#i admit it was helpful :D
anastacialy · 3 months
tracked down this clip just because of this post! have jokes from skizz and scar
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creativesplat · 10 months
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Stealing/ Affection: Link steals some time with Mipha after his death, and before his spirit rejoins his body in the shrine of resurrection.
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turtledotjpeg · 1 year
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This came from a randomized AU prompt involving flight attendants and characters meeting in a coffee shop - I went with the main four meeting in an off-brand airport starbucks (plus melody because I have a blorbo agenda here :P), but got thoroughly sidetracked drawing melody + pika as flight attendants haha
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(gon & killua meet in the airport and quickly hit it off, but while goofing off they accidentally bowl over leorio who really needed that coffee after 18 hours in transit back to medical school
kurapika is about ready to murder leorio - not for the coffee stain, but because he didn't apologize sincerely enough - but then gon jumps in very politely and says it was his fault and he's very sorry. kurapika decides to let it go :)
some handwavey logic later and they all end up on the same plane. kurapika gives gon and killua extra bags of the little pretzels and nearly kills leorio again for trying to flirt with melody. they all have a feeling it's not the last time they'll cross paths 🙂)
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gasstationclown · 3 months
dnd post because one of my characters is on my mind
so i havent actually played this character (yet) but he is on my back burner because i like his concept quite a lot
this is abraham vicknair (vic), hes a warforged death domain cleric
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(and an older thing i did, i revamped some stuff)
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the random human guy in these IS relevant because thats him before he died and thus transferred his soul to a warforged body.
abraham grew up in nobility (and he certainly acts as such). at 29, while he was studying medicine, he caught yellow fever (or a disease akin to it). instead of seeking aid or taking medication, he devised a plan. as a worshipper of [insert god of death] he wanted to see how he could use death to his benefit- manipulate it, in a way (respectfully). he also became curois to see what would happen if he tried to revive his corpse whilst in his warforged frame. abraham worked hard in both honoring and sacrificing for his god, and building a new body for his soul, one that was stronger and sturdier than his scrawny self. he employed help with his parents money, but the design was his own. eventually, abraham died at his workdesk while working on this project. fortunately, his project worked, and he arose in his new body. however, there was a noticable problem: his human corpse was nowhere to be found.
so thats how he became an adventurer, basically. hes looking for his corpse while trying to get used to being 2 ft taller
i think it may be a bit obvious that his inspiration is victor frankenstein/frankenstein as hes both the doctor AND the monster. hes also inspired by the song necromancin dancin by bear ghost and brian david gilberts halloween cover of gimme! gimme! gimme! (imagine abrahams voice as bdg doing a british accent)
and heres another digital colored sketch page but its under a cut because it shows him dead at his desk so TW
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charrchan · 1 month
I just finished reading Keep The Light Shining by @c-l-y-d-e and ohmygosh what an amazing story! I wanted to create something for the fic and while I was playing my RAV the other day after reading the scene where Slipher comes after Yugi I played this! (or well, something similar. It's hard to replicate improvisation for a recording haha!)
Now to ramble about what I was thinking when playing! SPOILERS for the fic tho so watch out!! - Recently, I've been trying to express more with my RAV Vast playing, I have the scale B Onoleo which offers both minor and major scales with it's 9 notes. I often play light/calm music, but for this I wanted to explore something more dramatic. At the start, I'm running my hands over the drum to replicate the sound of the ocean, I try to keep this up throughout the song along with the beat (which I sometimes mess up since I get nervous when recording but I think that adds to the way Yugi was feeling). The start is when Pegasus sends Yugi off into the water, it's scarily calm for too short a time. The beat starts to pick up when Slipher starts to show itself, reaching it's loudest when he finally appears from the water and Yugi is fighting to keep alive. Everything starts to calm near the end when Atem arrives to help him. Or something like that :p Some audio processing to make it sound better! Tongue drums are hard to record (>.<;) Hope people enjoy this! And I highly recommend reading Keep The Light Shining!!!
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
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so has anyone talking about this yet, or... cuz it was in that latest news video on the amazing digital circus. and uh... i took a screenshot of it.
