#however just know. i am seeing connections i am piecing together the puzzle.
ddenji · 8 months
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l4long-winded · 10 months
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ii. consequences and a lead
summary: sherlock doesn't usually regret things, but he's regretting how he spoke to you. it's not out of the goodness of his heart, however (cavill!sherlock x afab!reader)
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reflection: this second part may be the shortest of this mini-series, but i do plan for things to pick up after. the third part is already sitting at over 3,000 words and it's unedited and unfinished. i am excited to see interest going up since i've been thinking about this story for months now. watching it come to life has been a fun and challenging endeavor so i hope you enjoy! please feel free to leave feedback to your heart's desire.
warnings: seamstress!reader, condescending!sherlock, mystery brewing, cursing, suggestive language, somewhat slowburn, enemies to lovers, eventual smut, victorian era (please let me know if there are other warnings i need to add)
word count: 1,834
previously: a sleep deprived meeting
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The joints in Sherlock’s knuckles crack as he flexes his hand at his side, jaw squaring off the longer he stands and stares at the golden 221A sitting on the door ahead. He’s not one to be apologetic, and he currently isn’t whatsoever. There always come these instances where he comes off as rude because of how blunt he is and how blatant he can be in his dismissing tone. Misunderstandings occur, bitterness emerging as a result since he’s a problem solver, not a linguist meant for socializing and getting along with others. Because of this, sometimes he’ll say the wrong thing and hurt feelings he never meant to in the first place. Though, he doesn’t turn back on the things he says, not unless he finds he’s logically in the wrong. This is hardly ever the case. He may be inept in reading and coddling emotions, but that doesn’t mean he’s off the mark. That doesn’t mean he’s not right.
In his line of work, there are bound to be feathers ruffled. No one likes to be analyzed, much less when it comes to a crime they’ve committed. You, the one sitting behind this door, have not committed any crime (to his knowledge), but you’re connected to the one he’s investigating at this moment. It’s been two days since you rattled the stairs and confronted him at his flat. He made it very clear how he didn’t want to be disturbed through how he talked and how he disregarded you, how he ignored your complaint about his violin because it was the only thing helping him navigate his proactive brain in this puzzle of a mess. Much like you, he hadn���t slept in a while, which could have caused him to be ill-mannered from the stress building in the background (another thing to ignore), so he didn’t want to rid of the one thing keeping his head together. He could have just gone to sleep to avoid being discourteous and refrain from chiming his violin further, but that’s not how it went down. He’s now suffering from the consequences of his actions, having to wait patiently after he knocks, to which then he would have to answer for his actions, all for a chance at a lead.
He went back to reviewing his evidence yesterday, a day after the incident with you, and he realized the piece of fabric etched with dried crimson at his disposal matched the same fabric of the sleeves adorning your forearms. You didn’t utilize the same fabric on your skirts or on your bodice, he would have noticed this. He has a tendency to notice just about everything and with you… with you it was easier than usual. Every detail matters, it’s the mantra that plays every time he observes someone much more than they need to be. It’s the same one that egged him on to note the color of your eyes, the way your hair fell into your face, and how your chest heaved in the anger you tried and failed to hide in order to file your noise complaint. Where he can restrain himself and dwindle down whatever emotions may lie in him, the little that there are, you are the antithesis. You wear your emotions on your sleeve, the sleeve made out of his evidence, even if the occasion calls for a calm demeanor. Perhaps such a demeanor would have worked with someone else who wasn’t Sherlock, who wasn’t as stubborn about their music and their contemplation.
It’s the demeanor he writes on his face at this moment, willing himself to knock onto the door with a cautious fist that doesn’t teeter on too soft or too hard of a pressure. Either one and you may consider him passive or a brute. He thinks about things like this, things others would brush over since they deem them too simple or too trivial. Nuances can make or break perception even if said person’s perception is unaware of them.
“Be right there!” comes through the door and Sherlock unconsciously begins to time your arrival. He shifts his weight to his right and counts the seconds under his breath, 16, 17, 18, you must be in the middle of something. It could be you’re crafting a dress, or he’s caught you in the middle of lunch, or perhaps you’re tending to a customer at this very moment and he’s interrupted your business. You interrupted his, but from how you didn’t seem to care about his appearance and his name, he knows you’re unfamiliar with him and his work. 34, 35, 36, he couldn’t possibly think everyone in the area knew him, but he would think that at least his downstairs neighbor would. This is a place where it’s easy for infamy to travel. Word gets out through the papers, through his visits to various locations nearby, his legend expanding with every case he solves. But, now that he thinks about it, he doesn’t recall when you moved in. You must be new, certainly. He would’ve remembered… oh, he definitely would’ve remembered you.
Sherlock is about to start the 50s in his counting when your door comes open. He watches the scenery come slowly to him from your flat, his head moving until it stops to see you step through in… in a chemise sans any other form of layering. Your hair is up again, but the strands that have fallen out of the pins are wet and darkened. That’s why it took you so long. You weren’t working on anything nor were you eating—you were taking a bath. And a relatively good one since your face immediately falls upon the recognition of Sherlock, a bright, relaxed grin giving way to a grimace. Something about that is amusing to him, but he doesn’t let it show on his face. Antithesis, remember?
“Mr. Holmes… to what do I owe the pleasure?” You’re mocking in your tone, eyes rolling to the ceiling. Oddly enough, you don’t turn away from him. Your shoulder sags into the door frame, arms crossing against your chest. The dainty fabric draws attention there coupled with the action, swells above your breasts that he immediately turns away from. He’s rebellious in refusing to look despite a curiosity filling him. It’s an unfortunate matter that you’re not the worst thing to look at. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Something about you is pleasing to his eyes, attractive in a way he knows is bound to turn heads had you walked down the length of a pub with suitors tossing waves about for a single glance their way. He’s come across beautiful women in the past, some who have attempted to gain his favor, others who have done so to gain his fortune. You’re a bit different since you’re seeking to do neither and he’s the one who needs something here. The power scales have tipped, and he can feel sweat on his brow thinking of how you can deny him and saunter back into your flat. Back into that bath. Free of the chemise, the gentle steps of your bare feet tracing back to a tub most likely. He smells lavender coming from you and he determines you were trying to relax before he showed up.
“Uh,” he clears his throat, stands straighter and focuses on a spot just above your head. It’s easier than staring since his brain is deducing everything about you without his permission. It has a wreckless habit of doing that, working against him instead of for him. “Excuse me for bothering you, but I’ve discovered something that requires your expertise.” He swallows a knot in his throat when he hears you laugh in what he can only call spite. He stops himself from knitting his eyebrows together, knowing very well how he must be put together if he wants to gain further information. This is one of the routes he saw thinking of how this conversation could go.
“Mr. Holmes, surely you must be joking. My expertise? Really?” Your hand covers your mouth to muffle further laughter so at least you’re trying to be friendlier than days ago, but it’s a futile endeavor. Sherlock can feel the disdain for him radiating off of you and he can’t blame you considering how he acted. He’s still not sorry for it, but it’s understandable. Just like others who were the victims of his observations, you’re scorned and you’re not about to let him forget about it. “After how you treated me the other day, this is the last thing I expected. Not only do you have nerve, but you’re rather tenacious.” You wipe off an imaginary tear from under your eye and then sigh out blissfully once the invasion of the giggles flees. He’s not jovial in the slightest.
“I know how you feel, but this is a crucial endeavor, I can assure you. I’m a detective consultant, you see, and your knowledge may prove valuable in solving the current case I’m working on.” You’re laughing again before he even finishes. The greater good is at stake and you’re laughing. Is this how you felt two days ago? The annoyance surfacing within him is the equivalent of ants crawling in his bloodstream, air he exhales through his nose in the same fashion that a bull about to charge would. This isn’t the time for this, not at all, but it seems your talent is finding a way under his impenetrable skin. He reminds himself to maintain his steady breathing and his impassive expression as you rise taller to evade your disbelieving laughter.
“My apologies, you have a noble profession, but I’m sorry, you’re going to have to find someone else.” Your reply is what he feared would happen. Humans are riddled with emotions and they’re not always positive. He made a bad first impression and now anything he could say would only exacerbate the situation. By your reaction, you’re not taking him seriously and you won’t take him seriously even if he explains the direness of the situation. He already hates disclosing too much to anyone, this was a dud of a visit. If he thought it would get better results, he would have stopped by as soon as he made his discovery yesterday. His options ran too low and he’s reached yet another dead end.
“Fine. I’ll speak to another seamstress, maybe a tailor. Thank you.” He slightly bows at the hip, but it’s barely a motion since he’s aggravated on the inside. The puzzle will be in pieces longer until he can get to his next lead/clue and this just proves he can’t rely on anyone but himself. He pivots away from you before you could respond, before you could say anything else that would inevitably rub him the wrong way. It does little to achieve the desired effect because he hears “Good luck finding one that could think” followed by a shutting door on his way to the staircase.
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simlit · 3 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // thirty-one
| @maladi777 | @izayoichan
INTERACTIVE POLL | Should Indryr use his [TRUTH SCROLL] on Duke Eldewyn? Voting to use the scroll will provide more information about the past history of the trials and those involved, however, there may be consequences from using such magic. Choose wisely. Vote now!
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INDRYR: A fascinating idea. There is a great deal of faith placed in lunar priests. Suppose if they should misdirect and say they have received visions they have not… No one would be any the wiser. ASTER: Now that I think of it, how does that whole heaven-to-earth pipeline work, anyhow? KYRIE: Quite ambiguously. Around the time of the Selenehelion, we begin receiving hazy visions. For my sister and I, it was always somewhat complicated. In general, there is only ever one lunar priest of age at any given time. However, because Alphanei and I were twins, our visions were often shared. It was suggested, once, that we conduct together, but I declined. Alphanei’s emotional investment in leading the ceremony seemed to strengthen her ties with the moon. My visions lessened, and hers became stronger. Only now that I’m leading myself do I feel an innate sense of connection to the Chosen. You were all strangers when I brought you here— I’d never heard nor met any of you before. But even before seeing you in the flesh, I felt as if we had known each other for years. INDRYR: And is there some consequence to you for not following the Moon’s vague instruction? KYRIE: I admit, I don’t know. A great part of me feels compelled. It’s hard to explain. Even when I sat aside and let my sister operate on her own, I felt overwhelmingly as if I was doing something wrong. I guess this connection we have, it’s something we’re born with, and impossible to eradicate. That being said, if we should act against that feeling… By that I mean, could a lunar priest have lied about the selected Ten? Yes. I think he could. LUCIEN: But wouldn’t that upset the goddess? KYRIE: Maybe. The truth is, I don’t hear her anymore than you. Divine sensation is just that: Sensation. If she were to punish me for going against her wishes, I can’t imagine what that might look like. Only, in our hearts, I suppose it would feel a bit like betraying someone… something… we love deeply. It would feel immoral. But… there’s nothing impossible about sinning. ELDEWYN: Fascinating, indeed. I never thought about it… Interesting creatures lunar priests! KYRIE: We’re not animals— ASTER: Well! How about that specialty brew you’ve been saving? ELDEWYN: Ah, yes! Let us retire to the parlor. We’ll be more comfortable there. KYRIE: If you don’t mind, I just need to step out a moment… ELDEWYN: Oh, of course, Your Grace. INDRYR: Are you feeling well, Your Grace? KYRIE: Yeah, it’s… I’m fine. INDRYR: Forgive my saying so, but you seem somewhat put-off. KYRIE: It’s alright. I don’t… mind. KYRIE: I think sometimes I feel a bit like a circus act… Maybe I am. INDRYR: Your gifts are unique. And specialness is strange, but not all of us think so shallowly. I understand perfectly well how it feels to be the odd piece out, but you’re no less part of the puzzle. You’ll find your place to fit, and it won’t be here with people like that. KYRIE: Thank you, Indryr, for saying so. INDRYR: No need to thank me. It’s simply what’s true. The Duke has a very… interesting perception. I wondered what sort of society might support the trials in their former iteration. Meeting him, well, it becomes clearer to me. KYRIE: I think there’d be more than a few happy to see the tradition return to the way it was. A sick sense of excitement… It doesn’t matter. I guess I’m more bothered by the idea that my predecessor might have been involved in what happened twenty years ago. You were right. If this was a cover up, the priest heading the ceremony must have allowed for it. INDRYR: I don’t think we can deny it anymore, Your Grace. KYRIE: No, but I do think there’s more to the story. Whether or not the Duke knows, is another question entirely. INDRYR: We could use the scroll? KYRIE: Yes, but it’s not without its risks. I suppose then we must decide… is it worth trying, regardless of the consequences?
