#i am shattered on the floor screaming sobbing shouting
nebulaafterdark · 2 months
A Tale Of Two Dragons
Summary: After suffering a head injury, Princess Y/N forgets the past two years of her life, including her marriage to Aegon. Who will do anything to win her back.
18+ ONLY MDNI Targcest, Smut, Cheesy, Medieval Romcom
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Y/N wakes terribly hot, her head throbs and there is something wrapped round her waist. She peels open her eyes…an arm. She flicks it away.
“What is the matter, my dearest love?” A voice grumbles, from behind her. “The maester says you should remain abed for several days.
“Why?” The word is past her lips before she can stop it.
“You hit your head.”
Y/N reaches up toward her throbbing temple, scraping against the forming scab beneath the bandage. Her fingers come away wet.
“You mustn’t touch,” Aegon chides, “let me see.”
Y/N screams at the top of her lungs, rolling onto the floor.
“What is the matter?” Aegon peers over the edge of the mattress. “Does your head hurt?” He springs from the bed, grabbing a cup off the bedside table. “Here, milk of the poppy.” He attempts to bring the chalice to her lips.
Y/N slaps his hand away, the glass shattering over the floor. “Surely poison.”
“What?” Aegon breathes. “Why in the seven hells would it be poison, my heart?”
“Do not call me that.” Y/N snaps, feeling almost sorry for it as his face falls.
“Look at me,” he crouches down to her, cowering in the corner. “What’s happened?”
“I should be asking you! Why are you being kind to me? Why are you sleeping in my bed? Plotting to kill me?”
“I don’t want to kill you.” He huffs a laugh. Back are the sad, crestfallen eyes.
Y/N forces down the urge to punch him. “Why were you in my bed?”
“To be clear,” Aegon says, motioning behind him, “this is my bedchamber.”
Y/N searches the space behind him, he speaks true. This is not her room. “Why would I be in your bedchamber?”
Aegon’s upper lip twitches, “because you are my wife.”
Y/N laughs, “I am your wife.”
Aegon joins in, anxiously.
“You jest.” She wags a finger at him, “that is the Aegon I know. You have outdone yourself this time.”
Aegon’s eyes search hers for a moment more before he hollers, “guards!”
The doors fly open, “your grace?”
“We must have the grand maester.”
Y/N’s eyes track his movements. Pacing and pacing until the maester appears.
“Is your head troubling you, your grace?” He kneels before her. “I left you with milk of the poppy.”
“She needs more.” Aegon insists.
“She can have no more until the morrow.”
“She did not drink it.” Aegon shouts, “she tossed it away because she thought it poisoned.”
“I would never harm you, your grace. Surely you know that.” The maester addresses the princess directly.
“Not you, me.” Aegon throws up a hand. “She does not know who I am.”
“I know who you are and I do not like you.” Y/N argues.
“That is worse.” Aegon laments, “she does not remember our marriage or our-”
“Your grace,” the maester stops him. “Your lady wife has suffered an injury. It is best not to push the recollection of years past.”
“She will heal then?”
“I cannot say, the mind is unpredictable.”
Y/N narrows her eyes at the maester, “am I truly married to Aegon?”
“Yes, princess. For some two years now.”
“Nearly three,” Aegon corrects him, with a hand to his head.
Y/N’s breathing picks up, unable to calm herself.
“Princess, you must breathe slowly now.”
“I want my mother,” Y/N chokes out.
“I will get your mother,” Aegon offers, “just breathe.”
His command is foreign to her. That he would care. The maester fusses about her as they wait. “All is well, your grace, all is well.”
“I may faint.” She warns.
The maester begins fanning her with his hands.
Rhaenyra appears moments later, with Aegon hot on her heels. “What’s happened, my darling?”
“Mother,” Y/N reaches for her, sobbing against her shoulder.
“Hush now.” Rhaenyra cradles the back of her head, smoothing down her hair.
“I do not know how such a thing could h-happen.”
“What?” Rhaenyra begins swaying her like a babe.
“I woke up beside my sworn enemy, claiming to be my husband.” Y/N tells her, “and worst of all, everyone insists that it’s true. Am I truly married?”
“To Aegon.”
“And I am happy about it?”
“I’m afraid so,” Rhaenyra smiles. “You are quite taken with him.”
“To what degree is he hung?” Y/N scoffs. He must be-
Rhaenyra throws her head back with laughter, “I would not know, sweet girl.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, “he speaks true then?”
Rhaenyra nods.
“And we are in…” Y/N forces out the word, “love?”
“Very much so.”
Without warning, the princess faints in her mother’s arms.
“And though all the realm wished for the princess to deliver a son, she blessed the prince with two daughters.”
Y/N comes to, blinking up at the ceiling. Pleased to find that she is in her own bed this time. She nearly finds herself comforted by the voice beside her, before looking over to realize it is Aegon. Seated in the arm chair with a brown leather book in his lap. She sits up, staring him down.
“Don’t,” he slowly closes the book, holding up both hands, “don’t scream.”
“What do you want?” Y/N groans. “I’ve already told you I don’t remember.”
“I’d like to court you.” His lips twitch, nervously.
“Really?” She huffs a laugh. “You, Aegon Targaryen, would rather court me than go find another well suited lady, of high status, to marry you?”
“You want me?”
“Very much so.”
“More than anyone else?”
Aegon twists his wedding band around his finger. “Yes, more than anyone.”
“Well…what would we do together?” She crosses both arms over her chest, “I can’t imagine we have much in common.”
“Talk, stroll the gardens, fly together on dragon back, whatever you’d like.”
“You told me this morning, I am to remain abed for several days.”
“That’s why I’ve brought this,” he waves the book at her, “thought it might keep you occupied. That or I could dance for you.”
“How well do you dance?”
“Not very,” Aegon admits, “that’s what makes it entertaining.”
Y/N leans up, trying to catch a glimpse of the book’s title. “What book is that?”
“A tale of two dragons.” Aegon pulls it away, “do you want to hear the story or not?”
“I suppose,” Y/N sighs, sinking back into the pillows. “I’ve nothing better to do.”
For four days he reads to her from that silly book. With each day that passes Y/N finds herself more invested.
“But if a son is expected of the prince, why does he not want for a son?”
Aegon smiles as he closes the book. “That’s all for today, you must rest.”
“I am not tired,” Y/N argues.
“Your eyes tell a different story.”
“Truly, I’m not tired.” She tells him, toying with her marriage ring. “My head hurts is all.”
“Might I try something?”
Y/N scowls, reluctantly closing the distance between them.
His hands cup her face, moving up to her throbbing skull, running his fingertips over her scalp.
It feels nice, though Y/N will never admit it.
“It will help if you stop making such sour faces, Y/N.” Aegon remarks, smoothing his thumb over the furrow between her brows. “My head aches just watching you.”
“You might wear a similar expression after being dealt my hand.” It is odd, her name on his lips. As though he rarely speaks it, save for when he’s angry with her.
“Yes, how devastating it must be; doted on by the man who loves you.” Aegon muses.
“You used to call me a bastard at family gatherings.” Y/N remembers that clearly.
“I used to do a great many things I am not proud of.” Aegon admits. “But the man I am now, the man I am with you…I take great pride in.”
“It will take time, if I’m to trust you again.”
“I have time.” Aegon assures her, “though at present, there is somewhere else I need be.” He presses his lips to her forehead in parting. “Good night.”
Y/N cups his wrist, at the side of her face, for just a moment. “Good night.”
On the fifth day, the grand maester allows Y/N to leave her apartments, and by the tenth day, she is cleared to fly. Being amongst the clouds always helps clear her mind, mayhaps she will recall something.
“Good morrow, your grace.” Marcello, the dragon keeper greets her.
“Good morrow,” Y/N smiles. “Might you saddle Stormborn for me?”
“At once, Princess. I’m glad you are well.”
Marcello returns a few moments later with the lilac dragon, whining as she nuzzles into Y/N’s hands.
“Issi ao daor biare naejot ūndegon issa, uēpa raqiros?” Are you not happy to see me, old friend? Has something happened between them that she’s forgotten?
Stormborn hums, nudging at Y/N with her head.
“What is the matter with her?” Y/N turns to Marcello.
The dragon keeper lowers his eyes, “she wants for Sunfyre, your grace.”
“She wants-” Y/N breaks off, clunking a fist to her head, “she wants Aegon’s dragon?”
“They are quite close these days.” The man in question says, stalking up behind her. “I heard you were flying out. I thought I might join you.” Aegon explains his presence.
“This is preposterous.” Y/N scoffs, “you mean to tell me we have become so deeply entwined that even our dragons cannot be parted?”
Aegon’s lips turn downward as his brows rise, “yes.”
“What can be done about it?”
“You loved me once, my hope is, you will love me again.” Aegon brushes past her, resting a hand on her dragon’s snout. “There’s naught to be done about it.”
To add further insult, Stormborn leans into his touch, cooing happily.
“I suppose I should pet your dragon.” It’s meant to be a threat, a means to get even.
“Go on,” Aegon encourages, “you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Sunfyre?”
The golden boy begins to serenade her with a low melody. Y/N rests her temple against his head, glaring at Aegon. It is not the dragon’s fault.
“Your dragon understands English?”
“As does yours.” Aegon informs her, “they are highly intelligent creatures.”
“Pōnta issi mēre rūsīr īlva.” They are one with us.
Aegon smiles, “indeed.”
“Do you not speak-”
“Nyke kostagon emagon naejot…vestragon mirrī.” I can have to…say a little.
Y/N bites back a grin, “I could teach you.”
He starts to say something else, but she covers his mouth with her hand.
“Later,” she leans in, pressing a kiss to the back of her own hand. Had it not been there…it would’ve been his lips. Which means nothing, muscle memory, surely. “I’m sorry.”
He catches her wrist, bringing her hand away.“Don’t be.”
Y/N enjoys evening strolls with Aegon in the garden, but on occasion she walks alone, outside the walls, wandering near the woods.
Y/N whips her head around to see Aegon charging at her, knocking her backwards before the steel trap snaps closed near their feet. Two rows of long, jagged teeth, meant to catch animals. She stares at him, in disbelief.
“They doubled the number of traps round the castle in these past years. I did not know if you’d recall.” Aegon explains, still holding her in the safety of his arms.
“You…imbecile!” Y/N returns the awkward embrace.
“Please, call me husband.” Aegon smirks.
“You could’ve been maimed.”
“Better me than you.”
Y/N groans in frustration, “quit doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Charming me.” She pulls away enough to see him.
No, not the sad eyes.
“I should like to know you better first.” Imbecile, she curses herself.
“What do you say we go back to your rooms and I will read to you?” Aegon suggests, “I’ll even bring cake.”
There it is, that tugging in her chest. “I do love cake.”
“When you were-” Aegon trails off, “there was a time all you would eat was cake.”
Y/N presses a hand to her head, “when I was what?”
“In due time, my dearest love.” Aegon smiles, sadly. “The grand maester says we mustn’t push, you’ve made great progress already.”
She recalls a great many things over the next weeks. Trying and failing to teach Aegon High Valryian, eating cake with him and laughing until their sides ache. But there are a number of things she cannot recall.
“Where is it you go?” She wonders, “when you are not with me? You said,” Y/N closes her eyes until the words come to her, “you said you want always to be with me.”
Aegon’s eyes widen, “yes, I did say that. You remember?”
“Not nearly enough, just silly things.” Y/N admits, “sometimes…I think I might’ve been with child.”
“That’s it, isn’t it? We’ve a child.”
“Two actually, daughters.”
“One after another like clockwork, then?” She arches a brow, resting a hand over her empty womb, “you’re late.”
Aegon grins, “both at once.”
“Well, we are nothing if not thorough.”
“With the way you look at me, I’m surprised there are only two children.”
“The birthing bed was not kind to you. I would love any child of ours, but I would not inflict such suffering upon you again.”
Y/N sighs, “you are so in love. I wish desperately to remember.”
“You could love me again.”
“What if it is different than what we shared? What if it does not please you as much?”
Aegon shakes his head, “then it will be different and I will be glad for it all the same.”
“Might I come with you to see them?” Y/N asks, wringing her hands.
“They should like that very much, they’ve been asking for you.”
“What are their names?”
“Dahlia and Visera.” Aegon tells her, “it might be difficult for you to tell them apart at first.”
“Dahlia is a Strong name.” Y/N whispers.
“And Visera was named for Viserys. If we would’ve had a son, we might’ve named him-”
“Laenor.” She breathes, recalling the smile on Aegon’s face as they’d discussed it, over the prominent swell of her belly. Subsequently leading his kisses to trail lower…her cheeks heats up.
“Yes,” Aegon swallows. Mayhaps he is recalling the same conversation.
The twins are playing happily on the floor, with their maids when Y/N enters the room behind Aegon.
“Papa!” They race to him, waiting to be taken into his arms.
“Hello, my darlings.” He holds one in each arm, kissing their little silver heads.
The child on the left sees Y/N first, blinking at her twice, to be sure. “Mama.”
The little girl on the right follows her gaze. “Mama!”
Y/N reaches for them out of instinct, hugging them to her as they are transferred into her arms from Aegon’s. “My girls.”
Time passes, Aegon and Y/N have long since accepted she will never remember everything. What they share now is different, but wonderful, nonetheless.
Aegon and their children fill Y/N’s days with joy, though she still feels a bit guilty for the life she forgot.
She and her husband sneak out of their daughters’ rooms once they’ve found sleep. Walking back towards Y/N’s apartments with their arms linked.
Aegon bids her good night at the door, with a gentle kiss to her cheek.
“Stay,” Y/N insists, turning her face enough to catch his lips.
“What are you-” Aegon smiles against her mouth.
“It hurts to look at you and not touch you.” Y/N murmurs, reeling him back in and burying her hands in his hair. “If you mean what you say, and you will be happy with me even if I am different, I want to be happy with you.”
“It pleases me to hear you say this, my darling. But are you certain?”
“I want you in my bed, always,” Y/N whispers. “Or to lie with you in yours. To wake with you each morning and spend each night at your side. Though right now there is nothing I want more than your cock in me. Is that certain enough for you?”
Aegon chuckles into her mouth, “that’ll do it.” He pushes open the door, leading her deep into her rooms, until they reach her bed chamber. He unlaces her gown with practiced hands. “Gevie.”Beautiful.
She works him out of his robes, kissing the underside of his jaw. “Gevie.”
He smirks, moving her to the bed. Positioning her sweet head against the pillows, stroking wayward hair from her face. Taking a long moment to look upon her, their gazes locked. Aegon kisses the tip of her nose. “Let us see if you remember this, shall we?”
His lips trail down her neck, across her collarbones to her breasts. Licking and suckling at the entirety of them before bringing a sensitive peak into his mouth.
“Fuck,” Y/N holds him to her.
“Mmm,” he hums, in approval as her hips buck up against his. “Anything coming to mind?”
“I’m afraid not, husband.” Y/N whines as he pulls away, “you’ll need to keep going.”
“Of course,” Aegon latches happily to the opposite nipple, flicking the first between his fingers. Lower and lower his mouth goes, swirling her navel, skating over the skin of her sex.
Y/N nearly faints as he parts her with his thumbs, exposing her pearl to his starved tongue. “Oh!” Her memory of this particular act, does it no justice.
He sighs against her, as though he’s waited the whole of his life to be in this moment with her.
She does not know how to be loved that way, or to give such love in return. But she wants to learn.
Aegon coaxes her through one peak to the next, relishing her breathless giggles as she shoves at his head.
“Enough,” she covers her face with both hands, “enough.”
Aegon chuckles, pressing a feather light kiss to her cunt before retreating, back up to her face. Caging her head between his elbows, hovering over her. “Still nothing?”
“Not a thing, perhaps if you continue.” Y/N reaches between them, taking his cock in hand and stroking, lightly.
Aegon shakes his head, “of course.”
She positions him at her entrance, feeling him slide into her with ease. As though he belongs there. Her hands find his face, stroking his cheeks, reeling him in for sweet kisses or to pant against his mouth. Committing him to memory.
“I love you,” he says, pressing kisses to her fingers, “we’re going to make new memories together, you and I.”
“I love you.” The words fall from her lips, without hesitation. “I love you.”
“I have gone too long without your touch, I will not last.” He warns.
“That’s alright.” Y/N assures him, “I’m nearly there.” Still sensitive from his tongue.
It’s all he can do to hold off until he feels her walls pulse around him, “good girl.” He groans, emptying his spend.
Y/N nuzzles her nose against his. “Aegon?”
“Happy anniversary, my love.”
His eyes open wide, meeting her gaze. “You remember?
Y/N nods, feeling tears prickle at the back of her eyes. “I am so sorry, I’ve no idea how I could forget you…us, our daughters, this life together is the world to me.”
“It was not by choice.” He rests his forehead against hers. “If I ever sustain a head injury, I’ll expect you to court me in return.”
“Mayhaps I will court you now, just because.” Y/N wants nothing more than to shower him with affection. “That story you read to me was ours, how did you get it?”
“I wrote it.” Aegon tells her, “to share one day with our children and their children’s children, their children’s children after that.”
Taglist: @21-princess @ladyriverasafepace @oh-you-mean-me @niyahnotnia @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @donalesaa @cookiesnfeesh @barnes70stark
4K notes · View notes
marleyybluu · 1 year
Another Man's Treasure
Oscar Diaz x f!reader
Word count: 6.8k (I am so sorry lmao)
Warnings: 18+, shitty husband, smut, p in v, unprotected (but pls don't be this stupid), creampie, dirty talk, cheating (but is it really if your husband is an ass), flirting, fluff, love at first sight type shit, Spanish/English pet names (pretty lady, hermosa, cariño), limited use of y/n(I literally used it once) idk lmk if I missed any.
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(I only mention the first song but the other two are more for the… spicy scene😏)
The only escape from reality you had was the small moments of disassociation you had between the screaming of your children and the-
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
The shouting of your overgrown child of a husband playing his stupid games on his stupid PS5 that you wanted to set on fucking fire. This is not the life you pictured as a stay-at-home mom, yes the piles of dirty laundry were expected, and the mountainous dishes in the sink but you never predicted you'd be doing this alone. Your own mother stayed at home with you and your two brothers but your dad would still help her around the house so that she got the time to kick her feet up and relax.
You never got that.
You were living with this dark cloud over your head and deep regrets in your mind, why did you marry this man? You did think he was the love of your life, three years together before you got married proved your theory but never did you think it was going to end up like this. The amount of work you did was overwhelming, just one look at the number of toys on the floor made tears sting your eyes. You were tired, exhausted, drained and absolutely depleted.
If this was a job, you'd quit, you would take your children and quit. You wanted to so badly but the small hope of him changing clung to you like a piece of lint. You sighed holding your eleven-month-old on your hip while you made him a bottle, anything to keep him from wailing in your ears-- Jesus, half the time you couldn't hear.
Your eyes rolled, you loathed his voice at this point. "What?"
"Can you pass me a water bottle?"
"Get up and get it, I'm making Malakai a bottle."
He groaned. "For fuck sake, you're in the kitchen already."
Your nostrils flared, and your eye twitched. You wanted to cuss at him, shout at him until your voice box shattered but you kept whatever calm you had left and ignored him. A small hand landed on your nose and you smiled kissing the tiny palm. "I love you too bubba."
He flashed a little smile and your heart sobbed at the fact that your last baby was growing so fast, teeth already emerging from his gums when just months ago he didn't have any. You could never regret your three little creatures, you loved them dearly, so much so you were willing to put up with the man that helped you create them just so they could have a two-parent household but you didn't know how much longer you could take this.
Heavy footsteps trailed inside the kitchen, you could tell he was angry at the fact that he had to pause his little game just to grab some water. He looked over the sink, utterly disgusted by the site in front of him and instead of just keeping his mouth shut or for once volunteering to do them he decided to spit out a sentence that made you want to knock his head off with the glass bottle you were holding; "You need to wash the dishes."
Your blood was boiling, if life was a cartoon you'd have steam coming out of your ears. "Why don't you get off of the game and do them?" You bit.
