#hypnotists au
forest-of-stories · 2 years
I decided to write a bit about my recent NaNoWriMo project, in the form of an imaginary Q&A, for my own amusement (and hopefully yours).
What did you write during NaNoWriMo, Nevanna?
My project (which is ongoing, since I reached neither a conclusion nor the 50,000-word goal) was a multi-chapter fanfic for The Magnus Archives, whose working title is Eye to Eye, but I’ve been referring to it as the Hypnotists AU, after the book series on which it’s based.
Those are kids’ books.  Are you aging down the characters?
Some of them! The original Archives crew, among others, will be portrayed as teenagers – which is a bit older than Gordon Korman’s protagonists, but I’m taking creative license in a number of areas, including this one.
For the sake of teenage romance?
Yep.  And also teenage super-powers angst.
How closely does your fic follow Korman’s plotting?
It’s difficult to say for sure at the first-draft stage, but I plan to echo at least a few of the plot beats – primarily the ones that I liked, which is by no means all of them.  More on that in a moment.
Do the Fear Entities (and their cults) exist in this world?
Not as such, no.  This is a “characters from Fandom A, meet worldbuilding of Fandom B” fusion.  That said, I will hopefully have the opportunity to bring in some familiar faces from TMA and incorporate aspects of their signature imagery and methods.
Do readers need to have read the Hypnotists trilogy to understand your fic?
I am hoping that they will not! I’m writing this for TMA fans, first and foremost, since I know a lot more of them.  However, if my fic prompts some of those fans to read the books, I’d be interested to hear what you think of them.
So, you’d recommend the books to people who haven’t read them?
Yes and no.  A lot of the world-building and plotting choices actually bothered or just annoyed me: specifically, the use of the “here is how many pivotal historical events and achievements were the result of supernatural meddling” trope, and the repeated emphasis on the protagonist’s Special Bloodlines in particular.  Also, some of the humor is mean-spirited (an overweight side character is the butt of several jokes), and I am hopelessly cynical about the political conspiracy that provides the main conflict in the first volume.  However, I was already an adult when these books were published, and I probably wouldn’t have noticed some of these things when I was in their target demographic.
All of that said, despite my feelings about that main conflict, a lot of the smaller, personal struggles and relationships are very well-realized.  No matter your age, if you enjoy the “school for psychic kids” trope, if you enjoy stories about the terrifying implications of mind control (both for the people who can use it and the people who are more or less helpless against it), or if you enjoy manipulative, charming mentor characters, you will probably find something to like about the series.  I enjoy all three, so part of the inspiration for my project was the “these storytelling choices are really cool, how would they work in a different story?” reaction that I had upon rereading the books.  A fusion with yet another intellectual property isn’t the only answer to this question, of course, but it’s where I landed.
Which pairings do you plan to include?
At the moment, I plan to devote some attention to at least three canon pairings (including one that, when I started contemplating this version of their dynamic, surprised me with how invested I was!), and I’m contemplating one or two that arose from popular fan interpretation.  All relationships will be appropriately tagged in the AO3 metadata, of course.
So you plan on posting this?
Yes, though I don’t have a clear timeline for when I will be sharing it.  I hope that I’ve interested some people enough that they’ll give it a look when I finally do!
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darkmagiciang1rl · 1 month
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Mesmerizer if they were fucking EVIL!!!!!!
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locusfandomtime · 10 months
I’ve been thinking lately about how the mlp fandom had “creepypasta” (or just generally weird and evil) versions of all the characters and had an extended universe where they were all fucked up but still friends and I think that’s so funny and I think the hermitcraft fandom should do that too.
Skulk/vex Cub, Geminislay, dungeon master Tango, vex Scar, Ren the King, demon Impulse, jungle Bdubs, Zedeath/evil scientist Zedaph, eldritch horror Keralis, fucked up watcher Grian, Beetlejhost, etc should all come together and torment people as best friends forever.
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bloofbloofbloof · 1 year
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More stupid rat hypnotist
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victorluvsalice · 6 months
What about au where smiler was partially marmalised and works for the ministry and is trying to manipulate Victor and Alice into getting marmalised and becoming advocates
*waggles hand* So, not opposed to such an AU, but it would have to end with Alice and Victor getting Smiler out of the Ministry instead of Smiler successfully getting them to become Advocates. Reason being is, well, a Smiler working for the Ministry and trying to manipulate Victor and Alice is an unethical mind controller! And we know what Alice does to unethical mind controllers:
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[ID: Animated gif by thedestinysunknown of the moment in A:MR when Alice, in her Wonderland form, shoves Bumby off the platform of the Underground station and into the path of an oncoming train]
Yeaaah, if you've ever thought my Smiler seems a little nice when compared to the coaster's actual theme, that's the reason. I had to give them ethics, otherwise they were going to get stabbed. So yeah, an AU like that would have to be along the lines of Smiler trying to get Victor and Alice to join up, only for Victor and Alice to instead show THEM how the Ministry is actually not really interested in happiness and is pretty evil honestly and get them out of there. (Which is actually not dissimilar to what happens in my Londerland Bloodlines AU (after the events of the game), where Smiler THINKS they've joined a group interested in making people happy and helping them through rough patches in their lives, but in fact the Ministry they've fallen in with is Ministry as in "Formerly The Followers of Set," and THEY'RE more interested in corrupting people with false joy...awful shame that they end up targeting Victor...)
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spotaus · 5 months
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Doodling guys :)
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 2 years
My fic for the @thesoniclibrary January Prompt!
