#i aLSO do this btw. to annoy my friends. it’s very fun you should try it out actually
appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
hanma would be so annoying irl. i just know that whenever he sits on a couch it’s right in the middle, manspreading, at least one of his arms draped over the backrest. he refuses to move, because ‘‘he sat down first.’’ mf is already taking up too much space by being 6’3’’ but he really gives it his all to take up even more
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toastsnaffler · 9 days
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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jalluzas-ferney · 16 days
My headcannons on how the ninja met in the movie/high school au
I like to think Nya and Kai were new to the school mid sophomore year, and both of them had a hard time getting to make friends and all that. Nya for one I can see her getting really excited about making friends and trying her best to socialize, but fails miserably as she ends up being too akward or people see her as weird or ‘annoying’ . She finds the little friends she makes talk about her behind her back and are overall quite fake and mean.
Because of this Nya is left with like no friends and obvi very sad and insecure, especially since Kai barely has any classes with her and he doesn’t quite have any friends she can be introduced to either.
until one day she meets this quite guy that sits in the back of her Geometry class, Cole.
They actually meet when he sees Nya crying by herself in one of the hallways during class, and because he’s Cole, he decides to go and comfort her and stuff. As they talk they start to really vibe with each other and after that they begin to talk more often and sit together during that class. They quickly become great friends. They hang out at Cole’s house and go hang out at the park and stuff.
Nya is incredibly happy to have found such a close and nice friend, and obviously tells Kai, whom she from what she knows, doesn’t have any friends. So because of this she’s excited to introduce them to each other and get Kai and Cole to become friends as well.
Nya brings Cole to hang out at their house, and all though Kai was reluctant at first because he wanted to be alone that day, he ends up joining them and having fun hanging out with them. (At this point Nya and Cole have been friends for three weeks.)
On the meantime, Kai hasn’t actually yet admitted to having a friend as well. Probably because at first he thought they weren’t friends? But after some tutoring lessons they began to hang out more casually because they enjoy each others company and actually get to know each other personally, resulting in them basically becoming friends. This friend is Zane. He was Kais partner for a chemistry project and Zane noticed how clueless Kai was- so he offered to tutor him for free. Kai was hesitant at first but ended up caving in, since he also struggled with other classes. After some sessions every day, kai and Zane became to actually warm up to each other and drifting away from tutoring into goofing off and going out to hang out and stuff. Before Kai knew it, he finally had a friend. (At this point he and Zane would of known each other for two weeks and a half)
When Kai admits this to Nya, all though Nya at first is frustrated that Kai didn’t tell her sooner, she gets super excited at the idea of all four becoming friends. So she begs for Kai to actually bring Zane home at some point so she can bring Cole as well and shit.
The next day tho, before Nya invites Cole to her house again, Cole actually invites her to this TSA club after school. Apparently he has a friend who begged him to come along and Cole thought that maybe Nya would like the club, since it’s related to technology and all that. Nya accepts the offer, texts Kai that they’ll arrive a little later since they’re going to a club.
Guess who they meet at the club? You guessed it, it’s Jay. Cole introduces Nya and Jay to each other and all though Jay is a complete nervous wreck at the beggining, he slowly lets loose and he and Nya get along amazingly. So much that she decides to bring Jay to her house after school as well.
(Btw I should probably specify what grades they’re on.
So Nya and Cole would be freshman’s, meanwhile Jay Zane and Kai are sophomores)
Cole Jay and Nya come home to Kai and Zane who had been waiting for them as they attempted to bake smth. Very cute. Soo they all spend time together- and boom they all hit it off great because of course they do. And they all quickly become close friends with each other and form a little group- where they often hang out at Nya and Kai’s home tho sometimes at Zane’s because he’s got a banger house.
The school year ends and the next one begins, and the new freshman class comes in, brining Lloyd Garmadon!!!
As you know, the entire school hates him and is wary of the poor guy, and rumors spread quick, making everyone, including our main ninja. That’s why Cole Jay and Nya almost have a heart attack when one day after club, they come home to Kai, Zane and…Lloyd? wtf is he doing here😭
So apparently when leaving school together, Kai and Zane happened to pass by the bathroom and guess what they find there? Lloyd getting bullied by some assholes. As soon as they come in though, the kids reluctantly leave (ig cuz they might fear Zane telling the teachers or I dunno) leaving Lloyd behind. The two friends feel bad for the guy, despite what Kai might have heard. Zane on the other hand probably already knows Lloyd is pretty innocent since he as a robot has records on everyone or smth and deduces that Lloyd is probably misunderstood and stuff. Since Zane appears so sure that Lloyd is actually good and Kai trusts him probably a little too much, they agree to help the dude and uk…take him home with them.
Lloyd at first is probably TERRIFIED of going with Kai and Zane because uk, trust issues and stuff. But since he recognizes that Zane is a huge green flag and that this man has VERY low chances of actually doing smth, he agrees to go along with them. Which is how we got to Kai Zane and Lloyd sitting by the kitchen table laughing and joking around .
Obviously, Nya Cole and Jay are very hesitant of having Lloyd around, but they decide to give him a chance since Kai and Zane did. Turns out, the boys actually super sweet and quite hilarious actually. And they all hit it off with him, of course.
SO YEAH! That’s how I see them becoming friends lmao that was long and I hope it wasn’t confusing 😭 cuz I was just throwing in ideas and ideas and moments and whatever lmao. You guys see my vision right?
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feelbokkie · 3 months
Emergency Bokkie's Room #2
(Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again)
I want to start off by saying that I'm not mad. At least not right now. I was at first, but I'm just tired at this point and something should be said.
You might have noticed that I haven't been as active content writing wise lately and that I've stopped tagging my mutuals in the hashtag section of my posts and there are reasons for that.
fair warning, there will be swearing below
there will also probably be spelling and grammar mistakes bc I don't care
I am getting tired. I'm not burnt out. God, I wish I was because i have so many ideas running through my head at all times that it's exhausting.
I'm straight up, no longer having a good time on this account and that's because of somethings that have been happening behind the scenes. I wasn't going to talk about it but at the end of the day, I should address them, even if it's only once.
In no particular order:
First, if you're going to harass my mutuals. Don't. I stopped tagging my mutuals via hashtags, I deleted my mutuals list, and I am painstakingly going through the old hashtags and deleting them. They're my friendships. Who I interact with, how I interact with them, and when I interact with them is between me and that individual.
If you want to be friends with me, talk to me. Ask anyone, I'm pretty pleasant to talk to when I'm not going through it.
But also, remember that I'm an adult and I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone fighting my battles for me. If you're concerned about who I surround myself with, take that up with me directly, or trust that can handle things on my own. Because, at the end of the day, I can. If you're mad that I'm friends with them and not you, maybe try having a conversation with me first before you go attacking people. Just a a help suggestion.
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i know i'm annoying at times. i'm the youngest child, it's in my blood. if you are getting annoyed by my rambles, simply just block them. I tag all my rumbles and I even made a helpful guide on how to do so right here and i even have a list of commonly used tags that i have on this account too that you can also block
Finally, I shouldn't have to say this because it should be very obvious but shit like this is never okay:
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First of all, if you're going to be blatantly racist to anyone, unkindly get the fuck off my page. My fics are not for you. I don't have the time or patience to deal with you or your ignorant ass. If I see you being disrespectful towards anyone in my asks, comments, etc. it's an automatic block on all my accounts, I don't give a single fuck.
Secondly, I'm delusional, yes, but I'm also just having fun. I'm not actually trying to date anyone in skz or any other idol for that matter. It's called a joke, I don't know if anyone's explained the concept to you, but it's not to be taken seriously. Just like my page isn't. Me joking about me dating Seungmin and how "that man owns me atp" isn't serious and it wasn't serious enough for you to call me the n-word with the hard -er. Which, congratulations btw, you are the second person ever to call me that to my face (the first being my dad and he is the devil reincarnate so, what does that make you?).
I shouldn't have to sit here and lecture anyone on basic human decency and common sense but here we are. We are very rapidly approaching a future where I'm just not on tumblr at all anymore which sucks for a multitude of reasons and I'm just trying to have fun like everyone else.
