#hurt comfort is my jam
danganphobia · 1 month
i think because laios and shuro’s clashes in personalities it’s unavoidable that they will fight during their relationship. who do you think would be the first one to reach out first after a fight? (this is just an attempt to make you write angsty hurt + comfort laishuro)
Toshiro wasn't sure how many beers he had tonight. He sat next to other patrons, the number of guests dwindling as the hours passed. He just wanted to get so drunk he wouldn't have to experience a sober thought until the next morning.
This bar was quiet, two blocks away from their university campus - compared to the ones on the flashier side of town where most students went on Friday and Saturday nights to party hard and forget about responsibilities for the weekend.
For Toshiro, beers sounded more tempting than any club to wash away the stress of exams and back-to-back assignments.
When he asked for another refill, his vision started to blur. Next thing he knew, he heard another voice within earshot.
"He's been here for the past three hours."
"Don't worry, I'll pay for it."
"Uh, that's kind of you, but he's already paid for the whole night."
"Then I'll tip you extra."
Toshiro groaned, facepalming. He didn't have to look to know who it was that just showed up. Laios leaned his body against the counter, trying to peek at his face.
"Kabru said you'd be here."
Saying nothing, Toshiro finished his last beer.
Laios' carried him back to campus on piggyback. It's silent, save for the occasional cars driving through.
"Why did you come?" Toshiro asked stubbornly, the alcohol he drank made him lightheaded. If it weren't for Laios, he'd be unable to walk - but the idiot didn't need to know that. Just two weeks ago, Toshiro remembered storming out of that party Namari and Kabru invited him to, with Laios following after him, asking what his problem was, and everyone outside looking on in curiosity.
"My problem?" Toshiro had asked, sneering. "Don't you see it? This - we - doesn't work! I'm sick of it! All I ever get are stares when I tell them-"
"You're with me," Laios finished with a bitter nod, stopping Toshiro in his tracks. "If you're that embarrassed to be with me, why didn't you say so?"
That was the killer. When Toshiro noticed the eyes on them, Laios staring right at him with disappointment and hurt, Toshiro decided to admit defeat. He had only given a sour apology, leaving the party without another word.
They hadn't talked to each other since then. Toshiro stopped coming to club meetings because he didn't want to risk running into Laios, and unfortunately, Laios was always present. It was fine, their campaign could go on without Toshiro considering where they'd left off anyway.
"Why did I come?" Laios repeated the question, exhaling as he contemplated his answer. "I don't know, actually."
This was why Toshiro couldn't stand him sometimes. He was a very logical person. This was how he was raised, otherwise he'd never be fit to be heir of his father's company. Laios Touden didn't need a reason to do the things he did.
"I don't get it," Toshiro mumbled. This should make him a walking red flag, after all. This was the guy who was known for smoking pigs at clubs, did kegstands at frat parties, and could squirt milk out his eyelids for the hell of it. He was the kind of guy that would make a pristine rich kid's parents like Toshiro's have a heart attack if Laios told them what he'd been up to. They were polar opposites; someone Toshiro would've avoided if it weren't for their mutual friends. "After everything I said to you, you still came to see me."
"Yeah." Laios said, like there was nothing odd about it. It only pissed Toshiro off even more.
"I can't just leave you there. What if you passed out in the middle of the street?"
Toshiro snorted, scoffing. "You are aware that I practice martial arts?"
Laios laughed. "I don't doubt you can probably kick my ass while drunk. Then again, you didn't." Instead, Toshiro was clinging to his back, Laios' cyprus scent calmed him, as it was so welcoming. He hated that. It should make him nauseous if anything. "I can't say for any other stranger that would see you this vulnerable."
"I can take care of myself," Toshiro huffed. "You shouldn't have come."
"I don't care if you're mad at me, because I've already forgiven our fight."
"That's - that's preposterous -" Toshiro sputtered in defense, "Why continue to torment yourself by being seen with me?"
