#No Order 66 AU
furious-blueberry0 · 5 months
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Commander Sevander on deck, sir.
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Little close up
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varpusvaras · 1 year
Alderaan, 4.25 p.m, sometime after the war has ended
Breha: Oh, Fox is back from his trip to Kamino, let's go meet up with him at the docks!
Bail: Welcome back home, love, how was the-
Fox: Yes?
Bail & Breha:
The extremely adorable baby clone Fox is holding:
Fox: Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you beforehand, I am so sorry. It all happened so suddenly
Breha: Oh, we don't mind, we just didn't know that they were releasing any of the cadets from Kamino yet
Fox: They aren't
Bail: ...did you ask if you could take him?
Fox: No, because they would've said no. No one will know, though, because what are they going to do? A DNA-test? I'm his dad, of course he has the same DNA as I do.
Baby: Bwah
Breha: What am I the Queen for if not for forging papers
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corvidscreams · 1 year
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What’s worse than tripping in front of your crush? Falling down a hole, dropping your saber, and getting stuck waiting for rescue in a temple you’ve already explored because you got distracted trying to show off is probably a good starting point.
The second follower giveaway prize! This one was a request for some no order 66 au humor from @madluluwriting.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
You seem like the kind of person who would be interested in my favorite of my unhinged AUs.
Basically it goes like this. In Episode I, Obi-Wan skipped through the great Trials of becoming a Jedi Knight because he was the first Jedi to kill a Sith Lord, Darth Maul, in over a hundred years. (This is canon. I read The Official Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Movie Scrapbook obsessively as a kid before I had unrestrained wookieepedia access. Do not question my deep lore knowledge.)
However, in this version of the story, someone points it out during the Clone Wars. It's just an offhanded comment in a council meeting. It shouldn't amount to much. But one of the other masters, thank The Force no one remembers who, offhandedly mentions that "Wait, didn't we find out Darth Maul is still alive a couple months ago?" and another council member jokingly makes a remark along the lines of "Shouldn't Obi-Wan's knighthood status be revoked?"
That would've been the end of the conversation, except that Master Kenobi and his padawan are there for the conversation, and Anakin appreciates the humor of the situation a little too much.
"Of course, the experiences he's already gained on the field are more than sufficient to make up for what's lacking in Master Kenobi's trials," Mace says, "he shouldn't require any further action."
But Anakin, who has secretly seen Obi-Wan hold his head up a little too high at being the only living Jedi to kill a Sith, and has heard him bring it up at more than one occasion, begins snickering, if not outright laughing. He apologizes for his impertinence, stating that he finds it funny that he now outranks his master by a technicality.
So, although the council agrees Obi-Wan can retain his knighthood, Obi-Wan decides that, no, he's always been a follower of the rules, he's not gonna let the rules slide on this one, either. And with that, he requests the council's permission for a Defintely-Not-Selfishly-Or-Spitefully-Motivated-Mission-To-Hunt-Down-And-Kill-Darth-Maul-For-The-Good-Of-The-Galaxy, which the council concedes to, because knowing the Disaster Lineage, either Kenobi would find a way to do it anyways, or Anakin would attempt to beat him to the punch and gain the title of Master behind their backs.
Obi-Wan spends the rest of the Clone Wars chasing down Darth Maul, and though he is unsuccessful at killing the fallen Sith warrior, he does manage to drive him off Mandalore and prevent the Duchess from dying, so that's at least a little consolation.
Anyways, because of all this, Anakin isn't nearly as upset about not having the title of Master when he's given his seat on on the council, because, hey, look, Obi-Wan's on the council too, and he's not even officially a Jedi Knight yet. In fact, Anakin argues that he's just killed Dooku, and since Darth Maul is still out there somewhere, he's the first Jedi to kill a Sith in a hundred years or so, right? Doesn't this grant him the rank of Master?
The entire council sighs at this technicality, but "right, Master Skywalker is," and because he's been given the title that he's more than earned by then, Master Anakin Skywalker never turns to the Dark Side and Order 66 never happens.
