#i am curious as to how this will all pan out
orion-kenobi · 18 days
john saying 'no promises' after woolsey tells him not to blow up the city and then part of the city blowing up is incredibly funny to me. like if that happened to me i would never joke about anything ever again.
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inkskinned · 4 months
crows use tools and like to slide down snowy hills. today we saw a goose with a hurt foot who was kept safe by his flock - before taking off, they waited for him to catch up. there are colors only butterflies see. reindeer are matriarchical. cows have best friends and 4 stomachs and like jazz music. i watched a video recently of an octopus making himself a door out of a coconut shell.
i am a little soft, okay. but sometimes i can't talk either. the world is like fractal light to me, and passes through my skin in tendrils. i feel certain small things like a catapult; i skirt around the big things and somehow arrive in crisis without ever realizing i'm in pain.
in 5th grade we read The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-time, which is about a young autistic boy. it is how they introduced us to empathy about neurotypes, which was well-timed: around 10 years old was when i started having my life fully ruined by symptoms. people started noticing.
i wonder if birds can tell if another bird is odd. like the phrase odd duck. i have to believe that all odd ducks are still very much loved by the other normal ducks. i have to believe that, or i will cry.
i remember my 5th grade teacher holding the curious incident up, dazzled by the language written by someone who is neurotypical. my teacher said: "sometimes i want to cut open their mind to know exactly how autistics are thinking. it's just so different! they must see the world so strangely!" later, at 22, in my education classes, we were taught to say a person with autism or a person on the spectrum or neurodivergent. i actually personally kind of like person-first language - it implies the other person is trying to protect me from myself. i know they had to teach themselves that pattern of speech, is all, and it shows they're at least trying. and i was a person first, even if i wasn't good at it.
plants learn information. they must encode data somehow, but where would they store it? when you cut open a sapling, you cannot find the how they think - if they "think" at all. they learn, but do not think. i want to paint that process - i think it would be mostly purple and blue.
the book was not about me, it was about a young boy. his life was patterned into a different set of categories. he did not cry about the tag on his shirt. i remember reading it and saying to myself: i am wrong, and broken, but it isn't in this way. something else is wrong with me instead. later, in that same person-first education class, my teacher would bring up the curious incident and mention that it is now widely panned as being inaccurate and stereotypical. she frowned and said we might not know how a person with autism thinks, but it is unlikely to be expressed in that way. this book was written with the best intentions by a special-ed teacher, but there's some debate as to if somebody who was on the spectrum would be even able to write something like this.
we might not understand it, but crows and ravens have developed their own language. this is also true of whales, dolphins, and many other species. i do not know how a crow thinks, but we do know they can problem solve. (is "thinking" equal to "problem solving"? or is "thinking" data processing? data management?) i do not know how my dog thinks, either, but we "talk" all the same - i know what he is asking for, even if he only asks once.
i am not a dolphin or reindeer or a dog in the nighttime, but i am an odd duck. in the ugly duckling, she grows up and comes home and is beautiful and finds her soulmate. all that ugliness she experienced lives in downy feathers inside of her, staining everything a muted grey. she is beautiful eventually, though, so she is loved. they do not want to cut her open to see how she thinks.
a while ago i got into an argument with a classmate about that weird sia music video about autism. my classmate said she thought it was good to raise awareness. i told her they should have just hired someone else to do it. she said it's not fair to an autistic person to expect them to be able to handle that kind of a thing.
today i saw a goose, and he was limping. i want to be loved like a flock loves a wounded creature: the phrase taken under a wing. which is to say i have always known i am not normal. desperate, mewling - i want to be loved beyond words.
loved beyond thinking.
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televinita · 2 years
Why did Sarah Ockler stop writing? I was curious about what she’d done more recently, but her last book was in 2015. She published 6 novels in 7 years -- generally well received, I thought -- and then just...poof?
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sugumii · 1 year
Clingy Jing Yuan x Reader: Sneaking out of work for his beloved
Warnings: None besides an angry Fu Xuan
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“My love…” A male voice whispered huskily into your ear, lips gently kissing the shell around it. Your body was pulled back gently, leaning on a firm and strong chest.
“I’ve missed you.”
You sighed, leaning back to rest in your lover's embrace happily while you continued washing the dishes in your shared home. He smiled and watched you with a loving look on his face, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. His large hands planted themselves securely around your waist, pulling you in closer to his eager body.
“I’ve missed you too, love. Have you already finished your duties for today?”
He chuckled, the sound reverberating throughout his chest making his entire body shake. One of the things you loved about this man was how when he laughed his entire body shook with laughter. “Perhaps not all of it, but even old men such as myself require moments of relaxation.”
“…You snuck out, didn’t you?”
His body stiffened upon hearing your bold accusation as he laughed with a hint of nervousness in his tone. He nuzzled his face into your neck despite your giggles for him to stop due to the ticklish feeling.
“Of course not, my beloved. Just who do you take me for?”
“A slacker.” You replied almost immediately causing him to release a small chuckle. “This isn’t the first time you’ve done this after all. Has Fu Xuan’s constant scoldings failed each time to knock some sense into you?”
“How mean of you, my dear. Lady Fu works herself far too hard to understand even leaders such as her deserve moments to unwind. I’m merely taking some time to recharge my stamina with my beloved. Perhaps she should consider arranging for a partner.”
You continued washing cups and pans and snorted.
“Honeyed words won’t allow you to escape the massive scolding you’re about to receive, love.. Also, I don't think Fu Xuan intends to date anytime soon.”
“Whatever do you mean?” He questioned the first bit with a curious look in his eye. He never released his hold of you, instead choosing to cherish and relish his embrace with you. You felt his long, fluffy hair tickle your neck as he placed gentle kisses along your shoulder blade. You hummed in content and leaned back into him more causing him to smile fondly.
“Fu Xuan knows by now you tend to sneak off to wherever I am, love. In fact, she had texted me recently asking where I was…”
“Is that so…” The general replied, attempting to hide his nervousness with a casual grin. You finished rinsing your last dish and turned to him with a mischievous look in your e/c eyes.
“And just how long ago was this, my beloved?”
“About 15 minutes ago, around the time you ran off, I believe.”
You watched as his eyes widened a fraction and his grip on your body got tighter. “After reevaluating my decision, I've decided to return to work. I’ll see yo-“
The door busted open as a short and angry Fu Xuan appeared, glowering at the hard-headed general. Her eyes seethed with anger and annoyance resulting in the silver-haired male letting out a breath and hiding behind you while you stared in amusement. The mere thought of a man as tall and intimidating as he reduced to nothing more but a slightly terrified child amused you.
“General Jing Yuan.”
“Apologies, but General Jing Yuan is currently out of his office hours. Please, do leave a message after the beep. Bee-“
“AND NOW YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO JOKE?! I’ll be sure to give you a thorough scolding this time around!”
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sugar-coat-it · 2 months
Touch Tank
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He’s so pretty when he goes down on me… <3
Fluff into smut because I am a sappy bitch. It’s actually quite soft despite being dirty. 
Fem! Reader
Contains: Sub! Matty, him being a sweetie pie and guiding her into it, facesitting/riding, makeup ruining, praise kink (good boy, pretty boy, etc.), Matty cumming in his pants, hair pulling, Matty Healy worshiping that cunt idk what else to tell you
WC: ~4,600
Matty asks you to do his makeup for him… and then ruin it by sitting on his face
You glance at Matty through the reflection in the mirror, your heart swelling in your chest at the adoring look plastered on his face. He looks so incredibly gentle, his eyes soft and practically sparkling as he watches you apply concealer onto your skin. Only a few minutes ago, he’d plopped himself down on the lidded toilet near you and insisted that you show him how you do your makeup while you get ready for your girl’s night out. His longing gazes have proven to be very distracting as your working hands almost slow to a stop.
“Just pretend I’m not here! What comes next?” he urges, leaning his chin against his hand casually.
“Alright, alright! Next is the powder,” you explain, starting to refocus as you run the brush through the pan of skin-toned pigment. 
Matty’s eyes can’t seem to stay focused on one thing, flicking between the product you’re using (taking note of the brand you use), your pretty face, and the way your steady fingers curl around the makeup brush. He murmurs the word “powder” to himself like he’s trying to commit the steps you take in your routine to his memory. Boyfriend training, if you will.
“Right… so, do you really need the primer, the concealer, and the other thing? Why haven’t they just combined them all? It’s an awful lot of work for you makeup users,” he muses, talking as if he knows what any of them are really for. 
“I have no clue, babe. You should really get on that,” you chuckle, stealing another glance at him through the mirror. 
“Yeah, I should, shouldn’t I? What’s that one for, then?” he asks, reaching out and pointing at the powder in your hands. 
“This? It’s to set everything in place that we just put on,” you explain, finding it quite sweet that he’s so curious about this little piece of your life, as mundane as it might be. 
Matty hums and nods thoughtfully, seeming satisfied with knowing more about makeup than he did before. Not just any makeup, but his girl’s makeup that she takes so much time to get right. There’s something very domestic about this moment, everything feels a little softer when it’s just you two like this. Even the moonlight seems to seep through the window gentler. Matty’s life is irregular, there’s no denying that. It’s what makes these moments of calm feel so sacred, so untouchable. 
You continue carrying out your routine, going a little slower than usual to prolong it all, your brush strokes lingering a little longer than necessary as you brush a tastefully shimmery shade on your eyelids. Your boyfriend is unusually quiet as he admires you with those sleepy eyes. It’s not often that he isn’t either speaking or waiting for someone to finish talking so he can get a word in. The silence feels comfortable for both of you, it settles over the bathroom like a blanket. 
“Ah, wait, I know that one,” he interrupts, suddenly sitting up straighter as you take out your next product, snapping his fingers and pointing at it, “that’s mascara.”
Matty looks absolutely triumphant, crossing his arms over his chest with a slyness plastered on his face. You let out a breathy little chuckle, only managing half of an eye roll before a warm smile tugs at your lips. 
Once you’ve finished, Matty clears his throat to get your attention, looking as though he’s mulling over asking you something. 
“Hey, I know you said you liked those pictures you saw of my stage makeup. I haven’t really done it in a while… y’know, if you wanted to do some on me… before you go to your party,” he offers softly, trailing off as he looks up into your eyes. 
“Wait, are you serious!?” you exclaim, your eyes lighting up with a grin on your face that could rival a kid’s smile on Christmas morning. 
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugs, chuckling as you already scramble to grab all your supplies, sliding them towards the closer end of the counter, “I’m going to trust you here, but you’ve got the perfect chance to fuck me up good, making me look like a proper circus clown.”
“I would never!” you gasp, feigning offense at his comment with a dramatic hand over your heart, “why on earth would I do that when I have the opportunity to make you the prettiest of princesses?” 
“The what? Nah, never mind that, you’ve just lost the privilege.” 
“No, no, no I’m sorry, I’ll behave!” 
Matty eyes you suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at you like he’s assessing whether or not you’ll be calling him “baby girl” or something next. Out of the goodness of his heart (and because he does really does want you to do this), he nods at you, crossing his arms over his chest. You just smile giddily, leaning down to kiss his forehead while he mumbles “Yeah, yeah, c’mon do me up”. 
You’ve decided to go easy on him and not do a full face, just his eyes and lips. With that, you crack open your makeup pallet reserved only for fun occasions, it’s filled with shimmery, bright colors that immediately attract Matty’s distractable eyes. You hold it up to him for him to get a better look, his brows furrowing as he no doubt contemplates what he thinks would look the coolest.
“What are you thinking?” you ask, still very excited that he’d not only agreed to let you do this but was the one to suggest it. 
“Maybe this blueish one? I dunno, is that what any basic straight guy would pick?” 
“You’re overthinking it. I think it would look really nice on you.”
You dip your eyeshadow brush in the pan, instructing him to close his eyes for you and stay still the best he can (not the easiest of feats for one Mr. Healy). He does, his gaze softening before he lets his eyes flutter shut. With your free hand, you reach out and gently tilt his face to be angled properly. You feel a little warmth blossom in your chest as you realize how intimate this feels, especially with how serene he looks as he closes his eyes. Even though it feels silly because it’s just doing his makeup, your heart still thrums a little faster at the little display of trust.
When you touch the brush to his eyelid, he lets out a short, very Matty-sounding giggle as he tells you that it feels “quite nice”. You chuckle along with him, switching to the other eyelid once you’re sure the other one is evenly applied. Your touch is delicate as you hold the side of Matty’s face, your eyes squinting with concentration as you work. He’s warm under your fingertips. You notice how soothed he seems by you handling him like this, almost hypnotized by the brush strokes. He looks so soft. Unjaded. Untouched. 
While his eyes are closed, you reach for your eyeliner, warning him before you touch the point of it to his lash line. Still, he flinches slightly when the liner touches his eyelid, his nose scrunching up a bit as you do your best to trace a steady line, despite the way his eyelids flutter.
“You’re moving, Matty.”
“M’not!” he insists (he is). 
With a bit of fixing, you’d managed to draw out two almost even wings. At your permission, his eyes blink open again and the sight almost steals your breath away. The blue is bringing out the honey tones of his irises, his sleepy eyes defined by the complimentary liner. He’s beautiful. 
“Do I look hot?” he asks, blinking faux seductively.
“Very hot,” you grin, inspecting your work as you keep a tender hold on his chin. 
It’s not even a joke, he does look hot. You’ve always not so secretly adored his more feminine side, getting absolutely giddy whenever he wore a skirt around the flat or painted his nails. You rub your thumb over his cheek affectionately before reaching back over to the counter for your mascara wand, holding it up to him before you unscrew the cap. It’s the only one he’d recognized from earlier, so of course you’re going to tease him a little. 
“Time for your favorite,” you joke, moving to position yourself in front of him. 
Matty glances at the wand for a second before nodding slowly, smiling with his tongue between his teeth boyishly. 
“Mascara,” he recalls smugly.
It quickly becomes his least favorite when he painstakingly can only blink when you tell him to, this wand object being far too close to his eyeballs for his liking. He groans dramatically between the blink breaks that you give him, pulling all sorts of odd, exaggerated faces.
“That was god awful, hated that,” he broods, shaking his head at you. 
You make up for it with an apologetic kiss to his cheek, then wipe away the pink trace of your lipstick on his skin. You reassure him that you’re almost done, now retrieving the same shade of lipstick that you’d done on yourself. You slowly ease his lips apart with the hand on his jaw, Matty being totally pliant while he gazes at you quietly. You start to apply the color to his lips, swallowing thickly as you try not to get distracted by his mouth. Despite your best efforts, your face feels a little hot as quiet tension blooms. His pupils have practically doubled in size at this point from how enamored he is with you in this moment. The tension only grows stronger when you finish, standing behind him as you lead him to the mirror.
“Oh, shit. I look… I look really good,” Matty gawks, his lips parting as he eyes himself in the mirror.
“You do. I’d go as far as to say that you look fucking stunning,” you whisper near the shell of his ear, feeling the hairs rise on the back of his neck.
The two of you stay like that for a bit longer, both admiring him in the reflection of the mirror, your hands settled on his shoulders and your lips brushing against his ear. With a smile, you place a tender kiss on his neck before leaving him to gaze at himself some more while you finish getting ready in the bedroom. 
It’s not long before Matty is trailing after you, finding you slipping your “style over comfort” heels on as he frowns at you from the doorway. The fact that you’re not still fawning over him while he looks this good is pure absurdity in his mind. 
“You’re really just gonna leave me here while I’m all dolled up for you? Shame,” he pouts, tilting his head at you as he juts out his bottom lip. Such a drama queen.
Matty comes closer and sinks to his knees in front of you at the foot of the bed, his calloused fingertips running up the expanse of your smooth legs. He looks up at you with lidded eyes as he reaches for the ankle straps of your shoes that you’d just put on, leaning his cheek against your knee as he starts to unclasp one of them with nimble fingers. You don’t stop him. He knows for a fact that he’s putting you in a position where you couldn’t possibly say no to him, not when he’s looking at you like that, his naturally gorgeous features only further accentuated by the makeup you’d done. Maybe being fashionably late isn’t such a big deal… Sarah hosts girl's nights all the time. Besides, Matty seems to have other plans for convincing you that the party is hardly a priority. You swear if you squint, you can see a plan racing to come together in his head as you gaze down at him, drinking him in while he’s on his knees. 
“We don’t really have the time…” you murmur, reaching with one hand to card your fingers through his hair, holding it away from his eyes while he undoes your shoes. 
Sex with Matty is never a casual affair. He takes his sweet time with you, taking you apart with his mouth and his fingers before he even thinks of being inside of you. He doesn’t just please, he satisfies. Matty’s devoted appetite cannot be given a time constraint.
Once he’s finished sliding both of your shoes off, carefully setting them to the side, he clambers up onto the bed and lays down behind you. His head is tilted in your direction as he reaches his hands out to you in a grabbing motion, urging you to come closer. 
“You could sit on my face,” he suggests, not a trace of hesitation in his blunt tone. 
“What?” you gape, your eyebrows knitting together.
“You heard me,” he quips, swallowing thickly before speaking again, “Stay. Use me.”
You shake your head in disbelief, letting out a chuckle at his wanton request. Forcing yourself to swiftly regain your composure, you turn and slink towards him, sitting on your knees at his side. It would probably be faster than sex… right?
“Where is this even coming from? Is that something you think about a lot, babe?” you smile teasingly, reaching over to cup his face, scratching your nails under his jaw. 
Matty’s gaze shifts to the side and he shrugs, a coyness playing on his face as his cheeks become rosier. No one gets to see him like this but you, this is your Matty.
You sigh, your eyes flickering down to his painted lips that curl up with a mischievous quirk. 
“You’d hardly be able to breathe, Matty- no, stop, don’t look at me like that, I’m serious! These things don’t always work out like they do in your pornos,” you laugh, but you are genuinely concerned about hurting him.
“The fuck do I care? If I can breathe, I’m not doin’ it right,” he huffs petulantly, his greedy hands reaching for your hips to guide you into straddling him, “Literally crush me, I can take it, I’m a big boy.” 
You shoot him a look and he just offers a wide, toothy grin, reaching behind you to grab handfuls of your ass through your dress. The fabric rides up your thighs higher with every little movement, feeling a lot shorter when it’s barely covering your panties. 
“I dunno about a big one, but you definitely are a boy sometimes, Healy,” you tease, leaning over him with your hands splayed on his chest for support. 
“You love it. Are you gonna sit that sexy ass down on me or what?” he smirks, only proving your point further as he waggles his eyebrows at you.
You can tell he’s not going to let this go, not till your thighs are locked around his head. Just as you’re about to open your mouth again, he’s easing the fabric of your dress further up your legs, letting out a satisfied hum as it bunches around your waist. He avidly smooths his hands over the newly exposed skin, need seeping through his touch. Matty’s voice is breathier when he speaks again, his fingertips digging into your hips.
“Please, darlin’, want you to ruin the pretty makeup you did for me so nicely,” he whispers.
 Instantly, heat surges under your skin, your breath catching in your throat at the way he spins his sugary words. That’s something you hadn’t considered. The image that flashes through your mind: Matty between your legs with his makeup smudged down his flushed cheeks. It makes a pang of want rip through you. Suddenly, it looks like your girlfriends will be taking the first round of shots without you.
“... okay,” you relent, chewing at your bottom lip. 
“Yeesss, that’s what I thought,” he celebrates, drumming his fingertips against your hips excitedly, “C’mere.”
The actual process of sitting down on his face seems fairly daunting to you, your limbs feel more awkward than usual, and heat is prickling at your cheeks at the idea of actually straddling his head. It’s an awfully compromising pose to be in. Matty notices how stonewalled you seem, his thumbs rubbing encouraging circles into the bones of your hips. 
“It’s okay, I’m serious, I want you to. Here, let me just…” he trails off, urging you to lift your hips by easing them upwards, letting you do most of the movement.
“So gentle,” you tease, noticing how light his touch is, like you’re his most delicate possession.
“I am when I want to be.”
Matty guides you till you’re kneeling above his head, peering down at his warm, sparkly eyes. He looks even prettier from this angle, his sea of dark curls is spread around his head like a halo. The little smile plastered on his face says “See? Not so bad.”. And it’s not, not when he’s holding both of your hands, his thumbs running over your knuckles carefully. He gives one of your hands a squeeze before letting go, placing two tender fingers at the waistband of your panties. He slides them down the front of the lacy fabric till they meet the dampness that’s gathered between your thighs, only setting your skin more ablaze. Matty hums approvingly, the noise rumbling low in his chest as he hooks his fingers under the material, sliding them to the side. 
“Oh, fuck me. Perfect fucking cunt,” he groans, spreading your honeyed folds and marveling at the way your arousal gathers on his digits.
You laugh lightly at how he acts as if he’s seeing you like this for the first time and he just smiles, enamored. Matty catches his lower lip between his teeth as he runs his hands over to your thighs, holding them as he nods to signal that he’s ready for you. 
“Yeah?” you breathe, feeling your heart hammer against your ribs. 
Matty blinks up at you eagerly, vying for your complete attention with every flutter of his mascara-coated lashes. His eyes are wide and twinkly, only shining brighter when you start to slowly lower your hips down. His needy gaze is wildly flicking back and forth between your face and your core, slicked and glistening with your arousal. There’s a slight burn simmering in your legs at just how teasingly slowly you’re sinking downward, much to Matty’s vexation. He tugs slightly at the soft skin of your thighs, a little whine escaping the back of his throat as he anticipates the lack of oxygen to come. Matty presses his lips to any skin he can reach on your thighs, hurriedly peppering pink lipstick marks till you’re totally littered with them. He smushes his cheek to your inner thigh, his muss of dark curls tickling at your skin as he pleads with you. He looks so fucked out and you haven’t even started. 
“Please, please- please, baby,” he murmurs, his tongue darting out to run over his pink, plush lips between kisses to your skin. 
You smile down at him warmly, feeling your heart almost burst at just how badly he’s craving this, how long he’s likely fantasized about you using him for your pleasure this way. He’s behaving oh-so politely for a man so normally fond of brashness. 
“I-I need it… please, just fucking use me,” Matty whimpers, his voice breaking slightly, his tone shooting straight to your cunt.
Finally, you indulge him, inching down the rest of the way until you’re perched on his face, your knees on either side of his head. You gasp as he doesn’t waste a single moment before his tongue is working against you with practiced swirls and figures. He’s giving you no time to even think twice about being embarrassed by the lewdness of your positioning. Your hands go flying to support yourself against the headboard, feeling like your breath has been ripped straight from your lungs as Matty laps at your sopping cunt. His shimmery, blue eyelids flutter shut as he groans against you, his hands snaking up the backs of your thighs to your ass, holding you down against his mouth firmly as he devours you. Your whole body shudders as he drags his tongue to your clit, flicking the tip of it against the bud. Liquid, carnal need is filling you right to your bones. 
“Fuck! That’s my fucking boy, so good for me,” you sigh out, tossing your head back as you start to reflexively grind down on his tongue “You enjoying yourself, hun?”
Matty lets out syrupy moans that vibrate against your core, only adding to the dizzying, deep-seated pleasure pulsating and reverberating inside you as he nods his head. His lashes flutter, his eyes rolling back until only the whites are visible as you start to find your rhythm, rocking your hips into his mouth to chase the climax just beyond your fingertips. You let out a quivering moan as he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking hard to tighten the coiling heat in your belly, he knows all the little tricks to make your head spin. He hasn’t spent all this time learning your body for nothing, sometimes you think he might know it better than you do, effortlessly puppeteering you into the throws of pleasure. 
 Matty’s cock throbs and twitches in his trousers as the plushness of your thighs start to constrict around his head, smiling into your cunt as he truly does enjoy himself, evident in the way his hips are squirming against the mattress. The blissed-out look on your face only fuels his determination that much more, you’ve lit that familiar, insatiable fire in him. You glance over your shoulder and catch the way his thighs flex as his hips jolt upward into nothing, his dick aching and straining against his pants. You always knew Matty got off on you feeling good, but watching him pathetically hump the air while he eats you out is really getting to your head, you feel a little dizzy with a rush of power. Any sense of worry about putting more of your weight onto him is totally dissolved, overshadowed by the sensations rendering your mind fuzzy. You’re weightless. 
“Tastes so sweet, so fucking good,” he rambles, his voice muffled and wavering, barely audible from under you. 
The urge to own, to ruin flares up in you like a struck match. One of your hands strays from the headboard, reaching to grasp a handful of his meticulously cared-for curls (he pokes fun at the amount of makeup you have, yet his curl-care product collection is extensive). Matty whines, his eyebrows sloping, eyes squeezing shut as he feels your fingers tighten in his hair, pulling on it firmly at the root just the way he likes it. He tugs your hips down onto his face harder, like he’s trying to drown inbetween your legs. 
“Oh my god… good boy, Matty,” you croon, panting as the tension compounds with every swipe of his tongue.
Matty’s hips buck particularly harshly at your praise. He’s quivering at the slight friction from the tight fabric of his pants, but he won’t allow himself to indulge in more than that, he’s far too preoccupied with satisfying you. You smile hazily at how instantly he reacts to the pet name, curious to know how far you can take this while he’s so pussy drunk.
“So fucking pretty for me like this,” you compliment breathlessly, watching as the half of his face that’s visible to you contorts with neediness. 
He looks like he could burst like a horny balloon, poor thing. The bed is creaking from the way his hips writhe, rose tattoo lifting up to meet the air. He’s eating you out urgently, his brows drawn together tightly as his tongue fucks in and out of you deeper than you’ve ever felt, the tip of his nose nudging at your swollen clit. You tug at his dark tresses again as the feeling makes your whole body tense, your back arching as it all builds to a fizzling high. Matty doesn’t seem to mind one bit as you start to grind more frantically, your head lolling back with a wail. 
“Close, I’m close,” you pant, your chest heaving with shuddering breaths. 
“Please, please, oh, god, cum on my face,” Matty whimpers as he pauses for just a moment, turning his face to breathe before delving back in, fluttering the tip of his tongue rapidly against your clit. 
His begging is what ultimately makes your orgasm crash over you, the tension snapping as you ride the white-hot waves of your orgasm out on his mouth, euphoria rushing through your veins, throbbing at your core. You can’t fully understand him, but what you can make out are garbled moans of your name and babbles of “I love you” as he watches you arch backward, his tongue unrelenting. You let out a cry as the stimulation gets to be too much, your thighs trembling as the sensations crowd you. You have to physically get up off of his face before he stops, gasping for his breath as you settle back down on his hips.
It’s only now that you get to truly see him and god, he’s a beautiful fucking wreck. Your vision is slightly hazy as you peer down at him, the afterglow pleasantly clouding your head as you simply admire him. His eyeliner and mascara have slightly run down his cheeks from the heat, blue eyeshadow smudged and shimmering under his eyes. What’s left of his lipstick is spread around his grinning mouth, glistening with your arousal. Unruly, stray curls stick to his forehead with sweat that glows in an angelic sheen over him. You’ve ruined him, and he couldn’t be happier. 
“Fuck, that was incredible,” you breathe, draping yourself over him to kiss his needy mouth. 
Matty lets out a dazed giggle against your lips, humming contently as you taste yourself lingering on him. When you shift forward, you feel a distinct lack of the hard-on that was against his thigh when you started. Curiously, you pull away from the kiss to find that the protrusion in his trousers is missing, and in its absence, a sizeable wet spot soaked into the fabric. Pride simmers deep inside you as it quickly clicks into place. 
“Matty… did you cum?” you ask, as if it’s not obvious. 
He squirms, biting the inside of his cheek as he glances off to the side like the wall has suddenly become extremely interesting. Your smile is almost wolfish as you lean over him, grasping his jaw with one hand to turn his face towards you. His eyes rimmed with runny makeup get wider. 
“I-I…” he stammers, his voice cracking and trailing off into a little gasp. 
“Felt so good that you came without me even touching you?” 
Matty nods slowly, tilting his chin down to drag his pink-bitten lips against your hand, his breath warm against your skin. 
“Say thank you,” you whisper, purposefully pressing your thigh (still covered in his lipstick marks) against his softening cock, just to get another pretty, breathy sound out of him as his eyes roll back. 
“F-fuck. Thank you. Thank you, baby,” he mumbles, staring up at you like you’re some kind of deity while he kisses the palm of your hand, “don’t go yet, please.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, sweet boy.”
You capture his lips again and he smiles into the kiss, his hands tentatively knotting into your hair and ruffling it. He rolls the two of you over to embrace as you exchange murmurs of sweet nothings. You’re frankly disgustingly in love, and neither of you would have it any other way. 
This one has been in the works for a whiiiile
I’m dedicating this to Ace @ughgoaway , the biggest makeup fic supporter and one of my dear friends <3
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twig-tea · 14 days
Things from Wandee Goodday ep 3 I can't stop thinking about:
I love so much that we got some good friends with benefits tension around personal boundaries when Dee asked who Yei was and then backed off (but Yak told him anyway). And between the jokes about rimming, Dee demanding Yak pay more attention to his dick last episode, and starting this episode in the 69 position, I am very, very here for this show saying over and over that sex is not just one act.
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[ID: Gif of the beginning of episode 3, whichi is a pan-to-shot of Dee and Yak laying in 69 position on the floor under blankets]
i loved the different responses to hearing someone you love is in a "Friends with Benefits" situation; Kao warned Dee not to catch feelings or read too much into the situation and Cher/Yei teased Yak for lying to himself about what the situation is. Both are super valid and speak to who Dee and Yak are, who Kao and Cher/Yei are, and all of their experiences with love. And it speaks to the closeness of these relationships too, that Cher noticed Yak's necklace gone immediately and Kao similarly clocked its addition on Dee instantly.
Super here for Kao being the ultimate support bestie at work, equal parts haranguing and backing Dee up. Their relationship is perfection.
I really liked Yak peace-ing out of their agreement when Dee dropped a huge request with no context, that was so valid and in the spirit of FWB (he didn't actually owe him a bigger conversation).
I've already reblogged a couple of other people (@negrowhat and @lurkingshan) talking about this so I won't belabour it, but I am judging Dee for not only ignoring Yak's boundaries by going to his workplace and forcing him to train him and then flirting with him during training sessions after Yak both made clear he's worried about being out at work and had ended their agreement. I hope we get more of an explanation for Yak's reticence about dating a man while aiming for the championship as well as his change of mind.
The conversations with Cher and Oyei have me so curious about their history! Tell me everything, show. I put these questions in tags on a gifset (but to put them on main: Where is Oyei and Yak's father (who is also a former champ but apparently uninvolved with this family business, if he's still alive)? What happened to Yak's mother that he doesn't know if he takes after her? Why can they go to Cher's family for financial help but not Yei/Yak's (to the point where they had to take out what sounds like a predatory loan during COVID)? What is Cher afraid of re: being seen being affectionate to Oyei, and where does that come from? Is this history related to why Yak is so worried about his relationship to Dee getting in the way of his championship? All of this is seeded so organically and I'm so, so curious. It also has me even more in my feelings about Cher and Yei calling Yak their son.
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[ID: Gif of Yei saying to Cher: I own this place. What's there to be afraid of? From the set linked in the paragraph above]
[I have a clown theory that Cher and Oyei's relationship is why his dad is out of the picture and his gym is in financial trouble (because it prevented Yei from getting sponsorship despite being a champion), and why Yak is worried about being in a relationship with a man even though he knows his brother won't care...we'll see how much of this the show pulls together!]
The flash of trauma from Dee at the crosswalk was interesting too; where is that going? What happened in Dee's past and how is it going to affect the story in future?
[More clown speculation: Is it related to why Dee is so good with patients and passionate about ortho? Has he seen someone in his life become disabled due to physical injury?]
Speaking of, I really loved seeing Dee be good at his job and great with patients and their families. In addition to it being just nice to see and good for our understanding of his character, it sets him up to have a fighting chance in the contest too, since patients apparently get a vote.
I love love love the camaraderie and giggling between Dee and Yak around making Ter jealous and shoving their fake relationship in those gossiping nurses' faces. The way they are actually friends who like one another and enjoy spending time together is just really wonderful to watch.
My biggest question is: Will Dee get a chance in this narrative to show up for Yak the way Yak has been showing up for Dee? And how can that current imbalance be reconciled with this all leading towards Dee trying to get a placement to go abroad--and his self-stated toxic trait of always needing to win? [shoutout to @chicademartinica for laying that out succinctly in her post]
In the meantime, I'm having a blast.
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hotchnisslvr · 2 months
banana pancakes
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Reader
Rating: E
Category: Fluff (tooth-rotting)
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: On a Sunday morning, you wake to find Aaron making breakfast in the kitchen. He surprises you with slow dancing to old country music, Jack is cute as all get out, and of course, banana pancakes.
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“Jack?” you ask groggily. You prop yourself up on your elbows and note Aaron isn’t in bed beside you. “Hey buddy, is everything ok?” You glance at your phone plugged in on the nightstand where the numbers blink back 8:37AM aka too early on a Sunday.
Jack giggles quietly. “Daddy is being silly in the kitchen.”
Knowing that could mean anything to a six year old, naturally, your brow furrows. Your lips quirk into a half smile as you regard his own happy face. “What do you mean, silly?”
Jack’s little hands fly to his mouth as he stifles another laugh. “I’m going to go play in my room!” And just like that he bounces off of the bad and darts out the door into the hallway.
Now curious, you push the sheets back and slide out of bed, wrapping your arms around yourself as a chill passes through you. Before leaving the room, you pull on the gray cotton robe that falls to your mid-calf and tie it loosely over your sleep shirt and shorts set. As you step into the hallway, the smell of coffee and something baking fills your nostrils. Your stomach rumbles gently in response to the sweet aroma.
Quietly, you make sure way down the hall. When you’re close enough to peer into the kitchen, you lean against the doorway and watch. The stove is along the far wall, so if you’re cooking, you’re turned away from the doorway. He doesn’t see you, not at first.
Dressed only in a white t-shirt and boxers, the apron decorated with images of wine glasses on it contrasts sharply with the plaid pattern of his undergarments. George Strait is playing on the stereo. He gently shakes his hips back and forth as he quietly sings along to the country ballad. As he flips the pancakes over, you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. You bite your thumbnail as you watch him and when he turns around, the stunned look on his face causes you to smile even wider.
“Now how am I supposed to bring you breakfast in bed if you’re not in bed?” he questions, the dark slash of his brow arching as he regards you with warm, brown eyes.
“You can blame the little man,” you reply cheekily. “He woke me up to tell me daddy was being silly in the kitchen.”
Hotch smiles, revealing the left dimple in his cheek. “Oh yeah?” he says, tone playful as he saunters toward you. Stretching his hands out toward the ties on your robe, he takes hold of them and pulls you in toward him. Looping one arm around your waist, he uses the other to swipe at the dial on the stereo. The volume cranks up and he takes your hand in his. Turning in a slow circle, he sways to the music, pulling you along with him.
He presses a kiss to your temple and holds you close as he dances you in small circles around the kitchen. Putting a deep country vibrato into his voice, he begins to hum and sing along against your cheek.
“I cross my heart,” he sings, “and promise to, give all I’ve got to give to make your dreams come true.”
You drop your head back and laugh as he whirls you around in a dramatic arc. “Aaron!” you cry giddily.
He continues to sing. “In all the world, you’ll never find a love as true as mine.”
The acrid smell of something burning starts to singe your nostrils. “Aaron, the pancakes!”
“Oh, let them burn!” he croons.
You playfully slap at his chest before breaking free from his hold. In turn, he slaps you on the ass. You shriek gleefully and he laughs as you dash over to the stove and pull the quickly blackening pancakes off the pan. Fortunately, he has a bowl half full of batter still off to the side alongside a plate of about half a dozen perfectly golden brown pancakes.
“Daddy! Daddy!” The pitter patter of small feet slapping against the linoleum echoes as Jack tumbles into the room. Aaron grabs him around the middle and swoops him into the air.
“Hey buddy!” he greets as he kisses him on the cheek.
“Daddy, it’s our song!”
Aaron quiets for a moment as he listens to the stereo and Jack is right. The track had changed over to another George Straight song, Love Without End, Amen.
As Aaron dances Jack around the kitchen, swinging him high and low and singing lyrics fractured with laughter, you couldn’t help but feel your heart swell with joy.
“Daddies don’t just love their children every now and then, it’s a love without end, amen.”
You couldn’t begin to imagine a more perfect Sunday morning than this.
“It’s a love without end, amen!” Jack sing-shouts as the song comes to a close.
Aaron sets Jack down on the floor and you start to clap and cheer. “What a show!” you exclaim. “Jack, that was amazing!”
He grins sheepishly, “Thank you.” He tacks your name to the end of his thanks as he runs to the kitchen table to climb into his chair and you can’t help but feel all the more grateful in return for how much Jack has welcomed you into his little family with him and his dad.
“I’ll get the pancakes,” Aaron says with a quick peck on your cheek as he scoots past you to pick up the plate.
“I’ll get the coffee!” you say in turn and pull two mugs down from the cabinet. As you fix yours and Aaron’s (black for you and splash of milk and two sugars for him), you make sure to grab a third mug from the cabinet to make Jack a glass of chocolate milk. Drinking out of a mug while you two drank your coffee made him feel like one of the grown ups, after all.
You carefully pile all three mugs into your hands and make your way to your seat at the table. Aaron sets a plate in front of you and Jack and you serve yourself and him two pancakes each.
“Oh! Do we have any—” you start and stop as Aaron places a small bowl of sliced bananas beside your plate.
He eyes you knowingly. “You think after all this time, I’d forget your favorite?”
You cup his cheek in your hand and press a quick kiss to his lips.
“Yuck!” cries Jack as she shoves a forkful of pancakes into his mouth.
“I do love banana pancakes,” you say as you scoop a spoonful onto the fluffy rounds in front of you.
Aaron hugs you from behind before taking his seat at the head of the table. “And I love you more than you love banana pancakes.”
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domjaehyun · 1 year
quarantine chronicles 3
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members featured. johnny, jaehyun, jungwoo, mark, renjun (non-sexual role), jeno, haechan, jaemin
genre. smut…like a lot of it. some fluff at times, a dash of angst, some humor (to you, hopefully)
word count. 43k
summary. in this final installment, we see tensions rising in the home of our favorite chaotic horndog roommates; how long until something gives and someone snaps?
smut warnings. (i am bolding ones you might want to note) oral (receiving, giving), face sitting, throat fucking, rimming (receiving), anal play (receiving), pet play (kitten), manhandling/wrestling, clothes ripping, double penetration, unprotected sex, creampies, marking (giving), dom!everyone, even reader gets a (very brief) turn, exhibitionism, consensual photography, viewing of a sex tape, groping, phone sex (kinda; more like JOI), lil bit of choking, snowballing, mentions of breeding, praise kink, degradation (slightly, not too much), some bulge kink, lots of dirty talk
notes. enjoy your read!! part one is here and part two is here :)
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Day 27
“And you really think this is gonna work?” Johnny asks as he navigates around you to get to the spice cabinet. You’re cooking breakfast together as you debrief him on your plan to avoid Jaehyun, and the smell of toast, eggs, and bacon is enough to lift your anxious spirits.
“It kinda has to,” you remark as you check the bacon and start to take it off the stove. “I don’t have a backup plan.”
“Genius.” he chuckles. 
“It only needs to work so I can buy myself time to figure out what I’m gonna do,” you say, patting the grease off of the plated bacon with a paper towel. 
“Do about what?” The new voice out of nowhere startles you and you yelp, whirling around to lock eyes with a curious Jaehyun. 
“Nothing,” you and Johnny say hurriedly in unison, shooting a glance at each other. 
Jaehyun raises a brow.
“Nothing! Seriously.”
“Yeah, it’s nothing, dude.” Johnny assures Jaehyun, who relaxes slightly but still looks between you two suspiciously.
“I’m, uh, gonna eat in my room—Seungyeon wanted me to call her,” you lie, and Johnny nods, pushing some of the eggs in the pan onto your plate. You pick up some bacon and put it on your plate next to your toast before speed walking past Jaehyun. “I made extra for you, by the way,” you say to Jaehyun hurriedly before disappearing upstairs.
Alone in the kitchen, a very lost Jaehyun looks at a very shifty Johnny.
“She’s being weird, right?” Jaehyun asks, and Johnny shrugs.
“She’s always weird.”
“Weirder than usual?”
“I don’t know anything about that.” Johnny says quickly, and Jaehyun nods, not believing him. 
“Sure. It was nice of her to make me bacon, I guess.” he comments, stepping forward and taking two pieces for himself. 
“It…was,” Johnny replies, slowly coming to a realization. “It really was.”
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“So you only called because Jaehyun was near you and you had to get away?” Seungyeon says with an amused raise of her brows.
“Well—” You pause. “I also missed you?”
“Uh-huh,” she drags the syllables out, rolling her eyes but smiling fondly. “And would you have missed me if Jaehyun hadn’t jumpscared you?”
“Of course!” you say defensively.
“Would you have called if Jaehyun hadn’t jumpscared you?”
You’re silent for a moment. “Well, technically, no—”
“There it is.” Despite her words, she sounds thoroughly amused, so you relax slightly. 
“But that’s because I’m about to eat and I didn’t wanna eat in your face!”
“Ooh, what’s for breakfast?”
“Johnny and I made eggs, toast, and bacon.” you say happily, showing her your plate.
“That looks so good,” she sighs. “One of my roommates keeps eating all the food in the fridge and now we’re out of eggs.”
“Oh, what the fuck?” you mumble, surprised. “You should fight her.”
“I absolutely should not do that.” Seungyeon says, surprised but laughing. “You are not as good at advice as I am, my friend.”
