#i could ramble on about how much i love this man for hours…… so i’ll keep it brief
rogerscupboard · 11 months
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🤍 happy birthday, brian! 🤍
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
I met a guy in the Summer (dilf!Konig x fem!Reader)
Your boyfriend is an asshole. Luckily, his hot dad just returned from deployment. CW and Tags: Cheating, dub-con, size kink, daddy kink, age gap(reader in 20s, Konig is early 40s), Konig is a pervert, slightly obsessive Konig, love(and lust) at first sight, fingering, dom!Konig Word count: 3713 AO3
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“Just one more game, babe, don’t be a buzzkill. I don’t want to end at a loss.” You didn’t want to be a buzzkill, of course. You simply wanted to be a good girlfriend, have some domestically cozy date, and for your boyfriend to at least try to put an effort into being with you. It wasn’t much to ask for, really. You hoped so, at least. You didn’t want to be an annoying, nagging girlfriend who only ever waits for another reason to yell at him, but your patience started to run thin. 
You spend the past three hours either listening to his apathetic rambling about the shows he watched – really, you wanted to invest in stuff he liked, but an abnormally large amount of animes he talked about had 1000-year-old girls who looked like they were 10, wearing inappropriate outfits, and you started to raise the alarm. 
You also watched him play – and also listened to his rage quitting and angry voice messages to his team that, honestly, made you slightly anxious. You never liked loud people, people who were so easy to rage about something as silly as some colorful video game with too many characters to look after. 
So, like a good girlfriend would – you wanted to be a good girlfriend, he was such a nice guy before you started dating, and you need something to think about besides the tremendous amount of study work you are doing for college – you decided to go and look for snacks. Maybe bring something for him as well. 
— I’ll find something to eat, alright? 
He didn’t respond at first, so you shook his shoulder. Your boyfriend took off his headphones with annoying look on his face, half-turning to look at you. You gulped, suddenly feeling like a child in front of the principal – not a feeling that you were supposed to feel around your partner, but with him, you somehow constantly felt like you were being judged. 
— Nah, stay here. I don’t want my father to see you. 
— Ah…your father is at home? 
You never heard anyone else being at the house – big house, you must admit, and it’s embarrassing almost how you never thought about his family. He lives with his dad, apparently, and the depth of your relationships can only be judged by the fact you literally didn’t know what his father’s name was. 
— Returned from his fucking deployment. He’d ask too many questions about you. 
— You didn’t tell him about me? 
Ah, now you’re hurt a little bit. You knew it wasn’t anything serious or too committed yet, but you intended to make this work. To try and fix all the problems you can without ending things abruptly. 
— He never asked. Not like he cares too much, but…
An apathetic dad, huh. 
You started to slowly piece together the puzzle that was your boyfriend’s horrible boyfriend skills. Now, you want to meet the man who conceived him and kick him in the nuts for creating such an unlovable human being who somehow captivated your chronically lonely heart. 
— If you don’t want me to come and meet him, I can go home. 
He doesn’t answer because his queue is finally coming to another match – you simply nod, knowing everything you need to. You can grab a little snack for yourself, fuck off to your dorm and rethink your life choices while your roommate is getting pounded by some gruss British bloke with an accent that makes your ears bleed. 
You have dignity, and right now, it has asked you to get some snacks from the kitchen. 
*** Now, the only thing König wanted after returning from deployment was to take as many hot showers as he could, shut his bastard of a son up, and get some delicious food waiting for him in the freezer. He was already home for a few days, but adjusting is always hard when you basically fucking hate living at your own house. Of-fucking-course, his son was watching the house while he was away – and now he can’t even think of a good excuse to set him off to his mother. Too old to do this, and split custody never really worked when not even one part of the relationship wanted to take care of the kid. 
König closes the door of the refrigerator – of course, his son took every good thing that he stashed for himself. With a groan, the colonel fights the urge to finally throw him out of the house – a thing he needed to do a few years ago, just when he celebrated his 18th, but some sentimental part of his heart instead promised to help with finding a place close to the college. No good deed goes unpunished. 
With a groan, he takes a few steps from the fridge – and then he almost stumbles across an angel. 
Now, König never thought of himself as a predator who prefers running after college girls who might as well be his daughters. He never thought of himself as a gut who liked them young – his wife, god forsake her name, was his age when they started dating, and he hardly had any sexual encounters with a person under 25 in the past few years. Well, not like he had any sexual encounters in the past years, but…
The thing is – he never thought he liked girls with wide eyes, pouty faces, and trembling hands who were holding a bag of his cookies that he carefully stashed away from his son. 
You are wearing something cute, a nice skirt and an adorable pink cardigan that looks so cozy and warm and soft, and he fights the urge to grab your skirt and simply lift it, You’re dressed up for a cute coffee date, and König has to double check if he isn’t dreaming and no one has decided to play a prank on him and send him a cute callgirl. 
— Oh! Sorry. It’s yours, isn’t it? 
You give him his cookies back – but not before your fingers fished another salty caramel goodness out of the bag, and you bit it. He looks at your teeth, at your lips, and glimpses of your tongue – god, he is an old, dirty bastard because even his baggy pants aren’t enough to hide his boner. You have no right to look this pretty for a man who hasn’t seen a woman in three months and hasn’t had sex in the past few years. 
You lick the crumbs from your fingers – it’s such a deliberate action that he can’t believe he actually sees it, and it’s not even something from porn he used to like. 
— Ja. You can have it. 
He would give you the code to his bank account if you asked for it. 
— Thank you, sir. I’m…well, I assume if Paul didn’t introduce me to you…I’m his girlfriend. Nice to meet you. 
You lick your lips and take a step back, pressed against the counter. He looks at the sway of your hips, a bit of crumbs on your shirt, and almost brushes it away with his hands. It would be a good excuse to touch your chest – but he can’t be like this, he has to keep his urges under control, or else his son will never forgive him. 
Yeah, like he needs a better reason to throw his useless son from his home. 
— Girlfriend? He never spoke about you. 
You look sad, and he immediately curses under his breath. For a moment, you look too fragile – too real. He can’t handle this look on a woman, especially as pretty and young as you are. You bat your eyelashes, even involuntarily, and he already prepares to give you the keys to his home just so you’d stop with such miserable expressions. He has a spare bedroom. 
He has his bedroom with a bed that would be enough for both of you. 
— Ah. Um. We’re…I guess we’re not at this stage yet. 
— Knowing him, you’ll never be, Schatz. 
You look at him immediately – you’re offended, angry, and sad at the same time. There is a certain stubbornness in your eyes that immediately makes him want to simply scoop you in his arms, lift you, and drag you straight to the altar – and here he thought that his impulses over getting married would be over after his first divorce. 
— What do you mean by this, sir? 
You look uncertain now, he can see this in your eyes – and really, knowing his asshole of a child, he is almost sure that Paul never once got you off, either physically or emotionally. 
Now, König never once considered himself to be a good man. He has killed countless people, overthrown many governments, and made shitty jobs for shitty people way more than saving hostages to help the good guys – and in the romantic field, it’s even worse. Wife, unsatisfied with his controlling tendencies and inability to feel normal love for a human being – and a son who hates him because, in fact, he never once wanted to have a kid. 
He looks at you and sees a pretty young thing, still in college or freshly out of, probably without a stable job and normal social standing – a good girl won’t be with his son if she isn’t stupid or extremely desperate for a relationship. 
The thing is, König is also extremely desperate for another warm body next to his, to feel a woman beside him, to love and obsess over someone – he looks at your pouty lips and shaky hands, at the way you bite the corner of your glossy mouth, and he almost wants to drop you on this very table and fuck you until you’re crying under him. He can’t do just that, of course. It would probably make you extremely uncomfortable and scared, but…well, quite frankly, his son doesn’t deserve you. 
König is. 
— I won’t sugarcoat it, Schatz. My son is a Scheiß Arschloch…fucking asshole, that is. I’m surprised he brought home someone as cute as you. 
You feel embarrassment collecting in your body. Paul’s dad is a…interesting man. 
Tall, broad, very muscular – even his baggy house clothes aren’t really concealing his extremely interesting physique from your eyes. He looks yummy and tasty, and you fight the urge to eye the bulge in his pants because you’re a good girl, you don’t look at your boyfriend’s dad like this. 
König has greying ginger hair, locks already curling slightly at the lack of cutting, and you fight the urge to sit on the counter and get your palm in his scalp, massage his head gently, and pull him closer for a kiss. You feel like a dirty, horrible woman – your boyfriend is in his room, probably enjoying his time on your “date” while you’re lusting over his father. 
Then again, this date already felt like a disaster. This relationship, too. 
— Paul isn’t all that bad, sir. 
“He at least has a nice dick,” you wanted to add but stopped yourself. Paul is tall and somewhat strong – if he weren’t sitting at his computer all day, you would call him even muscular. And he has a nice dick, yes, even though he had no idea how to use it. You liked the idea of laying with him, of spraying your jaw trying to fit all of this in your mouth, but his kinks and his sex skills being directly taken from porn…not really your thing. 
You look at König and wonder if they are similar in all of the places. He is his father, after all. 
König catches your gaze locked on his bulge and smirks. 
God, if he knew his son had such a cute girl, he would ask her to come earlier. He is two weeks off deployment and probably won’t take another long contract for a few months because they just upped his retirement payings, and he can afford to slack off a little bit, only visiting the home base for some training and instructions for rookies. 
He can afford to retire and never worry about money again – but he needs someone to make his days less boring, right? 
You look like a good candidate. 
— I’m sure my son was convincing, but I know him better than anyone. He doesn’t deserve you, Schatz. 
He is shitty at flirting, it’s not his forte – he can flaunt his money, maybe, show you in his wallet and bank account face first. He can just straight up ask you to be his sugar baby and suck his cock instead of doing your studies, but he can’t flirt and manipulate to save his life. Lying isn’t something he is good for, this is why his wife has left. 
— I…not sure we should be having this conversation here. 
You’re a good girl, and it’s infuriating. He knows that having someone in his bed shouldn’t be the end goal for his leave, but he wants you, and by the look on your face, you aren’t opposed to the idea. König doesn’t understand if he likes that you’re so reserved about it or if he wants you to be a bit more slutty – but he captures you in the space between the kitchen counter and presses you with his body. 
— You want to see the bedroom then?
Pushes you so close his knee gets between your legs – it might look involuntary like he didn’t exactly want for it to be placed here, but you aren’t dumb, you know what he wants from you. Like a good fucking girl, you’re too shy to give it to him right about now. God, sometimes he hates being so nice to people around him. 
— Sir, this is very…
He got you caged in his hands, body trapped in his embrace – you jerk your head upwards a little bit, staring at him like a small bird in the hands of a predator. He isn’t a strong man in regard of morals, he doesn’t see anything wrong with fucking his son’s girlfriend – if the girl is up to it. And if she isn’t…well, he better make sure she is. 
— What is it, Schatz? Paul won’t hear us in his headphones.
You know just how wrong it is, and you almost want to escape – his dick grinds on your pelvis through his pants, and you’re horrified to see how big it is. Excited too, of course, he is bigger than your boyfriend ever could be, and you don’t want to be a slut, but, oh well, not like you were in a committed and serious relationship anyway. 
Paul was seeing your friends more than you ever saw them – it’s probably a sign that you should settle for someone older. You did enjoy Lana Del Rey's songs, after all. 
— I don’t want to break his heart. 
— He doesn’t have one. 
You’re lost when he pushes his lips to kiss you over and over again – a surprisingly good kisser, and you give in because it was the first time in forever a kiss made you feel this good. His lips are sending electricity down your spine, you want to moan just from his knee, pushing on the softness of your cunt through that adorable skirt you liked so much – you feel so small like this, so tiny in his hands, you…
God, you feel like a slut, and you like it. 
Soon enough, you answered the kiss, your lips meeting his in a dance that made you feel hot, that made you feel like your boyfriend never could. Never thinking of yourself as someone who can fall so easily into the hands of an older man, now you know that he got you right where he wanted. 
