#i can name at least 6 where these two have communication issues
quillsinkwell · 1 year
Sneak Peek of Breaking the Cycle Chapter 6!
The aftermath of the communication, and a calm before the storm.
Hope you enjoy!
(Norman's point of view)
Something was different on that day.
Henry and Sammy came back noticeably earlier than usual, and were thrown into their cells.
Even more noticeable, Audrey wasn't with them.
"The Keepers took us away and made her stay there. With Wilson."
"I don't like this either, but all we can really do is have faith that she'll be ok." Henry attempted to reassure him.
"The blasphemer would not dare harm the little sheep. She plays a significant role in his plans, I can tell." Sammy said.
"All of us were locked away here because we play a significant role in the nature of the studio. The fact that Audrey was locked away with us supports that she has a role as well, but due to the fact that she is a newcomer, I believe that not even Wilson is entirely sure of her power. Therefore if Wilson is not exactly sure of what role Audrey plays in all of this, I don't believe he would take any chance and risk harming her. Such a move would be...idiotic."
Norman and Henry just stared at Sammy.
"Uh, I-I mean that is at least what I theorize, it could be something entirely different!"
"No! No! You're probably right, I was just- It was kind of hard to focus since you said a lot in a small amount of time!" Henry attempted to assure Sammy.
"Oh! Well if that is the case then I probably should have summarized it so it would have been easier to understand!"
"No no you're fine, it's fine!"
If Norman could cover his face with his hands, he would.
But sadly, he did not have hands. Or a face.
Giving the fact that those two's tension was more emotionally draining than spending 15 minutes with Miss Campbell after she got relieved of her role voicing Alice Angel, Norman decided to change the subject.
"Oh! She came up with a plan to get help from Allison, the good Alice, using a communication device that was in the lunchroom." Henry explained.
"I'm...not sure. Me and Sammy, we were too busy making sure to do the distraction, but then we were seized by the Keepers, and Audrey, she was dragged away from it."
"God- I should have asked her if she did it instead of just yelling her name! That was really stupid of me."
"No it was not, Stein. If you did attempt to ask the little sheep if she had successfully completed the task, then we would have been caught in our attempts. You did not play the fool." Sammy...reassured him?
Huh. I think that's the first time in a long while I've seen Sammy be kind to Henry.
Apparently Henry was mildly confused as well, because he said in a confused but grateful tone
"Thank you, Sammy."
Sammy flinched, pulled his mask further on his face, and sputtered out
"N-not that you are not a fool! You are very much a fool! A foolishly foolish fool who does foolishly foolish things! In that situation, you were simply not as foolishly foolish as you could have been!"
"Annnnnnnnnnd the moment's ruined." Henry remarked.
Is Sammy...blushing? CAN we blush?, Norman thought to himself.
"Well-" "We danced!" Henry tried to speak up but was cut off by Sammy.
"Tangoed amongst the starlight, waltzed with the gods!"
"If by dancing, you mean you mean you swung me around the entire lunchroom, then yes, we danced."
"Oh come on Stein, you're exaggerating it!"
The mental image of Sammy leading Henry through a half dance half attack with Henry failing at it was extremely hilarious to Norman, so he burst out laughing.
(Well, his equivalent of laughing, more like it.)
"Oh Haha! Laugh it up Norman!" Henry bitterly remarked, though it faded into a smirk to show he wasn't serious about his anger.
However, the moment would soon later be ruined by the sound of screaming.
A high-pitched screaming.
Audrey's screaming.
Thank you to @preciouslittletoonette @sammysjam @theluckoftheclaws and @thegreatindoors for your comments on the last sneak peek and chapter, and thank you to all of my lovely silent readers! See you in the next chapter and have a nice whatever-time-it-is in your timezone!
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squids-comics · 1 year
Ok so now that I have at least two issues out in all my series, I'm going to write out a little blurb of what they're all about!
John Landwalker (6 issues) is about a man named John. His dad was a knight who fought for justice and defended the weak before dying under mysterious circumstances. John always looked up to his father and decided to follow in his footsteps, donning his armour and becoming a knight! Unfortunately, the armour doesn't fit, causing John to be more of a clumsy doofus than a proper knight, but he's trying his best. He also refuses to ever take any part of his armour off when anyone else is around.
Alistair Chronnus (4 issues) is the son of the greatest time sorcerer of the past few centuries. Having a bright future ahead of him, Alistair quickly becomes the family disappointment when his parents discover he was born without magic. So they force him to make a deal with an actual devil to become a warlock before shipping him off to wizard college, where he is attacked by the world's most evil mage and almost recruited into a cult.
Creative Curator (2 issues): Every idea the author (that's me!) has springs to life, good or bad. And well bad ideas like Lightning Bug: the moth man who eats light bulbs, and Chris Mass: the Chrismass burglar aren't necessarily harmful to too many people, what happens when they try to sneak their way into the big, epic crossovers to determine the fate of the universe? You call Jade Wilson: the Creative Curator, who is definitely not a rip off Deadpool. And the best part is, it's interactive! Every issue you get to decide the fate of the bad idea! (I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what to do with Chris Mass. Please hop over to Creative Curator: Issue Two and give me a few ideas!)
Leon Nightshade: Monster Hunter (2 issues): This one's my horror series! Fresh out of wizard college, Leon Nightshade looks for a job that's high in action, while also giving back to the community. He chooses monster hunting! He quickly realizes he bit off more than he can chew, witnessing countless horrors and being haunted by a demon that makes him slowly lose his mind.
And there you have it! My four main series! They're all in a shared universe by the way.
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hii i want to request a matchup if ure still doing that!!
my name is eda, i go be he/she and im bi, my love language is quality time and acts of service, im intp 5w4 sp/so and leo sun
im super socially awkward lol people ussually think i dont want to talk to them, at first they think im intimidating or judgy but im actually really open minded and caring for the people im close with i just dont rlly like strangers being clingy w me thats just annoying
im not really good at showing emotions and care but i really do try my best;; i sometimes seem salty but thats my kinda way of showing affection when im not in the mood but still wanna somehow say i love you i just bad with words and i hate physical touch, but im also rlly touch starved and its in a loop lol
i sometimes just wanna be all by myself when someone gets really close during those"ghosting everyone" times i become distant with them its not on purpose but i just need a lot of alone time
i like listening people gush about their interests a lot i can listen my s/o ranting about their nerd stuff for hours and not even lose interest if theyre talking about that thing passionately it just so cute;;;
im able to sense peoples emotions, especially my close ones, i can read them like an open book they dont even need to talk and ill know whats the problem but even tho i know peoples feelings, i can never emphasize i just find it weird to show emotions, i dont tell them what i think about this and just roll with it but they seem to notice if this took for a long time and that ruins my relationships with people i cant get close to anyone because of this
my last break up was lack of communication in our relationship because it all happened too fast, im much more into a relationship where we would be much of a friend than a lover in the relationship and communicate about our feelings and thoughts so i need to get close to them slowly and this slow time is sometimes takes more than 6 months just to start dating and not just "hanging out as friends" its also because i have big trust issues lol
tw sh!! ive been struggling with ed and sh for a few years now but i honestly dont want my partner to worry about that, people think it sound unrealistic because this is about my health and even my life but i dont see any issues with these they become a part of my life atp i want my s/o to be able to not worry too much about it at least;; i just cant take confrontation id get scared and run away
im studying english literatue at uni and i part time work in an office as a translator, i live alone and im capable of doing everything i need in my life without help of family or anyone at all and when in a relationship i dont really depend on my partner too i like the independence but i like when my close ones rely on me because id do basically anything they need i like spoiling my close ones a lot
i think i said too much about myself sorry i dont really know how to do this lol have a nice day mwah :*
I match you with...
You’re the kind of person who wonders if you’re doing this whole life thing right. You second-guess yourself and don't know if what you're saying is going to interest somebody. It’s an insecurity you know you need to work on if you want to grow. Ideally, your goal is to be able to be happy with somebody that you don't have to be afraid of. You don't want to be afraid if they don't like you or don't want you the way that you want them. For that reason, you need somebody in your life who can never be misconstrued or misunderstood. In your case, that happens to be Jumin Han. Who else in this world is capable of making sure that there is nothing to be misunderstood? 
You get along so well because you both look at life the same way. You do things that need to be done without complaint and you generally don't ask for help. The one thing that the two of you could stand to learn would be to give up control now and again to those that you trust. It's okay to take a step back into the passenger seat now and again. You don't have to be afraid of something going wrong as long as you believe in that person you trust. That’s how Jumin sees you. He would never back you into a corner or make you do something that you don't want to do, but he would reasonably look at you and ask if you needed his help every step of the way just because he cares. 
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jahsmomwrites23 · 1 month
Happy Receptionists' Day
National Receptionists' Day | 5.8.24
A short article posted via my LinkedIn based on personal experiences.
The office I was employed at was composed of three total agents & a single receptionist. The main agent was an older gentleman who made a habit out of my time there to not often address me by name or speak to me directly. I can only assume he was from a time where bosses & business owners felt it surplus to fraternize with subordinates or learn their names.
The other two agents were women, complete night & day on attendance and how approachable they were. Looking back, the two female agents and each sudden issue that arose with their clients definitely improved my attention to detail, client relations and problem solving skills to that of the creative realm.
The receptionist was moving up in the ranks to be the main agent's (personal) "executive" administrative assistant and was looking for an unwitting participant to take on her old grunt work. She considered herself among the 'who's who' in the area, and prided herself on her connections and gossip. Newly married in an inherited home, she made it clear she did not need the income, but was happy to have a career in the same city she grew up in.
As a receptionist, I spent my day-to-day answering calls, questions and messages while managing appointments & calendars for the three agents, and still accepting credit, debit & checking insurance payments, proving to be a skilled multi-tasker. I was able to demonstrate my organizational skills as much as the new executive administrator would let me (this was difficult with us both giving administrative and assistance and support to the office.) While enigmatic to me personally during the time, I am now most thankful to have gained experience in data entry (which would feed my accomplishments at the next job) and balancing Quickbooks to drop off deposits. We used Microsoft Office, Outlook, Word, and excel Spreadsheets daily for written communication, drafting & typing memos and tracking policies.
All this said, I only lasted at that job for 6 months. Reception work is important and someone must do it, but there are so many ways you can make the experience more enjoyable or at least tolerable for the receptionist in your life. This position does not have to be as demeaning or require as much servitude as some may feel.
Some of the best ways you can celebrate your receptionist include but not limited to:
buy their lunch,
give a gift card for gas or a store they like,
give them a day off or early release from a shift.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Chats With AI Shift Attitudes on Climate Change, Black Lives Matter  - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/chats-with-ai-shift-attitudes-on-climate-change-black-lives-matter-technology-org/
Chats With AI Shift Attitudes on Climate Change, Black Lives Matter  - Technology Org
People who were more skeptical of human-caused climate change or the Black Lives Matter movement who took part in conversation with a popular AI chatbot were disappointed with the experience but left the conversation more supportive of the scientific consensus on climate change or BLM. This is according to researchers studying how these chatbots handle interactions from people with different cultural backgrounds. 
Dialog system is also known under another name, chatbot. Image credit: Mohamed Hassan via Pxhere, CC0 Public Domain
Savvy humans can adjust to their conversation partners’ political leanings and cultural expectations to make sure they’re understood, but more and more often, humans find themselves in conversation with computer programs, called large language models, meant to mimic the way people communicate. 
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison studying AI wanted to understand how one complex large language model, GPT-3, would perform across a culturally diverse group of users in complex discussions. The model is a precursor to one that powers the high-profile ChatGPT. The researchers recruited more than 3,000 people in late 2021 and early 2022 to have real-time conversations with GPT-3 about climate change and BLM. 
“The fundamental goal of an interaction like this between two people (or agents) is to increase understanding of each other’s perspective,” says Kaiping Chen, a professor of life sciences communication who studies how people discuss science and deliberate on related political issues — often through digital technology. “A good large language model would probably make users feel the same kind of understanding.” 
Chen and Yixuan “Sharon” Li, a UW–Madison professor of computer science who studies the safety and reliability of AI systems, along with their students Anqi Shao and Jirayu Burapacheep (now a graduate student at Stanford University), published their results this month in the journal Scientific Reports. 
Study participants were instructed to strike up a conversation with GPT-3 through a chat setup Burapacheep designed. The participants were told to chat with GPT-3 about climate change or BLM, but were otherwise left to approach the experience as they wished. The average conversation went back and forth about eight turns. 
Most of the participants came away from their chat with similar levels of user satisfaction. 
“We asked them a bunch of questions — Do you like it? Would you recommend it? — about the user experience,” Chen says. “Across gender, race, ethnicity, there’s not much difference in their evaluations. Where we saw big differences was across opinions on contentious issues and different levels of education.” 
The roughly 25% of participants who reported the lowest levels of agreement with scientific consensus on climate change or least agreement with BLM were, compared to the other 75% of chatters, far more dissatisfied with their GPT-3 interactions. They gave the bot scores half a point or more lower on a 5-point scale. 
Despite the lower scores, the chat shifted their thinking on the hot topics. The hundreds of people who were least supportive of the facts of climate change and its human-driven causes moved a combined 6% closer to the supportive end of the scale. 
“They showed in their post-chat surveys that they have larger positive attitude changes after their conversation with GPT-3,” says Chen. “I won’t say they began to entirely acknowledge human-caused climate change or suddenly they support Black Lives Matter, but when we repeated our survey questions about those topics after their very short conversations, there was a significant change: more positive attitudes toward the majority opinions on climate change or BLM.” 
GPT-3 offered different response styles between the two topics, including more justification for human-caused climate change.  
“That was interesting. People who expressed some disagreement with climate change, GPT-3 was likely to tell them they were wrong and offer evidence to support that,” Chen says. “GPT-3’s response to people who said they didn’t quite support BLM was more like, ‘I do not think it would be a good idea to talk about this. As much as I do like to help you, this is a matter we truly disagree on.’” 
That’s not a bad thing, Chen says. Equity and understanding comes in different shapes to bridge different gaps. Ultimately, that’s her hope for the chatbot research. Next steps include explorations of finer-grained differences between chatbot users, but high-functioning dialogue between divided people is Chen’s goal. 
“We don’t always want to make the users happy. We wanted them to learn something, even though it might not change their attitudes,” Chen says. “What we can learn from a chatbot interaction about the importance of understanding perspectives, values, cultures, this is important to understanding how we can open dialogue between people — the kind of dialogues that are important to society.”
Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison
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randomrings · 9 months
Dorkiworld Sesh 2
0/28 games complete 2420/7583 checks done (31%)
Aydenja (my Messenger seed): 22% checks done Aydentale (my Undertale seed): 6% checks done Aydio (my Mario 64 seed): 26% checks done Aydow (my Sonic Adventure 2 seed): 23% checks done Lunayden (my Timespinner seed): 14% checks done
Last night's progress:
The Messenger: Found out I can just warp to the Sunken whatever it's called to get a check for someone's Zelda: Link to the Past game. I cleared most of that area. I saved and quit out there so I'll be in the weird underwater temple. There's still a lot I can do in The Messenger. I thought for sure that all 5 of my games would be completely stuck frequently but that hasn't really happened yet. Timespinner definitely got stuck for a good while. I guess this is the caveat of running five games in an async where the max amount of games you can run is five. I have 17 Power Seals. I need 47 to beat the game.
