#i can tolerate lavender as a backing scent
winter-jay-official · 4 months
Honestly one of the funniest things my moms ever done is going off one mention I was running out of my favorite perfume oil (helps with my migranes >>>>) is get me more without asking me what I liked (or even using) or even looking at the scents that she got then got mad when I was looking into the scents I did actually like
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klarolineashur1919 · 9 months
La Tua Cantante Series
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Airpods Save Lives
Demetri Pov
"The meat smells divine today" Felix practically hums out. Whenever the tours came it gave us some kind of excitement. Not that any of us would admit it, we were all so bored. I in a way admired Felix's ability to make excitement from anything even though it could be immature at times. Alec and Jane kept themselves preoccupied in ways that I could tolerate but took years to stomach. I on the otherhand kept myself satisfied with the best thing the world has to offer..women. But even that lately has not had the same effect it usually has for me.
"Hmm" I merely acknowledged until I stopped in my tracks when I smelled the group that was coming. It did smell divine but not how the tours usually smell.
This was different.
It was also extremely overpowering. I wanted to search for and ravish whoever the smell belonged to. Fresh oranges, sweet wine, lavender and ink.
"You can tell someone from this group is rather tasty can't you" Could Felix smell it? Did he feel as I did at this moment? The craving of something unknown. But we were about to find out as the group entered the hall. Me and Felix moved to the side by the assistants desk. The group strolled in with Heidi at the front as usual.
"Demetri" She said sultry trying to get my attention as I didn't even spare her glance worth while. I scanned the group it felt like it went on forever of unwanted faces until my eyes found her.
It was her scent. She wore a orange scented perfume, she just had a glass of wine for lunch, her floral flowy dress was lavender scented from cleaning and she had small smudges of ink on her almost spotless delicate hands.
It all made her so intoxicating.
She was stunning. With her long, slightly wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a curvy hourglass figure that was complemented by her slender frame.
"Now she's a tasty little thing" Felix said a little too loud that she had to have heard it but her expression did not change from the somewhat bored one she had. I realized she wasn't in awe nor had the enthusiastic interest that everyone else in the tour group had by Heidi's power of persuasion. Then I watched as her eyes darted to something in the side hallway making her leave the group.
"Well thats rare" Felix somewhat interested in the human making a move in her direction before my arm shot up.
"I got it, I'll meet you in the throne room" Without looking at him I make my way towards her.
I watch her as she is analyzing or I should say scrutinizing the Portrait of a Young Man painting. It wasn't my favorite painting of Raphael's but I didn't think it deserved the amount of scrutiny she was giving it. Her nose scrunched, the lines on her forehead and her eyes almost closed by how hard she was trying to see the even smallest details of the painting.
"Give peace a chance..Let the fear you have fall away" I jumped slightly at the sudden angelic melodic voice that came from her as she stepped back trying to look at it from a different angle. Her hands rested at her bag that laid on her hip preparing to open it. I faked a cough to make my presence known but she did not turn to me as she took her phone out from her purse. I moved towards her quickly taking her phone from her before she was able to take a picture.
"Umm excuse me" She said in a sweet surprised voice as she turned to me. If I had a breath it would have stopped as I looked into her eyes.
They were so blue they reminded me of the Aegean Sea.
They reminded me of a home I once knew and I thought long forgotten.
"What's wrong with your eyes?" She said gently grabbing her phone from my hand. My eyes looked like hers once I think. Now they're not as pretty.
"It's a medical condition...you shouldn't have left the group" She placed her hair behind her ear showing a white plug in it. She took it out.
"Is this real?" She pointed to the painting. She hasn't broken eye contact from me nor my eyes from her. This was quite an anomaly for me.
"Yes what makes you question the authenticity?"I say amused by this creature. I usually take human girls in the privacy of dark corners and be done with it. But her...I wanted to make this last.
"Well for one it's been lost for almost a hundred years, this is a Raphael painting correct?" She says trying to be polite but about to burst from this discovery she found.
"Correct, artist are you?" I said conversational but she precedes to put the plug back in her ear. She turns from me much to my displeasure as I watched her hips start to sway away from me.
"Architect major with an art history minor" She said walking in the opposite direction of where she should be going but stopping in her tracks almost immediately at the next painting. She does the same act as the last much to my amusement. She starts huffing in and out analyzing every detail of the Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence. I make my way over to her. My shoulder an inch from hers as I stood facing the painting as she did. She gives me a side eye understanding I wasn't going to leave her. She goes to her ear pressing on the plugs.
"Is this a replica?" She says now finally suspicious of her surroundings if she wasnt before.
"They're all real...love" I stare down at her as she comes closer to me. Every fiber of my being was restraining myself from ending this. I wanted to relish this, savoring it like one does a fine wine.
"Are you in the mafia?" She whispers and I laugh heartily at the question.
"Now what would give you that idea?" I say coyly as I lean closer to her, my eyes landing on her slender neck. Her pretty little neck.
"Because this painting was supposedly stolen by the mafia" She said matter a factly moving from me realizing how close I was to her. I clenched my jaw at the distance between us. I wanted us closer. I had the feeling even if I skin to skin with her wouldn't be close enough for me. But she seemed absolutely uninterested in me, enamored with what was around her.
"Violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arm's length don't work..You try to push me out..But I just find my way back in...Violet, blue, green, red to keep me out...I win" She gives a mumbled hum of the words not fully singing them out knowing that I'm there close behind. She accepts that fact along with that all the paintings she sees are real. She doesn't analyze them viciously like she did before. Now just taking them in like they should be. But I am analyzing every detail of her. The flutter of her eyelashes, the curve of her hip and the way her hair bounces as she walks. She turns her head to me behind her, giving me an excellence view of her perfectly structured jawline.
"Are you art thieves?" She says innocently genuinely curious. I chuckle at her guess. I look at her ear looking at the plug realizing sound was coming from them.
"What are those things?" She looked at me confused. I lift my hand slowly towards her tapping the back of my finger lightly against one of the plugs.
"Oh..they're airpods" She looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I had absolutely no idea "they're like earplugs or headphones." I mouthed a little "oh" as she let out a little giggle at my ignorance.
"I'll have to warn Heidi about those" I say more to myself as me and her walked side by side down the hall, further and further away from the throne room. We're getting close to a intersection, one hall leads to a cellar and the other leads to an exit. Decisions...Decisions.
"Was Heidi the lady in charge of the tour?" I simply nod while I think of the fact this girls life is in my hands. Do I truly want to snuff out the sun? I'm quite thoughtful about the decision as I firmly placed my hands behind my back.
"She's kinda an airhead isn't she?" I whip my head towards her uncontrollably crackling at her statement.
"Heidi?" I say absolutely bewildered by the statement. I don't think Heidi has ever been described as an airhead?
"Well I know that is kinda mean. I really am not into girl shaming but..she has all this to show"She twirled around then kept walking "and she said a lot of words with really nothing of substance behind them. I did listen a little to her in and out...I don't know I preferred music over her" My hands tighten behind my back as I stare at her. Her hair when she spun I got a delightful whiff of her shampoo.Citrus. Fresh oranges. Her blood would taste so sweet.
"Like this castle has to be from the 12th century-" She looked at me curiously as I stared at her clavicle. That would be a wonderful place to take a first bite.
"11th" I muttered out. We made it to the intersection, cellar for a drink or exit for her life.
"Oh" She tilted her head up to the ceiling an spun slowly on her heel around "I can picture that..there is some roman designs" She smiled to herself. Her eyes sparkled. It's funny I lived in this castle going on a thousand years and always found it a dull place mostly except when we used to have parties. But in one day she saw the beauty in it.
"Are you a lover of Artemisia Gentileschi?" I asked as she was about to turn down the hallway to the cellar, stopped to look at me.
"Yes...why?" She smirked cutely. I smile at her for giving me that answer. I take her hand in mine and lead her through the hallway with the exit.
"Hey how do I know you're not taking me in some dark room to have your way with me" She said half jokingly. I just smirk to myself. She would be so delicious but for some reason it seems like it would be a waste. It wouldn't even be a minute before her life would be gone and she would be gone. Her beauty, her smile, her voice..everything about her I could just take in an instant if I chose to.
"Your hand is so cold" She did a little tug on it. I turn to her and say nothing. I stare in her eyes for a moment and she looks at me amused.
"So if I'm ever found alive and they ask me the name of the assailant, what should I tell them?" I winced as she dropped her hand from mine before the question. I wanted her to touch me.
"Demetri"I slowly drawl out "And when I see your face on the news what name will I see?"
"Nina" It almost came out as a whisper but I heard it. As I also could hear the screams start but she didn't seem to hear them.
"Here we are" I stop in front of our designated painting and she started to laugh at it. The Madonna and the child was one of our many Artemisia Gentileschi paintings but Jane had all of her famous ones on the other side of the castle that was where I didnt want her to be.
"Really out of her paintings this is the one you have?" She giggles as I just look down at my shoes like a boy. She does stop giggling to appreciate the painting eventually.
"She looks so tired" She says more to herself than to me. Then I really look at the painting myself to see what she means. I see it too in the mother's eyes. I never noticed that before probably never cared. I watch her as she looks over the painting really taking in ever detail of it.
"You should paint me it would last longer" I look down again with a smirk.
"Can I?" I say more flirting than serious. She turns to me blushing and my smirk deepens.
"What am I going to be your Rose to you Jack?" She leans closer to me making start to tense even though I was taken back by the reference. I need to brush up on current entertainment.
"Ahh-" I freeze as I can sense someone coming.
I look behind me seeing the reason why we're here..the exit.
I take her hand and hurry her to the door. We go down stairs and stairs. I have to be mindful of my speed seeing I had to keep a human one. Something came over me that I had to get her out that was my only thought at this moment.
"Where are we going?" But her question is answered when I open a door to the outside practically throwing her out. Then the sun light making me step back into the darkness.
"Wait" She places her hand on the door before I close it and I didn't want to hurt her.
"Will I see you again?" She almost whines out.
"Yes but don't come back here..meet me at the front of the clock tower at night fall...goodbye" I said it quickly as I slowly closing the door.
"Goodbye" I heard quietly right before the door closed. I regretted how it ended but there was reasoning behind the abrupt departing.
"Well this is quite unusual behavior...for you" Felix leaned against the wall at the top of the stairs.
"The girl didn't hear or see anything, no laws were broken" I say stiffly making my way past him.
"That may be but the why is what I'm curious about" he hanged his head over my shoulder mischievously. He wasn't going to let this go.
"It just felt like a waste" I shrug looking almost dazed not wanting to think what I had just done and the why.
"A waste...yes a waste of food. Bloody Demetri if you didn't want her you could've given her to me. But Im surprised why didnt you want her?"He was going to nag and nag until he got an answer to his liking.
"I wanted her...but it just felt as it would have been to quick" This was making me nervous. I haven't felt nervous since the incident with the Cullens. But this was a different kind of nervous, I was worried for her.
"Fine then I'll meet her later at the clock tower-" If on instinct I slammed Felix against the wall my hand around his throat.
"She's mine...I'll take care of it" I shove him back stalking away.
She was mine.
I hated to admit it but I knew it to be true.
She is my cantante.
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zooophagous · 2 years
Did you bring the trash bags?" Strauss asked his flinching companion. Troy held up a fresh roll of white bags. They were lavender scented, so sickly sweet that it nearly made the vampire gag. Perhaps it would do to cover what was going in them.
"You decide to take a more hands-on approach to raising your own livestock? Gotta say a vampire homesteader is a new one for me. Though I guess you do come from ye old butter churning days."
"The staff has grown tired of caring for the mice. They smell foul, and they bite. If they are to be kept for my consumption, it is only fair that I shoulder part of the responsibility." He pushed his way in to the garage. "Thank you for agreeing to help me. They would not allow me into this part of the institute without supervision. If I did not have help, I likely would not be allowed to have them."
"Yeah yeah... well. You owe me. I'm not really on board for what you're keeping them for. But I guess it's better than the alternative." Troy rubbed his neck uncomfortably. Whether out of fear for himself or empathy for the mice, was unclear.
"I do not expect you to dispatch any of them. Think of it as making sure they have comfortable lives."
The garage was dark and musty, and made mustier by the smell of dozens of large white lab mice that scurried back and forth in cages on shelves along the wall. Strauss did have to admit, the smell was pungent. The garage did not really have good ventilation for them.
"Start by removing the metal exercise wheels and the water bottles and placing them in the sink to be sanitized. I will go through and scoop out old substrate and replace it."
Troy obediently got to work, lifting out bottles and wheels and toys while the white mice scurried in fear from their ersatz caretaker. One large mouse clung stubbornly to the wheel, and Troy grabbed it by the tail to remove it. The mouse cried out in a shrill squeak of fear, and then promptly turned and sunk its small but sharp teeth deep into Troy's thumb.
"Motherfucker!" He cursed and dropped it back into its cage. "You know, I was always told that animals can sense a good person, but either I'm full of shit or I'm secretly evil."
"I never have that problem." Luther smirked, and reached his hand into a cage. A line of white mice obediently, robotically marched up his arm and perched quietly.
"Vampire sway over animals is cheating." Troy griped. "Now I know it must be BS, you're actually the one eating them and they listen to you just fine."
"Are you insinuating that I am not a good person?" Luther tilted his head coyly.
