#i barely needed a reference for him this time cause i usually heavily reference from a 3d model lmao insider knowledge
madsmadart · 1 month
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(Repost from 2023)
Hearing my Hispanic relatives say Spanish phrases makes me think of how I can incorporate them into my comics for Meta Knight haha. I've also been meaning to bring more of the Halberd into focus since the crew hasn't been seen much.
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starry-crossing-zone · 4 months
The Medic - Echo (TBB) (Part 2)
Summary: Echo returns to his medic for help after the Bad Batch is betrayed by Sid. Length: 2475 words Warnings: Unnamed Female Medic (Can Read as Reader or OC), Canon Angst, Some Body Dysmorphia (Echo); References to the Citadel; Fives is Brought Up; Tears; Happy Ending **Picks up right after Season 2 ends. Written before Season 3 came out but is compliant with it. No spoilers.
Part 1
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After Sid’s betrayal, Echo was first and foremost focused on getting somewhere safe to regroup. They needed to heal. They needed to gather information and supplies. And they needed to have a plan. Running after Omega blindly wasn’t going to solve anything.
They needed help.
“Where are we going?” Hunter asked Echo, walking into the cockpit.
“Somewhere safe,” Echo replied, keeping his gaze forward.
“No, somewhere different. Somewhere with brothers who can help us. Rex showed me a colony of clone deserters. Some were rescued directly from the Empire, so they may be able to help us.”
Hunter nodded and turned to sit at the computer, slowly typing away. Echo tried not to stare, knowing that the sergeant was still slightly manic from watching Omega be taken away. And Echo didn't need to be a medic to know that Hunter was still in pain from his injuries from their failed mission.
The weight of losing Omega so soon after losing Tech weighed heavily on the Bad Batch. And Echo needed to get them somewhere safe before something else happened.
Pulling out of hyperspace, Echo maneuvered the Marauder down to the same landing patch. Once the Marauder touched down and the landing sequence was complete, Echo stood up.
“I’m going to speak with my contact here. I’ll be back.”
Hunter nodded and Echo disembarked from the Marauder. Walking around the ship, he wasn’t shocked to see some of his brothers lined up with blasters. But when they spotted him, they lowered them. Echo walked forward and greeted them before getting straight to business.
“We were attacked. We need a medic.”
Echo gave her name and the clones nodded before walking off to contact her. Looking up at the Marauder for a moment, Echo followed after them.
When she heard that Echo had returned, albeit with a different ship and brothers, she hurried to meet him. Turning NAN back on, she jumped on her speeder and took off, her heart pounding in her chest. If Echo asked for her by name, that had to mean that he was conscious. And not severely injured. Right? But that didn’t make her blood pressure go down.
Slowing her speeder down, she slid off of it and grabbed her medic bag, barely breaking her stride as she ran down the hill. Echo turned around at the sound of footsteps and straightened up when he saw her approaching. She stopped in front of him, managing her desire to throw her arms around him.
“You came back,” she stated softly, reminding him of their conversations after battle.
“I need your help,” he replied, causing her to nod. “We were attacked. Our mission . . . everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. I have two brothers injured and they’re very sensitive right now. We lost two of our own.” Echo looked back at the ship before returning his gaze to her. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
“I’ll look at them,” she promised him.
Echo led the way into the Marauder before guiding her over to Hunter. After a brief round of introductions and an explanation of his enhancements, she started her assessment. Working diligently and professionally, she patched him up before reaching into her bag. Pulling out a pill bottle, she turned back to Hunter.
“How does your body take medicine compared to a normal clone?”
“Usually, they give me half or less of the normal dosage,” Hunter explained slowly, causing her to nod. “Tech had it all written out somewhere.”
“What about sleep pills? Did you ever try them?”
“A long time ago. When I was still a youngling.”
“How much did you take then?”
“A quarter of a pill.”
“Then let’s try half a pill,” she prescribed, moving to break a sleeping pill in half.
“I don’t need sleeping pills,” Hunter stated, straightening up.
“You need a bacta chamber, but we don’t have one of those here.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Muscling through the pain will only prolong your recovery,” she replied calmly, breaking a sleeping pill in half. “And right now, the best thing that you can do is have a good night’s sleep. Let your body relax and repair itself.” She held out the half pill to Hunter, who stared down at it. “There’s no shame in accepting help when you need it, Sergeant.”
Hunter stared at the pill for another moment before picking it up. She poured him some water before turning back to Echo. Leaving Hunter, Echo led her down the hall to where Wrecker was sitting. Echo made introductions again before she began to assess him as well.
“You definitely took some hard hits,” she commented, assessing Wrecker’s neck and spine. “Luckily, whoever set your casts did it correctly, so I don't have to redo them.”
“Echo did them,” Wrecker explained, causing her to turn to him.
“You taught me,” Echo reminded her, a bit sheepishly, earning a soft smile in return.
“I remember.”
Giving Wrecker some medication and a pain killer so that he could sleep peacefully as well, she packed up her med kit and made her way off the Marauder. Echo offered to walk her to her speeder, and she accepted. Throwing her leg over it, she offered him a smile that was brimming with anxiety.
“They’ll be alright, Echo. They just need some time to heal.” She let a moment pass before she asked, “Are you sure that you don’t need any medical attention?”
“I’m mostly machine. And metal can take hits better,” Echo replied, causing her to wince. “I’m fine. Thank you for taking care of them.”
“Of course.”
They stared at each other for some time, just silently communicating how relieved they were to see each other again. And in one piece, for another. She wanted to stay. She wanted to speak with Echo. To tell him. But he had just lost members of his squad and she knew that he wasn't in any shape to have that kind of discussion.
And then her alarm went off and she knew that she had to go.
“How long will you be staying?” she asked softly.
“I’m not sure. A few days? However long it takes for Hunter and Wrecker to heal some more.”
“Come visit my hut whenever you can. I’ll give you the coordinates.” She gently grabbed his arm and typed them into his vambrace, before releasing him. “Just . . . before you go.”
“I will,” he promised her, causing her to smile.
“Thank you.”
They bid their goodbyes before she rode off into the night. Echo watched her go until the small dust cloud from her speeder dissipated. Returning to the Marauder, Echo stepped into the barracks. Wrecker was already snoring in his bunk, but Hunter still seemed to be awake. Echo silently climbed up into his hammock and settled in for the night.
“That’s her?” Hunter asked quietly, causing Echo to look down.
“Yeah . . . that’s her.”
“Jemis! What did I tell you about biting your brother?” she scolded, pulling her son off of his twin. Marching over to the cot, she placed him down in toddler jail and when he started to pout and cry, she kneeled down to his height. “Don’t bite your brother, Jemis.”
Leaving Jemis to sit there for a moment, she turned to pick up her other sobbing son, who was holding out his arm to show her the bite mark. She pressed a kiss to the bite site before cuddling him into her chest and rocking him back and forth.
“I know, Rubem. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
When she soothed Rubem enough for him to focus on his toys again, she walked over to free Jemis from toddler jail. Picking her younger son up, she brought him back to her chest and pressed a kiss to the dark hair atop his head.
“Now, if you stop biting your brother, you’ll stop going into toddler jail, alright?” she promised him, wiping his tears and snot away from his face. Pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek, she set him down beside his brother again. “There, now can we have peace in this house for one moment?”
A knock at the door caused her to whirl around. Tapping NAN in for a moment to watch the twins, she made her way to the front door. She glanced out the window and sucked in a breath when she spotted Echo standing there. Taking a moment to gather herself, she opened the door.
“Hi, Echo," she greeted him nervously.
“Is this a bad time?” he asked, causing her to shake her head.
“No, no, come in.”
Sitting down at the table, Echo thanked her as she ran and grabbed him a cup of caf. They chatted casually, trying to ease into the conversation. They had a long history with each other, but with everything that had happened since the Citadel, it was best to be cautious.
“It’s a lovely hut,” Echo stated, causing her to nod. “Very spacious.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you live here . . . alone?”
“Oh,” Echo replied awkwardly, causing her to pick her head up.
“Echo,” she stated, causing him to meet her gaze, “there’s something that I need to tell you.”
Here it was, Echo thought to himself. The moment that she told him that she had moved on and there was no way that they could ever go back to anything like they had before the Citadel. At least she was being kind about it.
“After the Citadel . . . there was more than one reason why I left the GAR. Fives came to tell me about . . . and I sort of passed out. He called Kix, who ran some tests, and Kix diagnosed me with a condition.” Fiddling with her fingers, she looked up at Echo, who was on the edge of his seat with worry. “Pregnancy.”
Echo eyes nearly popped out of his head, and he went rigid. Almost like a robot. Pregnant. She was pregnant. Well, she was pregnant. She clearly wasn’t pregnant anymore. She had been pregnant. He sacrificed himself and he left her behind, pregnant and alone. He left her pregnant. He got her pregnant.
“And about six months after I thought you . . . I had our sons.”
“Sons?” Echo finally rasped, causing her to smile and nod.
“Identical twins. Fives thought that it was the funniest thing in the galaxy that a clone had identical twin boys.” Wiping tears from her eyes, she turned back to Echo. “He would have given you such a hard time about it. He actually read through the entire regulation manual to find the section that explicitly outlawed fraternization between civilians and clones.”
“I can imagine,” Echo croaked, struggling to keep his voice level. “Where . . . where are they?”
“Here. In the other room.”
“Can . . . can I . . .?”
She got up and gently grabbed his hand, pulling him with her. Opening the door to the nursery, she released his hand and stepped over the toys. Thanking NAN, she scooped her boys up and turned to Echo, who stood frozen at the door. She hefted her boys up and smiled as Echo stared at them with wonder.
“Our older twin is named Rubem. And our younger twin is Jemis.” Turning back to Echo, she added, “I wanted to name them after Fives in some way, because I thought it was what you would have wanted, and so both of their names have five letters.”
“You know,” Echo croaked, throat clogged with emotion and tears started to stream down his cheeks, “if he was here, he would have joked that they look more like him than me.”
“He definitely would,” she agreed, lips wobbling with emotion.
Hunter walked down the path that Echo had, tracing his steps. He talked with some of the other clone deserters that lived here and was gathering leads on where to look for Omega. Wrecker wasn’t in any mood to discuss them, though, so Hunter came in search of Echo.
Looking up, Hunter could see Echo sitting out on a porch. But Hunter wasn’t expecting to see two toddlers on the porch with him.
The medic sat beside Echo with one toddler in her lap, who looked distinctly clone-like, while Echo lifted the other into the air with his human arm. Echo laid on his back and did upside down pushups with his son Rubem, who giggled and squirmed in his hold. Holding Rubem above his head, Echo gently lowered his son until his and Rubem’s foreheads rested against each other.
He had struggled with physical touch ever since Skako Minor. His body had not been his own for so long that he felt protective over it. And also deeply ashamed of it. Ashamed of his grey skin, the metal parts sticking out of his head, all of it.
But Rubem did not care about how he looked. His son simply laughed and grabbed ahold of his dad’s cheeks, smushing his face into Echo’s own. Smiling at the action, Echo turned back to the mother of his children as Rubem continued to headbutt him.
“He’s not the biter, right?”
“No, that would be this little demon,” she replied, setting Jemis on Echo’s chest.
There were a lot of times why Echo wondered if it was all worth it. If all of the suffering and pain was worth it. And after the last few days of his life—kriff, the last few years—he was starting to believe it wasn’t. All of that loss was for nothing. And he was just the last man standing out of sheer bad luck.
But now, holding his sons in his arms, Echo was taken back to all of the times when he knew that it was worth it. His time with his brothers of the Domino Squad. And then his brothers in the 501st. Messing around with Fives. Meeting the future mother of his children. Strategizing with Rex. Joining the Bad Batch. All of the times where he felt like there was nothing in the galaxy that could stop him.
He lost so many of his brothers—too many—but he felt them here now. This was what they had been fighting for. This was who they had been fighting for.
Echo chuckled as he watched Jemis nibble at his skomp. Kriff, this kid was reminding him of Fives. Sharing a look with his partner, Echo smiled as she shook her head at their son’s antics. She smiled teasingly as Jemis looked up at his dad.
“He gets it from your side of the family,” she pointed out to Echo.
“I wouldn’t dare disagree.”
Hunter watched the family interaction from afar. The toddlers in Echo’s arms couldn’t have been anyone other than Echo’s children. Logic was Tech’s business, but Hunter was familiar with the look of a proud father. And he had never seen Echo happier.
Not wanting to interrupt the moment, Hunter turned around and started heading back to the Marauder.
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thelargefrye · 1 year
Blood red daisies
Like has reader has hanahaki disease thinking that poly!teez will never lover her without knowing that ateez is actually planning to confess to her in the perfect way (pls make it hurt/comfort)
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pairing : poly!ateez x f!reader genre : hanahaki disease, hurt / comfort, romance warnings : language, mentions of throwing up / blood, mentions of dying, mentions of surgeries
no. no, this couldn’t be happening, is the only thing going through yeosang’s mind as he runs down the hospital corridor in order to find your room.
please don’t let it be true, he thinks as he remembers san’s frantic phone call. how he could barely understand his boyfriend because he was crying so hard. all he was able to pick up was “y/n” “blood” “hanahaki” and “dying.”
when he reaches your room, he quickly knocks before opening the door to see you laying on the hospital bed, eyes closed with san next to you, a sobbing mess. yeosang felt his knees go weak as he made his way over to you both. he collapsed into the floor next to san’s chair as yeosang inspected your body.
you had the hanahaki disease. it was obvious thanks to small flowers that were growing out of your skin. all along your arms and a few around your neck and face. they were daisies.
daisies were suppose to be your favorite flower.
“san… what happened?” yeosang finally asked, his eyes never leaving your face. you were asleep, body probably exhausted and weak.
“w-we were hanging out when she suddenly started coughing. she tried… tried to hide it, but she was throwing up blood and petals. i tried to talk to her about it, but… but— fuck, but she passed out from how much blood she coughed up.”
“fucking hell,” yeosang says resting his forehead against the bed.
“yeo…” san says after a few moments, yearning the male’s attention. “she doesn’t have it because of us does she? it’s not because of us right?”
“of course not! we all love her and we know she feels the same!”
“the doctors said she’s had the disease for about five months now. fuck how long has she been hiding this from us?”
“five months?”
“yeah, the lines with the argument we all had. i was thinking about it and what if that fight is what caused her to think we didn’t love her,” san explains and yeosang feels like he’s going to be sick.
it wasn’t suppose to be like this. they were suppose to confess to you and ask you to officially move in with them. you all were suppose to start a happy life as the nine of you. how did he never notice you were suffering like this?
the door opens again and yeosang can hear someone heavily breathing and he assumes it’s one of the other guys.
“what the fuck happened?” it was seonghwa. he sounds like he’s trying not to cry as he walks up behind him and san. “y/n…” he says your name softly as he rounds the bed to the other side of you.
yeosang watches as his eldest boyfriend takes your hand in his. he can see much clearer now how seonghwa is trying not to cry, but some tears manage to escape and trickle down his cheeks.
it’s been a while since he’s seen seonghwa this upset, the male usually trying to hide his sad emotions in favor of taking care of the others and their feelings. but right now, seonghwa deserves to cry. he’s adored you for years and knows your relationship with the eldest hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows. he knows seonghwa is trying to blame himself for not doing enough.
but honestly, yeosang feels like seonghwa had done the most out of all of them. he should have done more to talk to you, spend time with you, to love you.
“the doctors…” san begins, breaking the silence, “they said they would need to do surgery on her to remove the disease,” he explains and yeosang feels his stomach twist again.
the surgery san’s referring to means that you’ll lose your memories of the one who doesn’t return your feelings. but they do return your feelings. yeosang can’t accept the thought of you losing all your memories you’ve shared with them.
seonghwa doesn’t say anything, instead he opts to just silently hold your hand. thumb rubbing over one of the many daisies that are growing out of your skin. yeosang can’t help but wonder what seonghwa is thinking.
“let’s wait for the others to get here before any rash decisions are made,” seonghwa says softly, his eyes never leaving your face.
send me a fake title and i’ll show what i would write for it
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xploshi · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers: The Review
I normally fucking hate sonic, in fact I have a sonic plushie that I regularly attack and shred with my many teeth when my wife gives me diarrhea from her shitass cooking. However, upon booting up Sonic Frontiers, it took approximately 4.3 seconds longer than usual before I snapped and lunged at my already heavily damaged plush sonic, delighting at the fear in his quivering little eyes as I gripped him around the neck with both hands until my knuckles turned white, breathing wetly through my gritted teeth until flecks of saliva were being propelled at his pitiful face, absorbing into the fabric like his many stockpiled traumas.
an additional delay of 4.3 seconds between booting up the game and attacking my Sonic introduces a very crucial concept: This game does something right.
After calming down and guzzling my many medicated calm-down-capsules, I sat back to drink in more of Sonic Team's """hard work""", revelling in the art team's bold decision to make the game look frighteningly like real life. The first area, Kronos island, with its almost disgusting resemblance to the grassy alpine plains of the planet we walk on, broke my perception of reality to such a degree that I tore the disc from the console with my bare hands and crushed it into dust from some sort of primal fear awoken in me.
After purchasing another copy of the game, I gradually grew to accept its visual style. Before long, I had trained myself to violently squeeze my sonic plush instead of destroying the game disc whenever the realism of the grass really started to upset me. The enormous robots Sonic has to fight to progress through the game almost pushed me to my breaking point, as my ceaseless nightmares about a robot uprising occurring within our near future immediately forced themselves to the forefront of my mind. 8 panic attacks and 79 bottles of hard liquor later, I was ready to continue playing.
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The boss you will eventually run into, Andrew the Hedgehog, only appears after collecting all 446 eggman statues. (Eggman is absent in the game aside from these collectible statues.)
In order to damage him, you need to target each of his 4 large quills and yank them until he has a mental breakdown, weeping silently on the grass and begging to be left alone. This reminded me of all the times I've kicked people's dogs REALLY HARD with studded doc Martens on my peaceful afternoon walks whenever the smell of the breeze really begins to max out my anger stat. (video game reference)
After that, The credits began to roll.
This is the shortest Sonic the hedgehog game in recent memory, taking only 900 hours to beat. (7509 hours if you're going for all the collectibles). most of your time with this game will be spent gathering Eggman Statues, or watching the now iconic (and incredibly memeworthy ) 34 hour long cutscene where Sonic struggles to butter a piece of toast in his decaying apartment shortly after divorcing tails. I woulve managed to absorb the emotional weight of this scene, if at the 14 hour mark my wife hadn't brought me an abhorrent bowl of soup that caused me to vomit my guts out and weep on the carpet, semi-paralysed from the abdominal pain. I barely had the energy to throw our cat at her head like I normally do.
