#i am going with someone whom i love dearly so i dont mind
I loved everything you already shared about the poll with us. I would be super interested if you could share some of the ideal endgame scenarios people envisioned and if they correlated with other aspects(specifically ship preference and liking house Stark)
Hi! I am extremely sorry for how long this has taken. Things have been busy and this took more time than I thought it would. In all truth there weren't that many correlations when it came to ship and preference. My biggest surprises were that both, in the Iron Islands and the North, people would prefer him to be in a non-ruling position, that the option "At the Wall" was so popular, and that the option of him becoming Bran's prophet was shown a lot more love than what I usually perceive in fandom.
To be honest I think this was the most entertaining ask I've gotten about the survey and it was nice to embark on a slightly more complex mini-project.
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Other data for reference: The overall House Stark score out of the 109 people (that is counting my irls) who gave a punctuation was of ~6,22/10
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Also fun enough out of the 1/10 voters six of them were my Stark-hating irls whom I dearly love for their extremist tendencies/j jdsghfjsdhf
Numbers regarding most and least liked ships (including my irls):
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Also, once again, this is a mix of interpretations and ideas and please be mindful of not publicly shaming someone who can't defend themselves. If I could keep the bitterness down so can you. Bitch about it with your mutuals and friends (also me if you really need someone) but don't go around publicly mocking those who were kind enough to offer me their insight.
Shipping, pro/anti-House Stark views and other tendencies in preferred endgames:
King/Lord of the Iron Islands
Average House Stark score was of ~5,0/10 and surprisingly Thenye and Greysnow people were more present in this group (9/13 Greysnows and 10/23 Theynes) while the rest were lacking (8/46 throbbs, 3/14 thamsays, 1/10 theonsas and two other voters didn't pick any ships. Book vs Show people were distributed proportionately although when it came to themes, people who chose Nr. 4 Suffering, redemption vs irredeemability, accountability over past misdeeds were more inclined to pick this option (17/23 counting my irls).
hmphhhh…difficult things here. i know what i dont want but......was it you tereshkova who said satisfaction doesnt know its own shape, or was it đặng? nothing new you already know my ideas. more than anything id like to see him in environments that are stressful but emotionally cathartic. you told me about the fandom-cottage thing and….naaaahhhhh…i dont like it. if he has to have a life of idleness id want that to be unsatisfactory for him. i think having him as an advisor or ruler in the islands is still my favourite endgame but only if hes allowed to do things. his time with the starks and the boltons might make him reflect on ironborn culture and his own (exaggerated) views on it. politically he could try to adopt a more centrist position on old-new-way and hopefully make some reforms about the rape culture and thralldom. i want him to go on long walks at the beach late at night with jeyne, falia, wex, qarl and tris. i think he deserves real friends. oh and i want him to kill ramsay. rip you and your christian dogma but im different.
Puppet King/Lord of the Iron Islands
Average House Stark score of ~6,1/10 with no strong shipping preferences. Asha wasn't in the top 5 POV characters of many, but most of those who picked her were also inclined to this possible endgame, which I found curious and those who were particularly interested in many Theon & Greyjoy relationships were also majorly present in this group.
Non-ruling position in the Iron Islands
No tendencies at all. This answer was picked by more than half of those who responded the question and it was a complete mix when it came to ships and themes of interest. Something that was quite shocking to me though was House Stark's average score of ~8,9/10.
At the Wall
I would have expected Greysnow people to be more fond of this option yet only 6/13 picked it and it somehow still managed to be the second most popular one. The average score for House Stark was a high one too, ~8,4/10, and in all truth there weren't many remarkable things perhaps with that this group was composed mostly of people who first engaged with the books before the show (36/53), which was uncommon compared to the other answers and that half of the thramsay shippers (7/14) also picked this option.
Exiled/in Essos
There wasn't anything disproportionate when it came to ships but a tendency I found interesting was how many of the TCK's (11/15, counting my irls) were fond of this concept. This is also one of the few subsets in which Daenerys found a warmer welcome compared to Sansa (who was still loved but had less sympathisers than usual). The House Stark score had an average of ~4,9/10, which was lower than I'd have expected, and 17/26 voters (≈ 65,3%) were of the mind Theon could have adapted to the Iron Islands while only 6/26 (≈ 23%) were against that concept.
Bro I can’t fathom how you're twisting and turning with this question kkkkkkk (ノ_<。)ヾ(´ ▽ ` ) Purely wish-fulfilment and only wish-fulfilment I’d want him to go somewhere where the title of perpetual stranger won’t contradict his own perception of self. Somewhere where he can only be considered as a stranger but it won’t clash with a false sense of home. We’ve discussed Braavos and you made me curious with your talk of Lorath as places of escapism that are thematically meaningful and rehab and therapy away from war and toxic people would do him well. AND HE HAS TO TAKE JEYNE WITH HIM HE PROMISED HE PROMISED HE HAS TO KEEP ONE FUCKING PROMISE IN HIS LIFE
Advisor/Hand/Servant in Winterfell
House stark average score of ~7,2/10, responders were also fond of him staying in a non-ruling position in the North (23/26 voters picked that option too). This time there was a strong current of shippers: 14/26 voters picked throbb as their preferred ship (~30,4% of all throbb people) and 7/26 voters picked theonsa (=70% of all theonsa people). Unlike the previously mentioned option, it was Sansa who had the most sympathisers here with Daenerys being perceived as a villain by 7/26 of the voters and six being alright with her possible descent into madness. Sansa however had 15/26 voters rooting for her to become Queen in the North and only 4/26 voters being accepting of darker twists in her storyline.
Non-ruling position in the North
This is the group that gave the highest scores to House Stark and so we come to an average of ~9,2/10. Throbb were very much in the lead here (22/37) and surprisingly there was a concept that was often repeated by the throbb people who picked this option involving Theon staying in the North somewhere in a cottage in a semi-delusional state of mind and regularly hallucinating Robb as a positive presence in his life. Some mentioned Asha, Wex and/or Sansa as people who visited him but for some reason Jeyne was never included although the answers came from people who claimed to have read the books. Here's an example:
Someone had this post on tumblr where he gets to heal in a cottage in the North and lives alone but for Wex who takes care of him and Robb who is still dead but Theon hallucinates him and the two finally get to be in love and happy but he's not real and theon is lying to himself because not having robb at his side would make life unbearable how is he supposed to move on without him? how can he be happy when the only person who truly loved him is gone because of him? Sansa visits him and she is warm and kind and plays along because she understands his pain
Prophet of the Drowned God
I was mostly just surprised that it was such a popular option given how I haven't seen it explored a lot in the current fandom. Theon's religious arc is a personal point of interest for me since it mirrors Aeron's but I rarely see the fandom taking it into account. The House Stark average score reached ~6,5/10 and prefered ships were distributed properly. This whoever was the only case in which the Theon & Aeron and Theon & Euron relationships were picked more often than Theon & Alannys, still lower than Asha but significantly more popular in this group.
Sadly there weren't any answers that expanded on this more, but this possibility caught my attention.
he is the drowned God (i’m joking but am i)
Bran's Prophet
Average House Stark score of ~5,7/10 which was slightly below the total average. There weren't any strong shipping preferences although it was not surprsing but remarkable to see almost all those who had Bran as one of their favourite POV characters (9/10) pick this while only 4/10 were fond of the "Dies for the Starks/Bran" option. A majority of of those who picked this option got to interact with the books before the show (30/47).
Theon finding his place at bran's side, and bran forgiving him for his misdeeds. But i need it at the ultimate snail's pace.
Dies for the Starks/Bran
Only three out of the voters also marked the option of him becoming King/Lord of the Iron Islands, the vast majority preferred throbb as a ship (16 out of this subset.about ~34,7% of all throbb shippers) and the overall House Stark ranking was of ~7,1/10. Overall many on this subset rejected the idea that he could have fit into the Iron Islands had he returned sooner or never been taken and a surprising number explained that an endgame they'd loath would be him getting into a ruling position.
i don't want him to be given a position of honor or power. he is a fundamentally changed character who is highly traumatized and disabled both mentally and physically as well as being haunted by the ghosts of his past. there is no possible way for it to make sense that he is given power over a sheep farm let alone a kingdom
Dies by Stannis' hand
Sadly nothing really remarkable. No disproportionate shipping tendencies and an average score for House Stark of ~5,7/10. Those who chose this option weren't majorly from any specific demographies or tended to choose a specific option for themes. Slightly disappointing since I was curious. I did however find it interesting that out of those who chose this option, everyone also picked the "At the wall" possibility.
Stannis is going to kill him and I've made my peace with that.
Dies by Ramsay's hand
Not many strong tendencies. The House Stark score was on an average of 5,6/10 and out of the people who picked this alternative only 2/8 were thramsay people. The rest were two throbs, one theyne, one theonsa and the other two didn't pick any preferred ships. Opinions on House Stark differed greatly although in this case it wasn't tied to ships and the throbb and theonsa people gave it rather low ratings. Something that picked my attention is how the eight people here were also inclined to choose "Dies a traitor's death" as a possibility they'd be content with. Thematically I can imagine why but it still was surprising to me.
Dies heroically and publicly redeemed
Average House Stark score of ~5,8/10. There weren't any strong shipping tendencies. It didn't even strongly contrast with the "Dies a traitor's death with only a few people remembering him fondly" option since 10 of it's voters would have also been content with that option. There wasn't anything noticeable when it came to preferred themes either.
Dies a traitor's death with only a few people remembering him fondly
A significant number (11/14≈ 78% ) of thramsay shippers picked this option and the average score of House Stark in this subset was of ~3,1/10. Very fun for me to observe, I didn't think this option would show any clear tendencies but it did. When it came to chosen themes there was something interesting going on. Nr.3 (the most chosen one out of all voters) was only chosen three times by people who picked this possibility although there wasn't a clear preference for another specific set of themes.
It would feel deeply wrong to me if he died heroically and was lauded after his death. It feels like so much of his story is about accountability and living with your mistakes/regrets and and ending like that would completely undermine that message. I also hate the idea of him being in some sort of position serving the Starks because feeling beholden to them was the source of so much of his discontent and issues to begin with. I think the most satisfying ending would be one where Theon gets to be his own person, not who anyone else wants or expects him to be.
Here are some of the wish fulfilment answers that I am allowed to quote and either proposed less common endings or expanded on the common ones in case you are curious. The question on the survey was:
What would be your ideal Theon endgame? You can list more than one concept/scenario. It can be as unrealistic as you want. This is pure wish fulfilment.
listen i just want him to kill ramsay it'll be satisfying
Away! Free cities! Go live and be free, my beautiful damaged honeybee
Half of his ashes are buried with Robb and the rest are thrown in the sea
Asha's hand on the Iron Islands or in the wild north like Jon in the show
I'd like him to survive, but I'd like him to strike out as a common man. I'd enjoy it if he could abandon his noble origins and just be Theon.
Theon living a simple life in the North, maybe by the coast. Asha comes to visit sometimes. He can't use a bow anymore but he has a sweet old horse to keep him company.
him fighting at winterfell against the others and dying. history remembering his terrible deeds but the people who knew him remembering his acts of kindness and bravery.
i really want him to be a kind of diplomat between the iron islands and the north, moving between the two families and homes he has ever known. finally being a greyjoy and a stark
made to take the black, living out the rest of his days on the wall unrecognizable and quietly introspective, ignoring the imminent magic war. or some sort of prophet/mouthpiece of the old gods.
My ideal scenario is that Sansa is queen in the north, Asha is queen of the iron isles. Sansa/Theon is a purely political marriage alliance with Theon getting to live in Winterfell with Jeyne living there as well, and he gets to heal from trauma.
Puppet king or not even a king (but either way, Asha did use him with his consent so she could take the Seastone Chair), living in the Iron Islands. Healing, maybe with Jeyne, perhaps not. Not sure he seeks fatherhood, may be satisfied as an uncle. Possibly a prophet/diplomat to Bran's court on the Isle of Faces.
As horrible as this may sound considering he is my favorite character, I do wish that by the end of the series he's dead. Not in TWOW yet and definitely not by being executed by Stannis. I can't really say how I wished it would happen. The show version doesn't really feel exactly right for book Theon, but I still think it'd have something to do with Bran.
Get the guy to a place where he can belong. Get him to a place where he can have agency, and a purpose that he stands behind. Get him to a place where he can heal and recover as much as possible. I can also see him taking on a mentor role for children of some sort, seeing as he's haunted by the ones he killed/ordered to have killed to be placed as fBran and fRickon
I truly have no idea. Hair grows in black again 😂. Um vibing with Jon on the wall, or if Jon's not on the wall being some advisor or something for him. He could do something with Asha too. I'd like for him to talk with bran cuz it seems they've almost spoken through trees and such. I guess I'd be content if Theon was content I don't know what that looks like for him
I think it would be great if he died in a way that made him feel heroic but he was not remembered heroically. Maybe a death no one else knew about but which saved lives etc. I'd like to have someone offhandedly mention finding his body (ideally not even knowing who he is) and burying him an an unmarked grave. Nameless and landless for all eternity, not even the king of his own resting place.
My ideal Theon endgame is him returning to the Iron Islands eventually, and facing his sister/Euron again/at least once. I want his arc to entwine with Aeron's somehow, and I want more interaction with his seemingly prophetic abilities. I don't think I'd want him to stay in the Iron Islands, though. I'd like it if he eventually travelled abroad/was exiled to Essos, or another land removed from the conflict. Puppet king Theon with Asha is also great!
