#i bought the avocado wrong
josie69am · 6 months
The dread I feel
Spouse bought 24 avocados because it was 6$ for 2 bags and each bag had 12 and when they all RIPEN we are SCREWED
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she-is-ovarit · 2 years
Please hear me.
Being tired isn't normal. It doesn't matter that you're aging. Being fatigued is a serious sign.
It might be difficult to judge "normal tired" from "bad tired". Rule of thumb is that if you notice that other people seem to be on another plane of existence with alertness, you're not "normal tired".
I slept for 10-12 hours a day at least and still was tired for most of the day but "functioned" (went to work).
It turns out it wasn't just one thing. It was a lot of things. I went on liquid vitamins first because that's all I had energy for—to throw money at something that can be delivered to me. And it was crucial. I went off my heart medication after my doctor let me know my active heart rate was way too low (prior to the vitamins). I felt super improved and this went from feeling super improved to extremely improved after I began to eat more healthy fats (avocados, eggs, nuts, vegetarian-friendly animal products). I cannot emohasize the eating more fats thing enough. Did you know that due to our biology women are supposed to have way more healthy fats than what we're typically told?
I had struggled with other symptoms I brushed off as normal too. My hands and feet being cold all the time. Turns out this wasn't normal. How many women and girls have cold hands and feet constantly? I was "adoringly clumsy". Balance issues from vitamin B12 deficiency. Foot cramps. Magnesium deficiency. Generalized anxiety disorder. Still have it, but significantly improved because my body isn't fighting for it's life. Lack of focus/concentration issues to the point where I worried I had ADHD or something since that's all I know about that mental health condition.
Constant cravings I blamed on emotional eating. Increasing my healthy fat intake all about cured this—helped more than protein. I began to lose weight when I increased my healthy fats because I was no longer seeking out sugar or bad fats. Iron deficiency and vitamin D3 deficiencies were also confirmed on blood tests before I started liquid vitamins.
When I went off my heart med and bought those dumb electrolyte packets for my water, my arrhythmia is now hardly noticeable physically.
And to circle back—I am awake. And I sometimes break down and cry because I can't believe how I was functioning now that I understand what having energy feels like. I didn't know. I didn't know there was even anything wrong with me. I thought I was just a tired person. That being tired was normal to being female and aging.
Chronic fatigue is extremely serious. It's not normal. You're not just a tired person.
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livin4woso · 4 months
Breaking the media
Chapter 4- moving on in
Your alarm rang at the ungodly hour of 7.30 you quickly shut it off and forced yourself out of bed training didnt start till 9.30 but knowing you its going to take atleast 2hrs to get ready. You wandered into the small kitchen and realised that you needed to go shopping you had been so caught up in being ready for training that you hadn't had the chance to get shopping. Your first thought was to just find the nearest shop and buy what you needed however you thought going to a local cafe was a smarter choice and would be better than your terrible cooking skills.
It didnt take long for you to find a cafe with the help of Google maps and being placed in a busy small town. The cafe you had found was very reserved and ran by an old spanish women which was happy to greet you as you stood with your Barcelona sweats on and a giant backpack filled with your training kit. "Thank you so much, how much is it" you asked after having the best avocado on toast you had ever tasted and a mocha that was brew to perfection "its on the house dear, you're welcome back anytime" she said clearling you plates away "no no please let me pay" you practically begged the older women to let you pay but she refused.
After excepting your fate and enjoying your time in the cafe you forgot to check the time and saw it was 9.10 am you'd spent an 1hr in the cafe "shit" you mumbled to yourself and waved the old women goodbye. Now if miracles exists this was one you were 25 minutes away from the training ground and somehow you had made it there for 9.25. With 5 minutes to spare you walked into the changing room to find that you were the last one in and everyone was waiting for you. You knew that wasn't the best impression but atleast you weren't late "captain im so sorry, i didn't mean to show up so far behind i wont do it again" you pleaded to your new captain as you had a feeling she was ready to snap at you from the gaze she gave you "dont apologise its okay just next time be earlier, its your first day dont stress" she said and put a hand on your shoulder in reassurance.
Training had gone well for you, you had very quickly proved yourself to fit to the rumors of being a promising young talent. If football was a language you were fluent everything made sense to you the way the ball moved at your feet it was natural. Everyone was fairly impressed with your skill "you worried luce" mapi joked digging her elbow into lucys side "don't even" she said deadpanning her face of course lucy was the starter over you but you were definitely a threat you were half of lucys age and developing quicker than ever. You walked back to the changing room and got changed quickly sending everyone a goodbye before heading off the walk home as you needed to shop.
