#i apologize @ me for just perceiving me
mcybree · 6 months
did you know that scott hit jimmy more times in 3l than anybody else, including the person that literally killed him? scott hit jimmy 13 times (2 accidental), skizz killed jimmy with one shot. anyways i think i'm gonna bite drywall
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oldestking · 7 months
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/  If u deal with g.il u have to know that u will be constantly threading through the thin line between him deciding that u will die by his hands or u proving him that there’s something of worth in having u around
#at least initially of course#;about#about#;headcanons#headcanons#well its not really a headcanon but u know; tagging-#and it lit can shift in o n e second#which is why its quite difficult to deal with him bc he's that unpredictable#this is much more pronounced on a.rcher g.il but caster isn't devoid of this#its just that c.aster is more likely to not bother with ur existense#while a.rcher g.il has this feeling but its more so; u have no worth to me so what worth could you possibly provide to the world then?#and would get rid of the person in question there#while with caster its more like; u have no worth to me nor to the world; SCRAM.#/and i apologize in advance but yes; his views are very egocentric in either case; that's just how he is#to him even if u came and told him 'i dont care about how u perceive me lol' it doesnt matter; and also he's k.illing u on the spot#of course i wouldn't do this with the context of writing him bc it would be too op but; if ur sassy with him it has to be on a#wavelenght of mutual respect even if its not said out loud; it has to exist#otherwise chances are that he is not going to be cooperative with u#its not a pretty trait but that's g.ilgamesh#and yes this is hypocritical of him but its his status as king and his hugeahh ego which makes this contradiction possible#so it has a reason (even if it sucks) as of why he acts the way he does; basically g.il works by his own rules#in conclusion: bite him and bark at him but know who ur dealing with; that's basically it; if u do so in a way that is akin to his taste#he'll do it back; and then u'll gain his friendship#as a last thing i wanna mention how his views CAN definitely change; as they have done so with as an example h.akuno and r.itsuka/g.udako#so even if u start a rocky path with him; things can still progress
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shannonsketches · 9 months
hey kid want a tragic ship textblock about ganny and nabooboo here u go
thinking about the very shippy nabsgan scene in my head in which Gan's last night as a mortal man in Gerudo Valley started as a fucked up fight that ended in surprisingly authentic lovings and the one final kiss trope the morning after bc she doesn't know shit's about to go down but he does and it could go badly and he might not ever see her or this room or this place ever again so he slips up and lingers a bit too softly a bit too long and it confuses her a little but it's nice so she's like 'okay cool maybeeee we'll be chill when he gets back this time'
and they had this code they developed when they were younger bc their relationship was a (very poorly kept) secret for a long time so if she was up in his room when he headed out she'd stand in the window and watch him leave even if she was mad at him and he'd always looks back even if he was mad at her and over the years it bounces between a romo 'don't be long' thing and and a salty 'getting the last word' thing but it's always a 'see you soon' thing and it's the thing they do if they were together before he headed out even if they were only in the same room to have an argument it's always the thing they do it's the thing they've always done and so she stands at the window and they fight all the time now so she's extra confused by how well things ended last night and how well they went this morning and how weird it is and she waits for her little signal from him that he'll be home soon whether its a threat or a promise but he starts to look back and then stops -- and chooses not to -- and heads out without looking at her
and it dawns on her that he hasn't made eye contact with her at all this whole morning and the very sudden realization that it's a goodbye hits her square in the chest and she just has to stand there and not know what that means she just knows that's what's been said with no further context and no way to ask because he's disappeared behind the canyon wall he's already gone and the next thing she knows Hyrule is burning and no one's heard from Ganondorf and she has to carry this dread around in her chest like everything is normal because she's the second in command and she's in charge in his absence and everyone else is obviously worried but she's the only one that saw him as close as he gets to being vulnerable right before he left
