#i am not educated enough on bees for this
Hello, No one donates to me please help me to make them donate to me share my link tell them I am not a scammer help me document my campaign please no one donates
I'm Ethan's friend, make sure I'm telling the truth.
I am a young man, 23 years old, and I do not have anything to help me in life, such as rebuilding my house, getting married, and completing my education. I only have fatigue, worry, and suffering. Please help me share my story and donate to me, even if it is a little. I am very embarrassed to ask people for help, but what should I do? I am forced to do this. Forgive me.
I am Mohammed, 23 years old, I used to live in Khan Younis, I was a university student studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza, but my entire university was destroyed, this was my passion in life, but it evaporated in this difficult war, even my home where I spent my childhood and all my happy memories turned to ashes, I became homeless, so how can I continue my life? Please support me so that my passion returns, and so that I can achieve my dream of studying again, I would like to inform you that we are living a crisis of no detergents or winter clothes, knowing that winter is coming with its severe cold that eats the body severely, I cannot complete this message because of the many tears and pain, your simple help will make a big difference in my life.
my survival fund has been vetted by global mutual a!d collective @beesandwatermelons.
a-shade-of-blue mohammed-ms 9h ago This campaign is vetted by association. They are friends of @/yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi), see post here for proof.
Please help me
I urgently need money as winter is coming and there are not enough clothes and blankets because our clothes and blankets are still under the rubble.
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
There is a very large bee-like creature trapped in my ceiling right now and I do not know what to do about it
It walks over the flourescent light covers once in a while then disappears behind the ceiling tiles
What are you. How did you get in here
How do I get you out without killing you or being stung
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now how the fuck am I gonna get all of the gifted kid issues and none of the perks. I just get to second guess myself at every turn and feel either way over- or way under-qualified for every single thing ever. meanwhile all the adults in my life are telling me that I am going to singlehandedly live out all of their dreams and fix all of their problems and my peers tell me I'm not special and am, in fact, a freak and a loser. with none of the academic support! how does this even HAPPEN-
#dont rb pleade#im just. upset and ranting.#the education system in the us is so fucked up#i didnt even get identified as gifted until late middle school when the program starts to phase out because of adhd related difficulties#worth noting i also did not get resources for having adhd. i just got nothing because it Cancels Out Right. You're Not In Crisis Right.#i am several interesting and contradictory flavors of mentally ill this is so very fun i am having a great time what are you talking about#the fact that all but a select group of kids get fucked over fantastically and for years to come pisses me off so badly.#schools are run in deliberately unhealthy ways tnat encourage unsustainable work ethics and stagnant interests which are ideal for nothing-#but a corporate bottom line. even progressive schools are built on the bones of a system meant to pop out as many worker bees as possible.#so if you dont fit that mold you get shoved into the gears expeditiously and told its your fault.#no fucking shit we have a national mental health crisis. the foundation of our society is rotting and we're letting it so that we can sell#the fungus.#i am so pissed about this actually fun fact#all started because i almost started crying over being accepted to my dream school with a middling scholarship and having the heart sinking#realization that i wasnt good enough to want this because i wasnt perfect the first time.#so its either this or sink 20000 annually for a degree that might not be worth anything outside the city i get it in.#feeling so stable and normal#anyway#cw vent#raspberry rambles#once again#dont rb
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kabartmatzu · 1 year
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I wanted to redesing and rewrite Miraculous for a while. Then thought why not share my ideas so here is Chloé Bourgeois. (Duddeee I forgor the wingss?? 💀)
In my rewriting, power system is different. I will explain it on my further posts. Here I want to tell you more about my version of Chloé aka Queen Bee.
Chloé’s character is similar to show version. (First two seasons) Mommy issues, struggling with social relationships, bully… The difference is I keep the redemption arc :D In my version Ladybug and Chat Noir get their miraculouses when they were in high school. But show will take place at their twenties when they are in university. We will have flashbacks about high school years and how they got their miraculouses. Chloé also gets her miraculous in high school but it will be taken from her by Ladybug. This events will be similar to show too. Chloé won’t reveal her identity to everyone but will do wrong things to fix and seem like a hero. Her plan was to impress her mother as Queen Bee so later she can reveal her identity to her and make her mother proud of her for once :’) (Damn you Audrey)
Her only friend was Adrian for her whole childhood (same goes for Adrian) thanks to Audrey’s business with Gabriel. I thought her whole feelings towards Adrian is platonic but in her high school times she thought she has romantic feelings towards him because she never had friends other than Adrian and never had romantic interest. That’s why she will be clingy towards Adrian in high school.
In last year of high school after Ladybug took Bee miraculous from her, Marinette will try to fix her relationship with Audrey like in the show but it won’t work and Audrey probably say some really heartbreaking things and this will make Chloé angrier. She will blame Marinette and will be ruder to everyone (espacially to Marinette) at school, Sabrina will dump her (yaaay), Ladybug won’t trust her about an akuma attack (there are no akuma in my story tho but i want you to know what i am referring to rn) and Adrian will talk with her about her actions and how he doesn’t want to keep being friends with her anymore if she continues. She will get akumatized too and hurt her teacher (forgor her name) and Sabrina. She will collapse and leave Paris. I am not sure where she will go, probably i will make her go another country at Europe.