Okay, that's all. For those of you who read through the end and didn't need to be scolded, sorry about that. Please take this big hug as an apology
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
Would you be willing to share your character sheets/episodic ideas for your imagined supersons series? If not totally fine! A supersons animation would be so amazing tho btw I agree! I wish Warner bros was still the titan of children’s animation like it was when I was younger 😞
Ooooooh, yes!! I would be very delighted to share them!!! (And also, yeah, I wish that DC would go back to making bomb superhero cartoons again too :( like their cartoons were a big part of my childhood, ESPECIALLY the og Teen Titans cartoon series, which was and still is my top favorite animated series because of how awesome it was and still is!!!✨✨✨✨)
So here are the ideas that I've been having for my imagined series for a while now:
Some episode ideas:
Damian unfortunately has to babysit his baby neice Mar'i (who is 2 years old) for a night, even though he already had something planned on that same night, which was an investigation that he had wanted to learn more about since no one is taking it seriously enough to do it but just him. But everyone else in the family was said to be pretty busy that same night with missions of their own and Dick and Kory were needed somewhere very urgent that very night, so they chose Damian to be in charge of taking care of her until they both came back, so it upsets him very much since it interrupts his original plans. He's not very close with Mar'i either and finds her kind of annoying since he's not usually around such young kids her age. So on this boring night, he gets the idea to take her with him on his investigation instead and brings Jon along with him too, since he had came over to visit and hang out with him while he was babysitting. And during this fun adventurous episode with Jon, Damian, and little Mar'i, Damian later begins to actually develop a stronger care for his little niece and begins to not get so annoyed with her so much and actually starts to enjoy being around her more.
Damian has to get braces for a short time after an accident involving his teeth had happened during a mission, and he has to now try to learn how to deal with them for the time being, since it involves a lot of work and also kind of embarrasses him since some of his brothers and the other heroes playfully make fun of him about having them, especially since it kind of messes with his speech a little, which doesn't help him at all when trying to be a tough hero who needs to be taken seriously.
Jon and Damian both get sent to a summer camp since Clark and Bruce as Father's both think that besides their kids living the superhero life, they should also be able to have the chance to live like actual kids once in a while too before they lose the chance to actually do so when they finally reach adulthood in life. Damian's bummed about it and tries to find a way to leave the place, Jon's not upset about the situation at all and thinks that it will actually be a very fun experience to have. Though, they both later find out that there's possibly a very strange and dangerous creature lurking around the campsite that might just have a very big appetite for kids their age. So the Supersons both try to secretly investigate this mystery together to prevent the possible danger coming to their classmates there and get to also experience some of the fun things about summer camp too while they do so.
One day Jon begins to learn about the new fact that while he does like girls, he also actually likes boys too and is actually a bit confused by this, and thankfully has support on his side from family and friends while going through this new discovery about himself.
Jon is always hiding the clutter in his bedroom away from Clark and Lois by always shoving it all in his clothes closet. Though, one day while he's hanging out with Damian in his room, they both decide to play a video game together, except the controllers are missing, so Jon goes to check in his closet to see if he had thrown them in there by mistake with the rest of his mess and actually finds a shocking surprise for himself after he does so. He finds a big mysterious deep black hole on the floor of his closet that was never there before and believes that it has sucked all of his clothes and mess into it self. Him and Damian both then accidentally get sucked into it too after looking a little too close at it and have to now figure a way back out into Jon's bedroom as they both also learn about this strange new dimension together.
Damian decides to use the Batmobile behind Bruce's back one day during a mission with Jon and accidentally crashes it too during a road chase in said mission, so now him and Jon both have try to hide it and get it fixed on time before Bruce finds out about it.
Baby Mar'i gets involved in another mission with the Supersons again, except the three of them end up swapping ages in this one, so she gets turned into a kid while Damian and Jon are both turned into 2 year olds by the bad guy in their mission. So the three of them have to figure out a way together to stop this bad guy who's on the run and get said bad guy to turn them back into their normal selves before the spell becomes permanent for them all
An earth 11 episode of genderbend Damian and Jon just for fun
A school dance episode where some fun chaos happens for Damian and Jon
And of course there would also be fun episodes for all holidays during each year too (Valentine's, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc)
There would also be a birthday episode for Jon too
There would also be villains and bad guys for them to face in a lot of episodes
I have many more ideas but then it would probably turn this into a really long post lol
Character sheets and designs!!:
(Be sure to click on them for better quality!)
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Damian and Jon in their hero and civilian outfits (So you know how Star from Star vs the forces of evil changes her outfit in episodes sometimes? Well, that's what Damian and Jon would also be doing sometimes in episodes in their civilian outfits too, which explains why they have more then one lol)
A closer look at them
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Damian and Jon together
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And Mar'i in her little Nightstar dress and normal dress (the blue star on her normal dress is supposed to be a little nod to the blue on Dick's Nightwing suit, while the star is also a nod to Starfire)
(These are all of the ones that I have for now, cause I have the other characters sheets too but then I would have to digitalize them first)
Ships involved:
Dickkory (they would already be married to eachother during the whole series and would already have baby Mar'i)
Bbrae (they would be engaged to eachother for the first season and a half of the second one, which would give us a fun wedding episode when it's time for them to marry. They would then be married to eachother for the rest of the whole series after that, but they wouldn't have any kids yet though until the final season of the series)
Timber or Timkon, or maybe Timber first and then later Timkon (not in a rush though)
Probably Damijon (I would probably continue to keep them as best friends throughout the whole series or maybe turn them into a cute ship very much later on in the series, since they do have a very great dynamic and chemistry with eachother as characters and as best friends...and also because their my otp :| but idrk)
Voice ideas:
For my imagined series, I've also always imagined Kon having the exact same voice as Marco from the Star vs the forces of evil series, cause it's also just the type of voice that I can always hear him speaking in whenever I'm reading fics or comics with him in it for some reason
And for Jon it would be a voice that sounds energetic and friendly
And Damian's would sound like the mature type of voice but still sounding like a kid and with maybe a bit of an accent in it too
For the Titans, Dick, Starfire, Raven, Beast boy, and Cyborg, I would give them the same voice actors that they've had for the og animated series and the new reboot series (cause it just really wouldn't be the same without their talented voices!😭)
Little other things:
Damian would be 12 years old in the series while Jon is 10 1/2 years old, so they would both still be in middle school in the series
Tim and Kon would be 16 years old
While Jon and Damian may be eachothers very best friends, they also have their own little friend groups. For Jon's friend group, it's Kathy, Billy, and later also kid!Jay and for Damian's group, it's Maya, Colin, Maps, and Tai Pham (they would all also team up as a whole group together sometimes in episodes)
I'm thinking of maybe adding a very young Chris Kent as a young brother for Jon and Kon so that he could grow up with Jake Grayson as a best friend after he's born and then they could also become the young Starburst duo together in the future, or maybe just adding him in as their brother as planned and letting him be around Jon's age instead
While Blackfire and Starfire may have their differences with eachother and even though Blackfire might not always treat Starfire in a good way like how she should as a sister, she sure does love her adorable baby neice Mar'i a lot
Baby Lian exists and has play dates with Mar'i
And yes, Jon would still be taller than Damian in the series lol
Duke would be in the series too (cause he deserves more love) and would also be a Batkid in the Batfamily
I would give the series a very fun and cool memorable theme song while a very fun animated intro is showing off examples of what their awesome adventures together as the Supersons is like (like something similar to Star vs the forces of evil style) everytime before an episode actually begins
It would definitely be a fun comedic show with humor to laugh at all the time but it would also become serious at moments when it needs to be (like the og Teen Titans animated series for example)
It also wouldn't be a show that's aimed at adults like the mature Harley Quinn animated series and it also wouldn't be a little kiddies type of show either, it would actually be the type of show that anyone of any age can enjoy, like the many other kids cartoons out there like: the og Teen Titans animated series, Star vs the forces of evil, Gravity falls, Steven universe, and many more
Cool and fun action scenes would definitely be included in all episodes of the series everytime whenever they're fighting bad guys and villains
Thank you very very much for the ask, @katekanemybeloved ! :D I really enjoyed sharing this!💖
Tagging: @quartzgallery @theredheaded-stuff @camo-wolf @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @cats-and-katanas @nobodycallsmerae @batboyblog @teeeentitaaans
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mirren sketches >:)
lyrics are from Mixed Messages and Red Flags btw
OH ALSO i wrote some dialogue stuff, see under the read more! warning for some humor that's way more nsfw than i'd usually post (i mean. come on. it's dialtown. they're awkward as hell. they're obviously gonna say something questionable /lh) also some more serious stuff (self hate issues, depression, anxiety)
Nice/Fun stuff:
- They say pretty much everything that comes to mind, and once they get a train of thought it doesn't take long for it to derail and crash through a small community, leaving a trail of destruction behind it. TLDR they're really rambly.
