#i could not find anything good!! now a days? i go to a hot topic and it’s everywhere
katsona-the-katsequel · 20 hours
Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad Activity Report
Part 4
16 new entries!
6/27 (Sat) - Reporter: Akihiko Sanada
It seems like I've worried everyone. I'm grateful, but there's no need to worry. As a senior, I can't show any shame. Well, that's enough about that topic.
More than that, it seems that the number of Apathy Syndrome cases is increasing again. This time there were many cases where apparently a pair of a man and a woman became Lost at the same time. Maybe it has something to do with the characteristics of the next large Shadow...
Well, it's best not to jump to conclusions.
We'll find out when the next full moon comes. Oh, and I heard a rumor at school that's bothering me. Apparently, something called a "revenge request website" is becoming a hot topic.
It's the sort of urban legend that says that if you post something on the site, someone will take revenge for you...
Sorry, I can't really explain why this story is bothering me. I think it would be more persuasive if someone with a keen sense like Takeba explained it. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know.
6/28 (Sun) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hello, I'm Junpei.
The two seniors are out again today, so we'll be taking a break from fighting in Tartarus.
Yukari-chan's sharp intuition, you know... Well, it certainly seems like there are times when it seems like she has some weird intuition. The moment I started talking about Yuka-tan, someone asked me from behind, "Junpei, did you say something?"
I wish I could have the keen intuition to sense Yukari's approach, like Lucia from Fuuka.
Whenever I say something strange in a report, it always comes back the next day...Maybe this is also a woman's intuition?
Hmm, Yuka-tan is truly formidable...
6/29 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, this is Takeba.
Well... there's a full moon in just a week. I won't be able to do it every day, but I've been gaining strength in Tartarus and I feel like I've made progress. But, as expected, the lack of information beforehand is a problem. All we know is that it's a full moon, and we can't decide on a strategy. If anyone knows anything, please let me know as much as you can. This was Takeba.
7/12 (Sun) - Reporter: Fuuka Yamagishi
Good evening, this is Yamagishi.
I'm a little proud that I've been talking for two days in a row, as if I've got all this equipment all to myself.
Today, everyone seems to be studying in their rooms. Sanada-senpai was out all day, but he came back after dark and it seems like he's also holed up in his room.
When will everyone be able to hear my voice? Maybe not until after the exams are over?
I've thought about it a lot, but I don't think anyone is to blame... We are all just doing our best to do what we can, but it's sad to see them separated like this.
Each person has something that only they can do. There are times and places when their power is needed. This is the case now, when there are so many people suffering from Apathy Syndrome, and in the case of SEES, and in the case of Personas.
Isn’t that what power is?
...I believe that everyone will understand without me having to say it. For now, let's do our best to study for the exam.
I have some research to do, so I'll just mess around with my device for a bit before getting back to studying. Well, good night...
7/13 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, it's Takeba. Oh, exams start tomorrow. I thought I'd take a break and write up my activities for the first time in a while.
Ha. Seriously, after hearing that message from Fuuka, I can't not say anything at all, Fuuka is surprisingly cunning.
First of all, I'd like to say something about how everyone has been quick to avoid touching the sore spot and has not come to ask, yet have a strong aura of wanting to know what's going on.
I talked to the leader a bit about it, but I apologized to Kirijo-senpai for what happened the other day. Sorry for saying too much. There are still some parts I'm not entirely convinced of, but then there are people close to me who are suffering from Apathy Syndrome, and if I fight the shadows, I might be able to cure that, so I can't just sit back and watch. Yeah. That's right.
Oh, and thank you Chairman for your suggestion to go to Yakushima. I'm looking forward to it. Well, if you don't tell me a pun as a thank you, I'll be sure to not give you a cold shoulder just this once.
And then... oh, that's right. That idiot Junpei Iori is always complaining about swimsuits. He should be the only one without Yakushima, so I hope he gets a part-time job at the swimsuit section of a department store. This was Takeba.
7/14 (Tue) - Reporter: Akihiko Sanada
Today is the first day of the final exams. Thanks to the Chairman's timely suggestion, the atmosphere in the dorm seems to have improved a little. Of course, there is still that tense atmosphere that is unique to exam periods, but this tension is not unpleasant.
To be honest, it's painful to see a child being lured in by sweets to get in a good mood, but that's just how it is. I guess that's actually what we made such a fuss about.
Come to think of it, this was the first time we'd had such a big fight since the current second-year students moved into the dorms... I hope this is a rite of passage, and if we can get through it, we'll be able to build a new relationship.
Also, apart from the Mitsuru incident, Junpei seems to have been annoyed for some reason, but are you okay?
Well, I'm sure you're overwhelmed with your exams right now, so I hope you can calm down. ...I'm probably not the one to say this here, Junpei. I don't know what happened during the exams, but I think you should stop yelling things like "Kabara! Kabara! Yakushima!" on the main streets.
7/15 (Wed) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Sanada-san, don't you know the expression "samurai compassion"? Well, I don't want to say it.
Well, the problem with the insurance in Edogawa was so confusing that I exploded with anger on the way home from school. As for my case, I can see the answer in my mind, so it's okay. Thank you.
7/16 (Thu) - Reporter: Fuuka Yamagishi
Good evening, this is Yamagishi.
Today was the third day of the exam. I was surprised to see that the history question that the teacher said "will be on the exam" during class actually came up. The teachers at Gekkoukan are surprisingly kind, aren't they?
The correct answer is that the reason the foreigners on the Black Ships were afraid of topknots was because they thought they would be attacked by guns.
This time, we had a fight with a large Shadow just before the exam, so Yukari, Junpei, and the leader didn't seem to be very prepared, and the second-years are struggling. But when they think about the ocean waiting for them after the exams, they feel a little better. Yakushima, huh... I bet the water is beautiful.
7/17 (Fri) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, I'm Takeba. I just heard yesterday's report, and I thought the answer to that question was... a projectile, is that correct? Seriously? Wow, I should have listened to the lecture properly!
I chose the second one, "they thought it was a black fish cake." Because in the past, Westerners hated fish! Ugh, I failed!
Ugh, to be honest, I'm not that confident about today's physics lesson. I worked hard to memorize the formulas and laws, but I was wondering who discovered the principle behind contact lenses, which is a bit of trivia! I chose Da Vinci for now, but... God!
7/23 (Thu) - Reporter: Fuuka Yamagishi
This is Yamagishi now.
Welcome home everyone.
This is my first time living in a dormitory, but it already feels like home. Having a place to go back to, a place you want to return to... I'm a little happy.
Everyone is tired today, so we took a break from conquering Tartarus. I was tired too, but talking to Aigis kept me awake... and I ended up staying up late.
Aigis is really amazing. I'm a little good with machines, but I can't believe that this technology has not been known until now.
They say cutting-edge technology is created on the battlefield, but I can't help but think how difficult the battle against shadows was 10 years ago.
Ah, but Aigis herself seems more like a girl with a bit of a natural air about her than a weapon. How did you incorporate a mind into a robot? Mr. Ikutsuki also said that the core part is a black box and that he cannot touch it.
It's also strange that Aigis seems to know the leader. It means that he's having trouble recognizing someone who looks similar to him...
It's no good to take your friends' privacy so seriously, right? First of all, you have to think about how everyone and Aigis can get along.
Oh, that's right. Aigis's way of speaking is interesting, isn't it? It's not exactly military-like, but it's more like an honorific that she learned by mistake. When we swam together in Yakushima, she pointed at my swimsuit and said,
"I am concerned about the armor of that underwater weapon, but is it correct to understand that the emphasis is on maneuverability? If possible, I would like to try modifying it for underwater combat." This is the first time I've seen a robot that wants to wear a swimsuit.
Aigis, it's nice to meet you.
7/24 (Fri) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hi, Junpei here. What's up? You brought this report machine to Yakushima? That's fishy, ​​Kirijo-senpai! If I'd known, I could have brought you Junpei Iori's swimsuit watching hour.
Well... well, I can't run away, so I'll tell you... today is the day of the test results.
7/25 (Sat) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, this is Takeba.
As of today, we have a new member...or rather, he's not in SEES, he just lives in the same dorm, but a new member has arrived. As the Chairman said before, Amada-kun is moving into the dorm.
...I'm a little, no, I'm really worried, but I hope that Amada-kun won't get caught up in a fight or something like that.
The Chairman seems to be pretty matter-of-fact about it, and seems to be like, "If you can fight, let's have you participate."
I feel like I understand my senior a little bit, so I believe that she has no intention of involving Amada-kun. But even so, you still say "at this point," right? Oh, no, I'm not complaining, I know that you're in a position where you have to say that, and that's what you're saying because you yourself are thinking about it. As the head of SEES, you have to think about all the possibilities.
Yes, it’s just a possibility.
So, for now, please take this as my personal opinion as Yukari Takeba. I am against letting Amada fight. Unless Amada himself has a very good reason to fight, I am against it.
Please remember that.
7/26 (Sun) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hello, it's Junpei!
Hehehe, having a great summer!
But I'm always like this. I have an innocent heart that is happy to take a day off!
That's the image I want as a healthy high school boy! So, summer vacation starts today. Ah, the long and painful midterms, the long and painful final exams, the occasional but painful quizzes, the painful first semester, Wow! Well, anyway, summer vacation starts today. Let's have fun starting tomorrow!
…Huh. Well, I know it's stupid to make a fuss by myself, even if I say so myself.
However, I just couldn't help but make a fuss today...
Ai-chan did a simulation of what would happen if the number of Lost continued to increase, in other words, if we don't do our jobs properly... but the results were worse than I expected, and I'm feeling depressed.
It feels like a huge responsibility.
7/27 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, this is Takeba.
What's up, Junpei? You've given it some thought. Yes, that's right, it's a big responsibility. Well, keep that in mind and work hard. Just don't do stupid things.
Come to think of it, I didn't see the leader today, but he's doing intensive training for the sports club. He'll do his best, too. Maybe I should go to the archery club's voluntary training too...
8/3 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, this is Takeba. Anyway, congratulations on winning, leader! You did a great job. The Myo-o Cup is a pretty high level, isn't it? If you keep going like this, I think you can make it to the national tournament. Will you be popular in the second semester? Ah, aside from that, I'd rather report something like this: "I happened to see this kind of person'' on TV, but I did see a strange person.
He was at a takoyaki shop in Saitodai Shopping Arcade, stuffing takoyaki into his mouth with incredible force. He had an athletic look, and I'd say he could be considered good-looking, but his face as he devoured it... It's what's inside that counts. This was Takeba.
8/4 (Tue) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hi...Junpei...it's hot.
It has been really hot since the afternoon, but the night was a tropical one just as expected! I wasn't expecting anything like that. I wish it would go against our expectations and snow!
Ugh, the heat is making my brain overheat, seriously.
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baby-yongbok · 7 months
Don't Go Insane
Neighbor!Bang Chan x afab!Reader
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✧Genre - Smut ✧Warnings: Unprotected piv (Wrap it up ya'll) ✧ Masterlist ✧
A/N: I have never ever written a fic in this format but it was the only was for my brain to process the idea😭This is a product of those fucking SINFUL photos that Chan took for Nylon Japan. I'm sorry if it sucks, I'm trying to get back into writing again so I might suck for a bit, sorry! Hope you enjoy! (not proofread)
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You weren't expecting to actually like your new neighbor since your previous one was such a dick but when you meet Chan he's more than kind to you. 
He always greets you in the hallway, helping you bring your bags up to your place when you get home from shopping and checks in on you when he hasn't seen you for a couple of days
You find yourself going out around the same time that he would usually get home from his morning workout just so you can talk to him. He's so sweet and charming and hot. Oh so hot. 
He brings you food when he's made too much dinner to fit in his fridge which is code for he wanted an excuse to talk to you and gave you 50% of his meal just to see your face. 
You invite him in to eat the first time that he brings you food and it quickly turns into spending Sunday nights eating together and laughing at his stories. It's your favorite day of the week now. 
You drop by his place to ask if he needs anything from the store every time that you go now. He's memorized the pattern of your knock and jumps to his feet every time he hears it. 
You're in line at the store one day when a magazine catches your eye. Is that…Chan!? You grab it, looking through with wide eyes before buying it and nearly forgetting about the rest of your items. 
You don't tell him that you saw it. He never said what he did for work and yeah he's hot - Oh so hot - but you never thought that this would be his occupation and you defiantly didn't think that this is how you'd find out.
You flip through the magazine all night. Staring at his beautiful chocolate gaze and his perfectly blushed lips. How is he even real?
You may have also stared at his shirtless pics for an hour too long. No one has to know that though.
He brings over a new recipe that he tried this Sunday. Setting up your usual spot on the living room floor when his eyes land on a familiar photo on your side table. It's him. You bought his magazine? He tries to act normal about it but his red ears and blushed cheeks give him away. 
You catch on when he glances at it for a second time and you internally body slam yourself for forgetting to put it away. You both eat quietly, blushing and trying to find the right thing to say next. 
“I'm sorry about that.” You speak first and he glances up quickly, straightening himself up with a shy smile. “It's fine, I'm just embarrassed I guess.” He's shy about being hot?? Why does that make him hotter?
“Are you always the shy type?” Your question was genuine but your tone was suggestive, almost teasing. It creates a shift in his demeanor that makes you shiver. “Not always, no.”
You don't know how it happened. It's all a blur. One second he was talking to you, confident and sweet. He was telling you about the shoot for the magazine when he got to the topic of the shirtless photos. The air around you thickened and the words that started it all slid off your tongue.
“You look so good it could drive me insane.” You chuckled but his eyes darkened in response. 
“Do you want me to?” His eyes are on yours, his gaze is heavy and intense. “What?” You drop your fork, swallowing hard. “Make you go insane?”
That's how you ended up with his lips on yours. He swallowed each and every strangled moan and replaced it with one of his own. His hands explored your body, fast yet cautious. A gentleman.
He pulls you into his lap, one of his large palms gripping your ass over your leggings and the other cupping your cheek to keep you still for him. He pulls you close, chest to chest. He's been waiting to feel you since the moment he first saw you. He feels like he's dreaming and he prays that he never wakes up. 
His breathing picks up when you plant sloppy kisses along his jawline. Mind numbing groans and hisses falling from his lips. “You're gonna make me go insane, fuck.”
His lips feel like heaven against your skin. Soft and all-consuming. He leaves marks along your collar bones, sucking and flicking his tongue over the delicate skin. Your head is spinning as you take him in. This beautiful man that you've been dreaming of for months finally has his hands on you. 
You grind against him, his fingers digging into your hips as he presses up into you. The way that he looks up at you with his lip caught between his teeth is intoxicating. “You're so fucking beautiful.” He smiles at your compliment, blinking a blush away and trying to keep his composure. “Took the words right outta my mouth.”
You pull back, sitting on the shaggy rug and frantically undressing. You're desperate, antsy, absolutely insatiable and Chan isn't too far behind but you could never tell by how composed he looks. How does he have that much self control?
He moves to sit on the couch and watches you as you strip. Taking in every beautiful inch of your body while he makes himself comfortable. You look up at him as he sits, man spreading at the edge of your couch and giving you the perfect view of his aching cock straining against his jeans. 
Fucking sinful
"Crawl to me, baby. Come here." He beckons you with two fingers that you're dying to be acquainted with. The smile on his face while you follow his order is enough to make you explode already.
He leans forward, cupping your face and kissing you with such soft hunger. So much passion and desire. A promise, like his kiss is asking you to be his. You palm him softly over his jeans earning a soft moan from him. "You want it?” He leans back, resting against the back of your sofa, giving you full access to his zipper and button. “Go ahead, take it, princess."
His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he watches you free his cock and his eyes roll back when you fist it confidently. Pumping him at a deliciously slow place. You want to drag this out. You don't ever want this to end. 
He puts his hand over yours once he gets fed up with your teasing. He loves how your hand feels around him but he needs more of you. He taps his leaking cock against your lips and you allow your spit to dribble down his shaft. "Stick that tongue out. There we go, baby. That's my girl. Look at that.”
He holds your hair back as you slide his length into your mouth, swirling your tongue around him. His fingers massage your scalp softly making you hum around him. He's a gentleman, a filthy one. 
He couldn’t wait to switch places with you, falling to his knees so fluidly that you couldn’t help but to groan at the sight of him. His gaze never left yours. His eyes were constantly asking for permission to continue and you eagerly granted it every time.
He ate your pussy like a fucking starved man. Lick and sucking the expanse of your cunt like he’d never see you again. Your moans encouraged him as he lapped at you, he wanted - no, needed - you to cum on his tongue. It’s all that he’s been dreaming of for the last month. 
He made you cum twice and had to hold back the urge to keep going. He’s definitely found his new favorite thing.
Nevermind, kissing you is his favorite thing. The way that you sigh into his mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue and biting his bottom lip drives him wild. 
You’re seeing stars as soon as he slips into you. His strong arms on either side of your head as he hovers, kissing you softly as you adjust to him. “Fuck, you’re a dream come true, ya know that? I’ve dreamt of this, princess.” You can hardly reply once he fills you to the hilt but you try to anyway, moaning out as your vision blurs. “Wanted you so bad, Channie.”
That was enough to break him. He snapped his hips into you, giving you everything that you ever wanted, ever needed, from him. He fucks you deep, speeding up gradually just to hear you moan his name a little louder. He wants to be gentle with you but with a cunt that feels this amazing he can’t help but want to make you fall apart underneath him.
You always imagined being on top when you finally got to be with Chan but it looks like that’ll have to be another day. The way that his cock is splitting you open makes you feel like you might have to call out of work tomorrow. 
“Look at me, babygirl. You liked seeing my pictures, huh? Did you touch this pretty cunt while looking at them?” You nod your head with such urgency that you’re positive that you look absolutely pathetic but Chan thinks that it’s cute, he’s in love with how fucked out you look drooling under him. “All you had to do was ask for the real thing.” He rolls his hips into you and your eyes roll back right after. 
He holds both of your hands as he slows down a bit, he wants to make love to you. Wants to treat you like the precious gem that he knows that you are but your cunt keeps fucking squeezing around him. He curses under his breath as he tries to compose himself but it’s no use. He watches as he disappears inside of you, groaning when he sees just how perfectly your pussy is taking him. “You’re gonna make me cum, baby. You’re too much. Too good.” 
Much to his surprise you cave before he does, chanting his name like a prayer while he rocks into you at the perfect angle. You feel dizzy as you unravel under him, nails digging into his strong arms and your legs wrapping around his waist in a desperate attempt to feel grounded. 
The way that you look cumming on his cock drives him over the edge. He picks up the pace, fucking you through your orgasm while he’s chasing his. The overstimulation draws out your climax causing a new wave of pleasure to hit you harder than the last. “Yeah yeah yeah, oh fuck such a pretty girl cumming on my cock like that, that's it baby.” He doesn’t even know what he’s saying but he doesn’t care he’s so close so so so close.
You forced your eyes open when he pulled out, you needed to watch him stroke himself over the edge and cover your stomach in his cum. You need to take in the way his eyes squeeze shut and his brows furrow while he moans for you. “Oh fuck fuck fuck.”
The giggles that you share after may be Chan’s new favorite part. He cleaned you up and wrapped his arms around you. Pressing kisses to your hair as you both talk about what just happened with smiles on your faces 
“This is a bit backwards but uh, can I take you out? Maybe next weekend?” The butterflies in your stomach go crazy as you blush into his chest, nodding happily and answering with a muffled ‘yes’ that makes Chan chuckle. “Maybe afterward I can fuck the sense back into ya, since I drove you insane tonight.”
