thing to happen in your life was when you escaped. Much like the other Widows, you had spent most of your life under the control of men. You had been a weapon, faceless, deadly. You had survived the training that many didn’t and that was the only thing that made you of value. The discovery of a life beyond the Red Room? A life beyond what you had been crafted for? Freedom was more frightening than any mission or task you had undertaken. 
With the Red Room gone, thanks to Yelena Belova and Natalia Alianovna? You were purposeless. You were a small ship, lost at sea. You were a small ball of rock, hurtling through space, burning up and dying out. There was no reason for you to exist, there was no life for you. You were a killer, a monster. Why did you deserve peace? How could you ever find peace with all the blood on your hands? You were raised to be a killer, and a killer you were. 
In the Red Room you were The Shadow. A faceless sniper, one of the best in the world. You did your job, and you did it well. Even after you were freed, you continued to work as a sniper to find some meaning. You were good at disconnecting from your emotions. Taking the shot wasn’t one to sweat, you floated above your body and pulled that fucking trigger. 
The people who hired you didn't know your name. They didn’t see your face. You were a weapon and you would kill without question. A father, a mother, a child? It didn’t make a difference to you. It was just another target. Even if you were free from Dreykov, you were still the weapon he had built you to be. As much as you tried, as much as you fought, screamed and cried. You were a Widow, a faceless killer, a nobody, a Shadow. 
The third unexpected thing to happen in your life was Yelena Belova. She was a force, hurtling into your life. You had never expected it. You thought once she freed all the Widow's it would be over. She wouldn’t need to associate with her fellow Widows anymore. She was a hero, she made it big. She would become an Avenger like Natalia. Start over, fresh face, new name. Natalia, Natasha. She had been a hero, she had freed all of the Widows. You? You were a gun for hire, bottom of the barrel scum. 
Yet, there Yelena had stood, reaching out to pull you from the snake pit. 
You had been hired for an inside job, some drug deal with the potential to go very wrong. You were to keep watch, blow out the brains of their competitor if necessary. You didn’t think into the ethics, you just shot who you were told to shoot. You should’ve known Yelena would keep tabs on you, you should’ve known that day would come. Even if you were nameless and faceless, you were still a weapon. The world doesn’t just lose weapons, no, they either used them or prayed for their untimely death. 
The deal went messy, as anticipated. You went to shoot but a foot was on your rifle making you pause. 
“You’re getting sloppy, Shadow.” The blonde had tutted at you. “I have been standing here, for what? Two minutes? You didn’t even see me.” 
You didn’t know why her speaking Russian shocked you so much. You had spent so many years dealing with Americans and Europeans that you had slipped into the comfort of English too easily. You had just assumed that the world of superheroes had Americanised Yelena, like they had Natasha. But there she was, Yelena fucking Belova in the flesh. Your third unexpected thing. 
“Come to tell me off for being a bad girl, Belova?” You teased, hand subtly finding the knife at your thigh out of instinct. You doubted Yelena had come here to kill you, you had heard through the grapevine about her little mission. She had spent two years freeing Widows across the globe. Though, you couldn’t help but notice that Yelena was armed to the teeth. Knives and guns tucked into hidden pockets through her black suit. You had heard she had become an Avenger - well atleast what was left of the team. Stepping into Natasha's role, she wanted to do good so bad. You could never be that, a hero. You weren’t meant to be anything other than another man’s blade or bullet. 
After Steve Rogers death, the Avengers had spiraled for a time. Eventually, Sam Wilson had taken up the mantle. A few had followed, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, his protégé Kate Bishop as well as Yelena. You didn’t even know if they called themselves ‘The Avengers’ anymore, only that they acted like them. Seemed they were running off the left-overs of Stark’s money as well as government funding. You had heard rumors about Scott Lang or even Steven Strange still floating around. After Wanda Maximoff had gone near-insane, the world had turned a cruel eye on their heroes. Even if they had been the only ones to save them from The Blip. People - your people - they didn’t want to be classed as heroes anymore, but somehow they were still committed to ‘doing good’. 
“I could tell you off,” Yelena drawled, eyes following your every move. You were on your knees now, slowly rising from the lying position you had held. If Yelena was a predator, you were certainly her prey. Unfortunately for her, you were also a predator when cornered. Outside, you could hear gunshots overlapping each other, shouting and grunting. It hurt that it annoyed you, that Yelena would be inadvertently ruining your reputation. You always made the shot, always. Except this time. You supposed being held up by Yelena fucking Belova was a better excuse than missing your shot. No, now that would be embarrassing and reputation destroying. The Shadow missing a shot? Unheard of. 
“I want to offer you a job. Could be a one time thing, could be more. Pays better than whatever this is, and is certainly more legal than whatever this is.” Yelena continues her spiel. She had palmed a knife, waving it as she spoke for extra effect. It was a hunting knife, sharpened to perfection. You didn’t like to imagine how the serrated edge would feel cutting into your flesh. 
“Your jobs barely qualify as legal,” You snip back, carefully eyeing her movements. Was she signaling someone through the window? The glare of the sun against the blade would surely be visible outside. There could be an entire team outside waiting to take you down. Yelena could just be the distraction. Your hand tightens around the handle of your own knife, ready to pull it from its holster at the slightest indication of an ambush. 
“Everything is legal if you work for the right people,” Yelena cuts back, tilting her head as she observes you. Time was ticking, you knew this could go one of two ways. You really hoped it wouldn’t end with one of you bleeding out on the floor. You had respect for Yelena, for what she and Natasha had done. 
“What if I say no?” You ask, russian muffled through your mask. You always wore them on jobs, always. You were a faceless weapon, mixing your identity in would not help you shoot better. Yelena smirks at you, finger running down the blade of her knife. She looked so casual, leaning against the window sill without a care in the world. She was definitely better armed than you. Your ears strain, trying to hear if someone is climbing the stairs of the building. All you can hear is the scuffle of the deal downstairs in the alley. 
“The government is interested in you. They don’t have a name yet, just… a shadow of a person to look for. Ex-Widow, a hired gun. I can make it go away. I know powerful people.” You could see her teeth through her smirk as she spoke. It was a thinly veiled threat. Pull your shit together, you’ve drawn too much attention to yourself. No, this was the difference between you and Yelena. She had cared, she had become the hero she had needed. You had stayed the same monster, spiraled further into your own hatred and disgust. You had become the person people needed saving from. Yelena cared so much about every Widow that the idea of one slipping through the cracks? It would haunt her. She was warning you, giving you a way out. She wanted to help you. 
The shouting and gunshots outside had died down, now only the sound of several sirens approaching. Time was still ticking and you were running out.
“Make your choice quickly, Shadow. Make it wisely though, I really don’t want to kill you.” Yelena purred. You eyed her for a long moment, carefully getting to your feet. Despite her cold exterior, the way she tried to be intimidating… You could see the pleading in her eyes. She wanted you to come with her, she wanted to help you. But you couldn’t help but wonder if you deserved saving? 
So many years, so many dead bodies. The only thing that kept you going was your strength, your reluctance to die. But after so many years of running, so many years of being alone… was there a reason to keep fighting? That sickness, it clawed away in your brain. You didn’t deserve saving. 
The sirens drew nearer. Reluctantly, you spoke. Even if that sickness was strong, your stubbornness and desire to breathe was stronger. You would live out of spite. You would live just to spit in the faces of those who wanted you dead. If you were going to die, it would be on your own terms. 
“Who am I shooting?” You ask, reaching out your gloved hand for Yelena to shake. Yelena must feel some kind of relief, you see her shoulders droop every-so-slightly as she shakes your hand.
“That list seems to be endless these days.” She replies with a grin. 
The small rural town was desolate. A ghost town, Yelena had said. A ghost town that had become infested with vermin.
Remnants of society still remained. You could imagine the ghosts of people passing by as you navigated through the landscape. A cracked concrete road, overgrown with weeds. The apartment buildings with their windows smashed out, graffiti scrawled across crumbling stone. Billboards years out of date, forgotten band-posters peeling off walls and lampposts. You couldn’t say who once lived here - but whoever they were, they were most certainly gone or dead. 
You were positioned on the second-floor of a disintegrating school house. The building itself was several stories higher but you had taken one look at the unstable staircase and thought better of it. Ripped, stained curtains blew lightly in the wind, at the front of the room a cracked blackboard still had the date July 17th, 1994 scrawled across it. 
You were in your usual working gear. Your suit was tight and flexible for ease of movement, adorned with pads on the knees, elbows and shoulders. Your hands were clothed with fingerless gloves and most importantly you wore your mask. A belt holds a handgun, lower down some straps across your thighs hold knives and pockets for convenience. They were for if things got messy, your real weapon was tossed over your back - a duffle bag with your sniper rifle inside.  
Broken glass crunched under your combat boots as you cautiously approached the window. The building you had chosen was strategic. Across from you was an old office building, just as run down as the one you stood in. Unlike the school house, the old office housed a group of criminals. 
Sam Wilson had insisted that he didn’t want to kill them, that he just wanted to talk to them. He wanted to talk them down and tell them to surrender peacefully. If things turned messy, he would give you the signal and you would shoot. The two groups would be standing in the concrete courtyard between the two buildings. At the slightest chance of danger, the slightest chance they weren’t ready to surrender? You would pull the trigger and pop their leader's skull open. 
Sam Wilson and his crew hadn’t been happy to see you when Yelena had brought you to the aircraft for transport. He had taken one look at you, masked, all in black and imploded. 
“Yelena, who the hell is this?” Sam had snapped. Yelena had just laughed at him, motioning for you to sit and buckle in next to her on the aircraft. 
“You told me to get a sniper!” 
It seemed when Sam Wilson had asked for a sniper, he hadn’t asked for you. Ex-widow, criminal, The Shadow. When Yelena had introduced you with your alias, Kate Bishop had gaped at you. Bucky Barnes was tense, you would’ve been surprised if he hadn’t recognised your name. Clint Barton seemed neutral, you supposed he was used to dealing with deadly women. 
You found it ironic how upset Sam Wilson was. He had helped Steve Rogers save Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier. You supposed the difference was that Barnes had tried to change when he was freed. Despite the mind control, the torture… he wanted to do good. You were just damaged beyond repair. Sitting there, with those heroes? It made you feel sick. Playing dress up, that’s all it was. 
You had over 700 confirmed kills with your rifle, even more kills if you counted other weapons at your disposal. You were an assassin, a hitwoman, a fucking menace. Bucky Barnes would have more total kills than you, but he had stopped killing. He had felt remorse. You had kept killing, kept digging that hole because it was all you knew how to do. He had been a normal boy before the war. You were a killing machine, a girl robbed of a childhood. If you hadn’t been freed, would have even known about the childhood you had missed? You didn’t remember your mother, nor if you had any siblings. All you had known was cruelty. 
Brushing some of the broken glass away with your foot, you began setting up your rifle. Through the ear-piece you could hear the chatter of the rest of the team as they headed to their spot. You had gone ahead to set up, they were about 20 minutes away from the school house. Gun at the ready, you lay down on your stomach, eye to the scope. 
“In position, over.” You mutter into the ear piece. 
“Copy that, over.” Sam Wilson replied quickly.
You settled into your spot, watching the building ahead. You were a good sniper not only because of your ability to disconnect, but also because of your levels of patience. You had spent days in this exact position, waiting, sweating for your chance at a target. 
By the time the others were in position, you had counted every window in the building across from you. 25 per story, making it 125 all together for all 5 stories. There was movement on the bottom floor and the second. You assumed they didn’t go any higher due to the same reason as you - a crumbling staircase. Each window had blue curtains - different to the beige ones in your room. Nearly all the windows were smashed, except for on the top story that seemed to remain relatively untouched. 
Through the ear-piece you could hear what Sam was saying. Both groups stood in the center of the courtyard, hands on their undrawn weapons. The new generation of Avengers were outnumbered 5 to 1. The tenison was clear, even as Sam tried joking around with the opposing leader. Everything was going smoothly, exactly as planned. That was, until you saw a glint in one of the third story windows. 
You thought you imagined it at first - a trick of the eye. But then you saw it again, and then a third time. There was another sniper, trained directly on Sam Wilson. You didn’t feel stressed by this, it was just another complication in a high-tension mission. It made sense, you had anticipated that maybe your targets would be smart enough to bring a sniper to this ‘talk’. The other sniper was up slightly higher than you - you wouldn’t be able to get a good hit on him unless you went up another couple stories. 
“There’s a sniper, third story. Sixth window to the left.” You breathed into the comms, fully knowing the rest of the team wouldn’t be able to verbally respond. If the opposing side got any indication that you were up there? Game over. They would signal their sniper to take the shot on Sam. It would take hours to pick bits of his skull out of their clothes and hair. 
“I need to change positions to get a better look, keep him talking.” You continue. Slowly, you roll away from the window and drag your gun with you. You needed to keep to the shadows, become a shadow literally. If the sniper spotted you it would be over. 
With a quiet grunt, you pull the gun from the room. Pressing your back against the hallway wall, you quickly rise to your feet and head towards the staircase with a huff. Sam was still rambling on about peaceful surrender over the comms ear-piece, stalling until you could get a better look at the sniper. 
The stairs wobbled and shook as you moved up them quickly and quietly as possible. You could hear chunks of wood and stone crumbling from beneath and falling with each step you took. Opting for the 4th story, you quickly set up in position by a new window. Same torn, beige curtains and shattered glass across the floor.
From this position you had a better look into the third story windows. Looking down, you could see the outline of a body laid flat with the rifle, much like your own position. Due to the broken windows and ripped curtains, you had a fairly clear shot at the figures head as they trained all their focus on what was happening below. 
“I’m going to shoot the sniper first, he has a shot on you Wilson. I’ll still have a clear shot on the target, just might take a moment.” You explain. They don’t reply, as expected. The situation below seems to be growing tense, you can hear the tone of the target's voice growing more aggressive by the second. Lining up your shot on the sniper, you hold your breath. Sam says the signal word. 
You pull the trigger. 
As the shot rings out, the men below scatter. You can hear the rest of the team screaming at you through your ear-piece. It all gets jumbled up, just white noise in your brain as you line up your next shot. This was why you usually worked alone. You didn’t crack under pressure in a situation like this, but having screaming ringing in your ear was bringing you damn near to it. You can’t be bothered listening to what they are yelling about. You didn’t need them telling you that your target was seconds away from escaping your bullet. Didn’t they know you never missed? 
The target was a few feet away from the safety of the building. Chunks of flesh, skull and brains explode across the cracked concrete as you pull the trigger once more. Through the scope, you watch the body slump to the ground, a pool of blood quickly spreading around the corpse. 
“Holy shit!” You hear Kate yell through the ear-piece. You don’t know if she’s complementing your shot or reacting to the spray of blood up the side of the opposite building. The last of the men who scattered stepped over the body, disappearing into the office building. 
“There's another headed for the sniper rifle, Shadow!” Yelena shouts at you through comms. Her and Clint have breached the office, you can see the shape of them fighting through the broken windows. 
“Got it,” You mutter back. You cast a glance at where Sam and Bucky were fighting out in the open. Bucky seems swarmed, trying to shake a man who has wrapped his arms around his throat. You make a silent note of it, casting your scope back to the third story window. The figure that rushes to replace the dead man is quickly taken out by your rifle. He doesn't even get a chance to touch the rifle before his blood paints the wall behind him. 
No one else makes a dash for the sniper rifle. You turn your gaze back to the courtyard, noticing that Bucky is still swarmed by several men. Sam has been pulled too far away from him to help. You can’t see Kate anymore, but from the yelling coming through the comms she is inside the office with Clint and Yelena. 
One of the opposers has picked up a hand-gun and is pointing it squarely at Bucky’s chest as he struggles to get out of the grip of the other men holding him down. Sam barrels towards them, but you know he won’t make it in time. You huff out a sigh, lining up the dangerous shot. You knew if this bullet was at the slight wrong angle it could ricochet directly into Bucky’s chest. 
Is this why Yelena hired you? Because you would make dangerous shots without permission, without regard for human life? Bucky was a super soldier, he could probably survive several gunshot wounds (provided they weren’t directly to the head). Maybe if you cared you would’ve been nervous. Maybe you would’ve hesitated, let your hands shake and sweat. But you don’t care. You disconnect from everything, the shouting through the comms, the sounds of gunshots, the feeling of metal against your skin. You’re not in your body, you are floating above yourself watching the auto-pilot take over. 
You squeeze the trigger. The hand-gun clatters to the ground alongside the attacker. Blood is slick against the paved stones. Through your scope, you swear it has splattered across Bucky’s gruff face. The men attacking Bucky stutter for a moment, giving him the opportunity to shake them off and pummel them with his metal fist. 
He doesn’t even acknowledge what you did.
He doesn’t even say thank you. 
One job turned into two. Then two turned into a few more. 
Six months you had been working with Yelena and her crew of disgraced Avengers. You weren't their friends. You didn’t celebrate after missions with them. You kept to yourself, cold and distant. They didn’t know your real name, they hadn’t even seen your face. Yelena would give you a call, pick you up, you would complete the mission, then you would return home. 
You were The Shadow. 
You weren’t a hero. 
Kate and Yelena tried to crack your shell. It usually involved joking and parading around you. All it would earn them was a roll of the eyes and a quiet sigh. Over the comms though, sometimes you would make quiet digs and quips. Clint would roar with laughter, Sam just muttering that he was surprised you had a personality under that mask. 
The mask. Oh, they hated it. 
They were all determined to see beneath it. They made up jokes, stories as to why you wore it. That you were hideously ugly, or scarred beyond human recognition. Bucky seemed to be the only one who understood. He was the only one who was equally as cold to you as you were to him. Your exchanges were brief, usually a series of single words and grunts. It was a relief having someone not trying for your affection at all times. 
