#i cant handle the amount of people in this entire thing that are... like that
hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere! batfam + dc heroes x yandere! alien! reader (ft. ocs of mine, and other dc characters)
synopsis: you weren’t as innocent and benevolent as they thought you were, but that just makes things all the more exciting
tw/cw: dddne, reader is yan (platonic for this part, romantic for future parts(diff people). yandere themes, general violence, torture, sadist reader, incest (one-sided/not reader n it’s a brief mention so it’s not a main part of the story oh god-). reader is half based on jingliu/jingyuan from honkai star rail + laezel from bg3 worldbuilding. and there’s also a bit of malenia/miquella inspirations. reader has a background. reader’s alieness is explored/talked about. op! reader. wish fulfillment.
in short this was an oc insert of mine that i reconfigured for you guys to read. not your thing? scroll past thenks.
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YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THE KINDEST, MOST LOVING PERSON THE BAT-FAMILY EVER KNEW. You were so gracious with your benevolence that each and every vigilante took it upon themselves to take care of you at all moments lest you fall into unsafe situations or the hands of people who would ruthlessly take advantage of you.
Eventually, they forgot the fact that you were the sibling of the notoriously violent DAYBREAK, a vigilante that could be easily called a villain or terrorist instead if it weren’t for his close affiliation and friendship with the old Teen Titans crew when he was younger. He helped once in a while, but only if it meant he had free rein to cause carnage.
“This is useless, they won’t fess up.” Jason grunted as he fumbled around with his weapons, all broken after the battle just moments prior. Aliens and their abilities always made him feel so small in the grand scheme of things, and especially when they completely obliterated his entire arsenal.
Tim groaned, his back ached from the amount of times he was flung away towards whatever wall or ally the enemy wanted him to go to. He was used to being man-handled and even enjoyed that once in a while, but not in that way. “Aren’t they one of your kind? Cant you like… I don’t know…”
Your brother huffed, a pout on his pretty features. Quite similar to yours. Yet, he doesn’t spare the rest a glance. His eyes were trained solely on a restraining spell he managed to conjure as a last ditch attempt to stop the fight before it got . . . irreversible. Usually he’d just disintegrate whatever or whoever even looked at him wrong but even this titan-like intruder was proving to be a pain in the ass. “I can’t believe you, doesn’t mean we’re the same kind or whatever that means that—“
“He’ll be lucky to be even considered as one of us, filthy —“ The massive form spoke. Its metal like body clanging as it struggled in the spell’s area of effect. A soldier from your home planet, not as well trained as your brother — but he was brimming with aetherial ardor. A sort of magic source your people used.
“Okay, that’s it.” [Brother’s Name] groaned, summoning the last piece of his strength to open up a terminal. “Hey mooncake, need ya to do something for me.”
“No, we aren’t letting [Y/N] anywhere near this one. They could get seriously hurt. We were barely even able to—“ Dick held him by the shoulder, only to get burned by your brother’s leaking ardorial energy.
“Relax. Besides I’m not in your team. I don’t have to follow orders from you.”
“Daybr—“ Rachel, her cape almost completely burnt and tattered opened her mouth to admonish him.
But the sound of your sweet voice (more like hoarse, and half awake) silenced them all, “What do you need help with this time?”
“[L/N] don’t listen, go back to sleep, beloved.” Damian moved in from behind, learning from Dick’s mistake and instead using his blade to warn [Brother’s Name].
But if anything, that made the man more excited to annoy the “demonspawn”.
“Oh, mooncake you can’t believe who I stumbled upon today! Smile for the camera why don’t you?”
[Brother’s Name] flipped the terminal to show your face.
“You’re . . . General [Y/—“
And then flipped it back, showing his injured body. “He hurt me real bad. Look.”
Your face does not move nor your voice waver,
“Come back to the base.”
“No.” Black Canary, Dinah, slammed her hands on the table. She couldn’t believe this. It was already bad that they allowed you to be involved in their line of work, now they were letting you come face to face with a being that almost wiped an entire team of experience fighters? What were they thinking?
“That . . . thing is dangerous. We cannot allow this to continue!” Arthur concurred. He saw the state of your brother. A civilian like you had no business with something so dangerous.
“Unfortunately I have to say no to your refusal as well.” You calmly responded, “This situation is under the jurisdiction of the Fleet. It is only right that Daybreak and I deal with it.”
“Father you can’t possibly allow them.” Damian gripped your shoulder as he pleaded with Bruce. He had known you the longest next to Tim. You were barely able to hold your own as a normal student. Not that he was looking down on you, but if you couldn’t even fight for yourself in conversation, how could he let you be around that monster?
Bruce closed his eyes in deep contemplation. He studied your kind comprehensively. He did so for every vigilante and villain alike (Contingencies were his specialty) From how your magic system worked, to how society and customs were like. A lot of his knowledge came from Clark, who had also done his fair share of investigative work into your background.
He of all people in this line of work knew how dangerous you and [Brother’s Name] can be. He had done his calculations based off of what Daybreak could do. But curiosity drove him further.
“But the whole league will be watching you, alongside the Young Justice and Teen Titans.”
“Sheesh, overkill much?” Daybreak, now plain [Brother’s Name] in a bunch of casts, piped up.
You nodded, quite honestly just aching to get out from this stuffy room already. “That is fine.”
Before you left, you head swiveled to take one last look at your sibling, building up whatever emotions you needed to see the job through, “Get some rest, brother.”
“Are you kidding? I gotta watch this.” Your brother laughed in earnest, almost-too-wholesome-for-him manner. You managed to understand why as his eyes scanned the people in the room.
He wanted to see them react to your true nature.
Your form finally disappeared from his sight as his eyes finally settled on another image of you glued atop a folder. “What are those?” He pouts to gesture at the objects, too injured to move his limbs.
“Files on [Y/N] and the being.” Bruce answered, opening up the screens for the cameras to the interrogation room.
[Brother’s Name] knows you’d give him a sermon for using his powers while he was already banged up but he had no choice. His arms were too broken to open up the folder after all. “You guys work quick.” He commented as the papers levitated and flipped through itself.
His eyes scanned the typewritten document swiftly, smile growing by the moment, “Pffft — kind hearted soul? Who wrote this?”
“It was compiled by me, but our sources vary from vigilante to civilians.” Clark mumbled. As one of the only other aliens, and people who could feel aetherial arbor. He felt your presence, your anger leaking earlier. It was heavy, as if the world was suddenly placed upon his shoulders. Yet he felt no fear for his own safety, only yours.
The gigantic door before you slid open revealing the enemy the vigilantes struggled to subdue earlier.
The soldier stood upright, sensing your presence. The rumors were true it would seem. Many wouldn’t be able to spot it, a testament to whatever you did to conceal your prowess, but they immediately recognized the magnitude of your ardor practically oozing around you.
He was expecting your anger. He knew of your protective nature towards your brother.
“My apologies.” But you didn’t. Instead you began nursing their injuries, repairing their armor, and even initiating casual conversation. “It must have been a long journey. I can’t help but resent whoever sent you here.”
“Your Excellency! I came of my own volition.”
“Oh? But judging from your armor you must be one of the knights.”
“Yes, 512th Squadron of the Imperial Army.”
“Of course, my eldest brother’s . . . “ Your fought to keep your hands from clenching. A gentle smile on your features remained unshaken even by the sudden revelation.
“Y-yes, your Excellency. It took many jumps for me to get here on my own.”
“Alone? What did you wish to come here for?”
“I-I wished to meet you but those Earthlings wouldn’t let me.”
“Mm. And so you fought them. As is right for one of our kind.” You brought out a handkerchief and wiped down your hands after finishing the task at hand. Then you took a seat in front of them.
“You understand! Of course.”
“Actually I came here to bid you to return. The Emperor misses you dearly and wishes to see you.”
“Do you know why he does?”
You looked down. Voice soft, relaxed shoulders, a solemn tone, and a tremble to add on top. “My brother. He wishes to have a child with me. To use my powers in the form of a future heir to the throne.”
“I am not quite ready to have a child yet.” Nor were you interested with being a babymaker for that tyrant. But that wasn’t an appropriate excuse in the grand scheme of things.
“I understand! Your Excellency is quite young and even then, you have saved countless of lives. You deserve only to do as wish and nothing less.” The soldier slammed the floor in front of it. “Besides, his Majesty had already taken so many concubines I’m sure an heir wouldn’t be needed anytime soon.”
You nodded. A moment or two of silence for your mind to recollect everything that has been said before you execute what you came here for in the first place. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “How incompetent must the new Imperial General be at the moment?”
“Information is the most valuable asset to any sort of battle. As a general I kept a tight leash on it. Lest it spilled and caused unnecessary ruckus.” My knights were drilled, put through fire and blood, wiped clean before they were thrown back into hell again. And most importantly they were taught to sew their mouth shut or die. You, you just spilled everything I needed to know the moment I showed that I cared.”
“Your Excellency, I —“
“I was only going to punish you for trespassing. A measly act of destroying your Aetherial Helix.” “But in all honesty, I might be doing that brother Emperor of mine a favor by going . . . further.”
