#i also complain about everyone else calling and talking to their friends for hours but i get shy when someone texts me so womp womp
marsixm · 2 months
i complain about being alone but i like do not want to date lmao i want to already be married to my soulmate for 10 years
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ambrosiagourmet · 4 months
I want to talk about why I think this is the one of the most important Falin panels:
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So, Falin is really nice, right? It's one of the first things we really learn about her. She's kind even to the monsters of the dungeon - choosing to ward the party rather than fight spirits and cause them needless harm.
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In the above early flashback in chapter 11, we see Marcille fawning over Falin's kindness, calling her an angel. Namari calls her soft-hearted. We see Falin choose not to fight even when a zombie attacks - instead she resolves the confrontation with a hug. After the flashback, the first thing Senshi says is that Falin "sounds like quite the person," which Marcille strongly affirms.
At this point in the story, all we have seen of Falin are these impressions; she is a healer, an angel, a caretaker with an infinite well of kindness towards everyone she meets - both friend and foe.
And honestly, that remains most of what we have to go by to understand her. The only times we get to see Falin on the page, alive and just herself, are in the opening and closing pages of the story and in the brief period of time after she is resurrected.
Nonetheless, we do have some more details to work with. For one, there is the scene that The Panel is from - a short memory in chapter 75, when Marcille flashes back to while she's dying. In that scene, Falin prepares to teleport them all out, and says that she's sorry "if there is a person at [their] destination." And that's when we get The Panel.
If you teleport someone or something into another person, the person teleported into is likely to be, at minimum, severely injured. They could die.
We can see a lovely little horrifying example of exactly why in one of the Daydream Hour doodles:
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So, hmm. That's not... that's not SUPER nice. Certainly not displaying the same "kindness to all, friend and foe included" we saw represented earlier. On a basic level, this adds some nuance to Falin's kindness. We see it break a little, when pushed to the limit. We see her chose to protect the people she loves above all else.
Which makes sense! As Laios says when the Winged Lion accuses him of similarly being motivated more by his friends' safety than everyone else in the dungeon, "...most people, aside from virtuous do-gooders, would feel the same way."
So, we can take The Panel as simply showing a moment of weakness for Falin. A time when she was pushed to her limits, and that "most people" selfish side of her shone through.
However... I think there's a little more going on with Falin than just her being an angel 99% of the time, except just that once. I love The Panel because I think it helps us understand that Falin isn't just motivated by kindness - she also has a desire to avoid seeing people in pain.
Isn't that the same thing?
No, no it very much is not.
Let's look at a short comic from the Falin section of the Adventurer's Bible, because I think it illustrates this point perfectly. The group is complaining about how much Marcille's healing hurts, and comparing it to Falin's, which "doesn't hurt a bit." Marcille retorts with the following:
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Now, the punchline of this comic is that, despite Marcille's sentimental assertion that she's "thinking of [them]" by letting her healing magic hurt, they all still prefer to be healed by Falin.
But hey, this wouldn't be the first time that Dungeon Meshi hides a very real character beat or insight in a gag, so let's think about this somewhat seriously.
If Marcille is right (and she knows a fair bit about magic, so we can assume that she has at least somewhat of a point), then what Falin is doing isn't kind. I suppose if someone specifically requested to not feel the pain, it could be kind, but that's not really what happened here. She is the one who felt badly about the others being in pain, and she is the one who decided, without telling them or giving them a choice in the matter, to take away that pain.
Both Marcille and Falin are healing the party, but Marcille is doing it in a way that accomplishes the task in the most straight forward way, without any additional interference. Falin is going out of her way to perform the healing in a way she is more comfortable with. A way that avoids pain.
Going back the The Panel, I don't think its a coincidence that the only time we see Falin (well, non-chimera Falin) willing to do something that could hurt someone is when any potential pain will be far away from her. If she got someone hurt or killed by teleporting the party to the surface? Not only would it be far out of her sight, but she'd be dead before she had to deal with any consequences of that action.
Falin is not a confrontational person. She doesn't push when Marcille won't tell her the truth about the resurrection, and she comforts Laios about her own death - both of those things happening in the only full chapter she is alive and conscious in the whole story.
We also know that she considered accepting Shuro's proposal, despite not having any special feelings towards him, and that Falin never explained to Marcille that she wanted them to share a meal together. When she brought Marcille various foods at the academy, she just accepted Marcille's confused rejection and gave up.
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And lastly, we know that she is still in contact with her parents, despite the neglect and abuse she suffered at their hands. Although the way someone chooses to handle contact with abusive or bad family is a complicated topic, which I don't want to overly simplify, I do I think this fact gets at the heart of how she handles conflict.
So many people that Falin loves have hurt her. There are understandable hurts, like Laios leaving the village, or Marcille not understanding the food. And there are bigger, far less justifiable hurts - like her parents neglecting her throughout her childhood, and sending her away to be alone at the magic academy.
It doesn't seem like Falin has ever confronted any of it directly.
And the unhealthy aspects of this kind of avoidance of pain and confrontation is one of the things that the story of Dungeon Meshi is all about. We see Laios grapple with it before he goes to kill Falin, and we see Marcille acknowledge it at the end of the story, when she tells Laios that she has come to terms with Falin's death:
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Eating is a part of life. Consuming other living things is a part of life. It isn't really possible to avoid that pain - you can only hide from the truth of it. You have to be selfish everyday. You have to eat - to choose to live. To choose to take up space.
And this is something Falin embraces, too. She comes back to life, after all.
We see her choose to come back to life.
And how does she make that choice? She eats. She consumes, and then she is asked a question by the manifestation of hunger itself:
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Do you want to eat more?
There is a double meaning in the Winged Lion's final words on the next page.
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When I first read this, I took it as him saying: life is cruel. You will suffer. You will feel more pain.
But perhaps, especially for Falin, this also means: you are choosing a path where you must cause pain. Where you must consume. Where you must take, and must be selfish. Because eating is the special privilege of the living, and it is their burden, too. In order to stay alive, she will need to keep eating.
And she chooses that. Chooses to be selfish. It's why her resurrection scene is so important, and it's why The Panel is so important. Because Falin coming back isn't the ultimate reward for all of the party's hard work.
It's her choice. Just like it was her choice that started everything in the first place. But this time, she doesn't choose to accept causing pain for the sake of Marcille and Laios. She does it for her own sake.
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maxwellatoms · 16 days
In one of your last answers, you said “series reboots are usually pretty gross and sad”, and I was wondering if you could expand on that? Assuming “reboot” covers any kind of continuation of a currently cancelled or finished show (and maybe that’s the wrong assumption!), from the outside looking in it feels like a pretty mixed bag. On one hand, if I love XYZ Show, it’s cool that I get more stories with these characters and another chance to support XYZ Show and its creators. On the other, it definitely feels like a lot of ideas can only get funding if they’re tied to something already, meaning creatives are having to now tie whatever cool idea they have to some reboot/relaunch/retread, which can feel pretty disheartening if you don’t want to do a reboot/relaunch/retread. Is that a similar feeling from your side of the industry?
Thank you so much for all your answers and insight!
Usually reboots and spin-offs are just cash grabs. It happens a lot in animation. In fact, I would argue that the entire industry is just one big cash grab now. In the 80s, everyone complained that cartoons were just half-hour commercials for toys. And they were right. And we're right back there, but now that you can't legally push toys all day, it's just general "IP". Mugs, posters, more spinoffs, whatever.
I was offered three show running gigs over the pandemic. All reboots that I would consider unwise to pursue because they were "of a different time" and didn't (in my opinion) have anything more to say. Two of them were properties created by notorious sex pests, so there's also that. The animation industry loves to prop up its sex pests.
I turned all of them down, partially because I didn't respect the original creators but also because none of them had anything going for them except just being "more of the same".
I don't think any of those projects survived the intervening years, so in retrospect I maybe should've taken the job. I'd probably feel a bit gross, but at least I'd have floors in my house.
The entertainment industry is in a bad spot. The whole thing. I've had I don't know how many pitch meetings in the last few years, and they all start the same way:
"Hey! Before we start, we just want to let you know that we're not actively producing anything right now. We think maybe soon, but we won't be picking anything up today..."
And then later:
"The little we are doing is IP, so if you have a new take on our IP or a new IP you're connected to that you can bring in, that'd be great."
I always wanted to make original stuff. There came a time when I'd had my fill of Billy & Mandy and wanted to do something else new and original. That never manifested, and I was constantly being offered IP to produce. I turned too many of those down, maybe, before deciding that it was probably better that I run the IPs that mean something to me rather than having some hack do it.
But now those jobs have all gone to celebrities and fallen live-action writers, who are also slowly being eaten by the system. WB was hot for Scooby stuff a few years back, so I pitched some ideas. A few of them were turned down for being "off-brand" in a variety of ways. WB has now made (I think) all of those off-brand shows (or something close) with celebrity show runners.
I was going through a whole Midlife Impostor Syndrome thing recently where I was wondering if maybe I don't just suck. Like, it's weird that for a couple of decades I'd have people calling me trying to get me to run shows, and now nobody will call me back about the possibility of a design job.
Talking to some friends and realizing that they were in a similar situation helped me feel like I wasn't alone. That was nice. Talking to some of the most talented colleagues in my industry made me made me realize that those people weren't getting jobs either. That was unnerving. Talking to complete strangers in other parts of the entertainment industry now has me thinking that the whole house of cards is coming down. That's real concerning, yo.
It's hard not to think it's purposeful, when deranged billionaires own the entirety of our media and want to shape a society where they can't be criticized. We're letting wealthy tech bros firebomb the very heart of our culture, and it's weird that no one is talking about it. Because (for now) we still have that capability.
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f1goat · 9 months
his teammate + lando norris x part one
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In which you find yourself getting closer to your brothers new teammate who's a dick.
lando norris x fem!verstappen (sister) + cursewords + eventually smutty i wrote this before, but i'm rewriting it because i missed somethings. you can comment if you want to be added to a taglist :) thanks for reading!
masterlist x playlist
You remember that one afternoon where your brother Max Verstappen first heard about his new teammate. The whole afternoon was filled up with angry phone calls, many curse words, frustrations and even angrier glances at everyone who had the tiniest part in this decision. You didn’t really get it at first. Max always wanted a teammate who could challenge him on the race track. He didn’t like the last seasons where he had no competition from his own teammate. So what was the problem? It’s safe to say it didn’t took you long before you understood Max his reaction. After you googled his new teammate for a bit, you were quick to find out that the new RedBull driver is trouble. Trouble with a capital T. Maybe even with every letter in capitals. 
Lando Norris is the kind of driver that doesn’t care about anything else then driving. He’s not like Lewis Hamilton who’s putting effort in all kind of good deeds for society. He’s not like Yuki Tsunoda who helped cleaning after the flood in Imola. He’s not like Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc who always seem to be with each other in their spare time. He’s not like your brother who always tries to maintain a good relationship with everyone on the grid. Lando Norris doesn’t care about things like that. 
After a bit of searching around, you were quick to find out that Lando Norris only cares about a few things. He cares about girls. No wait, that isn’t the way you need to say this. He doesn’t care about girls and their feelings. He cares about sex. He’s always seen with a different girl, who is gone within a couple hours. He also cares about himself. Maybe a bit too much even. Everyone who talked with you about Lando Norris told you that he’s egocentrically. He cares about his own needs, but doesn’t think about others. 
The most surprising thing about what he cares, is actually a person. It took you a lot of digging, but you found someone Lando Norris actually seems to care about. Someone called Max Fewtrell. They seem to be friends. You found out a bit more about them. It seems that his friend Max is going online often to stream, sometimes Lando shows up for a bit in a stream. You even found some edits on YouTube from streams that were a couple years back. Lando seemed a lot more open on those streams.
Your brother has spend a long time being known as the villain of formula one, but it’s safe to say that Lando Norris took that title from him. He’s known for the dirtiest tricks on and off track. He’s an arrogant ass. Media don’t know a lot about him. His socials are done by media workers from RedBull. He doesn’t post anything himself. It seems like he has walls as high as the Mount Everest all around him.
After all your research about your brothers new teammate, you can safely say that you understand your brothers reaction. Lando Norris seems to be an awful person. You didn’t formally meet him yet, but now when the first race is happening it can’t be long before you do. Max is already complaining about him since he joined the team. You have heard countless complains about the British driver. 
