#i cant do flowery scents
winter-jay-official · 4 months
Honestly one of the funniest things my moms ever done is going off one mention I was running out of my favorite perfume oil (helps with my migranes >>>>) is get me more without asking me what I liked (or even using) or even looking at the scents that she got then got mad when I was looking into the scents I did actually like
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geoffparty · 2 months
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unusual content for my total drama stuff, I’m getting another hyperfixtation..
Lets talk about dandy world for a bit, honestly I’m so inlove with Teacase. I’ve heard a few shipnames but this is the one ill go with
I thought a lot about them before sleeping so now I wanna dump all the headcannons I made for them
1. Rodger cant express his emotions well, but thankfully Teagen helps him and others to understand what he’s feeling
- Rodger kind of has that resting bitch face, so everyone gets scared when they see him. He has small eyebags, which can be pretty scary too — But in truth, Rodger actually doesn’t want to make people fear him nor intimidate anyone, he enjoys idle chat and wishes people approached him more. Teagen makes him look more inviting and better, which also kind of makes Rodger shy but glad lololol
But overtime, people have warmed up to him and he treats a lot of people like his family <3
2. Rodger is shorter than Teagen
- Teagen should be a 6"4, and Rodger a 5"3. I just made this one because I love tiny gentlemen with their tall girlbosses!!
3. Rodger putting on perfume for Teagen
- Teagen has this taste for scent. She probably likes the flowery-scent the most but she’s open to anything. Whenever she talks about a new scent, Rodger searches for a perfume similar to that scent for her. (Also because I want Rodger to be a man that loves to put perfume ..)
4. Detective work
- Rodger is quite eager to solve mysteries, and he usually talks a lot about them during his tea-talks with Teagen. A part of him hopes that he isn’t annoying her too much but then he also wants to prove to her that he’s really smart and a good man overall. (Teagen doesn’t mind at all, she finds him adorable when he yaps too much and feels strong attraction to his intelligence)
5. Twisted
- We haven’t been given much lore on this but, for now I think the toons turn into twisteds one by one. This is only a HC, sorry if the story showed something else ah..
- So, I assume that Teagen must have turned into a twisted first. After this happened, Rodger found out and he slowly grew more and more depressed. He begins to push himself away from others, dedicating most of his time to understand what’s the cause of spread just to avenge Teagen
- Eventually he burnt out, and was too tired. He gave up, hoping that if he turned into a twisted at least he’d become one of a kind with his love 😹
I wanna do a fanfic with themm ohh god their so cute.
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raffe156 · 1 year
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Ahhhh damn the Alpha Price with Omega Tank got me acting up. Imagine this. Price having to restrain himself everytime he smells Tank because all he wants to do is claim her right then and there. Ooorr if price smells an alpha all over Tank and that belongs to a rookie alpha that got too cocky and he proceeds to wreck his office in feral rage. During the whole day he practically has smoke coming out of his ears. Everyone knows not to get in his way as he stomps his way through the base. Tank is blissfully unaware of the absolute shit storm heading her way. Price keeps her in his den until she smells like nothing but him and has her wearing his shirts. He knows he cant exactly beat the hell outta that rookie but he sure can make their life hell. Or how about some angst? Omega Tank having to watch omega Dr. O'Brian rub her scent all over Price and the Dr. staring at her whilst doing it. Tank overhearing Dr. O'Brian gush to her coworkers about how she can't wait till her next heat because she thinks Price will give her a mate bite. Talking about how she can't wait to nest in that big house of his and how their future children will love the surrounding farmlands. Tanks scent just turns sour as she walks away. Part of her wants to finally confess to price but the other part doesn't want to ruin that for him. Price must really love Dr. O'Brian of they've talked about being official mates and children. He must be happy right? Who is she to take that away from him? So she sits there in her nest full of Price's shirts and cries surrounded by his fading scent. <3
Where do I even start with this? Let’s start with the meme love it perfect!
Mate I love you for this haha 💖
A/O/B au
He’d find it so difficult to keep his hands off her, he would find ways to brush past her anything to get his scent on her. Any time they are alone he’s nuzzling her neck, but behind closed doors he’s all over her. The rookie alpha incident was her going on a training mission alone with the rookie he got too close, she came back reeking of him. Price hated it he would tear the base apart looking for him, making his life a misery. Tank just lives in Prices clothes now hat, everything haha! Price doesn’t mind so much when she smells of Soap he’s a beta same as Kyle and they are around each other a lot. Practically litter mates. But if she smells of Ghost he’s fuming. Alpha Ghost would do it on purpose he would put his scent all over her intentionally to wind Price up. He would hang around her especially near heat so much so Price considers locking her in his room for safe keeping. She’s not allowed to go on any missions with out him.
Ohhh now the angst angle!
It would kill Tank to watch the Dr rub her scent all over Price, she wouldn’t care where they are she would do it just to mock Tank, the Drs scent would be a very niche scent almost clinical powdery, sharp flowery. The team would comment on it whenever they were near Price, Soap hated it. It would drive Soap, Kyle an Ghost closer to Tank all 3 of them preferring her scent sunned skin, smoked vanilla, amber and musk. Price would have to keep his distance from her incase it rubbed off on him, Helen would lose her mind. This didn’t stop Tank she would intentionally stand next to him, brush up against him, lean over him…even close to heat she would almost present herself. It killed Price but he had to hold himself back he hated seeing Ghost get as close as he liked to Tank, he wanted to rip him apart. But he had the Dr.
Helen would talk all the time about Price wanting to give her a mate bite etc it only egged Ghost on to pursue Tank. But no matter how much he got his scent on her she still had a tinge of Prices, he didn’t know she had some of his clothes in her nest. No one did.