“N-no, you wouldn’t, you’re—!” The soldier was about to defend you even in its dying moments. But as it truly recounted all that has been told about you from its peers and seniors, it realizes one truly fatal fact.
You were never known for benevolence.
“Please! I did this all for you! I only wanted you back as my General!”
“Let this be a lesson.”
“No, please ! I- I - I beg of you—“
You looked up to the ceiling, beyond it — the stars and the infinite darkness you once called your home.
“And so I’ll continue to wield your blade, until I cut the stars from sky. I will protect you even from the gods I serve.”
You chant. The blood on your hands once again becoming too visible and distracting.
“Thank you for your service, soldier.” You deeply bow your head to the disintegrating corpse beneath you. Allowing the fallen's drained life essence to cover your forehead. [Brother Name] smiles. To others it may seem to have been a sign of respect — but to your kind, you were simply absorbing the spoils of battle. Taking in the dead and disgraced's remaining imprint on this world.
“My deepest apologies for the mess and time it took. The matter has been dealt with.” You returned. The blood, having dripped down your face, had dried and turned dark.
“I hope this has not soured your view on me.”
“Not at all . . .” Tim was the first to speak at your return. His fingers unconsciously replaying the footage of your . . . execution. Millions of questions already shot across his head as he was eager to probe you on them one way or another.
If anything it only made their obsession with you worse.
“Let me be your sinner, brother. This oath I shall never forsake.”
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starwikia · 7 months
suicide cw
look i have been in this area before mentally. it sucks and i wouldn’t wish this on anyone. but, and this is going to sound callous, but i don’t feel any sympathy for james somerton. even if i hope he’s like. not dead. But thats all the amount of goodwill im willing to give him. The more i think about this really, the more angry i am. 
ngl this entire situation is another example of how white people weaponize their mental illness to avoid consequences. Im seeing it in real time.
this man has a continuous habit of using self-harm as a get-out-of-jail-for-free card. in both of his apologies, he has worded his supposed attempts in ways that were clearly meant to guilt people who displayed his plagiarism and overall horrendous history of racism and misogyny. i say supposed because, while i’m not saying those are lies and this would he such a fucked up thing to lie about that i don’t want to think he has, unfortunately, it’s been proven again and again that his word can’t be trusted, as he’s known to lie to try get out of consequences. Hes a proven liar. him lying about this is actually the best case scenario, because no one should go through this entire situation, wouldnt wish this on anyone, but you can only do this so often before people stop sympathizing with you. is this callous? Yeah, but like. I’m actually fucking angry he cant straight up take no as an answer. that this is how he reacts realizing he cant be one of the Cool Kidz™️ on youtube anymore. he acts like he DESERVES a career, like its not a privilege hes lost due to his own actions.
He lied about apologizing and forgiving people, he lied about giving the money to hbomberguy to give to ppl he ripped off (yknow, instead of doing it himself), he lied about the jessie gender situation and rewrote the narrative to make it so he isnt the bad guy, and hes the victim all along actually!
you can’t tell me that supposed last message of his isn’t meant to be a 13 reasons why esq attempt to deflect the blame “look i’m going to kill myself and it’s all YOUR PEOPLES FAULT for not letting me achieve my DREAM of being filmmaker IN PEACE!!! I just wanted Nick’s (the guy who I have thrown under the bus again and again) portfolio up!! Im just being a good friend dont you all FEEL BAD” he refuses to take ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of any of his actions and he IS STILL trying to shove the blame over to other people again.
it’s also pretty ironic people are like “uhhh well hbomber’s fans harassed him!!!” like hbomber outright told people NOT to HARASS JAMES!!! ALSO acting as if james doesn’t have a very real documented history of STRAIGHT UP sending his fans to harass and threaten smaller creators, more notably women, trans, and bipoc creators. especially after he’s stolen typically very personal anecdotes so he could profit from them. so why can he do it but the second people are like “hey this guys an actual piece of shit.” and he can’t handle it suddenly people are trying to white knight his shit? like no he doesn’t get that. he doesn’t get that at all just because he couldn’t handle the consequences of his actions. 
what? were supposed to stay quiet about a man profiting off of other minorities because he wanted to be the spokesman for all gay people? people tried to solve this on a smaller, more private scales for YEARS and he kept doing it. it was clear that the giant public video was the ONLY way to get people to notice. HE WOULDVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH STEALING 87 FUCKING THOUSANDS WORTH OF DOLLARS. HE CANT HANDLE THE FACT HE CANT GET AWAY WITH IT. 
am i supposed to feel bad for the guy who basically threatened a trans woman with the police? i don’t care what anyone says, it’s so fucking obvious that he threatened jessie by implying he was getting the police involved in their conflict. what am i supposed to act like that didn’t happen? are we supposed to pretend like he didn’t glorify nazi’s and outright said that gay people made up a good chunk of the nazis? That he didnt say america joined ww2 bc they were jealous of the NAZIS. WHAT WOULD POSSESS YOU TO FUCKING SAY THAT. but then? He gives women (not even women most of the time, he misgenders nonbinary ppl constantly) shit for writing mlm. are we supposed to act like he doesn’t straight-up sees himself superior and better than people of color and steals their works to put himself on a pedestal? Are we supposed to act like he didnt spit on our elders by saying “only the boring gays survived aids” like man! Fuck you! He BLANTANTLY MAKES UP HISTORY TO PUT HIMSELF ON A PEDESTAL!! HE ACTIVELY TRIED TO REWRITE LGBT HISTORY TO SUIT HIS FUCKED UP NARRATIVES!
yes this sucks ! no one deserves this but no one should be making him a martyr. Thats what he fucking WANTS! He wants to be immortalized as a victim!! (again, supposedly, it was reported hes alive but its not confirmed).
The shit he got isnt near the amount of fucking callous behavior hes done again and again. Again, to drill this point, EVEN IF HE DIDNT CALL THE POLICE HE THREATENED A TRANS WOMAN INTO THINKING HE DID!!! The fact he tried to use a head injury to justify years of the outright ghoulish shit fucking astounds me. Why the fuck did anyone in his life thought it was a good idea to let him TRY to come back. in the end, he had options. he didn’t need to try to make a comeback. HE DIDNT NEED TO FUCKING LIE OR IGNORE THE SHIT HE WAS CALLED OUT ON the reality is, he wanted to come back thinking he could shove it under the rug, was told that no dude, you’re not allowed to be a youtuber anymore. you’re done. you need to move on and went full nuclear. it’s not on anyone’s hands but his own. HES BEEN DOING THIS TO HIMSELF!! But nah man we cant call his shit out bc hell may or may not kill himself. Fuck the other minorities who have the same issues but worse and sometimes BECAUSE of him. This is going to SUCKKKK so bad when other ppl, specifically white gays, are going to weaponize this shit to get away with their stuff.
#warning: do not read this post if you want me to be nice to james somerton. i am extremely mean in this post.#before anyone accuses me of shit i legit never contacted him myself or anyone involved. i am someone who witnessed this behavior repeatedly#again. i hope hes alive and well. the fact is him lying about this WOULD BE THE IDEAL SITUATION. BC NO ONE SHOULD GO THROUGH THAT. but.#he HAS to forever be the victim in his eyes. attempting doesnt automatically mean youre free of sin.#its just terrible to see that regardless whether or not he did do it#its very clear his attempts to run away from his consequences are working on some people#we need to acknowledge that if your shitty ex friend can weaponize a threat to kill themselves#so can this internet person after being called out for horrendous shit#like what was the alterative? what were people supposed to fucking do? be nice about it?#yeah as if poc and trans women arent historically given shit for being 'too mean' about wanting justice.#this isnt just the plagiarism this is the fact a white dude has been parading himself as THE speaker for the gays(tm) but has been using hi#gayness to shield himself from his misogyny racism transphobia and antisemitism#its very clear regardless this means that ppl r going to side with him and then give him benefit of doubt#if you cant handle the heat stay out of the fucking kitchen dude. this is the consequences of your fucking actions.#hes a disgusting person who cant handle being told no so hes going to drag everyone down with him#like. idk this entire situation is frustrating to me.#its also frustrating ppl trying to be moral abt it like 'see! i knew this was bad all along!' no you didnt. shut it.#for the record im like mainly talking abt twit watching those spineless uwu cutesy ppl basically saying hes done noting wrong#oh and also alt righters who are clearly weaponinizing this where u know they wouldnt give a shit if a right ytber did this.#james somerton#idk might delete this later its just. ugh...