This is when lucy needed to bring up your living suitation but she had no power to get this changed she needed to tell alexia "ale, can i talk to you" she said dragging the spainard to the side of the room "sure whats up" she said back "its about y/n" lucy said trying to figure out whats the best way to word this "whats wrong?" Alexia responded her eyebrows knitted together she cared for you and she didnt understand why she was so protective over you even though the two of you rarely spoke, you rarely spoke to anyone unless it was for a drill. "Ermm so basically she's living by herself the team have bought her an apartment and shes been walking to the training ground.. and like yes i know she probably can take care of herself. But shes 16.. and" lucy was rambling "what? She's living by herself she knows no spanish and probably doesn't know how to wash her clothes... we've got to sort this" alexia said almost shocked in the stupidity of the management team what were they thinking a 16 year old by herself.
Alexia had went to talk to jona after she told lucy she would sort out the issue, "jona were abouts does y/n live?" She questioned him "its in de la tres torres apartment 4b" he said "why?" "Im going to check up on her and tell her she is moving in with me, im not having a 16yr old live by herself in a foreign country" she said back firmly grabbing her car keys out of her bag and storming off to the car park before jona could protest against the captain l, you were living with her she didn't care she had a spare room and was quite happy to share it as she wouldn't mind the company on her days off. She drove to your apartment parking her car outside she was preparing for your stubborn attitude to not be willing to leave as she knows how teenagers can be.
It was 5.30pm when the knock came at your door you were about to head off shopping so you had no idea who it could be. You opened your door to find alexia stood outside "am i in trouble?" You questioned it would be the only reason she was at your door "no course not how about we have a seat" she said as you brought her to your sofa "nice place" she commented glazing around the room it was nicely decorated but it wasnt a home "yeah its alright, just a bit lonely sometimes" you said sitting down next to her. "So i was wondering if instead of living here by yourself, you come and live with me in my apartment i have a spare room and it would be much nicer and you would have less responsibility" she began "ermm i dont know captain i dont wanna crash your place.. honestly im fine here" you said almost believing your own words. You weren't fine in that apartment you had no idea how to live by yourself but you didnt want to burden alexia with your problems or with your presence. "No no pequeña, please come live with me honestly it would put me at peace of mind that you are well fed and rest" she said back "really?" You questioned you almost couldn't believe she cared that much for you "of course but please stop calling me captain and call me alexia or ale whatever one" she said almost jokingly.
You had agreed to stay with her and you began to pack but it was getting late and you hadn't eaten yet "umm ale.. alexia can we just go now im really hungry and have no energy to finish packing" you said walking into the living room where she was lay on your couch "of course pequeña how about tomorrow you come back after training then call me when you're finished packing" she said looking up to you. You just nodded you were so tired and it was only 6.30. She brought you to her car and you slipped into the passenger seat the drive was longer than you had expected it was a 30 minutes away yet thats all it took for you to drift of asleep in her car your head resting against the window. Alexia looked over to you her heart almost melting at the sight she knew how hard this must be for you and yet you still hadn't spoke to anyone. The car had pulled into alexias driveway and just as she turned the car off you had stirred awake from your sleep "we're here amor how about you get your bags from the boot" she said getting out the car and made her way to open the door to her house. Her house was beautifully furnished it was so her stylish yet not over the top you couldn't believe you were going to be staying in her home. "How about you start putting your stuff in the bedroom while i cook us some food" she said as she showed you to your new room.
The dish was simple it was just some pasta but it was so tasty you had been craving a home cooked meal. "Thank you so much" you said as you moved to wash your plate in the sink, "no worries amor just wash your dish then you can head off to sleep and i will wake you up" she said giving you a smile. You had climbed into bed this time the sheets felt a lot more comforting and your bed felt so much warmer you had fell asleep with ease. Alexia had came up to check on you but as she peeked her head through the door she found you passed out asleep and she decided to let you sleep.
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When Cellbit gets up, he drags himself to the Order. He means to check on Forever, only to find a tear-stained book on an item frame directly infront of the door.
Nervous he collects it, opening it to find an extended passage in Spanish. Thanks to Roier he recognises a few words, enough to send him running for his husband and asking a translation from him.
Translated, the letter reads:
'My son and my husband are gone.
