#hypoxia whump
writinggremlin · 4 months
do you have a link to that hypoxia video you talked about? I’d love to see it
Hell yeah I do!! I have all of the videos I've mentioned, and more!! (Idk why that post has blown the fuck up, but I appreciate you guys for accepting me being weird about hypoxia lmao)
"4 of spades": https://youtu.be/UN3W4d-5RPo
The other video that really gives the whumperflies: https://youtu.be/tAaYqkkrJm0
The Tom Scott video that started-- wait this is not Tom Scott, it's SmarterEveryDay! Whoops! Sorry about that! This video started it all: https://youtu.be/kUfF2MTnqAw
If anybody wants more, feel free to ask! I have quite a few more that I'm willing to share! I'm glad to have attracted the hypoxia whump crowd lmao
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Whump Prompt #1106
@thebewingedjewelcat asked:  Do you have any being choked prompts?  One of my OCs has a phobia about his neck being touched.
Choking doesn't just have to be hands on the throat. Your whumper could notice how the whumpee actively tries to pull away when their hands get too close to their neck.
“Oh darling, don’t worry, I wont lay a hand on that pretty neck of yours.”
Instead, they use other methods:
Pulling the whumpees shirt around their neck. 
If they’re wearing a tie: it could be tightened to the point of near strangulation.  
Chains/belts/rope could be looped around their neck. Just looped and hanging loose. Just enough to drive your whumpee crazy.
The sudden tightening of the previous items jolting your whumpee awake. 
To keep the whumpee subdued when transporting them, they loop a collar and leash around his neck. They make sure to pull extra tight when your character steps out of line :)
When all the chafing/pulling causes injuries, the whumpee makes sure to keep the bandages nice and tight to cause more pain and suffering. 
After all is said and done, your whumpee panics anytime something nears their neck - even the collar of a t-shirt!
And a little added bonus... what about the potential for hypoxia and brain injury?
After all... the whumper promised they wouldn’t lay a hand on their neck.
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tanushakyrano · 2 years
febuwhump day 16: semi-conscious
YES ITS NOT THE 16TH IM SO AWARE OF THIS..... writing the second half of this really sucked for some reason. words were not computing. but i got it done!
characters: Kayo, Alan
additional warnings: hypoxia (low oxygen)
Alan was getting worried. 
It had been at least five minutes since he’d heard anything from Kayo. It wasn’t exactly unusual; the amount of times that she’d experienced ‘technical difficulties’ and gone dark on rescues was frankly ridiculous. Nine times out of ten, she was completely fine. 
It was the tenth time that worried him.
They’d split up to search for survivors. The space station they were on was large and sprawling, and the internal communication system was down which meant that figuring out where everyone was was just that much more difficult. Most of the crew had already been located, but there were a few names unaccounted for on the crew manifest. They’d agreed to split up to cover more ground quicker. Alan was beginning to think that that had been a mistake.
He turned a corner and suddenly his feet weren’t on the ground any more. It took him a minute to realise what the hell was going on. The station had been experiencing system-wide failures for a while now; lights were only on in about half of the areas he'd explored, and life support systems had given up the ghost a long time ago. Clearly the artificial gravity in some areas was failing entirely. He reached out for the wall, using the handrails to give him momentum as he pushed onwards.
A light flashed red over one of the doors as he passed. Alan glanced into the room that lay beyond, shrouded in darkness, then caught sight of the flashing message just above the locking mechanism: WARNING - HULL BREACH. Sure enough, he could just about make out the gash in the floor, the metal plating warped and jagged. He pushed himself onwards. The ball of anxiety that was pretty much a permanent resident in his chest tightened.
Every room Alan glanced into was completely empty even of other missing members of the crew. The silence - other than the occasional crackle of burnt-out circuits - was starting to unsettle him. He was intensely aware of the fact that the station was slowly tearing itself apart around him. They were on borrowed time.
A flash of teal behind one of the doors caught his eye. Alan made a beeline for it, slamming his hand into the locking mechanism until with a groan, the door slid partway open. It was difficult to get purchase in zero-gee, but he managed it, shouldering it open until the gap was large enough for him to squeeze through.
Oh. The gravity was back.
Alan was a little embarrassed to admit that it took him by surprise. As soon as enough of him was through the door, gravity tugged him determinedly downwards, and he fell unceremoniously to the ground. He banged his shin on the way down and cursed.
He quickly scrambled up, assessing the situation. Kayo was slumped in one corner, head resting against the wall, knees pulled halfway to her chest. She barely stirred at his entrance.
"Kayo? You okay?" He was at her side in an instant, noting her blue-tinged lips with alarm.
Slowly, her eyes opened.
"Hey. Hi." Alan tried to smile reassuringly. "Kayo, do you know what happened to you?"
"Circuit…blew." Her brow furrowed with concentration as she attempted to from a sentence. "Oxygen tank. Damaged."
A quick scan of her suit's system confirmed it. Oxygen levels were low and getting lower, thanks to microfractures along one side of her helmet. Alan took a deep breath and tried very hard not to freak out. His hand found hers and held it tightly. Whether it was to reassure Kayo or himself, he didn't know.
"Look, this station could blow any minute," he said, keeping the wobble out of his voice. "We gotta go. You're gonna have to help me out here, I can't carry you all the way. My noodle arms aren't built for this."
It was barely a joke, but Kayo still smiled weakly at it, struggling to push herself upright as Alan slung her arm over his neck and helped her to stand up. He was suddenly very grateful that the gravity had malfunctioned in the corridors outside; even though Kayo was trying her best to help, Alan was single-handedly supporting most of her body weight, and he wasn't sure he could make it back in time if he had to carry her the entire way back.
"M'sorry," Kayo murmured, head dropping against his shoulder. Her voice was so quiet, so…small, that Alan's throat constricted. It was so unlike her that it scared him.
"Hey, no, don't apologise. We're gonna be okay."
She didn't reply.
They headed towards the half-open door, one shuffling step at a time. Kayo could barely keep her eyes open. Alan made a mental note listen to Virgil next time when he stressed the importance of weightlifting in training. Already his shoulders were aching viciously.
