#i am supreme
landlockedcorsair · 6 months
Im on such an aspd high right now!! Hence my weird self-love post a moment ago. Like, people talk about narc high/supply whatever, but who the fuck talks about the antisocial dominance high!? Ahh, I haven’t been this alive in a long time. Y’all wouldn’t get it. I won. I am right. People fall in line with my reality because I am the best. I fucking won.
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kieshartzishere · 1 year
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Cat's out of the bag, I am actually the hidden Team Crafted member this whole time and I am better than [REDACTED]
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i don’t know why but every time i read your blog name i think “gift-giver-supremacy” and i cannot stop
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obsidianwolf36 · 2 months
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one boop every 300 miliseconds, ive done over 48k boops today for everyones knowledge :3c
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purpleyam213 · 6 months
OK LETS RESTART deleted almost all my posts because they were ugly af
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Do I Have Any Advice for You
Yes. Life is long if you're lucky and full of struggles. There are many downsides that accompany personhood, but also much joy. We are here to love and be loved, to know and be known, and to pay attention. The gift of our attention is unprecedented in the history of Earth life, and a power to wield with care and attention.
But that is not my advice. My advice is to--if it is at all possible--shed your human skin entirely and become a corporation. Ideally, become a coffee company that donates all its profit to charity. But any kind of corporation will do in a pinch.
According to the U.S. Supreme Court, as a corporation you will still be a person, but you will no longer be confined to the decaying bacterial colony known as your body. You will ascend to Corporate Personhood, the highest form of Personhood available to late stage capitalist societies, where you enjoy all the benefits of person status with none of the biological trials and tribulations.
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bulkhummus · 1 year
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i just know he’d be insufferable
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sluttyhenley · 6 months
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sometimes a healthy relationship isn't 50/50 because it can't be, and that's okay.
disabled people who cannot take on an equal portion of the work in a relationship deserve to be loved too, if that's what they want. and as long as their partner is getting the support they need, and is happy to take on that work, then what's the issue? it's nobodys business but your own the way that works in your relationship.
if you or your partner are disabled, and you can't split the work in the relationship 50/50, that's okay. you're not abusive, or a baby, or unloveable because of that. I promise
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 3 months
i am never going to get over the confirmation that eddie didn't necessarily need buck to take him to pick up christopher after the earthquake. there was nothing wrong with eddie's vehicle, nothing to hinder him from driving, nothing that any of us have thought up to explain it. eddie could have gone himself but he didn't. he let buck take him. he knew then he could trust this piece of himself with buck after the day they had and it was apparently easy to just keep doing that. eddie trusted buck to get him to his son first and then not long after he trusts buck with his son more than anyone else.
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actual-changeling · 7 months
We always talk about Aziraphale discovering secrets about Crowley's fall in heaven, but have you considered the opposite?
Do you think Aziraphale ever walks through heaven's endless archives, trying to find something, anything to help stop the wheels that have been in motion for millennia? If he does, one day he might find a pile of dusted files, all of them marked with a name that is nothing more than a smudged ink blotch. He knows now that every fallen angel's name is erased like that, their identity wiped away like a fingertip drawn through wet ink; the rough evidence of their existence remains, the shape of a black hole where grace should be.
Aziraphale is alone in the stretching corridors, there is no one else around, and even if another angel were watching by chance, nothing about what he is doing is forbidden.
(He would not care if it was.)
So he opens the file and pulls out its contents, only to find himself surrounded by ink-black darkness. Electricity crackles through him, sharp but oddly familiar, and he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Seemingly out of nowhere, an angel clad in white with hair like fire appears next to him. Aziraphale does not remember their name, but he would know this face even if it were wiped from his memory; the elegant features are both fragile and powerful, and so, so loved. When one of his hands reaches out on its own accord, the memory flickers as it goes straight through their face, and with a sense of broken, golden loss, he cradles it against his chest.
They are holding a flickering light within their palm, a proto-star, one of the very first designs, and with a soft blow of air from them, it takes flight. Spinning slowly, its light spreads and spreads, taking most of the darkness with it, yet even as the bleached sterility of heaven begins to shimmer through at the edges, the Starmaker's smile is bright enough to drown it out.
"You're beautiful," they whisper, their hair moving like a flame in the wind as the star expands and nears its collapse.
Aziraphale does not notice the tears flowing down his cheeks as he watches until the star goes supernova, until the Starmaker turns and takes in the glittering clouds of spacedust, their smile and eyes wide and alive, until the memory fades slowly like a dream in cruel morning light, and he is left alone with a scratched-out name and a hollow grief in his chest.
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mugwot · 3 months
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sometimes you sound bit too mean, it happens
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it was Supposed to be in colour, and them the bw version Just Looked better
this is mostly based on this meme
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soullessjack · 9 months
what if we kissed in the Garden of Gethsemane after the last supper and I did not refuse your treacherous kiss which identified me to the police of Sanhedrin but instead I kissed you in return to show that I still love you and forgive you for betraying me and we were both boys
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rochenn · 9 months
love the star wars german dub. like you'd figure anakin and obi-wan would address each other with peer pronouns (du) by the time RotS rolls around. but no. they don't even use the formal ones (sie).
anakin addresses obi-wan with the fucking PLURALIS MAJESTATIS. like. "ihr"??? did this space opera backflip into the regency period? imagine that in english. don't make me kill you my liege. your grace, you underestimate my power. what the fuck
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hallowclave · 2 months
Small but knowing wxs
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
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yeah so my girlfriend told me the bad news
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