Idk tbh. My ideal endgame is he escapes with Robb when they are kids and go live in dorne or something lol Hmm. Actually tho. I think I would be very happy with him joining the free folk somehow. Becoming besties with mance. And then the white walkers end up being a physical manifestation of their society’s disconnection with nature and magic and suppression of different ways of life. And the free folk + bran + Daenerys, missandrei and co end up being instrumental in helping the threat end without reproducing even more violence. And Theon gets a wonderful wildling husband or wife and lives happily ever after cjvghxh
Maybe as Sansa’s king consort ? I think with all her shit marriage, this one would be her endgame, he would sometimes advise her and would aid Yara to make her peace known through the Iron Islands, maybe he would take a summer isle in Essos where he and his Queen could rest from time to time, leaving Winterfell under Jon’s command and they eventually retire there and die of old age back in the North where they belonged : Theon would die as : Theon Greyjoy Stark, King Consort of the North, Prince of Pike and the Iron Wolf. And how great it would be if Winterfell became a home to parent less children or batards, all children of Queen Sansa and King consort Theon
Alive, his hair grows in black again, he spends his life travelling across the Kingdoms for various propaganda purposes and makes meaningful connections with people of many ilks. Seer Theon who connects with the Gods of all places. Occasionally he returns to places that are significant to him as a matter of routine (the Iron Islands etc) and sees people he once knew. They're all older and scarred and only able to spend so much time in each other's company before the Pain sets in but they enjoy the spurts of connection they have. I would like to see Theon managing his chronic pain relatively successfully. The idea of him having a bastard from the before times is also appealing to me
I don't know!! I kind of hate them all. All my happy endings require no ramsay, and I don't want that. I think I'd want to know more about his post ramsay health and body to inform the answer... I'd like Asha to rule the iron Islands I think. I don't want theon to serve the starks. I don't want him to rule anything. Sometimes I think I want him to retire in a cottage but that's so sad. Consigned to a life of retirement and isolation at age 20 simply because of disability and trauma? Fuck that. I know people could visit him in the cottage but idk man. I want the narrative to leave him alone, but I want hope. He can't die. I don't need or even want him to have prestige, just security. He is 20 years old! He has his entire life ahead of him!! I really have no idea my friend.
I want him to live AND be FREE. He’s been stuck between options, he can choose one or the other or not choose at all and be punished either way - he must be given the agency he has always lacked. It could be an ending that a lot of characters need or deserve but for me: that’s Theon’s ending. After his arc it’s the one that suits him most. Like…. him realising that he struggled so much because he never knew what he really wanted, that he strived for something that would never satiate him, would never work out. And for all he’s been through and committed I can’t see him in a ruling position, or being another servant. No I want him to escape from all that. I want him to live, free to come to terms with his guilt and his suffering and that he survived his life being ruined, he survived death which means he should get to choose his new life
I would love to see him in power honestly, taking the lessons he learned and applying them. Will they be good? what has he learned about arrogance, cruelty and power? would he make a good leader? or would he just be repulsed by all those things? has he learned the right lessons? he has done a very brave and morally righteous thing but will he keep doing it in more complicated scenarios? what role hed play in saving the world from the ice zombies? would he help bran? Wouldn't it be awesome to see what he would do in the iron islands? how he would help it's people? will he keep on saving Jeyne? what will be their relationship? will probably never see any of this but something I'd really really like is that "no more fucks left to give" and "smiling through torture and broken teeth" attitude theon has on the sample chapter, seeing him interact with Asha and Jeyne would be amazing. Maybe even Dagmar and his mom...
Hmm. Some position of influence/power on the Islands (Lord Commander of the Iron Fleet, Asha’s Hand, co-ruler with Asha, something like that) and general social integration (having respect from people generally as well as managing to re-connect with old friends/acquaintances or making new ones to where he has a genuine social support network that’s not just 1 or 2 people). In my dreams, he’s also managed to recover/heal from his trauma and injuries both physically and mentally/emotionally to the furthest extent even remotely realistically possible. Which would still likely leave him with some PTSD/anxiety/etc issues but ideally at a highly manageable level and ideally his physical injuries would be compensated for as much as possible (perhaps even with some help from fantasy-magic-healing-that-mimics-modern-medicine lol) so he can still participate in normal activities from archery to dancing to fucking eating, even if with some unavoidable limitations/issues. (His hair is growing in black again after a while, you can fight me.) He’s got a close and mostly-functional relationship with Asha. I’m a little less hung up on the romantic aspect here, but if we’re talking like 100% wish fulfillment of the fuzziest sort… Married to Jeyne and still capable of procreating a child (even if they gotta get a bit creative about it), and Asha names said child her heir. (Listen. You said pure wish fulfillment was acceptable so…)
(if the last person I quoted here reads this: I am very happy you took me by my word. The more wish fulfilment people wrote for this question the better this was for my understandings!)
Also, if anyone has any other questions please feel free to send them. This took longer than usual because I was recently visited by a friend and there were some other personal impediments, but I try to get to them as fast as I can.
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emo-milk · 2 years
I have to play music really loud and cut my hair
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pocket-poly · 2 years
The last 6mths have been an upheaval to what I knew as family. My life is choas normally but this is has been years of festering that's finally beeing addressed.
Grieving family relationships with people whom still are very much alive but no longer in my life by my choice because I've learned boundaries. (Only took me 35 years to start learning and 3 years to enforce them)
I'd be lying if I claimed this new life I'm actively building is a peaceful place of sunshine and rainbows. Because remodeling anything figuratively or literally is a messy progression of tearing down, repairing and redesign. And doing so when your actually living in the place of remodeling isnt easy. The mess the chaos and the clutter is madness in its own right. And no matter how great the end game may become its always a longer process than it was ever intended to be
The unlearning of people pleaseing traits that once severed me as I lived in survival mode among narcissistic people to try and hold the family together are commonly inconvenient to those around me. I made every effort to show up, arrive, fix,support, help. I made time to show up in every way i could. The word no is a complete sentence; and let me tell you, that pisses people off.
I'm emotional. I'm aware. I'd like to say I've done really well at walking away, cooling off and not making knee jerk reactions. Most days people have no idea how close I am to becoming a puddle of tears or an enraged monster. To be honest. I guess, until today, I also had no idea.
Until lastnight, a relationship with a partner, whom I thought, we were simply riding out the storm of covid and hardships in our lives was brought to my attention is no longer enough. And Im leaving someone I love dearly unfulfilled, and unhappy.
Im fully aware the transition I'm navigating leaves ME less available. But for quiet some time available has not been a mutual offering and I was left to accept it and navigating how to make what I WAS given OKAY or quit. So i did the work to change, and accpet the new normal. I worked to accept appreciate what i had, Because that was all they had to offer given thier hardships and struggles. But now it seems that isnt enough for them. And i dont know what to do. I dont have a full glass to pour from beyond my own and I AM actively working on filling MY own cup.
New me wants to throw up my hands and say fine, go find your happiness. Its an inside job and I can NOT save you. But in polyam we already have that freedom. So, what is the healthy, and responsibility of mine to carry?
Old me wants Arguments about how WE got here, but that wouldnt do anything but hash out old feelings. How would that possibility do any good? It wouldn't.
While it took all my bravery in a half asleep mind frame to express what i have been working on in therapy last night, only it wasnt comprehend clearly. They were not coherent to engage in a conversation they started. So, all those feeling nicely explained and thought thru, got lost in the night.
Being emotional I slept like shit. I woke earlier than planned and just dove head first into my day. One problem after another 🙄 and its only noon.
My husband has been gone all week for work. My partner is unhappy. My home and mental health is legitimately under renovations. And trying hard to learn healthy boundaries, meeting people where they are, and not bleed on those that haven't hurt me.
Last night when they expressed they were unhappy in all thier relationships. I was aware this isnt all my weight to carry. And I dont know how fixing ours is going to help what is clearly a much bigger thing than what we have. Again
happiness is an inside job
I like to think we have weathered and changed thur the shit the last 2.7 years has thrown at us. Changing what we had to what we could have. And finding peace with that. The happiness i brought to the table propelled them through the rest. Its not the power I have or the energy I have to carry and mange that. I love them. We are poly. I am in no place to provide a physical relationship, my emotional needs arent met and I dont hold ANYONE to that chore as I am navigating my own healing. But I am demi sexual. And I cant be sexual and physical until I find comfrot and healing. Which i am fully responsible for. If this isnt something they have the power to ride out with me I understand. Thier plate is thier own to determine what they are willing to do, withstand, handle and I peroanally know how difficult and full it is.
Ive stood by thier side through a lot of crap in our time together. And they owe me NOTHING But i wont stand in their way of happiness regardless of my love for them
Our dynamic and relationship has changed many times over 2.7 years, I am only 1 of 4 parts of thier poly relationships and im only responsible for that one. What we had and what we have are VERY VERY different things. And no i dont think going back is an option. Is never really is. But making what we have work and the opportunity to build new things are.
I am a fixer, a caregiver, a helper.
I cant fix thier financial situation, job, marriage, sex life and i have had to learn how to love someone and not fix them. And that's where i am.
Unlearning people pleaseing, advocating for what's mine to carry, loving people where they are, and taking responsibility for my own happiness.
If you have read this far... thank you. 😊 this is a small place I work out my thoughts and feelings and share with those navigating poly and thier own healing and happiness
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naamahdarling · 4 years
Tell! Us! more! Abt! Your! Gf! ( if u dont mind that is) It makes me all warm inside🥰
Oh my god. Bear. Bear is amazing.
I know people are always like "oh my partner is so funny and smart!" and like, you gotta understand that is indubitably true because of course it is. And she's also just cute as heck. But let me explain to you that she is kind. Kind like stealing a sick and starving kitten off someone's porch, kind like always having money for the guys on the highway off-ramps, kind like I come out of the studio and find her crying because a horse dies on her 911 People Are Dying show, kind like treating every human being with whom she interacts with kindness and respect and compassion, kind like I didn't know could all be in the same person. I'm not describing it very well. It's profound.
I was raised in a dysfunctional family and then went straight to a difficult relationship, and while none of those people ever meant me ill, and all loved me dearly, I still had never been on the receiving end of kindness in this way.
I honestly spent the first 4 years of my relationship with her taking it in. Like something so big you can't really understand it. Like looking at the night from a dark sky site when you don't know the names of the stars, and think maybe even if you did know some you couldn't find them because there are so many. So you just stare at the sky and feel its presence and you're like "Wow, that's real, and I am somehow real, and looking at it, and I don't understand it but I know I love it and I never want to look away."
So you just lie there eating Twizzlers and hoping the park patrol doesn't come throw you out because curfew was like 3 hours ago and wondering idly if you'll have chigger bites in the morning but not caring enough to see if your socks are pulled up. You just lie there and take it in.
And after a while of going out there and dodging park rangers you learn some stars, you get a grip on the shape of it. Maybe you learn about the Orion nebula where stars are born, or about how Vega used to be the polestar, not Polaris. But you never stop being amazed by it.
She is like that. Not just her kindness but her whole constellation.
I love the shit out of her, it is absolutely wild. Didn't know I could feel this way. And man, how I used to hate romance.
I don't know if I care for it still, actually, but I love it with her, because she loves it. So I say romantic things and I do romantic things and it feels RIGHT and I treat her like an equal and a friend but also like the most precious gift in the world, like something you cannot believe someone trusted you with, because that's what she is.
I am an atheist. An a-the-ist. And she has come [this close] to changing my mind because touching her feels like Grace. But I know that the universe made her out of the same stardust as me, like super-randomly, and the miracle that we should meet is bigger than anything I read about in the Bible, so I don't know if God really enters into it. Like, there have been sooo many sacred kings, but she's the only one of her. Ever. Isn't that absolutely crazy? Isn't that the most unlikely thing you have EVER heard?
I'm not fucking around, I love her to death. I love her so much that if someone harassed us on the street for being just incandescently queer, I would just walk away from that juicy fight because she hates conflict and would probably be upset and maybe scared and I wouldn't want to leave her alone. I think about it a lot, I picture it. We get in our sensible Honda and drive away and get Dairy Queen. She didn't tame me or anything. I evolved like a fucking Pokemon, and the world be willing, someday I will evolve into someone as good as she is.
I cannot emphasize enough: I didn't think I would ever get to have this. I have multiple mental health diagnoses and am disabled. I will never have a job or work. I'm a divorcee. I'm queer. I'm fat and have bad skin. I don't cook. I make fucking awful jokes all the time. I didn't expect to find anyone, let alone...like...HER. I had no hope. But I got it. Because love is real, and by god it may take its time coming but when it does it's fundamentally life altering and almost incomprehensibly beautiful.
I could seriously talk about it for hours. I WILL if you ask me or let me. I am quiet about it mostly (barring the last few days) but it's a significant part of my life, and with all of this shit going on, it's kind of highlighted how much I NEED to be with her forever.
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
He Loves Love
Pairing: (cocky) Baekhyun x reader
Genre: drabble
Warnings: none
A/N: this is just something that came out after the whole magazine thing........... I dont know. If you could leave a feedback I would be increadibly grateful but I know it is too much to ask! Anyway, stay home and drink water everyone please! 
Edit: There will be a TWO-PART story for this drabble, so if you are interested, keep an eye on the blog! 💕 Thank you for the feedback!
“It is being said you had many girlfriends,” you stated looking him straight in the eyes, not afraid to call him out on gossips that have been roaming around for a while now. The forever pure, innocent face of his had to be saved somehow, and you were willing to give him a helping hand by denying the rumours.
That was, of course, only if he would accept.
Which, he did not.
“Oh, I did have many girlfriends,” he replied calmly, a glint in his eyes as he sat back more comfortably. Slightly, he bent his head, looking at you from behind of his lashes curiously, ready to give you the fruit you did not ask for. “And I loved them. Every one of them. Oh, so dearly, so passionately. I still could tell you their favourite food or favourite clothing. Whatever it may be, I sure know it. I know my women well.”
There was no chance you would give him the luxury of physically showing him what you were actually thinking, and what you desperately wanted to do: stand up, slap him and leave. But the cameras were rolling, lights were on, strong and shiny, the exact opposite of your own weak and dull being. You couldn't leave and he knew it, too. He knew you so well, just like he insisted he knew all his previous lovers. Despite all of this, he wanted to gift you something - your interview, your chance to shine and make yourself known as a good reporter, good writer for the fashion magazine you had been so diligently working for. A writer that just won a prize by getting information that no one ever was successful enough to get.