The gap was too small to fit through. Alan glared at it as if it had caused him personal offence, slamming his fist into the button several times - as if that would somehow magically open all the way.
Surprisingly, it did.
Alan blinked. Maybe the infamous Tracy luck had decided to go on vacation for the day.
The switch from gravity to lack thereof was much less jarring when he was prepared for it. It also meant that they moved much more quickly, no longer weighed down by artificial forces. Before long, they were nearly back at Thunderbird Three, thudding to the ground again, Alan barely keeping his balance under the renewed burden of Kayo's weight.
"Can I get some help here?" he yelled out, hoping that one of the crew was in earshot. Sure enough, Clove - the one who'd helped them upon their arrival - came hurrying out, ducking under Kayo's other arm and lifting some of the weight off Alan's shoulders - literally.
"The last of the crew made it back while you were away," she informed him. That was good. It meant he could close the airlock for good once they were safely back in Three, make a breathable atmosphere for Kayo.
Three was in arm's reach now.
As soon as their feet crossed the threshold, he slammed the airlock shut, listening intently for the hiss of air that confirmed the establishment of the breathable atmosphere. Carefully, he reached for the clasps on either side of Kayo's helmet, easing it off her head. Clove hovered worriedly next to him.
It was a sign that he was stressed as hell when the sound of Kayo's shuddering inhale was enough to make him flinch violently. Her hand grasped his arm instinctively as her body tried to get much-needed oxygen back into her system.
"You're okay," he breathed, grasping her forearm back. "Thank fuck, you're okay."
"Yeah." Kayo tipped her head back, chest rising and falling steadily. She gave him a weak thumbs up. "Good…job, kid."
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bloodsweatandpotato · 4 months
I need hypoxia whump right now.
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Day 8 - Panic Attacks/Dissociation
Just a sequel to yesterday's piece!
Pinglist: @ailesswhumptober, @whumperofworlds, @whump-captain
TWs: suffocation, panic attacks, hospital setting, dissociation, needle mention
Everything after going into the training room with Luis was a blur. Mariano vaguely knew that something had happened. He couldn't remember what it had been exactly, but Luis had been casting and there had been water over his face and in his mouth and down his throat and shouting and his chest hurting and--
And then he was being toweled off and people were asking him questions that he didn't have the answers for or the voice to communicate that fact. Mariano hadn't even realized that Luis had been holding him until they'd taken his arms and unwound them from Luis' neck. "Let us listen to your lungs, Mariano." They had said, as other voices drifted around him.
Mariano let them. Luis had sounded upset. So had the doctor.
He was so exhausted.
There was a hard table and voices telling him to be still. They draped heavy blankets over him, and Mariano thought he heard them explaining something about lead and protection. None of it stuck. He looked up through heavy lashes and smudged lenses and listened to the beeps of some machine.
He was moved again to something soft, electricity coursing through his ribs with any movement and drawing hitching noises from him. There were more voices and Luis was holding his hand, then. Luis' voice was grounding, it settled something in Mariano.
He'd dozed, being snapped awake every time by more voices and hands and people talking more urgently.
"Deeper breaths." They said, and Mariano tried, even as it felt like he'd run a marathon after a hypoxia test. "Eyes on us. We need you to stay awake a little longer." He tried to obey as they fitted an oxygen mask to his face, and Luis tried to explain that he'd been up all night so he might be pretty tired.
No one seemed to listen to Luis. Distantly, Mariano thought it was strange. He didn't know where Luis went after that.
The night had crept into early, early morning by the time everything had settled down. As the midnight blue started to morph into deep red, Mariano's clumsy fingers tugged the blankets up to his shoulders. With no more oxygen mask and only some wires to worry about, he was almost comfortable. The nurse attending him, Roberto, finished checking the monitors at his bedside before turning to him.
"If you need anything, press the call button on the side of your bed here and someone'll be here in less than a minute. Get some sleep, we'll check on you in a bit."
Mariano nodded, taking his glasses off again. He settled back against his pillow, feeling like his body was impossibly heavy. Finally, after ages, he was warm and dry and allowed to rest. He closed his eyes and was asleep before Roberto even had a chance to dim the lights in his room.
By the time Mariano opened his eyes again, the sun was high in the sky. Afternoon light streamed into his room, and he was aching and drowsier than he thought he'd ever been. He knew something had happened, something with Luis. He remembered not being able to breathe.
It was still sort of hard to breathe, Mariano realized. It felt like he'd caught an awful chest cold, a crackling wheeze filling the air. Did he get sick? It was hard to keep his eyes open. Whatever he'd caught must've really taken the energy out of him.
His eyes drifted closed again, the exhaustion dragging him back under.
It was even later, with the orange glow of early evening painting his stark-white walls, when he realized he couldn't breathe. He opened his eyes again to the feeling of his own hand gripping his chest. The fabric of his hospital gown and the blankets were bunched up in his fist, and his lungs felt like someone had filled them with lead.
Sweat beaded on his forehead. Where was he? Someone had told him something earlier. They'd said something about what to do if he needed something. Mariano's chest caught on an exhale, and before he could try to breathe through the urge to cough it ripped through him.
He curled in as the fit took him, wheezing and long. Stars exploded behind his eyelids as electricity ripped through him. He felt his ribs screaming with every cough, and all he could do was clutch at his side with one arm and cover his mouth with his other hand.
All at once it felt like he was back on the training room floor--was that where he'd been before?--but there was no Manuel to grab for, no Luis to hold onto. His head spun as his thoughts disappeared into a terrible buzz. Something rushed up his throat as the coughing fit threatened to strangle him. Pink foam spattered into his palm as he struggled to draw in a panicked breath. He needed someone--anyone.
He was going to die here.
He didn't want to die here.
His clean hand reached out and started fumbling along the side of his bed. There had to be a button, it felt like there had to be something. Just as he was starting to lose hope, thinking that he'd imagined the man telling him to hit a button for help, his fingertips pressed something down with a click.
Another wave of coughing pulled both of Mariano's hands to his mouth as he tried to keep the awful pink slime from dripping onto the white sheets. Just as Mariano felt it start to pass, he heard the door open. "Good afternoon--oh!"