“I’m good at advice!” you defend, and she nods slowly, shooting you a skeptical look.
“Okay, then I have a question.”
“Hit me.”
“I have a friend who’s stuck in a love triangle with her best guy friend and one of her roommates—” 
“The line is breaking up—” you say, making loud static noises. “I can’t hear you—”
“Sure, it is,” Seungyeon laughs, and you make louder static noises.
“Can’t hear ya! I’ll call back when I’m done eating!” you exclaim, waving goodbye and ending the call.
You wish you really were good at advice; then you would probably know what to do in your situation.
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“I can’t move this damn bed by myself,” you grouch, staring at it with your hands on your hips. Coming to a conclusion, you head downstairs in search of Johnny and Jungwoo. 
You find Johnny on the couch scrolling through his phone and plop down on the couch beside him. He looks up at you and smiles in greeting before returning his attention to his screen. 
“Johnny,” you call in a sing-song voice, and he turns to look at you curiously. “I need your help. What are you doing?”
“Pretending I’m about to start my coursework.” he chuckles, locking his phone and devoting his attention to you. “Why?”
“I’m remodeling my room and I can’t move my bed.” you say with a frown, and he nods slowly. “I need two strong men to help me.”
“And am I Strong Man #1 or Strong Man #2?” he asks curiously, and you roll your eyes.
“Would your answer be any different?” 
“You’re Strong Man #1,” you assure him, and he grins, standing up and offering you a hand. 
Pulling you up, he gestures towards the stairs. “Come on; lead the way, kitten.”
You freeze at the sudden pet name, embarrassed by the way warmth starts to bloom in your body, and you blink up at him in confusion. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks with a sly grin, and you narrow your eyes.
“Nothing. We gotta go get Jungwoo,” you say slowly, and he nods, following after you.
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After collecting Jungwoo from his room and taking them to your room, you’re guiding them into placing your bed in the exact right spot, coaching them through the movements.
“Lift with your knees,” you suggest, and Johnny shoots you a look.
“That’s for picking things up, kitten. Not pushing.”
“What is with the ‘kitten’ talk now?” you mumble to yourself, missing the way Jungwoo and Johnny shoot each other a secretive look and knowing smile. “Well…push with your knees!”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Jungwoo huffs, amused, and you shrug.
“I’m just trying to help.” you grumble. “Just push it right over to the dresser.”
“Then you can’t get to your dresser,” Johnny says, confused.
“Oh, I’m moving the dresser too.”
“By yourself?”
Johnny and Jungwoo look at each other before Johnny walks over to you and strokes under your chin and tilts your head up to look at him.
“Little kitty thinks she can move her furniture on her own?” he murmurs gently and, just like before, your mind blanks.
“Why do you keep calling me ‘kitten?’” you mumble distractedly, and he chuckles. 
“Do you not like it?”
“I didn’t say that.” 
“So you do like it.”
“I didn’t say that either.”
He rolls his eyes and releases your chin before moving over to your dresser and looking at you expectantly. “Where’s this going, kitten?”
“You’re just trying to get a rise out of me,” you mutter, huffing. Jungwoo snickers and you narrow your eyes at him. “I can move it!”
“But why do you have to if I’m offering?” 
You’re silent for a moment. “Good point. Move it over by the door.” Jungwoo moves towards your desk and raises his eyebrows at you, making you smile. “Put it where the dresser was, please.”
“Anything for you, kitten,” he coos, pushing it by you, and your smile drops in favor of a shocked expression.
You don’t know what they’re up to, but you think you kinda like it.
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“It was so weird, Seungyeon; they kept calling me ‘kitten’ or ‘kitty’ and I have no idea why,” you say, setting up the screen share on your laptop. “Hey, can you see my screen yet?”
“I see it!” Seungyeon confirms, and you sit back in relief before pulling your computer onto your legs and navigating to the website you found to watch the movie you two decided on. “That is weird, also; do you think they’re plotting something?”
“Knowing them? Probably. But whatever, it’s fine. Let me know if the sound works okay.”
You start to play the movie and Seungyeon shoots you a thumbs up on your screen, so you lean back against your headboard and relax, only to freeze in surprise when Jaemin opens your door unannounced, smiling at you sweetly.
“Hey, Jaemin,” you greet, pausing the film and shifting in your spot to get more comfortable. “What’s up?”
“I’m bored,” he sighs sadly, scanning your room before his eyes settle on your laptop. “Are you watching something?”
“Yeah, I’m watching Bring It On with Seungyeon,” you answer, and his eyes light up.
“Can I watch with you?” he asks hopefully, and you look from him to your screen hosting Seungyeon’s face.
“Can you hear him?” you ask Seungyeon, and she nods, shrugging with a smile.
“I don’t mind if you don’t.” she answers, and Jaemin beams, shutting the door behind him and climbing on your bed, scooting in close to you.
You look over at him and snicker at his eager expression before looking back at Seungyeon’s window on your screen.
“You guys ready?” Your finger hovers over the spacebar to play the movie, and when both of them agree, you press it and lean back slightly, your shoulder brushing up against Jaemin. 
The first twenty minutes of Jaemin joining you are peaceful, with you three making casual commentary as the film progresses, but when you shift the laptop further down your legs onto where the comforter covers them, complaining of the growing heat, Jaemin places his hand on your thigh and hums sympathetically. 
“Damn, it is hot,” Jaemin murmurs, and you nod, frowning at him before returning your attention to the screen. Your suspicion starts to grow when Jaemin doesn’t move his hand, instead rubbing the heated section of your thigh and humming softly in your ear. 
“Jaemin,” you mutter without moving your mouth too much, not wanting to get Seungyeon’s attention.
“It’s just so hot,” he teases, and your breathing picks up when his hand shifts up your leg towards your shorts. His small snicker and grin seems to go unnoticed by Seungyeon, who makes no comment, but you have a feeling it’s not stopping here.
His fingers push past your shorts and underwear in one smooth movement, digits rubbing at your clit as your desire grows, warmth blossoming between your legs. 
He persists touching you even when you lift the laptop off your legs and kick your legs as subtly as possible to dislodge his hand. No such outcome occurs, as Jaemin’s fingers lower further still and stroke at your now wet folds, a defeated whine leaving you as Jaemin chuckles smugly. 
You set the laptop down on your lap once more and push a hand under the covers, swatting at Jaemin’s hand while simultaneously trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. You can tell he’s grinning out of the corner of your eye, retracting his hand solely to smack your hand away from smacking his.
“You want it, right?” he murmurs under his breath, and you huff, falling silent. Your protesting hand moves back to above the covers, and he nods. “Thought so.” His hand slips back into your underwear and wastes no time in pushing into you, your eyes widening before you regulate your facial expressions.
His fingers pump into you slowly, clearly teasing you, and you let out a frustrated growl before tipping your head back so it hits the headboard.
“Yeah?” she replies, and you quietly hit the spacebar erratically, randomly pausing and unpausing the movie. 
“I think it’s glitchy—can we watch the rest later? I’m sorry, girl, I don’t know what’s wrong with my computer.” Your words come out clear and even which is a testament to your composure that’s currently being tested as Jaemin continues to finger you under the covers.
“Oh, no problem,” she says patiently, and your shoulders sag in relief as Jaemin moves from beside you, kneeling in front of you out of sight of the camera. “Have fun, you two!”
“Have fun?” you say curiously, and she shoots you a look.
“I’m not blind.” she replies with a small grin, and you splutter in surprise. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, and she waves you off.
“I’ve seen worse. Have fun, okay?”
“Okay,” you say sheepishly, and the call ends. You immediately smack Jaemin’s arm as he grins and pushes your laptop closed, moving it off your lap before yanking the covers off of you. “You got us caught!”
“Sorry,” he drags out the syllables in a way that tells you he’s not really sorry coupled with a mischievous grin. He slides both hands up your bare legs and grabs under your thighs just above your knees, gripping you tightly and yanking you hard so you’re sent jolting forward and your back flattens on the mattress. 
“Fuck, Jaemin!”
“Sorry,” he coos, hovering over you with an unapologetic smile. “Where was I?” He resumes his position of his hand in your underwear, pushing the same two fingers into you as deep as they’ll go and starting to pump them in and out of you much quicker than he had been earlier. 
“Shit,” you gasp, your back arching. He grins and leans down to kiss you, silencing your moans as he fingers you diligently, fucking you open in preparation for him. The heel of his palm rubs against your clit, and the wet sounds coming from between your legs have your face burning with embarrassment.
“Can’t believe you acted like you didn’t want this.” he chuckles, mumbling against your lips. “Why would you say no if it feels this good?”
“Feels really good,” you exhale in agreement, nodding as his fingers aid your gradually approaching climax in arriving. “God—wanna feel you, Jaemin—”
“In a sec,” he mumbles, the wet slapping sounds of his hand smacking against your slick core building in frequency and volume. “Just need you to cum for me.”
And you do just that a moment later, your back arching as you grab his arm propped up beside your head and whine his name repeatedly.
“Did so good, angel,” he praises gently, untying his sweats with one hand and pulling his fingers from you. He strokes himself slowly, pumping his length with the hand he used to finger you, using your arousal as lubricant before lifting your legs and resting your calves on his shoulders. “Now you can feel me.” 
He pushes into you right then without warning and you yelp, grabbing the sheets as he slowly bottoms out into you. He leans forward to bring your knees to your chest and pulls out, preparing to thrust into you again. 
Your hand flies to his abdomen, pressing against it as you wiggle under him. “Wait for a second,” you gasp, and he hesitates.
“Second’s up,” he says with a teasing smile before starting to push into you again. You let out a loud whine and he groans, bracing himself with one hand beside your head and starting to rock his hips into you. “Doesn’t that feel good?”
“Yeah,” you sigh dreamily, a slight tremor to your voice as he picks up the pace, fucking into you with deep, hard strokes. “Fuck, Jaemin—right there—”
“Here?” he muses with a grin, stroking your clit far too lightly.
“Yes, but—” you start, and he raises an eyebrow, his grin widening. “Harder,” you plead.
He pouts down at you before complying, pressing against your clit harder and rubbing it in quick, messy circular motions. When you clench around him in response, he grunts and turns his head towards your calf, biting down on the flesh as you cry out weakly.
“Wanna cum,” you beg, “Jaemin, wanna cum so bad—make me cum—”
“Cum, angel,” he groans breathlessly, watching you with heavy-lidded eyes full of desire. Your climax comes a moment later, pleasure filling your body until even your fingertips are buzzing with delight. 
You can only whimper his name, Jaemin moaning as he speeds up inside of you. “Look so pretty when you cum,” he murmurs, eyes adoring you as his own high approaches. “God, I’m gonna—”
“Fill me,” you urge him, clenching around him again. “Please, Jaemin?” Your voice is soft, pleading, and his eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Fuck, when you ask like that—I’m—” he hisses, stilling as he releases into you. 
He keeps driving his hips into yours even as he’s cumming, fucking it deeper into you, and the sensations start to be too much, so you push at his hips with a desperate whine until he pulls out of you, hovering over you for another moment before lying beside you and resting his head on your shoulder. 
“Do you feel better now, Jaemin?” you ask with an amused roll of your eyes, and he nods, grinning. “Great.”
“Hey,” he pipes up. You crane your neck to look at him and he’s already looking up at you. “Can we finish that movie now?”
“I’d feel bad doing it without Seungyeon.” you say with a frown, and he shrugs.
“Call her back.”
“You think you can keep it in your pants for the rest of the movie?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
He grins. “Guess we’ll have to find out.”
 Day 28
After spending several moments of your day avoiding Jaehyun, either by faking a phone call, telling him someone called you in their room and then standing in said roommate’s room like an idle Sims character, or just ducking out of sight into your room before he can catch a glimpse of you, you think you might be at your wits’ end.
This time, when Jaehyun’s door opens from down the hall and you’re too far to dart into your room, you impulsively knock twice on Johnny’s door and slide into his room, shutting the door and leaning against it as you swallow thickly.
“Well, hey,” Johnny chuckles, and you wave awkwardly as you realize you just barged in on him and Jungwoo in the middle of a conversation. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. “Leaving.”
“Nah, don’t leave! You can stay.” Johnny offers, and your shoulders slump in relief as you sit at the foot of his bed. “I was actually about to come looking for you.”
You freeze, suspicious. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” Jungwoo answers. “Then you practically fell right in our laps.”
Your eyes narrow, now even more suspicious. “Why were you looking for me?” When they exchange a look and a secretive grin, you sit back warily. “Guys?”
“It’s nothing bad,” Johnny assures you, and Jungwoo nods in agreement, making you relax slightly. “What are your thoughts on...the name ‘kitten?’”
“An unimaginative name for a cat,” you say slowly, and the mild exasperation that crosses their faces has you dropping the act immediately. “I’m kidding. I think it’s hot. Why?”
“Do you wanna...dress up...as a kitten for us?” Jungwoo carefully asks, and you scrunch your face up thoughtfully.
“Not particularly.” you muse, and they look at you, unamused. “Jeez, tough crowd.”
“More like horny crowd.” Johnny corrects. “Would you do it?”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll try most things once.” you say with a shrug, and they beam, Johnny reaching under his bed and emerging with a box. “Damn, you really had this all planned out, huh?”
“Yep. Ordered it just the other day for you.”
“Aw, for me? I feel so special—wait a minute.” You’re back to narrowing your eyes, pointing between them. “Is this why you were calling me kitten the other day?”
“Yep.” they answer in unison and you roll your eyes.
“You’re unbelievable. Both of you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah—go put this on? Please?” Johnny asks, pouting at you.
“Johnny, you are a grown man.” The pout falls off of his face in favor of an affronted scowl, and you bite back a laugh, taking the box from him and heading to the bathroom.
In the box is a headband with cat ears on it and you chuckle at the furry black additions, placing it on your head. You do look cute, fortunately.
Also in the box is a matching black tail with a plug attached to the end and you smile at the bottle of lube beside it, grateful they were considerate. 
When it’s all said and done, you’re wearing the tail, the ears, and your black bra, wrapping your towel around yourself to conceal your body before heading back into Johnny’s room.
Their eyes drop to scan your body as soon as you finish shutting the door behind yourself, and they both stand up, walking towards you slowly.
“We don’t need that now, right?” Johnny coos, tugging at where you’re holding the towel, and you drop the fabric hesitantly, anticipation filling you at the sharp inhales they take in. “Such a pretty kitten,” he murmurs, and you smile nervously.
“Relax, we’re gonna be good to you,” Jungwoo assures you, and you try to relax your muscles slightly. “Now...can you get on your knees for us, kitten?”
You nod slowly, sinking to your knees in compliance, and Jungwoo hums fondly, stroking under your chin affectionately. You’re aware of Johnny pulling down his sweats in your peripheral vision, but you aren’t in a position to do anything about it until he calls your name to get your attention.
“Now…pretty kitten’s gonna do such a good job sucking my cock, right?” Johnny turns your head to face him and guides your mouth to his length, smiling when your jaw automatically drops open and your tongue comes out to take him into your mouth. “No hands,” he advises when you reach for the base. “You can take it all, right?”
“Mhm,” you hum, even though you don’t think you can. You slowly push forward, trying to control your breathing as his shaft slowly fills your mouth. 
“Fuck, what a good little kitten,” Johnny groans, his head tipping back briefly. You roll and swirl and flick your tongue all over his length as best as you can, hollowing your cheeks and sucking more of him in until your nose hits his abdomen.
He lets out a soft grunt as his tip hits the back of your throat before stroking your cheek affectionately and pulling out slowly. His fingers slip to the back of your head, bracing you and serving as a slight warning before he thrusts all the way in, making you choke on him. 
He shushes in understanding when you whimper, lightly scratching the back of your head and pulling out to thrust back in.
“Kitten can take it, right?” he coos, and you nod even though his thrusts are starting to make tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You swallow around him, evoking a low, rumbling groan from his chest that has pride swirling in your mind as you focus on sucking him off.
As the tears building up finally start to fall, Jungwoo steers your mouth in his direction, standing beside Johnny with an expectant grin. “Couldn’t let him have all the fun.” he chuckles before prodding your mouth open wider with a thumb on your jaw and thrusting between your lips, steadying you as you gag around his length as it presses against the back of your throat. 
“She loves cock,” Johnny murmurs in surprise as you pull off of Jungwoo, a string of saliva connecting your lips to the head of his shaft, and return your attention to his length, wrapping your lips around the head and sucking gently as you roll your tongue over the slit. “Don’t you, kitten?”
“Mhm,” you moan from around Johnny, blinking up at him sweetly.
“Open.” Johnny says, and you drop your jaw. “Tongue.” You loll your tongue out and he slaps the underside of his length against it, smearing precum over your tongue. “Beg.”
“Please fuck my throat,” you say, words coming out in a big rush. “Want your cock in my mouth so bad, please, Johnny, please—”
“What a good fucking girl you are,” Johnny coos, coaxing his length further down your throat. “Such a good girl.” There’s another moment of him fucking your mouth before he pulls out and helps you to your feet, leading you to the bed. “All fours.”
He kneels behind you and carefully wiggles the tail plug you’d put on, making you squeal and squirm away. “Feels—” you start.
“Good.” Johnny cuts you off. “It feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Y-Yes?” He’s not exactly wrong, but funny or weird is more like where you were going with that sentence.
“Good kitty.” he praises, and you feel something warm and wet drip down onto your asshole, realizing a moment later that it’s Johnny’s spit. He licks around the plug inside of you, making you shudder, and tugs at the base of the tail, creating a pressure that has you gasping and dropping down to your forearms.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Jungwoo tuts, urging you back up to your hands. He maneuvers himself under you so his mouth is just under your core, tongue licking up the arousal smeared on your inner thighs. “I should get to taste you too, no?” he muses and you rest your forehead on his stomach as he starts to lap at your arousal-coated folds. 
“Oh, my God,” you moan out at the feeling of both of their mouths working away at your holes, the sound cutting off into a squeak when Johnny eases the plug from out of you, pressing hot, wet kisses to your ass cheeks as he does. 
“Feel that, baby?” Johnny says with an air of amusement before flicking his tongue over your puckered rim.
Jungwoo’s lips wrap around your clit, massaging it with his tongue as he sucks greedily—for a moment, you think the two might be fighting for your attention. Johnny’s finger breaches your rear entrance as Jungwoo pushes two fingers into your core, groaning at the way you envelop him in your wet warmth.
Both of them start to pump their fingers into you, the pleasure almost too much to process, and you cry out weakly as your climax builds, a tensing feeling in your abdomen as the tugging sensation strengthens. 
“Are you gonna cum, kitten? Gonna make a mess everywhere?” Johnny teases, and you nod desperately, rocking back onto him and down onto Jungwoo. 
“Cum, kitten—wanna taste your cum,” Jungwoo urges in a throaty voice, fingers curling into your g-spot and making you topple over the edge of your climax, pleasure racing through you as your thighs tremble and your stomach tenses almost painfully.
True to his word, Jungwoo keeps licking as you climax, only stopping when you press your hand to his lap, squeezing his length. 
“Can—” You struggle to catch your breath. “Can someone fuck me? Please?”
“Anything for our kitten,” Johnny lilts, rustling sounds coming out from behind you as Jungwoo positions himself in front of you on his knees before something warm and thick presses against your entrance. 
Jungwoo brings his length to your mouth, stroking your cheek affectionately as he looks up behind you. The two of them meet eyes before slowly pushing into you from both ends, any noises you let out muffled by the intrusion of Jungwoo’s shaft.
“Mouth feels so good, kitten,” he moans, and you whimper as they both pull out, Johnny speeding up while Jungwoo maintains the same pace. 
Fingers tightly gripping your hips, Johnny fucks into you roughly, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. Between your moans, their grunts, the occasional wet gagging noise, and the skin hitting skin sounds, the room is a soundscape of pleasure, the air humid and filled with the smell of sex.
Jungwoo slowly thrusts into your throat, groaning as you swallow around him and roll your tongue against the underside of his length, and you can feel him throbbing in your mouth as his climax nears. He bottoms out in your throat, pinching your nose closed until you cough and splutter around him, and starts to pump his load down your throat, finally releasing your nose and letting you push him away to swallow his release and suck in greedy gulps of air.
As if the two are on a mission, Johnny’s next thrust just about knocks the wind out of you, sending you careening forward into Jungwoo’s abdomen, a small whimper of pain leaving you at the impact.
“Sorry, kitten,” Johnny grunts, but he doesn’t really sound all that sorry as he thrusts into you with hard, rough, deep strokes, his length reaching almost impossibly deep inside of you.
“John—ny—” you gasp out desperately, his strokes clearing your mind of anything other than pleasure.
“You gonna take my load like you took Jungwoo’s? Hm?” he taunts, and you nod, whimpering in assent. “Good kitten, take it nice and deep.” he practically growls, bottoming out in you with a final snap of his hips and rubbing your clit as he releases into you. 
Your climax comes a moment later, your stance dropping to your forearms as you rest your head on the bed. Whispered swears and cries of Johnny’s name fall from your lips repeatedly, a hand reaching back to swat at his fingers on your clit.
When he pulls out, Jungwoo pulls you up towards him by the head of the bed, positioning you on your back and covering you with Johnny’s blanket.
“Thanks,” you sigh blissfully.
“How are you, kitten?” Jungwoo teases, stroking your cheek gently.
“That was unreal.” you say in a daze, a glazed over, dopey look on your face.
“Who would have thought you could be so obedient?” Johnny marvels, pinching your chin gently and shaking your head from side to side. 
“I can be cooperative!” you argue, and he raises an eyebrow.
“Are you or are you not about to argue with me about whether or not you like to argue?”
You think over his words before falling silent with a petulant huff. “Fine.”
“That’s a good kitten.” he teases, and you roll your eyes. “Stay here.”
“Why?” you ask curiously as he stands up, and he jerks his head towards his door.
“Gonna run you a bath,” he answers, and your brows raise in surprise. “I can be a gentleman, you know.”
“Can one of you keep me company, though?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Johnny replies.
“Sure,” Jungwoo says at the same time. They both stop and look at each other, seeming to silently debate over it. 
“We’ll both keep you company.” Johnny finally says, and you smile happily, stretching out your limbs and humming contently. “Now stay put; I’ll come back when the bath is ready.”
The door shuts behind him and you’re left alone with Jungwoo, who’s tracing casual lines up and down your thigh with one finger.
“If I asked nicely,” Jungwoo starts, and you hum in acknowledgement, “would you meow for me?”
You stare at him blankly. “No.”
He huffs and places his chin on your thigh just above your knee, pouting at you. “You’re no fun.”
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Johnny and Jungwoo prove to be good company, but you let them go before you switch to showering, needing to be alone to clear your head.
You’re stepping out of the bathroom after the end of your shower, heading towards your room feeling invigorated, when your path is blocked by a very familiar chest. You look up with a small gulp to see Jaehyun standing in your way, his eyebrows raised as he looks at you.
“Hi,” he says, smiling innocently.
“Hey,” you manage to get out, gripping your towel tighter. It may have been a bad idea to step out of the bathroom in just a towel, but you weren’t fully thinking of the possible ramifications—one ramification in particular being that Jaehyun is openly ogling your partially nude body with greedy eyes.
“Stop eye-fucking me,” you mumble shyly, tightening your towel around your body. 
“Would you rather I actually fuck you instead?” Jaehyun counters with an eyebrow raised.
“‘Wh—I—’” he mocks you, and you scowl at him. “So shy all of a sudden. What changed, hm?”
“Nothing,” you mutter defensively, and he scoffs in disbelief. “Nothing.”
“I know what changed.” Jaehyun says, frowning at you. He reaches out and pinches the fabric of your towel and looks up from his hand to your face. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I—” You just about choke on air. “I have not!”
“No?” he hums softly, stepping closer and tightening his hold on your towel. It’s either step towards him or step away and risk losing your towel, so you stand perfectly still and let him draw closer to you. “Well, I haven’t talked to you in a while…haven’t touched you, either.”
“Well, I—”
“And you know what?” he continues as if you haven’t even spoken. 
“What?” you ask warily. 
“I missed you,” he says, voice low and seductive.
“Oh, fuck,” you mutter under your breath.
“Didn’t you miss me, baby?” he asks, lifting an eyebrow as he slowly backs you up against the nearest wall.
“Yeah,” you breathe out shakily, swallowing thickly as you look down and away from him. 
Tucking a finger under your chin, he tilts your head up so you’re looking at him. “You missed me?”
“Mhm,” you mumble, pressing your legs together to combat the pulsing feeling in between them. 
“Say it.” 
“I missed you,” the words fall from your lips easily, and he smiles, pleased, before his eyes glint playfully. 
“Then prove it.”
“What?” you stammer, confused, and he steps closer, lifting a corner of your towel to reveal more of your bare legs.
“Show me how much you missed me.” He drops the corner and steps back from you, eyeing you carefully. Just taking in the sight of him and noting your current predicament has warmth blooming all throughout your body, desire building in you rapidly. 
Jaehyun can see it; the way your eyes gradually glaze over, the way your breathing picks up—he even sees the way you try and fail to squeeze your legs together subtly. He knows you want it; he wants you to come to him for once.
“Jae,” you plead softly, and he raises an eyebrow expectantly.
“Show me,” he urges, and you step forward, pulling him closer to you by his shirt and pressing your lips to his.
Immediately moving with your lips, Jaehyun pushes you up against the wall, groaning in delight as he sucks on your bottom lip and nips at it.
“Needed this so bad,” he mumbles, pressing his knee between your legs and pushing the towel up your thighs slightly. “Your room or mine?”
“Yours,” you mutter hurriedly, not wanting to separate from the kiss for too long. “It’s closer.”
“Look how eager you are,” he teases, moving back to grab your hand and pull you into his room. The second the door shuts behind you, he’s pulling you back against him and hiking the towel up your legs slowly, grinning into the kiss.
He guides you to the bed, sitting down first then pulling you on top of him, moving you so you’re straddling his hips and grinding you down against him.
“It’s weird that I don’t have any clothes on,” you complain, and he flicks at your lip with his tongue. 
“I think I like it.” he chuckles, and you huff in amusement, nipping at his bottom lip.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I also think,” Jaehyun pants against your lips, “that you might owe me. You know, for making me miss you so damn much.” 
“Yeah?” you whisper, lips brushing against his. “What do I owe you?”
“Well,” he muses, his hands gliding up your legs to your hips. He lifts you so you’re on your knees and he shuffles further down on the bed, lying down and wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Come up here and find out.”
Excitement spikes in your veins, heat rushing to your cheeks, and you sit back on your heels, trying not to rest your weight on his chest. 
“I didn’t stutter, did I?” 
“No,” you mumble quietly, and he smiles pleasantly, as if he hadn’t just asked you to—
“Then sit on my face.”
Yeah. That.
It’s not like you haven’t done it before, but there’s something more intimate about it now that you know—indirectly, due to Johnny’s big mouth—that he has feelings for you.
“Hm?” You’re jolted out of your daze when he squeezes your hips to get your attention.
“Come up here, or I’m coming down there.” His words have an air of finality, and you decide you’d better get moving. Shuffling up his body the short distance to his face, you hover over his mouth hesitantly, averting your gaze from his intense stare. “Sit.”
“Sit.” He pulls you down forcefully, his mouth sealing over your core, and you hiss loudly, your abdomen tensing as the rest of you trembles. “Much better,” he groans against your skin, his tongue lapping at your pussy fervently.
“You were so nervous, silly girl,” he chuckles, breaking away to kiss along your inner thighs. “I’m pretty sure we’ve done this before.”
“Well, yeah, but—”
“And you’re so wet,” he murmurs, returning his attention to your folds slick with your arousal. “Always taste so fucking good—” The words come out as a slight growl as he winds his arms around your thighs and tightens his grip, seating you firmly and unwaveringly on his face. His nose bumps against your clit as he licks at your entrance, lips alternating between kissing at your folds and sucking them into his mouth, tongue traveling from your entrance to your clit and back down. 
The strokes of his tongue are heavy and purposeful, his fingers digging into your flesh greedily as if he could keep you here indefinitely. 
“Jaehyun,” you whine softly, and his eyes reopen to focus on your pleasure-filled face. 
“Talk to me.” he urges before a loud sucking noise sounds throughout the room, his lips wrapping around your clit and sucking it hard.
“Fuck, Jae, feels so good,” you stammer breathlessly, your hands moving to his hair to anchor yourself. “Love when you—when—” You can barely get the words out, it feels so good, and Jaehyun snickers.
“When I what? When I eat your tasty little pussy? Hm?”
“Jae—” Your face is blazing from his lewd words, one hand leaving his hair to cover your face in embarrassment.
He nips at your thigh instantly, roughly enough to get your attention but not enough to truly hurt you.
“Don’t cover your face. I wanna see you.” You peek through your fingers to see him staring up at you expectantly, and you reluctantly move your hand from your face and back to his hair. “That’s better.” He returns to sucking and licking at your core, flicking your clit with his tongue rapidly as you subtly rock your hips against his face. “Ride my face, baby; I know you want to.”
“Fuck,” you whimper before you do just that, grinding your core down against his eager, waiting mouth that laps at every inch of you he can reach. When he pushes his tongue against your hole, breaching the entrance, you let out a loud gasp and your body quivers as your motions grow even more desperate. “Just like that,” you breathe eagerly, fucking yourself on his tongue with reckless abandon. “Just like that, just like that—oh, fuck—”
Your peak hits you hard, your back arching and your hips stuttering in movement as you buck against his mouth. His tongue remains in you, filling you up both wonderfully and not enough—you need him—
“Jaehyun, pick,” you manage to get out, and he hums in confusion, looking up at you. “Do you want to cum in my mouth or inside of me?” you ask, and he freezes before sitting up so suddenly he almost sends you tumbling down his chest.
“Sorry,” he laughs breathlessly, steadying you by your hips. “Fuck, don’t give me that choice.”
“Why not?” you ask nonchalantly, trailing your fingers down his front. Tracing light circles around his nipples through his shirt, you admire the way he shudders before continuing, “I mean, it’s an easy choice. Do you want to fuck my throat? Or do you wanna fuck me?”
“Wanna fuck you,” he groans, pulling you closer by the hips for a kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it makes the situation all the more arousing.
“Like this?” You reach between you two and stroke his length through his boxers, watching as his eyes roll back. “You want me to ride you?”
“Yeah, baby.” he murmurs, his head tipping back as you pull his length free from his pants and lower yourself onto him. “Fuck, just like that.” he hisses as you settle down on his lap.
Your hands move back up to his nipples, teasing them lightly through the shirt and he sucks in a loud breath, pulling back to yank his shirt off over his head and toss it away.
“You want me to keep going?” you ask curiously, and he nods, eyes dead set on yours. He wets his lips as you bring your hands closer to where he wants them, gripping your hips tightly when they meet their target. He massages your flesh as you move your hips against his and gently pinch his nipples. “You like this so much, I would’ve never guessed,” you hum, and he mumbles indistinctly. “Speak up.”
“Don’t be a tease,” he mutters, his eyebrows knitting together tightly. 
“I’ll be whatever I like,” you reply with a small smile, clenching around him for good measure. 
“That’s it.” He pushes you onto your back and grins down at you with a glint in his eyes. “My turn, you little brat.”
Your breath catches in your throat and he chuckles, pulling out slightly before snapping his hips forward into you and making you gasp loudly. Pressing down onto your chest to pin you in place, he starts to drive his hips into you with rough, fast strokes that have small moans and swears falling from your lips with every thrust.
“See how good it could be if you stopped teasing?” he grunts under his breath, fucking into you at a mind-dizzying speed. “Nice and fucking deep like that?”
“Yeah—sorry—” you stammer, and he raises an eyebrow.
“What’s that?”
“I’m sorry!” 
“Uh-huh—” The words come out more as an exhale than anything else, but he hears you all the same, a wicked grin forming on his face as he lifts your leg up to rest on his shoulder, fucking you at a new angle. “Holy shit—right there—”
“Right here?” he teases, and you nod, scrunching his bedsheets up in your fist.
“Gonna cum,” you moan breathlessly, eyes squeezing shut tightly. “Gonna cum, you’re gonna make me cum—”
“Good, baby,” he coos, rubbing your clit to speed up the process. “Cum for me.”
With a drawn out moan, you finally do cum, and you cum hard. Your body starts to curl in on itself with how hard you’re climaxing and your walls pulse around Jaehyun’s length until he’s releasing into you with a shuddered groan and digging his fingers into your skin.
Jaehyun recovers faster than you do, stroking at your sides and hips gently as you catch your breath before pulling out of you and gingerly repositioning you so you’re lying the right way. He reaches over the edge of the bed and grabs his shirt, offering it to you and helping you put it on. When your head pops out from the shirt, he grins at you and you smile back.
“I really do miss you, y’know,” Jaehyun mumbles, and you nod in understanding.
“I miss you, too.” 
“Then why are you avoiding—”
“Can’t we just relax together, Jae?” you plead, and he looks over at you thoughtfully before nodding. “Great. Let me go take care of something.”
You return to the room after relieving yourself in the bathroom and putting on a pair of underwear and shorts, and he smiles at your reappearance.
“Thought you were ditching me.” he says with a small, relieved smile, and your heart hurts.
“Nope. If you don’t make things weird, we can hang out for a while.” You get back in his bed, snuggling up closer to him, and he drapes an arm around your shoulders.
His lips curl up and he starts to chuckle, his dead giveaway that he’s about to make a joke. “You know, you didn’t need the underwear—”
“Making it weird!”
“Shutting up.”
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Finally in the safety of your own room, you check your phone which you left charging on your nightstand to see a text from Mark asking if you were free to call.
Looking at the timestamp, you notice that the text was sent thirty minutes ago and guilt nibbles away at you as you realize you were busy with Jaehyun.
You call him and wait patiently for him to pick up, finding yourself startled by the rustling sounds that greet you before his voice comes through.
“Hey!” Mark sounds slightly breathless, but you figure you just caught him off guard. “What’s up?”
“Not much; got out of the shower a little while ago,” you say, only fibbing lightly. 
“Oh, nice,” he replies, a hint of a groan in his voice. You can’t deny that you’re curious as to why he sounds like this, but you decide not to press just yet; he could just be stretching or something. “Nice and, um, clean, yeah?”
“Yep!” you agree, deciding you might actually have to take another shower when you’re done talking to Mark. “Gonna put lotion on, too,” you comment absentmindedly.
“That sweet-smelling one?” he asks. “The one that smells like vanilla?” There’s an unmistakable whimper in his voice which only piques your interest even more.
“Yeah,” you say slowly, experimentally. Testing the waters, you add, “I’m gonna rub it in really well.”
“Oh, fuck.” Mark’s breath hitches, and you pause as you realize that the almost rhythmic rustling in the background never once faded away. 
“Mark?” you ask suspiciously, and he lets out the tiniest moan you’ve ever heard from him. “Mark,” you say, your voice softening to a playful coo, “what are you doing?”
“I’m—uh—” His words catch in his throat and you hum gently in growing understanding.
“Mark, are you jerking off right now?”
He lets out a small grunt and a shaky exhale. “Yeah.” When you feign a gasp of surprise, he rushes to explain. “Well, I was already doing it and then you called so I just—”
“Didn’t stop?” you interject. “Picked up anyway? Even though I could’ve waited?” You chuckle and at the silence on Mark’s end, save for his labored breathing, you tut sympathetically. “Mark, I’m not mad or anything. I’m just teasing.”
“Yeah?” he asks, and you hum in assent. “Okay, cool—sorry.”
“It’s only okay if you tell me what you’re thinking about.”
Mark’s breathing stutters noticeably and you bite back a fond laugh, not wanting him to think you’re making fun of him.
“I’m, uh. I’m thinking about you.”
“What about me?”
“Your voice…your body…” 
“What about my body, Mark? Doubt you’re jacking off to the thought of my nostrils.” 
Mark coughs out a laugh before inhaling sharply. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“If you elaborate, I won’t have time to crack jokes.”
“Your, uh. Your thighs…your ass…your hips…” It’s blatantly obvious he’s holding back on something, and you’re going to find out what.
“And your breasts—and your mouth—”
“And your pussy, okay? I’m thinking non-fucking-stop about how wet you were and how you tasted, felt, smelled—”
“How I smelled?”
“Not just your pussy!” Mark’s quick to say, and you snort out a laugh that he joins you in. “You just—you just smell really good, that’s all.”
“Aw, thank you, Mark,” you tease lightly, and he groans softly.
“Can I, uh, tell you something?”
“Of course.” you answer, and Mark takes a deep breath.
“I may or may not be using a pair of your underwear to jerk off right now.”
You’re momentarily stunned into silence. “What?”
“Please don’t be mad,” Mark rushes out.
“Mark, that’s kinda hot.” you let out a surprised laugh, and he makes a strangled sort of yelp before falling silent.
“For real?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, moving to lie on your stomach and swinging your feet in the air. “What pair?”
“Those light blue ones.” He moans softly. “The cotton ones with a bow.”
“Ooh, interesting.” you laugh. “Thought you’d go for a sexier pair.”
“These are sexy,” he defends. “I love them.”
“Mm, yeah? Are they wrapped around your cock right now?”
“Jesus Christ,” Mark mutters in shock, rustling in the background.
“Mark, you’re stroking yourself right now and you really thought I wasn’t gonna come back to that?”
“Kinda hoped we would but I still wasn’t ready.” he mumbles quietly. 
“Are you feeling shy, Mark?” you tease, and he groans in anguish.
“Please don’t tease me right now,” he murmurs.
“Why not?” 
“I’m so fucking hard,” he grunts. “Need to cum so bad.”
“What were you gonna do? Just silently jerk off to the sound of my voice and hope I didn’t catch you?” 
There’s a pause. “Yes,” Mark admits reluctantly.
“Aw, Mark,” you sigh in disappointment. “Stop jerking yourself off.”
“Wh-what?” he practically chokes out, and you hum in confirmation.
“Stop. Jerking. Off. Now.” There’s another pause after you speak, Mark cursing quietly before the rustling sound stops. “Good. Now tell me what you were going to think about—in detail.”
“Eating you out,” he admits immediately, clearly hoping his compliance will grant him relief. “Licking all over your pussy and sucking on your little clit—fuck—”
“Keep going,” you urge, voice growing huskier from arousal.
“Think about—” he grunts, “kissing you as I slide into you, nice and deep—you always feel so good.” 
“Mm,” you sigh, content. “Wrap your hand around the base of your cock.” 
There’s silence, then Mark sighs in relief. “Okay.”
“Stroke yourself slowly.”
“I’m not gonna cum like that—”
“Do you trust me?” you interrupt.
“Of course.” His answer is immediate and warms your heart somewhat.
“Then do it.” 
He grunts softly, like he’s holding back, but a moment later says, “Okay.” The whine in his voice delights you.
“I bet you’d make me feel so good, Mark,” you sigh dreamily, and he whimpers softly. “Fill me up so good, feel so good fucking me—”
“God, fuck—” he hisses.
“Go faster.” His rustling movements speed up, and that’s all you need to hear. “Is that good?” you say gently, and he grunts out an affirmation. “When you get to the tip, I want you to squeeze.”
“Yeah?” he mumbles, sounding dazed.
“Yeah, so it feels nice and tight.” you explain. “Like when you’re pushing into me, that kind of tight.”
“Okay,” he says, voice shaky, and then he moans loudly. “Fuck!”
“So good,” he stammers, and all the rustling and his grunting give you the mental image of him frantically fucking his fist. “God, I wanna—wanna cum—keep talking, please—”
“I miss you, Mark,” you sigh, pouting even though he can’t see you. “Miss your mouth, your hands, your cock—”
“God, yes—”
“Want you in me so bad,” you whine, and Mark gasps loudly before whispering a string of expletives. You wait patiently as he lets out small noises of pleasure and shaky sighs before you speak. “Mark?”
“Yeah?” He sounds spent in the best way, and you smile, satisfied.
“I’ll talk to you later; go clean yourself up.” you chuckle, and he lets out a tired laugh.
“Okay; talk to you later.” he says, then the phone line goes dead. 
Lying there in bed for a moment and running your fingers over Jaehyun’s shirt on your body, you can’t help but feel a little morally iffy at the fact that you just came from Jaehyun’s room and helped Mark get off, but you don’t dwell on it long, instead sighing heavily and heading downstairs for a snack.
 Day 29
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for your Psychology class with Johnny, so you’re not surprised when he barges in ten minutes before class starts, but you are surprised by the first words out of his mouth.
“Hey,” he says. “Wanna go for a quickie before we start class?”
“Wh—no? We only have ten minutes!” you exclaim in disbelief, and he huffs, sitting on your bed beside you.
“You know I could make it work.” He fixes you in place with a disapproving stare, and you roll your eyes.
“Well, you’re not gonna make it work now.” you say with an air of finality, and he grumbles under his breath as he gets comfortable, setting up his laptop.
When class begins, it starts off fine, your professor doing a quick attendance check before launching into her lecture, but it’s about fifteen minutes in when you become aware of Johnny watching you.
Making sure you’re muted, you glance at him, your amused look meeting his intent gaze. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah,” he breathes out, staring unwaveringly at the way your mouth moves. 
“Not like that.” 
“Oh. Then no.” he says, a small smile curling his lips.
“You’re unbelievable.” you chuckle, looking back at your screen. Sighing softly, you gesture at the screen. “I wish this was over.”
“It can be,” Johnny stresses, leaning closer to you. “Just let me—”
“Johnny, what is your deal?” you ask, amused, but no sooner are the words out of your mouth than he’s shutting his laptop and cupping your chin to tug your face to his for a kiss. You let out a surprised noise that he silences with his lips, moving them with yours smoothly as his hand drops from your chin to grab at the plush flesh of your inner thigh.