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starzioo · 7 months
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This is a smut one shot.
Word count: 4.8k
This is gonna be a one shot about Theo!
WARNINGS: SMUT, drinking, smoking, suggestive topics!
Theo had decided that for the trip him and his friends take every summer that he would take them to tour his home land, Italy. They had been there for about 3 days before Theo decided he should take them to the club his father owns. It was the hotspot of Rome’s nightlife. It was a cool summer night in the heart of Rome. You and your friends had been partying together all night hopping club to club, getting free drinks and gifts from men who had nothing better to do. Of course you never actually engaged in any activity with them. All you did was talk for a few minutes and maybe give them a dance, but never anything further. As you and your friends all cram into the black SUV uber you decide that you’re gonna go to Erotica. Erotica is one of the biggest and most popular clubs in the city. Of course it was gonna be hard to actually get in but a group of totally hot girls? What bouncer wouldn’t let you guys in? The small 5 minute drive to the club was spent taking selfies and having those drunk girl conversations. Beside from your totally drunk friends you were just barely tipsy. “Thank youu~” All of your girlfriends said to the driver nearly in sync. You all got out of the car and examined the long line of others waiting to get inside. You walk up to the bouncer. “Hiii how’s your night going?” you say sweetly tilting your head. “Good. And yours?” The tall and buff bouncer says nonchalantly as he examines you. “I’m gooood~ but I was just wondering if maybe you could let us in…without the line wait.” you say sweetly. “Mmm I don’t know about that…” the bouncer says hesitantly. One of your friends chimes in. “Pleasee~ we would really really appreciate it!” She says now standing beside you. Another one of your friends joins. “Yeah, I mean what’s the harm in letting us in now?” She says sweetly. The man’s sighs. He opens the red velvet ropes that separate you from him. All of your friends cheer and thank the bouncer. “You need ID?” You ask him. “Nah you ladies just have a good night.” He says flirty. You kiss him on the cheek and you and your friends head in. The music is blaring, you can feel the bass in your core. “Where do you guys wanna sit?” You practically yell to your friends trying to get them to hear you over the music. “Let’s just go to the bar! We can try to find someone with a booth!” One of your friends yell back. You lead your drunken friends over to the bar where you all sit. “What can I get you ladies?” The bar tender asks. “Can I get a vodka cranberry? Also can we start a tab?” You say as you hand the bar tender your card. He nods as the rest of your friends put in their drink orders. A few minutes later the bar tender hands you your drink. Nearly as soon as your friends get their drinks they hear a specific song come on. They all run to the dance floor drinks in hand leaving their purses and other belongings at the bar. You sigh. Seeing the sight of all their belongings on the bar.
You couldn’t just leave the valuables there, so you stay just on your phone sipping your drink. Making sure none of your friends valuables get stolen. You’re zoned out on your phone when the bar tender says. “Ma’am? Someone sent you a drink and wants to buy you a booth.” He hands you the drink. “Oh really?” You tilt your head, “and who may this person be?” You ask the bartender. “The bar tender motions over to a group of guys sitting in the VIP section of the club. You see a group of about 7 guys and 1 girl. They’re all sitting on a black couch conversating and laughing as your eyes scan the group one guy is staring back at you. Eyes locking, he smirks slightly. You raise the drink to him signaling a thank you. He nods. You turn back to the bartender. “Did he give you his name?” “No ma’am, he just said he wants you to be comfortable.” He shrugs and goes back to making the drinks.
You finish the ‘sex on the beach’ that was sent to you. You gather your friends things and walk to the hostesses stand at the front of the club. “Someone bought a booth for me and my friends? I wasn’t given a name but the bartender over there told me?” You ask. “Ahh yes, Mr. Nott was very adamant for getting you the best of the best! Right this way!” She says leading you to the VIP space of the club. Once you’re there she leads you to not so much a booth but a full couch fit for about 20 people. The VIP section was nothing short of luxurious with black and gold detailing with dark lighting. The regular purple, red, and blue club lights still reaching. The table in front of the couch is set up with an ice bucket with two bottles of Armand De Brignac Ace Of Spades Champagne. “You weren’t kidding when you said best of the best?” You laugh looking at the expensive champagne. You set your friends things down onto the table. The hostess nods and laughs, “The VIP bar is just back there and your server will be making rounds to your table every so often!” She smiles then leaves to go back to her stand. You immediately sit and text your friends group chat. ‘Come to the VIP section I got a booth!!!’ Almost seconds after you text the group chat your friends are standing infront of you. “Y/n are you joking VIP??” they all laugh and sit down grabbing their belongings off the table. “What can I say?” you laugh shrugging. “Did another lonely old man but it orrr?” One of your friends says as you all laugh. “Noooo actually he was quite handsome.” You say slyly. The table erupts in ‘Oooooo’ “He sent me a drink as well, we didn’t even talk! He just bought a booth for us. All the bartender said was, ‘He said he wanted you to be comfortable.’ like huhhh? And he set us up with champagne aswell!” You say giggling grabbing one bottle from the ice bucket, presenting it like a trophy to your friends. “Ouuuuu Y/n seems like you have a rich boy crushing on youuu~” Your friend says. “Stoppp now who’s gonna drink this with me!!” You say opening the bottle. You pour champagne for all your friends and cheers together then down your champagne. “Y/n~ cmon you haven’t dancing with us allll night!” Your friends say practically dragging you out off the couch and leading you to the dance floor.
With one of your friends behind you, you and her dance together. Dancing as drunk girls do, you were both dancing like you were together. Your hands above your head, you were swaying and dancing like a stripper basically. You had felt eyes on you but you couldn’t pin point where they were coming from. You closed your eyes and swayed your hips. When you opened your eyes again you finally realized who was staring. He’s still sitting on the same couch, his legs man spread, smoking a cigarette. His eyes are scanning your body as you dance. His gaze going down then back up to your eyes. Your eyes meet his. When he realizes you staring back at him, he slightly smirks. You hold eye contact with his as your moves begin to be more seductive and slow. He licks his bottom lip.
You suddenly feel an unfamiliar presence behind you it’s no longer your friend behind you but it’s now an unknown man. As he slips behind you, you still hold eye contact with the handsome man on the couch. His eyebrows furrow and he tilts his head slightly, still holding eye contact with you. Until your break it looking at the man behind you. He’s actually quite cute. Your hips sway against him and his hands lay on your hips traveling from there up and down your body. You turn your head back to look back at the man who was on the couch, but he’s gone. You shake it off and continue dancing. When you feel the man behind you get practically ripped off of you. A man from security was holding him by his arm, with no words being said security pulls the man to the front of the club and forces him out of the door. You still stand there on the dance floor in awe of what just happened. You feel two cold strong hands snake onto you from behind. The figure was pressed up behind you, you feels his head near your ear. “He wasn’t good enough for you bella, he had to go.” He whispers with his low husky voice, an Italian accent laced his words. You smirk knowing who was behind you. You turn around in his arms now facing him. His grasp still tight around your waist. You look up at him, your hands resting on his chest. “And you’re better?” You say flirtatiously. “sai che lo sono. non meritava di toccarti in quel modo.”(You know I am. He didn’t deserve to touch you like that) He says moving your hair out of your face. You smirk at his fluent Italian. “Grazie per tutti i regali, signor nott.”(Thank you for all the gifts Mr. Nott.)You say playing with the button of his shirt. “qualsiasi cosa per te stupendo. Balla con me?” (Anything for you gorgeous. Dance with me?) he practically purs into your ear. You nod with a small flirtatious smile. You turn back around. Your back now facing him, your hands snake up and around his neck. Your eyes are closed, you open them to see your friends giggling and gossiping with each to her about your current predicament. “Who’s that?” one of your friends mouth to you. You mouth back to your friends “VIP” They all start gigging and oooooing at you. You laugh a small bit continuing to dance with the mystery man. His cold slender hands travel up and down your waist only pausing when you turn back around to him. “Come ti chiami, bello?”(what’s your name handsome?)You say running your hands down his neck. “Theo Nott….or as you know me, Mr. Nott. he laughs lightly What’s yours bella?” “Y/n…Y/n Y/L/N” “Your name is as gorgeous as you…” You lightly blush at the compliment, you break the eye contact with him. He lightly snickers at the motion, his laughs come out basically as purrs. “I saw you at the bar and I knew I had to have you.” He says taking a hand off your waist and up to your jaw, gently guiding your face back to his. You look up at him fluttering your eyes. You’re lost in his stunningly icy eyes. His cold hand remains on your jaw, his index finger rubbing back and forth behind your ear. “Come back to my table with me?” He asks breaking the silence. You small smile grows on your face and you nod.
He takes you by your waist and leads you back to the VIP section. You approach the couch full of his group. A couple of the guys are ‘oooo’ing at the couple approaching the couch. They all sit there drinks in hand, “finally got her huhh~” a boy with icy blonde hair says snickering to the dark skinned boy sitting next to him. Theo just rolls his eyes slightly at the remark and guides you to take a seat next to him, his arm resting on the back of couch where you sit. “Shitt~ I had 100 on her rejecting you mate!” Another boy with a scar across his nose says handing the icy haired boy the money. You laugh lightly at the notion. “So what’s your name?” a girl with a chic black bob says sitting up. “Y/n..what’s yours?” You say extending your hand to her. “Pansy, she shakes your hand This is Mattheo, Enzo, Regulus, Tom, Blaise, and Draco.” She says as she gestures to the rest of the boys as she introduces them. You take one of the cigarettes off the table and light it. “I take it you guys aren’t from here?” You take a puff, when Theo gestures for a hit, you pass it to him. “Yeah we’re just here on a holiday, we’re from the UK.” Blaise says. “Theo just insisted we see his country.” Enzo says snickering slightly as he sips his drink. “Mmmm, qualcuno di voi parla italiano?”(do any of you speak italian?) They just stare back at you trying to not look as confused as they are. Theo then speaks up, “No non parlano italiano nemmeno una parola. Sono sempre stati troppo arroganti per imparare.” (no they don’t speak italian, not even a lick of it. They have always been too arrogant to learn.) He snickers handing you back the cigarette. You lightly laugh at his remark. Everyone just stares at you two. “Well atleast I know english, You shrug and sit up from Theo’s arm. My friends are probably looking for me.” You say standing up to walk away when you feel a cold hand grab your wrist. “va bene amore mio, riportali qui.”(it’s okay my love, just bring them back here.) You smile and nod, he lets go. You walk back to your VIP booth and grab your phone to text your friends. “Mert me back at the booth he wsnts me to bring you guys back to his tsble!!” you text them and wait at the table. After a minute or two they all come as a group up to the couch. “Y/nnn who is this mystery man you ran off with?!” One of your friends asks. “His name’s Theo and oh my god is he perfecttt. Buttt he said for me to bring you all back to his section, anddd he has friends.” You say smirking grabbing all your things from the table plus the second bottle of champagne. They all smile and converse about the current situation. Once they’re ready they all follow you back to Theo’s part of the VIP section. You place the champagne on the table. You sit back down next to Theo, his arm wrapping around your shoulder. You introduce your friends as they all find places on the couch. All your friends take a seat next to whoever, but it’s obvious they chose who they thought was the cutest. One of your girlfriends even sat next to Pansy obviously fancying her. You weren’t sure if Pansy swung that way but after a few minutes of everyone conversing it was made clear that she does. “Sooo are we gonna pop open that bottle or what?~” Mattheo says slyly. The group erupts in ‘yesss’s and excitement. You smirk and grab the bottle. Opening the bottle with the bottle opener. *POP* a rich champagne spraying everywhere. Everyone’s laughing and smiling seeing the champagne spray. You fill everyone’s cups. “To new friends?” Draco says toasting his cup in the air, with his arm around one of your friends. Everyone agrees, and guzzles down their champagne. Everyone seemed to hit it off, enough for you to feel confident to leave them by themselves. “Andiamo a ballare”(let’s go dance) You say standing up grabbing Theo’s hand pulling him up. He stands up flashing you that flirty smirk. As you two walk away Draco asks, “where re’ they running off too.” “They’re just gonna go dance.” Your friend says explaining.
You lead Theo to the dance floor holding his hand by barely linking fingers. As you get to a good spot you turn back around to him to see him looking at you with that same expression. You pull him close. His hands landing back at your hips, yours on his neck. Your fingers tracing patterns on his neck. His playing with the fabric of your short dress. You both just stare into each other eyes as you sway your bodies to the loud music. Your bodies so close there’s not even room for thought. As the song changes you turn around, your back now facing him. His hands rub up and down your body, not daring to go high enough to touch your chest. Your hips sway into him, his head dips down to your neck. Peppering kisses from behind your ear to the top of your collar bone. You lean your head back at the notion. Your bodies grow hot with the tension between you two growing. As he stops the affectionate kissing your hands travel back up to behind his neck as you continue facing away from him. Your bodies grinding together, your ass against his pelvis. “Cazzo, sei cosí bello che vogilo rovinare il tuo bel viso” (fuck you’re so fine, I wanna ruin your pretty face.) He purrs into your ear. You make a small noise at his needy sentence. He leans back down to your neck leaving a soft kiss on your pulse. “Fallo allora”(Do it then) You say trying to not fully show your neediness for him. He smirks against your skin. “sei sicuro di volero”(you sure you want that?) He purrs against your neck. “No sono sicuro Theo”(I’m sure Theo) He grabs your hand and leads you back towards the VIP section but instead of heading back to the table, he leads you towards an elevator, you both enter, he clicks the 20 button. When he presses you up against the wall of the elevator. His arms resting on either side of you. He starts leaving kisses on your neck. You lean your head back against the wall giving him more room. “Where we going amore mio?” You say with your breath getting heavier, he smirks against your fastening pulse, he lists his head barely. “My place.” Is all he says before he continues kissing you all around your neck before traveling up to your jaw. Once he gets there your body is getting needy. As he gets close to your lips, you suck in one more breath before giving into him crashing your lips together. Your hands now once again around his neck, one of your legs sliding up his side. His hands aggressively pulling your waist closer to him. Your hands pulling on his hair at the nape of his neck. His tongue colliding with yours. Breathing getting heavier. He presses into you, you could feel him hardening into you. You couldn’t help but let out a noise into the kiss. He breaks the kiss by smiling against your lips, then continues kissing you with hunger. You could feel your heart beat everywhere, especially down there. You wanted him, you wanted him more than everything. You could taste a hint of whiskey on his tongue.
The elevator chimed as you both arrived on the 20th floor. The elevator doors opened to a beautiful penthouse. Sleek black marble floors, windows over looking all of Rome, the decor having hints of emerald green and gold. As the doors opened he guided you into the house. Both of you crashing onto the wall, still holding the heated kiss. Only breaking the kiss for him to take off his shirt, revealing his defined and muscle ridden torso. Your hands travel up and down his abs. With nott one word being said he tugs on your strapless dress. With one tug at the top of the dress your tits were revealed. Ofcourse you didn’t wear a bra, it’s a strapless dress. He smirks at the sight of your perky tits, slightly bouncing up and down with every heated breath you take. The sight made him hungry for you and your touch. His hungry hot lips collided with yours once again. You pull your dress down to your thighs and let it fall. You’re left in your black lace panties. He hs you pressed against the wall attacking your lips. You raise your legs to his side, his hand goes to your ass and glides down to your legs. He picks you up swiftly, you wrap your other leg around his waist. You didn’t know where he was taking you, but it didn’t matter, all you knew was that you needed him. You need him bad. Your arms laced around his neck. You break the kiss throwing your head back, he begins kissing your neck with his wet lips. Your body was throbbing at his touch. His kisses travel from your neck down to your nipple, he was practically sucking on you. Leaving purple and red blotches all around your chest “nggh~” was the only response you could let out. You feel him open a door behind you, a few seconds later you’re laid gently onto a bed, him hovering above you. You’re both looking into each others eyes, nearly breathless, he pushed your hair off your face. “You’re a mess amore mio.” He smirks. You lay there legs laced around his body. You melt at his words. He begins kissing your jaw trailing down your body until he’s at your stomach. He back up and grabs your legs, he pulls you to the edge of the bed, as he gets on his knees. He begins kissing your inner thighs surely leaving marks. As his gets closer to your throbbing pussy, you lay there breathless, eyes closed, back slightly arched. Just the thought of him begging that close made your mind run wild. His fingers begin tugging at the hem of your panties. He swiftly pulls them off and throws them across the room. His arms lace around your legs making sure you can’t get away. He lays one last kiss on your thigh. “All this for me? All I did was kiss you bella?” He says teasingly before licking you fold to fold. “mmmhnm” You arch your back at his warm tongue. His tongue travels all around before actually entering you. The noises you were making were lewd. He was fucking you with his tongue, he started slow before sucking on your clit. He found it with expertise. You were trying to suppress your noises. He made the perfect meal out of you.
Your stomach was doing flips. His tongue licked every part of you. His once slow movements fastly turned into more hungry and harsh movements. Your hands entangled in his hair, you pulled on his hair, basically pulling him into you. He let out a moan against you from the hair pulling. The vibrations of his noises sent a shock up your spine. Your back arched, mouth wide open with breathy moans being the only thing exiting. As the knot in your stomach slowly tightened from the sensation you pulled him closer. You were grinding into his face, his nose every so often brushing your throbbing clit. Every time without fail your eyes closed tightly. Your thighs were shaking. His tongue entering and exiting you. The knot tightened, as it did your trembling thighs tightened around his head. As they did his grip around your thighs tightened, leaving you no escape. He sucked on your clit, your pussy was soaked in fluids. Your once perfect hair was now all over, a result from you turning and thrashing your head from the pleasure Theo was giving you. “AhhUH~” you practically screaming as the achy pain in your stomach was waiting to be released. “Please~ nggh~” your noises filled the room. Your breathing getting more rapid. “Theo!~” you moaned yelling his name as the wave rushed over you. Your mind went absolutely blank. With your eyes shut, back now completely arched in the air, your hand gripped his locks tighter. His moans sending more vibrations into you. Your moans were getting louder as the vibrations of energy were flowing thru your body. Your grinds against his face were now shaky and uncontrollable. The liquid flowing out of you and into his mouth, he licked up every last bit. As the last rush of energy flowed thru you, you were left breathless. Only when you were fully done Theo came up. He hovered above your completely unclothed trembling body. His lips and chin dripping. “All night I’ve been waiting to hear how you scream my name.” He says softly as he run his hand through your hair. You lay completely helpless underneath him. He back off you, you lay there catching your breath, staring up at the ceiling trying to recover from the erotic effects he inflicted on you. You hear the *clink* of his belt, causing you to actually sit up. You see him taking off his pants, revealing him in his boxers. His bulge only being covered by a thin layer of cloth. The outline of him being completely soaked in pre-cum. He was huge. You sigh at the view. You throw your head back down into the fluff of the comforter beneath you. After a few seconds he’s back hovering above you. “Amore you’re so beautiful..but like I said I wanna ruin that pretty face..” His eyes dark and full of lust. “Please…” You manage to let out as you lace your arms around his neck. “Please what~?” he teases. “Please Theo..fuck me..” You say with your breath fastening at the thought. “Whatever you want darling…” He smirks. He stands back up and once again pulls you to the edge of the bed by your legs. He lines himself up with your still dripping pussy. His tip grazes you, you suck in a fast breath. He slowly pushes into you, letting out a satisfactory groan. You can’t help but moan at his size inside of you. He was huge. His voice laced with pleasure. “Fuck…” he says as he looks up at the ceiling. His movements were slow at first making sure you were comfortable. With every movement you made, he gained an erotic moan from you. His hips rolled into yours, each time making you take his full size. Your body was reacting with pleasure, not with thought. You swayed your hips into his. One of his hands that were once resting on your hips traveled to your clit. The stimulation of him hit your G-spot repeatedly and him massaging your clit made your body tremble with pleasure. Both of you began to get louder and louder. The sound of your skin colliding together each time filled the room. The head board repeatedly hitting the wall. Your back was arching into the air, your tits bouncing with each pump he made into you.Tears filled your eyes from the pure bliss you were experiencing.