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lbhslefttiddie · 1 year
PLEASE tell me about your scent headcanons for MOTT
I'm not gonna include all the details, bc some are for characters who have not even properly appeared and some are spoilers and some are simply still up for tweaking!! that being said...
(excerpts from the Flavour Profile Document below--obviously, this also contains spoilers for Mouse On The Thorn up to ch 15, and some hints at things in the future, specifically regarding sy's scent)
for each character, first i decided elements, then scents, then any additional details or nuances to the scent (ie yqy: water and earth -> wet dirt -> petrichor). there also variances which reach outside their set element(s) for certain situations (ie yqy's ozone scent) and notes for outside influences (such as suppressants). i made up like a whole fucking chart in my brain for why who was what element(s), but that's a lengthy, separate topic lmao
Shen Qingqiu:
Element: wood
Base scent: grass and osmanthus
Notes: smells like rotting vegetation when deeply distressed (ie sad/hurt/scared), smells dry/burnt when extremely angry. leans more to the grassy side than the flowery; the grass, specifically, is almost like bamboo, which sqq himself muses could be mere coincidence, or him being shaped, somewhat, by his environment
the fake scent he uses emulates the scent of a very irritated beta--the scent itself is even fainter than the pheromones its meant to emulate, and the only POV who might even be able to pick it out is lbh, but the scent is almost like bitter almonds (cyanide lol)
Shen Yuan:
Element: wood
Base scent: grass and osmanthus
Notes: like sqq, scent turns to rot in distress. More on the flowery side; particularly, when he is extremely content or aroused (or in heat), he smells like osmanthus wine
(worth noting here: sy was born on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival)
Is scent hereditary? Are spiritual elements hereditary? I have no idea! Sqq and sy could smell similar bc they are related, or bc they come from the same background, or bc of wacky coincidence. It's more compelling this way, so we'll figure that out later
while still using suppressants he smells almost identical to an unpresented pup, if with a slightly staler quality to it
Yue Qingyuan:
Element: water, earth
Base scent: rain and earth
Notes: yqy is, even for alphas, particularly noseblind, such that he has no idea what he himself smells like, but sqq notes that he often smells specifically like the first rain after a time of dryness (petrichor). When sad, he smells just kinda wet and pathetic, like a long heavy downpour (geosmin). When angry or in serious combat, he smells like right before a storm (ozone). Smell leans more earthy during rut
Mu Qingfang:
Element: wood, earth
Base scent: roots, clay
Notes: Beta scents are fainter and tend to carry less nuance in emotive ability, which works in mqf's favour for the most part. That being said, mqf's scent takes on somewhat muddy quality with upset
Zhao Jie:
Element: earth, metal
Base scent: scalpel
Notes: most metals don't actually have a smell, particularly not the kinds used for scalpels, but zj's scent has a particularly cool and sharp quality to it that calls the idea of them to mind nonetheless
Luo Binghe:
Element: fire, wood
Base scent: smoke, sunshine, lotus
Notes: more smoke when angry/upset, more sunny when happy. Takes on a slighty spicy tinge when Interested
the smoke part itself is a lot less noticeable before his demonic seal is unlocked
Do demons have elemental roots...??? Regardless, i will be designing their scents as though they do
Ning Yingying:
Element: water, metal
Base scent: mineral water
Notes: when high-energy, the scent smells cooler, like a refreshing mountain stream, and when lower-energy the scent is warmer, like hot springs, and is a little bit saltier, too
She hasn't actually presented yet, so obv you cant actually smell any of these things on her yet, but that's the general plan
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therabbitinred · 2 years
(Thank you so much for tagging me @ventiswampwater 🥰)
Last Song You Listened to:
Killing Moon by Roman Remains. I was just reminded of Donnie Darko and went back to listen to the original before I realized I was looking for a cover. I went through a bunch before I found it under the 13 reasons why soundtrack ajxbhajwjda. It’s also the perfect romance song 🤪
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Ideal Pizza Topping:
My ass could never choose but my fav lately is dynamite sauce with chicken it’s so good.
Dream Vacation:
Italian countryside. It’s been in my wish list for a long ass I don’t care if they’re romanticized those movies make them look amazing 😔.
Earth, Air, Fire, or Water?:
Local Girl Wishes She Was Fire, Is Actually A Water Who Cant Even Swim.
Cartoon you grew up on:
Anything on the Disney channel during the 90s/early 2000 counts with the occasional dubbed anime and Pokémon before it got cancelled for satanic crimes. Gargoyles undoubtedly started the monster fucking early but I remember watching the PowerPuff Girls the most.
Favorite Scent:
I don’t actually have a strong since of smell and I’m not picky but anything light and flowery. I dislike really spicy perfumes.
(Tagging @slvshrtrash if you wanna do it!!)
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spinning-feeling · 2 years
🤗, 💐, 😘 & 🎫 :]
It always feels bloody nice being hugged by spinel tbh, both the usual hugs and her trademark ones
The first feels good over... well it being a hug, gotta love physical affection, really makes ya feel appriciated and cared for, the other just feels super nice and safe, like in a strawberry-scented blanket burrito, but a lot more coil-like, ya dig me?