and she feels like she should've gone after him she should've stopped him she should've chased him down the hall and jumped on his back and been so annoying and clingy and obnoxious and not let him leave and not let him go because she knows now what she saw was him standing with his foot over the ledge making peace with the jump and she knows now he might've been just unprepared enough for her to knock him off balance and pull him back and keep him home and if she'd refused to let go of his hand it might've been enough to stay it from whatever he was planning to do and it might've been enough to crack that facade he's built around himself and let her see him again for the first time in what feels like years but she didn't she just stood at the window and watched him go and the next time she'll see him he'll be Changed, Forever
and she thinks about that day a lot when she's sitting in the sage chamber knowing that the thing he chose to become the thing she feels responsible for letting him become is just down the ethereal hall chained up like a rabid dog in the shadow realm snarling and jeering and calling her a traitor and not knowing she feels like one for reasons he'll never even think about
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xxplastic-cubexx · 23 days
i love deadpool and i love reading deadpool comics but i aint gonna lie to you its awkward reading them sometimes when i get mild anxiety from being watched and his whole like. BIT is occasionally talking to the reader. upset sometimes even
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1o1percentmilk · 3 months
trying to apply to go to grace hopper conference and im trying to say something that i dont know how to explain about not feeling like i fit in with women and nonbinary people but that i still likely suffer from employment discrimination by being sort of. well i dont know what my gender is and i feel like if i think about it and how people perceive me too much i will explode
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obnoxiousarcade · 3 months
I have a longing to be understood more than anything else i think
#someone very recently acknowledged something that usually goes unseen and it wasn't even that great of an acknowledgement but ive just been#staring at the messages every once in a while. its great. not really i sort of feel like a real weirdo#im very lonely. i cant say why but let it be known that i am very lonely#ok i have a question to those who lie their eyes upon this post: tell me what you know about me please?#so much lies in my social perception and i am just. not being perceived. at all. darn#i have a lot to cry about but morally i dont think i should-- specifics would mean being mean to the people i love#talking to anyone anymore just makes me feel horrible. doing anything anymore makes me feel horrible..tmbg has my back though ill live for#another.week or a few. and then my birthday will happen and rhen um#.Well. it sucks that sucks man. i dont want to disclose my age but to elaborate on why ACTUALLY HOLD ON#the thing i am about to say is not true; it is a metaphorical thing: it is my 21st birthday soon.#i decided that i wouldnt live past this age around 5 years ago and the only reason ive lived five years is being killed this year. i dont#think every thing ive been desperately clinging on to for the past 2 (?) years can keep me alive past then..i think im going to die. i have#to#NO MORE BEING A DOWNER#fox (vulpes vulpes) on the Internet for the first time#okay maybe a little more..i dont know who im talking to in this post. my friends do not read my tumblr and. i dont know anyone else.really.#uh#I'm listen to tmbg right now i love them#hey reader; i can only think of 3 people who see enough about me to check my blog. so i have separate questions for the each of you.#one of you likes (liked? school came in and i couldnt see your blog much past then; idk if its changed) tmbg. what do you think of The Else?#and uh you there... the guyyy. Google john flansburgh..i dont have a reason to this one ive just not been able to stop thinking about askin#you what you think of him.#um third person..... um#okay theres nothing iecan ask. i do want to apologize to you though: im sorry.#iThis is bullshit#im gonna delete this soon#Um also sorry if my wording here is. really wack. i tend to do that#i dont think anyones going to see this as is always#i think i just like talking to the hypothetical beast. yeah
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always-a-joyful-note · 11 months
So I've read Bogie Time and Fist of Idol, as well as a few other stories (cannot for the life of me remember their names) thanks to the Sanctuary Event almost being out on Engstars = free stories to read and have realised that enstars also has
- cryptocurrencies (shoutout to the tags that said this) - vampires - literal war flashbacks - debates on the fluidity of morality (who was the philosopher who said that morals change as people evolve?) - censorship laws discourse - nonconsensual drugging - power rangers - questionable but compelling breakdowns of classic literature - did i mention the monologues? - urban fantasy characters - references to tax laws - a surprising amount of crossdressing - on that note, a surprising amount of flirting (you guys weren't kidding) - information wars - a concerning amount of teenagers with god(ish) complexes - totalitarianism
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randomraytrash · 1 year
There is something weird in Nate character arc
I love Nate and I like his relationship with Jade. I root for his happiness, I was Nate x Happiness way before season two, because I really relate at many of the mental struggles he faces.