📔 send me any book emoji and I'll tell you about a fanfic idea that I daydream about but haven't written
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Obi-Wan and Grim in an Order 66 doesn't happen AU.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @milfspectre1 @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @aiylasdrawings @keoxus  @dykerebel @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @kohtoyah @saturnsokas @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon
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ironhoshi · 1 year
of the life we could have had
Chapter 2.
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wild-karrde · 2 years
I have to say thank you so much for your fandom Friday event. I just really appreciate you taking so much time out of your day to do this! It’s really amazing work. Thank you!
I’d love to submit this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42130389/chapters/105774051 by @gilded-moon (author’s tumblr). It’s called “you are my sunshine” and it’s a sweet lil no Order 66 au where the Wolfpack gets assigned a new mechanic. It’s Wolffe/OFC, and the oc is cutest character ever. The author is lovely too. Thanks for doing this!! (Also, your writing? Absolutely beautiful. Love it!)
ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm so flattered that you like my writing, and I'm THRILLED you enjoy Fandom Fridays! At risk of sounding redundant, I COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT ALL OF YOU, so THANK YOU for sending in a rec!
Every time I see that no O66 AU tag, I get excited because LET OUR BOYS JUST BE HAPPY DAMMIT, and as someone that holds some truly atrociously sad HCs about Wolffe and O66, it pleases me IMMENSELY to see our boy getting a soft fic where someone overcomes his grumpiness. The mechanic OC sounds like just the type of partner that he needs if he's gonna be a grump, and I'll absolutely have to check this out. Thank you again for the rec and the kind words!!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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aeligsido · 2 years
[Fictober 2022] Day 3 - “That was not my intention.”
Characters: Rangi Secura, Aayla Secura, CC-5052 | Bly Secura, mention of Anahera Secura and Whetū Secura. Additional Tags: no Order 66 au, Aayla and Bly are married, Rangi somehow is the responsible one, yeah it doesn't show here, future fic, family, humor, siblings relationship. Content Warnings: none.
Rangi is uncomfortable. His parents are looking at him and they look so disappointed. 
He hates disappointing his parents. 
“That was not my intention,” he states, hoping, maybe, for once, it’ll work on them.
Surprisingly, it doesn’t. 
“Rangi,” starts his mother, and he shrunks under her gaze, “we know that wasn’t what you wanted, but the consequences are still here.”
The consequences being his sister covered in paint – Anahera deserves it anyway, she knows what she did – and Whetū crying – it’s not like Rangi could have known his favorite toy was with their sister when he covered her in paint!
Rangi grimaces. His mother, in a poised Jedi Master who had spent too much time around one Obi-Wan Kenobi in her younger years move, raises an eyebrow she doesn’t have. His father, all the Marshal Commander he once was back in his expression, crosses his arms.
Well. Rangi is done for the count. 
At least he got his revenge first.
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stealthetrees · 2 months
Commander Fox finds out about Palpatines plans and instead of doing something logical he starts prank calling literally every commander he knows pretending to be Palpatine so when the real call comes they hang up on him
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fwtcanimelover · 4 months
Star Wars Order 66 au
Where the Kaminioans find out early that Palpatine is planning to eventually betray them. Before order 66 they secretly swap the codes for order 66 and order 65 around without Palpatine or anyone else knowing. So basically now order 66 demands the removal/execution of the Chancellor aka Palpatine, and order 65 is the execution of the Jedi.
So when Palpatine calls every single clone commander, commandos, bad batch, and the entire clone army to execute order 66. He is cracking up thinking that the clones are going to kill the jedi. Only to have an uno reverse card, and have the entire Republic army come after him instead.
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furious-blueberry0 · 5 months
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My mind is plagued by memories of a world that doesn’t exist….
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varpusvaras · 7 months
It happens very quickly.
One moment Seventeen is sitting next to Fox, listening to him talk about the newest project he is doing and the newest legislation his husband is trying to get through in the Senate and the newest program his wife has established. The tubie (baby, he corrects himself, if he remembers to do so. Nat-borns prefer that term to be used. The word 'tubie' tends to make them uncomfortable) is sitting on Fox's lap, trying to chew on his fingers. Fox keeps tugging them out of the tubie's mouth every other second, and every time Seventeen pays attention to the tubie for longer than one second, he looks to be getting increasingly frustrated about it. Seventeen remembers vaguely Fox saying something about teething and bite marks.