Was he really doing this for you?
As soon as the pages would be in the printer, the world would know. Surely, nobody could keep this a secret and wait till the magazines hit the shelves of the newstands. Somebody would sneak a picture of the interview, upload it… And the bomb would go off, taking him down. Hm, who could you trick? His managers and assistants - everyone present from his company - were trying hard not to go mad, instead going behind the rolling cameras and showing him hand gestures to stop the bullshit he was pulling. 
Nobody must know. 
“Mhm, how about you tell me about your favourite piece of clothing?” you resumed, easing the tightening of your hand on the notepad that was lying on your thigh as you were sitting cross-legged on the uncomfortable chair opposite him. “Since the highlight of the photoshoot is the collaboration with high-fashion brands, there has to be something incredibly rare in your wardrobe that you like so much to wear.”
Before answering, he licked his lips, still giving you a curious stare that by now had a knowing glint to it - he knew what you were doing, and he was trying not to show the slight disappointment. He liked to play, especially with someone like you. Someone, who was so unreadable it made his open-minded self go crazy; that was, of course, back when he just saw you and could know you through a simple “hi” and through a very hasty “bye”. He couldn't have you the way he wanted although he could instantly tell the raging want behind your shy eyelashes. A raging want that you were denying so hard and he didn't understand why when the attraction was present.
“We are so late,” murmured your colleague Hyeri, a senior to you, a simple intern who was trying hard to make it into the fashion magazine and trying to graduate school. At that time, you also had another wish: for the fashion magazine to offer you a job once you graduate. That was how it worked for the people who were successful in Korea. Mostly. So getting scolded, being commanded, controlled, told what to do (but not be told HOW to do it correctly), what not to do. You have gotten so used to it you might have forgotten the creative freedom that you were always craving for when interviewing an interesting person or writing a short story into your shabby notebook. “And we are getting so scolded,” continued Hyeri as you were already inside the building, fast-walking through reception.
You braced yourself unknowingly, staring into the marble floor ahead of you,  ready to face something you have gotten used to until you and Hyeri ran into somebody to whom Hyeri immediately bowed almost 90 degrees. You followed, immediately.
“Oh, hello, Baekhyun ssi!” she hurdled, an immediate blush steady on her foundation covered cheeks. “So nice to see you here after years!”
“Hello,” smiled the famous singer, his eyes falling on a very surprised, innocent face of yours. “I don't think we collaborated before, have we?” he asked you, bowing slightly, the polite person he was.
Gulping, you shook your head. “No, we have not.”
“She is just an intern,” spoke Hyeri at the same time, not even sparing you a glance.
Baekhyun, the singer, looked back at your colleague, his eyes shining. “I suppose she is going to be one of you guys.”
Understanding this conversation about you did not include you anymore, you decided not to talk. “Maybe. It depends how she will do in her tasks.”
Baekhyun once again looked at you, not showing his surprise at how your face remained unaffected by Hyeri's words nor his strong presence. “I am sure she will do well.”
Managers urging him to take his leave, while giving you apologizing smiles, made him give you a final bow. However, this time, ignoring Hyeri completely, he looked you in the eyes. “I shall see you soon. I will wait for you until  you make it.” Wink.
“Sure, there are many pieces I adore. But how I like to categorize them is what matters to me. I believe clothes can bring you luck, or vice versa. Maybe the first loves could be about the colour red - passion, love, complete desire.” You took in a deep breath, slowly, so that the raising of your chest can go unnoticed by a prying eye. “Then there could be the colour yellow, right? With this one I would also categorize the textile. Hm, cotton. Safe, deep, incredibly enriching feeling when you are enchanted by someone you cannot stop thinking about. I categorize my clothes as I do the women I spent time with.”
How did he manage to turn the conversation around and go back to the forbidden territory was beyond your common sense, but this was nothing to be shocked about anymore.
Just like him, you also knew your Baekhyun. Not through clothes, but through his mind-
“Then, there is my utmost favourite one: the cream, the vanilla and the cashmere. Gentle and purely sensual. Oh, yes, my favourite one,” he smiled at you, his face dreamy as he remembered the just mentioned textile sliding down your body, pooling around your feet as it finally gave way to his wandering hand. When he finally touched you, when he finally kissed you and you allowed him, reminding you that he knew you would make it...
...make it into his heart.
And he also knew you would make it where he knew you wanted to be badly. The magazine, the writer, the creator.
So now, he wanted you to create him, to re-create him, because that was who he was and he wanted you to be the one to do it.
Baekhyun loved love.
In all forms.
And now it was your turn to shine, and he would make sure all the spotlight is yours, even when it was about him.
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five0mcdanno · 4 years
I have a lot of thoughts I wanna make posts for concerning the newest episode but I wanted to talk about something for a minute. I want to share my own perspective and thoughts on Steve and him potentially leaving Hawaii. This got long but I have a lot of thoughts and feelings.
Spoiler warning for 10x21
So I've been seeing a lot of people on Twitter talking about how it's bad writing or out of character for Steve to suddenly want to leave Hawaii in order to gain some perspective on his life and choices but as someone who is going through something remarkably similar, I dont think it's such an out of character crazy thing for Steve to be thinking about. We've seen Steve struggling this year with grieving both Joe White and his mom. He's tired and like he said he's been running nonstop since he returned to Hawaii 10 years ago. This whole season we've been watching him become more and more tired. Can you blame him for thinking about wanting something new and different? For thinking about what it is he wants in life now? I sure don't. It makes sense to me.
Some people are also saying that him leaving, especially after Danny is seriously hurt, means he doesn't give a crap about their friendship and I'm here to tell you that that's bullshit. Steve wanting to leave Hawaii for a while has nothing to do with his friendship with Danny. He loves Danny. Come on, we all know that. To quote Steve: "No one can replace you, you're my Danno". Danny is everything to Steve.
The thing is, this decision is not about Danny. It's about Steve. If I may quote Steve one more time, he says "I kinda feel I've been protecting everyone but me, does that makes sense?" Yes Steven! It does! Because for ten years you've taken care of all of Hawaii while dealing with some serious shit! So it really isn't that crazy that you're tired and want to do something for himself.
For once in his life, Steve is thinking about making a decision for himself and not for anyone else. The decision to leave is for him, to take care of himself. It doesn't mean he doesn't love and cherish Danny or his home. It means he recognizes that he's struggling and he needs to do something about it. And sometimes that means taking yourself away from things you love to get some perspective.
Ya know, I really relate to Steve right now. I had a pretty shit year last year and it caused me to rethink a lot of things about my life. What I want, who I am, who I want to around, etc. I'm now taking time away from certain things and people (things and people I love dearly and whom it hurt to leave) to figure out who I am again. I'm lost and tired just like Steve. It sounds like Steve feels and thinks the same way I am right now. It's not easy to make this decision. It's not easy putting yourself first after years of putting other first. But sometimes it's what you need to do.
I understand why this seems like it's coming out of nowhere. It would seem like that to everyone else both with fans and with the team but to Steve it's something that's probably been on his mind for a while but he was unable to determine what he needed or what it is he was really feeling. That's how it went with me. Took months and a certain incident for me to realize I needed to fix myself and what I had to do to do that. And when I told my friend pretty much the same thing that Steve told Danny, my friend was angry and confused and didn't understand because to her, this was completely out of the blue. It wasn't for me. It was a long time coming. I think it's been a long time coming for Steve too.
Steve has a had a really hard year. Hell, he's had a really hard decade! This past year was probably just the straw that broke the camel's back and now he's feeling a little lost and tired. It makes complete sense to me that Steve wants a break to reevaluate his life. Leaving Hawaii for a time could help him find clarity and in the end, lead him back home.
I hope the finale brings Steve that clarity and I hope it leads to happiness for him. I hope and pray it's with Danny and his family in Hawaii but if Steve needs to leave Hawaii for a bit to find out what he wants to do next then I respect that because I know (and Steve does too) that Hawaii will always be his home and Danny and the team will always be there for him when he comes back. Steve might need to leave in order to see where he belongs and who he belongs with. That's okay! It's not like hes gonna leave forever even if the show ends there. Steve will come home.
I will be upset if Lenkov has him randomly choose to be with a certain person in the end cause that would be a big mistake that I'm not going to go into here but I digress. The point is Steve thinking about leaving Hawaii isn't really that surprising to me nor is it out of character in my opinion. I think it's the only thing that would cause Steve to leave Five-0. Heck I'm surprised Danny hasn't retired yet either. Maybe he and Steve can both retire and move to Jersey together ;)
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luxexhomines · 6 years
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Ahhh, thank you guys so much for asking!! I just compiled them all into one post so I don’t clog up your dash with several posts. Here we go! I’m going to tag this as discourse and put a cut because my answers to the letters might not please everyone, aha. It’s long, too. Major spoilers for NDRV3.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Honestly, I’m not super sure at this point. Surprise, surprise, I only just recently finished watching the rest of NDRV3 and started writing for it. And I haven’t thought about tropes that much, though I’m sure I’ve written plenty of them into my writing at some point, even if not posted on here. 
If we’re going to go Danganronpa-centric, as this is my side blog for Danganronpa writing, I’d say that I fall in love with characters that are contradictory and with seemingly bipolar or gray morals despite probably having morals as straight as an arrow myself, i.e. Nagito or Kokichi. The characters playing “straight man” and relating to the reader’s perspective are also my favorite; in a wacky situation, they offer reason and normal reactions, which I would peg Hajime as (maybe Kazuichi, too, although he’s more of a crybaby). In fanfiction, I just love hurt & comfort fics, especially involving–you guessed it–Kokichi. I am particularly partial to the Oumota chapter 5 and chapter 5 trial rewrites, which, lucky for me, both of which are quite often rewritten by spectacular writers.
If we’re going in general, I always end up reading manga with an independent, strong and decisive character that crosses worlds and/or bodies by accident or death and becomes incredibly powerful/influential in the world and dominates over other characters with skills ranging from cooking to fighting. I guess I read a lot of manhua with martial arts or other manga with game aspects to it.Writing-wise, I love reading slow burn fics, even if I haven’t read one in quite some time. 
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I have a feeling this is going to go into highly controversial areas, so if you ultra ship Kaito x Maki, please turn away now...
I just hate that “man saves woman” from herself or traumatic past trope. Don’t get me wrong, I love hurt/comfort like I mentioned, but to specify, what I mean is when a strong and independent woman needs saving by a man. I realize Maki has a lot of issues from her past as an assassin and that Kaito is a viable, good option for helping her out and facing those issues, but the fact of him being a man and the way he just swoops in and fixes things forcefully by pulling her along for training just irks me. And before you ask, yes, if Kaede did it instead as a woman I would have less of a problem with it, even if I don’t like that somehow after a couple days of training together Maki somehow is better able to get along with others and most notably Shuichi despite having spent the previous entire time cooped up in her Ultimate room alone, is willing to use her experience as an assassin to help out with the investigation when she just walked out in the past, etc. Problems from a past like that would never be so easily faced in reality; people and their minds are much more stubborn than we’d like to think, too. 
In general, I am also highly averse to the Women in Refrigerators trope. To some extent, I feel that Kaede fits this trope, as a.) she is an important, pivotal, incredibly fleshed out female character and even the initial protagonist of ndrv3, b.) she dies arbitrarily for a murder she did not commit, c.) a big part of her death is written into Shuichi’s character development for making him grow as the protagonist (he sheds the cap, faces the truth, and the memory of Kaede’s last wishes serves as his support to reveal the truth several times in trial), and of course, d.) her death in the execution is grotesque as befitting of a Danganronpa execution. Kaede deserved so. much. more.
There are probably more out there, but I won’t mention them for the sake of length & time. 
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Okay! So don’t hate me for this, but I haven’t been really keeping up a bunch with fanfiction writers or specific ones that much. It just hasn’t ever been a habit of mine in the past to follow one writer–ironic, I know. There’s one that immediately comes to mind, but she’s not part of the Danganronpa fandom, so unless someone asks, I’ll leave her out of it. However, there are a couple of writers that I recently discovered through the Oumota weekend event and which I follow on my main blog, and I thoroughly enjoy reading their work. Their work also contains mentions of NDRV3 spoilers!
1. @kirastrations
I recently reblogged her work on this blog because I have so much love for the Oumota fic she wrote (which deserves more love!). It’s called One by One, One After Another, and I simply adore the way she writes Kaito’s character and experiences with the other characters throughout the game and the overarching feeling that comes across as a result of the situation and what ensues. The diction choices she makes is absolute art; I see the imagery so clearly in my head, and not a single word of hers is wasted. It’s concise while being aptly and most beautifully descriptive. Even though I’m not a huge fan of Kaito, the way she writes him and his actions make me love him. I would describe the work as a futile yet desperate and exquisite struggling, an embodiment of angst that is so beautifully painful that it appears to be an illusion. I haven’t had a chance to check out other works from her just yet, but that’s on my to-do list!
2. @golden-redhead
I love, love, love their work too. They recently posted Lavender, a Kirumi x Kaede (Tojomatsu? Kaerumi? Kirumatsu?) work for femslash Feb, and it is a post-reality Virtual AU short fic. The way they write the interaction between Kirumi and Kaede offers such a delicate, carefully constructed image and story while creating some tension between the two. They also format the story with Kirumi’s thoughts in a simple and straightforward way that is just so delicious to read. Aspects of Kirumi explored are small things that unravel into a bigger statement about her character and the nature of the killing game and the impact it has left on her. It reminds me of the way a player might gently stack up a house of cards–attentively, with a sharp eye and feel. 
3. @starlightwritesalie
They wrote these two Oumota fics for the weekend that I fell in love with, especially the one for Day 1: Heroes/Villains. Sometimes when living in the world of Danganronpa, you forget that these tragic situations and the killing game are experienced, in essence, by children. You can argue that they’re older than high schoolers for the first two games, but mentally they are still high schoolers, and let’s face it–a couple years above the legal age of being an adult in America, 18, can hardly be counted as an adult, either. They reminded me of that sickening fact so poetically yet bluntly, and the story they write only serves as a further reminder of that fact. They write statements about the situation and how the pair act in the situation that are so agonizing yet irrefutable–as is the situation that they’re both trapped in. The ending is so unbearably cruel, packed with pain, but the way they create it is so decisively soft and snatches away my breath with the truth at the heart of the game, the situation. 