She will change her contacts so Adrian won’t be able to reach her. She will go therapy there and will be emotionally better. I feel like she would study child psychology maybe become a teacher or something. I also thought she will take self defense classes too since Ladybug told that she doesn’t have enough experience on fighting and they ve been getting educated for years to hold a miraculous, when she took bee miraculous from her. ( thats a lie tho it has only been a few months not years lmao)
After 2 or 3 years she will return to Paris (when show takes time at)for a few days just to see her father and apologize to Sabrina, Adrian and Marinette. I thought Sabrina won’t even wanna listen her. So she will decide not to see Adrian because she will think he doesn’t want to see her either. Then she will find herself in the middle of akuma attack. She will see where the akumatized item is. Ladybug and Chatnoir will be surprised to see her there of course but they are in the middle of fight. Chloé will try to tell where the akuma is but Ladybug will immediately tell Chatnoir to take her somewhere safe and he will. Chloé will tell Chatnoir that she knows how to defeat the akuma and she is sorry for being a bad holder back than. Adrian is so confused seeing her friend after years of course but can’t say anything (you know ,secret identity 🤷). Akuma will be defeated and he will go to Chloé to thank.
So then she will go to bakery hoping Marinette will be there in university break and hoping at least Marinette would like to listen her like back then. And as she hoped, Marinette wants to listen her. I might make a comic with this scene later. Right now I don’t have the words to describe the dialogue in here. But it will be about how she came to apologize and she is now a different person but how she doesn’t expect to be forgiven since Sabrina didn’t. And I thought Marinette would hug her seeing how in the edge she is and she might cry :’’(
I know I know it is so plane but i am not good at writing. I just tell what my ideas are. It is not the end. I will write about what happens later but first I should make posts about other holders and power system. Powers are different in my version so story might be confusing without knowing them. Bee miraculous also has slightly a different power. So first I will tell about them. Then I might try harder and write the story better hehe.
About Zoe btw I don’t even know if I want her to exit lmaoo. No hate don’t get me wrong but she is not even a character in the show. I am not sure what to do about her yet.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate that. 🪐🌟
=====Turkish translate======
Bir süredir Mucize’yi tekrar tasarlamak ve yazmak istiyordum. Kendi kendime dedim ki neden fikirlerimi paylaşmayayım ve paylaşmaya karar verdim. Ta daa Chloé Bourgeois! ( kanatlarını çizmeyi unutmuşum ama çaktırmayın)
Benim alternatifimde güç sistemi farklı. İlerki postlarımda açıklayacağım. Burada daha çok benim tasarladığım Chloe’den diğer adıyla Kraliçe Arı’dan bahsetmek istiyorum.
Aslında Chloe’nin karakteri dizidekine yakın. (İlk iki sezondaki) Annesi ile sorunları, sosyal ilişkilerde sıkıntılar, zorba biri olması… Fark ise ‘redemtion arc’ ını çöpe atmadım. :D Benim versiyonumda Uğur Böceği ve Kara Kedi mucizelerini lise okurken alıyorlar ama hikaye üniversite yıllarında, yirmili yaşlarında geçiyor. Lise yıllarında yaşadıklarına arada ‘flashback’lerle değinmeyi düşünüyorum. Chloe de mucizesini lisede alıyor ancak Uğur Böceği ondan geri alıyor. Bu olaylar da dizidekine benziyor. Chloe kimliğini herkese açıklamak yerine önce Kraliçe Arı olarak annesini etkileyip sonra ona kimliğini açıklamayı düşünüyor. Böylelikle sonunda annesinin onunla gurur duyacağını düşünüyor. Dizideki gibi sorunlar çıkarıp sonra kahraman gibi davranıp insanları kurtarmış gibi gösteriyor kendisini.
Küçüklüğünde tek arkadaşı Adriandı. O da annesi Audrey’in Gabriel ile olan işi sayesinde. Aslında Adrian’a karşı tamamen platonik sevgi (arkadaş olarak seviyor yani karşılıksız sevgi anlamında değil) beslediğini düşünüyorum. Hiç bir zaman romantik hisleri olmadı ama Adrian’dan başka arkadaşı olmadığı için ve daha önce hiç romantik duygular hissetmediğinden Adrian’a olan duygularını romantik sevgi ile karıştırdığını düşünüyorum.
Lisenin son yılında Uğur Böceği, arı mucizesini ondan alıyor; Marinette Chloe’nin annesi ile olan ilişkisini düzeltmeye yardım ederken işler ters gidiyor ve Audrey, Chloe’ye kalp kırıcı şeyler söylüyor. Bu Chloe’yi ilerki günlerde daha agresif yapıyor, Marinette’i her zamankinden daha fazla aşağılayıp olanlar yüzünden onu suçluyor, Sabrina dayanamayıp onunla ilişkisini kesiyor (yürü be Sabrina), Uğur Böceği akuma saldırısı konusunda Chloe’ye güvenmiyor( akumalar benim versiyonumda yok ama şimdilik anlaşılmak için akuma diyeceğim) ve Adrian böyle biri olmaya devam ederse onunla arkadaş olmak istemediğini söylüyor. Bunların hepsi Chloe’nin duygusal olarak yıkılmasına hatta belki akumalanarak sevdiği insanlara, şu adını unuttuğum öğretmenleri ve belki Sabrina’ya, zarar vermesine yol açıyor. Tüm bunlar Chloe’nin Paris’ten ayrılarak başka bir Avrupa ülkesine gitmesiyle sonuçlanıyor.