As for hugging Spinel? Basically like hugging a strawberry scented teddy, though less fluffy, more comfy, and with a gem at its front
Sometimes the gem gets in the way, but regardless it feels nice, holding someone in your arms, like youre protecting them from the horrors of the world, making sure that they always have a safe space right there, in your arms
We occasionaly do like to give eachother flowers! At first Spinel was reluctant over you-know-what, but over time she has associated flowers less with that event, and more with the happy memories she shares with me
Im pretty sure she has memorized my favourite flowers; Tulips, Forget-me-nots, and Roses, so i can always expect those on a very good day, a small celebration, or a holiday like easter or valentines, though sometimes i find flowery gifts from her around just because she feels like it, or so she says
Obviously i try to repay her generosity, though with my shitty memory and forgetful nature its lowkey hard to keep track of her's, so i often give her flowers with romantic or generally deeper meanings and hope they work - she loves them all, since they're a gift from me, lol, but i still try to keep watch to which she likes most
Her kisses are mostly playful, though soft or passionate, that depends on the mood, regardless they're great lmao
But oh Gods ever since we first kissed, when we do start kissing we're like two stubborn magnets, cant keep us apart even if you tried lmfao
Though we do enjoy giving eachother tiny affectionate pecks and smooches here and there, mostly in public, that and its always fun getting giddy over such affections lmao
Guys, just, why is Spinel so kissable
I just look at her and i wanna plant a smooch on her cheek so bad, like she looks so damn smoochable
You know those affection-gifs of one nomming on the others' cheek? Yeah thats me @ spinel
Or actually better question, why the hell is Spinzie so huggable!? Like god damn i see the hugs she gives and want in on the action, even if her gem might be lightly uncomfy against me chest, i still wanns hug the absolute living fluff out of her to make sure she knows just how much she is loved and adored
Fuck, man, i really just wanna give all my affection to spinel, is that too darn much to ask
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So summer in Mumbai is almost over, technically I only have 15 days or so before monsoon rolls in and everything becomes poetically gross and sticky outside and languid and homey inside, basically meaning I missed my chance at summer...again.
Now that left me a bit miffed, that this summer I did not get to make ANY new memories that were largely pleasant, that my wanderlust was not even acknowledged let alone indulged, and that I spent most of it locked up, isolated, scared -and with the risk of sounding woeful- utterly helpless and hopeless. 
I’ve been told summers are supposed to signify new beginnings, each new gust of the summer breeze is supposed to slowly ease the frigid hands of winter away from us.....but I felt none of that, I still feel like I’m being squeezed from all four sides, flattened and twisted by everything that is raging on in my country, in my home, in my life.
And no this caption is not gonna end with a light and hopeful easing message, because I don’t feel any of those things, fleetingly when I’m with my friends and my family yes, I can almost forget the utter *shit* I’m going through but it’s always looming in some god forsaken corner of the scenery, some part of it blurring or blotting my vision.
But then a few days ago I was going through pictures of my travels from the summers before this Pandemic started and the only thing I noticed was how no part of this scenery, of these pictures was even faintly tainted by anything that happened in the following two years, I noticed that I remember, that I remember everything, from my summers before the pandemic. I cried for a bit, not out of wistfulness or bitterness, but simply because I remembered the sheer beauty of the world and how all of it was laid bare for me. 
I cried because I was so so goddamn thankful I remembered….and that my soul remembers.
I still remember thinking that the tumbling shades of the sky reflected in the ocean, the blues and whites of Andaman was the single most beautiful colour I had ever laid eyes on, and that if all the Gods and powers of the universe were all just colours and beams of light, the one who created our Earth would be this exact shade of blue.
I remember how the gathered scents of a thousand flowers from the Gardens of Singapore mixing and twirling almost conspicuously in front of my eye, invading my senses and leaving me so jarringly human could be the only experience I could truly ever come close to describing as ethereal.
I remember how each wave of the Mediterranean sea looked like a beckoning hand welcoming me into its depth, wily and whispering, taunted me with each secret it was willing to unveil with just one more step until I didnt even notice I was chest deep, swaying and so so alive.
I remember how I saw the sun daintily blanket itself beneath the boundless Arabian seas, where each passing minute as it slipped beneath it’s tiding veil was just another artist’s brush stroke across the sky, a splash of red here a hint of pink there and a stroke of glowing glorious orange, and all I could think was: was it not enough? was it not enough to shine down such seraphic beauty on me just once, was it not enough that the world had to turn around and reflect it’s swirling colours of a flaming sky on the ocean beneath, and shimmer twice as bright? was it only enough when the sky set the ocean on fire with flames that danced.
And I remember how each smoking, sweltering breath in the deserts of India, each glare of the sun and the shyness of a cloud to even slightly dare disturb the perfect sky was just the world clearing its lenses so I could see unfettered beyond it’s shrouded shadows and know the inescapable expanse of it, to know how incredibly infinitesimal I was in that moment, to know that the world only ever glowed its colors and stirred it’s wind and pulled it’s water for something so infinitesimal and transient as me. To know that all of it was for me.
So yeah...I cried, because the world was mine to breathe in, to eat in small bites and drink with each gasp of air, and I was thankful for that. However, soon my tears did turn wistful and bitter, because now I’ve been robbed of it.  No, nothing, nothing less than the World was stolen from me, and I cant see an end to it’s absence, all I hear about each day is death, and all I see each day in my family, in my home, in myself is the fear of death, if you could you’d smell the stench of fear on us, and no I don’t bloody care if this is pretentious or overly romanticized or utterly way too symbolic and flowery to be truly woeful because this is how I’ve always expressed myself and this is how I’ve always seen the world, but now all I see is the four walls of my home, each morning the air outside decays with this virus, each day the smoke from the bodies being burnt on the street is just another fixture of life, each death just another tally, each positive test just another prayer, each grieving soul probably the next death.
And I hate it, and you see no, I don’t hate my current state.