But let me make clear a thing:
Relationships don't fix mental illness.
A new partner will not fix all the problems in your life.
A good relationship can help you, can support you through difficult time, but it won't magically fix you. You need to act, change your behaviour and fix yourself, because nobody will do it for you.
Nate needs to own his fucking mess, he needs to see through Rupert schemes and put his foot down. Because blocking his mistakes (with Ted, especially Ted) like he did during this episode won't help him, avoidance can work only for a short period of time, then it comes back and bite you in the ass.
Because everybody is growing and changing but him (and no, getting a girlfriend is not synonymous of a redemption arc, nor a healing process, especially if all his confidence is still tight with "getting a girl" and without a girl to "show off" he's worthless, which wasn't disproved yet and no, don't spit at your self reflection one time, while never addressing the root cause is not enough). He's risking of getting stuck in the past, in his old mentality, in a fake confidence not internal but tied to an external person (Jade).
Fight forward, isn't it? Get out of that box and live the moment, every moment is worth living, because you are worth it, whatever you succeeded or failed, you deserve happiness in your life.
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That's what I think we should stride for Nate's arc.
It's nice that Nate got a girlfriend (I enjoy them because they are such opposite character and energy), but it'll come crushing and burning down if he doesn't understand why he was able to ask her out. It matters that he found the courage to ask her out for a date, but he matters regardless, even without this accomplishment.
Nobody defined Nate if not Nate himself. And I think Jade can help him realize it, but the relationship with her is not a magic cure (and to be absolutely critical I think they will have many communication problem if they don't learn how properly work things out before a real relationship, since Jade is not really an extroverted person and Nate is an anxious mess ready to misinterpret every ambiguous body language, I know it because I'm the same).
Getting a girl is not the redemption arc, is not the finale, it's barely a consequence of the first step in becoming a better person. I believe (eh, Ted Lasso, isn't it?) Nate is fundamentally a good person, he's a brilliant tactician, funny and sensible, but he's also deeply insecure and he broke the trust, and leash out to people who (truly) loved and trust him and we can say all we want to explain his reasoning (his past bullying, his daddy problems, the miscommunication), but it doesn't chance the fact he was wrong, it's not a justification.
Nate matters with Rupert, and without him (a lot more without him). With Ted's or his father's approval or without. (And already had Ted's, like this episode he went to see him play with his son, Ted already, for the most part, forgive him. Ted doesn't have to accept his apology, but Ted Lasso is Ted Lasso and do what Ted Lasso can do best: treating people with compassion, so he will without a second thought the moment he'll see Nate sincerely regrets).
But Nate does need to do it, though, he's redemption arc is tied with this apology. Because they say hurt people hurt people, and it may be true, but it's also bullshit. Even if your struggle with mental health, you have no right to hurt others.
To do this apology thought Nate needs to grow, needs to build his confidence and self esteem for himself, because he's action were mostly a counteract to a perceive rejection, he is not what twitter says about him, or Jade, or Ted, or his father, or Rupert.
The belief that you matter, you know? Regardless of what I do or don't archive.
Ted is going to forgive him, of course he is.
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
So with the hangout.. do you think that settles the issue of mistranslation or not of Kaeya and Diluc being brothers?