"Birthdays are kinda weird. Like obviously there's the whole counting down to your death thing, but also, like. You're basically celebrating the anniversary of you getting evicted from your mom's, uh. You know. Okay that sounded REALLY, extremely, UNCOMFORTABLY Freudian. Can we PLEASE pretend I never said that? Thanks. Oh, right, the murder case."
- They have a tendency to just accept things and move on without commenting further.
"Oh. You lay eggs. Anyways, can you help me break into the ticket booth? I need to check the entry records."
- They're a fucking dork /pos (They're really sweet, but in a convoluted way)
"I, uh, please don't think this is weird, but I made characters for both of us! This one's named May, and they're kinda a failure. They failed their parents, they failed their old best friend, they failed their job. They used to think they had no redeeming qualities. Then, one day, they meet the other character, Ginger. Ginger seems terrifying initially, and even if it isn't obvious at first, they're not actually human. Ginger and May go on a journey in which May tries to learn magic in order to protect people and redeem themself for their past actions, even though they despise the idea of learning magic, but, eventually... Ginger helps them see their own value, helps May see that they're a person too. They are allowed to be selfish sometimes, they're just as worthy of happiness as anyone else. And, uh, maybe... Maybe that saved their life a bit. And maybe, May is allowed to do things for themself sometimes. Ginger means a whole lot to May, even if they have trouble expressing it, and... uh, I guess that's everything. Um. What do you think?"
Serious, bad stuff:
- They see very little value in themself, and tend to expect others to insult or make fun of them. To combat this, they typically are quick to insult themself, in an attempt to get there before anybody else can. It hurts less if they're the one saying it.
"And before you say it! I know it's super annoying when people are constantly insulting themselves, cause like it comes off as compliment seeking, right? I promise that's not what I'm trying to do, I'm just kinda trying to warn you I guess? But, uh, that's still no excuse, and I can totally just shut up if you want! Or, wait, I shouldn't have assumed it's annoying you, I could just be restating what you're thinking? I mean, the things I'm saying about myself aren't exactly incorrect- Just, let me know if I'm being annoying. I'd rather shut up than annoy you, haha. ha. Wow, that sounded fake."
- They tend to blame everything on themself, and act very self destructively.
"Oh god, this is all my fucking fault, I'm so sorry. It's okay if you hate me- or, no, you SHOULD hate me! Fuck, I'm- Why did you even talk to me in the first place?! Do you realize- If you just- You would've been better off if you just walked past me and ignored me! I need to- This is for your wellbeing, being around me is only gonna make things worse for you. I'll be fine, just- Don't follow me. I mean, I don't know why you would in the first place."
- They put everyone else before themself.
"I need to make it up to them, even if I ruin my life in the process. It's not like my life was looking particularly bright in the first place, which is entirely my own fault, so, y'know. Yeah."
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saltynsassy31 · 7 months
no cus i totally understand your frustration, ive also quit splatfests for the moment until they get an overhaul
i suggest if you feel close to getting hateful to either shiver or shiver fans then maybe quit for a while for your own sake cus ive felt a lot better after doing so, im still really sensitive to negative comments towards frye or rude ones about shiver winning but taking some time for myself has made me feel infinitely better
ive been close to hating shiver before bc of how cocky and rude them and their fans can be but it doesnt really do anything but sour your enjoyment of the game more, so its really not worth it
i do have to say though, anyone who says "its just a game" reaaally needs to understand the frustration of people OTHER than them, sympathy is something a lot of people forget about when it comes to things that arent real life. just because it doesnt affect you doesnt mean everyone can shut off their attachment to the game or a character like a light switch; a lot of the time you dont know whats going on with them. i myself am really attached to frye cus i am hashtag autism creature and he brings me comfort, so anyone being rude to me about shiver winning really REALLY gets under my skin. its not entirely (if they were serious, if they werent then its not at all) their fault, but nintendo fixing the frustration of splatfests constantly keeling in one direction (which theyre supposed to do anyways but they havent) would definitely fix the issue. we need to find a way to have nintendo fix this, not attack anyone else for what bundle of pixels and text theyre attached to.
not everyone has really thick skin and if we want splatoon 3 to be more hospitable then we should try to cut down on the general splatfest bullassery in public spaces (being overly cocky and rude/blaming others in a way with no basis or truth behind it). its not something everyone can always do since we arent all perfect, but if we make steps in that direction then we could help more people enjoy the splatoon community rather than being eaten up by toxicity and spite
i didnt word all of this entirely correctly so like interpret ad best as you can cus im eepy but yeah.
a fye for u to enjoy (also ur anon is off btw)
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u dont have to but for the sake of not being harrassed id appreciate if u didnt tag with public tags
I don't want to quit playing it, I do enjoy splatfests, to a certain extent, i like going with my friends and i made a lot of new friends through it, it's like, the online community that I'm having a problem with
I don't hate shiver, I thought I did but I can't, she is still a comfort character (tho Frye is like, my obsession besides being my comfort character cuz I am also part part the 'tism XD), in a way, I like her dynamic with the group at least, she annoys me, yes, very much so, but I don't hate her
And I don't hate people who like her either
Who I do hate is people being mean about it, I had turned off anon cuz of a stupid person who was going around every frye support account anonymously just saying mean stuff and praising shiver as the best, I just forgot to turn it on, so thanks for reminding me 😅
Saying that "It's just a game" is so annoying to, tell that to the football fans, they go just as crazy if not more so
Splatfests are ment to be fun! You should be able to enjoy the splatfest without having to worry about people fighting
I don't like fighting with people, I hate how angry I become, how mean I can sound sometimes, I usually just vent without interacting
At least she won in Japan, so that is one other win under her belt, I just wish she'd win more in the future 😔
Oh also I almost didn't participate in this splatfest either and I did only because I haven't had time to play and I haven't finished my catalogue yet 😅 I usually use splatfests to up my catalogue quicker lmao
Also, don't worry, I won't tag anything that could get you harassed, if anything does happen, please block for your health, I don't want anything happening to you, you seem very sweet ;w;
Edit: also YOUR FRYE PLUSH IS SO CUTE! I've been seeing people get her but idk where to buy her!!!! Where'd you get it? :0
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
okay this is a long and specific request (sry just a random thought)
Dazai X Reader (with teleportation ability)
background story
Y/N (16 at the time) was a half time worker at the ada but was very often at the PM (btw she didnt tell that they worked in the ada) because she was Chuuyas younger sibling (only by one year) and looked at Koyo like a older sister. she was the one that trained Gins assation skills. She was also kinda close to Dazai, and was bestfriends with Yosano. But since she was 16 she had to go somewhere to study, so she decided to study somewhere in Europe to study coding or something and got in. But while she was there she needed a job so she went around and looked for a job and she found a good paying job but ofc it was a trap that was setup by Nikolai cuz he just wanted to. But somehow she was able to become Nikolai`s student and Sigmas bestfriend in the sky casino. She did finish studying and all that before becoming a DOA member. Years later (21 years old now) went back to Yokoami because Fyvodor was able to get arested. She finally got to catch up with everyone both from the pm and ada (but left out that she joined the DOA) Even though she was with everyone she was alot with Dazai, so Yosano and some other ADA memebers gets curios over this and the do some thing random you decide.
the plot and the request
the reader wants to quit the DOA but feels bad about it beacause she has been with them for a long time so its hard for her (but ends up leaving before the end)
Dazai x reader
pls no NSFW or smut
chuuya and Koyo finds out about dazai and reader (not happy chuuya)
looks : 155 cm, Ginger with a white streak of hair, no specific e/c, loves baggy clothes but dosent wear all the time
personality : kinda like Oda but a bit more expressive and lower chanse to get angry than Chuuya but close, loves Cheese, chocolate and cats. Dislikes killing for fun, horror movies, rats (fyvodor PTSD) and creepy people (cough* cough* Mori cough* cough*)
the rest is up to you or if you want to switch something do it
its ok if you dont want to do this :) hope you have a wonderful day/night
Hiii!! Lemme give you a medal first for the longest request ever that I've received xD 🎖And I will try my best to write this! 
Btw, I changed a few parts! Reader is 19 when she meets Nikolai because it is canon that Sigma appeared from the book 3 years ago and reader wants to leave the DOA. She also catches up with the PM and the ADA, but it isn’t mentioned in this fic.
TW: Mentions of suicide, Dazai, killing, slight mentions of Fyodor’s philosophy
BSD Manga spoilers below!
