#i can't come up with a good mixed ship name!
brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Hear me out for mixing Emperor Tim and Spider Tim. Spider Tim does not want any of the Bats to know about his spider form, but Young Justice knows all about it. It started because Greta asked him about the magic she could sense in him and Tim telling them that he had some "thread based magic" and took a few strands of his silk to wrap around Cassie. She had to genuinely try to break out of just 5 loops of this hair thin thread. They ask him why he doesn't use this all the time and Tim simply shrugs, "I can't make a lot of it. The older I get, the more I'll be able to make bur for now? I'm stuck with only a few dozen yards a day." This isn't quite true. He can currently make about 50 yards but it will grow with time.
Months later, they run into a magician who casts an anti magic barrier around them, canceling out Tim's Glamor and he immediately transforms into his spider form. He looks back at himself and then yells, "you rat fucking bastard! Do you have any idea how rude it is to out people as non human who aren't ready to come out yet?! I'm gunna fucking *eat* you!" To which, he does. They do a Q&A as Tim devours his meal in the saftey of Bart's space ship. Tim tells them about how dangerous poachers are to him and why, how his mom is the best ever and what normal spider demon parents do, why he's actually eating the guy, and when someone asks about his civilian ID, Tim says, "I still can't tell you but bow you've seen why. You know what I am. I just told you how much of a problem poachers are. If word gets out that I'm a Spider Demon and one of you guys slip up with my civilian name, it's not just me at stake. It's my mom and her siblings and my cousins and my siblings who I've never met. Our families don't meet up because of how dangerous the poachers are,how they could and would decimate our entire population at the drop of a hat. You think they don't use truth spells on us to try and pry who our family members are out of us? You think they won't use those same spells on you guys to force you to tell them who I am so that they can hunt down and exterminate my family? I can't risk that, even if I trust you guys with this form. But... I can tell you guys that you can call me Tim." Having such a good explanation for why he cant tell them beyond "Batman said I can't" should let up a ton of tension in the future and make when he does eventually tell them all the sweeter.
Tim decides that when he's visiting his planets, he doesn't have to worry about Earth Based Poachers so he uses his spider form. He has to admit that it feels *really* nice to stretch out his limbs for so long and also climb up and down walls. Plus! None of these people know to fear spiders! He doesn't have to worry about looks of disguste or hatred simply for what he is! His citizens still think he's adorable and sweet and small.
His spider form does *not* help with the problems with the GLC because the moment the humans see a picture of him, they are all reeling back. John will never admit that he has a phobia of spiders. Kyle freely says, "it looks like it's a spider demon. There was rumors of one running around back on Earth for a while. I never saw it but if it is, then it's extremely dangerous." And Hal pipes up, "I saw it once and that is definitely the spider demon that was running around. I didn't get to see it for very long, but I was hunting down a magician and saw it fighting that thing. It was horrifying, that thing chopped the guy up with its front, scythe like legs and after it killed the magician, it ate them! And then it vanished. But how did it get into space and become the leader of this empire?"
Hal did see Tim do that. What he didn't see is that fact that the magician was a poacher who was planning to also go after the other Bats thinking that they were definitely creatures too. Of course Tim wouldn't allow his family to be hunted like that by someone who would tell them his greatest secret. So he made sure they couldn't and had a nice snack in the process.
Tim deserves to snack on that magician. That was rude af of them to do that to him (although I doubt they cared and they can't care now that they are dead). Do magicians taste differently? Like static or something?
I'm also curious about how YJ treats Tim's OG form. I bet he oscillates between severely unbothered (it's who he is, why should he care?) to being self conscious (Bats and others have expressed their dislike of spiders and his form could cause him to be taken out by a poacher). He just flips between these two depending on various variables.
I'm also curious about Tim killing and the No Killing Rule. How will Bruce react to this?
I do like the addition you did for GLs. I wonder if they try to reach out to John Constantine about the spider demon taking over the universe. I love Tim and Constantine interactions, ngl
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forager-m · 4 months
Songbird [Drabble]
Ship: Dr Ratio/Aventurine (レイチュリ)
Premise: Dr Ratio and Aventurine have been cohabiting after the events of Penacony. The arrangment brings many delightful discoveries; including that Aventurine likes singing to himself while doing chores.
[Aventurine sings to himself. Ratio can't help but to join him.]
His morning goes like this:
He wakes to the opal sky, as the sun draws its golden chariot across the clouds. From outside, the birds song reaches him faintly, and the whir of civilization slowly stirs; machinery, vehicles, people, all coming to life as he is. His mind awakens first, even as his eyes stay heavy and closed, bursting with plans and reminders of the day ahead: he has to brush his teeth, fix his hair, do his morning workout, get started on breakfast, feed the cat cakes, grade papers, and then...
And then he opens his eyes, turns, and then he wastes the morning staring at the way Aventurine's hair flows and spills over the sheets like a golden waterfall; all soft curls and precious locks. He's nestled in Veritas' arms and stretched luxuriously in the warmth of their home like a spoiled pet. His resting face peers over the blankets, while the rest of him is covered - leaving only suggestions of subtle curves and warm flesh.
The cats awaken and begin scratching at the door. The sun has finished its descent, and it slowly pours in through the windows. Then, finally, Aventurine makes a soft little noise, opening his eyes. Blinking once, twice. He leans into Ratio's touch, then yawns. Veritas watches, appreciatively, as Aventurine rises from the sheets. The blankets pool around his waist and thighs. He looks like Aphrodite emerging from the sea; the birth of beauty itself.
"See something you like?"
The noise strangled out of his throat was a mix of a cough and a scoff.
"Mmm... so mean, won't you indulge me a little?"
He sits on his thighs and stretches his arms above his head. Ratio notes the new softness padding his belly. A sign of good health and recovery, one part of him says. The other half says something along the lines of that will feel nice in my hands before he violently cuts it off.
"Any more indulgence and not a single productive thing will be done today, Gambler."
Aventurine laughs. His voice is as clear as water running over a spring.
"Ooh, so scary! Don't threaten me with a good time, I know all sorts of indulgences that could keep us preoccupied, doctor~"
Aventurine pecks his cheek loudly, before wiggling out of the sheets and making a run for the kitchen, his giggles echoing behind him.
Ratio holds his head in his hands for a while, trying to will away any strange urges; violent or otherwise.
After a while, a waft of eggs and coffee fills the air. Ratio quickly goes through his morning routine, and by the time he's done, Aventurine is still preparing the food. As usual, he's prepared Ratio's portion first - a much bigger plate packed with scrambled eggs, toast, and a salad consisting of lettuce, tomatoes, and the leftover dressing that they've kept in the fridge. A cup of coffee's already there - sweetened with just a bit of stevia, just the way Ratio prefers it.
Aventurine is a surprisingly competent cook. Sure, he needs to pull up a recipe from his phone, but needing a bit of guidance doesn't detract from one's excellence. Having the freedom to cook what he wants also seems to improve his appetite, something Ratio is pleased to see.
He takes just a brief moment of appreciation; to appreciate the breakfast spread, of course, and certainly not the way that apron is tied perfectly around that slim waist, before he takes out the fruit and seeds from the fridge. Cat cakes, while sharing the name of domestic cats, do not have the same diet as them. Ratio calls out for them, and soon enough, three little cat cakes meow and sprint towards him with all the power in their tiny little paws.
"Make a wish into the well..."
"That's all you have to do..."
"And if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true..."
Ratio feels his breath come short.
This, too, is something he's used to Aventurine doing. But he's not really used to it yet.
Aventurine loves music. Sometimes Ratio watches him as he sways to some soft tune known only to himself, dancing barefoot in their living room. He likes singing to his plants, because even after everything, Aventurine still had so much love to give, and taking care of his 'babies' made him so very happy. He likes to strum his guitar and come up with songs about anything or nothing at all. Once, Ratio caught him singing sweet silly nonsense to their cats, which he recorded and uses as leverage against the gambler whenever he could.
This was a boy made for laughter, song, and dance. Ratio wants to rage at the world for all that's been done to him.
"I'm wishing,"
"For the one I love."
"To find me -"
His voice is so lovely. There has never been a sweeter thing.
"I'm hoping,"
"And I'm dreaming of -"
"The nice things..."
"He'll say!"
Aventurine hums under his breath. Pretty little 'la la la la la's fluttering like bird wings. Quietly, Veritas walks to him, until his hands find his waist and Aventurine's body is plush against his own. He rests his chin on Aventurine's head, and can't help but to echo his song bird's melody.
"Im wishing, "
"... Im wishing..."
"For the one I love -"
"To find me -"
"To find me,"
Sorry this is so self indulgent.
The song is I'm Wishing" from Snow White
I think both Ratio and Aventurine are amazing singers. Just imagine the soft duets they could do.
Also yes they deserve to be soft so. They are soft. And married. (They just dont realise it yet.)
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versegm · 7 months
Coming out of my self-imposed tumblr ban cuz this is the third post I see along the lines of "man we gotta jump ship" so here are some other ways to be social/do fandom/ect. I'm not gonna call them "tumblr alternatives" because I won't lie to you these are gonna be very different experiences from tumblr. But if you use tumblr as a way to meet new people/post your thoughts/do fandom/keep up with folks, then maybe one of these is worth looking into.
I don't use Cohost so idk if it's good or not, but all the people who use it tell me it's A Whole Lot Like Tumblr. Got pretty mixed reviews on this one, people seem to either love it or hate it, either way you could check it out it's free.
My main bitch, so I can actually talk about it.
Lots of cool privacy features
Porn is allowed
Website has been consistently getting updates and listening to the userbase
No ads because it's user-funded
Being user-funded means the website is frequently struggling with money
This one isn't really a social media, it's a host for websites.
You can do whatever the fuck you want here
You have to code it all yourself
If you didn't immediately skip this rolling your eyes, here are some ressources to get a blog running with minimum efforts, and a cool zine to figure out what to put on your blog.
Ye Old internet way to find new peeps in your fandom. It's a list of fans. I'm listing thefanlisting.org here because it's the biggest hub of fanlistings out there, but there are plenty that aren't listed so if you've got a topic dear to your heart it might be worth googling up "[fandom/ship/character] fanlisting" and see what turns up.
It's literally just adding your name to a list of fans. Low spoon effort.
If you want to talk to any of the people on the fanlisting you have to actually manually contact them via email or website or whatever they provided for contact. High social anxiety effort.
Anyways that's all I got chief. You probably already heard of half of those and the other half might have made you go "hey wtf that's not at all what I use tumblr for why would I need these" and the answer is it's not my problem. I discovered these when looking for ways for me personally to do social media so if you do social media differently sorry I can't help ya. But hey maybe you'll discover something new who knows.
Preemptive answers to things I am sure will clog my notifications for years to come:
None of these are like tumblr! Look bestie this is like the fifth time people consider abandoning tumblr at this point you have to make your peace with the fact that there is no other website like this one.
The websites you mentioned are nearly empty there's no one in my community here! Bro if you want a website with lots of people you don't need me listing off where you can go you already know where people are going (aka: Bluesky) If you're so scared to be alone then invite your buddies to move there together so you can chat together idk. Be the change you want to be in the world.
I'm not gonna use these. Then you've got my blessing to not use these. I assure you you don't need to reblog this post just to tell me you won't use these. I don't care.
Anyways. Peace. Dunno how many people this is gonna be useful to, but if you wanted to branch out of the usual reddit/bluesky/twitter, hopefully this will help.
Bunch of pillowfort invite codes under the cut since I got a bunch. Sorry I got no cohost as I said I don't use that one.
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coffeeandbatboys · 5 months
congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you! <3 for your celebration, which is very much deserved might I add, can I get Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx with either Wolffe or Fives?
(@high-ct5555 is my star wars blog which is where I'll be reblogging from!)
again congrats!! 🥳
Thank you!!! ahhhhhh this one kicked me in the feels lol. I am really terribly sorry about how sad this one gets.
SPOILERS for TBB S3 Ep7!!!!!!
warnings: as mentioned, spoilers. Heavy angst, bittersweet/open ending. Unresolved relationship problems I guess you could say.
Right Here Waiting For You (Wolffe x Fiancée!Reader)
Part 2
He didn't come home. He promised that he'd come home and he hadn't.
Empire day would always be the day that Wolffe broke your heart.
You couldn't understand. He loved you, didn't he? Why would he ask you to marry him and then ditch you?
Maybe you were in denial of the fact that he could be dead.
No. He couldn't be. You needed him not to be.
So you continued with life. You helped Rex and Senator Chuchi and the other clones whenever you could, but so very often your mind would be on him.
And all of it lead to this moment. You wanted to cry out his name and run into his arms. But all the same it wasn't him. It wasn't the man who had gotten on his knees and asked you for your hand in marriage. Wolffe had a tenderness about him that not many people saw, save for you. But that tenderness had been torn away from him by the Empire.
"Mesh'la? Oh maker...you're alive!"
His voice, a mix of worry and relief, pulls you from the hurricane of your thoughts and memories. Tears gather in your eyes, because you want to believe, that just for a second, he's on your side.
But he's not. And though you still love him, you can't let the Empire get the better of you. So you step forward, dodging Rex's outstretched arm that's attempting to hold you back, until you're standing in front of the love of your life.
You pull his forehead down to meet yours and your noses bump against each other.
"I...I can't...we're on opposite sides of a new war, Wolffe. I'm sorry—." Tears are beginning to choke your words.
