#i cannot believe it took me this long to start reading the books
confused-alot · 8 months
i’m having more feelings about it devours than i can properly put into words but holy shit holy shit
1) swearing and sex! in nightvale!! shit and fuck in nightvale!!!!!! we are no longer constrained by the limits of family friendly community radio
1.5) sex paperwork. they need it in triplicate and notarized. i was weezingggg
2) outsider perspective on cecil being a freak a great husband and a pillar of the community
3) evil cult not as just a condemnation of organized religion but as a greater exploration of faith and community the harms of such systems but also the good they can do for people, and changing those systems for the better. changing your own beliefs so they work the best for you
4) i adore nilanjana and derryl they had me giddy and giggling but i also love their resolution
5) hugging a helicopter (&getting to know a member of the secret police!?!)
6) more than one quiet reference to the fact that the barber is still in exile in the desert practicing on cacti for what he did to carlos
7) the implications that these events have on the university arc just holy shit i did not know carlos’ convictions ran so deep because of his own personal experiences and his own fuckup being driven by his own fear and arrogance. it adds so many more layers i wasn’t aware of before oh my god poor carlos this is so fucked up. i already loved the university arc but this just makes everything a thousand times more!!
8) also carlos being stuck for ten years and not telling cecil. fuck oh god (+just carlos perspective more on his experience coming to town and meeting cecil)
9) nilanjana becoming a part of the town finding friends and community <3
10) prophet kevin
11) getting a better description of the layout of the town and the people and the quirks that the contained narrative style of an actual book can allow
12) “science was meant to be hard. after all what was science but a bunch of bored human beings trying to challenge themselves when faith became too easy” HA
13) carlos and cecil are so fucking cute. how attentive cecil is to carlos’ thing about physical touch (pushing away steve’s arm!!) they are so important to each other and to Me
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
Nowhere is Safe
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: you are awoken in the middle of the night to find out your nephew-in-law is dead and Aemond is trying to throw you out.
It was the dead of night. Which seemed to be when the most horrible, cruel, inconceivable things tended to happen.
You were fast asleep when the commotion woke you. The feeling like a dream. To the point that you try to ignore it and follow the path of more pleasant dreams fading off into your mind’s distance. The door flinging open, nearly off its hinges, was what fully woke you. “Bleeding hells!!”
“Thank the Gods you’re alright.”
You had seen wild looks in Aemond’s eye before. His schemes. His dark thoughts. His cunning designs. But this wild look was not something you were familiar with. Fear. Enough to invoke the Gods? Something you were fairly certain he didn’t even believe in. “What’s going on?”
The prince said nothing as he rushed across the room with all the speed & grace those years of fighting had afforded him and took you in his arms. Aemond was nowhere near as cruel as Aegon, but he wasn’t one for overly affectionate displays. The closest he would come were peaceful, tender moments after your most intimate times. Now you were starting to sprout fear. “Jaehaerys is dead.”
You pulled back from Aemond to look at him in disbelief. His expression smooth and calm like always. Impossible to read for most, but you knew he was telling the truth. “What?! How?!”
“He was murdered by an assassin in our walls.”
The words are so impossible to believe that you think you might still be dreaming. Yes. Dreaming. This was all a bad nightmare. A terrible nightmare. Who would murder a child?! Who would murder someone within the castle walls? Yes, this was war, but deep down you thought none of them really meant to hurt one another. A child….
“You need to pack.”
Startled from your thoughts and swelling grief at Aemond’s words as he moved away, already helping himself to one of your trunks, you manage to ask, “What…? Why? Where?”
“Anywhere but here.”
He was already throwing all manner things into your trunk. Books, trinkets, some sheer manner of clothing that was more decorative than clothing. All of it going into the trunk with reckless abandon. “Aemond. Aemond stop. Aemond look at me!” He eventually stopped when you grabbed his arm. Ready to throw a vase, flowers, water, and all, in with the rest. “I’m not going anywhere. Alright. I’m not.”
“You have to.” He insisted. “The palace isn’t safe. We must get you somewhere—“If the Keep isn’t safe, then nowhere is safe.”
Aemond seemed to want to argue, but his jaw shut and closed tight. Those sharp lines in his face looking like daggers in his anger. Because he knew you were right. If they could get in here, they could get in anywhere. And more the fools they, but the point was that nowhere was safe now.
“You can’t stay here. I…I cannot protect you here.”
That’s why he was afraid, you realize. Not that you might be dead, though he would torrent the skies if that had been true, but he was scared he couldn’t protect you.
You wrap your arms around Aemond and hold him tight. Who would be next in this ridiculous feud? Aegon’s other children? Rhaenyra other sons? Helaena? Aemond himself?
You feel your grief mounting as you think on it. Who would be next, and who was now lost. Of Jaehaerys sweet face and how you would comment often that you hoped your future children were half as sweet as him. He’d make a fine king, as long as he spent less time with his father. He..would…have made a fine king.
You didn’t realize you were crying until Aemond lifted your head from his chest. “You need to leave.” He brushed the tears from your cheeks, but they all scatter again as you shook your head furiously.
“No. Never.” How could you leave him here, alone, in this place. Where nothing and no one was safe. If you were to die it would be with Aemond. It was the promise you made after all.
The prince let out a sigh. More heaving of shoulder than want of sound. Then he pulled you into his arms again. “You’re a damned fool.” Still, he doesn’t ask you again.
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nayedoll · 3 months
ik wil je
joost klein x reader
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summary : your crush on joost doesn’t seem so unrealistic after he dedicates one of his songs to you at his concert.
warnings : fluff, a bit suggestive towards the end but nothing crazy
a/n : some parts written in dutch may not be correct since i don’t speak dutch so im sorry in case there r any mistakes. 😞
rpf ahead, do not read if uncomfortable !!!
“When is he coming on stage?” your friend, Jenna, asked as you both entered the venue where Joost’s concert was being held at.
“In two hours I think,” you answered, raising your voice a bit to be heard over the loud talking from the people around you. Jenna groaned, already feeling tired at the thought of waiting for so long.
“I cannot believe you convinced me to come this early to a concert just because you have a crush on this dude,” she rolled her eyes, earning a laugh from you.
“Who said I have a crush on him?” you teased her, both of you knowing that Joost’s music wasn’t the only thing you liked about him. You had discovered Joost through some friends shortly after having moved to Amsterdam to study abroad. The blonde artist had charmed you since the beginning and it wasn’t long before you found yourself having a little crush on him, one that you deemed as silly and would never act upon.
Although you knew there was no chance of him ever being romantically involved with you, in the back of your mind, there was still a hidden hope for something to happen at the concert. However, you would never try to initiate anything yourself and risk making him uncomfortable by doing so.
“Well if we’re gonna stand for two hours, we should at least try and get to the front,” Jenna suggested, took your hand and led you through the crowd at the arena, the air immediately becoming hotter as you pushed through the sweaty bodies of people.
Your decision to come earlier was proven to have paid off, seeing as there weren’t too many people at the venue yet. Eventually, you noticed an empty spot at the front with a direct view of the stage and walked there in a hurry to claim it for yourself and Jenna.
The stage was relatively small, with a big screen in the background that read joost klein on it. The strobe lights illuminated the room in various colors and you squeaked in excitement as you turned to face your friend, squeezing her arm.
“So what’s your plan now?” Jenna asked, her eyes scanning you up and down in a smirk. You furrowed your eyebrows, confused by her smug expression.
“My plan? Enjoy the concert I guess,” you scoffed and watched as disappointment took over her face. “What?” you exclaimed and lightly patted her shoulder.
“This is the hottest you’ve ever looked and you’re just going to enjoy the concert?” she mocked you in a coy tone. You bit back a smile. Jenna read you like an open book, being able to see right through your intentions to catch Joost’s attention with your outfit.
“Well, what do you want me to do? Go up there and fuck him?” you said as Jenna’s face lit up at your words.
“Well I don’t think he’d mind that,” she shrugged her shoulders and you playfully slapped her shoulder again, shushing her.
You two chatted as you waited, the venue growing more crowded by the minute and drowning out your nervous thoughts. After what was approximately two and a half hours, the lights finally stopped switching colors and settled on a purple hue, signaling that Joost was about to go on stage.
The familiar intro of Joost’s song, droom groot started playing, resulting in people screaming in anticipation. As Joost came out, dressed in a white button up and long black trousers, the screams only grew louder. You felt your pulse racing, your heartbeat becoming even louder than the bass ringing in your ears.
“Hallo Amsterdam,” Joost yelled into the microphone and scanned the crowd in a smile before his eyes lingered on yours. You felt Jenna’s hand playfully push you and quickly turned to look at her as she mouthed told you with a smug smile.
The rest of the concert went by normally with people dancing and screaming the lyrics to Joost’s songs. In spite of your wishes, Joost didn’t interact with you much, other than shooting continuous glances in your direction. You didn’t think much of them though, seeing as he was also interacting a lot with other people at the front.
“Dus dit volgende nummer,” (so this next song) Joost began saying and the crowd quieted down, “is een beetje anders,” (is a bit different). He suddenly looked much more nervous, his hands slightly fidgeting with his sweaty hair.
“Het is romantischer denk ik,” (it’s more romantic i guess) he chuckled and some people started cheering, you and Jenna included. “Oké hier gaan we.” (okay here we go). The audience erupted into screaming as you recognized the song to be ik wil je - one of your personal favorites of his.
You danced along to the song, putting one arm around Jenna as you noticed people hugging and jumping up and down to the beat. The atmosphere was electric and it saddened you that you would have to leave soon and return to everyday responsibilities.
It seemed like you were too caught up in the moment to notice Joost running to your direction with a smug smile. You gasped as he grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers firmly with yours. He began singing the chorus of the song, his blue eyes piercing your face that was burning hot by that point.
“Ik wil je, blijf bij me, hou van me, ga nooit meer weg” were the only things you could hear, too focused on Joost to notice all the screams around you. You smiled at him while yelling the lyrics, the immense chemistry between the two of you obvious to everyone in the room.
The moment ended as quickly as it started as Joost let go of your hand reluctantly and backed away, breaking eye contact. Jenna shook you, bringing you back to reality and you realized only then how shaky your legs had become.
“Dude, what the fuck?” she said in a low tone as the music stopped and all you could do was shrug your shoulders and laugh in disbelief.
The concert soon came to an end as more people gradually started leaving the venue, you and Jenna being the last ones to exit the building. You were constantly checking your surroundings in hopes of spotting Joost somewhere, anywhere but to no avail. Jenna breathed a sigh of relief at the feeling of the fresh night air as you both stepped outside.
“Wanna go for drinks?” she suggested and you nodded quietly, letting her lead the way. You ended up at a small bar, a few minutes away from the venue and sat at a table near the window that showed the glistening streets, busy with cars and people passing by.
“You know you’re stupid for not getting his number, right,” Jenna broke the silence, taking a shot of her drink.
“What was I supposed to do, jump on stage?” you protested, rubbing your fingers anxiously. In all seriousness, you were bitter about what had happened earlier, mentally slapping yourself as you realized that you could, should, have pursued Joost more. But then again, if Joost was truly into you, he surely would have tried to make a move on you after the concert, right? Disappointment took over you at the realization that this was most likely some act with the sole purpose of the show, or maybe even a silly dare from his friends.