That voice was familiar, and in a moment there were two hands on him. One on his shoulder, the other at his hip, and he heard them muttering to themself. "I'm going to call for some backup, keep breathing for me, Mister Ortiz."
The request was easier said than done, and Mariano only dimly heard them hurry to the phone on the wall and page for some names. It felt like hours before more people showed up, as Mariano's hands were gently pulled away from his face and wiped off. He panted against his pillow, shallow and rattling as voices and shadows swam above him.
"He was the drowning case from last night, has to be pulmonary edema."
"Are you sure?"
"Look at him, you can hear his breathing from the door, and that sputum never lies. Why wasn't his O2 being monitored? Who was doing rounds?"
"I'm not sure, I'd have to check with first shift--"
"Get a line started. Push a diuretic, and...yeah, some morphine. That heart rate needs to come down. Get him on some oxygen too."
"You'll feel an ant bite, aaaand there, don't mess with that."
"Alright, a rush of cold, then you'll have something in you to help you feel better."
"Should I adjust the bed...?"
"Yes, just sit him up a little, it'll help him breathe--"
"Seems to be losing--"
"That's--O2 is--"
"--Like that, Ortiz--"
"Mister Ortiz--"
"Mariano Ortiz if you don't start breathing right fucking now, I'm going to--"
Mariano opened his eyes.
It was dark and quiet.
Luis was at his bedside. His face was drawn, the natural angles sharpened by the harsh moonlight that spilled in. He had one of Mariano's hands in both of his. His thumbs were feather-light along the back of Mariano's hand.
"You scared us there, Marito."
Mariano's throat felt like it was on fire. "M'sorry." He muttered through the oxygen mask, his voice sounding like a gate that hadn't been oiled in a century.
"Shh." Luis didn't have any real fire behind the shush. "Don't talk. Your body has been through a lot so you need to conserve your energy." His hands squeezed Mariano's as he looked across the room and out the window.
"I...wanted to apologize for the accident." Luis said, not looking at Mariano. "It won't happen again."
Mariano squeezed Luis' hand back. If he saw Luis wipe at his eyes with one hand, he wouldn't say anything. Luis didn't look back down at him, even as that hand slid into Mariano's hair.
"Sleep, Marito." Luis' voice was soft as he pressed his forehead to the back of Mariano's hand. "You're safe. Sleep."
Mariano closed his eyes again. He didn't let go of Luis' hand. He didn't dream.
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simply-whump · 2 years
Glory of Special Forces (特战荣耀) Whump List
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Whumpee : Yan Po Yue played by Yan Yang
Synopsis : A coming-of-age story follows Yan Po Yue, a young man who is outstanding at everything yet remains a loner that doesn't fit well with the team. After surviving harsh training and difficult missions, he becomes a proper soldier who fights alongside his comrades. (MDL)
Genre : Action, Military, Bromance
I would also like to thank @love-me-a-lotta-whump for the shout-out !
Warning ! Possible spoilers below !
Note :
When I use the term "Fighting" in the whump description, it mainly refers to hand to hand combat, sometimes with a knife. When fighting Yan can be hit, kicked, thrown to the ground,...
Ep 1 : Shot at (a lot), barely escapes an explosion, uses his body as a human bridge so his team can cross, lots of fighting and shooting, in an explosion, on the ground stunned, ears ringing, gets up with difficulty, shot twice in bulletproof vest, falls in the water, sinking unconscious — Running a lot (training), shouting to give himself strength, pouring water over his head —  Scolded
Ep 2 : Humiliated — Sparring, montage of military training (running, crawling, climbing, shooting,…) — Falling from a cliff, lost without a map, hiding, infiltrating a high-ranking drill, catches a snake 
Ep 3 : Scolded, has to stay in a room as punishment, stressed, recalls traumatic memories — Still stressed, PTSD, doing push-ups, sweating, overexerting himself, exhausted, passes out, concern for him — Brought to the infirmary, dehydrated, given an IV drip — Angry, frustrated
Ep 4 : Military base attacked, hiding from snipers
Ep 5 : Stressed, worried for someone, has to make a difficult choice, fighting, furniture thrown at him — Blaming himself, passing his frustration on a punching bag — Training with a knife, overpowered multiple times (arm twisted, pinned to the ground,…)
Ep 6 : Talking about his trauma — Woken up in the middle of the night for a drill, running through a field with explosions all around, running, crawling, shot at 
Ep 7 : Still participating in a drill, shooting, hiding, fighting — Going in a tunnel that’s about to collapse, running to avoid rubbles falling, tunnel collapsing, concern for him (a lot), crawling through rubbles, calling out, tired, more rubbles falling, protecting himself
Ep 8 : Crawling through rubbles to go save someone, rescue team trying to dig through the rubbles, refusing to drink water, tunnel collapsing even more, trapped in a room, worried for someone — Rescue team has to pull back because of risks of further collapse, concern for him — Air vents filled with rocks so the oxygen is dimming, another tremor, mud and dirt falling on him — Drinks water reluctantly (limited quantity) — Covered in mud and dirt, sleeping, has a nightmare, curls up on himself, exhausted, tries to dig through the air vent, desperate, worried for someone, the room has less and less oxygen, collapses — On the ground barely conscious, trying to stay awake, found, finally able to take a full breath of air, concern for him, rescue team desperate to save him, trapped once again after a landslide — Rescue team and friends digging for hours to save him, finally found, carried, wakes up for a brief moment — In bed in the hospital, wakes up, sipping water with a straw, had lung infection with severe dehydration and hypoxia, scolded
Ep 9 : Emotional — Training to disarm and set traps, trap exploding, coughing, covered in flour/dust
Ep 10 : Fighting — Ice put on face, wound disinfected — In a drill, running and crawling through a field with explosions all around, shot at — Told to take off his uniform, scolded, blood poured on him, emotional — Encounter possible drug trafficker, stressed
Ep 11 : Attacked, fighting, kills someone for the first time, shocked, hand shaking — Bandages his leg, hand still shaking — Shot at, offers himself in place of the hostage, concern for him, taken hostage, hands tied, restrained, choked — Taken away, at gunpoint — Arm cut, kills two people, leg hurting — Recalls his first kills, PTSD, crashes the car — Barely able to walk, collapses, feverish, leg wound infected, concern for him — Barely conscious, coughing, given medicine and water — Dragged in a handmade stretcher, helped to walk, collapses, concern for him, shaky breathing — Leg hurting, asking to be left behind — At gunpoint, shot, collapses on the ground, saved, woken up, gunshot wound treated
