#i can't be the only person in this hobby who hates builds.
mappingway · 2 years
like yes most people enjoy leveling up. most people enjoy this part of the hobby. i get it. but i’m also a fucked up mentally ill ball of yarn. something about leveling up incites some part of my lizard brain and i just crumble.
i don’t know. something about feeling stupid and inadequate and overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. the amount of choices. the amount of reading. i’ve never been someone to plan out an rpg game or “build” characters. i make characters and then am forced to make a build for dnd.
i don’t like building characters. i don’t like choices and pathways and feeling as if “maybe if i had taken x at level 7 i would have been able to help more”. builds don’t inspire joy. they inspire stress.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Brainrotting again
Ever read "A Thirteen Year Old's Fake ID" by OneoftheUnknown on ao3 ???
*cracks knuckles*
Lets take this idea and run away with it
Unreliable Narration, I choose you!
. · • ★ • · .
Tim—simply put—loves too much
Loves his parents too much to expose their neglect
Too much to do something as scandalous as get caught photographing Batman and Robin
Tim loves the Batman and Robins he's dreamed up too much to not follow him at night, not photograph them, not become Batman's Leash after Jason's passing so as to preserve the hope they symbolize, preserve the childhood hero he's loved for so long
Tim loves his parents too much to be caught being affiliated with Batman, even to the Dark Knight
Timothy Drake never becomes Robin after all . . .
Alvin does!
Alvin works desperately to drag Batman out of the pit of despair he is trapped within and spreading, works to become the most efficent co-worker, and works to build the paper trail that disproves any possibility of fraud
Wigs, contacts, makeup, civilian wear, hobby and even personality that differ dramatically from Drake and Draper are the cherries on top
. · • ★ • · .
Drake is perfect for his family name, and Draper is the idealized Robin who's light preserves the Night and Justice that is Batman
Yes, it is a pain concocting a personality which is the perfect Robin yet detestable enough to go unmourned, such a personality born of an upbringing that would stand up to scrutiny is such an impossible task for anybody not a Drake
Tim is confident he's done it. Once Alvin's no longer entrusted with the burden of Batman's Robin Leash, a Young Justice member, and a hero all around, nobody will gave a damn if he vanishes
[Jason's attack on Titan Towers, Damian's murder attempts, the constant calling of Replacement, his Sweet Sixteen, Dick taking away Robin and ruining his reputation in the hero community, nobody believing that Bruce is alive
Bart and Kon's deaths, the cloning he attempted in his G R I E F which will only serve to soil Draper's name further once it leaks at the press of a button]
All of that, all of that were utterly perfect moments, perfect to lash out in ways that would make Alvin detested more and more
The clock was ticking.
He is a leach of a cast over a long healed limb
. · • ★ • · .
Alvin hates Damian and Jason and Dick to the ends of the Earth. The first two tried to kill him, the third took away the Robin he wrongly thought belonged to him and he stole Red Robin just to be petty
He left a note saying he's only proving them wrong in Bruce being dead just to spite them
Alfred is the only person he is respectful at all too
He doesn't get paid enough
Alvin tried to ignore that giggling fighting to be made at the thought of Batman's accomplice having to suffer through all this
This feeling that's been there since his sixteenth
. · • ★ • · .
Hating the Bats? That's Alvin's job. Timothy knows it's irrational
Jason dug himself out of his grave and was trained in the very same cult as Damian. Batman picked his murderer over Jason
They're traumatized in ways he can't even summarize. The family's they should trust have done horrible jobs at helping the heal, going as far as to exacerbate their issues
It's not just wrong, but inhumane to wish they were Perfect Victims
Alvin is only half right whenever he demands—yuck! have some manners—apologies
. · • ★ • · .
Awful as it sounds, BruceQuest couldn't have come at a more perfect time, a hero on his high horse, insisting against his betters on running away to prove them wrong, a rebellious stint below his age
So what if he died with the League of Assassins after proving Bruce alive and bringing him back?
Everything is right with the Bats again
. · • ★ • · .
Tim hates the Bats more than anything
He knows it's irrational. Declaring in his heart that he hates is for older adults. He can't help it
When Batman disappeared and his family was scrambling to pick up the pieces, he set eyes upon Bruce's side
Who would take up the CEO mantle? Who could be trusted with the family name that swayed Gotham's civilians and Dark Knights?
In the end, with Alvin declared a madman, they could only rely on Timothy Drake, set to inherit Drake Industries following his parent's death and Uncle's adoption of him
Not that the family would ever know it. Not that they needed to know it
It became easier wrangling being a vigilante and CEO, as well as two identities when one of them was dead
Not that he stopped being a vigilante. They're just never gonna show up on the field
But try as he might, he couldn't put the Batfamily quite back together as Alvin wanted
Bruce won't let him step down from being a CEO
. · • ★ • · .
Brucie insisted on a dinner between family and CEO
It makes sense. None as well. Nothing is suspicious of Tim Drake minus his youth
"You have another brother? Where is he?" He hadn't heard of another adoption yet
"He died asshole." Draper? Why would they still speak of him like one of their own?
But then again, he died
He wasn't Jason Todd dead, but rather a "Don't Speak Ill of the Dead" dead
. · • ★ • · .
It's kind of funny how Brucie—no, Batman—seemed to not tell the family how Tim requested to resign multiple times.
But the family was traumatized by his own hand. They needed something to stand against, to become a cohesive family unit. Bonds forged from pressure are a powerful, powerful thing
He can testify I'm so sorry Kon and Bart and Cassie and—
. · • ★ • · .
If Tim were a civilian through and through, he'd say it's fucked how Batman still employs manipulation to make sure family progress stays up
Then again, he has to find some kind of way
It's Batman
. · • ★ • · .
Tim miscalculated
Tim miscalculated sooo, so fucking much
. · • ★ • · .
Nothing but good things to say about the departed Alvin in interviews
A shrine—a shrine!!—in memory of Alvin
Talks and discussing he gathers on his computers regarding the family includes talks about how horribly they mistreated Alvin comparing him to Damian and Jason?!
Alvin had a working and antagonistic relationship with the heros. Timothy Drake was purely professional. Tim Drake's relationships are exclusively parasocial and delusional
And he's trapped the Bats in parasocial relationships with a boy not even real
. · • ★ • · .
Tim wants to be sick
He calls in sick
'Suck it Batman'
. · • ★ • · .
Only after dying is Alvin getting the love Timothy Drake is above wanting for
It doesn't make any sense
. · • ★ • · .
Tim Drake wants to step down from Wayne Enterprises all together, to cut all contact—being a CEO has been such a strain, with Bruce refusing my nephew's several requests to step down—and have his Fake Uncle move them away from Gotham for both of their own mental health
Somewhere he won't fear the Bat's finding him
Bruce refusing his requests are the perfect excuses to go as far as to cut contact with the world—
Tim Drake knows his heart belongs to Gotham
. · • ★ • · .
Tim Drake hates the Waynes and Batfamily to the ends of the earth
There are exceptions. Steph and Barbara, Cass and Duke, and—
. · • ★ • · .
Jack and Janet love archeology too much
Tim, his own family
Dead or Alive
Thus is the way of Drake
Have I ever read "A Thirteen Year Old's Fake ID"? Perhaps.
In all jest, I am so so glad you liked it. To see something inspired off something I wrote is so heartwarming.
