#human rights paragraph for class 6
friendtechbd · 1 year
Human rights paragraph 8-10, SSC, HSC and all students 100-500 words
human rights paragraph 8-10, SSC, HSC and all students 100-500 words. Go through the below written paragraph carefully, hope you will be able to appear in any exam by reading it. human rights paragraph 120 keyword Human rights are essential entitlements that safeguard every individual’s dignity, freedom, and well-being. They are universal, inherent, and inalienable, applicable to everyone…
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
Sorry I'm not explaining myself right
Literally just see you reblogging on your personal blog and then there's fyeah - but if there's other mods, then forget that what I said. I guess what I mean is I see you interacting with the same handful of people or if you pick a new person it turns out they're popular or in that group you already talk to like starcrossedjedis elmunson xotejays and others. I don't see you branching out of that little circle of people. You send them asks all the time, speak to them, reblog and praise them and ita just like why you so honed in on them. I don't mean your friends I just mean like people coming out and making OPLA OCs that you discover and like and never interacted with before. What makes them better than the rest of us. All I can say is that they command a big audience and also all know each other already and you want in and now they're your friends
It's like being back at high school
But please don't worry this is the last time I'm bringing it up I think I worked out my answer. I hope things get better in the community 💕
Okay, listen. It's quarter past midnight and I do not have the energy or braincells to deal with this right now. First of all, I think the point you're making is funny because:
1) I actually pretty much never interact with elmunson. They're a mutual-in-law, but I think I've only ever interacted directly with them once on here and twice on Discord
2) I rarely send asks. It's something I'm trying to work on because I would like to be sending more asks but I haven't sent any of them any asks lately
3) Reblogging is literally how Tumblr works? Like, what do you expect me to do, not reblog stuff from them?
4) You literally just described how friend groups work. You have your circle on friends and you get along and you support each other. But my friend circle isn't closed off, which leads me to...
5) I "hone in" on those people because I see them. I don't think they're better per se, they're just there. I've asked you multiple times to send me a message or a link to your OCs but you still haven't. I've been nothing if not polite but now I'm losing my patience. Discovering people and messaging them even though you've never interacted before is how you make friends on this website and it's how you could make me see your OCs so that your issue isn't an issue anymore. I literally looked through both the opla oc and one piece oc tag just for you and I didn't see any hints towards your OCs' existence? Maybe consider tagging correctly? Or send me the posts?
6) Regarding your "they command a big audience and you want in" point... That's literally not true? Some of them I knew before OPLA even released. One of them I got into OPLA. Most of them I literally just stumbled across in the fyeah tag.
7) Lastly, the ask you sent after this one: That's one conversation. A conversation in which, only one of the other three people involved is one of the people you said I was interacting with a lot in this ask. Things just aren't adding up anymore.
It's like high school because high school works just like that. You sit next to someone in class, you talk to them, you become friends. You don't even have to know them before hand. That's just how humans work. I really hope you stick to your last paragraph because, in my eyes, the OPLA OC community is thriving, and I've tried my best to help you. Have a lovely day, my friend, I'm gonna go to sleep now. Maybe you should sleep too, because you're not making sense.
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 months
well, things have been weird... I think depression and anxiety has been hitting me hard this past week to the point of like chest pain, i think I'm very familiar with heartache lmao. I'm a senior now, finally made it to year 6 in med school, and currently in my first rotation, i don't know how to feel about that other than fear of my own incompetence and failure to compensate for it because I'm just so exhausted..
As for writing, i haven't done any for like close to at least 1 year, nothing, even poetry has been sparse, maybe max of 3 this whole year. It's like slow torture... it's like the first death described in black swan. I've been trying to plan a novel, but all i have is Pinterest boards for characters and a main idea of a plot and it doesn't seem that this year I'll be able to give it time because it's hectic and important and i also have my damn research on thalassemia patient's quality of life and whatnot.
Loneliness is suffocating as well, I don't know what to do with it, i blame it on adulthood and maturity, hell im 23 yet i feel like i have the loneliness of a vampire watching every loved one fade. there's not much to do about it. everyone's busy and i hate human connection as much as i crave it.
I thought by now you'd have relocated btw because it's been a while that you've been talking about it, also didn't you go back for masters or is my timeline of events wrong cuz trust me I don't even remember my name these days
hi friend 🤍
i’m sorry about the anxiety and depression. i certainly understand how hard both are to deal with. anything you can do to get even a little bit of relief? is therapy an option for you?
congratulations on making it to your senior year! that’s a wonderful accomplishment! i watch a few med student youtubers, and i’m so impressed by everything that you all do. it’s a fuck ton of work. is school a major catalyst for the anxiety and depression for you or more so other things you mentioned like human connection/loneliness? everything?
even if your plans for the book aren’t as far along as you were hoping they’d be, i still think it’s really cool that there are ideas dancing around in your head. they won’t just disappear either, so you can always dive back in when it feels right and the writing is coming. you’ll have to keep me updated on this. i feel you on the writing thing. i’ve finally been able to do some writing again after months of shitty work, but the longer it’s missing, the crazier us writers feel. i hope it comes back to you sooner rather than later. a year is a long time. idk if i’d ever write without music. it’s such a huge source of inspiration for me.
oh god… the loneliness. i’m so touch starved that i don’t know what to do with myself. a huge part of me wishes i could erase my dating experience last year bc absences following what that little supernova gave me are apparent as hell. i feel like my isolation from covid never really ended, and i’m still trying to move out of it and form friendships in closer proximity. hating human connection and craving it at the same time—felt. i consistently feel like i have to be a better version of myself first, but will i ever meet a version i’m satisfied with? there are always mental hurdles to navigate. do you have any friends in your med school program?
your last paragraph pierced my heart a little bit bc i too thought i’d be in a different city by now. i lasted in my grad program for three months. it was horrible. i took a class last summer, and i knew pretty early on that it was the wrong choice, but i still started the fall semester. i wanted to give it a sincere shot and not make a rash decision (i convinced myself it was rash but it was really my gut saying important things lol). maybe in the future i’ll go back to school and do something completely different. i kind of want to get an english degree, but the idea of doing another bachelor’s feels strange. i wanted to double major originally but didn’t. for now, i’m working a remote job i hate and constantly job searching for something else. i’m passionate about community engagement work and environmental justice, hoping i’ll find something. i still want to move to chicago. i’ll be there in september, and i’m hoping my time there will solidify feelings and desires about relocating.
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finnyboywolfhard · 3 years
Now That I Saw You- Chapter 4- Jump Then Fall
Steve Harrington x Reader
catch up here
This Chapter is Inspired by Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift 
summary: Steve and Reader are falling more and more for one another. 
warnings: cursing, fluff
word count: 1.4k
For yet another morning, Y/N woke to the feeling of Steve’s arms wrapped around her body. Her eyes looked over his face a few times, a smile spreading sweetly across her face.
“Don’t stare, it’s creepy.” Steve grumbled out in his grizzled morning voice. Chills went down her spine as he spoke.
“But you’re so handsome.” Y/N faked a pout in response. His hands pulled her tighter to him, and his hand reached up to cup her face.
“You’re absolutely adorable, you know that?” He said before pulling her in for a kiss. Despite both of their morning breath, the kisses between the two just kept getting better and better to her. He pulled away from the kiss and placed on her forehead. He climbed over top of her to get out of bed.
“I hate being an adult.” Y/N spoke from the bed. Steve gave her a confused look as he continued putting on his pajama pants. “I don’t want to go to work. And I don’t want to spend a weekend without you.” She pouted as she watched him get dressed.  
“Come here.” He waved for her to come towards him. She got out of the bed and shuffled towards him. Instantly, she was swallowed by his arms in a hug. They swayed back and forth in the middle of the room. “Listen, it’s just one weekend. It’ll be okay! Plus we have those plans with Dustin when I get back.”
“I forgot! That’s gonna be fun!” She smiled looking at him, her eyes looking at every feature on his face. He kept talking, and she could hear him but her brain was going 100 miles per hour about how much she really liked him and wanted to be with him. He just felt right for her, like they were meant to be together. Her eyes moved over to the clock propped on her dresser. “Shit! I’m gonna be late. And so are you! Aren’t you supposed to be picking up your mom soon?
“Oh shit, yeah. I-uh-I forgot completely.” He went silent for a moment while watching her get dressed. “Do you want me to take you to work before I go to my parents?”
“That would be great babe, thank you.” She said without thinking of the pet name she just used.  He didn’t say anything, but that pet name made butterflies go aflutter in his stomach and he realized he was falling again.
Steve dropped her off at work and the hours seemed to tick past even slower than usual for the girl. She kept re-reading the same paragraph because her mind kept going back to Steve and every little thing about him. He really was becoming the most important thing in her life, something that she had never experienced before.
“Y/N, call on 2.” Another intern piped up from the cubicle across from her.
“Hi, you’ve reached Y/N Y/L/N in the human resources department, how can I help you?” From the other end of the phone, she heard her favorite sound in the entire world- Steve’s laugh. She wished that she could listen to it all day.
“Jesus, you sound so professional.” Steve finally spoke.
“Wow, I wonder why I would sound professional at my job in the government?” They both erupted into a fit of giggles.
“You make a fair point, I just wanted to call and tell you that I got here safely. I miss you already.” Her heart melted at the gesture of his call.
“I miss you. I’ll be counting down the hours until I see you.”
“I already am. Sunday at 6, at the diner. Be there or be square.” He joked through the phone.                  
“I’ll be there.” She smiled.
“Okay, well-uh, I gotta go, but I’ll talk to you soon okay?”
“Okay. Bye Stevie.”
“Bye Y/N/N.” She hung up the phone and let out a groan. These next two nights without him were gonna be rough. It’s not like she didn’t love spending time with Robin, she absolutely did. Robin was without a doubt in her mind her best friend in Hawkins, but after spending nearly all of her time with Steve in some way shape or form, it was gonna be weird to not see him for a bit.
The days leading up to Sunday evening went by slowly. Robin and her had eaten dinner together every night, but with Robin at work all day and Y/N being home alone, things got boring. But things were all better when Sunday rolled around.
Y/N pulled into the diner and saw the oh so familiar BMW parked. She got out and looked into the car, noticing that it was empty. She bounded up the stairs and into the restaurant, instantly spotting her favorite head of hair in the whole world. As she approached, she saw Dustin flailing his arms telling Steve something.