“THEO PLEASE~!” you screamed as he leaned down to you, not stopping the consistent movement into you. His wining noises were music to your ears. This man was not shy with his noises. Your hands now once again in his hair pulling and tugging at every movement. You were both getting louder and louder every second. “fanculo amore mio, sei così buono”(fuck my love you’re so good) The sensation he was giving you was something you’ve never felt before. You could feel his size in your stomach. He was deep in you. His thrusts were getting rougher and deeper. You were both intoxicated with each other. He let out a long moan, you felt him twitch inside you. That sent you over the edge. Your mind once running wild with lewd thoughts, now clear. Your mouth opened wide. Eyes scrunched shut. Your dripping pussy tightened around him. Your hands tangled in his hair gripping down harder. He leans in and starts sucking on your tits again. Leaving dark marks all across your chest. You were basically screaming him nam, along with the other loud erotic noises leaving your mouth. The feeling in your stomach finally released. The sensation of you releasing on him made him cum in a second. Both of you reaching your peaks at the same time. His deep and breathy moans were laced with absolute pleasure. The shocks hitting your body like lighting. Your hips still rolling into his. Liquids dripping down your pussy and down his legs. As you moaned he begins to kiss you again. This time rougher. He was fully entranced with you. His body only wanted you he wanted all of you. You could still taste yourself on him. You both his riding your waves, you both let out moans into eachothers mouths. He continued his pace until he was done. His pace slowed before pulling out of you. Theo finally breaks the kiss, laying on his back next to you. You both lay there absolutely breathless. Your body still shaking. Chest rising up and down erotically. You both continue letting out small noises.
Your body still wanting to be close to him. You roll over laying an arm across his chest as you lay your head on him. One of his arms snakes around you playing with your hair. “Eri una principessa fantastica”(You were amazing princess) he breathes out.
This was my first time writing smut so lmk how it was! Lmk if I need to fix anything. Sorry for the VERY long one shot lol.
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peanutbubba · 2 months
Zoro shanks ace and law (seperate) x male reader fluff please i dont care if u add or remove anything dowhatever u wnat
OP Men x Strong Reader
Male reader, fluff, Ace and reader aren’t in a relationship, Reader is insecure of his strength in Law’s, not beta read, drabbles, Pre-timeskip Zoro (600+ words), Shanks (600 words), Law (800+ words), Ace (800 words)
Red Hair Shanks
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Shanks was never the type of man to be tied down, as a pirate he could never really afford too, he had a dream and desire to be on the sea, it was as plain as that.
But when you came and joined his crew you took all that and threw it on its head, now there was hardly a moment where Shanks wasn’t thinking about you, or outright flirting shamelessly with you.
All of this started just because you were considerate to him, always keeping a keen eye on your captain.
Days where he was struggling with only having one arm, phantom pains, cramps in his arm, whatever it may be on that day you were sure to help him with no questions. You took on the weight of his burden without him even needing to ask, and that’s what made him fall for you so easily.
And on top of that you’re extremely hot, while you were super strong at the same time, what’s there not to like about you?
“Shanks, you’re staring off again,” You sigh, a small frown on your face, “Are you sure you’re not tired? I can take the night shift.”
Immediately Shanks shakes his head, red hair messily going back and forth with the motion, “No, it’s fine.”
You simply roll your eyes at your stubborn Captain, instead deciding to change the topic to something else, “What were you thinking about?”
“You,” he answers quickly, his voice genuine as he cockily smiles at you.
“Oh? So you'd rather fantasize over me rather than actually talk to me?” You tilt your head, smirk on your face as you tease Shanks.
“What?! That’s not what I meant,” he hurriedly says, his cocky attitude dropping nervously for a second.
You simply laugh, finding Shanks’ behavior funny, how a many could go from confident to worried in a second just pure funny. “Yeah, I know.”
Shanks deadpans, sticking his tongue out at you and blowing raspberries like a kid would, “You’re terrible.”
“Aww, but you still love me,” you point out, not at all deterred by Shanks’ comment, bumping his arm with your shoulder.
“Do I?” He replies back sarcastically, turning his head in faux pondering.
Punching his arm playfully you grumble, “No more kisses for you.”
“What?! Come on, anything but that baby,” Shanks pouts, taking the hit on his arm before leaning down and wrapping it around your waist.
Leaning towards you he tries to steal a kiss from your lips but you turn your head, a small whine of displeasure coming from shanks at the action.
Burying his face in your neck he mumbles another plea, his beard scratching you, red hair also tickling your face as it’s blown by the night breeze, “Please, I’m sorry.”
You sigh, your arms wrapping around Shanks as he perks up slightly, leaning in to get a kiss again. This time you allow him, your lips melting nicely against his in a sweet smooch, pulling away to be met with his goofy smile once again.
He tries leaning in for another one but is stopped by you, grabbing the man and hoisting him over your shoulder, his hand grabbing his coat as it falls from his shoulders.
He blushes at how easily you pick him up, hitting his hand against your back gently, “What are you-“
“Beckman’s here, let’s go to bed.” You quickly answer, beginning to move to your shared quarters.
Looking up Shanks sees the gray haired man waving goodbye at them, a knowing smirk on his face as Shanks goes tense. “Goodnight, Captain, Y/N.”
Trafalgar D. Water Law
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A lot of the time Shachi would play pranks, usually harmless and all in good fun, until it suddenly goes wrong and they’re stuck with more chores than usual after Law catches them… However, it never deterred him, surprisingly.
You had been peacefully checking the Polar Tang’s pipes, making sure there were no punctures or complications. A careful hand on the delicate piping, when Shachi comes over with one of the most disgusting looking bugs you’ve seen in your life, throwing it on you.
The yell you let out when you felt it crawling on you, it was like you were being murdered, hand tightening around the pipe and accidentally crushing and ripping it in half.
Your hand immediately letting go of the pipe and swatting the bug off of your body, disgusted yelps leaving you until it finally falls off of you.
Looking up you see how Shachi stares at the wall in horror, you already know what he was looking at, however still turning around your face goes to horror when you realize how there is no longer a major chunk of the pipe.
Slowly turning to each other the both of you staring with terrified expressions, fast footsteps making you both panic and whisper yelling at each other. “What the fuck, Shachi!”
“Dude, how was I supposed to know you were gonna react like that?!” He hisses back.
Grabbing the broken pipe you quickly hide it behind your back, scooching back so the broken pipe lining the way was also hidden, Shachi also standing next to you to hide it.
Finally you see Law appear from the corner, a concerned look on his face. “Are you okay? I heard screaming.” He directs at both of you, worry in his tired eyes.
“Nope. We’re alright here, captain!” You respond quickly, your best poker face on.
And you watch nervously at how Law’s eyes narrow at you, then Shachi, but he seems to relax and accept the answer, nodding before turning around and leaving.
When he’s away from sight both you and Shachi begin to panic harder, beginning to push Shachi down a hallway. “Go find that bug before it finds him!”
Nodding he quickly runs off down the hallway the bug scittered off across, you going in the opposite direction to the room that houses extra pipes.
Quickly you place the broken pipe down in its section before fetching a new one, rushing back out the room and back down the hallway that had the broken pipe.
Out of breath you try to get air in your lungs harshly, getting to work once your lungs didn’t feel like they were on fire. Detaching the other broken pieces, replacing it with the new pipe, finally calming down when it was fixed.
It doesn’t last long though, Shachi coming back down the hallway to you also out of breath. “Help me… find a box.” He says through gasps, his hands clasped in front of him.
Getting up, you collect your tool box and go with Shachi, scouring the supply closets for an empty cardboard box, eventually finding one and stuffing the bug in there, sealing the box shut with tape.
Both of you leave the room silently going your separate ways. You were sure this would be funny when it's brought up again another day, for now however, you’re just glad you were quick enough to escape Law’s punishments.
All you had to do now was report back to him and this nightmare would be done.
Treading down the hallway you make your way to the captain’s quarters, knuckles rasping against the metal as you knock, entering a second later.
Before you could even open your mouth to speak, Law was quicker, immediately questioning you with dreaded words. “Did you fix the pipe?”
Your jaw drops, a worried look coming on your face as you realize that Law knew the whole time. “You knew?!”
“It wasn’t hard to figure out,” he smirks, placing the papers that he was skimming over down to look at you in turn.
“How did you-”
“I saw Shachi-ya chasing a bug down the hallway, and I heard the pipe hissing.” He quickly responds, cutting off your question.
He watches how your lips tighten downturning in a frown, sighing his own expression matches your, standing up from his chair and walking over to you. “Y/N-ya, it wasn’t your fault.”
Once more he cuts you off, his words soft towards you even if his facial expression didn’t change much from his usual stoic one, “It’s alright. It was a mistake and you already fixed it, that’s all that matters.”
You open your mouth again to argue about it but Law’s quicker, inked hands wrapping around you and your head and shoving you in a hug, forcing you to shut up.
Relaxing in his affection, the scent of him calming you down from your mistake, just taking it that he wouldn’t let you win this argument.
“Want to help me come up with a punishment for Shachi?”
Roronoa Zoro
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You didn’t train much, if at all, mostly it was because you couldn’t, there wasn’t any training equipment that could sustain being under your pressure.
But you did like to watch Zoro workout, in a way living vicariously through him. Sometimes he’d even ask you to help him, which you always enjoy.
Sometimes you were his spotter, sometimes you’d both have a friendly clash, and other times he’d use you like an extra weight.
“Push harder,” he ordered, glaring down at the wooden floors of the Merry.
With an amused sigh you apply a little more pressure to his back, hands pushing his sweaty back down, “Is this good?”
Fixing his posture Zoro allows his body to go down, then with a slight strain he pushes back up with a grunt. “Perfect.” He replies curtly.
So that’s how you stay, using some of your strength to push him down while he does push ups, both of you using your strength to fight against each other.
You enjoyed helping Zoro so much because this was usually as soft as the two of you got with each other, in a way this was how Zoro showed his affection to you.
Even if he didn’t admit it himself you understood that he enjoyed having you around, watching him, training with him. You can see it in the way his brown eyes soften when he sees you climb to the upper deck, stretching the sleep off of your limbs from a midday nap, or even in the way his eyes flicker to you every so often to make sure you’re still watching.
It never disappoints how the tips of his ears dust red when you compliment him from behind, of how he tenses when you whistle at his physique.
Going down again you watch how Zoro’s arms flex, a smile growing on your face as you admire his muscles, a clear sign of the dedication that Zoro put into trying to gain the title of The Strongest Swordsman.
It was days like this that you felt truly relaxed, a sense of ease settling so comfortably in your bones in a way that could never otherwise be accomplished.
You would never trade these days for the world, because this was it, it was your heaven and your earth, the only things truly keeping you tethered down.
And you sure it was the same for Zoro, you were sure that he as well would never give such tranquility up.
“You’re staring.” Zoro points out factually, a slight curiosity to his voice.
You let out a nervous chuckle, cheeks slightly tinting pink at how he caught you so easily without even having to look at you.
“It’s hard not too, you look good training.” Zoro’s body goes rigid at your comment, ears blowing up in a crimson as he simply huffs.
Again he goes down and this time you’re much more aware of everything happening, the soft clinking of his earrings as they glitter under the sun.
The waves rocking the Merry gently as if trying to put it to sleep, huffs escaping as Zoro strains to push back up, the distant chatter of the other crew members on the deck.
You adored this ship, this crew, and especially Zoro. They gave you a place when you had none, he rooted for you when no one else would. They were the family you got, even if you didn’t feel like you deserved it.
So long as you could help it you would make sure that days would stay like this, sunny and bright with a good future ahead.
You would see this crew reach its goals, you promised that, you would reach your own goal. More importantly you’d be beside Zoro’s side when he finally got crowned with the title he yearns for, you’ll be there cheering him on.
That, you’ll make sure of.
Portgas D. Ace
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When Ace first saw you he swore up and down that you were the most beautiful man he had met, and when he saw your strength first hand he immediately fell in love he was sure.
That’s why he couldn’t help himself, gushing about you to Marco, or admiring you when you were fighting.
There was something about you that just drew him in like a moth to a flame, but god was he not mad, he would keep this going on forever if he could.
It’s why even now when you were having a friendly brawl with Vista, he was practically jittering with excitement, desperate to see you and your amazing strength again.
Rolling back and forth between the ball and heel on his feet, black eyes glittering like a child’s.
He watches as you fight against Vista, catching the sides of his blades in your hands, or concentrating so hard to try and not hurt Vista too much when you land a punch on him.
Ace practically sighs as if he was watching a dream, all because you were so cool, even with such things as Haki you were incredibly strong.
“You know you should tell him, right?” Marco asks, also watching beside Ace as the fight goes down.
Jolting in shock Ace looked beside him, he wasn’t expecting the man to watch so he was scared by his sudden presence beside him, an unamused look on his face because of it.
“But what if he doesn’t say yes?” He pouts, looking back at you, his cheeks flushing red at the thought of him confessing to you.
Marco shrugs his shoulders, a calm look still about him as his attention is captivated by Vista and you, “Won’t know until you try.”
Ace pouts, trying to think of the different ways he could, maybe he could try impressing you enough to-
“Please do not try any of that impressing him stuff,” Marco says with a sigh, practically reading Ace’s mind.
Snapping his head towards Marco he huffs, an annoyed tone to his voice as he bickers, “What’s wrong with that?”
“It literally never works,” the first division commander responds back, “Just ask him out on a date, normally.”
Ace groans but nods his head, looking back at the fight only to realize it finished, both Vista and you laughing together.
Alright… okay, all he had to do was ask you on a date, easy! Except it’s not, at all, because you make Ace so nervous that half the time he just wants to die of embarrassment.
When you began to walk off to the showers Ace stopped you, a nervous smile on his face and he completely forgot what he was supposed to be saying. It felt like his heart was in his throat, ready to burst out at any moment now that he was so close to you, and all he could manage to sputter out was, “You’re so cool,” before promptly running away.
Bumping into Izou who just laughs at him lightheartedly, “That was so pathetic.”
“I know! Don’t remind me,” he grumbles out, rubbing at his burning face with his hands, squatting down to sit on his haunches.
“You have to calm down when talking to him, you’re freaking out too much,” Izou points out, trying to at least help Ace a little.
Ace sighs, opening his fingers enough so he could look through them, “Yeah, but it’s hard when they’re so… them!”
Izou begins to laugh again, stifling out a, “You’re hopeless,” before shaking his head.
“Well you better ask him soon before someone else does,” he says, pointing at some of the other people on the Moby Dick also admiring you to Ace.
Ace stands up quickly at the mention of the other competition, suddenly a serious look about him, there was no way he was letting someone else get to you first!
Rushing back over to where he left you he relaxes in relief that you’re still there, a confused look on your face as you watch Ace come back to you after running away two minutes ago.
“Go on a date with me?” He immediately blurts when he’s in front of you, his face such a deep shade of red it rivals the red beads he wears around his neck.
Laughing your face changes from one of puzzlement to amusement, your cheeks dusting a light pink, “Sure, commander.”
Ace feels how his heart burst up in flames and honestly he wouldn’t have been surprised if he was on fire too, but it didn’t really matter to him, not when the most loveliest person he’s ever seen in his life just accepted going on a date.
“Awesome,” he breathlessly whispers, a goofy smile on his face.
This reminded me that I always forget how to spell Zoro’s last name.
Hope you enjoyed, Pea’s out!
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eros7hanatos · 7 months
If your requests are open can I get a smutshot with akademiya dottore x afab reader ?
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A/N: I hope you like it! Also i found this really cute fanart so I just wanted to show it Akademiya!Dottore x afab!reader Warnings: sort of manipulative Dottore, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (reader giving), slight exhibitionism, porn with some plot, established relationship, not proofread word count: 1.16k art creds: kradebii
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“Hey, you alright?” you ask as you walk over to Dottore sitting in the corner of the House of Daena. The whole way here, you had heard hushed whispers and rumors about how Dottore had gotten kicked out of the House of Daena so seeing his light blue hair in the corner surprised you. It was already very late, with only 2 or 3 people left inside. “Today is my last day in this place. The largest library in Teyvat… Those fucking higher ups think they can chase me away, I’ll show them.” he mutters to himself as you sigh and wrap your arms around him, feeling his cold body on your skin. You both had met here, studying in the Akademiya, in this very library, making small talk then sharing studies and research papers, and before you knew it, you were a couple. However being in a relationship didn’t change much from being friends, he was still most busy with his research and you were fine with that, in the end he would come home to your open arms, or legs.
“Show them who’s boss, babe.” you said, letting go of him to sit by his side, intertwining your hand on his. Your mindset had almost completely changed from when you first met him, the result of discussing almost every topic with him everyday. 
“I will, but right now I’m fucking stressed, racking my brain for the best way of payback..” he trailed off, squeezing his nosebridge and sighing. You sighed along with him, pitying him and trying to think of something, anything, to help. Suddenly, you felt his large warm hands on your waist, his face buried in the crook of your neck. 
“I need your help, darling~ Help me relax.” he whispers in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine before nibbling on your ear and pulling away, a sly smirk on his face. You’re about to agree as you then remember where you are, the library, even if there were less people here, the number wasn’t zero. You could get caught and the both of you thrown out of the Akademiya instantly. “H-here? I can help you when we’re back home, but here? Someone might catch us-” he cuts you off with a kiss, shutting you up as he slips his tongue inside you, relishing in your muffled moans and how your face flushed. He nibbled your lower lip before letting you go, licking his lips as he watches your angry expression. “It’s my last day in here, the last memory I want of this place is fucking you on the table.” ‘he’s crazy..no way we’re doing that here…’ you think, but your actions are the exact opposite as your thoughts as you soon find yourself accommodating your jaw to fit his whole length in your mouth. 
Breathy sighs leave his mouth as you bob your head up and down, your tongue coating his entire length with your spit and saliva. Your thighs rub together tightly as you feel your panties slowly becoming wetter.
“Need more.” is all he says before he grabs both sides of your head and pushes your head into him, your the tip of your nose reaching his pubes as he lets out a strangled moan, growling as he fucks your throat with an animalistic pace, his cockhead hitting the back of your throat every thrust, causing you to gag. Your gags edges him closer to his orgasm, your wet and warm throat pulsating around his length. With a few more sloppy and slow thrusts you taste warm and bittersweet, thick semen in your mouth. He looks at you with eyes full of lust, pulling out to smear his cum on your lips as you lick them up.
“What a good girl you are~” he praises you as his expression then darkens. “Those fucking hypocrites, saying they support all research when they’re clearly trying to kick me out just because of my research.” he scowls as his large hands are placed on your hips, lifting you up to sit on the table, a bookshelf in front of the table, a good hiding spot. He pushes you down, your back hitting the cold wood as he lifts your skirt, revealing your now very wet panties as he simply pushes the flimsy fabric to the side.