My children have been gone for some days. My husband was asleep in their room when I went to sleep last night. When I woke up this morning I found his hat, and his clothes, and his backpack, but he was gone. I cannot reach him via communicator. He is not in our house.
I have only one lead - the trapdoor to the lower basement is missing, and in it are two new flowers, and a purple box almost full of poppies. I do not have a camera to take you a photography, I am sorry.
I do not know what this means. Philza bought me here to learn what had happened. I hope this means you can learn what happened to him, too.
I am not clever.
I am not strong.
I am not fast.
I am not brave.
I am a stupid, weak, slow coward.
But my husband has been taken.
What I do have is a backpack, a sword, a fishing rod, five hundred slices of avocado toast, and love for my family.
I go south-east. I will die, many, many times. Do not be afraid when you see my death messages - I am already half skeleton. Death cannot keep me. I will just get back up and carry on until my family comes home.
I do not know if this is the right direction - if you find something, my husband trusted you. Roier is my friend, and he trusts you too. So I am trusting you to find him, if I have chosen the wrong direction.
If I never make it back, do not tell him that I loved him - it would be too cruel.
Cellbit knew the gist before it began, he just did not want it to be true.
Two, three days ago he asked for Philza's help, and now the Federation has taken him. Help freely given, but punished none the less.
Cellbit knows it is his fault.
But how does he even begin on making it right?
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Ahhh life is so good today i have done so much :)
Drawn today? Yes
Studied? Yes (for two hours … thats a lot for me ok … no hate)
Found any good drawing references? Yes all ready for when i wanna draw next
Got any good fics to read? Yep started a great one last night and still reading it :)
Written anything for posting? Yes sir all lined up in my drafts just needs editing
Got up before midday? Yes ma’am 8am, bright and early (for once)
Been productive? Sir yes sir … Done a lot today
Left the house today? Uh huh … went to the shops , looked at art supplies, did the grocery shopping and bought lunch
Good weather? 100% my fav … Rainy and cold just how i like it (I can wear my hoodie!)
Eaten real food? Yeppers … i had sausages for breakfast and a donut as a snack
Eaten lunch? Yassss … avocado sushi w soi sauce (i probs spelt that wrong haha)
Had something to drink? Why yes… yes i have (coffee and juice)
Spoken to my lovely Anons? Why yes i have
Heard from friends? Texting and happy (making plans to hang out)
Stressed? No who’s she? (Feeling ready for exams and happy)
Made the tags on this post unhinged? Of course i did
Im so proud of myself rn :))
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
An (Uncomprehensive) list of sandwich related crimes I've been forcibly made an accomplice to
- A chicken classic footlong with tuna
- A double meat meatball sub with double chicken classic
- Every type of cheese on one sub
- Steak and seafood
- Literally any sub with seafood
- Subdogs
- A sub being microwaved instead of toasted (disturbingly common)
- An uber order for just a bread roll. No meat, no cheese, no salad - just an uncut white roll. They paid 20 AUD (not including delivery) for something you could get for like 3 bucks at Woolies
- That one time someone asked me to toast their sub three times
- Anyone who pays for beetroot or avocado (I usually "forget" to charge them if no ones looking but sometimes I forget to do that (or they're an asshole))
- That one time there was red shit all over the floor and we genuinely couldn't tell if it was blood or raspberry
- Every time I've mixed lift and Fanta together because it tastes good
- I think I sneezed near someone's sub once. They didn't say anything.
