#how to inconvenience yourself 101
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Vengeful gods | Seventh Virtue
would u wear cologne to watch ur ex die yay or nay
No BB excerpt today because I hand wrote and am too lazy to transcribe, so here's this hilariously sad Seventh Virtue excerpt instead! <3
From chapter 46, Grand Finale.
Text transcript under the cut!
“Harrison please,” Lonan says, cupping his abdomen. “I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m trying to protect you.”
Harrison scoffs, loud enough for the sound to echo around the room. “Protect me? How’d you like me to—”
Lonan thrusts a finger to his lip, looking toward the door Harrison had faced when he’d nearly been put down like a dog. Harrison’s own blood colours his mouth, tastes like pennies. Still, what he’s struck most by is Lonan’s closeness. How from here, he is certain none of Lonan’s bruises are there anymore, how he can smell his cologne—how he’s wearing cologne while Harrison is dying.
Tears burn Harrison’s eyes, his jaw trembling. Here he is with his god, and shouldn’t he have known better? Gods are all vengeful because they’re all the same.
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horrorhot-line · 8 months
(n.) the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement.
➵ pairing: love and deepspace x reader
➵ word count: 14.2k
➵ genre: fluff, angst (if you squint?)
➵ warnings: spoilers for the game 'love and deepspace' below.
➵ summary: when you thought you didn't belong all your life, you had no idea it wasn't just in your head. now, you're thrown into a world you couldn't possibly have known was real and have to get used to your new enviroment. easier said than done when you keep running into certain men who make it hard to keep your cool.
➵ masterlist  (requests are open)
The following content is protected under copyright laws. do not copy, modify, repost on other sites or claim as your own.
© 2024 horrorhot-line
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notes: to anyone waiting for more saiki k content, i promise it's on the way, there's just a few other things i'm working on so it might take some time, and in the mean time i wanted to practice writing for other characters to sharpen my skills.
to anyone who's new to this blog, hi, i hope you enjoy your stay here, and i hope you like my work, enjoy!
also: thank you to @kagadummis @vanillaschoko9353 @identity-theft-101 for giving me the motivation to write. and a huge thanks to @thecaminator for letting me throw ideas off their head to make sense of what i wanted to do with the series. you were a huge help!
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There was no one moment that you could pinpoint and say was flawed or wrong. When had the world lost its colour? Had you been ignorant all your life and happened to notice one day, and now there was no going back? Did it even matter?
You didn't know when it all started to go wrong, but you were exhausted. The type of tiredness that no amount of sleep could ever cure. Every interaction felt like work. Every moment that you were conscious felt like work. Nothing ever happened, no one ever liked you, and even if something did come to pass- you could never immerse yourself in the feeling completely. 
Chalking it up to, 'Everyone feels this way,' and 'I'm not the only one' only worked for so long. There wasn't really any place you could say you felt you belonged to. You didn't understand how people around you, successful or not, could confidently say, "This is what I was meant for".
Surely, there was more for you out there than working to live, going paycheck to paycheck, always having just enough. Waking up, worrying about trivial things, learning or working, getting stressed at minor inconveniences, eating, sleeping, all on repeat until death finally calls your name one day. 
Wherever you went, you felt like you weren't ever really there. Your only comfort was, no matter how alone you felt, among the 8 billion people in your world, there was someone out there who was going through the exact same thing as you. Someone who knew what it meant to feel like you were in a universe you didn't belong to. 
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The first thing you felt was pain. It was dull at first, stirring you from your slumber and forcing your sluggish brain to wake up and find the problem. You didn't even get to open your eyes before it evolved into burning, searing you from the inside out. Your head throbbed, and your vision swam, your eyes barely registering the room's lights that you were in before you forced your lids shut.
You cried out, curling in on yourself in an attempt to soothe the pain, but to no avail. You tried to breathe through it, and assumed you were making progress when the pain dulled. You should've known that was only the calm before the storm.
Memories, hundreds, then thousands, filled your mind all at once. They started to blend into each other- familiar, yet not and try as you might, you couldn't quite place your finger on any of them. You wailed, clenching your jaw so hard you felt your molars push against your gums. Clutching your head in your hands, tears flowed down your face.
What was this? You had never been in this much pain before. You were dying; that was the only explanation. There was no way you would survive this pain. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This couldn't be it. You had so much left to do, so many loose ends to take care of. You were not about to die alone in your room because of a goliath of a headache.
The memories still trying to burn their way through your consciousness behind your closed lids started to slow down, and you could make more sense of them now. You furrowed your eyebrows at what you saw. An entrance exam? Holograms? Monsters? These weren't your experiences; you had never seen this before in your lif-
Wait. No. There was no way. You knew they looked familiar, but you would never have guessed… Those monsters, you recognised them. You had seen them on your flimsy phone screen while playing a dating sim the night before that had just been released a month ago. Love and Deepspace. A game set years in the distant future about romance and wanderers.
What the fuck? You blinked your tears away, the pain from earlier feeling more like a migraine rather than a death sentence. You ignored the sweat clinging to your skin and moved the hair plastered to your face out of the way. That was when your brain caught up, still taking its time to make logical sense of what had occurred.
You weren't in your room- for one, it was neat and tidy to the point of perfection. There was a hologram projected where your bedframe would have been, and the mattress was the softest thing you had ever sat on in your entire life. Despite waking up in a strange room you had no recollection of getting into, you didn't feel any unease, and that in itself had you worried.
It felt right, the feel of the plush covers against your legs and the aesthetic of the room itself. It felt like you belonged. You took a deep breath. Looking around to see if you could find your phone, you moved off the bed to go wander. When you saw a familiar black screen on the desk on the other side of the room, you rushed to grab it.
Getting a better look at it once it was in your hand, you realised it was a phone, alright, just not yours. You tried your best to ignore the odd feeling that washed over you when your fingers seemingly moved as if it were muscle memory and entered a passcode that opened the phone to reveal a home screen.
The top of the screen had bold numbers stating it was 18:46PM, with a few apps underneath. You tried to make sense of what apps were what when your eyes landed on the date in small text under the time. January 17th 2048. You froze, feeling like you had been doused with cold water. No, that couldn't be right. You tried flicking through the apps to see if you could figure out what in the fuck was going on.
You shoved down any thoughts of the isekai love novels you had read in the past because surely- surely, you couldn't have something as cliche as this happen to you. Your expression relaxed slightly, your eyebrows unfurrowing as you found what you thought to be a messaging app. Your eyes scanned the contacts briefly. The first was a message from… Caleb?
Who the fu- Oh. Oh, no. You really didn't want to admit it. You refused. You had not transmigrated. That wasn't possible. You tried to soothe your mind by telling yourself this was all a dream, but the dull headache you still had and the pain that came before it convinced you that you were very much awake. You ignored his message, choosing not to open it and reply.
You had to understand the kind of situation you were in first. The text underneath his was an unsaved number. You opted to open the chat, checking the unread message.
'Congratulations on passing the Annual Hunter's Exam! Please head to the New Recruits Registration Centre on January 18th 2048. Your appointment is set at 8:00 A.M., but we advise you arrive 15 minutes early to sign in. We hope to see you there! Our warmest regards to the new Hunters of today.'
You threw the phone on your bed, frustrated and confused, causing you to be reckless. This made no sense. How could this have happened? You couldn't rationalise any of it. You refused to believe you were in Love and Deepspace. For one, it was too good to be true.
You paced the unfamiliar bedroom, trying to figure out your next move. A mirror. You needed a mirror; it should have been the first thing you went looking for. Your legs carried you as if they already knew where you needed to go. Leaving the room, you turned right and opened the door to reveal a pristine white bathroom. You stopped yourself from gawking at how clean it looked (you swore you saw a bidet and an option to warm up the toilet seat) and headed to the cabinet with a mirror.
You blinked once, then twice, giving yourself a once over again. It looked like you- but didn't at the same time. It was… exactly like what you had chosen the main character of the game to look when you played. You looked otherwordly. Clear skin, smooth without a single bump or pore in sight. Naturally pink lips, long lashes and captivating eyes. The face of a model… of a main character.
You wouldn't have been able to explain the existential crisis you went through even if you wanted to, as you brought your hand up and touched your face. The reflection that greeted you was a stranger, but they felt so familiar. Was this really you? Was this your appearance now? Your life? What were you supposed to do? How could you possibly go back to your world? Did you even want to?
You shook your head. This was all too much. You let your feet guide you back to the bedroom, lost in your thoughts, trying your best to think coherently.
That's when you saw it. A small hologram, a pop-up screen, on the bedroom window that took up a whole wall. You paid no mind to the incredible view outside, too perplexed by the screen. You walked closer to it, realising there was writing. Had it appeared when you left the room, or had it been there from the beginning, and you had been too disoriented to notice?
Your eyes traced the words carefully, trying to understand what they meant. You reread it, furrowing your eyebrows. In bold and all caps, on a white background and written in serif print, was the paragraph,
"N/A Y/N L/N - TIME OF DEATH: [REDACTED], 18:39:03:153425
Underneath the text was only one option. "ACCEPT"- no way of declining. Huh. Enjoy your stay? Apologise for the inconvenience? Delay it took to fix? Were they taking the piss? Pulling your leg? Dickheads. This was a joke. It had to be. Someone was kidding you, pulling some elaborate prank, and all you had to do was say, 'You got me!' and it would all be over… If only.
You weren't sure how long you stood there staring at the display, trying to make sense of it all. You were in a game. A game you had yet to finish because you had to wait to level up every day. A game where you found yourself fangirling over boys on your screen. And who could blame you? The three male leads were captivating. Beautifully drawn and animated.
Your eyes focused on the view behind the small screen of text, past the bedroom's window; the buildings were obscured due to condensation, most likely caused by the rain still falling across the city. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, exhaled and promptly reached out to the accept button and clicked it.
It disappeared, and you were left alone with just your thoughts. You know what? No, you were not doing this today. You were going straight to bed; you didn't have the energy to deal with this. This was a problem for future you.
With that, you slipped into the familiar yet unfamiliar bed and closed your eyes, letting exhaustion and slumber take hold of you.
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From what you could gather from your baffling situation and the cryptic message you saw yesterday, you were in the universe you belonged to. But how did that make any sense? The universe, or whoever was in charge, god, a system? They had made a mistake; you had lived your prime years in a world you were never supposed to exist in, and now you were back where you belonged?
Bullshit- You called bullshit. This was all too much. And if you were here, where was the woman who had been in this body before both souls were swapped? Was she in your uni- her original universe? …Good luck to her then- you hoped she managed to make sense of the shit show that had been your life the day before.
What you still couldn't understand was, how did the soul swap happen? What conditions could have been met to swa- was it the time both of you died? Fuck, this was giving you a headache. You had to blend in and not raise any suspicions for now. What else could you do?
You were sure the events that occurred to lead you to this world were irreversible, and you had no desire to take on some cosmic power that was, in essence, playing with your life. You would make a move once you knew more. Maybe.
You bit the inside of your cheek, miffed but feeling mostly defeated that your life had genuinely been turned upside down, inside out and then fucked sideways.
The walk to the New Recruits Registration Office had been uneventful. Something you were grateful for as it gave you time to take in all that was Linkon City. The skyscrapers were unlike anything you had ever seen, and you were in awe of all the wonders this new world had to offer. Scared and exhilarated, a great combination.
You pulled on the Hunter's Uniform you had found in the wardrobe. It fit you like a glove, but you still couldn't shake the feeling that this was wrong. Like your mind was rejecting the whole situation because it couldn't understand it all at once. Your soul felt at ease, though- something you were grateful for since you guessed that was the sole reason you weren't completely losing your mind. Despite your inner turmoil, you were sure you had never felt more at home.
You just hoped no one noticed that the characte- you, had changed. You checked your phone again, and your shoulders relaxed slightly at the realisation that at least you weren't running late for once in your life. Who knew you'd develop time management skills after you were smited by whatever power had brought you to this new world.
You made it to the building in time but slowly stopped in your tracks as you raised your neck to catch a glimpse of the whole place and realised there was seemingly no end to how high the structure was. You took a deep breath- tried and failed to steel your nerves before you entered the office that would be your new workplace. You attempted to distract yourself with the voice that came through the speakers placed everywhere in the building.
"…One day, we will be able to evolve from our current limitations, transcend the boundaries of life and reach the stars." You silently watched as the glass elevator took you to your destination, the people on the street outside forming little specks the higher you went until they were barely visible. "At a certain point in the future, we can pass through the deep space tunnel… and discover the future awaiting us."
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You joined the crowd the minute you entered the Hunter's Association HQ, glad that the lights were dimmed and only focusing on the man you presumed to be the big boss of the place. The older man you assumed to be President of the HA stood on a podium, looking around and waiting for anyone else to join.
You really should have replayed the previous chapters in the game because even though you knew what was to come, your memory of the events of love and deepspace were hazy at best.
"…Fourteen years ago, the Deepspace tunnel appeared above Linkon. It led to anomalous geomagnetic storms, and the creatures known as wanderers emerged. From such an event, the Deepspace Hunter was born. Now, society has returned to a sense of normality, but there are still Wanderers lurking in the shadows. They-"
You didn't get to hear the rest of what the President was saying; a girl in the crowd to your right stole your attention. "After they hand out our badges, we'll be assigned to a squad, which will determine our future. Aren't you nervous?" You gave her a once over- what was her name again? Tasha? She was one of the side characters in the game and had a few scenes here and there.
You couldn't remember if there was an option to respond to her in the game or not. Would it change anything if you did? Did it even matter because this was your universe now? Fuck it. "Not in the slightest." You answered after a moment of silence, shooting her a small smile. You weren't wrong; you weren't nervous about your score- because if the game was anything to go by, your results were predestined.
You turned back to the speech. "You look excited, though." You looked at her from the corner of your eye, taking in her giddy form and fidgeting hands. "I am! I couldn't sleep all night!" She whispered back, covering her mouth with her hand to avoid getting anyone else's attention. It was hard to get over the fact that the person in front of you was real, and not a video game character.
She was the prettiest girl you had ever seen. Short hair that fit her face perfectly, clear skin, and a shine in her eyes you hadn't found in the passersby on the streets that morning. You gave her a soft smile, more sincere this time. You hoped she'd still like you like she had the MC of the game you played.
The two of you turned your attention back to the President, who was still talking. "…Goal as hunters is to extract the Protocores from Wanderers- in hopes of destroying them once and for all. That being said, congratulations on passing the selection process. We are grateful for your hard work." The President clapped, and everyone else joined in, including you, who was bested by social convention.
The President returned to resting his hands on the podium, "We will now begin the ceremony and hand out badges to the new Deepspace Hunters. First Candidate, 003931." His eyes swept the crowd, and you didn't need to see the number pinned above your chest to know it was you. At least you remembered that part of the game.
The girl next to you whisper-shouted as she looked at you. "That's you, isn't it? Hurry, get on stage!" And get on the stage you did. You straightened your back, pulled down your cropped jacket and approached the President. "Morning, Sir." You said, suddenly feeling awkward under his authoritative stare. He acknowledged you with a nod, gesturing to the screen on the podium.
"Place your hand here to confirm your personal info." You leaned forward to better see the display. You hoped the name that belonged to this body wasn't too out of character for you. You didn't want some 'Pride & Prejudice' ahh name. Anything but Jane Doe! Please!
You hesitated for a second before placing your hand on the podium and watched as a hologram popped up and generated your details.
The hologram flashed the different level classification in the corner before a question mark appeared. The President gazed at the screen, "Ah, Anhausen Class… It's been a while since I've seen this Evol. You have a lot of potential for growth and might even acquire new abilities. I can see why Jenna picked you as soon as the rookie list was released to the public." You gave an awkward smile at his words, not knowing how to feel because, technically speaking, that was all the MC, not you.
The hologram made a sound, indicating an error. The word "LOST" showed up in red under the level specifications. "It can't be detected?" The President furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the screen. How did the MC explain this one away? You were sure it was something about an attack and the monsters of this world.
"I got attacked by a Wanderer in 2034, so my Evol isn't stable…?" It came out more like a question, something you inwardly cursed at yourself for. He stared at you for a moment before he nodded. "Hm. That event did change many lives forever. You're not the first Evolver whose levels couldn't be detected." He folded his arms over his chest. "This isn't the only criterion we use when evaluating a Deepspace hunter. As long as you have the skills, this industry welcomes you with open arms."
The President leaned to the side to grab a blue box. "Congratulations, you are now a Deepspace Hunter." He brought the box closer to you, urging you to accept your badge. You took it, muttering, "Thanks, Sir."
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There was no chance to relax as all the new Hunters went out on rookie missions to prove their worth in the field. You damn near jumped out of your skin when your Hunter's watch went off. "Rookies, this is Jenna speaking. I'm your UNICORNS Captain today. Ten minutes ago, there was an abnormal Metaflux explosion at this abandoned base for Protocore research." So that's what this deserted place was.