"I didn't say that. As a person I'm sure you're pretty average. But if it's any consolation I'm very sure you're an above average vampire."
"What makes you say so? Have you met many?" He carefully deposited his mice into a temporary carrier and began scooping out soiled substrate into one of the flowery bags.
"Well, no. But it's sort of the stereotype I guess. I mean, you never really hear about the nice ones."
"Well, Troy, I'd love to say that it is because of unfair prejudice but truth be told, I have met vanishingly few nice ones myself."
"Why's that, do you think?" Troy asked as he dumped a selection of water bottles into the deep bay sink against the wall. "Does making a vampire make you mean?"
"I think it is more because the mean ones are usually the ones that survive. A fledgling vampire has a very difficult existence ahead of it. The stupid easily get caught, but the soft hearted often... give up." He scooped a fresh helping of pine into the cage. It had a strong smell too, but it was more pleasant than any of the alternative scents in the room, so he could tolerate it.
"Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. That sucks. Do you ever struggle with feelings like that?"
"Like what?" He carefuly tailed out the mice and replaced them in their cage, carefully checking them over for blemishes as he went.
"You know, like... ideation?"
"You are asking me if I have ever considered destroying myself?"
"Yes. I believe every vampire has considered it at least once. But I am too pragmatic, and too much of a pessimist to believe that my station would improve if I did."
"I gotcha. You're better off as-is?"
"If there is a God, I do not believe he is done fucking with me."
"I see. So... if mean vampires are usually the ones that make it, how are you still here? I mean. I've known you for a bit and you've never been mean as far as I've seen."
"Mostly by heavy denial." He finished freeing the mice into their cleaned home, and snapped the locking cage lid back into place. "Denial of what I want, be it a live feeding or human companionship or a home or a career. Anything that puts me too close to other people runs the risk of our paths crossing in dangerous ways."
"Isn't that a little... I don't know. Puritanical?"
"Don't compare me to puritans. I despise puritans."
"No I mean... the 'denial of the flesh' or whatever... for someone who's pretty anti-church, you repeat a lot of their talking points."
"Hmm. Perhaps you are correct. I was raised a filthy protestant." He moved on to the next cage of mice, which obediently came to their master's claw. "I was born Martin Luther Strauss, you know. I dropped the 'Martin' because I hated it. Still, I cannot deny the culture I have been steeped in."
"Well, that's just part of being human I guess. Artemis says it's fairly difficult for older vampires to change, and you might be sort of a special case even beyond that because of how isolated you were."
"That, and I am loath to break my routine. New things can easily become dangerous things."
"Yeah, well." Troy trailed off, not really sure what to say. He collected another armful of water bottles which drippled all over his shirt. "...Not all desires of the flesh are dangerous, you know. I mean, even for you."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, sure you have the vampire instincts to hunt or whatever. But you still have some human desires in there too right? There's lots of human desires you could indulge."
"What do you suggest?"
"Well. There's always creative pursuits. Singing and art and the like. You'd have to be trying pretty hard to kill someone like that."
"You haven't heard me sing." Strauss smirked.
"There's also the human urge to just be compassionate."
"You already know there's a reason I don't mingle with others well."
"I'm not talking about making human friends. Though arguably, you really need more of those. You can practice on these."
"These? The mice?" Luther looked down at the red eyed thralls sitting dumbly in his hand. "I eat the mice."
"That doesn't mean you can't practice being nice to them. Maybe it would even help, because technically you eat people too."
"How am I supposed to connect with this." He held up a mouse by the tail.
"Firstly don't dangle it like that. Secondly... just. Try being NICE to them, you know? Instead of using vampire powers or whatever to just make them listen to you, see if you can't befriend one the old fashioned way."
"Befriend. A mouse."
"People befriend animals all the time!" Troy held his hands out, palms up in exasperation. "I'd argue that the desire to befriend a little animal and be nice to it is one of the major human instincts! And I'm not just saying that because I'm vegan. Think of how many people out there have pets. Didn't you ever have a pet?"
"Yes, actually, I did. I had horses." He looked down at the mice again, who were now growing antsy as his sway over them faded. They began to scurry and try to leap away, some of them defacating on his hands in fear. "I was always very good with horses. I was a decent rider, too. But a horse is a soulful beast, they have more behind their eyes than a mouse."
"Give em a chance and they might impress you." Troy put his hands on his hips. "I mean, the Van Helsings gave you a chance. Think of it as paying it forward."
All of the mice save one had abandoned the vampire's hand, and ran off to the furthest reaches of their cage in abject terror of the predator. The one that was left sat calmly on his haunches and began to lick his front paws, and wash his face and whiskers. Strauss gently stroked its head with his thumb. Its little body vibrated slightly, he wasn't sure if this was alarm or if it were a facsimile of purring, like a cat.
"How do I be nice to it?"
"You're doing fine now. Don't chase it to pick it up and don't force it to come to you. Bribe it with food, everyone loves food, and if it wants down you let it down. Easy peasy. Oh, and this is important, you also have to give it a name."
"A name." Strauss said flatly as he placed the small rodent on his shoulder.
"Make it good."
"Troy the Second."
"I'm flattered but let's work on that."
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katcadecascade · 5 months
If you believe the lies I tell (Snowjanus fic Chapter Eight)
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Chapter Eight: Trust
Word Count: 2,968
With Clemensia carrying half his weight, they manage to get out of the school. She flags down one of the remaining chauffeurs and they practically dive into the back seat. They shout out the Corso address and the engine gets the car going. 
No more audience, it’s just them. Spearmint clashes against lavenders in such a tight space. Clemensia lets a hand go to at least open a window. It’s claustrophobic here, Coriolanus slides away to his side of the car, trying to catch his breath. 
Clemensia states bluntly, “You’re in heat.”
Coriolanus loses his usual grace. 
“I know!”
“Have you ever-“
“No!” He grips his hair, “I have never had a heat before!”
“Yeah, I can tell from how you’re freaking out!”
“Of course I’m freaking out!”
She reaches over, this time not for scenting but to check the temperature from his forehead. He knows he is warm, the problem is that Coriolanus has no idea if any of this is natural. Coriolanus has learned the basic textbook knowledge and the little his family has talked about, but that’s theory. Heats are a hypothetical that he refused to apply to himself until this very moment. 
“This isn’t something to panic over, Coriolanus.”
“Oh like you would know,” he snaps.
He doesn’t mean to lash out, it’s mainly his paranoia of the unknown that is frustrating him. Thankfully, Clemensia doesn’t appear too offended. 
“Hey it could be worse, you could’ve gone into a mating frenzy or baby fever for Sejanus.”
Now that has Coriolanus yelling out, “Fuck no!”
Intention, something like that can only happen if mating or wanting a child was at the forefront of his mind. The need for shelter and comfort is the typical purpose of heats. Coriolanus is so damn relieved that nothing that extreme was ever in mind regarding Sejanus Plinth. 
He still hates that his emotions latched onto the alpha. Even before the heat, Coriolanus knows that some part of him is stuck onto Sejanus but also Clemensia. 
Her presence is immensely important to his senses. This ever-growing flame continues to ignite his body, to seek her aid and comfort but Coriolanus is a stubborn fool.   
“I helped Lysie with her heats, I know how to help you too. Especially if you don’t have a nest prepared.”
“Oh no.”
Coriolanus knows how horribly unprepared he is. Not only about the mental and emotional tax of it all but the state of his house, his bedroom. It’s not a protective or possessive urge to keep his territory away from an outsider's eyes, it’s dread and shame. 
“No, you can’t.” His scent is all wrong, too sharp and overwhelming. A heat intensifies it all, weaponizing his anxiety to break out of his perfect mask. “No no no-”
“Hey, hey, calm down, it’s alright.” Clemensia pries one of his hands away from his disheveled hair. Smiling and linking their fingers together, she assures, “You still have time to build a nest before you’re in the thick of it. It’ll be alright.” 
She believes she’s saying the right words, and she is. It’s just that Coriolanus is the variable that makes everything wrong. 
“You can’t, Clemensia.” It’s a contrasting beg that can only be spilled by his lips, “I can’t let you help me.”
“What? No, Coriolanus, you shouldn’t spend your heat by yourself. It’s your first one, I won’t let you feel like you’re alone.”
“Clemensia,” the words are rough in his throat, declaring, “I’d rather be alone than let anyone in my home.”
Her concerned eyes look into his glaring, angry scowl. Coriolanus has always rejected her kindness, yet treated her as his friend. There was a tolerance, a barrier between his life at school and his home. Coriolanus continues to enforce that separation, even at the cost of Clemensia’s feelings. 
There’s something clicking behind her eyes. Clemensia is the smartest person Coriolanus knows. He hoped that she never analyzed him but she’s doing it now. 
Whatever conclusion she thought of has her surrendering, “...okay.”
On the logical side of things, everything is good. They’re enroute to the Snow’s penthouse, away from prying eyes and confusing scents. There may be enough time to swallow down scent blockers to aid his body, that is if the heat does not burn through the medications immediately. Also he could tamper down any nesting habits simply but not having any materials in the first place. 
Never before has Coriolanus been so happy at the thought of returning to his dilapidated home. 
The staircase leading up to the penthouse mocks him. 
“At least let me help you up.” 
Clemensia’s looking at the old double doors of a luxury he doesn’t have.  
“The elevator is broken.”
A weight of dread falls in his stomach as he watches the briefest expression of confusion to analyze to acceptance. 
“Alright, stairs it is.” 
They walk the twelve flights of stairs in silence, passing by abandoned rooms and decaying wallpaper. 
His home is a weakness, evidence of how the grand Snow name is falling. The worse case scenario was all of it getting exposed, of wolves and lions pouncing. 
Yet Clemensia keeps any comment to herself, reshaping the anxiety into a snake in the grass. 
When they’re at his door, Clemensia asks, “You have everything you need?”
“Yes,” he lied. 
From her frown alone, it’s clear that she knows he’s lying. 
Coriolanus wonders how many times Clemensia knows that he has lied straight to her face. 
Coriolanus slips past the door as fast as he could but he knows that Clemensia Dovecote has seen more than anyone else in the whole Captiol.
He thinks she said his name again behind the closed door. It could be his heart reaching for her, for more than he could ask for. 
His sweltering body lumbers to the kitchen cabinets. Without anyone, this needy ache demands to be soothed by the presence of those he trusts. Coriolanus knows that’s a fever dream. In practiced motions, Coriolanus reaches for the pill bottle and swallows down a bunch of scent blockers. 
Arachne’s bizarre claim of taking blockers like a hard drug is obtuse. Yes any medicine can be abused if someone tried hard enough but that’s just it. It’s an innate need for scents, no amount of blockers will make a person want to live in a scentless world. 
As less complicated as that world seems, it doesn’t tempt Coriolanus. He does see the good side of scenting.
Just maybe not in the throes of a heat he never thought to have. So Coriolaus tries to stall it with the pills. 
It’s only temporary, it won’t be enough. Coriolanus can tell from this heat still humming through his body. His scent is significantly less intense but it continues to fill the room. 
There’s still one major problem with this heat. It will consume his body of energy, a body that has not eaten a full meal in days. His bones are weighty, something his malnourished body cannot carry. 
He doesn’t have any food to survive this.
This is what he meant about heats being a waste of time and energy.
If Coriolanus doesn’t have enough energy or satisfy his nesting habits, he could potentially get fever heated. 
A true fever combined with heartache, all their stories told as tragedies. How poetic it is for this to be Coriolanus’ fate. 
“Coryo?” Grandma’am steps out of her room, steps light on the cold floor as she draws near. “What’s going on? You should be in school.”
Coriolanus gives an abbreviated summary of events on how his life was ruined in the mere moments before class began. A laugh almost slips at how pathetically fast it all fell apart. 
He expects her face to be shaped by horror or maybe disappointment, anything to match the uncomfortable feeling growing in his own skin. 
Instead she pats him on the back, rubbing big circles as she embraces him into a hug. 
“Oh, my boy, I didn’t prepare you for this did I?”
“Why would you?” Coriolanus shakes his head. “I don’t need any of this. I shouldn’t have entered a heat in the first place.”
“But you did, no changing that now. Come, walk me back to my room.” 
As her obedient grandson, he does. 
Grandma’am’s room is nearly as minimalistic as his except for a few framed photos, a songbook, and her clothes. It once overflowed the closet but now it barely takes up half of it. 
Her exquisite taste in gowns and overcoats had cost Grandma’am a lot of her most cherished memories but sold them nonetheless. Yet there were things that were deemed too precious to sell off. 
She gestures for him to grab something under her bed. Coriolanus tugs out a small, tightly wrapped bag. At Grandma’am insisting nod, he opens it. 
The air is knocked out of his chest when the scent of roses enters the dusty, cold air. 
Coriolanus whispers, “What is this?” 
“It’s your mother’s. Blankets she used for her nests back when… back when she needed them.”
It was preserved as best as it could be, wrapped with plastic. A total of three, all faintly emitting the scent of roses. The rose powder in the compact mirror is an artificial cosmetic, something that would add onto her scent. This precious cloth in her son’s trembling hands, it truly is her last remnant. 
There’s one blanket much, much smaller than the rest.
A baby blanket.
His baby blanket. 
Coriolanus cannot fathom how tiny he once was. How that small creature began to shape and be shaped by the world. There was no urge to control or perform, back then it was all about simply being in the space provided.