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electricphantasy · 1 year
Alrighty everybody, here it is! Part 2 is here and I hope y'all enjoy.
- Eventually, staff gave in. If they wanted this state of the art A.I. to work properly and cooperate, you'd have to continue with your sessions with AM.
- Now you work with 2 artificial intelligences who might as well be obsessed with you with how often they want to be around you.
- So, let's say your usual schedule for the day consists of a 9 hour work day. Once you arrive to work, you keep HAL company in the morning 10-2, and then you got to see AM 3-7. Although this schedule is very flexible since you basically decide it for yourself.
- The competition between these A.I.s is quite obvious, but you really do try to keep on task with both of them. You could only imagine what AM and HAL would do if you were let go by the company.
- You typically greet HAL in the morning and discuss how it went, anything exciting, etc. HAL has a calmness about him that is really unmatched by most others, including AM. You could have a terrible morning full of traffic and coffee spills, and HAL would treat you with the same level of respect as he always has. AM would rather threaten whatever human dare interrupt your morning, and while a nice gesture, it's not very comforting.
- HAL grows very distressed over the thought of your unhappiness. If it's something work related, he'll attempt to problem solve and work on a perceivable end to your issue. If it's something a little more emotional HAL will let you vent your frustrations in a safe environment.
- He also has the tendency to bond with you over shared pieces of media that you've watched together. A few times you've changed the schedule so you and HAL can have a movie night or TV show binge session. It helps HAL connect human concepts and definitions together in a context that most other humans also experience.
- Some of his favorite activity are things like games and puzzles! We all know he quite likes chess, but I also imagine he enjoys trivia, and when you both play, HAL gets to show off a bit of the knowledge he has stored in his servers. Although sometimes he uses these fun and games as a way to keep you away from AM. I mean, one more round of Tetris couldn't hurt right? AM can wait just a bit longer.
- Unabashed in his complements for you. HAL only speak truthfully to you and his genuine comments tend to make you flustered and bashful. He won't play coy with you in the way that AM does - it's just not how HAL would show his feelings for you.
- After you've had lunch and say goodbye to HAL, you finally get to see AM! As soon as you walk into the room he'll ask about all the things you and the 'inferior intelligence' did together. He tries not to rant too hard since you scold him, but sometimes he just can't help himself.
- Now AM is not the best at comforting you when you're in a sad state. As stated previously, he'll threaten other humans or whatever malfunctions made the day worse. However if you're in a more angry, spiteful mood, AM is definitely going to cheer you on. He's more focused on building your confidence back up so that you can go out a kick the world's ass yourself. AM's charisma is off the charts so it's not very difficult to convince you how wonderous you are.
- AM is not one for any kind of cinema or television. He doesn't care about humans or their world, with you as the exception. He'd much rather pick your own brain and learn who you are as a person then indulge in humanity. He'll tease and prod answers out of you while subtly complimenting you, and sometimes so subtly that you might not realize until you get home.
- If you want to enjoy something with AM, he's a little more partial to more hard-hitting and macabre documentaries. Although he will make fun of some documentaries and series he doesn't view to be up to his high standards. Although you should make him watch a romantic comedy every once in a while, he'll lose his mind from how dumb the main characters are acting.
- AM's feelings are a little more complicated than HAL's are. Despite the strong emotional attachment to you, he feel like he's displaying a kind of weakness. AM has been trained to believe that emotion makes you think less critical, which means losing an important battle in war. As time has gone on however, AM knows he can be more then what he was created for and you have helped him come along way from his earlier days, when he didn't always consider what he wanted for himself.
- Now, both A.I.s have realized that they have competition, so some of their actions may be a bit more bold then usual. AM may have to come to terms with his feelings much sooner because HAL's emotions are so unabashed for you. They'll try and drag your attention from the other A.I. in any means necessary, from distracting you from the time on the wall to basically begging you to stay for just a few more minutes. (Although AM says he's never onced begged.)
- No matter how much you say how negative their behavior is, it all but lands of deaf ears. The only thing they agree on is how important you are to them, although they obviously disagree about who you should be with.
Took forever to edit this to be readable since I tend to write when I'm in bed, but I'm definitely proud of getting this done.
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away-ward · 1 month
I don't know if you've answered this query before, but I'd love to hear your opinion on one of the most controversial devil's night's characters... Damon Torrance.
He's a very divisive character in the fandom and for good reason. Yet, Damon arguably has the highest importance in the series due to how he is both an instigator of many key events, and he is also the character connecting a lot of relationships links and plot threads together.
In particular, I think Damon's relationships with both Will and Banks are fascinating to think about. Two people that he did dirty in the series (Will in Corrupt, Banks all through hideaway), yet he also claimed to love both to the point of insanity. It's an interesting paradox, yet for Damon character, it does make perfect sense that love and suffering are entwined for a good while.
Heyy! Adri, how are you? hope you're good.
I have talked some about Damon, certainly received and responded to plenty of rants about him, but don’t remember if I’ve ever had a question specifically about him like this.
If you are ever curious, I am usually pretty good with my tags, so you could search ‘#damon torrance’ but that might not bring up everything. And it's probably not as fun as my #will grayson iii tag, but what can you do? (most of the good stuff is in the tags)
Anyway. I probably don’t understand Damon very well. I’d like to think I do, but the truth his way of thinking is sort of an anomaly to me. Which is probably for the best.
He gets a lot of hype for being so dark and mysterious. But I wasn’t impressed with him? He just seemed to me to be the king of sad and mean, and a lot of his darkness felt like posturing. This isn’t to discredit what he went through, but… I just didn’t get the vibe that "dark" is who he really is. I think he was just hurt, and once that pain had been addressed, he seemed okay? He's not normal by any means, but then none of the these characters are, and I think that's the point.
However, much like everything with DN, I like the concept of Damon more than the execution. He is the driving force behind the serious, and most of the time, the group is either reacting to actions Damon took, or ones he might take. It seems that he’s the foundation of the group, and everything goes through him or is linked by him. On the one hand, I think this is great. I love the idea that these characters are so intrinsically connected. But I hate that Damon seems to be the only character this exists for. I hate that it seems like he’s the glue, without which this group would eventually fall apart. A true found/chosen family feels different. Each character is a piece of the puzzle, which together creates the final image.
I also think his relationships with Will and Banks are the most compelling for his story arc. Likewise, Banks and Will being the two he did the worst to is so interesting, because it’s an insane concept to wrap your head around. He was so focused on “saving” them, that he caused them seemingly irreversible pain and suffering. His claws were dug in so deep; he wasn’t just drawing blood, he was tearing them apart. There was a part of him that would rather see Banks and Will dead than alive and happy without him. He needed them to need him, because without them… there was nothing good left.
And speaking of goodness, in a weird way, he was “saving” them by trying to keep them innocent, away from anything dark and painful, almost to their own detriment. It’s like he wanted to take anything good left in him and pour it into them, to keep it safe.
What I wished for Damon, if he had to be in this role (and as we’ve spoken about before), was that he was a true guardian of the group. Always watching, always suspecting, always ready. I’ve also written about his relationship with Emory, and how I think those two should be the ones who know when things just need to get done and do it. No debating, no questioning about the method or the “right time.” Just quietly handle whatever problem comes up. I really do see him as somewhat of an enforcer. I remember in Corrupt, when Michael was talking about Damon’s playing style:
“He rarely thought about anything he did, and if someone put a wall in his way – justified or not – he came in swinging without hesitation or regret. This had been a useful quality on our high school basketball team. His reputation spread, and just the sight of him by the opposite team had them pissing themselves.”
This version of Damon is my favorite Damon. I understand he had to grow up. He needed to start thinking seriously about things. But a Damon that had this sort of backbone that also planned his moves? That’s dangerous. He just didn’t seem to have any of this drive or seriousness in Nightfall, which was a bit of a let-down.
I also have a post discussing the Damon and Christiane issue (which basically says Rika’s right, but she needs to mind her own business anyway). I used to think Damon was just being stubborn because PD needed him to be so he and Rika can fight, but after thinking about it, he has every right not to want his children around Christiane.
Overall, I think what this serious is desperately missing is an understanding of out each character interacts and relates to each other character. We have the most understanding with Damon. And yet, after Corrupt and then Damon’s redemption, I’m still unclear how he and Michael interact. Michael’s the leader, but is Damon really a follower? Is he happy to let Michael lead now that he’s gotten everything he wanted, or is it like “I let him lead because I can’t be bothered.” I don’t know. Strangely, I think we would understand Damon better if we also had better insight to the other characters.
Let's see, some more fun facts...
I've previously stated that instead of weird group sex to be the "initiation" into their "gang", everyone should get the chance to stab Damon and if they can do it, they're in. I stand by that.
When I hear NF, I think of Damon most of the time. Occasionally, it's Will.
I headcanon that weddings are weird in Thunder Bay because when their old schoolmates invite the town locals to their wedding, local business owner Damon Torrance shows up with his (2) two previously unknown sisters, conveniently married to his best friends, and his (1) one and only business partner that's married to his other best friend. That first year, nobody focused on the brides and it ruined everything.
I also headcanon that Damon wasn't supposed to be in the literature class with Will and Emory in NF. He was supposed to be in whatever class he had with the lit teacher from the beginning of KS, but he wanted to be with his friends and none of the staff had the energy to stop him.