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maximumprime · 3 months
I hate when SOME!!! alien stage fans take the characters and just treat them like one dimensional characters and water them down specifically ivan and till I'm specifically talking about them because when someone says ivan they are never talking about just ivan they are talking about ivan and till when someone talks about till it's not just till alone it's ivan and till they don't think of the characters as their own characters they think of them as a pair but they really. arent. one is in love with a lesbian and the other is dead guys I don't think these two are a pair they aren't a pair they were never a pair I'm so tired of people seeing till or ivan and somehow mention the other with it it's never them as a character or them by themselves and they act like till is in love with ivan as well like "omg boyfriends they love each other sooo much!!!" I'm sure ivan loves him but till loves a lesbian and thinks that lesbian could be
DEAD and till is currently depressed as hell not even just because mizis missing and or dead to him because he has been dehumanized and abused his whole life and he's finally given up and some alien stage fans are like "uhhmmm he's literally fine he's just having a bad day" when he's literally being treated like an experiment and has been treated like an experiment his whole life and they act like he just stubbed his toe and it hurt for an hour why do people have to water down characters so badly just to understand them and it's always "oh we should have more unwell mentally ill characters" YOU COULDN'T EVEN HANDLE TILL literally watered him down to just guy who likes to fight people and beat people up and is somehow gay where did you get that from he literally sang a song about a girl and how much he loves her in the song that introduced him and it's so obvious that certain people only watched round 6 because it's always "omg ivantill!!! oh and the brown haired girl I guess. oh and the black haired girl that loves pink haired girl the uhh lesbians!! wait there was a blonde one" this is not an exaggeration I've seen people say this how do you manage to not remember their names the series started with said black haired girl in love with the pink haired girl what are you talking about dude how do you forget HYUNA. shes like the coolest one there there was how many videos had shown mizi. ALL OF THEM. and youre like "uhhh the pink one?? I think???? Whats a clematis and why is it yours" she was literally shown through like the whole thing what do you mean "oh I forgot her name" how did you go through the entire thing without learning their names. The series literally started off with lesbians the whole channel started with lesbians and youre focused on the one mlm ship that they made like I'm not mad that they've gotten more fans that means that they get more money and the videos are coming out faster I'm not mad about that I'm jolly more fanart more videos more popularity more everything but you guys are focused on just two guys kissing that's what you care about if you look up alien stage on YouTube the amount of thumbnails of them kissing is crazy and if they aren't kissing its almost all just ivantill this is crazy. obsurd. insane. cant take this no more guys I wish people understood characters and actually payed attention to not just two guys kissing its not even two guys kissing its one kissing the other and the other one confused as shit and pushing him away I wish people payed attention to the entirety of everyone there and understood how they act instead of just taking two guys and playing with them like dolls not even the good kind of playing with dolls the ones that make up shit on the spot you take till and you say "Ivan is your boyfriend and you are going to LIKE IT." that's how you sound when people act like he isn't in love with mizi he wrote a whole song about it guys it's in the lyrics guys you know unknown till the end that song wasn't about Ivan if you guys were a liiittle confused hes talking about mizi guys he's in love with mizi. I'm gonna end this because this is really long and I started speaking nonsense hit that subscribe button and hit the bell and don't forget to like the video and leave a comment down below I love you guys and peace ouuutt
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1leeknower · 2 years
"I hate the rain, but if the rain was love, i'd be standing in it ti'll i'm soaking wet"
⏤͟͟͞͞ Lee know x Male reader
part 2 here
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Drabble cause i just cant bring myself to write a full oneshot! 😀 (i might end up doing a part two of this) Not proofread!
Two knocks on minho's door, "weird" He thought since he wasnt waiting for anybody; Once he opened the door, in the pouring rain stood a man, crying, soaked, with a pout on his lips, the first thing Lino did was pull the other guy inside, it was his "friend", Y/n.
Lino goes to get some towels for Y/n, while said man was left on the living room, waiting for the smaller male to come back.
The fact is, Y/n is very, very, very insecure, and is always seeking approval from others, which leads to him thinking he's not enough, making him drink more and more, It broke Minho's heart seeing him like this. Lino loved Y/n, but said boy just couldnt see it, too busy chasing people who just aren't worth a penny, much less all that admiration.
Today was one of those midnights where sadness would take over, leading Y/n to the closest bar, when he just couldn't take it anymore he would just drag his feet to Minho's place, crying himself to sleep, The next day he would leave by the morning, before minho woke up; It was a vicious cycle, repeating over and, over again.
It Hurt minho maybe just the same amount as It Hurt Y/n, whenever the L/n got drunk, he did things that he would regret later, one of those times he kissed minho, Y/n still didnt know that, lino knew that if Y/n found out things would get weird between them and since L/n would always talk about how he regrets everything once he's sober, lee know thought that Y/n would regret the kiss, Lino also felt guilty, because he got too carried away and kissed his friend back, even though he knew you weren't in your right state of mind, he spent many nights wide awake thinking about how stupid he had been.
Bangchan and Jisung already had told him that he shouldn't keep on taking care of you and being so mean to himself, he was trying his best, and in this moment he was the only one actually caring for you, but he just couldn't help it, he loved you so much to just leave you hanging like that, even if that shattered his heart into tiny little pieces.
Taking a deep breath, he took the towels and left to go back to the other male in the living room, Y/n was standing, holding into the hem of his shirt, eyes red and puffy, tears still dripping on his face, Lino handed L/n the towel, but just as he thought the taller male was reaching for the towel, Y/n pulled Lino by his wrists soon holding him into a tight hug:— Im sorry, I love you – Y/n said, muffled by Lee Know's covered shoulder, no response, Minho wanted to tell L/n everything, but he just didn't have the confidence, he felt pathetic.
—I don't wanna hurt you, I just don't know what to do, everything right now is just a mess and I don't know how to handle it, but you make everything seem perfect, like problems didn't even exist with you – Y/n's words stung, Hard to tell who was hurt the most; Lino couldn't bring himself to form a full sentence, all he did was give in into Y/n's touch, holding back the tears, the confessions, holding back the entire world he had going on his mind, he was hurt too, but no one could see it, he thought that it was because he just wouldn't let people get closer to him, but then he noticed it's in reality because people just don't care about anyone else; Once again Y/n spoke, even tho he wasn't getting replies, he felt comfortable enough to open up, even if Lino wasn't listening:— do you think im useless? – "do you think im mean?"
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Propaganda under the cut.
Patrick Bateman:
OK OK OK LOOK. I KNOW YOU SAID CIS MEN PROBABLY WOULDNT GET IN BUT I HAD TO SUBMIT HIM BECAUSE HE IS VERY GIRL-CODED. first off if a woman did his long ass morning routine no one would bat an eye (the amount of people that both didnt get the reference and were completely cool with it being serious when margot robbie recreated it proves it) all the tiktok/instagram influencer girlies are him like thirty years in the future and genderswapped. 99% of the issues he has throughout the story that make him lose touch w reality are things that women have to go through every day without losing their minds (although we *should* snap and start killing people. we deserve it) as a privileged cis white dude he cant handle the #girlstruggles and goes crazy so yeah. he is only a girlboss in his imagination and more girlfailure in practice so point against him there but american psycho is a girlboss movie and i had to submit him ok???
Just look at her! She’s a secret boss fight. Possibly a trans girl. Has an ungodly amount of health; the most in the entire game. Was chained up in a basement for years by someone who is ambiguous left as either her brother or lover. Before she starts beating you up she calls you a “little ducky”. One of the only two female characters in the game. This game was super influential to tons of other games (including Undertale) and it turned 15 this year let’s show Sucre some respect.
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mashiee · 1 year
Arlo headcanons please please please gimme
ok so
i hc that he has 4 older siblings, but was separated from them pretty early on due to [REDACTED] so he was practically alone his whole life, with the occasional step in from valerie
*[REDACTED] is a whole Thing, so send another ask in if you want me to talk about it and go into detail abt my hcs for arlo family/family dynamic(s)
this is very much why he so easily believes her and why he seems so much more adamant about the hierarchy compared to other characters
also why he acts like an only child despite having four older siblings
his sister has tried to reconnect with him but its a work in progress
he collects antique buttons and very much has a hyper fixation on them
yes he is autistic, tbh i probably dont even have to say that
bee allergy, esp hornets
hates wearing shorts outside would rather die than wear them out it feels so weird to him
honestly im not entirely sure what i hc arlos gender. it tends to switch between cismasc and amab demiboy. also sometimes tho its amab nonbinary or agender
also a bit unsure about pronouns. he/him for now but if i end up going for nonbinary or agender later on probably it/its pronouns. or maybe they/them
speaking of being queer he has internalized homophobia (possibly via valerie) so he probably doesnt come out until much later in life
he struggles with allowing himself to be feminine or sometimes even androgynous. was taught growing up that he has to be masculine and strong
its being worked on
plays animal crossing a lot
probably the only video game he plays. aside from maybe like. tetris
probably plays with elaine whether he knows its her or not
gay asexual
says he prefers dogs bc theyre more obedient but in reality he prefers cats
multiple times in a week he'll have moments where he'll suddenly Realize just exactly how Tall. he is
prefers reading over movies/tv/yt/etc. it just isnt as interesting to him. also he prefers things that are physical and that he can feel
acts all superior and shit but in reality hes super self deprecating and thinks he'll never amount to what is expected of him
was deprived of having hobbies and playing as a child so he's very much discovering his inner child as he grows and gets further away from the box he tries to mold into
likes adult coloring books a lot
cant stand repeating sounds it makes him dissociate
derealizes a lot
cant recognize himself in a mirror most of the time so he just. doesnt have them. and when in places that do have them he wont look at them. like if he's in the bathroom he'll look down the entire time he wont look up
same reason why he hates photos
absolutely despises mashed potatoes they are so slimey and disgusting
sometimes i consider hcing him as being 18-19 instead of 17-18 bc like. a lot of autistic children repeat kindergarten for lack of communication/interaction with other children
at the same time tho i feel like valerie wouldnt have allowed that
is a cat person
both in that he prefers cats and also that hes a wet cat
he never actually fights people he just crushes them w his barrier or lets them suffer the backlash from attacking it and then moves on
therefore he is weak asf and has no body strength. mr mans has noodle arms
long eyelashes
like john hes also vampire tier but hes sophisticated whereas john is like... feral vampire
sometimes i hc him as british and having an english accent bc i think its funny
can cook enough to survive but its mediocre
cannot handle ANY amount of spicy
pepper and any form of mint is spicy to him
hates mushrooms
has tried weed exactly two (2) times and has hated it both times
in his words "i felt like a coffee grinder with nothing to grind"
why do you, as a man, feel like you need something to grind? do you want to grind on a man?? is that it?? gay
the first person who convinced him to try it was a combo of rei and kuyo, the second time it was holden
arlo still questions why he did it the second time KNOWING he wouldnt like it
theres a senior chat and arlo got named "Big Daddy" in the chat by holden and he has no idea how to change it and no one will tell him so he just suffers
you would think as a king or whatever hed know how to blackmail ppl to get them to do what he wants but he actually doesnt
people just automatically listen to him so when hes faced with someone who wont, he either broods about it or straight up attacks them. sometimes both
more arlo stuff: arlo sibling info | [REDACTED]
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toyota-supra · 1 year
hey do you have any pc car racing game recommendations
fuck I mean. my entire library probably. though honestly the most fun I have with racing games are emulated, but I feel like that should be separate.
