#i also have a lot of thoughts about listening as tied to performative acts but that's dissertation nonsense that i still have to clarify for
kkocho · 3 months
𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 [Mitsuki Kiryu x deaf reader]
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A lot of things were going through Mitsuki Kiryu's head as he looked at the older girl in front of him, who was offering him a cute bunny hair elastic to tie up his messy hair after beating up the guys in third period.
She was a year above him, quite popular for her position in the school choir, as well as one of the prettiest and easiest girls to approach if you needed help. This sempai had been extremely sweet and welcoming to him, ever since the teacher had left him in her care. Not only did she help him with his schoolwork, she also took care of his bruises from the fights he got into and prepared him a very sweet Bentō every day.
Mitsuki was aware that she could have done all that out of her kind nature, since she was nothing more than a kōhai. Even though, for him, she was more than a superior, every kind act she performed for him awakened the hope that, at some point, she would see him as a man. His desires were pure, because he hated looking at women with dirty eyes or as objects. His eyes were covered with pink lenses and affection.
He just hadn't imagined finding her in that situation, surrounded by the older three-year-old boys, against the wall behind the school, with frightened eyes directed at the small remains of her hearing aid on the floor next to the foot of one of the aggressors.
"Come on, there's no point in playing hard to get, I've already left that silly earpiece and you can't pretend you're not listening to me anymore," said one of the boys, as he lifted the girl's face towards him with a mischievous grin. "Now, what do you say about no-" He hadn't even had time to finish his sentence when a handsome kōhai with beautiful green eyes pulled him away from the girl, throwing him away.
It all seemed surreal to the girl. The destruction of her hearing aids may have been an advantage, as it prevented her from hearing the sound of the boys' grunts of pain, and in the end, the only thing left was her sweet kōhai in the midst of the bruised bodies of the third-year delinquents. She thought of nothing else but getting them out of there before a teacher caught them, as the fight had attracted a crowd of onlookers to the scene. With that, the girl grabbed the younger boy's hand and ran out of the place, which brings us to the beginning of this chapter.
With our dear delinquent looking at his crush, tending to the bruises on her hands and the hair tied up in her fluffy hair elastic so that she could check if there were any bruises on her sweet blushing face. He knew she couldn't hear him without her devices, but his small gestures were enough for him to understand how she felt in that situation, she was still in a daze.
"(N/n)-san, I'm sorry if I startled you," said the green-eyed boy as he gently brought the older girl's face close to his so that she could read his lips. This was answered with a shake of her head and her arms circling the boy as she hid her face in his neck, leaving him surprised and happy as she returned the hug. This sweet moment lasted only until the bell rang, which caused them both to separate.
"See you later, Mitsuki-kun," said the older girl's sweet, calm voice in a whisper as she fled the scene, leaving the boy behind with a silly smile.
"See you"
note: i haven't seen many fanfics with this sweet boy, so i'm here ready to put my insecurities aside and write for him, mitsuki kiryu is in my top 3 wind breaker with him taking 2nd place and i hope more people write about him.
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pillowspace · 3 months
hi! hope ur doing well! out of curiosity, do you have an ISAT playlist? and if so, would you be cool with sharing it? I’ve been trying to find some good songs related to the game and i’m familiar with a lot of the artists you listen to so i figured i’d ask :)
I only just recently joined the In Stars and Time fandom, so I don't have many songs yet, but yeah!
I also started typing out notes under the readmore for (most of) the songs because I thought I'd only have a few, but then I... kept thinking of more songs, so the notes section got bigger? So uh...!! Feel free to read that or not. Up to you, shrug
I actually had not heard this song until my Spotify started randomly playing recommended songs while I was in the middle of drawing Siffrin, and the second I started processing the lyrics about familiarity and time travel, I did a startled glance over like "wh... what's playing??" This song plagues my ISAT visions
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Genuinely been wanting to make an animatic out of the first minute but I don't know if I have it in me. Just saying, the "smi-i-i-ile" has enough in it to fit every different photo from the mirror
One specific thing I have to note with this song is that I like to envision Siffrin waking up in the meadow on the line "the day I wake up naked in the dirt."
"The million what if Is between your ears. The feelings of regret, and now I'm running to forget. But know, the consequence of imagination's fear" thinks about Siffrin and Bonnie, thinks about Siffrin and Bonnie, thinks ab-- oh yeah, and the bit about ruby eyes reminds me of 2hats
A song about feeling hurt and giving all that you've gone for an acting performance?? Back to the stage, Siffrin
There's some lines that aren't too too fitting for ISAT, but I'm fond of this song, so I can spin a meaning onto them with enough thinking power. Nonetheless, there still are plenty of fitting parts. Post-canon Siffrin coping after the loops :)
Interestingly, I've actually had this song associated with going mad from time loops since ages before I played In Stars and Time. "Maddening. It's a regular bad thing" and "nothing's really happening." Plus "I'm afraid to lose you" ties into ISAT pretty well
Specifically Loop tends to cross my mind whenever this comes on lately
I like to imagine this being about Siffrin as a child on their island being a little wanderer before that meant something else, then it slowly leading into Siffrin's adulthood (bend gravity and space being about the loops)
I'll never hear the sound of someone calling me home... I was the beast all alone in my hell........
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coraniaid · 1 year
Last post on this topic for a while, I promise.
I saw that somebody tagged my recent post about Helpless as ‘anti-Giles’, and – while I can see how you might get that impression (I mean, to be fair, I did use the phrase ‘unambiguously evil’) – it’s not really what I was trying to drive at.  My problem is with the way that particular episode depicts Giles (and to a lesser extent with the broader fandom attitude towards Giles) not with the character of Giles more generally.
What I mean is: I think the version of Giles that exists in Helpless is basically impossible to reconcile with the character we’ve seen in the first two seasons of the show. The Giles of Prophecy Girl who was so appalled by the thought of Buffy dying that he wanted to “defy prophecy” and fight the Master himself surely wouldn’t have taken so long to stand up to Quentin Travers.  The Giles of Innocence who told Buffy that “all you will get from me is my support and my respect” certainly wouldn’t repeatedly drug her and lie to her face about it.  The Giles who spent all summer chasing down possible sightings of Buffy across the country after she ran away at the end of Becoming would not be so willing to risk her life again just to follow orders from a group of people he openly despises. 
And – because the show doesn’t ever come back and address what he’s shown to do in this episode – it’s also impossible to reconcile Helpless with subsequent episodes.  Nobody ever talks about it, at all, and so the impression is that it either didn’t happen or just wasn’t a big deal.  Giles was unfairly sacked, for some reason, by the Bad Watcher’s Council, and that’s all there is to remember.  (The fact that Giles worked for years for the Bad Watcher’s Council and would’ve happily kept on doing so if they hadn’t fired him goes similarly unremarked on.)
But I don’t think a Buffy who had been betrayed by Giles this fundamentally would go back to trusting him as quickly as she does.  If ever.  I don’t think that only a few episodes later she’d be in any hurry to talk to him about the manslaughter she’d unwittingly been involved in, or that she’d so readily listen to him as her unofficial Watcher when Wesley arrives.  As it is, she spends more time being upset by the fact Giles had sex with her mother this season than she does caring about the fact he almost got her and her mother killed.  That just doesn’t make any sense to me.
And, just to be clear: I really do like Giles a lot.  He is one of my favorite characters in the show.  I think the evolution of his semi-parental relationship with Buffy is really well done; I like his connections with Jenny and Ethan and the way he gets to play off of other characters like Snyder and Joyce and Wesley. I think he is generally a very good deconstruction of the trope of the wise and patient mentor.  I think that ASH’s performance as Giles in Season 1 is probably a large part of what got the show renewed for a second season.  I am, in fact, firmly pro-Giles.
What I don’t like is the collective willingness of the fandom to overlook all of his faults. To strip away everything that makes him interesting until he’s just “Buffy’s Nice Dad”. To afford him a level of tolerance and understanding that somehow never seems to extend to any of the women in Buffy’s life. To pretend that Joyce Summers is being ridiculous or unreasonable for blaming him for her daughter running away, even though it is explicitly Buffy’s calling as a Slayer – and the fact that Giles himself insists she keeps this secret from her loved ones – that makes the events of Becoming possible.  [No, Buffy doesn’t just run away because of what Joyce said to her: if that was the only reason, why did she also cut off all ties with Giles and Willow and Xander and her other friends?]  And, yes, to act as if the fact that Quentin Travers, of all people, tells us that Giles has “a father’s love” for Buffy is the only takeaway from Helpless, and to pretend that his actual actions in that episode don’t undermine that reading at all.
Joyce Summers can tell Buffy not to come back home if she leaves the house without permission – in the heat of the moment, during an argument, clearly regretting it the second she says it – and twenty-five years later the internet is still full of posts calling her a bitch and a terrible mother and claiming she wanted Buffy to leave.  Joyce can be compelled to burn Buffy at the stake because she’s possessed by a demon and this is still a running joke in the fandom two decades later (nevermind the time the season before when Giles was similarly possessed by a demon that tried to kill Buffy: that one doesn’t count, apparently).  Buffy can literally tell Giles that she doesn’t “see the point” of living in the world anymore after her mother’s gone and you all act like it’s a complete mystery why she might be depressed after The Body.  Buffy tells her mother she loves her every season, starting from the third episode of the show – the first episode we see her tell anyone she loves them – and you all pretend that it’s somehow a huge retcon when she still loves her mother four seasons later and that she misses her when she dies.
But Giles goes along with a plan that seems all but designed to get Buffy killed, hypnotizes her, drugs her, and lies to her face about it – not because he’s possessed, not because he’s not in control of his actions, but because the people who employ him tell him he has to – and … nothing.  There’s no outrage at all.  The fandom and the writers alike all agree to pretend it just never happened.  I look for any discussion of this, but you’re all just talking about how much more consistently written a character Giles is than Joyce (which … no, sorry, that’s obviously nonsense; the Season 2 Ripper retcon alone is evidence enough of that), and how he should’ve gotten to adopt Buffy after Joyce died (when … uh, Buffy was legally an adult??), and writing  fanfic after fanfic in which Buffy tells Giles he was more of a parent to her than Joyce ever was (nevermind that she says almost literally the opposite in Season 6, or that she didn’t even meet Giles until she was sixteen, after Joyce explicitly uprooted her whole life to try to find somewhere for Buffy to have a fresh start) and … honestly, I don’t get it.