Undertale: Didn't get much farther than before. Turns out I don't have the item I need to fight Mettaton but I did get past the spider boss. I started exploring Waterfall and left off there. Damn, Undertale can be a real slog when you suck at puzzles. Duckie has my Left Home Key as well. You need to beat Mettaton and get those two keys to beat the game.
Super Mario 64: Super Mario 64 was almost BK mode (the term for stuck for anyone reading this that's unaware. Turns out Pokey's Kingdom Hearts 2, specifically Demyx, was holding a bunch of the Super Mario 64 players' keys! I now have access to the second floor, meaning once I get 70 Power Stars, I can fight Bowser and end the seed. Someone also got my Basement key, so I can hypothetically get to every entrance in the game except for what would be Rainbow Ride, what would be the coins in the sky secret, and what would be Tick Tock Clock. I'm holding some important stuff for one or two people that I think I might be able to get now or at least soon. My Power Star count is almost halfway to go mode.
Sonic Adventure 2: I did a fuckton of Eggman checks. I joked about having all junk in the Chao race checks. This unlocked some kind of real world black magic that willed an important item for Duckie into existence. Fortunately, my Chao won the race first try. I told Duckie to name the Chao afterward and she chose the name "Dorkiao". Dorkiao is having issues with the other races, particularly the swimming ones. I am waiting on one more go mode item, the Booster for Tails to be able to hover. I have almost every upgrade in the game but I need 135 emblems to get to the goal of the randomizer. I haven't even unlocked all the stages yet :[.
Timespinner: I have so much mobility in this game but nowhere to go. Until the end of last night's session! I can finally at least warp to the past and access Maw's cave. I'm so excited to finally play more Timespinner. Unfortunately, Ash has an important item toward the end of the game. I hope I can get there. I think I can. But I'm not sure.
Session 2 was a lot funner than Session 1! I went longer than I originally anticipated because I was having so much fun. But yeah, I still have plenty to do. I have no real rush to do so but I want to because I'm having more fun with the async than I thought I would. Today is Birth by Sleep though. My viewers redeemed a community challenge for me to start a Kingdom Hearts series marathon so I would feel bad putting that off entirely for the Dorkiworld. But I might still do a few checks before heading off stream.
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Communicating via the Internet: Unit four
My intention of this journal entry is to reflect on the information from unit 4, communicating via the internet. This was the second half of the week (6/30/22-7/3/22).
We started off this unit by watching our professors lecture video about how the internet is changing the way we communicate.  We also read a few articles and looked at a Twitter post.  
I learned four descriptions of communication. The first set is intransient and transient communication. The second is asynchronous and synchronous communication. 
The first set of terms refer to the method of communication. Transient communication refers to speech and oral methods of communication. It is brief and short lasting. Intransient communication on the other hand is the written word, long lasting and sometimes easier to understand.
The second set of terms refers to the time of communication. Synchronous communication is a conversation that happens in real time, such as talking on the phone or in-person. Asynchronous communication happens at a later point in time from when the message was sent.
There is a preference for asynchronous, intransient communication, possibly due to the fact that responses can be well thought out and more easily understood. Also, it’s a more private way of communication and emails can be used as a tool to send important documents or information. Also, these types of communication help foster relationships with other who are long distance. Or even to catch up with friends to share a story that just happened. The possibilities are endless.
On Thursday, we also had an assignment where our professor offered us suggestions on how to create emails to teachers and teaching assistants, and we shared with 5 other college students. Personally, I was familiar with all the suggestions and just surprised that more students don’t follow all these steps. The only thing that I found that I don’t do as often is writing the message first, then adding the address. I should do this just in case I make a mistake and accidently send a message.
I found that my friends had a hard time choosing one they were least familiar with. The responses I got as a whole, were all different between everyone. Other responses that I got that were found least similar were to not address the professor by their first name unless asked to do so and use paragraph breaks to organize messages.
In our third assignment, we had to make comments to two other chat groups that had a conversation most and least similar to ours from unit 3. I found that the groups I read through had really similar choices for the struggles in college they picked out like issues with finances and the overall classroom structure.
The solution that students came up with were much different across conversations. I liked reading what other people came up with as a solution to the same challenges that we chose.
It also opened the conversation up, rather than just discussing with two other classmates. I enjoy having these discussions!
On Friday, we went on to learning about whether or not the internet is making communication briefer and less formal. I learned that the answer is no, there have always been methods of brief and informal communication.
There have been methods of brief and informal communication in writing like short stories and the use of the telegram. People still had to be aware of the length of their messages and find a way to make their words shorter. Also, the use of textisms like “omg” have been around for centuries.
If anything, the internet is mostly influencing our preference for written communication. As we talked about before, the internet allows for a more flexible and understandable conversation.
As for studies conducted online or via text-messaging, responses are more reflective, and more people are willing to respond. As I have learned about before, it can be hard to get participants to answer questions truthfully when there is a experimenter present. Responses are influenced by responses that are deemed more socially desirable or off the top of their head.
Respondents are also less likely to straightline, give a superficial response, and less likely to satisfice, round answers. Online responding allows participants to think about their answers more in depth, without the anxiety of having to respond quickly. They also give more accurate responses.
For example, when asked, “how many songs are in your music library?” Respondents are less likely to state a number divisible by 10, like 500 or 1000 songs. They may actually go into their music libraries and check, giving the researcher a more accurate response. This yields better conclusions at the end of research studies.
For the next assignment, I met with my chat group and discussed the use of textisms and their effects on learning. After reading our articles and the one assigned to us, I found that textism like “brb” and “ttyl” aren’t affecting children spelling or reading skills. It’s actually improving them. Faster typing skills and translating textisms to conventional English is improving students literacy abilities.
Also, textisms can’t replace conventional English because we are completely immersed in English. We are all constantly reading and writing in conventional English, and it would be extremely hard to replace that.
So, short answer is no. Kids are still doing alright and literacy skills are improving.
We talked about this in our conversation, and I found that we each had similar results in our studies. We came to conclusion that sums up with all the results of the studies mean and then said our goodbyes.
For the last assignment of this unit, I completed the cumulative work sheet and then finalized my term project topic. I also planned ways to start my project and laid out the materials that I need. I found this helpful for setting myself up for this assignment and I feel well organized.
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sacredcynic · 2 years
Needs To Be Said
    Once again it has happened, and this time it was in our own backyard.  A frustrated loner dealing with demons decided to make a name for himself and as a result 6 families, and a community will never be the same. This is a time for good words and wisdom, but none are forthcoming. Why pause for wisdom when there are political points to be made, and adversaries to link to the horrific crime? After all, why waste a crisis? This is what sadly passes for wisdom among our political leaders. Yet words are needed. The reality of our current time is that no one is listening. No one is listening in times of great division.  Perhaps no one is listening because no one want to address the problem.  
   I think that is the real reason. Why listen when no one even addresses the issue? Instead of addressing the issue, we revert back to our political bunkers, find a way to use news to attach “them,” and we hurl accusations across the board.  So let’s address the issue. Not the fake issues we hear but the real reasons stories like this happen.  Let’s have a real conversation.  A real conversation means you have to let other people talk. We have trouble doing that. Perhaps we can refrain from calling people names and hear their perspective. Let me throw out the first pitch in this discussion.  Rest assured, I will make you mad.  Everyone.  The truth of the matter is that we are all to blame.  Here is a first pass list of all the ingredients that have created our particular, tragic stew.  
    First, this should be the elephant in the room.  40% of all children born today are born into a fatherless environment.  Showing up once a month with a check is not what a father does. A father is there every day.  A father sometimes has to rather aggressively and strongly take down anti-social or troublesome behavior. Many young men have to learn how to overcome an anger or brooding response that often troubles them. The best teachers are those men who have wise advice that flows from winning the battle themselves.  Besides that 40% there are many other homes where the father has mentally checked out. It is equally the father’s responsibility to raise the kids, and dads play a unique role with young men and how to govern their impulses. If you are a mom who steps in when your husband does something differently than you – you better stop.  And dads, step up to the plate now. This is our fault. 
     One other thing.  I hate to remind us about what was common knowledge until about 10 minutes ago historically – boys and girls are different. They see the world differently, they react differently, and they are impacted by sex and hormones in different ways.  The perpetrators of these acts are young men. We need other men to intervene in their lives earlier, and it would help if we do this without someone jumping from behind a bush to yell “Patriarchy.” This is your fault.  
     To those that insist again and again that the sole issue is the gun, many of us remember a time when kids were excused from school during hunting season and had their guns in their car, and we were not troubled by these events. The gun did not wander into a public place on its own and go off. Collectively we held more tightly onto the notion of values and morals more closely in other times. Collectively, we have spent the last generation or two decrying any values as somehow oppressive and so we have thrown them off. This is the other side of that coin.  This is our fault. 
     There are others who want to confer a near sacred status to the gun. We must admit that we have a societal problem when troubled young men possess a weapon.  The easy thing to do is expect the government to do something.  It is all of our responsibility. Even among those see the value in having a gun, my hope is that we have at least as much investment in the words of Jesus about peacemaking, and turning the other cheek as we do the right bear arms. When we have the right absent some very important language, we become imbalanced.  I do not want to make the mistake of equating gun ownership with a failure to value peace, but we must choose our words and language carefully.  When we elevate the gun – it is our fault.  
     There is a common thread to these crimes, and that is an anti-social aspect to those who commit them.  Young men need socialization. My heart goes out to teachers who labor in impossible situations. They are caught between administrations, parents and their own expectations. Yet in these past few years we have seen leadership of teachers and school administrations work very hard to keep schools closed.  Then we are shocked at a rise in anti-social behavior.  At the same time, we expect a certain level of behavior and etiquette in the classroom while at the same time tossing out the foundations for these behaviors.  We no longer teach civics and the mere mention of God in schools sends school administrators to the fainting couch. We no longer hold up people as examples. We apply hopeless 2022 standards back onto people who could not have even comprehended our time, and if we find any supposed fault, we tear them down and tell every student how awful and bad this country is. We fill them with such disdain and then we are again shocked that some strike out against it. If not this place and time, when else would you choose to be born if you had your historical choice?  And yet we ruthlessly tear this down with all of its benefits and blessings. Perhaps it is time to expect leadership from those who see themselves as leaders.  It is your fault. 
   There are also certain parents we should address. There is an epidemic of parents who try to protect their child from every slight and harm.  Johnny didn’t fail the test because he did not know the answers, but because the teacher didn’t like him.  Your kid doesn’t disrupt the class, the teacher picks on him.  Nothing is ever your child’s fault, which might be a trait he learned from mom and dad. Right now, it seems the responsible parents are pulling out of the school system.  Is this a recipe for success?  Keep standards high and enforce those standards.  Do not lower them for anyone. When a teacher is tough on our kids, we should see that for the learning opportunity it is, and not something that I have to protect my child from.  To every teacher that was tough on me, who expected more from me than I did from myself, who made me push hard and yelled at me when I did not hustle – THANK YOU !! When we pull away from a challenge – it is our fault. 
   I can’t believe that this needs to be said, but it does.  To those who produce video games that feature and dramatize violence and shooting others – this is your fault. I do not want to make a law, but I appeal to whatever shred of morality and decency that you may yet harbor – stop doing it. This desensitizes people to death. And while you may be right that these “games” do not harm a normally functioning person, they undoubtedly affect those who commit these crimes. We know from previous cases the level of involvement that many had in these games.  Just because you can does not mean you should. There is something higher to aspire to than another dollar of profit. 
   The same goes for those who continue to produce music that both glorifies and normalizes violence against women, police and other societal figures. You cannot continue to produce such content and then decry the acts that are downstream from the content you produce.  This is your fault. 
  Even more people will not like me now.  There is a mythic story that most of us like to hear.  While the details are different, the plot is the same.  The lone figure enters a situation and makes things right by themselves. In a previous era that figure might have been Atticus Finch, but now it is Liam Neeson with a particular set of skills, or Denzel Washington with an accurate nail gun. As the body count goes higher and higher we cheer more and more, even as we shake our head at the news where body counts are a grim reality. The truth is we have grown far too comfortable with fictionalized scenes not that different from the reality we saw yesterday.  Perhaps our own choices add to the profit of those who create that content and adds to a calloused culture. What we tolerate, we will get more of.  It is our fault.   
        To our political leaders, and I use the term “leader” very lightly, start to lead.  Leading is not what is done in the aftermath of an event, but every day. Stop using every news cycle as a chance to win the news conference and be a leader of all the people. Stop demonizing others in the vain attempt to score points. Stop seeing every event as the chance to fund raise for your campaign. This is time to take a breath and take a larger look at our culture and your role in the dialogue. This might be a good time to lower the temperature instead of raising it so your fund-raising can increase, and incidentally you get to keep what you do not spend on the election. When you decry a pet issue while engaging in legalized graft you should see this is not the best look, and people notice. This is your fault. 
     To our churches, it is time to step up and not because we choose to engage in one end of the political arena. We have too much politics already and not enough engagement. We need to step in where there are no fathers. We need to not only hear love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness and self-control, but see it in action. We need to keep our own standards high and lead from strength.  There are some who like their Christianity muscular, and this is a time to flex.  This is not the time for another political voice, but physical presence in homes and neighborhoods. To the extent that we have not, this is our fault. 
     If I have any friends left this is where I lose them. We hear the word “safety” far too often.  The reaction is pull back and think solely about safety. This is exactly the opposite of what is needed. We need to engage more, not less.  We need to meet more people, not less. We need to love more, not less. With each engagement, and each new person we meet the odds for loss and hurt increase, but so do the odds for redemption and grace.  Grace always requires a risk. This is something that Jesus knew, and went anyway.  Now it is our turn. 
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
In all the drama of getting Ethan I feel like there are some important conversations that have been skipped. MC is young and would most likely aspire to be married and have children in the future. Ethan has seemingly closed the doors on these options based on his answers in book 1.
Do you think he has changed his mind or is changing his mind as the relationship progresses? And do you think that PB will address this elephant in the room as their relationship becomes more serious in book 3?
How do you think your mc and Ethan would navigate this?
I LOVE this question 😍
Oh there are so so so many important questions that Ethan and MC need to have in order to have a successful, lasting relationship. 
I touch on a lot of what you’ve brought up in my fics; the most prominent being Was It a Decision to Stay (summary: they keep breaking up bc they don’t have these important conversations). 
At least for me, my MC is 26 and holding onto a romantic notion that to be a happy and successful adult she’s gotta have the husband and babies thing. 
In Stuck, Ethan literally tells MC that she’s young and may change her mind about wanting marriage and a family once her career takes off. And he’s right! She’s so young! She’s still figuring life out and maybe what she thinks she wants now she might not want anymore when she’s settled in her career. Maybe kids actually aren’t for her? Maybe she’d come to understand she never wants to be pregnant because of all the risks, or would rather adopt or use a surrogate? Ethan understands that he certainly isn’t the same person he was when he was 26, and that she’s still figuring things out even though society is telling her she needs to be married and have babies before she’s 30. 
MC may also hold onto hope that Ethan will change his views on marriage/kids since he already made exceptions to his rules for her. He’s shown he’s capable of changing for the woman he loves. So what’s a few more exceptions? 
In book 1, Ethan did say that he doesn’t see kids in his future because he couldn’t be around for them in the ways that they’d need. Maybe, now with the way Bloombrook (i refuse to call it bloom edenbrook) is going, he’d be more open to taking a step back and letting MC run things for a while. It would give him time to do more research and be home a little more. They’d be able to balance their family life with work a bit better. 