I was totally overloaded with emotions as the credits washed over me. I glanced over at my sonic plush, his stuffing spilling out onto the floor. He had a look in his eyes that seemed like "please... no more..." Which I of course took as an invitation to skewer his head on the iron fence outside and incinerate him with a blowtorch for all my neighbours to watch.
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sungbeam · 2 years
felix lee x gn!reader
0.6k words, fluff, comfort-ish, you can sing and play piano :D, barely proofread (as usual)
a/n: for full vibes, listen to lennon stella's goodnight ^_^
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The night sky burned, rusted, like oxidized iron on a column of steel. Light polluted the stars from the sky, but the view of the city from your apartment let Lee Felix's thoughts fly from his head. He stared emptily and blankly out at the skyline. Water from his recent shower dribbled from the tips of his long strands of dark hair, dampening the cream rug below his bare feet. Cool air from the vents blew across his arms, and he tucked his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. 
The dull click of the lock system reverberated in the quiet space as you slipped into your apartment with a sigh. You caught sight of the silhouette at the window, a pleasant surprise filling your features. "Felix? You're still awake?"
He hummed softly, drowsily—his hand curling through his hair. A warm bolt of energy radiated through his body at the security of your arms wrapping around him from behind, your lips soft against his shoulder. "Couldn't sleep," he murmured, the bass of his voice making his words barely audible. "Hello, my love."
"Hi, sunshine," you smiled against his skin. 
His lips stretched into a soft-cornered grin. "Missed you."
"I missed you, too." He twisted around in your arms, and both of you were enveloped in the other's embrace. "Want to talk about it?"
Felix wondered how he'd managed without you for so long, without you filling his arms. Maybe if you hadn't come home, he would be standing at the window again, letting his mind wander to darker places until the sun's rays greeted him over the horizon. He was glad you'd come home. 
"Can you sing me a lullaby?" He asked instead. 
You'd be a fool to deny him, and you both made your way over to the keyboard sitting in the far corner of the living space. Your arm was wrapped around his slim waist with his wrapped around your shoulders. He slumped down next to you on the bench, arms circling around your waist with his damp hair nestled into the crook of your neck. The smell of your perfume lingered on his nose, the scent familiar and welcoming and soothing—sleep already began to tickle at his vision. 
Your fingers settled along the white and black keys like instinct. The volume was kept low, but the sound filled the air nonetheless, as your fingers danced across the keys. Felix watched as you warmed up a little bit and while you were, most likely, thinking of a song to play. He couldn't fathom how you always found time to play and practice, but he had encouraged your musical hobby since the day he found out about it. He wished you could see yourself from his eyes, how bright the halo over your head glowed and lit up his life. 
You always referred to him as your sun, but even the sun needed its counterpart. 
He marked when a melody formed in his ears and you had chosen your lullaby for the night. 
At some point, he drifted off slightly. When he tuned back in, the notes had slowed, and he focused on the words you sung beneath your breath: "When I close my eyes… please don't say goodbye; just say goodnight—'cause we know goodbye's… the end."
His eyelids blinked heavily; his heartbeat and breathing calmed. 
When you had finished and the notes resonating melted into the silence, Felix stirred from his half sleep. "Good night, my love," he breathed into your skin.
He felt your hand gently smooth over the back of his head. "Good night, my light."
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a/n: yup a bit more of my obsession for writing about the night sky
skz m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @yedammi @justanotherkpopstanlol @liamsholygrail @jodidann @super-btstrash-posts @hibernatinghamster @bigballsz @rnjfy @shakalakaboomboo @ashxxkook @haylstoney @kpop718
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
dream of some epiphany
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"just one single glimpse of relief, to make some sense of what you've seen..."
summary: after his wife maeve died, spencer was sure he'd never recover. at least he had the knowledge that she'd been an organ donor, that even in her final moments she'd given to others what she and spencer could never have—another chance. a year later, the team coaxes spencer back out of his grief. he finds his relief in a local artist who seems to capture his emotions perfectly in her art. little did he know that there was a reason his heart was drawn to hers. pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader category: hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending content warnings: character death (maeve, not shown but discussed heavily), discussions of grief, mentions of chronic illness and dying word count: 5.8k a/n: hello y'all!! happy valentine's day. i'm so excited to share this one with you, y'all have no idea. for reference, this fic is very loosely based off of the movie 'return to me' because it's one of my favs to watch on valentines day. also, a huge thanks to @reidsbookclub for beta-ing this fic super last second last night!!
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When Spencer had asked Maeve what one word she would use to describe the human experience, she’d barely thought before saying: sidereal. It hadn’t made an ounce of sense at the time—how could a human possibly be compared to the stars, and their existence the constellations? How could the human experience possibly stand up to the brilliance of starlight?
Standing in front of the Maeve Donovan-Reid Charitable Clinic, Spencer wondered if maybe she’d been right after all. After months of hard work and careful planning, everything finally happened the way he’d always hoped.
“I’m so glad you could make it,” Dr. Bryer spoke, beginning to reach out for a hug but seeming to think better of it.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” How could he? Maeve had been talking about this clinic for years—spending nights at her desk carefully marking out each potential donor she’d need to talk to, staying late at her job to discuss the logistics with her coworkers. Spencer had been there all along, watching what started out as a whispered idea turn into a wondrous reality. “Maeve would love it.”
That was the worst part about it all: the looks. The second her name was said, everyone’s gazes would soften as they looked upon him with so much pity Spencer wanted to scream. Maeve would have hated for her name to be associated with such pain, such tragedy. Still, what else could he do but remember the way she’d looked that night—when everything was taken away from them in a second? When he’d been absolutely powerless to save the one person he’d desperately needed in the world?
Maybe now that the clinic was open, Spencer could remember the way the sun shined perfectly down on them that day when someone said her name.
“She’d be proud of you,” Dr. Bryer spoke again, settling for a reassuring hand squeezing lightly on his arm. His wife’s coworkers had gotten used to seeing him around, usually even asking about how his cases had gone and when his next guest lecture was.
“I know,” Spencer agreed, knowing that if Maeve could see him now she’d smile at all he’d managed to accomplish in the past year since the accident.
Spencer had prepared for a multitude of ways he could lose her. Working at the BAU meant that his loved ones were constantly put at risk because of the people he’d gone after. Never once did he imagine he’d get into a wreck on the way home from the clinic build site, and never did he imagine that he’d be okay while she was not.
And maybe what was so troubling was that there was no one to blame. If something had happened because of an unsub, then Spencer could hate them. He could even hate himself for not protecting his wife of five years well enough. Instead, all he had was some ice that caused another car to slide right into theirs, and all he could hold onto was the fact that Maeve had been able to carry out one final act of kindness before she left him.
Maeve always wanted to look after the world. She dedicated her life to studying rare genetic disorders in the hopes of finding better ways to treat them, and rallied for a charitable clinic where said patients could receive quality care without losing their entire life savings. And when she could no longer remain on this Earth, Maeve donated her organs to give so many people second chances at life.
And Spencer could rest easy, knowing that somewhere in the world Maeve’s heart was still beating, providing life to a wonderful person—a person who would never truly know the beauty of the woman they shared such a deep connection to.
“And what’re you up to this week, Spencer? More movie marathons?”
“No, actually,” Spencer admitted, rubbing the back of his neck and trying not to catch the clinic’s sign in his line of vision. “Derek set me up on a date.”
“A date? Oh, how lovely!” Dr. Breyer cheered, giving him a smile too kind to be faked. “I’m happy for you.”
“Really? You don’t think it’s too soon?”
“Spencer, if I knew anything about Maeve, it’s that she wouldn’t want you to keep grieving alone like this. She’d want you to be happy and loved.” It wasn’t the first time Spencer had heard it but he was sure it would never hurt less. The team had been pulling him aside individually for months, gently coaxing him back out into the world. They weren’t satisfied with him staying cooped up in that house he’d bought with Maeve—the one they were supposed to begin their family in. It hadn’t seemed right to have fun with them when he knew Maeve could never have those experiences again. It had seemed more like a betrayal to move on after he’d promised her forever.
Their forever was only meant to be five years, though. And maybe the woman Derek had set him on a date with wasn’t the one, but at least she was someone. This was the beginning of Spencer’s life without Maeve, and as hard as it was he’d have to accept that there would be love after her just as there was life without her too.
So when the night finally came, Spencer dutifully got dressed. It had been years since he’d gone on a first date—it was tough to remember exactly how to calm the rising nerves in his chest. He shoved them down deep every step of the way until finally, he reached the little restaurant he’d been instructed to go to. It was far out of the way, tucked back in a little corner of D.C. that never truly got the government official foot traffic that bolstered so many small businesses.
And when Spencer saw the woman, he understood why Derek had chosen her. She looked nothing like his wife—all long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, dressed up in a flashy outfit that Maeve would have never been caught dead in. She had a beautiful smile and a warm laugh, but quickly into the conversation Spencer realized that was all he could truly appreciate about the woman. When the dinner was over and he helped her back into her car, Spencer couldn’t say he was upset by the end of the date. She was a lovely woman who deserved all the best in the world, and that was just something he couldn’t give her.
Spencer hadn’t sat at a bar in ages—an unspoken agreement amongst the team suggested he was far too vulnerable that year to be around so much alcohol—but it seemed perfect now.
“That rough, huh?” A bell-like voice called out. The bartender was still standing in front of him behind the counter, mixing up a drink that looked far too blue to be good.
“I’m sorry?”
“The date,” she clarified, “both of you looked ready to leave all night.”
Had it really been so obvious? Spencer ducked his head a little, blushing at the thought of this beautiful woman noticing how miserable he’d been at dinner. “She was nice.”
“Ouch,” the bartender laughed, shaking her head, “that bad, huh?”
“She’s not my type,” Spencer admitted sheepishly, giving a trying smile to the woman who was looking at him with pure amusement.
“So why agree to a date with her?”
“My friend set me up,” he explained, “he said I needed to get back out there.”
“Ohh,” the woman cooed, leaning her forearms on the bar after sliding the finished drink over to the customer waiting for it. “My friends say the same thing to me. It’s been so long I’m not sure I remember how to go on a date.”
“That’s how I felt tonight,” Spencer laughed then, “I felt like a teenager again.”
“Not the awkward teen dates! I remember back in high school I went to the movies with this guy, and I don’t think we spoke once that whole date.”
“Not once?”
“Nope!” the woman laughed, popping the ‘p’ at the end of the word. “But luckily for me, I think my dating skills have improved just a little since then.”
“I didn’t date until college, but I never really enjoyed them.” Not until meeting Maeve, that is.
“Well, Kind Stranger with the Fluffy Hair, I hope you find a good date soon then,” the bartender announced before stepping away to the next patron.
As hard as Spencer tried to forget about that abysmal date, he hadn’t quite been able to get that bartender off of his mind. She had kind eyes, the sort that made him immediately want to trust her. She was easy to talk to in a way he didn’t often experience—not once in that brief conversation did he struggle to find something suitable to say.
So, a week later, Spencer returned to that same restaurant. He skipped dinner in lieu of sitting at the bar, hoping she worked the same nights every week.
“Oh, hey, Fluffy Hair, how’s it going?” that familiar voice asked a few minutes after he sat down. She wasn’t behind the bar this time, but rather coming out from the backroom with a bag in hand. “Find any cute dates recently?”
“No, none yet,” Spencer admitted, “Are you working tonight?”
“Ah, no I just wanted to drop in and say hello to a few people. I actually have this event tonight that’s not gonna be much fun anymore,” she explained. “Normally I have a friend to go with so I’m not alone, but she canceled last second.”
Was she doing this on purpose? Did she mention the opening so he could offer? What if she was just being kind, though, and it would be weird to impose when he’d just met her?
“Do you want someone to go with you?”
“Why, are you offering?” And there, that was it. Immediately the woman smiled, raising one eyebrow just enough to give a hint of flirtatiousness.
“Is it weird to go with a stranger?”
“Maybe,” she admitted, popping out a hip and resting her free hand against it, “but I don’t mind weird. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Spencer,” he introduced as he followed her out of the restaurant. He followed her down the sidewalk, easily falling into place beside her, hands barely brushing as they walked. “So what kind of event is it?”
“It’s a local art show,” she answered, fingers coming up to twist some of her hair as she spoke. “I have a couple of pieces on exhibit.”
“You’re an artist?”
“What, did you think I was only a bartender?” she teased. “Yeah, I am. I want to do it for the rest of my life, but until it’s financially sustainable I’ll be bartending.”
“What kind of art?”
“You’ll see, Fluffy Hair,” she said with a playful wink that sent butterflies straight to Spencer’s stomach. “What about you? What keeps you busy on weekdays?”
And here it was, the moment that had ended so many relationships before they’d hardly begun. Few people were actually willing to commit to loving someone with as dangerous and time-consuming a job as he had. Maeve had been an exception to the rule, someone who had never once shied away from the difficulties his job brought to the relationship.
“I’m an FBI agent,” Spencer explained, looking straight ahead as he spoke so as to not see her reaction, “I work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
“Oh, I saw you guys on the news the other day,” she answered immediately, voice rising in pitch at the excitement. “You caught that guy in Virginia.”
“We did.”
“That must be a really hard job, I don’t know how you all do it every day.”
God, sometimes Spencer didn’t know either. With every year he stayed on the team, it got that much harder to see the point in it. For every killer they caught, three more popped up like some sick hydra. How could they possibly keep up with all of the destruction? He’d found himself looking forward to his breaks as a professor more and more.
“The team I’m on helps,” Spencer admitted, “they’re like my family.”
“Yeah, I guess you’d have to be after seeing all that stuff together. A lot of my friends are artists too. It’s nice they understand the struggles of it.”
“Like what?”
“I’ll tell you later,” she answered easily, “I don’t want to spoil our first date with the heavy stuff.”
She walked into the event space easily, as though what she’d said hadn’t sent a shock straight through Spencer. First date? Was this what that was? Could Spencer really be enjoying himself so much on a date now, after so long?
Turns out, he could. The event space was full of people all cooing over the artwork. There was just about everything in the gallery from sculptures to photographs, each from local artists. Though Y/N had been pulled in so many directions since being there, Spencer was enjoying the brief time he did get to share with her. She had such an optimistic outlook on life, preferring to smile and laugh than discuss any sort of hardships.
While she was off talking to one of her old teachers, Spencer found himself standing in front of a painting. It was done mostly in shades of blue and purple, deep colors swatched across the page. A hand, reaching out with tensed muscles and fingers barely missing the one in the corner of the canvas. The other hand was extended toward the first, reaching up as though begging to be pulled to safety. It was a narrow miss, fingertips gliding past each other as they failed to save the person that needed them.
Spencer understood that grief intimately, the knowledge that he hadn’t saved the person who’d begged for him in their last moments awake.
Then the canvas beside it, this time covered in pinks and reds, hints of orange splashed across it. Two hands gripping tightly to one another, finally getting that salvation the others had not.
“You found mine.” Though he’d only known her briefly, Spencer could recognize the joy of her voice right away.
“You made this one?” Spencer asked, incredulous to the fact that she’d made the art that he’d been drawn to that night. “It’s stunning.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far,” she laughed with the careful humility of someone who wasn’t used to compliments.
“No, really,” Spencer insisted, needing her to understand how talented she was. It ached to think that she hadn’t been told that before, and he would commit to letting her know every day if it meant she understood the beauty of her work. “Everything about it makes sense, it draws out those intense emotions associated with needing to be saved and desperately trying to save someone you love.”
“I guess you’re right,” she conceded, barely looking over her own work.
“I make it a habit to be right,” Spencer teased, “so you should believe me.”
“Is that so?” she played right back, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at him in a way that just made Spencer want to laugh and hug her close. “How can I believe a stranger I just met last week?”
“You’ll just have to trust me.”
“You know,” Y/N began, her entire expression softening as she seemed to consider whether or not to say the words hovering on her lips. “You don’t feel like a stranger to me. Is that weird?”
It would be weird under any other circumstance. Spencer never would have understood what that meant before now—never would have believed that he could be in a situation like this—but now he looked at this woman and understood precisely what she meant.
Spencer knew this woman. He was comfortable with her in an entirely new way to him, like she was an old friend he was reuniting with. Being near her warmed his chest, made him want to smile and dance around the room. This woman already had a space carved out just for her in his heart, and maybe it had been there right from the start. He looked at her and for once didn’t think of all he’d missed out on with Maeve—Spencer only saw how much he wanted to experience with her.
“I’m okay with weird,” Spencer conceded softly, repeating the words she’d first spoken earlier that night.
It was the strangest beginning to a relationship he’d ever heard of, but Spencer was ready to dive right in.
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Life with Spencer was magical.
After being told you needed a new heart to live, you weren’t sure you’d ever get the fairytale romance you’d dreamed of since childhood. Since they’d given you a timer to the eventual end, you’d always assumed that you simply weren’t meant to find the love you so desperately wanted.
Even now you weren’t sure what you believed, but it certainly felt miraculous to not only receive the heart you needed to keep going but also to find Spencer.
Spencer, who brought you dinner and curled up on the couch with you on days when moving was too tough. On better days, the two of you would take walks in the park and swap stories of two lives well-lived. You told him about the nights you snuck out with your friends to go hotel pool jumping, and in return he told you about the time his lab team decided to see how much force it would take to explode a watermelon.
You never once told him about the condition that caused you to be more familiar with the local hospital than your best friend’s apartment, and he never told you about the tragedy that caused the pain hidden deep in his hazel eyes.
From the way he’d reacted to your paintings, it was clear he’d lost someone. You’d painted those particular works to let out the grief of watching the friends you’d met at the hospital get sicker while you got the call all of you wanted. You’d painted it for the way you’d watched your chances wither away for years—you watched your family and friends slowly lose faith that you’d recover, and you watched them already begin to mourn you before you were even gone.
You’d painted it for people like Spencer, who had to watch someone they loved leave them.
The pain was unbearable, so neither of you touched it. You locked it away for another time, when this wasn’t so new and beautiful.
Pain demands to be felt, though, so as the weeks went by so too did your period of pure magic with Spencer.
“Hello, is this Miss L/N?” the voice asked as you answered the phone. You’d been getting ready to go see a friend, but when you get a call from the hospital you’d spent so much time at, that takes precedence. Had there been some error they just now caught a year later? Were you going to end up right back there?
“It is,” you answered, voice shaking as you tried not to think of the worst possible scenarios.
“You had requested to reach out to the family of your donor, and I am so pleased to announce that they have agreed to release their information.”
“Are you serious?” You’d called the hospital a few months ago, wanting to thank them for all their family member had done for you. Instead of the sentimental moment you’d been expecting, you were told that the donor family did not allow their information to be released to you. You’d resigned yourself to never meeting the people who’d saved your life, but now suddenly, the opportunity opened right back up for you.
“Even better, they’ve agreed to meet you,” the person on the phone said. Could this get any better? “Could you get down here today?”