So there you have it! Sorry that my answers are so long... I have too much to say, and especially about the people whom I adore. Since it said to pick 3, I didn’t get to include these two, but I also love aroseandapen and mystic-mints dearly. If you ask, I’ll write a whole paragraph on why I love them, too, although I suspect by this time you all are getting rather tired of all my talking, haha. I also didn’t include imagines blogs, but if you’re curious, feel free to ask about that since I am still kind of a imagines blog! I guess at this point I’m kind of a fusion of an imagines blog and normal fanfiction writing blog.
Thanks for asking, and if you have any more questions, feel free to shoot an ask!
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chimswae · 6 years
Chapter 20 (Final)
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Some stories are better left unsaid.I couldn’t change anything for the world, although the fame part of this industry is tough to handle.Do i have a life? Yes I have my fans.Do i have friends? Yes the members that I cherish. Do i have love? No I have to let go.Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. But do i have any tomorrow?
Pairing: Jimin x OC (Other characters: BTS, OCs, Lee Taehwan)
Genre: Idolau, Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 4,020
Author Note: I crosspost this story from my Asianfanfic account. Mind you, clicheness OVERLOADS
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Chapter 20:  Even we are apart our heart is connected to each other
The sunshine shone so brightly accompanied by cool gust of wind matching the transition of the new season of the year. It was not a typical day for everyone, because today would be a day to witness the reunion of two souls exchanging sacred love vows and promises.
 A simple wedding which took months to prepare was finally here. Undoubtedly, the pressure on the bride and the groom doubled. Yeoul was trying to get used to Jimin’s world as she actually went around with Jimin for interviews and photoshoots with magazines.
 This whole new world was rather odd for her to handle at first but with Jimin by her side, everything was possible. She was no longer scared of cameras and screaming fans, instead she was grateful with the support that they shown.
 And, minus the part where she disliked her privacy being invaded still however Yeoul would politely explained to the fans if she happened to catch them following her and Jimin around. No pun intended.
 Clock was ticking, and every second was precious.
 In few minutes, she would be walking down the aisle to witness her own big day. She really did not want to screw this day, so she had been practicing her walk all night just in case her grips on Taehwan’s hand went weak.
 Yes, Lee Taehwan as her Man of Honor.
Yeoul knew this sounded so wrong but she personally requested Taehwan to walk her down the aisle along with Minyeol. The thought of her father overwhelmed her, and if he’s still alive he would be proud to see his daughter in this gorgeous wedding dress. Too bad, god loves him more.
 It was selfish of her to make Taehwan the man who had loved her so dearly to replace her dad’s place. To be honest, she could not find anyone that fit the role. She loved and cared for Taehwan just like a family, he was the perfect man for this.
 As for Taehwan, he did not take this thing into heart in fact he had tried to digest thing positively ever since Jimin and Yeoul got back together. Seeing that the chances of him being with Yeoul were no longer there, Taehwan had decided to bury his love for Yeoul deep in his heart.
 He wanted it to remain as memory because memory last forever.
 It was a great honor for him to walk Yeoul down the aisle on behalf of her father. He believed one day when the right time came, he would find that one person whom he could cherish and love for the rest of his life.
 Jimin had no complain either, in fact he was thankful to Taehwan for staying by Yeoul’s side when he couldn’t do that. He had to admit if he were to compare himself with Taehwan, that tall guy deserved Yeoul better. The sacrifice and love that he stored for Yeoul was undeniably amazing.
 However, Jimin would not simply give up on his love though he was well aware love enough was not enough to prove that he’s worthy. Therefore, through this marriage he would do everything that he could not do with Yeoul and Minyeol before. No matter how long it takes him to reach there, he would do it.
 “Are you ready” her mother voice boomed and brought Yeoul back to reality.
 “Mother..” she nodded with a nervous smile while the older woman took few step closer to her, taking her hand in hers.
“You will be just fine. Look how beautiful you are today. If your father get to see this, he will be proud” she stroked her hand as tears started to form In her eyes. They promise to not shed any tears on this beautiful day but this talk would be sucking the tears out from their fragile dam.
 “Father.. I know he’s watching me from above. And..I cant wait to flaunt my handsome husband to him. He has always been a huge of Jimin when I dated him during my high school days” she smiled sadly.
 A flash of memory came rushing in, and it saddened her to remember the time they spent together, Jimin’s first meeting with his father because he caught them kissing in front of their house. Those memories were beautiful. She swore to engrave it deep in her soul.
 Her mother chuckled “You father loves Jimin so much that he really wanted to adopt him as his legal son. That sounds so mess up and incest don’t you think?” both of them let out a small laugh at the silly thought.
 “Thank you for everything mother. It has been hard for you to raise me alone with additional members in our family. I am sorry for every trouble that I caused and grateful that you are my mother” Yeoul wounded her arms around the older woman,holding back the tears from falling.
 “That is my job as a mother. To love and care for you, even in your worse time” she squished her closer while blinking her tears away.
 Yeoul heard she continued “You are in a good hand, Jimin is a good man. He will love you as much as I do but you will forever be my daughter. Remember that” she pulled away and gazed at her lovingly.
 Indeed, to any mothers on the planet, this day would be the hardest day in their life. They had to let go their daughter to someone else that would become the new knight in their life. They were no longer the knight that used to protect their daughter in any situation now someone else needed to take the place and knowing it was Jimin, she trusted him wholeheartedly.
 “Hey are we okay here?” Mrs Park came to check on them with a smile on her face. Jimin’s mother and Yeoul’s mother strangely bonded while preparing for the wedding, so they practically the best-in-laws-friends.
 “We are just having our daughter and mother moment. Don’t worry we are done” Yeoul’s mother chuckled “So is everything ready?” she tilted her head.
 Mrs Park nodded as that smile never left her face, she was amused of Yeoul’s beauty even it was not her first time seeing her in this white wedding dress but she knew what she saw. God’s own creation!
 “Yes, in few minutes. Taehwan-ah will come and get you soon Yeoul, so be prepared”
 “I will mother, and thank you”
 Jimin’s mother approached Yeoul fixing the flower in her hand before pulling her into a soft hug “Welcome to the family Na Yeoul. And thank you for marrying my dumb son” she joked earning a laugh from both women.
 Yeoul gladly returned the hug as warmth sipped through her veins, everything really fall into the right place. Marrying Jimin, having beautiful families, and good friends, that’s all she wished for.
 “He is actually adorable. I will take care of that mochi for the rest of my life I swear” she giggled softly.
 Pulling away with a meaningful look, she whispered “I am expecting Minyeol’s dongsaeng soon” Yeoul’s turned crimson red at the sudden request which fluttered her.
 “Mother!” her lips were pursed into a slight pout in protest.
 “We can give you useful tips if you want, been there done that” said Yeoul’s mother.
 “Mom, not you too!” Yeoul shook her head, disbelief.
 Jungkook came up behind Jimin, running his finger in between Jimin’s hair, styling it with a wide smile. He was actually proud of his hyung and had no words to describe it so he had been putting that smiley face all day causing all the members to question his overly happy state today.
 “You have been smiling non stop today Kkuk aint you tired” Jimin smirked, cuffing his sleeves.
 Fixing his gaze on Jimin’s hair, he continued to stroke it like an expert and flashed his cute smile again “Nah, it feels like a dream watching you getting ready for your own wedding. Who knows you are the one who get married first” he chuckled.
 “Are you worried you have to bury Jikook with you forever?” he teased.
 “Jikook is still happening, excuse you. Even though you have Yeoul, I will not let you go..because you are my hyung. My only hyung” he mumbled faintly the last words. The older boy was taken aback of Jungkook’s sincerity, it sounded like a joke at first but when he went in depth to it, he actually meant it different way.
 Jimin turned to face Jungkook with a brotherly smile “No one can change the fact that I am your hyung. And you will forever be my cute little brother, my kkukkie” he squished his cheeks in circle that annoyed the maknae.
 “Dont mess around with my cheeks, you are even childish than Minyeol!” he scoffed.
 “But serious talk, thank you kkuk-ah for having a faith in me. I know I am not a good hyung to you, I will try to mend my mistake and be someone that you are proud off” he patted the top of Jungkook’s head.
 “I hate it when you sound so serious and emotional. But I still want to give you a hug” with that Jungkook pulled smol Jimin into his arm, patting his back with force.
 “Aigoo aigoo my mochi is getting married. Jimin-ssi im proud of you!” he exclaimed excitedly.
 Jimin rolled his eyes giving in to this intimacy “You sound rude now, call me hyung” he corrected but as expected the younger boy only chuckled it away and continued to tease him by calling him by names like he is the older one here.
 Only for today, he would tolerate to Jungkook’s nonsense,said Jimin.
 The younger boy was nowhere to be found when he heard Minyeol was looking for him in the other room. For some reason his son was very fond of Jungkook sometimes it worried him in a good way of course. He spent so much time with Jungkook, and that maknae already made Minyeol played games with him. Bad sign, damage control need to be done soon.
 Gazing his reflection from the mirror, his belly churned in fear. This was his big day and just like Yeoul, he didn’t want to screw it up. Jimin’s only hope was to get over this quickly because it had been a long and dreary months for all of them.
 “That is not how you fix the bow tie” Taehyung’s deep voice echoed throughout the room. He saw his friend leaning against the door looking handsome in his black suit. When it came to visual wise, you gave it to Kim Taehyung. He slayed every clothes that he wore.
 “You look ready” Jimin let out a soft chuckle.
 “Of course it is my best friend’s wedding, I want to look good even though it is not me who will be standing on the altar” he made his way to Jimin and shrugged.
 “Now, how are you feeling” he questioned.
 The shorter guy chin up to give Taehyung’s more space to fix his bow tie, why couldn’t he do it properly even just once for god sake. The nervousness in his system really affect his motor neurons. Taehyung fingers were busy fixing the bow tie while he fixed his gaze on Jimin’s face.
 “Well, nervous? I don’t know, it is mixed feelings. I am excited and scared that I screw this wedding” he sighed.
 “It is normal Chims. It is your big day, cant blame you. I bet Yeoul is as nervous as you are, by the way she looks gorgeous in that bloody white dress” Taehyung complimented purposely triggering Jimin’s jealousy.
 “Why are you peeking on my bride? That is illegal!” his brows twitched into a frown.
 The latter smug playfully “Because I am one of her favorite oppas and of course I come to check on her. You jealous? You will have her for the rest of your life, so cut it out” he knocked Jimin’s forehead with his.
 “Why are you even his favorite oppas, that is absurd” he pursed his lips in protest.
 “Park Jimin-ssi you really need to fix your jealousy or else Yeoul will end the marriage before you two gets old” he shook his head frantically.
 “That is not going to happen” he grumbled faintly low and let Taehyung did magic with his bow tie. He really sucked when it came to fashion, so he would pass this fashion thing to the expert like Kim Taehyung.
 “We are done” said Taehyung breaking the silence.
 Jimin took a glance of his reflection from the mirror, his lips were pulled into a wide smile “Thanks Taetae.. I am going to miss you” he whispered sadly.
 “Yah Jiminie, what are you talking about. You are about to get married not going for a war! That sounds wrong” Taehyung nudged his friend shoulder shaking his head.
 “I mean it.. I will miss you taking care of me, I know we will still meet each other but unlike before we will be living separately. I will miss everyone taking care of me like I am the maknae when it is Jungkook” he rubbed his back neck shyly.
 Before Taehyung could argue another voice joined in “Meaning more spaces for me and Jungkook” Hoseok retorted.
 “Jimin-ah.. you will be living two floors above us, it is not like you are moving back to Busan. Nothing will change between us, we will remain as Bangtan and with additional Minyeol and Yeoul in it. The more the merrier” the older boy reasoned.
 “You heard hyung. So don’t be so sappy, this is your wedding day try to smile more” Taehyung hugged his shoulder.
 Jimin next gesture was rather unexpected and shocked the two when he threw his arms around them  without warn “Thank you hyung, taetae for being a good brother to me. I love both of you always be and always will” that was a rare confession from Jimin.
 “Aww Jiminie we love you too”
 “It is obvious we adore and love you Minie”
 Park Jimin was not a kind of guy would tell everyone he was grateful and love the members with all his heart openly since he had always been so shy to express his feelings. Even when the pd-nim of their reality show conducted a personal interview for each members and inquired them about their thoughts on other members, Jimin would shyly shun away the questions.
 Or his answers would rather be short and simple one like ‘Im grateful for my members, really’ then audience could see the pink blush on his cheeks.
 His shyness was at different level and the members knew it.
 Maybe it was just a 95-liner thing or a libra thing?
 “Taehyung, Hoseok come and help me with the flowers” their attention now was on Jimin’s father at the door. Both of them left the room giving Jimin a thumbs up as an encouragement before leaving the groom alone.
 Before walking away his father stopped at his track and turned to Jimin “ You look handsome soon. Remember, be natural. You will be just fine when you see her. Good luck!” giving him last wink, Jimin watched his father disappeared from the door.
 Jimin sunk on the leather couch, pulling his phone and typed a quick message to Yeoul just to kill time.
Nervous? I am dying here ㅠㅠㅜ
 Yeoul giggled upon reading his message and she could imagine Jimin’s anxious face. Wasting no time, she replied her soon to be husband.
 Mrs Park Jimin:
Me too ㅠ.ㅠ Your mother just left few minutes ago, and now the feeling came back again. I cant wait to walk down the aisle!
And i am dying to take your hand and slip that ring in your fingers. Just wait Mrs Park, you will be mine forever. No escapeㅋㅋㅋ
 Mrs Park Jimin:
Alright alright lover boy, you are distracting me. See you in a bit. Taehwan is here!