You felt it in your soul first before the detector picked up on the change; a pulsating vibration passed over you, serving as some sort of warning. There was something here. "It's nearby." You muttered, bringing your Hunter's watch closer. It beeped softly, showing a window stating, "Energy Index", with the numbers 19.5-
"Oh! Your Evol's even better than the detector." You jumped, scared shitless for 0.3 seconds before your brain realised it recognised the voice as the girl from the entrance ceremony. You turned around, the numbers from before forgotten as you faced Tasha. As if she had read your mind and your mistake, she corrected you. "Hi. I'm Tara,"- shoot, you had gotten her name wrong this whole time- "Remember me? I was standing next to you during the badge ceremony."
"Yeah, I do. Fancy seeing you here." You let out a dry laugh, cursing yourself mentally at your awkwardness of having to interact with people you thought were game characters less than 24 hours ago before you were whisked away to this new universe. She quietly snorted at your antics, "You're so cute! I'm so happy we're in the same squad! I saw you, and I just knew we'd be friends!" You blinked, stunned at her compliment and her palpable excitement.
You didn't realise you were tensing until you relaxed at Tara's warm demeanour. "Why don't we team up, then?" You weren't sure if she liked the MC this much straight off the bat, but you were grateful for the inviting air she had around her. You gave her a warm smile of your own. "Sure! The tarot reading I did yesterday told me that I would be super lucky today-"
You didn't get the chance to respond; Tara's watch started beeping, stealing both of your attention. "Wanderers! They're here." Oh fuck. You were not ready for this. Did you have to battle monsters now? At least in the game, there was no way of dying; the MC would just retreat and level up. Did you have that option here? To go back in time or something?
Your watch alerting you of a mission brought you back from your thoughts. You were ashamed that you hesitated for a second, even though you had just received a hunter's badge. You hoped muscle memory would help you fight- Surely, the MC trained in her free time when she had this body. You accepted the mission and looked back at Tara.
"The biggest threat level here is only B, which matches the fluctuations we just felt." At her words, you felt your stomach drop. Why, you had no idea. "Something's not right." You voiced out loud, not quite sure if you could place your finger on what exactly it was. "Yeah, fluctuations normally don't have set values." Tara nodded, folding one arm over her waist and bringing a finger to her chin as if contemplating something.
"Why don't we split up and look around first. Just to be safe?" Safe, your ass! Splitting up in movies always meant death! You didn't want your career to be this short; people would laugh! You gave her a stiff smile, unsure of yourself, as you watched her take her gun out of her holster. "You stay inside- I'll scout the perimeter to see how far the fluctuations go. We'll regroup here once we're done." You nodded, watching her walk off.
You let out a shaky breath as you returned to exploring the building. Wasn't this where MC had to battle Wanderers for the first time? Fuck it, you were 58% sure you weren't going to die, and those odds were good enough. Better than being labelled a coward and, in essence, becoming the company's pariah.
What were you supposed to do now? Wait for your movements to trigger a fight scene or something? You mused to yourself to ease your nerves, but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were forgetting something really important. You didn't get to ponder on the thought; a pop-up screen appeared before you.
Okay. So, this is what it felt like for all those main characters in the Isekai game animes when they saw an instruction window in front of them. You squinted at the words, taking them in.
p.s: we hope this message aids you in your mission. again, apologies for the inconvenience."
So, whatever stole your normality from you really did have a heart after all. You were still annoyed for being blindsided and thrown into the deep end but found you were less frustrated at your situation as you pressed the accept button underneath the text. The pop-up disappeared promptly, and you walked past where it had been seconds ago.
You nearly had a heart attack when you heard what sounded like rocks shifting or falling. Your grip on your gun tightened, and you found your body moving towards the noise rather than away from it. Stupid muscle memory! It chose the worst time to make its presence known. What manner of man runs towards the sound of danger rather than away from it?
You finally had more control of your limbs as you slowed down at a clearing. Nature had slowly started taking back the part of the building you had found yourself in, leaves and plants covered the ground.
Your breath hitched when you saw him. Xavier.
That was what you were forgetting! The male leads! They were real, and you were destined to have run-ins with them if the game was any help… You could leave. Turn back and look for the Wanderer yourself and avoid having to interact with someone who had you screaming into your pillow at odd hours of the morning when you were playing the game.
No. You wanted to slap yourself for even thinking that running away was an option. In what world would you give up the chance to see your favourite boys up close? Maybe they wouldn't fall for you this time around, and it wouldn't be happily ever after because you had replaced the MC, but you could at least bask in their presence and handsomeness, no?
You lowered your gun, slowly getting closer, almost as if you were trying to pet a stray cat outside and didn't want to scare it away. If you remembered correctly, MC would try calling for backup, thinking Xavier was injured and needed help, and a monster would show up. You knew from the game that he was fine, just tended to fall asleep no matter the situation- but you also knew you had to get him up because a wanderer was on its way.
Common sense dictated you shake him awake, but you felt guilty knowing he liked his sleep. That, and you were enjoying yourself. He was the most handsome man you had ever seen, and damn it, if you weren't going to admire this artwork before you.
To be or not to be, you mused to yourself as you got closer to him and kneeled to his height. "…Hello?" You voiced experimentally, wondering if he'd wake up. No such luck, you realised as you called out to Xavier again, shaking him slightly. What were you supposed to do? At this rate, you would have to call for backup, if only to get him out of his slumber.
It didn't help that he looked perfect even while he was sleeping. He was ethereal, otherwordly. You were in awe of how his skin glowed and how the light reflected off his hair, making him look like he was painted. He looked like he had been cut straight out of the magazine, not a single dirty blonde lock out of place and long lashes that nearly kissed his cheeks. Why was he so pretty? The universe clearly had favourites.
After your fifth and final attempt to wake him up, you gave up; the guy slept like a rock- what were you supposed to do? You felt too guilty to try again; you felt like a criminal for taking away his nap. You'd just have to wait for your death, then. "Please, I'm too young to die again." You thought out loud in desperation, which seemingly did the trick.
He stirred in his sleep, and your breath hitched as his blue eyes finally landed on you. Oh fuck. He was gorgeous. Like, make your knees go weak gorgeous. Like, get lost in his gaze type gorgeous. Like make you wanna bark gorgeou- No! You had to stop your train of thought, focus and try to end the awkward silence between you.
You took a breath, steeling your nerves and putting on your brave face, "Hi, I know you were sleeping, and I'm sorry I woke you up, but you looked injured, so I wanted to make sure you were okay." You gave him the classic white man smile, the awkward one you gave to someone who would let you go first when going through a door or something. You winced, cringing at your words.
You hoped he wouldn't think you were weird. First impressions were everything. "I'm fine," Xavier answered after a beat, gazing down at his minor wounds, and it was over for you. His lazy drawl was smooth and inviting, comforting like honey. "But, you-" You didn't get to enjoy the sound of his voice or hear what he was going to say as the ground started to shake beneath you. The collar on Xavier's neck projected a blue hologram, and you knew exactly what it meant. A wanderer. Oh fuck.
Your body moved by itself, bringing your arms up and pointing your gun at the monster that appeared. "Watch out!" Xavier leapt past you and summoned his sword to attack the creature. You watched in awe at the speed at which he moved, lowering your gun slightly. He faltered as his collar turned red.
He jumped away, finding his footing next to you as the monster disappeared. "It activated its Protofield. You're a Hunter, right? Let's defeat it together." You looked from the purple portal that shifted to Xavier, then back.
It wasn't like you could refuse, you thought to yourself as you entered the portal after the blonde. This was your life now; you had to try and get used to it, at least.
The following five minutes were a blur; you took a back seat and let your body move by memory to defeat the Wanderer. You felt the fear during your close calls, but you were grateful Xavier had your back. When the fight ended, and the monster was crushed, you both were teleported back to the abandoned building.
A purple orb manifested and floated towards Xavier, and you watched as he grabbed ahold of it, shook his head and crushed it in his hand. "This isn't it." You moved closer, interested in his motivations. "Was there something wrong with it?" You queried, regarding the man with curious eyes. "Huh?" He gazed at you, looking lost. So he had no intentions of answering you and was gonna be all mysterious? Cool.
"Do you think there's more Wanderers lurking?" You changed the subject, guessing he probably didn't answer on purpose. "We became prey stuck in a trap the moment we walked into this warehouse," Xavier stated as he looked at his surroundings. "Come." He approached you, taking hold of your wrist as he led the way. You ignored the flip-flops inside your stomach and tried to keep your cool. You had to remind yourself he was doing this for the mission.
Xavier stopped, still holding onto you as he looked around, seemingly searching for something. "Did you enjoy your nap?" You piped, having spent too long in silence, the awkwardness nearly crushing you. "Hm? …Yes, I did." Xavier gave you a funny look, and you ignored it as you mentally cussed yourself out for asking him a closed question and murdering the chance of a conversation.
The uneasy feeling you had gotten since you came here had yet to leave you as you checked the screen on your Hunter Watch, confused as to why it didn't detect any Wanderers. As if reading your mind, Xavier answered, "They're Luminivores. No movement, no fluctuations." So that's why… You met Xavier's gaze as he brought his finger to his lips, signalling for you to stay quiet. "Over here." He cocked his head in the other direction, pulling you with him with his hand still wrapped around your wrist.
He pulled you to sit next to him, trying to hide your presence from whatever was lurking in the shadows, waiting for both of you. You sifted through your memories of the game, straining your brain to see if you could remember the chapter's outcome. As far as you knew, the Wanderers had set some sort of trap for Xavier, and both he and the MC had to take down other Wanderers before the stage was cleared.
"Feels like a trap set specifically for you." You voiced out loud after carefully thinking of what to say without sounding like some clueless Hunter who knew nothing of the monsters that attacked- you thought you did a darn good job considering you were someone who knew nothing about the Wanderers- and who could blame you? You played the game for the plot- the plot, of course, being the hot guys who got involved with the MC.
"I'm just a normal Hunter. You don't need to look too deeply into it." Your eyes softened as you looked at the man in front of you, realising from the game that he had a tendency to look away and avoid eye contact when he lied. Clearly, he wasn't ready to tell you what was going on, and you were okay with that. "Okay, I believe you." You stated, deciding not to dig any deeper.
You didn't notice the curious look he shot your way at your willingness to let it go. "What are you thinking about?" Xavier asked as he watched you furrow your eyebrows, deep in thought. You finally glanced up at him. "Why don't we bait them out and take them down in one attack?" You suggested, confident that the MC had devised a similar plan to defeat the Wanderers. "You…" He trailed off as he stared you down.
You ignored the heat rising on the tip of your ears due to his gaze. "Use your Evol." You stated, remembering the MC's words from the first time you played the chapter. He looked at where the Wanderers were starting to swarm. Xavier held his palm out before him, summoning light into it. The room darkened when he closed his hands. "Guess they took the bait. They're gathering now."
You willed yourself to shake the nervousness you felt, hoping your victory was predestined and that the two of you would get out of there unscathed. "There are a lot of Luminivores. If we don't take them out in one go, they'll respawn using the light." Your hand moved by itself, a feeling you had yet to get used to. You grabbed Xavier's arm, breathing as you willed your Evol to activate, "Then, let's use my Evol." He turned his attention from where your hand rested, to you.
His face… You thought to yourself what a shame it was to see his brows furrow, but fuck did he look good when he was all serious. You mentally shook yourself at the thought; now was not the time! "Please forgive me," Xavier stated as he moved closer, his breath tickling your cheek as he took hold of your right hand and rested it on his chest. You watched in awe as light gathered where the two of you met, a warm glow enveloping the both of you.
The wind picked up as your powers combined, and all you could think was, this was Resonance? It felt like you had joined on a spiritual level, your souls connected for a brief moment as your powers mixed and tangled themselves. All you could do was pay attention to his slow heartbeat and how good he looked with his eyes closed.
The Luminvores burnt away quickly; not a trace of them left as the light disappeared. Xavier got up, looking around and securing the perimeter with his eyes. "The fluctuations are gone, and so are the Wanderers. Your plan actually worked." You relaxed, your form no longer tense, as you realised you were out of danger for the time being. "Too bad we couldn't get any Protocores." You stated, remembering the procedure you were briefed on when it came to Wanderer clean up.
"Ah, they were accidentally blown up." You shrugged at his statement, not too bothered by the fact since you were still in one piece, which was more important. You had done it- with the help of MC's muscle memory. You had yet to get used to the foreign feeling of your body moving with a mind of its own.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, looking at each other, waiting for the other to talk. "…My uh, my name's Y/n. A new recruit. Nice to meet you." Xavier regarded you for a second, and you ignored how his eyes flicked from both your eyes down to your lips and then back. You definitely ignored your stomach doing the 'thing.'
"I'm Xavier." He paused, only for a second, before he turned to face you properly. "By the way, could you do me a favour?" And there it was, the line you were waiting for. "If anyone asks what happened, tell them that… Aside from the Wanderers, you saw nothing else, alright?" Ah, he was asking so nicely- how could you possibly turn him down? You never did understand why the MC was suspicious of Xavier when she first met him.
Then again, he was pretty vague and mysterious to start with. "Okay, if you say so." You accepted readily because, let's be honest, you were weak in front of that handsome face. Maybe it was because you hadn't seen his expression change much since you first encountered him, but you were sure you didn't imagine the slight raise of his eyebrows in surprise.
He looked like a lost puppy, reminding you of a golden retriever. His expression softened, no doubt confused as to why you agreed so readily to his demand, and you couldn't help the smile on your face. "Don't you want me to explain?" You softly shook your head at his question, "You don't have to explain yourself to me. Take it as a free pass for fighting with me."
Changing what the MC said in the game wouldn't hurt, would it? You hoped this didn't set off a butterfly effect that ended with you buried 6 feet under. Either way, he really did save you out there; you were sure if you had to take that Wanderer alone, even with the muscle memories of the body you were in, you would have been defeated. So all's well that ends well.
Xavier's lips parted as if he wanted to say something, but your Hunter's watch stole your attention. "I'm headed over to your location now!" Tara's voice came through the device, and when you looked up, Xavier was gone- so much for distracting yourself with eye candy.
The sound of footsteps getting closer had you turning around to face Tara. "I lost your signal and couldn't contact you at all. These protocore fragments… You took them down all by yourself." She asked, astonished as she lowered her gun. "Yep, all me." You mentally patted yourself on the back for how quickly you lied. "That's amazing! I'm so glad you're okay; we'll talk when the mission's over, all right?" You nodded at her suggestion, shooting her a small smile.
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Once the Wanderer clean-up was over, you, Tara and the New Recruits were ordered to return to HQ. You were just glad to finally be able to relax as you leaned against a wall. Curse you and your unhealthy body that was used to spending your free time indoors. Nothing of note happened after Tara found you, and thank fuck because you weren't sure you could handle another battle. 
It was nice and all, being in a game you had spent time and effort playing until you realised you'd have to relearn the meaning of 'normal'. The chattering of your soon-to-be colleagues did little to distract you from your inner turmoil. Your saviour came in the form of a girl whose name you had gotten wrong. Tara's voice pulled you from your thoughts, "By the way, did we get anything from the data we sent back to HQ?"
You gazed up at the ceiling, trying to recall what had happened since you returned through the blur of memories that day. "Something about waiting for results before jumping to conclusions. I guess Data Analysis still needs to do another investigation." You offered, hoping she wouldn't press you further about the mission. "I'm just glad you're okay; it must have been scary by yourself." 
You released a breath you didn't know you were holding, a small smile gracing your face at her concern for your safety. "Yeah, even though you left me to fend for myself. Guess it's my super lucky day, not yours." You teased, remembering her comment about a tarot reading from before the mission. "You're still in the mood to crack jokes?" She quipped, placing her hand on her hip. You didn't miss the twitch at the corner of her lips, and you couldn't help but snicker at her antics.
"For your information, I was trying to contact you for ages! I was so close to trying just about anything possible, scientific and mythical!" You had a feeling the two of you would get along well. You didn't get to finish the conversation as the light dimmed in the room, and the most gorgeous woman you had ever seen walked in. She was tall, with the most perfect pixie cut, sharp eyes and plump lips. You couldn't help that your first thought was, 'Mommy?' 
"Finally, we meet face to face, UNICORNS Recruits." The chatter in the room dulled to nothing as you lightly kicked yourself off the wall you were leaning on. "I'm relieved to see everyone has returned in one piece. Your performance was recorded and uploaded to our database by the Hunter's Watch each one of you is wearing." You absentmindedly fidgeted with your watch, hoping there wasn't anything suspicious in your results that would raise eyebrows. 
You froze when she made eye contact with you and continued. "UNICORNS only chooses the best of the best. The squad will take that into consideration and assign you to your appropriate sector. In the foreseeable future, the difficulty of your assignments, nature of your work, and scope of your missions will correspond to your sector's role and responsibilities."