“You’re doing it on purpose,” Johnny accuses when you two break apart. 
“Doing what?” you ask, bewildered, and he narrows his eyes at you.
“Turning me on,” he answers. “Making me want to kiss you.”
“I’m not doing anything,” you defend yourself, and he shrugs, looking pointedly at his lap. You follow his gaze slowly, half-curious, half-afraid of what you’ll find, only to see his length straining against his sweats. “Johnny.”
“I don’t just pop boners in the middle of Psych class regularly!”
“Apparently, you do!” 
“C’mon,” Johnny coaxes, drumming his fingers on the inside of your thigh. “Just for a little bit.”
“But—” you start, cut off when Johnny reaches over and closes your laptop. “Hey!”
“We can turn it back on and everyone can watch what I’m about to do to you,” Johnny offers with a wicked grin and raised brows. 
“W-What are you about to do to me?” you ask, excitement fluttering in your stomach at his words, and he leans over, lips just an inch away from yours.
“I can show you better than I can tell you.” He closes the gap between you two and connects your mouths, tongue tracing along your bottom lip before slipping into your mouth and stroking at yours. 
The whine that you let out is beyond needy, his hand sliding up your thigh and clouding your judgment as you lean in closer, a hand moving to his hair and curling your fingers in his locks. 
Moving to lie between your legs, Johnny continues to kiss you as he pulls at your clothing. “You gonna let me eat you out?” he muses against your lips, pulling your shorts down roughly. You moan and nod, making him grin. “Mm, yeah? Gonna let me eat this sweet pussy?”
“Johnny,” you whimper, and he chuckles, moving his hand to between your legs, grunting in surprise when his hand meets no resistance between his fingers and your core. Looking up at you incredulously, you shrug bashfully. “It’s laundry day.”
“No, you’re just a little tease,” he scoffs in disbelief, spreading your legs wider and shuffling down between your legs. “You did this on purpose.”
“I did not!” you protest, and he glares up at you, silencing you. 
“You did,” he continues, eyes never leaving yours as his tongue lolls out to flick at your clit. “But it’s okay, baby—I got you.”
You open your mouth to answer him, but a moan comes out instead when he massages the underside of your clit with his tongue, wrapping his lips around the bud and humming. 
You groan softly when he pushes two fingers into you, twisting and curling them until you’re clutching at the sheets and gasping with pleasure. With his mouth on your clit and his fingers stroking along your inner walls diligently, your peak comes before you even expect it, pleasure rushing through you. 
Wasting no time and flipping you onto your stomach, Johnny lifts your ass in the air slightly, resting you on your knees and torso. Hands grazing down your sides, he squeezes and massages your flesh until he delivers a quick slap to your ass and brings his already wet fingers between your legs to tease at your slick folds. 
“Spread your legs wider,” he instructs, chuckling when you comply instantly. “Such an obedient girl,” he coos, shuffling behind you and bringing the head of his cock to your entrance. “Knew you wanted it.”
He pushes into you slowly and the lack of speed does nothing to save the breath from whooshing out of you in a relieved yet overwhelmed exhale. 
“So fucking good,” Johnny grunts, kneading your ass as you adjust to his size, thrusting into you shallowly in an attempt to help. It both does and doesn’t, the friction making your head dizzy and unable to focus on calming down, but the same friction making your head dizzy also makes warmth bloom between your legs, arousal lubricating his length as it moves inside of you.
“Speed up,” you manage to moan, and he hisses, pulling out and thrusting back into you with a sharp snap of his hips. You bite down on your hand to keep from moaning too loudly as he starts to pump into you, his strokes alternating between a quick forward snap and a slow dragging back to allow you to feel every ridge of his cock as he fucks you.
“Always act so difficult,” Johnny mutters, building up a quicker pace that has skin slapping on skin resonating throughout the room. “You just like when I fuck you like this, admit it.” 
“Fuck—” you gasp, clenching around him. “Love it so much, Johnny—feels so good—”
“I know,” he coos condescendingly, never faltering in his almost brutal pace. His fingers wind in the hair on the nape of your neck, pulling your head back with a rough tug that makes you wince. “You can’t help being so difficult, can you?”
“No, can’t help it,” you babble, barely aware of what you’re saying as he fucks you brainless. If you had your wits about you, you would have protested being called difficult, but you’re in so much pleasure that you can barely focus on the language you speak.
“It’s okay, baby,” he muses, punctuating each word with a thrust, “I know what you need. You just need someone big and strong to fuck you ‘til you can’t think anymore, right?”
“Yes,” you agree desperately, already feeling pleasure building in your abdomen in that delightfully familiar way. “Johnny, I think I’m—”
“Hold it for me?” he asks, and you stiffen in alarm. “Yeah, you heard me. I want you to cum when I cum.” 
“I can’t hold it—”
“Hold it.” It’s not a request. His hand releases your hair and pushes between your body and the mattress, cupping your breast tightly and pinching your nipple. “Fuck, I’m so close—”
“Johnny—” you warn, the pleasure becoming almost too much to bear. 
“I know, pretty, I’m about to—fuck—” he groans, thrusting harder into you as he shudders. “Cum for me.”
Your hand slips down to your clit, rubbing it in quick desperate circles as your peak hits, and a relieved sob falls from your lips as you climax, body trembling as you clench around his length like a vice. He lets out a noise somewhere between a moan and a growl and bottoms out in you roughly, releasing into you as your walls pulse around him, milking his length for every drop of cum he has to offer.
Johnny pulls out, rubbing his softening length on your inner thighs and smearing them with a mix of your releases, making you shudder. 
“Get off—we’d better not have gotten in trouble because of you.” you huff, reaching for your phone. You unlock it to see that there’s no email from your professor and look over at Johnny with a relieved smile.
“Put your clothes back on; we’re gonna pretend the wi-fi cut out and we lost connection.” you say, hurriedly redressing yourself, and he sighs loudly but complies, pulling his sweats and boxers back up and resuming his spot beside you. When you both log back on, your professor doesn’t even acknowledge your temporary absence and you could just about collapse with relief as the lecture continues on without a hitch.
“So,” Johnny breaks the silence a moment later, looking over at you, “I wanna know what you’re gonna do about your little love triangle.”
“Johnny, you’re bringing up other men minutes after fucking me?” you laugh. “The cum hasn’t even dried.”
“Sorry about that,” he says, and you wave him off, reaching in your nightstand drawer for your wipes and cleaning up between your legs. Tossing the wipe at your garbage can, Johnny lets out an impressed whistle when it goes in. “Nice.”
“Thanks.” you chirp. “And well…advice would be appreciated.” you sigh, shooting him a hopeful glance. “Who do you think I should choose?”
“I can’t answer that for you, young Padawan.” he replies with a cheesy grin, and you roll your eyes and push him lightly.
“You’re so corny.”
“Hey, do you want my help or not?”
“You just said you can’t answer that for me!”
“I have other things to say, genius.” Johnny rolls his eyes, and you mirror him.
“So say them.”
“You are such a little brat—”
“Johnny,” you whine, shaking his arm, and he laughs.
“Alright, alright—fine! I was gonna say that I’m rooting for whoever makes you happiest. Even if that means you end up on your own.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening.” you reply, and he rolls his eyes.
“Well, in that case, I want you to think about who makes you happiest; who do you care about the most? Who bothers you when they’re not there, or they’re upset? Do either of them calm you down just by being there? Who do you feel most comfortable around?”
You pause. “That’s a lot of questions.”
Johnny facepalms. “Be serious.”
“I am, I’m just a little overwhelmed,” you reply defensively. “I mean—there are different answers for most of those questions. But I’ll think about it.” 
“It’s your decision,” Johnny reminds you. 
“Thanks,” you sigh, letting him pull you into a side hug. “Now for my other problem.”
“What’s that?”
“How am I going to keep avoiding Jaehyun? We already had sex the other day,” you say, and Johnny looks up thoughtfully.
“I’ve got no clue. I already had to do backbends to get you out when you dodged him at breakfast.”
“Yeah, that was awkward. I don’t wanna think about that.”
“Then let’s not. Ignorance is bliss.” Johnny grins, and you shrug.
“Ignorance is bliss,” you agree.
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“But yeah, I remodeled my room and it looks so nice now!”
“That’s great!” Mark says, and you nod, smiling.
“Yeah; Johnny and Jungwoo had to help me, and that got kinda weird but—Mark, I’m sorry, what is that God-awful noise in the background?” you ask, bewildered by the dreadful groaning sound practically drowning Mark out.
“Dude, it’s our pipes,” he groans, rubbing a hand over his face. “That sound’s been like this for two days now. I could barely sleep the other night.”
“Oh, yikes, Mark—” your sympathetic reply is drowned out by a loud sound of metal screeching before the unmistakable sound of water spraying and Edgar yowling. “Holy shit?”
“No fucking way,” Mark exhales loudly in defeat as he runs off somewhere in his house. “The pipe just burst.” His voice is flat, in disbelief as he turns the camera to show water spraying all over the bathroom.
“Holy shit,” you mumble, concerned and alarmed. “That’s such a big mess,” you say worriedly, and Mark just groans as the sound of footsteps thunder down the hall until Haechan, Jeno, and Renjun are standing around him with equally horrified looks on their faces.
“What are we gonna do?” he laments, and an idea comes to you.
“Call the housing department to arrange to get it fixed, and I’ll ask the guys if you can stay here in the meantime.” You nod proudly, and Haechan’s eyes widen as he looks over at the camera. 
“You’re an angel,” he gushes, and you wave him off with a small smile. “No, seriously—you’re pretty like one, too—”
“Haechan, stop flirting,” Mark grouches, turning the camera so only his face is visible. “You’re a life-saver if they say yes,” he admits, and you shrug.
“Don’t thank me until they agree.” 
“Fair point. I’m gonna call housing now,” he bids you goodbye, and you nod, waving at him before ending the call.
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“Emergency house meeting!” you shriek in the living room and wait patiently as everyone filters into the living room in various states of disgruntlement. “Thank you all for coming so quickly.” You smile at each of your roommates as they settle in on the living room furniture, your eyes skipping over Jaehyun slightly as a shock travels down your spine at the possibility of making eye contact.
“Did we have a choice?” Johnny asks, and you stare at him blankly.
“No.” you say flatly. “Anyway. Bad news…Mark’s apartment flooded.” 
Jaehyun yawns loudly and shrugs. “Sounds personal.” He ducks behind Johnny immediately when you launch a pillow at him and Johnny catches it, whirling around and whacking Jaehyun for you. “Ouch!”
“That’s what you get.” you huff, crossing your arms. “Anyway. He and his roommates need somewhere to stay, and I told him I’d ask you guys—”
“No.” Jaehyun says immediately.
“—if they could stay here—”
“—while their apartment gets fixed. Obviously, Mark would stay with me.” you finish as if Jaehyun had never spoken, shooting him a dirty look.
“No.” Jaehyun huffs, and you put a hand up to block him out, staring imploringly at your three other roommates.
“I don’t see why not.” Jungwoo shrugs, and you beam widely, turning your gaze to Jaemin hopefully.
“Sure; Jeno can room with me.” Jaemin answers, and Jungwoo sits up slightly from his spot on the couch.
“Haechan can stay with me, I guess,” he adds, and when you look at Johnny and Jaehyun, Johnny’s stroking his chin thoughtfully, making you sigh softly in exasperation.
“I’m not sharing my room with anyone.” Jaehyun says firmly, and you wave him off dismissively, focusing your gaze back on Johnny. 
“Please, Johnny?” you plead, and he looks down at you for a moment before sighing and shrugging.
“Renjun can stay with me, then.” he decides, and you smile widely, pulling him into a tight hug. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you gush, releasing him and pulling Jaemin and Jungwoo into their own hugs. When you release them, Jaehyun narrows his eyes at you.
“I don’t like this,” he grouches, and you sneer in his direction.
“Too bad! You were outvoted.”
“House meeting adjourned! Carry on with your lives, people; I’ll go tell Mark.” You turn on your heel to leave and just barely dodge Jaehyun attempting to grab your wrist to get your attention. “Gotta go, Jae, Mark’s calling!” you lie, wiggling your phone as if to prove your point. Before he can say anything else, you dart back to the safety of your room and collapse on your bed, sighing loudly.
Dodging Jaehyun’s attempts to talk to you is getting harder and harder, especially because the tension between you two is building rapidly with every time he passes by you in the house. Add in Mark’s earnest, round eyes inadvertently making you feel guilty every time you catch him looking at you, and, well, this should be fun.
 Day 30
“They’re here!” you yell at the sound of the doorbell, and everyone gets up from their spots in the living room to head to the front door, save for Jaehyun, who crosses his arms and settles further into his seat. “Get up and come be a friendly host.” You tug Jaehyun’s arm, whining when he barely moves. 
“Come on,” you groan, throwing all your weight back in an attempt to dislodge Jaehyun from his spot. He jerks forward, to both of your surprise, and finally gets up from the couch, pulling you back into a standing position and steadying you before trudging over to the door. 
“Be nice,” you whisper loudly before you open the door to reveal Mark and his three roommates. “Hi, guys! Come on in.”
They walk in, one after the other, and kick their shoes off by the doorway, following Mark's lead as they make their way further into the house. 
“We really appreciate that you guys are letting us stay here for a while,” Renjun says with a polite smile, and Johnny shrugs, waving him off dismissively.
“It’s not a problem.” 
“It is for me,” Jaehyun grumbles. You step on his foot. “Ow!”
“I’m sorry, but—” Haechan pipes up, “am I dreaming, or does your shirt say ‘MILF University’ on it?” He’s ogling you brazenly, and you can hear Jaehyun sigh in annoyance next to you.
“You’re not dreaming.” You smile at him, and Haechan lets out a shaky exhale.
“You’re unreal.”
“Stop hitting on her,” Mark complains under his breath, and Haechan sucks his teeth loudly.
“Look at her.”
“Anyway!” you chime in, cutting off the argument before it gets a chance to take off. “We all decided who’s staying in which room, so you can just go put your stuff down.” You gesture behind you towards the stairs, and they all head upstairs to get settled in. Mark’s the last one to head upstairs, leaving you on the first floor with Jaehyun.
“Hey, Cranky Pants,” you call out to him, and he looks over at you with furrowed brows and a frown. “Try smiling every once in a while.”
“Nothing to smile about in my life.” he grouches, and you sigh, walking over to the couch and plopping down on it. 
“You have a house filled with your best friends,” you point out. He comes and sits next to you, sighing loudly and dramatically. “You have me,” You add, and he looks over at you with a brow raised.
“Do I?” Jaehyun asks slowly, scanning your face. “Do I really?”
You’d be a fool not to realize what he’s hinting at, but your heart seizes up at the notion of being real with him so unexpectedly. 
You settle for a half-truth, leaning against his side and looking up at him, batting your eyes sweetly.
“You have me,” you assure him, and he chuckles softly, draping his arm around your shoulders. 
He looks like he’s about to say something else, but Jeno, Jaemin, and Johnny come back downstairs and he must decide against it, because he settles back into his spot, thankfully sporting a more pleasant expression. 
“Make yourself at home, Jeno.” you say with a smile, which he barely returns, not even looking at you for too long. 
“Thanks,” His voice is low and a bit rough, making your brows lift in surprise. Jaemin points him towards the kitchen and he heads over, Johnny following after him. 
“Jeno still doesn’t say much, as long as I’ve known him,” you say to Jaemin as he sits down next to you on the couch. 
“Yeah, he’s kinda shy.” Jaemin answers with a shrug, and you hum to yourself.
“I can be shy, y’know,” Haechan butts in, and you jump, not knowing he even came back downstairs yet.
“Oh, yeah?” You sit forward, elbow on your knee and chin in your hand as you lift your brows in amusement.
“Yep. Quiet as a mouse,” he persists, miming zipping his lips shut.
“Could have fooled me,” Jaemin snorts, and Haechan glowers at him.
“Shut up.”
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Mark is sitting at your desk, typing away on his laptop, and you can’t stop looking over at him. Something about the rough way he runs his fingers through his hair has you wanting to mimic the action.
Fortunately, subtlety has never really been your strong suit, and Mark looks over to catch you watching him for the third time before chuckling and setting his laptop on the desk. 
“C’mere.” Mark holds his hand out for you and you get off of your bed and walk over to stand between his spread legs. He pulls you closer and guides you into sitting on his lap, straddling him. “Why are you staring at me?” he chuckles, and gazing into his round brown eyes with their playful twinkle makes you huff slightly in frustration before leaning down to press your lips to his.
Mark’s hands drop to your hips, a surprised noise leaving his lips as you kiss him, before they squeeze reflexively. 
Your lips connect languidly but passionately, Mark chasing after your lips with every pull back you take. The need-filled whimpers you let out with every kiss has desire stirring in Mark’s lap, both of you pulling back to look down at where your bodies meet.
When he looks up at you sheepishly, you’re grinning and you lean back in to kiss him again. Nipping at his bottom lip, Mark groans and flicks at your lip with his tongue, the pink muscle easing its way into your mouth to play with yours. 
His lips travel down, leaving sloppy kisses down your chin, jaw, and neck, before he’s nibbling at your collarbones, bathing the skin in wet kisses filled with desire. 
You tilt your head back in ecstasy and reach a hand between you two to palm at his growing erection, squeezing the base of his length before stroking upwards. His hips buck into your hand and he lets out a groan before he’s detaching his lips from your neck with an air of reluctance.
“Wait,” he moans, sitting back slightly and looking at you. You frown at him as you wait for him to speak. “Can—as good as that feels, I really need to finish this paper.” he informs you begrudgingly, and your frown deepens. “I know, I’m sorry.” he murmurs, kissing you again, and you sigh before climbing off of his lap.
“It’s no problem, Mark,” you assure him. “I should probably work on my assignments, too.” 
“You’re sure it’s not a problem?” he asks worriedly, and you laugh, squeezing his hand.
“I won’t die if I don’t have sex, y’know. I’ll be fine.”
“…Okay,” he replies skeptically.
“Your lack of faith in me is disheartening.” you pout at him, and he laughs.
“I’m sorry.”
“Good; you should be.”
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Later that night, your restless thoughts and body find you sitting up in bed in the middle of the night and heading downstairs.
“What are you doing up?” you ask as you walk into the living room to see Haechan on the couch scrolling through his phone.
“Couldn’t sleep.” he answers, and you nod in understanding before plopping down next to him on the couch. “What about you?”
“Too many thoughts in my head, so I can’t sleep either.” you say, and he turns his head towards you with a chuckle.
“Are you thinking about your little love triangle?” he teases lightly, and you nod with a sigh. “Tell me about it,” Haechan replies, and you chuckle, letting your head tip back onto the couch. “No, for real,” Haechan presses, and you turn to look at him with your brow raised. “Tell me about it.”
“…You wanna hear me rant about my love life.” you reply flatly, and he nods, smiling sweetly at you. “Why do you want to do that?”
“Because I’m a good friend.” he answers with a pout before scooting closer to you and draping his arm over the back of the couch behind you, resting his cheek in his hand as he watches you with bright brown eyes.
“…Okay,” you say hesitantly, and give him a long, suspicious stare before starting to debrief him on everything that’s going on between you, Jaehyun, and Mark. To his credit, Haechan really does prove to be an excellent and attentive listener, nodding and humming at all the appropriate intervals; that is, until he seems to tire of the “supportive friend” façade and rests his hand on your knee. 
You don’t say anything at first, only sparing him a cursory glance and a brief pause in your speaking, but when he gestures for you to continue, you do, being made all the more aware of Haechan, who’s watching you with dark eyes. It’s not until his tongue peeks out to wet his lips and he’s leaning in to kiss your bare shoulder that you decide you should say something.
“What are you doing?”
“Helping you out,” Haechan answers sweetly, his hand slowly slipping up your thigh and his lips leaving wet kisses up your neck to nibble at your earlobe. You let out a low whine of protest as he massages your inner thigh and kisses your neck, but it fades into silence as you realize that it really does feel good.
“Haechan, how is this gonna help my problem?” you ask as he shifts to kneel in front of you, hands slowly spreading your knees as he moves forward so he’s nestled between your legs.
He looks thoughtful, fingers drumming idly on your knees. “I don’t know.”
“Rich.” you scoff.
“Who really cares if it helps? We both know it’s gonna feel good.” he insists, draping your legs over his shoulders and pressing his face against your concealed core. “God, Mark was right, you smell fucking amazing.”
“Mark told you how I smell?” you repeat, baffled, but Haechan is barely listening to you, instead preoccupied with nuzzling his face against the seat of your shorts and making lewd, muffled moans. As much as you hate to admit it, his nose and lips pressing against your clit through two layers of fabric is starting to take its toll as warmth blooms between your legs and starts spreading throughout your body. “Haechan!” you whisper, scandalized when he starts pressing obnoxiously loud kisses to the front of your shorts.
“Hm?” he hums in response, and you roll your eyes when he doesn’t stop kissing you long enough to answer, instead turning to kiss along your inner thighs.
“What’s your endgame right now?” you chuckle breathlessly as he groans and digs his blunt nails into your thighs.
“We fuck.” he answers simply, and you snicker.
“Right here?”
“Right here.”
“On the couch?! We sit here!” 
“Yeah, and now you’re about to get eaten out and fucked here.” Haechan is not even remotely as bothered as you are by the concept of defiling the couch you’re so protective of right now, the younger male grinning up at you with mischievously glinting eyes.
“Mm?” He lifts up the hem of your shirt to dance his tongue along the sliver of skin revealed, leaving a glistening trail of saliva in his wake.
“You’re a little freak.” you chuckle, and he blinks up at you expectantly.
“Mm, yeah?” He dips his tongue into your navel and you hiss, your back arching.
“Yeah,” you exhale, watching him carefully. He leans up and forward so he’s face to face with you, his gaze trained unwaveringly on your lips. It feels as if ages have passed before you speak next, Haechan waiting with bated breath. “It’s kinda hot.” The last syllable barely leaves your mouth before he’s pressing his lips against yours with a groan, pushing you in between the couch and his firm body.
“Fuck, wanted this so bad.” he groans into the kiss, and you whine against him when his fingers sneak between your thighs and dip into your underwear. “You have any idea how hot you are?”
“Mm, maybe you should show me.” you reply, batting your lashes at him sweetly, and he sits back on his heels abruptly, staring at you in awe.
“Oh, believe me; I will.” he mumbles almost in a daze as his eyes rove over you eagerly. “Get these off,” Haechan mumbles distractedly, yanking at your shorts until they’re around your ankles and nuzzling his face between your legs until his every exhale tickles your clit. “Any of these losers ever tell you how pretty your pussy is?”
“Haechan, they’re not losers—” you protest, but his lips silence your qualms immediately as they seal around your clit, a quiet gasp escaping you. 
“Have they ever told you?” Haechan presses through his mouth on your clit, and after a silence settles, he scoffs and pushes your thighs wider. “Exactly. Losers.”
“Well, I mean—”
“Do you want to bicker or do you want to cum?” Haechan cuts you off, and you blanch, settling into your spot with an unintelligible mumble. “Didn’t catch that.”
“I wanna cum,” you mutter, and he chuckles, leaving a kiss on top of your clit and smirking when your hips lift to follow his mouth. 
“Thought so.” He leans in and drags his tongue up your folds, the thick, wet pink muscle grazing the underside of your clit so deliciously that you whine loudly, a hand flying to his hair to pull him closer. “Shh, shh—I’m not in the mood to share, so you gotta keep it down.” 
“Okay,” you agree in a dreamy sigh as he drags his tongue up your folds, the tip of it wiggling between them to tease at your entrance every once in a while. “Don’t tease me,” you complain, tugging at his hair.
“You want something to fill you up, don’t you?” Haechan grunts, chuckling at your insistent nod. “Thought so. Gonna give it to you,” he mumbles distractedly, bringing his fingers to your entrance and trailing along your wet folds in wonder. “You’re fucking unreal.”
“Let me enjoy this.” he replies sternly, and you blink, stunned, before falling into an obedient silence. He strokes your clit slowly, studying your reactions as you roll your hips up into his touch. “So wet,” he mumbles in a daze, pushing two fingers into you and grinning when you gasp in surprise, your body jolting from the sudden intrusion. “You can take it, right, baby?” he coos at you, smiling tauntingly, and you grit your teeth, gripping the couch cushion and his hair harder. 
“Move your fingers before I go do it myself,” you warn, and he raises a challenging eyebrow.
“You really think you can do this better than me?” he urges, and you shrug.
“I’m not opposed to finding out.” 
“I dare you.”
“Fine,” you huff, pulling his fingers out of you. He looks offended at your actions, but still watches with a smug sort of intrigue as you spread your legs wider, your head dropping back onto the cushions.
“Look at me.” he presses, and you shake your head.
“Eye contact is for good boys,” you say, ignoring his groan, “who do what I want.” Before he can reply, you bring your fingers to your core, middle and ring finger teasing your clit before rubbing circles into the sensitive bud. 
“I’m good,” he argues, and you lift your head to look down at him, unimpressed.
“You’re not acting like it.” 
“Fine, maybe I’m not all that good.” he mutters in defeat as he watches you touch yourself. It’s when you let out a breathy moan that he snaps, lunging forward and yanking your hand away by the wrist. His lips are wrapped around your slick fingers before you can process it, sucking the arousal from them as he pushes his fingers back into you greedily. “But I am gonna make you cum.” 
You slip your fingers from his mouth, Haechan chasing them for a second, but you curl them in his hair immediately, pulling on the strands until he groans in pleasure. His fingers curl inside of you just right, hitting that spot that has your back arching, and you hiss in pleasure, nodding eagerly. 
“Right there, Haechan—” you urge him on, and he nods, brows furrowed in concentration.
“I’m a good boy,” he grunts, mostly to himself, but you hear it.
“Such a good boy, Haechan, make me cum—” you whimper, and his thumb presses to your clit, the sensation sending you over the edge as you climax with a hand pressed over your mouth. Your whine of his name sends him lurching forward to connect his lips with yours in an almost frenzied manner, nipping at your bottom lip before slipping his tongue into your mouth.
“You are gonna be the death of me,” he mumbles, pulling his fingers from you and pushing his sweats and boxers down to let his length spring up and slap against his stomach.
“Fuck, you’re bigger than I thought.” you mutter, impressed.
He glowers at you. “Did you just imply you thought my dick was small?”
“Not small,” you assure him, pulling him closer to you, “just…not this big.”
“I don’t have a condom—”
“Haechan, I really don’t care.” you shut him up and his eyes widen before they fixate on your glistening core and he visibly vibrates with delight.
He hooks your legs over his shoulders and presses you into the couch as he pushes his length into you, and you keen lowly, your back arching in pleasure. 
“So full,” you mumble, walls tightening around him, and Haechan chokes out a moan, eyes squeezing shut tightly.
“You,” he pants through gritted teeth, “are so fucking wet. You feel amazing, holy shit.” 
“Haechan, please move,” you plead, but he shakes his head firmly.
“If I move now, I’m gonna cum.” 
“Haechan, be a good boy,” you coo, moving his hair out of his face, “and move for me.”
He whines breathlessly and looks down at you with bright eyes. “Not now.”
“Not now, what?” you tease, and he stares down at you with an incredulous expression. “I just want you to be good for me.”
“I will cum right now,” he warns you, and you roll your eyes.
“Fine, we’ll wait.” you say in a bored tone, and you’ve barely gotten the last syllable out before he’s pressing you into the cushions and pulling his length out to the tip and thrusting back into you roughly. His lips seal over yours, silencing the moan you let out, and he starts rocking his hips into yours with deep, powerful strokes.
“How’s that, you impatient little brat?” he grunts, and you manage to get out a snicker past the moans of pleasure you’re struggling not to let out. 
“Takes one to know one,” you reply (not without difficulty) and clench around his length to get a whimper out of him.
“Like feeling my cock so deep in your pretty pussy?” he coos, the head of his length dragging along your inner walls. 
“Feels so good,” you mumble, slurring your words slightly. You feel positively drunk on pleasure, your body subconsciously fucking back onto his length, and Haechan’s rapidly glazing-over eyes tell you you’re not alone.
“Pussy feels like heaven,” he grunts, biting down on your ankle, and you moan at the slight sting, slipping your hands up to grope your breasts and run your thumbs over your hardening nipples. He leans down and connects your lips together before speeding up his thrusts, the sounds of skin slapping against skin sounding throughout the room.
You reach to drag your nails down his back, the sensation still sending shivers down his spine even through his shirt. Even through the kiss, your little moans and whines slip out, and you start to think that Haechan might actually want people to hear you.
“So noisy,” he taunts against your lips, sucking on your bottom lip before letting it go. 
“I think you like it,” you reply breathlessly, the words stumbling out over each other as the feeling of his length inside of you makes your mind go blank.
“Guilty,” he chuckles, his eyes sliding shut in bliss. You cup his chin and squeeze the sides of his face until he opens his eyes and looks down at you. He’s got the epitome of bedroom eyes, you think as he meets your gaze, and you whimper brokenly. “God, fuck, I‘m gonna—”
“I’m almost there,” you pant, voice whiny, and he shudders, nodding before spitting on his thumb and rubbing quick circles around your clit. His free hand covers your mouth immediately and just in time as you moan loudly, nodding eagerly. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck—”
Your orgasm rushes through you in powerful waves and you’re distantly aware of Haechan groaning as he finishes inside of you but you can’t bring yourself to focus on him, your walls pulsing around his length uncontrollably as pleasure takes over your body.
Haechan pulls his hand away from your clit, waiting for you to look at him before dragging his tongue up his thumb, lapping up your arousal. When you raise your eyebrows in intrigue, he winks at you and you roll your eyes.
“You’re something else,” you laugh breathlessly as you push him off of you. He pulls out of you but leans back down for another kiss, whining in disappointment when you turn your head to break it and peppering kisses down from your lips to your shoulder.
“I have a solution to your problem.” Haechan says against your skin, and you hum in intrigue. 
“What’s that?”
“Ditch those zeroes and get with me instead.” He sits up and looks down at you, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, and you laugh in disbelief, pinching his nose closed. “Hey!”
“You’re not helping.”
“Sure, I am.” His voice is nasal from your fingers still holding his nose, and you snort and release him.
“I think Jaehyun would personally kick your ass—and Mark would help him.”
“It’d be the first thing they ever agreed on.” he snickers, and you nod with a giggle. 
“Peace and love on Planet Earth.” you sigh, reaching down to pull your shorts and underwear up. “If only it was that easy.” You cringe at the cold wet feeling and decide you’ll just shower and go back to sleep in clean clothes.
“Wanna go for round two in the shower?” Haechan suggests with a devilish grin, apparently having the same thought process as you, and you roll your eyes in amusement.
“Maybe next time,” you muse, and his eyes widen.
“There’s gonna be a next time?” The excitement is practically palpable in his voice, and you can’t help but laugh.
“I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”
 Day 31
After finishing an essay you’d been working on the past couple of days, you wander around in search of something to occupy your time. You pass by Jaemin’s bedroom only to hear your name being called, so you double back and poke your head through the doorway to see Jaemin and Jeno sitting on the bed, relaxing. At the sight of you, Jeno seems to stiffen slightly, and a small smile makes its way to your lips.
“Hey, guys,” you greet, and Jeno nods while Jaemin waves you in. “What’s up?”
“I was just telling Jeno about the time I tried to be a YouTuber,” he answers, and you snicker. “When I realized I still had the footage…”
Your laughter stops abruptly and you look at him in surprise. “Really?”
“Yep,” he confirms, wiggling his brows. “Do you wanna watch it?”
You think about it for a moment. “You know what? Yeah, I do.” 
Jaemin beams, pats the spot between him and Jeno invitingly, and gets off of the bed, hooking up his laptop to his television and setting about pulling up the video. You take it upon yourself to sit on the bed where Jaemin gestured to, and you become distinctly aware of Jeno’s breathing hesitating.
“Hi, Jeno,” you say sweetly, and he offers a tense smile, nodding.
“It’s all set up; you guys ready?” Jaemin says excitedly, and you nod, looking over at Jeno, whose eyes are trained directly and unwaveringly on Jaemin. He nods and Jaemin brings the remote over to the bed, where he sits back in his original spot.
He presses play and the image of you and Jaemin on the screen starts to move, the film showing you dutifully applying his makeup.
“You look good, Jaemin,” Jeno compliments with a chuckle. “She did a good job.”
“I had a good model,” you say with a smile, and Jaemin grins. 
“Jeno, here’s where it gets good.” Jaemin whispers and, sure enough, Jaemin on screen pulls you in for a deep kiss, your hands moving to touch him instantly.
The sharp breath Jeno takes in doesn’t go unnoticed by you or Jaemin, who turns up the sound to display the whimpers you let out as Jaemin kisses down your body on screen.
“Isn’t she so pretty, Jeno?” Jaemin murmurs, and Jeno nods, swallowing thickly. 
“So pretty,” he echoes, a slight rasp to his voice that has you shifting closer to graze his clothed thigh with your bare one. He jolts away from your touch for a moment, but you hold fast, waiting patiently for him to relax against you again. He looks like he can’t decide whether to stare at you on camera or you in real life, in awe of both forms of you.
“She’s so good, too,” Jaemin praises, looking over at you, and you smile bashfully, warmth spreading to your cheeks. “Tastes good, looks good, feels good, sounds good, smells good—”
“You are not the first person to tell me how good I smell, oddly enough.” you chuckle, and Jaemin laughs quietly, shrugging.
“I’m just making observations.” 
On camera, Jaemin has his head between your legs, blocking the camera’s view of your exposed core, and Jeno groans, shifting in his seat. You can’t help but notice that his leg is pushing more insistently against yours and that his fingers are twitching slightly, seemingly seeking something to hold.
“She can be a little bratty,” Jaemin adds, making you huff defensively. “See?”
“Hey!” you complain in a small voice, and Jaemin smiles at you fondly. 
“If you’re good to her, though, she’ll be good to you,” Jaemin assures, and your pleased smile returns to your face.
Jeno watches the video in a stony silence, paying rapt attention to your and Jaemin’s bodies moving on screen, and his fingers stop their twitching when Jaemin finally enters you, instead digging roughly into his thigh.
Jaemin’s eyes linger on you for a moment before he scoots back to sit against the headboard and calls your name, patting his lap invitingly when you turn to look at him. “Come sit here.”
You comply, moving to sit between Jaemin’s legs, and when you move to cross one leg over the other, Jaemin tsks disapprovingly, making you stop. 
His hands start to massage your thighs, stroking, caressing, groping at the flesh, and Jeno’s doing a terrible job of pretending he’s not looking. You lean back against Jaemin’s torso, and he lets out a content sigh, his hands moving to your knees and pulling them apart to spread your legs as wide as his are.
“Does that feel good, angel?” Jaemin coos fondly, and you nod with a pleased hum as his hands travel further up your legs from your knees to the innermost part of your thighs, his fingers trailing along the seat of your shorts and pressing against you experimentally, drawing back when you squeal softly.
Jeno’s eyes are darting from the screen to where you and Jaemin sit, gaze darkening with every glance between your legs, and he wets his lips absentmindedly, watching Jaemin’s hands with rapt attention. 
Jaemin trails one hand up your body to grope at your breast, a bit more roughly than you would expect from him, but you can’t deny that it feels good. He pinches at your nipple repeatedly over your clothing, meticulously stimulating the bud until it’s hard enough to be visible through your bra and shirt. Satisfied when he runs his fingers over your now noticeably hard nipple, he shifts his attention to the other breast, repeating his ministrations slowly. 
His lips fall to your neck, kissing softly but loudly enough that it draws Jeno’s attention yet again, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows and watches as Jaemin touches you and kisses you. The hand between your legs traces light circles over your now pulsing clit, flicking it back and forth with a finger and Jaemin chuckles when you whine softly.
“She loves to put on a good show,” Jaemin remarks proudly, as if showing you off, and the combination of attention and slight degradation of being talked about but not to has your mind spinning. “Don’t you, baby?”
“Mhm,” you exhale, your eyes meeting Jeno’s. He scans your face and your body, lingering on your breasts and hardened nipples and trailing down to stare at Jaemin toying with you.
“You know what I think?” Jaemin muses, still calmly stroking your clothed clit and caressing your breast.
“Huh?” you ask in a daze, and he chuckles.
“You’re just too pretty to keep all to myself.” Jaemin answers, and you nod slowly, not sure where he’s going with his point. “Maybe we should take some pictures…for memories.”
“Okay,” you sigh blissfully, not fully realizing what he means and frowning when he gently moves you forward to get off of the bed from behind you and grab his camera. 
He turns it on and fiddles with it for a moment before turning it towards you and taking a picture. “You look beautiful,” he praises, and you try not to preen visibly under his compliment.
“Thank you,” you hum.
“You know, this could be even better if…Jeno, why don’t you get in the frame?” Jaemin suggests encouragingly, gesturing towards you with his camera, and Jeno freezes immediately. “Nothing too crazy,” Jaemin reassures him, and he relaxes slightly before shifting closer to you. 
“What, um, do you want me to do?” 
“Can you sit on his lap for me?” Jaemin asks you, and you comply instantly, moving eagerly but still attempting to give Jeno a chance to stop you. 
No such thing occurs, and you settle on his lap comfortably, draping your arms around his neck, smiling down at him even though he’s not looking at you.
“Hi, Jeno.” you murmur, and he finally looks up from the bedspread to meet your gaze.
“Just like that,” Jaemin encourages. “Jeno, I want you to press the tip of your nose to her neck and hold her sides.”
“Where should I put my hands?” Jeno mumbles, his words warming your skin as he speaks just an inch away from your neck. 
“Wherever you think they should go.” 
Jeno hesitantly holds your sides and squeezes gently before sliding them down to rest just above your ass. 
“Mm, just a little lower, Jeno?” 
As nervous as he is, his touch is slightly heavy-handed, his fingers dragging down your back and making a delightful shiver travel down your spine. 
“I, um—” Jeno stammers, and you can’t help but roll your eyes in amusement.
You reach back and push his hands down so they’re cupping your ass and, for someone who was avoiding doing just that like the plague, he sure does grip the flesh greedily, evoking a quiet moan of surprise from you.
“Just like that.” Jaemin sounds beyond pleased and the camera sounds off as the shutter clicks. “Tilt your head back so we can see better, angel?” 
You oblige, and the shutter clicks a few more times before Jaemin sighs pleasantly.
“Jeno, cup her breasts.” Jaemin sounds more at ease now, sending you into a state of calm as Jeno’s hands trail up your body, fingers digging into your skin like he’ll never get the chance to touch you again. His hands reach their destination, cupping your breasts and pushing them together and up so your cleavage shows even more in the top you’re wearing. 
A low grunt sounds from his throat before he’s dipping his head to trace his nose along your cleavage, a pleased hum rumbling from him.
“Good, Jeno, just like that.” Jaemin repeats, taking a few more shots. 
You shift under Jeno’s touch, arching your back slightly to press your breasts more in his face and he groans in delight, throwing caution to the wind and pressing his lips to the swell of your right breast, lips nipping ever so slightly at the flesh.
“That’s perfect, Jeno,” Jaemin groans, taking more pictures as you sigh dreamily.
Jeno barely seems to hear him, occupying his mouth with kissing lightly at your skin, brushing his parted lips against your breast and sighing softly. Jaemin quietly takes more photos as Jeno appears to lose himself in the sensation of your breasts pressed in his face as he buries his head in your chest, an unmistakable sucking sensation blooming on your skin. When his tongue peeks out to taste you, you whimper softly and rock down onto his lap.
“Straddle just his thigh,” Jaemin rasps out and you comply, shifting your weight to just one of his legs. The new position has your knee pressing against the seat of his sweats where you can feel his length stirring, and you run your fingers through his hair as he busies himself with sucking and licking at your chest and kneading your breasts eagerly.
It’s when you shift on top of him and feel something large and considerably hard pressing against you that Jeno clears his throat and places his hands on your hips, carefully moving you off of him.
“I, uh—” His words barely come out, his ears reddened as he looks from you to Jaemin, never once looking back at you. “I have to, uh…take care of something.” He remains frozen for a split second afterwards before standing up hurriedly and speed walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
You and Jaemin look at each other in surprise, Jaemin jolting when the door opens once more and Jeno pops in to grab the box of tissues on Jaemin’s dresser before disappearing once more. A smile quivers at your lips before you and Jaemin start laughing, Jaemin crumpling on the bed in defeat. 
“He definitely went to jerk off.” you laugh, and Jaemin nods in confirmation.
“One hundred percent left to jerk off.” 
“Well, now what do I do with all this built up energy?” you say with a frown.
Jaemin reaches over to pat your knee comfortingly. “You have a whole Mark Lee in your room right now, y’know.”
“You know what? You’re right.” you agree, beaming at Jaemin and springing up from the bed. “Tell Jeno I’m sorry for making him hard and have to jerk off in the bathroom.” 
“Will do.” Jaemin snorts. You head out of your room and down the hall to yours with a mission in your mind.
Tumblr media
When you open your bedroom door, Mark is lying on the bed scrolling on his phone, clad in a white t-shirt and loose grey sweats that have your mouth watering. 
You smile innocently at him as he looks up and he returns it, cocking his head suspiciously when you approach the bed and climb onto it, straddling his lap.
“What did you get up to in Jaemin’s room, hm?” he teases, sitting up slightly to kiss you. You sigh in relief and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Don’t wanna talk,” you mumble against his lips. “Just need you,” you hum quietly, rocking down onto his lap and reveling in the hiss he lets out.
“You have me,” he assures you, hands sliding up your shirt and unclipping your bra. “You’re already so turned on, babe,” he marvels in surprise, tracing circles around your hardened nipples.