He cracked open the bottle cap. "Hey, I'm the one that works all week, you just stay home and do nothing."
Nothing? NOTHING!?
That was it.
That was the tip of the iceberg.
Your shoulders dropped and he left the kitchen, there was that ringing in your ears again that came and went every time you zoned out. Ever since you got married you'd felt nothing but unappreciated by him, you quit your job to stay home with your children and not even a thank you, you made sure he had a good meal when he went to work and all you got in return was an "it was okay." And the disgustingly dirty dish tossed right in the sink you'd just emptied. You were at the end of your rope.
You held back your tears and lightly kissed your son on his head handing him his bottle and putting him on a beam bag so he could lay down and drink. You trotted upstairs to check in on your oldest twins who were in their room colouring and getting along for once. Then you headed to the bathroom locking the door behind you, your body sliding down to the floor, you curled up in a ball burying your head between your knees you let out a long and heavy sigh before your river of tears took over.
A cry session your body and mind were so used to. You wailed into the void, muffling your weeps so that your children wouldn't hear you and come asking what was wrong, a question you couldn't answer without them turning on their father and you didn't want to ruin that relationship they had with him.
You were just so tired.
As night fell you remained mute when it came to your husband, whatever he had to say you didn't respond to, you were just happy that it was Sunday and soon he'd be out of your face for a few hours.
With the kids all asleep you were in the kitchen on FaceTime with your older brother. "The kids are great, they're sleeping." You conversed.
"And how have you been?"
There was no hiding how you felt when it came to your siblings, you were the baby and the only girl so when you were hurt they knew and they'd do whatever they could to fix it. "I'm okay... I'll be okay." You reassured. He was the only one who knew some small details about what you were going through and you begged him not to say anything not even to your mother until you figured out how to deal with everything yourself.
"Hey, listen, Jordyn is going on vacation next week, she's hitting Fiji, and I think you should go with her."
You squinched up your face, you didn't have a problem with your brother's wife, always so thankful for the sister you never got but what about your kids? Could you even trust that man to take over your duties even for a day?
As if he read your mind he continued. "I mean it'll be summer break next week, and they can stay by me if you want. I just, I really think you need time away from life. I want to see my little sister happy."
You pouted, it really touched your heart how concerned he was. A vacation would be wonderful, it was all you could dream of after the kids were born, you loved them but you just wanted to be by yourself.
"I'll think about it."
"Well, don't think too hard." He joked. "Whatever. I gotta get their lunches together, I'll call you when I make my decision."
"Sounds good, night."
The call ended and you finished packing the twins' lunch placing the bags on the only empty spot on the counter. You huffed at the dishes and your husband's words replayed in your head. Nothing. You do absolutely nothing.
The longer you stared a vengeful plan began to brew. You were about to show him what doing nothing meant.
You decided you were going on that trip, Jordyn was excited and your brother was happy with your choice. The week flew by quickly, you kept up your normal appearance of keeping the house clean and to your husband's liking and by each day you grew more distant from him not like he cared in the first place.
On the last day of school you explained to the twins that you were taking a trip with Aunty Jordyn and they, unfortunately, couldn't come but they'd be staying with their uncle and they'd loved that man to death so they were excited either way. Your house was a mess and for once you smiled at it, you'd been letting everything pile up for the last two days, packing the clean clothes they did have in advance. The only explanation you gave your husband was that they were all staying by your brother for the week but you didn't mention that you weren't coming back.
You were leaving tonight and there would be no stopping you. You loaded the van with their stuff and yours and hollered for them to get their little butts in the car. "Last one in the car has stinky feet!" You laughed at the building volume of stomping feet coming across the hall and down the stairs, your twins were out and your youngest sat on your hip giggling at their antics. You happily wrote a short note.
That's it.
You showered your baby in kisses and grabbed your keys before heading out the door, you locked it and made your way to the car, buckling in your baby and making sure the other two were in securely. You closed the door and first time in a long time you felt a weight off your shoulders, you smiled in satisfaction at how you left the house knowing you were not going to answer a single phone call from that man.
Jordyn squealed. "Ugh! I am so excited I don't even know what to do with myself!" You laughed at her enthusiasm as you put your hair up in a ponytail. It was day 2 of your trip and you were living life, you couldn't remember the last time you felt this relaxed. Now, of course, you missed your children it'd been the longest you'd ever been apart from them so you were a bit clingy with the calls but it was all understandable.
You two were hitting the beach today and you were a bit nervous, nobody had seen your body in almost a year not even your husband but Jordyn had persuaded you to find your behind in a two-piece bikini and you argued that you'd wear it as long as you could wear a cover-up so it was a deal. You looked yourself over in the mirror, you felt oddly confident. You looked fucking good. Three kids did your body right.
"You sure you want that cover-up?" She teased watching you admire yourself. "Hmm," You angled your lower half so you could check out your bum, how plump it had become over the years. "Maybe not."
She winked. "That's my girl."
You two grabbed what you needed and headed down to the beach which was right in front of the hotel you were staying at. The slight wind brushed against the water sending a cool and comforting breeze your way, your ears wiggled at the sound of the waves, and the giggles of other vacationers enjoying their time like you were.
The cushiony sand had greeted your toes after overflowing onto your sandals. You two travelled until you found a decent spot, it was close to the bar and the body of water. You set up your area as best as you could but you were in a battle with the beach umbrella Jordyn insisted on bringing. She watched with her hand covering her mouth to camouflage her laughter. "Okay, you know what, I'll handle this and you go handle us some drinks."
You childishly stuck out your tongue and strutted your way over to the bar, you hopped on an available stool. The bartender noticed you asking for you to just give him a minute. "No worries." You responded. You went on your phone and checked the many pictures your brother sent of your children, you smiled and a bit of sadness tugged at your heart. You missed your babies dearly.
The number of messages went up and it could only be one person. You promised you wouldn't look but you just had to, you swiped and tapped on your husband's name.
Where the fuck are you!?
The house is a fucking mess!
I'm not cleaning up, I hope you know that.
Baby, come on, we can work this out. Please.
You scoffed at the last message and put your phone down casually being greeted by the bartender who watched your various emotions while you went through your phone. "Everything's okay?"
Oh. Wow.
He presented a sweet smile, your eyes slightly widening at the sight in front of you. He was handsome, scratch that, he was fine as fuck. The shaved head didn't usually work on a lot of men but it did him justice, the scattered tattoos on his pretty and tanned skin, his broad shoulders that looked like they were made for legs to be hooked on and not to mention his big arms that looked like they could hold you snug and tight all through the night.
"Uh, yeah, everything's... everything is good." You stammered, a queasy feeling crept through you as it settled in your lower stomach. Butterflies? But you couldn't even remember what that felt like in order to come to that conclusion.
"Good to know. What can I get you, ma?"
You shuddered at his voice. He could talk to you all day.
"One Long Island, and one Piña Colada please."
He nodded. "Starting off slow I see." He chuckled. "Eh, we're on vacation, gotta soak it all up before we go back."
"I see," He multitasked making your drinks and conversing. "And when does the pretty lady go back?"
You blushed, should you even tell this literal stranger when you're actually leaving? But he felt... comfortable, easy to talk to and it's not like you'd ever see him again. "End of the week."
"Oh, you have plenty of time to get shit-faced." He encouraged. He'd finished your order and placed the liquored-down drinks in front of you. "Don't worry about paying yeah? It's on the house. Enjoy your vacation pretty lady."
"Y/n... you could just call me Y/n."
Not like you wanted him to, pretty lady was working just fine
"Nice to meet you. Oscar... Diaz." He winked. "Thanks, for the drinks."
"Anytime, pretty lady."
Your legs felt wonky as you walked away, and your breathing quickened. You did your best to walk back to Jordyn without looking back, if you did you were pretty sure you'd fall, just clumsy as fuck. "Girl, that man was watching you walk away." She whispered. "Stop." You poked, shoving her drink toward her. "Oh please, his eyes were on you." Jordyn gazed over to the bar, "He's still staring."
You casually whipped your head around and sucked your teeth when you noticed he wasn't. You glared at her. She snickered taking a sip from her Long Island. "Makes good drinks too."
You sighed, "Shut up."
The topic was silenced, you downed a few more drinks but sent Jordyn to get them instead while you swam around in the cooling water, floating around enjoying the peace the water brought you. But you couldn't help but occasionally look over to the bar. Oscar Diaz... nice name. Nice face. Cute little moustache that sat above his lips and a goatee that sat below. Pretty rosy pink lips...
Your eyes darted away. You're married.
Are you though?
You swam back up to the beach, it was beginning to get dark and the patrons on the beach became scarce. You wrapped yourself in a towel and collected anything Jordyn hadn't packed up yet. "You want one more drink before they close up? Maybe your new friend will allow it." She teased. You took off your flip-flop and threw it at her but your reaction only made her laugh.
A familiar voice was heard behind you. "So she's beautiful and she's got good aim, better watch out." 
You quietly gasped. "Hi... Oscar."
"Hey, uhm, listen I own a club not too far from here and you know it's a decent hangout for the locals... and the visitors." He winked. "Wanted to know if you two would like to come check it out?"
You fought back a smile. "We could try." You answer without even thinking. "I'll take that," He reached into his pocket handing you a folded piece of paper, you assumed had the address of the place he owned. Your fingers brushed against his, prickles felt like they were forming on your skin and those weird feelings returned in your lower stomach.
He sent you another wink and headed back off to the bar to close up.
Of course, Jordyn was down to go. You groaned internally as you two pulled up to a crowded place, looking up at the illuminated sign reading Cloud 9. Hmm, cute. You pulled down your dress as it rose up with each step, your heels clicking against the cold ground, the music booming so loud you could feel your body vibrating the closer you got to the entrance, flashing lights of different colours beamed through the door every time it opened blinding whoever entered. "Where's your friend?" Jordyn asked. "Have patience, I just told him we got here."
"Mhm." She sassed. Your heart thumped in your ears, it pounded against your chest. What were you doing? It was a question you asked yourself from the moment you got back to your room and began to get ready for tonight. You shook off your thoughts and shifted your eyes over to a black door that slowly began to open. "Hey, over here." Oscar waved you two over and you followed. "What's going on, pretty lady?... And pretty lady's friend."
Jordyn nodded at him as a silent greeting, she was just here to observe your anxious behaviour for her entertainment. "Come on," You followed him through a dimly lit hallway and up a flight of stairs, your nerves building and sudden regret forming in your bones until you entered a brighter atmosphere, the loud music returning to your eardrums. He had led you two to a section that only had a few people, you could assume it was the VIP section.
"Anything you two want to drink just let me know and I got you."
Jordyn raised her eyebrows at the tempting bottle of unopened champagne sitting in a bucket of ice. Oscar chuckled granting her permission to open it, she shimmied her shoulders in excitement and got to work. You shook your head at her, you travelled over to the balcony and looks down at all the patrons having the time of their lives, a few familiar faces from the resort and others that weren't recognizable which you could only assume were locals.
Oscar found his place beside you and nudged your shoulder with his. "You want anything to drink?"
"No, not yet, I'm good."
He slowly nodded. "So, what are you doing in Fiji? Besides vacationing."
You huffed, "I just needed time to myself... to get away from shit."
"I hear that." You could just feel those sweet and curious brown eyes boring into the side of your head, you poked the inside of your cheek with your tongue and looked down at your shoes, just anything to not make eye contact with him. You were shy, you were never shy not even with your husband when you first met him. It's like this was a new feeling, you were queasy and nervous and it honestly felt good in a weird way-- it felt good to not be comfortable, to get all flustered over someone like a schoolgirl crush.
"You really own this place?"
He scrunched up his face. "Half own, I guess. My brother and I came here for an escape just like you and we ended up staying. Now, we own Cloud Nine and I work down at the resort once in a while."
"Oh, you're a busy man."
"I try to be." Oscar chuckled. He was so easy to talk to, why was he so easy to talk to?
You found yourself moving a bit closer. "What were you trying to escape from?"
"Life. I wasn't happy where I was living and I wanted better but... given the circumstances, we just couldn't get it. So I threw a dart on a map, so to speak, it landed on Fiji and we've been here ever since."
"Where are you from then?"
"Originally born in Mexico, we moved to LA, and then out here."
"Would you ever go back to the States?" You asked finally looking up at him knowing he hadn't taken his eyes off you all night. He leaned forward, officially entering your bubble. "If I had a good enough reason... yeah."
You looked up at him through your lashes and softly smiled, meanwhile, Jordyn sat on the couch sipping and shaking her head at the sight in front of her. She would playfully scold you in the morning but tonight she'd let you have your harmless fun.
As the party went on you were getting a bit bored being upstairs so you grabbed your girl and headed downstairs to where the crowd was and of course Oscar was right behind you, he felt a sense of protection over you two tonight given this was your first time out here and inside his establishment. You had found enough confidence to start dancing around, a little two-step from left to right to get you going, but soon the constant flow of drinks Jordyn handed you helped you loosen out of that as well.
The DJ was beginning to play all the oldies, and that was your specialty. Oscar watched in adornment as you killed every lyric, every adlib and every beat to whichever song came on. It had transitioned from a bit of Hip-hop to something a lot slower.
  "Right now, we're gonna slow it down a bit, so grab your lovers and take your time."
The lights changed to blue and a recognizable first note had you close your eyes.
Mmm ooooh, my my my my my my my babyyy ouuuuuu
Jordyn had already found herself dancing with a random woman. She looked widened her eyes at you and quickly flicked them over to Oscar, trying her best to encourage you to make your move. But he was faster. You felt yourself being pulled into his warm embrace, his strong chest against your exposed back, his hands carefully snaking around your waist as if he was worried about you rejecting his touch but you gladly welcomed it.
Melting into his hold you two swayed side to side, he leaned down comfortably nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. You were lost in the vibes of Keith Sweat's Right and a Wrong Way. You reached back hooking your arm around his neck lightly scratching his scalp with your nails. "You smell so good, mamita." He whispered, it was a miracle that you heard him. Your lips parted slightly as you felt his warm breath tickle your skin. His swift hands ran up your sides resting right under your breasts and gliding back down to your hips.
A thumping began between your thighs, now that was something you hadn't felt in a long time. You put that feeling to the side no matter how hard it was to do so. The rest of the night it felt like all the songs were targeted for just you two, you hadn't eased up on him once-- always in close proximity to him. He touched you in simple ways, ways you hadn't been touched in almost a year.
It was getting super late, almost three in the morning and you couldn't recall the last time you were out like this, it'd give you hell when you woke up but it was worth it. You and Jordyn rode back to the resort with Oscar, she exited the car first thanking him for the night out and wobbling her way inside. You giggled watching her walk away, "I should get in there before she tries the key on the wrong room."
But you didn't want to leave him.
And he didn't want to leave you.
"Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun."
"No problem, anything to help a pretty lady escape." He bit his lip. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"
"Recovering," You laughed, "But other than that nothing."
"Can I see you again?"
You gulped and nodded. "Mhm."
He laid out his palm your eyebrows furrowed as you rested yours on top of his, he brought the back of your hand to his lips and placed such a gentle kiss on your skin. "Goodnight, mamita."
You wanted to scream. You left the car putting a little swing in your hips as you walked away, you looked over your shoulder and sent him a cute little wave before disappearing behind the doors.
— —
And that's how you spent the rest of your trip, shamelessly flirting with Oscar. You got to know each other a lot more, when you weren't spending time with Jordyn you were with him. Giggling like an airhead and blushing red like Rudolph's nose.
Jordyn constantly teases you about the crush you'd seem to quickly develop.
"Is this stupid?" You ask shoving your face in the pillow. This all felt too good to be fucking true, a guy that you met only four days ago was treating you so much better than the man you married four years ago. Oscar had flowers for you at the front desk of the resort every morning and sent you the sweetest messages throughout the day about how he was thinking of you, how he caught a glimpse of you today and you looked stunning, calling you the prettiest woman he'd ever seen step on this island.
You convinced yourself they were all lies, sugarcoating you like he probably did every woman but who were you fooling? Certainly not yourself and certainly not Jordyn.
"It's not."
"I'm married." You argued tiredly to which she fake yawned. "I don't see a ring on that finger and I don't see that man treating you any better than Oscar has. Just saying."
The fingers on your right hand brushed your vacant ring finger, you'd taken it off the minute you got on the plane, you didn't want to be reminded of him on this trip at all and yet there was that piece in the back of your mind that reached out to him. Checking his messages once in a while but never responding, he was giving you the attention you wanted but it didn't feel right.
The fact that you had to spontaneously leave to get even a fraction of what you were asking for was bullshit. Downright bullshit.
You groaned sitting up the pads of your fingers now rubbing your temples, tired and stressed. The trip was almost over and you dreaded going back to that house that was no longer a home. He'd sent you pictures that he'd finally cleaned up but you had a feeling once you returned home things would go back to the way they were and you did not want that.
"I think your brother would agree with me, you've smiled more in these past few days than I've seen back home, I mean you two are always so distant when you come over. And don't think I don't hear your rants when you and your brother are on the phone. Now I don't condone cheating but, hey, I didn't see shit."
You sighed checking your phone for any recent texts from your husband but Jordyn caught wind of what you were doing and snatched your device. "Enough with him. Flirt and have fun before you have to go back to normalcy."
You heard your phone buzz in her hand, she looked at the message for you. "Speaking of, someone is downstairs."
You felt nauseous. "Where are you two going anyway?"
"Down to the beach, said he has to restock the bar... and I wanted to spend time with him so I offered to help."
"Mhm." She winked. You grabbed your phone back from her grasp and told her you'd be back soon. You left your room, entered the elevator and headed downstairs where Oscar was happily waiting for you. "Hola querida." He become more comfortable speaking Spanish around you, especially when he noticed how the little nicknames got a reaction out of you.
"Hi," Oscar noticed the shaky tone in your response and made note of it You had comfortably slipped your hand inside his, he immediately hooked his fingers in the spaces of yours. Like he was your puzzle piece.
You two headed down to the decent-sized Hut, your eyes widened at the number of boxes sitting on the sand. "Don't worry, I got the heavy bottles, you just get the small ones." He reassured pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You loved those, so innocent and sweet, although you wish sometimes he'd kiss you on your lips or you had to courage to kiss his. "Think I can't handle the big boxes?" You scoffed walking inside after him.
"I think you can, I just don't think my pretty lady needs to."
My pretty lady.
With music playing in the background you two got to work, "Do you still think about running your own restaurant?" You asked sparking a conversation, you squatted down to the lower shelves and propped the glass bottles in an organized fashion, eyes tearing through the material of your sundress and you could feel them. "I do, yeah. Why?"
You bit your lip. "Would it still be down here?"
There was a beat of silence. "Most likely."
Another pause in the moment aside from your soft humming to the music. "You excited to see your kids?" He asked. You smiled at the mere thought of them. "I am. My three little headaches." Oscar found himself next to you, leaning against the counter, you stopped your movements and looked up-- he had one arm folded over the other and a bit of a scowl on his face.
"What?" You innocently question standing up to match his eye line, well more-like chest line. "Nothing, just trying to take my time to remember this face." He reached for your cheek, his fingers ghosting your flesh. "You flirt like this with all the girls here?"
A question that was supposed to come out jokingly but you were a bit serious. "Nah," You squinted at him watching his lips press together, his chest stuttering as he held back a laugh. "You asshole, I knew it." A dramatic hand to your heart as you playfully pouted at him and fake cried. Oscar's arms enveloped you in their warmth, you attempted to push him off but it was no use, your feet suddenly off the ground, you squealed and giggled as he switched positions with you plopping you on top of the counter.
He placed his palms flat on the side of your thighs while he was positioned comfortably between them. "To be fair, hermosa, it is kind of my job. But believe me when I say I've never spent any time with them. And I've definitely never brought them back here after hours." His thumb and pointer finger pinching your chin. "Just you, princesa."
You melted, your whole body could be seen physically slumping in his hold. His eyes sparkled while he looked at you, the crinkles in his eyes appearing as he smirked. Before you could comprehend anything his lips brushed yours, your head suddenly becoming foggy with the inappropriate images of him that you'd conjured up these past few days.