(Fic based on the book "The Hypnotists" by Gordon Korman)
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recentlylocal · 2 years
Something very funny to me: while Gideon the Ninth is a very well crafted novel, the plot is actually quite simple and therefore the structure of GtN is IDEAL for AUs. Person A needs an ally to accomplish xyz, but the only available ally is Person B, their frienemsis. Throw in a dash of Person B is lying/otherwise impersonating someone else? Chef’s kiss. Fantastic plot line right off the bat and endlessly adaptable. I’ve read AUs from “ballet school rivals” to “roommates out of financial necessity” and this plot works seamlessly for all of them. 
On the other hand, the plots of Harrow the Ninth and Nona the Ninth are near incomprehensibly convoluted and therefore nigh impossible to form into a coherent AU. I have not read a single Harrow the Ninth AU that isn’t a canon divergence, because? What other setting could possibly be a good 1:1 for “teenager with self-induced amnesia being gaslit by immortals on a spaceship??” People are swapping bodies. IANTHE is there. It simply does not translate to the wacky found family shenanigans that a setting like a CollegeAU demands.
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piedoesnotequalpi · 3 months
For the AU game: Wizard AU/Circus AU!
(I also got Purgatory AU/High School AU, but that's just the same thing twice lol)
God high school really is just the world's worst waiting game isn't it
(Random AU game)
Anyway! I've been head empty no thoughts since I left for my trip, but I finally have some brain cells and also Wi-Fi (my beautiful WiF(i)...) so I can attempt to come up with something.
The thing about the combination of AUs you've given me is that it's basically the book The Night Circus, which I haven't read in years so I'm giving a pretty bare-bones concept based on what I remember + the Wikipedia page.
The World's Circus shows up to various towns with no warning, and all the performers are a little too impressive to simply be doing magic tricks, and two of the most powerful magicians in the world--Joseph Pulitzer (a hypnotist) and M.L. (who does not like to share anything about themself)--like to use the circus as a battleground for their respective protégés. Most recently, Joseph has chosen to train his daughter Katherine, and M.L. has taken in an orphan named Jack Kelly with a knack for making people see what he wants them to see.
Jack and Katherine each individually decide to join the World's Circus and gradually realize that their opponent is probably also working at this circus (they also realize that they're starting to fall for each other, but that's a separate issue (they think)). When Jack first joined the World's Circus, he had a brief relationship with David, the circus's resident [I can't actually think of an act for David to have right now, I'm open to suggestions], but that faded out as he grew closer to Katherine and David grew closer to Racetrack, the show's contortionist. The circus is populated by various other newsies, of course, but it is almost midnight here and it's been nearly ten (I think) years since I read this book and I am very much blanking on details so I can't provide much more than that for background characters.
Anyway, the circus goes along happily for a while until some of the performers realize that a) they're not aging and b) they can't leave. Also, tried-and-true acts start to go wrong, which has never happened before, and then people (including spectators) start dying in questionable circumstances. Jack and Katherine, who by now have realized that they're supposed to be each other's opponents, decide they have to do something to get the circus (and themselves) out of this mess.
I think I'd need to reread the book to figure the rest of the plot out (I messed with the events of the book by making Pulitzer a hypnotist instead of an illusionist) but the important thing to note is that Racetrack participated in a previous installment of this game between Pulitzer and M.L. and is quite displeased that it's happening again and also that the protégés have fallen in love again. Who was his opponent and what happened to them, you ask? Well.
It was Spot.
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forest-of-stories · 1 year
Excerpt from Chapter 1 of ‘Eye to Eye’
[I decided to share a snippet from the fusion between TMA and the Hypnotists Trilogy that I started during NaNoWriMo.  The context for this scene is that Jon is about 16 and has just moved to London with his grandmother.]
After the first week of term, Jon thought he had learned to navigate the hallways of Kempthorne Academy without getting hopelessly lost. A wrong turn on the way out of his algebra classroom, however, led him into a hallway lined with supply cupboards and faculty offices, and he retraced his steps in time to follow the last wave of departing students outside. The bus that would have taken him home had, of course, just pulled away.
By the time the next one arrived, he had resigned himself to a late arrival home and the hope that his grandmother would believe and understand his reason. He’d never been able to lie convincingly, so he didn’t usually try. Over the past year and a half, the truth about what he got up to had been strange enough.
He tucked himself into a seat at the back of the bus and pulled out his book, and hadn’t even read five pages before three university students crowded into the seats in front of his, and began a very loud, very passionate argument about – from the sound of it – an epic poem by Keats.  Each of them saw fit to defend their point with recitations of the same three lines, which all of them delivered loudly, with increasing levels of bombast, and with slightly different emphasis on each syllable.
Jon, who had little use for poetry outside of required reading for school, knew that he should get used to this, if he planned to ride London public transit to and from school every day.  Still, he couldn’t help wishing for his phone and earbuds.  His grandmother had promised to return both of them to him by the end of the week, as long as he stayed out of trouble.
“It’s as if you don’t understand the concept of meter, Wentworth,” one of the students was saying.  “What did you say your GCSE scores were?”
“I understand meter perfectly, thank you,” his friend snapped.  “Only that can’t be the primary reason why he would end the stanza there…” And he started reciting the stanza in question, from the beginning, for at least the twelfth time.
Having had enough, Jon looked up from his book and caught Wentworth’s gaze.  “Excuse me.”  The rest of the group turned their heads toward him.  “Could you find somewhere else to have this fight?”