Jenna sensed your frustration and reached for your hand over the table. “Hey,” she smiled, “He’s just some guy after all, don’t forget that!” You chuckled and gave her a nod, taking a sip of your drink in an attempt to shake off the sad state you were in.
A couple of minutes passed in which you managed to have fun, letting Jenna be the speaker. Your attention on her was soon captured by the glass door opening and five tall men coming in. Your eyes widened as you recognized the last man to be Joost and Jenna seemed to notice, glancing back to see what had caused your reaction.
“No fucking way,” she exclaimed and you hushed her, burying your face in your hands.
As you lifted your head again, you were met with Joost looking directly at you, seemingly shocked as well. His friends caught on to his gaze and shared a knowing smile before one of them started singing what sounded like the words to ik wil je, teasing Joost, who let out a shy laugh. You lowered your gaze, fighting back a grin and heard Joost mumble shut up followed by a couple of laughs.
“I’m going for a smoke,” Jenna announced somewhat loudly, grabbed her purse and headed for the door, not before winking at you. Joost’s eyes flickered awkwardly between you and his friends, who had already taken a seat without him noticing. You nodded at the empty chair across from you, encouraging him to approach you, which he gladly did.
“Hey,” he smiled as he sat down, the orange light that emitted from the small lamp on the table making his dimples all the more visible. He gave you a handshake and you got chills at the familiar warmth of his big palm against yours - for the second time that night.
“Hi,” you breathed before properly introducing yourself to him.
“Pretty name,” he noted and you thanked him, your eyes never leaving his. He looked slightly different than before, wearing the same pants but with a black hoodie on top. His blonde hair wasn’t as messy anymore and a pair of glasses now covered his eyes, making him even prettier.
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” you said, switching topics.
“Yeah me neither,” Joost replied, “But I guess things happen for a reason, don’t they?” he grinned and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“What do you mean?”
“I looked for you after the concert ended but I just guessed you left in a hurry,” he went on to explain. You wet your lips in an attempt to hide your smile and your delight at the confirmation that he had in fact looked for you.
“Yeah, sorry about that,”
“What are you sorry for?” he asked, laughing.
“I should have searched for you as well but I just left,” you said apologetically, “Doesn’t that make me kind of an asshole?”
“A bit,” Joost answered, you scoffed at his bluntness and hit him playfully on his arm. “But you can always make up for it,” You raised your eyebrows at his smug expression, curious as to what he was insinuating.
“How?” you smirked, rubbing your legs together under the table to cool off the sudden rush of heat you got. Even if his initial comment wasn’t suggestive, the idea had still entered your mind as newfound desires emerged, that didn’t seem so unrealistic anymore.
“You’ll have to find out lieverd,” he said all too casually as a small chuckle left your lips.
Just then, your phone vibrated with a message from Jenna, informing you that her boyfriend would be picking her up and wishing you a fun night. You texted her back quickly, something about how lucky you were to have her as a friend and that you owe her, before setting your phone down and looking at Joost who questioned the excitement in your face.
“Wanna get out of here?” you asked him with as much confidence as possible, he nodded eagerly. His excitement only grew when he watched you get up from your seat and fix your already short skirt.
This was the first time you were both directly standing next to each other, finally noticing how much taller he was compared to you. You waited by the door for him while he briefly spoke to his friends, who seemed to cheer him on in a bad attempt at remaining quiet.
As you exited the bar, you winced at the cold air against your bare thighs, regretting your decision to wear a leather jacket instead of a long warm coat.
“I have a car, let’s go,” you held Joost’s hand and quickly walked with him to the direction of your car.
“Didn’t know you could drive,” Joost grinned.
“I can do a lot of things,” you responded.
“We’ll see about that.”
On the way to your place, Joost’s hand rested on your exposed thigh as you talked about various things, genuinely enjoying the company of one another. He drew small circles on your skin every now and then, the tingling sensation sending shivers down your spine.
After what felt like hours, you finally reached your place and got out of the car. You were struggling to find the right key to open the door when Joost came up behind you and stole your attention.
“Ik wil je, blijf bij me” he began singing, his voice just a bit louder than a whisper. He approached you, his arms holding your waist closer as he made you dance along to the rhythm.
“Hou van me, ga nooit meer weg”. The last words were hardly heard as Joost closed the distance between you and locked his lips with yours in a slow kiss. You kissed back almost immediately, the taste of cigarettes and liquor becoming clearer in your mouth as he deepened the kiss. He lowered his hands to your ass, caressing the area over the thin fabric of your skirt. Meanwhile, you played with his hair, gently running your fingers through his blonde locks. You felt his glasses softly press against your face, which confirmed that this was reality, that he was actually there, kissing you the way that he did.
You drew back, allowing yourself to breathe. His face was flushed, lips glistening with your lip gloss and his hair looked messy as he stared down at you with desperation.
“I should have taken you on a date first.” Joost admitted, letting out a small chuckle.
“That can be arranged for another time.” You kissed his lips softly before finally unlocking the door and dragging him inside by his shirt, excited for what the night would bring.
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ninthskzmember · 8 months
Sharing is caring
Lee Know x reader.
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warnings: suggestive. talks about kinks. kinda vulgar slang¿? I think. wc: 736 an: hi, i'm back! i just wanted to say sorry for being out that much time. on the other hand, my requests are open! i really look forward to write what you guys want, as long as it's skz related. on the third hand, I'd really appreciate if you could go and take a look at my current fic! with all that being said, I hope you enjoy! ps: y'all tell me if you want a second part to this.
"Love," he calls you out of the blue.
"Yeah?" You left the book you were reading aside, focusing all your attention on your boyfriend.
"If you had to choose..."
Oh no, here it comes. No good comes when Minho starts a sentence with 'If you had to choose'.
"Which member would you fuck?" He finished his question and left you speechless.
"You, obviously," you blinked a few times.
Looking at his reaction, that was not the answer he was waiting for.
"But if you had to..."
"Babe, I'm all yours. I would not fuck any other  member."You cut off his sentence.
"But if I died and my only wish was for you to fuck any other member, which one would you fuck?"
"Lee Minho," you scolded him.
"It's for a science project," he said sarcastically. "'Cmon Jagi, I'm just curious." He blinks a few times. "What about Changbinnie? He has big muscles, and it seems like he'd do the kind of things you like me to do to you."
"No, Minho."
"What about Felix? You love deep moans, and he for sure would have 'em."
"Do you just don't love me anymore?" You ask confusedly, "Like, if you want to break up, just tell me; do not sell your friends to me like that. Plus, if we break up, I wouldn't want to be around y'all, so no other Skz boyfriend."
"I love you," he reassured you. "It's just a hypothetical case," he said, moving his shoulders.
You looked at him for a few seconds in silence.
"Lee Minho..." A smile began to form on your lips. "Do we have a sharing kink?" you laughed.
His ears became red. "No, not a sharing kink."
You blinked a few times again, waiting for him to elaborate.
"A watching one," he said quietly.
"There's no way you have a watching kink, Minho." You laughed it off. "You can't even watch me finger myself without having to intercede. "You literally cannot have it."
"But I do," his bobba eyes locked on yours.
"So, the question here is, Who would you want me to fuck with?" Now you like where things are going, and you're here for it.
"That is up to you," he said, leaning in and kissing the corner of your lips.
"That depends on lots of factors."
"Like what?" he asked as you got up from the couch and followed you with his eyes.
"Like..." you paused. "You want me to be fucked or want me to make love with somebody else?"
"Ouch? That hurt," he frowned.
"I'm not saying that I love or will love somebody else. I'm talking about romantic, slow, passionate sex."
"No, that's reserved for us," he said, walking towards you and putting his hands on your waist.
"So, that leaves Hyunjin, Changbin, and Felix out." I raised my eyebrows. "Just the three that you wanted me to fuck."
"I never even pronounced Hyunjin. I know for a fact that he'd fall for you if you fucked with him the way you fuck with me." He pulled you closer and pecked you.
"We're left with Chan, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin."
"Jisung goes with the other three, believe me," he lauged and so did you.
"Chan, Seungmin, and Jeongin." You nodded while speaking, and Minho began kissing your neck. "I don't think I'd be able to handle him," you denied.
"Chan?" your boyfriend asked.
"Well, that took me off guard," he laughed softly. "You couldn't? I don't think he'd be that harsh."
"Shh, keep doing what you're doing. Get me in the mood to fuck one of your  members."You whispered in his ear and felt how his pants grew bigger with just that sentence.
"So you will?" he asked while working on your neck.
"If you ask me so nicely, I could make the effort. But with only one  condition." You said, and he looked at you straight in the eyes, "You cannot interfere. Or touch yourself." You said while making a mess in his hair just because "you'll have to beg for me to stop fucking your pathetic member and come to please you." You smiled while his breath became heavier and his grip more desperate. "Do we agree?" You pulled his hair a bit, and a moan escaped his lips without hesitation.
"Yes, baby," he said while recomposing his posture. "Now, I'll have to choose which one," he said over your lips.
Part 2
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fictionalthrill · 1 month
Forced Hand: Chapter 1 - Inescapable Past
A/N: Greetings! Here is the first chapter of my Gwayne Hightower series. Sorry for making it such a late post! Thanks to whomever takes the time to read my writing. As I mentioned yesterday on this post, this series will not be fully canon nor will it accurately follow details from the show/book. I will follow certain details but given the nature of the story, I will take many liberties. Also, I will do my best create a HoTD environment through descriptions and dialogue, but I don't expect that to be accurate either...
Also, I will now present my blog as an 18+ space given the route I plan to take with my writing. I don't plan to write anything explicitly salacious, but certain topics and themes will come up and I just want to be cautious.
Description: Lady Y/N Blackstone is informed by her father that he intends to arrange a marriage for her... again. Meanwhile, Gwayne gets a visit from his father. WARNINGS FOR THE CHAPTER: Nothing that requires warning. Pairing: Female Reader (Lady Y/N Blackstone) x Gwayne Hightower
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There were many ways in which Y/N’s day could have started. However, as she tried to indulge her morning meal, the way her day already unfolded was certainly not what she had expected.
         “I’m sorry, father, but I must refuse to this,” she said.
         “Refuse? Darling, you cannot simply refuse, this is not how things work,” he said.
         “I believe I should be allowed to refuse yet another forced marriage attempt. I do not need to be married off, I can survive on my own. I say you do not concern yourself with me and rather focus on Lorenah’s future.”
         “Y/N, you are my daughter, as is Lorenah, both your futures are of my concern.”
         “But to go through this again? I do not wish to endure all I did the first time. I would rather Lorenah’s prospects are secured, properly, so she does not suffer the same fate as me. The rest does not matter.”
         “But it does. Who shall provide for you and look after you once I am gone?” her father said, but then found himself in a cough fit. Y/N went to stand to help but he waved his hand. “I am alright.”
         “I do not need to be looked after, father. Besides, I am far from the preferred marriage age, and my prospects have long been tarnished. You know who made sure of that.”
         “You are not far from the marriage age. It might not be the ideal but—”
         “What has brought this on again, anyways? It was aunt Sesa, was it not?”        
         “Your aunt—”
         “I knew it,” she cut him off and stood up. “Any time that woman visits she takes it upon herself to intervene in our lives and you let her!”
         “No. She intervened when you try to marry me off and we all know how that went. Then she rushed you into finding Aianna a match, and now she’s back looking to start things up again.”
         “Y/N, how can your future be ensured if I am no longer walking the earth?”