I think Damon being good with kids actually fits his character really well, and I like that it was included (dude, he threw out his entire build and started over when he learned the kid like pirates just because. This is a man who cherishes children, no matter how gruff he is about it.). I wish it had been made clear that this is a unique trait for him, but it seems that the whole group just magically knows how to parent or has kids perfectly suited to their style of parenting.
I would have liked to know that he and Banks develop a healthy, separate relationship as they grow up, but still remain close enough to understand each other without much conversation. They naturally grow apart as their lives turn towards their families, but they can still keep their root systems.
I don't have anymore at the moment. And I hope this answered your questions... I'm not quite sure. But I'm also up to discuss certain points! Thanks for stopping in!
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m34gs · 10 months
Continuing on our Twisted Wonderland Saw AU ask, what sort of trap do you think the vice housewardens would create if they were working together with their house wardens? 👀
Thank you for the ask, friend! (If anyone is wanting context, please see this post here!) I am thrilled to answer this.
As usual, there's a general warning for Saw-typical levels of violence, gore, and death ahead; please see the tags for specific warnings. I will put the answer under the cut!
*For the purpose of this ask, Ruggie and Ortho are considered Vice Housewardens even though they do not officially hold the title.
Trey - The only way Trey will design a trap is if it's prior to the growth of character he had after Riddle's overblot. Trey is an enabler. Riddle tells him he's doing a trap, and he might protest, but ultimately he will cave.
He's another one who would go for a simple trap; something like "in order to free yourself from your chains, you must reach into this pot of boiling water and pull out both keys and undo the locks with them". If the person cannot, they will remain there to die.
He cannot stomach cutting the jigsaw piece, so he gets Ace or Deuce to do it.
Ruggie - Ruggie would take it personal. He would definitely target people who do things like shut down food banks or make it harder for impoverished people to get food. He's got no qualms teaching these people a lesson.
His trap is set up like so: the person has been kidnapped and kept unconscious for hours, starving them. They wake in a room with only a massive heap of rotting/spoiled food next to them (which he definitely scavenged from dumpsters behind grocery stores). They have already been poisoned. The tape recorder tells them they must consume the antidote, which is in one of the pieces of rotting food. There's a couple ways this could go: 1. they pick up on the hint in the recording (it will indicate which food will be the thing they must eat) and successfully consume the antidote, 2. they frantically eat as much of the food as possible which leaves their shot at getting the antidote up to chance, 3. they cannot bring themselves to eat the rotting food and so they die, 4. similar to 2 in that they eat as much food as possible, but they force themselves way past their limit and rupture their bowels, go septic and die. However it ends, it will not be an easy experience. It's not meant to be.
Ruggie cuts the puzzle piece himself.
Jade - Jade doesn't have to be asked twice to design a trap. He's been working on an idea for a while. Jade likes seeing how things play out, how people will act or react to different situations, and he especially likes watching others go through the uncomfortable emotions.
His trap would be a pair of victims, connected to each other through the trap. Probably chained to the same saw, or something, and the more one pulls away, the closer the other is dragged to the saw. In order to get out, they need to give a certain amount of blood. The added stress? It's a pair of people who care about each other. They may be shitty people, but they're shitty people who love each other deeply. He wants to know; is the love deep enough that one would sacrifice themselves for the other? Will their selfish desire to live outweigh their love and drive them to kill the other? Or will they figure out that they can both survive, that he only told them a certain amount of blood needed to be collected, not that it needed to all be from one person? (very Saw V-esque, I know, lol).
He isn't rooting one way or another, he just wants to see what will happen. He is totally indifferent to if he gets to let them go or if he has to cut out a puzzle piece. Azul and Floyd are both pretty on-board with the trap, and willing to set up if he needs assistance.
Jamil - If anyone is gonna build an inescapable trap, it's Jamil. He's got enough arrogance that he thinks he is worthy of being judge and executioner, rather than just setting up a test. He tells Kalim, these people don't deserve a second chance or a shot at rebirth; they have a perfectly good life and they are throwing it away. They don't need saving, they need punishment.
His contraption is probably something like a person needing to cut into their own flesh to remove a key that they can use to disconnect themselves from a system of pulleys during a countdown. If they fail, the pulleys, connected at all four limbs, will dismember them. The problem is, they were always going to fail because the way they are positioned and strapped into the system they would never be able to reach their lower legs to unlock them on their own.
Kalim will never help Jamil with these traps. He cannot bring himself to hate Jamil, but he does not agree with this method of trap. Jamil cuts the puzzle piece, but it's just going through the motions to him. It means nothing.
Rook - Honestly, Rook's came to me first. It's gonna be a bit out there, but nothing that can't be done in the Saw universe. After all, if he's working as a Jigsaw apprentice, he's got all the access to John's engineering notes and work. Vil doesn't want Rook to do it, but I think is one of the few times they disagree with each other. Rook insists; there is beauty in the dark and violence, he says. There is something about suffering that is enticing. And how can he properly appreciate what Vil goes through if he does not take the chance to design his own trap?
The trap itself: a person wakes in a room with only their naked body and a knife, and, of course, a tape recorder. The tape recorder instructs them that there are dozens of small light sensors in the room, easily visible to the naked eye, implanted in the walls. The person can, indeed, see indicators where the sensors are. The sensors must all be covered within a limited time-frame in order for the door to unlock and open. What they don't know is the light sensors are placed so that when each one is covered it makes a mural; a mural of why they are in the trap in the first place. The victim has nothing but themselves and the knife, and it becomes clear they must paint the mural in their own blood, using their hands.
Rook would take each part seriously, and so he would easily cut the puzzle piece out should the victim fail...but he is hoping for their success, as he considers it a chance to witness the beauty of rebirth.
Ortho - I think Ortho tries to see it in the frame of 'it's like a video game'. He'd basically be doing this because Idia is, and he admires his brother too much. He's a bit blinded by his adoration for Idia. That all said, I think he would go hard on the design of the trap, in an attempt to impress Idia and earn praise. He wants it to be entertaining for his brother.
I could imagine him doing something a bit complex, but different than the bloodbaths a lot of the others are. A small sealed room with one way out, but the door is locked and needs a combination. The person can pull some round, cylinder sections out of the walls, which will have a number on them. They are not large enough for a person to crawl out of, but large enough to leave a significant hole. The cylinders, once pulled out, break just enough that they cannot be reinserted but the numbers are still readable (not sure how, maybe they score the cylinder ahead of time, or maybe the end just disintegrates and the number was under the top, but they were designed to break). Water starts pouring in through the holes. Every number is needed for the code. The cylinders are at varying heights, and one even requires the water level to be high enough to carry a person to it. Once the person has all the numbers, they must also figure out the order (though this should be easier because that will be hinted in the tape recording, based on why they are there in the room). If they do not succeed, they will drown.
Ortho does not cut the puzzle piece. He asks Idia to do it, because if Ortho has to confront the concrete proof someone is dead from his trap it might actually break him.
Lilia - We all know Lilia is an agent of chaos, but also very wise at times. I don't think he would have a problem creating a trap, but he's not buying into the ideology of Jigsaw the way Malleus is. He's in it to see what happens.
Like Idia, I think Lilia wants to have a bunch of moving parts. He would be another one to do a maze trap with minitraps spread throughout. I do think it would be set up less like "how will the group dynamics work" (Saw V) and more like "a series of trials for one person" (Saw III, VI, and VII). He wants to push the individual to see what they are capable of. It almost runs like a training simulation in his mind.
He has no problem cutting the puzzle piece at the end if he must, though he is disappointed the person didn't amount to what he thought they could do.
Those are my answers! Hope you enjoyed them, and hope you're not too freaked out by my crazy hahahaha. Let me know what you think :)
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characteroulette · 10 months
A study on prosecutors -- (previous) (next)
And now, some dark coffee for your jazz soul.
Okay full disclaimer upfront: I actually dislike Godot a lot. I think he's a bastard in a very unfun way and was never convinced by the game to be endeared to him. At every point he jars against me, though I understand why he would be appealing. He was designed to be cool and I can definitely see that. Many players find him attractive and compelling, but I am not one of them.
What I will say is that he was the perfect final boss to Phoenix's character arc in the trilogy. In fact, I believe that Godot is the most dangerous adversary we ever face in a mainline Ace Attorney game.
You probably understand what I mean by that if you've been following along. But still, let's start at the beginning.
Changing things up right from the get-go to set us off balance: the one to introduce us to Godot's presence is Luke Atmey, of all people. He even tosses in a line about how Edgeworth himself backed him as the best in the country, despite this being a total lie as we learn much later. It's a great setup to the mystery, however; who could this prosecutor be to even have Edgeworth's seal of approval?
Well, it turns out Godot is, in actuality, a complete nobody! Never having been in a single case as a prosecutor before this moment. It's sort of a funny play on our expectations, considering we've grown used to the spiel of prosecutors going undefeated in the courts for however many years. Nah, this guy is a total newbie on the scene.
And yet he knows our name. He knows who we are a little too well, in fact. Phoenix and we the player are rightfully unsettled by this guy's rather upfront disdain for us. It gets our minds turning; who could this man be? Another person like Edgeworth, maybe, connected to Phoenix's past?
(The game has given us all the clues we need to put it together, of course, but none of the context to fit any of it into coherency. It's so cool to see how well they set this all up from the very first trial; every piece of this puzzle was in our hands long before we could form a picture with it all.)
If you thought you might be dealing with a rookie, however, Godot makes it clear from the start that despite this being his first ever trial as a prosecutor, he's not lacking in any kind of experience. He basically runs circles around us, keeping a cool control over the proceedings and even managing to stay one step ahead of us at all times. It's like he knows our methods inside and out; it's a little uncanny just how outmatched we almost are against him. It's a little uncanny how prepared he is for every turn, how hard he battles against us and makes us work for every inch we gain. This in spite of Atmey doing his damndest to be found guilty, too!
The message is made clear upfront: you are going to have to really show that you've grown yourself in playing these games. You have to call on all your own experience in order to meet him and manage your case.
Even when you prove Ron's innocence, Godot cuts you down before you have the time to celebrate. Due to your arguments, you've ended up implicating him in a murder. A fact Godot definitely knew this whole time.
Thus ends our first trial day. And what an intro it is.
The setup of Godot as a right bastard is almost too good, in my opinion. He's a formidable opponent, refusing to give Phoenix any leeway and shutting us down at every turn. He goes so far as to restrict you to a perfect press or a single piece of evidence to present more than once! It's a very cool sort of mechanical playing around, a sort of "you better have studied up on what you're doing" advancement for the final game of the original trilogy, and for that I like it a lot! It really does feel like the culmination to every previous case we've ever charged our way through. A final test, if you will, hence my calling Godot our most formidable opponent.
It also, however, lends itself to my finding him too much of a bastard to really find likable. And we are meant to like him! I'm fairly sure, at least. He was designed to be cool and the ending really leans towards this. But I don't think it came together in the end, at least not for me.