Burda Chloe iletişim bilgilerini bile değiştiriyor ve Adrian dahil kimse ona ulaşamıyor. Terapi alıyor. Üniversitede çocuk psikolojisi okuyor belki de öğretmen olmak istiyor diye düşündüm. Hatta bazı dövüş sanatlarını da öğreniyor çünkü Uğur Böceği mucizeyi alırken ona yeterli savaş deneyimi olmadığını ve kendilerinin yıllardır eğitim aldığını söylüyor. ( Yalan tabii. Sadece bir kaç aydır çalışıyorlar yıllardır değil.)
2 ya da 3 yıl içinde ( hikayenin geçtiği zaman ) Paris’e dönüyor. Sadece bir kaç günlüğüne babasını görmeye; Sabrina, Adrian ve Marinette’den özür dilemeye geliyor. Sabrina onu dinlemek bile istemeyince Adrian’ın da aynı tepkiyi vereceğini düşündüğünden onu görmekten vazgeçiyor. Marinette’i görmeye giderken kendisini akuma saldırının ortasında buluyor ve Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kediye yardım etmeye çalışıyor. Kahramanlar Chloe’yi gördüklerine çok şaşırıyorlar ama savaşın tam ortasındalar bu yüzden Kara Kedi onu alıp daha güvenli bir yere götürüyor. Chloe, Kara Kedi’ye akumanın nerde olduğunu söylüyor ve önceden kötü bir kahraman olduğu için özür diliyor. Adrian eski arkadaşını gördüğüne çok mutlu oluyor tabii ama hiç bir şey söyleyemiyor çünkü gizli kimlik şeysinden. Akumayı yeniyorlar tabii ve Chloe ye teşekkür ediyor.
Daha sonra Chloe Marinette’ i görmeyi umarak pastanelerine gidiyor. Ve umduğu gibi Marinette orda oluyor. Burdaki sahne hakkında daha sonra bi çizgi roman yapmayı düşünüyorum şimdilik dialog kafamda tam değil ama basitçe Marinette’den özür diliyor, artık eskisi gibi olmadığını ama yine de Sabrina gibi affetmek zorunda olmadığını sadece farklı biri olduğunu bilmesini istediğini söylüyor. Burda Marinette’in ona sarılacağını düşündüm bu da yaşlarını zor tutan Chloe’yi ağlatacak.
Biliyorum biliyorum anlatımım aşırı düz ama yazmakta iyi değilim. Sadece kafamdaki fikirleri aktarıyorum. Bu son değil. Devamını yazacağım ama önce diğer Mucize kullanıcıları hakkında ve güç sistemi üzerine postlar yapmak istiyorum. Neleri değiştirdiğimi bilmeden hikayeyi anlamak zor olabilir. Yazım şeklimi de daha akıcı ve güzel hale getirmeye çalışacağım.
Zoe’yi sorarsanız onun hakkında ne yapacağımı henüz bilmiyorum. Onu hikayeye ekler miyim emin bile değilim. Açıkçası dizide hiç bir kişiliği olmayan bom boş bir karakter. O yüzden emin değilim.
Okuduğun için teşekkür ederim. 🪐🌟
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Show Stopping.
This is the concluding story to the corresponding blog event, It’s Raining Crows and Dogs! I took inspo from Cruella (2021) while writing this piece.
Please note, I was not able to respond to all interaction requests, as many were sent after the submission period, disregarded rules, or simply did not catch my interest 💦 Apologies!
By My Hand.
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Drinks dulled the senses, distracting from the din of the charity ball. Alcohol was forbidden on campus—but the sugar and the carbonation was enough to be ride that high, to loosen from the binds of stiff suits, glittering gowns, and falsified formalities.
The orchestra’s song swayed and sloshed like liquid in her ears. The golden lights refracting off chandelier crystals, kaleidoscopic.
Was it the juice or the tiredness messing with her senses?
Knocking back her glass, Raven let the fizzy, fruity concoction tumble down her throat. Bright citrus washed away her worries, the bubbles tickling her nose as it went down. She set the glass, now empty, down and called out to the anxious mob student manning the bar.
“Another, please.”
“… D-Don’t you think you’ve had enough, Raven-san?” Octa A asked. “That’s your seventh drink.”
She stared at him with blank, lifeless eyes.
Octa A immediately set to preparing the eighth. Club soda, fruit syrup, crushed mint leaves, and cubed ice.
“Long night?” he wondered out loud, attempting at conversation.
“Yes.” Raven groaned, nursing her aching head with one hand. “I was up for all of yesterday assisting Crewel-sensei with the final touches on his ensemble for this evening. Didn’t get a lick of sleep.”
