#i cannot like him bc he’s too moody
murdrdocs · 5 months
trying to resist the charm of regulus black.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
dinner prep engagement ♡
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a/n : aaaand its finally here, the final part of the ring pop proposal miniseries after decades !!!! im sorry it took me so long to write this final part yall, i just finally felt enough inspo to write it and im super happy w how it came out ! i hope yall do too ! lemme know if you wanna be added to the taglist ! much luv xx
fem reader, literally pure fluff between mama n son, katsuki gets emotional very quickly bc i believe he does and you cannot make me think otherwise, a lil emotional but pure sweetness, mentions of making dinner, lmk if i missed sum else !!
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this time, mitsuki has no idea what her son is planning. sure she’s had her hopes for years now, and her suspicions, but nothing truly concrete.
that is, until she gets a call in the middle of the night.
"katsuki..hello ?" she answers groggily, heaving a sigh and rubbing at her eyes. she checks next to her to make sure she hasn't woken her husband up, her eyes dart over to her digital clock " 'ts one in the morning."
"uh..hey." her son's gruff voice sounds over the phone, she raises a brow at his hesitant tone of voice, but she let's him continue "yeah, i know. sorry.." he mumbles out.
the older woman shakes her head affectionately "it's fine..is there something you wanted to talk about ?"
it's silent on the other end for a while until katsuki mumbles something. "katsuki, you know i can't hear you if you don't speak up." she scolds lightly, causing him to growl under his breath.
"not..not right now, no--just..can i come over tomorrow ?"
taking in her silence for hesitance he continues " it's nothin' bad..i just--feel like it's something i needa say face to face, i guess.."
"okay..yeah, of course. you know you can come over whenever you want." she urges "is yn comin' along ?"
"no, she isn't." she can practically hear his eye roll and it makes her smirk "she'll be busy tomorrow anyway so, not this time. i'll tell her you said hello though, since you're always tellin' me to."
she's about to retort when katsuki speaks again, only not to her. she hears what she knows is your voice quietly chatting with him as he reassures you that he'll be right there with you and for you to go back to bed. the soft tone in his voice makes her eyes soften.
never could she ever have imagined her katsuki ever speaking so softly to anyone, because her katsuki is, despite having calmed down over the years, still quite the brat. (she's pretty sure she knows where he gets it from now..) he's still temperamental when interviewers and journalists get on his nerves. he's still awfully moody , but he's different now. he's just a little bit gentler with the way he handles kids or older women who's cats have gotten stuck in trees. complaining that this isn't his damn job but still doing it anyway with utmost care as the kitties sink their sharp claws into his skin or cling to him for warmth.
he's a still a little rough around the edges but it's the thought that counts. he's different than when he was younger, but he still is the most different with you. his rough and gruff voice that he uses to bark out orders and complain, complain, complain, he uses so softly around you, keeping you as calm and sleepy as possible. it's not perfect, but he manages to usher you back to your room to sleep, and that makes the thought count so much more.
"m'gonna go now." he warns, his mother hums in agreement, telling him she'll see him tomorrow and he reciprocates the goodbye.
"night, ma."
"night, kiddo." she grins, a happy sigh leaving her when she hangs up the call and lays back down. cozying herself up next to her husband.
she's had her suspicions and her hopes for a while now, but she can't be too sure what her son could possibly want from her tomorrow.
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katsuki comes back home like he's never left.
the day goes like any other day would've went a few years ago when he was still living in the family home. mitsuki almost expects her son to run off upstairs to do his homework.
he greets his dad with a half hug, and is forced into a tight embrace by his mother, which he grumbles about. grumbles turning into a growl when she grips his cheek, scolding him for not greeting his mother properly.
it's a lot of catching up from the few months he's been busy with hero work. talking about his latests achievements and his quick climbing of the hero ranks, accompanied with barely suppressed smiles and softened eyes when you're brought up. mitsuki remembers how nervous he'd been when he'd told her he was planning on asking you to move in with him, so she's happy to hear from the both of you, since she has your number and you like to catch up every now and then, that everything was going well. though she already knew it would.
katsuki volunteered to help with dinner, his mother happily agreeing saying she could use some help. it makes her a little bit nostalgic and she wills herself not to get teary eyed at how much her son has grown.
but she sees that the opportunity has presented itself to bring up the topic that's been on the tip of her tongue the entire day now.
"so.." she sings "you wanted to talk about something, right ?"
katsuki stiffens like he'd forgotten, although his expression stays the same besides the slight squint of his eyes. the rhythmic cutting of vegetables has stopped and it takes him a moment before he speaks quietly like he's revealing a secret.
"i wanna ask yn to marry me."
so that was it.
"oh." she breathes immediately. a broad smile slowly grows onto her face and she beams "took you long enough, ya brat !" she exclaims, slapping her sons muscular arm. he growls lowly at her, leaning away from her though she remains undeterred. poking at his sides while he tries to smack her hands away.
finally, she relents "when are you gonna ask ?" she asks excitedly. katsuki huffs, eyebrows still heavily furrowed from her earlier attack. he turns back to the cutting board "soon. i arranged my schedule and we'll both be free, so in two weeks from now."
"you already have a ring ?"
he grunts in agreement. and mitsuki besides being proud of the fact her hunch was right, feels her heart warms at the burst of nostalgia of her little boy. her katsuki, kicking his feet in the backseat of her car. tightly gripping his bag of ring pop candies he'd give to you the next day. her little katsuki, who'd proudly claimed he was going to marry you when he grew up in that very same car, exclaiming that he'd proposed to you with those very same candies he'd almost had a tantrum over her not getting.
her little boy, who'd gotten oh so big, and so, so much more enamoured with you.
"good." she utters sweetly, voice just a bit wobbly "good. that's great, katsuki."
he nods to himself " i've thought about it for a while now..long while." he scoffs to himself, eyes focused on the cutting board in front of him. "got the whole day planned out too."
"yeah ?" he nods. her eyes soften as he speaks mostly to himself, he's had this little self hype up habit ever since he was a boy. trying to calm himself down and reassure himself. it's a smart move, but as strong and mature as he is, katsuki is nothing more than human. and anxieties can creep up on the best of us.
she's seen it before, and she sees it again when he bites his bottom lip in thought, and she smiles softly.
and again, she coaxes him into it " that sounds nice, looks like you got it all planned out, huh?"
and he nods again. but it doesn't take him, long before he breaks.
"..what if she says no ?"
and mitsuki wants to laugh. she really does, because the thought of you ever saying no to him sounds absolutely ridiculous to her. she snorts. shaking her head while her son looks at her incredulously.
"katsuki.." she tuts, chuckling to herself before she looks up at him. "you've got absolutely nothing to worry about. you've got it."
his eyes widen, then her son's expression drops as he raises a brow "how do you know that ?" his words make her smile widen this much more and she really wants to laugh.
how does she know. she scoffs
she knows because she knows him. she knows her katsuki better than anyone else, he's her son. she knows he's rude, rowdy, quipy, temperamental and everything else. he's all of that and so much more.
and yet you still love him. you're still so incredibly patient with him, you still offer him all of your kindness despite him once confessing to her he doesn't understand how you do. despite all of the times he's messed up, the times he's fallen down, you stay by his side you care for him, you care about him.
she knows her katsuki is absolutely infatuated with you, he always has been. from tantrums about being separated in class and knowing your favourite ice cream flavour to him being overly protective over you when you were paired up with your lab partner that ended up not being him and to him wearing the stupid stuffy tux mitsuki tailor made for him to take you to prom.
you've always been his number one best friend, but he's always been yours as well : he loves you, but you love him just as much.
and so mitsuki smiles "call it mother's intuition. and, not to brag, but i think most of my hunches have been right by now" and it widens when katsuki scoffs and rolls his eyes at her boasting, another bratty little habit he has that he's practically mastered over the years. she sighs, spreading her arms out towards him "well come over here. you've gone and gotten so damn tall, i can't reach you myself !" her son rolls his eyes again, but he scoffs softly to himself and with a shake of his head, he closes the distance and hunches over to hug his mother. she wraps her arms around him tightly and he grumbles when she squeezes but he doesn't try to get away.
"there's nothing for you to worry about, katsuki. absolutely nothing." she repeats, rubbing his back. "you love each other, and that's more than enough. just be yourself, it's been working out for you this far..somehow." she jests. katsuki scoffs indignantly but they both end up chuckling about it. after a few more seconds they pull away and mitsuki pats her son's chest with a sniffle. right on top of his heart that she knows, she's seen, has gone through oh so much.
but still remained entirely yours throughout all the years and still so so so enamoured with you.
gripping onto his shoulders, she whispers "you got this." the glossiness in his eyes is impossible to miss, he's always cried very easily. but she guesses she mirrors his expression exactly. her son is the spitting image of her after all. she places a hand on his cheek and he leans into it.
"thanks, ma" he whispers sincerely. and mitsuki feels her heart soar.
"any time."
during dinner, katsuki announces the news to his father. who after getting over his shock immediately wraps his son into a hug. congratulating him and encouraging him with teary eyes, she knows where katsuki gets that from, before they all settle down to have dinner before katsuki leaves a few hours later. waving off his mother's insistence to pass you a greeting with a grumbled acknowledgement.
she shakes her head as her and her husband watch him drive off but her heart is full of pride.
