#hulk x y/n
strawwritesfic · 2 years
Bruce Banner x Female!Reader: Wine
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Summary: Bruce’s kindness shouldn’t surprise you anymore, but it’s most touching when you least expect it. 
Rating/Tags: All (Post-Avengers (2012); pre-Avengers: Age of Ultron; not canon compliant; pregnancy announcement; pregnant!reader; Pepper & Reader; Tony & Bruce; Pepper & Tony & Bruce & Reader; Tony/Pepper; fluff)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
You didn’t feel nervous until you found yourself checking the table for the fifteenth time that night. Nothing had changed: the food was still warm, the ice mostly un-melted, the napkins perfectly arranged. There was absolutely nothing more you could do until Bruce got home. That was a problem. You no longer had anything to distract you from your thoughts–and your thoughts were not of the comforting sort.
That night could have been the night that everything good about your life came crashing down around your ears. Your life was constantly balancing on the edge of knife as it was, but now? Now it teetered on that knife edge, wildly back and forth, back and forth as you tried to convince yourself one minute that things would be fine and the next to prepare for the worst. 
The pacing from the kitchen to the dining room to the entrance hall wasn’t helping matters. On your eighteenth lap, you forced yourself into one of the empty chairs at the table and lifted your trembling hands to your eyes.
This was a high moment. You had to calm down. If you didn’t, he would know as soon as he walked in the door and the game would be up before it even started. Why were you so worried anyhow? You had been with Bruce for how long? Even the Hulk was used to you, trying nothing worse than enthusiastic cuddling whenever he appeared. 
Still, you would hate to be the cause of Bruce losing control like that. He would be so disappointed in himself, not to mention disappointed in you. Exhaling did nothing to relieve the pressure in your chest. You tried Bruce’s breathing exercises, too, but those helped less. They only made you think of Bruce, of how it was nearly seven o’ clock and he should have been home by then, of how someone must have told him, of how he was either trying to figure out how best to break things off or already somewhere in a foreign country disappearing into the crowd. 
Just as your fear hit such a pitch that you were seriously considering finding yourself a paper bag to breathe into, your phone beeped.
You rocketed up from where you had had your head between your knees. Your phone remained in the kitchen, but you moved so quickly that that hardly mattered. It was a good thing it was just a text and not a call; by then, you were shaking so hard that you wouldn’t have been able to hold the phone up to your ear. Good news, though-no, maybe bad?-it wasn’t Bruce’s name that popped up next to the message notification. It was Pepper’s.
Is he home yet?
For a moment, you were incapable of answering, mostly afraid of what she would say when you answered. Pepper was the one person you had trusted with the secret, way back at nine o’ clock that morning, when you were excited rather than terrified out of your mind. 
Maybe you should have accepted her offer to spend the rest of the morning at the tower. You had declined at the time because you didn’t think Bruce would want to get the news over lunch with Pepper and Tony. Unfortunately, this had only given you the quiet time in which to recall every single fear Bruce had ever admitted to having in regards to this very situation.
No, you confessed at last.
Luckily, Pepper wouldn’t be able to read the misery in that single word. If she’d called, she would have had to listen to you struggle not to cry. 
Maybe mood-reading was her superpower, though, because it took less than two seconds before she sent back an attempt at encouragement: I went up there twenty minutes ago and told Tony it was getting late and Bruce had to go home. He’ll be there any minute.
I hope you’re right.
I’m always right. Ask Tony. He whined about letting his friend go home, but he's going to kick himself when he finds out what he was keeping Bruce from.
Oh, God. You could just imagine Tony being more excited than Bruce. Talking things up. Pressuring Bruce to do what Tony wanted. In Tony Stark’s opinion, this would probably be the best thing to happen to Bruce since the Hulk. Oh, God.
Pepper, your fingers rattled off, maybe I shouldn’t–
Someone opened the front door. Someone? Who were you kidding? Only two other people had keys to the house, and one was the woman you were in the middle of texting. Your brain didn’t seem to be functioning as well as usual that night. The phone slipped from your hands as you gasped–and Bruce heard. You could tell by the concern in his greeting:
“I’m fine!” you shouted back. Crap. Was everything ready? Drinks, food, stupid romantic candles? Of course it was. It had all been ready for the past thirty minutes. “I’m fine! I’m coming!” 
A quick check of your reflection in the refrigerator door to make sure your hair looked passable (barely), and then you rushed out to meet him. Apparently you took too long; Bruce was already making his way to you when you left the kitchen. When he saw the table, he came to a complete stop. Silence rang through the house. 
He knows, you thought desperately. 
Bruce wasn’t stupid. Neither was Tony Stark. Pepper wouldn’t tell, but one of them had figured it out and spilled the beans. Slowly Bruce’s eyes roved around the room, then found your face.
“What’s all this, then?” he asked.
“Pepper didn’t…” you swallowed roughly. “Pepper didn’t say anything?”
“No. She just came up around six-fifteen and said it was about time Tony came down and actually ate something, and I should go home and eat, too, while we were at it. Why? Did I forget something? It’s not our anniversary.”
“No.” You laughed with a little genuine relief. Trust Bruce to worry about missing an important date when you were the one that hardly remembered doctor’s appointments you scheduled the day before. “No, I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie, and Bruce swallowed your excuse kindly enough. He smiled in the dim candle lighting, walked over to your side of the table, and pulled out your chair. Normally this didn’t make you blush–at least not as much as it had when you’d first started dating him–but given what you were very close to telling him, his chivalry made you feel more uncomfortable than anything else. 
Once you were settled in, he sat down himself and began to spoon pasta onto his plate.
“So you got bored this evening, I take it?” he asked as he started to eat.
Butterflies filled your stomach so thoroughly that the thought of putting anything else inside you was enough to make you feel slightly sick. Still, you didn’t want Bruce to suspect, so you forced yourself to swallow several mouthfuls off lukewarm spaghetti before you answered:
“Sort of.” Bored was not the word you would have used, but you supposed it suited for the time being. “How was your day?”
“Long.” Bruce sighed, pushing some hair off his forehead. “While I know Tony’s good at AI, I’m not sure Project Ultron is the best idea, especially since he’s convinced it needs to be a rush job. With SHIELD gone and Steve and Natasha out of the country, I can see why, but we’ve still got Colonel Rhodes and Clint’s probably out there somewhere. It feels more like Tony’s trying to be the first with a solution instead of the person with the best solution.”
“And you told him this?”
“At least twenty-five times a day since he got started. You know Tony.”
You were starting to feel better now that you and Bruce were talking. The normalcy of it all put you enough at ease that you only grinned when he referenced the stubbornness of his friend. “Good thing I set out the wine.”
“Well, it’s not a bad thing.” 
Bruce, as far as anyone knew, couldn’t get drunk, but he still limited any form of alcoholic consumption just in case it weakened the hold he had on his big, green friend. Whatever he and Tony were up to lately must have been stressful, since Bruce immediately found the wine bottle and poured a finite amount into his glass. 
Then he stood slightly and reached toward you. “Here, let me–”
The word slipped out breathlessly. This had been the plan all along. You had known it would come down to this. Somehow, it stilled your nerves and made your voice catch at the same time. Bruce paused. How could he do anything else? You had no wine glass to fill.
“No?” he repeated. 
Maybe you should have set a glass at your plate after all, just to have made things less obvious. Bruce didn’t mean to pressure you to drink something, you were sure, but how could he not be slightly confused?
“No,” you said again, your voice still hushed. “No. I can’t…I can’t have any.”
His frown only deepened, forcing the worry lines on his forehead to deepen as well. “What do you mean you can’t have any…any…”
You could tell he understood without you having to explain any further. Bruce might have been able to control his emotions better than anyone on the entire planet. It was not as though he paled or his hands shook or he threw up, but still you could tell. Slowly, he sank back down into his chair, hand coming up once more to support his head.
“Don’t tell me you’re…” He did not seem to be able to force himself to say the word.
Your heart hammered in your chest, but you didn’t give up. You just nodded and stayed exactly where you were. “Pregnant,” you finished for him. “It’s yours.”
Bruce barked out a laugh that made you wince. It sounded like it hurt. “That wasn’t really a worry that came to mind, [Name].”
Your hands twitched where they had settled on your lap. So much for being so concerned with making sure dinner was still warm. You shut your eyes. No shaking. You could do this. He hadn’t left yet. This was already turning out better than most of the scenarios you had come up with over the course of the afternoon.
It took five agonizing minutes (you kept count on the clock hanging on the wall behind him), but finally Bruce took a deep breath and looked up. 
“Actually, I lied. That is a worry, it being mine. You know what happened when I gave blood for Jen. The baby will have more than a little of my blood. There’s no way it won’t…” he swallowed, “be like me.”
“I know.”
“You know.”
“I know. And I talked to Pepper about it earlier–just Pepper. She’s pretty sure she can get some equipment at the tower. We can keep an eye on things. Keep both of us safe.”
Bruce stared at you. You wanted more than anything to get up and go over to him, but the sudden movement might have caused him to flee. Instead, you just forced yourself to keep still–just like he had told you to when you first met the Hulk–and watch. 