“W-wait D-Dottore- Hhmp!” you say as you suppress a moan when one of his fingers enters you. He’s going rougher than usual, more impatient as well as he shoves a second finger in your drenching cunt. You slap your mouth shut, trying your best to not make a single noise, not even able to tell Dottore to slow down or to stop. “Don’t you love me, darling? If you do then you’ll let me release my stress.” he coos, his breath hot and heavy next to your ears as he licks it. You nod, absolutely in love with him, you wouldn’t get caught, it was such a small possibility, there’s no way that anyone would come to this specific corner. He lets out a breathy sigh as his fingers leave your cunt, leaving you empty for only a split second before thrusting his whole length into you. You let out a whine as Dottore pulls your hair, hissing at your sound. 
“Be quiet, I don’t want anyone ruining this moment.” He thrusts into you, this time particularly deep and harsh as you grasp your mouth tightly, your nails digging into your cheeks. “First, my hometown.” he says, thrusting even deeper as you feel his cockhead poke your womb. “Now, the House of Daena.” another harsh thrust, tears falling down your cheeks as your back arched on the wooden table. “What’s next? The Akademiya?” Your slightly open eyes look at him, those fierce red eyes hidden behind his blue hair, teeth gritting and eyebrows closely knitted together. 
“P-please, D-Dottore..” you beg, whispering as you let go of your hands for a split second, feeling that coiling feeling in your lower abdomen, “P-please let me come, p-p-pleasee.” you whine, trying to keep your voice as low as possible as he grunts, lips curving up into a smirk. “Of course, darling~” he said, his hand snaking up to your clit to harshly rub it in circles, his thumb abusing it as your orgasm hits you like a train, causing you to see stars and come around his cock, your walls clenching and helping him reach his own high. Within a few thrusts and your legs shaking and squirming from overstimulation, he came, flooding your insides with a familiar warmth, you cunt sucking him dry, afraid that if a single drop were to spill on the table then you would get caught. You pant, your breath shaky as his body falls onto you, his chest heaving up and down. Now whenever you enter the House of Daena, that will be the first thing you think of. You weren’t complaining though.
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mbsneur · 1 month
Summer trip
Patri Guijarro x Reader
Summary: you and patri's friends are on holiday
Warnings: Smut 18+,public sex
My Masterlist
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please read this text before going to the story
ease don't be so strict with me but rather write to me what I can do better or what you wished were different. also tell me if you find the story too long or too short.. Also write to me if you liked it. My requests are always open (and English is not my first language so don't be mad at me) and if you have any ideas for the future about who I should write please tell me… the topics I will choose by myself unless you have a request for one or two people I will Read everything.. in the next survey I will take a few ideas from the old survey and new ones…. now read and I hope you like it <33
(this is a very short one)
it was a hot summer day in spain your girlfriend patri had got a few off days so you decided to fly to ibiza with some friends from her to just relax and party for a few days
you rented a small beach house with a big pool in the garden alexia was reading a book and claudia and cata were just lying there sunbathing
patri and you were lying on the other side of the pool you pushed your loungers together and close to each other you lay face to face and patri's breath brushed your lips
you closed your eyes and just enjoyed her closeness she kissed you gently on the lips you murmured lightly and pressed your face closer to her lips
you put your hand around her cheek and pulled her deeper into the kiss her tongue clicked against your lower lip and asked for an entrance which you granted her her tongue gently circled yours and sucked lightly on it
patri's breathing became heavy the kiss began to more aggressive kissing and her fingernails dug into your flesh at your hips with a soft moan you rocked your hips against hers
she let go of you and began to kiss along your jawline her hard breathing triggered feelings of happiness in you
"patri what are you up to" you say with a groan and lower your face against her
"i miss your taste baby" she says and bites along the path to your ear your body starts to tingle and sway you search for release and your face turns deep red from her words
"we can go inside" you say and try to push her away but she presses closer to you and comes to your neck she sucks lightly on it causing you to throw your head backwards
"no i want you right here" she says and takes one of your breasts firmly in her hand
"patricia guijarro all your friends are here you can't fuck me in front of everyone what if someone sees it"
patri looks around and sees how nobody is interested in the two of you cata has probably already fallen asleep and claudia is lying with her back to you "see nobody will notice anything if you are quiet mh"
she says and one of her fingers slips into your bikini top and gently pinches your nipple you squeal with pleasure
patri's other hand quickly slips to your mouth and squeezes tightly "i said you have to be quiet can you do that for me?" she asks looking at you with the sweetest puppy dog eyes
you sigh deeply and bring her hand that was just on your mouth to your thigh "i knew you could be a good girl you can prove it to me now" she laughs softly and places small kisses over your chest
her hand lifts your leg over hers and pulls you closer to her your whole lower body is now under her legs it would be impossible for anyone to see what patri's hand is doing there
she sucks on your exposed skin and her hand gently massages your inner thigh "patri please do something" she laughs in return.
patri's hand slowly slips into your pants and begins to massage your bundle of nerves you whimper quietly to yourself and try to suppress even the smallest sound
her circles get harder and your thigh closes tighter around her leg "tell me what you need bonita" she whispers to you and you fight with yourself to be quiet
"i need you inside me please" your wish was her command and without difficulty her middle finger slips into you
"fuck you are so wet is that all for me" she asks and has to suppress a little moan herself her finger presses gently and slowly into you so as not to strain you too much
you nod eagerly and catch a hard grip from her hand which makes you groan "use your words" she says and pokes her eyes into yours
"i'm so wet for you patri please fill me up completely" she smiles at your honesty and her grip loosens you slowly build yourself up and patri adds another finger which speeds up your breathing.
you start to moan and press your hand harder against your mouth patri's mouth is now further down and she pulls your bikini part to the side with her teeth and lays on the now free skin
your feelings take over and you start to fidget it's so hard for you to stay calm patri's fingers speed up and her thumb finds its way to your clitoris
your legs cramp up and patri holds you tight in her arms "shhh baby you are so good you take my fingers so well"
she says and looks you in the face she wants to see your full splendour when you come she feels how tight your walls get around her fingers it means you are close and patri knows that she knows your body better than you do
she says and looks you in the face she wants to see your full splendour when you cum she feels how tight your walls get around her fingers it means you are close and patri knows that she knows your body better than you do
your hips began to tremble and your hand around her shoulders bores into it your vision becomes blurred and all you can think about is your orgasm
"patri I'm getting closer"
you say moaning and patri gets faster your head falls into her neck and she tries to calm you down with all her strength "your pussy is so perfect for my fingers you are made for me“
your thoughts are going crazy everything patri says makes you crazy you feel like you are the only two peoples in the world
your legs start to tremble "just like that please don't stop i'm so close" you say moaning and rocking faster against her hand your orgasm builds hard and fast you haven't been this close in a long time
"cum for me bonita" patri says against your skin and with a few more pushes you cum over her whole hand your body becomes heavy against her and your legs are a trembling mess you lightly kick her hand away with your leg and slip a stick
your eyes are closed and patri lightly caresses your body you start to laugh and your chest rises and falls quickly
"patri you are so good i hope no one has noticed" you say laughing and give her a playful slap on the shoulder she gives you a little kiss on the forehead
"hey patri come into the pool your girlfriend can do without you" calls claudia from the other side and you laughingly push patri off the lounger
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temmtamm · 7 days
I need you to write SOMETHING about yan Ford locking up (gn) reader slskxlflwld please I need him,,,,,,,, ogh
It wasn’t an easy feat to do this, y’know??
Really, he’d expect more appreciation on your part. Don’t you see all that he is putting on the line just for you? But, no. He supposes it is to hasty for a wild animal to suddenly get used to being loved and having a home.
And trust, that IS what you are. A wild, stray dog. One he intends on domesticating.
After all, it would do you no good to live on your own in a town like Gravity Falls. Too many creatures who would tear you limb from limb if given the chance.
Really, it’s much more preferable that he found you than the others.
Now, suuure, he may have found you through unconventional ways—But, hey!! Every Romcom starts with miscommunication!!
…His just happened to be him tracking you down after seeing you at the Mystery Shack, finding your home, your family, your first pets name.
It was all in the name of research, however!! Research is what he does best!! He can pick apart and dissect any topic of interest with enough time.
You just so happened to be his latest topic of interest.
“You have to eat, y’know?” Ford knelt down next to your curled in form laying weak on the ground, malnourished, sick, with sweat clinging to your skin and hair that hasn’t been washed in days. No matter, he’s seen worse. He’s lived through worse. They don’t exactly have showers in every single dimension, so a couple months is nothing compared to his nearly 30 years without a shower.
You didn’t respond. That has been your new gimmick lately, he noticed. You’re newest stage of grief.
You’ve already went through anger, bargaining, denial—Now, he just had to deal with your depression before he could get to the sweet ivory bliss that was acceptance.
He’d be waiting with bated breath for when you accepted him and how good this truly was for you, when you’d lean into his touch rather than jerk away.
Maybe then you can finally see more of the house than the basement—So long as you don’t snitch to the others why you’re here.
First things first, however, he needed to make sure you were healthy.
“I said eat.” He huffed, thick bushy brows knitting together as his tone grew more stern. That’s how he usually got his way, he noticed. He had to intimidate you. That’s what he had to do to stop you from stabbing him with his pens, to stop you from using any broken shards of glass to cut yourself, and to stop your from telling him how much you hated him.
Strangely enough, however, it didn’t work this time. If he had to guess, this was your new way of getting back at him, of not giving him the satisfaction of taking care of you. You’d sooner die from starvation than eat anything he cooked.
Too bad he wasn’t letting you. “They always want it the hard way..” Ford sighed, shaking his head before one of his hands jutted out, grabbing at your jaw, already so sore and bruised from the other times when he was…less than kind when handling you. It’d stop if you stopped biting, y’know.
“Glk—“ A choked gag left your lips, your nose wrinkling as your eyes grew misty from the pain. You tried to stay strong, to fight against him, though, inevitably, your mouth parted to let out a cry of pain. “Stop—“
You barely had time before a metal spoon was forced down your gullet, burning hot chili following it. You weren’t allowed solids yet.
Your eyes watered further, feeling it burn at your tender flesh and gums, making you swish it around, desperate to alleviate some of the pain before giving up, swallowing to make the pain, and food go away.
You hated that defeat tasted so good, especially with how you had been neglecting yourself lately.
“There we go,” You hated how Ford cooed even more. “That’s much better, isn’t it?”
A pathetic groan left your lips, with your head ducking back in to hide in your curled up form as he reached out, a rough, calloused six-fingers palm petting and playing with your hair as you laid like a old, tired dog.
…The feeling was soft and sweet, contrasting how tired and sore your bones were.
“There we go…Good dog.”
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snickerdoodie · 16 days
Any hc’s for Scott (twisters) who is only not an asshole when he’s around his s/o? Others see him being sweet to her and are like wtf why can’t be be that nice to us 🥲
No cause I’ve also been obsessed with that idea of him for so long, ahhh. He seems like such a “I care about you and you only” kinda guy and it just fuels my obsession
A/N: this is my first time ever writing anything like head canons so if it’s goofy I apologize in advance. Not proofread as usual. Also I really hope it was anything like you expected 😭. But anyway, enjoy!
Scott Miller Headcanons
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Right off the bat, I think we can all agree talking is not one of Scott’s strong suits. The only times he really talks is when he’s proposing ideas to Riggs and Javi about potential deals. So when the team finds him willingly chatting with you after a day of collecting data, they all just short circuit.
Like hello?? Are they dreaming??? Wtf going on???? Like out of everybody to talk to you choose him??? And they’re not even mad they’re just..they have no clue what to think, they’ve never seen him look so at ease before lmao. There’s no permanent scowl on his face or anything, just his baritone voice mixing with your own. Ngl it creeped them out at first, they really thought the world was ending that night.
Javi’s the first to really notice the changes in Scotts demeanor around you; the quick glances, the ever so slight smiles, and even the smallest touches like his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand when he’s giving a speech, he’s seen it all.
Speaking of, I just know that Scott’s love language has got to be either words of affirmation or physical touch. He loves hearing you tell him how much he matters to you, or how you remember small things about him, it just makes him smile. For him being a not very vocal person, it’s hard for him to tell you straight up how much he cares for you. It doesn’t even have to be gentle or meaningful words, making witty comebacks to his sarcastic remarks is always enough for him.
But his way of expressing his affection is through small touches. Standing close enough to you where you can smell his cologne, brushes of his fingers to your waist or hand, overall just standing close to you. (Now that I think abt it, that’s a looot more like quality time but whatever☺️)
Anyway, back on topic cuz I’m too easily distracted. The crew really tried their hardest to get Scott to even be remotely nice to them after that. I mean if he was nice to you then he could be nice to them right? Can’t be that hard. Boy oh boy were they wrong…they literally did everything in their power. They bought him coffees on early mornings, made sure he has the nicest, or as nice as they could be, bed sheets at motels, volunteered to do his dirty work of pages and pages of paperwork, but literally nothing worked. All they ever got were blank stared nods or a grumbled ‘thanks.’ At this point they were flabbergasted. How could you get that cocky bastard to even glance at you?? Nevertheless smile at you?
They have up like 5 days after trying lmfao, it was utterly useless to try and make that man any less brooding then he is. After trying through, they realized that all their attempts didn’t go completely wasted.
Scott brought you hot drinks on the chilly nights and morning as you two sat together in the crappy hotel rooms. Stopped smacking his gum whenever you side-eyed him a little too hard, much to everyone’s relief. Always walked you to your room after a late night to make sure you got there safe.
As much as they hated how self centered and blunt Scott was, they all secretly knew how love drunk he was about you. (Don’t bring it up to him, but they’re all secretly jealous they dont get any kind of special treatment
First head canon ask!! I do not think I did very good at it though💀💀. I had ideas in my head but they were not coming out the way I ask. But I hoped you at least liked some of it! I promise to write a better one in the future!
And as always, feel free to comment about anything you liked or didn’t like. Inbox is always open to more ideas! <3
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roosterforme · 7 months
Always Ever Only You Part 33 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Getting through your second presentation feels like a battle of wits against your own body. Then after weeks of barely being able to stomach anything, you are presented with the most enticing dinner. But it's the food that's alluring, not your dinner mate, and Bradley has a few things to say about the mess you get yourself caught up in.
Warnings: Swearing, adult language, pregnancy topics, angst, fluff, phone sex, masturbation
Length: 5800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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You slept like a lovesick log after your long drive back to the hotel from the cemetery. Exhausted from throwing up in the shrubs, you curled up in bed and watched the video you took for your son or daughter. You had recorded yourself reading both headstones and having a little conversation with your in-laws about the baby. It was just meant to be something you and Bradley could watch one day with the nugget, but it brought a smile to your face. 
You were decidedly no longer smiling when you woke up on Wednesday and had to race to the toilet. "Why is this happening again?" you asked the bath mat as you curled up in a ball. You had another, longer presentation to give. You had admirals to chat with. You had a whole lot to get done today. You didn't have time for this right now.
Even brushing your teeth was a chore. Changing into your uniform was an issue. At least your pants felt a little looser today. You honestly could not keep up with the way your body was bloated half the time and normal the rest of the time. 
You realized your makeup was pretty much the only thing holding your life together at the moment as you swiped on some mascara. Then there was a knock at your door, and it felt like you were doing the same thing all over again today, because essentially you were. You and Cat had to struggle with the bin of equipment. You had to fight to stay awake in the rental car. The nausea was turning  your life into a game of sheer determination to keep the bagel that you ate from coming back up. 
"Are you okay?" Cat asked you a few minutes before the presentation was about to start. 
"Of course," you told her in what you hoped was a reassuring tone. "Why wouldn't I be?" You shrugged and smiled serenely at her. 
"Because you're sweating bullets. And you've been pacing around the hallway."
You cleared your throat and insisted, "It's just really hot in here."
"It's not," she replied. "Please. I'm begging you. Just keep it together for another ninety minutes, okay? After that, you can do anything you want. Hell, I'll do anything you want me to do. But we need to get through this presentation." 
Her voice sounded panicked, and now you were looking around the hallway for a garbage can. But it was too late. The two of you were being called into the presentation room. Commander Patterson and Admiral Klein were sitting in the front row smiling at you. Shit, more admirals were here today. Oh fuck, all of these people wanted to hear your extended presentaion. A bead of sweat rolled down the back of your neck, past your shoulder blades and along your spine. You wanted Bradley. You wanted Bradley to hold you and let you throw up everywhere and tell you that you were still pretty and that he loved you even if you cried on the toilet and ate crackers while you lay on the floor. 
Tears burned your eyes, and Cat looked like she was going to scream. Pull it together. Ignore the sensation. Clip the microphone onto your shirt. Start talking. 
"Good afternoon. Lieutenant Coleman and I are back to expound upon our research presentation from Monday which covered communications engineering at Top Gun. You can find a copy of our slides in the information packet in front of you. Please hold your questions until we pause for a break. Let's get started."
Bradley really wasn't doing well without you at home. He was barely eating anything besides cereal and sandwiches, and he was going to bed hungry at night. The only fun he'd been having was slowly filling up that pink and blue notebook with his musings for the little nugget.
He was having a hard time sleeping, and he didn't like how quiet the house was. Even Tramp kept looking for you, occasionally running to the front door and whimpering. "We'll see her on Friday," he told the dog as he had potato chips and coffee for breakfast on Wednesday morning. "Two more days of this bullshit." 
When he got home from work on Tuesday, he broke down in tears as he looked at the photos you sent him from the cemetery. You even took a video where you were talking to him and the nugget and his parents. He still couldn't believe you took the time to drive there and make it so special for him. After he finished crying, he made his way back up to the attic where he took the half wall down to the studs. Then he realized that he really needed to call some contractors before you came home and saw the mess he made. 
While he drove to work in the red Bronco, he left messages, hoping to get some estimates in the next week or so. One thing that he'd been slowly coming to terms with was the fact that you didn't need him to take care of you by paying for everything. Both of your incomes were going toward the mortgage payments and all the necessities. You'd both been saving money for the future, and he figured the future had arrived since there was a baby on the way. 
When he parked in the garage on base, he noticed he had some new texts from you.
Baby Girl Bradshaw: I miss you. I'm struggling today. I think the nugget hates me. I'll call you later after my presentation and all of this other shit is over. 
He wanted to text you back, but he didn't want to be a distraction, so he tucked his phone into his pocket and ran his fingers through his hair. He had been reading every pregnancy article online that he could find, but none of the tricks he saw were helping you with the nausea. You were probably just going to have to wait it out. He would be ready to rub your shoulders and put a cool washcloth on the back of your neck when you got home.
Bradley walked the long way around to the classrooms since he was early and didn't need to stop in the locker room to change. When he passed the stairwell that would have taken him up to your office and the engineering labs, he swore he heard Bob's voice. He paused, and he definitely heard Bob's laugh. When the door to the stairs opened, he heard Bob say, "We can always find out later tonight if you want to invite me to your room again." And then there was a very familiar, feminine laugh before Bob appeared ten feet ahead of him.
He stared at Bob, and Bob stared back as the door closed, leaving the two of them alone. Bradley thought back to the way Bob and Maria were looking a little cozy at brunch last Sunday. This was interesting.
"Hey, Bob," Bradley said with a grin. "How are you enjoying your new apartment with Maria?"
His cheeks immediately flushed pink, and Bradley bit his lip to keep quiet as Bob started stuttering. Frankly, he was proud of his friend for sounding so much more self assured a few seconds ago when he was tucked inside the stairwell with Maria. "I-I d-don't know... are y-you... I d-din't think that..."
Bradley let him flounder through a few more partial sentences before he said, "If you're hooking up with Maria Wilson, then good for you, man. Well done."
