#hozier-ish type of thing
mistysolitude · 1 year
Normalize wanting to bury yourself in the soil and let nature take over you
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
The Other Shoe | Consultation
logline; old wounds tend not to heal, if you don't let them. but, there is hot chocolate, and love. so perhaps that's enough.
[!!!] series history, this is the seventh; First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth
Spotify Playlist, if you like to listen while you read. I listen to it when I write :) Constantly gettin’ added to. Finally got Hozier on here. Don't know how that took me so long.
portion; 3.1k
possible allergies; two absolutely garbage mental states of people who are NOT over Mikey or the way they've been treated. Bunch of self-loathin, the whole lot.
pairing; Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto & Fem Reader (no pronouns!)
Took me a minute, new jobs goin' well though!! This one took a lot of stewing, lmao. Lot of staring and thinking. We'll talk after, but SO many alterations were made lmao.
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It has been three weeks since you met Carmen in a freezer.
Six days since you were at his apartment. Ish.
Roughly forty-three weeks since the worst day of your life. Doesn’t feel like it.
In five days, you’ll have the second— Well, maybe third or fourth, worst day of your life.
But today is Monday, and you don’t know what’s coming yet.
It’s just after one in the morning, and you wake up to a phone call. Carmy. Yes, do not disturb was on. Yes, you’d set him on priority access— Which most people would find very cute and intimate, and it is— But he’s not the only one. It’s not a limited feature for people you want to kiss. There’s Syd, Richie, …Mikey…
Cause when is the right time to delete a dead friend’s contact info? It’s not right now. You know it’s not right now. And it probably won’t be tomorrow, either.
Phone call. You’re getting a phone call.
You stir a little, bit, when there’s no reply, brain dehazing. “Carmy? Everything okay?”
You hear the beep of the phone call being ended. No way he butt-dialed you, right? You’re awake. You’re so awake. This feels all too familiar, and that's not a good thing. You immediately open your phone to text him, by the time you get to his contact, he’s already texted you. Actively texting you, in a rapid, manic succession.
‘you were supposed to be asleep’
‘talking to a person hard right now?’
‘you’re so smart.’
‘easier to talk to robot you.’
It’s hard to write funny, right now. It’s hard to act like yourself, right now. You’re not sure how you’re doing it.
‘not what I meant’
‘I know. You’re you.’
‘you wanna send a voice message maybe?’
‘it’s fine. I’ll text.’
You give him time, you expect a paragraph since he’s taking so long, but instead you get,
‘I like you so much.’ Oh be still your stupid heart.
‘feeling is mutual.’
‘I can’t make my problems the only reason I talk to you’
Is that true? Fuck, that's kind of true, isn't it? But there's the puzzles! And there's been phone calls!
‘You talk to me for other reasons’
‘yeah. But it’s mostly problems’
‘with me.’
‘eh. Not really. Walk-in was you, toilet was Mikey, Nat had a baby, I’d consider the oven a shared problem of you and Syd’
‘oven was my fault’
He types for even longer this time. It’s hard not to interrupt him. When you start to type, he sends.
‘can I come over?’
‘I know it’s late’
‘I’ll come pick you up.’
‘I’ll walk. I’ll be there in 20.’
‘it’s not a problem to pick you up.’ It's a problem if he doesn't let you pick him up.
‘I know.’
‘promise I just wanna walk. Get air.’
God, why are your fucking hands shaking he just wants to walk. He just wants to walk. Why can’t you bring yourself to believe people when they say that anymore?
Everything’s normal. It’s been a good six days for Carm, you know that it’s been a good six days. Everything's normal. You’ve kept a puzzle streak every morning, you’ve called him some nights, he’s called you some nights. He’s had a good week. He told you so. Everything's normal. You’ve vaguely flirted in that extremely sexual yet completely nonsensical way new situationships do, via text. People don’t do that when they’re on the brink of death, right? Everything's normal. Stop playing with your pendant. Relax. Put a shirt on. Stop being so fucking paranoid. Stop typing—!
‘can you do me a favour’
‘can you turn your location on for me’
‘not to be invasive. You can turn it off when you get here, I—’
Before you can even finish typing your explanation, let alone send it, he sends his location, trackable. He’s already walking.
‘be there in 18.’
You watch, with bated breath, his little contact photo bubble marching across Chicago to you. You make yourself mildly presentable and make hot chocolate on the stove—Gotta use milk, for Carmen— For when he comes to you, out of the cold. Because he’s going to come to you. He’s gonna be here. He’s gonna be here. You know that because you’ve been keeping your phone screen open and only look away to ensure you don’t pour milk on your stovetop and to blink.
He's here in eighteen minutes. You think if you had a stop watch going on, it’d be down to the millisecond. You open the door for him, before he can even knock. You watched his bubble walk up to your door. No point in waiting. You need to see him.
He’s breathing heavy. Held tight in his fist is a bundle of flowers— Importantly, not a bouquet, a bundle of flowers—Like, roots still on a few, visibly yanked out of the ground. Though seemingly from different gardens, since there's quite a variety. He looks at you, then down at the flowers, then back to you.
“I— I stole these.”
“Had a feeling.” You wave your hand for him to come inside, he does. “Are you okay?”
His steps falter, he seems downtrodden. You take the flowers, and then take his hand. He hesitates to speak, but he’s really trying to say fucking something. You squeeze his hand, it seems to help.
“I—” He swallows the spit caught in his throat. “I didn’t know— I— No. No, I did know— I knew the one place I had to come was, here. Had to go somewhere.”
You nod, you look over him. Silently doing a wellness check. You’re panicked. You’re so panicked. But he can’t know that. This is about him. You’re the one that takes care of people. He’s clean. He smells like Old Spice and you. He’s a little cold from the walk, he didn’t wear a jacket, but he’s warming up fast. He looks tired but not exhausted, which, for Carmy, is kind of as good as you’re going to get. He didn’t have the energy for a phone call, but he had the energy to come over and talk to your face; his social battery is wonky, but that’ll fix with time here. Is he hungry? That’s hard to tell on looks alone.
“You wanna talk about it, Bear?”
He nods, head down. Can’t look at you. You gently pull at his hand for him to follow you into the kitchen. “Made hot chocolate. You a marshmallow or whipped cream guy?”
His eyes are glassy, and his mood itself doesn’t change, but he does swiftly lift his head up to look at you with an incredulous, curious half smile. “You don’t do both?”
“I find it gets a lil’ busy. But I like the tiny marshmallows that come with the mix with whipped cream—”
“You gotta do actual cocoa.”
You roll your eyes. “I don’t like my hot chocolate to actually be rich. I want sweet.”
“You’re breaking my heart.”
“Good thing I’m a repairman, then.” You deadpan. He does actually seem to glow a little bit, at that. You repeat, hand full of flowers resting on your hip. “So both?”
He calms you down so easily, even when really, he was the oncoming stress— Or rather, your perceptions. He clears static for you, without effort. You nod, letting go of his hand— Slowly, withdrawing, like a silent promise that you will be back. You grab a paper towel and wrap the flowers in them, setting them down on the counter. You’ll plant them later. Honestly, kind of a better gift for you and your green thumb than a bouquet would be.
You turn to your oven to stir the pot of hot chocolate— Can’t have any fuckin’ clumps for Mr Michelin over here. Speaking of Michelin, he sidles up behind you and puts his head on your shoulder, hands hovering as if he’s going to hug your waist but simply cannot bring himself to.
He mumbles into your shoulder. “I lit my oven on fire.”
Ah. The oven was his fault. That's what he meant. When you pause and try to turn, that’s when he hugs you, holding you in place. “Please don’t look ‘t me.”
You take a deep breath, and continue to stir the pot. “Okay. I’m listening, not looking.”
“I did— I did it in my sleep. Not the first time. I think, I think they’re night terrors? But I don’t, don’t scream or nothin’— I don’t say shit actually. I don’t think.”
God, he’s insecure, even now, about how crazy you’ll think he is. Like telling your therapist everything that’s wrong with you except for the stuff that they might hospitalize you for. God, does he treat you like a fucking therapist? He’s awful. He’s awful for you. He’s awful for anyone. It doesn’t matter that you’re different— The common denominator is him. He’s a fucking piece of shit—
“I wake up screaming sometimes.” You reply, so softly. You feel his short nails dig into your sides just slightly for a second as he remembers where he is. He’s over your shoulder. No one’s over his. “Happens to the worst of us.”
You grab two mugs from the cupboard— Reaching with the arm he’s not leaning on. “Did you put it out or should I be calling my former C-F-D crew?”
“I put it out.” He notes your mugs. They’re mismatching. One is definitely handmade with messy floral patterns, the other a tourist trap Chicago mug.  They’re perfect. “I—I was cooking something, in my sleep— And then— Then the fire starts.”
You ladle the hot chocolate into the mugs— Usually you’d just pour it straight but you don’t want Carmen to watch you inevitably spill half of it on your counters. You nod, “Do you dream that you’re cooking?”
“K-Kinda? I’m not cooking, I’m the Head, the expediter— And, and my Exec is over my fucking shoulder and he’s— Just in my head.” He swallows, thinking of how to explain without explaining. “And then I wake up, and there’s a fire, and I watch it grow, and I think about what it would mean if I just let it, and how I’d want it to.”
“And then you put it out?”
“And then I put it out.”
“Do you wish you didn’t?”
“I don’t know. And it’s fucking with me. ‘Cause— ‘Cause things are really good right now.” You tense under him, and he knows it’s because you don’t believe him. “They are, they really really are. Sug bein’ away is… not easy, but, it’s, it’s okay—”
“Carm.” Your tone is so accusatory.
“It’s the same nightmare it used to be.” He doesn’t hesitate to correct as soon as you question it. He cannot lie to you. For one, you see right through him. For two, it’s you. You’d rather know he’s insane. For some reason. “It’s been hard. I— I know fuck all, about business, and, and we can’t afford to hire a fuckin’ replacement right now because we owe so much fucking money or the whole thing caves— But it’s— It’s been good.”
You grab a handful of mini marshmallows, splitting them between the two mugs. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He nods into your shoulder. “Everyone is… happy, right now. It’s not always fuckin’ breezy but— Everyone’s, everyone’s okay. And I have somethin’ I can actually be proud of, right now. And I have— I — You’re around. N’ that, that has been good. For everyone.”
You hum. Heart full, at that. You awkwardly shift to your fridge, waddling like a penguin instead of turning, as not to disturb Carmen, he chuckles against your shoulder. “You can tell me to fuck off, y’know.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want you to.” You hug his arm to you. This makes him squeeze just a little tighter. You pull out a half-empty can of Reddi-Wip, shaking it violently, as instructed. “Say when.”
You hover the can over the tourist mug, he shakes his head. “Other one.”
He wants the handmade one. Your fingerprints are grooved into the handle. You ignore how insane this makes you feel, and spray whipped cream into the handmade mug. You’re waiting for him to say when.
It’s getting to a concerningly tall pile, at this point. You feel him swallow. He finally says the quiet thought out loud.
“I think I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even in my sleep, I know it’s coming.”
You nod, you stop spraying. You think on it for a beat. You opt to be honest. “I am, too.” You nod. “I am, too.”
“What’d’you think it’s gonna be?”
You feel your neck flare red and hot, guilty. Horrifically guilty. Lifesaver. You spray whipped cream into your own mug. You don’t really want both whipped cream and marshmallows, but it’s a good way to disguise how shaky your hands are. You take a deep breath.
“Think you’re gonna realize I’m not as good as you think I am.”
He kind of, tugs at you, pulling you closer to him, as if to rebuke thee. “You’re very good, Tony.”
You just hum in reply, once again, the pile of whip cream grows— It sputters, and basically nothing is coming out, but you can’t bring yourself to move, so it continues to struggle. He lets you do this, for a moment, before softly, questioningly speaking your name.
You just hum, again. Everything’s fine. Everything’s normal. This isn’t even about you, this is about him. “I’m good.”
“You are.” He declares, like it’s law. He grabs the empty can from you hand and puts it on the counter, then turns you around to face him. You keep your head down, there’s every chance you throw up and die if you— “Look at me.”
“I know—” He does not give you the chance to excuse yourself, he grabs your chin, softly, but still, forces you to look at him.
“You’re very good.” Too much eye contact. Too close. Too sincere. Too much— “Too good, too good for anyone.”
Too good for him. You, of course, don’t think that. But that’s exactly why you’re too good. “I’m not gonna change my mind ‘bout that.”
“…Hope so.”
Carmen can see it, now. The way your jaw clenches, how you’re looking past him, not at him. The way you mirror how he imagines he looked in the walk-in, to you. He decides to take a page out of your book, and hugs you close. “Know so.”
Your chin hooks over his shoulder. You stare down the hall of your apartment, brain somewhere else. He stares over your shoulder at the hot chocolates, whipped cream slowly melting and overflowing onto the counters.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asks, and you can’t help but smile at the ridiculousness of it.
“I—It’s not—This about you, not me—”
“It’s both. It can be both.” The shared burden.
You sigh, putting your arms around his shoulders. “…I’ll talk about it eventually, I promise. Just not… Ready—Right now.” You’re not ready to risk him no longer liking you. You need a little more time to be selfishly avoidant. “Eventually, though.”
He nods. He gets it. He does it.
“How do you think the other shoe’s gonna drop? If it does?”
This was the exact question he didn’t want, but you answered it, kind of, and that means he has to answer it, kind of. He relaxes his hold on you. “Think you’re gonna see me when I’m— When I’m not me— When I’m— I’m like, like my fuckin’ family.”
When he’s angry. When he yells. When he’s mean. When his crises don’t take the form of hibernation. When he’s frightening.
“Think once you realize, you’ll leave, and it’ll all leave with you.”
When he said that everyone’s happy at The Bear, he knows it’s because you’re back in the atmosphere. You bring a lightness that he never could, that he always envied in his brother. He honestly needs to break something at The Bear to get you to come in soon, because it’s been two weeks since you made everyone coffee, and your presence is only finally starting to wain in power. He really needs to start paying himself so you can get on bar.
“I don’t love being yelled at, certainly.”
You know what acting like his family means. Mikey used to do it. When things got bad. And while you got better and better at being understanding, still never managed to keep yourself from tearing up. “But it’s nothing that would make me leave. Nothing that’s not worth it.”