Dazai x fem!reader 
Should I stay, or should I go?
If you were asked to describe what you were feeling now, it would be a mess.
This whole ‘mess’ started when you left Japan at the age of 16 to study coding. A brilliant student and a prodigy at the subject, it was no surprise when the most prestigious school in Europe accepted you into their coding course. It was a bit hard to fit in at first, but later on you had made friends with everyone in your class, and you also were the top student in the year level for coding.
But you had to leave behind your friends and family. You were honestly a bit sad when you had to leave your older brother behind, but he had urged you to go for the scholarship, even when you could tell that Chuuya also didn’t want you to leave. You also had a hard time leaving your friends in the Port Mafia and the ADA, especially Yosano since you two were best friends, but they all encouraged you to follow your dreams and accept the offer.
The person you had the hardest time saying goodbye to was Dazai.
Dazai, the suicidal maniac of the Port Mafia. He normally put on a goofy and annoying personality, but his eyes were blank, as dead as the bodies that he had killed. Since you were Chuuya’s younger sister, he naturally took an interest in you and teased you for your height, however, your personality made him intrigued. Dazai then befriended you and often hung out with you when you two had time.
It wasn’t long before you caught feelings for him. His wit, his charm, his cunningly smart mind roped you in, and not to mention he himself was quite the handsomer. You were on the verge of confessing to him, but you had moved to Europe afterwards. Your feelings then evaporated, but the residue was still left in your heart. 
The last time you saw Dazai was when you went out for drinks with him. He knew; of course he knew about your scholarship. Dazai had smiled at you and wished you luck, but his eyes didn’t quite match his smile. You were too preoccupied with the thoughts of a new life that you didn’t realise how painfully Dazai looked at you.
Moving to Europe meant expensive living standards, and expensive living standards meant that you had to find a job to get enough money. For three whole years, you were working at a lot of part-time jobs since you were a full-time student. The money you earned was enough, but it didn’t stop you from being stingy.
One day, you were scrolling around on the internet when you found an advertisement for a part-time coder at a programming agency. The pay was quite well for a part-timer, and you could definitely use some extra money. Without hesitation, you called the number and arranged for an interview to take place.
However, you had walked into a trap. Your ‘employer’ was a clown who went by the name of Nikolai Gogol. He tried to kidnap you to use for one of his missions, however, when he saw your teleportation ability, all thoughts of using you for his mission were gone. He then offered you then and there to be your mentor, or else he would kill you then and there and make it seem like nothing happened.
Even if you were suspicious of him, you were in no place to refuse. And so you started your life as a Decay of Angels member.
Hacking, travelling, killing enemy groups, exchanging information, these had grown to be the norm for you. You were trained well, and you could handle yourself in the missions you were given, but it was mostly thanks to your teleportation ability. Without it, you would either have been burnt alive or sliced into pieces or decapacitated.
Over the course of 5 years, you had grown quite close with Sigma, and Nikolai proved to be quite a good teacher and older brother figure. You were glad to have made new friends, but you hated your new life. Every single detail of it, and especially the Russian man who was the mastermind.
You wanted to leave.
But you knew it was no use. Even if you could escape with your teleportation ability, Fyodor could merely track you down and send someone to assassinate you. The demon always saw through everything behind those cold, amethyst eyes of his, and you were no exception.
Until 3 years later.
“Fyodor was arrested?”
You and Sigma were currently enjoying a break in his office. It was evening, and the sky was a beautiful pinkish hue. When he had casually stated the statement, you had jolted a little. Someone as careful and as cunning as the Devil himself getting caught?
Sigma nodded. “It’s all part of the plan, remember? When Fyodor is in prison, we’ll have to wait one month. After the Armed Detective Agency receives an award, then the plan will truly begin.”
The Armed Detective Agency.
Those three words, uttered with the utmost casualness, conjured up a storm of emotions within you. Memories from 7 years ago came swirling back, of you solving cases with Ranpo and going out shopping with Yosano. How sometimes, you would feed stray cats with Fukuzawa, or just hanging out with some of your friends. Your hand unconsciously curled up into a fist at the thought of what Dostoevsky had in plan for them. You leaned forward.
“What about the Port Mafia?”
“The Port Mafia?” Sigma looked at you curiously. “I’m pretty sure Dostoevsky has laid plans for them as well. He isn’t the type to forgo any possible threat.” He took a sip from a glass of water.
“Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering,” you replied. Sigma waited for you to speak more, but when it was evident that was all you were going to say, he didn’t press. You stood up, stretching, your face betraying no emotion.
“I’m pretty tired, so I’ll go to bed early. Good night, Sigma.” You said, yawning. Sigma only looked at you with more curiousity, but he didn’t judge. He nodded back and bid you goodnight, and you teleported into your room.
The Armed Detective Agency, the Port Mafia, Yokohama... they’ll all be doomed. Now is my chance to escape and help them!
But out of nowhere, a second voice came into your mind.
Are you sure? You know how close you have gotten with Sigma. And Nikolai; he was the best mentor that you’ve ever had, no? It would be a shame to suddenly leave them after everything you had been through together. And what about all the people you’ve killed? Do you think there’s still a place for a sinner such as you in the world?
Dostoevsky’s mocking laughter echoed in your head. The memory of his cold, violet eyes resurfaced, as well as his smirk that was only befitting for a demon like him. You pinched yourself, the pain keeping you awake and alert.
Shut up. Your philosophy means nothing to me. Yes, even though I am a sinner, it doesn’t mean that I can’t find a way to become a better person. I’m going to leave this place, and returning to my friends and family.
Fyodor’s smirk widened.
Go ahead. Try to.
Deep down, you knew that he was correct. You were always one to get too attached to people, and when the time came, it was too hard for you to let go. Only someone with enough intelligence was able to persuade you to bid farewell, to accept the change and to move on in life.
Such as Dazai.
“Ne, Dazai-kun. Say that there’s this person who is in a crime syndicate. They know that what they’re doing is wrong, however, they also find it so hard to leave because of the friendships they made in the organisation. What would you do if that person were you?”
15-year old you and Dazai were sitting in Bar Lupin together. It was a quiet night, with no people, no cars, no noises. Just peace and tranquillity.
“Hmmmmm...” Dazai pondered, tilting his head like a curious child.
“I would probably commit suicide! This situation sounds so tough to be in, and it definitely would torture me mentally, so why not end everything before it gets much worse?” He grinned, yet despite his excited tone of voice, his left eye was as dull and lifeless as before.
You blinked. “I’m serious, Dazai. What would be the best way?”
“Mmmm.... it’s a case of ‘logic vs emotion’.” You tilted your head, surprised to see that Dazai was kind of serious.
“Logically, it would be the best decision to stay. Criminal organisations are ruthless to the ones who try to leave, and the relationships made in the syndicate would’ve all been for nothing. After all, nobody dares to disobey the big Boss.” Dazai flicked his glass with a finger. A ping! sound filled the air.
“Buuuut, in my opinion, I would leave. Afterall, things do get boring quite quickly when you’ve gotten used to it, and not to mention that those ‘friends’ could become backstabbers in a second. So my advice would be to leave the organisation and find something to give you a will to live. Or, as the old saying goes, ‘follow your heart’.”
You pondered for a moment.
“But you know what’s cooler? Leaving without a trace and suddenly reappearing on the enemy organisation! That would be something to laugh about! Imagine the looks on their faces!” Dazai said excitedly, spinning around in his chair.
“I should probably do that! Ne, Y/N-chan, you would be my accomplice, would you not? And even if we fail, at least we would be able to die alongside each other!” He leaned forward, lips curled up into an eager and childish smile. Your cheeks felt hot for a moment, but you made yourself look passive.
“Unlike you, I’m not a suicidal maniac. So, thank you but no thank you.” Dazai drew back, a pout on his lips.
“So mean, Y/N-chan.”
He was right.
You hated every single second spent in this organisation, and it had slowly drained away your will to live. Even when you had made friendships, you knew it was a matter of time before the own organisation would betray you. And the hurt you would feel then wouldn’t be twice as bad as the hurt you would feel if you leave.
You recalled Dazai’s eyes; dull and lifeless with no spark of life in them. That apathetic-ness had only increased as time passed by, each day growing duller and duller by the moment.
Just remembering Dazai’s name awakened a blazing fire of emotions in you.