Bob cleared his throat, adjusted his glasses and ran his hand along the back of his neck. "Thanks," he muttered as he stared at the floor. 
"You want me to keep this information to myself?"
Bob's blue eyes went wide as they met Bradley's. "Please." He swallowed hard. "I don't think she wants anyone else to know." His voice was just a whisper as he said, "I'm sure she'd be embarrassed if people found out."
Then he turned and left Bradley standing there alone. He'd been in that position before with you. Before you made things official. And he had been miserable. "Poor Bob," he muttered as he followed him at a distance. The best case scenario would be if Maria confided in you when you got back from Annapolis. Bradley would have to be cool about you going to brunch on Sunday even though he already wanted you and the baby all to himself again all weekend.
You made it. Somehow you got through the full hour and a half. You nailed your parts, and so did Cat. You and she answered questions for at least an additional thirty minutes, and now she was packing up the equipment while you sent a quick text to Bickel. 
"Your research is very compelling, Lieutenant Commander."
You looked up into the eyes of Commander Patterson, and he smiled warmly at you. Unfortunately, the only thing you could really think about was the way you'd been picturing Bradley's cock the last time you talked to him. At the moment, you were so fucking horny, you felt like rubbing yourself against the wall and crying until you got some relief.
"Thank you, sir," you managed to say while you tried to focus on his face and his words. "It has really become a passion project, trying to keep actual aviators in the air versus the drone agenda. Real people making real decisions based on their surroundings and the immediate threats they are facing will always win out against a laboratory manufactured software protocol."
"I couldn't agree more." He took a step closer and said, "And the way you presented your findings made it so clear that you're eager for others to understand how important that is as well."
"Absolutely," you told him with a smile of your own. "And the funding for communications research is so important." 
You were probably going to have to go to the cocktail hour tonight just to get your face out there since you skipped the previous one to drive to Virginia. But you were almost instantly saved from having to do that as Commander Patterson said, "I'm planning on having dinner this evening with a few of the admirals if you'd like to join us. Cocktail attire. Overpriced steaks. You know, the usual." 
His slight eye roll had you laughing and agreeing immediately. That sounded a lot better than trying to ditch champagne flutes all night. You'd still be able to chat with some superiors, and right now, you were actually hungry. "That sounds great. I'll see if Lieutenant Coleman can join as well."
With that, his smile wavered a bit, but he told you the name of the restaurant, and you promised to be there at seven o'clock. Cat had all the equipment packed up, and she was ready for you to help her carry the bin. "Hey, you want to come eat an overpriced steak later? With Commander Patterson and some others?" you asked as you tried your best to lift with your legs.
"Why didn't you tell me before? I already agreed to some stupid happy hour with a handful of admirals, but I love overpriced food when you don't have to pay for it."
You laughed and said, "That's probably better. We can divide and conquer this way. Bickel will like that."
As the two of you hoisted the bin into the rental car, Cat smiled and said, "You know what else he'll like? The fact that we nailed the presentation again today. I'm sorry I doubted you."
"Don't do it again," you told her with a smirk. Of course then you promptly started falling asleep while she drove back to the hotel, and when you got to your room, you passed out in bed until it was time to get ready for dinner. 
It was only three o'clock for Bradley, and even though you wanted to call him, you decided to wait a little longer. You inhaled a pack of peanut butter crackers while your stomach growled loudly. "What is with you today?" you asked the baby. "You're finally hungry? Or are you going to make me barf again?" You got a loud rumble in response. "I know you like Daddy better, and we'll be home in two days. Relax."
As you redid your makeup, you started thinking about Bradley. And then you thought about how delicious he smelled right after he finished a workout. And then you thought about how nice and big his cock is. And then you thought about all the sounds he makes and the way me moans your name when his cock is inside you.
"Oh hell," you whined, pressing your thighs together. You needed to get some relief with your toys until you could get back home, but you didn't have time for that right now. The combination of being so hungry and so horny was almost too much to handle, and you ended up calling Bradley on the short drive to the restaurant. It was barely four there, so you were surprised when he answered. 
"Hey, Sweetheart."
Two words. He said two fucking words, and you were moaning and having a hard time focusing to drive. "Roo. Oh my god."
"What's wrong?" he snapped immediately. "Are you okay?"
"Yes," you gasped, parking the car and squeezing the steering wheel. "I'm just so horny. And Commander Patterson asked me out to dinner, and I seriously need to get fucked, Bradley. Like you have no idea how bad it is right now."
You could hear him mutter something, and then you thought you heard Jake's voice before Bradley quietly said, "Baby Girl, I'll fuck the absolute shit out of you all weekend. In fact, I can't wait to do that. I'll take care of everything you need."
"Daddy," you moaned, realizing you should have masturbated instead of taking that nap.
"But please tell me who the fuck Commander Patterson is. All I know is that you said he's that guy who asked if Top Gun aviation is the right fit for you?" Another moan escaped your lips as you thought about being a tight fit for your husband. "Yeah, you sound wrecked, Sweetheart," he crooned in that raspy voice. "I don't think you should go to dinner with some guy I don't know. I don't care what his rank is.
You sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "It's not just with him. Some admirals are coming too. I need to meet the admirals, Bradley. And I'm already at the restaurant." When you looked further up the block, you saw Patterson heading inside.
Bradley made a frustrated sound. "Text me when you can? And call me when you're leaving later?"
"I will," you promised as your stomach growled. You were so excited that the nugget seemed to want to eat this steak, you almost hung up before you said, "I love you."
You straightened out your black cocktail dress as you practically ran down the sidewalk in your high heels which you rarely ever wore except in your bedroom with your husband. The delicious smells from the restaurant were wafting out onto the sidewalk, and you were going to cry if there wasn't some bread or something already waiting on the table. 
"There you are, Lieutenant Commander." 
Patterson was waiting inside the entryway where at least the sound of the air conditioner blasting and the conversation around you was blocking out your growling stomach. He was smiling as his hand found the small of your back. "Our table is ready. We can go right there." 
When he applied some pressure with his hand, you lurched forward. Perhaps he was just trying to help you navigate through the crowd, but he could keep his hands to himself. He must have known you were married. You decided to make a show of pointing out some hideous artwork with your left hand, practically shoving your rings in his face. "That's a lovely painting, Commander," you told him, but he just smiled and nodded at you before pulling out a chair at a table set for four.
"Please, call me Derek," he told you as he sank down into the seat across from you, and then he started using your first name without permission. The one blessing was the fact that there was an enormous basket of bread sitting right in the middle of the table along with a variety of spreads and dips. 
You moaned softly and had to bite your lip as you reached for a soft looking roll and the chive butter. Derek was staring at you with parted lips and wide pupils. Had he never seen a woman eat before? Had you ever been this hungry before? You licked your lips as you spread some of the butter onto the roll, and then you took a bite and moaned again. 
Holy. Fucking. Shit. 
After weeks of feeling miserable, you finally knew you could stomach this meal right now. You were still so turned on, and yet your exhaustion was bone deep at this point, but the bread was like a lifeline to normalcy, and you were grabbing onto it. 
Derek cleared his throat as he watched you take those first few sumptuous bites. "I've got to know," he said smoothly, "exactly what would lure you back to Annapolis for good?"
You popped the rest of the roll between your lips and chewed it up before you said, "Nothing."
"There would have to be something. Better research facilities? Your own lab? Both of your degrees and your work are so impressive, you must know there would be endless possibilities for you here."
You were shocked. Running your own lab was your dream. The idea of being in charge of a research team made your skin prickle with desire. You hoped that could be a possibility someday, but you weren't even thirty-five yet. You figured maybe ten years from now when Bickel was getting ready to retire, you'd be able to take his place. 
"My own lab?"
Derek smiled, all white teeth and handsome expression, and then the waitress arrived. You wanted to jump out of your seat and hug her when she asked if you'd like to order any appetizers.
"Do you know when the others will be here?" you asked Derek. "Should we wait to order?"
He shook his head vaguely. "They'll be late. We can order. Get whatever you want."
You almost laughed giddily as you ordered three appetizers and then a steak dinner complete with garlic mashed potatoes and two vegetables. "We can share the appetizers," you said when he looked at you in surprise, even though you didn't want to. You placed your hand on your belly, trying to subtly thank the baby for cooperating right now. 
When the waitress finished taking his order and then departed, you asked, "Which admirals are joining us?"
"Hmm? Oh... uh, Rivera and Silverman."
You were not familiar with either of them which made you panic slightly. You should have done more research on who was attending each of the lectures. Why hadn't you done that? Oh, right... because you were too busy throwing up. The bread basket called to you, and before you knew it, you'd eaten more than half while Derek droned on about how amazing you'd be running your own lab. He didn't even know you, which made this more annoying than anything else, but your stomach was holding up spectacularly, so you could overlook it. You could have kissed the waitress when she came back with the appetizers.
"So, do you live alone?" he asked as you dipped two mozzarella sticks into some marinara sauce. You paused before shoving them into your mouth so you could chuckle. 
"No. I live with my husband and our dog." Then the fried cheese hit your tongue, and it was like you were living in a world of color after weeks in black and white. Your stomach gurgled pleasantly, finally accepting food once again. Tears of joy stung at your eyes as you took a forkful of crispy brussels sprouts and a potato skin.
Derek laughed and asked how old you were, but your mouth was full, so he said, "Let's just say, my career in Annapolis outlived my bad marriage. And that's been the case for many, many officers."
You swallowed the potato like it was a lead weight. That had definitely been the case for Cat, unfortunately. And you'd heard a lot of stories, sure, especially when you were at the Naval Academy. And perhaps that was part of the reason you fought against the mere idea of being with Bradley at first. One officer in a relationship with a civilian was bad enough, but two officers trying to make it happen together usually spelled disaster.
But you felt stronger with Bradley. The two of you worked hard to get through your struggles and end up in a better place. You and he were going to be parents, for fuck's sake. 
"Just sharing my two cents with you," Derek added, still smiling. "You're young, and you haven't lived it yet, but I can tell you that you'll go farther here than in San Diego. Especially if you're already open to the idea of having more."
You wanted to check the time on your phone; you must have been sitting here for over half an hour by now. The other two chairs were still empty. Derek was starting to get under your skin. 
"I'm open to the idea of pursuing my career at Top Gun along with my husband."
"He's an officer as well?" Derek asked with a laugh. "I'm sure he's having a great week back in San Diego without you."
You felt heat flame up your neck and into your cheeks as your steak dinners arrived. "Yes, he's an officer. He's a Top Gun aviator."
"He deploys?" Derek asked in disbelief before laughing harder. "You should make the move back to the east coast now, before he ruins your life. If he hasn't already."
He had gone from complimenting you to trying to humiliate you in a matter of minutes. You'd been blinded by the glorious meal, but the truth hit you square in the chest. As he picked up his fork and steak knife, you asked, "Why did you lie to me about two admirals coming? Do Rivera and Silverman even exist?"
Somehow his smile was still persistent as he said, "Sure, they exist. They went to the cocktail reception on base." You watched the knife sink into his steak as he added, "You're gorgeous. I wanted to get you alone. Let you know how much better things could be. Offer to set you up for a one-on-one meeting with Admiral Jennings tomorrow if you come home with me tonight. It's on the table if you want it."
In one quick movement, you snatched his plate away from him with the fork still stuck in the steak. "Okay, well fuck you, Derek," you snarled, standing up and waving for the waitress. "You're disgusting and delusional if you thought I would even consider going home with you."
"Can I get you anything?" the waitress asked cautiously, and you realized you were causing a bit of a scene now in the crowded restaurant. 
"Yes. I need boxes. Like a whole bunch of takeout boxes," you told her. "I'm taking all of this food with me."
"Right," the waitress replied, her gaze drifting to Derek who looked very unamused. 
"I'm taking his meal, too," you snapped. "Hurry up with the boxes."
She scurried away as you piled all of the food onto one plate and said, "You're so fucking stupid, Derek. I already have Admiral Jennings' phone number. I met her last year. I told her to her face that I'm staying in San Diego."
"Well then you're making a bad choice," he told you.
Then the waitress set down some takeout containers while you practically tossed the empty plate back at Derek. You scraped as much of the food into the first box as would fit before moving to the second one. "He's paying for dinner," you told the waitress. "And I'm taking one fork and one steak knife with me. He'll pay for those as well." You shoved the rest of the bread into the last box and then stacked them all up before meeting Derek's eyes. "You just ruined the first meal I've been able to stomach in weeks, asshole. And my husband is a nice man. Very sweet. Treats people with respect. But if he were here right now, you'd have a bloody face and some broken ribs." 
You picked up the boxes, grabbed the utensils, and made your way toward the exit. You went straight for your rental car and climbed inside before cranking the engine. Then you took a massive bite of garlic mashed potatoes before cutting off a piece of Derek's steak while you called your husband. 
Bradley was working out in the garage when your ringtone cut across the playlist you made for him. He practically dropped his barbell to the cement floor to get his phone from where it was sitting on the tool chest. "Sweetheart. I wasn't expecting to hear from you quite yet. Didn't we just get off the phone?" he asked with a smile as he ran his forearm along his sweaty face. "Not that I mind one bit." He was about to ask if you were done with dinner, but then he realized that you were crying. The sweat on his skin turned ice cold as he quickly asked, "What's wrong?"
"Roo," you wailed, and he started looking around the garage as if there was something out here that would help both of you calm down. "He ruined my fucking dinner!" you sobbed.
"What are you talking about?" he asked as he paced the length of the garage, running his fingers through his damp hair. "Who ruined it?"
"Commander Patterson."
Bradley honestly could not fathom how that guy had ruined your dinner. All he knew was that you told him you were horny as hell when you got to the restaurant, and that he didn't trust guys he didn't know around you. Most men were disgusting, and you were lovely and also pregnant with his child.
"Can you explain what happened so I can understand?" he asked as calmly as he could.
"Yeah," you sniffed, and he heard a car engine start up in the background. "The nugget and I were both really enjoying the food. Like really enjoying it, Bradley. You know how I've been, and this was delectable and exactly what we both wanted. Like it was so good, if you'd been there with me looking super sexy, I would have probably had an orgasm in the middle of the damn restaurant."
Bradley swallowed hard as he stood in the garage, wondering where the hell this was going. "I understand. You haven't been able to eat much, so that must have felt amazing. Now can you tell me what's wrong?"
"He ruined it!" you replied loudly. "He lied to me! There were no admirals planning on joining us. He tricked me into meeting him there, and then he gave me fake compliments and accolades about my work. He told me that I could get ahead with a career in Annapolis if I slept with him, all because he wanted to fuck me!"
Bradley almost dropped his phone. "Did he touch you?" he growled, switching to speaker phone as he rushed through the backyard toward the house and looked for flights to Maryland at the same time. "Did he fucking touch you?!"
"No!" you practically shrieked. "No, he didn't touch me! You think I'd let him get anywhere near me after he ruined my dinner?"
"Where are you now?" he demanded. "And what's this Commander fucking Patterson's first name?" 
Bradley was seeing red as he walked inside and slammed the sliding glass door behind him, and Tramp ran whimpering into the spare room. The earliest he could get out of San Diego on an eastbound flight was a red eye that left at 9:30, and that was nearly four hours from now.
"I'm not telling you his name," you said softly with a little sniff at the end. "I'm afraid you'll strangle him."
Frankly, if Bradley got his hands on the asshole, he'd probably wish all he got was strangled to death. "Where are you now?" he asked again, trying to keep his voice calmer.
"In my rental car."
"Good," he replied as he clenched and unclenched his fist and headed for the shower. "Go back to your hotel room, and text me the address. I'll stay on the phone with you until you get there, and then I'll be out on a red eye that lands in Annapolis at 5:55 tomorrow morning local time. And then you'll tell me his first name, and I'll beat the shit out of him for ruining your dinner and acting like my wife is his for the taking."
"Bradley," you said firmly. "I do not need you to come out here. I already feel better now that I told you about it."
"Well, I sure as fucking hell don't," he grunted, peeling off his sweaty clothes in the bathroom. "Does he know which hotel you're staying at? And where the hell is Cat?"
You groaned and said, "No, he doesn't know. And Cat went to the actual cocktail reception with the actual admirals. I seriously hate Commander Patterson. But I did steal his dinner, so that's making me feel a little bit better."
His thumb was hovering over his phone screen, ready to purchase a seat on this flight. "Wait, you stole his dinner?"
"Yes. I took it. When I tell you the food was that good, Bradley, I am not joking. I housed most of the appetizers and the bread basket, and then I took his plate before he even got a bite of his porterhouse. I dumped all of the food into takeout boxes, took some silverware, told the waitress he'd pay for everything, and then I left."
Bradley burst into laughter in spite of himself. He could actually picture it so clearly. The haughty expression on your face. Your biting wit once you figured out what was going on. The way you must have looked dumping the steaks into the containers. "You're a damn force to be reckoned with, Baby Girl. Are you driving back to the hotel with all the food?"
"Yeah. I mean I did eat a few bites when I first got back in the car, because the baby was demanding it, but I'm absolutely going to eat the rest in my room. Fuck that guy. He doesn't even deserve his overpriced steak. It's mine now."
Bradley cradled his forehead in his hand and laughed. "Do you really not need me to come out there?"
He heard you take a deep breath before you said, "I miss you a lot, but I really do not need you to come out, okay? The nugget and I are fine now, ruined dinner aside."
"Alright," he murmured. "If you change your mind, you have two hours to let me know, and I'll be knocking on your door by 7 in the morning."
You moaned and whispered, "God, that does sound good. I'm back at the hotel. Heading up to my room now. Any chance you feel like having phone sex before I eat my two steaks and roughly four pounds of potatoes?"
"Fuck," he grunted, his cock already getting hard as he looked down at himself. "Yeah. A hundred percent. Let me just get in the shower here."
"Okay, Daddy," you muttered, and Bradley was practically tripping over himself as he started up the spray of water. Once you were safely inside your room, you told him, "I'm ready when you are."
You got off twice to your vibrator and your husband's sexy voice. It was so easy to imagine him in the shower with the sound of the water in the background. You could picture the steam snaking around his body while he held his thick cock in his hand. You could practically taste his skin and smell the body wash he was definitely using as lube. 
"That's my sweet girl," he crooned as you started to peak for the second time. "When I get you home on Friday, my mouth is going to be all over that pussy. I miss you so much. I want my wife and my baby with me."
"Bradley," you whined, legs bent and shaking as you got closer. "I need you to fuck me. I'm so goddamn horny for you!"
He grunted right into the phone and said, "Keep it up, and I'll break your new car at the airport, too."
And then you came. Hard. Your chest was sweaty. Your back was arching off the bed. The vibrator rolled out of your grasp, and you stroked yourself with your fingers and whispered his name over and over. 
"I'm about to come," Bradley moaned. And you could hear the exact second he was probably making a white mess all over the tile wall. You imagined it on your belly instead. 
You just wanted to go home, and when your back finally settled against the bedding you said, "I need you to promise to fuck me at least twenty times between Friday night and Monday morning."
"Make it thirty, Sweetheart," he crooned as he panted. "At least. I fucking need it, too."
You turned your head to the side where a photo of him was still pulled up on your phone. "Sounds perfect. Don't forget, I'm having dinner with my mom and dad tomorrow, so please FaceTime when you're walking out of work if you can."
"For the love of all things holy, please don't talk about your parents when I'm still holding my cock."
You giggled, and then he laughed. "I won't do it again," you promised as you sat up in bed, eyeing the takeout containers on the desk. "I love you, Roo. I'm going to eat Derek Patteron's steak, take a shower, and then pass out."