Hey hey don’t let his height swoon you! Now i am concern :( Bye Mrs Park!
 “Have you ever heard of too much gadgets sometimes is not good for your health” Namjoon stole his phone from Jimin’s hand.
 “What are you doing here?” Jimin gave him questionable look.
 He heard Jin’s voice behind him “What are we doing here? Wow that question sure is offending me. We are your wingman! Of course we are here to check on you” of course dramatic Jin would tail Namjoon around.
 “It is actually male bridesmaid” said Namjoon.
 “oh your brought friend” he raised his brow and scoff sarcastically.
 “Right friend? Am i not your friend?” Jin shifted beside Jimin and had his arms locked around him with his princey smile.
 “Can both of you take a chill pill. Bickering when you have the chance! So is everything ready? We will be out in few minutes” the leader glanced at his watch with a blink.
 Jimin shot Jin a glare before returning his attention to Namjoon with a nod “I am all good. Do i urm look okay?” he bit his lower lips nervously.
 “Surprisingly ugly”
 “Kim Seokjin” Namjoon scolded.
 “What?” Jin sulked in his seat and not long after his pout was replaced by a genuine smile “You look ready to exchange the vows Jiminie. And, handsome but oh well not as handsome as me. I can reconsider giving you that title today” he grinned.
 “Worldwide handsome of course. You are silly hyung” Jimin murmured in his cute and low voice.
 Mimicking a wedding planner, Namjoon clasped his hand together “Park Jimin-ssi, everyone is expecting for you so lets go!” he showed off his dimple smile.
 “Oh wait before that!I have a wedding gift to give it to you!” Jin chimed.
 Expectations soared high between the two men inside the room, especially Jimin. What was so important that he could not wait until the wedding party over?
 “WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY WEDDING GIFTS! I took time to choose the best condoms! And of course cant you see how cute this gift is..” Jin flaunt the cute mini basket in his hand. At this rate, they had to give him a credit for having so much time in hand decorating this so called wedding gift in a cute basket accompanied with ridiculous flowers scattered around it.
 On second thought, it was a freaking condom. It was not just A condom, there were like more than twenty packs of condoms. What was on this hyung mind?
 Grinding his teeth together, Namjoon tried to sound rational “Jin hyung, you do know people get married to get babies right? Why are you stopping them from getting babies. Geez, you are weirdo” Jimin eyed the older guy with a nasty look in his eyes.
 “You... how many times should i tell you family planning is important?”
 “Why does this concern you? Yeoul and I will think about it. Gosh Jin hyung as much i love you, i just cant brain your idiocy” he scowled.
 “Pshh. Fine, if you dont want this i will keep this to myself”
 “Yah no, return it back! I cant imagine what you are planning to do with it hyung” Namjoon retorted.
 “Kim Namjoon, i dont sleep around! Why are you ganging up on me?” he facepalmed like a drama queen, but the two guys were ignoring him exaggerate reaction.
 “We are done with that gross gifts, now lets go. It is time” giving Jin a light pat on the back, Namjoon purposely shoved him a little to make him start walking.
 Inhale and exhale, the real deal was here.
 “You look stunning” taking a hold of Taehwan’s arm, he could feel her shaking beneath that smile.
 Yeoul smiled “Thank you Tae. You look dashing as well” both of them made their way to the entrance to the wedding hall waiting for the cue.
 “Yeoul-ah, before i am handing you to Jimin. I want you to know that i will always be by your side, so if you ever need someone to talk to, find me. I might not be able to make you mine, oh well scratch that, i am still Minyeol’s favorite samchon. I wish you get the happiness that you deserve in this world, because girl it should have been yours since forever” a glint of love and sincerity in his eyes were intriguing.
 “Tae-ah, thank you for everything. I cant imagine my life without you. I am sorry that i hurt you when the only thing that you did all this time was to love me. Thank you and thank you, i love you Lee Taehwan” she tiptoed a little giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek.
 Taehwan deserved that at least, everyone knew how much he loved Yeoul yet there he was being the real hero marrying her off to another guy.
 The grand entrance opened and it was their cue. Audience arose from their seat while whispering to each other mesmerized by Yeoul’s beauty that shone brighter than any spotlights on the stage. Her gregarious presence really took Jimin’s breath away. Jimin held back his stupidly charming smile when he landed his eyes on Yeoul in that wedding dress.
 “Taetae was right when he said Yeoul looked bloody gorgeous” Yoongi whispered lowly with a soft smile. He liked what he saw. Occasion like this never failed to amuse him because the highlight of this event would be on the bride, like how Yeoul slayed the walk and caught everyone off guard.
 Jimin muttered lowly enough for Yoongi to hear “Lower your gaze hyung. This woman is off limit” he replied without taking his eyes off Yeoul.
 “Shit, fine. I am just complimenting” he defended himself and returned to his position obediently.
 Few more steps then Yeoul would be in his arm.
 Every step taken felt like forever, gripping onto Taehwan’s arm for support Yeoul tried to calm down her racing heart. It was crazy to begin with, to see Jimin looking stupidly handsome and charming in front of her adding to her already burning desire.
 Without she realized, they had stopped walking and here she was just few inches away from the man of her life.
Jimin held out his hand with a charming smile “May I?” as if asking a permission from Yeoul’s father, he glanced at Taehwan.
 “Take care of her Jimin-ah. I am watching you” Taehwan smiled as she led Yeoul’s hand to Jimin.
 “Im honored Taehwan” he nodded at his way and interlaced their fingers together.
 “Hey..” Jimin gazed into her eyes lovingly trying to penetrate the deepest core of her heart. She melted right away, she hated how weak she was whenever with him.
 “Hi…” nibbling on her lower lips shyly, she took the chance to appreciate this beautiful masterpiece in front of him. Everything about Jimin was perfect from his eyes, nose, that rosy cheeks and plump lips of his.
 “You…are stunning love” his whisper was driving her heart crazy.
 They exchanged meaningful smiles but it didn’t last long when their ears caught Minyeol’s voice not far from where they stood. The younger boy was all dressed in his own mini tuxedo, holding onto Taehwan’s hand tight, Minyeol gave them flying kisses with a wink. How cheeky.
 Yeoul and Jimin chuckled at his cheekiness, something that he inherit from Jimin for sure. And, something that young boy learned from Jin.
 “We are about to begin, please step forward”
 This was it, wedding of the year. People were talking about Jimin and Yeoul wedding like there’s no tomorrow and not to forget they received tons of congratulatory messages and gifts from Armys, friends and families.  
 When they looked back at all the troubles that they experienced together, it felt impossible to go through it without shedding a little sweat and tears. Bangtan on the other hand had grown bigger over time, with the recognition from people around the globe, it opened up more opportunity for them.
 Just spread your wings, nothing was impossible.
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This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2019. All Rights Reserved
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Let's See How Long it Will Last
Honestly, i'm too lazy to do anything, so creating this actually burdened me a lot. But lately, I feel like there are so many things that have happened, but I don't really have the outlet to vent it out, except for my only one special friend (yes, we are friends) to whom i always share my story. But i don't think it's enough
Things that have happened lately are something that.... what should i say... something that i never tell anyone in real life (therefore the title of this blog), and also i actually blurred some details to my friend too, just because i'm still not out of the closet yet (you heard it right) and i easily got uncomfortable to talk something that's too private for me.
There are SO many things i'm not willing to share to anyone, but because of what? Not really sure if this is the answer, but i feel like I always feel responsible for everything that has happened in my life, and i believe that the only person who can fix it.... is myself. And yes of course maybe there's a complication of relationship that i avoid such as enduring the "coming out" part, having people see me differently, and of course losing the friendship which i hold dearly? I don't think i want to go through that. Ha. Coward.
I always feel fine handling all of my problems before, but now, regarding romance and relationships? By God, this is a different level. Never have i ever felt.... sick, sad, disgusted, stupid, and all other things because of love? Fuck love, well i hate you but please hang in there.
I have this weird form of coping mechanism in which always triggered when i was stressed, especially because of any form of relationship (friend, lovers, whatever), but never because of work. What i always do is, it's kind of projecting someone else in front of me, and then i will talk to them as if i was meeting them in real life. To put it on the second-person perspective, it's like seeing me talking to myself. If it's not that crazy, then maybe it will not that apparent for others, but if it's THAT BAD, you can hear me as if i was talking with someone on the phone, and sometimes i also tremble like... in the verge of crying. And that just happened like 3 days ago. Fuck you and i hate myself because i fell for you so kindly go fuckyourself
Okay sorry, back to the main topic. And this funny habit actually just happened recently (well maybe like 2 years ago) right after i opened that yellow asshole app. it's getting more intense right now and I don't know.... i feel like i need to pour this thought on my mind just to reduce the burden of thinking this and that when i'm alone.
But don't get me wrong, i'm totally fine and functioning, i have no tendencies toward any harmful actions (you know what i mean). This is just how i normally tell a story to my friend, or to myself. And now i kind of put it here just so everyone could see, but of course anonymously.
I'm really glad that i'm actually doing this, and this is kind of therapeutic as if i was talking with myself, but with proper verbatim, so my future self could see and be embarrassed at how fragile and weak i am hahaha, but whatever i don't care. There's no specific goals or whatever on why this blog is on, i also dont know how consistent i am writing things down, therefore the title of this post. This is just a mere intro for what a fuckery i just past this year and oh boy what a time to be alive and sad.
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katykarnivore · 7 years
It Doesn't Matter (a messy "coming out" story)
This is long and I dont care that much that anyone reads it, I just need to say this and get this out before I lose my mind. :P
When I was in kindergarden, my best friend was a girl named Kristal. I remember very little about the friendship, because it didn’t last but a few years, but I do remember thinking she was just so pretty. She was so beautiful to me, but as soon as that thought entered my head, another came in right behind it. “Oh, my God, does that make me gay?!” I was horrified and unnecessarily worried that thinking a girl was pretty meant that I was gay. Also, kind of worried that I even knew what that meant in KINDERGADEN.
I was raised in a very conservative family. My mom’s side of the family are, with all respect, very strict in their Christian beliefs. I love them all dearly, but I don’t believe the same way they do, anymore. I used to get so afraid of them shunning me over everything I didn’t agree with, I used to avoid them and just walk away from tough conversations. Our beliefs differ on things like equality for women and lgbtq and abortion and race, and yes, even Donald Trump. This post isn’t about my family, it’s about me, but to tell my story, I have to tell their involvement. I’ve always known that no matter what, they’re never going to see things as I do, but for some reason, until very recently, I was still scared of what they thought, to the point, I wouldn’t even admit to myself details that make me who I am, right now. My ex boyfriend (whom I still love dearly because we ended things on such good terms) is of Spanish decent. Very few people knew he existed and those that did, did NOT know he was Spanish. I wasn’t ashamed of him, I’ll never be because what we had was special, but my love life is no one’s business but mine and the person I’m sharing it with. Which brings me to what this post is about.
Literally, since kindergarden, I’ve been questioning my sexual orientation, always too afraid to say it out loud, too afraid to say it myself, but I’ve been REALLY really inspired by so many people and celebrities lately, that I made a break through and admitted to myself, and now to whomever is reading that, that I am a bisexual woman. This is no joke and I’m not out to offend anyone, but the song “Strangers by Halsey featuring Lauren Jaregui (two absolutely beautiful, total girl crush worthy, bisexual babes) inspired me to come out for the first time. Great song, I love singing it. I realized that if I didn’t make this break through, I’d be the girl that’s not kissing anymore because it’s too intimate or the girl who doesn’t call anymore because what we have is innocent. I could be misinterpreting, but I wanna be a proud, fierce woman who confidently say I can be in love with someone regardless of who they are. I dont want to me or anyone else to be the person thats too afriad of love. Gender doesn’t matter to me. Race doesn’t matter to me. Sexual orientation or the lack of doesn’t matter to me. And I’m not going to let any of these things define me. I love myself too much. ♡
I am bisexual, and that doesn’t matter.
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wyrmwynd · 8 years
I was taggeroni’d by Good Friend @traumyu to do 2 tag memes and so here I am!
“Rules: Tag 9 people whom you’d like to know better.” See but like. I’m Shy and Afraid of tagging people so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Relationship Status: Living With And Probably Practically Married To A Literal Taro (jacoob)
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick bc i look like a fucko with lipstick on 
Last Song I Listened To: A song that someone I tangentally know via a friend’s discord’s soundcloud song titled “a track”.
Top 3 Shows: I. Dont Know? Probably,, even though I don’t really like it as much anymore, is steven universe, as far as western shows? Also right now is JJBA. I guess. A third would be. Hum. Fucken.... yoi i dunno dude. I don’t like, watch shows very much
Top 3 Characters: The Person Amethyst Could Be If Written Better, Joseph Joestar, Ari from the Obscure Game, Okage, That Everyone Should Play
Read More bc the next one is Longer
1) how old are you? I think I’m 23?
2. what are you currently doing in life? I wish I knew tbh? But rn im at community college for a library tech degree so I can work a good position at a library cuz. I like libraries i guess?
3. what are you talented at? See now this one is hard bc used to I’d say “drawing” but i have not drawn much in the last like years i dunno how many but it’s been a few since i’ve like, owned a sketchbook. But in a General Sense I am very good at learning new things. I can get a hang of pretty much anything pretty fast and I may not be like the best at it but I’m usually pretty good at it? So I Guess that’s a talent, is the ability to learn quickly, if that counts.
4. what is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? Like.... Get a stable job I guess? I don’t really work with “big goals” bc I don’t think I’ve ever achieved a “big goal” in my entire life, and so manking big goals just makes me worried. My big goal is to move out of my dad’s house I guess but framing it as a big goal makes me nervous so yea.