Laios chuckled. "Who said being with you was tormenting?"
Toshiro stayed quiet.
"You might think so, so I'll just have to prove myself to you. Lucky for me, I don't really care what people think," Laios explained, pausing at a stop light. Toshiro's eyes widened when Laios turned his head slightly with a gentle smile. "And you shouldn't either."
Toshiro's heart pounded in his chest. The traffic sign flashed - as Laios was permitted to cross the street.
"Yeah, you were an asshole at that party. But at the end of the day, it doesn't change my feelings for you. I think," Laios sighed, "if you like someone, if you really really like someone, you should let them know as much as you can."
Toshiro reached for Laios' ear and tugged on it.
"Ack!" The noise Laios' made in pain just made Toshiro pull on it tighter until he let go. "What was that for?!" He asked, pouting.
"It's easy for you to say," Toshiro said bitterly. "I've spent my whole life trying to live up to the expectations of others. I don't just do impulsive, stupid things out of my own free will. Which is why - I don't even understand why I have feelings for you, either..."
"I am not worth this trouble. You misguide yourself."
"That's not true," Laios countered in earnest. "Tell yourself that all you want, but to me, you're worth it."
Silent and brooding, Toshiro buried his neck deep into the crook of Laios' shoulder to hide the scarlet in his cheeks.
Laios was like a leech that wouldn't pull himself off Toshiro even if Toshiro tried.
And he'd never admit how nice it felt, to be around someone who didn't expect much from him; just his presence, so they could exist together in a world so unpredictable. The air felt easier to breathe the longer they remained, just being.
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narwedraws · 9 months
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Comfort ♡
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friendship-ditch · 4 months
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(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: After the mutt attack, Katniss takes care of your broken bone.
Warnings/Notes: A few graphic descriptions of a wound/pain but that’s it.
Word Count: 1873
  It was quiet, uneasily quiet.  Nobody wanted to speak, and if they did, they wouldn’t know what to say, not to mention the exhaustion.
  Your group had grown much smaller than it was before.  There were only six of you left: Cressida, Pollux, Gale, Peeta, Katniss, and yourself.  Nobody wanted to mention the lost but it was weighing heavily on all.
  After being ushered into the safety of her basement, Tigris provided what medical supplies she had and then returned upstairs.
  Everyone was mostly taken care of.  
  Deep wounds had been stitched, blood had been cleaned, and grief had been consoled as best as it could’ve been in this moment.
  Now, you lay on a bed of old fabric and furs, curled up in the corner by yourself.  You’d let Cressida wrap the wound on your leg but you didn’t tell anybody that you couldn't move your arm.
  The mutts had grabbed you by the leg, hence the deep claw marks, and launched you into the wall.  The pain was too excruciating to relive so you pushed the memory away, but the fiery ache in your useless limb wouldn’t stop.
  You weren’t really sure why you didn’t tell anyone of the wound.   
  Everyone was weak right now, and another injury wouldn’t cause a difference but you didn’t want to create more problems then you already had.  
  Nobody else had broken a bone and you’d just have to fight through it, at least for a while.
  When you finally figured everybody else was asleep, you wandered over to the leftovers from Tigris’ medicine stash.  You scooped them up with your good arm and returned to your corner in the shadows.
  There, you took your shirt off and looked at the wound.
  It wasn’t too bad on the surface, just some minor bruising across the skin and swelling but it hurt like hell on the inside.
  You tried to touch the limb but when your finger hovered centimeters above the skin you nearly burst into tears.
  Your soft cry was quickly muffled by you biting the fabric of your shirt.  You tried to touch your arm again but you couldn’t handle it and just hung your head.
  “Y/n?”  It was Katniss’s soft voice from on the other side of the room.  Her voice was laced with exhaustion but you could tell she wasn’t sleeping either.
  “I’m okay.”  You managed to croak out through gritted teeth, waiting for the fire to burn out in your arm.