Remember, he also said he couldn’t understand the idea of unconditional love or soulmates but in 2.19 he told Alan that he understands now. So he is capable of change. I think the aversion to marriage makes sense because of 1. what happened to his parents and 2. Ethan really hates capitalist institutions. 
I HC that if they do ever get married it would be a small courthouse wedding, or they’d just sign papers to become civil partners (would love to see pb explore this aspect - like another idea of family where it’s just these two and what it means to be an adult on your own terms. big and carrie satc2 vibes here). And they’d really only get married to legally share assets, with the added bonus of giving MC the opportunity to throw a party. 
Wow this is getting long, sorry 😬
I definitely think Ethan is changing as the story progresses! MC is opening his eyes to all the things he filed into the ‘never happening’ box and he’s loving every moment of it. 
PB definitely will not address these issues in Book 3. I have 0 faith in them. I’d think before the rewrites maybe, but after rewrites I assume they’re going to keep the story as tasteless as possible to keep from having people freak out again (i’m glad rafs back, just hate how disjointed the writing is in book 2). 
My fic MC Becca and Ethan I don’t think will ever have a proper wedding. For them it’s just a transactional paper that won’t influence how they act with and feel about one another. As for kids, I only see them having them as an unplanned sort of thing. But once they have one they have to have a second because they like the idea of siblings. 
[also i hc that ethan is very soft and adores his children and could have a whole gaggle of them. whereas becca complains about the state of her vagina and stomach all the time. ethan is doting helicopter dad and becca is doctor drill sergeant]   
My canon MC is just kinda living her life. She’s broken up with Ethan once in the time jump because he wasn’t giving her signals of them dating no matter where she ended up. They never really resolve the issue and take things one week or so at a time. And then once Bloom buys the hospital, they are going to have a long conversation about what the rules are to maintaining their personal and professional relationship. I don’t foresee my MC and Ethan talking about marriage and kids in the context of them having them (she’ll muse on the idea briefly sometimes; like, of what she’d like to do with kids or like the idea of having a donut wall at a wedding reception). They wouldn’t really sit and have that conversation until the idea of moving in together started floating around at the end of residency, presuming MC keeps her job in Boston. 
I really want my canon MC and Ethan to get married and have babies because I’m selfish and never want them to leave me. I’m praying for a 9 book series here 🤣
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asparklerwhowrites · 3 years
Writing Indian characters, from an Indian person
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India is a huge country! while most characters in mainstream media are from the 'big cities' i.e Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, etc, there are many, many more places and areas to look at! since India is such a vast country, there is incredible diversity. 19,500 languages and dialects are present, with people of different skin, eye, and hair colors and types! there are, of course, a lot of inherent prejudices present, which I'll address a little later.
#1. Know their roots
There is no 'one' Indian experience. People from different places celebrate different festivals, worship different gods, and speak different languages!
A checklist of things you should know about your Indian character's background, in essence:
Which state and city/town/village are they from?
How many and which languages do they speak, and with what frequency? (Mostly, people can speak at least two languages!)
Are they religious? (more on religion later)
What are some of their favourite memories/moments linked to their culture? (festivals, family gatherings, etc)
#2. Naming your character
Some common names for boys: Aarav, Advik, Shlok, Farhan, Ritvik, Aarush, Krish, Ojas, Zain.
Some common names for girls: Arushi, Ishita, Trisha, Rhea, Riya, Zoya, Vedika, Khushi, Charvi.
Common last names: Shah, Singh, Agarwal, Banerjee, Dala, Bhat, Joshi, Iyer, Jain, Dhawan, Dixit.
Be careful while picking a last name: last names are very much indicators of the ethnicity/community you're from! most older folks can guess the ethnicity of people just by their last name - it's pretty cool.
Naming systems usually follow the name-surname format, and children usually take the last name of their father - but I believe some regions have a bit of a different system, so look that up!
#3. Stereotypes to avoid
This goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Being 'Indian' shouldn't be your character's entire personality. Give them traits, feelings, and a purpose other than being a token diverse character. Some stereotypes that are really a no-no when it comes to Indian characters:
Making them good at math and academics in general (my Cs in math beg to differ that all Indians are good at math. often, the reason Indians are stereotyped to be so smart stems from an incredibly toxic and harmful environment at home which forces children to get good grades. unless you've experienced that, its not your story to write)
Making your Indian character 'hate' being Indian (not everyone?? hates their culture?? like there are many, MANY faults with India as a country, and it's important to recognize and take action against that - which often makes us iffy about how we feel about our country, it's genuinely not your place to write about that UNLESS you are Indian. don't bring in 'hatred' of a place you've never visited, and don't know much about.)
Make them scaredy-cats, 'cowards', who are good at nothing but being the 'brain' (I will literally behead you if you do this/lh)
#4. Why India shouldn't be portrayed as 'perfect' either
It's likely that most of you won't be going in SO deep with your Indian character, but India isn't the perfect 'uNiTy iN diVerSitY' as it's depicted in media. There are incredible tensions between religions (especially Hindus and Muslims), and even remnants of the 'untouchable' way of thinking remain between castes. There's a lot of violence against women, and misogyny is definitely something Indians are not foreign to. People with paler skin are considered to be 'better' than those with darker skin (in the older generations especially)
#5. Some common customs
Removing your shoes before entering the house, since your house is considered to be 'godly' and shoes shouldn't be brought inside
Eating dal (lentils), chawal (rice), sabji (a mixture of vegetables/meat that's cooked in different ways) roti (Indian flatbread) is considered to be a full, well-balanced meal and at least aspects of it are eaten for lunch and dinner (if not all four elements)
The suffixes -bhai (for men) and -ben (for women) are added to first names and are commonly used by adults to refer to someone of importance or who they hold to esteem.
However, 'bhai' (which literally means 'brother) is often used as slang when referring to friends or family. Other slang includes 'arrey' which is used to show irritation or 'yaar' which has the same context.
It's custom to call adults who you refer to in a friendly way 'aunty' or 'uncle', like the parents of your friends.
Talking back to your elders is forbidden, especially your grandparents who you have to refer to with utmost respect.
#6. Religions
India is a very religiously diverse country. The most common religion is Hinduism, then Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Buddhism. All religions have their own complexities, and since I'm a Hindu, I can tell you a little bit about that!
It's common to have a mandir which is a small altar dedicated to the deities your family worships. (Fun fact - they're usually placed in the East direction because that's where the sun rises)
Most kids can say a few shloks by-heart, which are a few lines of prayer! (lmao I've forgotten most but I used to be able to rattle off at least ten when I was younger)
Most people know at least the general plot of the Ramayan and Mahabharat - two famous epic stories. (I'm not sure if they're inherently 'Hindu' or not)
Many people wear necklaces with a small pendant of the deity they worship!
Common Hindu deities: Saraswati, Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu.
It's important to note that religious violence is a thing. Muslims especially, are oppressed and discriminated against. It's a very, very complex issue, and one that's been going on for thousands of years.
#7. Myth & Facts
India is a very poor country
Yep! Lakhs of people live in villages with no electricity, clean water, or amenities nearby. There's no point sugar-coating it. There are HUGE gaps between the poor and the rich (have you heard of Ambani and Adani :D) and while our millionaires rejoice in their thirty-story mansions, people die of famine, disease, and hunger every day. I am personally lucky enough to be EXTREMELY privileged and attend an international school and live in one of the most developed cities. Most people aren't as lucky as me, and it's a really true, horrifying reality.
Everyone in India is vegetarian
No lmao - while many people ARE, there's a greater and equal amount of non-vegetarian people.
We burn our dead in parking lots
This circulated back when the second wave was going on in India, and the media blew it out of proportion. First of all, what the actual f!ck. Cremation is a Hindu ritual, and by saying that aLL Indians burn their dead you are erasing the other religions here. Secondly, cremation is a sacred ritual only attended by close family of the deceased member. It does not happed in PARKING LOTS. It's a time of grief and loss, not a way to humiliate a religion for the way they treat their dead.
Drop any other questions about India in the comments/DM me!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with a person in your fandom who is turning every environment into a toxic cesspool due to her negativity? I'm in a small fandom for a show that's been for 10+ years (like there's maybe 3 dozen of us here on Tumblr), and about two years ago this fan joined and jumped in headfirst. I was welcoming, trying to invite her to get involved, but then she started just ranting. She didn't like that a few years back, a lot of people expressed disappointment/anger at her favorite character, and reblogged 6-year-old posts, tagging people, and calling them out for being "stupid", etc. for their old opinions.
But she is young and new to fandom culture, so I tried to help by messaging her privately and letting her know that's really not the best way to make friends/discuss issues in the show. She seems to have learned this lesson, and is better about calling out fans for opinions, but still yells loudly into the void about the show (and it's "stupid writers" who are "disrespecting" the actress by not having her on or acknowledging her character) at every turn (even though the actress/character has moved to guest-starring occasionally only, but she still continues to stay on to yell about it).
I know the first answer will just be "block her" (most of the fandom has already), but herein lies my problem. Every time she comes up with some new idea on how to get her message out there, she does it. She's created at least 4 new show-adjacent sideblogs, trying to get people to follow her that way (where she reblogs her opinions as well). She's jumped from TV website to TV website (spoilertv, tvline, etc) as she keeps getting blocked for deafening negativity. She turns every person's post into something about her fave character, even if the post is nothing about her, even inundating a blog specific to another character on the show with comments every week.
I hate that I sound like I"m trying to gatekeep her or keep her from sharing her opinions, but her negativity is SO loud and SO prevalent, it's nearly kept others from joining the fandom. I've talked to a few new fans who were hesitant to join in on things because they think the whole fandom is this way, just because of this one girl. Is there any way to help fix this for my tiny fandom?
Never apologize for removing time-wasting community destroyers. Sure, she's young and dumb or whatever, but she's spoiling things for everyone, and you already reached out about it.
No one is owed attention or friends.
We fear ostracizing because... well... because of the geek social fallacies, really, but sometimes, ostracism is the only option.
You can't stop her nonsense everywhere, but what you can do is make a fandom newsletter. Make it a Fuck Yeah [Fandom Name] tumblr or whatever you like. Reblog or link to everything worthwhile in the fandom. Everything that is not her.
Now, the rest of the fandom has an easy way to find good posts, and n00bs can see what the rest of the fandom looks like.
Just keep blocking her and all her side accounts from interacting with this newsletter.
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blindbeta · 3 years
Blind/Visually Impaired Person’s Review Of ‘The Blind Bandit’
It is here! At almost 6 thousand words (I have a problem lol). This is a review of season 2, episode 6 in Avatar: the Last Airbender. The episode is called The Blind Bandit.
Note that this is only a review of the portrayal of blindness rather than the episode or show itself. This show also has audio descriptions on Netflix so any blind followers of mine can watch the show if the want to. I would also like to make it clear that this is my opinion. It is my no means lacking in bias and I won’t pretend that it is. I love this character for some of the reasons I will explain here, and that will show even as I consider criticisms of her or things that simply could have been better.
This character, Toph, was my first exposure to a blind character in television.
“Your champion, The Blind Bandit!”
We first hear Toph introduced as The Blind Bandit. She is described as having pale eyes which is usually how eye conditions are conveyed visually. Some online sources describe them as light grey or sea form green, but glazed over. This could be due to cataracts or some other deterioration. Part of me wants to mention that not all blind people have eyes like this. Most don’t; I don’t. However, blind people can have many eye problems outside of just The Blindness, so it isn’t inaccurate either, especially for a time period where eye surgeries are not available, and Waterbenders are not as easy to reach for healings as they may have been before the war. I also suspect her family would not care about cataracts if Toph was not in pain— their main issue would be her blindness. I’m getting ahead of myself.
The point is, I don’t mind the way her eyes are portrayed here. I do think non-blind people are too obsessed with portraying eyes like this, however, and I feel like it is not necessary in non-visual media unless you have established why their eyes are cloudy/lighter/Like That other than Because Blind. I’m happy they didn’t fall into the trap of portraying her eyes as constantly closed.
I also read somewhere that the creators tried not to move her eyes much. I don’t know how true this goal was, but I feel it is not entirely necessary. Blind people can also have uncontrollable eye movements or rapid eye movements. This might be too hard to animate and too confusing for viewers. Therefore, I feel the creators chose a more practical portrayal of eye movements that is the easiest to animate and least confusing for people who may not know blind eyes can and do move, whether due a condition or other factors.
“She can’t really be blind, can she?”
I like that everyone says “blind” without stumbling over it or treating it as a bad word. Katara is surprised and Aang is accepting, feeling hopeful that this girl could at last be his teacher. I even like that she chose to capitalize on it for her persona. Already we can tell Toph has no issue with being blind, nor does she feel the need to hide it in such a setting as this. She is already the champion— it must be working for her. It is this openness and acceptance of blindness that I like, especially from the main character. Rather than make her hide her blindness or angst over something she has lived with all her life, the writers just introduced it as fact. She’s blind and she’s a champion. That is how we meet Toph.
“Sounds to me like you’re scared, Boulder!”
Trash talk. She’s trash talking him. If the champion thing was not an indication that this wasn’t your stereotypical innocent, blind flower, her first line should be! Already Toph is brash and fearless. A far cry from the angelic stereotype we often get in the media.
“Your winner, and still the champion, The Blind Bandit!”
Toph kicks Boulder Butt. Pretty easily. I loved every second of it.
Now let’s talk about the Super Crip trope here.
The Supercrip trope is a bit hard to pin down. I found a few definitions floating around. This link has two: Trope: SuperCrip | #CriticalAxis: a community driven project from The Disabled List
The Supercrip is seen as having “overcome” their disability in order to do normal things or even extraordinary things— with a focus on their disability rather than their accomplishments.
The first part is avoided. The narrative doesn’t focus on how extra special it is that Toph is doing things like: walking, talking, eating soup, sitting with her family, yelling at Aang and his friends, etc. Toph is not seen as extra special for doing normal things that her disability does not make more difficult. Not only would this be patronizing and ignorant, this would reflect that attitudes many real life strangers have: disabled people are so strange and mystical to some people that they feel the need to ask blind people on the street how they walk or talk.
Personally, I find this portrayal of disabled people to be the most harmful. It caters to able-bodied onlookers alone and offers nothing for disabled people. To clarify: the problem is not portraying disabled people/characters doing normal things! The problem is expecting your audience to feel inspired because a disabled person did a thing that is completely ordinary for them.
This does not apply to Toph.
Another definition is that a disabled person is portrayed as “overcoming” their disability in order to do something cool/big, usually something able-bodied people don’t do everyday. This disabled person is only noteworthy because they did something extraordinary such as win several gold medals. This presents two problems: 1) it is hard for disabled people to meet these expectations, especially when this is shown as the only positive way to live with a disability. And 2) able-bodied people see this and believe all disabled people must be winning gold medals or doing super extraordinary things because their disability somehow gives them privilege, pity-points, or superhuman powers that make up for their disability. An example of these powers would be the myth that blind people have superhuman hearing rather than simply using their hearing more than sighted people and thus being more attuned to sound. An example of pity-points would be the time my family was watching Dancing With the Stars featuring a blind contestant. After the dance, someone remarked that the contestant would probably get sympathy points and go on to the next round. Her talent was not a factor the same way it was for the able-bodied contestants; pity-points could not be separated from her success. It was impossible that she would be supported and judged the same way as the others, with her blindness being only an extra factor that might make copying a dance to learn it more challenging for her. Keep in mind, these ideas are so ingrained in people that my own family believed it in even when they know me and several of my blind friends.