“Mark, touch me more,” you huff, and he nods, lifting your shirt up and off your body and pushing your bra straps off your shoulders, immediately kissing a wet trail down your neck to your breasts. He cups both of them and pushes them together, flicking your nipple with his tongue before sucking the bud into his mouth and humming contently as you moan and move against his lap.
“Love these so much,” he groans, sucking hard and letting the bud fall from his lips with a wet sound before taking it back into his mouth and sucking on it again, rolling his tongue over it slowly.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whisper, panting slightly and reach between your bodies to touch yourself, fingers immediately finding your clit and massaging it eagerly. “Just like that, Mark,” you moan softly, and he winds an arm around the small of your back and pulls you closer to him so your breasts are pressed in his face.
Before you two can even get your clothes off, your door opens and you yelp, turning to see the intruder. 
Jaehyun stands in the doorway, his arms folded and his jaw set. “If you two are gonna fuck loudly and right next door to me, I think I should be allowed to join. As a treat.”
You look from Jaehyun to Mark, who’s nibbling his bottom lip thoughtfully, and back to Jaehyun.
“It’s up to Mark.” you say, looking back to Mark.
“C’mon, Mark,” Jaehyun presses, shutting the door behind him and kneeling on the bed. “I’ll even show you how to please her right.”
“Jaehyun,” you warn.
“You’re on.” Mark says finally, sitting up slightly. “We can see who makes her feel the best.”
Both men turn to look at you and you swallow thickly. 
“Relax,” Jaehyun hums, easing closer to you. “We’re gonna make you feel really good.” 
“C’mere,” Mark murmurs, urging you to lift off of his lap. He lies on his back and pats his chest invitingly, looking at you expectantly. You start to shimmy out of your shorts, but Jaehyun’s voice cuts through the tension-filled silence.
“Why does he get to go first?” he complains.
Mark huffs. “If you’re gonna whine, you can leave.”
You raise your eyebrows, mildly impressed, and look at Jaehyun, who’s sporting a similar expression.
“Yeah, what he said,” you agree, and Jaehyun rolls his eyes as you drop your shorts and underwear off the side of the bed.
“Come sit, babe.” Mark hums, grinning as you draw nearer, shuffling up his body until you’re kneeling just over his head. He leans up instantly, swiping his tongue up your folds with a lust-filled groan, and locks his arms around your thighs, holding you in place.
His tongue explores your core eagerly, only groans and wet noises to be heard from him as he laps and sucks at your folds, and you let out small moans as you rock down onto his face, the tugging feeling in your abdomen growing.
Jaehyun, not to be ignored, gropes your breasts from behind as Mark sucks on your clit, pulling on your nipples until you squirm. “You like how that feels, yeah?”
“Mhm,” you moan out, and he chuckles, nibbling at your earlobe. “Feels so good,” you whimper.
“Love eating you out,” Mark groans loudly into your core, lapping at the underside of your clit. “Taste so good—so fucking wet—”
“Fuck, I wanna see,” Jaehyun mumbles, reaching between your legs from behind you. Carefully avoiding Mark’s tongue, he pushes his fingers into your entrance without any warning, grinning and kissing your cheek when you cry out weakly. “God, he wasn’t wrong,” he moans, fingers pumping in and out of you quickly.
With Jaehyun’s fingers moving inside of you, curling and fucking into your g-spot, and Mark’s lips and tongue devoted to showering your clit with attention, your climax comes embarrassingly quickly and loudly, with a mix of both of their names falling from your lips. 
“Guys,” you gasp out when neither of them stop, and for the first time in their lives, they seem to agree as Mark holds you down tighter and Jaehyun fucks his fingers into you faster. Mark’s tongue flicks over your clit rapidly, no doubt connecting with Jaehyun’s fingers occasionally, but neither of them seem to care as they work together to make you cum yet again.
When your second climax subsides, Mark releases you, nudging you to get off of him. After you move to kneel beside him, he sits up from his lying position and moves to lie beside you, urging you to lie down before hiking your leg up and easing himself into you from behind. You gasp at the intrusion and Jaehyun, moving to lie in front of you, silences you with a kiss, lips moving with yours as he takes your lips with an almost greed, a hunger.
Mark starts to thrust into you, his hand massaging your breast and squeezing your nipple hard enough to make you squeal into Jaehyun’s mouth.
“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” Mark murmurs in your ear, and you keen into Jaehyun’s mouth as you struggle to break away to answer him. Jaehyun’s lips travel down to your neck to bite and suck, pressing wet kisses to the expanse of skin that leave a glistening trail in his wake.
Without speaking, Mark commands your attention by thrusting into you harder, making you cry out in surprise and pleasure as his strokes get rougher. 
“Fuck, Mark, just like that—”
“Yeah? Like it rough like this?” he grunts, biting down on your shoulder hard enough to make you wince. “Want you to feel me here,” he says, taking your hand and bringing it to your lower abdomen. He presses down over your hand, heightening your pleasure even more, and chuckles when you whimper.
It feels like you can feel every ridge of his length dragging inside of you, your walls hugging him tightly as he groans. 
“I feel you,” you whine, and he nudges your earlobe with his nose, kissing behind your ear.
“Yeah, you feel me nice and deep inside you?”
“Yeah,” you echo blindly, “feels so full, Mark—”
“Gonna fuck you so good,” Mark mutters through gritted teeth, the sounds of his grunting and panting in your ear only arousing you more as he fucks into you, clawing at your hips with a desperation you don’t often see from him. “Stuff you so fucking full of cum—”
You’re startled somewhat by the appearance of this rougher, more dominant Mark, and even from in front of you, Jaehyun lets out an impressed hum before lowering his head to take your nipple into his mouth. Kneading the breast he’s sucking on with one hand, his free hand slips between your legs to tease your clit, following you with ease when you try to squirm away.
“Too much,” you gasp, and they shush you in unison.
“Take it,” Mark says bluntly. It’s not up for debate.
“Yeah, baby, take it.” Jaehyun says, a teasing lilt to his voice as he keeps at your clit.
“I think I’m gonna cum,” you warn them breathlessly. Jaehyun’s too busy with his mouth on your breast to answer you, but his fingers press into you that much harder and Mark doesn’t reply either, but his thrusts get that much more forceful and you don’t know whose name to cry out, so you settle for both, pleasure washing over you in waves as your body trembles with your climax.
Jaehyun only stops touching you when he can tell it’s bordering on too much, sitting up and stroking himself slowly as Mark pulls out of you gingerly, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek.
You can tell even in your post-orgasm daze that it takes Jaehyun an immense amount of willpower not to push Mark out of the way, instead grabbing your legs and pulling you towards him. 
“My turn,” he says with a smug grin that has nerves and anticipation swirling in your stomach. He doesn’t waste any time pushing into you, bottoming out fully and groaning at the feeling of you wrapped around him. Starting to thrust into you, he moves frustratingly slowly, making you huff and move your hips to push more of him into you.
“Jaehyun,” you complain, and he raises an eyebrow.
“What is it?” he hums condescendingly. “Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Mark wasn’t enough, huh? You need me to make you cum, right?” 
“Wh—no,” you protest, but you find that you can’t look at Mark as you do.
“So you’re just greedy.” He’s fully inside of you, refusing to move until he gets an answer, and you growl in frustration. “You just need my cock to make you cum again?”
“Yes,” you nod in defeat, willing to say just about anything to get him to move. “Please just move, Jae, please?”
“Love hearing you beg me to fuck you,” he chuckles, starting to pump in and out of you slowly. “Music to my ears.”
“Faster,” you urge, wrapping your legs around his waist, and he looks down at you expectantly. “Jae, please.”
“Anything you want,” he moans in delight, hitching your legs up higher and starting to thrust into you faster, grinning when you moan in relief. “Always feels so good when I fuck you,” he grunts, the sounds of skin slapping against skin getting louder as he speeds up and fucks into you harder.
He’s hitting virtually every spot along your inner walls and your back arches in pleasure, fingers searching for something to grab. Your hand finds Mark’s and he loops his fingers with yours, squeezing comfortingly as you cry out in pleasure. 
Jaehyun grips your hips tightly and pins them down to the bed as he pounds into you mercilessly, fingers digging into you so hard that you won’t be surprised if you’re sore later.
Reaching between your bodies, Mark starts rubbing your clit in circles and you whimper, the pleasure fogging up your mind. 
“That’s it,” Jaehyun coos, fucking you with powerful, deep strokes that make a small moan leave you with every thrust. “Take me nice and deep, baby.”
“Gonna—I wanna—” you try to get out, but he shushes you, nodding in understanding.
“Want you to cum on me,” he coaxes, one hand leaving your hip to grope at your breast roughly. “I wanna feel it, baby, go ahead and let go.”
It’s almost like your body was waiting for his permission as your climax hits right at his words, your grip on Mark’s hand tightening so hard that he winces. Breathless pants of his name and swears are all you can think to say as you clench around Jaehyun tightly, and Jaehyun groans through gritted teeth as he slows his thrusts and starts to release into you. 
“So good,” he breathes, slowly pumping in and out of you. Finally having given you every last drop of his load, he pulls out of you and moves to lie down beside you.
Lying between Mark and Jaehyun, you attempt to catch your breath, the silence tense and slightly uncomfortable before Jaehyun speaks.
“So,” he drags out the syllable and you turn your head to look at him. “Who’s better?”
“I’m not answering that even if I had an answer.” you say resolutely and he sucks his teeth.
“Fine.” he replies, shrugging. “I know it’s me, anyway.” he mutters under his breath, and you sit up, climbing over Mark and off of the bed. 
“I’m leaving.”
“What?!” Jaehyun says in confusion. “Why?”
“You’re making the vibes awkward, so I’m gonna leave and you two can duke it out, hug it out, kiss it out for all I care—I just gotta go.” 
“I don’t swing that way.” Jaehyun replies, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Me neither,” Mark echoes, and you gesture between the two of them before pulling your shirt over your head.
“Go ahead and bond about how very, very straight you both are, then.” You don’t give them a chance to respond, pulling your shorts on and making a beeline out of your room and to the bathroom to take a shower. 
As you stand under the hot water, you only have one thought running through your head—you really have your work cut out for you.
 Day 32
“Morning,” you greet, walking into the kitchen to see Jungwoo and Renjun sitting at the island, staring at their phones.
“Hey,” Renjun greets you, and Jungwoo offers a wave. You make yourself a bowl of cereal and join them at the counter, looking at Jungwoo’s furrowed brow curiously. 
“What’s up with you?” you ask, and he rubs a hand over his face before gesturing to his phone.
“That campus email they sent out.” he answers.
“Oh,” you drag out the syllable in understanding, while Renjun’s head pops up.
“What email?”
You go to fish out your phone from your back pocket, but Jungwoo moves faster, pulling up the email and starting to read.
“Individuals who have been complying with the isolation rules may return to campus and visit dormitories. All campus restaurants are now open for takeout meals only, and some classes and extracurriculars will resume in person activities. Please await further instructions from your professors and faculty.” 
Renjun lets out a low whistle. “Maybe things will go back to normal soon?”
“I feel like there’s gonna be a new normal, anyway.” you sigh, shrugging. “Also, they sent that email, like, two hours ago; did you not get it?”
“My phone is on Do Not Disturb ninety percent of the time,” Renjun explains, and you nod, impressed.
“I see—protecting your peace.”
His phone pings just at that moment, and you look at him, confused. “I thought you were on DND.”
“It’s my girlfriend,” he answers, shrugging and picking his phone up to reply. “DND doesn’t apply to my girlfriend.”
“Aw,” you coo, touched.
“Renjun!” Haechan calls loudly from upstairs, his footsteps getting louder as he gets closer. “I texted you to see if you wanted to play a game with me.” He’s pouting, creating a very endearing image before he sees you and straightens up, dropping the pout for a more neutral expression.
You snort quietly in amusement.
“I didn’t see it.” Renjun shrugs. “My phone’s on Do Not Disturb.”
“Oh,” Haechan answers, nodding. “Well, do you wanna play?”
“No, not really.” Renjun’s response sounds a bit bored, and you wince.
“You see how mean he is to me?” Haechan complains, looking at you for sympathy. You match his frown and hum sympathetically.
“Poor Haechan.”
“Yes, poor Haechan.” he agrees before his eyes light up. “Do you wanna play with me?”
“I don’t know,” you trail off. “I don’t play video games.”
“I’ll teach you!” he offers, and you think about it for a moment.
“Okay.” You nod, smiling. “Let me finish my cereal first.”
“Yes!” He pumps his fist in the air, making you snicker to yourself. “Jungwoo, do you want to play, too?”
“Yeah, sure, count me in.” Jungwoo agrees, and Haechan beams, glaring petulantly at Renjun.
“I don’t need you to play games with me anyway.”
“Great.” Renjun replies, unaffected as he takes a sip from the mug beside him. “I’m gonna go call my girlfriend.”
“You see how he treats me?” Haechan leans against you, batting his eyes up at you sadly. 
“I do,” you say with a frown.
“Anyway,” he huffs, running a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. “We’ll meet up in Jungwoo’s room, okay? I gotta ask Mark about something real fast.”
“Sounds good,” you agree, realizing with an awkward twisting of your stomach that you don’t fully want to see Mark right now. After your threesome with him and Jaehyun, you’ve kind of been avoiding both of them, sleeping until Mark gets up and dodging Jaehyun in the hallways.
“Or, y’know, you could ask him and we could just play now—”
“No, you should probably ask him,” you say immediately. “Jungwoo and I will wait in his room.”
Haechan gives you a slightly suspicious look, the skepticism wearing off as you shoot him a winning smile. 
“Okay, pretty,” he coos. 
You slump against Jungwoo in relief before you two head to his room. That was close.
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“You know what’s crazy?” you ask, watching Jungwoo play Candy Crush on his phone. “I think that—you have a match right there—having sex all the time is just making me feel like…more horny as opposed to less.”
“Oh, yeah?” Jungwoo murmurs curiously. “So now you’re just a sex-crazed nymphomaniac or something?” 
You smack his arm as he fends off your attack and laughs loudly. “Jungwoo!”
“I’m kidding!”
“You’re mean, is what you are.”
“Oh, please—you love when I’m mean.” he snickers, and you huff defensively.
“Do not.”
“No? Did you forget so fast, kitten?”
“Maybe,” you say with a shrug, body lighting up with a thrill when he arches an eyebrow. “Maybe I need a reminder.”
Looking at you carefully, Jungwoo locks his phone and places it on his nightstand. His eyes are bright but his gaze is dark as he watches you curiously, a small suggestive grin curling his lips.
“You’re gonna lose your level,” you mumble as he leans closer to you, provoking you into leaning back.
“Don’t care,” he replies casually. “Found something more fun to do.”
With Jungwoo hovering over you with that devilishly handsome smile, you can’t help but drift your eyes down to stare at his lips.
He scoffs lightly in amusement, returning your attention to his eyes. “Do you really wanna kiss me that bad?”
You nod with the most innocent expression you can muster, and he snickers, wetting his lips before leaning in and connecting them with yours. You reach up and cup the back of his neck, pulling him in closer, and he hums into the kiss, moving his lips with yours smoothly as he moves forward, encroaching on your space until you’re lying flat on the bed. 
He positions himself between your legs, sucking on your bottom lip and teasingly tugging at it with his teeth. “Kinda missed kissing you,” he mumbles into the kiss, and you smile, flattered. “Kitten,” he coos teasingly, and you squeeze your thighs together reflexively, the pet name stirring up memories of the last time you two were together. 
“Woo,” you murmur, and he hums questioningly. “Touch me? Please?”
“Your manners are getting better,” he remarks condescendingly, pleased with your request. As if to reward you, he slips his hand under your shirt, tracing over your stomach lightly until you squeal and squirm away from the ticklish sensation. He unclasps your bra and moves back to let you sit up and pull it and your shirt off, discarding both garments beside you. “Is this what you wanted?” he asks, running his fingers over your gradually hardening nipples, and you nod with a pleased sigh.
“Yeah, this is what I wanted,” you confirm breathlessly as he kisses you again, his tongue parting your lips and sneaking inside to play with your tongue. 
“Like that?” he teases softly, and you nod again. 
“Like that,” you echo, and he lowers his head to kiss down your neck, lingering on a patch of skin that makes you squirm when he pays attention to it.
“I don’t know if I can wait for all the foreplay,” Jungwoo warns, and you bring his hand down between your legs, guiding it into your underwear and smiling when he raises an eyebrow in satisfaction. “You’re already so wet, you needy little thing.” 
“I like when you touch me,” you defend, and he chuckles, sitting up and tugging his shirt over his head. Your hands roam his toned chest and stomach as he unties his sweats and shoves them and his boxers down to his knees.
“How about when I fuck you?” he asks with a teasing grin, pulling you closer by your hips. 
“Like that even more,” you say with a laugh, and he licks his lips, pushing into you in one fluid motion. His hand covers your mouth just in time to muffle the cry you let out, and he kisses your cheek before pulling out and slowly pushing back into you. 
His thrusts are slow yet deep, making sure you feel every inch of him, and you grab onto his forearm, nails biting crescent moons into his skin as he hisses.
“Feels so good,” he groans in your ear. “So fucking wet.”
“Don’t stop,” you pant, fucking back onto him. “God, I feel so full—”
“Good,” he says through gritted teeth. “Want you nice and full of my cock.”
His hips collide with yours with almost bruising force, and you squirm under him when his fingers toy with your clit, trying to swat his hand away. 
“Don’t do that,” he scolds you, pressing his fingers harder against you. “I want you to take it. You asked for it, so take it.”
“But—” you whine, your climax building rapidly inside of you.
You’re both startled when the door opens to reveal a shameless Haechan grinning at you two.
“I was coming in to show you guys how to play the game, but I heard you two going at it.” he says, closing the door behind him.
Jungwoo’s thrusts slow down, and you nudge him with your knee. 
“Don’t stop,” you urge him, and he raises an eyebrow before complying, building back up to his earlier rhythm. Haechan watches, frozen, as your jaw falls open with pleasure, and you turn to look at him with a small roll of your eyes. “Haechan, are you gonna join or are you gonna stand there and watch?”
“Oh, fuck, yes,” he grunts, moving onto the bed beside you. Haechan lifts your shirt up with eager, forceful yanks and unclips your bra with ease, pulling it off of you so roughly that the fabric momentarily burns your skin from the friction. 
“Careful, Haechan,” you hiss, and he nods absentmindedly.
“Sorry, I just—needed—fuck,” he groans, hands sliding up your sides and cupping your breasts, kneading them and pushing his face into your cleavage before pushing them together around his face.
If Jungwoo’s length disappearing into you wasn’t distracting enough, your mind promptly goes blank when Haechan sucks one of your nipples into his mouth, moaning with delight and swirling his tongue around the stiffened peak. You watch in fascination as he sucks lewdly at your nipple, letting it slip out of his mouth and flicking it with his tongue before taking it back in to repeat the action. 
He looks up at your face as if remembering suddenly that you’re there, and gazes into your eyes so intently it forces you to look away shyly. “Watch me.” he urges in a low voice, and you drag your eyes back to him just in time to catch him swirling his tongue around your nipple with a teasing glint in his stare.
After tending to one breast, he kisses a path from one breast to the other, sucking the neglected bud into his mouth and starting to tease the other glistening wet nipple with his fingertips.
Jungwoo’s fingers dig into your hips roughly, making you wince in pain, and he loosens his grip slightly, murmuring a rushed apology through clenched teeth. Haechan’s teeth scrape over your just a bit too sensitive nipple and you whine pleadingly, pushing at his head. He holds fast, not budging an inch as he indulges himself with your breasts, but he does ease up with the teeth, peppering soft kisses around your areola as an unspoken apology.
Jungwoo doesn’t even get a warning before you’re clenching around him and climaxing, but, to be fair, he doesn’t warn you either, both of you finishing within moments of each other with your whimpered swears and his low grunts filling the room.
“Love these so much,” Haechan groans, jiggling your breasts before his face lights up with an idea. “Can I fuck them?” When you nod, still in a daze from your last orgasm, he grins and shuffles around so he’s straddling just below your breasts.
Guiding his cock into your cleavage, he presses your breasts together and starts to thrust between them slowly, shuddering in delight. 
“Fuck, that’s so good,” he groans, and you watch in fascination as he loses himself in the feeling of your breasts, his movements speeding up as he fucks them. 
The friction gets to be a bit much after a moment, and you whine in protest, Haechan slowing down as he looks at you. “It kinda burns,” you complain, and he nods, brows furrowing in thought before he sits back. You gasp softly as he lets a fat droplet of saliva drip from his lips to your chest, fingers smearing the spit in as a makeshift lubricant. 
Spitting once more for good measure, he smears the spit over his length, resuming his position and taking a few test pumps. “Good?”
“Yeah,” you confirm, lids fluttering shut as Jungwoo, seemingly not satisfied with the amount of orgasms you’ve already had, brings his fingers to your core, tracing feather-light touches over your folds and clit. You try to squirm away from the sensations but Haechan’s weight on your chest keeps you firmly in place, victim to Jungwoo’s ministrations.
As Jungwoo’s fingers push into you, Haechan’s length hits your lips, prompting you to drop your jaw and loll your tongue out for the next time. When his tip nears your tongue, you flick at it experimentally, relishing in the hiss he lets out.
“You’re unreal,” he groans, rubbing the head of his shaft along your tongue. “So fucking unreal.”
Your attempt to respond is cut short when Jungwoo curls his fingers and strokes along your inner walls in search of your g-spot, finding it a moment later and pressing against it. Your breathing stops entirely and you attempt to cross your legs to push him out, but Jungwoo puts all his weight on one of your legs, pinning it in place and preventing you from closing him out.
Jungwoo fucks you mercilessly with his fingers as Haechan indulges himself in the sensation of your plush breasts around his length, and you can only whimper desperately, both in search of relief and release.
“Gonna cum,” Haechan grunts, and you nod, closing your eyes tightly as Jungwoo’s fingers bring you closer and closer to a climax.
“You gonna cum, too?” Jungwoo teases you, and you nod, not even knowing if he can see you. You and Haechan climax in unison, Haechan releasing his load all over your chest and deliberately getting several spurts over your nipples. Your nails dig into your palm as you try to keep from crying out in pleasure, the sensations only heightened when Jungwoo doesn’t stop finger-fucking you immediately.
“Shit, Woo, please—you gotta stop.” you beg, and he doesn’t react immediately, still fingering you before showing you mercy and pulling his fingers out.
Haechan climbs off of you and the bed, pulling his sweats back on before leaving the room and returning with a wet, warm rag. He carefully wipes you down with caring touches and helps you pull your clothing back on, clearly able to tell that you’re spent.
“Thank you, Haechan,” you say warmly, and he smiles graciously.
“You’re welcome.” he replies, leaving to discard the rag before coming back and lying down on the bed beside you. 
“You okay?” Jungwoo asks, nudging you with his knee, and you nod, letting out a tired but content sigh.
“I’m great.” you answer, and Haechan shifts on the bed to get closer to you.
“Me too,” he chimes in, and you smile, patting his hand gently.
“Do you think you’ll remember how good I am now?” Jungwoo asks with a wry smile, and you laugh.
“How could I forget?”
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“Hey!” you say with a smile as you pass Jeno. He smiles back before clearing his throat and calling your name. Turning back to face him, you cock your head to the side curiously. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you’d maybe watch Edgar while I’m at lacrosse practice tomorrow?” he asks hopefully.
You nod, shrugging. “Sure, why not?”
“Great!” he chirps, smiling widely. “I’ll let you know more later tonight, but you and Jaehyun shouldn’t have a hard time—”
“Wait, back up.” you say immediately, eyes widening. “Me and Jaehyun?”
“Yeah, he said he’d watch Edgar if you did too.” Jeno speaks slowly, looking confused, and you can’t say you blame him. 
“I see. What if you tell Jaehyun ‘never mind,’ and I’ll just do it alone?” you offer, and it’s Jeno’s turn to tilt his head to the side questioningly.
“Do you guys have a problem with each other or something?” Jeno asks, and you blanch.
“Well—um, no. No, you’re right. I’ll do it.” you give in, figuring it’s easier to just get through the day with Jaehyun without explaining the nitty gritty details of your situationship. 
“Okay,” he says slowly. “You’re sure?”
“I’m sure,” you insist, and Jeno’s smile slowly returns to his face. “Just let me know the details later tonight, okay?”
“I will,” he agrees, and you smile, patting his shoulder lightly as he heads off to where you assume is Jaemin’s room.
You let him pass by you before letting out a sigh and resting your forehead against the nearest wall. 
Just your luck.
 Day 33
“Edgar, come here,” Jaehyun urges, patting his lap. Edgar looks at him for a moment before lifting his leg and starting to lick himself. “He sucks.”
“He does not,” you say defensively. “C’mere, Edgar, baby.” you coo, and Edgar looks over at you before slowly making his way to your lap. 
“Wh—this is rigged.”
“This? Rigged? He’s a cat, Jaehyun; he probably didn’t like the tone of your voice.”
“It’s my voice, what am I supposed to do?”
“Soften it. Speak to him nicely.”
Jaehyun narrows his eyes at Edgar, currently purring in your lap as you scratch under his chin, and clears his throat softly. “Edgar,” he hums, looking at you for confirmation. When you nod encouragingly, he continues. “Edgar, buddy, come on over.”
Something about Jaehyun trying to win Edgar over is incredibly endearing, and you smile as he looks down at your lap hopefully. Edgar doesn’t even look up, still engrossed in trying to get your hand to pet him again, and Jaehyun sighs.
“He hates me.”
“No,” you assure him quickly. “He probably is just comfortable right now. Here, come over here and pet him.” you offer, and Jaehyun scoots closer to you, reaching over and letting Edgar sniff his hand. “Good,” you murmur encouragingly. He gingerly scratches the cat behind the ears and Edgar’s soft purr starts back up, the cat closing his eyes and stretching his face towards Jaehyun.
The surprised, pleased look on Jaehyun’s face is all you could have hoped for, and unadulterated fondness swims in his eyes as he pets Edgar, making you smile widely.
At some point, Jaehyun stops watching Edgar, looking up from your lap to your face, brows furrowing in slight confusion at your smile. “What is it?”
“You two are cute,” you say, and he sits up slightly, wiggling his eyebrows at you flirtatiously.
“Did you just call me cute?”
“Shut up,” you laugh, pushing his knee. 
“You can come sit next to me, by the way,” Jaehyun offers, patting the spot next to him. “I don’t bite.”
“Actually, you do.” 
“…Okay, you’re right, I kinda do. But you’d like it.” he points out with a cocky grin, and you narrow your eyes.
“Whatever.” you snort in amusement, waiting for Edgar to stretch and walk out of your lap before you move to sit next to Jaehyun, your back grateful to be against the headboard.
“Isn’t that better?” he hums, draping an arm around your shoulders.
“Would be even better if you weren’t making a move on me.” you chuckle, and he huffs.
“I’m not doing that?”
“Whenever guys put their arm over someone’s shoulders like this, they’re making a move.” You shoot him a knowing look, and he rolls his eyes.
“Well, I’m not like other guys,” he counters.
“Very Aquarius of you, by the way.” you snicker, and he shoots you an amused look.
“Don’t tell me you believe in that stuff.” he chuckles, and you nod. “Yeah? Alright, tell me about myself. What’s an Aquarius like?”
“Aloof at times, like most air signs,” you start off. “Can enjoy being different and going against the norm.” 
“This could be anyone,” he points out.
“They’re pretty charismatic, too.” you add, shooting him a side glance. His brows perk up before he purses his lips.
“This could still be anyone.” 
“Okay, fine,” you say, sitting up straighter and reaching for your phone. “What time were you born, and where?”
He tells you, and you put it in the birth chart calculator you just pulled up, waiting as it loads. Jaehyun peers over your shoulder curiously, and you turn to look at him with an amused grin. 
“Thought you didn’t believe in it.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t be curious.” he comments, and you roll your eyes.
“Sure.” you scoff. “Well, you’re a Pisces rising, so you can be a bit in your own head sometimes.”
“That’s kinda true, I guess.”
“It’s very true; you’re always spaced out, Jae.” you laugh, and he chuckles.
“Okay, I’ll give you that one.”
“Taurus moon,” you hum, scrolling down. “You can be very stubborn,” you snicker. 
“I am not stubborn,” he retorts, and you stare at him for a moment, waiting for him to catch up. “…Okay, maybe just a little bit.”
“Good things though: in addition to your Aquarius sun being charming, your Pisces rising makes you a bit of an idealist and kind of a romantic.”
“That’s pretty interesting,” he murmurs, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“See?” you say, turning to look at him at the same time that he turns to look at you. He leans back onto the headboard and you follow his lead, picking up one of his hands and playing with his fingers as you scroll through his birth chart analysis with the other hand. 
You can feel Jaehyun watching you as you trace over his fingers, but you ignore him, clearing your throat as you come across another part of his chart you find interesting. His nose pokes into your cheek gently before he stops your scrolling with his finger.
“Read that part.” he mumbles, resting his head on your shoulder. 
“This part?” you ask, feeling slightly antsy, and he nods. “It says you’re a passionate lover,” you say lightly, stressing the syllables. “Keep going?”
“No, that’s what I wanted.” He looks at you, unwavering now, and you swallow, looking down at his hand in yours.
“Why’d you want me to read that part?”
“Do you agree?”
“Hm?” You know what he said.
“You know what I said.” Damn. “Am I a passionate lover?”
“I thought you didn’t believe in astrology,” you say with a small smile.
“I don’t,” he answers. “I believe in you, though.”
Something about his words stops you short, and you freeze, thinking over your next action carefully. Before he can say anything, you move his hand and rest it just below your shorts, positioning his thumb under the fabric.
“Oh, yeah?” Jaehyun hums, stroking your inner thigh gently in rhythmic motions.
“Answer my question,” he presses gently, squeezing your thigh. “Do you think I’m a passionate lover?”
“I don’t really, um, remember,” you lie, and he’s about to protest when you continue, “I could use a reminder.”
It’s his turn to stop short now, looking at you with a pleased, intrigued smile. “Yeah?”
Turning your face to his, he gazes into your eyes for a moment before leaning in closer. “Let me give you that reminder, then.” he murmurs, and his lips softly connect with yours.
The kiss quickly deepens, Jaehyun pulling you closer and slowly connecting your lips over and over. His hands move to your hips and he pulls you on top of him, running his fingers up and down your sides leisurely.
Sitting up so you’re straddling his lap, you grind down on him, Jaehyun grabbing your hips to aid your movements. Your lips travel down his neck, kissing and nipping and sucking until pink and red marks bloom on his skin.
He groans and tilts his head back against the headboard, allowing you more access, and you take the invitation eagerly, latching onto a patch of skin and sucking roughly even as he hisses.
“Someone’s in a possessive mood.” he chuckles, and you frown, pulling back to glare at him. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” he assures you, pressing a hand against the back of your head and pulling you back down so your mouth is pressed against his skin once more. 
You huff slightly, surrendering somewhat, before tilting his chin up and dragging your tongue from mark to mark, connecting them in a sensual constellation of sorts. 
His hands drop to knead your ass greedily, cupping and massaging the flesh and slipping his fingers up your shorts to dig his blunt nails into your asscheeks, no doubt indenting crescent moons into your skin.
He gropes your ass freely, squeezing and smacking it occasionally to make you squeal, and tilts your chin up to expose your neck, where he leaves slow, sensual kisses, licking and sucking. He slips a hand into your shorts, tracing along the waistband of your underwear before pushing it down to draw circles around your clit.
“Look at you,” he hums condescendingly, “already getting wet?”
“Be quiet,” you mumble, embarrassed, and he presses against your clit, drawing slow circles around it and grinning when you rock your hips into his hand.
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” he teases, fingers slipping down lower and prodding at your entrance. “Poor baby.”
“Stop,” you whine, tucking your face between his chin and shoulder to avoid his eyes.
He tuts in disapproval and moves his head to see your face. “I wanna see you…all the pretty faces you make when I touch you here,” he tweaks your clit and watches in fascination as you gasp, “and here,” he presses against your entrance, teasing you, “and when I do this,” and pushes his fingers into you, eyes flashing with delight when you cry out in relief, walls tightening around him. 
“Fuck,” you whisper as his fingers move inside of you, curling and pumping and stroking along your inner walls as you grind down onto his fingers.
“Good, yeah?” he murmurs, and you nod, making him shake his head. “Wanna hear you.”
“Feels good,” you mumble in a slight daze, resting your forehead against his. As he watches your face, you watch where his hand disappears into your shorts and moves under your clothing as he focuses on fingering you.
“Want more?” he asks, and you nod.
“Want more,” you confirm, whining slightly, and he chuckles.
“Are you that far gone, hm? You’re just repeating everything I say to you.”
“Mm, nuh-uh,” you exhale shakily, and he rolls his eyes before speeding up his fingers and rubbing against your clit with the palm of his hand. You can tell from the way his hand connects with your skin that you’re making a mess out of his hand and probably his lap, but you can’t bring yourself to care as your climax starts to approach.
“Guess I gotta do better, huh?” he hums thoughtfully before kissing you deeply. The slow, sensuous, almost sweet movements of his lips against yours have desire building in you like a dam about to burst, coupled with the way his fingers stimulate your g-spot and make your mind go blank even more.
“Wanna cum,” you say slowly, barely getting the words out without slurring, already starting to feel drunk on the pleasure he’s providing and the intense desire in the atmosphere.
“Then cum,” he snickers before tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth. “Who’s stopping you?”
Any reply you could have come up with is replaced with a moan as your orgasm hits, your abdomen tensing almost painfully as your body attempts to curl in on itself. 
“I don’t want to wait anymore,” Jaehyun grunts, pulling at your shorts until you lift off of him long enough to remove them and your underwear. He pulls his sweats down to reveal his length, which slaps against his stomach. He presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth before positioning himself at your entrance and sliding his tip against your folds, coating the head of his shaft with your arousal. 
“Then why are you teasing if you can’t wait?” you gripe impatiently, and he chuckles under his breath.
“Fine.” He pushes the head of his length into you, groaning in pleasure as you whine, and grips your hips to sit you down on him so he’s bottomed out in you.
“Oh, shit,” you gasp, and he looks at you with an “I told you so” expression.
“Should’ve let me keep going.” 
“I can take it,” you say through slightly clenched teeth. As if to prove your point, you rise up slightly and lower yourself onto him again, slowly starting to bounce and establish a rhythm.
His lips attack your neck, kissing and nipping as you fuck yourself on him, and his hands grope at your breasts, squeezing them roughly and pinching your nipples.
“You feel so good, baby,” he groans, biting down on your neck.
You wince at the bite and pull away, whining when he draws you back in and licks at the indentation made by his teeth. He sucks at the mark and you can feel yourself getting wetter, the noises getting louder from where your bodies connect.
“Watch,” he murmurs, directing your attention to where his length is moving in and out of you. “We look so good together.”
You can’t help but feel like he’s hinting at something else, but you’re too wrapped up in wanting to climax to address it. 
“Perfect fucking pussy,” he grunts as he starts to thrust up, meeting your every movement and making each pump of his length that much more powerful. “Like we’re made for each other.”
Okay, he’s definitely hinting at something else, but you elect to ignore it even as his gaze burns your face.
“Wanna keep you,” he moans, and you whimper. “Keep you all to myself—keep this perfect fucking pussy so I can fuck it whenever I want—”
You don’t know if it’s the pleasure building up to an almost desperate point or not, but you find yourself agreeing, nodding vigorously as you move on his lap.
“Keep me, Jae—” you say breathlessly, reaching to rub your clit as your climax approaches. “All yours—wanna cum so bad—”
“I’m close, baby,” he assures you, and you can’t hold it in anymore, your orgasm coursing through you and making you bite down on his shoulder, only releasing him when he groans in pain.
His thrusts come to a gradual stop and you settle down on him, your walls still clenching as he climaxes and your core coaxes every last bit of his seed out.
“You okay?” Jaehyun asks quietly, and you nod.
“Yeah. You?”
You let out a breathless laugh, patting his shoulders and pulling off of him to  lie on your back, exhaling loudly before grabbing your clothes and starting to redress yourself. 
Once you’ve redressed, gone to the bathroom to relieve yourself, and returned, you settle back on the bed, smiling when Edgar climbs onto your lap with a soft mewl. After Jaehyun’s gone to and returned from the bathroom—which he only went to because you told him he couldn’t pet Edgar with cum residue on his fingers—he takes his original place beside you.
Lying beside Jaehyun with Edgar purring on your stomach, you feel oddly at peace despite the moral battles you’re fighting in your mind. 
If this is going to continue, you have to make a choice between Jaehyun and Mark—and you have to make it soon.
“Hey, Jaehyun?” you call, and he hums in acknowledgement. “Did you mean that?” you ask carefully, and Jaehyun looks at you curiously. “What you said earlier—about keeping me.”
He’s silent for a moment. “Yeah,” he finally answers, and you can’t fully explain the rush of warmth that fills your cheeks at his words. “I definitely did. And,” he continues, piquing your curiosity, “I also meant what I said about keeping you so I could fuck you whenever I want.”
You snort quietly, amused. “Oh, yeah?” you tease lightly, thankful for the slight shift away from the initial, potentially serious discussion. “What, would you tie me up or something?”
“I don’t know,” he muses, rubbing his chin in thought. “Maybe I’d keep you in my room just ready for me at all times.”
“You’re lucky I’m weird like you; otherwise I’d be running for the hills right now.”
“Very true,” he says with a laugh, “but don’t act like you wouldn’t love just being used like that.”
“I can’t hear you, Edgar’s purring too loudly.” you lie, turning away from Jaehyun and focusing on the purring cat on your abdomen.
“He’s not even that loud—”
“Edgar, baby, who’s a good boy?”
“You’re unbelievable.”
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“How’d watching Edgar go?” Jeno asks.
“He was an angel.” you assure him, and his shoulders sag in relief. “Hey, did Jaehyun say why he wanted to watch Edgar with me specifically?”
Jeno shakes his head. “Not really; just said he’d only do it if you did, but that he had to do it.”
“He’s so difficult.” you laugh, in disbelief. 
“Yeah, but he’s cool.” Jeno says, and you nod with a shrug. “He seems to really like you, y’know.”
“Yeah?” you chuckle. “More than Mark?”
It’s Jeno’s turn to shrug, and you can’t say you expected what leaves his mouth. “Possibly.” 
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That evening, you leave your room in a tizzy, your mind rapidly shuffling through thoughts of what to do, who to choose, how to break the news to them—
“Shit!” you hiss, stumbling back after colliding directly into Johnny’s chest.
“You look skittish,” he chuckles, steadying you gently. “Like, more than usual.”
“Not now, Johnny,” you grumble.
“Aw, trouble in paradise?” Johnny teases, and you scowl.
“Shut up,” you grouch.
Johnny raises an eyebrow. “Or what?”
“Or I’ll fight you.” The words leave your mouth before you even process them, and Johnny raises both eyebrows in an unmistakable challenge.
“You really think you could take me in a fight?” he asks in amusement, and you scowl, crossing your arms. You don’t miss the way his eyes drop to your chest momentarily, but you choose not to comment. 
“I’m scrappy.” you huff defensively, and you don’t think you like the derisive snort Johnny lets out. “Literally right now—you and me, let’s go.”
“Yeah?” Johnny muses thoughtfully, stepping towards you. “Fine. My room—let’s go.”
You dutifully follow after him to his room, climbing on his bed and sitting on your knees. He mirrors your position, staring you down intently. 
“Any rules?” he asks.
You pause to think. “Nothing that could draw blood.” you decide finally, and he nods, raising his hands in surrender.
“Wasn’t planning on it. Anything else?” 
“Nope.” you pop your lips on the “p” for emphasis, and Johnny snickers.
“Alright. Let’s go. First one to submit loses.”
He reaches a hand out and you slap it away, a small smile forming on both of your faces as he repeats the action. The third slap, and he catches your wrist, yanking you towards him and flattening you on the mattress. You’re slightly faster than he is, wriggling out of his grip before he can lock your legs with his.
An exhilarated laugh escapes you as he lunges at you again, almost getting you subdued under him before you start to buck your hips.
“Come on, kitten, that’s all you got?” he taunts, brows shooting up in surprise when you buck hard enough to dislodge him. It may have taken an immense amount of adrenaline and core strength and maybe your abdomen is screaming at you to stop, but you’re free, and that’s what matters.
Johnny stares you down, now significantly more serious as he analyzes your stance and calculates his next move. 
To taunt him, you blow him a kiss, and he raises an eyebrow in intrigue, shifting closer to you. 
He launches himself at you full force, your back colliding with the mattress so hard it almost knocks the wind out of you, but nothing compares to his next mode of attack.
His fingers glide up and down your sides, tickling you as you screech under him, flailing as you try to free yourself from his torturous hold. “John—ny, you’re cheating!”
“This wasn’t in the rules.” he chuckles, his laughter building as yours does against your will.
“I didn’t think I’d have to make a rule against tickling!”
“Submit and I’ll stop.”
His fingers dig into your sides harder as you curl in on yourself, and he snickers when tears build up in your eyes.
“Submit yet?”
“You must like this or something.” he remarks, and just as you shake your head, he dips his down to kiss you, the fight slowly melting from your body as his hands grip your sides, no longer tickling you. “Is that it?” he asks when you two separate. “You like when I tickle you?”
“No,” you insist, feeling lightheaded and short of breath. “I do like being kissed, though.”
He leans over you and ghosts his lips over yours. “Too bad.” He resumes tickling you and you burst into uncontrollable laughter once more, squirming under him.
