#hustle mindset
everettdemorier · 16 days
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Top Motivational Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Tune Into
Discover the best motivational podcasts for entrepreneurs at www.everettdemorier.com and fuel your journey to success with expert insights and inspiration.
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themagical1sa · 2 years
bagong taon panibagong sakit sa ulo: adults who are out of touch edition
the Tagalog in the title is "new year new headaches"
so essentially this post's title is new year new headaches: adults who are out of touch edition
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The image is a cropped screenshot of a now-deleted Facebook post. It is a post from Donnalyn Bartolome, a famous internet personality in the Philippines. The status reads "Donnalyn ✅ is 🤩 feeling lucky." with the following post: Bakit may sad dahil back to work na? Diba dapat masaya ka kasi may chance ka na pagandahin buhay mo at ng pamilya? Trip ko pa nga may work ng January 1 dahil superstition ko may work ako buong taon pag ganun. Dapat grateful kasi may work. If work makes you unhappy, I hope you find a job that will. Yung pakikiligin ka and sheet 🥹 Anyway, this is just a reminder that having a job is a blessing bessss change mindset, it's 2023!! 🤍 Translated from Taglish (combined Tagalog and English): Why are people sad about going back to work? Shouldn't you be happy because you have a chance to improve you and your family's lives? I personally like having work on January 1 because I believe that I'd have work for the entire year when that's the case. We should be grateful for having work. If work makes you unhappy, I hope you find a job that will. The king that makes you giddy and sheet 🥹 Anyway, this is just a reminder that having a job is a blessing bessss change mindset, it's 2023!! 🤍
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The image is a screenshot of a Tweet from Robert "Bob" Reyes, an IT specialist who currently works as a Tech News Columnist for the Manila Bulletin. The tweet reads: Noong nag-aaral pa ako, ang inaantay namin yung masarap na baon papasok ng paaralan. Ang mga kabataan ngayon, ang inaantay announcement ng #WalangPasok :-( Translated from Tagalog: When I was still a student, what my peers and I waited for was the delicious snack food of the school [for recess]. The youth today waits for the announcement of #WalangPasok :-( NOTE: "Walang Pasok" translates to "No classes." It is commonly said when classes are suspended due to strong rainfall from tropical depressions, storms, or typhoons.
January 6 pa lang guys pero may ganitong kagaguhan na. - [in Tagalog] It's only January 6 but we have this bullfuckery already.
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P.S. MGA PAKSHET KAYONG LAHAT!!! = YOU ALL ARE FUCKSHITS!!! "Pakshet" is a Filipino contraction for pak and shet, which are essentially Filipinized fuck and shit respectively. It is often used as an interjection of surprise or an insult, like in the meme above.
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
How To Maintain an Air Of Mystery In a Social Culture
Maintaining an air of mystery can have numerous benefits in various situations, such as dating or networking. By selectively revealing information about yourself, you increase intrigue and heighten interest, making you more attractive and interesting to others. The quietest person in the table, who contributes the least, tends to be the perceived as the most attractive. Additionally, projecting an image of confidence and independence can earn you respect from others. Being selective in communication can also help you direct conversations in your favor. Maintaining an air of mystery can help you establish personal boundaries and avoid unwanted attention, thereby protecting your privacy. Keep in mind that maintaining an air of mystery is about being selective with what you share and keeping people guessing. It's not about being dishonest or unapproachable.
Be selective with what you share: When interacting with others, choose carefully what information you share. Avoid revealing everything about yourself and your life. Leave some details up to the imagination of the other person.
Listen more than you speak: Ask questions and listen attentively to the responses. People often reveal more about themselves when they feel they are being listened to. This can also give you the opportunity to selectively share information and maintain an air of mystery.
Be comfortable with silence: Silence can be uncomfortable, but it can also be powerful. Don't feel the need to fill every moment with conversation. Take your time before responding to questions or statements, and use pauses to your advantage.
Keep an element of surprise: Surprise people with unexpected actions or thoughts. This can keep them guessing about what you will do or say next, adding to your mysteriousness.
Don't be too available: It's important to have a life outside of the interactions you have with others. Don't always be available to meet or talk, and make sure to have your own interests and activities.
How to maintain your mystery with social media:
Be selective with what you share: Only post certain things about yourself or your life. Share only the highlights of your day or week and keep the more personal or intimate details private.
Use photos creatively: Instead of sharing photos of yourself or your daily routine, post abstract or scenic images that spark curiosity and imagination. Use images to tell a story or convey a mood without revealing too much.