Jesus Christ. Jesus fucking Christ. His bad side, his anger, his violence, his teeth, the parts of his functionality that he hates, you consider worth dealing with, for the sake of the rest of him.
It reminds him, of a question that’s been on his mind for a while now. His chin digs into your shoulder, a little bit. He swallows.
“Do you really not think taking care of people is a lot of work?”
You frown, thinking about it. It is a lot of work. It’s exhausting work, rotten work, to take care of people.
“It is a lot of work.” You tilt your head, kiss his clothed shoulder. “But it’s just pure instinct, to do. “I care therefore I care, or somethin’.”
“What a poet.”
“Fuck off.”
You both laugh; then comfortable silence. He’s the first to break it. “You’re good.”
“We’re both good.” You pull back to look at him. Nothing has truly been resolved, and yet he looks more at peace. Thank, God. You’re doing a good job. You’re not failing again. “You wanna go drink these barely warm hot chocolates in my bed and pass out?”
Carmen never turns off his location, and he never will. He doesn't ask why you want it. He takes advantage of the whipped cream on your nose and the severe lack of napkins in your bedroom when he can. He replaces the Cubs jersey wearing bear in your arms, that night. He hopes he will forever, he's pretty sure he won't.
In five days, this Friday will be the worst Friday of your lives.
But neither of you know that yet. The painting is still not finished, he hasn’t yelled at anyone around you yet, Carmen still doesn’t know about the necklace you’ve tucked under your shirt every day for the past year.
The other shoe still hangs in the air; but not in your bed.
You pray it’s fall will not wake the bear.
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FUCK bro.
It was tough writing in a way that was coherently incoherent. Like, neither of these two want to talk about their problems, so they are vague, but I know what the fuck is going on-- And hopefully you kindddaaa get what's going on?? There's still a little mystery I'm holding on for myself, hehehe. I'm very curious if anyone has theories by now tbh. What's this hidden part of Tony's life!!! They're usually so open!!! So what's this shit!!!
I cut out like a WHOLE 300 words of them doin' a smooch because it just made no fuckin' sense. They're both in emotional hell, couldn't force it, even if I wanted it. But there was the cuddlin' and nose kissin' in bed. So I think that's a good caveat.
But the most insane part of this chapter for me, and you'll see later, THIS chapter and the next,,,,, 3 chapters? Were all gonna be ONE. I know. Nuts. I was essentially gonna format it like all snippets of this one week, because as we know, Fridays gonna be the worst friday! But I realized like a quarter way through writing this one, that it simply couldn't just be a snippet. It needed to breath as it's own full thing. As did the next 3 chaps. I think they'll be a lot more digestable this way and also it won't force me to hole away for a fuckin month writing it without giving you a single morsel of content.
Anyways, tell me what the fuck you THOUGHT!! I'm excited to hear thoughts, hopefully all good ones~~~
Next Part
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simplygojo · 6 hours
I Like Your Tie...
A/n: OMG ONE OF MY FAVS REQUESTED! I loved this request; thats why it took SO LONG I’m sorry my friend I hope you enjoyyyy!! <3 I needed another Nanami request so bad so you did me a favour with this one, LOLLL.
Request: “Your last Toji fic got me frothing like a rabid dog. Lol. in all ways it was very uniquely him indeed ! The same for Gojo and Witch!Reader. Could I shy request a fic with the song 'Talk' by Hozier paired up with Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader ? Something sensual steamy but ever so romantic for the blonde? I can practically see him saying or thinking such lyric quotes as "I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things we'd do... So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you. Imagine being loved by me". May she's a fellow Special Grade sorcerer, and their friendship keeps building up, but neither wants to cross the line ? So they dance around it, until something happens ? Idk. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\< I'll leave it to your artistic hands and imagination what to do with this? If you feel inspired to. In any case, please delete if this seems rubbish. Anyway, thank you for your stories ! Thank you so much. ♡” - @erebus-et-eigengrau (lurvv uu)
My requests are always open :)
Pairing: Kento Nanami x f/reader
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings: 18+ Content, SMUT!, intercourse, light choking, control kink(ish)
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The late-night quiet of Jujutsu High was comforting in a way—no students rushing through the halls, no teachers around to monitor. You had been grateful for the peace, retreating to your room after a long day.
But as you reached your door, you stopped in your tracks.
There he was. Nanami Kento stood in front of your door, leaning casually against the wall. 
You and Nanami had been friends for what felt like a lifetime, though it all began back in high school. Back then, you had a bit of a crush on him—not that you’d ever admit it. He wasn’t the type to flirt or give much attention to relationships, but there was something about him that always caught your eye. 
You had your moments, too—shared laughter, and private conversations late into the night, when the walls between friends almost seemed to blur. 
But Nanami never made a move, and neither did you. You knew how seriously he took his role as a sorcerer, and you didn’t want to complicate your friendship with feelings that you weren’t sure were mutual.
As you both graduated and eventually became high-level sorcerers, those moments of potential intimacy became even more distant. You grew into your own roles, taking on increasingly dangerous missions and fighting curses that most could barely comprehend. Nanami was often assigned to the same missions as you, his calm, steady presence a source of reassurance when things got chaotic.
There were times when his professionalism would slip, just for a moment. A fleeting look, a brush of his fingers against yours, his voice dropping an octave when he spoke your name. You always wondered if he felt it too—that same tension you tried so hard to ignore. But you never dared to ask, afraid of what it might mean if the answer was yes.
And now, standing in front of him in the quiet after everything that had just happened, you realized just how deeply those old feelings still ran.
There were times, though, when your old crush resurfaced. 
Sometimes, it was the way he’d look at you across the battlefield, silently checking to see if you were okay, his eyes filled with a concern that was more than just professional. Other times, it was the rare, gentle touch when he’d help you after a fight—his hand brushing your arm or waist as he steadied you after a particularly tough encounter.
But you always pushed those feelings down, refusing to acknowledge them for the sake of professionalism. 
The sorcery world didn’t leave much room for distractions, and you knew that Nanami was as dedicated as ever. He was the picture of control, never letting emotions dictate his actions, always focused on the mission at hand. You convinced yourself that whatever crush you had on him was just remnants of your high school days, a fleeting fantasy that had no place in your current life.
His arms were crossed, his tie long loosened, and the top buttons of his shirt undone. The dim lighting of the hallway cast a shadow over his sharp features, making the intensity in his eyes even more pronounced. He looked every bit the composed man he always was, but something about the way his gaze followed your every movement made your heart stutter.
“Nanami…” His name left your lips in a quiet murmur, not expecting to see him there, not like this.
“You’re out late,” he observed, his voice steady but lower than usual, as if the stillness of the night demanded it.
You nodded, feeling the weight of his gaze on you. “Well, one of the first-years wanted some late-night training…What are you doing here?”
He didn’t answer right away, eyes flicking down to your lips before settling back on yours. 
You could feel the tension in the air, thick and palpable, making it hard to think clearly. His usual restraint seemed to falter, just slightly, but enough to make your pulse race.
“I was waiting for you.” His voice was steady, but the words made your breath hitch.
Your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Waiting for me?” You said quietly, a heat beginning to pool between your thighs.
Nanami pushed off the doorframe and stepped closer to you, his movements deliberate. The space between you closed as his tall figure made its way toward you—the tension that had been simmering beneath the surface for weeks finally came to a boil. 
“Why were you waiting for me..?” You questioned, “I need to talk,” He responded, his voice barely above a whisper.
He was close enough now that you could feel the warmth radiating from him, the faint scent of his cologne filling your senses.
“I used to try to talk so refined, in fear of you finding out…” He admitted, his voice lower now, almost rough around the edges. His eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that made your knees weak. 
“Finding out what, Nanami.” You breathed, watching how his lips parted just slightly while he paused. “How I’ve been imagining you." 
The air between you was thick with tension, so heavy you could almost taste it. Nanami stood inches away, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating from his body. His normally professional demeanour had cracked, revealing something raw, something primal. The careful distance you both had maintained was no longer there.
"Imagining me…?" You repeated, your voice barely more than a whisper. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you were certain he could hear it.
Nanami’s eyes darkened, and his gaze roamed over you in a way that left your body practically squirming under his scrutiny. His jaw clenched for a moment as though fighting some internal battle, but when he spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, filled with a desire he was no longer trying to hide.
“Every time I look at you,” he confessed, his hands flexing at his sides, like he was resisting the urge to touch you, “I think about how you’d feel under my touch… under me.”
Your breath caught, your throat suddenly dry as his words sank in. The image of his hands on your skin, the weight of him pressing against you, the feeling of him between your legs—it sent a wave of heat through your body, leaving you borderline trembling with anticipation.
“Nanami…” you whispered his name, your voice trembling with the same desire that was now coursing through you. The distance between you felt unbearable.
The professionalism you both held onto so tightly was crumbling, and the temptation to give in was overwhelming.
The hallway was too quiet, too intimate, and it felt like the rest of the world had fallen away. It was just the two of you, standing there on the precipice of something dangerous and irresistible.
“I won’t deny I’ve got in my mind now all the things we’d do,” he confessed, his voice barely a whisper as his thumb traced your jawline, gently tilting your head with two fingers. His eyes darkened with want, and the weight of his words hung heavily in the air.
That was all it took. The pull between you snapped, and before you could think, your hands were fisting in his dark blue shirt, pulling him down to meet your lips in a kiss that was heated, desperate—inevitable.
His hand swiftly opened your door before pushing you into it, causing both of you to stumble into the dimly lit room. With a loud thud, Nanami kicked the door shut before pushing you back up against your entryway wall.
Nanami groaned softly into your mouth—your pussy practically throbbing at the sound—and his hands immediately wrapped around your waist, tugging you closer as if he couldn’t stand the idea of any space between you. His lips moved against yours with a hunger that you hadn’t expected, and it left you breathless.
You gasped when his hands gripped your hips firmly, pushing more firmly against the wall. The cool surface against your back was a stark contrast to the heat that radiated from him as he pressed himself closer, his lips never leaving yours.
His kisses were deliberate, slow—but rough—as if he wanted to savour every moment of this. 
"Mmf…Nanami," you breathed, pulling back just enough to look at him, your lips swollen from the kiss, breathless. "What are we doing?"
His forehead rested against yours, his breath ragged as he looked down at you. There was something raw, unguarded in his expression. “What I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, and before you could say anything else, he was kissing you again, deeper this time. “Now be a good girl for me, y/n.” He practically purred against your lips, as he lifed you so your legs wrapped around his waist. 
His hands moved with more confidence now, sliding up your sides while you were pinned against the wall, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You tugged at his hair, your fingers desperate to feel more of him.
His hands, rough from battle and years of work, were surprisingly gentle as they slid beneath your shirt, fingers brushing over your painfully hard nipples, teasing you. You arched into him, your body responding to every touch.
He made quick work of your jacket—and that tiny tank top you wore underneath it, his hands roughly reaching for every bit of exposed skin.
Nanami growled softly with your legs wrapped around his waist, his lips trailed down the column of your neck, his teeth grazing your skin in a way that had you moaning his name.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, his breath hot against your neck, but the fire in his eyes told you stopping was the last thing he wanted to do.
"Don’t," you whispered—pleading with him for more, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him closer. "Don’t stop."
Nanami’s eyes darkened further at your words, and a slow, subtle smirk spread across his lips. "Good girl," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. 
His hand moved up to the tie hanging loosely around his neck, fingers working quickly to loosen it even further. Before you could register what he was doing, he slid the tie off entirely, his movements deliberate and slow as he looped the fabric around your neck.
The silk felt cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the heat radiating from your body. His eyes never left yours as he gently tugged at the tie, pulling you closer, the pressure on your throat light but enough to send a thrill through you that went straight to your now-soaked pussy.
“There,” he whispered, his thumb brushing over the side of your neck as he admired how the tie looked wrapped around you, it falling on your bare chest. In a moment, his lips were back on your skin, trailing lower this time as his free hand continued to explore your body. He kissed a path down to your chest, the tie around your neck tightening just slightly as he pulled you even closer.
He brought you to the couch in your small room with one hand while the other held the back of your head as his tongue explored your mouth.
“You look so beautiful like this, do you know that, y/n? With my tie around your pretty little neck…” He murmured against your skin, his voice laced with raw, unfiltered need. 
Hoisting you up onto the back of the couch, his hand slipped beneath the waistband of your skirt, fingers brushing against the wetness between your thighs, and the contact made you gasp. 
With one swift but gentle movement, Nanami slid your skirt and tights down your legs, and now you sat in front of him—completely vulnerable.
“Nanami—” Your words were cut off by a moan as his fingers returned, pressing more firmly, the slow, torturous circles he drew making your entire body tremble. The tie tightened just a fraction more as he leaned back to look at you, his thumb brushing against your clit in a way that had your heart racing even faster.
“You’re so responsive for me,” he growled softly, his fingers entering your dripping cunt slowly, making sure to feel every inch of your interior. “It’s driving me insane.”
You could barely breathe, the combination of his fingers between your legs and the light pressure of the tie around your neck leaving you a trembling mess in his arms. You clung to him, your hands gripping his broad shoulders as you fought to hold on, your body betraying you with every ragged breath and every desperate moan.
"Nanami, please..." You barely recognized your own voice, hoarse and breathless as you begged for him.
He smirked against your skin, clearly pleased by your reaction. “You want more, don’t you?” He asked, his voice thick with amusement, but the tension in his body told you he was just as desperate as you were.
You nodded, your head falling back as your body arched into his touch. “Please…”
The sound of your begging seemed to snap something in him. With one swift motion, he lifted you up with one arm and spun you around before setting you on your feet in front of him, your ass pressing up against his bulge as the cool leather from the couch pressed against your lower abdomen. 
He leaned down, his lips brushing your ear as his fingers slipped inside you again, making you gasp loudly at the sudden (welcomed) intrusion. 
“I want to hear you beg for me again,” he whispered, his breath hot against your skin as his fingers moved with agonizing slowness, teasing you, driving you to the brink of insanity. His other hand subtly undid his belt, lowering his pants just enough to expose his desperate cock.
You moaned, arching into his hand, your body betraying you as it responded to every touch, every whisper of his breath on your skin. “Nanami...hmmf…please...I-I need you in me.” You managed to get out between moans.