His nimble fingers danced along the hem of your dress, a rush of heat passing over you as he hiked it up further exposing more of your flesh.
This was no longer a want... it was a need.
Your hands landed right under his jaw as you pulled him in crashing your lips onto his and he happily reciprocated your energy, his hands wandered up to your hips tugging you closer to him as if it were possible. Your lips moved as one, tongues passing by in the heat of the moment, the only thing on your mind was him and you wanted it to remain so for as long as possible.
Tingles scattered around your body, both of you flushed with lust and arousal. Your hands travelled to the bottom of his shirt quietly begging for him to take it off, you needed to feel his skin, thankfully he got the message-- pulling away for a brief moment to remove his top. Your eyes glazed over his lightly tanned skin, little scars here and there you can only presume he earned before he got here.
You smiled at the strewed ink on his torso, chest and ribs. "What are you thinking about?" He inquired. You looked back up into his brown iris'. "I wish I had met you first." You mumbled drawing him back down, this kiss was a lot more passionate and slow unlike the first.
Oscar's hands gently tugged at the neckline of your dress, your breasts spilling over and his calloused hands finding them. You softly moaned against his lips, your nipples hardening from the cool breeze and his fondling. He pinched and rolled them between his fingers, your head tipped back and his teeth nipped at the column of your neck.
You were forming a small pool in your panties at his teasing. His tongue grazed your neck continuously licking and sucking a specific spot that was getting a squirming reaction out of you. You felt his devilish smile, he knew what he was doing to you and he liked it.
His hands moved from torturing your swollen breasts back down to your thighs shoving your dress up until your little black panties were on display. You sat on the edge of the counter making it a bit easier for him to remove them, the cool air hitting your soaking slit.
"Touch me, please, touch me." You whined not caring about how desperate and needy you sounded. Oscar listened to your pleas and dipped one hand between your legs, his fingers quickly finding your slick folds. You shuddered as he glided two fingers up and down, dipping them inside you once in a while.
You were soaking, you were throbbing, and you just wanted him inside you where he fucking belonged. He slowly plunged his fingers inside, you clench around them happy to have something pleasuring you. Your eyes are closed and your legs spread further for him, nails digging into his shoulder blade hopefully leaving little indents.
He pumped them in and out of you with the squidgy noise of your wetness to follow. "Yes... oh yes, like that."
Oscar felt himself twitch under his boxers using his other hand to undo his belt and pulled down his materials. His dick is hard and his tip a rosy pink turning cherry red oozing with a bit of cream, his hips buckled once his hand brushed over it-- equally as desperate as you were. Your erotic moans were like music to his ears, so much sexier than he could've pictured. You whined once he removed them your hole flexing around nothing as you caught your breath.
Oscar hooked your legs over his arms spreading you to his desire, you reached between your bodies firmly (but not too tight) grasping his length and guiding it to your entrance, his swollen head prodding inside you as the rest of him followed.
Your jaw slacked at the feeling of him deliciously stretching you out, he was so thick and it felt so nice. Oscar croaked out a moan while burying himself deep inside your warmth-- coating his dick with your sticky walls, so slick and welcoming that he didn't want to move.
You caressed the back of his neck as he pressed another kiss on yours, trailing it up the side and finally landing on your mouth. You giggled into the kiss, Oscar pulled back with a questioning look. "I can't tell the last time I felt like this." You mumbled under your breath but he heard you. He didn't want you to leave, hell if you didn't have kids he'd probably try to convince you to move out here with him.
He didn't say anything in response just pulled out and pushed back in. "Fuck." You both moaned.
His head dipped back down, nibbling on your sweet skin.
You whimpered through every tantalizing stroke he gave you, his tip poking right at your hot spot and you knew you wouldn't last. "You feel so good!" A sentence broken by little gasps. Oscar grunted, violently gripping your thighs as he pounded you, pulling the filthiest sounds from your pretty little throat. So loud and erotic he was sure they could hear you back at the resort.
Your eyes squeeze in absolute bliss, your head hazy from the constant pleasure you received, quickly feeling a sensation in your lower belly a wave of heat threatening to take over. Your palm lay flat on his back while the other gripped the edge of the counter.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Oscar!"
He lifted you off the counter a bit, relentlessly slamming into you now. Your high getting closer and closer. "I can, shit, I can feel you mamita. So fucking tight."
Your toes curled and your eyes rolled. "Baby, ohhh, I need to..."
Oscar smiled. "You wanna cum for me, baby? Come, mi amor, all of it."
His words tipped you off the edge, your back arched and your body trembled from the shockwaves of your orgasm, he held you closely revelling in your pulsating pussy dripping down his shaft.
He quickly brought you off the countertop, your wobbly legs barely holding your support. He turned you around, you barely recovered from the first position.
You were sensitive and extra wet just how he wanted you. You flinched when he pressed himself against your entrance once again, pushing in ever so carefully. "Fuck... you."
He laughed menacingly, his hands squeezing your hips. "That's what I'm doin' pretty lady."
You wanted to give him a smart-ass answer but it was cut short when he began to move. Your nipples were hard against the surface, you rested your head down and whined. "So fucking good."
"Yeah?" He chuckled spanking you. He was enjoying the pornographic sounds that you provided, all going straight to his dick.
He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you up against him, back pressed on his chest, his warm breath in your ear. "Can't get enough of you I swear." He admitted.
He poked and prodded against that familiar spot, tears of overwhelming pleasure threatening to spill when he pinched your nipple. "Fuck! I'm gonna miss you, so fucking much."
"You gonna think about me?"
"Yes! Oh!"
You felt him twitch inside you, you smiled egging him on. "I won't stop thinking about you, when I touch myself I'll picture it's you-"
"Fuck, cariño,"
"Ou, you're the only one I want inside me."
You convulsed around him feeling another orgasm quickly building and getting ready to fall apart. A few more thrusts and Oscar held himself still inside you, your body shivering at the warm cream he just spilled inside you. His high triggering yours. You reached behind hooking your arm around his now sweaty neck.
The sound of the wind against the water and the waves crashing describe exactly how you felt right now.
"Oh... my god." You said breathlessly.
"You're okay?" He asked with a laugh. You giggled tipping your head back on to his shoulder. "Better than okay."
He sighed kissing your back. "I meant it..." You said.
"I'm gonna miss you."
He smiled sheepishly. "I'll miss you too."
Those moments replayed in your head constantly, it was the only thing getting you by once you came back home. You two still talked every day, called and FaceTimed but it wasn't enough. You would stare at the prices of tickets and sigh, you couldn't afford to go back right now.
Your life was the same, unloved and unappreciated, despite the embarrassingly desperate messages your husband had sent when you were on your trip. You stared at another pile of dishes, your shoulder sinking with exhaustion. With your two older ones at school and your son almost an hour into his nap you decided to just relax. You clicked on Netflix and attempted to finish Bridgerton's, Queen Charlotte.
Your eyelids felt heavy, sleep threatened to take over but the doorbell had them shoot open. It wasn't just one ring it was multiple and it was annoying so you assumed it was your brother. You groaned trudging to the door. You swung it open aggressively, ready to give him a piece of your mind. "You're going to wake-"
There he was. Standing in front of you, on your doorstep... at your house. "O-Oscar..." You poked his chest to see if he was really there. "Said I'd come back when I have a good reason." Your eyes softened, your arms reaching for him. His lips immediately find yours. "I," kiss, "fucking," kiss "missed you."
Your legs wrapped around his waist as he stepped inside closing the door. He carried you over to the couch and plopped you on the cushions. You laughed, your mood immediately changing with him around. "Jordyn told you where I lived didn't she?"
He nodded. You rolled your eyes. "Of course."
"Not happy to see me?"
You pulled him down for another kiss.
"Beyond happy."
I was going to wait until the weekend to post this but I am a little too excited to get this out.
Shoutout to my girl @darqchilddaydreamz for her input on a few things and her encouragement. Holdin it down ✊🏾
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Alsooooo thank you for 800 followers, yall cool as fuck thanks for fucking with me and my antics.
Peace and love see you in the next one✌🏾
🏷: @darqchilddaydreamz @skyesthebomb @realhotgurlshit
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1000roughdrafts · 5 months
If You're Gonna Lie...
Summary: Y/N and Dean have been seeing each other for quite a while, but when Dean keeps disappearing on Y/N, it leaves her confused on where they stand. Dean, not wanting to give away his secret line of work, continues to lie to Y/N about why he keeps showing up late. When she confronts him, will he continue to lie or will he tell her the truth?
A/N: This is a fic inspired by the song If You're Gonna Lie by Fletcher
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: mild language, alcohol mentioned, implied infidelity, sex mentioned, slight angst, relationship conflict
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Y/N's eyes stare blankly at the lipstick stained wine glass on the table in front of her. In the pit of her stomach brews regret and shame that she had spent all damn day preparing dinner and picking out a wine for Dean's seven o'clock arrival. Now at ten she sits alone with untouched plates and an empty bottle of wine.
The ticking of the clock mocks her, reminding her of the little voice inside of her that screamed not to trust him. Tightening her lips, she licks them, collecting the final drops of wine that replace the red lipstick she had been wearing. Her body buzzes in a Merlot induced high so she places her hand on the table to steady herself as she stands. She collects the plates and glasses slowly, fighting the urge to shatter them across the floor. 
Her nose crinkles as she scrapes the cold food into the trash aggressively with her fork. She sets the dishes into the dishwasher and starts it before swaying over to sit on the couch. Pulling out her phone she types a message about not appreciating being stood up for the fourth fucking time, but she deletes it and swipes down to click on the location icon.
She scoffs with a smile of disbelief, "oh, great! A motel near the strip club!" Y/N chucks her phone at the carpet before bringing her hands up to her face as soft sobs rock her body. She feels herself sinking more and more into the leather couch as she cries, and she must've dozed off at some point because she's jolted awake by a knock on the door.
The pounding of her heart is all she can hear as she quickly wipes her face. She's slow to bring herself to her feet, and once she does she glances at the clock. She groans. Midnight. Great. She thinks, rolling her eyes.
There's another knock, more anxious and loud now. "Hold on!" she shouts, using the furniture to keep her steady as she walks towards the banging.
Her head falls back against her neck when she sees Dean through the peephole. She lets out a soft, quiet breath and brings her head back up, resting her forehead in her hand. Her eyes close tight and she debates whether or not to let him in. He knocks again, more aggressively now.
She growls, shaking her hands out next to her. Suddenly, her ears ring and she swears she could even hear the buzzing of the lights above her. She takes another deep breath as she slowly unlocks the chain. She moves down to unlock the door, and then rests her hand on the door knob for a moment.
With a hand on her hip, she whips the door open and tries to make it very clear to Dean that she's pissed, but damnit she'd be lying if she said she wasn't excited to see him.
"Y/N! Thank you, I am so sorry!" he says, holding up his hands. There’s a slight bend to his knees as if to make him appear smaller. His eyebrows furrow, enhancing the shallow wrinkles on his forehead. She knows he's just going to feed her another story, and she stopped believing them a while ago, but she'd rather hear his lies than to have to hear him say goodbye.
So she says nothing, but leaves the door open as she turns around to walk back to her living room. He rushes in after her, closing the door behind him. When she plops onto the couch, he drops next to her, hands on her knees as he faces her.
"Y/N, please let me explain," he pleads, and she shrugs for him to go ahead, "I was shooting the shit with the guys at this bar, and," he starts.
"Let me guess, 'time just slipped away from you', right?" Y/N scoffs, her cheeks and jaw tighten as she fights the tears that plead to be released.
His face relaxes, and he swallows hard before allowing his mouth to hang open slightly. "Yeah," he says softly.
"You know, Dean," she says, and he focuses intently on her face, lit partially by the TV. His eyes flutter between hers, the way the light glimmers in her eyes nearly distracts him from her words, "you're starting to get repetitive," she says, eyes trained to the floor.
His body tenses, and his lips form a flat line. "Yeah," he nods. "I know. And I’m sorry," he says.
There's a long pause between them as she collects her conflicted thoughts; on the one hand, better late than never but on the other, she knows he's lying and that kind of pain cuts deep.
"Are you?" she squeaks out before she can stop herself, eyes darting at him. "Cause you say you were out with friends, but I know you were with another girl."
"What are you talking about,Y/N?" he says, eyes squinting. “I’m only seeing you.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, heat filling her chest, "I checked your location, but good fucking try." She takes in a deep breath. "I don't wanna fight, Dean," she slurs, "can we just lay down?"
Dean pushes his hands onto his thighs to bring himself to his feet, looking down at her for a moment before holding his hand out to her.
"Come on," he says gingerly. When she places her hand in his, he helps her to her feet, "get your shoes on," he adds.
"What? Why?" she asks, wide eyes.
With raised eyebrows, he sighs, "because I wanna show you something."
Y/N sits in the passenger seat of Dean's Impala with her arms crossed for the entirety of their near silent drive. She watches the window fog as Dean slows to round the corner of the motel parking lot.
"This where you saw me? My location?" he asks.
Uncrossing her arms, Y/N winds around in the seat to look for the strip club, falling back in her seat when she spots it, "yup."
Turning off the engine, he rolls out of the car and jogs to her side to help her out. Dean guides her to the door and Y/N feels like her heart could jump out of her chest. She listens to the howl of the wind as he inserts the key. When he opens the door, she immediately sees a tall, dark haired man in the room. Confused, she looks over at Dean.
"This is my brother, Sam," he says quickly, placing a hand on the small of her back to guide her into the room. "And, uh," he closes the door behind him, quickly raising his eyebrows at Sam's perplexed expression. "We have a pretty… ridiculous job," he adds.
She squints one eye, "Yeah, I remember you telling me that, but you wouldn't tell me what the job is," she snaps.
"Yeah," Sam says, shutting his book with one hand, holding the other out with a finger pointed at his brother, "and for good reason.” Dean brushes him off with a wave of his hand. "Dean, what are you doing?" Sam forces a quick, curt smile at Y/N, and takes a few steps closer to him, "can I talk to you? Outside," he says through gritted teeth.
Dean turns the corners of his lips down and shakes his head. He couldn't bear to see Y/N as hurt as she was tonight, and knowing that it was because of him and his lies made him realize he needed to come clean. And if that meant she thought he was crazy and never wanted to see him again, well... at least she would finally have the truth.
Taking her hands in his, he guides her to the bed and gestures for her to sit. He glances over at Sam, who utters under his breath "this better be worth it." Dean shrugs before sitting on the bed across from her, ignoring its whine under his weight.
"Listen Y/N, the truth is that Sam and I are-" he stops, shaking his head as he looks down into his folded hands. The leaky faucet from the bathroom drips a few times before he carries on, "listen, this is gonna sound nuts, so I need you to just... just hear me out, please."
She nods, "okay..."
He lets out a shaky breath, "ghosts, demons, vampires... it's all real," he begins, watching her face carefully for any signs of disgust or fear, "and the short story is that Sam and I... we, uh... we hunt and kill them."
Y/N's silent for a while, not exactly sure how to take this so-called confession. As far as she's concerned it's yet another lie. She glances over at Sam and he looks down at the ground, his face scrunched in a frown.
"Is this true?" she asks Sam, and his eyes dart at Dean and then her.
He brings a hand to his mouth, sweeping it down and around his bottom lip. He sighs, throwing his hands out and sits on the bed next to Dean. "Yeah, 'fraid so," he says.
Turning her attention to Dean now, she says, "so... what, you drive around the country fighting bad guys with your brother like some fucking superhero and come into my town when you want... what, a good fuck or something?"
Dean scoots closer to Y/N, grabbing her hands in his, "no, no, no. It's nothing like that," he pauses, "I mean, we do drive around the country ‘fighting bad guys’, I guess but..." he stalls again, trying to find the right words.
"Well, what is it like, then? Because this feels like it’s either an elaborate way of trying to get rid of me, or you're trying to manipulate me into being okay with the way things have been so far. And I'm not. I need someone who's going to show up on time. Someone who won't lie to me."
"I swear to you, the lies are over," Dean pleads. "At least let me prove it to you."
"How? How're you gonna do that?" Y/N asks, arms crossed.
Dean glances at Sam, begging for his help with his eyes. Sam rolls his eyes, boots clacking against the hardwood floor as he walks over to grab the book he'd been reading.
He takes it to sit back down with Dean and Y/N. He flips the book around to show Y/N the page he was on, and his voice echoes in the room as he explains the monster they're hunting and how it's about an hour south of her town, but Dean wanted to stop by to see Y/N first.
Y/N's hesitant, but not willing to lose Dean, not yet, so she takes the chance. "You're not in the clear yet, Dean, but I'm tired and I just wanna go to bed. Can I sleep here and we'll figure the rest out in the morning?"
"Yeah, of course," he says, bringing himself to his feet, "uh, you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."
"No. If you're gonna lie, at least do it in the bed."
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warabidakihime · 1 year
A Love Discovered in the Darkest of Times
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Characters: Chuuya x Reader x Dazai
Synopsis: Sometimes, the love we seek has been right in front of us all along, waiting for us to see it clearly.
A/N: Don't mind me. I'm just taking advantage of the sudden surge of creativity and inspiration in my veins. :D
Also, I'm a sucker for happy endings.
Read the first part first here: Part 1: Love's Melancholy Farewell
Several months had passed since Chuuya and you parted ways, each carving out separate paths in their lives. Chuuya immersed himself in the demanding tasks assigned by the Port Mafia's leader, Mori Ougai, while you took the necessary time to heal. The initial three months proved to be the most challenging for you, with countless nights spent shedding tears and drowning sorrows in alcohol.
During one particularly difficult night, you found yourself succumbing to the temptation to reach out to Chuuya. In a drunken haze, you called him, offering apologies for the pain you caused and desperately pleading for another chance.
Chuuya was taken aback as he answered the phone, recognizing your voice on the other end. Her words were slurred, and the pain in her voice tugged at his heart. "Y/N? Is that you?" he asked, trying to maintain composure.
"Chuuya, I'm sorry," you slurred. "I'm so sorry for hurting you. I didn't mean to break your heart."
Chuuya's grip on the phone tightened. "It's alright, Y/N. We both needed time apart," he managed to say, though his heart conflicted.
"But I miss you so much," you continued. "I miss your smile, your laugh, and your touch. I miss everything about you."
Chuuya felt a pang in his heart. "Y/N, please don't do this. You're drunk, and you don't know what you're saying," he said, his voice breaking.
"No, Chuuya. I know exactly what I'm saying. I love you, Chuuya. I've always loved you," you confessed, sobbing.
Chuuya's heart skipped a beat. "Y/N, I..." he trailed off, uncertain.
"Please, Chuuya. Give me another chance. I promise I won't mess things up again. I love you so much," you pleaded.
Chuuya felt his resolve faltering. "Y/N, please... don't do this. We're not good for each other. You know that," he said, his voice laced with sorrow.
Your voice was slurred, clearly heavily intoxicated. "But Chuuya, I love you. I need you. Please," you begged.
Chuuya's throat tightened. "Y/N, you need to stop. You're drunk. Rest and take care of yourself," he pleaded, his voice breaking.
You were about to speak, but Chuuya couldn't bear it anymore. He hung up, tears streaming down his face as he cried for the love he couldn't have.
Chuuya buried his face in his hands, body shaking with sobs. He wanted to be with you, but he couldn't ignore the pain you had caused him. "Why did you have to call me now, Y/N? Why did you have to make me relive everything again?" he shouted to no one.
The room shook as Chuuya unintentionally activated his ability, unleashing his fury on the walls. "Damn it, Y/N! Why did you have to do this to me?!" he screamed, his voice hoarse and raw with emotion.
He collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down his face. "I want to be with her, but I can't forget everything she's done," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.
Chuuya spent the entire night engulfed in a tumult of emotions, the weight of your feelings too heavy to decipher. As he scrolled through his phone, images of you stared back at him, each one reopening wounds that refused to heal. Tears streamed down his face unchecked.
In a sudden surge of frustration, he hurled his phone across the room, watching it shatter against the unforgiving wall. "Damn it!" he yelled, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and despair. Rising to his feet, he kicked the wall repeatedly, his foot growing numb, and his knuckles bloodied.