He squeezes his eyes shut. "I love you..."
"I know you do." Your voice cracks, betraying every wall you've built. "I want you to come and find me when you figure all of this out, hm? Come back to me."
Your heart yearns to say the words that you want to, but you're afraid they'll crush those walls for good. So you place a chaste, tearful kiss to his lips and back away towards the approaching ship.
As you walk up the ramp, you turn, and meet his mismatched gaze. Maker, he looks devastated, like he wants to reach out for you. But he doesn't.
Your voice is barely above a whisper, but he hears. He hears you say, "I love you too," As you turn away from him.
And once again you're apart from the love of your life, and those walls turn to dust.
But only for a little while.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 month
What do you think of Stolitz as a ship? What do they offer each other in the story in terms of growth, and what does their relationship contribute to Helluva's themes?
I love Stolitz as a ship! I think their dynamic is very well written and original. Here come my thoughts on it.
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The episode The Circus clarifies what Stolas and Blitz's dynamic is and how it came to be.
Stolitz is a relationship where mutual attraction and care is poisoned by self-hate and classism. This is shown in Blitz and Stolas's first meeting, where:
Paimon buys Blitz as a playmate to Stolas, so that he does not have to deal with his child's emotional turmoil. He also tells Stolas not to bow to Blitz because his social standing is higher.
Cash sells Blitz out and guilt-trips him by using Blitz's mother as leverage. He also forces Blitz to steal from Stolas by insisting it is alright to do so because all Goetias are bad.
So, both Paimon and Cash enforce on their children two ideas:
Stolas and Blitz are worth something only if the family benefits from them. Stolas has value if he marries Stella and gives a heir. Blitz is good if he puts himself in danger and steals from the nobles.
Goetias and Imps should not mix and should not treat each other as equals. Goetias are rich fuckers and Imps are inferior masses.
In general, Stolas and Blitz internalize that relationships, especially inter-class ones are transactional. Stolas can't just go and befriend Blitz, but his father needs to buy him. Blitz can't just go and have fun with Stolas. He needs to steal from him.
Fast forward to when Stolas and Blitz meet again as grown-ups. They immediately rekindle their relationship, but they do so by imitating their respective parents:
Stolas buys Blitz's affection by using his status as a Goetia (his grimoire)
Blitz takes advantage of Stolas's attraction to him, so that he can manipulate Stolas and steal the book
In short, nothing has changed since they were kids. They are now free from their fathers, but they approach relationships the way they were taught. Deep down neither believes they have any value unless they make the relationship transactional. Hence the grimoire/book deal seems as the perfect solution for both. At the same time, both Stolas and Blitz have inter-class prejudices. These biases are challenged by a character that is a dark foil to both. Who is that?
He's galloping over the dusty planes Even the cacti know his name If you don't want to die don't cross his path The best assassin in the ring of Wrath He's Striker! He's Striker! Sure shootin', darn tootin', his name is Striker
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Striker calls out both Blitz and Stolas on their inner classist biases, but he does so in different ways.
In the Harvest Moon Festival, he tempts Blitz to give in to his darkest side:
Striker: Blitzo, come on. You know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind. And you were so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords.
In Western Energy he tells Stolas point blank how Goetias are hated because they steal from others:
Striker: Look. Not every ring is some fancy-ass city, with some fancy-ass mansion, that only fancy-ass royals get to live in. Some of us have hard lives to live. And some of us have everything we care about taken away by fuckers like you.
Blitz and Stolas have opposite reactions to Striker's challenge.
On the one hand Blitz is disturbed by Striker because he deep down sees how similar they are. After all, both are Imps who refuse to accept their place in the hierarchy. Blitz opens his own business, whereas Striker targets higher demons. Moreover, both are hitmen. It is just that Blitz operates on Earth, while Striker operates in Hell. So, Striker's anger towards Royals and society is something Blitz feels too. It is something that could get the best of him:
Stolas: You speak just like that vile Striker friend of yours.
On the other hand Stolas is disgusted by Striker because he forces him to face something Stolas himself does not aknowledge. Striker strips him of his powers and shows him how much the lower classes resent him and the other Royals. Striker tells Stolas directly that Goetias hurt him and stole everything he had. Despite this, Stolas fails not only to show any sympathy, but also to aknowledge his own biases:
Stolas: I don't look down on you! How many times do I ha- When have I ever?!
In other words, Blitz openly embraces classist ideologies and consciously projects them on Stolas. He uses them as an excuse to backpedal on their relationship:
Blitzo: Point is, royal demons don't give a shit about guys like us. They're all the fuckin' same.
Stolas instead does not realize his own classist bias and thinks that just because he cares for Blitz and admires him, his classism has no impact on their bond. Except it clearly has:
Stolas: As shocking as it may seem, Blitzy, my grimoiiiiiire is actually incredibly important. And it isn't supposed to be lent out to itty-bitty Imps like yourself.
This difference ties with Blitz and Stolas's ideas of each other and of relationships in general.
Blitz sees Stolas's flaws clearly and knows how complicated a relationship between a royal and an imp could be. However, he ignores Stolas's qualities and is overly cynical:
Blitzo: If by "crushes other's feelings" you mean- end shit before it gets serious, then bingo. I'm doing everyone a favor because relationships are boring.
Stolas sees Blitz's qualities and looks up to him. Still, he ignores Blitz's flaws and runs after an idealistic and irrealistic love. He is so romantic that he becomes delusional:
Stolas: You wanna know what I want? I want to know what it's like, to not be alone. I want to be someone's someone. I want to feel wanted. But like, in a romantic way, like I'm standing out in the rain at a train station and someone is shouting: “Harriet! Don’t get on that train, it’s going to London and I cannot be without you!”
So, Blitz only sees the worst in Stolas and forces negative classist stereotypes on him. Stolas instead only sees the best in Blitz and refuses to aknowledge his unconscious classism as an important factor on their bond. They need to grow in opposite ways, which is why they go through complementary arcs.
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Blitz and Stolas are respectively the protagonist and the deuteragonist of the series, as the first two episodes show:
Episode 1 showcases HB's dark comedy side and focuses on Blitz's family. As a matter of fact the whole episode comically juxtaposes the Demon Murder Family with the Human Murder Family. It also illustrates how Blitz's business works.
Episode 2 showcases HB's strong character and psychological focus and it explores Stolas's family. As a matter of fact the episode is dedicated to Stolas and Via's relationship, while introducing also Stella and the Goetia in general.
Blitz and Stolas are two sides of the same coin, both when it comes to their personal arcs and to their social roles.
Personal arcs
Blitz is full of relationships and of people who love him and that he pushes away. Stolas has instead very few relationships, that are mostly bad. However, he is scared to cut them because he fears loneliness more than anything. As a result:
Blitz's arc is about reconciling with all the people he hurt or lost (Fizzarolli, Verosika, probably Barbie Wire). All while trying to be a better friend and family member for those bonds he still has (Moxxie, Loona). He must build his own family (by repairing his broken one)
Stolas's arc is about claiming his freedom back, even if it means to go against social expectations, to lose his privilege or even to unwillingly hurt Via, his most precious bond. He must escape his own family (to build a new one)
Social roles
Blitz is an Imp, while Stolas is a Goetia. However, neither fits with what society expects from them. Blitz runs his own business and shows no respect for higher demons. Stolas is in love with an imp and asks for a divorce. Both are oddballs, who are disliked by their peers, but find company in each other. This is why throughout season 1, they end up saving each other:
Blitz saves Stolas from Striker in the Harvest Moon Festival
Stolas saves Blitz from the Dhorks in Truth Seekers
They do so cause deep down they care for each other. However, they still hide their feelings behind utilitarianism and classism:
Blitz insists he is only saving Stolas because he needs his book:
Blitzo: Yeaaaaah. Well, I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to Earth behind my back.
Moreover, he deep down sees Stolas as unkillable, so he does not warn him that a killer is after him.
Stolas starts a rant on how Blitz should be more careful with the book as to not cause problems for Stolas:
Stolas: How the FUCK... did you get caught by humans?! Are you little creatures not being careful up here?! You know, if you get in trouble, I get in trouble! WE... don't want that!
Moreover, his display of power impresses Blitz and strengthens his inferiority complex.
So, both Blitz and Stolas have the potential to care for each other and to help each ohter find the family they long for. However, they are still slaves to their flaws in season 1. That is why they receive two important call-outs.
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Ozzie's and The Full Moon are where Blitz and Stolas are called out on their flaws. These episodes highlight both demons still have work to do on themselves and the way they approach relationships. However, the first episode's call out is mostly about Stolas. The second episode's call out is instead mostly about Blitz.
Ozzie's highlights Stolitz's problems:
[Fizzarolli] Is that Blitzø? So you're showing your face? Hey everybody, this guy's a total disgrace! Some nerve you got to comment on a relationship Last I checked, your love life is a pile of shit! [Verosika & Crowd] Oh, Blitzø? I used to date him (date him, date him) [Blitzø] Oh Verosika, you are here [Verosika & Crowd] I'd stroke and I'd fellate him (fellate him, fellate him) Yeah, but when it was my turn (my turn, my turn) He did no reciprocatin' (what a dick-bag) A selfish imp in the sheets And just as bad in the streets A reckless, heartbreaking freak! [Asmodeus] Who's that at your table? Is your date a demon prince? Stolas, is that you? [Wally Wackford] Are you sleeping with an imp?! [Asmodeus] Wooo! My dark lord, how the mighty do fall You used to have a smoking wife, a kid, you had it all! I hope you didn't give it up so you and him could get it up You sold your life for a thrust Now, that's the spirit of lust
And makes clear what they want:
[Millie] I think you were trying to sing something for me, Mox [Moxxie] Yeah, I was I love us I love us just the way we are Don't have to pretend to like to do things we don't I've always got you around to laugh at my stupid jokes I'll never take you for granted I'll always give you my best And if you can offer the same thing Fate will handle the rest 'Cause I love you 'Cause I love you
They want a relationship like the one Millie and Moxxie have, but they can't because differently from the two Imps they aren't honest with themselves.
On the one hand Blitz keeps self-sabotaging his relationships. The moment they become serious he ghosts the other or hurts them, so that they fall out. His inability to honestly express his feelings is literally at the root of the most tragic event of his past:
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Blitz's self-hate makes it impossible for him to confess to Fizz, which in turns causes the fire.
On the other hand Stolas is indecisive on what he wants. He wants to belong with someone and has feelings for Blitz. However, he does not act on them and uses the deal they stroke to save appearences with the Goetias. In fact, he is still very clearly concerned of what other people think. He is especially worried of destroying his family and hurting Octavia:
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Both characters are flawed, but Stolas is the one who receives the biggest call out:
Blitzo: Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. But, I just, I-I can't do it tonight, okay?
Blitz's speech opens Stolas's eyes to the point he starts to change. He finally asks Stella for a divorce, he gives Blitz more space and eventually decides to cancel their deal. All so that Blitz can choose freely if to stay with Stolas or not.
Blitz too grows, but his development is slower and more reactive. He mends things with Fizz, but he succeeds because the two find themselves in a dangerous situation outside of their control. Blitz still fails to connect with Barbie. Finally, he keeps being dismissive of Stolas, despite having clear feelings for him:
Blitzo: Stolas got what? How?... He can get hurt?
The Full Moon/Apology Tour
The Full Moon has the characters being on completely different pages:
Stolas: When I see him Blitzo: When I see him, I'm gonna do that thing he likes Stolas: I will change things Blitzo: No need to change things I'll just bring the rope and spikes Stolas: Oh God! Blitzo: We've got a nice arrangement and it's working out just fine We'll keep it light Stolas: I'll fucking die alone if this goes bad! Both: When I see him tonight
Stolas has developed to the point, where he wants the relationship with Blitz to either become a real one or to end. Blitz instead is fine to keep things as they are. In this way he gets to have a relationship, but doesn't really have to put in any effort.
This incompatibility explodes in their discussion, where:
Stolas conveys his feelings clearly enough, but is too self-focused on his own hurt to give Blitz any time to properly express his. Blitz's first and bad reaction is all Stolas decides to listen to. The moment Blitz confusely tries to reach to him, he dismisses him and only pays attention to Blitz's angry rant. If he were not too focused on imagining Blitz as this perfect knight in shining armor, he could have noticed the imp's confusion, vulnerability and desperation to keep the relationship going.
Blitz fails to understand both Stolas's genuine emotions and his own. That is why he is unable to give Stolas a proper answer. He himself is not sure, but instead of admitting it he makes sex jokes and tries to make their bond all about physical intercourse. He can neither understand feelings, nor communicate them. Moreover, the moment he is misunderstood he lashes out instead of trying to explain himself better.
As Blitz is the one who grew up the least, he is given the biggest call-out between the two. He is invited to a very special Anti-Blitzo Party, where he is forced to see first-hand how many people he hurt. There he is forced to face not only Stolas, but all his exes, Verosika and most importantly himself:
Blitzo: No. You're right. I actually am, ya' know... sorry. I-I don't want to be this way. Not forever.
Blitz reconciles with Verosika and will probably start to fix his flaws in the upcoming episodes. Like Stolas did after Ozzie's.
There is another interesting difference between Ozzie's and The Full Moon, though. Ozzie's outcome is explored in two different episodes, one dedicated to Blitz (Queen Bee) and the other to Stolas (The Circus). The two characters are both messed up after their first real date, but they go through their pain alone. The Full Moon's outcome is instead explored in Apology Tour, where the two characters face the pain of their break-up together. In a sense, it is only after their first fight they can really look at each other as two real people, instead than ideals.