I hate the world, the world I was so enamoured with, the world I had submitted all my secrets and desires and hopes to, the world I prayed to and prayed for, the world that I thought would always dance with me, that I thought was immutable in it’s beauty and never ending in it’s immensity, the same world I thought that had claimed me back as sure as I had claimed it, I hate it so much 
Because it’s all gone, because I feel abandoned, because I feel so fucking alone.
So that’s why I am here, showing you these pictures of me, trying my hardest to make you feel what I felt when the world engulfed me, to show you how breathless it truly leaves you, because all you ever do is drown in this world, because I can’t bring myself to hope to feel it again, it hurts every time. So here I am a lost little girl who was promised the world, was cruelly fed a piece of it, and then left to starve with only the faintest taste to remember, to linger on my tongue, so here I am showing you my pretty pictures because all I can do now is remember....and I can’t lose that too.
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stardancerluv · 4 years
One shot in between the chapters of Creative Fervor. Very...very early in the relationship between Roman & Reader.
Note: Heard the song Finally by CeCe Pennington, and some of the lyrics made me thing of Reader falling harder for Roman. Those lyrics are in italics.
Roman makes a reference to a “Tiffany” in one telling of Roman, she was his gf he was forced to kill when Joker put her in a position where she would die horribly otherwise. Roman, carried her photo for years afterward. (I couldn’t put that level of angst on my version) but I wanted to make a nod to actual Roman canon.
Warning: none, playful...fluffy flirting...most likely intamacy shortly after the end of the piece.
You woke up feeling good. You were dating Roman Sionis for about two months and it was amazing. He was amazing. Sure there were rumors of just how rough he could be. That was his business. You had yours, which right now was booming.
Tying your hair into a pony tail, you put on some music and got to work. Fabric was flying here and there. You were cutting and sewing.
The song that just hit the right nerve, began to play. Going over to your mp3 you turned up and just began dancing around your studio. You were feeling so good.
Finally, it has happened to me, right in front of my face
And I just cannot hide it
Meeting Mr. Right, the man of my dreams
The one who shows me true love
You happily bellowed out and danced around.
Roman, leaving the restaurant after meeting with Falcone in Little Italy, he unbuttoned his suit jacket as he slid into the back seat of the rolls. He had been a decent enough meeting. The guy was a real asshole. Stretching, he relaxed bringing up his hand he rested against it as the car cut through the traffic.
When they stopped for a red light, he thought of you. He decided then, he would stop by and check on you. He was still getting used to having someone steadily around. It had been awhile since he had dated Tiffany. She had been pretty self sufficient which in the end made things grow apart between them. So far the mutual need between you he was enjoying.
Spotting, a florist he got an idea. He had never given flowers before. Though he was discovering with you, he enjoyed spoiling you. The way you would smile or the way your eyes would light up, tickled him to no end.
“Hey I want to go to that florist.”
“Ahh, yeah. Sure thing boss.”
It took some maneuvering but his driver got him there. Soon he managed to hop out and get the door for Roman.
You surely would like flowers he mused. Moments after walking in he was greeted but the warm flowery scent he had not smelled since he had been a boy who would play outside and get his hands and clothes dirty much to the ire of his parents.
It didn’t take long but he chose colors that reminded him of you. Happy he had chose gold thread to tie it up with. “Lovely like my girl.” He murmured.
“Oh, so she is your girl?”
He shot the florist a look.
They made an apologetic face. “She comes in here often, she had been walking on air lately and there were those pictures of the two of you.”
“Oh, well yes. Yes,” A genuine smile he rarely gave people came to his face. Thinking of you did that. “She’s mine.”
“Very nice.” The florist smiled and relaxed then.
Satisfied, Roman got back in the rolls. “Take me to Y/N’s studio.
Sitting there as they weaved in and out of traffic to get to your studio, Roman remember the night of the gala.
You had worn this elegant black dress. He snapped two pictures of you that night. One of you looking so shy and demure, and the other just lost in the moment being the on the balcony of the suite, enjoying the night air.
They reminded him of all the sides of you that he loved. He had to admit a few shots he had seen in the paper of the two of them made him happy. They had come out, just right.
“I’ll call when we want to head back to the club.” He told his driver, when he slid from the rolls.
Reaching into his pocket, he took out the key you had given him. Almost feeling like he was in his club, your loudly playing music, greeted him.
He smiled when he spotted you, grabbing a chair he pulled it out and sat down. He was going to enjoy this. The sight of you just dancing and singing it.
Admittedly, he smiled a little wider when he heard you add his name to the lyrics. Watching you he was once again reminded of how cute and fun you were. Truly, Roman was relieved that Zsasz had fucked up and brought you to him.
Finally, it has happened to me, right in front of my face
My feelings can't describe it
Finally, it has happened to me, right in front of my face
And I just cannot hide it
You continued to belt out and dance about to. But then a scream was ripped from you, when you twirled and suddenly Roman as there smiling at you.
He threw his head back and laughed. “Hi there baby.”
“Roman!” You screamed, shaking your head. You turned down the music and immediately went over to him. “What are you doing here?”
“I finished for the day.” He patted his lap. “Come, get comfortable.”
You smiled and happily draped yourself in his lap. One of your arms around his shoulders, you gave him a breathless kiss on his jaw, enjoying the scent of his aftershave tickling your senses.
“Are you going to tell me how long you saw all of that?” You gestured to where you had been dancing.
“Long enough.” He met your eyes. You could really lose yourself in that blue. “I have something for you.”
“Romy, I told you I don’t need anything. Just you.” You rested your head on his shoulder. Your one hand nestled in his soft hair, loving how it felt.
“Well, I was feeling spontaneous.” He brought his hand up, and in it he held the most beautiful bouquet you had ever seen.
“Oh this,..” You tried to find the right word. “It’s so lovely.” You pressed a big kiss onto his cheek. “Thank you.” Hopping off his lap you went to get something to put it in.