“And you’re okay with that,” he said.
“I’m okay with that,” you confirmed. “I know we haven’t really talked about having kids much, but,” your shoulders lifted as you took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling, “I want to keep the baby. And I want to stay with you. If that’s okay with you, obviously.”
He didn’t say anything. You felt a prickle of tears in the backs of your eyes, but the position of your head helped you keep them inside. Having got this far without crying, you were loath to start now. You could keep it together. If Bruce had to go stay with Pepper and Tony for a few days to think things over, that was fine. Just so long as he came back. You wouldn’t make him stick around that night, and if he left, then you could cry.
Something soft touched the top of your head. “[Name].” 
Blinking wildly, you straightened and looked around to see Bruce standing right there. Maybe you were crazy, but it looked like he was holding back a smile. 
“Of course it’s okay. I’m not going to run off. It’s my kid. Everyone will know that as soon as it’s born. I’m not going to run off and leave you with a mini version of myself. I’m going to stay here. For both of you,” he said.
It was more than you expected, though it shouldn’t have been. Your responding smile was watery but wide. “You…sure?”
Bruce laughed, and this time it wasn’t all coarse and tight. He knelt in front of you, then, after a moment’s hesitation, placed his hand on your stomach. “I’m sure. I’ve always wanted a family. Never thought I’d get one. I’d have never asked you to do this, but,” he looked back up at you, “if you’re absolutely sure that you are willing to do this for me, then it’s okay.”
By then, you really were crying, but the tears were happy. You grabbed Bruce’s hand and gently worked your fingers between his. “For us,” you said, and thought maybe in that moment you saw tears in Bruce’s eyes, too.
“For us,” he repeated, squeezing your hand in return. “For us. I like that.”
Somewhere back in the kitchen, your phone practically erupted. It was probably Tony; Bruce kept his phone on silent at home so as to avoid Tony’s constant calls, and Pepper had likely broke the news to him by now. Neither you nor Bruce moved. Just this once, Tony and Pepper could wait. Just this once.
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screechcat · 11 months
Y/n looking around the common room, with all of the Avengers talking, playing board games, and watching movies.
They sigh in content, finally feeling relaxed and safe.
Sam: What are you so smiley about L/n?
Y/n hums: Just happy is all
The others glance around at each other and smile. Y/n had been pretty new. Coming from a bad background like most of them. This was the first time they said something like that.
Tony: I think this calls for an Avengers pile.
Y/n's eyes widen in horror.
Y/n: Dude, I said I was happy, not wanting death.
Thor: To late!
All of the Avengers pile onto the couch with Y/n effectively trapping them.
Y/n struggles and tries to get away.
Y/n: Guuuuuuysssss! Get offah me! This sucks!
Nat hums: Bull
The others murmur agreements.
Not too long after Y/n gives up and just lets it happen.
Y/n: ..... okay, maybe this is nice
Peter: I knew you loved us!
Y/n half asleep but still sarcastic as ever: Don't tell my teammates. It'll go to their heads.
They chuckle, and after a while, they all drift off to sleep.
It was a sight to see for Maria the next morning. The Earth's Mightest Heros and most skilled people in a giant pile on the couch happily sleeping.
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flowerwood122 · 5 days
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He's watching you being cute.
You had insisted on going and doing something fun, he can't say no to you, so of course you guys go to a carnival. You tell him that he can sit back and just watch because you know your old cranky man so well and he doesn't really like to do anything, but he will do it for you.
He's sitting back watching you as you try and win the biggest prize from one of the booths, and when you get denied it for the fifth time, you just leave. You're bummed but you just figure that today is just not your day. You tell Bucky that you're going to go and get something to eat, and he insists on staying where he was. When you returned, he had the biggest prize sat on his lap.
he literally destroyed the game (mostly on accident, but he didn't feel bad about it because they were literally scamming people and children)
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Side Sickness
Prompt: Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 900
Summary: after getting shot you have an odd reaction to the anaesthesia
TW: vomiting, medical drugs, getting shot (mentions), surgery
It was suppose to be a simple mission. But here you were lying on the bed in the medical wing of the compound, with a bullet in your leg. Bruce had said it was too deep to just remove so you were being prepped for surgery. you had asked Bruce to wait to tell your girls until he knew you would be fine, not wanting to worry them.
“ready y/n/n?” he asked.
you nodded, still in too much pain to talk. he placed the mask down on your face, instructing you to count back from ten. you had barely hit eight when the darkness took over.
It was about an hour later you started to come to. the first thing that registered in your very fuzzy brain was the feeling of fingers carding through your hair. long nails running over your scalp in a way that made you want to go back to sleep. two voices chatted lively before going silent. upon opening your eyes, the bright lights seemed to make you nauseous,. quickly you shut them again. but nat noticed.
“Y/n/n? you with us baby?” nat asked, and you felt the fingers stop to tease a small knot out of your hair. you merely groaned. making Wanda chuckle.
“mm don’t feel good.” you whined. nat frowned and Wanda made some motion with her hand that sent nat to get bruce.
a moment later you heard the footsteps return and bruce folding his glasses.
“Y/n? Natasha says you don’t feel good.” you nodded, swallowing the nausea that built with the dizziness of the action. “can you tell me where it hurts, i thought i got the dosage correct for the pain meds but maybe you lost some weight?”
“‘m not sick.” you whined. Making both girls frown, you only ever acted like this when you felt ill. Wanda noticed the shift in the pallor of your skin before nat or bruce, probably because she was closest. quickly she reached behind her to grab a sick bag as you threw up into it. one hand held the bag to your chin and the other ran circles on your back. you coughed spitting the foul taste into the bag before flopping back and placing an arm over your eyes.
“is that… is that suppose to happen?” nat asked as Wanda threw away the sick bag and grabbed another just in case.
“its not common but it can happen as a side effect of the anaesthesia . Keep an eye on her and if it happens again come get me. just a warning the drugs might make her a bit … loopy.”
“loopy how?” nat asked as bruce scurried away. “BRUCE LOOPY HOW?” she yelled, making you wince.
“headache bubs?” Wanda asked, going back to stroking back your hair.
“mmmm.” you agreed. “tell nat to make less wiggly air.”
“what?” Wanda asked.
“sound waves are just wiggly air and nattys being too loud, for the brain. ‘s makin’ it angry.” you slurred
“sorry baby.” nat sighed kissing your knuckles. Wanda waved her hand and used her magic to lower the lights, and carefully peeled back your arm from your eyes.
“can i see those pretty eyes baby girl?”
you grinned opening you eyes wide to stare at Wanda. nat laughed as you relaxed again and flopped back.
“ow.” you frowned.
“what hurts baby?” nat asked
“my life.” you shrugged.
“ok.” Wanda smiled, as nat looked confused.
“‘m sleepy”
“you can rest now bubs.” Wanda cooed ignoring nats open mouth to protest. “we’ll be right here the whole time.”
the next time you opened you eyes the nausea was back. Wanda paused her conversation with nat, each girl sat on either side of your bed in the med bay.
“y/n/n? you ok?” nat frowned, motioning to Wanda to get the sick bag just incase.
“gonna be sick.” you cried, sitting up straight, almost vomiting into you lap if it weren’t for Wanda’s quick reaction to slide the sickbag back under your chin to catch it.
“shh its ok baby. your ok.” nat cooed, rubbing your back. slightly more lucid this time tears flowed over your cheeks. you spat again and leaned back gingerly to avoid aggravating your leg.
“are you feeling better now?” Wanda asked. you shot a weak thumbs up and closed your eyes again.
“I’m going to tell bruce you were sick again.” nat replied. leaving the room to find him. after a few minutes of Wanda getting rid of the bag again she sat back by your side. running her hands through your hair again.
“it’ll be ok y/n/n your doing so good for us.” you hadn’t realised the tear were still flowing but you made not move to stop them.
“never let me get shot again.” you muttered.
“Baby i wasn’t even with you this time.” she chuckled slightly.
“don’t leave me again.” you whined.
“I didn’t plan on it ever again my sweet. never again.” she kissed your forehead and you let sleep take over again still feeling felt and exhausted down to your bones.
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prettykittycastle · 7 months
Why Me?
Summary: The last thing Bruce expected to happen to him was getting a blowjob in the lab.
(The reader uses she/her pronouns and is 18+. The ethnicity/race is preferably black.)
(Content Warning: blowjob, oral sex, male receiving, slight dirty talk, slight sub-Bruce)
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"You should relax, Dr. Banner."
"You're always so tense, doctor. I can help with that."
"Maybe the Hulk wants you to have some fun."
At the feel of your warm tongue running over the head of his cock, Bruce thought over the things you had said to him before this night. Of course at the time, he didn't realize you were constantly making suggestions to him, his focus always on his lab work. But now, lightly shuddering at feeling the tip of your tongue run against the slit in his tip, he felt incredibly stupid to not notice them sooner.
"Mmmm," you hummed, sliding his member into your mouth, instantly the salty taste of him on your tongue made your mouth water.