Once again, you and your deadly skills were needed for a mission. Another one of Sam’s ‘discussions’ which usually ended with brains splattered across the floor. This time you were in a lightly forested clearing, somewhere in the Estonian wilderness. You were set up in the tree line, laying in a mixture of mud and dead leaves. 
The countryside was peaceful, but gray. Winter was setting in, leaves falling from the birch trees. Their pale trunks were pale against the gray sky that threatened to spill. The breeze was cool, not as cold as Russia had been. No, a Russian winter could be deadly especially the further north you got. You remembered the snow, the discomfort of the cold leaking into your bones. You hadn’t been allowed to complain then, only soldier on. 
“You in position, Shadow?” Yelena asked through the comms. You could see her lips moving through the scope as the group headed towards the designated meeting point. 
“Affirmative. Over.” You state, pushing the ear-piece in a bit further as you settle closer to the cold earth. Relaxing your shoulders with a sharp breath, you surveyed the area through your scope. 
A small group of men had come to meet the team. There were less men than you had anticipated, if a fight ensued it would be one on one. You didn’t like the opponents odds, they looked scruffy, only armed with low-caliber weapons. Definitely not the type to take on a group of superheroes and super soldiers. 
You felt dread sink into your stomach. Something… felt wrong here. Your target reportedly had tons of men at his disposal. It was deep into the Italian mafia, and if they had anything, it was an abundance of men. Where were they all? Was this an ambush? Were they hidden in the brush like you? You could take down a few targets, but you would be more successful with your knives and fists against a small army. Your mind races, along with your gaze as you try to piece it all together. 
“There is something wrong.” You speak into the comms, eyes flickering between Sam and the target as they stood in front of each other. You had done plenty of jobs with the group, all had gone smoothly. But something… something was terribly off here. You could feel it in your gut. The targets men looked antsy, shifting in place. They knew something. They were anticipating something. 
“There’s not enough men. I can’t spot them anywhere in the treelines. Either he’s stupid or this is a set-up.” You ramble into the ear-piece. They can’t respond to you, but you can tell they’re paying attention to your warning. Yelena’s eyes sweep the area, trying to spot more men hidden away somewhere. 
Then, from behind you, you hear the snap of a twig. You spin around, hand flying to your knife. Across from you stand a group of men, armed with shotguns. They’re close, closer than you had realized. You had been too busy trying to figure out where all the men were, trying to anticipate the ambush. You hadn’t realized their ambush was against you. 
This was why you didn’t make friends. Connections. You were too busy worrying about them to realize the immediate danger you were in. The butt of a shotgun cracks against the side of your head. 
Everything goes black. 
The mud was cold underneath you, biting into your skin. Your hands were tied, and throughout the intermittent black-outs you recalled being dragged through the dead leaves. You must have been stripped of your weapons, you couldn’t feel the metal of your knives and gun digging in anymore. 
You were bleeding from a head wound, and you were definitely suffering from some kind of concussion. You had touched that throbbing spot with your fingers, rubbing the slick feeling of blood between them. Even through the fabric of your mask, you could feel the sticky blood had spread down the side of your face and neck. A gun was pressed to the back of your skull.
How many men had there been? Had you had a chance to count before you were struck? Had you managed to warn the others before the ear-piece was shattered by the strike? You could still feel bits of plastic and metal digging into your ear along with a high-pitched ringing. You weren’t sure if the ringing was from the ear-piece or from the hit you had received. 
“You really thought I would stand in the open like this? Like a fool?” Your target joked, his Italian accent thick as he laughed heartily. You were kneeling next to him, eyes warily looking between him and the rest of your group who stood across from you. Sam and Bucky looked less than pleased, lips pressed together in tight lines. 
“Rumors have been all through the underground, The Avengers somehow managed to recruit The Shadow?” He continues, still laughing. “Only an idiot would put himself in the open. Taking a chance with The Shadow is asking to have your skull blown open. I am no fool, but maybe you are? Thinking that I would fall for your trick?” 
You can see Yelena trying to keep her cold face on, the one she had given you when she recruited you. It may have fooled the opposition, but you could see the concern in her eyes. She surveyed the mountain of men behind you like she was looking at her next meal. The barrel of the gun pressed harder against the back of your skull.
“We didn’t come here to kill you, we came here to negotiate your peaceful surrender.” Sam spoke up, voice gruff and cold. Behind him, you watched Clint’s fingers ghost over the string of his bow.
“Surrender? Why do you bring a sniper to a peaceful negotiation?” The Italian purred, motioning at you with one hand. His fingers were lined with gold rings, they caught the sunlight through the clouds. He had a gun tucked into his belt, a knife holstered on his hip. 
“You know why. Things get messy. Now, we can still negotiate. You let her go and you hand over your weapons. You will be arrested unharmed, along with all of your men. You’ll face a fair trial for your crimes, a chance at a fresh start.” Sam explained. You could practically hear the target losing interest during Sam’s spiel. You watched him fidget impatiently with those golden rings, the way his men shifted uncomfortably behind you. 
“No no.” Your target chuckled, running his fingers over his bushy black mustache. With the swish of his hand, he dismissed the man holding the gun to your head. His hands then found the back of your neck, tugging you to your feet. Fingers under your chin, he forces you to look into his eyes. “Why would I let her go? I didn’t come here to play games with you, Wilson. I came here because I wanted her. Because I knew she would be here.” 
You resisted a flinch as his fingers dug into the skin of your neck, slipping it under the fabric of your mask. With one tug, he pulled the fabric from your face. This had not been the way you had expected this to happen, the way you would reveal your face to the team. You didn’t want them to feel some kind of connection to you, or any kind of guilt if this ended with a bullet in your skull. 
If you had been able to look, you would’ve seen their shocked faces. How they quickly turned to rage on your behalf. You would’ve seen how Bucky’s eyes darted between looking at you and the ground, like he was witnessing something forbidden. 
You imagined you were a sight, blood smeared across your skin from the head wound. Your hair had been perfectly woven into a crown braid, just like how they taught you in the Red Room. It would be lopsided now, chunks pulled out of place and flyaways from being roughly tugged across the ground. That and the layers of mud caked into your clothing. 
“You know, Dreykov would sometimes leant out Widows to important men like me. You were all so beautiful and you all did exactly what you were told. Made to deliver pleasure. So many men, they would ask for you. To get a glimpse at the mysterious Shadow of the Red Room. Dreykov would never let us have you… 
We would wonder if it was because you were hideously ugly? If you had been scarred like his dear Antonia? But looking at you now, you are as beautiful as I imagined. I can’t help but wonder if Dreykov wanted to keep you for himself? He always said you had too much bite for your worth.”
Gaze still cast at the Italian, you don’t see the team's reaction to this. You wouldn't have seen  Yelena's composure slip, how Sam clenched his fist in rage. Instead you stared, silent fury boiling beneath your skin. 
“I wonder how it will feel to break you?” The target hissed. He watched as your blank expression slowly turned into a sneer. Without much thought, you spit a mixture of saliva and blood into his face with a ragged laugh. 
His face contorted in rage, reaching for the gun in his belt. You don’t dodge, willingly letting him strike you across the face with the metal. You stumble backwards, falling to your knees in the mud. Your lip is definitely split, blood dripping to the ground below you. You’re still laughing though, much to the collective horror of everyone. Sam opens his mouth to speak, to demand your release but you cut him off. 
“You men, you are so emotional. You’re so busy pulling out your cock to piss all over everything that you don’t see the small details.” You seeth at the target. He stares at you in shock, completely oblivious to what you have done. What you are about to do. His men, even your group don’t anticipate what is to come next. 
“What are the smaller details?” The target asks, you can sense misguided amusement in his tone.
You don’t reply. He doesn’t have a chance against you. You had already slipped out of your binds. He was so caught up trying to strike you, trying to prove himself a big and scary man, he hadn’t felt it. Your nimble fingers had wrapped around the knife on his hip, he hadn’t noticed how you had ripped it from its holster as you fell backwards. 
The Italian doesn’t get a chance to take another breath before you snap forwards, striking like a snake. You dig the blade into his thigh, purposefully nicking his artery. Blood gushes from the wound the moment you pull the blade back out.  
Things seem to move in slow motion - you see him react - eyes opening in horror and shock as he stumbles back. You are still on your knees, a feral smirk across your face. His gun lifts, intending to shoot but he is too late. Wrapping your hands around his wrists, you pull the gun to the side just as he pulls the trigger. 
The bang deafens you for a moment, ears ringing. The bullet grazes your ear, then lands directly into the stomach of one of his men behind you. The man wails, falling backwards, knocking a few more of the men off their feet in the process. You move quickly, using your body weight to twist the target's arms, flipping him onto his side into the mud. 
The gun falls to the earth with a thud. Your target doesn’t even get a glance at it before you’ve kicked it away in Sam’s direction. The Italian man groans on his back as he bleeds out. You get to your feet, ignoring the panicked shouts from his men beside you as you observe him. 
“You’re bleeding out from your femoral artery.” You explain to him roughly, tilting your head. His hair is thick, black and greasy. A sheen of sweat has come over his pale skin, eyes glazed over. 
“On average it takes two to five minutes to bleed to death from that artery. That’s if you don’t fall unconscious first. Let’s count, shall we? You spent…around thirty seconds swinging that gun around…another thirty listening to me talk…” You drawl. 
Stepping closer, you crouch next to his shivering body. He is trying to stop the bleeding, pressing shaking hands to the open wound. Blood has already begun to pool around him, ruby red and slick. You tut, pushing his hands away with the knife to watch the blood spurt out faster. 
“You have, what? A couple minutes left? Now tell me, before you slip away… When you see God, what will you tell him?” You ask, a feral expression still across your face as you watch his skin grow gray. 
“You fucking bitch!” Your target manages to choke out. You laugh, standing and swinging the knife around. 
“Oho, I don’t think he’ll like that.” You say. An almost animalistic growl leaves your throat as you raise your foot, kicking him squarely in the nose with your boot. He cries out, bone crunching. For a moment you stand there, watching the sniveling man. 
With a sniff, you run your hand roughly over your cheek, wiping some of the blood from your skin. Then, your gaze falls on the group of men left. They are watching you in silent horror. You can’t imagine what you look like, covered in blood and mud, armed with only a hunting knife. You assess them with a predator's gaze, menacing and bloodthirsty and the men cower back despite being armed with guns. 
“We don’t want any trouble.” One stutters out. 
For a moment, you forget the rest of your team are feet away. You consider letting the wrath consume you. You could tear these men apart with your hands, teeth and nails. You imagine plucking out their eyes, teaching them what happens to men who see your face. 
“Shadow.” Yelena calls you. Your eyes snap to hers. 
Pulled from your trance, you run a tongue over your split lip. The act is near animalistic, a cat tending its wounds. Then, with a shrug sent in Sam’s direction you stalk over to Yelena. Sam, to his credit, quickly composes himself and instructs the group of men to drop their weapons and line up. 
“Are you alright?” Yelena asks as you pause in front of her. You don’t feel like answering that question right now. 
If it weren’t for the cold wrath that had taken over your body, you would imagine you would be shaking. Men like that made your skin crawl, made you revert back to how you had felt in the Red Room. It made you sick to your stomach, knowing that despite everything men like that still existed. You would kill one man and another would grow in his place. You had been lucky to escape. That no matter what, there would always be more places like the Red Room. Even if they weren’t to breed killers and spies, they would still use the bodies of women. Powerful men would use their authority to control innocent girls for the rest of time. Those girls couldn't all be saved. They wouldn’t be saved. 
“I need to retrieve my gun.” You reply thickly, nodding your head in the direction of the treeline. Your knives and other gear would have also been abandoned nearby, that’s if the men hadn’t pocketed it for themselves. 
“Go ahead.” Yelena says, thankfully not pressing you on your emotional state. She seems to sense your unease and your unwillingness to hang around. You pass by her and a gaping Kate. You needed to clear your head before you faced the rest of them. With the mask, you could hide your emotions. Now, without it, you felt exposed. You wouldn’t let them see you crack. They would have been trained to sense the slightest change in your facial expressions, to be able to interpret exactly how you were feeling. 
“Shadow?” Yelena calls, you glance over your shoulder reluctantly. 
“Nice to finally see you. The real you.” She says, a subtle grin tugging at her lips. 
All you can do is hum in response. Though, as you trudge towards the tree line, a small smile forms over your bloodied face. 
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ap41cu5 · 3 months
Released Tension
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Joseph Oda x F! Reader Rating: NSFW smut Genre: Fluff + Smut Word Count: 5351 Short synopsis: The reader and Joseph have been close friends since her recruit as a detective for the KCPD. As a result of how easily Joseph was taking it on Kidman, the new rookie, the reader grew jealous, suspecting that Joseph developed feelings for her. Luckily, they had both been called into a case that took place in a neighboring city. This resulted in the both of them having to share a hotel room together. But low and behold, there's only one bed. A/N: sorry if there's any mistakes in this bc i am too lazy to proof read all 5k+ words of my fics before posting them so i usually just edit them after but pls lmk if theres any errors or anything that sticks out to you and ill fix it :3
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1:32 AM, the clock read as the car sped through the pouring rain. You and Joseph had just been ordered to go on a trip to a neighboring city near Krimson to investigate a bank robbery. Normally, these cases don’t take up too much time out of the day. But after so much time had passed of gathering evidence and performing however many arrests, you were both finally done. 
It was nice to be out of the city for once, though. It was just you and Joseph on the case tonight as well. Sebastian was out getting married to Myra, and thankfully the Lieutenant didn’t allow Kidman to accompany the both of you since she was still a rookie. Kidman had been getting on your nerves recently. At first it was just her entitled, lone-wolf attitude, but now it was how easily Joseph was taking it on her. Both you and Sebastian agreed that Kidman was odd, and Joseph seemed to be the only one to disagree. Going as far as to say that the both of you were just being sensitive.
“Whew, what a case. Took far longer than I had expected,” you stretched in your seat, your back cracking.
“I’m just glad it’s over,” Joseph replied, adjusting his glasses as he drove.
The sound of the rain splattering against the windows of the car as he cruised through the highway was strangely therapeutic. On top of the light music emitting from the speakers, you could feel your eyelids begin to get heavy. But you had to fight the urge to give into sleep. You could just barely see the hotel in the distance. The warm lighting shone through the windows, creating a very inviting atmosphere. It seemed to glow in the distance– standing out against the night blue sky.
“Feels nice to travel again, at least somewhat. I know we’re only here for the case, but it’s nice to be somewhere else other than Krimson city for once. What do you think, Jojo?” you yawned, the side of your forehead resting against the wall of the car.
You could see him glance at you for a moment before quickly returning his gaze to the road ahead. He bit the inside of his cheek for a moment as he periodically turned on the windshield wipers.
When you first started calling him the nickname ‘Jojo’, he wasn’t sure how to feel at first. He normally hated nicknames, and his first instinct normally would’ve been to correct you, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a nagging sense of warmth and fuzziness every time you’d call him the silly nickname. In a sense, it was a pinnacle for how close the two of you had become upon your recruit. 
“It’s a nice change of scenery, I agree,” Joseph replied as he adjusted his rear view mirror. “I’ll bet Sebastian is having the time of his life right now, seeing as he and Myra just got married.”
You blew a raspberry. “I’ll bet. He would’ve had to get dragged along with us to a whole different city had his wedding not been scheduled for earlier this week. Him and Myra make a good team,” you commented.
“Sebastian deserves that time off. He’s an amazing detective,” Joseph mentioned.
He seemed to contemplate something for a moment.
“Just out of curiosity,” Joseph paused for a moment. “What do you think of the new recruit, Kidman?” You huffed. You had a feeling you knew where this conversation was going.
“I just– I just don’t like her,” you curtly responded.
You could feel your heartbeat pick up at the mention of Kidman. You could just barely hear the frustrated sigh that Joseph let out through the jarring noise of the car engine.
“(First Name), please just be honest with me. You and I both know that’s not true,” Joseph retorted.
He was right. While you weren’t lying that you weren’t exactly fond of her attitude, that wasn't the whole reason you found such distaste towards her.
“I am being honest! Even Sebastian thinks there’s something off about her.” You pouted, “why are you so concerned with what I think of her, anyway?”
“It’s a bit strange, is all. You’ve been acting differently ever since her arrival. You’re my friend and I care about you. You know that,” Joseph replied.
Things like that were the reason that you fell for him. He was just so kind and compassionate, not to mention easy on the eyes.
“You’re not telling me something. I know you’re not,” added Joseph as he switched lanes.
You weren’t sure if you loved or hated that he could always see right through you.
“Can we just– can we just not talk about this right now?” You requested, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
You hated the thought of Joseph having feelings for someone else, let alone Kidman. She was beautiful. Is that all it took for Joseph to fall for her instead of you? Was there something you did, or even the way that you acted, that made him only consider you as a friend? 
Joseph didn’t respond, only sighed as he continued driving. The next few minutes were filled with awkward silence as you tried to keep yourself from crying. The fact that he brought her up showed that he cared about her, right? But why? What did she have that you didn’t? Thoughts like these stirred in your mind for what felt like ages until the lights of the hotel finally came into your peripherals.
“C’mon. We’re here. Careful about the rain. There should be an umbrella in my glove compartment,” Joseph mentioned as he reached over.
Opening his glove compartment, moving around various tools and other miscellaneous objects, he handed you his black portable umbrella.
“You should take it. You drove us all the way here, it’s alright, really,” you insisted, trying to hand the umbrella back to him.
“It’s fine, (First Name). Let’s just head inside,” replied Joseph as he exited the car.