“I submit!” you yelp, and he stops, settling on top of your limp body.
“The most important step of self-defense,” Johnny grunts as he sits on you, your arms pinned to your sides as he tucks you between his legs, “is not making yourself too vulnerable.”
“Okay, Johnny, I get it.” you huff, squirming under him. “Now get up, you made your point.”
“I don’t think I will, actually.” He smiles down at you, and you stop moving abruptly. “I kinda like you all helpless under me.” 
“Johnny, you’re not funny.” you scoff, lifting your hips up to buck him off. 
He doesn’t budge. “I’m not joking.” He slides his hands up your stomach to squeeze your breasts and you freeze, looking up at him in surprise. “Y’know, you really shouldn’t be so naive.”
“Wh—how am I naive?” you splutter incredulously.
“You let me pin you down and now I could just…have my way with you.” As if to prove his point, he runs his fingers over your nipples and tweaks them gently, chuckling when you squeal and squirm harder under him. “Aw, c’mon, you can fight back better than that.”
“You’re sitting on me.” You buck harder, and he lifts up ever so slightly, freeing you enough to slip your arms from between his knees and swat his hands away. 
He snatches your wrists up with one large hand, pinning them above your head and running his free hand over to rest lightly on the underside of your shirt sleeve. 
“Johnny, if you’re about to tickle me again—” He silences you and digs his finger into the seam, tugging hard and—“Did you just rip my fucking shirt?”
“Watch your mouth,” Johnny warns you, ripping the rest of the now useless fabric off of your body with several uncomfortable yanks and dangling it in your face. 
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll tie you up with this.” He wraps the cloth around your wrists and tightens until you yelp, wriggling in vain. “Thought so. Be good.” He shifts off of you slightly, locking one of your legs between his as he cups your core through your leggings, his fingers rubbing against your clothed clit.
“Johnny, let me up—oh, my God!” Your next attempt to speak is cut off by his fingers digging into the seam between your legs and pulling your leggings roughly, a loud tearing noise sounding throughout the room. “Johnny, what the fuck—”
“What,” Johnny says slowly, staring you directly in the eyes with a challenge clearly written on his face, “did I say about that mouth of yours?”
“To watch it,” you mumble quietly, and Johnny pinches your chin. 
“So you do remember.” he murmurs, and you swallow thickly. “Yeah, thought so.” He sits up slightly and rips the rest of your leggings off, ignoring your sounds of alarm as he jerks your body around with the force of his pulling. “Stop acting like you don’t like this.”
“I don’t like my clothing being ripped off!” You glare at him as he repositions himself on top of you, and he slips two fingers under the front of your bra, making your eyes widen. “Please don’t. Bras are expensive.”
“You clearly wanted this, though. Look at your cute little underwear and matching bra.” He snaps the band against your skin, making you hiss. “This is probably exactly where you wanted to end up.”
“Shut up, Johnny.” you grumble, looking away. He’s silent—suspiciously so—so you shift your gaze back to him and balk at his thoroughly unimpressed expression. His brow raised, he stares down at you with the most challenging look you think you’ve ever seen from him. 
“You got brattier than I remember. What happened to being a good little kitten, hm?” His words are teasing and his voice is soft, but even a fool could detect the danger underlying his tone.
“Johnny,” you whine, feeling exposed—with good reason, given that he’s ripped your top and bottom garments off and rendered them useless. “Stop being mean.”
“I think you like it when I’m mean.” he remarks, amused. He reaches behind himself and massages up your thigh to press his fingers against your clothed core. “Yeah, you definitely like it,” he breathes out as he strokes over your clit, without a doubt feeling the heat and slick seeping through your underwear. 
“Johnny,” you complain again, dragging the syllables out. “Do something.” 
“You are so demanding,” Johnny scoffs. “Who said you’re calling the shots?”
“Wh-What?” You blink up at him in surprise.
“What?” Johnny mocks you, chuckling when you frown. “Maybe I wanna pin you down and do whatever I want to you without hearing your bratty little mouth.”
You move to protest, but one stern raise of his brow, and you’re silent, prompting him to chuckle.
“You’re getting it,” he says, more patronizing than anything, but you cling to the praise regardless, blinking up at him expectantly. “Such a pretty girl,” he coos, leaning down and hovering over your lips. 
“Johnny,” you plead softly, trying your best not to whine.
“What?” he asks, feigning sympathy. “Do you want me to kiss you?”
“Yes,” you say, giving a small nod. “Please?”
He studies your face intently, eyes eventually drifting down to your lips and staring at them for a moment. He leans in and cups your chin, squeezing hard until you wince and drop your jaw, letting your tongue hang out reflexively.
He hovers over your mouth, letting a trail of spit drop down onto your tongue. When the warmth of the droplet hits your tongue, you whine and blink up at him expectantly as his saliva sits in your mouth.
“Swallow,” he mutters, brows furrowed in concentration as he watches you. You comply, swallowing and opening your mouth again as proof. His lips seal over yours almost immediately, his tongue pushing yours back into your mouth as it eases between your lips. “You can kiss me back better than that.”
You can only let out a small whimper as he kisses you, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip repeatedly and roughly. His mouth travels lower until he’s biting at the skin on your neck, teeth scraping and lips sucking as you wiggle uselessly under him.
You rock your hips up and against him, dragging your clothed core along his concealed length, which is growing more and more erect by the minute. He moves back up to kiss you, pulling away every once in a while and laughing when your lips chase after his.
“You like kissing that much?” he teases, and you nod with a petulant frown, making him snicker. “Cute,” he mumbles before leaning back in for more. His hand grabs your wrists and pins them above your head while his other hand  wraps around your throat, squeezing just enough to make you gasp. The second your lips part, Johnny pulls back and spits into your mouth, going back in to kiss you in a sloppy, wet lip lock that has you whining into it.
Lips traveling down your body, Johnny releases your throat and pulls your wrists down to your hips, locking them under your body with one hand as his mouth moves further and further south.
Releasing your hands, he lifts your ass up and folds you over so your knees are nearing your head. Ignoring your yelp of alarm, he nuzzles his face between your legs, exhaling heat against your already slick core.
“Johnny, I’m not bendy like that!” you plead, attempting to wiggle out of his grip to no avail. He tightens his hold on you and lets your elevated lower back rest against his chest as he pulls your underwear to the side and drags his tongue up and down your core with rough strokes. “Oh, fuck—”
He’s not holding back at all, moving like something wild’s been unleashed in him, as his tongue forces its way between your folds to lap at your entrance, which is currently gushing arousal. His nose is pressing firmly against your clit as he pushes his tongue into you, the pink appendage slithering within your walls as you gasp and squirm under his touch.
“Yeah, you like when I eat your pretty little pussy like that, don’t you?” he grunts, voice lilting playfully as he moves back up to suck on your clit hard. “All rough and messy—your cum is all over my face, baby.”
“S-Sorry,” you pant, your chest heaving with pleasure. 
“Don’t say sorry,” he chuckles, “I fucking love it.” he murmurs before wrapping his lips back around your sensitive, pulsing bud. “Pretty, messy little baby.” he coos, his words buzzing around your clit as your high approaches rapidly. 
“Johnny, wanna cum so bad,” you plead, and he nods, rapidly flicking his tongue over your clit as he sucks on it roughly. “Oh—holy shit—fuck, Johnny—” 
Your climax hits hard, your abdomen tensing almost painfully as your body trembles and you can’t even speak, tongue tying up uselessly as your jaw falls open. Only when you push his head away does Johnny let up on you, pulling back and letting your body return to the bed. Pulling your underwear off and slingshotting them across the room, he spreads your legs on either side of his body.
Johnny runs his thumbs over your nipples slowly, relishing the needy whine you let out. Slowly dragging his hands down your sides, he squeezes and kneads your flesh everywhere he touches, hands moving down to meet in the middle of your stomach just below your navel and down to your thighs. Forcing your thighs apart, he slaps the underside of his length against your clit repeatedly, grinning sadistically when you cry out.
“Why are you being like this?” you choke out, the backs of your eyes warming up as tears prick at them. “Please just fuck me—”
“This is so fun,” Johnny groans, stroking himself. “Aren’t you having fun?”
“No.” you sniffle, and he frowns, his hand on himself moving faster.
“Keep pouting all cute like that and I’ll just jack off to the sight of you right now.”
“Johnny!” you protest.
“All helpless and needy and teary-eyed…really gets me going, y’know.”
“You are evil.”
“I just want this moment to last forever,” he hums, sliding his length between your folds, gliding it up and down as it bumps against your clit every time.
“Johnny, I will leave right now if you don’t fuck me—oh shit,” Your complaint is cut off when Johnny pushes into you entirely, his balls slapping against your ass. 
“Nothing to say now, yeah?” he grunts, pulling out and snapping his hips back against you. At your responding whimper, he snorts derisively and adds, “I know you just need a thick fucking cock to fill you up, yeah?”
“Yes, Johnny—need it so bad,” you stammer as he fucks into you roughly, hands pinning your hips to the bed and keeping you in place as he essentially uses you to get off. His length is reaching all the right places, his tip kissing your g-spot with every thrust, and you can feel your orgasm building once more, quicker than usual as a result of all the teasing.
“You act like that on purpose so I’ll fuck you quiet, don’t you?” He’s right on the money, you note with embarrassment, but you remain silent, looking away from him in shame. “Don’t you?” 
“No—” you start to protest, but he rolls his eyes and reaches between you two, pressing his fingers against your overly sensitive clit hard and rubbing it forcefully. “Fuck, Johnny—”
“Admit it,” he spits out through clenched teeth of concentration, and your resolve breaks, the confession spilling from you immediately.
“Yes, Johnny!”
“Knew it,” he chuckles, not letting up on your clit even though you’ve complied. “Baby loves the way I fuck her, don’t you?”
“Yes, I love it—love it so much—”
“Yeah? Nice and rough, hard and deep? Like you’re nothing but a little fuckdoll for me to play with?”
“I’m your fuckdoll,” you gasp, nodding emphatically. “I am, I am—”
“Such a good fuckdoll,” he compliments, and fresh tears spring to your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure and the unexpected praise. “Letting me fuck you any way I want—bet you’re gonna let me cum in you, too, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” you agree immediately, latching onto his words and the sound of his voice to center yourself. “Fucking—fucking breed me, Johnny—”
“Breed you?” Johnny remarks, surprised, and you fear you’ve misspoken until he leans over you so his lips are at your ear. “I’m gonna breed you so fucking deep—gonna give you all my fucking cum.”
“Please,” you cry out, digging your nails into his shoulders.
“I bet Jaehyun wouldn’t like to hear that you begged me to breed you,” Johnny taunts. “Hell, Mark might even cry.”
“Johnny, stop—” You reach to cover his mouth, but he smacks your hand away with a wicked grin.
“You want them to hear us? Yeah? Wanna make them listen to me fucking you just the way you like? Make them hear you begging for me to breed you like a little slut in heat?”
“Johnny, please—I’m gonna cum—”
“Fucking cum then.” he mocks your voice, whiny and breathy, and you promptly lose your mind, everything in your mind blanking out and being replaced with immense pleasure. You’re crying, you realize a couple seconds later—sniffling and all, tears streaming down your cheeks, and Johnny coos at you in feigned sympathy. “Am I fucking you that good, huh? That you turn into a crybaby?”
“I’m not a crybaby,” you whimper, tears filling your eyes once more, and he silences you with a deep kiss, the taste of your tears salting the lip lock, but neither of you break it, his lips remaining on yours even as you tremble and moan loudly from his thrusts.
“You are,” he says with a teasing lilt, “and I’m gonna breed my pretty fucking crybaby.” he’s practically growling as he starts to climax, fucking into you still with sloppier thrusts as he releases into you, keeping true to his word and filling you with his seed.
The only noises to be heard are the sounds of you and Johnny catching your breath as he pulls out of you and collapses on the bed beside you.
“So,” Johnny chuckles, breaking the silence. You turn to look at him. “Breeding, huh?”
“Shut up,” you whine, pushing his face away from you. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“I have that effect on people.” he says with a smug grin, and you roll your eyes.
“You’re so full of yourself, Johnny.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t know; kinda seemed like you liked being full of me just a moment ago—”
 Day 34
“Who’s home?” you call from the kitchen at the sound of the front door opening.
“Just Jeno,” you hear as he rounds the corner into view. 
“Oh, hey, Jeno.” You wave at the approaching male who returns the gesture. “I thought you and Jaemin left together.”
“We did; Coach let me go early but everyone else is still running drills.” Jeno explains.
“Oh. Sucks for them.” 
Jeno snickers and nods, taking a seat at the kitchen island across from you. “Yeah. Where’s everyone else?”
“I could rattle off the long list of who’s where doing what, but the long story short is that everyone’s out.”
“Oh,” Jeno comments and you could swear you hear his voice waver slightly. “So we’re home alone.”
“That we are,” you confirm, smiling innocently as a devious plan begins to form in your mind. 
Pretending to be focused on your phone, you drop your shoulder slightly, letting your bra strap slip down, and you fight back your smile when his eyes narrow, following the descent of the strip of fabric. Standing up, you walk around the island, brushing by him and grinning, unseen, as he stiffens. 
“Jeno,” you drag out the syllables of his name, blinking at him helplessly. His gaze darkens at your expression and he swallows hard before blinking and clearing his face. “I need your help.”
“With what?” It’s obvious he’s trying to keep his voice level and avoid looking at you, but you take his hand in yours, tugging him to his feet and leading him to the cabinet. 
“I can’t reach this shelf to put this dish away.” You frown, picking up the dish and standing directly in front of him to point at the shelf. 
Is there a step-stool? Yes. 
Does he need to know that? No, not right now.
As if to demonstrate, you stand on your tiptoes and reach your arms above your head, well aware of the sliver of skin gradually revealing itself just above your shorts as your shirt raises up. 
For a moment, it seems like Jeno’s unable to help himself, hands gripping your hips so his fingers are digging into your exposed skin, and you let out a quiet but content sigh, leaning back so your ass is pressing against his front. His grip tightens before it falls away, Jeno abruptly plucking the dish from your hand and pushing forward to put it away, pressing you against the counter at the same time. 
As he puts it away, you turn so you’re facing him, smiling when he looks down at you before resting against the counter and gazing into his eyes curiously.
He seems frozen in place, not moving even when you cock your head to the side, just studying your face with furrowed brows and a set jaw.
“Jeno?” you say softly, leaning in so your faces are closer. 
“Yeah?” he answers with a slight rasp to his voice.
“You’re blocking me in.” you point out, placing a hand on his chest. You push gently and he steps back a moment later, clearly in a daze of sorts.
You turn away and finish putting up the other dishes you just washed as Jeno returns to his seat and you can’t help but sigh internally—that would have worked on any member of this household. So why not Jeno?
“I’m gonna go to my room,” you say to Jeno, who just nods, his jaw set as he looks at his phone. Turning and heading upstairs, you faintly hear Jeno get up and think nothing of it, continuing on your way. You’ve just cleared the landing to the second floor when Jeno calls your name from an alarmingly close proximity and you turn in surprise to see him standing directly behind you, one step below. “Jeno?”
“You’re a real little tease, you know that?” he chuckles, stepping towards you. Something about his eyes screams “danger” in the most alluring of ways, and you back up reflexively, eyes widening when he takes another step towards you. 
“What do you mean?” Your words come out breathless and soft, nerves overtaking you at the way his features seem to have sharpened, growing more intense. 
“You know exactly what I mean.” he says seriously, and you blink as you move away, inadvertently backing yourself up against the wall. 
Jeno smiles in satisfaction and closes in on you entirely, placing both hands on the wall on either side of your head. He’s effectively trapping you in place and he knows it, if the smirk curling his lips is anything to go by.
“Jeno—” Your throat feels dry.
“I’m quiet, I’m not oblivious.” he scoffs in amusement. “I see the way you look at me.”
Jeno lowers himself so his lips are by your ear, his hot breath fanning over your skin. He smells of sweat and a heady blend of musk and whatever leftover body wash he used before practice and you practically go cross-eyed from the desire. 
“I can tell by the way you touch me.” His lips graze your earlobe and a small gasp bubbles out of your throat. “You keep testing me.”
“I’m not testing you, Jeno,” you lie, and he snorts derisively.
“You’re a bad liar.” Jeno informs you plainly, and you swallow. “Not to mention the way you show off this body,” he grunts, winding an arm around your waist and yanking you against him. “Strutting around in shorts or leggings and skimpy little tops—you want the attention of not just me, but every-fucking-body, don’t you?”
“No, Jeno,” you whimper, your breathing labored as you gaze up at him with wide eyes.
“It’s even in the way you fucking speak to me,” he growls. “All soft and breathy and whiny—like you’re moaning every time you speak to me.”
“Say my name.” 
“Jeno,” you comply immediately, and he raises an eyebrow at how blatantly desperate you sound. “Jeno, I don’t mean to sound like that—”
“Sure, you don’t. You also don’t mean to say my name all the time, do you? You know it sounds good when you say it so you do it all the damn time.”
You’re embarrassed, to say the least, that Jeno’s been onto you this whole time. You open and close your mouth, but nothing comes out, and he snickers at your unraveling state.
“I can’t believe there are six guys in this house that would gladly fuck you at a moment’s notice, but you’re still chasing after me?” He tilts his head to the side, regarding you with a sadistic sort of curiosity. “Do you like me that much, or are you just that desperate for attention?”
Your pride makes a comeback as you frown, retorting, “I’m not desperate for your attention.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Then what do you call all of this?” 
The words leave your mouth before you can stop them. “Playing with you.”
He wets his lips slowly as he looks at you with mild disbelief. “So you’re enjoying just toying with me, yeah? Turning me on and waltzing off like nothing happened?”
“Well, no—”
“‘Well, no,’” Jeno mocks you, and you fall silent in shock. “Well,” he stresses the word, pushing his hips into yours and pressing you up against the wall, “I think it’s my turn to have some fun, yeah?”
“I guess,” you mumble, and he grins, tilting your chin up and dipping his head down to ghost his lips against yours. When you lean up to kiss him, he pulls back with an amused snort.
“Do you really think you deserve a kiss? After all the shit you pulled?”
You blanch and shift your weight from one foot to the other, and Jeno scoffs, pressing you flat against the wall to your surprise.
“You’re lucky I’m doing this for me.” He doesn’t give you any further warning, bringing his lips to yours in a searingly passionate kiss. It’s rough and full of nipping and biting, his hands groping your body freely with tugging and squeezing and pinching until you yelp.
You can barely get your wits about you long enough to moan, the sound snatched away by Jeno’s hand wrapping around your throat and squeezing. Your mouth falls open to gasp in air, and his tongue enters instantly, greedily searching for a taste of you.
“These fucking tits,” Jeno grunts, his hand groping your chest and pinching your nipple, tugging it. “You’re something else, you know that?”
“I’m not—” you start, but he silences you by pushing his hips against yours hard, a gasp leaving you instead. Shoving his hand up your shirt, he pushes your bra up and draws circles around the bud, chuckling when you keen and push your breast into his hand more. “Jeno—”
“There you go again, moaning my name like a little slut.”
“S-Sorry,” you stammer, and he silences you by bringing the hand on your throat up to cover your mouth.
“Didn’t say I don’t like it.” With that, he dips his head down and devotes his attention to ruining your neck, leaving your skin buzzing with nips, bites, and sucks that have gasps leaving your covered lips.
As his mouth works away at your neck, his other hand slips between your skin and your underwear, lips shushing you when you whimper.
“Shut,” he pants, “up.”
You nod, and he pushes two fingers into you, clearly not in the mood to wait. The sound you desperately want to let out falters on the tip of your tongue, and he looks up at you with a smug grin.
His fingers pump into you rapidly, stroking and twisting and curling as he finds your g-spot, fucking into it relentlessly as you struggle to remain silent. His hand leaves your mouth to yank your shirt up and your bra down until your breasts are exposed, and he takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking hard and biting until you squirm away. 
Between his fingers inside of you and his mouth sucking on your breasts, you’re about to lose your mind. 
“Jaemin always calls you ‘angel,’ but you’re not a fucking angel, are you?” he taunts, and you huff stubbornly. “You think angels like getting fucked up against the wall?”
“No,” you mumble reluctantly, gripping his forearm as his hand speeds up inside of you.
“That’s why you’re not an angel. You’re a dirty...little...slut.” he practically spits the words at you and, for some reason, they usher in your orgasm as you cry out Jeno’s name loudly, almost sliding down the wall if not for Jeno’s hand pinning the lower half of your body in place. “Your room,” he murmurs urgently, and you lead him to your room, clumsily discarding your shorts on the way.
As soon as the door shuts behind you both, Jeno doesn’t waste a second, flipping you so your face is pressed against the wall and bringing the head of his—surprisingly thick—length to your entrance. He pushes in without a moment’s notice, clasping a hand tightly over your mouth as you cry out, and starts to pump into you with rough, deep strokes. 
“This what you wanted, huh?” he taunts through gritted teeth. “To get fucked like a little slut?”
“Jeno,” you moan out, the discomfort gradually giving way to pleasure, and a groan emerges from his chest, the sound deep and filled with need. 
“Answer me.” He moves his hand off of your mouth and squeezes your jaw as if urging you to spit the words out.
“Yes!” you exclaim breathlessly, focusing on the way the cold wall feels against your cheek as the only thing grounding you. You never expected shy, quiet Jeno to be this rough, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it.
“You’re just a needy little slut, aren’t you?”
“I fucking know,” he growls under his breath, his balls slapping against your ass as he fucks into you roughly. Delivering a sharp smack to your ass, he stuffs two fingers into your mouth and groans when you start to suck them. “Gonna give you exactly what you want.”
“Please,” you pant, muffled from his fingers in your mouth, and he chuckles, shoving them farther back and laughing cruelly when you choke.
“You’re gonna take what I give you,” he grunts, “and you’re gonna fucking love it.”
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The front door shuts behind Johnny and Jaemin, both of whom freeze when loud shushing startles them.
“What are you shushing me for—” Johnny whispers to Mark and Haechan, the two waving frantically to shut him up and pointing vigorously towards the upstairs section of the house.
Listening out for whatever has them so agitated, Johnny’s eyes widen when he hears your unmistakable moan—and it’s loud.
“It’s probably Jaehyun or Jungwoo,” Johnny brushes them off, and Haechan shakes his head, pointing at the kitchen. 
Peering around the corner, Johnny sees Jaehyun and Jungwoo in the kitchen, staring upstairs with the same bewildered expression.
“Well, if we’re all down here and Renjun has a girlfriend—I don’t think he’s even home—who could be—?”
“Jeno!” Your voice cuts through the air and everyone’s eyes widen as they look amongst each other. Jaemin, sporting a smug smile, shrugs.
“I knew he wanted her.” 
“He’s going in on her,” Jungwoo remarks in surprise as your sounds of pleasure escalate in pitch and volume.
“And out,” Haechan agrees, and everyone turns to look at him in confusion. He makes a circle with one hand and pushes a finger in and out. “And back in, and back out, and back in—”
“I think we get it,” Mark mumbles tiredly, and Haechan shrugs. 
“I’m just saying.”
“What do we say when they come out?” Mark asks, and Jaehyun shoots him a funny look.
“Nothing? Carry on as normal.”
“I mean, yeah, but—”
“Fuck, Jeno, right there—”
“Okay, I’m gonna go do…anything other than stand here and eavesdrop.” Mark mutters, pulling out his headphones from his bag and heading to the couch.
“Touchy.” Jaehyun chuckles quietly, and Johnny shoots him a brief glare. “Sorry.”
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Meanwhile, upstairs, you’re about to fall apart all over Jeno’s length, Jeno seconds behind you.
“Cum for me,” he grunts, powerful thrusts punctuating his every word. “Cum all over my cock.”
“I’m gonna—oh, fuck, Jeno—” you gasp as your climax hits and he groans at the feeling of your walls clenching so hard he’s practically forced out of you. “Oh, my God,” you whimper breathlessly as pleasure courses through you, your eyes rolling back and eyelids fluttering shut.
“Fuck, gonna cum in you,” Jeno grunts, thrusting harder and practically flattening you against the wall. “Gonna cum so fucking deep in your tight little pussy—” And with that, he’s climaxing, hips slapping against your ass one last time as he bottoms out in you, releasing deep into you. “Fuck, that’s so good.”
“So full,” you moan weakly, nodding—at what, you’re not sure. “Feels so good.”
Jeno pulls out of you slowly, dropping to a squat to watch as a blend of your releases leak out of you and groaning in satisfaction.
“You okay?” he asks softly, seemingly back to the quiet, reserved Jeno you’re used to. 
“Yeah,” you nod, your voice a bit raspy, but you are fine, you’re sure. 
“You?” you ask, and he shoots you a slightly awkward thumbs up as he finishes tying off his sweats.
“I’m perfect.” he sighs in relief. “Is your curiosity satisfied now?” He raises an eyebrow, and your cheeks warm.
“Yeah,” you mumble, rubbing the back of your neck as you look around the room for your clothes. Finding them, you start to redress, painfully aware of how Jeno’s watching you with an amused smirk.
“Never thought I’d see the day you became the quiet one.” Jeno chuckles, and you narrow your eyes, swatting him with your shirt. 
“Shut up.”
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Exiting your room and heading back downstairs, the room feels silent despite several of your housemates being present, and you stop short. 
“When did you guys get home?” you ask carefully, and Johnny looks up at you with a knowing smile. “Oh, boy.”
Slow clapping starts to come from the kitchen, and you turn to look as Haechan makes his way over to you and Jeno, clapping and nodding in approval.
“Glad you two had fun,” Haechan says with a grin. “It was about time, what with the way Jeno always talked about you—”
“Haechan, shut up.” Jeno warns, and Haechan nods in understanding, miming zipping his lips shut. 
“Haechan,” you murmur, “will you tell me later?” You smile innocently.
He nods with a wink before Jeno clears his throat loudly, prompting him to shake his head vehemently. 
“You’re no fun, Jeno.” you huff, and he narrows his eyes at you challengingly, making you backtrack. “You’re all the fun, actually. Literally all of it. None left for anyone else.”
He smiles, pleased, and turns to head into the kitchen.
“I’ll tell you later,” Haechan mumbles surreptitiously, “but I’m scared.”
“I don’t blame you.”
“What was that?” Jeno calls loudly, and you both practically scamper away from each other. 
“Nothing!” you say in unison.
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“Whoever is eating my Cinnamon Toast Crunch I brought over, can you stop?” Haechan complains at the impromptu house meeting, and you smile sheepishly.
“It was me, sorry—thought it was just a regular cereal in the house.”
“Actually—you can eat it if you want.” he says immediately, and Renjun scoffs in amusement. “Yeah, but just you.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet,” you coo, reaching over and squeezing his hand, retracting it with a roll of your eyes when Jaehyun and Mark clear their throats in unison. “Get over yourselves.” you say. Mark frowns, and you let out a small sigh. “Sorry.” 
“While we’re all here, actually, I have no idea where the detergent is and I’ve been too scared to ask.” Jeno mumbles.
“It’s the blue one,” Johnny says, and you raise your eyebrows incredulously.
“That’s mine! Jeno, use the green one—the Gain.” 
“Oh, really? I’ve been using it,” Johnny says sheepishly, and you narrow your eyes. 
“That’s why your clothes smell like me, oh, my God.” you mutter, surprised. “I thought I was just hanging out with you too much.”
“Okay, can we end this house meeting?” Jaemin calls out from the couch. “I have work to do.”
“Yeah, sure,” you agree, and everyone gradually exits the living room and kitchen, leaving you at the kitchen counter and Renjun on the couch, flipping through channels on the television. You don’t really feel like going back to your room—and you’re not entirely keen on admitting you’re avoiding Mark—so you walk into the living room where Renjun sits. “Hi, Renjun!”
“Hey!” he replies, looking up from his phone. “Sorry, just texting my girlfriend back.” His phone dings and he checks the notification, a smile lighting up his face as he types something in and locks it again. “She’s so funny.”
“No problem,” you say with a smile, admiring how different he is with her; sweet, attentive, caring. You want that for yourself—not him, but you want a relationship like his. “Hey, can I, um, hang out with you?” you ask carefully, hoping you’re not intruding.
To your relief, Renjun smiles warmly at you, scooting over on the couch. “Sure! Wanna watch this telenovela with me?” Renjun offers, and you perk up, nodding as you sit on the couch beside him. “I’ll catch you up as we watch.” 
As Renjun gradually fills in details about the show, you find your interest increasing until you’re sitting forward fully and paying rapt attention to the screen.
“I knew you’d like it.” Renjun laughs, and you wave a hand, shushing him.
“Stop, I need to find out if Fernando’s twin survived the house fire!” you whisper loudly. “What’s his name again?”
“Eduardo,” Renjun chuckles, and you nod.
“C’mon, Eduardo!”
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“Hey, Renjun?” you ask softly, and he turns the volume down, looking over at you curiously. “You know my whole situation with Jaehyun and Mark, right?”
“How could I not?” he chuckles, and you offer a weak laugh. “I’m joking.” Renjun nudges you.
“Right,” you say, nodding with a small smile. “Do you think…well… Does doing all this…like, hooking up with both of them…make me a bad person?”
“I don’t think so.” Renjun answers, and he sounds sincere. “I think you haven’t made a choice yet, so it makes sense to be confused still.”
“Yeah,” you hum lightly, nodding slowly. “I mean, they both have their positives, y’know?”
“And their drawbacks,” Renjun adds, and you nod in agreement. “It’s like Marielena in this telenovela,” he says, gesturing towards the television. “She’s stuck between Fernando and Ricardo, but her feelings aren’t clear to anyone, let alone herself. So we don’t hate her for trying to do what she thinks is right.”
“That’s true. I just want…I don’t know, I want something cozy and easy that makes sense. Like what you have with your girlfriend, y’know?”
“Well, you’re not me and you’re not my girlfriend, and neither are Jaehyun and Mark, so things might not be the same, right? If you want cozy, that might be one person; if you want easy, that might be someone else. But if you want something that makes sense, that’s a personal choice that you have to make. Does that make sense?”
You can feel a smile coming on. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right! Thanks, Renjun.” you thank him sincerely, and he returns your smile.
“No problem. Now, uh,” he points back at the television. “Can we go back to the show?”
“Oh, yeah, of course!” You nod, and he starts to rewind back to where you left off. “I can’t wait to find out how Fernando reacts to realizing his twin, Eduardo, survived the house fire.”
“His evil twin, Eduardo.” Renjun corrects with an eager smile, settling back in his spot and bringing popcorn to his mouth. 
 Day 35
The doorbell rings and you look around in confusion with practically everyone else.
“Everyone is here, right?” you ask, and Johnny nods.
“Did anyone order a package?” Jungwoo asks, and the silence holds the answer. 
“Well, then who—” you mumble, but Jaehyun’s footsteps down the stairs cut you off as he appears in the living room, fixing his hair as he heads to the door.
“It’s for me,” he says, shooting you a lingering glance before disappearing into the foyer and opening the door. There are confused glances and quietly muttering being shared all over the place that all culminate to complete and utter silence when the visitor enters the living room.
Silence is hardly even the word. The shock of everyone in the room is palpable as everyone just stares at Jaehyun in disbelief. 
“Hi, everyone,” the visitor says quietly, waving. “I’m Minhee.”
You’re the first to react, sending her a tight-lipped smile. “Hey,” you greet. It’s not her fault Jaehyun invited her over.
Gradually, everyone says some sort of greeting and Jaehyun has the audacity to be staring directly at you the entire time.
You could kill him.
“Here, you can set your stuff down in my room.” Jaehyun tells her, touching her gently on her lower back. “You remember where it is, right?”
She nods and shoots you another small smile before heading upstairs.
The silence is painful to endure, and Johnny breaks it with a low huff.
“I don’t see the problem.” Jaehyun says defensively, and you scoff loudly into your mug, rolling your eyes when Jaehyun turns and looks at you. “Do you have something to say?”
“No,” you say flatly. 
“Kinda seems like you have something to say.”
“Dude.” Johnny warns him, and Jaehyun spares him a cursory glance before returning his attention to you. 
“Do you…have something…to say?” Jaehyun asks carefully, and you can practically feel something inside of you snap.
“Who you invite over makes no difference to me.” you lie, and Jaehyun raises his eyebrows.
“Kinda seems like it does make a difference,” he says, stepping closer to you. 
“Jaehyun, shut up.”
“Are you jealous?” The question practically stops you in your tracks, making you freeze and look at him in disbelief.
“You don’t wanna do this,” Johnny cautions Jaehyun again, looking between the two of you. 
“Minhee’s waiting for you, Jaehyun.” Your voice is level and even and you’re actually proud of how well you’re keeping your composure.
“Minhee can wait a little longer.”
You scoff. “You’re a shitty host—”
“Jaehyun, just go upstairs.” Johnny cuts you off before it can get any worse, and Jaehyun gives you a long, probing look before doing just that.
“You okay?” Mark asks carefully, and you nod, unable to bring yourself to meet his worried gaze.
“I’m going to my room.” you mumble, and Johnny nods out of the corner of your eye.
You head upstairs to your room and plop down on the bed, groaning under your breath before you stop abruptly, listening out.
“I know he can’t be—” you mutter, gasping when you hear an unmistakable moan from his room. “Oh, fuck him.” There’s a gentle knock on the door and you sigh. “Who is it?”
“Haechan and Jaemin,” they answer, and you relax slightly.
“Come in.” 
They do and you gesture at your bed for them to make themselves comfortable, both of them taking the invitation and sitting, Jaemin in front of you and Haechan next to you.
“Are they—are they fucking?” Jaemin asks in surprise as he cocks his head to hear better, and you nod slowly. “Wow.”
“He’s out of his mind,” Haechan mumbles, and you laugh humorlessly.
“I can’t fucking believe him,” you hiss, and Jaemin sighs in understanding, rubbing your knee comfortingly.
“You know, you could always get him back.” Haechan suggests, and you look at him curiously.
“What do you mean?”
He and Jaemin share a look, now seemingly on the same page as they look at you.
“He’s fucking that girl—Minhee—to make you jealous, right?” Haechan says.
“Well, you could fuck someone to make him jealous.” Jaemin finishes, and your eyes widen slightly as you process the situation.
“Us. Specifically,” Haechan adds, and you chuckle.
“I got that part, yeah.”
With the way Jaemin and Haechan are advancing on you, you feel a bit like a cornered animal, but your thoughts melt away when Haechan cups your cheek and leans in to press his lips to yours.
Your lips move together smoothly, if not a bit eagerly, and when you suck at his bottom lip, he groans and surges forward, knocking your back against the headboard none too gently. 
“Don’t be selfish,” Jaemin mutters, gripping the back of your neck and pulling you away from Haechan with a soft wet smacking noise. You barely have time to catch your breath before Jaemin’s lips are on yours and he’s pulling you towards him with a strong hand gripping under your thigh.
You yelp as he flattens your back to the mattress unexpectedly and sucks on your tongue, flicking gently at it with his own. Not to be ignored, Haechan latches his lips onto your neck and leaves hot, wet kisses along the skin, one hand firmly kneading the flesh of your thigh. As his hand creeps further up your leg, your breath hitches and Jaemin tugs at the hem of your shirt.
Both of them have their hands running all over you, groping and tugging and squeezing, and the sensations are overwhelming in the best of ways, your legs parting to allow Haechan access to touch you while you prop yourself up to let Jaemin tug your shirt over your head.
With Jaemin kissing down from your lips and Haechan kissing down from your collarbones, your bra gets opened and slipped off in the melee, both of their mouths finding their way around a nipple and sucking. 
The breath you let out is shaky and your hands lace through their hair, tugging for Haechan and lightly scratching Jaemin’s scalp. Haechan’s hand between your legs slips under your shorts and beneath your underwear, stroking along your folds before Jaemin’s fingers join them, making a beeline for your clit.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your eyes fluttering shut as Jaemin kisses a wet trail down your body to your hips and thighs. They make quick work of removing your shorts and underwear and you would normally have the sense to be embarrassed that you’re entirely nude and they’re fully clothed, but Haechan’s lips put an end to your concerns as they reconnect with yours.
“Jaehyun can’t hear you, baby,” Haechan teases, and you whimper loudly, your thighs quivering as Jaemin settles between them.
“He’ll hear her after this.” Jaemin sounds determined as his tongue drags up your inner thighs, collecting the arousal smeared on your heated skin. Looping one arm around your thigh and the other over your stomach, he holds you in place firmly as he laps at your folds, running his tongue over them slowly and indulgently. 
“Jaemin,” you whine, and he chuckles, the sound low in his throat. 
“That’s it, pretty.” His mouth seals over your core, licking and sucking at your skin everywhere he can reach, and his grunts of pleasure mingle with yours in the air. 
“Kiss me,” Haechan mutters, pulling you close to him by the neck and kissing you deeply. His tongue enters your mouth just as Jaemin’s enters you, and you gasp loudly, keening weakly against his lips. When you squirm under Jaemin’s touch, Haechan and Jaemin both take it upon themselves to hold you down.
“Don’t move,” Jaemin warns you with a teasing lilt, nuzzling your clit with his lips. “Just take it.”
“Feels so good,” you exhale shakily, and Haechan coos fondly, pressing small kisses to your lips. 
“We know, baby.” he murmurs soothingly. “We know; just let it feel good.”
“She’s not loud enough, I don’t think,” Jaemin hums thoughtfully. “Think she needs something in her.”
“Yes,” you gasp immediately, hips lifting up as much as they can under Jaemin’s grip. “Something in me, yes—”
“Aw, poor baby.” he lilts. “Want my tongue in you? Or my fingers?”
“Cock,” you answer, huffing slightly. 
“That wasn’t an option.” Jaemin scolds you, leaning down to suck at your clit. “So greedy,” he taunts with his lips still pressed to you, the vibrations from his words sending pleasurable jolts through your body.
“Tongue—fingers—I don’t care,” you whine, “I just want you to fuck me.”
“How about both, then?” he offers, and you nod vigorously, sighing in relief when he pushes two fingers into you and starts to pump them in and out slowly, returning his attention to your clit that he flicks back and forth and sucks on roughly.
“Of course she’s greedy,” Haechan chuckles, watching this exchange between you and Jaemin with amusement. “Look at how you spoil her.”
Detaching from your core with a wet smacking sound, Jaemin shoots a brief glare in Haechan’s direction. “Look at her. Do you blame me?”
Haechan scans your body, eyes lingering between your legs where Jaemin’s fingers work in and out of you, and drag back up to your eyes before he grins.
“No, I don’t.” he agrees, cupping your chin and pulling you in for another kiss. “Would spoil the hell out of you if you were mine.”
“Haechan,” you whimper, aroused by the raw desperation in his voice. “Kiss me? Please?”
“Gladly,” he half-murmurs, half-growls, and slots his lips with yours eagerly.
Jaemin’s fingers move in and out of you rapidly, curling and scissoring expertly as your body trembles and squirms under his forearm pressing down on your abdomen.
“God, fuck,” you cry out, breaking the kiss with Haechan to look down at Jaemin, who’s moving determinedly with a fire in his eyes as his gaze switches between your face and your core where his fingers keep disappearing into you. “Gonna—gonna cum—”
“Kinda wanna hear you beg for it,” Haechan laughs breathlessly and, to your dismay, Jaemin nods in agreement.
“Beg,” he urges. “Loudly.”
“Jaemin, please let me cum,” you give in instantly, and his lips wrap around your clit once more as he hums in acknowledgement.
“Again.” Haechan speaks the words on Jaemin’s tongue, as it’s busy swirling around your clit rapidly.
“Jaemin, wanna cum,” you moan loudly, and Haechan chuckles, tweaking your nipple experimentally.
“Louder,” he sing-songs.
“Fuck—wanna cum so bad—please let me cum, Jaemin!” 
“That’s it,” Haechan growls under his breath, and takes your nipple into his mouth just as your peak hits, a loud cry leaving you as your back arches off of the bed. Loud gasps and swears fall from your lips repeatedly, your hips bucking towards Jaemin, who rides the undulating waves of your body with ease, not letting up on his actions until you’re whimpering desperately and shoving at his head and wrist.
“Pretty girl, are you gonna let me fuck your mouth?” Haechan asks sweetly, stroking your cheek, and you hum in assent and nod, moving so you’re lying on your front between his legs. Haechan pulls his length from his pants and strokes himself slowly before you smack his hand away and replace it with your own, lifting your head to spit down onto the head of his shaft, lubricating it so you can take him in your mouth with ease.
Wrapping your lips around the head of his length, you swirl your tongue around him and massage the slit in his tip with it, making him shudder. You start to bob your head up and down on him, gradually taking in more of his length with every downwards movement, and he groans loudly, his head thumping against the headboard.
“Fuck,” he hisses, resting his hand on top of your head. When you hollow your cheeks and suck more of him into your mouth, he moans and grips your hair. “That’s it, baby, just like that—sucking my cock so well, pretty.”
Your tongue massaging the underside of his shaft, you bob your head up and down quickly, wet sucking noises filling the room along with Haechan’s lewd moans, and Jaemin moves your hair out of your face to see you better, cooing in adoration.
“Look so pretty taking Haechan’s cock down your throat,” Jaemin praises, stroking the back of your neck gently as you suck on Haechan’s tip, pulling off and wiping the string of saliva connecting your bottom lip to his length before pressing kisses to the slit.
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last if you keep going—” Haechan grunts, carefully moving you back from him. “Need to fuck you.”
“Okay,” you say with a dreamy smile, lust and anticipation filling you at the realization that you’re about to be stuffed full of not one, but two cocks.