is it even possible to settle it? i feel like there must be some insane cultural difference between me as a western person and chinese people when it comes to adoptive siblings because, i honestly don't see how the biological son of the guy you consider your adoptive father isn't, by extension, your adoptive brother; how would that relationship not be familial? even when you bring in the "sworn brothers" trope as a means of queercoding, which is a concept ive had explained to me more than once – like, okay? i agree that it's true you can't properly translate/localize that, but. how else did you want them to translate it? even if the word brother was never used once in the eng translation, how do you make it so that kaeya and diluc calling the same guy "father" doesn't imply some uncomfortable things if he and diluc are romantically involved..? but then, who knows, maybe i just don't have enough knowledge about how censorship works in china, how they do queercoding over there, how they deal with adopted relationships, whatever. it's fine. different cultural upbringings, no? it's funny when it's the western side of the fandom discussing this, though. because you'll have these extremely white people arguing with you about the intricacies of chinese BL media. as if either of us knows what the hell we're talking about. anyway, none of this matters in the end because most klc shippers just... like the incest. and the day we stop arguing about mistranslations and simply accept that people either 1) see this relationship in a different light due to their cultural background or 2) are a little bit of a freak online is the day i will finally know peace as a kaeya fan
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opha · 5 months
has anyone noticed the religious side of tumblr getting increasingly weird and regressive since the porn ban? i know a lot of us had an eye on the evangelical xtian explosion here, but i now see a pretty uniform resurgence of the sentiment that you can't vocally hate/disrespect/even disbelieve a religion for any reason, sometimes extending to the point of thoughtcrime-ifying privately held convictions, even among leftists
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coffin-clown · 7 months
I'm not going to continue making original posts on the topic beyond this one probably (as a tme person I far prefer to actually reblog sources from those affected by the issue, and I highly recommend everyone else do the same- there are so many wonderfully smart people willing to educate, please seek them out) but oh my god. Im getting literally so tired of people's "activism" for trans women + transfems being the simple act of being attracted to them.
thinking trans women + transfems are hot is only the same as thinking anyone else is hot. it is not the end all be all, and certainly no excuse to avoid other forms of community support, simply to find them attractive. I'm saying this ESPECIALLY to my fellow tme trans people. it's amazing if this is validating and helpful to the tma people in your life, but please please please please can we all just think for a second before saying this to strangers??
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beomgyutruther · 8 months
#snapped at my mom because im stressed about my preboard results and then i apologized and explained that i was rly stressed and accidentally#lashed out and she started saying that im always rude to her and taking my stress out on her ??? and that i never do this to my dad#and then she said i never talk to her about anything even though she's the only one who does everything for me yet i still dont talk to her#and well. maybe if she didnt tell my brother 'if u do this u will end up like ur sister in the future. u dont want to fail in life right ?#then dont do this' (nearly exact words) when she was scolding him . i mean maybe then i would actually want to talk to her#and it sucks because i cant rly talk to anyone irl about this because i still feel scared that they'll like. judge my mom#because i still love her a lot and dont want people to think badly about her#but its getting harder ! to exist here ! and the fact that i am constantly used as an example of what my brother should NOT be#especially when i work this hard partly because i want to be someone my brother can look up to#and to have that come from my own mother . it's really hurtful and makes me feel like nothing i ever do will be enough for her#not to mention the fact that i have come out to her 4 times and she still constantly asks me if it's just a phase#<- i thought that part was getting better but apparently not#but i've stopped expecting anything from anyone in that respect so it doesn't really come as a surprise lmao#anyway rant over i just needed to get that off my chest because i really dont know how long i can keep crying and then forcing my voice#to be normal so that no one asks what happened because wow it is taking a toll on me! who knew#do noooot perceive this
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oh also in response to that one reblog game my apologies to everyone I have/do slightly intimidate I am not trying to I promise you I am trying very very hard to be nice I’m just some guy I swear you don’t gotta be nervous or anything <3
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scarlettxxtt · 1 year
Do u guys ever just ask a college friend out for lunch and then they say they have prior plans with another group of friend.
And they don't invite u and u contemplate which answer to give, either "Oh cool, can i join?" Or "Oh cool, have fun".
And u r leaning towards the latter bc if u asked to join them and their friends, u might interrupt them and make things awkward? And u definitely don't want to make things awkward for them (ur friend and their friends). But this is just speculation and u don't have the guts to confirm if that's true or not bc that would also make things awkward?
So I went with "Oh cool, have fun". And ur friend doesn't try to invite u, and u know this bc they said "sorry :')"
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curiosityschild · 11 months
Do it scared. Do it weird. Do it alone.
Do it bad. Do it wrong. Do it half-assed.
A third trio??? A trio of threes would be nice but I can't think of any more
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softasawhisper · 1 year
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