art of rally - gorgeous rally game. tough to start with due to very tight controls, but really satisfying to learn. I've spoken lots about it here before, just look for the "#art of rally" tag. no multiplayer, in fact there's only your car on the road, but it's really really good
Horizon Chase Turbo - it's one of those SNES-style racing games where the car is (kind of) static on the screen and the road is the one moving. it can get pretty hard but I think it's worth it due to the amount of content it has. hundreds of different tracks, great music, a lot of cars that are each very different, a lot of modes, three DLC campaigns, and 4-player multiplayer in every game mode.
The Crew 2 - open world racing game with all sorts of types of vehicles. it has a GIANT map with different US states. I honestly prefer it to Forza Horizon. it runs pretty well for a game of that scale, honestly! only buy this on discount.
Circuit Superstars - top-down circuit racer. it's really fun! there's a lot of different car types that all feel very different, online works pretty well (I only played with a friend tho I cant find people online). my favorite thing about it is just doing laps on time trials to try and cut my record time. it is pretty fun.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - Mario Kart clone with SEGA characters (and some cameos). I like it a lot over Mario Kart because of its tighter controls and its Mission Mode, which is where most of my playtime went towards (I especially recommend Drift and Traffic events). Online mode also works super well. (note: this game has crashes in computers with Nvidia RTX cards. please look up this specific issue to find a patch or just ask me to find it for you)
Forza Horizon 4 and 5 - open world racing games that don't run super well and have a lot of annoyances but they are The Big Ones for no small reason. impossibly huge car list, very good handling controls, and a satisfying loop. plus, in FH5 there's plenty of Fate liveries to find as I've been putting them in every car I have 💀
V-Rally 4 or any other rally game you find that looks good - V-Rally 4 in specific has a lot of annoying performance issues but fuck I mean it's pretty fun. gorgeous game, great controls (in a controller!), fun cars and rally courses. sometimes levels can honestly feel like roller coasters more than anything, as I've taught myself to just take corners automatically, without thought. it goes EXTREMELY cheap on discount (Steam is getting a big sale in a week btw) but there's other rally games out there like Dirt Rally (which I haven't played yet) that may be worth it over it. I don't know!
overall though it disappoints me to say, it's not very easy to find truly great car games on PC, at least nowadays. I do like these games, and there's some others I liked that I don't have much to say about (NFS Heat, Assetto Corsa, Pixar Cars) but I think for racing fans, unless you want Simulation stuff which I really don't, you've gotta keep old console games with you too. PS1, PS2 and PSP emulators are your friends.
also Grand Theft Auto V and Online are great car games but I do not care for their racing modes. I think they're boring at best and "oh my god I hope all of these people die" at worst.
THANK YOU for the ask I genuinely love talking about this stuff
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freakattack · 2 months
I know I have a phobia of bugs and spiders and I know (and greatly appreciate) that you started tagging bug posts for that very reason but I have not muted the tag or turned off notifications for your blog. Reasons being 1. The phobia of bugs isn't bad enough I cant handle a few seconds of exposure when scrolling past and the more... exotic? I guess??? the bug is the the less my phobia makes me feel the effects and I can appreciate a cool looking bug (There is no amount of spiders I can stand though, even the thought of them activates the phobia.) And 2. I really enjoy your info dumps about bugs and hearing what you have to say about them, your blog is just really endearing to me, like watching a cool exotic bug wearing a top hat playing wario ware on max difficulty perfectly on the bus. Also I love me a good obscure fact.
I am in a hell of my own creation.
Do not cry for me, for I am already stupid.
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Top ten funnest messages to receive after sticking my arm into a tub of cockroaches
No but you're so real for this and I am so happy that I can offer a safe avenue to learn about bugs. I actually was talking to someone at my job today about the importance of invertebrate conservation education (contrary to popular belief i do have a job and it does have to do with bugs), and a big part of that is taking away the unfamiliarity of these animals and presenting them in a way that people can relate to and appreciate. Generally speaking things become less scary the less "unknown" they are, and if the things you know about them are endearing (like centipedes being good mamas, or bees making an "oop" sound when they bump into each other), it can take away some of that fear. And you're right that arthropods are INCREDIBLY important ecologically so that's another reason I'm passionate about this subject.
That being said I'm happy to tag spiders in addition to bugs because I'm not trying to jumpscare people! That'd be counterproductive! (However if you're up for it, I have heard that the Lucas the Spider animations on youtube have helped a lot of people with their fear; it's computer-animated semi-stylized depiction of a jumping spider but it's voiced by a cute little kid, and even though it's a little corny I do think it has done a lot for spider PR. Obviously not for everyone though!) And yeah I feel you on that last point, I would never compare not liking bugs to actual bigotry (especially with simply bugphobic people, whom I am chill with) nor would I ever compare the plight of bugs to that of actual marginalized people, BUT at the same time if someone steps over the line and is viciously hateful about any animal (e.g. commenting "KILL IT WITH FIRE" on someone's pet, adamantly insisting that an entire species needs to go extinct, unloading a whole bottle of raid on 1 ant, etc.) simply because it is different or inconveniencing them, I will be very suspicious of their ability to be normal about human beings who are different or inconveniencing them. If nothing else I will think they are a massive tool!
But ya I so deeply respect your ability to appreciate the value of these animals despite your phobia, cause so many people don't even without that obstacle. Every bug on earth salutes you (from a safe distance)
Here is a pic of me playing smooth moves
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
chapter 12, new chapter yeeeehawwww
not the flight pun… (i love puns but wow just wow)
THE LOCATION IS STILL ON, I REPEAT THE LOCATION IS STILL ON (he deffo didn’t forget, he purposfully chose to keep it like that i just know:’)) )
ignore the Bear in the room - 💀💀💀
Something? Or, rather, explicitly, that’s nothing. - LMAO. also yay carmen didn’t give the creep her number :D
Sydney sleeps on your shoulder, for most of the plane ride - CUTIES. get me those squidinky (kissing) crumbs
“what are we?’” Answers Syd - 👀👀👀
see if he needed help with getting ready - omg that would’ve been so cute tho her helping him tie a tie or fix his bow or cufflinks or whatever
Plus, the amount you saved on splitting a one bed? - one bed for the economy tropeeeee
pinning the collar pins on her uniform - ayo? that’s kinda 👀
I think it’s peach - like the drink she made🥺
Pbb—Fuck, - LSNEKKRKE she’s adorable
“Chip, can you put these fuckin’ things on f’me?” - SO CUTEEE. BESTIESSSSSS
the dirty details? - evil to not let us know but alas it needs to make sense with where chippy’s head is at I GUESS
I’m waitin’ on my informer - chippy cringed but i aweed
whore-derve— - the way i stopped mid-tea-sip
You angle your body from Richie to her, deadpanning. “Just because you went to the fuckin’ FBI or whatever the fuck—” - LMAOOO the chip and richie tag team we love to see it
Carmen did your prep entirely himself. - i’m gonna fucking sob???? YOU CANT JUST DROP THIS ON ME I-
So no one else could’ve left the simple braised beef sandwich on your station. […] Your order at The Beef. - HE IS THE CUTEST EVER. did he actually do something wrong? i seem to have forgotten -
He nods, like he understands, walking away - me even when i haven’t gotten a fucking clue about what they actually wanted me to do
“Insane thing to say about your five-year-old.” - indeed it is. though hilarious. this chapter is lighter, more banter, which is nice
“Aye aye, Chippy.” - so cute. chippy could be a pirate name
Still failed Mikey, no matter how hard you tried. - stop it 🗞️💥
this chapter is making me really miss being on bar
You really need to start telling people you don’t know how to make bellinis. - Chippy let me get on bar with you, i’ll make all the bellinis for you (even tho i hate opening champagne bottles)
“Tiny quiche?”- richie i love you i love you i love you
“Don’t ask. Tell.” - nice
‘couldn’t stop him lmk if it’s bad’ - IS CARMY COMING :33333
“You need a barback?” - *see attached pic* he’s EVERYTHING. words cannot begin to express how much i love him. why is he not real i will midsommar myself
like accidentally used half the bottle levels like you. - HES SO CUTE C’MON
You’ll probably miss him for the rest of your life. - clutching my chest
But you know Carmen does it for you. Lights up a room for you - STOP CHOPPING ONIONS (no pun intended)
With haste, Carmen puts the palm of his hand over your mouth - fuck me fuck me fuck me
Oh, he missed being this close to you. - 🥺🥺🥺
You shove it towards him - i’ve missed them so much. also now i want a tiny quiche
what you’d want to do for your own. - with camen😁
ice will shock your nervous system. - ICE CHIPS BABYYYY
“I owe you an apology—” - LMAOOOO HE THOUGHT-
Fak does. - oh god this will be something
“but y’know, I can handle myself, Carmen.” - oh my lord is he gonna apologize for the fixing oven thing 💀💀
“Oh, come on, you haven’t shown up at The Bear since last Friday—” - oh he thinks- ,,, onion this is glorious
the way time literally stopped, when you left. When he made you leave.- YOURE SUCH A TALENTED WRITER FUCK OFF
And obviously Carmen could tell, so he stopped calling you. Trying to be a true bro - IQBDIEHEIHEIEISJSKAKAJSHDUSJJSJS
“Between us.” What. - oh fak oh nononononono. i wonder that carmen will think about this😁
“Fuckin’ cool it, Fak.” Carmen barks, in tandem with you. - i love her guard dog :3
“…Was that anything—” - CARMEN HOW DUMB ARE YOU
“Yeah. Hi, Uncle Lee.” - OH FUCK THIS DUDE (uncle lee that is)
Pulling the drink away from his hand - LMAO as she should😌😌
“Ah… I see, friend, ya did a little—” He taps the side of his nose, sniffing. - i would’ve (mentally) fucking jumped over the bar counter and had his ass
junkie hands - GET HIS ASS CHIPPY
There’s a pile of forks behind your bar, that you’d asked Richie for, just in case this situation came to a head - LMFAO NOT THE FORKS
Carmen’s the only one that flinches, immediately rearing his own fist back - AYO WOULD HE FIGHT FOR HER?