5. what’s your aesthetic? i have like.... 2 distinct aesthetics. This first is like, pink, and glittery, and soft, like, a small and fluffy grandma who knits things. And like plants and nature, and softer pastel colors, and vintage my little ponies, and children’s toys in general. Light purple, light pinks, light blues, even browns sometimes? sometimes even light yellows? flowers, and gardens, and little succulents, and like Sweet Lolita Fashion (the japanese kind not the nasty kind) and stuffed animals, and water creatures, and no makeup, and just in general Very Soft And Cute, like a big fluffy pompom ball. Here are links to sets on my polyvore like this.
x x x x x x
Then the other aesthetic is very very different, it’s neons, pastels, black and white, translucent things, reflective clothes, shitty plastic, neon signs, eyeballs, General Not-Bloody Body Horror, “Vaporwave”, when pastels then also paired with neon or dark colors or black or white, very defined like... color blocking? but gradients are okay too, but harsh color blocking is a Fave, weird looking plants and animals, FUNGI, polka dots and patterned things, Honestly Enjoys Cyberpunk Aesthetic, heavily into videogame aesthetics and merch and things, likes gaudy makeup and doesn’t mind wearing more unorthodox clothing, and in general Very Harsh And Punkish, kind of like a Team Skull Aesthetic. Here are links to my polyvore of things that fall into this
x x x x x x
the rest of my polyvore is generally a mix between the 2 aesthetics which i guess could be considered My Aesthetic
6. do you collect anything? Hmmmmmmmmmmm vintage my little ponies mostly, but I haven’t actively collected them in like a year or so? maybe more? I’m really bad with the concept of time. But I do have like A Collection of them that I love dearly.
7. what’s a topic you always talk about? Bideogames to be fucking honest
8. what’s a pet peeve of yours? I have. So many. Like I’m being overwhelmed thinking about them bc there’s so damn many. In General Though recently a Big Little Issue i have is people who mess up Big Time in bideogames (like ffxiv when they cause a wipe) but then when someone else messes up in a much smaller and less impactful way (dies but doesn’t kill anyone else bc they just vaguely messed up like one mechanic) the person who messed up Big Time before is like “fuck you why are you even here”. Like bitch???? Fuck OFF??? And Like i’m generally very Accepting of when people mess up mechanics but when they then go on to tell other people off for something it’s like. Literally, asshole. Literally, shut the fuck up.
Another is just erp in general. Also when people try to be ~kawaii!!! uguu~~ and its just Annoying. And also when other people cut me off or don’t respond to me when I say things, even multiple times at multiple volumes (which is often both irl and online). Anyways I could go on forever but I’m going to stop myself before i get too frustrated just Thinking about these things.
9. good advice to give? i don’t like. have any good advice ever. lmao. the best advice i can give is to Not disorder your eating with diets bc it is absolutely disordered eating bc it will fuck you up For Life. Even if you get “”cured”” from anorexia you’ll still have disordered eating bc it Never Fucking Goes Away. So basically don’t even fucking START dieting or ANYTHING bc it WILL fuck you up for life. Diets don’t work anyways if you’ve ever done or looked up any really unbiased (meaning not funded by the diet/food/pharmaceutical industry) research ever in your entire life.
10. what are three songs you’d recommend?
The JJBA Battle Tendency Opening  of which I am currently Obsessed with
Butter Sugar Cream by tomggg and really anything by tomggg
Mottai Night Land by Kyary and basically anything by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
I’m too shy and afraid to tag people so I’m Apology,,,
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olusegundare · 6 years
Brother Samson and Sister Debbie’s Story Continues
Sister Debbie says, "I do not know I can stop"...(July 6th, 2013)
I did not leave early 4 school dis time around as I used 2 do b4. Broda Samson, my fiancé has gotten 2 his shop, Yams and eggs were fried 4 him...we were in his office talkin abt d buz' expansion having transfer part of d money in2 his co-operative account, paid some outstanding loans, & used d rest 2 buy some goods which are out of stock in d shop and which r being demanded for. I am suggesting dat he gets a two bedrooms flat n if possible a self contain room dat has all d basic facilities intact, so as 2 give us more room 2 plan 4 d future by equipping d house...Accommodation is outrageously costly in d island...and it is not as if there r companies in d Island...d island is predominantly deminated by civil servants & farmers, d rest people are essentially dependat people...yet, landlords charges are outrageous...many people would
have exit d island, but they said they have not received a go from the Lord, my people so much believe in God's leading, which i cherish too dearly, infact, it is because of such leadings that d island has not collapsed, bc d leaders of d Island are "put am for mouth and be silent" (ká fi sẹnu ká dákẹ́)...people r suffering in d island...yet our leaders travel almost on a daily basis 2 some other more developed islands, but 2 implement what they saw @ other island, making d lifes of commoners beta become a taboo for them, dey instead belabour them, adding unto their sorrows...the tax is like a heavy yoke on d people...yet d leaders receive wages that is enof 2 establish another country on a daily basis...people do hard labour but they have nothing 2 show 4 it...d spiritual aspect, is what is keeping d island... Some who inhabits d island say dey are there bc God directed dem 2 be dia, while some are inhabiting d island bc dey are transfered 2 d island by their companies...for business
2 thrive in d island, one needs special supports 4m God, else, one shall work as an elephant but would be eating like an ant...yet d govt of d island would be demanding 4 excess tax payment 4m d populace for infrastructures not provided...if not that killings are bad, killings are unscriptural, many of the island's leaders would have been shot by the populace...their heavy laden, their yokes on d populace, is stricter, harder, tighter, tougher than what the Isrealites experienced in the land of Egypt those days according to "wetin we dey" read for bible, and the stories we were told years ago while a toddler still attending the sunde schools...yet we keep enduring...they keep cajoling us...they keep telling us open lies...enforcing themselves on the populace..."ibi ori dani si la n gbe" is what many except some privileged few who r enrishing themselves at d detriement of the populace used to say...
So, i suggest, a self contain at worst so that we have more time 4 ourselves, get some privacies, and be able 2 plan better..."Mai" lord says he hopes 2 get a new place soon, he asked 4 my patience on this crucial subject so as to get a beta place bc he said experience has shown dat when one is in a hurry 2 get a place, d apartment one shall get shall not be too good, to cap it all it would be costly, dat is if one is even very fortunate not to fall into the hands of housing agents who shall dupe the person and escape into the thin air like a velocity... The island's people explore any person whom they discover is urgently in need of an accommodation... "Mai" lord says, he stil has some months left to use in d building before his house rent's due lapsed, thence he wished we use that interregnum period 2 look for a beta place, with all d necessary infrastructures intact...
We discussed some other issues, particularly about the invitation i received 4m the sister's in the fellowship i am attending on the campus, i told him some few points I have gathered on the subject I shall be talking on, he helped me modify it, adding some points to it...I know the devil is in trouble by God's grace during the programme... When it was 11:00 hours the island's time, I stood 2 my feet 2 set out...he said, "so soon?" "I dont want to enter campus lately, because i shall need 2 tidy up some things in my room", I said... "O tún ti fẹ dá aáyun silẹ bayi", he said, as he also stands up 4m where he sat down @... As his customs were, he would see me off 2 d garage, ensuring that d vehicle takes off before he return to his office and shop...
As we alighted 4m d cab, members of d transporters rushed to collect my travelling bag 4m me...An empty bus was on cue, he has barely parked @ d carport when we sauntered into d garage, I am un-arguably d 1st passenger in dis empty bus...I chose d front seat by d side of d door...while we wait 4 other passengers, we were talking.. "You should have leave earlier", "mai" lord said. "I do not wanna go early 2da", I said. "Aint u late for 2da's lectures?" He asked. "We have finished d course outline", I said. "But what of if d man comes 4 a revision?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders...Leaning my head on his right shoulders. "I just do not like people being @ their duty posts late", he said. I laughed, and said, ""mai" lord who doesnt want me to leave him few minutes ago now becomes a gospel preacher @ d garage, "ó ga o"", i said. "Tara yin na la n sọ fun yin", he said. "Ẹyin lẹ mọ...oju imọle ko kuro lọ́tí", i will barely get 2 campus now b4 u start bombarding me with messages", I said.
"If you love let them know you love, and if do not let them know you do not, that is why i do bombard you with all sorts of love messages", he said. "Huh-hun?" I said. "Dont you know that what one leaves is what the goats snatch?" he said. "I dont understand", I said. "When I fail 2 update your browsers with my messages, soon enof u will see some1 else in da campus and leave me", he said. "Envying "dé", I said. "Not a matter of envying, ladies are fragile, they can easily be tossed away by small wind", he said. "Well, I doubt if that is applicable to me...I have told my God that who I shall be engaged to should be sufficient for me and He has granted me just that...many ladies may be so doing, but as for me, never...I pledge my allegiance to this solid love planted on Jesus", I said. "I am just kidding, but u know a second cannot pass without thinking of u, and thatz why i send messages...so dat u wont miss me 2 much", he said. "I have told God that He shd let d person i said Yes to his love proposals be the 1st and d last in life, and I am grateful to Him that He did not deny me such privilege in finding u...I am comfortable with u", I said.
"Let us stroll around d garage a bit, as the bus is getting loaded", he said...we stand up, hands in hands walking around d garage, seeing the topography of the place and other things inside the garage, as we do this we continued talking... "You know we wont be seeing for the next 3 weeks again", i said. "Why? That long?" he said. "I do not plan 2 come home soon, except if my boss calls me 2 come attend 2 any bottle-necked file", i said. "ok. I shall try 2 cope. I shal adjust. That means more messages." he said. "That is why i decide dat i shal stay behind a while today", i said. "That wont cover for other days or do u think it will?", he asked. "Even, if it wont, i think i love it dis way,...if it is not that u insisted that i progress academically b4 we wed, all my mind is that we wed and i start my MSC under your roof", I said. "I would have loved dat too, but, since, i am yet 2 be on my feet financially, datz why i said we shd use dat 2 buy more time for ourselves", he said.
I wanted 2 ginger him up so I Asked him dat "did I remember 2 tell u dat d undergraduate students sister's leader invited me 4 a talk in d fellowship next wednesday?" "Oh! Really? I presumed because of d joy dat pervade our interaction in d past couple of days make u forget", he said. "Wat a poor me",I said "Very poor u forsooth", he added. "And I would have needed your support 4 d talk",I said. "How do u mean?" he inquired. "So dat u add some spiritual experiences, some pep talks dat i may include 2 ginger up the naives, the experienced in the speech obviously directing them 2 Jesus the Saviour alone", I said. "Well, it is bc u can do it alone dat u havent intimated me", he said..."Mai" lord played d game along with me so well dat I cannot refrain mysef 4m bursting out into laughter later.. ""Ẹyin laye yin shá, ẹ ti fẹ ma dẹru ba mi gan, ko ma tilẹ si nkan to mba yin lojiji"", I said. "Pardon?", he said. "U behaved as if I havent tell u about d program @ all", I said. "Really? Did u tell me about a program u were invited to b4?" He inquired, looking serious as if he is saying d right thing.. "Yes, I did do "mai" lord sire, infact u were d one who was modifying some of d outlined points some couple of minutes ago", I said. "That must be interesting, because i did not think I have done such things dis day", he concluded...
"Who was d one who modified my points in your office a couple of minutes away?" I asked. "Maybe my spirit. Maybe one of the ghosts. Maybe u didnt even know my office, maybe someone else's office", he said. "I know "mai" lord's office, I am hand in hand with "mai" lord, strolling, receiving some fresh air in a garage", I said. "That shd be fantabulous. Did I know you? Have I ever seen someone like u?" He asked. "Nope sire. You dont know me, except that you see your love to garage to board a vehicle back to her school", I said. "Wondrous! Great! Lovely! Suigeneris!", He exclaimed. "You and all vocabularies, in a short while u will be talking about me, dat my grammar is "three" much, what of you?" I said "So, my love..." interjecting, "Yes "mai" lord sire", I said. "Have u returned my bible dictionary?" He asked. "Nope. I am going with it". I said. "Ensure that you do justice and or justices to the subject b4 u dear, so as give them a spiritually lasting impression", he said. "I shall do just that. That is why I have not returned the bible dictionary, because I know I shall yet need it in putting finishing touches to my points in school", I said.
"But, wait a while, what was it that prompted their inviting you for a message?" He asked. "I dont know oh. I have been repeatedly asking myself that question u asked me since the day I was informed, but, I am yet to come to terms with it, I have not find a satisfactory answer to d question since then...this is because, they havent seen me talk in a congregation before...but, you must be the causative agent of it now?" I said. "In what way?" He asked. "Because it is you who said I shd be fellowshipping with the undergraduates...left to me, I wanted a big church outside academic confines, where I shall meet with people, creme-de-la-creme of the society, business persons, academics, and other professionales...but u insisted I join a campus fellowship, and since I do not want to go against your suggestions, I looked for one with about 90% doctrine as our home church here and joined", I said. "But, that doesnt make them invite you for a ministration, there must be something else...maybe you have answered their question/s during one of the studies or maybe u have done something in the past that triggers their "chemo-spiritual center" which make them looking forward to a day they shall hear you out", he said.
"Hun-hun", I said "That must be the stimuli, because "isẹ kì í sẹ lasan" he said. As he was saying, I was thinking of what he said, "Chemo-Spiritual Center", I havent heard of anything close to that, why did "mai" lord prefer business to academics? He should have been relevant there, maybe he has some other reasons that he hasnt tell me since we started this courtship, with time, I shall get to that root, because look at the ease with which he marries so many professional terminologies with grammar...He continued when I didnt respond "With time, "sha", i guess u shall know why", he said. "Well what me i know is that I talk freely with them...I attend their sisters' discussions proferring advices when needed, and few of them are close to me, the sister leader and some of those who are in my department", I said. "You are just talking", he said. "They know I am in a relationship with a pastor..." Interjecting, "sorry a point of correction, a business man", he said. "Eh, a business man and a pastor", I said. "Nope. My time is not now..." "That is Jesus' statement", I interupted him. "Yes. I am Jesus son. So i can quote my father's statement" he said. "Yes. You can. But in the quoted word, after that Jesus said that, did He altogether refuse to do what He was asked to do?" I asked. "Nope love." he said. "So is it with thee...have u ever refused to do justice to some spiritual things within and without?" I asked. "Rara ma. How can I refuse my masters biddings?" He said. "So. I win. A hidden pastor like prophet Elisha, a successful business man turned a prophet", I enthused. ""Ẹ jọ". You are on fire for the forthcoming ministration. "O ga ju"" he said. ""Ẹyin na la fi jọ", as i was saying "mai" lord, they know I am in a relationship with a pastor, who ofcourse is my spiritual mentor...bc some of them are my friends on facebook and they do read your postings and comments", I said.