- One time someone bought our entire stock of turkey to feed his dog. There's nothing wrong with that it was just an incredibly bizarre thing to experience at 10 am. Also I didn't know how much to charge him for so I just kept hitting the "Turkey 6 inch add-on" button until it looked right. (Also turkey is the most annoying meat to prep)
- I dropped an untoasted garlic and cheese toastie once. There was mozzarella everywhere
- I also dropped someone's toasted chicken strip's sub in the salad bar once
- The uncomfortable amount of times i/my coworkers have dropped something in the tuna or seafood, and just dug it out and put it back
- There are absolutely no cross contamination procedures here please for the love of God don't even come in if you're allergic to a single ingredient. Everything's touched everything
- sometimes I just stand in the fridge when it's hot and/or I don't want to do my job
- I cut myself breaking down boxes today. I don't know how
- We're meant to count out the amount of pickles we put on subs (6 for a 6 inch, 12 for a footlong). I've literally never done that. I don't know how to count
- My first time working the till someones card never went through and I just didn't say anything until they left. Then I just told my coworkers that the card payment prompt never went away even though they paid. They believed me
- I eat the choc chips left on the trays after the cookies have been flipped sometimes
- Someone broke in once, and all they did was break the toilet lock and leave
- I've eaten melted cookie dough that we couldn't use multiple times
- I've seriously considered eating the raw capsicum multiple times. The only thing stopping me is the cameras
- 90% of the time at work I'm just thinking about homestuck (horrifying)
- I was put in charge of the store music *once* and everyone complained about it. (So did I to be fair - I was playing the first non-explicit playlist I could find)
- Near the end of my shift this woman came in who was *obnoxiously* cheerful. Like she sung and posed when she walked in, she kept yelling at her friends and tapping on the glass excitedly (and dropped the glass screen on my arm). I had to serve her on tje till, and after she told me that she and her friends had had a wild night and were still pretty buzzed, I looked her in the eyes and said "haha I wish that was me right now" in the deadest tone possible
- im like 90 percent sure she was still on something
- this one guy used to come in all the time and order carrot "for colour". I miss him.
- where are you carrot for colour guy :((
- i almost choked on ice at the end of the night trying to prove a point to my coworkers
- one time we were out of almost everything, and we genuinely considered closing at 11 in the morning because we couldn't serve anyone
- I hear the uber incoming order sound in my sleep sometimes
- people keep tapping the glass FUCKIGN STOP WE ARENT FISH
- someone kept tapping the glass with their keys and I wanted to scream
- every time someone pronounces macadamia as "macadamian" I lose a year of my life
- every time someone pronounces Chipotle as "chip-ottel" I gain a year of my life because that shits hilarious
- there was once an hour long debate in the work group chat about what cookies were the best. Someone called someone else racist + claimed they called a homeless guy the n word
- in the same group chat someone once sent shirtless pictures of themself and also this
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years
my parents are coming to my place tonight and im gonna surprise them with a three course fancy dinner! 😈 i love surprising people with gifts and nice things. it's the same feeling of mischief you would get if you were planning to prank someone but with better consequences. ive been chuckling to myself throughout the day like "heheheh they don't know what awaits them! mwahaha!"
i got two avocados on sale today and i have celery and left over lumpfish caviar. so for starters im gonna make some kind of fancy toasts i think. for the main dish im gonna make stir fried noodles with beef and vegetables bc my stepdad complains about not ever eating enough vegetables so he's gonna be v happy. i even bought wood ear mushrooms, his favourite! ahhh i just can't wait too see the look on his face when he's gonna see it! and for desert i got us strawberry swiss roll, my mum's gonna love it! im so excited!!!
anyway, isolating myself has been v fulfilling so far. ive been super burned out after the past couple of months. i have so many unopened messages on whatsapp and instagram and ive been ignoring all of my friends bc im just so tired... the only people i talk to are my bestie from france (who's taking a break from social media so i send her emails), my cousin and occasionally my zurich friend over messages and my parents irl. it's made me realise that the last time that i was alone with my own thoughts was when i was like what 13? enough of touching grass! i need to be alone and self reflect! bc all this time i was just so distracted by everything and everyone. and i really needed to stop letting things just happen to me and take a step back and think. and now is the perfect time to do that bc im working from home (and next month im gonna be working at the shop), i don't have to worry about B's needs and i don't have uni until mid february.
so i was thinking about why some people are obsessive and some aren't. maybe it has something to do with morals and values again. for example my london bestie has such a strong moral compass, i don't think ive ever met anyone else like that. ever since we were kids she'd always say things like "you don't do that" or "that's not how it's supposed to be". and ive always wondered how she knew these things. id pretend to be like her and also say "you don't do that" and pretend to be outraged at certain people's behaviours, but id never understand the why of any of it. she on the other hand always instinctively knew what was right and wrong, what should be done and what you "don't do". and i think that's why she fits in so well anywhere she goes. that's why she feels comfortable at her office job and can make friends. because it's what "you do". but i always feel like i need an explanation. and if im not given one then i do the things you're supposed to do but don't see any meaning in them and become unhappy.
it reminded me of how whenever we'd go for walks with B my mum and my bestie would often shake their heads in disapproval bc it's something "you don't do". my mum would often say "you can't just drop what you're doing and run to see him, you should value yourself". and i never understood what it meant. in my head it would be clear: B asks me to go for a walk and im not particularly busy and i enjoy walks with him => i say yes and join him.