"Oh God," he moaned, closing his eyes and laying his head back against his lab chair, his legs shaking.
"How ya feeling, Doctor? Still tense?" you slipped him out of your mouth and asked him. You wrapped your hand around him and held him firmly, grinning up at the sight of the anxious scientist before you.
For a while you had been trying to get his attention, wanting so badly to have him writhing in pleasure and finally have him be able to relax. Tonight was gonna be your last night of trying to catch his attention and if he didn't catch on yet, you were planning on moving on, but it seems that the universe had finally decided to do you a favor, and Bruce finally noticed you.
Now looking at him, you just wanted to rip all his clothes off and ride the fuck out of him. His lab coat was spread open, the first couple buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned and some of the hair on his chest was showing, his glasses askew upon his face, and his pants were pulled down around his knees. Be patient, you told yourself, wanting so badly to hear him moan your name.
"Y-yeah,...n-no," he quickly changed his answer, trying to keep control of his mind and his urge to thrust into your hand. "Uh, (Y/N)-"
"Bruuuce," you cooed at him, beginning to slowly jerk him off, the saliva from your mouth making it easy. "Just relax for me, sweetie."
Easier said than done, he thought, closing his eyes tighter at the feel of your hand jerking him off. He knew that agreeing to this was risky, worrying that the big guy would appear at any moment, but he couldn't turn down the opportunity to have you, of all people, on your knees, ready to have his dick in your mouth.
"Please," he begged. He didn't have to say what he was begging for because you already knew and by the time, he opened his mouth, ready to say something else, your lips were wrapped around his member again.
"Mmm," you moaned around him, loving the salty taste of him on your tongue. Lowering your head, you relaxed your jaw and throat to take him deep into your mouth till your lips stopped halfway down his cock. When you felt that you couldn't fit anymore of him in, you let the saliva from your mouth run down his length before wrapping both of your hands around the rest of him. Bobbing your head and stroking him, you couldn't control the moans escaping your mouth and traveling to him. You had been fantasizing about this for so long and now you couldn't be happier to feel the heaviness of his cock on your tongue.
Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm. Bruce tried to remind himself this as he tried and failed to keep his lower half from lifting itself up from the chair and attempting to fuck your sweet mouth. He could feel his heart rate picking up and he worried that the other guy might make an appearance at the worst time.
"Shit, (Y/N)," Bruce groaned, letting his head fall back onto his lab chair while clenching the armrests tightly. "S-Slow down, please."
Your response to this request from him was simply bobbing your head faster, swallowing as much of him as you could, letting drool run out of your mouth and down his cock, helping you stroke him faster.
You didn't need to look up to know that the skin on his knuckles were probably turning green by how tightly he was holding the armrests and you wondered how long they would last before they completely broke off from the chair.
It's been so long. I'm not gonna last. He realized. The last time he had any type of sexual interaction was years, before the appearance of Hulk. After him, he never thought he'd ever get a chance to touch another person this way again.
"Bruuuce," you said, pulling your mouth away from him, but still stroking him. You looked up at him and couldn't help the smirk that grew on your face at seeing his head laid all the way back, holding onto the armrests for dear life.
"(Y/N)," he moaned your name again, hearing you call his name and forcing his eyes to open, and when they finally did, he instantly regretted it. The sight below him almost made him cum right then and there, but thanks to his years of perfecting control over the big guy, he held himself back from cumming too early. Seeing your (E/C) eyes look up at him, hazy and full of lust, your mouth and chin shining from the saliva on his dick, and the string of it hanging loosely from your bottom lip and his tip was almost too much for the poor scientist who had thought he would be living a life of celibacy because of his condition.
"How ya feel, Dr. Banner? You relaxed yet?" Your smirk grew wider, feeling his dick grow harder in your hands at you taunting him.
"Y-yes, yes, I am," he replied back, his eyes barely open as he tried to hold himself off from cumming, but your words were too much. "Please, (Y/N)."
"What is it," you asked, your voice changing to a lighter, more innocent tone despite what you were currently doing. "Bruce, what is it?"
"Aah," He moaned loudly, straining to control himself, his mind almost completely lost to lust. "I'm-I'm close t-to-"
"Close to cumming," you finished his statement, slightly tightening your grip and quickening your strokes. You could practically feel the cum waiting to burst from him. "You wanna cum?"
He couldn't find it in himself to open his mouth to speak, and simply nodded his head.
"Tell me. You wanna bust a nut on my face or in my mouth?"
"Oh God," he whimpered, lifting his hips to fuck your hands, his desperation evident.
"I'm fine with either one," you told him before lowering your head down to swallow his dick again, moaning at his hardness, and wiggling your tongue against the underside of him.
At that moment, Bruce couldn't handle it anymore, and before he knew it, his cum came spurting out of him in long, white, salty ropes down your throat to which you gladly accepted swallowing as much of it as you could.
If seeing you on your knees for him was already too much, watching you through half open eyes, gobbling and swallowing his cum was too overwhelming and he had to force his hand to let go of his armrest and use it to lightly push your head away.
"Shit, shit. Stop." He could feel himself becoming overstimulated, and knew without a doubt that if he got anymore stimulated, the big guy would definitely show up.
You didn't move at first, happily slurping up everything he offered and more, before deciding he had enough. You lifted your head from him and took a breath, wiping some of the spit from your face and gathering any cum that escaped from your mouth onto your fingers.
"Why," he asked, trying to catch his breath, and attempt to lower his heart rate back down. "Why...me?"
"What do you mean 'why you'," you asked, putting your cum-covered fingers in your mouth and sucking it off.
Seeing you do this, he had to take a second to calm himself down, before responding. "I mean...why out of all the guys in this building, you chose me? Why not Tony, Steve, Sam, Thor? Why me?"
The way he asked that made your heart almost break and suddenly the urge to fuck him grew tremendously stronger, wanting to give this man as much pleasure as you could.
"I don't want Tony or Steve or any of the others. Just you, Bruce. I like you. I think you're hot."
"Yeah, but," he sat up in the chair and straightened himself, his usual shyness coming back over him. "But why me? Why do you like me? The guy that has a big green rage monster in him."
"Because I think it's hot how smart, sweet, caring, and shy you are, Bruce." As you told him this, you stood up from the lab floor, wincing at the small ache in your knees and climbed into his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulder. "I've liked you for a while. And if you just want this to be a one time thing, I'm cool with that. But I also want us to be something." You knew that one of the reasons the scientist tended to distance himself from the others was not just because of his shy nature, but also because of his worry of how he, the team, and others viewed him and his second half. He saw his second half as a monstrous nuisance and thought that the team might as well, but you knew that was wrong and you want to show him that you view him as more than the Hulk, and as Bruce Banner.
"I can control him most times, but every now and then, he wants out and it's hard to put him back in," he warned you, placing his hands on your hips.
"That's fine. We'll handle it together." You laid a gentle kiss upon his lips, aware that he still has to calm his heart down from your blowjob. He didn't say anything else and kissed you back with a surprising amount of vigor that seemed to make the fire in between your legs burn stronger.
"You know we have to be careful in the future when it comes to...this," he pulled away and warned you.
"We will and we will have a lot of fun, too," you told him, going back to kissing him. Even though, you two had just made it official, you were already thinking of the many things you wanted to do to this man, and unbeknownst to you, Bruce was thinking of the many positions he could put you in by the end of the night, how to not risk the big guy coming out while doing so.
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teaaagan · 1 year
Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental 🥵
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Reader 
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Tags: NSFW TITLE CARD, SMUT, angst, fluff, seducing, mentions of masturbation, mentions of using sex toys, lingerie, fingering (female receiving), cum eating, finger sucking, Bruce transitioning into the Hulk (not sure if this is a trigger, but I'm not taking chances), kissing (both Bruce and Hulk receiving), handjob (Hulk receiving… again Idk if this is a trigger but noting it anyway cause after some research I've learned that even his cum is green.), making out, biting, hickeys, fucking against a wall, choking, implied all night fucking, and I think that's it. 
Word Count: 4,129
Beta and Title Card: Yours Truly 
Written For: My amazing bestie and beta, Tiffany. <3
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Being married to an Avenger had its perks. You got to live in Tony Stark's swanky tower, you had your own team of expertly trained bodyguards, and the best part of it all? You stole the heart of Bruce Banner. The two of you met under unfortunate circumstances, but it was still the best day of your life. 
You'd been caught in the crossfire during one of their missions, a monster took you hostage to use as leverage for their escape. The thing had a knife held against your throat, threatening to kill you on the spot if any of the Avengers moved an inch. You looked into their helpless eyes. Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, and Iron Man all stared helplessly back at you contemplating how they were going to save you. 
In the distance, Natasha was holding her upturned palm to a furious Hulk. He was grunting and clenching his fists as she took a tentative step toward him.
"Hey, big guy. The sun's getting real low."
He trained his eyes on her, as his anger started to dissipate. Just before he was about to give in he heard you scream.
He snapped his head in your direction, a loud, angry roar shaking the surrounding buildings as he ran towards you. Cars, signs, sidewalk benches, nothing was safe from his wrath. It all happened so fast. One moment your captor was pressing the blade harder against your skin and the next you were in the Hulk's arms. 