  You were never quite good at lying. 
  Katniss was at your side a few moments later, eyebrows furrowed with confusion.  Her eyes had this glassy film over them now but beneath them you saw worry.  
  She quickly scanned your body.  She didn’t really care that you were only in your bra, that was the least of her worries.  It was the unshed tears in your eyes and the pain written on her face that really concerned her.
  “What happened?”  Katniss slowly bent beside you.  Her shaky hand slowly reached to touch your arm but you pushed it away with a hiss.
  “Nothing.”  You mumbled.  She let out a huff and you sighed, shoulders and head dipping.  “I hurt my arm… back with the mutts.”
  Katniss nodded quietly.  “Can I take a look?”  
  “Not without me crying.”
  “Then we’ll go upstairs, come on.”  She murmured, picking the bandages up for you and helping you to your feet.
  Tigris was still awake and sitting at a desk when you came up.  She said nothing but directed you to an extravagant bathroom tucked to the side.
  In the bright light, you could really see the damage.  Your arm looked even more swollen and the bruises were turning purple.
  Katniss sat you down on the large counter and looked at your arm, then back at your face.  “How bad does it hurt?”
  “Like it’s burning from the inside out.”
  “Can you move it?”
  Hearing those words from somebody else, and then trying to move your arm with no avail really set the sense of reality in your head and you let out a broken sob, shaking your head.  “N-no…  I can’t.”
   “Can I touch it first?  To make sure it’s broken?”
  You couldn’t find a voice to muster a reply, but you let out a loud cry when she touched your arm.  It felt like the world was spinning and somebody was trying to tear your arm off.  You yanked away from her and curled into a ball on the counter.
  “If you didn’t hide this, we could’ve gotten this over with earlier.”  Katniss suddenly snapped at you.
  You stared wide eyed at her and she did the same.  
  Then she broke.
  “I’m sorry.”  Katniss murmured quickly, feeling awful for only putting you in more agony.  Seeing you in pain hurt her too and after everything she was as fragile as glass.  “I.. probably would’ve done the same as you.”
  You slowly relaxed and leaned into the wall with a heavy sigh.  “I know…  And I’d be the one taking care of you instead of this.”  You mumbled.  “I’m sorry you have to deal with me.”
  Katniss’s hand rested gently on your knee and you looked back up at her.  You thought she’d be upset for having to take care of you, but in her eyes was a look of gratitude.  You were giving her something to focus on, something to do and feel useful, life saving, even, not life wasting.
  “Don’t be.”  She whispered, then something crossed into her mind and she left the bathroom.
  A few minutes later she came back with some more supplies and set them down.  She took your hand, being careful not to touch your arm and carefully held it out.
  “I broke my arm falling out of a tree when I was younger.”  Her voice was soft, wistful even for a time where although there was still pain, life was simpler, loss this deep was unknown.  “My mother set it for me.  I think I can still do it, but it’s going to hurt.”
  Katniss dumped a few Capitol painkillers into her hand and gave you a glass of water.  “Take these.”
  You took them without question, almost immediately feeling the pain fade.  It almost felt like cheating but you said nothing as the warm Capitol drugs began to take effect on your wounded body.
  As Katniss washed her hands and got ready to set your arm back into place, you suddenly felt a rush of panic even though there was no pain.  You reached out with your good hand and grabbed hers.
  “Just… just talk, please.”  You begged softly.  
  Katniss hesitated.  She was never the talkative type, that was your role.  You were the one that dragged her outside for long walks and held her hand while you told her about the latest book you read, or told her silly made up stories until the pictures from her nightmares were gone and she could return to sleep.
  You were always there for her and even though it was hard, she knew she had to be there for you too.
  “Of course.”  Her smile was futile but it made you feel better anyway.  “Any.. requests?”
  “Something happy.”
  “That’ll be hard.”
  “Just look at me, I’m sure you can come up with something.”  Your voice was a little higher in pitch now, the drugs making you feel woozy, but good, and a bit bold.  