You had thought your feelings for him had died down, but they were just buried, not completely put out. The love you had for him burned strong, stronger than it had ever been before. Even if you knew that he probably didn’t love you back, even if he had just regarded you as a friend, it still didn’t stop you from feeling this way for him.
You straightened up. Quiet apologies spewed out from your lips, each thanking and apologising to Sigma and Nikolai for being your friends, and how sorry you were that you were leaving them. But you were following your heart.
With one last exhale, you shut your eyes and disappeared. 
Omg I’m so so so sorry that this was so late!!! 😭😭😭 School was giving me a lot of hw ;-; but I’m glad that I was able to finish this. Tbh I’m not that proud on how I wrote this either, and I’m very sorry if I didn’t write it well!
@catzlivedforbsd @ashthemadwriter @i-just-like-goats  @pixyys 
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ghostiiess · 10 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - touring with seb
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pov: seb invited you to do the world tour with him
warnings: none that i can think off
type: wholesome / fluff
member: sebastian moy
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
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Seb invited you (lucky) to the nsb world tour
To me, Seb is pretty much the guy to invite you over and literally says it again and again
Like.. i could imagine seb saying « OMG!!!! Y/N’S IS TOURING WITH US!! »
And then be like « i have to be extra sexy for them… Oh wait, i already am 😏»
The boys would be tired of him saying it
They be like « ok, we get it! Ur s/o is coming with us! 🙄 »
But don’t worry, they’re just jealous because they can’t bring their own s/o too :((
No because Seb would be the guy to ‘manipulate’ (not manipulate, but like… try to have his way?) manager ty to bring you over 😭
« Ty, if you let me bring y/n over, i’ll do the house cleaning all alone for 2 months straight. And i’ll stop annoying you with my screams »
Ty agreed bc DID YOU SEE THE HOUSE THEY HAVE??? The thing is a castle
The boys are living our fantaisies 😂😭😔
Anyways, so ty agreed and Seb was super happy
He was smiling so hard
Don’t worry, seb is ok, he’s just a bit excited to tour with you
Anyways, now that we know the background and all, we can start the hc :)
He would be the type to bring you IN the concert
Like the boys are singing and he just bring you like they weren’t singing the most saddest song
« make some noise for y/n!!! »
He would also try to make you jealous by interacting with stars
he loves the stars
And he also loves you
So, why not combine the two together ?
We already know how Seb is flirting with the stars, so imagine when he’s doing on purpose to be extra flirty and all
Moy love making us delulu
And we love it too, we can’t really disagree tbh
Anyways, he would also dedicates songs for you
Like he would sing random songs (not that nsb created) and just be like « yo this one’s for my partner »
Yes because your relationships with you would be public
And you can’t really says no to that, bc if we look into his sc story, he’s very… let’s say, he’s not really discreet to hide his ‘best friend’ (i think her name is Gaia but I’m not 100% sure, so I’m sorry if i got it wrong 😭)
Sebastian is just the type of guy who’ll expose you and post majority about you
So he’ll probably post a lot about you in his stories (ig, snapchat…)
If you know the songs they’re singing, he would invite you to sing with them
And he would also dance with you
Seb’s a funny guy to vibe around
Like he’s the best friend i would like to have because he’s like so cool and fun
I mean if i could have the whole group as best friends, i wouldn’t be mad 🫣
Also, also!!! He’ll dance and talk with you during the meet and greet.. he’ll even introduce you to the stars
« Yeah, this is my partner! Isn’t they so cute? »
Btw, he loves pda.
« Wdym ‘stop holding my hand’ ? Baby, i don’t want you to lost you »
This is only an excuse, he just loves holding your hands
Plus it’s a bonus if he do it in front of the stars so they can film it and he can see more fan edit, of you and him, on TikTok
« Let them watch. We’re good, right? »
Why did i imagine Seb dancing and then falling 💀
« Oh man, i just fell in love with y/n all over again »
I’m sorry 😭
Anyways, the stars would love you more than him (don’t tell him though)
We love you Seb <3
When he would sign stars’ papers and all, he would give you a signature of him
« you’ll be able to tell people you met THE sebastian moy »
« Wdym you don’t want it? You’re having the signature of THE Sebastian moy for free!! Isn’t that amazing??? »
He’s so funny and cute, like give him all the support you can
Our youngest member can sing, can dance, he’s good in everything, like give him some credits and tell him how great he is doing because he may forget it with all the stress and pression he can have on his shoulders
Seb moy, we are proud of you <33
At the end of the concert, he’ll serenade you
Like he did with the star when the boys all serenade them while singing their songs
Ofc, it’ll only be Seb who’ll serenade you
And instead of giving you only one rose, he’ll give you the whole bouquet like-
Anyways, yeah he’ll even sing you a song (99% chance it’s a the weeknd’s song)
To conclude this hc, seb would be like one of the coolest guy to tour with
he would do stupid dances just to make you smile or laugh
Hold your hand
Give you some kisses here and there…
We love a man who doesn’t mind embarrassing themselves to make their s/o laugh or smile
That’s it for this hc, please have fun touring with Seb!! (You’re so lucky if you were or are able to live this)
Taglist (open! Send an ask if you want to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
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Okay, break from the fish talk show. Time to talk about my week! That's a very pretty clover btw.
Okay so first off, I did join the Narrator Swap discord for the month of June and I posted my first art for it two days ago. That has been super fun and I can't wait to get my partner for next week!!!
Now the big thing was yesterday. Because yesterday was my oldest brother's birthday and he wanted to bring us to a convention, so some of us joined him for that, myself included. I don't know if this is surprising or anything, but this was the first big convention I've ever been to and my goodness, it sure was something. I didn't know a whole ton about the convention going in so I didn't go to any of the panels. (Though my sister in law told me they had a Sandman panel, but I lowkey forgot and only remembered 30 minutes after the panel started. Pretty upset about that). Anyways! I did end up getting some cool things, though most of what was being sold seemed to be more anime focused there were some other cool things I found.
I ended up getting two charms, an Ineffable Husbands one for myself and a Dreamling one for my sister. I also go a really cute Blackbonnet print signed by the artist (it's so cute!!), a little sewn keychain of my favorite little dragon Figment, a really cute Ponyo sweater, and an adorable strawberry frog keyboard for my computer (cuz I really needed a new one).
So overall, a super fun experience!! I definitely have determined that next time I go to a big con I definitely need to look into everything happening the day I'm going and figure out what events I want to participate in. Also, I should probably try to finish up some of my more casual cosplays, such as the Narrator or the RK900 hoodie I've been very slowly working on. This is because I went to this con in my Ghostbusters cosplay. Since I had a proton pack I couldn't have my backpack with me, which got kinda annoying when I had some downtime and didn't have my sketchbook to draw in. So more casual cosplays would work best for me.
Another thing I've discovered. I walk really poorly. My legs and ankles are so sore right now because of how I walk and how much I was walking yesterday. I realized a few hours in as my feet were starting to hurt, that I walk in such a way that I have a little bit of a limp and it puts a lot of strain on my left leg. Along with that, when walking my ankles are very fluid in their movements in such a way that I tend to put more pressure on the outer edge of my feet. In short. I'm super unbalanced and it wrecks my ankles when I walk like this for a while. So. Oof. This explains why every once in a while one of my ankles kind gives out and I either fall or almost fall. It's very rare, but it happens sometimes. Don't really know what to do about that other than trying to be more conscious of how I'm walking.
So that's about if for con related stuff I guess, though this next thing is a tiny bit related I guess. I have noticed recently, both on Tumblr and at the con, that Trigun Stampede is really popular right now. I don't know much about the anime though my sister did show me an episode or two of the original Trugun series. I did notice a lot of really cool art of Vash while at the con, along with some amazing cosplaysm there was this one person selling the cutest little tiny acrylic standees of him and I kinda wanted one, but I felt like it would be kinda weird to get art of a character from a fandom I'm not in. Anyways, this whole thing has a point. That being, I talked to my sister about it and she said I definitely should watch both Trigun series, sooo.... might end up doing that in my free time. I will probably start with the original Trigun then watch Stampede, cuz that just makes sense to me. I don't know how into it I will get, but I guess we will have to see.
I will have you know you most likely won't have to worry about me dropping TSP since I have a lot of people, both friends and you guys, keeping me into it. So don't worry!! I will not stop drawing TSP art for a long while!!! I just thought that would be important to say.