Keep your personal information private: Limit the amount of personal information you share, such as your address, phone number, or full name. This helps create a sense of distance between you and others and increases intrigue.
Be unpredictable: Post at irregular intervals, share unexpected things or create a sense of mystery around your posts. This can keep people interested in you and keep them guessing about what you will do or say next.
Use humor or irony: Humor or irony can be used to create a sense of distance and make people wonder about your true thoughts and feelings. This can make you more interesting and appealing to others.
How it benefits you in a career/business setting:
Increased professionalism: By maintaining an air of mystery, you can project an image of professionalism, which can earn you respect from colleagues and employers.
Improved negotiation skills: People who are confident and self-assured tend to be better negotiators. By projecting an image of confidence and independence, you can improve your negotiating skills and achieve better outcomes in business deals.
Better networking opportunities: People are naturally drawn to those who are interesting and intriguing. By maintaining an air of mystery, you can attract the attention of potential employers or business partners and create networking opportunities.
Heightened creativity: Keeping a certain level of mystery around your work can spark creativity and innovation. By not revealing everything, you may be more motivated to come up with new and unique solutions to problems.
Enhanced personal boundaries: Maintaining an air of mystery can help you establish personal boundaries and avoid unwanted attention in the workplace. This can help you maintain a sense of privacy and protect your personal life from being too exposed.
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t-hiswifey · 1 year
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
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Full Harvest Moon in Aries ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
In my experience, Full Harvest Moon is always significant for those who are more spiritually attuned. This period allows—almost forces, actually—us to die to the previous cycle of our lives much like the trees shedding their leaves. This is a period of slowing down; of calm but maybe also a little bit of depression; of sweeping changes and moving places; of pausing and recalibration; which could cause a sickening sense of losing control of our lives, though in reality, we’re just being prepared for a massive transformation.
If anything, all these changes are the perfect answers to all you’ve prayed for! It’s harvest time for a lot of us! Some of us are having a mini harvest but those are results nevertheless. You’ve done marvellously well to be here right now. And haven’t you grown so much? I’m grateful you’ve made it this far.
Speak into existence your higher intent this Harvest Moon. Be at peace knowing that whatever transpires, everything works out in your favour. Your manifestations are protected, more than you may realise. Work on beautifying all elements of your Life, taking care of all aspects of your physical and spiritual health, and most of all, enjoy Life. All the changes you’ve managed to manifest thus far. There’s plenty more coming but you can’t compete with Destiny, yeah?
All in Divine Timing~🌕Congratulations and happy harvest~🌾
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Pile 1 – Returning to the Essentials
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intent – Ace of Pentacles
You’ve made it exceedingly clear to the Universe that you want a higher sense of stability in your Life. You might’ve come from a background of poverty mindset or that your environment was brimming with individuals operating on lack mindset. A lot of the people you used to surround yourself with were literal peasants in that they’re always hungry for something more… but won’t work on themselves to become a vibrational match to those higher desires. So, essentially, beggars. Beggars for love, for money, attention, recognition, status, you name it.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting those seemingly unspiritual things, what is a problem is the sense of underserving of those things that people won’t even make the first step towards planting those seeds of manifestation for their own personal fulfilment. Such people only end up with rotten envy, jealousy, spite, bitterness, and even resentment. You saw all of that. Swam in an ocean of such mindsets and tendencies. You finally woke up and said, ‘I want none of that nonsense anymore. None of it is natural. I want out!’
sow – 4 of Cups
So, you ejected yourself from those situations and possibly burnt some bridges. It was better to be alone and work on the essentials. You get to know yourself better that way, all strengths and weaknesses, all opportunities and challenges. You’ve enjoyed learning and studying things that inspire you to continue to build a sparkly Life, right? You’ve worked plenty hard on your own fixing your internal compass, haven’t you? None of that will ever go to waste. You were creating vibrational pathways towards your Highest Possible Intended Destiny. It’s time to begin anew with your visions. Your plans are taking shape. You can see clearly where to step in your next chapter of hustle.
I guess, you’re still feeling like you’re not quite there yet. Or that it feels like your desired reality is taking its sweet time. I guess you could be struggling with dissatisfaction every now and then. Or that certain days you can’t believe the insane level of boredom that suddenly strikes. Sometimes you wonder if there’s any meaning to all this internal hustle you’ve been doing. But there totally is and the fact of the matter is that you’re building strength and momentum at the present moment. I suspect very strongly you’re going to be insanely busy in the next cycle of your Life. Cherish this period. It probably will never come again and soon enough this chapter is only gonna remain a memory you recount sometimes as part of your Life’s Story.
reap – 4 of Wands
And finally, I’m sure you’re already feeling this without anyone else telling you: you’re returning to the essentials. You’ve rediscovered the essence of your being. The styles that suit you. Pursuits that delight you genuinely. These are the few things that truly matter to you and that’s all you want to spend energy on. If in the past you were frantically chasing a few forms of aesthetics or had a number of dreams to pursue, you’ve narrowed everything down to only the essentials—the ones that truly make you feel excited, alive.