It’s a shame, really. They seemed like a potential match for a great friendship. Your brother is well liked by many of the other drivers and by many fans. He has friends all around the world and always wants to do everything for them. At first you thought it would be Max who could get Lando out of his shell. But apparently they aren’t a great match.
“He doesn’t even care about the team.” “He’s awful.” “He can’t even greet me when I walk into a room.” “You should have seen him, he doesn’t give a fuck.” “He doesn’t want to do media activities.” 
You can dream about his complains. But you get it. So every time your brother is complaining, you listen to him and tell him that he’s right. Lando Norris is an asshole.
Some frustrated sounds around you wake you up from your thoughts. With all this thinking, you almost forgot about the race. It’s the first race of the season. You’re quick to look at the screen in front of you. What is happening? What is causing everyone around you to seem frustrated. When you look at the screen, you notice it directly. There are two cars of the track. Two drivers who are going down in the ranks with a three small letters next to them. DNF. When they replay the accident, you see what everyone around you already saw. Max and Lando pushed each other of the track. 
What an idiots.
Who’s fault was it? You’re tempted to say that Lando is the one to blame, but you don’t know. It seems like a racing incident in which both drivers took too much space from each other. It almost seems like your brother and Lando are testing each other. Who’s the first one to back out? Apparently neither of them. They would rather crash. Idiots. 
You notice that Lando is the first one to arrive back at the motorhome. This race week you barely saw Lando. You have only seen him from a distance. Of course you have seen photographs and even TikTok edits from him before. But you never saw him up close. So you can’t help yourself and stare a bit at him. The angry look on his face is hard to miss. It’s a shame. You have seen enough pictures in which you couldn’t deny that you found him nice looking. Beautiful even. You don’t like anything about the boy, but you can’t deny his good looks. You like the way his curls seem to have a mind of their own. You like the way he always seems to be dressed in a hoodie. Something about him breathes calmness. At least, normally. With the way he’s looking right know, there’s no calmness to be found anywhere close to him. Although, he does look a bit hot like this. Maybe you can scrap that a bit part. He looks hot.
Sometimes you try to remind yourself that you don’t actually know Lando. You’re judging him by words of the media, fans and others. What if it’s all an act to safe himself and his friends from the cruelty of the media and some fans? For all you really know, he’s actually a nice person. When you look at Lando, you are quick to throw that thought away. You truly believe that he isn’t a nice person in secret. He seems coldhearted and closed off to everyone. His attitude and looks from now tell you enough. 
“What the fuck was that Norris?” 
It’s Christian Horner who disrupts your thinking session. You have seen Christian angry plenty of times, but that was always at people from other teams. Mainly at Toto Wolff now you think about it. It’s long ago that you have seen him this angry with a driver of his own team. You start to fear for his reaction to Max.
“I told you to keep it clean!” Christian continues to shout at Lando when he doesn’t get a reply fast enough. 
“Tell that to your other driver,” Lando replies angrily, “He crashed into me. The fucker.”
You can actually hear the frustration in Lando his voice. You don’t like it. They both crashed into each other. This was not your brothers fault. 
“I don’t care what you have planned for this afternoon, but you can scrap all of those plans. Max, you and me are going to talk until you both can race as normal people with each other,” Christian states. 
“Oh fuck off,” Lando says angrily. You notice the way his voice is starting to raise in volume. “We will fight it out on track like actual race drivers,” he continues.
“Like you did today? That would be a great season if you both crashed into each other every race. Don’t you think so?” Christian asks sarcastically. You notice that he wants to continue talking, but Lando is already walking away. He storms off to his drivers room. 
Just in time. Your brother is also walking in right now. Christian is quick to notice Max. He’s even quicker to start shouting at him as well. It’s the same things as he told Lando before. You’re not in the mood for another screaming match. You know your brother well enough to realize that this is going to last for a while. Max is full with frustrations about Lando and those will probably come all out now. You decide to walk away from all the screaming. You can spend some time in Max his drivers room until everyone is calmed down. 
You wander around for a bit. Every new season they change the RedBull motorhome, so the first weeks you’re always lost. Apparently they didn’t use name holders this year. Which room was your brothers again? At the end of the hallway you notice a familiar image. You’re sure that his drivers room is here. There is only one question, which room is his? There are two doors. You guess that if you chose the wrong door, you will find Lando. You sigh and take the guess to open one of the two doors.
“Fuck off.”
Of course. You have enough luck to chose the wrong door. You barely dare to look into the room. Lando is staring at you with an angry glance. You should be nervous about that, but you’re a bit distracted when you notice that Lando isn’t wearing a shirt. Fuck. 
“Shit, sorry,” you quickly mutter, “I thought..”
You can’t finish your sentence. Lando is quick to interrupt you. 
“You thought what? That you could come here to talk about me how I fucked up your brothers race? Get fucking lost,” Lando sneers to you.
You don’t know how to react for a couple seconds. Is this actually happening? What did Lando just say? How can he be blaming you for all those things, when you didn’t even say anything like that. What a dick. 
“Are you fucking deaf? Go away,” Lando continues to say to you. “I don’t care about you or your brother or what happened, so don’t try to make me.”
You start to get angry as well in the mean time. Who does he think he is to talk to you like this? Where’s the respect? He is even worse then you already thought. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask him annoyed.
“You’re in my fucking room.”
“I’m not. I’m standing in the fucking doorway because I thought this was Max his room,” you argue.
“Then why are you still here?”
“Because I wanted to apologize for storming in like this, but never mind that.”
“Save the fucking bullshit princess,” Lando sneers at you again. 
“Don’t,” you grunt. 
“Don’t do what?” Lando asks.
“Don’t call me that and stop acting like such a dick,” you sigh annoyed.
“It’s not an act princess, it’s just the way I fucking am,” Lando states.
“That doesn’t work for someone like you.”
“Someone like me? What the fuck do you mean with that?” Lando asks you angrily.
“Do you have to say fuck in every sentence?” You ask annoyed. 
Lando steps closer to you. He seems to be waiting for some sort of explanation. As if you know what you meant with your earlier sentence. You’re mad and aren’t thinking at the moment. You almost take a step back, but you stop yourself from doing so. You don’t want him to know that he’s intimidating you. He is intimidating you, you should be stepping backwards but instead you keep staring at him. You look at the frustrated glance in his eyes. 
“I meant someone like you who’s clearly an arrogant dick and doesn’t have anyone around him. It seems like everyone is done with you and your act. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who thinks he’s better then them. Maybe your dick attitude and your small dick make some girls happy, but we both know those girls are only with you for your name,” you improvise to annoy Lando further.
Lando lets out a low chuckle. “You think that I have a small dick?” He asks you. 
“That’s the part you remember?” You ask annoyed, “I though arrogant, no friends or girls who are using you would have more impact.” 
“I don’t have a small dick princess,” Lando states confidently. 
“Great to fucking know!” You reply annoyed, “Maybe you can start acting like it.” You don’t wait for another reply from Lando. “I just wanted to say sorry for entering the wrong room, but forget it. I’ll gladly leave you alone Lando.” 
With those words you turn away from Lando and are quick to walk towards the other door. Your brothers actual drivers room. You feel Lando his eyes burning on your body. When you’re in Max his drivers room, you’re still annoyed by Lando. How can someone be like that? You only tried to apologize. Lando is plain rude and incredibly annoying. What a dick. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max sighs, “I have spend hours in that little office of Christian and Norris still won’t say sorry about anything! I even apologized for going a bit to wide on track, but he doesn’t say anything.” 
“How further?” You ask your brother, “I can’t imagine that the team is going to drop him. So you have to find some way to work together with him, right?”
“I don’t even want to think about that,” Max states.
You doubt about telling Max about your own encounter with Lando. It won’t be good for his already angry feelings towards Lando. But it would be nice to talk about it with him. After a bit of doubting you decide to tell Max a few things about it. Maybe you can leave the worst stuff behind. You know it isn’t the best plan to tell him, but you’re in the mood to vent about it. And who’s better to vent to then someone who also hates Lando? 
It doesn’t take long before Max is even more angry then before. You told him about your encounter with Lando, but you left behind some details. Like what you said exactly or what he said exactly. You just told Max what happened. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max tells you. 
You nod as a form of agreement. 
“I don’t like asking you things like this, but please stay away from him,” Max asks, “You can’t trust him and I know for sure that he’s already planning to use you to annoy me even more.” 
“I get it Max,” you say, “I’ll try to stay away from him.”
“Thanks,” Max sighs. He seems a bit more relaxed now. “I hope this doesn’t last too long, I’ll try to be friendly with him.” 
You slowly nod. “You do realize that if you become friendly with him, he’ll probably see me more also?” You ask Max.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Max says, “Just keep watching out around him. Don’t trust him. I have heard enough stories about girls who did trust him and that didn’t end nicely for everyone of them.”
“I’ll keep my distance,” you promise Max.
“Come on, let’s go out,” Max says suddenly, “I’m in the mood for some alcohol and fun after that awful race.”
You smile. Max doesn’t want to go out a lot, but you do always like it. You tell him enthusiastic that you’ll make yourself ready as fast as you can. You search in your suitcase for a cute outfit and are quick to find a nice dress. You put it on and look in the mirror for a bit. The dress is a bit on the short side, but it fits nicely. You like the way white looks on you. Quickly you continue to search for matching shoes and a bag. After that you redo your make up for a bit. It doesn’t take you too long before you’re ready to go. 
This is a great idea. Dancing and drinking will make the both of you forget about the frustrating day. Full with enthusiasm you walk with Max towards the taxi he called. 
part two
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subskz · 1 year
200811 - s.cb
note: this is a reupload from my old blog. let’s all pretend that today is august 11th, 2020
content: sub changbin, dom reader, praise, oral (m receiving), a bit of overstimulation, begging, riding, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, female reader
word count: 4.9k
The wide, beaming smile hadn’t left Changbin’s face once throughout the entire course of the evening, you were certain his cheeks must have been aching by now. If they were, he showed no signs of it as he giggled from across the room with Jisung, his nose scrunching up adorably and filling your chest with fondness.
It was his birthday—arguably the most important day of the year, in your humble opinion and his not-so-humble one—and you and his closest friends had taken on the very ambitious challenge of throwing him a surprise party.
The days leading up to it had been stressful to say the least. Splitting the arrangements between eight people with wildly different visions proved to be a borderline impossible task, and Changbin’s nosiness hadn’t made things any easier as the rest of you had frantically tried to plan the celebration behind his back.
His nagging questions of why you were all suddenly so busy and who you were always texting had put your acting skills to the ultimate test, and you’d hoped desperately that you’d be able to keep things a secret until the big day arrived.
Worst of all, Seungmin had come up with the wicked idea for everyone to pretend that they’d somehow collectively forgotten it was Changbin’s birthday up until the party actually began. This, of course, did not sit right with Seo Changbin, and he made that very clear to you from the moment you’d greeted him on the morning of August 11th as if it were any other normal day.
Seungmin’s scheme had failed to take one very major detail into account, that being, Changbin’s impressive talent for complaining.
“You know none of the guys have talked to me today?” he’d mentioned to you at one point. “Not even a text message.”
You’d put up your best neutral front, hoping to sound as nonchalant as possible when you responded. “Is there a reason they should’ve?”
You’d felt bad about it, you really had, but you were also determined to make the surprise as satisfying as possible for him. That came with a price, however, and in the end you’d spent the majority of the day putting up with Changbin’s exaggerated huffs and brooding glares in your direction.
You knew he wasn’t afraid to just outright tell you why he was grumpy, but you also knew that for something as special as this, he wanted you to figure it out for yourself.
The others had an unfair advantage; they were able to ignore Changbin with ease since they weren’t living with him. You didn’t have that luxury, however, and you couldn’t help but feel like the weight of the entire plan rested squarely on your shoulders. Things had nearly fallen apart when he’d received a congratulatory call from his family members, and you’d cursed yourself for not factoring that in, conveniently slipping into the bathroom before he could catch you listening in.
It had taken nearly all of your strength to keep up the oblivious act around him for those few excruciating hours, your resolve weakening further each time he grumbled to himself or trudged around like a kicked puppy.
When Changbin had dramatically announced to you that he was going to the gym for his regular workout, you’d felt a flood of relief, instantly rushing to your phone to notify everyone else.
you: all clear guys! bin’s heading out
lino 😼: lol how’s he handling it
you: not well, he’s been sulky all morning
seungmo 🐶: i can’t believe he really thinks we’d forget his birthday…
chan 🐺: wasn’t it your idea? ^^;
seungmo 🐶: yeah, but isn’t it sad that it actually worked?
hyunjin 🥟: he told me happy birthday a day early this year 😐he probably thinks it’s normal to forget
lino 😼: hehehehe our dumb binnie
you: be nice ): he’s really going through it
chan 🐺: we’ll be there soon, no worries!