“What’re you boys talking about?” Steve’s eyes lit up as Y/N slid into the booth next to him. He placed a kiss on her temple. She leaned into him and the feeling.
“Dustin here is trying to explain something that he learned in his AP Bio Class.”
“Oh, that will go right over my head. Me and science don’t get along.”
“Don’t you have a political science degree?” Y/N let out a laugh at the very valid question Dustin just posed.
“I mean, Yes I do but PoliSci is a whole different beast. It deals more in the social sciences and humanities rather than physical sciences.”
“Wait what do you mean?” Dustin asked her, which instantly sparked a conversation between the two. Steve’s eyes flickered between the two and how easily they had fallen into a conversation. He admired how they talked so intelligently without trying to make the other feel dumb, it was sweet.  
“Any new movies in the store?” Dustin snapped Steve back to full attention.
“Yeah…uh…a few horror movies came in, and some other ones I had never heard of that Robin likes.” They talked over their dinner for a bit, all enjoying each other’s company. Steve leaned over to take a bite of food, and his hair fell into his face.
“Oh my god, come here.” Y/N turned his head around and pulled the top portion of his hair out of his face, tying it up with a hair tie. He turned his head back to her after and she let out a giggle. “You look ridiculous, but I’m sure it will help.” She pecked his lips once before going back to her own food. Dustin’s face was turned up into a smirking smile, mainly happy that his best friend had found someone who works well for him and very clearly makes him happy. It also helped that he also really liked Y/N, she was fun, caring and most of all clearly infatuated for Steve, more than Dustin ever thought Nancy was. They walked out of the diner, with Y/N’s fingers laced with Steve’s, them both trailing behind Dustin.
“I gotta drive Dusty home, I’ll just meet you back at home yeah?”
“Perfect!” Y/N walked over to Dustin and gave him a hug goodbye before giving Steve a kiss. She walked back to her car and drove home alone, waiting patiently for her boyfriend to come home.
As she lay in her PJs she heard the front door open and footsteps approaching her room. When her door opened, she lifted the blanket up so he could crawl in with her.
“Hello.” She said as his face hit the pillow beside her. He let out a little laugh before responding.
“Hi. I’ve missed this.” He said sweetly. She smiled at the sentiment, and was overcome with her feelings.
“Steve…” She said, not sadly but more yearning.
“What my dear?” His voice laced with a little worry.
“I used to feel so scared to fall for someone but…but with you…fuck. With you, it’s like I’m jumping into freefall with no net. And I’m just…I’m just a little scared you’re gonna leave me.”
“Hey hey hey, I’m not gonna leave you, I can promise you that. After the shit with Nancy, I-uh-I never thought that I would feel like…this. I…I love you Y/N.” He said, looking deep into her eyes and placing a gentle hand to her cheek.
“I love you Steve.” She wasn’t scared with Steve, she felt the happiest with him and she knew that falling for him wasn’t even over yet. She loved him and he loved her, and frankly, that was all she was worried about.  
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yo for the wip title tag, i'd love to know about 'We Only Know Their Name For Certain', it's a great title and i have so much curiosity!! whatever you'd like to share about it
also 'COW writing'? is it truly about bovines or does COW stand for something? [@rodentwrites]
Ahh, thank you so much for asking!!! (and for giving me the change to ramble about We Only Know Thier Name For Certain!)
We Only Know Their Name For Certain is, actually, a terrible title, given that it's the first line of the story, and also that I didn't write it. That single line was a writing prompt that I found I don't even know where, but it stuck in my head. Around the time I found it (holy shit, that was 4-ish years ago???) I was assigned to write a short story for a state-wide short story contest as a class assingment.
My original idea was a short story told only in transcripts of messages left on an answering machine, and I'd like to revist that someday as well! But I hated it every time I tried to write it. And that writing prompt, those few magic words, was stuck in my head.
So, I opened my "fragments" document (aka, the google doc where I write down all the tiny little snippets that pop into my head and that never become more) and I started writing. I though I'd be lucky to get a paragraph. But, nope, I ended up with just over a thousand words. Just pumped them out in one sitting.
I showed it to my teacher, who is a harsh critic, and she loved it. I submitted it. It didn't even get close to winning, which was sad.
But I haven't even told you what it's about!! It's a weird little speculative story about humanity. Aliens have found Earth, some time in the future. But there is no life here. No people, no animals. Only plants, and some very strange graffitti. Here's the opening lines:
We only know their name for certain.  It was found, carved into every cliff face, written on every wall, visible everywhere we turned.  “We are Human”. We can only take it to mean that was their name.
Spooky shit, right? I haven't even figured out myself what happened to "us", but it can't be good....
Anyways, the rest of the story is basically this essay written by an alien, trying to explain, to understand humanity. They talk about the things they've found (airports, the University of Michigan's Big House, the Titanic, the Great Pyramids, Mt. Rushmore, etc.) and they make assumptions about us. Not really assumptions, but thoughts about who we were as a species.
It's obviously not my best writing, given that I wrote it at the age of 14 or 15, but I love it dearly, and now I really, really want to go back and revisit the idea!! So, thank you for the inspiration!!!
I'll talk about COW under the cut because this is already really long. (TW for injury and death (also child death) under the cut!!)
So, COW sadly has nothing to do with bovines. I love them, but that is not what this was. COW stands for "Creative Original Writing", and was a requirement for my, you guessed it, creative writing class.
At the end of the class (~12 weeks because my school was weird), we had to turn in 20 pages of our own writing, all of which was supposed to have been written during those 12 weeks. We had all of class every Friday to work on it, though.
My COW Writing is actually several things, the vast majority of which involve superheroes, because I loved (and still do) superhero fiction!! (Hence why I can't stop recommending the Villains series to anyone I meet, lmao.)
The first few pages (7 of them, to be precise) deal with Adrian St. Clair, a character that I made up for that very class. Most of my writing with him was really bad, and the only part that really matters is the first 235 words.
They're a re-written version of something I wrote 5-6 years ago, and that I don't have the original version anymore. But it's this little thing that talks about "the hero" and "the villain". They're taunting eachother, chasing. And the Hero jumps up on the railing of this pedestrian bridge, and is running along it, and somehow, he falls.
Well, then you find out that "the hero" and "the villain" are two children (brothers to be precise) who were playing in the park near their home. Yes, the one fell. Yes, he died. That was real. The last line is "How was I supposed to tell mom?" Because that poor kid (Adrian) is in shock. And of course, as a child, you screw something up and you think "shit, I need to either come clean or come up with a lie." And so that's where he's going. (Side note: what was up with my 7th grade brain when I first came up with that scene??? This version is from 11th grade, but it's almost verbatim from the original.)
The next part of the COW document was also something that started out on my "fragments" doc. I had written the original years previously, so I decided to rewrite it for this project.
This one has to do with a teenage vigilante named Ash, who has at some point prior to this scene been cut with a poisoned blade. She's trying to get to "safety", but very much out of it. (Side Note: how the hell did I write a better Poisoned Blade Disorientation Scene over a year ago (and also like, 6 years ago) than the 3 times I've tried to write a similar scene for ATQH??? HOW IS THAT FAIR???)
She imagines the headlines surrounding her death, and also the reaction of her younger sister, who she has apparently been caring for.
She makes it to "safety", but collapses on the steps, unable to reach the doorknocker. She thinks it's laughing at her.
(In the original version, in my "fragments" she is only rescued because her rival (the person she went to get help from but also the son of the city's most infamous villain), Nik's cat is meowing and trying to get his attention. He's like "what?" and then he sees A Leg out his window. Thank the cat, not him.)
The rest of the 20 pages is Adrian's real supervillain origin story. His mother works in a not-great part of town, and he visits her after school, even though she told him not to. He overhears these guys planning a robbery of some kind, and on the way home, he debates wether or not to report it. In the end, his goody-two-shoes side (or maybe his naivity) wins out, and he calls a tip line.
The woman on the other end is clearly apathetic, and seems to think it's a prank, but she assures him that the tip will be passed on to the proper authorities.
Later, his mom never comes home from work. Turns out that the robbery was planned on her work place, and she was killed in the crossfire. (It's mentioned earlier that her boss is a real shady guy, and probably some kind of drug dealer.)
Adrian is furious with the authorities (aka, the superheroes) for not doing anything, and thus begins his path to villain-hood. (Although I never got to write that far.)
Also, he spends some time after his mom's death with his elderly lesbian neighbor. Idk why, that's just what happens.
I'm SO sorry for the monster that this ask became. But I hope you find some part of it interesting?? Maybe??? If anyone read all the way to the bottom, you deserve a cookie and a hug, and please tell me what you think of my (kind of cringey) superhero shit. (Be nice about WOKTNFC, because I like that story, and I'm going to rewrite it.)
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headspace-hotel · 4 years
My first attempt at college, my advisor was a psychologist. Wasn’t my first choice of class or teacher. I chose the school for its donning problem, because of my ADHD and other neurodivergent symptoms/disabilities.
The current climate on campuses makes it next to impossible to criticize or call out a teacher without it turning into a fracas. Did a term paper on congenital blindness, which she had to approve. The professor specializes in developmental psychology. I couldn’t even bring up obvious ableism in sources, or how useless they were, without her getting defensive. I’m visually impaired, and neurodivergent, I’m not offended, I spent my childhood in and out of doctors offices, and I’ve got an ego on me, I like to challenge authority, if they can’t rise to the occasion and earn my respect that’s on them.
It’s such a broken field. I’ve taken psyche classes before, in high school and middle school. I already knew the neurodivergent experience learning about psychology or sociology is to sit there wondering why nothing you learn applies to you.
Long story short, I had a psychotic episode that year. Spent 6 hours writing the same 5 sentences over and over and went to her class, then had a meeting with another teacher who escorted me to the nurses because that’s how obviously off the wall I was.
I KNOW she was a shit teacher. But it was a great learning experience, and made me much more engaged in disability rights. Still in therapy, but in a much better place emotionally. That school broke me a little bit. But I think(?) came out the other end stronger (?)
One time I was explaining how I can hyperfocus and loose track of time researching and she told me to be “more aloof.”
I continue to wonder whether psych is just as broken as any other field and I can see it because I’m mentally ill and neurodivergent, or if there is something uniquely fucked about it.
