#i can't get rid of my love for him so i just ask the most almighty God to ensure that he's someone good to love
shiroxichigo · 1 day
Ichigo gets a lot of shit (typically from outside of the Bleach fandom) for being a character whose wants/goals never change from beginning to end of his series. He always wants to protect people (and even though I could argue that he went from only wanting to protect those close to him to wanting to protect everyone he can, that's not the point I'm making with this post).
I think a lot of people who only give Bleach a passing glance fail to see Ichigo's true character growth. It's not about what his goals are or who he's trying to protect, but rather, it's about how he achieves it.
Ichigo is very self-sacrificing in the first third of Bleach. He believes that if the mission is successful, then it doesn't matter how broken or close to death he gets. The mission, saving Rukia (and hurting/killing as few people in the process), is all that matters.
Then, when a part of himself (his inner hollow) emerges, and says "hey yeah no, I'm not letting you get yourself killed and I'm also not letting you hold back against your enemy", Ichigo immediately rejects it.
It's not until he defeats his inner Hollow that we see Ichigo really dive into a fight with the intent to kill. The problem is, once his Hollow is defeated, he thinks that's it. He's freed himself of that part of him and he can go back to being self-sacrificing.
We see this throughout the Hueco Mundo arc. It's why saving Orihime parallels saving Rukia. Ichigo naively thinks he can suppress a part of himself. He bottles it up until it explodes, coming back to haunt him in his fight with Ulquiorra, etc. He learns that side of himself isn't so easily tucked away, and if he recklessly endangers himself, he could end up endangering his friends too. At his own hand, no less.
Then Ichigo discovers he can commit the ultimate sacrifice. Final Getsuga Tenshou. He can throw away these powers and the parts of himself that he doesn't like, and he can get rid of Aizen all in one go. He's lucky that it worked, but only because Kisuke was there.
Then, once Ichigo is powerless, he learns that's not what he really wants. Life doesn't "go back to normal". The can is open, and there's danger out there beyond just Aizen. And Ichigo can't do anything to stop it unless he gets his powers back.
So he does. Then he cuts down the threat to his friends and family. And he doesn't hesitate this time. Yes, he still has compassion for his enemies (he even goes to the Soul Society to ask for Ginjo's body so he can give him a proper burial), but he's learned not to hold back and he's learned that new threats will appear and he'd rather have the power to face them head on.
So then comes TYBW, and Ichigo is facing battles head-on without hesitation. He goes straight to the "bad guys" with the intention of cutting them down. He learns the truth about who his Inner Hollow is, and he accepts it. He's even willing to accept whatever consequences may come from training in the Royal Palace and becoming stronger. He accepts his power and potential fully, and learns that he has what it takes to protect his loved ones with his strength, and not with a sacrifice.
Ultimately, he heals the part of himself that thinks his life is worth less than other people's. He heals the part of himself that blames himself for not protecting his mother (when he was 9!! Like come on Isshin, put the kid in therapy!! Anyway...) He grows into someone who knows his self worth. And I think, for me at least, that makes him one of my favourite protagonists of all time. Because can't most of us relate to feeling worthless at times? And don't we also wanna overcome that?
Thanks for reading my ramble lmao, I'm sure this could have been more elegantly written but I'm very sleepy and just wanted to get my thoughts out there.
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avzyeqrns · 3 days
Something about you..
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Pairings: Sirius Black x Fem!reader
Warning: nothing rely, maybe a little stalking lol
Summary ! Sirius Black, the one most girls chase, has a little baby crush on you, but was too scared to ask you out, so he uses his animals form to his advantage.
Word count: 5.02k words
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Autumn, 1975, 5th year. It was October, the summer has passed now turned slowly colder. He saw you just outside of Hogwarts, in the black lake.
Outside the black lake at Hogwarts, the leaves flowing down onto her hair, Sirius found himself in his animagus form, a black dog, slowly walking over to her.
"Hey doggie." She responded, Sirius tugged at her scarf, while she pet what she thought is a dog. Sirius taken the advantage of her animal lover nature to feel her touch on his furry black fur. His black-furred head rested against her lap, a subtle act of claiming her, he barked at her as if to ask to get more love, as she petted him, one of his small paws would rest on her leg.
"Where'd ya come from?"
He laid there still, resting comfortably as she gently continued petting it, letting out soft huffs and small barks whenever she found a good spot for him. It felt so nice and comfortable with her touch, a sensation that Sirius loved and always waited to feel from her. He moved onto his back, exposing a belly that needed rubs, and gave her sad and pitiful puppy eyes.
"Do you.. have an owner?" She asked, giving him belly rubs that he was asking for. His hind legs moved a bit at her belly rubs, a soft whine escaping from him. He would look up at her before quickly shaking his head to say no, in terms of human language. This dog belonged to no one, but deep down, he only wanted her. Her touch was so soft, yet so warm, it made him want more of it, more of her.
"Do you like cats?"
The dog suddenly stopped it's belly rubbing at her question. The mere mention of a cat would make him freeze, or even growl at the mere thought of cats. He stared up at her with a look that said he utterly detested cats, or more like a specific cat he has a long running dislike for. He gave a small bark in disapproval.
"..oh.. I'm sorry I can't keep you. Maybe I'll ask someone else." Just like that, the dog had shot it's attention back at her. He tilted his head to the side, his floppy ears perking up, he barked, it seemed as if he was protesting, he didn't want her to let him go, he didn't want her to let him go to someone else, he wanted to stay by her side, and maybe he'll tolerate something he hates if it meant staying by her side.
"What do you want huh?" She asked, snuggling her nose against the black doggie nose. He softly huffed while she gently touched her nose to his, his gaze was still on her though, he barked softly again, as if to tell her not to get rid of him, that he wanted to be with her, that he wanted whatever she would give him, love, affection, cuddles, anything at all, he would happily take. He licked her nose slightly, letting out a small whine to emphasise just how much he wants her.
"Let's go back to my dorm, okay?''
He perked up at her words, the simple thought of being so close to her, to be surrounded by her scent, to be so close to her, excited him. He gave a quick enthusiastic nod before he stood up, shaking his whole body and letting out a small bark before he looked up at her, waiting for her to lead him to her dorm where he can bask in the scent of the girl he loved.
He felt somewhat guilty, pretending to be something he wasn't right in front of her, his friend, someone he loved. Yet, with every step closer to the dormitories, he could feel the excitement building up inside him. The closer they got, the more he could smell the essence of her, his tail wagging happily. He walked right beside her, his steps nearly in sync with hers, as if it was as if his instincts were taking over.
As soon as Sirius' nose was hit with the scent of kittens, he had instantly froze. His black eyes widened, he stood rigid as he looked around the room, taking in the sight of the 4 tiny kittens in the room. If he was in his human form, a scowl would be visible on his face. He let out a small bark, sounding as if he was protesting, or almost as if saying something was wrong. His black fur stood on edge at the presence of the kittens.
He immediately tensed up, a low growl escaped from his throat at the sight of those four cats. They were just little kittens, yet he still felt some sort of dislike for them. He froze right in his tracks at their sight and looked up at the girl he followed, as if to ask her about the litter of kittens.
"I.. kinda forgot to say I have four kittens.''
He just stood there, a small frown forming on his canine face as he took in the news. He continued to look at the kittens, and then back at her. With a small huff, he gently moved closer to her, trying to show that he didn't like those kittens there, they ruined his plans. He gently nudged her leg with his head, as if to try and get her to not pay attention to them, and to keep her focus on him instead.
He slowly followed after her onto the bed, his focus was on her, completely ignoring those kittens. He stayed close to her on the bed, his body pressed against hers as if he didn't want to be too far away from her. He could feel his excitement building, getting to be so close to her, getting her all alone to himself. He was trying his best to ignore the kittens, pretending instead they didn't exist.
He couldn't help but whine softly in protest whenever the kittens would jump onto his body and sleep on him. It was incredibly irritating, but he would endure it if it meant spending time with her. He tried to shake and nudge them a few times with his head, to push the kittens away, yet he was always gentle with them, a part of him didn't want to hurt them.
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"Guys have you seen Sirius? Haven't seen him since yesterday. Is he missing?" Asked james, his head poking out to look at the three girls, Sirius ears perked up, even though he was still gently sleeping, head resting on her stomach.
His ears continued to stay perked up, listening intently on any other words from the conversation, it was a rather interesting topic after all, he felt as if he was listening to a gossip segment, the four of them talking about his whereabouts with no idea that he was in fact in the dorm, pressed right up against her.
"Well.. we'll tell you when we see him." He found himself snickering softly on the inside at that. He knew that they wouldn't be seeing him down, he was right there in the dorm, enjoying being surrounded by her. He slowly lifted his head, shifting slightly next to her, resting his head on her chest where he could listen to her heart beat. It was so comforting and soothing to his ears, he let out a small huff, nuzzling against her.
"Puppy silly puppy." She said, kissing his forehead and booping his nose. He couldn't resist the way it made his heart flutter. She was so sweet and cute, even to him in this form, treating him like a cute little puppy. He gently licked her nose in return, nuzzling more into her touch, silently enjoying the affection she was giving him. As he rested against her chest, he couldn't help but whine a bit softly.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𐙚 ໒꒱ ‧₊
'"Where'd get that dog?" Asked Marlene, putting on her eyeliner to hogsmeade. He perked up at the question, his body tensed slightly as he heard Marlene's question. He quickly glanced around with his black beady eyes.
"I don't know..he just came up to me. He looks lonely."
He felt a pang of guilt in his heart, the simple mention of loneliness, the fact that she thought he was lonely. He let out a small huff, but he kept silent, not wanting to accidentally out himself. He tried to calm his body by leaning into her touch, letting her fingers run through his fur.
"Me and Lily are going to hogsmeade. Wanna come?" Asked the blonde. He could hear them talking about going to hogsmeade, yet, all he was focused on was her. The girl he loved, sitting on the bed, running her hands through his fur, yet she was asked to go somewhere. He lifted his head again, his canine eyes gazing up at her, silently protesting, he didn't want her to leave, he wanted to stay right where he was.
"You wanna come?" she asked, gently patting over his fur. He immediately perked up at her question, his black ears going up. Did she just ask him if he wanted to come with her? Of course he did. He wanted to be with her as long as he could. He responded by a quick nod of his head, as if to say, yes, he wanted to come along with her.
"But it's gonna snow soon.." The mention of snow. Snow meant cold, cold meant he'll be shivering because as a dog, he was not as resistant to the cold as a human would be. The thought of shivering was an unpleasant one in his mind, yet if it meant he got to be with her, then he would endure the snow.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𐙚 ໒꒱ ‧₊
As they walked out, he could feel the snow under his paws, and even the slight chill of the air surrounding them. He could feel the scarf wrapped around his neck, warming him up. It was a rather weird feeling overall. He noticed the amount of squirrels around them, his canine instincts telling him to chase them, yet he tried his best to fight the urge to do so, focusing his attention on her instead.
"Honeydukes!" He let out a sharp bark in response, his black nose twitching slightly. The mention of honeydukes was always tempting. And he knew all the sweets in there was even more tempting, the thought of getting some kind of sweet treat made him feel excited. He looked up at her, a small whine escaping from him, as if he wanted her to take him in there as fast as possible. He shook himself to get the snow off, not taking the time to think twice about his actions. His tongue fell out his mouth slightly as he panted, his full attention was completely fixated on sweet treats on those shelves and counters. He didn't realize that he splashed some snow onto a passerby until it was a bit too late, he could feel a bit embarrassed that he didn't think about how that would impact other people.
"You want a pup cup?" He perked up immediately at the sound of a pup cup. He quickly turned around to look up at her, his black eyes filled with excitement. A pup cup? As in a cup of sweet, sweet treats? He gave a quick nod of his head in response, whining and huffing from the anticipation.
Since Sirius was off without a leash, he could wander around the store all he wants. Not noticing his wagging tail knocking over things. He couldn't contain his excitement, the moment she said he could wander around, he was off, his snout slightly up in the air as he looked around the store. It didn't take him long to forget his wagging tail, accidentally knocking a few items off from the shelves. He had no idea that he was accidentally being chaotic in the store, his mind just focused on sweets.
"Hey! I stacked those!" A guy yelled at Sirius, before she came by embarrassingly apologized for the inconveniences. His canine ears drooped a bit at the guy's yell, it made him slightly scared. He looked up at her as she came by apologising for the inconveniences that he caused. He gently nuzzled her leg slightly as if to say, he didn't mean to cause any trouble, he just wanted sweets. He was a good boy, he was! He just didn't realise his wagging tail was the culprit in knocking down those items.
"You gotta be a good boy okay? Good boys don't do that." She said huffing, as she carried Sirius out of the store, his two front paws on her shoulder as Lily was feeding him his pup cup from behind. He huffed a bit as she said that good boys don't do that. He was a good boy, a well-behaved boy! He was just distracted and unaware of the damage his wagging tail was causing. He lifted his head up as he was fed the pup cup, eating it up happily, the sweet flavour of it was so heavenly to him. He glanced behind him at Lily behind them, silently enjoying getting a treat.
"Let's go to Zonkos I need something." He let out an excited whine at the mention of Zonkos. Zonkos was another store he liked going to, there were lots of interesting items in there for him to explore. His tail began to move again, wagging excitedly at the mention of the store. He wanted to go to Zonkos, to just be able to roam around and look at everything there, he couldn't stop himself from feeling excited at that thought. In the store, she put him down to roam, only one rule. No more knock over stuff. He was put down and as soon as he was, he was off. Roaming around the store as he was told to. He wanted to explore all of the interesting items in the store, his canine nose twitching as he sniffed around, and he was also determined to not accidentally knock over anything this time. He was a good boy, he could do this.
He froze as soon as he saw Peter and James in the store. How could he not notice them earlier? He silently cursed himself. They knew he was an animagus, they knew this form was in fact him. He quickly tried to come up with an escape plan, trying to think of a solution on how to escape from seeing those two. He slowly backed away, trying to stay out of their line of sight, but his black canine eyes darted around, trying to find an exit. He continued to stay far from them as best as he could, his canine heart racing from both excitement and fear. Excitement of not getting caught by them, fear of getting exposed. He slowly backed himself into a corner, trying to stay hidden behind a display, hoping that they would just go away without noticing him. He silently cursed himself for letting himself get into this predicament, he should have realized their presence in the first place before just roaming around the store.
Once he saw the backdoor open, he ran out, changing back to a human. In the cold weather, having thin clothings on except for her scarf. Once he escaped the store, he found it freezing cold outside, the air was cold and chilly, and his thin clothing didn't help at all to keep him warm. He could feel his body shiver slightly, yet he brushed it off, more concerned over the idea of having two of his friends find out that he's been a dog this whole time.
Running back into Hogwarts, he felt the warmth of the common room, just near the fire, feeling the warmth from the fire, he couldn't help but feel relieved. The warmth was comforting after being outside in the cold for a while. He sat down near the fire, letting it warm him up a bit, yet he couldn't keep his eyes off her as she came back, noticing that she looked gloomy. Seeing her like that made his heart pang in his chest, he didn't like seeing her so down.
"Where the fuck have you been man?" Remus asked, walking towards him, so did the rest of the marauders. He took a deep breath as soon as he heard Remus speaking to him. He quickly thought up a simple response in his mind.
"I just went for a quick walk, to clear my head." He responded, hoping his tone was casual. He tried his best to act normal, yet he couldn't help but glance at the girl, noticing her gloomy expression.
"Hello? Walk for 2 days?" His mind went blank when Remus asked that question. Walked for 2 days? He tried to respond calmly, playing it off with a small shrug.
"I lost track of time, I guess…" He said, his response sounding quite lame even to his own mind.
"Seriously? You just casually went missing for two straight days and this is your response?"
He could feel the intensity of Remus' question, it made him feel a bit nervous inside, questioning his own excuse for his disappearance. Yet he maintained a calm demeanor as much as he could, keeping his cool.
"I just needed some time alone, that's all." He replied, trying to casually brush off the question. He knew it was a very poor excuse, yet he couldn't exactly tell his friend the real reason he went missing for two days. "So you disappeared off the school grounds?"
He felt his heart skip a beat at Remus' question. Disappeared off the school grounds? That was accurate, in a way. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, yet he tried to stay cool and collected, knowing he needed to tread carefully with his answers. He let out a small sigh, trying to act casual, yet he couldn't stop his mind from racing.
"I guess I did." He replied, his tone remaining calm, yet his heart was beating fast. He kept staring at her from the side, unable to avoid looking her way despite his conversation with Remus. He could feel the guilt building up inside him even more. Seeing her so down and gloomy, it was difficult to witness. He wanted to go over and talk to her, yet he was stuck in the middle of the conversation with Remus.
"Just don't disappear again."
He let out a small sigh of relief as Remus spoke, feeling a bit of tension lifted off him. No more questions, no more accusations. It made him feel slightly better. He nodded in response, maintaining a casual tone.
"I won't." He replied, yet he couldn't take his mind off her, glancing at her once more.