         She came closer to him and took his hand in hers. “Father, I understand you care and in caring you worry for me, but I will be fine. Besides, I’ve already spoken to Aianna, and her and Lord Corbus are more than happy to take me in, if needs be.”
         He removed his hand from hers. “You’ve discussed this with your sister?”
         “You didn’t really believe I hoped to give marriage another try did you?”
         He stared at her. “That was not for you to discuss.”
         “No? Father, it is my life, and the last time it was in someone else’s hand, I was—”
         Just then, Sesa appeared in the room. “Good morrow, Lord Blackstone. Ah, Y/N!”
         “Aunt Sesa,” Y/N grumbled as she walked away from her father.
         “Sesa, morning,” Lord Blackstone greeted.
         Sesa approached the table and took a seat.
         “I am going to see how preparations are going for Lorenah’s arrival,” Y/N said.
         “Oh, Y/N, has your father told you the news?”
         “I was actually discussing it with her now.”
         “Oh, there’s no need for discussion this is great news!”          “I beg to differ,” Y/N said.
         “Y/N, it is unbecoming of a lady of your age and stature to be unwed.”
         “What is unbecoming is to be engaged one day only to find out the next it is no longer so.”
         “Y/N,” her father tried to reign her in.
         “Well, yes, that is unbecoming and unfortunate. But it does not define the rest of your life. Being a spinster, however, that can stain a family name.”
         She walked towards the doors and turned to stare at her aunt Sesa. “My status has not affected this family in any way. Aianna was able to marry well and Lorenah has garnered the favor of many suitors already, all awaiting the day father accepts an offer for her hand.”
         “Y/N,” Lord Blackstone tried again.
         “This is you having nothing to do but to meddle in our lives, yet again.”
         Her eyes landed on her father.
         “It’s alright, Lord Blackstone,” Sesa said. “I am not meddling. Like my own two daughters, you and your sisters were born to fulfill your duties. You are to marry and provide your Lord husbands with heirs to further extend the livelihood of this house. I am only trying to aid your father so that you may pursue that.”
         “Aunt Sesa, might I remind you, that I was not the one to choose this path for myself. And this time, I refuse to be humiliated again by others making decisions for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
         “Y/N,” her father called after her as she left the room. Sesa waved him off.
         “It is alright, Lord Blackstone. Let her decompress; give her time.”
         “I am afraid she has grown too stubborn as well hot-headed.”
         “All a result of being unwed. Which is why it is so important you find her a husband before it becomes permanent.”
         “I do not know about that, Sesa. It was not until I mentioned a husband that she lashed out in that way. The gods know what fire burns inside her since her misfortune… it’s taken her time to make peace with it all and here I am looking to drag her down the aisle again.”
         “My Lord, it is a woman’s duty to wed. While the circumstances were unforeseen and out of your control, it does not mean she must be condemned to the life of a spinster. If a lord will have her as a wife, you must not pass on the opportunity. Have you sent word?”
         “Not as of yet. I have only just considered this and, so far, she is unaccepting of the idea.”
         “She will accept it in time. As fathers and mothers, we know what is best for our children.”
         “May the gods will it so. I will make it known tomorrow.”
         After Blackstone finally made his plans for his daughter known, several days passed and it was enough time for word to spread. The eligibility of the daughter of one of the most prominent houses in the Veil was news that would gradually reach others. However, given said daughter was once engaged, word spread like wildfire.
         Y/N did her best to keep her mind off it, resorting to avoiding the subject and everyone in her path. That was until her sister’s arrival.
Y/N stood on the steps of the Blackstone castle watching as Lorenah exited one of the family carriages and made her towards the entrance. A smile broke on Y/N’s face as Lorenah approached her and wrapped her arms around her middle.
“Oh, how I missed you!” Y/N said.
“I missed you too, sister!” Lorenah replied.
As Y/N let go, she grabbed Lorenah’s hands, and her eyes scanned her fully. “Is that a new dress?”
“Do you like it? Aianna had it made for me.”
“It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you are.” Y/N came at her sister’s side and draped an arm over her shoulders as she guided her in. “Come, I want you to tell me everything. From the beginning of your journey to the very end. You must be hungry.”
Just as they had made it inside, their father appeared to greet Lorenah. “My sweet little, Lorenah!” He extended his arms for her, and she left Y/N’s side to hug him.
Lord Blackstone chuckled as he took a step back to get a better look at his youngest daughter. “You appear taller. Or am I just getting smaller?”
“It is only because you have not seen me in some time, father.”
“Maybe so.”
Suddenly, Sesa came into the room, her arms extended, but not as an opening for a hug. “My dear, Lorenah, you have returned!”
Lorenah, stood before Sesa and curtsied. “Aunt Sesa.”
“It is good to see you again, my niece.”
          “I am glad to have returned, Aunt Sesa.”
         “Right, let us eat!” Lord Blackstone said. “The cook has prepared your favorite. Go on, it should be served soon.”
         “Thank you, father.” As Lorenah proceeded to the room, Sesa not far behind her, Y/N stood in place, contemplating whether dinner would be worth sitting through.
         “Will you be joining us, Y/N?” Lord Blackstone asked. “I am sure Lorenah would be happy if you joined us.”
         “I suppose so.” Y/N was about to strut past her father when he held her hand in his.
         “Dearest, please do not continue to be angry with me. I am only trying to do what is best for you.”
         “If that were really the case you would not choose for me to endure this again.”
         “Who will look after you when I am gone? Who will provide for you if I do not find you a husband to do so?”
         “Father, Aianna and I discussed this. They are willing to take me in.”      
         A fit of coughs broke out of him before he continued. “I do not appreciate you discussing something like this with your sister. It is not up to you to make these decisions.”
         “Father, listen to yourself. You are ill. You need me here. Lorenah, needs me here.”
         He placed a hand on her cheek. “My daughter, you are unlike no other. You have always strived to put yourself last. But this is not something you can be left behind on. Please, let us get past this.”
         “Clearly, I have no choice in the matter,” she said before she walked away from her father.
         As the Lord of Oldtown, Ser Gwayne Hightower did not take interest in news or happenings of the Realm unless it concerned his House or the interests of the crown. If he did not hear of it from his close advisors, he would learn of it from his father, the Hand of the King. Which is why he assumed there was something of critical importance when he was informed his father arrived.
         One of his advisors left his side as he walked over to Ser Otto. “Lord Hand, I was not aware you would be coming to Oldtown.”
         “It was not planned. We must talk,” Otto said.
         “Let us go inside then.”
         Gwayne led his father towards his study. As they stepped inside, one of the servants appeared at the door. “Shall I bring forth refreshments, my lords?”
         “No, leave us.” Otto answered. The servant bowed his head and left the two men in the study.
         “Is this a matter of the crown?” Gwayne asked.
         “No, not directly.”
         “Not directly?”
         “I received word that Lord Blackstone is once again offering the hand of one of his daughters.”
         Gwayne’s eyes snapped up to his father. Now, the courting of a lord’s daughter wasn’t something that garnered his attention. But in this instance, he couldn’t help himself.
         “And this concerns us how?”
         “It is Lady Y/N.”
         It was as Gwayne feared. Still, he kept his composure before his father, as to not reveal his disappointment. “I do not understand, father. You came all the way from King’s Landing to tell me this?”
         Otto approached his son. “Not just to tell you, but to urge you to request her hand.”
         “Request her hand?”
         “Gwayne, this is a union that could be most beneficial to our family. Lady Y/N is the eldest of Blackstone’s daughter, one of the richest and most influential families of the Riverlands.”
         “All of this I know. In fact, I can recall vying for her hand once and winning it. This was then accompanied by your disapproval which led me to call off the engagement.”
         “Gwayne you were far too young and naïve for marriage, at the time. Your duty was to Oldtown.”
         “Yes, and it continues to be so. How is this now a priority? How is this now what you want?”
         Otto took a deep breath. “Blackstone is ill. When he first learned of his illness, he made it known to some of his closest advisors, that whomever his eldest should marry, would inherit Blackstone castle, along with whatever land and fortune is left to his name. Of course, he’d leave for his other daughters and whatever descendants they produced.”
         “So, that’s the interest? The inheritance?” Gwayne stared at Otto.
         “Gwayne, do you understand the influence of the Blackstones in the Riverlands? Do you know what a marriage between our houses could bring?”
         “Why now, father? Why not let me go through with it when we were already betrothed?”
         “As I already said, Oldtown was the priority. Besides, Blackstone did not decide his intentions with his inheritance until after he learned he was ill.”
         “Did he tell you all this?”
         “No. But I have a direct source who confirmed it all.”
         Gwayne sighed. “Even if I wanted to, Lord Blackstone made it clear he wanted no business with me after what I did.”
         “Leave Blackstone, to me. Focus on Lady Y/N and winning her favor.”
         “This attempt will surely be fruitless.”
         Otto placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Trust me, we will get this union.”
         “Even if Blackstone gave us his approval, what of Lady Y/N? She surely still hates me. She will never go for the marriage.”
         “Then you charm her, pursue her. Show her you want this marriage.”
         “I respect your optimism, father. But for once, I do not see how we will be successful in this endeavor.”
         “Make sure to win her favor. The rest will come about.”
         Gwayne nodded. “Fine.”
         “We leave in the evening.”
         “The evening?”
         “The sooner we meet with Blackstone, the better our advantage.”
         “Did he not just announce this?”
         “Sufficient time has passed for word to go around. Coincidently, the Prince of Dorne is traveling through land to his home. But it is well known he is in search of a wife. If he has heard about this, there is a high chance he will pay Blackstone a visit.”
         Gwayne cleared his throat. “Would leaving at dawn not be better?”
         “If we are to prevent the Prince of Dorne from persuading Blackstone, we would leave now. But being as I rushed here, I shall have a meal, and we will gather our things to leave this evening.”
         “As you wish,” Gwayne nodded.
Chapter 2 - Looking Ahead
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Random Astrology Observation 3
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Hi and welcome to my another random astrology observation. I like this series, 'cause I have a free will to choose any placement to discuss about and I hope you do like it too. This observation might be related to both Western and Vedic astrology. Take it as it resonates and leave what does not resonate with you. Cool, we can start now!
Whoever natives have aspect between Mercury and Neptune, I feel sorry for these people, especially if they still go to school. Mercury is about learning, while Neptune is about illusions, so these people may not see things clearly or they can't communicate effectively. They can have a hard time processing informations and they may interpret things way more different than other students/people. Because of that, they might seem stupid or blunt to others, which may not be the case. Believe me, I have Mercury conjunct Neptune in my natal chart and although I can be creative and intuitive with this placement, I also have a hard time with having a conversations with the people who are close to me, because I interpret informations differently, which makes it seem that I don't listen to them at all.
Transit Pluto has been placed in Aquarius since January this year and we already see its influence in this sign. Some people from the upper class and even celebrities are exposed for their shady things they have done in the past, since Pluto represents exposing the truth, while Aquarius is about collectives, revolutions, changes for a higher good etc. In Vedic astrology, this pattern can be seen by the transit Saturn in Shatabhisha nakshatra in Aquarius, 'cause Saturn represents punishment and Shatabhisha nakshatra is about the hidden things we don't see or we don't even know about. This transit was relevant at the beginning of this year.