You push your hand on his pants, trying to get the control back – but he stops you, a giant hand enveloping your wrist and pushing you back. With a surprise on your face, König just wants to kiss you all over. God, you’re adorable, and he knows that you deserve way more than being fucked on the rough kitchen counter while your so-called boyfriend is too busy dickriding his friends in some useless online game. 
— Not now, princess. You deserve better than being fucked on the kitchen counter, ja? It can come later. 
“Later” sounds like a promise, and you bite back your moan when he keeps pushing his knee against your cunt, making you throb and clench on nothing. He is such a gentleman, you can’t help but compare him to his son – and his fabulous ability to make you feel dirty after fucking you in the backseat of his car and tossing you to your dorm with your pussy still wet and messy after you didn’t cum. 
You sob, not from sadness, but from pleasure mixed with some weird, unnatural for you emotions – you feel weird, strained here like this, but you hug his neck and whisper something in his ear. Something, dangerously sounding just like “daddy, please” 
König is blushing, and he looks fucking adorable. 
— Daddy, ja? God, you’re dangerous, liebling. Going to get me in trouble with my son later. 
He laughs when he kisses you again, his hand slipping in your panties only to find them completely soaked – he knows you deserve a nice pillow and soft sheets under your body, and he pushes you up so you can hug his waist with your legs. You rely on him like a cute pet, and you’re so perfect in his hands he curses himself for not seeing you before. 
He is going to ruin you for anyone but him. Put so much cum in you, it will make your tummy bulge – make you his precious sugar baby, pay for your dumb college and make you move to his bedroom instead of some shitty dorm you probably share with four other people. 
He can be good for you – but he will ruin you for anyone else, anyone appropriate, every guy your age who clearly doesn’t know how to treat a lady right. 
— So wet for me…such a filthy thing, I didn’t know my son dated a whore. 
— N…not a whore, please…
He kisses you on your forehead, silently apologizing. You feel his crooked, scarred smile, and you push your face up to kiss him – you want to touch him so badly it makes you feel stupid. 
— Sorry, Schatzen. Not a whore, a good girl for her daddy, ja? So nice for me, too fucking young…
— W…we really shouldn’t… — Tshhh, don’t think about it. Thinking will only hurt your pretty dumb head. — I’m not…
— Quiet, little one. Let daddy handle everything.
He kisses you over and over, his fingers playing with your pussy – meaty digits digging in your hole, making you whimper from sudden intrusion. He is big, bigger than anyone else, just two of his fingers are enough to spread you as much as normal cock would, and even though you’re used to taking Paul’s size, you just know that his dad would be much, much bigger. He is going to split you open, and you will love every fucking second. 
It feels so wrong, you still aren’t sure if you want him to touch you like this. 
It feels so right, he is experienced and eager, pushing every button to make you squirm in his grasp. Your orgasm comes embarrassingly quick – maybe because you haven’t gotten off in ages, only miserable masturbation sessions and poor attempts at faking your orgasm made it feel real. Paul never cared enough to actually get you off – but now…
You aren’t ready for him. You squirm in his grasp when the pressure becomes too much, and he soothes you, two fingers still buried in your soaked cunt. You feel so dirty, so wrong right now – you are cumming on the fingers of your boyfriend’s absent father, and you love every second of it. 
Post-orgasm clarity makes you whiny and sobby, and you whimper in his shoulder when he gently lifts you in his hands. God, you’re adorable, and he knows that he just scrambled your brain with that orgasm – it’s good, really, he might just want to keep your pretty head nice and empty for him. Not like you would ever need to think in his presence, the colonel can handle everything in- and out- of bed. 
König holds you close, not allowing you to scramble away no matter how embarrassed you are. You are his precious thing, with a pouty face, and he will do everything in his power to make you squirm on his fingers again and again before he makes you his wife for good. 
So impulsive, maybe this is why his son is such an asshole – taking the worst traits of his father. 
— Don’t cry, Schatzen. You’re okay, it felt good, didn’t it? 
— W…we shouldn’t have. Shit. I’m sorry, it was a m…god, I need to tell Paul. 
— I’ll tell him. 
— No! — I will tell my asshole of a son that you’re my girl now, ja? And then I will take you to the bedroom, so we can fuck. 
— I need to return to my dorm. 
— And then I will dine you properly, okay? Sorry, Liebling, I know I should court you before all of this…but we can afford to go a bit off board, ja? 
He is smiling, so smitten and obsessed over just having you cum on his fingers once – you don’t have the heart to say no. Never did. You’re a good, proper girl, and Paul was never treating you right anyway. You feel dirty, yes, but somehow, it is almost right. 
He peppers your face with kisses, like a dog lapping its tongue all over your skin – you’re so concentrated on the warmth of his strong, seasoned body that you don’t even look in the direction of the doorway to the kitchen. 
Paul, however, looks straight at you, disheartened and shocked. 
— W…what the fuck, dad?! König laughs, kissing you once again – deep, hot, with tongue and loud, sloppy sounds of your mouth pressing into one another. You’re stuck in place, still caged in his arms like a precious little pet you are. 
— She’ll make a good step mom, ja? 
You don’t even register his hands slowly caressing your fingers as if he already tries to check the ring sizes. 
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
hi could you please writer a spencer x reader where she finds out she is pregnant and comes to the office to tell spencer but doesn’t want everyone to know just yet??? thanks so much
A/N: I know I don't really write for Spencer that much anymore, but every time I do, it just feels like coming home... oh and i wrote this with the mindset that it was planned and that it finally happened, just fyi
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Um, hi, Y/n,” Spencer blinked, taken aback by your sudden appearance in the busy bullpen, “what are you doing here?” 
“Hey,” you bounced nervously on your feet, “can we talk a moment? Alone?” glancing towards the familiar faces around him. 
“You can go up and talk in my office if you want,” the suit-clad man beside him chimed in. 
“Thank you, Aaron,” you smiled gratefully, “I promise I won’t keep him too long.”
After the office door shut behind the both of you, Spencer’s co-workers still faintly visible through the slivers in the blinds, he spoke apprehensively, “so, what’s up, honey? What couldn’t wait a few hours before I got home?”
“I just couldn’t stop thinking about there suddenly being a case and you flying off to take care of that, and I think I might have just kinda blinked and now I’m here, with you, because I really wanna tell you this in person, not over the phone, and I don’t think I’d be able to wait till after you get back because I mean, sometimes that’s a lot of days and especially with this it will end up feeling even longer, so-”
“Y/n,” he grabbed both your hands, effectively cutting off your anxious rambles, “breathe a second, okay?” none of what you had blurted out so far had worked at calming his growing nerves, “what is it?”
Looking him in the eye, you then freed one of your hands and dipped it into your deep coat pocket, fishing out a small plastic stick and placing it in his still-open palm, “I kept having this nagging feeling,” you uttered softly as he inspected the item you’d given him, “so then I checked the calendar and noticed that I’m late and so I just went out and bought this and-”
“You’re pregnant?” he marvelled, tearing his eyes away from the test to look at you.
“Y-yeah,” you beamed. 
“Oh my god… oh my god! Y/n!” his long arms pulled you into a tight hug, “I-… holy shit,” his giggle vibrated into you. 
“I know,” you said just as joyfully as him. 
Feeling his lips press messily against your hairline, he uttered, “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” your arms tightened around him for but a moment before being disturbed by a knock at the door. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Hotchner peeked his head through the door, “but Reid, we just got a case.”
“Yeah,” he slowly let go of you, still completely enraptured by the news, “I’ll be right with you.”
“Happy to see that you didn’t pop by just to break his heart, Y/n,” the stoic man joked before you responded giddily. 
“Oh, no, actually, Aaron, I just found out that-”
“That, um,” Spencer cut in, nearly slapping his palm over your lips with how hastily he reacted, “we got the house we wanted to move into.” 
“Really?” his boss’ dark eyebrow quirked up at the lie, “I didn’t know you guys were moving, you love your apartment so much.”
“Yeah, well,” Spencer shrugged, the smile still plastered to his face, “it’s just feeling a bit small these days…”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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strawheart-pirate · 9 months
Portgas D. Ace x afab!Reader
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Words: 2658 CW: Alabasta Setting (spoilerfree), NSFW, vaginal sex, blowjob, fingering, tongue fucking, consensual, pet names (babe, my love)
You were home safe and sound thanks to Ace. Your feelings we’re a mess ever since and on top your grandmother invited your savior for dinner to thank him properly. As it was time to part ways your feelings were crashing down on you. A steaming hot sequel to Drought.
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You woke up to the sun, kissing your face the early morning. You lifted your head and grabbed your pillow tight until you realized that you squished the man below you and not your pillow. A deep red blush crept onto your face as Ace woke up from the pressure around his ribs.
“Ugh, no. Is it already morning?” Ace grumbled, his eyes shut tight, as he stretched beneath you.
“Unfortunately.” You mumbled, still deeply embarrassed.
“Just five more minutes.” He said as he turned towards you and held you in a tight embrace.
If your blush was gone seconds ago, it was now as prominent as ever since his bare chest was right inside your face and his arms secured you in a way that left no room for protest.
“Ace, please, my grandma has worried long enough.” You begged.
“Alright, okay. Let’s get going.” He slowly went up and packed a few things. It was clearly visible that he was not a morning person, and you were impressed that he didn’t fell over, given how much he was swaying.
You checked your place for any package or clothing left, but you were done. Ready to go.
As you both walked side by side through the desert, Ace told you about his pirate life. He was very enthusiastic about his stories and you laughed a lot. The lizard followed you in a good distance.
“Do you know my little brother? His name is Monkey D. Luffy and I’ll meet him soon here in Nanohana.” He shoved the wanted poster right in your face.
“He has a precious smile.” You admit.
“I know, right? See, when we were young, we did everything together…”
Ace was rambling about his brother Luffy until you finally reached the gates of the city and parted ways with the lizard. At this point you thought that you knew Luffy better than Ace, but that didn’t matter. You loved the stories Ace told you and even though they were about Luffy, you could clearly read between the lines and gather information about your travel buddy. You didn’t even notice that you smiled admiringly at him and gave him a few side glances until you were at your house.
“Grandma!” you yelled and rushed towards your grandma, who was sitting in front of your house. You hugged her tight and reassured her, that you were fine as Ace watched you two. Tears flowed down your faces and your grandma was clearly relieved that everything was alright. As you both calmed down, you introduced Ace and your grandma to each other.
“Ace, this is my grandma. Grandma, this is Ace. He saved me yesterday.” You said and your grandma scanned Ace thoroughly before she spoke.
“Thank you for saving my grandchild, young man. Please have dinner with us tonight.”
“Oh, I’d like to, but…”
“No buts, you must come. We want to thank you properly, so you will come. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Your grandma demanded and Ace and you were a bit taken aback.
“O-Okay..” Ace stuttered and the old lady chuckled to herself.
“6pm. Be on time.” She said and Ace took his leave, since he had some things to do.
“Now, Y/N, tell me about this man and what happened to you.” Your grandma said and patted the seat next to her.
You sighed and sat down. “Where shall I start…”
It had been an hour until your grandma knew the whole story. She was now in the kitchen preparing the dinner and you did your chores. Although you were busy, your mind drifted off to Ace quite frequently.  Even though he was a pirate, you were sure he was not the nasty type. You owed him your life, yes. And that alone causes admiration to some degree, but you also enjoyed the talks with him. It was clearly visible, that he loved his little brother and his cocky, but cheerful attitude along with his well-trained body left you longing for more.
Oh my, I really got it bad. You sighed as you thought to yourself but smiled anyway.
Evening came and Ace appeared at the doorstep right on time. He had a nice bouquet of flowers in his hand and handed it to your grandma.
“Thanks for your invitation, madame.” He smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, what a lovely young man you are. And please, just call me grandma. I like the connection that comes with it.” She smiled knowingly.
You rolled your eyes at her antics and led your guest into the living room. There, a small table was set up for the three of you by the window and the evening sun gently illuminated the simply furnished room.