“Oh. I-I’m sorry to hear that…” Octa A muttered. He topped off the fresh drink with a twisted lime wedge and then slid it to her. “Did your efforts at least pay off?”
She accepted the beverage with a tired yet grateful smile. “I have no clue. He has yet to arrive.”
Even though he demanded that I be here to witness ‘the fruits of my labor’…
“I’m sure he’ll show up soon.”
Raven cast a glance at her phone. 11:59 pm. Late—far too late.
“I highly doubt—”
The instant the clock struck midnight, the doors to the venue swung open, as if on cue. In strutted two Dalmatians, each fitted in a diamond encrusted collar. Trailing them was a figure in a white cloak with a long train, hood pulled over their face.
Heads turned. Onlookers gasped.
“Who is that?”
Raven stilled.
They produced a wand from a billowing sleeve and waved it in an arc. There was a dog collar looped around the end of the wand, a square magical gem on it.
Fire sprouted at the end of the mysterious guest’s train. It formed a coil, snaking up their body and engulfing the white. The exterior fell away into crumbling ashes and cinders, revealing what was underneath: a handsome face in a black and white eye mask, his suit a sinisterly shimmering crimson.
Divus Crewel, fashionably late.
Raven exchanged looks with Octa A.
The venue bursted into sound like a balloon popped. People rushed at him, flocking like birds, swarming like bees.
“Sir! What a grand entrance! How did you do it?”
“What a show stopping performance.”
“I thought my heart was about to beat out of my chest!!”
“Where did you get this outfit? I would like to own one for myself. Oh, you must pass me along the name of the brand.”
Crewel, right at home among his throng of admirers, chuckled. “I appreciate the compliments, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to find a replica of this look in any store or boutique. This ensemble is an original designed by yours truly.”
“Oh my!” A woman clutched at the string of pearls around her neck. “Would you be willing to do an original for me then?”
“Now, now! I had every intention of asking him first!” a mustachioed man protested.
“Unfortunately, I’ll have to turn down those requests,” Crewel interjected smoothly. “I am presently focused on my role as an educator. Your presence here at this event helps Night Raven College and its efforts to better the future and the local community.”
A murmur of agreement passed through the crowd.
“And another thing,” he continued, “I’m afraid I cannot take all the credit for my outfit. I may be responsible for the design, but the color of the dye was made in collaboration with a student.” Crewel searched the room and found Raven, letting his gaze linger on hers. She felt her mouth drying up. “This is the direction of the future.”
He flashed a dazzling smile. His handsomeness, a cutlass slashing through their defenses. Raven felt the entire room melt in response to Crewel.
“If you wish to support us and Night Raven College’s endeavors, we you may donate tonight. All proceeds will be going to an animal shelter on Sage’s Island.”
Several voices cried out simultaneously.
“I-I’ll donate! Of course I will!”
“Honey, we’ve got to support this cause.”
“You heard the man.”
“Night Raven College is such an exemplary learning institution!”
“Wow, Crewel-sensei strolled in and commanded the entire event,” Octa A mused. “Raven-san, the work you were doing yesterday… now it’s being seen by all of these people.”
“Well,” she said warily, absentmindedly swirling her half empty glass, “as long as he’s happy and NRC gets that money, I guess it’s fine.”
“That shade of red is nice,” Octa A commented. He was already assembling the ninth drink. “It suits Crewel-sensei very well.”
“I should hope so!” she huffed. “It took a lot of workshopping and several samples to find a shade that pleased him.“
“What did you name this one? Since you tend to label your homemade inks.”
“Ah, I call this one…”
Cruel Devil.
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kaledya · 5 months
Hey friend, I want to ask you some things about Constantine, I'm planning on making a FanFic about his way from Kid to Prince (Before he re encounters with Charlie).
1. How was his training? Was he trained by Lucifer? Or by Satan?, or by every single Deadly Sin?
2. Why did he lose his Humanity so much? Are there any specific or lots of events that relate to that?
3. When and which enemies he destroyed? If you don’t have it specified don’t worry, this is because after all nobody who fought him lived to tell it.
4. (This one is optional), Would you like to have something important on it? Something you would enjoy? Be honest, after all Constantine is your character.
First of all, I am very glad to hear that you want to write a fafic about him! And of course I will be happy to answer your questions!
In terms of knowledge, he was usually educated by the leading sages of Hell (he had a different teacher for each subject, so he had a well-rounded education) and Lucifer taught him what he knew as much as he could (how to use his powers, how to be a king), while Lilith taught him how to behave in politics, ) Satan was the one who taught Constantine's perception of power in general, Constantine was a person who thought that power came only from knowledge, Satan taught him that power was only power, showed him that he could not survive with only knowledge and taught him that fear was stronger than love and respect.
He also learnt from Leviathan about education and science. He was not very close to the other sins in terms of education. When Constantine went to visit his aunt, it was one of the rare times when he was a child and not a prince, Bee tried to make Constantine happy, not to educate him.