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Blitz sees Stolas as a powerful, cold and selfish Goetian Prince. Stolas instead sees Blitz as a wonderful Knight in Shining Armor. Both see the other as some kind of idealistic version of themselves. Either 100% negative or 100% positive. They ignore each other's feelings and struggles. That is why their first honest confrontation degenerates into a fight. If they knew each other better, they could have understood each other.
That is why it is only after they break up, that ironically they can treat each other as real people, as it happens in Apology Tour.
Both are able to properly express themselves freely. Stolas breaks his thirsy bird mask and shows how lonely and sad he is. Blitz breaks his self-assured asshole persona and says how vulnerable a real relationship with another makes him feel. Both are finally able to be themselves and to show themselves to the other.
However, they still have a long way to go before they can rekindle their relationship:
-Blitz is imo the one bound to grow the most from this altercation. He was called out directly on the things he did wrong and has finally to try and fix his attitude towards others. Something the narrative has made very clear he must do, not only when it comes to his romantic bonds, but to his platonic ones, as well.
-Stolas knows he messed up, but he is probably still struggling to see what exactly he did wrong:
Stolas: But maybe it's all on me For missing every sign and every glance and every turn Maybe there's something here for us to glean For you to teach and me to try and learn
Still, he is bound to soon receive some consequences. After all, he risked it all on his relationship with Blitz, only to find himself as lonely as ever. He is in the middle of a divorce, which will probably end badly for him. His relationship with his daughter is in danger and I would not be surprised if he were to lose his status as a Goetia soon.
In general, I am expecting the climax of the season being Blitz and Stolas risking to lose everything (their businesses, their families), but finding an ally in each other. Once again.
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half-oz-eddie · 7 months
I am so utterly obsessed with rag-tag team heist movies so I made a Stranger things heist crew AU roster
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Steve "Moneybags" Harrington's heist crew used to be a team of 2, the other being Dustin "Phisher" Henderson. Steve was the only person Claudia Henderson trusted to look after her son, and as Dustin grew older, the two of them became close friends.
Steve watched Dustin hack into all sorts of databases, uncover the truth behind town conspiracies and even hack a few of his bullies.
When Mr. harrington cut Steve off financially, he wanted to get back at him, and pull a "prank" with Dustin to empty out an offshore bank account that his father kept hidden from Mrs. Harrington.
The plan went smoothly. A little too smoothly, maybe. Or perhaps Dustin was a natural at this, that's what Steve believed. And since it was that easy for Steve and Dustin to get their hands on $1.5 Million, they decided to take their pranks to another level.
Steve proposed for their next prank, they should clean out one of Mr. Harrington's friends' cryptocurrency. He explains to Dustin how the asshole keeps his assets on a physical drive in his house that they could wipe while he was away on vacation.
Dustin agrees and suggests they bring Eddie "Safecrack" Munson into the fold. He tells Steve Eddie's trustworthy and knows how to pick locks and hotwire cars, y'know, just in case.
Eddie, of course, is thrilled by the idea. Not only does he love a little mischief, he'd love to get his hands on some money and a fast car. "However," Eddie told them "we'll need someone to drive one of those fancy cars outta there. We may be good drivers...but we're not that good. But not to worry, I know a guy."
The guy in question? Billy "Wheels" Hargrove. A California bad boy who knows plenty about fast cars and fast cash, so he's in without question. He also doesn't mind hassling pretty boy Harrington. (there's so much sexual tension between them. Billy's the one who gave Steve his code name. He said 'the hair' didn't quite fit.). But Billy's not doing anything unless his stepsister, Max "Sticky Fingers" Mayfield can come in and swipe whatever isn't nailed down for a cut.
They used to have a complicated relationship, but they bonded by shoplifting whatever Billy's dad wouldn't let them have. Max was a skilled thief. She could get out of any store with anything that she wanted, and Billy would drive away like a bat outta hell. She lifted consoles, games and even a little lipgloss, for Billy.
So their first heist goes without a hitch, and after wiping millions in crypto off some hard drives, swiping some expensive paintings and a 2020 Mclaren, they can't resist the urge to plan bigger heists together.
Billy suggests they call up his coworker Heather "Chameleon" Holloway. "She's got more wigs than personalities" He joked. When they brought Heather onto the team, she showed them her massive walk in closet, full of clothes, wigs, shoes and more. Not to mention, she could use her charm and distract anyone. Heather was bored at home, spending time perfecting her hair and makeup skills. She could change her appearance to look like a completely different person. It was all the fun she had. Her mom was always wine drunk, and her dad was a jerk who ignored her because he wanted a son, so she was happy to be part of a team that didn't treat her like she was invisible.
Under normal circumstances, they'd never spend time together, but now? They're an inseperable friend group.
They've made some friends (and enemies) in their line of work, but everyday is an adventure.
They recently took on a half a billion dollar heist job for a mysterious man by the name of Henry Creel, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead...
Tagging some people: @shieldofiron @adelacreations @dragonflylady77 @harringroveera @bigdumbbambieyes
Because I love your writing and I'd love to hear how y'all would include some other characters/ships in the mix. I just love heist AUs so much~
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hirsheyskisses · 1 year
Hey, psst! I have a little request, that might be of your interest - it‘s quite fluffy ఌ
So the trope;
„Come on, try one! I sat hours on these!“
„Don’t make me taste the most bread like sweets in existence, idiot.“
You made cinnamon buns, the Heart pirates love your creation, but who is avoiding the kitchen at all costs? Of course - tall, dark and brooding white hat.
Will he eat the infamous cinnamon buns? Is he possibly risking his life for you, because he can’t stand the cute pout you exaggeratedly flash at him?
(You can choose the scenario)
I‘ll leave the fluff expertise to you ✨
Cinnamon Bun Chaos
Summary: Law can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling he's had since he's awoken. Is it the smell? Or perhaps he's sick.. and then.. oh dear. Will he give in to that cute, cute pout of yours?
A/N: help this was so frigging cute to write 😭 @ems-c-lee you know I've gotta do it! AHHHHHH *violent screeching over doc ensues*
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The first thing he'd noticed when he'd woken up was an odd, cinnamon and - very sweet smelling thing. Wearily blinking his eyes, body heavy from sleep, Law raised his head off his desk, noting he must've fallen asleep during another study. Limbs stretching, and allowing his mind to wake up, he noted the still hot coffee that had been placed on his desk. Of course, he thought, the slightest of smiles gracing his features, (Name)-ya always anticipates when ill wake. Taking the cup and stealing a quick sip from it, Law pulled on a hoodie and made to exit his room.
However, the moment he did, he was hit with a wave of unease. That smell was turning his stomach, just a bit. Which was odd. Being the ship's cook, he had always loved most of your cooking. Each flavor complimented the other, and while his sleepy mind could only tell cinnamon from the smell, he didn't mind cinnamon. Well, it could be how sweet it smells. He wasn't the largest fan of sweets, but what could possibly go wrong?
Each step increased that slightly uneasy feeling. His mind slipped away from the smell, for it couldn't be that: worry drifting into his mind. Somethings wrong. Something must be. Maybe its with me? Am I sick? This feeling could easily be sickness, and I'm mixing it up with anxiety. Ugh.
Opening the door to the kitchen, Law made a mental note to keep a physical distance from anyone until he did a check-up on himself. He was met with the kitchen to be crowded-
"These are so good, (Name)! Why didn't you make these sooner?!"
"My stomach is.. in heaven."
"Thats weird, dude!"
There you were. Leaning against the counter with a satisfied glint in your eyes, laughing at the crews antics with whatever it was you had made. Yet that feeling, it worsened, but in the moment, Law chose to ignore it, feeling his mind melt when your smile directed at him.
"Captain! You're up early." You greeted, moving over to meet him. Law nodded, taking a quick drink from his coffee. "Had a weird feeling. It's a bit early for breakfast." He glanced at the crew, who'd hadn't noticed him. "I'll get breakfast started in a few, yeah. I decided I'd mess around and make an old favorite though! Cinnabuns!"
Oh. Oh that's why he had a weird feeling.
"...bread." Law stated, raising an eyebrow. He found himself physically withdrawing himself closer to the door, and you laughed, "hardly! Sure it's made from dough but it's delicious! Cinnamon and sugary and gooey goodness!"
Law mentally cringed, and by now, the three others in the kitchen had taken note of Law's presence. Penguin chimed in, "mornin' Captain! She's absolutely right, you should try one!"
Bepo, who was currently looking like his brain had gone to heaven, "they're amazing!" And Sachi, "I bet you might even like it! It's (Name)'s cooking, after all."
"No way. Keep that bread nonsense away from me." Law grumbled, slowly moving towards the door. You chuckled softly at his movements, staring up at him with doe like eyes.
"Captain.. I spent hours on these.. atleast try it! One small bite?"
You pleaded with him, knowing damn well what his weakness was. Puppy eyes. That way you peered up at him, eyes so wide and innocent, a smallest of pouts resting on your face. It didn't help that Bepo was right behind him, staring at Law with that damn adorable fuzzy face. He could barely resist Bepo, let alone you. And with the two of you combined?
"...don't make me try the most breadlike sweets in existence, idiot!"
You had him backed to the wall, still staring at him, and god he was struggling. "Captain.. jist one bite! I promise I won't make you try any other bread thing againnnnn.." honestly, you weren't even aiming to make him try it: but the way he was squirming was absolutely precious, his ears turning pink as he mentally battled the pros and cons.
"Ack! Scatter!" Penguin shouted, laughter filling the kitchen once again as you all scrambled to escape, but it was futile. Atleast it was for you. One second, you were almost out the door, and then-
You were in Law's. You could never quite get used to his powers moving you around, it was rather disorienting for your mind. Looking back, you saw him: tall, stoic, a shadow over his eyes, ..and a cinnamon bun in his hand.
"Cap- Law," you corrected yourself. In private, he insisted you call him by his first name. In public.. well, the crew wasn't aware the two of you were dating, so you kept it professional with them. Even if you both weren't aware the crew had long since figured out you both were dating. "-you don't actually need to try it, I was just teasing-"
He raised a hand to silence you. "..just.. give me a minute." Law was glaring at the sweet bread treat in his hand, mentally battling if it was worth taking a bite. Even now when you reassured him of that, you still had those expectant, curious doe like eyes and that cute pout on your face.
You watched as he took a bite, slow and cautious. He was expressionless, chewing it for what seemed like hours, before swallowing and setting the treat down on his desk.
Slowly, the man moved towards you. You laughed nervously, stepping away with each step towards you, "..was it good?"
He moved closer until your back was to the wall, and he was right in front of you. Tattooed hands gripped at your shoulders as he lowered his forehead to rest on yours, staring at you intently. "...law?" You questioned, unsure if he was having some sort of allergic reaction, or post cinnabun crisis, but you shied away regardless.
"...." He dropped his head on your shoulder and pulled you close- tighter than usual.
"..if it wasn't bread, it might've been good." He forced out at last, pressing his face into your neck. "But please, dear heavens, never make me eat that again."
A relieved breath escaped you as you laughed, wrapping your arms around your tense boyfriend, "Roger that! ...I'll make not bread Cinnamon buns then! ..somehow."
"I'd like that."
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ubtendo · 24 days
Imagine Torbek having gold-hazel eyes before everything happened and after the witchlight, it's now more like.... amber-ish, with flecks of Witchlight Magenta and little sparks of smth almost orange.
And while the WL cases some very SPECIFIC differences, he's somehow most self conscious due to his eyes - the more WL rushes in his veins, the more Magenta his irises become. It's almost just blanched the melanin in his irises when it gets to higher concentrations - or just glows brighter than the finely woven muscles in there. He can't articulate why it bothers him so much, but it's... uncomfortable. Good, maybe, for the visual when he's closer to slipping with the Other, but still.... he's just not very happy about it.
Briggsy meets him first prior to the witchlight. And while the captain's eyes are not very good, up close, he can make out some of the color, it being so vibrant. And so Torbek is called all sorts of sweet pet names like "treasure" and "my golden love".
When Briggsy learns about the witchlight changes, he doesn't even hesitate. "I mean, the gold thing still stands - a heart of gold, right there!" And when he taps Torbek's chest, he tilts his head up with a grin. "And you know something interestin' about gems and stones? They come in all sorts of colors, have all sorts of meaning."
So Briggsy still calls his lanky lover his treasure and his precious gold. He just also happens to call Torbek things like "my diamond" and "my rose ((quartz))" and "m' lil Padstone" or, for Special Occassions, "my ruby eyed angel".