"I love you too, Baby Girl. Can you put your phone down by your belly?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, pressing your lips together to keep from squealing at how sweet this man was.
"And I love you, too, my little nugget. Be nice to Mommy."
BG is all over the place... Roo probably has whiplash. Derek should be punished for ruining that meal for her and the baby. Just a few chapters left, and we'll have another series for them in the books! Thanks for reading! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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stvrlightgirl · 2 months
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✧˖°. So caught up in you ✧˖°.
part two
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part one ←
summary: Your second meeting doesn’t really go as you planned, but you couldn’t complain. After all he asked you out on a date, right?
pairing: primary school teacher!remus lupin x single mom f!reader
warnings: fluff, idiots in love, Remus is a lovesick puppy, Marlene McKinnon, cause she deserves it, talking about tough times, but nothing bad.
wc: 2,4k
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“So you say he’s pretty hot, huh?” Marlene looked at you with a sly grin dancing on her lips, as she spoke.
You rolled your eyes at her suggestive tone, and almost instantly, you can feel the heat rising in your cheeks, causing you to subconsciously look away and hide your face in the comforting warmth of your coffee, as you take a slow sip to cover your flustered expression.
“I-I do think he’s…more attractive than an average man, yeah, but it’s doesn’t change anything.” you stammer in defense. "He's Molly's teacher, for goodness sake!" You huff under your breath, taking another, nervous sip of your coffee to divert your focus from the embarrassing topic.
Marlene lets out a hearty laugh, shaking her head in playful disbelief. "Oh, come on now," she teases, a cheeky smirk playing on her lips. She repositions herself to a seated position on the couch, to see you better.
You've known Marlene since you were diaper-wearing kiddos running around the playground, and she's been your rock throughout the years. No matter how tough times have been, she's always been there for you, even during your darkest days. When you got pregnant and after giving birth, she never gave up on you. You can't even count the number of times you've cried on her shoulder because life has been hard, and you've felt lost.
And moments like that reminded you of just how well she actually known you. Maybe even better than you’ve known yourself.
“ I don’t know…” you sigh, looking down at the floor to collect your thoughts. “I actually felt something, when he looked at me, but maybe it was just my imagination running, you know?” You chuckled as your hand squeezed the mug tighter. “He was just nice” you shrug. “He had to be nice, it’s his work.” You tried to convince yourself.
“But he's single, right? I mean, you're pretty as fuck and certainly not stupid, so you must have noticed that he's into you!" She raised her voice in frustration. "Why would he approach you if not because he finds you hot?”
“I don’t know if he’s single, Marlene, why would I care?” You frowned. “Besides, I’m not going to ask him that question, never.” You put the mug down on the shelf and then rubbed your face with your hands. “It’s just stupid crush.” You let out a half-hearted chuckle, looking back at her.
“Ha! So it’s a crush, you said it yourself!” She pointed her finger towards your direction as a mischievous smile grew bigger on her face, causing her nose to wrinkle. “I just can’t understand the fact that you don’t want to to be dicked down by a hot teacher, I mean, you’re wasting your time, maybe someone could finally jump your bones so that y-“
"Alright, that's enough, Marlene," you replied firmly, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks as embarrassment washed over you. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, trying your best to regain composure. “It’s just not easy for me, and you know that, I wish I couldn’t overthink every aspect of my life, it’s tiring.” You gulped.
She looked at you with a knowing expression, the kind that mixed pity and understanding. You knew that look all too well, and hated seeing it on her face. It made you feel vulnerable again.
"Please don't give me that look," you whispered under your breath, a hint of pleading in your tone.
"I’m just worried about you," she murmurs, her gaze dropping to the carpet beneath your feet. "It's been nearly 7 years."
It’s been seven years since your last relationship. That night, when you told him about your pregnancy, should never happened. You should know better, but you were blinded by a manipulative fucker, who ran off the second he heard that you were carrying his baby. Since then it was hard for you to find someone who could understand your complicated situation, and you just stopped going to dates years ago.
You got used to the fact, that’s it was just you and Molly. And now that you had your life fixed up, why screw it all up by some dude?
"I don’t want to talk about it. " you backed away with to the hallway to grab your car keys “I have to be in Molly’s school in fifteen minutes.”
She rose from her seat on the couch and gracefully glided across the room to the corridor, her footsteps silent on the hardwood floor. As she approached, she leaned against the door frame and gazed at you quietly, her eyes searching your face.
“Just think about it, that’s all I ask.”
You sat down to pull on your boots, your gaze drifting towards her. She was staring at you intently, her determination clearly etched on her face. Her unwavering, steely gaze held a familiar stubborn resolve. You’ve seen it countless times before.
"Okay, okay, I'll think about it, but i can’t promise anything. " you finally relented, holding up your hands in defeat. Her eyes widened, and a squeal of excitement escaped her lips as she jumped up and down in front of you like an elated child. You couldn't help but smile at her reaction.
It won’t hurt to try, right?
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Despite his natural talent for public speaking, which was crucial given his job working as a teacher, he found it difficult to concentrate his mind on anything today.
It wasn’t because he didn’t slept well, or his mood was worse than usual, it was because of you. You couldn’t leave his thoughts since he saw you for the first time in the hallway. That sweet smile adorned on your face when you spoked to your daughter, and the look you gave him, when you found his eyes for the first time. He just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
The meeting was supposed to be chill, just some parents chatting about their kids, wanting to know their recent progress, just like every month. But things got way more complicated when you showed up. He must have been seriously sick to hallucinate the room lighting up when you walked in. Clearly, your mere presence was playing tricks on his overtired brain. He felt like a mad person.
“Mr. Lupin?” An irritated voice snatched him away from his mind. He quickly moved his gaze to the woman speaking to him. She was standing there with her arms tucked into her coat.
“Yes, what was the question again?” He raised the corner of his mouth nervously.
“I just asked about the school trip.” She huffed, clearly impatient.
Remus spoke, twirling a pencil in his hand to quell his anxiousness. "Right, yes. We plan on taking kids to the ranch next week, and the tickets are free, so we just need your permission for this one," he managed to say, his voice betraying a hint of nerves. “There will be a list on my desk, you can sign up, or not, and that’ll be all for today. I think we managed to raise all the issues earlier.” He reached for a piece of paper from his briefcase and placed it on the desk. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
He couldn’t help but take a glance at you again.
You were chatting quietly with some parents in the back. He couldn’t help but feel being pulled back again to his trance. Maybe he shouldn’t thought about you that much? What if you already had someone else waiting for you at home? If not, he wanted so badly to know you better. You were pulling him towards like a fucking magnet.
After a while, when everyone began to gather around the desk to sign the list, you stayed behind, in no rush to join them. Finally when you stood up and made your way to the desk he felt his heart speeding up. Leaning over, you picked up a pen before quickly scribbling your signature next to Molly's name. You were closer than ever, and he could feel your perfume from such close distance. They were sweet. A hint of vanilla mixing with orange blossom and rose. The strands of your hair had escaped from behind your ears, cascading like a waterfall of silk down your face. They framed you, gently brushing against your skin as they fell.
He wanted you so bad it hurts his insides.
Remus watched you for a moment, a million thoughts swirling in his mind. He wanted to say something, anything, but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat.
As you straightened up, your gaze landed on his, and for a split second, you both locked eyes. There was a brief moment of connection, a fleeting glance that seemed to hold a thousands of unspoken words.
Your voice whispered through the empty space, the soft sound catching his ear and causing him to startle momentarily. "Molly said that they were painting pictures today," you murmured, your smile gentle as your gaze drifted out the window.
"Yeah..." Remus nodded casually as he leaned back, his shoulders relaxing slightly against the chair. He pushed back his soft strands of hair with hand, when they’re got dangerously close to his forehead. “It was supposed to be a way to get them to calm down for a bit.” He chuckled, his eyes seeking yours. “But it turned out into pure, colourful chaos.” He pushed himself up, closing the distance between you to stand by your side. His hands slid into the pockets of his jeans.
He wore them again, but today his sweater was sage green,and his wrist was adorned by a brown leather-watch on his wrist, and he even got boots to match.
He stole a glance through the window, his eyes falling upon you as you gazed at the scene. The empty playground outside was being caressed by soft wind, golden leaves carried away in a gentle dance around the area.
“It must’ve be-“
“Actually I-“
You both chuckled at the same time, gazes meeting and in an instant, it felt as if the world around you faded away. It was that gleam in his eyes, that captivated you so much.
“Go on.” you said gently, encouraging him to continue. Your voice was soft and quiet, the words barely above a whisper. A small, shy smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and a faint blush stained your cheeks.
He looked back at the window to collect his thoughts.
He chuckled softly, "I just never introduced myself properly, which is kind of rude, to be honest." You sensed a hint of playfulness in his voice. “I’m Remus.”
He held out his hand, and as yours met his much bigger palm, that familiar tingling sensation shot through you again, just like when you bumped into each other in the hallway.
His hands were warm, but in that moment, they seemed almost scalding. Your own skin tingled under his touch, the heat from his fingers sending ripples of sensation radiating through you. As he held your hand, you couldn't help but notice the stark difference between your own cool touch and the comforting warmth of his palm.
"Y/n." you replied gently, your voice was barely a whisper not wanting to break the spell of the moment as you held onto his hand, or maybe he held onto yours, you couldn’t tell.
Your name slipped from his tongue like a cloud on a rainy day, soft and soothing, yet with a gentle rasp that sent a shiver down your spine.
A moment passed, and as he released your hand, and immediately a feelings of emptiness washed over you.
“Well, it’s nice to finally know your name, Remus.” You smiled when small blush appeared on his cheeks.
His name sounded different on your tongue as if it had been destined to be spoken by you. Each syllable rolled off your lips effortlessly, like it was always supposed to be there. He found himself hanging on every sound, relishing the sound of his name in your voice.
"So...," he began, pausing to clear his throat nervously. His voice dropped as he continued, "Are you free this Friday?" He looked down to observe your reaction, his lowered gaze catching the hint of amusement on your face.
just think about it, that’s all I ask.
When you shifted to face him directly, you were startled by the sheer height difference between the two of you. He seemed to loom over you, his tall stature making you feel practically tiny in comparison. You hadn't noticed just how much taller he was until that moment. You couldn't speak for a second, overwhelmed by a potent mix of shock and panic. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, setting your body on edge as you struggled to find the right words. Time seemed to freeze, your thoughts a whirl of unease and surprise as you stood before him, trying to make sense of the situation.
"Yes," you managed to say, despite the mixture of surprise and anxiousness coursing through you. "I am free this Friday." A small, shaky breath escaped your lungs. The words came out softly, almost a whisper, but they were clear enough.
His shoulders visibly relaxed at your answer, the tension in his frame releasing some of its tight coil. A small, anxious chuckle escaped him as he continued. "Great, because there's this small café in town, and they have the best coffee around. Only if you're up for it, of course," he added hastily, his nervousness betrayed by the slight waver in his voice.
“I would love to, Remus.” Your voice soft as you spoke, a shy smile playing on your lips.
God, you said his name again, he could die as a happy man now.
The school bell rang abruptly, causing you both to laugh in amusement at its timing. It seemed like the bell had a knack for knowing when to chime in, always breaking the moment between you with perfect timing.
And you couldn't have been more happier when, amidst the chaos of collecting his things and saying goodbyes, he asked for your number. You gave it to him with a fucking smile on your face, because you didn’t care. Seeing him today had reassured you that even if things won’t work out between the two of you, you'd still have your normal, happy life, so it wouldn't hurt too much. And plus, you really wanted to. He was cute even when he stammered for no reason.
It was official, you had a date with a hot teacher.
part three
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a/n: I really love the idea that this two idiots are just so smitten with each other, that they can’t speak properly, but I promise, it won’t last for too long…hehe. Also, if you want me to tag you in my tag list, just dm me :)
another a/n: Just wanted to quickly announce that part 3 will be posted probably next Friday, because at the moment, im busy sunbathing on the wild beach and sipping on my drink. I hope you have a nice day too xoxo.
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ziggyzolch · 6 months
Queen Bee-atch III (Regina George x reader)
These chapters have been up on ao3 and wattpad but I figured i'd put them here as well.
Warnings: Cursing, use of F-slur but its kind of stupid so dont worry
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“You look like hell.” It was Thursday and Janis had invited you over. “Thanks,” you mumble out while pushing past her into her house. You could navigate her house blind, it's basically your second home now. You go into her room and flop straight into her bed. “You still having trouble sleeping?” Janis asks while plopping down onto the floor. She was surrounded by music sheets and crumpled up paper, her guitar on the ground next to her. You sluggishly sit up and look at her, “Yeah, I just can’t stop thinking.” “About what?” “Nothing, I don’t know,” You push the palms of your hands against your eyes.
You and Janis have weekly jam sessions. Chilling with your best friend and learning new songs to play together was your favorite pastime. Damien joins occasionally and sings along since you and Janis can’t sing for shit. At least you think so.
“Let’s just find a song then you can nap on my bed or something.” Janis proposes. Getting up, you pick up the acoustic guitar at the corner of the room and make your way to where she was seated. This week was your turn to pick a song.
“You’ll love this song. I discovered it recently and-”
“It’s Alex G again, isn't it? The chords he uses are so weird!”
“Yeah but-”
“Please tell me you have another song.”
You sigh, “I really thought you’d agree to that one. Let’s just play ‘Where is Your Mind’ or something.”
Janis is tuning her guitar when you get a text from your mother.
-We’re going shopping. I expect you to be at the mall in 20 minutes.-
You groan and lay your whole body onto the ground. “I know I’m already here but can I get a raincheck on the session? My mom is dragging me to go shopping” You sigh while getting up. “Yeah, no worries.” Janis replies, unbothered. God you really needed to sleep.
“Seriously, mother?” Your mom was holding up a pink shirt with ‘baby gurlz’ plastered on the front. She had dragged you to the mall to upgrade your wardrobe. You needed new clothes because, according to your mother, you looked like an ‘emo beggar’. Your mother rolls her eyes “You dress like a hobo that lives at Hot Topic, baby. No offense.” It’s been 3 hours since you came in and you hadn’t found anything you liked. You take the shirt out of her hands and place it back on the rack.
“Can we just go home? I have an English test tomorrow and I haven’t started studying.” The lie comes out easily. In reality, you just wanted to nap. It’s been 3 days and you’ve gotten a total of 2 hours of sleep. A sigh comes out of your mothers mouth, “You know what, go sit in the car, you’re wearing whatever I buy you. Your outfit is going to be on your desk tomorrow morning.” She could buy you a dinosaur onesie and you wouldn’t care, you just wanted to nap.
Unsurprisingly, the nap plan didn’t work out. You passed out eventually though, an hour before school, but at least it was something. You were now at your locker, clad in a white crop-top and baby blue skirt that was way too short. You hadn’t actually realized what your mother had picked out until a wide-eyed Damien grabbed your shoulder and dragged you to the bathroom. “Girl, what are you wearing? Also, did you lose weight?” You look at Damien confused, until you turn to the mirror. “Oh what the f-”
“Damien? What poor girl did you drag- the fuck?” Janis looks at you in shock, Cady standing behind her, while you stare back equally mortified. “You look like a pastel emo, dude.” Janis says while walking up to you and spinning you around. You stomp your foot. “Stop! I already feel bad enough.” You whine while pushing Janis off you and turning back to the mirror. Damien walks up behind you and stops your hands that were pulling at your shirt. “Girl you got bod, and those clothes lowkey look good on you.” Your eye roll is interrupted by the bell ringing. Shit.
Your thoughts start going crazy as you’re walking to English class. God they can see my legs! They probably know you don’t usually wear skirts. They’re probably all like: ‘look at her. You know she usually doesn’t wear skirts?’
Before you know it, you're sitting at your desk in English class, looking at your notebook. When did you get here? Huh, time flies when you’re having fun. You’re giggling at your own joke when you hear someone clearing their throat next to you. Regina?
“Did you hear anything I just said? Are you even actually physically present? It’s like I’m talking to a wall.” Regina raises an eyebrow waiting for a response. “Oh uh, hi.” You mumble out pathetically. She lets out a mocking ‘hi’ before continuing, “Anyways, I’ll pick you up after school for our project.” Project? What? You look up at the board and finally notice the list of instructions written down for a book report you had to do, with details of the partners the teacher had assigned. How much of the class had passed? Your question is answered when the bell signaling the end of the period rings.
You stand up too fast and start swaying before Regina gets up and holds you by your waist to steady you. “Woah there, slow down babe,” She pauses and looks you up and down. She bends down slightly to stare directly into your eyes and taps your cheek, “Cute outfit. See you after school.”
She packs her things and walks past you into the hallway.
You really need to sleep.
It's like the bottom of your skirt was a mountain climber the way it kept hiking up with every step you took. At least it's almost the end of the day. One more period and you'd be on your way home. You were dragging your feet across the hall when you felt a slap on your ass. You turn around to see one of the jocks ,that you couldn't for the life of you remember the name of, smirking down at you.
Curse him out! Why are you just standing there? Your mouth flops open and closed like a fish, trying to come up with a devastating insult.
...What the fuck? Your eyes widened. Before you could properly process what you said, you were pushed up against a locker with the jock impossibly close to you. "Say that again, slut." He grits his teeth, pushing you further into the locker. You're suddenly released and a very angry Regina was holding him by his shirt collar. "Apologize to her." You'd hate to be on the receiving end of the glare she's giving him. He scoffs, "You've gotten soft, Regina. Anyways, I was just giving her a compliment!" Regina's eyes somehow harden even more. "If the next words that come out of your mouth aren't an apology, Shane. I swear to god." His confidence falters and he eventually mumbles out an apology. "Walk away, and take your micro-penis with you."
Regina hears a giggle from below her and her eyes soften as she sees you on the floor. She helps you up and adjusts your clothes.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's whatever."
She stares at you for a second.
"Take out your phone."
"What? Why-"
She pulls your phone out of your hand.
"I'm putting in my number, idiot."
"For the project? I'm picking you up after school, remember?"
"Oh yeah. Pfft. Totally."
Giving your phone back and rolling her eyes, she turns away and leaves. From the corner of your eye you catch Janis and Damien stomping over. "Dude, why were you talking to Regina? Also our plan is working, Caddy's growing on them." You look at Janis, confused before she continues, "You need to sleep dude. Whatever we have health together let's find Caddy and get to class." Damien puts his arm around you and you all start walking. "What were you talking about with Regina, by the way?" He questions while adjusting his arm around you, "We got paired up for a project. A book report or something." You avoid bringing up the fact that you got harassed.
You love Janis and Damien, truly, but they tend to be a little overprotective. "Hah! What a nightmare!" Janis laughs. You look down at the floor, your face turning slightly red, mumbling, "She isn't that bad." The conversation dies out as you approach the classroom, Cady greeting you at the door. "Hey! So, Aaron invited me to this Halloween party..." Cady's voice fades as you sit down and put your head down onto your desk.
"Nice room, Blondie." You say, going further into Regina's room. She had been waiting for you outside the school in her convertible, making it impossible for you to get out of spending time with her. Despite her recent tolerability, you couldn't forget how she used to treat you.
Regina smiles, "Thanks, Y/N. It was my mom's but I made her trade it."
"Woah. 'Y/N'? Are you going soft on me, Blondie?"
"Shut up."
You walk around her room and spot a couple of vinyls. Green day? My Chemical Romance? The Yeah Yeah Yeahs? The Strokes! What!
