#i am overcome with a particular kind of love and appreciation
commsroom · 2 years
really can't be overstated just how much the physicality that wolf 359 is written and performed with adds to the feel of it. there is so much written into those scripts that absolutely cannot be represented in an audio-only format, but it's in there and it's performed with those details and that stage direction in mind and so much of it manages to come through. a combination of that and the sound design and the way it uses audio cues like a visual medium might creates something intangibly tangible in the way the characters occupy and interact with and share the space they're in. most visual show ever to be a podcast.
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storm-angel989 · 5 months
Outside The Office Part Thirty Four
I love love love and appreciate the comments! I am so glad y'all like this story!
Three days later I stood in front of the mess of demons in front of me. I tried to hide the nerves that threatened to overcome me, and bit back any trace of kindness. This was the group I had chosen, the group of souls who had the potential to become higher up in my military. The group of souls I needed to trust, because as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t train them all on my own, especially not with the time crunch. 
I was grateful Lucifer did have some sort of starting point, encampments of demons who formed some sort of a military base. I sorted through those positions first and kept the ones who demonstrated excellence- and got rid of those who didn’t. I was hopeful that I could fill those spots from the ones in this group. Those who didn’t make it would fall in with the next group of recruits. 
“You’re here because the data shows you’re the best of the crop. That isn’t saying much, judging by your peers,” I began. I heard the coldness slip into my voice. I was a soldier, just like my father. “You’re here because on paper, you have the potential to be a leader. Let’s see if you can prove that.”
I fell into the commander role easily. Walking around the room, barking orders, assessing, eliminating, sorting and managing came naturally to me- hell, it should. I’ve been training for this my entire life. 
Midday, Lucifer waltzed in to fuck up my plans.
“Ah, no no,” he scolded as he looked over my elimination choices. “No, he’s the bastard son of Greed, I can’t not have him in a leadership position.”
I bit the inside of my cheek. That recruit in particular showed zero judgment, zero remorse, and absolutely zero sense of self preservation based on his actions during our first exercise of the day. 
“With all due respect, Uncle Lucifer, he doesn’t deserve or fit into this role. Maybe with time and training.” And a swift kick in the ass, I thought. But I didn’t say it.
Lucifer sighed and leaned back, “do you know what makes my job so hard? Appeasing the beings your mother created.”
“Respectfully, Uncle Lucifer, I don’t give a shit what they think of me and neither should you,” I replied. “Because if this doesn’t work, they’re fucked just like we are.”
Silence filled the room. Thoughts raced through my head. I didn’t have enough time- there just wasn’t any way around it. 
“Your brain is working, I can see it. Talk to me, love,” Lucifer said as he leaned forward. He rested his head in his hands and waited patiently. 
“There is no way my plan is going to work,” I said out loud finally. “It just can’t happen, I don’t have enough time.”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “What were you thinking of doing?”
I explained my thoughts to him. The idea of entering the same portal the angels came out of. Of going through and confronting Sera, of ensuring Adam was taken down. But I didn’t have enough faith in the leaders on the ground to leave them alone. Lucifer would have to step up and take over my total command while I was gone.
Lucifer considered my proposition. “It isn’t a bad idea. But I think we’ll have to see who actually enters the battle. Adam will, and he’s the primary target, correct? Wasn’t our plan to take him down and watch heaven scramble?”
I nodded, “he is, and it was, but am I even powerful enough to take him down on my own? And wouldn’t this send a stronger message?”
Lucifer laughed. “Oh sweetheart. You haven’t even seen yet just how much you’ve grown.” He stood up and began to pace, “as far as messages go, you’re not wrong. They can’t ignore a blatant invasion of their own territory. We’re down to our final month, but I think we can pull off your plan with a few contingencies. One, you’re going to have to go through the portal yourself. I can’t join you for a variety of reasons. Two, we don’t know exactly where Adam will be. And he’s the one we should take down first.” He paused as he considered, “the more I think about it, the more I like your idea. Leave the ground battle to me. You slip through that portal. Give them a good scare. If you see Adam, kill him. If you don’t, leave him to me.”
I considered the amended plan. I supposed it could work, if Lucifer did truly take over my position. As I thought about it, another question popped up in my mind. “Uncle Lucy? Is overpopulation and lack of resources for the sinners in hell an actual concern? Isn’t that what the extermination was initially about? Too many sinners who could overtake hell?”
He shook his head. “No. I have the power to expand the rings of hell as much as needed to contain the sinners within. My father’s creations will never actually over populate Hell…it was a propaganda I needed to utilize to limit riots around the extermination. Vox’s idea, actually.” He paused his pacing and looked at me, “and if you’ll remember, the deal I had with your father was a controlled extermination. I chose the sinners- the worst of the worst- to be sacrificed to heaven. No amount of sinners could ever truly take down heaven. They would need a portal to go through, which is why you’re such a threat. You’re something they failed to account for.”
“How so?”
Lucifer shrugged, “I suspect that with enough souls owned, you’ll be able to open up portals to heaven and hell, much easier than I can see as you’re half and half and not banned from heaven. Technically, you never fell. Nor do they know you don’t yet have that ability. But that’s besides the point. Getting back to your initial question no, the extermination was initially nothing more than a power play. And now, with the end of this deal, we need to make sure that Heaven desires a new contract as much as we do. So yes, I support you going through the portal. I support you going through to Sera and hitting them where it hurts. Show them how dangerous we are, especially with you on our side. Maybe then…we can come to a better agreement. Perhaps end the extermination all together.”
I nodded as I processed the gravity of the situation. “So to be clear, in one month's time, the portal is going to open. You’re going to stay on the ground and be our primary leader. Take out Adam if you see him, or I will if I do. I’m going to take the first opportunity to slip into the portal, and…”
“And approach Sera. Make it clear to her that you will come back and finish the job if she doesn’t call off her troops and agree to a remediation meeting. But whatever you do, I need you to come back through that portal, unscathed. Understood?”
“I’m a bargaining chip. I understand.” I replied without considering my words. 
“No,” he said sharply. He reached over and grabbed my shoulders. “You’re my niece. And I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. Understood?” He released me and gave my hand the briefest of squeezes. “We’ve got one month. Let’s do this.” 
Later that night, I sat across from the V’s at dinner, half listening to them chat about their day. Lost in thought about the extermination and upcoming battle, I twirled my pasta listlessly. 
“Reader? Reader? Hey! Reader!” Vox’s fingers snapped in front of my face. 
I shook my head, trying to bring myself back to reality. “Sorry, Vox, what?”
He looked at me with concern. “You’ve twirled that same strand of fettuccine at least ten times. Are you okay?”
I looked down at the uneaten dish, and then around at all of their empty plates. Great, one of more thing for them to be on my case about. “Yeah, I’m just tired,” I answered. “Guys, is there any way I can skip the club scene tonight? I have a lot on my mind.” 
Valentino looked at Velvette and Vox. “Something you want to talk about, cariño?”
I shook my head. “Not here. Not in public. Maybe in the privacy of our apartment.”
“Then consider your request granted,” Valentino said gently. “I’ll have them wrap up your dinner. You can eat later, okay?” 
“I think we could all use a night at home anyway,” Vox added. 
“Agreed. I’m dying to catch up on the latest season of All My Favorite Drama,” Velvette added. “Any interest in joining? We can flop on the couch.”
I looked at them with surprise but agreed instantly. Valentino snapped his fingers and within ten minutes we were back in the limo. I laid my head against his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. He didn’t press the issue, and instead he wrapped his arms around me tighter. 
“We’re here for you, pequeño amor,” he replied gently. “You can talk to us. Even Lucifer told you that, right?”
“He did. It’s just a lot,” I replied quietly. “Honestly, all I want is a cup of hot chocolate and to be told it's okay. And I’ve never craved that comfort in my life.”
He sighed and guided me to his chest. “We can provide the hot chocolate and comfort you desire. You have family now, a real family. And we love you.” 
The limo pulled to a stop and I interlaced my hands in his as we made our way upstairs. One elevator ride, comfy pajamas and warm mug of hot chocolate later, I was snuggled against Valentino on the couch, Vox and Velvette on the other side, the television playing softly in the background. 
“Alright, fill us in babe, what’s got your heart racing?” Vox asked as he looked up from his phone. “And I do mean literally. Come on, you’re gonna have to debrief us at some point.”
I took a deep breath and exhaled. “This is the plan, guys. We have a month before the angels come down. Lucifer and I decided that while he acted as lead commander down here, I’m going to slip back through the portal they open-”
“Fuck no you’re not,” Valentino interupted sharply. 
Vox shook his head at Valentino. “Val, let her finish.”
I pushed myself away from Valentino ever so slightly. “Val, I’m going back through the portal and will confront Sera. Lucifer mentioned that he thinks with enough souls, eventually, I will also be able to open the portal between the two worlds on my own eventually, and that;s going to scare them. Lucifer can already open the portal, they know that,  but to have an unknown entity, and I’m one they physically cannot keep from heaven? That’s a double threat. That’s a bargaining chip. Listen, if I don’t do this and we don’t come to an agreement, the world we know will literally end and there will be no one left. We won’t win this fight in the end, so we need to scare them into submission.”
“I don’t like it,” Velvette said slowly. “But I understand it.”
“Princessa, is there really no other option?” Valentino asked softly.
I shook my head. “It’s the best plan Lucifer and I could come up with. And I’ll be fine Val. I know heaven’s layout like the back of my hand. Even though I lived in the military ring, I was taught every inch of the land.”
Valentino reached for me and I let myself lay on him.
“Are you afraid, bebita? Are you frightened?” He asked quietly. “It’s okay if you are.”
“I’m not afraid of dying,” I replied quickly. 
“That isn’t what he asked, sweetheart,” Vox replied.
I shook my head. “Guys. I trained for this. Have been groomed for this my whole life. Trust me, I’m fine.”
“So confident, muñeca,” Valentino said with a kiss. “What can we do to help you?”
As considered his question, ideas slowly began to form. “I need to work out a little harder. I need to collect more souls, gain more power, and keep myself, my emotions in check. I think that will be the hardest part.”
Vox took a sip of his own hot chocolate. “Well if you and Valentino did less fucking on the gym floor, you might have more time to lift weights or whatever will be in the next plan my algorithm comes up with.”
I choked on my hot chocolate and Valentino gently patted me on the back. “You knew?! You watched?”
Vox snorted. “Fuck yeah I know. And no, I turn off that camera on my monitor specifically so I don’t see you two fucking each day.” He took a sip from his mug, “it’s gross.” 
Valentino looked offended. “Are you saying you don’t enjoy watching us? Reader is the most perfect…”
“Alright, enough. Thank you Vox, for the privacy. Val, consider our days of gym sex done.” 
Valentino frowned. “But Princessa, I had a great idea for…”
I reached over and covered his mouth. “We can discuss it later. For now, Vox can you algorithm me up a harder workout plan? And maybe a diet plan?”
“I mean, we can start by getting food in your tummy tonight, and I can get it to you by the morning,” he replied. “But only if you think you can stomach something more than sugar. Your body can’t run on empty.”
I laid my head against Valentino. “My stomach is just off, I’m not scared or frightened but its in knots.”
“That’s generally your body telling you you’re anxious about something,” Valentino said gently. “And it has every right to be.”
Vox stood up. “I’ll make something that will make you feel better. Just a little something. Can you agree to that?”
“Yes, Dad,” I said sarcastically. 
Vox stood up and walked behind me. I felt his lips press to the top of my head. “Yeah, well, Vel can’t have kids and someone needs to step up and parent you.”
“I was being sarcastic and Vox, I’m in my twenties. I can look after myself.”
“Doesn’t matter, someone has to teach you you’re loved. Show you what an actual family is like. You know, one that supports you for who you are and doesn’t see you as a machine. ”
Velvette looked at me as Vox disappeared into the kitchen. “That doesn’t make me a mom though. Think of me more as your sister, if you don’t already.” She stretched her arms up. “There is a word for it. Found family. It doesn’t mean Vox is your actual Dad, or that I’m your biological sister. But it means we love and treat each other as the family we never had.”
I felt something inside of me. Warmness and security. Love and appreciation. Support and encouragement. “I like that. Found family.” 
“Yeah, and if I’m your found Dad, you better eat up or you’re grounded,” Vox said jokingly as he came back out with a plate of toast and scrambled eggs. “See? Told you something light. You’ll sleep better with a full stomach either way.” 
“Thanks, Vox,” I replied as I took a bite. “Honestly, I feel better already. Just getting it off my chest.”
“Helps, right?” Velvette said, “Amazing what happens when you trust the people you're surrounded by.” 
I laid in bed next to Valentino later that night, snuggled against his chest. “Val? Can you do the thing where you put your hand over my heart and press?”
He looked at me quizzically but laid his hand on my chest and gently pressed the palm of his hand into me. The pressure was settling, grounding, and I snuggled deeper into him. 
“I love you Valentino,” I muttered as I closed my eyes. 
“I love you too, bebita.”
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fairfoxie · 8 months
hi!! i was wondering if i could get your perspective on something, as i really respect the resources you share about being faekin and i want to know more about it! i am irish reconstructionist pagan who works with the good folk, and i admit that i often have trouble reconciling my religious beliefs with 'kin posts that i see. i was wondering, if you felt comfortable responding, what your perspective on the clash that sometimes occurs between faekin and the cultural evolution of the fairy archetype is? if this is offensive i apologise and absolutely did not mean it as such! i'm still relatively new to the nonhuman community (my nonhuman blog is foxwyrm!) and am trying to learn more about it :} regardless, i love your blog, and appreciate what you share!!
Hi! I'll start by saying this is not even a little bit offensive! I know you're asking a question in earnest and I'm honestly really grateful to get the opportunity to voice my perspective.
And really, I wasn't sure at first how to approach all of this at all. My brain and beliefs are scattered, and to be quite honest I make it up as I go along. That's why I used to be petrified of doing any kind of spirit work, especially with the Good Folk. So only recently have I combined my own Neopaganism with my Otherkin experiences. I am still learning. But I'm learning a lot, especially now from others who walk a similar path.
I'll admit I had to look up just to make sure I understood what an Irish Reconstructionist Pagan is, and it seems to be exactly what I was hoping it would be! I may not be strictly of that faith myself, but I'm highly grateful that there are people who are, who keep that alive. I'm so fascinated by pre-Christian Celtic faiths and I do wish it were easier to find the old stories. But stories survive through people, and I enjoy sharing videos I've found where Irish people who coexist with the Good Folk, talk earnestly about their faith and how it impacts their lives. I think those collective experiences are very real and important and culturally valuable. I see parallels in our perspectives, when they speak of mutual respect and of leaving nature undisturbed. I highly value the words of the people who live where there are said to be Faeries.
Still I'd hesitate to discuss being faekin with someone of that particular tradition. I do get overcome with doubt and worry about myself. Is my very existence disrespectful? Just yesterday I ran off into the woods in tears with a question of who, what, am I?
I have discussed being Otherkin with the trees before. I'm an animist at heart, and I like to keep company with the friendly spirits of trees often.
Tree spirits are good listeners, and they understand the humans they live with. When I talk to the trees, I don't have to explain what I am. I show them. They understand. They accept me. They don't judge or argue, and they accept strange contradictions like me being human and nonhuman at the same time.
I see lots of things in the forest. Things that renew my belief in magic every time in different ways. I have hardly a choice but to believe in all manner of beautiful spirits, fae big and small, even gods. I believe in monsters too, but I believe in myself more, and I value my autonomy, and so I choose not to let my spirit be harmed.
And because I value my autonomy, I am drawn to the Otherkin community, where you don't have to have all the answers, just be who you are and you will be accepted in the best of our circles. We respect each other's minds, bodies, and spirits, and each of us walks a parallel but completely different path into ourselves. I'm glad there are others like me, who don't know why they are nonhuman in some way, just that they are, and that we have carved out a space in which to exist as we are.