  That response actually drew the softest chuckle out of Katniss which made you feel even better.
  “Okay, something happy.”  Katniss stared at you for a few seconds to increase the effect, then she nodded.  “Well… once upon a time, I knew this girl.  She was tall, but I still towered over her by a few inches.  We were neighbors back in District 12.”
  Katniss’s hands rested on either side of your arm but you couldn’t even feel it now.  Your eyes were closed but you were awake, listening to her soft, almost raspy voice. 
  “We didn’t speak a lot when we were younger, but one day she found me in the woods with a horrible thorn in my foot, and she pulled it out for me.”  Katniss continued.  “She wasn’t afraid of anything.”
  Her hands started to find the broken spot on your arm and she began to apply pressure.
  “And we’ve been friends ever since then.  I taught her how to hunt and she taught me all kinds of things in return.  She’s the kindest, sweetest person I’ve ever met.  She’s the kind of person that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with…  She’s always there for me and I’m trying to be there for her.”
  You listened to her speak dreamily.  This person sounded–wait…
  “And… we’re both going through some really tough times, and the moment isn’t exactly appropriate, but I just want to tell her how much I love her.  How happy she makes me, how she makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.  How she fills my stomach with butterflies and she’s just… the last light I have in my life.  I was broken and she put me back together.”
  A small, ditzy smile spread across your lips.  You looked up at her.
  Her eyes were still dark and dim but there was clear affection shining in them.  
  “That’s not… something happy.”  You whined with a silly grin.  “You’re just describing me.”
  “You make me happy.”
  “I do?”
  “Did you not hear everything I said?”  Katniss chuckled.  Her warm hands were now gently cupping your face and you leaned into the touch yearningly.
  “I did but…” you paused.  “Weren’t you supposed to fix my arm?”
  Katniss nodded.  “I already did.  Can you try moving it for me?”  She asked gently.
  To your amazement, you could actually move your arm now.  Sure, even with the painkillers it was aggressively painful, but you could move it.  You smiled thankfully at her and she kissed your forehead gently in reply.
  Afterwards, Katniss wrapped your arm up in the best sling she could make, then she slowly helped you off the counter.  You were still pretty woozy from the hefty dose of painkillers so she practically carried you back downstairs.
  She quietly laid you back down in your bed, tracing your facial features with her thumb as you got settled.  
  “You know..  what would make me happy?”  You said softly.
  “If you… laid here with… me.”  You were slowly falling asleep but you wanted her presence, you needed it.  You scooted over a little.
  Katniss knew better than to argue.  
  Once she laid down beside you and wrapped her arm around you in a way that wouldn’t mess with your sling, she kissed the top of your head.
  “I love you too.”  You murmured in a slurred voice, head on her chest.  “You put me back together.. and and everythings going.. to be okay…”
  Katniss smiled softly once more, her heart swelling as she realized you were reciting everything she’d said before.  “Only because I have you.”  She whispered back as you fell asleep in your embrace.  
  She laid there for a few minutes and then finally felt safe enough to drift off as well. 
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Listen I don't think Ven and Icarus could ever get together except in what if fics BUT what I could see happening is Icarus having a deeply unrequited crush on Ven that they would not be willing to explore because Icarus is under the impression that Fable will be bringing everyone back from the dead. OR post war I could see them developing either a QPR or a romantic relationship as they heal (if they both survive that is.)