Instantly, Wentworth shoved past his friends, as well as several people standing between the seats, in his effort to reach the front of the bus.  Over the driver’s protests, he flung himself against the closed door.
The driver slammed on the brakes, lunged forward to restrain the young man, shouted for someone to call 999, and then swung over to the side of the street and cut the engine.  Horns bellowed angrily from the cars behind them.  A baby who had been sleeping in a sling on its father’s chest began to wail. Soon enough, sirens drowned out all those noises, and when the door did open, it was to admit two police officers. The other two students hurried forward to help their friend, but not before one of them tossed, “What did you do?” over his shoulder.
Jon, not for the first time, had no way of answering.
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ask-silent-death · 2 years
To victor, I have kidnapped your precious bunny ghoul and precious baby Tadao and Emiko. I have had so much fun with them when torturing them but I'm curious what you will do! I did leave these for you but you won't do anything! ~Shows Tadao's wedding ring they still and Emiko's crescent moon hair pin coated in blood~
He went from upset to anger in 5 seconds flat. His eyes become black and the pupils were white.. scales appeared on his face. "You did WHAT!!!!" He charges at the anon and grabs them by the neck and makes them see their worst fear. His hypnotism no longer needed direct eye contact. And the angrier he was the more powerful it became. "YOU WILL GIVE THEM BACK OR YOU WILL BE STUCK IN A NEVER ENDING NIGHTMARE!!"
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thelunardungeon · 4 months
Strike a Pose Pt.1
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🌑 Summary: You and Choerry engage in a fun early morning hypnosis session, will it lead it something more?
🌑 Pairing: Choerry X Reader
🌑 Word Count: 1.1k 
🌑 Rating: NSFW 18+
🌑 Content: loving relationship au, hypnosis fetish, hypnosis induction, Choerry is an excellent subject, mutual sexual attraction, reader is the hypnotist and Dom, slight exhibitionism, fondling
🌑 Author’s Note: My first fic on here guys, I hope you like it! <3
I decided to start this blog because K-pop and the Hypnosis fetish are not commonly written about together and I want to change that. Also decided to add a concept photo from Birth because this is also the Birth of my blog heh!
I would love feedback and guidance! Also open to suggestions or ideas! Now onto the ficccc
That day was just going to be an uneventful day. Queendom 2 had just finished and so were my exams. So me and Choerry had just decided to rest for the day. 
But I guess Yerim had other plans because right after our breakfast, she tackled me on the dining table. I was very surprised looking at her lustful eyes, her cute  bedhead hair springing everywhere. 
“I was wondering if we could do something else for today...“, she said.
I chuckled guessing what she wanted but I wanted to hear it from her. so I picked her up and sat her on my lap facing me and said, “And what would that ‘something else’ be?”
She bit her her lip and giggled nervously. 
Eventually she sputtered out, ”that...that hypnosis thing... I liked our last time.”
I smiled amused and asked, ”Really? What did you like about it?”
She blushed, ”Um... feeling vacant, feeling blank and letting you just take control.”
Oh lord. Yerim was a natural hypnotic subject. 
Just talking about how she felt being hypnotised, she was getting a little spacey.
I knew I had somewhat of a niche interest so I was really happy that it was all working with her. She liked it as much as I did, even more, if I take into account her endless blushing during our negotiations of limits. All this brought a smile to my face. I was so happy that I picked her up princess style and took her to our bed, laying her down gently to get her relaxed.
But she sprang up immediately because of her excitement. “Oops! hehe I am supposed to lie down right okay okay I will~”, she chirruped.
I held her hand and assured her, "Its okay you can stay in whatever position you like. Now, do you remember your safe word?”
She nodded and said, "Yes, purple”.
I was satisfied and I began the induction. 
I started slowly stroking her hand with my thumb and slowly swaying it side to side. While I was doing that with one hand, I started saying sweet words of relaxation to Choerry, who was slowly but surely getting more and more dazed by the second.
After getting her relaxed enough I began a countdown.
Soon, she was limp and blank in my arms. 
Her mouth was partly open and she was drooling all upon her chest. Rest all parts of her body were unmoving, except her quiet and slow breathing. 
Her eyelids were open but her eyes were rolled upwards. 
She was physically here leaning against my shoulder but mentally she was in a faraway purple world made by me. 
She was floating in space. 
She was very vulnerable at this moment. 
Again, I felt love and gratefulness for her to surrender her mind and body to me and her trust for me. 
It felt very sexy to me that at this moment, whatever I say to her could be a part of her. She would readily accept it without any questions. Of course I would not just tell her to do anything she does not want to do but just knowing that I hold that power above her was addicting. 
While I was thinking all this looking at her, Choerry was still and loose like those kids soft toys. Her drool was making a big patch on my shirt sleeve and her purple crop top but she was not even aware of it. I grazed her plump and slightly wet lips with my fingers. 
I still couldn’t believe that she feel into a trance so easily. I waved my hands in front her face to see if she would respond. But her face registered nothing.
I held her straight with my arms. Her neck was lolling against her chest and her body had no strength to it. I lay her on the bed carefully. 
I slowly and gently stripped her clothes while she was drooling and dreaming to herself in trance. I first took off her purple crop top. Then her black shorts. While taking off her bra, I couldn’t resist fondling and playing with her soft breasts. 
She was sensitive that even in trance, she whimpered and squirmed a little. 