"Why am I like this?" he asked, voice cracking. "Why can't I just let you go? Why do I still love you after everything you've done to me?" Another punch to the wall echoed his inner turmoil. Collapsing onto the floor once more, he succumbed to the waves of sorrow shaking his body.
Chuuya remained in that agonizing state, time slipping away unnoticed as misery and self-loathing consumed him. When he finally lifted his head, the gentle morning sunlight bathed his room. Sitting there on the floor, drained and helpless, his heart continued its feeble yearning for you.
Nearly a year had passed since you returned to Yokohama after an extended mission abroad that you had actively proposed. Despite the time away, the weight of your pain lingered. Training and casual encounters with strangers served as distractions, but nothing could erase the memory of your heartbreak.
Seated at the bar, nursing your drink, a guy sidled up beside you. His charming smile and engaging conversation about jobs and favorite movies drew you in. Laughter ensued, creating a momentary escape.
"Can I buy you another drink?" he asked, his hand brushing against yours.
A thrill surged through you at his touch. "Sure, why not?" you replied, your heart racing.
As the conversation deepened, so did the flirting. Leaning closer, your eyes locked in a heated gaze. A shiver of desire ran through you as his hand trailed up your arm.
"Let's go somewhere more private," he whispered, his lips hovering over yours.
You nodded, and they made their way to a hotel room. Once alone, you started to kiss. Initially, your thoughts drifted to Dazai, but soon, they veered to Chuuya. Tears streamed down your face, but you didn't stop. You needed this, a brief respite from the haunting memories.
Amid the continued intimacy, a sob escaped you. The guy pulled back, concerned. "Hey, are you okay?"
Taking a deep breath, you forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I'm just a little emotional right now."
Concern filled his eyes, but you leaned in and captured him for another round of searing kisses, it was your attempt to distract yourself. As you moved together, tears fell again, but you pressed on. Anything to feel something other than pain and heartbreak.
Afterward, lying on the bed, catching your breath, tears still streamed down your face. Hollow inside, the fleeting pleasure did nothing to ease the gnawing pain in your heart. As the guy left without a word, disappointment in yourself settled in.
You sat up, contemplating calling Chuuya, finger hovering over his number on the screen. Should you? Would he even want to talk after all this time? With a deep sigh, you placed the phone back on the bedside table, lying down again, the weight of your pain still heavy upon you.
The next morning, you left the hotel and headed down to the lobby. Surprise struck you when you saw Dazai there, talking to Kunikida. They were likely on a mission together. The air was knocked from your chest at the sight of the man who was once the love of your life. Initially, happiness flickered, but it soon dissipated, replaced by rage and hurt. Not ready for a confrontation, you tried to avoid them, but Dazai saw you and called out your name. Turning to face him, your heart raced with anger and fear.
"What do you want?" you snapped.
Dazai held up his hands in a placating gesture. "I just wanted to say hello. It's been a long time."
You scoffed. "Yeah, it has. And it's been even longer since you broke my heart and abandoned me."
Dazai sighed. "Can we talk somewhere else?"
After a few seconds, the detective managed to convince you, and you followed him to a quiet alleyway, your heart still racing with anger and fear. You knew this conversation was going to hurt, but you had to know the truth.
"So? What happened, Dazai?" you demanded. "Why did you leave me?"
Dazai looked pained as he spoke. "You know why, Y/N. After Odasaku died, I couldn't stay in the mafia anymore. I had to leave, and I couldn't take you with me. It wasn't safe."
"You could have at least told me," you said through gritted teeth. "You could have given me a choice."
"I didn't want to put you in danger," Dazai replied. "I thought the mafia was where you belonged."
A wave of anger washed over you. "How dare you decide what's best for me! You had no right to leave me like that!"
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Dazai said, his voice softening. "I never wanted to hurt you. But I had to do what I thought was best."
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "You don't get to decide what's best for me. I can take care of myself."
Dazai reached out to touch you, but you flinched away. "Y/N, please. I still care about you."
Turning away, your voice trembling, you said, "I don't want to hear it. You broke my heart, Dazai. And you left me with nothing."
Silence fell between you, and you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you were about to say next.
"Chuuya was there for me when you weren't," you said. "He understood me, and he accepted me. He loved me more than you ever did."
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes as memories of Chuuya flooded your mind. His unconditional love, constant support, and non-judgmental acceptance of your flaws came rushing back. You thought about the times he held you close, wiping away your tears, reassuring you that everything would be okay. Recollections of how he prioritized your needs over his own and willingly endured harm to protect you filled your thoughts.
As you spoke, tears streamed down your face—not just tears of pain or guilt but tears of realization. Finally understanding your true feelings, you admitted, "I am in love with Chuuya. I love him with all my heart, and I can't imagine a life without him. He loved me unconditionally, even when I pushed him away. And I am so stupid for doing so.”
The biggest realization hit you, "I love him more than anything in this world."
Silence hung between you and Dazai. Opening your eyes, you met his regretful gaze, but you no longer cared about his judgment. You now knew what you wanted, and nothing was going to stand in your way. With a determined look, you walked out of the dark alleyway, disregarding Dazai. Despite the hurt he caused, he silently wished you well, sending his most genuine good luck.
It wasn't much, considering the pain he inflicted, but it was better than nothing. He genuinely hoped for your happiness, even if it meant letting you go.
As you walked down the street, thoughts of Chuuya consumed your mind. Your finger hovered over his number on your phone screen, conflicting emotions rushing through you. Uncertain if you were ready to reach out after everything that happened, your heart raced at the thought of him. Stopping in your tracks, the overwhelming feeling inside you couldn't be contained. A silly grin spread across your face as thoughts of the redhead filled your mind, both scared and excited at the same time.
Several days had passed since your encounter with Dazai, and you couldn't shake Chuuya from your thoughts, despite your efforts to distract yourself. Hours were spent staring at your phone, contemplating whether to call him or not. Each time you picked it up, fear gripped you, preventing the call.
Days turned into weeks, and your anxiety and guilt intensified. The nagging feeling persisted—had you missed your chance with Chuuya? Was he now happy with someone else? You hesitated, not wanting to disrupt his life and complicate things after everything that unfolded between you.
Even as you tried to convince yourself it was for the best, your heart ached with longing and regret. You missed Chuuya's laughter, his smile, and his touch. The way he looked at you lingered in your mind, as if you were the most important person in the world.
One night, unable to sleep, you finally made a decision. You knew you had to talk to Chuuya, to express your feelings and apologize for everything and well, hope for the best.
You stood outside Chuuya's office at the Port Mafia headquarters, your hand poised to knock on the door. Each attempt to summon the courage ended in a retreat. An hour had passed, spent pacing in front of the building, trying to muster the nerve to face Chuuya.
The need to talk to him, to express your feelings and apologize, lingered in your mind. Yet, every attempt to knock on the door faltered as nerves took over, causing you to back out each time.
Footsteps approached from inside the building at one point, prompting panic. You ran to hide behind a nearby utility closet, waiting in anticipation. The minutes felt like ages, heart racing with fear. Eventually, the footsteps faded away, and you peeked out from behind the storage closet, relieved that you hadn't been caught.
You knew you couldn't keep stalling forever, but the fear remained insurmountable. All you could do was keep trying, hoping that eventually, the courage to face Chuuya would find its way to you.
Chuuya found himself deep within a rival organization's stronghold, on a mission assigned by Mori Ougai to gather vital intel. His stealthy entrance, owing to exceptional fighting skills and the gravity-manipulating ability, "For the Tainted Sorrow," went unnoticed. However, a moment of carelessness led to an ambush. Surrounded by heavily armed guards wielding weapons designed to counter ability users, Chuuya faced a formidable challenge.
Remaining composed, he knew he had to act swiftly. Focusing his energy, he activated his ability, shifting the gravity around him and catching the guards off balance. Seizing the opportunity, he engaged in a fierce battle, combining martial arts prowess with the manipulation of gravity.
The fight was intense, and despite his best efforts, Chuuya found himself outnumbered. Each blow he delivered drained his energy, but he refused to yield. The mission had to be completed.
Finally overcoming the last guard, Chuuya paid the price with severe injuries. His wounds bled profusely, and awareness of the urgency to escape gripped him. Stumbling out of the building, weakened by the ordeal, he collapsed on the ground.
Meanwhile, you received a message from Mori, urging you to assist Chuuya as reinforcements alongside a few mafia goons. Recognizing this as an opportunity to reunite with him without things becoming too awkward, you willingly accepted the orders. Arriving just in time, you witnessed Chuuya lying on the ground, barely conscious.
Without hesitation, you sprang into action, using your own abilities to repel the enemy. Yet, the opposition was overwhelming, and the fight grew increasingly fierce. Unaware of your presence, Chuuya fought valiantly for survival.
As the enemy closed in, you realized you had to get Chuuya to safety. Lifting him up, you began to carry him away, but the enemy was relentless. Surrounded on all sides, your situation became dire.
With no other option, you summoned your ability, unleashing a powerful wave of energy that pushed back their attackers. Running toward safety, Chuuya's grip on consciousness continued to slip. You, determined to save him, used all your strength to carry him towards the Port Mafia headquarters.
Finally, they arrived at their destination, and you handed Chuuya over to the medical team. Anxious, you watched as they worked tirelessly to save his life, utilizing their expertise to treat his severe injuries.
As you waited, your mind raced with worry and fear. Chuuya had never appeared so badly hurt, intensifying your concern for his life.
Sitting by Chuuya's side, you waited for him to wake up. Watching him sleep, you realized the depth of your feelings for him. It became clear that you couldn't conceal your emotions any longer. Even if he were to reject you, that was okay; expressing your most genuine feelings to the person you love was more important. Letting Chuuya know how you felt was more than enough for you.
Chuuya slowly opened his eyes, groaning in pain as he attempted to sit up. He winced, feeling the throbbing ache in his body. Surveying the room, he realized he was in a hospital at the Port Mafia headquarters. Memories of the mission flooded back, recalling how he was on the brink of death before someone saved him.
His eyes widened in shock as he noticed the sleeping figure by his bedside. Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed your injuries before. Staring at you, he did a double take to confirm that it was indeed you lying there.
You appeared peaceful in your sleep, but the bruises on your face and the bandages on your hands served as stark reminders of the danger you both faced. Guilt washed over Chuuya. He never liked seeing you hurt like this.
Continuing to gaze at you, a mix of emotions overwhelmed him. Gratitude for saving his life, worry for your injuries, and an indescribable feeling. Though aware of your skill as a fighter, seeing you injured highlighted your vulnerability.
Chuuya's eyes flickered to your face, and he couldn't resist reaching out to brush a strand of hair away from your forehead. His fingers lingered on your soft skin, and he let out a small sigh.
It had been so long since he had seen you, and he had missed you more than he could express. Yet, with you lying beside him, the reality of your situation and painful memories resurfaced.
A wave of conflicting emotions washed over him. He yearned for you, wanting nothing more than to hold you close and never let go. The thought of what might have been made his heart ache. Fear of change between you and the possibility that you had moved on or didn't feel the same way haunted him.
The fear of rejection and the prospect of getting hurt again made him hesitate. He wasn't sure if he was ready to face the pain of losing you once more.
As he ran his fingers through your hair, a tear slipped down Chuuya's cheek. He quickly wiped it away, not wanting to wake you, but the yearning in his chest lingered.
As you stirred from your sleep, Chuuya was already wide awake, watching you with a mix of surprise and confusion. Lost in thought, he heard your movements and observed as you quickly sat up, scanning the room before your eyes eventually landed on him.
"Chuuya!" you exclaimed, relief and concern evident in your voice. "Are you okay? How do you feel?"
Taken aback by your sudden shift in demeanor, from deep sleep to frantic concern for his well-being, Chuuya cleared his throat before responding.
"I'm fine, Y/N," he said, his voice a bit raspy. "Thanks to you."
Your eyes softened as you looked at him. "I'm glad you're okay," you said, your voice filled with sincerity.
Chuuya felt his heart race at 
the sight of you, the way your eyes searched his face for any signs of pain or discomfort. It had been so long since he had seen you, and he had almost forgotten how much your presence affected him.
"Y/N..." Chuuya started, but the words caught in his throat. He wasn't sure what to say or even how to say it.
You reached out and touched his hand, interrupting his thoughts. "What is it?" you asked, your gaze unwavering.
Chuuya took a deep breath before speaking. "It's just...been a while," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded slowly. "Yeah, it has," you said softly, your eyes downcast.
The palpable silence that followed weighed on them, and Chuuya could feel the burden of their past pressing down. Taking a deep breath, he tried to think of something to say.
"So, how have you been?" he asked, hoping to break the tension.
You looked up at him, and for a moment, Chuuya was lost in your eyes. He could see the pain and sadness there, but he also saw something else—something that gave him hope.
"I've been...okay, I guess," you said, shrugging slightly. "I've been on a few missions, but nothing too exciting."
Chuuya nodded, grateful for the small talk. He knew that they needed to address their past, but he also knew that they needed to ease into it.
"And...how about you?" you asked, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips.
Chuuya felt warmth spread through him at your question. He had been so focused on you that he had forgotten about himself.
"I've been busy," he said with a chuckle. "Work's been crazy, as usual. But I can't complain."
You nodded, and the two of you fell into an awkward silence once more.
"I saw Dazai a few days ago," you suddenly said, breaking the silence. Chuuya tensed up at your words, but tried to keep his composure.
"Oh?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Yeah," you continued. "I had a talk with him. I gave him a piece of my mind for leaving without a goodbye and how betrayed I felt. I even got angry for your sake."
Chuuya's heart skipped a beat at your last words. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, I was angry that he left you too. You deserved a proper goodbye from him," you said, looking at him with a sympathetic expression.
“I see…”
You took a deep breath and looked directly at the redhead, "Chuuya, I need to tell you something," you said, your voice shaking.
Chuuya nodded, his expression serious.
"I...I just want to say how sorry I am," you continued, your voice breaking. "I was such a stupid person for wasting your love like that. I didn't deserve it, and I took it for granted. I hurt you so much, and I regret it every single day."
Tears streamed down your face as you spoke, your words filled with genuine remorse. "You didn't deserve any of it–I'm so sorry for hurting you. I know I can never make it up to you, but I just want you to know that I'm truly sorry."
Your sobs grew louder as you spoke, your emotions getting the best of you. Chuuya could see the pain and regret in your eyes, and he felt his heart soften towards you.
He reached out and pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you close as you cried. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered, rubbing your back gently. "I forgive you, Y/N. I forgave you a long time ago."
Silence enveloped the room as your sobs gradually subsided. Chuuya's heart ached witnessing your tears, yet a glimmer of relief surfaced. Finally, the weight of unspoken thoughts was being addressed.
"Hey now, don't cry like a baby," Chuuya teased, attempting to lighten the mood. "Your face is as red as a tomato." He chuckled at your muttered response of "Shut up."
Oh, how he missed you.
As your sobs quieted, Chuuya continued to hold you, reluctant to let go. "It's okay," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm. "I'm here for you."
You looked up at him, your eyes still watery. "Do you really forgive me?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Chuuya nodded. "Of course I do," he replied, his gaze softening. "We're okay."
Your eyes widened in surprise and relief, a small smile breaking through. "Thank you, Chuuya," you said, your voice cracking. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm grateful for it."
Before he could stop himself, Chuuya leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "You don't have to deserve it," he murmured. "I'm giving it to you anyway."
You wiped away your tears, took a deep breath, and locked eyes with Chuuya. "I need to tell you something," you said, your voice hoarse from crying. "When I talked to Dazai, I realized something—something that I had been too blind to see before."
Chuuya's expression softened, and he reached out to take your hand. "What did you realize?" he asked gently.
"I realized that I love you, Chuuya," you declared, your voice filled with passion. "I love you more than anything in this world. But I was just too blind to see it, and I can't keep denying it anymore. I need you in my life, and I want to be with you."
Your confession left Chuuya in a state of disbelief. For so long, he poured his heart out to win your love, enduring the pain of your partial reciprocation and the near-fatal heartbreak caused by Dazai's presence. Now, you finally admitted your love for him.
Chuuya couldn't help but chuckle at your confession. "Took you long enough," he teased, a smile spreading across his face. "I mean, I'm way more attractive and charming than that idiot Dazai."
You pouted but later chuckled, your face flushed with happiness. "I know, I know," you replied, still wrapped up in his arms. "Better late than never, I guess?"
Chuuya scoffed playfully, "When you put it that way," he mumbled, his voice filled with mirth.
After a moment of silence, Chuuya gently took your hand in his and looked into your eyes. "Y/N," he said, his voice steady and sincere. "I need to hear you say it. I need to hear you tell me that you love me with all your heart. Can you say it again for me, please?"
You smiled softly and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his lips. "Chuuya," you said, your voice soft and affectionate. "I love you. I've loved you for so long, but I didn't realize it until now. You're the one I want to be with and the one I want to share my life with. I love you more than anything."
Chuuya felt his heart swell with love and happiness as he looked into your eyes. "I love you too, Y/N," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I always have, and I always will." You leaned in for another kiss, your love for each other filling the room.
As you lay in the hospital bed together, Chuuya and you exchanged soft whispers and gentle caresses. You had been through so much, but finally, you were together, your love stronger than ever before.
Looking at Chuuya, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over you. For the first time in your life, you knew you had found your true soulmate, the one person who completed you in every way.
And as you shared one last kiss before drifting off to sleep, you knew that no matter what the future held, you would face it together, your love as unbreakable as the bond that held you together.
Last part: Evermore in Your Arms
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you're so fucking welcome to cry in my bathroom. you hear me?
steal the spare key from under the doormat or the key under the shoe rack or the key in the flower vase or the kitchen drawer or my favorite candle-
or steal it right out of my pocket.
(what do you mean why do i have so many house keys? ask this house why it has so many ghosts and why they keep leaving me)
break in at 3 am and make yourself at home
cry in my doorway if you can't make it any further
I'll get out of bed and carry you up. we'll sit on the floor of my tiny dilapidated bath stall, going through the box of shitty make-up I never bought and try to laugh
or throw plastic potted plants out the window onto the rusty pile of baby bikes I never rode if you need to scream and watch something shatter. I'd trade a million styrofoam sunflowers for your laughter
or we'll just curl up in a tight ball and lay in the ancient tub, turn on the shower and weep and wail and sob and shout till we're floating in a salt water ocean
who cares if the tile floor's cold. I've got a dozen fluffy robes hooked on the door. We'll build a soft nest to crash on and a fort to protect us. we'll find the old paperbacks I hid in the the laundry basket and read till the sun rises and sets and explodes.
who cares about those stupid lumps of porcelain plastic. they're ugly and I never wanted them. I think I'd rather have you break them than the world break you.
who cares if the tub's a little rickety and the water's cold and the boiler's old and loud and slow and we'll get soaked to the bone.
I'll hold you till you stop crying. and then I'll hold you after. when you need to come back from where you left to. back to my senior citizen tub in my decrepit water closet in the house you're welcome to. back to me and all my goddamn keys for the same empty lock.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
You know I can anything I want right? because I can and I will leave you on yet another cliffhanger. Masterlist is linked here.
WARNINGS: Mentions of graphic domestic violence issues. Heavy and mature theme of domestic violence ahead. Do not read if you aren't comfortable reading about those issues. (Please also keep in mind this is not me glorifying abuse, but highlighting the long-term effects that domestic abuse can have on those directly exposed.)
It was meant to be a holiday to the California Coast, something to break the day in day out mundane routine of home. But you felt somewhat naive to believe that while on holidays things would be any different to what they were at home. If anything? Things were much much worse. On holiday on the California Coast was where your final straw was pulled. You had to escape, you had to leave because the signs were all there, written in bright red ink. You were fighting for your life now, for your daughter's life, no more games or tolerance. 