I just don’t get why you all hate Joyce this much, or why the fandom collectively seems to judge her by standards it never ever applies to Rupert Giles.  When did we decide that the times Joyce hurts Buffy are a fundamental part of her character and that the times Giles hurts her can be safely hand-waved away and ignored?  Why was I not at that meeting?
Like I said, I don’t know.
But what I do know is that Joyce is practically the only recurring character on the show who was played by a woman in her forties.
[For reference, Buffy’s recurring female cast includes two centuries old vampires, a thousand year old ex-vengeance demon, her friend the still-active vengeance demon whose exact age we don't know but was active in the 19th cenutry at least and probably for centuries before that, an ancient and immortal hell-god from another dimension and a centuries old ball of green energy that takes human form.  Not one of these characters is played by a woman over 35.  In fact, only one of them -- in-universe, quite possibly the youngest one of them -- is played by a woman over 30.  
The adult woman with the most screen time after Joyce is Jenny Calendar, who is played by a woman who was 27 years old when her character was killed off. A year later, Giles starts a relationship with another woman called Olivia Williams (who the show and the fandom are both profoundly uninterested in: at the time of writing there are more fics on AO3 shipping Giles with Oz than there are fics shipping him with Olivia.). Olivia is played by a woman who was also 27 years old in the only season she appears in, the same season that ASH turned 46. She's also introduced by Giles as an "old friend", which is probably something it's best not to think too hard about.
The one other woman over forty to appear in more than one episode of Buffy was Lindsay Crouse, who plays Professor Maggie Walsh in Season 4.  She appears in eight episodes, anticipates fandom by calling herself an ‘evil bitch’, then dies in an incredibly stupid and pointless way.  That’s literally it.]
So maybe I do get it.  And frankly, it sucks.
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cboffshore · 9 months
introducing there's a light on: a character playlist experiment
Or: what would happen if I made a Nadakhan character playlist, but only let myself use Fall Out Boy tracks?
Tracklist and notes below the cut, as usual.
A word before we begin: This is both a very intense character exercise and a very casual affair. Very intense in that each song here was heavily vetted over a period of a few months (and, of course, we know I've been doing Nadakhan character work for years on end now), and very casual in that the decision to create this playlist was a quick one, almost a joke. I chose Fall Out Boy for no other reason than, thanks to a new album release and concert cycle in 2023, the fact that I was very into Fall Out Boy. It was a good choice, though; FOB harbors a lot of unique, complex themes that lent themselves nicely to this project. There's also the unique meta angle of lead singer Patrick Stump performing in a style that ordinarily doesn't pair with the genre FOB calls home and pulling it off pretty much flawlessly, which is a neat parallel to Nadakhan's entire origin story.
Some of the songs here are so on the nose you'd think they were written for Nadakhan; others might be here for a single, perfect lyric, or even just Vibes. I should also note that there is no particular order to these songs. I could very well have lined them up to match his seasonal arc, but as a nod to the common critique (and astute observation) that Nadakhan is pretty erratic, I let each song fall wherever it lay while I was tossing them into the playlist. I'll do the notes for these in order of the playlist for ease, though. Additionally, these aren't comprehensive notes - truly, I could write an essay for a lot of these individually. (Please, please, please ask me about songs on here. I might have more to say.) For now, these are just the strongest correlations I picked up.
Of course, I think the best way to get through this playlist is to go listen and just... think about his character. Drop the preconceived notions and the runaway fanonization. Think of what he does, and when he does it, and who's close to or far away from him.
Enough of my blabbering. You're about to get enough of that from Pete Wentz's poetry.
"Love From The Other Side" opens with sweeping, mysterious orchestral work that crashes, hard, into angry drums and screaming guitar work. From there, the entire song acts like an overture for the rest of the playlist: themes of growing up, getting out, and feeling out of place. The lyric that cemented this song's place on the playlist ties into Nadakhan's relationship with his father, as well as his hidden self-esteem issues as he tries to live up to his final promise: "This city always hangs a little bit lonely on me, loose/Like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit." I also particularly like the bridge line "Give up what you love before it does you in" - a gorgeous little nod at the end of the season, where what he works so hard for does indeed drown him.
"Baby Annihilation" is a unique one - fully spoken word by Wentz, with a surreal, dreamlike backing track. I chose this one for its impressive lyrical parallel to a line Nadakhan speaks during the finale: "But you know what they say: if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself." After the fact, however, I thought it sounded a little more like someone else - possibly Jay - talking about the experience itself, or perhaps Nadakhan himself looking in after everything crumbled. It's less of a song and more a series of cryptic observations that I can't quite break down - which parallels how I feel about analyzing Nadakhan. There's always something that feels a little off.
"My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark" is classic FOB, and again, opens with a delightfully parallel line that lights up like a caution sign warning you what Nadakhan's main tactic is: "Be careful makin' wishes in the dark, dark/Can't be sure when they've hit their mark, mark." Tonally, this one is fast, angry, and strong - it sounds like fight music, honestly. It's an anthem all around, complete with layered group vocalizations in the back that remind me of an entire crew singing at once.
"27" is the single most Nadakhanish song I have ever, ever heard. I could go into extreme detail on every line here (and honestly, maybe someday I will!), but I think his attitude towards his crew and how he hides his plans from them is best summed up with this sequence:
My mind is a safe And if I keep it then we all get rich My body is an orphanage We take everyone in Doing lines of dust and sweat
This is one of those songs you need to put both earbuds in for and just... listen. Nothing else. Hands in your lap and think of him as a character, and suddenly every line should fall into place. (Also, sick guitar solo!)
"I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers" is here for a very specific part: the first verse. While the whole song is a nice fit, I absolutely have to highlight the opening few lines, because... wow, if this isn't a perfect fit, I couldn't say what is:
You're a canary I'm a coal mine 'Cause sorrow is just all the rage Take one for the team You all know what I mean
I shouldn't need to explain this one too much. (Also, yes, this is what I named that essay after.) After this point, the lyrics touch on themes of desperate (if ill-fated) love, followed up by wailing vocals in the closer and some very iffy-sounding cheering that fits well with his desperation to be someone.
"Bishop's Knife Trick" was one of the first songs that I knew had to make it onto this playlist. Most striking is the repeated line "The glow of the cities below lead us back/to the places we never should have left," which reminded me both of the floating landmasses and of Nadakhan running away from home. I also think the bridge, with its hourglass imagery and themes of desperation and refusal to let go of the past, is beautifully fitting. This, too, has a haunting, grand tone to it: lots of echoey effects and dramatic chords and reverb.
"West Coast Smoker" includes two very important components for this project: a line specifically about being the last of one's kind ("I'm the last of my kind/and that's all that should matter to you") and a female guest vocalist. The former line ties in nicely with Nadakhan's superiority complex, that belief that he deserves more power than he has simply because he has any power at all (and the whole realm collapse thing, too). The latter, however - in the form of Debbie Harry of Blondie - is a neat little meta thing that I only recently noticed. The first time I ever heard this song, I thought the backing vocals were Stump doing some weird falsetto, or maybe someone else entirely from the band. Honestly, I could barely even hear those vocals. Turns out, that's not the case! When I learned the truth, my entire perception changed. In a similar way, once you realize how much of Nadakhan's story (and all of Skybound) is driven by women (regardless of how they're treated), you never quite see it the same again. Nadakhan's motivated by an undercurrent of female influence in the same way that Harry's vocals lend something unique to this track.
"Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet" starts strong with a nice parallel to Nadakhan's signature persuasion tactic: "When he walks into the room, the walls lean in to listen" and only gets better from there. My favorite part of this song is the infamous "Wish I didn't, I didn't..." sequence that culminates in a very apt line: "Don't just want to be a footnote in someone else's happiness." We know Nadakhan's bitter about having to make other people's dreams come true by virtue of who he is; in an attempt to single himself out, he twists that power, ensuring he makes it out of the footnotes and into the main text of everyone's story. Finally, I love the line "It's a sign - what if you peaked early?" Because he did, in fact, peak early. Twice, actually. First, his heyday before his imprisonment; then, as Flintlocke points out, the brief period where he fully controlled the skies and had already won. Oh, and the fact that the entire song reads like a man trying to convince someone he's trying to woo to leave their existing relationship for his sake? Sounds familiar...
"Heaven, Iowa" is desperately, gorgeously sentimental - a simple, surreal plea to be remembered well, and to be loved. This specifically ties into the moment in the season finale, where he desperately (and apparently repetitively) asks Delara if she still loves him: "Tell me, when the party ends/Will you still love who I am?" (Once again: crashing guitars and layered vocals add extra depth. I love the way this one shifts from simple maraca backing to absolutely wild, desperate percussion and backing choir.)
"I've Got A Dark Alley..." is another sentimental one, maybe a little more platonic or even introspective, that examines failure and disappointment. It also reflects, quite simply and beautifully, how Nadakhan pushes people away and digs his own grave by refusing to let others in:
And the record won't stop skipping And the lies just won't stop slipping And besides my reputation's on the line
"Heaven's Gate" is one of the very few genuine love songs FOB has ever crafted, and it's perfect for what little of the Nadakhan-Delara dynamic we see. There's the rebellious imagery of breaking into heaven, but the lovely faith of knowing one's partner will help them out; there's a near-obsessive note of devotion. It's even a waltz! Most fitting, though, is the line "everything else is a substitute for your love," which I think nicely represents how Nadakhan brushes off his relationship with Delara early on. Sure, it fuels so much of his plot, but he hides it by just keeping busy and hoping those actions all help him in the end.
"Sophomore Slump or Comeback Of The Year" is both confident and insecure - trying to convince the listener that the singer is something special, but being a little too desperate about it at points. I added this one specifically for the pairing of "I'll keep singing this lie if you'll keep believing it" and "the best part of 'believe' is the lie," both of which are desperately repeated. I also appreciated the the bitter remembrance of better times: "the kids you used to love/but then we grew old."