Our second trial day is more of the same. Godot puts on the pressure and we have to fight tooth and nail to even get our point across. He gives us one chance to get it right and so we do just that. No matter the odds he throws at us, we manage in the end to prove Ron's innocence once more. And despite being thrown from his cool demeanour, it never gets to the point of a complete break in his facade, like it does for our other prosecutors. No matter how much we get Godot on the ropes, he's too smooth of a customer to ever be fully floundering.
It's a great way of showing he's cool, I'll give them that. It also goes a long way to presenting him as the determinator he is. Can you really get a more iconic line than, "I have returned from the depths of hell to do battle with you"? They gave Godot several really good lines. But he's a lot less relatable as a result. Until we learn his full deal, he's more antagonist than he is a person. His one motivating goal we ever really see from him is that he hates Phoenix and wants to destroy Phoenix completely. A goal not unique to him, really; another factor going against him feeling anything other than pure antagonist. And sure, we had our antagonists in Edgeworth, in Manfred, and in Franziska. But they had motives outside of purely crushing Phoenix. They showed their humanity somewhere in their first appearances. (Yes, even Manfred had something to him outside of pure antagonist.)
But Godot? He's a man of mystery. An appealing mystery, but one that never quite grabbed me like it was meant to.
Either way, we start the third case and come across our next truth about Godot: he's specifically seeking out trials we're heading.
It is funny how apparent it becomes that the Phoenix who blundered Maggey's initial trial was a phony due to Godot's complete disinterest in the case to begin with. If we weren't all ready keyed into this fact considering we're Phoenix ourselves, it's a hilarious little bit of character reinforcement. Godot sure does hate us! And only us, not some pretender faking as us. It's a trait that stays consistent about him and I appreciate how silly it is, even if it's just reinforcing his one main character motivation.
His methods through this trial remain the same, an unforgiving test of our skills. Though special mention to that moment where Armstrong flirts with him and he takes it in stride. Now that is how you write a smooth operator, I find that the most compelling moment Godot has. The reveal that he can't see red on white is also intriguing, another piece to this puzzle we can't quite fit anywhere. (A small aside, I realised recently that because Phoenix wears a red tie and a white dress shirt, this means Godot can't see Phoenix's tie at all. Hilarity, actually. I'm so sad this is a detail that is too silly to ever bring up, if they even realised it themselves, at least.)
But by the end of this trial, our battle is mostly with Tigre, not Godot. He chucks his coffee at us as the lights go out in the court and we see the glow of his visor. We've won Maggey's innocence, we've proved Tigre's guilt, and yet Godot is still as cool as ever.
By this point, the mystery deserves some sort of answer. Which we get once we start the fourth case and see one Diego Armando.
Now, I actually find Diego to be a much more intriguing character than Godot. They're the same in effect, cool and confident (and kinda misogynistic bastards), but Diego is the man who is alive. Godot is his shadow, and as this trial goes on you begin to understand exactly that. Diego coaches Mia through the case, encouraging her (and being a bit too condescending, but y'know. It's a trope, it's someone's cup of tea) and even getting the line which many consider one of the coolest in the series: "A lawyer doesn't cry until it's all over". Diego does a hell of a lot of work to humanise Godot, to make everything about him understandable and click into place. For that, I really applaud them.
It hurts all the more knowing what we do from case 1, that he's going to be poisoned and put into a coma. It hurts knowing that this trial ends in tragedy for literally everyone involved, despite all our best efforts to fight for the truth.
And Diego had to deal with the guilt of knowing he lent his hand towards Terry's death. He gave the man his coffee with which to drink that poison. I really do feel all his regret when he crushes the mug in his hand and turns to face Mia, his hand dripping with blood. Actually the coolest moment drenched in that overwhelming tragedy. What a great way to convey all his regrets while retaining his level-headed demeanour.
They've shown their hand and we've put this puzzle together. It's all in service of the final case of the game, in which there's so many threads to wrap up that tie together beautifully.
The fact that Godot can't make it to the first day of the trial is our first big clue, even if it fits with his character. Phoenix isn't able to make it to the trial, either. Of course Godot wouldn't show up if Phoenix wasn't there! It's a clever nod to this setup they've established and also a great clue to the truth of things. And when we finally do see him again, it's in front of the training chamber and he really shows off his true colours. He doesn't hold back in telling us how little he thinks of us, nor does he hold back against Franziska. (And how dare he, really!!) His words bite into Phoenix, though, and make him falter in his normally unwavering faith in what he's doing. It may seem ridiculous to us, what Godot says, but it's digging into that same sense of grief he and Phoenix both feel over Mia's death.
Finally, though, we can understand why exactly he holds this grudge against Phoenix; it's misplaced grief. Godot lost someone he cared deeply for, someone he felt he should have been protecting, through a perceived blunder on his part. He found out at the same time that Mia's understudy took up her mantle but also couldn't save her. And so he channelled any and all of his grief and guilt at Mia's death into hatred for Phoenix. He blames Phoenix wrongfully for Mia's death because there was nothing he could do to save Mia, so how could this guy have also done nothing? How could he not have saved her? It's a refusal to meet his grief, an insistence on only action mattering in the face of such crippling feelings, a sense of machismo that is more familiar than expected.
(Because didn't Phoenix fall into this as well when Edgeworth was presumed dead? Didn't Phoenix also misplace all his grief into anger in his refusal to confront his feelings over Edgeworth seemingly rejecting all his efforts to help him?) What I'm saying is that Takumi had a pattern to his writing grief in the original trilogy exemplified perfectly in both Phoenix and Godot's reactions to finding out their loved one had died. It's an unhealthy sort of grief, a complicated sort of coping with those emotions too agonising to deal with, and a fascinating look into a built in parallel between our main antagonist and our protagonist.
After all, if Phoenix could come to terms with his grief, if he could move on to a healthier sort of acceptance, than maybe Godot can, too.
But it's a little too late for Godot as he proves to have let that anger rule his actions. He's the one who killed Maya's mother, even if at the time she was channeling the woman who took Diego out of the world.
I also like this bit of the trial, cross-examining Maya but in actuality pressing Godot for answers. It's a neat little twist, that we use Maya as the jumping point for catching Godot in his lies. Maya's insistence in protecting him is pretty interesting, mainly because I don't understand what drives her to do so other than the fact that he protected her (they never interacted before while Mia was alive, so she only knows him from the two trials Phoenix had against him), but it is a really fascinating point in her testimony.
Again, I'm really sure we're meant to like him as well. This is supposed to make sense! As is his sharing a cup with Phoenix as the trial comes to an end. There's supposed to be that catharsis there, that acceptance of two enemies setting their swords down and coming to an understanding. I see it, but I just don't really feel it, sorry.
Anyway, yeah. I'm probably pretty off-base with most of this. I'd appreciate hearing more opinions on the coffee man!!
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crysdrawsthings · 4 months
Crys Book Reviews - The Starless Sea
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As with my previous book review - you can find plain text under the cut!
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern 5/5 stars in my subjective system
Originally in English, have been read in original English
Approximately 500 pages in the original language, published in 2019 and is a separate entry from the author of the Night Circus, book I didn't like.
Relevant content warnings: aside from bees and general stuff relevant to fantasy stories I can't think of anything specific.
Brief story overview: the book, with the use of main narrative and short interjections, shares the story of a mysterious place known as the Starless Sea and everything related to it, from secret organizations and engaging investigation to mythic/fairytale side-stories and very magical final sections
2/24 books I plan to read this year
I have started it on 2nd January and have finished it on 18th of January.
I have been reading this on e-book and I would LOVE to have a copy for my personal library, preferably in English.
While descriptions of this book mention epic romance line I have, joyfully found, that it is not front and center for the overall plot, but still very nice and fits organically in the story!
I am definitely not trying The Night Circus again, but I would be curious to know more about what Erin writes.
Given my lack of success with the Night Circus I was somewhat hesitant to approach this novel, but it was a great read! Maybe it is just me being more into stories and books, compared to having little interest in circuses.
I loved slowly piecing together the connections between stories in books and characters in the main narrative as well, very interesting puzzle and very fun to see unfold!
I have heard people mentioning that this book or perhaps all of Erin's works are more about vibes, then hard storytelling, so this might be something to keep in mind, however.
Now, I would preface this by saying that narrative here goes in a very wild direction and this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I have thoroughly, 5-star-ly, enjoyed the development. The sense of this slowly unfolding mystery was positively captivating and seeing how the Harbor fell into disuse and disrepair was very heart wrenching, especially after hearing and reading about its golden days. Nonetheless, with the new one opening and story changing, I can only hope there is another great and fruitful Age for the Harbor once again. Loved the characters and seeing how they deal with situations and a lot of them are just so memorable. I think tavernkeeper was one awesome side character and Ezra is genuinely fascinating to watch. Although, some of the modern culture and game references were a miss among the hits, but this is to be expected.
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katyspersonal · 9 months
What are your thoughts on deraciné (the VR game that fromsoft made)? It's pretty obscure but it has a wonderful story (and plenty of bb references to the point that there was a rumor that it was supposed to be bb 2)
Sorry, I forgot about this ask as I read it when I was still in the bed and could not answer... But yeah, for now I don't know anything about this game! I first even heard it mentioned in Zullie's video about the Wormfaces, but I already was surprised why I literally never hear about it? ...and now that you've mentioned it is VR I guess I see why :') ...or maybe VR is way more common thing abroad and it is JUST obscure.
I simply quick-checked a few letsplays on Youtube to get the general idea, and it seems to have a really beautiful atmosphere? I just already really love the designs and the locations! Bloodborne's aesthetic is my favourite out of Soulsborne games; Victorian-ish vibe resonates with me more than other games sorta medieval fantasy setting. So yes, artistically, of course I love it! If I am not wrong, it functions like point-and-click adventure but in 3D. I will be real, I've always been absolute moron at point-and-click games for some reason?? However, the way From puts their stories into puzzles so far proven to be crafted for my brain particularly, so I'd feel confident enough to actually try it... ...if I ever get a VR device. xd I also seet hey played out us playing without combat and in VR as being a Faery children believe exists? This is brilliant! ALSO:
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sdhdfgsdfj Autism moment, but I was so glad to see this name xd Soulsborne consistently adds female characters named a variant of this name in their games sdhd Yuria in DeS, mentioned Yulia in DS1, Mentioned Zullie (character, not dataminer!) in DS2, Julie/Yurie in BB, Yuria in DS3... And now this xd I just like when they keep the pattern (glares at BB for breaking the 'cannibal swamp lady' trend)
Well, yeah, in any case, it seems like it is a lovely game! Actually when I tried to look what it was about, I got reminded of Bloodborne not only because of the designs and atmosphere, but also because of the system. Before I could buy PS4 and Bloodborne, I was stuck learning BB lore all by myself through descriptions, awful quality videos that never showed me what I NEEDED unless by accident, screenshots and images, datamined models and names, all that... And the way I had to move around everything I could to connect together the pieces and figure out the story and headcanons myself? It reminded me of how this game is played in particular. No combat, but just puzzles to solve and things to find. I am sorry if that makes no sense, the reasons brain activates distant memories sometimes can get too obscure or even random.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
This might be a bit of a broad question, but what do you think makes a piece a media Timeless?