A sick feeling enters his stomach at the realization that this baby blanket would’ve been passed to his younger sibling.
Helena Snow and her stillborn daughter never got that chance. 
Their passing was truly the start of this family’s ruin. 
Wordlessly, Coriolanus gathers it into his arms. He doesn’t care that his scent flares out, burning through the blockers he had swallowed down. What matters is saving every piece of his scattered heart for a heat that he has never allowed before. 
“Your mother rejected every scent of your father. She only needed you.” 
“But why do I-” He bites his tongue before he could finish that question. Coriolanus holds the blankets close. “Thank you Grandma’am.” 
Whatever look he has on his face, it doesn’t convince his grandmother. Aside from Tigris, this woman also raised him. If Tigris encouraged kindness, Grandma’am encouraged gaining power. 
“Coryo, you can control every aspect of your life, of your body.” It’s the reassurement that he desperately needed, that this is within his control. But then she adds, “A heat amplifies what’s already inside.” 
His grandmother hands over one of her pillows. Scenting fades with age but it’s still there, the scent of honeysuckles. 
Coriolanus accepts it but argues, “Am I supposed to trust them? They were people I had to deceive, to make them believe I’m as powerful and wealthy as the rest. I never once trusted anyone I could call a friend.” He gestures to the decaying walls around, “Look at our home Grandma’am. It’s so pitifully easy to ruin me, to destroy us!” 
It’s rare for him to be angry with his Grandma’am. Manner’s aside, he doesn’t want to yell at her but it highlights his desperation. The true fear of having a weakness is being unable to protect it. 
Grandma’am has all the wisdom in the world to know that her grandson is hurting and scared. 
“I of all people know what betrayal feels like.” A haunted look tugs on her wrinkles, briefly lost in a memory. Her eyes return to his, the sadness remains, “I’ve taught you to expect it at every corner of the world. I’m sorry, Coryo. I gave you dreams of total control.” She quickly assures,  “And that is still possible. You just need to trust your instincts when faced against the unknown.” 
As nice as a prose that is, Coriolanus knows what his instincts demand.
It’s something he struggles to ask for. 
“I can’t accept their help. It would mean that… It would mean too many things about me.”
A vulnerable side of Coriolanus Snow was revealed today. Even before the heat hit, Coriolanus gave his scent to Clemensia. It soothed a part of him and later on, Sejanus was an emotional anchor. 
All of this means that Coriolanus is capable of trusting others. 
It could be so easy to just accept that as fact. 
But survival is worth more than truth. 
This calculating impulse kicks in when Grandma’am says offhandedly, “I’ll call Tigris.”
“No, don’t take her away from work.” She needs her job and any money that can come from it. An assistant’s paycheck rather than Tigris selling off her scent. “That’s more important.”
Grandma’am frowns, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. “Nothing's more important than you.”
Coriolanus leans away, hoping his authority doesn’t sound like pleading, “Don’t call her. I’ll get something from her closet.”
Before he leaves her bedroom, Grandma’am imparts more words of wisdom.
“Heats clarify who you trust.” 
It’s a revelation that he doesn’t want to have. Yet once his consciousness learns it, it stays rooted in his skull. It flows into muscles as he grabs Tigris’ handmade, comfy robe and marches into his room. 
Coriolanus feels stupid doing all of this. Building a nest on his small bed. It’s so thin, nothing as lavish as what Arachne would brag about. She made a show of receiving tokens from her friends. 
All Coriolanus has are a few blankets and two pillows. He has the urge to tear it all apart but he could never do that to his family’s gifts. 
He tugs his uniform off, sweat uncomfortably clinging to the buttoned shirt. The thought of adding it to his nest never crosses his mind. Coriolanus does not seek comfort in his own scent. Donning a fraying sweater and loose pants, he feels more unnatural in his own body than ever before. 
Coriolanus knows how pale he is but one glance in his mother’s compact mirror reveals he looks as bad as he feels. 
Sweaty, too warm, a gut wrenching loneliness that is eating his stomach. The air is cold, smells like a pine forest in the dead of winter. Spearmint has always reminded Coriolanus of a blizzard. Polar opposite, not just the scent and the fever but also his needs and wants. 
Coriolanus has always relied on his fears, more accurately his assumptions that everyone in his life will go against his wishes. It stemmed from his need for control, to maintain the glamor that fools others. His need to be the top student, to claim the wealth his family so desperately needs. 
As for what he wants? 
Wants are another reason to have fears. 
It may be alarming how fast his brain connects those two things, believing it two sides of the same coin. Yet this is the paranoia that Coriolanus lives with. The most well fed thing in Coriolanus’ world. 
There’s a knock at the door.
It’s not Tigris, is his first thought. 
Coriolanus’ fears are confirmed when he opens the door to see a determined Clemensia Dovecote and a nervous Sejanus Plinth. 
His voice is dead flat, “Why?” 
“You know why,” she answers. 
Coriolanus almost forgets that the scent blockers are entirely out of his system because he can’t smell lavenders or nutmeg. They’re both containing their scents, letting only their words and pathetic frowns influence him. 
It won’t work, is what he believes. 
He glares at them, refusing to be trapped. 
All he needs to do is shut the door. That’s all it takes and they will give up on him. 
There are so many chances where Clemensia could stop reaching out to him. Sejanus alone has plenty of reasons to despise them all, Coriolanus’ constant brittle nature would give anyone whiplash. 
Yet they left school, climbed the creaking staircase, and are at his doorstep. 
It could be in their nature to want to help, a need to feel helpful. 
“I said I won’t let you spend your heat alone.”
Coriolanus points accusingly, “So you brought him?”
“Yes!” There’s anger in that exclamation, surprising Coriolanus. Clemensia glares at the boys, “I don’t know what’s going on between you two but I won’t let you get a fever heated.”
There’s a lie on the tip of his tongue, Coriolanus’s not sure what the words are but it’s definitely a denial. It dies when he meets Sejanus’ gaze. 
Just like back when it was them alone in the classroom, Coriolanus feels seen. Sejanus knows Coriolanus, not just the little insight of his starvation for food but his cravings for victory. The alpha proudly encouraged Coriolanus to be at the top. 
Yet this time it’s obvious that Sejanus doesn’t like what he sees. 
This brings a dreadful burn in Coriolanus’ gut. 
“Please,” Sejanus begs. “You don’t look well, Coriolanus.” 
Any fight response inside of Coriolanus continues to diminish in the warmth of those brown eyes. 
“I… I don’t know what I’m doing.” The words are croaked out, more broken than soft. It’s his voice but Coriolanus barely believes it. “I don’t know anything about this.”
Sejanus pleads again, “Then let us help.” 
Maybe life would be easier if Coriolanus made them give up on him, to leave him alone. 
Yet that’s just it, Coriolanus has always isolated himself from his peers. He knows what loneliness is, how starved he is of things that cannot be eaten.
Clemensia and Sejanus have fed him time, conversations that felt real, and the chance to stop acting like everything in his life is perfect. 
Coriolanus Snow lets them in.
Thanks for reading!
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kmarttelescope13 · 7 months
mirror conversations
imagine i am a diorama--
an elementary schooler has taken a vested interest in the Rockies,
and my chest cavity is their shoebox.
my fragmented ribs are their dollar-store dinosaur figurines,
my intestines their fake-moss trees.
imagine my spine is a ridge of mountains.
imagine there is a cabin tucked up on top of my sternum,
and imagine a waterfall pouring out of my heart,
foaming out from behind the bone,
a little cave, a niche in my chest where you can stand on a ridge and see the silhouettes of people walking back and forth behind the red stained glass of my ventricles.
imagine caring enough to scale the cliff face and enter the cabin.
inside, you'll find the prom photos, the sticks with googly eyes glued on, dinosaur stickers, the deadly serious letters masked with humor.
it's yours. there's a room for you. two, actually. if you don't like the first one, the one i decorated.
the second is empty save for a credit card. buy what you like. fill me with you. make me a reflection.
imagine that God in His high heaven has decided to take pity on us.
imagine anyone caring when you're in pain.
imagine me making dinner after you limp through the front door for the third time this week,
and imagine me bringing it to your room, sitting down and talking for a while, or if you’re not up to that just leaving it with you and going down the hall to watch TV.
imagine me borrowing your car and bringing it back with a full tank.
imagine soft blankets, lavender-scented lotions, warm kitchens, rainy days. imagine comfort. imagine a world where your hands and shoulders hurt a normal amount for your age.
imagine a world that understands you, one where you don't have to explain yourself. imagine being normal. imagine being tolerable. imagine explaining yourself perfectly on the first, second, third try. imagine explaining yourself at all. imagine getting a word in edgewise. imagine an equal conversation, where nobody waits for their turn to talk. imagine sitting in silence that feels like a bonfire at your back. imagine stinging warmth, feeling coming back to your toes after being out in the snow, scraping the ice off your windshield.
imagine i take the scraper from you. i give you a break. i turn on the heater. i warm up the car for you.
imagine being loved. unconditionally.
we in the biz call that a "pipe dream."
i keep asking you to go on a vacation. a cabin in the mountains, above a waterfall. i show you the brochure.
“it looks lovely, doesn't it?” i ask, and you're staring at your hands. they're shaking and cracked and a little bloody.
“yeah. real pretty.”
“we could go next week.”
you run your index finger over the curve of your wrist, leading into your thumb.
“i have to work.”
sometimes, i wish i could make you look. i wish i could shove the glasses on your face and show you my ruined chest under my shirt, screaming for you to just look.
but i just smile.
“maybe next time.”
imagine things going our way.
no. i shouldn't even say that. false hope will make a fool out of me.
get an elementary schooler and a dull X-ACTO knife. i need to feel something.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 1 year
Tagged again by @anotherghoul666 , thank you so much! These are fun.
✨ Get to know me ✨
Current wallpaper: Planets. (Wallpaper and the lock screen are the same image.)
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Last song you listened to: Death by Glamour (Metal cover - RichaadEB with familyjules7x)
Currently reading: On a re-read of Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites by Joy Demorra(@/thebibliosphere, don't want to actually tag her since this has nothing to do with her). The book her fanbase bullied her into writing a few years ago. Screenshots from her website I took earlier since I can't be bothered to type it all out.
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Last Movie: LOTR - Extended edition marathon while petsitting last weekend.
Craving: Deep tissue massage and twelve hours of sleep on the perfect mattress in a room scented with lavender and cosmic white noise on surround sound speakers.
Currently wearing: Grey jeans, Return of the Living Papa Tshirt, the few pieces of jewelry I can actually tolerate wearing on a daily basis (devotional necklace, bracelet). A musky, suede cologne a cute girl once complimented me on so now it's the only cologne I want to wear. Extremely chipped dark purple nail polish. Pink slippers. Some kind of slutty little robe that doesn't even have pockets so I don't know why I have it. (It's a slutty little robe. That's why I have it.)
How tall are you: Not as tall as I want to be.
Piercings: Both earlobes done at Claire's (retail store that uses a piercing gun for any who are not familiar), nips done by a professional. Claire's healed beautifully, hardly needed to do anything. The nips lasted about a year and a half with intense babying, doing everything right before I threw in the towel and had to get them removed. I miss them so much, and I am Extremely Bitter about it.
Tattoos: None, but I have a whole list. Currently number one is Phedre's Marque on a bicep. Maybe with a little personal flair from the artist, I've seen a ton of variation online and wouldn't mind something unique!
Glasses/contacts: Glasses. I need new ones.
Last drink: Tropical Punch ZOA energy drink.
Last show: Metal Family (It's really cute.)
Last thing you ate: Buttered toast.
Favorite color: Still blue.
Current obsession: Ghost.
Unrelated Obsession: Skyrim (Ugh, Miraak, my love. We could have had so much if the devs weren't complete cowards. The First and the Last, fated to fight as the pawns of something bigger and inescapable. Doom-driven. We should have been able to hold hands and kiss about it.)
Pets: A nine year old bichon-frise/Shih-tzu mix named Honey Belle. She can't live in my apartment so she stays with my dad, who needs everyone to know he can't believe I'm naming myself after the dog. (I DIDN'T, IT WAS JUST A FUNNY COINCIDENCE INVOLVING SONG LYRICS AND AN INSTRUCTOR/FRIEND TRYING TO RAISE MY SELF-ESTEEM.)
Do you have a crush on someone: Everyone whomst is niceys to me and supports my silly little fics. (I promise I'll get back to Femslash February, I am not immune to writer's block.)
Favorite fictional character: I'm going to be incredibly egotistical here and say my DND character from an abandoned campaign, Tenacity (tiefling. Naturally). She was thrown off a cliff when she was a baby and somehow she STILL had the most normal backstory/childhood of the party. (Going through my notes app and found some WIPs of her and her adopted dad, a transmasc aasimar.)
Last place I traveled to: California, to visit family last September. More locally, the cemetery and my walking route. The land is waking up.
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ask-churro-cookie · 2 years
Mun note: This is gonna be a V E R Y long one for only five characters so a read more is needed.
Taging: @asks-cookies-and-chaos and @teabrain
Churro cookie:
. This dude can suffer from both sensory overload and deprivation due to the trauma he suffered while the only one awake.
. sensory deprivation being much worse of the two, as he knew he was stuck in the slumber but couldn't do anything about it.
. He woke up at least a month after the spell was placed and he had to train up immediately.