"The (Shipped) Gold Standard" is a restless track, flipping between memories, doubts, impossible future plans, and a desire to be honest without the ability. I do hear Nadakhan's fear of vulnerability here: "I wanna scream 'I love you' from the top of my lungs/but I'm afraid that someone else'll hear me." Oh, and the whole "business of souls" bit, which occurs in a bizarrely angry section of the otherwise very smooth song - almost like the mutiny breakdown.
"From Now On We Are Enemies" is so, so much. "A downward spiral, just a pirouette/Getting worse til there's nothing left" is an apt summary of his story, for starters. Beyond that, this song is somewhere between a confession and an analysis, a self-critique, in fact. Just... go listen to this one. Seriously. Every line here works. There's desire, there's hatred, there's fear... it's delicious.
"The Music Or The Misery" is here specifically for the line "I am indifferent (yet I'm a total wreck)/I'm every cliche, but I simply do it best" as a neat nod both towards his hypocrisy at calling Jay an avoidant coward despite doing the same thing and his meta origin as a mashup of classical literary and pop culture sources.
"Jet Pack Blues" is also only here for one specific part (as well as its overall melancholic tone and church chimes). That would be the weirdly pointed "Did you ever love her? Do you know? Or did you never want to be alone?" that occurs multiple times and reminds me immensely of Jay's accusation in episode 60. Although I like to believe that Nadakhan's love for Delara was genuine (and inf act the only thing keeping him tethered at all), it's never definitively answered, and it haunts me. Was he using her? Was she using him? Was it ever real love, or was it an excuse for power? Jay was onto something, honestly.
"Pavlove" is a song with a weird, weird history. Up until very recently, the only official way to access it was to own a specific version of the album it served as a bonus track on; otherwise, piracy! Or the one YouTube listing for it. Anyway, I like the history of this song as fun nod at the limited knowledge of Nadakhan post-Skybound - he might be a historical figure, but besides Jay and Nya, nobody else has those direct memories of interacting with him so recently. This one works lyrically, too - "I want to make you as lonely as me" and "I'm not ready for a handshake with death, no" both reflect his vindictive yet terrified personality. And all the mirror imagery! And "It's three drinks too late to talk to anyone but myself" indicating his tendency to hide things? Perfection.
"So Much (For) Stardust" is "Love From The Other Side" after it's been put through an emotional wringer. If "Love..." is Nadakhan immediately post-release, "So Much..." is him watching his world collapse and realizing that maybe, just maybe, he messed up and wasted his time. It's got themes of lost confidence and insecurity, and the painful truth that sometimes, you do need to lean on others - a fact Nadakhan refuses to accept that then ends his reign. He also attempts to get back to his glory days, which is gorgeously reflected in the lyrical callback to the first track on this playlist:
In another life you were my babe In another life you were the sunshine of my lifetime What would trade the pain for? I'm not sure
I used to be a real go-getter I used to think it'd all get better
Most painfully, I love the way this song ends as a parallel to how Nadakhan's plans crumble. First, the instrumentals fade out; then, the backing vocalists, until it's just the lead singer pleading with a musical void.
"Chicago Is So Two Years Ago" is a weird, weird way to close the playlist, which means it's great that this isn't any sort of meaningful order. This a little more upbeat than other tracks here, but the themes of homesickness, avoidance, and bitter nostalgia remain. Also, this is where the title of the playlist comes from:
But there's a light on in Chicago And I know I should be home
Just remember: Chicago and Djinjago have the same number of syllables. Do with that information what you will.
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nicosraf · 5 months
*a&m spoilers!
i just finished reading a&m and i am in shambles, so thank you (genuinely)! i was expecting to be hurt by the fate of some of these characters, but i was also admittedly excited for the inevitable toxicity and hatred/anger being shared particularly between Michael and Lucifer, and you delivered so much more than I would have expected. I want to apologize if this ‘ask’ turns into me just yapping away - your work has impacted me so greatly (,:
Not sure if this has been mentioned by another reader yet, but i read this line, said by Lucifer to Michael, “be blessed that you will never know why” (pg 406) and found that it sounded familiar, and I realized that this exact sentence was also mentioned to be said by God to Lucifer at the end of chapter 1. Lucifer imitating/wanting to be like God was hammered in so subtly here, and including this line on opposite ends of the book added so much to this theme
CHAPTER 37!!! I lost it - I knew that something like this was bound to happen but the way that you did it brought me so much joy. I must admit that I adore Lucifer and Michael’s dynamic now (although I of course also adored the past dynamic as well). It’s complicated, genuinely toxic and written so painfully well ;; Lucifer’s incessant insults and degrading, Michael craving violence and choking him, biting him and digging his fingers into the wounds he caused, i was in disbelief. (And Michael having that thought as he brushed past Baal oh my god i felt the ground shake)
And even then, despite them hurting each other, Michael listens when Lucifer tells him about the table because he knows that there is something genuine in the way he says it. It was bittersweet, to see a very brief moment of care (and a fraction of what remains of their past selves in heaven) in between this performance of violence and hatred
I appreciate just how much love you put into your characters, particularly Lucifer. I’m genuinely a fan, I’ve been mystified and trapped if it wasn’t already painfully obvious. I love how much emphasis you put on his excessive jewelry and the sort of clothes he wears, it really set the mood for him as a character and it tied in so well with his body language. I was super super impressed with how you were able to paint a picture of his demeanor now that he has become satan, especially in the heart-eating scene. You made it so easy to imagine every one of his little actions in all their unrelenting cruelty and it was definitely one of my favorite scenes in the book. Lucifer eating a raw, human heart straight from a man’s chest while staring into Michael’s eyes was one of the gayest things I’ve ever read
I have so many more things I wish to say but i will end my yapping here for now lol, thank you for writing these characters I’ve come to adore! <3
Thank you so much for reading!! It means a lot to me and I'm really glad you enjoyed!! :) please do not apologize for yapping... Im the angel of yapping
Lucifer imitating/wanting to be like God.... I'm glad you noticed that little recurring line! Lucifer is very much acting like his own version of God in A&M, mimicking him to some extent... and the narrative treats Lucifer like a new God in this book too! (in ABM, God is distant, seemingly all-knowing, and his plans/thoughts are unknown to the reader. And in A&M... agh.,.,. Lucifer..... the way the narrative treats Lucifer... all of Lucifer's actions in this book... I'm really crazy about it, Im afraid)
And Chapter 37 skskssk I'm glad you like their dynamic! Michael and Lucifer are fascinating to me because of the insane development of their relationship. I love them when they're innocent love birds and I love them when they hate each other; I love the turmoil of going from one end to another. Lord, they are so toxic. There are so many relationships here that are unhealthy (I would say most of them), but Moocifer is definitely near the top of the list of Messiest. Michael's fingers in the wounds... Michael thinking that at the end.... What's wrong with him. Whats wrong with the both of them (there's so so much)
Michael moving off that table when Lucifer asked... the brief moment of care... i can't think about it too much right now without going insane but... lord
i love my characters very much, so im glad that you like them!! and i put a lot of thought and love into Lucifer... It warms my heart a lot that you find him fun! <333
thank u again for reading!!! have a great day :)
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a-wins-a-win · 1 year
mouse's attempted B;APO timeline
aka i was writing an irrelevant detail in a silly little fic and it occurred to me that oh wait i could actually think about this!!
credit where credit's due - i am using this timeline right here (from @hearmyvoicee) as a base, but i have some particular thoughts/interpretations of my own + felt like using 2001 dates! (bc why not, ya know? keep it basically of the time it opened) so this whole thing is mostly for my own reference, but if it makes sense to any of y'all as well? great <;3 [keeping it under the cut for my own sanity + yours]
Sunday, January 7 [the feast of the Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th, or the closest Sunday to that date - in the case of 2001, that's the 7th]
Monday - Friday, January 8 - 12 [ i swear on my life someone mentioned to me once that it's generally accepted that You & I spans several days?? i cannot find who or where but someone tell me i'm not going insane ]
You & I
Friday, January 12 [the friday is entirely arbitrary, just seems the type of day you'd hold auditions - give it a week to stir interest, cast on friday, start up your rehearsals from the next monday onwards] [i have never been in theater though, so don't hold me to that]
Role Of A Lifetime
Plain Jane Fatass
Thursday, February 22 [to me the phrase "we'll meet in Tanya's room on Friday night" implies that it's not yet Friday + in theory the song takes place during study hall, so an actual weekday? so to that end it could be any day monday-thursday, the specifics not mattering in particular, but i arbitrarily went with thursday so that Ivy’s birthday lines up right]
Friday, February 23
A Quiet Night At Home
Best Kept Secret
Wednesday, February 28 [borrowing from the previous timeline for this one - the Lent + Ash Wednesday significance makes sense] [to that end, Ash Wednesday 2001 was in fact February 28th]
Portrait Of A Girl
Thursday, March 1 [in Wonderland they reference the fact that "Ivy's birthday's in a week", ergo wonderland date + 1 week]
Birthday, Bitch!
One Kiss
Are You There?
911! Emergency!
Friday, March 2 [peter mentions 911! Emergency as being "last night"]
Reputation Stain'd
Ever After
Saturday, March 10 [generally, the Spring Break week is from March 11 to March 17, so in my head it makes sense for them to be leaving for their spring break the day beforehand - ergo, March 10th]
✨ spring break / intermission ✨
Sunday, March 17 [the sunday makes sense in my head to mirror Epiphany]
Wedding Bells
Monday, March 19
In The Hallway
Monday, March 26 [ as claire says - "gone a week, i miss you already". so if classes started again on the 19th + 1 week is the 26th ]
Touch My Soul
See Me
[sidenote, easter 2001 was sunday april 15. to that end, to account for the Easter Monday holiday, likely they had the 16th off also]
Friday, May 18 [okay listen!! i know it crowds A LOT of act 2 together but!! the way sister chantelle says here "if you decide you want to get together one more time" implies to me that they aren't going to be having more Official rehearsal time before the play actually gets performed] [it all has to occur between monday may 14 & sunday may 20 for jason's "graduate next sunday" line to be technically correct] [rory's decided that they'll "meet back here. seven o'clock" - which i was always under the impression is the supposed to be rehearsal that sets up Promise] [Nadia's "call me tonight, or tomorrow, or whenever" to me implies that she won't see him tomorrow? so probably they don't have any classes or rehearsal the next day]["i know it's late" in Cross is such a little detail, but to me it just ties it all up]
Pilgrim's Hands
God Don't Make No Trash
All Grown Up
Once Upon A Time
Saturday, May 19 [saturday night seems a reasonable time to put on the show, right? like in order to make it accessible to family + friends outside of the school?]