At last she was left only wearing her white panties with cherry prints on it. I was astonished to see a very big wet patch on it. I had no idea that she was turned on by being tranced this much. I smirked, no wonder she tackled me so early in the morning for a trance. Since the panties looked so sexy, I decided to leave them on her.
Then, I told her, ”Choerry, would you please taste how wet you are?”
She swiftly took her hand, dipped it in her now almost dripping panties and sucked her fingers lewdly. Her eyes were still rolled upwards.
She was just my pretty little purple puppet right now. 
My cute little limp doll. 
I suddenly got a wicked idea. Her last performance on Queendom 2 was titled “Pose”, right?
I commanded Yerim, "Choerry, stand up straight in attention. Good girl. From now on, every time I snap my fingers, you must strike a sexy pose for me. These poses will arouse you every time you do it. This will come automatically to you. It doesn't matter if you are in trance or not. If we both are alone in this house and if you feel safe with me, this suggestion will work on you. Do you understand?”
Yerim who was drooling on her breasts, standing in front of the bed in attention, slurred sleepily,”yess Master i undersstand.”
I was surprised. 
I had not told her to call me master even when we were negotiating. When I told her that she could call me whatever she wanted, I expected her to just call me Sir or something. Not this. I was so happy that I almost giggled but stopped myself at the last moment. 
I would tease her later about this.
For now, I slowly started to wake her up from trance. 
I said, ”Choerry, in a short while, you will wake up from trance. You will feel refreshed, happy and calm but you will temporarily forget about the trigger I have given you. You will remember it only when I snap my fingers. Is that understood, Choerry?”
She affirmed again with her dazed voice.
So I continued, “OK, within count of 1 to 5 you will wake up relaxed. 
5, slowly letting be aware of your surroundings,
4, becoming a little more aware of yourself,
3, feeling happy, relaxed and calm,
2, almost awake and completely aware of your surrounding and...
1, wake up my dear. How are you feeling?”
Choerry rubbed her eyes sleepily and said, "I feel good, Happy.” As soon as she realised she was almost fully naked she did a double take and covered her chest and blushed.
I said, "I am glad you enjoyed it, cutie. Now strike a pose for me.”
She looked at me, confused. 
I smirked and snapped my fingers.
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turtletaubwrites · 8 months
Gag Order
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Thank you, @princeasimdiya12 for this request, I had such a great time writing it!
*Please read the tags!! This is very DubCon!
Pairings: Sanji x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3268
Ao3 Link
Summary: You catch your boyfriend flirting with another woman, and you can't stop your worries. Until you decide to use your talents as a hypnotist to make sure you're the only one Sanji flirts with. He told you he only wants to be with you, so what's the harm in helping him keep that promise?
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Extremely Dubious Consent, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Modern AU, Implied/Referenced Cheating, not confirmed but Sanji flirts and reader gets worried, Alcohol, Hypnotism, Manipulation, Gags, Bondage, Swearing, Smut, Hand Jobs, Established Relationship, Pet Names, Sub Sanji
A/N: The reader uses hypnosis and sex to manipulate Sanji into not flirting with other women, controlling his behavior. Please do not read this one if those themes may be triggering.
Extra A/N: I DO NOT CONDONE THE ACTIONS IN THIS FIC. This is not how hypnosis works, and I would not condone it if it did. Our subconscious minds won’t accept suggestions that go against our interests. (Cults are a different story, but hypnosis sessions could not do this.) Any who, I hope you enjoy it 😊
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You remembered the way you’d blushed, shaking your head at his cheesy line. Still, something about the way he’d tilted his head, crinkling his eyes just a little, made his excessive compliments creep in like teasing fingers on your skin.
And he’d gotten you. Sanji was yours, and you were his. That’s what he promised you.
So why were you in the parking lot of your favorite coffee shop watching him tilt his head at the barista, waiting at the counter to keep talking as she prepared his drink? Why was she blushing, looking at him through her lashes?
You started the car before he grabbed his drink from her hand, chewing the inside of your mouth as you drove to a bar instead.
I knew what he was like. He’s just a flirty person. I have no reason to doubt him.
But what if I do? That’s how he got me. What if he just can’t help himself? What if it’s all a lie?
Those thoughts burned more than the scotch you sipped, failing to calm your nerves.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath, opening a new email from your business account. 
It should be a run of the mill client, and you fell into the rhythm of scheduling and exchanging details. 
Hypnotizing clients to break bad habits was your bread and butter. Your lips twitched with a hint of pride in your work. 
At least I’m confident in one area of my life. 
That thought brought that sickening, writhing mass back to your gut, and you hated yourself for feeling this way. 
Bad habits…
You held your glass in the air in front of you, forgetting you were about to take a sip as your mind started racing.
No. Fuck. I couldn’t…
Leaving the scotch on the bar with a tip, you followed your worst impulses out the door for an impromptu shopping trip.
‘I’ve got a surprise for you. My place tonight?’
He answered that text almost immediately, and you let out a nervous giggle as you set things up. 
Part of your brain was screaming at you, logic and morals getting squashed by your determination.
His knock on the door felt like the point of no return.
“Hello, my love. I can’t wait to see what kind of surprise my darling has in store for me tonight.”
His hands and lips were already on you, just enough to send heat to your cheeks. 
He’s so good at getting me flustered. 
The image of that blushing barista cooled your blood, and you placed your hands on his face, willing yourself to keep steady.