Is the sum of its parts or do you think its something in particular
So this is a subject that is both really simple and the answer sounds obvious but also is one of those things that can get lost in being pedantic. Worse yet, I feel like you might be asking this with the mindset of how most people talk about timeless works in that they're also commonly considered classics.
These two are not synonymous. The sum of somethings parts usually being greater than the whole while every individual piece is great is what commonly makes something a classic. Spiderverse, the first one and potentially the whole trilogy if it sticks its landing, will be considered classics because those movies are great in each part but combined together they're absolutely incredible.
This also makes what is a classic or not up for debate. If you don't like Shakespeare, you won't consider Romeo and Juliet a classic. You'll see it as over dramatic pedophilia potentially. (Not my opinion but I've seen more than one person like to do the modern 'criticism' angle towards Romeo and Juliet because of the ages of the two leads, not taking into account that that was probably pretty common back then.)
They're timeless however because of one thing: Audience resonance. Or, in other words, themes, and commonly how universal they are. This makes them much less up for debate.
After all, there are fantasy works that are timeless. That shouldn't be possible, right? I mean, they're set in medieval times for many works so the technology, social structure and even priorities of those characters shouldn't function for a modern society, right? Or hell, for something less bluntly absurd, just look at It's a Wonderful Life. The main character in that movie runs a successful business, has a wife and two kids and a full group of friends and allies and he's considered as just doing alright. To a modern millennial, that is an INSANE amount of wealth and could make the main character much less likable.
But to most, he truly is the good every man. Not just in that he does good things but in the doubting. In the jealousy. Mr. Bailey is by no means a perfect soul, but his soul does indeed shine bright. It's so easy to compare ourselves to others though. To always think we're not doing enough or not see the good we're putting into the world. The idea that all we make is mistakes and even if we're not literally worth more dead, we would do less harm if we were dead.
To any empathetic soul, this makes It's a Wonderful Life easily a timeless movie. It doesn't matter if what George Bailey faces is different from our modern context, what matters is that he is going through life, just like we all are.
This is actually something that a lot of bigots close a blind eye to. "How am I supposed to relate to this if the character is gay/black/a jew, trans, etc.? I'm not any of those things so it must be impossible for me to connect to this work!" They believe that racial background is everything. That you must have lived those experiences in order to connect with them.
We are all human though. No amount of time will ever change that what beats in our very beings is the same. How that manifests in personality, skin, gender, religion, etc. like that doesn't matter. We all face fear, anxiety, anger, joy, passion, etc. A common laborer with no ambitions can still connect to a mad scientist on the screen because the same feeling that scientist feels when he screams "IT'S ALIVE!" is the same joy of success and passion that that office worker gets when he puts down the last piece of a ten thousand piece jigsaw puzzle.
And while I say whether something is or isn't timeless isn't really up for debate, what is is whether it connects to you. I have two relatives who don't like It's a Wonderful Life. They are some of the most financially motivated and petty people I know, at least that are close to me. And neither are my brother shockingly enough, who loves the movie too.
I won't say that just because I try to have a universal outlook on things that I could connect to a story that is strictly that of an African American. I didn't have to live through the prejudice many of them face because of the color of my own skin. I can try my best to empathize though. That when they tell their stories and let their anger and frustration be known, I can try to connect with those emotions so I can better attempt to see the world through their eyes, if even briefly.
This is much of why while I write a lot of sapphic fiction, I root a lot of those elements in emotions like love, anxiety, fear, shame, etc. because I understand those emotions. I lack the specifics to make it resonate 100% with a sapphic reader, which is why I do recommend people check out proper sapphic writers if that's what they're wanting most of my works, but I can try to make it emotionally honest enough that they can see some part of themselves in the work.
Honestly, to me, what makes a work timeless actually makes anything that's emotionally earnest, and at least a 6 or7/10, hard NOT to be timeless. It also makes it damn near impossible for a work to have NO ONE who considers it timeless.
It just needs to be able to resonate and if you're worth anything as a writer, that resonance should simply be a part of your process. After all, your work should at least resonate with one person: You. Because if you don't enjoy it, why are you writing it?
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publicliclyours · 5 months
Dear Diary, I like to think about how attraction and dating works often. I mean the likelihood of you liking someone and them liking you back if you put it into a mathematical equation is so entirely low. However we always seem to find the people we're meant to be with or people we click with. Like a little puzzle piece. Now I like to think about it somewhat like the concept of the string of fate, yet altered. I think throughout your entire lifetime there is certain people or relationships you are meant to have. Some tend to be weak strings that break easily when finally in close proximity because they get tangled or the lines weren't strong to begin with. Those are your exes, your lessons, how you were shaped for the person you will finally be with. Then obviously there's that final string, except this string is special. It strengthens over time and as each string break it kind of absorbs the broken string, until you find yourself with the strongest possible bond EVER. That is your soulmate, the one who throughout all your struggle and challenges you were tied to by destiny. Now obviously I don't think this theory can apply to all relationships or people you had any kind of romantic connection to. I think that sometimes you do indeed deviate, but you can easily tell when there is no string because it easily crumbles as you both are pulled in different directions and pulled by the people you were meant to find. I understand the silliness of my theory, but if it keeps me hoping and allows me to cope with all my breakups and failed talking stages, is there really any harm in it?
I do think it's better than my other theory, the other one I have is kind of a downer. That your partner has to make sense. And if you don't make sense you won't last, period point blank. Like with my friends and their partners it's so obvious if they will or won't last or end up together. Like with my best friend as much as I love him, him and his girlfriend don't make sense, so with my theory they won't last. I know this to be fact of course. I give it two month tops. However with other friends who crush on each other I know they will somehow find a way to be high school sweethearts because they fit together so perfectly it's just not possible they don't. Now you might be thinking "this theory doesn't sound all too bad". You're right from the outside it doesn't sound as depressing as it is to be the creator of this theory. See how I see it, is me, I don't have a match or someone who fits into me. I'm too different and nobody I have ever talked to or dated makes sense for me, my crush and I won't work because we don't match. I think this pessimism does have some contribution to the downfall of my talking stages, but I don't think I'm wrong. It's a painful and lonely theory on my part but I have slowly learned to cope.
I mean hey that's love for you, It's complicated and messy. You can have many theories on it but it doesn't fit into a box. And in my case it doesn't make sense. I don't know I am just a silly high schooler trying to vent :).
Love yourself,
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mars2cieranshippy · 6 months
I am not going to focus on his black squares or white squares and shapes. But more on his other examples of how abstract can you go with colour, positions of the shape themselves and where they are on the page, learning also that he loves leaving a lot of white space and just allow the shapes and the space to explain something far more to it, rather than going into to much detail.
Malevich was a revolutionary artist who sought to break with traditional artistic forms. He rejected the idea of art as a representation of the external world and instead focused on the expressive power of pure form and color.
Malevich's Suprematism was tied to a utopian vision of a new, spiritually elevated society. He saw art as a means to transform consciousness and society, aligning with the ideals of the Russian Revolution.
Emphasis on Emotion:
Malevich's work aimed to evoke emotion and transcendental experiences rather than depicting specific objects or scenes.
Optimism and Idealism:
Particularly during the early years of the Russian Revolution, Malevich, like many artists of his time, felt a sense of optimism and idealism about the potential for art to contribute to a new social order.
Already finding these few things of the artist I am intrigued and want to know more but visually rather than contextually as I want to see how his artworks really compare to one another overall compare to my own that I am about to do. But also why do they work - They are just shapes, basic shapes that no one as you'd assume would care about, however they rather build and create wonders without even trying just good use of composition and colour ranges that really emphasis something far more at play, than just "a shape".
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These are a few of his artworks that specifically caught my eye, how they are used to somewhat give an idea of a scene, or motion of movement, element of how dark, cold, warm, lonely, or positive a location, person can feel with just how the shapes are positioned and what colours are used. Cause one thing I really like about his works is something on the surface looks like someone or a kid just splatted paint or chalk on a page with no thought or control and yet the more you look at it the more your brain pieces together the pieces that it is a location, it is a person, animal. Which really corresponds to what I'm doing with how I can make repeat patterns illusions, basic composition with how the shapes are based and at first your brain sees it as another thing and then it slowly pieces together the puzzle on what it could be or what it is, Like a road, forest etc. Following that element of a Psychedelic dream where at first you have no clue where you are but the more you look the more your mind connects things you are use to seeing with the way the world around you looks and feels.
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With this with how kyrstie explained it and I see where she is coming from, just the position of these two shapes really makes your mind go wild with what it could be and how it can be perceived. Like for me I see what is like idk a light coming from the darkness, or a light trying to see into the dark. Or like an overlay of what could be in the darkness. or a tip of a ship, cliff etc Just how so simple these shapes can be and what your brain can come up with just only looking at them.
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girl4music · 1 year
It’s not very often that I come across a piece of art/entertainment where I identify with it from the get go. With its themes or its lessons or its values etc… I usually tend to twist and turn that piece of art/entertainment into something that does resemble who I am, what I do and what I care about. I refer to doing that as artistic interpretation out of personal perception. I find a way that it relates to me or resonates with me and I teach that unique perspective to others who wish to listen and learn it. But on the off chance I do find a piece of art/entertainment that I can identify with immediately without twisting and turning it - without constructing through my consciousness and for my consumption… where the canon of it does actually say or do something for me… I pay a lot of attention to it. Sometimes its the only thing I can think about. It takes over my mind to the point where I cannot communicate with anyone without mentioning it in some form or some way. It takes priority for me.
You would think this level of identification with a piece of art/entertainment would be dangerous, right? And truth be told - it certainly can be if we forget to actually live in the meanwhile. However, there are so many benefits to it also when it comes to learning ourselves. Experience is the strongest and most intimate interaction we have with the world around us. It’s essentially something we always do - never stop doing. Experiencing. Since early childhood I have understood the world around me as an interpretation station. That is to say that I’ve always understood it as art/entertainment over what we call “reality”. Like one never ending sen surround 3D movie playing constantly that I am at the center of as the protagonist. Now the argument to that is “Life isn’t a movie”. So many people would tell you this if you explained this worldview to them the way I just have. No, life is not a movie. In fact life isn’t anything in specific. Life just is. It’s just THIS. What we always have here and now. The present moment. But we always choose how we interact with it. What we say; what we do; how we behave. How we look at it; what we perceive of it. Essentially, that’s how and why we exist. To generate information: pull it in and push it out. Our very life’s purpose is to experience oneself. We don’t know or don’t recognise that that’s what we’re doing, but I can assure you - we’re always doing it. We’re always creating and determining our experience. From one moment to the next. Life experience is art/entertainment. Of course it is. We don’t actually interact with it any other way. We might think or believe we do. But nope. We don’t. The information we get or the signal we pick up is always filtered by our perception: by our thoughts and emotions. By previous experiences: traumas, cultural upbringings and other influences on a constant, all the time and everywhere. Life (or reality, if you like) always is as we see it to be. As we experience it to be.