"Why you staring at Lyn?" He was snapped out of his own thoughts as James asked that question. He quickly averted his gaze and tried to play it off casually, yet the truth was, he was staring at her. He glanced back at Remus, trying to think of a believable response.
"Just wondering what's wrong with her, she seems gloomy." He replied, trying to redirect the focus away from his previous staring moment. "Her dog ran away."
He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in his heart as James revealed the reason for her gloominess. Her dog ran away. But it wasn't just a dog, that was him! That was his canine form! He silently cursed himself again for getting into this mess.
He quickly tried to regain his composure, trying to act surprised by the news.
"Her dog? Really?" He nodded slightly. The news of her dog running away during her time in Zonko's was unexpected and ironic considering his own canine escapades in the store. He couldn't help but feel responsible, even though it was his dog form that was responsible.
"Damn, that's tough." He said, trying to sound sympathetic, yet his mind was racing with guilt and regret.
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With the hours passing, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. The fireplace was the only light source, casting a warm and cozy glow over the common room. He was still there, along with Lyn and Remus, who was studying.
His mind couldn't help but keep going back to her. The sight of her still sitting there in the same spot, her gloomy expression not changing at all. He could feel a sense of responsibility and guilt eating away at him. He knew he was the one she was missing, yet he couldn't admit it to her.
"I think I'm going to bed. Lyn you coming?" Remus told Sirius, She shook her head, not even looking at him, knee tucked underneath her chin. He watched as Remus asked if Lyn was coming to bed, and the sight of her shaking her head in response made his heart feel even heavier. She was not going to bed, and it was partly because of him. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as he looked at her, staying in the same spot, huddled up in her spot on the couch.
He turned to Remus, his voice trying to sound casual as he replied, "I think I'll stay here a bit longer."
With Remus gone, the room fell into silence, except for the sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace. The common room was empty, and he was left alone with her. The only light source was the warmth and glow of the fire, casting a beautiful but melancholy atmosphere in the room.
He glanced over at her, noting her sad expression and her huddled position. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of guilt and sympathy. He wanted to talk to her, yet he didn't know where to start. He was speechless. The silence in the room felt heavy, like a thick fog surrounding them. The only sound was the crackling of the fire. He wanted to respond, to say something, anything, but the words were stuck in his throat. The sight of her, sitting there, the sadness and melancholy in her eyes, it was overwhelming.
Finally, he managed to find his voice. It was soft, almost a whisper. His guilt crept into his tone, along with a hint of remorse.
"I'm… Sorry."
As he spoke, her soft hum of confusion made his heart twinge in his chest. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts as he continued.
"I'm sorry… For your dog, I mean." He said, his voice still soft and laced with guilt. His canine heart ached, knowing that he was the very dog she was missing, and yet he couldn't reveal that to her.
"Oh… yea." He continued to stare at her, his heart heavy with guilt. He could see the sadness in her eyes, the pain of missing her dog, and he knew that he was the cause of it. He longed to comfort her, to tell her the truth, but he couldn't, at least not yet.
His voice was laced with remorse as he spoke again.
"I know how much you love your dog. I'm sorry he's missing…"
"… It's okay. I only kept him for a few days. He probably ran back to his owner.. atleast. I hope." His heart sank as he heard her response. She only had her dog for a few days, and she hoped he had returned to his previous owner. It made his guilt even worse. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the situation.
He tried to keep his voice steady as he replied, his tone gentle and empathetic.
"I'm sure he did. Dogs have a strong sense of loyalty… to their owners, I mean."
"Yea… maybe I'm not his original owner."
He listened intently to her words, taking in the meaning behind them. He couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of him wanted to tell her the truth, that he was her dog, but a bigger part of him felt conflicted. He didn't want to reveal himself just yet.
His tone was gentle as he responded, his eyes locked onto hers.
"Maybe you weren't, but does that take away the love and care you showed him while he was with you?"
"No.." He nodded slightly at her response, his heart aching as he spoke next.
"Exactly. It doesn't. You may not have been his original owner, but that doesn't matter. You cared for him, and I'm sure he loved you for it…"
He paused for a moment, his voice becoming softer and more earnest.
"Just like how I… care for you."
"Thanks Sirius… You're a great friend."
A small pang of guilt shot through him as she spoke, calling him a great friend. He mentally cursed himself for not being able to reveal the truth to her. The guilt was building up inside him, but he tried to keep his calm facade, not wanting to give anything away.
He responded, his voice filled with a hint of remorse and a hint of true affection.
"I do my best. And remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what. We're friends after all."
"I think I'm gonna sleep here. Just in case."
He nodded understandingly as she mentioned sleeping there, in the common room. He knew why she wanted to do so, and it made his heart ache even more. She was still waiting for her dog to come back, not knowing that he was right in front of her.
"Are you sure? You might be more comfortable in your bed up in the dorms." He inquired, his voice laced with concern. "No I'm fine." She said, they were so close, atleast their faces were. Out of canine habit, he nuzzles against her nose like a dog did, he froze for a moment, realizing what he had done, but the action felt familiar and almost comforting to him.
As he realized what he had done, he quickly pulled back from the small nose nuzzle, his eyes widening in surprise at his own involuntary action. He felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him, and he tried to think of something to say to explain it away.
"Sorry, I-I don't know what came over me… it was just a habit." He said, his voice a little sheepish, trying to brush it off to make it seem casual. "Hey.." She said, looking right into his eyes.
He met her gaze when she spoke, looking into her eyes. Her direct gaze made his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling inside him. His voice was soft as he responded, slightly curious at her tone.
"Your eyes have a little blue in them."
Her comment about his eyes having a hint of blue caught him off guard, and he blinked in surprise, not expecting her to notice such a detail. He tilted his head slightly, trying to process her words while his heart rate quickened slightly.
"You… you noticed that?" His tone carried a hint of surprise, mixed with a subtle sense of vulnerability. He held her gaze, his eyes locked on hers as he processed her confirmation. He had never expected anyone to notice the hints of blue in his eyes, much less point it out so casually. He swallowed slightly, feeling a mix of surprise and vulnerability. He tried to respond, but his words came out as a soft whisper.
"No one's… no one's ever noticed that before…"
He looked at her intently as she responded, feeling a range of emotions swirling inside him. Her simple "oh" seemed to carry a hint of disappointment, and it made his heart pang in his chest.
He didn't know what to say, but he wanted to reassure her, to erase that hint of disappointment in her voice. He spoke once more, his voice gentle and vulnerable.
"Sometimes… I feel like no one ever really sees me…"
"I see you." He stared at her, the weight of her words sinking in. It was as if a wave of emotions washed over him, relief, surprise, hope, and a hint of vulnerability.
He tried to respond, but the words caught in his throat for a moment. When he finally spoke, his voice was soft and earnest.
"You do?"
He watched her intently, waiting for her response, hoping for further reassurance. The room was filled with a subtle tension as he silently urged her to answer his question.
His heart raced in anticipation, his canine instincts picking up on the subtle changes in her expression. He wanted her to know just how much her words meant to him, how much it meant to feel seen by her. As he felt her lips press against his, a wave of unexpected emotions washed over him. It was a kiss, a simple gesture, but it unleashed a flood of sensations and feelings he had never experienced before. The sweetness of her lips, the warmth of her breath, it was intoxicating, making his heart race and his senses go haywire.
He froze for a moment, completely taken aback by the sudden kiss. But then, as if by instinct, he returned the kiss, his lips gently and tenderly responding to hers.
"I.. uhm.."
As she spoke, pulling away from the kiss, he felt his heart thump loudly in his chest. He was stunned by the unexpected kiss, his mind a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. He stared at her, his eyes wide and filled with a mixture of surprise and something else, something deeper and more profound.
"uh.. I'm going to bed." Said Sirius, nervous. He doesn't know what to do, he's flustered and tired. Kissing her forehead, he left.
He doesn't notice the scarf he left behind.
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torybrennan · 3 months
show tempe gang crossover with the morris islanders would actually have been the best episode of bones ever. btw
#please ignore the rest of the tags i will just be making things up#okay they start out in carolina but at least half the episode takes place in dc. do not ask me how travel logistics would work#tory spends the entire episode off with tempe doing bone stuff. booth feels upstaged by a 16-year-old girl#so he goes and hangs out with ben who does NOT trust him right off the bat#ben ends up having to run him over to liri at some point because there's crime afoot and tom is busy. they spend most of the ride in silenc#ofc they end up bonding Eventually because they are both obsessed with crazy emotionally stunted redheads named t brennan#tory is more effective than any of the squinterns and manages to piss hodgins off so bad just by existing#coop hangs out in the lab as saroyan tries to kick him out thirty times. he just keeps showing up and she can't prove who's letting him in#(it's tempe.) angela loves tory but tory does not love angela back. saroyan tolerates her. sweets likes her but knows she's hiding somethin#comes to the conclusion that she can read her friends minds and slowly drives himself crazy because obviously that can't be true#tory brings hi along whenever she needs someone with people skills and he is MORE than happy to participate in a hodgins experiment#hi gets to be king of the lab for about ten minutes. shelton hits it off with angela immediately and they solve half the case together#booth fucking HATES hi because he's evasive and really good at the manipulation thing. booth can't win verbal sparring and he gets Big Mad#at one point the four of them are in an interrogation room together (MISTAKE) because tory had them meddling a little too close to the sun#and booth is trying so hard to question them which didn't work even when they COULDN'T read each other's minds#tory figures out who did it and hi steals her thunder a la shrek wasnt vandalized he gave birth#temperance tells tory 'i know you've got a secret sweets told me and even though i don't trust psychology i find he's insightful' etc etc#tory's like well i might be but i can't tell you it's not just my secret and you wouldn't believe me anyway#because let's be real tempe WOULDNT believe her#meanwhile saroyan convinced by sweets paranoia managed to get a sample of tory's blood and test it and is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK#gets hodgins and they just stare at the results together and delve into conspiracy theories. he's like i KNEW there were werewolves#they debate telling tempe but know it wouldnt end well for the kids and decide to get rid of the evidence. but hodgins is SO smug#also angela spends the whole episode trying to convince everyone hi and shelton are dating and no one believes her#they finally see them kiss or something and they're all somehow floored and angela's just like yeah? duh?#if anyone read this i'm sorry and why
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yeslordmyking · 2 years
My prayer is that God leads Jackson Wang through this life and to the gates of Heaven. That he is dedicated to God, keeping Him first and obeying His word. That Jackson seeks God in everything he does so he can live his life in the best possible way. That my prayers aren't in vain and they truly are heard by God who will answer yes to them, even if I never know about it. If I never hear another song, read another interview, see another picture of Jackson again, I can have peace in my heart to let go if that's what God is telling me to do. That I can trust that God is taking care of him in ways I don't know to ask for. That keeping this love in my heart isn't selfish and I can continue to believe that all the good and beautiful things I see in him can be cherished because God put them there, and created Jackson to be a beautiful thing that serves Him, and has a home in Heaven because of the light he shined for the Lord.
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verstappen-cult · 2 months
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✶ SUMMARY. Max knows he’s good at his job, he was raised to be the best driver, the perfect son, and knows he’s talented. The bad thing is that he has to listen to people complimenting him almost everyday. He really thinks he’s good at hiding how shy and uncomfortable it makes him, and it’s just that Max can’t seem to take compliments from anyone but you.
content warnings ✶ disclaimers. fem!reader. lots of fluff. my favorite kind of max: flustered max. P in V. sub/dom dynamics. praise kink. unprotected sex, wrap it before you tap it kiddos. breeding kink. redbull racing slander because we are tired of them not doing their job. english is not my first language.
GWEN RAMBLES — i started writing this after the awful events of sunday, and finished it today! this was requested a while ago and to the person who asked for it – i’m sorry it took me so long! hope y’all like it. comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Max gets uncomfortable when people compliment him. He knows he's good at what he does, knows he’s talented. And when people call him handsome? Compliment his hair? His arms? He has a hard time trying not to show how affected he actually is.
However, you know him in ways the rest of the world doesn't.
Max likes it when you compliment his cooking. It's not deserving of a five star Michelin rating, but good enough to eat and perfect the dish.
"How did you came up with this?" You ask, raising a spoonful of vegetables with a sweet and sour sauce.
Max can't keep his eyes off of you, waiting for your reaction patiently and anxiously. "I saw it in a video. But it was my idea to add the sauce to give it a little spin." He shrugs, his cheeks gaining a pretty pink color the second you make eye contact with him.
"It's delicious," You whisper, licking the rests of sauce from the spoon. Max's eyes glaze over and he forces himself to look away if he actually wants to make it through dinner. "You're such a good cook, Max. If you weren't a racing driver, I'm sure you would've had a restaurant."
Now, Max blushes furiously, the spoon falling from his fingers and on the plate. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes to mind, and you bite your lower lip to stop yourself from laughing at his flustered state.
Max likes it when you jump into his open arms after a good qualifying session or podium celebrations, all happy and giddy as he still tries to shake off the adrenaline.
"You did such a good job!" He wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you off the ground. He's still pretty much on cloud nine and with you in his arms it can't get any more perfect. "You were flying out there!"
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far.” You are not looking at his precious face, but you know he’s blushing for the way his voice falters. Once he puts you down, Max hides his face away by busying himself with getting rid of his champagne-soaked race suit.
His reluctance to accept your compliment doesn’t surprise you in the slightest, he always brushes them off. You thought he didn't like it at first, it was really awkward when you started dating and he would ignore you, but as time went on you learned that he just doesn't know how to react to them. His PR training has helped him a lot for when the press and the public in general praise him for his excellent driving and fast reflexes almost every day of his life, but Max still gets flustered when you are the one complimenting him. You love to tease him about it.
Max likes it when you praise him during sex.
Especially when he surrenders himself to you.
"Look at you," You coo at him, the back of your hand caressing his cheek ever so slightly. "being so good for me." Max draws in a sharp breath, your touch burning in the most delicious way even if you're barely doing it.
You press a kiss on his naked shoulder, his smooth and warm skin shining with sweat.
“I’m always good.” He rasps, leaning his head to the side and presenting his neck to you.
You laugh softly, moving away to look into the depths of his ocean blue eyes. “Of course you are.” The smile he gives you makes your heart hammer in your ears.
Max opens his mouth to speak but falls silent as you continue to kiss along his collarbones, running your tongue and creating a path down over his chest, your soft lips making contact with his nipples.
He arches his back when you capture a nub between your teeth, hands grabbing the sheets because he knows he can’t touch you unless you allow him to. And he’s good. He wants to be good.
Max bites his bottom lip as you pinch his other nipple with your fingers. He’s having a hard time trying to stay still, his whole body shivers at your ministration.
“Always so sensitive.” You say, swiping your thumb over the pebbled flesh. Max only nods, his blushed face twisted in pleasure. “Such a good boy, uh?”
You lift your skirt up to straddle his hips, sitting just above his hard cock, still tucked away in his trousers.
“You did such a good job today.” You say, rocking your hips and planting your hands on his stomach. Max groans, shaking his head. “What was that?”
“It was,” He sighs, closing his eyes to try and regain some control over his body, but he’s sensitive and can feel your slick dripping over his clothed cock. “It was awful today.”
You tsk, nodding your approval. “It was.” His face falls for a moment, expression somber. “They don’t deserve you, not at all.” His eyes shine again, just like that. “You’re practically doing everything by yourself, isn’t that right?”
“Y-yes.” His knuckles are white from gripping the sheets trying to follow your earlier instructions, so you take pity on him. Your touch is soft as you take his hands and place them on your waist, and Max doesn’t waste a second on gripping you so hard you know you’ll have bruises the size of his hands tomorrow. The mere thought of walking around with his bruises makes you clench around nothing.
“No one is doing it like you, Max.” You purr his name, and his eyes roll to the back of his head.
Max lets out a low groan, hips thrusting up with force. He needs release. He needs you.
“Please.” He whispers, and you lower yourself to be at the same level, lips grazing his.
“What do you need?”
“Please,” He says again, almost whining. “Please.”
“You need to use your words. I don’t know what your please means, Max.” You pinch his nipple and he gasps, tilting his head.
His pupils are blown wide when he opens his eyes to look directly into yours. “I want – please I want you to ride me.” His voice breaks in a moan.
“See?” You cup his jaw, thumb caressing his bottom lip. “That wasn’t so hard.”
Max’s mind is blank except for thoughts of you. You on top of him. You taking care of him. You fucking him. You, you, you.
You use his chest for support as you help him get rid of his trousers and your skirt. Now, both of you are completely naked and Max can’t fight the moan that slips from his lips when he feels the heat of your cunt against his hard and leaking cock. It’s painful.
Max gazes down and his mouth waters. The thought of laying you down and claiming his favorite spot between your legs to taste you is almost enough to send him over the edge.
You trail your hand down his chest, not breaking eye contact, not wanting to miss any of his reactions. Like the way his entire face twist in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth hanging open, when you wrap your hand around his cock.