((And if Briggsy has a friend help him color match to have on him for Random Spoiling Hours, then that's HIS business))
((Tbf though Torbek has a moonstone necklace bc it reminds him of Briggsy))
Let them be healthy and sickeningly sweet
Okay I'm done now ily baaaiiiii
Pet names.... pet names my beloved... save me pet names....💖💕💞💖💕💞💕
"Heart of gold", I can't anymore you people break me for REAL
We can leave all the sad and dramatic stuff for the other ships, we just harbour all the fluff for Briggsbek in our little cave like spiders (or more accurate; we roll those two I a ball like dung beetles because they are stinky)
Also since I was curious what colour the mix of hazel and magenta actually is here is a visual representation of what I might is
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Turns out it's like a deep chestnut colour
And since you've mentioned gemstones as nicknames I've got curious about that too and I've spent some time searching up a few ones trying to find a match ( I don't know if there is a more officiant way other than typing brown gemstones on Google but that's what I did ) and from what I could find red jaspers seem like a good match
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Aaaand you can do with that info whatever you want, I'm just feeding your people's shipping manic with my curiosity on accident (I love you all for that💖)
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eyelessfaces · 2 years
poe dameron x reader
summary: poe has no idea why you won't talk to him, and he's determined to find out. a small mission on a foreign planet might just help him get what he wants.
warnings: mentions of death, reader being angry with poe, a bit of angst
tags: gn!reader, idiots in love, poe being a menace and a simp, fluff
word count: 2.6k
a/n: it's babyboy hours. I can't get this man out of my head, so here you go. I love the idea of him being desperate for reader <3
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It wasn’t usual for you and Poe to fight. It was actually rare. And you couldn’t really say it was a fight– it was one-sided because Poe wasn’t mad at you and seemed to have no idea why you were angry with him.
To your absolute delight, Leia had sent you and Poe to an undiscovered planet to look if there were people there or not. 
And of course it had to be just you and Poe, and you were pretty sure Poe had begged Leia for it to be just the both of you.
You didn’t mind being with him– he was your friend and you loved him more than words could describe, but today was not the day and the context made it hard. The tension was palpable and you knew that Poe wanted you to be alone with him so you wouldn’t be able to ignore him like you had been for the past few days.
And you also knew that when Poe wanted something, he would do just anything to get it.
That’s why he was following you closely, observing each one of your movements while you were acting as if you hadn't noticed his gaze was clinging to you.
You hadn’t exchanged a word since you had hopped into the ship to take off from the base. Exchanged no, but Poe was Poe so Poe had been talking monologues trying to get you to say something for the past hour.
You hummed and nodded when necessary, but did your best to ignore anything else. You hated to have to do this, but you were pissed.
Dead leaves were creaking under your boots as you progressed through the orange forest looking for something unusual. The air was tropical, forming small beads of sweat at your foreheads. It was bearable, even comforting in some kind of way. The planet was pretty, a dense forest of trees with pointy orange leaves with white dots on them. In fact you hadn’t seen a prettier planet since the one Poe brought you to to have a picnic on your birthday. The memory made you fight to bite back a smile.
You grumbled as your foot caught on a root and almost made you trip on it. You really didn’t need to get even more upset. You only wanted to do what Leia had asked you and come back to base as soon as possible.
“You know, when I discovered this planet it made me think of you.” Poe affirmed, raising his voice. You frowned a bit, and you were glad he was walking behind you and couldn’t see you. “Breathtakingly pretty, hot but can get really cold so kriffing fast.”
You stopped your steps and turned to him. It had been years and the constant flirting still didn’t fail to strike you, but the implied reference to your angriness at him is what got you to turn to him.
“And it’s orange. You love orange.” he added with a grin.
You rolled your eyes in a mix of annoyance and amusement, and turned away to keep on walking.
He cleared his throat. “Good thing I’m in my flight suit most of the time” the cockiness was clear in his voice.
“Oh shut up Dameron” you finally blurted out. You would have laughed at his speech if you weren’t trying your best to just do your job and ignore his antics. A small smirk appeared onto Poe’s face at the so awaited sound of your words.
“Dameron? I’m getting the last name treatment?” he asked, acting over offended. You could clearly imagine the face he was doing, undeniably used to his sarcasm.
You chuckled silently and didn't respond. The orange trees were slowly becoming less and less frequent as you walked through the forest, and you were starting to think that a new area was going to reveal itself and that your mission was finally going to get somewhere.
“At least you finally said something, I guess we’re getting somewhere” Poe added under his breath, and you would have reacted if you hadn’t been struck by the sight of a seemingly never ending landscape of turquoise water after you pushed some branches away. Three planets were adorning the sky, placed in the shape of a triangle and surrounded by huge mountains far away. You had never seen such a prettier landscape before, and the maker knew how many planets you had been to and how many wonders you had discovered.
You stopped and stared at the wonderful view, and Poe placed himself right beside you. He took a moment to look at the breathtaking scenery before turning to you.
“See? It’s lovely.” 
You tore your eyes from the view to look at him and nod before immediately turning away when you met his gaze. You sighed as you started to retrace your steps, venturing into the forest again.
“Hey what are you doing !” Poe exclaimed, staying in place.
“We don’t even know what we’re looking for, and it surely isn’t it.” you replied, looking back at him, waiting for him to join you to continue your mission. It wasn’t like him to stop and stare at a view instead of doing his job.
He chuckled and pinched the bridge of his nose before looking back at you.
“Because you really thought we were sent here to look for something? I just needed us alone to figure out what I did wrong, I thought it’d be obvious. And I thought you’d like the view.” 
“Oh my– Poe you didn’t”
“I did.” he declared, shrugging, a small pout on his face. “Figured you would break and finally speak to me, and you did.” he smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned his side against a tree.
“You have got to be kidding me.” you sighed. “I’m gonna kill you.” you affirmed pointing at him, sounding way less serious than you hoped to. 
“Sure thing sweetheart.” he scoffed, nodding fervently. You knew. You knew he had done it to be confronting you, but if you had expected the whole mission to be fake– “We’re not flying back to base until I get to know why I’m getting the silent and last name treatments package” he continued, and you didn’t know what made you most angry with him: the fact that he really had no idea why you were mad at him or the fact that he had you almost kidnapped on this planet.
“Oh you really don’t know why I’m mad at you?” you blurted out readjusting your position on your feet, becoming impatient.
A slight frown drew between his eyebrows, and he looked back at you in obliviousness when he still couldn’t figure out why you were acting the way you were acting. He searched in the deepest confines of his mind for something he could have said or done to you, but he really couldn’t think of anything.
You sighed loudly, chest heaving as the air escaped your lungs. It was almost a sigh of relief even though there was everything but relief at this moment.
“Do you remember that day where we talked about what we would do once the war is over?” you asked, and he immediately nodded. Of course he remembered, your words had resonated over and over again in his head for days. “I need you to stop doing stupid things on missions Poe.” you hissed. He closed his eyes and stopped you as a chuckle escaped his mouth, holding his hand in front of you.
“No– You want this as much as I do. I promised myself to accept your advances once the war is over, and–” you gulped as a sick feeling lodged into your chest. “I want you Poe, and the only thing keeping me away from having you is this war. I need you to be alive once it’s over”
The reflection of the leaves bathed his face in a warm color. The hotness in the air made his golden skin glow, and you were almost mad at yourself for being mad at him.
He scratched his forehead with his thumb and stepped towards you as he sank his teeth into his lip.
“Let me talk” you ordered him before he could speak. “For once.” you said raising your chin to the path to where he parked his ship, ordering him to follow you.
He sighed and nodded as he started to walk behind you to where you were coming from.
“I hate being mad at you. And I hate seeing you do stupid, unnecessary moves that could get you killed even more.” you explained, trying to make things clear, though you knew how stubborn and impulsive he was. “I know you can’t help it and I know you’re obstinate but I need you alive at the end of this war, otherwise it’s all for nothing.”
“Why do you even want to wait for the war to be over for us to be something !” he chuckled, following you closely. 
“So I can be sure you make it out alive ! Don't you get it?” you exclaimed before sighing, putting a hand over your forehead. “That’s the whole point of what I told you. I don’t want to have waited this long for it to never happen because you died doing something stupid during a mission. If I promise you to be yours by the end of this war then it motivates you not to do irresponsible stuff.”
“I know– and I get your point. But… You know how impatient I am, and you’re guaranteed that I’ll be even more careful if–”
“Poe” you sighed as you stopped your steps, a smile creeping over your face against your will.
“You know we both want it, and at this point this is torture for both of us.” he said putting a hand over your shoulder and walking around to face you. “I know you want me so bad” he muttered under his breath with overconfidence poisoning his voice and his signature shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“Right” you giggled as you smacked his hand away. You sighed with a laugh quickly following.
“Do you know how many people are gonna be jealous of you for dating me?“ his deep brown eyes were glowing as he spoke, his hands resting at either side of your waist. You could feel your heart thumping faster by seconds, your smile never leaving your face.
“I’m doing them a favor by not doing it then” you joked with a smirk as you brushed away the hair falling over his face, admiring his frustrated expression. You sighed once again and rested your hands at either side of his neck, the feeling of his warm skin making you forget how angry you were at him not so long ago. “If I cave in, do you promise me to be more careful?” you asked as your eyebrows jumped, desperately needing a positive response.
He sighed and let his head drop. He looked back at you and let his tongue trail over his bottom lip before speaking. “I can’t promise you, but I can try.” 
“Good.” you affirmed, your nails gently scraping at the back of his head, fondling his tiny curls there. “You know how I feel about you Poe”
He nodded swiftly, and his eyes couldn’t help but travel from your eyes to your lips. He wanted them so bad, your lips against his. He had been wanting them for the longest time and it was just plain torture.
He rested his forehead against yours, and you carefully stared into his aching brown eyes as you cupped the side of his jaw. You were both sweaty but you couldn’t care less, this proximity was more than what you had ever experienced with him.
“And are you gonna cave in?” he murmured almost mischievously, a grin adorning his face, and you chuckled at how eager he was.
“Maybe” you teased as you gently fiddled with the chain around his neck. “Maybe I will”
His nose softly brushed against yours, and your stomach sinked at the intimate gesture.
“Please” he murmured, his thumb gently stroking over your shirt at your hip. “Can I kiss you?” he pleaded.
You didn’t think about it twice and offered him your lips in response. They pressed against his with such eagerness, and the small sound he made against your mouth after he closed his eyes resonated within your whole body. 
His heart was pounding as fast as when he took those risks during missions. The same feeling of adrenaline shot through his veins and he was drunk on this feeling, and it somehow felt more adventurous than his prowesses in his X wing.
His hand was fast to meet your cheek; the pads of his fingers brushed your hair back, and you smoothed your thumb against his light stubble in response. 
The feeling of his deft mouth pressed against yours made your knees weak, and you knew he acknowledged it did when you felt him grinning into the kiss. 
You tugged sharply on his chain and brought him even closer, a small gasp leaving his lips as he laughed against your mouth. He rapidly left open mouthed kisses on your lips, once, twice, three times before his mouth shifted to softly and so gently kiss your cheek.
“It was about time” he murmured against your skin and you ran your hand through the dark brown curls at the back of his head. “But it was worth the wait” he affirmed as he pecked your lips one last time before pulling away.
You softly smiled as his dazzling eyes observed your face carefully, the feeling of the back of his knuckles caressing your cheek sending shivers down your spine despite the sweltering heat. 
You admired every detail of his face carefully, the occasion of being that close to him having never occurred before. The way his deep brown irises glistened slightly as his pupils were dilated, the way the corner of his eyes crinkled as he smiled, the way his golden skin practically glowed at the way the warm light pierced through the branches, the way–
“You’re blushing” he teased out of the blue, tearing you from your thoughts.
“Huh? I’m not.” you chuckled before clearing your throat and looking away from his face, sudden awkwardness hitting you like a blaster shot. “It’s just hot on here.” you half-lied, scratching at your neck nervously.
“Mhm sure” he hummed as he raised his eyebrows.
“Hm. Come on. We need to go back to base” you affirmed dodging the bullet, walking around him to start walking again, indeed feeling hotness creeping at your cheeks.
“You could admit I’m a good kisser at least” he suggested as he followed you, reaching to walk beside you.
You rolled your eyes at his cockiness. “Eh I don’t know, I’d need multiple samples of experience to establish an accurate diagnosis” you teased back, and you immediately heard a scoff escaping his lips.
“Anytime you want, sweetheart” he affirmed as he slid his hand into yours, and you immediately laced your fingers with his as you looked back at his face with a cheerful smile.
“It’s just for science though” you declared looking at him sternly.
“Hmm, just for science, of course.” he nodded at you.
“But you still gotta promise me to be more careful every time you hop into your X wing, otherwise–”
“Yes– You have my word” he affirmed, cutting you off, smiling at you. 
And what was Leia’s surprise when Poe couldn’t help but smile like an idiot for the rest of the day, heavily contrasting with his obvious previous frustration.
The “mission” went well, apparently. More than well, when she saw the kiss he left on your lips before taking off with his X wing where he promised you to be extra careful.
reblogs and feedback are appreciated!!
star wars taglist: @apollo-enthusiast @lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @alexxavicry @Leerose42779 @mystinky-butt
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danieldrivesfast · 3 months
Thoughts on Lestappen and Lestappies? And the narratives they spin and their media literacy, or lack thereof?
At its core, I have no problem with anyone's ship. I am very pro-fanfic. Hell, I've been participating in a fanfic/RP situation for twenty years now. (I am old.) My love of the creativity and expression that goes into fanfic and fandom is very deep.
My problem is when people can't or won't separate their characters from the actual, real-life human beings they're based on. I feel like the very recent normalization of using ship names and "fandom speak" in actual sanctioned/corporate media has caused a lack of separation. There has always been a barrier between the personas in fanfiction/fandom and the real humans, but that's gone now.
When it comes to "Lestappen" fans, I think there's a perfect storm.
Charles is a pretty boy with sad eyes and a traumatic backstory, plays piano and writes music, from a whimsical little country full of the rich and powerful, fulfilling a destiny that belonged to someone he lost.