In general, the way he was raised and the training he received did this to him. Lilith and Lucifer had no evil intentions, they wanted their sons to be safe and strong, but they realised a little late that they were destroying the humanity in Constantine with their actions, and when they realised, they were at a point where they could no longer go back, but on the bright side, they did not follow the same thing with Charlie. Plus Constantine was already born with a superior intelligence, which made him less empathetic as he grew up, which came with the responsibilities of being a prince, so he had to grow up early because he had too much on him as a child. And even a normal prince would have to harden himself and control his emotions and act rationalistically in order to rule. Constantine was the prince of hell, surrounded by monsters and nobles waiting to see a weakness in him, and if he wanted to defeat the monsters, he had to become one of them. And Constantine did this, he hardened himself until his weakness or emotions were minimised.
The only person that constantine behaves with his sincere personality is his sister Charlie, I can even say that the face that constantine shows to Charlie is so different that Charlie almost does not recognise her brother at the royal meetings. (In the very later parts of the series, they start to develop a relationship with Serenity like Sherlock and Watson. but this is a very slow developing friendship)
and btw I was inspired to write Constantine by these two books maybe it helps to understand him!
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3.Sometimes some demons decide to cross the line and Constantine can execute them. There is no one specific one at the moment, only Lucifer or Charlie can defeat Constantine, no one else in Hell is crazy enough to try to fight him. At least not yet.
4.Thank you for asking but no I've got nothing to add at the moment., and Constantine is my character, yes. but this is your fanfic, you can do whatever you want as long as you keep his personality, have fun! And when you're done writing and publish it on ao3 please tag me on tw and I look forward to reading it!
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
Good morning pookie, how are you?
Lifer update, I got accepted into my higher education and am starting in september, exciting huh?
Soccer coach price huh?
Don't think about those small shorts soccer players wear, or how they'd be STRUGGLING to contain the sheer girth of Prices thighs. Or how, when they play in the rain or just cuz he gets the sweaty, the glossy fabric becomes just see through enough that you can see his jockstrap. Don't think about how you can tell how furry he is, because the insides of his thighs are just as hairy as his crotch. Don't even think about him placing his foot up on one of the benches in the locker room and telling you to get in there and clean him up before your match. And don't even think about getting to hump his ass or cunt through the shorts, getting it so soaked that the fabric just sticks to his cheeks and folds.
Good day 🌈
but also also also need to have an ongoing tension between you and him can be sexual can be some sort of rivalry that ends up with you two making out on the field while it rains stumbling into the changing room and taking him up against your locker leaving marks he can’t hide while also getting rid of the anger bubbling up inside you leaving him all wonky so he can’t sit straight the next day having everyone ask him about it only to see him get flustered
Or even taking him out there on the grass on a summer night only having spit to loosen the tight ring of muscles his knees practically digging into the mud as you increase the pace of your thrust telling him what a slut he is what if anyone would see him like this watching as he glances over the bleacher and whimpering imagining what it would be
Orotot fuckin him with your jersey on cumming all over his ass and back taking photos of it to keep you going through dry periods
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otdiaftg · 11 months
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The Raven King - Chapter Eleven
Day: Sunday, November 12th Time: 3:10 PM EST
Anytime the Foxes mentioned Andrew's upcoming sobriety or Andrew's name popped up in write-ups on the team's performance at games, the focus was on what a danger he was. People talked about his trial and how it saved them from Andrew. No one said what they were doing to save Andrew from himself. "You told me Cass would never hurt you and would have given you a good education, but you sabotaged your adoption. Officer Higgins came all the way here from the west coast to fix something from your past but you won't help him. You left juvie and killed Aaron's mother to protect him, but instead of fixing your relationship with him you keep him on a leash. You don't want Nicky's parents to hurt him, but you won't let him into your family either. Kevin promised to invest in you but you won't even try. So what is it? Are you afraid of your own happiness or do you honestly like being miserable all the time?" "Neil, look," Andrew said, and pointed up at his own face. "Do I look miserable?" Neil wanted to tear that smile off Andrew's face, but Andrew's obnoxious response wasn't entirely his fault. Neil was dealing with the smokescreen of Andrew's medication. Neither of them could change that, but knowing why Andrew was being difficult didn't make him less frustrating to deal with. All Neil could do was keep his temper in check. If Andrew got a rise from him the conversation was over. That was what Andrew wanted, so Neil wouldn't give it to him. "You look drugged within an inch of your life," Neil said, "and when you're not medicated you're drinking and dusting. When they finally take your medicine away, who are you going to hurt, really?" Andrew laughed. "I'm remembering why I don't like you." "I'm surprised you forgot." "I didn't," Andrew said. "I just got distracted for a moment there. I told her it was a mistake to let you stay, but she didn't believe me. Now look. Oh, for once I don't even want to bother with the 'I told you so'. You ruin all my fun." "Renee?" Neil guessed. "Bee." Neil's blood went cold. "What did you tell her about me?" Andrew grinned at the look on Neil's face. "Doctor-patient confidentiality, Neil! But don't make such a scary face. I didn't tell her your sad little story. We just talked about you. Critical difference, yes? I told her you're more trouble than you're worth. She was looking forward to meeting you, but she won't tell me what she thinks of you. She can't, you see. But I know she likes you. Bee has a thing for lost causes." "I am not a lost cause." Denial was automatic and a waste of time. Andrew put his hand over Neil's mouth to shut him up and said, "Liar. But that's what makes you interesting. It's also what makes you dangerous. I should know better by now. Maybe I'm not as smart as I thought I was. Should I be disappointed or amused?" The perfect retort burned Neil's tongue, but he kept quiet in case Andrew wasn't done rambling. The answer was there, right out of reach, close enough Neil could feel it, but too far for him to make sense of. Maybe Andrew felt it too, because even in his drugged haze he knew to shut up. The smile he flashed Neil mocked them both at that near-miss. He withdrew completely, leaving just the memory of his heartbeat against Neil's mouth, and spun away. "I'll find Kevin. He's too slow." Neil watched him go, then huffed in frustration and turned back toward the racquet.