“You can cancel my bank cards, you can push me around, you can beat me black and blue but you will never win because I don't love you anymore!” You shouted as you stood on the opposite side of the king bed that Jaidyn did. Putting something between you so that he couldn't lungs at you. “The only mistake I ever made was staying this long, not speaking up and telling everyone the truth.” You knew threatening him wasn't the best idea, but you wanted him to know that at this moment you weren't afraid of him although deep down you were terrified. “I kept my mouth shut because I thought that's what a good partner did–I didn't want any of this to be true so I stayed silent–I kept quiet!” You chuckled softly to yourself in disbelief that this was your life, that you'd put up with this abuse for so long because you thought that this was love, that this was as good as you were going to get, that this was all you deserved. “I don't think you ever loved me, if you did you wouldn't treat me like a hostage! A slave that you can just take and take and take from!” 
“Shut the fuck up!” Jaiydn hissed as he tried to make his way to you only for you to step back and move around the bed. “Just you wait until I get my fucking hands on you your stupid bitch!” He spat, anger evident in his eyes as he balled his fist and pointed at you. “I’m gonna kill you–” Again, you just chuckled almost maniacally, shaking your head because it was now or never. 
“But not anymore, I am leaving! I am taking my child! I am walking out this goddamn door and I swear if you try to stop me I will scream and I won't stop screaming!” 
It didn't matter how much you screamed in the Air BnB, no one was coming to help you. Jaiydn had called your bluff and completely decimated you. He beat you black and blue until your ribs were broken and your eye socket was shattered. You screamed so loud you eventually lost your voice. That only made it easier for him to have his way with you–against your will because without a voice how do you say no? 
“One more sip for me darlin.’” He cooed as he tipped your chin up and poured the burning liquor down your throat. The bottle nearly empty as you laid bloodied, beaten and bruised between Jaidyns legs. “Good girl.” You swallowed, crying, a gentle sob escaped past your broken lips as you coughed at the sting of a drip running down your chin over lacerations. “See? Isn’t it just so easy to do as your fucking told instead of being a physotic cunt?”
Drunk, Jaidyn pushed you into a heap on the floor as he got up. Kicking you in your stomach one final time for good measure. Smirking at the sound you made. He loved the way you looked so helpless, all because of him. 
“I'm gonna go down the road to the casino with a few buddies of mine who are in the area.” He explained as you laid with your head spinning from the amount of alcohol you'd been forced to drink in such a small amount of time. “Might even bring some of the boys back for some fun too.” He threatened. “Since you wanna act like a fucking whore, ill hire you out like one.” 
When Bradley had seen the way you paused in your tracks like you’d walked right into an investable brick wall, he knew something was seriously wrong. Unclipping his seatbelt as quickly as he could before jumping out of the car. His imminent response was to grab your daughter. No question or hesitation about it. 
“Hey slugga–” Bradley cooed as he unclipped Odette from her carseat. She was in hysterics. “Shhh you’re alright bubba, hey, none of that.” Holding her to his chest trying to soothe her worries, Bradley shut the door once he knew Dot was okay and that she was safe in his strong arms. “You’re okay darling girl, I got you.” He’d do anything for her—without question. 
“Mamma–” Dot cried out as Bradley rounded the front of the car, coming to stand beside you but just a little in front. He wanted to be a barrier for whatever had frightened you. It didn't take Bradley long at all to figure out what was going on. He was privy to your ex’s sudden appearance in North Island and despite Jake's constant taunting about Braldleys intellectual capacity–he didn't need a degree in aerospace engineering to put two and two together. The man standing before you, the man who had hit Jake's car at the T-intersection, was Jaiydn Dolan. 
“Sugar Plum oh how i've missed you!” Jaidyn beamed as he stepped forwards and tried to reach out for his daughter who seemed to recoil at his gesture. Curling her little hands into the fabric of Bradleys shirt as she clung to him for dear life. Hiding her face in the space between his shoulder and chest, her tears still falling freely down her traumatised cheeks. 
“Reach for her like that again and you’ll lose both your damn hands.” Bradley hissed as you stepped a little further behind him. He’d never seen you like this before, so closed off and scared. He’d remembered quite well how quiet and in your own shell you were when he’d first met you–but it was nothing like the display he was seeing now. You were beyond that of terrified. “You hit my friend's car, I'm gonna need your insurance and stuff to get the damage covered.” Bradley puffed his chest as your ex eyed him down. “Unless you want me to call the cops and have them come down here?” Jaidyn smirked, it made you feel sick to your stomach when he turned to look at you hiding behind Bradley's left shoulder. 
“So this is who fell for your fucking bullshit huh?” He chuckled wildly as he stepped back, spitting a glob of spit and blood out of his mouth. It looked as if he’d been a victim of his own airbag too. Rooster still had blood dripping from his nose, it stained the hairs on his moustache an orangey iron colour. Yours did the same, only the blood that ran down went strain into your mouth. Both having been victims of the force of those airbags. “She's a trainwreck man, drags whoevers around her down into the dirt.” Jaidyn thought he was being smart, degrading you in such a public way. Bradley wasn't going to stand for it, turning to face you as he passed you Dot. “Bitch took my fucking daughter away from me.” 
“Brad–” You tried to protest but your voice was caught in your throat. Soft and barely audible. Rooster could see it in your eyes–you knew just how bad of a situation this was, probably more so than Bradley could understand himself. But like Pete had told him, he had to protect his family. 
“Take Dot.” Passing you your daughter, Bradley kissed the top of your forehead. Suddenly nothing else mattered more than keeping her safe, it was the very reason you had run in the first place. “Walk to the park across the street, call Jake–tell him what happened.” Rooster was a rather happy go lucky kinda guy. He’d always found a way to make you laugh, make you smile. But right now? His voice, the tone he projected—had never sounded so serious. 
“I don't wanna rui–” 
“You could never ruin Christmas.” Bradley knew what you were going to say before you even finished your sentence. “Go, call Jake, get her out of here–once you’ve called Jake I want you to call Penny and tell her we need a ride, can you do that for me?” Bradley asked as he cupped your face–you were too busy looking over his shoulder. “Hey, Y/n? Look at me.” You snapped out of the haze that had clouded your gaze, looking Bradley in the eye as he got down to your eye level. “I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.” 
When Jaiydn had left, you used the phone in the Air Bnb to call a taxi, specifically requesting a female driver. You knew it was a long shot but you thought you could appeal to her natural instincts. 
“Come on baby, Mums okay–” You cried as you stumbled out the door and sat on the curb waiting for the taxi. “I've got you baby.” Dot had been screaming the entire time Jaidyn was laying into you. She was so scared, the little girl locked in a room all by herself for at least two solid hours. “I'm so sorry, but we’re going baby, we’re okay.” You weren't sure who you were trying to convince at this stage, you or your daughter. But as the taxi pulled up you knew you only had once change. 
“Ma'am are you alright?” The taxi driver asked as she rolled down the passenger side window as you stood. 
“I don't have any money.” You needed her to understand that first and foremost. “But I need to get to forty nine Wallows Street, North island.” Jake's address, he’d given it to you a few weeks ago before Jaidyn took your phone. “If you don't take me? He’s gonna kill us both.” You tried to remain strong, keep your shoulders squared and your chin held high. But you'd never felt more broken. “My partner is gone but he’s coming back and if I'm here when he gets home he's going to kill us.” 
“Did he do this to you?” She asked, you could tell by her eyes she was thinking about the pros and cons of getting involved in a situation like this. So you nodded, confirming her question as you held your daughter on your hip. The taxi driver whose name you later learn was Mary, could smell the alcohol on you as you stood outside the taxi. “Well alright then, get in.” 
“Thankyou–” You sobbed, opening the back door and sliding in. “Thank You so much.” Reaching out for her shoulder, Mary cupped your hand in response. 
“I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.” She smiled at you through the rear view mirror. “North Island it is.” 
“Y/n?” Bradley rubbed the pads of his thumbs against your cheek, bringing you back to reality. “You hear me? I’ve got you.” It was the most sincere thing you ever heard. “I’m not gonna let anybody hurt you ever again, I’ve got you.” Bradley Bradshaw was a born protector, he was brought up to believe that to protect those you love was the most important thing you could ever do. In what form that protection came didn’t really matter, but right now in the moment he stood between you and your ex he knew that he’d lay his life down for you. No question, no hesitation. 
“Okay—“ You mumbled, nodding at Bradley’s reassurance that he had your back. “I’ll ring Jake, then call Penny.” You didn’t want to hang around for too much longer, lingering in the presence of the man who tried to kill you made you feel sick. “I’ll be in the park.” 
“I’ll be right behind you.” Bradley’s eyes never left your back as he watched you hurry off with Dot, looking over your shoulder periodically as people who stood on the corners of the sidewalks watched on at the aftermath of the moderate Christmas Day car accident. Knowing nothing deeper than what it was on the surface. 
“Till we meet again sweetheart, I'm so glad I finally found you!” Jaidyn barked with a sinister smile. Waving you off as Bradley turned his attention back to your ex. “You know we’re engaged right?” Jaidyn taunted Bradley as he stood there thinking of all the things he wanted to do to him. If he could, without consequence, Rooster would put Jaiydn into the dirt. But he couldn’t. “Got her the prettiest ring and everything—so ungrateful—“ 
Choosing to ignore the revelation that you had been engaged, knowing it was most likely against your will, Bradley balled the fabric of Jaidyns t-shirt into his first and pulled him close. 
“Listen to me because I'm only gonna say this once.” Gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw until the vein in his neck popped, Rooster saw red. He saw the man who had hurt you, who you trusted to take care of you, who betrayed every level of trust there was to break.“You even so much as think about looking at her the wrong way ill fucking kill you–do you hear me?” 
“I don't even know who you are, man! lay off–” Jaidyn shoved at Rooster's chest as he stepped back. “She’s got you all convinced she’s some damsel in distress hasn't she?” With one swing, Rooster's fist was connecting with Jaidyns jaw, a crack as loud as thunder could be heard from those who watched on. As Jaidyns stumbled and doubled over, Rooster shook his hand, surely to bruise up nicely in the next few hours or so. But he didn't mind all that much, it would be a small sacrifice to pay to keep you and your daughter safe. Bradley wanted it known that he wasn't messing around, that he was serious and he would do anything to protect you and Odette. 
“Come near those girls–” Rooster hissed, towering over Jaidyn as he held his jaw and groaned out a pained sigh. "And I'll make sure you end up breathing through a tube.” Bradley had never felt such disrespect for someone else, but where he came from and with the men in his life who raised him right, there were only two words he’d used to describe a man who hits women. A little bitch. “And I'm not bluffing either, man.” 
Jake Seresin sat at his family's dining table amongst his extended family tapping his leg relentlessly under the table. His knee bounced in with anxiety as he tapped his phone screen to see if he’d missed any calls or text since having spoken to Bradshaw earlier that same morning. 
“How's everything going in your neck of the woods Jakey?” His cousin asked as she nursed her son. “You still out at North–” Before Jake's cousin could even finish her question, Jake was jumping up from his seat at the sight of your name lighting up his caller ID. 
“Hey Fe, Merry Chris–” 
“I lied.” Jake's heart instantly broke at the sound of your sobs. “I lied, we aren’t okay.” Your sobs quickly turned into a small pathetic laugh before turning right back into sobs as you sat on the bench in the park. Dot at your feet entertaining herself with a few rocks. A little girl with such creative imagination everything and anything could be a toy. She’d calmed down when she noticed you were walking over to the park. “Jaidyn–” You didn't need to finish your sentence or explain anything more before Jake was making his way upstairs to pack his stuff. 
“I'm coming home.” 
“He hit your car–” Jake frowned as he held his phone between his ear and shoulder. Packing his stuff into his suitcase haphazardly as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “We were driving back from Penny and Mavs and he just came out of nowhere.” 
“Hang on.” Jake had to stop what he was doing for a moment as his mother stepped into his childhood room. “He hit my car as in, he purposefully caused an accident?” Jake was fuming, his face had turned a nice shade of red and he was sure his core temperature had risen a few degrees. “Are you okay?” Jake started on all the necessary questions he needed an answer too immediately before his heart exploded out of his goddamn chest. “Is Dot alright? Bradshaw?” 
“Yeah Jake.” You sighed. “We’re all alright, just a little shaken and I dunno if he did it on purpose or if it was just some fucked up coincidence but the cars fucked Jake im so sorry.” Again, Your sobs broke Jake's heart. “I'm in the park with Dot, Bradley told me to call Penny for a lift because we can’t drive the car back to yours.” 
“Where's Rooster?” Jake asked nearly panicked. He knew what Rooster could be capable of if given the chance and the right motive. “Is he not with you?” 
“He's still with the car, said something about needing to get insurance.” 
“Bull fuck he wants insurance.” Jake mumbled to himself as he threw the last few articles of clothing into his suitcase. “Listen, stay where you are, but when Roosters finished with his dick measuring contest, don't you dare leave his side, you got it?” Jake couldn't see you but he knew you nodded in response. “I’ll be on the first flight back–” 
“What?” You heard Jake's mother in the background, but for once in your life you wanted to be selfish, you needed Jake to come back. Come home. You weren't going to tell him to stay in Texas when you needed him here with you and Dot and Bradley in North Island. “What do you mean you’re going back, what's going on?” 
“I got a family emergency.” Jake explained and your heart melted for a moment amongst the chaos. “I gotta go home ma, end of story.” 
“All your family is here Jake, what do you mean a family emergency!?” You really didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you could hear everything loud and clear over the phone. 
“Not everyone ma, I've got family in North Island too and something just happened, I gotta go home, end of story alright.” 
“Jake?” You whispered as you watched Dot entertain herself. “I really am sorry, for everything–” 
“Nothing to be sorry about, I'll see you when I get home.” There was nothing else to discuss, it was an open and shut conversation. Jake hung up before his mother could figure out who was on the other end of the line. Watching like a hawk as Jake zipped up his suitcase. “I really do have to go, I'm sorry–I'll just have to make it up to you another time?” 
“It's Christmas Day Jacob.” Jake's mother couldn't have been more disappointed even if she had tried to hide it. Not like she was through. “What am I supposed to tell your father?” 
“Exactly what I told you” you and Odette were Jake's family. He’d already beaten himself up enough for letting you stay with Jaidyn for as long as you did, but he didn't know how bad it had gotten because you were just so bloody good at hiding it. He should have known something was wrong when you’d stopped returning his calls and text a few months before you showed up on his doorstep in the middle of the night. He couldn’t take what he didn’t do sooner back—but he had a chance to do something that mattered now: 
“That I have a family emergency.” 
“Penny and Mav are on their way.” By the time Rooster had made his way over to you in the park, you were a shaking mess. “Said they wouldn’t be too long.” Coming to sit beside you, Bradley didn’t draw you close. He didn’t wrap his arm around your shoulder or kiss your cheek like he normally would. Instead, he just sat beside you—waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to be touched. “Jake said you were having a dick measuring competition.” Bradley’s lips turned into a small almost unidentifiable smirk as you turned your head to look at him. “He’ll be on the first flight back.” 
“You reckon he did it on purpose?” Bradley asked as your eyes fell to his hands, his knuckles were a nice shade of red. Bloodshot capillaries had started to form some subtle bruising, a light dusting on dried blood had formed a thin layer on top of the cuts. Reaching out to take his hand in yours, you turned your attention back to Dot who was happily collecting different coloured leaves as she waddled around close by. “Kinda seems like it was premeditated.” 
“Oh, oh no he definitely knew it was us in the car, which makes me wonder how long he’s been following me.” It was a terrifying concept to think about. How long had Jaidyn had his eyes on you? How long had he been in North ISland for and more importantly, did he know where you were living? Did he know where you and your beautiful daughter had been staying since you ran. Did he know that the lock on Jake's front door was slightly broken and sometimes doesn't lock properly?  “Bradley, I can't stay here.” 
“I figured you’d think that as much.” Rooster knew this conversation was coming. He knew it was going to have to be one he had with you the minute he saw you standing there looking as if you’d seen a ghost. With his knees on his knees, Rooster watched Odette as she flew off with the fairies, in her own little imaginative world, so blissfully unaware of the imminent danger that loomed for you and her alike. “Let's be rational about this though.” 
“If he’s here? you aren’t safe, Jake isn’t safe, my daughter isn’t safe—“ You were once again putting everyone around you before yourself. “It was so selfish of me to bring you into this.” Wiping away your tears, Bradley brought his arm up around your shoulders as you fell into his chest. Crying. “I never should have let me guard down and I never should have let you get close, because he’s fucking right, I drag everyone down around me.” It broke Braldey heart to see you like this, a woman with such a fire and grace repressed to such a level of self worth it was basically non-existent. “I can't let you get involved with him, he's too dangerous.”
“I think you’re forgetting that I want to be here.” Bradley wasn’t going to argue with you, he knew that would do any good. He knew if he told you to stay that that could come across like he was forcing you to, you were your own person. Beautiful and brilliant in every way. He didn't ever want you to feel trapped with him, that you couldn't make your own choices in life. But he needed you to know truthfully and wholeheartedly that he'd cross oceans and move mountains for you. “So if you’re thinking about running again, just know—I’m coming with you.” 
“What?” You asked as you sat back up, rubbing your running nose on the back of your sleeve. Dried blood that had remained in your nose seeping out as you cried. It wasn't all that attractive, but nevertheless Bradley reached out to wipe it all away with the cuff of his jumper.  “Why would you do that? Your whole life is here?” 
“My whole life is sitting right next to me.” Bradley cooed. “So if you wanna go, we’ll go, but hear me out alright?” You simply nodded in response. “If you keep running every time he catches up? Are you ever gonna be able to move on?” 
“He’ll kill me if I stay.” It was a fact as immutable as gravity. “You and Jake playing heroes and getting the rulers out and saying I'll be safe when I won’t be won't change anything because he's psychotic!” It was one of the biggest contributing factors as to why you hadnt reported Jaidyn to the police when you had so many chances to. 
“What would change if you left now and he just found you in the next town?” Bradley asked as calmly as ever, knowing it was a fact that wouldn’t change if you ran. “If you run he’ll just find you again and you’ll forever be stuck in the cycle.” 
“It's just a high price I'm willing to pay to go free.” You replied, sitting with Bradley in the middle of the park. “Listen Bradshaw.” You smiled, reaching out the cup Bradleys cheek, a light scruff against his cheek tickled your palm. “I really like you, like a lot.” You wanted to say you loved him, truly. But it just wasn't the right time. “You're probably the only man who's ever gonna look at me the way you do and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me and Dot.” 
“I sense a but is coming.” Rooster chuckled as he leaned into your touch. Admiring you like a love sick puppy. Not trying to hide his admiration for you in the slightest bit. 
“But you’re too good to lower your standards for me.” It left like someone had pulled directly on the strings of his heart. A sharp pain resonating deep in his chest when you said that you thought you weren't good enough for him. 
“Too bad–” Bradley shrugged as he pulled you closer, letting your head fall against his shoulder. “Listen to me okay, because I just dont think it's sinking in.” He wasn't going to let you live a life where you thought you were less than others.
“You're gonna get caught in a mess you won't be able to get out of, Rooster, now that He’s here I can't even begin to imagine the havoc he’ll cause.” Bradley knew you were going to put up an honest fight, it was in your inherent nature. You’d been doing that since day one so to expect any less than a solid conversation at the very least wouldn't be his own fault. Mentally cracking his knuckles and neck, Bradly settled in for a fight, ready to plead his case. 
“Why don't we stop talking about your ex for five minutes and talk about you?” It sounded firmer than he probably meant it to come across, but nevertheless you sat up a little straighter and frowned your brows. 
“Okay.” Hesitancy laced your tone and Braldye immediately softened next to you. He knew this whole situation was hard to be in and would be even harder to navigate. But lucky for you he was pretty good at working a GPS. 
“Your Ex can get–” Before Rooster could get into his novel of a statement as to why he thought you should stay, Dot was leaning against your legs with a pouty bottom lip. 
“Mamma, I wanna go home.” She cooed with tired eyes as her little fist came up to rub at them. It melted your heart as you picked you up. Cuddling her, fixing her hair. Kissing her cheek. She was everything to you. 
“I know baby I know, me too–but we’re just waiting for Penny and Pete.” 