Max is the superstar son of an abusive man, de facto stepfather to a little girl, hyper-focused on his special interest, the biggest threat to his competitors while also being a compassionate protector.
These two guys have competed since they were children, have a history of a fierce rivalry, came through the ranks at nearly the same time, and are now going head to head to be champion of the world.
That sounds like the most cliche setup of Mary Sues as rivals-to-lovers with a touch of hurt/comfort I've ever seen.
So when you take down the barrier between actual humans and the personas that are accepted as "canon" in fandom, you get whatever is going on with the "Lestappen" fans. Max and Charles aren't even that close in real life, but the fantasy is too good to pass up.
The group of Charles fans that call themselves the "Lecfosi" are overall very toxic (not all 16 fans, but holy shit), and when you mix that with the shippers who can't separate reality from fantasy, it's a noxious situation. What they've been saying to and about Lando and his fans after yesterday is borderline delusional. It's unnecessary. I can promise you that neither Max nor Charles would appreciate their behavior.
I think the ship on its own is very compelling. It's the inability to separate that fantasy world from reality, then using the fantasy to be truly hateful to not only fans, but directly to drivers and their friends/family that's gross and wrong.
It's obviously not all shippers. It's also not only "Lestappies" who are toxic. They just seem to be the loudest about it. (And this was asked about them specifically.)
As far as media literacy - that's an entirely different essay that applies to a much larger group than any one group of shippers. I'm sure I'll get annoyed enough to unleash that draft eventually. 😅
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rhytmrocket · 21 days
hey all! so that post about po ship names got more support than expected, and i see at least two people would like to know the names i've come up with. so, here are some of my better works!
note that i don't ship really any of these that much, mainly cuz the only ship ive definitively decided so far that yes this is my yaoi is kaijoe, and also because a portion of these are crack-ish ships that i haven't seen anyone ship like at all (although i haven't checked out po ao3 yet so some of these might actually exist and i just have a blind spot). so if that fact degrades the quality of the names for you, sorry i guess
bulldozer, for bull/sandman. coming from bull, and to "doze" is to fall asleep, and also bulldozer is a word. kinda surprised i haven't seen this ship around, to me it feels like at least someone would ship it.
chocolate milk, for bull/doc. chocolate for doc, and bulls are male cows and female cows produce milk. this is a ship i'm pretty sure exists, but i haven't seen a name for it yet, so maybe this is already an accepted ship name for it like with the glass cannon situation. who knows
bullrush, for bull/hondo. it's a pretty obvious name, but it sounds really good so it's staying here.
redbull, for sodabull. redbull is a carbonated energy drink, which is basically soda. also bull in the name. i know this is one of the bigger ships in the tumblr po fandom, and i cannot believe no one calls it this. i can't have been the first person to come up with this! but everyone calls the ship sodabull so i just gotta live with it but now i'm breaking my silence!! sodabull should be called redbull. i mean maybe not in tags cuz that could get it mixed up with the energy drink but like you know!
popstar, for soda/macho. pop from soda pop(inski), and star because macho is a hollywood star. i feel the exact way about this one as i do with redbull-- it's a good fucking name but i haven't seen any macho/soda shippers use it and it drives me nuts
russian roulette, for soda/aran. soda's russian, and aran has a theme of luck, thus roulette. i haven't seen this ship much recently but scrolling back a while on the soda tag shows that this ship has existed. and i have not seen it be called russian roulette. what is it with soda ships and not reaching their name potential?
piña colada, for hippo/soda. piña colada is an often-alcoholic drink (soda has references to alcohol, and also his name used to be vodka) with pineapple in it (hippo has a lot of connexions to pineapples). ok, this ship i have not seen anyone ship (yet). this name i really just randomly came up with, but i like it and i think it fits and sounds good
dragon dance, for dragon/heike. this is mainly a reference to the move from pokémon of the same name. i am just about certain this ship exists, but i just! haven't! seen it yet!
pizzapie, for pizza/clown. pizzas are sometimes referred to as pies, or pizza-pies, and clowns are known for throwing pastry pies as physical comedy. ok guys hear me out! uh! uh. ok i got nothing, this ship just entered my mind one night and hasn't left since, like a prophet recieving a vision from a god except the god is dionysus wasted off his ass.
spaghetti and meatballs, for pizza/ref mario. i have no explanation for this one. i am so sorry. idk why so many pizza pasta ships come into my mind, that fucker has 0 canon personality
pineapple-shaped disco ball, for disco/hippo. i think the name's pretty obvious. i uh once heard the word cluster "pineapple-shaped disco ball" and immediately thought "lmao that sounds like a ship name for disco kid and king hippo" and promptly put it on my note of ship name ideas. i really like it for them because it's verbose and clunky, it sounds like something their collective braincell and a half would come up with.
oh and! if a name i have here already exists, please do tell! especially if it's redbull or popstar, those two drive me mad. clown.
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thoughtsfromlayla · 3 months
A Pirate Quest For Me - Chapter Two
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Moodboard by: @dragon-kazansky
Summary: Despite the "Kraken incident" you're back on your feet for a new adventure and rare treasure. The inconspicuous map calls for three items: a mermaid's tear, a bottle of lightning, and a dream crystal.
Notes: ~3.4k words, this chapter was so fun to write. I'll be back from hiatus next week. Can't wait to see you guys again!!
Warnings/Tags: RIP Merman!Dream, chaotic bisexual disaster pirate reader, drunk reader, fingering, prostitution, queued post
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You’re drunk off the ship to Tortuga, with three bottles of rum in your system, when a missionary comes into your path and stops you. He stands in front of the door of the tavern that is calling your name and a rented room with two lovely ladies requiring your attention. 
“Do you know what the Creator wants? Do you know the actions of your life will lead you to the fiery pits of Hell? Join the Savior and repent your sins, pirate!” He praises in front of your stumbling self. 
“I know what the Creator really wants, dammit! They want me to kill my motherfucking self.” You scream into the face of the missionary, your breath foul with alcohol. “That’s why They fuck with me, that’s why They gave me Dream of the Endless as a soulmate and this fucked up ass life! But the joke’s on Them, I ain’t going to give that motherfucker the satisfaction!” Your drunken ramblings continue as you stumble into the tavern. You slam the door in the missionary’s face and grab a random bottle from the bar top. 
The tavern's commotion is loud and shakes the wooden beams on which the building supports itself. You brush off their shouts, wobbling on unsteady legs to the room you rented out for the night.
“Hello, ladies,” You greet them with a lopsided smile and take another swig at the bottle of rum. You briefly lean against the door frame for support as the prostitutes you have hired acknowledge you.
“Captain Fortune!” Katy and Tia greet you with a smile. 
You sit down on the provided wide armchair and beckon for one to come to you with a slow finger. Tia straddles your hips easily and smiles down on you. The other circles and sits on the arm itself, running her hands across your chest, and begins to peck your neck with short kisses. 
You grab Tia by the hair, pushing her lips towards your own as you drown your sorrows in her softness. She sighs as you force your tongue into her mouth, the taste of her mixing with your own. 
Your fingers graze across the thinness of her dress, across the mound of her breast, feeling as her nipple perks from the light sensation. Your hand explores further, familiar with the way her body is shaped, and traces down her stomach and cunt. She’s not wearing anything underneath, and your fingers grow slick as you run it back and forth across her slit. 
You watch as she moans, head thrown back, and even if she is pretending to love it, it’s enough for you. Your finger traces slow circles around her enlarged clit and your hips buck up into her impatiently. The smell of sex is heavy and thick in the air, the alcohol is doing its job of dulling your senses, and for one moment, you are allowed to forget.
Katy, meanwhile, is busy untying your blouse, your breasts spilling out as her hands go to grab at it. You moan into the touch, slowly pushing your finger into Tia’s weeping cunt. You pump the appendage as you feel the tightness of her around you.
“Please,” Tia begs and you smile.
“You know I love it when you say that, my sweet,” You croon with lidded eyes and add another finger into her. 
“I see you still enjoy the pleasures of the flesh,” Dream’s voice doesn’t surprise you when he comes into the private room.
“It is a good distraction… given current events,” You respond to him, sighing, not bothering to look towards him.
You take your fingers out of Tia, the slickness of her runs down your fingers and you indulge yourself in her taste, pushing your fingers into your mouth. Katy and Tia seem to understand the situation and peel themselves off of you, sauntering off to the provided bed and entertaining themselves. Instead, you keep your eyes on the two women who are more interested in each other than you at the moment.
“Does it remind you of the night you spent with me?” Dream asks hesitantly. 
“No,” You lie, your lips hovering over the bottle top. Both of you know you’re lying, but you pretend not to care. 
Morpheus watches closely as your wet lips close over the glass bottle. He would never admit out loud the effects you had on him, especially not when you tilt your head back and give him a view of your neck, or the way you swallow the rum slowly, he follows the movement down to your chest.
Oh, how your breasts heave under the influence of cheap and illegal moonshine. It should be moving like that underneath him as he ravishes you in the ways that you deserve. To make you squirm like the first and only night you spent in his bed. Morpheus wants to hear you cry out for him, to depend on him to bring you pleasure once again. 
When you finish the last of the rum, you lick your lips slowly, still watching the two bodies pleasure each other in front of you. You turn to Dream with a frown, remembering that he was the reason why you were denied your lovely time with your lady friends. 
You take in his clothing; he has shifted back into a human form, his tail splitting into legs. Your eyes take in high-waisted pants and a loose black blouse all covered by a long jacket with buttons down the center of it all. 
Your frown deepens as you stare at the hat he wore. “Is that my captain’s hat?” You growl at him, standing up to swipe at it. 
In your drunken state, the attempt is more pawing at him than swiping at him. Morpheus watches with amusement as you tumble after your actions, falling back into your chair with a huff. You groan, giving up too easily. 
You drop a pouch of coins onto the bed for Tia and Katy and push past Dream as you make your way out of the room, out of the tavern. You invert the bottle of rum, forgetting that the bottle was empty in the first place, and sigh. 
Dream follows you like a shadow, his footsteps empty on the merchant dock that you find yourself at. The late summer wind is hot and humid against your skin. The Dream Lord’s presence is like that of overtly sickly sweet candy. The type that gets stuck between your teeth and gums and makes your throat raw from consumption.
Yet, he doesn’t leave, he never will, not when you were right in front of him, not when you were merely an arm's length away. His fingers trace across the curve of your shoulder, feeling the way you breathe under his fingers. He presses himself against your back, and you rest your tired body against him.
It was his pathetic attempt at an apology, to admit that he had done something wrong, but his pride would never let him say the words out loud. Even as you wait for it, watching the sun dip below the horizon, the words never come. 
You’re starting to lose yourself in his touch, in the way his warmth spreads across your body better than any type of alcohol could possibly do. 
You hate it.
With a groan you push him away from you, turning towards him with a frown. The sound of the last ship disembarking its goods fades into the background as the two of you stare at each other. You’re not sure what came over you, perhaps it’s been a long time coming or it’s the alcohol in your system. But the weight of the empty rum bottle rests easily in your hands. 
You launch it full force at Dream’s face.
What’s worse is that Morpheus manages to tilt his head away just in time for the bottle to miss him. A beat of silence follows the two of you.
“You dare‒” He seethes at you. 
“Yes, I dare.” You cut him off by repeating his words, mocking his voice in the deep rasp that he has. 
The bottle thunks into an open barrel on the dock, floating to the top by the time you reach it. You peek inside, watching the squirming eels writhing against each other. Curiously you notice the zap of electricity between the bodies as they rub against each other. 
The bottle is in the center of it all, the nose turns downward and with a slackened jaw in disbelief, you see the electricity form within it. The ball of energy is sporadic inside the glass, bouncing off the walls of its enclosure. You grab at the bottle and bring it closer for inspection but as soon as the bottle leaves the eels, the electricity falls out of the bottle like unraveling yarn until it reaches the eels once more. 
“It needs more power…” You mutter to yourself, the cogs in your head are turning, albeit a little slower than usual. Dream’s presence is still looming over you, watching intently as you form a plan to achieve your bottle of lightning. 
You think back to the map, it said something about a dying star. That’s when it clicks in your mind. Off the Gulf of Mexico is a ship graveyard, stranded and broken by protruding porous rocks. The rocks are old and otherworldly because they came from…
“Meteorites.” You finish your thoughts out loud, turning to Dream with a satisfied smile. “I know where we must go next.” 
“We?” Dream raises an eyebrow at your choice of words. You had never been one to invite him on any of your excursions.
The way he looks at you makes your stomach churn and your throat dry. Simply, it is adoration.
Wait, no, it’s the alcohol. 
You double over as the contents of your stomach leave you the way they came in. The taste of acid is heavy on your tongue as you throw up dinner and several bottles of rum all over Dream’s shoes. It paints the shiny black leather into sickly green as you throw up again, the last lingering between your teeth. 
After you’re certain the last of your stomach is on the floor you peer at Dream, his face in utter exasperation as he looks between you and his shoes. He lifts a leg, the sound of your sloshing vomit is enough for him to retire any idea he previously had of cleaning it. 
“Sorry,” You groan, the smell making your nose scrunch as well. “At least I’m more sober now. I think.” 
“You think?” Dream repeats and takes a cautious step back, the sound of slime squishing beneath the boot. And for good reason too as one more bout of nausea washes over you and you empty your stomach once more. 