"we raised a killer son didn't we ?" she giggles looking back at masaru, who agrees with a smile as they share a laugh.
and the next time you both come over, you're giddy. unable to keep your excitement in check as you keep excitedly looking back at katsuki, who finally relents with an affectionate sigh and you happily show off you're ringed finger with a squeal.
mitsuki squeals right back, wrapping you up in the tightest bear hug she could. masaru takes his turn hugging you, sweetly congratulating you both. of course, they'll tell you they both new in advance, but that was all for later.
sure, she didn't know what her son was planning in advance, but she had her hunches and her funny feeling from all those years ago that you'd be sticking around. she guesses it's good enough that she was the first to be told.
she sends her son a proud and teasing smile when they make eye contact. he rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face doesn't fade as he watches you talk with his father. she doesn't have to say a single word for him to know what she's saying.
i told you so.
taglist *if your name is pink i unfortunately couldn’t tag you :(( : @73isthebestnumber @gold24fish @m-inluv @katsuisbaby @teddiiursulas-ink @moonbabysstuff @brandydel @queenpiranhadon @chuugarettes @starieq @aishio14 @andysdrafts @hyunorue @touyasprettydoll @itsfiive @annoying-bitxh @h0nestly-though @atinytiredpanromantic @mikalame @itzjustj-1000 @deepressed @evam23 @erenstitanweave @m-0ona @chaoticgay13 @lotusstarr @koreluvsspring @giannitaa @waterstarz @nayeonsdoormat @the-crazy-star-12 @kovu-bunnbunn @kvk6433gkcigv @coolgirl458 @beekeepingageissome
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 4 months
unpopular(ish) tig opinions/mostly just me ranting
a few people have done this so here are mine (also just me ranting)
this one isn't super controversial but i don't really like alisa. she's nice and all, but the way she treats libby is just so weird to me and i can't bring myself to love her.
most people in this fandom are grayson stans but my fav is jameson. i love grayson, don't get me wrong, but i feel like his character is sort of overdone. i mean, almost all love interests nowadays are moody, broody, i never smile except when im with you. im happy avery ended up with jamie not just cause they fit together, but bc, for once, the love interest isn't the broody type (like i said, love grayson dont hate me)
i commented this under a post, and i don't think this is super unpopular but im lyra neutral. i literally cannot love a character unless i know them (i dont hate her either, i just don't have an opinion)
ok, this one might get me some hate, but, although grayson had the right to be mad in tig bc avery inherited the money, i do think he did go too far sometimes. there's this one time, where he was just unnecessarily rude to avery, telling her she didn't know what it was like to suffer (midway through to book, don't remember the chapter but its there and it makes no sense bc she grew up with no money while this dude is a privileged white man, like all of his brothers (except for xander cause he isn't white)). like i said, he had the right to be mad, but avery did nothing to him, and, so, he had no right to say some of the things he said to her. he does get better, and he does apologize (i think, but even if he doesn't idc cause hes nice to her now). like i said, he had the right to be mad cause i mean he did grow up thinking he'd inherit and he didn't, but he shouldn't have taken out all of his anger on her. he had the right to doubt her and think she had ulterior motives, but he had no right to accuse her of being a gold digger when she had done NOTHING to gray for him think that (dont take this as me not liking gray, he's one of my fav characters ever (but no one beats jamie (and nash)))
idk if this one will make sense and ik some people will agree with me if this does, but the way avery is treated in this fandom is really shitty. she's pretty much only mentioned when people are talking about the love triangle. she's bashed bc she didn't choose grayson (which she had the right to bc jamie was made for her and gray wasn't), her trauma is super overlooked. i wish people would pay more attention to her. also, i mentioned this earlier, but some people (not many but some) let other people (like gray and thea) get away will at the mean things they said to avery bc they're their favorite characters. (obviously, they can be your fav characters. my best friend's fav character is gray, and, when i first read the books, i liked gray over jamie for a small period of time, but its wrong to let them get away things just bc you like them.
people will agree with me, but jameson and grayson's trauma should NOT be compared. trauma is trauma no matter how "bad" it is (note the quotation marks around bad). ive mostly seen people compare jamie to gray saying that gray's trauma is worse which is so fucking mean. they both have trauma. they both have it bad. no one should be comparing. i will make a longer post about this bc this is smth i'm very passionate about and it pisses me off. (ive lost count of the amount of times ive compared my trauma to others thinking i had no right to complain bc others had it worse, so don't do it to fictional characters plsss)
the tiktok/insta fandom sucks. the amount of averygrayson shippers ive seen bash avery on those platforms is too much. the only healthy part of the fandom is on tumblr.
not controversial but thea is not a girl boss, she's just a mean girl. she's not iconic.
people should not bash people for their favorite characters. i've seen this mostly on older posts (like before tfg was released) but some people will go 'xander's my fav' or 'avery's my fav' and people in the comments would go 'but grayson exists' or 'but jameson exists'. let people like who they want to like. all characters are great (mostly, i hate thea and all of the bad guys).
i couldn't care less about eve's redemption arc. she ruined toby's life, and as someone who loves toby and avery's father-daughter dynamic, i will never forgive her. she also treated grayson horribly, basically got alisa kidnapped (cause alisa wouldn't have gotten kidnapped if eve hadn't gotten toby kidnapped), and more so if she ever does get a redemption arc, i will be throwing hands.
if i see people complaining about lyra's character when tgg comes out bc 'they were expecting someone different' i will be pissed. im sure lyra will be great (hopefully). it doesn't matter if she's a girl boss or more like rebecca.
grayson is not 'the most misunderstood character in the fandom'. he's literally the most popular character. people are constantly gushing about him and his trauma. other characters like avery, jameson, and xander (and others) are so much more misunderstood. no ones takes the time to understand them like they do with grayson. people are constantly talking about his trauma, and how people shouldn't hate him bc he's 'misunderstood'. people have the right to hate him, and his trauma isn't overlooked as the fandom's most popular character. he is a complex character, and i will be making in depth posts about him bc i find him interesting and i really like his character, but he's the most understood character in the fandom. i've noticed that people tend to say he's misunderstood right after coming up with the most nonsensical take defending all of his actions saying that he has trauma (trauma is not an excuse its an explanation)
even if grayson would've gotten up to help avery after the bombing 1. he would've never gotten there on time and 2. he might have gotten more hurt.
i said this earlier while talking about gray but trauma is not an excuse its an explanation. do with that what you will. i just have to repeat it.
people who claim jameson was not affected by emily are the bane of my existence (yes, they exist, i've seen them)
ik i mentioned gray a lot in this and it might seem like i don't like him, but i swear i LOVE him. i find his character very interesting and complex and i really wanna analyze his character once i'm done rereading. i just hate toxic grayson stans (most of yall aren't, but they exist)
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
drop every headcanon of the bucci gang NOW!
--- pookie bear bruno hcs first <3
they just kinda live together
bruabba holds a special place in my heart
bruno's probably stressed out 24/7
hes got soft features yk?
probably spends like 3 hours doing his hair in the morning
I like to think that he legally adopted Fugo after fugso bugso joined that gang
poor guy overworks himself WAY too often
he also has the most gorgeous eyelashes you'll ever see
and they're natural, too
he's tired af half the time, idk what you expected
he tries to help fugo control his anger (bc he's a loving mother) (giorno does it better tho)
i reckon bruno's pansexual tbh, he just seems like he wouldn't give a shit about his partner's gender
he likes going fishing
brought Abbacchio along one time
abba got seasick and threw up
he likes to accessorize his hair (hence the mitochondria hair clips)
sometimes he'll let the others accessorize his hair, too
trish makes it look really cute
abba makes it look stunning (bc it's his boyfriend)
narancia just puts random shit in his hair
Mista sings loudly (and badly) to be a little shit while he does Bruno's hair (it turns out surprisingly ok)
giorno deadass just puts a shit ton of stars in his hair
fugo gets mad and almost rips a chunk of Bruno's hair out
Bruno's guilty pleasure is midnight snacks
abbacchio caught him eating a whole ass tub of ice cream while watching il postino: the postman at like 2 in the morning
they watched it together and cuddled afterwards
hot goth
gay for bruno
he probably watches those make up youtube channels
if he didn't join passione he could be a make up artist
lets trish practice on him
he's full on protective of nara too
i like to give abbacchio sharper features when i draw him tbh
also a larger nose
and while we're at it, let's hook that bad boy (the nose)
he and bruno go on wine testing dates
he has very frequent and reoccurring nightmares
(its why he sleeps with bruno)
his parents cut contact when they found out he was a dirty cop :(
this man saw narancia on his first day in the gang and accepted his fate as a father LMAO
he's a gay man and you can't tell he's not. Never felt attraction towards women
he feels like time moves by too fast. Everything happens so quickly and he wishes he could go back and just relive certain parts of his life over and over again because he feels like everything happens so quickly now that he's older and it overwhelms him (this definitely isn't me projecting what're you talking about)
moody blues is sort of the representation of this
Moody blues is curvy and i won't accept anything else
make moody look goddamn feminine
not too feminine obviously but like
moody looks like a woman compared to abbacchio
tells people he can't dance but he definitely can
just play the right music and give him enough wine and he'll be dancing like he's never danced before (only in private tho)
and maybe euthanasia by will wood too
not even kidding, abbacchio has the same body type as a greek god
also the strongest guy in the team
the guy that has a dream
I love this weird ass fucking guy
gay for fugo. that's all I'm gonna say.
not abba or bruno tho (they're too old for his taste)
remember that one seen where he and mista are up against cioccolata (fuck him btw) and they do that gay ass pose?
prime example of giorno being a little shit
putting his hand down mista's pants was an accident by the way, he just said "fuck it" and went with it
he probably showed the gang the thing he could do with his ear
they had very mixed reactions
one day (before the gang) he woke up and saw his roots were blond and he just went like "sigh, guess I have to grow my hair out and become barbie
also bc his dad is dio I like to think that he sunburns easily
he can also see really well and the dark
"It's so dark in here, I can't see shit!" "I can, there's a light switch over there."
everyone was confused as hell bc it was pitch black in that room
this man is gay. he likes BOYS and BOYS ONLY
i like to think Giorno's a mischievous lil guy
he does something silly then giggles and runs away
it's to make up for the fact that he didn't have a proper childhood
his hair is gorgeous and luxurious AND SO FUCKING CURLY
he uses about 20 hair products every day (21 if he's going on a date)
he can calm fugo down so easily too
"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU NARANCIA-" "Hi fugo!" "Oh, hey Giorno."
it's really scary (according to narancia and mista)
this man loves gardening
born to be a gardener, forced to be a gangstar
autistic (it runs in the family)
the stink
Mista is the type of guy who showers once or twice a week
he only washes his clothes when they get too dirty
I like to make this man a little wider honestly
he's muscular, but he's gotta have a little meat on there too
I like to think that Mista outright REFUSES to shave
the only place that he can grow barely any hair is his face
never shaved his face. He doesn't have much facial hair and he'll be damned if he ever has to get rid of the little that he has
bffs with trish btw
they make fun of each other all the time
in a friendly way
he honestly looks the least gay out of everyone
probably bi with a heavy preference towards girls (he had a boyfriend one time tho)
sometimes he shoves Narancia's face in his armpit for fun
I'm not even kidding Narancia probably threw up one time bc Mista stank so bad
older brother figure to EVERYONE
Giorno? that's his baby brother. Narancia? his favourite brother. Trish? his little sister. Fugo? that's his angry little brother.