“O’Tay.” Dot replied softly as her gaze turned up at Bradley. “Can I sit on your lap Toosters?” She asked politely. It still amazed you how quickly she’d grown attached to Brdley Bradshaw. It frightened you a little because what if this just didn't work out? Again your daughter would go without a father figure in her life. Not that you were insinuating Bradley was, but he was surely doing a hell of a lot more than her biological father ever did. 
“Sure Baby, here.” Bradley reached out and took Dot from your lap, gently placing her on his as he bounced his knee to rock her gently. She was exhausted. A little girl in a big scary world. Once Dot had settled in Roosters lap, his arms encapsulating her, he turned all his attention back onto you. “Now as I was saying, enough about that pissant.” He started. “I wanna life with you Y/n I don't think I could be any more clear about that.” 
“You're stupid if you think a life with me is worth fighting for.” You chuckled at the sentiment although it made you blush. It made you feel all fuzzy inside. Even while you were staring down the fact that your very dangerous, very unpredictable ex was now in town, Bradley Bradshaw still found a way to make you smile. 
“Okay, you can definitely hold back a little on the degradation there.” He laughed as Dot cuddled into his chest a little more, sucking her thumb as her eyelids fluttered. Listening to the lub dub rhythm of her Toosters heart. “You and your daughter have been nothing but a blessing since you moved here, and it's not my fault you made me fall in love with you, so technically you're just gonna have to accept the fact that you're stuck with me because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“But what about–” You tried to argue, you just weren't used to being loved. Being wanted, being needed. Bradley couldn't blame you, he hated to compare you to a dog but it was like he'd rescued an abused dog from the shelter. At first they'd be a little standoffish, but soon enough they'd realise they're loved and in a safe place. A home. It was the same premise with you, he just needed to work you over, brick by brick. 
“Fuck your ex Y/n, fuck him!” Bradley scoffed. “He doesn't get to dictate your happiness or what you do with your life or who you choose to love or don’t love or where you live.” You sat silent next to Rooster as he rocked your daughter to sleep. You caught yourself for a moment falling into a daydream where you and Rooster could just play house, be happy and in love without all the drama and fuss. “He doesn't have a claim to you anymore and if he tries to mess with you? If he tries to come near you or Odette or so much as breathes in your direction, there's not a single thing I wouldn't do to protect you both.” It was a massive sentiment. You’d never ask Rooster to fight your battles for you, but knowing he would willingly meant a whole lot to you. More than he’d probably ever know. 
“I think Penny and Pete are here.” You sighed softly as you saw the silver sedan pull up to the curbside. 
“Don't change the subject Y/L/N.” Bradley smirked as he eyed you off, never taking his eyes off you for a moment. “So, if you wanna go, we’ll go and we’ll pack whatever you need and we’ll leave tonight.” Standing up, Rooster readjusted Odette to his hip before holding out his hand for you to take. Helping you stand from the bench you'd been occupying. “But–if you wanna stay? You’ll be surrounded by people who love you and who care about you and who just want you and this beautiful daughter of yours to feel safe and loved.” You weren't necessarily ignoring what Rooster was saying as you walked side by side slowly through the park, but you weren't directly answering his questions either. 
“Jakes just gonna tell me i'd be crazy to leave isn't he?” You shook your head as you let out a frustrated groan. “Fuck this is such a mess–” 
“Oh yeah big time.” Rooster agreed with a nod, pressing his lips together in a firm line as he slung his arm around your shoulder. “He’ll probably handcuff you to the dresser too if you say you wanna leave, but I think we’ll have a solid few hours to remove all the handles from all the draws he could possibly cuff you to before he gets back.” Laughing together as you approached Penny's car, you thought for a second what Rooster would think of Jake if he knew how you and Jaidyn originally got together. You knew Jake hated himself for it, still to this day he’d mention from time to time just how sorry he really is. He blamed himself for everything you'd ever been through. 
“I can only imagine the foul as fuck mood hes gonna be in when he gets home.” 
“That sounds like we’ll be here when he does get home?” Bradley raised a single brow as he walked with you over to Penny's car. Holding a sleepy Dot on his hip. “And well, honestly he has a right to be pissed– I mean, no man should get away with what he's done to you Y/n.” 
“Yeah, but it's not just that.” You sighed as you stopped in your tracks, wondering if you should even tell Bradley what you were about to tell him. 
“Then what?” He asked curiously with a puzzled expression plastered across his face. You pressed your lips together knowing it wasn't all that deep but still gave Bradley another puzzle piece to play with. Letting him in a little more each and every day. Letting him decided for himself if he should stay or if he should hightail it the fuck out of dodge. 
“Jakes the one who set me up with Jaidyn in the first place.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse
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vitchimage · 2 years
—Lies 𓆩♡𓆪
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Summary: Your beloved husband finally gets caught up by his past mistakes, choking on his own lies.
Pairing: Nanami Kento x reader
Type: Angst, hurt/comfort(?), open ending
Warning: suggestive so a tad bit NSFW (MDNI), Cheating, arguing, small cursing
A/N: Lyrics by MARINA, Lies.
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Here you guys were. In the livingroom of a shared penthouse of you both.
Screaming, shouting for the millionth time deep into the night.
“He's just a friend, Y/N! God!" Nanami states for the hundreds of times, like it would change anything you had to say in this, he was fed up about this.
And all honestly, you were getting tired of arguing about the same thing all the time as well.
"But you like him more as a friend right?!" You shout back at him, your hand running roughly through your hair.
His brows furrows further, "What the hell are you saying?! Are you listening to yourself?!"
"AM I LISTENING TO MYSELF?! I'M NOT THE ONE WHO LIES IN SOMEONE'S ARMS WHILE YOUR WIFE WAITS FOR YOU BACK AT HOME!" You threw the nearest thing you could get your hands on. The picture of your marriage falls to the floor, shattering to pieces.
Looking at it felt sickening, remembering his broken vow and all his unkempt promise. The smiles on the picture, you remember so vivid how happy you both were — it all seemed so fake now. What was even real up until now?
What's the point of sayin' it's never gonna end?
Nanami remains quiet, either stunned or trying to find a way to calm his wife down, to make a feeble excuse that would save them both.
"You didn't think I would find out about your little affair?" You huffed, holding your figure, "Well news flash sherlock I did, the day I said I would come home late due to work, yeah, I heard it all."
Another strike, he was taking in the information, another silence.
You're too proud to say you made a mistake.
The silence from him was killing you.
Nanami isn't even looking at you, rather on the floor, the broken picture of you both.
You're a coward till the end.
"Well, maybe if you weren't fighting, complaining, being so needy and clingy all the time, maybe this wouldnt happen!"
You scoffed, the words hurts you more than you thought they would.
"Are you seriously blaming me for your affair?!"
"I don't want to admit, but we're not gonna fit."
He let it slip past his lips, instantly wanting to take those words back, despite how nonchalant it sounded. He didn't mean any words of it. He never will. It was all a lie from his side, trying to protect himself.
Cause in all honesty, he loved it.
He loved the way you were always by his side, the way you would cling to him, the way you would talk about your day, your touch was heacrn, the sound of your voice was what held him down, being in your presence was like a blessing. Even your little flaws. He loves every single one of them, every single part of you.
He didn't know what he was trying to imply right then and there when saying that. Nor did he know why he was hurting you like this by sleeping with his bestfriend behind your back.
You voice is uncontrollably shaky,
"No, I'm not the type that you like."
The image of him and Yu Haibara together flashed your mind, and you cover your mouth to choke on another sob.
Times where he said he had to leave because his very bestfriend needed him, times where he would come home so late into the night due to work, times where he dismissed at the idea of taking a break, but the moment Yu did, he immediately took one, taking a vacation with him.
Times where you needed him the most he wasn't there but rather in another man's arms, times you asked a bit of his time but he always refused giving it to Yu instead. Everything started building up.
At first you thought he was just a friend, and you were sure it, but Nanami started to grow so distant he became a stranger to you. And you started to wonder if all the late night calls, all the love he showed you was ever even truly real or all a play. And the doubt of Yu being just a friend clouded your mind.
So you lied to his face saying you would be home quite late, when you were leaving much earlier than he expected.
And it confirmed your suspicion — the moans from the bedroom was loud and clear.
You slid against the wall at that moment, your legs giving out as you held your head, trying not to scream, to shout, to cry that day, as the moans just continued endlessly — confirming his betrayal to your marriage without knowing you were there.
"Fucking asshole."
Wiping your tears, you immediately grabbed the keys to the car and putting on some shoes.
"Y/N.." He called out to you, the same shaky voice you had.
Why don't we just pretend?
And you, wanted to turn, to hold him and say its going to be alright, that you both can fix this.
But his past mistakes has finally caught up to him, giving a taste of the consequence he reaped.
"Don't go.."
Turn, answer him.
But you don't, you finally got the shoes on, heading towards the exit — leaving him.
He was fast, Nanami immediately takes you by the arm, holding you from behind, the rain drenches both of you just before the door.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. Please don't leave, please don't. It's my fault, it's all my fault not yours, I know my mistakes, I won't do it again, I'll change..I-"
He was blabbering words of apologies, regrets and guilt tasted on his tongue and the sound of it.
You wanted to believe those words, but why was it so diffucult to do so? To save this broken marriage..
"LIES!" You lashed out, trying pry his arms away away but he held you tighter.
"You love him, Nanami, you don't love me." it hurts, "Atleast not anymore."
"Don't say that, it's not true.."
"Then why?! WHY DID YOU-"
Don't wanna know, dont wanna know, oh.
"I don't know." an honest answer from him, "Everything was in the heat of the moment and it just kept going..but I don't love him, Y/N, I love you..Just you.. "
Your hand flies to your mouth like you were going to puke again, the thought of him in someone else's arms all this time was killing you.
Their moans in your shared bedroom was living rent free in your mind, repeating over and over again — on how good he felt, how well his bestfriend took his cock.
The very same words Nanami had once said to you in bed.
You closed your eyes shut, crying silently into your hand.
I can't let you go, can't let you go, oh
Despite all this, you find it hard to walk away from his strong arms that used to feel like home. To let him go.
And he felt the same, he didn't want to let you go. He was desperate on not letting you go.
He wanted this fix this, to show you he can learn from his past mistake and love you the way you deserved to. To be happy, the both of you.
"I just want it to be perfect," You choke out as he rest his head against your shoulder, his eyes closing shut as to stop the tears from falling, "To believe it's all been worth the fight."
But was it worth it now? To fight for a relationship that was filled lies?
Don't wanna know, dont wanna know, oh
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seas-of-silver · 1 year
For your cute little ask game, go with it where you want :3
Adrien shushed Emma. "Be quiet you don't want your maman finding us."
Ooh! This one could go one of two ways and I am torn lol!
Fluff is my normal wheelhouse, but I think this time I'm going to go a bit dark and angsty.
Adrien shushed Emma. 'Be quiet, you don't want your Maman finding us.'
His two-year-old daughter shook with quiet sobs in his lap as they hid under the nurse's desk. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort both her and himself.
It wasn't supposed to be this way.
Today was supposed to be a happy day. Both Adrien and Marinette had taken the day off from work to go to the doctor's office at the nearby hospital, the family of three going together to see how far along and how healthy the new baby was. It was going to be the first time little Emma was going to see her new sibling.
There had been a commotion in the hallway just after their arrival. He and Marinette had immediately been on alert; Adrien scooping up Emma to protect her and Marinette scoping out the scene to ensure their safety. Years of fighting akumas and battling villains meant that they reflexively responded to sounds of distress and chaos. But what they found was beyond their training.
Two men were fighting angrily, carelessly, in the middle of the hallway, having clearly just emerged from the nearby private room. The woman in the hospital nightgown watched, tearful and distressed, as the men bellowed and brawled, tumbling and colliding in a red rage. The nurse dialled for security before stepping out from behind the counter to try and calm the furious men.
Adrien spotted the danger that was about to befall that young nurse, but Marinette was already on the move. She ran and jumped, shielding the young nurse from the incoming blow. One man's foot made contact with her stomach in a devastating blow, the force of the blow sending her skidding along the floor. Adrien had cried out to her and ran over to her as the two men suddenly halted in their fight. Marinette was clutching her stomach in pain, crying, begging for their baby to be okay. The nurses rushed them into a room to check to see if the baby was hurt from that hit, their panic levels increasing with every step they took, the only thing stopping them from losing themselves to the panic was the hope that their baby was alright.
Their baby wasn't alright. The impact of the kick to the stomach was too severe, and their ten-week-old baby was gone. Adrien's heart shattered, Marinette screamed in agony, and Emma, poor little Emma who had gone through so much chaos in just half an hour, asked what was wrong.
He was in the middle of explaining when a purple miasma suddenly washed over his wife - one he knew all too well. He yelled for people to evacuate as he picked up Emma and ran out of the room, catching a glimpse of what looked to be a white Lady Noire out of the corner of his eye as he escaped. There was an explosion, people screaming as they scattered, followed by eerie singing.
'Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock.  When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,  And down will come baby, cradle and all.'
Adrien shouted that there was an akuma attack and people ran about hysterically, trying to find safety. He ducked under the nurse's table, clutching Emma to him as he searched for somewhere to keep Emma safe so he could transform and save Marinette. He was never more glad for the fact that they had decided to switch Miraculouses for the duration of the pregnancy, but he couldn't go into battle until he knew Emma was safe.
'Rock-a-bye baby, gently you swing,  Over the cradle, Mother will sing, Sweet is the lullaby over your nest That tenderly sings my baby to rest.'
She was getting closer, so he gently shushed Emma, asking her to stay quiet. They couldn't afford to give away their position; he didn't have a plan yet, nor did he have a safe place for Emma. People ran frantically past them towards the exit, the stampede thunderingly loud, and yet he could clearly hear his wife's spine-chilling voice floating above the chaos.
'From the high rooftops, down to the sea  No one's as dear as baby to me  Wee little hands, eyes shiny and bright  Now sound asleep until morning light.'
He could hear the men from earlier apologising to her, their hysterical words suddenly cut off, the air thick and still in their wake. Adrien didn't dare to peek outside his hiding spot to see what happened to the men.
'Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top,'
Her footsteps were coming closer.
'When the wind blows the cradle will rock.'
Her fingernails clicked rhythmically against the top bench of the nurse's desk above him.
'When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,'
A platinum white braid fell in front of him, and when he looked up, he met the bright cold blue gaze of Lady Blanc.
'And down will come baby, cradle and all.'
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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everythingne · 7 months
no new writing because i’m on a set this weekend— HOWEVER. pls take this ‘out of the woods’ WIP snippet instead :)!!
“I don’t understand!” I shout in frustration, nearly throwing my helmet across the room. I’m not violent, I never have been, I don’t understand why I’m so short of breath. It feels like the rage in my belly fights to be fed by all the oxygen in my lungs, my hands shaking as he slam my helmet down and punch the plush surface of my bedding.
“Dhanishka—“ Aakash tries and I whip around, pointing at him and watching his face fill with shock as I finally snap under the pressure of the weekend.
“[You all love Charles, treat him like your golden child! He coughs and you all run to get medicine, but when I am out there and I am struggling and nearly dying, you do nothing! I fought with a broken wing and a fucked up steering wheel and what help did I get?!]” I snap at him in my mother tongue, watching his face fill with something like horror as I step even closer, “[None of you were there for me! You all went to coddle poor Charlie—he was fine! I was the one who suffered for you! Where is my help? You have all done this the whole season!]”
“[Charles was frustrated—]”
I cut Aakash off, screaming, “[And I nearly killed myself out there because none of you would help! Do you think I wasn’t also frustrated?!]”
“Listen, I—“
“Get the fuck out of my room! I’m not doing media! I’m going the fuck back to my hotel.” I snap and Aakash listens, quickly ducking out of the room. I rip off my suit and throw it in my bag and I get changed into my street clothing, only pausing to touch up my makeup. I pass by Charles coming back from podium with a cold shoulder and shove through the crowd to my car, digging out my keys and getting in. I sit there, hands tight on the wheel for a while, and my fingers start to go numb as I feel like my brain is shutting off and going into autopilot.
I just sit back and watch, like a movie goer, as the world around me fades in my mind.
I come back to my senses sharply, knees digging into the tile as I’m sitting on the floor in the bathroom. I can feel the remenants of a panic attack shaking off my limbs, leaving them staticky. My hands shaking at the slamming at the door to my hotel room.
There’s only one man who calls me that.
I try to shout that I’m gonna let him in but the words are caught in my throat, and I hear him echo and think I’m going crazy as I whine into the bathroom air. Then I realize I’m clutching my phone tight enough to shatter the screen and Logan’s contact is up—blazing bright into my face.
“Lo…?” I wheeze and I hear him pause mid knock before he shuffles and—
“Isa?” He crackles into the phone screen and I nearly sob at the familiarity of his voice.
“I-Give me a second. I’m coming to the door.” I whisper, slowly raising to my feet and stumbling out into the hall as my senses fight to try and come back to me in full. My hands are numb when I un-deadbolt the door and I barely have enough time to step back after I pop the door open. In a flash, Logan is everything around me, tucking me against his chest, his hand carding through my hair, kicking the door shut behind us and sighing softly.
“Oh, Isa—“ He murmurs into my hair and I feel the numbness snap away in favor of tears as I bury into his grasp and sob. I have cried more since starting F1 than I have in my entire life.
“Oh, Isa, I’m so sorry they’ve turned you into me.”
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solalunar-eclipse · 1 year
Strings Neither Green Nor Red
Chapter title: Pink Embroidery (Clickon K. Addison)
AO3 Link
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Spamton belongs to Toby Fox, all other characters belong to @brightgoat on Tumblr and Twitter.
Click sighed. Vid had left their apartment keycard in their house again, and yet again, it was up to him to bring it to their workplace.
This had been happening more and more recently, and he was getting sick of it. Not only did it put him out of his way, but it cut into his break time, which he needed to be savoring every second of just to hold himself together. 
Ever since the rift in their department opened up with Spamton’s disappearance (which had only grown as Vid and Mags became more at odds), Click had been spending as much time avoiding the others as possible. This pattern forced him to do everything but that, making his mouth twist in annoyance as he rounded the corner towards the shop.
Click threw open the door to Vid’s place (a little convenience store, this week), not bothering to grab it before it slammed into the doorstop. “Hey! I got your keys!” he shouted into the silent store.
No reply came, except for the very faint echo of his voice off the tiled floors.
That kind of silence was weird, even for a depressed Video. Warily, he wandered up and down the aisles, unable to even catch sight of anyone at the register. Could Vid have gone out? But then why was the door unlocked? The yellow Addi had lost their apartment card, not the keys to their store.
Click’s ponytail twitched at a quiet noise, and he combed it over his shoulder somewhat shamefully, hoping nobody had seen that. 
That was nothing, however, compared to how he reacted when the storeroom door swung open in his peripheral vision.
It was sheer luck that his tail didn’t drop more than anything, but it certainly came close, given that he’d screamed nearly loud and high enough to shatter glass. Instinctively, Click summoned an arrow, pointing it at the figure in the doorway.
“…AH, [$!&*].”
That voice…
The pink Addison’s magic fizzled out as a new kind of terror welled up in the pit of his stomach. “S…Spamton?”
“[[The one and only!]] WHO’S IT LOOK LIKE I AM, [the Fonz]?” he shot back, looking decidedly unimpressed.
Click nearly let out a half-hysterical giggle, but choked it back. “N-no…” he said weakly, unable to muster a better response.
He’d been planning for this moment for years. His apology speech had been perfect—just the right blend of sales pitch and argument, sure to convince Spamton of his guilt and his desire to make it up to him. Now, though, he couldn’t remember a word of it.
Vaguely, he wondered if this was what stage fright felt like.
“You’re alive.” he managed to say, and then immediately winced. Way to point out the obvious, Click.
“WELL, DUH.” Spamton gestured to himself, blatantly unimpressed. “YOU GOT ANY MORE [Logical Deductions] TO POINT OUT, [[Sherlock]]?”
“Listen—Spam—” Click began, but he was rapidly cut off.