But yeah, that's kinda been the hughlights of my week. Fun things :)
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toyota-supra · 1 year
hey do you have any pc car racing game recommendations
fuck I mean. my entire library probably. though honestly the most fun I have with racing games are emulated, but I feel like that should be separate.
art of rally - gorgeous rally game. tough to start with due to very tight controls, but really satisfying to learn. I've spoken lots about it here before, just look for the "#art of rally" tag. no multiplayer, in fact there's only your car on the road, but it's really really good
Horizon Chase Turbo - it's one of those SNES-style racing games where the car is (kind of) static on the screen and the road is the one moving. it can get pretty hard but I think it's worth it due to the amount of content it has. hundreds of different tracks, great music, a lot of cars that are each very different, a lot of modes, three DLC campaigns, and 4-player multiplayer in every game mode.
The Crew 2 - open world racing game with all sorts of types of vehicles. it has a GIANT map with different US states. I honestly prefer it to Forza Horizon. it runs pretty well for a game of that scale, honestly! only buy this on discount.
Circuit Superstars - top-down circuit racer. it's really fun! there's a lot of different car types that all feel very different, online works pretty well (I only played with a friend tho I cant find people online). my favorite thing about it is just doing laps on time trials to try and cut my record time. it is pretty fun.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - Mario Kart clone with SEGA characters (and some cameos). I like it a lot over Mario Kart because of its tighter controls and its Mission Mode, which is where most of my playtime went towards (I especially recommend Drift and Traffic events). Online mode also works super well. (note: this game has crashes in computers with Nvidia RTX cards. please look up this specific issue to find a patch or just ask me to find it for you)
Forza Horizon 4 and 5 - open world racing games that don't run super well and have a lot of annoyances but they are The Big Ones for no small reason. impossibly huge car list, very good handling controls, and a satisfying loop. plus, in FH5 there's plenty of Fate liveries to find as I've been putting them in every car I have 💀
V-Rally 4 or any other rally game you find that looks good - V-Rally 4 in specific has a lot of annoying performance issues but fuck I mean it's pretty fun. gorgeous game, great controls (in a controller!), fun cars and rally courses. sometimes levels can honestly feel like roller coasters more than anything, as I've taught myself to just take corners automatically, without thought. it goes EXTREMELY cheap on discount (Steam is getting a big sale in a week btw) but there's other rally games out there like Dirt Rally (which I haven't played yet) that may be worth it over it. I don't know!
overall though it disappoints me to say, it's not very easy to find truly great car games on PC, at least nowadays. I do like these games, and there's some others I liked that I don't have much to say about (NFS Heat, Assetto Corsa, Pixar Cars) but I think for racing fans, unless you want Simulation stuff which I really don't, you've gotta keep old console games with you too. PS1, PS2 and PSP emulators are your friends.
also Grand Theft Auto V and Online are great car games but I do not care for their racing modes. I think they're boring at best and "oh my god I hope all of these people die" at worst.
THANK YOU for the ask I genuinely love talking about this stuff
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fundiscrimination · 8 months
To make up for missing yesterday as a treat here are all the Star Trek characters who are ace:
(dang maybe a some point they should branch out from STEM huh?)
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Seven of Nine-Voyager (Not Picard)
also winning the coveted A4 spot (asexual, aromantic, agender, autistic) Seven could not catch a break, just 4 seasons people constantly telling them she's doing humanity wrong and pressuring him to conform. It could not be a more relatable character tbh.
My favorite character, always iconic
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Billups-Lower Decks
Come on. seriously. we all know this man is asexual. just watch the show it's not subtle. If you disagree you're just wrong.
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Odo-Deep Space Nine
Another A4, if there's one thing you can rely on Star Trek for it's the A rep (in infinite combination). (btw I also support trans masc readings of Odo, also whatever's going on between him and Quark)
Yes he has canonical romances and relationships, yes I am ignoring them they're weren't good. Odo started the show just completely baffled and a bit judgey about sex, romance, and gender roles and he should have stayed that way.
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Jean Luc Picard-The Next Generation
Remember when Riker tricked him into getting a I-wanna-fuck statute on the sex planet and instead Picard went on an archeological scavenger hunt while dealing with multiple scammers and thieves?
I love him for his genuine hatred of/discomfort with children, his various hobbies, and his lack of time or interest in relationships.
I apologize for finding Q's stalking and sexual harassment of him funny.
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Data-The Next Generation
Honestly I'm just going to point In Theory (4.25). The most annoying thing is the show trying to act like it proves Data doesn't have human feelings. When we all know he has friends he cares about. He's close with various members of the crew including Troi and Geordi. He gave Keiko away at her wedding. And look at that picture, that's Spot and Data loves her very much.
In summary, Data doesn't need to want sex or romance to "be human" or "have feelings". He's fine with friends, and his cat, and his autisum.
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Tendi-Lower Decks
Because I want her to be.
Ok, I do think it'd be fun to explore an asexual Orion and validate her close relationship with Rutherford as important AND platonic. And we need more femme-presenting/assumed ace (coded) characters on Star Trek. And it'd be really cool to have 2 ace characters on a show.
Also cause I want her to be.
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Spock-Star Trek
Did you think I forgot him? The original? The blueprint?
Now, obvious sidenote, I believe in the premise and it's very embarrassing of Star Trek to keep avoiding confirming it, and also I just think Kirk/Spock/McCoy is the ideal dynamic and basically what's already going on. And maybe in either of this ships mentioned, they fucking nasty (or whatever)
However, none of that prevents Spock from being asexual. Which he is.
Please feel free to share your other Star Trek Ace headcannons with me
If you disagree or feel offended by anything on this list please feel free keep that shit to yourself I don't care
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based off your recent post about anti-propoganda (which i agree, totally sucks btw. if your choice is so good, why do you have to crap on the other one?) i was wondering, why don't you like the hunger games? i personally haven't read the other book that was on the poll, but i just looked at the summary and it looks super cool!! i'll have to add it to my list
if this is a bad question/makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete it! i'm just curious, i'm not trying to be mean or anything. have a good day!! :)
Hi ! Thank you for the question ! As long as they're respectful, I don't think there are bad questions, at worst it would be a question I'd rather not answer and it wouldn't make it a bad question at all.
There are several reasons making me against anti-propaganda : people don't know the media they criticize and assume inaccurate things and manage to spread misinformation that way, it can hurt people's feelings when it's quite virulent, it's always easier to criticize than to praise, it encourages harrassment and can create a negative atmosphere and tensions around the polls while people declare which media in a poll is the shittiest.
About The Hunger Games, it's mostly personal but not only.
Just so we're clear, I don't hate the books.
Spoilers ahead.
Bear in mind, I was about 12 when I read the first book. I think I was 13 when I read the last one, since I'm pretty sure it was a while before the first movie came out
I loved the first two books when I read them. I was reading them at the same time as a friend and it was a lot of fun to compare our impressions and screaming at each other through texts as we get emotional about the parts the other had already reached.
It was one of those books I read at night while I should have been asleep, keeping an ear out for my parents so my book didn't get kidnapped by the authorities
One of the complaint I have -which I didn't really have then because I was a white kid and not as sensibilised to the big issue of POC rep in mainstream media- is this :
There are two characters who are explicitely dark skinned in the books (it's been a long time so I may be wrong about one but I believe he was)
Both die in the first book. I know many characters die in Hunger Games, that's kinda the point, but I still don't think it was necessary.
The movies casted a Black actor for another character (I don't think the character's race was mentioned in the books, my bad if I'm wrong).
Well, I'm sure you'd find it conforting to find out he survived the 1st part of the trilogy.
He dies in the 2nd part, actually.
That's my biggest non personal issue with THG. I haven't actively looked into it, but I've never seen it mentioned in popular posts
The rest is more about personal taste.
I was romance-repulsed when I was in my early teens, to the point I avoided mushy covers and saccharine titles but I would also put a book back if there was the slightest hint of romance, knowing that if it appeared in the summary, it'd be very much likely to be splatered all over the pages. "girl meets a mysterious boy" had me running for the hills every damn time, no matter how much I liked the rest of the summary.
There wasn't the slightest hint of a mysterious boy in the summary so I was convinced it'd be safe and there'd be at worse a very secondary romance subplot.