Haechan and Jaemin position themselves at your entrances, Haechan pulling you into a kiss from below to distract you from the overwhelming sensation of them pushing into you.
“Fuck,” you whimper breathlessly, feeling lightheaded. “So fucking full.”
“You’re doing so well, baby,” Jaemin soothes you, rubbing your back in soothing motions and pushing in deeper as you cry out weakly. “Gonna fill you so good.”
“More,” you mumble against Haechan’s lips, and he nods, settling you down further onto his length until he’s as deep inside as possible, both of you reacting loudly as Jaemin pushes in to the hilt swiftly, making you clench impossibly tighter around Haechan.
“Angel, it’ll feel better when you relax.” Jaemin murmurs, and you nod, trying to relax your muscles.
“You can move,” you urge, wiggling your hips slightly, and they lock eyes, communicating wordlessly before they pull out and start to fuck into you, gradually building a rhythm in tandem that ensures you’re never not filled with at least one of them. “Oh, fuck—”
“That’s good, yeah? Pretty girl likes being stuffed full of cock?” Haechan grunts, thrusting up into you. With your hand on his chest, nails digging into the flesh slightly, he hisses in pleasure and lifts his head to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, kneading the other breast.
Jaemin’s hand snakes around your body to rub your clit and you jolt in surprise, Haechan groaning loudly.
“Fuck—Jaemin, do that again,” he moans, and Jaemin chuckles, obliging and making your walls tighten once more.
“Angel, you think Jaehyun’s gonna be mad hearing how we’re fucking you so good?” Jaemin muses, his length sliding along your inner walls as he speaks. “Hm? So nice and deep; bet he’s pissed as hell right now.”
“We’re gonna fuck all the thoughts out of your pretty little head, don’t you worry.” Haechan grunts from around your nipple, holding onto the bud with his teeth.
“Please,” you moan, “don’t wanna think—”
“I think that’s code for harder,” Jaemin snickers, and both of them pick up the pace, lengths driving into you in alternating motions as skin slapping against skin sounds fill the room along with your moans and pants of pleasure.
“I wanna cum—please let me cum—” you gasp, and Haechan nods emphatically.
“Cum, pretty; make a fucking mess on my cock—” he urges, and you climax with a loud cry, your body all but going slack as you struggle to hold yourself up and not collapse onto Haechan. He follows shortly after you, burying himself into you and releasing load after load of cum inside of you.
Jaemin thrusts into you a few more times before pulling out, much to your surprise, and cumming on your skin, warm spurts of his seed landing on your lower back and asscheeks. He groans at the sight and smears the last few drops onto your inner thigh, sitting back on his heels and catching his breath.
“Wait there,” Jaemin murmurs, exiting your room. You and Haechan make awkward eye contact and struggle to hold back your laughter before your door shuts and a warm, wet fabric travels between your legs and up your back, gently cleaning you up.
“Thanks,” you sigh, pulling off of Haechan. He takes the rag as Jaemin offers it to him, wiping himself down as you get off of the bed, redressing yourself slowly.
“Y’know, I passed Jaehyun in the hallway.” Jaemin pipes up, and you and Haechan turn to look at him expectantly. “He looked pissed.”
“Well...good.” you huff, and Haechan leans over to kiss your cheek.
“I hope he regrets bringing her over,” he says, and you blink despondently, not needing a reminder of what happened.
“And fucking her for you to hear—”
“Haechan, you’re not exactly helping.” you say gently, patting his knee lightly, and he nods in understanding.
“I’ll shut up.”
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“You good?” Johnny asks worriedly when you reappear in the living room in the evening, resting his hand on your back gently, and you nod dismissively.
“Yeah, she’s about to leave anyway.” you mumble, and it’s almost like someone sucked the air out of the room, the silence is that deafening. “…What?”
“She’s spending the night.” Jungwoo says carefully, and you slowly turn to look at him with a blank expression.
“Yeah, it looked like she brought an overnight bag.” Jaemin adds, and you slide your gaze over to him, Jaemin immediately looking like he regrets speaking.
“Great! That’s great.” you reply, stretching your lips into a smile.
“Um…are you okay?” Jungwoo asks, and you wave him off.
“I’m fine.” 
“Your eye is twitching.” he points out, and you glare at him.
“I’m fine.”
“Drop it. I’m fine.” you snarl under your breath and Jungwoo raises both hands up in surrender.
“Okay! Dropping it.”
“I’m going to bed.” you mutter, and storm off to your room, grabbing Mark’s wrist on the way and pulling him after you. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Mark asks, concerned, and your huffing and puffing slowly comes to a stop as you realize that this can’t be a fun experience for Mark to watch.
“Yeah, I’m good, Mark.” you lie, slipping your hand down to lace your fingers with his and squeeze gently.
“Okay…” he mumbles, clearly uncertain, but you pull him into a hug, nestling your face into his neck.
“I’m good.” you whisper, unsure if you’re convincing Mark or yourself. 
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You’re not good, you realize at 4:00am. You’re far from it, actually.
So you sneak out of your bed after Mark’s gentle breathing gets to be a bit overwhelming, and trudge downstairs to the living room, which is shrouded in darkness.
You sigh and plop down on the couch, jumping up suddenly with a strangled yelp when you land on someone. There’s rustling in the dark, then the lamp beside the couch turns on and you’re met with Jaehyun lying on the cushions, covered in a blanket.
“Oh.” you say awkwardly. “Sorry, I thought no one was in here.”
“It’s fine,” Jaehyun answers, waving you off. He runs a hand through his hair and you look away with a small gulp. “What are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you mumble, not wanting to tell him the full reason. “You? Why are you down here?”
“Minhee kinda snores,” Jaehyun says, rubbing the back of his neck. “And hogs the blankets.”
“Bummer,” you reply, looking around to avoid eye contact. “Well, have fun with that.” You turn to leave, but he reaches out and grabs your wrist.
“We can share the couch, y’know.” he offers, and you wrinkle your nose up in distaste.
“I don’t really want to share with you.” you mutter. 
Jaehyun’s jaw clenches. “What do you mean by that?”
“You probably smell like Minhee.” You turn away and Jaehyun sucks his teeth loudly before he yanks you towards him and into his lap. “Get off me.”
“You probably smell like Haechan and Jaemin, but I’ll manage.” he huffs. “And you’re actually on me.” he points out smugly, and you growl under your breath. 
“Let me go, then.”
“Oh. No.”
“What the fuck do you mean, ‘no,’ Jaehyun?”
“I mean no.” He wrestles you around so you’re straddling his lap and he locks his arms around the small of your back tightly. “Stop avoiding me and actually talk about your feelings.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lie stubbornly.
“Stop running from me.” He stares you down. You meet his gaze challengingly and watch as his attention drops to your lips before refocusing on your eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?”
“If you say nothing one more time, I’m gonna lose it.” Jaehyun warns, and you scoff.
“So lose it, Jaehyun,” you press, moving closer so you’re practically nose-to-nose. “See if I care.”
“Oh, so you don’t care about me?”
“I didn’t say that—”
“So you do care about me?”
“I—you—shut up—”
“Why are you mad?”
“You fucked Minhee!” you blurt out, your eyes widening after the words leave your mouth. The shock on Jaehyun’s face shifts slowly into a smug sort of realization. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“You’re mad I fucked Minhee?” His voice is softer than earlier, and you look away immediately, focusing on the pattern of the decorative pillow on the other side of the couch. “Why does that bother you?”
“What are you, my therapist?” you grumble, and his unamused expression shuts you up. “I don’t know.” you lie.
“I think you do know.”
“I think you should shut up.” you huff, and he snorts derisively.
“You’re being a brat.”
“That’s what I’m best at,” you say with a dismissive shrug, and he rolls his eyes in your peripheral vision before cupping your chin and turning your head so you’re looking at him. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” He doesn’t shift his expression, something soft lurking in his eyes behind the teasing glint as he smiles at you. 
“You know.”
“I don’t think I do.”
“‘I don’t think I do,’” you mock, and he rolls his eyes, squeezing your waist in his one-armed grip until you squeak.
“Why does it bother you that I fucked Minhee?” Jaehyun presses, and you grumble indistinctly. “Answer me.”
“The same reason why it bothers you that I fuck Mark!” You finally spit it out, and his eyes widen slightly before he’s leaning forward, his hold on your chin tightening as you try to look away again. “Please stop looking at me like that,” you say quietly, feeling small under his gaze.
“Like what?”
“You know—”
“Do you know why,” Jaehyun cuts you off, “I invited Minhee over?”
“To fuck with my head.”
“No,” he answers simply. “So you would finally notice me.”
Your heart is in your throat at this point, a noticeable lump resting there as you try to swallow around it. For some reason, you feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, your cheeks feeling hot.
“I do notice you,” you mumble, smaller than ever. You avert your gaze. 
Jaehyun lets you. “No, you don’t.”
A small whimper slips from you as you nod, your bottom lip trembling slightly. “I do.” you insist quietly. 
“Yeah?” he presses.
“You stopped eating my yogurts,” you point out, looking at his shoulder. “You like when I play with your hands. You stopped playing Cigarettes After Sex through the wall.” 
Jaehyun’s gone still under you, and you can feel his stare on you as you swallow thickly.
“You’re always looking at me when you think I can’t see you.” 
“Yeah?” There’s a slight smile to his voice, and, for some reason, it makes your chest ache even more.
“Mhm.” You place a hand on his chest, studying your fingernails and the contrast of your skin against his white t-shirt. “Wanna know how I know that?” 
“Yeah,” he says gently, leaning forward slightly to test the waters. When your hand doesn’t restrict him, instead giving under the pressure, he ducks his head to rest on your shoulder, tilting it towards you to exhale softly against your neck.
“Because I’m looking at you when you actually can’t see me.” 
He chuckles quietly and lifts his head slightly, the tip of his nose pressing against your cheek. 
“Is that right?”
“Yeah,” you answer with a small smile. “Discretion is key, y’know.”
“You’re changing the topic,” he points out.
“Damn,” you mutter. “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.”
“You said that it bothers you that I fucked Minhee for the same reason that it bothers me that you fuck Mark.” he reminds you, and you blanch, giving a small nod. “What reason is that?”
“I don’t wanna say it,” you whine, tipping your head forward to rest on his shoulder. 
“I’ll tell you why it bothers me that you fuck Mark, then.” Jaehyun murmurs, rubbing your back gently, and you hum in acknowledgement. “It bothers me because I like you.” 
You knew this. You definitely knew this because of Johnny’s big mouth, but hearing Jaehyun say it is entirely different. Your cheeks warm—your whole body does, really—and the backs of your eyes feel hot as tears start to gather. 
When you sniffle quietly, Jaehyun freezes momentarily. 
“Did that make you cry?” He sounds incredulous, and you suck it up, sitting up and looking him in the eyes.
“You’re lying.” 
You two stare each other down.
You sigh in defeat. “Okay, I’m lying.” 
“Why did you cry, hm?” Jaehyun cups your cheek and wipes your last tear away with his thumb. 
“Because I feel bad,” you say with a frown. It’s not the whole truth, but it’s a start. “Jaehyun, I just—”
A door opens upstairs, and you both freeze, looking at each other. Before you know it, you’re putting a finger to your lips and turning off the lamp, both of you holding your breath as footsteps head down the hall and another door softly closes. You two wait in tense silence as you listen out for more sounds. 
A toilet flushes, water runs briefly, a door opens, footsteps, then another door shuts quietly, and you both release your breaths in relief before you turn the lamp back on. Jaehyun’s smiling up at you with a glint of mischief in his eyes. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You narrow your eyes, and his smile just widens.
“I thought you were gonna run away again.” He squeezes you slightly, almost as if to see if you’re really still with him.
“I think I’m in my ‘staying’ era.” you say, nodding with a little grin, and his face scrunches up in amused confusion. 
“You’re in your staying era? Wh—you are so weird,” he laughs, and you scowl playfully, poking one of his dimples as he smiles. 
“But you like me,” you point out, your smile widening, and he nods with a chuckle, his eyes drifting down to your lips.
“I do,” he confirms. “I really do.”
You two sit there for a moment, with Jaehyun watching your lips as you watch his, and you finally break the silence.
“Do you want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss you right now?” Your voice is barely above a whisper, but Jaehyun clearly hears you, if his eyes lighting up can serve as any indication. 
“God, I was hoping you’d ask,” he groans, leaning forward and slotting his lips with yours. Your body relaxes against his instantly, letting out a small sigh of relief as you move your lips with his, and he winds his arms around you tighter, grunting as he shifts you forward onto his lap. 
There’s something so warm about it all, his tight grip around you making you feel secure and the leisurely way your lips connect and move in sync with the other’s sends a sense of calm throughout your system, a sort of lazy, dopey giddiness building in your chest.
The only sounds to be heard in the room are the muted sounds of your kissing and small content sighs and hums as he moves his hands to your sides, rubbing them up and down soothingly. When you part for air, you rest your forehead against his as you both breathe in deeply, his eye contact making you feel shy.
“Hi,” he murmurs, and you snicker.
You two stay there for a moment, Jaehyun positioning you so you’re sideways on his lap and tucking your head against his chest. As nice and comforting as it feels to have him just holding you like this, you can’t help but feel like something’s off.
“You know, Jaehyun,” you finally say quietly, looking up at him. “I don’t think this is fair to Minhee.”
“It’s not like she has feelings for me,” he counters. “I’m just good dick to her.”
“Speaking of good dick,” you say, taking the opening readily, “bringing Minhee to make me jealous was a real dick move.”
“I’m sorry,” he says sincerely, and some of the tension gripping your heart from earlier falls away. “In my defense, though—”
“Here we go,” you mumble, amused, and he squeezes you.
“Sorry, go ahead.” you apologize, your lips trembling as you hold back a laugh.
“You fucked Haechan and Jaemin to get back at me.”
“Sure did. But I wouldn’t have done that if you hadn’t brought Minhee.”
“Do you honestly think you would have come down and talked to me tonight if I hadn’t?”
You think about it for a moment, realizing he has a point. “Probably not.”
“So…I kinda had to do it.”
“Damn, am I that avoidant?” you mumble.
“You hush, I wasn’t talking to you.”
“I’m the only other person here.”
“I was talking to the...lamp.”
“Right,” Jaehyun says slowly. “And what did the wise lamp post have to say?”
“It’s taking my side,” you answer, turning your nose up in a playfully disdainful action.
“How convenient.” he drawls.
“Shush or I’ll go back to avoiding you.”
“You can’t now,” he teases. “Not now that I know what I know.”
“And what do you know, exactly?”
“You know exactly what I know.”
“You’re so difficult.” you huff, smiling despite your attempt to appear annoyed. “I’m going back to bed.” You move to stand up, but his arms tighten around you immediately, holding you fast.
“Don’t leave,” he murmurs, and the sincerity, the rarely seen vulnerability in his voice has you sinking back into his embrace, your muscles relaxing.
“We can’t stay here forever, Jae.” you remind him, and he nods.
“Just a little longer, though?”
You smile even though he can’t see you and rest your head on his chest, letting the sound of his steady breathing soothe you. “Okay.”
 Day 36
“So, Jaehyun used Minhee to get to you…and you then used Jaemin and Haechan to get to him…and neither of you see anything wrong with this?”
“Well, in my defense, Jaemin and Haechan literally came up with the idea. So they were willing and eager. Jaehyun did something wrong.” You nod resolutely, satisfied with your defense.
Jungwoo shoots you a blank look. “Poor Minhee.”
“I told Jaehyun what he did wasn’t nice! What else am I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know what you’re supposed to do, but I know what you’re not supposed to do.” Jungwoo says, and you roll your eyes.
“And what’s that, Oh, Wise Woo?”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to validate him by kissing and cuddling him on the couch while the obvious, not toxic choice sleeps soundly in your bedroom upstairs!” Jungwoo replies wryly, and you glare at him.
“You’re being, like, unusually mean right now.” you huff, frowning deeply at him. “And not in a sexy way.”
“I’m sorry, I just—” Jungwoo sighs, rubbing a hand over his face before refocusing his gaze on yours. “I want you to be sure you’re making the right choice.”
“I am! I’m as sure as I can be!” you defend yourself, and he raises his hands in surrender. “I like him, Jungwoo.”
His brows shoot up in surprise, practically disappearing into his hairline. “Don’t think you’ve been that direct about anything Jaehyun-related in a while.”
“I had an awakening last night,” you mumble, cheeks warming. At Jungwoo’s expectant hand gesture for you to elaborate, you continue. “He told me he liked me and I teared up, Woo.”
“Damn,” he mutters. “Last time I saw you cry was when you were stuffed full of me and Johnny—”
“I don’t need a reminder!” you stress, waving your hands as your face heats up even more. “I was there!” 
“Sorry,” he chuckles, and you can’t help but join him. “I mean, as your friend, I’m gonna support your choices if they’re not life-endingly stupid.”
“I hope this is the part where you say this choice isn’t life-endingly stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” Jungwoo assures you. “When are you gonna tell him?”
“When I see him, I guess,” you answer, and he nods. 
“Looks like that’s coming sooner than you expected,” he mumbles, jerking his chin to gesture over your shoulder. You turn to see Jaehyun coming downstairs, running a hand through his hair carelessly, and something inside of you swoons as you come to fully realize your feelings.
“Hey, Jungwoo,” Jaehyun says before looking at you with a small smile. “Hey.”
You match his smile with a wider one of your own. “Hey, Jae.”
“Hey, Jaehyun,” Jungwoo greets, nodding awkwardly at both of you. “I’m gonna finish this in my room,” Jungwoo pipes up, taking his bowl of cereal upstairs. You two look at each other in silence before Jaehyun turns to the fridge. You watch his back as he looks through it for something and when he emerges with the carton of orange juice, something—your patience, possibly—snaps.
“I like you!” you blurt out, and he freezes, looking at you with widened eyes and a surprised expression. “Sorry, that was awkward.”
“It was very cute, actually.” he chuckles, making his way around the kitchen island to stand behind you. His proximity makes it impossible to turn around, so you just sit there with your heart in your throat as he nudges his face past your hair to brush his lips against your ear. “Wanna know something?”
“Yeah,” you whisper, scared to speak any louder.
“I like you, too.”
A relieved laugh slips from you and you lean back against his chest, his arms smoothly winding around you. “I knew that.” 
“Good. Just thought I’d remind you.” he hums, kissing your cheek. “So, now—what do we do about this?”
You move to turn and face him, but he keeps you firmly in place, so you swallow and try to speak. “I don’t know...we date, I guess?”
He snorts in amusement. “You guess? Do you want to?”
“I do. Do you want to?”
“Hell, yeah, I do.” he laughs, and you turn your head to face him, eyes flitting from his own to his lips. “Are you thinking about kissing me?”
“No,” you lie. 
“Really?” He lifts an eyebrow.
“No. I’m definitely thinking about kissing you.” You lean forward and connect your lips, and he hums in surprise, finally turning you around and pressing into you. Stepping between your legs, he cups your cheeks, one hand cold and wet from the orange juice carton, the other warm and soft. He tastes like toothpaste and his kiss ignites a steady burning fire in you that you don’t think could be put out any time soon.
When you two break apart, he presses another soft kiss to your lips before stepping back and getting a cup to pour himself a glass of orange juice.
“Jae, didn’t you just brush your teeth?” you ask, and he nods.
“It’s gonna taste like hell if you drink that orange juice.”
He looks from the cup to the carton to you and smiles in relief. “What would I do without you?”
“Be single and have a nasty taste in your mouth, I guess.” 
“You’re so sweet,” he laughs sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Sorry,” you chuckle. “And, um. Sorry for being so difficult about, well, everything.”
“Yeah?” he hums thoughtfully, putting the orange juice back in the fridge before making his way back over to you. 
“Feelings are scary.” you mumble, and he gives a small nod.
“They can be, yeah.” he agrees, pressing his lips to your forehead. “And I forgive you.” 
“Yeah?” you say hopefully, and he nods.
“You can make it up to me by—”
“—being my girlfriend.”
“Oh. I can do that.” you say with a growing smile. 
“It’s a deal, then.” he agrees. “You can also help me out with my problem.”
“What’s your problem?”
“How am I going to tell Minhee we’re done hooking up?” he asks.
“I mean, if she doesn’t have feelings for you, I’d just rip the bandaid off and tell her you had a complicated situation and you figured it out and now you’re exclusively seeing someone else.” you say carefully, and he looks over at you, mildly impressed.
“That’s pretty good stuff,” he mumbles.
You nudge his shoulder with a laugh. “Thanks. Hopefully it works for you.”
“Yeah,” he says, letting out a slow exhale. 
As if on cue, footsteps sound out from the top landing, the sounds softer than anyone else’s in the house, and you squeeze Jaehyun’s hand comfortingly.
“You, uh, handle that. I’ll go talk to Mark,” you murmur, and he nods, looking down at your lips with an unspoken question on the tip of his tongue. You smile, rolling your eyes slightly, and lean in to kiss him briefly, breaking away just in time for Minhee to enter the kitchen.
“Good morning,” she says, slightly timidly, and you can’t help but feel bad; it’s not her fault she got all caught up in your weird-ass love triangle situation, and she probably thinks you hate her.
“Morning,” you reply with a smile, walking past her after giving a small wave. “If you want, you can, um, have one of the strawberry yogurts in the fridge.”
“Really?” she asks hopefully. “I love strawberry yogurt.”
Your smile softens into one with far more sincerity than before. “Yeah, go crazy, girl. I’ll be back.”
She returns your smile brighter than earlier and you head upstairs, looking at Jaehyun surreptitiously. He meets your gaze and smiles reassuringly, making warmth spread through your chest as you head upstairs, steeling yourself for what you have to do.
Stepping into your room, you see Mark on his laptop, diligently tapping away. He looks up at your entrance and smiles, the expression fading slightly when you hesitate to return it.
You stretch your lips into a smile and return the gesture. “Hey, Mark.”
“Uh-oh,” Mark chuckles, closing his laptop and setting it aside. “What’s wrong?”
“Who said anything’s wrong?” you splutter defensively. 
Mark lifts both eyebrows and regards you carefully. “You’re my best friend. I’d be stupid not to know your ‘something is wrong’ face.”
You sigh deeply. “Okay, so—well, you know how we’re best friends?”
“Yes? I just said that,” he chuckles, and you laugh weakly.
“Sorry, I really don’t know how to say this.” you mumble. 
“Try this,” Mark says, sitting forward and looking you in the eyes. “‘We’re best friends, and I’d rather it stay that way.’”
You blanch, eyes wide as you look at him. “You knew?”
“Of course I knew. You think I can’t tell the way you two look at each other?” Mark chuckles, but it’s slightly hollow, making you wince. “Plus, you disappeared last night, and when I went to the bathroom, I saw Jaehyun’s door was open and he wasn’t in there, so I just—”
“Put two and two together.” you mutter, and he nods, smiling slightly. “Are you mad? Oh, my God, do you hate me?”
“I could never hate you, dude.” Mark assures you with a small laugh. “Do I wish it was me? Yeah—really bad, actually. But if something went wrong down the line and it didn’t work out…I don’t think I could handle losing you entirely, y’know?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, relieved somewhat. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Mark says, waving dismissively. “The heart wants what the heart wants, right?”
“Yeah,” you hum thoughtfully. You two sit in silence for a moment before Mark breaks it.
“Can we, uh, move on now? I think we got all our thoughts out.” he chuckles lightly, and you nod eagerly.
“Gladly. What are you working on?” you ask, gesturing to his closed laptop.
“It’s an essay for my music theory class.” he explains, rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m writing about how soundtracks can make or break the emotional integrity of a scene.”
“Damn, the ‘emotional integrity’ part sounds smart.” 
“It’s part of the prompt; I didn’t come up with that on my own.” he says, and you both laugh.
“I see, I see. Well, I’m just gonna leave you to it; I’ll go bother someone else.” You pat his knee twice and stand up, stretching your limbs out and feeling like a weight’s been lifted off of your shoulders. “Good luck on your paper, Mark,” you say with a smile. 
He returns it. “Thanks, dude.”
Tumblr media
You sit beside Jaehyun as music—sensual R&B music, to be specific—filters through his speakers, and you look over at him suspiciously.
“Yes, baby?” he asks nonchalantly, and you blink twice, not expecting the pet name.
“Are you playing this to seduce me?”
“Not everything is to seduce you, y’know,” Jaehyun says, fixing you in place with a scolding glance, and your eyes widen, your resolve faltering. “But yes, yes, I am.”
You snicker, poking his side as he joins you in your laughter. “You’re so smooth; I would never have guessed.”
“That’s part of my charm,” he replies jokingly, and you roll your eyes before resting your head on his shoulder. There’s a brief comfortable silence before he speaks again. “Hey, you remember the first night of quarantine?” Jaehyun asks out of the blue, and you nod. 
“You were playing your angsty music way too loudly.” you laugh, and he rolls his eyes, pinching your side until you yelp.
“Then you came in my room to tell me to lower the volume,” Jaehyun muses, “and I convinced you to get in my bed—”
“Well, when you put it like that—” you object, but he continues on.
“And, I mean, I already liked you before that but something about the way you were looking at me,” he murmurs as you turn towards him, and his gaze drops to your lips, his sentence trailing off. 
“How was I looking at you?” you mumble, heat starting to build in between your legs at the lust in his eyes. 
“Like that,” he replies quietly before leaning in and kissing you. His lips press against yours with a latent desperation that makes you hum in surprise as he grabs at your face and body with possessive, greedy hands.
“Mm!” you let out a muffled yelp when he pushes forward and guides you onto your back and his lips drift down to your neck, where he pants against your skin and leaves wet kisses. 
He brings his hand to your inner thigh, spreading your legs wider to lie between them, and strokes slow, heavy circles into the flesh that gradually move higher and higher.
Growing impatient, you shift further down on the bed to nudge his hand up your thigh, his fingers now brushing along the seat of your shorts.
“Oh?” he murmurs in intrigue. He starts to deliver light smacks to your clothed clit with the palm of his hand, grinning when you whine and attempt to close your legs around his hand—which, unfortunately, is in vain because his body is blocking you. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Need you,” you huff, reaching down to grab at his wrist, but he swats your hand away and makes his smacks just a bit harder, your body jolting with every impact as the pleasure continues to grow. 
“Need me?” he teases, and you glower at him.
“Yes, I need you,” you gripe, and his grin widens.
“Need me where?” he asks, and it takes everything in you not to snap at him.
“Don’t be dense,” you complain.
He raises an eyebrow, cupping your core firmly and making you cry out. “Is it here?”
“Yes,” you gasp in relief. “Right there.”
“You’re so warm,” he marvels, slipping his hand into your shorts and stroking along your underwear. “Your underwear is soaked, baby.”
“Stop being a tease,” you grouch. “Fuck me.”
“Did I do this?” he taunts. “Just a little kissing and touching did this to you?”
You stick to your guns. “Fuck me.”
“Answer me, and I’ll fuck you.”
You stare him down intently, finally rolling your eyes and giving in.
“Yes. Now fuck me before I get someone else to do it.”
His gaze hardens slightly and he looks at you with a challenge twinkling in his eyes. “Shut up.”
“Fuck me.” You’re back on your bullshit.
To silence you, Jaehyun rests his hand on your throat, pinning you in place as his other hand pulls your shorts and underwear down before he brings his length to your entrance, rubbing the head against your folds.
“So fucking wet,” he groans, pushing in shallowly and stopping when just the tip is inside. Only partially expecting it, you gasp at the stretch and he moans through gritted teeth at the feeling of your walls wrapped around him. 
“More, Jae,” you moan, trying to push your body down onto him.
“Yeah?” he teases, pulling out slightly. “You want more, baby?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, nodding eagerly. Your hand wraps around his wrist resting on your collarbones to brace yourself and he watches you with dark eyes as you bring his thumb to your lips and take it into your mouth, licking at the pad of the digit.
“Fuck, baby.” he grunts, pushing into you slowly just like you wanted. “Can’t say no to you.”
“Jaehyun,” you whimper, clenching around him as he bottoms out. He doesn’t give you much time to get acclimated to the feeling, instead pulling out and snapping his hips back into yours and pulling a moan from your lips.
“You wanted more, right? That’s what I’m giving you.” he pants with a slight teasing lilt to his voice, gradually building up a rhythm to his thrusting that has you punctuating every pump with a cry of pleasure. 
“God, fuck—so good, Jae,” you hiss, and he bites down on his bottom lip in concentration, hand pressing down on your throat just hard enough to make a dizzying feeling start to build in your head.
“Always so good for me,” he praises, looking down at where your bodies meet and letting a trail of spit drip down onto your core, the saliva landing messily on your clit. Propping your leg up on his shoulder, Jaehyun massages quick circles into your clit, occasionally tweaking the sensitive bud between his fingers. 
You moan weakly, your clit pulsing with need as your mind gradually blanks out. Between his hand on your throat, his fingers at your clit, and his length pounding into you, you’re practically drowning in pleasurable sensations, but you want more.
You slip your hands up your shirt and cup your breasts, squeezing and kneading the flesh. When a whimper escapes you, Jaehyun looks up from between your legs to catch sight of you caressing your own breasts and he groans in ecstasy.
“Lift your shirt,” he rasps, staring directly at your concealed hands moving under your clothing. “Let me see you.”
You comply readily, pushing your shirt and bra up to reveal your breasts, both of them moving with every powerful thrust of Jaehyun’s hips. He watches with dark, hungry eyes as you cup both breasts, massaging and fondling them and occasionally teasing at your nipples. Pinching them and tugging them, rolling them between your fingers, you don’t give the pebbled buds a break, your every ministration only adding to your pleasure.
“Jae—hyun, I’m close—” you manage to get out, and he nods in acknowledgement, wetting his lips absentmindedly.
“Want you to cum with me,” he murmurs, and you whimper softly before nodding, doing your best to keep your impending climax at bay. “Gonna cum so deep in your little pussy, baby—”
“Cum in me, Jaehyun,” you beg breathlessly. “Please? Want you to fill me up—”
“Fuck—yeah, gonna fill you up so good, baby—” he grunts, and the pleasure is reaching its tipping point, your orgasm practically on the tip of your tongue.
“Can’t hold it, Jae,” you warn, and he nods, looking up at your face.
“Cum, baby; cum all over my cock.” he groans out, and you let go, your body practically buzzing with ecstasy as your climax makes its way through your system. You can only manage to get out the words “fuck” and “yes,” cycling between the two like some sort of mantra, and Jaehyun bottoms out into you, his eyes shutting tightly as he releases into you. 
“Hey,” you chuckle, and he reopens his eyes to look at you curiously. “Your music worked.”
He grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “It did.”
“Unless this was my plan all along,” you say, and he raises an eyebrow.
“Was it?”
“I’ll never tell.” You shoot him a grin of your own, and he nods slowly.
“I see.” he says carefully. “Well. You leave me no choice.”
“Why are you talking like a movie villain—fuck!” Your words cut off abruptly when he starts to tickle you, fingers dancing along your sides, and you cry out loudly and plaintively. “What is it with people and tickling these days?!”
“You’re an easy target,” he chuckles as you shriek and laugh uncontrollably.
“At least let me get dressed first! I feel so exposed,” you plead, and he scrunches his face up thoughtfully before nodding and stopping. “Thank you. Oh, and Jaehyun?”
“You can pull out now.”
 Day 37
“So what do you major in, Minhee?” you ask the girl sitting beside you in an attempt to be friendly. 
“I’m a communications major.” she answers with a smile, and you nod slowly,  pushing off of your chair to stand and rest your elbows on the kitchen island. “Jaehyun mentioned you major in...sociology and education, right?”
“Jaehyun talked about me when you two were...y’know?” you mumble, surprised, and she nods, taking a sip of her tea before answering you.
“Yeah; I kinda thought he had feelings for you, but he was so dodgy about it. I swear I wouldn’t have interfered if I knew you guys were, like, a thing.” she assures you, and you raise your eyebrows, impressed.
“You’re pretty cool,” you remark. “How’d Jaehyun pull you?”
“I could ask you the same question,” she chuckles.
“Hey!” Jaehyun pipes up from across the kitchen island, looking up from his phone. “I can hear you both, you know.”
“Sorry, Jae.” you laugh and Minhee joins you. “Hey, is your tea sweet enough? I don’t know if you found the sugar okay or not.”
“It’s actually…not sweet at all,” she grimaces slightly. “I couldn’t find any sugar.”
“Yeah, I figured,” you say with a sympathetic frown. “Hold on, I’ll get it for you.” You head over to the cabinet and pull out the sugar, offering it to a grateful Minhee. Walking to the fridge, you pull out a strawberry yogurt and shut the door, turning around to Jaehyun wrapping his arms around your waist. “Hi,” you say warmly.
“Hi,” he hums, and you hesitate before offering him your yogurt. His eyes widen in surprise and he looks down at you for confirmation. You nod and he takes it with one hand. “Thank you, baby.” he mumbles, still in shock.
“Welcome,” you reply, shrugging before pulling out another yogurt of your own. With him trailing after you—not unlike a puppy—you stand beside Minhee once more and nudge her with your shoulder. “Better?”
“So much better.” 
Moving from the couch to the kitchen, Haechan walks behind you, pinching your ass as he does, and you jolt, turning back to glare playfully at Haechan, who’s grinning.
“Don’t touch my girl’s ass,” Jaehyun warns Haechan, brows furrowed. “That’s my job.”
“Maybe you can outsource the labor from time to time,” Haechan replies smoothly, shooting you a flirtatious look.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“Suit yourself,” Haechan mutters, raising his brows and making a face.
Mark’s phone rings and he excuses himself briefly, getting off the couch and rounding the corner to take the call. You watch and wait curiously for him to reappear, Mark doing so with a grin on his face.
“Guys, they fixed our pipes and cleaned up the mess!” he announces, and there are several cheers. “I guess that means we can move back in soon.” he adds, and Renjun sighs in relief.
“Not that your hospitality wasn’t wonderful,” he says, looking between you and your roommates, “but I would love to go back to feeling like I’m not living in a telenovela.”
“You watch telenovelas?” Mark murmurs in surprise, and Renjun looks at him, offended.
“It’s like you don’t even know me.”
“Looks like that announcement didn’t come a moment too soon,” Johnny pipes up, gesturing towards his phone. Reading off of the screen, he announces, “We are pleased to announce that quarantining procedures for students and faculty are coming to an end. We will start to phase back into on-campus classes and activities fully in the coming weeks. We thank everyone for their patience and cooperation as we navigate through these unprecedented times.”
“Oh, wow, happy ending for everyone.” Minhee says with a relieved smile, and you nod in agreement.
“We should celebrate,” Haechan suggests, and you and Mark shoot him a suspicious look. “Give everyone a happy ending—you get what I mean?”
“I get it,” you assure him, and he smiles widely. “It’s not happening.” His face falls.
“Can’t win ‘em all, I guess.” Haechan mumbles.
 Day 38
“I’m gonna miss you,” Haechan sighs as he hugs you.
“We still go to the same college; I’m not going anywhere.” you laugh, rubbing his back soothingly. 
“It’s not the same,” he complains, and you coo comfortingly.
“Stop hugging my girlfriend so much,” Jaehyun says from behind you, and you roll your eyes at his jealousy. “Did—did you just stick your tongue out at me, you brat?”
“No.” Haechan muffles his response by burying his face in your neck and you turn your head slightly to murmur in his ear.
“Did you stick your tongue out at him?”
You snort in amusement, and slowly remove your arms from around Haechan, who whines and squeezes you tighter. 
“Okay, chill out,” Jaehyun warns. 
“She smells so good,” Haechan moans, and you snicker as he takes a loud inhale of your scent. “So sweet and girly.”
“Thank you, Haechan,” you hum, stroking the back of his head. “I might let go if I were you; I don’t think you could take Jaehyun in a fight.”
“Good point,” he mumbles, releasing you reluctantly. With a final forlorn wave, he turns and heads out your front door. You turn your attention to Jeno, who’s just come downstairs with his stuff.
“Bye, Jeno,” you say, waving at him. To your surprise, he steps forward and wraps one arm around the small of your back, squeezing gently. He releases you relatively quickly, earning a satisfied hum from Jaehyun, and lifts up his cat carrier holding Edgar.
“Say bye, Edgar!” Jeno urges gently, cut off by the loud mewl from Edgar’s carrier.
“Bye, Edgar, baby.” you coo fondly, sticking your index finger through one of the spaces to stroke the cat’s nose. He rubs his face against your finger and you retract it, pleased. Jeno turns and heads after Haechan, pausing at the doorway when he sees Renjun coming down.
“Bye, Renjun!” you chirp, waving at the male, who waves back with a smile and follows after Jeno and Haechan.
“See you later, guys,” he bids you goodbye, heading out the front door with Jeno. The front door shuts and Jaehyun heaves a sigh of relief, pulling you closer with his fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“Can we go upstairs now?” Jaehyun asks, and you pat his chest comfortingly.
“No. Mark and Minhee didn’t leave yet.” you remind him, and Jaehyun grumbles indistinctly under his breath. Thankfully, Minhee and Mark aren’t far behind, both of them coming down the stairs shortly after Jaehyun’s finished complaining.
“Bye, guys,” Minhee says, waving at Jaehyun and hesitating in front of you. You tentatively open your arms out for a hug, which she graciously accepts, stepping into your open embrace. “Sorry for complicating things between you and Jaehyun.” she mumbles into your shoulder, and you chuckle quietly.
“It’s okay. Sorry for being so, well, like that at first.” you apologize, and she waves you off when you both pull away from the hug. 
“Can’t blame you.” She laughs, waving once more in goodbye before leaving out the front door. 
“Mark,” you sigh when he pulls you into a tight hug. “Gonna miss you.”
“We’ll FaceTime when I get home, yeah?” Mark asks, and you nod, smiling.
“Sounds good.”
“I’m gonna miss you, too.” Mark murmurs, releasing you. Turning to Jaehyun, he nods at him, your boyfriend mirroring the gesture before Mark heads out the front door to where his other roommates are standing, waiting for him.
“It’s kinda sad, isn’t it?” you muse softly as you watch them leave, the door shutting behind them. “It’s like the end of an era.”
“It’s been, like, six weeks.” Jaehyun snorts, and you pinch his side, making him chuckle.
“It’s just—like—this probably sounds silly, but I feel like it’s gonna be hard to get used to—like, being back on campus and all, not seeing you guys literally all the time.”
“It’s not silly, baby,” he assures you, pulling you into a warm hug and kissing the crown of your head. “In a way, the quarantine is actually what even got us together.”
“Yeah, who knows when you would’ve gotten the courage to confess?” you joke, and he squeezes around your waist until you squeak in surrender.
“I would’ve done it eventually!” he protests, and you pull back from the hug to stare at him with an eyebrow raised in disbelief. “I would’ve!”
“Okay, Jae.” you hum, tucking your head back against his chest before sighing loudly.
“What are you sighing about?” he chuckles.
“I’m kinda bored.” 
“I know what might make you feel better,” Jaehyun says with an audible smile. “We can watch a movie or a show and eat snacks or something.”
You pause to think as he gently sways you both from side to side. “Yeah! That sounds good,” you agree, looking at him with a smile.
Jaehyun leans in and presses his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, humming pleasantly before he pulls back.
“I gotta take care of something really fast, but meet me in my room?” you suggest, and he nods, releasing you and heading towards the kitchen. 
“What are you gonna do?” he asks curiously.
“My skincare routine,” you announce proudly, and he snickers fondly, turning back from the open cabinets to look at you.
“You’re so cute.”
“Thanks.” You smile.
Jaehyun frowns. “Where’s my compliment?”
“You’re not too bad, I guess.” you say lightly, and he narrows his eyes at you.
“You little—”
“Gotta go!” 
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“Okay, I’m all done with my elaborate skin care routine,” you announce proudly, feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Jaehyun’s lying on your bed, looking nothing short of inviting, and raises an eyebrow suggestively.
“Oh, yeah?” he asks, and you nod with a smile. “Great. Now come here so I can kiss it off.”
“And ruin all of my hard work?” you gasp, pretending to be scandalized. He grins widely and wiggles both eyebrows, sitting up and leaning forward towards you.
“Exactly. Come here.” he wets his lips and you narrow your eyes playfully, shaking your head and sitting on the edge of the bed as far away from him as you can get.
“You stay back.” you warn him, and he chuckles mischievously. Your next warning is cut off when he grabs your sides and drags you over to lie beside him, your shriek of surprise ringing throughout the room. “Don’t!” you whine when he moves on top of you, cupping your face in his hands and pressing lingering, sloppy kisses to your cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips. 
Try as you might, you can’t stop the tickled peals of laughter that escape you, Jaehyun’s chuckling only growing until he pulls back, his smile bright and mirroring your own.
“I’ve done my job, I think.” Jaehyun murmurs, satisfied as he lies back down beside you. 
“Yeah, whatever,” you grumble, your smile feeling stuck to your face. “Pass the remote?” you say, pointing at the nightstand next to the side of the bed Jaehyun’s on, and he turns to look just a bit too slowly for your liking. “Never mind,” you chuckle, pressing a hand on his chest and leaning over him to grab it. 
Jaehyun’s nose presses into your cheek and he hums pleasantly before—
You freeze, turning to look at him in surprise. “Did you just sniff my face?” 
“It smells good,” he defends as you settle back into your spot. “It smells sweet and—”
“Girly? Like Haechan said?” you snicker, and he nods, bringing his face to yours again and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Sniff me again and I’m leaving.”
“We’re in your room.” Jaehyun points out before locking his legs around yours and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Plus, you’re not stronger than me.” He squeezes you as if to prove his point, and you squeak from the pressure, pinching his thigh until he loosens his grip. “So you’re stuck here.”