“That’s it,” he growled, his fingers exiting you, but they were quickly replaced by his dick as he inserted himself into you—feeling you stretch around him caused him to throw his head back in pleasure, and he gave a little yank on the tie, your head jerking backwards as your stomach pressed harder into the couch, provoking a pornographic moan to exit your lips.
“Fuck,” he growled, his breath hot against your skin as he buried himself inside you, again and again, each stroke thrusting deeper into your gummy walls, sending waves of pleasure through your body. “You feel so good.”
His pace quickened, and the slow, deliberate rhythm gave way to something more primal and desperate. His control was slipping, and you could feel it in every rough thrust, every growl that rumbled from his chest as he claimed you completely.
The tie tightened again, the silk digging into your skin just enough to heighten the pleasure, and the sensation sent you spiralling toward the edge. Your body trembled beneath him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you gasped for breath, the intensity of it all overwhelming.
He leaned forward, the new angle allowing him to go even deeper into you. He gently moved your hair off of your shoulder as his delicate fingers traced the border of his tie and your skin. “You really are such a good girl.”
His thumb pushed into clit as he thrusted into you at a dominating pace—the sensation was nearly enough to push you over the edge—but you held on a little longer. You cried out his name, your entire body shaking as his pace quickened, he tightened the feeling around your throat with the tie around your neck pulling you closer to him.
Nanami’s body moved behind you, the warmth of him pressing against your back as his hands gripped your hips. Bent over the back of your couch, with the cool surface a stark contrast to the heat radiating from your flushed skin. “Mmhf–Nanami…Oh please.” You moaned out, practically begging him for more as he fucked you with a controlling pace
His breath was heavy, ragged, as he leaned over you, his chest pressing against your back, making you feel the sheer size and strength of him as he dominated you completely.
Nanami’s fingers wrapped around his tie nicely wrapped around your neck, pulling it taut. The sensation made you gasp, your head tilting back slightly as the silk tightened around your throat just enough to send a jolt of pleasure through your already overstimulated body. Suddenly he took his soaked dick out of you letting it land on your ass, rubbing his hand over the smooth skin.
“You look just perfect like this,” he growled low in your ear, his voice thick with lust as he tugged the tie just a bit tighter, your chin tilting up as he whispered in your ear. “Bent over—begging for me.”
Your legs trembled beneath you, your body quivering with anticipation, but before you could respond, he was inside you again. 
The stretch was immediate, deep, and overwhelming as he thrust into you from behind, filling you completely with a single stroke. You cried out, your fingers gripping the edge of the desk as he pulled you back against him, the tie keeping you tethered, under his controlled.
“Nanami…” You moaned his name, your voice barely more than a breathless whisper as he began to move, his hips snapping against you in a relentless rhythm. Every thrust was harder than the last, his grip on the tie tightening with every movement, pulling you back into him, forcing you to feel every inch of him.
His pace was brutal, his control slipping entirely as he watched the way your body reacted to him, the way you moaned his name with every stroke. His free hand found your hip, gripping you so tightly that you were sure there’d be marks tomorrow, but the thought only sent another wave of arousal through you.
“You feel so good, y/n,” he growled, his voice rough as he leaned over you, his lips brushing against the back of your neck. “My good girl...”
His words are what sent you over the edge, the stimulation of your orgasm turning your vision white. 
Your body was on fire, every nerve alive with pleasure as he drove into you again and again. The tie around your neck tightened even more, the pressure just enough to leave you lightheaded, completely at his mercy. You felt every inch of him inside you, the sound of skin against skin filling the room, along with your breathless moans as pleasure washed over you.
Nanami's body pressed closer as you shuddered beneath him, the waves of your orgasm still coursing through you. 
But he didn’t stop. 
Even as your body trembled, oversensitive and breathless, he kept thrusting into you with the same relentless intensity. His pace didn’t falter, and each stroke seemed deeper, more demanding, as if he couldn't get enough of the way you clenched around him.
Your moans turned to gasps as pleasure mixed with the overwhelming sensation of him continuing to push you past your limit. Your fingers clutched at his back, nails digging into his skin with a painful force, but he didn't slow down. He leaned over you, his lips brushing against your ear, his breath hot and ragged.
“Look at you, taking it so well," he groaned, his voice dark and full of praise. "You feel so good, I don’t want to stop.”
Your legs shook around him, your body still pulsating from your release, and the overstimulation had you crying out, your nails leaving marks along his back. 
"Nanami... please..." you gasped, unsure if you were begging him to stop or to keep going. You felt like you were being consumed, every nerve on fire, and yet your body responded to his touch, desperate for more.
He shifted slightly, angling his hips to hit that perfect spot inside you with every thrust, his hand still pressed firmly against your clit drawing rough circles. The tie around your neck tightened just a bit more, enough to remind you of the control he had, the control you were willingly giving him.
“I’m not done with you yet," he growled, his thrusts growing rougher, faster, his body taking full control over yours. "You can come again for me, can’t you?"
You didn’t know how it was possible, but the overwhelming pleasure began to build again inside you. His touch on your clit was insistent, his hips snapping against yours in a rhythm that left you breathless, teetering on the edge of something even more intense than before.
Your body trembled beneath him, the overstimulation and pleasure merging into something maddening. Every nerve was alight, your body responding to him in ways you couldn’t control. You were already too sensitive, your mind spinning as he pushed you closer and closer to the brink once again.
Nanami could feel it—he knew exactly how close you were, how your body tensed around him. His lips brushed your ear as he spoke, his voice low and commanding. “Come for me again, y/n. I want to feel you fall apart around me baby.”
With that, his fingers pressed harder against your clit, and his hips slammed into you at a brutal pace, each thrust sending you spiraling further out of control. The pressure inside you coiled impossibly tight, and with a cry of his name, you shattered once more, the intensity of your second orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave.
Your body shook uncontrollably, your moans turning to sobs of pleasure as you convulsed around him. The sensation was too much, too overwhelming, and yet you never wanted it to end. Nanami’s name fell from your lips like a prayer as he continued thrusting into you, his own breathing growing more ragged, more desperate.
"That's it," he growled, his voice thick with pleasure as he watched you unravel beneath him, his pace rapidly increasing. "So fucking beautiful."
He wasn’t far behind. The way your walls clenched around him, the way you shook with each thrust, sent him over the edge. 
His pace grew erratic, his grip on your waist tightening as he buried himself deep inside you one last time, groaning your name as he came. He tugged at the tie harshly, yanking you up form your bent over position so yoru back was against his sweaty chest, his hand gently holding your chin up. 
“You were so good for me,” he breathed, his voice hoarse, igniting a spark in you again. You remained silent for a few moments, breath staggered as you tried to catch it, still shaking with pleasure as he held you upright in front of him. 
Finally, you opened your mouth to speak, a cheeky smile playing on your lips, “I like your tie…”
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redahlia-writes · 1 year
be still my foolish heart. | joel miller
Abstract: He still felt unsure, unsteady, both wanting to keep her at arm’s length and welcoming her back in his life like before, drown in the comfort he’d found in her presence year after year since they were kids. She’d tried to reassure him, and he knew she was right–you could not live in the world they did and not change. But he remembered her in pigtails on the first day of school, he remembered her prom dress being awfully 80s, and he remembered the first time he’d seen her with Sarah–gentle voiced and wide eyed, holding her as if she might shatter should she breathe a little too hard.
Words: 9.7k
Content: f!reader (called “sugar” as a nickname, described as shorter than joel); childhood friends to lovers, mentions of child’s death, grief, mentions of attempted suicide, PTDS, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, this was supposed to be about joel and sugar but there’s a lot of joel/ellie too. a lot, idiots in love, slow(ish) burn, ellie being a loving little shit, canon divergence (they get to jackson and don’t leave but i never explain why), some very minor spoilers for tlou2, purple prose, unedited
A/N: loosely inspired by almost (sweet music) by hozier; the song they listen to is night and day and can be found in ella fitzgerald sings the cole porter song book (1956). 
also on AO3 - masterlist
reblogs and feedback are always greatly appreciated. you can send it here, too
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Ellie had never seen a deer in headlights, only saw pictures of the creatures and heard the expression every now and then from older people.
She imagined the way Joel looked in that moment was what they meant.
Frozen still, eyes wide and lips parted, even holding his breath if the lack of condensation by his face was any indicator, Joel stood next to his brother with his back straight, the only indication he hadn’t suddenly turned into a piece of rock the light twitch in his right hand.
There’s someone you should see, Tommy had told him, half a day after they’d gotten to Jackson–they’d had time to eat and leave the few stuff they still had in the house, and right before she could hit the shower Tommy had walked in. Not keen on the idea of being left alone, Ellie had followed the Millers quietly. Joel had even teased her about it.
“Who’s the quiet one now?” she’d huffed at Joel’s sudden immobility. Tommy had looked at her with that half grin that she imagined Joel must’ve had, too, at some point, and then lifted his arm to wave a hand in the direction of a small group by the school. A woman pulled her head up, a green woolen hat low on her brow, and then waved back, a smile visible even from there. “Anyone you know?” she asked, looking back at Joel.
He still did not bat an eye.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” she exclaimed, extricating herself from the rest of the group with a quick apology. “Joel Miller,” she called, the name rolling with a certain familiarity out of her mouth as she approached them, brushing some snow from her coat.
“Sugar?” the word came out strangled–his mouth was dry, the ground unstable beneath him. Suddenly, he wasn’t 56 anymore but 16 years old, and around him a shitty classroom that could do with some fixing, or an all too familiar living room, a cluttered bedroom with dark walls–and the smile he was offered had not changed a bit.
“Sugar?” Ellie echoed, a little baffled. Her eyes darted towards the girl, a glint of curiosity.
“Only one who still called me that after we left high-school,” the woman chuckled, stepping forward with her arms open. “Come on, c’mere–it’s been too long.”
Joel hesitated–when was the last time he’d hugged someone? Maybe Tess, though he could not remember when, but that had always been more a clinging-to-each-other type of thing. A hug, that was different, and he felt stuck on the spot all over again.
Before he could overthink it too much, Ellie pushed him forward, making him grunt in protest as he almost fell into the woman’s embrace–he wrapped his arms around her, the movement somewhat foreign, and slowly leaned into it. Despite the cold and snow, she was warm underneath all the layers of clothing she donned, and smelled of freshly cut grass. It reminded him of another time, and if he closed his eyes he could almost see it. He exhaled.
“You stink, Miller–how long have you been out there?” she laughed softly, one hand cupping the back of his head, same way she used to when they were younger. He remembered dancing.
“A while,” he admitted, unable to argue with that, easing into the embrace furthermore. “Sorry,” he added, and she patted his shoulder gently, another delicate chuckle that rang crystalline to his ears.
“I’ve had it worse, it’s alright,” she murmured, chin hooked over his shoulder–he could feel her straining to stand on her tiptoes, slightly unbalanced, and lowered himself against her, face buried in the curve of her neck wrapped by a soft scarf that matched the hat. She sighed softly at the movement, her fingertips scratching across his scalp. “God, it’s good to see you.”
“You, too,” voice slightly muffled and blind to the world, Joel was able to admit that. Maybe it was nostalgia, making him forget everything else for a few moments as he lingered in the peacefulness of that familiar touch, or maybe it was exhaustion, blurring the edges between who he used to be and who he was now.
“I’m so sorry, Joel,” she whispered then, and it felt like ice through his veins. He pulled back slightly, the urge to run away making his limbs tremble–but she kept him caged in, the arm around his shoulders stronger than he remembered (was he tired? Was he too out of it?), and the hand that had brushed his hair falling to his cheek, brushing away some of the grime he’d grown used to by then.
But it was her gaze that kept him rooted, though, that softness he didn’t think could still exist in the world they lived in, and emotions he had almost forgotten, ignoring them each time they presented themselves–it’d be too risky to feel them, too easy to surrender to it again: sorrow, grief. It cut his breath all over again.
“Tommy told me,” she kept her voice low, her touch gentle, rubbing her thumb across his uneven beard. The bustling in the air was foreign after so many months of quiet, and he wasn’t sure which one made his body ache–the current life, or the past death.
“Of course he did,” he scoffed, and her expression shifted, a reprimand in her gaze that used to make him laugh when they were younger, and furthermore when she grew into that same expression, year after year of standing together.
“Joel,” she chided, still soft-voiced, still attempting to comfort him through that small motion on his face. He remembered that touch and kind, encouraging words with a baby in his arms; he remembered his name called out through laughter–hers, his daughter’s; he remembered winters and summers and years before that. He closed his eyes, a furrow in his brow.
“No, of course he did,” he exhaled, shaking his head slightly. “Sorry, it’s just–she really liked you, you know?” his eyes remained closed, trying to push back the pressure building behind his eyelids, trying to swallow the knot in his throat.
“I know,” he felt her nod, press herself closer just as her name was called from behind them. When he looked up at her again, her eyes were shimmering, that vulnerability he hadn’t had the courage to show again after the ringing in his right ear had stopped. “I’m sorry,” she repeated, bringing her other hand to his face, too, holding him like that. He nodded, afraid that if he spoke right away he would crumble.
All it had taken was a gentler touch, and he was ready to fall apart.
“You oughta go–looks like you’re needed,” he cleared his throat, the damn knot clinging to his larynx seemingly impossible to push away. She looked over her shoulder, the group she was with before waving her over, and sighed before turning back towards him.
They still hadn’t let go of each other, and neither seemed willing to make the first move.
“I’m expecting you all for dinner,” she spoke a little louder then, turning her head as if to look past Joel’s shoulder but without moving her gaze from him. “Alright, Tommy?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the younger Miller called, his eyes returning to the pair after having wandered elsewhere for the duration of their reunion–the most privacy that could be given in that context. Ellie hadn’t been as subtle, her head tilted and a curious look in her eyes at the sudden burst of emotion that seemed to roll off Joel’s back. It was astounding. 
In the end, she was the first to depart, a kiss to Joel’s cheek that seemed to melt away what little tension was left in him. He stumbled back as she walked towards the group, one last look over her shoulder that ended up being directed towards Ellie, a quick smile and small wave she returned, somewhat unsure.
“I felt the same way,” Tommy rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder, as if to shake him from the haze that seemed to have permeated him thoroughly.
“She been here long?” he was frowning again, forcing his gaze away from the back of her head to look at Tommy. The younger Miller nodded a couple of times.
“Even before I got here,” he said, slowly beginning to lead him away, Joel seemingly rooted to the spot once more. “You know Sugar, she’s always been a step ahead of us,” he added, and in his murmur there was a fond smile.