I do know that most of my classes have substantially centered, as part of the obligatory introduction to the field they cover, at least some exploration of and criticism of the problems, bigotry, and ‘brokenness’ in that field and quite a bit of encouragement to look upon and question one’s own point of view, one’s own society, one’s own framework for understanding.
What constantly got me about psych was that the answer to a question was never “maybe the world needs to be different? Maybe the norm needs to change?” And our text and discussion were constantly exploring things where that was a glaring omission. I remember specifically thinking this about a class where we were discussing circadian rhythms and the amount of sleep needed to sustain health, and the question of “How can we help people get a healthy amount of sleep?” was on the table, but “Maybe we need to change the world we’ve created so the majority of people don’t exist in a permanent state of unhealthy sleep deprivation?” was never implied or permitted as a possible answer.
And just to be clear, there’s a good reason why that might not be a helpful answer, which is that people need help for their sleep problems now, and “overthrow capitalism” isn’t a very actionable solution for the average insomniac.
But the whole textbook in particular was actively encouraging us to think of The Way Things Are as default, and to explore ways of questioning people that don’t fit norms instead of questioning the norms themselves.
I felt a great deal of despair and panic at the thought that this was just a gen ed class for most of us (including me) and for many of us, would be the full extent of our academic delve into psychology. This would be all some of those students ever really learned about psychology. All they were formally taught about autism would consist of a few paragraphs that insisted that autistic children don’t want relationships or human contact because they see other people as the same as inanimate objects.
All of those classmates had an opportunity, an openness to having their limited understanding of psychology be challenged and expanded into an ability to interrogate the world around them. “Maybe the world doesn’t meet human needs the way it should. Maybe what we think of as normative isn’t the default. Maybe something needs to change so people do not suffer. Maybe I need to change so I can better understand others. Maybe I am wrong, and maybe I’m still wrong, and maybe I have to keep learning.” That was what I experienced in Anthropology, and it was difficult and mind-expanding and powerful.
But that textbook firmly shut that door, and I’m afraid that for some people it may have been shut forever.
Not that further study would necessarily help. Psych majors very easily hold onto their dehumanizing, voyeuristic, clinical, othering approach to psychological suffering throughout their studies. E.g. your advisor. Those people can be, if anything, worse toward people with disabilities or any kind of mental disorder or difference.
I can’t remember if the word “ableism” was ever used in my psych class. But it’s definitely a massively obvious problem that psych courses can discuss “helping” mentally ill and disabled people without discussing them as vulnerable, silenced, and marginalized in some ways.
There is very little acknowledgement that there is bias, prejudice, violence against these people. There is no opportunity or challenge to realize, “Maybe I’m biased, and maybe I can’t fully understand, and maybe I need humility or I might hurt people while trying to help.”
The fact that the people who are going into psych will be usually working so directly with people absolutely does not help.
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in-somnis-veritas · 4 years
(This is for an AU currently in the works! This is one of the only available posts for it right now, but make sure to drop by the page and follow us to stay up to date! More in-depth info will be released soon about the world of Adrestia)
Name | Age | Race | Status Mod Paragraph
Tommy | 16 | Half-elf | Commoner
Tommy was born and raised in the town of Alnwick, living with his mom for the first few years of his life as his father worked in the capital city of Somritas as a knight. He was raised completely unaware of his status of being a half-elf or the fact that his mother was, in fact, an elf. Now, 16 years old with a dead mother, he continues to live his life believing he’s human--not even showing the telltale signs of being a half-elf because of a pendant he’s worn since he was a toddler. Not that he knows that’s what it does. Loud, rambunctious, mischievous--he always finds the time to harass his friends or flirt with pretty girls who happened to be nearby. Best friends with Tubbo and with a brotherly relationship with Dream, he’s out thriving as an extrovert. Though it’s safe to mention he’s completely banned from the capital city,
Tubbo | 16 | Druid | Knight
Tubbo's entire existence is illegal, pretty much. Born to two druids, he himself is also a druid. When he was 6, his camp was attacked. All of his people were killed. The only survivors were him and his baby brother. After fleeing, they survived on their own for a week. They were soon picked up by another camp, which Tubbo lived in for 9 years. When he was 15, his camp sent him to the city. His brother stayed behind, while Tubbo made the three-day long journey to the city. Soon after his arrival, he became a knight. He has served ever since. Despite being magical, he appears fairly human. The only true way to tell he is a druid is the triskelion tattoo he has, which is just below the crook of his elbow on his right forearm. Within the city, his closest friend is Niki. She was the first one to find out about his magic, and he genuinely trusts her with his life. Outside of the city, his best friend is Tommy. Considering he can't go inside the city, Tubbo usually goes outside the walls to visit. Tommy was the second to find out. Saying he trusts Tommy with his life isn't true, mainly because he would be the one endangering it to begin with.
Dream | 19 | Human | Prince/Royalty
Prince Dream von Galatea the 1st, born August 12th, 1599, is the sole male heir to the well known kingdom, Somritas, in the northern Adrestia region. He is a very respected and competent prince to his royal adversaries and renowned across the land as an excellent warrior. Dream trains almost daily and vigorously, so much so that many outsiders try their hand at challenging him but have yet to beat him. The man greatly idolizes the old “fairy tales” of the human hero saving others from the monstrous non-human races. Though, this then causes the prince to have a bit of a Hero Complex. When a situation involves or pertains to someone he cares for and is emotionally invested in, he’s generally a very impulsive and sensitive man that will end up following his feelings in the heat of the moment rather than his rationalized thoughts. Other than that, however, Dream’s quick at adapting to new situations and thinking on the spot, especially when placed under pressure. To add on, he’s fiercely protective and compassionate to those under his kingdom’s rule and is seen often interacting with the townsfolk in the Town Square, thus his subjects adore the kind prince wholeheartedly. In order to rise to his rightful place as King, he must venture outside the castle walls and vanquish countless magical non-human races, thus proving himself capable to his father. Subsequently along the way, Dream’s close minded beliefs will get upturned as he begins to discover not everything in his kingdom is as fair and just as he once thought. 
George | 20 | Changeling | Upperclass Tailor
George Pruitt is a fairly upper-class tailor born and raised in Somritas. Both of his parents are tailors, and he is one of the most skilled tailors in the city. Many members of royalty favor him and ask specifically sew their clothes for important events. He is Prince Dream's favorite tailor as well. His upbringing was regular and nothing strange happened, but around 14 years old, he started getting signs of magic. He withdrew from people and really only socialized with Dream, which is why they're so close. He tries to seem as human as possible, and hates that he's magical.
Niki | 18 | Human | Commoner
Niki lives in the northern Adrestia region in the kingdom of Somritas as a baker. She owns her own shop where she she sells breads, pastries, cookies, and the like. The unofficial hub of all mysterious strangers, Niki seems to know everyone and everything. While raised on the culture of magical non-humans being bad, her encounters throughout the years change her mind to be more open and welcome to everyone. She makes friends very easily and her shop is one of the most visited in the kingdom.
Techno | 19 | Cursed Human | Prince/Royalty
Technoblade is the prince of the kingdom of Strata, a kingdom in the Adrestia region and one that is allied to the kingdom of Somritas. He was cursed the night before his fifteenth birthday by an unknown intruder in the castle and was shunned by the general public in the kingdom because of his now ‘monstrous’ appearance. He left the kingdom even though the king and queen wanted him to stay and is now searching for someone to undo his curse, which brought him to Somritas. He stays out of the actual kingdom because he would be burned if he ever went inside due to his appearance, so he just camps out in the forest close to it and only goes to the very outskirts of the marketplace and the black market to find someone that can break the curse. Techno is extremely blunt and he’s not afraid to call someone out for being an idiot, but only when he’s comfortable with that person. He hates interaction with people that he doesn’t know and pretty much never talks to anyone unless they talk to him first. He kinda bounces around in different groups of people, but stays with Dream mostly.
Wilbur | 25 | Cursed Human | Outlaw
Wilbur was born in a family that practiced magic. One day, they were caught and the royalty put them up to be executed, but Wilbur able to escape. He would steal things on the streets and retreat to the woods at night. He did this for a couple of years, but when he was 21 he got caught and was scheduled for a public execution. He got one of his eyes removed but was able to escape by setting something on fire as a distraction. He retreated to the forest once again where he practiced witchcraft and lived somewhat peacefully. Then he met Tommy.
Fundy | 20 | Silver dragon-touched human | Traveling Healer
Fundy is a mysterious traveler that works as a healer for money, slipping in and out of towns and leaving little more than a healed patient or two and fleeting memories of him behind. He leaves little opportunity for anyone to get close, and he always carries a wooden fox mask.
Philza | Ealy 30s | Aasimar | Commoner
Phil lives outside of the kingdom, on the edge of a forest with his wife. Aside from tending to his animals and small farm he makes furniture for the more wealthy members of society. He’s an all around kind and genuine normal guy, he’s always willing to lend a helping hand. Sometimes though, when the light hits right, an ethereal glow seems to take form in the shape of a ring above his head. Despite being a regular ol' guy, rumors seem to follow him wherever he goes. Many stories spread about a winged figure slaying beasts either in traps or by their own sword, swooping out of the sky to defend people, leaving nothing left of once feared monsters. Sadly, absolutely none of the rumors are talking about him, couldn’t be. Phil’s just ordinary.
Eret | 20 | Cursed Human | Noble (Court member)
Eret is from a small town on the northern coast of Somritas. They was raised there for the first 17 years of their life surrounded by elves and magic users the entire time. It was a hidden safe haven for elves within the kingdom, a vast majority of its population being the magical creatures. The village was full of so much magic that it ended up causing the humans who lived alongside the elves to become magic sensors, hence why Eret is, well, a magic sensor. They ended up doing something, that something never being disclosed as Eret refuses to explain. It ended up with the high council of elves within the town to be LIVID. They became petty. They cursed him. They made the kid appear magical, ruining Eret’s humanity and forcing them to look similar to an elf with glowing eyes. But it backfired and destroyed their retinas, completely blinding them. So, fueled with the want for revenge, Eret turned on their village and ratted out the magical population. It just so happened to be that they ratted the village out to a royal court member. This gave them a pardon and an audience with the king who gave them an offer. They could help the king as a magic sensor and spy and continue to sniff out the magical congregations or they could burn with the village. Eret chose to stay alive, so they helped the royals torch the village.