Once the boys had arrived at your apartment, you’d all made quick work of setting up for the party—or rather, as quickly as it could go with decorations being knocked over left and right and Hyunjin fussing over the state of every last detail. Felix and Minho had taken it upon themselves to bake Changbin a cake, and though Minho’s artistic choices for its design were a bit questionable, it still looked delicious.
With a bit of work and a lot of patience, the eight of you were eventually able to finish most of what you’d planned before Changbin returned.
Jeongin had been in the middle of scolding Hyunjin and Jisung for managing to get tangled up in a collection of streamers when the front door suddenly swung open, signaling Changbin’s arrival. Jeongin paused mid-sentence, mouth still hanging open as the man of the hour shuffled into the apartment with his gym bag slung over his shoulder.
Before any of you even had the chance to shout “surprise”, Changbin beat you to it with a shout of his own.
“Ah, seriously!”
He threw his hands over his head, his bag dropping to the floor. You and the others rushed forward to swarm Changbin, breaking out into collective laughter as he sank down into a crouch. He pushed his face into his knees, letting out a loud, frustrated groan as it set in that he’d been fooled for the entire day.
Chaos quickly ensued with everyone talking at once, half of you cheering loudly for the birthday boy, and the other half mimicking his reaction. Despite his embarrassment, the brightest grin was plastered on Changbin’s face when he lifted his head. You felt your heart swell with affection, knowing right away that all the stress from the past week had been worth it.
Any sign of his earlier crankiness disappeared in an instant, and he spent the next few hours beaming and giggling as everyone doted on him to make up for the devious prank.
Seeing Changbin being showered in love and adoration so openly made you happier than anything else. It was one of the rare occasions where his friends toned down their usual teasing and showed him just how much he really meant to them.
In your mind, you’d always thought of Changbin almost as the glue that held everyone together—the steady foundation that you could all rely on—and after seeing the amount of care everyone had put into making this day so memorable for him, you were certain that they would agree. Of course, there were still a few playful jabs here and there courtesy of Jeongin and Minho, but overall Changbin was treated the way you personally thought he should be treated every second of every day.
On a more selfish note, however, all the attention he was receiving had kept him busy for most of the night, and you hadn’t been able to spend much time with him. The more time passed, the more difficult it became to shake the growing urge to snatch him away for yourself, even if just for a brief moment.
It was for that reason that when the party drew to a close, you were quick to start wrapping things up. You tried your best to be as subtle as possible as you ushered the boys out, claiming that it was late (it wasn’t) and that Changbin was tired (he wasn’t).
Everyone had done their part to help gather the decorations and tidy up your apartment before leaving, but that didn’t stop Chan from hovering behind to ask if there was anything else you needed. You had to grit your teeth in order to suppress your impatience, knowing you were being unfair to him. You loved the guy, but in that moment his excessive kindness was more of an obstacle than anything else.
“It’s alright,” you smiled. “I think we’re good.”
“You sure? What about the dishes?” Chan asked, peering over to glance at the full sink.
That caught Changbin’s attention, and he piped up immediately. “Feel free to deal with them,” he called out with the smirk of someone untouchable. “The last thing I’m doing on my birthday is washing the dishes.”
Chan chuckled, and you couldn’t help but join in, knowing that Changbin was referencing the many, many times he’d ended up having to clean after a failed, last-ditch attempt at rock paper scissors. Despite that, you were determined to send Chan home. After a whole day of denying Changbin affection, followed by a whole evening of him being preoccupied with all his friends, you wanted nothing more than to be alone with him.
“We’ll handle them, don’t worry,” you reassured Chan. “Get some rest, we all need it after how hectic the past few days have been.”
At that, Chan seemed to give in, and he flashed you an appreciative smile. “Alright, if you’re sure,” he agreed, gathering up his things. “Goodnight, you two. Happy Birthday, Bin!” he called.
“Night, Chan!” You gave a small wave, and Changbin saluted with two fingers as the man quickly scurried out of your apartment in hopes of catching up with the others.
When the door was shut at last, you locked it with a relieved exhale and immediately made your way over to Changbin. He gave you a curious look as you slid your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you.
“What’s up?” his voice softened.
“Finally have you all to myself,” you murmured, reaching up to wipe a stray bit of frosting from the corner of his mouth. Changbin giggled shyly at that, and you breathed in his scent as he nuzzled his face into your neck. “Did you have fun, Binnie?”
“Mhm,” he hummed. “You guys really got me today.”
You thought back to how inconsolably grumpy he had been, pressing an apologetic kiss to his head. “It was so hard to hold back from giving my baby attention all day,” you complained.
Changbin whined dramatically in agreement, bringing his face back into view to pout at you. “Even harder for me.”
“I know,” you sympathized. “That’s why I’ve got a gift to make it up to you.”
He squinted. “Didn’t you already give it to me?”
Changbin’s excitement had been akin to that of a kid in a candy store when he’d opened the present you’d gotten for him—a Leo necklace to match the zodiac shirt that he loved so much, as well as a new set of headphones after he'd managed to lose his for the umpteenth time. He’d sworn with the most endearing pinky promise that he’d be sure to keep track of them for you, but you were willing to bet that if you asked him where they were right now, he wouldn’t be able to say.
You ran your fingers carefully up and down his side, feeling up the curve of his waist before giving it a gentle squeeze. “Mm…this is a different kind of gift.”
There was a pause, then a faint flush spread across Changbin’s cheeks.
“Oh,” he squeaked.
You smiled, lifting your gaze to find his pupils dilated and locked on you. “Does that sound like something Binnie would want?”
The lilt of your voice was all it took to make him melt. He bit his lip before responding, a completely innocent quirk of his that still managed to drive you crazy.
“Yes, please.”
You unwrapped your arms from around him to take his hand into yours, delicately entwining your fingers.
“So polite.” You ran your thumb along the back of his warm hand. “Come on then, it’s in the other room.”
You tugged at Changbin’s arm, guiding him down the hall and into your shared bedroom. He glanced at you out of habit when you reached the bed, silently asking for your permission to make a move. You tilted your head to grant it, and he wasted no time before settling onto the mattress with a cute, giddy hum.
The way he watched you as you joined him made your heart beat faster in your chest. A look so dark and intense, but still so vulnerable, as if whatever happened to him next rested solely in the palm of your hand. Pain, pleasure, or anything in between; he would accept it all if it came from you.
“Binnie was so patient for me, today,” you purred, leaning so close that your lips were just a few centimeters apart from his. “He deserves an extra present, don’t you think?”
Changbin nodded slowly, eyes flickering down.
“My good boy,” you cooed, voice dripping with affection. “So good, even when everyone was so mean to you.”
The feeling of your breath fanning over his skin made him shiver lightly, and before he could manage to say anything, you closed the space between you, crashing your lips into his. He mewled in a way that he might’ve been embarrassed about if every part of his mind and body weren’t aching for your attention. Instead, all he felt was relief as he fell back into the comfort of the pillows with you.
Without breaking the kiss, you made your way on top of him. Your hands moved up to cup his face, squeezing his full cheeks to open up his mouth and slip your tongue past his plush lips. The birthday cake had left a lingering sweetness in Changbin’s taste, and you relished in it along with the sigh he let out as your tongue brushed against his.
He raised his arms to wrap them around your waist as the kiss heated up. You moved your mouth hungrily against his, only interrupting your rhythm to take his lower lip between your teeth. Changbin whimpered as you nibbled on the plump skin, filling you with the urge to bite it until it was swollen and bruised.
You pulled back for a moment to catch your breath. His half-lidded eyes met yours, their typical gleam clouded over with a haze of lust, and the corner of his mouth quirked up in a lopsided grin. You brushed your thumb along his doll-like lips, admiring how red they’d become in such a short time.
“You’re so pretty, Binnie,” you murmured, playing with his lower lip gently. Changbin’s breath hitched at the compliment, and you leaned back down to pepper his face with kisses. “My pretty baby. Everything about you is irresistible,” you mumbled between pecks.
He whined softly—a pointless protest when you knew how much each word of praise from you sent his arousal skyrocketing. His hands gripped the back of your shirt with more urgency as you moved down to his neck. You trailed wet kisses along his tender skin, and you felt a tinge of satisfaction when he began to squirm beneath you. He pushed his hips up ever so slightly, his hardening length pressing against your thigh.
The involuntary plea made you smirk against his skin, and you left one last open-mouthed kiss at the base of his throat before pulling back.
“Need something?” you asked innocently.
Changbin bit down on his lip, tensing in embarrassment as he realized how easily you’d read him. You slid your index finger down his chest, tracing the full curve of his pecs beneath his shirt. “If the birthday boy asks nicely, he can get whatever he wants.”
He averted his eyes without a word, making it clear that it would take some prompting on your part for him to admit what was on his mind. Your finger continued to trail down his stomach, and you marveled at the way it clenched under your feather-light touch.
“Don’t be shy,” you encouraged, earning a squeak when you gave his waist a pinch. “Don’t you want your gift?”
Changbin’s cheeks flushed, so deep that you could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. He swallowed hard, bracing himself before finally speaking up.
“Want your mouth, please,” he breathed.
You pressed your lower half against his bulge, feeling a glimmer of amusement when he squeezed his eyes shut with a gasp.
“You gonna let me taste you, Binnie?” you teased. “I wonder if my baby’s sweeter than his cake.”
The mortified wail that escaped him didn’t disappoint. You giggled as he shoved his face into the pillow, the tips of his ears matching the shade of his cheeks. “Ah...really,” his groan came muffled. “Stop embarrassing me.”
“Stop being so cute and I’ll think about it.”
Changbin lifted his head to give you a half-hearted scowl, the pout on his face only serving to prove your point. You leaned down to press a kiss to his nose, and he mellowed out again in no time.
He spread his thighs obediently as you lifted yourself off of him to settle between his legs. Without warning, you began to palm at his bulge, and, like clockwork, he bucked up into your hand.
“Already so hard for me.” You gave him a gentle squeeze. “You love the attention, don’t you?”
He didn’t bother to deny it. Instead, he whimpered your name softly, and the sound coupled with the pure want in his expression was enough to make heat pool in your stomach.
Carefully, you slipped your fingers under the waistband of his pants to slide them down. Changbin lifted his hips off the mattress in an attempt to make things easier for you, and you gave his thigh an approving pat.
“Good boy,” you praised, making his eyes shine.
Changbin’s breath hitched as you tugged off his underwear and he sprang free, the cool air hitting his length in a way that made him quiver. You admired the sight briefly before taking him into your hold, giving him a few gentle pumps. “You ready, baby boy?”
“Yes, yes, please,” He didn’t waste a second. “Need you.”
It shouldn’t have surprised you anymore, how strained he would sound after just a few delicate touches, but even now it still made your heart flutter.
You gave the head of his cock a few kittenish licks, letting the taste of his precum flood your tongue. Changbin fully gasped, and it was soon followed by a broken moan when you wrapped your lips around him all at once.
The jolt of pleasure he felt was only amplified with the way you sucked intently on his tip, swirling your tongue around it in a way that made him certain he wouldn’t last long.
You began to bob your head along his dick, using your hand to stroke the base as you did so. His hips bucked reflexively when you slid your tongue along his slit, and he stuttered out a meek apology. You hummed around him in response, giving his thigh a squeeze to signal that it was okay.
Changbin’s moans gradually grew less and less restrained, and their sweet sound urged you on. You hollowed your cheeks around him, fully engulfing his cock with the silky heat of your mouth. He bit down hard on his lower lip in a failed attempt to mask an especially pathetic cry, hands pawing the bedsheets for something to grab onto.
You pulled off to catch your breath, releasing his length from your mouth with a sinful, wet pop. His chest rose and fell rapidly in the moments you gave him to compose himself, and he had to hold his tongue to stop himself from instantly begging you for more.
“You taste so good, I might just get addicted,” you purred, swiping your tongue across your lips for good measure. Changbin let out a flustered squeak at that, hands flying up to hide his face and making you giggle with delight. “Do you like it, baby?”
He peeked down at you timidly from between his fingers. “Mhm,” a low whimper was all he could manage. “Please, don’t stop.”
You shushed him gently, licking a long stripe up his cock and making him shudder. “I’m gonna take care of the birthday boy for as long as he needs.”