You felt a bit bad. You could tell he was uncomfortable but he was still being considerate of you, even allowing you to take his umbrella even though he drove for over an hour to get the both of you to the hotel.
As you exited his car, grabbing your backpack full of clothes and other necessities, you rushed over to Joseph to get the both of you underneath the umbrella.
“Thanks,” Joseph quietly muttered as you both hurried up the steps to enter the building.
The lavish exterior immediately caught your eye. The decorative plants that coated the exterior of the building created a lush atmosphere. The rain somehow amplified its already extraordinary elegance. 
As the automatic doors opened as you approached, sending a refreshing gust of wind through your hair, the scented air freshener immediately captivated your senses. You could just barely hear the low melodic tones of one of Chopin’s famous pieces amidst the background. The warm lighting on top of the peaceful ambience of the front desk was utterly breathtaking. There were two spiral staircases on either side of the receptionist’s desk, lined with exorbitant looking carpet. 
How expensive was this hotel? You thought to yourself. You could hardly believe that the KCPD was covering your expenses for such a sumptuous stay.
“Woah..” you sighed, taking in the new environment.
“A room for two please, double bed. Should be under the names (First & Last Name), and Joseph Oda,” Joseph said, in his usual respectful tone.
“Alright, you both made it just in time! Our front desk closes in just a few minutes. But you both should be good to go! Here are your room keys,” the receptionist replied, handing Joseph two keycards.
Joseph handed one to you before already making his way up the stairs. You could feel the tension radiating off of him from the moment you asked him to drop the topic regarding Kidman.
The moment you both reached the hotel room, the tension only grew thicker. You racked your brain, trying to think of some sort of conversation starter, when you noticed Joseph was strangely still. He just stood there, frozen at the end of the short hallway when you both entered.
“..Joseph?” You asked, as you carefully approached him from behind.
He was blushing all the way up to his ears. Confused, you averted your gaze to where he was looking. 
One bed?
You felt your lips part as your cheeks grew hot.
What is this, some sick joke? Joseph doesn’t even like me in that way! And now we have to share a bed?
“I– I can hurry back downstairs! There might be a few minutes left! Maybe they haven’t closed yet–” you suggested before Joseph quickly interrupted you.
“It’s fine. They’re probably already closed. I’ll just take the floor,” Joseph replied, completely avoiding your gaze.
His ears were still pink as he began to set his stuff down to prepare his station on the floor.
“No– no, I couldn’t possibly let you do that. It’s alright, Joseph. Let’s just share the bed. I trust you, I know you’re not some weirdo creep,” you reassured him as you leaned onto the wall beside you.
His back is still towards you, “you’re sure that’s alright?” He asked, his voice slightly cracking mid-sentence.
It was strangely cute how embarrassed he was to be sharing a bed with you. You had no idea he was such a prude, but he did it in such a cute way.
“I am. I’m going to change real quick, alright Jojo?” You told him as you entered the bathroom. You could see him stiffly nod as he picked his things back up off the floor. 
The moment you entered the bathroom, he let out a heavy sigh as he felt his shoulders finally relax. He sat down on his side of the bed, rubbing his face as he tried to get his blush to die down.
“Jesus, what is wrong with you, Joseph?” He quietly muttered to himself as he stared down at his shoes for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck.
After a couple minutes passed, you exited the bathroom in a baggy tee-shirt, which loosely hung down one of your shoulders, and pajama shorts. You had just washed off your makeup, completely bare face with sleepy eyes and messy hair. It took everything in Joseph to pry his eyes away and to not stare at the undoubtedly attractive sight. You looked so.. you. In your rawest form. And that in itself was beautiful.
He could already feel his face begin to heat back up as you threw yourself face down on the other side of the bed. 
“I should– I should go change as well,” Joseph hurriedly excused himself.
Was he.. nervous? Why? He knows I’m not going to make this weird. We’ve been friends for years now. Sure, I kind of, well, I really like him, but I’d never do anything to make him uncomfortable. 
After about 10 minutes, Joseph emerged from the bathroom in a plain white tee shirt and plaid pajama pants. You didn’t take him as the type to enjoy pajama pants, but we learn new things every day. They suited him, though. His arms were more toned than you thought they would be underneath his KCPD uniform. You took a moment to admire his form and how broad his shoulders were. But you valued your dignity and his comfort, so you made sure to only glance at him for a moment. Staring likely would’ve made him even more uncomfortable than he already was.
“I’m going to shut the lights off now, if that’s alright?” Joseph asked, his hand hovering over the light switch.
“Yeah, it’s pretty late,” you agreed, turning onto your back.
Shortly after he shut the lights off, you could hear the sheets rustling beside you as he climbed into bed. The street lights and neighboring buildings barely illuminated through the hotel window, just barely making anything visible.
You turned onto your side to face him. He appeared to be laying on his back, his glasses still on as he stared up at the ceiling.
“Jojo, your glasses,” you reminded him as you carefully removed his glasses from his face.
He didn’t try to stop you, only watched as you gently folded up his glasses and set them on the nightstand.
“Thanks,” he replied, internally begging that you couldn’t see the blush on his face through the darkness of the room.
You both laid in silence for the next few minutes. It seemed neither of you could fall asleep. You could feel him tense again. It was like you could read his thoughts, was he thinking about the whole situation with Kidman again? Although the tension wasn’t nearly as thick as before, it was probably best to get that conversation sorted out now rather than later.
“Hey, so.. about the whole thing with Kidman,” you began, unsure of what to say next.
Pausing for a moment, “what makes how I feel about her such a concern?” You softly asked, genuinely curious.
“Well, like I said earlier: you’ve just been acting differently since she arrived. You just seem more.. distant than usual. I suppose I just don’t understand why you’ve hated Kidman so much since we began working with her. I want to know what’s bothering you, (First Name). I’ve known you for years. That’s what friends do,” Joseph replied, getting up to turn the lights back on.
You sighed, “I’m sorry. I never meant to make you worry. It’s just– ugh,” you stopped yourself.
“What is it?” Joseph pressed as he laid back down into bed.
Your lips pursed.
“Can I just– we’ve been friends for a really long time. And we tell each other everything, right? Would it be alright if I just– if I just asked you something really quickly? Promise you won’t be mad?” You asked, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Where are you going with this?” He asked, turning to face you.
You broke eye contact, your heart beating out of your chest.
“Do you– do you have feelings for her, or something? Is that what brought this on?” You asked as you tightly gripped the milky white blanket in your hand.
He didn’t even respond for a few seconds. A long, painful few seconds.
“I–I’m sorry that I even– I’m sorry I asked. That was a really personal– and a dumb question, I’m sorry–”
“No, no, don’t be. Why would you– did you really think I had feelings for Kidman?” He asked, part of him unsure if he actually heard you correctly.
“Well, yeah, sorry. You don’t have to answer that–” “(First Name), just stop for a second. To answer your question, I do not, and never have, had feelings towards Kidman. The only reason I thought you and Sebastian were being a bit sensitive was because I’ve seen a couple rookies in the past who had the same attitude as her. Where they think they can do everything without any proper training. That’s all,” Joseph quickly explained, his gaze meeting yours again.
You immediately felt a bit stupid. All those nights you spent thinking, and even crying, under the impression that Joseph had feelings for Kidman was all for nothing, thankfully. A weight immediately felt lifted off of your shoulders.
“Is that what this is all about?” Joseph inquired, seemingly connecting all the dots together. “The way that I treat Kidman?”
Oh God. He figured it out. You thought to yourself as you groaned, covering your beet red expression with your hands. 
“(First Name), you can’t be serious,” Joseph said, a dumbfounded tone in his voice.
“Why?” He inquired, confusion obvious in his tone.
You could feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with anxiety. Your heart was beating out of your chest and your breathing grew heavier.
“I–I don’t.. I don’t–” you stammered as you quickly sat up and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.
Joseph quickly placed his hand on your shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright. There’s no pressure. Just take your time,” he comforted you.
His hand was warm, and the sound of his voice was always soothing.
“I– I can’t believe I have to spell this out, given how smart you are. Even Sebastian figured it out but– ugh,” you rambled for a moment. “Promise you won’t hate me after this. Or want to stop talking to me– or–” 
Joseph hushed you, his hand moving upwards to the base of your neck, and his thumb tracing your jawline.
“I could never hate you (First Name). You know that,” he leaned in closer to you.
Your faces were just inches apart, and you could just barely smell what was left of his cologne.
“Joseph.. I..” you gulped, “I’ve had these.. feelings for you. For a really long time. Shortly after we became friends. And I know that you don’t feel the same way, but I guess my anger was misdirected. So I took it out on Kidman, and you, and I started acting really out of line–” You confessed, your voice wobbly and your breath speeding up again.
“(First Name), look at me,” Joseph gently tilted your chin up to face him. “You are the only woman I have had eyes for. Ever since we met. This whole time, I really thought that you only saw me as a good friend. But, telling when people like me has never been a strong suit of mine.” He chuckled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
 “R-really?” You asked, your heart fluttering.
“I.. yeah,” he admitted, looking away.
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, “Jojo. I thought it was obvious. I mean, not on purpose I mean. But Sebastian figured it out right off the bat.” “...was I seriously the only one who couldn’t see it?” 
You nodded, a smile gracing your features.
“Oh, God. I mean, that’s.. that’s–!” He was quickly cut off by the feeling of your lips pressing against his.
He stood still as a statue for a moment, still processing what had just happened, before he finally melted into the kiss. One of his hands snaked around your waist while the other cupped your cheek. He pulled you in closer as both of your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
You leaned towards him, pushing him back down onto the bed and placing yourself on top of him. You didn’t take him as the submissive type, but he didn’t seem opposed to you straddling him.
“(First Name)- I– I uh.. are you sure that this is– that this is okay?” He asked, his face suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
You could feel his hands slightly tremble against your skin, almost as if he was afraid to touch you. Like you’d break if he even laid the slightest amount of pressure against you.
You leaned down, your noses just barely touching as your hair draped down, just barely grazing the sides of Joseph’s neck.
“I’ve been sure about this for a while now, Joseph,” you whispered into his ear, the feeling of your breath against his neck sending a chill down his spine.
He unconsciously gripped the bedsheets next to him as you cupped his face in one of your hands. Your eyes scanned his face as you slowly tilted your head and pressed your lips against his. You could feel him shakily exhale into the kiss as you licked his bottom lip, asking for an entrance.
He hesitantly opened his mouth as you slowly intertwined your tongue with his. All the time you spent fantasizing about this moment apparently came in handy, and it all seemed to come naturally to you. His nervousness was adorable, and he didn’t know how to kiss back at first. He started to get the hang of it after just a few seconds, earning a soft moan from you.
You could hear him sharply inhale at the sinful noise that had just escaped your lips.
“Just like that, Jojo,” you encouraged him, pulling away for just a second before quickly leaning back down to kiss him.
Your words of praise earned a stifled groan from him as he unconsciously bucked his hips upwards into you. 
“S–sorry, fuck–” Joseph swore as he held your face in his hands as you lined yourself up with him, gently grinding on him as you planted a kiss on his jawline.
“Don’t be,” you softly hushed him as you kissed down his neck.
He stifled a whimper through his teeth as you felt him tightly grip the back of your oversized tee shirt. You could feel him try to stop himself from bucking his hips into you again, so you gladly fulfilled his repressed desires. Lightly pressing yourself down onto his already aching erection, his stomach tightened. The pressure of you grinding on him along with the electric sensation from the kisses you so carefully granted his neck made his head spin. 
You could feel how big he was as you gently pressed yourself against him. The sensation was wonderful, and you could feel a heat shoot throughout your entire body. You couldn’t help the small moans that escaped your lips as you softly exhaled into his mouth.
His hands gripped the sides of your waist as he tried his hardest to be gentle. His breath grew heavy as he slowly began to buck his hips into you, giving into his carnal desires. You let him for a few seconds, until you decided he was enjoying himself a bit too much too fast. So you stopped, completely. You sat up, and raised up your hips so he couldn’t grind on you anymore. You stopped giving him neck kisses as you took a moment to gaze back down at him. His hair was much messier than before, his cheeks burned a bright red, and his lips were swollen from biting them. 
“W-why.. why did you stop?” He whined, letting one of his hands travel south to indulge himself in the pleasure that had just been stolen from him.
You held his wrist in place, softly pinning it against his chest. 
“I will indulge you at my own discretion. You’ll be good for me, won’t you?” You cooed, your face millimeters away from his.
He nodded profusely. “Anything– anything for you, (First Name).” He stammered as he looked back up at you with slightly parted lips.
That response hit you straight in the heat of your core, making your underwear even more soaked than it already was, if that was even possible. It took everything in you not to just start grinding on him again, but you wanted to draw this out and make it as fun as possible. Seeing him like this was truly a sight to behold. Joseph was always so serious and uptight, and seeing him so vulnerable was like no other.
Letting out a shaky breath, your hand slid down from his chest down to his lower stomach, just above his crotch. You bit the inside of your cheek at the large bulge protruding from his pajama pants. Its plaid pattern only exaggerated his length and size. You licked your lips, allowing your hands to shakily make their way to his drawstrings. One hand undid the knot while the other cupped his clothed erection. You dragged your fingers lightly across the surface of his cock, earning a slight whimper from the man beneath you.
You gently pulled down his pajama pants, revealing his dark navy boxers. His erection strained the fabric, his cock dripping with precum. It throbbed under your hands, every touch making his stomach tighten in pleasure. 
“God, fuck– (First Name), I need you. I’ve– I’ve.. I’ve needed you for so long,” Joseph whined, clutching the bedsheets and trying to hold himself back. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, he had to touch you. Both of his hands clutched your hips, as he looked up at you. His eyes pleadingly asking for you to take off your shorts so he could finally feel you.
“Alright, only since you’ve been so good,” you lightly chuckled, pulling your shorts down your thighs.
He marveled at the sight of you in your underwear, your fluids already soaking through your underwear and almost dripping down the side of your leg. His eyes were glued to you, so you took your time slowly pulling your underwear down your thighs. He could feel himself get even harder at the sight of your dripping arousal, his cock twitching.
“You’re.. you’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” Joseph shifted in his position on the bed, unbelievably aroused. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. He always had such a way with words, at least to you. 
You didn’t even give him a chance to think as you harshly leaned downwards, encapsulating his lips in another passionate kiss. Your back arched as you tried to line up his cock with your entrance, wanting more than anything to finally feel him. 
His hands found their way under your shirt as he quickly pulled it off of you and over your head. He gulped as his eyes traveled your body. He seemed unsure of what to do with his hands, his awkward nature getting the better of him. Gently grabbing his wrist, you placed his hand on one of your breasts, applying the slightest bit of pressure as his palm sunk into the soft mass. 
“Oh, God..” Joseph barely whispered, “you’re so beautiful.”
You gently pulled the bottom of his shirt upwards, looking up at him to ask him to lift his arms up to remove his shirt. He immediately obliged, pulling his shirt off over his shoulders and tossing it onto the floor. 
You pressed your heat against his bare erection, coating the surface of his cock with your oozing slick. His eyes rolled back at the warm electric sensation of your wetness pressing against him. He groaned in response, his hands traveling to grab your hips and push you down onto him with significantly more pressure.
You let out a few noises that sent shivers down his spine. His fingers lightly dug into the soft flesh around your hips as he tried to stifle a few whimpers. 
“Fuck,” you swore under your breath as you reached downwards, trying to line him up with your entrance.
Your slick covered the topside of his cock. You could feel it throb within your grasp as you felt the tip just gently run over your clit.
“I–I don’t have any condoms..” Joseph grumbled through his teeth as he clutched the bedsheets in one of his hands.
“Then you’d better hold it in. If you can handle that,” you muttered as you ever so slightly pushed yourself around him.
He bit his lip as he tried not to make too much noise.
“I don’t.. I don’t know if I can–” 
“Then you’ll be a dear and get me some morning after pills, won’t you?” You requested as you gently rested your forehead against his.
“Oh– oh I’ll do anything for you, (First Name),” Joseph whimpered as he cupped one of your cheeks in his hand, gently pulling your face closer to his for a kiss.
You winced as you tried to push yourself onto him further. His cock stretched your inner walls, and it was dreadfully painful. 
“F-fuck, Joseph..” you whined as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes.
“Start off slow, my love,” Joseph gently cooed as his hand found its way to your crotch.
His middle and ring fingers explored near your entrance. Coating his fingers in your slick as he gently inserted them inside of you, eliciting a moan from you at the feeling. You always loved his hands– how veiny they were along with how long and nimble his fingers were. 
“I– I’ve never done this before.. so I hope that I’m doing this right..” Joseph muttered as his thumb felt around your labia. 
His fingers were warm as he swirled them inside of you. He made waves with his fingers, shooting a pang of pleasure through your core. You couldn’t help but moan as your back arched. You had to grit your teeth to stop from moaning too loud, not wanting the neighboring rooms to hear you.
“My God, you sound so beautiful,” Joseph groaned as one of his other arms tightened around your waist, pushing your torso against him as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you.
He slowly began to feel your walls begin to tighten before he quickly pulled his fingers out of you as they dripped with your slick. 
You bit the inside of your cheek once he pulled out. You were so close to finishing and he knew that.
“Ugh– fuck, Joseph–” you swore as you raised your body up again, encapsulating Joseph in another kiss.
Joseph held onto your hips, helping you line yourself up with him as you finally sunk your body down, his cock sliding into you with relative ease. It still hurt, but far less than before. The feeling of your warm cunt encapsulating his twitching erection made his eyes roll back as he thrust his hips upward into you. His hands gently squeezed your hips as he helped you move up and down on his cock. 