Two Households
Queen Mab
A Glooming Peace
Tuesday, May 22 [a {catholic} person is buried between 2 and 7 days after their death, typically around 3. i always got the vibes that Absolution was supposed to take place on/around jason's funeral, ergo the play + 3 days]
Sunday, May 27 [going with the assumption that they graduate on the last sunday in may, in 2001 that date was the 27th]
No Voice
wanna make it super clear that i a) am australian and b) am not catholic and c) have never been to boarding school or in theater so a lot of dates were found via google search, and/or arbitrarily assigned weekdays
also also at the end of the day i'm not sure the specifics of the timeline super duper matter, it was mostly just for fun - but like. feel free to share ur thoughts!
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d-criss-news · 2 years
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[UHQ] TheStandard_Vol11_Issue3 March, 2023 (PHOTO CREDITS: Amanda Demme: Blue NY Bomber Jacket, Bright patterned jacket / Lindsey Byrnes: Red back drop photos / Pierre Hennequin: B&W photo)
DAP Health’s 2023 Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards | The Standard
The Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards, DAP Health’s biggest annual fundraiser, also fondly known as The Chase returns to dazzle donors outdoors at the Palm Springs Convention Center on the evening of Saturday, March 25. Fashion, medicine, and music will take center stage at the starry annual benefit gala.
Up Close with Headliner Darren Criss
Darren Criss — the 36-year-old “Glee” alum who won an Emmy, a Golden Globe, and a Screen Actors Guild Award for playing gay serial killer Andrew Cunanan in Ryan Murphy’s “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” — may be making his professional desert debut when he headlines the 2023 The Chase for DAP Health, but he’s no stranger to the Coachella Valley. Since he reports he has a “significant amount of family in the Palm Desert,” he’s somewhat of a regular. “I’ve got all my favorite spots, let’s put it that way.” He even made it to fellow performer Harry Styles’ last North American “Love On Tour” stop (and impromptu birthday bash) on February 1 at the new Acrisure Arena.
I chatted with Criss over Zoom while he was in Los Angeles to talk about what we can expect at his show, his love of all things show biz, and his ties to queer audiences.
Tell me a bit about the show you’ll be presenting at The Chase.
When I have the opportunity to play events like this, which are very fun — I know The Chase is very big and I’m very thrilled to be there — I’m the court jester. I’m just making sure I’m servicing people having a good time. So, I tend to stray away from deep cuts [in favor of] any smattering of things that people would be familiar with from, Broadway or the stuff I did on “Glee” or just covers in general that are fun to play and that kind of seem appropriate for the vibe. I’m notorious about not coming up with a set list until a few days before. I’ll have a band [that night], so I have to be a little more fastidious with the organizing of that. The nice thing about being a musician is you’re your own accompanist. If this was just me, I wouldn’t have an answer for you. Maybe about an hour before I went on stage — ’cause I would go to the party, kind of get a vibe from people, have a couple drinks — I’d go, “OK, I think I get the playlist,” and then I’d just do it… I’d just show up and try to make people happy. You can quote me on that.
Acting, singing, or songwriting and producing — what would you say is your favorite?
That’s a great question, because usually the question is, “Which one do you consider yourself?” And my answer is, they’re all the same because they’re all connected. They’re all storytelling. It’s just different tailoring. Different dress codes. But it’s the same party, the same venue….
You know, I’ve been very lucky, where I’ve gotten to do everything. I will say the most fulfilling would probably have to be songwriting…. Songwriting and producing probably consume most of my soul.
Talking acting, is it film, TV, or theatre?
Nice work if you can get it. Listen, I’m a mercenary. I’ll be very happy to have the opportunity to work in any of those fields if they invite me to the party. Lucky me. And I’m always grateful and cherish every opportunity that comes my way. Obviously, I come from the theatre, so it kind of has my heart and soul because there is an immediacy to it. So, yeah, that might be the leading player on the field.
Between “Glee,” Ryan Murphy, and Broadway, you clearly have a lot of queer fans. Thoughts?
I think the simple answer is I’ve always felt so privileged to be included at what I deem to be the cool kids table. And that’s not me trying to be charming or sucking up to a certain demographic. I’ve spent a lifetime chasing my heroes, wanting to have the people I think are cool think I’m cool. And I’ve worked very hard for that. I’ve educated myself. I’ve tried to cultivate my life so that people I respect might go, “Hey, this kid ain’t so bad.” And a huge [number], if not the majority, of those people come from the queer community. I feel very privileged to have anybody’s attention, much less that of a community of people I think are rad. I’m just so pleased to have a seat of the table, and I hope that my conversation is interesting enough to hold their attention and to be worthy of their time.
As you know, The Chase is DAP Health’s largest annual benefit, and the organization began in 1984 as Desert AIDS Project. How have HIV and AIDS touched your life personally?
I was born in the eighties, raised in the nineties, in San Francisco. I’m from a very, very queer city during a very troubled time that didn’t see everybody survive. People’s uncles were dying. I was a little boy. You’d notice, and you’d go, “Wait, what’s going on?” But it’s something that didn’t really hit me until much later in life. When you’re old enough to understand and realize, “Holy shit, that was a pretty insane time.” I’m very lucky because I’m of a generation that got to benefit from the slow de-stigmatization and more healthy conversations around HIV and AIDS. The men and women in my circle who are living with it, when we talk about the sort of dark days of AIDS in the United States, they and I are just supremely aware of the people upon whose shoulders we get to live our day-to-day life. I consider myself very, very lucky.
Well said. Shifting gears to a lighter subject, The Chase can be quite the fashionista extravaganza. So, here’s the most important question: Have you picked out your outfit?
Oh, girl. Um, no. [Laughs] And I’m not proud about it. I gotta get on it. Thanks for reminding me. I gotta get a set list together and an outfit. It’s literally the two things that are required of me. And I don’t have either one right now.
PHOTO CREDITS: Amanda Demme: Blue NY Bomber Jacket, Bright patterned jacket / Lindsey Byrnes: Red back drop photos / Pierre Hennequin: B&W photo
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aimfor-theheart · 5 months
hi again!! im the same anon with the niki song reccs! im glad you appreciated my first ask cuz i was nervous that itd look like an unsolicited reccommendation 🥹
can i just ramble a bit more because—PLEASE the stage play format!! ive only read a few ever but the way kaeya's face is almost always shadowed or turned away from the audience to show his shady-ish and closed-off nature⁉️ how it ties in with his in-game-all-the-world's-a-stage thing⁉️ the way the fic plays around the concepts and thin lines of truth and lies, secrets, show and pretend⁉️ I AM ALL FOR ITTT 😩🩷🫶 and the way you describe the setting, its also very reminiscent of like, the paper storybook animation mondstadt had in some of its cutscenes!! every time i read it i can imagine myself in a proscenium, thrust, or black box stage akzjdjfkdsk
also if you dont mind me asking, what are some songs in your playlist for my heart, your song? id love to give them a listen!! 🩷
omg no anon you’re all good!! i loooove song recs like all the time!! and i also just think its really sweet you have songs that you associate w a fic of mine 😭 like i could cry forever 😭😭💗
ANDDD 😭😭 the fact that you picked up on kaeya’s staging!! anon!! i’m so glad that it came across!!! even in writing scenes for stories and not plays, i think about the like “staging” of them quite a lot, often like i’m an audience member myself and i’m always trying to find unique “stage pictures” or like…..these “pictures” that convey something, like in theater. and i loved the idea of having kaeya’s face and staging always away from the audience until he reads the letter at the end of act ii!! and i could CRYYY to compare the scenes to the mondstadt storybook 🥺🥺💗💗 waahhhh thank you so much this fr means the world to me oh my god 💗💗
i do not mind at all!! my heart, your song has a very long playlist with a lot of live music on it bc the reader is a performer!! also some from musicals where i took inspo on the kinds of songs reader was performing!! here are some of my favs on that like 4 hour long playlist:
1. this live more acoustic version of Venus as a Boy by Bjork
2. Would That I by Hozier
3. Lover’s Desire by Anais Mitchell for more upbeat “chase” scenes as i call them—lots of flirting and playing and falling.
as things start to get angstier and reader gets more reckless:
4. Hymn / Her by Jordaan Mason
5. Eric by Mitski
6. I Don’t Care Much from the 1998 Broadway Cast Recording of Cabaret (this is actually the song i kinda envisioned reader playing at diluc’s in the postface to scene ix—or something like this)
7. this live version of Shrike by Hozier
and for some softer, more healing ones that are towards the end of this playlist, and that i’ve been writing act iii to!
8. No One Else from the Broadway Recording of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
9. An Ending (Ascent) by Brian Eno
10. this piano version of Avatar’s Love from ATLA because I’ve always had a soft spot for this melody lol
sorry if this got kinda long 🙈🙈 but fr the playlist is actually like. 3 hours jfkdjska and i’ve tried to make all the songs flow into each other genre/sound wise….as well as have a complete arc of the story bc i’m just. insane LMAO
but thank you so so so much again—for your song recs previously and also your lovely thoughts and further curiosity for music 😭💗💗💗 it means a lot to me and makes me so excited jfkdjska
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A few months ago I fell down a Double Black/Soukoku rabbit hole thanks to I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio (by ElectricSplatter on AO3) and made a fucking playlist about them. Yesterday i was listening to it and Dancing With Our Hands Tied came on and the more i thought about it, the more it fit!!! so here's the analysis nobody asked for but i felt compelled to write.
I, I loved you in secret
First sight, yeah, we love without reason
starting off strong with "i loved you in secret". We can agree it wasn't first sight or without reason but... stay with me here.
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
Picture of your face in an invisible locket
You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it
I had a bad feeling
This to me feels a lot like the Double Black tour, especially towards the end when they're both somewhat aware of their feelings for eachother and "i had a bad feeling" is Dazai worrying about Mori using those feelings against eachother. Also, "picture of your face in an invisible locket" just gives me Dazai listening to the pen Chuuya gave him for his birthday -even after leaving PMR- and feeling kind of pathetic about it.
And darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis
People started talking, putting us through our paces
I knew there was no one in the world who could take it
I had a bad feeling
BABES THE BEDSHARING, DAZAI JUST HELPING CHUUYA WITH HIS NIGHTMARES BY BEING THERE. The bad feeling returns, what if Mori finds out? what if he looks at them and he just knows?
But we were dancing
Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied
Yeah, we were dancing
Like it was the first time, first time
I'd never really thought about this until yesterday (i'm not into analyzing lyrics that much tbh), but "hands tied" normally refers to being limited by an external force. You can use it as an excuse for something you really don't want to do or it can be an actual fucking limit that you can not cross for whatever reason. This, to me, is post-tour, when Chuuya's with the Black Lizards and Dazai's training Akutagawa. Dazai feeling like he has to put on a show, pretend he doesn't feel so much for Chuuya, having to pretend to have "artistic differences" to convince the public of their falling out (especially when they performed at the Grammys). So it's pretty much him stepping on eggshells, trying not to give away too much, "like it was the first time", like it was in the beggining, not really trusting, still feeling eachother out. Him not telling Chuuya about his plan to bring Double Black back by training Akutagawa just in case Chuuya starts acting differently, "dancing with our hands tied".
I, I loved you in spite of
Deep fears that the world would divide us
So, baby, can we dance
Oh, through an avalanche?
"I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us" is so fucking on point.
And say, say that we got it
I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
Oh, 'cause it's gravity
Oh, keeping you with me
"I'm a mess but i'm the mess that you wanted" i feel can apply to either of them, tbh. "cause it's gravity keeping you with me", the way they always circle back together. Dazai post-PMR recognizing Chuuya's songwriting the minute Kajii's album drops, Chuuya recognizing Dazai's songwriting in Run, Melos! and figuring out he ghost wrote it and which name he had used.
Also, "cause it's gravity" is just a Chuuya reference, Taylor.
But we were dancing
Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied
Yeah, we were dancing
Like it was the first time, first time
Yeah, we were dancing
Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied
Yeah, we were dancing
(Ooh, we had our hands tied)
And I had a bad feeling
But we were dancing
We come back to the chorus BUT now think about it with ADA Dazai and PMR Chuuya. Them criticizing each other? Trying to get a rise out of the other in interviews? While trying to not let the fact that they still care bleed through their facades? they're dancing with their hands tied (performing for the public -and eachother-) like it was the first time (need i remind you of all the initial trash talk between these two?).
I'd kiss you as the lights went out
Swaying as the room burned down
I'd hold you as the water rushes in
If I could dance with you again
I think that "If I could dance with you again" is Chuuya writing his love song.  “But I’m the fool, I’m the idiot. Because half the songs I write still start out as duets.” How fucking vulnerable do you have to let yourself be to write that. It's Dazai and his "Because I had already recognized that I would never tire of the sound of your voice but the second I heard it intertwine with mine there was never any longer any choice. I had already decided not to die but it wasn’t until I made music with you that I truly started to live".
Okay this is as far as i got. Please bear in mind that the last time I read this fic was about a month ago so the details aren't as sharp as they were in december. So yeah, this is the end of my rambling. If you've gotten this far, thank you so much and i would absolutely love to hear your thoughts!!!!
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alarrytale · 1 year
Sorry if this is weird but i don’t have any fandom friends and want to get something off my chest: i think a lot of larries use the idea of hl (Louis especially) being puppeteered by management as a coping mechanism for anything he does they don’t like. Louis moving away from clean boyband pop music and fashion towards grungier punk-influenced stuff? It’s lthq forcing him to change who he is to appeal to dirty hets. Couldn’t be that he’s genuinely changing as an artist. He doesn’t really prefer the indie scene over stadium pop. Lthq makes him smoke and drink. Lthq makes him not act stereotypically flamboyant and effeminate. It must all be an act for the hets because it’s impossible to be gay and a lad. I’m not an anti but I’ve noticed a pattern of larries building up an idealized image of who the boys ‘really’ are and dismissing everything about them that falls outside those narrow parameters as fake. It’s especially weird as someone who got on board long after the 1D era and seeing older fans lament how they used to be more ‘authentic,’ whereas i look at those old interviews and performances and things seem much more polished and restrictive to fit the young teen demographic. I’ve even seen people argue that the weed incident with zayn was 100% staged to foreshadow babygate, as if two young dudes with money lighting up on their own is unthinkable. My point is i think a lot of larries’ personal identities are tied up in these two strangers, so when those two strangers do things that don’t line up perfectly with larrie perception and opinions, the closet and management are easier scapegoats to process than growing apart from your favs. I’m not telling anyone off, I’m just saying a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment when hl’s less popular behaviors don’t immediately stop after they CO.
Hi, anon!
I think there is a lot of cherry picking going on in this fandom too, on both sides actually not only on the larrie side of things. And i think some people believe it has to be one or the other, and not 'both can be true at the same time'. Believe me, if i could blame the base ball cap he wore on stage last night on lthq i would!
About his image change. I think it's both lthq and louis himself who chose this. But i think it's not all him, and at the same time he's more than that. We are talking about the man who's favourite movie is still Grease, who listens to Abba and has a far away tattoo. Even though his sound is still mostly pop (at least to me, hold your horses you genre puritans), his looks and behaviour in public has changed to match a more laddy and chav image. Even though his image has changed he's acting like an adored boy bander superstar with his fans. His image weren't neccessarily more authentic back then, but Louis as a person was. He was speaking more freely about his likes and dislikes, joked more, were bolder before he slowly was hardened by fame and the closet. But he grew up and out of some things too. So it's a combination of both.
You're not an anti, but you talk about us larries like you don’t identify with us as a group, and you also put us all in the same basket like we're one entitiy who share the same thoughs and beliefs. I don't think a lot of larries personalities are tied up with these two strangers. I think there is a lot of projecting going on, but i think most people can seperate fact from fiction. I don't think people will be dissapointed after they come out, even though some people have them on a pedestal.
I obviously think i have them both figured out, but the things i struggle to explain i question. If i can't rule out that their actions or behaviour can be tied to obligations out of their control, i'll be more forgiving. I don't blame weed smoking or cig smoking on management. I blame it on his need for a coping mechanism to dull his thoughts after living a long life in the closet, away from his loved ones and having to cope with the loss of close family members. The clothes he wears on stage, that i don't like, i blame partly on his image, current fashion trend, his stylist but also himself. I acknowledge that he probably could say no if he didn’t like it. I also acknowledge that others may love what i personally hate.
I don't think H and L coming out would fix every issue the fandom has with them. I don't think they are perfect persons. I also know that even if they come out there are still NDAs in effect and they can’t give us all the answers. They may have to talk about Simon cowell like the sun shines out of his ass. Harry is still going to be ignorant of his own privilege and put his foot in his mouth. Louis is still going to be a lad who stuggles to remember his own songs. And i'm still going to be here calling them out on it.
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inceledwardcullen · 2 years
thoughts on movies i’ve watched recently
banshees of inisherin - well, what a movie. absolutely gut wrenching, loved all the characters. colin farrell acted with his eyebrows, there’s a miniature donkey, it’s set during the troubles. i loved the dialogue in this film, it’s just good. plain good. however i feel like the ending wasn’t amazing and that kinda ruined the movie for me. it felt like it was missing something. it was such a strong movie, heavy on the pathos but the ending was lackluster. i personally wanted to see more blood but overall 9/10
m.a.s.h. -didn’t know it was movie before it was a show. not much to say other than they’re army doctors who appreciate vices a lot. the whole last act is a football game??? i tuned out then. a film that’s just dialogue and no plot so feel like i need another watch to listen to everyone’s conversations. however i really liked it and thought it was funny. loved the cast. 6.5/10
a hard days night - a beatles movie, ive never seen any of their movies and decided to watch this one. very silly, didn’t pay full attention. just an elaborate music video which i love 5/10
the menu - thought this was about cannibalism. severely disappointed. didn’t find it tooooo funny but was throughly enjoyable and hooked me in nearly immediately which is very hard to do. themes of consumerism, burnout, art. 6/10
the whale - fan fucking tastic. i went into the theater not too sure what i was going into but wow it was an experience. i don’t have much to say, it was super emotional. brendan ate his performance tf up. and i disagree with ppl saying it’s fatshaming and body horror, like did you even watch the movie. loved the religious underline of the movie. 9.5/10
bones and all - corny but enjoyable. loved timothees outfits but the two leads had no chemistry whatsoever and watching them interact in couple scenes was bad. but their casual interactions were fine. this was made for teenagers but i think there’s something to say about generational trauma, illness, addiction etc. also looking for love when you’re different 4/10
everything everywhere all at once - finally got a chance to see this after wanting too for so long. i am impressed. loved alpha joys outfits and makeup. the fight scenes are incredible, a simple message of loving the life you have, loving your daughter no matter what, daughters will do anything outta spite in different universes, falling in love again, cutting ties with what you think is right due to family influence since nothing fucking matters, appreciating your silly and kind man because it doesn’t get any better than that. and my boy ke huy quan left no crumbs. 8.5/10
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dankusner · 17 days
That time I interviewed Queen for a Day's GREGORY FINSLEY
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King of Queen
TAKING HIS BOW AND CURTAIN CALL: Finsley says Queen for a Day's last performance is Saturday at Club Dada. [PHOTOS: KUSNER] 
Gregory Finsley keeps Freddie Mercury’s spirit alive and well with Queen for a Day.
But the phenomenal Dallas tribute band is calling it quits
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By DANIEL KUSNER | Sept. 3, 2004
Dallas is losing a remarkable cultural asset, since Saturday marks Queen for a Day’s last performance.
And apparently, our gay community missed out.
A lack of quality-paying gigs, differences about the group’s direction and other career commitments has led singer Gregory Finsley to call it quits.
It was a bitter decision.
“We could have done much more damage, made a lot more money and played a lot of other places. Unfortunately, because everyone else is so tied down with families and other career commitments, there’s no way we could have done it. It really pisses me off,” Finsley says.