“Here we are.” Your grandma said as she put down the pot in the middle and you all got seated.
The dinner was pleasant. At first you talked about random topics, but now Ace was telling your grandma everything about his brother Luffy. You knew the stories and so you leaned back in your chair and sipped your drink. You haven’t seen your grandmas’ eyes shine that bright in a long time. Something about this man was truly special and you followed the conversation with a gentle smile on your face.
It had been three hours and Ace was about to head off to his lodging. The sun was just setting and your grandma hugged the freckled man goodbye.
“Thanks again for that lovely dinner, grandma.” Ace said and bowed to her.
“Ah, you’re welcome. Come by anytime, okay?” she smiled as she took his face in her hands and slapped his cheek lightly a few times.
“Will do.” He said and turned to you. “I…”
“I’ll walk you home.” You beat him to it. Your offer was a bit unusual and you could clearly see the question marks on his face.
“Then off you go.” Your grandma gave you a knowing smile and waved the both of you off.
You took his hand and started walking. He waved to your grandma one last time and quickly got used to the new situation. No one said a word as you walked hand in hand to the address he had given you. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but you were deep in thought. You felt something for this man and wanted to spend more time with him, but you didn’t know if he felt the same. Before you could even come to a conclusion, Ace stopped.
“Alright, we’re here. This is the inn.” Said Ace, giving you a beaming smile. You couldn’t face him because he would clearly see the hurt in your eyes. You didn’t want to let go but you tried to find the right words.
You started to phrase your emotions. “Yeah, well… Thank you again and maybe we’ll meet…”
Two strong hands grabbed your face and before you knew what was happening, Ace smashed his lips to yours. The kiss was hungry, his lips demanding. He wanted everything from you and you would give it to him without hesitation. You melted in his hands and your lips joined the fiery battle. As you put your arms around his neck, he broke away from you just enough to catch his breath.
“Do you want to…?” – “Yes!” You both smiled as your lips met again and he grabbed your butt to lift you up. A sound of surprise left you and you giggled slightly as he carried you up the stairs and into his room. He set you down and locked the door in one fluid motion, trapping you between him and the door. His lustful gaze traveled over your body from head to toe and back again before he took your face back into his hands and kissed you passionately. You hummed in pleasure and placed your hands around his neck to play with his black strands. His pelvis rubbed against yours in a needy rhythm.
“Ace…” you moaned his name impatiently.
Ace wasted no time and carried you over to the bed and laid you on the soft mattress before removing his hat and coat. The look he had on you was breathtaking, as it looked like there was a fire burning in his brown irises. He slowly approached you, but you stopped him before he could lay on top of you. You slid off the bed and got down on your knees. Your hand wandered over his beautiful abs and you unzipped his pants.
"Let me take care of my savior." You looked at him through half-lidded eyes and stripped him naked.
 A breathless moan escaped the man. His erection was now right in front of your face and you took your time to look at it thoroughly. He had just the right thickness, was long and curved up a little. The tip was a light shade of purple and he had a prominent vein on top. You licked your lips.
"Like what you see?" He teased, though he already knew the answer, and posed a little for you.
You grabbed it gently and let your tongue slide from his shaft to his tip while holding his gaze.
"Oh fuck." He said and looked away for a second as he inhaled sharply. "That’s so hot."
You took his cock all the way into your mouth and gave it a good taste until you hummed in approval. He was delicious. Ace couldn't take his eyes off you and you gave him a glance every now and then as you bobbed your head on his cock. Your hand alternately gently massaged his balls and clasped the lower part of his cock in a firm grip.
Your tongue swirled around his tip and Ace moaned louder and louder. It wasn’t long before he grabbed your head.
"Is it okay if I...?" you hummed in approval and he shoved his cock deep down your throat. You gagged a little, but it was okay, drool pouring down your chin. Your cunt throbbed as Ace used your throat and a few bounces later he painted it white on the inside. You swallowed everything he gave you and licked your lips. He smiled at you, satisfied and a bit exhausted, and you returned his gaze with a perky smile. Ace dropped to his knees and kissed you passionately, his tongue deep inside your mouth, battling for dominance in a demanding kiss until he lifted you up and placed you on the bed.
"It’s payback time."
He peeled you out of your gown, lifted your leg and kissed you on the inside of your thigh. His hands were all over you until he suddenly stopped.
"Let me show you something." He said and you propped yourself up your elbows and watched him hold his finger over your belly. A familiar little flame appeared, and he cautiously ran it over your belly. His touch was warm, but he didn’t burn you. You couldn’t take your eyes off the flame as he approached your nipples. As his fingertip grazed over your bud, the flame flared a little and you gasped at the sensation of his touch and the blazing flame. He smirked at your reaction and you heart skipped a beat. His teasing play continued with the other bud until he let his hand slowly move down until he reached your clit. You moaned his name like a prayer as he traced circles on your clit with his flaming fingertip. Each time the flame slid over your sensitive spot, a crackling warmth coursed through you. You were so fascinated by the flame that you didn't realize what Ace was up to until the flame went out and he slid his finger inside you. You gasped at the sudden intrusion and moved your hips towards him.
"I hope you liked my little trick." he teased just before he placed his lips onto your folds.
He licked a straight line from your entrance to your clit as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of your needy cunt. You tried to move your hips, but he held you back with a strong arm.
"Stay still and let me enjoy my dessert." He demanded and his command increased the tightness of the knot in your belly. He flicked his tongue repeatedly over your clit while he inserted a second finger into your velvety folds.
"Ace…" you whimpered. The pressure was rising inside you. He knew exactly how close you were. The squelching sounds of your soaking cunt and your sweet moans resounded through the room. For the final act, he exchanged his fingers for his tongue. His fingers were rougher and provided more friction on your clit and his tongue penetrated deep into your folds. The vibrations that flowed through you pussy as he hummed with desire send you over the edge.
"Ahh, FUCK!" Your juices gushed all over his face as he tongue fucked you through your orgasm. He licked all your sweet liquids off you before he is looking at you with a pleased smile.
 "You taste like an oasis, babe." he praised, and you blushed. He crawled up on you and gave you a taste of yourself. The kiss was passionate, and your tongues danced lovingly together.
"Wanna ride me, babe, or you want me to rail you into the mattress?" A smug grin on his face. - "Why not both, but I'd like to start riding you while my legs still work.” You suggested.
He smiled devilishly at you and turned you both around so that he was on his back and you were on top of him. You sat up and positioned yourself over him. He held his cock still as you slowly slid yourself down and buried his cock deep inside you.
"You feel sooo good, Ace." You praise him as you put your hands on his abs for more balance.
"Says the one driving me crazy with those needy hot walls."
You chuckled and started riding him at a slow pace. One of his hands was on your hip and the second teased your clit every now and then. Your sweaty bodies moved in harmony and the clashing of your hips filled the room with a sweet symphony that, together with the moans that escaped from both of you in sheer pleasure, created a passionate melody. Your movements became sloppy as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten and Ace placed his second hand on your hips as well, as he began to thrust into you from below.
You gasped as he hit your sweet spot deep inside you and a smirk appeared on his face. Your nails clawed deep into his chest as he hit the same spot over and over, bringing you closer to the edge with every thrust. He hissed in pleasure as your nails dug into his flesh.
“Oh god, you’re so good to me. I don’t deserve you.” – “Ahhh, Ace, please.” You plead as you were about to climax.
“It’s okay babe, cum for me.” He said as he sped up his movements. Your knot snapped and your climax hit you hard. You pressed your shaking legs into Ace’s ribs and clawed into your own breasts as you screamed his name. The sight was breathtaking and your walls squeezed him mercilessly and not a second later Ace was slamming your hips onto his cock, spraying his seed deep inside you.
You took your time to calm your breathing and remained seated on his still twitching cock. You looked down at him through half-lidded eyes, the pleasure clearly visible on both of your faces. He reached for your cheek and you leaned down to capture his lips in a kiss. It was so soft and sweet and full of love that no words were needed.
When you pulled back a little, he looked deep into your eyes. "You are so sweet my love, what do you want to try next?"
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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martianbugsbunny · 2 months
Hour One (A Kalluzeb Fic)
*falling down the stairs* I did it! I finished my post-Zero Hour fic, it's so tasty to me <3 I'm not even gonna ramble about it I'm just gonna get right to the fic bc I love it!!! read on and enjoy!!!
When the ship was safely in hyperspace, Kanan quietly let Kallus into a room on the Ghost that was currently deserted. Judging by the half-made bunk beds against the wall, Kallus assumed it was living quarters, but he was too distracted by the growing pain in his shoulders and ribs to try and piece together whose room it was.
“I’ll give you a minute,” Kanan said. And then Kallus was alone again, with the forgiving, kind voice of the Jedi echoing in his brain. He didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve to be spoken to softly. He was lucky these people whom he’d hunted across the galaxy for years had even bothered to pick up his escape pod, rather than speeding away from the Imperial fleet and applying the rule of “serves him right.”
Something in him cracked. He began to sob, silently, terrified of what he had done in betraying the Empire, overwhelmed by a thousand different strident feelings he couldn’t even name. The heavy breaths hurt (every movement seemed to hurt, now that his adrenaline rush was wearing thin) and his head was pounding. Was the world really spinning, or was that just him?
At the first hiss of the door sliding open, Kallus dragged his sleeve hastily across his face to remove any tears or snot that might give away that he’d been crying—a bad decision, really, given his black eye, which stung at the rough contact.
It wasn’t Kanan who stepped into the room, slightly awkwardly and with bright green eyes that reflected back at Kallus those unnamable emotions.
It was Zeb.
Kallus took a step back, hands clenched at his sides. He knew his eyes were red and he could feel spots on his face where he had missed tears, and he hoped Zeb wouldn’t notice. He had no right to cry in front of this man, of all people.
Zeb stared at him for a moment, and Kallus could feel him mentally checking off all the things that were currently wrong on Kallus’s person. Hunched posture from his injured ribs; blotchy face; bloodstains on his uniform and dried blood on his lip.
“I brought you some clothes,” Zeb said. In the other hand he held a medkit, and Kallus realized with a sinking feeling that those supplies were for him. What a waste of resources that seemed. “They’re probably not your size, but they’re better than the Imperial things you’re wearing.”
Kallus took a breath before answering, surprised at how steady he was able to force his voice to be. “Thank you,” he said.
Then there was a horrible pause as Kallus realized he wouldn’t be able to remove his chest armor, much less his shirt, without help, and he could see the exact same knowledge dawning on Zeb’s face. “Karabast,” he said. “You’re going to be stubborn about this, aren’t you.”
Kallus shook his head after only a brief moment of thought. He didn’t have the strength to punish himself any further. Whether or not he was worthy of Zeb’s help would have to wait until he was healed. “If you don’t mind,” he said, taking another shaky breath as he once again met Zeb’s gaze.
He didn’t look angry. He almost seemed…proud? That wasn’t right. Kallus was seeing things; his brain had been shaken up by his escape and he was imagining things that weren’t there. “I don’t,” Zeb said. He crossed the room and set the clothes down on the lower bunk. “Sit,” he said, gesturing to the empty space next to them.
Kallus did as he was told, relieved to be off his feet. The leg he’d injured on Bahryn had been hurting horribly since his fight with Thrawn, particularly his knee. He might need to consider getting a brace, he realized, if he wanted to keep fighting—which he did.
Zeb unclasped the sides of Kallus’s ISB-issued armor, dumping it on the floor. “Sabine’ll get a kick out of painting that,” Zeb said. “You can wear our colors instead of Imperial ones.” “Give it to somebody else,” Kallus said. “I don’t want it.” Zeb gave him another strange look that he couldn’t parse. “Whatever you say.” He began to work at the clasps of Kallus’s uniform shirt. They definitely wasn't built for his large, clawed fingers. “So…you’re a Rebel now,” he said. “Still think you made the right decision?”
There weren’t words to describe how firmly Kallus was convinced of it. He was terrified, staring into the face of the unknown, but he knew he’d done the right thing—he just wasn’t sure how to live with the consequences. How to build a new life for himself out of the ruins of his old one…which had been built on the ruins of so many other people’s lives.