You stopped listening, your attention span coming to its end as you started daydreaming. So, Xavier and the other male leads were as real as they came, and you were in a world where you would manage to run into them. You had to wonder if you were still the love interest after swapping souls with a nameless character. You guessed you would have to find out for yourself.
As if on cue, applause erupted in the room as Jenna thanked everyone for their efforts and participation, and you, like the sheep you were, joined in instinctively. With that, Jenna gave a small smile and left the room. The lights switched back on as the room burst into excited chatter once everyone's Hunter's watch beeped, signalling the results were out. 
The robotic voice of a woman sounded through the speakers. "Mission data analysed. Please report to your respective sector at 8:00 A.M tomorrow." Tara brought her hand up to inspect her watch, "Sector... Data Analysis. Captain... Andrew. Yes! I knew yesterday's fortune was right!" She turned to you, her hands clasping behind her as she leaned forward. "Well? What does yours say?"
You gazed at your own device, knowing the results already. "Sector, Alpha Team. My Captain's Jenna." Tara perked up, looking more excited about your results than her own. "You're working directly under Jenna? Wow... Can I visit you in the future whenever I want?" You didn't blame her for using you as an excuse to check your captain out; you would have done the same in her shoes. "Be my guest. We can admire Captain Jenna together." 
Tara whooped at your suggestion, doing a little victory pump. "Wanna get some food?" You suggested, not wanting the conversation to end. You were relieved when she agreed, telling you she was starving.
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵       ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
Azure Square was beautiful, a cross between a park and stalls that lined the main street, branching off into the distance. Tara had led you there since it wasn't too far from HQ. Grabbing whatever street food caught your eye, the two of you strolled past the trees lining the path until you spotted a free bench near the square's monument.
You listened to Tara rant about her workplace crush, enjoying the scenery and her giddy personality. "…And just like that, the Wanderer was gone! Poof! Disappeared into thin air." You tried not to laugh at her gestures and hand movements that matched the story. "After escorting me to a safe place by the road, she said- "You're safe now. Go home." Aaaah! That's what we call max security!"
She lowered her clasped hands, and you got whiplash from how quickly she became serious. "So yes, as you can see, I became a hunter to follow in Captain Jenna's footsteps. I want to be as badass as she is- to be her equal and fight alongside her…" She blinked, trailing off before she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "Oh, I've just been rambling on. What about you? Why did you become a hunter?"
You parted your lips to respond, and you were not ready for the flashback her question had triggered. The screams of help were drowned out by roaring wanderers, the feeling of your stamina depleting as you sprinted through the streets covered in rubble, the panic of not knowing what was chasing you, the burning pain you felt as you were hit, the makeshift shelter you crawled towards in an attempt to save yourself.
Well, that was something, you thought to yourself as you blinked. The memory felt like it was familiar yet foreign at the same time. It was like trying to grasp at smoke, only for it to slip through your fingers. "Looks like you're reminiscing about something from a looong time ago." Tara's words snapped you out of your daze. "You could say that…" You trailed off, not knowing what else to say.
You were saved by the bell, or more like the drone that flew by to give a prerecorded announcement to the passersby. "This is a very important symbol for Linkon City! Mr. Guidey welcomes you to Azure Square!" The drone looked like a ball, clad with headphones that had bunny ears on top. "Here, the past and future coexist! The old and new mingle together seamlessly! This is the charm of Linkon City! Wow!"
"Ahhh, it's so noisy, like a kid who's constantly shouting." You agreed with Tara's complaints, but after a few seconds of listening, it started to grate on your ears like forks against a plate. Either way, you were grateful for the distraction. "Everyone, look over there! Tide Street is hosting a marine-themed exhibition! Follow me…" You followed the drone that whizzed off into the distance with your eyes before looking back at Tara.
Your silent question of, 'Wanna go?' didn't go unnoticed by her, and she promptly shook her head. "I'll call it here; we need rest for work tomorrow. After all, we experienced a real battle today- getting a good night's sleep takes priority. Plus, I live far from here, so…" You nodded, signalling you understood she had to leave. You gave her a small wave, one she returned as she disappeared into the crowd.
Once you knew you were alone, you couldn't help but think, 'What now?' It was too early to be left alone to ponder the day's events and how this was your new normal. As if the universe heard your inner turmoil, you noticed a boy in the bush near you, trying to look inconspicuous. You could sense the hesitation, but his eyes shined with determination. He was clad in a yellow hoodie and khaki shorts, perfect for the sunny weather and clear skies. You decided to call out to him, "You okay?"
That was all the encouragement the boy needed as he slowly stepped out from his hiding place, "So, miss, I overheard your conversation… Are you a hunter on mission?" You shook your head, correcting him, "A hunter on standby." You lowered yourself to his eye level, hoping you wouldn't intimidate him.
"Everyone says hunters are super strong, and you can do anything I ask, right? Riiiight?" You could tell he wanted a favour by the way he quizzed you. He confirmed your suspicions as he pulled out a stack of shiny, golden cards from his pocket, presenting them to you. "Here's what I'll give you as a reward! A full set of Super Hunters AR cards. Follow me!"
You didn't get a chance to say no as he grabbed your hand and whisked you away. "We're almost there. I need you to catch that little red fishie!" He dragged you to a stall and pointed at the prize he wanted. You nodded, signalling you understood the assignment. "I'll do it, but you don't have to give me your cards." This time, the boy didn't get to respond to you, as a little girl in the distance called his name.
"Lucas! You can't cheat in a contest!" The boy panicked, pushing you closer to the stall as he hurriedly spoke and threw the net at you. "Oh no, she spotted us! Take this net, and don't say anything about me hiring you!" He exclaimed as he ran off and left you by yourself. Were you still supposed to catch it from him?
You didn't get to ponder much longer; the sound of light footsteps approaching the stall urged you to turn around, and you regretted the choice immediately. You were not ready.
The man in front of you was drop-dead gorgeous. He had nothing on Xavier, and you could tell straight away that he had indeed been the game creator's favourite. A face sculpted perfectly, an alluring aura and the prettiest set of siren eyes you had seen and- motherfucker, was he glowing? "Unfortunate. This species of fish can only survive for a week on land." Rafayel stated as he stepped closer, gazing at the creatures swimming in the booth.
You inhaled and inwardly cursed as your breath hitched. You couldn't help but gawk, entranced by the beautiful man before you. His eyes met yours as he cocked his head and moved closer. "The fish is gonna slip away, you know." He pointed out before taking the net from your hand. You froze as his fingers grazed yours, not missing the feeling of electricity passing through you at the touch. He let out a little "Ta-Da!" as he went to catch the fish.
Rafayel caught it on his first try, manoeuvring the net in a circle, and the next thing you knew, he brought the tool closer to you and turned it around, showing you his catch. He gazed down at the fish between you, "The owner probably just wanted to throw in some fish to fit the theme- but this one, bright as a flame, is a real Flammula from Lemurian legends."
Your throat went dry, and you unconsciously gulped to relieve the discomfort, still starstruck as you looked at Rafayel. You couldn't speak even if you tried, and you weren't about to attempt to do so, only to have your voice crack, which you were sure would happen if you opened your mouth.
His eyes narrowed only a fraction, and had you blinked, you would have missed it. You wordlessly held out the container with water for the fish, nearly forgetting with all your ogling about the poor creature still flopping on the net.
He dropped the bright red fish into the water, never taking his eyes off you. Fuck's sake. Was he suspicious of you? But how? This was your first encounter in the timeline of the game. Had you met him before? Did he know you- the MC?
It didn't help that his collarbone was on show, and the little show of skin alone was nearly enough to make you go feral. His eyes dilated slightly in what you could only assume was… yearning? "Do you… Know me?" He asked finally, and you cursed at your lack of acting skills.
Had you actually played the game and paid attention instead of skipping lines until the MC interacted with the male leads, you wouldn't have had to suffer. What had the MC said to him in the game for him to walk off so easily? "I, uh… No? Should I?" You placed the container holding the fish down and shot him a question of your own, hoping it would open up a new chapter in the conversation.
Rafayel's eyes dimmed, losing the shine they had momentarily before he turned his head to look off to the side. "No… Nevermind." You tilted your head at his words- had you missed something? "Thank you for helping me, Raf- Ahh, rescue- rescue the fish." You winced at the way you stuttered, hoping he wouldn't notice how you nearly said his name without him introducing yourself.
"You…" He trailed off, stepping closer to you, and you did what any logical person would do when coming face to face with someone who was temptation and allure, personified- you moved back. Of course, of all the moments you could trip over your feet, it was then. You didn't notice the raised brick on the pathway behind you until your heel came into contact with it, sending you falling backwards to your demise.
Rafayel's eyebrows furrowed, and he moved with reflexes that surpassed even those of Xavier, grabbing onto your outstretched hand that had reached out instinctively to save yourself, his free arm coming to rest on the small of your back. Hand placement, hand placement, hand placement- "Are you alright?" He asked, gazing down at you with his unchanging expression. You realised then, on closer inspection, that his eyes were a mix of magenta and wine, a combination you never knew would look so captivating.
Fuck, his hand felt warm on your lower back; the heat from his hand managed to pass through your clothes, "Huh? Yeah… Uh, thanks- again for saving me this time." Once you had regained your balance, he let you go, but you didn't miss how his touch lingered ever so slightly. You watched his eyes leave yours, confused by the look of longing you found there.
You opened your mouth to speak, not yet sure what you would say, and as luck would have it, you didn't have to use your last three brain cells to utter a response. Your phone beeped, telling you your schedule for today still had a routine check you had to attend. "Damn." You mumbled, looking up as Rafayel stepped away from you.
He nodded, standing in place for a few more seconds as he gazed at you before he turned on his heel, silence following as Rafayel left you wordlessly, walking off with his brochure. You were still too caught off guard, not wanting to call after him with nothing to say. Fuck, you were sure there was something you were missing. You held the container in your hand before you, only then remembering the fish you were given.
That was it, you forgot to give it to him. Well, you had a new pet you had to take care of. You just hoped you hadn't changed too much of the storyline.
Unfortunately for you, small ripples had the power to create big waves.
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵       ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
Rushing over to Akso Hospital in time for your appointment, you focused on breathing through your nose and getting your heartbeat under control. You were lucky you made it just in time since you had to find a fish tank for your new pet, food, bring the fucker back to your apartment, set everything up and not forget your medical report on the way out.
You noted that the hospital didn't feel like one; it looked more like a law firm. The only thing out of place was the receptionist at the front desk dressed in nurse scrubs. You were glad you got close enough to look at her name tag before you spoke.
"Hi, Yvonne. I'm here for my appointment with… Dr. Zayne? Is he still here?" You hoped to everything that he wasn't and had gone home. Out of all the male leads in the game, he was definitely the one you were most nervous to meet. He was a main character- and to top it off, his backstory meant he knew the MC.
Zayne had met the MC when her grandmother took her in; you were sure the two of them were neighbours or something- and that, by default, meant he would pick up on the fact that your mannerisms were different to the woman he was accustomed to. Fuck's sake. You had debated whether to miss your appointment on the way to the hospital but decided against it.
You'd run into him sooner or later; you would rather bite the bullet as soon as possible. Get it over and done with. "Don't worry, all checkups are in the system, which sends out notifications- Dr. Zayne can't forget them." Hah. So he hadn't gone home, and you were going to have to see him. Great.
You debated taking a seat in the corner where the waiting area was for a second to save yourself from standing in awkward silence next to the reception. The nurse looked up momentarily, her hand hovering over the computer's keyboard. "You've known Dr. Zayne for a while, right? I'll transfer your call over so you two can get started." She stated as she pressed a button on the front desk's phone.
You desperately wanted to refuse but had no legs to stand on. What could you have said? No, you didn't know him- the woman whose soul was in this body yesterday knew him? "Akso Hospital, for a brighter future." An electronic device sounded over the phone, and you knew in that moment that your fate was sealed. No turning back.
"Good job, you were ten seconds away from being a no-show." Zayne's voice followed, and you fidgeted with the paperwork in your hands. "At least I managed to get here." You mumbled, feeling like a kid getting a scolding from a parent. It didn't help that his voice was thick, a low timbre that was deep but didn't grate your ears.
Biiig breaths, Y/n, big breaths. "Don't worry, we have five seconds left." You wouldn't run for the bus if it was rounding the corner- what made him think you would run for him? "That's not fai-" He cut you off, still counting down. "Three, two-", and you were off, bounding down the hallway, not wanting to make things worse for yourself.
When you pushed past the doors and first entered Zayne's office, disinfectant was all you could smell. You scrunched your nose slightly at the assault on your senses, glancing around the room to find the man who had rushed you. Your eyes landed on him, gazing down at the computer's interface as he sat in his office chair.
You were floored. Utterly gobsmacked and starstruck at the mere sight of the man. His jawline looked as if it would give you a papercut if you traced it with your finger, his black hair was parted perfectly at the side, and fuck, those glasses really did it for you. "Congratulations, you weren't late. Is this impeccable timing a new Evol ability of yours?" He remarked, still typing away on his keyboard. When you didn't answer, too busy checking him out, he looked up at you.
Your lips parted slightly- the game did him no favours; he was beautiful in person. So handsome it hurt, with looks that could knock the air out of you. You looked away first, finding it hard to hold eye contact with the man. "I showed up, didn't I?" You retorted half-heartedly, sounding less confident in your words than you would have liked.
An uncomfortable silence fell as he continued to type away, returning his attention to the monitor before him. You walked over to him, sliding your medical report onto the desk between you, suddenly feeling awkward and out of place.
Normally, you were grateful when a message from- whatever power placed you in this world- materialised in front of you. Not this time. You turned your attention to the pop-up screen on the desk, obstructing your view of the paperwork you had set down moments earlier.
Okay, fuck whoever decided- what the fuck did they mean physical contact? And a penalty for noncompliance? You ran your hand through your hair, tongue in cheek, as you silently seethed at whatever deity was messing with you.
You turned your attention to Zayne, your features softening as he pushed his chair back slightly. "Report." Was all he said, looking at you through the lens of his glasses. You wordlessly bent down, pressing the "ACCEPT" button- because what else could you have done- as inconspicuously as possible.
The pop-up screen disappeared, and you pushed the medical report closer to Zayne, hoping he hadn't noticed anything was off. He picked it up, skimming through it before something caught his eye. "Any changes recently?" Yeah, maybe the fact that you woke up in another world the night before- you couldn't say that, though. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking off to the side when he glanced at you.
You had to think up a good enough lie that he would believe. "I've had patchy sleep, nothing big." Zayne's eyes narrowed at your words, and you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Sleep-wake syndrome… That's cause for concern- you do know that, don't you?" You didn't have it in you to care; you were too busy thinking about how you'd have to touch him for more than 15 seconds or face the consequences.
"It's 'cause I was nervous for my first day at work, I'll sleep like a baby tonight." You hyped yourself up for coming up with a fib so fast. He raised an eyebrow at your statement before going back to flipping through your report. "Ignoring medical advice about sleeping like it's nothing. I suppose you're just here to go through the motions." Zayne placed the papers down and moved his chair closer to his computer.
At first, you were offended by his words until you realised he was right; you had come here just to get it over and done with. Damn, you had no comeback. Except one- but it was risky… Fuck it, the impossible had happened overnight; this was your world now- what was the point of thinking and regretting? "Of course not. I came to see your handsome face." You leaned forward with a small smile to sell your sentence.
You placed your hand on the arm closest to you, thinking you'd shoot two birds with one stone. Zayne blinked, raising his head to look at you before he looked at where you two connected. His gaze narrowed at you, and you cursed yourself for the decision you had made. His fingers came to rest above yours before he gingerly moved your hand from his arm, and you swore you stopped breathing when he paused before he let go.
The tips of your ears started to burn, and you prayed he didn't notice the colour travelling to your cheeks. "Patients aren't supposed to flirt with their doctors, you know." He said nonchalantly, but you didn't miss how his jaw clenched. Your lips parted before you could contemplate what to say. "...Yeah, but it's not like you're just my doctor. I've known you long before today- or did you forget?"
Technically, you weren't lying; you knew a lot about him through the game, but you couldn't act on any of that knowledge- even though you wanted to. And let's not forget, he didn't know you. He knew the MC, who was now gone thanks to some prick who made a mistake with your places in the universes.
Now that you thought about it, out of the three male leads, wasn't he the one who had feelings for the MC before the game started? He shook his head at your words, sighing to himself. You didn't get to retort; the pop-up screen showed up yet again, now hovering in front of the curtains at the back of the room.
Nice, there was a loophole. You didn't have to continuously touch Zayne for 15 seconds; you just needed to hold onto him here and there, and the time would accumulate. Okay, that was easier to work with. Movement in your peripherals caught your attention, and you shifted your gaze as Zayne moved to the other side of his desk, leaving his computer behind and effectively blocking your view of the pop-up. "Sit over here, please." 