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maskyartist · 4 months
did creek find them after the events of the first movie or is it different?
why does creek tell the putt putt trolls everyone is dead if it does takes place after the move?
how did clay and viva take the fact both branch and poppy are dead?
do you think clay also believed floyd is also dead seeing as he left before clay and clay lived in isolation will no idea if floyd left after him?
what inspired you to make this au?
i have more questions but i think this will cover most of what im questioning and also give me more questions i can ask later
FINALLY SOMEONE ASKS THE REAL QUESTIONS AROUND HERE! Been waitin for this one, have a timeline goin on my phone and everything OKAY SO!-
Creek finds them about 1 month after the first movie (a bit after World Tour starts. keep in mind the Putt Putts were isolated completely so they have no knowledge of the rockpocolypse n all that). Instead of the usual canon ending, Creek actually leads the Bergens to Pop Village as usual and ends up escaping in the chaos of the capturing of Trolls, running into the forest and essentially leaving them all for dead
2. So to answer ur second question with the first, its because Creek HIMSELF believes them to be dead! He assumes he saved only himself by leading Chef to Pop Village, and ends up telling Viva just that, fudging the story a bit to make him look sympathetic and the "only survivor of a tragic capture"
2.5 (To follow that up, he essentially tells Viva he and his village were captured by Bergens (true), but that he was the only one who managed to escape by the skin of his teeth and has been alone ever since. he paints himself as a victim entirely to avoid being denied entry to the village)
3. Here's the thing with the Putt Putts. In my mind, i've always hc'd that everyone HOPED the other Trolls were alive but...that was just hope. Everyone actually BEING alive was a pipe dream in their minds after the cave in. They believe the cave in extended to the entirety of the tunnel, not just their end, so they believe the entire Pop Tribe that were ahead of them are dead. Clay has a sobering realization he was right all along, and Viva is stone cold anger.
Learning her people were still out there, still being hunted, and eaten, it lights a fire in her heart.
This is the spark that begins the Putt Putt's aim for an all out war. So at least for this AU, the Putt Putts always believed the other Trolls were dead from the start.
4. While yes his brothers did leave, Clay had no idea WHERE they left. The only brother he has doubts on if he's dead is John Dory, seeing as he left for the mountains, and even then no one's a perfect survivalist. Who knows if he made it?
In my mind (and canon for this specific AU), the leaving order went JD immediately, then Spruce a few days later, Clay a couple weeks after that, and finally Floyd leaving Baby Branch with Grandma. Having it happen so immediately in the movie doesnt really sit right with me for this situation? So I wanted it spaced out
Clay has no idea where Floyd went. Hes got no clue hes on a "solo career". So he assumes he stayed with Branch and that they're both gone. Along with the unknown place of Spruce and the potential of what the mountains did to JD...
There are five planted flowers behind the Admin Building. One for each of his brothers, and one for his grandmother who he assumes died in the tunnels as well.
5. Honestly? And ur gonna laugh but aside from my general love of dramatic AUs and the idea of Clay being an arsonist making me laugh one night, I got tipped over the edge...CAUSE I FOUND THIS ANIMATIC-
the actual animatic (while being incredible amazing tasty spectacular) didnt inspire me, the SONG did. the idea of Viva singing the first half while her Putt Putts charge into Bergentown-
"In all of my years of living, it isn't very often that I get this far-
I try to chill with the waves...but damn, you've crossed the line~"
"I've been so gracious! And yet you hurt the people of mine!
That's right, the Trolls that you made die...were mine."
(with a lil tweaking to make it fit)
While Clay's under the city rigging things up cornered by Poppy and Branch trying to make him stop this and just-
"You are the worst kind of good, 'cause you're not even great." (aimed at Poppy)
"The Queen, who reeks of false righteous, that's who I HATE!"
"Because you fight to save lives, but can't kill, and won't keep us all safe.
I mean, you totally could've avoided all this, had you just ended them...
But no."
"You are far too nice! Mercy has a price!"