I don't have all the answers, and probably never will. But I find little congruencies that allow me to slip through the cracks between what is and isn't. Here are some of them.
Many Faeries do look like humans. Changelings of course, and selkies, and Hulder and Skogskra, and nymphs and elves and many others. And much folklore seems to have it that people who seem to be human turn out to be Fae.
But I was born to humans, I know that for sure. And as such, I consider myself a Human Fairy. Of sorts. Like I said, I value my autonomy, and my right to say what I am and be what I am.
For me, the difference between a Faery and a Fairy is that Faeries are the beings that already existed, living at arm's length from most humans for most all time. We only remotely understood them back then, we only remotely understand them now. But we respect them, and many do respect us back and seek friendships with us.
The Fairy, on the other hand, is that cultural archetype you were talking about. A Fairy can be created by a human, it can be a human, it can be a character, and most importantly, it can be the link between people and magic. I have an affinity for pixies and pillywiggins, flower fairies, gnomes, brownies, dryads, sylphs, and all manner of tiny winged beings of nature, and yes, Tinker Bell, who was my personal introduction to the Fairy world, and the idea that there are magical beings who live in another world but also interact with our world. My first 'kin feels' would have been daydreaming myself in Pixie Hollow/Fairy Haven as a tiny fairy with wings and a talent, just the same way Prilla blinks to the Mainland. I still clap sometimes, because I do believe in Fairies.
And I think that the spirit world contains multitudes. I think it contains Faeries and Fairies all at once, and that thoughtforms, spirits, fae, and gods are all a big part of what makes humanity who we are in the first place.
And even still, I don't know if I have all of my facts and beliefs straight. But I know that I don't have to. If I waited until I understood myself completely before going and living my life, I'd simply never get the chance to. And so I just go live it. As I get older I care less about the labels and more about the experiences. But I love being a Fairy. I love being Otherkin. And I love talking to the kindest of the Good Folk. And I'll love this whether or not I will ever fully understand any of it.
I truly hope this is something like the answer you were hoping for.
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zowiemtzion · 5 months
One Day I'll Wake Up Blind
"The sound I’m trying to get across, I’m not just up there recreating old blues tunes or trying to invent some surrealistic rhapsody … I’m not doing it to see how good I can sound, or how perfect the melody can be, or how intricate the details can be woven or how perfectly written something can be. I don’t care about those things. I always hear other instruments, how they should sound. The closest I ever got to the sound I hear in my mind was on individual bands in the Blonde on Blonde album. It’s that thin, that wild mercury sound. It’s metallic and bright gold with whatever that conjures up. That’s my particular sound. I haven’t been able to succeed in getting it all the time. Mostly I’ve been driving at a combination of guitar, harmonica and organ, but now I find myself going into territory that has more percussion in it and rhythms of the soul." – Bob Dylan
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Welcome, friends, to the last Isabella James album before I take leave on a hiatus, ‘One Day I Will Wake Up Blind’.
For those of you who care enough about this record to be reading this I want to start by saying that I love you, and I’m so thankful for you. The last 5 years I’ve spent releasing and recording music have been some of the most exciting, rewarding and joyful years of my life. All the support you’ve given me has filled me with so much pride every day since the release of my debut, ‘Climbing Mt Zion’. So much has changed since then. About me, about the world, and about the music I make. I like to think in this retirement I leave behind a document to the traumas I’ve overcome and strength I’ve built in myself, a breadcrumb trail that ties the frightened girl I was to the confident woman I now am. That song can’t be unwritten, and that connection can’t be broken because of you.
I like to think I’ve left behind a trove of appreciation for all my fans; I hope that you all have found these works as transformative as I have and I hope to an even greater extent that peace and happiness comes to all of your lives. The kindness I have been shown over the years could make me well up and it deserves to be ten times reciprocated.
I couldn’t, in good faith, leave these years behind without also leaving behind a final statement. A last declaration of my voice as a songwriter, the progress I’ve made as a producer, and everything that I’ve always wanted to say in my music. I think in a way, this chase for finality has led this to be my most personal record. This is an ‘Undoing of Isabella James’, a deep dive into my own head. I think it serves eloquently as a companion piece to my 2021 self-titled record. Exponentially less tortured, however. The Dancers Reward and the songs came from a place of getting to know myself, my relationship with God, and my place in the world. Now in the sunset of my discography I wish for you to get to know me too.
I believe in Frank Zappa’s ideas concerning what he called, ‘Conceptual Continuity’. That every work an artist makes informs every other work they make. I’ve tried here to tie up any loose ends in my own discography. On a purely musical level, my penchant for genre crossing has hopefully been restrained enough to be something cohesive here. I’ve tried to trim any fat, these songs are the finest selection from the number I wrote for this project and I’ve taken no shortcuts with them. These arrangements have been played live, recorded in the studio with as little, ‘in the box’, sounds as possible. This is, sonically, the album I’ve wanted to make from the beginning. Lush, warm, folksy, ambitious, full of personality but quirky too. Anyone who knows me will tell you how idiosyncratic and neurotic I am as a person. In spite of that, I love myself! I pray that my personality shines through in these recordings.
So what’s next for me? Music is my life and it’s impossible to say I’ll leave it behind with any sense of earnestness; I’ve been moving into the professional space recently. The roles that are expected of me now leave little room for my own creative endeavors but the world I’ve found myself in and the collaborations I’ve been fostering fill me with so much excitement. I’m truly doing what I love and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. So keep your eyes peeled! You might see my name on some releases here and there. Keep me in your heart as you do so and I’ll hold these years in mine concurrently.
Peace and Love, Thank you for everything, Isabella James
“Do not urge me to leave you, to turn back and not follow you. For wherever you go, I shall go.” (Ruth, 1:16) 
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ebrahimx · 5 months
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Look into my eyes
you will see
What you mean to me
We often carry in our hearts things that we are unable to express or do not find the right words to describe these things regarding our feelings towards those we love and those who love us, in particular, may be deceived by words if we try to use them, as well as pens if we decide to write them
And perhaps it is better at all times to leave our actions to express our capabilities and feelings
but I do not find it inevitable that I send a short message to the person who represents everyone and who means life to me
Believe me, no world compares to you and no one can replace you
Being close to you is a blessing that surpasses the world and what is in it
As you celebrate another year of life, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the privilege of being by your side on this journey. Today marks not only the passing of time but also the celebration of the beautiful soul that you are
From the moment you came into my life, you brought with you a light and warmth that filled my days with happiness and meaning. Your laughter is the melody that fills my heart, and your smile is the beacon that guides me through every storm
On this special day, I want to express my deepest appreciation for all that you are. Your kindness, compassion, and unwavering support have been a constant source of strength for me. You are my confidante, my partner, and my greatest love.
As we embark on this journey together, I am filled with excitement for the adventures that lie ahead. With you by my side, I know that every obstacle can be overcome and every dream can be realized. You are my rock, my anchor, and my home.
On your birthday, I wish you all the happiness in the world. May your heart be filled with love, your days be filled with laughter, and your dreams be filled with endless possibilities. You deserve nothing but the best, today and always.
Happy birthday, my darling. Here's to celebrate you today and every day for the rest of our lives.
With all my love
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welcometololaland · 10 months
I absolutely love your fics and I’m typically pretty terrible at waiting so I do usually read as you post but life has been kinda heavy for me lately and I found myself wanting to wait to read ALTA until you were finished posting. I’ve wavered on it a few times and have taken a peek a couple times but so far I haven’t actually dove in and started reading it. Shocking behavior from me, really. But my question is how angsty is it? Am I being a baby?
hi anon,
first off, i want to say that i'm really sorry that life has not been super kind to you lately. i hope that things are looking up in the near future and that you have supportive people around you <3
secondly, there's absolutely no pressure to read alta (at all, or at any particular time) and i appreciate you reaching out.
alta is a specific flavour of angst, in my very biased opinion. there isn't relationship angst in the sense that carlos and tk are enemies or even mad at each other (post chapter 1). there's definitely an underlying tone early on that indicates they want to be together and they're not over each other, but they have a lot of issues to talk through and there are some hurdles they need to overcome. in relation to angst generally - well, it is a murder mystery so there is some angst/drama etc. i'd say it's more of a drama/mystery than angsty if that makes sense? i'm not very good at writing angst LOL.
also! i will note that the ongoing slow burn is set against flashbacks written into every chapter - so every chapter you get some cute, non-angsty, young tarlos to counteract any tension.
it's up to you whether you want to start reading! we are getting to the juicy part of the murder mystery! if you want to wait it out, it's only 4 more weeks :)
(looping in @rmd-writes and @celeritas2997 for their opinions here because they've read the damn thing and are more impartial than me)
thanks again <3
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hua-wangs-blog · 1 year
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Hello lovely readers! Today I am so excited to bring you an interview with Ella, also known as ynhpstories on Wattpad and TikTok. Many aspiring authors, including myself, have been motivated by Ella's talent as a content developer. She is an inspiration to many and has a unique and distinct style that stands out.
In this interview, I get to know more about Ella and her journey as a creator. We discuss her creative process, the challenges she has faced, and her advice for aspiring content creators. So, join me as I get to know more about Ella and her journey!
Hua Wang: It's truly incredible to read what you have created. Your talent for creative writing is truly remarkable, and I am in awe of the stories you tell.
I am curious to know what themes you explore in your writing. What topics do you focus on, and how do you go about tackling them? Do you enjoy delving into themes that are grounded in reality, or do you prefer to explore more fantastical concepts? How do you approach these themes and make them come alive on the page?
Ella: A lot of the non-book themes are based on real-life situations, such as anxiety, depression, and low confidence. I explore them through many different ways my characters express themselves. I find them easier to talk about because they are loosely based on things I have experienced, so I want to share with others that it's okay to feel like this and that there are people around us who care about us and will always support us. I also like to explore more lighthearted and fantastical themes, like those that are seen in the books, like magical powers and abilities. I want to create a balance of fantastical and grounded themes to create an atmosphere that feels both realistic and fantasy at the same time.
Wang: It's really awesome to hear that you draw from your own experiences to create the characters in your work; not many people have the courage or the ability to do something like that. The way you explore topics through your characters is truly fascinating. You have a knack for bringing depth and life to them, and it's really impressive. I'm sure your readers appreciate the effort and thought you put into your work. It's also impressive to hear that you are striving to balance the thin line between reality and fantasy in your work. It can be a tricky endeavor, as the two can often become entangled and blended, but you manage to add all these remarkable elements of fantasy that really make it come alive.
Ella:Aww, thank you so much. That's so kind.
Wang: There is no need to thank me. You have a lot of talent. So, in response to one of the queries I get while writing new stories for my school, we can only imagine the difficulties you've had to overcome in order to bring your stories to life. So that takes us to the question or questions. What obstacles have you encountered while creating fanfiction? Is there anything in particular that has been particularly challenging to overcome? How did you keep motivated and inspired during the process? I'm sure your readers would love to hear about your experience and the most fulfilling aspect of creating fanfiction.
Ella: In the 2020 lockdown, I went through a really rough patch for my mental health. I felt really alone and down, and I felt like I had no one to talk to. So when I tried to portray some of these feelings in my writing, I was writing a particular rough chapter that included mentions and descriptions of SH and mental health. And it suddenly brought me back to that time in my life. I had to physically stop writing it for a week so I could process how I was feeling. I was really close to deleting the chapter because it was so impactful for me. But I knew if I deleted it, I wasn't going to do any favors because I wanted to show these themes to let people know they are not alone. So the feeling of shining light on these themes for people who are struggling kept me motivated, and now it's one of my favorite chapters because it is so raw and vulnerable, but knowing that there were people there that supported Y/N through it made it worth it.
Wang: I understand how difficult it can be to write about a difficult chapter in your life. Especially when it is something so personal and painful as self-harm. It is admirable that you are willing to open up and share your experience.
I understand how difficult it can be to talk about painful experiences, especially when it comes to self-harm. I have had my own struggles with it in the past, but I'm proud to say I have been clean for a long time now. It wasn't an easy journey, but I am grateful for the people who helped me along the way. Now, I can talk about it without being overwhelmed with pain.
Ella: That's great to hear! I'm glad you got through that and that it's okay to talk about it; it's admirable!
Wang: Thank you.
Wang: Getting back to the interview, that certainly got a bit sentimental! To lighten the mood, here's a funny Harry Potter-related joke: Why did the goblin cross the road? Because he was the Minister of Silly Walks!
Wow, that was horrible. Well, now we know why I'm not a comedian. Anyways, Writing characters is one of the most fun parts of writing fanfiction, don't you think? Out of all the characters you've created, which ones have been your favorites to write? What qualities make them special? Do you love their backstory, or perhaps the exciting adventures they go on? It's always fascinating to explore the lives of these beloved characters. Y/N Lupin is my absolute favorite character, and I could read about them all day. I love all four fanfics, but the one about the roller coaster-like love story of Fred Weasley and Y/N Lupin is definitely my favorite; it's so much fun.
Ella: A lot of the characters that weren't in the books are loosely named after my friends; some have different names, some have their own (depending on their preference). The character 'Katelyn," who has currently appeared in one chapter of the Y/N Lupin story, is completely based on one of my best friends, and there is still so much I'm going to explore with that character, including a love life! Another one of my favorites is the parents and grandparents of Y/n in 'More than Friends." They are based off my parents and my maternal grandparents' personalities to a T. It's always fun making characters based off people I know. I also love making Y/N in any book a fun but relatable character. They are all my favorites for many different reasons. Y/N Lupin shows my more emotional and vulnerable side. Y/N Lestrange shows my confident and insecure sides. And Y/N Bailey shows a side of me that is an absolute badass; I love the energy they give off, and my story lines bring out the best (and worst) of each character! Don't worry. There is more to come for the love lives of Fred Weasley and Y/N Lupin!
Wang: It is truly incredible how you take the people in your life and transform them into characters that we can all relate to and care about. It's a powerful testament to your creativity and imagination that you can take the people you know and turn them into something new and exciting. It's also a wonderful way to honor the people who have made an impact on your life. Through your stories, you are able to give them a lasting legacy and remind us of the importance of the people around us. The characters you create bring out the best in people and inspire us all to be better versions of ourselves. It is truly remarkable how you can take real-life people and craft them into memorable characters that we all love and cherish.
Ella:Aww, thank you.
Wang: Have you considered teaming up with other fanfic writers to bring your ideas to life?
Ella: No one has really reached out about it, and I would be open to it if their goals for writing are similar to mine. I don't want to go so far out of my writing style that the themes I make clear vanish within it.
Wang: We are almost at the end of this interview, and we have just three more questions to ask. One of them is related to your familiarity with the Wizarding World and other genres or fandoms. Are there any particular genres or fandoms you are more familiar with other than The Wizarding World?
Ella: Ooo, it's tricky because all the other fandoms left my head. I really do enjoy the Heartstopper fandom because it's so open and honest about those topics. So I've tried to bring some of those topics into my story. That's the only one I can think of right now.
Wang: I'm curious: how do you handle feedback on your work or criticism? It can be difficult to accept criticism, but it's important to remember that it can actually help you grow and improve. Do you strive to take feedback in a very modest, honest, and fun manner? How do you use it to your advantage?
Ella: Most of the time I use it as a learning opportunity, but there are many parts of my first fanfic that I would change. The readers give me ideas on what to avoid, so I will listen to them and see if it actually works. But I have had a couple of rude messages, and I don't let them affect me. But I've also kept my first fanfic exactly how it is; I'm not going to change anything in it to show that feedback can improve someone's writing, and I will make every recommendation happen in the way that they would like it to!