“Yessir.” - she’s so funny, i love her
If I see you outside, I’m taking you to the fucking pavement, and I’m not getting off. - i love her so much, i want to kiss her
“You’re a real fuckin’ bi—” A fork flies over his shoulder, clattering behind him. Not from you, from Carmen. - BABYBOYYYYY I LOVEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUU
“Alright, Donna.” - PAVEMENT, NOW
“Black lavender latte. Cognac n’ coffee liqueur. If it’s too strong, let me know, I can add more milk.” - i’m crying again, i love them so muchh
You’re overjoyed at the verbal confirmation he drank it. - the way they mirror each other owns my entire being and i will not accept anyone else for him in any season of The Bear ever
“Needed yours.” - Baueidnrirjejejdudhshd !!!!!!!!! i know i’m forgiving him way too easily but hello!! when he acts like this how can i not fold
i had to stop the chapter here bc chores and oh my god???? i will think about this until i can read it again
caught; but then he looks at your face, and he knows he has nothing to be worried about. - the way she makes people feel safe IS JUST SO 🥹🥹🥹 there are tears of softness in my eyes
You defend everyone but you. - REAL. which is why carmen going off on her was so much sadder because he just confirmed all her worst thoughts about herself
and he knows it’ll be too much, for him or you - this is so interesting because i really can’t tell wether she struggled with addiction herself or if it’s just from supporting mikey
“None of my business.” He sniffs, awkwardly. “Unless you want it to be.” - THEY’RE SO SIMILAR
“No.” The reply is instant. - :’)))))))))
This is when he looks embarrassed, just slightly. - OH?👀👀👀
‘Who said?’ - Squid is so funny
It’s a built-in habit for you, to hand your fork to Carmen. - them sharing cutlery will always be one of the cutest things ever
“Just wanted to make sure you got dessert, over here.” Just wanted to make sure you ate something. - THEY’RE ALL SO CUTE AND CARING STOP MY HEART
Carmen shrugs, smiling, “Are you tryna get fucked up at work, Chef?” - they’re all so cute with each other, it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy
If things were normal you could just eat off each other's plates. - i miss that time. gotta do a re-read for sure
“Ey, sorry everyone, we’re just gonna take a quick thirty, alright? Union mandated.” - HE IS SUCH A SWEETHEART CMON
“I’d ride for you.” - i’d do anything for them
Carmen does not wish to be anywhere else.  - them, just THEM
“You don’t owe me shit.” “I’m paying back a Berzatto, somehow.” - somehow they’re both me
“I was in his work cabinet, I think Richie was in his bedside, you and Sug were in his wallet.” - THATS SO🥺🥺🥺
You let him go, though you don’t particularly want to. - they’re both just so <3
You jump, your head hits the bottom of the base of the bar’s sink. - me constantly hurting myself on accident
“Carmy, babydoll, are you fucking insane?” - BABYDOLL
“How old do you think I am?” - LMFAOOOO the shade on mikey’s age suidhejdej
Would’ve said you’re getting sloppy seconds or call me a fuckin’ homie hopper - HOMIE HOPPER MADE IT YESSIRRRR
Need something to do with your hands. - MIRROR
Joint bank account. It was partially your money, technically. - THE MONEY SHE OWES. WOW WE’RE LEARNING EVERYTHING IN THIS CHAPTER
“Since when does Richie give a fuck about personal?” - real but i’m proud of him
“Sobriety chip.” - WE BEEN SAYING. okay yes i’ve said a lot of other shit but!!
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We're doing list format let's fuckin GO
I love hunting for screencaps, this one I felt like would be a little clickbaity because he's on the phone and these mother fuckers. do not call each other. BUT THE VIBE? LIKE THE VIBE? IT'S THERE
THE LOCATIONNNN!!! We may never know. Well we'll probably eventually know. It might not ever be brought up in canon because I may well forget but if you ask I'll tell.
EVA DREW A PICTURE OF HER!! We will eventually get into their dynamic but I think Chip just gives major cool gay aunt vibes. Her aura.
funny thing about cufflinks,,,, Truly though while writing I was like awe man :(( they could've had a cute moment if they weren't fighting. Carm/Tony honestly might've ended up being the ones splitting the one bed for the economy if they weren't fighting. SON OF A BITCH!!! At least in lieu of them we just got A Lot Of Squid time
THE DIRTY DETAILS AND THAT WHOLE ROADTRIP WENT UNTALKED ABOUT BECAUSE I HONESTLY DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT YET LMAOOOO. I was like listen I know the rough gist I will figure it out later. And thank god I did because I did end up making a couple pivots from what I had originally planned. you will see.
Chip and Richie dogging on someone-- Anyone-- Together, always makes me the most happy. Like the Ratatouille moment from Zero Pulse and the CIA moment from Something to Do,,, I just love to see these bitches YAP at people like small dogs.
I love seeing and being able to tell exactly who's worked in service because everyone that has has IMMEDIATELY fucking folded upon reading Carmen did the sidework and made food.
I don't think anyone expected this chapter to be as light as it is-- Or at least as light as it starts. I think that's just the way of the Chip really, she brings ease even to the reader,,,,, ahhh my heart... my baby...
When I first made the lavender coffee in chap 2 I really didn't realize I was gonna keep fucking bringing it up. and now it's all I yap about. Carmen just gives a lavender coffee vibe yknow?
THIS CHAPTER MAKES YOU MISS BEING ON BAR??!?!?!?! You know what i get it, over an office job, there's something about the franticness that does feel like. cocaine.
TINY QUICHE!! I wish I was creative enough to think about more whore derves but I was really set on tiny quiches
You need a barback? - a man whos about to roll a boulder up a hill for the rest of his life and be content about it. He's also gonna smell like you the whole time, at least.
WHO IS CHOPPING ME!!!!!!!! It was wrenching to write Tony essentially already starting the grieving process of their relationship. like she very much prepared for it to be so jover in her head. hell. hell. hell.
FUCK MEDFGKJFG-- I think I did do a coin flip on whether he'd do the hand thing. Because it is funny. And also kind of hot. But he tends to just let people yell. but it's A WEDDING. And the yes or no wheel decided for me so listen if you ever think i make an out of character choice blame it on the wheel. the wheel probably did that. i've never made a wrong characterization ever in my life actually
The whole I owe you an apology-- I loved because I was basically just doing this bit over again:
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Tumblr does not let you do lists starting at a higher number so we're STARTING OVER. FAK!! I think I only planned for this convo to happen when I wrote their little moment in Zero Pulse. It paid off in dividends, I'm so happy with it.
TIME STOPPEDEEDEDED-- Thank you hehehe. I wonder if we'll learn more about that moment latter,,,,,,,,,, probably nottt,,,,, hehehehehehe-- oh uncle lee's here look at that!!