Que nenni, cher ami. I really didn't expect the romance to be so centerfront and it annoyed the hell out of me because it was predictable af (you didn't even get the element of surprise, which would have made their relationship at least slightly more interesting and redeemable for little me) and I found Peeta very, very boring from the start. Even Arya and Eragon's relationship felt more interesting to me, and while I liked both characters, I was very much not into their romance
(Looks like it's unpopular opinions day. I can't say if I hated Peeta's guts on the spot because I knew a romance with the heroine was coming or because I really thought he was that boring, which is a book character's greatest crime. This isn't really antipropaganda. Peeta's not in the polls. As far as I can tell his name is a corruption of Peter)
I don't blame Suzanne Collins or the books. She didn't do the marketing and her only fault here was to have written a series too compelling for me to put it down despite my grudge against amatonormativity being thrown in my face all the time.
I ignored the budding romance the best I could and kept reading. I enjoyed reading the books. My friend did too. She was #teamgale. I was #teamidon'twantanyromanceinthesebookspleasejustmakethemallfriendsorsomething We had great times criticizing Peeta's every move. The good old days. (Yes I'll stop talking about the poor guy, I think you got the message. Look I'm sorry if you love Peeta like 90% of the fandom, I just don't)
So yes, I managed to mostly not feel too concerned about the most boring romance I've ever read by then (if it's any consolation, I didn't read romances so that's a rather bland statement) and rolling my eyes at the "real or not real" stuff. I'm sorry but I found the inevitability of their relationship quite irritating (which means it probably was great forshadowing for anyone without aro tendencies)
Nevertheless, I was young and had hope.
More seriously, the 1st two books were nice enough. The third...
It felt messier to me. I couldn't decide if it was something the author wanted us to feel as we got closer to the end and signifiant losses impacted Katniss' judgement or if I've grown out of love with the writing style.
Some of Katniss' decisions in her grief were quite questionable but we were meant to question them (well I hope so) so I was mostly fine with it. Mostly. I also felt like she made unnecessary 360° shifts on some occasions
Full disclaimer : I'm not a fan of third books of mainstream dystopia trilogies aimed at teens (i didn't think the Maze Runner and Divergent had satisfying endings -okay I do think the latter was not as good as the others too but that's a personal opinion- for example). I struggled with Endgame's 2nd book and I can say the same with the Lorien Legacies and found Partials' 2nd book disappointing. So, I'm more of a first book type of girl when it's about sf for teens
Well I think I've turned around the bush for a sufficient time so let's get to the part that made me slam the book shut and go to bed instead of rereading passages I liked.
The controversial ending.
Yes, we knew it was coming from the start.
It was gutting nevertheless.
Now I'm a bit older, I get that Peeta didn't bully Katniss into having kids but the formulation made me feel sick at the time.
That wasn't my issue, really.
My issue was I read the epilogue and felt like it was a trap, with Katniss having to resume her life surrounded by mementos of the Games, instead of being allowed to run away and start anew somewhere nobody would have ever known her or looked for her, so she could heal in peace. I thought she deserved that. It felt for me like she'd been robbed of a second chance at life.
That's one thing. The other is a lot more personal and gave me even more grief.
I've fooled myself into thinking that maybe for once a book was aimed at me. As someone not interested into romance at all, I'd hope the heroine might be like me.
Despite all the clues to Peeta being written as her love interest, I've hoped that in the end she wouldn't pick any of the boys. That she'd be tired of them and decide she was better alone romantically speaking. That the heroine would get her happy ending and it'd have nothing to do with a -bland, may I add- love interest (especially a male one, when all 9th graders know that boys have cooties, duh)
That was a very bittersweet ending to me, because I saw too much of myself into Katniss and that I was at an age I was trying to figure out what my life would look like and the answer seemed to be "get a boyfriend like everyone else" and it felt like a betrayal. I was so, so angry about the ending.
So yes I have a quite complicated relationship with the books, but while I think the POC rep could definitely have been better dealt with, the rest is on kid me for not having her expectations met. I can't really blame Collins for not having written the "amatonormativity doesn't have to be the only/right ending/answer ; there are other ways etc." rep I so desperately needed as a questioning teen.
Ah and I didn't like the first movie (and have decided to not watch the others), which is why I don't necessarily used pics in the polls but I probably will for the main bracket. I wasn't a fan of the casting or decors or of the adaptation work to be honest but to each their own and I've seen much worse.
THG isn't a bad series in itself. I have issues with it that probably have roots into systemic racism and also just me getting my heart broken
As for the Wayfarers series (The Long Way To a Small Angry Planet is the first book), it is lovely ! A great soft sci-fi feel good space opera series with queer, disability and POC rep
I hope I've satisfied your curiosity here because that was quite a rant, op
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
THEY GOT THE SHIRTS! I repeat, they got the shirts!! They made us call them on zoom first thing in the morning and when they answered, my mom was holding up the shirts and my dad was just staring at the camera. And my brother who was wearing it went ‘TWINSIES!’ Before anyone could even get a word out. Our mom said there’s no way she’s wearing it because what will the neighbors think, the reply ‘that you care about Brian’ is not the correct answer if anybody wondered. They then again said they will not wear them, to which he immediately went ‘oh so what your saying is that you don’t love me?’ Our dad threatened to disown him to which my brother went ‘I’m 36!’ And my mom lifted the shirt up and went ‘exactly.’ Our mom thinks he needs more therapy to which he said ‘i have (his therapists name)!!’ And my dad immediately went ‘maybe the poor guy is not qualified enough for you.’ Also while trying to convince them to wear the shirts he accidentally revealed that he ripped his stitches cause of the show and they immediately got angry at both of us and threatened to give our numbers out to the sales people that call them and when I asked what did i do, my dad went ‘guilty by association!!!’ All three then continued to argue about random shit until my brother suddenly went ‘i think we all lost focus of what this meeting was about and that is *at this point my dad yelled at him ‘dont you dare point to that damn shirt’ and my brother in the same second pointed to his shirt* BRIAN’ Also a little bts to understand just how over him my dad is cause of the shirt: my brother has 4 friends that our parents basically “adopted” bc either their families aren’t around or they suck. And one day as a joke he said i was his favorite (it was after my brother got a tattoo of a pickle wearing a shirt that says ‘i <3 (his name)) so ever since then their (him + his friends who got matching tattoos) contact names in his phone are ‘not (my name) #1-5’ and then whenever one of them pisses him off he just changes their ranking (so if my brother is #2 -he’s never made it that far up btw- and annoys him he changes it to #5 and the #5 becomes #2) and then he sends them a screenshot in their groupchat. They all care more about that ranking than anything else. So while we were talking on zoom, my brother out of nowhere goes ‘dad why did you text m- NOOOOOOOOOOOOO OH COME ON THATS NOT FAIR I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING!!’ and then shows me the text and it’s a screenshot of his contacts where he changed his name from ‘not (my name) #5’ to his actual name. And all of his friends immediately replied ‘holy shit dude, what did you do? That’s a first’ And as a little sister, i am finding so much joy in this, it has been the most fun I’ve had in months. So that’s what you’ve missed on the episode of My Brother is an Idiot. I do feel like I should say that our parents are actually really amazing and very fun (there’s a reason why all our friends hang out at their house even when we aren’t there) but also I’m sure you all can tell by now that my brother is a special kind of dumbass and they are both over it.
OH MY GOD DEAR SWEET ANON. I am about to start work for today and thank goodness I don't wear mascara because the tears streaming down my cheeks. (Please universe - deliver unto me a client like Brother Anon)
Your parents sound awesome and like they have a great sense of humor. I'm sure they are worried about your brother because of his surgery and not being able to be there with him. The QAF business is just what they can focus on. Also he's a bit unhinged by non-fandom standards. By fandom and tumblr standards, he's just fine. But wow, taking him out of the ranking entirely? Low blow, dad, low blow.
Speaking of the fandom - we are very eager to hear what your brother thinks about Carnivale and the false accusation and "there's nothing noble about being poor."