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
More hetalia highschool AU, 🌟magic team🌟 edition :)
Under the cut bc it is long ❤️
Vladimir is that one kid obsessed with Twilight but only for the vampires; it was his first ever exposure to vampires thanks to his dad thinking Twilight was an appropriate book for a 11 year old. Team Edward going strong for five years, he'd proudly declare like it actually mattered. He tries his best to dress goth at school even though his uniform gets in the way. Fake ear piercings(his parents won't let him pierce them yet), over the top makeup, he's dyed the top half of his shoes black because his parents were concerned about his obsession with black and wouldn't buy him the black tennies he wanted— "mom look, these are marked down for back to school! Can I pleeeease get them???" "....may I know why the black ones specifically?" "They match the ever nothingness of my soul." "Yep! The white ones it is then!" "Mooooooooooom!"— Vladimir has been dubbed the cringy vampire kid of course.
Lukas is into pretty much anything concerning cryptids and magical creatures because they can't be proven to be fake or real, which intrigues him. He carries a book about mushrooms at all times and info dumps on pretty much anyone about identifying poisonous mushrooms and which mushrooms are safe to eat. His backpack is covered in buttons and pins to show off his interests. He keeps an amethyst in the front pocket of his backpack, reason unknown other than to just randomly pull it out and let Mikkel look at it. He's that kid that always wears his hoodie no matter the season, he never takes it off. Under his hoodie is always a crude worded t-shirt that the school would not approve of, much less his parents. He's relatively quiet and because he's quiet he's considered a weird kid.
Arthur can't decide if punk is his style or if goth is. Either way, his way of self expression at school in addition to the uniform is horrible. Checkered black/red shoes his grandma got him with his older brother's hand me down worn out greying socks—"can I PLEASE just have my own clothes???" "we have perfectly good clothes for you in the garage! I can fix them up to fit you better and everything!" "but I want cool NEW clothes!" "those are cool clothes and as far as the other kids know, they're also new. Now get your transformer backpack and get to the car. I put a new patch on it last night so that should hold it for the rest of the year."— Old Pierce the veil shirt, with holes chewed into the collar from his older brother Dillan, peeking out from under his white polo. A black and red choker to match his black and red slowly tearing apart too big flannel on top of a black pull over. A deep blue beanie, the hoodie of his pull over almost constantly on top when outside the school. He dyes a part of his hair a different color every month. He spikes his hair using too much gel and is convinced he looks good. He talks too much about bands and always gets Vlad and Lukas going on and on about fictional creatures he does not FULLY believe in himself. He does, however, believe in magic and loves Harry Potter, more specifically the Weaselys, to bits.
Natalya is a sophomore, a year behind the boys, and she just kinda pushed her way into the friend group until they eventually accepted her into it. They were the only three she knew who liked occult related topics. She's on the baseball team because she wanted an excuse to hit things with another thing and NOT get detention because of it. She wears the khaki uniform skirt and takes full advantage over being able to wear any kind of tights underneath; skull pattern, plain black, blood splatter pattern, fire pattern. Anything that makes her feel like a badass. She's always talking about antiques and forging weapons, more specifically knives. She has a whole collection of fidget toys but her favorite is this pea pod keychain her father gave her. She's always talking about how she'd like to be a medical examiner and to just prove that she's serious, she'll bring up a picture of a human model and point out the difference between a self inflicted fatal wound and a homicide. She puts up a charade of being able to see and talk to ghosts to freak out Alfred, her extended friend first met through Tolys.
They collectively believe they're cool and that other people know this. They're genuinely blind to the obvious snickers sent their way, being called losers and nerds. They're really knowm for like really pathetic things like; Natalya is Ivan's, tallest and most intimidating member of the wrestling team, weird younger sister by a year. Lukas is just the weird quiet kid that reads by the courtyard garden during lunch. Vladimir is not only the vampire goth kid but the kid who's parents believe the teachers are giving his son low grades on purpose and will yell at them for it. And Arthur is just. He's another Kirkland, immediately assumed to be a massive trouble maker because of his now graduated brother Alistair and one grade above him brother Dillan. Everyone loved his eldest brother Darick and sometimes compare him to Darick.
Compared to what others THINK they do, such as witch craft for some odd reason, the four of them do pretty typical teen activities. Like hang out at the mall. Do their honework together. Play video games and D&D when they have the chance. The boys do have sleepovers still as they have since meeting each other in middle school, Nat not really being a fan of sleeping where she doesn't live but comfortable enough to go to their houses and just chill for the day. They have become friends because of their related interests but thats not what they're ALL ABOUT.
Fun facts/stories about these losers I thought about while bored as fuck:
• Lukas, in his freshman year, went on a nature hike field trip with his lit class after reading Into The Wild. And he brought his mushroom book of course. They walked around, looking at the sights, talked about the book. Lukas just stops at one point, falling behind the class. He picks up a mushroom, goes to the teacher and is like "You see this? Its not poisonous." And straight up fucking eats it without warning. The teacher called an ambulance even though Lukas kept telling him he was fine and that that mushroom was 100% okay to eat raw, but for sure better off cooked. Lukas calmly shows the paramedics his book and they're like "yeah that actually was safe to eat, we don't need the book to confirm that, but um. Please don't ever pick something off the ground and eat it again. Just. Please don't do that, son." .....he did it again before leaving to go back to school but this time he didn't tell anyone.
• In elementary school, Natalya brought in a model of the human brain she asked her dad to borrow. He had to say yes because she was his only child genuinely interested, not bored of, his medical profession and he found it very cute and honoring. So she's at show and tell, its her turn right, and she silently goes up to the front of the class and pulls out the model brain. Teacher tries to step in because, hey, these are 6 year olds—AND WHY DOES THIS 6 YEAR OLD HAVE A PLASTIC BRAIN??? But Nat just shooshes her. In surprised shock, the teacher is just quiet as Nat begins to explain parts of the brain and their function— which was all wrong actually. She knew the words and everything but she didn't get the locations right. She sounded confident and smart and she was telling this to a bunch of 6 year olds so they believed her of course. End of the school day, her dad is having a hilarious conference with his youngest's teacher about the brain incident.
• Vladimir loves reading. He's loved it since he began to learn how, even if his dyslexia gives him grief along the way. So since he loves to read he'll always get excited and read ahead in class or in the public library reading club. One summer, the reading club was reading The Giver and it was getting really good. Vlad was loving the story, so much so that Vlad began to read ahead in his own time when he really wasn't supposed to be, the club was reading it together out loud and discussing it. Now he's read enough and worked hard enough to figure out how to help himself focus better and understand each word and sentence without having to reread it all multiple times over or get stuck. But sometimes the meaning and context to what he's reading doesn't ALWAYS process with the words as he's too focused on reading the words right and it passes right over his head. So Vlad is reading ahead and he's getting to the part where The Giver has given Jonas the memory of the sled again. And Vlad just sits there after reading that paragraph. He rereads it. And rereads it again. And then he leaves his book on his bed, goes to the the hall closet and takes out the ironing board. He grabs a plastic container to use as an ill attempt of a helmet and he just. Rockets down the staircase and hits the wall. He screams and cries and his parents rush in from the livingroom. When asked what happened he just says "I wanted to understand the sled scene better! Now I do and I feel really bad for Jonas!" He just couldn't quite grasp WHY the sled accident hurt, never had a broken bone nor sled afterall, and needed to find out. And that's how Vlad got his first broken arm at the age of 12.
• When Alfred and Matthew moved in with Arthur's family, Arthur didn't like it. He was a moody young teen but he was also just tired of the full house. His cousins were loud and nosey. He had to share a room with his four older brothers already and now with Matthew while Kathleen and Alfred got a room to themselves. Arthur thought this was so unfair. So his solution was to run away. He was 13, he needed a place to have some peace and quiet for once. So he texts Francis and Lukas, the only two of his friends living in his neighnorhood. Francis is not on board with helping him run away at first but then Lukas brings literally all his camping gear for Arthur's use and then Francis is on board because he had the feeling Arthur was going to get himself killed somehow. So as the elder one of the group he accompanied Arthur and Lukas out to the short stretch of woods behind the last street of their neighborhood, intending to go to the big clearing before hitting the roads leading to the airport and whatever else buildings. They're out there setting everything up together and they're done by like 4 pm. They sit down and talk, munch on oreos and other snacks Arthur deemed as essential survival foods. Then Francis looks at his cell and remarks "wow its already 6! Ah, Lukas, we should get home. Afterall, neither of us ran away so we still have supper to eat. Come on Lukas, let's go before our parents come looking for us." They exchange goodbyes, Francis trying his best to hide his cocky smirk. So Lukas and Francis start walking off, Arthur crawls into the tent and eats half a cookie before frowning and feeling too alone. He didn't expect to feel alone because all he wanted was to BE ALONE. Before he knows it, he's running out of the tent yelling after his friends to stop and wait up. "Oh whats wrong, Arthur? I thought you wanted to run away." "I— I forgot I hadn't fed my rabbit is all! I'll run away tomorrow! I'm not... Feeling lonely if.. If that's what you think...." Arthur did not run away the next day. Buuuuuut the three plus Vlad made a tree house together in the Kirkland backyard that they still use today!
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nothingunrealistic · 3 years
review roundup: billions 6x02 “lyin’ eyes”
taylor’s trying to change their whole approach to life and work! rian’s trying to balance her loyalty to taylor and her own ambition! winston plays among us! what did the critics make of it all?
New York Times: ‘Billions’ Season 6, Episode 2 Recap: No One Is Safe
If you’re looking for the future of “Billions,” two quotes from this week’s episode point the way forward, I think. The first comes from Wendy Rhoades, describing to Taylor Mason her fear that their boss, Mike Prince, might suffer from narcissistic personality disorder: “He thinks he’s better than everyone else, and he won’t stop till he gets what he wants.”
did you have to open the review by discussing one of the worst moments in the episode? really?