You took him fully into your mouth once more, and he released a sharp cry as his length hit the back of your throat, arching off the bed in a fit of pleasure.
“A—ah!” he choked out. “Please, please.” The veins in Changbin’s arms began to protrude from his death grip on the sheets, and you had to press down on his hips to pin them back against the mattress. You remained steady for as long as you could, swallowing around his cock and making him mewl your name.
“Close,” he warned, tossing his head from side to side. “Can I—ah—can I cum?”
You took your sweet time before letting him slip from your mouth again. A hiccup escaped him as the addictive heat was suddenly lost, leaving his dick twitching helplessly in protest against his stomach.  
Changbin’s eyes blinked open, his expression hazy and disoriented as it met your playful one. “No, please…” he slurred. “Wh-why?”
“You can hold out a little longer for me, can’t you, Binnie?” you pouted. “I’m not done tasting you yet.”
A low, pitiful whine built up inside him, exciting you more than it probably should. “Th-that’s not fair,” he objected weakly. “You said…you said you wouldn’t stop.”
You rubbed soothing circles into his thighs with your thumbs, trying to mask your amusement. “Hm…I did, didn’t I?” If Changbin hadn’t been so distracted by the hot ache in his abdomen, he might’ve caught on to the mischievous intent laced in your next words. “Alright, no more stopping.”
At that, you dragged your lips down his slick length once more, barely covering half of it before Changbin came undone all at once.
He emptied into your mouth with a near sob, seed spilling down your throat. You felt his thighs tremble beneath your fingertips as he thrusted shallowly into the heat of your mouth. He rode out his orgasm to completion, only finding it in him to control himself once the last wave of pleasure passed.
Though Changbin had stopped, you showed no signs of doing so. His cock spasmed on your tongue as you continued sucking gently, the mixture of drool and cum making the sensation all the more overwhelming for him.
A pitiful noise escaped the boy, and his hand flew up to cover his mouth when it dawned on him what you had in mind. He bit down hard on his palm, using all his willpower to resist thrashing around in the sheets as you worked your mouth without a care in the world.
Your lips curved playfully around his dick, unable to mask how much you enjoyed every broken plea and call of your name that echoed through the room.
Changbin’s free hand pawed around aimlessly in the sheets, searching for yours. You softened when you noticed it out of the corner of your eye, reaching out and locking your fingers with his.
He endured it as best he could for the next several seconds, jolting and whimpering, but never once complaining as you dragged your tongue along every inch of him.
Finally, when the overstimulation became too much to bear, he gave your hand an urgent squeeze, and you instantly pulled back, careful not to let your teeth graze his length when it slipped from your mouth.
Changbin panted heavily, flopping his head back against the pillow to recover from the intense, unrelenting pleasure you’d put him through.
After catching your own breath, you sat up from your position on the mattress to crawl back on top of him. You leaned down to press your lips against his plush ones, sliding your tongue into his mouth and eliciting a muffled whimper from him as his own essence flooded his tastebuds.
A thin trail of saliva connected your lips when you broke the kiss. Your gaze met his to find him looking practically entranced, eyes dark and wide and watching your every move with unfettered adoration.
“That was mean of me, huh?” you pouted. “But look at how well you took it. I’m so proud of you, angel.”
He licked his lips, his earlier shyness creeping back up on him. “Thank you,” he sighed.
“Don’t thank me yet.” You brushed your fingers through his damp hair. “There’s more to your present, if you want it.”
Changbin’s heart jumped at that, and though he looked utterly exhausted, you didn’t miss the glimmer of excitement that crossed his face.
“More?” he asked breathlessly.
“Only if you want. My baby deserves to be spoiled on his birthday, don’t you think?”
He giggled in response, scrunching up his nose before nuzzling bashfully into your palm.
“Is that a yes?”
“Mhm,” he mumbled into your hand. “Spoil me, please.”
With a smile, you gave his face an affectionate pat and shifted from on top of him. “Sit up for me, Binnie,” you ordered gently.
Despite how spent your mouth had left him, Changbin complied right away. He pulled himself upright on the bed, scooting back so that he was leaning against the headboard. “Good boy,” you cooed.
Changbin didn’t take his eyes off of you once as you undressed yourself at a very deliberate pace. You placed your garments to the side before settling into his lap, throwing a leg over his thighs to straddle him. His breath hitched when your heat pressed against his dick, making him jerk against you.
“Your body’s so honest,” you commented playfully, pushing your hips down to draw out a soft whimper from him. “How cute.”
He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, his whole body tensing in anticipation of your next move. You reached down to take his length into your hold, pleased to find that he had already grown half-hard again. With a deep inhale, you lined him up with your entrance and sank down slowly.
Changbin’s hands immediately grasped at the bedsheets, a moan escaping him that was nothing short of angelic. The way his cock stirred up your insides sent a shiver down your spine, and you let out a content sigh of your own as you connected with his base.
“Such a big boy,” you breathed, grazing your nails along his broad shoulders.
He squeezed his eyes shut, head falling forward to press against yours. “S-so good,” he stuttered. “Don’t know how much I can–ah–take.” As if to confirm his words, his cock twitched inside you.
“Mm, that’s alright, Binnie.” You rested your hand on the back of his head, tugging lightly at his hair. “You can cum whenever you want.”
At that, you lifted your hips to slide up on his length, and Changbin whined lowly as you came back down, walls fluttering around him.
You repeated the motion, carefully building up a steady pace. He was still hypersensitive from his earlier orgasm, and it was evident with every shameless moan that spilled out of his lips. “Hah...you’re amazing,” he gasped out. “Seriously g-gonna go crazy.”
His babbling made you laugh breathlessly. Using your grip on his shoulders for leverage, you began to bounce faster. “You’re so pretty like this, Binnie,” you cooed. “Letting out all those cute cries while you fill me up so perfectly. Such a good boy for me.”
Changbin practically keened at the praise, the sinful noise making you clench around his length. All that time you’d spent toying with him had gotten you more worked up than you’d realized, and when the head of cock brushed your sweet spot, you felt the heat in your core spread.
“Kiss me please,” he begged suddenly, his nose brushing against yours. “Wanna kiss...”
The adorable request made your heart skip a beat, and you quickly complied, pressing your lips against his hungrily. Changbin’s sweet voice spilled into your mouth, his hands flying up from the bedsheets to grab desperately at your hips.
His whines grew higher and higher in pitch until he finally broke the kiss with a sob. “G-gonna cum!” he warned. “Please...can’t hold back anymore!”
“Cum, baby boy. Let it all out.” You ignored the way your thighs began to burn from the effort, instead speeding up your movements to send him over the edge.
Within seconds, the tension in Changbin’s stomach snapped and his second orgasm washed over him. His mouth hung open, eyebrows knitting together as the white, hot pleasure flooded his senses. The feeling of his seed spilling inside of you brought about your own climax as well, and the way your walls clenched around his cock as you came nearly sent him into a frenzy.
Your shared panting echoed through the room as your highs gradually began to waver. When the last few jolts of pleasure had spread through your body, you blinked your eyes open to find Changbin in a blissed out state, hair tousled and skin glistening with sweat.
He gave you a shy, lopsided grin. “Can I say thank you now?”
Your face broke out into a smile of your own, and the sound of his boyish giggles graced your ears. “Sure, you can.”
You brushed his sweaty bangs out of his eyes, and he melted under your touch, pushing his face into your palm with a content sigh.
“I love you,” he murmured instead.
It came timid and quiet as ever, but that didn’t stop it from making butterflies erupt in your stomach. You slid your arms around his shoulders to pull him to your chest, and he nestled into you like second nature. “I love you, too,” you hummed. “Happy Birthday, Binnie.”
“Makes me wish every day was my birthday,” he joked, drowsiness quickly overtaking him.
“Yeah?” You pressed a kiss to his head. “I’ll be glad to treat my baby like this any day.”
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Dreams of sharp teeth - Halloween
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This story was written for @viking-raider's HALLOWEEN-KINKTOBER CHALLENGE. 🎃
This story was also written for @navybrat817 & @darkficsyouneveraskedfor 𝕹𝖆𝖛𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖔𝖔 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙: 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜’𝖘 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖘 - I used the following tropes:
An unwanted houseguest
Power outage
A string of unexplained deaths
Summary: People disappear in your sleepy town.
Work Name/Title: Dreams of sharp teeth
Author: Holylulusworld
Fandom: Henry Cavill (MI & Night hunter)
Ship: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x fem!Reader x Werewolf!August Walker
Square filled for @halloweenhorrorbingo: Square 3: Wouldn't even harm a fly.
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Halloween was always special to you. The costumes, carving pumpkins, and watching scary movies with your boyfriend.
Sadly, you are not allowed to leave your house tonight to watch the kids raid candy and have a few drinks with your friends. 
A string of unexplained deaths keeps people in your sleepy little town awake. It’s not unusual for people to die or get killed in accidents. But these days, people disappear and never get found. 
The few that got found were missing something important. Their hearts. That’s very unusual and concerning. Especially when the worst crime ever happening in your sleepy towns was when a few teenagers stole a car and crashed it. 
Your boyfriend is somewhere across the country, and you are alone in the empty house, feeling a little under the weather as you caught a cold from one of the kids at the local library where you’re working at.
It feels like the hours passed by in a blink, and dusk falls soon after you dragged yourself out of bed. You yawn and try to get your legs to obey. 
It’s a struggle but you manage to walk inside the kitchen to make some coffee.
You hate the dark liquid, but you are scared to fall asleep since the killings started - like everyone else in town. If only you can stay awake until dawn, the nightmares will go away.
The monotone noise the coffee brewer makes lures you into sleep again. Your eyes feel heavy, and you yawn once again. “I need to stay awake,” you remind yourself as you remember the dream you had last night.
Teeth - sharp and deadly haunt your dreams. And voices. Deep voice luring you in, calling for you in the darkness. They say your name and promise a life beyond your imagination.
Watching the coffee run into the cup you sigh. If only you could sleep for a few hours. It’s all you want and need. Your migraine is getting worse with every hour you force yourself to stay awake and you are so tired it’s painful.
“Just a few more hours,” you take a large sip of the bitter brew. “Hang on, Y/N. The curfew will be over soon. They will hunt the wolves killing the people in town down, and you can go back to your normal life.”
You chuckle as you realize that you tend to talk to yourself lately. With no one around, and no chance to leave the house, you are stuck here with too many thoughts running through your mind.
Maybe watching a movie will take your mind off the current situation in your town. You walk back inside your living room, searching for the remote control to switch the TV on. As you plop down onto the sofa, you groan as your bad knee cracks again.
“You’re getting old, Y/N,” you chuckle to yourself. “That’s payback for all the times you made fun of your mother for complaining about her age, and the little aches and pains that come with it.”
You take another sip of your coffee and switch to another channel. Horror movies are out of the question. The horror you experience in your dreams is enough. 
Switching channels, you try to find anything else to watch but a horror movie. You sigh, as you end up watching a talk show. 
Between sipping at the unwanted coffee and watching nonsense on TV you try not to fall asleep. Eyes trained on the tv you try to follow the conversation going on between the host and their guests. It’s boring but distracts you from the nightmare you had.
“It’s not that bad,” you lie to yourself while listening to the show. You are about to laugh about something the host said when the TV turns black. “NO!” All the lights go out, and you are sitting in darkness. 
Not another power outage. That’s the last thing you need right now. Fear grips your heart hearing noise come from outside your house. You grab your phone and run toward the front door to double-check if you locked it.
It’s locked, and you feel a little safer. Next is the back door, and all the windows. You almost run upstairs to check on your bedroom window, only to find it closed too.
“Y/N, you need to calm down,” you tell yourself once again. It’s hard to remain calm while people in town disappear, and die, though. “Relax. This is only another power outage. Nothing will happen to you.”
It doesn’t matter that your doors are locked. You walk back inside the kitchen and get the biggest knife you own. Your boyfriend will call you paranoid or crazy when he comes back, but you don’t care.
Better safe than sorry.
You walk back upstairs when someone knocks at your door. It’s in the dead of the night, and you don’t want to open the door. 
But what if one of your neighbors is in trouble? 
Maybe Mrs. Sinclair, a widow who can barely walk. Or Annie, from three houses down, a nurse with a heart of gold. You cannot ignore them, not if someone is in trouble.
Turning back around, the knife still in your hands you silently walk down the stairs. You’re a good neighbor, but you don’t want whoever is standing in front of your door to know that you are at home.