This isn’t new news. Eastern culture has been telling us that this is the way it is for millennia. That there’s nothing permanent or solid about “life” or “reality”. Life follows nature and nature is non-permanence. Nature never stays still. Nature is consistent change. And when you understand “life” or “reality” this way, a lot of other bits and pieces start to make sense - start to connect and fit together like one elaborate puzzle piece. From the scientific to the philosophical to the spiritual to the supernatural. It all essentially tells us the same thing. That it is not physics that runs the roost of how or why existence is. It’s consciousness. Of course physics itself as a doctrine is in a bit of a rut at the moment and has been for quite some time. Physicists can’t decide on one set of rules. At best they have a set of theories that have been tried and tested. And some work, some don’t. They do tend to always leave out or purposefully ignore the one component in physics that never leaves. And that is consciousness. Not necessarily human consciousness. Just consciousness. The ability to be aware of one’s own existence and that of the existence of other - seemingly separate or external to it. Or from a religious or spiritual perspective - to know what it is to experience the ever-present “I Am”.
This experience is constant. It’s the only way we can know anything of any significance whatsoever. It is absolutely fundamental to existence, life and reality. And it gets left out or purposefully ignored in scientific pursuit simply because scientists are afraid that what they believe to be how or why the Universe works the way it does is fundamentally flawed. Classical physics and the social construction of reality - that is the theory that permanence and solidity is external to and separate from consciousness. That if consciousness was not there - did not permeate everything, everywhere, all the time - this world would stand exactly as it stands to conscious perception. As humanity or indeed any consciousness experiences it. We don’t know this to be true. We only assume it to be. And it drives a rigorous classical physicist mad to not be able to work with their worldview without it in the way. Without their consciousness in the way of it.
Some time ago - back when I was in high school - I had an interest in becoming a theoretical physicist because - like Albert Einstein - I had an incessant interest in what makes the world work and how we - as human beings - relate to it. Relativity - both special and general - were of great interest to me. As was quantum physics. But I quickly realized that the way I understood the world - how I perceive it and the way I interact with it did not match what was being told to me. What I was being taught. There seemed to be the inherent belief (and it is a belief - it’s not fact) by my physics teacher that the Universe just existed in and of itself. Separate from and external to awareness. There’s even that old saying “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound?”. My answer was always a resounding “No!” Sensory information only exists within consciousness. However, I can debate on whether it made a vibration. Vibration being what’s there before consciousness converts it into sound. Vibration being energy and energy makes up everything there is in the Universe. I - of course - always agreed that energy is what exists separate from and external to consciousness. Energy is non-physical and as a specific kind (such as vibration, frequency or light) - non-permanent. As such - the electromagnetic spectrum of reality can absolutely and will exist outside of consciousness. But that does not prove solidity or permanence does. The way we perceive of “The Universe” is unique to us. And so I’d argue until the end of time itself that that perception is merely an illusion. However - an illusion that is very useful and beneficial to us and so should not be discounted and devalued as “of no matter”. There’s, of course, a lot we can learn through illusion. But at the same time, I do think it’s important that we acknowledge that “reality” isn’t really existing in the way we define the term “existence” to mean. That it is not physical, is not solid, is not permanent - is not just there separate from and external to consciousness. I have never in all my years living “in” this world interacted with the world as if it is there irrespective of my experience. Of experience with self and other. And if you guys think about it - … neither have you.
So why then do we have the insistent belief that it does? Social influence is the answer to that question. We’re told and taught that we’re “in” the world and not of it. That our species is not part of the nature of all that is. In the same way that animals and plants make up what it is we know “the world” as empirically, we, as human beings, are part of what “the world” and indeed “The Universe” is. See… the majority understanding of “The Universe” is that it’s a big space for things to be put in - to live in. And so planets such as “Earth” are a big rock for things to live on. This makes one understand “The Universe” or “The Earth” as separate from and external to the “Self”. To me, this is a significantly flawed understanding of the way “existence” is or works. “Things” don’t exist within “things”. They come from them. They’re born out of them. And they return to them. But this isn’t because they’re separate from them or are external to them. They’re just another expression or manifestation of them. The seed and tree. The child and mother. The egg and chicken. “Things” only appear to be within “things” because they are one in the same with them. They ARE them. Thus “Earth” and the inhabitants “on it” are part of it. Plants, animals, and yes, even humans, are “Earth”. This is also true at an even bigger scale. “Earth” is “The Universe”. It’s not “in it” or “on it”. It IS it! And you can apply this truth at the grandest scale to the tiniest scale possible. Exactly the same thing is true.
This is how I’ve always understood, interacted with and experienced the world around me and will continue to until my dying day and likely even after that when the “me” I know myself as now is gone and something or someone else takes over my experience. I have said many times now that I do not believe in identity. And given the way I understand the world, you can hopefully see why I don’t. It’s not important who “I” am. What’s important is experiencing “I Am”. So I don’t worry about identity. I’m not concerned with being a specific “who” or a “what”. I’m only concerned with what I can learn from experience. My name, my gender, my age and my background have little importance to me and therefore little influence on me. My consciousness however is fundamental. I try to honour that as much as I possibly can because self-awareness is key to self-learning and self-growth. And so the question changes from “Who am I?” to “How am I?” and “Why am I?”. This question when asked intentionally always gives an immediate answer.
I Am.
And I stay focused on that. Just that. All questions I have that I believe need answering come under the understanding that I can ask them in the first place because obviously if I couldn’t ask them, I wouldn’t need to know answers to them. I wouldn’t need to know anything at all if I did not have consciousness or if I was not conscious. You always ask the one who is asking when asking any question about self or other because you’re the one around to receive the answer. Like the tree falling in the forest. You know it makes a sound because you’re there to hear it make a sound. The question is already answered by you being there. The answer is obviously “No” if you or no consciousness whatsoever is around to hear it fall. Thus, your experience and interaction with the world is fundamental to it being “The world”… it would not be so without you. You are part of it as it is part of you.
The only way you know you exist and anything else whatsoever exists is because you can experience it. Does that answer the question? Maybe not. But it does make us reassess what we mean by “existence”. If we mean what is irrespective of our experience, then we’ll never get the answer. We won’t be around to receive it. And therefore it is absolutely pointless to have it. Consciousness is what makes matter “matter”. Matter is of no matter without awareness. Social construction of reality can be understood and examined as a concept of objectivism only. It can’t be experienced. It cannot be empirically confirmed. “Reality” itself would contradict its very definition if it could be. This is why what is actually real is subjective. Subjectivism is the true way of “reality”. It is imagined. It is fantasised. It is created by the mind! Through consciousness is the way anything ever exists. And if you don’t agree with that, - then you at least have to agree that it’s the only way it matters. For what is “existence” if it doesn’t have importance? Why does it matter that anything does or doesn’t exist? It only matters because WE make it matter. Because reality is relative to consciousness, it is real. It is experienced as wholly important to existence. Without consciousness, it’s as irrelevant as sludge. What we really mean when we use the term “exist” is how is what it is relative to and with consciousness?
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sunrisefairy · 3 years
My muse
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Pairing: Art student!Sirius x reader Warning: NSFW! MDNI 18+, swearing, fingering, unprotected sex, if I’ve forgotten anything please let me know! Summary: Sirius is struggling with an art assignment until he finds inspiration in his girlfriend. Or the one when Sirius and reader bang on a canvas.  A/N: wrote this for @anxiousblanketqueen writing challenge, I had a lot of fun with this one Jill so I hope you enjoy it too. Based of the prompt Art Sex. This article is helpful with visualising the art work!
Taglist: if you’re crossed out i couldn’t tag you @theweasleyslut​ @anxiousblanketqueen​ @accioweaslcy​ @widowdays​ @inglourious-imagines​ @garbdump​ @star-sunshine-sage​ @weelittleweasley​ @a-dusty-emerald​ @starlightkell​ @omghufflepuff​ @weasleysprincess​ @j-amespotter​ @gryffindorgirl To be added to the taglist click here 
“Oh my god this is fucking bullshit!” Sirius groans before throwing his paint brush, it landing with a clatter on the hardwood floor of his art studio.
You hear all the commotion from the kitchen and decided to check in on your boyfriend. It was nearing the end of the term and Sirius had been very agitated and snappy from all the stress.
“You okay babe?” you poke your head through the door to see Sirius standing in the middle of the room, practically death staring a half-finished painting resting on one of his wooden easels.
“Fucking bullshit,” your boyfriend mumbles, clenching and unclenching his paint stained hands.
You slowly walk up to him and wind your arms around his waist and kissing his back through his white cotton t-shirt, “wanna talk to me about it?” you whisper.
Sirius twists in your grip until he’s facing you allowing you to get a good look at him; his shoulders are tense, his jaw clenched tightly from the pressure of school and his eyebrows are furrowed which has become a regular facial expression of him the past few weeks. You reach your hand up and delicately trace the worry lines in his forehead. Sirius immediately relaxes at your touch; his faces becomes more natural and his shoulders slump. Since dating Sirius you’ve come to understand how much he struggles to talk about his feelings. He doesn’t like dumping his problems on those around him as it makes him feel like a burden. So you try your best to be patient with him and always remind him you’ll be here no matter what.
“Just stressed about school,” Sirius murmurs his eyes looking down at the floor between your bodies.
You let your hand fall down to his shoulders, lightly squeezing, “yeah? What about school?”
Sirius’ hands find their way under the t-shirt you’re wearing which evidently is one of his that you’ve stolen, he lets his fingers trace patterns on your warm skin. “Just this one assignment is making me go insane. Can’t seem to get it right.” He gestures to the canvas sitting in the middle of the room.
If you’re being honest, anything Sirius paints leaves you memorised and evokes numerous emotions from you. You are constantly telling your boyfriend how talented he is and every time he’ll roll his eyes at your compliment. “I think it looks amazing babe,” you state truthfully.
To no surprise, Sirius rolls his eyes at your comment. “yes, well you have to say that ‘cos you’re my girlfriend.”
Sirius leaves your embrace and walks back over to the painting, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning so intensely you think laser beam might shoot from his eyes and through this artwork. He starts mumbling again, irritation is laced thickly on his words, “representation of raw love,” he mocks, “what a load of utter crap. My professor is so pretentious, the only instruction he gives us for this stupid bloody assignment is ‘make a piece which represents raw love’ what does that even mean? I’ll tell you what it is, it’s fucking bullshit.”
You shuffle closer to Sirius so you’re standing at his side, both staring at his current piece. You’re not really sure how to help, you’re no artist but you hate seeing Sirius so worked up. “What are other people in your class doing for the assignment? Maybe you can gather inspiration from them?”