Pressing your lips to his, you grabbed his wandering hands, pulling him to the bedroom. You turned on a dim lamp to reveal the chair you’d set up, displaying your new toys.
The sight of the ropes and gags made Sanji stumble, an audible moan making your own body tighten.
“I take it you’re interested?”
His heavy lidded eyes pulled away from the chair, meeting yours as a small shudder ran over his skin.
“What are we…”
“I thought I’d finally treat you to something you’ve been asking for.”
“Mm, and what’s that, my dear,” he asked, recovering enough to tease, running his thumb along your hip as he drew you closer.
“I’m going to hypnotize you.”
Sanji’s eyes widened, excitement evident in his features, before he tilted his head toward the chair.
“Do you normally tie up and gag your clients, angel? I didn’t know you were in this line of business.”
He breathed his words along the skin of your neck, his voice raspy with heat, and you let out a soft moan.
“No, sweetie, that’s just for you. If you’re open to it, of course.”
Sanji released a low laugh, placing the ropes and gags on the bed. He sat down, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair as he grinned at you. 
“I’m glad you’re so eager,” you teased, standing in front of him. You slipped into a colder, almost professional tone. 
“Do you consent to being bound, gagged, and hypnotized?”
Even in the low light, you could see the imprint of Sanji’s dick, hard and straining against his slacks as he shivered.
“What are you hypnotizing me to do?”
He was practically liquid on the chair, breathing heavily. You leaned in over him, letting an evil smile touch your lips. 
“To be a better boyfriend.”
The small shock, and mock outrage on his face made you grin. 
“If you consent, you can strip now.”
“Anything for you, sweetheart.”
He narrowed his eyes, shaking his head as he removed his clothes. You enjoyed the show, especially as you watched his face. 
I didn’t lie. He said it’s okay.
Your excuses were pushed away, along with your guilt and doubt as you watched his gorgeous, naked body sit before you, his heavy cock twitching occasionally as his eyes roamed your features.
As you knelt beside him, tying him to the chair, you let your voice sink into that soothing cadence. You explained what was going to happen, the process of induction, of bringing him to the relaxed state of mind needed for hypnosis. 
Trailing your fingers along his body, you asked permission to gag him, and permission to touch him.
I’m doing all of this right. He said he wants to be with only me. He wants to be mine. I’m just helping him.
The sight of Sanji bound before you, helpless to whatever you chose to do next, sent a thrill through you.
“We’re going to begin now. Are you ready?”
“Yes, darling. I’m all yours.”
Sanji’s mouth was parted as he stared up at your fingers, your hand above his head so that he was looking as high as he could without tilting his neck. Your other hand lay loose at your side, ready. 
This process was so natural to you now, that it had almost become your own hypnotic state. 
“Sanji. You will be totally relaxed. You will be able to hear me, and feel me, and answer my questions, and your mind and body will stay in a deep level of relaxation.”
“I am going to count from ten down to one, and with each number, and each breath, you will become more and more deeply relaxed, moving gently down.”
As you counted down, repeating the commands for relaxation, you watched his body for signs. His eyes were already fluttering, then you allowed them to close as he continued listening.
He’s going to be so easy to hypnotize.
Smiling at the thought, you started your next test. Bringing your free hand to give a loud snap at your next command, you watched his body jolt slightly before practically melting. 
“Every time you hear the snap of my fingers you sink even deeper, going deeper, drifting deeper. As your mind and body relax completely, you are open to hypnosis, open to my suggestions. As you go deeper,” *snap* “drift deeper,” *snap* “sink deeper,” *snap* “Your body and mind are accepting and welcoming suggestions.”
Normally, you’d test a client’s level of relaxation again with an arm test, but his were tied. However, you knew you didn’t need to. Some people take to hypnosis so naturally, they are the easiest clients. 
And Sanji was so easy. 
You finally brought the long count down to one, confirming and commanding that Sanji was ready to accept suggestions, and to answer questions. 
“Alright Sanji, now that you are fully relaxed, you are going to answer questions easily and truthfully. Answer me now.” *snap* “Are you ready to answer my questions?”
“Good, Sanji. As you answer each question you feel relaxation move through you. Do you want to be a better boyfriend?” *snap*
“Of course you do. The feeling of wanting to be a good boyfriend grows even stronger now as you,” *snap* “go deeper, drift deeper. That feeling will continue to grow as you relax,” *snap* “deeper.”
You continued snapping and repeating throughout your commands, loving how easily, and quickly he took to them. 
“In a moment now, Sanji, you will feel my fingers on your skin. You will stay relaxed as you follow my suggestions. But first answer this question honestly and truthfully.”
“Do you flirt with other women?”
“Is that something a good boyfriend would do?”
“Good, Sanji. You want to be a good boyfriend, and now you know what not to do. It’s just a habit, and habits can be changed.”
Sanji let out a little whimper, a common thing for clients to do when facing uncomfortable information or guilt during session. 
“You are doing so well, your mind and body are relaxed and accepting suggestions.” *snap* “Now Sanji, we are going to help you become a better boyfriend. You will feel my touch now, and every touch will only bring you deeper into relaxation.”
You picked up the ball gag and traced it along his chest and arm before touching his face. You coached and guided him to open his mouth, using your fingers to gently pry open his lips and jaw. Soft noises left his throat as you fastened it behind his head, checking that it was a good fit.
He was so helpless. You didn’t realize how much you’d enjoy the sight of him like this.
“You are doing so well, Sanji. So relaxed, breathing through your nose so well.”