this really stood out to me when we had a falling out with nik. we were in the middle of an argument in our groupchat and my bestie said something along the lines of "you don't do that" to him and he replied with "ok, i know you know what's right and what's wrong. it's just that in my mind, there's also what's logical and what's not.". and yeah, screw nik, but i think this message really shows the way people function. some instinctively know what's right and what's wrong, what you should and shouldn't do. and some need an explanation.
and back to the topic of obsession, my bestie is a very balanced person. she just instinctively knows things and with this knowledge she's never been drawn into any extremes. she's never been a hardcore die-hard fan of anything, she's never liked anything to the point of obsession. i, on the other hand, have been through i don't know how many obsessive phases. i always need to have a favourite thing in every single category of things. my notes app consists of endless lists of my favourite things: top 5 favourite foods (do i like chocolate better than cheese??), top 10 friends, list of my favourite family members etc etc. every single thing i engage with needs to be ranked and i can't just be chill about anything. i need to be consumed by what i consume, otherwise i don't feel it. and that includes love. i didn't just like B, i was obsessed. i was convinced that it was written in the stars, that every little coincidence we had was so much more than it was. id look at him and my head would start spinning.
maybe it's because some people are born empty and some are born full (born or brought up idk). ive always felt like an empty vessel that life just flows through. ive never had thoughts of my own or ideas i came up with by myself and didn't just steal from a book or a youtube video or while trying to act like someone else. and maybe that's why i become obsessed and feel the need to fill my natural emptiness with things i interact with. and others like my bestie, who are full with a natural understanding of life, don't have that much empty space in them to fill.
anyway, im finally in the process of developing thoughts of my own and trying to find my values. hopefully one day i'll be able to say "you don't do that" and really mean it and understand it. and make more valuable friends. and become a complete person.
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meditating-dog-lover · 3 months
As I said yesterday I want to follow an anti-inflammatory focused diet. Lucky for me I enjoy a lot of anti-inflammatory foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, fish, sweet potatoes, minimally processed dairy, green tea, dark chocolate, oats/whole and sprouted grain bread, and plant based milks.
I'm quite picky with fruit and only like berries. But I'm the opposite with vegetables - I love leafy greens.
I bought some green tea yesterday and drank some at work today. I should go back to drinking more green tea.
I know a lot of herbs and seasonings and leafy greens are anti-inflammatory. I had some turmeric today as a dinner seasoning. Garlic and ginger are also anti-inflammatory, but I don't really like ginger. A perfect anti-inflammatory dinner would be baked salmon and sweet potato fries with olive oil and turmeric seasoning and leafy greens on the side. Avocado dip will also taste great with it.
So really my focus now is to look into anti-inflammatory dinner ideas. Olive oil and turmeric would make great flavor additions, same with garlic. I'll experiment with different herbs/spices and leafy greens. Legumes are another anti-inflammatory food group I can experiment with. Spirulina as well.
Bone broth is another anti-inflammatory food, but I don't know how I'd feel about drinking it.
Some people say that dairy, gluten and eggs are inflammatory. But I feel that these are very subjective and based on how the individual reacts to it.
My skin felt better after drinking that green tea. Again eating an anti-inflammatory focused diet will help a lot with my skin beyond a steroid cream.
Of course I'm going to allow myself to have a treat here and there. But I definitely want to incorporate more anti-inflammatory foods to diet (which already has a lot of anti-inflammatory foods, but I want more diversity especially for dinner). I'm still going to do intermittent fasting.
In general a lot of things can cause inflammation, not just poor diet (even though it is a huge factor). Avoiding alcohol helps too, though I don't drink (not even red wine). Same with cigarettes (I've never smoked). Gut health is a big one (healthy microbiome, intestinal lining and digestion/absorption). Drinking enough water (2-4 L daily) are great, green tea is another way to get some water in as well. Good sleep is another, though I've struggled with my sleep in the past, but it's gotten better now. Maintaining a healthy body weight as well (I recently lost 13 lbs in body fat). 2 other things to work on are exercise and stress relief. I walk a lot but I now want to add some strength, which will help a lot. Regarding anxiety, working with my possible autism diagnosis can help finding the cause of the anxiety. Knowing that I might be autistic relieved me so much and lifted a huge load off my shoulders. It even helped with my anxiety. My itchiness which I thought was "allergies" went away as well.