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Speaking of transit Pluto in Aquarius, since this planet has been placed in my natal 1st house, I started to experience many spiritual awakenings and transformations I don't think I've ever experienced before. I actually had the spiritual awakening somewhere in 2018/19, when transit Pluto was conjuncting my natal Venus in Capricorn and Venus is my 9th house ruler in my natal chart, which is the house of spirituality. I cannot imagine what would happen to me when the transit Pluto will tightly conjunct my natal Ascendant.
In the context of predictions through transit, it's always important to see if some transit planet is currently aspecting your natal planets, not just looking in which your natal house the transit planet is placed. For example, I'll use the transit Jupiter in Gemini. For Sagittarius Rising natives, they've mostly heard that this transit planet is going to be in their natal 7th house of long-term relationships and marriage, which might be the flourishing time for this native if they want to find a new partner. But if they have a Saturn in Gemini in their natal chart, forming a conjunction aspect with the transit Jupiter, it's not going to be very well, because Saturn is about restrictions and hardships. If some of these natives don't have any planets in their 7th house, it's crucial then to look for their 7th house ruler, Mercury. If Mercury, as their 7th house ruler, is placed in Libra and forms a trine aspect with the transit Jupiter, then they can expect some new love to come into their lives.
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Overall, that would be everything for today. This will be one of the shortest observations I've ever made, but I hope you won't mind it. The reason why it took me so long to make another post is that I've become busy in my private life. Because I don't have much time for astrology, my personal paid readings will be closed on July 19, 2024 at 10:26 AM UTC, but I'll still be active and make astrology posts here on Tumblr. So, if someone wants to book a reading with me, you can do that until July 19 this year. I hope my readings will be open as soon as possible, but I can't promise you anything so far. Regardless, I wish you all had a beautiful day ahead.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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So... @muffinlance wrote a really awesome story. I read a post from a point in time, though I truly do not remember when since it seems like I've been working on this project forever, saying that she gives blanket permission for people to print and bind the story into a book (I think there was an also addendum saying that they do not give permission to be sold, since selling fic is illegal). This fic has had total control over my whole brain since it was sent to me (@creatorofthemind I believe it was you, so thank you forever for tuning me into it) back during the days of like chapter six or seven.
So here I am now, sharing this amazing journey of my first ever bookbinding adventure. Further reading below.
So to give you an idea of what's going on, this is a fanfiction about Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender) (animated show version, the LA show did not exist yet and we do not speak of the movie) being adopted by Hakoda, Father of Katara and Zuko. (This might have also been what kicked off the Give Zuko A Parent craze, but don't fact check me.)
Overall, the characters from the show stick very well to the cannon versions, but where MuffinLance really shines is in the rich backstories and fleshed out feeling of all the non cannon elements. Especially the background characters. I would argue that the writing in this peice of fanwork could easily rival the cannon show at many points of comparison.
Now that you have context, we can get into the actual process.
To start, I used this guide to figure out where to even begin, and fount the included resource list to also be quite helpful. I cannot for the LIFE OF ME figure out where I found the template I used for the front matter and such, but it must be somewhere and I will link to it when I inevitably come across it again.
Then I began to typeset. This step took... a long time. I worked in chunks from about September of 2022 to late March of 2024. I would get a big section done, sometimes even the entire thing, but then find I hated the way I had done it and give up for months at a time. Such is the life of ADHD and flitting interest in projects I suppose.
And then finally, step one was done, and I was left with pages on a word document that look like this. (And do please let me know if you want the link to the document. It was so much work, and I would love to not be the only one to use it.)
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Next step was printing out this beast. Ended up being about eight pages of front matter, and about 630 pages of body text.
That I printed wrong.
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Before finally getting it right. And then not getting a picture of it, because I finished at 4 am and had work at 7, and am also an idiot.
Then I simply stitched along, putting everything together into a beautiful text block.
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And came up with a design for the cover.
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Yes the glue did end up lumpy. Ignore it.
Yes I did have to sketch out the design onto a scraped page several times before I figured out what I was doing. Ignore that too.
The cover design does wrap around the entire cover. No I did not get a picture before I glued the thing down. See again: I'm an idiot. And just... massively impatient.
Finally, we get to the stage of gluing. Behold, my bookpress.
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Of course, topped with Madam MuffinLances own actual professional-people book, Fox's Tounge and Kirin's Bone. It is Excelent. Here is the LINK so you can go and support this amazing author with the real-monies as well as the internet-kudos.
Then, once everything is glued together, one must give the book its "gilt" edges.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
For Aegon
❛ what, am i not allowed to look at you? ❜
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You could feel him staring at you; No, you could see him staring at you from the corner of your eye as you skimmed the paragraphs of your book under the guise of ‘reading.’ So much so that whenever you braved to glance at Aegon, who only seem to thrive in being caught as he continued his blatant staring with absolutely zero shame as a smirk growing across his lips and a glimmer in his lilac eyes. You didn’t know whether you should laugh or cry out of disbelief at his lack of digression. It never ceases to baffles you how shameless Aegon could be, even within the eye of the public he would have the misfortune to rule. His words not yours.
“you seem to have developed a staring problem as of late, my prince.” You said without taking your eyes off of the book in your lap, despite your desire to read had long since became a thing of the past, “And more so then not that staring has been aimed at me for most of the time.” You didn’t even have to look up to know that his smirk had widened across his face for Aegon was a simple book to read, even a child could do it. “What? Am I not allowed to look at you now?” He asked amused, you didn’t reply. “If my staring causes you were so much discomfort, then why haven’t you voiced your displeasure?” Aegon gauges your silence as a means to continue voicing his thoughts. “Or perhaps, if I’m right in assuming, you actually like it.”
You snorted, closing the book and placing it beside you as you looked over to address Aegon, only to find that he has moved himself closer to you as he leant against the Weirwood tree, arms and ankles crossed over one another. Had he always been so quiet on his feet? “Don’t flatter yourself Aegon, I’m probably not the only one you’ve been staring at.” You mentioned matter of factly, recalling the times where his lusty lilac eyes lingered elsewhere as you fought against the feeling of jealously building within your throat. You didn’t know why you were feeling this way, Aegon didn’t seem the type of man to willingly commit to anyone and you seemingly detested his depravity and uncouth ways at every turn.
However you didn’t catch onto the brief flicker of sadness within Aegon’s expression when you turned back to attend to your abandoned book. “If it brings you any reassurance but my eyes have never looked at another the way they looked at you.” He starts as he brought himself down to sit next to you beneath the bloody eyed tree with crimson leaves, testing the waters by grasping your hand in his as he took note of how you froze momentarily as though to compose yourself before falling into a sense of ease that still held onto that little bit of tension. “They may look to others in lust but to you, they’ve looked at you with nothing but admiration, comfort and above all, love.” Your body stiffen at the word but your eyes were peaked with interest as a warm sensation began to flood your chest as though you were a hearth brought aflame.
“Whether you believe my words or not, I do not care for I know my feelings to be true because whilst I may not be born into a loving environment; I still crave the things I cannot have and love is one of them if not the sole thing I crave to experience the most.” Aegon paused, feeling himself becoming overwhelmed with his own emotions that they started to form themselves into the tears that brimmed his pretty eyes. Aegon was always a pretty crier, you’ve noted. He made it look like an art form and you couldn’t help but squeeze his hand to console him into continuing. “So whenever you doubt my devoting to you, it hurts. I know why you doubt me, I understand it more then anyone because I’m the one who has to live with the consequences of my own actions.”
Aegon lays his head against your shoulder, pressing a kiss there before burying his head deeper into you as though he couldn’t get enough. His hand gripping yours tightly but not so much so that it caused you pain. “Yet here I am, laying my heart bear before you, praying to the seven in hopes that you don’t ever break it.” He finishes, too emotionally drained to remove himself away from you, not that he’d ever want to anyway; Clenching his eyes shut in waiting for your rejection, for you to smash his glass heart into a million fractures so small they looked like stardust. “Don’t pray to the Seven Aegon,” you told him softly, “for they’re the type who’d come to collect what is owed in droves. They’ll rob you blind of everything in the name of faith.”
“Then I’ll pray to you instead.” Aegon replied hastily, moving his head away from your shoulder to look at you with his bleary, bloodshot eyes as he smiled weakly. “Then you’ll have too much faith in me. I’ll let you down should I not meet your image of me every time.” You responded, resting your forehead against his, rubbing your nose gently his own. “Then don’t, let us be perfectly imperfect together until the end of our days.”
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Baby Mase
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Word Count: 754 This fic is based off of this blurb
The last few days you hadn't been feeling very well, your boobs had been hurting you a lot more than usual. The smell of certain foods were making you feel sick too, which rarely happened.
When Mason came in the house, you jumped as you weren't expecting him back yet.
"Hi" you jumped as he walked through the door as you clutched your chest in shock.
"You okay? you seem.. off?" he asked you as you quickly dismissed his question.
"Nothing, I'm fine" you reassured him that there was nothing wrong.
"Hmm yeah because I can read you like a book. I know when there is something wrong. It shows in your face babe, don't lie" you shrugged as you bit your bottom lip.
"I I, well." you paused as he walked closer towards you as he held your hand and rubbed his thumb against it softly.
"It is okay. You can tell me what is wrong" he asked you as you pulled away from him as you went to grab your phone.
"This" you opened up the period tracker app to show him.
"What am I supposed to be looking at?" he glared at your phone as he looked all confused.
"I am late" you whispered.
"Late? as in late, late?" he questioned you
"Yes, my period is a couple days late. You know I am regular like clock work. I am worried, what if I am pregnant? we haven't even discussed this. We have only been together 2 years, I'm not sure if I am ready yet" you shrugged as you couldn't stop talking.
"Hey, deep breaths" Mason whispered as you took a deep breath in and out as he held your hands tightly.
"Everything is going to be okay babe, we will go and get you a test and let's just see" you nodded as he hugged you tightly.
"Thanks" you whispered as you grabbed your keys and phone.
The journey seemed like it was taking forever, your mind going all over the place.
What if you were pregnant, you were so confused because you weren't even sure if you wanted kids or if right now was the right timing.
As you parked up, you practically jumped out of the car as you ran in the store to grab a test.
You picked any pregnancy test, not really knowing what test was the right one.
After picking up the test, paying on the self scan check out and ran straight back to the car.
“Okay, but do you really want me here when you piss?” he asked much to your annoyance.
“Mase, hun. You made this baby, so staying in here while I wee on a stick is the least of your problems. Now if you are that much of a pussy stay outside” you closed the door in front of him as he gasped.
“Guess hormones started early huh?” Mason mumbled. “Piss off smart arse” you remarked under your breath.
“I heard that” rolling your eyes as you ripped the test open.
“You were supposed to” you peed on the stick and placed it on the counter.
“Have you done it?” he shouted as you opened the door.
“God I feel naseous all of a sudden” you clasped your hand over your mouth as the timer went off on your phone.
“Look at it, oh- fucking hell. We are going to be parents” you squealed as you looked at the test in shock, but happy shock.
“We are, our little baby. Baby Mount” he smiled, gently rubbing your belly.
“I can’t believe it. Mase this is happening, are you ready? 9 months of craziness” you laughed into him as he placed a kiss on your forehead as he wiped the happy tears away. “I’m always ready” he whispered as you stayed close together until you pulled away from him.
"Do you think it is going to be a girl or boy?" you asked him.
"I don't mind, but as long as they are healthy. I cannot wait for this baby" you smiled at him as he gently rubbed your non existent belly.