I have so many mista headcanons it's unreal
his hair is so fucking curly istg
and it's black too
very short tho. also super greasy
his love language is physical touch, but not in the usual physical touch way
he won't really hug people or hold hands or just do something normal, oh no
my guy likes to pick people up and throw them over his shoulder
it's definitely not to show off how strong he is
everything about him is so crusty
he literally gets along with anyone tho
you can't tell me this guy DOESN'T smoke weed
not very often but like
once every month or two he'll get high to relax
he stopped after Giorno took over as boss (bc yk, drugs are a no no)
he probably thinks France isn't real tbh (but as a joke to annoy fugo)
angry strawb (lots of angst in this one)
fugo is deeply in love with Giorno (FUGIO FOR LIFE)
a little bit of angst warning btw
bc of his past, fugo HATES physical touch
if someone touches him he will flinch
very uncomfortable in crowded places
Mista's love language is physical touch, but he refrains himself from touching Fugo
it's really sweet
"HEY FUGO! Lemme give you a high-five! Wait, no, you don't like that. Have this cool rock I found instead!"
he's trying
Fugo really appreciates it
after phf, he let Mista be one of the two people who can touch him (the other person is Giorno)
Fugo just randomly hugged him one day and that was that
he was really distraught when he found out Narancia, Bruno and abba died
especially Bruno
like I said before, Bruno adopted him after he joined the gang, so he genuinely saw Bruno as a father figure
definitely called Bruno "dad" in private
He genuinely cried when he realized he missed Bruno's funeral
when he's a bad mood, he listens to music with Abbacchio (his dad's cool boyfriend who he looks up to)
will correct any and all spelling or grammar mistakes
nerd supreme
i like to headcanon that Fugo's albino
he's really sensitive to sunlight because of it
his vision isn't that good, too
it's not bad enough to the point where he can't read and all that, but it definitely bothers him
since it wasn't too serious, he got some glasses that corrected his vision
he only really wears them when he's reading now, but he used to wear them all the time when he was younger
sometimes he wakes up and there's just a bouquet of flowers at the foot of his bed (I WONDER WHO THAT WAS HMMMM)
Narancia's like a little brother towards him
he doesn't care that nara's a year older than him, that's his brother
genuinely will forget to eat if he isn't reminded (me projecting)
i have more but i'm gonna have to end it here
I LOVE NARANCIA I HAVE A NARANCIA PLUSHIE (and a giorno one but that's less important)
he originally had really good eyesight, but after his eye got infected his eyesight just kinda went bad
his eyes expired
but seriously though (woah no way, silly little guy can be serious?), he's almost blind in the eye that got infected
doesn't wanna wear glasses bc "they'll ruin his reputation"
he's also really short compared to everyone else in the team
he's really insecure about it
can and will fight anyone who says something even remotely teases him for his height
low iron for sure (me too bud, me too)
Abbacchio just took on the role as his father and makes sure he eats all his food
"But it tastes badddd" "Eat it or I'll shove it down your throat. Also, it has good iron."
he ate it, but was very pouty about it the whole time
mista will point at things made of iron and say shit like "that's what you need" or "you should eat that to get your iron levels up"
skinny but he's really strong
my guy has a six pack but looks scrawny as hell
Mista's jealous of him lmao
"Why do YOU get a six pack?!" "because you're fat"
Mista then forced Narancia to smell his armpits (they were rank)
he does a lot of shit with Mista lmao
partners in crime
he got high with mista one time and never did it again
oddly flexible
he's probably dyslexic
the girlboss
live laugh love Trish
lesbian fr
she practices makeup on Abbacchio
another one that sees abba as a father figure
they point each other's nails and go shopping together
Mista's bff fr
they do karaoke together
yk that one tiktok sound that was that like "OH SHIT IT'S IN KOREAN" and then starts singing it perfectly anyway
that's her and Mista
Mista's the one that sings it lmao
i don't have that many headcanons for trish tbh
she likes to try out new hairstyles a lot
they're always short tho
she doesn't like growing out her hair
says it's too much of hassle
we love trish in the household
she has freckles (from doppio)
yk those weird ass dots diavolo has in his hair? she has those but they're less noticeable
talks shit about people with abbacchio
she likes ranting about stuff to giorno bc he's a good listener
big fan of scented candles
gave mista soap for his birthday
she has frequent headaches (something she got from doppio, bc i hc that he has frequent headaches)
do you wanna hear about my la squadra headcanons? Doppio and Diavolo??? PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY GOOD HEADCANONS JUST LET ME RANT-
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mrsouprnova · 29 days
!!Yap session ahead!!
Can someone explain the moicy ship to me? I really dont get it lol
So, you take the evil scientist who broke up like 2 marriages (widow and gabe) abuses people and animals, manipulates and experiments on people
And you make her kiss the woman that literally doesnt want to know overwatch or talon😭 (shes relluctant to work with overwatch after they (TORBJORN.) Adjusted her inventions so they could be used for hurting as well as healing people. Like she literally only works there because she cant stand to watch civilians be hurt after losing her parents
HOW WOULD THAT EVEN WORK😭 i cannot grasp that concept. Moira puts her work before ANYTHING. surely, even if they did date, moira wouldnt spend any time with mercy unless she was fucking experimenting on her💀. I dont think its even possible without changing moiras whole ambition of experimenting and not letting anybody stop her
(Aroace Moira for the win)
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Like her whole thing is being a non-stop evil scientist
And mercy HATES her. She knows about the experiments and thinks its cruel and unjust
Moira doesnt care that mercy thinks that, and thats it💀
And people were like "MAKE THEM KISS"
Maybe its because im not into shipping so much but i dont get it at all LOL
If you had to ship her with any talon agent id say widow
She wants to help Widow she feels sorry for her. Like she knows she can help her she just cant get to her and wont be able to get her to listen
Then theres also pharmercy- MERCY KNEW PHARAH AS A CHILD, IS THAT NOT GROOMING😭 "mercy stopped aging" MERCY KNEW PHARAH AS A CHILD.😭
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Ok yeah mchanzo/yeehan isnt too probable, but it could happen
Sure cole only knows hanzo as "the guy who killed my best friend" /hj but genjis VERY CLEAR that hes forgiven hanzo
So really spuriken/mcgenji is more likely to happen than mchanzo (from someone whos not really into spuriken)
And eitherway it wouldnt really be abusive
We know coles a silly cowboy guy whod be out here calling him "huckleberry" and all that
But people portray hanzo as moody and mean when hes really not all that mean
Sure hes broody and reserved, but hes not HORRIBLE lol-? He literally told sojurn he wants to settle down and have a dog someday, i dont think that relationship would be toxic lol
In compariosn, Hanzos hobbys include wood carving and possibly caring for dogs
Moiras include: *checks notes* abusing people and animals for a personal goal through experimentation? /hj
They'd (yeehan) definitely have some forks in the road, yknow with hanzo seemingly having trust issues and all that but its not borderline abuse x traumatised lol
Someone explain it to me because I DONT GET IT
(Also no hate to moira😋 shes an asshole but shes such a cool and well seveloped character lol
And no hate to these ships bc clearly thry change moiras personality enough to slap her in a relationship, but i dont get it AT ALL as to why people would even think to slam those two together out of everyone lol)
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ramu-ego · 2 years
Aaaah I love sm your recent post, the idea of mommy kink juste make me go feral anyways lmao
Can you do when the guys had to be away for a while and they're just needy, how will they react ?
Thanks if you write that and pass a great day ofc <3
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(nsfw) Mommy's Home! :: x femdom!Reader
cuties away from mommy for a while just to be super needy when they come back? Yes pls! ♡ - askbox open cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, aged up, mommy kink, sexual themes word count: sloppy headcanons character(s): Rin Itoshi, Meguru Bachi, Nagi Seishiro, Kenyu Yukimiya
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moody moody MOODY
prefers to do everything in his power to have you accompany him when he has to travel for soccer
and I mean everything to have you come with him
expect a mini meltdown if you absolutely cannot come
Rin leaves in a foul mood without you and no surprise comes back in a foul mood but...not exactly the same
he wants your attention and he wants it now
keeping his hands off you from public to private is almost out of the question and you learn quickly to be alone when you come get him
face in your tits, hands snaking up your shirt
he's ready to crawl inside your shirt the second he sees you and isn't abashed by anyone who sees bc frankly he could have played better if you were there so he'll make it everyone's problem that he misses you
cannot pull him off of you, Rin is groping, grabbing and gripping you at every angle he can
big mistake if you turn your back to help him unload
poor thing is whining nonverbal idiot with your tits in his hand rubbing himself against the seam on your ass
"Make it better. Make it better. Make it better now."
mumbling between your shoulder blades, panting, tongue out drooling like a mutt trying to mount anything that moves
pent up, needy Rin makes it as far as grabbing you from behind
clothes be damned they don't matter his cock hurts and only mommy can make it feel better
rubbing and tweaking your nipples while he humps your ass can only lead to one thing
blowing his load before you even have a chance to turn him around to kiss him
Rin's cum soaked underwear aren't the only thing needing mommy's attention after a long stint apart
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Bachira's so excited to see you!!