Max still has a little of self control but it’s exhausting, he doesn’t know how much he can actually take before reaching his limit and spilling his seed. And he doesn’t want to waste it. He wants to come inside of you, wants to fill you up and stay there. So he says it.
And you shudder in response. You’re soaking wet, so it’s enough to not need prep, even though Max is big and he loves to prep you for it; you want it to hurt today, you want to be sore and feel him all day.
You guide his cock with trembling hands, feeling the tip fighting its way into your cunt.
You place both hands on his chest as he grips your hips as his life depends on it. You sink down on him, adjusting and pressing down slowly. It is torture for Max, you see it in the way his jaw tenses and sweat coats in his forehead. But he doesn’t protest, he takes everything you give him in silence.
“You feel,” You gasp at the sensation of finally having him deep inside of you. Max tosses his head back when he feels you clench around him. “so,” He moans louder, bucking his hips into you as you start riding him, fingernails scrapping his skin. “good.”
You take him deeper every time you raise your hips, letting yourself fall down hard, your clit grinding against his skin and making you moan loudly.
Max is mesmerized by the view.
And Max really doesn’t know where to look. If your contorted face and mouth open, moans and praises falling from your lips mixing with the squelching sounds of your cunt. Or your breast bouncing with every move. Or the connection between your bodies, how his cock disappears inside of you over and over again, driving him closer to the edge.
“Fucking me so good,” You start babbling, and Max knows you’re close to your orgasm.
He pulls you down against him and starts thrusting into you with urgency. You tuck your head against his neck and sink your teeth into his skin, marking him. Claiming him.
His cock digs deep inside, the tip rubbing against that sensitive spot that makes you tremble and see stars behind your eyelids.
Max reaches his climax with loud moans and calls of your name. He fills you up and continues to fuck his seed into you until your whole body goes still and the whole world cease to exist except for you and him.
Max doesn’t pull out until he’s certain you’ve taken every last drop. It is only when it gets cold and you want to cuddle under the blankets that you move off him, his pout at not having your weight on top of him making you giggle.
“Did so good.” You whisper, not recognising your own broken voice. “My sweet boy.”
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do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own. | © verstappen-cult, 2024.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Let's Break Up (I)
summary : you try to do the break up prank on your boyfriend.
word count : 0.5k
type : headcanons
pairing/s : Jason Grace / Percy Jackson / Nico Di Angelo x Reader
warning/s : none
here is my masterlist! Part II is composed of Leo, Frank, and Will.
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Jason Grace
"Let's break up."
Jason is formally trained to remain calm and level-headed in the most drastic of situations ever since he was young.
So if you're expecting him to look surprised or upset, he won't.
Don't be fooled though, he may look like he's listening as you explain but deep inside this electric boy is panicking! 😂
"Okay, Jason. What in Jupiter's name have you done to make (Y/N) upset? Think! THINK!"
It might take a while for Jason to respond because he is torn between asking you what he can do to fix it, what he did wrong, or just be desperate and beg you to stay with him.
So he does what any Roman would do in his place. Accept his fate.
He fixes his composure and coughs a little to avoid his voice from cracking.
"If that's what you think is best, I understand-"
"It's just a prank, love."
"Thank the gods."
You never knew your boyfriend could sigh that hard.
Jason laughs in relief and hugs you tightly, like he wasn't thinking of crying his heart out and eating ice cream alone in the Zeus cabin later.
He'll never tell you that though.
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Percy Jackson
"I want to break up."
Percy just can't see the two of you breaking up. No matter how much he tries, he knows it's literally imposible.
He already has a list of plans; when he will propose, where to get married, where you'll spend the rest of your lives together, how many children you two will have, and their names. Even the number of pets allowed in your future home.
But you don't give up easily.
"What do you mean, no? Isn't that my decision?"
"OUR decision, (Y/N). And I say no."
"No buts, baby. If you're tired of this relationship then rest. We'll try again in the morning."
You just pout in defeat, taking a bite of the blue chocolate chips cookies his mother made for him before he left for Camp Half-Blood.
He smirks like the handsome devil he is, pulling you into his arms and lays his head on your shoulder.
"There's no getting rid of me, (Y/N). You're stuck with me forever."
He doesn't notice the small smile on your face, preferring not to have it any other way.
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Nico Di Angelo
"I was thinking of breaking up."
He would shadow travel even before you could say another word.
Good luck trying to find him because he would be nowhere to be found. You already asked everyone yet nobody knows where he is.
Hours passed, no sign of him. You got truly worried that you can't even fall asleep.
You were just laying on your bed, staring into nothing when you hear a knock on your window.
It's Jules-Albert, holding a bag of McDonalds with your favorite foods and drink. It also has a note.
"Just think about what you said with a full stomach. You do stupid shit when you're hungry."
You don't know if you should be offended or laugh.
Still in your pajamas, you run to the Hades cabin and knock on his door. No one answers.
You do feel a pair of arms around your waist and cold nose nuzzling your neck.
You turn your head to kiss Nico's cheek as he leans more into you. He then whispers in your ear-
"I love you, tesoro mio. Don't scare me like that again."
Gods, you didn't have the heart to tell him it was a prank.
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theaceace · 9 months
An old concept that I'm still feral over, but a Dreamling fic in which the dreamling relationship is chronicled entirely by Yelp reviews of the New Inn.
Reviews are either 5* or 1* with surprisingly little in between, and the business owner replies are always a riot. They start off fairly normal, talking about the food and drink, the couple of guest rooms upstairs, the location and prices etc, but then they start to get weird.
Constantine leaves 3*, beer is shit whiskey is ok not haunted which is more than I can say for most london pubs and the response is Thanks Jo, but you're still banned
4* this place is run by my history professor and it's amazing but he asked me about my overdue essay three times so I can't give it 5* and Hob, who has had multiple students visit the pub for the sole purpose of doing this, is just like you still haven't submitted that, get off yelp and start citing your sources
There are multiple 5* reviews like would give 10* if i could, the owner chased off a neo nazi with a literal sword he pulled out from behind the bar
5* should probably give it less because a couple of times the answers to the history round on the monthly quiz night have been wrong, but otherwise it's a solid little place for a reasonably priced pint and a nice afternoon and Hob's response is just those answers were right
And then Dream comes back and the reviews start... Changing, a bit
One of the 1* reviews is just complaining about the fact that there was a bird at the bar and no one got rid of it and the reply from Hob is that's Matthew, he has a tab. Several of the 5* reviews are also about the fact that sometimes there's a bird in the bar
One of the 5* reviews is saw the most beautiful goth twink in the world, will definitely be going back and Hob nearly deletes that one. The reply instead is that's my boyfriend, unlike Matthew he never pays his tab
5* i have no idea how i got there or found the place because i swaer i was halfway across london from where google maps says it is but anyway the bartender was really great and understandig when I started crying on him, will defiantely go back if reality ever warps like that again. Response from owner: yeah sorry about the reality warping, we don't get it either
1* I only wish I could have given this establishment a glowing review – fabulous service, lovely food and a sumptuous wine I hadn't expected, but unfortunately I had to see my brother's face. Response from owner: Desire get off the internet, it doesn’t need your help
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themultifanshipper · 5 days
Max stormed through the halls of the ER, fuming at the stupidity of his teammate.
He was going to fucking kill Checo.
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Warnings: driver!reader, smut, PinV sex, injury, mention of strong ass medication, public sex?, sex in a hospital bed what more do you want from me
The door of your room slamming open startled you as Max walked in with a scowl.
"Jesus Max calm down-“
“No, I am not going to calm down!” he yelled. “That idiot put you in the fucking hospital and caused two other people to crash. I'm going to kill him when I see him!”
You closed your eyes and sighed.
You didn't have any broken bones, thank god, but your entire body was covered in deep bruising.
It was extremely painful and they'd given you some very strong painkillers and a plethora of other medication that hadn’t quite kicked in yet, so you weren’t really in the mood for Max's yelling.
He noticed your pained expression and immediately calmed down, coming to sit on the edge of the bed and took your hand in his.
“I'm sorry schatje, I'm just so angry… How bad is it?” he asked, voice wavering.
“Nothing broken, but I don't think I'll be able to make it to dinner” you joked weakly.
He whined and lay his head on your shoulder and you winced, so he pulled back and stroked your thigh tenderly.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry… Is there anywhere I can touch you where it doesn't hurt?”
You smirked, mind in the gutter, as usual “You always know where to touch me to make me feel good, Max…”
Max's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Go on baby, touch me wherever and I'll tell you if it hurts or not”
You wiggled your eyebrows suggestively and Max tried to swallow, his mouth was suddenly very dry.
Perhaps whatever they'd given you was finally starting to kick in.
And evidently, it wasn't just getting rid of the pain, it was making you insanely horny. Like… abnormal levels of horny. You hadn’t realized when you were alone, but the sight of Max in front of you was getting you very hot and bothered.
“Come on Max, touch me, I need it so bad…”
Your hand slowly slid up his denim covered thigh and his mouth opened and closed like a fish.
“Baby we can't” he gasped and got a hold of your wrist just before you got to the crotch of his jeans “We're in a hospital and you're badly injured…”
You were giving him your best (albeit a bit droopy) puppy dog eyes.
“And you are on drugs, my love”
You tried to sit up but your whole body protested so you stayed down, tugging at his shirt and pawing at his thick thighs.
“Please Max, fuck it's been so long, I need you inside me now”
It really had been a while. Between the races, your respective factory business was in entirely different countries, so you rarely had time to indulge in anything more than quickies and facetime debauchery.
Max was rapidly crumbling under your heated gaze (and your goddamn paws touching every bit of him you could reach) and his resolve didn't last long as he started going through ways to make this possible.
With every passing moment, your pain was decreasing and the heat between your legs was only getting worse as you whined at him to make you feel good.
He slowly stripped himself of his clothes and climbed over you, careful to avoid putting any weight on you.
As your body was uncovered bit by bit, he felt the anger come back, and then a wave of nausea took over.
There was barely any unblemished skin on your body, most of it coloured in various shades of yellow, purple and blue bruising.
He spread your legs and kneeled between them, running his fingers up the inside of your thighs and stopped just short of where you were almost dripping onto the sheets.
“Jesus baby, you really need me, huh?”
You whimpered pathetically and grabbed his hand to press it against you and rut against it desperately just for some relief.
The sight of you writhing and whimpering under him was overwhelming, and it didn't take long for him to line himself up and start pushing into you slowly.
Every time was like the first time with Max.
He held you in his arms, making sure you were okay as he split you open, burying inside you tight heat that seemed to be molded just for him.
You were drowsy from the painkillers but you felt every inch, every vein caress your walls as he dragged his cock in and out of you desperately.
His head dropped to the crook of your neck and you threaded your fingers through his hair while his hips rolled against yours in a slow rhythm, almost maddeningly so.
He went so deep, bumping your cervix on every slide in, and you let out low moans every time, matching his growls. You tugged harder on his hair while he nipped gently at your neck, cautious of where the seatbelt had bruised it.
His back muscles rippled under your touch and your eyes rolled back, the euphoria soon washing over your body in waves.
As soon as you started clenching around him, Max knew he was a goner. He'd missed the feeling so much, he quickly filled you up, shooting rope after rope deep inside you.
Once he was done, he rolled to the side so that he could lie down next to you but keep you in his arms as you stayed tangled together, sharing a passionate kiss.
“Fuck baby, I love you so much” you said, nails scratching at his scalp while he pressed kisses to your skin.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, making sure to not put any weight on you in the process. “I love you too schatje, you have no idea how scared I was, seeing them cart you off in in an ambulance while I was stuck in the paddock doing fucking interviews…”
You hummed, fingers drawing patterns over his skin. “I’m here now, Max. And I’ll be fine.”
Max looked up at you with a smile.
“I know… but I’m still going to fucking kill Checo”
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wonryllis · 4 months
dear future husband (m) | lee heeseung.
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i can't say i do without you.
PREVIEW. you always get what you want, spoiled with the love of everyone around you. and it's all innocent love, at least that's what everyone thinks. it comes with much surprise therefore, when heeseung makes a move on you. thirteen long years of being in the brother zone having made him utterly clueless that if he’s going to date you he has to pass through your actual brothers first. and he knows how scary they can be. especially since they are known to have a sister complex and he’s been the third scary one with them, numerous times before.
OR WHERE, bimbo heeseung has no idea what the fuck to do with his feelings for you who are oblivious as fuck and your brothers who are overprotective as fuck.
MEET THE CAST. insanely love struck lee heeseung with his spoiled rich girl!reader ft. yeonjun, soobin, the rest of txt and the rest of enhypen. NSFW VERSION: BRAT TAMER heeseung with his BRAT girl.
GENRE & WARNING(S). social media!au + written chapters, SMUT MDNI!!! in the form of written chapters later on in the series, fluff, humor & crack, minimal angst, lots and i mean lots and lots of swearing and dirty jokes and everything nsfw. college!au, nonidol!au, neighbors to lovers!au, childhood friends to lovers!au. heavy on sister complex! rest other warnings will be stated in respective chapters.
UPDATE SCHEDULE. discontinued.
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ׅ ꢾ꣒ profiles, character introductions & the groupchats. ( PLAYLIST ) theme song, code blue!
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YEONIE NOTES. incase someone wonders if this is incest, no it’s not, they are not related by blood. sister complex. a state of strong attachment and obsession to sisters, always having them as their first priority. FIC ASKS: ask about the characters!
EPISODES rolling ..
000. prologue: the backstory.
001. arranged date gone wrong
002. it's a shame yn wants you
003. all good when all delusional
004. can you afford her a McLaren? TWT + WRITTEN ( 2.4k )
005. heeseung finally— [REDACTED]!
006. you went as my arm candy
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i think its obvious enough why, the lack of response and enthusiasm from readers has made lose all motivation to continue this any further. i was so excited to revamp it but it seems it isn't the case for the other side. feedbacks are what keep most if not all writers going and absence of it for this one has just rid me of all interest i had to share it with you all. thank you to those who read it, and i apologize those who were looking forward to read it. this is it. over and done, with this kind of support i'm never doing a series on here again.
FIRST TAGLIST @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @shawnyle @enhastolemyheart @aaa-sia @criminalyun @oddracha @satan-223 @diorsyun @hooniehon @fakeuwus @caramelcandescence @intromortal @kookify @yutasberryy @sumzysworld @nikiswifiee @shuichi-sama @primroselover @rayofsunshineeee @aishigrey @yjwluvs @soraokkotsu @nyfwyeonjun @srhnyx @trashx678 @wondipity @winuvs @hoondiors @niniissus @firstclassjaylee @biancaness @enhaz1 @sophi-ee @un06 @heelariously @d-earlog @pharaways @ethelia @eneiyri @secretbarbariangardener @seochangbinnnnnnnnnnn @microwavedstrawberr1es @randomanothercreature @thatsoraya @graythecoffeebean @rikibun @jaeyungxrl @mxxnintheskyreblogs
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Oh StarClan... your dash has turned into warrior cats again.
#sorry <3 #this one has parts that are based off of that #one post rhats like "if there were cat-people #do you think calico tboys would try to dye over their patches"
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🔁 🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow reblogged
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
Me & Night (my mate)!!!
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🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
:O Kip's mate has finally been revealed!!! And his name is Night? Cooool.
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
Yeah haha. Technically his full name is Night Hunter, Bringer of Darkness, but it feels so weirdly formal calling him that, so I usually stick to just Night.
#life #kittypet #collar tw #cw collars #id in alt text
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🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
I find it really funny when I see cats on here vaguepost about big blogs. Like cmon mouse-brain everyone here knows who you're talking about. Just say their name.
#this is about that one mommy blogger shitting on kipper the kittypet #btw #in case some of you couldnt tell #would be funny if it wasnt so stupid
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🥬 rxttencatmint Follow
Hahaaaaa.... my mother found out ive been slowly dyeing my ginger patches black...
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Why would you do that??? Being a tortie is so cool, I wish I had ginger patches! They're so pretty, why do you want to get rid of them???
🥬 rxttencatmint Follow
Uhm. Gender dysphoria??
Like. I know cis male tortoiseshells exist but they're so rare that most cats take one look at me and go "oh, tortie, must be a girl" and that hurts.
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
OH STARCLAN im so sorry Rot i wasnt even thinking about you being trans, I probably sounded really insensitive... I do understand what you're saying now.
Didn't even ask, how did your mom take it? Does she know why?
🥬 rxttencatmint Follow
You're fine <3 I get it. And no, she uh.. has no clue why I did it, she thinks I'm in my "emo phase" or something.
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Uhh unrelated but what do you use to dye your fur?? Asking for... science...
#"science" meaning i am also a tortie tboy #well technically i'm calico but ykwim
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🔁 🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow reblogged
🦢 gentlesong-momof17 Follow
I can't be the only one here who thinks it's unfair to allow kittypets on this site. Posting pictures of themselves and their mates inside of the twolegplace, influencing the young kits on this site to abandon their Clans... surely everyone else sees the problem with this as well.