You let out a "Hm?" in confusion- unsure of what he was asking of you. Zayne cocked his head to the side, "Listening." So... being vague was another one of his talents. At least you understood that he wanted to check your heart rate. "Sure thing, Doc." You remarked as you walked behind his desk and seated yourself on the little stool in front of him.
You watched as Zayne took the stethoscope's end out of his pocket and placed the tips into his ears before leaning in to listen to the beating of your heart. A small blue hologram, sort of like a loading screen, showed up on the side of the stethoscope on cue as the device synced itself. You raised your chin slightly when you felt his hand graze your rib, your stomach dropping like you took a dive off a rollercoaster. He was really testing your self-control.
Hopefully, he wouldn't find anything of suspicion. Fuck, he was too close, and you were so close to losing all willpower. You had to say something; the silence and his movements drove you up the wall. You inhaled softly, "I think I'm fine. My first day was stressful, but it's not like I'm ready to be hospitalised-" Your rambling was cut short as he hushed you, and you pursed your lips. So much for that option.
His brows furrowed ever so slightly in concentration, and you couldn't help how your eyes trailed to his lips. "Don't talk, but you should still breathe." Zayne finally looked up at you, and the inhale you took at his words got caught in your throat- you were sure your pussy did the 'thing'. 
You had thought his eyes were amber when you first saw him, but with how close he was, you realised they were a bright hazel, a mix of green and orange that blended seamlessly. Zayne moved closer, moving the tip of the stethoscope across your chest. You tensed when his finger grazed your boob, your breath hitching at the touch. "A fast resting heart rate. What riled you up this time?" You swallowed, trying and failing to steel your nerves before looking up at him. 
"You must be hearing things." You supplied meekly, cursing yourself for not sounding more believable. Zayne looked back up at you, raising his eyebrow, and you were sure you felt your cheeks warm but refused to acknowledge it. Clearly, he didn't believe you. Your only option was to be honest- well, semi-honest. "What do you expect when you're so close?"
He sighed, taking the stethoscope out of his ears and letting it rest on his neck. You opened your mouth to clarify, hoping you hadn't pushed his buttons too far, but you never got the chance. You didn't get to brace yourself as you felt your vision swim and your body go weak. You felt faint like you were barely there. Oh, fuck. The stress of everything that occurred that day finally caught up to you. 
You felt your world tilt sideways, and through blurry eyes, you watched Zayne reach out to you, trying to grab you in time. You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for an impact that never came. Instead, you opened your eyes to having your face buried in Zayne's shoulder. He had pushed his chair closer to you since the distance between you was short, and he had his arms wrapped around you tightly so you wouldn't fall. You rested flush against his chest, no way of escaping his grip- not that you'd want to.
You breathed him in, your mind still trying to process what had happened. Zayne had caught you, thank god, and saved you from getting a concussion. Your heartbeat hammered against your ribcage, but you ignored it, enjoying his warmth while you had the chance. He moved back slowly, his arms still wrapped around you as he searched your face.
Zayne's eyebrows unfurrowed themselves when he realised you were okay for the most part. He closed his eyes before he leaned forward, and you were sure he was going to kiss you- so you did the most rational thing in your mind. You braced yourself, closing your eyes only to feel his forehead against yours. 
"No fever..." He trailed off as he moved back, and your eyes fluttered open, trying not to feel embarrassed at your thought process. As if you were ready to throw all logic down the drain and kiss him, unbelievable. "Must be low sugar levels." He stated before his eyes met yours. His gaze fell from yours, and you caught how he looked at your lips for a second before clearing his throat and letting go of you.
"Try not to faint again, hm?" Your ears burned at his words, and you wished a hole would open up and swallow you whole. He turned back to his computer, sliding a sweet to you before going back to typing. You felt your stomach flip at the gesture, completely enamoured with the man before you and his silent concern as you ate the treat. If Wanderers didn't do you in first, you were sure his presence would take you out.
"Heart arrhythmia, premature ventricular contractions, heart murmurs, and now low blood sugar." Zayne voiced aloud, and you had no fancy retort for him. "Damn..." You trailed off, and there was no smart comeback on the tip of your tongue this time. You took a peek at the pop-up screen still in front of the curtains.
You breathed a sigh of relief that at least one thing had gone your way that day. "Despite being aware of the risks, you still became a hunter." He remarked, turning his chair to face you. "I had my reasons, didn't I?" You shot back, the flashback from Azure Square still fresh in your mind. He sighed at your response, turning back to his computer, clearly frustrated by your career choice. 
"Linkon has been the safest it's ever been under the watchful eyes of our skilled hunter, Y/n." You snorted at his response, not expecting the dry humour coming from the rock of a man in front of you. He side-eyed you, and you shot him an innocent smile, feeling less embarrassed at the physical contact the two of you shared earlier. "Who knows? Maybe my skills will come in handy, and I'll end up saving you from a Wanderer one day." You retorted half-heartedly as you leaned closer.
Zayne looked back at you, taking you in for a second before he shook his head slightly. "If you wish to hold something over me, then I suggest you be careful while out on the field." He placed another chocolate on the desk, on top of your paperwork, before sliding the pair towards you. "I'd prefer not to see you be airlifted to the hospital via helicopter." He turned to you once again, his expression still serious.
You shot him a small smile- you had been nervous to meet him at first and had forgotten in the process that he was the biggest softie in the game. He just hid it really well under his cold demeanour. The man in front of you was genuinely concerned for your safety, and you were sure you could feel your heart melting at his quiet gestures and vague words.
"Don't worry, Zayne. I'll be careful, just for you." You announced, your eyes softening as you stood up from your seat and popped the chocolate into your mouth. You grabbed your medical report, turning on your heel to leave, not knowing that if you had waited just a second more, you would've seen the starstruck look on his face.
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Once you took an elevator up to your apartment and unlocked your door, shutting it behind you, you debated passing out on the floor. Fuck, what a long day. Who knew meeting such handsome men in the span of a few hours would take everything out of you. You sighed, finally relaxing as you realised you didn't have to interact with anyone else until tomorrow.
You walked over to the fish container you had brought earlier, tapping it lightly with your fingernail to see if the Flamula fish would move at the vibration. It looked up at you for a second before it went back to swimming back and forth in the water. You fed it the recommended amount of food for the day after briefly looking at the back of the fish food you had grabbed from the store.
You kicked off your shoes, too tired to place them neatly by the door before you entered your bedroom to strip out of your clothes. You huffed, finally out of the tight-fitting outfit, grateful you could breathe easier. You fell backwards onto your bed, enjoying the way it made your body bounce for a few seconds before you felt yourself sink into the memory foam.
The sound of distant thunder had you tilting your head back to catch a glimpse of lightning strike across Linkon City. A storm, huh? Good thing you were indoors. Your thought process halted at the sound of your phone going off, and you shot up in bed to grab it and answer in time.
Your eyes barely registered the caller ID- Caleb, before you swiped right and picked up the call. Putting it up to your ear, you let out a, "Hello?" The voice on the other end spoke up, and god damn, he sounded like pure sin. "I knew you'd still be awake. What're you up to?" You glanced around the room, unsure how to react to hearing your- MC's childhood best friend.
"Resting after a rough day, I guess." You answered after a moment, not sure what else to say. "Your first day of hunting. Well?" He was curious, you could tell. You turned to lay on your stomach, the phone still up to your ear as you watched the view outside your bedroom with half your attention. "It wasn't that bad, I'm just exhausted. Social interaction isn't really my forte."
You knew you had to be easygoing with Caleb- you couldn't sound stiff because this body you were in knew him well. "Well, that's good. What matters is you're alive." You snickered slightly at his words, "What do you think I am, a weakling? And why are you calling me so late? Don't you have things to do?" You teased, hoping he wouldn't pick up on the fact that the person he knew his whole life was gone, replaced by you.
"I should be cruising along. My military flight operation wrapped up quite nicely and ended early." You nodded, not registering that he couldn't see you as you hummed in response. "You didn't see any dangerous Wanderers, did you?" You hoped you hadn't made a mistake and that his work was similar to yours so your question didn't sound out of place.
"Are you actually worried about me?" It was his turn to tease, and you scoffed at his remark. "Yes, of course I am." You answered truthfully; you weren't heartless enough to wish ill upon the guy who was supposed to be your best friend. "Come on, I know how important it is for you to visit Grandma with me at the end of the month. Even if I was in a wheelchair, you'd push me there."
You shook your head at his statement, "I'm not that mean. I'd let you wheel yourself there, don't worry." He let out a genuine laugh, choking on his words as he understood your reply, and you couldn't help the grin that took over your features. "Yeah, yeah. You know what- it's been peaceful, so I won't jinx myself. The field within the tunnel is as stable as it can be. Very few Wanderers, don't worry." You could still hear the smile in his voice.
You turned onto your back again, gazing up at the ceiling as he continued, "Everything else is top secret. My lips are sealed." You hummed again in response, familiar with workplace confidentiality. "Yeeep, mysterious and spooky." The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, one he broke after a beat. "It's late. You should go to bed now. Sweet dreams."
After saying your goodbyes, you threw your phone on the other side of the bed. You checked your alarms for the next day, setting multiple just in case the first one didn't wake you up before you turned off the lights and got into bed.
Tossing and turning before you found a position where all your limbs were comfortable, you let your eyes close, hoping sleep would kick in.
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You didn't realise you had dozed off until you woke up. Your vision was blurry at first, and you rubbed the sleep from your eyes before you realised all you could see was white for miles. What the fuck? Were you still asleep? Lucid dreaming? Sleep paralysis?!
Your answers came in the form of a woman whose face you were sure you recognised but couldn't quite place your finger on. She had materialised in front of you, looking around before her eyes landed on you. A light bulb went off in both of your heads simultaneously as the two of you realised what was going on.
You quickly accepted the pop-up screen's words before turning your full attention to the woman in front of you.
"You're- You're her. MC." The woman before you was drop-dead gorgeous and had nothing on Jenna. Her hair framed her face perfectly, cascading past her shoulders, not a single lock out of place. Her eyes shined as if someone had stolen stars from the galaxy to place them inside her irises, her lips were naturally red as if she had lip tint on, and she had the longest lashes you had ever seen.
She smiled softly at you before she parted her lips to speak. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." You were star-struck. Was falling in love with her an option? Probably not, but you would have been grateful for the choice if it was there. "Hi." You didn't know what else to say. Sorry for taking your body and your life?
Yeah, that was definitely a good place to start. "I'm sorry for…" You trailed off, hoping she would understand what you were trying to say. She shook her head slightly, looking down as she contemplated what to say next. "It's okay, I uh, I actually wanted to apologise too, for…" You sighed; this whole situation was impossible.
She looked up at you, her brows furrowing softly as if she was afraid your exasperation was aimed at her. "It's not your fault; it's whatever brought us here. Don't worry." She perked up at your words, happy to hear that your frustrations weren't because of her. "At least we're back in our own worlds, even if it took time."
You nodded at her words because even if you weren't happy about your situation, you had no choice but to accept it. There was no turning back the decision the universe had made for you. "How is- how is everything?" You asked, curious as to how she was coping with what used to be your life. "It's great, actually, I've never felt so at home. I didn't expect it, but it's everything I asked for." She claimed, fiddling with her fingers as she looked down.
She perked up, looking more excited as she went on, "And, do you know TikTok?" You nodded, confirming that, of course, you knew of the biggest app of your time. "I managed to go viral on it. I don't even know how I was just experimenting, and boom! Apparently, I'm an entrepreneur, and people want to sign music labels with me!"
You were stunned at first but smiled softly at her, happy she wasn't struggling. You had to agree; you knew how she felt. You felt in that moment as if a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Standing in front of you was the only woman in the whole universe that understood what you were going through.
You opened your mouth to speak, wanting to ask her more questions, but your voice caught in your throat as an all too familiar pop-up screen showed itself.
There was no option to accept this time, and you leaned sideways to catch a glimpse of the woman you had been dying to meet all day. She began to disappear, starting with her legs. Her lips parted, and you strained your ears to try and hear what she had to say. "Please, keep a look out for the red ey-" The rest of her sentence sounded garbled, like a PC game glitching.
You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to understand what she meant as your surroundings collapsed in on itself. You reached out to try and grab onto whatever was left of the woman before you, only for your eyes to shoot open.
You sat up in bed, still trying to wrap your brain around what had just occurred, only then noticing that your alarm had been going off. You would have to contemplate later; you had to prepare for your first official day as a Hunter before anything else.
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➵ next part - moonstruck (coming soon!)
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© 2024 horrorhot-line
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lunaremy · 1 year
So! I've been reviewing some information on these little guys now, and i've got a LOT to say about them. Which is why this is under a read-more lol. goes over a bunch of physiology and how bombermen compare to humans and other organic lifeforms.
Everyone seems to have them. In the beginning of R 1, Pink calls it a "hair clip" in the beginning, which I find hard to believe. But black's drawn with hair...so what conclusion can be drawn from this?
Y'know how the antennae of ants is used to sense things? Same goes for the Bomberman Bros', but in a less..direct sort of way. For starters, it makes it possible to sense most forms of energy in the surroundings without some sort of external device, which is useful on missions. It's also what "recalls" the bombers when they get blasted away by explosions. Maybe like a sort of signal? So, understandably, losing it is pretty bad. (Now that I think of it, do humans have sensory organs, too? I forgot...)
Y'know how Green's like super short because he's so little? Despite the fact that robots don't physically grow the way organic beings do, because they don't have cells? Consider the following: parts that grow autonomously as time goes by. Similar to humans, an internal clock controls that, and as the subject gets older, their arms and legs expand over time. With the moving parts being concealed by silicon skin, the process is virtually seamless! Isn't science beautiful? ...Also, the process is a little randomized for each one, resulting in bombers that are a little shorter or a little taller than usual at different chronological times (See Yellow and Aqua). In the end, though, they all average out to roughly the same height, because any more or less would be too much of a hassle on missions.
Also, same with blushing and other processes; there's no blood, of course. Not a drop! But any situation that would cause that reaction increases the amount of processes being computed at once; thus leading to an increase in body heat. You'd think they're naturally cold, but they're quite complex, and the amount of processes going on in there (kinda like the human body!) make them pretty warm, just like us.
Or, to put it less bluntly: Imagine if the uniform you wore to school or work everyday was more or less embedded into your body, and you couldn't take them off. That's kinda the jist of it. Keeps your internal parts protected, and makes it easy to move during missions. Also, it looks cool. Of course, they wear tangible clothing during times of peace (Pink's belt accessory isn't built in by the way), but i'd imagine trying to run and fight while wearing anything that isn't the default clothing would be harder than it should be.
Huh! Well, as revealed in the Grand Prix trailer, the center portion of them can be pressed to reveal a section for data intake. Which is kinda weird, but it gives us answers! My personal take on that is that it's useful for way more than just using memory chips from what's essentially the bomberman version of universe-travelers. After White found out that it opens (there's a lot he doesn't know about the bomberbody which makes sense if you account for just how little the average human knows), he kinda just spent a long while messing with data chips and seeing what did what, or what effect this would have on that, and etc etc...you get the idea. So, kinda like a DVD player, but it plays the DVD in your mind. Also- it's literally built into your body; you can't get rid of it unless you wanna inconvenience yourself in a major way.
Magic hands, woo! But more technically, it starts in the torso. If you hold your hand out, gunpowder will flow from it, and it will be encased in metal (roughly the size of your hand, if not bigger.) That's also how pumped bombs exist- it's (mostly) through the hands! I'd imagine Green has trouble with that- but it's easy to make a bomb appear from your hands. Also, they don't have fire abilities or something, it just kinda ignites when you're done with it and you set it down. There's probably some discrepancies involved (white has to manually light a group of them in some cases) but it's almost midnight, and the differences are too few and far between for me to really mention.
You get scrapped if you end up broken beyond repair or are otherwise deemed "beyond saving". White got more serious as a person after Pretty Bomber was scrapped.
Despite being made from metal and other junk, the Bombermen are actually sorta flexible. White likes to stretch a lot. Says it helps him with his "joints", wherever they are....
Maintenance is MANDATORY!! Similar to humans, the bodies of bombermen will be prone to accumulating damage over time. It might not seem like a concern initially, but if they don't rest every once in a while, it hinders their basic functioning. That's also why they need sleep despite being mechanical lifeforms; it gives a lot of your internal processes' a much needed break after running for so long! Similarly to the way humans go to the doctor for a checkup; try to set aside some time for maintenance to make sure all your systems are running well.
And...that's all for today. Mostly headcanons, analysis and stuff, but i'm like really smart and stuff...or maybe just kinda loopy from sleep deprivation.
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smarthometekkie · 10 months
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Plumbing Emergencies 101: Understanding When to Seek Professional Help
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Plumbing emergencies can be a nightmare for anyone. Whether it's a burst pipe, a clogged drain or a malfunctioning water heater, these problems can have a big impact on your daily routine. It's important to know when you should try fixing the problem yourself and when it's time to call in a professional. In this article, we will discuss the most common plumbing emergencies and how to deal with them.