he has so many things to tell you that you're a little afraid he's not breathing as much as he's talking
it's ok bc he is an excellent multi tasker after all
good thing as he's trying to unload all the things he had to buy you bc they reminded him of you
and since he's such a good multi tasker this striker has no qualms letting his neglected needs take over him like a monster
running his mouth a million miles a minute doesn't stop him from getting you out of your clothes
all his exciting friends he got to make and play soccer with...all while his lips are sloppily around your nipples
spit everywhere poor thing shouldn't talk with his mouth full
pet his hair and let him ramble while he slobbers all over your tits eager to see them after being away for work
multi tasking doesn't stop when he gets what he wants in his mouth though
Bachira cannot comprehend anything around his cock unless it's you
meaning he's ready to blow the second he gets to see you topless again and it's a good thing he's as quick as he is barely getting your panties down before burying himself inside you
so much cum and so much pent up sexual need
it's a good thing you're a good listener and so good at wrapping your legs around him when he gets too excited
only thing soaked will be your walls after Bachira's overjoyed to finally get to cum in mommy's velvety insides
a fitting reward for a good boy who handles himself so well when he's away on business
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chances are Nagi didn't go anywhere unless you came with him truthfully
it's a pain to travel and alone at that
prodigy over here throws his skill level around just to get his way with your company but not everything works out for him every time
sometimes Nagi has to suck it up and be a big boy on trips without you
the second he comes back, he hasn't even showered and gotten back into his home clothes - he's inside you
lazily dragging his hips to actually fuck you is almost exclusive to when he's been gone away on work trips
can't stand any position besides missionary either
which you've tried during a particularly heated make out session when he got home but Nagi refused
needs to see your face, needs to feel your cunt around him and needs to drag his sweaty forehead across your chest while he mumbles incoherently into your skin
closer inspection (and when he isn't drowning out his own words with slack jawed moans) you can make out what he's saying
"I missed you, I missed you, I missed you."
all Nagi can muster are those three words if you've been apart
slamming your hips into yours, feeling the weight of his cum heavy balls slap against your ass
insistent on being as close to you as humanly possible
pls knot your fingers in his hair and pull him against your chest bc jet lag is a bitch for this poor thing
Nagi suddenly can think for himself sometimes if it's been even a long weekend away from mommy
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so so so stressed when he gets back
Kenyu much rather travel with you so he's not overthinking exactly every detail on his trip and can focus on his playing
work is work and he wants this but he wants this with you
he's somehow more of a mess when he gets back?
poor thing needs help unwinding and his poor tired eyes don't even know where to start when he sees you
sex and sensual go hand in hand with him it's like breathing and soccer
other words...reuniting is a special thing for the two of you
lovely meal together, talking and showing you everything he got for you as well as pictures he insists on taking and of course taking a bath together
all things that Kenyu revels in when you're together again
some reason though he's always hesitant to initiate anything...worrying he's being too needy
a day or a week apart he always thinks like that after a trip
that's why you're here to help him unwind in just the right way
Kenyu is is extremely sensitive swearing only mommy knows how to touch him right...and he's certainly not wrong
at his most vulnerable when he misses you is also when it's the most fun to ride him
swipe his hair off his forehead, be as close as you can so the details of your face are vivid to him and feel the poor thing melt as you tighten around him
remind him why he just can't seem to get the job done alone with your cunt drooling around his cock and milking him for all he's worth
Kenyu has a work trip worth of neediness and cum inside him with only you being the one he wants to draw it all out of him
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
can you show me where in the books it implies/says that sirius was abused? /gen I honestly don't remember, all I recall is him saying his mother didn't like that he was in gryffindor and not a blood purist etc and they fought often bc of it.
Allow me:

Kreacher bowed again and said, “Whatever Master says,” then muttered furiously, “Master is not fit to wipe slime from his mother’s boots, oh my poor Mistress, what would she say if she saw Kreacher serving him, how she hated him, what a disappointment he was —” (OOTP, Chapter 6) 
“Leave?” Sirius smiled bitterly and ran a hand through his long, unkempt hair. “Because I hated the whole lot of them: my parents, with their pure-blood mania, convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal . . . my idiot brother, soft enough to believe them . . . that’s him.”
“He was younger than me,” said Sirius, “and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded.” (OOTP Chapter 6) (Being consistently reminded that your younger brother is so much better than you because he’s a pureblood supremacist? Ouch)

“It was my father’s,” said Sirius, throwing the ring into the sack. “Kreacher wasn’t quite as devoted to him as to my mother, but I still caught him snogging a pair of my father’s old trousers last week.” (OOTP Chapter 4) 

“He’s [Kreacher] been alone too long,” said Sirius, “taking mad orders from my mother’s portrait and talking to himself, but he was always a foul little —” (Sirius about Kreacher, OOTP Chapter 6) 

 “I don’t know,” said Sirius, “I haven’t seen anyone from the Order all weekend, they’re all busy. It’s just been Kreacher and me here . . .” 
There was a definite note of bitterness in Sirius’s voice. (OOTP Chapter 14) 

Hasn’t anyone told you? This was my parents’ house,” said Sirius. “But I’m the last Black left, so it’s mine now. I offered it to Dumbledore for headquarters — about the only useful thing I’ve been able to do.” 
Harry, who had expected a better welcome, noted how hard and bitter Sirius’s voice sounded. (Chapter 5)

Sirius heaved another great sigh, cast a dark look at the tapestry, and he and Harry went to join the others. (Chapter 6) 

“I don’t like being back here,” he said, staring across the drawing room. “I never thought I’d be stuck in this house again.” (Sirius, OOTP Chapter 6)

I mentioned Sirius’s mental state and bitterness a lot here because I don’t have a doubt that being stuck in his childhood home where he was clearly very “mistreated” made it much harder for him. He showed blatant signs of alcoholism, depression, and PTSD. Many people brush this off as him “being moody that he’s being quarantined and therefore acting out in childish and frustrating ways,” which is true, but I think it’s seriously (no pun intended) disregarding of what he was going through. This happens to be the book where Sirius annoys me the absolute most, and while I don’t think having gone through something like that justifies your later behaviour; I really try to understand and sympathise with what he went through and how he acted because of it. He spent a majority of his life being trapped: being trapped in his parents’ house as a kid/teen (where he later ran away), being framed and wrongfully sent to Azkaban for over a decade (where he escaped), escaping Azkaban only to be forced to stay at his parents’ home, and then having the only time he left the house resulting in getting murdered in front of his godson. 😀
Anyway, seeing people brush off the blatant emotional and mental abuse he went through simply because it “wasn’t physical” (abuse comes in many forms, just because he wasn’t abused in “that way” doesn’t mean he wasn’t abused in “this way”) or because they don’t like him is extremely disgusting. Especially considering that I not only went through something extremely similar with my mother when I was a kid, but because the Snapedom has to constantly ask of Snape antis to merely not dismiss the fact that Snape was abused. You cannot criticise the Marauders fandom for doing things like that and simultaneously doing the same thing to the characters you hate. Double standards as a whole infuriate me, no matter which “side” of the fandom I’m on. If you have a rule, stick with it.
All of the quotes I’ve mentioned are from Order of the Phoenix, I just added the chapters. I’ve had these saved in Notes in case I needed to whip out receipts for arguments. But thank you for your question, Nonnie, I’ve been meaning to talk about this.
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worthylee · 4 months
Moon Knight tickle HCs!! 🌙
(since i’m currently randomly back in my moon knight phase and it was like 4am when i started writing this-
idk what my brain was doing awake 🥲
no one asked but i shall provide regardless so yeah enjoy ! p.s these are my hcs for each character so you do NOT have to agree! i may add more later)
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Marc Spector
Ler-leaning switch!!
To his dismay is capable of being reduced to hysterics
He can say ‘tickle’ with ease and likes to use it to tease and fluster Steven. Tho technically it’s hypocritical bc teases affect him
As expected he’s incredibly stubborn and will put up a fight, deny being ticklish or even argue with his attacker claiming he hates it (which is a lie but he will NEVER admit to it and would probably rather die)
He’s not an overly ruthless ler (compared to jake) he gives breaks and will stop if the lee really means it but he is so much rougher than his gentle British alter
Right between his ribs and sides will have him contorting while pleading and begging.
Some of his lower ribs will have him hiccuping
Shares a death spot with his alters just above his hips which will have him either screaming or straight up wheezing for air
His ears are weirdly ticklish and will have him squirming and giggling adorably (Layla has some real fun with that)
His laughter is deeper, more fuller in sound but when a weak spot is found he squeals which often makes Layla melt and she will often tease him about it
He starts fights but can also end them
Anticipation has him growling as a way to act annoyed but he squirms like an eager worm
He will play as system protector in this situation and front only if Steven seems to be on the edge of ticklish death or he feels he’s had enough
He hates it when Khonshu uses his pointy staff to poke him randomly, it puts him on edge with his brain thinking a tickle attack is coming but it rarely ever does
He’s partly delusional thinking that Khonshu just wants to annoy him and doesn’t actually know he’s ticklish (he very much does)
I’d like to point out that if you tickle Marc for long enough he’ll accidentally force Steven or Jake to front. But it’s usually Steven.
Steven Grant
Lee!! Change. My. Mind!
He cannot say the t-word to save his life, gets overly flustered and can’t form a coherent sentence if made to say it
Sometimes panics (especially if the ler threatens to target his weakest spots) and Marc will just suddenly front
As a ler he is playful but so gentle! Like he’ll tease but he will ask “you alright love? is it too much?” with like genuine concern. The only exception is when he’s playing tickle monster he is really speedy with his fingers
He is definitely one to initiate an attack just to provoke an attack on him
Yeah he secretly loves it
The only person he won’t go easy on is his alter Marc bc he’s always so moody so Steven uses tickles to make him smile for once
Everywhere is a weak spot!!
It’s not hard to send him into a fit of uncontrollable laughter
His laughter is much more high pitched and switches between being squealy and wheezy. A singular poke has him giggling giddily like a goddamn child
If tickled too long he will fade into silent laughter which often means he’s on the verge of dying (he never makes it that far because Marc often fronts)
Layla always takes advantage of enjoying hearing the squeaks and squeals when she tickles him
He finds Khonshu’s teasing pokes endearing and will say “stop it you silly old bird” which often results in more pokes
Jake Lockley
Ler! 💀
Ruthless. Merciless. Cruel. Unapologetic!