“Y-you take me so perfectly, (First Name),” Joseph barely sputtered out.
The sensation, the look in Joseph’s eyes, the feeling of his hands on your bare skin, it was better than you could have ever imagined. Not even in your wildest dreams.
You couldn’t find the words to respond. The feeling of him stretching out your inner walls as you moved up and down on him at such a steady pace jumbled up all of your thoughts into complete nonsense. You moaned with every movement, savoring each and every bit of him. The sound was beyond sinful as you stared into each other’s eyes, admiring each other’s features. 
Every thrust in and out of you filled your entire body with pleasure, the sensation was so grand you couldn’t contain the moans that escaped from your lips. Joseph gently pushed your head downwards, muffling your soft pleas with a kiss.
Seconds passed, the pleasure building up as a knot in your core. It slowly continued to build until it felt like you were about to burst. You were so close until you felt him sharply exhale against your lips. He quickly motioned for you to get off. 
“F-fuck.. I’m– I’m gonna.. I’m gonna cum, (First Name),” Joseph panted as he quickly lifted your hips upwards.
He groaned as he used his hand to continue stroking himself as he came onto his stomach. The white fluid spilling onto himself as he prayed he pulled out in time. 
You both finished at the same time, panting as you looked into each other’s eyes.
Rolling over, you let your weight fall onto the bed next to Joseph. You watched him lay there for a moment before he quickly grabbed a few tissues to start cleaning himself up.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, closing your eyes and slowly getting sleepier.
He turned, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you felt him clean you up.
“Thank you, Jojo,” you thanked him, your voice laced with drowsiness. 
“Of course,” he replied, pulling the sheets over you.
He grabbed a fresh pair of shorts and a baggy shirt from your backpack as he walked back over to you. He practically dressed you all by himself, while you would raise or lower your arms whenever he would tell you to. 
He gave you one last kiss on the cheek before he quickly dressed himself and hopped into bed with you. 
“I love you, (First Name). I’ve loved you for so long,” Joseph whispered into your ear.
“I love you, Joseph,” you whispered back, cuddling up to him.
With your head in his chest and his arms around your waist, you don’t know if you’ve ever fallen asleep quicker. 
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 1 year
The Secret's Out Pt 3
Summary: Y/n makes the tough decision to relinquish her title. Fast forward 4 months when Y/n and Christian attend AEW’s yearly New Years party after keeping the pregnancy a secret. What happens when LuFisto shows up and promises to ruin Y/n’s life. 
Word count: 1,882
*Warnings, swearing, stalking, crazy LuFisto* (Y/W/N means ‘your wrestling name’) 
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Wednesday had finally came and I sat with Tony to discuss what our next plan was. He was obviously very happy for me and was understanding when I told him that I would need to relinquish the title. Since I was only a few weeks pregnant and wanted to try and keep my pregnancy under the radar for the moment we decided to play with the injury to my shoulder and relinquish the belt. I filmed a couple different promos all saying that I would have to relinquish the title. Within the promo I wore low waisted bell bottom jeans, a white crop top and some shades. I chose the outfit exposing my stomach because I knew there would be at least one person who would think I was relinquishing the title because I was pregnant. Although that was true and I had literally wrestled just a week prior to finding out the fans didn’t need to know that. I didn’t look pregnant and fans already knew about the injury so it’s not like I was completely lying to them. We just simply milked the shoulder injury, that's all. 
The plan for this week was for Renee to try and ask me about how I was doing with my injury and I told her I didn’t want to talk about it. So it was revealed that next week I would be having an interview with her explaining my status. Which was the promo interview we filmed earlier on today. 
I knew that soon enough people would start asking questions. Some of the talent knew about the baby but others didn’t. That being said those who didn’t know offered sympathy for the title needing to be relinquished which was quite annoying. The fakeness so evident, “Oh Y/n I’m so sorry about your shoulder” No you weren't, you are probably happy that there will be a new champ in town. 
This week had definitely been a weird one. Like planned, the backstage interview with Renee was aired this week on Dynamite. It felt weird, sitting at home watching it on tv not knowing if I was making the right decision. I had been advised to stay off social media for a few days by my friends. I had been stressed and sick for the past few days and didn’t need anymore stress. But the thing is it was boring, I was bored at home so obviously I looked. About 90% of the comments were positive, fans wishing me a speedy recovery and love. The other 10% was basically LuFisto and any other people she made believe I was still the bad guy here. 
“I am so happy she is no longer the champ! She was an eyesore to see on tv. She deserved the injury she got” Those were some of the comments LuFisto left. Girl was on cloud 9 after finding out about my injury. I honestly found it quite funny. 
Other than wrestling drama Christian and I went to our first doctor's appointment, Like promised he was going to be there for every second of it. Since he had already done this once before he was more calm than I was. I was nervous but everything went well. The doctor told me that I was 6 weeks pregnant, I explained that I had my last match 3 weeks ago and the doctor said the baby was completely healthy. That was my biggest concern, I was worried since I had still been wrestling and training not knowing I was pregnant. At the appointment I also found out what caused the pregnancy in the first place. It turned out that the prescription I was on for my shoulder injury had canceled out my birth control. I didn’t even know that was possible but it made sense because I was taking my birth control religiously. When you are not using contraception and are in a relationship with a freak like Christian Cage, getting pregnant can happen very easily. In fact 7 weeks with my birth control not being effective would do the trick. 
Four long months had passed since I had to relinquish my title. I was now five months pregnant and was visibly showing. The winter months had allowed me to get away with my growing bump. Sweaters and jackets helped me to get around unnoticed but now I was tired of keeping it a secret. Within the months we told our friends and family, all of which were happy for us. I spent most days at home with Isla who was excited to be a big sister even with the 10 year age gap. Tonight was a new years party for AEW and the first time I would be showing off my bump. “Are you ready to go?” Christian yelled from across the hall. I was struggling to get my boots on with the growing bump in the way. “Almost, just give me a minute” being pregnant was a lot of work. Craving weird combinations and the constant sickness was exhausting. Luckily I had Christian by my side who was willing to go to the store late at night for my insane requests. 
“Do you need some help?” Christian asked me as he came to see what was taking me so long, finding me struggling with the boots. “Yes please” He bent down and gently slid the knee high boots on,  placing a delicate kiss to my thigh before zipping them up. “What would I do without you?” “Well for starters you wouldn't be pregnant and would still have your title” “Are you being serious right now?” That was not funny
As Christian and I approached the venue I grew anxious, there would be media at the event and I already knew what people would be saying about me behind my back. “Hey, there is nothing to be worried about, alright. I am not going anywhere. I will be by your side for the whole night.     If anyone even dares to try anything-” “Christian” I cut him off, he knew I was nervous and although he would never admit it I knew he was too. I remember the hate we got when people found out about Christian and I dating, so I could only imagine what it would be like when they found out I was pregnant with his child. 
Christian wore a gorgeous black suit to the event and I wore a black knit dress that hugged my curves perfectly, along with velvet knee high boots. As we entered the venue we were greeted with black and gold decorations. The entrance had a big foyer which had big mirrors. Somehow I convinced Christian to take a photo with me. I took the mirror picture with Christian behind me, one hand on my bump and the other on my ass. I took the image and posted it on instagram with the caption ‘Mum and Dad’, I wanted the world to see my post before the ones from the media outlets. With that I turned off my phone wanting to enjoy the evening with Christian. 
When we exited the foyer into the main building where the party was being held I could feel heads turn. Many shocked faces, it was making me uncomfortable but I promised myself I would stay for the whole event even if I felt like I was not welcome. “Ahh, I can’t believe you’re here” Of course Kris was the first to greet us at the party. “I can feel the stares” I told her. “Well I mean you disappeared for 5 months and showed up pregnant” She was right, only our close friends and family knew so obviously people would be shocked. 
Many wrestlers came up to me congratulating me with the pregnancy. They all seemed to be happy for me or at least they pretended to be. Eddie Kingston had been upset that I did not tell him I was pregnant. Although he’s great, the guy can’t keep a secret. Christian and I spent some time chatting with our friends and trying the many treats they had before the hard part, the media. As promised Christian didn’t leave my side, we had taken many pictures with everyone before needing to do interviews. Most of the reporters were rude, asking inappropriate questions that made Christian and I uncomfortable. Christian answered the majority of the questions while I tried my best not to lose it. Pregnancy makes you very hormonal and I was trying to not let it win. “So Y/w/n” I had zoned out “You are pregnant, what does this mean for your career?” That was the 5th time tonight a reporter asked me that question “Well, just because I am having a kid it doesn’t mean I’m done with wrestling. I am planning to return to the ring as soon as possible and become a 3X ROH world champion” Just as I began to say something else I felt my stomach drop. I watched LuFisto start walking towards me. “How is she here?” I turned to Christian to make sure he was seeing what I was seeing and boy did he see it. “Get behind me!” Christian told me as I watched LuFisto charge at me. What was that woman’s problem, she was screaming and yelling at everyone that stood between us. “I am going to make your life mistable Y/n. You ruined my life so I am going to end you” I didn’t even know what to say. This girl had serious issues and I honestly felt sorry for her. 
I stood behind Christian as I watched the crazed woman get escorted by security out of the building. Soon after Christian and I left the event. When we got home I broke down, crying into Christians arms. I just didn’t get it, even though I was one of the biggest heels in AEW I was a nice person in real life and everyone knew what. It had been almost a year since LuFisto had been released by AEW and she still hated me. 
It had been a few days since the incident at the new years party. The media always had made things worse but for once it was playing in my favor. The video of LuFisto trying to attack a heavily pregnant woman had gone viral. Christian and I were one of the biggest couples in pro wrestling and people could see how genuinely happy we were with each other. People felt bad for the hate and soon enough LuFisto would get blacklisted from several other promotions after news came out about her attacking people at a local indie show. 
This whole situation had been stressing me out, I woke up in the night in a cold sweat. Nightmares disturbing my much needed sleep, I was anxious all the time. Scared to be left alone, scared someone would break in and try to hurt my babies. All of this had become too much to handle and soon enough Christian would flip. He was tired of it and didn’t care if it ruined his ‘character’ he wanted to set things straight. I knew he was mad but I didn’t realize just how bad it was until it happened. My worst nightmare came true…..
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
helloooo, you are like one of my fave writers!! I am requesting one with lhh where the reader feels very insecure and harry is comforting her and telling her she is absolutely beautiful and how in love he is with her and how he remembers the first time he saw her he knew she was the one and that he had never seen any one so breathtaking. And then they start kissing and it slowly escalates till harry tells he "let me show you how beautiful you are" or smth like that i dont really know and then the after careeee!!! OMG I WOULD DIEEE. Could you please write that?? THANK YOUUU!!!
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Baby your perfect.
Omg! Thank you for your lovely words it always means the world 🤭
And yessss! This concept!! 🫢 and lhh 😩
Im a tad sucky on writing smut/smutty-ish stuff so I hope this works for you and you enjoy! 🤎
Also this absolutely no hate to any of these women mentioned!!!! Especially Kendall Jenner/kardashians for story purposes only!! 👑
*Warnings*- struggling with body image, low self esteem, language, hint towards smut and adultish themes! ✌🏻
Y/n’s Life had felt like it’s been on the right track for a while now.
She’s finally enjoying her career, her friendships have never been better, her relationship with H is the her pride and joy, hence them nearing there 5 year anniversary.
The only downside to all of this is her social media.
Ever since a young age y/n struggled with social media and unrealistic beauty standards.
And when your boyfriends exes include the Looks of: Kendall Jenner, Taylor swift, Camille rowe, that feeling of ‘Not good enough’ Never really goes away.
Y/n found herself in there shared bathroom gazing at the mirror before her wondering why she looked the way she did.
She really wondered what H saw in her, all the models and actresses and he chose her.
She examined her body, suddenly getting this feeling that she felt when she was 15 wondering why she wasn’t as pretty as the other girls in school.
Apart from she was and she didn’t even know.
She spotted every insecurity, from the stretch marks around her hips, to the scars and marks she developed on her body.
Tears begun to form in the corner of her eyes, her reflection became unbearable.
She wanted to forget this night had even started like this.
She cosied in her shared bed awaiting Harry’s return from the studio, she pulled out her phone ready to text her love, when her twitter notifications distracted her.
Mistakenly she clicked on the app, and was left feeling lower then she already had.
“Former kardashian and Jenner star admitted to pleading for another chance with singer and songwriter Harry styles!”
She clicked on the thread to be greeted with many images and gifs of her.
Her perfect figure, eyes, face, everything, she had everything.
And that’s what Harry deserved, he deserves it all.
Without even thinking y/n finds herself angrily throwing her brush against the wall out of anger.
“Baby?” A familiar voice called.
‘Fuck’ she though to herself.
He’s home
“Y’alright darling” he said, voice getting louder and closer.
“M’Fine” she sighed, trying her best to hide her tears.
There shared room door gets pushed open.
“Baby” he gently Said.
“What’s going on?” He said placing his jacket on the back of the vanity chair and toeing his trainers off.
“Nothing” she said forcing a smile to persuade the man.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing” he said raising an eyebrow and joining her next to her on the bed.
She remained quiet, thinking of how to play this out.
“Baby, Jus’ me y’know its okay” he said running a hand through his long curly locks.
“I don’t understand why your with me” she breathes, avoiding eye contact.
“Y/n?” He asked confused as hell.
“Baby, where is this Coming from? What?” He asks placing his ringed hand on her exposed thigh.
“You don’t deserve me H” she said finally breathed making cold eye contact with him.
“You deserve someone prettier, skinner, and overall better, than..whatever i am” she Said tears threatening to leave her eyes.
“Baby Girl” he asks manoeuvring his palms up to girls cheeks and pulling her in closer.
“Where is this coming from?, y’my girl, my gorgeous girl” he said heart almost breaking at the sight and sound of his girl.
“Kendall” she mumbles, tears finally falling.
“Kendall?” He asks eyebrows knitted together.
“She wants You back H, and now the whole world knows it” she quietly cries leaning her forehead on his.
He finally gets it, it adds up all in his head.
“Baby” he speaks, pressing a kiss to her cold lips.
“Fuckin’ hell” he says kissing her cheek replacing the salty tears.
“Y’really think, I want her huh?” He smiles
“My silly girl” he sniffs, trying to make light of this situation.
He removes his hands and opened his arms signalling for her to get in.
She sits on his lap, almost koala style with both legs wrapped around his waist and both arms over his shoulders.
“Now that you’ve got me, y’won’t be getting rid of me” he said dancing his fingertips on her back.
“I just…I don’t get it” she sniffed
“Why me” she mumbled, snuggling her face into his neck.
“Why you huh?” He breathed
“Well, the first time saw you, the thing I saw was not only y’beauty, but m’future, m’life, Ive Never met someone as breathtaking as you m’love Call me a sap, but y’my muse now” he gently said.
“Not Kendall, Not no one else, jus’ you” he said kissing the side of Face.
“Can y’look at me darling?” He whispered.
She happily complied, lifting her face from his neck and revealing her beautiful glossy eyes but now with a small smile to her face.
“I love you” he says kissing her lips hard and straight forward.
“Y’never to forget that”
“Love you too H, I’m sorry for being silly” she smiles
“None of tha’ i get it”
Without being able to finish properly, the girl crashes her lips on his.
“I’m so in love with you” she mumbles against his lips.
“Y’make me crazy baby” he smirks
“Please Baby, let me Show you How much y’mean to me” he says going in again.
“Show How beautiful You Are angel”
“Mmhmm” she nods
— — — — —
The Girl lies hazily in there bathtub of there en-suite bathroom, reminiscing on tonight’s events.
God she was grateful to have H, no matter what rut she finds herself in, he manages to no matter what pull her out.
“Hey beautiful girl” he said coming in pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Fresh sheets and tea on the bedside” he said while placing the girls fresh Pyjamas ( his hoodie and Boxers) on the closed toilet lid.
“Thank you baby”
“I’ll join you in a sec” she added
“Take y’time love”
Once y/n’s bath was done, she slipped into her boyfriends clothes he prepared for her, and reunited with her lover in there shared bed.
“Y’feeling okay m’honey?” He asks putting his phone down and leaning into his girl.
“Mmhmm” she hummed slipping under the soft sheets.
“Y’the best” she sighed.
“Mm certainly am” he smirked.
“Ugh great I just fed your ego more” she joked playfully rolling her eyes.
“There’s my y/n back” he smiled pressing a kiss to her temple.
— — — — —
Again thank your for your request and please, please tell me of this is any good! 😩 again I’m sorry for skimming the smutty Part Bit im so awkward writing it 😭 love love loveeee you all ❤️
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lushbarb · 2 years
y/n & j | hurt.
6 months postpartum
- the day -
It was about 6 PM when he came home and I told him I needed to speak with him.
Are you okay?” He asked me.
“Yes” I tell him, knowing I’m not. My stomach is turning, my face is hot and I don’t know how to tell my husband that I know he is having an affair and I am about to leave him.
I don’t want to. At all. I love this man with everything in me. We have been through different stages of life together, watched each-other become parents, started our careers, and there’s not a day since we met that we’ve spent apart. He’s my world. My child’s father. My best friend and I can’t remember life without him. How can I leave him?
But also, how could he step out on me? On us? How could he look another woman in the eye knowing it’s not me and tell her things that only he should tell me and treat her a way he should only treat me. He made a commitment for the rest of his life to me, to us.
I can’t even think about looking at another man, let alone sleeping with one. The thought of hurting my husband makes me want to throw up.
My thoughts are interrupted by our son waking up so I bury my feelings and my thoughts because I have to be okay, I can’t let my kid see me not okay, isn’t that what being a mother is all about?