. fighting Night Raven left him severally damaged and scarred on his back.
. His Millennial Guardian costume was actually given to him by both Millennial tree and Wind Archer, as it's the highest status a guardian can gain. They don't know why some parts of him changed color though-
. speaking of that, the color changing is not that unnatural for him. Often times, it happens when using magic. An overload would last for a few days.
. he also has a very shallow concept of flirting, becoming very confused and embarrassed much of the time, as the tribe usually has courting customs instead of open dating and such.
. every tattoo he's got isn't always made by the tattoo artist in the tribe. Sometimes, he does it himself to test his pain tolerance.
. he also tests his strength and magic tolerance.
. this dude can be very loving though, showing interest in new experiences and introducing them as well.
. he loves the scent of lavender as well. It's the only thing that can calm him down other than most things.
( devs, I swear, you better make him a super epic cookie if he comes to Kingdom, He deserves it GREATLY- how often do you see a mortal cookie best a corrupt god alone and barefisted- he isn't rich nor too much related to a Legendary but S T I L L)
Wind Archer:
. suffered several bodily harm during his time as Night Raven from the poison in his system.
. being corrupted by the poison had left him both blind and suffering sudden pain shocks from any pressure put on the scars it left
. He does his job fine though, as he uses hearing and the wind to his aid.
. birb boi. Has many feathers but hides them under his clothing.
. he has some serious tensions with Fire spirit(unrelated reasons) and knows that Churro would never forgive him for taking the poison willingly.
. He does occasionally forget that he's flying and runs into a tree-
. occasionally visits Bellflower for medicine to help the pain caused the the poison.
. does see Bellflower as a daughter to him despite her being made by Lotus.
. he's Bi ace with a preference for men.
. every time he "sees" Fire spirit, he thinks "why is he dress like that so often. . ."
Whipped cream:
. can get very sick under serious stress, mostly happened in his childhood though it still does on occasion in adulthood
. He does pray to Millennial tree occasionally, mostly in times of extreme distress or before a serious performance
. any mention of the St. Pastry order will immediately make him break down and sob. As well as open up old scars due to his muscle structure
. his muscle structure is very much like Mitsuri's from Demon slayer, being eight times the density of a normal cookie's.
. so he stronk as fuck-
. he's a Demi-sexual Gay.
. he has unintentionally broke someone's spine via tight hug.
. He's two or three years older than Plum and peach, having hatched/baked extremely late
. he came into existence while Longan dragon was still in slumber.
. He took a long time to hatch/bake due to poor conditions and timing, having to be moved to new locations often to be fully made
. he bit a lot while his fangs came in.
. He wasn't hurt or abused as a child but many were careful around him but also kept him safe.
. Vagabond also feels nervous around Longan, despite them being his biological parent. Mostly because he knows what they did to cookies.
. He actually likes to sew a lot and made his own clothing
. he also has storyteller masks that he'd wear on special occasions
. he doesn't fully trust governments after the whole incident at the harvest festival-
. He's Pansexual and a Demi-boy
. He lucid dreams often, but most of the time sees other aus instead of his world. It traumatized him a bit after seeing something gory.
. His scales are a rare hybrid mix, making them more valuable to hunters than normal dragon scales
. she was a wish-born cookie instead of being baked normally.
. Lotus Dragon did use that opportunity to create a possible heir as well but felt like they failed when she was made a "normal" cookie. Wisteria dragon cookie was a more "successful" attempt.
. she's physically stronger and more intelligent in medicines than she lets on, obviously having figured out how to make some that prevents the dragon's influence over those who take it.
. she also treated many cookies' wounds, including Purple yam's(which he begrudgingly agreed to let her do)
. Being a wish-born, she does have some dragon features. Mostly a dragon eye, some unusual properties, and a tail she hides under her dress
. She follows the mindset of "it's good to wish but you have to work for it to make it true".
. she does teach others what she knows and tries her best to help out often
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dravidssideblog · 3 months
I like butts and facesitting, but there's a bit of an issue: When the victim's face and/or body is covered by a butt, it's kinda hard to do anything to them. Fortunately, there's a perfect solution to this: Farts. Unfortunately, I'm a squeamish coward who can't tolerate gross stuff, so Traditional Farts are not ideal. Fortunately, my kink play is limited to pure fiction, so there are many non-traditional options for what farts can be and/or do. I'm gonna talk about facesitting and farts a bit and then list out options for non-stinky farts.
idk where to start so, facesitting is an act of immobilization and dominance, the sitter showing off their superior size, strength, and/or weight. Blasting the victim with gas is a way for the sitter to further this dominance, forcing the victim to experience something and/or causing some effect on the victim such as hypnosis or unconsciousness.
Using gas specifically to do this has a variety of side-effects. Typically the victim will need to inhale the gas, so in unwilling scenarios the victim may be encouraged to hold their breath. A neat form of breathplay (i think), but I don't like breathplay :(. The gas is also likely to linger and build up over time, never letting the victim escape once it's started. This effect can be reduced by saying that the gas dissipates quickly, or increased by setting the scene in a small enclosed room.
Facesitting imposes a few limitations on this though; the victim likely can't move much and is difficult for the sitter to interact with, so the play is likely to lean more passive than active. This makes facesitting + farts (and facesitting in general) well-suited to casual scenarios, such as the sitter doing work at their desk while keeping the victim underneath them, not interacting much.
The above limitation can be avoided by not using facesitting; the sitter/dom could simply fart in the victim's face, or have their farts fill up a small enclosed space. Or farts could be forgone entirely, and the gas could be delivered via a gas mask, a spray bottle, breath, etc. But at that point we've moved to a different kink entirely.
Let's move on to the various fart-gas options. I'll be assuming that these are being used in a facesitting context, since that was the original point of this whole thought process.
Option 1: Aphrodisiac, A.K.A. chemicals that make you want sex. A perfect option for all the sex-enjoyers out there. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them, and I've never really liked the idea of induced arousal or really arousal in general, so not for me.
Option 2: Hypno-gas. A classic, great for getting the victim in the mood to worship the sitter's booty. Though, there's not much the victim can do while pinned under there, so it's less versatile than other hypnosis methods. Any kind of mind-altering Stuffs fall under this category
Option 3: Sleep gas. A simple solution for wearing down a rowdy victim, getting them nice and calm. Probably best when the effect is weak, so as to make the experience last longer before the victim falls asleep. Related variants that don't include the sleep effect include relaxation-gas and weakening-gas, letting the victim stay awake to be played with until the time is right to sit back (well, further back) and sleep.
Option 4: Aromas. A very simple option, just replacing one scent with another, no special effects. Lots of options here, but I think they all result in the victim either getting to enjoy a nice scent, or getting blasted with a strong (but not bad) scent. Lots of things to do like lavender, chocolate, fresh-baked bread, and way more for someone for whom smell is important. It's kinda not for me lol
Option 5: Transformation gas. A weird one, and an option as versatile as the transformation kink itself. This pairs excellently with facesitting, keeping the victim vulnerable and helpless while the transformation takes place. The fact that the gas is coming from a living being supports the transformation as well, though it sorta limits you to transforming the victim into something similar to/related to the sitter's species, but that's pretty typical anyway and adds to the dominance and intimacy, the victim taking in the essence of the sitter from their body to become more like them.
Option 6: Air farts. By which I mean farts that are pure sound and air-movement. Just air, with no gas at all. Similar to the armoa option of ditching the special effects to just focus on sensation, but ditching even the scent and gas aspects to focus on the audio and/or touch sensations. Likely to be paired with more intense farting than the other options, as a gentle breeze isn't much of a sensory experience. Not my thing; getting air blown over me doesn't sound particularly interesting.
Option 7: Glitter farts. Only for the cruelest of sadists. You monster.
That's all I can think of. I think I covered most everything, with mind-altering, mood-altering, and body-altering, as well as some simple gasses. If you have any other ideas, feel free to add on and yak about it!
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greekingout2024 · 4 months
June 2, 2024
After a long day of fully indulging ourselves in the blue zone between meeting the locals, tasting honey, and enjoying the beautiful beach of Mesakti, we finished our fantastic day at a cooking class at Thea's Ikaraian Cuisine kitchen. It was so fascinating to see the things and the people we read about before our trip come to life. We started trailing up the mountain pathways, picking fresh lavender off the side of the paths- it smelled so fresh. Further up the mountain, we reached our destination, which looked like a movie scene—the most quaint outdoor kitchen with the perfect shade and the best scents from nature around us. Around the corner were goats and sheep scaling the mountain in their fenced area, and they were pretty social! After touring around, we got to sit down with Thea (which means divine and goddess in Greek). Thea grew up in America and helped explain her new culture to us in an easier way, making us take in her home in an exciting and more relatable way. She provided the best advice for us, telling us to "live our lives and feel good about living them." She also explained how there is a happy medium between diet and exercise, which is so essential to implement for us back in the United States. It was interesting to see how drastically her life changed from moving from the United States to a farm in Ikaria and all she loves about it- such as getting to know and love your neighbors no matter what. Throughout our day, seeing how vital this community is to the local citizens was terrific.  When it comes to diet, she expressed that the meals don't make you feel bloated, how important it is your meals consist of foods from every group, and how eating is all about moderation. On the farm, they eat lots of greens and meats and prioritize fresh ingredients such as butternut squash, beans, green onions, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, chickpeas, and so much more. She also explained seasonal food differences and how they only eat cabbage and other certain vegetables in the winter. This seasonal change can help positively affect how your body tolerates and digests food. For tonight's meal, we prepared zucchini croquettes, balls of shredded zucchini, and carrots fried in olive oil. We also hand-made tzatziki with carrots, cucumbers, oil, vinegar, and Greek yogurt. We prepared soufiko, a massive pan of mixed vegetables cooked in olive oil, which included a lot of eggplant in tonight's dish. This dish has a fast preparation time and can be an excellent substitute for potatoes in the diet. We prepared these main courses but also had chickpeas mixed with mint, dill, black-eyed peas, and bread. We quenched our thirst with some of the best freshly squeezed lemonade.  As a nutrition and food systems minor, I enjoyed everything about this experience and look forward to returning home, showing these recipes to my friends and family, and implementing more in the United States. I love how this can show us that diet is a massive aspect of longevity and that hard work pays off for good health! Being able to enjoy such fresh food prepared in an environment so different from ours, where preservatives are not familiar, was almost once in a lifetime- my body could get used to this!
Abby Donohue
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vounnasi · 8 months
Came to your blog mostly to share the little bit of progress I made on my piece (woah motivation boost worked!!) and got punched in the face by some of the reblogs (positive). Your cat is sooo cute, and I am always willing to hear about other peoples’ OCs (<- person who likes listening in general). Feel like I should get something to denote myself as a specific anon if I’m gonna be sending semi-frequent but eh. Don’t feel pressured to respond to these asks btw
— You can’t stand the scent of lavender. It makes you sick. You wear it all the time. It clings to everything you own. 
You’ve never liked it, even when she wore it. It smells like the rot of their smiles, the sheets of a bed too big, the cello bow digging into your hand much like a knife. Your mother loved the smell of lavender, called it ‘a sweet, soothing touch’. You felt about as much of that as your mother gave you.
Still, mostly, you think it’s the underlying medicinal scent and how distinct it is.
You came to tolerate it, maybe, when she wore it. It first settled in the dip of your shoulders where her hands grounded you and never left.
I don’t think some of these lines make complete sense w/o context but ahh. I forgot to say thank you for your compliments last time, they were sweet <33
haha thanks. i never know where to start with my characters. there's so much on them that a minor detail can take an hour anyway; when talking/typing, especially for long periods of time, i can lack cohesion as i get excited and include every last detail. speaking of writing, these asks have motivated me to tackle some toyhouse information i'd been putting off. it's a nice way to ease myself back in. so, thank you :)
i'm still loving your writing. the descriptions are immersive and it sets up for an elaboration of "your" relationship to "your" mother very well. context would probably help, but since you're still starting it doesn't matter as much
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armyflowershop · 2 years
I was torn about what to do this week because when something happens I try to do a post related but the World Cup is very contentious right now. BUT Jungkook is there, their national flower is PURPLE and we can't hold flowers responsible so here we go!
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Qataf or Limonium has tiny flowers with colored papery bracts and one-sided ranked clusters at stem ends. Popular colors are blue, purple, lavender but also come in white, pink, yellow
Famous for its showy flowers, the plant type is commonly known as:
Sea lavender
Perennial statice
Broad-leaved statice
German statice
Despite the common name ‘sea lavender,’ the plant is not from the lavender family.
Instead, it is a part of the Plumbaginaceae family, which is known as the plumbago or leadwort family.
While the genus is distributed across Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and Australia, it is widely found in southeast and central Europe and is native to the Canary Islands. AND the national flower of Qatar.
The genus name is derived from the Greek word leimon, which means meadow. It refers to the natural meadow habitat of the plant. This is why it is a gardeners’ favorite to grow in mass.
Did you know German statice and other Limonium species are known as ‘everlasting flowers’?
This is because the calyx of the flowers remains on the flower stalk even after the petals have fallen.
Sea Lavender is a deciduous or evergreen perennial. It’s also clump-forming, bearing tiny lavender-colored flowers on long stems.
These leaves are broadly spoon-shaped, leathery, oblong-elliptic, and 6-10 in long. In ideal growing conditions, the plants grow at a medium growth rate. It may take the plant 3 to 4 years to mature when started with seeds. Cuttings may move the germination along much quicker.