Ep 12 : In a hospital bed with an IV drip, scolded, tries to move but in too much pain — Psychologically assessed, asked about his state of mind when he killed for the first time, emotional — Wakes up screaming from a nightmare — Training instead of sleeping, recalling his past trauma and the previous killings, PTSD — Sparring, becomes aggressive, has flashbacks of his first kills, doesn’t stop fighting when told to, almost kills his comrade, restrained, struggling, shouting, PTSD — Emotional, begging
Ep 13 : Friend tries to comfort him —  Complaining, told to change path, emotional, shouting, devastated, hitting his head — Locking himself in the bathroom, concern for him, curled up on himself, very emotional, crying, feels like his world is falling apart, finally comes out of the bathroom, comforted — Depressed — Scolded — Emotional, shouting, crying — Running, tired, laying on the ground sweaty — Sparring
Ep 14 : On a drill/competition, running, hiding 
Ep 15 : Still on a drill, shooting, being shot at
Ep 16 : Still on a drill, hiding, fighting — Fighting, shooting and being shot at — At gunpoint — Fighting
Ep 17 : Enduring an intense training, running in full gear through mud and water with no food, given disgusting food, more running in terrible conditions, almost throws up, has to carry heavy weights, falls, helped up, exhausted — Woken up in the middle of the night
Ep 18 : Sparring in the mud, covered in mud — Running while carrying someone, tired, exhausting training — Woken up by smoke grenade, coughing, locked, suffocating — More intense training in the water, tied up and thrown in the water — More intense training
Ep 19 : More intense and exhausting training in harsh conditions
Ep 20 : Thrown into an hostile environment and has to survive — Stun grenade thrown at him, ears ringing, fighting, jumps from a cliff — Attacked by leeches — Fell in a hole, in pain, vision blurry, heavy breathing, anxious, helped up — Tries to climb up out of the hole, fails and falls, lying on the ground exhausted, recalling and talking about his traumatic past
Ep 21 : Helped out of the hole — Captured, tied up, manhandled (a lot), almost hit by a car, dragged on the ground by a car, concern for him, beaten, struggling, exhausted — Fighting
Ep 22 : Fighting — In the hospital — Training, scolded
Ep 23 : Fighting — Split lip
Ep 24 : Has to live for 10 days in a single room with his teammates 
Ep 25-26 : None
Ep 27 : Talking about his traumatic past — Training
Ep 28 : Training, shooting and being shot at, fails the mission, scolded — More training, more shooting
Ep 29 : None
Ep 30 : In a drill/competition — Scolded, kicked — At gunpoint
Ep 31 : Still in a drill, lots of shooting, hiding, running (the usual)
Ep 32 : Still participating in the drill, chased by a lot of people, hiding — Doesn’t know/believe the drill is over, stays in the wild alone during several days
Ep 33 : Still doesn’t believe the drill has ended, voice raspy, paranoid, collapses exhausted, passes out — Scolded
Ep 34 : Tries to dismantle a bomb (not a drill), sweating, tense, fails, panicking, saved, thrown away by the explosion blast — Curled up on himself in a corner, devastated, crying — Has a nightmare, silently crying out — Crying, blaming himself — Grieving, crying — Running to clear his head
Ep 35 : Talking about his guilt, crying — Going back to the place of his past trauma
Ep 36 : None
Ep 37 : Fighting, surrounded — On a mission, bombarded by mortar shots (chaos and whump for several of the team members), worried for someone
Ep 38 : Barely avoid mortar shots, caught in an explosion, rolling down a hill — (lots of whump for the rest of the team) — Found unconscious, taken away by the enemy — Tied in a cage in the water, interrogated, gun pointed at his face, threatened — Tied up with half his body underwater, shivering, exhausted (Gif Set)
Ep 39 : asleep still tied up in the water, saved, shivering — Running away, chased — On a mission, infiltrating the drug dealer base, almost hit by a rocket
Ep 40 : Shooting and shot at, uses his body as a human bridge so his team can cross, fighting, in an explosion, on the ground stunned, ears ringing, gets up with difficulty, shot twice in bulletproof vest, falls in the water, sinking unconscious, wakes up, swims up — Intense fighting, thrown in the water — Shot in the wrist, in a desperate situation, hiding, saved — Wound bandaged, exhausted
Ep 41 : Thrown to the ground twice
Ep 42-43 : None
Ep 44 : Participating in a worldwide drill/competition (planning, shooting, tense situations)
Ep 45 : Still participating in the competition, avoiding lots of explosions, shooting, being shot at, blasted by an explosion, ears ringing — Lots of shooting — In a car under heavy fire — Stays behind so the others can escape, lots of shooting — Walking alone in the mountains/desert 
>> More Whump Lists
More Whump List with Yang Yang :
>> Who Rules the World
>> Fireworks of my Heart
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen
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vulnerabilityvendor · 3 years
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“Pete, you gotta let go. I’m gonna catch you.”
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writinggremlin · 4 months
Self Intro V. 2.0
Almost done with the updated masterlist let's gooooo poggies babagaboosh!!! In the meantime, here's a little bit about me (again)!
You may call me Gremlin (The Soup Hoarder Keeper works too). My pronouns are she/they, with no preference between them. You can stick with she/her, you can stick with they/them, or you can casually change it every other sentence, I don't care. Hell, if you're feeling extra zesty, you can even change them out mid-sentence too. "She decided that she was going to eat their lunch at the park today." Are you still talking about the same person, or somebody else entirely? Who knows! (Tip: The more cursed you can make it, the more bonus points you can get!) For the minor dni blogs, my current life level is 20. If that's all you've come here for, then have a nice day! My current hobbies include: writing (ofc), daydreaming about what I'm going to write, reading (but not my own writing, that's guaranteed to make me cringe /j), going on walks that are way too long, going on bike rides that are way too long (this was written before The Incident (TM)), going to the library, and... existing?? I guess??? Life is my favorite hobby!! :D!!