Clogged Drains
Clogged drains are a common plumbing issue that most people will deal with at some point. While some minor clogs can be cleared with a plunger or drain snake, persistent clogs could be an indication of a more serious problem. Slow draining water or a gurgling sound when the water is draining are also signs of a clogged drain.
If you've tried using a plunger or drain snake without success, it's time to call a plumber. A professional plumber will have the expertise and tools necessary to identify the source of the problem and solve it quickly.
Burst Pipes
A burst pipe can cause significant damage to your home if not dealt with immediately. If you notice water flowing from a burst pipe, turn off the main water supply to your home and call a burst pipe repair plumber right away.
While you wait for the plumber to arrive, you can try to stop the leak by applying duct tape or a pipe clamp to the affected area. However, this is only a temporary solution and must be fixed by a professional plumber.
Water Heater Problems
A malfunctioning water heater can cause inconvenience and even health problems. If you notice that your water is not heating or there is a strange odor coming from the water, it may be an indication that your water heater needs repair.
While some minor problems can be fixed with simple troubleshooting, like resetting the temperature or checking the pilot light, most water heater issues require the help of a professional plumber. If you're unsure about what to do, it's best to call a plumber to avoid any further damage.
Sewer Backup
A sewer backup is a major plumbing emergency that requires immediate attention. If you notice sewage backing up into your home, turn off the water supply and call a plumber right away. Sewer backups are usually caused by a blockage in the sewer line, which can be caused by tree roots or other debris.
Attempting to fix a sewer backup yourself could result in further damage to your plumbing system or even cause health problems due to exposure to contaminated water. A professional plumber will have the expertise and equipment to solve the problem and get your plumbing system back to working order.
Dealing with plumbing emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming, but knowing when to seek professional help can save you time, money, and further damage to your plumbing system. Remember, while minor issues can be handled on your own, major emergencies like sewer backups or burst pipes require the help of a professional plumber. By keeping these tips in mind, you can tackle any plumbing emergency with confidence.
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S/O of Jamil adopting a himalayan cat and named it Jameow caused both of them has that "I'm so done" expression X,D (btw happy summer, Raven)
*WHEEZES* JAMEOW-- (P.S. Happy summer to you too, Anon!)
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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“... I fail to see the resemblance,” Jamil declares (while making the exact same “I’m so done” face as Jameow). “And of all the possible names you could have chosen, you had to go with a pun?”
He’s not nearly as amused as you are, especially not when you ask to take a “family” photo together. Jamil soon finds himself sitting with a cat smushed against his left cheek and you smushed against his right cheek, and smiling for a selfie that he wanted no part of. Like it or not, he’s now got another animal to look after.
When you’re busy with club activities or homework, Jamil’s often the one catsitting for you. Despite not being very pleased with your pet’s name (or its general behavior), Jamil treats his cat counterpart well. He’s already so used to looking after Kalim’s 101 pets that he feels obligated to be nice to Jameow, too. (Plus, he knows you’d appreciate it!)
Jamil pays careful attention to your instructions on how to look after your cat. He even goes out of his way to be extra. For example, Jamil makes fancy homemade meals, like fresh fish tartare, for Jameow. (Only the best for his beloved’s pet!)
He and Jameow quickly develop the habit of getting into staring contests or sizing the other up whenever they’re in the same room. They have a lot of pride, and they’ll stake it on whether or not they can intimidate the other with just a look.
Jameow often gets in the way of Jamil’s chores (which annoys him to no end). The cat might nap in the laundry basket, or make a big hissy fuss about getting bathed... and Jamil deals with the inconveniences like a champ (though it is a test on his patience).
They both hate bugs! Sometimes Jameow will manage to swat a fly before Jamil can, which earns him a nod of approval and maybe head pats or extra premium grade tuna.
He goes out of his way to purposefully buy Jameow octopus and eel-shaped toys to chew on and bat around. What’s more, he encourages the cat to go wild on those toys. (When you teasingly ask why he specifically picked those shapes, Jamil responds with a straight faced “No particular reason,” but you know better.)
He actually takes great joy in playing with Jameow. Jamil’s favorite activity is actually dangling a little feathered teaser toy and watching the cat on his hind legs, aggressively swiping at the colorful feather. Like a puppet on strings, while Jamil is the puppeteer—
Jamil shoos Jameow away when he’s doing something important, but you’d be surprised how readily he caves to a pleading look. Jamil might grumble and complain that “you’re needy, just like your owner”, but he’ll still crouch down to give a scratch behind the ears or a good head pat. Curse cats and their cuteness.
A sleepy Jameow will recline in Jamil’s lap while he strokes the cat and recounts his day (aka vents about the idiotic things he had to put up with earlier). You’ll return to pick up Jameow, only to find that they’ve fallen asleep against one another! They really are alike, you think to yourself as you take a photo of the adorable scene to show Jamil when he wakes up.
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simplyfandomish · 2 years
Test Subject 101: BITTEN Chapter 11: Awaken
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SUMMARY: Hawkins, Indiana was a quiet town that travelers would use as a pitstop to Disneyland.
There was nothing special about the small community...Unless you're talking about the super-secret government facility at the edge of town that experiments on children and is home to a gateway to another dimension.
Now that's strange.
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An (eventual) Steve Harrington x Reader 
(not as much romance this first season as story needs to be set up first. More romance will come with our beloved mother of six within later books)
Trigger Warnings: Blood, lots of blood mainly from nosebleeds, usual Stranger Things gore and spookiness. The demogorgon is an asshole...all my homies hate the demogorgon.     
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Story cross posted on ao3 & Quotev
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I couldn't wait for a whole 'nother week!😭 FINAL chapter will be out at the beginning of this week! Mayhaps Tuesday? 👀👀
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Heart rate monitors chimed. Nurse call buttons tolled. Drops of liquid splashed into an IV tube. 
The smell of disinfectant was unwelcoming to Hopper - having spent so many hours, days, and nights at his dying daughter's side. He was already bundled up to keep warm from the snow and winter wind storming outside, but he was especially grateful the thick coats kept the cold of the hospital at bay. At least the simple Christmas decorations hanging on the doorways and ceilings brought in some holiday cheer to the usually solemn place.  
Hopper batted away an annoying cut-out paper that was hanging on a too-long string like some grumpy old cat. The medium-sized snowflake was inconveniently hanging from an air conditioning vent and constantly moving. He took a step to the left and right numerous times, but the snowflake was determined to poke his eye out. 
“We don’t know when she'll wake up, Chief Hopper.” The air conditioning stopped at this precise moment. Allowing Hopper to turn away from the snowflake and towards the comatose body laying in the room before him. The patient's room was dark with strands of Christmas lights providing a calm low light. Poinsettia and various other flowers were taking space on the raised table at the bed's foot.    
“Okay. Just...please take care of her." Hopper allowed his soft side to flicker through his hard exterior as he stared at your comatose body. His eyes hardened again as he pointed a meaty finger into the doctor's face, "And I want no record of her being here - Understood?” Hopper demanded. 
The doctor nodded hesitantly. “Can I ask why you want no records? I mean, we can label her as a Jane Doe, but you seem to know who-”
“I want no records of her. Do. You. Understood?” The doctor was near wetting himself at the terrifying glare the Chief of Hawkins Police was giving him. The doctor nodded obediently and scurried out of the small room. 
Hopper sighed and collapsed into the chair assigned for visitors. He always hated hospitals. Too sterile, too quiet, too many memories. He couldn’t understand why he kept returning to your hospital room almost every day since the incident with Will and the Demogorgon, almost two weeks prior. Some part of him wished that you had woken from your coma by now. He could recall you mentioning slipping into a day-long coma after over-exerting your powers. But a day had passed...and two...three...now it's 14 days later and there was no sign of you recovering.
The two groups explained your stupidity and bravery to the Chief. They're explanations were rushed and quiet as there was a short moment of peace before the government agents flocked in and took over. They explained how you used your powers to severely injure the Demogorgon at the Byers' house, then how you overexerted yourself to project your astral form to the middle, and then how you blacked out after defeating the disgusting creature. The Party mentioned how El disappeared with the monster during the eradication of the atoms and was nowhere to be found. The Party didn't want to believe the worst about their new friend and did their best to not feed those depressive thoughts. 
The Party visited your hospital room whenever they could get out from their parent's watching eyes. Dustin always brought in simple flower arrangements: a wildflower or two with cuts from a leafy green tree to add detail. 
Hopper looked from Dustin's collection of daisies and evergreen leaves to the rest of the flora on the table. Nancy brought in a Christmas card written in pretty cursive that took up both pages of the card interior. Steve bought a "Get Well" card and a miniature plush Santa Clause from the gift shop downstairs. Jonathan relatively did the same - buying something from the gift shop and writing a small note of neverending gratitude for your help with his brother.
Said brother always brought in pretty drawings. A snowman he and The Party made with a large carrot nose and thick red scarf. A hillside covered in snow with some yellow and purple wildflowers popping through the white blanket. You in a grandiose wizard's garb with the entire Party at your side in their respective DnD clothing and their weapons drawn, ready for the next battle to commence. A rough sketch of your smiling face with graphite smears and eraser markings - Will had attempted portraiture drawing for a while now, but everyone could tell the drawing was you by the crinkle of your eyes and the lines of your smile. There were so many of Will's drawings you could make an art book. 
Speak of the Devil and they shall appear; Hopper turned to the door when a small knock broke the silence. Joyce and Will stood at the door with a modest bundle of white roses, daisies, and ferns wrapped in a Christmas ribbon. Will was holding another drawing to his chest, while his other hand gently cradled a small wrapped present in cute snowman wrapping paper.  
Hopper remembered that it was now December 2nd, 23 days from Christmas...14 days of your coma sleep.
 Joyce waved at Hopper as Will rushed to be by your side. He gingerly placed the drawing onto the growing pile before carefully hopping onto the mattress to sit by your feet.
“Any updates?” Joyce asked quietly. Her cold hands fidgeted with her coat.   
Hopper shook his head and sighed, “Nothing. They still don’t know when she might wake up.” The adults kept their eyes on the youths in the room.
Will licked his lips, “Hi, (Y/n). It’s me again…Will. Will Byers…” It was adorable how he always introduced his full name - as if you could ever forget. “I…I’m doing a lot better now. I’m free to go back to school and hang out with Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. You remember them right? We’re almost done with our newest DND campaign. We think you’d be a great party member - Dustin especially thinks so. But we don't know if you'd be an Enchanter or Transmuter, since...well...your powers can do both of those things. Definitely a Wizard though. 
“We finally got the house all fixed up too after...everything. Jonathan talked about your powers. I-I wish I could have seen them in action. Jonathan always talks about how cool and crazy powerful you were…I really miss you, (Y/n). I-I thought that once I got out that we could hang out together…” Tears built up in his waterline. His small hand grabbed onto your fingers. “Please wake up…so we can hang out and play DnD a-and celebrate Christmas together.” The young boy began to sniffle as tears spilled down his thin cheeks. He laid his head on the side of your hospital bed and tightened his hold on your hand. 
You couldn’t stand hearing the sweet boy cry anymore. You never wanted to hear him cry again. 
When a gentle hand rested on Will’s head and stroked his dark locks he believed it was his mother consoling him. 
“Holy shit…” Hopper breathed. Joyce gasped.
Will’s head shot up from the mattress when your hand squeezed around his small one. You smiled tiredly at the young Byers boy. “There’s a flaw with your master plan, Will." Your voice was quiet and raspy from not using them for two weeks and from the puncture wounds. Your neck was wrapped tightly with gauze and it was a struggle to swallow with the firm pressure. "I don’t know how to play DnD.” Tears of happiness rushed down Will’s face like tiny waterfalls. The boy didn’t hesitate to climb further up your mattress and leap into your arms.
You grunted from the impact but still urged your arms to wrap around the crying boy. Even if you were asleep for two weeks you were still exhausted. Just lifting your arms proved to be a slight challenge; Your arms felt like soaking wet noodles and your neck felt like it was ensnared in a bear trap - which it might as well have been. You didn't dare try and turn your neck to the other occupants of the room so you stared at Hopper and Joyce over the apple of your cheek. 
“Hey, guys…” You smiled lightly.
Joyce let out a sob and flocked to you like a proper mother hen. She was careful of your wounds and her son as she wrapped her thin arm around the crown of your head. The hand curled around your forehead and began to pet your hair out of your face.
Hopper stood from his chair with a relieved smile on his face. 
“Hey, kid.”
lol of course she has to be alive! She's still got three more seasons to suffer through  experience!😁
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NO, MOM, I'M NOT FINE😭😭  JUST CASUALLY CRYING AS I WRITE THIS REUNION😭😭🫂 (Y/N)'S ALIVE YALL🥳 lol of course she has to be alive! She's still got three more seasons to suffer through  experience!😁
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Chapter 12: Festive Holiday
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sen-no-kotowari · 2 years
PGR A Chrome Character Profile
My apologies for the small break, but here's A Chrome's Character Profile as promised. While this version of Chrome is already released in the GLB Server, my rendition is only a fan translation at the end of the day. Character Profile is on the cut down below.
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Voice Line Data
Motion Voice Lines
Lobby Voice 1
Chrome: Commander, I'd like to conduct a meeting right now regarding the mission this time around. Is right now a good time for you?
Lobby Voice 2
Chrome: I made a private communication line. With this, you'll be able to contact me anytime, anywhere. ...You can also use this for things besides work-related purposes though.
Lobby Voice 3
Chrome: I will give my utmost best for you to achieve victory.
Raise Affection Level
Chrome: What I've longed for... Is now right in front of me.
Repetitive Taps
Chrome: Is there something on me?
Introduction and Formation
Structure Acquired
Chrome: It's a pleasure meeting you, Commander of the Gray Raven Unit. I am Chrome, Captain of the Strike Hawk Unit. Have you seen Kamui by any chance?
Level Up
Chrome: It is crucial to always strive for self-improvement.
Chrome: I am thankful for your guidance.
Model Improvement
Chrome: In order to set an example to others, one must constantly improve themself.
Skill Upgrade
Chrome: I see... So this is how Gray Raven does their training.
Chrome: A weapon's potential is dependent on the wielder's capabilities.
Add in Team
Chrome: Affirmative! Chrome from Strike Hawk, I shall participate in battle!
Assign as Captain
Chrome: Leave it to me, I shall do my utmost best.
Mission Accomplished
Chrome: Commander, I'd like you to please verify the results.
Daily Small Talks
Voice Line 1
Chrome: Each member of Strike Hawk normally has their own set of orders to follow, so we use a private communication line to contact each other.
Voice Line 2
Chrome: Stop acting on your own when we already had planned our schedule. The last thing I'd want is to be receiving complaints from other units because of that. ...Oh, my apologies, Commander. I was on a transmission with someone from my unit.
Voice Line 3
Chrome: Commander, I'd like to conduct a meeting right now regarding the mission this time around. Is right now a good time for you?
Voice Line 4
Chrome: "Temporary Lodging for Strike Hawk—Gray Raven Base Number 101" ...This must be Kamui's doing. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience we've caused you.
Voice Line 5
Chrome: What's wrong? You keep staring at me... Is there something on my head perhaps?
Voice Line 6
Chrome: Why do I have high regards for discipline you ask? It's because that way, I could efficiently unify my consciousness as well as conduct myself to how a leader should act.
Voice Line 7
Chrome: Regarding Kamui's temporary transfer... Oh, I don't mean to oppose it, no. I wish to be of help to you.
Voice Line 8
Chrome: Although I believe that it's important for me to set an example by strictly disciplining myself in both mind and body in order to lead the team to stand above the rest, to be able to protect yourself is the most important above anything. ...Do you understand what I mean?
Voice Line 9
Chrome: I made a private communication line. With this, you'll be able to contact me anytime, anywhere. ...You can also use this for things besides work-related purposes though.
Voice Line 10
Chrome: During an emergency, please immediately contact me using the private communication line. I will come to your aid as soon as possible.
Voice Line 11
Chrome: I will give my utmost best for you to achieve victory.
Voice Line 12
Chrome: It appears that I've grown fond of you. I want to become your number one.
Raise Affection Level
Voice Line 1
Chrome: I have had the talent since I was young, why that's quite an absurd way of saying it, don't you think?
Voice Line 2
Chrome: ...You have my gratitude.
Voice Line 3
Chrome: My apologies, it seems like Kamui bumped his inverse element device again and... I will swiftly deal with this matter.
Voice Line 4
Chrome: You shouldn't be wasteful, Commander.
Voice Line 5
Chrome: Perfection isn't about winning or losing—Rather, it is about the result achieved by giving one's utmost best in doing so.
Voice Line 6
Chrome: Thank you very much, Commander. ...Do you think that prestige is more valuable compared to one's own life and safety?
Voice Line 7
Chrome: I want to be able to deeply converse with you about a variety of topics Commander, not just battle strategies.
Voice Line 8
Chrome: If there's something that caught your interest, I naturally also become curious about it.
