#i can take everything but losing my creativity i can't handle this
returntotheground · 9 months
i keep thinking about how so many artists of all kinds find ways to make something beautiful out of all the terrible shit that's happened to them and i can't. i just fucking can't my creative drive has basically shut off and i don't know when or even if it will ever come back and it sucks i feel like i'm long dead and i'm only just catching up to that fact
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Red Flags in HSR Characters
I have a problem of simping for the most red flagged characters except I can't handle red flags. Like violence makes me nope the fuck out of any relationship, I am so scared of getting hurt in any way, shape, or form. In real life I'm fucking terrified of being manipulated into being dependent on someone because I've experienced that shit and it isn't fun. Hate being insulted, degraded, all of that.
But the red flagged characters are just too cool???
Like Dr. Ratio, sure he's a pompous shit and would probably end up degrading you which I hate but he's so cool?! So I need to find some way to make him into this weird yellow flag without making myself into some super genius because no way is that gonna happen.
So instead put him in like a tutor AU, he's teaching you and when you get something wrong he gives you such a side ways insult. Like it takes a minute to realize it's an insult, it's worded in such a creative peculiar way. The second it registers you begin doing ten times worse on every question. It doesn't take long for him to realize that being told you're shit isn't inspiring to everyone. So he takes a... kinder approach. He's still a hard ass and strict but he's actively trying to do better and you can tell, when he starts a sentence suddenly stops and then brings that sentence in a completely different direction. You both end up learning. You end up learning the material and he ends up learning how to be somewhat better at dealing with people whose ideal day isn't being insulted.
Then there's the aeons. i simp for all of them, like how can you not??? Especially Nanook (using he/him pronouns for Nanook), Yaoshi, IX, and Aha. Now first off IX isn't a red flag IX is a lovely little black hole who I will defend with my life. But the other three??? They're as red as a stop sign.
Like sure, Nanook would probably destroy you the first chance he gets. Maybe Nanook is the destruction because he wants to be destroyed. I, I don't know man. Like he's so beautiful but how the hell do you even write romance with him? That isn't just like destroying the love interest.
Maybe he's had an insatiable urge to destroy everything ever since the dawn of his existence and he can't remember why. He's always been filled with rage, hatred, toward everything that's existed. Then he sees you and it all comes rushing back toward him. Your death, the hole it filled, the only thing that could really be blamed was the universe. It was everyone and everything's fault. So he would destroy it all to protect you.
Still a red flag but man I'm trying my best, no matter what Nanook will always be a red flag. Yaoshi on the other hand... surely there's a way I can make Yaoshi into a yellow flag after all they just want to help.
Yaoshi who would save your entire planet, heal every individual part of the ecosystem and every person, just to see you smile. They would ask nothing in return and instead remain by your side, enjoying the beautiful of the world. Then the mara strikes, people begin to lose their minds and themselves and you're left to beg them for a way to reverse this. But this is the price of life.
Yaoshi assures you that this is natural but they still watch on in horror as you inevitably succumb to the mara as well. Only then do they try to figure out how to fix it.
The further I get the more hopeless I become. Then there's Aha...
They probably found you entertaining at first, a human full of surprises and excitement, someone that could survive any trial. Then you grew on them a bit more and they found himself becoming attached. Aha wasn't supposed to be attached but this of course just makes an opportunity for more entertainment! Now they're actually invested and can experience the nail biting tension of all this drama!
Just another form of entertainment, it'll be a shame when you're gone though.
Then there's all the other beautiful red flags Ruan Mei, Jing Liu, Blade, Luocha, and Aventurine and Sunday seem like red flags as well even though they're not out. Like if bad to date why do I want to date?
Their red flags are a part of them and it's hard to work around it, so sometimes you just gotta embrace it. Life's rough man. In the end it's my fault for liking red flags. I'll just stick to Jing Yuan for now, peak husband material.
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Disclaimer: I do not own any Planet Puto Character - Full Credit goes to HC - @ask-emilz-de-philz. Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto.This might or might not be a self insert, please don't come for me.
A/N: Am I insane and out of my mind? Yes. Was I in the middle of a creativity block and just pulled this world building shit out of thin air? Also yes.
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"That one looks half decent..."
Lakan smirked as he pointed into you using the sharp end of his sword, not caring if you're already trembling. Is it because of the fear? or maybe it's from being on your knees on the snowy ground with nothing but thin and tattered clothes for god knows how long, you don't really know at this point.
The military general leans down to your level hand grabbing your cheeks roughly and forcing you to look up at him.
"Tell me, peasant. What entertaining stuff can you do? Careful about your answer, your life depends on it." His voice, although very soft and playful has that menacing tone that didn't fail to give you goosebumps.
The ground was cold and the air was thick— filled with cries for mercy as Lakan's troops destroy and slaughter whatever they lay eyes on.
"I- I can play instruments and write poetry, Sir." You stuttered as your voice get struck in your throat.
"We're taking this one home." Lakan grinned at your response before letting go of your face.
"This will do for Maliksi's birthday present. Now let's pack up before the enemy's reinforcements arrive. Just set fire to everything then let's call it a day."
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The servants looked at you somberly as you were dragged out of the carriage and into the palace gates, the soldiers handling you roughly. You can't blame them, after all you are nothing but a peasant from the losing side of this wretched war. These people are the ruthless victors, their hands soaked with the blood of your fellow civilians that unfortunately got caught in the middle of slaughter.
"Lakan, what is the meaning of this?" A firm voice caught your attention but you kept your head lowered on the ground.
Makisig quickly motioned towards his courtesans to help you stand up as he walked towards Lakan.
"Oh, if it isn't my own brother, the King." Lakan tauntingly said as he bowed slightly. He's always despised the idea of Makisig ascending to the throne despite being younger than him.
That position was meant for him, yet here he is, reduced to being the general who spends more time outside the palace walls instead of seating on that fancy throne he's always dreamt of.
"Cut it out! What are you doing? You do know that the enemies already called defeat and you can't be taking in anymore war prisoners!"
"Prisoner? That one was a present for our youngest brother."
"A present?! Our brother is nothing like you! He won't enjoy such fatuity—"
"And? Who does he take after then? Everyone here knows that the young prince isn't soft like you! Hell, I bet he'll be a better king than you!"
Makisig's royal guards quickly drew blade and pointed it at the general. They will not stand for any slander against the King. It is a crime of treason afterall and will be punishable by death. The King sighed, "Lower your blades! He's still my brother."
Lakan softly chuckled as he turned to walk away. "See? I told you. Soft. Please have your courtesans clean up and dress that girl, then take her to my room. I'll deliver her myself to Maliksi."
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You shivered at the first touch of cold water into your skin as the royal courtesans started giving you a bath. You've literally been in crossfire and to say that you are filthy is an understatement. You didn't even know how Lakan was able to spot you amongst the civilians.
No one was talking, probably out of pity for you and what you went through— your kingdom just lost the war, your town was burnt to a crisp, you watched the others getting killed infront of you. You are someone who lost everything.
After your bath, they dressed you up in a fine dress, probably too grand from what you were expecting, and then they proceeded to put your curly hair up in a bun using an intricate pin.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you can't help but admire your reflection. Funny what a bath and some fancy fabric can do.
"You look pretty." One of the courtesans whispered as she gave you a kind smile. All of them looked hopeful and sweet, probably wishing you good fate inside the very walls of this palace just like them. They all lined up as they silently lead you to Lakan's quarters.
"Bring her in and leave." Lakan said from the inside of the room before the royal courtesans can even knock. They did just that but before they finally close the door, they looked at each other before giving you a reassuring nod.
As soon as the doors closed, the royal courtesans raced towards Maliksi's quarters. He wasn't the friendliest towards them, and they will surely be yelled at for disturbing him at this time, but they all know Lakan and the poor fate every other lady went through after spending time alone with him in his quarters. They cannot just do nothing after sending you to your possible doom.
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Lakan's room is dark yet you can feel his stares boring a hole to your very being. "Guess I was right, you do look good."
The general smirked as he slowly walked towards you. "A poet and a musician doesn't have a right to look this good. It'll be such a waste to just give you to my youngest brother afterall." He softly said, his hot breath fanning into your neck as he leans in while his hand reaches out to slightly slide the dress down and reveal your left shoulder.
"Maybe I should get a taste first, before giving you to Maliksi."
You grabbed fistfuls into your dress as you held yourself from talking back or trying fighting him off— you knew this man would not hesitate in killing you if you do something as much as turn down his advances.
You can feel warm tears form and trickle down your cheeks, knowing that you can't ask him to stop if you wanted to live.
"I don't accept leftovers, brother. It's rude to gift someone stuff that you already used." A cold voice emerged from the shadows as you felt being snatched from Lakan's grip and being pulled as someone held you gently by your waist.
"Gods! Maliksi, can you stop doing that?! I know that you're the only one blessed with magic among us but just stop popping out of the shadows, it creeps me out. Can't you use a fucking door like a normal person?"
"It's called teleportation magic. I didn't popped out of the shadows, your room is just as dark as your soul. Anyway, you boldly declared this lady as a present for me earlier and I have eyewitnesses. I came here to pick her up." Maliksi nonchalantly said as he rolled his eyes, still holding you close to him.
"It's those courtesans...I knew it! If it weren't for the King's protection, I would've already cut their heads off." Lakan muttered underneath his breath while he gritted his teeth. "Aaaww, come on, brother! Can't we share just this once—"
Maliksi's expression hardened as he looked Lakan up and down. You can feel just how intimidating this man is despite him being shorter than the general.