“I’ll bite you until you let me go.” you counter.
Jaehyun snorts. “What if I’m into that?”
“Look, you sniff-happy weirdo,” you say, poking him lightly in the chest, “the only thing stopping me from leaving is that I don’t want to leave.”
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” he teases, and you huff.
“I wanna spend time with you.” you mutter begrudgingly, and he stills, looking at you in barely concealed surprise. “Yeah, I said it. Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” His voice is soft, insistent like he’s leading into something. 
“All…” Lovesick, you want to say. “Sappy.”
“Maybe I’m a sappy guy.” He takes the comment in stride and you can’t help but smile. “You’re dating a sappy guy, so what does that make you?”
“The girlfriend of a sappy guy,” you say stubbornly. “I am no sap.”
“Sure, Miss ‘Cried When I Confessed To Her.’”
“I teared up! I did not cry!” 
“The movie!” You cut him off with a small groan and a laugh. “Can we watch it now, please?” 
“Fine,” he says, seeming to give in, and you smile, pleased, and select the movie, pressing the play button. “Remind me why I let you talk me into watching a cheerleading movie?”
“It’s not cheerleading,” you correct him. “It’s gymnastics. Stick It is a classic! And you let me talk you into it because you like me.” you finish proudly, and he laughs, pulling you into his embrace and patting his chest in invitation for you to rest your head.
“Okay, baby. You have a point.”
You lift your head back up to see him better. “What, about it being a classic?”
“No, about me liking you.”
“Well, you’re in luck.” You smile innocently.
“Why’s that?”
“Because I like you too.” you answer simply, resting your head on his chest again. He kisses the crown of your head.
“I do feel pretty lucky right now.”
A knock on the door startles you and you look at the door with furrowed brows.
“Come in!” you call, and Jaemin opens the door, standing there sheepishly. “Oh, hey, Jaemin.” 
“Hey,” he draws out the syllable, making you raise an eyebrow suspiciously. 
“What do you need?”
“Who says I need anything?” he squawks defensively, and you snort.
“Hey,” Jaehyun copies Jaemin’s earlier greeting. “You don’t do that unless you want something.”
“Well—I—” Jaemin splutters, finding no words in his defense as his eyes drift to the television. “Hey, are you guys watching Stick It?”
“Yep,” you answer, and his face lights up as he inches closer to the bed.
“Can—can I watch with you?” he asks hopefully.
You and Jaehyun look at each other, then at Jaemin, then back at each other. 
“Sure,” you say.
“Yes!” he cheers, turning on his heel and heading out the room.
“Wh—where are you going?” you ask, confused.
“To get snacks and see if the other guys want to watch, too.” he says excitedly, and you open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out at first. 
“This wasn’t a group invitation—”
“Do you guys wanna watch Stick It?” Jaemin calls into the hallway and all you hear are doors opening and footsteps before all three of your other roommates stand in your doorway.
“I—we didn’t mean—” you start, but with the pleasant smiles on their faces, you can’t bring yourself to do it, just sighing instead. “Okay. “
“I’ll get more snacks!” Jungwoo exclaims, heading downstairs. Johnny says something about blankets and disappears down the hall. 
Jaemin climbs on the bed and snuggles up next to you, grinning. 
“Just like old times,” he sighs happily, and you pat his hand comfortingly.
“Just like old times.”
“So then the head of the newspaper decided I should write the article on quarantine and how it affected our community.” Minhee says excitedly, and you smile widely as you two walk towards the campus center.
“That’s great, Minhee!” you say sincerely, nudging her with your shoulder. After quarantine, you and Minhee got to texting, much to Jaehyun’s confusion, and ended up hitting it off, becoming fairly good friends. “You’re gonna do great, I’m sure.”
“Thanks,” she replies with a bashful smile. 
“No problem. You know what I’m really craving right now?” you muse, tapping your chin for emphasis.
“No,” Minhee answers, dragging out the syllable curiously. “What is it?”
“Tacos.” You nod resolutely. “I think I read that they’re available in the food hall today, and I hope I’m not wrong.”
“Ooh, I could go for tacos,” Minhee sighs with a dreamy smile.
You open your mouth to reply, but scream instead when someone covers your eyes from behind. 
“Unhand me!” you yell dramatically, and a familiar snicker sounds out from behind you. “Oh.” you mumble, turning to face Jaehyun, who drops his hands, with eyes narrowed into a playful glare. “Just you.”
“Just me?” Jaehyun says indignantly, falling into step with you and Minhee and throwing an arm over your shoulders. “Just your boyfriend?”
“Was I supposed to dramatically swoon into your arms?” you ask with a small grin, and he nods, huffing playfully. “I‘ll keep that in mind for next time.” 
“You’d better.” he grumbles, pinching your ass and grinning when you yelp. “Hey, Minhee.”
“Hey, Jaehyun.” she says with a smile. “Did you just get out of class?”
“Yep. Ran into Mark, but he said he had something to do before he headed to the food hall.”
“Yeah, he’s talking to a professor, I think. We can just save him a spot.” you suggest. 
“Who’s gonna save me a spot?” you hear a familiar voice from behind you and you whirl around immediately, trying not to tackle the owner of said voice to the ground. “Missed you,” Seungyeon says happily, hugging you tightly.
“I missed you so much,” you echo with a touched smile. “I feel like everything is working out so well for me.”
“You’re a lucky girl.” Seungyeon says, nudging you with her shoulder and gesturing with her chin towards Jaehyun, who is distracted and in his own conversation with Minhee. “So, that finally happened, huh?”
“Yeah,” you confirm, nodding with a small, bashful smile. “Quarantine changed a lot, actually.”
“Tell me about it,” she chuckles humorlessly. “We’re kicking one of our roommates out now.” She nods in confirmation when your jaw drops in surprise.
“No way. Tell me everything.”
“I will debrief you during lunch,” Seungyeon promises. “I am seriously craving tacos.”
“Me too!” 
As the four of you continue walking to the student center, Jaehyun links his pinky with yours and you squeeze back gently, your heart feeling warm and full. 
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ta da! i hope you enjoyed! this is the final part of the series except for the final “ask the characters” segment :) friendly reminder that i do take tips !! the link is in my pinned post, and you’re not obligated, but i would really appreciate it! 
this is dedicated to @renjunfocus​, who is basically the main reason why i finished this to begin with !!
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travlersjoy444 · 1 year
2012 Donnie with a secret human friend who he gets caught hanging out with by one of his brothers? I
Hm, good idea
'Cuz We Need Secrets
2012 Donatello x reader
It's pretty platonic, but one could read it as like an early stage of friends to lovers if they want to. In the text though it doesn't go anywhere past friendship. It's in Don's POV, and Donnie gets he/they pronouns. The reader's gender/pronouns aren't mentioned as per usual.
Work count: 3.1k
Warnings: Light angst, the age-old 2012 Donnie vs insecurity conflict, light swearing, a mentioned past crush on April
  Donatello Hamato had not meant to befriend another human. Honestly, April and Casey were plenty as it was. More than plenty, actually, in Casey’s case sometimes. 
  In fact, they hadn’t even meant to befriend you in the first place, actually.
  And yet here he was, sneaking you into the lair at three in the morning. 
  Hey, it wasn’t his fault that you were curious, and as a man of science, curiosity was something he highly encouraged!
  “Ooh-kay, so you really weren’t joking about the ‘living in a sewer’ thing, huh?” you whistled, sounding more fascinated than judgemental as he opened the manhole cover. “I’ll admit it Dee, I almost believe you about the ninja thing now.”
  He rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Oh yeah, ‘cause it’s the ninja-ing that’s unbelievable, not the mutant turtle thing.”
  “Look, it’s New York! Mutant reptiles are a dime a dozen, bro. Ever seen Godzilla?” you teased.
  Donnie snorted. “That takes place in Tokyo, actually.”
  “Eh, it’s a big city. Same difference.” you said with a shrug, sticking your hands in your pockets casually- as if talking to a giant talking turtle was something completely normal for you.
  Eh, he supposed it was, at this point. But he also knew for a fact that you had not been this chill when he first met you… But then again. That one was kinda on them, seeing as they were the one who showed up in your house unprompted.
  (It hadn’t been personal! He’d needed a hiding place and your window had been open! You were basically asking for a mutant turtle teen to break in.)
  (And apparently, he had basically been asking for a human teenager to hit him with a frying pan. Okay, he had maybe deserved that one.)
  (Nonetheless, it had all worked out and you guys were buddies now! Yaaaay!)
  “-onnie? Don? Don-tron? Dee, ya there?” you said, waving a hand in front of his face, effectively snapping him out of exposition mode. 
  “-huh? Oh, right, sewers, yeah.” Donnie grinned sheepishly. “Me first or you first?”
  “Oh you, definitely. If there’s like, a sewer monster down there, I’d prefer to not be the one mauled by it.” you said definitively. 
  Donnie bit their tongue to keep from making a comment about how technically he was a sewer monster. He didn’t want you to think of him as a monster, regardless of how lighthearted the context was. 
  Honestly, it was so nice how you just treated them like a normal person- not that April didn’t, but y’know, she was…April. And he was a sewer monster. 
  Okay, that sentence didn’t make much sense: What he meant was that…April had already basically good as rejected him- whether because she genuinely didn’t like him or because he was a giant talking turtle, he had no clue. And he wasn’t even sure if April herself knew either.
  So having you, a cool as shell human teenager who didn’t owe them your life (or at least not any more so than the rest of New York), like him and enjoy their company, made him want to scream in excitement. 
  Not that they would do that, obviously. That would be-um- really embarrassing! 
  So, shaking his head, he said “Sure, I’ll use my ninja-ing on any sewer monsters we happen to come across.” 
  “Aw, my hero.” you smiled, clasping your hands dramatically.
  “Anytime.” he said, hoping they didn’t sound too awkward as he began to climb down the ladder. You followed him down, landing on the ground a few seconds after him. 
  “So am I gonna meet your brothers?” you said, looking around the tunnel curiously.
  Donnie snorted. “Absolutely not, they’d kill me. Or, alternatively, they’d tell my dad who would then kill me.” (Or alternatively to the alternatively, you’d find them all much much cooler than Donatello. And then you’d be everyone’s friend instead of just his. Not that you weren’t allowed to have other friends, obviously, but still…he kinda liked being your favorite mutant turtle, if that made any sense?) 
  “Ooh, rule breaking. Sweet.” you said, sounding slightly nervous yet somehow relaxed. He did not even slightly understand how you managed that.
  “Your family won’t like…murder me if I met them…right? Um, not because of the mutant thing, but because of the whole um…secret ninja thing.” you continued.
  “No. Um. Maybe Raph would, but probably not- If anything, they’d be scared of you murdering me.” Donnie chuckled, leading you down the subway tunnel.
  “Oh. I mean. I am entering your home secretly in the dead of night, so it…may not be entirely unfounded?” you shrugged. “But then again. Your home is a sewer, so I think that’s one point on the ‘Donnie is more likely to murder me than vice-versa’ scorecard.”
  Donnie snorted. “Oh yeah, and the ‘being a scary mutant’ part is just normal?”
  You shrugged. “The scarier part was when you showed up on my fire escape completely unannounced that one time.”
  Donnie cringed at the mental image of Donnie-of-almost-a-year-ago. “I’m sorry about that again, I thought it was normal!”
  You chuckled, patting his shell. “It’s fine dude, really. It’s hilarious in retrospect, actually, and let’s face it- you’re way too fun for me to stay mad at.”
  “Oh- you think so?” Donnie grinned. “Thanks.”
  “Although on the topic of mutants…um…really quick question, and you don’t have to answer, but…um….I’ve wondered this forever, but keep forgetting to ask you until now…” Eguh boy, here we go.
  Donnie frowned. “Um…go on?”
  “Does the space behind your shell ever itch and then you’re like. Unable to scratch it or reach it?” you said in one breath, looking slightly embarrassed as if you were asking something incredibly personal and maybe offensive.
  Donnie blinked, trying their best not to laugh.
  “Oh okay cool. That’s good. That’s important. I’m happy for you.” you said, nodding.
  “It’s like how it doesn’t itch under your fingernails, y’know?” Donnie chuckled.
  “Huh. I guess that makes sense.” you said thoughtfully.
  “Oh, here we are!” Donnie said, smiling as you stepped towards the turnstiles. “Lair sweet lair.”
  You whistled. “Pretty neat! So this is where the secret science stuff happens?”
  “Actually, that’s over here.” he said, waving proudly at the garage door by the entrance. 
  “Wooooah! You’ve got a sick personal lab?!” you grinned, stepping inside. “Oooh and it’s all purple too? I love this!”
  “Ooh let’s keep the volume down and- oh my gosh, you think so?! Thanks! It’s mostly stuff I stole- um I mean found- from that old military junkyard, but uh hey! At least it’s purple!” they rambled, tossing their bo from hand to hand.
  “There is no way that that’s legal,” you said, wandering around the lab. “Which just makes this all so much cooler, of course.”
  “You could come with me next time!” …Idiot! “Um- if you want, obviously, no pressure-” he backpedaled. 
  “No, that sounds fantastic. I’d love to accompany you to the junkyard.” you said sincerely, before pausing. “....Woah….hey Dee, what’s with the um…organs in a tube?” you said.
  Donnie winced. Of course. “Oh…that’s Timothy.”
  “...Timothy.” you repeated. “Care to…y’know, elaborate?”
  Donnie swallowed. “I still feel pretty awful about him…he was some human that wanted to become a vigilante, and um…got himself mutated.” they sighed, staring at the glowing remains. “I’m trying to turn him back, make a retromutagen…but um…I haven’t had any luck yet.” he finished glumly.
  “Jeez.” you said softly. “That is…pretty brutal.”
  “Yeah…” Donnie shrugged. “Um…yeah. I wish there was more I could do for him. Mostly I wish I had done a better job of stopping him…poor guy wasn’t too bright, but he definitely doesn’t deserve this…”
  You patted them on the shoulder. “Hey, knowing you, you probably did your best, Dee.”
  “Well, I certainly tried, but…I dunno. I should have tried harder.” he sighed, leaning into your shoulder pat that had somehow morphed into a side-hug. 
  “Well if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that you do your best Don. And plus, you’re working on that retromutagen, so hey! Maybe Timothy will be Timothy again someday, right?” you smiled.
  “Yeah…” Donnie said, smiling half-heartedly. “Well…sorry about this, I’m being such a downer, huh?”
  “Hey, s’okay! And Dee…I dunno much about chemistry, but if there’s anything I can do to help, lemme know, okay? Like anything. Even just bringing you snacks. I’m great at snacks.” you grinned.
  “Really?” they smiled, more sincerely this time. “Gee (Y/N). That’d be great, actually- I have this bad habit where I forget to eat when I’m working, so that might actually help a lot to be honest! Man, you’re the best.” he grinned.
  “I know, I know.” you said, tossing your hair. “Everyone says so- and I mean like, yeah no I totally get it, I am so cool.”
  “Hey, you know what, I’ll believe it.” Donnie chuckled. “You’re definitely pretty c-”
  “Hey Donnie, ya mind telling me why you’re all cozied up with a human?”
  Donnie froze. 
  Uh oh.
  “I think I was too loud.” you mouthed, eyes wide.
  Donnie slowly turned around to see a short turtle with a cracked plastron and a look in his eyes that gave Donnie a very bad feeling.
  “Hi Raph.” they squeaked.
  “Hi Raph.” you echoed, waving weakly.
  Raph narrowed his eyes, glaring at Donnie. “...So you finally get a partner and then keep it secret?” he smirked. “Come on Don! I promised I’d stop calling you sad-dorable!”
  Donnie blinked, flustered. “N-no Raph, (Y/N)’s not my partner-”
  “Sad-dorable?” you grinned, staring at Raph. “That’s…that’s pretty good, actually!”
  “Right?! Mikey and Leo just said it was ‘unempathetic’- see Don, your partner gets it!” Raph grinned, prodding Donnie’s shoulder.
  “Speaking of Leo.” said a new voice.
  This time, both Raph and Donnie looked nervous. “Uh…heya, Fearless.” said Raph awkwardly, glancing over his shoulder.
  “What the heck are you two doing with a human at three in the morning?!” Leo exclaimed, looking incredibly done with his siblings’ crap. “God forbid a guy get any rest around here…”
  “Aw shuddup Leo, you weren’t asleep.” Raph scoffed.
  Leo suddenly looked a bit nervous. “Sure I was.”
  “No, you were writing-”
  “-I was writing a short story!” Leo said unconvincingly.
  “Yeah, aka Captain Ryan x reader fanfiction.” Raph said flatly. 
  “Shut up Raphael.” Leo mumbled, blushing. Donnie resisted the urge to laugh in favor of stepping in front of you protectively.
  “So what, has the whole lair decided to show up in my lab tonight?” Donnie said, rolling his eyes.
  “Go back to bed Mikey.” they sighed, not even having to turn around to know that their youngest brother was there now too. “Actually, all of you, just go back to bed. Please.”
  “Not fair, I wanna meet your secret lover!” Mikey groaned.
  “-Friend! We are friends!” Donnie exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration. “(Y/N) is my secret friend because you guys feel the need to drag our friends into the stupid ninja nonsense, and last time that happened, look what it did to Timothy!” they yelled.
  Maybe they were exaggerating a bit. But he didn’t want you to get inevitably wrapped up in the world of aliens and mutants, and being around their brothers was a surefire way of ending up in it. 
  And on a more selfish note, maybe Donnie liked having one friend that was just his. Raph had Casey, Mikey had Renet, Leo had Karai, and Donnie…well, arguably there was April, but then, she thought of him as a repulsive sewer monster. 
  Maybe, as selfish as it was, Donnie wanted to have just one friend who liked him more than their brothers. 
  Raph, Leo, and Mikey stared at him. You also stared at him.
  Donnie blinked, slowly lowering his hands. He swallowed. “Um. So. Yeah.”
  Mikey raised his hand, but didn’t bother waiting to be called on. “Casey didn’t end up like the Pulverizer, and he’s friends with us!”
  Raph shrugged. “Well yeah, but to be fair, Casey’s also kinda like a roach. I’m pretty sure he’s impossible to kill.”
  You raised your hand like Mikey had. “Um, for the record, I don’t think I’ll be falling into a vat of mutagen any time soon. It’s ah…y’know, not exactly on the agenda.”
  Donnie sighed, staring at the ground. “I know, I know…but like…What if. What if something happens and I can’t save you. What then? (Y/N), you mean a lot more to me personally than Timothy- I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt because of us.” they whispered.
  Leo sighed. “It’s dangerous, yeah. We can’t deny that. But Dee…you didn’t have to keep it secret either.”
  Raph coughed something that sounded like ‘Karai’, and Leo shot him a glare. 
  “We both know that was different.” he hissed.
  “Cough- hypocrite- cough-” Raph continued.
  You snorted. “I mean…well Dee, they know now, y’know? I don’t really plan on dealing with your ninja stuff, but if it makes ya feel any better, I took a bunch of martial arts classes a couple years ago. Obviously I’m not a freaking ninja, which is very cool and I believe you now by the way, but like…y’know, I can fight decently.”
  “Oh yeah? Wanna spar?” said Raph, grinning.
  “Not at three in the morning.” you dismissed.
  “Maybe tomorrow though.” you coughed.
  “Nice.” Raph smirked, cracking his knuckles.
  “Really?” Donnie said flatly.
  “Uhm if Donnie’s not cool with it then I guess we can’t.” you said bluntly, giving Don a look.
  Donnie sighed. He did kinda sound like a jerk, huh? “Whatever.” he said finally, fidgeting with their staff strap. “So um. Surprise, I guess. We’ve got a new friend!” they said, trying to smile at his brothers.
  You stared at him for a second longer before Leo, who had looked kinda tired and ambivalent the whole time, suddenly jolted towards you. “Oh my god is that a SPACE HEROES SHIRT?!” he exclaimed.
  You grinned. “Yeah! You like Space Heroes?!” 
  “Are you KIDDING? I love Space Heroes!” he squealed, bouncing up and down in a very Mikey-esque way. “Donnie I take it all back, your friend is amazing.”
  Donnie gave a strained smile. “...Yup.”
  Mikey gave him a look this time as he stepped away from the group. “Hey brah, are you…jelly?” 
  …At least he had the courtesy to whisper.
  “What makes you say that?” Donnie mumbled.
  “Well I mean…instead of like, being happy about your friend being like, friendly and bonding with us, you’re like…mad, dude.” Mikey said, poking them in the cheek. “Lookit that scowl bro! It says things, dude.”
  “Is it that obvious?” Donnie sighed, both annoyed and relieved that Mikey had noticed his frustration.
  “It’s pretty obvious, yup.”
  “Wanna talk about it?” Mikey said. 
  Now normally, a talk with Mikey meant a lotta joking and Mikey being purposely annoying. But something about the way Mikey sounded so earnest made Donnie say:
  “Eh…sure. (Y/N)’s busy, anyways.” 
  “C’mon, I gotta get my therapist boxers on.” Mikey said.
  “I’m already regretting this.” Donnie deadpanned. “Since when does ‘Dr. Prankenstein’ have a therapy license?”
  “Okay, okay man- no therapist boxers, I gotcha.” Mikey nodded, dragging Donnie to the far corner of the lab, where they sat down against the wall. “So what’s scraping your shell, dude?”
  “Oh jeez. Please never say that again.”
  “Ya dodged the question, D-man. D-person. D-gender neutral term.” 
  “Well…I guess it’s just that…I don’t know. It’s kind of unfair of me, but…well, (Y/N)’s my friend. You guys have your friends, so why can’t I have one friend who’s just there for…me, y’know?” Donnie tried to explain, watching you chat animatedly with Raph and Leo. “Anyways, of course (Y/N)’s getting along with everyone. (Y/N)’s awesome…and Raph and Leo are cool and strong…and obviously I’m hypercompetent too, but they’re the A-team for a reason…so I guess it’s just…well, next to them, who would ever wanna hang out with me?” 
  Mikey stared at them. “Um…(Y/N), probably? I mean like…you guys’ve been friends like…waaaaay longer than (Y/N) and Raph or (Y/N) and Leo, brah. And anyways, lookit how (Y/N) keeps looking at you, dude! It’s ‘cause you’re being weird and your friend is worried ‘bout it, yanno?”
   Donnie snorted. “Sure.”
  “Hey (Y/N), if you become friends with us you won’t ditch Donnie here, right?” Mikey hollered.
  You raised an eyebrow. “...Wait, is that why you’re being weird, Don-tron?!”
  “No- I mean- Maybe, I mean- it’s stupid, really-” they rambled.
  “Yeah no that’s really fucking stupid.” you said.
  “Jeez Don, really?” Raph said. 
  “Not now dude, they’re dealin’ with brain stuff and…stuff.” Mikey said wisely, ushering Raph and Leo away.
  You shook your head, coming over to the corner. “I mean- dude, we’ve been besties for what, a year now? Ya really think I’d ditch you like that?” you grinned, holding out your hand to help them up.
  They took it hesitantly, smiling softly. “You mean…I’m your best friend?”
  You nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I’d say so.”
  “Oh.” he said, squeezing your hand. “I uh…didn’t know that. You’re mine, obviously, I just didn’t think I was yours.” they murmured, suddenly overcome with a weird, sweet emotion that he wasn’t quite sure how to describe. 
  “I can still befriend your brothers, dude…they’re cool. I like your family. But I like you best, so you don’t needa get all insecure on me, doofus.” you smiled. “And if you're still worried about safety, then you should teach me how to make cool weapons. Because not only would that be metal as fuck, but it would also be a great excuse to hang out with you.”
  Donnie laughed. “Sure!”
  There was a beat of silence, and Donnie glanced at you. “But um…I’m really sorry about tonight, (Y/N). I was…well, am being kind of a jerk, huh? Eugh. Sorry.”
  You shrugged. “I mean yeah, but like, you talked it through and now we both are closer for it, right? And besides- meeting your brothers was awesome. But between the two of us, my favorite part of tonight has been hanging with you, you dork.”
  Donnie grinned. “Same.”
  You smiled at them again, and squeezed their hand one more time. “Ready to go face the others?”
  “Ohhh boy, I should probably apologize to them too, huh?” Donnie winced, pushing the garage door open.
  “Eh, I mean sure. Why not-”
  But it was not their brothers who were waiting outside.
  “Why is there a stranger in the lair? And more importantly- WHY ARE ALL MY CHILDREN OUT OF BED?” exclaimed Splinter, emerging from the shadows.
  Oh no.
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diremoone · 6 months
4 am | f. toji
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w — non-curses! au, periods, mentions of blood and severe cramps and everything that goes with having a period haha. this is short sorry; this is total flop material but I need it outta my drafts 🤣
a/n: it’s that time of the month again lmaoo. I’ve had this in my drafts for two months. i need to make a masterlist for all my period-comfort fics now 😂
[ divider credit to @/firefly-graphics ]
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You’re already out of the bedroom and probably downstairs by the time Toji’s able to blink the blurriness from his vision. You turn from one side to the other, then just shoot up out of bed — that’s what initially wakes the man — before disappearing.
Toji’s eyes turn to the door, then to the clock, 4 in the damn morning. He then looks to the ceiling as he groans and lifts himself up. Holy fuck I don’t want to be awake, he thinks. But you’re awake, and he doesn’t like the way you left the room because he knows something isn’t right with you.
Toji blinks a few times and shakes his head free of sleep (as much as he can anyway). It’s a slow trek to the living room, but once he gets there, he sighs. You’re sitting on the floor, legs curled up to you as your upper half rests against the couch. You don’t raise your head from your arms on the cushion as he sighs.
“I’d ask if you were okay,” he says, “but you clearly don’t look it.”
“Mmmnnnn, nope,” you mumble. He’s just barely able to hear it. “Feel like a tired, smoldering pile of shit.”
Toji almost laughs. He coughs behind his hand, enough to tell you he was holding back laughter.
“Come on,” he then sighs. “At least lay on the couch. You’re not helping your back.”
“I’d rather have a stiff back than these cramps. Fuck off.”
He snorts. He leaves you be, only to return a few moments later with a heating pad, some crackers, and a bottle of water. You almost say ‘thank you’… until he turns around and walks back into the kitchen.
“Ass…” you mumble.
You close your eyes and climb up onto the couch and curl up against the armrest. You hear Toji in the kitchen, glass, metal, plastic, and pans clinking all together as he worked on whatever he was working on. As curious as you were, you didn’t want to bother him. You weren’t even sure you had the energy to hold conversation.
You assume twenty minutes pass. You almost begin to doze off when Toji’s deep voice speaks to you and wakes you up. You blink in surprise, then are surprised even more when you see what is on the coffee table: pancakes and sausages, lemonade in a tall glass.
“It’s what I know will help,” he says. The man sits on the ground and pats his leg. “Come here.”
You gaze down at him tiredly, a small fatigued but happy smile on your lips. You settle into his lap, and as his warmth hits your back and hot hands over the front of your tummy where your uterus would be, you moan loudly as relief settles over your body.
Toji, however, let’s a frown cover his face at the feeling of all of your tension leaving your body, finally relaxing against his own. He almost cusses in shock, but bites his tongue as you begin to slowly eat the pancakes and sausage he’s made for you.
You won’t eat it all, he knows this. You lose your appetite whenever your personal monthly hell rolls around. But—
“Thank you, Toji.”
—whatever he can do to make you feel better, especially with the newfound realization of how much tension your period can cause, he’ll do it without hesitation.
(Just don’t confront him directly or try to tease him about it, unless you want him to ban you from his kisses and/or cuddles.)
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theharddeck · 2 months
your love is the love i need || chapter 4/4
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pairing: javy machado x femme reader (no y/n), callsign Cross
summary: Javy keeps his promise to feed and fuck Cross.
warnings: 18+, minors please DNI – y'all know who and how I am, so we have dirty talk, explicit PiV sex, f!receiving oral sex, overstimulation, truly just a smidge of body insecurity (like not even a full paragraph, just the natural ramifications of existing in the same space as Javy Machado), i don't even know the tag/tropey name for it, but he's too big/some discomfort/some coaching to fit? size kink of course follows, but that defs happens.
length: 6.7k
A/N: took me approx 900 years to finish it BUT WE DID IT thank you to everyone who cheered for, beta-ed, sent HCs, sent vibes, or anything else to make this fic happen. i'm so glad we all fell so hard for this version of Javy; I just adore him.
chapter one / chapter two / chapter three
The day seemed to last forever. 
Jake flew especially recklessly, Mav took personal offense at that, and everyone suffered the consequences. Hours of drills led to hours of debriefing, followed by exhausted locker-room showers and when you finally, finally, made it off base, you were almost too tired to remember Javy’s promise. 
Tonight, after I’ve fed you…
You were cooking asparagus on the stove, and you snuck a glance at Javy, melting butter in a pan beside you. He’d followed you back from the base, and looked seventy different kinds of handsome, standing in your kitchen. An apron was stretched across his chest, covering his turtleneck and slacks, and you were glad you’d changed into a pretty dress. It wasn’t how you normally dressed off base, but you liked the contrast the two of you made–dressed fancy, barefoot in the kitchen, cooking. 
Every now and then, one of you would move past the other, and the lingering touches let you know you were both excited about the night. 
Dinner came together quickly – gnocchi and asparagus in browned butter and sage, and Javy made a show out of pulling out your chair for you. You pressed your lips together, trying to quell the sappy smile that threatened to overtake your face. Who pulled out chairs anymore?? Javy did – Javy who’d brought groceries, who looked like a GQ cover model, who listened when you spoke and made you feel like there was no place he’d rather be. 
A part of you had wondered if there’d be any lingering awkwardness after this morning, but that hadn’t been the case. You’d just fallen into a rhythm of being near each other that felt so natural, and you’d be nervous it was too-perfect, if you didn’t trust Javy so much. 
After dinner, you slipped into the living room to change the vinyl in the record player, and a moment later, you heard the tap in the kitchen. 
When you came back into the kitchen, Javy was standing at the sink, doing dishes like it was natural. 
“We can use the dishwasher,” you protested, feeling bad that he’d essentially made you dinner while you boiled water for vegetables, but he just shook his head. 
“Won’t take long,” Javy shrugged. “Might as well, you know?”
So of course, you grabbed a dishtowel. 
And this was the dangerous part: doing dishes. Because it didn’t feel like a date, it felt like everything you wanted. Because nights out were glamorous, but someone to clean a kitchen with? Someone who’d bump his elbow against yours, just to make sure you knew he was there, was curious how you were doing. You thought of what he’d said this morning, before everything, about how perfect waking up had been, and you shook your head at him, when he handed you the last plate. 
“I need you to ruin it,” you told him. 
Javy frowned, confused. “Ruin what?”
“Tonight,” you said. “It’s literally the perfect first date, and it’s setting impossible expectations.”
Javy grinned, a lazy smile that was just shy of proud. “Perfect, huh?”
You couldn’t even give him a hard time; it had been. You handed him the towel to dry his hands and started moving around the kitchen to put away plates. 
You didn’t hear him move, but after you’d put the glasses back in their cabinet, he was right behind you when you turned around. One of his warm hands closed around yours, and he pulled you into the middle of the room, shuffling slightly, and the music from the record player filtered into the room, now that the sink wasn’t running, and dishes weren’t clattering. As Jake Isaac sang about waking up to forever, you smiled against the front of Javy’s sweater. 
“This is the opposite of ruining it,” you said into the cashmere, and his chest shook as he chuckled. 
“That was kind of the point,” he said, his voice a soft rumble. 
Of course he was a dance-in-the-kitchen person. 
It wasn’t the most elegant, but it was sweet and gentle, and you loved that he’d made this moment for you both. After the frantic intensity of the morning, after the grueling longevity of the day, after the classic romance of dinner, this was just the perfect nightcap. 
The song faded into another, and Javy spun you slightly in his arms. You smiled to yourself when he twirled you back into him, you back to his front, his arms wrapping around you like a hug. It was the kind of dance that made you feel like you were on a film set in the 40s, all glamorous and elegant, despite what the stars of the time looked like. You swayed together, arms crossed in front of your chest, and you felt his head lower to rest his temple against the side of your face. 
The record faded, and Javy spinned you back. You went out, following his lead, and when he pulled you back to him, the kitchen was quiet as you stood facing each other. You tilted your head, looking up at him. So handsome, so perfectly beautiful, in the dim under cabinet lights. 
He stepped closer to you, moving slow because he was a tease and knew how close desire was lingering under the surface for both of you. His long fingers curled around the back of your neck, prompting you to come closer to him, and you did. He smiled just before he kissed you, something like relief in his eyes, and you understood when his lips brushed over yours.
He kissed you gently, like he was determined to enjoy it, like this was the indulgence he wanted for the night. You felt another hand settle on your jaw as he cradled your face, like you were precious, and your hand slid over the soft material of his turtleneck, resting on his chest. It felt like a fairy tale kiss, romantic and sepia-toned, and you loved it.  
When you broke apart, you were only breathing slightly harder than normal, it’d been that sweet. You looked up at him, your lips tingling and your heart beating fast, and you knew it was time–you wanted good on that promise. 
You weren’t sure what your expression looked like, but whatever Javy read on it had him pulling you back in. 
This kiss was different– charged, hungry. When Javy’s tongue swept over your bottom lip, you opened for him, and he hummed in approval. He deepened the kiss with a confidence that had your head spinning, and your hands crept up from his chest to smooth over his shoulders. His had fallen to your waist, and his big hands were holding you tight to him, and you loved that you could feel how close he wanted you. 
You didn’t break the kiss, but you did step back, pulling him with you. Javy followed you automatically, and you felt his step falter when you took another, walking backwards. 
“You sure?” he asked, his voice a whisper against your lips, and you nodded instead of speaking. You wanted this, and him checking in only confirmed that. Your fingers twined together and he followed you to your room; when you pulled him, he sat on the edge of your bed. 
You liked him here, his soft eyes and broad body taking up space that you always thought of as yours. You stepped between his spread thighs, close as you could get to him, and Javy’s hands trailed up your legs. His touch was light, almost reverent, and goosebumps prickled in his wake, as his fingers traced higher. When his hands trailed unobstructed to your waist, his breath caught, and his fingers traced back over your hips, double checking, before Javy’s hands gripped your hips loosely. 
“Are you serious?” he whispered, his voice almost gruff, and when you tipped your head to the side, shrugging lightly, and Javy groaned. 
Not wearing panties had apparently been the move. 
His hands spanned from your hips to the curve of your ass, and Javy leaned up to nudge the neckline of your dress down with his nose. Your head tipped back as he pressed wet kisses over the upper curve of your breasts, his hands gripping you tightly, almost possessive. Before long you were squirming, entranced by his soft touches, but needing more. 
You reached back to unzip your dress and Javy stilled, sitting back. You tried not to be nervous, but when the zipper reached the bottom stop, you couldn’t make yourself move to push the dress off your shoulders. You had a decent amount of self confidence, but Javy was…Javy. The kind of perfect that wouldn’t show imperfections if he were on a billboard in Chelsea, much less in the muted light of your bedroom. 
You looked into his eyes, read the desire and admiration there, and you bit your lip, suddenly shy. Javy sat up straighter, pressing his mouth to yours in a reassuring kiss. He was so sweet, his mouth felt so good, and you felt his kiss reassuring you. 
“Let me see you, gorgeous,” he murmured, and you nodded, shaking your shoulders so the dress fell. Javy kissed you as the dress pooled over his hands, still gripping your ass like he couldn’t let go of it, and you felt the last of your worries melt away. He wasn’t here because he expected you to look a certain way, but because he wanted you, period. 
He let go of you to let the dress fall, and the moment it was over his hands, he pulled you closer to him. His mouth trailed down the edge of your bra, his tongue teasing under it to lap at your skin, each caress a promise. The feeling of his tongue over, around, through, the lace was maddening, and your hands gripped his shoulders. Javy kissed between your breasts, and then he kissed you over the bra. You clamped your lips shut to trap a whimper as you felt his tongue teasing you through the lace, and you reached back to undo your bra as well. 
“Beautiful,” Javy breathed, and then his mouth was on you again. His lips moved over your breasts and his hands tightened on your ass, and you felt every touch, ever caress. His tongue flicked over one of your nipples, and you squirmed, lifting your head to look down at him. 
His eyes were closed.
As he kissed you, as he felt you, Javy’s eyes were closed like he was lost in the pleasure of pleasuring you, and your desire ratcheted higher. His teeth scraped over your nipples, and you were ready for more.
“Jay,” you gasped, and he made a sound low in his chest, like approval. 
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” he asked, pulling back slightly to look up at you. Your heart flipped at the sight of him, his lips swollen from kissing you, his eyes hooded from his own desire.
You tried to think of a way to say ‘everything’ that wasn’t terribly cliche, but came up blank. Whatever was written on your face, Javy’s jaw clenched when he read it, and he smiled up at you. 
“Get on the bed then, yeah?” he said, and you scrambled to follow his ask. 
Javy stood up, pulling his sweater over his shoulders in a movement that looked like it should be in an Ambercrombie TV spot. You couldn’t believe this man was in your room, and you settled back against the comforter, 
“Jesus, baby,” Javy said, his voice lower than you’d heard it before, “What you do to me…” 
Your thighs pressed together tightly to hide your arousal, and how bad you needed him, just from some light petting and kisses. You didn’t even need to ask what he meant, you knew, and you felt the same. Javy undid his belt, holding eye contact as he pulled it from around his waist. 
You thought he’d crawl over you, but instead he closed a hand around your ankle, and pulled you. You squealed as he yanked you down the bed, and before you could register what he was doing, he’d knelt beside it, spreading your thighs around his head. 
“Been waiting all day for this,” he said quietly, more to himself than you, and you propped yourself on your elbows to look down at him. Not that he was looking at you, he was just staring at your cunt, spread before him, arousal pooling and he hadn’t even touched you. 
“Please, Javy,” you whispered, and his eyes fluttered, before flashing up to you. His lips spread in a smile, and he held your eyes as he leaned into you. His breath ghosted over you and your mouth dropped open, you were panting, near breathless in anticipation, and you still weren’t ready for when he touched you.
Your head fell back against the mattress as Javy licked you. A moment later you felt his hands on your thighs, pulling you apart and holding you in place as he practically drank from you. His tongue spread your folds, traced over you and your back arched when he found your clit. He moaned, sending vibrations through you, and you shivered. 
“Fuck, honey,” Javy said, “You taste so good.”
You moaned at his words, and a moment later he was back between your thighs. His tongue teased, stroked, pulled, and when he sucked, your body keened. His elbow pressed across your lower stomach, pining you to the bed, holding your thighs apart with his shoulders as he ate you out. He learned the caresses that you responded to, and then you were nothing but responsive. He licked and you trembled, he kissed and you whimpered, he sucked and you moaned. He had no right being this good, but he was better, and your hips grinded into his mouth, needing him. 
“Javy,” you cried, squirming when he didn’t let you move. 
“Need something, baby?” Javy teased, and your eyes rolled back at the thickness in his voice. 
“Want to come,” you whimpered. “Please, you feel so good–”
“Anytime you want, honey,” Javy soothed, his voice muffled by your pussy. God, how were you gonna get through drills with him, now that you knew how his voice sounded when he was swallowing your arousal. It was so hot, he was so hot, and you felt restless, desperate. 
“Jay,” you whimpered, and his hands shifted. They slid up your thighs, wrapping around the backs of your knees and he folded your legs back, pressing you into the mattress. 
He had you practically bent in half, a position more a testament to his strength than your flexibility, and you felt your core tightening at the absolute power he had over you. You moaned as his mouth closed over you again, slurping obscenely, like you were a feast spread out for him and he was starving. 
And he was drinking from you like this was for him. Like burying his face in your pussy was all he wanted, all he needed, and he was just as desperate for it as you were.
“Come for me, baby,” he mumbled into your cunt. “Let me taste it, been desperate for it since this morning, but now it’s mine, let me have it–”
His tongue and his words pushed you higher and when his mouth closed over your clit, sucking, you shattered. Your orgasm swept over you, thighs shaking, mewling sounds falling from your mouth and Javy fucking groaned into your cunt. 
“Fuck, honey, you taste so good,” he moaned. “So beautiful, such a pretty pussy, and you did so good for me...”
You were obsessed with how he sounded, how he felt and your orgasm ebbed into a tide of needing him, more of him. You reached for him as your head cleared, pushing him away from your still throbbing pussy, and pulling him up. 
God, you loved how his shoulders felt under your fingers. He was so warm, supple, and you knew how good his hugs were, but you were ready for another kind of embrace. You reached for his pants with shaking hands, and Javy chuckled at your enthusiasm before helping you. As his pants slid down his thighs, he reached for the pocket, but you stayed his hand. 
“I’m clean,” you said, your voice hoarser than you thought it’d be. Maybe you’d been making more noise than you thought. If the way Javy’s eyes darkened as he heard it were any indication, he liked how you sounded like this. 
“Me too,” he said, after a moment. 
“Then I don’t need that,” you said, lifting your chin at the slacks, and the condom presumably in a pocket somewhere, “if you don’t.”
You hadn’t realized much Javy was a creature of motion until the moment, when he went completely still. 
“You want me,” he said, his voice so fucking low, so hot, “bare inside your pussy?”
The temperature of the room shot up 15 degrees, you were absolutely sure of it. 
“Please,” was all you could manage, and then Javy tackled you. 
You would’ve laughed, but you were too distracted by how much of his warm body was covering yours. Strong arms, broad thighs, tight stomach, all pressed up against you, as his mouth found yours for an eager kiss. 
You tasted yourself on his tongue and you moaned into his mouth, your hands covering as much of his skin as you could reach. You felt his muscles ripple under your touch–shoulders, back, abs–as you smoothed over his body, trailing down to his boxers. 