This is Clanblr, not "Kittypetblr". This was specifically made as a space for Clan cats to connect, not for kittypets to push their lifestyle on us.
They're going to convince our kits to abandon their home and their belief in StarClan just for a more secure life.
#EXACTLY #I only recently found out ex-tc Kipper was a kittypet #it was so upsetting to me because i've always loved his wood-scratch art #to find out he's a clan-abandoner was so saddening
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
The recent drama surrounding Kipper the Kittypet is sad and I hate that he's being bashed just for existing, but it's also incredibly stupid. I believe the cat who wrote the original post said something like, "it's CLANblr, not KITTYPETblr," and then something about belief in StarClan and I just... do you even realize how many Clanblr mods are non-Clan and/or don't believe in StarClan?
To name a few, @s-t-a-r-burning is former WindClan now rogue & openly an atheist, @theshadowhaseyes has been a kittypet his whole life, and @ssuunnrraayy-p has made zir entire blog about how ze travels from one Clan to another & doesnt consider zimself a Clan cat. Those are all mods. "It's clanblr no-" shut up. Just shut up.
245 notes
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🧷 name-lists-by-theme
Theme: Water
as always, these work as either part of your name, but they are intended as the first part!
Keep reading
383 notes
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🐱 berrrrry-o Follow
I think a lot of cats put way too much emphasis on the parts of the warrior code that dont matter, and forget the parts that do, like "feed elders and kits first" and "never neglect a kit in pain or danger"... I feel like those are significantly more important than "a warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet," but maybe that's just me.
#berry yaps #I'm irritated by the kittypet drama going on on this site
16 notes
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🔁 🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow reblogged
🔲 sag3-chas3s-squirr3ls-deactivated
I feel like we don't talk enough about how SkyClan got chased out of their own territory during a time of crisis rather than all of the Clans trying to make room for everyone...
I mean, seriously. I know it's taught to all SkyClan apprentices, but I've talked to some of my friends from other Clans and they just. Didn't know that. They were never taught that the other Clans allowed SkyClan to be chased out due to territory loss.
🔲 sstep-xoxo-deactivated
:/ im pretty sure the whole thing about skclan being kicked out of their territory is just a conspiracy theory
🔲 sag3-chas3s-squirr3ls-deactivated
Imagine trying to tell a cat that they don't know their own Clan's history 💀
#ohh i finally found it again #that 1 fucker trying to say that skyclan's history is a "conspiracy theory"
20,056 notes
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
:/ I do not like being stuck on the wrong site.
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sweetnans · 2 months
Stuck in the moment || Bakugo, K. (pt.6)
Pairing: fuckboy Bakugo/hopelessly romantic fem. reader
summary: You made a mistake, a huge mistake. You fucked the most cocky, annoying, bastard, fuckboy you knew. Bakugo Katsuki. And that fact was against all your beliefs. Now, after the rumor (truth) spread like a pandemic virus in college you'll have to live with the stormy consequences of your acts and whatever trash was brought with it.
a/c: Hey, it's me again. Here we are in a new series I plan to continue. I really hope you enjoy it. I put my favorite man in action (bakugo) being a selfish bastard that you would love eventually and I couldn't help to put another "trope" I'm a sucker for (guardian/father figure Aizawa) I'm so sorry if that bothers you. Once again, I'm sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language. (Not proofread yet)
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 -> Pt.7 ♡
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Bakugo was kinda fun to be around with. He actually made you laugh and not because of his faces every time you blurted the most unhinged question for him. He made you laugh verbally, with his own words, and the sentence wasn't one full of hate and despise. He was, without wanting it, fun.
For you, it fell like a truce, and the thought of being friends with him didn't scare you anymore. The second thoughts and plans of getting rid of him just by ignoring him disappeared along with the security that he was going to try something with you. He didn't.
You felt lightweight. Like a feather being carried with the breeze. Or that was Denki told you when you tried to verbalize what you felt. There was no weight on your shoulders anymore trying to dodge every bullet Bakugo threw at you just by being himself. You were walking on eggshells, and now it felt amazing that you weren't feeling distraught by just thinking of bumping into him in the hallways.
Somehow, that relieved your anxiety of having an upcoming date with Todoroki. You were planning on what to wear very calmly with Jirou's help and fantasizing how it would be.
You've made your peace.
Back in your real life, outside the mess of your head, you had to complete your homework and study for midterms. So you were genuinely happy that you could accomplish that without feeling so rachet about yourself.
"Is college more difficult than school?" Eri asked while you two were both doing your school/college chores in Aizawa's apartment.
"I don't know. I think you have to find a steady pace and find a good method to study, and everything should be fine. " You hummed your response, and she squinted at you. "What?"
"But you're like a genius, that doesn't count"
Eri had entered the age where she hated school. The rebellious phase for every teenager. She was still a cute girl who didn't give Aizawa any problem, but that didn't mean that it was easy trying to get her to do her homework.
"Well, you have brains too," you shrugged. "I know you don't like to do this stuff but at least we can spend some time together, like old times"
You loved her with your entire soul, and she welcomed you with open arms when Aizawa introduced you two. You both treated each other like sisters.
"Yeah, I think you're right." She smiled and directed her eyes to her assigment. "You've been kinda missing lately"
"It's been messy, not going to lie about it," you continued your writing while she was fidgeting with her pen.
"A boy, right?" She raised her eyebrow and smirked.
"What?" You dropped your pencil and looked at her nervously. You knew that Eri was very prone to hearing things without meaning it, and that was because Aizawa and Hizashi usually forgot that she's around when they speak things about college.
"I heard Aizawa talking to...I can't remember actually who, but he said something about a guy named Bakugo. I think I remember him, a loudly blonde guy with a grumpy face"
The thing about you two is that you always shared secrets. She constantly overheard things and never stuttered on telling or asking you whatever the topic was.
You constantly forgot how she was there before you. Like you were the older and you acted like an older sister for her but it was really weird that she, when she was little, used to be around them most of the time. You knew the war provoked that the grown-ups had to take their time to fix the world, so they asked students to babysit her. Mirio, one of the oldest, always stayed around. Even now, he made sure to have time to take her out. They went to amusement parks together, to the movies, to the arcade. Mirio had a busy life as a hero but never forgot his roots.
"Uhm, I don't know exactly what you heard, but it's just a friendship, nothing romantic, I swear." You were afraid that she had heard something about the one night stand you had with him, but you knew that even if Aizawa was oblivious about Eri eavesdropping, he would never share that piece of information with anyone.
"I don't mind. Your last boyfriend was a jackass so the set bar is pretty low." She said, waving her hand mindlessly.
With the teen years and rebellious age, as you can tell, she became savage.
"Accurately rude," you stated. "Anyways, just so you know and because I love you, I'm having a date this friday with the son of Endeavor"
The way she looked at you like you were joking made you cackle. You nodded, reaffirming your sentence, and she denied not believing you.
"The guy with the mismatched eyes?" You moved your head up and down, and she put both of her hands in her mouth. "He is cute"
"I know!" You giggled while she quickly closed her books.
"I need to know everything"
Aizawa scolded both of you for not finishing your chores before dinner but it was totally worth it.
On the other hand, Bakugo was still reminiscing the moment you appeared in his room the day before. His bento, clean and empty, was forgotten in his desk while he could still pictured you spinning in his chair.
The moment he watched you disappear, running after Todoroki was a decisive point in his mind. He only knew two emotions when it came to you, utterly giddy feelings that he didn't know he had, and that made him feel in constant denial and the second one, rage. Those feelings evolved in things more complicated. Rage evolved in stubbornness, prideful and insecurity. Why wasn't he good enough?
But then, you turned the things in your favor again, and he felt, aside from happy, vulnerable. Was that the only thing it took to have him back? A few 'I'm sorry' and a bag of cookies? If it was anyone, he would close the door at their nose, but it was you, and he couldn't help feeling the sincerity in your actions.
"What do you think about her?" Bakugo asked Denki, who was very busy trying to win a race in Mario Kart against Sero.
They were hanging in his room. After all, it was the only place available for stuff them all without annoying anyone. Sero and Denki were challenging themselves on Mario Kart, Kirishima was reading a sports magazine, and Mina was painting her nails.
"She is my best friend. I mean, aside from Jirou, " he answered, calculating a drift and avoiding a banana peel.
"Isn't she your girlfriend?" Sero chimed in, stumbling in the banana peel that Denki avoided before. "Oh man," he whined, seeing how toad twirled many times.
Mina started talking about you, how you seemed very nice but a little shy and how she was pretending to invite you for a drink or five. Bakugo's friend knew how he was, so he didn't mind asking about you with all of them there.
"Yep, but she's also my best friend. Anyway, forget about Jirou. " he turned the conversation about you again. "She's a very good friend, loyal. She's very attached to her past, but I don't blame her. She stays in between Jirou and me, like she's goofy funny and likes to throw silly jokes, but unlike me, she can ground herself very quickly, she doesn't need a Jirou to stay put. She's always supportive, and I'm really happy to have her"
Denki meant every word he said. He was very fond of you because you were so easy to be with. You didn't judge him for his lack of intellectual (academically) it was actually the opposite. Every time he felt down, you were the first one cheering him up and highlighting some other qualities he had.
"That's very manly bro" Kirishima threw both of his thumbs up with a big smile plastered on his face, completely forgetting he had a magazine on his hands.
"I really hope that you talk about me like that too, bunch of assholes!" Mina mumbled.
"Nah, we mostly talk about your lack of reasoning when you decide to wear animal print. That's so last decade!" Sero joked.
"You son of a bitch!" Mina yelled throwing him a pillow who ended up being one of the many reasons he lost in the race. "Haha, you deserved that loser." She stuck her tongue out, and Sero mimicked her.
"Please don't tear up my fucking room" Bakugo scolded them and they returned to their activities.
"Also, about Mina saying she's shy, she's not... she's chaotic in a way that no one expects her to be. You always see her so composed, but she's an entire other person once she's in his comfort zone. " Denki laughed at a memory that came back to his mind from one of the nights you two went out.
The last sentence of Denki had him motivated. He didn't need an excuse when it came to you, but he was eager and stubborn, and he needed to see with his own eyes that hidden part of you.
He knew exactly what he had to do.
You made your way back to your room when the sun was far from down. Eri and you turned the study session into a pancake dinner day. Save to say that Aizawa's white roof would never be white again unless he put all his soul to clean the stains of the batter away.
Rubbing your eyes because of the lack of sleep, you entered your building and walking like a zombie to your floor. You were happy to be alone. Jirou sent you a message that she would be staying at Denki's room for the night and you could never be happier. You were tired in a way that was draining your soul. Midterms were coming like a wave ready to crash adding the past event in your life that wreck the normality of it. But now, you had studied all the afternoon, you sure would have a good night of sleep and the Bakugo topic was more than solved.
Everything was making sense again. Oh and don't forget your upcoming date.
You let yourself breathe again and expand the capacity of your lungs like you were inhaling oxygen for the first time. It felt actually nice, it was like rebooting yourself just by doing so mundane like breathing.
"About time"
Bakugo stood beside your room door looking hot as ever. He was wearing a black hoodie with his cap on, a matching jogger in his lower part.
"What are you doing here?" you whispered. It was late and there wasn't a soul around.
"I was running and decided to check on you" he shrugged when you stood in front of him squinting your eyes in disbelief. "Fine, there's one lie and one truth in that sentence"
You crossed your arms on top of your chest and he couldn't help eyeing your neckline.
"The truth is that I was running" he smirked and you rolled your eyes trying to hide your smile. Damn bastard. "Are we going to talk here? on the hallway?"
Taking the keys out of your pocket you reached to put them inside the lock, turning the knob after. Switching the lights, you dropped your bag in your desk and sat in your bed exhaling and laying yourself on top of the duvet.
"Did you bring food?" you asked to say something. Your stomach was full of pancakes but the thought of his cooking had you almost drooling.
"Nah, I have a proposal for you and if you say yes maybe and just maybe I'll reward you with a dish"
A proposal? You pushed your body up ready to read him. Was he joking? Maybe it was just like when he asked you to be friends or maybe it was something worse, like breaking his promise. You knew that accepting his friendship would have its perks, like the possibility of him trying to get under your pants. You were making mental jumps because of it. You knew very well the men like him, cocky, unreachable with superiority complex.
"It's not what you think" he huffed annoyed. "I'm not going to start an argument because of your lack of trust"
If you thought that you could read him, you were wrong and the worst part is that he could do that to you instead. Were you that transparent?
"I'm listening" you said trying to maintain your face neutral.
The vibe in the room changed, there wasn't that fun and easy-going atmosphere anymore. You were expecting the most mischievous proposal but instead, you were surprised when he opened his mouth.
"My mom is hosting a party and she's making me go with a plus one. I invited everyone but they all have plans. If I show up by myself she's going to be the death of me for the entire night" he murmured loud enough for you to hear. It seemed that just by saying that he was losing at least half of his pride.
"So you want me to go with you..." you stated the obvious.
"You're my last resource, don't let the invitation get over your head" he said breaking eye contact with you and rumaging through your stuff.
"Oh you do know how to make a girl feel special" you said sarcastically.
Laying down, you went back to your positions now, instead of just resting, thinking. The truth was that after imagining the worst case scenario you couldn't come with an excuse good enough to said no to him.
"What's the dress code?" you asked watching at your roof. You heard how he was picking every stuff from your desk as well as you did with his stuff on his room.
"Don't worry about it, I have something for you to wear" he answered nonchalantly
Of course he has. You said under your breath in exasperation. Now you were actually caged. There was no opportunity of saying no.
"Fine" you hummed in response.
Bakugo felt like his heart was about to explode. When he asked Denki about you and came with that idea he was expecting that you would be hard to crack. He had at least three different forms of convincing you to go to the party with him. He didn't use one.
"I'm going to pick you up tomorrow at six, be ready by that. I'll send the dress first thing in the morning"
He was finding hard to keep his neutral facade with you, like he wasn't excited about it.
"Tomorrow!?" you exclaimed standing in a quick movement. "Are you fucking with me?"
The look on your face was between a bottle of water in the middle of the dessert and a loudly clown in a silent room. He didn't know that he needed to see you in distress until now and he was quite amused at your panicked state.
"Yeah it's nothing just a stupid party with a lot of people" he rolled his eyes acting bored.
It didn't sound like nothing to you. You knew Bakugo's parents were important in the fashion industry and now he was dropping a bomb like it wasn't going about to explode in your face.
He grabbed the knob of your door and twisted it until the door was open in front of him.
"Don't you worry, it's not like there will be the most important people of Japan" he paused and then a wicked smile appeared on his face. "Oh shit, yeah there will"
He left you dumbfounded and alone with the train of thoughts that appeared right after he closed the door. And you thought you will be having a nice night of sleep? The world was messing with you again.
In his room, hanging in the doors of his closet, Bakugo had the stunning dress he had picked that afternoon after he kicked out all of his friend out of his room. A red satin long dress with an opening in the right leg. He didn't know if you had matching shoes but he make sure of that when the assitant of the shop handed him the dress. Lacy high heels he knew you would love.
Everyone knew that Bakugo was a smart man, and being in the industry for years without wanting it made him learn things unconsciously like what size people were only by looking at them. He was sure that the dress and the shoes would fit you and, of course, make you way more gorgeous than you already were.
Your night was summed up in pacing all night. You walked through your room, you rearranged your desk three times, you even changed your bed sheets a week earlier trying to succumb the anxiety rising up from the pit of your stomach.
Well, what's done is done. You already said yes and there was no enough amount of excuse that would prevent you from going.
You've never attended a nice party before. You looked up Bakugo's parents on the internet and the sight of them smiling in a picture wearing haute couture made you shrink in your position in bed. You thought about biting your nails but then a reasonable thought appeared on your mind, there was no way that you would go to that party and meet those people with your nails all bitten.
Finally, the sun was up in the sky and you made it through the night sleeping the vast amount of four hours. You felt fresh like a rotten veggie rusting in the back of the fridge.
Just as he said, a few little knocks on your door startled you right after you opened your eyes.
"Why is Bakugo sending you this?" Denki raised his left brow while raising the dress covered in a gray bag.
No hello, no how are you's, straight to the damn point.
"Uhm, where's Jirou?" If you were going to explain yourself you'll rather doing it just once.
"She went to the bathroom, she's coming tho, what's going on?" He took a step inside of the room and left the dress on top of your dresser removing the wrinkles with his hands.
"Here I am! I took a piss almost standing with a feet inside the stall and the other outside the bathroom, what the hell is going on!?"
Curious Jirou was your absolute favorite when you weren't involved in the thing she wanted to know because you were almost sure that she was just a few seconds away of grabbing your bedside table's lamp to hold it above your eyes to interrogate you.
"Bakugo invited me to this thing of his parents because no one was able to go with him, not a big deal" you waved your hand at them like it was actually nothing when you were boiling on the inside.