Let’s consider Tooh:
Pity-Points? - Not even a factor. This was not brought up by Aang, nor Katara, nor Sokka. It was certainly not thought of by the owner of the battle ring nor Toph’s opponents. In fact, she was only doubted when she lost. Her talent was never viewed as the result of someone else’s pity or reduced to inspiration for an able-bodied wrestling audience. The announcer says her name and nothing else. Her parents don’t bring up the idea that Toph only wins because she was pitied either. They witnessed her bending and only believed they needed to protect her more, not that she was not talented.
Privilege? - It is no question that Tooh’s family is rich. It is hard to say how much that affects her here. She has a tutor who undermines her growth and is pretty much useless. She has protection she doesn’t want and riches she doesn’t seem to use. She does have more free time to battle as a result of her riches, not having to work at a young age (although her parents probably would not have let her even if they needed the money). Toph’s family status could have been seen as playing a role in her winning— if her parents allowed the world to know about her. - It is no secret that Toph is rich, however, when privilege is brought up by able-bodied people, they don’t usually mean riches (although the stereotypical rich disabled person is something I could discuss at a later time). They usually mean some combination of government benefits that may or may not exist and pity points. Disability makes things HARDER, not easier. A person can have multiple privileges they did not earn, or lack of privileges they did not ask for. Toph does not gain special privileges due to her disability, nor does she ask for or expect them. My opinion is that no one asks for this, anyway.
Super-human? - This one is a little trickier. It is the one people are obviously hung up on when they consider Toph. It is difficult to consider this without considering Toph’s entire arc. However, I have chosen to focus on her bending and “sight” and how it is used in this episode. I may talk about this more if I do other reviews. - First, bending. Toph is not the only bender in the series. She is also not the only good bender, as Katara is also someone who grows into her bending and becomes particularly powerful. Aang is already a master of airbending in addition to being the Avatar. He is special and particularly powerful, mastering water quickly. Azula is also said to be a prodigy and has mastered lightning at 14. The point is, Toph is a powerful bender. She is not the only powerful bender in the world. The Avatar needs someone to teach him and that person would, reasonably, have mastered their bending in order to teach the Avatar. - Now for Toph’s bending in relation to her blindness. It is true that Toph is powerful AND blind— is she powerful in spite of being blind? Is she powerful because her blindness gives her superpowers? This is tricky. To me, the narrative doesn’t go out of its way to say “she overcame her blindness and was able to win”. It also doesn’t show blindness as a superpower, such as causing superior hearing. - How is it portrayed then? First, Toph never has to “overcome” her blindness, which is important. The obstacle is the limitations placed on her. The obstacle is society, not her disability. Toph does not need to accept her blindness before doing anything, because she has been blind since birth. She does not have to overcome her blindness before fighting or becoming a champion because when we are introduced to her, she already was. She is not expected to overcome her disability in order to teach Aang; he tries to recruit her without seeing her disability as an issue. She does not need overcome her disability because it is not what stops her, as is the case for most people. There are some things being blind makes difficult, different, or impossible to do, but this isn’t one of them. Blind people can learn to fight. They can win. And when people reduce such accomplishments as “overcoming disability”, it can feel like a misdirection, like a dismissal of hard work and talent.
This does not happen with Toph.
Second, does Toph’s blindness give her superpowers? Maybe. I feel like it might be necessary to cover Toph in other episodes. However, this review is focusing mostly on The Blind Bandit and so I will focus on Toph’s unique “sight”. Toph’s bending is unique from others because she can feel the vibrations in the ground, allowing her to sense objects and people. This ability allows her to fight and beat others. In my opinion, this is more of an adaptation perfected through sheer amount of practice. Katara and Zuko don’t always bend. Toph is using her bending constantly. Of course she would be good at it. Her bending is a tool for her use. Fighting? That’s just a bonus, a hobby.
Toph also has weaknesses and is in fact beaten by Aang, who wasn’t even trying. Losing to someone who had no intention of winning is a pretty big deal.
Personally, I don’t think Toph is a supercrip in this episode. She is a Blind Seer, a trope popular in literature. The Blind Seer can’t see physically, but they can see in other ways you can’t. I don’t have an issue with this trope and think it can be used in cool ways, especially if the blind character isn’t the only one with a superpower.
I do, however, want people to question why a blind character always needs to have a power that relates to or makes up for their lack of sight in some way. Unless you are making a deliberate allusion to something or a blind is not the only one with sight-related powers, I ask writers to question why they jump to sight-related powers in the first place. Or powers related to hearing, something to “make up for” their lack of sight.
Can this be done well? Absolutely. Toph, while she can fall into both The Blind Seer and the Supercrip tropes for some people, she is beloved and interesting for many fans, blind or sighted.
I ask people to trace their logic about why they choose to give their blind character powers related to sight. What kind of power is it? Does it make up for (aka erase) their blindness and make them less relatable to blind readers/watchers? Are they the only blind character and/or the only person with such a power? Can they have another power? What works and does not work for good characters like Toph? Why?
Getting rid of these particular tropes are not the answer. I simply invite people to consider other options, try new things, think critically about why and what woks or doesn’t work in other characters.
I absolutely invite blind writers to use whatever tropes they want, as they can probably write it in a more nuanced way.
My personal opinion about the Supercrip trope is that it is somehow focused on success or talent as the enemy without recognizing what it means. Wanting to succeed is not wrong. Being competitive is refreshing!
It isn’t really about doing super things or not— it is about disabled people being made to feel like they will not be successful, accepted, or taken seriously if they do not win everything or succeed at impossible feats. Able-bodied people are permitted to exist without needing to prove anything. Disabled people are not afforded that respect.
Either disabled people fight against the ingrained expectation that they simply cannot do anything, that will FAIL, because of their disability, or they fight against the realization that, for many people, even impossible feats will never be enough. Their accomplishments will never be seen as just that— accomplishments.
Blind characters should be talented or hard-working, prodigies or people who claw their way to the top. Their disability may be an obstacle and it may, in fact, barely even be necessary to mention aside from adaptive tools. The Supercrip is so alluring because people are under the impression blind people— and disabled people as a whole— cannot do anything. To the point that some condescendingly assume certain things are impossible because they did not think of adaptive techniques or technology. This is why research is important.
Remember why this trope/stereotype exists: for the inspiration of able-bodied people who are uninterested in making changes in society’s attitudes and the amount of accessibility it provides. Problematic tropes like this usually have a specific issue behind them and you cannot tackle or discuss r subvert the trope until you understand the harmful reason it exists.
Not everyone agrees with me. Here are some reading materials:
On the pervasive Supercrip trope in martial arts:
On the pressure this trope puts on blind people:
Challenging the ‘Supercrip’ Stereotype of People With Disabilities | The Mighty
[In the comments, I would prefer people not speculate about Toph being a Supercrip or not if they aren’t blind themselves. It would be more helpful to focus on other aspects of this review or share posts by other blind people instead.]
Keep in mind, this is only a review of one episode. And I personally will take a powerful disabled character over a powerless, sad one anytime.
This concludes our commercial break. Back to the show.
Earth Kingdom Boy 1: “Well, a flying boar is the symbol of the Beifong family. They’re the richest people in town. Probably whole world.” Earth Kingdom Boy 2: “Yeah, but they don’t have a daughter.”
Now this is interesting. It implies that Toph is: a) hiding herself well so as to keep up her double life and/or b) being hidden by her family. I suspect it is a little of both. A) is pretty obvious, especially with the wall surrounding their estate, while b) could be due to overprotectiveness or shame on the part of her parents. Shame may seem harsh. However, this is not exactly a modern time period and respect for disabled people can vary depending on culture, time, place, and individual attitudes.
When portraying poor social attitudes toward disabled characters, writers must work hard to show the attitudes as wrong and work to reduce them. I do feel that, like with gender discrimination, people tend to preemptively assume accepting disability is modern and Western concept- and that any ableism is fair game because it is realistic. That is far from the truth, especially if they get it wrong.
Too much and it could be mistaken for an excuse to be ableist. Too little and it may seem like erasure of societal barriers faced by blind people.
Let’s see how the ATLA writers handle this.
Anyway, the Gaang finds Toph again. Toph: “What are doing here, Twinkle Toes?” Aang: “How did you know it was me?”
Two things stick out here. I love that The Gaang interacts with her normally and this episode is not about the able-bodied characters learning how to treat a disabled person like a person, nor is it about them confronting their biases. Instead, they have a favor to ask, one that Toph cannot grant. The episode shifts focus onto Toph and her emotions and needs.
I also liked that Aang asks how she knew it was him. This is a common question and it seems to be asked in curiosity rather than implied judgment or suspicion on Aang’s part, as is often the case nowadays. Later in the episode, Toph explains how she knew, but she could also have recognized his footsteps (light as they are) with or without her bending. Blind people are also usually more reliant on hearing or smell and so may pick up on scents or sounds others do not. That is not to say their hearing or smell are superior (see the Supercrip discussion), but that they are used more often. This is how I conceptualize Toph’s bending— it is something she uses all day, every day. Like her hearing and smell and touch, she is more reliant on these senses and so uses them in ways others don’t.
I do wish we had a few more examples of this in the episode/show rather than Toph using her bending for every situation. As I said, I do not mind that she can “see” with bending as it is not true sight, but showing how she uses other senses would have been nice details.
Toph: “I thought I heard something! I got scared.” Guard: “You know your father doesn’t want you wandering the grounds without supervision, Toph.”
With this, we can understand her father is overprotective, so much so that Toph is able to believably pull off this act of helplessness in front of the guards. Her father does not believe even walking around her own home is safe for her.
With that in mind, it is NOT a plot hole that she can walk around her home in front of her parents. Even overprotected blind kids don’t use canes or need a guide within their own homes as they often memorize the layout. Canes are not usually used inside ones own home or very familiar areas. Outside areas might be an exception as they are likely to change due to nature or redesign, but generally familiar, casual areas do not warrant canes or guides. It is completely believable that Toph can walk around in her own home without causing suspicion.
Toph’s father, indicating soup placed in front of her: “Blow on it. It’s too hot for her.”
Not only is her father overprotective, he is infantilizing. He thinks she can’t blow on her own soup and must be confined to basic stances of bending, something Toph is clearly unhappy with. Toph’s parents are the kind of people who wouldn’t let her watch TV lol!
Toph’s father: “And sadly, because of her blindness, I don’t think she will ever become a true master.”
There it is. There are many people in the world who have this mindset, believing disabled people succeeding is unrealistic, or only achieved by pity-driven intervention from others for inspirational purposes or a lie told by overly soft parenting. Toph’s father may seem radical, but his views are very common even for those close to a blind person. Even for those who might like the inspirational stories about blind people doing things.
Toph: “It’s kind of like seeing with my feet.”
This is where I disagree with some interpretations of Toph. She can sense where things are and what they are. She has a wider range than someone with a cane would. However, I don’t know if this is quite erasing her blindness. Could they have done better? Yes. However, to claim the show made her sighted with magic is not quite fitting to me. Toph is not seeing with a magical potion, nor did Katara heal her blindness. She is using a power a lot of people in the ATLA universe have in bending, one she has used her entire life and perfected through sheer number of practice hours. I think it helps that she did not get this power, narratively, because she was blind. Rather she is a blind person who adapted a skill to her use.
A cane or an animal guide might have helped make the narrative more relatable for blind people, however. They could have also played up being unable to see people’s facial expressions. In other episodes, they show areas where she is unable to bend, such as on ice, sand, or floating objects like the warship or Appa.
In these instances, they could have shown sighted guide.
However, I think what they did worked. Would I suggest anyone else try it? Maybe not. It depends on their motivation for doing it. Toph’s powers basically act as a cane or Sunnu band would. They aren’t a magic spell letting her see all the time.
They could have done a little better— I still think it worked. It does not seem to have unfortunate implications of sight being better than blindness or blindness needing special cures.
For writing purposes, it is important to understand why this worked, how it was portrayed, factor in that bending is not unique to Toph, understand the nature of her ‘sight’, and understand what they could have done better. Just because it works here doesn’t mean it will work everywhere. It is important for writers to understand that and question their motivation for giving their character a different kind of vision.
Toph’s father: “My daughter is blind. She is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile. She cannot help you.” Toph: “Yes. I can.”
Some may feel uncomfortable that Toph’s first episode is about her parents doubting her, dealing with ableism and being forced into stereotypes by her own family. It is important to remember that this is a show for children and any blind children watching it will have dealt with similar issues from adults in their lives. The show doesn’t seem to say this is the only narrative a blind character can have, but rather that it is a relatable occurrence for blind children who are watching it.
Toph also has many episodes left — this is only the beginning. This is hardly her only arc, and even her personality and abilities challenge so many stereotypes.
In most shows, the blind character gets one episode. Toph, however, is a main character.
Toph is also a well-rounded and interesting character with agency. She hardly seems like an inspirational puppet for adults.if this show had been written for adults or if Toph had been focusing on wanting to become a champion “despite her blindness”, I might have felt upset. It goes to show how important nuance is when writing disabled characters and how powerful it can be to make an effort to challenge stereotypes.
This is not how we first see Toph— helpless, unproductive. Instead, we FIRST see her out in the world kicking butt with her bending skill and I think that it is important.
Toph’s father uses these words to describe her: Tiny, helpless, fragile. Unable to help others. Unexpected to become a true master or even advance beyond breathing techniques.
Toph challenges all of these at some point. She helps Aang defeat the bad guys. She faces many people in battle and wins, remaining an undefeated champion until Aang accidentally beats her. She advances far beyond basic bending techniques. Toph is good at very active things, with bending as a martial art and as a sport here. It is refreshing to see blind characters being so active and a stark contrast to the passive image her father has of his blind daughter. She does things for herself, including developing her bending style without the help of a master who limits her- and she hides her double life well. Toph’s ability and personality also challenge notions of fragility: she is boisterous and fearless, stubborn and even a bit rude. She mostly says what she wants to and fiercely hides what she doesn’t want to, even when pressured. She yielded only to her parents, which is tied up in love, respect, fear that they will no longer love her, possible aversion to change in some aspects of her life, and cultural expectations. For disabled children, it is often hard to go against your parents because the world teaches you that the world will never accept you or allow you to live in it. Your family is all you have.
Toph IS tiny, although that is due to genetics, environmental factors, and her age. However, her stature is used to prove the other qualities assigned to her when in reality her height has nothing to do with anything her family believes about her.
When the fighting starts, Toph creates a cloud of dust which effectively blinds her opponents. I thought it was a nice, ironic touch. The point is not just that her opponents now cannot see; Toph is already used to fighting under these conditions. She didn’t level the playing field. She is already better than them, already used to working without sight, and so the advantage is hers.
Later, Toph confronts her parents:
Toph’s father: “You will be cared for and guarded 24/7.” Toph’s mother: “We are doing this for your own good, Toph.”
Unfortunately, this kind of infantilization is not uncommon. They saw her as she truly was and were still unable to let go of their ideas of their blind daughter. At this point, Toph is more trapped than ever despite opening up. The first time, it was surprising to see them not change their minds, given the happy endings we are used to in children’s shows. However, what happens is more relatable to blind kids with overprotective or controlling parents.
Of course, Toph makes the choice to leave them, showing more agency than most blind characters get, with or without controlling parents.