Ngl, I like that your version bashes on Bruce a bit more than mine did.
I like to think that Tim, in these AUs, would be pissed about a shrine to Alvin. Part of him would be so angry that they built a shrine to a person they didn't even know. They didn't know Alvin was just a fake identity. They didn't care enough to find out. Yet, they want to make a physical demonstration of their guilt and call it a mourner's monument?
Two more points I like about your AU are the ways Tim separates himself from "Alvin" and how he built Alvin's personality specifically to be a slightly disliked coworker. It's distressing and disheartening (in the best ways) to think of a younger Tim desperately trying not to hate the Bats for what they did to Alvin. It wasn't him, it wasn't Tim, so it shouldn't matter, right? He can still love them?
An older Tim knows better.
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uplatterme · 1 year
My Dearest, Cupid
a/n: happy valentine’s! i hate the transition. you can see i'm trying to tell something but i can't tell it properly. nothing too daring tbh.
cw: sub!thoma, cupid!thoma, dom!reader, gn!reader | wing kink(?), bondage, blindfold, implied voyeurism
Thoma’s fingers shake as he continues writing on his notepad. This is his job, he has to get used to this at some point. 
He observes, then he writes. 
This is Thoma’s first time being directly assigned to someone. After all his hard work, he’s finally been promoted and is considered capable enough to handle humans.
His first mission is already a freebie, since his goal only concerns a single human, unlike the others who were known professionals who take more than he can even imagine.
The cupid follows you, continuing to take note of the things you do. He’s been doing this for a week now, his notepad filled with random information about you. He knows of your likes and dislikes, your hobbies, your measurements, your schedule…
Of course, it’s just because of his job. He doesn’t…see you in that way.
At this point, the time he’s taking to have you fall in love with someone else is already exceeding the average. He tells himself that it’s just to be careful, that he didn’t want to mess up his first day on the job. However, he can’t hide it from himself that he’s getting cold feet.
If it was Kazuha, he would have helped by whispering verses of love that could increase their human’s possibility of their confession being accepted.
On the other hand, his senior Ayato, would indirectly signal to their human by suggesting what clothes to wear, heightening their confidence about themselves.
Lastly, Miko would be the type to slip something in their human’s drink that would make them feel and look more seductive.
None of those suited Thoma. He’s not great with words to begin with, always seeming to overthink what it is that he says. He’s also not well-versed in the type of clothing that humans wear, so he can’t help in that area. 
He sighs. While he could use gadgets that would make this mission easier, that didn’t seem fair or natural.
It doesn’t even look like you need his help anyways. You seem to be doing fine on your own. The only problem was, he doesn’t know who would be the perfect match for you. 
Unfortunately, time is running out. He needs to fill up your love meter at the end of the day.
He decides based on what he knows. Your coworker looks the closest to you. All he needs to do is to shoot you with an arrow, and make sure that they’re the first person you see right after, giving you that little boost to profess the hidden love you have within your heart. Then, his objective is reached.
Thoma waits, aiming the arrow while you get out of your car. He sees you fix your hair, bending slightly so you can look into the mirror of your car. He takes a deep breath, swallowing all the anxiety away.
After parking your car, he readies his bow. He knows that your coworker will pass by this area at this time since there’s a meeting that’s scheduled for them today.
“Alright,” He whispers to himself, letting go of the arrow as soon as you exit your vehicle.
The arrow flies straight, hitting your chest directly. You stand there quietly, a weird feeling bursting from your chest. It’s a normal side-effect, so he doesn’t worry.
As he predicted, the coworker exits the building and notices you. They’re only a few feet away.
He counts the seconds left until your eyes meet…your body staying still as they walk towards you.
Everything was going to plan.
A car enters the parking lot, beeping for you to get away.
Oh no. This cannot be happening.
Your mind is still stunned, needing a few more seconds to recover.
His jaw drops in worry. No way the first human he gets assigned to dies because of an external factor.
He panics. He can’t let you die, but Thoma can’t be seen by humans either!
It’s one or the other. Either way, he’s screwed.
He’ll for sure get suspended for this.
Thoma goes quickly, grabbing your body in his hands and flying away from the situation. He made sure your coworker didn’t see anything, though disappearing out of nowhere is still suspicious.
He bites the bottom of his lips, his tiny wings fluttering in worry…
“Uhm, excuse me?”
Thoma looks down to see you conscious, still trapped in his arms. 
He abruptly lets go, unsure of what to say as you stare at him. His wings shy away, this is the first time he’s been seen by a human. Thoma gazes down at the floor, waiting for you to say anything.
“Are you alright?” You question.
“I—Yeah! I-I’m fine!” 
The guide to becoming a cupid never said anything about this!
“You know, you’re really pretty.” You blurt out.
Thoma laughs awkwardly, heat starting to show in his cheeks.
“Thank you…”
A compliment. A human is complimenting him. God, you’re complimenting him.
“Do you always wear that?” You ask, eyeing him from top to bottom.
Thoma nods at your question, starting to get embarrassed by what he’s wearing. It’s a lot different and more showy than what humans usually wear.
“You’re not going to introduce yourself?”
Thoma blinks.
Is he supposed to?
“I’m Thoma…I’m a cupid.”
He waits for you to react aggressively. You didn’t.
Instead, you tug the white fabric of his clothes and you look up at him to ask permission.
“S-Sorry. Is there a problem?” Thoma asks, letting you control his body.
You shook your head. Your hands hover over his body, framing it before touching skin against skin. He gasps a short and tense breath. 
He stares into your eyes and decides that can’t do it anymore. He squeaks, accidentally letting go of his prized notepad, landing between your feet.
“Oh, you dropped this…huh.” Thoma looks anxious as you keep reading its contents.
“Cupid, you’ve been stalking me?”
You’re not mad, not at all. After all, how could you when a handsome fellow swoops in to save you? Granted, he was the one who put you in danger—
Still, the stressed angel in front of you doesn’t look like he means any harm. Especially not with the notes written on the papers…
Come on, cute doodles of you? Your favorite ice cream flavor?
“You were setting me up?” You conclude.
He nods.
“Thoma, you do know that coworker is married, right?”
The cupid blinks at you, wondering if he heard wrong.
“There’s a ring on his finger. Did you not see?”
He thinks, and then he realizes. You’re right.
He bows his head apologizing profusely.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m glad that at least ended with me meeting you.” You reassure.
“No, no. It isn’t supposed to be like this…” He sighs in disappointment.
“At this point, your love meter won’t be filled!” He exclaims.
You stand still, a soft giggle slipping out of you that turns into a loud laugh.
“I’m sorry. A what?” That name was obnoxious. 
“I didn’t name it!” He argues. The more Thoma spends more of his time with you, the more he feels his chest aches.
“Right, right. So, how exactly do you fill it up?”
Thoma can’t see a single thing, red cloth covering his eyes. 
His hands are tied behind his back. It’s silent, he can’t even hear your breathing to calm him down.
He understands that’s the point, to make him feel more sensitive, he’s…written about these in his notes.
That you’re that kind of lover who enjoys these kinds of things.
“I wonder, how much is it that you know about me?”
A lot, Thoma wants to answer. Though he shuts his mouth, knowing he’ll get into trouble if he says anything out of turn.
“Are you a pervert, Thoma?” 
He shakes his head.