“Absolutely, I’ll be there right away,” you answered, voice shaking for a whole new reason now. Would this be a suitable outfit to meet them in? Would they judge you for being the one who received their loved one’s ultimate gift? Was it truly happening, you getting to finally see the people who gave you the chance to live, to love?
You bounced the entire drive over, mind reeling with the possibilities. You wanted to know everything about this person who had given you everything, and you wanted to know that their family was okay.
Getting into the hospital was a blur of signing forms and visitor stickers. You were led through countless hallways until someone told you that just inside that room, your donor’s family awaits.
There was only one hospital door away, one turn of a doorknob away from seeing the most important person you’d never met yet.
And God, was it so much worse when you opened that door.
Because there, standing in front of you, was Spencer.
The nurses who’d cared for you all the times you were in the hospital were cheering, but all you could do was stare at the shell-shocked man in front of you. His hazel eyes widened impossibly large, lips parted as though he’d begun to say something but stopped mid-way.
Your boyfriend was the family. That grief he’d carried with him for so long had been because he’d lost it all the same day you’d been given everything.
“Spencer,” you tried, stepping forward.
Your words must have sparked something in him, because all of a sudden he was stepping back away from you. His shocked expression shuttered away into what resembled horror, anger.
“Did you know?”
“What?” you asked, the words taking your breath away.
“Did. you. know?”
“How would I know?” you countered, trying to take another step toward him and feeling something crack in your chest when he stepped away again. “Spencer, how would I know?”
“Is this some kind of game? You get my wife’s heart and you think we should be together?” The words snapped harshly against you, widening the distance between you and Spencer even more.
He had a wife. A year ago, Spencer had been married. He’d found someone to love and you were one of the few people who had all that was left of her.
Oh God, how had this ended up so terribly?
“Spencer, I didn’t know. Please believe me,” you pushed, tears now obscuring your view of him. “I didn’t know.”
“You had to know,” Spencer snapped. Never once had you heard him so angry, so hurt. His voice crackled with it, sending to you harsh electricity strong enough to stop the precious heart you’d been given. “Do you know the odds of us meeting naturally? Of us loving each other naturally? It’s slim to none. You set this up to fulfill some twisted fantasy.”
“I didn’t!” you shouted then, voice wet with the tears spilling over your cheeks. “Why can’t you believe we love each other?”
“Because you have Maeve’s heart!” Spencer shouted, eyes finally releasing the tears he’d been holding back all this time. “I thought I was over her but clearly I was just drawn to her again. It was never about you, I must’ve known it was her.”
This wasn’t happening. It was supposed to be magical, but all you felt now was that you must’ve been handed a curse worse than Maleficent’s. You were given a chance to live but you’d lost the one person you truly loved because of that same chance. There was no way Spencer was drawn to you because of her, it had to have been you, right? It had to be real, there was no other option.
“Fine, if you really believe that then you won’t have to see me again,” you forced out, trying to steel up your expression so he wouldn’t see you so vulnerable. He didn’t deserve to see that anymore. “Goodbye, Spencer. I hope you find peace someday.”
Each step you took out of that hospital felt impossible. The heart that beat furiously in your chest ached with a pain you had never known before. You wondered if Maeve Reid had known this kind of heartbreak too, or if it was new for this muscle entirely. She must have been wonderful for Spencer to have loved her so dearly.
She must have been everything, to be able to simultaneously give you the world and keep all of the important parts of it away from you.
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Autumn always brought with it the best colors. It bathed the world in brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. It enveloped the city in a beautiful golden light that seemed to make everything feel okay.
Nothing was perfect, but you were okay.
“Are you ready?” your best friend and confidante asked as she adjusted the strap on your dress. “This is the big one.”
“No,” you let out a nervous laugh, clenching your hands together so you didn’t run them through your hair and mess up the carefully done style.
What if no one bought your art? What if, after everything, you still weren’t good enough? So many factors could impact the results of tonight, and very few of them did you actually have control over. Tonight, your fate was left to the people in town.
“You’re so talented, Y/N,” your friend reassured you, giving your arms a gentle squeeze before moving out of the way. “Try to relax and enjoy the night.”
And you would. You would step out into the art show meant only for you, and you would try not to remember the last one you’d been to in this building. All night you’d look around the room and visibly shake your head, forcing out images of you and Spencer bonding over art pieces.
This night was about you, and certainly had nothing to do with him. So you’d smile and thank everyone for coming. Each time a piece sold you’d try not to cheer too much. For every journalist who wanted to hear your story, you’d smile and tell of the woman who’d given you a second chance, how you would not waste what she’d given you.
And when your Stories of Grief paintings sold, you tried not to cry. You’d held onto it for months, not wanting to get rid of the one reminder of Spencer you had. He was well and truly gone from your life now like a terrible, but great, dream.
“I always did love those paintings.” It had been months since you’d heard it, but you’d know that voice anywhere. His voice was soft now, gentle so as to not scare you. Though you didn’t turn your head from the art, you could feel his presence beside you now.
“Why are you here?” you asked, sounding more tired than the anger you’d wanted to convey. Because the truth of the matter was, you weren’t even mad at him. How could a simple word such as angry possibly convey all you were feeling now?
“I missed you,” Spencer admitted, and finally you turned to face him. After so many months, all you could see was that he looked exhausted. Dark circles hung under his eyes even deeper than you’d remembered. His hands shook a little at his sides, and his hazel eyes couldn’t keep still on your face for too long before looking around the room.
“Really? You missed me?”
How could it possibly be that easy? Did he truly think he could walk back in here and win you back just like that?
You wanted him back. There was nothing you wanted more than to forgive him and jump into his arms. Still, the way Spencer had told you everything between you had been a lie—had been because of the heart beating in your chest—still played on a loop in your head. He’d taken a gift and turned it into something tragic, something painted in thorns and ruin.
“I have something to show you.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you, Spencer,” you told him, knowing that though it would be hard you had to look out for yourself this time. “I have to be here.”
“When tonight is over, please,” Spencer begged, expression melting as he pleaded with you to trust him. “I’ve been trying to find you for weeks. The restaurant said you quit.”
“I realized that job made me feel too safe. Life is never guaranteed, and I don’t intend on wasting what I have now doing anything but what I love,” you explained. It hadn’t been long after Spencer left that you’d quit. Nothing was more terrifying than quitting your stable job to pursue a dream, but it had been worth it.
“I know that now,” Spencer added, “I almost lost you because I couldn’t let go of what made me feel safe.”
“You did lose me, Spencer.” The words hit hard enough for Spencer to flinch.
“Please just think about it. I’ll be at the park across the street if you want to,” he sighed, beginning to take a step away from you. “Have a good night, Y/N.”
It was impossible to focus after that. It was like he’d attached a carabiner to your mind, keeping it tied to him all night. By the time the event was over, you were practically running to the park. What was it that he was so insistent on showing you? What could possibly be there to prove that Spencer really did love you enough to stay?
“You came.” Spencer gasped through the words, sounding like you’d reached in and stolen every bit of air from his lungs. He stood in front of you now, in the little spot you two used to lay out a blanket in and cloudgaze. In his hands were canvases.
“This doesn’t mean you’re forgiven,” you warned, crossing your arms over your chest to hide the way your hands shook. You’d never expected it to be this hard to stay this far from Spencer, to see him and not immediately hug him close.
“I know,” Spencer told you, “and maybe I don’t deserve to be forgiven, but I have to try. Y/N, Maeve was my first love. She understood me in a way no one else had before. When I lost her, I thought my life was over.”
This wasn’t helping. Where could this go now, what had he gotten himself into?
“Then there was you. You came into my life at the perfect time. I was finally ready to move on, but I wasn’t sure there was anyone else quite like her. And there’s not. You’re nothing like her.”
“Spencer, I get it. You don’t have to keep insulting me, we can just p-”
“No! No, I mean you’re so different from her and yet you are one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met. I love you, Y/N, and that scared me because you weren’t Maeve. For once, I wasn’t stuck on losing her, I was thinking about how lucky I was to get to experience this kind of love twice.”
And God, what could you say to that? Tears built up in your eyes now and you blinked rapidly to clear your view of him. You waited for the joke, for Spencer to tell you that he still wasn’t over Maeve. Instead, he added, “I will always love Maeve, but she’s gone. I think I wasn’t ready to admit that until now. But you, I love you in a completely different way. I can’t imagine life without you now. You saved me, Y/N.”
“You saved me too,” you practically whispered, thinking of how many times you’d declined blind dates because you were scared of anything serious. All your life, you’d been told not to make deep connections because no one knew how much time you had left. Now, with a whole life ahead of you, it had seemed impossible to find anyone worth sharing it with.
Spencer had changed everything.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I made an addition to your work,” Spencer admitted, handing you the canvases in his hand. The top two were your work—the hands of those who had lost each other and those that had saved one another. The third was definitely not yours. It was rugged with rudimentary lines and so many bright colors it might’ve hurt your eyes in any other circumstance. Now, you could only brush your fingertips over the surface and struggle to hold in the cries building up in your throat.
It was you and Spencer, you with a hand outstretched to hold onto his. You were lifting him up from the ground, like it was a zoomed out version of your own.
“Spencer,” you choked out, looking to him for any kind of explanation.
“I don’t want to lose you now that I’ve finally found you, Y/N. You’re everything to me,” Spencer told you, his own tears building up and spilling over his cheeks. “I love you.”
And that, well that was everything you could have ever dreamed of. So you made the choice. Life was short and nothing was ever guaranteed. The safe path would be to walk away from him, to go back to your art gallery and make a life for yourself without him in it. You would take the risk though, to rush into his arms now and promise forever.
It wasn’t perfect, but you were happy and that was all that mattered in the end.
And as you walked away with Spencer, he couldn’t help but think that maybe Maeve had been right about human life being sidereal. How else could he explain getting to be with you now? Constellations were natural arrangements of dozens of individual stars, all coming together at the right time to form something truly beautiful.
The odds of each constellation coming together exactly as they had was astronomical but they had defied all odds just as you and Spencer had.
And just like the stars that shined brightly over you, it was beautiful.
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missluckycharms · 3 years
Could you do a smut at anne's house(harry's mum's house)????
Three Taps.
Summary: in which Y/N has to sneak into Harrys house at night to be alone with him and Harry loves hot chocolate with pink marshmallows.
A/N: this is a high school Harry x Y/N fic, both are eighteen in this, just keep that in mind as they are in high school but they’re of age.
Warnings: Dom!Harry, oral sex, praise kink, size kink, gagging, dirty talk, Harry tends to be a sarcastic asshole even when they’re doing the devils tango.
Word count: 3.4K
Three taps.
Thats what Harry told Y/N to do, tap three times on his bedroom window and he’d let her in. It’s been their code every few nights when she would sneak over to his house, or he would sneak into hers. Sure, they’re both eighteen, but as all parents say “my house, my rules” so they have to abide by that, kind of.
The pair have only been dating for a little over six months now, both of them graduating soon and moving away for college, but they’ll work around that when the time comes, for now, they have have to work around how Harry can fuck his girlfriend just the way they like, without his Mum waking up and finding them both in bed together, that wouldn’t be a pretty picture Harry thinks.
He’s on red alert, Y/N texting him nearly ten minutes ago saying she successfully snuck out and is now on her way over, the walk to his house is usually fifteen minutes, but she doesn’t mind, she’ll do anything to spend time with Harry — the same Harry who would fold someone up like a pretzel and shove them in a locker if they called him a name, but if Y/N did it, she would get a small smirk and a wink, knowing exactly what hers and only hers punishment was for that.
Harry is a complicated person, to his friends he’s nice - ish, to strangers he looks cold and like he would use you as his skateboard face down on the tarmac if you looked at him wrong, sure he would do that — but he’s not like that under all his rough exterior, he has a warm heart and loves squishy cuddles, and he also loves marshmallows in his hot chocolate, but only Y/N sees that side of him — he only allows her and his Mum to see that side of him. It took him a long time to actually soften up to her, the girl being persistent that she knew what he was really like, he’d shrug and laugh it off saying she was crazy, but when him and his Mum got into an argument and he showed up to Y/N’s house at nearly two in the morning, soaking from the rain and his cheeks tear stained — she knew he finally let down all his walls, he needed her and she gave him what he needed in that time, a hug and a mug of hot chocolate with pink only pink! Marshmallows.
Ever since he opened up to her that night, sipped on her heavenly made hot chocolate, he knew that he could always be safe with her, he would always know that she’s there when he needs her most and visa versa. They’re deemed the “odd couple” in school due to Harry being so cold and Y/N being the slightly quiet and lovable girl who would rather hug someone to death than shove them in a locker and leave them there, but somehow their differences only draw them together and make them one of the best couples there is, they balance one another out — Harry brings out Y/N’s crazy and adventurous side while Y/N brings out Harrys soft and calm side, opposites attract, and they’re living proof of it happening.
He jumps when the small three taps are heard at his window, his body immediately kneeling up and pulling across his curtains, looking down at her stood in his front garden with a hand full of small pebbles from his Mums flower garden (she always returns them) she’s smiling up at him, his own body on his bed right next to his window as he peers down at her, clad in his red baggy hoodie and her black leggings, her hair poking out from the hood of the hoodie as she waits for him to open the window.
“Ladder is by the gate baby” he whispers loudly down to her, she barely hears as she nods, making her way towards the back gate leading to their garden. She grabs it, making sure to not fall or it will wake his Mum up. Harry is practically hanging out the window when she rests the ladder against the wall, looking up at him as she wipes her forehead ridding the sweat.
“Sometimes, I think you only do this so I’ll get off my ass and actually work out” she grumbles falling in through his window and onto his bed, his laugh low as he pulls her jelly like body in, her laughs coming out as pants as he rests her down onto his pillow before shutting his window quietly, his ears on high alert for any movements from his Mums room across the hall.
“You’re just a lazy bum, sometimes I think you may pass out if you walk too much” he jokes looking down at her as she rolls her eyes, pulling down the hood and freeing her hair.
“I hate you. Fuck me, is your heating on?!” She says pulling his hoodie from her body, throwing it onto the floor and leaving her in only a sports bra and leggings, Harrys eyes widening at how easily she slipped it off and laid back down with no care in the world.
“Mum likes to keep it on, apparently her toes get cold in the night no matter what time of year it is” he rolls his eyes, leaning down to hover over her, forearms on either side of her head as she bites her lip smiling up at him giddily.
“No wonder you sleep naked, feels like a furnace” she jokes as Harry hums kissing her neck, her eyes rolling back at the feeling as she wraps her legs around his waist, their crotches grinding down on one another’s as they breath heavily trying to avoid moaning loudly — they both found out they love being vocal in bed, one day Harry was home alone and him and Y/N practically screamed down the house, he’s surprised Mrs Walker next door didn’t ring the police.
“Need to be quiet for me baby, okay?” He says whispering in her ear, her breathy moans being masked by his neck, her lips all over him as he rolls his head back, allowing her more access as she bites and nips at his skin, leaving behind marks that he’ll have to steal some of his Mums makeup to mask over when he’s walking around.
“Should be saying that to you, mister loud mouth” she jokes in a whisper by his ear, her lips sucking on his lobe is what causes him to bury his head in her neck to groan lowly from his chest, his hips rutting down into hers as they both roam one another’s bodies with their lips and hands.
“Very smart mouth for a girl who prefers it to be stuffed full of m’cock” he moans back, her lips now sucking and licking over his sweet spot just under his ear lobe, her own moan muffled by his skin as he shuts his eyes and looks up to the ceiling allowing her to kiss him further, her lips leaving a burning trail down his neck and over his collar bones — his favourite place to give and receive hickies on.
“Harry, shut up and just do something” she says annoyed, frustrated at her boyfriend who always choose to tease her with sarcastic remarks, he knows it riles her up and he loves that, he loves how needy and angry she gets when he grinds his clothed cock down onto her making sarcastic remarks and softly degrading her slowly as she grows wetter and wetter at his movements and words.
“Don’t have to ask me twice baby” he laughs kissing down her torso, his hands immediately shrugging off her bra with her help, and then he slowly pulls down her leggings along with her panties, leaving kisses on the spaces he makes bare and small hushed complements against her skin as he takes her all in under the light of his ten year old soccer ball shaped light hanging from the ceiling above them.
She’s a squirming mess under him, his lips instantly attaching to her clit as she bends her legs, resting her legs over his shoulders as he holds onto her outer thighs, the grip probably marking her skin as he devours her on his bed, his eyes looking up at her biting down on her lip, her hands grabbing a pillow and shoving it over her face to muffle her moans, Harry can hear them slightly, his eyes rolling back into his head as she shakes and squeezes her legs around his head.
“Come on baby, need to see you” he says slipping two fingers into her but not moving, the pillow coming away from her face as she looks at him in her usual fucked out state, glassy eyes and messed up hair.
“H, I can’t, I need to have it over me” she says referring to the pillow, her body shaking as Harry begins to slowly move his fingers in and out of her, stretching her as she drips down his fingers, the sound of his movements in her cunt causing him to press down his hips onto his bed to relieve himself a little.
“Put y’pretty panties in y’mouth baby” he says slurred from pleasure, his own hair a curly mess as his lips become more swollen and spit covered from how harsh he’s eating her out. He takes her panties in one hand, reaching up and rolling them into her mouth, instructing her to bite down on the white lace fabric before he’s back between her legs eating her out.
She’s moaning around the fabric of her panties, her drool wetting the lace as she tugs on Harry’s curls, his moans deep and raspy in her cunt as he keeps his eyes on hers that are threatening to close every second, the slaps he sends to her thighs cause her to open them back up and keep contact with him, his smile devious as he purposely sucks on her clit when she’s close, knowing it ruins her when he does that — he loves to watch her struggle to bite back her moans, the pair of them feeling the rush of nearly being caught everytime one of them make a loud moan or move too quickly which causes his headboard to slap a little off the wall behind it. He’s lapping up all her juices and her moans she’s muffling, her body shaking as he finally brings her to her first high of the night, his fingers not stopping as he rides her through it, kisses being placed to her thighs as she finally calms down, tears brimming her eyes and a lazy smile around her panties that are clutched between her teeth.
“Doing okay baby? Need me to take these out?” He asks crawling back up her body her hands immediately tangling back in his hair as she nods, letting him pull the soaked panties from her mouth, his mouth drooling at the sight of them in his hands.
“Gonna be able to take my cock without being gagged? Or will ya need to have your pretty lace panties back between your teeth?” He teases her, her eyes hooded with pleasure as she scratches her nails down his chest and stomach making the muscles under his skin flex with the slight burn of the marks she’s leaving behind.
“Want you to ruin me, may need them back in between my teeth” she says breathlessly, a slight smirk on her lips as he groans at her words, grabbing the panties and placing them in his own mouth, bending down and feeding them into her mouth, her own teeth clasping them as they leave his mouth, his tongue licking over her lips as she looks up at him with her glassy doe eyes.