Sanji gave an almost imperceptible nod of his head, and your mouth dropped open when you noticed his swollen cock, precum leaking down his shaft.
You had to pause for a couple minutes at the sight. Luckily, when clients are in such deep hypnosis, you can often take a short break without them noticing. You normally need to stretch, have water, and a cough drop halfway through a two hour session. 
Right now you needed to catch your breath, trying to focus on your goal instead of Sanji’s gorgeous cock crying out for your attention. 
“Sanji, as you relax, you notice how your body feels. You are relaxed as you pay attention to how your lips, your tongue, and your jaw feel. As you relax now Sanji, you will continue to answer my questions. Do you flirt with other women?”
The muffled sound strained from the back of his throat. You knew his answer was the same as before. 
“Is that something a good boyfriend would do?”
“Good, Sanji. Now let your body remember how this gag feels. How it presses your tongue, and stops your words. You are going to use this feeling, your body is going to carry it with you, to help you be a better boyfriend.”
He nodded, small tears forming under his closed eyes. 
“Take yourself back now, going back in time to this afternoon. Picture yourself at the coffee shop. You are there now, you can see what you saw then. The smells, and the sounds wash over you. The power of your subconscious mind is bringing you back to that moment. That woman is there, the barista, speaking to you while she makes your coffee. Are you there now?” *snap* 
“Were you flirting with that woman?”
A few more tears fell down over Sanji’s stretched cheeks as he grunted his ‘yes.’
“Is that what a good boyfriend would do?”
You paused after his muffled ‘no,’ his admittance of his behavior fueling your desire to see this through. 
I’m just helping him with a bad habit. 
“As you relax deeper,” *snap* “going deeper, you will go back to that moment. You will look at that woman that is not your girlfriend. And when I snap my fingers you will flirt with her just like you did then.”
With his tongue fully pressed beneath the large ball gag, whatever his line was that he’d used on that woman was lost, only grunts and drool spilling from his lips now.
“Your body remembers this feeling. It will carry it through, beyond this session. You want to be a good boyfriend. So now, when you want to flirt with a woman that isn’t your girlfriend, your subconscious mind will bring back this feeling. Flirting is just a habit. Now your body is helping you change that habit. Because you want to be a good boyfriend.”
Each command was accompanied by a snap, and you relished in how deep he was in hypnosis, how pliable. 
This is going to work.
“When I snap my fingers, you will say that you want to be a good boyfriend.”
“Mn mwnn gh ghm mm ghmm ghmmrrmn.”
“We’re going to practice this again. Your mind is taking you now to another moment when you flirted with a woman that was not your girlfriend. Your mind is traveling there now.”
Sanji waited so perfectly for you as you removed his ball gag. You grabbed a soft cloth from the bed, wiping the spit that was dripping down his chin, before stuffing the fabric into his mouth. 
“When I snap my fingers, you will flirt with her like you did then.”
This fabric wasn’t as effective as the ball gag, and you tried to makeout what his line had been. 
“Whths ah ghoohthy lch ygh ghnng ng ah ghlsh lch thss?”
Even through the gag you could feel the hint of his purr, and it spurred you on. 
“When I snap my fingers, you will say that you want to be a good boyfriend.”
“Eh whnn gh ghh ah ghoogh ghhrrnngh.”
You commanded again that his body would remember this feeling, carry it over. Then you removed the fabric, bringing your final tool in front of his face.
“Now, Sanji, in a moment I will have you open your eyes, just enough to see what I have in my hands.”
You showed it to him, then started trailing it slowly over his thighs, chest, and arms. 
“This is your handkerchief now. It will be your anchor. Everyday, you will put it in your pocket, and it will remind you of your goal to be a better boyfriend.”
You brought it to his hand, rubbing it gently over his fingers. 
“Each day that you touch it, your subconscious mind will remember.” 
You brought it to his lips, covering his mouth and clamping your hand over it. 
Again, you led him to a memory of flirting with another woman, training him to remember how this feels. 
“Your subconscious mind is accepting these suggestions, and they will carry over. Your mind will recall exactly how you have felt tonight. The next time you feel the urge to flirt with another woman, your body will remind you of these feelings.”
You folded the handkerchief, stuffing it into his pants’ pocket, unable to stifle a small smile as your heart raced, the reality of what you’d just done hitting you. 
You knelt in front of him, amazed at how hard he still was after all of that work.
“You’ve been doing so well, Sanji. I know you want to be such a good boyfriend. And good boyfriends get good things. Would you like something good, Sanji?”
“Yes,” he stuttered, finally free from the gags.
“Soon I will count back up from ten to one, and your conscious mind will let go of all that we’ve done, but your subconscious mind will remember. Your conscious mind will only remember the relaxation, and the pleasure, but your subconscious mind, and your body will remember it all. You will carry all of these suggestions with you.”
“And as I count you back to this moment, you will feel so much pleasure. You will be completely present, and happy to be with your girlfriend. You will feel so good knowing that you are a good boyfriend. Are you ready to feel good, Sanji?”
He nodded, making sweet, needy noises for you.
You started to count him out, going slowly as you traced your fingers on his lap. Continuing your commands as you teased his tip, his body started shaking as much as the ropes would allow.
“You’re being so good for me, Sanji. So good. Three.” *snap*
Stroking his cock now, you knew it wouldn’t be long. You spaced out your count, bringing him out so slowly so you could time it right.
“I wanna be a good boyfriend…”
The words came out of him without your command, Sanji’s pathetic whine making you drip with need. 