You hum disappointedly. “You’re not being honest. Should I read what this note says?”
His body tenses up. “W-What note?”
“Spying on me while I pleasure myself. Don’t you think that’s perverted?” 
He’s glad he can’t see your face, he knows you’re shaming him and he won’t be able to take it to see you eyeing him like that.
Your hand slowly caresses his thigh, nothing extreme yet but he knows how this’ll end up. 
“Pretty wings.” 
A slight pinch of his wings sends the cupid whining, his whole body trembling. “D-Don’t…”
“Do all cupids act this slutty or is it just you?”
“My wings are sensitive…” He says, as if you can’t tell that already.
“Such soft feathers.”
He’s never been touched there intimately. His body reacts almost as if he was under some sort of love spell. Thoma’s body moves as you brush your fingers carefully. You were being gentle, yet somehow that annoys the cupid, he’s not that delicate.
He muffles the sounds emerging from his throat by pressing his face on the pillow. He doesn’t like hearing himself sound so whorish…for the lack of a better term. He writhes on the bed, laying on his stomach while he lets you have your way with him. His ass beautifully bouncing with each nudge.
His cock grinds on the soft cushion, the friction immensely satisfying him, a whimper spewing out. After a while his hips start moving on their own, the teasing of his wings getting to his mind.
“Are you that desperate, angel?”
“It feels good…” He says, moving away from the pillow. He can’t see it but he’s well aware of how he’s drooling on it.
“Alright, I’ll let you.” 
He lets out a grateful hum, his wings fluttering as he positions himself. He then squirms as bright light greets him, your fingers taking off the blindfold. Thoma’s taken by surprise, seeing your smile and lifting his body up with ease.
The ties on his wrists make it difficult to resist. Not that he wants to, anyways. 
You position him to face you, his hands still behind his back.
“Do it then, since you’re so desperate to get yourself off.”
His mouth gapes, not sure how to reply. 
“I-In front of you?” He can’t even look you straight in the eye even when just having a normal conversation and you want him to…do that when he’s positioned like this?
“Must I remind you what your notes say again?” You tease.
“N-No! It’s okay. I’ll do it.” Thoma states. 
He grits his teeth, his face burning while he starts moving his lower half.
He’s shaking but it’s more due to the fact that you’re staring at him while he moves his body as if he’s performing for you. He wishes he could put the blindfold back, to at least relieve himself of the humiliation and pretend that you aren’t there.
He can’t cover his mouth or his eyes, forced to sink in the shame. 
Thoma’s not good at this, his movements are sloppy, and each tingle he feels has him needing to stop and take a breath before he could continue even further.
You’re not saying anything, just looking at him with boredom in your eyes. He worries. Did he do something wrong? Is he taking longer than you expected?
And just like that, he crumbles.
“P-Please look at me.” He begins to quicken himself, allowing his mouth to let out whatever lewd sounds it wants.
He looks at you, eyes half-lidded from how he knows that each thrust on the bed succumbs him even deeper and closer to his climax.
His pleas eventually mix with moaning. His voice gets louder as he chants your name, as if he’s fucking you when in reality all he’s doing is humping the bed pathetically.
With a sultry whine, Thoma’s drenched in white. 
White that matches his skin, his wings, his tears.
He trembles looking at you for some sort of approval. He excitedly awaits your response, seeing you come towards him.
“Great job.” The cupid expects a pat on the head with those words, though what comes after was more surprising.
A soft kiss planted on his lips, perfectly soothing away all his worries. The cupid’s heart feeling as if he’s the one struck with the arrow.
Oh no.
He’s supposed to make you fall in love, not him!
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rachiebeee · 8 months
some Leo headcanons I have
Leo doesn't know what day his birthday is. He knows its in July, but he hasn't done anything on it since he was 8 and he used to act like it was/wasn't on certain days based on how well they went (he thinks its the 7th, but he hates the number 7 so he ignores it).
Leo has stolen and crashed a police car. He will do it again.
Leo's mother and Aunt Rosa both had dreams from Gaea that told them Leo was going to kill Esperanza, but Esperanza took it as an "he'll do it on accident bc he doesn't know how to control his powers" and Rosa took it as "It's a sign from God and this child was sent by the devil".
He's asexual biromantic, but in love with the idea of being in love.
He learns a form of script-based magic - the same thing that is etched on each stone used for the Hecate cabin. Jo is his teacher, but when he visits camp all of the Hecate cabin are happy to help him too. He views it as a code instead of magic, and only ever uses it in the things he builds because he forgets it can be useful on its own.
He's a Fall out Boy stan. Loves all types of rock too, but FOB was his gateway into it.
Every time he went to a new school if they had a music program he could join for free he would. Originally he'd just choose a new instrument every school, but on his third try he learnt drums and decided to stick with it.
HIs eyes look like yooperlite while it's glowing, but more like burning coals while he's using his powers.
On that note, Leo's body temperature can be way hotter than the normal person's. On a normal day where he's fine in everyway, he's hot but not hot enough for people to think he's feverish. When he's excited his temperature rapidly increases, as it does with stress. When he forgoes sleeping his body forgets to regulate his temperature, which leads to him either going very cold or very hot.
He can't really get fevers at all really. It's also very hard for a lot of illnesses to effect him because half the time he burns it up before he even knows its there. When he does get sick it's really bad though, because his immune system is actually pretty weak.
Related to that, he is the only known person who can currently be a theoretical host to a thermophile virus. Not that he would, but it is a thought that has crossed his mind.
He has a hobby of making little robots. He makes Piper a bronze eagle one as a present and he slowly starts to make them for his friends
Annabeth gets a cat because he thinks she has cat vibes and an owl would be basic. Percy gets an otter because Leo did not want to think about making a robot fish that works well out of water. Frank gets a chameleon as a joke, but he makes it so it can turn into a small dragon too. Hazel gets a snake, again for the vibes. Nico gets a lizard. Just like, a nondescript lizard. He makes Reyna a bronze dog to "complete the metal set", but it's based of a Molossus of Epirus instead of a hound. Jo and Emmie get matching gryphons, and Georgina's little robot is a llama. Leo makes himself a wolf in honour of Jason.
On the topic of making things, Leo also gets really into all forms of metalsmithing. Which includes making jewellery, which leads to him getting a lot of piercings. Piper does too, because they went to go get the piercings together. He loves giving people little friendship bracelets, and charms, and ornaments. He makes people themed cutlery sets.
His love language is gift giving, if it's not obvious.
He stays in contact with Apollo, but in order to not upset Zeus they frame it as 'music lessons'. As the inventor of the Valdezinator (and its best player), it's a pretty good excused. Leo does make new instruments occasionally when they feel like they're pushing the 'lesson' excuse.
They fr just gossip during them though, and then give each other a scuffed form of therapy. They go from talks about petty drama to unanswerable philosophical discussions to jokes that make no sense.
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butterfly-indulgence · 8 months
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[REDACTED] with an Idol!Angel 
aka [REDACTED] being nasty on main.
CW: Parasocial behavior, obsessive behavior, stalking, mentions of online bullying/harassment ([REDACTED]'s an expert in canceling someone)
As a (crazy) fan:
[REDACTED] is your biggest fan. And no, that is not an exaggeration. From his perfect attendance to all your lives and events to making several shrines dedicated to you, no one has them beat. 