“NO. THAT WAS A [Answer Not Provided] QUESTION.” Spamton snapped. “I DON’T WANT TO [Here] ANY MORE OF YOUR [[Rated PG-13 For Foul Language]].”
“But I’m sorry—” he tried again.
Spam laughed harshly. “YOU?! SORRY? HA! AT LEAST [[Video compilation]] WAS BELIEVABLE. HE MIGHT’VE LIKED ME, [Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away]. I WAS JUST Y0UR [[Sob story]] [Punching bag]. AND YOU EXP3CT ME<TO [[Return to sender]] BACK T0 TH4T?!”
Click felt like he’d just been hit in the chest. “Wh—I don’t—just let me explain…”
“EXPLAIN WHAT? HOW I’M A [[glitchy little freak]] WHO’S [[going to come running back to us the second you fail]]? NO W4Y. I’M NOT GONNA [Put Up Your Dukes] WITH A [Round 2] OF THAT!!”
The pink Addi felt sick to his stomach. Hearing Spamton spew out his own words as part of his glitching genuinely left him closer to making a mess of the store’s floor than any alcohol could ever have done. 
Clutching at his mouth, Click leaned heavily against the shelves, resting his other hand on his knees. All his words were stuck deep in his throat, choked by the impact of his disgusting old speech.
Spam rolled his eyes. “SAME OLD [Drama Queen]. THAT [[Sales Shtick]] AIN’T GONNA WORK ON ME, YOU B[but are you okay?]!”
Click dragged himself back upright, leaning on one of the shelves. “Not really…but I probably deserved that…and more. I mean, I’m guessing you haven’t been okay for a while…”
Spamton seemed a little startled by his last outburst, as though he hadn’t meant to say that. When Click spoke, however, he refocused on the conversation.
“I MEAN, UNLESS YOU COUNT LIVING IN [[the trash like a rat]] AND [Eating the scraps from the table] AS OKAY.” he said, giving the pink Addi an irritated look.
“Oh, god…” Click groaned, as the true force of exactly what his words at the Cyber Grill had done hit him for the first time. “Oh, god, what did I do? I mean, at least you’re not dead, r—no, never mind, that sounds so messed up.”
“YOU GOT THAT ONE [Right as rain].” Spamton muttered. 
“How am I supposed to fix that?” he asked (mostly to himself), feeling weak. “How the hell do I—make this all go back to normal?”
“YOU DON’T. [U] CAN’T. [Default settings] AREN’T EVER COMING BACK, [[Clickbait]].”
“But I have to!” he cried, his speech fully off the rails by this point. “I need to, it’s eating me alive! Don’t you understand?! I can’t live like this!”
“Maybe I can help with that!” a voice said from behind him. 
“Vid!” Click gasped, never more relieved to see the yellow Addi than now. “Wait, actually, hold on—do you know why Spam’s in your store??”
Video sighed, giving him a half smile. “We started talking a few weeks ago. Now I’m working on making things up to him. Slowly.”
“And you didn’t tell anyone?! …never mind. That makes sense.” he sighed, still a little stung.
“But…how can you help?” Click asked, desperate.
“Okay, so listen, Click. This isn’t the kind of thing you can one-and-done. You’ve gotta prove, over and over again, that you’re not gonna treat him like you used to. Heck, he might never forgive you…I don’t even know if he’s fully forgiven me yet.” Vid said, surprisingly serious for once.
“That’s not helpful!” the pink Addi snapped.
Vid raised an eyebrow. “Aaand that’s the first thing you’ve gotta work on, right there.”
“What?” Click was bewildered.
“Your anger issues! Thing is, man…anyone who you don’t like, you yell at until you scare them the heck away.” Video explained. “‘S what ya did with Spam, right? Though for the life of me I can’t figure out what you hated about him so much.”
“I didn’t hate him.” Click scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I was just…annoyed.”
“Wow. How long’ve you been telling yourself that one?” Vid shot back. “You legit said the words ‘I hate Spamton’ out loud. More than once. And you insulted him, like, all the time! Since when have you ever not hated him? …no offense, Spam.”
“SOME TAKEN. FROM [[Cotton Candy Half Off]], NOT YOU.”
“W-wait, but that’s not what I meant—!” Click cried. “I…”
“YOU KNOW HE’S [Right on the money!], DONTCHA.” Spam sighed.
“But, it didn’t mean anything, did it? It was just…what we did! I mean, how else was I supposed to act when—”
Click cut himself off, unwilling to say the rest of the sentence out loud.
—when you were such a total failure?
“When what.” Spamton snarled, all glitching gone.
“No, it’s nothing! Really! I didn’t mean it!” Click yelped. “Dammit, I’m not messing this up again!”
“Aren’t you?” Vid asked, very little sympathy present.
The pink Addi turned several shades paler.
“Listen, man. I’m gonna give ya one last bit of free advice.” Video continued. “If you’d spent one damn minute actually hearing out Spam’s feelings way back when—geez, even just listening to one of his pitches—maybe you wouldn’t’ve made so much fun of him! Can you even imagine how hard it is to mess up sale after sale and then come home to your resident Pink making fun of you nonstop? And to put up with that for literal years? Don’t you get just how much that takes?”
Click felt a mounting realization building inside him. “Oh, god.”
“Yeah. Just, like, think for maybe five seconds about how the person on the other end feels, okay? Even if Spam never forgives you, at least you’ll know you won’t make the same mistake again.” Vid finished.
“DAMN, VID! WHEN DID YOU [Becomed] THE [[Mom Friend]]?” Spam called from behind Click.
Meanwhile, the pink Addi was having a crisis. “I thought you didn’t care! Are you saying I’ve been kicking you while you were down this whole time?” he asked, stunned.
“UH, YEAH??” Spamton said, like that should be obvious.
“…but, wait—does that mean I’m like the other Pinks?!” he cried.
“Did—did you think you weren’t?” Vid wheezed. “What planet have you been living on?”
“I thought I was better than them!” Click shrieked, defensive.
“TECHNICALLY, YOU’RE THE [#1] THOUGHTFUL [[Magenta]] IN OUR DISTRICT…BUT THAT’S A [How Low Can You Go?] BAR, PAL.” Spamton explained.
“So what you’re saying is, ‘better than Joyston’ is still pretty damn terrible.” Click muttered. “…actually, that sounds really obvious when I say it out loud.”
Click opened his mouth, ready to snarl some insult right back. He could feel a million appear instantly in his head, ready to fire for maximum impact.
And then, he saw Spamton brace himself.
Instantly, he felt sick all over again. He really hadn’t changed, had he? Honestly, he deserved way worse than being made fun of for his love of poppups. Spam should be beating the life out of him right now, not patiently explaining where he’d gone wrong!
“I really am a terrible person.” he said instead, his shoulders slumping.
“I don’t know about terrible, but you’re…really good at hurting people.” Vid said, and Click winced. “But, that doesn’t mean you can’t change that! It’s pretty hard for Addis to change, but I sure have.”
“Yeah, you’re being weirdly rational right now.” Click said. “Why?”
Vid sighed. “Back before…everything, things never went wrong for me. Sure, I might’ve lost a sale here or there, but nothing, like, apocalyptic ever happened. But having your whole life turned upside down kinda changes your outlook…I still wanna live life to the fullest, but now I’m a lil’ more careful to keep an eye on how other people are feeling, too.”
“HEY, HANG ON, [[Video player]]! YOUR [life turned upside down] AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN GET TO GO TO [[Bel-Air]]? ROUGH.” Spam said, suddenly smirking.
“Wh—HA!” Video cackled. “Did I really say that?”
Click’s first instinct was to roll his eyes again at such a (frankly) lame joke. But then, he noticed how Vid was genuinely laughing for the first time in years. And Spamton—Spamton was grinning. For real. 
Faintly, ever so faintly, Click felt his expression relax into the lightest of smiles. His shoulders dropped, and he leaned a little more into the shelf. 
“Guess that wasn’t half bad, Spam.” he hummed.
Both of the other people in the store did double takes. “SERIOUSLY?” Spamton asked, startled.
Vid just beamed.
Blushing, Click looked away, feeling tense again. “Hey, I have to start somewhere, right?!”
“YOU GUYS ARE [[Full of surprises]].” Spam said, smiling wryly.
“Having the element of surprise isn’t just for fighting tactics!” Video cheered.
Click smiled again, briefly. It was getting easier already, when he allowed himself to be infected by Vid’s energy instead of pushing it away.
“MY [20XX—20XX planner]’S GONNA BE FULL IF I START SPENDING [[Time is money!]] WITH BOTH OF YOU, YOU KNOW.” Spamton said, but not in a way that suggested this was necessarily an issue for him.
“Sounds like a good problem to me.” Click replied, after a moment of thought. It wasn’t too difficult for him to not be annoyed by Spam’s presence, given how long he’d been hoping for exactly this. Responding to him genuinely was still weird, though…it took actual effort for him to think of something that wasn’t a snappy retort.
“...OKAY, THIS IS ACTUALLY [[Stranger Than Fiction!]]. WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH [Clickbait]?” Spam asked, a faint smirk on his face.
“Is that your new nickname for me?” Click said, raising a brow. “I’ll have you know my businesses are all perfectly respectable!” He stuck his nose in the air, only a little bit serious. 
It took all of Click’s strength not to slice back at Spamton. Instead, he rolled his shoulders, sighed, and asked, “What are you going to do now?”
Spam’s look of surprise when the pink Addi spoke, however, made all his effort worth it.
Once he’d recovered, though, he asked, “WANNA GET SOME [[Sweet treats]]? I [Seeing Is Believing!] A COTTON CANDY STAND THIS MORNING!”
Click’s eyes lit up, and unbeknownst to him, his ponytail began to swish excitedly. “Really? Where?!”
“DOWN BY THE [[Carnival in town]]! …BUT YOU’RE PAYING.” Spam said, smirking.
The pink Addi winced, but even that wasn’t enough to deter him from the prospect of his favorite food. “I’ll take that deal.”
Spamton beamed from ear to ear, stunning Click into silence. “HEY HEY HEY, WHADDAYA KNOW! LOOKS LIKE I CAN STILL [[Salesman Never Sleeps]] AFTER ALL!”
Click groaned softly, but without malice. “Dammit, it’s not fair! You know my weak spot, don’t take advantage of me like this!”
“HAEHEAHAHA! A GUY’S [Gotta Do What He’s Gotta Do!]!!!” 
“Yeah, yeah. You coming or not?” the pink Addi asked, pushing himself off the shelf and heading for the door. 
“JUST TRY TO KEEP UP!” Spam exclaimed, already right beside him.
It was only once they’d left, the bell on the door long since finished ringing as it swung shut, that Vid remembered they hadn’t even gotten their apartment card back.
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loveinthebones · 2 years
-Beasts of A Feather-
Guess who is posting something for the first time since February? And venturing into a new fandom?? That's right-- me!
So, as always: The warnings/tags: This one contains a major character death, hurt/comfort and the things that come with that.
This was written for Vanoe Week (even though I am very very late) for the first prompt, Butterfly. There is mentions of Jeanne/Dominique so if that is not your thing-- scroll on.
I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think!
-Beasts of a Feather-
Noe doesn’t remember the last time the world looked so bright.
Vanitas was lounging in their shared room, back pressed against his pillow, and his eyes staring at the wall.
The bow at his neck was undone: crooked, stained with crimson, and jagged from the swipe of Jeanne’s claws.
Noe swallowed thickly, forcing the lump in his throat to move and for his heart to settle back into its cage below his ribs and into the abyss he held that tightly packed Pandora’s box.
It had always been dangerous to be here in the midst of Vanitas’ whirlwind. In the battering ram of his quest for salvation, in the topsy-turvy turn of his view, and in the unrelenting, ever speeding force of it.
Vanitas would always do things his way… had always done things his way and Noe let his hand slip off the doorknob to kick the door shut and bow his head.
“I…” Vanitas started and Noe had never heard his words quiver quite like that, had never seen him draw up his knees so he could continue, muffled by the barrier. “I had to. I–” 
A sniffle interrupted him and it sounded like a gunshot to Noe: ringing in his ears, drowning out the rush of his own blood and breathing and making him breathless, unable to claw for air.
“I didn’t–” Noe jumped in, wanting Vanitas to understand, to break through the shattered glass he surrounded himself in. “I didn’t say..” He licked his lips, vision blurring with the twists of his heart. “...that it wasn’t salvation.”
Dominique would disagree with him later– shouting, and screaming, and shaking him by the collar as she insulted Vanitas, as she smashed the teacups around her in Luka’s borrowed kitchen, and blood splattered on the floor.
“She could have lived! She could have–” and Noe would hold her as she sobbed, wrenching ugly heaves, as she clung to him. “She was his, but she was also mine– she said she would be mine!”
Vanitas was silent and Noe finally lifted his head to see him staring at him.
His eyes were always so bright– glowing, ethereal, and full of fire and pressure like Astermite.
There was none of that now– just dark, midnight hues and the weight of all that Vanitas had seen: pain, uncertainty, and a vulnerability that he didn’t dare touch.
“I gave her my word, Noe.” Vanitas murmured, water building across his waterline and skin reddening. “I said I would kill her if she ever became a monster.”
“If I am killed…” Vanitas told Misha, lifting his chin in the glow of the sunrise. “I want it to be him.”
The wind had been playful: toying with Vanitas’ hair and the bandages covering Misha’s pale skin but Noe could only remember the feeling of him and the warmth blossoming in his chest at his words, and his skin as he leaned into him, stunned.
“You made the right choice, Vani.” Noe said, ashes and flames on his tongue– heavy and weighted with the bitterness and knowledge he held, with the unbridled faith he had in his Vanitas– the man, the doctor… and his. “I… think Jeanne would thank you if she was here.” 
He took those steps to settle beside Vanitas, crawling over the bed and mussed up blankets to shift into his side. “She might even have kissed you.” He mused, leaning his head back.
Vanitas started trembling then, and he surrendered– suffocating under the power of his cries, the tremors of his lips, and the snot running down hus nose, pulling at his hair.
Noe wrapped his arms around him without a word, placing his chin into blood caked strands and let him cry.
Vanitas turned to him, lips pursed for a moment, before he strode in front of him with puffy, red-rimmed eyes and growled, “Hey.”
“Yes, Vanitas?”
He was beautiful– hair illuminated and glistening in the sunlight and eyes slowly, slowly smoldering.
“Come here, Noe.”
Noe tilted his head inquisitively and Vanitas huffed, grabbing his cheeks and yanking him down.
“Ow! Vani–” He cried out, waving his hands for balance and Vanitas scoffed at him, hands coming to his earring so he could undo it and slip it into the nearly unnoticeable hole in Noe’s left ear. “What are you–”
“I want you to have it.” Vanitas whispered and Noe could only curl his hands over Vanitas frozen wrist, where he cradled the hourglass tenderly. “I want you to remember it…” He looked to the water then, at where it met the horizon. “...to remember my wish."
Noe could only gaze back, catching the glint of a bright blue butterfly as he responded. “I remember..."
He couldn't help it, couldn't fight the ache as he grasped Vanitas' shoulder and squeezed lightly.
"I promise, Vanitas."
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idiot-izuku · 2 years
ok i’m too lazy to re-explain this, so here’s screenshots of smthn i decided to point out to my friends
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sunflwryu · 2 years
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warning: yandere, violence | not requested
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“you’re cheating on me, aren’t you?” felix screams. he knows you’re not, but he can’t help accusing you of it. the reaction he gets out of you everytime is worth it to him.
but something’s different in your eyes this time. he doesn’t like it, not one bit.
you don’t say a thing, instead just staring at him with that strangely defiant look in your eyes, so he decides to spur you on further by taking the nearest vase and hurling it at the ground. it shatters instantly, making a loud crashing sound that doesn’t startle you like it usually does.
“you always do this to me!” he shouts, kneeling on the ground, dangerously close to the glass shards scattered on the floor. he forces the tears to come, letting out pitiful hiccups and sobs as he covers his face with his hands. “you always want to go places without me, making excuses that you’re hanging out with friends! you never want to stay with me because i’m a bad boyfriend!”
“you are.”
it takes everything in him not to break character at the unexpected indifference in your voice. he thought he already molded you into the perfect partner, compliant and saying everything he wants you to, always guiding you back on the right path, pushing you back into the cavity he forced you in when you accepted his confession.
“w-why would you say that? if i-i am, tell me how i can do better! please, darling...i-i’m so sorry!” he begs, sputtering.
and for the first time ever, you glare at him, gaze as sharp as razor blades, a stark contrast to its usual softness. “i know what you’re doing, baby,” you say mockingly, putting sarcastic emphasis on your nickname for him. he grits his teeth, hating how you act like you have power over him when he’s the one who should be commanding you, playing you like a marionette controlled by his hand. you’ve never pulled something like this before, never something so out of pocket like this. he loves you for sure, just not whatever you this was that’s outside his expectations and unpredictable.
but if you could take a step back, apologize, get back to your senses as his little obedient darling, he’d forgive you. heck, even if you just walked out and came back, he’d forgive you too. after all, one mistake here and there, it’s forgivable. he can just teach you again, mold you better, stricter so this doesn’t happen again. it’s his fault for not noticing this earlier, but he’ll fix it. he’ll fix you.
“w-what...? what do you mean, d-darling?” he feigns a stutter, moving his hands away from his eyes as he meets your gaze, letting you see the tears stream down his cheeks and drip onto the floor, the tears that always reeled you back in. you’re going to apologize, he knows it. “i-i just want to know, i r-really don’t understand what—”
“shut up, felix, i know your tricks. we’re fucking over.”
the words hit him like a truck, and he blinks in surprise as you turn around, heading to the door of the house without looking back at him, without hesitation, without anything at all. you’re doing what he absolutely detests the most. he was such a fool to go easy on you and let you have a taste of power over him.
did you think you could leave him? you’re so pathetic, there’s no way in hell he’d let you. now, it’s your own fucking fault what happens after this, not his.
before you can put your hand on the doorknob, he maneuvers around the vase’s shards and tackles you to the ground, ripping a surprised shriek out of your smart little mouth. you’re flailing around like the powerless idiot you are, but he’s too strong for you, too angry to possibly stop, because how fucking dare you do this to him? you were supposed to do what he wanted you to, say what he wanted you to. he’d have to show you that now in a much more...unlikeable manner, unfortunately for you.
he’s so disappointed in you that his hands find themselves wrapping around your neck before he knows it, making your voice fizzle out and your vision swim with dark spots as he presses hard, viciously, mercilessly, bitter hatred and annoyance flashing in his wild eyes.
“it wouldn’t have had to be like this if you just played your role properly, darling...”
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note: aka maybe how “chains” would’ve turned out if sunoo was more aggressive and the mc (main character) was less naive?? btw, thanks for 200+ notes on that one, it’s my favorite! i’ve been swamped with writer’s block for a request and my other drafts lol, but dw, i had some fun writing this one. i hope you guys liked this one!! thank you for reading as always.
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skz masterlist | main masterlist | by @sunflwryu
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thestoryden · 2 years
Hey, i was wondering if you could write an eddie x reader where her parents fight, can't really provide a good home so she goes to his trailer for comfort a lot! No smut please, thank you!
Home for the Weekend
Paring: Eddie x Fem!Reader Warnings: Parental Abuse Word Count: 751
i am in love with this request. i worked on this in between some other of my fics. hopefully it comes out to your liking anon ❤.
also my requests are open, but it is taking a bit of time to get through them all.
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A cup hurdles over your head and smashes into the wall. It shatters to pieces and falls to the floor. Then a saucer comes after it. You duck down. 
“Seriously?” your dad yells. “Dishes at the kid.” 
“Well, Mark, sorry for having such a bad aim.” your mom screams back. “I was trying to hit you.” 
She sits back down at the table. Trying to compose herself. 
“Can we just, like, eat.” you interject. 
“Go to your room.” your dad retorts, “you can come back and eat when you stay out of other people’s business.” 
You purse your lips and get up and head for your room. You shut the door behind you and slide down it. 
“Young Lady!” your mother calls out. “You better stop slamming doors in my house.” 