"Not big deal??" She exclaimed. "I took a peak of that dress and girl, that didn't seem like not a big deal" she quoted you in the air and you walked to the dress to pry inside.
The way both of your hands rose to clap your mouth shut proved Jirou right.
A red satin dress whose fabric and lacy straps screamed money and luxury to you laid flat and still in your hand-me-down duvet.
"It also came with these" Denki appeared above your shoulder with a pair of strappy heels.
You shook your head several times in disapproval. No. When Bakugo said that he had a dress, you never expected for him to casually lend you a, you could guess, a few pairs of zero dress. And heels that would match its glamor and price.
"What are you doing?" Jirou asked Denki in a hum.
"Looking at the price of this thing" He scanned the dress with his phone and shook his head and then he scanned the heels. "The dress is nowhere to be found but the heels, oh my god, don't even touch that"
"Don't be ridiculous, I don't think is that exp-" Jirou's eyes widen, and you could swear that they were about to pop out of their sockets. "Don't touch them? More like, don't breathe near them!"
"Dial his number Denki. I need to talk to him now. " You rushed to your friend while he was taking his phone out of his jacket.
"Put him on speaker," Jirou commented side eyeing you.
After a few rings, the sound of static and him clearing his throat startled the three of you.
"If something happened to that dress I swear to god-" Bakugo gruff voice echoed in your room.
"It's not that! When you said a party, I thought you meant like a casual party, almost as a jeans and top party, not a champagne toast, chandeliers and limousines party" you freaked out.
"Oh, so you liked the dress," he said, and you could practically see the smirk plastered on his face.
"There's no way I'm going to use that. The shoes cost more than my whole tuition!"
"I don't see the problem. Besides, you're not that clumsy to tear them up in just one night. I assure you nothing is going to happen, I'm going to pick you up, help you walk, and stay by your side, taking care that no one put a damn finger on it, if that is your concern"
In his own room, he was trying to keep it cool while the mere possibility of you bailing it out made his leg tremble under his desk. This was his shot. He had accepted the weird feelings he had toward you, and now he needed to taste the waters to see if there was any chance for him.
"I'm picking you up at six. Don't be late, " he hung up.
He wouldn't give you the opportunity to leave him hanging.
Classes were slower than usual. Fortunately, you had most of them with Jirou, so if you thought that she would drop the incident of the morning, you thought wrong.
"I don't know what's on his mind, but the bright side is that you have the chance to wear a nice dress for once without having to sell your soul to the devil" she said while scribbling some notes. You raised your brow at her, and she gasped. "He's not the devil"
"Since when are you a Bakugo defender?" You asked, leaning on your head on your open hand.
"I'm not his defender is just he's just behaving like a normal human being, acting like a friend, and don't forget he ate that crap the other day, for me that's like the ultimate act of love" she exaggerated.
"I wouldn't go that far," you rolled your eyes at her. "I'm with you on that, except for the latter, but I still think that he has hidden intentions." Jirou titled her head in confusion. "He's used to getting everything he wants, and normally he does, and when I appeared and opened my mouth, everything went downhill for him"
"So you think that he's only using you? For revenge? I don't think he's that wicked. " Jirou bit the tip of his pen giving it a profound thought.
"I don't know"
And for once in your life, you didn't want to know.
The same afternoon, you were at your room with your makeup and hair done. Jirou helped you to look like a decent person, and she also helped you put on your dress without leaving any stains.
"I swear to god, this is gorgeous," she exclaimed.
You admired yourself in the mirror. The fabrics traced the shape of your body in a way that almost made you faint. Growing up in an orphanage, you never had the opportunity of dressing nice. This was the first time that you actually felt like a princess.
Three knocks on the door echoed in the room. You looked at the clock, and you still had a whole fifteen minutes before Bakugo's arrival. Maybe something happened, you wouldn't have the chance to know because you didn't have his number.
You hurried to pick up some jewelry, a pair of golden earrings with a matching necklace that lay on your desk.
"Sensei?" Jirou asked and gave a step back to let Aizawa enter the room. Aizawa looked for you, and when he caught the glimpse of you dressed to the ninens, he was utterly confused.
"What's going on?" He asked slowly.
"I'm going to a party," you said, clicking the earrings to your lobes. You had a few more piercings, so you decided to look for new ones to combine.
"With Bakugo," Jirou chimed in giggling at your death stare.
"What?" Aizawa turned from Jirou to you.
"He asked me to be his plus one to one of his parent's events, no biggie," you said, clasping the back of your necklace while the two of them were talking with glances. "It's not what you are thinking"
"What am I thinking?" He pretended not having understood.
"It's not meet the parents, I swear, I'll just go, eat some boujee shit and look pretty" you shrugged.
Aizawa nodded in acknowledgment and then smiled a bit.
"You do look pretty," he said like a proud dad. "You should send a picture to Eri"
"Why don't I take the picture of the two of you?" Jirou said, excited. "You didn't have any proms, right? This could be the replacement of family photos"
You wouldn't lie. The mere idea of it made you excited, too. You had your best friend and your father figure with you in a moment you never thought you would ever have.
"Fine, but I want you out before Bakugo arrives, I don't want the: bring her in one piece show"
"Oh, don't worry, I'm going to have a serious talk with that boy," he joked.
Or that's what you thought.
Bakugo was ready to pick you thirty minutes before the time he set, so now, he had thirty minutes to pace in his room with his tux on and a lot of thoughts running through his mind.
The palms of his hands were sweating, and he restricted himself to apply more perfume on his collar. He didn't want to provoke you a headache, but he didn't want to smell like caramel either.
He went straight to his car, and although your building was almost in front of his building, he waited in the car, blasting loud music to keep his nerves on the line.
When the clock marked six pm, he made sure to lock his car and, with big steps, made his way to your building, playing with the keys on his fingers he stepped into the elevator and clicked the third floor.
The door of your room opened at the second knock, and Denki's girlfriend was the one on the other side of the wood.
"Are you ready?" She smiled widely, and Bakugo felt the emotions running in his stomach.
"Don't make a fuzz over it"
You appeared in slow motion. Well, that's how he recalls it. He was absolutely right about the dress and the heels. He felt his mouth drying just at the sight of you in front of him. Your makeup was subtle but remarked the main factions of your face. Your eyes were stunning and sparkling, and your mouth highlighted with a subtle shadow of light brown lipstick and gloss on top.
"You -" he stuttered. He cursed himself on his mind for acting like a teenager. "You look beautiful"
You smiled at him, and your cheeks went red in an instant but this time it wasn't for shame, it was purely because of his compliment.
"Let's go," he offered his arm, and you happily clung to it. You needed the balance.
"Have fun!" Jirou screamed from the door when you two walked away from her.
The ride in the car was nice. The spring breeze made you shiver a few times, but he was quick enough to pull the windows up. You thanked him in your mind.
On the other hand, Bakugo was sweating like a pig. He knew he needed to look at the road, but he was so mesmerized by your beauty that he couldn't help staring at you, giving you subtle glances.
He didn't want the ride to be silent, but he didn't know what to say without giving away too much or making a shame of himself.
He was a nervous wreck.
The two of you arrived at the venue with the sun setting on your backs. You had your arm locked on Bakugo's to maintain stability in your heels. With the heels on, he was only half of a head taller than you, so know you could actually see his eyes without killing your neck in the process.
The thematic of the party was classic and luxurious. You weren't wrong about the chandeliers and the champagne because the first thing you saw above your head was an enormous chandelier hanging from the roof, which was very far from the ground and about the champagne, after your mouth almost fell from his junction at the sight of the warm light, a waiter dressed in black waved his tray with multiples flute cups urging you to take one.
Bakugo was kind enough to take two of them and nodded at the waiter, who continued to offer them to the other guests.
Man, you needed at least three of them to just adjust yourself to the atmosphere.
"D'you like it?" He asked, offering the beverage.
"I mean, yeah, it's amazing, and I can't even begin to think the work your parents had to put on this, but I feel like an ant in a shark tank"
He smirked at your comparison.
"You look good," he assured you.
Before you could say anything a tug in your shoulder made you both turn around.
"Who's this?"
The femenine image of Bakugo was in front of you, looking at you with awe and sparkling eyes.
"I thought I'll have enough time to sneak out before bumping into you, mom." he rolled his eyes, and his mom didn't waste time smacking his shoulder with her hand.
"Don't talk to me like that, Katsuki. I'm your goddamn mother, " she flicked his son's forehead and then, like nothing happened, returned to you. "Who are you, darling?"
"She's my friend," Bakugo said before you could open your mouth. He looked constipated like he was trying so hard that you didn't talk.
"Hi, Mrs Bakugo, I'm very pleased to meet you," you said after giving her your name.
"Katsuki, I thought you'll bring your friends, this is a nice surprise." she was genuinely excited. "Are you his girlfriend or his girl-friend?" she waved her arms, stating the comparison with a playful wink that made you blush.
"She's just my friend," Bakugo answered, annoyed. "Where's dad?"
"Oh, he's over there sweeping away the candy table, I swear that man loves too much those little macaroons," she smiled at the sight of her husband. "Anyway, enjoy the party, I hope to see you again, darling," she squeezed your shoulder in her way out.
"She's cool," you said once she was out of sight.
Bakugo snorted and shook his head.
"That's because she doesn't scream at you, c'mon, let me introduce you to my dad" he grabbed your hand this time pulling you through the crowd and you didn't know how to feel about the sudden interaction.
Bakugo's dad was visibly the opposite of his mom. He was quiet, very calm and nice. He asked you about college and about your quirk. The three of you talked about random topics for almost half an hour, and you could tell that Bakugo was more relaxed around his dad than with his mom.
The party began after a speech from both of Bakugo's parents talking about the fashion industry and his own company. The start of it, the challenges they went through in the way of what was today and everything. They thanked their employees, which you found very modest of them, in the best sense of the word.
Then everyone was in their world talking to each other and laughing at the memories they shared. You and Bakugo were leaning in the bar table, asking for something else than champagne. Your tongue wasn't used to refined alcohol.
"Is it always like this?" You asked watching everyone from afar.
"Yeah, the best part is that they only do this twice a year, I need to use the bathroom. Can you stay here and wait for the drinks?" You nodded and gave him a small smile that he gave back.
In his absence, you took the time to look at your phone and replied to Jirou's text since it was just one text you needed to reply to. You started scrolling through the apps and watching stories from your friends. Mina's story appeared just after you accepted on being her friend.
The image of her and Bakugo's friend appeared in an instant. They were hanging together and playing cards in a bar while drinking beer. You felt the champagne in your stomach twirl and made you nauseous.
Why did they tell Bakugo that they were busy?
You were thinking about telling him or not when he appeared and looked above your shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He asked, raising his brow at you.
He didn't give you the time to hide the evidence, so he was very stunned when he watched his friend's story.
"I'm so sorry they lied to you," you said sadly.
His reaction took you by surprise. He wasn't sad or angry. Instead, he was stoic, he standed there thinking and looking at the abyss shuffling the options in his mind.
"It's okay, I didn't invite them," he shrugged and sat on the bar stool, taking the glass of something in his hand.
The look on your face was epic.
"What? But you told me-" you were dumbfounded.
"I know what I told you," he interrupted. "I just didn't want you to say no and I really wanted you to come"
The last time someone was so eager to spend time with you was when you were in charge of the twins, and the couple who adopted them wanted to be by their side all the time.
"Why?" You said confused by his actions.
"I wanted to know you better, like friends do." he wasn't even looking at you, focused completely on sipping from his glass. Yours was in front of you when you realized that it was a Cosmopolitan that you haven't ordered. He remembered.
"Well, I don't know what to say"
"It's okay if you're mad" he mumbled under his breath. He didn't want you to be mad.
"Mad? I'm flattered. I mean, yesterday I was the last option, and now I'm the only option you had in mind since the beginning, " you said toying with your fingers.
You didn't like any sort of lies, but you could understand why he did that. You weren't very open with anyone but your friends so it was very difficult to reach you sometimes. At least he was trying.
"So, do you like to dance, or am I just going to use this dress like a mannequin?" You said batting your long lashes at him.
"Your wishes are my commands, ma'am," he offered his hand, and you took it without hesitating.
"Oh my god, you're so damn cocky"
Your cheeky tone made butterflies erupt in Bakugo's body. That shithead of Kaminari was right. You were absolutely fun to have around.
After a few dances and a lot of drinking, at least for your part, because Bakugo had to drive you back, you were a giant mess. You felt the heat in your body and your feet staring to swell because of the dances. Bakugo was a great dancer, he knew how to sway and how twirl you without leaving you on the ground. You made fun of him multiple times and he took advantage of your state giving you the false sensation that after a spin he would actually drop you.
"I'm a mess right now," you stated the obvious. The drink was way over your head, and it made your legs feel lightweight.
"Yeah, you've stomped in my feet three times," he grinned grabbing you firmly by your waist.
"I'm sorry," you pouted. "I needed to make sure you weren't feeling so confident about your dancing skills. What a bummer! Do you really have to be good at everything? It's exhausting, Bakugo"
The way he laughed at you made you feel whole. He was genuinely laughing, heading back and relaxed shoulder. The whole starting pack of finding you funny.
"Katsuki," he returned to his normal state.
"What?" you asked. Your mind was working slowler than usual.
"You can call me Katsuki after you crushed my feet and almost teared off my arm when you thought you were falling, I think we are okay with first name basis"
Your emotions were in a state of haze. You could blame the alcohol in your veins, but you could also blame the stunning man in front of you, glancing your figure and never letting go of your skin.
He looked as hypnotized as you, but he was more in his right mind to make a subtle move.
Leaning and entering in your space, he took a loose lock of your hair with his fingers and carefully placed it behind your ear, taking the moment to hang in there for a while.
You gulped at the feeling of having him so close.
"I think we should dance one last time before we go," he whispered in your ear.
The slow music played through the speakers. Katsuki grabbed your hand, who was tiny against his big one. He placed the other hand in your waist while yours stayed in his shoulder. The intense look you were sharing gave you enough time to look at his eyes and memorize them. In the warm and fainty light, they looked brighter than other occasions, or maybe it was just because you now were taking your time to really look at them.
Katsuki felt the same way, he sweep your entire face with his eyes while guiding your dance. Your big eyes looked at him like he was the only thing in the world, the tip of your nose little red just as well as your cheeks and your lips, slightly apart and puffy, he wanted to kiss you so bad.
Would you let him? Kiss you?
He wanted to ask, but he was afraid. Bakugo Katsuki was afraid of asking a girl to please let him kiss her?
At that point, he didn't mind begging you to let him taste the sweet of your lips. He was dealing with his own devils inside of his brain. He promised you that his only intention was to be your friend, and now, after a splendid day, his own instincts were about fuck everything up or make it better.
Without even noticing, he started to lean towards you, and you were leaning as well to meet him in the middle. When he realized you were halfway to stamp your lips on his. Your eyes fluttered in between staying open and closed and he sucked his air because it was about to happen.
Ride or die, he thought.
You were inches away from each other when abruptly you shrinked in your position and your eyes snapped open in pain.
Your ankle sabotaged you.
After a little fuzz about it, where the two of you decided to forget the previous situation, you were situated in Katsuki's front seat with the help of his dad and a waiter. Your ankle was getting bigger and bigger and Katsuki couldn't stop looking at it.
"We have to go to emergencies," he stated.
You waved him off, rolling your eyes and internally screaming because of the pain. Damn high heels, you would never use them again.
"It's okay, I'll go to recovery girl tomorrow morning, and she'll do something about it"
That was the main plan. Katsuki felt stupid because with the preoccupation of you in any sort of pain, he forgot that you had all the possibilities with Aizawa being your guardian.
Once you reached your building, he made sure of leaving you safely and tucked in your bed. He even wanted to carry you bridal style to your room, but you adamantly opposed the possibility of being the main gossip of the week.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you tomorrow?" He asked for what it seemed the tenth time. Jirou, who was at his back, had a finger lifted for every time he asked that.
"It's okay, Jirou can take me, right?" You said calmly.
"Sure," she faked innocence, hiding his hands behind his back.
"Here, my number." he took your phone from his jacket and put his number on your contacts. "Text me tomorrow, or you'll have me here all day"
God forbid.
"Fine," you smirked. "I had a good time, thank you"
He tucked his hands on his pant's pockets and nodded in agreement.
When the door closed, Jirou watched you with her eyes wide open in amusement.
"I know, don't say anything," you curled up to touch your ankle and see it closely. "This look nasty"
"Girl," she stated, not believing a thing she had just seen.
You didn't sleep a wink from the pain. Jirou stayed all night with you icing your entire feet to deflate it, but it didn't work.
The sun was getting up in the sky, and the both of you were tired and sitting in your bed with your backs against the wall.
"Thank god the only class I have today is skippable," she said, yawning.
"Mine is not skippable but I'll make it skippable" you said changing the ice pack to your other hand. "I'll talk to Aizawa"
"Did you asked why he was here yesterday?"
You've forgotten about that.