When I say shrine, I don't mean just a small corner in their apartment. We're talking about rooms filled with your merch, such as your post cards, autographs, posters, plushies, pins… he has it all. 
They're very well-known throughout the online community. Other fans always see him on your posts and if you take a look at their profile, all you would see are posts relating to you and his "delulu moments" (screaming, keysmashing, reaction images and just general lovemailing). You're his star, his precious angel, and you always will be. You shine the brightest in their eyes.
[REDACTED] has bought all of your albums too. His music player is filled with your songs, and he's the type of person to blast it at 3 am while he's hacking. He's the only one living on one of the floors of his apartment building, so he's not disturbing anyone, is he? Either way, what's anyone gonna do? Arrest him? Good luck. He gets away with worse crimes than disturbing the peace.
Your love songs are his favorite. They make him feel giddy inside (and a bit sad. He wishes you were there to sing those sweet words to him face-to-face.)
Branching off from that, you bet he's buying voice packs. They get to hear your lovely voice? All the time if theywanted to? Just take their money.
He's been your fan ever since you debuted and he's very proud of his perfect attendance to all your lives and events. He always has front row seats, and he goes to the events ridiculously early. He's always the first one in line. Other hardcore fans know him and even asked him to join their fan club once. Which he declined. He doesn't want to watch other people gush and fantasize about his angel. The thought of thousands of people vying for your love already makes his blood boil.
You will inevitably recognize [REDACTED] due to their constant presence in events. Seeing someone with so much love and dedication is enough to warm your heart, so you make sure to thank him and give him some extra fanservice. If [REDACTED] didn't have any self control, he might have collapsed then and there. (God they want to hug you and kiss you and spoil you and treat you well and marry you and-)
Many people in the fan community jokingly label them as "that insane angel simp", but they have no idea just how far [REDACTED] is willing to go for you. He can easily obtain any type of information he wants so naturally, he knows where you live. He already set up hidden cameras in your home too. He loves watching you through the cameras; it's one of his favorite past times because he sees the real you. The real angel behind the flawless idol persona. He knows your likes, your dislikes (and he often finds out that the information you give out during interviews are mostly lies; you tend to choose quirky or unique answers instead of your real preferences - oh, you don't like this particular food? But Angel, you look so happy eating it at home after your concert <3), your hobbies, and little habits that even you don't seem to notice. What he doesn't like is when you collapse on your bed after a long day and just… cry. He hates seeing you in pain and wants to comfort you during your saddest moments, but he can't, so he directs his attention elsewhere to give you some privacy. Expect a gift and a fanmail filled with love and support in the next few days. It's his way of cheering you up.
[REDACTED] is one of those brutal fans that would attack anyone who sends you any hate or attempts to destroy your reputation. He has tons of burner accounts at his disposal, and he's not afraid of using them to bully, harass and threaten your haters. He won't stop until their online presence disappears completely. It's why your fan community is so peaceful. Because [REDACTED] shuts the haters up quickly.
[REDACTED] is perhaps your most dangerous stalker… but they're a great repellant for other potentially dangerous people. (A blessing or a curse. View it however you want.) As mentioned above, haters will not touch you, and your information will be under [REDACTED]'s lock and key. Personal information like your address? No one will be able to dig it up no matter how hard they try. Do you have a past controversy you desperately want buried? Consider the evidence deleted. Due to him pulling the strings behind the scenes, in the eyes of the public, you really are just a pure and wholesome person with nothing to stain your name.
[REDACTED] indulges himself a lot with fantasies of you. Just the thought of you is enough to get him going, really. Because of the cameras they put all over your home, they have a full view of your most private moments, especially when you're pleasuring yourself on your bed. It's thrilling how he gets to watch you do something so 'unpure', unbefitting of the idol image you carefully crafted. He would definitely stroke himself while watching you, moaning your name as their pleasure builds up. (Though if he hears you moan someone's name, expect [REDACTED] to do some research… and maybe pay the person a visit later.)
If [REDACTED] ever got to fuck you in your idol costume, he thinks his soul might just ascend to heaven (or descend to hell. Whatever.) It gets their possessive streak going. Your pretty lips, spouting words of love on stage while behind closed doors, your attention is all on him? You're giving him genuine words of love through your hazy mind with a blissed out expression on your face? He's done for.
He also masturbates using your pictures, and by the end, they would be crumpled up and stained. Honestly though? His room is heavily decorated with your merch so he can just grab something random off his shelves and he would still get off on it. 
[REDACTED] can get pretty creative when he's going into the woohoo zone and he has several toys he uses often. You're not there (and maybe you never will be), so he has to make something work. 
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halucynator · 9 months
When are you going to post your next fanfic? I have been waiting ages. If you don't want to you can just say so so I can request other people. You aren't letting me request other people while taking your sweet time to write fanfics. Get your life together and start writing or be brave and say you won't write it. It won't kill you to lose a few followers. I know you aren't entitled to but if you don't want to write it just say so. I don't want to wait so long and not be able to request other people. I thought you'd be one of the people who would be consistent with your writing. Guess not. You were one of my faves but honestly now I don't like you anymore. Unfollowing you. Be consistent. Get your life together. Grow tf up. I'm requesting other people.
I never thought I'd have to be serious on this platform but I guess I do.
When I first got this "ask", I thought about ignoring it. Everyone gets hate. But I realise sometimes spreading awareness is more important.
It has come to my attention that people such as the anon above think writers are machines. They seem to think that they are entitled to the writers time and consideration. That is simply not true.
Writers have lives outside of Tumblr and I feel like these people seem to forget that. My uni starts in a couple of days which is the reason for my inconsistency. I need to get stuff prepared to leave my home. It's a very personal and important moment for me and my life. This might be the last time I see my friends and to me writing is just not a priority at the moment because writing takes time and consideration and a lot of thought is put into it so the reading experience is enjoyable for people.
Writing is a hobby for me. I do it for myself. Not other people. I do it when I want to. It's my time. My writing. My blog. It's my hobby. And I love getting requests, I really do! And I love everyone who likes my reading!
When I was young I never thought I'd actually be able to have a fanbase however small that might be. I never thought I'd actually have people that enjoy my writing. I'm grateful for Tumblr to be able to express myself. Writing and expressing yourself to the world is incredibly difficult for some people such as myself so building up the courage to go out into the world well aware of criticism and stuff is tough. And comments like these can easily break it down. Also, I don't know if the person who wrote this is aware but I have ADHD. So I end up making things take wayyyy more time than it should.
Now back to the "ask". I do understand what the anon is trying to say and I'm sure a few people might agree with it and it's fine. But I have three problems with it:
1) I did mention on my pinned posts that requests were closed until further notice and that if they do want to send requests I can't guarantee how long it will take me to write them down.
2) There are nicer ways to say it. If the anon really wanted me to write their request they could've been nicer about it. Messaged me about it or anything else. Because us writers have feelings and we get hurt as well. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate anyone talking to you like this.
3) I have a life separate to Tumblr and you have no idea what I could be going through. I apologize for not mentioning that I will be off writing for a while. If you want, you can request other Tumblr accounts but I would appreciate it if you mention that you already send a similar request to said Tumblr. I hope you realise this is verbal abuse.