"I believe we already established that since we were kids....That if you try touching what's mine, I'll be burning your fingers off." The young prince coldly said, his grip on your waist slightly tightening.
Lakan chuckled as he slowly backed away. He wasn't irritated at how his youngest brother is acting— oh, this is so much better than him being a big pretentious softy just like the King.
"As you wish, brother." The general smiled, everything is going according to his plan afterall.
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Hi! Welcome to the Royalty! Au that involves Planet Puto (philmytcrea au) characters. I do not own them, they are HC's Original Characters.
Please follow and support them here: https://www.tumblr.com/ask-emilz-de-philz / @ask-emilz-de-philz
I wanted to take time to clarify that this is fiction on fiction.
Yes, Lakan, Makisig, and Maliksi are brothers in this AU.
Yes, we hab King! Makisig here.
Lakan is the oldest, but Makisig was the one who ascended to the throne after their father died.
Yes, there is an ongoing war and Y/N (You/ Reader) is from the enemy kingdom who just declared Loss/ Defeat against Makisig's Kingdom.
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moonmacabre01 · 3 months
You know what would be a banger story?
Bandee getting amnesia and his friends falling over their feet to try and get him back to normal.
No, don't look at me like that. I promise my idea's at least kind of good. I think.
I'm not sure my idea really counts as "amnesia" since Bandee hasn't really lost his memory so much as it got sealed off by the villain, who's using Bandee as a distraction so he can take over Popstar(bog standard motive, I know. Least his method's creative . . ?). But anyways.
Bandee get hits by the sealing spell, and regresses HARD. Back to pre RTDL, where he really started to come into his own as a hero. Obviously, the rest of the Dream Team(plus Elfilin and Magolor) freak out. No one knows about the villain, so they're all frantically trying to figure out WHAT happened and HOW do we reverse/fix it. Magolor's flipping through spellbook after spellbook, and everyone else is carrying Bandee from place to place trying to jog his memory. Meta Knight takes him for a flight(you were so scared the first time . . ), Dedede asks him to help with a mechanical project(how many late nights have we spent like this?), Kirby takes him apple picking(you taught me how to get them without hurting the tree!), and Elfilin brings him to Waddle Dee town(I thought it was amazing, the way you kept everyone together). And slowly, Bandee starts to feel he's been here before . . . that's he's something more than he thinks.
(One of the few actual scenes in my head involves Elfilin and Bandee watching the sunset in Waddle Dee town, and Elfilin admitting that while Kirby's his hero and friend, Bandee's the one he really looks up to. [In my headcanon, Elfilin met Bandee before Kirby arrived, and watched him organize construction efforts, keep up morals, and really be a leader. And after the events, Bandee was one of the most encouraging in helping Elfilin learn to handle his power, always patient and understanding. Safe to say, Bandee really means a lot to Elfilin, just as much as Kirby] Bandee is really touched by this confession, and the sealing spell, already weakening, starts to crack ever so slightly.)
While Elfilin is taking Bandee back to Castle Dedede, they come across the villain, who's begun their attack, in combat with Kirby and the others, and things aren't looking too great for the Dream Team. This causes something to click in Bandee's head. These people are his FRIENDS, and he has to help them, he can't let them lose. This revelation is the final straw for the seal, which breaks and causes the sealed memories to flood back. With the memories comes new resolve, and he manages to turn the tide of the battle, and is, fittingly, the one to defeat the villain.
All in all, everything turns out okay. Everyone's relieved that Bandee is back to normal, and Bandee has a new understanding just how much he means to the people around him. The final scene in a way mirrors the scene in WDT, with everyone watching the sunrise together.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Will we never see the day the Harkles get what they deserve rumour tracking anon? I'm losing faith and I'm really tired. They are saved from all those scandals that demand their answer just with this one incident. I cannot anymore
I know, anon. It's really frustrating to see them keep getting away with it, almost as if they're constantly rewarded for bad behavior.
Some things that have helped me (bolding for emphasis to break up the giant chunks of text):
Taking breaks. Just walk away from it. A day, a weekend, a week. There isn't a whole lot happening in the BRF to counteract the Sussex shenanigans so Harry and Meghan are dominating the news There are no tiara or glam events. No tours/foreign visits. No projects being announced. 3 out of 7 senior royals are on medical leave and the ones who are working don't generate the same kind of headlines, attention, or coverage. Take a break from all this - maybe do a deep dive into another royal family or read historical books about the BRF (especially ones that pre-date the modern House of Windsor) or non-text books (like Angela Kelly's books or Chris Jackson's photobooks).
Spend time pursuing a creative hobby. I find that doing something creative helps keep my mind from wandering to the Sussexes and the nothingness coming from the BRF too often. Some of my creative pursuits: baking and cooking new recipes, DIY and craft projects (I love going to Goodwill, thrift stores, and architectural salvage places for home decor and furniture. Also, I'm not saying you need to pledge allegiance to Catherine, The Princess of Wales in every aspect of your life, but I'm also not not saying that Kate's Ring is an excellent accent color for an end table), learning how to make craft cocktails (it was a pandemic thing), and organizing decades and decades of family photos.
What I also find a cathartic is fanfiction writing. I've had dreams of being a writer since I was Princess Charlotte's age but listen. I cannot stick to a plot for the life of me, because I always want to know "what happens next." But let me tell you. It is hugely cathartic to write a fanfiction novel where a Meghan-like evil witch gets everything she deserves and a Harry-like tortured prince is redeemed by the pure love of an ordinary American girl (okay, that one was pre-Oprah before we all learned how truly messed up Harry is) or where a revenge fantasy where a Harry-like spoiled brat loses everything when he treats his saintly Kate-like girlfriend abominably and when he tries to win her back, she's fallen in love with a Henry Cavill-like swashbuckling Real Man or where the Harry-and-Meghan-like entitled spoilt prince and his wife try to overthrow the saintly and universally loved heir but the Queen swiftly, immediately, justly, and properly handles them with eviction, termination, and worldwide embarrassment. You can do everything to your characters and you can make them suffer in a way the real Harry and Meghan may never.
Find trashier, more trainwreckier drama to get stuck in. Bravo, anyone? A new season of Vanderpump Rules has just started, Summer House is about to start, and two of the villains from OG Vanderpump Rules (Jax and Kristen) have a spinoff series that's about to launch.
Changing your perspective. There's a famous leadership quote about problem-solving: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. In other words, you have to take big things (big problems) one at a time, piece by tiny piece. So yes, the big "elephant" is that the Sussexes look like they have everything - they still have titles, they still have massive million-dollar deals, they've got the Olive Garden, the BRF isn't stopping their PR. But also look at everything they don't have anymore:
They can't use their HRHs.
Their RPOs were taken away.
Their royal charities and patronages were taken away.
Charles isn't paying them as much money, if he's even paying for them.
Everyone is blaming them for hastening Philip's and The Queen's deaths.
They were evicted from Frogmore Cottage.
It took six months for the palace website to add Prince/Princess titles to Archie and Lili but it was instanteous to change George, Charlotte, and Louis to "of Wales."
Charles calls them "Harry and Meghan" or "my other son and his wife."
The family doesn't want to be seen with or around them. Even Eugenie seems to have abandoned ship these days.
William isn't taking Harry's calls.
Lili doesn't have a webpage on the royal website.
Harry's military titles and honors have been revoked. All he has left is the merit-based rank he "earned" as an enlisted soldier. (Which is being generous.)
Their Spotify deal was cancelled early. (Scobie admits this in Endgame.)
No more social media birthday greetings/shout-outs from official royal accounts.
Nothing has come out of Netflix except a whinefest docuseries that no one has taken seriously. Everything they've pitched gets shot down and Meghan isn't getting the talent she wants for her movie.
The only awards they're getting are the ones that they pay for - no Grammys for Spare's audiobook, no Emmys or Golden Globes for their documentaries or the Oprah interview, no Pulitzers or Literary Awards for their books. No Nobel Peace Prize for their recordbreaking humanitarian aid work.
They got the knockoff Kennedys (William got the real ones).
Meghan isn't "in" with A-List Hollywood. The celebrities she's been namedropping haven't had commercial box office hits in at least a decade. She isn't hosting or presenting at award shows.
Meghan isn't getting the lucrative influencer sponsorships and merching she wants, which is why she papwalks in parking lots.
Their foundation is a joke and their philanthropy/giving is increasingly under scrutiny for things that don't make sense.
Their "good deeds" are actually ulterior motives designed for maximum PR and celebrity bandwagons, rather than actually helping underserved communities.
There is actual, open, frequent speculation that their children aren't even real and that has to hurt as a parent.
The British press doesn't take them seriously.
They're a comedy punchline, and not just for satire. The Golden Globes made fun of them. The whole world laughed at them after the "car chase."
Harry's lawsuits aren't going well. He's now trying to relitigate a court finding so he doesn't have to pay his fines.
Elton John isn't flying them anywhere anymore. Oprah and Gayle have cut ties. Ellen DeGeneres seems disinterested. Tyler Perry noped out.
Harry's balding is atrocious. (I mean, really. In the overhead camera angles of The Queen's funeral, his bald spot jumps out at you from a mile away. Not even William's bald head stands out that much.)
They/Archewell bleed staff faster than a flesh wound.