Art used with permission by Aymmidumps. Thank you @aymmidumps!
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fairycosmos · 4 days
Hello, No one donates to me please help me to make them donate to me share my link tell them I am not a scammer help me document my campaign please no one donates
I'm Ethan's friend, make sure I'm telling the truth.
I am a young man, 23 years old, and I do not have anything to help me in life, such as rebuilding my house, getting married, and completing my education. I only have fatigue, worry, and suffering. Please help me share my story and donate to me, even if it is a little. I am very embarrassed to ask people for help, but what should I do? I am forced to do this. Forgive me.
I am Mohammed, 23 years old, I used to live in Khan Younis, I was a university student studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza, but my entire university was destroyed, this was my passion in life, but it evaporated in this difficult war, even my home where I spent my childhood and all my happy memories turned to ashes, I became homeless, so how can I continue my life? Please support me so that my passion returns, and so that I can achieve my dream of studying again, I would like to inform you that we are living a crisis of no detergents or winter clothes, knowing that winter is coming with its severe cold that eats the body severely, I cannot complete this message because of the many tears and pain, your simple help will make a big difference in my life.
my survival fund has been vetted by global mutual a!d collective @beesandwatermelons.
a-shade-of-blue mohammed-ms 9h ago This campaign is vetted by association. They are friends of @/yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi), see post here for proof.
Please help me
I urgently need money as winter is coming and there are not enough clothes and blankets because our clothes and blankets are still under the rubble.
boosting, i'm so sorry you're going through this <3
15 notes · View notes
caffstrink · 9 days
Hello, No one donates to me please help me to make them donate to me share my link tell them I am not a scammer help me document my campaign please no one donates
I'm Ethan's friend, make sure I'm telling the truth.
I am a young man, 23 years old, and I do not have anything to help me in life, such as rebuilding my house, getting married, and completing my education. I only have fatigue, worry, and suffering. Please help me share my story and donate to me, even if it is a little. I am very embarrassed to ask people for help, but what should I do? I am forced to do this. Forgive me.
I am Mohammed, 23 years old, I used to live in Khan Younis, I was a university student studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza, but my entire university was destroyed, this was my passion in life, but it evaporated in this difficult war, even my home where I spent my childhood and all my happy memories turned to ashes, I became homeless, so how can I continue my life? Please support me so that my passion returns, and so that I can achieve my dream of studying again, I would like to inform you that we are living a crisis of no detergents or winter clothes, knowing that winter is coming with its severe cold that eats the body severely, I cannot complete this message because of the many tears and pain, your simple help will make a big difference in my life.
 I urgently need money as winter is coming and there are not enough clothes and blankets because our clothes and blankets are still under the rubble.
my survival fund has been vetted by global mutual a!d collective @beesandwatermelons.
a-shade-of-blue mohammed-ms 9h ago This campaign is vetted by association. They are friends of @/yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi), see post here for proof.
Please help me
17 notes · View notes
earthstellar · 2 years
still thinking about Earthspark Bumblebee being stuck with the kids entirely by himself for any slightly extended period of time and it’s so funny 
because I keep thinking about all the stuff kids have said to me when I’ve been babysitting or back when I worked in education and it’s so good 
there is no way Bumblebee would be fully prepared, at this stage, for Child Questions and Statements 
some real things children have said to me: 
-”I’M ANGRY” “thank you for telling me! why are you feeling angry?” “BECAUSE!!! RAIN ISN’T MADE OF ICE [takes big breath] CREEEEEEAM”
-”when the sun goes down it’s good because the sun needs to sleep too, but then the moon comes out at night so when does the moon sleep? WHEN DOES IT SLEEP?” 
(this was eventually resolved by me reading them “Goodnight Moon” as proof that the moon does in fact sleep, because why would we tell it goodnight if it didn’t also have a bedtime)
-”since dinosaurs were real, are we real?” 
-”if dead people live in cemeteries, how do they get their food underground? can we call Pizza Hut? I want pizza like dead people!!! I WANT DEAD PEOPLE PIZZA” (this eventually became “peepza” the longer this demand continued) 
-”planes go up. if I jump hard enough with super jump power, could I go to France? can we get a trampoline? I wanna go to France. WAIT!!! WOULD I NEED A PASS-PORP??? I DON’T HAVE A PASS-PORP!! NOOO” 
-”I AM APPLE MAN” [child proceeds to walk into the room swinging an apple around in a tote bag over his head, like some kind of medieval flail] 
-”TODAY I LEARNED WE HAVE WATER INSIDE US!!! NOT JUST PEE!!!! pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee” 
-”how does the floor work?” 