Having successfully cowed the union into doing his bidding, he turns his attention to his prime targets: the billionaires, whom he refers to as “the criminal class,” represented by the rude and ruddy-faced Bud Lazarra (Wayne Duvall). The defiant Lazzara thumbs his nose at Chuck’s threats and convinces the union to call off the strike and take the original deal — but only through bribery, an act caught on camera by Chuck’s lieutenant Karl Allard, who wanders by in full Vincent (The Chin) Gigante bathrobe attire to record the incriminating footage.
i don’t actually care about this paragraph, i just wanted to point out that the author spelled one character’s last name two different ways in the span of six words.
Rian (Eva Victor), the rising star of Taylor Mason Carbon, sees an opportunity: There are other players in the sector with even filthier human-rights records, and Mase Carb could easily gobble up the whole sector. When Taylor tells her not to make the play, she does it anyway, leading Taylor to confer with Wendy Rhoades as to whether firing Rian is the right move. They decide it’s too Axe-like by half, and a chastened Rian is spared the ax, no pun intended.
that’s an interesting way of describing taylor going to wendy insisting that rian needs to be fired and wendy unilaterally talking them down by pointing out that it’s an axe move.
Since I’ve heard directly from several readers who upbraid me when I lose track of this, I’ll state for the record that I spotted two “Godfather” references: Chuck’s reference to Lazzara as the shot-calling Don Barzini of New York’s landed gentry, and Wags’s name-drop of Frankie Pentangeli from “Part 2” when it came time to make a killing on the market. (Rian bucks the trend by quoting a different Francis Ford Coppola film, “Apocalypse Now.”)
your readers sound like a nightmare. also, since when are we allowed to yell at you directly?
As an avowed Wags fan, it pains me to learn he’s an Eagles fan; my position on the band is best expressed by the Dude in “The Big Lebowski.”
go to hell for real glenn frey is my dad and he’s crying right now
Scooter Dunbar working connections in Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s office to further the anti-Rask ploy. Chuck Rhoades reading Thomas Piketty’s “Capitalism and Ideology.” The times, they are a-changin’.
wags namedropped the Squad in 5x11, so this isn’t that significant a change. but i am counting this as a point in favor of The Times They Are a-Changin’ appearing in an episode this season.
Seeing the Olympics committee dump a host city for human-rights violations is the kind of thing that reminds you what you’re watching is fiction.
you’re forgetting that their sponsor went bankrupt and the construction of their facilities was indefinitely delayed. those are also some significant reasons to dump a host city.
Entertainment Weekly: Billions recap: Chuck is back in New York to wage war on the city's most wealthy
As this week's episode of Billions kicks off, Mike Prince (Corey Stoll) finds himself between a rock and a hard place. Quite literally, actually, as he's doing a little rock climbing and struggling to find his grip.
[audience booing]
Elsewhere in the episode, Chuck (Paul Giamatti) has come back from his sabbatical on the farm, hungry to start a new war with some of New York's wealthiest citizens.
[paul giamatti voice] not a sabbatical!!!
Vulture: Billions Recap: Statement Win
Chuck has returned to the city following last week’s upstate sabbatical (which he, naturally, insists wasn’t a sabbatical), fired up and ready to pounce on the billionaire class.
at least someone’s paying attention here.
In a later scene, minutes before Nuzzi’s New York article is published, Sacker asks Chuck to explain why after getting Lazzara on his side, he was so quick to feed him to the wolves, so to speak. He says it sends a message to both enemies and allies that his moves can’t be anticipated. It makes sense in theory, but when Chuck elaborates that it was a lesson learned from his father, as in, the infamously traumatic “Pancake Eaters” tale, that’s when you realize once again that there is still a monster lurking beneath Chuck’s skin.
weird way of saying “chuck was abused as a child.”
Speaking of Sacker, I’ve been waiting a long time for Condola Rashad’s character to acknowledge that she’s chafing under her boss’ tight rein. And now that Billions has shifted to more of an ensemble drama, I think she’s finally going to have her day in the sun. When Chuck mentioned “Pancake Eaters,” I knew it was a signal for Sacker to start running — both away from the state AG’s office and for Congress. She’s had her eyes on the prize for so long, and to have Chuck guilt her into staying on his payroll for his own benefit, dangling his “full-throated endorsement” as a bargaining chip, is just infuriating.
We Are All ready for sacker to run!! any week now!! whenever she has to make that Big Decision!!
In case you weren’t certain that Senior is a terrible parent, “Lyin’ Eyes” contains the story of how he let “feeble” swimmer Chuck nearly drown during a Martha’s Vineyard summer vacation. Heartwarming.
trust me, we haven’t forgotten.
Plus, who else was filled with dread when Senior promised that the rest of his life lessons were now being saved for little Willow?
crossing my fingers that he dies before he can get around to that!
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megabadbunny · 3 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line(s). Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I was tagged by the ridiculously talented @wufflesvetinari. Thanks boo!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Going roughly most-to-least recent, as far as I can tell from last-modified doc dates lolol. All are Whofic, unless otherwise noted!
1) [unnamed/unpublished WIP]: The instant they let her into the room, the moment she locks eyes with him, the realization crashes into her with the impact of a lead weight. She just knows.
2) Striding Parallel [unpublished WIP]: The Doctor huffs impatiently, tapping the psychic paper against his thigh. He doesn’t know who summoned him here, or why, but the longer they make him wait, the less he cares. Well, that’s not exactly true; if someone’s trying to get ahold of him, then they probably need help. So he cares about that. ‘Course he does. Still fairly irritated about the waiting, though.
3) Aural Fixation: “Oh, for goodness’ sake!”
4) [unnamed/unpublished Human Nature WIP]: Did you see him, Son of Mine?
5) love don’t roam: “Welp,” says the Doctor appraisingly, glancing all about the room. ... “It’s got buckets of atmosphere,” [he] concludes, and to Rose’s horror, he starts untying the belt to his ceremonial robe.
6) Cosmic Love and Monsters: “Sorry, sweetheart,” says the guard. It’s difficult to tell under the mask, but she swears she sees gentleness in the man’s eyes, or the ghost of gentleness-past, perhaps. “You en’t got a choice.”
7) Due North [unpublished WIP]: She is not—Rose Tyler thinks for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes—a fan of the cold.
8) (in)sensate [unpublished WIP]: “Don’t worry,” says the Doctor, his voice low so only she can hear. “It’s just procedure. Nothing painful, nothing bad. It’ll all be over before you know it.”
9) In Lovers’ Meeting: And just like that—she was gone.
10) No Place Like Hohm: Just hours after an encounter with homicidal robots on a 51st-century spaceship, Rose Tyler lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, fidgeting and sleepless as she battled demons of an entirely different sort.
11) Of Turns and Tides (Or: One Time The Doctor Was A Giant Arse About Rose's Pregnancy, and Five Times He Wasn't): It’s not like they weren’t careful—Rose has got her shot, after all, and honestly after everything the Cannon put her through, she’s sort of surprised everything still works in there, reproductively-speaking—but it’s just her luck that he would have some sort of Time Lord supersperm in addition to everything else.
12) if we let go: “So,” she says, grinning up at him; it’s fitting, she thinks, that her first word to this new him should be such a small and inconsequential thing.
13) Studies in Human Anatomy (Or: The Joys of Reciprocation): He’s just starting to nod off (his head leaden and heavy, his breathing lulled into a deep and steady rhythm by the comforting drone of zeppelin-engines, his eyelids subjected to a special gravity all their own, and what human rubbish is this anyway?) when Rose shifts, lifting her head from his shoulder so she can lean in and press her lips to his for a long, full kiss.
14) Minuet: Before, she would have jumped at the sudden and unexpected pressure of someone’s hand on her waist, but nearly half a year in an 18th-century French court has taught Rose to adapt, if nothing else. (Her French is as abysmal as it ever was without the help of the TARDIS, but the court is graciously willing to overlook such things on behalf of the savior of their uncrowned queen.)
15) Cartography and Ritual Observation: She never expected to see the Doctor in her universe, in her living room, in her flat. Yet, here he is. (Here they both are.)
16) the art of inscription: It’s Gallifreyan, that much is certain. He can’t quite make out the script—no time for parsing out the arches that denote gliding vowels, the circles portraying sibilant fricatives, not when she pulls her cuff over her wrist so quickly it gives him whiplash—but even in that glance, the shape is unmistakable, the meaning undeniable.
17) Simulation Theory [unpublished Detroit: Become Human WIP]: They say the world ends with a bang, or a whimper. In her experience, it ends with both.
18) for the love of arachidae [Detroit: Become Human]: Everyone has a line; Hank draws his at spiders in the house.
19) class 4 errors [Detroit: Become Human]: The good news was, Connor had failed.
20) fifth option/eleventh hour [Detroit: Become Human]: There’s something almost satisfying about the sensation of the rifle’s components snapping into place--the click of the magazine, the snap of the scope, a three-dimensional puzzle brought to completion in clean and elegant precision, all of it stark and sharp against the soft quiet of the falling snow. But it’s only almost satisfying; machines don’t feel satisfaction, after all. They don’t feel anything. And Connor is nothing if not a machine.
All right, let's see! Patterns, patterns, patterns. I am noticing that I often either like to start with a gut-punch one-liner, or a mildly meandering short paragraph with at least one, if not more, aside(s). Also yes I am addicted to em dashes, thank you for asking.
And now for my next trick, Imma taggity in no particular order:
@helplesslynerdy @abadplanwellexecuted @gallifreyburning @stoprobbersfic @saecookie @goingtothetardis @galiifreyrose @rosa-acicularis @smallblueandloud @chiaroscuroverse
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allmightluver · 3 years
First lines meme
Ooo! 😲 thank you for the tag @justanotherfoolhere !!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20 just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening lines. Tag 10 authors!
I’m incredibly shy so if you would like to do this, I tag you!!
Ah I have some old stories from old fandoms (or side fandoms I should say), but as for MHA, most of my stories are just wips right now. I have approximately 5-6 stories in the works right now, however 3 are just thoughts yet, not written out, 1-2 are RP’s with another person that I’m not sure if I have the ability to share yet 😅, 1 is....extremely, well...NSFW 🙈 even the first line asfkgkka I’m not going to do that one, you’ll just have to read it on ao3 when it’s done 😖
However! I do have a massive story that’s been in the works for over a year now (atm it’s around 57,800 words), I’ve actually gotten stuck on it half way through and a friend is helping me by rping those parts with me. If anyone remembers from forever ago, I talked about writing a story about Toshinori actually becoming addicted to his painkillers, and overdosing during class, that’s this story. I have a good chunk of this written, so to make up for my lack of stories, I’ll post a few paragraphs of the beginning! (I hope that’s ok! 🙈)
((I should note, I don’t normally rp, the ones I’ve done are just with a close friend or two))
So, here’s a few paragraphs of what I’ve been calling “Painkiller” under the read more...