You look through the peephole, frowning because you can’t see shit.
“Hi, miss. I’m Walter from across the street. Your new neighbor. I mean we moved to town some months ago, but I wasn’t around much lately.”
“Walter,” you whisper and try to remember the people who moved into the only vacant house in your neighborhood.
“Walter Marshall, miss. I was checking on the neighbors if anyone needs help,” he says. “I’m with the police.”
“I locked the doors, and my boyfriend is here with me,” you don’t know why you lie to Walter, but you do. “He checks the windows. We are good, really.”
He chuckles darkly, and you step away from the door. “Sweetie, we both know you are all alone. I can hear your heart racing and smell your fear.”
Smell your fear? How’s that even possible?
You only know one thing for sure - that you won’t open the door for him. No matter what. You step backward, almost knocking the small coffee table next to your couch over as he knocks again. 
“Sweetie, open the door. It will make things so much easier for you and us.”
“Go away,” you shiver as he knocks again, louder this time. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I can’t,” he almost sounds sorry. “Y/N, you are not having a cold. Didn’t you ask yourself why so many people died after you got scratched by the kid in the library?”
You shake your head. How can he know about the incident and your cold?
“We know because we were there that day,” another voice says. You feel his hands on you, holding your trembling body in a tight grip. His strong arms wrap around your body. “Let us help you before you hurt more people. It’s not your fault. We should’ve been there to guide you through this.”
“August, go easy on her. She doesn’t know,” your eyes widen when the front door opens. You are sure you locked it and now your neighbor invades your home. “Hold her tight, we need to bring her to the basement before the moon rises again. She cannot control her powers yet.”
“What do you want? Let me go! Now,” you grow and snarl in Walter’s direction. You don’t know what’s wrong with you. “I’ll kill you.”
“I know you are confused,” August whispers in your ear. “But you need to listen to us. The kid that bit you wasn’t a normal child. It was our cousin’s boy and a werewolf. He cannot control his instinct.”
“He’s a good boy. Usually, he wouldn't even harm a fly. But the full moon was close, and you tried to take the book out of his hands. We are sorry, but you are one of us now,” Walter steps closer to cup your face. “You need to come with us before you hurt more people.”
“So far, we were able to cover your attacks. If you run around town and attack more people, they will find out about our secret, and we cannot let this happen.”
“I don’t…understand. I was at the library and then I…” you frown. “I lost track of time. My boyfriend…I need to call him. I…”
“Sweetie,” Walter tries to calm you. Your eyes glow, and you snap your teeth in his direction. “This is going to be hard to stomach but...”
August holds you a little tighter before he says, “He was your first victim…”
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! This is the end of this year's kinktober.
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AITA for getting upset because my friends said they couldn’t hang out with me?
TW: small mention of SA
Context: I(16m) am in a friend group with around 7 other people, including my bf (16m). Who I am currently living with because of issues at home. And because of things going on, like work, getting drivers licenses, and the school musical (which is, imo, the worst thing we have at this school bc of the toxic environment, toxic director, and child predators that were in there touching girls.) we haven’t been hanging out much. The last time we all hung out was for my birthday at the end of February, which I had to fight with some people to even go.
So, this starts with me making plans. ALWAYS. I’ve made the plans for this friend group every time without fail for the last year and a half. And I noticed we haven’t been hanging out as much and my boyfriend agrees, so I text everyone around 2 weeks ago and asked if they wanted to do anything. My one friend, we will call L, suggested that we go to a museum in the city. I asked her if Saturday at Noon would work that week and she and everyone else agreed. So, that Thursday, I made sure everyone was good with that, and I found out that she and my other friend, who we will call O, had to go in for a 7 hour rehearsal on Saturday. No big deal, I get it. So I rescheduled for the following Saturday.
The next Friday rolls around and me, my bf, and L are doing volunteer hours at our elementary school. I, again, check in to see if she’s going. She says that because she is so exhausted from the musical, she can’t go. I understand again, but here’s the thing. L thinks she HAS to do our schools play and musical, and got upset with me when I didn’t wanna go because I had been assaulted physically and verbally by other cast members and the director. L actively overbooks herself and then complains that she’s upset or tired or acts like she has to do these things. Her parents aren’t forcing her or pressuring her btw. But, I do understand needing some time, and I agree that I’ll reschedule again, because i want all of us to be there. And also, O texted me (after he expressed his desire to go really badly) that he couldn’t go because there was a parade that weekend. So I changed it to that Sunday. Me and my bf thought it would fix all the problems.
It didn’t. Both L and O came up with bullshit excuses not to go after it was THEIR idea to hang out! L said she had to “babysit” her 14 year old brother who is perfectly healthy and capable. Not because her parents asked her to, but because she said he will “burn the house down” and O said that his mom had to work and he didn’t wanna ask his dad (btw both of his parents are the nicest people I’ve ever met). So, I got very upset with them and I actually cried to my boyfriend about it. I feel like my friends don’t wanna hang out with me or see me. Especially bc O had got a new bf, who is cis (O is a trans boy) and his new bf has publicly been known as the “tboy/femboy chaser” and fetishizes trans people. When I expressed this to O, he said that I was making it up. They also are extremely inappropriate, and actively make out when we’re all trying to hang out or talk to them. One time, we were having a New Year’s party, and they took up the only couch, making out for 5 hours. O and L also like to point out that me and my bf never are apart, and that’s when I remind them that we not only live together, but he is in the main friend group. I’m tired of these guys making up excuses to not see me. So, AITA?? :(
What are these acronyms?
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aquagirl1978 · 20 days
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Meet my OC: Ava (IkeVil)
Name: Ava Paired with: William Rex Relationship: romantic Age: 24 Hair Color: black Eye Color: sapphire blue Birth Sign: Aquarius
Early Life
Ava grew up in a small, but close family. She was the only child, her mother managed the house, while her father worked as a solicitor at a prominent firm. Life was comfortable for Ava, her parents doted on her and provided her with all she needed. Despite being an only child, she had a good number of friends in school and thrived while learning.
As she advanced in her education, Ava grew bored with her subjects. But she never once complained or sought other enrichment - this was simply the way of life for her, so she went along with everything with a smile on her face. She learned by example, as her mother displayed the same behavior at home. One could call the two of them people pleasers.
When Ava was a young teen, her mother passed away from a sudden illness. Ava took over the role of her mother, taking care of the house and making sure her father was happy at home. She cooked his favorite meals which they shared only when he returned home after work. Occasionally, her father would take her out to the city for dinner or a show - always his choice of where to go. Again, life was comfortable for Ava, if perhaps a bit rigid.
Following in the footsteps of the other girls her age in her neighborhood, Ava met a boy and they soon began dating. He was nice enough, she supposed. Her father approved of him, and he was set to take over the family business. Ava's entire future was mapped out for her - what could go wrong?
It happened while they were on a date. Everything was going fine until it wasn't. He took her hand in his and told her he met someone else and had to end things with her. Ava couldn't understand why this was happening to her, she did everything she was supposed to.
Before she could sink into darkness, Ava went to her father and begged him to let her work in his office. Typing contracts, greeting clients, cleaning the office - she was willing to do anything to get her out of the house. While it was unorthodox for a woman of her class to ask to work, she knew if she stayed home, she would simply dwell on the fact that she was not good enough and it would eat her alive. If she had this job, even if performing the most menial of tasks, she could do something to help ease her father's workload. And that was better than doing nothing.
Her father said no at first, but after much insistence, he gave in. Just a few hours a week, he made her promise. The tasks were simple, but seeing how proud her father was whenever she completed one filled her with a sense of purpose. She lost her boyfriend, but she had this.
Growing up with a father who was a solicitor, Ava had a strong sense of what was right and what was wrong. Oftentimes at work, her father would talk to her about some of the high-profile cases that made the newspapers. Justice always prevails, he would tell her. And to Ava, her father was on the side of justice.
One night, her father asked her for a favor - a client was unable to come pick up some documents, could Ava hand deliver them? This was out of the scope of duties she normally performed, but these documents needed to be executed immediately. If it wasn't so urgent, he wouldn't be asking her. She took the envelope from him, happy to assist.
He scribbled down the address and said good-bye, knowing it would likely be the last time he saw his daughter.
Meeting Crown
I could be nice and tell you now how everyone met (hint, it's very similar to what happens in game, but with some changes). But as I started typing it, it started turning into something longer than this should be. So I'll save all that for a later fic.
On that note, I do welcome any and all asks about her, about her relationship with William and anyone else in Crown. I will be reblogging OC ask games moving forward - always feel free to ask about her. I also have an OC for IkePri, you may also always ask about her as well.
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kattze · 3 months
Please tell me if there's any mistake it would be the greatest. Also sorry it took a while to post. I got real lazy hahahhah.
I unpacked my belongings, and let out a sigh of relief. I look at the clock. “Christ lunch already? Good, I'm starving.” I quickly make my way towards the lunch hall. Everyone is sitting and joking around with their friends. Suddenly, someone with a mohawk makes his way towards me.
"You, the new recruit, ain't you'?" He smiles as he pats my shoulder, like he's greeting an old friend.
"Yeah, I guess I am, huh?” I smiled back at him and let out a small chuckle at his Scottish accent.
“John Macktavish, but you can call me Soap! Follow me; I'll introduce you to Gaz!” He starts walking away and leads me to a table with someone else sitting there, which I assume is Gaz.
“Gaz,” Soap speeds up his walking. “Look at the new recruit!” He gestures towards me as I finally catch up to him.
“Hello…I guess.” I wave and shrug awkwardly.
“Hi, Kyle Garrick, call me Gaz.” He waves back.
“Alright, Gaz.” I say
Soap sits down and pats the spot next to him. "Well, I'm sure you've met Ghost.”
“I have…he's..” Before I respond, Soap cuts me off.
“Let me guess, broody?” He says in a matter-of-fact way, followed by a laugh.
I laugh at his words, “Right on the money!”
“He's not heartless; you just have to wait for him to warm up, ain't that right, Gaz?” He looks toward his friend for approval.
“You're making him seem like some snake,” he replies back, “but yeah, he's not too bad to be around.” He shakes his head as he talks.
"Hmph, I'll say he called me a ‘twat when I first saw him." I laugh remembering the insult. Gaz and Soap laugh at the comment as well.
Gaz speaks up. “You'll get used to him, trust me, you'll be fine.”
“You sure? I won't be surprised if he kills me or something.” I shake my head and chuckle.
"Noooo, I'm sure you'll actually be his favorite. Just watch and wait.” Soap pats my back. “I'm sure you'll get along well!” Suddenly, heavy footsteps approach, and we all look behind us to find Ghost walking towards us.
“Who's favorite?” Ghost asks with a glare.
"Nothing, LT, just getting to know the new recruit.” Soap shrugs as he starts eating his meal, which is when I realize I never grabbed my damn food.
"Shit, I forgot my food.” I sigh and stand up. “I'll be back. I need to grab a meal.”
I hear Ghost scoff before mumbling “dumbass.” under his breath. (Bastard fr) I grab my meal and return to the table. Ghost barely acknowledges me, and I don't pay him any attention either. Later in the day, training starts, and it feels like hell.
“Holy shit I'm going to die, aren't I?” I grumble and wipe my forehead, and sweat basically covers my whole body.
“Don't know what Price saw in you if you can barely handle a basic workout.” I hear a voice from behind. I turn around, and I am met with Ghost.
I glared daggers at him before responding, “who knows?” I shrug my shoulders and continue to workout. I can feel Ghost stare at me like he's trying to kill me. I'd probably be dead if looks could actually kill. Hours later, when the workout finally ends, I head to the shower room. As I leave the shower room, I pass by Price's office, and I hear a few voices. I decided to be nosey and listen for a little.
I hear Ghost's voice talking to Price, and I make out some words: “Why do we need someone like them? They can barely handle the workout.” His voice is sharp, and he sounds pissed.
Price responds calmly, like he's already been through this multiple times. “They're a great asset to have, and trust me, you'll warm up to them soon.”
“Doubt that,” I hear Ghost scoff, “they're just dead weight at this point.” I roll my eyes as I hear Ghost complain, and I assume he's complaining about me.
I start walking back to the barracks and decide it's better to just ignore Ghost and decide to hopefully one day get on his good side. "Ugh, I'm not going to last,” I say as I lay down on my cot. I rub my eyes and decide it's better to get rest rather than think about stupid things.