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When your swollen eyes open, the first thing you notice is that you’re back in your captain's quarters‒and that it’s morning. The seagulls are perching themselves on the small window ledge that looks out the back of your ship. An odd raven accompanied them, making you blink a few times to determine whether or not it is real. 
The thought is quick to disappear as an arm wraps itself tighter around your waist. You follow the arm with a judgemental look to find Dream of the Endless flush to your back. 
You throw the blanket off your body as if it is on fire, the action waking the slumbering Dream Lord. 
“You… me…” You point between your two bodies. “You! Me?!” You grab at your hair as you begin to pace around your quarters. You’re down to nothing but your ruffled blouse, which thankfully was enough to cover your more pirate parts, but otherwise you were completely exposed. 
“Nothing occurred,” Morpheus’ morning voice rumbles through his chest as he watches you pace around the room trying to find a pair of pants.
He recalls you doing the same thing last night only you were ridding yourself of the clothes instead of trying to find them. His eyes wander to the farthest corner of the room where he placed his boots, the flaking bits of vomit still on them, and shudders. 
“I’m never drinking again,” You groan as you jump into the pants from last night. You rub at a dark spot with a wet thumb and you’re not sure if it’s rum or if it’s Tia’s arousal that stained the pants. 
Dream’s ready and dressed by the time you open the door to the rest of the ship. The bustle of your crew working their morning chores greets you. The combination of the sun and their greetings causes the hangover headache to throb painfully in your head. 
“G’morning, Captain Fortune,” Theo comes to you with a canteen. 
“More alcohol?” You ask dryly. Maybe if you’re drunk again then you don’t have to deal with the consequences of what happens after you’re drunk. 
“No, water,” Theo replies as soon as you bring the bottle to your lips.
The water tastes like dried leather and staleness off the bottom of a barrel, yet it is the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. You finish the last of it, wiping the drops that manage to drip down your chin with the back of your hand. 
“Theo, set course to the Gulf of Mexico, be careful for rocks,” You mention vaguely to him as you slowly begin to recall the events of last night. 
“Lower the sails and head out of the coast by way of merchant routes,” Morpheus adds quickly from behind you. You turn to look at him with a sneer. What the fuck?
“Oh, uh‒” Theo blinks between the two of you. 
“Don’t tell him what to do, I’m the captain!” You jab a finger into Dream’s chest, feeling the lean muscle underneath. The wind begins to pick up and your crew of misfits start to put away their scrub brushes to set sail. 
“Well, he is wearing the captain’s hat,” Theo states matter-of-factly; he even points his finger up. 
You turn to him slowly with a frown, your jaw ticking as you grind your teeth together. “It’s my hat in the first place!” You scream as you point at the hat that rests comfortably on Dream’s head. The feather attached to the silk scarf around the leather hat billows in the present wind. 
“Yet, I made the ship,” Dream counters easily. 
“Sooo…” Theo draws out. “Who do I listen to?”
“Me!” You both say at the same time, yours more irritated than the dark, lanky man beside you. 
No, not a man, more than a man, you had to remind yourself with a shake of your head. 
“Theo,” You breathe deeply to reset yourself. “Just‒just get us out of dock.” 
“Aye-aye, cap’n.” You hear him say as you turn around. Maybe you should take a second nap. 
“What was that about?” You hear someone ask Theo between the huff and puffs of their breath as they secure a rope. 
“I dunno, maybe it’s a lover’s quarrel.” Theo shrugs as he goes to help. 
“It’s not a lover’s quarrel, we are not lovers,” You exclaim, hands flailing in the air as you whip around to their conversation. “I will hang you by your innards and fly you as my new flag if you bring it up again!” You groan and swing your room door open with a harsh exhale from your nose. Dream slinks in like a pesky bug that keeps flying in the same window. 
“Then why did he bring her back on the ship last night? And why did he get to stay in the captain’s quarters?” You groan as you hear the last of their conversation, flopping face-first into your bed. 
You take another deep breath to calm yourself, the smell of old libraries and leftover cinderwood invade your senses from where Morpheus slept. The idea that it’s actually calming your nerves makes you turn on your back. You’d rather be riddled with anxiety than be calmed by anything from Dream of the motherfucking Endless.
Dream roams your quarters, looking around in the space you’ve created for yourself. His fingers glide over the ivory globe that rests in the middle of the room, tracing the short journey to the Gulf of Mexico. 
As you cross territories, the late summer storms brew easily. Rain comes down in a soft sheet, waterfalling off the window. You’ve since gotten from your moping state and instead, find yourself staring out the windows, watching the waves crash into each other. 
The instructions of the map play in the back of your head and you only hope that you’re on the right track. The idea did, after all, come to you when you were drunk off your mind. The ship rocks slowly, Theo taking to your instructions quite well. The porous rocks pass by your window as you lose yourself in thought. 
“This is for you,” Dream’s voice brings you out of your stupor. 
You turn to him and watch as he places a familiar ceramic music box in your hands. He opens the box carefully and the two of you remain quiet as you listen to the nostalgic tune play in time with the dancing couple in the center. 
“I thought I lost it,” You whisper, tracing the frame absentmindedly. The song reminds you of the lullaby your mother used to hum to you to sleep. 
“No,” Dream pauses, picking his next words carefully. “It was left behind the night…”
Both of you think back to that fateful night many years ago. The storm that night was not so different from the one you currently face. Everything in your life had been working out just dandy. Though you were reluctant to be married off like traded cattle, it would have been a comfortable life. If only your father didn’t get hung for treason against the crown. 
At the end of the day, it costed your relationship with your future husband and your mother to run away from all allegations. Last you’ve heard, she’s managed to reinvent herself as someone else’s wife. In your vulnerability, you met Morpheus in a dream dawning on your 24th birthday. 
You lost yourself in the pleasure that he was able to give you; to forget your pain amidst the throes of passion and love. Wrapped in each other’s embrace, Dream sees a vision of you as his forever queen. In your softness, in every caress of your skin, in every clash of your lips, he solidifies his vision of you. 
Morpheus had finally felt at peace when he watched you writhe beneath him, eyebrows pinched, and the sound of his name on your lips. He woke the next morning to you missing from his arms. Dream watched from across realms as you stole the dowry meant for your ex-fiance and used the money to run away. 
You ran away from the consequences of your family, from the grief that had yet to find you from the death of your brother and father. From the betrayal of your mother. 
“Right,” You finish the thought by clearing your throat. Dream has yet to stop chasing you since that night. 
A knock breaks the moment and Theo enters a moment later. “Thank god,” You huff, placing down the music box on your desk and shutting it. The music that had filled the air stopped abruptly and it was once again just your thoughts that permeated the room. 
“Captain Fortune,” Theo starts. 
“Storm’s reached its peak?” You ask hopefully. 
“No,” Theo pinches his lips. His hands were oddly behind his back as he broke the news.
“Why do you always hurt me so,” You sigh sarcastically. “What is it then?” 
“I, uh, found a stowaway,” Theo reveals, a look of concern crossing his face.
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thelaurenshippen · 1 month
this month’s mixtape is a ship mix for whiskey/harry from @breakerwhiskey. they might be the slowest burn I've ever written and this soundtrack got me through!
This playlist came together pretty haphazardly at first--initially, I just had a playlist that was my dumping ground for songs that were BW-flavored but didn't belong on the main playlist. This is something I've started to do for projects in the last year or so. It started, as many things do, with creating a "DH Strays" for Desperate Hollow (the queer outlaw story I swear I will get published someday), and then grew from there. For Breaker Whiskey, the playlist is called "delta tune", a reference to the knob on a CB radio that takes you to the off-frequencies. Then I realized a real ship vibe was popping up in a lot of the songs I was choosing and decided to start building this. Why didn't I make a ship playlist to begin with? Well, to be honest, the main Breaker Whiskey playlist sort of was that. Their relationship is so central to the story and Whiskey's journey that I didn't think I needed a separate ship playlist. But, you know, I'm me, so of course I need as many playlists as possible. The thing that really kicked it over the line were the songs that felt like they were from Harry's perspective. 
So pretty soon I had a playlist that was fairly packed full of vibes. I've whittled it down considerably, and created a playlist that I think has a good flow and narrative arc. But that delta tune playlist still has some Whiskey/Harry vibes that are good, even if they didn't fit musically on the playlist: "No Children" by the Mountain Goats, "All Too Well" by Taylor Swift (Taylor's version of course), "When You've Got Trouble" by Liz Longley, "Drive Away With You"  by Jill Andrews, and "Stay" from Lempicka, which I mentioned in a newsletter a while ago - it really is the perfect song for them, but the musical theater vibe just doesn't fit. 
But let's get to the main event! This is a true 8-track mixtape. It is, I think, efficient and satisfying, packing a lot of emotion into 30 minutes of listening. 
1. "Can I Leave Me Too?" - The Greeting Committee 
If you go, can I go with you/if you leave me, can I leave me too?/I'm afraid that I might need you - I mean, this is a perfect song. This was really the song that kicked it off, because this is suuuuuuuuch a Harry song, my LORD. She's the one left behind, but she also doesn't want to fully admit she needs Whiskey and yet she also is trying to morph herself into something that will make Whiskey stay, even if that means withholding information from her. 
I'll never say your name again/if you don't want me - I love this lyric because it works on two levels for me. There's a sense of "if you don't want me I'll forsake you completely" but also a sense of "I don't deserve your name if you don't want me" but THEN, the thing that really gets me is Harry saying "I'll never say your name again if you don't want me to say it", given their whole thing with names and nicknames and the fact that Harry always called her Abigail when she preferred Abi. 
2. "Edge of the Earth" - Beaches 
Again, this song feels like it was written for them. One of them fire, one of them ice, going in circles and never moving forward? It's them.  
Like a race car driving away from the scene/does she want me to stay/does she want me to pack...You push me in circles/to the edge of the earth/where I can't go any further 'till I start coming back to you - I feel insane!! Those lyrics are just too perfect. I also love the imagery of spin me like a globe/and drop your finger on me. I used to love playing that game (but also, in retrospect, why did my parents own a globe?), and there's something about Whiskey and Harry being the ultimate determinants for each other of where they go. 
3. "In My Bones" - 76th Street
This song has just been sitting in my Apple Music for years and years waiting to be put on a playlist. It's in my "rent free" playlist, but was never in an original character or story playlist. And then it popped up on shuffle as I was building this one and it was like, "OH! Here it is!"
Even in the stillest nights you found a way to shake up my life - I love the idea that the two of them were living a pretty peaceful existence in Pennsylvania, quiet and sedate, and yet were STILL torturing each other. 
How do I feel you in my bones, even when I'm alone/the time you spend on my mind, it's like a second home/but I say that I'm doing okay/while I wait to hear a knock at my door/tell me we'll run away
4. "Too Sweet" - Hozier
A late add to this playlist, because it's still a fairly recent song, but come on. I take my whiskey neat? How could I resist. 
I also just love how this is a love song that's sort of...snarky. Like, I don't know that I totally buy that 'you're just too sweet for me!' is the takeaway of the song. To me, the lyrics really describe two very different people who are maybe trying to accommodate each other, or to be some version of themselves they think they should be, but it's not really working. 
You keep tellin' me to live right/To go to bed before the daylight/But then you wake up for the sunrise/You know you don't gotta pretend - both Whiskey and Harry do a degree of pretending around each other, but as they live together, those facades start to wear away. And then the question becomes - are the real versions of each other ones they want?
5. "Any Day Now" - Trousdale
Another great song about trying to live up to someone's expectations. Musically, this song fits here, but narratively, it is to me a very early-days-after-Whiskey-left song for Harry. This idea of "you left and I always let you down but I'm going to be FINE now" even though that's not at all true. And I looove that I know I said is sung by the lead but the accompanying I love you and I need you are sung off to the side like secrets or after thoughts. Because Harry didn't say those things and she just hoped that Whiskey would stay anyway. 
I've been sleeping too much, got a list that I have/yet to cross out, gonna get to it in a while is a perfect contrast to the lyric Since I left I've not been drinking or staying out late/Get up early and I meditate from "Runner's High" on the show playlist, which is very much a Whiskey song. 
But every time I hear your name/it's like somebody hit replay/on all the ways I let you down/I guess I'll be the villain now - I'm normal about Harry listening to all of Whiskey's transmissions and hearing herself be cast as the villain that she absolutely already thought she was. 
6. "Where It Ends" - Hunter Metts
"Ships Passing By" by the same artist is on the main playlist and initially "Threads" by him was on here (I never thought that I could lose you/So I tried/To hallucinate a love that never comes true). But then he came out with this track. 
If this is where it ends/where do I go when you know every part of me - okay, Hunter!!!! Kill us from the opening line!!!! 
Someone that you regret/on the interstate, I felt you getting colder/and I hope you're doing better ever since we were done/I hope you find forever with somebody you love, I guess/but I didn't think it'd cut like this - I think from the beginning - from the moment Whiskey hot-wired a car after killing Billings and drove her and Harry away - Harry felt like any chance she had of something with Whiskey was dead on arrival. I also love the "I guess" here because no, of course you don't really want that person you just broke up with to be happy, not really. 
7. "Everything" - MUNA
This songs makes me fully feral. MUNA is so good at writing universal experiences through laser specificity - the particular mindset of seeing something, anything, and thinking of that one person is such a real and potent thing. This song and the next are two songs that I have listened to on single repeat for quite literally an hour or so. 
Everything's about you to me is really just Whiskey's constant experience in driving around the country. 