Flowering and Fragrance
The sprays of tiny lavender flowers are the crowning elements of the German statice. During the bloom time between early to late summer, the plant bears long wiry stems decorated with tiny flower heads.
The light color and wispy stems all give the plant an ethereal and cloud-like look similar to lavender plants. Each flower is about 1 cm and has 5-lobed calyx and corolla. They are excellent when planted in mass and as cut flowers.
Limonium may have a natural tendency to let off an unpleasant scent. This is a bad characteristic of Limonium and is NOT a sign that your flowers are old. In order to prevent your Limonium flowers from stinking, add a cap full of bleach in the water you prepare for the flowers.
When it comes to watering and feeding, it doesn’t have special needs and is drought tolerant.
Water the plants regularly to maintain sufficient moisture in the soil but be careful about overwatering/drowning the roots. The plants can benefit from a light fertilizer during spring.
Soil, Transplanting & Pest [oh my!]
Sea lavender plants need soil moisture and do their best in well-drained garden soils. The plants also grow well in sandy soil and tolerate heavy clay soils. Poor drainage may lead to problems.
You can plant the cuttings or sow the seeds directly outside in warmer areas so you can avoid transplanting to protect the roots. Plants growing in heavy or clay soils may need to be staked. Cutting back the foliage and deadheading after the plant has flowered is recommended.
These plants are generally free from pests and disease. They're deer resistant. Depending on the plant and location, the plant may be susceptible to crown and root rot problems occasionally This mainly happens when the soil gets too wet and when there isn’t any good circulation.
Suggested Uses
While statice produces some of the best season cut flowers, they look just as striking when planted in other locations. Plant them in rock gardens, herbaceous borders, flower beds, coastal gardens, and gravel gardens. They look great grown in masses in meadows.
Another option is to cut the flowers and display them in containers or dry them. The flowers attract pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds, so use them in pollinator gardens. The lavender-blue flowers provide contrast and a burst of color to any perennial garden.
How to Sow (indoors) and Plant
Sow statice indoors 10 weeks before the last frost
Sow ¼ inch deep in seed-starting formula
Keep the soil moist at 65-70° F
Seedlings emerge in 21-30 days.
Firm lightly and keep evenly moist.
As soon as seedlings emerge, provide plenty of light.
What does this flower symbolize?
The plant is used to symbolize feelings of sympathy and remembrance. It's the perfect expression of “I miss you” in the language of flowers.
The perfect flower for how we feel about #Jungkook and all of #BTS!
Have a great week ahead and we hope you enjoyed seeing Jk at the World Cup today. Let's continue to cheer him on even if just from our playlists and hearts.
See you #BTSARMY tomorrow on Twitter and Instagram at 8am EST/10pm KST!
0 notes
latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝑾𝒐𝒐𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊/𝙳𝚒𝚕𝚏!𝙹𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘 × 𝙴𝚡𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎) × 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊/𝙳𝚒𝚕𝚏! 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝙰𝚄, 𝙳𝚒𝚕𝚏 𝙰𝚄
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙾𝚗 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚗, 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝚋𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟻.𝟹+𝙺
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚎 𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚙 (𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚕 𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜), 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚎𝚡𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚓𝚘𝚋, 𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 (𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐), 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚍𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚡 (𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗) 𝙳𝚘𝚖! 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘, 𝙳𝚘𝚖! 𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐, 𝚂𝚞𝚋! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @brie02 @rvse-miingi @couchpotatoaniki @deja-vux @a-soft-hornytiny @daniblogs164
"Anything else we can get for our most valued regulars?"
The two men waved their hands dismissively at the friendly and energetic owner of the establishment, thanking her for the drinks that were already provided while assuring her they were perfectly content.
"Well if you shall need anything don't hesitate to ask." She reminded them before walking away to attend the other customers and see that everything in the club was running smoothly.
The two men held up their drinks and clinked them against each other before downing them as if it was mere water. Slumping back into the comfortable french style chaise lounge sofa, the shorter mafioso let out a soft and relaxed exhale of breath.
"Well I'd say the whole operation was an absolute success. Don't you agree Yunho?" He tilted his head towards the more impotent one of them, the male swirling the contents of his newly poured drink around his glass cup.
"Indeed. Well done Wooyoung." He raised his glass towards his friend in acknowledgement before bringing the rim of the cup up to his lips.
The two men briefly scanned the spacious hall, occasionally waving or even winking at the more familiar faces that they had become very much acquainted with, sometimes even on a more intimate level that remained a naughty secret between them. Being admirers of beauty and anything aesthetically appealing, they of course had their gazes on the stage that encompassed the majority of the room. Their eyes never failed to take in the gorgeous dancers that were currently moving their bodies to the music playing in the background, some of them showcasing their more erotic side through spins and turns on some of the poles that were placed at various corners of the stage. That sight was always a welcoming one by all the men who went inside the high class club.
"Damn. Who is that?" Wooyoung pointed in the direction of a certain dancer who had caught his attention.
Following his finger, Yunho widened his eyes when he saw who it was that Wooyoung had spotted. She was indeed very captivating. Her movements were very sensual and completely fluid, it was more than obvious her technique was precise. Even her hair seemed to dance along with her body. She'd effortlessly spin around the metal pole as if it was the most natural thing in the world for her. Although she was placed towards the back, she seemed to dominate the stage alone with her presence. She just exuded charisma and eroticism that no doubt had many of the males growing a little problem in their pants thanks to her, Wooyoung and Yunho being no exception. They became lost in the beautiful and fascinating female, falling her charms as if her dance hypnotized them.
It was Yunho who snapped himself out of it when he took a closer look at her face and felt like something was off.
"How old is she? She looks a little... too young." Despite having been involved in the criminal world for years, having seen and committed many illegal acts, Yunho was not tolerant of anything that involved the exploitation of individuals who were too young for such a life.
Realizing he was right, Wooyoung shifted uncomfortably in his seat and cleared his throat. Calling over one of the male waiters, Yunho had to inquire about her.
"What can you tell me about the pretty face right over there?"
Seeing who he was referring to, the male server chuckled.
"Oh. That's Y/N. She's new here, started a few weeks ago but she's already conquered a lot of admirers as you can tell."
Indeed, as they looked around, most men had their eyes trained on her, no doubt imagining what she'd look like if you removed the lace bustier top and butt hugging leather shorts.
"How old is she?" Yunho got to the point.
Understanding what he meant, the server quickly dismissed his fears.
"I don't know exactly but I know for sure she's very much an adult. I'd say very early 20's, although I get that with that innocent looking baby face many wouldn't believe it. Folks seem to dig that though. Angelic face, sinful body? No wonder men are lusting over her."
Glancing over at their respective friend, the two men shared a small smirk between each other before settling back down to continue admiring the pretty girl.
"If you bosses would like, we could arrange a private show with her for you." The male staff offered but Wooyoung shook his head.
"No no, I don't think that will be necessary."
But he found that his resolve would soon come crumbling down when the young female took notice of their gawking towards her. Although she had never seen them before, she enjoyed the way their eyes were raking her body. She made sure not to break eye contact with them as she performed her next set of moves, which became a lot more sultry and risque in nature. She purposefully bent down or over more so her ass and tits would be the main focus of their staring.
"Fuck. I'd love to bend that ass over my lap." Yunho bit down on his bottom lip as one hand slowly rubbed the top of his thigh when she sent a flirtatious wink his way.
"Then why don't we make it come true?"
Calling for the male staff's attention once more, Wooyoung pulled out a large bill and placed it on the empty tray he was holding.
"I think we're going to take you on that offer, that is if the lady doesn't mind."
The staff couldn't help but snort.
"Trust me, I don't think she would mind one bit."
Ushering them to follow him, the male staff led them through the crowd of people that were gathered at the main showroom and down one of the hallways. Wooyoung and Yunho were surprised when instead of taking them to the upstairs private rooms, their guide instead took them down stairs.
"We don't actually tell most people this but our best and most expensive private rooms are actually down here and not upstairs. We only reserve them for V.I.P guests. And there's a bonus.."
The male staff typed in a code into the keypad that kept the entrance to the room locked and opened it up for them to let themselves in.
"There's absolutely no cameras, no rules, and you don't have to worry about anyone hearing anything." The man slyly told them as he walked off and told them to enjoy themselves.
Looking around, indeed the room was even better than the upper ones they had often rented. Not only was it bigger, it had a full bar for them to enjoy, there were multiple couches and they even mounted a pole in the middle of the room. Lilac curtains were strategically placed around to decorate the room which looked marvelous against the blue LED lights that illuminated several parts of the room so everything inside would be clearly visible. They could even make out a faint scent of lavender and vanilla, no doubt infused with pheromones to further enhance sexual arousal.
"No rules he said.... perfect." Wooyoung grinned as he made himself comfortable on one of the couches.
"Just because there are no cameras doesn't mean you can behave as you like. Remember that she'll probably only be here to dance for us and nothing else." Yunho reminded him.
"Relax old man, you know I would never touch a woman without her consent. Lucky me, I'm still handsome .... and rich." Wooyoung laughed slightly as he pulled out a bundle of money from his pocket causing his friend to roll his eyes.
"And what makes you think that is going to entice the young lady to suck your dick? If anything, she'll prefer someone younger and not some... geezer." He poked fun at his friend who looked at him with an unamused face.
"Look who's talking boomer." He scoffed at him.
Both of the men put an end to their small bantering when the door suddenly opened and in came none other than the very object of their fantasies, her stiletto heels clicking against the marble floor. She eyed them up and down with a curious expression, the corners of her mouth curling up just subtly.
"Hello there beautiful." Wooyoung leaned back and took in her figure.
"Good evening gentlemen." She greeted them as she shifted her weight from leg to the other one, her hands placed on her hips respectively.
"Y/N is it?" Yunho inquired as he tried to keep a little more decorum and tried not to stare too much at her.
"Unless you'd prefer to call me something else." She grinned at them with a smoldering expression.
"I'd love to call you mine." Wooyoung put his thoughts out there for the other two occupants in the room to hear, shocking and embarrassing one while the other seemed delighted to hear him say that.
"Wooyoung! Control yourself." Yunho nudged him with his elbow, warning him not to try anything stupid or foolish.
"And tell me then handsome, just how do you want me?"
Both men whipped their heads at her question, wondering if they heard her right.
"Umm- excuse me?" Yunho wanted her to clarify what she meant.
The young dancer took slow and careful steps closer to them, beginning to round the table that stood in between her and the couch they were seated in.
"On my knees, on all fours, against the wall, or laying down, just tell me what position you want me in." She was completely unafraid as she now carefully sat on the table right in front of them, spreading her legs just a little bit, daring them not to gaze in between them which they both ultimately failed in doing.
She was driving them crazy, making them lose every last bit of self control they had. And the way she'd innocently bat her eyelashes at them was not helping their case, it only served to fuel their growing lust for her even more. Wooyoung was about to speak up, but Yunho of course stopped him.
"No-no honey. We just wanted you to keep us some company." He wanted to slap himself for sounding so old fashioned.
Y/N tilted her head at his explanation.
"Keep you company? You mean like this?"
Not expecting her to get up and suddenly straddle his lap, Yunho's eyes shot wide open when her chest was practically pressing against his face. Y/N gently caressed the hair around his temples, not so subtly grinding herself on his tent that was hardening even further. His friend next to him was equally surprised and jealous that it wasn't his lap that the young lady chose to situate herself on.
"Is this what you wanted?"
When Yunho shifted under her and stammered out an incoherent babble of words, Y/N took hold of his hands and placed them on her hips.
"It's ok baby. You can touch me if you want. I don't mind." She encouraged him with a sweet smile on her face.
"I'm not sure I want to..." As soon as he said that, he regretted his words especially after seeing the disheartened look on Y/N's pretty face.
"Well I know for a fact I do so give her to me if you don't want her."
She let out a squeal when she was suddenly pulled of Yunho's lap and instead perched upon one of Wooyoung's strong and muscular thighs. He couldn't stop smiling as his hands rubbed against the sides of her waist.
"So tell me what's a gorgeous and young lady such as yourself doing in a place like this?" He was genuinely curious as to why someone like her would seek out work as an exotic dancer.
"Well it definitely brings in a lot of money, but I'm not going to deny that I do enjoy the attention and stares of some of the patrons like to give me." She answered, her hand reaching over to loosen up the tie around his neck.
"Oh, so you like being a little exhibitionist?" Wooyoung wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"God yes! But my ex boyfriend wasn't a fan of my occupation, hence why he left." She let out a tiny huff at the information.
"Well if you ask him he's an idiot for that. I know if I had a sexy girl like you, I wouldn't mind showing her off a little. Let others admire her like the goddess she is."
As he said those words to her, Wooyoung's fingers slowly peeled the straps of her top off her shoulders, his tips tracing along the outline of her collarbone. Y/N didn't budge when she felt Wooyoung's lips kiss across her shoulder and the side of her neck, she merely tilted her head to the opposite side so it would give him more access to suckle along her smooth skin. Yunho watched all of this with an aching hard on and clenched fist as he realized it could have been him in Wooyoung's position at that moment.
"Truthfully I don't miss him, he was very controlling anyways, but I gotta say...." She bit down on her lip, a bit unsure about continuing her sentence.