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Missing You
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A/N: This is just a little smutty one-shot. Thank you guys so much for all of the notes on my last fic! I really thought it was gonna get like 4 notes so that was a really amazing surprise. If you haven’t read it you can check it out here: I Would Do Anything You Asked Me To
Read the (sort of) part 2: Up In The Air
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N gets creative in her attempts to convince Spencer to get a phone from this century
Category: Pure smut baby
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sex, dirty talk, phone sex, innocence kink, masturbation (both male and female), please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed
Word count: 2200 words
“I don’t need one Y/N” he says exasperated, neatly folding clothes to put into his go-bag. This wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation but Y/N continued to insist.
“I’m not saying you need one Spence, I’m saying that it would be nice if you had one. Your phone now just does the bare minimum, calls and texts, does that thing even get your emails?”
He rolls his eyes, “You know that’s exactly what I like about it, why would I want any other functions? Plus I like the tactility of the buttons. Humans have been conditioned to find stimulants like the feedback from pressing a button satisfying, it helps us feel like we’re solving problems, essentially.” He deflects.
She takes a step closer to him, placing a hand gently on his arm, “Do you know what could be more satisfying than that?” She questions him, and he shakes his head, eyebrows coming together in confusion, “If I could send you pictures while you were away? Or if we could video chat when I miss you at night?” She pulls him around to face her so he can see her expression, the way she’s looking up at him with half lidded eyes, hoping he doesn’t miss what she’s getting at.
He smirks, and lets out a laugh that’s just shy of scoffing, “You know we can do that with just audio?”
“Are you serious?” He just nods in response, “so you don’t think the visual component is necessary?”
“Necessary’s not the word I would use. It would be nice to have, but I’ve got enough visual aids stored away up here” he taps his temple as he speaks. She groans at him, her point failing to land.
“We can’t all have your memory! Sometimes I don’t just want to think about you getting off in a hotel room, I want to see it” she whines and he gives her a small laugh.
“Look, we can talk about this later but I have to go” he places a gentle kiss on her forehead before he zips up his bag and is out the door.
— — —
When he gets back to his hotel room that evening he collapses back onto the bed. He should have a shower but he’s not sure he even has the energy for that. He was reserving it for his phone call.
He and Y/N had an agreement. Whenever he was away he had to call her each night he was gone. It wasn’t a possessive thing, it was more of a safety thing. If she could just hear his voice for even 30 seconds she could sleep easy. Sometimes it would be just that, a quick ‘hello, love you, goodnight’ other times there’d be plenty to talk about, good and bad. Sometimes he needed the call more than she did. But they never had phone sex.
Spencer was confused why she’d seemed so adamant that it was something he should upgrade his phone for when it wasn’t something they typically even engaged in.
But he didn’t know what she had in store for him yet.
He got changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and lay back into bed, propping himself up against the pillows. He dialed Y/N’s number.
“Hi there.” her voice was smooth like honey and he missed her already.
“Hi.” he breathed
“Did you find my present yet?” He had no idea what she was referring to. Sitting upright in his bed on instinct.
“Shame, will you check that little inside pocket of your bag for me? The one with the zip?” he hops straight up to root for it, finding a small sealed envelope. He settles back into bed before he rips it open. It contains a small collection of Polaroids, all of them of Y/N.
She knew what he liked. He’d never say it in so many words but he had a thing for innocence, something about seeing her in white lingerie, or sometimes baby pink. He would always get a little more excited than usual, grabbing, and pulling, and ripping on occasion. But he didn’t recognize the set she was wearing in the Polaroids. It was white satin, with some ruffles, she had a suspender belt around her waist with thin white stockings attached as she stretched out on their shared bed.
His eyes poured over the images, in another it was just from her chest up, giving him a perfect view of her breasts, the expanse of her neck, the frame cutting off just above her lips which were delicately covered in lipgloss. He could see sheen of where the cameras flash had bounced off it.
“Fuck” was all he could think to say. All other words escaping him as he turned his attention towards the photo of her with her hands inside of her own panties, her back arched off the bed beneath her.
“So you found ‘em?” She spoke, her voice sultry and laden with tension.
“I, uh, yeah” he breathes down the line, feeling his cock twitch at the sound of her voice coupled with the images in front of him.
“Are those— the underwear, is it new?” He already knows the answer but he’s not sure what else to ask.
“Mmhmm” she hums, “I thought you’d like this set, I was saving it for a special occasion but I thought, what the hell.”
“I do, I like it a lot.” he reaches his hand inside the waistband of his sweatpants without really thinking about it.
“You know Spence, I really wish you were here right now” she toys with him playfully, “So you could see this set in person, I’m looking at myself in the mirror right now and those pictures really don’t do it justice.”
Spencer almost stops breathing, “You’re wearing— now?” He asks in disbelief.
“This is what I usually do when I miss you Love. I’ll get all dressed up in something I know you like, and I’ll fantasize about what you’d do to me if you were here.” her tone is soft but teasing, still standing to admire herself in the mirror.
She could see why he liked her in white, it made her look so sweet, and cute almost. Whenever she wore underwear like this she went all out. Applying a mascara she knew would run down her cheeks with even the slightest tear, lipstick or lipgloss that was sure to smear or leave stains all over the parts of Spencer that she’d kiss. He loved that, the juxtaposition of the before and after. The adorable angel that he got to ruin.
“What do you do when you fantasize?” He questions, letting his own mind drift as he wraps his hand around his now painfully hard cock.
“Well I’ll think about you, how you like to hold me down by my hips while you eat me out, or how much better your fingers feel” she moans, slipping her own fingers into her panties as she lays down in their bed, “mine just don’t fill me up like yours do.”
Spencer can imagine it perfectly, the way she’s probably splayed out on their bed right now. “God I wish I was there. I’d have my fingers so deep inside you, you’re always so wet for me” he groans into the receiver, “tell me how wet you are for me baby?”
She’s impressed that he’s getting the hang of this so quickly, obliging him right away. “Fuck Spence, I’ve been dripping wet since I heard your voice. I’ve been thinking about this all day. Do you want to hear?”  
She doesn’t wait for a response, she just brings the phone down towards her pussy, lining up the microphone next to it as she pumps her fingers in and out, so that he can hear the wet sounds that fill her bedroom. When she brings the phone back to her ear he’s breathing heavily.
“Fuck Y/N. I wish I was there so bad, I wish I could fuck you right this second” he’s almost whimpering, she can tell he’s touching himself already.
“If you were here with me in bed right now, how would you fuck me Spencer?” She takes a moment to root her vibrator from the drawer in her beside locker. If she concentrated, or stopped concentrating maybe, she could pretend it was him.
“I’d grab you by that fucking suspender belt, and flip you over. Have you face down on the bed for me, your perfect ass in the air.” His sentences are punctuated by harsh breaths, bordering on gasps. “For being such a tease I’d have to rip those tiny little panties off you, as if they were really covering anything in the first place.”
As he speaks she hooks her fingers in the sides of those panties and pulls them off her legs so she’s got better access now. Lining the head of her vibrator up at her entrance, pushing it in slow and steady, waiting until it’s completely sheathed inside her before turning it on.
“I’d grab you by your hips and pull your ass up so my cock is right there, so I can push the head up against your pussy, feeling how fucking wet you are for me”
She’s moaning now, and if he can hear the vibrations he doesn’t say anything.
“Then I’d push into you, your tight little cunt, I always have to go so slow for you to take all of me. I’d keep going, deep as I can so I can feel you squirm under me, feel you clench even tighter around me”
She had no idea he had a mouth this dirty but she was loving every second. “I fucking love it when you fuck me from behind” is all she can string together, writhing on top of their sheets.
“And that’s exactly what I’d do next baby, I’d start to fuck you. Slow, and deep at first, then fast, and rough. I love the sounds you make when I get rough. Those pathetic little whimpers and cries while I fuck you into the mattress. I can even hear them with your face buried in the pillows. It’s even better when you cry just a bit, mascara all over your little cheeks ‘cause you just can’t take it.”
He’s panting now, his boxers pushed down his hips so that he can properly work his cock, his fist pumping up and down faster and faster as he’s about release.
“Where would you cum Spence?” She says it but she almost doesn’t recognize her voice, it’s more of a strangled cry and it goes straight to his dick.
“You know I’d cum deep inside you, fill you up while you tighten around me, god I love those fucking noises you make. Cum for me” he demands, and she’s got no problem obliging.
With her back arching up off the bed, her hands fisting the sheets, and the vibrator still buried inside her, imagining it’s Spencer, she cries out. Moaning louder than she intended, her phone on loudspeaker beside her. She can hear him too. His hand working himself through his climax as it coats his stomach and fingers and little gasps and groans he lets out that sound an awful lot like her name.
Once they’re both spent they lie in silence in their respective beds for a moment before Spencer breaks the tension.
“That was a surprise”
She bursts out laughing. “Well that was the idea”
“But why?” He asks, deliriously happy but confused.
“I thought it might convince you to invest in a phone with a camera?” She says like he’s silly for even asking.
“Why would I want that? This just proved that we don’t need that” he explains, and he’s not wrong but he’s missed the point.
“Spencer, I’m gonna take some pictures of myself right now, and I’m gonna send them to your email. I want you to grab your laptop and open ‘em up for me okay?”
“Okay?” He agrees unsure, and she hangs up.
Several minutes later and he’s opening up an email with the subject heading:
“pros of dr. reid getting a new phone”
There’s no text, just a series of photos of Y/N. She’s staged them perfectly.
The first is a selfie, messy hair, smudged lipgloss, and mascara stained cheeks on show as she’s blowing him a kiss. Another is just her mouth, but she’s stuffed her discarded panties inside, leaving the wet stain obviously visible to him. There’s others of her, taken of herself in the mirror, fingers inside herself, in the next she’s got those same fingers in her mouth, lips closed tightly around them, cheeks hollowed out. Spencer has to stop scrolling or he’ll just get hard again.
He hears his phone ping with a text message.
You could’ve been looking at these the whole time, might’ve even gotten a video if you were lucky x
He rarely likes to admit defeat but in this case it might just be worth it to concede.
I’ll buy a new phone first thing tomorrow x
Read the (sort of) part 2: Up In The Air
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
Wolf In Sheeps Clothing
Warnings - Cursing because angry boy, reader being a cold mf, reader's clothes are described (but kind of vaguely so dw)
Note: I feel like I can hear the gif for some reason :D? Kind of self indulgent so reader is shorter than kyotani. Poor mad dog, always being put in his place by pretty boys. I'll have you know that I consult the wiki everytime I write something for character details by the way. (bragging shamelessly). Reader is also a second year and the student council president because this is fiction and I'm not sure if you have to be a third year hehe
this turned out longer than I thought it would, really popped off with this one
Male Reader
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Kyotani Kentarou has a new enemy.
Whether or not you knew he though of you as an enemy didn't matter to him.
Suprisingly, it doesn't happen as often as some might think. His awful attitude and uncooperative nature ensures that he makes more enemies than friends, but most people are too afraid to approach him in order to become one of the two.
His new enemy?
You. (L/n) (y/n), Student Council President.
Kyotani never really though much of you. Not when you campaigned for the spot, (despite being in the second year), and not when you got the position. He's seen you, sure, you made that whole speech when you got the part and you oversaw detention sometimes.
Kyotani, (surprisingly), didn't get detention much. On the one time you oversaw the detention class when he was supposed to be there, he decided not to go.
So, overall, he hardly saw you at all. You were nothing but a passing thought in his mind when he heard people talking about you. He never expected to talk to you, much less consider you his worst enemy.
It really was a normal day for Kyotani. He woke up, took a shower, ate on his way to school, and slipped into class with his usual "fuck with me and you die" look on.
Practice was cancelled that day as the coach was out sick, so he didn't really have anything to do. Everything was all normal for him, right up until the end of the day. Kyotani was stalking through the hallways, the other second years moving out of his way and giving hushed whispers to their friends as they got ready to leave.
He was used to that, and even liked the feeling it gave him, knowing that these people were actually afraid of him. He was close to his locker when it happened.
He ran right into you, almost knocking you back. He glowered down at you, an angry spark in his eye that would have any other student running far away. You however, just stepped back to be clear of his general bubble, and looked up at him with a frown.
Truth be told, he had never really seen you up close. True he'd overheard some of his classmates talking about how 'intimidating' and 'handsome' you were, but Kentarou didn't expect to actually feel it coming off of you. He didn't expect to point out how attractive you were right off the bat.
The hard glisten in your eye faded as you scanned his face. You know this guy. Your expression changed from 'stone cold dictator' to 'unbothered student council president.'
Somehow feeling the tension, most of the students cleared out before either of you said a word.
"Kyotani Kentarou," you said, "Number 16 on our schools volleyball team. Infamous for your out of control aggression and prowess in your sport." You smirked at him quickly, straightening your blazer and standing up straight.
"The hell," he lifted his head to look down his nose at you, "why do you know me?"
You shrug. "I keep tabs on all the students I think are troublesome. Or interesting." He watched as you casually turned to your bag and pulled out a large binder. "You're on the first page, marked in red." you had a somewhat mocking tone in your voice, that coy smirk returning.
Kyotani growled, the noise sounding surprisingly like an animal. You were much more cocky up close. Cocky and aggravating. He moved closer to you so that your chests were almost touching while you put the binder away, and looked straight down at your face. "I can be much more troublesome," he said lowly.
You barked out a laugh. "Careful there Mad Dog." You advanced, causing Kyotani to step back. "Or I might just think you're threatening me," you continued to move forward. Kyotani took more steps back. The only way he could describe the feeling was like he was being herded like a sheep.
Another animalistic growl left his throat when his back hit the lockers. By now everyone had left, leaving just the two of you. "You aren't leaving a very good first impression on your president," you say dangerously, almost mocking your own title.
"Why do I need to leave a good impression on you," he muttered out. You didn't say anything and instead lifted your arm above his shoulder to slam it by his head. He recognized this feeling. Yet somehow, it felt all different.
Not once had the rumors spoken about the affect you had on people. You scanned his face again, those intimidating (e/c) eyes holding him steady in place. His breath hitched in his throat softly when you pulled your hand back to straighten his tie. "You don't," you said referring to his earlier question, eyes focused on his tie. "And you haven't."
You pulled away from him and stepped back, patting him on the shoulder before turning on your heel to head towards the doors. You turned your head just as you were about to leave, the blue grey light from the cloudy sky making you seem more threatening. "Take care, Mad Dog." You left the school building, leaving Kentarou breathing heavily and on guard at the lockers.
He really didn't expect that from you.
He had had a similar feeling, when Yahaba threw him into a wall and scolded him during the spring preliminary game against Karasuno. Similar, but not quite the same. It felt like you had him trapped. He still had your words replaying on repeat in his mind.
Those rumors he heard about you didn't do you any justice. He never heard anything about how easily you could make people feel... things. For once, he felt like he was the one being hunted. And oh boy did he not like that. All those times he'd seen you, he thought you looked like a regular goody two shoes who would report even the smallest wrongdoing to the teachers. He didn't expect a calculated, threatening boy who had a binder of 'troublemakers' and a heavy presence.
He didn't sleep more than 2 hours that night.
Maybe it was your eyes that were etched into his mind. Maybe it was your smooth voice, that look that made it seem like there was so much more under your surface.
So naturally he came to the conclusion that you were his rival.
He managed to avoid you all till the end of the week, Sunday rolling around like a saving grace. He didn't see you once for the rest of the week, but it still felt like you were watching him with those calculated eyes of yours. His shoulder still felt all weird and tingly from where you had touched him.
The weekend felt like an asylum to him, a feeling of safety and control returning to him when his older sister sent him out to go pick up some things from the store.
Kyotani had decided to cut through the park on his way back, but now he was quickly regretting his decision. It's not like he was afraid of you, he just thought that avoiding you would be the best option.
The last place he expected you to be was sitting in the park, staring out at the little man-made pond with a few birds at your feet. You had an overcoat on to compensate for the slightly chilly weather, a sweater visible underneath it. Your shoes were tapping the ground rhythmically.
You looked much less intimidating out of uniform. You had a neutral, content look on your face, cheek squished against your palm with your elbow resting on your knee. It was almost cute, he thought, if that was the right word for it.
"Are you just going to stand there forever," you turned your face towards him and regarded him with lidded eyes. "You can sit down you know."
He jumped, standing still for a second before slowly moving towards you. His guard up like a wall as memories of your last interaction replayed through his mind. His breath quickened ever so slightly, and his ears turned pink.
He slid into place on the bench next to you. You turned towards him again and smiled. He went bright red.
It was an actual smile. Not that cocky smirk, but a soft clad cute smile. You focused your attention back on to the pond.
"You live around here," Kyotani inquired gruffly.
You nodded. "I don't go out much. Usually cooped up in my room working on god knows what." You leaned back, draping your arms gracefully across the back of the bench. "Sorry about our little encounter, by the way. I must have come off way scary, right?" You gave him that soft smile again.
He looked away and hid his cheeks with his hand. "Like I'd be afraid of you," he muttered.
You hummed softly. A thought struck him. He regained his composure before speaking again. "You must have known that I live around here, right?"
You nodded wordlessly. "It was in your file."
Kyotani decided not to comment on how creepy that was, and instead muttered out a small "oh."
Neither of you said a word for a few moments.
"We really got off on the wrong foot, huh?" You turned your whole body towards him, watching his movements like a cat.
He just grunted.
You laughed a little bit, and extended your hand. "Why don't we start over. I'm (l/n) (y/n)."
Kyotani eyed your hand suspiciously before taking it. The tingly feeling returned, but this time it felt stronger as both your hands were bare. Your slightly smaller hand gripped his firmly, the slight size difference making Kyotani blush a bit.
You really weren't what he thought, were you? Even so, you were still his enemy. His cute, scary, calculated, calm enemy.
He doesn't even know what hit him.
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sodasback · 3 years
Let Go
Reposting Let Go from my deleted accounts. Minor edits made.
JJ Maybank x Reader
Just SMUT. Real filthy smut.
Warnings: Very explicit sexual content. Cursing. All consensual. 18+
JJ got a gig cleaning pools on Figure 8 for the summer. And your family had a pool. Ergo, JJ was at your house every couple weeks cleaning your pool.
Of course, you knew JJ Maybank. He was the gorgeous bad boy Pogue every girl swooned over. And JJ Maybank knew you too. You were the Kook man-eater, currently on the arm of none other than Rafe Cameron. And sure you and Rafe had a good time together and you loved how possessive he was over you, but you both knew deep down your relationship was all about status. You were the ultimate young power couple of Figure 8.  
You and JJ, on the other hand, despised each other. …but like many have said, there’s a thin line between love and hate. And the truth was: you and JJ hated each other because you wanted what the other seemed to have.
You wanted to be free. Free of the obligation and the standards and the suffocating expectations. And JJ wanted to feel secure and cared for. Fuck, he just wanted to know where his next meal was coming from and what roof he was gonna sleep under without getting yelled at.