Andrew -- ANDREW! -- still has a royal residence, still has RPOs, still gets papped with members of the royal family, still gets friendly press coverage (on occasion), still gets to wear/use some of his honors (like the RVO at coronation).
Eugenie got to have her own personal social media while Harry and Meghan got a "business" account.
The Sussex wedding was overshadowed by so much drama that still persists to this day (thanks for the Markle v Markle lawsuit, Sam!).
Spare made everyone realize Harry is as bad as Meghan and it's not all on her.
Harry's "Hero Harry"/Queen's Soldier PR persona has been completely and thoroughly shattered. Everyone knows it was just a publicity facade now.
Harry isn't even getting the "William's brother" edit anymore - that's now Mike Tindall.
They were erased from most of the Platinum Jubilee - their only official event was the service of thanksgiving. They didn't even get Trooping - Meghan had to arrange for a pap to take her picture to show us they were at Trooping.
They were erased from the Coronation - Harry got lumped in with the extended family (vs the line of succession, order of precedence, or working royals) and didn't get into any of the official programs, memorabilia, or portraits.
They've been shunned by most of British aristocracy - no invite to the Grosvenor wedding later this year.
No royal christening for Lili, and it's exceedingly more and more likely that the BRF hasn't met her yet.
The British media/press actually shows up and will be the first to defend the BRF against Sussex allegations when it really matters.
There are accusations of stolen valor against Harry because he seems to be supporting American military more than British military.
Harry's African charities, of which he is the figurehead, are in crisis with the discovery of SA and other allegations.
Supposedly Harry's role with BetterUp has been downgraded/demoted.
Invictus Games is going through some serious money issues. There's talk of cutting Harry and Meghan loose because they aren't/can't fundraise, and you know they won't go down swinging.
I'm sure there are more, but my point is that even though it looks like the Sussexes are getting away with things, they really haven't. after all, it's death by a thousand cuts...or eating an elephant piece by tiny piece -- it builds up over time.
Also I just realized that the Kate's Ring paint chip linked up earlier shows it being more of a teal or an inkier blue. It isn't - it's more of a cobalt blue or a royal blue.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 2 months
Closer Than You Think Chapter 2 (Dean Ambrose X OC)
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Title: Closer Than You Think Pairing: Dean Ambrose X OC: Shannon Brock Summary: When a serial killer claims a number of victims including NXT wrestler, Shannon Brock's cousin, she vows to find the killer after she is bumped to RAW from NXT. Her cousin's lover, AJ Styles, appoints himself and the Shield—Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns—as her bodyguards.
Dean takes the task very seriously and doesn't let Shannon out of his sight, despite the game of cat and mouse they play with the killer. Can he keep her safe, or will the killer claim his ultimate victim?
Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: Extreme Violence against women; murder
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Chapter Two
Shannon Brock switched her cell phone to her other ear and grabbed a fruit salad out of the hotel room's mini refrigerator while she spoke with her cousin, Larissa Anderson.
The two women were actually more like sisters than cousins. Not only did they share the same physical attributes: long black hair, pale skin and identical gray eyes, they also had grown up living next door to each other, went to school together, spent weekends at each other's houses and watched their beloved wrestling together. They were virtually inseparable. They even planned for their careers to be in the same industry. Larissa wanted to write for World Wrestling Entertainment, while Shannon wanted to wrestle for them.
Then came Shannon's unforgettable eighteenth birthday—the day she'd been waiting for her whole life.
Shannon had applied for entrance to Funking Conservatory Wrestling School a couple weeks prior, and almost as if fate was giving her a birthday present, she received a letter of acceptance that very day. She'd ripped into the envelope with a vengeance and then cried tears of joy when she saw the printed words informing her of her acceptance.
"Mom! Daddy! They accepted me," she'd squealed happily, jumping up and down. "I'm moving to Ocala!"
She was lucky in finding an apartment near her school within the week and was soon on her way to living her dream. Excitement filled her heart, but so did sadness. She had never been away from her family for more than a week. How will I handle being away from them permanently, she wondered. I know I'll be able to visit them, but still… I'm living on my own now. I'm starting my life.
The day came when she left for Ocala. She hugged and kissed her parents goodbye, and then latched onto Larissa. "I'm going to miss you all so much," she cried. "I didn't realize how hard this would be."
"You'll be fine, Shannon," Larissa whispered, hugging her cousin tightly. "In fact, you're going to be amazing! I can't wait to see you on TV," she encouraged.
"You're going to make me cry," Shannon smiled through her tears. "I love you."
"Love you too. Now go get to school and show the veterans how it's done," Larissa teased. "I'll see you at WWE Headquarters in a few years."
Larissa sounded light-hearted for Shannon's benefit, but for a long time, she felt alone. However, she knew Shannon was doing what she loved. And so was Larissa. She had entered college a year before to major in English and minor in Journalism. Three years of very hard work later, she graduated and within a month had secured her dream job. Writing on the creative team for World Wrestling Entertainment.
Four years later, she worked up to both writing and producing—which was how she met her boyfriend, Jim Walker.
"Work is going great." Shannon answered her cousin, as she mentally returned from her reverie of the past. "As you know, I'm sure, I've been NXT Women's Champion for about six months now. Hopefully, I'll get to keep it a while longer. I get afraid every time I get my script that I could learn I'm about to lose the title to someone." She took a bite of pineapple then, "So how is everything with you? How are you and Jim doing?"
"Work is also going great for me. Very busy," Larissa chuckled. "All these storylines and the deadlines that go with them are about to wipe me out, but I'd not have it any other way."
"Well, I'm so glad you are enjoying it. We were both so blessed to get the exact jobs we were wanting," Shannon smiled, genuinely happy for her cousin. "So, how about Jim? Are you still having problems?"
"Not anymore," Larissa answered. "But that is probably because we broke up about two weeks ago. He just became too controlling and jealous for me to deal with."
Shannon felt terrible for her cousin. She knew how crazy about Jim she had once been. "I'm so sorry, Larissa," she said. "I wish there was something I could do."
"Don't worry, Shannon," Larissa told her. "I'm doing much better without him. The ordeal just taught me that being single isn't nearly as bad as being with a jerk."
"That's true," Shannon agreed whole-heartedly. "Well, I really hate to make this a short phone conversation, but I have got to get to bed early so I can work out in the morning and get ready for tomorrow night's show."
"No worries. I understand completely," Larissa told her. "I just wish our schedules would calm down a little so we could get together. Or even if all the brands had a week of being in the same state."
"I know, I miss you so much," Shannon said softly. "I hate that we never get to see each other."
"Maybe soon we can," Larissa said, hope in her voice. "I'll let you get to bed now. Goodnight, Shannon. Love you."
"Goodnight. I love you too."
With that, the two women disconnected the call and got back to the tasks of their everyday lives.
That Night In Philadelphia…
"Dana," Jarold, the night manager of Denny's called out. "Table nine needs more coffee!"
The restaurant was swamped and buzzing with excitement. The building was full of wrestlers and wrestling fans from the live event that had occurred only three blocks away.
"Okay, I'm on it," Dana called back over the dull roar of adoring WWE fans. She grabbed the non-decaffeinated coffee pot and headed to the table that a man was seated at.
"I assume you want regular and not decaf," she flashed him her charming smile, trying to get as good a tip as possible, and brushed her dark ponytail back over her shoulder flirtatiously.
"Yeah, that'll be great," he smiled back at her. "I guess you're staying pretty busy tonight, huh," he conversed as she filled his cup up.
Dana enjoyed the sexy rasp in the handsome man's voice and immediately became nervous. I must look awful after being around this greasy atmosphere all night, she fretted. "Well, I wasn't super busy till about a half hour ago," she chuckled. "But hey, I'm in a large room full of gorgeous wrestlers. So it's worth it," she joked.
"Well, I'm sure you have every male eye in the room locked on you, flashing that smile of yours," the man said, just the slightest hint of disdain entering his demeanor.
Did I imagine that, Dana wondered. Or maybe I'm just really tired and reading too much into his behavior. He seemed friendly enough, but there was some thing dark, sinister in his eyes. Like Dracula, hot and sexy, yet evil and cold-blooded.
He's handsome, I'll give him that, Dana thought. But then again, so was Ted Bundy.
"Well, enjoy your coffee, sir," she said, suddenly growing uncomfortable. "And if you need anything else, just let me know." She smiled kindly this time, with no flirting whatsoever, and headed back to the waitress station.
The young woman stayed busy for the next two hours re-filling coffee, soft drinks, serving desert, collecting dishes and wiping tables. Her only comfort was that she'd made about two hundred dollars in tips, which she'd poked very securely into her waitress apron.
Finally, at about midnight the diner was close to empty so Dana began performing her end-of-shift duties, to prepare for the next waitress' shift. She wiped down all tables and booths, cleaned the coffee machines and soft drink machines, took all dirty dishes to the back to be washed, then prepared to take out the garbage.
Minutes later, she was hauling two large trash bags along with her as she hurried out the backdoor and to the huge dumpsters in the dark alley.
"Why can't these dumpsters be closer to the building," she grumbled under her breath, as she hefted the bags up into one of the large receptacles.
And then suddenly, the hair on her neck stood on end. A cold chill ran down her spine and she visibly shuddered.
"You should have had someone else take the trash out…"
Dana had no time to react, a knife was at her throat instantly.