Then the tubie starts to fuss, kicking his legs in the air like a bug that has fallen onto its back, and Fox tries to calm him down by hoisting him on his shoulder and patting him on his bottom. Seventeen is increasingly glad over the fact that all the boys were already way over this age when he had to start looking after them.
The tubie fusses more, and now starts to whine a little. At the same time, Fox's commlink starts to ring. Fox ignores it for a while, but then actually glances at it and grimaces.
"I have to take that one", he says, maneuvers the tubie (Even, Seventeen reminds himself. The tubie's name is Even) on his other shoulder and picks the commlink up, and at that point, the tubie starts to borderline cry.
Fox looks at the tubie, looks at the commlink, and then looks at Seventeen.
Seventeen tries to say no, but Fox is too quick, and plops the tubie on Seventeen's lap and very quickly steps away.
"Keep him entertained for a moment", Fox says, and then adds, like the little shit he is, "You survived all of us, you will survive him for three minutes."
He then, again, very quickly retreats to the next room over, leaving Seventeen and the tubie alone with each other. Seventeen is honestly not sure which one of them dislikes it more.
The tubie (baby and Even, Seventeen reminds himself again) seems to take personal offense in being left alone with Seventeen. Honestly, Seventeen can't blame him for it.
"Still", Seventeen says, out loud, and grabs Even under his tiny arms and turns him around so Seventeen can look him in the face, "your buir keeps telling me how much of an angel you are compared to Rex's pair of shebs. Where's that energy now?"
That...actually makes Even to stop all the crying and whining. He looks at Seventeen with his dark eyes wide open, and then grins and makes some sort of gurgling sound, that Seventeen thinks might be a laugh of some sort.
Then he reaches his hands up and stuffs them both into his mouth.
"Do not", Seventeen says, trying his best to get a better grip on the little body in his hands so he can get them out. He doesn't have to do so, in the end, because as soon as he begins to move, Even pulls his hands out of his mouth by himself, and proceeds to slap them both right on Seventeen's face.
They are very wet and there is definitely a trail of spit coming from Even's mouth to his hands. Seventeen makes a face at it. Even makes the gurgling attempt of laugh again and proceeds to slap Seventeen for the second time.
"Okay", Seventeen grunts, pushing his arms out so he can keep the tubie away from his face. "You are definitely your buir's kid."
He gets more gurgling and flying spit as an answer.
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corvidscreams · 2 years
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Thinkin about that no order 66 au and what would be different. I think Boba’s armor would be a bit different, especially in a few of the colors.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
No Order 66 AU for the game? :)
you got it!
 Sabine stared at the mountain face in front of them as her "kidnappers" both helped her off the speeder bike, each of them holding onto one of her arms, probably so she wouldn't run off— which was excellent foresight, because that's exactly what she wanted to do.
kick-in-the-pants writer’s game!
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corukant · 11 months
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mourn them do not…
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…miss them do not
sketch for my lil headcanon that anakin had a pre mustafar moment on naboo as well,, knowing this might be the last time he remembers it like this…. i am insane
rlly taking yoda’s speech to heart 🥲
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shellshooked · 6 months
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there’s enough brainrot abt this au to write like a book series so I thought i would finally introduce it properly,, so here goes NOTHING !!
image descriptions:
jedi knight (botw) zelda conversating with padawan ahsoka tano strolling through the jedi temple on coruscant
there’s a firm reason the jedi council never allow commander link (botw) and general anakin skywalker on the same missions during the clone wars
general zelda and link (tp) of the rebel cell referred to as the twilight squadron debriefing their next attack towards the empire
jedi padawan link (ww) and his pirate best friend tetra have no idea what they’re about to face up against when his clone captain suddenly aims his blaster in their direction, claiming to execute the unknown directive of order 66..
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