So Kallus simply nodded, trying to keep himself from spilling any more tears. The thing that made that impossible was the gentle way Zeb worked the unclasped shirt from his torso, pulling off one sleeve and then the other, grumbling angrily in that deep, rumbling voice when he saw the bruises on Kallus’s side.
“I apologize,” Kallus said immediately, his voice stiff and cracked like old, uncared-for leather. “This isn’t fair.” Zeb helped him get his arms into the new shirt he’d brought, leaving the clasps undone; the medics would only have to undo them again later to treat his injuries properly. Then he draped a quilted jacket across Kallus’s shoulders.
“You just uprooted your entire life, Kallus,” Zeb said, sighing and adjusting a non-existent crease in the jacket. “I would think it was weird if you didn’t cry.”
“Not in front of you. You shouldn’t comfort me.” Kallus moved backwards, further into the bunk, away from Zeb’s touch. He didn’t deserve empathy and he didn’t want pity. “This shouldn’t be your problem.”
Zeb got up from the floor where he’d been kneeling and sat on the edge of the bunk, staring at the opposite wall instead of at Kallus. “Maybe not,” he agreed. “Maybe I should say it’s none of my business. Maybe I should leave you to deal with it alone. But when you worked with me on that ice moon, and saved my friends from the Empire, and fed us all that intel as Fulcrum, I think you kind of made yourself my business.” He turned back towards Kallus, his face serious, his eyes soft. “Now let me check your other injuries.”
Kallus complied, shifting closer to Zeb. Even if it didn’t sit right with him, he didn’t think he could refuse Zeb anything. He would do whatever he was asked, whatever he was told—even allow Zeb to take on some of his burden—if it would make a fraction of a difference. If it would help him so much as an inch towards making amends.
With his broad hands carefully gentle, Zeb put a few stitches in Kallus’s broken lower lip. Kallus wondered where Zeb had learned those skills; if it was gained during his time in the Honor Guard of Lasan or in the Rebellion. For a moment, he was lost in wondering, searching Zeb’s face while he was intent on his task as though he could find an answer there. He only realized Zeb had paused and asked him a question when Zeb tilted his head to the side, staring at Kallus for an answer of his own.
“Could you repeat that?”
Zeb rolled his eyes. “I said, can you see alright? That black eye doesn’t look too good.”
His eyes were dry now, but there was still a blur in the left side of his vision. “Actually, I can’t,” he said, swallowing hard. “Everything to the left is hazy.”
“It'll probably need a while to heal,” Zeb said. “If it doesn’t, we’ll get you fitted with some visual aids.” He dabbed something cold and clear on the bruised skin. “There’s nothing more I can do until we land, but you should be fine.”
The pain in his side begged to argue, and he was pretty sure that something in there was broken, but Kallus nodded. “Thank you,” he said quietly. “For everything."
How could he put that everything into words? Thank you for not killing me on Bahryn, thank you for telling me to look for the answers, thank you for believing me when I was Fulcrum, thank you for picking me up just now, thank you for tending my wounds.
He didn’t need to. The way Zeb was looking at him, he already knew.
“We have enough people on board to handle things,” Zeb said, his voice equally low. “I can stick around here for a while if you want the company.”
Kallus felt a smile tugging at the stitches on his lip. More everything to be grateful for. “Alright.”
They sat there together on the bunk for a while in silence. It was a comfortable silence, somehow, and Kallus finally began to relax, not breathing easily past the injuries to his ribs but certainly breathing more easily than before.
“You were limping,” Zeb said, breaking the quiet. “When you came on board you were limping.”
“Once you’re wounded, that body part becomes a target. It’s not so bad, now that my weight’s been off it.” Zeb leaned back against the wall. “That’s good.” He extended one arm to Kallus. “Come on, Kal. We’ve got time before we land anywhere, you can rest.”
There was a moment of hesitation, of doubt, and then Kallus allowed himself to settle next to Zeb, with a strong purple arm around his shoulders. As he started drifting off, safe for the first time in months and knowing his injuries would be cared for, Kallus thought he felt Zeb’s fingers gently rubbing across his arm, and there was a little pit of warmth in his chest that kept the cold of pain and guilt out.
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elletheactualmenace · 8 months
You Would do That for Me?
Pairing: MCU!Peter Parker x Stark!fem!reader
Summary: You hit two birds with one stone. Helping both you and Peter out in the process. Seems like a good plan, right?
Warnings: Verbal assault, Little but some physical assault, Catcalling, Bullying, annoying people just in general, swearing
Word Count: 5.04k
a/n: I tried to make this as enjoyable as I could, but some of this sucks, I tried really hard to get it to what I liked, but only some parts got there. Im hoping I’ll like the next part better. Sorry for the wait, but thanks for waiting! Also my Spanish is rusty lmk if it’s wrong.
Thoughts = “Italicized dialogue”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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High school. Not the most appealing place for anyone, especially not if you are the one having to attend. You don't think there has ever been one person, that doesn't come from some high school musical bullshit world, that enjoys going to high school.
You are top of your class, and you'd think that would make it easier but that's far from the truth, specifically when you go to a school where everyone is supposed to be top of the class, or they were from the schools they had formerly attended. Smart people don't like being topped. So it isn't really personal when you get cussed out or get verbally bullied. At least you don't take it personally, not enough for people other than the ones who do it to know about it.
Today is the start of another exhausting day of school. Before you open the door to your room you once over your outfit, and mentally prepare yourself for everything that is to come. You let out a puff of air and begrudgingly walk down the hall and into the big elevator at the end of the hall.
"At least I don't have to walk down stairs," you mentally thank your father for being lazy, as you push the 'floor level' button.
"Good morning Y/n." Friday says as you walk into the kitchen. 
You mumble out a 'morning' and walk over to the pantry. You pull out a box of Honey Nut Cheerios. Then you get a bowl and a spoon, placing them on the counter next to the box of cereal.
"Hey kiddo," You hear your dads voice from behind you. You smile, turning to see him leaning against the fridge with a carton of milk in one of his hands. You chuckle, and walk up to him giving him a hug. He kisses your head while hugging you 
with just as much love.
"Hi dad." You say as he hands you the milk. Your dad gives you a look as he watches you tiredly get your breakfast.
"What?" You struggle to speak with a spoon full of food in your mouth.
When he doesn't say anything you ask again. "Dad, what is it?"
"Nothing, you just eat exactly like me." He chuckles out. And you scrunch your brows.
"Well how the hell else would I eat?" You ask. He gives you a pointed look, "I'm not going to quote any ancient museum piece but watch your mouth young lady." You put your hands up in apology.
“But It’s not even that bad of a word. S’not like you don’t say it.” You grumble slightly before stuffing another spoonful of Cheerios into your mouth.
“Although, that does sound like some old man I know, maybe I will let him know that you are finally starting to listen.” You give him a toothy grin and he shakes his head frantically.
“Don’t, please. I don’t want him to know he's rubbing off on me.” Your dad rambles out grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. You chuckle.
You both talk a while longer as you eat your cereal. 
“How’s school? Any drama I need to know about?” You roll your eyes at him.
“No, sadly, unless you consider Peter losing one of Ned's lego pieces and not talking to him for a whole four hours,” Your dad chuckles.
“I would say that's a decent amount of drama for those two,” You dad comments, and you continue your pass time chatter.
"Oh, also, sweetie, Happy is driving you to school today," You dad says as you finish up your cereal.
"But,” you start, “dad, you said you would." Your disappointed look doesn't go unnoticed even though you try to not let it show.
"I know sweetie, but I can't today, I will try to find some time this week or next to drive you, okay honey? I'm sorry." He gives you a look of pity. And he really does want to drive you, he just can’t.
You can’t figure out why it bothers you so much. It’s just a ride to school. Maybe it’s because you barely ever see him. Maybe it’s because lately he has been more occupied with work than with his own daughter.
It bothers you that it bothers you. You shouldn’t be mad at him for working, for being a hero. You should get mad because you know it's not like he wants to blow you off.
"Yeah, um, ok," you put on a tight smile as you walk over to a counter stool that you backpack is sitting on, and sling it over one of your shoulders.
"Friday," Your dad calls out, and she immediately responds,
"Yes sir?"
"Call down Happy, and let him know, Y/n is ready to head out." Your dad finishes as he walks toward the hall leading to his office. He waves you a goodbye and you give a small smile in response.
Not even a couple minutes later Happy walks in, car keys in hand. "Come on kid, let get you to school," You nod and follow him outside.
The walk to the car is quiet. And Happy is not complaining with your ‘too tired to talk attitude’. He's not one for much unnecessary conversation. That's not to say he doesn't care for what you have to say, he just likes moments of quiet. Especially during the shitty morning.
"Hey, Happy?" You ask once he starts the car. He looks up at you through the rear view mirror letting you know he's listening.
"What did my dad have to get to?" You hear Happy sigh but don't say anything.
"Listen, your dad, he's a busy man, so it could really be anything." Happy informs you with a small sad smile, trying to make you feel better. You just nod looking down at your hands, so you don't have to look at another person trying to give you pity.
You slam your locker shut and turn to see Ned and Peter at their lockers that are a few away from yours. You nudge MJ and she closes her locker slightly to look at you.
"Yeah?" She asks and you nod towards the rest of your friend group. Mj doesn’t like that you called yourself that but she doesn’t have a better solution so she lets it slide.
"I'm going to go talk to them, meet up later?" You ask and she nods before bidding you goodbye.
"No, no, no, Peter, listen to me, I know it isn't a scam, because my cousins, best friends, little brother also ordered from the website and it came." Ned argues with who you are assuming is Peter.
"I don't think that's a credible source, dude. Have you even met your cousins, aunts, friends, brother?" Peter asks skeptically.
"It was my cousins, best friends, little brother." Ned grumbled out with an eye roll.
“The fact that you have to correct him just proves the point more.” You state bluntly entering the very stupid, conversation.
“See exactly!” Peter exclamins in your dereliction. Ned mumbles something out but you don’t quite catch it, Peter does though and his face goes pink and he hits Ned's arm.
“My, point proven,” Ned says quietly. And you brush it off assuming it's an inside joke. The bell rings and catches your attention. 
“Okay come on you five year olds, let's stop arguing about credible sources, and whose brother said what.” You put your hands on both of their backs and push them toward your shared first period classroom.
When you walk in and find your seat. MJ is already sitting, in the seat right next to yours. And behind you Peter and Ned sit down. When the final bell rings everyone is sat down and ready for a long boring lecture.
The teacher passes out assignments and you all finish the assignment pretty quick, so, per usual, you sit around talking, or more, arguing.
“We need to agree on something and stop arguing.” MJ says calmly. You are all arguing about the movie you’re all going to watch at your house on Friday night. When someone proposes a movie, someone else always doesn't like it.
“I'm sorry MJ, but I will not watch Titanic, I can’t.” You deadpan, arms crossed over one another.
“Oh, come on Y/n! It's not that bad!” Ned tries but you shake your head with a look of utter disgust.
“It is that bad, I physically can’t watch it. I know it’s iconic or whatever, but I won’t let that movie play at my house. It’s not going to happen.” You slam your fist on Peter and Neds shared desk.
“What about Shutter Island?” Peter suggests. Looking at you for approval and you shrug. “I'm good with that.” You say.
“What's with all the DiCaprio movies?” MJ asks. And Ned groans, running his hands down his face. “So that's a no?” Ned says more of a statement than a question.
“I never said no,” She tries but you put your hand out to stop her. “You didn’t have to, it's a no.” You say tiredly.
“We have zero chance at agreeing on a movie by Friday.” Peter says resting his face in his arms that are arms crossed across the table.
“You know what else it is at zero?” Flash asks as walking past us to get to his seat after turning in the assignment. 