"Me too, guess we will have to get ready for the next few months and weeks. This is going to be weird for both of us" you warned him.
"That is okay, as long as you are alright. That is the one thing that matters and the baby of course" he smiled as you kissed him gently.
"I can't wait for this" he muttered as you cuddled him.
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continuumitgirl · 2 years
so i’ve known ab subliminals, manifesting, shifting for a while, but always had minimal success. i was never able to get the ‘big’ things i wanted.
but since being on tumblr, i learnt about STATES. which i had previously known about when i had read the power of awareness by neville goddard. unfortunately, that didn’t last long as i started watching manifesting gurus on youtube and got clouded with information again. (no hate to sammy ingram) But i watched her a lot. and i never got that much movement even tho i was consistent, it would make me feel guilty if i was t affirming enough. and i would beat myself up, saying to myself “if u really want this, u need to affirm more”. i would do the 10k challenge, 10 min stuff, but it was soooo overwhelming. so much stress because i wanted so many things, and i felt like i didn’t have enough time, i had other stuff to do, so even tho i was consistent, i would stress myself out, wondering if i was doing enough, doing it right, etc.
this mindset was toxic, although i didn’t realise it then. i just would get so upset because i trying to hard. which is why it also took me a min to realise.. that i shouldn’t be trying that hard to get something … u either have it or u don’t! so anyways, one or two weeks ago, i came on here because i was done. i wanted my desires. enough. At first i got swayed by the void stuff, which made me put it on a pedestal . which made me angry, i was like bro not this shit again. i don’t wanna waste another months or years. and somehow i stumbled across states. i’ll admit it took me a second to grasp. i re read the power of awareness. and realised it is simple, once i understood it, i deleted tumblr and focused on my life, while occupying my ideal state.
One thing that i’ve been wanting a lot is to travel this year. I travelled last year a bit with my friend and spent 3 months in another country during the summer and it was phenomenal: i wanted this again for 2023. I want to live my life yk.
Well this morning my mum woke me up to tell me we are going on 2 holidays. one next month and one in easter. Athens, Greece and Verona and Venice, Italy.
i was like omg this is amazing ?? we had talked a bit about it and every time we did i was like “yes. we’re going” in my head. and today we booked those holidays.
Now what’s so special about this? Well i made a pinterest board end of 2022 with places i wanna go def this year!! every time i looked at this board i was like “it’s done” [just the way i think ab every desire, because it is done, it’s mine, it literally comes from my consciousness so it’s inseparable to me]
and yeah!! i have 2 other places on this pinterest board but it’s literally the 31st of January 2023 rn and we’ve already booked for 2 of them so that’s a fucking success. i’m so confident more than ever about my power and how the 3D truly is just a reflection of my consciousness/ state i dwell on often!!!!!
yeah as u can see i literally have athens, venice, paris and amsterdam pics on here as a vision board :))))
i want to thank @0t0mie @lotusmi and @angelsinluv (also to twitter users that explanation states v well and posted motivating content . i don’t rlly use twitter for loa stuff cus my irl friends follow me there but there’s a community over there i would lurk on that encouraged states and helped me understand that the mindless affirming in aim to TRY and get ur manifestation was pointless)
anyways i cannot wait to post more loa success stories. this way of manifesting not only makes so much sense once u grasp it. it literally is so fucking easy and effortless 😩 cannot believe it took me this look to figure it out but honestly its fine. my desires are already mine now. that’s all that matters 😎💪
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maefansblog · 3 months
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I could have sworn when Nicola and Luke did this Balcony speech on tour in Toronto, the show was going to parallel the Balcony speech from the books.
I'm going to do a rewrite that mixes book and show canon. Both have their merits and I have love for both of the scenes. This is just for fun and entertainment. 💕
This is after Show Penelope reveals she is Lady Whistledown. The post below is the exact speech that Penelope gives in the show and the Queen exits.
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(Awkward silence and gossip starts.)
Colin: I would like to propose a toast to the most remarkable woman in the world. I am a newlywed, and therefore you are all required to indulge me in my lovesick ways.
(Friendly laughter rippled through the crowd.)
I wasn't surprised that I had fallen in love with her, but rather that it had taken so long. I've known her for so many years, you see, and I've discovered the beautiful, brilliant, witty woman she'd become. As my brilliant wife once said, when one finds themselves in an incredible position, they should declare it, assuredly, fervently, loudly.
Therefore, with all of you here as my witnesses, I would like to say - Penelope - I love you. I adore you. I worship the ground you walk upon.
(He turned back out to the crowd, lifted his glass, and said)
Colin: To my wife!
The crowd: To your wife!
(Colin drank his glass of lemonade, and Penelope took her drink.)
Colin: Put down your glass, dear.
Penelope: But -
Colin: You interrupt far too much..
(He scolded, and then he swept her into a passionate kiss, right there in the middle of the ballroom in front of the entire ton.)
Penelope: Colin!
(He grinned wolfishly as their audience roared its approval.)
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Philippa: Now Varley! The Bugs!
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(The Ton starts clapping, Philippa and Prudence have a moment, and people start dancing.)
(The Lord Squad is flabbergasted and tries to talk to Colin, when Lord Remington interrupts and pulls him to the side to chat. It is assumed the two are talking about Lady Whistledown.)
(Lady Danbury approaches Penelope.)
Lady Danbury: You “cannot tolerate a lie”?
Penelope: Lady Danbury.
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Lady Danbury: Your last column. Her Majesty was close when she assumed Whistledown was a Bridgerton protecting their own. But I know the family well enough to know it was not one of them. There is only one person who loves the Bridgertons more than I.
Penelope: You knew it was me.
Lady Danbury: Hm… I suspected. You are not the only lady of the ton who can keep a secret.
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Lady Danbury: You stepped into the light, and you were worthy of the attention you command. I look forward to your next edition.
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(Lady Danbury laughs and leaves. Penelope stands in awe and then turns around. She meets Colin's eyes from across the room. Colin excuses himself from Lord Remington to talk to Penelope.)
(Takes Penelope to the side)
Pen, ever since I found out you are Whistledown, I have done everything I can to try to separate you from her. But the other day, I went back and read all of the letters you have sent me. Your letters have always been the ones I am most eager to read.
And I realized… you are her. You have always had one voice. There is no separating you from Whistledown. And after seeing you speak today, I… Well, I would not want to. Because forgive me, but that was bloody brilliant.
I think, in truth, I…I have been envious of you. Of your success. Of your bravery. And now I simply cannot believe that a woman with such bravery loves me.
How lucky I am to stand by your side and soak up even a little bit of your light. If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you… then I will be a very fulfilled man, indeed.
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Penelope: I love you. You are a very good man, Mr. Bridgerton.
Colin: I love you. Now, Will you please do me the honor. Of joining me on the dance floor, Lady Whistledown?
Penelope: l prefer Mrs. Bridgerton.
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Colin and Penelope sneak off early, and no one sees them for days.
(Sideplots are in the tags where they belong. A choose your own adventure if you like.)
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skylie-spiderlillis · 14 days
Unfortunately I will not be able to finish the payneland fic I wanted on time to publish it on my birthday, however I will publish a snippet for now!
It's a fencing fic, because I'm a fencer Edwin truther, and the boys 100% fence as a game between them so my fic is based about that. Edwin tries to suggest fencing to talk about things and resolve the awkwardness that started between them after the love confession. It's not very long after Port Townsend.
I'm going to try to continue working on it to finish it on time but I'm at a bar on the beach that has loud distracting music to celebrate my birthday, I can't make any promises. However I will publish it tomorrow. Here is the snippet for now!
Charles was sitting on the desk, his legs on the chair, staring vacantly out of a window for the past few hours.
Edwin, who was reading a book on the sofa, eventually had enough of this new awkward distance between them and snapped, deciding he was going to do something about it, shake Charles out of it in any way he could.
He tossed Charles his foil- a golden one with a left handed handle. Edwin’s foil was silver, matching Charles’ set. “Pick it up, we are going to fence.” He declared.
“What?” Charles looks up, shaking off from his thoughts and turned to his best friend, blinking surprised.
“I said, pick it up, we are going to fence. Frankly, I've had enough of your distant behaviour recently and I cannot let it pass any second longer. You cannot fool me, Charles Rowland, I know you, and after Port Townsend you have never made the return quite to your senses yet. So we are going to fence, and we are going to talk, in the way we do things. Because clearly something has gone wrong with you recently you refuse to let me in about.”
“Mate, there is nothing wro-” Charles started making himself force out a laugh in defence, but Edwin cut him.
“I have simply confessed to being in love, Charles, I have not been turned into a fool in all that regards you. I have known you for over 30 years, Charles Rowland, and I can tell when things are wrong. Yet you don’t come to me, although you are clearly bothered by me. Sometimes, I have to wonder if you still consider us best friends after all-” his voice break, trailing off.
“What? Mate, of course you are-” Charles rushed to defend against Edwin's words.
“Then talk with me, Charles. Fence with me, like we used to. Because I miss having my best friend around, and I don’t know what to think of you recently. Talk to me, please.” Edwin moves Charles’ foil on the desk closer to him, offering it to him again.
Charles took a few moments of thinking in silence before he responded again. They could fence, he supposes, he did miss them too, but- “Look, Edwin, mate, I don’t want to fight you- You are still pretty banged up from Esther’s house.” Not a lie, they both still had some traces of their iron burns. Esther’s house was still relatively fresh- they tried to bury it but the events of Port Townsend only took place twelve days ago.
Unfortunately, iron burns take an annoying amount of time to heal. Although not as bad now, slight traces of their burns still left.
They have been taking cases slower because of it, working on easy ones to start. Both of them acting more out of concern for the other than actually to themselves.
“Oh, you assume you would be able to get close to me?” Edwin teased arching his brow and Charles bit his lips, cheeks flushing slightly. Bollocks. Okay, his self confidence was hot-
Seeing him announcing it cockily and sure of himself like that ignited a fond and playful spark in Charles- he liked his overconfidence.
“I assure you, even in my lesser state I can still, as I believe they say today, ‘kick your ass’. You, on the other hand, have been shutting off from me for weeks, and I simply will not sit here and allow our friendship to continue suffering any longer. So please, fence with me again. Challenge me, if you will.”
“Edwin-” Charles gruntle sighing pretending to be rolling his eyes in decline, then he quickly picks up his foil going out to a surprise attack, a spark of mischief igniting back in him.
Adrenaline was flooding his ghost veins, in a good way-
He loved this. This was them. It just felt right.
Edit: fic posted! It's the most recent post below the pinned one on my blog!
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
"I was really tempted to make this a montage of Hank taking sitting on the edge of a chair to its natural extreme, because no-one sits on a chair like goddamn Hank McCoy."
Please don't hold back, just do it 😌 Show us Hank's ways of sitting <3
Hehehe, so, I've been wanting to tackle this one for a while, but it took a little time and I wanted to get my caps together, so, let's get through it, shall we?
So, anyone who's ever consumed a piece of X-Men media is likely aware of the fact that Hank McCoy Does Not Sit On Chairs.
Like, I mean . . . he does.
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He is ostensibly capable of sitting in a chair like a human being would.
But then he does this shit. All the time.
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Hell, how do we meet him in X-Men: The Last Stand?
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Reading, upside down, on the ceiling.
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So, this thing that he does - he does do it every now and then to be intimidating, but let's be real here, Hank doesn't really do intimidating very often.