(legitimately a good question but it will be a while before they can apply for architectural engineering school, we ended up watching a documentary on how Tudor houses were constructed to try to solve this one lmao) 
-”I looked at my pen, I looked too hard, and it stopped working. I have mind powers like Mr Professor from X-MEN!!” [child proceeded to spend the entire day trying to “be strong brained” by staring at things] 
now, of course, the kid/Terrans are a bit more developed than this, a lot of these were from younger children, which is probably obvious 
but I can foresee there being a lot of questions about Earth etc. that Bumblebee might genuinely not know the answer to, or he might get faced with child non-sequiturs that throw him off
and because the Terrans may not actually understand yet how certain natural events (like rain) occur, I can imagine there would be some interesting questions, some of which might be more immediately answerable and some which would probably take more work 
I feel like Nightshade would ask more scientifically inquisitive questions which Bee might not be able to answer, stuff like that
but either way, there would be so many questions 
and some of them are bound to be wild 
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
i like six so much bc i like the rhymes in it. you have the pop sound but the rhythms and syncopation of theater and it’s crack for my ears lol.
So i picked up a pen and a microphooooone, history’s about to get overthrOWN
“Histor-emix” is genius fuck you
Put your hands up get this party buzzin’ you want a queen bee? well here’s half a doZENN (also the harmonies on that one)
You say it’s a pity cuz quoting Leviticus i’ll end up kidiless all my life!
Don’t be bittAh cuz i’m fittAh. He doesn’t want to bang you SOMEbody hang you!
My horses can trot up to twelve miles an hour, let me explain, I'm a Wienerschnitzel, not an English flower. No one tells me I need a rich man, doin’ my thing in my palace in rICHMOND.
“Please me, squeeze me, birds and the bees me,” just flowwwwws
that’s not my storyyyy there’s so much more reeeeemember that i was a writAh i wrote books and songs and meditations fought for female education.
Cause in hisTORY I’M fiXed. as. ONE OF sIX!
We’re one of a kind no category, spent too many years lost in HIStory
i am constantly singing random lines to my dog and he has had enough of me!!
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
ok my mom understandably had to go to bed (very late here in her time zone, and it's even an hour later in the one I'm used to) but I'm a mental masochist so I will trudge on until I can't physically watch Shiny Happy People anymore (and I'm just going to edit my comments instead of reblog bc so far there's really not a lot most of us aren't aware of):
- firstly, I knew Deanna was raised Christian but I didn't know she was raised VERY conservative Christian. Per Deanna, this is the reason Amy was allowed so much freedom; she didn't want to limit her as a female in any of the ways she was
- going off of that, I can see how that foundation would open Jim Bob up to a religion that is so insanely misogynistic
- I know it's a thing all of us who've been around a while have known, but it's all but explicitly said that the Duggar kids had any steal of rebellious beat out of them. By Michelle, regardless of what she sounds like.
- I can't help but wonder if this is the reason Michelle sticks so closely to this faith, even after all that's happened. Even as her own children have expressed how abusive their upbringing was. Leaving the ideology means admitting you were an abuser and not an educator.
- Jill felt like she lied in the Megyn Kelly interview. She didn't want to do it and said she wouldn't have without her parents urging, and she felt obligated to protect her family. She didn't want to do this interview, but didn't trust anyone else to tell the truth which, given her upbringing, I totally get.
- the interviews with other ex-IBLP kids are just as fascinating to listen to as Jill's (if not more bc a lot of them WANT to be there). Tia Levings in particular is so incredibly brave and wonderful, please follow her your preferred platform ❤️
- Mike Huckabee is an accomplice to abuse and ped*philia at best
- I know Derick can be insufferable but I promise he's worth listening to in this doc, at least so far (I'm halfway through episode 3). And he's a very serious Jill advocate, which I feel like all the Duggar girls need so badly.
- Jill didn't want anyone at her birth because SHE DIDN'T WANT TOO GO THROUGH WHAT ANNA WENT THROUGH. She agreed to a diary cam at most.
- For that work they did during their babies birth, the Dillards requested not a full paycheck, but a small health insurance renumeration fee from TLC, who asked them to do this work. TLC informed then that they had already paid all sums to Jim Bob.
- Jill has never received any amount of payment from TLC for all the time and work she had given them. Neither had Derick.
- this is probably a NO DUH for us around here, but here is a short list of IBLP/ATI approved lives of training, especially for minors who are doing work for free for other members of the organization (i believe the Bates kids are included in some of the pictures accompanyingthis part):
1. CoNSTrUCTioN!!!
2. Cosmetology (women only of course)
3. Ministry
4. Business?
5. Healthcare consultant
6. ALERT counselor
Secular college courses so not apply to accreditation in these fields
- other ex-IBLP members confirm that children were trained in construction trades and child labor was used gratuitously in the organization, for anything from repairs, to setting up conferences, to building actual buildings. And it was all, of course, free.
- ALERT confirmed as a purposeful paramilitary organization
- am ex-IBLP woman who was sent to ALERT states that they took tampons away from her, as they were a form of purity violation (she says they said she had purposefully taken her own virginity by using them).