"It's ok baby. You can tell us anything you want." Wooyoung assured her as his teeth tugged at her earlobe.
Sucking in a breath she didn't know she was holding, Y/N spilled her secret out.
"I've just been a lot more horny ever since I started this job and I don't have anyone to fuck me like a slut. God I just want a big, fat cock to tear my pussy apart."
Both men looked at each other and exchanged a few suspicious glances before returning their attention back on the girl on Wooyoung's lap.
"Are you horny right now darling?" He asked her as his hand came to the front of her top and started undoing the buttons that ran through the middle.
"If I say yes, will one of you fuck me?" She turned her head to look at Yunho, not wanting him to feel left out. Her hand even reached over so it could brush along the tent in his pants, which he welcomed graciously and even allowed her to palm his hard on as she pleased.
"Oh honey, if you want, we'll both fuck you." Yunho finally spoke up after a long time of staying silent, scooting his body closer to her.
"Please do." She begged them, eyes looking like a pitiful little pup.
Undoing the last button, Wooyoung peeled the top off her, both men releasing groans when her breasts came into view. They looked so soft and smooth and it took everything in them not to take one in each of their mouths and devour them. Getting off of Wooyoung's thigh so she could sit right in between both men, Y/N took one of their hands and set them right on her mounds.
"Touch me, please. I want your guys' hands all over me."
Each one of the men began to squeeze at her tits, Wooyoung opting for a more rough approach, even pinching at her nipples, while Yunho took his time in massaging her flesh, thumb rubbing circles on her hardened peak. Y/N was already loving the two opposite dynamics both men were giving her, it was exactly what she'd been craving in a long time. She threw her head back when Wooyoung stooped down to take the breast he was currently toying with into his mouth, teeth tugging at her tiny bud. She was releasing heavy breaths as he continued to suck at her tender skin, eyes closing as she began to get lost in the pleasure. She nearly whined when she felt Yunho take his hand off her breast, but it was caught in his mouth since he moved his hand from her chest so it could cup her chin. Tilting it towards him, he began to kiss her hungrily. She gratefully welcomed the intrusion of his tongue in her mouth, letting it slither inside of it, taking complete control of her.
Taking advantage of his friend moving his hand away, Wooyoung moved so he was sitting right in front of her. Y/N pryed her legs open so he could be easily accommodated between her body. He moved his mouth to latch onto her other breast, giving it the special attention its twin had already received. He became a little harsher as he began to plaster marks on the underside of her boob and on the top of them. Each time he sank his canines down onto her skin, Y/N would emit a semi pained whimper that was muffled by Yunho's tongue as it swirled against her own wet muscle. Moving further south, Wooyoung began dragging his tongue down her sternum until it reached her belly button. Coming face to face with her leather shorts, Wooyoung grabbed the sides of the fabric before swiftly pulling it down her legs. Y/N shuddered when a small waft of cool air breezed over her wet heat.
"Fucking hell, what a nice and wet pussy you have little lady." Wooyoung stared in amazing at her shining folds that were inviting him to dive in and feast upon their sweet juices.
Pulling away so he could glimpse down at the lady's intimate place, Yunho moaned deeply when he saw what his friend was looking at.
"Fuck we've barely done anything and you're already this wet for us? You flatter us baby." He chuckled as he went back in to continue their makeout session.
Wooyoung's fingers slid around her folds, teasing her as they grazed over her slit, always stopping before they touched her clit. Y/N was yearning to be touched and she did not appreciate the older man's teasing. Yunho of course noticed since her needy whining was being spilled into his mouth.
"Is that a promise?" Wooyoung challenged.
"Wooyoung stop making her wait and eat her out before I shove you to the ground and I finger her cunt until she's squirting all over your face." He warned in between kisses.
Pulling back with a snarl, Yunho stared menacingly at his friend.
"Fucking eat her pussy or I'll get my men to hold you down and make you watch as I fuck her."
Shrugging off Yunho's threat, Wooyoung latched his mouth onto the young female's mound and started fucking it with his tongue. Y/N couldn't help but gasp as Wooyoung's skillful and experienced tongue swirled and sucked along her folds. He made sure to focus most of his attention on her clit, nibbling down on it while making sure he didn't accidentally grazed his teeth onto them.
"You like the way Wooyoung is eating you out baby?" Yunho asked as his large hands cupped your breasts once more, squishing them together as his thumbs toyed with your nipples.
"Yes! Shit! He's amazing!" She gasped out when he gave her a particularly long suck to thank her for her praises, a cocky grin forming.
"Heard that Woo? The little lady is enjoying it." Yunho gushed as he brought one breast up to place kisses on it.
Wooyoung responded with a moan against her pussy, his hands spreading her legs as far as they could go so he could lap reach every inch of flesh with his tongue. He left no place untouched as he practically smothered his face into her juicy core. Y/N's body started to tremble as she felt herself being thrown over the precipice. Yunho kept holding onto her as she began cumming on Wooyoung's face.
"Fuck- oh shit!" She cursed with scrunched eyes as an intense orgasm took over her senses.
Wooyoung didn't detach his mouth from her core until he made certain that she had released all the juices she possibly could, which ultimately ended up swallowed by him since he could not leave a drop to waste. When Y/N came to her senses, she still felt as if she was in a permanent high.
"I've never came from someone eating my pussy out. That was the first time anyone has made me orgasm from one." She admitted rather shyly.
"That's probably because you've only had amateur assholes perform oral on you honey. I've got years of experience. I know what a girl wants when she's getting her sweet pussy eaten out." Wooyoung boasted as he sat down next to her.
"Well I think it's only fair I show my gratitude to you both right?"
Sliding off the couch, Y/N got on her knees and beckoned the men to stand at each of her sides. Lifting her hands up, she began to palm their clothed cocks. She could only imagine how big they were since they already felt pretty packed even in their confinement. Although it was a little hard doing it with one hand, she managed to unzip both of their pants and slowly dragged them down their thighs until she was blessed by the sight of their mature cocks springing forward, fully erect and waiting for her to touch them. Her mouth was agape as she took one in each hand and began pumping them.
"God you're both so big."
Both men let out small laughs at her reaction.
"What? Never seen cocks like ours before baby?" Wooyoung asked.
"Not in person and I've always wanted to be fucked by sizes like yours."
Her hand continued to stroke their lengths. She even went as far as to spit on both of them so it would be easier to glide her hand along their shaft. Although Yunho was definitely the bigger of the two, packing a monster sized cock, Wooyoung was also pretty endowed and she had no doubt that with his cocky attitude he definitely knew how to use his dick in the best way possible. She couldn't help herself and actually brought both of their tips to her mouth. Her tongue alternated between licking Wooyoung's head before giving attention to Yunho's, both of them hissing when they felt her tongue on them. Y/N did not shy away from even slurping one both of them at the same time, opening her mouth as much as it could to fit their heads inside and sucking them in.
"Oh shit! You're such a dirty little girl." Yunho muttered out as his hand came down to pet the top of her head.
"Tell me are you always such a whore for your other customers?" Wooyoung's tone had a slight hint of jealousy at the thought of someone else getting the special treatment they were getting.
"Hmmm no. None of the other people have ever interested me. You guys are the first that made me wanna get a little naughty." She confessed with an innocent smile before taking each of their balls and giving them a few harsh sucks, coating them generously with her saliva. Although it was more than arousing having their young companion jerk them off simultaneously, even giving their slits a couple licks every now and then, the men knew they wanted a little more. They wanted to corrupt the woman in front of them and make a mess all over her.
"You wanna get even more naughty baby?" Yunho's voice dropped down 2 tones as he began taking his shirt off, Wooyoung following suit.
"Yes." She looked between one of the men and then to the other, nearly drooling when she saw their fit abs come into her view.
Lifting her up, Yunho effortlessly sat her back down on the couch.
"Want us to fuck you?" He continued to ask as he and his friend finished stripping themselves out of their clothes.
"Yes! Please fuck me." She encouraged, beckoning them over as she got on all fours for them.
"Well I don't know about you, but I really wanna see what that pretty mouth of hers does, especially after getting a sneak peak." Stepping over to her face, Wooyoung rubbed the tip of his cock along the top of her lip.
Y/N giggled as she took Wooyoung's length in one of her hands once more, pressing kisses along his head. She was so distracted in playing around and teasing Wooyoung that she didn't notice Yunho had placed himself right behind until she felt his bulge rubbing along her ass cheeks.
"I hope you don't mind sweetheart, but I wasn't expecting to get so lucky to be able to fuck a pretty girl such as yourself tonight so I'm afraid I brought no condoms...."
Y/N gasped when she felt a long finger insert itself into her ass.
"So I'm going to have to settle for fucking this other hole of yours." He circled his finger around her hole to further stretch her out, eventually adding a second finger inside her.
"If that's all right with you of course."
Y/N responded with a moan and pushed her butt further back so his fingers could sink deeper in her.
"I'd say it's more than ok with her. Look at how desperate she looks." Wooyoung lightly giggled, tapping the head of his cock against both of her cheeks.
"Open up."
Following his orders, Y/N allowed him to slip himself into her warm and wet mouth, unable to help but groan when he pushed half of his length in.
"What's wrong baby? Can't fit all of me inside?"
Taking it as a challenge, Y/N hollowed her cheeks even further and pushed herself forward until her nose pressed against his pubic bone. Although she choked slightly when she felt him hit the back of her throat, she was still able to swirl her tongue around him and properly accommodate him.
"For someone so young, you sure do seem to have a lot of experience." Wooyoung pointed out as his hands gently caressed her stuffed cheeks.
"That's cause she's nothing but a whore."
Y/N clenched around nothing as she heard Yunho's degradation, humming against Wooyoung's length as she felt his long fingers collect some of her slick and used it as a makeshift lube to spread around her asshole. Making sure she was all prepped and properly stretched out, Yunho took his sizeable dick and very slowly pushed himself into her ass, wanting to savor how her tightness hugged every inch of him. His head was thrown back when he stuffed her ass full of his cock, nails digging into her cheeks as he held back the urge to ram himself brutally and tear her ass up. When he did not move for a few seconds, Y/N grew impatient and pulled herself off him only to stuff him back inside.
"Don't make our pretty baby wait by being gentle Yunho. Can't you see she's desperate to have you break her apart?" Wooyoung smirked as pulled out of her mouth only to force himself back in, holding her head in place before releasing her. Y/N gagged around his cock, a tiny slick of drool falling out of the corners of her mouth.
"Is that what you want? Want us to be rough with you?"
Yunho got a response in the form of a moan around Wooyoung's dick and a tightening around his own cock .
"Ok shit! Yunho you better start fucking her cause I can't hold back anymore."
Not caring to wait and see if his friend would follow his instructions, Wooyoung gripped the back of Y/N's head and started bucking his hips into her mouth. Garbled noises that were muffled by Wooyoung's intrusion were spilling forth out of her, which were further intensified in range when the male behind her likewise started moving.
"Oh shit! You're so tight, you feel amazing little lady." Yunho praised as he slammed his hips onto her ass, watching it smack against his skin and wiggle every time he pounded back into her.
Y/N whimpered when one of Yunho's hands snaked in between her thighs and began to rub circles around her clit, further boosting the feeling they were giving her. With one of them fucking her face and the other one ramming into her ass, she felt so full and stuffed to the brim and she absolutely loved it.
"You enjoying this honey? Are you enjoying as two older men use you as their fuck toy?" Wooyoung's question was met by a loud vibration of her whimpers around him, his cock twitching at the feeling.
"Of course she's enjoying it. She loves getting used and treated as nothing more than a cum bucket." Yunho groaned in a raspy voice. His fingers which were moving earnestly around her bundle of nerves moved to strike them, making their recipient shudder when more stinging slaps were placed on her mound.
Tears of pleasure were rolling down Y/N's eyes as she was being fucked past her limit by the older and dangerous criminals. Never in her life did she actually believe such men like them would fulfill one of her deepest fantasies, yet here she was, gurgling and swallowing around one huge dick while her ass was getting torn apart by an even bigger cock. Not to mention Yunho was making sure she'd be tipped over the edge again as he worked his fingers on her clit, alternating between rubbing harshly against it before slapping it once more. During one of these hard smacks, she began crying out as her body began spasming and bursting out in pleasure, her juices spilling out of her.
"Oh fuck! She's cumming already." Wooyoung's words were becoming more slurred as he felt his own high fast approaching.
"I know. I'm gonna cum-" Yunho grunted as he plunged himself faster in her, his low and deep moans mixing with Wooyoung's higher pitched ones as both men used their pretty dirty dancer to push themselves over the edge, their relentless pace only helping to elongate the orgasm the girl under them was having.
"Fuck! Fuck!" Pulling out with a hiss, Yunho wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped himself furiously until white spurts of cum were being plastered all over her ass cheeks. He didn't stop until he made sure to paint her butt with all the cum he had to give.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung held her head in place as he fucked his own cum down her throat.
"Swallow it all you dirty whore. I don't want you spilling out a single drop. Got it?" He ordered as he spilled his seed into her mouth, which Y/N promptly swallowed as he said to. She kept eye contact throughout the entire process of having him rut his hips against her face, his mouth agape and blurting out swear after swear as he emptied himself in her mouth.