No, the real reason he does it, is because it's comfortable.
He seemingly has absolutely no issue with blood rushing to the head or orientation causing him vertigo or anything like that, which fits with his superhuman agility, dexterity, and balance - his brain and body seem to be perfectly adapted so that he can remain upside down for as long as he wants without issue.
Hell, Hank's physicality and its role in expressing his character is explicitly called out in Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers #18 as a useful way to immediately communicate to new readers what he's about. He's weird, he's kooky, he's playful, he's not quite like everyone else.
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But it's one thing to hang from the ceiling. It's another entirely to see how Hank deigns to handle actual chairs. Because you'll start a scene, and he'll be like this. Just sitting, normal. Like a normal person sits.
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AAAAAAAND there he goes.
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He just cannot help himself.
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Never has been able to help himself, in fact!
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Hank, I refuse to believe you're washing your feet often enough for this to be hygienic. You're EATING that popcorn! Someone else might want to read that book without wondering why there's a goddamn footprint on it! ALSO!!! That chair is RIGHT there! Sit on it! Don't use it as an arm rest, that's just weird!
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. . . Is this a thing people do? Sleep on their front? I've always found that spectacularly uncomfortable? Just me?
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Hank, you've been alive for like 5 minutes, and you're already back on your bullshit?!
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Oh, you're just doing this to mock me now, you little fucker.
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You too, you little bitch?
But. Yes. Hank clearly does not believe in there being a universally accepted way to sit on chairs.
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doll-elvis · 11 months
have you ever read child bride by suzanne finstead? do you find it accurate.
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thank you very much for this ask ꨄ︎!!
I have indeed read "Child Bride” and as for its’ accuracy I wouldn't go as far to say it's entirely inaccurate but I do have several bones to pick with Suzanne Finstad as a biographer as I believe she has let her bias (obviously not liking Priscilla) get in the way of her better judgment, which in turn, has corrupted the overall validity of her book. For example, giving Currie Grant a platform to tell his version of events regarding Elvis and Priscilla in Germany, including a claim so egregious that I truly have trouble understanding why so many in this fandom praise this book 😭
I think a lot of Elvis fans consider/recommend “Child Bride” as the antithesis to Priscilla’s “Elvis and Me” which is fair considering Finstad highlights some very valid criticisms against Priscilla i.e her hiring a second, much more aggressive, lawyer to get more money out of Elvis, and her introducing her family (Lisa Marie and later on Navarone) to the “church” aka cult of Scientology etc. etc.
- however -
The book as a whole comes at the expense of Elvis and what I mean by that is that Suzanne Finstad is not someone who has his best interest at heart (I mean look at what she has said in some of these recents documentaries about Elvis) and in order to push her narrative that Priscilla was some fourteen-year-old s*xual deviant, she has made some incredibly inflammatory statements about their relationship, and it literally starts with the title of her book (referring to Priscilla as Elvis’ “child bride”)
And the main reason as to why I cannot comprehend how fans praise this book is that Finstad goes with the story that Currie Grants tells, which includes him saying that Elvis (24) and Priscilla (14) were having penetrative intercourse after their 3rd or 4th date ⬇️
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excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
So this is why I tend to cringe when I see other fans praise this book… I know it’s not their intention but they are inadvertently promoting a falsehood that says Elvis was committing statutory r*pe against a fourteen year old Priscilla
Not only does that go against what Priscilla and others have said about the physical relationship she had with Elvis in Germany, but it goes against the pattern that Elvis followed for almost every single (long-term) relationship prior to Priscilla and even after
A girl that Elvis deemed “special” or in other words- good enough to marry- was not a girl that Elvis was going to have penetrative s*x with, especially not when he had the more worldly starlets of Hollywood and the showgirls of Germany and Paris at his disposal
PRISCILLA PRESLEY: “In the past, he said that he wanted a virgin (to marry)”
DEBRA PAGET: “He always said he’d marry a virgin”
LAMAR FIKE: “Elvis respected virginity. He used to tell Alan, “I’ll never break a virgin. There are too many whores around”
We saw this with Dixie Locke, we saw this with June Juanico and Anita Wood, all of whom, in their many years of dating him never had penetrative s*x
We even saw this with women like Linda Thompson and Ginger Alden who he waited several months with before consummating
So because of that I have an incredibly hard time believing that Elvis would abandon his morals after just 3 or 4 dates with Priscilla, especially when he was having s*x with age appropriate girls like Elizabeth Mansfield, who often took Priscilla’s place in Elvis’ bed after she left
Another issue I have with “Child Bride” is that she has often either misquoted people, or written things that contradict what they have said to other biographers- basically many things haven’t added up when cross referencing between books
I have mentioned this one before but it is just so blatant, that I feel compelled to mention it again ⬇️
So here we have Joe Esposito re-telling a throwaway comment about Priscilla made by Elvis
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excerpt is from “Good Rockin’ tonight” by Joe Esposito
And then here we have Suzanne Finstad’s retelling of that comment, where she has misquoted Esposito in order to make Priscilla out to be the s*xual aggressor
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excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
Instances like this give me extreme pause when determining if a biographer could be trusted or not- and when I was reading through her book again this comment about Sheila Ryan nearly made me bust out laughing
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excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
“Sheila never had an orgasm when she was with Elvis”… like are we talking about the same Sheila Ryan or-? ⬇️
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excerpt is from “Baby let’s play house” by Alanna Nash
All in all, “Child Bride” definitely makes for an interesting read (mainly the second half of the book) but it’s one that I will probably never pick up again as I cannot get over Currie Grant’s involvement, especially his claims about Priscilla and Elvis that are completely unfounded
Scandal sells quite frankly and I no longer underestimate what people will say for money, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Elvis- I mean look at the claims made by Dee Stanley who got a whopping $100,000 from the National Enquirer to tell stories about a woman she never even met (Gladys)
So I would not be surprised in the least if Currie has been handsomely compensated for selling his stories to biographers like Finstad, because again, scandal sells, and him approaching Priscilla first isn’t nearly as page-turning as Priscilla offering up s*x in order to meet Elvis
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reticent-writer · 2 years
"Can I ask for a Desna X reader who dresses gothic and desna doesn't really show a lot of physical intimacy so there cuddling and he stars to like the thought of being hug and touch " @sage101
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starting off he loves your sense of style. No matter what you wear he loves you in it
the gothic look just fits him. I cannot see him or his sister in lightly colored outfits even for occasions like a weddings
Unlike Esca he isn't outward with his emotions. instead its subtle signs that tell you he loves you
with that being said PDA is a no, cuddling, kissing, hugging, etc would make him flustered (its adorable)
#1 cuddling
You were lying on your bed after a long day when Desna came in. He looked absolutely drained.
"Are you alright Des? you look dead." You sat up propping yourself on your arms as he deadpanned at you.
"Wow thanks, I feel so loved."
You laughed at this and raised you blanket for him. He lit up like a christmas tree.
He couldn't look at you as he crawled under the blanket facing away from you.
#2 kissing
He doesn't kiss you in public. No debating on that.
But behind closed doors it more "frequent".
Like today you and Desna were sitting the couch. You were resting on his shoulder as you both read the same book.
"Can we pause, I have to use the bathroom."
He nodded placing the book upside down while keeping the page.
You smiled and kissed him on his cheek as you got up and ran to the bathroom.
"Don't surprise me like that!" He shouted at you, like you knew he would.
#3 hugging
This is the one thing that might happen in public.
You surprised him. He accepted it.
You're not a fighter, though you are a bender (any element). So needless to say you had no idea what was happening with his father but best believe when you heard you took the fastest (mode of transport) to get to him.
Once you saw him you practically tackled him.
"I heard what happened. Are you alright." You held his face and checked him all over.
He would've been surprised if the situation was so serious. He grabbed your hands and looked directly in your eyes.
"im fine."
#4 etc
I think we all know what 'etc' means in this case( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm sorry it took so long
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inkedreverie · 1 year
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: author! ransom drysdale x female reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Y/N spends the autumn months trying to drag her boyfriend Ransom Drysdale out of his writing cave and into fall activities. Despite Ransom's sarcastic and occasionally broody attitude, she is determined to soak up every ounce of her favorite season, whether he likes it or not.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Ransom being a flirt & an asshole, fluff, implications of smut but other than that it's pretty pg-13. A little grumpy x sunshine trope if you squint.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5k+
A/N: Here's another author! ransom one-shot. I had to write this since it's his season!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐈𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Summer had finally taken its last breath in Boston. Soft raindrops dripped down the windowpane as Y/N browsed through the books at the local bookstore. Originally, they had planned to go to one of the nearby pumpkin patches.
Browsing through the shelves of classic literature, her fingertips grazed over the spine of one in particular, one of her favorites, Wuthering Heights. She was about to pull it when she felt Ransom’s arms wrap tightly around her waist. His face dips down into her shoulder. “We’ve been here for hours,” he mumbles against her skin. “Are you almost done, baby?”
When she doesn’t answer, he peppers kisses onto the side of her neck, the sensation sending a shiver down her spine. “Ransom, stop it,” she hisses, her voice shaking from the mix of being flustered and excited. Just as Ransom was about to continue, she turned around, her hands pushing against his chest. “What are you doing?”
“Well,” he starts, leaning in even closer. His tone was now low and sultry. “I’m bored and I’ve had to watch you for two hours, looking all cute in this skirt, imagining all the ways I want to just—“ Ransom pauses when he hears a creak in the floorboard. At the end of the aisle stands an older woman.
Her gray hair was pulled into a neat French twist, and she wore a long-sleeved blouse with a pencil skirt. Her lips were pursed, and she shot daggers at the two of them. “May I help you two?” she hissed, her tone dripping with disgust.
Y/N’s eyes flew wide in surprise, and she pushed Ransom off of her. “Nope. Just looking!” The woman gives them one last judgmental glance before walking away.
“Well,” Ransom quipped with a smirk as the librarian was out of earshot of the two of them. “She seems like fun.”
“I can’t believe you,” Y/N giggled, her cheeks heated up with warmth as she took Ransom’s hand in hers. “Come on. Before you get us into more trouble.”
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“Ransom, give it back!” she squealed, chasing him into the kitchen and finally cornering him as he was lifting the book up above her head. She sighs defeatedly until he lowers the book in his hand back down. He skims through a few pages of the book, brows furrowed as he reads.
He looked down at her, a smug expression on his face. ”Was your goal to purchase the most depressing romance novel you could find?”.
She playfully narrows her eyes at him, her voice taking on a sassy tone. “It’s a classic. Now hand it over!”
“Not so fast!” He says, wetting his fingertips and flipping through a few pages. His eyes suddenly widen, and his face takes on a smirk. “Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you—haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe--I know, that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always--take any form--drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!” He pursues, his words dripping with sarcasm. He was clearly enjoying this.
Y/N rolls her eyes. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and she taps her foot impatiently. She was not going to let him win this time.
Ransom looks up from the book, his eyes meeting hers. “Out of all the classics, you pick this?” He asks, his tone now serious.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s just...it’s so dark. I mean, Heathcliff is an asshole.”
“So are you,” she quips, smiling sweetly.
He takes a step back, his hand clutching his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me!”
She giggles, running her fingers through his hair. His eyes flutter shut, and he leans into her touch. She pulls him down to her level, pressing her lips against his. When they break apart, she smiles up at him. “Now, give me back the book. Please?”