Tropes I Enjoy:
Mind Control/Hypnosis/Brainwashing (I guess you could say that I tend to... lose my mind over this stuff!) (No. I'm not getting rid of this pun. You can't make me. Fuck you *runs away*)
Fainting (Get some of that myoclonic jerking in there too and you immediately have my full undivided attention)
Hypoxia (Those hypoxia simulation chambers that are typically used to train pilots. Give. Me.)
Just about anything that involves a Whumpee's mind going blank, numb, and quiet. That is the feral soup.)
Lab Whump (Still a little tricky to write, but we're improving)
Starvation/Restrictive Eating Disorders (I feel that it is important to note that this blog is not centered around this topic, and that I support and encourage recovery from such an ordeal. If you are recovering then first off, I am proud of you, second, please be careful browsing my blog and following me, as I may post triggering content from time to time. I will be sure to tag appropriately, but I still advise that caution be used here. Feel free to block me if need be. Thank you.)
Pushed to the limit, and then some. Doesn't matter who's pushing who.
Tropes I Don't So Much Enjoy:
I don't really have anything in terms of triggers, but there are still some topics that I don't exactly feel comfortable reading and writing.
Sexual Non-Con (I just feel squeamish reading it. Gives the heebie jeebies)
Oddly Specific/Unorthodox Gore (Yanking teeth, scooping eyeballs, pulling out entire finger/toe nails, etc. Anything along those lines also heebies my jeebies)
I tend to stay away from kink in general, especially in sickfic and emeto. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with kink stuff, I have no qualms about it existing. I'll support you guys from the sidelines, and even maybe rb a kink fic if it hits the right notes. But overall, kink just isn't really my thing; it's not really what I come here for, y'know? YKINMKATO 👍 (thumbs up)
Well, now that I've made you read this far, it's time for me to hit you with the juicy juice. I have OCs. I have many OCs. You might've already noticed this, but if you didn't, now you know. I also have a couple different original realms/dimensions too. One is a cluster of floating islands in the void, and the other is a liminal space. No-- not that liminal space -- though the Backrooms is a cannon place here -- but this liminal space doesn't have an uncanny feeling about it at all, sorry to disappoint. It's a liminal space in the fact that it's a space between universes; a nexus, a bridge, a crossroads. Which universes does it connect to? Well... I don't want to spill everything right off the bat here! Guess you'll just have to wait and see for yourself. Anygay, I will be writing with these characters and occasionally use those settings, but be aware that any plot and development will most likely be shown through blurbs and bits, and not a central series. Well, at least for now. There might be a thing or two currently in the works teehee.
Check out my OC Information post for more information regarding the gang! (Currently bare bones scaffolding. You'll probably learn more about them from checking their post tags, which are linked in the info post. I infodump in the tags a lot lmao)
If you have any questions about the characters, the universe, or even for me myself, feel free to send in an ask!! Asking me to infodump is fully welcomed and wanted here, I swear my day will be made. So don't be shy, I don't bite! Kage and Ember probably would though, so be sure to wear your padded gloves around those two.
And I think that's about it! I can't wait to show you all my favorite pathetic lil wet fucks! Hopefully you'll become just as excited about them as I've been! Until then, I'll be seeing you around! Thanks for reading all of this, and I hope you have a lovely day/night/life! Stay safe!!
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oliversrarebooks · 10 months
General Masterlist
Here are all my stories not directly related to the Rare Bookseller series:
fuck you, I'm a goddamn menace
The story of a half-redeemed villain and the hero team determined to protect him.
part one
part two
the truth is...
A world where alien parasites take excellent care of their hypnotized human hosts.
chemical imbalance - A passenger struggling to control their human host visits a doctor for answers.
corporate retreat
An anxious IT person working for an underground supervillainy organization gets sent to their brainwashing department for a mental readjustment.
human resistance
The story of some of the last humans on Earth in the face of an unstoppable force -- aliens that use their own weaknesses to turn them into mindless slaves and pets.
a good grade in being brainwashed
Stuffy, stressed out corporate lawyer Vinay, lonely and anxious, decides to buy a pet for a companion. He isn't expecting to find his old college roommate, frenemy, and secret crush, now wiped of his memories and most of his personality.
Whumpy one-offs, primarily featuring hypnosis, drugging and psychological whump.
lay down on the operating table (sedation whump)
listen to my Voice, hero (mind control villain)
the defiant princess (princess hypnotized by her advisor)
walk home late at night (classic vampire kidnapping)
get lost (a hapless wanderer and the fairy who collects them)
we'll make great pets (an owner of a human pet finds the tables turned)
simple word problems (hypoxia)
test tube fairy (sedated fairy captured in a test tube and drained of magic)
chloroform rag (winner of the sedation vending machine poll)
Augusnippets Masterlist
Whumpy choose your own adventure stories
brainwashing chair
the fairy king and his real estate agent
The story of Benjamin, disillusioned and unhappy real estate agent, and how he becomes the consort to an egotistical, annoying fairy king.
Falsely Persuaded (for whumpsday's Kane & Jim)
My ask box is open as well, if you'd like to ask the characters anything or talk about whump tropes.
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Whump Prompt #986
Your whumpee is kidnapped but is forced to wear a full-face oxygen mask (think: Avatar) that supplies them with surprise sedatives/actual oxygen. The air quality in the room is so low that If they take it off, they can hardly breathe. The torturer also delights in restricting oxygen flow to the mask whenever they feel like it. This could lead to brain damage/cerebral hypoxia/confusion etc)
(Maybe the pipe supplying oxygen is very short from where it leads through a grate in the wall, so the whumpee had limited movement to get comfortable)
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callaeidae3 · 4 years
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Febuwhump Alt 3: Coma
In the aftermath of the A'o Fire, surviving...
He suffered hypoxia and burns, which damaged his throat and left him paralysed from waist down.