Although it feels like returning to your inner child essence, at the same time, you’re not the old you. You’re completely brand new. You’re like a transcendent version of your truer self in the past. It feels strangely nostalgic but also novel. Like you’re holding this inexplicable paradox inside of you. But the truth is, you’ve simply transcended above the duality of light and dark, good and bad. You’re now living in the non-dualistic 5D version of this Earth Matrix. Congrats! You’ve truly awakened! Welcome to 5D Earth, Master Manifestor~!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Your Heart Has the Best Compass
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intent – VII The Chariot
First of all, you’re an incredibly intuitive person and to a large extent, I think you’re psychic. You could have one or two of the clairs. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognisance. You are often guided by your intuition to make changes or attempts that may not always look sensible or responsible by other people. But you seem to have disregarded all of other’s expectations or advice. You believed in yourself and decided to pursue something dearly important to your heart. In a manner of speaking, you were following the path of your Destiny, so congrats! You made the right decision. From here on you can only get stronger.
In your physical Reality, I see you experiencing bounds and leaps of good fortune! You don’t need a shooting star to help make your dreams come true now, you are the Star itself. You make what you want come to Light. It’s possible you’re gonna see people in your Reality being more polite, helpful, cuter, kinder, and generally more pleasant. You’d be like, ‘Did I just jump timelines? Is this still the same Earth I’m used to?!’ Well, you quantum jumped into a higher dimension of Reality and you should be proud of all the inner work you’ve done to be in alignment with these higher frequencies!
sow – Knight of Cups
So, this is another water/emotion energy. The Knight here is simply saying you’re ready to take your Life to the next level of happiness—a spiritual variety of contentment whilst living on Earth. I think you want Love? XD You’re beginning to really want what people call ‘5D relationships’. You want to meet your Soul Mates, your Destined Person, your Soul Tribe. You want Love in a peaceful, exciting, creative world. And you’re going to ‘work’ on that. You’ve decided to never let anyone disrespect you for all the weirdness you have to show them. Unapologetic for days. You ain’t afraid to be seen as a bitch, or a weirdo, an alien, or even a villain.
Nevertheless, all that is just the outer package of your person, which is needed to navigate some hardships in Life when they arise. On the inside, you’ve truly become soft, peaceful, content, and I think you’re pretty much happy with where you are in Life now. Out of all the Piles, yours feels most like you’re truly starting something new that you’re passionate about. There’s something you’ve been meaning to do/create/launch which is only needing the right Divine Timing. Once you hit the bell, there’s no snooze button—you’re going on a ride! Life is gonna get super exciting, so stay on your lane because you’re totally on the right path towards changing your Life!
reap – 3 of Pentacles Rx
When your Life finally takes that amazing turn, you’re going to be spoiled by the Universe with a lot of happiness. I’m seeing SO much abundance beyond material means. You’re going to be SO beautiful. I’m seeing a crazy glow up one way or another. Perhaps because now you have access to those things that can support a glow up. New wardrobe. New teeth. New face for some… New country. New house. New everything and you look gorgeous! That said, there are family members or childhood friends who are totally NOT gonna understand your transformation. Yeah… let peasant be peasants if you ask me.
There are those of you who will want to provide for your family/friends with your newfound wealth and if they’re deserving of that, why not? Just please don’t do any of that with the desire to get their approval, and this is especially the case if your family/friends are incredibly toxic. Live for yourself, babe. Share only with those who are deserving. Only you can decide this but ultimately, respect yourself enough to never beg the acknowledgement of those who are already committed to seeing you in a negative light. Never let ANYBODY reduce your accomplishments, transformations, your Light. Never let anybody poop on your parade XD
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Hand of Fucking Midas
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intent – Page of Wands
Okay, in spite of the title, of all the Piles, your energy has a sage vibe to it. I feel like you’ve transformed into a spiritual master of sort. You got away from the Matrix’s rat race. All the riches you used to think you should have in order to feel like you belonged in society have gone out the window. There are so many material things you do not care about anymore. You’ve rediscovered your essence as a spiritual being having a Human experience. It’s all just a Game and you’re going to have the best-value experience whilst being here. You’ve cultivated a mindset of beauty. ‘Nothing is worthwhile if it’s not beautiful.’