When it comes to the tribute band genre, Queen for a Day is arguably one of the best.
There was no room for mediocrity in Freddie Mercury’s supergroup.
And to emulate the band’s magic is no easy task.
Queen was pompous.
Cheesily overdriven.
Full of hot air.
And that’s why they were so magnificent.
Finsley’s lifelong dream was to be just like Freddie Mercury.
At 12, he attended Queen’s “News of the World” tour on Dec. 10, 1977, at the Tarrant County Convention Center.
His world took shape as he watched Mercury from the lower balcony off stage-left.
“It blew my mind — my first concert ever. I had already been playing drums. I looked at Freddie and Roger [Taylor, drummer] and decided that’s exactly what I want to do,” Finsley remembers.
Through high school, Finsley stuck with drums.
He even dabbled in bisexuality.
But he was a full-on Queen addict and constantly sang his heart out to Mercury’s compositions.
The flamboyant rock god had a profound influence.
“I think Freddie caused me to be a little braver, livelier, more daring. Eventually people would say, ‘You sound just like that dude from Queen,”’ he explains.
“By listening to all the songs over and over, it was like brainwashing. I emulated all those inflections that Freddie gave off.”
Finsley learned piano and became an accomplished signer, performer and drum teacher.
He formed with various groups, but didn’t delve into the Queen catalog until fairly recently.
A few years ago — while living in New Orleans and playing with a band on Bourbon Street — Finsley rocked the house with a cover version of “Tie Your Mother Down.”
A spot-on crowd pleaser.
In December 2001, he returned to Dallas and was working as a salesman at Brook Mays Music Co.
Co-worker Brian Harris overheard Finsley at the piano performing a rendition of “Somebody to Love.”
A light bulb went off.
Queen for a Day was born.
It takes a lot of work to nail Queen's over- reaching pastiche rock.
Finsley and Harris (a supreme guitarist) rounded up a tight rhythm section — drummer Alan Mouradian and bassist Jimmy Cleaver.
This talented foursome could handle the complex arrangements and intricate hooks.
You can’t have Queen without the charisma of Freddie Mercury.
And you can’t be Freddie “the entertainer” (who had an easily forgettable career as a solo artist) without the balls-to-the-wall musicianship of Queen.
Seb Hunter, author of “Hell Bent for Leather: Confessions of a Heavy Metal Addict’ (Harper Collins, 2004), brilliantly summed up Queen’s essence in a recent e-mail.
“The usual rock star ‘credibility trappings’ didn’t apply. Freddie didn’t care what people thought of him. So he was free to take his vaudeville vision as far as he could — which ended up being rather a long way! He was also lucky in that the rest of the band were able to act as his ‘foil.’ They supplied the traditional meat-and-potatoes while Freddie whirled and danced over the top of it. The po-faced seriousness of the rest of the band served as both a counterweight to Freddie’s outrageousness as well as a solid musical platform. Their ‘straightness’ was also handy in that it deflected a significant amount of Freddie’s natural ‘gayness,’ making it acceptable for your average homophobic rock fan to like the band.”
Like contact sports, rock music is astoundingly conservative.
In their day, Queen earned its stripes as a respected rock group.
And anti-gay fans simply overlooked Mercury’s macho flamboyance.
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Finsley confirms that only Freddie Mercury can get away with his brand of absurd, high camp in the face of serious rock.
When Queen for a Day started to take shape, “I got ecstatic. Ideas started flowing about songs we could play. But a lot of those got turned down by Brian [Harris] because he thought they were ‘too gay,”’ Finsley explains. “And of course that was head-butt city right there.”
Harris’ vision was to only cull songs from a portion of group’s catalog: 1973-1981.
“But Queen is not just one period. There’s 25 years of material,” Finsley says.
So a dream come true is coming to an end.
Finsley is moving back to New Orleans in less than two weeks.
Queen for a Day’s rare performances are usually packed with area musicians who have memorized every hardcore note in the Queen catalog.
Finsley says the gay community never embraced Queen for a Day.
Saturday will probably be the last time to do so. 
Sept. 4. at 10:30p.m. Club Dada, 2720 Elm St. 214-744-3232.
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that spotify article is why i will always advocate for physical media; i’m as big a spotify user as anybody but i think that the key to that essay is the idea of ontology of taste vs. emergent affect; when you’re listening to vinyl or making mixtapes or burning CDs it is a different relationship to the media itself (and thus the listening experience) than having music constantly bombarded at you, and is less about what “becomes available to you” and more about what one has deemed pleasurable to the point of wanting to own a physical copy of it and constructing a listening experience around the act of engaging with the media itself (if that makes sense)
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ariesjupiter · 3 years
Mitski Birth Chart Reading
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This is just my interpretation based on Mitski’s birth chart and what I know of her music. Let me know if you have any suggestions of someone I should make a post on next! If you’re interested, I offer natal chart readings, just check my pinned post!
Libra sun: In terms of basic personality and ego, Mitski is focused on creating balanced, harmonic relationships. Intimate, one-on-one relationships are a major part of her identity. Libra is ruled by venus which represents love and beauty. After all, she is known for her lyrics relating to her romantic relationships. The lyric “I love everybody because I love you” is so profoundly Libra to me. She is friendly and charming. She sees herself reflected and other people and people see themselves reflected in her (for better or worse). Venus also rules the arts and Mitski is a natural artist in every sense of the word. Her music sonically is very unique, inventive, and creative as she experiments with mixing different genres. This is influenced by her sun in the 11th house. Sun in the 11th house also indicates an emphasis on friendships and memberships of certain groups and communities. It also indicates an importance of her hopes and dreams. Her sun in 3° explains why she is such a talented writer, communicator, and lyricist. Peak libra sun culture: “Young adult romance is the shit” (a real quote from the queen herself). And let’s not forget her iconic quote from 2016: “I’m a libra so my sexuality is essentially “you can really be any gender as long as you treat me like a princes.” Truer words have never been spoken.
Capricorn moon: Despite how personal her music is, Mitski is a rather private and reserved person, particularly when it comes to expressing her emotions. Also, Capricorn is associated with the father and she has been known to be especially private regarding her dad’s career. She is serious and intense with emotions but can sometimes get detached. The emphasis is on having control over her feelings. She is ambitious and a practical person. Her emotions are connected to her career. Those who do not know her well may see her as cold. In temperament she tends to be melancholic. Emotionally mature and wise beyond her years. Straightforward and honest with her expression. She is dependable, loyal, hard working, & realistic. Emotional fulfillment is often tied to achievement and success. Her moon in the 2nd house and 2° suggests material comforts make her feel safe. With the 2nd house being associated with venus, she is able to express her emotions in an artistic way. Could be protective over material objects. Sentimental. Music has a big impact on her emotions and mood. Peak capricorn moon culture: “I didn’t really feel anything. I’ve stopped feeling things for a long time” - Mitski, The Fader Interview, 2017. In all seriousness, I hope my capricorn moons are doing good.
Virgo mercury: Mitski is practical and detail oriented when it comes to communication and matters of learning. She takes the time to choose the right words to convey her thoughts. She is clear and concise. Mercury is in its sign of rulership here. Her mercury in the 10th house suggests that she will be known for her communication style. Has a lot of thoughts but is also organized. Analytical. Mitski likes making lists. Loves to give advice. Mercury is in 16° (cancer degree) and she has a soft spoken voice. Talks about the past and her roots (cancerian themes).
Virgo venus: In love, Mitski will assume a caretaking role and will gladly help her partner finish mundane tasks and chores. A devoted and faithful lover. Love is about the mundane and routine details of life. Love is about service. Acts of service tend to be virgo venus’ main love language. She wants to help improve her partner’s life. She is patient and observant. Values love that is simple and authentic. Appreciates a partner with whom she can have intellectual conversations. May have a tendency to be too critical on herself when it comes to love. Venus rules aesthetics & style and she tends to have a modest fashion sense. Mitski has voiced her interest in astrology and how she has asked people she’s interested for their birth times lmao. Her venus is in the 11th house, she treats a lover like she would treat a friend. In fact, romantic love probably equates to platonic love in her book. She has her venus in 24° which is a pisces degree, which explains this natural interest in astrology.
Gemini mars: Could be impatient because she moves quickly. Efficient. Has a lot of goals and likes to keep busy. She thrives when she talks to others and exchanged ideas. Likes to multitask. Very versatile. Probably has a flirty, bubbly energy when she’s attracted to someone. Attracted to intellect. Desire to see things from multiple perspectives. Gemini rules the hands so she’s skilled with playing instruments and writing. Likes to try new things. Witty and humorous. Could have nervous energy or fidget often.
Leo jupiter: The planet of luck and expansion in Leo is a big indicator of fame. Her jupiter is also in the 9th house and in 7°. Jupiter in the 9th indicates being born in a different country from where you reside now. Mitski is biracial and has lived in multiple countries growing up. She loves to learn, particularly about other cultures and ways of life. She is open minded, philosophical and values freedom and being independent. She attracts good fortune when she travels (touring!) and also when she focuses on partnerships/intimate relationships (7°). Combining this energy, Mitski attracts luck when she acts dramatically, demonstrates/teaches her knowledge, expresses herself artistically, shows her warm hearted and sometimes stubborn side, & takes chances, shows her bravery, and takes the lead. Be the Cowboy is big leo energy 🤠
Capricorn saturn: Mitski is responsible, practical, goal-oriented, and cautious. With saturn in the 3rd house, she probably had to grow up quickly and become mature at a young age. Capricorn saturn people tend to be very successful people. Strong willed. Tendency to be quiet and is a good listener. Could also be outspoken. With saturn in 18° (virgo degree), she’s very hard working but she may need to learn how to take a break and let herself rest and recharge.
Capricorn uranus: This placement also indicates that she goes after her goals and is efficient and practical in achieving them. Uranus being in the 2nd house shows that she could make money from being unique and groundbreaking. 2nd house also rules the voice! Her values are unique and she could be resistant to change them. Her self esteem could be in a constant state of flux and be tied to money. Her income could rapidly change, like maybe she did not get paid much but then suddenly she starts making a lot of money. Uranus is in 5° which is a fame degree. She’s famous for being authentically herself and very much an individual in the industry that can’t be compared.