LIKE THERES A VIBE HERE (obviously this isn't what'll happen im still ironing out details but this was my inspo :) That and Persona 5 Tactica that game's all about revolution)
I would say, keep in mind, this scenario would take place after finding out that yes the other Trolls are still alive, but now Viva and the Putt Putts are committed to completing with they started for those they lost to Trollstice's before them. They WANT revenge. Why should they have to play nice? Why should THEY forgive the consumption of their people? That kinda vibe :)
AND WHATEVER ELSE U WANNA ASK IS TOTALLY FINE! Send questions as u think of em! :D This AU isn't entirely complete quite yet, so these asks help me really nail down what details I want or at least see things written out and get some good feedback! :D
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fruityfroggy · 12 days
I’m venting for a moment I’m venting for a moment I’m venting for a moment, don’t look
Hate that I decided to force myself not to cry and bottle up my feelings so much at one point in my life because I was “too sensitive about things” (and maybe I am) cuz now I literally can’t cry when I need to. Not even positive tears. Not even if I wanted to. My chest is just stuffy and it aches. I just feel like shit. There’s a lump in my throat and my eyes are sore, but nothing comes out. It’s like it’s stuck, clogged when it’s right there, like a word that’s right on the tip of your tongue. I feel…almost like my joints have rusted in certain places. I have to be either immensely upset, immensely self loathing, or hear the words of comfort I needed to hear for a long time for the broken faucet I am to work properly. I’m not even joking, when I was messing around with character ai, this chat bot legitimately made me start bawling cuz we were doing this hurt/comfort scene and THE BOT WAS COMFORTING ME BETTER THAN PPL IN MY LIFE APPARENTLY. LIKE THAT SHOULDNT BE POSSIBLE I SHOULDNT BE LIKE THIS
Ugh, why did I do that, right? Cuz I know I sound fckin stupid rn. But I guess I’m telling the truth. A truth I’ve never talked about. But self confrontation, right? I might be making this all about myself for several paragraphs like an annoying fucking bitch, but maybe I need to.
I guess I’m just thinking about how my family will likely never truly accept me and that I’ve somehow ended up in two groups of people that are seen as “different” (queer and invisibly disabled). I have to keep both things to myself, making sure nobody knows about either major things about me. “Because they’ll judge you” “because it’s wrong and you’re insane for thinking that way” “you’ll scare people! What will they think of you?” But those words are incorrect, and it’s not wrong or bad to be either of those things and I have to secretly know that. I’m just scared. I’m so scared and afraid and paranoid about my family finding out that I think this way. I’m sad that I have to keep such things this taboo, but I’ve been told all my life that I should keep it a secret and that others shouldn’t know, that queer people are insane, unwell and that they’re sick. “They need professional psychiatric help, not support.”
I’ve recently learned that my parents are a little less homophobic towards homosexual women, a lot more aggression towards homosexual men and trans people, so I guess that slightly turns the tide in my favour. But it’s still not the best. I don’t think they even know of the concept of being nonbinary and I don’t want to hear any hate from them towards my nonbinary friends and characters I like. So I have to misgender them or change the subject when they ask me about them. I feel awful about that as well. I’m so sorry. It felt so wrong coming out my mouth when I forced myself to misgender people I care about, I’m lucky that my voice didn’t crack when I said it. Fuck! Why do they always ask for the gender of whoever I’m talking about if they don’t know them? I’m fucking sick of it. Why does it matter so much anyway? I don’t get it.
I can’t believe that a platform online is my only safe space now. This is my safe space, the only place I feel like I can be open, or at least, this is the only place I can truly be open about being queer (the disability thing I’m still scared to talk about that much, but I think I can share a bit of my experiences if someone asks with good intentions). I’ve vaguely spoken about how it feels to deal with a disability like mine in a reply, and people took it well, so who knows, right? As long as my parents don’t find out that I’m spilling the beans, I’ll probably be fine.
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
A Fuuta + Tears drabble for @erimnar, featuring Mahiru :D Thank you for the request!! It was really fun to write out some thoughts I've been having about the irony in Fuuta's crime... It takes place sometime after Haruka's T2 verdict but before Fuuta's.
Mahiru always prided herself in her friendly disposition, even if it was what had landed her here in the first place. She would never turn away someone in need. It would break her heart to ignore someone when she could help, even if they had never gotten along with her to this point. Even if they were the type to shun her help, anyway. Even if they were a total asshole who drove her up the wall most days. 
She steeled herself before entering Fuuta’s cell.