“You better get back here baby, I was enjoying you in my lap.” He gave you a wicked smile.
“I’ll be right back.” You found a vase, filled it and put the bouquet in it and happily made your way back to to Roman. “Gold thread, Roman?”
He smirked. “You are elegant and so is it.” He remarked simply.
You flushed harder at his words. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
“I know I am.” The touch of his smugness made your heart flutter.
Coming back over to him, you took down the pony tail and fluffed your hair.
His soft sound of appreciation made your stomach churn happily. “I know how much you like it down.”
“I certainly do.”
Returning to Roman, you decided to straddle him as he sat there. He looked so good. You sighed contently. “How am I always comfortable with you.”
“Because you were made for me.” He shrugged, as his hands settled on your hips.
You smirked. “So are you going to kiss me?”
He drew close but stopped just short of kissing you. “You want me to?”
“Its least you can do after scaring me half to death.”
“I suppose, but I did love watching you.”
“Kiss me to show me how much.”
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @professionalclown @chogisss @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @blondekel77 @saphic-susperia @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @generallj
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shamemp3 · 3 years
9, 18, 33, 35, 44, 45, 55, 62
9. favorite smell in the summer? this isnt really a summer smell but when i visit my grandparents it would usually be in the summer and i dont remember what flower they had in their garden (maybe jasmine?) but i looove it
18. ideal weather? SNOWWW or cloudy tbh. fog is cool too
33. most used phrase on your phone? probably so true tbh. kind of embarrassing too bc i use it irl and people im not v close with are like ? what
35. average time you fall asleep? for the past year or maybe more its been like. between 5am and 12pm :’) but if i have like in person school i might go to sleep earlier like 3 or 4 depending on what i procrastinated and have to finish the night before <3
44. favorite scent for soap? i may have answerrd this but i cant remember so. i like fruity scents! and flowery too tbh why not
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy, or superhero? i love all three D: atm its sci fi bc im playing outer worlds but i think since like 2018 ive been v focused on superhero but i do love all 3
55. favorite fairy tale? barbie a fairy secret. yes this counts
62. seven characters you relate to? i answered this here ! theres def more i think this question is always hardest to answer but. i cant rmbr <3
weird asks that say alot :)
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channiebanq · 4 years
prompt list request !
warnings ! chan is a big douche bag and i wanted to punch him while writing this. but on a serious note, break up, cheating, cussing, and more
he’d been coming home later and later each day. stray kids didn’t have a comeback approaching, why wasn’t chan home? you knew he always loved to produce but he’d always set aside time for you. why is it so different now? he wasn’t there when you fell asleep and was gone before you even woke up.
you decided to stay up to talk to him, it felt like you hadn’t done that in years. it was currently 2 am and chan still hasn’t come home. you were sitting on the couch scrolling through your instagram feed. you couldn’t help but let your tears fall when you kept seeing all your friends that were in relationships were all happy. of course you wanted them to be happy but you were jealous. chan was never home, and when he was it would result in arguing. you missed feeling like you had a boyfriend who cared.
you heard the keypad outside and quickly wiped your tears off your face before going back on your phone. he opened and closed the door as quietly as he could before he saw you sitting on the couch.
“baby, what are you doing? it’s really late, let’s go to bed, okay?” he walked over to you and hugged you. he didn’t know what to think when you didn’t hug him back. you’d always pull him closer and hide your face in his chest.
you could smell his clothes, you weren’t stupid. you could smell the perfume on his hoodie. “channie, where were you, it’s two in the morning and you’re barely coming home.”
it seemed like he knew that you were going to ask him that because he sighed before saying he was just working on some tracks with jisung.
“chris,” you used his english name, he knew he was fucked. “why are you lying to me? you’re never home, it’s like i live with a ghost. you never tell me where you’re going and i know damn well that you aren’t going to the studio because changbin has been asking for you. i can smell her perfume, chris. i’m not as stupid as you think i am.”
he sighed, he knew this was coming. “baby, i’m not cheating on you-“
“really, if you’re not cheating on me, explain why the boys ask me where you are when you’re not at the dorms and you’re sure as hell not here.” you didn’t bother trying to keep your tears in. you were crying but your voice remained calm. “explain why you come home late at night saying you’re at the studio when everyone else is at home. explain why your clothes have a lingering scent of some flowery perfume. if you’re not cheating on me, explain why it doesn’t feel like i have a boyfriend that cares for me. explain it christopher, because maybe you’ll pull another excuse i haven’t heard out of your ass.”
“can you just shut up for once in your life? i really cant leave you alone because when you finally snap you blame everything on me.” he was snapping, he was running his hands through his hair and making big gestures with his hands. the volume in chan’s voice kept getting louder and louder until he was finally yelling at you. “yeah, maybe i did cheat on you. maybe because i deserve someone who will respect and support my career. maybe i cheated because im tired of you, open your fucking eyes.”
he was spitting all these words out so easily. did he actually care for you to start with? this wasn’t the chan you knew, this wasn’t your chan. perhaps this was chan all along but you really never knew him. whoever this man was, he hurt you.
you mustered all the courage you had to look him in the eye and say, “thank you for telling me, chris. you won’t have to hear much from me. it was nice loving you, thanks.” you were surprised your voice remained calm. in reality, all you wanted to do is hug him and hope he apologized.
with that said, you walked out the door and called your friend.
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flowrxchild · 4 years
⭐️Dig A Little Deeper⭐️
I was tagged by the lovely @juvinadelgreko a while ago, ty my love!
Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?: Blue for school/studying cuz it helps me remember but black every other time
Would you prefer to live in the country or the city?: It’s so weird I always thought I had to be a city person cuz I was born and raised in a giant one, but the older I get the more I kinda hate it lol I just want some peace and quiet so country
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?: I’d love to learn a new language like Italian or even sign language!
Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?: Yes...probably too much
What was your favorite book as a child?: Was a big Percy Jackson kid! I truly was the greek mythology kid hahsgags
Do you prefer baths or showers?: Showers because of practicality but I do enjoy a nice bath once and a while
If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?: It would absolutely SLAP to be a fairy or a nymph!
Paper or electronic books?: Paper 100%
What is your favorite item of clothing?: Just got a new flowery-kinda-70s halter that’s so cute and ties at the waist and I’m obsessed with it
Do you like your name?: Ya I guess lol I’ve never loved or hated it (Rickys my nickname but my full name is Erika)
Who is a mentor to you?: I have a close friend of my family who’s super cool and she’s really cheers me on with pursuing the arts and she’s a spiritual healer so I always go to her for advice, just super kind and such a cool mother figure to me!
Would you like to be famous?: Not really I don’t think
Are you a restless sleeper?: Lol yes I move around so much when I eventually do fall asleep :/
Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?: Ideally, I try but I’m so awkward so it probably doesn’t come across that way lmaoo
Which element best represents you?: Earth!
Who do you want to be closer with?: My tumblr friends! I’m so bad at messaging people cuz I’m kinda shy but everyone’s so nice here and i wish I knew my friends and mutuals on here better <3
Do you miss someone at the moment?: Yup my friends! I havnt really seen them much cuz of the virus plus some are away working for the summer so it feels so weird not seeing them everyday like most summers :(
Tell us about an early childhood memory: My very earliest memory that I can think back to was when I was probably 2 or 3 and I was camping with my parents before my little sister was born. Just being a little wild child running around in the woods!
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?: Honestly, I don’t really even know?? Probably some kind of weird combination of something while I was fried lmaoo
What are you most thankful for?: My family! They’ve always been supportive of me even despite me being the problem child™️ and causing probably many headaches lol
Have you ever met anyone famous?: I met Dallas Green (City and Colour) once when I was downtown in my city and he was really nice!
Do you keep a journal or diary?: I do! Just mostly for writing down thoughts and such
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?: Pen definitely
What’s your star sign?: Capricorn Sun :-)
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?: Definitely on the crunchy side
What would you want your legacy to be?: I want to be remembered as being really kind and selfless over anything else.
Do you like reading? What was the last book you read?: I love to read but I have really bad concentration problems so I don’t as much as I’d like :( I’m in the middle of reading a self help book called Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff but Richard Carlson
How do you show someone you love them?: I love remembering my loved ones’ favourite things so that I can send/buy them stuff in relation to that or even just being able to reference their fave stuff brings me so much joy!
Do you like ice in your drinks?: Yes!
What are you afraid of?: The unknown mostly...and spiders lol
What is your favourite scent?: I love warm and spicy smells like vanilla and sage! Or the smell of a campfire!
Do you address older people by their name or their surname?: It honestly depends on my relationship to them or situation
If money was not a factor, how would your life be?: I’d definitely be less stressed about a lot of things lol
Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?: I don’t have any oceans near me where I live, but I do like swimming in the lake more than a pool!
What would you do if you found 50$ on the ground?: I’d see if it belonged to anyone in the area first and then keep it if not!
Have you ever seen a shooting star?: I have a couple times! I always see them when I’m camping and I literally thought I was hallucinating each time it’s so crazy
What is one thing you want to teach your children?: The importance and power of empathy in everything you do. Being able to separate yourself from judgment and treat people with the respect and kindness you’d expect for yourself is really important to me.
If you had to get a tattoo right now, what and where would it be?: Ou this is tough cuz I’m really indecisive lol but probably a sprig of wildflowers or something on the back of my upper arm?
What can you hear now?: My bedroom fan! White noise fandom who up? 😌✊🏻
Where do you feel the safest?: Also my bedroom or just at home :)
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?: My struggle with anxiety and depression. This past year has been really tough for me and I’m making progress to better myself but it’s still an ongoing thing that changes day to day. We out here growing
If you could travel back in time to any era what would it be?: u already knowww Late 60s/70s
What is your most used emoji?: ❤️
Describe yourself using one word: easy-going :) that’s kinda two but 🤫
What do you regret the most?: Letting my fears and anxiety get in the way of my decisions...there’s a lot of crap I’ve missed out on cuz I got the hibbie jeebies over everything :(
Last movie I saw?: I’m in the middle of watching Paris, Texas I like it a lot so far
Last TV show you watched?: ATLAB
Invent a word and it’s meaning?: This is my moment ok so in hs I used to refer to feeling shaky or nervous as feeling ‘shivery’ (like that makes total sense right?! Like when u cant stop shaking or shivering = shivery) and one time someone said ‘that’s not even a word’ so you know what kid from my hs? It is now.