He’d have anyone screaming, begging and crying within second. Like he’s the kind of guy who’d be able to turn a non-ticklish person ticklish. He’d find the right spot
Not much of a verbal teaser but is ruthless with the anticipation purely to carry out the torture before he absolutely destroys the lee with their death spot
He’s the type to warn you. He’ll be like “You keep that up I will tickle you unconscious.” He warns about three times but then
Means they can’t use the “you didn’t warn me” excuse
If someone is tickling Steven or Marc and it gets way too much for them he will front and DESTROY whoever their attacker is bc he’s their system’s protector and he’s not afraid to act on his role
He’s not overly ticklish mainly because he has more willpower to not be but—
He shares the spot right above his hip like his alters which gets him laughing but he doesn’t have it as bad as Marc and Steven
To his utter most dismay if you repeatedly poke that spot the right way you can draw out squeals. HE. HATES. IT
If he’s teased for it just know you probably won’t live to see another day
It’s easy to tell if he’s fronting during a tickle attack bc his laughter sounds repressed and strained bc he either fights it or the spot just isn’t as ticklish
Or if you’re not attacking a sensitive spot he’s not laughing at all and just looks severely pissed so rip to you
If in a mood and is tickled…RUN! he will destroy anyone in his path!
Bc of this no one and I mean NO ONE tries to tickle him. Ever. Out of pure fear he might murder them
Even Layla hasn’t dare tried. Yet
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4awny · 11 months
Sp Study Headcanons that literally nobody somebody asked for:
actually listens and pays attention in class
but literally cannot study at all if cartman is there
would rather race cars and start fires than study
easily distracted
is kind of 🤷🏼‍♂️ whatever when its exam day
legs spread as far out from the desk as possible
likes to watch other people stress out from the back row
grade? B. people under estimate him
disgustingly prepared
gets stressed out a lot tho
like when people won't shut up
therefore prefers to study alone
the closer he is to the final exam > the more moody he gets
permanent 😠 face
blames cartman for distracting him
i mean yeah. he does that a lot tbf
is up all night studying despite knowing sleep is just as important
fear of failure maybe?
OK I could go on here
grade? A. predictable. the hard work paid off
doubts himself the whole time
king of procrastination
not completely his fault, always busy doing shit for ppl
thinks he's totally prepared
opens up the first page of the exam paper
immediately forgets everything he ever knew
🤯 lost af
oh wait he does know something
comes out feeling like he let himself down
grade? C. all gd my guy
this kid will not acknowledge an exam until the day before
then panics like hell
and kyle told him so too
looks over to each friend as if to say HELP ME when everybody opens their paper
obviously no one helps him lol
like? man should have listened
cannot concentrate, thoughts racing, over thinking
leads to inner meltdown
struggles to submit anything worth a pass due to the stress
acts like it was the easiest exam of his life
OK enough lore
grade D. just about.
surprisingly good with numbers
brings a pencil sharpener into the exam hall
and like 4 extra pencils too
is pretty confident
real cocky too. smug is the word
bc he the only mf to actually enjoy exams
looks over at cartman with a 👍🏻
gets a 🖕🏼 in return
grade B+. kid is no dumbass
should probably try harder
doesn't even care about grades
kinda does actually
"let's just get this over with" as he rolls up to the exam hall with his hands in his pockets
pretty average student
writes 'fuck knows' for questions he doesn't know
having good common sense helped him massively
grade? B. nobody knows how he managed it either. mystery
a lot of pencil tapping
relies on a lot of caffeine
sweaty palms
forever looking around at other people
reads the question 10 times
then 10 more times
still doesn't understand so writes nothing.
goes back to the 1st question halfway through
adds ???? next to his answers
doctors handwriting. barely readable.
grade? it's a D. rip
"test? what test?"
moderately studies...
for the wrong exam
writes notes on his hand before the final
chews gum throughout
It annoys tweek, who can hear it from 14 seats back
always the first to finish
because finishing first means he's better than everyone else
spends the next half hour doodling circles all over the desk
only cares about the party afterwards anyways
grade?? big fat FAIL
actually knows his stuff, bc he covered literally everything
apart from that 1 subject, but he didn't care about it anyway
reads a lot of books, loves literature
sleeps well, eats well
helps his mind combat pre-exam stress
feels pretty confident on exam day, but hides it well
doesn't want his friends to think he's a nerd or anything...
Grade? A+++++. total NERD
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giant vent about how people are talking about dt you've been warned
"i don't like the focus on wuk lamat" good for you! she's a leader and will likely be shelved before the end of 7.x! i still cannot escape the scions after they fucking disbanded despite being on a new continent, so you don't get to whine abt this if you're also going to crawl up my ass every time i say the scions never fucking off made ew worse and impaired my ability to give a fuck about shb! ew had two non-twins characters i deeply cared about at all going in, and it killed off both!
i am so. fucking. tired. of most of the scions. the one scion i did not think needed a break due to overexposure got a proper break (it was a funny break so i didn't mind at all and it keeps him from getting overexposed too, but it's notable that he was the only one besides the twins I wasn't ready to see the back of by the end of 6.55), and the one i most needed to not fucking see for at least one major patch got a fully voiced cutscene focusing entirely on him and the wol. the scions are part of the weakest part of this expac, which is the fear to let new shit stand on its own.
like, even the twins have been around long enough that they could stand a long-term break, which would even give an excuse for them to elongthen them.
maybe if they actually give them proper arcs or ever let the writing acknowledge that g'raha is a fucking asshole (and still is in dt bc jesus fucking christ that is not a question you ask the fucking wol and he should fucking know that, he had to have at least read about the bloody banquet, the waking sands attack by livia, the entry of azys lla, or the raid on the vault at minimum, even my uncanonical levels of cold bastard main had people he cared about die at those events it is ABSURD what the writing lets the cat get away with saying without even a "dude what the fuck" option) i might accept them having major screentime again, but until then they can piss off and we can have more newbies or heavily underserved oldbies
like. to go back to the first point. think about how often characters show up after they become leaders. Lyse and Aymeric both almost completely vanish after their respective x.3 (hell, lyse vanishes before then). wuk lamat has been chained to tural, even with the doubleking situation she's going to be wanted at home--aymeric isn't sole leader either, remember, and lyse isn't even the one in charge of the entire nation and she's still heavily restricted. dealing with her for not even a full patch cycle is not going to kill you any more than me having to see g'raha and emet constantly trotted out as my wol's narrator-enforced besties killed me. she showed up in the second half for the same reason aymeric, raubahn, and lyse show up after they are removed from focus: because there's a FUCKING WAR involving HER COUNTRY.
they aren't even setting her up as the major focus for the patches! they set her up for a fucking GOODBYE. erenville has gotten more teasing hints at having long-term focus! you weirdos!
i would be less annoyed about this if some of these same people hadn't crawled up my ass over not liking the scions focus of shb and ew. yeah, trial of a silent protag is we need people to talk for us! sometimes that means we get stuck with people we don't like! but at least yours WILL GO AWAY. the characters i actively dislike are hanging around like a pre-antibiotics tuberculosis infection and it only makes me like them less because i'm not allowed to ever express dislike of them even when they're being shitty or i should generally be allowed to express distaste, while at the same time characters i liked don't even get neutral options, it's all two mostly-identical ways of saying "boo i hate your pussy".
idk. i feel like people are only noticing flaws that have been there since the beginning bc we have fun spunky girl and her tragic foil who is also a girl in front instead of the scions and a moody guy, assuming they're making their case in good faith at all (which many are very obviously not, since they're somehow unable to perceive character development that is incredibly obvious).
insert meme about the illusion of choice leading to two more years of stb discourse for some reason
(it is. incredibly frustrating. to have actual complaints. like the return of world-ending threat stakes, the hamhanded way callbacks were done, and the reluctance to actually grapple with the implications of [finalzone]. and then see absolutely nobody else having them bc anyone willing to talk just wants to bash wuk lamat and sphene.)
just. god. if you don't see your wol as an auron, fine, but don't pretend they were less vital to how this expac played out than any other expac, or that they were sidelined compared to elsewhen. the wol is a vital pillar for how wuk lamat turns out over the expac and wuk lamat taking the spotlight in a few scenes doesn't negate that the wol is still at worst the second-most important person in the room. and given the cultural context of the new zones? the writing would have been WAY WORSE if they were the one doing everything.
or like. just the general expectation i've seen repeatedly that something doing setup will pay the same emotional dividends as something using that setup as a launch point. which, you can crit it as-is just fine god knows i'm willing to bitch about stuff that's probably getting more focus in the future, but if you're going into something where the constant refrain from devs and ads and even the game itself going in was "beach vacation (gone wrong)" and "please temper expectations" and expecting it to blow your mind uhhhhh i don't think it's the writer's fault? they were upfront that this was not going to be huge in terms of like... massive recontextualization and targeted emotional blows like shb was.
i really do think a lot of the hate of dt (rather than dislike) is just. bigotry. there is nothing major done poorly here that the rest of the game hasn't handled poorly and usually worse before (if you try to tell me the ff9 stuff was done worse than the nonsense ff4 shit in ew i will slap you, as someone who has gone in with about the same level of familiarity with both and zero nostalgia for either). the one exception i can think of is, like, Erenville's name and the aforementioned turning a blind eye to the deeper implications of [finalzone], and nobody bitching about dt as a whole mentions those as reasons to hate the entire expac. it's all wuk lamat and the wol not being in the spotlight!
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
hello hello! its me again back at it with the babies bc i am insatiable and i cannot get enough of your writing 😭💕
would you be up for toddler and teenager phases with reaper/gabe? something about the idea of reaper trying to handle a moody teen who takes after him is just- i am going to EXPLODE 🥺🙏
notes: yes i'm living for your requests!! i kind of went off the rails with this, i'm so sorry ;__; i hope you like it though! warnings: f!reader, loose grasp on concepts of masculinity and parenting. Gabriel and Reaper with toddler and teen child HCs (+ bonus drabbles)
Gabe with toddler is a real treat to see, as he gets to release his more lighthearted, goofy, and imaginative side.