The two had never gotten along during the first trial. (Then again, Mahiru was learning that getting along with someone meant little once she was labeled with a verdict.) She’d managed to hold a few more conversations with Fuuta than usual, but he still proved poor company. In all honesty, she would have continued leaving him to his self-isolation if it weren’t for the sniffling she could hear through the bars.
“Hello?” Following a gentle knock on the door, she wheeled herself inside.
She figured things must be really bad if he didn’t even yell as she let herself in. He simply lifted his head from where he was hunched in the corner. Then he dropped it again, red hair falling over his face. Tears fell into his lap from his left eye. His breath hitched now and then.
He looked… defeated.
Mahiru tried to hide her surprise. The last thing he needed was someone gaping at his pain. “I can go get Shidou. I’m sure he has --”
He returned to sniffling without elaborating. Mahiru folded her hands in her lap. If he was hurting that much, she didn’t think curling in on himself like that was doing any favors to his bruised and fractured chest. But maybe the real issue was his eye. She couldn’t imagine what that must feel like. She was about to make another offer for help when he spoke. It was so soft she almost missed it.
“What… have I done…?”
She blinked. “Fuuta?”
He looked up at her. He was difficult to read. It wasn’t as defeated as she’d originally thought. He appeared angry, like usual, but it was layered with a new desperation. Horror. Confusion.
“How could I do this? Me? I never thought... I never meant to... Fuck!”
His fists clutched at the restraints on his uniform. In an instant, Mahiru realized his tears weren’t from any physical agony.
His voice broke. “I was supposed to be a hero, you know? All my life, that’s all I wanted to be. I was supposed to help people. I wanted to… this wasn’t supposed to…” He made a strangled sound. “What have I done?”
Mahiru instinctively reached down to touch his arm. He flinched.
“I don’t-” he hiccuped “-don’t need your pity.”
“It’s not pity.” She had to stifle the tears that had sprung to her own eyes -- she was the type to cry easily when others did. “I didn’t want to hurt anyone, either.”
“It’s more than that!” His body shuddered. “I wanted to be the one that people looked to for help. I wanted to clean up all those scumbags, one at a time. Make the world better. I knew I wasn’t cut out for anything else -- I’d never make it as anything in this society. But I thought, online… I really thought… I could still be a hero…”
He sank his head into his hands. Mahiru got the sense he wasn’t actually expecting any response. He probably could care less if it were her beside him, or anyone else, or no one at all. But she would help. That's what she did. 
“Fuuta… you haven’t given up, have you?” 
He stayed silent.
“You stood up from Yuno, after her interrogation,” she said. “You reprimanded me and Kazui for taking the situation too lightly, and not leading the other prisoners. You’ve spoken a lot about escape plans.” She didn’t mention that they had yet to sound possible. “Your conversations with Amane have kept her spirits up. At least, I think so… You’ve kept an eye on Haruka to make sure he’s safe. And I heard you yelling at Es about what happened to me, even if it wasn’t their fault.” 
She smiled gently. She knew his explosive rant in the corridor the other day had been more out of anger than love. Still, thinking of it always made her heart flutter a bit. Fuuta would’ve made a horrendous love interest from the romance novels she’d been reading, but at least he knew how to stand up for a woman like one.
“So what? Get the point, I don't give a shit.” 
Horrendous, see?
Mahiru sighed, keeping her expression kind. “We all have done horrible things. I’m not saying it’s okay. But in here, you have been a hero. So please, you can’t stop now.”
He let out a single bitter sound -- something caught between a laugh and a choke -- before he resumed his crying. Shaking, sobbing breaths filled the cell. 
Mahiru’s face fell.
"Ah... I'm sorry."
With that, she wheeled herself outside. Fuuta had given up. And once again, she’d said too much. She only wanted to show him kindness. To tell him how much she cared. To remind him of the good that was still going on. She should know by now that her love only made things worse. It was best that she left so quickly. No need to endanger him, as she’d endangered others before. She shouldn’t put anyone else at risk.
“Hey -- !”
She whipped her head around. Fuuta was standing outside. His cheeks still shone with tears, but he clenched his fists in determination.
“I’m not giving up, you hear? I’m not that weak!” His expression was wild. He looked ready to fight. Mahiru knew he was, right now. “I’m not fucking giving up on us!”