A hand clamped over her mouth, "Don't scream…" The raspy voice told her, "Or this will hurt more than it has too."
Oh my God, Dana panicked. Please somebody come out here…She prayed silently, Somebody come check on me…
But there was no one nearby. Nobody to hear her whimpering cries. Nobody to see as the serrated edge of the blade viciously tore into her pale throat.
And nobody noticed for a long while that she never re-entered the building…
Shannon reached over to the nightstand and picked up the receiver of the in-room phone which was ringing incessantly. "Hello," she uttered, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Miss Brock in room 509," came a pleasant female voice.
"Yes, this is she," Shannon said, fighting off a yawn.
"I'm just delivering your 7 A.M. wake up call ma'am. Would you like me to make a follow-up call in five minutes?"
"No, thank you," she replied. "I'm awake enough, so that's not necessary."
"Okay, Miss Brock. Help yourself to a complimentary breakfast in our cafe. Have a nice day."
"Thank you. You have a nice day too." She hung up the phone and stretched with a soft groan. "Ugh…seven o'clock already…."
She stood to her feet then and turned on the television to get the morning news while she prepared for her day. Listening to the weather forecast, she discarded the black satin nightgown she'd slept in and grabbed some workout clothes out of her suitcase. After pulling on a pair of pink yoga pants, a black sports bra, and layered an off-the shoulder black t-shirt over a pink tank top she stepped into a pair of running shoes. Within minutes her teeth were brushed and she began pulling her hair up into a messy bun when the words "brutal murder" shot her attention to the television. Her gaze froze on the TV screen as she listened in.
"…In Philadelphia late last night a brutal murder has the city in turmoil. Live in Philadelphia, Jack Cooper has the story."
"Philadelphia…" Shannon whispered, worriedly. That's where Larissa was last night.
The feed cut to an area at the back of a restaurant taped off with police tape, with Jack Cooper facing the camera.
"The body of thirty year old, Dana Marshall was found outside in this very alley of Denny's restaurant at approximately 12:20 this morning. When the murder was first called in by the late shift's manager, Jarold Carver, the police's first impression was robbery due to the fact that the manager had reported that they'd had a very busy night and that the young woman had made a large amount of money in tips. However, when they arrived at the scene it was a different story. Dana was found lying on her back with her throat and entire body slashed.
A photograph then popped on the television screen of a woman who was apparently Dana Marshall.
"My God…" Shannon whispered.
The woman looked so much like Larissa and herself it was uncanny. The only major difference is that Shannon and Larissa were a few years younger and had longer hair.
Suddenly unnerved, Shannon turned the television off and tried to get herself mentally ready for the day's events. But the images of what she had seen and heard were engraved her mind.
"Denny's…" she thought out loud as she rubbed some tension out of her neck. Grabbing her phone off the night table, she pulled up Google and typed out "Denny's restaurants in Philadelphia", then picked the first link offered. She scanned the page for the street address of the establishment and was distressed to find the address was merely three blocks away from the Thompson Stadium-where SmackDown had been taped.
"Why is this creeping me out so bad," she asked herself. Then shook her head to clear it. "Ugh...I'm just being paranoid. Get a grip, Shannon."
Making sure she had her room's key card in her wallet, she grabbed her gym bag and stuffed a change of clothes into it and then she hurried out the door intent on grabbing some coffee on her way to the gym. And then she was going to work the strange new tension out of her body, even if it killed her.
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timandlucy · 4 months
fanfic writing, everything with a 5 or 7 ♡
5. What techniques do you use to create believable dialogue?
Oh man, this is embarrassing but sometimes I definitely say stuff out loud to hear how it would sound. 🙈 Keeping dialogue in character is like really important for me.
7. How do you handle writer's block or moments of creative stagnation?
VERY POORLY. Like I'm not kidding, creativity for me is tightly interwoven with my mental health, so when I lose my favorite hobby due to a block, my mental health takes a big toll because I don't have any other hobbies really so... I will often equate my self-worth to my ability to create something.
15. Do you plan your fics or prefer to let the story unfold as you write?
I used to just write without planning whatsoever, which I think was fine because I tend to get in my head too much about it, so if I just sat down and wrote, I at least wrote something. As of last couple of years, mostly due to my friend's influence on me, I've become more of a planner. So I definitely over complicate things and produce way less 😂
17. What's the most memorable comment or review you've received on one of your fics?
I can't possibly choose just one.... I cannot. Every comment is so special because there is a person out there who took time out of their day to compliment my writing. But I will say my most cherished comments are ones that like really dive into it and quote stuff and almost go line by line if that makes sense?
I also have a special place in my heart for @queseraone 's comments, because she's the most unhinged and my best friend and her opinion matters too much to me. So when she screams in the comments I know I did a good job.
25. Are there any specific writing tools that you find helpful?
I used to think a great writing app would fix my writing problems, but most of the time a word doc or a google doc works just as well. Again, writing can be simple if you make it so. I will say using Pinterest as a brainstorming tool has been fun!
27. What two (or more) fandoms would you like to see a crossover for? Would you ever write it?
Oh man. Okay hear me out - Lucy Chen meeting Erin Lindsay. My two faves. Together. I don't really write or read crossovers for that matter, so probably not. But the thought of it is fun!
35. What do you enjoy most about being a fic writer?
The community. Sharing my work with others, seeing how they react to it, knowing it might have made someone's day. Even if it was just one person's. Whining together about being too lazy to write and stuff like that. I've come to find most of the writing community is very supportive and kind and we all go through the same stuff.
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bloodpotency · 8 months
I'm going to rank my favourite 5E clans and explain why under this cut
1. Tzimisce
Simply excellent all around. Interesting powers, interesting clan history, fun social-political dynamics to explore and a debilitating enough clan bane to come up with ways it might affect a person psychologically over time. A lot of my tzimisce characters explore the idea of "home" and belonging as well as the horrifying nature of having your brain rot from the inside not just from the beast but from even more innocuous toxic thought patterns like claiming ownership of friends. It must be so challenging to be a tzimisce and remain human, which is wonderful for storytelling and character studies. My only regret with this clan as a DM is that I'm committed to them seeming rare in my setting so there aren't many characters I can write.
2. Ventrue
They are, imo, the funniest clan. All I need to do is show you LaCroix and you understand. Though I can understand also why people think they are annoying for the reasons I find them hilarious. Let me pitch you this: my beloved Ventrue OC, Thomas, is a loser tech bro boyfailure who is entitled to everything and is regularly punished. He was sired illegally, swept under the rug and forced to associate with anarchs cuz no one else will take him. I never understood the beauty of misfortune comedy before I was introduced to Ventrue. It's all about the narrative framing.
3. Lasombra
Similar to Ventrue (obviously) but they have sexy evil Eldritch darkness powers. What's not to love. I recently read through the clanbook in its entirety with my partner and the way they are all so comically villain-like in how they conduct clan business it rivals the Tremere clan. I love their drama and their aesthetic. Their only ding is that you have to ignore a lot of awkwardly handled racism (to show how evil they are!) from the canon leader characters. I'll have to read Chicago by night soon and hope it handles it fine.
4. Nosferatu
You can't go wrong with a bunch of fucked up looking monster dudes. Nosferatu get a ton of points for how creative you can be with their character design, similar to tzimisce. I also really love how they are probably among the least-toxic clans to be a part of, so it's just as easy to write wholesome character dynamics as it is to write messed up ones. As a DM, they are also great utility characters that can write you out of a lot of corners. Need information? They literally just collect it for fun and profit. It's free world building and plot hook real estate.
5. Malkavian
Now listen... I know Malkavians have the obvious drawback of being frequently portrayed as mean-spirited caricatures of mentally ill people. However... If you are mentally ill yourself, writing one that is a respectful exploration of your struggles is really cathartic. Beyond that, though, my favorite part of the Malkavian experience is the cosmic horror element. I love how their antideluvian is some unknowable incorporeal being that connects all of them. I love unknowable mind breaking horror! And I love their utility as well. If your player is a Malkavian attuned to the cobweb, you can just speak to them as the Storyteller for free basically. It's great fun.
6. Tremere
Clan lore is good too. The rigid structure of the clan is good for making a world with a Chantry nearby feel larger and more powerful. Also I guess it's pretty fun that they can do real magic.
7. Toreador
They're kinda mid to me. I don't dislike them but a lot of what makes them unique in WOD is just normal typical vampire fluff in other media. They're seductive, romantic, artistic, yeah whatever. These things gotta be subverted or executed flawlessly for me to be invested so Toreador neither wins nor loses. It doesn't help that their 2/3 of their 5E disciplines are ones I find kinda boring in practice (Celerity, Auspex).
8. Hecata
Carried almost entirely by how funny I find the Giovanni clan, stands low-mid tier Hecata clan. It's sad how much this clan/clans got butchered in 5E. It suffers most clearly from WOD's desire to not "retcon" things in Vampire. Clan lore is non-existent because they tried to just mash a bunch of clans together and pretend like it makes sense and created what sounds like the most boring traits of all of them to be the default. Points for potential, and the ability to carry on playing as if you are simply one of the original clans that made up this one.
9. Gangrel
Even though by all means I should be into Gangrel, they still end up being kinda mid for me. They fulfill a similar niche that either Tzimisce, Nosferatu or actual werewolves could fill just as easily. There's nothing wrong with them, the things I see in them are just done better by other clans in my opinion. They become forgettable to me and I'm gonna have to will myself to make some more cuz it would make sense for my home game!