At first, you were startled, his big green eyes scanning your body as he held you in his large green hand. He was breathing heavily, his nostrils flaring, as he spoke.
"Hulk save you."
You smiled and were about to respond but Captain Rogers beat you to it.
"That's good, buddy," he set his shield down and slowly walked towards the two of you. "Why don't you put the lady down now, okay?"
The Hulk tightened his grip on your waist and snarled, "NO! Hulk keep pretty lady!"
Steve went to speak again, but you turned around to look at him.
"Wait. It's okay. Let me try something."
They all watched in wonder as you brought both of your hands to his face, your thumbs brushing his hard skin.
"Thank you for saving me," you smiled. "If it's okay, I'd like to meet Bruce too. He's a part of you, and in a way, he saved me as well."
He held you for a moment longer, taking time to mull over your request. Finally, he set you down on a nearby barrier and transitioned back into the well-known scientist. 
You smiled as you recalled the fond memory. You and Bruce had been married for two years, and he made you the happiest woman in the world. Sure, it was difficult when he'd go on missions, but that wasn't what bothered you the most.
What you really wanted was for him to make love to you. Ever since the start of your relationship, all he'd ever done was kiss you. Sometimes he'd go as far as fingering you, but it never went further. He was terrified to do anything else because he didn't want the Hulk to accidentally hurt you. He'd never forgive himself if that happened, and he made you fully aware that being with him meant no sex. 
You didn't have to have sex to be happy with him. It wasn't a deal breaker, but you couldn't help but want to feel him inside of you. God, you bet he made the prettiest sounds. You had plenty of toys to keep you satisfied, and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't made yourself come to the thought of him fucking you into oblivion.
Natasha and Wanda helped you try and seduce him a number of times, but that always ended with a heavy makeout session and a very, very aroused Bruce. 
That's what the three of you were doing now. Planning yet another attempt in getting him to fuck you. You were dressed in short lacy lingerie, a pair of stockings with little black bows at the bottom, and your favorite pair of black pumps.
"I don't know about this, guys. What if someone sees me on the way down to his lab?"
Nat grinned and crossed her arms. "Don't worry about that. I've got it all taken care of. Steve and Bucky are out on a mission, Sam and Clint are in the gym doing their weird juice cleanse workout, and Thor's in Asgard. That only leaves Tony, Vision, and Rhodey to worry about. Wanda, you're taking Vis on a date, right?"
She nodded. "Yep! Typical dinner and a movie, but it'll be fun getting some fresh air."
Nat turned her gaze back to you and smiled. "That leaves the two iron wonders, which by the way, I've decided to take on a supply run."
You sighed, playing with a strand of your hair. "Okay, let's do this. Get me to the lab." 
Surprisingly, you made it there without being seen by anyone. The girls gave you a little nudge toward the door before blowing kisses and waving goodbye. Once you were alone, you took a moment to watch Bruce through the glass.
He was concentrating on some new prototype, his teeth worrying his bottom lip as he silently worked. God, he was so beautiful without even trying.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and walked past the threshold. There was no going back now.
"Oh, hey honey! Is it already time fo-"
The words died on his tongue as soon as he looked at you. The test tube in his hand clattered to the floor, his mouth hanging open in shock.
You smirked and sauntered towards him, slowly running your hands over his chest. "Hey, baby," you breathed. "I thought you could use a break." 
He swallowed thickly and let out a shaky breath. "What um… what're you d-doing?"
You brought his hands to your hips, his fingers making the barely-there dress bunch up to reveal your ass. "Bruce, touch me…please."
He closed his eyes and moaned. "You know I can't. I-I can't risk hurting you, Y/N."
You brushed your knuckles against the stubble on his cheek and smiled. "You won't hurt me. I trust you...both of you."
You grabbed his right hand, "besides, feel how wet I am." He gently circled your clit, a desperate whine falling from your lips. "See baby? See what you do to me without even trying?"
Bruce gripped your waist tighter, his breathing becoming erratic as he slowly continued sliding his fingers between your folds. You were close, so close to cumming already. All the built-up sexual tension, seeing him like this, was almost too much. 
Just before the coil of arousal inside you snapped, he pulled away, his hands coming up to grab his hair. "Fuck, baby, I… I can't. He's too strong, and if I ever lost you because of him… god, I can't even think about it."
You hated seeing him distraught like this. Bruce was an amazing, kind, loving man who gave you the world. The Hulk may be destructive, but he was still gentle with you. He'd never once hurt you, and in your heart, you believed he would hold true to that promise even during times like this.
You pulled him back into your embrace and kissed him like it was the last time you'd ever get the chance. He sighed against your mouth, his tongue sliding against yours slow and sweet. 
He eventually pulled away, still holding you close as he looked at you with hooded eyes. "Y/N, it takes all of my strength every day to hold myself back. I want to, god, do I want to, take you apart, make you come over and over again."
His fingers curled a strand of hair behind your ear and you bit your lip. "Baby, can you hear me out? I… I think I may have a solution for both of us."
He sighed. "Yeah, honey, go ahead."
You moved him to his chair, pushing his shoulder lightly so he'd sit down. His hands found purchase on your hips as you straddled his lap.
"Bruce, I know you won't hurt me. I know the Hulk won't either because he's never shown any aggression towards me. Give me this, try for me, just this once. We can start slow and if you feel like you're going to lose it then we can stop. You have total control, baby." You kissed his lips softly. "Please?" 
For a few seconds, he just looked at you. His brown eyes raked over your entire body. He swallowed, blowing a deep breath out of his nose as he held you a bit tighter.
"Okay. Okay, I'll try."
Your eyes widened, "thank you, baby. You have no idea how much this means to me."
He moved his calloused hand slowly up your thigh again, his fingertips tracing small circles on your clit. Your eyes rolled back, his darkening with unbridled lust.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so pretty like this. Watching your body shake, those sweet little moans and whimpers, I swear I'm the luckiest man in the world." 
You began moving your hips, the sounds of your wetness echoing in the small space around you. "Oh, Bruce… baby I- …please. Oh, please don't stop!"
He quickened his pace, the newly added pressure of his fingers causing you to fall forward and grasp onto his shirt. He groaned, low and deep, his breath hot on your neck as he kissed your sweat-slicked skin.
"C'mon, baby girl. Come for me. Show me how pretty you look." That was all you needed, his command sent you over the edge, his hand and your legs becoming coated with your release. 
If Bruce wasn't holding you up, you'd have fallen to your knees. He peppered sweet kisses along your jaw to your lips, rendering you breathless.
"Gorgeous. God, baby, you're breathtaking."
Words failed you but that didn't stop your wandering hands. They eagerly began undoing his pants trying desperately to feel more of him.
"Whoa, honey. Hey, hey, hey, slow down. I know you're eager, but we gotta go easy. I don't want him to hurt you, remember?" Reluctantly, you stopped, but then an idea popped into your head. 
"Bruce? Can um… can I ask you a question?"
He pulled back, his thumbs brushing your upper arms, "you can ask me anything, Y/N."
You bit your lip and looked at the floor, suddenly nervous your request would end this whole thing before it even started. "Do you promise not to get mad at me?"
Bruce immediately wrapped his arms around you, "sweetheart, you're the only person I'm not angry around."
You blew out the breath you'd been holding and closed your eyes. "Can I talk to him?" 
He stiffened. "Y/N, I-I don't think th-"
"Please. He won't hurt me, Bruce. He never has. Please, just… please."
Just when you thought he was going to shut this whole escapade down, he slowly stood up. "Promise me you'll run if he gets out of hand."
You nodded and watched as he closed his eyes, his skin, hair, nails, everything turning green while he doubled in size. At first, Hulk was confused. His big eyes look down at you with interest. He huffed and held his hand out for you to take it. 
"Hey, big guy. Can you sit down for me against the wall over there? I wanna talk to you."
He tilted his head and haphazardly stomped to the opposite side of the room before plopping unceremoniously onto the floor making the lab equipment around you rattle.
"Thank you. May I sit on your lap?"
He looked up at you, his large hand gathering the thin material of your outfit between his fingers. "Y/N pretty. Hulk like clothes."
The corner of your mouth turned up into a crooked smirk. "Why thank you, honey. Can I sit down?" You gestured to his huge thigh and watched as he nodded. 
You straddled your hips over one of his legs, because it was impossible to do both, and cupped his face.
"You know how much I love you and Bruce, right?"
He blinked, "yes, Hulk know that."
"Well, I'd like to show both of you how much I love you, but I want to make sure you're okay with everything first."
He waited, the fingers on his right hand holding your waist.
"I want to be with both of you, in a more…intimate way. I wanna make the two of you happy because I love both of you with all my heart."
A low grunt rumbled through his chest. "Hulk love Y/N. But what intimate?" 
You scooted closer and smiled. "Can I kiss you?"
He nodded again, and you slowly leaned in, pressing your lips against his gently. At first, he didn't react, his whole body still except for his steady breathing, but then you felt him kiss back.