Wang: What advice would you give to a beginner fanfic writer?
As a seasoned fanfic author, I'm sure you have a lot of experience and wisdom to share. What tips and tricks do you have to offer those who are just starting out? What would be the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to writing fanfiction? What did you wish you had known when you first started writing?
Ella: There are a few things I wish I knew: 1. The name and cover of your book have to be appealing and interesting; if they're generic, fewer people will click to read them.
2. Make the description exciting—it draws more people in to see what things your characters get up to!
3. It's okay to take breaks. Burnout is a normal thing when writing; it's okay to stop and have a few weeks off. I haven't published anything in a while because the more you put it off, the worse burnout gets.
4. Don't expect to have the first chapter blow up; my books always took the first 3–4 chapters to be published before I saw reads that I was happy with. People normally come back to the book when there are more chapters left.
5. My favorite one: just be you—don't let one comment about your writing style stop you from writing or change the whole theme of your book! You should write something you are proud of, so make that one silly moment in your book, retell that story over and over again, and use the writing style you want! It's uniquely yours, so be proud of it.
It's always tough to start writing a fanfic, and there are so many reasons why. But remember to always stay true to yourself and make something you're proud of, because it's so much more rewarding that way!
I want to thank Ella for allowing me to interview her and giving me the opportunity to learn more about her and her work. I would like to give her a huge shout-out for her amazing work on both Wattpad and Tiktok. Everyone should definitely go check out her accounts on both platforms and read their stories. It has been a pleasure interviewing Ella, and I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this interview with your favorite fanfiction author! We hope you enjoyed it and learned something new.
No matter where you are or what time it is, we wish you a wonderful day or night. Take care of yourself and have a great time.
Goodbye, Amores!
Hua Wang
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weaselandfriends · 2 years
What are your favorite books, and which books do you feel have been the most influential on your work? Do you read much non-fiction?
I watched all of School Days because of you. What do you like about it? How ironic is your enjoyment?
I am loving CQ thus far.
When I was very young, the books I read and reread again and again and which certainly had some formative impact on me as a writer were Loser by Jerry Spinelli and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, but I think the most clearly influential books on my writing today are Franz Kafka's novels, The Castle and The Trial, as well as Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. I first read all three of these novels as a teenager and they really unlocked the world of literature for me. All three depict ordinary landscapes as surreal nightmares, the way I would go on to depict the locations in Modern Cannibals and Cockatiel x Chameleon. Another work I read as a teen and which surely influenced me was King Lear by William Shakespeare. I've always been a fan of the bleak and tragic.
Other favorite literary works of mine include (in no particular order):
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
VALIS by Philip K. Dick
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
Ulysses by James Joyce
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
2666 by Roberto Bolaño
The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Demons by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Grendel by John Gardner
Paradise Lost by John Milton
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
As you can see, my reading is on the European and especially Anglo-centric side, which is probably to be expected given I primarily speak English myself. I'm always reading new stuff and try to branch out into time periods and locations outside of Western canon, especially given I've read most of the Western canon by now anyway.
I'm not a large reader of nonfiction. Fiction has always been my passion, since I was very young.
As for School Days, I want to stress that my enjoyment of it is in no way ironic. People ask me this all the time, but I legitimately just think School Days is excellent on its own merits. School Days is a detailed, complex psychological drama in which characters are pushed or push themselves into increasingly uglier directions based on initially small flaws or miscommunications that they are unable to overcome or grapple with. There's very little fat or filler in School Days, it is a lean work in which nearly every conversation has some kind of psychological subtext or is deepened by its context, and the pacing consistently pushes the story toward its explosive, tragic end. I recently watched Breaking Bad (also excellent) and found it similar in how an initially neutral or merely flawed protagonist gradually devolves into outright villainy on account of those flaws; other comparable works would be Nightcrawler, Taxi Driver, the aforementioned Wide Sargasso Sea, or Shakespeare's play Macbeth.
I think the overwhelming backlash about School Days is a byproduct of the Western anime culture back when it aired in 2007. This was just about when the internet was coming to prominence and Western viewers were able to access seasonal anime for the first time via fan subs and dubs; before this, anime watching in the West was either hack-n-slash dubs of kid's shows like Sailor Moon or Pokemon or isolated to a few select (and often Western-influenced) shows like Cowboy Bebop on late-night programs such as Adult Swim. Because of this, the Western anime community was fairly embryonic in 2007, comprised mainly of younger people, and almost entirely male. I don't think this audience collectively had the patience and comprehension skills to appreciate a dialogue-based psychological drama, and especially not one primarily concerned with digging into and exposing what we might nowadays call "toxic masculinity."
2007 was a year where "There are no women on the internet" was taken as an absolute truth, a pre-GamerGate era before even tepid incipient criticisms of sexism in gaming were being made by the likes of Extra Credits or Anita Sarkeesian. School Days, depicting a seeming everyman whose casual objectification of women transforms him into a callous monster, was simply not something this anime community was ready for. And so it was raked over the coals, memed on, and generally held up as "one of the worst anime ever made" (around the same time the anime community thought mind-boggling dreck like Elfen Lied was "mature" art). You would see School Days on Worst Anime of All Time lists right next to Mars of Destruction. I think even if you're only lukewarm on School Days you can see how that level of excoriation is utterly unwarranted.
The community, and the internet in general, and popular media criticism, has changed a lot since then, and I think the current zeitgeist is one that would be far more willing to accept School Days and realize its virtues, but its reputation precedes it and few are willing to watch "The Room of anime" with any amount of good faith. Certainly not enough good faith to pick up on its subtle and psychological writing. I think it's no longer as frequently held up as one of the worst anime of all time, but it's still generally despised (usually by people who haven't even seen it).
So, that's why I do my part to try and change the perspective on School Days.
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cosimomarraffa · 4 months
Podcast with Kalpesh Raichura 𝕰𝖝𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
Creating Winning Cultures and Mindsets; Pune
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This is Cosimo Marraffa, Marraffa Training Academy and today we continue our session of podcasts. We have a special guest from India.
Kalpesh Raghura, just tell us, who are you and who are you from, what you're doing? Great, thank you everyone. Good morning and thank you Cosimo for having me here on this podcast.
My name is Kalpesh Raghura. I am a leadership coach. I hail from Pune, India and uh yeah that's that's who I am.
I've worked in the industry for about 27 years and currently I'm working with the senior corporate leaders helping them to create easy and flow into their lives.
So that's that's what I do. I have a beautiful wife and a 14 or 15 year old daughter and life is good.
Love it, uhm perfect. So uhm let's kick off this podcast with our first question we know all and we know uhm we appreciate our life and I love this incredible Jens style of appreciating everything, uhm but was there some crisis in the last time that you say oh this was a big thing for me that I could
overcome? Uh, I think it was not in the recent past for sure and not that I would say crisis but when I've gone through my phase uh and my corporate challenges uh for CMOS I think that this was uh way back in 2007 and uh you know the the whole thing was that I have somewhere always believed in ethics
and uh you know I always wanted to stand up by doing what's right and you know and refraining or not getting into something which is which is messy or or keep that out.
There was a situation in my career where you know there was something which was unethical happening in the particular business area that I was in and I was a junior.
I was I was reporting to leaders upwards and somewhere I thought I should stand by it. My voice felt and well that did not go the right way and you know it was a situation where either I go along with what's happening or you know I can make a call of what's good for myself and I made a choice to move
out of that audience. While I did that, I did have my own insecurities and I did have my own challenges of what will I do next, how will I go back into the industry, will I be accepted, not accepted, did I do it right, should I have a have not done it, a lot of those questions and those crisis ah you
know did rise up. But I think the what kept me going ah is my faith, my belief, I I I believe in the supreme power of the universe and I I knew what I was doing was right, so my gut somewhere was clear that no, what I did was appropriate and I don't fit along, I didn't fit along, you know what.
So that's that's why I was like a crisis or something that that put me and my family in a spot because you know you you you get into a situation where then you have to deal with what will you do for a career, how would you earn your bread and butter.
What will people say and those kind of things. So yeah, that's that's something that that's happened to Wow, thank you for sharing and for bringing this up and we are very very happy with you.
You had this thing that helped you to overcome your crisis and everybody who is used to come to this podcast knows about the six d's and if you are the first time on this podcast I will just uhm uhm start with a frame so you know what's what we are going to do right now and the podcast we frame it in
the six d's in the six d's we will ask now uh Kaypesh what's his big desire what he wants to decide about it how he formulates his declaration how he devotes to it how he develops how he updates and how his big picture is when he delivers his desire.
So let's kick this off and Karpush just tell us what is one of your big desires for the future for yourself for our listeners, for the world.
Thank you, thank you for asking that question. I love the way you put that structure of 6Ds and let me get started with the desire.
You know, way back in my career, when I was just in my 20s and I was starting to work, One of the things that I I learned and which probably I I associated myself with that was that any place you go, can you make that place better than it was before you stepped in there?
Now, it can be in regards to the physical ambience, it can be in regards to the aura, the energy, it can be in regards to the positiveness, it can be about the happiness.
So do it. And that's something that that got stuck with me. And hence, wherever I am going or whatever I am doing, my intention is, can I make that one percent better than what it was before I settled?
The philosophy or the desire that I have in this this this life? He said, yeah, I know, I am one of the eight billion people on this universe and with whatever things are happening, but can I make this entire experience one percent better for the people that I touch or the people that I work with?
or people that listen to me? And if I can make that one percent easier, one percent improvement, one percent of different perspective of looking at things or add that one dimension into their life, which can create a little more happiness, a little more healthy relationship.
A little more improvement in their own performance, I think I've achieved. Love it. Sounds very For me, as a European, sometimes we don't have I'm more focused on quality and on doing the right things and so this sounds to me something like yeah, wholeness for the whole community.
And the second D key question would be what's your decision you took to accomplish this? What decision do you suggest to a listener today who maybe thinks hey it's a good idea I wanna take this for my life?
So the decision that I took uh I think the biggest decision I took to CIMO was when I decided to move from the corporate world that I was in.
So I enjoyed my work, uh you know in my last organization that I was in I was handling the responsibility of managing the driving process management competency and business management competency for about 89,000 people.
So I was I was handling that role and position to to design, deliver, execute, control the entire spectrum for the entire TCS vehicle.
And during that entire cycle, the whole thought was if I am enjoying it doing within one organization, if I take this experience outside and look at contributing to the larger masses of people who are working with influencers, who can then take this experience to their organizations, I think that would
be a beautiful value add or a purpose to what I'm originally doing. And that's where about six years back, I stepped into leadership coaching and training.
And in the last six years of 1000 plus hours of coaching, I've trained about more than 10,000 senior professionals. And during that journey, the entire journey, my experience is, you know, rather than stressing them out and giving them larger pictures and this is what you got to do and you have to do
it. Can I just make it simpler? Okay, you know, what do you want to do? How do you want to do it?
What are the barriers? Can you work together to help you bridge those gaps? And yeah, some people might bridge that gap in 6 months, some people make it 2 years and that's okay.
We all have our races and we We all have our pieces and we run after them. I can't compete with somebody else and somebody else shouldn't compete with me.
So, so the decision is, is can I hand hold you? Can I be there to listen to you, guide you, mentor you, coach you?
When you need that the most, to excel or to move forward inch by inch in your journey. And I think that's the decision I've taken.
This is where I am. So all that I do right now is to look at enhancing that quality of life.
Enhancing that, that, that rhythm, that harmony, uh in your corporate, in your personal life, in your health, wherever it be, help you just move to the next level, move to the next level, move to the next level.
That's it. That's right. Okay. Wow. Interesting. Thank you for sharing. And the third D is about after you decided and you decide the declaration about it.
Company have this thing called mission statement or vision statement or what is your declaration about this desire you have? It may sound funny because you know but I will share this.
I don't have a very clear purpose statement or a vision statement or a mission statement. Uh I have tried making it many a times but but I I am still not very convinced with or I've not been able to frame that in one one line or two lines but I'll tell you I'll share what I'm clear about.
So, what I'm what I'm very clear with regards to my declaration and this is what I tell to people in my life or people that I work with.
I'm not I never give up on my place. All people are wrong. So, my biggest value or or mantra or karma or whatever you call it or the mission.
He said, I'll always stand by you. So, if you've been associated with me, whether in form of a friend, a relative, a client, a trainee, count me that I will always stand by you.
And I will never give up on you. So, my relationship with my people, with my clients does not begin and end with a contract.
It may start when we connect and we want to work with each other and then that remains. Yeah, of course, you may have an active contract, you may not have an active contract, but you reach out to me and you have something that you want to discuss about, I'm not going to say, okay, you know, this is what
I charge for, I will pay you first and then I'll come on top. No. You need my help. You need my help.
You need somebody to talk to. Alright, let's let's talk. And I've been blessed uh in so many years to see that you know, I didn't even realize of the things that I was making.
About two weeks back, I was sitting with my father and he's 77 years old and we were just having a family discussion over a cup of tea and some conversations happened Somebody had shared in the family on how having a conversation with me helped them save their relationship and my father, for the first
time in 77 years, he told me that he and he told my wife, you know, we know Kalpesh, he has saved so many relationships, so many lives that we don't even have a count about and I was shocked.
And then in that discussion, when it started coming out, there were so many instances that we could recollect, where how I stood for one of the cousins, how I stood for somebody in the family who was going through a tough time, how I could support one of my friends, how I could support team members when
I was in the organization. And there were so many of those instances where, you know, the the purpose of the vision that I'm sharing here, you know, I'll always stand by you.
It's like I'm there for you. If there's nobody else around, just turn back and look, I'm I'm still there. I'm, I'm blessed that I do not hold a graduating seminar.
I have, I've reached, or I've never had. I may have had arguments or decisions or some things that may have been like, not like, worked or not worked with people, but I think it was always known that this is in the best interest of of what we're doing at that time, but nothing personal.
And, and that space that, that clearly that I can create for people to be around with me, I think that's ah, that's my declaration.
That you connected with me, I'm always there with you. I'm always there and you can count on me. Thank you, thank you, I think that's nice.
So we are connected, we are connected with POSTCAST and I think at the end there will be some gift and maybe there is something we can really make this a reality.
The fourth D is about the devotion, the action steps we do. So what are your action steps and what do you suggest to the listeners to act on if this desire seems to be something they want to be, to do their own?
I think uh one of my biggest devotions with regards to this pose has, you know when I say that I'm available, it's not just a fancy thing to say.
Uh when I say I'm available, I know that people who've either called me or messaged me. I may have taken or not taken their call at that time, but I have always gotten back to them.
They know that even one missed call or one email is information that we've passed on to Kalpesh, it will come back.
So one of my biggest devotions or reactions is the way I have structured myself is where I make myself available, my time available, with whatever I am doing, I will always have that time to to go back and help and share out what you want to share or what you want to speak.
Uh so you know and and therefore the the kind of structure that I'm putting across the kind of work that I'm doing or the the way I I you know I think the way I take my assignments, I'm buffering all of this time that I've given to my people and if I've committed that I'm going to be with you, I'm going
to speak with you, most of the times I make sure I'm there and if I'm not there, there is an information or there is a reschedule that I do before I I do it or I don't do it.
So so that that devotion you know of that that way of scheduling myself or making myself The second thing that that I have done is a part of that devotion is any conversation that you're having with me to say no, I try and make sure that that's safe.
You experience a safe space for you to be open and honest, completely non-judgmental and completely non-threatening. So, the conversation that I've had many people in the first call, in the first session in last 15 minutes have been able to just open up about everything that they are dealing with, where
they are, you know, their ups and their lows. It doesn't always have to be the low part and something they're struggling with, but also the happiness, the accomplishments.