"No" you shook your head. "I didn't even give it a thought"
She hummed in response and the two of you fell in a comfort silence where you took the chance to close your eyes a little.
"Don't you think you are playing two teams?" Jirou asked while taking the ice pack from your hand and icing your ankle herself.
Her voice startled you less than his ask.
"No," you hissed when she hit a sensitive spot. "I mean, Bakugo invited me to that thing, I said yes, we danced...very close and intimate I'm not going to lie about it and then I sprinted my ankle and now I'm here, what's that of two teams"
"You are practically panicking because of your ankle, I know you have a date with Todoroki, but maybe this is a sign." She said reading your mind.
Todoroki had crossed your mind just once and it was when you started to think in your classes and how you'll go to them in one foot.
"I can't leave him hanging." You said. "Besides, Bakugo invited me as his friend. He asked me to be his friend not a week ago, there no reason to not go to my date tomorrow"
"Fair point," she nodded. "Aren't you betraying yourself with this? Like in that blubbering mess you were last night, you explicitly told me that you felt your stomach doing a flip every time he pressed his hand on your waist"
You blamed the pain and the alcohol.
"If I don't remember, that means it didn't happen." You grinned at her, and she bumped her shoulder at you playfully
Oh, but you did remember, and it brought you mixed feelings that you didn't know how to deal with. With the sun rays of the morning stepping in your room through your curtains you couldn't help but think how fucked you were.
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(Not proofread yet)
End note: I know I made you wait, but the waiting had its purpose. My winter break is over :( and since I've been updating on Wednesdays, I needed to re-schedule this to Fridays. For the wait, this chapter is longer and involves more scenarios and the "date" that I know you didn't see it coming. Bakugo surpassed Todoroki without knowing it! Devil works hard but Bakugo wanting reader works harder.
A penny for your thoughts about this (not really but express yourself)
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834 notes · View notes
chaostudee · 1 month
you belong with me, lando norris.
summary : after another failed date you rely on lando to comfort you to which he confesses something to you. warnings : none a/n : literally all i've been doing is smau but written works will forever have my heart :)
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a sigh escaped you lips just as your eyes flicked to your phone to take a glimpse at the time. the past two hours had been torture, and although you hadn't had much faith that this one would get well you hadn't pictured it to be this grim. this man wouldn't shut up about himself, not once letting you get a word in edge ways.
a few minutes ago he said that he needed to pop to the bathroom just as you had both finished dessert. partially you were glad to be rid of him but were now suspicious that he had been gone for so long. in instinct your eyes flutter around the restaurant at the various couples and families dining. in doing so you spot your blind date darting hie eyes around the restuarant briefly before fleeing out the front door.
your eyes widen at the scene and you tutt to yourself. so typical. at that moment the waiter walks over to hand you the check.
"um can you give me a second?" you ask knwoing damn well your purse is full of nothing but makeup products.
"sure" the waiter replies with a nod before departing.
you quickly scour your purse for your phone and dial the one person you know that would be able to help you out.
"hey what's up??"
the sound of his voice makes you smile.
"well um i need your help...."
lando pauses. "that doesn't sound good...."
you laugh sarcastically. "yeah well it's not um so basically just before the check came the guy just upped and left and um since he said he was going to pay i left my purse at home. so i guess what i'm asking is for some money and i promise i'll pay you-"
"wait wait wait" lando cuts you off "he just left you?! what the actual fuck?!"
"i know i mean i should've known"
"what no no baby it's not your fault, here i'll send you the money real quick"
your stomach flips at the pet name, it always does but you would never admit that to him.
"thank you lando" you whisper.
"no problem angel, you know i'll always look out for you.
"okay um one last favour"
"hit me"
"can you pick me up it's kinda late and you know"
"ofc i will just send me your location"
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ ᡣ𐭩
lando hands you a cup of tea just as he joins you on the couch.
"thanks" you look up at him as you speak and he replies with a nod before taking a sip of his coffee.
lando shakes his head. " i actually still can't believe that son of a bitch did that to you"
you look down into the cup, the steam rising and hitting your cheeks. "i mean i guess i always choose the wrong ones"
"don't you dare say that sweetheart it is not your fault at all".
"no i'm serious ever time you come back from a date you tell me another crazy story and sweetheart it's nothing got to do with you"
"but what if it is me"
lando looks at you smypathetically.
"trust me it's not you, anyone would be lucky to have you"
"thanks lando but we both know that's not true"
lando sets down his cup and runs his hands through his hair. before putting his head in his hands and letting out a groan.
"what's wrong?"
"you are so oblivious"
"what wdym?"
lando smiles and begins to move closer to you. you watch as his eyes latch onto yours and then down to your lips. your heart begins to beat rapidly.
"as i said anyone would be lucky to have you"
you gulp. lando takes his hand and uses it to rest under your chin so you are forced to look at him.
"you are the most important person in my life"
"lando don't"
"don't what?"
"you're just saying that to make me feel better"
lando chuckles. "trust me i'm not you are and will forever be the most important person in my life, you're my best friend."
you smile shyly at him, there was no one that made you feel as loved as him.
"there were times i wanted it to be more".
your eyes widen at his confession and you open your mouth but just as you were about to speak you were stopped.
lando pulled his you into him placing his lips on yours. you didn't pull back but instead sunk deep into the kiss and as his smiled into your lips you couldn't help the heat that rised to your cheeks.
after a few moments you pull back and smile at him as you run a hand through his hair.
"was that okay?" he asks unsure if he had made you uncomfortable.
"more than okay" you admit.
and with that he pulled you in to his lap making you squeal before pressing his lips against yours once again.
in that moment you had never been happier and annoyed with yourself that you hadn't noticed the good in front of you all this time.
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angelismmm · 1 year
all i see is red. ⟢ with jealous! hsr men
— synopsis. jelly welly hsr men, god, your touchy male 'friend' definitely didn't wanna lay off you, and didn't wanna just be friends, and it's like you didn't mind, hell you didn't even say anything when the guy made you uncomfortable?? why?! seems like you were too nice to say anything, he'll just show who you belong to, and hopefully he'll fuck off.
— a letter from the author. taking advantage of the algorithm especially when it comes to this!! 1.5k notes on the 7mih helpp, this is my revenge post because i got claras card thing, and not her at 90 pity on the standard banner. you will see how much emotion i put into this. i lowkey just put them into to categories; nice and polite while the guy is around, and absolute bodyblock barrier while you hangout with him, or both, giggles
— heads up. smutty at the end of each thing, sextapes (caelus), kidnapping mentioned (dan heng & jing yuan), masturbation (all of them), possessiveness (most of them), creepy guy alert (the guy friend im talking about weeee), killing (blade/sampo), hickeys mentioned (most have), public fucking, just beware sex is everywhere, NOT IMPLIED FEM READER, TY !!!!
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・he never liked your 'friend'. he was almost too touchy with you whenever he got to hangout with you (& him). it seemed like he forgot you even had a boyfriend, a very dedicated one too. and he did not approve of this guy's actions at all. and it didn't help at all that he flirted with you for the fun of it, yeah right. he obviously wanted to get rid of him, and get with you. he isn't easily fooled, and that is so bold, of him to assume he can't see right through his little schemes to take you. too late honestly, because you loved him way more than that guy friend of yours. he's way better anyway. more utc.
・anything that the guy friend of yours offered? thinks there is an ulterior motive to it, and politely declines, makes it more obvious if he continues trying to shove the 'homemade food' that the guy made for him and his s/o. dan heng is not one for a lot of pda, but he's willing to hold your hand, by your waist, kisses on the cheek, hell, he'd go so far to kissing you on the lips and giving a hickey or two just to try telling the guy you already were his. always have been. but he kept trying... it's like an annoying little bug that won't stop 'till he stomps it dead. well, that's quite alright, he's willing to stab the hell out of this guy, gouge his eyes out and skin him alive, makes dan heng more protective and possessive if the guy tries anything that makes you uncomfortable. just really can't take the hint, huh?
・as he starts to do more things that made you uncomfortable but you were too nice to say anything, the angrier glances he gave to the guy while you looked away. trying to get the whole "you're making my s/o uncomfortable. get away." message, and best bet the guy just takes him as jealous that he was reeling his girl in. it really was the polar opposite. whenever he tried asking about the guy at home? you immediately change the topic, it was worse than dan heng thought. do.. you want him.. to perhaps.. get rid of him completely? just say the word, and he will..
nsfw ?!
・i will put most of the guys underneath 2 different sections on what they would do, and dan heng the type of guy to kidnap the creepy touchy flirtacious friend of yours, and fuck you infront of him :)
・might be a bit of a stretch, but thinking about it, he would, right infront of the man who thought he'd fuck your hole better? yeah right. you were made for him, dan heng, no one else, praises you like crazy, saying you're doing well and stuff, like there's no tomorrow, and every now and then glances at the guy, cloth tied around his mouth to keep him quiet, actual metal cuffs around his hands, and feet to keep him from moving, he really wants to show you aren't single, at all, wants to let him know, for the millionth time, you belonged to him, not him, not anyone else, he already marked you infront of him and that wasn't much of a hint? he's dumber than he looks. probably blindfolds you so you don't see the guy, but just keep letting out those pretty little moans of yours so he could get to work, ever since you introduced that sketchy guy to him, and saw his actions, this is a dream come true.
・makes real fucking sure he sees how good your boyfriend, dan heng, makes you feel, so much that the image of you and him will appear in that man's mind if you ever dare to think any bad or if he's a bad boyfriend to you, the slow hours that he'd fuck you in, it will make an impact on the poor man's mind. it was his fault anyway, dan heng gave him soo many chances, all he had to do was back off, he knew dan heng was yours, and you were dan heng's. and he didn't lay off. well, there's a price to pay when you date someone so beautiful as you are, getting to be in you felt better than being given a whole galaxy.
・when he can, he'll probably come back to this moment and jerk off to it, it was one of the first actual times you both got to do anything intimate after getting of jarilo VI. and the xianzhou situation really kept postponing anything between you too, just as so far to instead going on dates during the mission, maybe even quickies in alleyways. really loved the image of you being blindfolded, and moaning like a bitch in heat for his cock, nothing gave him more pleasure. maybe except you.
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・poor baby, trying his best to not let the guy do anything more to make you more uncomfortable. the first few pickup lines and slight touchiness was.. bearable. but when he started getting too close for comfort, like almost kissing you at times, and that the guy claims it to be 'accidents'? tripping on nothing doesn't count as an accident, and he was right beside you, why didn't he go tumbling down with you? doesn't matter anymore, he's making you uncomfortable, so whenever you were too nice to decline the guy's offer, he'd come along and act as a barrier between you two. he doesn't want anymore accidents like that to happen, does he? no worries, caelus to the rescue!
・still never trusted him enough to take anything the guy offered, he would take it, but throw it away into the trash, where he and it belong. he tries to be emotionally understanding to the guy, but he just keeps hitting on you, how is he supposed to just sit there watching his s/o become uncomfortable, will body block any advance the man will attempt to do. he loves you like the sun, and he can't just let the sunshine in his life go.
・always, and i mean always advised you to just cut him off, but you felt like it was too rude. but it was so rude of him to continuosly flirt with you infront of your boyfriend. and you really couldn't say anything to not be 'impolite'. he was mad definitely, but not, never more mad at the guy, caelus would give an immensely huge amount of clues and hints to the guy that you're taken, he literally goes with you to your hangouts with the guy, is that not enough? what a blind guy, like how blind you were to realize he liked you. it's okay though, nothing a little video can help him realize that you're taken.
nsfw ?!
・will film you guys fucking. now i know i said i'd split the categories here into two, and i know not all the guys would do this, but think about it, that's all im saying. anyways, will film you both making love, capturing every little pretty moan you let out, and how well you take his cock in you, placing hickeys on you while praise spills off his lips, whispering just how good you feel, seems like the vanilla kind of guy, but i promise you he isn't always vanilla, like this kind of moment, will go rough. and really harsh with it. during these kind of days too, he will leave marks and hickeys on you, gets pleasure from it honestly.
・sends a picture and a small clip to the guy with a smiley face and captioned "never fucking speak to them again. they're mine, not yours, not anyone else's. :)"
・doesn't do this often, but again when he can: will stroke himself to the same image he sent <3 you just looked too pretty for him to not get erect by looking at the picture! he's sorry really, he just loves you so much.. probably fucked you infront of a mirror, just so you could see how much of a mess you were for him, just for him~
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・at first, thinks it's funny, no one is as charismatic as him than himself. he thinks it's funny that guy can take you away from him, yeah right, not in a million years. when the guy starts to become obnoxiously flirty and touchy with you, that's when he starts to become protective, before that, he just thought it was funny. but he's actually trying to.. get with his amazing s/o when you clearly have the most perfect partner to be with you, no matter how much he decided to mark up your neck, and made sure the man saw him placing another, and he still kept trying to hit on you, not like you'd fall for someone like that guy, he makes you uncomfortable and is overly touchy. and to be frank, sampo is not that bad of a boyfriend, when you get closer to each other, is a big big sweetheart. literal angel tbh<3
・did take what the guy made, like food or etc, and poured it all into the trash while the man was looking. and mouthed words "stay away from my spouse :D". will always and from whenever the guy starts to go over the line, sampo will start holding you close, and is oddly more erotic than usual. will whisper in your ear how horny he is, but aside that, the guy seems like the thirdwheel in this situation, and that is not what he wanted at all, he didn't want it to be like that at all, and sampo sensed that a long time ago, as soon as the guy tries to lean in to close, sampo will go in for a kiss between the both of you.
・at some point kind of was scared you'd leave him for someone else, but your reassurance will always keep him relieved and safe to know that the person he loves the most and admires will always stay with him, forever, and now.
nsfw ?!
・probably will either kidnap the guy and fuck you infront of him, or will kill the guy and fuck you anyway. depends on his mood. hard & rough sex with him, because he's jealous, it's obvious enough, not just jealous, he's mad you just stood there and didn't tell the guy to fuck off. it's alright now though, he probably gets off to your frightened expression as he fucks your hole, seems like that kind of guy. his back just painted with all your scratches, putting you into a mating press does something to him idk. can't help but tell you your dazed expression from his cock was adorable!
・even after sex he'd probably would will eat/blow the hell outta your pussy/dick, sorry not sorry. kind of guy to fuck you in random alleyway somewhere in belobog, and makes sure the guy friend sees you guys at some point.
・likes to come back to that moment while you and him are fucking, just knowing that guy saw you both relentlessly so in the moment with each other in a public place, and no, just staying silent is not a choice with him, there's a reason why you just let the guy trip over nothing and trip on you as a result, there's an answer to why you did that. he knows it, and he'll fuck the answer out of you if he needs to.
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・already protective of you, and the guy just made him even more protective (+ possessive).. unlike before that welt really just followed you around without really having to do much that gave signs you were together, matching rings, possibly matching jackets/cardigans, literally holding hands, and the guy asks "is he your brother?" just gives him a really plain look, like what the fuck you guys didn't even look that much alike each other. before you could say anything though he'll kiss you on the lips, and it's a really long kiss to just rub it in.
・will intentionally bump into you when you receive stuff like food from the creepy guy, like will spill it on the floor, like fully calculated solution too, oh no the guy's gift suddenly fell on the floor and the 5 second rule isn't real oh nooo just seems like we cant do anything about it.. that's okay, welt just happens to have your favorite snack prepared for you right in his pocket (he wants to be better than the guy in every way possible). will one-up the guy on everything just to make sure he proves that he's better for you, that's his little red flag, just if he's jealous.
・scared if you're ever more impressed by the creep than him, scared of replacement probably, more scared if you even are comfortable with the touchiness that the guy does near you, kind of guy to actually sit between you two because he knows the guy will try something. holds your hand constantly, even if the guy makes him uncomfortable and anxious himself, he doesn't want you to feel the same.
nsfw ?!
・just the type of man to block him everywhere on your end, and fuck you pretty vanilla just to get his mind off it. just wants time with you by himself, and that stupid guy friend of yours just had to interrupt. but all he could is think about how good you feel around him. how well you take him is all and everything on his mind, the tight warmth around his cock is one of the only things that could distract him from anything.
・kind of hesitant at first about blocking the guy, but he knows you're uncomfortable with it, and to make you feel better, he wants to give you the most pleasurable night possible, maybe not the most, that can wait for your wedding night <3
・just really wants to take your mind off that creep, and let you focus on how good his cock is making you feel, those little mewls of yours is proof that his plan is going well! just wants to see your hole overwhelmed with his cum, loves it so much honestly, and has a lowkey breeding kink so be ready to bear his children (real not fake)
・lowkey been dreaming of this moment, he's jerked off to it before, just railing the hell out of you while he's just so calm about it, your dazed, blurry vision, could only see welt's face, the only thing registering in your mind, was his relentless pace, throbbing dick so easily sliding in and out from the cum from all the other rounds, doesn't seem like he'll stop 'till you can't walk at all <3
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・no mercy at all, will side eye the guy all the damn time. wym you gonna give my s/o a gift... fuck off bro... unimaginably and overtly possessive, you are HIS. and why are YOU hanging out with other guys. you are supposed to only be his to talk to smh (he means it as a joke but is jealous you even talk to anyone else.) does not hesitate to make out in front of the guy and mark you all over your neck or what. because you're his, and it's only right he marks what's his before someone tries to take you. blatantly ignores the guy when he tries to talk to him, someone who's trying to take you from him wants to talk to him? yikes... yeah right, no.