~~next day~~
I wake up to the annoying alarm and quickly turn it off. I stretch my arms, popping my joints. “Wow, what a beautiful morning.” I say to myself sarcastically as I get up and prepare for breakfast. I make it to the lunch hall, and Soap waves me over to sit with him, Gaz, Price, and Ghost. I sit down next to Gaz, and he passes me a breakfast tray he saved for me. “Thanks Gaz.”
“No problem, C/N,” he says with a smile.
Price speaks up. “so? How is the base? Up to your standards?” He said in a joking tone.
“It's more than I expected.” I laugh. I notice Ghost is still quiet and cold as ever. I turn to look at him. “Had a good sleep?”
He glares before answering, "It would be better if you weren't here.”
I put my hand up to show my innocence: “no need for the hostility.”
Soap looks at Ghost and chuckles, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” He laughs trying to lighten the mood.
“Shut it, Johnny.” He says sternly.
“Just sayin,” he responds with a smirk.
~~Time skip to the afternoon~~~ (wow I'm so good at this/jk)
After breakfast, I head to the shooting range and practice my shots. After a couple of hours, I decided to leave the shooting range and do something else. As I start to clean up and pack my belongings, Ghost approaches me.
“Price wants us for a meeting in 5 minutes.” He says sternly before turning and walking away.
“Yes sir.” I mumble. I finish packing and cleaning up and head to the meeting room. Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, and a woman who looks like she's ready to tell us some life-changing shit.
“Nice to meet you, y/n l/n; I'm Laswell.” She gives a slight smile.
“Nice to meet you too.” I respond back quickly and come to the conclusion that she's probably the head of the 141 team.
"Well, let's get to the point. There's a mission you guys need to do to gather some valuable Intel. It is very important that it goes perfectly, so Ghost and C/N will be paired while the others provide support. I expect the utmost best on this mission." She looks around, making sure everyone understands the importance of the mission.
"Yes, ma'am,” everyone replies in unison.
“I'll be in contact.” She says and quickly leaves. She seems to be very busy.
Price speaks before anyone can say anything: “You guys heard her. We'll leave for the mission tomorrow at 0100 hours. I expect everyone to be ready. You'll have the rest of the day to rest up and prepare.”
“Yes sir.”
Everyone is in the meeting room, discussing the mission. I look at everyone. 'Hopefully I won't die’ I think to myself. Ghost suddenly spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. “you sure they're ready? They're already daydreaming.” Ghost voice is teasing, and it's pissing me off.
“At least I have an imagination.” I say without thinking, and everyone stares at me in surprise. “Oops…sorry…” I try to avoid everyone's eyes.
Ghost rolls his eyes as Price speaks, “Just get along and don't fuck up this mission or your arses will be the ones to blame, got that?”
“Yes sir.” Me and Ghost respond. I see Soap and Gaz laughing at us. It finally reached 0100 hours, and we all got into the helicopter. We arrive on the mission, and we hide in the forest, waiting for an opportunity to get inside.
“Don't forget you two; don't screw up." Price glares at us, making sure we get the message.
He sends us into the building, and I stay close behind Ghost. We hid around the building, awaiting the signal to continue. I look at Ghost before speaking. “Why are you such an ass?”
Ghost stares at me before responding, “why are you such an annoying prick? Hmm?” He rolls his eyes as we finally get the signal to continue.
“Christ…” I scoff. We make our way through the building, hiding and killing people if they pose a threat. Suddenly, an enemy soldier runs towards Ghost and attempts to stab him before he could stab Ghost. I shot him in the heart. “Are you okay?” I ask Ghost
“The greatest I've ever been.” He answers without acknowledging that I just saved his arse. I roll my eyes, and we finally arrive where the Intel is stored. “Grab the Intel c/n I'll keep a lookout.” He says sternly as he gets ready to fight, just in case.
“Alright…” I quickly grab the Intel and gather it into a vanilla folder. "Okay, let's go!” Ghost leads the way, and we make it back to the others.
“You guys get along?” Soap asks as he elbows Ghost in a joking manner.
“Good enough.” He says as we all start walking back to the exfile location.
~~back at base~~
I take a shower in warm water, and the feeling makes me sigh in relief. I finish the needed shower and make my way to the mess hall. I look in the fridge and notice a tray with a note stuck to it; it reads, ‘didn't want to leave you starve, so saved some food- Soap :).’ I chuckle at Soap's smiley face. I heat it up and sit down at a table. I start eating my food peacefully, and I hear heavy footsteps walking towards me. I look up and see Ghost without saying a word. He sits next to me.
“Thanks for saving my arse.” Ghost eyes meet mine as I smile.
“No problem.” Before I could continue talking, Ghost interrupts me.
“Starting’ to think you aren't such a pain in the ass.” He then quickly gets up before I could fully process what he said.
“Wait what…” I groan in annoyance, “Christ…” I finished my food and made my way back to the barracks. As I approach my cot, I see a candy bar on my pillow. I grab it “it's probably from soap…hmph.” I eat it before quickly settling in for bed.
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natsuslover · 1 month
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bllk boys as american high school stereotypes ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
notes— bc i miss being a senior in high school watching bllk every saturday while working on college apps :(
ft. yoichi isagi, seishiro nagi, meguru bachira, reo mikage
warnings: none :)
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yoichi isagi - the accomplished nerd
you cannot tell me this kid wouldn’t at least be ranked top 6% or smth
like he would definitely have his whole high school life and college career planned out using his meta vision or whatever
he would “devour” all of his tests, quizzes, concept checks, etc.
and not to mention that he plays soccer
i know for a fact dude would milk the soccer thing for all it’s worth on his college apps
like in every other sentence on his college essay he would be talking about his soccer trauma lmao
he would also be a part of so many other clubs just to have a stacked resumé
i feel like he would study a lot too like just because he wants to do well in school in general
he’s one of those nerds that’s not necessarily popular but everyone knows him because people talk about his grades and his rank and they look up to him and stuff
was definitely cancelled for a bit for calling one of his classmates a slur after getting a bad grade on a group project…
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seishiro nagi - the “invisible” kid
he’s not actually invisible he just never shows up to class lmao
he shows up occasionally to get the bare minimum of school hours so he can graduate, and also shows up for test days because making up work is a pain
he usually just sits in the back of class and is either sleeping or blatantly playing on his phone but the teachers never say anything because they lowkey forget he exists
but somehow he still has perfect grades??
he doesn’t think he has a lot of friends because he thinks it’s too much energy to keep up with a social life
and yet he’s still pretty popular and was somehow dragged into a huge friend group without even trying
a lot of girls have hallway crushes on him and try to flirt with him but he doesn’t even notice
and if he does he just pretends he doesn’t.
he couldn’t care less about school and just goes because he has to and internally complains about wanting to go home the entire day
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meguru bachira - the weird kid
i’m sorry i love bachira but he’d definitely be that one kid people laugh at in the hallways
not necessarily in a “he gets bullied” way but just like, he’s weird and he knows it, everyone else knows it, and he’s genuinely funny
he’s like the weird kid that everyone’s friends with if ykwim
but it’s also kind of sad because he has no real friends
his grades are good enough i suppose; he doesn’t really try but he’ll get into a pretty decent college so he’s fine
doesn’t take school all that seriously
definitely the class joker
and is the subject of teacher gossip pretty much everyday because they find him incredibly tiring to deal with
other kids have seen him talking to himself in the hallways so they’re kind of creeped out by him
he’s completely aware that people talk about him behind his back but he doesn’t really care because he like being able to make people laugh
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reo mikage - the rich kid
this one is obvious lol
he’s always wearing luxury brand names to school like it’s nothing
like catch this man in the hallway in gucci shoes, a louis vuitton jacket, prada sunglasses, and spraying his chanel perfume everywhere because the hallway smells like shit
people become friends with him just in the hopes that he’ll buy them super bougie stuff for their birthdays or whenever
he’s literally a nepo baby so he doesn’t even have to do well in school to get into a good college
has girls falling for him left and right but he knows it’s just because he happens to be wealthy and genetically fortunate
definitely would be a popular kid that gets along well with everyone
he’s really modest about his wealth but also not modest at all at the same time
the teachers try to suck up to him because they’re adamant that he’s going to be successful in the future (and he probably will)
blows money on his friends every time they hang out and throws the best parties with expensive ass alcohol
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
so happy to see asks are open!! May I please request dating headcannons with Overhaul and a quirkless reader being by his side at the shei hassaikai base. What do the other members think of her? Obviously they can’t talk or even be near her unless they wanna be meat on the floor. Poor girl just wants to make friends but her hubby makes it so hard 😔😔😔
(I would've thought I did a quirkless reader for him before but I'm admittedly too lazy to check my HIGHLY OUTDATED masterlist so fuck it. Let's do it anyway! Also, I hope it's fine I'm leaving the reader kinda open ended as usual so everyone can kinda insert themselves into this better. Thank you for the request and the chance at writing more Kai content!)
(sidenote: I really need to update that masterlist but every time I try it's nearly impossible. I let it get too far behind, send help ahhhhhhh)
~Kai's Quirkless Reader & the Hassaikai~
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-Quirkless? Not that much of a shocker he'd fall for you. The boss being in a relationship? THAT is the shocker everyone hasn't managed to let go of just yet. In fact, most of his inner circle thinks he's holding you hostage while the other half wonders how you could've ever fallen for someone as rough as Overhaul in the first place. Did he even know how to date someone? Overhaul doing gentleman shit? Overhaul possibly kissing you one day or holding hands? Overhaul being in the same vicinity as someone else for longer than a few hours? There was a slew of gossiping he couldn't really shut down (or intimidate out of the men) for a very long time. He was trying to at least get it out of control before bringing you around to meet everyone for the first time.
-He took the time you introduce you considering he would have some of the members of the Hassaikai be your personal bodyguards or escorts when he couldn't join you out. Aside from this, he didn't really want you interacting with anyone else than himself. You were headstrong (or stubborn as he'd put it) and wanted on your own to develop meaningful relationships with his main group. Where he saw workers, you saw his friends despite him never calling them that. You wanted to be as important to them as he was. None of the men really complained since you were a breath of fresh air compared to Kai. With the help of Pops preventing Kai from killing the guys, you were able to try and get to know each of them.
-Hojo thought of you as a little sibling almost, no matter what your age is. You could literally be older than him and he'd still try to treat you like a little sister/brother/sibling. It was odd, but you didn't seem to mind how careful he was or protective nonetheless. Setsuno was a lot more careful with you since he didn't want to end up like mince meat. Had you not pushed hard for him to come out of his shell, you never would've learned all the wonderful parts of his personality aside from being a legitimate gang member. Tabe was more or less clingy to your kindness. This is especially true if you end up trying to greet him with something to eat. He adores you now.
-Rappa was actually pretty taken with you from the moment he met you. Someone brave enough to go against Overjerk's rules and do what they wanted regardless of the outcome? Oh yeah, he thinks that's fucking awesome of you. Tengai is more careful about guarding your feelings and still doesn't greet you by your first name even to this day. He also spends a lot of time scolding Rappa when he's around you since he's worried the big lug will offend you somehow.
-Nemoto has been and always will be the absolute most respectful with you. He greets you with the utmost proper manners and tries to make sure you have everything you might ever need whenever he's on duty for you. You've been trying for a long time to break down his walls and get him to chill out more but I doubt that'll happen anytime soon. Deidoro fucking loves you and loves even more the fact that he can be as crazy around you as he wants to be...well, as long as Nemoto isn't there to stop him from having that fun. You don't mind it. The man is a hoot!
-Chrono has become somewhat of a close friend to you. He knows when to let his guard down and relax ever now and then. Don't get me wrong, he still respects Overhaul very much as both a friend and a leader! It's just that when he's out with you, he's not gonna say no to putting a dollar in a prize machine and trying to win an IPAD with you. If you could chose anyone to hang out with for a day, it usually ends up being Chrono. It makes sense that Kai has gotten jealous a time or two of you relationship together. Mimic on the other hand...he doesn't worry as much with you two being together. In fact, your first impression of Mimic was that someone must've been pulling a prank on you. There's no way this beanie baby can turn into a full grown man on command. Mimic thought you weren't real when he met you too either. "How much did the boss pay for you to pretend to be his partner?"
-Katsukame was...a lot upon first meeting. He let a few inappropriate comments slip and you nervously laughed it off until Kai came out and killed the guy in front of you. Since then, Katsukame learned his place around you. Oh and Pops? That old man adored you since the very first moment. How could he not? You're giving his misguided boy a chance to experience real love for the first time! To him, you were considered family from the very first day you took Kai's heart.