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becomingfoxes · 2 years
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You take care of everyone, Steve, let me take care of you.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
Omg PLEASE tell us more about the hurt/ comfort after Neil gets back from evermore after being kidnapped
Oh you know the fun parts to brainstorm 👀👀 First I needed to draw some of the comfort so here’s a sketch:
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Anyway this is aftg we’re talking about, specifically Riko and Nathan, so once again; it’s rather vague but take care reading on (or skip to the next bolded sentence for the comfort 💕)
I honestly still don’t have all the specifics on what might happen at Evermore! One option is just to make it very similar to Neil’s canon Christmas break, because the angles are similar: in canon, they want Neil quiet and obedient to play exy and not act out against his treatment, and in this au the only difference is instead of exy it’s… violence, essentially. But let’s be honest. This is a royal au, we have to add some things, right
So the main tenant is “they want Abram to do what he’s told without argument”. In my mind that includes being forced to watch every bit of Nathan’s work and then having to do it himself. Of course, Abram is still stubborn and still hates doing it more than he hates anything else, so it takes a long time for him to hurt or torture or kill anyone the first time he’s asked. Usually there is heavy coercion and harm before he touches anyone.
But the point isn’t to get Abram used to doing it, because he’s already as used to it as he will ever be. The Moriyamas’ focus is more on breaking down the stubborn streak and strong moral compass. The best way to do that, they figure, is to take away his personhood altogether. So Abram is never referred to as a person, and instead they more or less treat him like some inanimate weapon or like a dog. A very volatile, vicious dog. Kennels and muzzles and commands and all. Some starvation and sleep deprivation when they decide it’s “necessary”. Even long into his recovery Abram can’t hear a word like heel or sit without his muscles twitching to do so.
So it’s a mix of the dehumanization and punishment. Riko has almost free reign once again, though Tetsuji will step in at times when he deems it’s too much. (Though I don’t think he considered waterboarding/near drowning every time Abram is made to bathe or shower “too much”.) Near the end of Abram’s time, a week or so before he’s either rescued, somehow returned, or escapes, Tetsuji revokes Riko’s privileges altogether when Riko causes some heavy head injuries that concuss Abram and make him lose his sight for a while. It’s not permanent, but it’s long enough term that when he gets back to Palmetto, Abram takes a long time away from most people to recover. He doesn’t trust himself not to act before he can think when he can’t see his surroundings.
Back at Palmetto, it might take most of them a while to realize how bad it was. Day is most familiar with how Evermore works, but he was still high up in the chain of command and respect, so he wasn’t necessarily familiar with the underworkings like that. Abram was raised in the environment, he is horrifically good at more or less acting normal. And when he’s fully awake and conscious, he’s very good at keeping things separate - people can still touch him with enough warning, he still holds conversation when he has to. The worst things come to light slowly - the first time he wakes up in a flashback Abram and Day immediately decide it’s best if he doesn’t stay around Andrew. So Andrew kind of has to watch from the outside and it kills him. He watches when Abram refuses to bathe, but if he doesn’t get clean the wounds will get badly infected, so Day kind of has to make him. But Andrew can’t help - because as Day expects, Abram panics and Day ends up with several bruised ribs and nearly broken fingers. Abram won’t wear high collared or tight shirts any more, and one time in helping the Queen care for the castle’s hounds Abram has a panic attack when he’s accidentally left alone for too long. There are little punctures over his cheeks and nose in a circle across his face. He has a hard time eating around others. Abram never tells them what happened to him, but Andrew and Day slowly figure it out anyway.
As they figure it out, everyone does their best to adapt. While Abram’s still recovering his sight, Day announces himself and most of his movements. He talks all the way through finally washing and detangling Abram’s hair (even after the long time he spends on it, they have to cut out the worst mats) when Abram tells him it helps to hear a friendly voice in a language that isn’t the Moriyamas’. Day talks more often and more softly than he probably ever has in his life, because he’s made himself Abram’s main caretaker. Not to say he doesn’t make honest mistakes, because they all do, but he’s quick to change his behavior.