10. The Ministry
I think they could be very interesting. I think it's silly and goofy that one of their clan traits is "wants to make you evil", that's good for comedy. And the vibe they have is good. I love a good cult, I love snakes... But I don't know if I find the whole Followers of Set thing to be compelling unless I missed some lore about how Set has adapted in the modern world. Maybe it could be cool if Set was the Wyrm or whatever. The Ministry is good for plot devices but I don't know how interesting they are as characters otherwise.
11. Brujah
I admit I'm biased on this one. I think it's kinda sad that in "modern" day, the time period most vtm games are run, Brujah are just stock angry countercultural guys. They're set up to be protagonists of a story against corrupt leaders and...nothing else. The clan doesn't give you much to work with. Strong fast and sexy guys with their three disciplines and basically zero clan structure (I miss VTM Redemption philosopher Brujah) does aesthetic). Every good Brujah character is good because of their writing and gets no shortcuts from being Brujah.
12. Ravnos
The last two clans get like. Negative points for the racism baggage they were born with all the way back in the earlier editions. I think Ravnos has a bit more interesting clan lore (what with their antediluvian wiping them out in recent-ish canon memory) but it takes a lot of conscious effort to make a character that isn't an uncomfortable appropriation of nomadic culture stereotypes.
13. Banu Haqim
It's difficult to ignore how their clan bane used to be THAT... And the whole fact that their clan lore, to this day in 5E continues to struggle to untangle itself from islamic extremist stereotyping. Saying "oh the extremists are just the evil faction of this clan now!" doesn't really cut the level of how bad and uncomfortable and disrespectful this clan was. I am not equipped to write a character of this clan that does not exist entirely separate from its lore. You get no favors from Banu Haqim.
My thoughts on caitiff and thin bloods are separate, and I can't really put them on a numbered list due to how they feel like separate entities entirely in vampire. Might make a separate post?
Thanks for reading! Remember all the above content is just my opinion and I am a DM who makes ocs, I haven't actually been a player in this game as of me writing this. I'm sure it shows lol
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sweet-beezus · 11 months
Iliana's the one that gets to travel the most out of the three, but that doesn't stop me from spinning fun stories about their potential adventures in my head!
I had a hard time picking what world(s) I wanted to talk about for this prompt of @khoc-week simply because the possibilities are endless and I have way too many I want to send them to...
So I just narrowed it down to a few and wanted to talk a bit on my ideas plus the lessons it teaches each of my chosen sacrifices- erm. Blorbos, yes blorbos!
Lets go~
Day 2 - New World
Sonic Frontiers
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Following the events of Sonic Frontiers, our heroes find themselves stranded in an unfamiliar place, the Starfall Isles, filled with glitches and weird robots! And weird creatures. And talking animals. Just a regular Wednesday afternoon-
They meet Sonic, a highspeed hedgehog, who's looking for and rescuing his friends scattered across the isles, and they team up to figure out how to get out of here by any means necessary - even if it means losing yourself to [Sora voice] bugs.
I picked this one for Iris!
While she may not match the same energy as Sonic, she faces the same dilemma where she takes on a lot more than she can handle at times. She's always going with no break, and oftentimes finds nothing more than hurt in her efforts, more towards herself than anyone else.
Here, she gets to learn that even in times of strife sometimes it's alright to admit that everything is a little too much, but that you also have others you can trust to help you stay standing! And, maybe even a bit on how to loosen up and trust that things may end up okay.
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Finding themselves in a humble village in Columbia, our heroes stumble into attending a lavish fiesta held at the encanto of the Madrigal Family, where they meet an interesting cast with much more power than expected!
Things go awry when their beloved encanto begins to fall apart, losing its magic in the process...
They team up with Mirabel to investigate some uncovered family secrets, while also snuffing the darkness that is plaguing the family in hopes to repair damage done by one person's grief, as well as return their guiding light back to full flame.
This one is for Irene!
She and Mirabel, to some degree, share a similar position of being unremarkable. They're the last people to be considered for important tasks except in certain situations, yet they both know they're still important regardless! They just have to stand off to the side is all! ... Right? No!
In assisting Mirabel, she is learning better how to accept her lack of magical talent, as well as picking up new techniques on how to creatively handle situations magic can't touch. She's not as quick witted as her young charges, but it does serve her well when combined with her kindness, and in turn helps Mirabel learn some techniques to better connect with her relatives and accept herself for what she can't control.
In contrast, Irene learns more about how it feels to be singled out, to think you're ruining everything despite it all not being your fault, something she never experienced herself but saw in one of her companions. This will help her with some important bonding later.
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By accident, our heroes managed to walk into a very interesting situation at just the right time! ... Disguised as men? It's the Land of Dragons all over again-
They meet Merida, who enlists Iliana's help in rigging a competition for her hand in marriage. The whole plan is to allow Iliana to win, though with some characteristically accurate interference from her, so she can be free to live her life, putting her family under the assumption that she gave up and finally picked a man, even when trying to cheat to win. Despite the fact they still cheated, but anyway-
Iliana, being well versed in passing as a dude by now, agrees to this wacky plan, since it may lead them to whatever it is this world brought them for. The rough part was that they were total nobodies, so this would take a lot of improv to pull off. Skill? Not an issue for now... hopefully-
However, things get a bit... hairy, and needlessly complicated no less-
I picked this one for Iliana because... Hmm-
On one hand I could give a joke answer and say it's because she learned something valuable in the ways of conning people out of an actual win, but...
On the other hand she learned plenty about controlling your destiny on your own terms, helping others achieve who they want to be despite other's expectations (though the bears were a bit much in her opinion), as well as received another nice lesson in body positivity because sporting a beard has never been a bigger nightmare...
Honorable mentions include:
▪︎Persona 5: Insight into learning how rigged the system can be against you, and that even the most unassuming person could be harboring something much darker. This is a given, but they also get to see first hand that when confronting that darkness there can be redemption, even for the blackest of hearts. This will later lead to sheer disappointment.
▪︎Moana: Perhaps breaking the boundaries, no matter how terrifying, may lead you to where you need to go. On a different end, winning everyone's admiration may lead to disaster for yourself and others.
▪︎Undertale: Not everything is a monster you need to slay, except for the version of you that you refuse to face. And perhaps kindness and mercy for the innocent can go a long way.
▪︎Tinkerbell: There's always magic in discovering where you fit, though reaching beyond conforming may be daunting, perhaps that's where you need to be.
Honorable joke mentions include:
▪︎MCU: Don't bother moving here unless you want awful insurance and weekly evacuations
▪︎The Caribbean (PotC 5 edition): Barbossa's a dad??? And who did Cap'n Jack piss off now- GHOSTS???
▪︎Pokémon: This is just how you bring home free pets, there's no escaping that-
▪︎Barbie: Make them have an existential crisis and slay in pink while doing it
My main goal for all of them in the end is for them to learn to accept themselves, as well as enjoy the time they have to be young and free. Y'know, despite the interference of a bald old man and his 13 copies, as well as the ghost of fried chicken past-
I think it's fun seeing what all sorts of places can do to change how you view yourself, especially when residents and friends open your eyes to things you never truly saw!
The fun part? INFINITE amounts of these places to see and learn from! Imagine the possibilities...
I digress though! Hope y'all had fun, see y'all on Day 3!
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moon-cycling · 2 years
today i feel a real heaviness around me. things that could be contributing:
i have felt really calm, at peace, and happy about life for the last week
i have friends going through some serious life struggles that are in a way triggering my own thoughts about myself and my life path
my dad is losing his brother to addiction and watching the way he handles the situation as a parent would, with so much love that it actually breaks your heart. this made me cry (sob) on my drive home from our walk yesterday, and then in the bath when the end of the stutz doc was dedicated to hill & stutz's brothers who they had lost. death and loss are hitting me in a whole new way that maybe is an opportunity to face it
i spent last evening cooking soup and baking cookies for like... 3 hours or something. because i was really taking my time but i was so tired by the end of it. an example of doing something with or without expectation. just make the soup and cookies, enjoy. i enjoyed the process but at the end felt like - what did i do that for? which is kind of silly because like - its food. purpose certain. but i felt weird after and i feel weird this morning.
my period was maybe two weeks ago now, so my hormones could be shifting around. which takes me to my next segment...
quarter moon thoughts
the stutz documentary kind of echoed everything in my last new moon intentions, almost as if i further called the ideas into my life or picked up on them ahead of time
the negativity sentiment struck me last night, as i walked with my dad and looked at the moon and said something kind of meaninglessly negative about harry styles. just that i was confused as to why he was so famous because i don't know anyone who can name one song of him. just a thought lol because my dad is always talking about music news. but anyways i remembered the yoko ono quote and how easy it can be to continue that old mind pattern. i listened to an interview with someone from love is blind yesterday who was a therapist, and she was talking about how you can actively change your brain patterns, if you keep doing it.
i would watch that doc a million more times, there was so much to sit and bask in the beauty of. it made me feel like i do have control over my life, and that working on the most simple things like feeling my best all of the time is worthwhile and actually the only way to get better.
also his thoughts about people and how you need them. my inward fall certainly got me somewhere emotionally and creatively, but now i think i can find better balance between with others and with out. and don't need to have such hard rules about being alone. life can be so beautiful and simple. i want winter to be a time of communing with the people i am closest to in this world. surrounded by pretty twinkly lights and the heaviness and lightness of life itself in one season.