The best storyteller going will do all the voices (but gets a little embarrassed about anyone at work knowing this.) 
Keeps up with the bilingual teaching and beams with pride when they start speaking Spanish.
Lets the toddler use them as a climbing frame, swings them around to their heart's content, and never gets tired. 
Takes it really hard if he misses a milestone because he's out on a mission. Often someone caught it on camera, but it's not quite the same 
Buys them their basketball jersey and baby hoop.
Would enjoy Bluey (because he's a man of good taste after all) and would hate Peppa Pig (same reason)—sometimes whistles the Bluey theme tune, and you can't convince me otherwise. 
Gets extremely stressed if they sustain any slight injury at all. 
Takes them into Overwatch for office days on occasion as a toddler. They love visits to Uncle Jack's office or when Ana lets them play fight with her.
Still brings them to Overwatch as they grow up, especially when they seem to be going through a tough time. They find everyone at Overwatch cooler than Gabe, or at least that's what they tell him (but they secretly hero worship him and all the others.)
Continues to teach them proper gun safety, takes them shooting and emphasizes the gravity of what guns can do. 
Understands Ana's opposition to Fareeha wanting to join Overwatch, and has to have you talk him down from stubborn overreactions when the subject is mentioned.
Does bond with them over sport. Takes one-on-one time with them at their favorite games, and if they play, he'll try his best to attend games around missions.
Teaches them to cook too, especially dishes he loved growing up. 
Struggles with the mood swings if they say hurtful things. If his kid ever said they hated him, his heart would shatter into a million pieces.
Tries to encourage openness and honesty, so they can feel safe discussing anything at all with him, even if he squirms like crazy giving "the talk".
Again, has to be talked down from being the stereotype of overprotective father when his kid starts dating, but he learns to trust their instincts and values. After all, you both raised them to value their own autonomy and to have good instincts about people.
But he almost finds himself crying with them the first time they get their heart broken, and he desperately wishes he could do anything to take the pain away.
Loves helping them pick outfits for school dances or other special occasions.
"You ready?" You ask your daughter sweetly, looking her over as she fiddles with the costume.
She frowns, a look you're familiar with indicating that she's feeling self-conscious and shy. "What do you think, mama?" 
You kneel down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You look perfect, don't forget to do your impression, okay?" 
"Okay." She confirms, yet still seems unconvinced.
"Can we show Papa now?" You ask, readying her for the reveal.
It's Superhero day at preschool, and she knew which hero she wanted to be the moment the day was announced. 
She hesitates, the uncertain expression still in her eyes. "Maybe..." 
"What's up, baby?" You stroke her sweet face, careful not to smudge the scars you just painted onto her face. 
"What if he doesn't like it?" She frowns, her eyes averted from your gaze.  
"He's going to love it, promise." You smile, and finally she softens. "Ready?" 
She nods, and you call out to Gabe. "Ready?" 
"Ready!" Gabe replies from the other room. He was hoping for something cool, maybe Captain Marvel or Wonder Woman, but he was about to get an even great surprise. 
You open the door for your daughter, and the two of you walk into the living room. 
"Ta da!" You call out, as your daughter crosses her arms over her puffed up chest and dons the most adorable, unconvincing scowl. 
"Baby..." Gabe drops to his knees, staring at your daughter with welled up eyes, and he toys with her black beanie. "Baby... are you dressed as me?" 
"Yes, papa, do you like it?" She asks, hesitant at her father's reaction. 
"I love it." He nods, tightening his jaw and willing away the tears. 
"You're my hero." She cries happily as she hugs his neck. "Don't cry!" 
"Can't help it." He laughs, and your heart swells as you watch the scene. "Don't tell the bad guys my weakness, okay?" 
"Okay." She giggles, pulling away to press a kiss to his cheek. "Te quiero mucho, papa."
"Te quiero mucho, baby." He whispers, casting you a look that shows you just how much his heart is melting. "So I guess once we pick you up from preschool, we better head to base. You've gotta start bossing Uncle Jack around now." 
"Vete a la verga, papa!" ("Go to hell, dad!") Your daughter shouts as she slams the door upstairs, a loud thud that echoes round the house. 
"Cuida tu lenguaje, jovencita." ("Watch your mouth, young lady.") Gabe calls back, anger in his tone as he admits defeat and storms down the stairs.  
When he emerges into the kitchen, he's still muttering in Spanish.
"What did you say now?" You sigh, exasperated at the way the two of them have been butting heads lately. 
"Ella tienen un humor de perros." ("She's in a bad mood.") He grumbles. "She'll get over it."
Hates the terrible twos and tantrums (because no one is allowed to be dramatic as he is), and sometimes you find him and the toddler both pouting.
Doesn't sweat the small stuff like grazed knees or hands, as he knows it's how the toddler learns. He still keeps a fierce watch over them, though. 
His blood boils hearing kindergarten stories about other kids mistreating his child, doubly so if he senses an adult has taken a dislike to his kid.
Sometimes struggles with the high-energy moments of raising a toddler, but thrives when they're sleepy and just looking for cuddles. He makes a great pillow.
Does have to try harder to maintain his patience, and understand the lack of malice in the actions of a toddler. Sometimes he finds it hard to keep his cool when toys are being thrown or bedtime is being avoided.
Tears up more than he likes to admit at milestones and small moments, gets really sentimental and insists on keeping baby teeth, locks of hair, etc.
Keeps their drawings, even if they're just colorful lines and splotches.
Gets a family dog, and thrives seeing the bond between his kid and the dog.
Doesn't like wearing tiaras, drinking pretend tea, or the smell of play dough (deals with it all anyway.) 
Feels parts of his soul repair when his kid says "I love you" for the first time. 
Regrets teaching his kid sarcasm, because holy shit, do they have it in spades.
Is the overprotective father suspicious of everyone who wants to date his kid, regardless of gender. He might not show it outwardly, but he's often sharing his worries with you and prone to forgetting how scary he can actually be. 
Both loves it and hates it when gun lessons show his kid to have an aptitude with shotguns.
Offers to drive them anywhere and everywhere, as it means he can keep tabs on them and keep them safer.
Teaches them self-defense, takes it very seriously.
Gains major cred with his kid for using the correct pronouns for trans/nb friends.
Curses them out in Spanish when they do something especially dumb.
Tries to pick up video games to help relate, finds FPS games annoyingly difficult, definitely grumps if he gets called out on it.
Cries at the high school graduation, begs you not to tell their kid.
Gets called "old man" by his kid, makes his eye twitch 1000%.
"Papa?" Your son's sweet voice interrupts the silence as you and Gabriel sit on the couch reading. Your son climbs onto his father's chest and pokes at his face.  "Grumpy."  He comments simply. 
"I'm not grumpy." He says, yet his brows are knit. 
"Papa grumpy." The toddler comments once more, mimicking the frown before fiddling with his face some more. He prods his fingers into Gabriel's cheeks, forcing them into a smile. 
"Papa happy." He says with a grin. 
"Papa happy." Gabriel responds, finally cracking with a genuine smile.
"I don't know Mom, can I?" Your son responds, completely exasperated. You don't even need to look up to know he's rolling his eyes. 
"You can do it yourself. You usually do anyway." He groans and makes his way to leave the kitchen. 
His exit is blocked by your husband's heavy frame, his eyes glaring down at your son. 
"Don't speak to your mother like that." 
He comments, a quiet sense of rage filling him. "Your Abuelita would have your head for that." He growls. 
"Good job she's not here then, isn't it?" Your son responds in an instant—the cruelty sounding strange even from his usually sharp tongue. 
"Go to your room." Gabriel snaps, his voice raising as he steps aside yet puffs out his chest, unable to look his son in the eye. 
Your heart clenches, knowing how the words would cut Gabriel so deep. They already hurt you, but his mother's memory was a sacred one, and your son had crossed a line. Despite his usual teenage ways lately, this was a step too far. 
"When did he get so moody?" Gabriel comments gruffly, as you approach him and attempt to soothe him with a comforting touch. 
"Hmm, wonder who gets that from." You whisper, pressing a kiss to your husband's cheek. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." He pouts, going rigid with annoyance. 
You laugh lightly. "Sure you don't."
Gabriel pulls away, the stormy expression still on his face. 
"He's been struggling lately. I didn't mean to, but I overheard him talking to one of his friends." You sigh—now was the time to tell Gabriel the truth. "I've been meaning to bring it up." 
Gabriel's attention is caught. "Bring what up?" 
"You're so hard on him all the time. He thinks you hate him." Once more, your chest hurts. You know it's the furthest thing from the truth, but all your son craves is his father's approval, and your words haven't done anything to soothe him. 
"He does?" Gabriel's eyes darken, as a piece of his past self bubbles up inside him—that same feeling he once had to always prove himself. The one that drove him to the police, the army, to the SEP, and beyond—ending in his near death experience and everything that follows. 
Gabriel swallows deeply, his anger abating as he turns and heads upstairs to his son's room. 
After a knock or two, he's greeted by a disgruntled "What?", before he announces that he's heading in. 
"Hey." Gabriel offers casually, yet his boy doesn't meet his eye.
He sits on his bed, swirling the butterfly knife Gabriel got him for Christmas round and round. Gabriel takes a seat beside him. 
"You can talk to us, to me, if something's bothering you." He offers, trying his hardest to sound even. He loves his son with everything he has, and he doesn't want him to grow up like him, constantly pushing things down. 
His anger most days might be exacerbated by his physical condition, but the experiments only exaggerated what was lurking underneath. 
The boy's knife play stops, his expression softening, yet he doesn't turn to face his father. 
"I know dad." He sighs. "There's nothing to talk about, though." 
"Then why are you acting out with your mother?" Gabriel asks. 