I’d love to tag @satingrass-maidensfair @onevisionanthem @dramaticjupiter @annatheism @sunshinesinhereyes @spreadthecurse @lazingonsunday @that-glassbottomed-ego @love-philautia if u wanna ❤️🌼
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kaeyasgender-moving · 4 years
I was tagged by @pteranodon to do this , thank you yupi ily ❤️
# Fav comfort food: anything sweet really 😔 but also bread i guess....
# Favorite alcohol/hot drink: champagne is so good...like Moscato d'asti is the shit and hot cocoa is awesome 😌
# Favorite relaxing activity: drawing while listening to music or just chilling watching random youtube vids
# Favorite fluffy/feel good fic: i dont have anything specific in mind but i ve read some nice ones the past month
# Favorite calming scent: like the smell of freshly washed sheets idk what scent exactly like flowery things ahydgdvsg
# Favorite relaxing or uplifting song: cant say its my favorite but infinitesimal by mother mother really helps me vibe and relax
# Favorite white noise: id say tv on low volume playing in another room... helps my brain focus i think
# Favorite book to get lost in: dont have any specific one in mind but anything fantasy is cool and also cyberpunk/dystopian themed books bc those FUCK
# Favorite chill out tv show: honestly at this point in the quarantine im past rewatching the untamed so i just watch youtube minecraft videos...😔
# The best advice you’ve ever had: probably that im allowed to take my time making something and that it doesn't have to be perfect on the first time...
And im tagging : @thotswithaggeliki @youngvolcanoez @buqbite
(But if anyone else wants to do it you can say i tagged you ^-^)
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seriouslynogood · 4 years
RULES: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @sirius woho! thank you, you sweet lil twinkling star ⭐️❤️
1. NAME: Hannah              
2. NICKNAMES: Hannah Montana (apparently my drunk party alter ego I was given this year) otherwise never had any ☺️
3.  ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio! ♏️
4.  HEIGHT: 5ft 10 (178cm) 
5.   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Swedish, english and german (Ich habe es fünf Jahre lang gelernt, aber ich bin nicht sehr gut) (plus swedish and Norweigian is quite similar so I understand and can speak some).
6.  NATIONALITY: Swedish 🇸🇪
7.  FAVORITE SEASON: Spring/fall - that perfect time when the sun is warm but the wind isn’t quite warm nor cold, ya know?
8.  FAVORITE FLOWER: wow I loveeee plants! (I have a dedicated pintrest list just for them) Philodendron Pink Princess, Monstera, calathea medallion are to name a few but seriously the list is looooooong 🙈❤️
9.  FAVORITE SCENT: dunno, I haven’t really “scent” explored. Rose is good but can be too much sometimes. I like some flowery, some clean scents like cotton but also some deeper/richer scents. As spring has come around I’ve been wearing Daisy Dream by Marc Jacobs and that is a LOVLEY scent 🥰
10  FAVORITE COLOR: different shades of blue has always been a favoriute, but I’ve been really drawn to emerald green for the past year. 
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: I love most feline animals (litterary almost cried seeing a clip from aristocats last week...and they’re cartoons 😂). Like everything from small kittens to big cats like lynxes and panthers etc (and I cant get tiger king memes out of my head now 😂). I also love Horses. 
12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): oh gosh, do you have 90 minutes? there just so so so many! and its really hard because some I like in the books/comics vs Movie/tv. And some are better vise versa.  I just love so many fictional universes and so so many characters🙈 I’ll try to name a few in no particular order; Sirius black, Jace herondale, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Felicity hardy, Emma Carstairs, Julian blackthorn, Jon snow, Daenerys, khal drogo, Ronan Dex, OG sg1, Kattnis (prefer the book where it isn’t as focused on the romance), Cedric diggory, Harry Potter, Tony stark, Thor (especially when directed by taika waititi), Loki, Klaus Mikaelson, Jason Todd, dick Grayson, the Phoenix force, Wonder Woman, Leia organa, Padme amidala, Han Solo, all the Star Wars droids basically, obi-wan kenobi, Mark Sloan, Billy Russo (In the punisher Netflix series), Donna Nobel, Ragnar Lodbrok, Lagertha, like the list is soo long and I have to keep going to the other questions 😂🙈❤️🙈
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: oh hot chocolate all the way baibieeeeee! 
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: its either 2-5 hours or like 9 depending on the night.
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: cat! (again cries at pictures of kittens) but I like dogs as well (especially my moms cutie).  
17.DREAM TRIP: haha basically around the world. I have like so many trips dreamed up with friends and in the end it will basically end up being a around the world trip 😊
20.RANDOM FACT: I have mild dyslexia! But the funny part is that i’m better at writing and reading in English than I am in Swedish.
Gosh I dunno who wants to do this but if anyone following wants to do it I’m tagging you! I’m tagging @fallatyourfeet (I’m interested to see yours and you’ve tagged me in these type of things so hope you’re ok with it! 😊❤️)
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glacierfront · 5 years
in — character : questionnaire.
✨ repost, don’t reblog !
1 ) WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE ?     she just smells like whatever shampoo she uses, which tends to be. like. flowery or fruity shit. she buys exclusively bottles of shampoo that are red or blue, so whichever... scents are in those ?!?!? if she’s working in the coffee shop then she smells like coffee, too, which isn’t necessarily bad even though she doesn’t drink it... 
2 ) HOW OFTEN DOES YOUR MUSE BATHE / SHOWER ?  ANY HABITS ?     when she first began experimenting with like water and temperature, she thought she might like baths more ! because she can keep the water hot.,, but she definitely prefers showers and standing under that shower for as long as she can without feeling, like, guilty about it???
4 ) ANY BODY MOVEMENT QUIRKS ( EX : LEG SHAKING ) ?    if she’s standing and idling, then she’s usually dancing, but not like, nicely or anything. just a lot of swaying / dipping in place? kind of moving her arms all janky. she’s very fond of not being able to dance. sometimes one of her hands plays a piano tune on a surface that she learned as a teen
5 ) WHAT DO THEY SLEEP IN ?     she’s... not the best at... bedtime routines, so a lot of the time she sleeps in whatever clothes she came home in ???? second most likely is that she just kicks everything off and then falls asleep.. and then least likely is like.. a tank and shorts / fuzzy pajama bottoms??