You pulled away to see his reaction and moaned when you saw the heat in his eyes.
"How was that, baby?"
His grip on your hips tightened a fraction. "Hulk want more."
You giggled and took his other hand. "I'll give you more, love, but first, I want you to feel how excited I am. You have to be careful with me though, okay?" 
"Hulk no hurt Y/N. Hulk be gentle."
You curled his fingers into a fist, save for his middle one, and brought it to your soaked pussy. "Do you feel that? Feel how wet I am here?"
He slid his large digit back and forth, watching curiously as you bit your lip, and then pulled his hand back to look at his finger. "Yes, Hulk feel."
You maintained eye contact as you sucked and licked your arousal from his skin. "Do you wanna try?"
He wasted no time, a little more sure of himself as he collected more of your juices. He inhaled your scent, a low growl reverberating in his chest as he tasted you. 
"Y/N good. Hulk need more."
You kissed the inside of his wrist and looked at him lovingly. "We can do more, but you really have to be careful, okay? Just one of your fingers is a lot for me to take, so you'll have to go slow."
He sighed softly and gathered a bit of your hair in his hand. "Hulk go slow. Always careful with Y/N."
You brought his hand between your legs again, but this time you guided his middle finger to your entrance. Bracing yourself, you sank down on him and whimpered from the slight stretch.
"Y/N okay?"
You licked your lips and let out a shaky breath, "yeah, baby. I'm fine. You feel so good."
Switching your position, you maneuvered yourself so your back was against his chest. He looked down at you, his free hand tilting your chin up.
"Hulk like when Y/N feel good."
You pulled him down for a chaste kiss and spread your legs so they were draped over his big thighs, "carefully move your finger, okay? Slowly in and out." 
As soon as you felt him pull out and push back in, a breathy moan fell from your lips. "Yeah, baby, just like that."
The sound of his soft grunts, the feeling of his toned muscles rippling against your skin, the way he brushed the sweet spot inside you, it was all so toe-curlingly good. Your second orgasm was building rapidly, making you whine desperately.
"Y/N feel wet. Hulk stop?"
You shook your head and moaned. "No, please don't stop. You're - oh, god! - gonna make me cum. D'you wanna see me do that, baby?"
He adjusted slightly, and suddenly you could feel his very large, very prominent erection pressing against your back.
"Yes. Hulk see Y/N" 
You canted your hips upward, meeting every thrust. "Go a little faster and do this with your finger."
You crooked yours to show him and he obeyed immediately making you cry out. "Oh, my god! Yes, oh, right there… don't stop please baby I'm so close!"
He huffed and grabbed your hand with his free one.
"Oh, fuck baby…yeah, oh, shit! Gonna cum… gonna come oh my g-FUCK!"
You squeezed his hand, your whole body convulsing as your walls fluttered around him repeatedly. He pulled out of you and examined his finger as you recovered from your moment of bliss.
"Hulk do good?" 
You turned around in his arms and kissed him again. "You did, baby. Thank you. Can I make you feel good now too?"
You let your fingertips ghost over the large tent in his shorts and watched as he closed his eyes and growled. The noise alone would scare anyone away, but not you. You knew he'd never harm you.
"Yes. Hulk feel good too."
Carefully, you freed him from his shorts, marveling at his impressive length and girth. "You're so big, baby. Being so good for me." He watched you spit in your hands and snarled when you began to stroke him. 
"Is this okay, love? Does this hurt?"
He threw his head back and panted. "No hurt. Feel good."
You smirked and began twisting your hands as they slid over the shiny green head.
"Remember, honey. Try not to hurt me, okay? I know it feels good, but when you cum you gotta try and stay still for me, alright?"
He gritted his teeth and brought a big hand to your cheek. "Hulk never hurt Y/N. Promise." He let out another choked cry. "Hulk feel funny...here." he pointed to his lower abdomen and you kissed his lips sweetly.
"That's good, baby. It means you're close. Just lean back and close your eyes for me. Let me make you feel good."
He listened and you watched his chest heave and his fists clench. 
"That's it. C'mon. Show me, sweetheart."
A few more strokes were all it took, a loud guttural roar filling the lab as thick ropes of cum coated your hands and his chest.
He stayed like that, panting and twitching, while you looked for a towel to clean him up. Grabbing one of the extra lab coats, you knelt in front of him again and planted a sweet kiss on his forehead.
"You're incredible, baby. I'm so proud of you. Bruce will be too. I knew you'd never hurt me."
He rubbed your sides affectionately as you cleaned him and your hands up. "No way hurt Y/N. Hulk love you."
You kissed his lips. "And I love you, baby. Can I see Bruce now? I wanna tell him how proud of you I am."
He gave you one final smile and closed his eyes, his body slowly becoming smaller until a sweaty Bruce lay slumped against the wall. 
He blinked a few times before he frantically ran his hands over you, looking for any sign of injury.
"Bruce, hey, calm down." You laced the fingers on both your hands with his and looked into his worried brown eyes. "I'm fine. He didn't hurt me, okay? In fact," you held up the lab coat that was now covered in sticky green liquid. "Things went more than okay."
He looked from you to the coat a few times before crashing his lips to yours. His kiss was possessive, nowhere near gentle as he explored your mouth eagerly.
"You were right, baby. I shouldn't have doubted you, but I was just so scared. I can't ever lose you."
You sat back on your haunches and grinned. "I know, honey. We can talk this over later, but right now I need you inside me." 
Bruce stood and pulled you to your feet, immediately pushing you against the wall. "You're perfect. Absolutely perfect, Y/N. I love you so damn much."
He kissed, nipped, and licked at your neck, littering a trail of purple-ish marks anywhere he could reach.
"Fuck, Bruce…"
He hummed and tore the front of your lacy top down the middle. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart. Smooth skin, perfect body, gorgeous face, amazing personality, you're an absolute work of art. I'm so lucky to call you mine. 'M gonna fuck you over and over again until you beg me to stop." 
A needy whine filled the small space between the two of you, your hands fisting in his hair. "Please! Please…want you so bad!"
He spun you around, pressing you against the wall as he undid his pants, kicking them off to the side. "Spread your legs, princess. That's it, brace yourself against the wall too."
You did what he asked and sucked in a sharp breath when he hooked your left leg over his thigh and pressed the head of his cock against your slick hole. "Don't you dare be quiet, you hear me, Y/N? I want every single person in this tower to know you're mine."
Your response died on your tongue as he slammed into you, setting a steady pace. 
You couldn't stay quiet even if you wanted to. Nothing compared to the way his cock made you feel. No toy, no vibrator, not even your fingers felt this good.
"Oh, Bruce! Oh, my fucking god!"
His left arm hugged your middle holding you up while his right wrapped around your throat, squeezing deliciously. "Good girl. Love hearing you scream for me. God, your pussy feels so good, warm and wet around my cock, pulling me in every time I slide home."
You clenched around him and he bit your shoulder. "Fuck! I gotta fill you up, baby. 'M sorry, but I'm not gonna last when you feel this good." 
Your left hand began rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts. "'S okay, Bruce… I-I'm close too. Feels - oh, fuck! Oh, my god! - s-so good!"
He was relentless now, the delicious drag of his cock against your walls was hard and fast. "Oh, fuck! That's it, princess. Yeah, that's right, squeeze me just like that. Come on, Y/N…let go with me."
His words were like a trigger, your third orgasm shooting through you like a bullet as he stilled inside you.
The two of you didn't move for a few minutes, the labored sounds of your breathing the only sound around you. Finally, he pulled out and turned you to face him, his lips colliding with yours in a passionate kiss.
"Fuck, that was…that was amazing."
Bruce caressed your cheek and smiled fondly. "Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for being patient with me and with him too. We wouldn't have made it this far without you, and we owe you everything." 
You kissed him slowly, taking your time to feel him against you. "I love you, Bruce. I'll always help both of you with anything. You both complete me, in every way, and I can't imagine a life without you guys."
He held you close, his fingers sliding up your back and into your hair. He opened his mouth to respond, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. cut him off. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt Mr. and Mrs. Banner, but Mr. Stark requests entrance to the lab."
Your eyes grew wide in fear of him seeing you naked. "Tell him to give us five minutes please, F.R.I.D.A.Y.."
"Of course, Mrs. Banner." Bruce threw you his clean lab coat, tossing the other one in the trash before pulling on his clothes. 
"Let's take this upstairs, Y/N. I'm not even close to being done with you." He winked and a jolt of arousal shot straight to your core.
"As long as you promise not to go easy on me, baby," you smirked. He swatted your ass and walked past you to the door.
"Oh, princess, now that I know you're safe with me I've got so many plans to take you apart over and over again. You're gonna be putty in my hands when I'm done with you."
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as you looked at his hooded eyes. Literally and figuratively, you were fucked. That was just a bonus though because you had everything you wanted. Bruce was yours in every sense of the word. 
Tony walked past you shaking his head, "there better not be a mess in there!"
You giggled and followed Bruce into the elevator. "No promises, Stark!"
Yeah, you thought to yourself, this is finally the start of our forever.