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chososchalupa · 2 months
wish that it was me
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The last person you wanted to see at this meeting was your older brother. The same brother who left you in the hands of Chuuya Nakahara and the Port Mafia years ago, but all you can see now are the pleading eyes of Osamu Dazai begging for forgiveness.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chapter seven - Wish that it was me
wc - 1016
cw - none
chapter eight
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The following morning went exactly how you pictured it, Chuuya was in a rush to get to the meeting on time while you weren't even out of your pajamas. 
“Could you please hurry the fuck up?” Chuuya yelled down the hall
You rolled your eyes, not bothering to respond. You weren’t necessarily mad at Chuuya himself but you were mad about everything else and unfortunately for him, you were going to make it everyone else's problem too.
You finished getting ready and walked down the hall to see Chuuya standing by the door with his arms crossed, “About fuckin time” He mumbled before walking out the door with you following behind. 
The two of you arrived just as the meeting was about to begin, you glanced around the room as you entered and just like before, there was no sign of Dazai and luckily for you, there was no sign of Atsushi either. You sighed in relief and took a seat next to Chuuya while you listened to Kunikida begin the meeting. 
The meeting had seemed to go on for hours, you weren't even bothering to listen at this point knowing Chuuya would fill you in once it was over. It wasn’t until you heard the door slowly open that you looked up from your doodling, Atsushi walked into the room with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Sorry I’m late” He spoke towards Kunikida
“It’s fine. Where is Dazai?”
“Oh! Um, he told me to tell you that he wasn’t in the mood for a meeting so he won’t be coming”
Kunikida narrowed his eyes at Atsushi's words before beginning to mumble angrily to himself, “Well,” he began, “This meeting is in regards to a mission that directly involves him so if you don’t mind giving him an update once we finish”
“I’ll fill him in” Chuuya responded, “Gotta go to his house after this anyway”
You glanced at the man beside you with a questioning look but the only response Chuuya gave you was a look that made it clear not to argue or complain.
The meeting finished soon after that and the two of you made your way to the elevator, 
“Hey! Wait up!” Atsushi called as he ran towards the two of you, “If you’re going to Dazais, can I ride along? I figured since we’re all on this mission together it would make sense for us to get there at the same time”
“No” You responded quickly
Chuuya elbowed you in the side as he glanced back at Atsushi, “Sure, come on”
“So not only are you forcing me to go to Osamu's house, I also have to spend my whole day with him?” You complained, glaring at Atsushi.
“Will you cut it out already? I’m really not in the mood today” Chuuya responded, pinching the bridge of his nose.
You didn’t respond as you got into the car waiting for all of you. Once at Dazais, you were more angry than before. Dazai had greeted everyone else while he only offered you a smile and a slight wave, not that you wanted anything more but it still annoyed you for some reason. 
The four of you sat in the living room as Chuuya gave a brief summary of the meeting Dazai had skipped. While they talked, you sat silently looking around the room. Dazai had many framed photos scattered on his walls. Most of them were random pictures of the city or sunsets but there were a few of him with his friends. You recognized a picture of him, Oda, and Ango when they were younger which caused you to smile, you didn’t think he’d keep anything to remind him of his days in the Mafia. You continued studying the photos before you realized, there were none of you two together. The two of you had plenty of photos from childhood and even a few together as teenagers but he didn’t frame a single one. You swallowed hard, glancing down at your hands as you listened to Chuuya and Dazai continue speaking. 
“You okay?” Atsushi asked you, getting the attention of Chuuya and Dazai.
“I’m fine.” You responded, not bothering to look up at him.
Dazai cleared his throat as he glanced at Atsushi, “We should get something to eat before we go. Atsushi, how about you help me find something in the kitchen?”
Atsushi nodded, although he was clearly confused. 
Once they left, Chuuya looked at you and then around the room. “None from the past, right?”
You pointed at the photo on the wall, “Only one. Him, Oda and Ango.” 
Chuuya chuckled, “Should’ve guessed”
You gave a small smile before standing to get a better look at the other photos, Chuuya watched as you walked around the room before stopping in front of a specific photo. He got up from the couch and stood beside you to see what the photo was.
The photo was of Dazai and Atsushi, Dazai’s arm wrapped around his shoulder while they both had big smiles on their faces as they were laughing while the photo was being taken. 
“He doesn’t have any of us” You whispered to Chuuya, “I wish that it was me. This could’ve been us if he didn’t leave me” 
Chuuya sighed, wrapping his arm around you like Dazai had done with Atsushi in the photo before you, “He had his reasons. You’d understand if you’d hear him out”
“I don’t have to. He made his decision very clear”
And although you thought only Chuuya could hear your words, Atsushi and Dazai stood on the opposite side of the room, having come in to tell you they needed to go to the store but stopped once they heard the two of you talking. 
“We have nothing here” Dazai announced as you two had been in silence for a few moments now, “Chuuya’s coming to the store with me?”
Chuuya turned around with an annoyed expression, “let’s go then, asshole”
Dazai smiled before turning back around to lead Chuuya outside, leaving you and Atsushi sitting in an awkward silence alone.
@lacunaanonymoused @decaf-nosebleed @till-we-become-monsters
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every1sno1fangirl · 3 months
Happy Hifuumo Friday everyone!
I've been...doing alright I suppose.
Sorry, I was hoping this week would have been just as good as the last, but I'm adjusting to new medication poorly and have been looking at myself in a more critical light.
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I'll be OK, I'm just really tired and out of it and likely overthinking things, honestly. I do have good news at least; my boss loved me so much I have more work to do. I was paid $100 and given free lunch at a nice Mexican restaurant to stand at a protest for an hour.
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If I had known more about what it was for I probably wouldn't have gone though (And he feels the same—he's told everyone that it was just as much of a surprise to him as it was to us, and that in the future he isn't going to let that happen again.)
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I'm also going to doing some work starting on Sunday to cure some ballots since the election for mayor has been really tight. Basically, I'm going to be calling people whose ballots would otherwise be rejected because of mistakes or errors to make sure their vote counts.
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I expect it to last only a week or so, but the pay is $30 an hour and makes my boss like me even more so I can't complain about it. Only that my schedule means I won't be able to talk to or hang out with any of my friends once again.
1-6pm my time is rough.
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It'll be worth it though I hope. At the very least, I could always use more money. I need to learn how to save it properly too though, or else that doesn't mean anything.
I love you all, I hope you have a good day/night!
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subparcarrion · 3 months
CW//TW: kinda vent, discussion of tics and tic attacks (and some of the aftermath for me), discussion of high stress and anxiety situations, cussing/cursing, discussion of physical pain, discussion of pills.
So... yeah,,,
Tic attacks, gonna have to go with ☆☆☆☆☆/★★★★★ (0/5). Especially at close to four in the morning at a sleepover.
Not really sure why I'm deciding to put it out on the internet, but I guess I wanna talk about it or smth. And with March break and my crippling social anxiety the closest I've come to talking about it irl is a quick "that was kinda traumatic ngl" to a close friend over text.
In retrospect it makes sense, it's the most stressed I've been in a while now paired with a lot of just having to be constantly "on" and feeling scared to say no.
For context I did a pseudo babysitting job for a family friend from around mid afternoon to nearly midnight. I then decided to go a sleepover with my friends late since they had been kind enough to move the date so I could attend. (Probably not the best idea for the future who has a bad anxiety disorder and probably a lot of other stuff, but when have I ever said no.)
The job itself was pretty stressful but the kid and her mom's are super nice and did their best to accommodate me, so that was really nice. (They also paid me really well when I would have honestly done if for free so I'm not gonna complain. Anything bad was kinda just unavoidable considering it was me who was doing the job.)
Im also not really gonna bitch about the sleepover too much, my friends are lovely, the timing just made things rough.
Since I was arriving so late we hung out for like an hour and then went to bed (at least tried to go to bed), a lot of tha time was just kinda spent getting ready for bed though. There's nothing wrong with that, I just ended up feeling a little like I had missed out on the best part of stuff. (Again, no one else's fault.)
Everyone else fell asleep pretty quick, however I was not tired at all. It wasn't unexpected though, going from one high stress situation to another doesn't really let you let your guard down. Let alone feel properly sleepy.
So I just kinda did some stuff on my phone for thirty minutes to see if I would get tired and then decided to finally turn in for the night still very much all to aware of everything.
At this point it's probably important to mention that everyone in my froend group has at least a passing interest in a game called "The Stanley Parable". And if you didn't know you can go into an elevator in that game, and it kinda just plays this goofy elevator music in loup until you leave.
It is thus tradition in my friend group to play the elevator music while we fall asleep at any and all sleepovers where it is possible and everyone is chill with it.
The elevator is kinda some basic lyricless pop-ish kinda techno song where you can occasionally, if you listen closely enough hear the narrator hum along with the tune. The song itself is a certified banger, but I was stressed as fuck and hyperaware of everything. It was safe to say it was driving me crazy, especially the humming part.
I didn't really have any means to turn it off though and I would feel bad doing it. After all, I had agreed to it any it would be distruptful to try since it was super late and the room was pretty packed. To move around too much would probably wake someone up. (Wow, foreshadowing or smth.)
I never really got to sleep and it was around late three in the morning, nearly four when shit really started to hit the fan.
(Another bout of context before I continue: so I've had what I'm just calling tics at this point for about a year now, maybe a bit longer. At least that's when they started getting really noticeable and causing real problems for me. Personally for me it's mostly motor ticks that get much worse in stressful situations. Stressful situations being an iffy description that could cover pretty much anything on acount of the anxiety disorder. Albeit over time it has developed into mostly motor ticks with occasional verbal ones.
I can have periods where they are happening very few times a day and then ones where they are happening several times a minute, either way they never really go away. I had been doing pretty good tick wise before this whole ordeal, now it's definitely leaning towards the worse, more disruptive and painful side.)
It started off with a ciuple of my usual motor tics, getting more and more aggressive very quickly. For the most part these would consist of things like my shoulders jumping up and hitting the vase of my head and neck or my hands doing weird shit.
By the time the verbal tics started the motor tics were so aggressive and frequent they were getting pretty painful. This would be the same time I would start making small squeaks as a verbal tick.
It became pretty clear after that this wasn't stopping any time soon so I sat up and used my pillow to cover my mouth in hopes to muffle the noise so I wouldn't wake anyone.
This was the point where something changed and my tics got the worst they'd ever been. It went from squeaks to small screams and loud grunts. And I was just sitting there in pain scared out of my mind for nearly and hour before the noise finally woke up my friends. Cuz despite all my effort a pillow can't hide constant screaming for very long.
When my friends woke up they were reasonably concerned, they knew I had tics that could occasionally get kinda bad but this was the worst it had been, and I could barely explain through the ticks that it had been going on for about an hour. There was definitely no way I was calming them down, and in all fairness I was freaking out too and they handled the whole shitshow remarkably well.
They probably spent twenty minutes or more trying to calm me down or help, but nothing was working, in fact it might have been getting worse. One of my friends also tried Google-ing it, but Google pretty much said drug him or ignore them were feasible options for yours truly, the little bitch boy.
My friend eventually got their mom and I regained enough control to pack my shit and got driven home. I downed as much sleeping and pain meds as I was allowed to take and continued ticking until I passed out.
Idk,,, not a particularly entertaining story, ig I just wanted to get it out somewhere.
As for me right now, it's been two days and I can't go five minutes without some sort of tic at most.
However, I'm feeling somewhat better, even if my neck hurts like shit.
I suppose that's all, thanks for listening to me bitch and moan tumblr. <33 /p
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jupiter-soups · 11 months
summer camp sadness
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synopsis: when it’s Sarah's first time away from home for overnight summer camp, Joel is unprepared for the wave of emotions that overtake him.
tags:  fluff, single dad!joel, no outbreak!au, joel just generally needing consolation that sarah is still his baby girl
word count: 2.3k
a/n: this was written for the pedro pascal cinematic universe discord server fest!!!! please feel free to join in and write something too, or just join the server and have a good time as we talk about all of our favourite dilfs!! link: https://discord.gg/2SBkmdbp
anyways, this is just a cute little oneshot because i just know that Joel would be struggling with his little girl growing up. also this is set in like 2010-ish? they’re the same ages as the show, i just wanted to make a 2009 reference lol. enjoy!!!!!