Before you can tell him to piss off he continues. “Penis Parker’s girl game. You have Zero chance of ever getting any girl, even if they are the ugliest thing anyone has ever laid eyes on.” Flash’s friends snicker at his words and he laughs loud at his own joke.  As he walks past other kids in the class he gets fist bumps.
You look at him unamused. And when you see the sad embarrassed look on Peter's face you want to respond to Flash by cussing him out, but MJ gets to him before you do. 
“We get it Flash, you’re taking your insecurities out on Peter, because we all know your ‘girl game’ is peaking in high school.” MJ retorts glaring at Flash. She says girl game like it’s the stupidest terminology to use, because it is.
“His girl game is just going to keep getting better after we graduate from this high school shit hole” You add huffing out in annoyance.
Flash looks around trying to get people to stand up for him. But no one does. They all just look away or at whatever they were before.
“Whatever,” You see Flash shrink in his chair as he quietly speaks. You glance over at Peter, he gives you a small smile. 
“Thanks,” he whispers. You nod smiling at him.
The rest of class he’s quiet, and you can’t help thinking that this sort of thing happens a lot. You wish you could help him more, or that you could prevent it from happening. You sigh and stand when the bell rings, the subject still on your mind.
“I don’t know, MJ,” You start while unlocking your locker. “I like the idea of a horror movie, but I don’t know if the boys could take it.” She shrugs,
"Well we should just make them deal with it.” You hum in consideration, “I mean come on, think about how many times Ned has made us watch Star Wars?”
You nod in agreement. She does have a point. You can’t count on one hand how many times you’ve had to sit through one of the Star Wars movies.
“Alright, fine.” You huff out, “But you’re telling them.” You poke her shoulder with your finger when you say it.
“Deal,” She takes your hand into hers and shakes it. You chuckle, shaking back.
You and MJ start heading out the front doors of the building. You spot Ned and Peter, and wave to them. Ned waves and Peter smiles.
You and MJ part ways as she heads to the subway station, and you head over to a bodega to get some food while you wait for Happy.
You cross the street walking along the white strips of color on the paved road. You pull out your phone when you get to the other side of the cross walk, to see if Happy texted you yet. 
I’ll be there in ten.
Where do you want me to pick you up?
Y/n Stark
The bodega, want anything?
I'm good.
Y/n Stark
Cheetos it is! See you in a bit 🫡
You turn off your phone and put it in your pocket, stepping into the bodega. The man behind the counter's head shoots up when he hears the bell on the door ring.
“Hola, pequeño Sparky,” The man says. 
“Hola, Sr. López,” You grin and wave. When you first met, Sr. López, he told you that you look like Tony Stark's daughter. But he said spark not Stark, it stuck. You never correct him, and you never tell him you are actually Tony Stark's daughter, because you enjoy the name just as much as he does. 
“Can I get a bacon egg and cheese?” You ask and he smiles big.
“Ah of course, and cheetos for Sr. gruñón?” You nod and smile. “You know it, Sr. López”
You walk over to the shelf of chips and grab the bag of cheetos. When your order is done you pay and head outside, waving Sr. Lòpez goodbye.
“Que tenga una buena tarde, Sr. López.” You say stepping out of the bodega.
When you walk out you almost trip. You look down and notice your untied shoelace. You probably unintentionally stepped on it again. When you bend over to tie it you hear something. 
More like someone. Or multiple people. You hear someone whistle, and you stand and turn around abruptly.
And that’s when you see them. The three little pieces of shit that always bother you. They are always somehow there just when you don’t want them to be. Not that you ever did want them there. They are the weirdo dickheads who never leave you alone. Somehow they always pop up out of nowhere.
The blond short kid named Derek, whistles again. Logan the tallest one begins walking over to you. The other two follow. 
You quickly begin walking past them. And you get half a block before Otis the jet black haired guy grabs you by the arm and pulls you into a small alley. Derek and Logan gather around you whistling laughing. You struggle in Otis’s grip, you’re sure it will leave a big bruise.
“What the hell do you want?” You spit out and Logan tuts shaking his head. 
“Well look at you,” He breathes out as you get out of Otis’s tight hold. “How is a pretty thing like you still so available?” 
Derek chuckles and pushes your body against the brick alley wall with his hands. 
“I have no clue, but if you want to, baby, I'm open to anything” Derek growls out, and your face turns into disgust.
“Don’t make that face, it makes you look ugly.” Otis says with a scowl.
“I have to go.” You say quietly looking down to stop your shaky breathing.
“What was that hon’?” Logan asks, leaning his face close to yours. “Couldn’t quite hear you.” You know full well he can hear you, he's just being a dick.
You snap your head up with an angry expression, glaring daggers at the boys. “I have to go.” You state firmly. You watch as their faces turn into smiles, and they begin to laugh at you.
Then you hear a ding from your pocket. Surprisingly they let you grab your phone. You wonder why until Derek snatches the phone from your hands. You try to reach for it but Otis pushes you back against the wall.
“Give it to me,” You shout. They ignore you and look at the text. “Seems like she does have to go, boys,” Logan says, tossing your phone back with an annoyed look.
“It's a shame, I would have liked to tease you more.” Otis’s comment makes you mad. You look down at your lock screen to see a text from Happy.
I'm here, where are you?
The boys move to make way for you. And as you walk past them you trip over Dereks, purposefully, outstretched foot. You stumble and don’t bother to look back, so you don’t have to see them cackling at you.
You quickly scurry out of the alley and towards Sr. López’s bodega. You see Happy in a black car across the street, he sees you and waves. Nodding back you cross the street.
You open the car door and slip in. You pull the Cheetos out from your bag and reach over the divider to hand them to him. He thanks you and pulls out from the parking spot.
“Where were you?” He asks, chewing on a cheeto. You shrug, rubbing your bruised arm. “Uhh, I was just walking around waiting for you.” Its a good enough lie to get him to drop the subject. The car ride from that point on is silent, uncharacteristic for you, but Happy doesn't comment as he continues driving and you eat your bacon egg and cheese.
You hate it.
Feeling helpless.
How could you not when you were raised by the Iron Man, and grew up around superheros, and just strong people. So, it makes your blood boil when you think about the way you let them treat you. You know how to speak up for others, but for some stupid reason your own brain is too scared to be able to defend you.
What makes you doubly angry when you walk into your house, is thinking about the way Flash and the other kids at your school treat Peter. “What makes them think they are so much better? They don’t even compare to Peter,” you think. Peter is smart and sweet and has the kindest soul of anyone you have ever come across, so it pisses you off how shitty people can be. If only you could fix both problems.
“What’s got you so grumpy?” Pepper asks as you walk past her to your room. Her voice breaks your train of thought. 
“Everything,” You grumble out. Pepper hums in understanding. Pepper, although she's not biologically you family, you consider her your mother. She's always there for you and she watched and helped you grow into the person you are.
“Anything I can help you with?”
“Not really. Unless you can magically make people stop being jerks.” She chuckles as your shoulders slouch.
“Well, when I'm dealing with Jerks, I tell them to stop or I’ll fire them. I usually try to hit two birds with one stone to get them out of my life faster. So fire the problem not just one person.” Pepper says, trying to help. You nod. And you catch the end of a conversation when your dad and Clint walk in.
“So, no, there will be no boyfriends or girlfriends for Y/n for a long time.” Clint chuckles at your dad.
Your brows scrunch before your head shoots up and your face breaks into a grin. Pepper who was watching you smiles, confused.
“You are a genius, dad!” You shout as you rush over to him to kiss him on the check. 
“I know,” Your dad looks surprised when he says it, but smiles anyway. 
“Thanks uncle Clint,” You hug Clint quickly and he tries to hug back but you pull away before he can.
Then you run back to your mom, wrapping her in a hug, before she can say anything, or pat you back, you run off.
“Thanks mom, got to go!” You yell back to her as you rush into your bedroom.
“What was that about?” Clint asks Pepper, and she shrugs.
“I say let’s be happy, she's happy.” Tony says as he continues to walk to his lab.
When you shut the door you throw your backpack on your bed. You begin pacing back and forth in thought.
“Peter needs a girlfriend. And I need someone who can keep those assholes away from me.” You drop the pacing for tapping your foot and rubbing your chin. Your face scrunches trying to think of a solution.
“It can’t possibly be this hard to come up with something… who’s a girl who’s single, and likes Peter, or can at least tolerate pretending to like him? Who’s someone who I can have, help me?”
Your tapping gets faster as your brain works harder. “How the hell can’t I think of anything? I’m the daughter of fucking Tony Stark for goodness sake. There has to be someone-“ You cut your thoughts off and your eyes go wide at your realization.
“No.” You think shaking You head. “That wouldn’t be acceptable. We’re friends not- not…that.”
“Oh shit.” You say aloud this time. “It’s the only solution that isn’t 100% insane.” You breath out a shaky sigh. “I have to ask Peter Parker to be my boyfriend.”
“This is 100% insane.” You think, gripping the pole in the rocking subway cart. “I know it’s insane, he’s gonna think it’s insane.”
You got Happy to let you head over to Peters to work on ‘a project’. You do have your homework with you, but you can’t focus on anything other than the crazy conclusion you have come to. So, no homework could get done without talking to Peter.
The subway cart is pretty full, because it just hit rush hour and there’s a woman who’s standing a little close to you. You step a couple inches towards the bar.
You keep going over what you are going to say to Peter in your head. You can’t come up with a coherent sentence that doesn’t sound like you are just flat out asking him out. Well you are doing that, “but- no- not in that way” You keep telling yourself. You just have to explain the situation to him, and he’ll understand. Right?
You also have to consider the fact that no one out of school can know about it. If your dad knew you were dating someone, you think he might just kill them. You heard what he said to Clint. But what he doesn't know can’t hurt him, at least while he doesn't know. You know what the consequences are if he finds out, but you are willing to do it, for you and for Peter. 
The train car pulls to a stop, and the doors open. You hear the automated voice ring through the train station as you set out of the train car. Piles of people rush in and out of the train. You dodge the hoards by swerving and slipping past them, out of habit. Living in New York, it's impulses to walk around slow people.
You climb the steps of the train station and out into the chilly air of Queens. You wrap your arms around your body, regretting the decision to ditch the jacket.
It takes a couple minutes to get to Peter and May's apartment, but once you travel up the elevator and your hand is inches from the door, all your previous courage drains from your body. You blink harshly to shake away the fear. Your heart is pounding and you can’t breathe properly. 
“Just do it already, what are you scared of? its Peter,” You know there is lots to be scared of but you won’t let your mind drift that way. 
You lift your hand to knock on the door, but it’s pulled open before you can make contact with the metal handle. You step back startled.
“Oh god, so sorry.” The woman in front of you says with a sigh. Your heart rate begins to slow when you hear her voice.
“No worries, Miss Parker.” You chuckle. She laughs out at your words.
“Oh please, I'm not that old Y/n, just call me May, like everyone else.” She smiles politely at you.
“I'm not everyone else.” You smile back. She shakes her head with a grin. “No you are not,”
“Well, I have to go pick something up from the store, help yourself,” she gestures inside, “Peters in his room, most likely building a lego set.” She pauses, “Or looking up ones he wants.”
You laugh and nod, waving goodbye and walking in. You take your shoes off and shut the door. You’re kind of glad May forgot to ask what you are doing here, that makes this easier at least.
You huff out looking out at the tiddy cozy apartment. You have always loved it here. It is so homey and welcoming, and it always makes you feel a little more at ease. And now is no exception.
You slip off your shoes and as you walk by the coach you put your bag down to rest.
“Peter?” You ask as you walk closer to Peter's ajar door. You see the back of his head turned down, looking at some papers on his desk. You can see the white wire of his head phones sticking out from under his chocolate brown hair.
You push the door slightly and slip through. You walk closer to him, trying to keep your heart from picking up its fast pace again. You call out to him again, and this time place a hand on his shoulder.
Peter jumps up out of his chair, trying to look intimidating in a fighting pose. But the intimidation doesn't last long because he slips on a sweatshirt on the ground and falls.