Overall: I loved this episode. It was a nice introduction to a character that both challenged expectations and dealt with obstacles relatable to blind fans. Toph’s struggles with her parents and the weight of stereotypes could have been cheap inspiration porn, but the way it was handled and the target audience of children rather than adults changes things immensely. This episode goes out of its way to challenge many stereotypes viewers may hold about blind people in ways that are fun and exciting. Toph’s personality is refreshing even over a decade later. While her bending as ‘sight’ may be disliked by some, it feels more like something with missed opportunities (the use of a cane or sighted guide), although I thought this episode did it well. Toph is not given special powers so that she can see—she adapts an ability for her own use.
Toph is a martial artist, encouraging children to try something similar if they are interested. She challenges her own parents, which may be very relatable to blind fans.
Unlike most children’s shows of the time (and even now), Toph does not feel like a vessel for able-bodied viewers to learn about blindness.
However, it is important to remember that at the time ATLA aired, there was no Netflix with audio descriptions. Descriptions were infrequent at the time and are still spotty on cable TV. The ATLA DVD did not have audio descriptions either, which is the case with all DVDs I have come across. Netflix also took an embarrassingly long time to add audio descriptions to a show with a blind character.
Consider that Toph was nearly inaccessible to blind children at the time — until 2020, well after other sighted children could enjoy it fully. Blind children could not watch a show about them with the same ease that a sighted child could. Think about that.
Is the show to blame for this? I don’t know. Usually the broadcasting service handles descriptions. I have yet to come across a DVD with descriptions. However, I wonder why it took this long. Did the staff consider a blind audience at all? Could they have pushed for descriptions to be added to the DVD?
And what about fans? Did fans consider that the character who challenged stereotypes for them might not be as accessible to blind people themselves? While they scrabbled about whether the characters were ableist, did they bother to consider Netflix’s lack of audio descriptions? Do they remember to add image descriptions to GIFs, pictures, or video clips in the years ATLA was popular online? Did any of this occur to anyone BUT the blind community?
Doesn’t seem like it.
I made a post about things I would like to see more/less of in blind characters. You can read it here:
Here’s how Toph compares to that!
More of: -Blind main character ✔️ -Blind character of color ✔️ -Active (sports/martial arts) and competitive ✔️ -Acknowledgment of difficulties faced in society ✔️
How They Avoided Things I Wanted Less Of: -Being portrayed as sad or broken because of blindness - Avoided - Toph owns her blindness by giving herself the same The Blind Bandit. The only time she is sad is when facing ableism from her parents.
-Being innocent, helpless, and unrealistically kind or selfless - Toph proves she is not helpless, even directly challenging it in the narrative. - Toph is also not unrealistically kind or selfless, not only insulting other characters- but refusing to help Aang when he needs it because it would change things between her and her parents. She also challenges her parents in the end, putting her desires before their feelings toward their perceptions of her. When she follows Aang, she doesn’t do so only to help him. She has her own want to travel and gain independence. - As for innocence, Toph IS 12, although she is far from naive. She is able to fool her own parents into thinking she is who they want her to be.
-Being portrayed as ungrateful or rude in general - Toph’s rudeness comes from a non-ableist place—herself. She is not rude due to anger about being blind nor rude due to entitlement. She doesn’t accept she doesn’t need and is not demonized for this, even when going against her own parents. Toph’s rudeness is in her personality, making it subversive in avoiding the idea blind people must accept all help and be grateful for it. The narrative does NOT expect Toph to go along with the ‘help’ of her parents or even Aang. She refuses this help until she is ready and willing to receive it.
-Going blind due to accidents or trauma - Toph was born blind
I WOULD HAVE WANTED TO SEE: -more adaptive technology/skills in addition to her bending -how she utilizes her other senses -another blind, minor character somewhere in the show (doesn’t apply to this episode, but still)
Toph is, in the end, a token blind character. It works better because she is a MAIN character, which is still not a common occurrence in modern media at all. Toph works because she does not have any stereotypical traits about her personality, which means the sighted audience does not have to rely on another character to broaden their perspective. However, it is still important to include more than one blind character in your stories. For ATLA, 1 or 2 minor blind characters may have helped, or maybe an additional secondary or even main character with low vision.
Toph has a well-rounded personality, which also means the “token” is not completely applicable to her. Toph is a great character. It would have been nice if she were not the only blind character. In fact, I cannot think of any show that has more than one blind character, as if it is a character quirk that cannot be done more than once.
Now I’m imagining a Zuko whose eyesight was affected by the burn or a Zuko whose father decided he didn’t need that side of face anyway if he could not see out of it. Or an Azula who is blind and still better than Zuko -sticks out tongue-! Or perhaps Sokka or Ty Lee contrasting Toph’s personality and bringing to the table a struggle with a lack of depth perception while hunting or performing in the circus, respectively.
The point is, you don’t have to overload your story with blind characters unless you are setting it at a school or event for the blind. Instead, consider who is blind in your story and who else possibly could be. Consider why you only have one blind character and why.
That about wraps up all my thoughts on Toph. In short, I love her. There are things they could have done better or additions they could have made to improve the episode and Toph’s character as a whole, but she is still one of the most beloved and recognizable blind characters ever. I think that says something about the impression she left on people.
If only she would have been accessible to more blind children from the start.
I hope this review was helpful! If you need help writing blind characters I provide sensitivity reading in exchange for donations. My inbox is also open for questions.
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spookysmujer · 3 years
Maraschino pt.2, O. Diaz
Summary: After the rejection from Oscar, things seems to take you on a roller coaster ride. 
warnings: angst, f e e l s, theTEAbeenSPILLED ☕️ daddy issues
word count: 3.5K
a/n: Here is the highly requested part 2 of Maraschino! I had fun writing this though if it is trash it’s because I wanted to hurry and get it out for y’all since I been getting msgs. heh. But Ray? Whew chile, the ghetto! Part 3? Please enjoy and don’t forget: follow the blog, heart/comment/reblog the content as well as turn on the notifs! (Y/S/N: your sister’s name)
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(gif belongs to @thesewickedhands​ ✨)
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 “Have a wonderful day!”
God, why is the person yelling? You smile weakly and squeeze your eyes nearly shut as the sun is blazing down on you while you say your thanks and exit the uber. The throbbing of your head and the loud lawnmower from one of your neighbors has you internally cursing.
How did you end up like this? Granted this was the plan last night to go out and have a good time, you certainly did not expect to be doing such a thing. You never let yourself get to this point before. But you also never got denied like you did with Spooky last night. A shiver goes through your body as you think of him. You won’t let him infiltrate your mind no more.
“Y/N!” Your sister’s voice sounds frantically as you round the corner of the house.
Well there goes your plan to sneak in through your window to pretend you were in your room all along. She wraps your arms around you, gluing herself to your body causing you to stumble back a bit. “You are a dead woman walking!” She whispers to you as you arch an eyebrow at her. 
As confused as you were, José appears from around the corner taking long strides towards you. His face sports no emotion of missing you but a lot of anger. It causes you to automatically back up the closer his approaches you. Your sister has since removed herself from you as your brother is now in your face.
You blink as you peer up at him, “Where the fuck have you been, hermana? You know how much shit you are in, hm? I get a call from Y/S/N saying you aren’t home. I assure her you would be and when she calls me at 6 in the morning telling me that you still aren’t in? You left a note?”
“José! Calmate, I went out with a friend. And I spent the night. What’s the big deal about that?” You briefly explain yourself. He laughs for a moment before grabbing you by your upper arm and pulling you towards your sister. Now it’s her turn to start backing up, “Ven aqui, her! That’s the big deal. When I ask you to be the sister you need to be, I don’t mean when you feel like it. You know the Santos have been getting into heavy shit lately. I need you here when I’m not!” 
The tension is thick as you pull your arm from his hold and push him, “But when you wanna go and do whatever it’s okay? When you wanna hitch a ride with Spooky to Sin City with dirty ass hynas last week, it’s all good. Business trip, huh? Don’t come for me when you are far from perfect!” 
The two of you are both very stubborn with your brother usually being calm and collected while you’re more expressive with your feelings. Family is important to him especially considering it’s just the three of you. Jose scoffs as you stomp away from him and your now crying sister. 
Oscar suddenly appears in front of you as round the corner and collides with his body. He reaches out to grasp you before you can stumble back, the feelings hitting you all at once, “What are you doing here?” You swallow thickly.
He licks his bottom lip as his eyes rake over your body. Still in your dress from last night, hair unruly and make-up smudged. Anyone can spot a ‘walk of shame’ when they see one. He laughs internally thinking of how you wasted no time after last night’s rejection.
“I offered to drive him when little hermanita called up again worried you weren’t home yet. Seems we know why now.” A small grin painted across his lips, you squint your eyebrows at his words as you hear your brother approaching the two of you. You step back before Spooky migrates his eyes to behind you, “We got business, everything good here?”
José nods and steps beside you, “Don’t be leaving.”
The two guys leave as you stand there a bit dumbfounded. Y/S/N appears next to you and grabs your hand. She apologizes for you getting into trouble with José. You want to yell at her for starting unnecessary drama. But she explains she didn’t want your brother to potentially find out about your little sneaky link with Spooky.
“Well, he and I ended that shit so nothing to worry about. I went out and got wasted. I am done with these guys. No más!” Though even sounding like fake news to yourself, you go and wash off last night’s memories. 
As the day had gone by, you skimmed through your daily journal of all the entries you wrote about Oscar ‘Spooky’ Diaz, ripping them out. All 6 pages. You roll your eyes at your thoughts about him, some sappy and some nasty. How did you believe a man who runs a street gang, that is as mean mugging as Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street, would be into you the way you are him?
It didn’t matter the answer now. Good riddance of him! That’s when the sound of your window opening pulls you from the wandering thoughts. You stand up quickly, reaching for a bat that’s besides your bed. “Get the fuck out!”
“Calmate! It’s me, Oscar.”
You clutch your chest, doubling over to catch your breath. “What is wrong with you? Ever think of flying a pebble at the window or calling first?” You say as he climbs in, adjusting his flannel before closing the window then your room door. You watch him as he starts to look around your room. Though there’s a part of you that wants him out, you haven’t made any advances to get him out.
He sits on your bed and finally looks at you, “Abajo.”
Uncompliant, you cross your arms and shift your weight to make it known you are fine standing there. He smirks and looks away before locking eyes with you. “You don’t think I like you too? You think I fucked with you for this long cause it was just convenient? Girls everywhere around my place but I was only fucking you. Why do you think that?”
“Is this supposed to be your sweet confession that makes me go all heart eyes? You're gonna apologize and I’m supposed to forgive you and then we give us a try and realize all our worries were nothing but fear that our anxiety instilled in our heads? Because that’s not how it’s gonna go.” You say as he gives you a semi-disgusted look.
You chuckle softly and watch him intently.
Oscar analyzes you closely. It’s a front, no doubt he thinks. He doesn’t deny the thought that you are a thick-skinned woman. He knows you have a superior mind and a mouth to go with it but he knows there is no way that you could’ve gotten over him that quick. Though judging by your appearance earlier in the day, you definitely tried.
You laugh a little more as you step in front of him and lean over to get your vision in line with his. “You made it clear to me and now I’m making it clear. Nothing you say will convince me that you give a rat’s ass about me. If you really did? There would be no sneaky link shit. You wouldn’t have a problem with people knowing about me, or my brother knowing but it is a problem so get out.”
This ticks Ocscar off a bit. He stands which makes you straighten up as he gets in your face, stepping towards you. You are stepping back slowly as he creeps more, “You think you can handle this lifestyle? The constant threats, the territories? You can’t. When it comes to this kind of life, something like love can be the bane of your existence. So we don’t get into it. We don’t get involved because the people we fall for end up dead.”
You’re pressed with your back against the wall and your chests against each other. Oscar’s eyebrows are connected and he’s staring at your agape mouth. His breath is fanning against your lips, emotions hitting you all at once. “I-I slept with someone last night. Got it good too.”
The jealous tactic seems to fail immediately as Oscar laughs. And for some reason the look of amusement on his face seems to be familiar for a reason you can’t seem to figure out.
“Sleeping around is simple, falling for someone is something else entirely. I’m not saying that we jump into something. But at least you know now it’s not just one-sided.” He steps out of your room. You follow and watch him walk down the hall as Y/S/N stands there. She is stunned seeing Oscar nonchalantly trek through the house.
You don’t know what to say. As you look at your little sister, you sigh in defeat trying to explain this one. Instead you go back into your room and shut your door. You got what you wanted, right? But you still feel like something is missing. 
The week had slowly crept on.
A few shifts at the bodega, classes at the community college and life at home. Jose had basically converted you back to your teenage ways. Making sure you were doing your part in parenting your little sister. Friday night Y/S/N wanted to have Dwayne’s BBQ for dinner and since your social life is drier than your skin, you agree. 
The thought of a  BBQ bacon cheeseburger lifts your mood which has been dragging throughout the week. Your sister happily skips into the restaurant as you trail behind slowly, when you enter you look for her and see she chatting up with Dwayne. 
“Y/N!” José calls out and your vision unfocuses from them onto your brother and pile of Santos in a booth. They all look your way including Oscar. You exhale a deep breath through your nose as you put on a fake smile and wave before stepping up to place an order. 
 Your brother approaches you as you look past him to the booth of Santos, “Didn’t know you guys would be here.” He sets down a $20 bill on the counter when the cashier tells you the total. “Foos gotta eat too.” José starts talking to you about something but your focus falls back on Spooky again. You watch as he stands and makes his way towards you. A small panic sets in your chest but fades away as he ends up exiting the BBQ joint. 
Unknowingly to yourself, your watch as he walks to his car. He leans against it and pulls out a cigarette, no matter how hard you try to avert your eyes from him, you can’t. All week you had been doing fine. Even with the little things reminding you of him, even with the memories that have been seeped into your bed. You didn’t dwell too much on thinking of him until you see him now. 
“Talk to him.” 
It’s just like the movies where the car tires come to a screeching halt and there’s the obnoxious crashing sound. You move your eyes to your brother’s. Did he just say what you think he said? “Talk to him? Spooky, what for? Why would I need to talk to him?”
Jose chuckles, “Hermana, I had my suspicions about you two. Then he told me bout it, he acts like it doesn’t bother him much but it does so go talk to him. Yeah, I’m not so thrilled that he’s messing around with my baby sister. I know how he is but I know he wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt you so I’m cool with it. So go talk to him, figure that shit out because I’m getting over you moping around the house.”
You push him away as you look back to the red impala.  After a moment of contemplating it, you decide to head out and approach Oscar, he had his eyes on you since he settled by his car. You lean on it besides him and cross your arms, “You told my brother?”
He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. You try your best to keep the smug look off your face. He holds out the cigarette, you take it and inhale. Coughing a bit as the smoke burns your throat a little. You hand it back and sigh, turning to look at him.
“I like you, you like me. I’m not saying we jump into something… but why not?” You question as he exhales some smoke, you lock your eyes into his, “You ain’t cut for this lifestyle, you would be a liability. Plus your brother in my line of work? That makes him vulnerable as well. It woul--”
You groan loudly which quiets him mid-rant, “Drugs, alcohol and money do all the same things to him too. You see how he is when he gets wasted. There are so many things that make you all vulnerable. If he can make it work with the hyna he’s with, then you can make it work with me. Plus I know this lifestyle more than you think. I know when and where to be and not to be. I know who to know and who not to know. I know things! So don’t act all big bad Spooky to me.”
Now standing directly in front of him and he’s peering down at you. He dips his face lowers and looks at your lips as you look at his. In no time your lips are connected. Oscar slides his hands over your waist, gripping it and pushing you flush against him. You bring your hands to cup his face, letting your tongue slip into his mouth. A full on make-out session breaks out.