He glared at the closing metal doors, the sight of you and Bruce kissing being the last thing he saw. He smiled against your lips and you saw the happiness in his eyes.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Daredevil incorrect quotes.
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y/n: Matt, I can deal with all the Daredevil business, truly, but the rumor on the street is that you are a manwhore.
Matt: What? I don't understand why.
y/n: Counting! Claire, Karen, Elektra, Jen....
Matt: Fair enough, I get the point.
y/n: This is one of the very, very rare moments when I'm glad I'm not beautiful.
Matt (confused) : What?
y/n: It's like Foggy said: you always get the nice looking girls. Thankfully that keeps me off your radar....
Matt (to himself about himself ) : idiot
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joey-marvel14 · 5 months
Holding on..(oneshot)
Bucky Barnes x reader
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Summary: you notice Bucky is been more quiet then usual. He’s not talking to anyone, not even you. Bucky becomes withdrawn, his eyes are more puffy and sleep deprived, you notice he’s not eating as much either.
I’m usually up at ridiculous times in the morning, I’m quite productive in the early mornings. So I simply walk around the avengers tower until I feel sleepy enough to go back to bed.
This was one of those mornings.
I travelled down to the kitchen to go and grab a snack, I looked out of the big windows to see the beautiful pink and yellow sunrise. I smiled at how gorgeously detailed the sky was. I continued to walk downstairs. As I entered the kitchen I saw a figure, I immediately recognised who it was. I smiled widely, happy to see him
“Hey Bucky-” Bucky turned around. My smile slightly faulted.
My eyes travelled to his face..
His eyes seemed like they were sunken in by the dark eye bags it looks like he hasn’t slept in days. I took a closer look at his eyes and they looked red and puffy, like he’s been crying, fresh tear stains glided apon his cheeks. My stare slowly appeared downwards to his chest and ribcage, his body looked skinnier, malnourished. I stared at him not completely recognising the person in front of me. What happened to the other Bucky?
I looked at all of him…together. A concerned feeling settled in my chest.
I thought about a way to approach him. I softened my tone and eyes
“Hey buck, Are you alright?” Bucky responded with a nod and a grunt. His face was expressionless, numb even.
Bucky pushed past me and quickly walked to his quarters. I instinctively ran after him. I approached his door to his room. And softly knocked on.
“Bucky..” I called apon him softly. There was no answer. I decided to push down on the handle, I wander into Bucky bedroom. It was dark and messy.
“Bucky?” I gently called out to him.
My eyes wandered throughout his room, until I saw his balcony doors were open, the curtains were softly blowing towards me, almost leading me onto the rail. I gulped hardly, I felt sick to my stomach, wandering what i could find. Hopefully an alive Bucky I thought.
As I got closer I saw a silhouette of a figure sat down. I breathed out a sigh of relief. I got closer to Bucky, Bucky didn’t even looked over to see who it was, he was curled up, leaning against the railing. A shiver went down my spine. I decided to sit down with him I sat the other side. Not once did he look at me, to which I found bizarre. I saw his Adam’s Apple bob up and down. He looked so tired…
I spoke up.
“I understand if you don’t want to talk. But I won’t be leaving you like this. We can just sit here in silence if that’s what you want. But just know that I’m here for you.” I placed a hand on his knee to let him know that I am actually here. I saw Buckys jaw clenched and his eyes quickly glance at me then to the hand on the knee.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes looking down. It looked like Bucky was having an internal conflict
“I can’t cope anymore.” I sat there in silence waiting for him to say more
“I hear there screams…there screams. The ones that I killed” his voice broke a little.
“There cries for me to stop, to have mercy on them. . They haunt me. Every goddamn face is attached to me in my dreams. There’s not one moment of peace where I get to just take a breath, without the reminder that I’ve killed someone.”
I nodded gently, still listening.
“I am….bearly…hanging on and nobody can see how much pain I am in.” The tears in his eyes began to fill, as his voice cracks.
“I just can’t do it…anymore.” Bucky broke down, his breathing became unsteady, as tears streamed down his face his chest rised up and down quickly, as I could hear him struggle to keep calm. I slowly moved myself closer to bucky. I cupped his hands, and brought them forward so he looks at me.
“James. Breathe.” My gaze was soft I looked him in his eyes, and took a breath, held it, and let it go.
He repeated the action. Slowly he began breathing more steadily.
“What was that?” Bucky asked, he averted eye contact.
“It was a panic attack.” I responded.
“Bucky look at me. You need to understand that you didn’t have a choice in becoming the winter soldier. What you did…it wasn’t your fault, You hear me?. You fought back for as long as you could. You did your best. You tried, and that’s all anyone could ask for.” My words were firm but reassuring. I saw buckys body somewhat relax, however I could tell he was still on guard.
“Can I hug you?” I asked, he looks like he could use one. Bucky slightly nodded.
I moved myself next to Bucky, I held my arms open. He moved in slowly, I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze. He let go first and instead rested his head on my shoulder.
“Your not alone James, you’ll always have someone in your corner even if you don’t think you do”
“Mhm” he responded, I looked over and saw that Bucky was drifting off, his eyes looked so heavy, he looked like he could just collapse at anytime.
“Come on buck. Let’s go to bed” I slowly began to stand up. I grabbed Buckys arm and hinted at him to stand up too. He reluctantly got up. I led him to his bed. To which he shook him head and said:
“No. I don’t sleep there.” He pointed at the floor I saw a thin cushion, and a blanket filled with holes. I turned around to him.
“I understand however, just for the rest of the morning sleep on the bed please” I compromised with him, hoping that it would get him to understand that sleeping on the bed for one night wouldn’t hurt him. He nodded. I pulled back the black duvet, Bucky sat down on the bed, and eventually laid down, I saw he had shoes and a jacket on so I took them both off, too make him slightly more comfortable. I placed the duvet over him, and moved the hair out of his face.
“Goodnight” I smiled.
“Wait. Could you stay here until I atleast fall asleep ? I would feel better if I had someone in the room…” he looked a tad guilty.
“Sure” I smiled. I went over the the cabinets and picked out a soft blanket. And made myself comfy on the small chair he had in the corner.
Eventually quiet snores could be heard from Bucky. I felt like I could take a breath. I felt tired as well, so I decided to take a nap..
helllloooooo thank you for readingggggggg I hope it was okay :)
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skylarinfinity · 7 months
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hulk: [screaming] hulk smash!
m/n: hulk, don't lie you still a virgin.
tags lists @sonicqaulan @graysonfriggason @thebettermaximofftwins @sloanalistair @acienthazard @starlinggoldeneyes @ortegaolsen @wednesdaywanda @sandwichmarvel @gardenofmarvel @wanda-cabin-natasha-jacket @panandinpain0 @badblondebisexualboy
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funnyexel · 6 months
bruce likes to be called daddy
a/n: definitely took this out the vault and no I did not proofread and I will not be circling back to this. Ever.
Scanning your visitor id as you enter the compound building, you hit the sixth floor in the elevator and stand in the corner. Watching as each number increases to your desired floor. Exiting the elevator, you walk down the hall, yawning as the double doors to his lab open automatically. 
“Hello dear…what… are you doing here?” His eyes widen in the slightest, clicking through digital files.
“To pick you up, why else? I guess it is a bit early.” You set your purse down on a stool by the door.
“Oh, yeah you’re…very early,” he sets down his glasses looking at the time for a moment as he opens a file and flips through the papers he realizes what you just said, “I’ll have to stay longer, I still have a lot of work to do…a project to finish up and such.” 
“How much longer?” You ask him in an accidental harsh tone.
“Uh…an hour..,” he flinches, glancing at you and you watch him with your hands on your hips, ”a few more hours..” Nodding slowly, you move around the island he had in the middle of the office, standing next to him. “Are you alright?” He asks scratching the back of his head.
“You’re asking me if I’m alright?” You stare at him, tapping your finger on the table. “I am a-o-fucking-kay, babe.” You smile to him and he isn’t sure whether he should laugh or ask again. 
“But since you need more time I’ll be home.” 
“I…you do that. Just a few more hours…I think.” He returns your smile and rubs his temple nervous under your gaze.
“Okay, don’t stay too late. Call me.” You run your fingers through the front of his hair to fix the strands out of place, giving him a small smile.
“Alright darling, I’ll call when I’m coming.” He hesitates as he kisses you on the cheek, a hand on your hip as he gives you a gentle squeeze. 
Smiling softly at him, you walk over to the door, grab your purse and wave to him, leaving abruptly. Taking a breath, you head home, kicking off your shoes and practically rushing into the shower. Its warmth and easygoing nature calming you. It washes off your stress and attitude accumulated from your entire day at work. Walking out the bathroom in a towel and shower-cap, you go to the dresser and quickly shut a draw.
“shit, wrong drawer,” you chuckle to yourself as you open your underwear drawer, the right one. 
Even though your relationship is understanding about that kind of stuff, you still get a jump scare every time you mistakenly open your sex drawer. Two panties in your hands and you wonder which one you’re going to put on, in one hand: granny panties and in the other: lace, form fitting to your figure and ass. Shrugging, you decide and open another drawer in search for pajamas. Digging to the bottom of the drawer, you pull out black two piece, satin shorts matched with a cami top. Lace lined, boob push-up pads installed in the top. 