- a woman raised in IBLP recounts a story at a conference in Oklahoma City where her roommate almost slit her throat with a knife over being a 'glutton'. Essentially, a teenage girl almost killed herself over not being thin enough to be 'godly'.
- David Green, the CEO of Hobby Lobby, is STILL IBLP's biggest donor. Don't fucking shop there!!!!
- a purposefully sanitized version of Bill Gothard's teachings have been and might still be used in elementary schools, prisons, police and military units as a way of indoctrinating those in attendance to be more open to absolute authority.
- All of the kids besides Jill & Derick might've very well signed a very lengthy contract that extends at least a decade. The Dillards didn't, and have received extreme yet Christian-flavored threats over it???
- The Dillards were using a food bank even after they asked Jim Bob for the most basic payment for their services to the show
- Jill, Derick, and others all agree tha Journey To The Heart was a vetting mechanism for Gothard's abuse victims
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be-fae-do-crime · 2 days
Hello, No one donates to me please help me to make them donate to me share my link tell them I am not a scammer help me document my campaign please no one donates
I'm Ethan's friend, make sure I'm telling the truth.
I am a young man, 23 years old, and I do not have anything to help me in life, such as rebuilding my house, getting married, and completing my education. I only have fatigue, worry, and suffering. Please help me share my story and donate to me, even if it is a little. I am very embarrassed to ask people for help, but what should I do? I am forced to do this. Forgive me.
I am Mohammed, 23 years old, I used to live in Khan Younis, I was a university student studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza, but my entire university was destroyed, this was my passion in life, but it evaporated in this difficult war, even my home where I spent my childhood and all my happy memories turned to ashes, I became homeless, so how can I continue my life? Please support me so that my passion returns, and so that I can achieve my dream of studying again, I would like to inform you that we are living a crisis of no detergents or winter clothes, knowing that winter is coming with its severe cold that eats the body severely, I cannot complete this message because of the many tears and pain, your simple help will make a big difference in my life.
my survival fund has been vetted by global mutual a!d collective @beesandwatermelons.
a-shade-of-blue mohammed-ms 9h ago This campaign is vetted by association. They are friends of @/yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi), see post here for proof.
Please help me
I urgently need money as winter is coming and there are not enough clothes and blankets because our clothes and blankets are still under the rubble.
$276 of $25,000 raised
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waitineedaname · 5 days
Hello, No one donates to me please help me to make them donate to me share my link tell them I am not a scammer help me document my campaign please no one donates
I'm Ethan's friend, make sure I'm telling the truth.
I am a young man, 23 years old, and I do not have anything to help me in life, such as rebuilding my house, getting married, and completing my education. I only have fatigue, worry, and suffering. Please help me share my story and donate to me, even if it is a little. I am very embarrassed to ask people for help, but what should I do? I am forced to do this. Forgive me.
I am Mohammed, 23 years old, I used to live in Khan Younis, I was a university student studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza, but my entire university was destroyed, this was my passion in life, but it evaporated in this difficult war, even my home where I spent my childhood and all my happy memories turned to ashes, I became homeless, so how can I continue my life? Please support me so that my passion returns, and so that I can achieve my dream of studying again, I would like to inform you that we are living a crisis of no detergents or winter clothes, knowing that winter is coming with its severe cold that eats the body severely, I cannot complete this message because of the many tears and pain, your simple help will make a big difference in my life.
my survival fund has been vetted by global mutual a!d collective @beesandwatermelons.
a-shade-of-blue mohammed-ms 9h ago This campaign is vetted by association. They are friends of @/yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi), see post here for proof.
Please help me
I urgently need money as winter is coming and there are not enough clothes and blankets because our clothes and blankets are still under the rubble.
I hope this can help you!
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aznisure · 5 days
Hello, No one donates to me please help me to make them donate to me share my link tell them I am not a scammer help me document my campaign please no one donates
I'm Ethan's friend, make sure I'm telling the truth.
I am a young man, 23 years old, and I do not have anything to help me in life, such as rebuilding my house, getting married, and completing my education. I only have fatigue, worry, and suffering. Please help me share my story and donate to me, even if it is a little. I am very embarrassed to ask people for help, but what should I do? I am forced to do this. Forgive me.
I am Mohammed, 23 years old, I used to live in Khan Younis, I was a university student studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza, but my entire university was destroyed, this was my passion in life, but it evaporated in this difficult war, even my home where I spent my childhood and all my happy memories turned to ashes, I became homeless, so how can I continue my life? Please support me so that my passion returns, and so that I can achieve my dream of studying again, I would like to inform you that we are living a crisis of no detergents or winter clothes, knowing that winter is coming with its severe cold that eats the body severely, I cannot complete this message because of the many tears and pain, your simple help will make a big difference in my life.
my survival fund has been vetted by global mutual a!d collective @beesandwatermelons.
a-shade-of-blue mohammed-ms 9h ago This campaign is vetted by association. They are friends of @/yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi), see post here for proof.
Please help me
I urgently need money as winter is coming and there are not enough clothes and blankets because our clothes and blankets are still under the rubble.
please donate and share if you can!!
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