#hug your friends
reblog to HUG your friends. it is very important that you HUG your friends
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humansof · 2 years
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touch-starved-lurker · 4 months
LET ME JUST PREFACE THIS WITH SAYING THAT I HAVE DONE AWFUL, HORRIBLE, DISGUSTING, SHITTY THINGS IN THE PAST. I HAVE TO FIGHT MY DEMONS CONSTANTLY & THEY WIN, A LOT. you need to forgive yourself. you have to try. you're the only one who truly knows all your faults, all your sins, all your poisons and vices. and you're the only one who has to live with you, inside your head. shame and guilt and self-hate won't get you very far in terms of improving yourself and doing better mentally. only forgiving yourself and loving yourself can do that. im not there yet, probably never really will be. but im gonna pick up my sword and fight my demons. reader, whoever and wherever and whenever and whatever you are, i love you and i hope that you can do okay. i hope that you can learn to live with yourself and thrive despite everything. you deserve it. <33
@atropus-belladonna @asweeettranssoul @soda-shark @gently-decaying-flowers @shortgaything @catholickedd and @ all my mutuals and followers and anyone who may see this.
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hyprunivers · 4 months
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This is my new best friend and I love him and he loves to hug
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wiiildflowerrr · 7 months
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safetyswft: calum said don't forget to hug ur guitarists 💜 
1 October 2023
Posted with artist's permission. Please do not repost.
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troblsomtwins829 · 8 months
This is mostly a reminder to myself, but also a PSA for anyone who needs it:
It's good to listen to your body when you start feeling off. Sometimes it isn't obvious what you need, and it's hard to pay attention, but there is so much benefit to being able to translate the random chemical signals your brain is sending you into actual tangible needs.
You don't always feel hungry when you need to eat.
You don't always feel tired when you need to sleep.
Sometimes you want salt when you need sugar.
Sometimes you want sugar when you need water.
And sometimes, like the case with me today, you feel trapped when you need human contact.
I was feeling really prickly all day at work and then finally I stopped and went "Okay, brain. wtf do you actually need right now?" My skin felt tight and loose and ragged; and my brain was telling me to get away be alone until the feeling passed, but I already knew that wasn't going to work, because I'd been alone most of the day and it only compounded the issue.
So I'm like...okay, what are my basic needs that haven't been met?
Food? Check. Water? Check. Sleep? Lacking, but that was my own fault. Human contact? I saw my friend the other day.
"Yeah, but did you hug?"
And then it clicked.
I'd spent the entire day yesterday being prickly and lonely and wrapped in a blanket burrito because I wanted to be hugged by a human, and my brain did not want my furbabies for some reason. So I'm starting to think about what I need to do to make this happen, to meet this basic need and my coworkers start entering the room. One of them, I'm actually pretty good friends with!
So you know what I did?
I walked right up to them and asked "Coworker, can I have a hug?"
It was the best damn hug.
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dreaming-in-seams · 4 months
What I learned from 2023:
(Personal thoughts below the cut 💙)
This past year sucked for a lot of reasons. The world seems to be falling apart at the seams. I had some rocky times with family. There was sickness, death, mental illness, depression, financial hardship.
I also got to meet one of my best friends in person for the first time ( @sofwa-fitzzherbert ) and it was absolutely amazing. I got to work on some incredible costumes for shows in San Francisco, a literal dream come true. I got ENGAGED to the love of my life and the person that makes me believe in soulmates. We moved to a new STATE and are building our LIFE together.
This year, for all the heartache it brought, was still one of the best of my life in the last 10 years. I reached the end of it happy with who i am and bursting with love for my family and friends.
2023 taught me that loving and taking care of the people in your life is all that matters in this screwed up world. At the end of it all, if I have loved and been loved then I have lived a full life. And this year has spilled over with love. For the first time in a very long while, I am excited to start the new year. Because no matter what, I have love.
Happy new year everyone. Sending a huge choking smothering hug across the internet. I hope your next year is filled with love ❤️
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clownishcliche · 9 days
was just designing a character sheet for one of my fantrolls while listening to music and a song came on and I started sobbing bc it reminded me of some lost loved ones.
so as cliche as this sounds. Love the people you have while you have them. Have a nice rest of your night, God bless.
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jamietheangel · 2 months
Alright, one more hug
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emlaux · 2 months
So big / so small || vent
In 2009 me and my family (mom & dad) was in a car crash, i was around 3 and a half.
I didn't get Wounded at all luckily enough, and my dad broke some ribs and hurt his shoulder, but my mom hit her head against the window when the orange car crashed into us, sending her into a coma for 1 month.
During this time me and dad didn't know if she'd ever wake up. But i was just a kid and didn't understand why my mom didn't come come, hence why i said "shh mom is sleeping" when i saw her for the first time efter the accident.
She woke up after 1 month and stayed in the hospital around 3 months, re-learning how to walk, swim, and to help her balance. Today she lives with a brain injury, it doesn't change her in any way, she only gets mad a little bit easier and forget smaller things a little bit easier, but honestly it gets better and better with each day and i'm so happy that she, and the whole family made it out alive and well in the end.
The guy that crashed into us did sadly not go to jail, and my parents didn't want to face him at the time so nothing was done about him, which pissees me off today.
But either way, things did end up well in the end and i'll forever be thankful for that. The photo at the end is a picture taken by the police after the accident.
Take this as a reminder that you never know when your last day with your parents will be, an accident can happen Anywhere at any time, so please hug your loved ones for me <3
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totallyboatless · 5 months
I'm with everyone in feeling a warm joy seeing actors being friends in real life, and I think a lot of that stems from us being like "wow those people are so cool! They must have such a good time hanging out together!" And there can be a kind of fomo/jealousy that coincides with that.
But your friendships are just as cool! The core difference is that there aren't a horde of people who understand and love your friends from the outside. But when you invite friends over to hang out, or hang out online, or send memes to someone you love--that's just how famous people feel with the people they love.
In the end, it's just loving each other! The real tragedy is that the wider world doesn't get to see and love the people we love. But your friendships deserves to be cherished just as much as famous friendship! You're just as cool!
I love my friends!
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pangolin-finn · 4 months
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touch-starved-lurker · 4 months
in my worrying about my mutuals era
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agrownupgeekgirl · 6 months
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wiiildflowerrr · 7 months
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@5SOS: Before show hugs hahahahahahaha stop
28 September 2013
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zoezoake · 2 years
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This is me and my hooman 😼😸😻
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