Right now, JJ was standing shirtless and sweaty with perfectly messy wet hair as he used the net to get crap out of the pool at your house while you were coming home from a day of waxing, tanning, manicures and pedicures.
You saw JJ and decided your day just hadn’t had enough excitement in it yet.
“Hey pool boy” You called to him with the perfect amount of flirtation and snobbery. JJ looked up at you. 
“You missed a spot.” You said, pointing to the leaves that were in the pool near you. He walked over to you with his usual cocky, Kook-hating attitude.
“Yeah, so did whoever sprayed that fake tan on you.” He retorted back, gesturing to a blotchy spot on your hip exposed by your cropped tank top.
You looked down at it, “Fuck!” you cursed, causing JJ to laugh as he scooped the leaves out of the pool.
“Shit, money can buy you everything, can’t it Y/L/N?” JJ asked casually, “Fake hair, fake tan, fake nails. Is anything about you real?” He asked looking down at your bare cleavage pushing up through your top.
“There’s only one way for you to find out.” Your was voice dripping in sex and JJ looked at you in shock, not expecting your answer as his lips parted slightly, exactly the reaction you wanted.
“...too bad I don’t date stoner surf bums though.” You shrugged.
And JJ regained the composure he lost for a second as he leaned the net against the wall and turned back to face you.
“Yeah, you prefer psychotic, spoiled coke addicts, right?” He narrowed his eyes down at you and you glared at him.
“He doesn’t do that shit anymore.” You stated definitively, referring to Rafe’s drug habit.
JJ snorted and nodded at you, “Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night princess. …But I did literally just see him doing lines and drinking cocktails when I was cleaning the Cameron’s pool today.”
You felt disappointed, hurt and angry at this news. Because 1. Rafe canceled plans with you today to do “something important” for his dad and 2. You also knew Rafe wouldn’t usually drink and get high by himself, so you were pretty sure JJ was leaving part of the story out. 3. Rafe promised he wasn’t using coke anymore.
“You know he’s an asshole, right?” JJ asked, wanting you to admit you were a better person than your reputation made you out to be.
You were quiet as you internally acknowledged that JJ was right.
Without an answer from you, he sighed, “But I guess… superficial Kook princess like you will tolerate just about anything to make mommy and daddy happy with that Cameron last name.” He shrugged.
You smirked at this, “You almost sound a little jealous, Maybank.”
JJ scoffed, but you continued taking a step towards him as he held his ground. “I mean, I may not be some desperate tourist or some grungy surfer chick, but I know you think I’m hot.”
JJ broke eye contact with you and shook his head, opening his mouth to object but you took another step towards him and you could hear his breathing falter slightly as he looked back at you. So now you were ready to lie and say the thing you needed to say to get what you and JJ both desperately desired.
“And I know you wanna fuck me.” You said dangerously, taking another step so you and JJ’s bodies were almost touching, running a finger down JJ’s bare abs, making him shiver before you looked up at him, “But you’re scared. You’re scared that you wouldn’t live up to Rafe Cameron because you’re just a dirty, little Pogue from The Cut and-”
“Shut the fuck up.” JJ commanded through gritted teeth as he grabbed your hips and pushed you roughly against the wall of the pool house. You gasped and your eyes widened.
You and JJ both knew you said what you said to get to this point: You looking up at JJ with a little fear in your eyes as your heart raced and your core clenched. And JJ looking down at you like a wolf trapping his prey as he pressed your body firmly into the wall behind you with a harsh grip on your hips. He stepped in closer to you, pressing his body into your’s to keep you in place as he lifted one hand to grip your chin and smush your cheeks a little bit.
“You run that little mouth of your’s so much and no one ever puts you in your fucking place.”
You let the shock of JJ actually making this move leave as quickly as it came and you pushed back against JJ’s chest with your hands and tried to push his arm away from your face, not wanting to give in so easily. But JJ wrestled with your squirming body and grabbed both your wrists and pinned them on either side of your head. You huffed in frustration.
This caused you both to smile at each other, knowing this is what you wanted. But just in case, JJ loosened his grip on your wrists ever so slightly and looked in your eyes seriously for a second, “Hey, you want this right? Say ‘red’ if you actually wanna stop, yeah?” He asked. You looked in his eyes and nodded.
“Like how far do you want me to take this?” He checked one more time.
“Anything JJ” You told him. And he still looked unsure. “I’ll say ‘red’ if I want you to stop, promise.” And he searched your face for a second, then nodded at you sweetly before he smirked going right back “into character.”
His grip on your wrists tightened as he moved them further above your head so he could hold both of them with one hand and move his other hand to squeeze your chin and cheeks again.
“I know you’ve wanted this for a long time. I see the way you look at me. You think I don’t, but I know you open your window whenever I’m here cleaning the pool, so you can catch a glimpse of me. Or even when you’re with your douche boyfriend and see me on the street. You think I don’t see the double take you do?” He said and you tried to turn your head away from him, but he firmly turned your chin so you’d look at him again. JJ moved his grip to your jaw so you could talk.
“If you noticed all that, that means you were looking at me too. At the beach, you stare at me in my bikini. And I saw you at Boneyard parties watching me dance with my friends.” You told him.
JJ just narrowed his eyes at you, knowing he had gotten caught too. You slipped one of your wrists free and grabbed JJ’s wrist to move his hand from your jaw. But he overpowered you and pinned your arm to your side.
“So if you’ve wanted this for such a long time, why are you still fighting it? Are you this much of a fucking brat for Cameron?” JJ asked, still looking in your eyes before he moved next to your head to whisper in your ear.
You closed your eyes feeling his hot breath hit your ear as he continued, “I think it’s because, unlike me, we both know, he doesn’t give a fuck if he makes you feel good.”
JJ pressed a small kiss just below your ear and then nibbling and sucking on your earlobe causing you to let out the smallest whimper you couldn’t hold back.
“You know I’m gonna make you feel better than he ever has, but you can’t admit that, even to yourself, so you’re gonna resist me as much as you can so you can feel like you aren’t betraying him and being a shitty girlfriend for letting a pogue, none the less, be the one to make you so wet.”
JJ continued, sucking on your neck just a little and speaking again, “And you get to run the show wherever you go and even if you won’t say it, you crave for someone to take control from you and put you in your place. For once, in your god-damned spoiled princess life, you want someone to not let you be in charge.” He finished as he pressed his body against your’s before checking your expression.
You chest was heaving up and down as you breathed heavily being way more turned on having JJ Maybank pin you against a wall than you cared to admit. You glared at him with a furrow in your brow. Then you surged forward. JJ released your wrists and you grabbed a fistful of his hair with one hand and gripped his shoulder with the other as your lips crashed on his. JJ’s hand immediately went to the back of your upper thigh as he hitched one of your legs onto his hip. His other hand was squeezing your torso; his thumb sneaking underneath your bra and skimming the underside of your boob in the most aggravatingly teasing way possible.
Your mouths were already open, tongues wrestling each other, teeth hitting in the process. You jumped up and wrapped your other leg around JJ’s waist as he squeezed your legging-covered thighs.
After the initial surge of adrenaline, you both slowed down a little. You tugged at the roots of JJ’s hair and he groaned a little before biting your bottom lip and pulling away from you slightly, giving your thighs a hard squeeze at the same time.
When JJ released your lower lip, you pulled away from him, “Pool house.” Was all you said before your lips started moving against each other again and JJ walked through the door of the pool house, into the guest bedroom.
He kicked the door shut behind him as he nudged your head to the side to start leaving hot, wet open-mouth kisses along your jaw and down your neck causing you to moan as he let your legs slide down his waist so you were standing again.
His hands gripped your hips as he kept working on your neck while he walked you backwards towards the bed. He gave you no space as you fell back onto the bed and he continued to crawl over you, now taking his time to suck your neck as he propped himself up with arm near your shoulder. The other hand massaging your hip.
“Maybank, no hickeys. …Rafe.” You said. And really you said it for both your sakes, knowing if Rafe found out who you cheated on him with, it wouldn’t be good for either of you, but worse for JJ for sure.
“I really don’t give a fuck.” JJ said as he continued leaving more hickeys along your neck just to spite Rafe even more.
“Take your top off.” JJ commanded.
You rolled your eyes and took your tank top off before JJ’s hand flew to your throat holding it with only slight pressure. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.”  He said calmly and almost teasingly, which only made it that much more intimidating. He knew he was really pushing your limits of being told what to do.
So after the breath hitched in your throat, you just stared at him defiantly in a stand off. JJ raised his eyebrows expecting an answer from you, but you stayed silent, rubbing your lips together firmly, contemplating your next move so JJ snaked his fingers in your hair and slowly but firmly pulled, cranking your neck to the side and eliciting a sigh full of pleasure and pain to escape your now open mouth. “Fine.” You spat out.
JJ let out a dark chuckle. “You’re such a fucking brat. But you love this don’t you?” He asked before dipping a finger in your bra cup and pulling it down so your breasts were exposed to him.
He took a moment to admire them as he squeezed one before going down and swirling his tongue around your other nipple and biting at it lightly. He looked up at you, “You like to push back because you want me to show you how much stronger I am than you. You love being dominated, huh?”
You took a deep breath as JJ put his mouth on your boob and sucked a harsh hickey there, while his hand started playing with the waist line of your leggings teasing you. “You love feeling helpless underneath me?”
He snuck his fingers underneath your leggings and your lace thong but didn’t move further yet, “Answer me.”
And with the anticipation of JJ finally touching you where you need him, the answer easily fell from your lips “Yes” you breathed out.
“Good girl” JJ praised as he ran his fingers through your folds. You let out a pained breath at finally being touched but JJ also saw the way your mouth twitched like you were going to object and then stopped.
JJ chuckled. “You don’t usually like being called a good girl. But you wanna be my good girl, don’t you?” He asked gently stroking your clit, causing you to close your eyes and open your mouth.
Then, JJ abruptly plunged a finger into you, “Don’t you?” He asked more sternly this time.
“Fuck! Yes.” You answered.
“That’s what I thought. Let’s see how much of a good girl you can be. Take off your leggings and your bra and get on your knees.” JJ said as he quickly pulled his fingers from you. And stood up from the bed.
You sat up on the bed and gaped at him as he smiled at you evilly. He knew he was really pushing your limits, but he also knew it was only turning both of you on even more.
“Seriously JJ?!” You asked getting mad about all the teasing.
When you didn’t immediately get up and follow JJ’s orders, he came over and put his hand under your chin as he pulled your lower lip down with his thumb, “Don’t make me tell you twice, sweetheart.” You narrowed your eyes at him, but grabbed his wrist as his thumb released your lip, to pull yourself up from the bed.
JJ took a step back as you stripped down to just your thong. You smiled, catching him indulging himself drinking in your naked body.
“Knees” he reminded you. And before you could even do it, JJ said, “Don’t even think about rolling your eyes.” You gathered all your strength to not be bratty back with a deep breath as you got on your knees in front of JJ.
As much as you had a love-hate relationship with the way JJ was teasing you, being in this position, on your knees in front of him, only made your panties that much more drenched. Your hands wasted no time going to his swim trunks and pulling them down releasing his cock as it slapped up against his stomach. Your mouth was practically watering.
JJ ran a hand through your hair, “Is my good girl desperate to have me in her mouth?”
“Are you gonna keep making me answer questions this whole time or are you gonna let me suck your dick?” You asked bluntly.
JJ smiled, but harshly pulled your hair eliciting a whiny “ow” from you.
“For once, you need to work for everything you get and you need to be the one not in charge Y/N. And then I’ll make you feel better than any guy ever has. But you have to be good.”
“What if I’m not?” you asked innocently, tilting your head to the side.
JJ smiled, “Then there’s just gonna be more pain with your pleasure.” He said simply and then added, “But I’m learning you’d probably like that too. You’re dirtier than I thought. You like being a little slut, huh?”
You contemplated. Wondering if you should give in to JJ or keep resisting.
You looked up at him and nodded, “Mhmm”
He smiled down at you knowing he had won a little. He pumped his cock a few times. “You want my cock in your mouth?”
“Yes, JJ” you breathed out.
“Tell me how much you want it. Work for it.”
You gathered more strength and finally decided to fully submit to JJ’s whole power dynamic.
“JJ please, I want your cock down my throat.” You said, placing your hand below his, around his cock.
“Put your mouth on it baby.” He encouraged. And you licked your lips before running your tongue along the underside of it. JJ took a sharp inhale and gathered your hair in a ponytail as you wrapped your lips around him and swirled your tongue around the head. You took more of him in your mouth sucking as your hand pumped the rest.
“Fuck Y/N.” JJ groaned and threw his head back. Your head bobbed up and down on his length as saliva started to drip down your chin just a little. Each time you went down, you took a tiny bit more of him into your mouth. One hand now running your nails along his thigh.
Finally, you took all of JJ in your mouth and his cock hit the back of your throat causing you to gag. “Fuck” JJ cursed again. He let you be in control for a few moments longer before he couldn’t help but thrust into your mouth.
“Ahh you’re such a good little slut for me Y/N. You take my cock so well.” He told you as he hit the back of throat repeatedly. “Touch yourself baby. Is choking on my cock making you wet?”
You slid your fingers through your painfully throbbing cunt and opened your eyes to look up at JJ and nodded. JJ pulled out of your mouth completely letting you breathe. “You want more baby?” He asked and you nodded your head eagerly.
“I want you to cum down my throat, J” you said. JJ bit his lip and looked at you painfully, having so many places in mind where he wanted to cum. “Fuck” He cursed again as you took him back in your mouth.
“Put your hands behind your back, pretty girl.” He said and you immediately obeyed as he fucked your face. A few more thrusts and JJ was cumming down your throat and you continued bobbing your head up and down on his cock working him through it while you swallowed. JJ pulled his cock from your mouth with a string of saliva connecting the two as you caught your breath. JJ’s body was flooded with a rush of oxytocin motivating him to lift you from the ground and onto the bed.
“Fuck, so good for me baby.” He said, wiping the saliva and cum from the corner of your mouth his thumb and then peppering kisses along your jaw and neck.
You ran your hand through his hair and pulled him away from you for a second so you could kiss his mouth. JJ and you kissed sensually as he held some of his body weight off you and then he started kissing his way down to your stomach.
He left one more gentle kiss just above the waistline of your thong before he put his arms under each of your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed while he got on his knees on the ground. He sucked red marks that would surely be turning purple on your inner thighs as he ran his finger underneath the side of your thong multiple times.
“JJ stop teasing and do something already.” You whined.
JJ chuckled, “Someone’s desperate” he teased as he pulled your panties down your legs. 
“Spread your legs for me” He commanded as he wrapped an arm around each of your thighs again and took a long look at your dripping cunt like he was looking at a piece of cake. “Ahh your pretty little pussy is so wet, Y/N. Who are you this wet for?”
“You, JJ.” You sighed out feeling his warm breath hit your core and dying for some physical contact.
“That’s right baby” He praised smugly before giving your clit a gentle kiss and then kitten licks that quickly turned to sucking on your clit.
You immediately threw your head back and closed your eyes at the pleasure. JJ was truly an expert at eating pussy. After giving your clit attention he moved down and fucked your cunt with his tongue causing your legs to clench around him and your hips to move. JJ untangled his arm from under your thigh, and grabbed one of your hands as he laid his forearm across your lower stomach to keep you still. You moved your other hand into his hair, tugging at it and making him moan into you. He then sunk 2 fingers into you and pumped in and out; curling them in just the right way while sucking on your clit again.
You moaned loudly as your legs began to quiver. “Fuck JJ!”
“You’re close pretty girl. Let go. Cum for me.” He told you and you let the rubber band snap and the waves of your orgasm rush over you. You tried to close your legs but JJ kept them open working you through it and lapping up every drop of your cum he could before you pushed his head away gently. JJ stood up and pulled you up to a sitting position on the side of the bed after you caught your breath.
JJ held his fingers dripping in your cum in front of your mouth. You obediently opened your mouth and sucked on his fingers, tongue swirling around them. “Such a good little whore for me.” You leaned forward, loving the way JJ talked to you and he noticed.
He pulled his fingers from you mouth and held your chin tilted up at him. “God, you’re so much kinkier than I thought. You like being called names, huh?”
You nodded and then looked away and blushed. “I like when you call me names. I don’t know why- I-”
“No. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s fucking hot. I love that you wanna be called my little cockslut. That for once you don’t need to be this perfect Kook. You can be a dirty little slut for me.” He said pecking your cheek and rubbing his thumb across your chin. 
Then, he paused for a second like he was hesitant about something but then he said, “Open your mouth for me and stick out your tongue.” He commanded as he pulled down your chin with his thumb.
You did as you were told and stuck out your tongue. JJ bent down a little and spit in your mouth. “Fucking swallow.” He ordered lowly. And you swallowed it greedily, feeling your pussy throbbing again. JJ noticed your legs rubbing together and he grew hard again at the sight of you being turned on from him spitting in your mouth.
“Fuck” JJ cursed to himself for the umpteenth time. Then, he was caught off guard as you pulled him onto the bed and crawled on top of him.
“JJ, I need you inside me.” You told him as you straddled him and pinned his wrists to the bed.
JJ looked at you amused, “Oh you think you’re gonna be on top for this?” JJ asked incredulously. 
You smiled at him. “Yup” you said, as you released one of his wrists so you could line him up with your entrance. But before you could, JJ easily flipped the two of you over and pinned your arms down.
“JJ!” You protested in frustration and tried to sit up or flip over again, but JJ just kissed you hard into the mattress. Then he sunk into you, pulling away from the kiss at the same time to hear your moan as you felt him fill you up.
“Shit y/n/n.” JJ hissed, “You’re so tight, baby.” He laced his fingers through your’s, “Ready?” He asked. You nodded your head. And JJ started to rock his hips slowly into you.
“Faster, J” You told him and he just smirked at you causing you to furrow your brow in confusion.
“Beg for it.” He stated.
“JJ” You warned sternly and you wrapped your legs around his waist to try and get leverage to flip you both over so you could control the pace but it was no use.
“Nice try. ..Tell me I’m better than Rafe and I’ll give you what you want.” He said smugly. You immediately rolled your eyes and JJ stopped completely.
“Wrong move princess. Get on your elbows and knees, ass up.” he commanded darkly as he pulled out of you. You whined at the empty feeling. “I’m not telling you again.” JJ said.
“Relax” You grumbled as you got on your elbows and knees and JJ immediately landed a hard slap to your ass.
“Ow! Fuck J!” You yelled at him. JJ spotted a scarf hanging off the headboard and grabbed it.
“Sit up on your knees. Give me your hands” He said tying your hands together with the scarf.
“Really JJ?” You asked.
“You know, I wonder how hard I need to go to fuck that attitude out of you” JJ wondered out loud as he turned to grab something else.