The outfit hugged your hips, pushing up your boobs to sit pretty, displaying your collar bones to the world and a bit of your ass peeking out from the bottom of your shorts. You lotion your skin, take off the shower cap and adjust your slightly damp bonnet. Sighing as you look in the mirror, you put on your house slippers and head to the kitchen. Grabbing leftovers from the fridge, you turn on your seasonal reality tv show and sit, placing a pillow on your lap to shield your legs from the steaming plate of food. 
Finally unwinding on the couch, a few hours go by, unbeknownst to you, and he comes home. Walking to the couch with exhaustion all over his features. 
“hey…uhm…honey.” He clears his throat, your presence noticeably taking him aback.
“hi baby, why didn’t you call I would’ve picked you up.” You pout, looking up to him as he shuffles into the living room. Resting his work bag on the kitchen counter, taking his time to get to you.
“Oh, I…figured it’s late and,” he swallows loudly, “you’d be asleep…by now.” A flush on his cheeks as he sits down next to you on the couch.
“Aw, okay.” You scoot closer to him, gazing in his eyes as your hands move to undo his top button to his shirt. “you tired baby?” You ask, your voice low as you rub his shoulders.
“…yes, very tired.” He watches as you lean closer, eyes darting from your body to your face as if he couldn’t fathom your advances.
“You..should probably…not do, that.” He pauses, his breathing getting heavier as he becomes more and more flustered. Using every ounce of will in his body to keep his eyes on your face. Anything on your face, your eyes, your eyelashes, your cheeks, the ombre of colors on your lips or even your shiny skin, moisturized and beautifully brown.
“do what?” You ask seemingly innocently, a glint in your eye suggesting more, “all I’m trying to do is help.” You falsely pout, watching this man slowly spiral. Looking down at his unbuttoned shirt then back up at you, he swallows hard.
“um…you know what i’m talking about…” His tired eyes is replaced with a disheveled and desperate look. “Come on, you know how…weak-willed I get-”
Chuckling at him, you kiss him on the check, your lip-balm transferring to his skin.
“yes, I know all about that,” you shift your body to straddle his lap; easily unbuttoning his shirt. Eyes wondering to his lap, he looks up at your chest, face hot as you settle onto his upper thighs. 
“Okay..uh..just be quick.” He exhales deeply, his arms at his sides but finger tips dusting over the sides of your lower thighs.
“be quick? you don’t want me to take my time?” 
“Y-you..well,” he tries to chuckle off his nervousness but he can’t help how good you look, “you..can..” 
Smiling at him, you lean closer to him, your mouth by his ear. 
“does my body make you nervous, hm?” Smoothing your hands down his toned arms, you grab the back of his palms and put them on the curves of your hips. As he nods to you, you hit the back of his hands playfully to give him some courage to touch you freely.
“it does…you’re very…” He squeezed your hips tightly, holding eye contact with you as you squeal.
“go on, tell me daddy.” 
“you’re very…very beautiful,” tilting your head to the side you give a sleazy smile, your hips grinding against his, “m’ wife is stunning,” he utters, eyes lidding and lust accumulating with every stunt you pull.
“thank you.” Your smile never leaves as you move his hands down to your butt and dig your fingers into his skin, just enough to amp him up. “I know you like my ass more than anything.” You tease.
“can’t keep your eyes up here?” He clears his throat, not answering your question as he leans into you. 
Gripping your ass and pulling you forward, your body crashes into his and your lips connect in slow manner. Soft and slow, cute and calm, he wants to see how you react to this, to make sure you’re comfortable. Stopping the kiss with a soft gasp, you look at him, eyes closed, breathing deeply and sexy as fuck. Rubbing your hands against his stumble, you look down to his lips and shove your tongue past his lips. Feverishly deepening the kiss, your free hand gripping his belt and tugging on the leather. His self control deteriorated as he deepen the kiss, his tongue dancing with yours in blindsided lust and soon-to-be pleasure. Your body being set ablaze as the desire to swallow his breath consumed you.
a/n : I am slowly running out of ideas. I hate the word daddy but somehow it fits when I think of bruce. its girl math ig.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Bruce Banner x Stark Employee!Reader: Pioneer
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Summary: Perhaps Bruce will forgive Tony for his meddling...just this once. 
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Post-Avengers (2012); pre-Age of Ultron; Bruce & Tony; matchmaker!Tony; implied age-gap romance; Avengers Tower; scientist!reader; meet-cute)
Challenge: “120 Bits of Random” challenge by SugarLandBabyGirl on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
It didn’t take being a super genius to figure out when Tony Stark was up to something. Therefore Bruce, being smarter than the average super genius, figured it out. His friend didn’t normally make such a big deal out of breakfast; he didn’t typically rush Pepper and Happy off to work; and he definitely did not usually smile so much while participating in an activity as dull as riding up to the lab in the elevator.
Most of the time, Bruce tried to ignore these telltale signs of mischief, because, most of the time, he didn’t want to know what Tony had in mind. This morning was no different. Brice slipped his hands into his pockets and looked pointedly toward the glass wall. When Tony started whistling, Bruce knew he was doomed no matter what. Might as well have some inkling of what’s coming. 
Wetting his lips, he turned back to Tony and asked, “What’s going on?”
Tony stopped whistling. “Why would anything be going on?”
“Because you’re enjoying this elevator ride a little too much.” Bruce smiled weakly. “And you were supposed to go to work with Pepper today to help her iron out some contracting kinks.”
“I just thought you’d like to see the remodeled lab.”
“And I can’t do that without you here?”
Tony slapped Bruce on the back as the elevator doors opened at their stop. “Not today.”
“Tony,” Bruce started, but Tony had already stepped out into the hallway. “Tony, I’m not getting out of this elevator until you tell me what it is you’re planning.”
Tony’s head reappeared in the doorway. “Yes, you are.”
Before Bruce could protest, Tony grabbed his hand and yanked him off the elevator. Bruce pulled himself free momentarily, but he didn’t run off. He knew he had lost. He did not have to enjoy the loss. As Tony led him through the maze what would be the Avengers’ common living area, Bruce scowled through Tony’s muttering, all of which was something along the lines of “got to be around somewhere” and “supposed to be here by now.”
Tony finally stopped in front of another set of glass walls. Bruce caught only a whispered “aha” before Tony rapped on that wall and stepped into the room beyond. 
Someone in a white lab coat whirled around to look just as Bruce followed him inside.
“Mr. Stark!” you said, looking relieved. “I’ve been hoping you’d be by. I know you said you left a note detailing my instructions, but I can’t find it, and I’m really sorry, but–”
Tony held up his hand that brought your tirade to a screeching halt. When he lifted his eyebrows, you swallowed, then nodded. 
“We’ll get to that,” he said. “But first, I brought you someone.”
“Brought me…?” Your eyes followed Tony’s pointing finger. Upon spotting Bruce, they widened. “Oh!”
The alarm bells went off in Bruce’s head. Sensing this, Tony moved far enough away that Bruce could not hide behind him. 
“Dr. [L Name], Dr. Banner,” Tony said. “Dr. Banner, Dr. [L Name].”
“I, um, I, uh, that is to say–” 
Bruce could think of no soothing words or excuses, and yet you advanced. He could see Tony smirking over your nearing head. Soon you stood right in front of Bruce, giving him no time to do so much as shoot Tony a death glare.
“You're Doctor Bruce Banner?” you whispered.
He nodded. 
You let out an ear-splitting squeal. 
Bruce blinked. He was used to people making loud sounds when they met him, but sounds of delight were not one of them–and your delight was unmistakable. You snatched his hand from his side to pump it, grinning all the while.
“I can’t believe I’m really meeting you! I’ve been following your work since I was in college. You’re the entire reason I went into nuclear physics. I mean, you’re a pioneer in the field. You’re such an–an inspiration!”
“Thanks,” Bruce said slowly. 
You gazed up at him with an expression of rapt adoration. A moment of awkward silence followed. Bruce had very little experience with people complimenting his pre-Hulk work and had no idea how to respond. Then you gasped.
“This is going to seem,” you turned away just long enough to snatch a large backpack off the floor near a stool, “really stupid, but I just can’t believe I’m meeting my own personal hero. Do you think you could give me an autograph?”
He waved his hands instead of taking the pen and journal you offered him. “I really didn’t do anything that great. Don’t feel obligated to…” Bruce trailed away as disappointed began to drain all the joy from your expression. He sighed and took your writing implements. “Sure. Sure, I’ll give you an autograph.”
That brought your smile back, and Bruce could feel himself smiling despite when he returned your things to you. After you'd put them back instead your pack you let out a sudden, “Oh no!”
“What? What is it?”
“Mr. Stark is gone!” 
Bruce looked over at where Tony had been standing prior to your introduction and found that you were telling the truth. The room too small and too transparent for Tony to hide anywhere. To his own surprise, Bruce chuckled.