'Cause the world could be burning/and all I'd be thinking/is how are you doing, baby? - an insane lyric!!!! Ahhhhh!
I can barely SPEAK about the bridge. I'm only here to tell you that I am eviscerated gets me EVERY time and you are a wildfire and I'm standing in the rain takes my brain completely offline. 
8. "can we start over?" - Charlotte Sands
I'm calling it now, this song is going to be in my top 5 most played songs this year. I think the last three months of this show were written to this song on repeat. And I'm going to do something I rarely do and just...copy out pretty much all the lyrics. Because it does feel like this was written purely to help me write the final act of this story. 
Can we start over?/Can we be strangers?/I could let go of all of my anger/Reintroduce you to all of my secrets/I'll never leave you, this time I'll mean it - UGH. That final line. The promises that Whiskey and Harry have made to each other, the secrets they've withheld. I just love the theme of "let's go back to the beginning, things will be different this time I PROMISE". But, of course, you never can start over, not really. 
We'd be like the movies/Be happy in the end/You wouldn't have to lose me/I wouldn't have to mend/Nothing would be painful/We'd never play pretend/Then maybe I'd be able to let you in again/Don't let me believe in you...I want to believe in you - The contrast between "don't let me believe in you" and "I want to" just kills me. That's really what it comes down to - I can't trust you again, even if you let me, even though I desperately want to. 
Maybe in a different life/Maybe at a different time/What if I was meant to be yours?/What if you were made to be mine? - the constant question. If they had stayed in their primary timeline, if they had gone into a different one, if they're able to get into a different one now, does that make things easier?
I know I've copied out almost the entire song but the lines "I could let go of all of my anger" and "this time I'll mean it" are really soooooo Whiskey. And "Can we be strangers...reintroduce you to all of my secrets?" is very Harry. I could talk about this song forever. My god. 
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boosterwithad · 1 year
All the headcanons for my ships. I might update this sometimes.
Ships include: Soapghost, Alegraves, Pricegaz, and Körangi. BUT i might add Krüni (Krüger x Oni), we'll see.
- Johnny can't cook. He tries, he tries so hard. He meticulously follows each instruction in the recipe, but it still comes out burnt or nasty. Simon, on the other hand, throws some shit in a pot, stirs it for a second and it tastes fucking amazing.
- Johnny can't cook, BUT he can clean. He's good at cleaning, like he kicks Simon out of the apartment, deep cleans it, and lets him back in to a fresh apartment clean as the day they first got it.
- Johnny can bake. And he loves baking. He used to bake on base whenever he was bored. It gave him something to do with his hands. Simon picked it up, but he mostly likes the decorating part. So, they opened up a small bakery near Johnny's hometown. Riley isn't allowed there, but it's alright because Johnny's sister and her kids love him.
- Sometimes they'll just sit together and do nothing. Johnny is drawing while Simon is flopped on his chest or playing with his hair. Just being in eachother's presence.
- They've got an old bomb dog. Riley. He's a good boy, can't see so well anymore, but he's happt to get loved on all day. He loves taking long walks through town with Simon.
- Simon runs cold, Johnny runs hot. Simon's favorite way to fuck with Johnny is to grab his pecs with his freezing cold hands and watch as Johnny squeals and smacks at him every time.
- Their petnames are weird. "L.t." for intance has become one. But Johnny will say more traditional ones just to make Simon flush. Simon isn't partial to cheesy nicknames, but occasionally a "honey" will slip out and Johnny will have to take a breather. Like, hand on counter fist over chest, sobbing and coughing type. He's a total simp.
- Most of the floors in their house are hardwood. Minus the kitchen and bathrooms. Simon hates carpet, he's seen how easily it get stained. John is indifferent, but he has to agree; Carpet never feels good on his feet.
- Johnny has absolutely NO filter. Whatever pops into his head is out his mouth before he knows it. Before they were dating, Johnny spat out a "Ye've got some bonnie chebs, Ghost" and had to use Simon's lack of scottish knowhow to bs his way out of that one.
- Simon is albino, he cannot go out into sunlight for too long. But Johnny really likes the beach. So obviously Johnny lugs a tent around for him.
- Simon hates needles, so Johnny helps him with his T shots.
- Simon struggles a lot with schizophrenic-like symptoms from his PTSD. Most of the time they're small auditory hallucinations, like someone calling his name, or the sound of gunfire. The more severe ones (which only really happen when he's off his meds) could be anything from fires to Joseph. He has a cocktail of drugs he takes just to keep them at bay.
- Johnny stims on everything. He cannot sit still, he'll either be bouncing from foot to foot or be antsy and restless. Simon has to kick him to make him stop every night because he just cannot relax.
It was such a bad issue that Johnny needed meds to feel normal. Sleeping pills and adhd meds. It made him feel really broken, until Simon started setting their pills out together. Simon is the strongest man Johnny knows, surely Johnny can't be broken if Simon takes meds, too.
- Johnny is 27, and Simon is 34.
- idk if I've ever explicitly said this but Simon has schizophrenia and complex-ptsd. The symptoms kinda mixed so he never really got diagnosed with schizophrenia until late in his career. It's rough, but he's pretty good at managing it. His best tactic is using his phone camera to determine wether or not he's hallucinating.
- Simon is lingeromantic caedsexual. It took him a very long time to trust Johnny completely. Johnny is pan, he wears his heart on his sleeve. His attractions are frequent but shallow, and Simon is the first he's found that he really got attached to.
- Johnny is obsessed with Simon's hair. Its fluffy and curly and he could run his hands through it all day.
- Alejandro is so gentle with Phillip. Normally, he's confident, and sure of himself. But he's never had a good thing in a while. Not since he and Rudy met. He's terrified he'll fuck it up.
- Phillip can't really cook in the way Alejandro is used to, but he does enjoy making Southern food for him. He also gets really upset when someone calls southern buscuits "Scones" because scones are made of sugar dammit.
- Alejandro loves to do Phillip's hair. He'll gently sit him in a tub and work soaps through his hair until Phillip is half asleep and his hair is clean.
- Their house is very cozy. It's got a stone fireplace and plenty of cushions and blankets. They even have a small library. The library may or may not be primarily made up of classified documents sandwiched with old history books.
- Both run cold. They cannot survive in weather below 65° F. They visited England once, to meet up with Price and Kyle, and regretted it.
- Once Alejandro got sent to Russia on a mission, Phillip never heard the end of it.
- Alejandro uses so many pet names. He only uses the cheesy Spanish ones. Like "Mi vida" and "Cariño" but his favorite is "Sombra". Phillip rarely uses any, but sometimes the southerner in him bares its ugly head and he lets a "honey" or "sugar" slip.
- Phillip is a big thrifter. It's a habit he never got over. He never hoards, but he might have a too-big collection of mugs
- Alejandro doesn't know Phillip speaks, or at least understands, Spanish. It's not that Phillip wants to keep the secret, but lazy nights when Alejandro is cooing spanish compliments at him in "secret" makes him keep it.
- Phillip religiously makes sweet tea. Every other day he refills a massive jug with it. Alejandro likes to pretend that he doesn't drink any, but he's shit at lying.
- Alejandro is the emotional one. He might not always be the best at handling them, but he's deffo not ashamed of them. Phil on the other hand was born in the conservative south to your typical toxically masculine family, he was ridiculed for showing emotions. Its embarrassing for him to show anything thats not anger, or to not be in control all the time.
- Alejandro has dermatillomania. He picks at his lips and whatever ingrown/double hairs he has on him, he rips the skin around his fingernails. It really frustrates him because he just can't stop. Phil has a knack for catching the behavior and redirecting his attention.
- Alejandro is obsessed with Phil's body. Not in a sexual way. But, he'll sit there with Phil in his lap just mapping him out with his hands with a massive grin on his face. His tummy, his muscles, his hips, Alejandro cannot get enough of him. He's just so damn pretty and Alejandro can't believe that Phil is his husband.
- Phil has the highest blood pressure man has ever seen. He is so stressed all the time, he looks about twice his age. Every night when he gets home, he'll shove his face into Alejandro's magical stress relieving titties and just cry.
- Phil is 38, Alejandro is 37
- they've got a small, lithe cat. A grey-based calico named Magazine, they call her Maggie for short.
- Alejandro sends Phil pics of everything. Like if he was stationed in Germany, Phil would get pics of anything from a silly looking car to a mountain or sunset.
- They have a cat. He's old, and geriatric, and his name is Greg. They love him very much, but he only loves Simon.
- Kyle is a family man, and was so excited to show John his family. John's parents weren't in the picture. He grew up taking care of his three younger siblings. He was nervous to meet them, to tell them he didn't have a family like theirs. But Kyle's mother took one look at him, sat him down for tea, and they talked for a real long time.
- They probably live in a cabin on the seaside. It's small, probably only three rooms including the bathroom, but it's enough for them. They take turns cooking, or they do it together. Then, they take long walks down the beach to find shells.
- John is a space heater, and constantly wakes up with Kyle spread over his chest. Hell, even Greg has taken to suffocating him in his sleep.
- Neither of them regularly use petnames, but John certainly turns into a 50 year old southern woman whenever they're cooking. "Oh, sugar, don't burn yourself" and "Babe, be careful with that knife." Kyle thinks its charming.
- Kyle only wears clothes two sizes up. He hates tight fitting clothing, and he absolutely hates anything that shows any of his torso. It's his biggest insecurity. John knows, maybe Kyle's never told him, but he knows.
- Kyle loves smoker candles. Not because John smokes, but because it reminds him of his home. I'll let y'all unpack that one.
- They have two blankets on their bed because they steal from eachother. Kyle will take it, then John will take it back. Frustrates Kyle to no end.
- Kyle has a designated chair in John's office. It has his name on it (literally) and Kyle is always huffy when someone steals it.
- Kyle hates coffee. John hates tea. They complete eachother. Kyle does tease John about being a "shit brit"
- John's family is either dead, or too far away for him to know. IIt really doesn't bother him, since it all happened a long time ago, but he cant help but feeling a little miffed that he never knew his mom very well.
- Kyle's background is of them. None of his social media mentions their relationship, which makes him upset, but fraternization with your commanding officer is a big oopsie. His lockscreen is Greg, but his background is a collage of all of his favorite moments together. It rips him apart that he can't gush about his husband, you know, because its highly illegal.
- John is 40, Kyle is 30.
- Kyle collects stupid instruments. Harmonica, spoons, singing bowl, kazoos. If they're small enough to fit in his pack, he grabs it.
- Kim's English is way better than König's. It was a suprise to them, since German is very close to English. Either way, Kim still makes fun of König (in jest, of course) for it.
- A lot of people expect Kim to be horrible with his money, but he's actually been clean from his addiction for a few years. He has a hefty sum in his accounts, and likes to let it sit and accumulate. König's is mostly empty, since he sends most of his money to his mother back in Austria. Kim is more than happy to pay for him too.
- König has to duck everywhere, and he never quite fits into bets right. When they got their first house, Kim said he'd take care of it. König didn't think much about it, until he got to the house for the first time. Every doorframe and ceiling was slightly taller. Tall enough that he didn't have to duck or crunch for space. Their bed was extra long and spacious, so he didn't have to crunch up or take up all the space.
- Kim is König's little hand warmer. He is small but he can heat a room in 5 minutes. König runs cold, like his hands will always be freezing. Its a real problem during the winter, but it's a perfect excuse for Kim to melt on König's chest when it too cold.
- Both use petnames. Never in English, König because he doesn't understand them, and Kim because he thinks they sound silly. König is a hopeless romantic, and probably would use something like "schatz", "suße" and "bienchen" while Kim would say "aein" only rarely.
- They've definitely learned enough of eachother's language to know what simple requests are. Kim will call across the house for König to do the dishes, and König will do them, then realize that not only was his request in Korean, but that he doesn't speak Korean.
- König has struggled with eating disorders his whole life. He was a twig in elementary school, and his mom fattened him up. But when he looked into the mirror after a few weeks, and saw a stomach, he nearly fainted. Kim didn't notice at first, König hides it really well. But after a while it's hard not to notice him refusing meals. He'll slip him something small, nothing scary.
- König can absolutely manhandle Kim and he uses it to his advantage. Kim can't reach something? Lift him up. Kim is angry? Pick him up. Kim is standing there all cute n' shit? Pick him up. Kim responds just like a cat, pout and all.
- Kim HATES fizzy drinks. They taste like static, and make his tummy hurt :( He'll wait for his sodas to go flat, ice them, then drink them. Like a psycho. König pretty much only drinks sparkling water and is mortified at Kim's soda habits.
- Kim's love language is touch. He likes to say he's not clingy, but König knows hes full of shit because he cannot sleep without him.
- König's is definitely gifts. He likes to give Kim rocks. He knows a lot about them, and they're really easy to come by. Other times he'll just give him random shit he picked up. A small peice of tarmac from Ukraine, a pebble from Nepal, a small bottle cap from Nicaragua. Kim has a whole collection of stuff from him and he refuses to give any of it up.
- Kim hates clothes. He'll just lounge around König's room in just his boxers or a pair of sweats. He likes being warm, not uncomfortably warm, but warm. König has an entire stash of Korean snacks for him since Kim hates western snacks (except for Blue Takis for some reason).
- Kim is 32, König is 33. Kim jokingly refers to him as a grandpa, to which König gently reminds him that, that would make him a grandma.
- König has THE thickest hair you will ever see in your life. It's curly but its super long so it's like a goddamn waterfall. Meanwhile Kim has really thin, and delicate hair. It's soft and silky.