“Maybe if you actually fucked me hard, you could find ou-” You couldn’t finish what you were saying because JJ had stuffed your drenched lace thong in your mouth making you even more turned on and frustrated at the same time. 
JJ pushed you down onto you elbows and then propped your ass up further in the air. “There” he said satisfied landing another slap to your other ass cheek causing a muffled squeak to come from you.
“You’ve been such a bratty little slut for me. I don’t think you deserve to get fucked. But I can’t resist your tight little cunt.” JJ said sinking into you from behind. “Fuck Y/N” he groaned stretching you out again and then slamming into you hard. He continued thrusting into you and then felt your walls clench a little. “Don’t you dare cum, pretty girl.”
“Please JJ” You whined around your thong. JJ reached around and pulled your panties from you mouth. “What was that sweetheart?”
“Please JJ.”
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum. I’ll do anything.” You begged as he continued thrusting into you.
“Tell me I’m better than Rafe.” He spat out.
“Yes, JJ you’re better than Rafe. Fuck!”
“Are you mine or his?” He asked.
“I’m your’s JJ. I’m a filthy little slut for you. Please!” You whimpered.
“Cum all over my cock, baby.” He told you. Your orgasm hit you hard and JJ fucked you through it and then he kept going and reached a hand around to play with your clit. You whimpered from the overstimulation.
“Fuck J, stop, too much.” You whined. And tried to move his hand away. He used his other hand to pull you up by your hair so your back was flush against his chest. “Fucking take it.” He said through gritted teeth as a second orgasm built. “Cum with me one more time. Be my filthy little cockslut baby.”
You moaned loudly as JJ bit into your shoulder and you both reached your climax again. JJ thrusted slowly as you came down from your highs. He slowly pulled out of you and gently laid you both down. He pulled the comforter over you both as you turned to face him and nuzzled into his neck. He wrapped his arms around you as you both laid together naked and completely blissed out.
“You okay? Was that okay? Did we go too far?” JJ asked with his chin on the top of your head. You leaned back a little so he could see your face.
“That was fucking hot Maybank.”  You said and pecked his lips before snuggling back into him. He let out a relieved chuckle and pecked the top of your head.
As you laid there in JJ’s arms, you felt …free. You reached a hand around to comb through JJ’s hair at the back of his head as you rubbed your thumb back and forth his skin where your hand was on his back. And JJ felt …secure and taken care of.
It turned out that you could give each other what the other one so desperately needed.
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Bad Boy-John Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @markshade​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi do you think u can do a John Shelby imagine where they are dating and y/n is a good innocent girl but freaky with John and her parents want to Him over for dinner John wants to piss off her dad cause he’s not a fan of the blinders and does subtle things to annoy him like touching y/n at the end of the night when they are saying goodbye at his car they have a heated make out sesh and John knows her dad is looking through the window so spices it up a bit . ❤️’
Characters: John Shelby x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Smut from the start (unsafe sex!), dirty talk, swearing, arguing, mentions of violence and death, fluff
(A/N: Amelia and Henry are made up characters)
I clamped my hand over my mouth tightly, struggling to keep in the whimpers and moans as John continuously thrusted into me. However, the boxes I was perched on were full of bottles of beer, causing them to clang against each other.We were in the stock room of the Garrison, luckily having the music, singing and loud chatter drowning out the noise we were creating. John’s hands gripped at the skin around my hips, that cocky smirk on his face that I loved so much. For some reason, an idea popped into my head, and in the state of euphoria I was in just made me say it out loud.
“John...” was all I managed to breath out at first.
“Fuck, I love it when you say my name. Say it again.” he instructed.
“I want you to meet my parents.”
He suddenly stopped, making me realise it wasn’t the best time to bring that up.“You what?”
We were both heavily breathing.“Sorry, I don’t know why I said that just then.”
He scoffed, sighing as he slid out of me.“Well, that’s finished with.”
“I’m sorry! They want to meet you. They know who you are, but they want to try and treat this like they did with my sister.”
“You sure you want that? Remember what you told me when they first found out about us?”
I rolled my eyes, hitching up my stocking as he did up his trousers.“It was their idea, not mine.”
“You don’t want me meeting them?”
“Of course I do, I just-” I caught him trying to hide a laugh, he was winding me up.“You’re such a little shit.”
He stood in between my legs again, hands on my thighs before I could push my skirt down.“Well, if I have been summoned by the Lord (Y/L/N)-”
“Oh my god,” I threw my head back as I laughed in frustration,“would you stop calling him that! I’m the same class as you.”
“What have I always said?”
I shrugged my shoulders, but knew what he was referring to.
“You were always meant to be a fucking princess, Princess (Y/N) of Birmingham.”
I laughed at him.“Oh shut up! Are you coming to dinner or not?”
“If you ask me nicely.”
“And how do I do that?”
“By finishing what we started.”
John and I had been together for a few months now, much to my parents dismay. It had started as a drunk one night stand; we were both at the Garrison, and seemingly chose each other for the night. However, when you’re young, poor and living in Small Heath, there aren’t a lot of places to go out, so me and my friends went to the Garrison all the time. This meant I also saw John again....and again....and again, and again. We slept we each other maybe three more times before wondering if this could become a thing; from there onwards, we found out more about each other, and he brought out a side of me I had been hiding, also wanting to release.
On the day of the dinner, I wanted to see John before he arrived. I lied to my mum, saying we had no bread (which I had hidden away), and practically running out of the house to ‘buy’ some. I told John what time to be at mine, also lying to make him leave earlier so I could meet him halfway. In the bakery, I threw the money onto the counter after picking up a loaf of bread, speedily walking away as I prayed I would run into John. Luck was on my side as I spotted him, already heading in the direction of my home.
“John!” I shouted, the whole street now looking at me as I sprinted past them. 
He whipped around at the noise, hand hovering over where his gun would be. When he saw me, he didn’t relax, wondering why I was yelling his name and running like a mad man.
“I’m so glad I caught you.” I struggled to say, out of breath.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he panicked.
“No, no I’m fine. I’m a terrible runner though.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Bread.” I said, holding up the loaf as evidence.“And also, to see you.”
“I was just leaving.”
“Yes, I can see that. I just wanted to go over some rules.”
“Rules? Oh come on (Y/N)-”
“No, listen to me.” I held up the bread instead of pointing my finger at him.“I love you. I always take your side for everything. We both know my parents don’t like this, but seeing as I am a grown woman, they don’t do anything to stop me. So just for today, we’re going to abide to their rules.”
He rolled his eyes.“Right, so I’ve got to be the uptight prat that your parents want you to be with?”
“They know what you’re like already, and even if they didn’t, they would be able to see through that act. Just let my dad be my dad.”
“If he says something fucking offensive, I’m not going to stay quiet!”
“Fine, then be political about it. Don’t shout at each other, try to make small talk, but no talking about guns, violence, killing-”
“Alright, are you going to go?”
“Sorry. I just want this to be easy. I hate seeing you stressed. I love you.”
He held my hand, starting to walk.“Yeah, yeah. Come on, I’ve got the car parked up in the garage.”
I hated that he hadn’t sent it back, but I understood why he was being like this. I was making him be someone he wasn’t. I loved John as a person, however, I couldn’t be dealing with a screaming match between him and my family.
“John, I do love you.” I said after a few minutes of walking.
“I know. I love you too.” he eventually smiled.“Just want you all to myself now, you know? We wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.”
“Soon darling. We’ll get that house soon enough. Oh, I’ve just remembered something else!”
“Rule number...I’ve lost count, maybe one hundred?”
“No inappropriate stuff. No touching, kissing, being sneaky, nothing!”
“That’s going to be incredibly hard. Especially with that dress.” 
Once we made it to my house, I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before getting out of the car. Opening the front door. I called out to my parents, hearing them reply from the front room. I told John to remove his coat whilst I rushed into the kitchen with the bread, carelessly chucking it on the side before getting back to him. I saw a hint of nerves in his eyes, though his pride covered it. Taking his hand in mine, I guided us to my family, surprised to see who was sitting with them.
“Amelia? What are you doing here? And with Henry?” I asked.
“Well, Henry would happen to be here with me because he’s my husband. I’m sure you remember being at the wedding.” she quipped.
“I don’t remember the boring days of my life. Not worth it.”
“(Y/N).” mum warned.
“Anyway,” I looked up at John,“I would like you to all meet John Shelby. We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time and-”
“We know who he is.” dad sighed, not even bothering to stand from his seat. 
“You’re the ones who invited him over. It would be nice of you to greet him properly.”
Dad stood slowly, making his way towards us, making me think he was getting up to shake John’s hand. Instead he just stopped, not looking either of us in the eye.
“I need a drink.”
He broke us apart by walking through us, mum timidly following. I felt like swearing and screaming. It was their idea. They wanted to meet him but then they were being like this. I sent an apologetic smile to John as we sat down.
“So,” I thought I would try and make conversation,“John, this is my sister Amelia and her husband Henry. She used to live here but she moved away a few years ago.”
“Had to find a better area, you know? Safer for the children we were planning for.” Amelia smugly smiled.
“Such a saint is my sister.”
“It’s like Mary and Joseph.” John chuckled, causing me to laugh.
“Well that would make you Judas and...and whoever he was with then, wouldn’t it?” Amelia desperately tried.
“Nice one Amelia. Don’t think too hard next time, yeah?”
Before she could snap back, mum called us to the dinner table. I realised we would all be squashed around it, seeing as only four people could usually fit there. I made sure John was sat beside me, Amelia and Henry opposite us and my parents at either head of the table. Our knees were almost touching we were that close. Dinner started silent, everyone tucking into the small meal. We were poor, we never had a lot to eat; which was why I was surprised that Amelia was here, there were now three more mouths to feed, not just John. But I knew why she was really here. Amelia had done what our parents wanted, found a good man who could provide her with the bare necessities and keep her out of trouble. They wanted me to reflect on who I was in love with, try to change my mind. Wasn’t going to happen.
“So what is it you actually do?” Henry asked. I was unsure if it was supposed to be malicious or whether he was actually curious.
“Work in the betting shop.” John answered.
“Yeah, but, you know, on the side.”
“Henry, we don’t want to get involved.” Amelia scolded him.
“Just because you’ve graced me with your presence, that doesn’t mean you’re on some sort of hit list.”
“No, but my sister is.”
“Amelia, shut up.” I snapped.
“No, she’s right.” John said, causing me to whip my head round to him. He went against my instructions, placing his hand on my thigh.“But I wouldn’t let anyone hurt my girl. They would be dead before they even thought about it.”
Although I had told him to not talk of such things or stoop to my families level, my heart melted at the (somewhat morbid) statement.
“Am I hearing this right?” mum laughed, but their was no humour behind it.
“Mum, try to not get upset.” Amelia held her hand.
Now it was my turn to laugh.“Oh my god.” Everyone looked at me, John was smirking whilst the others were frowning.“You’re such a hypocrite.”
“You were sneaking out all the time, seeing different boys every weekend. What makes you so much better than me?”
“I’m not with a criminal.”
“All of you stop it!” dad exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the table.“And get your fucking hand off my daughter.”
Amelia tutted.“Henry would never-”
“You and Henry were fucking upstairs before dinner when he came round the first time!” I butted in.
“Sounds like a good time to me.” John mumbled under his breath.
“How dare you?!” mum was shocked.
“I knew this was a stupid idea. Get out, now!”
“With pleasure.” John stood, grabbing my hand.
I quickly left with him, grabbing the key off the counter and locking the door behind me. It made me laugh hearing their shouts of protest and banging on the door. We rushed to the car, scared that they would somehow break down the door. John leaned me back against it, hands sliding down the side of my body and gripping my arse. He knew what he was doing, especially since my family now had their faces pressed against the window.
“Well, that was...quick.” I giggled.
“Yeah, you’re not used to that.” John joked.
“You have to make it all about sex, don’t you?”
“(Y/N), I don’t give a fuck about what they think, and neither do you. As soon as I get this bit of business sorted with Tom and Arthur, I’m buying that house and you are moving in with me. Then we’ll get married straight away-”
“I hope this isn’t your proposal.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ve got something big planned for that.”
He leaned down to kiss me, gripping onto my arse firmly. As he deepened the kiss, adding tongues, he forced his knee between my legs, and I subconsciously started rubbing against it, only subtly. I made sure he stayed close by pulling him in by his coat. The neighbours would surely be watching, it was a small street, which would drive my parents insane. This only fuelled something in me, and I wanted to keep going. 
“I suggest we take this somewhere more private. Like, right now.” John breathlessly said.
I frantically nodded, and we both headed for opposite sides of the car, until I saw I still had the key in my hand. Hurriedly making my way back to the door, I ignored my family who had now managed to open the windows, screaming at me as I posted the key through the letter box. Running as fast as I could back to the car, I felt the adrenaline rush through me, giggling like a maniac at the thought of my parents catching me. Slamming the door shut as I jumped in the car, John floored it, and we looked like we escaped from an insane asylum as we laughed.
I stuck my head out of the car and screamed,“I fucking love you John Shelby!”
He pulled me back in by my dress, squeezing my thigh once I sat down.“I love you too, you fucking maniac.”
“I don’t think I’ll be allowed back there, you know.”
“Good thing you’re staying with me then.”
“You sure you’re ready for all of this?”
“I’ve been ready since I laid eyes on your face...and those tits, and that arse-”
“You make it seem like you’re only in it for my body.”
“Nah, that’s the ultimate bonus though. I already said it, but once you’re with me, I protect you and love you. You’re mine.”
“And you’re mine. Make sure to do your coat up before you get out the car, it’s a bit obvious down there.”
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monamourbladie-mb · 3 years
19 Years Later... [Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader x reader miniseries]
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19 years have passed since Y/n’s husband Anakin’s death, and she has become the leading General of the newly founded Rebellion alongside her past Jedi friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, now known as Ben Kenobi. When her children Luke and Leia Skywalker gets kidnapped by Darth Vader, the man who killed her husband; her and Obi-Wan Kenobi must come rescue her. But when she finds out who’s behind Darth Vader’s mask, the truth is something she never thought she had to prepare herself for.
i’m so freaking excited for this fanfic, holy shit. i’ve had this idea since April 2020 and i decided to say fuck it since you guys seemed interested. i hope you enjoy it!!! get ready for an angst and sex train, cause it’s coming in hot 🥵 😏
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 [Coming soon]
Warnings: None
WC: 1.3k
People say love is a forever thing. But for Y/n and Anakin Skywalker, their time together was cut short the day Darth Vader murdered Anakin almost 20 years ago on Mustafar.
Y/n remembered the day so vividly - it was the scariest, saddest, and all the same happiest day of her life. It was the day her twin children, Luke and Leia Skywalker, were born; and it was also the day the love of her life was killed.
Y/n didn’t remember much of that, between the two events. According to Obi-Wan Kenobi, he had said that Anakin was behind the attacks at the Jedi Temple, and the man behind the murder of countless Jedi. Y/n couldn’t bring herself that the man she was married to could do such a horrible, despicable act.
She didn’t believe it until she saw first hand his anger - the way his voice changed, how cold his gaze had become. He tried to sugarcoat his villainous words to her, speaking gently, “Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me.”
But when he had noticed Obi-Wan was on the ship alongside Y/n, Anakin lost all sense of reality and tried killing her.
The last memory she had of seeing her future husband was tainted with fear - the sight of him angrily raising his fingers to choke his lover.
When she awoke, she felt her body give in and start to writhe from excruciating labor pains. The pain she felt throughout her back and belly, however, were nothing in comparison to the never-ending ache in her heart that started when Obi-Wan muttered the words, “Anakin is dead.”
Barely able to cling to life, Y/n was able to deliver two healthy children, whom she had named Luke and Leia. Obi held her hand gently, smiling testy eyed, “Anakin would be so happy to see his little family. I promise I’m here to support and protect the three of you.”
Tears from pain and sorrow streamed down her cheeks as she cradled Leia close to her breast, sobbing as her body shook.
He should be here. I should be squeezing his hand, not Obi’s. He should be holding his son, not Obi. I shouldn’t be a widow.
When she found out the truth about how Anakin died, she was even more torn apart. Anakin didn’t even get a chance to explain his actions at the Temple - he was murdered by a man named Darth Vader before he could repent. She lost her husband to a murderous sith lord.
Obi-Wan took it upon himself to take care of Y/n, Luke, and Leia and got them a home on Tattooine. He knew that Y/n was never good on her own - even though she was a Jedi, she hated being alone. So he stayed with them, helping her raise Luke and Leia with just the two of them.
Knowing they were a target from Darth Vader, Obi-Wan knew that they’d had to change their names. He changed his to Ben Kenobi, a nickname an old lover gave him; and Y/n changed her name to Cecelia Jonas, a drastic difference from Y/n Skywalker. When it was just them, they would refer to each other as their old names for old time’s sake.
Raising twins without their biological father was very, very hard. There were many nights Luke or Leia would ask about their beloved late father, causing her to get teary-eyed remembering.
Nights when Luke would play around with the droids, speaking with C3-PO and laughing reminded Obi and Y/n of Anakin.
Having a son who looked just like a young version of Anakin was no help to her healing heart. Yet, no matter what she swore to never remarry — her heart belonged to Anakin Skywalker, and Anakin Skywalker alone.
By now, it was 19 years since Anakin had died. The Galactic Empire was rising, and the Rebels rose in contradiction, hoping to defend the Galaxy.
Meanwhile, Darth Vader stormed around his Death Star ship in an angry stance, slicing anyone who dared to comment on his more-so than normal angry aura.
He crossed his arms, looking outside the Death Star, “What do you mean you lost the plans?” His breathing labored and heavy as usual. The mask wasn’t even needed for him — the cocky bastard just wanted to come off as more intimidating.
“Someone... someone had sold the plans. And now General Jonas-“
Vader grunted and raised his fist, beginning to force choke the man mercilessly, “Find me who sold the plans and bring them to me. I want their death slow and painful. And find me General Jonas, I want to have a chat with them.”
The man’s eye’s rolled back as his vision blackened, then he collapsed onto the floor, gasping for air.
Vader strutted off, his signature Skywalker strut all the more prominent and powerful enveloped in his robotic suit of armor.
Ever since his fall, Vader had one thing on his mind. Completing out his Master’s will so he would finally teach him how to bring people back from the dead.
Vader reached his quarters and shut the door, locking it using the force with a simple flick of his wrist. He begrudgingly walked to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and hunched over the sink, his breathing getting more rapid until the noise irritated him to let out a yell in anger.
He took off his black mask in frustration and slammed it down on the countertop, his hands gripping it’s sides so tightly he felt his flesh hand feel numb. He looked up in the mirror, his ear-length brown hair dampened down with sweat as he looked at himself in the mirror.
“Who the hell even are you,” he grumbled to himself, running his gloved fingers through his hair. He sighed heavily and shook his head, the memory of her gasping for air replaying in his mind as his anger grew, “It’s my fault. It’s my fucking fault you and our child are dead!” he yelled to no in but himself, tears beginning to prick his yellow eyes.