"I'll apologize to her. Sorry." 
"It would be better if you just explained yourself." Gabriel says, but his son now just falls quiet. 
Gabriel studies his son's expressions, sensing his quiet softening and yet his clear reticence to open up at this time. 
"Suit yourself." He replies, yet resolves to make a greater effort in the future to change things for the better. "I know you can take care of yourself." Gabriel's words finally have his son looking at him, the validation and approval clearly working. 
He slings his arm around his son, pulling him closer. "But we're always gonna look out for you, your mama, and I. I'm proud of you, though." 
His son looks sheepish and embarrassed, turning his face away yet not moving from his father's touch. 
"Talk over?" He mumbles, his voice higher pitched than usual.
"Talk over." Gabriel nods, pressing a kiss to his son's head before making his way out of the room.
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paalove · 1 year
prompt? 😇 akk always being moody when aye doesn't give him a good morning kiss and it ruins his whole day. But he is a bit shy and insecure to communicate that. Because this whole boyfriend thing is new to him but damn does he want his good morning kiss.
HI thanks for prompting this [mumbles length of time] ago, ily anon
NOT POSTING ON AO3 UNTIL TOMORROW bc i want to do a couple of simultaneous uploads. for khao's birthday!
“Would you just pay attention,” Akk snaps.
Kan drops his pen and blinks at him.
At least it stops the little song Kan had been singing himself about matrix calculations, but Akk starts to sink in his seat as soon as he thinks that.
Brow furrowing, Kan leans over the table to squint at him before saying, “Are you okay?”
That question is relevant but Akk doesn’t want to answer it.
He’s aware not wanting to talk about his feelings has caused problems before, earlier this year. Like, a couple of months ago, it nearly ended with him getting expelled-
Anyway, Akk doesn’t want to tell the truth.
He mumbles, “Worried about the maths one,” and then, “Sorry.”
“That’s alright,” Kan says, shrugging easily and returning to studying.
But Akk can see the side-eye he’s getting from behind the suddenly-raised textbook and the way Kan’s face is suddenly illuminated means he’s definitely texting someone.
Could be just about any of the others – he talks to Thua most, of course, but Aye is the obvious go-to for any gossip about Akk, and he definitely has suspicions about Kan and Aye conspiring to make their own clingy-boyfriend-stuff seem more reasonable, and of course Wat and Kan have been texting behind Akk’s back for longer than anyone else (but it’s fine – he texts both of them behind the other’s, after all) so it could be-
Is Aye the obvious go-to for Akk?
Well, he’s obvious to the others, but he might not want to be anymore.
This is stupid, he reminds himself. I am being stupid about this and Aye isn’t breaking up with me.
He’s wearing the hoodie that has to prove it, of course, which might be the one bought for him or the one Aye already had – they swap, every so often, for reasons he cannot admit to the others, and indeed had once had to cover Aye’s mouth for an entire lunchtime to stop him from explaining, how they had to smell like the other person – but Akk’s stupid brain keeps doing it anyway.
Aye wanted to, it was just the timing, he tries to convince himself.
Kan’s still watching him from behind the textbook.
It’s not like Akk can criticise him; he’s not studying either.
They probably look silly, just the two of them pretending to study at this table, and Akk can’t remember what the others said they were going to do. He was probably focused on his stupid thoughts.
About Aye, and the timing.
But it can’t be prefect stuff, because Aye and Thua are gone too, and Akk doesn’t remember them even being here at the start of this study period, and he doesn’t know what else it could be but he can’t ask Kan.
He’d sound anxious.
And Kan would know he was spiralling.
Probably other people too – the same ones he and Kan look silly to now, in their pantomime of studying, because of course they’re looking. People haven’t stopped looking at him at school, since everything happened.
It’s Akk’s fault of course, he knows that.
The eyes still burn.
Not always – when Aye’s with him it actually feels kind of good, moving past everything and proving to himself that being looked at, being seen won’t kill him, but…
First of all, Aye isn’t here, which is the root of all of it today apparently, but it’s still fine because when his friends are here it’s fine and Kan is here.
But then, also, maybe not.
Because the other thing is that he’s clearly relying on Aye more than he thought. He feels uneasy, on-edge, like the hoodie has something crawling on it and so does the table and so does the ground, and Akk knows why.
That’s what makes it all so stupid – that he knows why.
He and Aye slept in separate buildings last night, which isn’t that weird for them, no matter what their friends say. But then Aye was a little late, in the morning, so when they actually reunited there were like, three teachers in sight of them, and two of them were vaguely-recognised members of the faculty but Teacher Waree was the third – she likes Aye better now, but it’s not like she can be either of their favourite teacher so it would have just been weird.
They’d moved on quickly, moved into the grounds where their friends were, but all that meant-
“The printer just tried to eat Thua,” Aye announces, throwing himself onto the same part of the bench where Akk is sitting and, incidentally, throwing one leg over Akk’s.
He’s balanced precariously, that being a stupid way to sit on a picnic bench, so Akk steadies him with a hand on his waist. While they’re smiling at each other Kan says or does something that makes Thua put on an exasperated voice, so they’re flirting too, which makes the interruption totally reasonable.
Namo steals Akk’s textbook and lies down on the table, so as to wave his hands in all their faces at once and say, “I also exist, actually.”
“Hi, Wat,” Akk and Kan reply in unison, ignoring Namo to look at the only person still standing up.
Wat waves and tries to pull Namo off the table.
Thua breaks off from whatever he was murmuring to Kan to look confused and ask, “Wait, what were you guys doing before we ran into you?”
“Oh,” starts Wat, “I was actually in the computer room on the second floor, checking my emails, and-“
Aye pokes Akk’s knee.
Akk tilts his head to look at him properly – they’re cuddled up pretty tightly.
“-helping me double check my note about the,“ Namo’s saying, now sitting on top of the table. “What was it? You know, the-“
Aye gives an exaggerated pout and Akk really does try not to stare at his lips, which has always been a difficult task.
They’re very smooth.
And shiny.
One mystery that was finally solved after they started dating was the shininess – Akk never suspected lip balm, he always just thought Aye was kind of… inherently shiny-lipped.
Case in point: when Aye isn’t helping him, Akk is stupid.
“-Yeah, we were looking at Namo’s notes but I still needed to check my email, and-“
The pout slowly slips into an actual frown, and Akk feels his own eyes widen. Aye is frowning at him and it’s probably confusion but the stupid, unsettled part of him that’s been waiting since they met up insists that it’s more than that-
Kan claps once, loudly.
At least when they turn their heads to look at him, they’re synchronised.
“Everyone’s being weird,” announces Kan. “Akk yelled at me about studying better and you two are talking funny.”
The you two indicated seems to be Namo and Wat, who immediately look at each other.
Over their disagreements – or perhaps explanations? – Thua speaks in that unexpectedly-carrying tone he’s always been so good at, voice deceptively soft, saying, “You should study better, Kan. We’ve got a week left to study.”
Pausing for Kan’s whine and the way he dramatically lets his head fall onto the desk, Thua visibly suppresses a smile.
It’s quiet for a moment.
“And that’s making everything weird, of course people are acting like it. Nobody’s being weird,” he adds.
Akk feels more than sees Aye nod in agreement.
Which seems like Akk’s cue, so he leans forwards as much as he can without disrupting Aye (only barely not sitting in his lap at this point) to shake his head at Kan and say, “Stop being a dick to everyone, Kan.”
“Yeah,” jumps in Namo, “Stop being a dick.”
Kan is failing to defend himself against their ganging up on him, probably because his boyfriend is also giggling and Akk knows Kan likes it when Thua’s kind of mean to him, when Aye starts poking his leg again.
“What?” he whispers, not wanting to get the rest of their attention.
Wiggling and tipping his forehead onto Akk’s shoulder, Aye is equally quiet when he asks, “You yelled at Kan?”
Akk freezes, which is his main mistake.
He tries, “I just snapped because he was being annoying,” but Aye felt him freeze and Aye knows how to read him.
There’s a moment when Aye frowns at him again, and this time the overwhelming fear isn’t of the stupid thing – Aye leaving – but of the actual threat, which is Aye figuring out what he’s upset about.
Akk isn’t surprised that Aye stands up.
“What’s up-“
He doesn’t hear the rest of Wat’s question, because it’s better to just go, when Aye starts trying to drag him somewhere.
They don’t go far.
Actually, he’s pretty sure the others will hear them even if they whisper, here, but Aye places him with his back against a wall and boxes him in, so Akk really has no choice to comply.
And get distracted by staring at his lips again.
Only briefly, this time, because Aye quickly takes his hand and says, “You weren’t upset Kan was being annoying.”
“It’s nothing.”
There’s no point insisting on the Kan story – Aye can read him.
Of course, Aye also knows the kind of feelings Akk prefers not to admit to, and he knows their outcomes, so it’s definitely not weird that Aye’s face goes all worried and urgent.
Guilt makes Akk panic and blurt it out.
In a mumble – their friends can still hear them – he says, “When we met up Teacher Waree was there and then our friends were there and we didn’t see each other last night so you didn’t kiss me hello this morning and I’ve been sad about it.”
Eyes now scrunched closed, he has to convince them to peel open, even though he knows Aye won’t be making any of the worst faces he’s picturing. He won’t be disgusted or angry or, like, guilty because it was on purpose – no, at worst, Aye’s going to be suppressing that Akk’s-so-cute smile-
No, wait, there’s one worse, and it’s this.
Confused, Aye says, “Huh? I couldn’t understand you.”
“You didn’t kiss me hello this morning!” Akk repeats; he knows immediately that he was too loud.
None of their friends are making a sound.
Quietly, he adds, “Oh no.”
Aye’s eyes light up with exactly the Akk’s-so-cute look he’d been afraid of, and the hand on his squeezes tight, and he opens his mouth to say something mortifying and-
“Wat,” asks Namo, loudly. “Did you just hear something?”
Oh, fuck.
At least Aye kisses him on the cheek before dragging him back to the table. It’s the only upside to what follows.