I was trying to figure out who wrote this post (naturally so I could block them and not tend to their request for being so rude as I have self respect) but I only found one Tumblr that unfollowed me on the day this post was written (quite recently actually) since the post mentions it and I only found one Tumblr that I used to be mutes with that unfollowed me (I will not reveal who it is). I refuse to believe that Tumblr wrote this post. Their Tumblr is amazing and I absolutely do not think they are capable of writing such disrespectful things to another Tumblr that always has tended to their request and tried to be as nice to them as possible (another Tumblr such as myself).
If it is that Tumblr who wrote this, I hope you know who you are. I'm terribly disappointed in you. I don't know the reason for that Tumblr unfollowing me anyway (maybe it was an accident or BC I'm inconsistent, either way idrc).
Thank you for reading this and thanks to all of my amazing mutes ❤️
Thanks to Tumblr for letting me have the opportunity to express myself, (usually) without any hate.
Please disregard any hate you get xx I love you 💖 have a good day!!
@psychedeliccc BC they wanted context 💕
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It is really weird how some people have a bee in their bonnet over Soulsborn games, Elden Ring included. I remember when the latter came out, you have actual devs from Ubisoft (maybe devs in name only then) bitching about the UI because it wasn't the standardized slop you got in the recent AC games, Destiny, even the new GoW.
When Demon's Souls first came out I played the shit out of it despite it being harder than any other game I'd played at the time. And it was *fun* because of having to persevere until you finally beat the bullshit King with the bullshit hitboxes at the end. Yeah, there's going to be tedium and some grinding if you want souls or materials but that's the work you put into the game, because getting that extra few levels and learning enemy movesets and even getting the right gear for your build is part of the enjoyment.
It's like how you have Squenix wanting to change up the "guys in a line" turn based JRPG - because you've had assholes who don't like that genre being vocal about it. Squenix are currently digging their own grave with not great releases recently because they're trying to cater to people who wouldn't be enjoying their games anyway.
I'm personally not a fan of overly difficult games, which is why I always say that Elden Ring is the perfect soulsborn. It's not easy, especially when you go after side bosses. But just the simple fact of making it open world and letting players tackle the game from whatever direction they want, instead of the usual mostly linear route soulsborn games make you go through, is a perfect example of making a game more accessible without sacrificing what makes the game appealing in the first place. Elden Ring is probably one of my favorite games ever, and I can't understate enough how much I hate dying in video games. I'm a easy mode guy. I save scum all the time when that's a possibility. But Elden Ring was so well made and so fun to play and gave me so many options to make things easier on myself that I stuck with it and had a blast. Fuck, I even had fun grinding for hours in one area.
But Elden Ring did all that without compromising what it is.
And if it didn't, I would have put it down and moved on. I wouldn't have demanded an easy mode or ugly yellow paint everywhere. Which is something tourists and hobby gentrifiers can't do. And it sucks when devs try to appeal to people who are perpetually mad about everything, instead of trying to appeal to their core userbase, and then expanding from there.
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cousticks · 5 months
You can't just drop that idea and gatekeep it!!
make Beastzai's death more gratifying??? H-How?
w-when, where, why, who, what-
okok yes, if it's bad for your mental health, don't write it
but if you don't mind, can I get the concept at least?
I must see what's happening in the cou misery machine's little brain. 😭🥺
Well first I'd like to clarify I'd be making his death more gratifying to ME, not necessarily to anyone else. That man has dealt me horrendous amounts of psychic damage for years now and I believe he should answer for it in blood. Its personal.
That being said. He gets off easy, in the end, by being able to jump off a building and just... disappear. He finishes his plan and removes himself from the equation. Done and dusted. Its almost anticlimactic, its a little unsatisfying, and in the original story I think that's part of why his death works so well. There's no dramatic final battle, not really. He's finished writing the story and he's writing himself out of it.
It's also very, very Dazai. In a world where he forces himself to be more machine than man to keep his goals in line, there's not much left that's actually Dazai, you know? He's subject to the world he's created as much as everyone else is, the only difference is that he knows that. Back in the main timeline, as odd as it is, suicide attempts end up almost a hobby for normal Dazai. That's just... a thing he does. But Beast Dazai doesn't have that identity, not anymore. He doesn't have "hobbies" he doesn't have things he's imbued so much of the book with his will and in turn is so subject to the will of the book that they're one and the same at that point. He's ceased to really be Dazai. So in a way? Beast Dazai offing himself at the end is really like severing his ties to the book and becoming Dazai again before he dies.
For me, personally, in my own acts of retribution against Beast Dazai for the way he charges me rent in my own brain, I'd want to strip him of that one last shard of autonomy. Someone else has to kill him. Preferably me with my own bare hands. The problem is that there's really no one in that world that has a good right or reason to kill him, honestly. As much as Chuuya wants to, as much as he claimed his stake on Dazai's life in that world, he'll never do it. Chuuya will never be the one to kill Dazai. It just... won't happen. Atsushi never would either, for tangential reasons. The most appropriate would be Akutagawa, but the entire point of Beast is, in part, proving that there is a world where Akutagawa can do and be good even without Atushi's influence. Proving that it was already in Akutagawa to start. Having him kill Beastzai would be a backtrack of that progress. The most tragic would be Oda, but Oda is going to write his novel. He's done killing, now. So that doesn't work either. The only one who could have killed Beastzai is himself, unfortunately.
Now, if you let ME into the Beast universe, unlike all these characters with personal motives and layers and thematic character arcs, I'm just some guy with a vendetta and no stakes in the game and I'd personally love to put Beastzai through as much physical pain as possible before offing him just because I know he hates pain and I want to watch his skull bounce. I haven't worked out the details of how I'd kill him if given the chance but let me just say it is not a pleasant way to go and he'd totally for sure hate the entire thing. I'd have to have Beast Chuuya locked up somewhere though because he'd have me dead seven times over before I got the chance.
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thevirgodoll · 1 year
Hey Doll.
I really really need your help, please.
I keep falling to be the same person. Everything is bad.
I hate how I treat people, i tried changing several times but I keep falling.
I hate the constant need to feel validated. I started doing some hobbies to enhance my self esteem, but when performing these, I am like “are they looking? They are probably laughing at me” and I turn these thoughts away with “they are no one to me, I don’t need their opinion…” but I keep failing again. It’s so hard.
Excuse the following length of my reply, as I feel passionately about this because I understand exactly what this is like. Something in your life is causing you to ruminate more than usual.
Rumination, also called repetitive negative thinking, is a thought pattern that involves repeatedly and passively focusing on the causes, consequences, and meaning of negative feelings and circumstances.
Humans are natural problem solvers, but sometimes in that we look for solutions to confirm our biases. This is where ruminative thinking begins. This is where dissonance begins. I learned in therapy and my own studies in social cognition that repetitive negative patterns are often created in our childhood out of survival, not a lack of character.
This is why it's helpful to ask:
Why am I having these thoughts?
How do I avoid this, and what is going on currently to create this thought process?
What are my triggers?
You are correct in saying that hobbies will distract from ruminating and compulsively overthinking. However, your constant judgment regarding these positive coping mechanisms will do more harm than good.
You are also correct in identifying how you treat others. It's time to ask yourself why you are so critical of yourself and others. It is also time to accept that, yes, someone else's opinion is their own and you can't control that. It is also time to ask if you project onto others because of your own self criticism or fragile ego.
Remember: Multiple things can be true at once, it's not so black or white that you are automatically an irredeemable person who can't be better. Dust yourself off and try again lol.