I think my recent flareup was due to the new cleanser I was using (it's so harsh) and stress. But I'm getting a new cleanser and an autism screening. It will help me learn so much about myself and why I experience so much of my anxiety, stress, anger, and outbursts. And my mom and sister are here for me. It really is the missing puzzle piece and knowing this information will get rid of a lot of stress in my life. Knowing my behaviors are not "bad" or "problematic" or "wrong", but "neurodivergent".
I swear after leaving work early yesterday, knowing this possible autism diagnosis and drinking green tea helped clear my skin. My hands are still a bit inflamed. They were really itchy the night I was talking to my mom and sister because it involved a ton of emotions, as well as when I left work early yesterday. But I know my skin will heal and it caused by chronic inflammation. So following an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle, having a healthy gut, stress relief, and exercise can help.
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sephythespooky · 1 year
i bought a squishable skele-cado during the sale.
it got delivered to the wrong house and i didn't know cause i don't check my email.
and now the person who has it (WHO ONLY LIVES LITERALLY ONE HOUSE AWAY FROM MINE) said they'd put it in their mail box "this evening" and it's past 8:30 and there is no avocado in the box.
but their car isn't home.
so maybe they forgot...
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aneyeforlondon · 1 year
Monday, April 24, 2023
I’m already starting off on the wrong foot by getting back to our room so late that I am so tired I can’t stay up to write. Today is our first full day. We got up and had breakfast in the dining room and then came back to our room as during breakfast, we left Amsterdam, to head to Hoorn which will be where we have our first excursion. We came back to our room and were quite delisted we have another gift waiting for us. I failed to mention on the first day, we had a small pouch with a luggage tag left on our beds. Today, we had a beautiful scarf awaiting us as well as our invitation to the Captans table tonight and the menu which will be served. We had lunch which was quite delicious, various appetizers such as tomatoes an mozzarella salad, cold duck and some other condiments and then pasta and bread pudding for dessert. After lunch we arrived at our destination for the day. We chose the Zuiderzee (pronounced Zider-say, and means the Southern Sea) Museum as our excursion. We have to take a small bus to a public park to take a larger bus and then a ferry boat out to the museum. It is about 45 minutes ride from Hoorn. After some bus mixups, we finally are on our way. Our guide is Else, pronounced as she said “what else”. She went to High School in the US and said she was teased as they called her Else the Borden cow. She is quite delightful and a wealth of knowledge. The Zuiderzee is an outdoor museum and is a recreated village of a hundred years ago. We see small houses that housed families so large they have to put the children in the attic to sleep, we see how laundry is done using coal to heat the water and see how they used drying racks, etc. There are fish smokehouses and windmills. It is quite cold and I am wishing that I had the jacket I bought for the Highlands a few years ago! But despite the cold and sometimes rain, we have a good time. We are pressed for time as the tour is supposed to have us back to the ship by 5:45 and we have a 7:00 reservation at the Captains table for dinner. By the time we get back on the ship it is 6:00 or shortly thereafter and we quickly get cleaned up and clothes changed. Dinner is incredible and the staff are the same, taking amazing care of us. We walk in to glasses of champagne and after some group pictures, we sit down to our first course which is a beet and tomato salad, second is salmon with avocado and vegetables, then a lovely lemongrass coconut shrimp soup. Then we had walleyed fish with bulgur, pumpkin and spinach. Sorbet today was cassis berry and champagne and then for the main a boneless beef rib, pave potatoes and parsnip purée. Dessert was two tarts, bitter chocolate and citrus and then a mango sorbet. Lest I forget, many glasses of wine in between, white, red, port…..you get the picture. After dinner we head to the lounge for “Silent Disco”. This is where everyone has headphones on, some hearing one song some hearing another. It was funny because everyone is singing, but different songs. Let’s just say that I am getting a little old to be dancing the night away until the wee hours and I dearly paid for it the next morning. Tomorrow is Middleburg.
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wristful · 2 years
sometimes you can be a real pain. did you know that? / izzy and will
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"i'm not a pain, i am a very intelligent and charming man. i make six figures, i have a townhouse in the capital and it's five bedrooms and i just bought a porsche. i look like a matador and everyone wants to fuck me."
will looks up from the times and looks over at his breakfast companion.
"eat your avocado. public opinion says you're fitting into a stereotype for our generation and i won't have you proving them wrong."
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bpdypulsblogs · 2 years
How to burn fat fast for beginners.
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Why many people fail to burn fat?