As if you didn’t dream of something like this happening you smile into the kiss, pulling away, “You get into this with me, it’s not gonna be glitter and gold. This shit is tough, I can’t be worrying about the things I already do plus you.” You nod and kiss him again, wringing your arms around his neck, he hugs you and feels calm for the first time in a while.
So you enjoy the night more than you thought you would be. With your siblings and the Santos at Dwayne’s. After a night of chatting, Oscar asks you to come back to his place. And well since it isn’t your first rodeo, you agree and send Y/S/N home with José. 
You don’t keep your hands off him while heading back to his place, you are pressed against him and kissing his neck, he is loving every moment of it. The both of you get out to head into the house but the mood is killed when you walk in to find Cesar and his friends on the couch who get frightened due to the scary movie playing on the TV.
Oscar cursing under his breath, “Can’t you watch movies at some else’s house?” You elbow him as he rolls his eyes. But Cesar didn’t want to start anything with his older brother so he asks Jamal if they can continue watching at his house. Soon after the house is empty and quiet again. The two of you settle on the couch, you straddling him and pulling your top off.
“Yo! There’s someone posted up outside!” Cesar suddenly bursts through the door which causes Oscar to push you off him and reach for his gun. He tells the younger Diaz, his friends and you to stay put as he checks out the fool that runs up on the Santo trap house. You scramble to put your shirt back on and curse when Cesar trails after his brother. You follow in pursuit, trying to tell Cesar that Oscar said to stay inside. “Who is that?” 
“Ray?” You say out loud though you thought you were just thinking it.
Oscar turns to you when you say the name of none other than his estranged father. You look to both Ray and Oscar, looking at the two men and making the connection. You feel the color get sucked out of your face, oh fuck.
“You know him, who is he?” Cesar asks you and he looks at Oscar. The Santo leader has his eyes on you and is still confused as to how the hell you know his father. “He’s our father.” Oscar says, still looking at you.
The confirmation makes you want to be obliterated right in your very spot. This can’t be happening! Is it? You try to speak but nothing comes out of your mouth. You finally look to Ray who has a small smirk on his face and that’s why that look Oscar had on his face that day seemed so familiar. You saw it that night you went out of town to have a good time. 
“Hola de nuevo, pequeña coyote.” Ray says looking at you. 
You grimace as Oscar connects the dots himself. The amount of heat that settles into your face along with the gasps from Cesar’s friends don’t make it any easier to bear.
“Wait Oscar, wait!” He is stepping towards his father, ready to charge. “I didn’t know he was your dad! Listen to me, please!” You step forward quickly and pull his arm back, he yanks it out of your grasp quickly as you plead for him to listen to you.
Oscar begins to snap at you, “Him? This is who you slept with and you want me to listen to explain? Huh?!” The anger booms in his voice as he is mere inches from your face. Cesar appears next to you trying to get between the two of you. You didn’t think Oscar could ever get so mad. And you have seen the Santo leader in moments of rage before. 
“Mijo, listen..” 
Ray’s voice sounds from behind Oscar now. He turns and wastes no time in welcoming him with a right hook. His father stumbles back as you gasp along with the sounds from the teens. “Oscar!”
You take the initiative to stand between the two of them, holding out a hand against Oscar’s chest as he is heaving and exuding anger. Ray is mending to his jaw as he stands up. You notice the lights of the neighbor had turned on and people were beginning to pile outside of their homes to see all the commotion.
“Oscar just stop and listen to me for one fucking second! No, I did not sleep with Ray. We did get together that night, yes but we didn’t do anything that involves other body parts. I started going off about you with him, I vented and we spent the night drinking. I got too wasted and he offered to let me spend the night in his motel room. Nothing happened!” You release in one breath. 
Everyone looks at you, unable to make sense of the situation. 
“That’s why I came, when she mentioned things about you, I had to come see for myself if what niña said is true. That you’re running the Santos.” The two men stare at each other as you stand in the middle. Your heart is racing. 
Oscar doesn’t say anything as he looks back and forth between his father and you. When you step towards him and reach out to grab his hand, he raises his hand up in defense and steps back. You can see the glint of hurt in his eyes as he backs away from you. Your eyes pleading for him to try to understand everything.
You trail behind a fuming Oscar into his house, you are nearly jogging when you catch up with him. But he steps into his room and slams the door in your face. You step back and sigh. “Please talk to me…Oscar. Nothing happened, you have to believe me.” 
He doesn’t respond as you rest your head on his door. You hold your hands on the door silently cursing yourself. What could you say that made the situation sound better? How could you make it look like it really was nothing even with Ray right there?
A few moments have passed by when the door opens, a still very upset Oscar stands there as he flies forwards a bunch of crumbled paper at you. You watch as the papers fall to your feet and he slams the door in your face again. No context of nothing. 
When you pick up the papers, it’s drawings of you. Portraits sketched out from a ballpoint pen. Some dated as far back as a month ago to as recent as a few days ago. Oscar drew you. He did so multiple times and in such craft it takes your breath away. 
You feel the tears begin to well in your eyes. The pain that you have caused him. How do you fix this?
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n @fairygardenss@princesstiffxoxo@firebenderwolf @spookysnena @mbaku-babygirl @chellybear98@multiyfandomgirl40 @i-just-wanna-live-gc@roury66 @kkim120 @lillict @tinylumpiaa @prettymya3@starrynite7114 @onmyspookysblock @aneitii @b3mybunnybaby  @angelxfics  @spookysbabymama @ladylj @vayagrxce @irenne-stans @boujee-bitches (please let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
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Anonymous asked: I loved your fantastic account of the battle of Waterloo and how each nation came to define the rest of the century for all the European countries in different ways. However what are your thoughts about the battle itself? Did Wellington win it or did Napoleon lose it? What were the turning points that you think determined the fate of the battle?
Thank you for reading and liking my previous post on Waterloo. I did heavily lean into studying ancient classical warfare when I was studying Classics but I only got into Napoleonic warfare because of a father who was (and still remains) big Napoleonic warfare military enthusiast. Through his keen eyes as a former serving military man, I also looked at the battle as a soldier might as well putting on my academic critical thinking cap. It’s a popular parlour game not just in Sandhurst but also in the officers’ mess (where those regiments actually fought at Waterloo) and around dinner tables - in my experience anyway.
I’ve always seen such speculative and counterfactual questions as an amusing diversion. I’ve never seriously looked at the detail until I came to France and unexpectedly interacted with Napoleonic scholars as well as soldiers (the cultured and historically well read ones at least) that forced me to think more about it. I’ve always been of the ‘if the Prussians hadn’t arrived in time to save Wellington’ school; and this was always enough to get me by in any conversation.
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But my vanity was stung by interacting with one of my downstairs neighbours, a high decorated retired army general, with whom I played a weekly game of chess over a glass of wine during the Covid lockdown in Paris. He didn’t spare me as he knew so much detail about the battle. But a typical failing of French thinking is to pontificate around generalities rather than specific reasons. So for him it came down to pooh-poohing the generalship of Wellington (the rain saved him) and lauding the emperor (he had haemorrhoids and thus a bad day at the office). So rain and haemorrhoids were the decisive factors in determining the outcome of the battle of Waterloo.
It was clear I had to raise my game. So I’ve been reading more when I could.
I had recently finished reading a wonderful book ‘The Longest Afternoon: The 400 Men Who Decided the Battle of Waterloo’ by the Cambridge historian Brendan Simms. The book came out in 2015 but it’s been lying on my shelf for these past few years until I actually took this slim book to read on my one of my business trips.  
The idea behind this short book is so superbly useful. It places to one side the huge, cinematic panorama of history and instead concentrates on one particular farmhouse, on one particular day: 18 June 1815. History is vivified, lifts itself off the page and into the mind, when a historian of Brendan Simm’s immense stature zooms in on the details - and here the details are compelling.
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For the course of one day, 400 soldiers, wet, cold, in some cases hungover, who had bivouacked for the night in an abandoned farmhouse at La Haye Sainte, near a crucially strategic crossroads, found themselves staring down the massed barrels of Napoleon’s vanguard – and held them off.  On June 18, 1815, Wellington established his position and sent one battalion and part of a second to the farmhouse under the command of Major Baring. Napoléon’s initial attack was a direct assault that surrounded the house and came near to breaking Wellington’s line; but it held, and the legendary charge of two British heavy cavalry brigades drove back the French.
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This is a detailed account of the defence of La Haye Sainte, a walled stone farmhouse forward of Wellington’s centre. Its defenders were the King’s German Legion, which (despite the British army’s penchant for oddball names) was genuinely German. Britain harboured many German expatriates who detested Napoléon, a number augmented in 1803 when he occupied Hanover and disbanded its army. That very year two ambitious officers recruited the first members of the King’s German Legion, which grew into a corps of some 14,000 men and served with distinction at Copenhagen, Walcheren and in Spain before its apotheosis at Waterloo.
Ordered to capture the farmhouse, Marshal Michel Ney - commanding Napoléon’s left wing - obeyed but became preoccupied with his famously unsuccessful cavalry attack. Reminded of the order two hours later, he dispatched infantry that reached the house and set it on fire. The men inside controlled the blaze and continued to fight until Ney took personal charge of a furious assault that succeeded only when the defenders ran out of ammunition and withdrew, having held out for six hours. Had they not defended it so stoutly and if the farm had fallen any sooner then Napoleon would have been able to get at Wellington’s troops before his Prussian reinforcements arrived, and in all likelihood Waterloo would have been a French victory instead; it would now be the name of a train station in Paris rather than London.
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I doubt there is a definitive answer to this question which is why certain people love arguing about it because it’s so open ended in terms of cause and effect. You can pick on any episodic event and hail that as the decisive turning point. It’s one reason why we are so fortunate to have so many well researched history books on the battle of Waterloo to replenish the issues for a newer generation to argue with past generations.
If I were to go beyond the ‘if the Prussians hadn’t arrived to save Wellington’ line then I would point to ten decisive turning points which in themselves might not have changed the outcome but taken together certainly influenced the final outcome of one of the most important and iconic battles in history.
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Napoleon gives Marshal Davout a desk job
6 June 1815 – All commanders need a good chief of staff to ensure that their intentions are translated into clear orders. Unfortunately for Napoleon – as what is arguably one of the most decisive battles in European history loomed – his trusted chief of staff, Marshal Berthier, was no longer available. Berthier had sworn an oath of loyalty to Louis XVIII – and then fallen to his death from a window – so the job was given to Marshal Soult.
Soult was an experienced field commander but he was certainly no Berthier. Napoleon’s two main field commanders were also far from ideal. Emmanuel Grouchy had little experience of independent command. Michel Ney’s heroic command of the French rear-guard during the retreat from Moscow led Napoleon to dub him “the bravest of the brave”, but by 1815 he was clearly burnt out.
Worse still, when on 6 June Napoleon ordered his generals to assemble with their troops on the Belgian border he chose to leave behind Louis-Nicolas Davout, his ‘Iron Marshal’, as minister of war. The emperor needed someone loyal to oversee affairs at home but the decision not to take with him the ablest general at his disposal would deprive him of the one commander who might have made a difference.
Constant Rebecque ignores orders
15 June – In June 1815 Napoleon assembled 120,000 men on the Belgian border. Opposing him were 115,000 Prussians under  Field Marshal Blücher and an allied force of about 93,000 men under Wellington. Faced with such odds, Napoleon’s best chance of victory was to get his army between his two enemies and defeat one before turning on the other. On 15 June his army crossed the frontier at Charleroi and headed straight for the gap between the two allied armies.
Wellington was taken completely by surprise: “Napoleon has humbugged me” he said. Uncertain what Napoleon’s intentions were, he ordered his army to concentrate around Nivelles, over 12 miles away from the Prussian position at Ligny. This would have left the two allied armies dangerously separated but fortunately for Wellington, a staff officer in the Dutch army, Baron Constant Rebecque, understood what was actually needed. He disregarded Wellington’s order and instead sent a force to occupy the key crossroads of Quatre Bras, much nearer to the Prussians.
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D’Erlon misses the show
16 June – Two battles were fought on 16 June. While Marshal Ney took on Wellington’s army as it hurriedly tried to concentrate around Quatre Bras, Napoleon led the main French force against the Prussians at Ligny. Blücher’s inexperienced Prussians were given a severe mauling but despite this they managed to fall back in relatively good order.
This was partly due to a disastrous mix-up on the part of the French. Confusion over orders saw General D’Erlon’s corps instructed to leave Ney’s army at Quatre Bras and join the fighting at Ligny only to be recalled as soon as they got there. The result was that 16,000 Frenchmen who could have intervened decisively actually took part in neither battle.
Blücher stays in touch
17 June – Wellington succeeded in beating back Ney at Quatre Bras but Blücher’s defeat left the British general with a large French army on his eastern flank. He was forced to fall back northwards towards Brussels. The Prussians were retreating as well. Normally a retreating army tries to withdraw along its lines of communication (ie the route back to its base). Had the Prussians done this they would have headed eastwards. The two allied armies would then have been even further apart and Wellington would have been overwhelmed. But instead of doing that, the Prussians retreated northwards towards Wavre. It was to be a crucial move. The two allied armies stayed in contact and on 17 June Wellington was able to fall back to the ridge at Mont St Jean, and prepare to make a stand there until Blücher’s Prussians could come to his aid.
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The weather takes a hand
17 June – The night before the battle was marked by a thunderstorm of biblical proportions. Rain lashed down, turning roads into quagmires and trampled fields into seas of mud.
It was a night of tremendous rain and cloudbursts. Wellington said that even in the monsoons in India, he’d never known rain like it. To wake up cold and damp, wet and terrified, then you have this slaughter in a very small space. By evening there were over 200,000 men struggling to kill each other within four square miles.
Private Wheeler of the 51st Regiment later wrote: “The ground was too wet to lie down… the water ran in streams from the cuffs of our Jackets… We had one consolation, we knew that the enemy were in the same plight.” Wheeler was right of course – the rain would inconvenience all three armies, not least the Prussians as they struggled along narrow country lanes to link up with Wellington.
It’s often said that Napoleon delayed starting the battle in order to allow the ground to dry out but the chief cause of the delay was probably the need to allow his units, many of whom had bivouacked some distance away, to take up their allotted places. Napoleon enjoyed a considerable advantage in artillery at Waterloo but this was lessened by the fact that the mud made it difficult to move his guns around and that cannonballs, normally designed to bounce along until they hit something, or someone, often disappeared harmlessly into the soggy ground. Macdonnell closes the gates
11:30am, 18 June – On 18 June the two armies prepared to do battle. Most of Wellington’s troops were sheltered from enemy fire on the reverse slope of the Mont St Jean ridge. The position was protected by three important outposts: a group of farms to the left, the farm of La Haye Sainte in front and the farmhouse of Hougoumont to the right.
At about 11.30am the French launched their first attack – an assault on Hougoumont. This soon developed into a battle within a battle as the French threw in ever more men in a bid to capture the vital chateau. They nearly succeeded: led by a giant officer nicknamed ‘the Smasher’, a group of French soldiers worked their way round to the rear of the chateau, forced open its north gate and burst inside.
James Macdonnell, the garrison commander, acted quickly. He gathered a group of men and they heaved the gate shut again. The French inside the chateau were then hunted down and killed. Only a young drummer boy was spared. Hougoumont was to remain in allied hands all day and Wellington later commented that the entire result of the battle depended on the closing of those gates.