“Sugar?” Ellie repeated, her eyebrows arched with her returned bafflement.
“Just a stupid nickname,” Joel muttered, shaking himself off in a way that seemed more a recoil–he turned and cleared his throat. “Old nickname. Don’t even know who came up with it in school. It stuck.”
“For you it stuck,” Tommy was smiling, clearly amused. They seemed so different, Ellie thought. Had they always been like that? She wondered if she could ask her. “Pure irony, really,” Tommy continued, addressing her. “She always fought people–a real spitfire.”
“You only say that because you got slapped,” Ellie’s eyebrows arched furthermore at Joel’s scoff, a tint of amusement in his words.
“And you,” the younger Miller retorted, making Ellie’s lips part.
“Oh, I like her,” she exclaimed, turning to look at her–she was back at work, the scarf now covering the lower part of her face, though she could still hear her laughter ring clear.
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A week later, they stood in her living room.
Though they’d met again around town after that first day, it had taken both Joel and Ellie a moment to settle in. The house felt odd for them both–Ellie having never had one, Joel not remembering his old one. It helped that she lived just around the corner, and in the morning he’d see her walk by to head towards the center.
Slowly, he found a routine, found a way to make himself useful, and leaned into it. Ellie was wilder, refusing to go to school and spending most of her time in her bedroom, Walkman constantly on as she went through pages and pages of old diaries, old books. 
“Wanna come to this thing with me?” was the only thing he asked her that night–they threaded carefully around each other, murmured confessions before he sent her to bed at night (the only thing he was firm with, leaving her her space otherwise). It wasn’t time that did it, Ellie’s head resting on his shoulder as she fiddled with the new record he’d found for her. When I got bit in the mall I wasn’t on my own, Riley’s name bitter on her tongue.
“What thing?” Joel’s hair was slicked back, a new shirt Tommy had gotten for him along with his jacket. He actually looked put together, which was the reason why Ellie sat up quickly. “Are you going to Sugar’s?”
“Stop calling her that,” he muttered, though it was the only way he ever referred her as–old habits, he thought. “Yeah–Tommy and Maria are gonna be there too, we’re all adults so if–”
“Let’s go,” she hopped up.
And so they were in her living room, scarcely decorated but recognisable as hers nonetheless, and Ellie walked around the place with a curious gaze, hands fidgeting at her sides.
“How did you convince her to come here?” Maria asked quietly, as the three of them waited for the lady of the house–she had categorically refused any help in the kitchen, ordering them to wait by the set table. Old habits, Joel thought again.
“I didn’t,” he shrugged, watching the kid linger at a picture set in a cracked frame, the dance of her fingers ceasing for just a moment. “I think she likes her–probably has to do with the slapping stories.”
“Definitely has to do with the slapping stories,” Tommy chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.
“You know I can hear you, right?” Ellie asked, without turning to look at them. “Actually–him I can understand,” Joel scowled at Ellie’s remark while she pointed at him, spinning around to face the three of them. “But why did she hit you?” Maria chuckled at that, while Tommy almost choked on his drink and his face burned a brighter shade of red.
“Ah, well, I–” he cleared his throat–it was another time, he thought. So many years before. “I–kind of made a move on her. And then told her I was gonna join the army,” he rubbed his jaw, some sort of nervous twitch as he glanced in a grinning Maria’s direction. “Still not sure which one pissed her off more.”
“The army,” she said, coming into the living room while holding a fuming pot she was quick to place on the table. Joel’s posture changed, a slight shift towards her by the head of the table and his head twisting so that his gaze would be on her, the ghost of a smile across his lips. “If one of you was going to be a self-sacrificing idiot and leave, I expected that to be Joel.”
“You shipped yourself off to college,” Tommy protested as they sat down–Joel remained next to her on left, Ellie next to him (she didn’t like being on his deaf side, but she preferred it to sitting away), Tommy and Maria on the other side.
“Definitely not the same thing,” she wrinkled her nose in a half-grimace, plating up the food–whatever it was, Ellie couldn’t remember the last time she’d smelled something so good, her stomach already grumbling. Tommy scoffed lightly, passing on the plates.
“Wait, you made a move? If anything I thought–” before Ellie could finish the sentence, Joel pinched her leg, making her yelp and turn to him wide-eyed. “What the hell was that for?”
“Manners,” he muttered–at the corner of his eye, the woman tried to fight off a smile, setting the last plate in front of him. “Eat your food.”
She looked at the older Miller and the kid throughout the dinner and the chats, the scowls and grins, his reprimands and her sharp tongue. It was a familiar scene, late dinners stolen in a living room she once knew like it was her own.
The younger brother leaving early on was familiar, too, Maria tiring easily from the pregnancy and Tommy refusing to leave her side for longer than necessary–her heart ached at the thought of Tommy Miller having grown up, until it functioned as a reminder that growing up in their world now meant surviving. It was easier to think of it like that.
“Just means you’re gonna have to come back for dessert,” she said as Maria hugged her, winking in Tommy’s direction, too.
“We should get going, too,” Joel cleared his throat once it was just the three of them, heading for the rack where his and Ellie’s jacket hung. She had the fleeting thought that he was trying to avoid being alone with her–though they weren’t really alone–as he had for the whole week. A quick greeting and then away, never lingering too much around her. She figured it was because he was still settling in–hoped that was the reason, in spite of the years gone by.
“But I want dessert!” the girl protested, still sat at the table (by herself).
“Ellie,” he sighed heavily, not turning to look at her as picked up her coat.
“Joel,” she retorted in the same tone, unmoving. The woman looked between the two of them with an eyebrow arched, fighting the smile off of her lips the moment Joel sighed again, head falling forward. It wasn’t needed, but Ellie took it a step further, softening her voice for a, “Please?”
Joel Miller had always had a hard time saying no to his daughter. Guess things hadn’t changed that much.
“If we’re bothering–” he started, his gaze flicking from Ellie to her.
“Oh, quit that, Miller,” she scoffed, waving her hand dismissively. “Ellie, grab your plate, come,” Joel remained frozen for a moment as the girl beamed, standing with the plate in her hands and quickly following her towards the kitchen. A beat, and then he went after them, bringing with him the rest of the dirty dishes they’d left behind.
“What is that?” Ellie had stopped abruptly at the entrance of the kitchen, eyes wide, forcing Joel to walk around her at the last moment, stumbling towards the woman who was placing a tray onto the counter. He lingered a moment, his gaze following the twisted pattern made of golden dough, and once more he felt transported back ages in time.
“My mama’s apple pie,” she said gently, a smile grazing her face–there was a bitterness to it, too, with the realization that that was probably the first time Ellie saw one outside of pictures. “We produce the flour ourselves, and have the dogs check it for possible contamination, so it’s safe,” Joel could almost see the hope in her eyes in trying to reassure the kid, grabbing the knife and offering it to her by the handle. “Wanna have a go?”
Ellie’s eyes shimmered with excitement as she took the sharp knife, getting closer to her–she leaned with one arm on the counter, while with the other hand she showed her where to start, mimicking the movement of cutting down towards the crust. As he placed the dirty dishes in the sink, Joel inhaled deeply, the perfume coming out of the still warm filling in fumes.
“Jesus,” he muttered with a soft groan, turning around quickly. Ellie stilled, her gaze flickering from where she held the knife up to him, then back to the grinning woman who was looking at him, too. “Sorry.”
“You know, your–” she stopped herself, clearing her throat before straightening her back. “Joel would always know when we made this at my place. I don’t know how but he did–never failed to show up when my mama got one in the oven.”
“Sixth sense,” Joel chuckled, getting closer as well, his mouth already watering. “Smells just like then,” he mumbled, shifting on the spot when she bumped her hip against him, her smile widening. “You know, Sarah wanted to call you to bring it over, before–” he cut himself off.
Ellie shuffled on the spot, the knife in her hand a sudden weight she didn’t like–Joel had mentioned just in passing Sarah to her, admitting first and foremost to her existence, half-joking over their differences. But whenever he did his eyes would go unfocused, gaze dropping to the broken watch.
She watched as the woman pressed herself slightly closer, hand brushing the back of Joel’s, right up to the cracked watch before she even looked up, the movement seemingly enough to draw Joel’s attention towards her; she watched as the man cleared his throat, right hand twitching before he exhaled, pulling back as if in afterthought, reaching for the cupboard; she watched Sugar’s head drop slightly, and then straighten again with a forced smile in her direction. Ellie returned it tentatively.
“Alright, kiddo–it’s best when it’s warm,” she encouraged, taking the knife from her as Joel returned with clean plates. She deposited the slice on one, pushing it in Ellie’s direction. “Too bad we haven’t got any ice cream, tastes even better with that.”
“Can’t miss what I never tried, right?” Ellie shrugged, that crooked smile still on. “Thanks,” she added then, stepping away, back towards the living room. She’d started to learn when others needed space.
“Joel,” his name whispered was like a bucket of ice water thrown in his face, a shuddering breath leaving him when he turned to look at her. Her head was slightly tilted, a soft gaze that tethered on mournful. Joel didn’t want pity. He wanted so much, but not pity.
“Can’t,” he said through gritted teeth. Her hand reached for him again, slower, fingers brushing his knuckles as they whitened with the clench of his fists above the counter. “Sugar, I can’t,” he repeated, looking down. She pressed her palm over the back of his hand, a firm knead to unfurl his fingers from where they pushed into his own palm, blunt nails still leaving their mark. He shook his head.
“It’s just me,” she kept her voice low, soft.
Tommy had told her a lot–the whole of it, really. Sarah’s death. Joel’s attempt. The shift in him–the shift in them both, but mostly Joel. The anger. The bad, awful things they’d done. The anger, the only thing Joel seemed to have felt for the past 20 years.
It nearly broke her heart.
“I know,” his eyes flickered towards the door leading to the living room, Ellie’s head peeking from behind the backrest of the armchair. “You haven’t changed one bit, but I–”
“That’s not true,” she shook her head, scooting closer. “I have. Everybody has. We had to,” curling her fingers around his hand, she slowly picked it up, bringing it closer to her. There were calluses on her fingers he didn’t remember from the years before, lines across her face he thought were a trick of the light. “You think you lost your humanity when Sarah died, but that’s not true,” she tilted her head towards the living room, gaze flickering to Ellie, the scrape of the fork against the plate the only sound coming from her. “She’s proof of that. You must see that.”
“She was a job,” his hand felt cold in hers, fingers twitching slightly. Each time, she squeezed it softly, bringing it closer to her stomach. He could feel her warmth even like that.
“She was,” she nodded in agreement, shifting so she could meet his gaze. “And now?”
“It’s complicated,” he returned, and a bittersweet smile grazed her lips.
“You always saw things as more complicated than they actually were,” she let go of him, and Joel clenched his hand suspended mid-air in her direction, while she turned towards the counter, taking the knife up again to cut two more slices of pie and plate them. “Perhaps you’re not exactly your old self, but you’re still almost you, no matter what you tell yourself, Joel,” she pushed one of the plates in his direction, glancing at him once more. “Eat up.”
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Joel had a hard time breathing. It happened less frequently–it had been weeks since his last episode, he’d almost forgotten about it–but it still did, every now and then. He hated it.
He wasn’t sure what triggered it: he wasn’t doing anything specific, was just thinking about how to fix the creaky step that led up and down his patio, when all of a sudden he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe and his chest ached, right in the middle, like a weight trying to pin him down against the ground–but the ground didn’t feel stable, and he had to lean against the wall for support while everything spun around him.
Worst of all was the ringing in his ears. He’d gotten used to the muffled sounds in his right ear, and the sudden high pitched noise made him dizzy, made his vision waiver, made him unable to exhale. The next breath scratched at his throat, like a badly chewed bite refusing to go down, no matter how many times he tried to swallow.
“Dad?” he gasped, the town suddenly in front of him again. The edges were still blurred, but right in front of him stood Ellie–a few steps behind, Sugar had her head tilted, a curious gaze in her eyes.
“What?” his voice rang still distant, somehow, and he shook his head, trying to clear the clouds away.
“I said are you alright?” Ellie frowned, getting a step closer. “Joel, are you going deaf in both ears?” she asked, and that melted away the tension in Joel’s shoulders with a sigh.
“Very funny,” he muttered, pushing himself off from the school wall. “I just got distracted, is all. You ready?” he cleared his throat, glancing briefly in the woman’s direction.
“You know you don’t have to come get me every day, right?” Ellie mumbled, moving at his side. “It’s not like I can run away,” Joel gave her a look–eyebrows arched, head slightly tilted, that same expression he used when Tommy said something dumb. Ellie could almost hear it.
You ran away from FEDRA and sneaked into a sealed mall. I wouldn’t put it past you.
Maybe he had a point.
“Bye, Ms. Sugar!” a girl called from behind them, dark hair pulled away from her freckled face. “Ellie, you coming?” she waited, expectantly. Ellie turned towards Joel, whose face had shifted into a simil-scowl.
“So that’s what you meant, huh?” he crossed his arms, to which Ellie responded with a lopsided grin, looking at him expectantly, the mute question clear in her eyes. Can I? “Wait, Ms. Sugar?” he turned to look at the woman who still stood there, and she snorted.
“Ask Ellie about it,” she retorted, clearly amused by the guilty look creeping across the girl’s face. “She’ll be right there, Dina!” she called out then, a little louder.
“I didn’t mean to, okay?” Ellie protested, with a small kick to the melting snow in front of her. “You call her that all the time–it just came out of my mouth,” she argued then, pointing at Joel.
“Are you blaming me for calling your teacher with a nickname?” he returned, baffled.
“Yes,” Ellie nodded. Behind Ellie, he saw her stifle a giggle, quick to lower her head and cover her mouth with a hand. The girl looked up at him still, eyes softening in a pleading motion. “Can I go?”
“Sure,” he sighed–the word was barely out of his mouth before Ellie was already darting away, running towards her smiling friend. “I’m sorry,” he said then, turning to her.
“It’s alright, Joel,” clearly amused, she shook her head and took a step closer to him, hands dropped at her sides. “Besides, I think only Dina heard her. Maybe Cat, too, but it’s no big deal,” she shrugged, standing right in front of him now. Joel tightened his grip around Ellie’s bag strap, lowering his gaze to her.