Eyelids sluggishly rise. Each blink seems to be getting slower and slower. And he’s still talking. How the soft furred mammal at the front of their table can speak for hours at a time without so much as a break is a superhuman feat. Of course, the principal isn’t human at all, which probably is how he can accomplish it.
Black eyes glance at the clock on the wall across from him. 1:50 p.m. This was supposed to be a short meeting. A quick briefing on the school’s protection and security upgrades. This is also the time to give feedback on how the procedures seem to be working. It had started during their lunch break at 12:30 p.m., and it’s still dragging on. Snipe as well as a few other teachers that have classes to teach at this time are absent, but the rest of the available staff are present.
Shota massages his eyelids, refraining from gritting his teeth against the stinging, and promptly tipping his head back to apply his eye drops. They’re almost gone, he’ll have to get a refill from Recovery Girl. Shota lowers his head once again, black locks falling back over his face.
He’s exhausted. A full night on patrol and then the morning teaching at UA. He’s done for the day after this, and all he wants is to sleep. He’ll still have to check in with Eri to be sure she’s been ok throughout the day, before he can collapse on his bed. 
Eri was still adjusting to living at UA, but seemed to be doing well so far. When he couldn’t be with her, she had another teacher or staff member watching her. Thankfully, there hasn’t been an instance with her quirk going out of control. Yet. He hopes to keep it that way. She’s just starting school, but slowly. She has a lot of learning in just living before she can worry much about academic intelligence. But Shota has no concerns of her being able to catch up to her age and grade level. Eri’s proven to be smarter than they’ve given her credit for. Perhaps wiser in some ways than a kid her age should have to be.
Shota usually teachers her in his spare time. His hero work has decreased due to his stacking responsibilities. Last night was the first in close to a month, and he can feel in his sore muscles that it’s been too long. Thankfully, he can rest tonight, but if Nezu didn’t hurry this conference up he’s going to be pulling another all-nighter. The temptation to pull out his sleeping bag and snooze in the chair he sits is becoming harder to resist.
Shota’s gaze moves across the room at the other occupants.
Mic sits to his right, closest to Nezu. The man’s listening, but one can see the bored expression on his face as he picks at his painted nails.
Midnight across the table seems a bit more focused. Her arms rest on her lap as she listens to the white animal, adding in her thoughts every now and then.
Cementoss and Ectoplasm sit next to her, both relatively silent.
Shota’s eyes flick to the chair next to his left before moving to the closed door at the room’s entrance.
Yagi had been here as well. A few minutes ago, he had politely excused himself from the room and had yet to reappear.
Maybe he made a break for it, Shota thinks with envy. Though he knows it’s a lie.
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for the Number One Hero to duck out of meetings and public places for short periods of time. No one questioned him on it, assuming he had business calls or the like. He was All Might after all, and surely a very busy man.
But now the Symbol of Peace is dead, and still the brief intermissions continue. In fact, they’re increasing in frequency. Shota has high doubts about the possibility of impromptu hero phone calls from the man’s agency, but doesn’t dwell on it.
Everyone, even All Might, has secrets. It isn’t Shota’s job to nose his way into everyone’s personal life.
His sore eyes blink in mild surprise when the door he had been focusing on slides open, and the man in his thoughts shyly stoops his head under the doorway to enter back into the room. Yagi closes the door again and takes his place beside Shota, moving quietly to attempt not to draw attention to himself. But it’s a wasted effort; whenever he’s present, all eyes immediately are drawn to him. Plus, it’s hard to ignore a 7 foot man.
Shota turns away, attempting to refocus on whatever their eccentric principal is speaking about.
For a while, the meeting draws on as usual, Nezu doing most of the talking and the other teachers providing input as they see fit. The way the conversation is leading, it seems like things are starting to wrap up. Finally. The last class of the day starts at 2:20 p.m. and that doesn’t leave much leeway room for any teachers that need prep time.
Shota leans back with a silent sigh through his nose, crossing his arms. The sooner this is over, the sooner he can go check on Eri back at the dorms, and the sooner he can crash. Thinking about anything other is too hard to concentrate on.
Through his sleepy fog, something moves in his peripheral vision. Instinctually looking over to his left, he notices the lanky man next to him has wilted in posture, much like a plant with no water. The haze in Shota’s brain clears only slightly, having something more interesting to observe.
Now actually taking the time to study the other, Shota notices the haphazard blonde mane looks messier than normal. Yagi’s long, sinewy hands are placed comfortably on his lap, though a subtle tremble is running through his frame. A sheen of sweat is starting to form above his brow. Though his eyes remain fixed on the principal, the unfocused haze in the cyan pools gives Shota the impression Yagi isn’t paying attention. The normally bright irises are dull and almost completely hidden in the surrounding black sclera.
He looks pale. Must be sick. Shota lets his attention drift back to Nezu. Toshinori Yagi is a grown adult; he can take care of himself. If he doesn’t feel well, he’ll go home. These thoughts stubbornly go through Shota’s mind just before another pushes itself in.
He remembers the tall man entering the teacher’s lounge only two days after the Kamino incident. Yagi had been completely wrapped in bandages, bruises and stitched up cuts littering his body, and one arm was in a sling. Everyone had expected him to still be in the hospital, and not back to UA for at least a week, maybe two.
Shota recalls the other teachers chastising the ex-hero and trying to convince him to go home, to rest. Yagi had politely smiled, one that made Shota’s teeth grind at the obvious artificial gesture. The smile didn’t reach his eyes, only present to soothe their worries.  But Yagi thanked them for their concern. Even then, their coworkers had tried to assist him in any way possible. He had always insisted he was fine, respectfully refusing their help. It became hard for their colleagues to accept when it was obvious the injured man was struggling with even the simplest tasks.
Recovery Girl had made frequent appearances, much to Yagi’s dismay. It was unfortunate his body couldn’t handle her quirk, and he had to heal naturally, so she made it her job to monitor him. She didn’t even try to deny she was only there to check in on him, to make sure he was behaving himself, at least to the miniscule level she could except from Toshinori. She was always disappointed, and expressed so outright. But she could do little to sway him in his own self-care habits, and he always waved her off with another deceptive smile.
If he had forced his straining, overworked, body to comply during that time, what’s stopping him from teaching his class in 15 minutes?
More movement next to him puts Shota’s thoughts on pause. Dark eyes flick over to the older man, being as inconspicuous about his spying as possible. With the black hair covering his face, most people probably can’t tell where he’s looking anyway, and he’s not moving his head at all.
One of Yagi’s arms slowly lifts to his face, resting his sharp elbow on the table. The large and scarred hand covers his mouth, baring his bony wrist and too-thin arm as his sleeve slides down a few inches. The pose might be meant to look like he’s simply resting his chin, gaze still locked on Nezu like he’s listening intently. But sitting this close to him, Shota can see how the tremors in his body have increased, sweat starting to run down the deep crevices of his face in tiny rivers. The glazed over look in those black eyes has been replaced by one subtly emitting a fight or flight expression.
Shota frowns. He’s gonna barf. The pro briefly wonders if he should use his capture weapon to grab the trash can in the corner of the room to prevent a mess on the carpet, or worse, the table.
Before he can act, Yagi’s chair abruptly slides backwards as the retired hero wrenches his body up, fumbles with the door handle, and rushes out of the room as quickly as his unstable limbs can carry him. He barely manages to slam the sliding door shut behind him before he’s out of everyone’s sight, the hasty squeaks of his shoes on the tile floor growing more and more distant.
Nezu pauses at the sudden outburst, all the room’s occupants staring at where All Might had disappeared. The feel of concern weighs heavily in the atmosphere.
Although Yagi had often left before, he always excused himself quietly or snuck away when the attention wasn’t on him. Something this dramatic has never happened.
And we’ll leave it there for now! This is still a wip remember, so things may be changed here and there, but I hope this makes up for my lack of other stories!
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Summary of V. Solanas’ SCUM manifesto
By @womanstudiesforwomen
Disclaimer: this is a section-by-section summary of the manifesto. It is not a substitute for reading it oneself and forming one’s own opinion, it is merely a tool to aid in the organising of the ideas represented.
Section: summary of the statement made in the section
Opening : it is the responsibility of women (humans of the female sex) to “overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex”.
Several paragraphs of what appears to be satire: reversing the script of many male philosophers who posed that women were inferior to men in make and mind, Solanas poses that it is instead men who are inferior to women in make and mind.
War: men resort to violence to prove their worth.
Niceness, Politeness, and ‘Dignity’: to conceal the feelings of self-hatred and contempt created by their poor self-worth, men have devised a social code which prioritizes emotionlessness and the absence of opinion (objectivity).
Money, Marriage and Prostitution, Work and Prevention of an Automated Society: there are only six reasons for there to be a money system, and they are all generated by men. Essentially, money buys (1) companionship, and gives men (2) purpose (usefulness), (3) power and control, (4) a substitute for expressing love and affection, and (5) an “eternal, never-ending goal” as well as (6) a basis for fatherhood.
Fatherhood and Mental Illness (fear, cowardice, timidity, humility, insecurity, passivity): through emotional distance and frequent absence, the father becomes a figure from which children seek approval. Since men disapprove of emotions and opinions, children are trained into passivity. Particularly, young girls become Daddy’s Girl, that is, girls who praise their fathers and are unwilling to examine their flaws (and by extension, those of all men).
Suppression of Individuality, Animalism (domesticity and motherhood), and Functionalism: men are utterly dependent upon mothers, turning every woman they encounter, even their own daughters, into substitute mothers. For this reason, men seek to keep women interchangeable in function with every over female.
Prevention of Privacy: men do not care for women’s privacy and, in fact, seek to invade it at all times. Indeed, the familial structure is characterized by the constant “(violation of) the females’ rights, privacy and sanity.”
Isolation, Suburbs, and Prevention of Community: through keeping society divided in family units, men keep women isolated from the rest of civilization. They fear sharing women, their favourite commodity.