And they've shared that, you know, they really felt that connection. That being connected with you, where we could actually open up and share something that we've probably not felt comfortable sharing with anyone else, where people have shared about their personal achievement, their personal desires,
their dreams, their future that they Or maybe even their struggles, or their pains, or something that holds them back. Creating that safe space, non-judgmental, non-threatening, I think is the other thing that, that I've, I've learned, I've practiced, with all, all the skills and trainings that we do
, to ensure that, that's something that people experience. When they're, uh, uh, and yeah, maybe if, if I want to ask people as a takeaway, and if you can take away something, one of the most beautiful thing that I say, is the gift of listening.
If you're with your, your spouse, your children, your team members, your stakeholders, your bosses, your community people, be at church, be at home, wherever you are, can you give that gift of listening to the other person, in a holistic manner, where you're just not listening.
Listening while you're doing something on your mobile, or you're watching a game and you're listening to them, or you're reading a newspaper and you're talking to them, or you're thinking 10 different things in your head, while you're, while it seems that you're looking at them and talking to them, you
know, can you just be there, Okay. with that person, be it online, be it offline, be it on telephone, be it wherever, and give yourself, like give your listening to that person, because I think that's the biggest gift that that we can, we can give, and yeah, there is a gift which is coming by the act
of this podcast, and I'll share about more details by the end of this podcast. Love it, perfect, uhm, these action steps, they seem so perfect to me, uhm, and in reality, there is this, uhm, thing of never ending improving, or, uhm, developing, what's the fifth, uh, D, so how do you develop, how you,
do you update when you see, there is something new coming up that you, uhm, need to adapt, how do you bring this forward, what is your developed strategy?
Okay, Cosimo, I love what you said, you know, that there is never enough improvement, okay, I, I just revert saying that we are always evolving.
So, more than saying improvement because it sounds okay, I am not perfect the way I am and hence I need to improve, I just rephrase that, I am evolving, the ecosystem is evolving, the books that we read are evolving, the texts that we technology is evolving and hence we as human beings we evolve and
I am completely present that there is still a lot more that I need to evolve, right. So, current to keep doing this better, to keep doing this with more and more people, I don't go and do 10,000 different courses or read 5,000 different books.
What I do is in principle, if I have with one book to read. I will pick up one chapter, read that, if I have liked that chapter, I will look at what do I need to do in my life to actually implement that change.
Once I have done that. I, you know, tried, experimented, done that, I would move on to the second chapter. And, maybe if required, I will re-read that book for 10 times, till the time I am, I am like completely in sync with the values or with the learnings I want to take from that.
And, bring that into, into my, my life. Similar for some tech talks or some speakers that I may have heard.
I'll give you an example. One of the first books that I got introduced and I really fell in love with it.
What's the magic? The magic of thinking big. Again, I read this book for the first time when I was about twenty-four, twenty-five, which is about twenty-five years back.
I read that book and that's when I learnt about how do you bring that into your life. So, for example, the second chapter which which starts with, you know, talking about four different kind of excuses that people give.
The chapter's name is Excuseritis. And I learnt how to how different excuses, sometimes related to time, sometimes with help, sometimes with intelligence.
There's a different kind of excuses that we keep building around ourselves. And that's something that we build. I have tried to catch myself on which are the instances and for what are the reasons that I build excuses.
If I have to refine that, I mean in the world of positive intelligence coaching that I do, it's such a joy.
What are the judgments that I hold for myself, what are the reasons that I give when I can do something or I don't do something.
Can I look at getting myself above those excuses and take responsibility and accountability for what I am supposed to do?
Linking that to the corporate culture that I am working on at P**********, I work with senior leadership teams. You know there is one mantra which I tell them, on developing.
Can you develop a your culture into being proactive rather than being reactive? And if if you just develop the practice of being proactive rather than reactive, I think 90 to 95 percent of the stress levels that are there in the organization, 90 to 95 percent of people feeling that guilt or not going
into an open conversation or trying to hide information or or trying to just do a workaround will probably all go away.
Because if you assign some work to somebody and you can be proactive, do you have enough skills and competency and resources to deliver that open conversations?
If I want that to be done in a time frame of three days, do you think that's an enough time frame?
Do you have anything else which is on your plate that needs attention? Open conversation, proactiveness. The culture today, and at least which I have experienced with people that are adversaries, is always bombarding, oh you know what, I want this done, I want this done as soon as yesterday, I want this
executed right now. And in that, what what I've been dealing with is an experience of of of completely non-transparency. We don't know how the other person will deal with it.
We want to get our job done. And when that work is not done, you somewhere are yourself stressed because he's committed to somebody up there and the entire chain goes on.
So, as a development, maybe just try this and maybe this is for all our listeners. Look at being proactive rather than reactive.
Meet your relationship with your spouse, your children, your family members, your team members. Meet with regards to your performance. Meet with regards to your health.
You know, you probably are, you know, if you're not exercising enough, you're not eating the right kind of food, you're not taking the proper care of things that you need to take care of, okay, what can you do to be proactive rather than being reactive?
What are the areas of life that you're completely ignorant about? Can you do something proactive in that area? So when you, when we as individuals keep evolving ourselves from wanting to be proactive in as many areas as possible, not you don't have to do all of it at one go, if you try doing one piece
, by one piece, by one piece, you know that one percent mantra, you just do it one, one area where you'll be proactive, two areas where you'll be proactive, it suddenly starts seeing a lot of peace and harmony because you've been proactive about it.
And I think that's, that's my way of, of developing myself and my suggestion of how people can develop themselves. Interesting, interesting, thank you, thank you for sharing and we know the sixth deed deliver.
You are on your Kilimanjaro or whatever you see as your final desired goal. Can you share with us how you see yourself, how you see people around you, how you see the world at are at this really top of the mountain?
I'm going to take the liberty for Sima to answer that a little differently. Okay. You know, one of the things I read yesterday, last evening, uh I read it was a Buddha Purnima, you know, Buddhism and the learnings of Gautam Buddha, which are which are well known across the world.
And one of the things that is written in his uh in the in the history books and I was reading something yesterday.
Was the the entire root cause of all the suffering that is existing in in human life emerges from the craving, the desire.
So, hence, I don't know if I desire or if I want to stand at that place of saying that, okay, we know what to is there right now is not perfect and hence it should be like this.
I, I would probably want to just rephrase that to say, yeah, this is how it is right now. This is how people are right now.
There is workability in life because all of us are doing something which is keeping us moving and taking it to the next level.
Is there a scope to evolve and maybe do it in a way that leaves us little bit more peaceful, a little more ease and flow rather than being stressed about it?
Yeah, if that's a possibility, let's try it. So, yeah, I mean, how would I want the world to be? Yeah, can we have a little more peacefulness?
Can we have a little more ease and calm? Can we, can we start being a little more compassionate with each other?
So all the wars that are happening across the globe, not only the country wars, okay, the world wars. The wars within the family, the wars within a human being himself, every house has a story, every home has a story with, you know, it's working, it's not working, this is how it is, this is what you
should be doing, this is what you should not be doing, those, those You know, the, the, the, the, the whole, the whole experience of where people are starting to feel a lot more lonelier while they are a part of a social media, while they are a part of groups.
While they are, you know, doing a lot of networking, going to a lot of parties, and hence, the, the research says that a lot more people in this world have started experience, or are experiencing the feeling of being alone, you know, they are not there is nobody that they can connect to.
Ok got it, nothing wrong. That's how it is right now. Can we, can we look at it a little differently, can we do something, and using the whole DNS discernment, uh, learning, that, that shows up, and we, we learn from the positive intent with that.
Ok, let's take that scenario, look at what worked, what did not work, what do we do next? So, you beat your feeling of being lonely being there.
with the sense of belonging, with relationships, with health, with work, with career. Ok, what worked, what did not work, what do I do next?
And then try it out, if that doesn't work, all you do is go back to the same cycle. What worked, what did not work, what do you do next?
Maybe you try one time, five times, same time, twenty times. Here's, as somebody says, what's the right time to give up?
Maybe never. And, and in, here in, in one of sirs, the other ways I will put that, if I, if I have to put that in the pocket world, I tell my leaders that, if we move the entire organization, to me, to a result-oriented approach, rather than reason-oriented approach, I think we make the world a better
place to live. Because a lot of people today operate from reasons, so why they can't do a certain thing, why can't I do it?
Why can't play the bigger game? Why can't I generate a bigger business? Why can't I build relationships with people around the world?
Why can't I be heavy? There are reasons yet. What can I do to produce a result? If I can walk for a 5 km a day today, what can I do to walk for 5 km in 200 meters?
The 200 meters extra? If I can spend 30 minutes in my own learning, can I spend 35 minutes small, 3 to 1 extra page?
If I'm doing all these delivering things on time, ok, can I learn something more about delivering that on time? Can I, you know, if I'm taking 9 hours, maybe 8 and a half hours, centi-heater, soil, and it's respect to 15 minutes extra, then I can then sew.
I can maybe reflect. We don't need to, you know, hit the mountain one go. Can you do one piece by one piece by one piece by the office?
I think maybe that's the long answer to your short question. Thank you. How can we, how can we do it?
I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Absolutely having you a viewpoint. I think that's uh broadened the horizon for many of the listeners.
And uh, let's get to the gift. Tell us what is the final gift for this podcast for every listeners who uh stayed with us this time.
So, of course the first gift, um, which I would love to give people. I would not have to have thirty met conversation and maybe all about listen.
I want to give the gift of listening to all the audience who, who for this conversation, have reached the last.
I will share my calendar in a link with you and you can put that on your on the, on the text of the, of the podcast.
I'll be what is happy to listen to what's working for you, what, what is that you have to in life.
You know, where is it that, that you want to go? I am just curious. And I promise to. Be that safe space and I listen to you.
I promise there will be a non-check, a non-check for you to come with you. And that's my promise. That's my first step.
My second gift is service. You know from that, so what I spoke about being proactive and- moving from result-oriented to- from moving from reason-oriented to result-oriented, I've created a beautiful article which is uh- which is a four-ease framework of leadership within a specimen.
I'll absolutely hand that over as a gift for anybody who reaches out. More than happy to share, go out and make that change in- in the space in the world that you are in.
And I think that's the biggest contribution that I can make, you know. All I want in return is- is maybe a smiley thing.
Yeah, you know, I did it. Thank you. God bless you. Thank you. Can't wait to ask for your assessment and the- this document.
Kapesh, it was a privilege having you on the podcast. I wish you, your wife and your children all the best and can't wait to get in touch again.
Hier ist Cosimo Marraffa von der Marraffa Training Academy. Heute setzen wir unsere Podcast-Reihe fort. Wir haben einen besonderen Gast aus Indien.
Kalpesh Raghura, erzähl uns einfach, wer du bist, woher du kommst und was du machst. Großartig, vielen Dank an alle. Guten Morgen und danke, Cosimo, dass ich hier bei diesem Podcast dabei sein darf.
Mein Name ist Kalpesh Raghura. Ich bin ein Führungscoach. Ich komme aus Pune, Indien, und, ja, das ist, wer ich bin.
Ich arbeite seit rund 27 Jahren in der Branche und begleite derzeit die obersten Führungskräfte von Unternehmen dabei, ihr Leben einfacher und reibungsloser zu gestalten.
Das ist also, was ich mache. Ich habe eine wundervolle Frau und eine 14 oder 15 Jahre alte Tochter und das Leben ist schön.
Ich liebe es, ähm, perfekt. Also, ähm, lass uns diesen Podcast mit unserer ersten Frage beginnen. Wir wissen alles und wir wissen, ähm, wir schätzen unser Leben und ich liebe diesen unglaublichen Jens-Stil, alles zu schätzen, ähm, aber gab es in letzter Zeit eine Krise, bei der du sagst, oh, das war eine große Sache für mich, die ich konnte
überwunden? Äh, ich glaube, das war nicht in der jüngsten Vergangenheit, und ich würde nicht sagen, dass es eine Krise war, aber als ich meine Phase durchgemacht habe, äh, und meine unternehmerischen Herausforderungen äh für CMOS, ich glaube, das war äh, weit zurück im Jahr 2007, und äh, wissen Sie, die ganze Sache war, dass ich irgendwo immer an Ethik geglaubt habe
und, äh, wissen Sie, ich wollte immer für mich eintreten, indem ich das Richtige tue und, wissen Sie, mich zurückhalte oder mich nicht auf Dinge einlasse, die schmutzig sind oder so etwas draußen halten.
Es gab eine Situation in meiner Karriere, in der, wissen Sie, in dem speziellen Geschäftsbereich, in dem ich tätig war und in dem ich ein Junior war, etwas Unethisches passierte.
Ich habe den Vorgesetzten Bericht erstattet und dachte, ich sollte dazu stehen. Meine Stimme war nicht richtig, und wissen Sie, es war eine Situation, in der ich entweder mitmache, was passiert, oder ich kann selbst entscheiden, was für mich gut ist, und ich habe mich entschieden, weiterzumachen.
aus diesem Publikum. Während ich das tat, hatte ich meine eigenen Unsicherheiten und ich hatte meine eigenen Herausforderungen: Was werde ich als nächstes tun, wie werde ich in die Branche zurückkehren, werde ich akzeptiert, nicht akzeptiert, habe ich es richtig gemacht, hätte ich es tun sollen oder nicht, viele dieser Fragen und diese Krisen, ah, du
Ich weiß, es ist aufgegangen. Aber ich glaube, was mich weitermachen ließ, war mein Glaube, meine Überzeugung. Ich glaube an die höchste Macht des Universums und ich wusste, dass das, was ich tat, richtig war. Mein Bauchgefühl sagte mir also, dass das, was ich tat, angemessen war und dass ich nicht dazugehörte, ich passte nicht dazu, weißt du was.
Deshalb steckte ich in einer Art Krise oder so etwas, das mich und meine Familie in eine schwierige Lage brachte, weil man dann in eine Situation gerät, in der man sich mit der Frage auseinandersetzen muss, welche Karriere man machen will, wie man seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen will.
Was werden die Leute sagen und solche Dinge. Also ja, das ist etwas, was passiert ist. Wow, danke, dass Sie das mit uns geteilt und angesprochen haben, und wir sind sehr, sehr glücklich mit Ihnen.
Du hattest diese Sache, die dir geholfen hat, deine Krise zu überwinden, und jeder, der diesen Podcast besucht, kennt die sechs D's, und wenn du das erste Mal bei diesem Podcast bist, werde ich einfach, ähm, ähm, mit einem Rahmen beginnen, damit du weißt, was wir jetzt tun werden, und in diesem Podcast rahmen wir es ein
die sechs D's in den sechs D's werden wir jetzt fragen, äh, Kaypesh, was ist sein großer Wunsch, was möchte er darüber entscheiden, wie formuliert er seine Erklärung, wie widmet er sich ihr, wie entwickelt er, wie aktualisiert er und wie sein Gesamtbild aussieht, wenn er seinen Wunsch äußert.
Lassen Sie uns also loslegen. Und Karpush, erzählen Sie uns einfach, was einer Ihrer größten Wünsche für die Zukunft ist – für sich selbst, für unsere Zuhörer, für die Welt.
Vielen Dank, vielen Dank, dass Sie diese Frage gestellt haben. Mir gefällt, wie Sie die 6D-Struktur dargestellt haben und mich mit dem Wunsch beginnen lassen.
Wissen Sie, damals in meiner Karriere, als ich gerade in meinen Zwanzigern war und zu arbeiten begann, war eines der Dinge, die ich gelernt habe und die ich wahrscheinlich mit mir in Verbindung gebracht habe, die Frage: Kann man jeden Ort, an den man geht, besser machen als ihn vor dem Betreten des Ortes?
Nun, es kann sich auf die physische Atmosphäre beziehen, es kann sich auf die Aura, die Energie beziehen, es kann sich auf die Positivität beziehen, es kann sich um das Glück handeln.
