#i appreciate that very much
redstrewn · 8 months
Notes are cool but when u start talking to me...thats worth 50 notes babey
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lover-of-skellies · 11 months
I like your art 👉👈
I am. Very gently holding you in my hands right now. Like that "gently holding" emoji thing. That's me @ you
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hansoeii · 10 months
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we go just right.
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
🌻 I am sending you a sunflower this way :)
Oh thank you. 💕 One for you as well 🌻
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0fps · 12 days
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Jiyan, leader of the Midnight Rangers, acts with swift and resolute righteousness. He possesses the formidable ability to conjure a powerful Qingloong from the winds, making him invincible on the battlefield.
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nevesceramics · 30 days
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cone 02 red earthenware, underglaze
available in one hour! (noon CST)
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drop-dead-dino · 2 months
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I’m totally normal about these two totally normal dudes :) .
I don’t usually read fics, specially AU related ones, but this one GOT me, holy cow. Check it out if you fancy that sort of thing! 
Love, Death, and Rollerskates by @spadillelicious !
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egophiliac · 11 months
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redesigning my headcanon for Sebek's parents, based on important new information (SCALES)
(you can't see it but they're both wearing crocs)
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temeyes · 3 months
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ngl, it would be Ghost because he's (canonically) a show-off
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nothatsmi · 9 months
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Lovely isn't he.
I finished the third book. It's been a few days already but with work and stuff... Anyway now I'm digging through the additional content Nora posted on Tumblr, took me a while to understand how it works but now I am pleased.
I cannot express the emotionnal damage these books have done to me, but I'm not finished drawing any of the foxes. Just saying.
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exo-dus404 · 2 months
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Finally posting this AU here;
It’s 1 year anniversary of this AU!!
CW: This au contains general dark themes, brainwashing, non-consensual body modification, violence, machine gore, etc. please read at your own risk!
This is my rw au(Project Triple Affirmation), it takes place in a setting where the Ancients are still alive. One day, Looks to the Moon announces that she has found the Triple Affirmative—the answer to the Great Problem: to eliminate death by uploading all consciousnesses to a virtual reality, for without death, there is no rebirth, thereby breaking the cycle. She sees herself as the savior of everything, granting an ethereal eternity.
To put it into simpler words: Moon with her local group killing everything and uploading their victim’s consciousness to FP’s processor(a virtual reality).
While Moon claims that her plan “Solves” the Great Problem, her real agenda is far more radical: she wants to play god. To create a new world in her vision.
There’s still a lot more lore in this au, I’ll slowly get to them in my later posts.
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monteruu · 2 months
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let's see how far we've come :)
[image id: digital illustration of john egbert, jade harley, rose lalonde, and dave strider from homestuck. they are all laying on a blue checkered picnic blanket laying on top of one another in a familiar manner and smiling.
john is at the center laughing heartily while jade is to the right laying down on her side. dave is to the left and is in a comfortable lounging position with one leg over one of john's and is resting his head in rose's lap who is smirking at john and jade's antics.
they are all in their respective godtier outfits. around them are some lush grassy hills with variously colored wildflowers spotting the landscape and the sburb sun setting behind them. end image id.]
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cringefail-clown · 1 month
the difference between karkat and kankri when it comes to their shared aspect of blood is that karkat, as a knight, will protect and cultivate the bonds between his friends and will form connections with others easily due to his empathetic nature, even if said others are fucked up people in the eyes of others (see: his whole deal with spades slick, the way he formed moriallegience with rampaging gamzee), people naturally come into his orbit, meanwhile kankri being a seer doesnt want to create a connection between himself and others, but he wants to understand and study how those bonds work between people, basically looking outside in on the relationships and forming a list of do's and dont's when it comes to cultivating that connection
in other words, karkats that one motherfucker at the party whos somehow friends with everyone here, no matter their background, and everyone fucking loves that foul-mouthed guy, meanwhile kankri is standing in the corner like a creep and nobody knows exactly what his deal is but he knows what everyones deal is and somehow has knowledge of all of partygoers dirty laundry, even if theyve never seen him in their fucking life
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arofulboyfriend · 2 months
I feel like sometimes, aro/ace/aroace positivity posts can accidentally exclude us non gold star holders, so reminder:
if you are ace and have had consensual sex in the past but don't want it anymore, you are still ace
if you are aro and have had a romantic relationship in the past but don't want one anymore, you are still aro
yes, even if the "past" was last week, yes, even if these things happened while you were already identifying as ace/aro/aroace, yes, even if you enjoyed them, yes, even if you didn't, yes, even if you're neutral, yes, even if you'd be willing to try again. (and of course, aces/aros/aroaces who still do those things/have those relationships are just as ace/aro/aroace as the rest of us)
and especially
yes, even if you are sex and/or romance repulsed now
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gallusgalluss · 7 months
hey Hey i'm shouting out this new Bugsnax Wiki (The Bugapedia) by @betterdonutgalaxy, separate from the Fandom/Wikia wiki! Go check it out n help contribute some stuff if ur able to!!
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