With shaky hands, he dipped into his pocket and took out the necklace he crafted for her all those years ago, smiling sadly down at it as he rubbed it with his thumb.
“This is all for you, my love bird. All of it, so I can bring you home to me.” His voice trailed as he kissed the necklace, putting it back in his pocket gently as he let out a heavy sigh, wiping his tears quickly.
Vader thrived on pain now. Once he found out his wife was killed by his own hand, he lost all sense of himself. Anakin died when he knelt and took Darth Vader’s name, but Anakin truly died the moment Palpatine uttered those words.
“It seems, in your anger, you killed her.”
“Shit husband I was,” he growled, putting his glove back up on his flesh hand after he glared at his wedding band.
It gave him a mixed feeling - he missed his wife dearly, but yet it was also a deadly reminder how much of a horrible man he was.
The separated couple went to bed in tears that night, wishing and praying that somehow, someway they could be reunited.
But the both of them knew the only way that would happen is if they died, which was out of the question.
So they laid there awake in agony, their heart crying out to be reunited with their lover once more.
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katelynnwrites · 3 years
Hi!! I hope you're still writing for the clones? Because I'm crushing on Wolffe!! So, reader tells Wolffe they are pregnant? With twins?! Reader is all nervous and not feeling too well and even more nervous when telling Wolffe (but happy end?!) :)
pairing: Wolffe x f!Reader
warnings: pregnancy and brief references to trauma and war
word count: 1309
summary: where you tell wolffe you’re pregnant when he comes back from a campaign
A/N: hi @ortizshinkaroff i hope this meets your expectations and im sorry it took so long for me to get to your request 🥺
You’re always on his mind but this time it’s different. This time he was secure in the knowledge that he would be with you by the end of the rotation. With each passing minute, Wolffe can feel his excitement growing.
When the ship finally lands and General Koon has finished debriefing him, he eagerly makes his way into the hangar where the rest of his brothers are. Not all the clones had someone waiting for them but those that did reunited with them there. Although civilians weren’t technically allowed on base, exceptions were made for occasions such as this. How could anyone deny the clone troopers the very ones who missed them the most when they were off on missions? Especially with all they go through and what they risked, serving the Republic.
Seeing the familiar faces of Rex and some of the 501st, he approaches and asks if they had seen you.
‘Sorry vod. Haven’t heard from your girl in a while.’ Rex shrugs apologetically and pats him on the back before moving on to greet the other clones.
Wolffe can’t help but be worried now. The 501st had been back on Coruscant for a week now and you usually made it a point to say hello at least once.
Distractedly, he leaves the hangar muttering brief goodbyes and see you laters to those who approach him.
The trip to your Coruscant apartment is short. Wolffe doesn’t even remember most of it, too preoccupied by his worries for you. They buzzed around inside his head, nearly driving him mad.
It’s a relief when he finally ends up in front of your familiar door. He rings the bell once, twice and then a third time, bouncing up and down on his toes nervously.
You don’t answer and any relief he felt when he arrived disappears. This wasn’t like you at all.
Hurriedly punching in the code into the keypad, the door slides open and he rushes in.
The living room and small kitchen is empty and he heads into your bedroom.
A faint noise sounds from the joined bathroom and his eyes strain to make out your form in the dim light.
You don’t appear to have noticed his approaching footsteps, remaining slumped against the vac tube.
You jump and manage a weak smile in his direction before a look of discomfort crosses your face.
Wolffe barely has any time to react before you lean over the vac tube and throw up. You brace your hands against the edge, heaving the contents of your stomach into the tube.
Familiar warm hands are on your back and instinctively, you relax into his welcome touch. It couldn’t be put into words, the extent to which you’ve missed it. Missed him.
‘Oh cyare.’ Your boyfriend rubs soothing circles into your back as you cough, grimacing at the bitter taste of bile in your mouth.
‘I’m sorry.’ You whisper into his shoulder before your stomach twinges in discomfort, causing you to throw up the rest of what little remained in your stomach.
Wolffe continues rubbing the soothing circles with his thumb, patiently waiting until you stop coughing before he speaks.
‘What have you got to be sorry for cyar’ika? You’re perfect.’
‘I wasn’t there. I promised you I would always be there and I wasn’t. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.’ Your hormones are getting the best of you and before you know it, you’re practically sobbing in his arms.
Wolffe brings his arms up, wrapping them around your body, holding you close to his chest, murmuring, ‘Y/n… I meant what I said. You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re sick and that’s okay.’
Letting out a soft hiccup, you relax further into his embrace, reveling in the fact that he is here. That he is with you. Everything else could wait. Just for a while longer.
Exhaustion is weighing heavily on you now and the last thing you register is the light kiss Wolffe presses onto your hair before sleep blissfully envelops you.
Your eyes fly open, hand immediately coming up to rest on your small bump. He didn’t know yet right? In your earlier slightly delirious from exhaustion state, you prayed that you hadn’t let anything slip.
Anxiously getting out of bed, you padded softly out into the living room of your apartment. It’s dark outside, the streets of Coruscant thriving with its nightlife.
‘Wolffe?’ Your voice shakes slightly with nervousness as you sent up another prayer to the stars.
‘In here.’ He calls back, his voice echoing from the attached kitchenette.
He’s standing there in his blacks, two plates of hot food on the counter in front of him.
‘Hi.’ You give him a small smile, fiddling with your fingers when his eyes meet yours.
‘Hi.’ Wolffe responds in like as he comes to stand in front of you. He’s so close now that you can see the flecks of gold in his irises. You always did think he had lovely eyes and wondered how could anyone do clones the injustice of simply saying their eyes were brown.
Gently his hands come up to rest on your waist before he lifts you up onto the countertop causing you to let out a small squeal of surprise.
‘Sorry cyare.’ He chuckles lightly, breath fanning out across your face.
‘Are you feeling better now?’ His voice is filled with concern as he waits expectantly for your answer.
There’s a moment of silence where you simply look at him. The crinkles by his eyes, the slight stubble on his cheeks, the pure love and adoration in his eyes. The last of which seals it for you, causing you to swiftly decide that it’s now or never.
‘I’m pregnant.’
‘What?’ Shock is written all over his features, his eyes locked on yours.
Taking in a deep breath, you continue, ‘I was never sick. Not really. Just nauseous which has been normal for a while now.’
Wolffe is still staring at you blankly and you bite your lip, willing him to say something. To say anything.
Desperately needing anything at all to fill the overwhelming silence you hesitantly add, ‘It’s twins.’
Wolffe’s eyes widen and you begin preparing yourself for the worst, not that you could blame him. One baby was already going to be a handful but two? Two was asking for trouble.
‘I’m going to be a father?’ His voice is raw, trembling with emotion. There’s a slightly fearful look in his eyes like he’s terrified that someone was going to come and take all this away from him. That between one blink and the next everything he’s ever dreamed of would vanish.
Your heart aches for the pain he’s been through but you push it away for now, focusing on what’s happening right now.
‘Yeah.’ You softly confirm, a warm feeling rising in your chest at the sight of the pure joy that lights up in Wolffe’s eyes.
‘Kriff I love you. I love you so much.’ He breathes.
His hands move to your waist, touching your little bump gently. The premature lines of worry on his forehead seem to melt away as he looks back up at you in awe.
‘Our little adike.’
‘Our little adike.’ You whisper back, tears falling from your own eyes.
Mandoa Translation:
adike - plural form of ad’ika meaning little one, son or daughter of any age
cyar’ika - darling, sweetheart
cyare - beloved
vod - brother
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umiarumi · 3 years
fucking three houses | ignatz victor
in the wise words of cupcakke, slurp that dick til it cum (smack my ass like a drum)
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You skidded backwards as Byleth landed the finishing blow to your side. Stumbling, you let out a defeated huff and dropped your training sword, stretching your arms.
"Jeez teach, even after five years comatose, you still best me in sword-fighting. And that's meant to be my thing!" You guffawed, heavily breathing in between words. You outstretched a gloved hand to your teacher, meeting his blank stare.
"It's mine too." He said, shaking your own hand. You deadpanned before bursting into laughter again.
"You'd be right on that one, teach!" You shook your head, continuing to grin at him, retracting your hand and letting it rest on your hip.
"Your reflexes have sharpened, and your footwork is impressive. You've trained well." He complimented, at which you felt your cheeks darken.
"Ah, thanks! Any constructive criticism?" You hummed, placing the sword back into the pile.
"Yes, you need to put more strength into your strikes." He explained, replacing his own.
You nodded gratefully, looking up to the sky. The sun started to set, a few spotty clouds resting above the two of you.
"I'm turning in for the day, (Y/N). I will be in my personal quarters if you need me." He bid you goodbye before strutting off like usual. As simple as the guy was, he had this odd charm.
"Guess I'll turn in too then... nothing wrong with a stroll around the monastery!" You cheered to yourself. You wiped your sweating face with the sleeve of your top before sauntering off.
As you walked alongside the grassy plains of the monastery outskirts, you spotted a small green figure crouching in the distance. You could barely spot them among all the spurts of long grass decorating the land. You walked slowly as to avoid startling them, squinting to see what the hell it was they were doing. On further examination, you recognised that choppy, blonde head of hair.
Continuing to saunter to his destination, you soon picked out exactly what it was he was doing. Painting! You two had talked about your secret hobbies, your own being reading. You smiled at the thought, remembering how shocked each of you was to each other's hobby. You thought you had a pretty strong bond with Ignatz when you returned, so now seems a good time to have a chat!
You approached behind him quietly, taking time to, for once, keep your voice at a low volume.
"Uh, hi Ignatz!" You whisper yelled, flinching as the dirty blonde jumped in surprise. He turned around, breathing a sigh of relief after registering who it was.
"Oh! It's just you, (Y/N). You shocked me, haha!" He nervously greeted you, fidgeting with his paintbrush.
You grinned, waving at him. "Sorry man, I tried not to scare ya!" You chuckled bashfully, before sitting down next to him.
"So, whatcha painting and how are ya doing, Ignatz?" You asked, looking over to him curiously.
His gaze landed on your own, his earthy eyes seeming to be stuck to your own, a tension almost bubbling.
He shook his head, smiling softly at you.
"Ah, simply the view. It really is quite mesmerising in the evening, wouldn't you agree?" Enthusiasm built in his tone as he explained, his soft smile turning into a gleeful grin, matching your own.
You nodded, giving him a thumbs up. "I agree! I never really took time to take in the sights of the monastery, but now that I've matured... yeah, it really is a beautiful place, huh?" You hummed, looking off to the villages surrounding the base of the mountainous terrain.
He simply hummed to your question. "You're right (Y/N), you've really matured." He complimented, at least, that's what you hoped.
You gave a short laugh, scratching your neck. "Yeah, thanks! I used to be a rowdy one, but I think the past few years have smoothed some of the edges. Not all of 'em though!" You cheered, tilting your head appreciatively. You looked to him, catching his lingering gaze. His face heated up slightly, nodding to you.
"If you don't mind, I uh, have a request..." He mumbled, refusing to meet your eye. He pushed his glasses back, taking a quick peek at your face. If you blinked you would've missed it, he seemed so shy right now!
"Sure thing! If it isn't gold or assassination plans, I'm open!" You beamed, leaning in to hear what he had to ask.
He chuckled anxiously at your response. Even after knowing you for such a long time, having a girl so close to him was nerve-wracking.
"Nothing of the sort, don't worry. I was wondering, well, may I paint your likeness?" He muttered quietly, his heart stammering. His stomach drops after a few seconds of silence before daring to peek at the mystery of what your expression could be.
However, he was pleasantly surprised at what he saw. Your face was dark, lips pursed tight in a taught smile. You stuttered as you replied.
"Y-you wanna paint me! For real?! This is such an honour, seriously, thank you Ignatz!"
Ignatz gasped, anticipating anything but your reaction.
"Oh really, it's no worries!" He waved his hand dismissively, his own face reddening like a tomato.
The two of you continued to throw gratefulness at each other for what seemed like forever until you found yourselves at his dorm.
"Well Ignatz, what kind of painting would you like to make?" You asked, sitting on a plush, velvet stool in his room. You looked around the place, noting the birthday flowers from Byleth, the spare easels and art supplies.
"Well, whatever you'd like truly, as long as I may paint you." He answered, humbly smiling and looking down at you.
You smirked, raising a brow. "How about a nude painting then?" You asked teasingly, crossing your legs.
He smiled at the idea. "Oh, what a good idea! I haven't had many references for the female anatomy and I've always been interested in..." The colour seemed to drain from his face as he realised just exactly what you suggested.
You stifled a chuckle, watching him stutter and rush to speak.
"O-oh! I didn't realise, no, I mean of course I would love to! Ah, that's too forward, no um... I don't want to pressure you, argh!" The colour which had left soon returned in the form of a crimson storm.
You laughed, shaking your head.
"Ignatz, really, it's no worries. I would genuinely not mind, I'm happy to as long as you are." You attempted to calm him down, smiling.
He took a deep breath, nodding.
"Then, yes. We're both adults now, there's no need to freak out." He seemed to try to convince himself rather than you.
"Exactly!" You smiled, standing up. "Alright, I'll undress now." You hummed, thinking.
You had already teased him by suggesting a nude painting, and stripping in front of the blushing boy... you could make this fun for yourself. And maybe even both of them. Claude may have just had a point.
You held his gaze as you unclasped your armour, placing it down on his desk, avoiding the parchment and sketches.
Next, you untied your cropped top, letting it fall to the floor leaving only your bodice on your upper half.
Undoing your bra, you broke his gaze for a moment only to look back immediately. His body seemed to stiffen, in more ways than one, once he caught sight of your breasts slightly bouncing as you stopped stretching.
You wiggled out of your puffed pants, sitting back down to pull them all the way off along with your boots and leggings.
"Nearly there!" You huffed, as you stood back up, shedding your underwear.
By then, Ignatz' face had erupted into a furious blush. His eyes lingered all too long on your exposed vagina, causing you to grin teasingly as he met your gaze.
"Now, shall we?" You asked, sitting upon the comforting stool once more.
He seemed to snap out of his daze at those words, tugging on his coat. Pulling out his desk chair, he set it in front of you. Pulling his easel across the room, the slight scratching of wood against wood was the sole sound of the tension-filled room.
Setting a canvas down, he seemed to take a few deep breaths before grabbing a pencil.
"How would you like me to pose?" You asked, smiling. This could be interesting.
"Oh, yes, uh, however you'd like to, really!" He stumbled upon his words, before finally holding your gaze.
"Got it." You responded. How could you tease him further? As you contemplated, you finally came across a decision. You leant one leg over another, giving him a subtle view of your exposed cunt.
You raised your arm, letting your gloved hand sit beneath your chin. Your upper arm pressed against your left breast, giving you slight cleavage, You gave him your signature cheeky grin, before raising a brow.
Speaking through your teeth, you asked him a question. "How's this?"
"J-j-just perfect!" He stuttered, shutting his eyes tight before reopening them and focusing.
"Now, hold that pose for me?" He asked, finally confident and contained. At least, on the outside.
You were content with holding your pose, as long as you could continue to tease him after he finished his sketch was your real goal. Whether or not anything transpired... well, you'd be lying if you said you didn't want anything to.
As you waited, you watched Ignatz' face morph into one of pure concentration, reminding you of how admirable he was. Despite his preference to stay on the quiet side of things, he was a talented man. Both on the battlefield and in the artistic field.
Minutes passed until Ignatz' face settled into a satisfied smile, signifying his completion of the sketch. You grinned wider at this, his face was adorable when he was proud!
"Thank you, (Y/N)." He thanked you. Refusing to look in your direction, he was reminded of the tightness in his pants.
"No, thank you, Ignatz! Actually... it had me wondering... may you do a favour for me?" Your voice dropped into a whisper, so his gaze fell upon your figure. Your eyelids drooped as a sultry smile fell upon your lips.
He gulped at this, yet nodding nonetheless. "Anything."
"Wonderful." You commented pleasantly. Standing up, you sauntered towards him. Aware of his gaze dropping to your softly bouncing tits as you took confident strides towards him.
Once right in front of him, looking down upon his still seated form you grinned.
"Let me... repay the favour you did for me?" You asked, tilting your head, curious.
He swallowed nervously once more, before nodding shyly. He fiddled with his hands, struggling to meet your gaze.
"How... how would you like to do so?" He mumbled, occasionally peeking up at your towering form.
"Well, if I put it bluntly... let me please you." You deadpanned, the loose smirk on your lip tugging back into place on your face, cheeks steadily growing rosier.
His face officially became a competitor for ripest tomato, and he nodded excitedly.
"Please... do." He muttered.
Your lazy smirk grew into a full-on grin. Quickly, you dropped to your knees.
He gasped at the inclination of your actions, his jaw staying dropped as you worked his pants downwards.
You slid his undergarments off, his cock bouncing free of its strained containment.
You licked a stripe up his cock, leaving a trail of saliva in your wake. He shuddered, a slight moan escaping his taught lips.
You gave a kiss to the bulbous, pink head of his dick before letting it slip in between your mouth.
His breath shuttered as you began to work a continuous up-and-down rhythm on his cock.
He gasped in time with each bob of your head, his hand slowly reaching its way to the back of your head. He looked down to check with you for permission, and you winked, giving your best inclination of consent.
And with that, he began to thrust into your mouth and push your head at the same time. God, he was insanely fast and rough, but you controlled your erratic throat muscles. It was pretty damn hot, especially for a guy so shy.
Your hand snaked down to your dripping pussy, the situation you orchestrated obviously having an effect on yourself. Not a negative one though, not at all.
You harshly began to rub your clit, not bothered with dragging it out. You were looking to climax, and by the sounds of Ignatz, he was too.
As you rubbed your sensitive bud, you moaned around his dick. The vibrations caused Ignatz to shudder, closing his eyes tightly.
"I'm gonna cum! Ah, (Y/N) you're making me cum!" He moans, groaning as you felt his cock still, and as the warm, bitter burst of cum in your mouth exploded, so did you. Your pussy clenched around emptiness, yet the throbbing in your clit as you orgasmed satisfied you all the same.
Your head slipped off his softening dick, a pleased smile settling on your face as you swallowed. As bitter as it was, you had nowhere else to hide the evidence.
"Thank you, Y/N)... that was... so good." He whispered, giving you a sweet smile. He leant down and kissed the top of your head and you chuckled.
"But I must ask, is that what you were learning whilst you were gone for so long?"
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
God is With You, Even as You’re Sinning
Pairing | Sam Winchester x reader
Summary | it was your first time not killing a monster, and in its place, taking the life of one of your own. Guilt entraps you, and it is up to Sam to break you out of your pitiful hypnosis.