Also tu es. Und das ist etwas, das mir im Gedächtnis geblieben ist. Und daher ist meine Absicht, egal wohin ich gehe oder was ich tue, ob ich dieses eine Prozent besser machen kann als vor meiner Entscheidung.
Die Philosophie oder der Wunsch, den ich in diesem Leben habe? Er sagte: „Ja, ich weiß, ich bin einer von acht Milliarden Menschen in diesem Universum, und was auch immer geschieht, aber kann ich diese ganze Erfahrung für die Menschen, mit denen ich in Kontakt komme oder arbeite, um ein Prozent besser machen?“
oder Menschen, die mir zuhören? Und wenn ich dieses eine Prozent einfacher machen kann, ein Prozent Verbesserung, ein Prozent andere Sichtweise auf die Dinge oder diese eine Dimension in ihr Leben einbringen kann, kann das ein bisschen mehr Glück schaffen, eine etwas gesündere Beziehung.
Ich denke, ich habe eine kleine Verbesserung meiner eigenen Leistung erreicht. Ich liebe es. Klingt sehr. Für mich als Europäer ist es manchmal so, dass wir nicht alles richtig machen. Ich konzentriere mich mehr auf Qualität und darauf, die richtigen Dinge zu tun, und das klingt für mich irgendwie nach Ganzheitlichkeit für die gesamte Gemeinschaft.
Und die zweite D-Schlüsselfrage wäre: Welche Entscheidung haben Sie getroffen, um dies zu erreichen? Welche Entscheidung schlagen Sie einem Zuhörer heute vor, der vielleicht denkt: „Hey, das ist eine gute Idee, ich will das für mein Leben nehmen“?
Die wichtigste Entscheidung, die ich für CIMO getroffen habe, war, dass ich mich dazu entschloss, die Unternehmenswelt, in der ich tätig war, zu verlassen.
Mir hat meine Arbeit also Spaß gemacht. Wissen Sie, in meiner letzten Organisation war ich für die Verwaltung der Kompetenzen im Fahrprozessmanagement und der Geschäftsführung für etwa 89.000 Menschen verantwortlich.
Ich hatte also die Rolle und Position inne, das gesamte Spektrum des gesamten TCS-Fahrzeugs zu entwerfen, bereitzustellen, auszuführen und zu kontrollieren.
Und während des gesamten Zyklus war der ganze Gedanke, wenn ich es genieße, es innerhalb einer Organisation zu tun, wenn ich diese Erfahrung nach außen bringe und versuche, einen Beitrag zu den größeren Massen von Menschen zu leisten, die mit Influencern arbeiten, die diese Erfahrung dann in ihre Organisationen einbringen können, ich denke, das würde
ein schöner Mehrwert oder ein Sinn für das sein, was ich eigentlich mache. Und da bin ich vor etwa sechs Jahren in das Führungscoaching und -training eingestiegen.
Und in den letzten sechs Jahren habe ich über 1000 Stunden Coaching absolviert und über 10.000 leitende Fachkräfte geschult. Und während dieser Reise, der gesamten Reise, ist meine Erfahrung, wissen Sie, anstatt sie zu stressen und ihnen größere Bilder zu geben und ihnen zu sagen, das ist, was Sie tun müssen und was Sie tun müssen,
es. Kann ich es einfach einfacher machen? Okay, wissen Sie, was möchten Sie tun? Wie möchten Sie es tun?
Was sind die Hindernisse? Können Sie zusammenarbeiten, um diese Lücken zu überbrücken? Und ja, manche Leute schaffen diese Lücke vielleicht in 6 Monaten, andere in 2 Jahren, und das ist okay.
Wir alle haben unsere Rennen und wir alle haben unsere Teile und wir rennen ihnen hinterher. Ich kann nicht mit jemand anderem konkurrieren und jemand anderes sollte nicht mit mir konkurrieren.
Die Entscheidung lautet also: Kann ich Ihnen die Hand reichen? Kann ich für Sie da sein, um Ihnen zuzuhören, Sie zu führen, Ihnen als Mentor zur Seite zu stehen und Sie zu coachen?
Wenn Sie das am meisten brauchen, um sich hervorzutun oder um auf Ihrer Reise Stück für Stück voranzukommen. Und ich denke, das ist die Entscheidung, die ich getroffen habe.
Das ist mein derzeitiger Stand. Ich versuche derzeit nur, diese Lebensqualität zu verbessern.
Diesen Rhythmus und diese Harmonie in Ihrem Firmenleben, in Ihrem Privatleben, bei Ihrer Gesundheit oder wo auch immer zu verbessern, hilft Ihnen, die nächste Ebene zu erreichen, die nächste Ebene zu erreichen, die nächste Ebene zu erreichen.
Das ist es. Das stimmt. Okay. Wow. Interessant. Danke fürs Teilen. Und das dritte D handelt davon, was passiert, nachdem Sie sich entschieden haben und die Erklärung dazu abgegeben haben.
Unternehmen haben dieses sogenannte Leitbild oder Vision Statement, oder was ist Ihre Erklärung zu diesem Wunsch, den Sie haben? Es mag komisch klingen, weil Sie es wissen, aber ich werde es Ihnen mitteilen.
Ich habe keine sehr klare Absichtserklärung, Visionserklärung oder Missionserklärung. Ich habe oft versucht, eine zu formulieren, aber ich bin immer noch nicht sehr davon überzeugt oder konnte es nicht in ein oder zwei Zeilen fassen, aber ich werde Ihnen sagen, was mir klar ist.
Ich bin also in Bezug auf meine Erklärung sehr deutlich und sage dies auch den Menschen in meinem Leben oder mit denen ich arbeite.
Ich gebe meinen Platz nie auf. Alle Menschen liegen falsch. Also, mein größter Wert oder mein Mantra oder Karma oder wie auch immer Sie es nennen oder die Mission.
Er sagte: „Ich werde immer an Ihrer Seite stehen.“ Wenn Sie also mit mir in Verbindung standen, sei es als Freund, Verwandter, Kunde oder Praktikant, dann können Sie sich darauf verlassen, dass ich immer an Ihrer Seite stehe.
Und ich werde Sie niemals aufgeben. Meine Beziehung zu meinen Leuten, zu meinen Kunden beginnt und endet also nicht mit einem Vertrag.
Es kann beginnen, wenn wir uns verbinden und miteinander arbeiten wollen, und dann bleibt es so. Ja, natürlich, Sie haben vielleicht einen aktiven Vertrag, Sie haben vielleicht keinen aktiven Vertrag, aber Sie wenden sich an mich und haben etwas, worüber Sie sprechen möchten, und ich werde nicht sagen: „Okay, wissen Sie, das ist es, was
Ich bezahle, ich bezahle Sie zuerst und dann komme ich dazu. Nein. Sie brauchen meine Hilfe. Sie brauchen meine Hilfe.
Sie brauchen jemanden zum Reden. Also gut, lasst uns reden. Und ich hatte das Glück, in all den Jahren zu erkennen, dass ich mir der Dinge, die ich machte, gar nicht bewusst war.
Vor ungefähr zwei Wochen saß ich mit meinem Vater zusammen, er ist 77 Jahre alt, und wir hatten gerade eine Familiendiskussion bei einer Tasse Tee, und es kam zu einigen Gesprächen. Jemand in der Familie hatte erzählt, wie ein Gespräch mit mir ihnen geholfen hat, ihre Beziehung zu retten, und mein Vater, zum ersten Mal
Zum ersten Mal in 77 Jahren hat er mir das erzählt, und er hat es meiner Frau erzählt. Wissen Sie, wir kennen Kalpesh, er hat so viele Beziehungen gerettet, so viele Leben, dass wir nicht einmal wissen, wie viele es sind, und ich war schockiert.
Und dann, als es in dieser Diskussion herauskam, gab es so viele Fälle, an die wir uns erinnern konnten, wie ich für einen der Cousins einstand, wie ich für jemanden in der Familie einstand, der eine schwere Zeit durchmachte, wie ich einen meiner Freunde unterstützen konnte, wie ich Teammitglieder unterstützen konnte, wenn
Ich war in der Organisation. Und es gab so viele solcher Situationen, in denen der Sinn der Vision, die ich hier teile, klar war: Ich werde immer an Ihrer Seite stehen.
Es ist, als wäre ich für Sie da. Wenn sonst niemand da ist, drehen Sie sich einfach um und schauen Sie, ich bin immer noch da. Ich bin froh, dass ich kein Abschlussseminar abhalte.
Ich habe, ich habe es erreicht, oder ich hatte es nie. Ich hatte vielleicht Auseinandersetzungen oder Entscheidungen oder einige Dinge, die mit den Leuten funktioniert haben, nicht funktioniert haben oder nicht funktioniert haben, aber ich denke, es war immer klar, dass dies im besten Interesse dessen ist, was wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt tun, aber nichts Persönliches.
Und dieser Raum, den ich eindeutig für die Menschen schaffen kann, die mit mir zusammen sind, ist, glaube ich, mein Statement.
Dass du dich mit mir verbunden hast, ich bin immer bei dir. Ich bin immer da und du kannst auf mich zählen. Danke, danke, das finde ich schön.
Wir sind also verbunden, wir sind mit POSTCAST verbunden und ich denke, am Ende wird es ein Geschenk geben und vielleicht gibt es etwas, mit dem wir dies wirklich Wirklichkeit werden lassen können.
Das vierte D betrifft die Hingabe, die Handlungsschritte, die wir unternehmen. Was sind also Ihre Handlungsschritte und was schlagen Sie den Zuhörern vor, wenn dieser Wunsch etwas zu sein scheint, das sie selbst sein und tun möchten?
Ich glaube, eine meiner größten Hingaben in Bezug auf diese Pose ist, wissen Sie, wenn ich sage, dass ich verfügbar bin, ist das nicht nur so eine schöne Bemerkung.
Äh, wenn ich sage, dass ich verfügbar bin, weiß ich, dass die Leute, die mich angerufen oder mir eine Nachricht geschickt haben, ihren Anruf zu diesem Zeitpunkt vielleicht entgegengenommen haben oder auch nicht, aber ich habe mich immer bei ihnen gemeldet.
Sie wissen, dass selbst ein verpasster Anruf oder eine verpasste E-Mail Informationen sind, die wir an Kalpesh weitergegeben haben und die wieder zurückkommen.
Eine meiner größten Hingaben oder Reaktionen besteht in der Art und Weise, wie ich mich strukturiert habe: Ich stelle mich zur Verfügung, nehme mir meine Zeit, egal, was ich tue, ich werde immer die Zeit haben, zurückzugehen und zu helfen und mitzuteilen, was ich mitteilen oder sagen möchte.
Äh, also, wissen Sie, und daher die Art von Struktur, die ich der Art von Arbeit, die ich mache, verleihe, oder die Art, wie ich meine Aufgaben annehme, ich puffere die ganze Zeit, die ich meinen Leuten gegeben habe, und wenn ich zugesagt habe, dass ich bei Ihnen sein werde, werde ich
um mit Ihnen zu sprechen. Meistens stelle ich sicher, dass ich da bin, und wenn ich nicht da bin, gibt es eine Information oder eine Umplanung, die ich erledige, bevor ich es mache, oder ich mache es nicht.
Diese Hingabe, wissen Sie, diese Art, mich einzuplanen oder mir selbst etwas zu ermöglichen. Das Zweite, was ich getan habe und was Teil dieser Hingabe ist, ist, bei jedem Gespräch, das Sie mit mir führen, „Nein“ zu sagen. Ich versuche sicherzustellen, dass das sicher ist.
Sie erleben einen sicheren Raum, in dem Sie offen und ehrlich sein können, völlig wertfrei und völlig bedrohungsfrei. In dem Gespräch, das ich geführt habe, konnten sich viele Leute im ersten Anruf, in der ersten Sitzung, in den letzten 15 Minuten einfach über alles öffnen, womit sie sich beschäftigen, wo
Sie haben ihre Höhen und Tiefen. Es müssen nicht immer die Tiefpunkte sein und etwas, mit dem sie zu kämpfen haben, sondern auch das Glück und die Erfolge.
Und sie haben uns erzählt, dass sie diese Verbindung wirklich gespürt haben. Diese Verbindung mit Ihnen, bei der wir uns tatsächlich öffnen und etwas teilen konnten, was wir wahrscheinlich nicht gerne mit anderen geteilt hätten, bei der die Leute von ihren persönlichen Erfolgen, ihren persönlichen Wünschen erzählt haben,
ihre Träume, ihre Zukunft, die sie haben, oder vielleicht sogar ihre Kämpfe oder ihre Schmerzen oder etwas, das sie zurückhält. Diesen sicheren Raum zu schaffen, ohne zu urteilen, ohne zu bedrohen, ist meiner Meinung nach die andere Sache, die ich gelernt und geübt habe, mit all den Fähigkeiten und Trainings, die wir machen.
, um sicherzustellen, dass die Leute das erleben. Wenn sie, äh, äh, und ja, vielleicht, wenn ich die Leute etwas mitnehmen möchte und wenn Sie etwas mitnehmen können, ist eines der schönsten Dinge, die ich sage, die Gabe des Zuhörens.
Wenn Sie mit Ihrem Ehepartner, Ihren Kindern, Ihren Teammitgliedern, Ihren Stakeholdern, Ihren Chefs, den Menschen in Ihrer Gemeinde zusammen sind, in der Kirche sind, zu Hause sind oder wo auch immer Sie sind, können Sie das Geschenk machen, der anderen Person auf ganzheitliche Weise zuzuhören, wo Sie einfach nicht zuhören.
Zuhören, während Sie etwas auf Ihrem Handy tun, oder Sie sehen sich ein Spiel an und hören ihnen zu, oder Sie lesen eine Zeitung und sprechen mit ihnen, oder Sie denken 10 verschiedene Dinge in Ihrem Kopf, während Sie, während es scheint, als würden Sie sie ansehen und mit ihnen sprechen, Sie
wissen Sie, können Sie einfach für diese Person da sein, okay? Sei es online, sei es offline, sei es am Telefon, sei es wo auch immer, und sich selbst schenken, also dieser Person zuhören, denn ich denke, das ist das größte Geschenk, das wir machen können, und ja, es gibt ein Geschenk, das durch die Tat entsteht.
dieses Podcasts, und ich werde am Ende des Podcasts mehr Details dazu erzählen. Ich liebe es, perfekt, ähm, diese Handlungsschritte, sie scheinen mir so perfekt, ähm, und in Wirklichkeit gibt es diese, ähm, Sache der nie endenden Verbesserung, oder, ähm, Entwicklung, was ist das fünfte, ähm, D, also wie entwickelt man sich, wie man,
machst du ein Update, wenn du siehst, da kommt was Neues, was du, ähm, anpassen musst, wie bringst du das voran, was ist deine entwickelte Strategie?
Okay, Cosimo, mir gefällt, was du gesagt hast, weißt du, dass es nie genug Verbesserungen geben kann. Okay, ich antworte einfach darauf, dass wir uns immer weiterentwickeln.
Anstatt also von Verbesserung zu sprechen, weil es okay klingt, ich bin nicht perfekt, so wie ich bin, und muss mich daher verbessern, formuliere ich das einfach anders: Ich entwickle mich, das Ökosystem entwickelt sich, die Bücher, die wir lesen, entwickeln sich, die Texte, die wir als Technologie verwenden, entwickeln sich, und daher entwickeln wir uns als Menschen weiter und
Ich bin mir völlig darüber im Klaren, dass ich mich noch viel weiterentwickeln muss. Um das also weiterhin besser zu machen und mit immer mehr Menschen zu tun, besuche ich nicht 10.000 verschiedene Kurse oder lese 5.000 verschiedene Bücher.