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geminihurt · 5 years
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If you haven't gotten 10 yet, may I please get this: "when a whumpee is punished for lying or not answering, and they say something than the whumper promptly proves/explains is incorrect. the whumpee’s eyes widen, terrified they’l be punished. they swear they didn’t know." for Leo Fitz? If you don't know him that's fine and I'll pick someone else for the same prompt
Set after Ward ejects Fitz and Simmons from the ship, when Fitz survives with brain damage from oxygen deprivation. Instead of Ward being in the cell, it's Fitz (just for funsies). Hope this is okay!"You're not going to tell anyone what happened."Fitz blinks, confused, pissed but not a little afraid. He's in a cell. A goddamn cell, after what Ward did to him. And the closed, airtight space is terribly familiar."You c-c-can't sto-op me," The tech expert stammers. Too much brain damage. His fists tighten at his sides. He's sitting on the cot in the cell, watching the agent with wary eyes. He didn't survive that hell just to be scared into silence."I'm afraid I can," Ward says, and damn him, he sounds like he means it. His dark eyes show remorse, impossibly, and it just makes Fitz's hands shake worse. Knowing that he'd tricked them, made them trust him. It's not fair. The agent lifts a tablet, swiping at some kind of controls on the screen."Wha-what're you doing?" Fitz's accent grows thicker in his panic. His chest starts rising and falling quicker, his breaths reedy and forced. "What- th-the- the air..." Ward's sucking the air out of the cell. The traitor touches the controls again, halting the force, but still, the air is too thin. Fitz claws a hand to his chest. "S-top, I can't..." He struggles to speak. "I, ca-an't, can't breathe.""I know," Ward laments.  "And it won't get any better until I know you'll stay quiet."
"They'll fi-fi-find you," The prisoner chokes out. "They know it wa-as, was... they know..." If he could use his words right, he'd finish the thought, but as it is, he can't even draw in the air he needs.
"That's just not true." A little more air leaves the room, and Fitz gasps thinly. Okay, okay, no more threats. How can he threaten someone like Ward anyway? He can kill him right now if he wants. Still, a roiling sense of injustice twists in his gut. "Yo-ou, you, you... did this-s to, to me. I ca-an't-"
"Wrong again. It wasn't me, remember?"
Leo's eyes widen as he presses the controls again. He's hyperventilating, he can't help it. So little air. He's going to pass out soon.
"O-oka-a-ay," He hisses, tears welling in his eyes, "Okay, I underst-" He heaves, his vision fading, blurring. "Underst-a-and. It wasn't you, it was a mistake, I understand." He's crying, he's begging, he's giving everything he can. He's on the floor now, and he doesn't remember falling from where he'd sat. On hands and knees, struggling to remain conscious. He's suffocating. "It wasn't you, it w-w-" Fitz doesn't have enough air to sob.
Suddenly, the room is flooded with oxygen. He collapses to the floor, sucking in the air, shaking badly. Ward sets the tablet down, still watching him.
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shadowmaat · 4 years
Not worth it
In this House we love and respect Commander Fox and want him to be happy. Unfortunately, he’s gonna get some whumping first.
Commander Fox leaned against the cave wall, trying to control his shivering as he took stock of his injuries. He had a blaster wound to the chest from the fight with the bounty hunters. Various scrapes and bruises, both from the fight and from falling off the cliff into the rapids. Bruised or broken ribs, probably also from the fall. A broken arm he thought might have been from the drop over the waterfall. Possible concussion as well, though he didn’t have a mirror- or lights- to check his pupils. Hypothermia, shock, exhaustion, cuts, bruising… wait, had he listed that yet?
His sigh turned into another coughing fit and it turned out there was a little more water left to try and expel. His head felt like tiny lightsabers were trying to punch their way out of his skull and coughing only made the pain in his chest worse. If he did have any broken ribs it probably wouldn’t be long before he had a punctured lung, too.
The worst part of it was that he knew no help was coming. He’d been sucked into some kind of kriffing underwater cave system and had barely managed to drag himself up into some little air pocket with a rocky outcropping before the last of his air gave out. Add hypocrisy to the list of injuries. Hyperbaric? Hypoxia, right. Low oxygen. And probably getting lower unless there was an outside source of air to this little hellhole.
He closed his eyes, thinking about how easy it would be to just fall asleep and stop worrying about the situation. Stop worrying about everything. Was the senator okay? There’d been a fight of some kind, hadn’t there? He remembered fighting… and falling. Right. Stuck in an underwater cave. He wasn’t sure how much time he’d wasted trying to recover his senses, but his waterlogged comm managed to spit out “retreat” amid the static before finally giving up, so someone was alive to escape. Just not him.
Maybe if his team had been with him they would at least have made a token effort to search for him- or his body- but he’d been escorting… someone. Some rude senator. Ruder than most.  Trandoshan? Hated humans. Thought clones were animals. Lots of bragging about something. The details didn’t really matter. Brishkah had gambling debts and that meant bounty hunters. Fox had done his best. He and his brothers in the 481st.
Were his eyes closed? He blinked and found they were. Sloppy. There was only a faint glow from the walls to differentiate closed eyes vs. open, though he was beginning to wonder if that was just a hallucination. He’d read that people stuck in darkness for too long started to imagine things and he’d been down here for… Well, he’d been down here for a while. 
His comm. His comm had died, but he knew the 481st had evacuated. No surprise. The senator’s life was more important than his own. That had been driven into him time and time again; the Guard was there to protect and serve and die, if necessary. Even if this particular senator was a racist scheming bastard who was involved in one of the “hunt clubs” that hunted sentients. Including clones. Brishka would be going home to his opulent apartment at 500 Republica and likely boasting about “winning” against the bounty hunters, even though Fox had done most of the fighting. Bastard.
Of course most people would say Fox was a bastard, too. He didn’t have a good reputation among the vode. Part of it was because he could be a hardass, but with the lives of every single senator, aide, staff member, and the thrice-damned Chancellor himself under his responsibility, he couldn’t afford to be slack. And they hated him for his “cushy” planetside job while they were out there risking their shebs on the front line. As if he’d had any say about his assignment. They accused him of being as stuck up as the people he was guarding. And of being a stickler for the rules. And of not having a sense of humor. Or a personality. It wasn’t worth defending himself since it only reinforced their beliefs.