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whore4abby · 6 months
omg thank you for permission! this is gonna be long as hell though because i talk too much (sorry if some things are said weird I literally sent it the way that I would tell the story to my friends and I always trail off during convos also sorry that a curse like a sailor) but anyway…
so, i’m pretty (pretty as in very not pretty as in appearance✌️😙) high femme with a preference for mascs (because yes) and I just so happen to have this friend who is masc and she is like pure perfection. she’s completely my type, she’s ripped as hell (as an abby lover4life clearly i have a type), she has a wolf cut, a gorgeous smile, tall as hell (she’s 5’11” and so very close to 6’ we checked) and i love it cause she’s so much taller than me (i’m 4’10” for reference i know it’s terrible you can make fun of me it’s okay 😔) and her voice is smooth and rich like freaking honey.
anyway, we’ve known each other for a while but we aren’t all that close (we actually met through a mutual friend at a birthday party like a few months ago). we playfully flirt with each other all the time though but she has this “no dating friends or being close friends with exes” rule that somehow she actually is able to keep up with (i honestly dunno how she does it cause how the hell aren’t you friends with a single ex? 🤔 that’s like a staple for the lesbian community at my school anyway. it kinda makes sense though cause she doesn’t date much). so essentially nothing has ever happened between us and, in my mind, nothing ever would because she’s so strict on not dating (or sleeping with 😉) friends.
anywho, today we were chilling out in my dorm suite after we got back from a mutual class and we were just talking with each other and wasting time before her next class. she got a text from someone and she got this weird look on her face when she looked at it so i asked her about it (because i’m nosy as fuck 🤭) and she told me it was from a past hookup who wanted to meet up and do the devil’s tango. in my mind, i was like okay? why not?? so I asked her that and she said that she didn’t want to and I asked why and she said because she was hanging out with me. and the only thing i could think was why should i be stopping you from getting your strap wet? so i told her to just go and she was like no. somehow the conversation turned to her teasing me about her hook up because i guess she thought i sounded upset when i told her to leave (i wasn’t upset i’ll admit i was a little annoyed because i was enjoying my time with her but NOT upset 🙄). so, naturally, i kept denying it and she kept going on and on and i think at some point she was just saying shit to try and get a rise out of me because then she started talking about things she did with this girl and was saying that she bet i wished she did those things to me and what not (and at this point I’m losing my shit because yes i do wish she did those things with me but did she? no. and did i tell her that? also no.)
I wasn’t uncomfortable with the convo because we’d talked about her past hookups several times before in detail but this time it just felt different for some reason so i tried to get up and leave the room (we were in my bedroom btw) to escape her teasing comments that were now about me being jealous and she chased me. SHE CHASED ME VANNY! i HATE being chased and she knows that. my fight of flight flips on every time i get chased (i’m built like a toothpick but i run track sooo you best believe I’m sprinting every time 🏃‍♀️💨) so i immediately just take off and there we were sprinting around the entire damn suite like a cat and mouse. she caught me eventually in the tiny kitchenette (which my dumbass ran into knowing damn well there was no way out. track can help me run away but it can’t save me from my own stupidity 😔). she picked me up and took me to the living where she basically threw me on the damn couch and when i tried to get up and run again she laid her giant ass on top of me and just stayed there.
i was still trying to get away from her so I’m just laying there wriggling around like a worm caught beneath a brick wall and she’s just laughing her ass off about it above me. she tells me to give up and i almost do because i’m tired as shit at this point but then i remember that she tried to tell me what to do so i keep going and she ends basically pinning me to the couch and she’s still panting from having just been chasing me around and she gets real close to my ear and has the audacity to whisper “stop. be good for me” and i almost died. i swear i couldn’t breathe for a minute because how and why the hell was she talking to me like that???? (who gave her permission??? 😫) she was so damn close to me and she had this stupid smug look on her face that was driving me nuts and the way she looked at me? vanny the way she looked at me!!!! had me laid out beneath her with niagra falls between my legs in seconds!😩
two of my suitemates apparently thought that moment was the best moment to come in (it probably was if I’m being honest because I was ready to risk it all right then 🤭). the front door of suite opens directly into the living room so they had a clear view of her lying on top of me and neither one of them were phased whatsoever (we flirt all the time and they’ve seen us be touchy with each other before just not this touchy). they just told us not to fuck on the couch and went to their rooms. I was caught off guard completely and started trying to wriggle away again but she wouldn’t let me move and pinned my wrists down when I tried to push her away. then she started saying more stuff and it was causing more…issues downstairs if you catch my drift and I was literally losing it because how the hell was this happening to me?? before she finally decided to let me go, she kissed me on the cheek called me and my reaction to her cute and said she was going to do this more often. after all that she let me go and walked back to my room. I just laid there staring at the ceiling like an idiot.
she stayed for about another thirty minutes after that but had to leave because she had another class but before she left she told me that she’ll be back later tonight (which made me pause for a second because who tf does she think she is constantly telling me what I’m gonna do and what’s gonna happen without my permission??? who said you could come over?? not me that’s for damn sure!). But anyway yeah she’s coming over later tonight (I say while kicking my feet and curling a strand of my hair) and she’ll probably end up spending the night (which has happened before).
damn this is long as shit. sorry vanny (and all your followers). i didn’t mean for this to be that long but i just had to tell someone and I can’t tell my irl friends because they’d run with it and start planning our wedding or some shit. my suitemates and i were talking about it though when she left and they think she likes me but we always fuck around like this (we’ve never really gone this far before but i mean there’s always a first time for everything right?) so i don’t think she likes me that way, i just think she’s probably having fun which there’s nothing wrong with because I’m also having fun. anyway yeah 🙃 hope you enjoyed reading about the tomfoolery i had to deal with. lemme know if you want me to keep you posted on where this shitshow goes i guess.
adore you and you’re writing btw! ♥️
nonnie damn this is gonna be a good story i can already tell
you are her both sound so hot already omfg (also nonnie im like 5’0 i would never make fun of ur height)
okay okay valid i guess
pls nonnie ur so funny😭😭
SHE CHASED U PLSSSSS😭😭😭 i also hate being chased omfg
nonnie thats so hot omfg this is like straight out of a MOVIE she literally wants u so bad
bitch i would be all wet too tf
omg she’s coming over ?!?!?!?
wdymmmm u don’t think she likes u that way ?!?!open ur eyes nonnie
yes omfg pls keep me updated !!!!!
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lenathesingingcat · 1 year
For Barricade Day, I’ve decided to post some quotes from when me and my friends from college were going to make some Les Amis music videos! (I’m still planning to make them btw, but none of the original people wanted to be involved/kept in touch.)
Names of my friends are changed to the names of the Ami they played (for security) but I’m keeping the pronouns of my friends when applicable.
TW: character death mention, spoilers for les mis, mention of bad self esteem.
From the day I gave out character sheets printed from online:
Me: *trying to explain the Triumvirate to Enjolras and Courfeyrac* (Combeferre couldn’t make it that day) So, you two and Combeferre are kind of a trio -
Enjolras: (immediately) Can we kick Courfeyrac out? (She was joking, don’t worry. These three were really close in real life)
Me: No, we’re Les Amis…
Courfeyrac: *looks at character sheet* You can’t kick me out, I’m the glue that holds you together!
Enjolras: Yeah, you’re like that really annoying PVA glue that gets stuck to your hands and you have to peel it off!
(I’m convinced that banter like this happened between Les Amis, feel free to steal anything on this post for a fic by the way!)
Me: *lets others read my own (Grantaire) character sheet that I printed just for fun*
Feuilly: (not realising that the information a. came from online and b. is about the book which I didn’t write) Why have you written that your character’s ugly? Don’t say that about yourself!
Me: I didn’t write this! *proceeds to get upset with Victor Hugo for being so mean about Grantaire*
(She knew I had very little self confidence - I’m working on it! - and probably would have written that about myself, so she was looking out for me.)
Enjolras: *also reading the same part on my information* That’s not true, he’s not ugly in the film, he’s very attractive - wait, I’m thinking of Aaron.
Me: (sarcastically) Well, aren’t we modest today?
Me: *gives Courfeyrac the character sheet for Combeferre who wasn’t in that day as they were having a sleepover that evening*
Courfeyrac: *promptly forgets which sheet is hers because they both begin with C*
(Luckily I had the foresight to write everyone’s real names on the character sheets as well as the character names!)
Courfeyrac: Why do you do this to yourself?
Me: I don’t know!
The next week, after singing Tightrope as a duet with Enjolras (because of the lyric “hand in my hand and we promise to never let go” this will always be an Enjoltaire song to me!)
Me: (explaining) So we’re shot after the line “will you catch me if I should fall”, but people don’t usually die instantly when they’re shot -
Enjolras: Unless they’re shot in the head. So if you ever need someone to die quickly, make sure you aim for the head.
Me: (very concerned but carrying on) And I use the last of my strength to sing the line “well, it’s all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view”, basically telling you that you’re a breathtaking view.
Enjolras: Aww! So are you!
Me: Thanks. …I mean, Victor didn’t agree, but…
(Some conversation about Victor being mean about R)
Enjolras: I wonder why…
Me: Well, maybe he looked into the future and found out I’d be playing the part one day!
Enjolras: Amen!
Enjolras: NO!
Me: *laughs because she accidentally agreed before she realised what I said*
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