Everyday we are told that "if you want to lose weight, you gotta go on a diet, exercise more, etc." The truth is that those old methods have some truth in them. However, they don't get you very far. It's because we all bought into a half truth method to burn fat and lose weight.
Switching from "junk food diet" to "plant based salad diet"
I have to say that this is all too common. If you wanted to lose weight, the first thing you think of is to start eating salads right? wrong.
When someone switches to a salad diet all of a sudden, the build water weight instead of losing weight. Because they do not have the proper enzymes to digest the soluble fiber in the leaf vegetables that absorbs water.
It takes time for a person to develop proper enzymes to digest a salad. Instead of switching to a salad diet, try starting with fruit and vegetable smoothie with healthy fats from bananas, coconut, flax seed, and avocados for example.
The healthy fats are there to stop you from hunger and from cravings.
Eating Big Breakfast Meals in the Morning
Eating a big breakfast in the morning is probably not the best idea if you are trying to burn body fat and lose weight. First of all big meals tend to slow your metabolism down a bit. Keep doing it everyday and it becomes a habit. Instead try to cut the size of your breakfast meal down or start with breakfast smoothies. Think light meals.
Exercising Too Much in One Day
Another common mistake people make is exercising too much in one day at the gym. They think that if they workout for 3 hours at the gym one day and rest the next two days, they will lose weight. It's not the amount of hours you spend doing a workout, but how many days you workout consistently.
Try working out one hour everyday consistently and see how it will give you results.
High Interval Workouts
In other words high intense interval training. This type of workout is usually done with an interval timer. Like working out nonstop the first minute and then resting the next minute and rest after that and so on.
This tends to give people a better chance at losing weight. Because the interval workouts rev the metabolism to burn more fat at a resting mode. You can also increase the intensity of the exercise by adding more repetitions in one set or adding more sets to the interval timer.
Power Lifting Strength Training
Power lifting or weight training is a great way to increase fat burning in certain places of the muscles. This is a proven method for burning body fat. I recommend it.
Stress and Lack of Sleep
Being under stress at a high level can impact your ability to lose weight. Because often lack of sleep follows stress. There are two hormones in your body called leptin and grehlin.
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Leptin controls appetite, metabolism, fat burning ability.
Grehlin tells you when to eat, when to stop burning fat, etc.
When more grehlin is produced in your body, you crave to eat more and more. When leptin is low due to lack of sleep, grehlin increases. To produce more leptin you need to get more sleep.
Too Many Healthy Fats in a Diet
When someone eats too much healthy fat food. Like avocados, bananas, nuts, olive oil, salmon, coconut, etc. it adds calories and a ton of it. It's usually best to keep the healthy fats to minimum. Enough to keep you full till your next meal should be good.
Other Diets on How to Burn Fat
There are tons and tons of different advice for fat burning out there. Like intermittent fasting, detox diets, supplements, pills, garcinia cambogia, etc.
The reason why these diets claim to work is because of one thing. The ability to keep you full till your next meal while you are able to workout and burn body fat.
Comfort Food Habits
Now who doesn't like a bowl of ice cream at night? I know I do... But eating our favorite comfort foods very often can affect our ability to lose weight, because the chemicals in our cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. add toxins to our body and prevent our liver from absorbing the vitamins and nutrients from vegetables and fruits when we do eat healthy. With that being said, in order to lose weight, yu need to get rid of these comfort foods. That's why I always recommend smoothie diets, because they are filled vitamins, nutrients, and natural sugars instead artificial sugars.
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs
If you have bad habits of taking alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, that makes you unable to lose weight at all. Because of the toxins that are in drugs. Alcohol consumption also hinders you from losing weight.
If you would like a simple 3 step fat burning method the click the link below and sign up to our complete training to exercise and weight loss.
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yes, i had a good nap! still sleepy… they all sound so fun and sentimental!! how sweet 🥺🥰 my favorite squishmallow is a lil duck in a chicken costume named noodles… and i recently got a big one who’s a devil named dante hehe.. i hope it’s okay to share my faves too 🥺 which squish was your very first one? and which is your most recent? 🥰🧡
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Awww well nothing wrong with being a little sleepy dear! And OF COURSE it's okay to share your favorites too! I wanna hear them all! Noodles sounds absolutely adorable and Dante sounds like a cool little guy! Or big guy I should say!