Wait. His eyes were closed again. Or the phosphorescent whatever-it-was on the walls had faded. Maybe his hallucinations were abandoning him, too. It wasn’t a very noble end for the Commander of the Coruscant Guard. It hadn’t even been a blaster shot that took him down, he’d slipped on a damned submerged rock trying to get Brishkah to cover.
He thought he heard singing. Melodic. Gentle. It was probably a sign of something, but it was also nice to know his hallucinations hadn’t abandoned him after all. At least he wouldn’t die alone.
The glow was back, too, and getting brighter. Could phosphorescent moss sing?
The water, which had been an angry rumble since he’d pulled himself out, was disrupted by another sound he couldn’t place. The light was blinding, too, a green bar of it that hummed like a thing. He managed to turn his head- the grinding in his head was agony- and found himself staring into enormous glowing eyes and a mass of tentacles. Great. He was going to be eaten by a fish.
A warm chuckle startled him.
“Amphibian, not fish,” said a low, rich voice. “And I usually take my dates out to dinner first.”
The words didn’t make sense, but Fox figured he could worry about them later. The amphibian- the person- was pulling themselves out of the water onto the narrow shelf beside him. Male, he thought, though something felt off. The water dripping off them felt good against Fox’s hot skin (when had it gotten hot in here?). He could make out the faint shape of breasts, so maybe he was wrong. Or they were one of the myriad different nonbinaries.
“I have oxygen stored in my sacs,” the apparition, the nautolan said. “I need you to exhale so I can fill your lungs for the trip back out. Can you do that for me, Commander?”
Fox blinked. What?
A cool hand brushed his temple and his eyes closed again. The touch felt good. No one ever touched him. He usually preferred it that way, but now. Now it felt soothing. The raw edges of his various pains felt blunted. There was something about this he should recognize. Something to do with the green bar of light hovering behind the nautolan.
“Breathe out for me, Fox,” the nautolan said.
Fox breathed out, only to gasp as soft, cool lips sealed over his own. His hand came up, tangling in the nautolan’s ahwey and he could feel air being pushed into his lungs. Fresh air. He sucked greedily, dizzy with the rush of oxygen to his blood. It didn’t feel like there was nearly enough before the nautolan was pulling back, pressing a finger to Fox’s lips.
“Hold it in for me,” the nautolan said. “And hold on tight. This might get a little bumpy.”
Tears stung his eyes as his lungs begged for more air and then the rest of his body was on fire as the nautolan scooped him into his arms, pressing Fox to his now-flat chest. But he did as ordered and held his breath as the light smacked into one of the nautolan’s hands and then they were diving into the frigid, churning water.
Fox tried to fight, tried to break free. No, not again, not like this, but the nautolan was holding him tight, dragging him down. The scream locked in his throat and despite the panic, the terror, the cold crushing depth of a river that wanted him dead, he felt reassurance. Comfort. And a voice/not-voice was singing against his ear.
There were bumps and jolts and a sense of speed and just as Fox was nearing the end of his ability to hold on, they broke the surface. He gasped, choking in great lungfuls of air, his limbs flailing as his rescuer dragged him towards the shore.
Jedi, he realized. It was a Jedi. The lightsaber. The calming presence. He went limp, too exhausted to do more than keep breathing in the sweet, blessed air.
“Still with me, Commander?” The Jedi asked.
Answering was too much effort. Darkness closed around him, welcoming him into its embrace.
Awareness seeped back in slowly. His head felt like it was being crushed in a vise. His skin tingled all over. He could hear an argument, or at least one side of it.
“I don’t care if it’s the High Chancellor, himself! We do not abandon our men on someone else’s order!”
The voice was angry and familiar. Bits of memory jumbled through Fox’s head. The attack. The senator snarling orders. His fall. The water. The cave. Darkness. And an unexpected rescue. He tried to take a deep breath, relishing the wealth of air, but his ribs seized, driving a spike of pain through him.
A face swam into view, and wasn’t that a poor choice of words? Nautolan. Green skin. Red eyes. Naked. Or at least shirtless. The Jedi, right.
“Take it easy,” the Jedi said. “You got the hell beat out of you in that little misadventure and you have a couple of sprained ribs.”
A cool hand pressed against his chest. His bare chest. He twitched, flinching at the additional pain, and took better stock of his immediate condition.
His armor was gone. So were his blacks. He was wrapped in some kind of warm blanket that a horrified part of his mind suspected might be the Jedi’s robes. Heat was flooding into his chest, easing the pain, though he was fairly sure the heat in his face was unrelated to that.
“Don’t try to talk yet.” The Jedi smiled. “Let me finish this call first.” He held up a holotransmitter.
The image was indistinct from this angle, but going by general shape he guessed it was General Vendix, who led the 481st.
“As you can see, Knight Vendix,” the Jedi said, “Commander Fox is very much alive. Although he wouldn’t have been for much longer if I hadn’t already been inbound to your camp.” He shook his head, his ahwey swaying around his bare shoulders. “I suggest you begin preparing your report for the Council. It’s sure to be enlightening. Fisto out.”
The holo switched off before the other Jedi could get in a word and the Jedi, General Fisto, turned his attention back to Fox.
“Now, where were we?” 
It was High General Fisto, Fox belatedly remembered. On the Jedi Council. What was he doing out here saving a lowly Guard?
Oblivious to Fox’s lapse in attention, General Fisto held out a bottle of water. “You should try and drink some.”
Fox glared. “I… have had… enough w-water t-to last…” He broke off, coughing. Words were too hard right now.
General Fisto laughed, and the sound had no right to be that pleasing.
“I know how it seems, but trust me, despite the near-drowning, you’re dehydrated, and I’m limited in how much I can help until my medic Snap gets here.”
“You’ve done... more than enough, sir,” Fox said, dropping his gaze to the bottle. “Thanks.” He reached for the water only to find his arm didn’t want to respond.
“You’re still exhausted, Commander.” General Fisto moved closer, cradling the back of Fox’s head in one hand as he lifted it to help him sip. “And in addition to everything else, your body is essentially one giant bruise right now. If you need anything, just let me know.”