A popping sound was made when he pulled out of her, saliva plastered all over her lips which were red and swollen after the rough treatment they were put through. Both men slumped down on the couch to catch their breath and collect their senses. Yunho was the first one to gain his energy back and began to look for something to clean up, luckily finding a few hand towels near the mini bar. Coming back over where the other two occupants were, he began wiping off the leftover cum on Y/N's ass.
"You doing ok babe?" Yunho wanted to make sure.
"I'm doing wonderful, thank you." She giggled when Yunho pressed a light slap on her ass at her response.
After making sure to clean up properly, Yunho and Wooyoung gathered their clothes and began dressing themselves again while the exotic dancer simply sat there and watched them, lip poked out in a pensive thought.
"Will I see you guys some other night?"
Yunho and Wooyoung looked back and forth between each other and at her.
"Do you wanna see us again?" Wooyoung asked, his hopes getting up.
Y/N smiled at him.
"Of course I do. Just be sure to bring condoms next time. I'd really love to feel you both destroy my pussy next time."
The men chuckled at her bold words.
"Oh baby, it'll be our pleasure."
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
BBRae Hades and Persephone AU
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So @lavender-scent asked me for a Hades and Persephone AU and Greek Mythos and Disney Princesses are my specialties (but I'm just in the mood for headcanons these days anyway) so obviously I had to:
Steve is the Demeter in this story (although he isn't the god of agriculture). He's more like Ares and Gar is a little like Pan in terms of domains.
Gar can't measure up to his expectations of what a god should be. Steve is more than a little disappointed his domain became animals. Something to do with Nature is weakness in his eyes. Gar tolerates it but wishes he didn't have to.
One day Gar goes looking for a dead animal (a baby deer). Some of his animal buddies are sad and beg him to help cuz he's the god of wildlife. Gar agrees and so he follows the trail the animal took and ends up in a strange tunnel that takes him to an underground cave that's dark and cold and nothing like he's ever seen before.
That's when Raven finds him and asks what he's doing. BB, ever amiable, greets her with a grin. His first line is literally, "Hey! I don't think we've ever talked in the the thousands of years we've been alive!"
Raven's not used to such a happy response when people see her so she's suspicious and tells him to get out.
"I promise I will. I just need to find this baby deer. It's friends and parents are worried and I promised I'd find him."
And Raven looks sad and pulls back her cloak and there's a little ghost skeleton of an animal hiding there. "Is this the friend you're looking for?" she asks.
That's when BB realizes what happened and he looks around. The cave's strangeness makes sense now. Still, he asks where he is and Raven confirms that he's in the Underworld.
BB looks sad but he just pets the baby deer's ghost. He asks Raven halfheartedly that "Can't I take him back?" and Raven shakes her head sadly cuz once something alive enters her world it can't leave.
She expects Gar to be angry at her, for him to call her names and try to fight her to get the baby animal back to the surface. Everyone and everything thinks she's evil and terrible and cursed because she's the daughter of Trigon, one of the evil deities that ruled over the world before the gods overthrew him.
To her surprise, Gar just says "Okay." He pets the animal once more and goes "Have a nice afterlife little guy. I'll take care of your parents for you." and gets ready to leave.
Raven is so surprised she stops him. "Aren't you going to say anything?"
Gar is puzzled. "What do you want me to say?"
And that just confuses her even more. "Aren't you gonna say I'm evil? For not giving your friend back? You're a god you know. I can't hurt you." So Gar goes "Why would I do that? Death is a part of life. Why do you think you're evil because of that?" Raven is silent but then says "Everyone thinks I am... Or so I thought."
"You're not. This is just your job."
Later Steve finds out Gar went to the Underworld cuz he can detect the death on him through his psychic powers. He demands to know why he went there and also if he met the goddess of it. Gar says "Yeah. She was cool" and Steve loses it. He calls Gar an idiot who can't see someone who is evil even if they're standing right in front of him.
Gar gets angry at that and argues with him. He remembers how resigned Raven looked and then how shocked she was when she realized he wasn't going to fight with her.
The argument ends with Steve calling him a buffoon again for associating with Trigon's daughter. Gar just feels helpless knowing Steve will never understand him.
Then about a week or two later, Gar and Steve have a BIG fight. Beast Boy can't take it anymore and decides to leave and go somewhere Steve can't find him... except everywhere on land and on Olympus, Steve will find him and drag him back home.
BB is desperate and decides to go to the Underworld hoping Raven will take pity on him and keep him too. He also knows it would piss Steve off to know he went there after Steve forbade him to.
So he goes there and the first thing he says is "You take living souls right? Technically I'm alive. Take mine. Keep me here too."
Raven is all confused because why would Gar want to leave the bright world up above and come live here with the dark and dead? She says "I won't take your soul. I can't, really. You're immortal. But you can stay here if you tell me what's wrong."
So Gar tells her what's wrong. How he and Steve always fight. How lonely and depressed and inadequate he feels. Raven takes pity on him and let's him stay. She sees Gar as a kindred spirit. But Gar knows that Steve will do his best to drag him out of the Underworld too ("it's only a matter of time before he finds out.") and asks Raven if she has a more permanent solution of any kind.
And Raven does
Just one.
It makes her blush just thinking about it but she wonders if it would be so bad? Gar seems like a lovely person. A little annoying and hyperactive but someone kind. Someone friendly. Someone Raven's lonely heart needs.
So she tells him she has one way but it's permanent. It can't be undone.
BB is ready to agree to it before she tells him that he'll have to eat the food of the Underworld to be tied to it... And to her
BB: 😳 you mean
Raven: *blushing* yes
He goes silent and Raven mistakes her silence as offense.
"I'm sorry for suggesting it. I know it's not... No one would ever want that with me-" but Gar interrupts her and is like "Wait! Do you want that? Would you be comfortable with such an arrangement. It is for eternity. I don't want to force you or make you think I'm that desperate cuz I'm not- well actually am but I don't want to drag you into my problems."
Raven thinks about it for a few seconds but then shrugs and goes "I have nothing to lose. If one day you decide you hate me then it will be no different than what everyone else has been doing to me since day one."
"Raven... Tying yourself to someone is a big commitment. How are you willing to throw it away?"
"In 10 millennia, you're the first person to look at me without contempt, Gar. I don't think I'll find anyone else that can at least tolerate my presence. This is the best deal I can get in the eternal companionship department."
Gar is just so sad because he realizes how lonely Raven has been her whole long life. He decides that he's going to fix that. If she's willing to throw away her only shot at godly marriage to help him then he's gonna be the best husband in the world for her even if it's a marriage of convenience
(I accidently ended up making this fake married trope...)
Well anyway Gar decides he wants this and Raven is already cool with it as seen above so Gar eats the beautiful red fruit and can live in the Underworld. They share it, half and half (because I'm desi and I love the intimacy of sharing fruit with your loved ones).
Over their time together he decides to make Raven smile and he annoys her so much she almost regrets letting him stay. But she can't help but enjoy it because ever since Gar came the Underworld seems so colorful instead of dreary. He's so vibrant and happy and he makes her happy even if he's annoying her. She knows he's trying to make her smile and no one has ever made an effort for her before.
Gar likes having a challenge in Raven and he likes how kind and just she is when she's deciding what to do with the dead souls that come to her. She feels so much for the people who have died even tho she's a goddess and gods don't care for humans normally. She's unlike any other deity from the pantheon Gar has ever met.
Anyway they're down in the Underworld becoming friends first and then falling in love slowly...
...and meanwhile Steve is looking everywhere for Gar and can't find him. Slowly he realizes where Beast Boy has gone because all the animals begin to die without BB there to look after them.
So Steve marches up to the castle in the sky and tells batman (who is Zeus just because I thought it was funny) he demands that he order Gar to come back.
So Batman sends someone to get Gar and Gar just sends a magic scroll with the 😛 emoji in return. He's not coming back.
Steve is furious and thinks Raven had something to do with it but Gar anticipated that and sends a postscript saying he decided to marry Raven on his own and that he's happy in the Underworld.
Batman's hands are tied. Gar willingly chose to stay there. He can't do anything about it.
But that doesn't solve the problem of the animals dying... And Gar is too good of a person to let them be miserable while he's happy. He has a duty and he knows he has to fulfill it.
So Gar talks to Raven and she agrees that he needs to go back from time to time even though the thought of being alone again makes her sad. She worries this is actually goodbye.
"Maybe when you go back your dad will finally appreciate you for who you are. I guess you won't need me anymore then,"
She's genuinely afraid he'll never come back. :'((
That's when Gar finally confesses that he loves her.
And Raven doesn't believe it at first cuz who could ever love her? It was surprising enough Beast Boy wanted to be her friend but love?
But Gar kisses her when she's too busy panicking and denying it.
It's the best way he can promise he loves her and she kisses back with all the feelings she was hiding too. For the first time in her eternal life she feels complete. Like someone is there just for her and she won't have to be lonely anymore. It's Gar's promise to her and she finally stops denying it.
"I promise I'll come back to you. And I promise I'll take you above with me too. You're not alone anymore. Not when you have me."
Raven is so happy she could cry. Her fears satiated, she finally lets him go.
So BB goes to Batman and tells him that he's gonna come on Earth to do his job for only half the year when the animals need him and he's going go back when they begin to hibernate. The rest of the year he's going spend with his wife who is not evil thank you very much and he's gonna bring her to the next Olympian Ball so to expect Raven to be there cuz he's had enough of people treating her like shit just cuz she rules over the Underworld and has an unfortunate parentage.
After that Gar goes to meet with Steve and finally tells him "I'm an adult. I have been for many millennia now. I don't need your approval anymore. It took me a long time to learn that but the unconditional love Raven gave showed me I was never weak. I'll visit mom with Raven soon. If you can't be nice to her, don't show up."
He first goes and helps all the animals and deals with their problems and apologizes for leaving them for so long. And when he's done he goes back to the Underworld where his Raven is waiting for him.
She's wondering how the meeting went and Gar just smiles and tells her she needs to get a dress cuz they're gonna be dancing at a ball on Olympus soon. She's not gonna be alone ever again because of him... but also because he's going to make sure people see her different from now on.
The end
Idk how to end it any better than that...
Bonus: True to word, Raven is at the next Olympian Feast. Gar first introduces Raven to his best buddy Victor, who's the god of metalwork and blacksmiths (Hephaestus). Victor is super chill with her. He's only mad that Gar and Raven got married without telling him but he's also happy for them.
Then Raven meets Starfire, goddess of the sun (Apollo). Starfire is kind to begin with and immediately befriends Raven because she trusts Gar. Dick, god of battle strategy (Athena), is a little more suspicious but he does not treat her badly.
For the first time in a long time: Raven finally has friends.
Extra Bonus: Rose is Thanatos, goddess of death, and the only companion Raven had for her many millennia alone but she was more of a co-worker or subordinate than a friend.
So... That's that. Another hc set done. I hope you guys like them as much as you all liked the Little Mermaid AU ones. They aren't as detailed or convey as much emotion as I would like but my writing is a little lackluster these days why I'm doing headcanons more than fics to begin with. I hope the quality is good anyway.
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valdomarxxx · 3 years
There was only one bed? Well, @whataboutthebard, I know just the story. Forgive me if it's one you've heard before.
We are invited to court, and begged to perform. Some cousin of a cousin of the king, a far-flung royal offshoot with more money than he knows what to do with and more pretension than he’s earnt. In truth, he’s hired more than just the two bards who orbit the centre of this story; musicians and dancers and an orchestra, singers from far-flung climes to demonstrate how worldly and knowledgeable he is.
(It does not matter that the cousin-of-a-cousin has never stepped foot out of Verden. It is the appearance that counts.)
He has chosen us, he claims, because we are the most recent and second-most-recent winners of the Oxenfurt Bardic Competition. This will demonstrate how entrenched he is in the community, and how much he supports the arts.
We are led upstairs to the less fine wing of the keep, and I realise that he could have supported the arts more effectively by paying us a good wage, and - more to the point - supplying us with decent sleeping accommodations.
There is only one bed.
We look at each other. We look at the servant who has escorted us here.
“There appears to be some mistake,” I say, just as you speak - “And where is the other room?”
The servant raises her eyebrows at us. “No mistake,” she says. “You can take it or leave it. He won’t be granting you better.” She pauses, watching us, weighing us up. “Count yourselves lucky,” she says. “The flutist from Ebbing is sleeping on the floor with the servants. The group from Vicovaro are in the barn. The only place not teeming with musicians is the pig sty. But by all means, feel free to take it up with his Lordship if it displeases you.”
I peer at you. It could displease me more. It’s been some time since friendship became something slightly spikier, since those long sleepless nights at the academy. But I hesitate to call us rivals or enemies; the animosity between us is all for show.
At least, I think it is all for show.
(Later, I cannot be so sure.)
And… I look away from you, looking to the floor, looking to the single bed placed in the centre of the room like a steel-jawed trap. There are worse places to be.
Like the pig sty, for example. We thank the servant, who purses her lips and leaves.
“So,” you say. You throw your things to the bed.
“So.” I agree. I place my things beside yours.
It promises to be a long night.
The performance goes well. Even the most boorish employer can be tolerated when you have a captive audience and talented accompaniment, and it’s clear that the musicians gathered for the event are of the highest calibre. It’s been some time since we performed together, and we slip into the duet surprisingly easily, sliding back into two harmonising halves of a whole.