Lily was my first squish! And my most recent one is a cute fluffy avocado squish who I haven't named yet! My best friend bought a matching one for herself! I was thinking of naming her Avi but Im not sure yet... Why don't you help me name her dear?
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She looks like this but the green part is fluffy too! I can't take a picture of her right now so I found one online🧡 What about you? Your first squishmallow and your most recent one?
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weightloseuk · 2 years
How To Burn Fat Fast For Beginners
Why many people fail to burn fat?
Everyday we are told that "if you want to lose weight, you gotta go on a diet, exercise more, etc." The truth is that those old methods have some truth in them. However, they don't get you very far. It's because we all bought into a half truth method to burn fat and lose weight.
See How To Lose Weight Fast Here
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Switching from "junk food diet" to "plant based salad diet"
I have to say that this is all too common. If you wanted to lose weight, the first thing you think of is to start eating salads right? wrong.
When someone switches to a salad diet all of a sudden, the build water weight instead of losing weight. Because they do not have the proper enzymes to digest the soluble fiber in the leaf vegetables that absorbs water.
It takes time for a person to develop proper enzymes to digest a salad. Instead of switching to a salad diet, try starting with fruit and vegetable smoothie with healthy fats from bananas, coconut, flax seed, and avocados for example.
The healthy fats are there to stop you from hunger and from cravings.
Eating Big Breakfast Meals in the Morning
Eating a big breakfast in the morning is probably not the best idea if you are trying to burn body fat and lose weight. First of all big meals tend to slow your metabolism down a bit. Keep doing it everyday and it becomes a habit. Instead try to cut the size of your breakfast meal down or start with breakfast smoothies. Think light meals.
Exercising Too Much in One Day
Another common mistake people make is exercising too much in one day at the gym. They think that if they workout for 3 hours at the gym one day and rest the next two days, they will lose weight. It's not the amount of hours you spend doing a workout, but how many days you workout consistently.
Try working out one hour everyday consistently and see how it will give you results.
High Interval Workouts
In other words high intense interval training. This type of workout is usually done with an interval timer. Like working out nonstop the first minute and then resting the next minute and rest after that and so on.
This tends to give people a better chance at losing weight. Because the interval workouts rev the metabolism to burn more fat at a resting mode. You can also increase the intensity of the exercise by adding more repetitions in one set or adding more sets to the interval timer.
Power Lifting Strength Training
Power lifting or weight training is a great way to increase fat burning in certain places of the muscles. This is a proven method for burning body fat. I recommend it.
Stress and Lack of Sleep
Being under stress at a high level can impact your ability to lose weight. Because often lack of sleep follows stress. There are two hormones in your body called leptin and grehlin.
Leptin controls appetite, metabolism, fat burning ability.
Grehlin tells you when to eat, when to stop burning fat, etc.
When more grehlin is produced in your body, you crave to eat more and more. When leptin is low due to lack of sleep, grehlin increases. To produce more leptin you need to get more sleep.
Too Many Healthy Fats in a Diet
When someone eats too much healthy fat food. Like avocados, bananas, nuts, olive oil, salmon, coconut, etc. it adds calories and a ton of it. It's usually best to keep the healthy fats to minimum. Enough to keep you full till your next meal should be good.
Other Diets on How to Burn Fat
There are tons and tons of different advice for fat burning out there. Like intermittent fasting, detox diets, supplements, pills, garcinia cambogia, etc.
The reason why these diets claim to work is because of one thing. The ability to keep you full till your next meal while you are able to workout and burn body fat.
Comfort Food Habits
Now who doesn't like a bowl of ice cream at night? I know I do... But eating our favorite comfort foods very often can affect our ability to lose weight, because the chemicals in our cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. add toxins to our body and prevent our liver from absorbing the vitamins and nutrients from vegetables and fruits when we do eat healthy. With that being said, in order to lose weight, yu need to get rid of these comfort foods. That's why I always recommend smoothie diets, because they are filled vitamins, nutrients, and natural sugars instead artificial sugars.
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs
If you have bad habits of taking alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, that makes you unable to lose weight at all. Because of the toxins that are in drugs. Alcohol consumption also hinders you from losing weight.
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lunarkittens · 4 years
i hope everyone had/is having a good day i just woke up a few hours ago and watched frasier for a bit and then i listened to on the road the audiobook while i made tacos and guacamole and now i’m having a little iced coffee with almond milk and some sweetener and i’m going to watch supernatural with my sister🌻
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exocean · 4 years
binnie on bbble today :(((
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