The amount of shock I have seen at Carmen getting ready to punch his Not Uncle has me offended on his behalf. OF COURSE HE'D FIGHT BACK COME ON!!!
I love watching these two acts of service motherfuckers try to out acts of service each other, basically. sex is gonna be insane what? i didn't say anything. talk about mirroring each other WHAT?
ah, the whole scene with the unnamed man, muah. i kiss them both. my two darlings. it made Just Dropped feel even worse though jesus CHRIST . (modern day saviour)
I have spent too long gigglin over every point you made so i'm going to SPEED UP STARTING NOW!! New chapter is absolutely not coming out tonight but if I get far enough in my asks, maybe early tommorow? We'll see. Anyways.
Marcus and Chip have rare moments but when they do they make me very happy. tryna get fucked up at work? It's very important to me, that Carmen fucking relaxes, in this chapter. It just makes me very happy that he lets people do their thing because he realizes they're fucking competent.
i fully went back to read old chapters when i got too sad. these motherfuckers are SO in their sad era I cannot wait to dig our way out of it like I WANNA GO HOME BITCCHEEESS ,,, CAN WE LEAVE THIS IN NEW YORK PLEASSEEE
i have yet to see anyone except you really yell at me about that almost love slip. maybe it's cause everyone thinks it's unrealistic but i do think while he's not ready to verbalize it, the trauma bond is too strong to not feel a type of way, yknow?
AS YOU SAID: THEM. This was very much my season 2 under the table scene. Loved writing this one. BABYDOLL!! BABY BOYYY
The how old do you think I am came from a very real place because when I looked up Michael's age and saw 43 i was JUST STARING LIKE WHHUUHH??? I was considering doing a little one sided crush action-- But these two have a full driver's license having TEEN BETWEEN THEM-- IT'S A NO, IT'S A NO FROM MIKEY AND ME DOG, But at least homie hopper made it!!!
So much lore dumping in one chapter-- If Carmen just waited two seconds he could've read it all in this chapter instead of having that fight smh
"WE BEEN SAYING" WHEN IN THE SAME ASK YOU SAID ICE CHIPS LDFKSFDNLS but yes, you did in fact be saying. that cannot be denied. YOU CAUGHT ME!!!
as always thank you so much for your thoughts i love u UNTIL NEXT TIME I HAVE TO GO WILL I BE BACK? probably but I really shouldn't i should really get ready for work tommorow and get a full nights sleep. but. but. answering asks,,,,, this is my hell
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joyfulsoda · 1 year
i love nick and wayne as much as the next person, but I cant see how anything could get going? Most people focus on wayne’s ocd or just him in general as the stump in the road, but nick’s trust issues are his most obvious trait in the show. He loves wayne, yes, but those are HARD to get over. He is EXTREMELY closed of, and in a similar (but different) way, wayne is too. How would it happen?
I've put a decent amount of thought into this, actually! I try to remain as close to canon with my fics and drabbles and whatnot, this is just a trait of mine I've carried with me for an incredibly long time.
Personally, I think that under normal circumstances, you are completely correct. Nick has incredibly prominent trust issues, and this is seen in pretty much everything about him- from his distant blocking on stage to his lines and, of course, his demeanor as a whole. However, we also see that for whatever reason, he just isn't like that around Wayne, and vice versa. This might have something to do with their connection before the DNB was formed, it might not. Since we don't know how they met or the circumstances surrounding it (though that possible double entendre from Nick in I Know a Guy is tempting to use as evidence), I'd like to focus on what we do know, because there is substance. I'll be using things from both the professional recording with Joey Pero and the other recording with Alex Bender for this, as I consider both Nicks canon.
Nick commands offers for Wayne to live with him. In the proshot, Nick handles the entire situation with a bit more of a mild-mannered temper. He starts off joking with the "I know how your wife falls to pieces" line, but as soon as Wayne starts to tell him the truth of the situation, the jokiness is gone and replaced with him genuinely listening to Wayne- we can see this when he nods after Wayne says "I guess she fell to pieces because of my schedule". He invites Wayne to continue, and isn't annoyed by Wayne not reciprocating the joking nature he was trying to go for. We see him take a moment to prepare himself to invite Wayne to stay with him, as he clenches his fist and makes a face, suggesting that it is hard for him to take a step like this and open both himself and his house up for another person. However difficult it is, though, he still takes that step. In the other recording with Alex Bender, Nick's character is much more brash. The joking line (same as before) is dripping with sarcasm, which makes the sudden flip to sincerity incredibly clear. When Wayne tells Nick the truth in this version, we see Nick slowly turn from facing away, to facing him. His volume drops significantly with "Shit Lieutenant, I'm sorry to hear that," and the look on his face emanates sincere sympathy for Wayne, despite the footage not being clear like the proshot. He genuinely feels bad for the man, and isn't annoyed or upset with him in any capacity for saying all of this. In fact, when he shouts, "Consider that an order", I don't think any of the anger behind that tone was aimed at Wayne- personally, I've interpreted it as Nick simultaneously being upset with the world while wanting him to have a stable living condition. He's upset, but not with Wayne. One last note on this scene: the flyers Nick takes from him at the end of the scene represent the way their dynamic shifts. In the beginning, Wayne is putting them up by himself. He has a small handful of them, while Nick has none, and we don't see any of the other guys putting them up or carrying them. We already know at this point (from Proud Riff) that he's carrying an immense amount of responsibility on his shoulders at any and all times. While struggling to make his OCD and PTSD work with his daily life/family, he's also doing three gigs other than the DNB. And considering that in 1945, the patriarchal, nuclear family was still a strong presence in most families, Wayne was undoubtedly dealing with stressors coming from his home life, his work life, and his own mind. When he moves out, he also has to worry about getting food every day, paying the hotel each night he stays, and there isn't a single doubt in my mind that he was in hell trying to stay clean while living at the hotel, because those things are so! Germy! When Nick takes those papers, though, we can see Wayne's hands stay where they are (or start to fidget, in the proshot), not knowing what to do with themselves. Nick's just taken a huge burden off of Wayne's shoulders, relieving him of some of the copious amounts of stress in his life at that point. Immediately after, too, Nick steers the situation back towards positivity, ending it with the maid joke (which I personally think he did with excellence). To summarize, they both have issues with trust and they both have their anguishes, but both of them put those aside and step out of their comfort zone. But that covers the One Scene. Oh my god I've been writing for an hour. (Also, side note! I'd like to add that Wayne must trust Nick to some degree emotionally, otherwise he probably wouldn't have gone into as much details about his situation as he did. As a veteran in 1945, opening up about situations like Wayne's would have been incredibly difficult, since men were expected to be tough and invulnerable; considering the amount of care towards historical accuracy that this show has... Well. Him showing that much vulnerability and then taking Nick up on his offer makes it difficult for me to fathom the idea that Wayne does not trust him to some degree.)
After that scene, their bond grows SIGNIFICANTLY faster than I would expect it to if they were wary of each other in the ways that they are wary of other people. Wayne is consistently wound-up and rigid around other people. In the proshot, I will admit that he is the same way when he and Nick have the small argument after Julia gives Welcome Home to Donny. In the other version? Hoh boy. The man picks up his suitcase, turns to Nick, and sits in one hip. You can see the fluidity of his movement as he does it, and I know it isn't much, but this is so incredibly important because he doesn't do this around anyone else. You're also, as a consequence of the fluidity, able to see that he isn't holding much tension in his body at all. For a man like Wayne, that is a feat. Without getting too much into it, I have issues with relaxing my body due to anxiety, even when I'm not feeling anxious- so for him to be able to turn to Nick, look him dead in the eye, and continue to have a spat with him while not tensing up or getting visibly nervous, is significant to me.
When looking at Wayne's character as a whole, we are given a lot to work with when it comes to how he deals with affection- particularly with being touched. He notoriously hates being touched, especially when under stress or otherwise upset. He yells "Don't touch me!" when Jimmy touches him right before Right This Way, and I've noticed several occasions throughout the show where Wayne moves away from Johnny because he was touched (the most prominent to me being during Breathe, where it happens in both versions of the show; it's harder to see in the proshot, but from the lines "I know this is worth all the sweat" to "Order out of chaos", we see Johnny approach Wayne, the shot cut away and make them go out of the frame, and when they're both seen again, Johnny's got his hands up, Wayne's making a motion as if he had just shrugged them away, and Wayne walks away from him. In the non-official recording, Johnny puts his hands on both of Wayne's shoulders and Wayne does a FULL body flinch and immediately walks away. But who does he never do this towards? Who does he not flinch away from a single time (I've tried to find a time he flinches away, trust me)? Nick. Don't get me wrong, I can only count the number of times Nick touches him on one hand, and it's primarily in the unofficial recording, but... Wayne is still Wayne regardless of the performance. First, we have the bit just before the conflict before Right This Way, when the DNB is getting their picture taken. Then we have A Band In New York City. In the beginning of the number of the unofficial recording, while on the train, Nick puts a hand on one of Wayne's shoulders, patting it, and leans in incredibly close to the side of his face. Wayne has this goofy grin on his face the entire time. Granted, Wayne seems much more comfortable with being touched during this number in particular, as pretty much everyone else sets their hands on his back/shoulder at some point, but the fact that he is so close and Wayne doesn't care seems to hint that Wayne is much more comfortable with him than everyone else. When Donny gets that close moments after Nick leaves and kisses Wayne on the head, obviously Wayne flinches, but you can see that just after Donny sets his hands on Wayne's shoulders, he snaps his head over to the side. This makes it seem like he's only really super comfortable with Nick touching him in the first place; if Nick is in front of him, who's behind him with their hands on his shoulders? I also would like to think that Donny knows how close they are and is just flat-out teasing Wayne. Why else would he have kissed him on the head? He knows Wayne doesn't like being touched and has already gotten better about respecting his space (this is shown in Breathe vs Right This Way), so what the hell is up with that? Lol. Also, the unofficial recording is leagues more fruity than the proshot (looks at Jimmy's coming out scene longingly). So take that opinion as you will.