“She good?” he asked, a little quieter. “This Dina, she–”
“Yes, she’s a good kid,” she said with a smile and a small nod, tilting her head slightly. “You can rest easy, Mr. Miller,” at that, Joel snorted, rolling his eyes.
“Mr. Miller,” he mocked, to which her smile widened. “Haven’t been called that since I had to meet with Sarah’s teachers,” as soon as the words were out of his mouth, his expression fell slightly, gaze unfocused. He thought he was about to stop breathing again, when she placed her hand on his upper arm, pressing gently against the jacket sleeve.
“Joel,” with a whisper of his name, he snapped his eyes back up towards her–a worried crease crossed her forehead, knitting her brows closer. “What is it?”
She knew what it was. She’d seen it, in people younger and older than him; she’d felt it on her own skin, clawing at her throat in a desperate attempt to clear her airways. Hers had never been as immobile as Joel’s. She kicked and screamed and cried until she was spent and aching all over.
“Just–” he clicked his tongue and thought of lying.
He still felt unsure, unsteady, both wanting to keep her at arm’s length and welcoming her back in his life like before, drown in the comfort he’d found in her presence year after year since they were kids. She’d tried to reassure him, and he knew she was right–you could not live in the world they did and not change. But he remembered her in pigtails on the first day of school, he remembered her prom dress being awfully 80s, and he remembered the first time he’d seen her with Sarah–gentle voiced and wide eyed, holding her as if she might shatter should she breathe a little too hard.
“It’s like starting all over again with her–not sure if I’m doing right or wrong whenever I make a decision,” he admitted then, voice low–she got closer, gaze softening. He wanted to lean into her all of a sudden, but clenched his fists instead, the strap of Ellie’s bag digging in his palm. “I can’t disappoint her, can’t–I can’t fail her, too.”
“You didn’t fail anyone, Joel,” he almost disagreed, but the look she gave him didn’t leave room for any argument. He snapped his mouth shut. “It’s odd, adjusting to this place–I didn’t sleep properly for a year, flinched at every noise. When Maria asked me if I wanted to teach I thought she’d lost her mind,” she scoffed, shaking her head lightly. “And then I had my first full night of sleep. The kids and parents started waving at me in the streets. I ate food that hadn't expired 10 years ago. It’s–give yourself some time to adjust, Miller. Both of you.”
Joel exhaled, tipping his head slightly back and looking up towards the sky–it was sunny, mercifully, the cold starting to become bearable. He felt her shuffle forward rather than see her, eyelids fluttering when she rested her hand over his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Ellie’s doing good,” she reassured then, smiling when he looked back at her. “She’s–a little wild, maybe, but she feels safe here. With you. She’ll be alright,” head tilted slightly to the side, the scarf wrapped around her neck slipped–he almost reached up to fix it for her. “So will you.”
“You always knew what to say, didn’t you?” he sighed, turning his head a little–he felt her hand move from his shoulder to his upper arm, warmth spreading wherever her touch lingered. He leaned into it.
“Not really, most of the time I winged it,” she shrugged, and his smile returned, although tentative, while shaking his head. “How’d you think I made it through college?”
“Brains, Sugar,” without thinking too much about it, he reached up and pinched her chin, gently tilting her head back a little. “You’ve always had more brains than us combined. I think we both should’ve listened to you more.”
“Took you long enough to admit that,” she grinned, following the curve of his arm down to where his hand still brushed her face. She brushed her fingertips along the back of his hand, lingering at his knuckles. “It hurt to say it out loud, didn’t it?” he chuckled, shaking his head.
“No, actually. I’m quite alright,” her eyebrows arched, wrapping her fingers around his hand for balance before reaching for his forehead with her other one. Joel laughed then, taking one small step back to balance them both, eyes crinkling at the touch. “What are you doing?”
“Checking if you have a fever,” she replied, nonchalantly, shifting her hand over his temple, over his cheek. “God forbid this affects you physically,” she added in a mock whisper, unable to hide the amusement in her words. Still laughing, Joel let go of Ellie’s bag to reach up and grab her other hand.
“Alright, alright,” he pulled his head slightly back, holding their joined hands between them–she’d tipped forward, unbalanced, and he held her upright, looking back down towards her grinning face. “You’ve made your point. Thank you.”
“Good,” she chuckled. They remained like that a moment longer, simply looking at each other, before she cleared her throat and glanced quickly over her shoulder. “I should go. Gotta fix up the classroom or else Hell might just break loose tomorrow.”
“Right,” he let go of her, his palms tingling still. “Well, I–thank you, Sugar. I mean it.”
“I know you do,” expression softened again, she stepped back–they had barely realized how close they were. Joel missed it right away. “I’ll see ya, Miller.”
“Sure,” he murmured in return, one of the hands he’d kept lifted doing a half-wave as she turned around. He kept it up, gaze lingering on her back until she’d vanished back into the building.
“Damn,” he whipped around with his eyes wide, gaze immediately falling to Ellie at his side.
“What are you doing here?” he muttered, a quick look over his shoulder and then past Ellie’s head. “Language,” he added right away, making her snort.
“Didn’t know you could laugh,” she retorted, her eyebrows arched.
“That's bullshit, you’ve heard me before,” he frowned, and Ellie’s grin widened.
“Language,” she mocked him, making Joel scowl. “Sure I did, but it wasn’t like this.”
“Like what?” still frowning, he watched her shrug and point vaguely at him.
“This,” she repeated, then shrugged and grabbed her bag from the ground in front of him. “Anyways, I came back to get this. Bye.”
“Ellie!” he protested, though she was already skipping away. “Like what?”
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Winter passed, and the first glimpses of Spring came to Jackson in the shape of flowers and fruit, an unfrozen ground giving them the first rewards. Ellie would spend more days outside with her friends, but every now and then she’d hang back with him, sitting on the porch while he tried to teach her how to play guitar.
“Now try the next one,” he nodded, after a while she’d been repeating the same three notes, a small melody she’d been practicing.
“I can’t do the next one,” she protested, keeping at it. Joel began to argue, but a movement at the corner of his eye made him turn around–with his good ear towards Ellie, he didn’t hear the woman’s steps until she was in his peripheral vision. He followed her with his gaze, head turning as she went–her hands were occupied by a large box, and when she noticed them she just smiled, but didn’t stop. “No, Ellie, don’t say that. You’re doing great. You can do it.”
“What?” he cleared his throat, snapping his head back around towards the kid. She was scowling, arms crossed over the guitar as he stared at him. “You are doing good. Go to the next one,” at that she rolled her eyes, lips parting with a scoff. “What?” he repeated.
“Will you quit being a stubborn ass?” Ellie groaned, lowering the guitar and leaning back into the seat. Joel’s eyebrows arched high, disbelief painted across his face.
“Watch your mouth, kid,” she scoffed again, tapping across the wood.
“Yeah, yeah,” she practically brushed him off. “But will you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Joel mimicked her, leaning back against the backrest and crossing his arms, his head twisting ever so slightly towards where he was looking before, towards her. A groan escaped her.
“Oh, please, you know perfectly well,” Joel frowned now, watching as Ellie pointed her finger in the woman’s direction–she was too far to see them, or hear them, but still Joel tapped against her extended hand. “You like her,” the girl said, bringing her hand back towards her chest. It was Joel’s turn to scoff.
“Yeah, I like her–we’ve been friends since we were kids,” he shrugged, then folded his arms across his chest once more. Ellie rolled her eyes again.
“No, I mean you like like her. Like you’re in love with her,” Joel snorted, shaking his head.
“What would you know about that?” despite the levity in Ellie’s tone, her face darkened for a moment–it had been a while since he’d seen that look in her eyes, and a pang of guilt shot through him right away. He shifted in his seat.
“I have eyes,” Ellie muttered, placing the guitar down to curl up in the chair, legs up to her chest and arms crossed. “Pretty sure the whole of Jackson knows. It’s obvious.”
“Ellie, we’ve known each other ages,” Joel sighed, leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees. “If I had a problem I’d go to her, and if she had a problem she’d come to me. We’ve been there for each other during–” he cleared his throat, lowering his gaze, “most of the worst times of our lives.”
“And you’ve never–” she trailed off.
“No,” he shook his head with a light smile.
“Not even once?” again he shook his head. “Seriously?”
“Tommy had a crush on her,” he shrugged, and she straightened her back.
“So you thought about it, then,” she exclaimed. Joel dropped his head slightly with a sigh.
“I was a teenager once, you know,” she arched her brows. “She was nice, and she was my friend, and she was real pretty–but there are things that are more important than a crush.”
Ellie was quiet for a moment, leaning back down, her fingers tapping up and down her shins as she lowered her gaze, eyebrows pinched together.
“Did–did Sarah like her?” it had started to be easier, talking about her. While Joel still felt the hurt of her absence, the anger and disbelief of his grief had turned into quiet acceptance. Ellie would rarely ask questions about her, but he found it helped.
“She loved her,” he nodded, easing back into the chair. “There weren’t a lot of women in Sarah’s life, but she was there, especially when she needed it the most. And she did love Sarah back–so much,” a fond smile caught on his mouth.
“Yeah, I figured,” Ellie mumbled, tilting her head a little. “It’s her, isn’t it? In the picture with the cracked frame at her place.”
Joel had tried to not linger too much on that picture–Sarah was young in it, 3 or 4 maybe, a full head of curls sticking out on every side. He remembered fighting each day to try and fix it, and her laughing at his feeble attempts. She taught him first–simple hairstyles he could do in the mornings before dropping her off to school and that would survive the day ahead–and then Sarah herself for when she did not want to leave it as it was.
She’d been there for him and Sarah all the time, and he wasn't sure he’d thanked her nearly enough for it. When her mom left, when she started teething, walking, talking, on her first day of school, and every year after that, leaving campus to be at each game, each recital. Clothes, music, movies, all of it–she was always there.
“Yes,” he nodded, slowly. Ellie hummed.
“You should fix that for her,” she said then, standing almost abruptly. “Might be nice. It might also give you an excuse,” she added with a shrug.
“I don’t need an excuse, Ellie,” he sighed, picking the guitar from her. The girl shrugged again, then headed inside. “You’re going somewhere?”
“Cat’s!” she called from inside. Joel strummed a few slow notes, waiting for her to come back out–she did so rushing, jacket half-thrown on. “I still think I’m right. Bye!”
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She glanced up from her handiwork when a step echoed a little louder over the gravel, her face immediately splitting in a wide smile and Joel’s half-still stance in the low streetlight.
“Knitting on the porch? That’s new,” he grinned, resuming walking towards her.
“If my mother could see me now, right?” she retorted with a chuckle he matched with a smile of his own, leaving the half-finished sweater aside to stand up. “Hi,” she said then, moving forward to the steps he was climbing.
“Hi,” he returned, stopping one step down so they were at the same level. He brought his hands forward from behind his back, the previously cracked frame and picture within, his gaze lingering on Sarah’s smile a moment longer. “Fixed it for ya.”
“Oh,” she looked over her shoulder, towards the slightly ajar door as if to look at the spot it had been resting. “You didn’t–thank you,” she said, carefully picking it from him.
“Sure,” he shrugged lightly, burying his now empty hands in his pockets. “Thought I’d just stop by,” he added, shuffling slightly. Her smile widened.
“You know you don’t need an excuse to just stop by, right?” she turned around, gesturing at him to follow as she headed inside, lingering at the entrance to place the picture right back where it belonged.
“I know,” he mumbled, lingering at the threshold. One of his guitars was in the living room, resting against the armchair Ellie had curled up in and ended up falling asleep on during the first time they’d gone over. The last time, he’d forgotten the instrument, after Tommy had insisted vehemently he should’ve brought it with him.
“I meant to bring that over,” she said, catching him looking at it. “I saw you teaching Ellie,” she added, pinching one string as she passed by it before heading to the kitchen.
“Yeah, tryin’ to,” Joel followed, fingertips tingling stuffed in his pockets. “She’s good.”
“Better than I was?” she returned with two glasses filled with amber liquid and a grin on her face. “Sweet tea–I got some of the first lemons.”
“Baking, making sweet tea, knitting,” he picked the cool glass from her with a grateful look–the simple act of holding it gave him back another piece of home he thought was gone forever. It had happened quite a few times since they’d found each other again. “You’re turning into your mother, Sugar.”
The woman snorted, rolling her eyes as she stepped away, and Joel was quick to hide his smirk behind the rim of the glass.
“I’ll pretend that was a compliment, Miller,” she squinted in his direction, mock-menacingly.
“C’mon, you know I loved your mother,” he argued before taking a sip–he hummed softly, eyes shutting on instinct. If he focused, he could hear the fire crackling and water bubbling over the stove as her mother made it, could taste the sugar and lemon or peaches she’d slip them in the meantime. He sighed. “I’ll tell you what–your talents clearly reside in this, not that,” he added, pointing towards the guitar. She laughed again.
“Well, I’d rather listen to the music than play it,” she declared, her chin tilted upwards, a grin mimicking his own. Then her eyes widened, a shimmer in them as she jolted on the spot, quickly resting the glass down on the table. “I’ve gotta show you something!”
A small frown knitted his brow as he licked the sweetness from his mouth and followed her with his gaze, hurried steps towards the bedroom that echoed in the quiet of the home. She was gone a few minutes, returning after a moment of rattling, a wide smile spread across her face. Joel’s eyes fell to the object in her hands–a portable CD player, not so different from the one she’d gifted Sarah in the 90s but they always ended up stealing once she was asleep.
“Audio is not the best, to be fair, but after so many years without music–” she stopped in front of him, offering one of the earphones to him while she put the other one in.
Still frowning lightly, Joel shuffled closer, the short cord forcing him forward. The drum arrived first, the sound slightly scratched, and with her smile widening she looked up at him. Like the beat beat beat of the tom-tom, he chuckled as she freed his hands, rocking from one side to the other following the rhythm.
“Where’d you get this?” he stumbled forward when she took one of his hands, tugging him closer–the other fell to her side to second her swinging–he couldn’t help returning her infectious smile as she shrugged lightly, her free hand reaching on his shoulder.
“Luck–I found it before getting here along with a couple of CDs,” she looked up at him, head slightly tilted. “This one reminded me of you,” she added, voice softer–for a moment, her smile faltered.