Conformity: men define themselves through a strict set of rules which they are afraid to cross when seeking individuality. Thus, they do their best to establish themselves as a Man, and define women as the opposite.
Authority and Government: wanting guides (mothers) in their lives, men put in place authorities. But since they refuse to accept their dependence upon women, men make all the authorities male.
Philosophy, Religion, and Morality Based on Sex: in order to give their lives meaning, men invent philosophy and religion. Men use religion as a tool to “keep women tied to men” and to “try to expiate the guilt and shame (they feel)… at being male”. On the other hand, male philosophy only represents the perspective and realities of men, not those of women too as they like to believe.
Prejudice (racial, ethnic, religious, etc) : the choosing of scapegoats by men creates a hierarchy where the men on top have the greatest access to women.
Competition, Prestige, Status, Formal Education, Ignorance and Social and Economic Classes: the men who have these appear to have the greatest worth, and they may keep women company because women are kept ignorant and unable to detect the incompetence of men. Additionally, men favour the status quo and only ever upend it if they want to be on top.
Prevention of Conversation: “Male ‘intellectual conversation’ is a strained compulsive attempt to impress the female”. Daddy’s Girl was taught to pander to men and so she keeps her conversational skills on the same level.
Prevention of Friendship (Love): since contempt is rife in society because of men’s imposition of rules which define men and women, friendship cannot exist in society, and neither can love, of which friendship is the basis. Men offer two substitutes: ‘Great Art’ and ‘Culture’ and Sexuality.
‘Great Art’ and ‘Culture’: male art and culture are believed to be the epitome of great thinking. Their greatness cannot be contested: their appreciation is a mark of superior thinking.
Sexuality: when sex is sacred, it reinforces women’s attachment to men. When women banalize sex, they stop associating it with male holiness.
Boredom: society as engineered by men for men is utterly boring because men themselves are boring.
Secrecy, Censorship, Suppression of Knowledge and Ideas, and Exposes: to keep their feelings of worthlessness hidden and to maintain their dominance in society, men censor ‘dirty’ words, suppress anything which reveals their weakness, and expose others as Others to divert attention away from themselves.
Distrust: since men lie about their self-worth all the time, they distrust others and think them to lie as well.
Ugliness: the results of men’s decorating skills are ugly.
Hatred and Violence: violence allows men to express their hate and gives them “a little sexual thrill”.
Disease and Death: the cures to aging and death are findable, but male institutions won’t be able to find them due to (1) the need to prove one’s Manliness, (2) the exclusivity of education, (3) the guarding of knowledge, (4) the lack of female scientists, (5) the lack of automated sorting of data, (6) the fact that the institutions are money-driven, (7) that men like death, and (8) that money-bias means the hiring of male-superiority thinkers.
Closing paragraphs: men are eliminating themselves through a variety of means. More and more men are encouraging women so that men can claim as their own the achievements of women. Eventually, men are going to decide that women are not necessary for reproduction. SCUM proposes women take control of the country through criminal disobedience (rather than civil disobedience) whilst never being a nuisance to the necessary institutions of society (ex: hospitals); that the money system be eliminated and automation occurs, both of which would negate the need for a government. During the takeover, SCUM suggests women kill the men who do not adhere to SCUM’s principles.
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hellishhin · 3 years
I kind of need to rant and get some life events off my chest below the cut. This is long and there are drug mentions.
TL;DR nothing is going right and I'm running on emergency brain systems right now trying not to totally shut down.
So all of this has happened in the last week and maybe *maybe* I can come up for a breath soon.
My brother was in the hospital for an infection (he's homeless), then a day later we found out he's doing heroin. A few days after that he's in jail. He's out now but has to make his court dates or he's really in jail. He will probably miss his court dates.
I've been extremely proud of my grades in my program. Got word this week that a certification course that we assumed would be pass fail like one of our other classes this semester is not pass fail. They average all of your grades from the modules you took and give you a letter grade despite us getting the certification as long as we pass. The program doesn't allow you to retake the quizzes if you get 80% or better. I had finished the course before I was told this was the case so my grade is locked in and I've lost my 4.0 because of this. I know it shouldn't be that upsetting but I didn't even know my 4.0 was on the line and I lost it. They didn't post a syllabus until 3 weeks into the semester and say we should have known because this info was in our course handbook (a paragraph among 40 pages of text). I think these assholes should have put up a fucking syllabus like they do with the rest of the courses but no. All my hardwork is ruined by this one fucking thing.
Then. These assholes in my program gave me one week notice that I had to move apartments. Not different buildings. Different units within the same building. Not so bad except there were 2 of us in apartment A and 1 person in apartment B. Each apartment can hold 4 people. Meaning there are a total of 5 free beds between the two apartments. What do they do? Tell the two of us in apartment A need to move into apartment B so that 4 people can move into apartment A........... That's it. 5 goddamn free beds and 2 of us had to move so 4 people could all move into the same apartment. I had to get off of a 9 hour day at the hospital (not including the 3 total hour commute through DC) and then promptly move all my stuff last night into a new apartment so the other people could move in today. What's even better is in 4 weeks the 2 people who are in this apartment with me will be leaving for different rotations and I'm staying. I have a weird feeling I'll be moving to a different unit in a month and it makes me want to scream.
On top of all this, last week my preceptor at the hospital was out unexpectedly. I had been in a real clinical setting for 9 days total then was basically thrown out on my own dealing with real patient situations. Luckily the residents (basically students as well) were fairly knowledgeable but they also had just arrived a week ago and didn't know the procedures. So I was thrown to the wolves and trying not to kill someone all while dealing with the aforementioned issues.
Oh and we have an exam on wednesday of next week. I have to get home from the hospital and take an exam between 6 and 10pm. I wish someone could explain why the exams are not given on the fucking weekend where we can prepare/study but whatever I can't even spare the effort to try to explain it.
I can't wait to not be a student in this program anymore so I can be treated like a human being again. I feel like I'm screaming into deaf ears while they sneer and label me as nothing more than an inconvenience despite me paying them tens of thousands of dollars.
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Thoughts on Ted Kaczynski’s philosophy of anarcho-primitivism from a Marxist-Leninist view
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.
It does not take much empathy to realize that the critiques of capitalism made by Ted Kaczynski, an anarchist primitivist, was valid. After all, capitalism and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race, with the only redeemable quality being that it has opened the doors to creating a communist society under the philosophy of Marxist-Leninism. However, a blindspot in uncle Ted's manifesto is the criticism of technology being the root of all problems. While automation and industrialization are noted to be potentially disastrous in Karl Marx's Kapital, Marx gives an insight to the intricacies in which capital spreads to enslave the proletariat. It is not that the technology gives the bourgeoisie to enslave the proletariat, but the historical class struggle that prevents the workers of the world from reaping the fruits of their potential labor output.
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MODERN LEFTISM 6. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general. 7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology. (Also, see paragraphs 227-230.) 8. Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn’t seem to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do here is indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psychological tendencies that we believe are the main driving force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be telling the whole truth about leftist psychology. Also, our discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We leave open the question of the extent to which our discussion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. 9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization”. Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influentia
Another valid criticism made by Ted Kaczynski was his criticism of the modern leftist movement, in which the various fragmented strains of leftism serve no unified goal. The modern leftist movements such as the feminists, lgbt activists, a climate activists support a "politically correct" strain of leftism which aims to create "social justice". What social justice can be made when the proletariat's relation to capital can not be compromised? These "politically correct" leftists should be acknowledged as reactionary revisionism, in which the individual is still favored of the collective. Perhaps it is most appropriate to revisit the comintern's classification of social democracy as being social fascism. All movements that stop the dictatorship of the proletariat must be categorized as different strains of fascism. A "leftist" movement in which the proletariat is not focused is most reasonably, a movement created to weaken the awareness of the historical class struggle as described by Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. The various modern politically correct leftist movements not aim to inhibit the growth of a proletarian revolution, which directly supports the modern fascist movement. Consider the utterly sad state of the modern American left, comprised of upper-middle class managerial types, students, and activists who all blindly trustthe Democratic party. It is these people who would not sacrifice their luxuries to fight the wrath of unchecked capitalism.
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stray-tori · 4 years
TPN S02E08 - Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
Reaction Vid: Google Drive
I’m here, finally! Let me just say, I’m glad to see some more positivity around ahh- Not that anyone isn’t allowed to feel negatively about it, I do have my problems too of course! But it’s just nice when things are epic and liked by people :)
I don’t think I can really separate it into topics this time so I’ll just kind of... go through it by chronological order this time! With “.” paragraphs separating thoughts :)
Norman figuring out that there’s at least one other person taking tests because he’s left-handed and the code scan thing is placed on the right when he put it down left is such a nice, unspoken execution!
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also. Zaziee :(
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also, what do we think is happening in this room? are those just... dead subjects that they feed to demons or...? experimenting with how certain manipulated humans will affect demons eating them? 
(also they just flipped Norman’s walk here, so his curl is on the wrong side. not blaming them or anything, I just noticed. I hope the staff is doing okay :<)
also, idk if my brain is melting but when Norman was like "I just need a detonator" and then he focuses on that king chess piece before the explosion, is the implication that the king piece was the detonator? :D
I do like the few subtle hints we do get just from the scenes (like the left hand/right hand thing and the cube communication) but I feel like I'm missing some connecting pieces here, even with knowing Smee was there and supporting him. It’s weird because I feel like the left-hand thing was really nicely done and digestible and the fork thing is presumably checking out how many cameras there are (even if still a little obvious) - but the explosion? Maybe I’m just stupid haha- it had to be Smee helping, right? I just would have liked more hints (but maybe I’m too small brain rn).
I'm a little confused because Peter said "the era of James as the gatekeeper has ended" (paraphrased), so he’s the gatekeeper right? And Norman was so concerned about the gatekeeper last episode, to the point that I felt like it was a point largely against the "using the gate in GF" plan (aside from uncertainty about the gates and the human world, of course) - but it's literally just a human then? I thought it was gonna be some epic demon or magic concept or something, but it's just that dude pff- whats the dude gonna do against the murder squad? :D Ig he has the farm/demon forces behind him but those would exist either way (and Norman must have considered that), so why is he in particular such a big deal/threat? Is he that ultra big brain? Not big brain enough to have prevented Norman’s escape anyway.