"Blondie, you have taste?"
Regina flips around and stomps towards you, taking the 'Stereophonics' vinyl out of your hands. "Stop going through my shit, Gerard." Back to square one.
She watches you adjust your skirt and pull at your shirt uncomfortably. Walking into her closet, she finds a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt she hadn't worn in years. You were awkwardly standing in the middle of her room before you felt a bunch of clothes hit your face.
The shock passes and you smile at her gratefully while she rolls her eyes and takes a seat at her desk. Should you go to her bathroom? Whatever, she's already seen you shirtless. Her face turns red while she pretends not to notice you changing in front of her. You finish up and take out your laptop, taking a seat on the floor. She swivels her chair to face you, "So, what book were you thinking?" You look up at her, slightly shocked. You didn't think she'd give you a choice.
"Oh. Uh. The Bell Jar?"
"Too bleak."
"It ends nicely though!"
"No! Pick something else."
"Okay, uh, My Year of Rest and Relaxation?" You propose with an eyebrow raised.
She glares at you.
"Are all the books you read just about mentally ill women?"
You sigh, "Pretty much. Oh! What about Matilda!"
She opens her mouth to argue, then pauses for a moment.
"Actually that doesn't sound too bad. Matilda it is."
An hour passed before Regina looked up from her report and found you curled up on her floor, your laptop discarded to the side. After putting away your laptop, she approaches you and stares down at you. Hands on her hips, she looks around before letting out a breath and picking you up. "Gina?" You mumble out.
She shushes you and places you on her bed. "No. No, it's fine. I have to finish the report." Attempting to sit up, you whine when she pushes you back onto her bed. "We have a week till it's due. Rest." She leaves no room to argue as she tucks you in. "No! Oh wow. Your bed is so comfortable." Your eyes start drifting close and the last thing you see is Regina placing a kiss on your head.
"I mean I've been dressing up as a mouse since freshman year, why would I change now?" Karen's voice takes you out of your blissful slumber. How long have you been asleep? "You're barely even a mouse, Karen." You could hear Gretchen reply. The sun had started setting, from what you could tell. You sit up, rubbing your eyes and looking around the room. Gretchen and Karen were sitting on the floor while Cady was laying above the sheets next to you. "Hey sleepyhead!" Cady pinches your cheek and tackles you when you try to push her away. She straddles your waist and starts tickling you. "Dude!...Stop!" You say in between giggles.
"What's going on here?" Regina must've been in the bathroom, "Finally up? I was getting ready to call the funeral house, Gerard." She was wearing sweatpants and a tank top. You accidentally glance down at her chest and turn away quickly, blushing, unaware of Regina's knowing smirk. She must've changed when you wear asleep.
Cady finally stops her assault on you. "Ha. Ha" You roll your eyes, moving to get up when Cady grabs your arm and pulls you back down, "Did you wrestle a bear or something?" Looking down to see what she was talking about, you notice a huge hand shaped bruise on your shoulder. You can feel everybody's eyes on you. "Oh, I fell during PE. It's nothing" You shrug her hand away and rub your shoulder, walking towards the walk-in closet, ignoring Regina's eyes burning a hole in your back. Bending down to pick up your clothes, a bright pink book catches your attention.
"Hey. Why didn't you tell Cady about Shane- No!" Regina's eyes widen as rushes towards you and pulls the book out of your hand. It's too late, your page had been the first one you found when you opened the book. Standing up, your voice wavers, "Thank you for being so accommodating, I'll get out of your hair now." You bump your shoulder into her getting out of the closet, hurting yourself more than her.
The silence that followed after you slammed the door on your way out was loud. Regina plops down next to Karen and Gretchen, Cady following after her. Running her hands through her hair, Regina sighs and stares at her bedroom door.
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The Man 10
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Gah. You hate the taste. It doesn’t get any better and it feels worse on your skin. There’s something unnatural about human biology. Should that be so slimy?  
You’re not a prude, not mentally, only experientially. The act itself, yeah, it’s kind of hot, but the finale. That’s too much. Not to mention, it wasn’t exactly mutual. None of this is. 
It’s weird, actually. The more you think of it, sat naked under a desk, in the mess of his excitement, you can’t help but analyse the situation you find yourself in. This man articulated a strategic destruction of your life; he messed with your rent, your bank, your job, and now you’re sitting her in his house, perched on your heels like an orphan begging for more gruel. 
You frown as you rub your chin again. Despite the single tissue he offered, you still felt the residue clinging to your skin. You need a shower. Or maybe some clothes. That would be nice. You scrunch up your nose and sneer. 
“What the hell is that face for?” Floyd—Lloyd snips and you look up to meet his gaze through the glass top of the desk, his keyboard blocking out all but one of his blue eyes. Hey, he has nice eyes for a meanie. You’d never tell him because he’s not a very good listener. 
“Nothing, I just...” you shrug and his eye flicks down to the jiggle of your chest. You cross your arms and tilt your head to the side, “can I go wash off or something?” 
“Why?” He challenges. 
Your lips part and a puff of air shoots out. Is he serious? 
“I... I’m not saying it’s your fault or anything but semen smells and I smell like semen, so going by a very basic formula--” 
“Oh my god, you don’t stop. Why can’t you just say anything straight out? Why’s it this nonsense?” He growls. 
“Fair enough, but I’m still hoping to see a sink or maybe a washcloth--” 
He rolls his eyes and closes them. He sits back and puts his hands to either side of his nose and exhales heavily. He clucks as he drops his arms and considers you as he leans against the leather cushioning. 
“You don’t make the rules. Stay.” 
He rolls back up to the desk and starts typing again. You look at the bottom of the sleek keyboard. He’s definitely an Apple guy, the iMac isn’t even the biggest giveaway. He just has that essence to him. He’s one of those guys who claims to be all about the best of everything but really he’s just buying into capitalism. He’s basic; mainstream. 
What is he even doing? Typing, clicking, scowling at the screen. Is he working? What on earth does he even do? Well, if you account for the mustache, the tacky clothes, and shoes without socks, you might assume he’s some sort of salesman. Used cars if you were to go by looks alone and yet his house would suggest more than that.  
He doesn’t look like a lawyer. He could be a tech bro, again, Apple everything. Still, the way he types doesn’t really seem savvy. He’s got the whole chicken peck down pat, jabbing each key with his index finger. So you’re at a loss. What the hell do rich people do? How do they even get rich? 
“Would you stop staring at me like that?” He stops again, another glare through the glass. 
You swallow and shake your head, shifting on your knees as you keep your arms across your chest. 
“Sir, Mr. Jansen--” 
“Hansen,” he grits dangerously. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hansen, sir, please, it’s cold in here, can I get a sweater or maybe you could turn off the air? This time of day, the rate must be ridiculous.” 
His lashes flutter and his forehead lines. His hand closes to a fist then opens. His chest rises and he squares his jaw. 
“You’re distracting me. I’m trying to work.” 
“So maybe I could go somewhere else. It’s a big house--” 
“My house,” he insists. 
“A very nice house,” you offer, “I mean I’m sitting down here, my knees are killing me, I’m shivering, I can’t sit still. You’re not gonna get anything done. I’m agreeing with you. One hundred percent. I’m annoying. A real nuisance so let the leash go a little bit. Promise, I won’t touch a thing--” 
He squints then his eyes flick up as he thinks. His lips thin and he huffs. He brings his fingertips together, elbows planted on the glass desk, and taps them as he hums. 
“You’re lucky you can make me cum,” he grumbles. 
“Ah, but sir, don’t give me all the credit. You’re a very good cummer. An expert, it seems.” 
His nose crinkles and his mouth falls open, for just a second. His cheek dimples and he shakes it away, “what on earth are you fucking on about?” 
“I’m just saying, sir, I don’t know much about the old sausage link but I’m comparing it to the hub--” 
“The hub?” 
“PornHub, I’m sure you know it.” 
He lets out cluck but says nothing else. 
“Anyway, you got what they would call girth,” you gesture with your hands. “Good job, although, maybe it’s more a genetic type thing. Not really something you did...” 
He stares at you for a moment the pushes his knees wide. He takes a breath and slides slightly forward in his chair. You are keenly aware of the twitch beneath his pants. Please, not again. Are their calories in cum? 
“You watch a lot of porn?” He asks, a genuine hint of interest in his voice. The furthest from spite you’ve heard from him. 
“Eh, not as much as some people, I'm sure. I get curious,” you say. “but within discretion. Never wanna go too far down the rabbit hole.” 
He taps his toe and gives a thoughtful angle of his chin, twining his fingers between each other, “what kinds?” 
“Mm, well, I dunno. Usually, I just click something on the front page that doesn’t look too wild. Like creampie is pretty standard, I guess. Doggystyle is usually all over, but the stepdaughter stuff, ick. Not for me, sir. No way.” 
He makes a clicking noise in his throat and slowly reclines in his chair, “you are way too honest for your own good.” 
“Maybe, I guess. In this situation though, what do I get from lying? Besides, I see the stache,” you shoot him with a fingergun then quickly holster it. “You definitely are trawling around. RedTube? Xvideos?” 
“You said you’re curious,” he ignores your question, “you don’t... do anything while you watch?” 
You feel a subtle tickle in your thighs. The casual air turns thick. You’re starting to get worked up. 
“Eh, well, you know... the fingers find a way,” you look away and giggle nervously. “I go on these women’s forums. They say you should know yourself best before you try with a partner. Obviously, I haven’t found my number two yet but I know my way around my captain's chair. I can get to warp speed.” 
His lips curve slowly as you look back to him and you gulp. You’ve said too much. Again. The very reason you fell head first into this predicament. 
“Sir, why are you looking at me like that?” You squeak. 
He chuckles and brushes his fingertips over his bristly mustache, “well, sweet lips, show me the way.” 
“Huh?” Your eyes round. 
“Show me around your captain's chair, as you so eloquently put it,” he demands and wiggles two fingers at you. 
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“(if i get more pretty) do you think he will like me?” [wayne’s pov]
summary: transmasc eddie trying so hard to be a girl because he likes steve, and as far as he knows, steve is straight. he’s constantly putting his own mental health in jeopardy just because of a stupid boy.
Wayne wonders why his boy is suddenly curling his hair again, putting on lip gloss, and wearing those little black dresses he once wore when he was in junior high. He watches Eddie come home with mascara stains stuck to his cheeks, a dead giveaway that he’d been crying.
It gets to the point that Eddie asks Wayne to stop calling him “he”.
He tells Wayne he’s not a boy, he was wrong; he wanted to be a girl again.
Wayne had no problem making Eddie comfortable, so he did what she wanted. She wanted to be called Ella again, wanted Wayne to take her shopping for different clothes. But even though Ella insisted, Wayne couldn’t help but notice that “Ella” still wasn’t happy. “She” still came home crying, as unhappy as she was before her transition to male, possibly even moreso.
Eddie never seemed the type to pretend to be something he wasn’t. So why was he doing it now? Eddie seemed to be perfectly happy as Eddie.
One day, Wayne’s boy came home in his old clothes. He looked just as dejected as the days he’d come home crying. Every time he asked what was up, Eddie shut him down. He decided to be “Eddie” again, shouted that he was done pretending, that he would never like him anyway. Despite all the questions Wayne had brewing, he knew better than to ask them. It wasn’t like Eddie would answer them.
Years went by and his boy still wasn’t happy. He didn’t see him that way until months after the earthquake came and destroyed their house. Even then, he wasn’t himself, and rightfully so. Wayne longed to see his boy the way he was before he was affected by whoever made him question who he wanted to be.
He finally saw Eddie happy again one night. Wayne came home late to find his boy smiling in his sleep on the couch, cheek pressed against the shoulder of the Harrington boy. There was a snuffed joint in the ashtray and a few empty bottles of beer on the floor. He gave Eddie a kiss on the forehead and watched lovingly as the boy shuffled in the other’s strong arms. He wondered if this was the person who’d caused Eddie try to be his old self; the person who made his boy so unhappy. He hoped to whatever god there was that this boy was going to be good to his Eddie, that he wouldn’t make him feel unloved again.
Over the course of several more years, the two boys grew closer. They didn’t have to say anything to Wayne for him to know they were in love. They moved off to Chicago with Eddie’s band, where they put out their first album.
In the times Eddie was convincing himself that he was supposed to be a girl, Wayne could hear Eddie picking up his guitar in the dead of night and plucking out chords. He heard his quiet, pained voice fighting against sobs, choking out words to a song Eddie was writing.
After spending 2 years traveling through America with the band, Corroded Coffin was a household name for metal fans. Eddie became a hot topic in magazines, became a staple of the metal scene. They held their biggest concert at Lollapalooza that year and got Wayne VIP seating.
That evening, they played a new song.
“Is everyone enjoying the show tonight?” Eddie called into the mic. He was met with thunderous cheers, enough to make everyone’s ears ring. “That’s great to hear, you guys. It means a lot that you came out to see us. We’re gonna end the night with a new song and then we’ll turn it over to your next artist, but I have a little to say about it first,” He announced.
The chords took Wayne back to a time he’d never forget. Weeks after the concert, they released their new album containing the song. The album “In the Dead of Night” was a hit everywhere, released on streaming platforms and even printed on vinyl. The moment it hit the record store in Hawkins, Wayne bought the first copy he could get his hands on. He rushed home and put it on his record player, sniffling as the familiar chords reached Wayne’s ears again.
Wayne stood crying in the kitchen next to the record player as he listened to the full product of Eddie’s teenage torment.
“If I get more pretty, do you think he will like me?”
a/n: i was inspired by the lyrics of “prom queen” by beach bunny for this. the song is originally about developing an ED, but i also thought that it would fit really well as someone going back in the closet pretending to be someone they’re not.
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Day 2 - Painland Week
Day 2 of Painland Week 2024: August 5th - August 11th by @painlandweek
Prompt: Myths / Legends
Tags:  Post-canon, Case-fic
TW: None
Edwin stopped writing mid-word - which, in hindsight, should have been the first evidence that something was wrong, if Charles hadn’t been distracted - and he asked:
“Sorry, wait a tick, you said you are trying to retrieve a lost sword from a lake, and the sword’s name is?” 
“Excalibur, yes,” finished the client.
Edwin tapped the pen over his notebook twice, not even pretending to go back to taking notes - second evidence - and threw the universal ‘closet, now’ look at Charles. For his part, Charles had been listening to the conversation like it was something happening inside a bubble, or on the television, something he wasn’t a part of. His brain had been stuck on a very different train of thought ever since the client entered their office, because the first thing Charles’ mind supplied him with was ‘wow, he’s hot,’ immediately followed by ‘uh, that’s new, since when do I find random boys hot’ and ‘wait, does that mean I can finally be not straight and return Edwin’s feelings?’ - all in all, very confusing thoughts to have in the middle of a potential case.
He did follow Edwin to the closet, though, because it was muscle memory to follow Edwin anywhere without question.
“So what do you think?” Edwin asked, “a curse?”
“It could be, if the missing sword is cursed that would explain why he can’t find it in the lake,” Charles replied, trying to cut through the haze enough to form a sensible thought.
Edwin raised his eyebrows in confusion. It was unusual for them to not be on the same wavelength, they rarely needed to explain themselves further during conversations on almost any topic. It made Charles feel like he had failed some kind of test. “Mr. Rowland, the reading assignments are mandatory to every student.”
“What are you talking about, Charles? There is no sword.”
‘What?’ Charles didn’t say, not eager to repeat the experience. 
Edwin apparently could see right through his desperation, because he sighed with that ever-present hint of fondness and explained:
“This man thinks he is Arthur Pendragon, the once and future King of Britain, on a quest to find his missing sword Excalibur. There is absolutely no way that it is true, hence the hypothesis that he might be cursed. It is not unheard of for ghosts to develop mental illnesses, but it usually involves more rage and screaming, thinking you are the long lost King of Britain seems too specific for that.”
Taking a breath he didn’t really need, Charles focused back to the present to catch up with Edwin’s reasoning. “I think we should play along, if he has been cursed, there has to be a reason, maybe he will lead us to the artefact, or the person who cast the spell on him.”
“That is a brilliant idea, Charles,” Edwin agreed with a smile, more to tell him that they were back on the same track than anything. It sent that shiver up his spine that happened every time Edwin looked proud of him.
“We have decided to take your case, sir Pendragon,” Edwin declared as they returned to the office.
“Thank you, my kind subjects,” Arthur replied, and Charles, who was now in control of his mental faculties, had to fight to suppress a snort. He pushed all the ‘men are hot’ thoughts in one of those carefully locked boxes he had started collecting after Port Townsend to consider at a later date, or maybe never.
The hike to the lake where the magic sword was supposed to be was incredibly nice.
“We should do this more often, mate. I mean, mirror travel is cool and all, but look at the view!” He pointed to the mountains in the distance, the clear sky, and he felt excited like that one time he went camping with his friends when he was fifteen - before those same “friends” ended up murdering him.
Edwin put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “That is a good idea, perhaps we could take a small vacation after this case is closed.”
It was nice to see Edwin like that, more open, more relaxed. Not having to fear Death separating them, or Hell coming back to take him had done wonders in improving his well-being, which made a lot of sense if Charles was honest. Now that he had seen Hell himself, he had no idea how Edwin had kept it together as well as he did for over thirty years after he escaped.
“I will have you two executed if you do not find my sword right now,” the client declared.
Charles was quick to bow, not trusting Edwin’s bedside manners enough. “We are sorry, sire, we promise we are doing everything we can.”
They looked everywhere on the lake and around it, Edwin even tried different spells to reveal hidden magic, but they found nothing. 
“There must be something we are missing, he does not have the object binding the curse on his person, and I can’t find anything of worth in this place,” Edwin said, moving a bit further from where Arthur was looking longingly at the middle of the lake.
“You know that sentence you wanted to write on the wall of the office? ‘When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth’, maybe he really is what he says.”
Edwin looked a very balanced mix between flustered and impressed. “While I appreciate you remembering my favourite quote, I think if King Arthur existed, we would have heard about it before.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Charles conceded.
While they were going over their notes again, trying to notice something they might have overlooked, or a different spell they could use, an eerie figure appeared next to their client. It was a very pale man, all dressed in black.
The next moment, they were sprinting towards him at full speed.
“Who are you?” asked Edwin, while Charles retrieved his brand new cricket bat from the pocket universe he carried in his backpack.
The man, or being, or whatever he was, smirked, which was an odder sight than if he had manifested eyes all over his body, or a flaming wall behind him. “You must be the ghost detectives my sister is so fond of.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I am Dream of the Endless, I apologise for the inconvenience my escapee might have caused you,” he continued, ignoring Edwin’s disbelief.
“Dream of the Endless,” Charles repeated under his breath, trying to make sense of the words. “So your sister, who is fond of us is…”
“Death,” he said, matter-of-factly. “She wishes you would stay and say hi, sometimes. For now, I thank you for your service.”
He turned to keep talking to Arthur then, and after a while the two of them disappeared in a whirlwind of sand, leaving Charles and Edwin to gape at the empty space where they had been. 
“Well that was an experience,” said Charles. “So he was, what? A dream?”
“What a thought, to stop and say hi to Death,” Edwin exhaled at the same time. He was smiling his relaxed smile again, and Charles found his eyes stuck on the curve of his lips, the hint of tongue and teeth peeking from them.
“So, you fancied the once and future king?” the lips moved to form the words, before going back to that beautiful smile. 
Only when the meaning registered, Charles blinked. “What? No, of course, I-” he started, before remembering that they did promise each other no more lies, “maybe a little. Didn’t you? He looked like, I don’t know, the perfect example of man, the one you would expect to see on an advertisement for the entire species?”