She’d never thought she’d see him again, keeping the record out of pure nostalgia for someone she hadn’t seen in years. Someone she always feared was gone. They’d listened to Ella Fitzgerald constantly during their teenage years, Joel sneaking some of his parents’ records to her house, or locking themselves into listening booths for hours until they were kicked out. Dancing as they were in that moment.
“Only you beneath the moon and under the sun,” she hummed, their movements slowing with the song. “Whether near to me or fat, it’s no matter darling where you are–”
“I think of you night and day, day and night, why is it so?” he joined in, voice low, head bending slightly towards her–her smile returned, a shimmer in her eyes.
“Your voice’s changed,” she murmured, taking half a step closer. “S’warmer. I like it.”
“Thought you always liked my voice,” he smiled, tucking his chin to look down at her. She nodded with a low chuckle, locking their already joined hands together by intertwining their fingers.
“’Course I did,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes mockingly. She gave a squeeze to his hand then, lowering her head slightly. “I missed it–this,” she inhaled sharply then, a shallow sound that temporarily overwhelmed the music. “You,” she added, almost in a whisper that would’ve been lost to him had he not been looking at her mouth.
Joel’s heart stuttered, a soft sigh at her admission as his eyes fluttered shut, just a moment. Tongue-tied, he shifted closer, as close as he could get, the hand on her waist moving to the small of her back, wrapping his arm around her. He didn’t know how to tell her, how to let his mouth form the words that clouded his head–that had been since he’d seen her again. He couldn’t say it, not for lack of trying.
“Sugar,” he whispered, and she nodded, leaning forward and cutting him off.
The song went on, and she rested her head on his chest–the hand on his shoulder was soft, arm almost draped across it as she toyed absentmindedly with the collar of his shirt, brushing the nape of his neck every now and then. Their joined ones fell to his chest, arms bent, the warmth of her exhales brushing across their knuckles. He bent his head slightly, cheek barely brushing the top of her head, and he tightened his arm around her waist to keep her close–each song closer, until the music stopped.
They stayed like that a moment longer, even in silence, his heart beating the only sound she could hear, silence on his end with his good ear plugged by the earphone. She rubbed her thumb against the side of his hand, small movements that made his eyelids droop. He caught a glimpse of the top of her head like that, the curve of her nose, her eyelashes brushing her cheeks and the small pout on her relaxed mouth, all half-hidden against him. She looked–
“Ah, fuck’s sake,” he muttered to himself, and she blinked rapidly before looking up, wide-eyed. She tilted her head, gently pulling his earphone off.
“What is it?” she cleared her throat, taking a small step back. The hold on his hand began loosening, so he forced himself to ease his arm around her waist, too, shaking his head.
“Nothin’, just–something Ellie said, it’s not important,” he let go of her when her brows knit, a hint of perplexity in her gaze. “I should go, actually. Check she’s actually gone to sleep.”
“Of course,” she returned quickly, stepping even further back, hands falling to her sides and rubbing down slowly, palms dragging along the seams of her jeans. “Thank you. For the frame–and passing by.”
His right hand twitched slightly at his side, and he took a small step back, nodding at her words. He stopped then, moving forward once more–he pushed past the knot in his throat and the tingling in his limbs and his heart dropping, and reached for her face. She leaned into his touch, his hands cupping over her cheeks as he shifted closer once more, brushing a delicate kiss to her forehead, her lips curled into the beginning of a smile. He held her gently, the touch of his lips lingering a moment longer over her skin before he moved away.
“See ya, Sugar.”
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Summer was relentless. With days spent seeking shadows and some reprieve from the heat, the nights were unbearable in their stillness. Joel couldn’t sleep–after 20 years in Boston, he wasn’t used to the Southern heat anymore.
And he would be lying to himself if he thought that was the only reason why.
 He kept replaying the conversation with Tommy in his head, over and over. He was haunted by it, sitting on the porch in the quiet of Jackson’s night.
“Ellie’s right, it is getting painful to watch.”
“The hell are you talking with Ellie about?”
“You and Sugar. It’s worse than when we were young, actually.”
“What do you mean?”
“Means this time I can’t pretend to ask her out so that you finally get your head out of your ass and admit you like her. You gotta wake up, Joel.”
He was awake. Truth was, Joel had felt like he had been living in a nightmare for the past 20 years–and now he was awake and didn’t know what to do with himself. He didn’t know how to be himself anymore. Or how to be a person.
Perhaps that was why he was knocking on her door while everyone else was asleep. Perhaps he was just too much in his head about it. Perhaps–
“Joel?” his eyes fell down across her, flimsy night clothes clinging to her for a split second before he forced his gaze up, breath stuttering slightly. “It’s the middle of the night, what happened?”
“Sorry–shit,” he looked away, past his shoulder, back at her–was his heart beating faster? Were his hands shaking? He felt like it. “You’re right. Sorry, I’ll just–it can wait,” he stepped back, shaking his head.
“It clearly can’t, since you knocked at my door like a maniac,” she said it with a little grin, and some tension left his shoulders at the sight of it, of her stepping back and opening the door further for him. “C’mon, get inside.”
Joel walked past her and his steps faltered, tilting his head in her direction with a sharp inhale before moving along, fists opening and closing down his sides. He’d gotten better at that–not letting it all overwhelm him. Understand when the world might begin tipping under his feet and stabilize himself. He was trying–for Ellie, for his brother, for her, he was really trying.
“What happened?” she asked softly. They stood in the living room as they had before, as they had when they’d danced, except they were each on one end of the couch, a gaping emptiness between the two of them. “Should I start to get worried? You look like–”
“I like you,” he blurted out, recoiling at the shift in his own voice–so much louder than her careful tone. She blinked rapidly, head slightly tilted.
“I should hope so,” she scoffed, the reassuring smile she had before turning into a downright amused one. But Joel was shaking his head already, hands still restless. “Joel–”
“No, I mean–I like like you,” she blinked again, lips parting slightly and making her smile begin to dwindle. “Like I think I might be in love with you,” he closed his eyes, inhaling sharply–of course Ellie’s voice would echo in his head right then. Making an absolute fool out of him. “And I think I’ve always been and just didn’t know, or maybe I did know and I just didn’t want to fuck up this too, because I always fucked up everything, every relationship I ever had but ours, and the thought of losing you was terrifying–is terrifying,” he gasped a little between words, each one falling out of his mouth and out of his control. “Or maybe I wasn’t, you know? Maybe–maybe I just–”
“Joey,” she called him softly–so soft he almost didn’t hear her, and reacted first to her hand resting over his chest. His eyes flew open, gaze unfocused for a moment running across her face before they locked with hers, familiar and gentle. She pressed her palm against his chest, and he knew for sure his heart was stuttering underneath her touch. “Take a breath.”
He gasped again, shoulders dropping forward as if wrapping himself around her hand with a long exhale. Blindly, he reached for her, fingers wrapping around her wrist.
“Another,” she instructed, taking his other hand gingerly, and he did. Inhale, exhale, stumbling forward. “It’s just me, Joey.”
“You’re the only one who’s ever called me that, y’know?” he whispered, breathlessly. She gave him a little smile, tapping two fingers on his chest. Slowly, his heartbeat matched her rhythm, and he squeezed her wrist once, gently.
“Wanna try that again?” she murmured, tilting her head a little to the side.
“You can kick me out,” he retorted in a mumble, and she sighed. She shifted the hand she was holding, thumb pressing into his wrist, right above his pulse, right above the strap of his watch, while the rest of her fingers spread across the back of his hand.
“And why would I do that?” Joel met her gaze again–awaiting, reassuring, familiar gaze.
“You’ve known me all our lives, Sugar,” she nodded at his heavy sigh. “You’ve seen me fuck everything up, multiple times–Christ, you’ve seen me fuck things up with Sarah’s mother, too,” again she nodded, and he lowered his voice, breath stuttering. “Yet you were always there for me.”
“Of course I was,” with the last nod, she smiled–it was bittersweet, made his heart ache.
“I loved you for that. More than I knew could be possible,” he bowed his head, the tip of his nose brushing hers tentatively. “And I love–I love–I love you still.”
Her exhale was long, fingers curling over his chest and twisting in the fabric of his shirt–he stumbled forward ever so slightly, the hand he had around her wrist falling against her side balancing himself as she brought her lips close to his. Close, without touching, his breath stuttering when her exhale hit his skin.
“You’ve been the best half of my life, Joel,” there was a scratch in her voice that wasn’t there before, words trembling ever so slightly. “You–I’ve always known I loved you. I knew I loved you, I just–I don’t think I ever realized how much until I lost you. Or found you again.”
“Sugar–” she shook her head, humming.
“Not done,” she chided, and he snapped his mouth shut, almost chuckling. “You were my best friend. I’d like to think you still are, even after these awful fucking years because I–I’ve always needed you, Joel,” the hand on his chest shifted upwards slightly, resting at his collarbones. “And I still do. I need you in my life–I need you.”
“You do have me, sweetheart,” he said, hurriedly, pulling back ever so slightly. Her eyes were shimmering, and he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her close–her hand slid to the side of his neck, lips quivering slightly. He was looking at her lips. “However you want me, you have me.”
“I do love you, even now,” her thumb traced figures eight over his neck with one hand, small circles on his wrist with the other. Soothing. Gentle. Calming. “Whoever it is you think you’ve become now–I love you. I need you to understand that.”
Joel’s mouth opened. Closed. Opened. Closed again, a thin line cutting through his face. She was looking at him as if she could see right through him, pick up the pieces of his hesitation during the months just gone by, and the years before that. Reading him as she’d always done, and speaking directly to his foolish heart, reassuring him–you’ll get through the year, you’ll get through the grief, you’ll be alright, Sarah’ll be alright, we’ll be alright, I love you, I love you, I love you.
“I know,” he hummed, tightening his hold around her. Her body softened into his with a long exhale, the hand rising to his jaw, scratching along his patchy beard. “I’m trying, sweetheart.”
“I know you are,” she cupped his cheek, and in spite of the heat he didn’t mind the warmth radiating from her palm. His eyes fluttered shut. “C’mere.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, his head falling forward against the curve of her neck. He leaned fully into the circle of her arms, reaching out with his other free hand too to keep her close, her back slightly arched towards him, locked together like pieces of a puzzle. Freshly cut grass welcoming him home, he dug his fingertips into her sides and brushed his mouth to her neck–a half kiss, hesitant and tentative. If he got a full taste, he knew he’d want nothing else for as long as he lived.
That was a lie. He already didn’t, couldn’t fathom it.
Slowly, she tipped her head to the side, granting him more space–he could feel her heartbeat quickening under his parted lips, a hiccup in her breath as she dragged her hands up the nape of his neck, fingertips slowly brushing through the locks at the back of his head, guiding him forward and up. He let her guide him, gave her full control as the tip of his nose traced a path up her jaw, cheek, his lips following.
“Are you teasin’, Sugar?” he whispered, rubbing their noses together, and felt her smile rather than saw it. She shook her head, pressing herself impossibly closer as she scratched his scalp gently. “Then I’m gonna need you to tell me what to do next.”
When he opened his eyes, she was looking at him already, so close she was slightly cross-eyed, long lashes kissing the arch of her brows. His own heart beat a little quicker, a little louder, anticipation building in his limbs as he could feel himself burn from within.
“Kiss me,” just a whisper.
He didn’t need to be told twice.
His heart would never be whole again, that much he knew–a part of it had stayed behind, pierced by a bullet, a 20 years old wound. But he could live again, day by day. He could find his way back to life, with his Ellie on one side and–
Joel caught her lips with his own, and it felt like homecoming. Sweet as sugar, he kissed her slow, without rush, as if trying to make up for each year spent apart, and for each year spent together in the wrong way. He held her as if she might shatter and like he would never let her go both, drank greedily each sigh, each whisper, never once parting until his lungs burned, and then kissing her gasps away, too.
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person4924 · 1 year
new about me
my name is sam !! thats basically all u need to know but theres (a lot) more under the cut!! i also have a strawpage that has some basic info (idrk how it works if im being honest tho)
last updated: august 5
i’m sapphic of some sort and ace
u can use any pronouns but they is usually the best !! (this is my pronouns page)
i’m neurodivergent of some sort (i don’t even know anymore)
a minor (don’t be weird)
my personality type is INFP-T
my theme will change like weekly prob bc i wanna change it with every new huperfxation i have!!
things i like (the things bolder r what i talk about the most)
harry potter (fuck jkr)
the marauders
boy meets world
paper girls
teen wolf
owl house
stranger things
andi mack
the last of us (i’ve only watched the show tho, but i know most of what happens in the games)
fictional characters
tv shows
brooklyn nine nine
new girl
stand up comedians
ocean animals (specifically sharks)
moths (and just kinda winged bugs in general)
greek mythology
dawsons creek
bojack horseman
the sky (like stars, the moon, the sunset, etc)
jelly fish
criminal minds
ted lasso
scooby doo (the older movies from the 2000’s ish specifically but all of it too)
everything sucks!
the sun bearer trials
spencer reid
bo burnham
dead boy detectives
will and grace
90’s movies
my fav movies are tick tick boom, my girl, dead poets society, breakfast club, the outsiders, hamilton, stand by me, cmbyn, lady bird, beautiful boy, luca, nimona, (500) days of summer, empire records, etc. i have a lot but this is just the first few i think of
musicals i like are hamilton, tick tick boom and the greatest showman
my fav taylor albums are folklore, evermore, reputation, 1989, ttpd and speak now but i love all of them really (please please ask me abt them omg)
my current hyper fixation is the marauders (more of a life-long obsession atp) and solangelo
i’m currently reading nothing !! i just cannot
my fav music people (i’m really just giving a short list of many): conan gray, cavetown, current joys, queen, rainbow kitten surprise, the front bottoms, harry styles, noah kahan, taylor swift, phoebe bridgers, the fray, coldplay, olivia rodrigo, billie eilish, boygenius, gracie abrams, sufjan stevens, maya hawke, the smiths, lucy dacus, julien baker, the smiths, sleeping at last, mitski, bo burnham, chappell roan, lorde, the revivalists, hozier, the head and the heart, mumford and sons, the revivalists, adrianne lender
i mostly post about whatever hyperfixation and/or character/person/ship has overtaken my brain, music and analysis things
i appreciate tone tags and i try to use them as much as possible
i’m always looking to talk to more people and i’m always bored (don’t be weird istg)
my fav books are any alice oseman book, the outsiders, the perks of being a wallflower, i fell in love with hope
child of athena (i think, idk how to actually figure it out)
i’m probably a reggie kin?? but it also changes with my varying mental state so i just say i’m marauders soup
biggest pandalily shipper you’ll find
i love love love making character analysis’ or song or movie or tv show or books or ships or whatever
i also write sometimes!! (i suck ass)
and i’m person4924 on ao3 but i can’t figure out how to link it
this is my spotify (my character playlists are my pride and joy and reason for living. i also have the best music taste you will ever encounter.)
this is my discord
this is my airbuds idk if anyone actually uses it but i thought it’d be fun to share music with mooties
please please please send me asks i have no hobbies and one friend and im always bored please please please (im on my hands and knees begging please please please (@iluvmultipleppl needs it to be known im only on my knees for them /j (they called me a whore and told me to fix it 😔)))
i have a tagging system!! idk how much ill remember to use it but yeah!! (its also new so only my new posts will have them) #sam shut the fuck up -> any original posts that don’t fit in any of the other tags #asks!!! -> asks #crazy? i was crazy once -> just any kinda longer fandom rants that i think are important sam sings :O -> lyric/music rants!!