Your candor to admit you are falling short and wish to do better is already a sign of improvement. If you're able to admit this to me, an objective stranger, then you are already starting the process.
Try focusing on what you can control. You can only control your self concept. Sometimes, people have to be in the background... (exception: close friends and family *who are healthy in themselves* holding you accountable!)
I highly recommend identifying your triggers, and if this type of introspection proves to be more challenging than you anticipated, therapy is a solution if you have the resources. I also highly recommend journaling, as studies have proved it reduces repetitive thinking because it helps you see your thought process.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I hope this helps, and I'm rooting for you! ❤️
Berman MG, Peltier S, Nee DE, Kross E, Deldin PJ, Jonides J. Depression, rumination and the default network. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2011;6(5):548–555. Harrington, J. A., & Blankenship, V. (2002). Ruminative thoughts and their relation to depression and anxiety 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(3), 465-485. LaClaire, A. (2008). The influence of journaling on the reduction of physical symptoms, health problems, and anxiety in women (Doctoral dissertation, Adler School of Professional Psychology).
8 Self Defeating Thoughts that Wreak Havoc
Two Things You Can Do To Stop Ruminating
My Posts:
People Pleasing
Coping Mechanisms
Journal Prompts
Answer on Rumors & Interpersonal Issues
Practices for Self Worth
Building Habits
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uravitypng · 4 months
Ouuu, may I participate in this cute Valentine event? 👉👈 Hm, if I can, I'd like to pick Hawks from MHA as my guy of choice <33
I'm a 170 cm, chubby/curvy gal with dark blonde hair and glasses. (Hawks is barely taller than me lololol) Idk if you know mbti and star signs so I'll throw them in just in case - I'm a cancer enfp! Personality wise, I've been told that I am very doting, honest, bold, outgoing, affectionate, clingy, witty and friendly! I'm not shy when it comes to talking to strangers, especially if they catch my eye. (Physical touch is also a massive love language of mine!!!!) Although, I do unfortunately get embarrassed way too easily sometimes. I wouldn't call myself a true extrovert as I do have my moments but I'm much better than most of my friends, who are almost Shigaraki level shut ins.
My hobbies include - reading, writing, listening to scary stories and podcasts, watching tv shows/anime, and just overall being a big goofball with my friends! I love them sm, they're so cute <333
For my bad side, I have this habit about keeping my feelings locked up until I burst but that's usually only in very extreme cases. I am very sensitive and pick up a lot of little things that most people don't see and it freaks them out sometimes. This also depends on who you ask because you either love it or hate it but I can get a bit too random sometimes. I just kind of say what's on my mind, no matter how unhinged. It might sound quirky on paper but it's not always the case lmao, trust me.
I'm not exactly sure what else to add. If there's anything else, feel free to let me know!!
have surprised romantic attraction!
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- hawks never thought he'd have any romantic feelings towards anyone. he's not exactly the playboy personality that the media show him as but he doesn't have the desire to date anyone. that is until he met you of course. - how could he not fall in love with you? you met by chance and he was drawn to how honest you were, calling him out on his bullshit. whenever he'd smile was too bright and too forced at fans you'd say, you'd say when he played up his flirty personality. - he felt like you saw the real him, everything about you made you him feel that way. - you show genuine affection towards him, keigo, not pro hero hawks. sure you love the side of him that saves people every day and captures villains but you love keigo more, when he doesn't have to put on any mask or act any way for the public, when he can be his complete self. he loves when that happens because no one has given him that real affection through most of his life. - hawks thrives off embarrassing you since it happens too easy, he thinks its cute. - whenever your feelings burst out after bottling them up for so long, he doesn't change his opinion of you in anyway whatsoever. instead he'll try and make light of the situation and buy you something from the shops that you like or offer to give you a 'free flight' taking you high up to a tall building where you can look at the city below you and pretty sky. - being so outgoing is great because you can go to parties and functions with you as his plus one, being able to talk to everyone without feeling nervous, even if they're strangers - physical contact?? oh yeah. he can't keep his hands off you. he thinks you're so beautiful and he loves going up behind you and grabbing you by your waist
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you and hawks are literally perfect together oh my god!
valentine's day event
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lesferatu · 11 months
I have read a lot of Welcome to Tumblr posts for reddit people and I agree with most of it but something I haven't seen has to do with tag etiquette. I've seen people say "do whatever" and I don't completely agree with that specifically. What they should say is "there is no specific tag for each community, so don't worry too hard about it and if you want to talk in the tags, that is more than encouraged" but there are a few rules
So here's some tagging guidelines:
Only tag what is relevant to the post at hand. If you have specific tags for organization of your blog, then you can use those. If you tag irrelevant stuff, not only is it super annoying and clogs up the tag but you will be reported for spam and that can get you banned. So chat and keysmash all you want but don't tag something that's trending to get more attention and dont mention characters in the thing you are talking about who arent mentioned in the post. The search function barely works as is on a good day, don't make it worse
If you are unsure what to tag, search what you are posting about and look at what other people are tagging. Keep the above rule in mind. You can save your post as a draft if you are in the middle of writing and can't search
If I remember correctly, the first 5 tags count for the search feature and the first 10 tags (? Could be 15) count for filtering tags, which is important for tagging spoilers and triggers, if you do that
On that note: Tag Spoilers for new media
If you do chat (which again is greatly encouraged and is, in fact, half the fun) remember that the person you reblog from and the original poster (or OP) will get a notification and will be sent your tags, so be respectful. You *are* yelling into the void but some of the void can read
I wouldn't use "prev tags" right now, since staff broke the ability to follow reblog chains easily, so it's hard to find what you are referring to. If you must talk to the person you are reblogging from, do something like "prev tags: [insert prev tags here]" or "[insert prev tags here] <- prev tags" in your tags then say what your going to say
And just cause I know this has been a problem in the past, if you are here for minecraft youtubers/streamers, Do Not tag your posts as "minecraft" or "mineblr". That tag is for people who play the game normally to share their builds and the like. Again, you can search the specific youtubers/streamer/smp to get the tag that most people use for that specific community or use "mcyt" to find the general stuff
And last but not least, you do not have to tag! It is a personal choice. It'll get your own posts to the people who might like it, some people like to organize their blog (not me lol,) and tagging spoilers is just common decency, but reblogs dont show in the search, only the og post, and you don't have to tag if you don't want to; the people who follow you/look at your blog will see your post and nobody else
Edit cause I just remembered this one: don't main tag hate. If you hate a ship and want to post about it, don't tag the ship. At least tag it as "[ship name] hate" or "[ship name] discourse" so people who like that ship don't have to stumble across it on the main tag and can filter it. Doesn't have to be a ship, could be a show or a hobby or a book. People who enjoy a thing have just as much right to have a good experience on here as you have a right to hate that thing. Stay civil, it's the only way this place is as chill as it is now (and I say that as someone who's been here since the beginning. Whatever drama you find on here now is Nothing compared to what it was on this hellsite (affectionate) before)
If you can think of anything else, please add, and if you have any questions, just ask!