Was ich im Prinzip mache, ist Folgendes: Wenn ich ein Buch zu lesen habe, nehme ich mir ein Kapitel vor, lese es und wenn mir das Kapitel gefallen hat, schaue ich mir an, was ich in meinem Leben tun muss, um diese Veränderung tatsächlich umzusetzen.
Sobald ich das getan habe, also alles ausprobiert, experimentiert und getan habe, gehe ich zum zweiten Kapitel über. Und wenn nötig, lese ich das Buch vielleicht zehnmal erneut, bis ich mit den Werten oder den Erkenntnissen, die ich daraus ziehen möchte, vollkommen im Einklang bin.
Und bringe das in mein Leben. Ähnliches gilt für einige Tech-Talks oder Redner, die ich vielleicht gehört habe.
Ich gebe Ihnen ein Beispiel: Es war eines der ersten Bücher, die ich zu Gesicht bekam, und ich habe mich sofort darin verliebt.
Was ist die Magie? Die Magie des großen Denkens. Ich habe dieses Buch zum ersten Mal gelesen, als ich etwa vierundzwanzig oder fünfundzwanzig war, also vor ungefähr fünfundzwanzig Jahren.
Ich habe das Buch gelesen und dabei gelernt, wie man das in sein Leben integrieren kann. So beginnt beispielsweise das zweite Kapitel damit, dass es um vier verschiedene Arten von Ausreden geht, die Menschen vorbringen.
Der Name des Kapitels lautet „Excuseritis“. Und ich habe gelernt, wie man verschiedene Ausreden findet, manchmal zeitbezogen, manchmal mit Hilfe, manchmal mit Intelligenz.
Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Ausreden, die wir uns ständig einfallen lassen. Und das ist etwas, das wir uns einfallen lassen. Ich habe versucht, mir selbst bewusst zu machen, in welchen Fällen und aus welchen Gründen ich Ausreden einführe.
Wenn ich das verfeinern muss, dann ist das in der Welt des positiven Intelligenz-Coachings, in der ich arbeite, eine wahre Freude.
Welche Urteile fälle ich über mich selbst, welche Gründe gebe ich an, wenn ich etwas tun kann oder wenn ich etwas nicht tue.
Kann ich über diese Ausreden hinwegkommen und Verantwortung für das übernehmen, was ich tun soll?
In Verbindung mit der Unternehmenskultur, an der ich bei P********** arbeite, arbeite ich mit Führungsteams. Wissen Sie, es gibt ein Mantra, das ich ihnen verrate: Entwicklung.
Können Sie Ihre Kultur dahingehend entwickeln, dass Sie proaktiv statt reaktiv sind? Und wenn Sie einfach die Praxis entwickeln, proaktiv statt reaktiv zu sein, denke ich, dass 90 bis 95 Prozent des Stressniveaus, das in der Organisation herrscht, 90 bis 95 Prozent der Menschen, die dieses Schuldgefühl haben oder nicht gehen,
in ein offenes Gespräch zu verwickeln, Informationen zu verbergen oder einfach einen Workaround zu finden, wird sich wahrscheinlich alles lösen.
Denn wenn Sie jemandem eine Aufgabe zuweisen und proaktiv vorgehen können, verfügen Sie dann über genügend Fähigkeiten, Kompetenzen und Ressourcen, um offene Gespräche zu führen?
Wenn ich möchte, dass dies in einem Zeitraum von drei Tagen erledigt wird, halten Sie das für einen ausreichenden Zeitraum?
Haben Sie noch etwas anderes auf dem Tisch, das Ihre Aufmerksamkeit erfordert? Offene Gespräche, Eigeninitiative. Die heutige Kultur, und zumindest das, was ich mit Leuten erlebt habe, die Gegner sind, bombardiert einen immer mit „Oh, weißt du was, ich will das erledigt haben, ich will das so schnell wie möglich erledigt haben, ich will das
gerade ausgeführt. Und dabei habe ich es mit einer Erfahrung der völligen Intransparenz zu tun. Wir wissen nicht, wie die andere Person damit umgehen wird.
Wir wollen unsere Arbeit erledigen. Und wenn diese Arbeit nicht erledigt ist, sind Sie irgendwo selbst gestresst, weil er sich jemandem dort oben verpflichtet hat und die gesamte Kette geht weiter.
Versuchen Sie es also als Weiterentwicklung vielleicht einfach mal mit Folgendem, und vielleicht ist das für alle unsere Zuhörer gedacht. Versuchen Sie, proaktiv statt reaktiv zu sein.
Achten Sie auf Ihre Beziehung zu Ihrem Ehepartner, Ihren Kindern, Ihren Familienmitgliedern, Ihren Teammitgliedern. Achten Sie auf Ihre Leistung. Achten Sie auf Ihre Gesundheit.
Wissen Sie, das ist wahrscheinlich so, wenn Sie sich nicht ausreichend bewegen, sich nicht richtig ernähren und sich nicht richtig um die Dinge kümmern, um die Sie sich kümmern müssen, okay, was können Sie tun, um proaktiv statt reaktiv zu sein?
In welchen Lebensbereichen sind Sie völlig unwissend? Können Sie in diesem Bereich etwas proaktiv tun? Wenn wir uns als Individuen also ständig weiterentwickeln und in so vielen Bereichen wie möglich proaktiv sein wollen, müssen Sie nicht alles auf einmal tun, sondern versuchen, ein Stück zu machen.
, Stück für Stück, Sie kennen das Ein-Prozent-Mantra, Sie tun es einfach in einem Bereich, in zwei Bereichen, in denen Sie proaktiv sind, und plötzlich stellt sich viel Frieden und Harmonie ein, weil Sie proaktiv vorgegangen sind.
Und ich denke, das ist meine Art, mich weiterzuentwickeln, und mein Vorschlag, wie sich Menschen weiterentwickeln können. Interessant, interessant, danke, danke fürs Teilen, und wir wissen, dass die sechste Tat erbracht wird.
Sie sind auf dem Kilimandscharo oder was auch immer Sie als Ihr endgültiges Ziel betrachten. Können Sie uns erzählen, wie Sie sich selbst, die Menschen um Sie herum und die Welt sehen, wenn Sie sich auf diesem Gipfel befinden?
Ich werde mir die Freiheit nehmen, dass Sima das ein wenig anders beantwortet. Okay. Wissen Sie, eines der Dinge, die ich gestern, gestern Abend gelesen habe, äh, ich habe es gelesen, war Buddha Purnima, wissen Sie, Buddhismus und die Lehren von Gautam Buddha, die auf der ganzen Welt bekannt sind.
Und eines der Dinge, die in seinen, äh, in den Geschichtsbüchern geschrieben stehen, und ich habe gestern etwas davon gelesen.
Die eigentliche Ursache allen Leidens im menschlichen Leben liegt im Verlangen, im Begehren.
Daher weiß ich nicht, ob ich den Wunsch habe oder will, an dem Punkt zu stehen, an dem ich sagen kann: „Okay, wir wissen, dass das, was jetzt da ist, nicht perfekt ist und deshalb so sein sollte.“
Ich würde das wahrscheinlich einfach umformulieren und sagen: „Ja, so ist es im Moment. So sind die Menschen im Moment.“
Das Leben ist machbar, denn wir alle tun etwas, das uns in Bewegung hält und auf die nächste Ebene bringt.
Gibt es einen Spielraum, uns weiterzuentwickeln und dies vielleicht auf eine Weise zu tun, die uns etwas friedvoller, entspannter und fließender macht, anstatt uns darüber zu stressen?
Ja, wenn das möglich ist, dann lasst es uns versuchen. Also, ja, ich meine, wie möchte ich, dass die Welt ist? Ja, können wir ein bisschen mehr Frieden haben?
Können wir etwas gelassener und gelassener sein? Können wir anfangen, etwas mitfühlender miteinander umzugehen?
Also all die Kriege, die auf der ganzen Welt stattfinden, nicht nur die Länderkriege, okay, die Weltkriege. Die Kriege innerhalb der Familie, die Kriege innerhalb eines Menschen selbst, jedes Haus hat eine Geschichte, jedes Zuhause hat eine Geschichte mit, wissen Sie, es funktioniert, es funktioniert nicht, so ist es, das ist, was Sie
tun sollten, das ist es, was Sie nicht tun sollten, das, das. Sie wissen schon, die, die, die, die, die ganze, die ganze Erfahrung, dass die Leute anfangen, sich viel einsamer zu fühlen, wenn sie Teil eines sozialen Netzwerks sind, wenn sie Teil von Gruppen sind.
Sie knüpfen zwar viele Kontakte, gehen auf viele Partys, und daher haben laut der Forschung viel mehr Menschen auf der Welt das Gefühl, allein zu sein, oder erleben es gerade, weil sie niemanden haben, mit dem sie Kontakt aufnehmen können.
Ok, verstanden, nichts falsch. So ist es im Moment. Können wir es ein wenig anders betrachten, können wir etwas tun und die ganze DNS-Unterscheidung nutzen, äh, lernen, dass das auftaucht, und wir, wir lernen damit aus der positiven Absicht.
Ok, nehmen wir dieses Szenario und schauen uns an, was funktioniert hat, was nicht funktioniert hat, was wir als nächstes tun. So haben Sie Ihr Gefühl der Einsamkeit überwunden, wenn Sie dort sind.
mit dem Zugehörigkeitsgefühl, mit Beziehungen, mit der Gesundheit, mit der Arbeit, mit der Karriere. Ok, was hat funktioniert, was hat nicht funktioniert, was mache ich als nächstes?
Und dann probieren Sie es aus. Wenn es nicht funktioniert, kehren Sie einfach zum gleichen Zyklus zurück. Was hat funktioniert, was hat nicht funktioniert, was machen Sie als Nächstes?
Vielleicht versuchen Sie es einmal, fünfmal, zur selben Zeit, zwanzigmal. Wie jemand sagt: „Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt aufzugeben?“
Vielleicht nie. Und, und hier, in einer der anderen Möglichkeiten, wie ich das ausdrücken werde, Sir, wenn ich das in die Tasche stecken muss, sage ich meinen Führungskräften, dass, wenn wir die gesamte Organisation, für mich, zu einem ergebnisorientierten Ansatz bewegen, anstatt zu einem vernunftorientierten Ansatz, ich denke, wir machen die Welt zu einem besseren
Ort zum Leben. Denn viele Menschen handeln heute aus Gründen, also warum sie eine bestimmte Sache nicht tun können, warum kann ich es nicht tun?
Warum kann ich nicht das größere Spiel spielen? Warum kann ich kein größeres Geschäft aufbauen? Warum kann ich keine Beziehungen zu Menschen auf der ganzen Welt aufbauen?
Warum kann ich nicht schwer sein? Es gibt noch Gründe. Was kann ich tun, um ein Ergebnis zu erzielen? Wenn ich heute 5 km pro Tag laufen kann, was kann ich tun, um 5 km in 200 Metern zu laufen?
Die 200 Meter extra? Wenn ich 30 Minuten für mein eigenes Lernen aufwenden kann, kann ich dann 35 Minuten klein aufwenden, 3 bis 1 zusätzliche Seite?
Wenn ich all diese Dinge pünktlich liefere, ok, kann ich dann noch etwas darüber lernen, wie man das pünktlich liefert? Kann ich, wissen Sie, wenn ich 9 Stunden, vielleicht 8,5 Stunden, Erde brauche, und das sind ungefähr 15 Minuten extra, dann kann ich nähen.
Ich kann vielleicht nachdenken. Wir müssen den Berg nicht auf einmal erklimmen. Können Sie das im Büro Stück für Stück erledigen?
Ich denke, das ist vielleicht die ausführliche Antwort auf Ihre kurze Frage. Danke. Wie können wir das machen?
Ich weiß das zu schätzen. Ich weiß das zu schätzen. Absolut, dass Sie Ihren Standpunkt vertreten. Ich denke, das hat den Horizont vieler Zuhörer erweitert.
Und, äh, kommen wir zum Geschenk. Sagen Sie uns, was das Abschlussgeschenk dieses Podcasts für alle Zuhörer ist, die dieses Mal bei uns geblieben sind.
Das erste Geschenk, das ich den Leuten gerne machen würde, wäre natürlich, dass ich nicht dreißig Minuten lang ein Gespräch führen müsste und es sich vielleicht nur ums Zuhören drehen würde.
Ich möchte allen Zuhörern, die bis zum Schluss an diesem Gespräch teilgenommen haben, das Geschenk machen, zuzuhören.
Ich werde meinen Kalender in einem Link mit Ihnen teilen und Sie können ihn in den Text des Podcasts einfügen.
Ich höre Ihnen gerne zu, was bei Ihnen funktioniert und was Sie im Leben tun müssen.
Wissen Sie, wohin Sie wollen? Ich bin einfach neugierig. Und das verspreche ich. Seien Sie dieser sichere Ort und ich höre Ihnen zu.
Ich verspreche, dass es eine Nicht-Kontrolle geben wird, eine Nicht-Kontrolle für dich, die mit dir kommt. Und das ist mein Versprechen. Das ist mein erster Schritt.
Meine zweite Gabe ist der Dienst. Sie wissen, dass ich, was ich über proaktives Handeln und den Übergang von der Ergebnisorientierung zur Ergebnisorientierung gesagt habe, einen wunderschönen Artikel verfasst habe, der ein vierstufiges Führungsmodell innerhalb eines Musters darstellt.
Ich werde das auf jeden Fall jedem schenken, der sich meldet. Ich teile es gern, geh raus und bewirkliche diese Veränderung in dem Raum auf der Welt, in dem du dich befindest.
Und ich glaube, das ist der größte Beitrag, den ich leisten kann. Das Einzige, was ich als Gegenleistung will, ist vielleicht ein Smiley.
Ja, wissen Sie, ich habe es geschafft. Danke. Gott segne Sie. Danke. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, Sie um Ihre Einschätzung und das Dokument zu bitten.
Kapesh, es war mir eine Ehre, Sie im Podcast zu haben. Ich wünsche Ihnen, Ihrer Frau und Ihren Kindern alles Gute und kann es kaum erwarten, wieder mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten.
0 notes
Dating and Flirtation vs. A Dead Guy
There is a difference between dislike, disgust, avoidance and fear. I have a few of all of these. Here is a short list of FEARS in no particular order: Crowds, Ventriloquist dolls, Puppets, The sound of a balloon popping, White vans without rear windows, Wasps, Yellow jackets/ bees in general, Spiders, Anything flying toward my face (even birds and butterflies), Success, Failure, Public speaking, and Stage Fright. There are probably more.
One insidious fear lingers within my psyche. I don't think about it often, I try not to. This fear I write about is DATING! Even the thought of being asked out on a date is terrifying. I live a type of 'hermit' lifestyle.
I have said this before, but it warrants repeating. The fear I feel about the possibility of being asked out on a date, is greater than the fear I would feel if a person dropped dead right in front of me and I was the only person in the room who knew CPR. I am not exaggerating in the least! Do I fear "normal" things and embrace the "abnormal"? I am not sure. Of one thing I am certain; in a Date vs. Dead Guy situation, one of those scenarios I would know exactly what to do. In the other, I would have absolutely NO clue!
On the spectrum, notoriously I have said that it sometimes takes me days to get a joke, or figure out if someone was being flirtatious or insulting. Reading a room is a skill. I have improved some, but I still have a long way to go. It does not 'come naturally' for me.
When someone flirts with me, especially in the past 7-10 years, my immediate thought is, 'what the fuck is that supposed to mean'? I will be the first to admit, that is not the best internal reaction to a person's advances or flirtations. Let me reiterate, I'm not always great at reading a room (if it isn't a medical situation). Usually days later, I will have a 'eureka' moment and realize that the comment was flirtatious and not insulting. I am usually in my car talking to myself when these realizations occur. It is almost always too late and, 'Oh well'.