Voice Line 9
Chrome: More than being your shield or your fortress, what I wish to find is the final answer that can completely protect you.
Voice Line 10
Chrome: This, for me, is the best present.
Voice Line 11
Chrome: You are the only person who I consider the "right" answer.
Voice Line 12
Chrome: What I've longed for... Is now right in front of me.
Voice Line 1
Chrome: Please refrain from slacking in the middle of the mission.
Voice Line 2
Chrome: I look forward to working with you in future missions.
Voice Line 3
Chrome: I'd like to have some kind of answer but... it seems like the respondent isn't answering back.
Voice Line 4
Chrome: Did something happen? ...No, it's all right. I'll always be by your side.
Online for a Long Time
Voice Line 1
Chrome: Please take some rest accordingly too, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Chrome: We don't have any missions we're busy with at the moment. If humans like yourself don't rest when they can, it would negatively affect the quality of one's judgment in an important mission.
Voice Line 3
Chrome: If we exceed the limit of the consciousness link, please rest immediately should there be any signs of abnormalities showing in your mind. If you were to refuse, I will forcefully make you take a rest.
Voice Line 4
Chrome: Why is it that you don't want to rest? Please be reasonable and stop hurting yourself like this.
Voice Line 1
Chrome: Good day to you, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Chrome: It's been a while. I've notified you about the new mission through the private communication line, so go ahead and give the orders to sortie.
Voice Line 3
Chrome: I will be providing you support for the time being here on, so I hope to get along well with you Commander.
Voice Line 4
Chrome: I'm truly glad that I have met you, Commander.
Voice Line 5
Chrome: The reason why Kamui always stays here... It feels like I now kind of understand why.
Voice Line 6
Chrome: I, Chrome, will be waiting for you here.
Offline for a Long Time
Chrome: Thank goodness, we finally meet again Commander.
Voice Line 1
Chrome: What's wrong? Are we being ambushed?
Voice Line 2
Chrome: I feel dizzy...I have to pull myself together.
Voice Line 3
Chrome: Eh...? I-is that you Kamui? Or is it the Commander?
Repetitive Taps
Voice Line 1
Chrome: I think this mannerism... isn't the best so to speak.
Voice Line 2
Chrome: Is there something on me?
Voice Line 3
Chrome: Please stop...this. I-I... It feels strange...
Activity Task Full
Chrome: Adjustments are complete. Strike Hawk's Chrome, ready for deployment.
Battle Dialogues
Battle Start/Character Switch
Chrome: Those who press onwards shall be victorious!
Voice Line 1
Chrome: Let's give it our all in this!
Voice Line 2
Chrome: Does this result suit your expectations?
Voice Line 3
Chrome: Stay behind me.
Ultimate Skill
Chrome: Let's end this here.
Light Damage
Chrome: Requesting back-up...!
Heavy Damage
Chrome: Everybody, proceed with caution and reestablish our formation.
Chrome: It's all...my fault...
Friend Support
Chrome: Strike Hawk's Captain, Chrome. Here to provide support.
Chrome: Is that it?
Battle End
Chrome: We emerged victoriously, just as promised.
Structure Documentation
Document Detail 1
"Commander, I'd like to conduct a meeting right now regarding the mission this time around, however... Is right now a good time for you?" Captain of Strike Hawk. An Armored-type Structure. Although he could use all types of weapons, he prefers to use the scythe. He joined under the Gray Raven for the sake of carrying out the special mission. He always does everything to his optimum abilities, leaving the best results.
Document Detail 2
He is equipped with the Structure-specialized Inverse Device, which allows him to lead Strike Hawk without the need for a human commander. He meticulously prepares numerous emergency plans before the mission starts so that everyone in Strike Hawk would safely return.
Document Detail 3
Because Strike Hawk distributes each member to a scouting team, Chrome has a stable, exclusive communication line. Since it's shared by all of the members, they could easily exchange their location and status with one another with clarity on their voice signal.
Document Detail 4
His original consciousness is "Langston." He originally had aimed to become a commander but had lost his qualifications due to an accident. He voluntarily applied for Structurization and he now serves as the captain of Strike Hawk.
Document Detail 5
He was subjected to the outrage of those around him back when he was newly Structurized. Though Chrome himself admits that someone influential has been supporting him, because of how outstanding his abilities are, those criticisms had died down.
Document Detail 6
"Although I strictly discipline myself both physically and mentally in order to set an example, being able to effectively command this platoon is the most important above anything." Chrome constantly seeks to himself the best standard—he would think of what the highest priority of things around him are and silently solve the problem.
Rumors and Secrets
Secret 1 He is well-versed in every weapon there is.
Secret 2 Whenever everyone in Strike Hawk is on a mission, Chrome's go-to weapon is a scythe—his reason is that it's useful in catching his team members.
Secret 3 He is in charge of regulating and cleaning everything on Strike Hawk's base.
Secret 4 Because he takes every word sincerely, Chrome is gullible.
Secret 5 In order to introduce the latest technology, he installed the prototypes under testing throughout his model.
Secret 6 He has yet to lose against the members of Strike Hawk when they have one-on-one practice training. There, however, was only one time he tied against a male member of the unit.[1]
Secret 7 Whenever practice training starts, although he does contemplate if he should go easy on his opponents, he unconsciously gets serious when sparring begins.
Secret 8 He is busy running around every place, cleaning up the troubles the other members have caused.
Secret 9 He already has his communication device on hand, even if he isn't in transmission with anybody. By doing so, it allows him to coordinate his thoughts and give out directives depending on the situation.
Secret 10 Thinks that personal appearance is as important—more than fixing his own hairstyle, Chrome also focuses on adjusting his own unit member's appearance. He had sewn many pockets on Kamui's clothes, who frequently keeps losing stuff.
Secret 11 To deepen his relationship with his team members, Chrome hosted a slumber party at the suggestion of Wanshi.
Secret 12 He had fixed the Gray Raven's collar out of reflex[2]. After he noticed it was impolite of him, aside from wholeheartedly apologizing, Chrome also prepared an apology gift as well.
The other party in question is assumed to be Wanshi.
This was a call-out to Chrome's affection story, which in turn became a reference used for his first birthday video in the CN servers. You can watch the video here.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi so, i get easily get bruises, i can just wake up in the morning and BAM an New bruise. So how would the brother react to MC just having there legs All bruised up?? Oh and sorry for my bad english😅
Yeah, I know what that’s like. I always tend to wake up with bruises on my arms and legs. God knows how those got there. And don’t apologise for your English! It’s not a big deal at all and I’m happy you took the time to send me this request!
The Brothers with an MC who bruises easily:
-He would notice them before you do tbh
-Probably noticed them in the first few days of your stay in DevilDom, demon boy is very observant
-At first, he just assumed those came from you roughhousing with his brothers which happened a lot
-But once you two actuallly entered a relationship, he realised you were waking up with bruises that weren’t there the night before
-(not suggesting anything but maybe...?)
-He takes a moment to question himself like: Is this a human thing he’s too demon to understand? Is MC defective or something? No, no that’s silly but....how tf???
-At some point he just asks you and you just respond with : “It happens all the time.” And “I’m used to it. They don’t even bother me.”
-And he’s like alright because the bruises themselves don’t look too life threatening (then again he’s not a human doctor so how should he know?)
-Lucifer still worries like a mom every now and then but knows there’s nothing he can really do about it. Except forcing Solomon to use some of his mighty spells to heal you
-You won’t know this, but he changed the bedsheets and pillows so they would be softer than they were before because he has a sneaking suspicion you get those by hitting yourself in the middle of night or something
-Thoughtful boyfriend 101
-He...uh, he thought he inflicted those himself
-I mean, he has a habit of manhandling you every now and again, accidentally hitting you or just straight up dropping you when carrying you around
-And he started to feel really bad about it because his human was hurting because of him >:(
-He was just being really quiet around you in hopes of not accidentally hitting you with his wild gestures for a while
-And you were confused by his sudden change in behaviour which made you ask him what the problem was
-“Nah, I just wake up with those bruises. They kinda show up out of nowhere.”
-And he’s like “????????? Really??”
-And you’re like yea
-He’s still on high alert all the time because he still doesn’t get where the mystery injuries keep coming from
-There is a time where he legitimately thinks you got cursed by the witches
-He’ll get over it eventually but he still likes kissing your bruises because he thinks ‘it makes you feel better’
-Also, he’s shit at treating wounds so go to Lucifer if you need to be bandaged up
-I feel like he would also wake up with cuts and bruises all over him
-Serpent boy is already sleep deprived as it is, so when he does manage to fall asleep, I imagine he keeps moving about
-He may be a demon and while these ‘bruises’ don’t necessarily hurt, they’re still kinda inconvenient
-He didn’t realise it was a thing humans deal with too, so he was a bit taken aback when you told him you had the same problem
-“You basically sleep in a bath tub, how do you get those bruises??”
-“Uh...idk, I guess hitting the edge of it in the middle of night.”
-You were surprised he sleeps at all, let alone long enough for him to accidentally hit himself and form injuries
-He keeps insisting you look badass with bruises all over you
-“You give off main character vibes MC!”
-“Oh God.”
-“I mean, Oh Lord Diavolo.”
-Probably just concentrated on finding something to help you refrain from getting any more of these bruises
-And when I tell you he tries, he really tries
-He will get his hands on every human book about self care and any medical brochures from the human realm he can
-He will kidnap Solomon to help if necessary
-He is A-OK with stealing Belphie’s pillows to see if you’re more comfortable at night with those
-Has absolutely no problem bandaging you up if the bruises are that bad
-Overall, he takes after Lucifer with his mother bear instincts
-CEO of giving you every single lotion and cream he owns in hopes of making you feel better
-He is so sad that your beautiful skin gets ruined by those nasty bruises
-Ngl, if he woke up with one of those he would start screaming and crying
-Also, a lot of babying
-It’s like you broke your leg instead of just having a bruise or two, that’s how he acts
-Asmo is a sweetheart, in reality, so even if the bruises don’t bother you, he feels bad that he can’t do much about it
-He changes the bed sheets and pillows you two use regularly and insists you won’t get anymore bruises if you just cuddle him all night
-I doubt the truth behind that statement, but it’s worth a try
-He isn’t worried mostly
-He knows the difference between an injury that hurts and one that is just...there
-Beel does offer to carry you around if he notices you have a bunch of those bruises all over your legs
-He knows they’re not painful, but he loves carrying you around so it doesn’t matter 💞💞
-He doesn’t really get why you wake up with those things either
-Belphie’s been his brother for centuries and he never woke up cuts or anything
-If he feels it’s necessary, he would go to Satan for advice, only because he thinks he’s pretty good at the whole....treating a human
-He goes to Lucifer whenever he has the chance too, asking whether you can sleep in his room instead since you keep getting bruises in your own bed
-I say this a lot but he shares his food with you
-Everytime he sees a new bruise, he just gives you a portion of his meal
-He doesn’t care how much you end up taking as long as you’re happy and distracted from the fact that your legs look like they have been strangled
-Beel is baby and I love him
-That’s unacceptable
-That genuinely disturbs him
-He loves sleep
-He can’t imagine hurting himself like while sleeping
-To him, it’s like imagining your best friend stabbing you in the back when you least expect it
-He will not stand for this
-Belphie is the Avatar of Sloth he will do everything in his power to let you actually have a nice rest without worrying about bruises
-He will put a shit ton of spells on you just so you don’t move around while you are asleep
-He will order 500 new pillows, he doesn’t give two fucks
-He will threaten his bed if he has to
-He will enchant his whole room if he has to
-Like Satan, he has no limits
-Do not test him
-You will not wake up with those bruises anymore whether you like it or not
-Prepare to me affectionately attacked
So, I got this short one out. I have another big ask working on right now that is a sort of alternative ending of the last ask posted requested by someone but while I write that, I have a few smaller asks to complete. I hope you enjoyed this one!
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theunbrokenwitch · 4 years
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Hello everyone ! It is been a while since I posted something, so I decided to write an article about cleansing. However, everything I wrote is based by my own believes and my personnal practice : if you disagree with something I say or if you want to add something, feel free to leave a comment with your remarks. I am only starting to consider myself as an advanced witch and I am completely aware that I can do mistakes. My first desire is to learn from my mistakes.
What is cleansing and how it is different from cleaning ?
Cleansing is the act of purifying a space or an object from any negative, bad or unwanted energies that would interfere into your spellwork. This action aims to get rid of any residual energies, repulse unwanted guests such as entities from the other world, spirits, demons (although this won't be enough alone)... It differs from cleaning.
Why is it important to cleanse ?
It is important as you don't want any energy/entity/... to interfere during your spell or in your daily life. For example, when moving into a new house or before performing a spell. The reason is the same : to get rid off of any energies that would still be there. For the house, to repulse any energy left by the previous inhabitant of the said house, but also to prepare the space for a warding. When about to perform a spell, to let go of the previous energy I called upon during a spell I did before.
What are the different ways to cleanse ?
Each methods of cleansing has their own advantages but also their inconveniences. Here are some of the ways I learned about :
SMOKE OF HERBS AND INCENSE : One of the most well-known way to cleanse a space is to use the smoke from incense or herbs. Light the incense or burn the herbs then guide the smoke in the area.
Pros : It's a popular practice and easy to do, the possibility to match the incense or herbs to your intents either purify a space or consecrate a space for the spell that will be cast, a good offering for deities and spirits. It also smell very good.
Cos : some herbs like Palo Santo and White Sage endangered other species and ecosystems due to their overuse. Also, there is practices from closed cultures such as smudging that cannot be done by people that do not belong to the culture. I urge you to do researches about cultural appropriation for this reason. If you live with some people that do not like the smell of incense or have medical breathing issues, this won't be a good idea at all too.
CLEANING : Although there is a huge difference between cleansing a space before or after a ritual or a spell and tidying your room, cleaning -when intended to be a form of purification- can do wonders.
Pros : The perfect alternative for closet witches, discreet and not suspicious for non-witches. You can add certain oils in the water you use to mop the floor, grounded coffee to clean leather-made fourniture... You can pretend that you prefer more ecological ways to clean your house !
Cons : You must have some knowledge in the different ways to make your own cleaning products -if you want to make them yourself-, which can sometimes seem complicated depending of the recipe you chose. If you use essential oils, be careful about the one you want to use as some aren't safe for skin and/or pets.
SPRAY : Another affordable way to cleanse a space is to create a water-based solution you will spray around you and the space you want to cleanse.
Pros :Easy to make, smells great too ; you can use essential oils, herbs and crystals that will match your intent.
Cons : Be cautious on the herbs, oils and crystals you use as not all of them are safe to use (selenite dissolves in water and becomes toxic, some herbs are poisonous, certain oils aren't safe to be used around pets...). Always do some researches before making one !
MUSIC AND SOUNDS : Music and sounds are made out of the vibration of frequencies in the air. So, playing certains frequencies in a room you want to cleanse will also work of those energies. You can also use the chimes of a bell, your own voice in order to sing, or an instrument.
Pros : There is a great amount of playlists on Youtube, Spotify and Deezer compilig many songs made out of those perticular frequencies ; it helps also with meditation and... Everyone likes music, right ?
Cons : Not everyone likes music, in fact. And not everyone likes to meditate with sound too. If you live with your family or a roommate, they may not like it. Also, you may be self-conscious about your voice or your skill when playing an instrument which will make you nervous. (It is my case)
CRYSTALS : Some crystals are known to attract certains things to the owner of the stone (love and friedship for rose quartz, focus with tiger eyes...), and some others are known to help to purify and protect a space by absorbing energies such as clear quartz or obsidian.
Pros : They are elegantly pretty and various, some are affordable
Cons : Among the fact that some crystals can be pretty expensive or will need a bigger amount of cleansing -because crystals needs to be cleanse more or less often- it also require child labour and poor wages for the minners that collect them. Please, be cautious about that, inform yourself on the business behind and try to purchase from equitable suppliers as much as possible.
If I forgot to add a method or if I did a mistake somewhere, please do not hesitate to leave a comment or to send me a DM. I hope that this will help some of you. May your days be blessed and your lives safe from any harm.
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jisungscaramel · 4 years
desire | changbin
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❀ pairing: changbin x reader (female) ❀ word count: 1k
[warning] explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (be safe y’all), public(ish) sex, car sex, size kink, (mild) s&m
When it comes to roadtrips, people either love them or find them utterly unbearable, and in this moment, you identify with the latter... but not for the reason you expected. 
‘How long has it been? A few days? A week?’ you mentally contemplate as you inwardly groan at the way the cat silently begs for attention. She just has to overflow with thirst when it’s the most inconvenient of times for you. 
You glance at your boyfriend, Changbin, in your peripheral, biting your lip. You try to distract yourself by looking at the sun setting into the ocean as he drives down the 101. 
‘Cause you got desires… I know, I know, I know…’ 
But the music he’s playing deems the surroundings an inadequate distraction, enabling your sinful thoughts. 