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beevean · 10 months
I truly feel that the he's just like me fr fr crowd is among the most annoying blights of fandom behavior out there because the moment you point out that, lets say, their beloved neurodivergency headcanon falls apart immediately by a single scene in canon (example. "Sonic is unable to sit still and constantly runs around and can't concentrate on anything he's just like me fr fr!!!" while one of Sonics main hobbies is reading and hes seen just lazing around in a resort at the start of Adventure), you immediately get accused of being a horrible bigot who hates all queer/ND/non-white/whatever fits the discussing people.
"he's just like me fr fr" is one of the biggest plagues of character appreciation for me. It puts canon on a level below your personal tastes and comfort, because you imprinted on a character for superficial reasons and you decided to completely project onto said character shoehorning the qualities that you find the most personally relatable.
(general you ofc)
Needless to say, I don't like how it has become encouraged to treat canon characters as naked paper dolls to twist and dress as you please. A degree of manipulation is inevitable, obviously, we are all bound to interpret a character or a story through our personal lenses, our tastes, our experiences. But the widespread belief that canon is nothing but a prison to break through, and characters are your toys to treat as you see fit, because clearly you can do so much better than stupid canon... I don't jive with it. The only case where I was on board with this was Twilight, and it was by people who hated the series and wanted to improve it because they thought it was bad and rife with missed potential: so how come it's now people who call themselves fans who act the same?
And I don't want to get too much into the topic of headcanons regarding sexualities and gender and mental disorders, but unpopular opinion, I find them shallow and uninteresting, although generally inoffensive. You're not building a character where canon didn't reach, you're just assigning a random label because you want to relate to that character even more. And that's when they're not as bonkers as "Amy only thought she had a crush on Sonic because of comphet", which is a take I read with my eyes.
tl;dr it's okay to fave a character that is different from you
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fertilize-my-eggs · 16 days
I feel like antis can be little obsessed fans if you think about it.
If they say they're a normal person wouldn't they just block or scroll away if they see something that they don't like? 🤔
Like I know I have talked about this a few times and it bothers me, I know I sound like a broken record whenever I talk about this but I still remember that one person that has screenshot of my fanfic "lost boy " where I have it up on A03 and I already apologize this last year on my blog and they were like calling me a pedophile and that I have these fantasies about r-word children ( that what they comment towards me.) when they have a proshipper DNI on their pinned and I never interact with them but they reblog and make comments on my post that I was talking about pretty shiggy look because some people do hate shigaraki with a burning passion... Reading their comments makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Like I keep thinking to myself, why do they have screenshots of my fanfic that I deleted it last year only to reblog and started drama like one or two months ago I believe.
Like I apologize for writing problematic dead dove fanfic so many times but others have told me not to apologize to them and I find it so odd coz I put trigger warnings at the very beginning and tags as well but they still complain about it.
Like I get it, if you don't like dead dove content that fine you don't have to follow me or enjoy my post as long as you don't harass me or my followers who enjoy dead dove content.
I still remember months ago of an anonymous sending ask inbox to others about my blog and it still makes me upset because they shouldn't be involved people into this or people shouldn't bring others about me just because I make fanfics as a hobby.
I know I've been a bit ranting lately but I just want to vent and talk about this and how I deal with harassment online.
I get it, I'm not the most perfect person nobody on earth is, we make content, enjoy it, people should learn not to mix the two up and stop taking everything seriously.
I get it fiction affects reality if YOU LET IT HAPPEN, if you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality that is a you problem and should get medical help for that.
I personally treat the reader as a fictional character, something that is not real and makes her like a doll. I get it, I make her into a sweet innocence woman that people love but I can also make her into an unhealthy yandere character that people shouldn't be supporting her because she's has done fucked up things.
And not to mention I've written a lot of fanfic were the anime characters has rape/noncon towards reader and everyone eat it up(including myself)
So people should make more dark theme content for fun, I write it because I've always been creative with dark content as teenager hell I remember I got trouble for writing story where a boy murder a bully at the age 15-16yo just because a teacher ask us to write any story.
I remember I was sent to a room where a counselor asked me if I saw it on the new or asked me any problems at home and I simply told her." I made it up. " Because I always have creative ideas for dark theme content for years.
Did I think of anything of those dark thoughts no, I just enjoy being creative and making it up because to me it's not real and I just like imagine it and writing it as story that easy.
It reminded me of those people who say if you play GTA games MEANS you gotta be violence and destroy the buildings or if you watch horror movies you gotta be a serial killers.
I get it, I watch a video where YouTuber Danielle kirsty is talking about shay groves where this woman is a serial killer and was obsessed with serial killers.
As a person who enjoys true crime and documents, I don't have those types of thoughts or worship them like shay does.
I'm pretty sure, me, proshippers and lolishotacons are against it irl and also I talked about it with my online friends none of us think like that towards children most of us dislike or hate children in general.
I know someone is gonna say what about those anime fans that say." Actually the age of consent is 13yo in Japan ☝🏻🤓" those are red flags to me because you're a pedophile if you're going after CHILDREN!! Like why you talking about consent age for countries while you're GROWN GO AWAY AND STAY FROM CHILDREN!!!! like we simp for fictional characters not irl people that's it. We don't compare them as the same because one is real while the other is a fictional character.
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Picking the number 3 for the book u hate
ok im finally home i can answer this now YAYYYY
my summer of love and misfortune by lindsay wong. oh my god. fucking dies i fucking hate this book it can go to hell for all i care.
my summer of love and misfortune is about a girl named iris wang whose summer is going to shit. her boyfriend cheats on her, she doesn't get into any colleges, she racks up $6k on her credit card, and feels like she doesn't fit in anywhere as a chinese-american. her parents decide to send her to beijing to help her connect with her chinese culture, and iris agrees, but she doesn't expect to meet Extremely rich family members who are essentially celebrities in china !!!
i was excited to read this book. the premise was interesting and i like books that have a diverse cast of characters :) but. oh my god. ohhh my god.
this book fucking SUCKED. there is not one decent character in this book. iris is the most vain, stuck-up, self-absorbed, NAIVE piece of shit you've ever met. it's insane how genuinely stupid she is sometimes - she mentions at one point that she doesn't even know how family trees work??? my god you are EIGHTEEN you should know that your cousins have the same grandparents. and she admits to having no idea how global warming works. AND she apparently doesn't know what museums are, and got confused as to why nobody was haggling for any of the relics. she never grows as a person until the last few chapters. her horrible behavior is excused at nearly every turn. her own parents call her a loser to her face which i thought was really funny. yessss you deserved that in full
she's so WHINY about going to beijing too?? like. she starts talking about how cruel her parents are and how she must be adopted, but instead of this being a one-time complaint, she starts becoming obsessed with the idea and starts looking up famous chinese celebrities that she "must actually be the daughter of" and she believes this with her entire heart. not to mention that she has... nearly nothing going for her. she's such an unlikeable character and the only thing she has going for her is how much she likes to shop. she actually compares shopping to an extreme sport as an excuse for not having any other hobbies. i think iris has something called compulsive spending, but not once is this ever brought up as a bad thing, and she never really "learns" to be better at spending.
and she has an INCREDIBLE victim complex AND superiority complex. it's insane. she moans and wails about how cruel the world has been to her while simultaneously calling herself a genius for doing basically nothing. in fact, the love interest of this book exists to basically be iris' doormat and enable her victim complex.
when iris lands in beijing, her rich family members (namely her uncle and aunt) offer to get her a tutor to teach her chinese. iris had been upset about not being able to speak chinese, but then later she acted as if she were too good for chinese lessons. she compared the sounds of chinese to an alien language. she ditched her chinese tutor (the love interest) to go shopping. do you understand how much i hate this book.