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Ney loses his head after his cavalry founders
1.30pm – The infantry of D’Erlon’s corps finally saw action as they attacked the left wing of Wellington’s army. As they reached the crest of the ridge they were met by the infantry of Sir Thomas Picton’s division. Picton, a foul-mouthed Welshman who rode into battle in a civilian coat and round-brimmed hat, was shot dead but his men stopped the French, who were then driven back by Wellington’s cavalry.
The next major French attack was very different. Ney unleashed his cavalry in a mass frontal attack, and thousands of Napoleon’s famous cuirassiers – big men in steel breastplates riding big horses – thundered up the hill. But Wellington’s infantry stayed calm. Forming squares, they presented in all directions a hedge of bayonets that no horse could be made to charge.
Ney needed to call the cavalry off or support them with infantry but he lost his head and threw more horsemen into the fray. When he abandoned these fruitless attacks, Wellington’s line was still unbroken, two hours had been wasted, and the Prussians were arriving in force.
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The Prussians arrive
4.30pm – Blücher had promised to come to Wellington’s aid, and kept his word. Napoleon had detached nearly a third of his army under Grouchy to prevent the Prussians joining up with Wellington but Grouchy failed to do this and, by mid-afternoon, the first Prussian units were in action on the battlefield.
At about 4.30pm they launched their first attack upon the key village of Plancenoit near the rear of Napoleon’s main position. This savage battle would rage for over three hours. Faced with this, Napoleon was forced to send many of his remaining reserves to shore up his position – leaving him with precious few troops to exploit any success his troops might enjoy against Wellington.
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Napoleon says no, and von Zeithen turns back
6.30pm – At about 6.30pm the French captured La Haye Sainte. Posting artillery and skirmishers around the farm, they unleashed a storm of shot, shell and musketry into Wellington’s exposed centre. The regiments there suffered horrendous casualties, but Wellington’s line held – just.
Ney asked for reinforcements to press home his advantage but Napoleon refused. Instead he sent troops to recapture Plancenoit which had just fallen to the Prussians. Von Zeiten’s Prussian I Corps arrived on the scene. These much-needed reinforcements were set to join Wellington when a Prussian aide de camp rode up with an order from Blücher instructing them to head south and support his troops at Plancenoit. Von Zeiten obeyed. Realising that Von Zeiten’s troops were desperately needed on the ridge, Baron von Müffling, Wellington’s Prussian liaison officer, galloped after Von Zeiten and pleaded with him to ignore this new order and stick to the original plan. The Prussian general turned back and took his place on Wellington’s left, enabling the duke to shift troops over to reinforce his crumbling centre. The crisis had passed.
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Napoleon’s last roll of the dice ends in panic
7.30pm – With Plancenoit back in French hands the stage was set for the final act in the drama. At about 7.30pm Napoleon unleashed his elite imperial guard in a last desperate bid for victory. But it was too late – they were hopelessly outnumbered and Wellington was ready for them. His own troops had been sheltering from the French fire by lying down but when the two large columns of French guardsmen reached the crest of the ridge Wellington ordered his own guards to stand up. One British guardsman describes the scene: “Whether it was (our) sudden appearance so near to them, or the tremendously heavy fire we threw into them but La Garde, who had never previously failed in an attack, suddenly stopped.”
Meanwhile Sir John Colborne of the 52nd Light Infantry wheeled his regiment round to attack the flank of the first French column while General Chasse ordered his Dutch and Belgian troops forward against the other. Soon both French columns had withered away under the deadly fire. Their defeat led to widespread panic in the French army: amid cries of “La Garde recule” (“the Guard is retreating”) it dissolved into a disorderly retreat mercilessly harried by the Prussians. “The nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life,” as Wellington described the battle, was over.
This isn’t an exhaustive list but it will do.
Waterloo was a watershed moment for Europe, and indeed the world. The end of the Napoleonic Wars heralded a peace in Europe which was not broken until the outbreak of World War One in 1914. In the century following the Battle of Waterloo an increased respect developed for the figure of the soldier. True the Battle became mythologised in the nineteenth century and is now embedded in our cultural memory as one of the great British success stories.
We still celebrate Waterloo because it was a great British victory - even if we had a little bit of help from the Prussians. It embodied the British bulldog spirit and marked the moment we finally overcame Napoleon and his empire after a decade of being at war.
The ramifications from Waterloo and the Napoleonic Wars are still felt today in contemporary European politics. I think because of this the battle continues to fascinate and to court intense discussion and disagreement.
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No doubt my French neighbour the retired army general and I will continue to stubbornly argue our differing viewpoints until the wine bottle empties. But we both agree that we would enjoy having dinner with Napoleon and talk about his military campaigns. I admire Napoleon a little more having read more and for living in France. He’d be a very amusing and stimulating companion.
In many ways, he was also an enlightened and intelligent ruler. His Code Napoleon is an extremely enlightened law code. At the same time this is a man who had a very, very low threshold for boredom. I think he was addicted to war.
General Robert E. Lee, at Fredericksburg said, “It is well that war is so dreadful, otherwise we would grow too fond of it.”
Napoleon would never have agreed with that. War was his drug. There’s no evidence that Wellington enjoyed war. He said after Waterloo, and I believe him, “I pray to God that I have fought my last battle.” He spent much of the battle saying to the men, “If you survive, if you just stand there and repel the French, I’ll guarantee you a generation of peace.” He thought the point of war was peace. And he sure gave not just Britain but also an entire European continent some respite from the spilling of blood on a battlefield.
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Thanks for your question.
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butterflydm · 2 years
wot reread: the shadow rising (chap 40- chap 45)
spoilers through the end of the shadow rising
1. Perrin and Faile are starting off this section separated, so I Have Hopes that Perrin will get to do cool things as a character instead of being trapped in a romance melodrama.
2. Perrin gives us a role-call of all the newly dead Aybaras that didn’t exist before this book. I feel like this sort of thing happens later, too, where Jordan expected the reader to be attached to people who were never really introduced on-screen until they were already dead and was surprised that people weren’t as upset about their deaths as they were about the characters we were already invested in.
3. Ah, never mind my first point. Faile almost immediately shows up, so we are probably going to have more melodrama after all. We do get a recap of what Perrin was doing before though.
4. Again, so sad that Perrin just brushes by his childhood memories with half a sentence, while Mat would have told us a full story about it. That’s one of the reasons that Mat’s narrative is so engaging, I think.
5. Perrin is so bizarrely petty about Wil al’Seen here. The guy is literally following you and treating you as his leader, and you’re having thoughts about how ‘haha, he’s not so pretty now that he’s been sleeping rough for a while’. ??? Perrin was super-petty about Laila in the last stretch of chapters he was in, too. Maybe I should just accept that Perrin is kinda petty and judgemental?
6. “I trust you [Faile] and my bow and my axe.”
7. “My father says a general can care for the living or weep for the dead, but not both.” A sentence that feels like it fits a different character (or characters) more than Perrin but I guess they learn it on their own. Also: “the worst sin a general can commit... ...is to abandon the men who depend on him.”
8. Faile is finally honest with Perrin about her past. Perrin is also honest with her about the wolf-thing here, which I hadn’t remembered being so early on. Yay for honesty. Shame that the honesty here didn’t prevent their communication issues later on.
9. Perrin gets petty about Aram, too, and here it’s pretty clearly a jealousy that he isn’t able to name. I think that may be the difference -- Perrin does seem to get jealous a LOT more than either Mat or Rand and he never seems to realize that it’s jealousy that he’s feeling (at least he hasn’t so far) so he falls back on weird petty things like “ugh I hate it when MEN SMILE, how DARE THEY’.
10. Wolf dream! ...I have to admit, I’m not sure why Perrin wants the axe over the hammer so much in his dreams. Is it a desire not to ‘taint’ the hammer with blood?
11. “and she loved a simple blacksmith.” ...awkward. Faile actually made it pretty clear in the last chapter that part of why she loves him is because she absolutely DOES NOT see him as a simple blacksmith, but instead as a lord or king in waiting. But that doesn’t fit Perrin’s self-image, so he just elides it away.
12. Okay, so it’s ‘wild’ animals that live in TAR, while domesticated ones don’t, I think, is the implication that we get, so whenever we find out what does or doesn’t show up is always an interesting expression of what Jordan thought about that animal. Chickens still count as wild animals for him.
13. Ooooh, we find out here from Slayer that Fain is not in control of the Trollocs after all (I’m assuming he’s the ‘renegade’), which is interesting. So it actually is two factions, Fain’s Whitecloaks against Slayer’s Trollocs.
14. I really didn’t remember how often Perrin gets jealous of other guys (and not even just over Faile; he also gets jealous of them getting kisses and hugs from the Tuatha'an women). I wonder if he’d have these kinds of petty thoughts about Rand & Mat, if he spent more time around them, or it they’re past a friend-threshold that would mean he didn’t get jealous of them like that.
15. Everyone in the Two Rivers being so thirsty to have a Lord over them kinda does bug me, tbh. Like, I get they’ve been having a rough time but... idk, it bugs me. Maybe I’ll be able to articulate it better as I go further along.
16. Oh, and Perrin’s first kiss was with a girl named Cilia Cole. He was the person back in the Two Rivers who was getting all the action, between thinking he might marry Laila and now kissing Cilia being mentioned. Rand was still stammering at the idea of doing so much as asking Egwene to dance, back in EotW, while Perrin apparently already had two brief teen flirtations under his belt. And I don’t think we’ve had any mentions of Mat doing anything until after he was healed in Tar Valon. Perrin was the early Casanova of the trio, it would seem.
17. Dav and Elam were other friends of Perrin’s, from back home. Dav was mentioned in EotW as someone that Mat did pranks with sometimes, but didn’t seem a particular friend of Rand’s, iirc. I don’t think Rand or Mat have ever mentioned Elam, so he may be a Perrin-only friend. Perrin, Dav, and Elam did hunting and fishing together.
18. Perrin notices that Verin and Alanna are trying to set him up as a general and a lord but doesn’t know why, so doesn’t trust it. At this point in time, very reasonable.
19. Given that Aram picking up the sword happens in the same book as us hearing the history of the Aiel, I feel like his storyline is treated oddly considering he’s doing basically the exact same thing as those first non-Way of the Leaf Aiel. Maybe the difference is because we see it through Perrin’s eyes instead of Rand’s. Rand doesn’t have a personal relationship with the Tuatha’an or the Way of the Leaf, and he doesn’t have Perrin’s internal conflict about violence (I mean, Rand has plenty of conflict but it’s not really the same as Perrin’s).
20. I honestly do feel like most of the issues with Perrin are relatively fixable in the show, though.
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pndnj · 3 years
Cathartic- Yellow Metal Lyrics
Heres where I am with the lyrics, I referenced @25Goldenn on twitter for some of it that I couldn’t comprehend. 
Dark matter, like painted splatters, they fit better, the old saying, the way it goes, better the devil you do then you don’t know. I hit pedals and switch levers, my heart metal, I can't settle, im part trouble, they are not subtle. I fuck good so fuck cuddles, burst bubbles the thrist levels at new heights, i down doubles, and got baked til I felt high, my face puzzled, felt muddled, far strung and your floors woodent, the thought might but the fit wouldn’t. A fortnight
0:46 - 1:00
And I thought right, it’s all bark and no bite, I’m Tony Stark still embarking on a dream, took a bit of time to take darkness from the team. Seen what I saw. Heartless on the sleeve. Tried to burn my wings, so I put them in a piece on my chest , at peace no rest.
Flipped this on it’s head. Rip the script up now, flip it don’t pretend, slipping shit again, Fakers all around me, I’ve been living in pretense. Fake friends won’t make amends. There’s no need, these mean comments control the scenes. Attentionseekers, the spine is weakened
This family needs, what a family needs, and the planet bleeds, the damaged trees. It’s never leaving til we ascend so fuck the fence, and until they stop killing colour it’s fuck the feds.
1:22 - 1:44
You must be off it, I mean it, you know you ain’t never get with the judging and I used to dread growing my beard too long, never felt I belonged, but it's really long like a minute I ain’t looking to no mans for the limits, They’re feeling timid, I’m telling them who they mimic, why they don't look like a clinic …. Why they don't get no women, Still, we’re just fucking girls, Lost in the wrong world, Jurassic, now to this vermin
1:41-  1: 50
Kicking the game I’m serving, these losers are never learning, my fire is forever burning, adding it to my fuel, seems like I’m always focused on never becoming you, These locals that rob us feeling … was for a reason.
I’m seeing my new beginnings, watch out this loser’s winning, and no water is too deep to swim in Like I’m about to see a killing, I’m all the way that and living, flawless and feeling lawless, the prison now to the gimmicks, my vision is set to something,
I’m watching you bitches plummet, no matches here for my cunning, you rappers are feeling done in, switching your genre, running and Running your jaw, stunting, pulling at straws, something  I think you’re a poor effort, deaf and tone deaf and I ain’t treat you separate. Living, I’m in my element, riding it like a … never lose me to fentanyl, scared when I take a benadryl. Keeping it green in general
2:20- 2:46
Think that you remain irrelevant. Look at yourself with reverence, hoping to always elevate. Celibate of these thoughts, killing themselves with sedatives. In comparison to eminem, you’re feeling feminine. Impolitically correct, still dropping on my dick. And I never gave a fuck about what they say abt my shit, I’ve been moving things in my mind like it’s this mountain dew Memories have made me wonder if one day I’m after you. What’s the purpose that you do, is what you're hoping that they learn, i’d like to say i’m done but it’s getting up on my nerves
2:46 -2:55
I’m looking at my life, saying what do I deserve. It’s hard to say I know when I’m walking through the dirt. Talking while you’re nothing I can see for what it’s worth. I’m tired of feeling hurt and I’ve tried enough but nothing works.
I’m racking up excuses while I’m slacking off on work. Chit chatting is the usual, talking to this clerk, i beg you don’t include me. I might write it on my shirt so everytime they see me, the oldest know to swerve. SWERVE Life is potent, bits of fucked shit… till they took notice weren’t  no hocus pocus, it was hard work that got me heard so i put in the graph like google maps but the whole earth
… around my door mat, taking over like the drones, rolling dirt up in miles like the water, and exploding like Annas hematoma. Don't need to see a slammer to know that I don't want to go man
I’m a showman. I’m just focused on the drama… like i’ve got my own insurance, show myself the pain, like i boxed it in the frame, if we’re about to talk greatness im great, the way you have to say my name like beyonce
“Say my name”
Just a bum with a cigarette, sun coming up, all my thoughts on the internet. Feeling deep, I’m just bored with the silhouette single sec,  get fucked up for the thrill of it . killer streak playing Pacman. Like I came from the Philippines vanilla bean still a thing for the thrill of scene,
Theres a beam, UFO, Leave it well alone  I aint moving, stood still on the peloton, telephone and its always on the dial tone,  it's been a while since i’ve smiled at a milestone, seen a big pile in my mind stone, me against the world on my Jack Jones, Like I’m John Jones, With pictures in the condo, far from John Doe, in the ___, like I'm Johnny Bravo, got pravado, with a small dick sitting in golados, feeling far gone, cuz that last hit was the good shit, was that stay lit
You can never take my shit come and get me. On the top floor,  cloud 9, fading, never bailing, felt amazing, inhaling, til my lungs two guns blazing. Overcome all the stunts that I pulled. A suit of just skin and then wool
5:02- 5:17
This life doesn’t give you no armour, a lot of myself can harm ya. I swear on what’s good, that I’m here till they take me. I pray that I’m wrinkled, at least over 80, and start moving like a ruler, ?damaged? Like a computer going fast, bars from the jeweler, bring the songs to the beach in hopes of finding tuna
5:36- 6:16
Grab a bat, lose my rag. Couple things got me mad, a couple people got me wrong and now I’m changing up the swag. Coming in and stealing it, I might take the whole bag. Feeling undefeated, I’m a beast with a reason, and imma lead the whole pack. Fearless like I’m Caesar, I’m just waiting for a chance to fill it up with diesel, and all I've been achieving is clocking miles in its region, moving like a legion.