i am finding a better work/life balance and am comforted by stutz's sentiment of constant work. pain, uncertainty, constant work. 100% always there. i accept the work, and will do my best to have the best relationship with all of the work i do. on myself, my home, my relationships, my body, and my passions. and i feel lucky to have a people job once again. i feel proud that my work is real and matters. people matter and making people feel loved and cared for is one of the only things we have in life. i love not having a made up egotistical job, although i am heavy in the midst of trying to separate my identity from work. because ego is always there.
creativity: i am gearing up to make a real piece of art that i am proud of. all of the elements of my creative forces are coming together to create something that i love and find compelling. i have the fear of not liking it in the end, but that is the attachment i need to move away from (or the nonattachment i am moving towards rather). i will do it to enjoy the process, not feel my ego fulfilled by a certain outcome, that you can't even yet fathom. it's that little snapshot stutz was talking about
content: a constant back and forth between creating and consuming. i created soup and cookies while consuming that therapist interview and another funny one. i have begun being more intentional about what i am listening to, and actually am planning to trade in my iphone for a flip phone here soon enough. thank god i have this lovely laptop. the stutz movie and the madonna doc made me feel so much more satisfied with things to think about, not something that i want to forget like the real housewives of salt lake city lol. i love the bonding aspects of reality television amongst women. like, it is our sports and i value that and will not trash that medium. but, when i am alone and what i can encourage others to do is to watch better art, because it does have a different effect on you.
and i want to write every day. i preparation for this art piece, and for my own healing
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hanjifuck · 3 years
.˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆ stray kids ideal types - series .˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆
bang chan version ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
based on their birth charts! s2
✧*:.。. t/n: i'll be using SIDEREAL astrology on this one. it's also important to say that when we talk about romance in astrology we have to fully analyse the couple's birth charts individualy at first and only then apply compatibility analysis so we're able to check out the synastry overlays.
✧*:.。. t/n: kinda proofread. <3
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the basics:
someone who has sun in virgo or in the 5th house;
aquarius and gemini moons are the ideal but aries moon is also great, libra is good, leo and sagittarius moons are a maybe. capricorn and cancer moons are absolutely a no;
venus in virgo, scorpio, cancer or capricorn;
mercury in virgo (or capricorn/taurus).
obviously there's way more aspects to look into to see if a relationship would work but i'd rather not go too deep into it right now.
a person who's patient and honest. he takes his time into getting to know you before he commits. so, when he does commit, there’s no room for him to change his mind. he's worthy of a romance novel. he will make sure that the bond is strong and stable for both.
someone who's good at communicating, reading people's intentions and has a good sense of humour. he tends to use his voice to express himself and he's such a sweet talker when it comes to romance. communication and intellectual rapport are his thing, so it's important for him to have someone who he can talk to. so good at covering it up his intentions or even lying (but you guys didn't hear this from me), except that he tends to tell the truth in almost any and every situation. he loves to tell stories and to see the smile and hear the laugh of the loved one.
a partner who's not afraid of commitment and long term relationships. listen to me, this man is looking for a soulmate connection, someone to pay him due attention. he's a romantic at heart and has a strong need for love in his life, it being his ultimate driving force, a passionate lover and he knows how to maintain the flame of true love. without love he would be nothing.
someone who knows how to talk to people and be pleasant during social situations.
someone who's highly vulnerable and revealing with him, ONLY.
a person who's adventurous. he does not know how to stay still, he wants to expand and has a hedonistic type of approach to how fun should work in a relationship. he can't be more happy then when his able to impress you with his creative side. if you like an intellectual approach to life you will love it as well.
a positive person, someone who's optimistic and make things seem easy.
an intense, bold, strong-willed and powerful person. would love a partner who knows how to stand up for themselves. he wants besides him a person who can make the world kneel in front of them.
someone who will do anything to seduce him.
someone who challenges him (in a good way, ofc). he loves to be dared as he sees it as stimulating, a reason to try even harder, to put even more effort in. he's prop to play mind games (maybe manipulating, even if it's not his intention, since he makes everything sound so wonderful). often fueled by curiosity and a desire to control/possess others for himself *only with those who he actually loves since he sees romance/sex as super meaningful, on a soul level thing, and focus 100% on the person he loves.
emancipated, educated and high intelligent individuals. a pretty face will never be enough, sorry. virgo sun in the 5th house? pfffff this man is a genius.
someone who's younger or appear youthfu/has a youthful personality. he needs a eager-to-learn-and-to-enjoy-life-with-him person. channie's prone to take up the dominant/leading role in a relationship as well. it's like he has this strong pedagogical (?) side to him (and once again my theory that he would be a teacher if he wans't in the entertainment business is proven right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
a person who's not avoidant or keeps to many secrets. if you keep stuff away from him he may misinterpret things quite easily.
a partner who's as clingy as he is. channie does not stand being alone for too long. he needs your warm touch and gentleness.
a freedom-lover type of person, someone who seeks inspiration and fun. he's extremely motivated and light-hearted, very flexible and adaptative.
a person who knows how to encourage him. basically someone who knows his intentions almost better than he does. he has a need for validation and appreciation cus sometimes he fixates on certain ideias but doesn't have what it takes to go further with it.
someone who would enjoy having kids, taking care of them, educating them together, and is family-oriented. he would love to have a partner who's as excited as he is to mentally stimulate his kids. very inclined to having lots of children. he wants someone who has the potential to go all the way to the finish line. man's want commitment.
a person who's charming, "feminine", sensuous and romantic. he's not interested in a person who is crude. he has strong yang energy on his birth chart so it's a good thing if your chart is yin energized. the whole thing about lighting up candles, putting on some romantic music is important to him. may be enticed by a person who has an overly sexual appearance (SPECIALLY if you have scorpio sun or rising), femme fatales (the energy, not necessarily a woman) are just right for him. maybe someone quite mysterious as well.
someone who's painfully monogamy. you can trust him on remaining faithful, as long as his partner do the same. trust is important for him and when it comes to love, it's absolutely essential. if you don't want to lose him forever you shouldn't break his confidence. he rarely has any interest in casual encounters, not being the type to take different people home every night. loyalty is such a turn-on for him, cute. he wants to be only yours, so he expects the same from you, not wanting you to even look at other people. the more committed to him, the deepest his love is.
someone who's not shy. he’s a non-conformist, private person and rather do his own things, away from the public eyes. remember when he said he usually likes "dark things"? man wasn't lying. he knows exactly who he is and what he likes even tho society might shun him for it. however, he does not care. <3
a person who's devoted and dependable, who's also ready to work by his side. someone who knows how to handle his possessiveness and maybe even suspections. just be honest with him and patient enough to put him at ease, assuring him that he's the only one who deserves your attention and love. his jealousy may be really tricky.
okay, this dude has mars and venus conjunct pluto in scorpio. do you guys know what this means? i would DIE to make this man love me!!!!!!!!! help. he will be SOOO OBSESSED WITH THE PERSON HE MARRIES, IT'S INSANE KDISADJADNAUS HELP ME.
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midoryasibsau · 2 years
Also sorry for any gramatical errors!
Ok, I am back again. The recent chapter was actually not bad and it feels great that this (ark? Intermission?) story bit is finally over and we can move on. While there are things I find questionable, I don't feel like said things are anything we haven't seen out of this story (it's one of those things I think everyone became sort of jaded to). What I am about to talk about is also in the category of "not surprised anymore", but I need to get this off my chest :
The family of Ons is forced to the point it's uncomfortable.
Right now, it feels more like a cult, with Yuu as the leader.
I have to admit that the way the decision in chapter 112 was handled is what triggered me to write this, but keep in mind, this post is the frustration accumulated after multiple instances of the story shoving family in our faces as a reason to just not ask questions. Accepting Guren in the squad is not my concern, I don't have a problem with that, it's the way it was handled that bothers me.
I will repeat, this post is not supposed to offend anyone, it is just a way-too-detailed analysis of the concept of family in ons and how I think the scene could have been improved! This is a little(big) creative exercise , so don't take it too seriously!
In this post I will elaborate on what I think would have been interesting to see out of everyone and if you disagree or have other ideas please let me know! It would be really cool to see how others think this scene could have been improved! Or maybe you think that the scene is good the way it is and that is also cool!
The way this issue could have been fixed here is give them a reaction other than complete trust before agreeing with Yuu. Maybe have them mention something about keeping an eye on the adults or how they are only doing this for Yuu or maybe have someone comment on how Yuu is being brash. I think this would've shown us the found family aspect better, as well as develop the shinoa squad more, you can tell a lot about a perosn by just their reactions. Show them interact for more than 2 sentences, show them discuss the situation, show them argue, you know, like a family. Like the thing this story is preaching about. Ons is trying to present the image of a perfect family whose members always get along with each other, but it is simply not possible. Family is about accepting each-others flaws, but it also means calling someone out when they are in the wrong, it means disagreeing on things but caring for the other in spite of said disagreements.