"Is that so?" he asked. "Yes ofcourse". I said. "That should connote that they may be inviting you as the wife of a minister of the gospel to be and secondarily as one of the senior colleagues whom they can gain one or two things from", he said. "I guess as much", I said. "You must give dem upto date messages. You must impart knowledge akademik and spiritual" he said. "God shal help me do just that and u must be praying for me and that fervently too, that the name of the Lord be glorified with many coming to the knowledge of Jesus' lordship that day. You know I cannot fast as you are oh..." I said. "When I do pray for those who are not as close as you are to me, how much more praying for my love's ministerial success? Prophet Samuel said, "far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you"... "Where can i get d word u have just quoted in d bible?" I interruptedly asked him. "I know it is in the book of first samuel, chapter 12, but d actual verse I cant say, check the last 5 verses of the book when u get 2 school...or I may send it 2 ur inbox when I get it", he replied. "Alright.", I said. "God shal do more than u expect at the program in Jesus name", he said. "Amen oh", I said.
The passengers are complete..."mai" lord paid d transport fare...having given me some money b4 we left his office...the luggages were arranged...tranporters settled themselves behind the scene of the passengers...passengers shouting that the driver make it snappy because of the heat since the doors are closed...at last our bus took off from the garage... As d bus moved on, I started thinking about him, I have grown to love him too dearly...but how did I loved him as much as this? I cannot answer that. He is obviously the kind of person I have been praying for to have as a lover, fiancé all my life, such a soft minded person...Then I remembered that I did not give him a nod when he first made his intention known...why did I do that then?... Oh, it was because I thought he would be too stringent for me, and then I was yet using ear-rings, putting on necklace and bangles occasionally @ least when I wanted to attend any special and social functions...birthdays, weddings, departmental gala nights, welcoming services etc... All these I was doing because my parents, especially my late dad said, I ought to dress gorgeously to impress and attract good suitors...
But with him, I have come to realized that putting on all these may not after all impress some guys particularly those who are deeply rooted in the word of God...so when he came calling, I think there ought to be a misnomer somewhere, i think he has place the right foot in the wrong shoe, me of all persons, me out of all ladies i think...so my response come from subcortical level...NOPE, I SAID, RECHECK YOUR DATA SIRE...THERE IS AN ERROR SOMEWHERE, I SAID... I was thinking how can we cope being together? Me dressing like a local lady? This was because my parents said it is local ladies who dressed like that... I said, I know that sometimes someday and somehow, he shall become a pastor, all my life, I have never thought of becoming a pastor's fianceé let alone thinking of being a pastor's wife... Our parents brought us up simply...we were thought to live a simple life...because in that is joy and peace so they said...they said all those popular figures dont have peace of mind...and what does anyone want in life other than peace, joy, happiness? We were not brought up to be overtly spiritual...so, I summated all these together, said to myself, a pastor in the offing to a simple person, I know he is not too sure whether I can quote three bible chapters and verses off hand...IT IS A LIE, A BLANTANT LIE, I told myself when I re-evaluate what the future perhaps holds...he erred i concluded. But I afterwards, discovered dat I started developing strongest of feelings for him, obviously stronger than all other suitors...the feelings of love...the thought of him began 2 overwhelm me, i find it hard to resist despite all attempts...then I said to my soul, "let your will be done oh Lord", and I went back to him and d journey started...Ever since this journey began, I have experienced remarkable peace and have grown to know the Lord more...as I grow, then I discovered that all these addendums, beautifying things are not necessary after all and I find myself shelving them...I now dress like those called S.U those days...maybe that is part of what those sisters see that made them invite me to minister to them...
After the teaching, the sisters raised many questions, which God assisted me to answer... A week after, two sisters whem we were course mate come to me on different occasions asking me questions about how I do it. How I get my fiancé. I shared my experience with them but I felt I need to ask my fiancé when we see so that he shared more experiences with me on this issue...if is as if I am becoming a marriage counsellor...but who am I? A simple Debbie in an open relationship with a simple brother, Samson...none of us are into marriage counselling...
 My love usually arrives home Wednesday, if she will be coming home, but as at 18:00 hours, d iSland's time, she wasnt around, den I know she probably wont come dat week, thence, our chatting dat day was centered on how her move will be durin d weekend bc I planned 2 go to her end, after-all, I have not visited her since she started her academics in d university... She said she will be most delighted to see me and would arrange 4 where I shall lodge in...We have been having discussion on d issue of my visiting her and where I may likely put up at 4 quite sometimes, and she said she will discuss with one of her male colleagues, so dat whenever I come I may stay in his room...so she said she will go and intimate d person, so dat he makes provision 4 me... Meanwhile, I have also been thinking of where 2 put up @, after-all, assuming I travelled out, I shall stay @ a place, thence, I have been thinking of an hotel...this is option B. Option C, is an aged friend of mine. This friend has just secure a new job with d govt of d Island, and he has been transfered to d city...dis person and I have been very good friend during d secondary school days, but after we finished secondary school with each person securing an admission @ different institutions, there have been separation... Despite d fact dat we tried getting ourselves 2geda, we couldnt because of different programmes we run @ our institutions, which do not harmonise d breaks...sometimes when such break would have been harmonised, local strikes by lecturers, or non academic staffs or students' unrests usually disharmonised d harmony...and because of our individual growth, academic and otherwise, we discovered d truth in our fathers saying that twenty children or youths cannot be together for twenty years...
This friend of mine, Abraham aka A.B as we commonly called him those days was contacted...i did contact him bc we have been connected on facebook and he has edited his profile showing his new status, outside chattings of facebook, we have been talking on fone on several occasions... When I contacted him, he said he usually travel to where his wife and children were every weekends bc he is yet 2 move his family to his new location...infact, according to him, it wasnt long that he secured a 3-bedroom apartment...He said "I shal do you a favour of waiting a while, staying till saturday b4 I travel to my family so dat I conveniently and personnally welcome and accommodate you, and ofcourse use that ample opportunity to know and welcome your found love...after you have waited these years...she must be quite impressive, fantastic, loving...to have won your heart or for you to have won her heart", my friend, A.B enthused. "You are not serious, however,dat shall be wondrous of you, i quite appreciate that," I said... And so, option C becomes d most preferably acceptable by all of us...Preparation to go and visit my heart, my love, my joy, my dove, my jewel, my angel starts in earnest...
At 10:00 hours the island's time on Friday, I was @ d garage...d vehicle took off an hour after, passengers did not rush as of oda days dis day...as I gathered 4m d transporters later, there is no market day in some major towns along d way dat day, assuming there is market day, traders will usualy throng d garage, those who shal either go n buy or those who shal go and sell things in d market/s situated along d route... Apart 4m dis, we heard dat dia was a riot about 3 days ago between two neighbouring towns along d route, their dispute was on d boundaries...facebook news was awash with the news...more mobile police have been drafted 2 d area 2 bring about peace and order...lives were lost n properties worth billions of d Island's currencies destroyed...Infact some affected families would find it extremely hard 2 financially make it again...This major incident, also made drivers circumvent d major route, taking an alternative path to d city.
The new route makes d journey far, tortuous...bc part of dis new route is very, very bad, with big craters...Infact, I salute d drivers, bc a single trip can damage d vehicle...we @ last arrived @ d last bustop under an overhead bridge around 14:30 hours d Island's tym. My friend said he has been in d garage around 13:30 hours, he was unaware of d devpt on d road & he has adapted himsef wit some drivers playing local mathematically oriented game called "Ayò-ọlọ́pọ́n" in d garage...Such d drivers do when dey cannot travel dat day, & some who have returned 4m a trip/s n who do not wish 2 travel again also joined dem, playing, watching, enjoying demselves under relaxed atmosphere...afta all, what shal local pp do to d non-responsive government? We cannot n shal not kill ourselves. We r not in advanced settlements wia things work perfectly...so, not to die of unwarranted n mumbo-jumbo high blood pressure, d drivers created relaxation arena for themselves within d garage...playing, laughing,
...Getting their minds off all hullaballo challenges dat d leaderships of d islands have plummeted d inhabitants of d islands...There r music arena dia, with music oozing out 4m d big loudspeakers...small bukateria is dia, selling local foods 2 people...local fast-food joints r also dia, 4 below average individuals, who may want local pies, cakes, poff-poff, bean cakes etal...One will see small beer parlor joints..."Baba-Ijebu" meaning lottery joints...and others...But in many of d Island's car-parks, one wont see toilet/s...I wonder whether they do not urinate or become pressed by nature to defeacate in any of d Islands' car-parks... So my friend has adapted himsef 2 dem, since he knows how 2 play d game...infact he was on d "field of play" of d game when our bus arrived d garage. Sister Debbie, my love got there abt 5 minutes b4 my arrival, bc she has known d development on d road n knew I wont be around till 14:30 or 14:45 hours...when our bus parked, n she spotted me, she ran to me
And jumped on my neck...people were looking...one person said, "Eh-ya, "ó pẹ́ to ti rí i gbẹhin"... "Ẹ ka bọ" she said as she genuflected... "Ẹ ku ile. Se alafia laba yin?" I asked. "Where r your loads?" she asked "Nothing much...The driver will soon offload dem 4m d boot...I only bring some fruits: pineaples, bananas, oranges, pears, Yams, palm-oil...I said 2 myself some of these u shall give ur friends, while my friend wil also take some 2 his family", I added. "That is good", she said. When d load was removed and she saw a big bag, d one dat some senators used to pack n distribute monies among themselves in d Island's central dogma, as being aired by d television, she cannot hold hersef back 4m talking, "Is dis what u called "nothing much" or somebody else's?" "Yea dearest one, and it is not anoda person's", I replied. "Ẹyin tẹ fẹran isẹ oko bayi, ọrọ yin ma n ya mi lẹnu", ...dont tell me you go to farm to get all these for us...bc I know u will buy few of them" she said. I did not reply her, "pls, have u seen my friend?" I asked her. "Nope, "mai" lord sire...I got here about 7 minutes ago, tried his number but I have not been able to get tru 2 him", she said. "He told me he has gotten to d garage, when I told him we have entered d city...although i tried his line severally b4 it cld sail tru", I said.
"That is d problem with cities, big towns, bc there shall be network interferences...let us try him again", she said. "It is him I am trying now, if dat fails, I shall ping him", I said. "How do we carry dis load now?" she asked. Fortunately 4 me, his line was tru...he did not even picked d call...he saw me where I was standing...and sends some1 to me to tell me where he was... When d guy gets to us, bowing a bit, his voice was a little bit coarse, as he said, "sire, he is over there calling you sire". We dragged d load 2 a safe side...walked 2 him and I heard, "Tayò fun mi, awỌn ti mo n reti lo mbọ yẹn". ""Gbà síbẹ̀, awọn to nreti ti de"" his opponent said. All spectators: "Ayò awọn to n reti leleyi o" Someone from d spectator, "bi a se retí-retí ti eti lu lọjọsi niyẹn", Anoda person 4m d spectator; "Ma da wọN lohun a ò ni gba ki wọn o fi eti rire wọn ba aiye wa jẹ lorilẹ ede yi". A.B: "Kilẹ wa fẹ se ti ẹ o bá gbà?" someone 4m d spectator: "Olowo n sọrọ o ní o ní "ideases" Anoda person concludes: "Mi o mọ iru "ideases" ti olòsì fẹ ni lọdọ awọn olowo. A.B's opponent: "Ayò o olowo mo ba se mi o ba olosi se leleyi o...Ẹjọwọ se olówó lawọn ta n reti o?" I have known dem, d spectators and d players when playing d game, their utterances will be centered on d recent events and happenings, in-particulate utterances to enliven their hearts...
When i got there i said, "mo ki òpè mo ki ọta o", Some1 replied: "Ope njẹ, ọta ti salọ sile baba rẹ". All bursted into laughter...dey started greeting us, "Ẹ kabọ sire, ẹ ku irin, se ọkọ ko jẹ epo?" some1 replied: "what will vehicle "chopulate" if e no "chopulate" fuel"? Anoda person 4m d crowd: "a se o tilẹ gbọ Yoruba...o si ma pe ara rẹ lọmọ Oodua." "Why do you said dat?" anoda person asked. "Se o mọ wipe bi ọkọ ba ti njepo, ko gbádùn niyẹn?...ẹyin ti ẹ ti mọ isẹ dirẹba bayi, ayafi ki Ọlọrun gba wa lọwọ yin" he replied. About three people stand up @ once, "please have your sit sire and ma". A.B: "Ọrẹ́", sit down let me squeeze bitter leaves water on dis man's eyes". A.B's opponent: "Iwọ tabi alaru rẹ? Ki i se ibiyi loni". An elder 4m d crowd: ""Se ayo to ti fẹrẹ pari yi?" Na only mouth u get dis stranger pass u for dis 12-hole-game" As expected, my friend, mr A.B won d game, 3 straight unreplied win...d enterprising match ends...dey wanted 2 challenge my friend's victory, but it is obvious dat such couldnt hold 2da bc of us-his visitors...so he pleads with dem to let him take his leave to attend 2 us his friends, with d promise dat he shal be coming once a whole to relax himsef @ d arena...As he said dis, he was excused as dey also apologized to us, visitors 4m distant place, 4 not offering us drinks...apology accepted, but obviously not verily necessary bc d match itself was "soothing", intriguing, parrticularly d side attractions, I mean d talks, d jestings by spectators,...