6 ) WHAT’S THEIR FAVORITE PIECE OF CLOTHING ?     her collection of plaid shit AND sweaters... and also she has a winter hat that has little cat ears knitted into it uwu
7 ) WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY WAKE UP ?     go back to sleep! or she spends a little bit of time on her phone, rationalizing to herself that she doesn’t have to get up for three more minutes, then six more minutes, then maybe she can get ready to go in ten minutes, she doesn’t need that much time,
8 ) HOW DO THEY SLEEP ?  POSITION ?     she either ends up curled into a ball or stretched out on her back / stomach... it depends on what she’s wearing to bed! if it’s her every day clothes then she is stretched out, because . it’s uncomfortable to move when ur not wearing stuff that’s actually meant 2 be slept in... she’s just bad at self care when it doesnt directly translate to playing the flute ok
9 ) WHAT DO THEIR HANDS FEEL LIKE ?     cold... dry... soft.. delicate
10 ) IF YOU KISSED THEM, WHAT WOULD THEY USUALLY TASTE LIKE ?     bold of you to assume julie would let anyone kiss her
tagged by @whinedarksea, thank u !!! tagging @reluume (for... lyla and i STILL cant believe how that’s pronounced) , @scavengered , @milehighmechanic, @keychangc, @thrownsoul (and matt., thank u), @owncenotaph (ada!), @ofapocrypha (maria... uwu)
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maknae-on-ice · 5 years
unless you are weak do 1-50 (I'm sorry)
That sounds like a challenge so.. challenge accepted😈
1. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Besides my many celebrity crushes, no
2. What’s your favorite candy?
Skittles, just chocolate in general and gummies. I love most candies
3. Favorite love song?
Lover by Taylor Swift, Marry You by Bruno Mars, All Of Me by John Legend, Perfect by Ed Sheeran and some Lana Del Rey songs. There's a lot more😂
4. What was your first kiss like?
I haven't had my actual first kiss
5. What was your last kiss like?
Non existent
6. Sexual/romantic orientation?
7. Do you prefer poems or love letters?
I don't have a preference, I will cry if I get either of those
8. Favorite fanfic trope?
Bestfriends to Lovers
9. Have you ever been in love?
With Tom Holland sure😂
10. Favorite milkshake flavor?
You can never go wrong with chocolate
11. Dinner dates or brunch dates?
Both, I don't care I love food
12. Favorite flowers?
Lillies, tulips and roses. Anything pretty
13. Favorite perfume/cologne?
I cant remember what it's called but I know it's a red roses perfume
14. Favorite candle scent?
Usually something flowery, like Lavender but also something like wood or Evergreen
15. What’s your ideal first date?
Maybe a picnic on a beach and then star gazing at night, surprise me
16. Favorite love story?
No clue😂
17. What’s the most attractive thing a person could wear?
A basic tshirt and black jeans look, I also like Jean and Leather jackets
18. Chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
Chocolate, but I do also looove red velvet
19. Snow, rain, or sun?
Warm sun with a light cool breeze
20. Sweetest romantic memory?
Haven't had much romance in my life😂
21. Favorite dating sim (and favorite character)?
I don't know
22. Fictional crushes?
Oof too many to name, but right now mostly Peter Parker and Justin Davis
23. What’s your dream wedding like?
A beautiful sunny wedding by the beach and everything done exactly the way I want it😌
24. What makes you blush?
A compliment lol, I'm very easy to make blush
25. Do you believe in love at first sight?
26. Do you believe in soulmates?
I think everyone can have multiple soulmates in their lifetime
27. Denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
Denim and leather
28. What’s your sign?
29. Are you single?
Yep, I'm a single pringle
30. Do you prefer to charm, or be charmed?
Charm me and I'll charm you
31. Guitar or piano?
32. Favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
Probably how to lose a guy in 10 days
33. Do you fall in love easily?
34. Valentine’s decorations: yay or nay?
I'm a petty single person so no
35. Would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal?
I don't know I guess I'll know at the time, but I would want to be entranced, like show me how much you really love me. Make me cry
36. Cloud gazing or star gazing?
Star gazing
37. Do you like to dance?
Yes, very much
38. What’s your OTP?
Mason and Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly place all the way, that's my forever otp
39. Kittens or puppies?
40. Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
41. Favorite soda?
Uh maybe just Sprite, but I prefer ginger beer
42. Do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
Who says I cant do both, I'm dramatic af
43. Favorite ABBA song?
Dancing Queen
44. Fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice)
45. Favorite pajamas?
My large spiderman tshirt
46. Favorite liquor?
Technically I'm not old enough to drink but I love pink wine
47. Do you think about love a lot?
I try not to but it happens, usually when I'm soft and needy
48. A walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
A walk on the beach
49. Hand kisses or nose kisses?
I will smile and blush hard at both
50. What’s your dreamhouse?
A large family house not too far from the city with a huge backyard, a big kitchen and a livingroom with a huge couch for movie nights, and three or more dogs
Phew that took forever but thank you for asking lovely😂
Valentine's day asks
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bucephaly · 5 years
Peach, Raspberry, strawberry, tangelo
peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos?
my earlobes are pierced but thats it! I kinda want some tattoos but idk what id get
raspberry: favorite flower?
HMM idk!! i like deeper colored ones but i cant think of any in particular. roses are nice ig [i like how flowers smell but i hate flowery scented things for some reason. smells like perfume]
strawberry: favorite desserts?
ooh i LOVE just nice chocolate cake. i really like those cakes with like 12 really thin layers theyre so good. I also like things like eclairs and creme puffs!
tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
lmao idk, ive always loved dragons and my fursona is a dragon so i guess that if i had a choice. itd be cool to be able to fly..
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