- Kim does NOT do good in the dark. This man is terrified of being trapped in dark rooms. He clung to König like a baby every night until König realized what was wrong.
- they have a pikachu nightlight.
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kingconia · 1 year
Hello hello hope everything is going well today! May I request 11. From the prompt list with maybe Epel or Ace? Take your time and look after yourself yeah?
A/N: greetings. i hope that your day was fine as well. thank you very much =} i chose Ace for this one. i hope you don't mind.
ace trappola × gn!reader
11. ”I think you and I make an amazingly stupid couple.”
”I know! Our two braincells combined together make for quality entertainment and a unique kind of stupidity.”
Everything started with Deuce's thoughtless remark about how strangely glued Ace and you seemed to be. Much like a pair of lovers. And though a sentence itself wasn't offensive—in fact Deuce didn't even realise what had he said—he should've know better than to bring this up in front of students. Because everyone know what happens, when a school starts to ship someone! It never ends!
A week full of jokes from others—because, of course, Cater managed to drag all houses into that mess—made Ace and you come to conclusion, that maybe, Deuce needs to be punished.
(In retrospective, you couldn't name at least one reason either why you thought it was a good idea, or why you chose Deuce from all the people.)
Nevertheless, all these events brought you to his exact point, where Crowley found out about your prank—that went wrong—and sent you to wash the floor in the cafeteria.
Oh, and Riddle put a collar on Ace.
So, yes, now both of you were useless.
”I can't believe that they are blaming us,” Ace groaned, leaning on his broom lazily, hardly making anything for an hour of being here. ”Like, they started it. Isn't it stupid?!”
You sighed in agreement, stopping your attempts to wash the floor.
”Tell me about that, Ace... And these rumours, don't they sound ridiculous?” You huffed, shaking your head. ”Like, I think you and I make an amazingly stupid couple, anyway.”
In a good way, actually.
Truth to be told, you liked Ace. At first as a friend, and much later as a, well, possible lover. You never admitted that aloud to anyone, not even to Grim—for better, probably—and after what happened, didn't even plan to.
You was kind of... Mad at Ace?
The thing was, when Deuce brought it up, he suddenly started to deny it so loudly and aggressively, that it actually seemed offensive. But you got the hint. Really. Not like you waited for your feelings to be returned, but...
”I know!” Ace nodded quickly. ”Our two braincells combined together make for quality entertainment and a unique kind of stupidity.”
”That sounds awful,” you said, rubbing your cheek.
”I actually find it hilarious,” he hummed, more thoughtful this time. His eyes fell on the window, instead. ”Such a shame we aren't dating.”
You stopped, confused. Was he giving you mixed signals or you were simply overreacting?
”Well, and whose fault is that, Ace?”
What should've been a joke, low-key turned out to came out as a genuine question.
”What?!” Ace choked on the air. ”Clearly not mine.”
Your willingness to apologise vanished instantly, instead, growing in a pure irritation. Like hell it wasn't his fault! Whose then?
”Are you implying on me, mister hey, Deuce, stop being such an idiot! Y/n and I are not dating?”
Ace frowned at you as if you just said something unbelievable rude.
”Yeah, because I was protecting your honour! What was yours justification for saying ”We would never”, though?”
You gasped scandalously. How dared he to assume that you would actually never date him?
”I was protecting your honour!”
Both of you made a step forward hastily, completely forgetting about the fact that floor was wet. Instead of continuing bicker uselessly, Ace and you tripped, falling on the ground with a crushingly loud sound.
You felt your chest hitting against a cold surface, and you only managed to cover your face.
You glared up at Ace, who felt on his butt, and now was groaning in clear pain.
For a minute, both of you were recovering.
”So,” Ace started calmly, first to break this silence, ”you like me, prefect?”
You sighed.
”Yeah... And you, Ace?”
You saw his round face reddening instantly at this question, and couldn't help but wonder if you look that embarrassed as well.
"Yeah... Same.”
”Cool.” You mumbled awkwardly.
”Cool.” He nodded, no less shy.
As your eyes met, though, the laugh escaped your chests, an absurdity of the whole situation dawning on you only now.
You spent a whole week, being offended by being called a couple—and, secretly, by the fact that both of you refused to be called as such—only to realise that you, in fact, were a couple.
How stupid.
”An amazingly stupid couple in the action,” Ace muttered, leaning to touch your hand.
You smiled, putting weight on him, to stand up.
As he helped, bringing you closer to him, in an attempt to hug, someone interrupted you with a sudden cough.
”I would appreciate if... An amazingly stupid couple will finish their cleaning in time.”
A smile disappeared from your lips, when you noticed Crowley, standing in the doors, studying both of you with a mix of amusement and disgust.
The silence was... Loud.
It became even louder when Ace reminded you that as soon as Deuce realises that he was pranked for nothing, an ice latte wouldn't be enough to save your asses from his rage.
Well. At least you were together in this, right?
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deakyjoe · 2 years
A Million Love Songs
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader (no pronouns used)
Category: fluff
Summary: If music be the food of love, play on.
Warnings: mainly fluff, talks of dead family and planet troubles, Din being awkward
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Din Djarin, my beloved. Title taken from the Take That song of the same name. Proof read? No. Enjoy!
When Din had announced that you'd be leaving the ship for the first time in weeks after finally landing, you were elated. You'd dropped your tools and jumped up excitedly. Weeks of travelling, going in and out of hyperspace, had you almost crawling the walls. And when Din had said you could accompany him to a small town, you just about squealed with delight.
He'd taken you into the small town and led you to the local cantina where a live band were playing. He hadn't thought much of it until you beelined for them. Din watched you stand there enamoured by the band in front of you, eyes wide and unblinking as you stared longingly at the group. He wondered why you seemed to be enjoying them so much. They were average at best. Maybe live bands weren't as common on your home planet?
He allowed you to watch for a while, liking how you seemed to be loving it so much, before leading you away to a table so he could order some food for you and the kid.
He waited until your meals arrived to broach the subject.
"You don't have music where you're from?" It was half a question and half a statement, he'd made the assumption based on your reaction to the band before. And he seemed to be right when you answered him.
You shook your head, thinking back to your planet. "No, my home was too remote. Didn't really see much of anything." Suddenly remembering something, you paused. "But one year we had a really good harvest so my family travelled to the closest city to sell some things and there happened to be a festival. I saw a band. A live band! It was the best day ever. The only time I've ever heard music that isn't coming out of my own mouth. Until today."
Din frowned beneath his helmet. He thought it was slightly odd. "Not even on Tatooine?"
"No." You sighed at the thought. "I was only there for a couple of days before you arrived."
Seeming sad at the idea, Din couldn't allow you to miss out on something so simple yet so wonderful.
"I'll take you back one day. Soon. There's a band there that I think you'd like." The words were quiet but held a promise in them, a promise that Din vowed to keep.
Hope filled your voice. "Really?"
"Yes." Even if he had no previous intention of keeping his word, the way your eyes lit up at the idea would have changed his mind. "Really."
"Thank you."
"It's no trouble. I'm on Tatooine often."
"Hmm." He was silent for a moment. "Where are you from? I don't know if you've ever told me."
"Uhhh..." Your nose scrunched at the question.
"What? You can't remember?" He chuckled softly at your confused expression.
"No, it's not that." You rolled your eyes. "I'm just thinking... I don't think there's a translation for the name in Basic."
"Oh-" His head tilted back in surprise. "Say it in its original form then."
A lengthy word tumbled from your lips, sounding like a mix of vowels overlapping consonants and syllables being either so extended or shortened that it was hard to pick up on whatever you were saying.
"Long? I know. Took me until my late adolescence before I could pronounce it." You rolled your eyes and shrugged. "It was home."
"Why'd you leave?"
The way your mouth turned down at the corners had Din regretting his question.
"You don't have to-"
"No, it's okay. Umm..." You thought back to your planet, happy memories of it playing around in your head. "The climate started to decline a few years back. It became impossible to grow or harvest anything after a while. The planet was dying, as were its people. So my family sent me to Tatooine in the hopes that I could find somewhere for us to move to and settle down."
"And did you?"
You shook your head sadly. "The time it took me to travel there was too long. They all died before I got the chance.”
"I'm sorry."
You shrugged again. "Things happen."
"And that's when I found you?"
Your expression changed into one of happiness, of adoration. "And that's when you found me."
He softened at the way your face lit up at the mention of the two of you meeting, he felt the same.
The group of you sat in mostly silence for the rest of the meal, the child babbling every now and again and you blindly agreeing with whatever he was trying to say.
When you were done, Din handed you everything. Including the baby. "Take the kid back to the Razor Crest. I've got to pick up some things and inquire about a bounty here."
You nodded and slung the bags over your shoulders, careful not to jostle the child too much. "Okay, how long will you be?"
He gave a short shrug, the metal of his armour clanking together. "Not long. Maybe an hour or two."
"Hmm, alright." You pondered something for a second. "I might try to do some repairs in the hull. Small stuff."
Din nodded. "Okay."
"See you later and stay safe." You smiled at him, sweet and sincere.
He loved your smile. "Always do."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him. "Yeah, okay."
And then you parted ways.
The bounty was unsuccessful so Din moved onto the market fairly quickly, walking around and buying the essential supplies. He managed to negotiate a few of the prices down with the mere intimidating aura of his presence.
It was when he reached the last stall in the market that his eyes landed on an object tucked away at the back of the table, partially obscured by a scarf.
"How much for this?" He asked the woman who owned it, picking it up and freezing when she announced a number that was way over his budget.
"You want it as a gift for someone? A special friend perhaps?" She sent him a knowing smirk.
He nodded. Whilst not strictly true in the way she was implying, Din considered you to be pretty special. Just not special enough to spend all of his remaining credits at once, no matter how much he really wanted to.
"Then have it."
He glanced up at her through the visor, assuming he'd heard her incorrectly.
"Take it. Give it to them and make them happy. Pfft, that has been sitting there since my son was a boy." She gestured at the fully grown man sitting behind her asleep. "Nobody wants it. But if it'll make your friend happy then have it."
"No, let me give you something for it."
"Nonsense. You have already bought half of my goods! Take it!" She cried at him, waving her hands to shoo him away.
"Thank you." He said, walking away once she'd nodded at him one last time to confirm.
The journey back to the Razor Crest was quick, given the fact that Din was almost running. He was nervous to give the gift to you, unsure if you'd like it. Logically, he knew you would. But he still doubted himself.
When he reached the ship, the doors wouldn't open fast enough. He waited impatiently as they hissed open and trudged up the ramp when they finally did.
"Hey, you're back!" You called to him from the end of the hull, head buried in a circuit board protruding from the wall. Din didn't even want to know what you were doing.
So he said nothing, pulled the present from his bag, turned the handle a few times and opened the box. He waited with bated breath for your reaction as a soft lullaby started to echo around the hull of the ship.
You froze in your spot, spanner dropping to the floor with a metallic clang. The song coming from the music box was heavenly, especially to your ears. You turned slowly in your spot, eyes wide with wonder as you looked to Din. When you stood and started making your way towards him, he straightened up and feared he'd done something wrong. You were deathly silent.
The song ended so he broke the quiet. "I found it at the market. Thought you'd like it."
Your eyes had filled with tears. "You bought it for me?"
"Yes." He nodded and gave it to you. "Here. So you can listen to music whenever you'd like."
You looked up at him with a new expression in your eyes, one he didn't recognise. "I love it. Thank you."
It was so quiet, he wouldn't have heard you if you were any further away from him.
"You're welcome."
Din watched you as you turned the handle, the song playing again. The way your face lit up as the melody flowed through the air had him melting inside. Who knew it would be so easy to please you? He was so glad you liked it.
"How'd it go in town?" You asked suddenly, eyes trained on the music box.
"They had a bounty for me but I declined the offer."
You looked up at him at that. "Why?"
A shrug. "Had to deal with a Wookiee."
"So?" You frowned deeply at that, not liking that answer.
"I don't speak Wookiee." He said as if it were obvious.
"Shyriiwook." You corrected him.
"What?" The frown on his face was almost audible.
"Shyriiwook. Wookieespeak." You explained with a casual wave of your hand, careful not to drop the gift he'd given you.
"Yeah, that. I don't speak that."
"I do." You confessed.
He almost didn't believe you. "You've never heard music before but you can speak Wookiee?"
"Shyriiwook. We had a Wookiee working for us back home. Nicest guy I ever met." You shrugged. "Besides, there wasn't a lot to do when I wasn't fixing things. I had time to learn languages."
"Maybe now you can learn about music."
You perked up. "You think?"
"Yeah, there's a lot of time on here when there's nothing to do. Why not? We'll find you some books." He thought the suggestion seemed nice, all he wanted was for you to be happy.
"That sounds amazing." You chirped, turning the handle on the music box once again. "I'm sorry if this gets annoying. You can tell me to stop playing it."
"It's okay." It really was. "Where's the kid?"
"Asleep in the cockpit." You mumbled, already humming along to the lullaby.
Din left you there alone, happy with your music, as he went to find the child and adjust the coordinates for your next destination. The soft sounds of you singing along to the song managed to reach him all the way from the hull. He smiled and congratulated himself for finding you a good gift and making you happy. Secretly he hoped he'd be able to do so many more times in the future.
A/N: I want a Din Djarin to buy me music boxes and love my smile. I adore writing fluffy shit with Din.
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