You erupt into a fit of laughter. Peters just looks startled, but when his brain finally acknowledges the situation, his eyes go wide in relief. When he gets up and you are still laughing, struggling to breathe, his cheeks go pink in embarrassment.
“It's not that funny,” he mumbles out. This only gets you laughing again. He tries to hide his smile by stuffing his face in his hands.
“Ok, ok, sorry.” You chuckle trying to slow your breathing and calm down.
“You just jumped so high and then slipped on nothing.” You say rubbing your face with a grin.
“It wasn’t nothing.” He says kicking the sweatshirt on the ground further away from him and then walks to the door.
“Mhh,” you hum in amusement following behind him.
“What are you doing here anyway?” He asks as he leads you to sit in the living room with him.
“Well,” You sigh, still a little breathless from laughing. You pause, try to create a coherent sentence that won’t make Peter run and hide. You sit in the meantime and Peter sits down next to you.
“I need to talk to you.” Your face gets more serious and it worries him. “Why? Did something happen?” He asks as his brows furrow in concern.
“No, no, no, nothing happened. Or, no. More like I want to stop something from happening again.” You realize the sentence makes the situation sound different then what it is.
“Did I do something?” Peter asks his brows furrowing further.
“No. No never. It’s just,” you trail off, and before you can pull yourself together to spit it out he cuts you off.
“Did someone else do something? Can I help?” Peter's head tilts and his lips form a frown listening attentively.
“No,” you stutter out. “Just listen to me for a second Pete.” He nods with a quick apology. Then his full attention is on you. His eyes unwavering staring into yours. Suddenly you can’t breathe, but you try to speak either way.
“You know how you get-“ you pause to rephrase. “How Flash is a dick towards you?” Peter nods slowly waiting for you to continue. You hadn’t told him about the guys bothering you, and want to keep it that way.
“And how, today he made fun of you for not having a girlfriend?” Peter nods, getting wary.
“Well, I mean-“ you stutter over your words “if you want, and feel, you know, comfortable or whatever,” you swallow the lump in your throat. He nods again, smiling softly to try and ease the tension in your shoulders and urging you on. You squeeze your eyes shut and blurt it out.
“I could pretend to be your girlfriend at school and stuff,”
When you peak an eye open, you see Peter's shoulders slumped and his eyes wide. In utter disbelief.
“Then no one would ever give you a hard time,” You quickly explain so your point doesn’t come across wrong.
You wait for Peter to say something. You wait for him to tell you no, or to say yes. You wait for him to say anything at all. But he’s radio silent.
Worry begins to creep up your spine. The pit in your stomach grows inch by inch every second he’s quiet. What if this is the wrong conclusion? What if you stepped too far? What have you done?
Fuck. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn’t have been stupid enough to think this was a good idea.
But out of nowhere, as if he just realizes that he’s the person you’re talking to, he speaks up.
“You would- do that for me?” He asks as his eyes grow soft and his eyebrows raise hopefully.
“Well, I mean, sure.” You nervously chuckle out. Rubbing the back of your neck with your palm.
“And anyways, you’d keep the creepy guys away from me.” You note as Peter seems to step back taking everything you’ve said in. What if he starts laughing? What if he is messing with you? He wouldn’t do that, right?
“I- I-“ you hold your breath as he begins talking, the pit in your stomach makes you feel like you might throw up. If he doesn’t hurry up you’re sure you’ll apologize profusely and run out of the apartment before he can say anything.
“I would love-“ Peter smiles “to be your boyfriend Y/n.” 
You let out a shaky breath. It worked. You don’t believe it. He said yes.
“Really?” You ask, a small quizzical smile on your face.
“Yeah.” He says grinning wide. 
Well shit. It worked.
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tarrynightss · 1 year
𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽 ~ 𝓅𝓉. 𝟤
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Read part 1 here
Pairing: Miles Quaritch x fem!reader
Warnings: Lots of angst, mentions of death due to childbirth, descriptions of skeletons
Summary: Colonel Miles Quaritch had once again opened his eyes in a new body. The body of his enemy. Everything he knew had changed and the only comfort he could find was in the memory of you, his lost lover. He longed to see you again, but what would happen if he did?
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“Welcome back, colonel.”
Miles’s mind still reeled hours after waking up. All the memories that had been transferred into his Recom body flooded in, too much to process at once. He remembered exactly who he was, yet could not find that man in the mirror. He was a clone, a Na’vi version of someone who had been dead for many years. He felt disturbed every time he raised a hand or when his new tail would swat against his legs. He was an alien, one that his old self would’ve been disgusted to look at. 
If it hadn’t been protocol, Miles would’ve preferred not to watch the video Quaritch had left behind for him till a few days later. His brain already rattled with placing the weight of a million memories. As he went through his day he routinely saw flashes. People, places, situations which had played out. It made him even grumpier than when he had woken up, but he was not to the type of man to flake on his duty. 
Corporal Wainfleet floated near him as Miles geared up to watch the video message, his subordinate already having had a few extra days to get used to their situation. Lyle insisted that these messages were nothing, their old selves having put little care in actually making them informational and so it would be over in a blink. 
It was odd to Miles to see the man he was supposed to be so clearly on screen, disorientating even. 
It was ironic how Quaritch had raved on about how he was definitely not going to die in the upcoming missions. Lyle snickered when that part came on and exchanged a knowing look with Miles, who’s mouth curled up into a smirk. 
All of it was fairly easy to digest rambling just as Lyle had said, or at least it was until a woman came on screen. 
“Miles? What are you doing?” you questioned as you spotted your fiancé sitting in front of a camera, instantly raising your suspicion. 
Quaritch’s hand reached out to grab yours as he attempted to be as casual as possible. “Just doing a videolog, sweetheart, Selfridge wouldn’t get off my back about it.” 
One eyebrow was still raised as you weighed his answer, your head slightly cocked to the side. He shot you a grin and pulled you smoothly onto his lap to distract you. 
“I’ll visit you at the lab later, okay?” he asked before he pressed a quick kiss to your lips. 
You seemed too startled to protest, the man’s actions pulling a tiny smile from you. When you raised your hand to place it against his cheek, the light caught on the little golden ring around your finger. 
“Fine,” You kissed him once more. “Finish up your weird little project.”
You giggled as you scooted off of Quaritch’s lap, his hand lingering on your ass just long enough to make you swat at him and shoot him a warning glare. He watched as you walked away, ensuring the door had been completely shut behind you before he spoke again. 
He looked at the camera, the grin still slightly playing at his lips. “That was… well, I suppose if you get my memories, you’ll know.” 
His humor seemed to drop as he got lost in thought, his face turning more dire. “I do not know how this will end, but I do know that she’s important. Perhaps even the most important.” He pointed a finger at the camera. “You’d do well to remember that. Now, where was I…”
Miles had cocked his head at what played out in front of him, his ears twitching. Of course he remembered you. The sound of your voice alone elicited an automatic response from his body; instantly becoming more alert and his stomach oddly fluttering. You had been Quaritch’s fiancé, the woman he loved more than anything. 
The way his heart ached for a woman he himself had never laid eyes on nor touched felt odd. He decided that he would do a quick search through the RDA’s database for you, but that would be it. He had been brought back to exact revenge on Jake Sully, not to rekindle a romance that wasn’t even truly his. 
‘Wanted for violation of 3:67a under the RDA handbook. To be taken in alive’ blinked in big, red letters above your profile when he pulled it up. You had been labeled a traitor when you had joined forces with Jake Sully and the Na’vi. Miles breathed out harshly through his nose. That settled it then. You had betrayed them, had betrayed him, so that your status had been marked as unknown shouldn’t bother him. But god be damned, it did. He saw that Quaritch himself had put in the effort to plaster that you were to be taken in unharmed all over your profile, shaking his resolve. The Colonel really had cared for you, and though the heart in Miles’s chest was brand new, it beat at the memories of you. 
He shook his head. He had no time for this nonsense. He had a mission to fulfill and a second chance at killing Jake Sully, and if he succeeded, you too would be avenged. That’s what he owed Quaritch, nothing more. 
Miles wished he could move him and his squad out of the base already, but two and a half weeks had quickly passed before everyone was fully ready to go. The RDA seemingly preferred to hide its Recoms, keeping their bunks tucked away somewhere in the back of the compound. They were poked and prodded daily, run through all kinds of tests and expected to shut up and do nothing more than what was asked of them afterwards. It made Miles want to snap their necks in half when the science duds would stroke past his tail or braid like he was some part of a god damn petting zoo. He was a seasoned Marine who had earned his stripes and respect, yet little of that prestige seemed to be left now. 
At night when he laid in his bunk, he would dream of Quaritch’s life. Memories would play out so vividly he could almost smell the scent in the room or the taste of the human food he’d been eating on his tongue. And many, many, dreams involved you. His sweet lover who would kiss him so tenderly or laugh with him as he made a crude joke. Your touch felt real - your fingertips warm when they stroked over his skin and your lips soft and pliant when they met his. When he would awaken again in his bunk, alone and cold without your body pressed up against his, the days would feel even heavier. 
Right before he went on his first mission, Miles also had his first nightmare. Quaritch had been pissed about something, something that seemed so stupid now but had set him off in the moment, taking his anger out on you. You had sat on his bed in complete silence as he slung insult after insult at you, shouting about how you had no sense in you, how he had no idea how a ditz like you could’ve made it this far. No doubt by opening your legs just like you had done for him, he had noted, which caused hot tears to start falling from your eyes. Only then had the former marine noticed what he was causing and wrapped you in his arms so tightly that you almost couldn’t breathe, regretting every word he said. He held you as you sobbed quietly and mumbled in your hair how sorry he was, that he was a stupid asshole who was in fact the one with shit for brains. When Miles started waking up he could still feel the sensation of your tears dripping down onto his skin. Even when he had still been human, he had always been a monster. 
The first mission was a success, Miles and his squad easily able to move around on Pandora without all of its inhabitants jumping up to kill them. The forest was just as lucious as he remembered, its plants reaching out and glowing every step of the way. It was beautiful, and that was exactly where the danger layed.
“Hey, Colonel!” Lyle shouted over, making Miles turn around. 
The lieutenant pointed the barrel of his gun at some piles of rocks. “Look familiar?”
Miles squandered over with a frown on his face, assuming it was going to be some kind of joke. When he looked at the piles, he noticed the top stones sticking out of both seemed to have something edged into them. It were marked graves, he realized. He brushed his hand over one, clearing off the moss and other build up from over the years. 
Heh, couldn’t say he wasn’t happy to hear that she bit the dust. He turned towards the second one, repeating the same process until his fingers could make out the grooves of a name. He froze. 
“That’s… isn’t that-“
“-yes!” Miles bit out at Lyle and he instantly shut up. 
It was your name that was edged into the second stone. 
His heart bounced so hard in his chest that he almost felt faint for a moment. You were dead? It sounded completely unreal to him as he said the sentence in his head. Had the dream been a bad omen? Some kind of sick way to rub the fact that he could never make up for what he’d done in his face? He shook his head. No, he didn’t believe in any of that shit. He worked with facts and indisputable evidence.
Miles slung his gun onto his back before he plopped down onto his knees without hesitation, pushing away the rocks covering your supposed grave and starting to dig. 
“What the fuck,” Z-dog whispered to Ja in the background, Miles’s squad looking at him as if he’d gone mad. 
A million thoughts raced through his mind. Did you get hit during the battle? Did you get sick and die? Did the Na’vi end up turning on you? He couldn’t remember ever having felt this panicked before, feeling his blood rush through his veins. It wasn’t long before his digging fingers hit something hard. His hands trembled as he brushed away the remaining dirt, a skeletal face being revealed to him. There was no way of telling whether the remains belonged to you, every bit of clothing or flesh having stripped away over the years. 
Ja approached, his head cocked to the side as he took in what he could see. “Do you want me to take a look?”