Show Kimizuki be aprrehensive. No matter what Guren did for him during his days in the army, his sister just DIED, it would be understandable if Shiho was not in his right mind. He is the most grounded, logical, person in his squad, but when desperate/angered enough he loses all composure. Further imply that here, show him trying his damn hardest not to start a fight, make him actively voice everyone's doubts. If there is going to be any lashing out, it is probably going to be because of him. "Are you really going to trust him after everything he just addmitted to? I know you are an idiot but come on, you can't be this dense. "
Yoichi should be more hesitant. In the chapter he did show signs of nervousness, but it felt a little too casual considering the situation. We know Yoichi is soft-spoken and cheerful, but one of the most important things about his character is that it is all a facade and that he is actually quite angry and violent on the inside. Show him be hesitant, not in a casual way, but in a quiet debate sort of way. He is wondering if it is worth the worry. His eyes are fixed on the ground, trying to fight the incoming tears. Should he trust him after everything he found out? Was everything just a big lie? Should he just take his revenge right there?
Shinoa is the silent rage. All her life, Shinoa has been alone, she had to fend only for herself and so developed a tehnique that is supposed to help her survive, but also cope with everything. Her character ark is about overcoming that. What if here, due to the stress, just for a moment, she tries to revert to her old ways. Show her struggle for a second to understand what she is feeling because dwelling on emotions, let alone bad ones, has never been her thing and now that they are running freely she doesn't know how to reign herself in anymore. Show her mumble under her breath, mouth agape, eyes scrutinizing. she knew from the begining, but hearing it out-loud? That was a whole other experience.
Mitsuba rails everyone in. As the one with more experience in the army and with no emotional conection with Guren and Mahiru and well, the people involved in the plan, she is probably the voice of reason, the only one who can stay partially objective. The one who knows that panicking and lashing out is not going to help, but just blindly trusting whatever would also be very wrong. She knows that they need to talk as a squad, decide their options, take a decision and hopefully later do some damage control in the mental and emotional field. She rails everyone in, breaks the fight. "Everyone, shut up for a second, Yuu, get over here".
And the cherry on top, Yuu's confidence slowly being crushed as he looks at his friends. He is not surprised that Kimizuki is being a dick and is about to argue back until he sees Shinoa's judging eyes looking behinde him and then back to him and then behinde him again and that is the first blow. He looks at Yoichi for support becauze he understands, Yoichi always understands, but all he receives is a watery gaze and a silent apology and that is the second blow. He tries to look for Mika out of habit, only for the weight on his hip to suddenly feel heavier, a reminder, and that is the third blow.
And here is where they have to get over everything and talk. They have to overcome this as a family, in spite of their flaws and differences.
Anyways, I really like angst, can you tell?
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sonofanumbranwitch · 2 years
The Owl House returns, and I just want to be able to enjoy it... but,
My favorite show is back from hiatus and I should be ecstatic. I just got finished watching the new episode and it had everything I wanted. It had action, comedy, awesome displays of magic. And Luz and Amity being absolutely adorable and wholesome and OMG AKDJSABDFIKFGFJFJJFF I've missed these two.
But there is still a cloud hanging over all this. I've been struggle more with some of my mental health issues lately. Nothing major just being a little more tired with the state of the world and all that. And usually when this happens I just take some respite in the things I enjoy, movies, tv, books etc.
But part of what I'm tired of is how the people and companies that produce the things I enjoy are actually acting in the world. With The Owl House its hard to enjoy it fully because of Disney's revealed support of homophobic officials behind the Don't Say Gay bill that just passed here in Florida where I live. Its frustrating to watch a company that has produced some of the most influential pieces of media in my life just be run by hypocrites who don't actually believe the things it told me to stand for.
I can't blame the creatives for that. Many have spoken out against the executives at Disney for this hypocrisy and they want to make art that actually speaks to the issues they want to address. But the executives who hold the power and the money are chained to the screeching of conservatives who lose their minds if you dare to treat their children like human beings who can handle the idea that people are different and some of the things in life that they were told to be ashamed of are actually just a part of life and that's all okay.
Maybe I'm throwing a lot of this out of proportion but I truly believe media and nerd culture has a lot of power to influence the real world around us and I want to see that power be used to a good end. And while I believe there are creatives in the field who believe that to, I can't trust the executive class to not cow to conservative screeching.
And on a related note the next Fantastic Beast film is coming out, and we've got new footage of the Hogwarts Legacy video game. And I want to be able to enjoy both of these things but I can't just do that because in all this time JKR has not dropped here TERF bullshit.
I just want to be able to take a break from the horrible shit that goes on in the world and enjoy a fun show, or read a book that makes me happy, or play a video game that lets me escape into another world for just a bit of respite. But the people behind it abuse the power and influence that my support gives them to harm marginalized people. I'm just so tired of this. I don't understand why so many people can't just follow the basic principle of "don't be a dick". It's not hard. I don't know where I'm going with this post anymore. I just needed to vent. I'm tired guys.
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johns-prince · 3 years
Let's play the speculation game and say McLennon was real. Going with the common idea that Paul dumped John in India, wasn't the "let's all be friends, write together and go on double dates with our wives" angle Paul seemed to hope for completely delusional? Why would someone with John's issues stick around and celebrate Paul's happiness with someone else after being downgraded?
I have great respect for Paul's decision of not being John's nanny/handler for the rest of his life. But I've always been annoyed by his inability to let the man go for good. Paul, you've made your choice, my friend. Enough with the sad songs about not being called back or turning up on John's doorstep with a guitar when the he was spending time with his own family. People hate that but some things in the world really are black or white. You can't have it both ways.
Why speculate when we know it was and is real 
Alright so, let me try to unpack my thoughts cohesively get ya tinfoil hats on y’all;
If we go with the theory that during 1967, when Paul and John were practically living together and conjoined at the hip, taking LSD together and sharing those intense and intimate experiences that even Pau’s girlfriend Jane had become envious of— John had come to the realization of what he wanted, finally acknowledged it and came to accept it. 
So in India, John tried to confront Paul about their relationship and their “relationship,” and openly admit to Paul that he wanted more, that he was now willing to leave Cynthia and Julian for a life he truly wanted or desired, and that included Paul (but to what extent is what we debate I guess) 
And now that I’m thinking about it, we also know John was sort of beginning to spiral downward in 1968. It was obvious his marriage with Cynthia was at it’s end, and he didn’t want to work on it anymore. He was surrounding himself more with druggies, an unsavory crowd that Cynthia really didn’t approve of (Yoko was part of this crowd) and he was actively pulling away.  
I think John was realizing that, he just wasn’t happy. That, putting everything he had into becoming one of the most successful musicians in the world, to become bigger then Elvis Presley, didn’t make him happy. It didn’t fix what needed fixing in him, what needed addressing. He was still drowning despite it all. 
So you’ve got the trip to India, the boys going in hopes that perhaps the Maharishi Mahesh Yog and his spiritual teachings would somehow give a new perspective on things, produce the answer that would save the band (save John and Paul) from what appeared to be an inevitable downfall. But as we know, that isn’t what was needed. 
John and Paul needed to talk. The lack of consistent communication between them for years and years, and the fact John needed a therapist, he needed rehab. So did Paul, during the White Album era. 
I don’t believe Paul dumped John, but I do think John could have easily misconstrued Paul taking a step back and not willing to just go blindly, impulsively jumping off a theoretical cliff with him, as being rejected. We know Paul had to sort of take the position of ‘think before you leap’, to be more conscious of the actions and decisions he and the others decide to take, and how it would effect them as individuals, and especially them as a band (because frankly the others wouldn’t) and we know that John could be incredibly impulsive, only thought of the consequences after the fact. That, and who’s to say such a proposition and confrontation from John hadn’t scared Paul? Got him feeling those insecurities of his own crawling up. 
Paul wanted a traditional family, he wanted to have a wife and children. But Paul also wanted John, he wanted and loved Lennon-McCartney, and he didn’t think (or he’d hoped) him getting married and having a family would really change anything between them (because John got married and had a kid and they were still able to do go and do whatever they wanted together, so what was the difference—) that he could still keep what he had with John, that they could still stay together after The Beatles split. Get around to writing that musical, and grow old together still writing and making music, still creating together.
How I see it, is that Paul wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
Paul, being fine with keeping the status quo between them, it was safe and enough (right?), but John vehemently wasn’t fine with it anymore, and it wasn’t enough for him. Nothing was enough for him, as we know; John was a very all-or-nothing individual, and expected complete devotion and love from someone, because receiving less felt like rejection and abandonment was only around the corner. This way of feeling and thinking for John was only exasperated by the drugs, his alcoholism, and his spiraling mental health. 
Paul could have tried compromising with John, and John still could have taken that as a complete rejection of his feelings and what he wanted, and what he had hoped and thought Paul also wanted. 
I believe Paul probably didn’t even know himself what he had done wrong, or that he did anything wrong. I don’t think Paul believed he was downgrading John to anything either.
If only they had talked.
Then they returned from India, and the rest as we know it...
“To me, a summary is something like: “gifted, disturbed boy with tremendous amount of drive to outrun a bad childhood discovers love for music and creative soulmate(s) and gives everything he has to become the most famous musician in the world, hoping it will make him happy. He does, but it doesn’t, and people who don’t have his best interests separate him from his friends, his creation and creative spark, and ultimately himself. He’s too screwed up by addiction, mental illness, and unaddressed traumas to change things, so he retreats further into addiction and mental illness, wishing he could somehow regain his lost spark. He makes a few halfway steps toward doing so, but they’re not enough, and ultimately he is killed in front of his apartment building where, 24 hours later, his wife installs the man she had been sleeping with behind his back.”"
— Michael Bleicher, The Artist as a Dissipated Man: Fred Seaman’s “The Last Days of John Lennon.”
