#i CANNOT stress it enough
poly-space-nerds · 1 year
hmmm thinking about Todoroki and Midoriya being childhood friends where they promised to marry each other so that todoroki could protect midoriya from bullies and he protects todoroki from his dad but one day todoroki just vanished and he doesn’t hear from him again until they end up in UA.
cue todoroki not wanting to get close because he’s still consumed by anger at his father and thinks Izuku won’t want to be his friend anymore since he’s changed so much and ignores him. Midoriya is hurt yet can’t stop thinking about him and the scar on his eye. i.e. they don’t interact in season 1. then sports festival happens and todoroki tells him everything. Midoriya is obvious like ‘i’m always gonna be your friend’ and ‘it’s your power isn’t it?’ while Todoroki is ‘i’m sorry’ and ‘thank you’.
The day after the sports festival has ended and everyone is back in class, Todoroki walks into the classroom, eyes set on Midoriya, gets on one knee and proposes. much to literally everyone else’s confusion.
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 9 months
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Im literally gonna print and frame it
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kaus-quietis · 9 months
A Circus Library - quick recommendations of short stories, poems, comics and novels I've recently read #1
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Hello there! I'm the circus resident poltergeist, Eliott, managing this blog until Lav comes back. Today I offer you a slightly different formula of my super awesome super rare super bookclub post, as Lav would say!
Hello hello hello! Is this a bookclub?! Is this chaotic ramble?! Ding ding! You got it wrong!
Writing full on reviews is tiedous and long, and while I appreciate doing it, I'm myself not always in the mood to read a long post explaining why a book is genius. Do I love that from time to time? Yes! Do I have the attention span to write one now? Nope! However, I still wanted to share some titles I recently (re)discovered, and that I think are marvellous reads for anyone wanting to dive into something new.
Here you'll find a few recommendations with the shortest of words to tell you why they are great, or just scream about it.
short disclaimer before I begin because this is tumblr and while I forgot a lot about this website, I remember how the TW thing works lol, it's at your own discretion to search for the works beforehand if you have any trigger you don't want to encounter.
Jack Spicer - Billy the kid
The master of my fate, captain of my soul as Timothée Chalamet would say idk I barely know the guy. Classic and gold, Spicer is an amazing writer and this poem is phenomenal. It's quite short and perfect if you want to know more about the wonder that was US American poetry during the 20th century. Of course I'd encourage you to read all of his works, but Billy the Kid is perfect to start somewhere.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Hell Screen
Classic and iconic, I've recently pushed further than Rashomon and boy oh boy am I never turning back. Hell Screen is a phenomenal short story displaying all the elegance and cruelty Akutagawa can incorporate in his works. It's mesmerizing, it aches, it's everything I love. I read this story in Jay Rubin's translation (Penguin Classics), and even though I do not speak Japanese so I cannot compare, I dare say it's a very good one.
Lucie Bryon, Thieves
I never recommended comic books before but I wanted to for a change! I am a huge comic book lover, but most of the ones I usually read are not available in english language. This one is, though. Thieves is a beautiful comic about growth, falling in love and finding acceptance in others and in yourself. It's light and heartwarming, like eating candy.
Ottessa Moshfegh, Lapvona
Now, this book exploits one of my biggest plot weaknesses ever, and that is fucked up people in medieval settings. Lapvona tells the story of Marek, a sheperd's son, who'll be caught in a series of unfortunate events, political struggles, and secrets, all inside the town of Lapvona. It's dark and unsettling, the characters are scandalous and horrible, yet sickeningly human. Now, I said to check the TW yourselves, but be very careful with this one, if you can think of a TW, then it's certainly in this book.
Osamu Dazai, Early Light
In the Storybook ND series, this book contains three short stories : Early Light, Three Hundred Views of Mount Fuji, and Villon’s Wife. I'd recommend the three of them, as it's a fantastic dive into Dazai's shorter works. I think that reading his short stories is very important to understand his work and the width of the subjects and stories he wrote about. It helps that once again, in my opinion, the translation chosen by this publishing house is so good.
This is it for today! Here you have five of the works I read (or re-read) this summer, and that I'd warmly recommend. There are two short stories (Dazai, Akutagawa), a comic book (Bryon), a novel (Moshfegh) and a poem (Spicer). 'Till next time!
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freuleinanna · 2 years
wolfing out
Part 2 to this one.
Characters: Laura Kearney, Travis Hackett, reader
Short summary: As Laura and Travis have to go check on a little girl bitten by Silas, they have to leave you chained up for your wolf night
Words count: depends on the run (interactive fiction, words total for all branches: 5911)
Tags: @lavadoge, @b33barlowsstuff, @weewoo0, @sera-wonderland, @imperfectjam, @katnisspeetaprim, @fandomsfanman and everyone who wanted more Laura or Travis stuff!
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A few notes on this piece and the link to the work under the cut!