Miles snapped his head towards him and glared, almost baring his teeth at the thought of anybody touching you. It was foolish, Ja only having offered because he was their medic. If any of them could tell anything about the remains, it would be him. Miles’s arms and legs felt filled with lead as he stood up, slowly nodding his head at Ja as he calmed himself down. The man’s eyes flicked nervously from his boss to where the remains laid as he approached. He uncovered the skeleton carefully till it was fully revealed, examining it for any obvious injuries. He had assisted in identifying bodies during his time in Iran, but he was nothing close to a professional. 
Ja hummed in consideration. “This is not my expertise, but…” he pointed towards the lower area of the skeleton. “The pelvis seems to indicate it was a female, and the extended separation of the pubic bones…” He ran two fingers past the inside of the pubic bones, confirming his suspicion. “Plus the parturition pits found there indicate that she had recently given birth. Died fairly quickly of complications I would say.”
Miles’s face warped into a grimace and he could feel bile rising up in his throat. “How- how long would it take for the body to be this decomposed?”
Ja shook his head. “I can’t say. Sometimes it takes weeks, sometimes years. You would have to take it back to the lab to run some tests.”
Could it have been Quaritch’s child that you had been carrying? The sick image of an almost monstrous baby ripping its way out of you sprung to the front of his mind. Had that been his final gift to you? 
“Do you want us to prepare the remains for transport?” Lyle asked with a dire expression. 
He too remembered you and knew how much you had meant to that old man. He could see the Colonel bucking under the weight of those memories. 
“No,” Miles said, his voice booming as his jaw tightened.
He pushed Ja aside to squat down by your remains, taking one last look at it before separating your femur from the rest of your body with a sickening snap. The other's ears folded flat at the sound. 
“This is all we’ll need,” he said stiffly. 
His heart still raced in his chest but he tried with all his might to ignore it. He would have all of this confirmed before allowing his mind to go there. This could be a trick, a planted body to be found. 
He had to be careful not to reduce the small bone in his hand to dust as they prepared to return to base. 
It had taken the science nuts a whole excruciating day to confirm anything to Miles, and when they had, he had not been pleased. He had slammed the lab coat who dared repeat to him that the DNA retrieved matched yours against the wall, snarling in the little man’s face. It was only the movement of one of the man’s colleagues towards the panic button that made Miles drop him. The Recom had felt like he was in some kind of blur as he made his way back to his bunk afterwards, a pain in his heart that felt near unbearable. You, the love of his life according to all his memories, had died giving birth to his child. 
When he got to his shared room, Lyle instantly fled after seeing the Colonel’s tortured face, recognizing instantly that he’d want to be alone. Miles sat down on his bunk and pressed his face into his hands. The pressure he put on his skull made his eyes hurt, but he didn’t care as grief washed over him. He grieved the woman who had loved him unconditionally in his mind, feeling the loss more than he could’ve ever thought was possible. Those nights where he would dream of your touch had been what kept him going, what withheld him from feeling completely lonely and unwanted. He had his team, but that was different. They were having their own struggles with adjusting to this life, and he felt nothing more than brotherly loyalty towards them. 
Miles laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, wishing he could stop thinking and just fall asleep. Was his kid still out there? Or had it died together with you? At the moment he doubted he would ever even want to see it, the image of your possible last moments still making his stomach turn with dread and anger. He tried to focus on a memory of you, and quickly found his favorite. 
“What’s this?”
You had smiled as you took in the potted plant sitting on top of the table, a wonky bow wrapped around it. It was a Binary Sunshine, a well-beloved type of zooplantea, carrying both features of a plant and of an animal. Two little bulbs stuck out of the stem, blue light reflecting off your hand when you touch them. 
“You seemed to like that plant,” Quaritch told you as he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Thought it would be nice to have your own.”
Your eyes twinkled as you looked at him, overjoyed with the gift. “I love it.”
The plant would grow far larger till the point that its bioluminescence would be able to light up a room. 
You walked over to Quaritch and wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss him. “What did I do to deserve this, huh?”
He breathed in deeply, your body so soft against his. The plant near you glowed more brightly, the light blue shifting to a larger shade. You glanced over with a frown as you observed the response. Binary Sunshine’s respond to danger in the environment, but also recently had been shown to intercept stress hormones. A smirk crossed your face. Oh. 
You pulled away slightly to observe his face, an uneasy smile twitching on it. “Or are you making up for something, hhmm, colonel?”
He shook his head and rubbed a hand over your hip. “No sweetheart, but, well…” 
You watched with curiosity as Quaritch pulled away, your mouth dropping open when he fumbled with getting something from his pants pocket. Tears instantly sprung to your eyes as he revealed a golden ring to you, offering it towards you as he got down on one knee. 
When he spoke your name he sounded more nervous than you’d ever heard him. “I know I’m no easy man. In fact I’m old, I’m rude and have more enemies than friends, but if you stay by my side, I promise to do better.” The most genuine smile spread on his face as he looked at you with admiration. “I love you, and god knows what’s wrong with me but I want to marry you. I want the whole white picket fence bullshit with you when we get back to earth… So what I’m trying to ask is; do you want to marry me?”
Your hands flew to cover your mouth in glee as you stared down at him with wide eyes. Was this actually happening?! You could barely believe it. 
Quaritch’s gaze flicked over your face nervously as he waited for your answer, the plant on the table shining more brightly by the second. 
“… YES!” you said finally, laughing as you stook your hand out at him. 
His face shone with pride and happiness as he took your hand in his, sliding the ring onto your finger. It looked right, like it was meant to be. 
You had jumped into his arms as soon as he stood up, planting kisses all over his face as you expressed how much you loved him. Though you had always been a happy sort, he had never seen you glow this way. There was no doubt in his mind that he had made the right decision. 
Miles stretched his arm out and examined his hand. No ring, no tan skin, no Quaritch. And in the quiet, empty bunk, there was no you either. 
As more weeks dragged by, Miles convinced himself that you must’ve been put into a new body just like Jake Sully had. He had to believe that to keep any scrap of sanity, the frustration of fruitless missions and the leers of those who should’ve been his subordinates growing by the day. The Recoms were not even allowed to eat in the regular kantine anymore after Lopez knocked someone out with his tail by accident. They had to sit in some back room now, their large bodies almost pressed up against each other on the far too small benches. He remembered how Quaritch could get lunch delivered to his room if he wanted. He used to hold leverage over others, had connections. Now, he had nothing. His title as commander allowing him to do little else but throw him and his squad into danger. 
At moments where he was alone, Miles would think of what it would be like to find you again. It wouldn’t matter if you were in a Na’vi body, it would be perfect in fact. He felt certain that old Quaritch would’ve wanted your new selves to have another chance. He wasn’t exactly him, but he was close, right? You were his love too, and surely you would feel the same when you saw him again. Most of his fantasies didn’t include the possible kid, assuming that it was far too unlikely that a tiny baby had survived what a grown adult couldn’t. But when he did allow his mind to drift there, he pondered about what the child might look like. Would it look more like you, or like him? He imagined a little boy with big blue eyes, and then a girl with beautiful hair like yours. Any combination would’ve been beautiful, and his heart sank at the thought of never being able to see it. 
Another mission threatened to turn into a dud when Mansk had whistled, alerting the squad that he had spotted something. Tracks of bare footprints that were far too large to be a human’s were pressed into the mud, and the trail seemed fresh. Miles grinned at Mansk and then the rest of the team in victory. Finally, they would come in contact with a native outside of the endless attacks on their supply trains. 
You hissed at the stubborn children in front of you as you pulled your son closer to you by his arm. You, Taw-pei, Jake, and Neytiri had told them all a thousand times that they were not to come near the old shack. There was so much room left to play on in the forest, but of course they would not listen. Lo’ak, Kiri, and Spider had averted their eyes as you scolded them, young Tuk pouting as she stared up at you. 
“Mom, we just wanted to see,” Spider told you, his lips pulled into a thin line. 
“See what?!” you questioned. “There is nothing but death there!”
You yourself had avoided the old shack like the plague for all these years, not wishing to be faced with what laid there. You had left Quaritch’s body to rot, knowing that the Na’vi would be displeased with showing even more respect to the murderer. You had already carried his ring with you, and as you would come to find out months after his death, also his child. You were already more than pushing your luck. 
The way Spider averted his gaze with a saddened expression told you all you needed to know. You stroked a giant hand over his hair and shook your head lightly. You did not want to upset him, but there was truly nothing for him at that rotted away shack. He would find no answers there. 
Just as you were about to say more, you heard the faintest of rustling nearby. Your right ear twitched and you turned your head, the wind carrying a hint of a foreign scent. A scent that was all too familiar to you and widely disliked by the Na’vi. Soap. Chemical, human soap. 
Your eyes went wide and you turned back to the children. “Leave.”
They looked at you with confusion but you pushed Spider in his back to rejoin the group. “Leave! There’s no time to explain!”
It was clear that they didn’t want to, but as they saw the fear edged onto your features, Lo’ak picked up Tuk and spurred on Kiri to start walking, recognizing that danger was close. 
“Make haste,” you told them, eyes scanning the greenery around you in panic. You didn’t see anyone yet, but you were certain they were coming.
The Sully children had almost completely disappeared into the forest already when your son turned back to you. 
“Go! Find Taw-pei!” you hissed angrily. 
Spider could sense something was terribly wrong, and the young boy hesitated to leave his mother behind. Only when he heard the first snap of a branch did the boy gasp and quickly run away. 
You stayed put. If you fled or hid now you had a good chance of escaping, but what if they followed the children? They were much slower, not as good at covering their tracks. You would rather ensure they had enough time to reach home by dealing with the humans head on. 
A shaking breath left you as you grabbed your bow from your back and aimed an arrow at the direction of the noise. Your heart pounded. You were no true warrior nor hunter, knowing barely enough to supply for yourself and defend your family. 
When the smell came closer and the plants moved to make way for the carriers of it, your ears dropped. These things were far too large to be human. 
Piercing yellow eyes stared back at you, large blue hands holding machine guns in its grasps. Avatars. You felt startled, having heard some talk of it but nothing concrete. 
“Drop your weapon!”
You gathered yourself and hissed loudly, not dropping your bow even an inch. A group of what must be at least 10 Avatars poured out from the bushes, all offenses raised as they approached you. 
“Weapon down, now!” The one with blue glasses shouted again. 
Your tail flicked against your legs wildly. It would be a waste to get yourself shot. You would perhaps be able to take out one of them if you were lucky, but that didn’t seem worth it. 
“You too,” you spoke in English as your eyes traveled past the group. 
One of the men in the middle stiffened at hearing your voice. You narrowed your eyes as you took in his face, something about it seemed so familiar… 
“Shit,” Lyle breathed out in shock and lowered his gun. His head snapped towards Miles.
The Colonel stood frozen, his lips slightly parted. As he took in your form there was no doubt left in his mind about who you were. He had thought about this moment so many times, but now that it was actually happening he had no clue what to say. All he could do was stare as he watched a look of realization appear on your face. The vibrant blue of your skin dulled as you lowered your weapon in clear horror. 
Not the reaction he had hoped for exactly, and he swallowed harshly. 
It felt like you couldn’t breath as your mind raced as to how this was possible. Miles hadn’t had an Avatar, and even if he did there was no human left to control it. But the facial features, the voice, something about this thing was clearly Colonel Quaritch. You shook your head. No, no no no no. You had killed him, you had tried to forget him, this couldn’t be happening. 
You could feel yourself start to breathe rapidly as you panicked. What would this mean for you and Spider? For Taw-pei? For the Na’vi? What did this even mean regarding Miles being dead or not? 
Your blood rushed in your ears as you tried your hardest to breathe. You couldn’t stop looking at the Avatar resembling your dead fiancé. Flashes of Quaritch’s face as his life seeped out of him seared through your mind. You could smell his blood, could feel his cold, stiff hands against yours as you cradled his body for far too long. He had started to feel so wrong after a while, and the smell… It had not been foul, but you had smelled death, a scent that made every primal instinct in you want to flee, and now you could never forget it. 
Miles took a step forward, and watched as your pupils narrowed, the grip on your bow tightening. 
“Don’t come closer!”