We sit on the couch and I ask my husband to join me.
My face is so hot and my stomach is doing backflips and I just want to cry looking at this man. I love him so much, how could he do this to me? But do I even want to know?
“Did you cheat on me?” I just flat out say it. What’s the point of wasting time? If I look at him any longer I’ll keep remembering how much I love him and then I’ll just give in, I know I will.
He looked shocked that I just asked like that, then he stared at me in my eyes for about 1 minute and immediately put his head down.
My heart sank. I let out a small sigh, looked down at my kid and there was the tears. I knew. He told me all I needed to know without saying a single wrong.
I had so much I wanted to say but did he deserve for me to say anything? 10 years of marriage so I felt that I deserved to speak and I needed an explanation but I didn’t want to think about it anymore. I didn’t want to think about my husband with another woman. Kissing, touching, being intimate with another woman that’s not me, his wife.
My eyes felt so low but I still looked up at him. He locked eyes with me and suddenly I saw a different person, I didn’t know him.
“I love you” he said to me, his voice choking up.
Why does it hurt me to see him hurting and upset? But I don’t know why, He hurt me. He betrayed me.
“I have so much to say and even though I don’t think I should be doing the talking, I also don’t want to hear you explain it to me because that will hurt me even more” I say. I wanted to ask you do you love me? Did our family mean anything to you? How could you ever look at someone the way you are only supposed to look at me and then come home to me? I wanted to ask that but I know you will tell me that you love me, our family means everything to you and that the affair was nothing to you and that it will never happen again but I know that it is not the truth because If it was you would never be able to do this to me” I tell him while crying. I didn’t want to cry but how could I not?
“I love you” he repeats while looking at me. “I’m sorry, I never wanted this for our son, we always said together forever and that he would see that.”
“His dad stepped out.” I bluntly say.
He wipes his face. There goes the tears. Now I’m getting angry, how are you crying when you broke our family apart?
I look at him and I can tell he is about to say something.
“You will always be the woman that was made for me. You gave me my son, a family and a new life. Some men dream about having the life I have, some men would kill for it and I took it for granted. I knew what I was doing and I didn’t stop it, I knew my family was at home and I continued it and I knew it would hurt you and a part of me didn’t care but also knew I would lose my family so I tried to hide it. “ he says.
Ouch. It hurts so bad to hear him say this but I also know it’s the truth.
“ Thank you for your honesty. I just don’t understand” I reply. We were fine one day. What did I do? What changed?
“Don-“ he tried to speak.
“What did I do to make you fall out of love with me? To make you not care about us? It’s not just me you should’ve thought about. We brought a child into this world and you should’ve thought about him, you didn’t think about him!” I cried.
“Stop blaming yourself.” He tried to move closer to me but I put a hand up to stop him.
“No. Don’t do that. You’re wrong.” I say.
He moves back to his original spot on the couch.
“Are you leaving?” He asks me. “Taking him with you?”
I look down at my son and my heart hurt. He doesn’t deserve this. He deserves for us to be a happy family and I can’t even look at my husband because I never wanted this, I don’t want our family to not be together every day but I can’t stay here, it won’t be the same.
“Yes” I tell him softly. “You know I don’t want you to feel like I am taking him from you.”
“You are, I don’t want to be without him or you.” He sits up.
“I have no choice. We talked about this before and we had a solution we both agreed on so it is not my fault you forgot about that when you decided you didn’t care to keep your family anymore.” I sharply tell him.
“Stay.” he tells me.
“I love you.” He puts his head in his hands. “I love you.” He repeats with his head down.
“You want to take my kid and figure it out but I don’t want to be without you.”
“Stop.” I say.
“You’re begging me to stay after you cheated on me. You’re selfish. You are still not thinking about me or our son. You were here but not here. You didn’t treat us like you loved us or wanted a family but here you are acting like you are going to miss us so bad and we aren’t even gone yet. It’s not easy for me to leave, it’s so fucking hard to look you in the eye, tell you we’re leaving and come to terms with it because I was present, I always thought about you and our kid. I don’t care for your apology because you haven’t said much about you cheating, just begging me to stay. Stop.” I say to him.
“How did you find out?” He asked me softly.
“I always knew.” I tell him. “I always knew because I was always alone, slept alone, woke up alone, watched our son grow alone, and ate dinner alone. I shouldn’t be alone if I have a husband so where is my husband? I knew right away. For the sake of our family, I always wanted to get it out of my head but the signs were all there.”
“I’m sorry for hurting you and I’m sorry I am the reason we are like this.” He tells me.
“Tell that to him.” I say to him as I stand up with our son and head to the bedroom.
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I am human and I deserve to be loved
My Heart, My Body, My Soul AU One-Shot. Turned out to be longer than expected but who wants to complain about that? 
Summary: Adrian met Aemond when he was at a young age, and thought nothing of his affections for her at first. She deemed them to be innocent, until they weren’t. If only she noticed sooner, maybe then she wouldn’t be where she was now in the clutch of his hands. Or maybe it wouldn’t have made a difference at all.  
A/N: Here’s another AU. This one possibly the darkest one-shot I’ve written so far. It’s another what if scenario as well. This one’s about Adrian arriving to Westeros years earlier and meeting Aemond at a younger age. Surprise, surprise Aemond still becomes obsessed with her but Adrian thinks he’s just a kid who’s misunderstood. Aemond obviously uses that against over her as the years go by. 
Warnings: 18+ content, so minors DNI. There is a 13 year age gap between Adrian and Aemond in this drabble/one-shot. Nothing happens until Aemond is of age though. Dark Aemond per usual, possessive Aemond, smut, non-con, dub-con…yeah read with caution.  
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It wasn’t the sound of the roaring thunder that awoke Adrian from her slumber, but rather the feeling of something soft brushing against her face. She slowly opened her eyes, and because of her blurry vision she only saw the outline of a person before her bed.
Adrian would’ve been more frightened had she not recognized who the small figure in the dark of her room belonged to once the fogginess in her eyes cleared. “Aemond.” She uttered, moving to sit up in her bed, blankets falling onto her lap.
This wouldn't be the first time the ten year old snuck into her room. His presence wasn’t unusual, but what was unusual was how he woke her up. Usually he awoke Adrian from slumber by shaking her shoulder in a gentle way, never by touching her face. She let out an annoyed tired sigh, just as anyone would after having been disturbed from a peaceful sleep.
“It’s the middle of the night. What are you doing here?”
Aemond did his best to appear sheepish. He went on to say the one thing he knew would soften Adrian up. “I had a nightmare.” He murmured, and as he expected her demeanor immediately changed.
Any irritation Adrian felt disappeared, and only concern remained for the ten year old boy. Of course it had been a nightmare that made him seek her out to soothe his fears. What other reason was there? She tried comforting him in the same way his mother would.
“Do you want to tell me about it? Maybe that could help make you feel better.”
“It was about what happened at Driftmark, but I don’t want to talk about it.” Aemond lied, really selling the act of being low-spirited. He reached for one of her hands, and because she believed he suffered from a nightmare she let him hold it without any complaints. Recently for whatever reason she hadn’t been letting him hold her hand as much, and he was starting to get really annoyed by that.  
“Oh, okay.” Adrian mumbled. She became crestfallen when thinking back to the Driftmark incident. The horrific incident in which Aemond lost his left eye to his five year old nephew Lucerys felt like it happened forever ago, but really it had only been a month.
Aemond’s left eye had scarred terribly in his opinion. He often wore an eyepatch now to hide the angry scar during the day. It was only at night that he took off his eyepatch.
Only a few people were allowed to see him without his eyepatch. Adrian was one of those few people. She never looked at his scar with disgust but instead with sadness. Like right now.
“I know I’ve said this before, but I’m so sorry that this happened to you.” Adrian softly said, staring at his extended scar. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “You didn’t deserve it.”
No one deserved what happened to them that night, but especially not Aemond. He was the only one of the children to obtain a life changing injury. Aemond had said it was a fair exchange, an eye for a dragon. But to Adrian it was still horrible.  
The twenty-three year old recalled the pain the ten year old had been in when he lost his eye. Not even the milk of the poppy he drank could soothe all of his anguish. It seemed only with her presence was able to calm him down.
That night Aemond refused to not be by her side. He kept her next to him when the maester stitched his injured left eye. Aemond also all but demanded she stay in the same room as him, and no one forbade this. Not even his mother. How could they after seeing him in such a terrible bloody state?
And after having just lost his left eye, Adrian felt like saying no to him would only cause him more agony. So she awkwardly agreed, and stayed by his side but she slept in a chair next to his bed. Not once throughout the night did Aemond let go of hand.
At the moment it was Aemond’s turn to squeeze her hand in return. He finally asked her the question he’d been wanting to ask since he entered her chambers. The real reason for why he went to her. “Can I stay with you? I won't be able to fall asleep alone after the nightmare I had.”
Adrian pulled her hand away, causing the now one-eyed prince to frown.
It wasn’t like he’d never slept in the same bed as her before. Since she mysteriously arrived in Westeros there’d been times where he’d sneak into her room scared, saying he had a nightmare.
Adrian’s nurturing side tended to come out a lot more around Aemond. She thought he was this vulnerable child, one who she felt was misunderstood, and had to unfortunately deal with bullying by his brother and nephews. Though any bullying done to him stopped once he lost his eye. Aemond still presented himself as this vulnerable child who needed coddling, and because of that she always tried helping him.
Sometimes when he came to her room at night in obvious distress she allowed him to stay in her bed, but there were conditions. The first condition was that Aemond had to stay on his side of the bed, and the second condition was that he had to return to his room before the sun was out.
This had never been a problem before but ever since Aemond had lost his eye he’d been extra clingy, and it was starting to get suffocating.
The last time Adrian allowed him to sleep in her bed she hadn’t even been able to move because of how tight Aemond wrapped his arms around her. He should’ve never even had his arms around her to begin with.
That was a condition he broke and she angrily told him so. He apologized when he woke up, giving her a puppy dog look that still worked on her even with only one eye. She faltered in her anger, and ended up forgiving him. But what started off as innocent didn’t feel like it anymore.
“I don’t think so.” Adrian finally told him, shaking her head.  
“Please.” Aemond beseeched. “I’ll leave before dawn approaches.”
Adrian tried being stern with him. “Aemond, no.”
Aemond’s lone eye blinked a few times, making himself tear up. “But…but I’m scared. The thunder…” He made his voice tremble, unable to finish his sentence.
Adrian mistook his tears for genuine ones. The tears on his face and his scar made her think about the pain he must have been in when he lost his eye. A large part of her would forever feel guilty. After all, Aemond did reveal to her that she was one of the main reasons why he claimed Vhagar.
Even with her short amount of time in Westeros, Adrian had already been able to claim a dragon of her own. It wasn’t just any dragon either, but a wild dragon. The infamous Cannibal. Many feared the black as coal dragon who was known to feast on other dragons. However to Adrian he was her sweetface.
Many thought the nickname to be ironic considering how ferocious looking the wild dragon was. But not to Adrian. She looked at the dragon as if he were the most magnificent creature to ever exist.
And having seen Adrian with a dragon of her own only made Aemond more determined to become a dragon rider himself. He desperately wanted to fly alongside her. And they were now able to do so, at the cost of Aemond’s eye.
His look of sadness was getting to Adrian, and a few seconds later she crumpled. She huffed, pushing away dark brown strands of hair from her face. “This is the last time. You can’t be doing this anymore, sneaking into my room in the middle of the night.” She told him in an attempted firm tone to let him know how serious she was. “It’s just not appropriate. We’re family but I need my space, okay?”
Aemond had to slowly breathe through his nose to calm down. He was the quietest for the longest time, with only the sound of thunder filling her chambers. It was only when Adrian said his name that he got a hold of himself. He gave a nod to acknowledge he heard her before he moved to get under the covers with her.
Adrian let him do so but to make sure he was to stay on his side of the bed she put a pillow in between them. She quickly turned back around, missing Aemond’s unhappy expression.
“Goodnight Adrian.” Aemond whispered right as she laid her head back down on her pillow.
Adrian yawned. “Goodnight, Aemond.” She replied, shutting her eyes. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.
At some point Adrian woke up again, only this time from having Aemond’s arms wrapped around her body.
The pillow she put between them was no longer there. Aemond was snuggling her in his sleep, his face resting against the back of her neck where unknown to her he’d been smelling her eucalyptus scent.
Adrian tried moving but Aemond’s hold on her made it impossible. She said his name a few times in hopes of waking him up but all that got her was his arms tightening around her. She let out a frustrated sigh. There was a reason why she put a pillow in between them and he completely disregarded it.
Going back to sleep was not possible anymore because of how overwhelmed she felt. No longer did Adrian think she’d be able to handle Aemond’s clinginess by herself. She would need to talk to Alicent about it, and soon because whatever this was couldn’t continue anymore.
After an awkward conversation with Alicent about the rising issue of Aemond’s unhealthy attachment with Adrian, the older woman agreed that time apart would do Aemond some good.
Therefore in the past week Adrian began spending less time with Aemond. It started off small to not make her distancing from him obvious, but unsurprisingly he eventually caught on. Adrian could tell by each passing day how upset he was getting now that he was no longer attached to her hip.
She decided to just rip the bandaid and be upfront with Aemond, and tell him the news about her soon-to-be departure. Adrian asked Alicent if she could stay while she did this, thinking her being there would make things go smoother.
Alicent concurred, taking a seat across from her.
A serving girl was sent to find Aemond and inform him that Adrian wanted him to meet her in her chambers. He’d been in the training yard practicing his sword skills when he received the message.
Subsequently, Aemond promptly dropped his training sword. He did not care about the disapproving look Ser Criston threw at him, or the annoyed look Aegon gave him after stepping on his foot when running passed him.
All Aemond cared about was getting to Adrian as fast as possible. The bright smile on his face instantly vanished once he entered her chambers. To his disappointment Adrian wasn’t alone as he thought she’d be. His dutiful mother sat across from Adrian in the center where a lavish set of couches were.
“Mother.” Aemond addressed her, shifting his eye toward Adrian. There was a puzzled expression on his freckled face. “Adrian, what is going on?” He could sense something in the air, something of grave concern and it made him feel nervous all of a sudden.
Adrian tried smiling to make things less tense for him. “Aemond, I asked for you to come here because there’s something I need to tell you.” She shared a brief look with Alicent, gesturing Aemond over to her. “Please, take a seat.”
Alicent moved down a bit to make room for Aemond to sit but he instead took a seat next to Adrian. She frowned, and when she looked at Adrian she saw her do the same.
Adrian cleared her face before Aemond could see. She scooted to put room between them. “I know you’ve noticed that I’ve been spending less time with you.”
Aemond kissed his teeth, feeling a spark of annoyance at the mere mention of her putting distance between them. Every time he’d want to spend time together in these last few days she’d come up with some excuse, practically running from him. “Yes, I have noticed.”
Her absence had been tiresome, and he couldn’t stand it anymore. Hence why he was happy to hear she wanted to see him. But now Aemond was more puzzled than happy.
“Well, it’s because I thought we needed time apart.” Adrian admitted to him. “You were practically with me all the time, it was starting to feel odd. You're ten, you should be doing things that you like.”
Aemond frowned, feeling an ache in his heart. “But I already do the things that I like with you.”
“You know what I mean.” Adrian softly sighed.
Aemond then narrowed his eye, his expression hardening. “So that’s why you asked me to come here? To tell me you still won’t spend time with me?”
Adrian was gentle with her words. If she wasn’t careful she knew she could deeply hurt him, and the last thing she wanted was to hurt Aemond. This had to be said though. “Actually, I wanted to tell you I’m going to be leaving King’s Landing for a while.”
Aemond felt as if he’d just awoken from an actual nightmare. Nightmares were very rare for him, and the few ones he did have it was always of him falling from somewhere. He usually awoke frightened with his head dizzy, heart pounding. That was exactly how he felt at the moment.
“You’re leaving?” He questioned, his remaining indigo eye widening. Did she somehow figure out a way to return back to her world?
Adrian nodded her head. “Yes, I’m going to Dorne.”
“Because you want to be far away from me?” Aemond questioned a bit louder, not caring about his apparent sulking. Even though he was relieved she wasn’t going back to her world, Dorne was still too far away for him.
The dark haired woman was quick with her response after hearing his growing distress. She needed him to remain calm. “No, it’s because I have family there.” She reassured him. Her going to Dorne wasn’t solely because she wanted to put space between them.  
Unknown to the young prince, Adrian had been secretly exchanging letters with Prince Qoren Martell for the past month. According to him, all her family from her grandmother Aurelia's side in Dorne were very eager to meet her.
In Qoren’s letter he stated that his oldest daughter Aliandra, who was a few years younger than Aemond, was very curious about her. And honestly Adrian was also very curious about the rest of her family in Dorne.
“But you have family here.” Aemond argued briskly. “I’m your family.”
“Yes you are, but I haven’t met my grandmother’s side of the family. I really want to meet them.” Adrian tried giving him a smile. “I’ll come back.”
“When?” Aemond inquired, his chest feeling exponentially heavy.
Adrian swallowed, her smile fading. “I’m not sure when exactly, but I will.”
“This is for the best, Aemond.” Alicent solemnly added into the conversation. She’d been silent up until now, closely watching her son's behavior with Adrian. It definitely fed into the worry that recently emerged.
Alicent wasn’t unmindful. She was aware about her second oldest son’s fondness for Adrian. However there was no disquietude since Alicent only saw how happy he was. Aemond smiled and laughed around Adrian more than he ever did with her or anyone else in their family.