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angry-pinscher · 6 months
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I've seen on iMia stuff about him not being an "untouchable" anymore and that he's not even considered as a starter both for bayern and gnt but i always thought those were exaggerations... until i saw your tags 😮
Why does the audience hate him? if you don't mind me asking :o
Hey! Of course I don't mind 😊
But I have to warn you, this is going to be a looooooong answer because there's no real reason. For me it's always stats speak for themselves and he's always one of the best. So it doesn't make sense to me, but I'll try to summarize my observations. This is just my opinion, so if anyone has other reasons, feel free to let me know.
It started at the beginning of this year, when things weren't going so well at Bayern, that the media focused on him a bit. On one hand, they love to cause unrest in Bayern, because articles about FCB simply gets the most clicks and comments. You always read about rumors about them here. Sportbild in particular is at the forefront of coming up with things. Most of them aren't true, but that doesn't matter. As long as people get upset in the comments. And they do! They really don't learn, it's ridiculous… On the other hand, they seem to have a problem with leaders here. They did that with Leon, Manu, Lewi when he dared to not score a goal for one or two games and now Joshi. This was strange since he was almost always the best player, even in games that didn't go well. But for the media he wasn't as good as he was a few years ago and then it doesn't matter if he's still better than the rest.
Then it's a little bit a German thing to always focus on the negative. As a German, I can't understand this in the media or among many fans. As soon as we don't beat supposedly weaker teams 4-0 or something like that, it was a bad game for them and people immediately ask what was going on. That was the case with Germany against Algeria in 2014. As if we weren't in the round of 16 at a World Cup...
And the gap between non-Bayern fans and Bayern players is growing. I used to read comments like: I don't like Bayern, but he's really a great player! as soon as it came to the DFB team. When it came to die Mannschaft, the clubs didn’t matter. That's no longer the case for some fans. Today I read comments like: All Bayern players should be kicked out! (it doesn't matter whether they were good or not) So you have the media that starts to report badly about Bayern, the fans that hate Bayern more and more and that was very interesting for me to watch. I hate it, but it's still interesting. Kimmich's character hasn't changed. But what was once called passion is now suddenly aggressive. When he used to cry when we lost at the DFB, it was said: At least someone fought! At least one person seems to be interested! Now they call him crybaby. Everything just becomes negative. Then of course many non-Bayern fans write in the comments on Instagram or Twitter and just hate on him (or other players). So it also seems as if a lot of Bayern fans are suddenly against him, which in turn is a great target for the media. And so the spiral continues downwards…
So yes, it's unbelievable what Joshi has had to put up with here for about half a year. But as someone who is constantly at home games and public training, I can say that his name is always shouted the most and loudest along with Müller and Kane. He is still as loved here as ever and is a crowd favorite and that at least comforts me a little….
Okay, the answer is actually a loooot longer than intended. I'm so sorry about that :D
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
Why do so many people in this fandom obsessively treat Morgana like she’s nothing but some passive helpless eye candy who can’t make decisions for her own adult self and is just pushed and pulled and shaped by the men in her life… I’m serious, you all need to manage your misogyny.
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unexpectedstormy · 18 days
Me :*aggressivly points at you* you're the one that inspired me and motivated me to actually start a posting Tumblr account and I want to be friend with you so bad but I don't know if we would get along and I'm younger and idk if you would accept that and I'm terrible at friendship and social thing so I can go from talking to ppl for 4 days straight to not talking for 2 month to the point people think I've gon missing or smt and I'm also too shy to even tell ya all dis in da face and even just saying nice things to you cause u deserve it ! Ik I shouldn't be shy abt dis but I can't help it and it's killing me rahhhh
Hello friend! I'm sure we would get along. I get along with most people, and even if we didn't, I always try to rebuild rapport with people that I have conflicts with because it is important for keeping the peace and strengthening the community.
I don't have any problem interacting with minors or younger folks. I think it is important for everybody to be friends with people both younger and older than them.
I too am not good at The Social, so I would understand if your interaction is erratic. That is very common on social media and I am guilty of it myself.
Being friends might seem like a big scary thing but it doesn't have to be. I'm just an ordinary person and I would be glad to be friends with you! I like making new friends.