Fox managed a sip, and hated how good it tasted. He took another, using it as an excuse not to answer right away.
Taking his silence for consent, General Fisto continued. “I want to offer you my deepest apologies, Commander,” he said. “You shouldn’t have been left behind. Vendix is newly Knighted, but that’s no excuse for what happened.” His eyes narrowed and for a moment it almost looked to Fox as if the spots on his ahwey pulsed darker.
“It’s... alright, sir, I understand.” He paused, taking a cautious breath. “I take it S-Senator Brishkah... got away safely?”
General Fisto snorted, helping him to take another sip.
“If by getting away safely you mean that he screamed orders at Commander Bell to save him and then ordered General Vendix to exit the system and both of them actually obeyed, then yes.”
When Fox refused another sip, General Fisto carefully lowered his head back onto a surprisingly soft surface. It’s the rest of his kriffing clothes, isn’t it? He banished the thought immediately, but not before feeling a flash of heat ghost through him.
“Don’t worry about it, Gen-neral Fisto,” he said, struggling to get rid of the broken sound of his sentences. “That’s just how it is. ‘M not sure why you bothered to come and get me, b-but I... appreciate it.” Even if others won’t, he didn’t add. He offered the Jedi a tight smile, but judging by his expression it didn’t land right.
“Every life is important, Fox. Even yours.” Smiling, General Fisto’s fingers began working their way through Fox’s hair. “You should value yourself as much as I do. You’re doing an incredible job with the Guard.”
Fox’s mind spun. What would a member of the Jedi High Council know about him? Sure, he’d worked with some of the Jedi before, but not Fisto. 
“All those reports you copy over to us? We do read them, you know.”
General Fisto shifted, adjusting the robe around Fox. There was a campfire, too, and his blacks and armor were arranged around it, probably drying. Maybe that explained the warmth he felt as well.
“You have a sharp mind for detail,” General Fisto said. “And a sharper wit when you get frustrated.” Now he was full-on grinning. “When this is all over, perhaps we can have dinner on Coruscant some night to discuss it.”
Fox was saved from answering by the sound of running feet and a shout of “General!”
“Snap!” General Fisto stood. “Just the man I wanted to see. Or the other man, anyway,” he added, glancing down at Fox. “Let’s see if we can get the good Commander here patched up in time for the fireworks show that’s sure to take place when the Council hears what General Vendix did.”
“Yessir.” Snap was already kneeling beside Fox, his kit open. “I’ll make sure the popcorn is ready, too. Here, Commander, I’ll give you something for the pain.”
Something pressed against his neck and Fox could feel the pain getting distant and fuzzy. It left him feeling exhausted, and as General Fisto and Snap discussed his various injuries, what should be treated now, and what could wait til they were back on the ship, he decided that he’d earned a nap. The General’s offer was still weighing heavily on his mind as he drifted off, but for once he decided that maybe, despite everything, something was going right for a change.
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whumpster-fire · 4 years
Whump In Space!
Inspired by @wildfaewhump‘s various posts about sending their Fae into space, let’s talk about various whumpy things you can do in sci-fi settings with spaceflight, alien planets, etc.
Spaceship-Related Whump:
The whumpee is on a rocket that fails catastrophically in flight. The Launch Escape System gets them away from the explosion, but the massive G-forces leave them badly bruised and maybe even with broken bones. If this happens late enough in a launch they might get a double whammy when their spacecraft’s going so slow that it reenters too suddenly and abruptly.
The whumpee’s spacecraft suffers from a landing mishap. Maybe not all the parachutes open fully, maybe the landing airbags don’t fire, maybe they land way off-target and in unsuitable terrain like a lake (has happened IRL, a Soyuz crew were trapped underwater in a sunken capsule for 9 hours), a steep slope, or dense forest, and have to survive in the middle of nowhere until they’re rescued.
Spacecraft life support failures! Loss of oxygen or slow-ish cabin pressure loss is no fun for whump because you just don’t even notice hypoxia. On the other hand, heating/cooling failures? Now you could be stuck in a freezing cold or dangerously hot enclosed space for days on end, trying to stave off hypothermia or heatstroke.
The whumpee is accidentally or intentionally exposed to vacuum! (happens in 2001: A Space Odyssey). This isn’t fatal if the exposure duration is short enough and you don’t try holding your breath, but exposed bodily fluids (i.e. tears, saliva) will vaporize, and tissue will swell severely, so once the pressure comes back and they regain consciousness that might be painful. I’m not sure if someone could survivably injure their lungs if they panicked and didn’t let the air out fast enough: the sources I found said it would just rupture the lungs and inject large amounts of air into the bloodstream, causing a fatal embolism. Also note: your blood won’t boil because it’s enclosed; however blood would probably evaporate out of an open wound that was exposed to vacuum. So, y’know, if something were to cause a large puncture in both the whumpee’s spacesuit and their body.
Prompts for Alien Whumpees:
The whumpee is from a planet with lower gravity. Just standing up requires way more effort, especially when carrying any weight, holding onto something like a ladder may be very difficult, and a fall could badly injure them!
The whumpee is from a planet with a cooler star and/or thick atmosphere that blocks out almost all ultraviolet light. On Earth, they aren’t aware of the danger and suffer severe sunburns very rapidly. Also applies to humans on a planet around a hotter star or with less UV absorption in the atmosphere.
The winged whumpee is from a planet with lower gravity and/or a much thicker atmosphere, and find that their wings are too small to lift their own weight on Earth!
The whumpee is from a tidally locked planet, and WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE SUN JUST DISAPPEARS?
The whumpee is from a moon of a gas giant, and the hemisphere where it’s always in the sky and might be hundreds or even thousands of times brighter than the full moon in the night sky. Earth is just so dark at night even when our little moon is out - and a lot of Earthlings’ artificial lights don’t help as much as you think! Their planet has kind of a blue-white color, so their eyes are adapted to be most sensitive to blue light in dark conditions, whereas humans tend to prefer more yellow-ey light. Fortunately crappy fluorescent lighting and high-color-temperature LEDs which most humans hate make the whumpee feel a little less homesick.
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