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“And you have Uncle Tommy’s number written down too?” He asks for easily the thirteenth time since they had begun the four hour journey to Camp Yaupon, while fussing with the zip on his daughter’s baby blue puffer jacket as she stands in front of him.
The curly-haired girl lets out a drawn out groan in response, shifting a few steps back to get out of his nervous grip, “Yes, dad, I have his number, I have your number, I have the neighbor’s number, please, can I just go? Before everyone else makes friends without me?” She’s practically bouncing where she stands from the nervous energy, beyond eager to head in and begin the next three weeks of soccer, crafts, and female friendship.
He loosens his grip on her jacket and nods solemnly, clearly running through a mental list of questions to find any reason to extend this goodbye. When he comes up empty, he grabs her and pulls her into a huge bear hug, practically lifting the girl from the ground in his embrace. 
“Dadddddddd,” She groans, trying to pull away with a sheepish, embarrassed expression, as if she was praying that the other girls didn’t see this moment of affection. He had explicitly promised that he would be cool when they got there. She should have known better when he began to tear up as her Hannah Montana: The Movie soundtrack CD began to play ‘Butterfly Fly Away,’. “I need to gooooooooo, it’s fineeeeeee” She drags out, awkwardly patting him on the back.
With her embarrassed tone, he finally pulls away with a small sniff, and rubs his hand across his face as if he was merely affected by hayfever from being parked out near the woods.
“Sorry, darlin’,” He chuckles awkwardly to play off his emotional outburst, “Of course it’ll be fine, just…you’ll be so far away, is all.” The girl’s eyes widen in panic as she spots the redness in his eyes and realises that it is very likely that he is about to start up again. She chooses to pat him on the arm a few times with a warning look, as if to say ‘get it together, old man.’ 
“Alright, alright. I get it. You have fun now, sweetie. Call me before bed, okay?” 
He watches as she scampers off before she pauses briefly, trying to decide which group of teen girls she should approach. He swallows dryly, trying to fight the pinching in his eyes as the sinking feeling that he was really about to be without her for three whole weeks began to swallow him up again. 
You stood a good dozen feet away from him with your own daughter, Ellie, who was rolling her eyes at you. “Come on, Els, if you don’t put it on I can’t let you go and get settled. It’s a four hour drive back, just let me go home already.” You insist, doing your best puppy dog eyes as you hold out the bottle of sunscreen at her.
“Fine,” She gives in, snatching the bottle with an overexaggerated glare that makes you giggle at her fake misery. She begins to slather it onto her face, making noises of disgust at the scent, before complaining “Y’know the second you go home, this bottle is going straight in the trash, right?”
“Ellie. Humor me, just this once,” You say, deadpan, causing the girl to snicker.
“I apologise, mother, I shall be sure to apply the sunscreen diligently every six hours, as per your wishes,” She says in a fake English accent, grinning at the way your eyes narrow in displeasure. 
“I’m sure it’ll be real funny when I never come and pick you up,” You say, dead serious, before breaking to swipe off a remnant stripe of white sunscreen from the side of her cheek. 
“Come here,” You give her a quick hug, knowing not to overdo it and embarrass her. “You’re gonna be careful, and call me if anything bad happens, right?” You press a small kiss to her forehead, immediately making a disgusted face at the remnants of sunscreen, something that Ellie notices and cackles at. 
As Ellie skips away to the friend that waves at her with their full body, you watch with a smile, trying to will away the tears that threaten to fall. This wasn’t new for you, but it was still a strange feeling, knowing that your girl wouldn’t be waiting for you at home. From the corner of your eye, you spot a similar scene unfold.
A man, watching his daughter leave, with that very familiar look of sheer panic marring his pretty face. You had been there before. You approach him carefully, noting the way his fists were clenching and unclenching by his sides in some sort of attempt at containing his emotions. 
You cough slightly to make him aware of your location, feeling sort of guilty at the way he was caught off guard, flinching at your presence. “First time?” You ask, a small comforting smile adorning your lips.
He lets out a slightly pained huff of a laugh, looking back at where his daughter was now sitting at the picnic table, “That obvious, huh.” His voice is small at this moment, before he suddenly seems to snap out of it and clears his throat. He stands up straighter and rubs a hand on the nape of his neck, trying to laugh it off more convincingly this time. The way his eyelashes were slightly wet gave him away.
“Guess I’ll get used to it.” He says resolutely, as if he was willing it to be true. He sticks out a large hand as he introduces himself, and you take it, shaking it twice. “Joel Miller, Sarah’s dad.” He pauses before remembering, “Oh, uh- That’s Sarah.” He gestures over to the cute tween girl now animatedly talking to your own daughter. You grin at the sight.
“Oh, I am so sorry. She seems to have met my spawn, Ellie. That’s her over there,” You point at the girl who had somehow stood on the table in the two seconds it took for you to point her out. His genuine laugh warms you, and it takes you a second to remember to introduce yourself. He squints slightly as you say your name. 
“Anderson Middle School, down in Austin?” He questions to your surprise. 
“Uh- yeah. Ellie’s just left their eighth grade class.  Have we met before?”
“No, not really. I just-uh. Think I’ve seen you before, at a PTA event. You were complaining about the girls soccer team getting their budget cut, if I remember correctly.” 
“Yes, that was me!” You confirm, “It did fuck all to help, but Ellie was proud of me for telling the superintendent to go to hell. So, that was nice. Did get banned from any and all following meetings, though.” You grimace at the awkward memory.
He chuckles, and you both fall into a comfortable silence watching your kids laugh with each other. Ellie was now sitting cross legged on top of the table, and Sarah must have been telling her a joke given how you could hear their laughter all the way where you were standing.
As the bell begins to clang, indicating that it was time for the campers to head on inside and that parents could finally head home, you notice Joel tense up beside you. A glance to your left proved that your suspicion that he was not handling this well was correct, as you saw the way redness was rising up his neck and into his face. He chews on his lips as he watches the girls pass through the cabin doors, finally out of his eyesight.
“Hey, it’ll be alright,” You can’t help yourself from comforting him, feeling the pain that you felt just last year when it had been Ellie’s turn to stay at an overnight camp for the first time. His bashful expression as he looked up at you with tears forming in his eyes melted your heart and you pressed a gentle hand against his firm shoulder, rubbing comforting circles.
“I promise, it’ll get easier. Last year, I was so scared to be all alone in that empty house without my Els, but it’s not too bad. Especially once you remember how nice it is to be able to day drink.” You joke, trying to lift his mood. 
He chuckles once, and tries to straighten himself up, squaring his shoulders and turning his head away from you to wipe at his eyes quickly before turning back. “Just goin’ to be weird. So used to her yapping on about her little boy bands. Three whole weeks without her,” He trails off and lets out an exhausted sigh, “Goin’ to be weird.” He repeats to himself quietly. 
“Single dad?” You ask, recognising that bitter fear of loneliness that you yourself had experienced many times in the process of raising a daughter on your own. He nods slowly, and turns to face you, seeming to finally have given up staring at the door that Sarah disappeared through. 
“Jus’ been me and her, goin’ on eleven years now.” He confirms, seeming to have slightly pulled himself together. He sort of looks you up and down for a second, before asking “What about you? Single?” He hesitates before stuttering out, “Single mom, I mean.” 
“Yep, just me and Ellie since she was four.” It’s in this moment that you realise you're still holding on to his shoulder absentmindedly, and you quickly withdraw your hand to your side. God, his shoulders were broad and firm.  His face did seem a little brighter, too, and it looked good on him.
“I know it can be hard to deal with when they first start to have a little independence, but there’s good to it as well. You get to have a little independence, too. And, I can say from experience that she’s not suddenly going to stop needing you. She’ll probably be on the phone to you before you know it.” 
“You’re right, I know. It’s just,-” He sighs, his slightly defeated tone still persevering in a way that told you that he had been wallowing in this for a while, “How can you know that? That she’ll still need me or want to call me. What if I go home, and she’s having so much fun that I don’t hear from her for the entire three weeks,”
You gesture to the ground beside him, to a pink backpack you noticed just a moment before, “Well, for starters, she’ll need to call you when she realises that she forgot that. Unless you’re the Hello Kitty fan in the family?” You tease gently, unable to hold back your laugh at the exasperated look on his face at his daughter's forgetfulness. Ah, the duality of being a parent. 
“God damnit, Sarah,” He frowns as he picks up the backpack, shaking his head in disbelief. “She would forget her own head if it wasn’t attached to her neck.” 
“See? She needs you.” You affirm, giving him an encouraging nod.
He chuckles, and the lingering sadness in his eyes seems to dissipate at the realisation that you were right. “Thank you,” he murmurs quietly, reaching out to give your forearm an appreciative squeeze. The sensation made heat rise to your face, and so you’re grateful when he turns around and begins to jog up to the cabin.
You watch for a moment, before turning around yourself and heading to your car. As much as you wanted to stay and talk to Joel, it was probably best to start the long drive back without letting yourself linger in the way his smile made you feel.
As you take your seat behind the steering wheel and begin to buckle yourself in, you think about how the handsome man looked you up and down, letting his eyes linger for a second too long on your body before they returned to your face. Tapping your fingernails against the steering wheel for a couple of minutes, you considered if maybe you should have hung back for just a moment longer, before deciding that you were probably overthinking things.  
You practically jump out of your skin at the urgent rapping of knuckles against the car window next to you. You see Joel standing there, chest slightly heaving as if he was out of breath. The window squeaks as you roll it down to face him while he leans down to speak to you once more. 
“Sorry, I-uh,” He swallows nervously, and takes a second to catch his breath, “I didn’t realise that you went back to your car– I just. Would it be alright if I got your number?” He asks in a rush, holding out a beat up old blackberry that had its battery duct taped in.
He must have sensed your confusion as he quickly continues, “It’s just. What you said, about independence. Maybe I should make the most of some time alone. Maybe…I don’t know, I could take you out, or somethin’” The way he shifted his weight nervously despite the casual words he used made you want to giggle at his expense. 
“Really? You’re not going to be too busy moping around?” You tease, despite taking the phone from his hand and beginning to type in your own number.
He laughs sort of breathlessly, relief tinging his words as he explains “The second I walked in there she ran over and gave me a big hug. Said she missed me already.” He didn’t bother fighting the grin on his face, “Couldn’ bring myself to tell her off for forgetting her bag.”
You laugh as you pass his phone back to him, heart beating faster as your fingertips brushed in the exchange of the device. 
“I’ll be fine,” He says, tone sure and even, as he looks at your number with a soft smile. “Really.”
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a/n: again, this is for the pedro pascal cinematic universe discord server! please join if you want to :) we're nice, i swear!!
also, PLEASEEEE let me know what you think! posting is so nervewracking!!!
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chrashley · 9 months
headcanons for my favorite autisms (chrashley)
ash brown
- 19 during the game
- she/they, demigirl, super bi
- eldest of three sisters- her mother divorced and remarried so her younger stepsisters are ~9 and 6
- carpal tunnel in both hands. the gloves she wears ingame are actually just covering up pressure braces
- sleeps all day on saturday and sunday, wakes up and chugs a monster on monday, and doesn't close her eyes again for 72 hours
- always has a notebook and pen on her. she says it's for writing her ideas but really it's for when her and chris want to complain about the others when they have no cell signal
- hates being called ashley, prefers to be called ash all the time. chris was the first person to pick up on this and constantly polices everyone else about it like ash's own personal double time boyfriend-bodyguard
- warrior cats kid
- infodump autism. don't get her going on something she loves or she'll be talking about it for actual hours and forcing you to also consume the content
- really good at singing but you'll never know
- pinterest boarded the hell out of her future wedding and baby names when she was 12
chris hartley
- 19 during the game, almost 20
- one younger brother
- cisman, gender questioning. he/him for now. also ultra bi, asexual
- sensory seeking autism. his coat hood is fur lined bc he likes soft stuff
- has broken 15 pairs of glasses and almost the same amount of bones
- would have majored in comp sci if he went to college but he decided to work right out of high school
- codes stuff for his friends sometimes and has definitely built all their computers
- listener, not a talker. it's a good thing he's dating ash cause he can listen to her talk for hours without getting bored
- selective mutism
- is supposed to be wearing retainers to bed because he had braces in middle school but he's lost them so his teeth are crooked again
- horrible at shaving and always has nicks on his face
- falls asleep on every car ride no matter how long it is
- CRAZY clumsy. like how the hell does this guy fall so often
- NOT SKINNY. i swear to god if i see another person draw him skinny. he's got a lowkey dad bod with a little bit of practical muscle. very square shaped
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