‘Oh fuck it.’ 
You gingerly place your hand on Changbin’s thigh and give it a gentle squeeze. Ever so slightly, his hand tightens on the steering wheel, and you inch your hand to palm his crotch. 
“Don’t.” He shoots you a warning glare before turning his focus back to the road. 
“Oh yeah?” You press harder, making him groan, “what are you gonna do about it?” You smirk when you feel him stir under your touch. 
He shifts his left hand to the top of the wheel and takes his right off. He grips your wrist and pulls your hand away from him. 
“Two can play this game.” 
He returns your hand to your side and before you can react, he slips his fingers into your skirt and presses his middle finger against your clit. A sinister chuckle drips from his lips when you gasp at his touch. 
“God you’re soaking.” He runs his nail along your opening, over the lace of your underwear. “I didn’t realize you needed me this badly.” 
His fingers push your underwear to the side, holding it in place by the pinky, resting his index finger on the junction between your core and your thigh to suspend his middle and ring finger into your slick. 
With varying speed, he draws circles along your folds, biting his lip at the desire flowing from you. “Changbin…” you moan his name when he thrusts his fingers into you. 
You press your shoulder blades into the leather seats and buck your hips against his hand. Your knee knocks the door handle in an effort to spread your legs as much as you can, in desperation for more friction. 
His fingers curl inside you, brushing along every ridge. As much as he’s tempted to close his eyes and just immerse in the euphoria of exploring you, externally, he remains completely stoic, eyes still on the road. 
His palm puts pressure on your clit, and you sink your nails into Changbin’s bicep as the pleasure pulsing in your core extends further through your nerves, searching for release. 
You can’t help but scream when you reach your high, coating Changbin’s fingers in your orgasm. 
He lifts his fingers to his mouth, sensually licking the residual of your pleasure. 
But it isn’t enough. 
“Changbin, please,” you whine. 
He glances at you nonchalantly and raises an eyebrow. “‘Please,’ what?”
“I need you…” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Bloody hell, Changbin, I need you inside me. Now.” 
“Can’t you wait until we get there?” he teases. 
You slip your underwear off and stuff the lace in the front pocket of his pants. While giving him the most intense look you can muster, you say, “No.” 
He gulps. Even if his reaction is minimal, there’s no denying the growing bulge in his sweatpants. 
Without warning, he makes an unexpected turn, driving down a relatively empty street, and you realize something is up. 
“Binnie… where are we going?” 
“We’re taking a detour.” 
He parks in a beach lot. 
“Get in the backseat,” he says and you don’t need to be told twice. 
You throw off your shoes and climb over the center console to get to the back. Seconds later, Changbin is in the back with you and you’re firmly straddling his lap.
Your lips attach to his hungrily, clutching his hair as you dominate the kiss. Your grab his shoulders for leverage when he reaches to slide his pants down, revealing his erection. 
The tip throbs against your clit, sending electricity up your spine, and you lower yourself slowly to take him in. You can’t help but throw your head back at the salacious stretch. 
“Fuck, you’re so big, you can barely fit.” 
You grind your hips from side to side, settling into the feeling as deep as you possibly can. He grits his teeth when you start snapping your hips, filling the car with the vulgar music your bodies make. 
The windows begin to fog… not that it matters to you whether anyone sees or not. The only thing your mind is on is the sensation of being filled up by Changbin. 
In one fluid motion, he pushes you down on the seat, pulling your leg around so that you’re laying sideways, knees hitting the back of the driver’s seat, ass exposed to him. 
You let out an array of mewls as he grips your hip and thigh to push deeper and stronger into you. 
He grunts. “You’re a greedy little slut, aren’t you? I already got you off once but your pussy’s still dripping for me.” 
“I-I can’t help it,” you manage to get words out through your heavy breaths. 
But you scream when he goes so deep that you feel it hit your cervix, and you latch onto the door handle for support. 
“Too deep?” he purrs, smirking at the sight of tears forming in the corners of your eyes. 
“Good, ‘cause this is only the beginning. When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”   
A/N This prolly won’t be the last piece inspired by Dark Lane Demo Tapes... (gif isn’t mine)
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1. “I’m leaving.”
2. “You relapsed again, didn’t you?”
3. “You promised you wouldn’t hurt me!”
4. “Yeah, it’s always my fault!”
5. “I hate you.”
6. “Even after all that?
7. “You broke her heart and came back for more, you bastard.”
8. “This isn’t fifth grade, this is a courtroom, you whore.”
9. “I think you’d be the perfect match for my ex-husband. He loved to sleep with multiple people.”
10. “I’m not coming home, don’t look for me.”
11. “Time was always a measurement of this relationship and we finally ran out.”
12. “Please don’t look at me with such hatred.”
13. “I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
14. “Just get out. I- I don’t want you here, just leave.”
15. “You’re not the same person I married, don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
16. “I wish you wouldn’t beg for forgiveness, it has the opposite effect of what you want.”
17. “Don’t hate me for this. You would’ve done the same.”
18. “This could’ve been the end and you were ready to let me go.”
19. “You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.”
20. “Hate me all you want. I know I’m right.”
21. “Today you broke my arm, I hope tomorrow it’s not my heart.”
22. “Nothing can justify this, you’ve ruined him.”
23. “You live with so much guilt, I hope it drives you mad one of these days.”
24. “My life was ruined because of one mistake. You were that mistake.”
25. “You are everything I hate, don’t ever come back.”
26. “Evil doesn’t come close.”
27. “Your wrongdoings are becoming your pastimes.”
28. “I wish you had of just done it for the thrill of it, but now you’re in deep shit.”
29. “Next time, I won’t be here to salvage your wreckage. This is the last time.”
30. “You should have ruined me when you had the chance.”
31. “No one will keep your name alive. Once you’re gone, everything you once stood for disappears too.”
32. “Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about your life without me.”
33. “This is always how it ends.”
34. “Break my heart once more, I dare you.”
35. “Forget how you loved me once, I mean nothing now.”
36. “This isn’t Romeo and Juliet, this is real life and I can go on without you.”
37. “You don’t own me, I don’t belong to you.”
38. “I should’ve died. That would’ve made you happy.”
39. “Are we going to carry on like this or are you going to give him back to me.”
40. “She drowned and he lost his mind.”
41. “We shouldn’t. You’re married and I’m pregnant.”
42. “You’ve never been loved, I can tell.”
43. “Who told you I needed fixing and what made you believe them?”
44. “You’re almost as far-gone as I am.”
45. “Maybe it’s best that we don’t go home.”
46. “Roaming the streets was never safe for her. What makes you think it’s different for you?”
47. “I think you’re going to ruin me. Am I right?”
48. “Do you remember our last feud? I wouldn’t want someone to lose their life again, would you?”
49. “Kiss me quick and leave them be.”
50. “I hate seeing you so sad. It’s just so dramatic how humans show emotions and being sad is such a boring one.”
51. “Will you ever forget my number? No? Ah, because you still love me.”
52. “After the funeral, let’s surrender.”
53. “What made you think I cared for you?”
54. “It’ll be fun explaining this to your sister. I hope she likes horror stories.”
55. “Don’t act as if we’re friends. I know how much you want to slit my throat.”
56. “Let’s not get angry. Let’s calmly and sensibly take this outside so I can ruin your face.”
57. “Please ruin yourself for me and I’ll watch in adoration as I fall apart as well.
58. “We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
59. “Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
60. “Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
61. “There is nothing worse than seeing you get what you want.”
62. “Your mind must be a horrible place.”
63. “You can cut me, bruise me and skin me alive, but you will not take her from me.”
64. “How is it that we always end up in this predicament?”
65. “I want to wipe that grin of your face with my sword, but my mother taught me to play nicely.”
66. “Did anyone ever tell you how pathetic you are? It’s incredible how low my standards are for you.”
67. “Ah, well if you want them back alive, I suggest you lay down your own life.”
68. “Don’t be ‘smart’. The battlefield is no place for Math Scholars.”
69. “You shouldn’t have come. You can’t be-”
70. “Stop talking or tomorrow won’t come.”
71. “Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
72. “I shouldn’t care for your life, but I’m starting to and it’s becoming an inconvenience.”
73. “If you live to see her, please send my best regards and this box of her father’s ashes.”
74. “It would’ve been nice to get to know you better, but I’m afraid I don’t care.”
75. “I can’t help but think you’re a terrible person.”
76. “Seeing your face has unconventionally made me want to die. I wasn’t quite prepared for this feeling.”
77. “You could have loved me, I’m quite good at seducing, but you’re actually vile.”
78. “I hope I see you in a bodybag sometime.”
79. “Let’s pretend you didn’t cheat on me with my sister and be good people for a few minutes.”
80. “We should probably stop talking forever.”
81. “If I hated you anymore, I think I’d probably be crowned as satan’s right-hand man.”
82. “To say I ‘tolerate you’ is a vast overstatement.”
84. “This will be the last time you lie to me.”
85. “You know it’s not like that.”
86. “How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
87. “You’re never going to be the same after this.”
88. “I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
89. “I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.”
90. “You never loved me, did you?”
91. “It didn’t have to be like this, but now you’ve ruined everything.”
92. “I hope you’re happy.”
93. “If you had have kept your mouth shut, then he’d still- he’d still be here!”
94. “What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!”
95. “Now I have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Thanks, it means a lot.”
96. “You could’ve- could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
97. “I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
98. “This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now.”
99. “I hope I’m not put in the same part of hell as you.”
100. “When did you think you could hurt me again? Today? Tomorrow?”
101. “You’re back in my life and I want to die again.”
102. “You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.
103. “I hope you got what you wanted.”
104. “You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
105. “When you die, I’ll be the first to dance on your grave.”
𝖱𝖨𝖦𝖧𝖳𝖥𝖴𝖫 𝖢𝖱𝖤𝖣𝖨𝖳𝖲 : @a-cure-for-writers-block 𝖮𝖭 𝖳𝖴𝖬𝖡𝖫𝖱 !
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asleepycoyote · 3 years
My prompts
So I have written some prompts that you can ask to use. I will continue to add more. The ones that have italics or look like 'this' can be anyone's dialogue. I just added it so you know it's not only one person talking. To ask, you can just request the number of the prompt/s you can ask for multiple prompts, but please don't add too many. The ones that have a period at the end of the numbers, don't mind that. That's for me to remember something. Okay, anywho, take your pick :D. Remember you don't have to request one of these, you have your own idea, that's good! I'll be happy to write it! If you have a certain gender you want the reader to be don't forget to ask! You can also request me to add prompts to the list too! Okay so here's the prompts :)
1 "Oh no."
"What is it? What happened? Who died?"
"I think I just felt an emotion."
"You have GOT to be kidding me."
2 "Excuse me. I have to go make a scene."
3 "They're like a hurricane in human form."
4 "Fix it."
"It's a ransom note: I don't care about grammar!"
"There is no excuse for bad grammar."
5 "What does the little blinking light mean?"
"It means... wait blinking light?"
6 "What letter comes after 's' in the alphabet?
"Ooh, yes please!"
7 "Why is there a magical portal in the bathtub?!"
8 "I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don't trust your cooking. Stay out of my kitchen."
9 "We can't have a crisis- my schedule is already full..
10 "How long have you been standing there?
"Longer than you'd like."
11 "Small fire! I said to set a small fire! This is not small!"
12 "I want to go home."
"And I want to go to the moon. It ain't happening, sweetheart. Time to accept that."
13 "It's really not that complicated."
14 "Close the door."
15 "It's three in the morning."
16 "Why are you helping me?"
17 "Just trust me."
18 "What are you thinking about?"
19 "Someday you'll thank me for kidnapping you?"
20 "Who sent you here?"
"I wasn't sent here... if anything, it was an accident."
"Made by whom?"
"Myself, I suppose."
"You sent yourself here on accident?"
"Well, I certainly didn't come here on purpose..."
21 "I just want to be happy."
22 "Can I sleep over? My parents are fighting again."
23 "Why won't you let me help you?!"
24 "You know we make a pretty good team."
25 "You're a horrible liar."
26 "You're freezing. Come here."
27 "I'm saying that because I care about you!
28 "Sing me a song please.
29 "I can explain./!"
30 "Come here."
31 "The real treasure was the memories we made along the way."
"I almost died!"
"Ah yes, that was my fondest memory."
32 "They're crying, what do I do?"
"Go comfort them."
"How do I do that?"
"Start with hugs."
"With what?"
33 "Somehow you don't even have to open your mouth to make my head hurt."
34 "Stop waking me up in the middle of the night."
35 "Any shorter and you'd probably fade out of existence."
36 "I fixed you breakfast. I know it's just a bowl of cereal, but it's the only thing I can't burn."
37 "You just gave off the impression that you want to murder everyone you look at."
38 "It's not my birthday."
"It's definitely your birthday."
"Give me a calendar and I will prove it to—oh. Never mind. Happy birthday to me."
39 "Bold of you to assume I wouldn't just summon a trans-dimensional entity to help me avoid all my problems."
40 "I'm not human. I never was. So, why are you expecting me to act like one?
41 "Everything here can kill you, but I can do it most efficiently."
42 "They took my wallet. Yes, just my wallet. Well.... maybe my passport too."
43 "I don't think of you as a protector. More like a friend."
44 "You deserved that."
45 "Shh, shh. You were dreaming."
46 "I won't leave you behind."
47 "You should be in bed."
48 "What's our exit strategy?"
"Our what?"
"Oh my god, we are all going to die."
49 "Oh my god, you're taking up the whole bed."
50 "I could keep you safe, they're all afraid of me."
51 "I trusted you!"
52 "I know your secret."
"You're gonna have to be more specific there, buddy. Which one? I have a lot of skeletons in my closet."
53 "Who gave you that black eye?!"
54 "Everyone keeps telling me your bad guy."
55 "Why? Because I don't want you to get hurt, that's why!"
56 "You're scared of that, aren't you?"
57 "Come on, when have my calculations ever been wrong?"
"Shut up, that was one time."
58 "Enjoying the view, sunshine?"
59 "While I do enjoy the silent treatment, I wasn't aware I had done anything to you."
60 "I think that's enough."
61 "They deserved it."
62 "What... is this?"
63 "You can't be serious!"
64 "I'm not sorry!"
65 "Who are you?"
"Oh sweetheart, I'm your worst nightmare."
"Wait a minute. Your that guy that tripped over my shoes on the bus this morning and said thank you-"
66 "Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I care, your death would be a minor inconvenience. That's all."
67 "You owe me."
68 "Don't make me come in there."
69 "Don't touch me."
70 "That wasn't funny."
71 "I am fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten."
72 "Am I doing it right?"
73 "For God's sake! Who have you killed now?"
74 "Do you even know how to fly this thing?"
"Normally, I'd lie and say yes, but considering the fact that I almost flew us into that building, I'm going to assume you know the answer."
75 "What are you doing?! Don't eat it!"
76 "Feel free to admire me."
77 "You're insane!"
"I know! Isn't it great?"
78 "You don't know a thing."
79 "The truth is I never loved you."
80 "Is this a game to you?"
81 "Stop yelling at me."
"I'm not yelling at you! I'm just... being abnormally projective in the vocal region!"
"Otherwise known as yelling..."
82 "Don't ever forget me. Please?"
83 "I screwed up."
84 "You're my regret."
85 "No, sir. I am not underestimating the kidnappers. YOU are understanding my grandmother."
86 "Stay away from the llama."
87 "No one visits my grave anymore... wait. I don't even have a grave!"
88 "Tuna shamed."
89 "Well, I can scratch that off my bucket list."
"Who puts getting arrested on their bucket list?!"
90 "I-I can't stop it. I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, it's okay. Just breathe. You don't have to be sorry for anything. I got you."
91 "What am I supposed to tell my parents? 'Hi mom and dad, I ,snuck out past curfew, almost died, discovered I can teleport, and now I'm joining a gang of superheroes.'"
"Maybe don't use the word 'gang'."
"You think that's the part they'll have the most trouble with?!"
92 "Give me the wallet or I shoot."
"What do you mean no? I'm serious, I will shoot you."
"Let me repeat myself. No."
"Um... okay I guess."
"Aren't you going to shoot me?"
"I don't know. This hasn't happened before."
"Well, until you do, wanna grab a bite to eat? I'm starving."
93 "Watch me."
94 "I thought you were dead."
95 "You're never going to let that go, are you?"
96 "Was that supposed to hurt?"
97 "You have to leave right now."
"I love you."
99 "I hate you.
100 "I didn't catch your name."
"I didn't throw it."
101 "How long has it been since you last ate something?"
102. "No, don't look at me!"
103. "How many marshmallows can you eat?"
104 "Why did you kick so much in your sleep? Are you constantly dreaming about soccer?"
105 "Destroying lives, one person at a time."
106 "Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2am.
107 "Just breathe."
109. "I don't understand why you should feel the urge to do that."
110. "I trust you."
"Wow, that incredibly... stupid of you."