Then, when Abram’s almost fully recovered his sight, Day lets him stay with Andrew once more. Now it’s not as much Abram watching out for the prince - he will do his job well enough, but sometimes he still has to step back and away because of course he does. And Andrew’s approach is very different than Day’s. It isn’t as much his voice as it is his presence, or when he uses his calm but direct authority to tell Abram to go to sleep, I’m going to be right here. After Abram’s panic attack in the kennels, Andrew discovers that if there’s nothing around to pull Abram into a panic attack he won’t generally fall into one again after leaving the stressor, and Abram finds great comfort in some grounding hold on some part of him. Usually the back of his neck or his hands. He won’t let Andrew hold a knee or leg when they’re sat together, but he will put his weight against Andrew’s shoulder for balance. Little things that Andrew figures out by asking or trial and error. When Abram slips, accidentally refers to himself as “it” or “thing” - words he’d never use normally and sometimes even flinches from - Andrew learns to stay within arms reach, sometimes talking through his and Abram’s schedule. If it’s bad enough Abram might play with Andrew’s fingers and hands while he does, like he’s trying to make sure he can still touch someone without hurting them. This afternoon we discuss plans for the upcoming festival with Day, Captain Wymack, Abigail, and Aaron and Katelyn, and after we’ll eat. Join me in the garden? Always official, non-confrontational events. Slowly Andrew gets Abram readjusted to eating at a table and speaking without seeking permission first.
But again. There’s a lot of possibilities and things are always subject to change or be added, so this is kind of my jumping off point! (And is half of this summarized from things I’ve written? Yes. But I want to have something else polished and posted first so 👀 I hope to circle back to this soon) Thank you for the ask!! 🥰
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absurdumsid · 6 months
i never really loved you
best nightmare sequence ever
i dont love the same way anymore (if i do at all) by fishy bishie Guide! Sans/Mori belongs to lyrikke HorrorPills! Sans is my martyr
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To everyone else: I hope you have a wonderful day :)
To Jotakak: I hope you have a wonderful day, or don’t. Please don’t because I want to see Jotaro cry like a big baby and find comfort and happiness in Nori’s arms, and vice versa. :)
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I guarantee all of the jokes the boys made about him using the morphine on himself hurt Doc’s feelings. Can you imagine giving so much of yourself towards caring for these boys only to be treated like that? I understand they were just joking but it feels like such an insult that they’d even joke about that sort of thing.
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belethlegwen · 5 months
G/t WAC - Day 1 (oops I'm late)
First wanna shout out to @entomolog-t for putting so much work into the G/t Writer's Appreciation Challenge. I think it's a very fun, extremely sweet idea and while I know I'm not gonna be able to hit all of these (I am ALREADY LATE for Day 1!!) I'm going to do my best because, especially right now with everything going on in my life, ***I*** could use the push to read more and the idea that everyone is sharing their favourite things and there's so much already available (plus the things that will inevitably be created throughout this month with or without the g/t wac) that seeing it all get shared around is a huge huge boon to my mood right now.
Day One: Share Your Comfort Fic
This probably comes as no surprise, but my comfort fic is by @adjacentperception, from their Rose & LaPorte series (directory link).
I have so many pieces out of this collection of short stories that I adore and find myself going back to when I need something to brighten any given day, but the one I go back to the most often is Witching Hour Curly Fries Pt. 2. It brings me, among so many other things, such a deep catharsis for emotions I have struggled with (and now, thankfully rarely, still struggle with) through the lens of Atticus and his unique situation.
There's something about how real both Atticus and his best friend Quinn feel as people, not just characters, and also how shockingly real Atticus makes the fantastical problem of being 4 inches tall (most of the time) feel to the reader through this piece in particular. There's a connection I felt the first time I read it that I have never stopped being able to come back to; there's something so deep there that hurts me to feel so strongly, that even through fiction and fantasy is still, at the core, so human and emotional.
There are times where you just need to sit with your best friend and talk, even though it isn't fixing anything. Even when the point is for you-- both of you, even-- to come to terms with the fact that the problems go so far beyond what they appear to. That there's something so much deeper, and that it may be genuinely unfixable at that level. That the wrappings and trappings and the portrait of what everyone, possibly including you, think your problems are merely just brought forth deeper issues that you don't know if you can untangle and process, let alone work toward correcting.