・will personally pull him into a private place and tell him to lay off, that he makes you uncomfortable, and that you aren't up for new relationships, because if he really hasn't seen yet, you are his, why and how does this creep that you met 2 days ago will ever one-up someone as great as he is. and he knows you'd pick him over the guy friend any day of the week. intentionally kisses you and while you aren't looking he will glance and smirk at the guy because he knows he just saw you and him kissing, tongue contact and everything.
・why does this guy even keep trying? quite the stubborn brat, he'll just have to show him who you belong to, and he'll die with the secret <3
nsfw ?!
・kind of guy to kidnap the male friend and fuck the shit outta of you infront of him. such a meanie, thrusting so harshly out and inside you again and again, the belly bulge as clear as daylight, and will shove fingers down your throat if you end up being too loud, his little room all the way at the bottom of his home isn't sound proof you know.. but the servants know he fucks you almost every night there anyway, kind of forgets the guy is there and goes down on you like there's no tomorrow.
・makes sure to torture the guy a bit more before he decides or either killing him off or just knocking him out and carrying the man back into the wild, phone in his hand, with a message from you saying "never text or come near my s/o ever again, i hope you had fun watching us last night. <3"
・where did he put the guy exactly? err... totally not onto another planet.... totally.
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・i would be lying if i said he didn't already place hickeys on your neck, lowkey a kind of high sex drive honestly. and who allowed you to have other friends that are outside of the stellaron hunters, whatever he doesn't wanna seem like the manipulative boyfriend type, he'll let this one slide, for now.
・hates him from the very second he meets the guy. you shouldn't even be friends with such a creep. plus he seems like he just wants to sleep with you then steal all your belongings. and that's when he won't let it slide anymore. no, why the hell would he take a 'gift' from a sketchy looking guy you met 2 days ago?? you already are a gift so he considers it useless, and the guy useless, so desperate for his spouse..
・will grab you by your hair/collar and fuck you there instead, and the guy can't help but overhear your sweet little moans, all bubbling up at once, and he can't help but just indulge himself into what a mess he made you. just like to hold you face up to his while he thrusts so thoroughly wrecking your insides, just as he kisses the tip of your nose and releases into you, gets you dressed up and walks out the alleyway like nothing happened.
nsfw ?!
・as if the 'sfw' section of this wasnt already nsfw LMFOA, anyways, like i said he'll fuck you even while you and the guy are hanging out, just to show who you really belong to, no one else can manhandle you like this, not in a million years. your hole was made for only him anyway.
・doesn't really care about the guy seeing you both or not, and id you are uncomfortable around him he'll be dead by morning and he'll give you a good fucking as an apology for not realizing it sooner, wants to be a better boyfriend fluffy wise, but your fucked up little expression when his cock finally shoots his warm cum into you is much more adorable, he wouldn't trade it for the world <3!
taglist: @edit-me-prettyplease @sucrosia
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chuluoyi · 3 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 . . . 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ! — untold tales
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first of all, thank you so so much for those who have read the deposed empress series! i can't thank you all enough—i'm blown away with all your kind words!! <3
and so, what is this? there are actually many little details i've had in mind for this au, but i can't write them all down bc there are just too many and writing up to 9-10k isn't usually my cup of tea :') this is more or less my little notes i held onto while writing the empress series, and i don't want to discard it so with this, i'll be clearing several plot holes you might've found throughout all hail the empress, the crown of diamonds and long live the empire :D
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who is the infertile one, naoya or the empress?
truth is... none of them! :D both of them are perfectly healthy, and as of why the empress couldn't conceive while she was still with naoya... well, that has a lot to do with fate and god's blessing HAHA
official explanation *cough* — the empress feels oppressed in eastern empire, naoya isn't being kind to her as of late, and actually, she has a delicate body more than most... so despite being healthy and all, that kind of environment won't support any conception 💁🏻‍♀️
hanabi's children paternity
continuing from point above... naoya is the true biological father of hanabi's daughter and son :) this is my aim since the beginning -> how ironic and pitiful is it that he casts his own flesh and blood away? the main point of zen'in naoya's arc is to obtain his own heir, and yet once he does, he stupidly has them locked and about to be punished
has naoya ever loved the empress?
no. but why was he so kind with her in the beginning, you ask? that's bc he regarded her as an equal. she was the best pick out of highborn ladies in her time, famous for her talents, pretty too, and he deemed her worthy to become his wife. but later, naoya fell out of respect with her since she couldn't produce an heir
but on the contrary, the empress was in love with him, at least during her youth
what is the argument between gojo and empress in part 2 about?
gojo has long wanted to decimate naoya and his empire (no particular justification for this, that's just what emperors do :') let's leave it at that), but it's true that seeing how the empress is wronged while she was married to naoya fuels the fire. gojo may be biased bc he is so in love with the empress, but in his eyes, it's so unacceptable
the empress is suspicious that gojo is only using her after the ending scene of part 1. and she overhears geto's words (“No, Satoru. You are just using her. You were almost there when Empress Y/N proposed that deal to marry you.”), and so she is even more convinced that he's just planning to use her so... yeah, an argument ensues :')
in gojo's pov, empress saving megumi and hanabi means she is doing it out of (lingering?) love for naoya, as he knows that she used to be in love with him. in empress' pov, gojo is finding excuse to wage a war, and with the cursed necklace incident, he has found a right justification to do so
why did naoya send the necklace as a gift to the empress after everything? what happens to it afterwards? does he know what hanabi did?
you know, actually... if it isn't obvious by now, everything naoya does in this series is unreliable :') to put it simply, he's a bit mad ever since empress ditches him for gojo—his pride is so wounded and he's becoming erratic day by day
while looking at the his coronation portrait, he might feel some kind of twisted sense of regret-like emotions (i said "-like" bc he is not right in the head), and then he remembers that he still has that necklace with him, so he might as well get rid of it. it's totally not out of love at all! :D
after hanabi tampered with the necklace and imbued it with a curse from god knows where... gojo of course has it destroyed 💁🏻‍♀️ and naoya doesn't know any of this bc this matter is not made public by the western empire (after the empress' involvement in concealing the evidence), and neither megumi or hanabi want to risk naoya's wrath so they don't bring it to his attention. more like, they don't know how he'll react, and if he throws a fit then it'll be a headache so yeah he must be kept in the dark
still, megumi resents hanabi for what she did, that's why later, he has a hand in banishing hanabi to duke kamo's household :)))
hanabi's doomed fate explained
hanabi was a former maid to the kamo household and they're famous for their cruelty. as of what they've done to her... well, you can imagine all sorts of cruel scenarios and that will be it :) things get better when choso takes over, but still... hanabi still has nightmares from it
so what happened to her? basically, gojo's line in part 3 here: "Anyone who dares to lay their hands on my empress... they have to pay the price."
working together with geto, megumi and choso, gojo orchestrated the whole dumpster fire to make naoya and hanabi fall from grace. first, he digs hanabi's background, and after knowing it, he makes a deal with choso—zen'ins have usurped the throne from the kamos and a new plaything is always welcome so he easily agrees, and then megumi... he complies bc he knows everything is in shambles in eastern empire anyway and he hates hanabi too for cursing the empress, so he helps in spreading the false information about hanabi's children not being of naoya's blood and slips choso's blood in the paternity testing naoya conducts... and yeah, they all have him fooled and hanabi is kicked out that instant
and comes the main event: naoya's stroke is also choso pulling the strings :D so in other words, this is also their plan to dethrone him altogether and install megumi to the throne. the "kindness" megumi shows hanabi is also a part of their plan, as he sends her right back to choso
in conclusion, emperor gojo is actually a cruel, cruel person :) he designs this elaborate plan to take down those who dared to touch his empress...
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final note
there are many inspirations for this series if you look closer -> the manhwa remarried empress (part 1-2), queen of tears & queen charlotte: bridgerton story (part 3). i tried my best to add my own twist in all three parts, but again, writing is a form of art and we're leaning towards things that are familiar to us to write :D after all, it's just fanfics... we're free to put them in any situation ;)
it has been such a fun ride to write this series :') again, thank you so much for giving my stories a chance🩵 i never expected for so many to interact, and you all truly make my day!! if i'm going to be honest, writing here isn't always fun... but seeing your asks, comments and tags really is the reason why i'm not giving up writing here :'D and i'm saying this not for me but also on behalf of all writers out there—whenever you drop by with a long analysis/tags/comments for our fics, we're so so beyond happy to read it!!! :) so thank you, and please continue to do so if you can <3
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bruh-myguy-what · 5 months
Uncommon Reaction
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Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader (our lovely medic line) Warnings: female insults, gross man being a jerk to reader, violence, cursing, Mando'a cursing, fluff, not proof read I just needed to get it out as my mourning, nothing else I don't think Word Count: 4.5k Summary: Needing something from town, you're stuck with going with Tech, as everyone else is busy. You're not used to his response when a man decides to be rude to you.
Requests are open if you have anything you'd like to send in!
"Echo," your mirthful voice reverberated around the walls of the Maruader as you laughed, "please?"
Laughing at your shameful display as you childishly hung off of the man's shoulder, playfully pouting at him with eyes as wide as a loth kitten. He chided you with an amusingly stern use of your name, dragging you alongside him as he walked down the gangplank, "I've already told you that I can't go with you into town. I'd love to but I have to help Hunter gather the rations and make sure we have enough for the next trip."
Whining dramatically, you pull at his hand, "I can wait! Really! I'll even help count so it'll go quicker!" Though you tried your most convincing grin, hoping your innocent tone would win him over as it had multiple times before, the Arc trooper shook his head.
"Sorry, sarad, no can do." His simple decline made you groan in frustration and drop his hand indignantly but he continued, "It's already getting late, anyway, the sun'll be gone before we even finish counting. Why don't you see if Tech will go with you?"
At the mention of the clever clone, your cheeks immediately warmed and you pulled away from Echo a bit in fear he might catch your sudden change. "I-I'm sure he's busy...he's always busy with some kinda tinkering." Your mumbled response was met with a raised brow from the cybernetic clone before you, his trained eye-catching the evergrowing red color staining your cheeks. Though the planet had a warmer temperature than some others the Batch had stopped on recently, Echo knew this couldn't have affected you so suddenly. You noticed his scrutinizing squint and quickly tried to move the subject elsewhere, "Maybe Wrecker or Cross could go with-"
With another shake of his head, a knowing grin starting to grow over his pale lips, arms crossing over his armored chest, Echo interrupted you, "Busy with rearranging the cargo hold so Tech doesn't get rid of their explosives again." Then he smirked at your obvious dilemma, "Besides, I'm sure that if you ask him, Tech'll set whatever he's doing aside. He seems to like you more than any of the rest of us."
Stammering at Echo's teasing, you fumbled with a response. He couldn't be serious, right? Tech was nice, of course, he was just as nice as any of the others- just in his own way.
The way that sent butterflies screaming into your stomach...
The way that made your hands tremble sometimes when he forgot about the social decency of personal space...
Tech was nice in the way that you adored and couldn't get enough of even when you'd been around him for hours upon hours, even when his brothers wanted to strangle him.
"Uh, w-well, I don't-" You started as Echo tapped his chin with his scomp-link, in thought when footsteps from the gangplank sounded.
Walking down a step at a time, Tech emerged, face ever plastered to his datapad. A miniscule glance was sent from Echo to you then back to the device in his hands. "I heard whining from the pilot's seat," he began, his precise tone sounding uninvested as it typically did when he was observing a situation unbiasedly.
Echo grinned over at Tech, "Just the clone we were looking for," he praised with a welcoming wave of his scomp. "Our dear medic here is in dire need of heading into town and no one has any time to go with her."
As soon as Echo mentioned you needing to go into town, Tech put away his datapad, eyes meeting yours. "It would seem I am currently unimpeded by any projects that require my immediate attention, for the time being, that is." He stepped further down the gangplank, standing in the unoccupied space before you and Echo. "An appropriate solution would be that I accompany you into the nearby town."
Echo slowly turned his head to meet your red face, smirking proudly at you, "It would be, wouldn't it?" He chuckled at your incredulous expression, then looked back at the taller clone. "Then make it quick the two of you, it's going to be getting dark soon and I'm sure the town isn't the best place to be, even for us." He rested his hand on Tech's shoulder, walking back up the gangplank to head inside the ship, momentarily turning around to salute you with a wink.
You stood there for a second in disbelief, trying to understand how the situation left you with just Tech....alone.
"I cannot believe him." You muttered to yourself under your breath, shaking your head.
"He is correct, actually" Tech interjected into your thoughts, causing you to start a bit, forgetting his proximity. Looking up to see him fixing his goggles on his face more comfortably, you noticed the way his brown eyes caught the sun, as light snuck behind the frames to speckle the golden hues decorating them. "The town we are heading to is known for its rather," he searched around the area for the appropriate word, "sordid, is perhaps the best term I can use for it. We would be safer grabbing what it is you need quickly, then returning at a proper pace." His explanation continued but you began to get lost in your own thoughts, admiring the man before you. It seemed to happen, sometimes, that you would find yourself marveling at how someone who was supposed to be a clone- "defective" or otherwise- was so uniquely designed. However, no matter how smart Tech was, he was so clueless of his beauty (unlike Hunter who was exhaustively aware of his looks). The way his freckles brushed over the thin bridge of his nose to paint his tanned cheeks. The way his honeyed eyes were just a few shades brighter than his brothers, the way the light lingered in them even after all was dark. He was oblivious to how handsome he looked when he raised that one eyebrow in challenge, or when one of his brothers said something entirely incorrect. He was just as strong, just as well adept in battle, as any of his brothers (other than Wrecker), but he had the added allure of his intelligence that made you fall that much quicker. Tech's straightforward behavior, the endearing seriousness, his misconception of certain social cues, and the way his heart was still as open as any of the others- more so, you could argue- just made cherishing him so much easier.
A gentle call of your name caught you off-guard and you shook your head to refocus. "Hmm? Yes?"
Tech's face had grown adorably perplexed as he searched yours inquisitively. "I had asked if you were ready to leave, though I was met with only your vacant expression. Are you alright?"
A burning crept up your neck as you blinked dumbly at the clone trooper, "Y-yep! I'm perfectly fine!" You winced at the crack in your voice, hoping that if he asked any further questions you could blame some of it on the slightly elevated temperature of the planet.
Tech seemed gracious, or oblivious, enough to move on from the situation and nodded at your reply. "Then I suppose we should leave," he gestured for you to go ahead of him, "after you, mesh'la."
Once in town, you had noticed quickly what Tech had meant about the town being a little less desirable. The people seemed to even shy away from one another from time to time, going about their own business and then skittering away.
Tech kept a close pace behind you, placing himself directly behind your shoulder, his impressive height becoming even more pronounced. People seemed content to avoid the two of you and you hadn't noticed any issues with the trip so far until you felt Tech press himself further into your back, the smooth front of his chest piece cramming into your shoulder blade. "Tech?"
You glanced up as you continued forward, noting how his eyes narrowed behind his goggles, analyzing something further into the crowd. If you hadn't been in what seemed like a rather precarious situation- based on his current manner- you would find his closeness thrilling and unusual, but by his squared shoulders, you knew he was locked onto something questionable. "Apologies for my proximity." He spoke in a low, curt tone, eyes never meeting yours.
"Is...everything alright?" You questioned, trying to look around the crowd of people to see whatever was bothering the trooper.
Tech hummed in response, the rumble of his chest shaking through his armor and into your shoulder. "Our safety is secured for the present moment. Though it would be wise for my presence to be as near to you as comfortably possible for the duration of our outing."
You hadn't been out by yourself very many times with just Tech, possibly a time a two, but any time you had been it was always causal and friendly places. You'd seen Echo, Wrecker, or Hunter get protective in the face of social danger when you'd gone out with them before and it seemed like an evident connection to make that Tech (or even Crosshair) would've as well even though it hadn't been something you'd actually thought about before. However, now, you couldn't stop the way your heart ached at Tech's rapid transition from relaxed to defensive, the strong line of his jaw the first thing you caught sight of whenever you glanced up to make sure he was still on the lookout.
"Alright," you rushed out, "I'll be quick then. Sorry for the hassle, I didn't expect there to be an actual problem." Any more guilt you had been about to express died when you felt a large hand on the other shoulder blade, the warmth spreading through your entire body.
"Your apology is unwarranted. You required something, it is only sensible that one of us accompany you for protection. Although you are a reputable member of the GAR whom I have seen manage precarious situations rather exceptionally, I am certain every one of us would prefer to maintain your safety as much as we are capable." Tech finally glanced down to give you the slightest hint of a smile, accompanied by a reassuring nod. "Please, continue."