In the case of the person dropping dead...guess what? I have been treating your kind for 20+years! The odds are in your favor! You have no pulse, so pretty much anything I do will not harm, and might possibly help you. By the way, you are dead, so your situation is as bleak as it gets. If i punch you in the chest or perform CPR at a rate that is not within current guidelines, I can only really help your scenario. Any intervention I perform at all is a plus as far as I am concerned.
I can't control what I fear, but I can work on controlling my responses to it. Avoidance has been a pretty successful coping mechanism, but over time, I have realized this is not a realistic long term solution.
I don't suspect this admittance of my fears and weaknesses are helpful to anyone except someone who might want to scare me. The admittance is for me is a step towards overcoming. Being afraid isn't the worst thing, as long as it eventually ends. I pay good money to go to films, amusement parks and haunted houses exclusively to be scared. If I can get over this one debilitating fear, my life will greatly improve.
I don't think I want to be alone forever, but I am not going to try to force something either. Things have a natural pace that I can appreciate. I realize that pace will be significantly slower if I avoid all human contact.
This writing exercise has no neat way to conclude it. Probably because it is still ongoing and I am still afraid and avoiding to cope. In theory, the writing will help me work some of these things out in my head, and fix them. I hope the second half of this life finds me ecstatic, smiling and laughing until it hurts (with the man I love and am definitely not afraid of).
0 notes
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Daily Devotionals for March 28, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 12:25-26(KJV): 25 Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. 26 The righteous is more excellent than his neighbor: but the way of the wicked seduceth them.
Thought for the Day
Verse 25 - We can help others by giving them an encouraging word. Many are "stooped down" by the weight of the world, but this should not be true of Christians. We can ask God daily to fill us with His love and joy, enabling us to rise above our circumstances. If we are walking in the Spirit, we will have His love and strength, and we will make a difference in others’ lives, sometimes just by giving a smile and a kind word. Once when checking out at a grocery store, I blessed and thanked the clerk. Tears came to her eyes and she told me that my kind words were the nicest thing anybody had said to her all day. We never know when our kindness might change someone's entire day.
Verse 26 - The righteous man has a good influence on his neighbors by the example he sets. The ungodly man leads others astray. In almost every neighborhood, there is a particular family that stirs up strife and trouble. We must pray for these families, reach out to them, and try to overcome evil with good. With Christ's help, we can have a positive influence in our neighborhoods and change the atmosphere of our communities.
Being separate from the world (2 Corinthians 6:17) does not mean never becoming involved in politics or civic affairs. If every Christian followed this reasoning, government and administrative positions would be left to immoral people and sinners. Being separate means no longer participating in the selfish, unclean ways and practices of the world.
We are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). Salt causes food to taste better and is used as a preservative. Mixed with water, it forms a cleansing saline solution. Salt generates thirst so we drink more water. It is essential to the human body. The analogy is clear: Christian beliefs improve life and our presence preserves the world from moral decay. The righteousness of Christ makes us the salt of the earth, which when combined with the living water of the Holy Spirit, makes our witness produce a cleansing effect upon sin-sick souls and society. A true Christian witness creates a spiritual thirst in others to know Jesus Christ. As Christians, we must share the "good news" with this world, which is dying for truth and light to be revealed. We must not utter empty phrases and be like salt that is no longer salty: such a witness is worthless. Our light shines through the good deeds that we do. Living out what we say we believe brings glory to our heavenly Father. Jesus said, "And I if I am lifted from the earth, will draw all men unto me" (John 12:32). If we "lift " Jesus, people will be drawn unto Him. This is how we shall bring glory to our Father who is in Heaven.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, many of us do appreciate You, and we want our lives to glorify You. Fill us today with Your Holy Spirit so that we may bring encouraging words to others. Father, we have been down at times in our lives just as I am now and we are so grateful for our brothers and sisters in the Lord who came to us with faith and encouragement. They lifted us, and today we want to lift them. You know each of them and exactly what they are going through at this time. Bless them and encourage them and meet their needs even as You used them to meet my needs in the trying times of my life. May we all be good witnesses for You and never lose our saltiness. Lord, shine on us that we may reflect Your glory. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller
#GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller,#Eldermiller1981
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aphrostarot · 3 years
Next Significant Relationship Pick a Pile
Who is your next partner and what will the relationship be like?
Please remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Don't force it to fit. I offer paid readings on my page if you would like a personal reading. Prices are listed there. Please message me or email me if you are interested!
(All poems are in Perry Poems: A Collection. You can find it here)
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Pile One:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
Nine of Winter:
This is the nine of pentacles in this deck. Usually, the Nine of Pentacles represents a woman, but not always. A person represented by this card is highly feminine and an extremely independent individual. They are very hardworking, they appreciate the finer things in life, and their hard work has allowed them to enjoy these things. Your next partner will embody this energy.
King of Autumn:
In this deck, this is the King of Swords. Besides being a hard worker and extremely independent, this person is also calm and collected. Before making any decisions, they weigh the pros and cons of every situation. Your next partner will be someone you can turn to when you have trouble making decisions. They are a very mature individual, someone who is extremely logical and can sometimes appear to be judgmental.
How will you meet?
Three of Spring (Reversed) and The Crow:
One or both of you will be in a state of disarray when you meet this person. It will be difficult to make decisions in your life, maybe even in one particular area. Several directions will be pulling at you, and you won't know which one to take. Your progress in your personal development will be affected by this. The energy I'm receiving from this pile indicates that it will be you who is struggling and that when you meet this person, they will be drawn to you because they feel like they can help you, and ultimately they will.
How will you know it’s them?
The Lupin:
The Lupin is a highly intelligent and confident individual. Here your guides are telling you that the way you will be able to know that this is your person is by recognizing that they exude these qualities. As far as the environment goes there may be some flowers around you when you meet which is a sign to you that this is your person. You or they could be wearing purple as well.
What will your first impression of them be?
The Goldfinch:
The first impression you will have of this individual is that they are a very organized free spirit, willing to travel. Initially, you may be intimidated by their confidence and their refusal to get involved in drama or chaos. Initially, their eyes may also catch your attention and seem beautiful to you. If you are highly spiritual, you may even observe that this person's third eye is open whether they are aware of it or not.
How will they affect you?
Ace of Winter and Queen of Autumn:
When you are with this person, you will find that you have so many opportunities. You will become extremely passionate about your career and life choices. You will become more aware and even more in control of your path. Pursuing your dreams will be so much more fun because unlike in the past, you will know exactly what you want. With this person, you can regain control over your path and enjoy life again.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
The Empty Cottage and Eight of Autumn:
It seems that this relationship may not be a good one. Although this person will provide you with many opportunities in your career, they are not healthy for your mental health. There is a strong possibility that they are very possessive and jealous in your relationship, which isn't healthy. Your anxieties might get worse or they may not understand the reasons for your mental health. The problem is that the person is extremely rational and does not deal with emotions very often, whereas you are an extremely emotional person. Relationships like these do not mix well and you may end up feeling very alone as a result.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
The Lighthouse:
One or both of you may be lacking in the stability department and also in the confidence department. I believe that it may be you that is struggling in this department and your guides are telling you here that this is blocking you from entering this relationship at the moment. I know that with the way that I just described this relationship you may not want to enter this relationship at all and so you may be saying “what is the point of clearing out these obstacles if it won’t be a good relationship.” to that your guides have to say that you are meant to be in this relationship. It won’t all be bad in the relationship, there will be good, especially when it comes to you getting out of a funk and finding joy and drive for your passions. This is something that is needed in order for you to excel in life. This person is meant to help you in your career and your passions, which is why you are meant to be in this relationship.
How to break through those obstacles?
Ace of Spring:
To overcome these obstacles, you need to become aware that this person is going to push you to pursue your passions and career further. You will learn how to succeed in your passions and career through this relationship, regardless of how short it may last. As your guides are telling you here, this is what you need to hold onto so that you can move forward with this relationship.
What will you learn from this person?
King of Winter:
You will learn how to be a successful and driven person through this relationship. It may not be good for your anxieties and your emotions but it will be good for your career. The two of you may have a lot of 10th house overlays in your synastry chart because the energy of this relationship is not at all emotional, it is way more career-centered.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
Pile Two:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
The Hermit:
The person may be a Virgo or have significant Virgo placements or energies in their chart, more than likely they are a Virgo Rising. This person is wise beyond their years and prefers their solitude. They are extremely observant, and constantly seek to expand their knowledge. Additionally, they may even have a deep connection to spirituality. All that being said, they are highly sensitive, especially to judgments and criticisms from others.
How will you meet?
King of Swords:
You might meet them at work, and either you or them will have some authority. Based on the energy I am getting from the two of you I believe that it will be them who is in authority. Once you start working for them, they are struck by you and your presence. You are constantly on their minds, and they watch everything you do. The two of you will be following a very common office romance trope.
How will you know it’s them?
Seven of Pentacles:
Your future may not be something you enjoy thinking about or planning. You don't seem to be a type A at all. Your preference is to go with the flow rather than make a solid plan. It might however turn out that, once you meet this person, you have a greater sense of direction and need to plan your future in a more structured manner. It is quite likely that this person is very much a planner and a critical thinker, so when they are around you will be trying your best to impress them. It is for this reason that you will begin to become more like that person. It is also possible that both of you will be wearing red or blue when you meet, which will be a sign that this is your person. Question marks may be involved in your meeting as well. They could be in the environment or you may find that you are very curious about this person which will result in you wanting to ask a lot of questions.
What will your first impression of them be?
King of Wands:
When you meet this person, you will think they are extremely confident. Their ability to lead and their determination to achieve their goals will impress you. As friendly and outgoing as they are, I can tell you that it may seem intimidating at first because you are really hoping that they will like you, and they can be hard to read so you aren't sure what they think of you.
How will they affect you?
The Hanged Man:
Part of you knows that there are aspects of yourself that do not serve you. Despite this, you continue to do nothing about eliminating these toxic behaviors from your life. This person will help you to do this. They do not tolerate toxicity, especially from the person they are pursuing, so when you begin to see them, they will work toward helping you eliminate those behaviors. This enables you to lead a healthy life.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
It will be a very satisfying relationship for you both. Together you will build a solid foundation and live very comfortably. In the end, you'll feel at home with each other, seeing each other as family. Perhaps you both have never experienced something like this before, and for you both, it is a breath of fresh air.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
The Heirophant:
You may be stuck in a pretty traditional mindset especially when it comes to love. In that, you may believe that dating your boss is very unprofessional and that other people will think you are sleeping your way to the top. The last thing that you want is other people viewing you negatively and in your eyes, pursuing this is a disaster waiting to happen. According to your guides, this mindset is currently blocking the two of you from coming together.
How to break through those obstacles?
Page of Cups:
Your guides are telling you here that the way for you to release these blocks is by allowing yourself to feel emotions. You can’t help who you fall in love with most of the time and that is the case with this person. Instead of denying yourself this relationship, your guides are encouraging you to allow yourself to express your feelings, especially when it comes to this person.
What will you learn from this person?
As we have discussed, you have some toxic behaviors that you refuse to let go of, and this person will help you let go of them. In this person, you will learn how to shed the old side of yourself that doesn't serve you anymore and be transformed into the person you were created to be.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
Pile Three:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
The Moon:
This person may be a Cancer or have significant Cancer placements, more than like they are a Cancer Rising. They are a natural daydreamer and will stop at nothing to make their dreams their reality. Because of this, they have very strong opinions about how and what they want their world to look like. They tend to struggle when it comes to trusting other people because they wear their heart on their sleeve and have gotten screwed over quite a few times because of it.
How will you meet?
Nine of Pentacles:
You may meet this person right after you make a significant purchase in your life, whether that is a house, a new car, home renovations, or even garden improvements. They may be the person who helps you get these things done, or you will simply just meet them around this time in your life.
How will you know it’s them?
Five of Pentacles:
It really does seem like you will have just purchased a new home or you will have some renovations in your current home around the time you meet this person. I say this because in the imagery on this specific card you can see a door with a house key. I believe that when you meet this person you will be in a great place financially but they will not be. You may even need to provide this person with a place to stay. You will know it is them because they are in a very dark place when you meet and you will be in a very bright place. This will lead you to want to help them get back on their feet.
What will your first impression of them be?
Eight of Pentacles (reversed):
You may not have a good impression of them when you first meet them. You will think that they are lazy and have a bad reputation, especially when it comes to money. I get the feeling that you will know who this person is because they may be a family friend or a friend’s friend. However, you will not have officially met this person or really gotten to know them, hence you having quite a bad impression of them. I think that someone will ask you to invite them to stay with you and you will say yes even though you don’t want to. This is because in your eyes this person has gotten to their dark place because of their own actions and you feel like helping them will only encourage their behavior. However, you will be wrong about your impression of them and once they come to stay with you, you will see a different side of them and realize this.
How will they affect you?
Ace of Swords:
You will experience many powerful emotions with this person. They will make you hate them so much one day but then the next day you will be madly in love with them. You may have been in relationships in the past that were filled with simplicity and ease. You will experience an entirely new type of relationship with this person, one that will send your adrenaline soaring.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
Eight of Wands:
You two will never grow tired of each other. Even when you are apart, you will always want to stay in touch. Whenever you are with this person, you will feel as if you can tell them anything. With this person, you will feel at ease, and you won't worry about what others think of you because of how comfortable you feel around them. You will be able to fully express yourself around them without fear.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
Three of Pentacles (reversed):
Right now your ego is getting in your way when it comes to this relationship. You may believe that you are better than this person and therefore you do not need them in your life. There is another part of you that may even be struggling when it comes to working in teams, you currently prefer working on your own and do not go out of your way to hang out with other people or work with others. Your guides are saying that this is blocking you from experiencing this relationship.
How to break through those obstacles?
The Tower (reversed):
You have been holding off the inevitable for quite some time now because you fear change and this person will be bringing you to change. Your guides are telling you here that you need to release your fears and allow this person to come forward. They are telling you that they have your best interest at heart and would never bring you something you can’t handle and this person is someone that you are meant to be with.
Two of Cups:
Part of you may think that this relationship will not be true love or you may even believe that you are not worthy of true love and your guides are telling you that you are incorrect. This person will show you a whole new side of what love means and feels like. They say that it is definitely true love, even if it isn’t how you define what true love is.
What will you learn from this person?
Six of Wands:
In your mind, you think you know what success looks like, whether that be in love, or just in life. The only problem is that you are still not expanding your view of what success really looks like, and it will be this person who is able to introduce you to the different facets of success. Through them, you will learn how to truly experience success in all of its glory.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
Pile Four:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
Ace of Cups and Strength:
This person may be a Leo or have significant Leo placements, more than likely they are a Leo Rising. They may also have significant water placements. They are extremely confident and courageous. They hold a great deal of power and many people come to them for guidance. They are also extremely romantic and sensitive. They love love and are a huge hopeless romantic.
How will you meet?
The Artist:
It is possible that one or both of you are artists. A gallery opening or an art museum may be the place where you meet. On the other hand, based on the energy I sense that one of you will have your art on display, and you will meet them through the event. You will get along almost immediately since you have very similar views on art.
How will you know it’s them?
High Priestess:
One of you may be wearing blue when you meet, maybe a long blue cardigan or dress. A floral pattern may be significant as well, whether it be wallpaper in the room you are in or someone is wearing it. This is a highly spiritual connection so you will almost just know it is them. You will feel how you have never felt before in their presence, it’s like they awaken your spirituality. You will feel your connection with this person almost instantly.
What will your first impression of them be?