It's a beautiful piece to me and I have cried over it so many times for the pain and hope it gives me. Zip is wonderful writer, and always has been. Their characters are so human that they feel like coworkers or roommates to me sometimes, and their ability to find a real, core person in any character they make is one of the reasons I love them so much.
I really can't recommend the Rose & LaPorte series enough. It has more than earned it's place as one of my Permanently Open Tabs, and there's really something for every mood I'm in. I love Zip and all of their precious dingdongs and their adventures. <3
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Everybody decided that this guy needs to go through hell like canon wasn't enough for y'all PLEASE
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blog-of-reaction · 1 month
So….I’m in love. (And also screwed, so very very screwed because my sister is visiting which is awesome but between that and work I probably won’t be able to binge watch the entirety of 9-1-1 Lone Star.) which I guess could be a good thing, as it’ll give me more time to marinate in it’s awesomeness.
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sallowsunshine · 1 year
MC was able to take away Anne's curse, but in order to prevent her from losing all emotion, the curse had to be transferred to MC. Summer before year 6, MC isolates herself, not wanting anyone to know.
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alonelystargazer · 2 months
there's gonna be an ItaFushi week event on twitter and I need to write something for it or I'm gonna 🤯
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actual-changeling · 10 months
crowley likes to sleep, we all know that. we also know that he had to move into his car pretty much immediately after the no-pocalypse.
you cannot tell me that after all that, after thinking aziraphale was gone, really, properly gone, that he did not have nightmares every single time he tried to nap. just crowley waking up with a racing heart and a scream stuck in his throat and seeing nothing but darkness around him without a clue where exactly aziraphale is.
crowley racing to the bookshop just to sit outside in the bentley and look at the lights burning in the back. crowley forcing himself to calm down, counting to ten and the whole deal, before he finally enters with forced nonchalance and strikes up a conversation.
aziraphale who knows something is off but does not ask because that's not what they do. but he also does not say anything when crowley sits a little bit closer than usual, watches him every time he moves away the tiniest bit, reaches out to touch him, just once, under the pretense of wiping away dust they both know isn't there.
they both know and while aziraphale does not sleep, he still gets moments during which the fear becomes too much to handle and he calls crowley for company.
they both know and they are both scared, and they do not talk. it's what drives them apart, in the end, when all they want is for the other to be safe and right next to them.
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wander-wren · 2 years
it’s 5am i have not slept i have a hot take
i see antis argue sometimes that you CAN portray “problematic” things in fiction, as long as you show they’re bad/don’t romanticize them.
first of all that’s super subjective. second of all.
have you ever read major character death. have you ever read hurt no comfort. have you ever read, like, mindbreak.
i’ve never seen anyone complain about a fic that is graphic torture and nothing else, or like, a mental health ventfic with a dark ending. and i think about that quite often, the different standard we have for sex.
yknow? it applies in other contexts too. have you ever noticed that when people argue fanfiction is a lesser form of writing or otherwise bad, they always bring up sex? “the odyssey vs your 200k destiel omegaverse mpreg” “the great gatsby vs your slowburn stucky hs au where the climax is a full chapter of smut”
it’s a trend i noticed. it exists outside of fanfic too! original fiction circles have this whole thing about not including sex scenes bc The Plot, or dismissing erotica as a less serious, or maybe just lesser, form of literature?
and maybe, just maybe, that’s bad. to some degree i think we put sex on too high of a pedestal. it’s just a thing people do. and, i dunno, i write a lot of angst and whump and what-have-you. i like exploring trauma and recovery, it’s literally a thread somewhere in 90% of what i write. maybe all of it, in some small capacity. i don’t have encyclopedic knowledge of my own work.
so i’m not directly affected by this, but i do think it’s hypocritical, and i do think it’s strange to impose limits. you can create, but only within these boundaries, defined arbitrarily by me. like, okay jan. sure.
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