"Th-Thanks," was all you could dumbly reply as you tore your eyes away from the clone to search around for any pop-up stand that had what you had dragged Tech out here to get. It was some form of balm that you had needed to add to your collection for healing cuts and scrapes that the GAR hadn't entirely said was a part of the standard order of supplies but it worked as a wonderful substitute for bacta. It didn't take much longer to find a stand that was selling medical salves and the like, though the warmth of Tech's steady touch- whether from his chest or his hand- distracted you desperately.
While shopping through the procured items laid out, you felt Tech's hand fall away from your shoulder and a voice that was unknown to you spoke. "Listen goggles," the gruff man spoke, "just walk away from the woman and nobody has to get hurt, alright?"
As you began to turn, you were met with Tech's broad back blocking you as his hand came behind him to tuck you closer. "I regret to inform you that I am incapable of doing so." His voice was as steady and casual as typical for Tech, if you'd not known any better you would've thought he'd been speaking to Hunter or one of the others.
Choking out a gurgled laugh, the man pulled out a blaster, clicking off what you recognized as the stun. You were hardly terrified, Tech was highly skilled, though faced with a blaster you were worried he might be injured. Tech wasn't the first to respond with violence, opting instead to de-escalate the situation with a straightforward and disarming method. "I don't think you heard me, prick. I don't think you want to die over a whore, do you?" The insult hit you, surprised by its accusation and you placed a steadying hand on the backpack Tech wore, to steal a glance of the situation. You felt the hand that was placed on your arm tighten its grip protectively at your movement.
Tech was caught off guard by the insult as well, inclining his head at the shorter man. "Pardon me?"
"The whore, you fool. I want to whore. Move away so I can have her and we can part ways without anyone getting harmed." The man motioned with his blaster for Tech to step aside, though he remained unmoving.
Tech adjusted his goggles with his free hand, "by my estimation, it would seem that the only fool in our current location would be you. I will not be moving, so in light of our impasse, how would you prefer to proceed? By the tremble of your blaster, I would venture that you are incapable of properly wielding the weapon, which is a dangerous decision in and of itself. Again, it would seem you are the fool." Tech took a step forward, calm assurance complimenting his candid tone.
"B-Back up, freak! I'll blast you without a second thought." The man snarled as he raised his blaster higher toward Tech's chest. As you noted what Tech said, he was right- as always- the man's hand shook prominently. Though the sight of a blaster pointed so blatantly at the trooper was unsettling, you trusted him.
"Proper blaster decorum is to hold higher on the handle, finger over the trigger, and placed securely at the target of the blaster bolt." Tech's nonchalant lesson to the man seemed to only set the situation more on edge, which was surprising to you. He wasn't de-escalating, he was...antagonizing. "Is it standard practice here that any chakaaryc is allowed to carry a blaster?"
"A-Any...what?" The man asked confounded by the word he didn't understand, using his other hand to stabilize the blaster now as Tech approached closer to him.
It was normal for the Batch to use their Mando'a around one another, though they didn't use it much around others outside the GAR and even you didn't understand the language so you never paid attention to the words. Though now you were silently cursing yourself for not studying it, wondering what it was that Tech said.
"Di'kutla," Tech's voice lowered to a tone you hadn't heard him use before, it sounded almost...dangerous, "It is a Mandalorian translation for a filthy low-life, such as yourself."
"Why you!" The man's finger began to push the blaster's trigger and you felt your heart drop, stomach-churning, until you blinked and nearly missed the effortlessly elegant way Tech disarmed the man of his blaster. Crying in pain as his hand was bent backward while Tech placed the rogue blaster in his belt after switching it off, the man spat curses at the trooper. "She's just a whore, man! What's your big deal?!"
At the man's insistence on your status, Tech furthered his grip, causing him to yell out, Tech’s stoic composure- in contrast- never faltering. "I believe I have heard quite enough from you, mir'sheb."
"But-" Interrupting the man's argument, Tech's fist connected directly to the criminal’s face in a surprising display of brutality, effectively silencing him- and bloodying his nose.
"I said enough."
Standing in absolute awe of the current events, you were speechless, and before you could muster anything to say you watched as Tech yanked the stumbling man toward you by the grip on his wrist. "Forgive my lack of decency, mesh'la, though regarding his offense, this man owes you an apology."
"Tech, I-" You began, only for Tech to twist the man's arm behind his back and press him forward a bit harsher to which the man stumbled onto his knees, causing Tech to bend down with him, muttering apologies at your feet.
"Are you pleased with his display of atonement, cyar'ika?" Tech's honeyed eyes rose to meet yours, his tall frame bending over the man on the ground, refusing to let him free until you were satisfied. At your nod, he released his hold.
The man scurried to his feet and scuttled away as quickly as he could, nursing his wrist. Confusion washed over you as you glanced at the trooper, dusting off his hands and shuffling things around on his belt to make room for the blaster he had acquired. Once satisfied with his work, Tech met your eyes once more, adjusting his goggles nonchalantly. "Have you found what it is that we came to find?"
Still stunned by Tech's uncommon display of brute force and his complete willingness to act as if it has been just a normal day of the week, you stood there silently holding up the salve. "Wonderful, then we should return quickly." He sent a look around the sky to notice that it was dark now, "I am sure-" and as if on cue, Tech's comm link made a sound. Echo's voice rushed out with a stern use of Tech's name as soon as he’d answered it.
"Where in the galaxy are you two? I said to be quick!" The clone complained on the other end of the comm. Motioning for you to join at his side, Tech explained that you were momentarily disrupted but were unharmed and returning shortly.
While he spoke with Echo, you stared stupidly at the salve in your hand, replaying Tech making an absolute fool of the criminal. You'd never seen him react in such a way and you could feel your cheeks burning at how attractive the response had been to witness. What could've caused such a change in his approach? Of course, the Batch was known to be unconventional, so maybe Tech just thought the only way to dissuade the man was to use brute strength, but it just seemed like something bothered him. Could it have been when the guy insulted you?
A call of your name brought you back to the present, where Tech was standing in front of you, his hand extended. "Take my hand, please, it is quite dark. I do not wish to lose you in the crowd, it would seem this town is worse than I had originally read about. I will make a note to update the Republic's records properly." His hand enveloped yours delicately, pulling you closer to his side to guide you through the mass.
The walk back to the Marauder was quiet, your mind reeling from what happened. You were no stranger to difficult scenarios such as that one, so it wasn't as if you were scared just baffled.
"Stars! Finally, you two are back." Echo huffed in frustration as you emerged from the treeline. "Come on, we gotta get out of here. We're wanted back on Kamino for some new mission. Everyone else is already prepped to leave."
Tech merely nodded, saying something about how he'd set up the ship to be ready for the journey, and departed with a casual 'see you inside' as he let go of your name.
"What's wrong with you?" The accusation behind Echo's voice elicited a glare from you, none of this would've been an issue had he not forced Tech to go with you. You wouldn't be standing here struggling to erase the image of Tech decking a criminal right in the face. Replaying the sound of his voice when he demanded his apology to you for his insults...
This was Echo's fault. For sure.
"Tech punched someone, Echo." You explained with narrowed eyes to which the pale clone laughed as if the joke you tried to tell him was the funniest thing he'd heard. "No, I'm serious. He dropped this guy. He pulled a blaster on us and Tech just...punched him in the face."
"That's weird. Tech's not usually the type to-"
"TRUST ME," you raised your voice, "I'M AWARE."
Echo started laughing again, "I told you that he had a soft spot for you, sarad." He motioned for you to follow as he began his ascent up the gangplank, and punched the closure button when you joined him.
Later into the night, while you lay awake in your bunk, you tossed and turned trying to quieten the memory from earlier though it was a futile effort. The thought was driving you crazy.
Why had Tech reacted that way? It was just too out of the ordinary for him. It seemed far more personal than he ever responded.
And Echo's comments about him having some sort of bias toward you weren't helping the racing of your heart.
So you crawled out of your bunk, making sure not to wake anyone up as you tip-toed up to the main hull where there were small sounds of tinkering echoing. Of course, he was still awake.
"Mesh'la," Tech commented as you walked in, surprising him. "You are supposed to be asleep, what are you doing awake?"
Flashing him a grin as you took up residency in the co-pilot seat across from him, you pulled your legs up close to your chest. "Much like yourself, Tech, I couldn't sleep."
Adjusting his goggles, Tech blinked a few times in consideration. "Well, are there any extenuating circumstances that are barring you from getting the rest you usually require? Such as Wrecker's snoring? Crosshair mumbling in his sleep? Echo has a bad habit of shifting a lot during the night, could it be that?"
Shaking your head at his list of options, you took a breath, "I, actually have a question."
A glance in his direction showed his brow raising in confusion. "A question for me?" Upon seeing your nod he prompted you to continue, setting his tools aside to give you his undivided attention.
"Earlier..." you began, nervously playing with the hem of your GAR-issued pajama shirt, "in the town." Tech's intent gaze spurred you to continue, though you were anxious about how he would take the question. He was always truthful, but would he find the question odd? Would he think it was a stupid question? "You reacted differently than normal." You pointed about, changing directions a little, instead of asking a question.
"I am obligated to point out that your statement is not a question, cyare. However, your assessment is correct. It is not my usual course of action to resort to physical altercations in such situations..." He responded evenly. "Though, this circumstance required a unique response from me." His added comment confused you even more.
"Why?" You inquired, eyes now meeting his.
Tilting his head to the side slightly, his brows furrowed as if he were the perplexed one now. "I thought it would be obvious." His simple response was mildly bothersome. Of course, it wasn't obvious! That's why you couldn't sleep!
"Tech, you have to remember, sometimes, some of us need you to explain what's going on up there in that exceptional mind of yours." You clarified as you tapped your temple, gesturing for him with a soft smile on your face.
It dawned on him then, that perhaps it probably wasn't obvious to you. Though he struggled to find how to put it into words. "I was required to respond irregularly because he had offended you. Pointing a blaster at me is less of an issue, one I am perfectly well adept at discouraging," Tech's voice was unchanging until he glanced at his hands and his tone dropped. "It wasn't until his unwarranted comments regarding you that I felt my common strategy of de-escalating was not suitable enough. Your virtue demanded more than my words to right the occurrence." His eyes were still downcast as he spoke, seeming...embarrassed?
"My virtue?" You repeated his term of use.
Nodding, the clone finally met your eyes, the emotion behind his brown hues causing the breath to catch in your lungs. "Yes. I will never allow someone to speak so disparagingly about you in my presence. You deserve far more from those who say they care for you."
The blue streaks of hyperspace highlighted the contours of his handsome face, highlighting his features. It seemed as if time slowed to a crawl between the two of you at his admission. Was it a declaration of love, no, but it still burned in your chest as if it had been. "You care for me, Tech?"
"Considerably so, yes." The speed and certainty of his response felt as if it knocked you against the seat, like your first trip into hyperspace, kicking you back. His honesty was staggering every time. "If I can be forthright, I find that I am more partial to you than even my brothers are. I have spoken with Hunter at length about why this may be. The solution we have come to at the very moment is," Then he paused for a moment, considering his words carefully, "that I have a romantic interest in you. The signs of psychical attraction I have are evident, or so I thought. I desire to be close to you as often as possible, and the ability to speak with you about things is a welcomed one that I look forward to regularly."
As you listened, the burning in your chest only worsened. Tech not only punched a man because he insulted you, but punched a man who insulted you because of how much he cares about you and your honor? And now he was telling you how much he'd cared for you? This had to be a dream.
"Forgive me if this is not the answer you were envisioning, however, that does not change the truth of the answer to your query." Tech finished with a resolute nod, though the emotion did not leave his eyes.
You sat there across from him for a while in silence, reflecting, assessing, and gathering, but once everything sorted itself into place in your mind you rose from your seat to stand before Tech. He'd always been so straightforward, so honest with you...he only deserved the same in return.
Your hands hesitantly reached out, testing the waters of his current mood. When he didn't pull away, you caressed his jaw on either side lovingly, tilting his chin up to meet your eyes. The astonishment in them betrayed his outwardly calm demeanor as you leaned down to graze your lips against his, a whispered 'thank you' tumbling from your lips before you kissed him.
As if your confusion and amazement had been transferred to him, Tech merely sat in his seat, numbly. However, as you began to pull away, his hand quickly reached out to rest around the back of your head to stop you from going too far. Brown eyes explored your face as if you were an illusion, "you captivate and baffle me," he breathed out in wonderment, pulling you back in for another kiss, "show me more, please."
Laughing under your breath at his request you lowered yourself into his lap gingerly, "I'd love to, but right now, I just want to kiss you a little more."
Mando'a translations just in case- chakaaryc - lowlife, rotten,  di'kutla- useless/ worthless, mir'sheb- smartass
@stellarbit - this is for the both of us.
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kichiyosh1 · 4 months
An eternity with you: I'll choose you time and time again
Wanderer x fem!reader
You always seem to find your way back to him. What a troublesome being you are. Fortunately for you, he wouldn't be able to stop you either way. You're the one he chose, after all.
Crazy plot twist that will leave you baffled🫨(but i think i made way to obvious lol)
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"What's that?"
You always noticed the charm wanderer had next to his Anemo Vision. It was in the shape of a Sumeru rose, a vibrant chrysalis purple that, when caught in the light, would shine like the glowing bioluminescent beaches of Tatarasuna.
"Someone... gave it to me." For a moment, you could see the nostalgic expression on his face as he caressed the precious gem. It's an emotion so rare for him to display that you're unsure if you should be amazed by this new expression or perhaps a bit uneasy. It's rare for anything to capture the wanderer's attention, and if you were to assume how much that charm meant to him then
"This someone must be special," you subconsciously averted your gaze, but the wanderer was quick to pick up on it. He adorned a sly smirk on his face before it quickly turned to one of amusement. He let out a small chuckle before his eyes began to soften.
You sure like to poke around in my past, don't you?" He sighed, unsure where to start from there, but he's determined to convey his feelings.
"This person showed me the true meaning of eternity, something my creator was always so obsessed with. She was able to give it meaning to me with just her simple existence. It'd be an understatement if I wasn't just a little bit fond of this person."
You regretted asking. The look of bliss and admiration on his face made you feel like the most insignificant thing in the world right now, next to his special someone.
"Where is this person? Is she still around? Are you searching for her?"
"I'm... not exactly actively seeking her out right now."
"Do you keep the charm to remember her?" at that he simply looked to the side, a sheepish expression on his face before he went back to neutral.
"I've never forgotten her. She was the one who forgot me. We've crossed paths but she has no memory of me. She can't even recall the time she gifted me this charm."
He said it with such a casual tone that it left you feeling appalled.
How could she?!
You no longer regretted asking, only feeling indignation for what he's suffered through.
"Wanderer..." you put both hands on his shoulders, startling him in the process. You were too caught up in the moment to even notice the creeping tint of red on his face.
"What are you—"
"Please forget about her!"
"Wait I—"
"You deserve better! Deep down inside, actually maybe we need to dig down reaaaally deep but I know it's there! Someone like you deserves to find your own happiness! So please!"
Tears were gathering at the rim of your eyes, and you couldn't tell if they were from wanderer's sad, tragic love story or from the fear that if you didn't succeed in persuading him to move on, there wouldn't be any place for you in his heart.
The wanderer was baffled; he didn't expect this much of a reaction from you. It made his chest clench with that same feeling she always gave him—the same feeling you always gave him.
He composed himself, awkwardly patting you on the back in a way to comfort you. "It's not that big of a deal you know. It's not like the story ended there." you just kept on adding pages
"Well, guess what." You didn't give him time to think before you started tugging him by his arm.
"We're going somewhere to get your mind off her. Oh, and we'll need to get rid of that charm. That way, you won't think of her anymore."
Unbeknownst to you, you were the one that gave it to him.
"I don't think that's necessary," he says, but he's smiling. Your worried and determined attitude made it clear that you cared about him, and he couldn't be any more grateful.
"Nonsense, I'll buy you a gazillion way better charms, so you can forget about this one." You glared and pointed at the item like it was the bane of your existence.
"If you're that insistent, then I want it handmade." His hands, though he's done this many times before in the past, trembled slightly when he properly grasped your hand in his.
"Alright." You grinned and he looked fondly at you in return
It was amusing how you got so worked up about, well, yourself. But at the end of the day, it's still you, isn't it? It will always be you, you, you.
"I'm more than content that you're still by my side."
Before he erased himself from Irminsul, he never would have thought he deserved a happy ending with you. Fate had a funny way of leading people on, and he was led like a moth to a flame. Maybe an eternity with you wouldn't be so bad. No, he didn't mind, as long as it was you he'd be spending it with.
His precious sumeru rose.
"Heh, you always have a peculiar way of coming into my life."
"Is this about how I sneaked into the academia?"
"Mhm, don't worry. I'll make sure to leave the door wide open for you next time."
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