111 "You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry?"
112 "You can't really blame me can you? You can only blame yourself."
113. "You keep painting me as the villain."
"Because you are the villain."
114. "Who could ever love someone like you?"
115 "I never stood a chance, did I?"
"That's the sad part - you did once."
116 "I've missed this."
117. "Who are you to tell me how to live my life?"
118. "Are you going to yell at me too? I guess I do deserve it."
119 "I don't want to have another surgery."
120. "Quit touching the IV."
121 "I was going to say something mean about them, but decided against it."
122 "How do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?"
123. "Are you going to stand there or are you going to kiss me? I'm tired of lying to my diary."
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an-angels-blessing · 3 years
Angst Prompts #1
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You know it’s not like that.”
“How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
“You’re never going to be the same after this.”
“I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
“I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“It didn’t have to be like this, but now you’ve ruined everything.”
“I hope you’re happy.”
“If you had have kept your mouth shut, then he’d still- he’d still be here!”
“What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!”
“Now I have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Thanks, it means a lot.”
“You could’ve- could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
“I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
“This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now.”
“I hope I’m not put in the same part of hell as you.”
“When did you think you could hurt me again? Today? Tomorrow?”
“You’re back in my life and I want to die again.”
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
“I hope you got what you wanted.”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“When you die, I’ll be the first to dance on your grave.”
“Don’t underestimate me, I have more power than you can even comprehend.”
“If only you knew what you’d brought upon yourself.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“There is nothing worse than seeing you get what you want.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“You can cut me, bruise me and skin me alive, but you will not take her from me.”
“How is it that we always end up in this predicament?”
“I want to wipe that grin of your face with my sword, but my mother taught me to play nicely.”
“Did anyone ever tell you how pathetic you are? It’s incredible how low my standards are for you.”
“Ah, well if you want them back alive, I suggest you lay down your own life.”
“Don’t be ‘smart’. The battlefield is no place for Math Scholars.”
“You shouldn’t have come. You can’t be-”
“Stop talking or tomorrow won’t come.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“I shouldn’t care for your life, but I’m starting to and it’s becoming an inconvenience.”
“If you live to see her, please send my best regards and this box of her father’s ashes.”
“It would’ve been nice to get to know you better, but I’m afraid I don’t care.”
“I can’t help but think you’re a terrible person.”
“Seeing your face has unconventionally made me want to die. I wasn’t quite prepared for this feeling.”
“You could have loved me, I’m quite good at seducing, but you’re actually vile.”
“I hope I see you in a bodybag sometime.”
“Let’s pretend you didn’t cheat on me with my sister and be good people for a few minutes.”
“We should probably stop talking forever.”
“If I hated you anymore, I think I’d probably be crowned as satan’s right-hand man.”
“To say I ‘tolerate you’ is a vast overstatement.”
“You broke her heart and came back for more, you bastard.”
“This isn’t fifth grade, this is a courtroom, you whore.”
“I think you’d be the perfect match for my ex-husband. He loved to sleep with multiple people.”
“I’m not coming home, don’t look for me.”
“Time was always a measurement of this relationship and we finally ran out.”
“Please don’t look at me with such hatred.”
“I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
“Just get out. I- I don’t want you here, just leave.”
“You’re not the same person I married, don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“I wish you wouldn’t beg for forgiveness, it has the opposite effect of what you want.”
“Don’t hate me for this. You would’ve done the same.”
“This could’ve been the end and you were ready to let me go.”
“You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.”
“Hate me all you want. I know I’m right.”
“Today you broke my arm, I hope tomorrow it’s not my heart.”
“Nothing can justify this, you’ve ruined him.”
“You live with so much guilt, I hope it drives you mad one of these days.”
“My life was ruined because of one mistake. You were that mistake.”
“You are everything I hate, don’t ever come back.”
“Evil doesn’t come close.”
“Your wrongdoings are becoming your pastimes.”
“I wish you had of just done it for the thrill of it, but now you’re in deep shit.”
“Next time, I won’t be here to salvage your wreckage. This is the last time.”
“You should have ruined me when you had the chance.”
“No one will keep your name alive. Once you’re gone, everything you once stood for disappears too.”
“Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about your life without me.”
“This is always how it ends.”
“Break my heart once more, I dare you.”
“Forget how you loved me once, I mean nothing now.”
“This isn’t Romeo and Juliet, this is real life and I can go on without you.”
“You don’t own me, I don’t belong to you.”
“I should’ve died. That would’ve made you happy.”
“Are we going to carry on like this or are you going to give him back to me.”
“She drowned and he lost his mind.”
“We shouldn’t. You’re married and I’m pregnant.”
“You’ve never been loved, I can tell.”
“Who told you I needed fixing and what made you believe them?”
“You’re almost as far-gone as I am.”
“Maybe it’s best that we don’t go home.”
“Roaming the streets was never safe for her. What makes you think it’s different for you?”
“I think you’re going to ruin me. Am I right?”
“Do you remember our last feud? I wouldn’t want someone to lose their life again, would you?”
“Kiss me quick and leave them be.”
“I hate seeing you so sad. It’s just so dramatic how humans show emotions and being sad is such a boring one.”
“Will you ever forget my number? No? Ah, because you still love me.”
“After the funeral, let’s surrender.”
“What made you think I cared for you?”
“It’ll be fun explaining this to your sister. I hope she likes horror stories.”
“Don’t act as if we’re friends. I know how much you want to slit my throat.”
“Let’s not get angry. Let’s calmly and sensibly take this outside so I can ruin your face.”
“Please ruin yourself for me and I’ll watch in adoration as I fall apart as well.”
Prompts 101-200
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comet, moon, pluto, aquila, protostar
Thank You vm
Comet- What are you currently frustrated about?
lmaooo oh you know at any given time i’m weaving this rich tapestry of continual frustrations lol.....i’d say i’m in an Upswing Period of [simmering frustration levels closer to the surface] lately too lol like earlier in the week i pushed through a day or two there more casually but then it was like ah jeez here comes the malaise. more specifically today, even just before sitting down to answer this, i emerged from the bathroom to find there was a “dog has pooped inside despite having been outside within the last 10 min” shituation, which was wonderful.....annoyed from Waking by “smh at not being able to adjust my nocturnality, still frustrated about the near success of last friday being thwarted by the dead of night hammering debacle,” & regular Antagonizing Audio issues, aka being stressed by both the [loud, alarming] type sound & the [gross textural misophonia hell] type.....earlier i was like “where is the dish sponge” (still don’t know) & went to get a new, packaged one which had been in a drawer, but that one was gone too, good that there’s no pressing need to wash dishes rn i guess.....still struggling with the “well i guess i’m trying to put myself out there Socially” attempt to find relevant public discords, being generally overwhelmed as actually talking to randos in a group is A Lot & in theory it’s like well you meet someone Specific you’d enjoy talking to & branch off from there but unfortunately you can’t just skip to that step, also i do not genuinely Expect to get to that step either way, also i am not easily finding servers in the 1st place b/c it’s like, well i talk about Interests but what am i interested in? who knows. don’t do art “seriously” enough to rly wanna discuss it much, thought abt Language Learning but one i found wants you to have a verified account lmao like, no thanks. in theory i enjoy Socializing some but in practice it is sure a trial & i have not said anything to anyone anywhere yet, just a “well, not sure what else i could do here situation,” in theory take up an In Person hobby / group to make it all easier but that’s not happening. which, i was also Frustrated remembering oh right i spent a year as measured by my personal age in 1 location, both Pandemic & other [society] problems, & speaking of Interests & Hobbies not having them, i was also >:| over something having kicked in my Math Sensibilities (aka that i like math) & wondering like, would i have enjoyed getting more into math / some particular application, who knows, same but also even more so re: other things i get the sense i’m quite Into, like learning languages & ~performing arts~, which, i at least took math / math related classes into college level courses, which is not true for those other things (took a Language Class: never, took a theatre / drama class: for 1/4 of the schoolyear in 7th grade, & prior to that, just did a scene or two of a play in english class 4th grade, & the approx decade extracurricular of ballet, which is related but of course a different thing. anyhow, annoyed that i Simply Do Not Know & hardly see opportunities to find out on the horizon, although who knows.....which is related to being frustrated about [Society] some more like, thinking about “boy how different would it be if people were guaranteed the right to Essentials For Life like housing, food, medical care, both electricity & the internet Now A Days...” like, agonizing What If there, it is all so unnecessary that It Is Like This......just now someone made an unnecessary Post lmfao thank you xkit.......oh right, i was Frustrated, with an emphasis In Aro / Ace, about Media & Life, what else is new & then, you know, musings on The Theoretical Future & One’s Personal Past that would become even more of a like, audioscape: therapy session topic, these are frustrating things. and all of this answer has been stuff i remember getting Frustrated about in the past 24 hours. Also!!! that last night i was like, i want to play scrabble, so i looked up an online game but the Computer settings are a nightmare like, as far as i could tell the Difficulty settings were mostly attuned to Average Word Length but it was like, yeah you’re playing against this opponent given this effective total familiarity with the most obscure / archaic shit in the scrabble dictionary, not even simply the like, q words / two letter words ppl might happen to know specifically for the purposes of scrabble. there was also no “new game” button?? just had to refresh the page? smh. oh lmfao! also! you Know i was frustrated thinking about Billions, the series / interest that antagonizes you, jokes on you when you hone in on the Quant where it’s like, is he just meant to be the guy who sucks, plus he’s got depression....suppose they do at least handle him w/some sympathy / nonzero Care for this Char acter, but smh at sighing about [bracing yourself for anything promising (cough riawin) to spiral into disaster one way or another, whether it turns into a joke or plot device or just something introduced / built up / demolished for ambient drama/conflict].....what else is new. the periodic cycles of Billions Thoughts lol. was just frustrated at a video’s Editing Cadence basically lmfao. i also find it grating when the word “the jab” is used in tweets re: vaccination, which i just saw, presumably in the same sort of way where i automatically dislike the phrase To Be Fair or referring to food/eating with “fill / filling” or any variants lmfao, or earnest use of the description “hearty”......some words i hate the sound of no matter what, some i hate to hear used in a particular phrase / context......need to simply stop doing things in the middle of answering this b/c it will inevitably involve Frustrations lmfaooo. oh also i was annoyed to wake up to a clear sky. where’s that overcast atmosphere
Moon- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
i am not, but i’ve been considering it! just inconvenient b/c a) i gotta like, choose what book/s to read, & b) i have to read via laptop, which is kind of a pain, & c) like with everything, i always tend to basically read stuff all at once, but i’m also a slow reader lmao, so it’s like, okay, i’m probably basically devoting days on end to Reading Through whatever.....
Pluto- If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would you meet?
another classic Fascinating Answer of “i dunno” lol, i’ve never really had a go to answer for this or anything that’s particularly leapt out.....plus re: how i tend to feel nervous with on the spot socializing, the concept of like “if you could have dinner with someone” is too much lmfao like, a waste of time, i’d simply Be Nervous my way completely through it. the only way i could think of things is like, here i go giving someone an interview, i guess, and whomst tf would i feel Prepared to talk to lmfao. relevant to interests it’s like well of course you could ask w. roland things the in depth secret jared questions, or Any questions about quant n billions, but then it’s also like, well, there’s the questions I already have an answer for lol & either you have the same answer or i have a mini monologue, not like i don’t speak in mini monologues all the time if i have something to say at all, and my Questions go like that too lmfao, a disaster already trying to ask people about pertinent Information......never able to think of things re: people who have died, i suppose there’s fun answers re: like, getting lost / unknown Historical Info......when it comes to meeting people i don’t really consider it much in advance b/c i am nervous about everything & aware that any interacting is a Challenge lmfao. whenever these things actually happen, it’s hardly always a disaster, but i’m just improvising in the end. also, i could meet people i actually know but have never met, i.e. you, who i talk to but we are Virtual & Pandemic’d & etc & so on. but i suppose that’s kind of a given lol
Aquila- Do you prefer to read books or watch movies?
i think movies are less Involved for me, like, even if it takes me 3x their runtime (or longer) to watch any videos thanks to getting distracted & stuff, still quicker than i read a book, & unless i’m watching something for the first time and/or really wanting to properly pay attention, i can do other things while putting a movie on, whereas if i’m reading that’s the One Thing i can be doing. but overall i’m like “media, what media” whichever format lol like. haven’t consumed things, don’t often think of specific works i want/plan to consume, don’t often get around to it, etc. classique.....
Protostar- Give a random fact about yourself.
speaking of classic, me struggling to recall 101 info about myself or answer not that out there Questions, but when it’s like “alright hater what are you disgruntled about now” it’s like, Deep Inhale lmfao, but [are you okay? Is Anyone].jpeg on that one as well, we are out here......uh i’m sure i’ve said it before but i’m around 5′11″? maybe 6 ft tall but that might be overdoing it. sort of Average Tall but i am always literally looking down on people lmao.....and bumping my head into a low hanging light fixture around here.....
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elderling-magic · 4 years
Mad Ship Question Time:
1. What were your favorite moments?
Every interaction between Amber and Paragon. Especially when she throws the key of her shop at Davad and ask him to leave!
Every Grag Tenira scene <3 Actually every scene with any member of this family.
JEK!!! Every scene with her.
Every interaction between Malta and Delo, especially at the summer ball.
Reyn’s first visit to Malta. How to court someone 101.
Althea at the trader meeting, driving Davad home and freeing Clef.
The meeting when the Vestrits, Amber, Brashen and Clef decide to work together to rescue Vivacia.
The scene where Kennit visits his mother.
Wintrow teaching Etta to read and Etta teaching Wintrow to fight.
Paragon sailing and the first time they put him back in the water.
Malta and Amber’s interaction followed by the Skill fight between Tintaglia and Paragon.
Wintrow freeing She Who Remembers.
Malta’s attempt to free Tintaglia and seeing the memories of the past.
2. Favorite quotes?
“Love isn't just about feeling sure of the other person, knowing what he would give up for you. It's knowing with certainty what you are willing to surrender for his sake. Make no mistake; each partner gives up something. Individual dreams are surrendered for a shared one.” 
“I never confuse the cost of something with its value.”
“You have a wild young heart. Right now, it is like a caged bird that batters itself against the bars. To struggle harder will only hurt you more. Wait, be patient. Your time will come to fly. And when it does, you must be strong, not bloodied and weary.”
“Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays. No more than that." Amber looked out to sea again. "And no less. Sometimes folk wish tomorrow did not pay them off so completely.”
“Half the evil in this world occurs while decent people stand by and do nothing wrong. It’s not enough to refrain from evil, Trell. People have to attempt to do right, even if they believe they cannot succeed.” “Even when it’s stupid to try?” he asked with savage sarcasm. “Especially then,” she replied sweetly. “That’s how it’s done, Trell. You break your heart against this stony world. You fling yourself at it, on the side of good, and you do not ask the cost. That’s how you do it.”
“You're not who he expected you to be; that doesn't mean you aren't somebody. Nor are you perfect. Stop using every mistake you make as an excuse to fail completely.”
“No one can have so little that someone else can find nothing to envy. Poverty and simplicity were not shields from the greed of others. If you had nothing left to steal, they'd take your body and enslave it.” 
“Look forward, not back. Correct your course and go on. You can’t undo yesterday’s journey.”
“In my opinion, men deny animals have feelings and thoughts for one basic reason: so they won’t feel guilty about what they do to them.”
“Perhaps the greatest thing one can discover is that you can decide who you are. You don't have to be whom the Ludlucks made you. You don't even have to be who you were before that. You can choose. We are all creatures of our own devising.” 
“Open your eyes. This horrible mess is your life. There is no sense in waiting for it to get better. Stop putting it off and live it.” She laughed again. Her voice seemed to go afar. “Everyone thinks that courage is about facing death without flinching. But almost anyone can do that. Almost anyone can hold their breath and not scream for as long as it takes to die. True courage is facing life without flinching. I don’t mean the times when the right path is hard, but glorious at the end. I’m talking about enduring boredom, and the messiness, and the inconvenience of doing what is right.”
“You can't go back”, she told him bluntly. Her voice was neither kind nor unkind. “That part of your life is over. Set it aside as something you have finished. Complete or no, it is done with you. No being gets to decide what his life is ‘supposed to be.’” She lifted her eyes and her gaze stabbed him. “Be a man. Discover who you are now, and go on from there, making the best of things. Accept your life, and you might survive it. If you hold back from it, insisting that this is not your life, not where you are meant to be, life will pass you by. You may not die from such foolishness, but you might as well be dead for all the good your life will do you or anyone else.”
3. Did the reread change your opinion of the book? In what way?
Not really. I still loved it as much as I did the first time. The only difference is how much I love the Teniras now. I can’t believe I didn’t pay them much attention before. What an awesome family! 
The only other difference is that I wasn’t surprised by any of the reveals now since I already read the book before. I could still find new details I haven’t noticed here and I could interpret scenes much better by knowing what happens in the other books though.
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