Edwin pursed his lips, in that expression he made when he was trying not to laugh. “I can admit that he was objectively good looking, but, you know, blond hair and blue eyes is not really my type.”
He said it in his prim tone, the same way he would say ‘pass me that green book on supernatural diseases’, but there was no mistaking the flirtatious glint in his eyes.
Charles stopped. For a moment, it almost seemed like Edwin knew something that he didn’t even fully know himself, something carefully hidden in one of those boxes “to consider at a later date or maybe never” that he had been collecting. But flirting was like a second nature to him, so he couldn’t help but replying:
“Yeah, and what is your type?”
“Let me see,” Edwin said, slowly, carefully, stepping closer with every word. “Tall, athletic, big dark eyes, unruly hair,” he was right in front of him now, “likes to throw himself into danger to protect others, what else? Insanely clever and perceptive. Shall I continue?”
Charles took a deep breath, his eyes were fixed on the small space between them. “I think I should tell you something.”
If it was on anyone else, the fake surprised expression would have fooled him, but he knew Edwin’s eyes and smiles better than his own. He had to struggle to remain serious, even if he appreciated it for what it was: a way to give him the time to set the pace of the conversation and to take the lead.
“I have never allowed myself to think about it before, you know, with my dad being the way he was, but lately I have been noticing that I am attracted to guys as well. At first it was only one specific guy, but-” he stopped, cringing at the way it sounded, “What I mean is, I didn’t say anything because it was something too important, I had to be sure, and it’s easier to admit you can like someone when you have nothing to lose from it.”
The flirty smile turned into a soft one as Edwin said:
“You have every right to take your time and experiment, you don’t have to say anything, I apologise if-”
Charles stopped him very effectively by cupping his face with his hands. “I don’t want to experiment with anyone else, I think I’ve locked up these feelings for long enough.”
Edwin’s eyes widened, he looked like every ounce of confidence he had mustered up until then had left his body. “As much as I pride myself in my detective abilities, I need you to please say it out loud at least once. It’s been quite difficult for me to believe it, even when you were not at all subtle.”
“I like you,” Charles said immediately, wanting to erase the insecurity from his face. “I haven’t stopped thinking about your confession and what it could mean for our future, and I think I am finally ready to take you out on an official date, if you still want that.”
It was Edwin who leaned in first after that, but like it happened many other times, they met in the middle, instantly on the same wavelength again.
Distantly, almost completely hidden behind the all-encompassing sensation of Edwin holding him and their lips pressed together, Charles thought about how absurd it was that he had to thank the fucking King of Britain for finally managing to have this conversation. Edwin would tease him for all eternity.
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Sharing is Caring
Summary: Ominis has a problem with Sebastian and a f!MC. When Sebastian finds out what the problem is he talks with MC, wishing they could help Ominis.
Told from MCs POV
Warnings: This one has some smutty smut. Ya whippersnappers go home, this one’s for us 18 and older perverts
Pairing: Sebastian x f!MC 
A/N: This is only chapter one, there will be more to come, I promise. This story will turn into a lovely threesome relationship between the trio. I’m super excited to post this and get it the fuck out of my head. 
You look up from your potions homework when you feel a book land on the library table, stifling a small scream. Your heartbeat calms as you realize it’s Sebastian, then quickens as he hastily presses a small kiss on your lips. As he pulls away you watch him intently, noticing a frown on his face as he slumps into the seat next to you, letting out a huge sigh. 
“What’s wrong, darling?” you ask softly as he leans forward, laying his head on the cool wooden table. 
A muffled “Ominis” reaches your ears and your heart sinks. Your blonde best friend had been acting moody for the last few months, distancing himself from you and Sebastian as much as he could. Even though you both had questioned him about his behavior, you hadn't yet gotten a satisfactory answer. After a rather rude encounter between you and Ominis a few days ago Sebastian had confronted him. Sebastian never told you what happened between them, but you knew it wasn't good. 
“What happened the other day? Sebastian tell me, please.” You had asked probably fifty times by now and knew it was starting to annoy your boyfriend, but you couldn't help it. Not knowing what had Ominis so upset was killing you. You missed your friend and spending time together as a trio. 
Sebastian sighed again, looking up at you, searching your eyes before sitting up and turning in his chair to face you. “I think he’s lonely, MC, and more than a little jealous of our relationship.” 
Not what you were expecting. 
“I hear him in his bed sometimes...pleasuring himself. Not that it’s all that odd to hear such things in the boys dorm, mind you.” He gives you a little smirk, making you blush. 
“But the other night was different,” he continues slowly, searching your face. “I could have sworn I heard him moaning your name, MC.” 
Definitely not what you were expecting. You stare at Sebastian incredulously, a deep heat slowly spreading over your face. 
“I care about him so much, MC, I hate seeing him like this. I wish there was something I could do for him. Or rather something we could do for him.” 
This breaks you out of your shock and elicits a deep, loud “HA” from you as your mind races at the implications of Sebastians words. What exactly was he saying? What was he asking of you? 
“What do you want me to do about it, sleep with both of you?!” you jokingly ask him, shocked and somewhat offended he would think you’d be okay with the idea. 
You and Sebastian had been dating for almost ten months now and sleeping together for a little over four of them. While you loved being a little slutty for him behind closed doors, okay maybe a lot slutty, you thought he knew it was only for him.  
He sighed, turned back to the table and opened his book. “I’m not asking you to do anything, MC. Just expressing concern for Ominis.”
You turned back to your potions homework, determined to drop this topic like a hot dragon egg. 
You tried your hardest to forget the conversation between you and Sebastian as the week passed, but found it always lingering in the back of your mind. The initial shock wore off after a day or two, replaced by a rapidly growing curiosity. 
You couldn't help staring at Ominis during your classes together, wondering what the boy thought of you and, not for the first time, noticing how handsome he was. You tried, and probably failed, to hide these looks from Sebastian, not sure how he’d react, always feeling a blush overtake your cheeks when he did catch you. 
After six days you couldn't stand the intrusive thoughts, feeling as though you would drown in them. During some alone time with Sebastian in the Undercroft that evening you decided to bring it up. 
“Sebastian, did you really mean you wanted me to sleep with Ominis?” You hated to interrupt the kisses he was desperately leaving on your neck and shoulders, but you just could not concentrate on the gorgeous boy in front of you. 
“You're asking that now, MC?” he responded with a hint of a smile before planting a few more kisses. “Aren’t we a bit busy here, love? You need a little more attention to help keep your mind on me?”
Slipping his hands under your body he stood up, turned around, and placed you on the bed. You once again sent a silent thank you into the universe for the magic allowing the dusty, dark, cold Undercroft to become a warm, cozy place to indulge in each other. He was right, you were busy. You let out a deep breath, and relax into the soft surface, shaking your head in an attempt to rid yourself of thoughts of anything other than this moment. 
Seeing he had your full attention, Sebastian dropped to his knees in front of you, hands greedily grabbing your thighs, spreading them apart slowly. He resumed his kisses, torturously slow, covering your thighs in tiny bites, your small gasps fueling him. You curse under your breath realizing your reactions are only going to prolong your suffering at his hands. 
You buck your hips up to his mouth, desperate for any part of him to touch you where he knows you need it most. He chuckles against your leg, “patience, love, I’ll get there when I’m ready.”   
After what felt like a thousand lifetimes, you couldn't take it anymore. A needy, desperate moan of his name escaped your lips. 
“Mmmm, someone’s needy for me tonight. Let’s see what we can do about it, yeah?” Sebastians hands slipped between your legs, his featherlight touch making you shiver as he ran his fingers over your slit. 
“Fuck, baby girl, you're soaked for me.” His thumb connected with your clit. You moaned, the sweet release you needed to push all thought of Ominis out of your brain was on its way.   
“But is it really for me, or were you thinking about Ominis?”
He timed it perfectly. Plunging two fingers deep inside you as he spoke the other boys name. Your back arched slightly and a moan floated in the air as the blonde boys face flashed behind your closed eyes imagining him here, listening as you begin to unravel. 
Sebastian let the question hang in the air as he set to work, curling his now fast moving fingers, his tongue making a slow drag up your folds to your clit. He licked and sucked at you, letting out a deep moan that reverberated though you as your hands found their way into his hair, tugging at the soft strands. 
You loved that way Sebastian ate you out, like a starving man who could only be nourished by your juices. Adored the way his speech got filthier by the second as he lost control until he could barely speak coherently. Craved the way his tongue never stopped exploring your folds, desperate to make you feel good. 
“Merlins beard MC, you taste so fucking good! Mmmm I’ll never get tired of this. You’re getting close, aren't you gorgeous, I can feel your muscles starting to twitch around my fingers. Hang in there a few more minutes baby.” 
He slowly stood up, making sure to leave his fingers as far in you as he could. Kneeling on the bed, getting as close as he could to your face, he gently grabbed your chin, pulling you to him. “Come here. I need to see the look in your eyes when I make you cum tonight, love.” 
He resumed the masterful movement of his fingers inside you, kissing every inch of your skin he could reach until he felt your walls start to spasm. As you came undone he griped your jaw, making sure he had your attention.  
“Look at me, love, right at me. Good girl. I said we would fuck him. You know I’m a jealous guy, baby. Best friend or not, Ominis doesn't touch a fucking inch of you without me.” He crushed his lips against yours as the last wave of your orgasm rippled through you, sealing your lips together like a promise. 
He pulled away, slipping his fingers out of you, and brought them to his mouth, sucking one clean, laughingly asking “w-what?!” when he heard you giggle at him. “Did you want to do that?” He offered you his hand, eagerly sticking his still wet finger into your slowly opening mouth. You roll your eyes at him as your lips wrapped around his finger. 
“You know, I have something else you can suck, if you'd like, Darling.” He rubs his still clothed bulge against your leg. You gently shove him off you, chuckling, reaching for his pants eager to free him. You tug at his pants, pulling them down his legs. You moan softly as his hard cock springs free, filled with a desperate need to taste him. You lick your lips, taking him into your hand, looking up at him as you swirl your tongue over his swollen head. 
Moaning at the velvety softness of his skin, you take him into your mouth. His fingers snake their way into your hair, tugging at your strands as his breathing becomes uneven. As you bob your head, his hands grip your head, and push you further onto him. 
“Faster, baby, take it all.” 
As you open your mouth as wide as you can, taking all of him, you're rewarded with a low moan, almost a growl, and your favorite words to hear during moments like this.
“Good girl.” 
You relax your throat and let him take control. He thrust his hips, gently at first, his cock slipping in and out of your mouth. As his moans continue and his thrust lose their gentleness, he lets out a string of curse word filled statements about your skill in pleasing him. Every word brings him closer to his release and you moan around him as you feel him twitch in your mouth. He pulls himself out of your mouth, his hands bringing you up to his face, quickly rearranging your bodies before he roughly shoves himself into your pussy.
The feel of your tight, soaking, folds is enough to send him over the edge. He whines loudly, the sound quickly turning into a deep growl as he spills his cum inside you, his hips automatically thrusting, pushing his cock deeper in you. His hands squeezing your hips hard enough to leave bruises, you moan at the sight of him, completely undone underneath you, eyes shut tight, breathing hard, a deep flush showing under his freckles. As his hips still, you can’t help but tease him.
“Sebby, what is Ominis’ cock like?” you ask in an innocent voice.
His eyes snap open, narrowing at you for a split second. He composes himself quickly, and wraps his arms around you, pulling your face down to his. There's a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he stares at you. 
“You really want to find out, don’t you, you naughty girl.”  
You blush at his question, and open your mouth to tell him this is all his fault, he put the ideas in your head, but he pulls your lips down onto his in a needy kiss that leaves you breathless when he finally pulls away. 
“Give me some time and I’ll make sure you find out for yourself, MC.” He gives you a wink as he lifts your hips, finally pulling his cock out of you, gently pushing you onto the bed next to him. He pulls you into his chest, chuckling to himself. 
“I can’t believe how badly my girl wants to see my best friends cock. You’re such a slut, baby girl, I love it.”  
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luimagines · 1 year
Fake Engagement Part 2
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Part 1
Part two will include Sky, Warrior and Twilight
Content under the cut!
You ran through the scenarios in your mind. There was one way you could get of this situation but you’d hate to be proven wrong. It would have instantaneous results.
“Come on~ I don’t bite. What harm can come from me showing you around town?” This guy hadn’t no for an answer. 
Sure he wasn’t exactly doing wrong- per say. But you didn’t trust his vibes. And you would have rather been left alone. Or with Link. Any Link. Which ever came first.
“I have a partner.” You blurt, hoping to dissuade him. This is it. This is where you hope you don’t leave to go flying out the window. “I don’t think he’d appreciate your offer as much.”
This takes the young man by surprise. “Oh. Well where is he?”
“Right here.” Sky answers from behind your back.
You can feel yourself pale. This isn’t....worse. But despite what the others said about Sky, he’s just as bad as the rest of them. You’re instantly worried.
“I’m their partner.” He comes around, reaching his hand out to shake the strangers.
“Ex.” You blurt, because you don’t want to seem too enthralled. For some reason, you’ve decided to self sabotage.
Sky is undeterred though. “Beloved, that’s a horrible way to tell people we’re engaged.”
You looks up at him.
He’s smirking.
The other guy shakes Sky hands and put his own up in mock surrender. “Alright. I can see that there’s no need for me here then. I’ll get going.”
Sky nods, not waiting for you to catch up mentally to the circumstances. “Of course. Have a good day.”
Sky sighs, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Well that went well.”
You cough and slowly move his hand off of you. “You’re crazy. I cannot believe you just said that. I bet he’s going to spread the news of something.”
“Is it that bad?” Sky leans into your face, his smirk ever present. “No one would bother you now! I think that’s a solid win!”
“Where did you even come from?” You try to change the topic, ignoring the way your face feels aflame. “I couldn’t find any of you for ages!″
He shrugs. “I was nearby. And I saw you from a distance with this guy talking to you. I didn’t think much of it at first. I was just coming by to ask you something I heard you blatantly lie. I figured that it wouldn’t hurt to back you up.”  
He smiles so brightly. He’s clearly so proud of himself. He absolutely considers this a victory.
You groaned. “Well you got him to finally go away. I suppose I should thank you.”
Sky brightens. You think you’re going to need glasses after this. “Calling me an Ex. Please. That’s an insult to my character if anything.”
“It’s not always because someone had to have done something.” You roll your eyes, punching his shoulder lightly. “Sometimes people just aren't compatible.”
“You say that as if you’ve already established that fact between the two of us.”
“Sky... Link...” You smile at him. He’s so goofy. “How would we know if we’re compatible or not?”
“There’s one way to find out.”
Oh. He’s no longer joking.
“And this is my fiancé.” Warrior gestures to you in front of the small crowd.
He so owes me for this, you think to yourself despite the bright smile on your face. “A pleasure to meet you.”
They all smile back politely, even if they do a horrible job at pretending to be nice about it. They fan and all nod and take their small talk and their snobbish ways and leave.
You let out a breath, tightening your grip on Warrior’s arm. “I hate them already.”
He chokes on a laugh, struggling to keep his composure. “Don’t worry. I’m sure they already don’t like you either.”
You huff, turning with him as you glide through the ballroom. You have no idea where the others are, but you have to admit. It’s kind of nice to be fancy for a change. And you get to flaunt off being better than everyone else since you’ve come as Warrior’s plus one.
Something that apparently was a hot commodity around these parts. 
Enough so, that the poor captain was desperate enough to ask you for help. And who were you to deny him?
You snag a glass of some light scented alcohol for both you and Warrior while he yoinks a few finger foods off different passing plate. You trade your bounty and continue to walk around the room, pretending to be deep in unbreakable conversation. 
“I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t like me.” You tease between a bite and sip. “I’m an absolute delight to have around.”
Warrior laughs a little. It’s the most carefree you’ve seen him in a while. He’s spent the last three days worrying about this moment but here he is, laughing at almost every little thing you say. “Do you want to real answer or the one that keeps the conversation light?”
“Real answer.” You say, tipping your glass back. “Why do they all circle you like vultures?”
“Ah.” Warrior finishes off his food. “That would be why they wouldn’t like you. But to answer that question... I’m not entirely sure. I’m sure it has something to do with my hero status unfortunately. And my close ties to the crown.”
“And everything that comes with it?”
“More or less.”
“My condolences.”
“It’s a living.” Warrior shrugs, tipping his drink back as well. “I’ve gotten used to it. But I’m glad you’re here. Pretenses ignored.”
You hum and return to your spot on his arm. “Well for the night! We are to be wed in the imaginative future!”
You take his glass and sip the last drops, keeping eye contact with him. He visibly gulps, watching you with interest. You grin. “So we might as well enjoy ourselves.”
“Agreed.” Warrior takes the last bit of the food you had in your hand, tossing it into his mouth without a single care in the world. “We can start by getting decent meal.”
“Alright... but you owe me for taking my bite.”
“I’ll pay you back in actual rupees. Let’s go.”
“Help me.”
Twilight had dragged you by the shoulders and had pulled you aside into a dark corner. It was so urgent and sudden and you had thought that he was in trouble or that he was in danger.
“What? What is it?” You gasps, smoothing out your clothes and his on instinct. “What’s happening?”
“Ok.” He gulps. “I’m being followed.”
“What?” You begin to glare.
“And she’s not taking no for an answer.” He winces. “I don’t want to be rude.”
“Twilight, honey, we talked about this.” You put your hand on your hips. “You can be rude if they’re not respecting your space-”
“Just-” Twilight cuts himself off. He sags onto himself and sighs pathetically, “...Help me. Please.”
You shake your head. “Alright, show me. Where is she?”
“She should be-”
“Oh here you are!” A chipper voice calls out. It sounds sweet enough to be syrup and yet significantly older than either of you. You finally understand the problem.
You try to mimic the joy behind the voice. “Oh hello! Are you looking for someone?”
She doesn’t seem to mind that you’re with Twilight, so there’s something else here. “I was looking for this nice man to help me with something.”
“Oh, what can my fiancé help you with?” You reply without missing a beat.
Something on Twilight’s face changes but you’ve stepped ahead of him to meet this woman head on. It’s just outside of your peripheral, but can’t make it out.
The woman sees it however and the chipper tone stops. “Oh... I see. Well I wondering if he would be able to help me with something by my house and there’s just no one else that seems to be able to help me.”
Twilight shifts behind you.
You tilts your head. You know this is a trap but it’s not meant for you. “Oh, ok. Well he’s a bit busy at the moment. We’re here with family but I can help you, ma’am. Where is it?”
She seems taken aback. “N-no. It’s quite heavy so I was hoping.”
“Well I am pretty strong.” You pulls back your sleeve and jokingly flex. “I can handle it, I’m sure.”
She seems even more off put. You refuse to give her what she wants. She eventually shakes her head. “I appreciate the offer but I don’t think it would work between the two of us.”
Interesting choice of words.
“I see.” You put your arm down. “Sorry about not being able to help you.”
She hums, giving Twilight another look. You step in front of her. “Is there anything else we can help you with?”
She bites back a smile. “When’s the wedding date?”
“We’re marrying in spring.” Twilight says softly. “But no set date yet.”
She hums again and nods. “Well then. Thank you. Have a good day.”
She walks away.
You gulp and take a step back, crashing into Twilight.
“You think fast.”
“I don’t like her.”
“I didn’t either. Let’s get out of here and find the others. Before she realizes she doesn’t care if I’m taken or not.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Part 3
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