“Fine,” he sighs, handing her the book. “But only because you asked nicely.”
She takes the book from him, placing it on the counter. “Thank you,” she says, kissing his cheek. “Now, come on. We’re going to be late for dinner.”
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Autumn had fully taken hold. The crisp air was chilled, and the leaves crunched beneath their boots as she tugged Ransom into the pumpkin patch. “Do we really have to do this?” he grumbled, a deep sigh leaving his lips. “Can’t we just go back home and drink hot chocolate and watch scary movies?”
“Nope,” Y/N quipped as she scanned the farm for a perfect pumpkin. She finally sees the one and rushes over to it. The pumpkin was a dark orange, and it was almost as big as she was. “Ransom!” she shouted as she ran. “Over here!”
He shook his head and laughed at how excited she was. He watched as she stopped in front of the pumpkin. Her eyes were wide and sparkling, and her smile was so bright it could light up the entire town.
“You keep picking the bad ones. Here, let me do it,” he sighed, shaking his head. But as he bent down, he couldn’t help a faint smile tug at the corner of his mouth. “See. This one is perfect,” he said, placing his hand on the top of the pumpkin.
“How do you know that one is perfect?” she asked with a smirk as her hands came to rest on her hips.
“Because,” he answered as he stood up. “It matches your beauty,” Ransom quipped with a smirk before wrapping an arm around her shoulder, bringing her into his side as they began to walk out of the pumpkin patch and into the parking lot.
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She lay out in the yard, her fingers raking through the dying grass as Ransom watched. The leaves danced through the wind, and the chill in the air seemed to have a slight sting to it as she shivered slightly.
His gaze stayed fixed on her, her face full of pure joy and excitement. “Why don’t we take a break and go inside,” he suggested, his mind was racing. He tried not to take things there, especially since it was just getting late, but his dirty thoughts had been creeping in more recently.
“Yeah! Sure! What should we do next then? There is so much we could do and honestly, I don’t even know where to start,” Y/N confessed. Her energy was always through the roof.
He knew she couldn’t help it, but he tried not to laugh at her overly cheery and extroverted demeanor. He wasn’t fond of social settings or anything remotely close to what they were doing at the moment.
“I have an idea,” he uttered. His words dripping with sensuality, his face now looming close to hers. Ransom's expression took on the cocky yet lustful vibe he always had about him. “And I can assure you,” he added, his finger lightly tracing her jaw, his lips brushing against the tip of her ear. “You will like it.”
She sat up slightly, a few leaves stuck in her hair from lying on the ground. “What if I don’t want to?” she teased, batting her eyelashes playfully.
“Hmm,” Ransom smirked as a wave of cool breeze passed through the yard, a few fallen leaves rustled across the now grass-stained sweater and jeans she had put on that day.
He knew it would’ve been a matter of time before she would eventually catch on, so his mind was racing about where to take this next.
She couldn’t hide the heat that was now creeping up into her cheeks; she couldn’t hide the way her heart started to beat so loudly as his hand cupped the side of her face. She couldn’t hide the way her core ignited like sparks to kindle; as she began to ponder every thought in her mind.
She stared up into his eyes. They were a brilliant blue; almost like the color of the sky on a cloudless summer’s day. She bit her bottom lip, trying to suppress the whimper that was threatening to leave the back of her throat as Ransom’s other hand slowly traveled up her thigh.
Ransom smirked down at her, his face nuzzled into the crook of her neck as his hot breath tickled her ear. “I didn’t think you of all people would be shy about these types of activities,” he whispered, his lips ghosting over her skin in a taunting manner.
Y/N gasped when she felt Ransom’s lips trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along her throat. His hand slipped further up her skirt until his fingertips met the cotton fabric of her panties. Her breath hitched, and she grabbed his hand. “Ransom, not here. It’s cold.”
“Then let’s go inside,” he suggested in a raspy voice. “Let me warm you up, baby.”
She gave him a teasing smile and stood up abruptly. Ransom stared up at her with a raised brow. “You coming, hot stuff?” she asked with a wicked smile as she turned and began to walk towards the house.
He wasted no time and quickly stood up and followed her. But as she reached for the door handle, he snatched her wrist and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. “Here will do just fine,” he smirked into her ear.
He licked a long stripe along her neck, his tongue swirling deliciously around the delicate skin; savoring the taste of her sweet sweat that clung to him like hot embers. “Ransom, you’re nuts. We’re not having sex outside...” she whined softly, trying not to give in to him so easily; trying to resist him so she could show a little of defiance in her personality.
But the way his body pressed up against her own, making her feel so protected and wanted, was a dangerous combination. It was intoxicating; as if the whiskey coursing through his veins somehow seeped into hers through some form of a magical spell or sorcery of some kind.
“Well, that’s a shame,” he whispers back, his voice vibrating against her neck, making her let out a faint moan. Ransom gently moves her hair to the side, nuzzling the tip of his nose to graze gently up her neck before taking a small bite. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to cause her to yelp.
“You really shouldn’t wear skirts and dresses like this,” he groans against her skin; feeling how wet she is through the fabric of her panties as he skates his index finger along her slit before softly tapping her clit.
She rolls her eyes but is unable to conceal a sharp breath escaping from her lips, her jaw clenches in silent frustration when he pulls his hand away and places it underneath her chin and turns her head back just a bit to meet his gaze, his smirk playful yet almost devilish as he speaks with a teasing tone; his tongue lightly clicking with disapproval. “You know what happens when I find out a beautiful girl is trying to seduce me? I mean really, baby...”
“What?” she breathes out, her doe eyes wide as she looks up at him. “How am I seducing you?” she asks, trying her best to keep up the innocent facade.
Ransom chuckles darkly, shaking his head at her. “Oh, baby, you know exactly what you’re doing. You know how much I love your legs and your ass in these skirts and dresses you wear. You know how much I love seeing you squirm underneath me, begging for me to touch you. And you know how much I love hearing you scream my name when I’m fucking you.”
Her face heats up. She bites her bottom lip, trying to suppress the whimper that threatens to leave the back of her throat. He smirks, his fingers tracing the outline of her jaw before he leans down and captures her lips in a searing kiss. His tongue slips into her mouth, exploring every inch of her sweet cavern. He tastes like cinnamon and spice, and she can’t get enough of him.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against hers. “You taste so fucking good. I could eat you for days.”
She whimpers, her hands gripping the front of his shirt. “Please, Ransom. Please fuck me,” she begs, her voice barely above a whisper.
Ransom smirks, his hand sliding down to cup her ass. “I thought you’d never ask, baby,” he growls, lifting her up and carrying her inside the house.
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The next morning, she woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and onto her face. She stretched and yawned, feeling the soreness between her legs from the night before.
Y/N smiled to herself, thinking about how amazing it felt to have Ransom inside of her. She rolled over and saw that he was still asleep next to her. She gently traced her fingertips along his bare chest, admiring his toned muscles and soft skin.
He stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open as he looked up at her with a sleepy smile. “Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered, his voice thick with sleep.
“Good morning,” she replied, leaning down to kiss him softly. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
“How did you sleep?” he asked, running his fingers over her hair.
“Like a baby,” she giggled, resting her head on his chest.
Ransom chuckled, kissing the top of her head. “I’m glad. You deserve it after last night.”
Her cheeks heated, burying her face in his chest. “You’re such a tease,” she mumbled.
He laughed, kissing her again. “Only for you, baby.”
She rolled her eyes, playfully slapping his chest. “You’re insatiable,” she teased, kissing him again.
He smirked, rolling her onto her back and hovering over her. “And you love it,” he growled, kissing her neck. She hummed, her fingers threading through his hair. “Ransom, babe. We can’t do this right now.”
He pulled away, looking down at her with a pout. “Why not?” he whined.
She laughed, shaking her head at him. “You promised we’d go to that new coffee shop today. Remember?”
Ransom groaned, rolling off of her and falling back onto the bed. “Fine,” he sighed. “But you owe me.”
“I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.”
He smirked, pulling her into his arms. “You better.”
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The scent of freshly ground coffee beans wafted through the air as Y/N and Ransom entered the small cafe. The interior was cozy and inviting, with warm wood floors and exposed brick walls. There were plants hanging from the ceiling and soft jazz music playing in the background.
They made their way to the counter and ordered two coffees. Ransom paid for them both, despite her protests. They found a table by the window and sat down, enjoying the view of the fall leaves blowing in the wind outside.
“This place is really nice,” Y/N said, taking a sip of her iced coffee.
“It is,” Ransom agreed, smiling at her. “I’m glad you suggested it.”
She smiled, taking another sip of her drink. The caffeine was just what she needed to wake herself up. “Me too,” she replied, glancing at Ransom.
She couldn’t help but notice the way the light from the window hit his face, making him look even more handsome than usual. He looked so serene and peaceful. She found herself getting lost in his deep blue eyes.
“What?” he asked, noticing her staring at him.
She grinned, shaking her head. “Nothing. Just admiring the view.”
“Oh?” he smirked, raising an eyebrow. “I thought the view was out the window.”
She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. “You can admire both. I’m just saying that I like the view right in front of me.”
Ransom chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. “Well, in that case, I’d have to agree with you. The view from here is pretty damn amazing.”
They shared a laugh, enjoying each other’s company and the atmosphere of the cafe. Y/N had a sudden realization and cleared her throat before saying: “We’ve been together for quite some time now and we never had a proper first date.”
He quirked an eyebrow as if to question the validity of the statement, which, of course, she found amusing.
“I mean, you never took me on an actual date. You know, like the one you go on when you really like someone. When you want to show them off to everyone,” she continued, “That’s why we should do it today!” she suggested.
He paused and gave the suggestion a moment’s thought before his gaze shifted down to his coffee as a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “That would be a lot of fun.” He paused again as the smile spread further across his face before he looked up at her once more. “So, where to first?” he asked.
She pondered the question for a moment before her gaze wandered outside the window and onto the sidewalk below. She noticed a small group of kids playing with leaves in the crisp fall air, and a couple walking down the street holding hands.
“Well, maybe we can go to the park?” She suggested as her gaze turned back toward him with a soft smile. “I’ve heard it’s pretty there.”
Ransom nodded in agreement, “It would be a shame if we didn’t, “He responded.
She smiled, taking a sip of her iced coffee before turning to him with an inquisitive stare.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “What is it?” He asked, sensing something was off about her expression.
She shrugged her shoulders with a smirk. “Nothing. It’s just...” Her words trailed off, unable to complete the thought due to a sudden onset of shyness and embarrassment at what she was about to ask of him.
He furrowed his eyebrows even further and leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. “Just what?” He pressed.
She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, exhaling a shaky breath before finally managing to speak her mind. “Can we play in the leaves?” She asked timidly.
The corner of Ransom’s mouth twitched slightly and his lips parted, his gaze falling downward as his eyes darted back and forth before slowly turning upward, meeting her gaze. His lips parted and curled up slightly before parting once more.
“What? “He asked with a small smirk. “Did you just ask to play in the leaves?”
“I know it seems childish but, it’s fall.” She bit the inside of her cheek, waiting for his response. Knowing Ransom, he was probably never going to stop teasing her about this.
He chuckled to himself, his shoulders rising and falling as he shrugged them back, “Sure, we can do that. We have time.”
A huge smile spread across her face as she placed her hand on his. “I’ve always wanted to do that with you. Thank you.” She replied softly.