Warnings | mentions of death, blood, angst, guilt, some smut, oral sex (fem receiving), penetrative unprotected sex, fingering, swearing, mentions of murder
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Fuck God. This was all his fault, everything was to be fair. He had left the world to continue on its own accord, the apocalypse threatening to spill over the planet and destroy it and all beauty that was lingering through the existence of humans.
They killed each other, and the creator of all could care less. It was his smallest problem, he didn’t mind that the murderer was succumbed to guilt, or how many restless nights that he or she endured. God was cruel, even if he held up a facade of being your ally, and trying his hardest as he supposed, to be your friend.
Your hands shook as you remembered the entailment of your mistake. It was a slip up, a vast and surreal experience that people usually learned from. But what were you supposed to do, not kill a human again? Yeah you had gotten that, after all, the initial deed had not at all been intentional.
There was the victim’s blood dried upon the outer layer of your skin, casting you in the perfect image of murderous intent. However, you had no thirst to kill, instead, your hunting of monsters, alike to many others partaking in a similar lifestyle, executed the mythical beasts to protect the human population.
It pained you truly, to know that you had killed a person. You hadn’t even spared the familiar body a second glance, and out of panic, you fled the scene, leaving the body of the city cleaner in the gutter, laying in the remnants of his friends’ and family’s waste, burying him in their crude excrement.
The thought alone, and the sight that was engrained in the peripheral of your mind had you feeling sick. Slowly, you plodded down the steps of the bunker’s entrance, surely leaving footprints trademarked in all kinds of grotesque evidence.
Without much care for what lay heavily inside, you dropped your duffel from your shoulder, allowing it to fall on the ground with a disgruntled clatter. Nothing meant anything anymore, not if you were indeed a real killer. Whilst some monsters had weaselled their way into society, ending their pathetic attempts at normality was different than taking away the life of an innocent and mortal bystander.
Often, with the darker and crueler species, there were reasons as to why they pretended to be of human birth. Mostly, it was so that they could feed from the naive flock, or kill for their own amusement. Either way, none of their reasons were good.
But now, you thought of yourself as no different than them. A creature that needed to be put down for their crimes. Filing, you breathed in, only inhaling the various moulds of putridity that was weaved into your hair, and stuck to your skin like a face mask.
“Should I call you Cassie now?” At the joke, a laugh from the speaker was triggered. He was quite amused with the sight of you, and thus, you sneered at the tall man, hating him a little bit more than usual.
“Your pop culture references aren’t appreciated Winchester, it’s more Dean’s street.” Shoving past him, his high shoulder floundered back at the harsh and ignorant impact, an expression of offence covering his stupid face. Like a fawn, he tumbled after you, watching as you walked sullenly into the kitchen, yanking the door to the fridge open, and extracting one of his brother’s store bought beers.
“I’m going to guess the hunt went bad.” Sam speculated, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets, and staring expectedly down at where you popped the cap off the bottle recklessly with your teeth. He almost winced at the sight, but he wished to keep this arrogant demeanour up with you, it was a natural desire to piss you off, and he’d be pissed at himself if he let it slip out of simple pity.
“Guess correct. Well done, you’ve won a trip to Hawaii.” You waved your free hand mockingly in the air, as the other raised the liquor to your mouth, allowing you to wilfully gulp the bitter liquid down. At his presence that remained nursing over you, you cocked a brow, leaning forwards as you expectedly looked back at the moose. “Just leave me alone Sam, I’m not in the mood for putting up with your bullshit.”
He, however, seemed not to be phased by you wanting to be left alone, and instead, quickly snatched the poison out of your hand, leaving you throughly prepared to keep him right in the balls. “What the fuck?” You all but screamed at the not so jolly giant. In turn, he crossed his arms across his chest, placing the bottle down on the island.
“I could ask you the same y/n.” His tone was dominantly serious, causing you to cower back into your shroud of guilty conscience. “Tell me what happened on that hunt, of which i told you that you shouldn’t have went on alone, since you wouldn’t have been able to handle it solo.”
You felt demeaned by his words, they sparked an anger out from the firm pit of your stomach. But you knew deep down, he was getting through to you, which was something that you had not managed to even do by yourself. Air heavily passed through and out of your nostrils, as acidic tears pooled in your eyes; a crack was falling down your walls, and out of all people, it was Sam Winchester whom had caused it.
“You’re right, I shouldn’t have gone alone, but you know what, I thought of what a Winchester would do. And then I remembered, I am sure as hell not a Winchester and I don’t have a brother anymore! Not now, he didn’t even know who I was earlier, didn’t even recognise a single genetically identical hair on my head as he watched me parade through the town, the very one that I ran away from when he was a baby and I was seven, wanting to hunt a monster. Yet, i didn’t kill a damn monster Sam, I murdered my brother because you’ve been right all along, I’m not fit for this job. I am a mess, so congratulations, you finally have got me to admit the one thing that you keep reminding me of.”
“Y/n...” Sam wasn’t sure how to respond, he felt the waves of shock ripple through his body. Never so freely had you been vulnerable around him, and here you were now, with very visible tears cascading down your utterly torn face. He understood it was an accident, and the times that he and Dean had tried to kill each other under supernatural circumstances had him wondering what if.
Shaking your grime tethered head at the sound of his cracked voice, you stormed past him, and immediately raced towards the shower room, finding to your luck, which had been non existent during the rest of the day, the halls were barren of life. Walking through the door, you tore your ruined clothes off, chucking them upon the floor without much acknowledgement, before you went under the warm spray of the shower head, trying to calm yourself.
To rid your skin of its evidential accessories, you had to scrub your skin until it was immediately raw. Everything within you ached, as you flicked back to the memory of the clueless expression that had been worn by your blood brother. It was probably a good thing that he didn’t know who you were, or else, he’d have known that his own sister murdered him due to her incompetence to listen to others.
Now, you were not even sure what were your tears, and what droplets of water belonged to the shower itself. For over an hour, you basked int eh warmth that seemed unable to cure your cold blooded system, turning the spritz off, and covering your body in a fluffy towel, that you were sure belonged to someone else, but right now, you could care less about who owned what.
As you reached the door to your bedroom, you found it to be preached slightly open, and as you pushed it the rest of the way, you saw Sam sat on the corner of your bed. You held your arms around yourself, insecure on the fact that beneath the stolen towel, you were nothing more than you. A wolf in sheep’s skin.
“Can I help you?” You bitterly asked, your eyes still burning from your own faulted loss. Sam breathed in, his eyes trailing up to your face, that was naked from any gruesome cosmetics or make up. The bareness to your completion illustrated an aura of innocence, and evidence that you were the same as him - human.
“That’s my towel.” The male hunter laughed, in hopes of changing the previous and well wounded subjected to ensure that you felt better. But what was he kidding, nothing could fill the void that you had dug in your own heart, nothing was closer than the bond between siblings, even if you were considered as strangers.
“Take it back then.” Too exhausted from your gruelling day, you dropped the material, your confident action making his eyes go wide, as he tried to look away from your exposed skin to respect your boundaries. It was impossible though not to allow his hazel hues to slip up the trunks of your thighs, up to- no, that was wrong, very wrong.
You had just lost your brother, not to mention, by your own hand, and he was prone to checking out your freelancing body, taking in every curve and twisted scar that was prominent to his speculating eyes. His eyes dropped to the discarded towel, which he had purposely left on the heating rail for later use, and then, they switched back towards you.
He stood, walking behind you as you looked through comfort clothes within your dresser. A light touch of his hand brushed your hair away from your neck, as he breathed a sweet hoax of hot air upon your scare. Sam was relieved that you didn’t reject the contact, and instead, pressed his lips upon the flesh, finding succession whence you hummed deliriously to yourself.
This interaction had been inevitable for a long time, but now no longer were the suspected intentions for such an exchange to be to release well endorsed frustrations. No, he was going to clear your mind for some sensual moments, and make your pretty little head forget for a moment that you had pained yourself in the worst of ways.
Turning, you laced your hands through his chocolate locks, massaging his scalp as you pulled him closer so that your lips could endure a rougher clasp against his. There was no passion, behind each contribution there was a spur of hunger, he grasped your ass cheeks, pulling you up to be sat upon the top of your heavy dresser.
Obliging his command, you spread your legs so that he could stand between their partition, his hands now running up the windows of your thighs. For a while, the pair of you did nothing more than make out, and cup a feel here and there, but soon after, Sam dropped to his lanky knees, leaving kisses in the wake of his descent.
His thumb and forefinger spread your fluttering folds, watching as your slit squirmed for attention. Sam licked his lips at the sight, running his middle finger up the expanse, until he came to your yearning entrance. Slowly, after making sure you were wet enough, Sam slipped his digit inside, you wiggling your hips to adjust to the thrust of his one finger.
To add to the sensations that were overriding your body, he moved his mouth to closer proximity, smelling the divine aroma that pulsed out of you. It was far too addictive to not get a taste, and thus,he pulled his finger out, sucking off your juices contently.
But that small sample just wasn’t enough, which encouraged him to dive face first into your pussy - literally. His long tongue teased your folds, slurping at the lips, and then switching to your clit to heighten the stimulation. He kept up a rhythm, using it as a pattern to push you closer to that edge, and he was surely certain that you were enjoying his oral work as you ground your face against him, moaning at his succulent administrations.
“Sam.” Oh god, was it pleasant to hear his own name fall out your mouth in such an erotic manner. It was far different from the way that you usually used it to snide at him, though, the thought of your regular treatment of him aided only to spur his lustful actions on. He wanted you to cum, for your juices to run down his face in waterfalls, looking as though someone had tried to drown him.
His work would not be complete until you found it difficult to even pronounce his short name. Digging his tongue in the hood of your clit, tracing around the protective area, his fingers returned to their earlier placement, and he quickened their pace until he could hear a satisfying squelch in the air.
Rapid sounds of parted moans raked from your mouth, your chest sticking out as you breasts heaved with your heavy breathing. It was noticeable that you were close, not just from that, but you were squeezing the circulation out of his fingers. “Fuck.” Left you in the form of a squeal, as you pussy wept its juices.
Sam was quick to lap everything that left you up, once more, tasting those that clung to his fingers. He went back in for another taste, but you tightly grouped his hair, pulling him away from your sopping cunt. “Need you to fuck me Sam, now.”
In an instant, the hunter stood, working precariously on undoing the buckle of his belt, and pushing all material that covered his lower half to the bottom of his thighs. He read already hard, and oozing precum. You swept your finger across the tip of his dick, bringing it to your lips to taste his foreshadowing seed.
Sam huffed at the sight,picking his prick up in one hand, and jerking himself a couple of times. And then, he aligned himself with you, rubbing his cock around your wet crevice a couple of times, slapping his tip teasingly against your puffy clit.
“Want my cock baby?” He asked, smirking as he watched you nod your head repeatedly. With that being all the confirmation that he needed, he pushed into you,feeling even more turned on as he heard you mewl, and watched the ecstatic expression cross your face as his dick fit inside of you all the way.
He grasped your hips, pulling out once before pushing in again. He repeated the action, his own eyes rolling to the back of his head at how tight you were. This would make you forget the cruel method of god, his story was not as epic as he though, for his characters were screwing against his will, basking in a distraction rather than the regretful pain that seethed in your trodden heart.
Another thrust had your nails clasping onto Sam’s covered back, biting onto his shoulder through the plaid, as you held back the tears that were trying to creep out of your blissful eyes. A few grunts left Sam, as his pace increased, and with every thrust, which only served to fuel him further, the dresser smashed into the wall behind it, most likely leaving a decent dent within the historical architecture.
“Gonna cum.” You told him, dragging him in for another tongue filled kiss as your cunt pooled around him, coating his cock in the honey from your delicious pot. He soon followed after, and for a moment, he remained against you, allowing you to bask in the comfort of his strange presence.
And then he pulled out, watching as his distraction dripped from your entrance, trailing down your thigh in a white streak. An orgasm smile was pulled onto your face, but it was certain to not last long for when you returned to the reality that laid waiting for you to return.
Sam stepped closer again, moving his fingers towards your cunt, and pushed his seed back inside of you, watching as your puffy pussy lips swallows any part of him that it could get. He would distract you for as long as he could, and then, deal with the inevitable.
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
Good Hands.
I was minding my own business working and then a friend sent me a tiktok of Agent Whiskey explaining to Eggsy how their trackers are activated when inserted in a mucus membrane and he has the kriffing audacity to use two fingers while miming upwards and I just...I had the worst idea for a drabble and I hate myself...so um, proceed with caution I guess. Also, refer to link for demonstration cause I don’t know how to make gifs because I’m an idiot. 
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“Don’t you get in that car with him darlin’.” You could hear Jack’s anger seeping into the earpiece and knew you were in for a lecture once you got back to headquarters tonight. If, if you got back. Turning around, you saw him standing at the bar, twirling his favorite drink while smiling at the model standing next to him. His smile was forced and it was all the tell you needed to know that he was mocking you with the endearment. 
You made eye contact with him for a split second before turning back to the target, whispering something in his ear before purposely leaving your clutch behind so he doesn’t suspect anything. As you swayed through the gala towards the bathroom, you thought of the many different ways this night could end, cringing when you realized most of them didn’t really end well for you. 
As you pushed through the private bathrooms, you made sure no one was in the stalls before tapping on your earpiece. 
“We need the data Jack, I have to go with him.”
“You sure as shit don’t have to go with’em.” You could hear him more clearly now and knew he was probably walking around looking for you.
“Your tracker ain’t workin’ love, where the fuck are you?” Oh, he wasn’t going to like this one bit.
“You’re going to hate me b-”
“Fucking hell Agent, we’re goin’ have a long, serious talk about your choices. I won’t ask again, where the fuck are you?” He hissed through the earpiece, and you could hear him breathing heavily, the harsh sounds making it harder to focus.
“I’m in the second floor bathrooms. But wait, you need t-” Before you could finish your sentence, Agent Whiskey was barging through the women’s restrooms like he owned the place, locking it behind him before strutting towards you and grabbing your upper arm.
“Shut up.” You saw the way his eyes dilated and you weren’t sure if it was because he was furious or because he was mere inches from your face. He narrowed his eyes down at you before pointing a finger at your head, silently telling you to stay put. Checking every stall, he made sure no one was there before taking off his jacket and throwing it on the counter.
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“I’m fucking improvising sweetheart, because you just had to go and fuck up the mission. Goddamn rookie is what you are.” You watched as he unbuttoned his cuffs, rolling up his sleeves and never once breaking eye contact with you.
“I-I’m sorry.” Jack slowed down and clenched his jaws. The last thing he wanted was to make you think you weren’t safe with him. “I’m not gonna hurt you darlin’. And I ain’t goin’ to let anything happen to you either. You understand?”
“Yes.” You whispered in response, ignoring his heavy scent and the way he seemed to breathe a little heavily as each moment passed by.
“Yes what?”
“Yes Agent.”
“Atta girl.”
He could tell you were having a hard time looking anywhere else but his arms and when he made sure he’d rolled them far enough, he stepped towards until your back hit the wall.
Fishing for something in his pockets, he took out a small tracking device and showed it to you.
“You know what this is darlin’?” His voice was much lower than before and shook your head when he brought it closer to you.
“This is a tracking device. It’ll go undetected if he searches. I can’t let you go in blind baby and this is the only option we have since you’re going to lose that earpiece.” He was calmer than usual and you had a feeling he wasn’t liking the plan he had but you knew he wouldn’t have suggested it if there was another option.
“This is activated when inserted in a mucus membrane.” Agent Whiskey waited a few seconds until you caught up with him, eyes widening in horror when you realized what he was asking of you.
“I hate this as much as you...well, no probably not as much as you sweet girl. But I’m not going to lose you. It ain’t an option.”
A few seconds passed in silence and he sighed in relief when you nodded and began to inch up your dress.
“Now, do you want to do it baby or-” He didn’t want to make you feel worse and hoped he didn’t come off as some jackass that wanted to get in your panties. But something about the way you were looking at him now, all shy and vulnerable, had him praying you’d give him the honor of-
“I- I’m sorry, I...can’t. Could you-”
“Relax gorgeous. It’s only me, I got you. Not goin’ to hurt you, I promise.” Jack stepped closer until the two of you were breathing the same air and he smiled reassuringly as he leaned down and helped you bunch up your dress. He ignored the way his cock twitched in his pants when he got a glimpse of the red lace covering your sex. You reached out and held onto his shoulders as he pulled your panties down, swallowing the lump in your throat when you saw the way he was shutting his eyes and clenching his jaw muscles, almost as if he was barely holding himself back.
“Fucking hell darlin’,” you shivered at his hoarse and gruff tone, finding it harder to hold back from moaning when you felt the featherlight touch of his fingers over your soaking slit. His grip tightened around your hips and you watched as he licked his lower lip before pushing two fingers inside your cunt. There was no mistaking the growl that escaped him when he felt just how wet you were and your knees almost gave out when he pushed against you and you felt his hard dick hit your navel.
“I’m a-almost done baby, shit.” His pupils were blown wide and the soft chocolate brown color you’ve grown to love were no where in sight. You melted into his arms, flushing in embarrassment when you clenched around his fingers and saw the way he seemed to lean into you. You weren’t sure what he was doing and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, when you had the Agent Whiskey between your thighs and having his way with you. Jack has never looked as focused as now and you thought of teasing him but knew better. No one got away with teasing Agent Whiskey. And to be honest, you were drunk on power knowing how much he was focusing on you in this moment, as if no one else existed outside this bougie room. 
“J-Jack...” You couldn’t hold back the almost pornographic moan even if you tried, shutting your eyes and letting his lips swallow your sighs when you felt his fingers go deeper into your pussy. He expertly slipped the tracking device inside you, sucking on your tongue and lips as he continued to finger you. You held onto him tightly, letting him have his way with you until you were a moaning mess. As soon as he curled his fingers and brushed against that intimate spot inside you, you came around him, throwing your head back and scratching his neck as he kissed and licked your throat. 
You shuddered in his arms, barely acknowledging him when he pulled away from you and pulled your panties up. You were still flying on cloud nine, hazily turning your attention back to him as he fixed your dress and hair. He made sure you were looking at him before sticking his two fingers inside his mouth and humming in ecstasy at the taste.
“You taste fucking divine sweetheart.” Jack didn’t bother to roll his sleeves down, grabbing his jacket before pulling you out of the bathroom, and making sure no one was outside.
“I’ll be nearby, don’t you worry your pretty little head. Once you have the data, get outta there and look for a black Jaguar. You got that.”
“Y-yes Agent.”
“Good girl. And we’re not done here, you and I are goin’ to have a long, hard chat when you get back. You got that?”
“Yes sir.”
“Off you go gorgeous.” He smacked your ass as soon as you turned around, wrapping his lips around his fingers one last time to get a taste of you before walking the other way and finding an exit out of the building.
This mission certainly proved to be more interesting than you initially thought and you smiled as you returned to the target, knowing very well that you were in, quiet literally, good hands.
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