All of this being said, yes. It would be INCREDIBLY hard for either of them to make any sort of move. I believe both of them would be worried about breaking the bond between them, just for different reasons. Nick, to me, would be afraid of losing the one person he has confidence in and knows better than anyone else, and Wayne doesn't want to go through the pain of losing someone he cares about a second time. They'd almost certainly have moments, considering how small apartments in big cities like Cleveland were in the 40s (I'd have to look at my research again, but they are TINY), but there would be brushing against each other, late nights on Fridays and Saturdays staying up and drinking with the radio going, sometimes catching the other glancing over, neither of them would care about being fully dressed with the other in their presence (they were in the military. Not scandalous in the least UNTIL they start to feel things for each other). Just a lot of little things that would make their feelings painfully grand. I think Nick would probably end up biting the bullet and would ask Wayne if they could do something together; it's safe and unassuming, and if Wayne doesn't feel anything romantically towards him, it can easily be spun into a platonic sense. Wayne would immediately catch on. Bastard's sharper than a tack. Their relationship would be slow and cautious, just like each of them is, but it would simultaneously feel natural for them. They wouldn't push the progression of things and would take them as they come, though both of them would be scared of screwing up for the first month/two months. Wayne especially would take his time to get used to being with Nick and would constantly check in and reassure him that if anything he said ever hurt him, he would always be willing to hear what he has to say and change for the better. Nick would think it's sweet but wouldn't do it. He knows Wayne doesn't mean any harm. Nick would be equally as anxious, because he KNOWS how abrasive he can be, but finds that as time goes on, living with Wayne is kind of mellowing him out. He's still firey, but most of his anxieties are assuaged firstly by the band, then quashed by Wayne being there. So bit by bit, things get easier, and he starts to warm up to the band and loosen up. This would make Wayne comfier, which would make him comfier... Just kind of a circle of feeling more comfortable with each other. This isn't to say that they depend on each other to feel relaxed and comfortable, but they do find great comfort in each other for multiple reasons. If that makes sense.
Sorry for such a long post, I've been writing this bit by bit by bit, and I love diving into the show to pick apart characters' actions and what they might mean. I should say that this is all completely up to interpretation! My interpretation of certain aspects of the show might be completely different from what other people might think, so please don't feel like I'm trying to force interpretations or anything on anyone! This is just what I think the show was going for. :)
Thank you for the question! Love answering stuff about the grumpy father figures.
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aphroditarian · 5 months
Hate words for your moon sign <3
Aries moon- i seem to attract them, which is a problem because i hate these fuckers. Immature, selfish and irresponsible, they are oblivious to the fact that they need to work on themselves ( like literally all of us ) because they perceive themselves to have some sort of moral advantage for “always being right” ( my ass ). They also love weed and probably alcohol too ( cause god forbid they actually feel their emotions ). Theyre just big babies.
Taurus moon- unmovable, unshakable, will die on the stupidest of hills out of sheer stubbornness. They know everything since they were 3 and so theres no reason for them to get out of bed. Movies? Seen them all and if they havent, they already know the one you wana take them to is no good. Music? Pfft. Do you even know who bach is?
Gemini- yall have commitment issues the size of pluto and youre not doing anything about it. You are a menace. Basically draco malfoy but if he wasnt even rich and hot so he had literally no redeeming quality.
Cancer- even i, a particularly sensitive and emotional individual, cant handle your crying ass. Mommy issues WE GET IT!! Friends with this placement will make everyone in the group baby them and partners will suck your tits FLAT. Not to mention how EMO they truly are. Like 6 pete wentzs on the emo scale.
Leo- thank god none of yall seem to like me cause i swear to god you need 15 times more attention than the average human. Your redeeming quality is that youre funny. But if you dont stop acting like rachel berry im gonna laugh at you and not with you. Did i mention theater kid?
Virgo- youre so wrecked emotionally that i actually feel bad for you instead of wanna make fun of you. Like jojo siwas career. Its like you have the meanest most insidious person in your head judging every single thing you or anyone says or does or feels or thinks. Jesus christ, we all need therapy but you neeed therapy.
Libra- i dont trust a single word that comes out of yalls mouths. Youre people pleasing, co dependents, and eeeeverything must lead to you being good and nice. Youre no fun. And when you are its for other people to think youre fun. Also youre deeply delusional and limerant ( look it up ), and i can just sense you falling in love with everyone and everything for no reason. Ew.
Scorpio- listen here you piece of shit, i know you want everyone to be scared of you but im no fool. Literally no one finds you mysterious and intimidating, your just no fun. And yes, we can tell you cry to evanescence every night. Redeeming quality is that youre hot, but looks dont last and youre gonna be one cranky old peson.
Sagittarius- every time you tell i joke i can see tears behind your eyes. Youre not fooling anyone with your pseudo esoteric shit. Also chill tf out!! Please!! Youre either angry or excited.
Capricorn- like virgo, no amount of hate words coming from me will do a capricorn moon justice, because they are already hating on themselves so hard. They are under the delusion that its everyone around them that is the problem but deep inside they know, its themselves they feel bad about. And no you dont actually enjoy being productive, its just that your self worth is entirely dependent on being useful.
Aquarius- you are literally insane. The most delusional people ive met. None of your reactions make sense. You are constantly running away from being actually vulnerable and open, coming up with either brilliant or extremely dumb excuses, and your love life is suffering the consequences of your avoidant ass. At least your social life is good, but hey, at what cost??
Pisces- thank fucking god youre a rare species. Kind of like virgo, i almost dont wanna make fun of you because i feel bad. But in your situation i also have no desire to help your overly dramatic ass. Youre not just anxious, youre something on a whole new level and you probably require huge amounts of food/alcohol/tobbacco or something to keep it all bottled up. Good fucking luck to anyone who falls in love with you!! Ps if you wanna be a poet be a poet, dont be like umm UwU can i show you my poetry UwU 👉👈
If youre mad about this post, complain to my mother.
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lucky7wice · 10 months
ooc detailsa bout sollux and aradia because ive been obsessed with their dynamic literally since i first made lucky
for context: shes an older muse of mine like a year or so ? maybe a bit older. anyways. i intially made her and solluxs relationship based off their two godtiers, maid of light (relying on others for attention, intelligence and money before really growing into their potential) and a mage of rage (someone who suffers from intense negative emotions surrounding them but learns a lot of important knowledfge from it) and their relationship is genuinely. like. so fake. theyre also based off of this song
aradia doesn't really care much for sollux, but he's a purple and so lonely she's been able to essentially leech into his life. she fufills a lot of solluxs needs, she gives him a place he feels like hes able to truly be himself without some sort of mask and theyre both really really close to eachother and have bonded a lot, and he is constanyly paranoid and having a consistant person with him helps him a lot. but he also has a very artificial idea of love and quads, and if aradia were someone who was really inlove with him he would be insanely neglectful towards her needs.
she, however, doesn't have those needs someone emotionally dependant on sollux would. she literally pretty much only sticks around him because hes desperate for company and willing to pay her to stick around. aradia hates working. she hates it. she hates doing pretty much anything for herself and prefers to have others at her beck and call, and tends to also play stupid and innocent so people won't make her do hard things or put her in hard situations, which sollux has completely fallen for. he really does see her as this poor girl who cant handle herself. it doesn't help that aradia herself is legally blind and struggles to see (she isnt entirely blind, she developed cataracts rather young due to overexposure to the sun) and he feels like he really does need to take care of her.
sollux has intense rage issues though, which is where i think it'd be an issue if aradia was actually as weak and in need as she portrays herself. he often kicks her out of the hive for extended amounts of time so he doesnt "freak out" on her or takes away the money hes given her. aradia, being a highblood herself and not actually as dependant as she makes herself seem, doesnt actually NEED these things. she has many places she can go and stay and could manage on her own. but she has solluxs wrapped around her finger.
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little-elenaarchive · 2 years
Closed starter for @klaeus
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The wasteland.
Living proof that 'life will find a way' even in the barren ashes of a world destroyed by nuclear fall out life had refused to be snuffed out. Granted, the world today looks nothing like it did before the bombs dropped. Cities were mostly comprised of ruins from the world before. Towns just salvaged homes from the time before. With little resources left in the world there wasn't much else you could do. There was nothing to build new shelters out of on the scale humanity needed to bounce back to its former glory.