Things I suggest considering:
this piece is bigger than the previous one, which means the text parts are longer, too;
there are still choices and endings;
the endings are up the same alley but with different details;
you will always have at least 2 choices to go with (except one piece where I just needed to break the text by making you participate);
there are branches, and I can't stress it enough. seriously, look at the story map. For the most part, I tried writing separate scenes for different actions instead of just changing 1-2 details and weaving the ready texts afterwards. hence, you may want to run the story multiple times w/ dif choices to catch everything!
a few spoilers! along the way, you may be able to: kiss Laura at least once (+ some really sweet effing scenes with her); have Travis call you a 'good girl' (that's between you and god); one word: CHAINS; help the girl; dork around!!!; and feel really wolfy.
So, here you go, enjoy the ride, good luck!
Link: https://www.inklewriter.com/stories/119685
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radroller · 11 months
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She is SOOOOOOOOO good
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magnusbae · 1 year
it will take an hour an a half to backup a single folder on my phone, and yet, it's worth it, you should do it, your phone can break, you could lose your phone, and all those moments you took, will be gone too.
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 year
I heard 👂 that they're making the Kents 🌿 marijuana 🌿 farmers in the new movie 🎥, and our first scene with an adult Clark Kent 🤓 is of him taking a massive hit off his bong, with the 'S' emblazoned on it and exhaling 🌬 so hard that he makes Lex Luthor bald 🦲... 👀
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imhumanguysiswear · 1 year
favorite types of pasta 👀?
also sauces ?
inquiring minds want to know
I like any type of Pasta but I prefer spaghetti as I can make anything with them
Favorite sauce is my own recipe for tomato pulp sauce, spicy enough to clear my nose when I had Covid
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alasy · 4 months
please god let me have this just this time pretty please
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dear-ao3 · 3 months
today i found another pair of my absolute holy grail jeans that i had in high school approximately 6 years ago that i wore until i had ripped and patched the crotch and ass three times and literally could not get them on anymore in exactly one size bigger while i was thrifting.
reblog for good luck at your local thrift store
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cuntbrow · 3 months
the british finally giving david tennant a bafta nomination not for his prestige and heavy roles like des and broadchurch but for his wracking performance of a sopping wet boyfriend ready to give it all up for his blond. truly everyone has a little tennant-dickmatized tumblrina in them
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en-lista · 1 year
well my question is.. when the boys purposely ignored jake's birthday to surprise him afterwards, on the let me in set, did lista proudly manage to ignore him too, or did she blame herself a lot? because well.. jake looked so devastated that the members had forgotten his birthday, that personally i'd give up everything to give him a hug 🥲
look.. calista knows the plan. and she knows that they will surprise him afterwards, but it still didn’t sit well with her 😕 since she was outnumbered, she decided the next best thing was sticking close to the younger member and holding his hand throughout the whole time
in hindsight, showing affection wasn’t a good idea since netizens attacked her but hey, at least she was there to comfort jake < 33
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purrvaire · 1 year
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they're so in love im gonna throw up real quick
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sillyfroggremlin · 7 months
people with chronic pain and chronic fatigue will be like why does it hurt and why am I so tired
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tubesock86 · 4 months
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a drawing from one of my absolute favs <3
(if u all know if the writer is on tumblr PLEASE tag them!!)
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Let's address the MVP in the atom eve special: Zak
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He gave Eve an opening to show her interest. And when she got into detail, he listened to every word.
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He didn't disregard her intelligence or bitterly called her a "know-it-all" or called her names like "nerd" or "weirdo", instead, he was fascinated with her. He openly showed interest in wanting to know what she knows.
Of course there's a little personal agenda that he needed to learn these things but you can tell that he was genuine with her.
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What really made me feel so emotional is that Zak celebrates Eve, he proudly compliments her to her parents. And he's aware/probably aware that she's not a very verbal kid around her parents so he took it upon himself to prove her genius.
He showed every model Eve built and carefully picked them up to show them off. You can even see Eve smile when he showed the magnesium model. And even if he doesn't completely know what the final model is, he still praised it.
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And can we applaud this dude? He literally understood what was happening to her, what she was seeing, before her own parents did. And if this was his first time babysitting her? That's just all the more impressive of him to be able to realize.
Even as Zak said all that about Eve being able to see and memorize molecules, you can feel that he was amazed by Eve the entire time.
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You can see that Eve was visibly distressed in this moment cause her parents aren't the least bit happy.
But Zak handled it well. Teens would fold or agree when the adults seem to disagree or don't want to hear them out (especially if they're babysitting, wouldn't want to lose that pay). But that's not the case with him. He didn't raise his voice to be heard. But he made it known that he thinks what Eve knows and what she can do is cool.
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And most importantly, Zak didn't forget his manners. He thanked Eve and made sure she knows that she helped him a lot by showing that he's confident he'll do well in his test.
He literally did every single thing right. This boy was raised right. We don't have much info on him but he was a great character in the entirety of his screen time.
I don't think I can stress this enough but his whole scene was amazing.
Eve looks super young here and she might not remember this moment but I'm sure she's glad that at that moment, someone made her feel okay with herself.
That what she's seeing is okay.
That what she knows is okay.
And that it's okay to show it to others too.
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