“Don’t mention it. “ He paused momentarily, glancing back outside the window before turning his attention back toward her with a sly smirk, “It might be fun.”
After the two of them finished their drinks, they walked across the street and headed toward the park. There were plenty of leaves, both large and small, scattered across the ground. There weren’t too many other people out, as it was still a bit too early for most people. Ransom shook his head before tossing his drink in the nearest trashcan. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”
Y/N chuckled and looked up at him. “Just give it a try. It will be fun! And it’s a nice day.” She smiled sweetly as she spoke and began gathering a large pile of leaves, which Ransom hesitantly joined in on. “This is crazy, Y/N,” He remarked.
She ignored him for the most part and lay down on the ground. “Can you like stop complaining for one minute?” She teased. He laughed in response and got on his back next to her, lying in the leaves, staring up at the clear blue sky.
The smell of leaves and damp earth was in the air as the autumn breeze gently brushed against their faces. Ransom watched as his girlfriend attempted to make a leaf angel. She had managed to spread out her limbs on either side of herself as far as she possibly could without them becoming uncomfortable. “I can’t believe you’ve never done this before,” she said.
Ransom shrugged and chuckled lightly, “Well, you know how it is...growing up rich...parents never took me outside for shit...” He said matter-of-factly.
She nodded, understanding Ransom better than most people. “True.” she paused for a moment as her expression turned solemn. “I’m sorry your childhood was like that.” She paused again as Ransom lay in silence, staring at the sky.
She then let out an audible sigh and spoke once more, “I guess we could spend some quality time together now, though.” Her statement prompted a chuckle from Ransom as he slowly turned his head, meeting her gaze for the briefest of moments.
“And do what? Play in the leaves all day?” He queried.
“No, just spend more quality time together. This seems relaxing. Plus, it’s a nice fall day. Better than working indoors all the time. Isn’t it?” She questioned him with a soft grin plastered across her face, awaiting his response, “It is pretty relaxing, I have to admit.” He agreed with a halfhearted smile before turning his attention toward the vast expanse above him once again, enjoying the silence that hung between them as she chuckled under her breath to herself. She leaned over, pressing a soft kiss on his mouth before pulling away.
She hummed softly with amusement. She paused momentarily as Ransom’s gaze lingered upon her lips. He caresses the side of her face, his thumb rubbing against her supple skin before he chuckles.
"You have leaves in your hair," he softly remarked. He reached up and gently removed one from within the tangled locks that adorned the sides of her face. He delicately slid his fingers through them as he removed several more. Ransom shook his head, amusing himself with the statement as she proceeded to gaze upon him with curiosity and concern.
Her forehead scrunched with curiosity and her brows furrowed in response. “What are you doing?" She inquired with slight intrigue.
Ransom shrugged off the question as if it held no importance and continued to brush through her hair, using the tips of his fingers. She continues to gaze upon him intently until Ransom places one final leaf within her locks before stopping his motions abruptly. He smirks slightly before resting his hand on her cheek once more and leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on her lips.
“Beautiful.” He remarked briefly before turning his attention back upward toward the clear blue autumn sky once more, Y/N still laying next to him gazing at him with intrigue and curiosity. Silence follows suit between the two. She smiled warmly and hummed in contentment, closing her eyes as another breeze blew by them, rustling the leaves near her head, and sending them all flying everywhere in a flurry.
Ransom chuckled softly beneath his breath in amusement at how carefree his girlfriend’s nature seemed to be compared to his own cynical one. She giggles in response with a slight smile on her face before glancing in his direction once more, seeing that his eyelids remain closed tightly.
She leans upward ever so slightly, placing herself in front of Ransom’s head for the briefest of moments to place one final lingering kiss upon his forehead. “I love you, Ransom,” she mumbles quietly so only he can hear and rests her head once more beside his in contentedness.
“I love you too, beautiful,” He mumbled softly in response before opening his eyes and gazing back up towards the sky once more, basking in the silence between them both once more. Her smile continues to linger on her face, growing wider by the moment.
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Y/N happily walked into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. As soon as she set the bowl down on the coffee table, she felt arms wrap around her waist.
“Boo!” he screamed, making her squeal slightly. She giggled softly after getting over the initial shock of his hug as he rested his chin upon her shoulder and hummed affectionately. “You scared me,” she replied, continuing to laugh lightly.
Ransom chuckled along with her as she turned around within his hold on her torso, wrapping her arms around his neck loosely, gazing affectionately upon his features, letting one hand settle at her waist while he moved the other upward toward her shoulder.
His thumb caresses her arm softly as he stares into her eyes with warmth and longing. Her cheeks heat beneath his gaze, looking down sheepishly. “What’s with you today?” She inquired curiously.
Ransom shrugged slightly. “Nothing. I just love you, is all,” He states simply before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead briefly causing her cheeks to heat further and her eyes to shut instinctively in reaction as she leans into his touch with a smile etched upon her lips. “You’re my girl.” Ransom declares in a deep and low husky tone.
After the quick forehead kiss, her eyes flutter open once more, locking onto Ransom’s cerulean ones which appear as deep and endless pools of the sea, so full of depth and complexity that they seem to glisten slightly beneath their gaze.
The light from the fire dances wildly off of their surfaces creating a halo-like effect behind them as he stares directly into hers with intensity. “So possessive,” she teases. Ransom smiles slightly before leaning in closer to her face so that their noses nearly graze and their lips hover over one another, only inches apart. The warmth of Ransom’s breath tickles her lips and the feeling sends a shiver down her spine.
She inhales deeply, letting out a shaky breath as Ransom laughs softly under his breath. Her cheeks heat once more and her heart begins beating rapidly within the confines of her chest.
“I can’t help it,” he replies. Ransom’s voice sounded as smooth as silk as it left his lips in a slow and deliberate manner.
“You’re mine...my everything...” He whispers, continuing to hold her gaze intently.
She blinks a few times, trying desperately not to look away or tear her eyes from his intense gaze. It feels as if he’s staring straight into her soul, reading all of her deepest secrets and desires.
The sensation makes her feel exposed somehow, even though they’ve been together for months. She swallows hard, fighting back the urge to bite her lip nervously because she knows that Ransom has already seen such behavior coming from her.
His eyes widen slightly as a smirk begins to spread across his face. His gaze remains fixed upon hers and he nods subtly, acknowledging her struggle to maintain composure under his scrutiny.
“There’s my girl, “Ransom’s voice rings out, cutting through the silence like a knife as he takes notice of her biting her bottom lip anxiously, breaking their silent staring contest. She laughs softly, pulling away. “Stop doing that,” she mumbles before plopping down on the couch.
He snickered and walked past her. “Doing what, beautiful?” He called out, “Being a fucking tease? Because that’s definitely what you’re doing!”
Y/N smirked at him before taking a handful of popcorn and throwing it at him as he sat on the opposite side of the couch. A playful scowl forms on Ransom’s face as he glares at her before moving over and tackling her, pinning her to the couch. “I’m going to make you pay for that.” His tone was ominous, but his facial expressions gave it away. He wasn’t mad. In fact, he was quite the contrary.
He loves roughhousing with her, and it turns him on immensely when she fights back.
“Oh, yeah?” she retorted sarcastically, with a cocky grin. Ransom couldn’t keep himself from kissing that cheeky little smirk off her face when she raised an eyebrow and rolled her hips against his, grabbing a handful of her ass before moving downwards to plant kisses along her neck as she moaned and writhed beneath his grasp.
He gripped her waist tighter in order to hold her steady. Ransom bit the lobe of her ear roughly and whispered seductively, “I promise that you’ll pay later tonight for being a tease. But for now, let’s watch the movie.”
With a nod, she relaxed her body and allowed him to remove himself from atop her before he adjusted himself to sit up comfortably next to her. “Your loss, Ransom. Your loss.” She said casually before shoving another handful of popcorn in her mouth with a small smile.
Ransom laughed in agreement and clicked play on the remote. The two cuddled up next to each other as the movie started and settled into their normal routine of bickering throughout the film.
Their laughter and chatter filled the entire house while they ate popcorn and drank wine throughout the rest of the evening, until eventually, Ransom stood up from the couch abruptly and extended his hand toward her.
Her brows furrowed as she leaned back. “What?” She questioned curiously.
“Dance with me,” he stated confidently.
Her mouth gaped open in astonishment. “Huh???”
“I’m serious. Come on!” Ransom insisted, ignoring the shocked expression on her face completely as he grabbed hold of her hand and gently guided her in front of the fireplace which had just begun crackling with warmth and flames as it emitted a dull orange glow into the surrounding air. “Are you insane?!”
“Perhaps,” Ransom replied with a chuckle, “But come on, Y/N. Have some fun with me for a change!” He declared as he wrapped both arms tightly around her waist from behind and pulled her back against his firm chest, cradling her body between his own broad shoulders.
His head rested comfortably atop her right shoulder, nestled close to her neckline. Their bodies fit snuggly together as one while Ransom began rocking them back and forth gently in a soothing motion to the tune playing on his phone in the background. "Please, Y/N... dance with me."
The pleading note to Ransom’s tone broke any resistance she might have mustered previously as she reluctantly relinquished control of her senses and melted into his embrace without hesitation as his essence and scent that surrounded her engulfed entirely her. “Ok. Fine!” she relented before she fell backwards into his arms, allowing the warmth of the fire to envelop her body and fill it with pure bliss.
He grinned triumphantly, knowing he would always get his way when it came to matters involving her, and she enjoyed giving him what he desired most every single time because it always ended with her pleasure as well.
After a while, she turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Seriously. What’s with you tonight?” she asked, smiling widely. “I’m not sure, baby,” He murmured. “Maybe something to do with being buried in those leaves earlier and then sitting here watching this stupid old Halloween movie... Is it really that bad?”
“You mean the movie we chose because you hate slashers?”
“I didn’t say it was a horror film, per se. I just think that most movies are boring as shit. If they have a plot line that involves the characters running around chasing each other, killing themselves off one at a time until someone saves the day, and then living happily ever after for the rest of their lives. Then they aren’t interesting at all.”
“Really, Ransom? That’s how you define good entertainment these days?” Y/N quipped sarcastically.
“Shut up! It’s your turn to be entertained tonight, not me,” Ransom teased before bringing his face close to her ear. “Let’s get you out of those clothes.”
She gave him a playful pout before pulling away. “Nope. I think I’m too tired.”
He chuckled lightly, “Liar.”
They stared at one another for a moment until they burst out laughing loudly at the same time before plopping back onto the couch, embracing each other tightly. “What? Someone’s gotta keep you in check. And I think I spoil you too much.” She giggled again, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
“And how do you propose to do that?” he questioned with genuine curiosity lacing his tone of voice while placing kisses all across her face repeatedly as he trailed down to her neck. He traced her earlobe slowly. “I don’t know.” she moaned softly, “I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’m just gonna enjoy my time with you tonight. That’s all.”
Ransom hummed approvingly as he continued planting tender kisses down her throat.
After he was done placing sweet kisses on his girlfriend, he looked up and smirked. “Well, that works for me. I’ll take whatever you give me.”
She laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around Ransom’s waist and rested her head against his chest. He smiled in response and placed a kiss atop her forehead before getting up, walking them both up the stairs and into their bedroom. She let her hand slide up his back gently, rubbing it affectionately. “I love you,” she whispered softly.
“I love you too, baby,” Ransom replied with a smile.
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