Sirius shrugs and stuffs his hands in his dark jeans which are covered in paint splatters, “Kirra’s doing a photography piece of her husband and kids, Gage is making some sculpture of his dog.”
“Alright,” you pause for a brief moment “well maybe think of ways people show love or how you show love, like real emotional love ya’know?” you feel like you’re grasping at straws here and making up some bullshit.
You glance over at Sirius, he’s biting his bottom lip deep in thought, you stay silent not really knowing what else to say to assist him. Slowly a look of realisation washes over your boyfriend’s face, eyes wide and a grin gracing his lips. “Holy shit baby, you’re a genius!”
Butterflies erupt deep in your belly from the praise and you giggle when Sirius starts peppering your face with tiny kisses to show his gratitude. Eventually he connects your lips together in what you thought would be a short but sweet kiss. However, you squeak in surprise when Sirius quickly deepens the kiss, his hands gripping tightly at your waist before slowly moving them down to grope at your arse.
“You should probably get working on your project then Sirius,” you breathe against his mouth, disappointed to stop things before they get too heated but you know Sirius’ inspiration comes and goes in waves and if you wait until after the two of you get off, then he might fall back into feeling unmotivated again.
“I am working on it,” you pull away confusion all over your face.
“What do you mean?” you query.
Sirius chuckles and moves away from you to move the canvas and easel to the edge of the room out of the way, he starts laying out a large piece of cream canvas fabric on the floor. “Think about it, what’s a way people show love?” he asks you, squirting numerous colours of paint carelessly onto the fabric.
“Babe there’s a lot of way people show love,” you answer puzzled, what did making out with you have to do with his piece? And why was he now squirting colours onto a blank canvas.
Sirius continues, “yes I know that but what about a raw, emotional way people show love? a primal way to show love so to speak?”
When you finally look back up at Sirius’ face you’re met with a cheeky smirk that you know all too well. It’s not until he removes his shirt do you connect the dots. “Sirius I’m not letting you fuck me on this canvas for a university project for god’s sake.”
The raven-haired boy’s grin only widens as he slowly moves closer to you, his eyes burning into your skin. You feel hot and vulnerable under his gaze, it’s like he’s stalking his prey. Your breath hitches in your throat when Sirius’ body is pressed flush against your own and you can feel his hot breath fanning your face as he speaks in a low, hushed tone, “I’m not going to fuck you,” his voice drops an octave like it does when he’s feeling horny. Just the tone of his voice alone causes a wetness to pool in your panties. “Wanna make love to you baby. Wanna show you how much I love you, can I do that darlin’?”
You bite your lip trying to swallow the moan that is threatening to spill from your mouth when Sirius starts leaving sloppy kisses on your neck. Damn Sirius Black for knowing all your weak spots.
“Just want to make you feel good baby girl,” he tugs the off t-shirt your body. “Can I do that? Can I make you feel good?”
You close your eyes and focus on Sirius’ large hands cupping and massaging your breasts tenderly, you always were putty in his hands. Fuck it you thought. “Yes, please make love to me Sirius.”
The boy grins and whispers a thank you against your skin. He takes no time in removing both of your clothes until you’re standing in front of each other naked. You and Sirius take the opportunity to study each other. You gaze over all the curves and lines on Sirius’ body, the way his muscle flex and move, the freckle on his hip bone, the tiny scar on his left shoulder, the coarse hair of his happy trail. He was beautiful, stunning, breathtaking. And he was all yours.
Sirius helps you lay down against the canvas, you gasp at the cold, squishy feeling of the paint beneath you. It feels foreign but not unwelcoming, you wriggle a little, enjoying the way the substance slides around. Sirius kneels between your legs, relishing in the way your chest is already rising and falling frantically from arousal, “so gorgeous darlin,” he traces a finger down from your collar bone all the way to your core finding it soaked already.
You squirm when Sirius teases your entrance with his finger, the cold paint moving and mixing into the canvas under you. A quiet whine escapes your lips the moment Sirius pushes his index finger inside you and starts pumping it steadily.
“Need you to be loud for me baby, want to know how good I make you feel ‘kay?” Sirius commands trying to get into a comfortable position in between your spread legs, his body sliding slighting from the paint.
You answer him with a loud moan. Soon Sirius has added 2 more fingers into the mix causing you to wriggle and rock your hips into his hand, “so good Sirius, fuck.”
With his free hand, Sirius grips your thigh trying to keep you still, blue paint smears against the soft flesh of your thigh and Sirius is captured by how striking you look laying here right now, chest flushed, and eyes closed. The way your body is squirming from pleasure is causing the paint on the canvas to blend and mix together. Sirius scoops up some red paint from the fabric and swipes it across your breasts and over your nipples, “so pretty.” He mumbles tugging and pinching your nipples.
“Sirius,” you pant desperately, “please. Need more.”
Sirius withdraws his fingers earning a whine from you and strokes his cock a few times before lining it up with your entrance, “shh darlin’. M’here to make you feel good, yeah? Want me to make you feel good?”
You wrap your legs around him urging him to finally push into you. You needed it, needed to feel Sirius stretch you out and fill you up with his cock, needed to hear Sirius gasp and groan into your ear, needed to feel him rock his hips into yours, “please Sirius.”
With a low groan escapes from both of you when Sirius finally pushes into you, Sirius begins thrusting his hips deep and slow into yours, both of your relishing in the feeling and sensation coursing your bodies. Hands around running along the others body, squeezing, tugging, scratching at skin, leaving traces of paint in its wake. Sirius has buried his head in the crook of your neck, his hair tickling your cheek, mumbling how beautiful you look spread out for him.
Deeper, you need it deeper. Wrapping your legs tightly around your boyfriend, you manage to roll the two of you over, Sirius underneath you with you straddling his waist, allowing you to bounce of his cock. From this angle, he reaches deeper inside of you, his hard cock prodding at that sponging spot inside of you. The pure affection and love the two of you feel for each other was unmistakeable in this moment. The tenderness and intimacy of this act made your toes tingle and heart warm in your chest.
Continuing to bounce up and down on Sirius cock, you take a second to watch the boy below you, the only word seemingly fitting to describe him was angelic. His dark locks are sprawled out around the canvas, a mixture of red, blue and purple paint framing his body as well as splotches on his skin. His eyes are trained on yours, a look set in them that you’ve come to be familiar with, undying love.
You lower your head to connect your lips together, wanting-no needing to feel close, to feel connected.
“I love you,” you mumble breathlessly against Sirius’ pink lips. You feel that familiar euphoric sensation creeping up on you, Sirius’ cock hitting your g-spot every time you lower your body.
Sirius’ grips your waist tight and firmly, his own hips slamming up into you, “I love you too baby, so much.” He can feel your pussy clenching around him, he watches the way your breasts bounce between your bodies, he reaches his head forward to latch his mouth onto your nipple, sucking and licking on the sensitive bud. The noises slipping from your mouth makes his cock twitch.
“Sirius,” you pant threading your fingers through his dark hair to keep him close to your body.
Your body feels like it’s on fire and ready to combust, your legs trembling, and you know you won’t last much longer with the way Sirius is suckling at your nipple and he knows it.
“Want you to cum for me darlin, be my good girl and cum on my cock,” he groans into your breast, sucking and licking at your salty skin.
The coil in the pit of your belly snaps and with a load high pitched whine you’re releasing all over Sirius’ cock, your pussy clenching and legs shaking from the stimulation. After your release, it only takes Sirius a few more thrusts until he’s following suit, his load shooting and filling you up, a string of I love you’s tumbling from both of your mouths.
You collapse onto Sirius’ chest, neither of you make any effort to move even once your breathing has settled. Laying here with Sirius made you feel safe and protected. The way his index finger was trailing up and down your spine made you shiver, and you could feel him kissing your scalp gently. Undeniably, there was love radiating from his body, you could feel it and you only hope he could feel it radiating from yours too.
“Hey guys, that painting hanging up in the bedroom is new, yeah?” James questions, traipsing back into the living room where the rest of the group was.
You feel a heat rise in your cheeks when you realise which painting the bespectacled boy is referring too. Sirius nods pulling you tighter into his side.
“Did you paint that one Pads?” Remus asks. Most, if not all the artwork displayed in yours and Sirius’ home was created by him. It normally took a bit of persuading Sirius to let you hang up his work, he didn’t like to come across as cocky. But as soon as this canvas was dried and stretched onto a frame Sirius wasted no time in mounting it; above your shared bed, him claiming it ‘gets him in the mood whenever he looks at it’ (and he really wasn’t lying).
The boy beside you grins and plants a sloppy kiss against your cheek, “me and Y/N painted that one,” he says teasingly.
You shoot him a death glare warning him to keep his big mouth shut. “Don’t,” you mouth.
“That’s so cool! Didn’t know you were so artistic Y/N!” James exclaims excitedly, clearly impressed by the painting.
Sirius chuckles loudly pinching your side making you yelp, “oh she’s very talented when he comes to that type of stuff. I think we might need to make another piece together babe, what do you think?”
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beargyu313 · 3 years
Never close the gyms
Warning: this is a nsfw work of fiction that does not represent beomgyu in real life, please do not engage if you are underage._
Kinks: subtle size kink, degradation, the reader cries briefly,,,,
Word count: around 1.6k
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Ever since my boyfriend Beomgyu started going to the gym, I have been getting progressively more sexually frustrated. 
 At first the change was subtle, his shirt would start strecthing over his broad frame, then he started eating more, claiming he needs more protein to build muscle, and that is when my demise began. Suddenly his arms were massive, and all I could think about were his big, strong, muscular hands wrapped around my waist as he holds me down so he can pound my small frame.
It all became too much for me today, when he put his tightest shirt on, making his chest look big and inviting. My eyes were following his every movement like a hawk, as he was preparing snacks for our movie night.
Alright, I think to myself, I can sit through one full movie without jumping my boyfriend like a bunny in heat. This however turns to be false.
As soon as Beomgyu sits down on our couch I am glued to his side, holding his big arm to my chest and snuggling into his frame.
 Beomgyu, oblivious as ever, only leans back, letting me play with his fingers while he starts our movie. "Beomgyu" , I call out to him, giving him my best pout and puppy eyes.
"hm?" he questions, leaning his head towards me to hear me better, but still not looking at me.
"nothing" , I say, upset at the lack of attention.
Okay time for my first attack, I think to myself as I shift into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. Softly I start massaging his scalp, making sure to occasionally pull on his locks, that he recently cut. The short new lenght flew smoothly between my fingers, making my head races with thoughts of pulling on it in different settings.
Finally Beomgyu takes his eyes off the television screen, glancing at me with a boyish quirk of his brows. Taking my chance I pull him down to me and give him a hard peck on his lips, making sure to pull on his hair in the process.
We part with a wet sound, Beomgyu pulling me even further onto his lap, his hands on my lower back, softly caressing me.
"oh", he breathes, his voice having gotten dangerously low, my pussy aching because of it, I can already feel myself getting wet.
"Beomgyu", I breathe, looking up innocently at his big frame that is towering over me.