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charmandabear · 4 days
🌸People I'd Like to Know Better🌸
Thank you for the tags @nyx-knox and @pursuitseternal
Last song: "First Time" by Hozier (just working my way through Unreal Unearth: Unaired for the hundredth time)
Favorite Color: shutthefuckuppursuits mine is also cerulean. Or the color trio of cerulean, hot pink, and bright purple.
Currently Watching: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and MasterChef, but we also need to get back to the most recent seasons of The Bear and Shogun.
Last Movie: I don't really watch movies, I think the last one I saw in theaters was the Barbie movie. I watch way more long form video essays though, and I think the most recent one was Sarah Z's Dear Evan Hansen video
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet first always, spicy/savory depends on my mood
Current Obsession: Astarion/BG3 and Fields of Mistria, although I need to get back to both games. All I've been doing lately is working on Office Hours. Does that count? Being obsessed with my own fic? 😶 (If it helps, I'm almost done with my first pass of the rewrite and so I should start releasing it soon-ish.)
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(Can you tell I have a type?)
Last Thing I Googled: "distance between Cedar City and Salt Lake City" because I wanted to know if I worked with Utah Shakes over the summer, how close I'd be to my spouse's best friend. Not very close, it turns out lol
Some absolutely no pressure tags: @marlowethebard @astarionancuntnin @lakefu @keekie @makkuromurasaki
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countrysidefaggot · 11 months
made a zolu playlist that lulls me to sleep every night (real) i wanted the music to sound soft, like we're floating on the sea. with sometimes moments lost in the night & sometimes brighter in the day and of course the lyrics all express how i see their relationship at different moments yay + spotify link's in the title but for pple who don't like that, i wrote down the list its like 13 songs ✧
Piensa en mí (Luz Casal) ✧ Careless (FKA Twigs) ✧ Hypnotised (Years&Years) ✧ Tennessee Whiskey (Chris Stapleton) ✧ Thank You (Bonnie Raitt) ✧ Neptune (Sufjan Stevens) ✧ Beyond (Daft Punk) ✧ Sometimes I Cry (Chris Stapleton) (again) ✧ C'mon Baby Cry (Orville Peck) ✧ Sunlight (Hozier) ✧ This Feeling (Alabama Shakes) ✧ Can't Stop (Red Hots) ✧ Fragments of Time (Daft Punk)
read more is for if you wanna dig arnd my brain and understand why i picked each song ily have fun
Piensa en mí - Luz Casal the instruments feel so joyful and soft, her voice is Strong and kind of desperate + the imagery of the divine, and of accepting to die by your lover's hand, wanting to be there at any of their worst moments, not wanting to live w/o them. yeah
careless - FKA Twigs ft Daniel Caesar the music is a bit more low&quiet, this feels like reading zoro's heart to me, like the things he wouldn't say but feels so deeply. + 'you can be careless with me' with the softest tone ever, and the lyrics about trusting & being so infatuated that it just has to get out even if you don't know how or until when
Hypnotised - Years&Years the whole reason this playlist exists tbh. the ship imagery of course, 'surround me body and soul, pull me into your glow, make me blush' dare i say more. yes, i dare, 'unbound me (literal huh), spin me in gold. as the story unfolds in your touch'. the whole,, a boy who offers you life and takes you far away. mmh.
Tennessee Whiskey - Chris Stapleton so huh, alcohol imagery with a deep rough voice, right ? a strong feeling of zoro's chaotic cowboy-ish pseudo pirate hunter life before meeting luffy and how he would reflect on his life now. 'but when you poured out your heart i didn't waste it, cause there's nothing like your love to get me high' so sweet
Thank You - Bonnie Raitt i've always loved this song since i found it, it's so gentle. 'you came into my life, always like you knew, that time was runnin' out, oh i came runnin' home to you' // 'yeah i'm afraid they'll come and take away this precious dream of you' - speaks sm about trusting your love (i use love for partner/lover/whatever they are to each other thank u), fearing that death can take them from you, but still being thankful you met & shared this life in the first place.
Neptune - Sufjan Stevens (& others) (its long sorry) my apologies for i am queer and sad a lot, and this is very much about some type of religious comparison, it's bittersweet, but. it brings a feeling of peace, of : i need your love, no matter the shape, as long as it is there. 'so if you won't hold me, i have no objections. so if you won't please me, i make no commands. so if you don't trust me, it's best if i drown.' mmh. feeling me on this ? yes ? thank you
Beyond - Daft Punk this music, the drums and intro, reminds me so much of the anime's big brass focused & happy soundtrack, but it turns into a song about love. how pretty is that ? so pretty. 'it speaks of places never seen, your home's a promise long forgotten, it is the birthplace of your dreams.' i see this song as really the 'beyond love, come alive' of their relationship and how they exist together with the crew, on the ship, in their adventures. it's an understanding, a promise, a dream.
Sometimes I Cry - Chris Stapleton i'm such a fan of this man how is his voice so full of deep emotions, he sings through my soul. this is very much the separation in different islands arc for me, it reeks of loneliness and the more it goes on you can feel the mask of being strong slipping into accepting fully the misery. lovely.
C'mon Baby, Cry - Orville Peck yeah, lots of cowboys, i know. but this one's Different. i love the cheerfullness of it, i feel like it's really about two boys who get each other and one of them wants to help this time. this is more luffy's side of the cowboyness of this playlist in my head, but it cld be either way. the 'i got an hour or so' bit always makes me laugh, it's kind of funny like 'i love you, show me your pain, i'll nurse for a while, then we move.'
Sunlight - Hozier huh stole this one from someone who recced it on tumblr dot com thank you friend you're so real for this choice. there's smthg abt the choir that just gives you that extreme intense feeling of rising above or fighting. the sun metaphor this playlist lacked, from light to flames to pain to death to falling into the sea. ah, beautiful.
This Feeling - Alabama Shakes might as well come out and say this but softly strung guitars are a very zoro&luffy's sound to me, a quiet texture that flows so smoothly you know. i see this song as kind of a look into luffy's heart, of being afraid of being left alone, or having spent a long time alone. it feels simple, going from a hard time to a good time to a fun time, like someone full of trust&love for life wrote this i can feel it. and it's very protective too, you shouldn't take this feeling from him, it's his. his happiness and (to me, in this pl) the quiet understanding of his feelings for his first mate.
Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers happy bright sonnng i didn't lie. 'this punk, the feelin' that you stay for. in time, i want to be your best friend' // 'the world i love, the tears i drop, to be part of the wave, can't stop.' lalala i love this song it's so huge and fast paced, it gives me luffy-brain with zoro running behind and living through the entire world
Fragments of Time - Daft Punk ft Todd Edwards such a cosy nostalgic feeling 'our only plan is to improvise, and its crystal clear that i don't ever want it to end.', such a kind adventure driven song about loving every day and the memories you make with pple you love
anywaysss thats it for now maybe ill add more when i come across a song i feel fits bye thank you have cool day
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myrsinemezzo · 28 days
Writing Interview Tag Game!
Thank you so much @klynnvakarian for the tag!
About Me:
When did you start writing?
I've written academic stuff for years, but I didn't start writing fiction until I was ...37 ?!? I didn't think I had it in me but now it's just flooding out.
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Yes indeed. I honestly love a good dose of dead dove and tension in general, but my god I cannot write it for the life of me. I try and I just can't write truly horrific psychological or physical things. Some of my fics have skirted the edges, but that's the best I can do. I leave that to amazing writers like @bad-surprise who wrote one of my favorite ever fics, the complex "the shark in your water" and vuas whose fics are just scrumptiously disturbing or @thecoziestbean with "meet me at the edge" with its tense atmosphere.
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
I would love to emulate Robin McKinley whose intimacy and description and interiority really influenced me growing up. I don't think I'm there yet, but I like to experiment with fic style, so maybe someday.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I love to write anywhere and everywhere in my house and outside at work. I write and edit both on my phone on the Dabble writing platform (which I highly recommend) and on my laptop since seeing the words in different layouts helps me catch things I might have missed.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Gotta be music. I put on a single track for an hour or two (or three) and get plunged into a state with all that repetition that lets me be incredibly focused. Hozier is so good for that as well as boygenius, Florence + the Machine, and Taylor Swift for me. Poor Mr. Mezzo, basically. I run songs into the ground!
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so do they surprise you?
I don't think I have enough self-awareness to pick them out myself haha although I do have to watch out for phrases I tend to repeat like "no small amount of X" or things like that. I also lean into smut. A lot. Maybe too much? Maybe just right? Who can say.
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
I love writing Elrond. I never expected it, but he's such a canny character that I'm really enjoying my current chapter of my Rings of Power canon fic now that he's turned up to have battles of words with Sauron.
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Arondir and Bronwyn would be my besties, I think.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I don't honestly know! Probably the way I've written Galadriel's mother Eärwen in past fics. I worked out a lot of parental traumas in those where she's just... awful.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
My main characters never look where they leap in my fics. Sometimes that's because they're brave and sometimes that's because they run headlong "like a colt in full gallop" in Galadriel's case ;) I also can't stay away from Enemiese to Lovers. Ever.
How do you picture your characters?
I can visualize clothes and physical traits and thought patterns in my characters more than facial features. There's just vague actor-ish facial features, but mostly just hair color to distinguish them.
My Writing:
What’s your reason for writing?
I've always loved to fall into different worlds with reading. It's not so different with writing. There's a real joy in stepping out of my own life to have adventures and grand love affairs.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
I love getting the phrase "Second kudos" and just a string of hearts. It always makes me smile. Long comments deconstructing and analyzing what happens are lovely too, of course. Comments are wonderful, but they also don't motivate me as much as the sheer love of seeing characters talk to each other in my head in some ways, though.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I'd love to be an escape outlet for my readers as much as my fellow writer friends are to me and all the other reading I do.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think it's (maybe) the stubbornness in coming back to writing every time I fall off the horse and feel like I'll never write again when it's been a week or two. I know so many of us writers feel that feeling.
Have you been told what is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
I'm not sure, and I should keep track with gathering up kind comments to go back to look at, but maybe smut? lol. Or modern AU cute vibes in my farmers market and musician fics. My beloved Mr. Mezzo read one of my fics recently for the first time and said "It was like I could hear you reading it to me" so maybe a storytelling quality.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I am always pleasantly surprised when I go back and reread my own work. Even back in the beginning, I had tones of voice for characters that were what I wanted to get across.
When you write are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
Not really influenced by others except when I'm feeling unsure like when I started Across That Fine Line and felt insecure about lore and such. I took requests in some ways then, although it turned out alright in the end and I don't do that as much now with letting reader comments shape things. Still, @stitchingatthecircuitboard made a comment on that fic recently and it changed the vibe of a few chapters a Ton, so maybe I'm a liar haha. But seriously, sometimes readers wondering where it will go can spark a new idea, and that's lovely.
Thanks again for the tag @klynnvakarian and I'm going to tag @thecoziestbean, @bad-surprise, @stitchingatthecircuitboard, @softlighter, and @thrillofhope because I would love to hear your thoughts on writing. No pressure at all, though, since writing is such an intimate act!
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"Another! Another!" Is what my brain sounds like the moment I finish a fic. I only started reading fanfiction this year 🫣 so I still feel new but the amount of fics I've read begs to differ.
Eternally Consistent by kitsunealyc
Main Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Type: Post Hogwarts - Not Epilogue compliant - Bodyguard ish - Enimies to Lovers
Spice: 7/10 (I don't think it's a lot but definitely spice present)
Word Count: 44,536
POV: Alternating Harry/Draco
My Summary:
Draco can't stand Harry, even if he does look rather fit. Harry can't stand Draco, at least when he is being a git. That all starts to change when Harry shows up at Dracos' door injured and needing help. These two will have to figure out their feelings if they are ever to figure out what strange things are happening with time.
My Thoughts:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again I LOVE alternating POVs, haha. I think I just like seeing both peoples perspectives and thoughts it makes me feel like I'm really watching the two mains fall in love. In this case, we get draco up front and then a LOT of Harry, which is great. we love it, and I really think this author really used it as a tool for storytelling. There is a moment where we think we understand the whole story, and then it switches back to Draco, and we just get more information, and it really shows the power of perspective.
I don't think this Draco is my favorite, but I think he is very in character; but honestly, I still love our strong, sassy, take no shit, slytherin. Harry is very much a golden retriever in this, I love it when he is unrepentant about who he loves. Their dynamic once it starts is a lot of fun, and I feel like we can see that for them, it was about putting aside their differences before they could truly fall in love.