“You are.” *snap* “You are a good boyfriend, Sanji. Now, when I snap my fingers one more time you will be awake and alert with me here and now. You will open your eyes, and you will feel so good, and your body will remember.”
The feel of his swollen skin in your hand set you on fire, and you waited until you watched him twitching, feeling him pulsing.
Sanji opened his eyes, mouth slack as he met your gaze. Then his eyes rolled back, his come shooting straight up over his lap, making a mess. 
He let out the most gorgeous, unrestrained moans, and you kept going until every drop spilled out of him, dripping down your fingers.
His head was still tilted back, and his breath was heavy for a few long moments.
“Are you okay,” you asked, your voice soft with worry. 
What if he remembers? What if he’s angry?
“Mm, I feel incredible, my love. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more relaxed in my life.”
You let out a tiny squeal of happiness, standing up to reach his lips for a kiss.
He’s all mine.
You waited in the parking lot the next day, hoping he’d stick to the same schedule. Again, shoving aside all the guilt and worry, you just focused, obsessing over if this worked.
Huddling down in your seat with a gasp, you watched your boyfriend walk in, staring at his profile as he waited in line. 
Sanji got to the front, pulling out his wallet as he pointed to the menu. It was the same woman from the day before, and you cringed at her playful smile. 
Sanji smiled back, and your heart sank. 
Until he reached his hand into his pocket, pulling out the handkerchief.
Sanji looked away from her as she took his card, and you watched in sick pleasure as he covered his whole mouth with the fabric, holding it over his lips just as you had. 
The woman tried to talk to him after she returned his card, but he could hardly look at her, still holding the handkerchief to his face as he nodded. 
He walked away, standing against the wall as he waited. 
Guilt and triumph filled you, and your hands were shaking as you grabbed your keys. 
You let out a little scream when your phone chirped, dropping your keys, then laughed at your nerves. You started the car, wanting to get out of there before he came outside, but you saw his name on your phone’s screen. 
More fear flooded you, and you saw that he was still waiting against the wall, staring at his phone. 
Holding your breath, you checked the text.
‘Can I cook dinner for my beautiful girlfriend tonight? Already missing your face, my love 💖’
You tossed your phone to the passenger seat, and drove away, body buzzing. You couldn’t believe how giddy you felt, and you kept squealing and biting your lip. 
Amidst the giddiness you still felt guilt, but you kept shaking it away, telling yourself it was for the best. 
Now he’s all mine, and I’m all his. That’s what he promised me anyway. 
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Thank you for reading! 💜
a/n: Once again, hypnosis can't do that, and I wouldn't condone this either way. But I had fun with this one, and I hope you did too!
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buy me a coffee ☕💜
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joonie-berry · 11 months
Twisted Wonderland Au
Rule of Wonderland/Twisted Grounds
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So I made this Au like 6 months ago and had no one to speak about it to. If you remember games of the old horror genre then you might have heard about Haunting Ground and Rule of Rose. Two games of the early 2000s that were female protag centered. Well I made and Au kinda centering both games with Twst ~~mainly Haunting Ground~~ called Twisted Grounds/ Rule of Wonderland.
It’s not gonna fully follow the events of those games, but more on their mechanics. Like the panic system of Haunting Grounds, and the companion system of both games using Grim.
It’s more like a what if Twisted Wonderland was like those old early ps2 games. Without further ado here’s the info of each dorm summarized basically
The Crimson Tyrant and Rose Maze
Riddle Rosehearts: Ruler of The Rose Maze. Nullify
Trey Clover: 3rd highest/ strongest Admin of the Rose Maze. Baker. Ruler’s Caretaker
Cater Diamond: 2nd highest/strongest admin of the Rose Maze. Caretaker of the roses, social media influencer
Ace Trappola: Rookie, sleight of hand, illusionist
Deuce Spade: Rookie, ex delinquent
Charm: Rose Headband
Usurper of Wilds and the Lion's Den
Leona Kingscholar: King of the Lion's Den. Drought
Ruggie Bucchi: second in command. Caretaker of the Lion's Den albeit not officially
Jack Howl: Rookie, scout
Charm: Leona's choker
Witch of the Sea and The Lakehouse
Azul Ashengrotto: Watcher of the Lakehouse, Dealmaker
Jade Leech: Second in command, Caretaker
Floyd Leech: Torturer, sadistic scout
Charm: Seashell Necklace
Sorcerer of Sands and The Desert Manor
Kalim Al Aism: Heir of the Desert Manor
Jamil Viper: Second in command, Caretaker, Actual boss. Hypnotist
Charm: Gold Bracelet
Fairest Queen and Poison Palace
Vil Schoenheit: Queen of the Poison Palace; Fairest Poison
Rook Hunt: Second in command, Caretaker, Hunter
Epel Felmier: Rookie, Farmer
Charm: Poison apple earrings
Guard of the Underworld and Death's Mansion.
Idia Shroud: Leader of the underworld, Set Match
Ortho Shroud: Scout, Caretaker
Charm: Idia’s Keychain
King of Thorns and the Dragon Castle.
Malleus Draconia: King of the Dragon castle
Lilia Vanrouge: SiC, Caretaker
Silver Vanrouge: Head Guard
Sebek Zigvolt: Rookie, Guard in training
Charm: Dragon’s ring
Charms are items Yuu gets if they wish to travel back to the previous location without being attacked. It symbolizes their connection to the head of each location.