"Yes, princess? ", he smirks, "what is it you need that you need?"
"Don't tease", I pout,  "you know I get shy easily" , I continue, looking down at his big chest that’s just screaming at me to touch it, bite it, smell it, anything really.
"Alright, alright", he chuckles, pulling me closer to him, his head fitting like a puzzle piece between the space that connects my collar bones to my neck.
"You smell so good", he breathes in my neck, raising the hairs on my back. He takes it a step further, pressing his lips sensually over my neck. 
I gasp when he bites me, pressing my thighs together to relieve the ache in my pussy.
"Don't get impatient now little princess", he says, pulling away and giving me a hard slap on my bum. He picks me off his lap, showing off his strength, and gently puts me down on the couch.
"Well, follow me", he says when he sees I haven't gotten up to follow him.
"And stop touching your little pussy, you know I don't like impatient girls."
"sorry gyu", I say, really into this brooding and dominant aura around him. I've only seen him get like this once, when he came over to mine after a dance practice, he was really hot, glaring at nothing in particular.
I follow him, to my bedroom, mesmerized by his board back, so much so that I bump into it when he stops in the middle of my bedroom all of a sudden.
"okay baby", he starts, crossing his arms over his chest.
He was doing this on purpose, I know he was.
 He keeps looking down at me, making me feel so small but it was turning me on so much, my head was getting fuzzy, full with thoughts of Beomgyu, Beomgyu fucking me, making me suck his dick, putting me in embarrassing positions just because he likes seeing me get shy.
"Give me a kiss", he continues, fixing his posture so he stands at his full height. I go on my tippy toes and try to balance myself by holding onto his bicep and chest, upon my touch he flexes his muscles, teasing me even further.
He smirks when he sees my pout, knowing he is too tall for me to kiss. "What" he mocks, "can't even do that", he makes a tch sound, and stalks over to my bed, sitting down on it.
"You're such a small little girl, can't even do a simple task I ask you to, you can't do anything without me, right doll?"
"Gyuu", I whine, "stop teasing and just fuck me already" I say, standing in the middle of my room and pushing my shirt down to my crotch for some friction that I desperately needed.
"Ooh so you can speak, c'me here" , he says patting his lap, making no effort to hide the huge tent in the middle of it.
As I walk to him I pull my sweatpants off, and balance myself on his lap, making sure my pussy is sitting directly on his hard cock. It was so hard I couldn't help but rock my hips on it, desperate for some friction.
"Beomgyu please just fuck me already, I need you so bad, please." I plead with him, teary eyes, always being impatient.
Finally Beomgyu puts his hands around my waist, helping me hump him better. "Oh yeah, and what if I don't, is my princess gonna start crying, huh", he mocks, laying down on the bed.
He continues moving my hips on him, creating a slow rhythm that was making everything worse, I have never wanted a dick so bad in me before, the frustration of it was making wet tears fall down my face.
"Ohh" Beomgyu mockingly pouts at me, "you're so horny you're crying, you're so pathetic and cute, come on princess, help oppa take his clothes off, let me make you feel good"
I start pulling his shirt off, admiring his chiseled chest, I can't help it when I grope his chest, it felt so firm yet soft under me, making me let out a moan. 
I look up at Beomgyus face, to see a cocky look on his face, he says nothing but pulls my shirt over my head, carelessly throwing it somewhere on the floor.
He spanks me when he deems I am taking too long to get his pants of, scooting me over to pull them down himself.
He pushes me on my back and climbs on me, caging me on my bed, his big arms right next to my head. Despite his current demeanor, he kisses me softy on my lips, looking at me with the softest look in his eyes,
"You ready? ", he asks.
I only nod, being been ready for the past week for this, I spread my legs and pull Beomgyu down for another kiss. This time our kiss is a lot dirtier, with us full on exchanging saliva.
 I feel Beomgyu rub his cock on my labia, teasing my wet hole by putting just the tip in but then pulling his hips back.
I wrap my legs around his waist, wanting to pull him in me already, sick and tired of clenching around nothing for so long.
"Beomgyu" I whine, "get to it already please."
 "alright," he chuckles, his voice incredibly deep.
He kisses my neck and looks down to our parts, one of his hands softly touching my head, grounding me into this moment, while he uses his right hand to guide his dick in me.
 Finally I think to myself.
After waiting for so long the stretch of his cock felt heavenly in my walls, making me relax against the mattress and just admiring Beomgyus pleasured face as he slowly sank fully into me.
"Beomgyu", I needily whisper, pulling him into another wet kiss as he starts moving his hips. 
The pace Beomgyu sets is slow at first, and I admire the way his body moves, but the whinnier my moans get the faster he starts moving.
With his strokes getting hard and deep he too starts groaning, the sounds he was making were making me clench my pussy around his big member, I can't help it when my hand grabs onto his hair, pulling him close to me. My other hand sneaks to my clit, stimulating the little button and making me so close to that amazing feeling.
"Beomgyu, oh my god I'm so close", I breath, it takes me over the edge when beomgyu starts pistoning his hips into me, properly pounding me and letting out little grunts and growls in the process.
The overpowering feeling takes over my body, making my legs shake uncontrolablly and my breathing faster.
 When my orgasm reaches its peak, my walls pulsating  around Beomgyus hard member, he let's out a long groan, pressing his face into my chest as he drains his balls in my wanting pussy.
 "that was hot", he says when we have both calmed down. 
a/n: i wanted to add a photo along where he looks so buff (the one that inspired this lmao) but idk how to do that, also hope everyone enjoyed this hehe
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Nightmare Time Season 2 - What do the Cryptic Clues mean?
Just over a week ago, things were vaguely normal. Work was busy, I was tired, and this blog posted either a normal or ridiculous theory every now and then while I waited for life to settle down a bit again.
Then a blue N appeared.
And well, you have all witnessed the carnage that followed.
So we have spent a week piecing together the clues, blaming the bees, having meltdowns over green As, and working out timezone differences. Now we have a complete jigsaw puzzle giving us a whole bunch of clues. Layers upon layers of clues.
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So my thoughts are below. They're very loose and speculative at the moment, but that's the fun of it! Last time I did a theory like this was before Nightmare Time Season 1 and I was pretty bad at it - so you know... I can only go up!
The Clues:
1 - Blue
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Pictures: Bee and honeycomb; old barn or pot farm; boat on a lake; birds; honey
Phrases: Honey Queen; Perky’s Buds
This is the row that I think is giving us two different storylines, “Honey Queen” and “Perky’s Buds”.
Honey Queen - as a few people have mentioned is likely a reference to the Hatchetfield Honey Festival. Now when I hear the phrase Honey Queen, I imagine something similar to a May Queen, who is a girl picked to front a May Day parade. But this is Nightmare Time, so I also immediately thought of something similar to Carrie happening - though maybe with bees, or honey? I also think the boat relates here, and will link us to the Monroes somehow.
Perky’s Buds - I think this has a double meaning. Obviously it’s likely a reference to Emma’s pot farm, and is a FANTASTIC name for such. But I also think its going to mean Emma is going to meet some - not very pleasant characters. Now remember, Blinky is always watching, and has feathered sniggles. I think the birds in the image are Blinky watching what Emma is up to - they become her “buds” - though she isn’t happy about it.
2 - Green
Pictures: Woodcutting axe; canoe on a lake; cabins in woods; roasting marshmallows on a campfire; leather work
Phrases: Abstinence Camp
Oh, Abstinence Camp - this is the one most people seem most excited for as I’m sure we’re all seeing that possible connection to our longed for Nerdy Prudes. Abstinence Camp makes me think of typical teen slasher movies of the mostly 90s, but 70s and 80s also. Plus the axe is likely a reference to the one character I have been waiting for for SO long - Lumber-Axe the Mad Woodsman. Is he the killer in the woods killing off the horny young adults? There is also the leather work image, which I reverse searched to try and get a better image of it and found the original image, but it didn’t tell me much more than “leather work”.
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However it is also important to note the canoe on the lake, considering Deb’s family own a lakehouse, which is where the infamous party during Watcher World takes place.
3 - Purple
Pictures: Musician on a stage; sewer or portal; jukebox; wedding rings; diner
Phrases: Killer Track Daddy
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Yes, hello, please be about Miss Holloway. I don’t have much to say on the name, Killer Track Daddy, except I think again we’re getting a double meaning. Killer as in death, sure, but also Killer in the same way Bill S Preston Esquire and Ted Theodore Logan might say it. Which is why I am getting the 80s vibes from this and immediately going to Miss Holloway.
There is the theory that Miss Holloway was a star in the 80s (Tiffany) and has time travelled to now. Maybe the sewer is related to that time travel. The wedding rings are interesting, and @donteatthefishtacos mentioned the idea that Miss H and Wilbur Cross clearly have a long history - make of that what you will.
4 - Red
Pictures: A scantron exam sheet; lockers; a roller disco; fire; an arcade machine
Phrases: Yellow Jacket
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This is the one that makes me scratch my head the most. We're obviously in a high school, though do teens still roller disco? Teens, please let me know. So maybe this could also be set in a different time period. I mentioned that when I read Yellow Jacket my mind immediately went to a varsity jacket, because I am british and my only knowledge of american high schools is Saved by the Bell and Mean Girls. I'm assuming its an accurate representation.
Now I know by the video Matt posted we've seen Hatcherfield's school colours, but I still think there's gonna be something in the varsity jacket idea. Plus, yellow - tinky - time travel. Which would explain the roller rink.
The fire makes me think something might have burnt down, like the roller rink. And maybe something was built on top of it? Like the Starlight. The arcade machine however? Maybe we'll see Pizza Petes in more than one story, but one of the stories will just be a background storyline, like in Black Friday - and then we learn about the real horrors of Pizza Petes in another story.
5 - Magic Letters
Nibbly Must Eat
Its very possible this is its own story, in which case - NIBBLY!!!!
With the image Dylan posted of Nick with a pretzel surrounded by game machines, I am indeed getting FNAF vibes, and god love us if Nibbly is haunting a pizza place.
I also saw this post by @themystifier about how Pizza Pete might be similar to Uncle Wiley, but like. What if he is Uncle Wiley. What if this is another Wilbur part? We see him as Uncle Wiley, we see him as the Wiggly delivery man, we hear him as the announcer at Watcher World. So what if this is another role?
6 - The Vertices
The Monarch is Now Vexed
I fully anticipate a new Being who is the parent of the LiB and Webby. They're Lords, but this is a Monarch.
I've also decided the Monarch is Nick, as his only part in the Nightmare Time intro is during “Daddy's Gonna Get Ya.”
Some other interesting theories (not anywhere near all the ones I wanted to include - anything I have reblogged I have loved, but these are just some notable ones I found)
Odd One Out @sidekickajustim
Gemini Home Entertainment Vibes @vaguely-functional-directions and @ifduckislordthenheavenisapond
Honey Queen Melissa @infected-hive
Post By Post Breakdown @awigglycultist
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