You sob and cover your mouth. You click the lock on your door as softly as possible. You feel like the sound will swallow you up when you hear it. It sets off another back and forth between your parents. You throw on a hoodie and head for your window. You slide it open and climb out. You grab your bag from your bed and pull it through the window. Then shut it behind you, leaving it slightly cracked. You tumble towards the forest as you scramble towards the shortcut to Eddie’s. 
When you arrive at his door there is a note waiting for you. 
“Y/N, gone out to get food be back soon. Eddie.” 
You laugh. Of course, he knew you were coming over. It was 6’oclock on a Saturday. You had come over consistently every Saturday night for the past four weeks, because your parents kept trying to have “family dinners”. This time it seems Eddie has finally caught the rhythm of things. You slump down at his door and wait. It feels like an eternity, but after a while Eddie pulls up in the driveway. You breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Y/N,” Eddie calls from his van, “You’re early to our appointment.” 
“Correction, Munson, you are late.” you jeer. 
He breaks out into a massive smile. You pop up from the ground as he half-tackles half hugs you. You push him off. 
“Okay, okay, I get it, you missed me.” you say. 
“A whole 24-hours without seeing your face, how could I not.” he laughs and ruffles your hair.
You enter into his trailer and head for his bedroom. You can’t help but take solace in the familiar surroundings and the quiet. This place seems like a pocket of the universe tucked away from time. You think about asking if you can stay the whole weekend. You drop your bag on the ground and lay back on Eddie’s bed.
“Hey sleepyhead,” he shouts from the kitchen, “come get some food before it gets cold.” 
“Oh, shit,” you say under your breath.
You scramble to the kitchen and grab a burger from the greasy bag. You bite into it and finally feel like you are not starving for the first time today. You tear through it. 
“Jesus,” Eddie says, “Do they not feed you over there?” 
You raise an eyebrow. 
“Sorry, not funny,” Eddie grimaces, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You have finished your food at this point and the thought of talking about your family situation makes your stomach jolt. 
“Eddie I-,” you start.
“-don’t want to talk about it. I get it,” he finishes, “but why not think it over with this.”
He reaches into another one of the bags and hands over a chocolate shake. 
You accept it begrudgingly and you both head to his room. 
“It was the same as the last time. Except this time, he- he-” your voice breaks, “he threw stuff at me.” 
You begin sobbing loudly. Eddie wraps his arms around you and you nuzzle into his chest. He reaches a hand to your head and smooths his hands gently over the crown of your head. 
“Hey, hey don’t worry. You can stay here as long as you need.” he says calmly. 
You rest in his arms and he gently rocks you, and you stay like that for hours until you drift off. He gently lays your head onto a pillow. He grabs a blanket and wraps himself up in it and lays down on the floor with a balled up hoodie for a pillow. Your body rises and falls slowly as you breathe, and he falls asleep watching your body move through the soft rhythm.
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| loki x reader | smut |
anon requested. loki and fem!reader where he GETS really into it during a rough session and you start crying cause it’s so good & being teased all day with a vibration spell
cw: torture, slight dubcon, slapping, edging, dacryphilia, d/s, degradation, biting, mentions of blood, possession 
dark Loki 🖤
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“Stop that,” Loki hissed, stalking over to you like prey.
“Make me, master,” you taunted him.
Loki grabbed you by your hair, hauling you roughly to your feet. You shrieked, your hands going to his wrist as you tried to catch your balance.
“Am I going to have to whip the insolence out of you? Or is that what you want, you filthy little brat?” Loki snarled, his words hot against your face. You gasped as his teeth sank into your neck, leaving a mark that was soothed by his tongue and cold lips just seconds later.
You jumped at the sound of Loki cracking a whip beside you, black leather snapping the floor near your feet. Your soaked heat gave away your craving for Loki’s sharp discipline, wanting to be spanked.
And the god of mischief could see right through you.
He cracked the whip again, though nowhere near your body, only to watch you jump. He practically threw you onto the bed, releasing his grip on your hair. You bent to his unyielding strength, unable to fight the god off even if you wanted to.
“You think I’m going to give you what you desire? My dear, you cannot goad me into tanning your backside. If you’re going to act like such an insolent whore, I will punish you accordingly.”
Icy fear rippled through you, and your eyes widened. Loki’s sadistic laughter sent a chill down your spine, and you scrambled back toward the headboard, having a split second of distance between you. You’d never be able to escape the cunning god, and it was fruitless to even try. It only furthered his amusement, seeing you utterly helpless against his will. 
His magic was sharp and violent, surrounding you before you could even object.
“By the time I’m done with you, you will beg me for mercy,” the cold laughter left no room for argument, and a wave of terrorized regret settled in.
“Pleading with your god won’t help you now.”
Green sparks flashed from his fingertips, and your hands were restrained above you. You shook your head, starting to kick before leather bound your feet to the bedposts, forcing your legs open. Your body was completely exposed to him, the sturdy leather limiting even your ability to struggle.
“Not so brave now?” Loki feigned pity for you. You shook your head before he sharply grasped your jaw. His grip was tight, feeling like he could break it with no effort.
“Address me properly!”
“No, master,” your voice was meek, confidence and mischief long gone.
He let go of your jaw, waving his fingers inches above your face. A leather band appeared around your neck, and he tugged at the steel ring, forcing your head up. Your body burned in embarrassment, ashamed of the way he handled you.
“I’ll have to show you just how easily I can dominate you.”
You didn’t need to apologize, the words were meaningless to him. Whether or not you were regretful now, he was going to make you sorry.
His hands roamed your body before pinching you sharply, wanting to hear you shriek. You would’ve writhed if your limbs weren’t completely restrained, and he smirked as he groped your tits with bruising force.
“My darling, I’m going to torture you, and there is nothing you can do but just lay there and take it,” his words made you whimper.
He licked a hot stripe up your neck before nipping sharply at the underside of your jaw. You opened your mouth to protest, but in an instant he was kneeling above you and fucking into your throat.
He fully knew what your intention was, but he was fast enough to not have to hear your begs. His arousal only heightened as you choked around him and struggled to breathe.
“Bite me, and I’ll leave your ass bleeding,” Loki threatened, though you’d never dare to even think about it. You tried to relax your jaw as you stopped resisting, letting him brutalize your throat.
He leaned forward and slapped your sex, sneering at the way your body jerked from the sharp pain. Your shriek echoed around him, only furthering the pleasure he was taking from you. He did it again, soaking up your screams of pain and startled arousal.
Loki shouted something vulgar in old Norse as he came down your throat, pulling out and covering your mouth with his hand, forcing you to swallow it all. You choked as he pinched your clit sharply, tears pricking at your eyes. You swallowed and heaved oxygen into your lungs as soon as he let go of you, blinking away the moisture in your eyes.
He laid beside you, admiring the bruises that had already started to paint your skin. His lips curved into a smirk, scaring you further than you thought possible.
He was being generous in letting you catch your breath, though you flinched as his fingers ran over your body.
“Don’t worry, my darling, I’ve got to go work and attend to my subjects in the throne room,” Loki spoke, his voice still entirely sinister. You looked at him hopefully, though he didn’t release you of your bonds.
He snapped his fingers and suddenly you felt a dull vibration pulsing inside of you, spreading through your pussy and swirling around your nerves. You screamed as it grew more intense, crying out at the stimulation.
“I’ll keep you right on the edge all day, and maybe if you’re lucky I’ll turn it off when I come back.” Loki sneered, delighting in your begs for mercy. He stood up, armor appearing under shimmering seidr.
“Have fun, darling.”
The golden doors of his chambers thundered shut behind him, leaving you chained up to the bed with invisible vibrations pulsing and buzzing deep inside your throbbing cunt.
Sobs wracked your body until your mind was completely melted from exhaustion and hours of prolonged stimulation. It was never enough to push you over, keeping you teetering on the razor-sharp edge. You were helpless on the bed, weak sobs shaking your chest. You supposed you should’ve been thankful you weren’t chained up and tortured in the throne room for the Asgardians to witness. Loki had done it before, and you certainly wouldn’t put it past him to do it again.
Loki loved to humiliate you and put you on display, but you decided that this was infinitely worse. His sick and twisted game had you utterly weak and your mind numb. You were forced to take what he gave you
Loki returned hours later, and you were far past any point of sanity. The sun had set, leaving you to suffer in the dark. You were overly sensitive and soaked, and the echo of his footsteps on the floor practically jarred you.
“Look at you,” he breathed, golden lights glowing and casting halos around you. He looked almost heavenly, if it wasn’t for the expression of cruel, starving, sadism.
And you were so far from angelic.
A ragged scream tore from your lungs as the torturous vibrations ceased. Loki smirked, jerking your head up by the collar around your neck, wanting you to look him in the eyes. 
“Beg me to fuck you,” he commanded, earning a dry sob in response. 
“Please, master, fuck me, I need you,” your words came out in stammered gasps, but Loki appreciated the valiant attempt to obey. 
“As you wish, my darling.” 
The cuffs around your ankles disappeared, and Loki bent your knees up to your chest, leaving your hands tied to the headboard. The god sank into you all at once, forcing your body to take him. You were so overwhelmed from stimulation and pleasure you started to sob again, fresh tears rolling down your face as Loki slammed into you with as much force as he could use without breaking you. 
“You look so pretty when you cry.” 
Loki leaned down and licked the tears off of your face, making you shudder and writhe under him. You screamed as he pounded into you at a deeper angle, rough violence bleeding white into your vision, sending you deeper into rapture. 
You gazed blindly at the god you served, the king of Asgard who adored you far more than your mortal mind could fathom. You were his, in body, mind, heart, and soul, fully submitted to his will and desires. 
“I want to feel you fall apart.”
The bottled frustration from hours of edging shattered, Loki tearing an orgasm from you for the millionth time. Everything exploded into raw pleasure.
Loki followed quickly, the sight of your powerful orgasm and the feeling of you pulsing and throbbing around him bringing him to meet you. 
When you settled back into reality, the bliss wearing off, Loki was kneeling beside you. The leather was gone from your body, and he was gently cleaning you up. He wiped your face tenderly, tilting your head up to gaze at him. 
“Hi, darling. You alright?” Loki asked, making sure he hadn’t destroyed you. 
“I think so,” you murmured, barely able to keep your eyes open. 
He hummed as he wrapped his green cloak around your aching body. You buried into the safety of his arms, searching for your saviour even in your sleep. 
“You’re mine. My perfect girl.”
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
Haikyuu characters thinking you want to break up with them
part 1 (Atsumu& Sakusa)
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Heyyyoo~ I'm sorry I haven't post in a while school's bad and it managed to get into my nerves without me going to the place itself plus i have now wifi so I have to connect to my dad's data☹️ Thanks for 33 followers😭💖!! Especially to my friend Mocha berry who supported me :)
Would be doing Tsukishima and Ushijima in part 2 ;)
⚠️Warning⚠️: swearing, not proofread
"I really have enough!" Atsumu banged his fist down the table, making you flinch and take a step backwards.
"You are so fucking dramatic," he pointed at your shivering figure.
"I'm dramatic?" You asked hysterically. "I'm the ones who's dramatic?" You asked again, glaring back at Atsumu. "Open your eyes, 'tsumu! You're the one who made this into a bigger issue!"
"Me?!" Atsumu screamed back, finally making your tears fall down. "Y/N! If you weren't do clingy, this wouldn't happen!"
"Its not my fault that my boyfriend doesn't have time for me!" You fisted your hands.
"And this is fucking why I regretted to ask you to be my s/o!"
You stopped. Brain stopped functioning as you slowly let his words sink in, and to your despair, he didnt stop there.
"If you weren't my s/o, I would have a free life without you whining around like a kid," Atsumu was still shaking from anger.
"I would have the best life without you," he muttered.
More tears flowed down on your face.
"Fine!" You walked out the kitchen and into your shared bedroom, making sure you bang the door open.
You grabbed your bag and began stuffing down your clothes.
You heard loud and fast footsteps and in the corner of your eye, you saw Atsumu standing and peeking in the door, regret filled his eyes.
"If your not contented with me," you began as you take another bag and filled it with toiletries. "Then find another s/o, I wouldn't mind,"
You swung your bag over your shoulder and quickly breezed past him out the door.
Tears prick your eye since again as you quickly fumbled with your house keys and shakily tried to shove the the keys into the keyhole.
Atsumu grabbed your arm, trying to pull you to his chest.
"Y/N! Babe—"
"Don't fucking call me Babe!" You turned to him, new fresh batch of angry tears flowing down your cheeks. "Save that for your new s/o!"
You could see Atsumu's eyes turn glassy, his bottom lip trembling.
You successfully unlock the main door and you walked out of your apartment, striding down the hallway and waiting for the elevator.
Atsumu quickly followed you to turn annoyance, sniffles escaping his trembling lips constantly.
You hated seeing him hurt, especially if your the one who cause it. Imagining him with another person left a sour taste in your mouth.
But now that Atsumu said that he wished he wasn't your s/o, you knew that it wouldn't be long for him to find a new someone— if ever the both of you really make things over.
You distracted yourself by looking up the escalating red digital numbers that was labeled up the elevator doors.
In the corner of your eye, you see Atsumu opening and closing his mouth as if he wanted to say something but he couldn't. His hands hesitantly trying to reach out for you, his head hung low, tears dripping out of his red eyes pitifully.
The elevator doors finally opened and that's when Atsumu find his courage to talk to you.
"Y-you're really gonna leave me, aren't you?" He whispered softly, only loud enough for you to hear.
You stopped your attempt to walk in the elevator and stare aimlessly somewhere.
His sniffles and hiccups were getting worst. He was obviously trying to stop himself for crying.
You watch as the elevator doors close infront of you.
Turning to him, you saw his huge mascular figure shaking violently and his head still hung low.
"You are, aren't you?" He asked shakily again.
You dropped your bags and threw yourself to him, hugging him tightly.
He finally broke down, loud sobs echoing the empty hallway and hugging you back tightly.
"I'm never gonna leave you, 'Tsumu," You sobbed into his chest. "Never. . . I can't do that, I love you so much,"
"I'm so sorry, baby. . ." Atsumu sobbed into your hair. "Shit. . . I'm so sorry. . . I- I didn't mean what I said, I would never replace you– Fuck! Please forgive me baby. . ."
You let out a watery sob.
"H-hey, it's fine 'Tsumu." You looked up at his slightly swollen and wet but dreamy eyes. "I'm sorry for being dramatic," you giggled slightly.
He wiped your tears.
"It's fine baby," He smiled at you through his teary eyes, pressing a chaste kiss on your forehead. "I love you. . ."
"I love you more,"
He smiled, his eyes suddenly lighten up more.
"Hey, I found a really good movie in Netflix! It's a horror movie, let's watch it together!" He smiled down at you, gripping your hands.
"Okay! Let's watch it tonight!" you smiled up at him.
He smiled wider and cupped your cheeks, leaning down to kiss you.
Sakusa groaned. He stood up straight and made the mop lean towards the wall.
He scanned the living room all sparkling clean. Walking towards the couch, he plopped himself down, sighing in relief.
Sakusa having a bad day is an understatement.
The weather is bad, rainy and muddy outside, making their volleyball practice get cancelled for their own safety. Just today, when he woke up, he found that you weren't around. Sakusa had no idea where you went and it angers him that you didn't let him know. He waited for you and he spent his time cleaning the house and yet it has been an hour since you left.
And he hadn't have his breakfast and it made him more grumpier and more icy than ever.
Sakusa stood up and was about to go to the kitchen to eat on his own when the door opened, revealing you in muddy clothes.
"Hi babe!" You softly chuckled before breaking out in to a harsh and loud cough.
Sakusa flinched at that.
He observed you as you drop the plastic bags filled with what he assumed groceries.
He watched as you slowly walk into the living room, leaving a disgusting trail of wet puddles and mud.
Sakusa clicked his tounge.
"Y/N!" He frowned as you stopped in the middle of the living room, looking up at him. "I just mopped up the floor!"
"Oh, I'm sorry—"
"Save it Y/N. . ." He clicked his tongue in annoyance once more, picking up the mop again. You knew he was mad, and you tried not to worsen the mood more. "Look what you did!"
"Babe. . . I'm really—"
"I said save it!" He raised his voice higher making you shut up. "Where are you from?"
"I went to the grocery—"
"We still had a lot of food!" Sakusa pointed the way to the kitchen, eyebrows deeply furrowed.
"No, there isn't—"
"Shut up okay?!" Sakusa banged the mop on the floor harshly, you flinched. Tears threatened you.
He wasn't always like this and if he ever is, it wouldn't be a pleasant sight.
Sakusa run his hands through hair, tugging it stressfully.
"Go to the bathroom and clean yourself!"
You slowly slumped across the living room in the way to the bath.
"If you want to be part of this household, then make yourself useful. . ."
You turned around just as he finished whispering those words.
Sakusa turned to you.
"I said 'If you—'"
You laughed, humorlessly.
"So you're saying I'm not useful?" You voice cracked with sadness.
Sakusa only stared at you with his stoic expression.
"That I'm worthless?" You pointed to yourself.
Sakusa frowned. "I didn't say that—"
"But you're making it sound like that!" You raised your voice, running your hands through your damp hair angrily and in stress.
"You're the one who's making it mean like that!" Sakusa exclaimed, slightly shaking from anger.
"I am your fucking s/o! And you have the audacity to insult me!"
Both of you argued on and on, the clock ticking away, voices getting louder than the last. You don't know when would this end and how.
Both of you were stubborn, both doesn't want to lose from the other.
Until, Sakusa had enough. He swiped the things away from the coffee table, making the fragile things on it shatter loudly, triggering the tears that sat on the edge of your eyes and fall down your cheeks.
"Would you shut it?!" Sakusa's cheeks glowed red.
"You're not telling me what to do!" You shouted back.
"You are so fucking stubborn!" His voice trembled. "You know what? I regretted to be with you!" He screamed shakily, pointing at your smaller figure.
Tears flowed down your cheeks more. You stepped up to him, you didn't care if you're still damp with rain.
"And you know what? I did too," you spat the words with venom and you saw Sakusa softened, guilt immediately swan in his eyes.
You immediately walked to the main door and Sakusa immediately followed, trying to string his sentence but it all ended up with a stutter mess.
"Y/N!" He called as you banged the main door close, you walked out the glass doors and you were immediately met with heavy rain pouring down your back harshly.
You didn't know where to go and you panicked when you hear Sakusa running to you from behind.
You tried to run away but he gripped your wrist, making you turn to him.
"Y/N. . . Please. . . please. . ." He grabbed your hands and clasped his huge hands around yours, looking at you with pleading eyes. "I didn't mean—"
You sobbed.
"Maybe it's better if you find someone new. . ." You tried to pry your hands away from his, in which you successfully did due to him staring at you in shock.
"What? No! I won't replace you!" He shook his head, making his now curly hair sway along with him.
He paused, guilt swimming at the pit of his stomach and his lungs, making it hard to think and breath.
"Are you breaking up with me?"
You looked up at him and you immediately spoke.
"No,no,no,no," he chanted, tears swelling his own eyes. He held your hand as he let out a sob that he tried to keep in.
He knelt down still clasping your hands, looking up at you. Sakusa broke down, sniffles, hiccups and sobs escaping his trembling lips.
"No,no,no, please don't break up with me," he cried.
You cried with him as you knelt down beside your lovely boyfriend.
"Please don't, Y/N. . . I- I can do anything! Just forgive and stay with me—"
You peck his lips, making him shut up.
"I won't break up with you, silly boy," you went to his chest as he hugged you right, both of you crying hard and not really caring of you're out in the rain.
"I'm sorry," you sobbed.
"I'm sorry too," he sobbed back.
You pulled back and wiped his tears, and he did the same, which was useless since the rain was still drenching you both.
"Let's dance in the rain?" you wiggled your eyebrows at him as you let out a distorted laugh since your throat is still sore.
"That only happened in cringy romantic movies," he let out a watery laugh of his own.
Nevertheless, you both stood back on your feet and danced in the rain.
Whew! That was a trip, my finger really said ✨No✨ when I wanted to make another angst for an another character.
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