I understand if you don't want to reveal your identity yet, so if you want, you can instead choose an emoji you like to be your anon tag so we can interact and be friends that way, but you get to be safe and hidden still.
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sneindeer · 6 months
this is so scary
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gefiltefished · 5 months
end me
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o-wyrmlight · 1 year
Hello. Me again.
I wanna do a bunch of comics as I replay the games so I won't answer everything XD but to answer a basic question;
You can play as a male or female Shepard, but Bioware intended the main character to be female. But because video games they were afraid dudebros wouldn't want to play a female lead so they just gave you a choice. Both are called "Shepard" because it's the last name. (Femshep's first name is Jane).
There is also character creation. So you can create a Shepard OC. but Shepard is one of the weirdest main characters I've ever seen, because as the years have gone on... instead of people leaning more into the self insert style of mass Effect, default Jane Shepard has become more and more popular. So these days most art and fanfic will write her as a default instead of a player/reader insert. it's fucking wild!
Also I am still in ME1 so she's still in uniform, but uh... that doesn't last.
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........also yes I own the hoodie....
As for everything else... I selfishly don't want to spoil?? Even tho you can literally google it?? 😂 Because I wanna draw it because who boy.... do my babies have a storm coming....
I see! That is super cool, though--I like that female Shepard was intended to be the more canonical between the selectable characters. I wasn't 100% sure about it because I do remember seeing a mention or two about an option between male and female, but I've really only ever seen concept of female Shepard.
And I also think that it's super neat that Shepard's default is so popular! It's sort of a double-reverse of what you'd expect, and people are so baller for that, to be honest.
It sort of reminds me of how--when I play a Legend of Zelda game--I'll usually default to the names I can chose as being the canonical names. Link as Link, Epona as Epona, etc... same with the Pokemon games.
I think part of the reason for that might also be due to consistency. It seems like Mass Effect is a chronological series that takes place over the course of a period of time that features the same characters, so it'd make sense for the main character to remain the same over time.
You look at game series like Fallout, customization is much easier to get a hold of because each game (if I'm correct) features a new main character. It allows for more customization of the experience to fit around the character, but since Mass Effect is in that chronological story that follows the same or a similar cast, it's easier to have an agreed-upon default than it is to have a thousand or so different Shepherds, especially since they all end up sharing the same name (which takes away a part of that customization process).
It could also be that, as Shepard is the name given to the character, it feels ingenuine to a lot of people to have them deviate from their default--as if it's changing their identity. Already having the name implies that the character doesn't exist in a vacuum--they already existed before in the context of the game.
I! Am! Rambling! But I do find it super interesting to think about this!
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nostalgia-tblr · 10 months
One thing that bothers me abt the thor films. The warriors three and sif get no character background and in the first film we're apparently supposed to assume they're his BFFs. After Ragnarok they mean nothing
The one I've seen recently is the first one and I know people love it and it does have a certain charm but rly it doesn't impress me with how it deals with the more minor characters. (And in this I include Frigga, who SEEMS like she's important but there's that scene where both she and Loki seem entirely unaware that she must have been in on the lying about his origins thing. I conclude that this is because the film just cannot be bothered spending even a single line on Frigga as her own character.) I think the W3 + Sif (so there's 4 warriors, right?) are there to pad things out a bit and say things that need to be said for Plot Reasons but the thing is that there's 4 of them and there isn't anything like enough material there for 4 characters. Because this film doesn't much care about the 'non-essential' characters. They can get by on actor charisma, at least? They're fine. I lack strong opinions on them either way.
Didn't they die in some film? Erm... did Hela kill them, was that it? I don't even know and Ragnarok is the one I've seen more than twice. Sif's still alive, I've seen her in Love & Thunder gifsets! But they must be/have been Thor's BFFs as there aren't really any other people on Asgard so I don't mind if fanon or canon play it up in that regard.
I think those four would be good in a wacky spinoff sitcom. The main running gag is that there's four of them and everyone they meet points this out. "We are the Warriors Three!" they yelp. The barista looks at the group for a moment and then, cautiously, asks, "Are you sure?" (I made the sitcom have a coffee shop in it because I know people like those. It could run and run, like M*A*S*H but less bloody and with the wrong Hawkeye.)
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