“Yeah. He does that,” he said.
“But he never told me what I needed to do to get started today!”
“Somehow I think he planned that part, too.” 
His words did not seem to soothe you. You continued to turn on the spot as though expecting Tony to pop out of a cabinet with a to-do list. 
“Look,” Bruce said. “He’ll probably be awhile. You want to go get some coffee until he deigns to show up again?”
“Yes,” you said more quickly than Bruce thought a tongue could work. 
It didn’t take more than twenty seconds for you to grab your backpack, lead him from the room, and start talking a mile a minute once more about all the papers of his that you’d read. Even more surprising than his earlier laughter, Bruce found he didn’t mind.
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hellfirehopeless · 1 year
Matt Murdock calling someone angel will be the death of me.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Bruce Banner x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1200 words
Outline: Your car got stuck in the heavy rain and Bruce is keen on conducting one experiment.
Warnings: major nipple play, heavy on lactation kink, exhibitionism, car sex, swearing, dirty talk, pet names, daddy kink.
Author’s Note: requested right here. Focused on the lactation aspect because I wanted to frankly and also I love the idea of someone you know prepping your body for them. Anw, hope you'll enjoy!
dividers by @firefly-graphics ​//​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Bruce Banner Masterlist
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“Shit!” you moan, throwing your head back on the backseat. There was heavy rain outside and it made everything seem darker even though it was still midday. Bruce uses his teeth to pull down your blouse, his two hands groping your breasts. Five minutes ago he told you he couldn’t drive anymore in this heavy rain and had to pull to the side of the road, and one minute later he joined you in the backseat where you were working on your laptop, closing it for you and then practically jumping on you. But that’s how Bruce was. Feral and demanding. If you didn’t know any better you’d think he’d personally made the weather rain so he could have you. 
“Fuck.” He groans pushing your bra down to expose your breasts. “Keeping them hidden for me. You should never wear a bra ever again.” You try to chuckle at that but his teeth are back on your nipple pulling it, before licking around and sucking on it. If there were pedestrians on the street they could definitely tell what you were up to. He uses one hand to palm your breast and the other to travel down to your core. Bruce liked knowing how wet he was getting you and he loved messes and messy clothes. 
“Bruce…” you whimper as his hand touches your clothed pussy. “You’re getting happy for daddy, sweetheart, huh?” His hands rub you while his lips go back to your right nipple licking it around with the flat of his tongue. “Bruce..!” you want to protest that you have to finish your reports before noon, you have work, people could see you but oh the way he worked on your breasts had you hazy. 
Bruce pulls your nipple again looking at you, his darkened eyes filled with lust, and then pops it off his mouth with a smirk. “I got an idea…” he muses and winks at you. With one final slap on your clothed pussy he lets it go and rises it up to your breast. Using both of his hands he starts pressuring the areola in pumping motions. You almost know what he’s about to do so you just sit back looking at him incredulously at his audacity to try it in a public place. He can tell by the sparkle in your eyes that you are curious and you would let him get away with anything so he continues. 
“Looks very promising.” He muses, a playful tone on his tongue and then he lets go returning to sucking your nipple softly, his hands holding up your breast, leaving the other painfully neglected. You naturally move your hands, one on his fluffy curly hair and one on the other nipple, as he moves further in the position settling better in the car. He is now starting to latch on the nipple completely, shutting his eyes and making muffled moaning sounds. You can tell how much he likes it by the way you can feel his erection against your thigh. 
Bruce loved your breasts and he loved sucking them as much as you loved sucking him. Many times he had fallen asleep with a nipple on his mouth after pounding you hard, which was one of his favorite aspects of aftercare. He knew now, because he was a doctor, of course, that constant stimulation could potentially produce a little bit of milk so he had started conducting experiments. Complete with essays and little sketches of course. And then he loved showing you his research to help him improve. 
He had this system of stimulating your breasts with his mouth every night and every morning for a good ten minutes. Then he’d use his tongue and his hands to make you as desirous as possible and then, of course, sweet release. He liked pleasuring you and keeping you warm and close to him. At any opportunity, he’d use his hands to play with your nipples, especially when you were cuddling or working together. Sometimes you honestly wondered how he managed to get anything done since he seemed to be so obsessed with you and your breasts. 
Bruce lets go of your nipple, probably to take a deep breath because the growl that comes from him is fully animalistic. He knew he could make you cum just from sucking on your breasts, something he has done many many times before but lately, he had been getting a little greedy with himself. 
He is now using both of his hands to massage your breasts, your eyes hazy as they try to follow him, a plead to hang off your lips as you try to rub yourself on him, the erotic play getting a little too much for you. 
“Are you gonna do good for me?”
“Yes, baby, yes!”
“I think I’m almost there. I need you to keep still. Daddy’s going for his meal.”
His lips are back on your nipple and that’s when he starts to work you expertly. He uses the flat of his tongue to lap around the areola and the nipple, the fire in your stomach about to burst. He moves on to licking fast the top of your nipple looking at you, using his other hand to squeeze the breast, and then he begins to suckle on the nipple as if his life depended on it. 
And that’s when it happens, one small pump of milk squirts out of your nipple straight down his throat, and the way he growls, and moves on top of you once he feels it sends you so deep into subspace. His eyes sparkle with his lust looking up at you to watch your reaction as his hands freely grope and grip your breasts, completely in a feral trance. 
And that’s when you orgasm, screaming out his name so loud just as the rain is stopping. Your chest is spasming underneath, shaking with the ferocity of your orgasm and he slowly halts his movements. He unsuckles your breast, only to have his tongue lick it so thoroughly to make sure no drop of milk was wasted at all. 
“Thank you.” He mumbles, his voice still low, a hint of green in his irises. “ You did so well for me baby. So good. I gotta reward you. gotta treat you so good. I’m gonna take such good care of you.” 
You try to respond but you can only make exclamation sounds at him, your orgasm truly feeling like something was ripped from your soul. 
“Oh, I’m about to fuck you so hard.”
And he zipped down his jeans, quickly getting into position. Expertly pushing the panties to the side and sliding inside of you. Oh, he was rock hard and throbbing, your pussy desperate and wet for some action. And then his lips were back on your other slightly neglected nipple and your hands were buried deep inside his curls. And you didn’t get any work done that afternoon. 
And if people passed by the street they pretended they didn’t notice the car practically moving with the speed of his thrusts. 
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For updates please follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary, my inbox, and my requests are open!
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flowerwood122 · 28 days
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Easter With Bucky (NSFW and SFW)
You were the one to convince him to do something for easter, your original plan was to just exchange gifts and maybe go to a nice restaurant.
But he made the conscious decision to make a whole big deal about it, he put out Easter eggs (plastic ones) and they were filled with all sorts of things, condoms <XD> chocolates, money, but he didn't really know what to put inside of them but he filled them with whatever he could.
When you woke up to find Crinkle paper scattered all around your bed, Bucky nowhere to be seen. You got out of bed and went to find him, and you find him alright, wearing a sexy Easter bunny costume, a pair of white ears sat on top of his head, he wore a pair of white pants and the only "shirt" he had on was a green, blue, yellow vest. If you're only reading SFW, this outfit was just a way to get into character. You guys still have a nice dinner that Bucky prepares for you.
Everything would happen the same way, except you're weirdly turned on by the bunny suit, which is what Bucky expected from you and your filthy mind.
"I don't think the easter bunny gives eggs to sluts with dirty minds." He'd say, and you couldn't find it in yourself not to blush.
"Maybe you should punish me then for my nasty thoughts." And oh does he, he'd spank you for a while watching as your ass slowly became redder each time his hand smacked it. When he was satisfied with the mess it made for you, he'd gently begin fingering you, having you begging for release but not giving it to you.
He'd slip his cock into you, easily at this point, and letting you cum from it you'd cry just because it felt so good after what felt like an hour of edging, he'd praise you after, telling you how good you did and how well his little slut was taking his cock.
He'd clean you up, and you'd both get ready for dinner, which he remained in the bunny outfit for.
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Y/n: I have a question
Tony sighs: What now?
Y/n: Do avengers get paid?
Tony: What?
Y/n: Well I was in a bar with Jen, you know, she-hulk and she asked if Wanda and Scar got paid to save people and I didn’t know but what I do know is that we live in a nice house, eat steak and lobster and I have all the latest gaming consoles
Y/n: So ironing board, what are you paying my ladies?
Tony: Kid I don’t know where they’re getting the money but it isn’t from me, I don’t even pay myself
Y/n: Alright maximoff level with me, where are you getting all this money?
Wanda who’s literally just walked through the door: I think Scar should answer this clearly huge question, now go and play on your newest game machine *quickly leaves*
SW coming in behind her: Okay princess you wanna know where we get all this blood money?
Y/n: Now that you’ve called it blood money I’m not too sure
SW: We’ve set up a “business” with Nat where we may go “dispose” of some people that people with money need disposing of
Y/n: You’re killers for hire?!
SW: I mean I guess but the people we kill for then get caught by the avengers so it’s not that bad
Y/n: I wish I never asked
Wanda: That’s what we all hoped for
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