Or maybe he’s just 6 moves ahead and waiting for Norman to lead him back to the hideout that was referenced a few episodes ago where Norman brings all the stolen kids -- but I feel like that’s such a... roundabout way of capturing the GF kids. Plus, that should be Isabella’s doing, if anything. So yeah. Confused about that a bit.
I love the parallel how in ep1 Ray running from the pursuers and Emma collapsing was the whole thing about like, not taking it all upon yourself -- and now Emma (who mirrored Ray’s exact run through the forest) got help with Ray jumping in and also later Sonju, conveniently timed as usual haha.
(negativity) It’s a nice parallel, though i would have preferred if Ray had run again and Emma had gotten the shot - it’d still carry around the same message (”then vs now”) but please I beg you give Emma one (1) cool bow shot  - or I’ll steal your animation and do it myself >:”(
(ik she got the hunting shot which was slow and cool but idk)
The animation was so pretty. I loved Norman on the cliff and the wind animation, and the MUSIC when the town raid happened and how everything was framed and the goddamn MUSIC???? DID I MENTION THE MUSIC.
Also Norman’s expression and that shot where he realizes Vyrk has the blood condition and sweeps in for a stab.
It was pretty brutal and I appreciate that they showed it. It’s just... really pretty overall and- yes. thank you. love goes out to the staff. god knows they need some. and money. please give them more money.
I also like how with how the episode set up the whole, "are you god?" - "I'll be a god or devil" thing, and then when Vyrk asks "are you a human?", my friend joked he'd answer "no, i'm god" and then we joked a bit about his silence. But in hindsight, I really appreciate those jokes, because it made me realize: for a different kind of character, that WOULD have been the perfect setup to have a badass response but that silence was probably on purpose and I can’t really explain it but I just like how that makes the through-line in the episode even stronger and also kind of connects with his wavering?? I can’t explain but I LIKE IT.
(slightly negative) It's a little bit funny that the parallel didn't occur to him until it was thrown in his face, but I think that's what dissociation and just being observed in one's plan does.
Plus I do get what they're going for, and it was pretty dang emotional. A little on the nose maybe but- yee.
It works well as an eye opener to tear down the mental wall between the two groups. He's also never really been in contact with demons equally before afaik so, I shall accept it. Not that currently killing them all makes him equal in power dynamic right now, but I mean like, in a way where he truly, in real life, got to see that they’re similar -- he made comparisons to humans last episode, so clearly he wasn’t completely unaware. He’s smart, he knew what he was doing would make him seem like a devil to the demons. He probably just numbed himself to it until something that could break those walls down happened, ie the Emma thing.
I feel like it could have worked too if her name wasn’t Emma, but he probably wouldn’t have paused for as long and the voiced lines couldn’t have been given the time needed to make them hit as strongly - but I do think just a line that sounds really similar to what they talked about in GF could have been enough too - but again, that would have potentially taken too long down the exchange between the two.
It also doesn’t seem completely random since the old guy also reacted to Emma’s name before and everything so. Overall, I’m willing to suspend my disbelief - even if it IS funny that the family naming went from Vyrk to... Emma :D (though demons do get old so I suppose that makes sense haha)
I also wonder how this will impact Norman going forward. Even if he decides for the GF plan now (likely, we don’t have much time), he still did that and even if they return all the degenerated demons with Mujika’s, Sonju’s and Vyrk’s help... I doubt those who were already eaten and killed, can be saved. So that blood is on his hands forever now, likely hurting even more now that he feels personally impacted by it and not just... knows he’s doing something bad.
The anime definitely doesn’t have the time to delve into that sadly but that’s,,, very good angst.
week 3 of asking where is Isabella- (I mean I am GLAD that she didn’t show up at the temple- yET - because that’d just make them leaving them there worse but fudshjsd- Is she actually just waiting for them to come for the gate what’s happening ahahaha-)
I also don’t know if I mentioned this in my last episode thoughts or not, but I do still believe the gate stuff could have been revealed more incrementally? Like have James include that tidbit of info, please. If we know gates exist, then at least now it isn’t such an extreme change of information to know: “there are gates. yes where you were sent WAS a gate, but they’ve been destroyed. oh and another gate is in GF!” like HOLD UP-
I wonder if we’ll ever see the hideout that Cislo or Vincent referenced... I’m sure that’d be lots of random children designs so probably not but,, I am really curious how and if they’ll take all those kids. Norman did say he wants freedom for all cattle children. but with no large scale plan anymore, I’m not sure if that’s gonna work. If any human stays behind, as I’ve often talked about before, the cycle just starts anew and I’m really curious if TPN will go for a morally grey ending like that.
Unless the whole “evil-blood” religion works out this time when the high class is gone. but even Sonju is already in part a counter-example so... we’ll see I suppose.
I really loved this episode though! If the anime continues this trend to the finish line, it’ll stay a wonky 7 for me :) (quality wise, you guys know my tpn brainrot won’t make me truly hate it pff- tpn love too big-)
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Ten of my favourite fictional women for women’s history month  
I was tagged by the ever lovely @valentinaonthemoon! Thanks so much lovely! :)
The following is in absolutely no particular order. 
1. Leslie Knope (Parks and Rec) 
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A very passionate, very kind and amazing and hardworking but who is also flawed and can let her passion blind her to the truth sometimes, and her habit of digging her heels in can sometimes get her in sticky situations. I love her lots and lots and the level to which I relate to her is probably not good. I often say I am like the English Lit Leslie Knope with bonus anxiety. I love her lots. 
2. Skye/Daisy Johnson (Agents of Shield)
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A badass queen who I love SO MUCH. Honestly her arc in AoS is just one of my favourites of all time. She is funny and passionate, but also headstrong and determined (sometimes to a fault). I love that she is not perfect, that she is flawed, and has been through so much and still chooses to be good. I love her lots.
3. Jemma Simmons (Agents of Shield) 
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A wonderful science queen. She is just SO fundamentally good. Her curiosity and wonder for the world (and universe) is just so inspiring to me, but again her love and passion (esp for Fitz) can sometimes blind her to the reality of a situation but I still love that about her (it’s a very human trait to have). It has been an absolute privilage to watch her go from this very bright eyed, naive and curious young woman, to a passionate, badass, yet still so fundamentally kind and caring woman. Again, one of my favourite character arcs ever. I love her sososo much. 
4. Peggy Carter (Agent Carter and wider MCU) 
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She is nothing like me and yet everything I aspire to be. What an absolute badass. She’s so intelligent and just such a role model to me. She stands for no shit and never sacrifices an OUNCE of her femininity to do it. Before coming across her I had never seen a character who was like that, who could retain this utter solidly badass personality and still keep this femininity, who liked having her hair done, who wore lipstick and skirts. I struggled so hard in my teenage years with reconciling, particularly femininity and intelligence, I wanted to be taken seriously but I never thought I would be if I was in a dress, and Peggy was the one who really changed that for me and I started embracing more traditionally feminine things. I just love everything about her, she has a temper, she lets her anger get the better of her sometimes, SHE IS NOT PERFECT (are you noticing a theme) and I just love her so much. 
4. Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) 
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Again, a very formative character for me. She was working class, she was amazing and smart and sassy and most importantly for young me, SHE WAS BLONDE. I had grown up with the dumb blonde stereotype being put on me (despite never really being unintelligent) and hadn’t ever really seen a blonde character who didn’t slot, at least partially into that stereotype. She is fierce and firey and can give anyone exactly what’s coming to them. She is brave and wonderful, and so incredibly human. I love her lots and lots. 
5. Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing) 
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My snarky love. You all know how much I love Much Ado right?  Her “Oh god that I were a man” speech is just one of my favourite pieces of writing at all time. I could write multiple dissertations just about her, she is so endlessly fascinating to me in all of her iterations. A woman scorned and holy shit she’s gonna let you hear about it. One half of the best (SUSPECTED) lovers to enemies to lovers. She’s so INCREDIBLY witty and sharp and she’s just so BITTER about whatever the hell it is that Benedick did to her and ugh I just love her so much. 
6. The Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
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I cried at every single episode in her first season because I was so happy and so overwhelmed that The Doctor was FINALLY a woman. She is intelligent and quirky and just wonderful, whilst still retaining that really deep seated anger and kind of fury that The Doctor holds within them self. asdfghjkl I love her so much. 
7. Anne Eliot (Persuasion)
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My soft, quiet, pining queen. Wants snuggles but only gets struggles. Pines for nearly a decade for the same guy (a full mood) and MARRIED HIM IN THE END BC HE ALSO PINED FOR HER FOR A DECADE!!! Underappreciated by her family who are arseholes and deserves so much better than them and Jane Austen gave it to her and we cannot help but stan for that. I love her so very much. 
8. Darrell Rivers (Mallory Towers) 
Doesn’t have a gif :(
Mallory Towers by Enid Blyton was my favourite book series growing up. I have read it more times than I can actually count. My copies are the most loved books in my collection. Darrell was the first character I ever remember relating to. There’s a passage in the first book where she sits down with her teacher bc her marks aren’t very good and they talk about how some people, like her friend Alicia, can muck about in class and be silly and still get good marks, but other people, like Darrell, need to focus and concentrate in order to do well, and that HIT HOME with 7 year old me. She has an awful temper and says things in spite and anger that are really quite awful, but always feels bad afterwards and really is just a good egg. I love her lots. 
9. Sibyl Crawley/Branson (Downton Abbey)
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An all time fav. An absolute SWEETHEART but will absolutely tear you a new one if need be. It’s been almost ten years and I am still absolutely DEVASTATED by her death, we were absolutely robbed of seeing her as a mother, she would have been absolutely incredible. Part of one of my favourite romantic plotlines of all time, they shoudl have had their own show, Julien Fellowes fight me. I have so many feelings about Sibyl I could not possibly do them justice in just one small paragraph. I love her SO MUCH. 
10. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
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A sassy queen who is stubborn and benefits immensely from admitting that she was wrong. One of my favourite characters of all time, Jane Austen knew how to write characters SO INCREDIBLY WELL!! I think we have all met someone like Elizabeth Bennet in our lives. Declares she will never marry for anything but love (we love to see it) even if it means she will either be a spinster or destitute (probably both). I love her so much. 
I will tag (if they would like): @besidemethewholedamntime @springmagpies and @acetoshikosato​
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