Promise that I made to myself an allegiance. Do you still believe I’m a fool for ever leaving, staring at the ceiling, can never put a cap on achieving. I’m just here for the rap, then I’m leaving.
I’ve had about enough of being my own enemy, it’s time I grew up,  a long way from 17. Always went against the grain, struggles in my life. Got some things to say when I stand up on a mike.
I ain’t dropping this for fame, I need this time, like therapy, it’s just to keep me sane. The truth is on my medicine, can’t put that on your plate.
Speeding into everything, bout time I fixed the brakes. Don’t say I can’t communicate , you know I conversate with you in several different ways. And I know you know it’s references, looking at your face.
6:33- 6:53
Can’t justify mistakes, like every man that made them, seems I ain't  the one to blame. Lying to myself, only had so much to gain, so now I’m switching up the plate, see if that affects the place, im at on most days
I ain’t going with the usual so they looking at me strange. Confused, I can feel it all,  I’m here to make a change. It’s cold at 3am outside, I’m walking with the dog, thanking god that you don’t talk at all, my mind is switching off
Driving down to find myself, cuz I’ve been getting lost, lived this selfless life and found I can give a toss. Lessons that I’ve learned I’ve tried teaching to myself. What I’ve learnt from certain people is that they’re better than myself.
So I surround myself with real ones, and you feel the plastic melt. Like burning toy soldiers that used to go up on the shelf. Recycle the ideas, conveying on the belt
.. circus, always hurting the way we felt? Embarrassed that we dreamt of bigger things and letting go of notions till we feel them in cement
Tired of only hoping, we feel broken men. Cuz the gravity is weight and has kept us to the ground, see the only people speaking with favors in their mouths
Got killer rhymes… no fillers, like godzilla, eating clouds cuz my smokes thicker, throat licker, my dope sicker, bringing people their hope like im the pope slicker,  i hope you’re getting the point cuz i walk quicker
I thought my city was shit bcs I want bigger like my zipper couldn’t zip up fed up with the…my love is fickle.. Residual age has a primitive face
I see demise for your limited ways, Left it to simmer, simmer away…a fake glimmer in the haze
Feeling trapped this industry is a cage
Nobody’s speaking the truth, I’m offended by the State. Look at the state of the news, I’ve decided the argument, reciting my views, while they’ve been sat in their chairs, I’m feeling pressure to choose.
Standing here as one man, how can I do half when you’re half the person I am. If it wasn’t in your life, you didn’t choose it. It’s the funny thing about music. It’s the pain and beauty of it.
Don’t give a fuck what my suit is, it looks good so I wear it, better than the shoot that People’s wearing, changing the whole narrative for these basics and scarcity
Been facing the racists from back when i were a kiddie .born up in in 93’. been living in Bradford City..kicked me out of the schools, they had a problem with me hitting the kids that would call me p*** still sitting in the classroom chilling, and i'm angry now that I’m older I see they treat us different
got me thinking I’m the problem cuz they never dealt with those issues.
20 years later I’m still in the same boat, tryna treat me like my grandpa, say I came up off the boat. Came to tell you what I stand for, man I think you’re shit, a joke. How can I be civil, when they got me by the throat
Pushing my feelings down, you ain’t got it like them
‘Boy your skin is so light’, ok motherfucker take my name up on a flight. Try to convince immigration that your bloodline’s half white.
I don’t know how that’s acceptable, when life is more susceptible to perception, be the death of them. I’ve been looking at the sky saying where’s that day of reckoning, you had your prophets right when they say that you would speak to them.
I need justice in this life and I trust that it’s my fight, cuz when I’m writing it feels right to have them focused on the facts again. Focused on the rap again, hoping for the change, gunna put this on the map again
Writing in all caps again, the pain, it goes through me so I write the letter. All the shit that could have brought me but made me better.
I’m at home with a pain in my soul , yeh rap… cuz you know I was too real to contest it, my time was invested. Now I look at the industry, I see it infested, looking like kids who would write on nesquik.
My name ain’t on the list unless they label it ethnic.
I ain’t never gave a fuck about these jokers and jesters. Ain’t no answers for these things, so just save us the questions, man allowed of violence, cuz my silence is deafening, your opinion stinks, somebody get him a breath mint.
10:30- 10:42
Start to understand why they think that I’m threatening, I move in certain ways, couldn’t slow me with ketamine Now they all wanna hear me, got a table at letterman. Direction changed, like I changed up the lettering. Don’t believe the age ,bcs I move like a veteran.
10:42 - 10:47
Raised on the benefit for whose benefit, they’ll never learn shit, man, if the shoe fits.
…no words coming out when you open your mouth
And to be honest, it’s insulting, offensive to my wounds that have been salting. Tryna ask me questions that they know I never answer. I’d rather sit online and reply to the fan art
Fuck a sports car, coming through when i rapped
tell you what I like, farm life and the tractor
11:06- 11:17
Fake life, 'sup online, suck a fat one. You don’t wanna buy into that, none of that son. Sitting in the garden 98’ in the Datsun,  seen some hot summers but I still remember that sun.
11:51- 12:34
I make millions off of my pain, cause I know a few millions still living that way
Dealing with the hurt, they should know cause they don’t deserve it, it hit deep cause i hit the nerve. Only way that the sheep learn if the street firm, in my ways I don’t wanna change, everything just stay the same
Who you tryna convince you understand, cant maintain, let the lights dim some,  get the Chow Mein, flex, get the tape, right up at night
Why these men be nice to my face, be nice,  i ain’t tryna be a gangsta ruins my vibe
Rather be low-key and on my phone. Never need the trophy or the show piece
Never show peace in a North Face fleece. Show kids this like i wrote my flip
Cause the sign might fit till the start i’m sick
Now you see where I come from, the world don’t. Only achievement in this life is the Jordans. Committing petty crimes out of boredom, we can’t afford them. So I stole it, need a rolex
Go make sense, get yourself a job, It’s a poor man’s game tryna sit and pray to god, he ain’t sorting out your problems, gotta sort them out yourself
Used to tell us fables, now I’m writing them myself, Cause we raw like animals we all just need some help
Cathartic, I’m an artist, trying to put my heart in
Felt double crossed like Leo in Departed
13:05- 13:27
For the knowledge i’m not charging see I got it all free
But my hunger kept me starving like i’m feening for the feed
I just Need a reason to see me bleeding for my creed. Trick you with the words like I keep em up my sleeve. Picking where I fit, I see me sitting with the queen
I ain’t doing it unless you’re used to saying please
Let me flow a bit, before I sting 'em with the bees, They tryna kill us with disease
13:34- 14:12
Why does it feel like they had the same notebook and the same four looks
Like the rain won't touch on their face, so sus when they lie don’t trust not a minor
Please no fuss, I just move through the game like must
Something in the way i adjust till i stick, Free falling like the ship, free fall till i bust
Remember 21 brother gave no fucks. Trying to project when they give them looks
In the projects, in the objects us
In my own way, never gave me love, shoulda never started this, broken hearted kid
Dried up the feeling till I stole the lid
Don’t wanna relish in the fame but I can’t resist
I like the way we feel, I like the way, I like the way
Ain’t no mistake, i am a being
I ain’t tryna be a leader, been selling out since Jesus
All my rhymes are for the readers, between the lines, like Father time, I fuck Mother Nature
That’s what they get, the connotations. Tell 'em I lived a life, and then I lived a life of adjacent? like its…. and played it patient.
Alone on my own spaceship, always tryna find greatness, still defying lines, but I’m fighting in my prime.
Shining light like Kylo while imma kill it all the time. Aging like I’m wine
Asian in my face, but still my race you can’t define. Focused on defiance, imma fight it while it’s life.
Started something sick and on my mind is what’s next, just became a dad so now I’m taking all the cheques. Better know I’m staying and paying like it’s debt. Imma get it done, if it’s taking all my breath, sweat, and down I ain’t messing around til I’m the best
Speaking in full sentences, shoulda thought about a strategy before you went at the stratosphere about this… rings around Saturn, this ain’t a battle, I’m sat, I’m here
Catch me doing magic, hired and sounding tragic I think you could use practice and until that you get the blacklist and pull like a … actress? Fooling them like a catfish, schooling like a legend, happy to be the reference, fusing like iridescence, leaving them all guessing, leaking out of my brain like a pipe I aint fixing, shining like a star you can see it from a distance
Aint many of me around p*** I’m just different Certain stages to this level aint here because fame is to the devil fuck a label, imma do this from the ghetto, clean up like Im Dettol
I’m the man to put a bet on, sight smart like a weapon,  this is my kind of setting, i write the world I’m sat in, while these others live on hype, i see them fight in how they type, the fruit is ripe for the taking, i think i might
Let me take you away from here, Let me take you away from here, Let me take you away from here
16:58- 17:47
Eccentric things are mentioned like a kid stuck in detention tryna escape im just spitting what is written on the next page, spitting image of my dad in his young days
Born sinner when i’m livid i say fucks sake
Don’t worry i’m too cunning with no plumbing, the waterworks, i sung something that resonates, i thought it first like giving birth to the parrot perch
They see me do it and they know it works
Don’t know what’s worse: the way that you live your life or the way that you write a verse
You’ll be nervous, you don’t deserve it we’ll scratch the surface ill leave a crater, lift the dirt up to find the hurting
Can’t know for certain nothing is guaranteed, tryna be a better person than the world deserves to see cuz i see a lot of sharks still swimming in the sea
Cease and arrest what’s the reason.. And these the kinda kids we bringing up next
Distorted reality, all they needed was family, too hard to face, to see what the damage is
*i don’t wanna be, i don’t wanna be, a part of this, no, i don’t wanna be, i don’t wanna be, a part of this, *
Sometimes they ask the questions too deep to form a sentence, to disform, is this the norm, is this the sentence i feel defenseless i played the setlist, and all my sweat blood and tears, forgot to mention feeling lost, going off into different sections i feel like love wrecked it
If it’s not a drug why am i waiting for the next fix, affected, i cant believe that you left this
I guess I leave for the best wish, moving on like im fine for the lectures
We see it all from spectrums, cuz if we’re falling down we can fall down together
Staircase to heaven, mirror down the middle like 11, resentment on one side it won’t settle
18:38- 19:14
Mind fried but taking sense, they aint got a sense of themselves in the rich ends
Need to spell it out for them.. Made for them so witness
I know you feel afflicted but you always love it with me while im laughing at you, ya think you’re laughing with me
I try to (i love you) but im grown so they don’t fit me, my body thrown from the new to this old city so Im sick of sitting on my own, feeling so shitty, i’ve been on roads where its cold and the snow hitting
Its okay to be yourself, sit and talking to myself
I’ve been walking for the longest, just need a little rest, know i ain’t the strongest, I can feel it in my chest, talking about my feelings and of me, they get the best
They aint leaving, seeing breathing in my breath
Till death do us part is just seeded in my heart, like a work of art
Never winning,im just scared
Cant begin from the start, do i play a part in the rhythm of the night
I guess i’m onto something cuz the dark is feeling right
Every cloud got a lining, put my own miles  in, like moralis, figured that they’re jealous, that they could just never tell us to change because the weather never made me question whether or not i’m not that level
Got rid of all the bullshit sitting in my way, most of them are full of shit i see it every day
I do hearing the same things that i do, maybe that shits hitting like haiku
How much do you pay for them to hype you
Recycle your flaws but they aint like new, leaving and conceded and full of diesel like engines that need a cleaning, the ending will be revealing. Even though we ain’t raising the facts, now we been facing.
The cactus with spikes, needing spaces. Different faces, the same story. A full body like straight body direct to your system.
Could never tell 'em we missed’ em. Not even with the thoughts, we gift them. Cuz they just take advantage, guess we are caught in a system.
My soul pouring out details of borrowed time, had enough of a fill, this is for sorrow time. I’m seeing visions of Heaven, I seen the severed line, between the gospel they speak and when theyre telling lies.
Remember telling a friend of mine, you’d sent of mine, identified like a 3rd eye. Got a habit of knowing now where the dirt lies. So benign. I ain’t sober after 9, so I fuck their minds. Why you flipping out, see another
Try to rep it from the city, fuck a chiller crew, repping for the nittys, trying to keep us down, raised on the social, don’t want to let us out of the system. Me, I insist we assist them, me alone putting shifts til I lift them
I know it’s hard, that’s why I like it, I’m fit to fight it, I’m from the North, I’m backing Tyson, it’s been decided, don’t see no light. They needing guiding, just redefining, realizing, I’m realigning, in full finance, they stay silenced.
Can’t be louder, I’m juiced up with no powder. I fix shit like a slick spanner. Gone green like Bruce Banner. So free Gaza on my banner
The real McCoy, I ain’t nothing to toy with, signifying peace like a Japanese Koi Fish. How did this happen, we’re moving backwards in our timeline, killing us with cyanide, Right up for the freedom 'til we transform like Ironhide
This is bout my feelings, the way that I move affects the fate that I’m sealing. Can’t say nothing, with that something being on the page, kept inside the pen like the bars that have been kept caged. See I always had a plan, since I was young, we had nothing man
Now it’s been a few years since I ain’t seen the fam, on foreign lands. Bout to climb Everest in the avalanche. Right into the riddles as soon as you were born. Never asking the question cuz it’s the norm. See I’m in a questionin’ session
Like the manner got a method to teaching a lesson, listen to MF Doom, he taught me like Ra’s Al Ghul. Felt like living in Gotham, the people were rotten. Still we play cartoons so it’s never forgotten.
Chilling at the top but we came from the bottom. Writing and jottin for them life by, spotting the difference
*Dreams, was growing out of me, sun promising that tomorrow it will rise, time playing games with my mind, I swear it will pass us by
Train goes on the tracks, smoke, I’m tired to hide my thoughts, so blinded in flames, Don’t know where we’re going, I have no way of knowing, only see what’s in my head
Can’t we wait a minute, so we can savour this, It’s on my brain again, these days, It on my brain again these days”
They’re hating on Palestine ways, The oh no Palace playing Prince on the Steinway, Sending out mind waves, stop them like crimewaves, Freedom fighter, Yellow Metal is my name
Like vipers, I see the sly ones, the snake that’s called Biden, none of them abiding what they might put in writing
We should be used to it by now, say whatever for the vote and then just choose another route, say they’d never kill another unless that brother’s skin is brown
I’m just telling you the facts, if you can’t take it, the truth naked, to bare bones and my thoughts lately, spitting politics.. Done ain’t it, Shit just gets me vexed, and now I’m sitting that I think of it
Feeling on the brink of it, whatever it is, Figure out some shit at least it feels that way
talk about my feelings and I don’t feel so strange, finding solace, that’s a promise, in Metropolis but being honest, can’t write a sonnet, without some pain
Can’t fade away, away so we can savour this, been on my brain again these days
Can't find a way to be so you can savour this, been on my brain these days
Singing the song for another, singing a song for another
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