Seven of Pentacles:
This person will seem like an extremely hard worker, someone who is very talented but doesn't see their own talent. You might also think that this person overworks themselves. However, you will also see them as kind and patient. You see this person as someone who has a lot of talent and is going to accomplish so much.
How will they affect you?
The Emperor:
They are very much someone who loves to be in control, and they enjoy bossing others around, especially when it comes to love. It seems that they want to dominate you and make sure you are doing exactly everything they want you to do. They will express a lot of their masculine traits in this relationship. However, it could also be you who expresses all of this rather than them.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
The Lovers and Ten of Swords:
True love will be the foundation of this relationship. Both of you will experience the kind of love you have always dreamed of. However, this is not to say that the relationship will be easy, as there will be challenges along the way. However, due to your love for one another, you will get through each challenge together. This relationship may last for a long time.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
Six of Pentacles:
You may be an extremely generous person, especially when it comes to your time and energy. Your guides are saying that this aspect of yourself is hindering your progress towards this person. Yes, it is nice to be generous with the people you care about, but that generosity should not come at the price of your health or sanity. Make sure you are maintaining some boundaries in your life.
How to break through those obstacles?
Two of Wands:
It is time for you to set better boundaries especially when it comes to the people you are close to. You may be scared to set better boundaries because you feel like people will be mad at you. You need to release those fears because if people get mad at you for taking care of yourself, they do not truly care about you. Now is the time to make sure the partnerships in your life are healthy and the first step in doing that is by making sure that the partnership you have with yourself is healthy.
What will you learn from this person?
Eight of Swords:
This person will teach you how to get out of your own way. You have a lot of anxieties and insecurities, especially when it comes to relationships and this person will show you how to heal. Through them, you will learn how to let go of your fears and fully express yourself in a healthy way.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
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septembersummer · 2 years
Hi, September! I love your work and am constantly looking forward to the new updates on Wildfire. I was wondering how Gojo (Motion, Lust for Life, etc) would react to a reader that is not confident? I appreciate MC’s confidence though! For someone who is insecure it’s a nice reprieve :)
hi there!! this turned out much longer than i anticipated it to, but i kept thinking about how sweet satoru could be in helping out an insecure!reader, so here we are ~
wc: 500
i think that gojo would be great with helping y/n overcome her insecurities, though not at first.
at first, he'd pick on y/n like he does everyone else (because he's Gojo, and because he is particularly bad at keeping his mouth shut when it comes to other people).
in particular, he'd tease her about being shy, always lingering around her and waiting for her to open up to him. if she blushed, he'd always know it, and he'd always say something about it.
in satoru's mind, she's a pretty little flower that just hasn't quite bloomed for him yet, but he's nothing if not persistent, so he'd keep teasing at her, picking at her, tousling her hair when she won't pay attention to him. because her attention is so hard to get, satoru loves when she finally focuses on him. he can't get enough.
that is, until he breaks her. it never occurred to satoru that y/n is a normal person with fears and doubts of her own, who might have her own reasons for not playing into his games anytime he wants her to, for always hiding herself away from him and blushing so fiercely whenever he talks to her.
persistent satoru would carry on until one day y/n confesses that she sees his playful teasing as something closer to bullying, and she doesn't understand why she's always the target of his little tricks and games.
oh god oh fuck she thinks i don't like her?
satoru, god bless him, can't understand why she'd ever think that there's anything wrong with herself. his favorite girl feels bad about herself? no way, nuh-uh, he's not having that.
after y/n confesses her insecurities to satoru, he would be more than willing to change his behavior to be more considerate of her feelings. satoru would see his flower as softer and sweeter than he'd imagined, and he'd do everything in his power to remind her that she's beautiful and perfect exactly the way that she is.
he'd kiss every dip and curve of her body, telling her that he loves each and every one of them as he makes his way across her skin. he's much softer with her, because she deserves his sweetness. in his mind, she deserves the world.
if they're dating, he'll always try his best to cheer her up when self-deprecating thoughts creep into the back of her mind. the very last thing satoru would ever want is to see her sad (especially not by his own doing, though he's not great with his words, so it's bound to happen eventually. such is life, though).
he'd also be fiercely protective over her, he'd even defend her from her own thoughts when they're less than kind, because he knows what it's like to feel very, very negatively about yourself (he's more far depressed than he looks, really), and satoru would never want y/n to feel that way.
all in all, he'd be much gentler with a y/n who struggles to love herself as much as he thinks she should, because he adores her just the way she is.
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redjaybathood · 3 years
Fic Tropes: Jason is a poor little meow meow who never did anything wrong and the Batfam are all mean, authorities thugs and or naïve idiots for not wanting him to go around beheading people and controlling crime.
So I apologize in advance if I misunderstood this ask! But I really struggled with answering this question. Because that's me! Isn't it? Thing is, I don't know!
Altogether those tropes are bad, because it, again, creates an over-the-top impression. Like abused genius baby Tim. But separately, or just carefully balanced... It could work.
Jason as poor little meow meow is, well, as popular as he's hated (by me, at least). Because yeah, our boy went through some shit, and then some more, and more and more yet. And it's honestly - fucking tragic, and I am attracted to this tragedy. But he's like. Giving as good as he gets, it's important imo.
At least, up until he doesn't.
And I might be misunderstanding PLMM as a trend, but I think I do write him like that. I have, I think, at least three fics where Bruce outright kills him? I remember a not-so-good reaction to one of it in particular because I didn't tag it with Major Character Death, even if he empathically does not come back. And I was like, huh, I really didn't tag it. It didn't occur to me, because Jason always dies.
Whether he did something wrong or not, is rarely in my focus. Who cares if you did something wrong when the one who kills you is your father, who is supposed to love you unconditionally? Who wouldn't even kill Joker? (that applies to some extent to fics where Bruce doesn't kill Jason, but they still are antagonistic; i.e. who cares if Jason murders the whole Earth, if, in an ideal world, it wouldn't matter to Bruce either; look, he's a hero, but he is also a father; as a hero, his responsibility to stop Red Hood. As a father, his responsibility is to support him. Yeah! It's not realistic to expect from Batman to support a murderer but! The murder, in this case, is a metaphor, okay)
And then we get to the second part of this trope: Batfam is mean. Yes, I love using this in short stories. Mostly because that's what Batfam stans themselves say: that they, their favorite characters, wouldn't be kind and accepting to Jason, because he's a murderer who's beheading people. Irrevocable differences.
Dick honestly wishes Jason died during his fight with Bruce;
Tim never thought Jason is his Robin, he thinks he's a loser;
Cass would never accept death as a matter of course;
Steph paid with her life for the right not to become a Red Hood of sorts;
Damian had to work to overcome his conditioning and redeem himself (which, a funny fucking premise, Damian's redemption; I would argue that he is not, in fact, at fault or has anything to redeem himself over; I hate the idea of him needing redemption) and so he wouldn't appreciate Red Hood who's still (kinda) how Damian was in the past.
They all will be mean to Jason in my fics because they're mean to him both in comics and in the collective consciousness of their fans.
Seriously, even if I don't look at it as a writer but as a reader, I will have far fewer issues with Batfam being mean vs Batfam welcoming him with open arms. It's not going to happen - it's not supposed to. Jason is passed that, and they, let's face it, were never looking at him charitably. Always seeing the worst of him, from Bruce to Alfred to Barbara to Dick. Which is the view that Tim, Steph, and Cass should have inherited via the stories they were told.
And basically, with Batfam honestly expecting the worst out of Red Hood and whether or not Jason meets their expectations, it's a great premise. For me, it's never about murder good vs murder bad. It's about the extent of family acceptance, and what you personally sacrifice of yourself to fit in. Will Batfam accept Red Hood? (no) Will Red Hood carve out a piece of himself to be accepted? (also no) Will they still remain a family? Were they ever a family? (...)
And this is, like, only one of the probable takes on the trope. Back to my short stories where Bruce just kills Jason and doesn't even realize it, it's honestly just that. A tear-jerker. Yes, not much literary merit to it. And people can, like, judge me about it but don't tell me it's unrealistic.
So my verdict: this is a trope that looks bad but could be good. Jason is a poor little meow meow, Batfam is mean.
If you balance the shit well and don't go over the top, you can pull that off.
Things that will put me off: Batfam not only mean but also morons (talk about unrealistic); OP Jason (he's good but he's not god-level, there have to be some limitations); moralizing (don't try to be Jason Todd's lawyer, please, he doesn't need it).
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
for the writing asks: 10, 29, 39 :)
thank you for the ask. I appreciate you : )
[the prompt]
10. Top three favourite fic tropes. (Only three??? How? This is going to be so hard because I like pretty much anything)
This is in no particular order:
mutual pining
"enemies" to lovers (so two people overcoming their differences/getting their heads out of their arses and realising the tension they've been feeling has been sexual/romantic in nature)
I also love au fics that take place in the present world in really mundane settings. Basically, any kind of workplace romcom fic
29. What's the hardest thing about writing?
For me, writing is not an enjoyable process. It's a kind of sweet torture that I find myself indulging in because... well, I guess I have some shit to process (through art) and because I enjoy the pain 😂Some examples are: staying motivated (and not getting distracted), feeling confident with what I've written, and grammar. You know how often I flip-flop from one wip to the next. I feel like I am so good at coming up with concepts but terrible at writing them into existence (in the form of a fic).
39. Wildest AU scenario you have written?
(You're so cheeky, you know the answer to this. You know all the details!! 😂) I've been writing fics (on and off) since my early teens, so from what I can remember, it is a certain religious au that I am currently working on... and well... it is... yeah 👀 👀 THE scene that comes to mind is not yet written but the outline is there and... if hell is real, I'm going to end up there for what I'm about to do 🫣
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
Hi! You really look like someone who truly lives by the law and if you wanted you could literally manifest the craziest of things, even things that defy the laws of nature and physics and I'm wondering how do you personally view life and existence if you can have everything now with just an assumption? If you are so above everything in the universe? Doesn't this make you feel lonely? Don't your desires feel meaningless? I'm always moved by great stories (most of which have something tragic or sad or bittersweet) and I love being moved by such things and I ultimately want my life to be a good meaningful beautiful story and my fear is that by buying the pearl of great price I'll have to give up on all that so now I find myself almost completely uninterested in my ideal life and I can't bring myself to visualise because I wouldn't feel a thing (btw do you think this will make the manifestation easier or harder?) but I still know deep down that I couldn't accept anything from life other than that perfect ideal I have for myself even though I sorta feel like cheating like... can I call this kind of experience authentic? Share some wisdom ma'am please. Can you also share some films or books or anything that inspired your idea of perfect life if you feel like it?
Hey! You make such an interesting and excellent point! Thanks so much for having such faith in me, hahah, it's extremely flattering!
I honestly have a pretty simple answer for you! Whilst I'm well aware of the law and how things operate and that I am the god of my reality, I am still human. We all are. That's what makes life so beautiful, colourful, and emotionally rich. I believe that the process of manifestation and conscious creation for many people is actually one of the most transformative and emotionally charged human experiences anyone could have, because they face their fears, overcome them, persist and stay determined, and ultimately win the best prize of all - and the prize is not just a material thing or a specific person - the best prize of all is happiness, contentment, and self-love.
I only consciously manifest in areas of my life that I feel have unfolded negatively as a result of low self-worth. The law has taught me that these things are a reflection of the way I treat myself and talk to myself and think about myself. The law has taught me that I should not let my happiness depend on a thing or another person, my happiness should come from within myself.
Our human experiences, the good and the bad, are what shape us as people, and I think that finding the law after we've experienced the ups and downs that human existence has to offer, can be really empowering. Yes, learning about the law helps us take control over our lives and create a happy and abundant life with our specific people, money, the right career, etc, but what I think the biggest thing that the law gives us is the lesson that we need to love ourselves and empower ourselves more.
I don't view life and my desires as meaningless. Just because you are the god of your reality and you have the power to shift into a new reality doesn't mean that the people around you are operating like robots. They are real people and they have thoughts and feelings. You aren't changing anyone or anything around you when you manifest, you are changing yourself and moving into another reality where the people and things around you reflect your new state of being.
The law of assumption has taught me how to speak lovingly to myself and get out of bad habits that ultimately diminish my power and worth. It has taught me to transform myself and my overall love and appreciation for myself so that I can be the best version of myself that I can be.
I personally don't subscribe to any particular religion, but I believe that somehow we were all put on this earth to have a human experience, but we are all one - part of the 'god' source, whatever that is. We all are gods and we all have the power to create the lives we want, but we are here to have desires, to feel all the emotions that come with it, and to experience life's ups and downs, overcoming them and learning from them. I don't know why, but we are all here, and we may as well make the most of it while we are. If we can learn to love ourselves fully and treat ourselves with kindness, we can experience the most lovely parts of life and live in realities where we are surrounded by a reflection of these amazing things.
Let's be real, just because I understand the law of assumption well, doesn't mean that I'm bothered to apply it to every part of my life. Who wants to have to affirm for everything in their life? With most things, I just sit back and enjoy the ride. If there is something negative in my life, I don't let it bother me because I know who I am and I know my worth. If something REALLY bothers me, then I know it's coming from an issue that I have within myself. If anything, it makes me look within and figure out what it is that is causing this.
Even when you know how to use the law of assumption to your advantage, life is still an adventure, and events still impact you emotionally and physically. Sometimes things pop up or happen in your world that come from some deep assumption you didn't even know you had. Life with the law of assumption is a journey of constantly learning about yourself on a deeper level and evolving, and to me, that is so awesome!
When you see people that have successfully manifested their desires, the story doesn't stop there! The new chapter of their lives begins following this, where they get to experience happiness, success, and everything that comes with it! Just because we have the power to change something if we can put our mind to it, doesn't mean that the things we experience aren't extremely real. They feel real, don't they?
Just because the 3D is a reflection of our imaginations, doesn't mean that the experiences we have aren't real. If imagination is reality, and the 3D is a projection of it, then that means that if we have thought of something and it is brought to life, then it is real on some level. We just have the power to place focus on what we want to stay and ignore what we want to go if we decide to.
Even though we manifest things, doesn't mean we don't feel the full weight of their reality. That's human existence. You can still feel your skin, right? You can still feel it when someone kisses or hugs you, right? So it is real to you. If you experience something that you wish you hadn't, you simply have the power to change it, doesn't mean you didn't experience it before, otherwise, where would the desire to change it come from?
Honestly, I can't think of any movies or shows specifically that have taught me anything about the 'perfect life', because everyone's idea of that is different. However, for manifesting and creation, I would recommend Neville Goddard's books. I have his complete reader, which I recommend, as well as Dr Joe Dispenza's books 'Becoming Supernatural' and 'Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself'.
In answer to your question about whether or not that perspective makes it easier or harder to manifest, it depends on what you believe, honestly. I would say that it if anything would make it easier for you to reduce resistance towards things if you truly feel and think that way. However, I encourage you to continue to feel life and to live it fully! The law simply means that things in your life reflect your inner world, and that should be the most real thing to you ever!
Don't let the knowledge of the law taint your view on life and the validity of your emotions and experiences. I, for example, know that the law is real, but I still feel every day and I still have doubts and negative moments in my life. I feel everything so real that sometimes it's too much. The law doesn't mean I won't ever experience hiccups and regular life moments again, it is very likely that I will, because I AM human, and humans naturally develop a mixture of emotions in various aspects of life. It just means that I'm on the journey of life and continuing to overcome these things, just like any other person. You can use the law to make it easier to do this, or harder.
The law is simply a reminder to stay in the state of loving myself and staying in my power so that overall I continue to experience true happiness, because that's ultimately what we all want, right? To be happy and to live in peace.
I hope I've somewhat answered your question and not just rambled on, talking nonsense hahah!
I appreciate the question because you got me really thinking.
All my love x
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