Right, so both John and Paul made their choices in life. Some choices and decisions that we as fans and outside observers might never be able to understand, or agree with.
But who’s to say Paul (and John), couldn’t, didn’t, or don’t regret those choices and decisions? 
I get what you’re saying, I understand. Why can’t Paul move on? He made his choices, why is it 40, 50 years later, that Paul can’t just let John go? Let sleeping dogs lie, all that.
Because Paul loved John, still loves John, to this day. 
Because, clearly Paul has some regrets. He regrets how things were handled during the Divorce. He regrets not hugging John enough. He regrets not telling John, when he had the chance and time, that he loved him (and without the help of alcohol) When you love someone so deeply, and suddenly, without warning, they’re taken from you and the world, you regret a lot, and you miss what could have been, the ‘What if’s.’ 
Paul said that what he and John were, were soulmates. I don’t know how it feels to lose a soulmate. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to know how it feels to get the opportunity to love and be around them. 
How awful do you think it is to meet your soulmate, but you cannot freely love them? Can’t just, be, with them? Not in just one way, bestmates, legendary partners, but, as everything that the word Soulmate brings along and includes with it? 
That God decided to have them be of the same sex, during a time where it was illegal to love and be with someone of the same sex, and could even be a potential death sentence to be assumed or thought of as a ‘queer.’ 
So, you take whatever you can with them. 
Then that isn’t enough. One grows restless, desperate for more. It can’t happen, not realistically, not without consequences of varying degrees. 
Strain, miscommunication to none. They communicate through a musical, artistic language which just isn’t enough. Drugs, alcohol, mental illness and emotional turmoil, it’s all too much. It breaks. Soulmates are still flawed human beings. 
You have people who work to purposefully pin them against each other. Parasites and piggybackers. 
A nasty divorce and breakup between two lovers that never were.
And then, after ten years, it’s happening. You two are talking again, things are tense and awkward still sometimes, but something’s changed. You��ve planned on reuniting, couldn’t do it this year, because the studio you wanted was booked. So you plan for after the New Year. 
Then, your soulmate is killed. Just, taken away from you, like nothing. Violently and suddenly. And all the possibilities... The time... Gone. Ripped away from both of you.
I can’t blame Paul for not letting go. I can’t say I’d ever be able to understand the sort of pain and heartbreak he experienced. He still goes through it! It’s still there. He’s just learned how to manage it a bit better. 
I’d say it’s more pathetic then it is annoying— and I don’t mean it in a way to insult Paul. I really don’t. Because John was just as pathetic when it came to his obvious obsession, desire, and love for Paul, too. 
Love, that kind of soul-deep love, it can make you pathetic and hopeless. And it’s not something you can just... let go for good. 
Wanting, or expecting Paul to let go of John for good... Firstly would be impossible, and secondly, how do you let go of a soulmate? John is a part of Paul, whether some like it or not. Can’t really have one without the other. 
Can’t have Lennon without McCartney, and vice-or-versa. Forever intertwined, are they.
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free--therapy · 3 years
Time Management
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We all have the same 24 hours in a day, the same amount of time each week, month, and year. How we end up perceiving that time and how we prioritize the tasks we do and how we spend that time will differ from one another though. Learning how to manage our time more effectively can help to reduce stress and anxiety as being able to be more aware of how we spend our time and what we choose to prioritize during said time will help us to feel more in control in ourselves and our lives. When we can focus on tackling the things that are important to us and take care of tasks on time, we can feel a lot more confident about ourselves and our mental health.
There are a few myths, however, that we tend to believe that may keep us from focusing on better managing our time. There are ways to combat them while looking at them realistically so we can focus more on being realistic with ourselves and taking accountability for how we may be keeping ourselves from accomplishing the things we want to do or not using our time as wisely as we should be.
Time Myths
1. "I never have time for the things I want to do." I will make time for what I want to do since I want it bad enough. I need to make time by prioritizing what's important and schedule other things around these tasks.
2. "People keep interrupting me, so I can't get anything done." I need to be more assertive/firm when I get interrupted so I can keep focused on the things I need to get done. I need to make sure I'm communicating my wishes to other people. I have to learn to excuse myself from things and create the needed time to get what I need done.
3. "If only I had 2 more hours each day. Then I'd be able to get it done." I will get it done. I just have to start earlier. I have plenty of time during the day, I just need to prioritize better. I need to plan my day out better.
4. "They have so much more time than me!" We all have the same amount of time to get something done. They just know how to prioritize better. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. I just need to structure and plan my day better. I need to organize my time.
5. "I'm afraid I'll get too organized, and will end up losing my creativity." Being organized will actually allow me the time to be creative. Being more organized is actually something that will require my creativity. Time management will let me be more creative, the more organized I get.
6. "I'm waiting until I have more time." Let's set up a date and a time to get it done. I'm going to plan to do that today. I should schedule my activities so that I can make time for it.
7. "There's just not enough hours in a day!" I will make sure I plan my days better and more realistically. Whatever I don't get finished today, I can always do tomorrow. I know I'll feel better if I can accomplish a certain amount of tasks per day.
8. "Time management is boring; it never works for me." Time management is necessary and important, so I need to make sure I make it work. Time management will work if I just try it out. I can make it work for me.
9. "I need someone else to motivate me, otherwise I won't get it done." I will learn to motivate myself. It's my responsibility, no one else's. I have to assume responsibility for my own time management. I'm responsible for my own actions. I can get it done.
10. "My time never feels like it's my own, and there's nothing I can do about it." My time is my own and I have to plan accordingly. It's possible to schedule time for myself daily.
Tips to Improve Time Management
Admit that you have a problem with managing your time
Decide that a change is needed and that you accept the responsibility of taking control of your life.
Stick with your goals and always be checking in on them.
Create a list of tasks to accomplish each day.
Learn to say "no" when it comes to prioritizing the things you need to do to accomplish your goals.
Commit to being more organized.
Seek professional help if you're unable to do so or simply need help/inspiration on how to get started or how to maintain your goals.
Plan out what you're going to do each day.
Delegate tasks or responsibilities to other people when you're unable to handle them. It's okay to admit we can't get everything done.
Take the time you need to make sure a task is completed properly.
Make sure to make time for yourself to exercise and proper sleep.
It's okay and highly encouraged to take breaks when you need it.
Set time limits for each of your tasks to be completed, especially when they are the tasks you dread.
Start using a diary/journal.
Try to keep and stick to routines as best as possible.
Do your best to not procrastinate!
Taking more control of your time allows you more control of your life!
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instruth · 2 years
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three gutsy people
intuitive, spiritual
committed, fearless
help the underdogs
condemn liars, injustice
liberate with love
gentleness, caring kindness
prudent with listening skills
cool opportune time
control the anger
free the heart in compassion
and trust perfection.
(Haiku 5-7-5)
The Story Of Bong Kim, alias Nine O’clock
A great leader,
Bong Kim
is a freedom fighter
supports the weak
and the poor
champion their cause
of oppression, injustice
takes away their fear
he cannot let
sleeping dogs lie
a great leader
brave and outspoken
bold, laughs at fear
turns doubts into belief
exposes liars and imposters
lays his head
on the chopping board
to liberate those
unfairly treated
influential and convincing
Strong tendency to dominate,
with power and authority
over the people,
who allow him
and give him
control of their lives
because they trust him
he is ambitious, impatient
and impulsive, but he makes
crucial decisions quickly
very suspicious of others
quick to condemn wrongdoers
especially those who oppose him
thus creating his own enemies
subtly but surely
He needs to feel,
with his heart,
so he can learn to love
instead of possessing others
by being cunningly clever
or with aggressive threats.
The Story of Chiu Wo alias Ten O’clock
Making Mole Hills Out Of Mountains:
That’s Chiu Wo, my girlfriend
she has the character
of a true Ten
nothing is overwhelming
every is cool
winning is fine
losing is also fine
very strong instinctual perception
of approaching disturbances
of growing distractions or tension
loves peace at all costs
to the extent of being lazy
her greatest fault is sloth
"Sleep it off, all will be alright!"
A fantastic host to guests
genuinely generous
beauty in the arts
with creative presentation
and fine delivery
well liked and loved
She must learn to be brave
to perform in confidence,
not to lose courage
not to retreat to the cave
nor hide or sleep it off.
The Story of Mrs Ban alias Eleven O’clock
The Story Of An Angry Woman:
That’s Mrs Ban ...
when it's Eleven O'Clock
silence becomes a curse
no longer a blessing
no one dares to utter a word
for Miss Perfection is here
"Why is everything in disorder?"
fussy and complaining
she's easily distressed
does not know how to relax
just cannot sit still
always looking for things
to do, to adjust or to correct
dinner plates in position she wants,
cutleries properly aligned
guests seated at designated places
"I can't help how I feel; I am very upset!"
rashes erupts from her skin
itching all over the body,
scratching every where
whenever she was overloaded
with issues she cannot handle
or she hasn't the time to attend to
She needs to make time
for herself
go out and have some fun
relax, laugh or smile
a little more
instead of always
trying to make things right
then, perhaps, she would
have found beauty,
satisfaction and gratification
among the imperfect ...
© Johnny J. P. Lee
27 March 2022
Haibun (Haiku with short stories)
(Adapted from: Curse of the Green Dragon , and Breaking the Curse of the Green Dragon- two Hakka novels, covering five generations of the Bong Family - by J. P. Lee)
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