It was a wonder to Alicent, and she often thanked the Gods for Adrian. Aemond’s demeanor changed partially as a result of Adrian’s enigmatic arrival in King’s Landing. She’d been the reason Aemond broke out of that tough shell of his.
And she thought it was sweet the way Aemond began tagging along Adrian’s side, even more so than with Aegon and Helaena. Alicent even thought if Daeron had stayed in King's Landing instead of going to Oldtown he too would’ve taken a liking to Adrian.
But then Adrian shared her worries with Alicent about Aemond’s growing attachment to her. About Aemond's lack of boundaries in regards to whenever he had nightmares and would go to Adrian’s chambers in the middle of the night. Adrian thought it was starting to get out of control and that something had to be done.
Adrian needed Alicent’s support, and thankfully she got it after she said her piece. The older woman thought time apart would do Aemond some good. It was evident though that he did not think so.
Aemond abruptly stood up, startling both women. “No. I won’t allow it.” He looked at Adrian, shaking his head. His indigo eye glinted. “You can’t leave me.”
Adrian let out another sigh as she got up. “Aemond, you sweet boy…” She gasped, jumping in place when Aemond cut her off with his yelling.
“Stop calling me that! I’m not a boy! And you can’t leave! You’re mine!”
The nickname of sweet boy made Aemond see red everytime Adrian called him so. Initially he did not mind but soon enough that changed when he realized it meant she’d only see him as a boy.
The whole room went silent from his outburst. Alicent stared at her son in shock and Adrian looked at him in total disbelief. “What?” She murmured her question, thrown off not necessarily by his yelling but rather what was said.
“Aemond.” Alicent admonished him, her honey brown eyes wide because of his untypical behavior. She expected this sort of appalling behavior from Aegon but never from Aemond who was the most poised of her children.
Aemond paid his mother no mind, acting as if she were no longer there. “You heard me.” He stared up at Adrian with his lone indigo eye, utterly frantic. “You're mine.”
The disbelief Adrian originally felt turned into indignation. Her dark brown eyes hardened. “I am not a toy Aemond.” She scolded him. His possessiveness over her was unacceptable, and she was quick to let him know that. “I am a human being and I deserve to be treated with respect.”
Aemond’s anger deflated in some measure. He did treat Adrian with respect, he’d always done so. But he was deeply hurt to hear her speak about leaving King’s Landing, of leaving him.
Didn’t Adrian care about being with him? Why was she eager to leave? So she can be with people from her grandmother’s side? They were her family but she already had family in King’s Landing. She didn't need them when she already had him.
“Then tell me you won’t leave.” Aemond childishly demanded.
Adrian did not backpedal, not even when Aemond gave her the puppy dog look that usually crumbled her resolve. She remained stern. “I’m leaving and that’s final.”
The sad look Aemond tried using on her morphed into an angry one. It was the angriest Adrian and Alicent had ever seen him.
“You’re not!” The one-eyed prince told Adrian in a frenetic manner. He then proceeded to flip the refectory table that was in between the couches, severely startling both women.
The flower vase resting on the table broke once hitting the ground. There was now water on the floor, along with pieces of the vase and blue irises Adrian picked out earlier in the gardens with Helaena.
Alicent was absolutely flabbergasted by what Aemond had done. Her ten year old son flipped the heavy refectory table made of mahogany as if it weighed nothing. Adrian was so astounded she became speechless, her eyes wide in alarm.
It was Alicent who broke from shock first. “Aemond, that is enough.” She tried saying in a firm voice to gain control of the situation, but it did no such thing.
“No!” Aemond shouted, and reacted immediately when Adrian took a step back from him. He leaped forward, kneeling to wrap his arms around her midsection.
Adrian stumbled, almost falling to the ground. Aemond’s face pressed against her stomach, hugging her to the point where it hurt and she was struggling to breathe. She tried pushing him off but it was as if he’d glued himself to her. She found her voice again through the panic and exasperation.
“Aemond, stop it! Get off!”
Aemond didn’t listen, his hold only tightened. It was if he were trying to become one with her with the way he was painfully hugging her.  
“Aemond!” Alicent called out in horror, coming to Adrian’s aid.
The older woman had frozen from where she sat, in denial about her son’s behavior. She told herself this all must’ve been a terrible dream because Aemond wasn’t like this. He didn’t flip tables and refused to let go of people. That was unbecoming of him.
However after picking at her fingernails enough to draw some blood, Alicent faced the horrible truth that she indeed was wide awake.
It was a struggle but with Alicent’s help Adrian was able to get Aemond off her. Before being pulled too far apart, Aemond harshly pulled on Adrian’s necklace, snapping it off her neck.
Adrian touched her bare neck, her breathing returning to normal at the lack of his painful squeezing. “Aemond, please give it back.” She implored, sticking her hand out toward him.
Aemond wriggled in his mother’s arms until he was out of them. He shoved his mother’s hand when she tried reaching for the necklace. He was too inflamed, his emotions getting the worst of him.
The one-eyed prince didn’t pay any attention to his mother’s hurt look or the way Adrian was pleading with him over the necklace. All he could focus on was his anger and in a moment of fury he threw the necklace to the ground.
“No, don't!” Adrian attempted to stop him but it was too late. She could only watch with misty eyes as the ruby gemstone inside the pendant broke. The necklace that once belonged to her grandmother was now ruined.
The piece of jewelry was the only item Adrian had to connect with why she was even in Westeros. She’d been planning on figuring out more about the necklace perhaps thinking it was the key to her way home. But now the supposed key was broken, as were any chances of returning home. If there were any chances to begin with. Still, she was overwrought.
Adrian picked up the broken pieces of the ruby gemstone. She stared at Aemond, downright dispirited. “How could you do this?”  
Aemond gulped, his anger diminishing to be replaced with guilt he wished would disappear. She looked at him as if he’d betrayed her. Except he wasn’t the one doing the betraying here.
“How could you ever want to leave me?” Aemond retorted, voice cracking from the emotional distress. Perhaps breaking her grandmother’s necklace had been a bridge too far, as was the embrace but he was only trying to make Adrian understand that she was hurting him by saying she was leaving.  
Adrian shook her head, exasperation presently written all over her face. “Aemond, your dreadful behavior has only proven to me that leaving is the right choice. ”
Aemond wanted to disagree, he wanted to wrap his arms tightly around Adrian until she changed her mind, but he was flooded with dejection. The walls started to feel as if they were closing in on him, and his eyes were welling up with tears. He was close to breaking down, and not out of anger this time. He felt a single tear go down his face before he turned around and promptly ran out of Adrian’s chambers. Her wounding words and disappointed face was all he could see.  
Adrian opened her mouth to call his name but quickly shut it. She silently watched him bolt, dismayed. She switched her gaze onto Alicent at the sound of her sighing loudly. The Queen rubbed at her temples as if she had the world's worst headache. The twenty-three year old wished she still had Advil to give her some but unfortunately she already ran out.
Alicent’s honey brown eyes flickered over to her. She was still quite shaken up from everything that happened. “Perhaps it is best that Aemond is not there when you take off.” She solemnly said, and although she never said it aloud her stare offered many apologies to Adrian.
“I think that’s best too.” Adrian forced out, holding back tears. It wasn’t until Alicent excused herself that Adrian began to cry alone in her room.
Even though she’d agreed with Alicent that Aemond not being there when she left was for the best, a part of her was still hurt by his absence. In front of the others she kept composure, only shedding tears once in the sky with Cannibal.
About a week after Adrian’s safe arrival to Dorne did she receive letters by raven from King’s Landing. Everyone she’d gotten along with in King’s Landing wrote to her, even Aegon had sent her something.
Everyone except for Aemond.
Adrian would not receive a letter from him during her stay in Dorne. She wouldn’t even see Aemond for the longest time, and when she finally did things would end abysmally for her.
Nine years Later
Dorne, Sunspear to be precise, became a second home to Adrian. She was originally only there to visit for a while, but plans quickly changed once she arrived and met the descendants of her grandmother’s. Her descendants too, technically.
When Adrian met her family from her biological grandfather’s side it had been a very strange experience at first. She didn’t feel this same strangeness when meeting her family from her grandmother’s side. Adrian automatically felt comfortable with them in Sunspear, never once having her doubts.
Although Adrian greatly missed her family back in the modern world, she’d come to love the capitol of Dorne. It wasn’t her real home but it was the closest she was ever going to get to a home while in Westeros.
Being in Sunspear lessened the sorrow of being away from her loved ones. She never felt this way when she’d been in King’s Landing. Even with its grand size the castle felt frowzy, and not at all liberating as Dorne. Adrian actually felt the sun on her, unlike in King’s Landing.  
And so for nine long years she lived contentedly with her grandmother’s side of the family. Until one day her contentment was suddenly disturbed by virtue of a letter from the place she left nine years ago.
“So it is true. You really are going.”
Adrian’s packing came to a standstill. Her dark brown eyes landed on Aliandra Martell, the oldest daughter of Prince Qoren Martell. Aliandra and her siblings sadly lost their mother at very young ages, and because of that they each became close with Adrian.
The soon to be fourteen year old girl became like a younger sister to Adrian. She could never replace her real sister, but being around Aliandra certainly helped minimize the pain of missing Julieta. Many years have passed and Adrian remained curious about what her younger sister was up to in the modern world.  
To not let the ache in her heart get to her mood down, Adrian focused on Aliandra. It didn’t help that she wasn’t her usual playful self. Adrian knew it was because of what Aliandra’s father told her. She hadn’t even bothered to knock on the door, not that she ever did and not that it actually bothered Adrian.
The thirty-two year old woman got used to Aliandra abruptly entering her room over the years. At least Aliandra knew when to and when not to enter her room. Adrian never worried about random middle of the night visits by her.
“King Viserys has requested my presence. I’ll only be gone for a fortnight.” Adrian informed the adolescent. In the letter she received it was written that King Viserys requested she come back to court for a visit. Apparently he and everyone else missed her dearly, and that it had been far too long since they were graced with her presence. Nine years too long to be exact.
Aliandra walked over to the chaise and sat down with an exaggerated huff. “And why am I barely being told about this?”
Adrian took a seat next to her with a small smile. “Relax.” She pacified her annoyance with a soft tone. She was aware how much Aliandra disliked being excluded and the last to know about things. Aliandra always wanted to be included in the loop and Adrian tried to do just that.
“Coryanne and Qyle still don’t know that I’m going to leave. Your father told me he would tell them today around super time.”
Aliandra huffed out a laugh, already imagining the unhappy looks of her younger siblings. “They will not be happy either to hear about you going away.”
The older woman’s smile wavered at her sigh. “I figured as much. I remember how devastated Coryanne looked the last time I left for Starfall.”
Coryanne, the middle child, was the most sensitive at the age of twelve. Qyle, who was only a year younger than Coryanne, wasn’t that much different. However Coryanne always appeared the saddest whenever Adrian left Sunspear. Even if she were going somewhere as close as Starfall. At least her sadness never turned into a full blown temper tantrum.
Adrian was well known in Starfall having been there a good amount of times over the years. Each time she visited had been enjoyable for her. She’d come to meet some very interesting people along the way, forming close platonic and intimate relationships.
Her relationship with Osvaldo Dayne stood out from the rest. Just thinking about him had her swooning almost. Her blissful thoughts of chestnut brown hair and blue eyes were interrupted when she heard Aliandra talk, bringing her back to the topic of conversation.  
“And you were gone only for a few days.”
How fun those few days were.
Adrian cleared her throat, pushing aside images of a certain handsome man. “Coryanne will be fine. She’ll have you, Qyle, and your father.” She gave her an earnest look. “You’ll be fine as well.”
Aliandra's first instinct was to say something along the lines that just because she would be fine without her didn’t mean she wouldn’t miss her.
Instead she forced herself to look down at her nails, suddenly wishing Adrian still had the stuff she called nail polish. After a bit of silence and more time to gain composure, Aliandra directed her gaze onto Adrian again, face inquisitive.
“How do you feel about going back to King’s Landing?”
Truthfully, Adrian was a big ball of uncertainty. The last time she’d been in King’s Landing was years ago, and she hadn’t left on the best of terms with Alicent’s second oldest son. But so much time had passed, surely Aemond changed for the better.
The nerves she felt did nothing to take away her curiosity either. She wanted to see how everyone was doing, especially Helaena. Aside from Aemond, it was Helaena who Adrian spent the most time with. Mainly in the gardens, where Helaena talked about bugs and happily showed Adrian her collection.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been there.” Adrian began telling Aliandra. “So I can’t help but feel nervous.”
“You shouldn’t be. You’re going to arrive with your dragon.” Aliandra fired back with a huge grin. “Cannibal is the most ferocious dragon to exist.”
Even though it’s been years, Adrian hadn’t forgotten about the dragons that resided in King’s Landing, just as she hadn’t forgotten its people. “Some may argue and say Vhagar is the most ferocious.”
“She’s just the largest.” Aliandra corrected as if that were nothing, pursuing her lips. “But she’s nothing like Cannibal.”
Adrian fixed the teenager with an amused look. “You haven’t even seen Vhagar.” The only dragon Aliandra and her siblings had seen and been close to was Cannibal. Adrian’s sweetface of a dragon who many feared.
For how ferocious Cannibal was, he’d never once attacked anyone in Dorne. The Dornish people knew better than to approach him without Adrian there, and those who did were family members of Adrian. All Cannibal ever did was growl and stare them down with those intimidating emerald eyes of his.
Aliandra simply shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t need to. I already know Cannibal is better.”  
“Well, I’ll tell him you said so when I go on dragonback.”
Aliandra laughed merrily along with Adrian before turning serious. “Promise you’ll return before my nameday.”
“As if I’d miss your fourteenth nameday.” Adrian replied in a warm manner. “I promise I’ll come back in time, and I’ll return with a special gift too.”
Her response was enough to get a smile out of Aliandra. “I can’t wait.”
Adrian then resumed packing her trunk with Aliandra now lending a hand. Afterwards they went to the watergardens, wanting to relax in the water while the sun began to set.
As Aliandra and her talked animatedly to each other, she thought about what to get Aliandra for her nameday. Aliandra was really looking forward to her nameday celebration, so Adrian wanted to get the perfect gift for her.
Unbeknownst to the thirty-two year old, she would not make it back for Aliandra’s nameday. Adrian wouldn’t make it back to Dorne at all.
It was strange being back in King’s Landing. Adrian felt like a fish out of water, identical to how she felt nine years ago when she wandered the castle’s corridors. Her welcome to court hadn’t been cold but she got the chills when exchanging greetings.
These chills down Adrian’s spine were caused from the intense staring done by the boy she used to coddle. Aemond Targaryen was no longer a ten year old boy anymore, though. He was now a young man of nineteen, who changed significantly in his appearance.
Once upon a time, Adrian had been taller than him. Now it was Aemond who towered over her. The freckles she found adorable on his cheeks faded over the years, and his hair grew to be long and luxurious. His features were vastly striking; almost as if he walked right out of a classical painting.
Although he’d grown to be a beautiful young man, he was still way younger than her. Adrian couldn’t help but only see him as a boy. The same boy who used to crave her kind words after being bullied by his older brother and nephews, who liked hearing her read to him, and who would play Cyvasse with her after teaching her how to play.  
The good memories from the past did not comfort Adrian now with the way Aemond stared at her using his remaining eye. It was unnerving to say the least, but it wasn’t the only unnerving thing to come about this visit.
What unnerved Adrian, what shocked her more was learning about the King’s Viserys health. She suspected something was not right when Viserys did not greet her with the others.
Alicent had been the one to escort Adrian to his private royal chambers. It was there she saw Viserys’ sickly form in bed, appearing more dead than alive. Adrian’s reaction hadn’t been a good one and Alicent took action, quickly explaining that his health had been declining over the years.
Only recently the King gained enough strength to order a letter be written and sent to Adrian. Now Viserys was again weak, his breathing slow and wheezing a common occurrence.
When Viserys finally opened his remaining eye it took him a moment before he finally recognized her. Adrian almost burst into tears when he uttered her name, his lips trying to smile but struggled to do so. She hated seeing him like this, a mere shell of the man she’d known when she unexpectedly arrived in Westeros.
Adrian just about lost it during the dinner Viserys planned for her. Seeing Viserys strain himself was harrowing but for his sake she did her best to make it seem like she was having a swell time.  
However, sitting next to Aemond’s right side didn’t help, and it only made her heart beat rapidly. Adrian felt his eye on her as she ate, or rather as she tried to eat. His intense staring affected her appetite.
Adrian avoided looking his way, letting her eyes wander around the table. Even willing to stare at Otto with his grim expression.  
Thankfully Alicent was good at making conversation. Helaena joined in every now and then with her questions or compliments toward Adrian. Even Aegon participated, though his way of participating was more lackadaisical.  
Other than in his appearance, Aegon hadn’t changed much these last nine years. Except he did drink more than what she remembered, and that was saying something because she recalled finding him passed out drunk several times when he’d been only a teenager.
Adrian somewhat found it amusing when Aegon randomly pulled out the sunglasses she left behind for him during dinner. He put on the sunglasses, only for them to be taken off him by his mother with a glare.
Alas the smidge of lightheartedness dissipated when King Viserys wasn’t able to withhold his pain anymore. He was carried back to his chambers not long after the second course was served.
The King not present at the table made it harder for Adrian to keep up this ‘I’m having so much fun’ act. She dropped it entirely, no longer able to stand giving out a forced bright smile and being under the watchful eye of Aemond.
So Adrian made her own leave, not even bothering with dessert. Alicent thought her excuse was because she was tired from traveling, and so Adrian let her think that.
Adrian left in such a hurry she failed to notice the indigo eye watching her retreating figure.