You only want to float beautifully until the day you die. The paradox of your existence is that now that you don’t desire anything desperately anymore, everything comes to you ever so effortlessly. Perhaps it really is because you don’t care if it comes to you or not. It’s exactly because you’re free from worries and anxieties that your positive vibrations effortlessly call forth those positive expectations into your energetic field, and surely enough, they manifest in the physical whether or not you really want them. Paradox. Paradox.
sow – 5 of Pentacles
Reiterating the previous message, here is you sowing seeds of nothingness in this world. From nothingness comes everything. If you don’t limit yourself, anything, literally everything, is possible to create. You’ve tapped into the VOID and understood the secret of Co-Creation. Might it be that you’ve had a really strange, esoteric dream recently? I think you could’ve been activated in your sleep. I feel more strongly that this whole developing a Midas Touch was brought about after transmuting a fuckload of personal traumas you’ve accumulated in this incarnation.
You’ve been through all the sides of sorrow and happiness that now you’re clearer as to what kinds of things are truly meaningful for a Human existence. Now you only want the essentials, and those things you consider essentials are concepts still too difficult too grasp for most Humans. Though you do not carry the essence of being Human, you more than them understand what being Human should be all about. It’s insane. It’s all paradoxical. But you’re here on a mission to beautify this realm. To help Mankind elevate themselves above the status of being miserable slaves—slaves often to their own toxic desires. You’ve transcended all of that via your own suffering.
reap – 9 of Pentacles
From here on, there is no more lack. Because you don’t want much anymore. You’ve let go of all the tight grips on the illusions and temptations of the Matrix. Your wants are now purer, kinder, fairer. I feel you want everybody to have also the things that you take for granted. You want everybody to share in the bounty of the natural world easily. ‘There are things in this world that are NOT supposed to be expensive.’ You want everybody to have access to basic needs at a decent level/quality without having to pay for a premium.
All of that said, I think in the future you’re soon going to have your own business that helps improve the lives of your community instead of ruining the ecosystem and making it hard for everybody. If not a business, you could be involved in some sort of invention or revolution that could, well, revolutionise the way many people live, work or approach businesses on their own terms. I think this Pile has the potential to change the world for the better. You may not care that much about such wild dreams for now, for you are currently peacefully enjoying some fruits of your intense spiritual labour thus far.
But it’s coming, baby~ Your train to awesome is coming to pick you up. Just chill~ When Divine Timing strikes, your body is gonna move on its own😉
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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mxwhore · 8 months
finally had a task repetitive enough to dissociate and listen to people be british. figure attached is me during the experience
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thesirencult · 11 months
No one tells you that when you grow up with an empty cup you will always try to fill it up.
The first few year it will be filled only by your tears, hopes and dreams.
Craving love and intimacy doesn't make you weak and it doesn't mean you are unhealed. It simply means that you are a human and you have the need to connect just like other humans.
It sounds unfair you have a difficulty getting what you should have been given from the start, doesn't it ?
Don't lose your hope. If you are here, in this situation and you have this kindness of spirit, that means that someone else out there feels the same as you and they are looking for a friend, a lover, a companion on this trip we call life.
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mindmotives01 · 2 months
Broken. This path is not just an honor but a sacred duty, an obligation to fulfill the grand design and purpose
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fhealync · 2 months
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"Trust yourself. You can do this." 💪🏼✨ This powerful reminder is for you! What's one thing you're trusting yourself to accomplish today? Let's inspire each other to believe in ourselves and take action! 👇🏼 
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hotgirlyshit · 15 days
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hardcore-income · 2 months
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Instant gratification, lasting regret. Choose long-term fulfillment over short-lived highs.
"Growing a tribe of hustlers. You in? Hit follow!" 👊
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tex-as · 6 months
I just want to touch a million
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
High quality conversations lead to high quality thoughts and actions.
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immamapletreekid · 6 days
i know i should get a linkedin but i feel like if i do i will lose some part of me that i wont ever be able to get back
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andrigyn · 6 months
See the thing about me that you all know by now is I LOVE evil characters. However, the difference between Rhys and the evil men I do enjoy is that the 🥰🥰🥰 bad guys have some more grit to them and have struggled more in the past. The idea of a royal bad guy is just so repulsive to me. It was literally just handed to you????
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muhasabahku · 2 months
Invest in yourself mind..
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