..their comments on d issues of global interest, d immediate environ, individual persons, characters, actions and reactions are in itself educative for those of us who want to add knowledge to knowledge, those of us who want his psychosocial interractions worked upon and improved... Sista Debbie also has an inkling into d game, but she has not seen such a spectator gathered watchin a local game...she was surprised...and d moves of A.B surprised her...b4 d match ended, she wispered 2 me of some moves she learnt during d game...my love loves game...I also love games...but I think I have sacrificed my sporting activities and moves for the gospel when I got saved...with God telling me of some assignments for me in not too distant future, thence, I had to relax, jettissioning some if not all of my sport desires, ambitions and aspirations... A.B got up, re-apologized to us, and specially welcomed my love, teasing her dat she has a good luck, bc her good luck brought him fortunes... "What good luck was dat?" Debbie asked. "Winning d sternly contested for game "na ni"", A.B replied. My love walked closely 2 my left side, bc she was in d middle, while AB was @ d extreme left, and she said, "sorry sir, with all due respect sir, "mai" lord has told me dat u cause jaw breaking laughter always" "Ẹh-hẹn? Did Sam' said dat? From your simple or at a glance assessments of me do u think he has told u d truth and nothing but d truth?" A.B asked her. Holding my left hand, "obviously sir...I begin to think dat what he said of u is even "pico-scopic" compared with what I have heard n seen u demonstrate during dis few minutes of being together with u" she said. "It is now I know why Sam' loves u extremely...u are also as funny as he does...no dull moment with him...even while we were in secondary school...he was fantastic then and even much more so now, I thought he would have dropped them, but I think and know he hasnt" A.B enthused.
"That shd mean both of u & indeed some of ur oda friends dat I ave met tru "mai" lord are funny persons", She said. I was just silent, listening 2 "actor n actress" demonstrations within d garage... "Well, wat do u expect of boys brought up locally as we were? We who hav no one @ d top, we keep ourselves alive always, hopeful of a better tomorrow, committing all 2 prayers. Although we r yet 2 get 2 wia we hope getting to, even though our movements may be slow, sluggish, characteristic of a stunted growth...but one thing is sure...we r movin, none of us is static..."àbí ọrẹ", wat do u say?" A.B talking 2 me. "'Am all ears "ọrẹ", all glory 2 God", I said. "Slow n steady win d race, so people say", Debbie said. "My wife do You know wat?" A,B talkin 2 Debbie... "Yes sir" Debbie said. "Our greatest turn around came when we were in secondary school...do u want 2 know wat brings abt d turn-around? A.B asked her. "yes sir, I wanna know" she said. "Our greatest turn around n singular life long achievement happened when we gave our lifes to Jesus Christ in our teenage years" A.B said. "Ẹh-hẹn? Was that so?" she asked.
"Certainly my wife...things though were not smooth 4 us now, but we r gr8fu 2 God dat we did not lose our faith in Jesus Christ...dis is not without our firm decision 2 follow God thru Jesus in all things", A.B enthused. "Blessed be God" she replied being enthralled by A. B's gesticulations. "Since d devil failed 2 snuff life out of us, we r "quadriply" re-ascertained...apology to u madam"... "For what?" Debbie interjected. "For d grammar used "ni"", A.B said "It is allowed in dis forum", she said. Playfully genuflecting, "Thank u my wife...so as I was saying, we r "quadriply" reascertained dat we shal all make it n dat soon too in Jesus name". Debbie and I: "Amen", we chorused. "And dat is why I have 2 thank God 4 teknologi advancements, introduction of social media dat enhances d coming 2geda of aged friends...as we hav come 2geda now, still getting hooked or connected 2 odas, we shal be able 2 assist one anoda in any area we find a person lacking" A.B said. ...The discussion continued...we get 2 wia d bag was kept...beaconed 2 a wheel-barrow pusher...he helped us pushed d load 2 anoda intra-city garage wia we chartered a taxi dat took us to his house...in his house, I separate d ones meant 4 his family while my love has d rest...He took us 2 an eatery close by his house...afta which we returned 2 his house, and left 4 my love's school...we hanged @ d common room...soon she returned 2 us with her room mate and course mate...afta which we took a stroll around d campus...she couldnt go to fellowship dat day...@ 20:00 hours d Island's tym, we depart 4 his house...ate bread with stew which he had...watched sports on paid television stations, prayed, talked and talked until sleep tooj off what was in our mouths and hands...
As early as 06:00 hours d island's tym, he left d house 4 d garage...gave me d keys 2 his house, which shal be left with my love when I am leaving...bc he usualy arrive monday mornings and will resume directly in his office... On saturde, she was with me, and then she asked some questions 4m me, a question out of it is d question one of her coursemates asked her and it was dat her course mate was approached by two friends, d two friends perhaps did not know of d 2nd's move...d lady did not know what to do? I told her dat d lady in question wil love one of d guy more dan d oda...she should get dat clear...d lady also knows what she wanted in life, which she feels n knows one of dem shal readily supply/fulfill more dan d 2nd person...d lady must also know dat, d two friends dat approached her invarably see some good attributes in her n feel d girl shdnt fall into wrong hands so to say...dat is if dey r morally upright persons... Then i told her dis short story...
"There were 2 jolly friends in a small village of Ayéariwi years ago...both of dem afta their secondary schl learnt a trade, dey learnt tailoring...one was not a success in d trade while d oda was. The person who succeeds in tailoring left Ayeariwi 4 anoda more populous town, dia God really assisted him, he built a house and bought a car... "Meanwhile d person who wasnt a success in tailoring resorted to farming in Ayeariwi...things were not too smooth 4 him...but he endured...meanwhile, dia was a lady in d village who after finishing schl also learnt hairdressing, she was also making waves in her profession, dis lady n dis farmer were brought together by providence, and dey became good friends,...d farmer loved her, but d farmer controller his urge, he did dat because he knew dat d lady @ d moment was richer than he did n dat he may not be able to control her...so d farmer brushed d love he had 4 her aside after sometimes...limiting it to friendship... During one of d festivals, d successful tailor came home with his car...heard of his friend dat he was yet in d village, visited him, re-ignited d friendship...dis successful tailor was yet single too...b4 he left Ayeariwi, dey met d lady...d tailor inquired 4m his friend what he knew abt d lady, n he told him all he knew 2 d best of his knowledge...simple, diligent, hardworking etc..."she is a wife material" d farmer concluded...d tailor said he will go 4 her...He went 2 her but d lady did not consented, she even told him never to come to her again, d man told his farmer friend his experience...tailor left 4 his base afta d festival... Later an aged woman invited dis farmr 4 a discussion n when he got 2 her she asked him about his wife or fianceé...none he replied...d woman said, dont u love d hairdresser? The farmer confided in d woman dat he loved her, but bc she is richer than him, he decided to leave her so dat sb who is rich as her and or richer dan her may get hooked to her... The woman asked him to try her dat he shdnt think dat way 4 who knows 2moro... The man then replied d woman dat his childhood friend, d tailor, d woman also knew dat guy, when he was around 4 d festival asked him about her, and dat he told him everything dat he knew about her, concluding dat she is a wife material...my friend went to her, but she did not consented, so if I now approached her, how wld it look? How wld my friend feel? What wil even be the thought of d lady? The woman said he shdnt think dat way, dat as a woman who had passed thru such stage, she knows women or ladies may love a friend but wouldnt love d oda friend..."ladies know whom dey want" she said...and maybe it is u dat d hairdresser loved, she asked him 2 try her... But wat wld be d reaction of my friend? A traitor? The woman said d lady did not even agree 2 ur friend's advances in d 1st place, so why d fear? And again, if ur friend is mature enof he wouldnt think dat way... Afta oda consultations, d farmer approached d lass...d lass too thought it was a set-up, so she consulted some elders in d land who took her to herbalists...all herbalists gotten to told her dat d farmer was her ordained husband by d gods of d land...but dat d problem d farmer had was dat he was afraid of d lady's status, her wealth, dat dat was why he introduced his friend 2 her to marry her so dat she wont fall into wicked hands...d herbalists added dat if she could be submissive to d farmer, she shall laugh last... The hairdresser went back 2 d farmer, asked him of his fianceé, d man replied dat he was yet on it,...d lady, hairdresser asked him dat if God says "I am d one, will u still marry me?" The man said certainly. Yes. And d woman said, she was ready 2 marry him...they started going out...and later got married...d rich tailor heard and was initially grieved...but later he got d details 4m a person, he was relieved..." So, I told my love, pls tell your friend to tell her spiritual leaders too for further clarifications...but such do happen occasionally...and d fact is, either she tells u d truth or not, she knows d person she loved most out of d duo...tell her to go for d person she loved most, d person who shall give her joy n rest..." other questions were asked...I attended her fellowship on sunde...d students were glad 2 have me in their midst..@ 15:00 hours am @ garage heading back 2 my base...got home around 18:00 hours...a lovely trip indeed dat enhances d continual flow of love's current...
Sister Debbie says, "I do not know I can stop"...(July 6
, 2013)
buz' (translation business)
"O tún ti fẹ dá aáyun silẹ bayi", (translation I will start feeling your absence now)
"ó ga o"", (translation it is serious)
"Tara yin na la n sọ fun yin" (translation we are telling you what will be beneficial unto you)
"Ẹyin lẹ mọ...oju imọle ko kuro lọ́tí", (translation it is left to you…a muslim’s eyes does not leave beer (Muslims say it is a taboo for them to drink beer, but despite that the person is yet looking at the bottles/cups of beer (it is like a Proverb so to say that someone wants something but the person is behaving as if she or he doesn’t want that thing))
"dé"  (translation “de” means arrive. She is saying that her love has started to envy other males coming to her)
""Ẹyin laye yin shá, ẹ ti fẹ ma dẹru ba mi gan, ko ma tilẹ si nkan to mba yin lojiji"", (translation You. I am beginning to be afraid of you because it seems as if nothing cathches you unawares.)
"Rara ma. (translation No ma)
"Ẹ jọ" (translation Please) .
 "O ga ju"" (translation This is too much) he said. ""Ẹyin na la fi jọ" (translation In this, I have taken after you
"Ayò-ọlọ́pọ́n" (translation it is a local games played with local seeds. 12 holes will be dug/created on a plank of wood, in it the local seeds will be put, 4 seeds in each hole and it would be played to the right on both sides. However, in a hole with one or two seeds and the opposite person’s last seeds are dropped on those single or two seeds, the person is entitled to carry all the seeds in the opponents boxes/holes, meaning he won those… this is how it will continue until the seeds finished and the person with high number of seeds after the game is over is the winner)
Baba-Ijebu" (translation Ijebu Father (Ijebu is an area in the south western part of Nigeria, but there is a lottery in Nigeria being controlled by a man from that area, thus people are calling the lottery Ijebu Father)  
"Eh-ya, "ó pẹ́ to ti rí i gbẹhin"... "Ẹ ka bọ" (translation Oh sorry. It has been long you seen her last… welcome)
"Ẹ ku ile. Se alafia laba yin?" (translation. Thanks. I hope I meet you in peace?)
"Ẹyin tẹ fẹran isẹ oko bayi, ọrọ yin ma n ya mi lẹnu", (translation I am often surprised about some of You who do not like farm works or to go to farm)
"Tayò fun mi, awỌn ti mo n reti lo mbọ yẹn" (translation Play the game, those I am expecting are on their way)
"Gbà síbẹ̀, awọn to nreti ti de"" (translation Take this, this is the game of those being expected)  
"Ayò awọn to n reti leleyi o" (translation This is called the game of those being expected)  
"bi a se retí-retí ti eti lu lọjọsi niyẹn", (translation That is how we expected someone endlessly the other time but nothing)  
"Ma da wọN lohun a ò ni gba ki wọn o fi eti rire wọn ba aiye wa jẹ lorilẹ ede yi" (translation do not mind them, we will not allow them to spoil this nation and destroy our lives with expectation) .
 "Kilẹ wa fẹ se ti ẹ o bá gbà?" (translation What will you do if you don’t agree?)
"Olowo n sọrọ o ní o ní (translation a rich man is talking and you said you have)  
"Mi o mọ iru "ideases" ti olòsì fẹ ni lọdọ awọn olowo. (translation I don’t know the kind of idea a poor person will have before a rich person)  
"Ayò o olowo mo ba se mi o ba olosi se leleyi o...Ẹjọwọ se olówó lawọn ta n reti o?" (translation This is the game of I am a relative of a rich person… please are those people we are expecting rich?
, "mo ki òpè mo ki ọta o", (translation Regards to the champion and the losser) "Ope njẹ, ọta ti salọ sile baba rẹ". (translation Losser is answering or greeting you, but the champion has fled to his father’s house (the real answer should be champion is answering/replying you but the losser cannot or dare not talk))
"Ẹ kabọ sire, ẹ ku irin, se ọkọ ko jẹ epo?" (translation Welcome sir. How was the trip? I hope your vehicle does not consume fuel?)
chopulate" (translation consuming)
"a se o tilẹ gbọ Yoruba...o si ma pe ara rẹ lọmọ Oodua." (translation so you do not understand Yoruba and you will be calling yourself an Oodua or Yoruba child)
 Se o mọ wipe bi ọkọ ba ti njepo, ko gbádùn niyẹn? (translation don’t you know that when vehicle is consuming fuel it means the vehicle is not okay, the vehicle needs servicing)
ẹyin ti ẹ ti mọ isẹ dirẹba bayi, ayafi ki Ọlọrun gba wa lọwọ yin" (translation It is only God who will save us from those of you who are familiar with driver’s works)
"Ọrẹ́" (translation friend) ,
 "Iwọ tabi alaru rẹ? Ki i se ibiyi loni". (translation You or your servant? No way for you here today)  
""Se ayo to ti fẹrẹ pari yi?" (translation Is it this game or another
"na ni"" (translation is it)
"Ẹh-hẹn? (translation is that so?)
àbí ọrẹ" (translation isn’t that so my friend?) ,
"ọrẹ" (translation friend)
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