After the amount of time he’d spent with your ass earlier, you figured it was only fair to return the favor. Your fingers snuck under the edge of his boxers, slid around to push them over his butt, squeezing experimentally as you did. Javy’s hips slammed forward at your caress and you both gasped. 
He felt huge. 
Maybe it was the angle, him over you, maybe it was the fact that he was between your thighs, but you were breathless at how he felt. You rolled your hips and you groaned as you felt the hard, hot, length of him press against your core, even through the thin cotton of his boxers. 
Javy shucked them off the rest of the way and when he resettled between your hips, you glanced down. You could feel yourself salivating at the sight of his hard dick against your stomach. Everything about Javy was beautiful, you knew that already, but it was one thing to watch him take himself into his hand across a kitchen, and another to see his fat cock against your body. You felt hyper aware, needy, like your whole body was begging to feel the stretch of him, and when Javy pushed off of you to line himself up, it took everything in you to not try to work yourself onto him early. 
When you looked back up at Javy, you were breathless for another reason. He looked fond and smug and amused all at once, and you were just so infatuated with his handsome self. You were trying to come up with something snarky when he moved, his cock sliding between your folds, teasing both of you. Your eyes fell shut at the perfect motion. He was so thick, so hot, it was going to be a hell of a stretch, but you were desperate for it. 
He pulled back, and then pushed against you again, and you actually whined. He laughed, amused, and lined himself up, and then neither of you were laughing. 
When his cock breached you, you couldn’t lay still. 
Your hands scrambled over the bed, scratching sheets and needing to be grounded, anchored, something to help you take the gorgeous pressure of his hot dick. He felt so good, so big and so steady, and your mouth fell open as he pressed in. 
“Fucking Christ,” Javy swore, his voice sounding gone. “You’re so tight, honey, shit.”
You whined, trying to cant your hips to take him, willing your body to give. Your skin felt hot, feverish and you worked your hips for a moment, desperate. He was bigger than anyone you’d been with before, but you’d also already come, and surely it’d be fine–Javy moved again and you winced at the pressure.
This couldn’t be happening. 
You pressed your lips together, knowing you were wet, knowing it was going to be a stretch…but the discomfort only grew.  God, how was this happening? You wanted him so badly, you knew he’d feel good, but Javy pulled back to press into you again and your stomach dropped. 
“Wait,” you gasped, your hands curling into fists against his shoulders. Javy froze, immediately, and it only made you feel worse. You hated this, you wanted to be good enough, you wanted to feel him, why couldn’t you just take it. 
“Cross?” Javy asked, worry clouding his voice and you felt awful. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, embarrassed, covering your eyes with your hands. You knew it wasn’t your fault, or even his, but you still felt like you’d done something wrong, like you should be able to just take him. 
“Hey, hey,” Javy said softly, and he pulled out gently, but you couldn’t stop the wince when the pressure eased. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
You felt the bed shift as Javy moved, settling to sit against the headboard, and immediately pulling you into his arms. You went easily, preferring hiding in his chest to hiding behind your hand, and Javy’s arms were reassuring around you. He was so warm, and you appreciated that he didn’t seem at all frustrated, only concerned that you were okay.  
“Cut that apology shit out right now,” he murmured against your hair. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
You knew he was right, but you hated that you felt this way. Your body was throbbing, desperate to take him, wanting to feel him, but you just…couldn’t. You felt yourself calming down as he continued to hold you, and you could tell Javy felt you settling too. 
“Do you want to stop?” he asked, and your heart thumped, knowing he would. God, he was such a good guy, to jump straight to suggesting you guys stop, rather than trying to find alternatives. 
“I don’t,” you said, truthfully. “I want to be able to take you, I want to keep trying, but I also don’t want it to hurt.”
“Baby…” Javy pressed a kiss to your forehead, and you hated that you could hear in his voice that he felt bad. 
“Can we try another position?” you asked, before he could start apologizing for something that was no more his fault than yours. 
“Whatever you want,” Javy agreed, and you pulled back to look at him. He meant that, he really did. You leaned up to press a quick kiss to his cheek, smiling sheepishly as you pulled back. 
“Why don’t I try being on top?” you suggested.
Javy’s eyes closed and he drew in a slow breath through his nose. 
“Have I told you lately you’re my dream girl?” he asked, and you smiled. 
“I don’t think you’ve told me ever,” you pointed out, not at all bothered by the fact, flattered by it, more than anything. You pushed yourself off his chest, swinging one leg to settle over Javy’s lap, and you were stilled by his hand on your chin. When you met his eyes, his expression was one of utmost sincerity. 
“You are my dream girl,” he said, and despite everything – the fact that you were naked, the fact his head had been between your thighs, the fact his cock was leaking precum between you – that was what made your skin heat. 
You reached between you, your finger running over the length of his dick. 
“Even if I can’t take this right now?” you asked, hating the uncertainty in your voice. 
“No matter if,” he corrected, “you can’t take this right now.” 
His breath caught as your finger traced a vein, but he didn’t look away. He meant it, you realized, and it only made you more determined to take him. You could do it. 
Javy leaned back against the headboard and you positioned yourself over him, guiding his cock to your entrance. You licked your lips and pressed down until it hurt–only a short distance, but it wasn’t as overwhelming this time, because you were entirely in control. 
Javy’s hands smoothed down your side, settling on your ass again, and your lips quirked into a smile, amused that Javy Machado was an ass man. You worked your hips slightly, trying to stretch yourself out, and reached between your thighs to play with your clit. 
Javy groaned.
You looked up at him, but he wasn’t looking at your face; his eyes were glued to where your hand was rubbing over your clit. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” Javy mumbled, almost entranced, and you smiled at his sweet admiration. You spread your fingers into a v, feeling around where he was pressing into you, smoothing back up to your clit. 
“Can’t believe–” he broke off, shaking his head. “I got to see you come this morning, and then on my face, and now I get to watch you work yourself onto my dick.”
He said it like it was an honor, like you weren’t working yourself onto the biggest cock in Uncle Sam’s navy, like it was his privilege. His admiration warmed you, worked through you as your fingers brushed over your clit. You felt your knees slide further apart as you were able to take more of him. The extra inch felt like yards, but it felt so good, so right, to take him into you. 
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he promised, and you realized his hands on your ass were lifting, helping. He was taking some of the weight off your thighs, literally holding you in his hands, so you wouldn’t be pressured to take him too fast. 
“So big, Javy,” you panted. “God, you’re stretching me so good.”
Javy’s hips pushed up slightly at your words, and it stung, but with your hand working your clit and the way he was holding you steady, it was more pressure than pain. 
“You can’t talk to me like that, honey,” he warned. “I’m trying real hard to be gentle here, you can’t talk dirty to me and not make me mess up.”
A part of you wanted him to mess up, wanted him to just ram into you, and you could deal with it later. Another part of you relished the stretch, accepted the slow burn of sinking onto him torturously slow. You felt hyper aware of him, of you, and every millimeter of him that you took, only made you want him more. 
“You talk to me then,” you muttered, and Javy huffed out a laugh.
“What do you want to hear, huh?” he asked. “How fucking good you feel? How hard I am for you, how I feel like I’m throbbing for you, how bad I can’t wait to be inside you?”
Your fingers worked faster, and you moaned, bearing down. “Yeah, that’ll do.”
“We’ll get you there, honey,” he soothed, his cock easing into you, slow and thick and fucking perfect. “With how good you feel around my dick? Honey, we’re not gonna stop. We’re gonna train this pussy, soon enough, she’ll be able to take me.”
You whimpered at the thought, at the mere concept of being so stuffed with Javy’s cock that eventually your body would just adapt to it. You shifted your hips on principle, determined to take more of him, and Javy chuckled. 
“And then can you imagine the hell we’ll get into? Quickies in the shower after a long day of drills, in the back seat of a car–fuck, baby, to think I could slide into this pussy whenever I want, ready for me, to take me–”
He pressed deeper, a motion that bordered on painful, but soothed by the sweetness of his words. You wanted that, so badly, for your body to always be ready for his. Javy pulled back, just slightly, rocking into you, and you whimpered. 
“Feels so good, Javy,” you whispered, feeling yourself sink lower. 
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” he said, leaning forward to brush loose kisses over your skin. “You’re so beautiful, so good, and working so hard to take my dick.”
His words sent goosebumps over your skin, and you wondered if you should be embarrassed by how much you wanted to be good for him. 
It took a while. 
You didn’t know how long, but eventually you realized that though you were still shaking, you were no longer hovering. You were in Javy’s lap, your arms curled between your bodies and your hips pressed flush against his, his cock entirely inside of you. 
He felt…unreal. Enormous, like you could only breathe when he did, but so fucking good. 
“I did it,” you breathed, and when you looked up at Javy, he was grinning down at you. He looked proud, he looked pleased, he looked so damn pretty you wanted to never leave his lap.
“How’s it feel?” he asked, and you took a moment to bask in his pride. 
“Pretty good,” you teased lightly, and Javy had the expected reaction of affronted indignation. 
“Pretty good,” he sputtered, like it was sacrilege. “Wanna try again?”
You shook your head, smiling, and it was knocked right off your face when he lifted his hips. It wasn’t a thrust, it wasn’t like he’d pulled out, but Javy pushed up into you like he was doing a hip press at the gym. Your jaw dropped open as his thighs flexed under your ass, pushing impossibly deeper into your cunt. 
“So full,” you gasped, and Javy grunted like that was an acceptable answer. “Fuck, Javy, you feel so big. I can’t– feels like you’re everywhere; I love it.”
“That’s better,” he muttered, his voice dark. “Because you feel like fucking everything to me, honey. So tight, and warm, fitting me like a glove after you worked so hard to stretch this pussy over me.”
You did feel stretched and his words sent pulses of heat through you. The burning stretch of him eased as your body tingled with arousal, wanting to feel him, needing to feel him. 
“Need you to move, Jay,” you whispered, and Javy’s hips punched up in response. 
“You need me,” he repeated almost to himself, and you both moaned when his dick slid out of you partway, before he fed it back to you slowly. “That’s right, sweetheart, first you were embarrassed because you couldn’t take it, but now that you have this cock, you just want more?”
“Please,” you whimpered, astonished to find you were actually close to tears. You wanted that, wanted him, wanted the stretch and the pressure and the motion of his hips. You tried to lift yourself off of him, but your legs were shaking so bad, so overstimulated by the fullness of him in you, but you were desperate for it. 
“S’okay, baby,” Javy practically purred, his voice sweet and dark and deep. “I’ll help you.” 
His hands closed around your waist, gripping you tightly. He lifted you off his cock, pulling his hips back and then bringing you back down into him. You moaned at the sensation, perfect and overwhelming and so strong, feeling every gorgeous inch of his cock. 
“Feels so good,” you mumbled, and Javy groaned. 
“Honey, you have no idea,” he grunted, and he lifted you again. 
It was slow, it was impossibly deep, but it was everything. You felt drunk on the deep stretch of him, the way you could feel his eyes on you, the way every breath he took you felt against your skin. You felt so connected to him, so overwhelmed by him, and the slow press of his cock. He pulled you forward, rocking your hips down into him and when your clit brushed against him, you jolted. 
“That’s it,” Javy encouraged, pushing his cock deeper, and you felt your body trembling. “Honey, you’re doing so good. You feel so fucking good around me, I can’t–”
He settled into a rhythm, pulling you up and bringing you down, bruising your clit and fucking you against gravity. He moved you over him like a fleshlight and you had no control over your body, the sounds spilling out of you. He felt so good, so slow and steady and deep; it was perfect and you were overwhelmed. 
“I’m gonna come,” you gasped, amazed to find it was true. Just from the steady press of him, the deep pressure, the teasing brush of your clit, you were somehow there again. 
“Ah, please, honey, let me see it,” Javy groaned, and he buried his face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, clinging to him as he moved you over him, your body climbing higher. 
You felt him everywhere, like a heartbeat, like your pulse, and you crested before you could realize it was there. Your body felt liquid, like it would never stop shaking, like this was what you were made for, to take his cock like this. Your head swam as you slumped into him, your hips throwing your pussy at Javy as your orgasm worked through you, your body pulsing and sated.  
The room was a dreamlike haze as you came back to yourself. 
You were on your back on the bed, and Javy was hovering over you, and your breath caught in your throat as you realized his arms were shaking with the effort to hold himself still. 
God, he was so beautiful. 
His perfect body, his incredible strength, had nothing to the beauty of his heart, the way he had worked you through that and was now carefully watched you, smiling hesitantly when he realized you were back. Your throat felt hoarse and you swallowed slightly before lifting your hips weakly. 
Javy’s breath punched out of him and his eyes clenched shut as he dropped to his elbows over you. 
“Sweetheart…” he groaned, and his voice sent tingles over your skin. You loved how strung out he sounded, how he was holding on just by a thread, and you wanted him to come undone. 
“Fuck me, Jay,” you whispered, and his eyes opened, looking between yours. 
“Yeah?” he asked, his voice hoarse, and you needed it, suddenly. You nodded, pressing your lips together, wanting it more than anything. You knew you were adjusted to his size, for the immediate future at least, and you wanted to know how he’d feel finding his pleasure in you, driving into you when his release was the goal, wanted to be the reason for it. 
“I can take it,” you whispered, and Javy surged up to kiss you. 
It was messy, mostly gasping breath and clashing teeth, and then his arms wound under your back, and his hands wrapped around your shoulders as he settled into you. You were just about to think that it was a sweet embrace, when he started moving. 
Javy pulled out of you and slammed back in, and you cried out. 
Gone was the gentleness with which he’d coaxed you, gone was the steady control, the gentle pace. In its place was a gnawing, gaping desire, and you could feel how badly Javy needed this. You moaned with the thrust and it seemed to spur Javy on. He pulled back and pushed back in again, just as deep, just as strong, just as perfect. 
Fuck, he was so big, filled you so damn well like this, and how he was moving made you dizzy. He settled into a punishing pace that left you breathless, but who needed air, when you had dick this good? 
He was everywhere. 
Pressing you into the mattress, shoving his cock into your cunt, clutching you to him, overwhelming and everywhere and everywhere. You couldn’t tell where he stopped and you began, felt like an extension of his pleasure and the thought nearly sent you out of your mind. 
“How is it still so tight?” Javy grunted, and you moaned at the tremble in his voice, like he was just as awed and exhausted as you were. “Fuck, honey, you’re so perfect. Taking me so damn well, pulling me into this hot cunt, it’s so good–” 
His hips slammed into you, each stroke brushing your walls and making you feel so full. His body weight over you felt like the only thing grounding you, and you moved with him, for him, all for him. The room was thick with the smell of your shared sweat and your cum, and Javy’s panting breath in your ears was the perfect chorus. 
You could feel Javy getting close, could feel his thrusts go from determined to desperate and you were lost in it. For how well he’d fucked you, how carefully he’d held you, you needed him to come. Heat spiraled through you, your mind blanking as you realized you were whining with each sure stroke he made. 
“Need you to come,” you whimpered, breaking off when Javy’s hips stuttered. “Please, Javy, feels so good, need to feel you–”
Javy arched his back to kiss your neck. His teeth closed over your skin, his tongue laving over you, and you moaned. 
“You know how to make that happen, sweetheart,” he whispered against your neck, and you shook your head as his meaning sunk in. 
“I can’t,” you managed, even as your thighs started shaking. He’d pulled so much pleasure from your body, and you didn’t know if you could survive another wave…oh, but how he sounded. His soft grunts, the growl in his voice, the heavy sound his balls made as he pushed into you. 
“I think you can,” Javy said, closing his lips and sucking. You keened, your body overwrought and unmoored, just orbiting around him. His strong hands, the taste of his sweat, the rhythm of his hips, the only things that were real. 
His hands on your shoulders tightened, crushing you to him and something in the angle changed. He brushed a different part of you, deeper, softer, and your breath caught.
“Just there?” Javy asked, proud and breathless. “That’s the spot that’ll get this pussy to come again?”
“Javy–” you moaned, as he hit it again, and again.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Javy soothed, his dick driving into you. “You’ve done so good for me, this pussy has been so fucking good, and I know you can do it again. Let me feel it, honey, let me feel this tight pussy come for me one more time, fucking take it, come on.”
He was fucking you into the bed, his thighs and his words reorienting your world. You felt so full of him, so precious and receptive and you knew that you might never recover from it, but if he asked you to come again, your body would do it. 
“Baby,” you whimpered, and Javy groaned, his head dropping to your shoulder. 
“I’ve got you,” he mumbled into the bed. “Ah, shit, honey, you feel so good. Like you were made for me, to take this cock–oh my god, yes, that’s it, just like that…”
“Take me,” you begged, “Please, Javy, I need–”
“Yes, fuck,” Javy groaned, his thrusts turning frantic. “Kiss me.”
You didn’t know where he found the strength but he surged up to kiss you, pressing your lips together as your bodies writhed together. You pushed and pulled together, breathing from each other and for each other, and the heat burned impossibly hotter between you. You felt light-headed, you felt close and Javy moaned as you tightened around him. You whined against his lips as you came, your orgasm cresting over you, and just moments later, Javy shouted as he came. He was so wonderful, his body thrusting into yours, his hips working you both through it, his groans growing louder as he emptied into you. 
It felt right, it felt final, as his warm cum thrust into you, and you turned your head to find him again. 
This was a lazy kiss. Indulgent and sloppy, exhausted and messy, and you smiled when you felt Javy come back to you, returning the kiss slowly. You liked that his arms were still around you, that his dick was still inside you. You felt held, treasured, at peace. 
You kissed Javy gently, another realization brewing in your mind. 
Here, with this man, you felt at home. 
//the end
taglist: @laracrofted @mxgyver @callsign-fangirl @cheekymcgrath @blowmymbackout @daggerspare-standingby @javihoney @sebsxphia @princessphilly @roosterforme @rae-gar-targaryen @hangmanssunnies @blckgrl-sunflower @beyondthesefourwalls @callsignspark @sushiwriterhere @taytaylala12 @katiedid-3 @stoptaking-the-good-names @passion-persistence-patienc-blog @hangmanbrainrot
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leesmustardgarden · 7 months
Cooking with a Special Puppet Headcanons
P x (gn) Reader
Warnings/Tags: General game spoilers ofc, Sophia exhibiting the symptoms of an ED but there is a genuine canon Lore Reason I do not want to spoil sorry, P is a silly lil guy (affectionate), Gemini is a silly little guy (derogatory)
A/N: I miss taking culinary classes, so I coped by making this!! This was also an excuse to test out my new silly borders hehe
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The first time you bring P into the kitchen, he accidentally makes a huge mess and feels so bad he starts avoiding the kitchen. If he needed you while you were in there, he’ll wait by the door until you come out even if it takes hours
It takes a lot of encouragement and patience to finally get him back in the kitchen, and even then he’s so careful of everything around him. It doesn’t always go well, and most of the time there’s still some accident that leaves a giant mess to clean up
It’s like watching a dragon in a china shop— every so often he catches on something and oh! Down comes all the pots and pans.
Gemini finds it hilarious but while he loves messing with P, he is also the one to tell him not to push it if he’s so stressed out and to take it little by little
P so sweet, he’s so caring and careful and yeah ok he can be mischievous but not in the sense that he’d purposefully make trouble for the people he cares for
In fact he tries to help you out by bringing around food for all the residents in the Hotel so you don’t have to do everything
Polendina takes Antonia’s meals to her and Pulcinella forces Venigni to actually eat when he forgets to
It’s very funny to watch, because as stubborn and eccentric as Venigni can be he cannot say no to his no. 1 bestie
Eugenié is silly and has to be reminded to eat (she gets too absorbed into her work), and Sophia usually refuses food. It’s worrying, but she says it’s alright and vaguely explains that she doesn’t need food 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
As the days go by and as he becomes more human and is able to control his strength better, he finally musters up the courage to ask you to teach him how to cook (which Gemini insists on being present for)
The first few times he is so shaky and afraid of everything in case it breaks, but after a few days he’ll start getting comfortable with the utensils and tools
Once he’s comfortable enough, he starts acting out small mischiefs and well
It’s hard to scold him when he’s finally overcome his fear of making a mess
“And then you carefully— No—“ The egg splats against the counter in seconds, spraying up to his freckled face. He pulls his hand up slowly, and with the most amused deadpan you’ve seen on him, turns his yolk-soaked palm to you. You don’t even fight the frown that settles on your face as Gemini coughs to hide a laugh.
“Nice one! I think—“ cough “— you’re getting better,” He says. You glare at him where P’s put him on the counter, and he laughs harder. You would strangle him, but that would probably just encourage the prick.
P looks innocently at you; his expression unchanging but a tilt in his shoulder gives away the fact that he knows what he’s doing. You’re sure that if he could laugh, he would be giggling in all his freckled cuteness. It softens your frown into fond exasperation as you reach a hand to wipe the egg off his face. He takes his clean legion hand and gently places it atop yours, pushing his cheek flush against your palm.
“Gemini is such a bad influence on you,” You say with a no heat in your voice. P looks up at you though his lashes, and you can almost see the mischief printed on his face.
“How am I a bad influence?” Gemini says indignantly, having the gall to sound offended.
You dip your hand into the bag of flour nearby, scoop out a handful, and throw it at him. He sputters and yelps, starting to complain. You’re too distracted by Gemini to notice the curious way P’s looking over at you and the bag of flour. He quietly slips his legion hand behind you when you move forward as your argument with Gemini progresses.
“That was actually so rude,“ Gemini says.
“Oh like you aren’t the one enabling him all the time.“
“When have I ever?”
“I don’t know— the art shop, for one?”
“That was such a long time ago!”
“Two days—!”
Flour hits your cheek, dusting your face in white. Gemini gets a second to laugh at you, before flour also hits him and his lamp topples over right into spilled egg. A bit away from you both, P is standing with his hands behind his back and the bag of flour peeking out from behind him. His face is twitching like it’s trying to smile, and you feel your heart melt at the sight. By the end of the day, you’re just glad the kitchen’s still standing.
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 12 days
Hello, have you seen the latest ch of MHA 423? Is it true that bkdk really killed kurogiri? How do you feel about shigaraki dying in the end and deku reaction towards it? Sorry for asking too many questions but I really can't stand those bkdk killed kurogiri allegations and your metas of bkdk are really good.
Anon, I'm gonna be honest with you. My feelings can be summed up as follows:
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Stuff like this is the reason you don't see me posting reactions every chapter. Jokes and conspiracy theories and "omg what if" posts are all in good fun, but every week, some people talk like this is The Absolute Last Word on every plot line even vaguely referenced in the chapter.
And I don't get it at all. When I'm reading the new chapters, the most I can tell you is that I have fun and I find it interesting. I'm engaged. I'm curious to see what comes next and how it's gonna pan out. I definitely have my own thoughts, feelings, and hopes! But I put them in a little stasis box of anticipation, ready for when I can find out more.
So when people lose their shit over something, it just feels so unnecessary to me. Especially something that happens right at the very end of the chapter, because more often than not that's the jumping off point for the next installment, as opposed to a cut-away to a different scene.
How many times have we gotten a cliff-hanger or shocking ending to a chapter, only for the very next chapter to reverse the event or reveal we were misled about its meaning? How many times has that happened in this very scene?
The reason I can write thousands of words analyzing Deku vs. Kacchan 2 is because it's over. The entire event is complete. Maybe there will be future chapters that reference it or inform our view of it, but it's done. This final arc isn't done--hell, this scene isn't even remotely done!
Furthermore, I am of the opinion that people saying bkdk killed Kurogiri probably don't like Izuku or Katsuki to begin with, so I really don't think anything out of my mouth is going to persuade them one way or the other. And I'm certainly not going to waste my breath trying to argue about something we'll have an answer for in like, two weeks.
Ongoing series thrive on making you want to know what happens next. Me personally, I'm having a good time wanting to know what happens next.
I guess the only thing I want to ask the people making these claims is: Why do you read mha like you're waiting for it to upset you? Why are you expecting this series to disappoint you?
The answer isn't for my benefit, just so you know.
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forthelostones · 9 months
sleepybaby ─── ⋆
female reader x ellie (random mix)
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synopsis: ellie is away on a work trip & you can’t help but miss her sm!
warnings: pure smut, masturbation, phone sex, abby ft, & mention of strap-on.
an: random.. do they call this image, one-shots? head canons? idk what these mean! i’m from a different time of media! help T.T. anyways enjoy (thanks for the likes)! x.
⟡ you and ellie call as she’s on a work trip out of town. in attempts to not bother, you’ve been avoiding sharing your desires with her so you can stay focused. you haven’t stopped thinking about her fingers caressing your clit gently under the sheets when you’re both drunk off sleep. 
⟡ before bed you both debrief and share what kind of day you had, you feel heat pour from between your thighs when she speaks about work. you can’t help but think about her in her suit, sitting at a big desk, bossing you around, it drives you crazy that you dont work for her. 
⟡ “baby, what have you been up to?” she asks as she’s brushing her teeth settling for bed. the camera is placed in the corner of the sink so all you can see is the bottom of her tank top and the top of her boxers. and when she leans down to spit, you see the dribbles of white foam fly out of her mouth, causing your pussy to twitch. you lie to her, “meal prep, go for walks, do some laundry.” in reality you had been abusing your pussy with her strap picturing her under you. 
⟡ “love to hear that, glad to hear you’re keeping a routine. are you already in bed?” she asked as she wiped her mouth with the hotel towel. yep, you reply, ready for bed! 
⟡ she flops into the lush bed in her room and perches the phone up to show her clean face, you smile at her stupid smirk. she swipes her lips with her tongue which makes you miss her mouth. “lemme see what you’re wearing.” she asks innocently. you pan the camera over you big t-shirt with no bottoms. “cute” 
⟡ you feel a knot bunch in your stomach at her comment. tell me about work, you say.
⟡ “really? it’s boring…” but she goes on anyway, talking about accounts, people she met, conversations she had about projects, you slowly arch you back into nothingness. her low voice humming so sweetly in your headphones. 
⟡ mmhm, you say sleepily. “yea so, abby and i took a client out for coffee.” and you stiffen at her name, slowly bringing your fingers in between your thighs, trailing up towards your wet spot. you liked abby, how she talked, how she walked with her head high and chest poked out. ellie was always competing with her, but it made her a better associate. abby came over a few times for dinner before, always telling funny stories or sharing facts about god knows what. you just occasionally thought about your girlfriend and abby taking you to bed. 
⟡ you couldn’t help but close your eyes at the thought. “baby…? baby. you there did you doze off, am i boring you? ready for bed?” she spat out quickly. 
⟡your fingers slipped inside with no effort, your slumber mixed with her voice created an undeniable ecstasy. no, ‘mm—i’m awake els, you murmured sloppily. 
⟡ your eyes flutter to your screen, where ellie’s observed your screen with her glasses on, reflecting your face. you catch her eyes drift to your open mouth. “oh, I see.”
⟡ see what? you ask practically moaning while your thumb tickles your hard clit. you observe her curious face, chewing her lip, you lift your shirt showing her your warm boobs, which immediately made her legs tremble. 
⟡ “fucking yourself to my voice? let me hear you say my name, I want to hear how much you miss me.”
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xlpoww · 8 months
would it be enough?
Anonymous asked: I have a request 🤭 can you write a fic/blurb/imagine (your choice!) where reader surprises sanji with a meal or dish they made for his birthday or something?? bc they wanted to surprise him and how he would react? (reader is a terrible cook 😂)
Warnings: none! (unless you count tooth rotting fluff?)
word count: 619
opla! sanji x g/n! reader
there’s frosting smeared onto your nose somehow, it should be impossible considering you didn't even have a cake to frost yet. the chef’s beloved kitchen is in disarray, utensils scattered about and various powders and liquids covering the counter. you’re trying your absolute best to craft sanji a birthday cake, managing to stay up long enough for everyone else to fall asleep. in the dark of the night you began your plan.
had you ever baked before today? well.. no? but it couldn’t be so hard now could it. you knew better than to attempt anything too extravagant, purchasing a box cake mix from the last island your ship had docked at. the box of triple chocolate cake mix now taunting you from the garbage can you had tossed it into. why wouldn’t your cake bake?
3 eggs? check! you’d added the water- hadn’t you? and you definitely added the oil, so what was wrong? had you not beat the batter well enough? what does vigorously even mean!
you cant help the frustrated grumbling as you pull the pan out of the oven yet again, placing it onto the counter with a clunk. you aggressively pull of your oven mitts, tossing them to the side. unbeknownst to you, your attempts at a surprise had failed. sanji had woken up to the sound of you dropping an egg on the ground and loudly saying “SHIT!” curious to what was happening and if you were safe, the blond had made his way to the kitchen.
the sight he’s met with brings an adoring smile to his lips, as he leaned onto the doorway of the kitchen to watch. the confusion etched on your face was nothing short of endearing, and the pout you were sporting had a vice grip on his heart. his eyes scan the kitchen in hopes of offering you any advice, when they land on the oven he can’t help the laugh that falls from his lips. at the sound you raise your head, eyes wide as he shakes his head with that same loving smile.
“my love, what’s got you up in the middle of the night like this?”
“sanji! you weren’t supposed to be awake!” there’s a frown on your face as you look at him. you make no attempt to hide your plan, the bright colored birthday candles out in plain sight. with a defeated sigh you motion to the table in front of you. “i wanted to surprise you for your birthday”
“all this trouble just for me darling?” he walks towards you, a smile so bright anyone would think he’d just got the best news of his life. when he reaches you his arms wrap around you in a hug, holding you close as he leans down to kiss your cheek. “you’re too cute y/n, what a lucky man i am.” his words and affection warm your heart, a giggle falling from your lips as you wrap your arms around his torso to hug him back.
 “i love you sanj,” you nuzzle your head closer into his chest. the sound of his heartbeat does wonders to ease your tension. 
after another squeeze he pulls away from you, turning to look at the counter. he takes a moment before picking up the pan and placing it back into the oven. you look at him with a tilt of your head, and he winks, pressing a button on the stovetop and the oven roars to life.
“i love you more sweetheart, even if you forgot to turn on the oven.” it feels like your whole body lights on fire, and with a level of shame you didn’t know was possible, you screech.
Taglist: @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @teenyforestfairy @gothicuwusposts @cheesesoda @scentisterror @shuujin @gcldtom
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jinxhallows · 1 year
ɪᴄɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴋᴇ | ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ ᴡᴀɴɢ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
☾ -- ɪᴄɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴋᴇ
ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ ᴡᴀɴɢ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ, 𝟷𝟾+, ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ ᴜsᴇ, ғᴏᴏᴅᴘʟᴀʏ, ᴇsᴛᴀʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ
ᴡᴄ: 𝟸.𝟹ᴋ
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So I wrote this originally in a discord brainrot with @gdragonsideburns (who ALSO WRITES INCREDIBLE SHIT) because although I am a smooth 30, I'm currently driving this song into an early grave and it made me think of Jackson Wang in the jungle? Do Jackson Wang fics even exist on here? Well, here's one.
"Dearest old man, on this most joyous occasion of your birthday, I bring forth a small token of my affection."  
You call out teasingly in an over the top accent, and carefully place the delicate porcelain plate onto the table, adorned with a magnificent gourmet cupcake, a tropical wonder, complete with a sparkler glowing brightly at its center. The chocolate syrup on top of the plate spells out a heartfelt message from the resort staff,  
"Happy 29th Birthday, Jackson Wang from China." 
His face lights up with an infectious grin as he reads the message out loud.  
"Ah, that's definitely me," he exclaims, reaching out to blow the sparkler out like a candle. But to his surprise, it doesn't extinguish. He shakes it slightly and turns to you. 
"It burns for twenty-nine seconds, because that's how old you are," you quip with a mischievous glint in your eye. 
He looks at you in wonderment, his brows furrowing in confusion. "How do they get it to last exactly twenty-nine seconds?" he asks, genuinely curious. 
You chuckle, knowing he's fallen for your playful trick. "They don't," you say, picking up the remaining sparkler and pushing the plate towards him. "You just believe anything I tell you." 
He rolls his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Now that's a lie. I don't believe 99.9% of what comes out of that pretty mouth of yours." With a cheeky grin, he dips his finger into the icing and taps your nose, before bringing it to his lips to savor the delicious taste. 
“Thanks for thinking of me, baby.” he murmurs in a gentle tone, his eyes fixated on the delectable dessert before him. 
The soothing sound of the rain pouring down through the dense Amazonian trees provides a tranquil ambiance. The floor-to-ceiling windows showcase the lush rainforest, with mist creeping up from the warm forest floor. You observe him as he peels off the cupcake paper, sinking his teeth into its side. The coconut shavings crumble onto his exposed tattooed torso. He brushes the crumbs off his skin, just below his navel, where his gray sweatpants meet his briefs, emitting a soft rustling sound. Tilting his head to the side, he takes another bite, letting out a satisfied "mm" at the delectable taste. 
He glances over at you, oblivious to how enraptured you had become with his reaction. "Wanna try?" he offers, extending the cupcake towards you. However, you wave your hand, declining the tropical delight. 
"I hate coconut flavored stuff," you make a face in distaste. 
"Really? Since when? Why didn't I know that?" he queries, taking another bite and shaking his head to brush away the strands of chestnut brown hair from his face. 
“Because thankfully, you’ve never fucked up royally enough to get me coconut flavored anything; and I love you all the more for it.” As you rise from your seat, you feel the cool, marble floor beneath the balls of your feet, and make your way over to the Bluetooth speaker. The room is sparsely furnished, and the sound of mellow Afrobeat mixed with R&B piano and the soothing notes of steel pans fills the air. 
Suddenly, you feel something cold and flat pressed against your lower back, just above the curve of your hips. You look up at his reflection in the mirror, both of your gazes locking before your eyes fall to the bottle of patron silver he was conveniently using you as a table for; oh but Jackson’s a gentleman, he’s got himself pressed up against your ass, and your ample thighs; he’s keeping you nice and steady while he expertly pours a shot, which he sets down with a satisfying "clink" on the nearby table. 
Jackson's second attempt at pouring is a bit messier, causing droplets of the cool liquid to splash against your warm skin, and you slightly jump at the feeling.  It was the way the bottom half of your cheeks jiggled from underneath your shorts, however, that earned you a firm grasp and smack as he throws his shot back, relishing in the sight of your body responding to his touch. With a mischievous grin, he leans down to lap up the stray droplets from your lower back as you blissfully sigh from how good he was pressing all your buttons. 
“Take your shot, I wanna test somethin’.” 
He takes a step back, and you slowly stand up, tossing back the tequila before turning around to face him. 
“Hear me out, try chasing with it.” He walks over to the table, and you admire the flexion in his back muscles as he moves.  He picks up the cupcake, undeniably sexy as he licks it off his finger.  He can tell he’s got you right where he wants you, your eyes never leave him. 
“Chasing tequila, with a coconut cupcake?  You’re gonna have to show me, ‘cause it’s not sounding too appealing yet.” 
“I’m glad you asked, lie down for me sweetheart, let me show you exactly what I mean.” 
As you crawl onto the plush mattress, Jackson follows suit, climbing on top of you. The sight of him, flushed from the drinks he had earlier, is enough to make your heart skip a beat. He chuckles at your confusion, but how could you not be confused? He's holding a half-eaten cupcake in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other, straddling your body. But despite the mischievous glint in his eye, you can't help but find him utterly irresistible. In this remote, remarkable place, far away from the rest of the world, he has you all to himself, and he's clearly up to no good. 
"Hold this for me," he says, handing over the cupcake. As you take it, he takes a thick swipe of icing from the dessert. He pushes the bottom of your tank top up just enough for the bottom of your breasts to peek out from under the black, scrunched fabric. 
"Jackson, what are you--" you start to ask, but he interrupts you as he paints a straight line of icing down the midline of your stomach, stopping right at your navel. His eyes hold your gaze captive as he slips his finger with the remaining icing between your lips.  
As you obediently suck on his finger, feeling the curve of his knuckle and the lines dividing his long digit into printed pads, he lets out a satisfied laugh and proudly declares,  
"I thought you hated coconut flavored shit?" 
You take his finger further into your mouth, coaxing it in with your tongue. Despite your initial reservations, you can't deny the pleasure you feel from this. He pulls his hand away from your oral fixation with a scoff and a smirk. Taking a swig of tequila, he looks down at you like you're his next biggest conquest.  
Aries men have a thing for that – a conquest. 
He dips his tongue into your navel, licking the sweet trail all the way up to where your shirt is bunched up. You gasp, propping yourself up on your elbows and looking down at him knowingly. "You know exactly what you're doing," you say. 
"I'm teaching you how to broaden your palate," he responds smoothly, wasting no time in taking the cupcake back from you and exchanging it with the bottle of tequila instead.   
The cool air circling in the room feels extra sensitive on the wet skin of your stomach, and it turns your nipples into erect, sensitive nubs, poking proudly through the thin fabric of your tank.  You push yourself up a little more, so you can sit up straight.   
You look up at him as he holds the cupcake out for you to take a sample from.  You swipe your finger in the thick, buttercream icing, and your eyes dance down his chiseled torso, deciding where you were going to take this experiment. 
Your body is trembling with anticipation as you slide your fingers over the waistband of his briefs, feeling the heat radiating from his body. You lean in closer, the scent of his cologne mixed with the faint aroma of tequila and cupcakes filling your senses. Your tongue traces the trail of soft, delicate hairs leading down from his belly button, savoring the sweet taste of his skin. 
You slowly trace a thick line just above his navel, reveling in the way his muscles twitch under your touch. You can feel the heat radiating from his body, his skin flushed and warm from the tequila. You trail the icing down his smooth, taut stomach, disappearing into the waistband of his briefs. 
You can't resist the urge to pull them down just a little, just enough to expose the tempting V-line leading down from his abs. With a steady hand, you spread the remaining icing right where you want it. Jackson watches you with dark, intense eyes, his breaths coming in ragged. 
Jackson’s eyes flicker with surprise and desire as he helps you by tugging at the sides of his pants, pulling them down even further. The sight of his hardness tenting the front of his sweatpants, the print pushing through the slate grey of his briefs, is almost too much for you to handle. He's always had an aura of mystery and excitement about him, and the way he's looking at you now only adds to his allure.  
He sets the cupcake aside and lifts your face up to meet his gaze, you can feel your cheeks heat up under his intense stare. His hand under your chin is firm, holding you steady, but his touch is gentle. You can see the lust in his eyes, but there's also a hint of tenderness there. 
"Give me the tequila, baby," he says, his voice low and husky. You hand him the bottle, your fingers brushing against his as you do. His tongue darts out to swipe over his lower lip, and you feel weak in the knees. 
With a little squeeze of your chin, he prompts you to open your mouth, and you do so eagerly. You can feel the warmth of his body as he moves in closer, his hips tilted towards you. He's always found you uniquely stunning, in a way that appealed to him on a primal level, and right now, it's as though he can't resist the urge to explore every inch of you.  
As you wait, your breath catching in your throat, Jackson's gaze flickers over your face and down to your lips, before he takes a long swig of the tequila first.  He swishes it around in his mouth before swallowing, and he pours a stream of it into your open mouth, letting go and allowing you to cringe as you push it down your throat.  You quickly stick your tongue out, desperate to get rid of the alcohol taste.  You grab his pants, pulling him closer and licking the buttercream trail from his skin.  You pull his briefs down, maybe a little too enthusiastically, to get to the rest, and his stiff cock springs out.  The head is red, smeared with clear pre-cum that had oozed out while he was toying with you earlier. 
As soon as you felt the cool liquor pass your lips, your mouth began to water. You take him in, savoring the feel of him filling your mouth. His substantial length stretches you, and you wrap your lips around him tightly, feeling every ridge and vein as you slide him deeper into your mouth. As your tongue flattens against the bottom of his cock, he hisses at the sensation, his brows knit together in pleasure. His eyes close, and he accidentally holds his breath, lost in the feeling of your mouth on him. 
"Damn, babe," he groans, his voice thick with desire. You can feel him growing harder inside your mouth, and you can't resist sliding your hand down to his base, following the thick curve of your lips with every suck. "Keep doing that, God, it feels so good," he pleads, his hips thrusting gently towards your mouth.   
He probably shouldn’t, but he takes another shot anyway.  He really does want to set the bottle down, but he can’t peel himself from between your pretty lips just yet.  The way your intensity climbs as the liquor kicks in, you take his balls gently in your hand, using all the saliva that had pooled as lubrication to massage them. 
His moans of pleasure fill the room, each one more intense than the last. With his hand covering his face and his other tightly gripping the tequila bottle, it was clear that he was completely lost in the moment. The air was thick with a heady mix of profanity, grunts, and gasps, all signaling his overwhelming pleasure.   
“H-Hold on, hold on—” Jackson somehow finds the inner strength to breathe, to stop you from taking him directly off the edge a lot sooner than he had originally planned.  He drops his hand, revealing his handsome face again.  He stares at you with a look of utter desire and adoration, his eyes glazed over with pleasure. Beads of sweat drip down his forehead, his hair mussed and sticking to his skin in all the right places. His lips are parted, panting softly as he struggles to regain control of his senses. 
His body is a work of art, every muscle defined and chiseled to perfection. The veins in his arms and neck pulse with intensity, a testament to the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. He looks like a god, a vision of pure masculinity and strength. 
You can see the raw passion in his eyes, the way they fixate on you with such intensity that it makes your heart skip a beat. It's a look that says he wants you more than anything in the world, and nothing else matters in this moment. 
“I wanna fuck you,” 
He breathes out, pointing to the oversized window across from the bed. 
“In the rainforest.” 
☾ -- fin
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