We close our set to applause and cheering, and - to both of our surprise - are led into a side chamber where we are given the real payment for our labours: food and wine. It is by no means as fine as the feast currently being served in the adjacent hall, but it’s better than I can expect in the Academy or you can expect on the road, and we settle into a long evening celebrating a successful performance.
That damned bed settles in the back of my mind like a ghost, like an itch I cannot scratch. Even when we laugh over old memories or bicker over which bottle to open next, I am thinking about what awaits us up the flight of servants’ stairs.
I am catastrophizing, I know. It is just a bed. Two nights - for we have been asked to perform tomorrow, too - and sweet sleep. Or not so sweet: as I have already mentioned, you snore, and I am not relishing the idea of those snorting grunts pressed so closely against my ear.
No. I push down the thought, and return to the celebration, all the while waiting for the world to quietly end.
And it does, eventually. The food cleared away and the wine passed along to the next group of troubadours, we make our way up the stairs towards the room. Towards our room. We shuffle inside in silence, and before the door has shut you’re already stripping from your performance finery. You don’t even hesitate, and I suppose this is what travelling with a companion for so many years does to you; although you were never shy about your body in the same way I am.
I tug away my doublet hastily yet carefully, followed by my breeches - together they cost more than the pay we’re due to receive for tonight’s work. You are already in the bed, and for a moment I hesitate. I could sleep on the floor. It would not be a comfortable night, but the wine has made my bones feel soft and I have, after all, slept in worse places. It would be no hardship to pillow my clothes, however expensive they are, beneath my head and lie upon the wooden boards to—
“Valdo.” Your voice is sure in the dark. “Get in the bed.”
I do as you ask. The sheets are already body-warm, the mattress sagging where you lay just half a foot away. I lower myself to the edge, opening the space between us, muscles stiffening as I petrify, my body melding into immovable stone.
But not immovable enough. I feel you twist beside me, hear you sigh, can tell that even now you’re rolling your eyes at me. My senses, already heightened, light up, and then—
Your hand on my arm. You do not pull me closer, you do not tug or claw or grab or demand. You barely brush my skin. But still I move, still I follow that touch, still I turn onto my side until I’m facing you. You’re facing me, too.
“You get used to sharing a bed on the road,” you say, like we were halfway through another conversation. “It barely feels odd anymore when I and—”
“Please.” I cut you off. I try to sound biting instead of sad. “I do not need to hear about your witcher this evening.”
“No,” you reply. “I… I don’t think I want to talk about him, either.”
You move closer. Our ankles touch, of all things, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My heartbeat quickens; I pray for it to still and quieten. You yawn, and the gape cracks into a sleepy smile.
It’s easier, suddenly. Your hand is still upon my arm, and your skin is warm, and the bed is soft despite the cramped space. I turn onto my back, and feel your arm snake its way across my chest, towards my shoulder. I pull you close; I couldn’t do anything else but wrap my arms around you.
I expect to lie awake for hours, the lavender and chamomile scent of your hair filling my nose, muddling my mind. But you're warm, and soft, and gentle, and soon I feel myself drifting away, the pressure of your head against my chest making me painfully aware of every breath I take.
I sleep, and dream of—
I dream of you.
The next morning we wake slowly, dress slowly, eat slowly. We perform quick and fast and turbulent, garnering even louder applause, even greater accolades. It passes in a blur.
That night, we fall back into our shared bed. That night, we do not sleep at all.
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kakubun · 4 years
Seijoh With A Florist! Manager
seijoh x gen! reader
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okay so you work with your friend’s (mika) aunt in her florist shop
it was your dream job, you worked there part time and mika’s aunt was happy to have you here
she loved seeing you scurry around the shop, trying to find the perfect flower while talked to the customers on why they wanted flowers
 you would smell like bluebells and on special occasions, lavenders because mika’s aunt also makes perfume out of flowers she produced and sells them (even food! she’s still experimenting though)
it was a famous flower shop due to many choices of lovely flowers in miyagi and you would bump into many school mates who were trying to impress their dates
mika’s aunt would wear matching flower accesories that you both made, flower headbands, flower rings and just slipping a flower behind your ear, you both look rather fashionable everyday with different accesories you both wear
oikawa made a special nickname for you and your classmates would hear him call you that whenever he would walk next to you “bluebell-chan!!” he first  called you that when it was a running joke in the volleyball club of what nickname oikawa wanted to call you (oikawa nearly got chased around the gym when he wanted to change iwaizumi’s name to beast-chan)
it was a sweet name and hearing the setter call you that made the smile of your face grow 
the volleyball club was something new you could gossip about to mika’s aunt
y/n: your perfume made him call me bluebell-chan, if that isn’t the cutest-
aunt rosa: marry him.
y/n: ???
oikawa would ask about your perfume one day and your pride was showing, you would say you work part time at your friend’s aunt florist shop and he wanted to check it out immediately 
oikawa wanted to drag iwaizumi there and he suprisingly agreed (since you were the tolerable one) and oikawa was excited about going to your flower shop after practise 
“hi aunt rosa!!” you would greet her and she would pull you into a tight embrace and she would notice the boys immediately, one scratching his neck and one’s eyes sparkling to the sight of all the flowers in the shop  
the shop was bursting with flowers and a lot of scents , bluebells were right in front of him and he stared, dazed at how pretty bluebells are up close
“ ah this is the oikawa and iwaizumi boy you were talking about?” you nudged your aunt because she just exposed you that you talked about them in your free time and she nudged back
while the boys greeted her, your  eyes wandered to a container near the counter and you approached it and gasped
aunt rosa slapped your hand even before touching the container and ushered the boys to come closer to her 
“i made these mini viola pavlovas here, here try them!” oikawa did not hesitated to take a pavlova and plop it into his mouth and iwaizumi soon followed after and both boys had the same reaction
"share this with the team tommorow" she gave you stacks of pavlovas in boxes and patted you head
"share this with your two husbands-" you wanted to kick her but you nudged instead
y/n: shuddup-
oikawa: *leaning close to you and squeezing your shoulders* now now, bluebell-chan no need to be aggresive with aunt~
iwaizumi: yeah bluebell-chan, don't do that *ruffles your hair*
aunt rosa: seeee, your two husbands can teach you a lesson if you misbehave again-
lmao bye, you left the flower shop iwaizumi and oikawa also following and you could hear mika's aunt's boisterous laughter as she choked out a "bye bye bluebell-chan!!"
iwaizumi and oikawa tagged along like bodyguards since it's gotten pretty late , pressing their bodies behind your back
oikawa: y'know bluebell-chan, you have to pick one-
iwaizumi: picking two's kinda greedy
you ignored them the whole way home
next day, at practice
you gave out the pavlovas
hanamaki REALLY enjoyed them while matsukawa chewed silently to enjoy it more
yahaba nearly cried to how yummy they were, the crunch and chew after felt like paradise
kyoutani tried to secretly take more than he was supposed to, kunimi might have joined in
watari sighed happily, his cheeks hurting
kindaichi asked you about the flowershop since you yold the whole team before you handed out the pavlovas
oikawa: y'know if we had our wedding i hope your aunt can come and decorate the whole thing
hanamaki: don't know why you're talking about weddings but i'll help with bringing vines
matsukawa: i'll bring poison ivy
iwaizumi: i'll take bluebell-chan away
y/n: a a aa a a a a A a aa
somehow the whole conversation's now is just about trashing oikawa's wedding and you were completely fine with
i'm so sorry if this had no flavour, i'll maybe redo this
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prettiestvulcan · 3 years
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pairing: Draken x f!character x Mikey
rating: explicit (minors DNI)
wc: 1255
summary: a bath turns into so much more
warnings: none
a/n: because i’m so excited about getting two job interview offers in one day, here’s a little something
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She lays on the bed, fingers tangled with Mikey’s, and stares up at the ceiling. Enjoying the afterglow. She’s sure she has a dopey grin on her face, eyes crinkled at the corners. She knows she should clean up soon, but she’s too tired and content. After walking around the festival for hours, the excitement outside the festival…. She’s exhausted.
“Up you go,” Draken leans over her, arms sliding behind her legs and back. He hoists her up like she weighs nothing at all and she can’t help but giggle. She doesn’t miss the small smile on his lips.
He sets her down on the edge of the tub. She reaches for him, pulling him in close. She nuzzles her cheek against his stomach, sighing with content. He huffs, pushing her away so he can start the water for her.
“I want a bath,” she interrupts as he reaches for the knob to start the shower.
“It’s late,” he argues. “You’ll fall asleep in the tub.”
“Not if Draken-kun is with me.” She bats her eyelashes. He crosses his arms, glaring down at her. She’s unphased. “Please?” She clasps her hands together.
He sighs, but grabs the plug anyway. He stops up the drain with it, letting the water fill the tub. She giggles, squirming in place. He holds her shoulders to keep her from moving too much, not wanting to make a mess of the bathroom. Knowing her preference, he leaves her to grab the bubble bath from the closet.
The scent of lavender fills the air as he pours a generous amount of the bubble bath into the still-running bathwater. Impatient, she climbs into the tub. He scowls at her, but doesn’t scold her. She smiles up at him, settling in. The water is the perfect temperature, of course.
“Where are you going?” She asks as he turns his back to leave.
“Get Mikey,” he answers. She settles back into the water, content knowing he’s coming back.
Draken comes back in with Mikey on his back. Mikey is still nude, looking like he just woke up. Draken carefully sets him down and Mikey meanders over to the tub. She spreads her legs to make room for him, back pressed against cool porcelain. He climbs into the tub, rubbing at an eye, and sits between her legs.
“Want me to wash you?” She already knows the answer, but she asks anyway. He nods, clearly just as tired as she is.
She grabs for the loofah, squirting some of his body wash onto it. She’s careful in her ministrations, smoothing the sponge over his chest. He leans further against her, letting her work. She washes his arms next, before reaching for as much of his legs as she can. When she’s finished with the sponge, she sets it off to the side. Draken grabs it, rinsing it in the sink.
She settles back against the tub, Mikey content to rest his head against her breasts. Draken sits on the edge of the tub, watching the two of them to ensure neither drowns. She smiles at him, reaching out for his hand. He reaches back for her, fitting their fingers together snugly as they hold hands.
“You’ll prune if you stay in there much longer,” he comments. She laughs, shrugging. “Come on. Get out.”
He reaches for clean towels, urging the both of them out of the tub. He wraps them up in a towel each before ushering them back into the bedroom. She’s tired, but not tired enough to sleep yet. She yawns, dropping the towel. She doesn’t miss the way Draken eyes her from where he’s sitting in his desk chair, legs spread.
Mikey flops onto the bed, but she can feel his eyes on them. She shuffles forward, dropping to her knees before Draken. She wants a little something before bed. She undoes his buckle, pulling it aside to get at the button and zipper of his pants. She pulls him out of his underwear, already half hard.
She licks a stripe up the underside before suckling on the head. He grunts, but doesn’t try to stop her. She hears shuffling from behind and knows they have Mikey’s full attention now. She grips him firmly in one hand, toying with the head with her tongue.
“You gonna play games or suck me?” He growls. She smiles, but does as asked. She takes him into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks, and sucks as she pulls back up.
He curses under his breath, reaching out to grab a fistful of her curls. He guides her up and down, and she tolerates it for awhile. When she grows bored of his pace, she reaches down to fondle his balls. His rhythm stutters, giving her the opening she needs.
She goes down to the base, drool seeping from the corners of her mouth. He curses, twitching in her mouth. She sucks lightly before pulling back, sure to drag her tongue along the underside. His thighs spread wider, giving her more room to work. She won’t disappoint.
She bobs up and down, hand stroking what she can’t fit in her mouth. She drags her tongue along the vein on the underside, swirls it around the head to collect the pre-cum there. He grips at her hair, fingers tangled in the curls, and let’s her work. Only occasionally does he shove her down, so that his cock hits the back of her throat.
She knows he’s close when his fingers spasm against her scalp. She goes down as deep as she can, sucking, and he comes undone. His hips stutter as he comes down her throat. She swallows every last drop, lapping up the remains at the tip, before pulling away completely.
She grins up at him, watching his cock twitch futilely. He may be amazing, but he still has a refractory period. She stands, dusting off her knees. She feels arms wrap around her waist from behind and her smile only grows.
“My turn,” Mikey rasps against her ear. He spins her until she’s facing him, forcing her back down to her knees. She gladly accepts what he’s offering.
She can tell he’s been touching himself while watching her suck Draken off, just by how red the tip is. His cock is drooling, ready to burst. She knows he won’t last long, but is excited nonetheless. He wanted to come inside her mouth and she’s not going to deny him.
She sucks hard at the head before deepthroating him, knowing neither of them wants to waste any time. He holds her there, hips thrusting, and she takes it. Whatever Mikey wants, she’s more than happy to provide. He groans and she glances up, meeting his eyes. He bites the corner of his bottom lip, fathomless dark eyes watching as he disappears inside her wet mouth.
“Fuck,” he curses. “You were made for this.” She hums at the praise, drawing more sounds from him.
When he finishes, he thrusts as far down her throat as he can get. Hot ropes of his cum splash against the back of her throat and she has to consciously swallow so as not to gag. He gives a few more weak thrusts before allowing her to pull back.
She stands, smiling at the two of them. She beckons them to the bed, where the three of them lay. She’s in the middle, of course, cocooned by their warmth on either side. She sighs, happy, and let’s herself drift to sleep in their arms.
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