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lgsx1ii · 1 year
I did it
Hypnotist MK/Knfe
Knfe and uh Him are the same person
Just that it's like a different ending for Knfe. Welp time to drop him some head cannons.
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(his still MK, Just that Knfe is my LMK Au)
He developed sort of dark magic, Like from Jin and Yin.
Founds a book of how to brainwash people? Sounds interesting.
Actually he just stole it from Jin and Yin's hideout, Cause he knows there's good stuff to theirs. Like good valuable items to use, To experiment. Etc
Thinking to brain wash others. I mean it's a good thing to use, Like use them as meat shields or bodyguards. And servants to make more things.
Actually a fast learner, Quick learning. Just you know speed running it.
Boom he uses his hypnotist skills to brainwash Yin, Jin, Macaque, Mayor.
Actually this is just like LBD. Except it's just the hero plays to be the villain role.
No more MK being the hero, Say goodbye to him. Like actually there's no ' MK ' in him anymore. As if he turns into a completely different person.
Absolutely goes crazy with his hypnotist skills.
Litterally just abuses it.
Oh is that Y/N he saw?
Welp rip them, Because Knfe ordered his minions to capture Y/N to bring them back to him.
Literally the twin demons, Macaque, and Mayor has no memories of themselves. Even if they try, It will result a major headache. They only serve their master's request.
Y/N now capture in his hands, With chains. Not ordinary chains but some sort of magic to block of their powers.
Say goodbye half of your memories.
Cause Knfe wants it half gone, Just half. He would feel upset if that 'you' would've not remember anything. Or a memory of who you are.
See that amulet in his chest? That's the core of keeping half of Y/N's memories insides of it. And also controlling Y/N.
Like if you disobey him
He would crush the amulet in his hands, Hard. Causing your body to feel suffocating. As if your getting crushed by a heavy anvil on top of you. As a punishment that you disobey him.
Though he wouldn't like to see you in pain, It hurts him really. When his done with his punishment he did to you. He would then comfort you by hugging, Patting your back, Patting your head. Then apologize for what he did is awful.
Expect alot of pampering, Getting spoiled by him.
Alots of kisses and touching, Like holding your hand, Your waist, Your arm. Etc
He doesn't like to go far on touching, Like he understands you feel uncomfy by it.
Clingy. Hella clingy like a dog following you and giving you affection. ALOT of affections n stuff he gives you love like he loves you dearly.
Dude has a toy figure of you.
Lack of sleep, I mean his anxious and overthinking some intruder will steal you away. Or could be Heegan/Redson's sneaky unexpecting plans to grab you away without him noticing.
Dude learns how to levitate things.
About the legendary staff. Well he just store it away from his sight where he cannot have a flashback from his old self. Cmon he..feels uncomfy and upset about it. Really doesn't wanna remember it, As if he will cry in a second.
He doesn't live in metapolis anymore, He lives somewhere else. VERY FARTHER where no can reach him.
Man's living in a cottagecore life with his servants and you. . .
He will literally use the guilt trip trick on you whenever you try to leave and escape.
That actually effects you alot and decided to stay.
His slowly becoming smarter, Smarter to play someone's emotions and make them lose their guard down, and more guilt tripping.
Also he wears gloves how he doesn't like to touch other people that is not You.
Or he doesn't like to touch something dirty.
Where's his bandana? Well he had a fight with the others he known and..uses the bandana to make it as a bandage. It was on his arms, and yet he still wears it.
That's it for his head cannons, If you want more then uh..yeah just comment IG? Dunno, You can drop him more head cannons ideas.
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Identity V Masterlist
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Darling Silent Bird (Morningstar! Night Watch x Fem!Reader) one shot
Rated: Mature (Dark Themes)
Lucky Rabbit Blow The Dice (High Roller!Novelist x afab!Reader) complete
Rated: Explicit
The Economic Difference Between The Miner and Mine Owner's Daughter (Prospector x Fem!Reader) complete
Rated: Explicit | Tigger Warning: period typical sexism, manipulation, noncon/dubcon
A Night In Nice (Prospector x Fem!Reader) complete
Rated: Explicit
The Bird And The Man (Nightmare/Orpheus x Reader) in-progress
Rated: Explicit
Please And Thank You (Andrew Kreiss x GN/Male Reader) complete
Rated: Explicit
Green Carnation (Norton Campbell x Male!Reader) complete
Rated: Explicit | Warning: Period-Typical Homophobia, Historical References, Open Relationships, Genderplay
All I Have Is Yours (Norton Campbell x Reader) complete
Rated: Explicit | Warning: Period typical drama, rough sex (past), semi-dubcon
Photographic Birthdays (various Joseph skins x reader)
Rated Explicit | Warnings: The last one is dark cuz its Hypnotist Joseph
Wine Heated (Spring Heated Wine!Luchino x reader)
Rated: Explicit | Warnings: none
For All The Birthdays You Missed, Andrew (vampire au!Andrew x reader)
Rated Explicit | Warnings: Vampire AU
Winterstorm (Ithaqua x older!reader)
Rated Mature | Warnings: Age difference between Reader and Ithaqaua, Manipulation, Rumors
Mating (Dragon Hunter!Frederick x dragoon!reader)
Rated Mature | Warning: you both have dragon blood you can guess how that goes
Body Bet (Antonio x reader)
Rated Mature | Warning: Googled Italian, gambling, drinking
Madame Butterfly (Man in Red x reader)
Rated Teen | Warnings: None
Various asks and small fics
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