People scattered into factions and groups with different agendas and beliefs. People who want to do good, people who only have their own interest at heart. Raiders, groups of deplorable people who attack travelers and towns, destroying murdering and defiling people as they steal their food and water, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.
Then there's what some would consider worse. Apex. No one knows where it is, who they are, or what they want. What we do know is they are responsible for terrible things. Entire families going missing in the middle of the night without a trace. There have been a few people discovered in the middle of the wasteland stripped to nothing, with injuries people cant explain. They rarely survive past a week, and the ones that do tend to have very little memory of what they'd been through.
Aside from that the larger cities tended to be on the better more civilized side. Mostly. And then there's the vaults, a lot of them emptied out years ago but some of them keep to themselves, fully functioning and existing in worlds of their own. Some vaults had horrors go down long before humanity returned to the surface, and all that remains in them is echos of people who tried to play god when they shouldnt have.
Still, a vault if you find one, is a fantastic place to scavenge medical supplies and ammo. Which was exactly what Elena was intending to do. She'd found the vault door the previous day but did not have the recommended amount of ammo to start anything safely. So she returned promptly today, much better suited for her hunt. Except the vault door was open? Had someone beat her to it? Inside the doorway she could see some bodies of what appeared to be mole rats. There had been a fight. A low growl sounded from behind her and Elena held a hand up to sooth its source as she sank down to inspect the ground. "The blood's still wet, this was recent." The young girl stood back up and looked around, there was a grunt and a weapons discharge near by. Whoever it was sounded like they were in trouble, so naturally, Elena ran towards the danger. It didn't take her long to locate the source. A man, fighting off a gecko while injured. So it wasn't just the molerat blood she'd seen. Turning to her growling companion, Elena told him to stay put and then headed into action. A child of the wasteland she was no stranger to handling her gun or handling the local wildlife. It took her one shot and the massive lizard went down. Critical hit.
Elena rushed over to the injured party and sank to his level, looking him over.
"Hey! Are you ok? You're bleeding, can I help?"
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A little too trusting for a stranger in the wasteland, that's always been an issue with Elena. She wants to help first and think second. It wouldn't be the first time it'd gotten her in trouble.
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judelawssmile · 1 year
My spidersona! <3
So i cant draw but i can write so this is my spidersona!
Fate-Spinner, or Pandora Fae, is a spiderperson from Earth-001 (assumed).
The middle child of Gaea and Oshtur, She never cared for her sister’s competition until her sisters decided to pull her into their crossfire. In the middle of a shoving match, Shathra pushed her sister into a web which transported her to Earth-002 where she was basically reincarnated.
Earth-002 is a realm inhabited by gods who act as humans with curiosity and science as their tools, sorta like Asgard. Pandora was imprisoned right when the lead god, Zeus, felt her power being more than his own. When pandora started to make golden string, Zeus threatened her to change his fate and the other gods heard of this as well.
Experiments were conducted on her. Could her string choke her was an experiment that cracked her. Years of abuse and rage against this reality shattered it as she controlled the masses with her web. Effectively destroying that reality and jumping to a different one.
She found out that she could evade incursions. After all, she was the sister of the person who made spiderman multiverse practically.
She also found out that she was a variation of spiderman. The location she plopped in didnt have a spiderman so she became theirs.
Her powers: She has the ability to change the fate of any thing. A building, a car, a person, an entire universe even! The more people effected by the fate, the more string she has to handle to fix it. The string is a golden string that glimmers. On top of that, she can open someones fate string by rubbing her fingers together on it to make a ton of little stings and she can open that to see their entire story and future and fix it by moving something like a butterfly effect. She is also proficient in electronics. She also produces golden webs but only to swing. They arent sticky but more like rope. She can stick to walls.
Suit: Due to the amount of string she works with as well as how difficult is it to just manage one string with how many little strings there are, she has mechanic spider legs coming from her back. Her suit is golden and black. She sometimes wears a mask but its more a helmet with electronics like glasses.
Pandora is also a sister of fate. There are three across the universes with different stories but Pandora is my favorite so 💞
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quinloki · 1 year
id love to tell you all about my oc, but that would turn into a 3hr long video essay (complicated lore my beloved </3), so how about my entire life story ive planned out with iceburg on water 7. we’ve known each other since the start of tom’s workers - came across a gaggle of oddballs one day at scrapheap island and stuck around. we did NOT get along initially due to our youthful tempers - but overtime got closer as we were like the only people our age we were close to that wasnt franky (ultimate annoying little brother energy).
feelings did eventually form when we were older but things weren’t exactly easy to handle due to the strange circumstances and the building of the puffing tom to save tom’s life. but after tom and franky’s “deaths”, that’s where our bond solidified as the remains of tom’s workers dispersed - we stayed together and were each other’s emotional support throughout the next several years as iceburg eventually became mayor.
nowadays, we’re just a couple growing older together who also happen to co-run an entire ship building company. we’re each other’s balance for fun time and responsibility and best friends. i cant sit still in an office for my life, so i’m usually found running about water 7 - it’s not uncommon for me to be racing down the canals of the city on a yagara bull, causing a bit of fun chaos here and there.
but we’re also a silly little duo and aren’t immune to shenaniganry - iceburg definitely has the habit of just spontaneously canceling a day’s meetings when he doesnt want to do them and we just go out for a casual date - probably to chill in the city away from the office and maybe go to our favorite cafe/bakery. bonuses in the forms of our son tyranosaurus and now unofficial daughter in the form of his new secretary jdjksj
wahh that’s so much - i just love iceburg sm, he’s my ultimate comfort character who i never to get talk about cause he’s such a minor character in the long run asdsmdkslk T^T
T-T Awww, that's so sweet!
I love the amount of details you have going on - and that's not counting the 3-hour video essay xD <3
Iceberg is a sweetheart, and I could see him being a kind of quiet hopeless romantic - exactly the kind of person who would rely on his secretary to clear his schedule for the day so he can go on a nice quiet date. I don't know why but I just have this image of him bringing you a small little bundle of flowers, and like, Tyrannosaurus has a little matching flower that's just a super teeny little bitty version of what's in the bouquet.
He's very happy to have his tiny flower.
\o/ Thank you for sharing! I love it, it's just such a CUTE vibe
Tell me about your self-ships!
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angelicalbones · 9 months
im so nervous to go home after work tonight. I have genuine thoughts and concerns about our relationship and how he treats me but something in me snapped last night and I was just so cruel.
like i dunno he just threw at me out of no where that hes apparently made multiple attempts on his life recently and I had no other reaction than to laugh. Like are you serious? like I know why I laughed because this isn't the first time hes done this or anyone at all has done this to me to make me feel guilty for trying to call them to task and I just cant take his emotional manipulation sometimes but also like
that's cruel to do to anyone. I care for him so much and I am so fucking scared for his safety and well being 24/7. I have had to threaten him with baker acting him or making him stay with his aunt and uncle during the day before because I was so fucking scared I would come home to him dead. Of course he told me that was evil to do and he hated me for even thinking about it even tho hes the one who said "I can't do this anymore let me die"
Fuck I dont know I know I shouldnt have been so mean, I fucking lost it so severely last night but also he is so fucking mean to me all the time. At the slightest provacation it becomes him drilling into me about how I've done nothing but use him for his money and everything is my fault and he has paid for my entire life and I wouldnt be wehre I am without him and I owe him everything. Im never allowed to get a word in edgewise but if I dont speak im an idiot who is abusively stonewalling him and leaving him to suffer alone.
but if I do speak and say the wrong thing(which is literally everything) I'm a fucking moronic bitch who will never understand him and his guy friends are the only ones who actually care about him and I'm evil and want him to die alone and am a sociopathic bitch who can't connect with people ever.
last night I suggested we go out to a bar event we were invited to by his hair dresser and it spiralled into this multi hour long fight. He got so fucking angry at me for suggesting we go do something with other people when he was just screaming and crying about not knowing anyone and not doing anything with his life. I got fed up and told him fine I will go without him if he refuses to join me.
Which might have been the worst possible shit I couldve said I swear to god. The amount of times he said I was a sociopathic bitch who was abandoning him because he is mentally unwell is frankly what caused my outbursts. Just because I said I Was going to go to a bar thing we were invited to.
He then told me to fucking leave like 5 seperate times (which is like the 18th time hes done it in our relationship) so I threw up my fucking hands and cleaned out the car, and started seperating my clothes from his. And suddenly his tune fucking changed. He didn't just tell me to leave I'm choosing to. He never said leave I am deciding to run away in stead of work on our relationshipp.
Despite literally saing the words "Go back to fucking michigan" and "Then you should just fucking leave" multiple times. Apperantely that doesn't in fact mean leave it means beg for my forgiveness.
I then got in trouble for making a mess in the closet and he bitched while we hung my shit back up even tho I told him to leave and I would clean it bc he has to be a fucking martyr about fucking everything just like his dad.
God I cant fucking handle this, when we are good we are so fucking good it's like the universe personally crafted him for me. Similar tastes in media, music, humor, literally everything lines up so beautifully. But when it's bad I want to fucking kill myself . He hates everything about me and I am the worst person to ever happen to him.
I can never know which one is the real one. I'm so tired. I dont want to go home. I want to hide somewhere else forever.
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