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leossmoonn · 2 years
i just imagine matt being an absolute MESS if you had to go away on a trip for your restaurant or smth😭
like the kids are a little older (say like 14 and 12) so they can kind of take care of themselves but hes just upset bc you wont be there for like 3 days and the kids pick up on that so then THEY'RE on edge and it's not a fun time for anyone for ab a day and a half
lets just say that as soon as foggy brings chinese it turns into a therapy session😭
Yes omg. Like maybe you got an invitation yo be a good critic for someone (idk how grown up things work guys 😞)
Matt before you leave is whining and pouting and like “I thought you loved me.”
He definitely cuddles your pillow when sleeping 😭😭. And he has to be extra careful abt his crime fighting bc he has no one to clean him up. I mean he could call claire but… she would probs kill him if he woke her up at 5 AM.
Matt is so moody too like I cannot stress this enough. The kids think he’s being dramatic, but honestly, you bring such a calming nature to the relationship. And you’re always able to ground him and make him laugh. Lowk I feel like he’d get kind of depressed without you
Jackie and percy try to get Matt outside and stuff but he just throws himself into work and sleep.
This man misses you okay 😭. The cuddles, kisses, your food (even tho you pre cooked), your assuring words, soothing voice, etc etc
The day you get back , Matt literally says hallelujah. We all know what you guys are doing that night 😅
Also regarding foggy, he is the OG so naturally he carries all of Matt’s problems, but it is heavy for him when you leave
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
ok some actual tummy-oriented sunny thoughts of varying steaminess haphazardly cobbled together from discord messages (bc thats where all my thoughts get thunk)
thinkin about sunny & executive dysfunction. thinkin about sunny wanting to get up & make himself some dinner so bad but he just Cannot. i would never project onto him what are you talking about. for as much as he overeats i think sunny finds himself in that predicament often too. cant make himself get up. or sometimes he'll be in too much of a Mental State™️ to eat
his belly rumbles at the sight or mention of food unless hes like already stuffed. he is Utterly Cartoonish
if sunny falls asleep with his belly out laurie & carrie & dave are gonna try to draw on it. it doesnt work well bc hes so hairy but theyre trying. big marker. maybe some paint if they got it lyin around. maybe some stickers. its a miracle he doesnt feel it. he doesnt mind til he has to get cleaned up & then if theres paint & stickers instead of just marker its all caught in his belly hair
ive always got sunny on the tummy end but i think he gives excellent tummy rubs. surprisingly gentle & tender. any time lauries tummy hurts shes in good hands. he enjoys givin her tummy rubs as much as she enjoys receiving them bc shes all soft & warm & nice to touch. sometimes he'll start kneading like a cat & shes like❔ but thats usually when her tummys Not Upset so she doesnt mind. sometimes its kinda nice
thinking about sunny hangin out with [noise-sensitive friend]. i think if he realized his loud nasty burps were bothering them hed try to keep them quiet but hes not very good at it so he might also try to hold them in & swallow em back down. but then his bellys getting so rumbly hes makin a bunch of noise either way. i think inevitably tho its gonna become Too Much for his tummy & such a big ones gonna come out that it startles the both of em. for once in his life sunnys a little embarrassed about a burp
sunnys the type to wiggle around on purpose if he has a sloshy tummy. he amuses himself. will push his belly in & out to make it make a noise
thinking about the way his mood changes when he doesnt feel good. normally hes rowdy & loud & silly & mischievous & annoying but if his belly hurts he gets quiet & sad & he just wants 2 be held gentle & cuddled. surefire way to know if somethins up with sunny is when hes quiet. tummyache is Least Worst scenario bc then hes just all soft n cuddly until it goes away. as opposed to other situations where he might be scared or upset or moody
[tiny sunny] i think tiny sunny would be so dumb about food. hed be like "duh i can eat a grape its just a grape🙄" without considering that a grape is now the size of his entire torso & double down on it & try to keep eating until no more would fit. & he would need the Worlds Gentlest Tummy Rub but So careful bc his tummy hurts. & feels like a grape . &he will not learn from it💖 his takeaway from the experience will prob just be that someone held him gentle & rubbed his tummy for a while & therefore trying to eat an entire grape was not so bad actually
[tiny sunny] thinking.about laurie (playfully) tormenting tinysunny by putting him in various silly little jails. shed stop if he was really unhappy about it but mostly shes just Buggin Him. he cant argue bc all he does is Bug Her. hes in his little like lego enclosure yelling HEY. HEY. CAN I HAVE SOME CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! banging a paperclip against the bars loud as fuck until she gives him treats [MEAN] what if he was like soo hungrie & she put the cheece just out of reach. tryin 2 grab it. tummy growlin. gonna get himself all wedged between the bars but he doesnt care . Cheese Time🤤 tummy fulla cheese got him even more wedged in there He Doesnt Care hes just gonna fall asleep like that
[tiny sunny] i think he would let laurie cram him into barbie clothes that barely fit. certainly dont fit after dinner. hed have that velcro poppin open
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bnjmin · 2 months
fandom discourse surrounding canon ben: well obviously ppl would try to romanticize everything around his drug habits (i do too but im allowed to bc i'm his stepmother). so much bobby discourse that i simply cannot IMAGINE and many, many au's where bobby is alive (once again, same). everyone mistaking ben's tendency toward cynicism and apathy for Toxic Male Dominant Energy when in reality he's just a curly haired little guy who needs a hug and to not be treated like he's an infant and incapable of being independent. he's very capable. trying to dissect the steele family dynamic wayyy too hard. objectifying his bubble butt (as they should). copious amount of gifsets of him looking grumpy when ppl are talking. i could go on forever and will some other time, tysm for coming 2 my ted talk
ben's stepmother just know that i owe you my life and i'm sorry for what you're about to witness under the cut
oh the drug stuff would be so bad it would be horrid (as he's my ip i would never let this happen but in the case of him being in Other Hands i just know they would show him using and being fucked up but never actually the conseqences of it. there are plenty: he has to cope with the fact that there is about two years of his life that he just doesn't remember, his family is so important to him and it takes years after the fact to repair that relationship, he does stupid shit irt bobby/his memory (like wanting his parents to throw out all of bobby's shit, getting viscerally angry when they talk about him/have pictures of him, it's generally very ugly)) he develops a heart condition, he still and will forever struggle with addiction just at things that have a lesser (?) side effect, like caffeine and nicotine and his alcohol use persists until he's able to be completely sober in his late thirties/early forties which is also trial and error for like five years before it really sticks. i almost want to tag this as a spoiler LMAO but he's either going to die from heart condition complications (think mid-late fifties) or a relapse (late-fourties/early fifties) and that shit isn't cute or fun is it
god, the bobby discourse. i have bobby discourse with myself because on the one hand, bobby was kind of a piece of shit while he was struggling with his addiction (which is when most of ben's really formative memories are with him) and he technically never gets to redeem himself because he dies. bobby as a person, regardless of addictive tendencies, is really very selfish. and not in the way that ben is - where ben will just remove himself from situations that he doesn't want to be in with no warning or care - but in the way that he will weigh the options of fucking someone over and getting what he wants and he will choose to get what he wants. i think if he did live and got his act together, he could pay some penance for what he did to not only ben but again the entire family during his addiction (i imagine he stole a lot of things from them for drug money which is...well) but he still would always be the big brother than ben kind of has to babysit and take care of and that's...not fair to ben. ben loves him regardless, a little blindly and reverently, but as a third party observer obviously that is not great.
ben's first introductions of him being snappy and moody and everyone diagnosing him with toxic masculinity (which he's not completely innocent of it, just look at how he feels regarding his height/weight gain after stopping coke) and typical manhood when really he's the most submissive man you've probably ever met. he does have some pleasant qualities! and i resent the fact that there have been people that have tried to push him into this mold of generic and bland mysterious man when it's like. no. he's not cool enough for that and you need to recognize what a loser he is. and you're so RIGHT about not being treated like and infant/giving him independence i've never thought about that but i'm sure that's such a big part of why it takes such a long time for the family dynamics to go back to normal when he starts getting clean. everyone is handling him with kid gloves like one small incident is going to make him fall headfirst into a line, but that kind of distrust in a way makes it harder for him to stay sober.
steele family dynamic is a fucking. it's a mess but it's a loving mess but it's also a messy mess. steele family dynamics needs its own post probably.
objectification: good. the objectification that would lead to him likely being shipped with a poorly written character that everyone can just project themselves onto: bad.
gifset with 4k notes: ben making The Facetm
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heartfucksmouth · 4 months
4 days without my iud, and 2 days off doxycycline. still bleeding but ... less? I'm scared to say it out loud bc I did have 2 hours the other day where I bled thru a pad and onto the couch. I have cleaned so many fucking stains....
hesitantly saying I feel slightly better. my moodiness is easing, I'm not feeling like I'm being knifed in my ovary, dare I even admit I survived the whole day without a nap and only slight suffering by 5pm lmao
we spent a nice morning together and took ade to his first beach at a pond down the street.
next order of business is calling my pcp - I need my iron checked but I really would like all my hormones checked too.
2 weeks until ade's first birthday. I cannot comprehend how my life is what it is and that I have such an incredibly beautiful child. like. I made that! he looks like me! me, who didn't think I'd be alive past 2014. but I'm here and life is so different in many ways and today reminded me that it just might end up okay in the end. I worry constantly about the world I brought this child into, but when it's just us in the moment, watching him experience the world.... it really heals me in a way I can't put to words. I pick up small rocks and shells and show them to him like they're precious jewels, I put an emerald-green beetle on his leg. I laugh when he bites a stick and then makes a face and spits out dirt. he reminds me that magic is truly in the smallest of moments. I get to be a dork and point out a blue Robin's egg on the ground, blazing yellow goldfinch in a tree... I taught myself about the world and I can't wait to show him the magical things that exist. and hold him through the painful times.
day to day is still difficult, and I'm still adjusting. but the ceaseless wonder and awe I feel when I look at this tiny human, and the partner who helped create him... sometimes it makes me feel richer than I ever thought possible
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