Capricorn neptune: Capricorn neptunes are most likely realists. She is skilled at going after her dreams. Her dreams are practical and connected to themes of wealth, power, and control. Neptune in 3rd house shows a dreamy, poetic way of communicating. A very creative placement. Dreamy vibes. Could be elusive in communication, open for interpretation. Neptune is in 11° so this gives aquarian energy. Idealistic with friends and always searching for ways to achieve her dreams.
Scorpio pluto: Her power lies in her ability to analayze human interactions and be introspective with herself since it’s in the 1st house. She is very self aware. Mitski understands that life is about going through changes and she welcomes the ability to grow and rebuild. She has intense, deep emotions but has control over them and how she expresses them. Pluto in 16° adds a cancerian energy. Her strength lies in her ability to nurture and be empathetic.
Scorpio rising: First impressions of Mitski can be that she’s mysterious and secretive. A powerful and intimidating presence. This explains to me why she loves dressing in black. She probably has a strong dislike for anything superficial. She likes to get to know people on a deeper level and connect with them. She likes honesty and is probably very perceptive and intuitive. Privacy is so important to her! She has a lot of layers and wants people to unpack them, but it may take her a while to open up. She is powerful and has endurance. Her presence leaves an impact on people. Loyalty and intimacy is important. She’s not afraid to talk about taboo topics or scary, heavier emotions. Passionate and even a tendency to get fixed on or obsessed with something or someone. Her rising is in 15° (gemini degree) so she’s clever, curious, and thinks quickly. a little more flexible than a regular Scorpio rising would be.
Leo midheaven: People might see her as dramatic or arrogant. In the public eye, she was meant to be a performer. At her concerts she’s known for putting on a good show & includes interpretive dance and choreography. She becomes herself more when she’s on stage. The stage is where she shines. Has a lot of pride connected to her career. Reputation for creatively expressing herself and being brave and taking risks. Wants to be admired, especially regarding her career. Her purpose is to become a leader. Mc in 22° (capricorn degree) shows that she is a very hard worker when it comes to her career. She won’t let anyone stop her when it comes to achievement and success in her field. Another indicator of being at the top of her career and being publicly recognized for it!
TLDR: Mitski is a natural born singer, performer and artist. She is unique, talented, and an introspective writer. Being earth and water dominant, she balances practicality & stability with sentimentality & raw emotion. With all of her Capricorn placements, she is grounded and doesn’t let fame get to her head. Her chart ruler is Scorpio pluto in the 1st which means that major transformations will be a big theme in her life, especially regarding herself & her identity. She is always reflecting and looking at herself on a deep level.
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flying-nimbus-cloud · 4 years
Aight Peter Maximoff stans, I want to point out some plot holes and unanswered questions about "Ralph Bohner"
WandaVision Spoilers:
(I am in currently listening to Sweet Dreams/80s music while writing this very drunk, determined and in immense denial. 😁🤘)
(Pls read, my drunk smol brain worked hard on dis 😘👉👈)
Ralphs name. Why doesn't Ralph Bohner have a hex name and a real name? Unless "Pietro" was essentially his hex name. But I truly believe that Wanda unintentionally or otherwise wouldn't name some random civilian "Pietro", right? Like how Sarah was named Dottie at random, wouldn't that be the case for Ralph also? From what was shown it made it out to seem he's called Ralph Bohner in and out of the hex.
From episode 1-5 Agatha spoke about Ralph like he was her husband for some reason. Why did he only appear in episode 5 if she had Ralph under her control to use to her benefit from the very beginning? It's just odd.
Agatha's abilities. Agataha had shown Wanda that can perform illusions(like how she turned a bug into a bird). So... why didn't she make Ralph look like Wandas brother if she can make illusions? Especially after going through the trouble of picking a guy that acts nothing like Wandas brother and giving him powers? Agathas power scale confuses me so much.
Why did Wanda recognize Ralph Bohner when he showed up at her door? The explanation "Cause magic" would feel so cheap. I seriously don't understand this. Wanda despite her fragile mindset would be like, "Who are you? You don't look like my brother. You don't act like him. He's dead(Wanda definitely knows that internally.) The only thing you both have in common is the superpowers. Y'all move fast." Now if it was Peter Maximoff from another universe I'd assume that Wanda can sense he's her sort-of brother but not really. Almost like somethings a little off....at least that's what I thought, but nope. He's a random person apparently, so there isn't that instinctual connection. So then why the recognition at all?
The alarm. In episode 5 right when Ralph appears at Wandas door some random ass alarm goes off at Swords base outside the hex. Why?? Peter Maximoff fans and myself thought that was him possibly entering the hex somehow. But apparently not...so what was that exactly?? Of course that was never explained.
Ralphs superspeed. So, y'all telling me that Agatha had not only forcibly put a necklace on Ralph to control him to be her "eyes and ears" BUT ALSO gave him LITERAL superpowers?? All of that is completely glossed over. Mf at Marvel will probably say, "Cause Magic" smh.
Jimmys missing guy. There's unfortunately a lot to debunk this theory, but I could still see it being a possibility. Jimmy along with Monica and Darcy all saw the TV when Ralph was on it, but Jimmy never said a word. An interesting point though is the fact that this witness protection person was never brought up again, which is really fucking weird. More shit left unanswered. Could it be "Ralph"? We don't know.
The house. Ralph Bohner is supposedly a struggling actor. At least that's the explanation many have said is the reason as to why he has a random headshot of himself laying about his man cave. But then how does he live in that big ass family home? Plus that house ain't actually Agathas, she came into WestView looking for Wanda to find answers about the hex. That wasn't originally her house. With Ralph looking like the broke ass himbo he is...how could he afford to live there if he supposedly lived as a civilian in that town to begin with??? Make this make sense lol.
Ralph chuckled at his name. Aight aight I know this is a stretch, but hear me out; If you had a dumbass name that sounded weird, you'd probably be used to people making fun of it or saying it wrong, right? You'd maybe even get tired of hearing the silly name your entire life. But when Monica said Ralphs name, he chuckled like one would at their silly fake name and not their real name. That's at least how my dumbass would react to someone saying a funny name I choose for myself. And honestly "Ralph Bohner" truly sounds like a name that Peter would choose lol. Unless WandaVisions writing team said, "Evan, we want you to laugh at your name like you've never heard anyone pronounce Bohner like Boner before." Or maybe Ralph didn't know his own name because he was under Agathas control still...or something.
Why "Ralph Bohner"? K so lets just say we all accept that they stunt casted Evan Peters and he is and always will be a nobody named Ralph Bohner. Marvel knew- no, knows that fans of Evan Peters Quicksilver and the X-Men would get hyped up bout him when they made that glorious reveal in episode 5. So they really dragged that expectation out for 3 weeks, to leave it off on a dick joke? Nah, Marvel/Disney can't be that stupid right?....right?
They gave us some hope and hefty amount of evidence(that isn't listed all here) that Ralph could be Peter Maximoff because of some Multiverse shenanigans....
But then they left it like...this?
Tis very strange of Marvel to think people wouldn't notice how they kinda, sorta baited fans if left like this.
I literally had no crazy theories for this entire show, everything Marvel I take with stride with almost zero expectations...then my boy Evan Peters showed up and my ass finally had some hope to see my comfort character make an appearance in the MCU...which ironically ended in a dick joke. The universe said, "Nah fam, you can't hope for shit lol 🤡"
Anyways, I'd like if this could give some evidence to those still willing to believe that Ralph Bohner is Peter Maximoff. With so many unanswered questions and plot holes with his character, it just feels wrong for him to be nobody...y'know?
Also I'm sorry if this gives you false hope lol.
Love y'all, Peter Maximoff stans are sweet as heck. 💕
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
WAP Headcanon
Word Count:2726
Warning Part Two: There is a lot of sexual content behind the cut. Oral Sex, Sex, Degrading, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Lots of swearing, 
Summar Request:”i was wondering if you could write a motley crue headcannon of them with a fem s/o that got that WAP lol” I listened to WAP 700 times well writing this. I also made a playlist that you can find HERE
A/N: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READS MY WRITING! I appreciate you all so much and just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you all sending me requests and talking to me about fandoms. You all make me so happy and I can’t even put into words how much I appreciate the reblogs, likes, and messages you all send me. Thank you!
Tag List: @ayablackwood @littlemisscare-all @thenobodies-inc​ @agroupiewhore
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“I could make you bust before I ever meet ya”
-You met Vince well working as a lifeguard the summer before college
-He literally was so obsessed with you that he went to the beach everyday for two weeks until you finally agreed to go out with him.
-Watching you climb up the lifeguard with your little red bath suit cut high so he can stare at your ass bouncing with each step
-He picks you up in his sports car and literally almost falls on his ass when you come out of the house with a sheer white dress and white lingerie on under it.
-Teasing him all night so he feels like he’s going to explode
-Sucking your finger well making eye contact with him
-Reaching out to push his blonde hair away from his face
-Touching him constantly, in innocent ways to build him up
-Complimenting his lips and running your fingers over them and pressing a thumb against his wet lower lip and then licking it and dragging your lower lip down
-The sexual tension is so high Vince thinks he’s going to cum as he drives you home
-Telling him you don’t sleep with men on the first date and not giving him a time for a second date
-”In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya”
-He sends gifts all the time until you finally agree to go out with him again
-When he picks you up you’re wearing a fur jacket and a pair of high heels.
-”Take me to your house”
-Walking into his house and sliding out of the coat and letting it fall to the floor as you look over your naked shoulder.
-Vince has been with a ton of woman but you’re fucking demanding.
-You spread your legs pulling his blonde hair to your aching pussy pushing him down and watching him eat you like it’s a last meal
-He’s a clean eater, licking and sucking, using only his mouth to suck up your juices and suck your clit
- Keeping your heels on as you lay them over his shoulders laying back on bed
-Kissing your thighs after you cum and licking up your thighs tasting the wetness that leaked over them.
-Putting a condom on using your mouth
-Being on all fours, ass in the air, letting him go deep and hard as he fucks you
-The feeling of your wet pussy leaking over his balls making a slapping sound that is driving him crazy
-Loud and Vocal during sex, telling him how he’s fucking you so good. And Vince is eating it all up. He loves being praised and you’re stroking his ego like your pussy is stroking his cock.