King's Landing brought the thirty-two year old the same amount of comfort it did at the age of twenty-three. She missed Dorne in the same way she ached for her home in the modern world.
She was in King’s Landing, and would be for the next two weeks. It was a depressing realization for Adrian that she was already grieving a King she knew would be gone soon.  
When Adrian arrived at her temporary room she politely asked the serving girls that were there for a bath to be drawn. She thought maybe a warm bath would make her feel better.
It didn’t really but the water being warm as the sun in Dorne was greatly appreciated.  
After changing into her nightgown, Adrian waited until her hair was damp to start brushing it. Once hair tangled free she got up from the vanity table, her eyes scrutinizing her surroundings. The temporary room given to her was actually her old room from when she lived in King’s Landing.
Now that Adrian had enough time to look around she noticed something weird. It didn’t click before because she’d been away for so long, but when it did click it she furrowed her eyebrows. Everything in this room—her old room —was exactly the same as she left it with the exception of the fresh bed covers and the table in between the couches in the center of the room.
The original refectory table made of mahogany had been damaged.
“I did my best to keep everything the same since you left.”
Adrian gasped, jumping slightly. She turned around, an indescribable feeling bloomed in her stomach at the sight of Aemond standing a few feet away from her.
“Aemond, you startled me. What are you doing here?”
Adrian was tremendously befuddled. When did Aemond enter her room? And how did she not hear him make his way inside? A light bulb went off in her head remembering an important detail. Had he used the secret tunnels like he’d done in the past?
As she asked herself these questions, the one-eyed prince admired her figure in the marigold nightgown she wore. The thin nightgown made of silk was specifically for the Dornish climate. Yet she wore it here in King’s Landing.
His mother would have slapped him if she were here, seeing him lust after Adrian in her nightgown, no matter how revealing. Adrian looked so divine, and her age did not wane his feelings for her. He only saw the naturalness of her beauty.    
Aemond thought Adrian’s legs to be her most attractive feature, but there was no denying her breasts were a work of art. If he focused his eye hard enough he’d be able to see her nipples. A pleasing sight he believed was only ever meant for him.
His mood however soured at the thought of another man seeing Adrian wearing anything like this when she’d been in Dorne. If there’d been a man, and Aemond ever found out who precisely, he would show him no mercy. He would happily gouge the ignoramus’ eyes out and feed the rest of him to Vhagar.
“I wanted to make sure you were alright.” Aemond answered Adrian, thoughts of killing any romantic rivals halted as his gaze swallowed her comeliness. “You left dinner rather perturbed.”
Adrian felt the weight of his stare much like before. The difference this time was that she couldn’t focus on anyone else since it was just the two of them. A part of Adrian felt nervous around him, but then another part of her felt silly. This was Aemond, the boy she used to look out for, similar to that of a mother with their child.
The happy memories made Adrian keep things civil between them. “I’m fine, Aemond. I’m just tired.” She excused with a small smile thrown his way. “It’s been a long day.”
“I’m relieved to hear that.” Aemond said, his gaze on her plump lips before staring into dark brown eyes. “I was worried my father’s well-being frightened you.”
“Frightened? No, of course not.” Adrian shook her head, becoming crestfallen. “Seeing him so sick took me by surprise though. I didn’t expect it to be that bad.” Despite remembering Viserys having already been in bad shape when she left nine years ago, Adrian never expected his state to be worse ten times over.  
“My father’s health has been dwindling ever since I can remember.” Aemond mentioned evenly, and if there was any heartache about his father approaching death’s door he did a good job in hiding it. “The best we can do is to make him as comfortable as possible.”
Adrian frowned, thinking back to the past. Aemond sounded everybit as clinical when talking about Viserys. As a child he hadn’t been the closest to his father, none of Viserys' children by Alicent were if she was being honest.
But Adrian noticed that Aemond in particular never looked at his father with hatred, not even after the Driftmark incident. Aemond’s stare only showed indifference. Which she believed to be much worse.
When Adrian left King’s Landing she hoped that the relationship between Aemond and his father would have improved, but evidently it did not. This only meant Aemond was over trying to rebuild anything with his father, and had been over it for sometime.
As shitty as a father Viserys may have been, losing a parent was not a smooth sailing. Adrian wanted to tell him this but he briskly changed the subject during the melancholic moment she'd been having.
“So what do you think of your chambers?”
Adrian needed another moment to gather her bearings. She looked around in her room, furrowing her eyebrows like before. “You really did keep everything the same way…” The older woman drawled, uneasiness trying to creep into her stomach. She tried ignoring the feeling, thinking it to be needless.
“Yes.” Aemond nodded his head, taking silent steps to get closer to her when she’d turn her back to him.
The one-eyed prince had made it his mission these last nine years to make sure her chambers stayed the same, aside from the new table and fresh set of covers that were brought in earlier today. But those who dared taking or even moving a single item in Adrian’s chambers dealt with his wrath as consequences.
Adrian’s breath hitched, startled to find Aemond standing right in front of her. He once again snuck up on her, much to her chagrin. There’d been a time where she needed to stare down when addressing him, now she needed to crane her head up a bit.
His fingers suddenly brushing against her hand brought Adrian out of her cloud of annoyance. She moved back a bit, his close proximity proving to be overwhelming.
“Thank you for checking up on me, but you should go now.”
“Why?” Aemond remained where he stood. He tilted his head at her. “I’ve only arrived, and we haven’t spoken as much since you’ve returned.”
Adrian no longer believed the nervous feeling she got in her stomach was not without reason. “It’s getting late.”
“And?” Aemond’s indigo eye gleamed. “I seem to remember coming to you in the middle of the night quite often.”
Adrian rubbed her arms, growing more uncomfortable as the seconds went by. “Yes but I also remember telling you how inappropriate that became. Just how this feels inappropriate.”
It hadn’t clicked at first because she never worried about what she wore in front of Aemond, even to sleep. Things had changed though in these last nine years, and she wanted him out of her personal space now more than ever.
“I don’t think it’s inappropriate.”
Aemond's reply only made her feel uneasier as he said it with nonchalance. The thirty-two year old was not only nervous, but her patience was wearing thin. “Fine, agree to disagree. Please just leave.”
Aemond slowly exhaled, looking down at her through the lashes of his right eye. “Hmm…no.”
Adrian shook her head, utterly done with him. She opened her mouth to call for the guard outside her room but what Aemond said next made her shut her mouth.
“You can try calling for your guard but he won’t come.”
Adrian gulped, heart racing. “Why do you say that?”
A ghost of a smile appeared on Aemond’s angular face. “Because when a prince tells someone, even a knight of the Kingsguard, to go elsewhere they listen. If an order doesn't do it, then a bit of gold helps.”
“You bribed my guard?” Adrian questioned with a deep, troubled frown. The knight assigned to guard her was not Ser Harrold or either of the Cargyll twins. It was a knight she did not recognize but she nonetheless trusted he would protect her. That was his duty, to protect. Therefore it was disheartening to hear all it took for him to leave his post was a bit of gold.
Aemond’s confirmation was without any ounce of shame. “Yes I did.”
Adrian couldn’t listen to this anymore, couldn’t be in the same room as him. She moved past Aemond to get her robe before making her exit. Unfortunately Aemond was faster than her, and when he turned her around to face him she ended up dropping her robe.
The older woman tried shaking him off her but it was no use. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. “Why are you really here Aemond?” Although she was agitated she refused to let him see how he was affecting her.
“I’ve missed you.” Aemond softly admitted, now holding onto her hands. “Nine years I’ve been without you. Do you have any idea how painful it’s been?”
Even with the trepidation he caused, Adrian had enough attitude to sass him. “Really? I had no idea you missed me. In those nine years you never wrote to me. I wrote to you a few times and never once did I get a letter back from you.”
Aemond let out a heartfelt sigh. “I did write to you, I just couldn’t send them.” He squeezed her hands, ignoring her frown. “I wanted you, and sending letters wouldn’t have done any good. I wanted the real thing.” An actual smile appeared on his face. “And now you’re here. It took some time but I was finally able to get you here.”
“What did you just say?” Adrian whispered, dread filling her bones.  
“It only took a few whispers in my father’s ear but it finally stuck.” Aemond disclosed what he did to his dark haired beauty.
The older woman was shocked, frozen in place with him holding onto her hands. “You planned for this? For me to come to King’s Landing?” With wide eyes she watched him nod his head.
“But…why?” Adrian nervously asked.
Aemond gave her hands another squeeze before moving to caress her cheeks. They felt warm under his touch. “Do you love me?”
That was a forward question, and Adrian hadn’t been expecting it. However it did get her out of the daze she was in. She took a step back from Aemond, his hands falling from her face and to his sides. Her stomach churned as she thought over his question.  
Of course she loved him, just not in the way she was now suspecting he loved her. When did these feelings for her start to develop? Or had they always been there? Her unease amplified at the last question. If that was true it explained his terrible temper tantrum from nine years ago, and that made her feel ill for a number of reasons.
“You know that I do but we’re family. I’ll never see you as anything but a boy.” Adrian truthfully said, rejecting him without being cruel. “Even now, I’m thirty-two and you’re nineteen.”
Aemond reacted negatively by clenching his jaw. “I’m no longer a mere boy.” He declared at full height, looking down at her with his indigo eye. “I am a man now.”
His intense stare did not stop Adrian from correcting him. “You’re a young man.”
“That does not make me any less of a man.” Aemond stubbornly retorted.
Like him, Adrian was obstinate with her reply. “Maybe not, but you’re still younger than me.”
Aemond hummed, invigorating determination seeped into his sharp features. “I'm old enough to do this.” He gave her little chance to stop him from doing the thing he’d been wanting to do for years.
The one-eyed prince kissed her with everything he felt for her. One of his hands found her damp hair, the other found her waist. Despite her protests he pressed her front against his, elated at the feeling of her breasts as he continued kissing her.
Adrian’s plump lips were indeed soft, just as Aemond dreamed they’d be. He groaned into her mouth, his tongue barely tracing her own before she was able to gather enough strength to push him off her.
“What the hell was that?!” Adrian sputtered, aghast from being kissed so abruptly by the person who she’d known since he was a kid. By a family member of hers no less. It was a distressing situation, to put it mildly.  
“That was a kiss, the first of many between us.” Aemond simply told her, trying to press his lips against hers again. The kiss to him had been phenomenal and he wanted more now that he knew what it was like to kiss her.
Before he planted another kiss, Adrian stopped him in time by putting a hand to his sturdy chest. “Aemond stop this.” She desperately tried reasoning with him. “I will never see you in that way.”
Her declaration didn’t dissuade Aemond. He was so lost in his love for her he failed to see her side of things. “You will. Or perhaps you already have and you are in denial.”
Adrian scoffed at his absurdity. “In denial?”
Aemond moved forward and watched with a frown as she backed away from him. “You’re afraid of your feelings for me but you don’t need to be.”
Yes, Adrian was afraid but not for the reason he thought. She steadied her expression, maintaining her distance from him. “That is not the reason. I just don’t want to be with you.” She bluntly said in hopes he’d get it through his thick skull.  
Aemond refused to believe that. There had to be a reason, and once he knew what was stopping her from being with him he would swoop in with a remedy. “No, there’s a reason. Pray tell, what is your reasoning then? Other than our age difference because I don’t care about that.”
“We’re related!” Adrian fired back.
Aemond raised a perfect brow. “Is that supposed to discourage me?”
Well, it sure discouraged her.
A disturbing fact Adrian had come to learn was that the Targaryens were known to marry within the family. Despite being half Targaryen through her biological grandfather—who unfortunately was Maegor—Adrian did not participate in that custom. She didn’t even want to get married, hence why she kept any intimate relationships she’d made since living in Dorne on the casual side.
Even with Osvaldo, who she’d become quite close to romantically and intimately, she did not want to marry. Adrian still believed she would one day return home, and marrying someone with this being a possibility didn’t seem fair to them. Osvaldo respected her choice the moment she told him, only making her like the Dayne man more.
“It’s not as if there’s another in your life.” Aemond went on to say as a jest but the way her eyes lowered instantly felt like a punch to the gut. “Is there someone else?” He was basically foaming at the mouth, his pupil widely blown. “You dare let another man touch what is mine?”
Adrian exploded from anger. She was taken back to the past, to a somewhat similar scenario. And like then she hated being viewed as an object to be owned. “I am not yours!” How could he even say that?
What was that saying she heard before? Every time a new Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land. Perhaps he’d finally gone mad. Regardless whether Aemond was really mad or not, she wasn’t about to be treated this way by him.
“And it’s none of your business who I’ve been with.” Adrian heatedly finished saying to him.
Aemond stared down at her, his nostrils flaring. “Of course it’s my business.” He hated hearing that she’d been touched by another. She should have stayed in King’s Landing, everything would’ve been done his way…the right way.
Alas he couldn’t change what had already happened. His features wiped away any anger from showing. He’d learned from last time that letting his anger get the best of him would do him no good. No, this time he would do things differently.
This time Aemond would get to Adrian another way. A way he’d been reading about and even went through an unpleasant encounter just for her. It was with this way that he’d also convince her that he was the better option.
After this any thoughts of returning to Dorne, and reuniting with whatever lover she had there would be forgotten about. Only he would go to Dorne once he learned the name of the man who dared touch her. Whoever he was, his days were numbered. But he’d focus on that later. Right now he needed to concentrate on his love.  
Aemond rushed forward to where Adrian stood before slipping down to his knees.
Adrian stared down at him with wide startled eyes. “What are you doing? Stop it, get off your knees.”
“I’ll show you.” Aemond proclaimed vehemently, bunching up her nightgown to her waist. Her pushes to his shoulders did absolutely nothing to him. “I’ll show you how much better I am.”
Before she could utter another protest, Aemond pushed aside her smallclothes to bury his face between her legs. Her nightgown fell down, hiding him from view.  
Aemond would finally put all those erotic tomes he’d read and his unpleasant encounter at the Street of Silk to good use. He’d been waiting for the perfect moment with Adrian, and after nine years this was it.
Adrian's attempts to push him off became languish. She gasped at the feel of his tongue licking her folds. Oral sex wasn’t unfamiliar to Adrian. She liked it being done to her…when it was with a partner of her choosing.
Osvaldo was quite good at it. In all the times he’d gone down at her though he’d never made her cry. And that’s what Aemond was doing. Her eyes welling up by just the feel of his mouth. She did not think this was a good thing…and yet she felt her body responding to him.
Adrian tried getting away by ignoring the pleasure Aemond was forcing on her. Except the one-eyed prince had his hands underneath her nightgown to hold onto her bottom, pushing his face further into her.
It was nearly possible to move due to his strength. She didn’t give up but a hard push to his shoulder underneath her nightgown had him gently retaliating by tracing her bud with his tongue. That made her lean forward further, holding onto his shoulders instead of pushing him as she drew a sharp breath.
“Oh God.”
“No, my love.” Aemond moved from Adrian’s core to nip at her thighs, getting whimpers out of her. “It is I, Aemond, who is giving you pleasure.” He kissed her soft thighs before feasting on her delicious cunny again. From underneath her nightgown, he closed his eye from bliss.
Aemond almost finished then and there but he was determined to not release until he was inside her. For tonight would be the night he would make Adrian his. Her release would not be prolonged. Aemond planned on making her climax more than once tonight.
Adrian could tell she was close to orgasming. Her pushes to his shoulders were more determined to get him off her but Aemond’s hold tightened in return. She kept saying no over and over again while she felt Aemond mouth yes against her core. Her orgasm was unavoidable, and when she climaxed she nearly lost consciousness from the overwhelmingness.  
Aemond licked his lips, tasting her delicious slick. He hummed, loving the taste of her. Adrian tasted like peaches. Aemond got out from underneath her nightgown, happy to tell her this when he saw her half closed eyes, swaying. She was barely able to stand, and had it not been for his hold on her she would’ve fallen. He quickly acted, carrying her back to her bed and gently laid her down. He couldn’t believe this was the result after giving her pleasure.
It certainly made him feel good about himself. He’d been able to please his love properly when it came to licking her cunny. He could only hope when it came to the act of making love he’d be just as good.
Aemond would soon find out. He caressed Adrian’s warm face, smiling at how beautiful she looked from having climaxed. He’d been able to bring her to the state of euphoria with only a gentle hand…well, mouth. He was proud of himself for not being like his older brother.
Aegon brought shame to Helaena by frequently seeking out women in the Street of Silk, and by also being rough with the serving girls in the Red Keep. The one-eyed prince did none of that.
Aside from the upsetting encounter Aemond had with the prostitute Aegon all but threw him toward on his thirteenth nameday, he’d never been with another woman. The only reason Aemond even engaged with the woman from the Street of Silk was to gain experience for when he’d meet Adrian again. He wanted to know what to do in order to please her.
One time had been enough for Aemond though. It had been uncomfortable, but thankfully quick. Still, there were times he’d feel ill, shudders going down his spine when thinking about what the woman from the Street of Silk did to him.
After that Aemond only got experience from reading countless tomes. He wasn’t even interested in anyone else, only in Adrian. And although she’d basically confirmed she’d been with another while in Dorne he knew she felt the same way about him. Why else was her body so pliable under his touch?
It’s this reason why Aemond made himself comfortable by taking off his clothing. The only thing remaining on him was his eyepatch, but he would wait for Adrian to regain consciousness before taking that off. It took longer than he thought for Adrian to fully wake up, not that he minded.
When Adrian’s eyes fluttered open she was met with Aemond staring down at her, his body covering her own. She failed to notice his state of undress on account of him swiftly taking off his eyepatch. She inhaled sharply at what she saw.