there IS a transformation here. her rich uncle wants to bulldoze over poor neighborhoods to build luxury hotels, and when iris visits said neighborhoods, she finally FINALLY gets character development. she finally starts thinking of something other than herself. but this development is so rushed and basically told to the reader rather than shown, making it feel incredibly fake.
im not even going to comment on any other side characters because they sucked. all of them. every single character in this book sucked. lindsay wong you can't write a character-driven book if all the characters suck
okay errmmm thats all i think !!! my summer of love and misfortune is genuinely the worst out of all the books i hate and i don't recommend reading it. at all. find something else to read
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forbelobog · 1 month
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog plz
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name: ayla age: i'm a vampire (30s) pronouns: she/they years of writing: collectively, i've been writing since i was in elementary school, but rp? like...like 15, 16 years.
why did you pick up writing? when i was in elementary school, there was this program thru the library where, if you wrote a certain amount of pages on this little packet they gave you, you could get your book "published." which basically meant getting the pages you wrote and drew on glued between a small hardcover, no bigger than a regular hallmark card. but they let you do this as many times as you wanted and you would even get extra credit for writing 5+ in a grading period. i started writing about anything and everything. a leaf who didn't know how to fly with the wind. a pig who wanted to find a hat. even a turkey who found a family on thanksgiving who loved him and didn't eat him. fastforward to the internet, i would write stories about horses (i am a reformed horse girl, sorry) in blank notepads. i remember my best friend telling me saddle wasn't spelled with t's, but d's. then, i found message boards in sites like neopets and gogaia, and i really kind of let my imagination go. i picked up writing even before i knew why, i kind of always just wanted to. my mom used to read me and my brother the hobbit as a bedtime story and it was very imaginative, i think that's where the whole fantasy/world building curiosity started. i like making and telling stories. when i found out you could do that with other people, it was game over for me.  do you have any writing routines? i used to, back when i rped a lot more frequently and consistently, but not so much anymore. writing has always been something i enjoy doing and rp is just a hobby; as i got older/more "adult" with "adult responsibilities", i realized i never wanted to stress about rp. i write when i feel like it and never before. tho, when i do sit down to write, i tend to do so in silence/with ambient white noise. i can't focus if i have any outside factors. what's your favorite part about writing? invoking emotion. whether it's happy or sad or angry or confused. i like to be able to reach other people with words. i find writing to be theraputic, in a way. for instance i've been writing a nonfiction about my grandmother for awhile, which i started before she passed based around her dementia and sundowners. it was hard to deal with for me but writing became a way to cope in a healthy way.
i. uuuuhhh i guess my scene setting is pretty good? i tend to spend a lot of time with openers making sure there is a reason for why the character is there, what the purpose will be moving forward, and where they are going to currently. i hate it sometimes because i feel like i go on and on about like, a room, but i like to think it helps my partners in the long run. ii. alliteration is my favorite literary tool and i like to think i'm pretty good at it by now. stringing together a good collection of sounds is very fun. iii. idk man this is hard. uuhhhhh i...usually always try to give my partners something to respond to? it's something i had to work on when i first started rping, but not only is your response to whatever the other muse is doing important, but giving THEM something to respond to in a reply is equally important, or else everything kind of falls flat. idk partner feel free to tell me i still suck at it but i have worked on it a lot in the past.
when you find it difficult to write what are some things you might do to help get back into it? if i'm looking to get back in to writing a specific character, i tend to reread old threads regarding that character i've done before, or visit things that make me think of the muse. like a playlist, or watch some cutscenes, or fanart. if i'm just looking to writ something in general but can't find the muse, i put on music that inspires me. john darnielle/the mountain goats is a go-to for me, darnielle is one of, if not my favorite writier, and his songs are so descriptive it makes me jealous. QUESTION: what was the first character you ever picked up to start rping? why did you gravitate to them?
tagged by: @dupliciti tagging: @cloudhymn @wingspiked @spadilled @eteing @ofinflorescence @resolutepath and YOU!!! if you steal this from me please tag me i'd love to read.
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c1tyhaunts · 2 months
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NAME :  xera.
PRONOUNS :  she / her / they / them
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : 100% prefer discord over Tumblr IM - it's the best way to get in touch with me, and sometimes I love building servers with some of my partners to build dynamics if we have multiple muses - that stuff is a lot of fun and I adore the archiving aspect of it.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : the current roster (8) includes: terrah sparkz, lilah lyons, avian esparza, elvira "ivy" d'angelo, nache "che" ferraro, richard "ricky/jacket" fritz*, emmanuel "manny" calavera*, & ayati gadhavi* (* - denotes a canon character i stole from some obscure game, including: hotline miami (ricky/jacket), grim fandango (manny), and return of the obra dinn (ayati)
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : god i'm pretty sure since 2012 i've been RPing - from text RP via cell phones, to DeviantArt, to Forums, to Tumblr/Discord; I've been in the game for a minute.
BEST  EXPERIENCE : ohhhhh man, there's so many. and although some feelings have swayed throughout the years, I definitely think the connections I've made through the RP scene are the best part of it. I've genuinely made long time friends through this hobby - people who i talk to on the daily about their lives, people who i've gone to visit personally and hang out with. at the end of the day, the connections made are the biggest and best thing i can get from a hobby. to build a community with great people around me.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  to list a few specific ones (none are directly targeted, but I felt are relevant to me)
Deal Breaker: any weird hatred/blatant misogyny for fem/feminine ocs in the RPC. it's 2024 and i STILL be seeing people hate women or fem ocs so openly? why does this keep happening??? actually, scratch that - just general OC scrutiny drives me wild. most of y'all do know your favorite canon character is a OC who had higher production value, right? so why think most canons are better than ocs when we're all on the same playing field, ya know??
Pet Peeve: style over substance - i appreciate most aesthetics *motions to own blog* but i also have eyes that i need to read or see. I feel like i miss out on a lot of good blogs because i can't read their formatting on their blog or carrd and it's inaccessible :(
Small Pet Peeve: "I just go with the flow" - when I hear this, I usually see most plotting convos go dead in a matter of messages. lbr everybody, we all have dynamics or specific characters that catch our eyes or that we like. I'm so open about shipping and dynamics like, let's throw out something specific and see where that goes. THEN we can "go with the flow" but we can't flow without direction.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :   plotting for me personally - only because I work a full time job outside of tumblr, and i typically won't have time to always write up a reply to a meme or a thread. I adore plotting and world building with my partners especially via discord, so I'd highly prefer that so then it's easier (and motivates me!) to reply to our threads in the process.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :   I unfortunately can't do short replies for the life of me - like some people can do one liners so well, but I need to set the scene & actions. So, usually medium to longer replies.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :    i try to reply to threads over the weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sundays) cause that's usually the times I have availability. On weekdays, I'd do memes or headcanons to keep activity up. My muse can be fickle, and although i love to write, I also love to write quality content for my partners so it will take me time.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : each of my muses have a little aspect of me in them (which is unavoidable if i have the passion to write them) but none of them are me 100%. GOD, I hope none them are like me or I'm like them. some of these people are a fuckin mess.
TAGGED  BY  :   stole it from bestie @abysswarden TAGGING :   YOU!
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