-Switching positions so you can reverse cowgirl
-“If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?",When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name”
-Vince loves watching the way your ass bounces and twirls on the top. He watches the way you pull up, lowering yourself on the tip of his cock and spinning down on his cock like you’re screwing it in tight.
-Skin slapping skin, wet slaps as you ride him, watching your pussy sliding out around his cock
-Telling him you’re going to cum again and Vince moving to fucking you with your legs bent over his shoulder so he can fuck you hard and deep
-Legs shaking, squeezing Vince as you cum around his cock
-Vince would be praising you as you came, so enamored with you and also feeling like he had reached some level of success
-His sweaty forehead pressed into your shoulder as he clings you you emptying inside
-You got what you wanted so you roll out of bed making yourself comfortable as you go take a shower, locking the door so you get your privacy. Completely throwing off this teddy bear of a man who loves cuddling and pillow talk after sex
-Coming out after your shower to a surprised Vince wondering why you were shutting him out after what he thought was great sex
-You tell Vince you’re calling a cab home and he’s surprised but you don’t sleep over guys' houses. But you know what you want, you got it and now it’s time to head home
-Vince is literally left speechless as he watches you put on your coat wondering if he’ll see you again or if he is going to have to keep stalking you at the beach
-“Will I see you again?”
-Shrugging as you get into a cab and giving him a coy smile before shutting the door and leaving.
-Calling him that night and letting him know you’re free tomorrow
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-Everyone jokes that Mick is an old man but dude is seriously Daddy
-Like sugar daddy and gives you daddy dick
- “Pay my tuition just to kiss me”
- Always showering and lavishing you with attention when you meet up
-But whenever you meet up you know he is going to want too hook up in public
-He gets so horny knowing you can get caught and you do little things to make him go crazy
-Like wearing a little collar, that goes to the bondage set he bought, out to brunch with him
-Or when you go out you wear sheer shirts so he can see the outline of your brown nipples
-Sunday Brunch was your weekly meeting with Daddy Mars
-You’re outside, the sun shining on your skin. Sunglasses over your eyes when you feel lips on yours
-Mick is always just looking at you, admiring you.
-You’re wearing this crop top white peasant blouse that ties in the front and a denim skirt
-“I don't cook, I don't clean, But let me tell you how I got this ring”
-You met Mick at a bar one night with your friends. He bought drinks for you all night, and you made him laugh with your witty one liners. He had asked to see you again and that’s how Brunch started. He knew he was older than you but when he met you he had proposed helping you with school fees and you spending Sundays with him.
- Your foot slipped out of the sandal running along the inside of his thigh
-His eyes are dancing, loving how you know what he wants
-As you’re eating the sky is turning dark, warning of a summer rainstorm.
-the sky breaks open after Mick pays and you expect him to take you to the car to have a quickie or go to his house but he’s leading you over to the beach.
-As much as you like to tease him you hadn’t expected for it to rain so your thin shirt is completely translucent against your skin
-“Sit on the wall.”
-He sinks into the sand in front of you, tossing his jacket next to you, rolling up your wet denim skirt. Legs over his legs as he tasted you
-“Make it cream, make me scream,Out in public, make a scene”
-Gripling the concrete wall, he’s in front of you lapping at your clit as his fingers plunge into your wetness. Fingers working you with the same precision he plays a guitar. Curling into your core tapping the g-spot
-Head thrown back, rain water flowing down over you
-People are driving by wondering what the hell you’re doing out in the rain because they can’t see Mick working better. Your legs are shaking as he holds you in place, fucking your wet pussy with his fingers, toying with your clit witb his tongue.
-“I’m going to cum”
-Mick moved a little, fingers going into overdrive as he spread you further watching as you squirt.
-Kissing your thighs as you try to breathe again after he just dragged out a super strong orgasm from you.
-Wrapping his jacket around you as you go to his car
-He pulls up to your dorms and slips some cash into the jacket pocket.
-“See you next week, baby.”
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-“He bought a phone just for pictures, Of this wet-ass pussy (click, click, click)”
-Nikki just bought a new video camera and you’re going to be the star of his film.
-He has you posed, sitting on the floor with knees bent and legs spread naked so he could video you touching yourself
-You’re looking at the camera, not shy as your hand dips lower. You take your fingers in a V splitting your lips to reveal the juicy wetness inside your aching cunt
-Nikki audibly groans seeing the sticky sweetness in a glistening pattern across you
-It’s obvious he wants to touch you but he’s trying to record all of this.
-Holding your lips apart you take a free hand swiping a finger over your wetness and holding it out for Nikki to taste. His mouth  is around your fingers in an eager moan as he licks them clean
-The way he licked your fingers just had you wanting more
-You love performing for Nikki and driving him crazy
-Rubbing your wet fingers over your nipples, soft moans that cause him to curse under his breath
-Using your fingers to rub your clit and tugging your nipples well looking at him
-Nikki takes out his cock, stroking it as he’s watching you.
-You open your mouth, tongue coming out as an invitation
-He’s setting down the camera at an angle, gripping your head as his cock slides into your mouth
-”I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp,I wanna gag, I wanna choke, I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing, That swing in the back of my throat”
-He’s gripping your hair, compliments like “fuck baby” “so good” “take it all” and deep groans of appreciate coming from him. You’re drooling, tongue lapping to stroke every inch of him as he’s holding himself all the way in your throat. You feel your spit sliding out of your mouth, covering his balls as Wet gurgles of pleasure come from you around his cock
-Nikki tilts your chin up, “Eyes on me.” You look up, eyes watering and mascara leaking down your face from not being able to breath but you put on your big eyes good girl act
-“I’m going to paint your face in my cum, Princess.”
- Pulling out of your mouth and shooting his hot cum across your face, licking your lips to taste him as he grunts out as he cums.
-“Stay like that I want a picture”
-Nikki shuts off the video camera and starts taking Polaroids of you covered in his cum, smiling like the little whore you are
-He’s posing you, and giving you a towel to clean your face as he starts taking pictures of you on your hands and knees ass in the air
-“You’re still so wet for me.”
-You get on your back, Nikki covering you with his body, his lips hovering above yours. Your heart beating with anticipation and you whisper out a “Please” the smug smirk of satisfaction is illuminating his face.
-Nikki slides into you, filling you until you’re stretched almost uncomfortably around him
-Deep strokes making you see fucking stars as he holds your hips, letting you wrap your legs around him, and he fucks you
-”Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes”
-Your mouth is hanging open and you go to lick your bottom lip and he spits in your mouth, taking you off guard at the intimacy and
-You’re looking up, open mouthed and horny shocked that he did that.
-“Treating my princess like a whore. “
- You nod your head to let him know you liked it and you’re okay with it. The way your nipples hardened and you squeezed around him gave him the confirmation you were his little whore.
-Your wetness was coating not only you but Nikki’s thigh as it slipped from your body
-You opened your mouth to tell him you were going to cum but it was shut off by his lips slamming into yours. He knew our tell tale signs. Your arms holding onto him, soft mons coming out as you pushed into him, writhing in your orgasm
-”I’m going to fill you up, Princess.”
-Your head was nodding, his lips easing you with kisses he peppered on your skin, the way his pants met your ears before the groan and you knew he had finished.
-You lay on the floor for a moment well you both get your breath back. And then you head to the shower
-Nikki helps you clean up, his hands gentle on your shoulders.
-”You were so wet today, Princess. I guess you like being in front of the camera”
-Just hearing him says that just gets you started all over again and you want him again
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-”Big D stand for big demeanor”
-Can not keep his hands off of you
-You sit down and he’s either next to you on the couch of he’s behind you reaching ove of his freakishly long arms over to hold your shoulder
-This man loves you and is always ready to go
-At a show, he’s making eyes at you backstage before the show and you know exactly what he wants from you
-Standing next to a table talking to someone you feel his hands on your back squeezing a hip as he leans in to whisper to you, “Come with me”
-He pulls you into a dressing room and everyone knows exactly what you tw are about to do.
-Tommy is quick to pull up your skirt and he’s dropping to his knees in front of you, tugging your panties to the side and pulling a leg over his shoulder
-He loves eating pussy, this man loves sliding his tongue into your pussy, swirling his tongue around to get your taste on his tongue. His fingers pinch your clut rolling it in tiny circles as his tongue fucks you in little thrusts and than laps hungirly
-”Fucking love the taste of you, babe. You’re so sweet.”
-You feel like you’re going to collapse, your thighs are trembling and you want to cum with him inside you
-”Tommy, fuck me. Stop fooling around.”
-Do not need to tell this man twice. Very good listener.
-”I want you to park that big Mack truck, Right in this little garage”
-Tommy has you bent over the couch before you can even realize what is happening, his cock teasing your entrance, sliding the tip in and pulling out. Inch by inch he goes in and comes out until your legs are shaking, needing all of him inside of you.
-He knows there isn’t a lot of time so he’s slamming into you, his bare cock filling you after his teasing and groaning Y/N in appreciation.
-Your pussy squeezes against him, making the drummer curse in surprise
-He’s wrapping your hand around his hair pulling you so your back is arched and he can really slam into you
-Your ass is slapping against him with each thrust and you’re meeting him
-”Fuck babe, you’re so wet. Your thighs are like a fucking slip and slide”
-Tommy is more vocal during sex than you. He’s always praising your body, telling you how hot he thinks you are, telling you exactly what he likes, making little groans of pleasure when you clamp down on his cock, and just really making the whole thing feel good.
-”Stop squeezing me, I’m not going to be able to pull out if your pussy keeps sucking me in.” He warns you as you bounce back against his cock
-Tommy wants you to cum, you can tell he can’t hold on much longer
-His fingers reach around pressing your clit and after a few touches you let go against him, falling forward with a shudder
-Making you cum just gets this man even more fucking excited. He’s pushing deep into you, getting a sweat appear
-He’s pulling out, jerking his cock in fierce needy motions, shooting his load over your ass in white stringy patterns. Slapping your ass playfully
“Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me “
-After his boner brain goes away and he can think like a normal person again he’s helping you clean up.
-All about aftercare and making sure that you’re okay
“I said, certified freak, Seven days a week, Wet-ass pussy, make that pull out game weak”
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