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pastafossa · 2 years
i’m curious and idk if you’ve answered something like this before but what type of music do you think matt and jane like, both individually or maybe what they’re introduced each other too etc etc
ok so I've been thinking about this since it came in but haven't had time until now BUT
Matt first! Matt mentions in S2 at the gala that he likes to listen to 90s Top 40. This includes a shit ton of good stuff - you've got everyone from Whitney Houston and Elton John to Nirvana and Green Day (no way teenage Matt didn't have a Green Day period). On top of that, in the comics iirc he mentions enjoying Jazz, and I know Charlie's been asked the same question and said he imagined Matt would like listening to classical (if I was building on that last one along with Matt's stated fondness for 90s top 40, I'd say he'd especially enjoy, say, an artist like David Garrett who frequently does rock covers with his violin). I could pick just one of those to lean into as to what Matt likes, but I don't think I need to. I think it's far more likely that Matt's a blend of musical tastes, because with his heightened senses, there'd be different things to appreciate with each. And while I do think there are songs and sounds he finds unpleasant, I think he can swing around pretty easily between genres. I see him listening to a fair amount of 90s/2000s rock (tends to drown the world out, and the rebellious streak in him probably takes some pleasure in enjoying what he might have been told was 'worldly listening' by nuns). But I also see him as enjoying a fair amount of softer classical songs or pop and folk (easier on his ears, or nice for dates as we know), as well as jazz (relaxing). This is great for Jane, because it means Matt would have an excellent talent for pulling out old hits she only vaguely remembers listening to but really enjoyed, and also for following her on whatever musical journey she takes - he'd also be a little more up to date on music than her, so he'd probably introduce her to some new(ish) alt artists, softer sounds usually - Jaymes Young, some of Hozier's newer stuff, songs he thinks she'll connect to.
Sweet moment: somewhere lost in the mountain of asks in my box I vaguely remember someone saying they could see Matt liking to play Jane love songs to see if he could get her to sing them later, like she was singing to him. And I love this and agree with it. Especially on bad and broken, self-loathing days, cause he needs love on those days, wants to hear Jane hum or quietly sing the words, because then it's like she's singing all that love to him. And once she figures out that's what he's doing, she makes a point of doing it more often, even putting on the songs herself and mumbling them quietly as he lays with his head on her chest, her fingers in his hair.
Jane next. I had to think about this for a while (and as always, as musical preferences are VERY personal, ya'll are free to disregard this). I can tell you that while she's ok with classical now and can even enjoy it sometimes (first date), she had to work at that one with Ciro since there was a lot of classical played 'for brain development' while she was at White Coat's facility. Outside that though, she wasn't sure what she liked when she first came out. She tried a lot of things with Ciro and Eli and Sophia, much like she did with food, hunting for what she enjoyed. I think, at least initially, a lot of the music she heard - classical, pop, jazz, country, ballads, Disney even - was too... gentle. Cause this poor kid? She was angry. She felt awkward, out of place. She still felt trapped by nightmares and PTSD, and wanted to feel free, to shout, to revel in something that wasn't slow and measured and soft, something that seemed to acknowledge the pain of what she'd went through. But you know what channeled those feelings really well? Fucking punk rock. And if we assume she's close to Matt's age, then at 16 she was freed at the right time to roll right into Green Day, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance. I think she vibed hard with that genre during those few years with Ciro before going on the run again, and it's something she'll always have a fondness for even if she's now expanded her tastes - because ultimately I think, with where she's at now, she's become a bit of a racoon. She'd delight in listening to artists across multiple genres based solely on some random quirk or line or chorus that stuck in her head, just because she can. Which means Matt's just as likely to come home to Jane howling along to a nostalgic punk rock song as he is to her blasting some random Broadway tune she heard in a cab (no one is immune to Lin Manuel) or a Taylor Swift song on loop because this sounds like us, Matt, what the fuck, have you heard this?
Funny moment: needless to say she is not prepared for Dance Dance to be her song of the evening as Matt walks through the door one night - she freezes, wondering if this is going to be an Ow My Ears song.
At least until he throws out, 'I'm two quarters and a heart down' and tosses his cane as her eyes light up and he grins-
-then the chorus hits and they both fucking rock.
They both wind up collapsed on the floor giggling. And that's when she is reminded that, yet again, Matt is the perfect man to go with her wherever her music journey takes her.
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aconfusedkitten · 8 months
Me again with more ask game questions! Let’s try 13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
hi hi hi!
i cannot write without music, i just can't do it. the type of music is all over the place, though! sometimes its acoustic or folk-ish things (the amazing devil, crane wives, hozier) and others its pop-punk or rock (set it off, all time low, fall out boy), and it just depends on my mood. i do have a few fandom playlists -- which i'd happily share -- on rotation, too.
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drawnecromancy · 2 years
14, 11, and 19?
14. Any favorite motifs
Threes. A lot of things come in threes in my work, at least at the beginning. Sometimes they get reworked into other things ? But hey. Generally it's motifs of Magic, Justice, and Murder. Examples : Mark, Ava, Val*. [REDACTED], [REDACTED], the Emperor. The Scarred, the Shade, the Doomed One. The Arcanist, the Knight, the Empress. I have... a lot of these lmao
I also know exactly where that came from : an old old TTRPG campaign where we were 3 players. we had an assassin (Grim), a spellsword (Luki, my character), and an asshole (Eldraz). He was some kind of modified paladin i don't remember he ended up becoming a demon. I think his character concept was nice but the thought of this guy now nauseates me bc of his player (my asshole ex) lmfao. there's a reason the archetype i got from him was murder actually, while the assassin, weirdly enough, is justice. She was good ok. But yeah this campaign happened during formative years and now i do a lot of things in threes. Even if the third one is often a murderous bitch.
Light/Dark also. Often with dark-types playing the good guys and light-types being evil. Sometimes they're both good ! Sometimes dark is classically evil. Like : Dawn/Dusk (evil/good), Kaldan/Nyhm (good/evil-ish), the Guardians of Aeteris/the Hunters (evil/good)...
*If someone who hasn't read all the spoilers i post sometimes about break of dawn i'd love for y'all to figure out why Ava is justice and Val is murder !
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Shisheyu or Mister MV playing The Binding of Isaac
This playlist (no i do not only listen to it when working on break of dawn lol)
This playlist (i also do not only listen to it when working on eshda stuff)
Sometimes i just put everything that's in my computer on shuffle, so you get Hozier, Arch Enemy, Metallica, several video game OSTs, an assortment of music i stole from my friends' TTRPG playlists......... the list goes on !
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Hm. Hmmmm. I don't draw a lot of inanimate objects ? I like... capes and swords, mostly, I think. Sometimes i do enjoy sketching a good rock.
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smytherines · 2 months
8. what musical artist have you felt more connected to over your life?
17. would you say your tumblr is a good representation of "the real you"
22. top 5 things you spend the most time doing
8. I have the say The Beatles and especially George Harrison, because they/he was a big huge hyperfixation for me for a few years. Pink Floyd and Queen were also pretty huge for me. Joni Mitchell, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone (I've always loved music that is way older than I am, I don't know why)
More contemporary-ish stuff would be the bands Flobots (the video for Handlebars makes me sob with curtwen feelings) and Blue Scholars, the Flaming Lips (spent a few years traveling across the country to go to their shows). Weirdly I had kind of fallen out of love with listening to music for a while there (especially after I stopped being able to play guitar), until I got really into Spies. Now every song has the potential to make me cry about the Spies, and its opening me up to music again, and I'm particularly connecting with Hozier and Florence +The Machine
Yes and no. I mean, I'm very aware that most of the people in the fandom are minors so I try to edit myself accordingly. like I'm naturally a very lovey kind of huge expressions of platonic love and hugs type of person, very frank about things like sex and politics. I'm sometimes too friendly for my own good, like to the point it has put me in bad situations before, and I've been told I come off as flirting with people when I'm genuinely just trying to be polite or enthusiastic, so I try to avoid the discord or games where you gush about your mutuals so I don't accidentally come off weird or anything, which I hope doesn't make me seem like an asshole. It's just my job to set boundaries.
But at the same time I am autistic and hyperfixated on Spies, so in some ways my tumblr is my most authentic self in that I am genuinely just constantly thinking about my hyperfixation?
I already answered 22 for a different ask and I don't have the patience to go find it lmao
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omgkalyppso · 3 months
Best song and band / artist you've heard all week? Movie or tv show you'd recommend? Favorite horror movie, if you're into those? :3c
Thank you for the ask! 🥰
Best song and band / artist you've heard all week?
I usually get in A Mood and loop particular albums for a period of [nebulous: days. weeks. months?]. My looping albums this current bout of insanity are:
All Born Screaming by St. Vincent
Unreal Earth by Hozier
High As Hope by Florence + The Machine
The Age of Pleasure by Janelle Monáe
Electric Honey by Tanerélle
Starboy by The Weeknd (though this is a playlist so I can take La/na D/el Re/y out of the rotation)
Making Memories by Karan Aujla (idk if this one counts, it's been in my rotation since it came out)
Movie or tv show you'd recommend?
Recently (ish) rewatched HB/O's Rome. Still enjoyed it a lot, standard warnings for sex and violence, inc/est, etc. in this type of media.
I'm always an episode or so behind on Dungeon Meshi but it's been a fun anime. Warnings for violence, character deaths (some temporary, some permanent), body horror, etc. (?)
A friend and I might try to watch / rewatch Fringe soon. I enjoyed it when it was airing but never saw the last season (and heard it was disappointing), but we'll see. Multiple-reality science fiction kind of monster of the week type thing that definitely has inspiration from x-files.
Favorite horror movie, if you're into those?
I am! Many styles of horror movie to choose from. I am not going to bother mentioning cw's for these ... because I'll forget something.
One you probably haven't seen that is one of my favorites is the original Thai version of Shutter (2004). There's a white person english equivalent, but I haven't seen it, there's absolutely no way it holds up. Okay but I guess I'll say that I do remember sexual violence, coercion, character death, mishandling of remains, and other stuff...
Evil Dead II needs a mention.
His House and The Ritual from n/etflix were also good.
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ao3feed-obikin · 8 months
When You Move I Move
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53097805 by Anonymous That’s the thing about Padma and Anakin: they talk. Oftentimes, whispering when they believe no one can hear them. Other times, in the privacy of their quarters, they loudly converse. They discuss everything and anything—from the state of the Republic to the waters of Naboo. And they talk, and they talk, and they talk… Obi-Wan and Anakin do as well, to a certain extent. They speak over shared meals of rations and during precious idle time. The difference is that Obi-Wan and Anakin do not need to talk, as Anakin and Padmae do. They understand each other by the whoosh of a robe, the curve in an eyebrow, or the map of an idle, restless hand. Obviously, their most powerful asset in this is the Force. Anakin's supernova of emotions bleeds almost involuntarily into Obi-Wan’s Force signature, even with the best of shielding. However, even without their bond to rely upon, they communicate with a flick of the eyelash or a tense shoulder. Their silence leaves room for easy communication, for something far, far beyond words.   Or, a string of one-shots on how Obi-Wan and Anakin communicate without talking. Words: 6549, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: obikin endgame, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker Has Issues, idk what exactly, but he's got them, Back ground Anidala, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Related, Don't copy to another site, Romance, THAT ISN'T A FOOT FETISH SENCE YOU FREAKS, IT'S JUST NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY, Non-Sexual Intimacy, yes the title is a hozier lyric, I'm just a girl, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Infinite Sadness, He's got low self-esteem under all that composure, Anakin Skywalker is the Chosen One, He's the Son of the Force, so basically a demi-god?, Demigod Anakin Skywalker, -Ish, I use that lightly, no beta we die like thunderous applause, Clone Wars era, I'm under the impression you don't need canon context if you try hard enough, long chapters, Force Bond (Star Wars), Author has no idea what's going on, synchronization, obikin, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Hurt Anakin Skywalker, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Love, Tenderness, Bathing/Washing, Canon Disabled Character, The Force Is Weird (Star Wars), That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi has synesthesia, Anakin has synesthesia too, that's how the force works apparently, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Relationship Study, Pre-Relationship, Developing Relationship, but they think it's, Unrequited Love read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53097805
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gotjacobian · 1 year
Songs I'm Currently Listening to #4: Eschaton Wing Special
I spent the last ~month playing in a mech anime inspired LARP, so most of the songs I currently have on rotation are about that. I figured I'd group them altogether. (If you're one of the people who followed me because of the Yaoi on Fire thing, hi! Sorry you're gonna have no clue what this is, but the music is great either way.)
Now I am an Arsonist by Jonathan Coulton - I was playing a mech in the game.  (Or, specifically, there was a mech pilot who died in that mech 20 years ago.  At the start of game, he  “wakes up” with his consciousness *in* the mech, as its AI/equivalent. I was playing that guy! ) This was collectively decided to be a My Character song by other people once his whole deal was made public. I had never heard it before, but yeah!  Eat Your Young (Bekon's Choral Version) by Hozier - Only teenagers/young adults can pilot the mechs. Bad things tend to happen to them when they do that (see above!) But also, if they don't pilot the mechs and fight space monsters, people will die. This was from a playlist some players made about exactly how Fucked Up that is. The song has impeccable vibes and really got to me about the sheer degree of fucked-up-edness
Am I Awake by They Might Be GIants - Pre-game, mech dude is kinda aware, but has no clue what’s happened to him and is totally unable to contact anyone else. For years. This title is also, totally unintentionally, a relevant pun in the context of secret game information.
The Lift by Kevin Macleod - Another player asked us to select a royalty-free song for each of our characters. I picked this one because of the mournful melody weaving in and out of the dramatic electronic track. It gave me very strong "ghost in the machine" vibes. Black Pear Tree by The Mountain Goats - My character got to think a lot about systems where opting out means letting someone else get hurt in your place. But where not opting out is committing to more sacrifice, forever, because the system sustains itself on the love and kindness and selflessness of people willing to make sacrifices. Like: Sometimes you die to protect others, and then you come back, and people still need protecting, and the people who survived are still asking you to put your life on the line for it. Because you're still the only one who can. Can you even say no?
Rule #4 - Fish in a Birdcage by Fish in a Birdcage - Being the consciousness of a human person suddenly in the mech was not a great experience for this guy! The mechs can't move, or sometimes even access all their sensors, when not being piloted. This song seemed apropos.
Chains by Radical Face - Halfway through game, my character thought he was going to like, double-die, so he goes to have a last conversation with a few other characters, particularly the other pilots he knew before he died the first time. The last line in these conversations (hand-selected and specifically deployed to cause emotional ruin) was “I loved being your friend.” And then like a week later, spotify shows me this song out of nowhere and *I* get emotionally ruined about it.
Glowing by The Oh Hellos - This is about the end of game to me. I don't think I can explain why, succinctly, but you might be interested to know this has also been an "end-ish of Tailslide" song in my mind for years now. To me, it's a song about when you've made your choices and have to live with them, - but putting in so much to earn those choices shows you what you're a part of, for just a second.
Playlist with even more songs below, but I'm tired of typing now:
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