In what was supposed to be an empty socket was a sparkling ruby. Not just any ruby, but the same ruby that had once been her grandmother’s necklace. The same necklace she left behind because Aemond had broken it nine years ago.
“You kept it?” Adrian wondered aloud.
Aemond nodded his head, the length of his hair tickling her face. “After you left I did my best to fix it. I’ve kept it close since then because it felt like I had a piece of you with me.”
Adrian didn’t even know what to say to that. Not that it really mattered, since her attention shifted toward something else that was more dire. “Aemond, where are your clothes?” She felt nauseous asking such a question.
His next words would haunt her for years to come.
“My love, I am ready for us to be one.”
Adrian went to get up but she was pushed back down by Aemond. One of his hands pinned both of her hands above her head. “Stop, I don’t want this.” She vehemently voiced.
“If that is the truth you’d fight me. You’d push me away as if you meant it, slap me, call for help, do everything you could to get away. And yet you’re not.” Aemond slid his other hand underneath her nightgown to in between her thighs. He nearly broke into song from what he felt with his fingers. “Instead you remain under me, wet and warm.”
Adrian gasped loudly, tears stinging her eyes when he got between her legs and entered her with a smooth thrust.
Aemond groaned, his face scrunching up. He needed a moment to compose himself, the tight fit of Adrian’s cunny almost made him release too soon. After years of dreaming of this moment he was going to make it last for as long as possible. One of his hands was still pinning down both of Adrian’s, while the other moved to touch her face as he began a slow pace.
“See?” Aemond pressed kisses along her neck, making sure to leave a good amount of marks there for everyone to see. Gods, she felt incredible. There would never be a better feeling than from being inside Adrian. “And I’m supposed to believe you don’t really want me?”
“All that’s physiological!” Adrian tried arguing right as she felt him thrust again.
Aemond gently tutted, using his free hand to tear her nightgown’s neckline. Her breasts were out in the open for him to freely kiss. “Make up any lie you want, it doesn’t take away how good I’m making you feel. Just accept it, my love.”
Adrian cried loudly at another thrust given to her by him.
“Every time I move you clench around me, refusing to let go.” Aemond groaned over her fulmination. “I thought of you every night since you left me, often stroking myself until completion. But it doesn’t compare to what I am feeling now.” He blithely admitted now that he was inside her velvet walls. “This is paradise. Being in you is paradise, my love. And I know you feel the same way.”
Adrian thrashed her head from side to side, trying to stop herself from peaking again. “No.” She cried, her chest heaving.
Aemond let go of her hands that were pinned by his own. He forced her to look at him by keeping his hand on her cheek. His other hand lifted one of her legs to wrap around him. He kept his hand there, rubbing her thigh, enjoying her softness.
“Yes.” He kept eye contact with her as he moved his hips against hers. His movements were slow but very deep, now hitting a special spot within her walls that almost made her lose whatever little resolve she had left. She bit her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning. Her hands fisted the furs to the sides of her.
But Adrian could tell Aemond sensed this weakness of hers. And after seeing her reaction, Aemond purposefully kept hitting that special spot with his measured but intense thrusts. He was determined to see her fall apart again.
“No.” Adrian cried out again, albeit much weaker than before. She’d been determined to not climax again but unfortunately this was proving to be a battle she would not be winning.
Aemond stared at her with so much love in his eye, the tears going down her face did not disturb him in the slightest. If anything it only urged him on, his thrusting never ceasing. She mewled when the hand on her thigh slithered back to her warm wet center.
Using the same amount of gentleness as his thrusting, Aemond pressed his thumb on her bud. “Yes.” He whispered, kissing her tear streaked face, and he watched in awe as she tumbled from the pleasure he’d been generously giving her.  
To Adrian’s immense shame the coil she felt in her stomach snapped in half. This orgasm of hers was much more intense than the previous one. It was so intense she was seeing stars behind her closed eyes. She completely lost any resolve she had, woefully calling out his name.
The one-eyed prince moved his face back a bit just in time to see Adrian break apart so beautifully from below him. He smiled, a few tears of his own trailing down his face. He took a moment to bask in this glorious sight before carrying on with his gentle thrusting.
“Please…” Adrian’s breathing was shallow, her body still shaking from her recent climax. Aemond took her begging as one caused from pleasure, but whether it truly was was disregarded by him.
“I love you Adrian.” Aemond heartfeltly declared, thrusting once more with extra vigor to make sure he hit deeply. He groaned, spilling everything he had inside her. Afterwards he stayed within her, not wanting any of his seed to go to waste. He beamed at the thought of her round and heavy with his child. It was a dream of his that would soon come true.
Adrian was completely spent beneath Aemond’s lean but muscular body, looking up at the canopy of her old bed with a blank expression. To her horror she remembered this was the same bed where she used to hold Aemond when he’d been a boy, like a mother would their child. Each time claiming he could not find sleep because of a nightmare.
Years later it was now the bed where he raped her. Because that’s exactly what happened. Aemond had raped her. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t been rough, or that his touches were considered loving, it was still rape.
Adrian was as heartbroken as she was angry with him, and herself. She was also equally disgusted with herself. Like Aemond told her, she could have fought him off, and even yelled for help until her face turned blue…but she didn’t. She just laid there, allowing him to take control. Adrian hated that her body had reacted so quickly to Aemond’s touches. She hated herself.
The older woman could blame physiology all she wanted, but that didn’t excuse the brief moments where she’d welcomed the pleasure.
Adrian’s blank expression faltered, her watery eyes flickering back to Aemond.
The one-eyed prince nuzzled his face in between her breasts, liking the dewiness from their lovemaking. He kissed both her breasts before lifting his face to smile lovingly at her. “Tomorrow I’ll call for Septon Eustace and have him marry us.”
Adrian’s response to this was a sniffle, followed by another round of tears going down her face. Even after it was over Aemond remained inside, and his member, although soft, nevertheless made her feel full.
Aemond used his hand to gently rub the tears away. He looked at her with so much love it made Adrian feel sick. “I would’ve married you all those years ago. I know you said I was only a boy but even back then a part of you must have known.” He admired her glistening eyes and her glowing golden skin.  
Adrian had always looked beautiful to him, but in this moment she was ethereal. She was a Goddess, one he would worship until the end of his days.
Aemond kissed her softly on her pouting lips, ignoring the cry he heard from her. “You’re mine Adrian. You've been mine since the moment we met all those years ago.”
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
From the list "70's and up." 'I remember when she used to make a lot of noise/ hopping and bopping with the corner boys' maybe a Soda x Y/N who notices how Y/N doesn't come on that side of town anymore, as if her name had been wiped, turns out she's hanging with socs, and that's got Soda all fucked up, cause he trusted Y/N, and doesn't know what she's said to them. Now however, he finds out...this wasn't by choice.
Creative freedom, my friend. Go wild. <3
I still remember when she used to make a lot of noise / hoppin’ and a-boppin’ with the street corner boys [ I knew the bride when she used to rock ‘n’ roll - Nick Lowe]
Sodapop Curtis x Fem!Soc!Reader. Y/N is in her villain era and I am so sorry
CW : sad sad sodie pop :(
I follow her through the hall and down the steps, backpack swinging on her shoulders as Y/N forces her legs to stay at least a good four steps ahead of me. I don’t wanna believe it- I can’t believe it. Even as the truth walks away from me, all dolled up in a pale blue blouse and white poodle skirt. “Y/N!” I call out again. She dodges my words and bodies as she pushes through groups of greasers and Socs alike, making a beeline for the sidewalk at the edge of the schoolyard. I lunge forward as her shoes tap against the concrete, my fingers hooking around the strap of her book bag.
“The hell do you want, Sodapop?” She scolds. I lose my words the second I see her; face painted in makeup she never wore when she ran with me and the guys. Her hair, curled to perfection, shifts on her ironed shoulders with each breath she takes, manicured nails tracing the line of pearls along her throat.
“What is this? You stop comin’ ‘round for weeks, then Two-Bit tells me ‘bout you comin’ into the cafeteria on some Soc’s arm? That you’ve been gettin’ cozy in the front seat of his Mustang?” She takes a step back, yanking her backpack from my faltering grip.
“Don’t say it like that,” Y/N snaps again, “God, you’re just like the rest of them! Don’t go playin’ the victim now, Sodapop, greasers are just as bad as Socs. Maybe worse.”
“You know that ain’t true,” I say desperately. I didn’t wanna believe Steve, or Two-Bit, not even my brother. But now that I’m looking at her, all I can think about is how Y/N’s slipping away. Swapping her life and memories for a couple expensive trinkets and the quarterback. “What’s goin’ on with you, Y/N? T-this ain’t like you-,”
Her eyes, as beautiful as ever, are narrowed into slits; burning with angry tears. “What’s not like me? The fact that I’m actually focusin’ on my future? That I’m not out gettin’ loaded every Friday night?” She takes another step back when I reach for her, dragging her hands through the air and shaking her head. “I wouldn’t expect you to know, but some kids outta take care of their parents when they grow up, Soda. You think I’m gonna be able to do that if I keep livin’ on the east end?”
I ignore the sting her words leave in my heart. She isn’t thinking straight- this isn’t her. She’s confused, scared even. She has to be- she… Y/N wouldn’t just say this. Not to me. “If it’s money that you’re worried ‘bout, Y/N, we can help you-!”
“Right,” she laughs bitterly, “you’re gonna take care of me and my parents, Sodapop. All on that salary you’re gettin’ at that gas station, right? Just you, me, couple babies, livin’ with your brothers ‘cause you can’t afford to move out.” I wanna say something, but my mind turns up empty. All I can do is watch uselessly as Y/N straightens out her skirt and turns her teary eyes up the street, where that damned Mustang has rolled to a stop. “Face it, Soda, kids like us need the money if we wanna make it past eighteen.” She traces her pearls again as my heart drops to my stomach. “We’re talkin’ ‘bout gettin’ hitched after graduation. He’s gonna take care of me. Better than any of the boys on our side o’ town could.”
I take her wrist when she turns to leave again, just in time to feel my own eyes sting with tears I didn’t deserve. All I wanted was for her to be happy- to be safe. So why was it so damn hard to let her go? “Please, Y/N,” I plead uselessly, “we can talk about this- we can fix this-,”
I’ll never forget the way she looked at me then, the harsh edge she used on her words when she shoved me back before climbing into the passenger seat of that Mustang. “Get off me, grease.”
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blackink-onpaper · 1 year
The Descend and the Resurface
Damian Hart (Beyblade) x OC
Summary: OC comes from a complex background, and in the midst of trying to save it all and help her family she enters a strange arrangement, which will change her life forever.
Masterlist 🖤
Tags: Beyblade, Beyblade Metal Masters, Julian Konzern, Jack, Damian, OC, Gingka Hagane, team Starbreaker, team Excalibur, dr. Ziggurat, Hades Inc.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Also, please let me know what you think so far! It means a lot to me!
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Chapter 8
I let out a huge sigh as I entered my room, contemplating for a good few minutes what I should do. How could I be so stupid? What did I expect, if not exactly this? I was even contemplating going to Ziggurat’s office to tell him about this, but I doubt it would gain me any real respect from the boys. At that moment, there was a ring on my door. After a moment of figuring out how to open it, the door revealed Zeo’s face:
“Can I come in?”
“Yes of course” I rushed to hide my silk nightgown that was visible in my suitcase: “you’re the nicest one anyway”
“Camila, I don’t know what to tell you” he sighed, sitting down at my desk to rest his leg: “I’ve been here only two years, and only 13 months of which have been with Starbreaker. Jack’s been here 4 years, and Damian I don’t even know.”
I felt as if Zeo was trying to make ammends for people who didn’t deserve it: “What does that have to do with anything?”
He paused, as if he was not sure if he was allowed to say what he wanted to say. With struggle in his voice, which he lowered considerably, he continued: “The arrangements change you. They alter your personality in some ways.”
I stood there, equally confused and shocked. Zeo continued with in a low voice: “All I’m trying to say is, I know exactly what you’re going through right now, I’m not defending Damian in any way, or Jack for that matter, but I’ve seen myself do things not much different to them.” He paused: “I’ve seen myself want to do things that are really bad.”
Silence settled in the room, not uncomfortable, but the silence that follows big and unsettling secrets.
“Zeo, can I help you in some way?” I asked softly, I wasn’t sure what to say really.
“I don’t know” he released a big, heavy sigh: “but I am kind of glad you’re here. It changes things.” We smiled at each other, I even wanted to give him a hug, but seeing as I just met him I felt like it might have been innapropriate.
“Should I go upstairs?” I asked, unsure of what to do, or how to handle the situation.
“Damian left right after you, I think he went into his room. Maybe Jack is still in the common room.” We sat in silence again for a minute, before he continued: “but actually, it’s almost lunch time.”
“What does a daily schedule look like for you guys?”
“Wake up at 6AM, 7AM breakfast, physical training, lunch, bey training, arrangement, then a few hours of recovery, or the tournament obviously. By 8 or 9PM we are alseep from exhaustion from the arrangement… it makes you more tired.”
“And weekends?”
“Same thing” Zeo looked at my suitcase: “we follow the same schedule almost always, we change it only for pursuits, battles and other projects.”
I sighed this time: “it sounds horrible, you guys have no free time”
“Jack and Damian have more free time than me, because they are more compatible with the arrangement. It doesn’t hurt them as much as it hurts me” he stopped himself with a grip, as if he was going to say something he didn’t want to: “So I need more recovery time.”
I felt completely alien to this even though I was with Julian for years: this was a completely different world. I did not know how to comfort Zeo, if I should even comfort him considering he probably signed up for this himself. I felt uncomfortable seeing him suffer, and I sensed tragedy and pain in him. I got up slowly, and hugged him tight. Although I couldn’t see his face, I assume he was shocked because his breathing pattern changed, halting before becoming more relaxed: “thank you.”
“I sensed you haven’t got a hug in a long time!” I joked, but just as the last words came out of my mouth I realised it might have been insensitive: “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re right” he slowly broke away from the hug: “I kind of forgot it’s normal to be close to people in that way.” He paused again, because his smart watch transmitted a voice message. “Mr. Abyss, your lunch is served in your quarters” a female voice said: “well, that’s me I guess” he stood up, walking over to the door before looking over his shoulder, halting with what he wanted to say again before just walking out.
Upon returning to the common room, I found Jack having his lunch: “Do you mind if I join?”
“Of course not!” he gestured with his hand. I walked over and sat down, observing that Zeo really wasn’t joking about how much they need to eat. Jack’s plate had salad, several vegatables, a lot of meat and rice covered in some sauce, and even though it looked very nice it had no smell whatsoever:
“Don’t worry about Damian” he patted his mouth with a napkin: “He is a very taunting personality, but he is harmless… somewhat. And he would not defy Ziggurat in a milion years.”
I paused for a second, before firmly deciding I wanted to change the subject: “How do you feel about the battle with Gan Gan Galaxy?”
“Oh I am fine” he cut a piece of the steak and pierced it with his fork: “on the morning of the match all three of us have an arrangement session, so we’re ready.” He smiled before taking a bite off his fork.
“Does it hurt? The arrangements?”
He paused until he finished chewing: “Depends. Zeo suffers from the side-effects, but I’m sure he already told you that” he said in a rude tone, before picking up again: “I tolerate it very well although sometimes I feel a burning sensation, like electricity jolting through my veins” he proceeded to cut his food: “and Damian’s fine, he’s gotten used to it probably.”
“Is he here the longest?”
Jack squinted his eyes at me in a sneaky way, revealing a beautiful eyeshadow colour on his lids: “wouldn’t you like to know?” I remained silent and deliberately made a bored look on my face.
“Are you watching our demonstration tomorrow morning?” Jack changed the subject
“I wasn’t aware of it until now, of course I’ll come” It’s not like I have anything else to do around here, I thought to myself: “what’s the demonstration for?”
“Before big battles we fight with all the top bladers in HD academy to train, if they win” he chuckled at this point, as if it was impossible: “they get to replace the member who lost, but that obviously hasn’t ever happened.”
“And if they lose?”
“Well, absolute destruction to their Beys and confidence probably” Jack shrugged his shoulders, I was repeatedly shocked how calmly, and matter-of-fact Starbreaker spoke of their skill and power, without any respect to other Bladers:
“Did you have this before battling Excalibur as well?”
Jack burst out laughing manically: “Please!” He wiped an invisible tear from his eyes theatrically: “Has watching the match not been enough for you?”
“Yes I suppose it has…” I sighed: “too much even.”
“Love is so beautiful but so pathetic” Jack sighed as well: “I mean, I personally enjoyed watching him lose so pathetically, even with two aids!”
“Jack” I gave him a warning look, his voice was getting too excited talking about all the Starbreaker victories, and I wasn’t up for this conversation. When he saw my glare, he calmed down and studied my face more closely: “you are actually very beautiful, Camila”
“Thank you Jack, I appreciate the ‘actually’” I said sarcastically. He slid his plate away and came extremely close to my face, studying it with a crazy look in his eyes: “yes… yes… your visage is very unique! Reminiscent of a… of a sad noble statue!”
I scoffed, moving a bit further away: “Sad noble statue, this is really a first…”
“No! No! You must pose for me!” He made big gestures with his hands: “I have not had a muse since Befall!” he said, showing me his Bey, which resembled a shiny precious ruby in his gloved hand: “Please, let me paint you.”
“Okay…” I said, scooting away from him again: “but nothing weird okay? No nude or something?”
“Of course not” he stood up slowly, walking around the conversation pit: “Nude is for the artists who are afraid of capturing something more than just flesh!”
Surprisingly, I actually agree with him on this: “I agree Jack… Do you love art?”
“DO I??” He gasped enthusiastically, and I knew his lunch was long forgotten at that moment.
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