You didn’t trust this, your hair standing on end as you got a good whiff of his scent. It wasn’t just the soap that made them smell different. There was no trace left of Quaritch in his scent, which was an odd thing for an Avatar to be lacking. The biology should at least allow for some similar smell signatures. 
Miles let his gun hang by his hip and put his hands up in the air to show he meant no harm. The grass crunched softly under his feet as he approached, feeling confident that you wouldn’t shoot. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s me.”
Your lips twitched in discomfort. After all these years his voice had started to fade in your memories, even his face sometimes seeming so unclear. To hear him speak again almost brought you to your knees.
“I’ll prove it,” Miles said, your distrust clear to him. “I gave you that plant when we got engaged, remember? The Binary - uhh.. shit- binary…”
“Binary sunshine.” The name fell off of your lips in a whisper. 
A grin appeared on his face. “That’s the one.”
Was it really him? You couldn’t imagine someone having noted such unimportant information down. Miles had hoped that you would look relieved, perhaps even happy, but instead your expression went from uncomfortable to horrified. 
Your feet braced in the ground as your muscles tensed. He shook his head lightly at you as he saw the shift in your stance. His eyes warned you. Don’t do it. You swallowed heavily as you moved your foot back, taking your first step towards freedom. 
“Cuff her.”
The muscles in Miles’s neck strained as he raised his gun, the barrel pointed directly at you as his team sprung into action. You tried to make a run for it but were quickly caught by Lyle, his hand grabbing onto your braid. You cried out in pain as another man moved in to tie your hands behind your back with some kind of slap on device. 
Furious eyes pierced into Miles as he watched, his love hissing at him as if she would rip his throat out if she had the chance. He told himself that you were just confused and that you would see reason soon. All would be okay now. 
After being captured, you didn’t say a word. All you did was glare as the Recoms dragged you around the forest, bumping into the old shack almost instantly. You had tried to struggle against going into the clearing, but the woman holding you only tightened her grip, hissing at you to play nice. 
You had turned your head away when Miles approached the remains of his AMP suit, your chest heaving. Did this thing know what you did? Or was he about to find out? You couldn’t imagine he would be thrilled. 
An odd feeling spread its way through Miles as he took in the skeletal remains of his old self. They had laid here, out in the open, for 15 years, neither you nor the RDA seemingly ever having attempted to retrieve them. He took Quaritch’s skull into his hand and observed it. Such a great man with so much power, yet his bones were dwarfed by the hand of the Recom. Impulsively, he closed his fingers around it tightly till the skull turned to grainy powder in his hands. 
His ears folded back as he let the fragments of Quaritch’s skull drop to the floor in disgust. “Lyle, see what footage from the suit can be salvaged.”
You inwardly prayed to Eywa and squeezed your eyes shut. Would he kill you if he saw what you did? You thought of your son and of how devastated he would be if you never returned. Telling this Miles about your son might make him spare your life, but what then? You would rather die than let your son be captured, unable to estimate what the humans would do to him. Taw-pei would take good care of Spider, you were sure of it. 
After a bit of cursing and struggling to find a stable connection to the suit’s database, Lyle found what they were looking for. 
“The last recording only lasted for about twenty minutes,” he told Miles, who nodded his head towards the tablet. 
“Transfer it. They should be here any moment.”
The delay in him finding out the truth was of little comfort to you as a helicopter soon ascended down to bring the squad back to base, your last chance to escape gone.
Miles watched you through the two sided mirror, a lab coat by his side keeping an eye on your vitals. You hadn’t said a word for hours now, sitting on the cold ground of your cell with your knees folded up against your chest. It gave him a chance to take a good look at you. Besides some facial features and the outlook of your eyes it was hard to tell that it was truly you, your lean body clad in sparse Na’vi clothing and a lot of your hair braided and decorated with beads. If he saw you run by in a flash he would’ve never been able to separate you from any of the natives.
“All vitals look good,” the woman next to him said as she noted something down in the computer. 
He felt relieved. The scientists had to strap you down to a table to examine you when you just came in, and you had snapped your sharp canines at them multiple times. By now he knew perfectly well what it was like to be prodded like an animal, so he couldn’t exactly blame you for your anger. 
“It’s definitely her Avatar,” the scientist confirmed. “It seems that her consciousness has made a complete transfer to this body.”
Miles wasn’t interested in hearing much more than that, eager to talk to you already. Now that you had had a bit of time to sort your thoughts out you would no doubt be more approachable. 
When the door of your cell slid open and Miles walked through, you raised your head weakly. You still didn’t speak as you watched him approach you till he could squat down in front of you. His eyes drifted from your face to your neck where a necklace sat. In the center holding it together was a ring, tiny against your body but instantly recognizable. The rest of the necklace was adorned with beads and every now and then a flat, emerald colored stone. It definitely looked handmade, specifically designed to carry around the ring that no longer fit your giant hand. The realization that you had kept your engagement ring filled him with hope. 
He breathed out your name. “I know this is all confusing, and I will try my best to explain.”
Your expression was stoic as you stared back at him. 
Miles’s tail swished uncomfortably. “Colonel Quaritch had a clone with Na’vi DNA made for him in the case of him being killed during action.” He placed one hand on his chest. “And that would be me.”
Though you still didn’t respond, he saw that your ears flicked in interest, clearly paying attention. 
“Do you remember when he recorded that videolog? You found it odd, but he never explained it. Well, it was meant for me, and I have all of his memories and personality up to that point,” he told you. 
Your brow furrowed as he watched you maul it over in your head. Though the plans had never been disclosed to you, you could see that it was within the bounds of what was possible. 
“So… you are not him.”
Your words hit Miles like a ton of bricks. On paper, no, but did you not see his face or hear his voice? He shared all the same memories as him, the only difference was this new body. He had felt certain you could see through that. 
He scraped his throat. “If you want to go the formal route then no, I’m not, but it’s the same as your situation. You are no longer human either.”
You shook your head. “But I’m not a clone.” Your lips pulled into a thin line when you saw the disappointment on his face. “It is not a bad thing, but it is different.”
Miles didn’t understand. This is not how it played out in his mind. Though this was a lot, he had thought you would at least be a bit happy to see your fiancé returned from the dead.
“You are just tired,” he said, more so to assure 
 himself. You kept quiet.
His ears perked back up slightly when he realized it was now his turn to ask questions. “We found your human remains, and… Well I need to ask, was there a kid?”
Your eyes widened in shock and he could almost hear your heart beating in your chest. 
When you shook your head it was unconvincing. “N-no.”  
You were not a good liar and a smirk snuck onto his face. He said your name in a tone that made it clear he was onto you. 
You averted your eyes. “I didn’t know.”
His hand found your knee, squeezing it in a comforting manner. Of course you didn’t, otherwise you would’ve never sided with Sully. You would’ve surely stayed with him. 
“I know,” he told you with a gentle smile. “Is it alive?”
He saw your throat bob as you considered lying again, but ultimately you spoke the truth. “He is.”
He. A son. He had a son. If he wasn’t scared you would claw his eyes out he would have hugged you. He hadn’t felt this much joy ever since he woke up, finally feeling a meaning to his life outside of revenge again. Old Quaritch wasn’t here anymore to take care of his family, but Miles was. He could have everything; a wife, a child, a family. Finally it was all coming together. 
He practically shone with hope as he leaned in even closer to you. “Listen, though we are both not our old selves, we have gotten another chance. We would be fools not to take it.”
In his joy he didn’t notice how you shook your head, hands attempting to push his away from your body. 
“We could be together again,” he continued with a wide grin. “Quaritch would’ve wanted this too. He would want his family to be together in whatever way possible. Sweetheart, we-“
He flinched as you shouted in his face and finally forced his hand off of you. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you stared at him in a mixture of grief and horror. 
“Miles, I’m mated to someone else.” 
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prodshima · 11 months
love languages (two) 𖤐
warnings: signs of mental instability (?), idk but that's about it, it's all just fluff <3 tell me if i missed anything :)
characters: kuroo & hajime
notes: in honor of me turning seventeen today, here is the part two of love languages! <3 i hope im not too rusty crusty haha :D!
-> click here for: [ part one ]
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kuroo tetsuro - acts of service
kuroo tetsuro is a man who never fails to reach the book men level of standard.
you think that maybe he’s not actually real and some kind of illusion, because how could be a man be so perfect?
well, apparently he is and you must’ve saved multiple planets because for whatever reason— he’s your boyfriend in this universe.
“baby? i brought you your favorite coffee and some pastries” the said man says as he pushes the bedroom door open
you quickly turn around to the sweet voice of your boyfriend, he’s wearing the biggest grin on his face that reciprocates yours while holding up your favorite coffee in his hand and bread on the other
just like a child when they’re given their favorite stash of candy.
“matcha latte?” you scramble away from your where you’re sat in to where he is, kicking away the scattered tissue boxes and paper bags
kuroo chuckles, pecking your forehead lightly “mhm, you got it, baby. you feeling better now?”
you nod, “uh uh, i’m doing okay now, just doing my physics assignments to catch up for tomorrow and i still have some cleaning to do… i think im gonna get sick again if i don’t”
sounds of laughter fills up the room as the both of you glance around the room, looking at each other again with a scrunch
“i’ll help you clean up and don’t overwork yourself, okay? don’t wanna see my baby getting sick again” kuroo laughs as he pinches your cheek before moving to sit on your bed, reaching into his bag
“oh and here’s your physics and maths notes, baby, i figured i could use my vacants to attend a couple of your missed classes” sounds of rustling follows as he hands you neatly highlighted papers
your mouth drops open in shock
just the thought that your boyfriend chose to spend his free time writing notes for his sick partner and listened to professors ramble for god knows how long instead of enjoying his once-in-a-lifetime rest hours
kuroo knows how much you struggle with these classes, not to mention that you’ve missed a couple days because of how sick you got.
“god, you didn’t have to do all that but thank you so much, tetsu, i love you a lot” you snake your hands around his neck to pull him down, kissing his lips
“well i got my reward, didn’t i?”
he smirks
sneaky little shit.
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iwaizumi hajime - words of affirmation
it’s one of those days again.
those days where your ugly thoughts are winning over you and swallowing you whole, leaving you in a state of insecurity about yourself and your relationship with other people
it’s crazy how doubt can take over those positive thoughts you’ve tried to build over the months, only for it to be ruined by some evil monster inside your head that’s so against seeing you happy— there’s only so much you can do and you hate to think that it has succeeded.
but then iwaizumi hajime is always there to protect you.
he becomes your personal shield from all those monsters with just his words, his words that have seems to always save you from getting those thoughts into your head
“darling, is there something wrong?” hajime asks, his hand coming up to caress your cheek, worry evident on his face
how come he always knows even when you don’t say anything?
you wonder how, when it’s actually the silence that concerns him, he knows that you love making small talks with him just as he loves hearing your voice when you ramble about your day
it has become a part of your routine at this point, whether it's about your annoying professors, how you almost tripped over something, and even just about a cute dog you saw for two seconds on the street
and he's also powerhouse setter for god's sake, he's always perceptive and is quick when it comes to body languages and whatever happens around him
“it’s nothing, haj, i'm fine. just a little bit tired from school.” you whisper as you tiptoe to give him a kiss but instead, a gasp is forced out of you as he carries you bridal style into to the bedroom
hajime kicks through the door, still rubbing circles on your leg. he knows you're not feeling good and just don't wanna be a "hindrance", but to him, nothing and no one is more important than you
and you know this, but those ugly thoughts just disagrees and wants you to be miserable about every little thing. you hate that no matter what you do, they still manage push their way in and ruin your day
hajimes kisses your forehead and the tip of your nose lightly, "i don't wanna force you to talk about it if you're not ready just yet but remember that i'm all ears, okay? i love you so much, baby, you're perfect for me, always and whatever's bothering you is our problem, mhm?"
he must be an angel— you think, he's always patient with you and doesn't belittle you for having your moments of weaknesses that he says is a disguise of strength and that you being there with him despite everything makes you one of the bravest people out there
perhaps, he is — and you're one lucky person to be able to call him yours.
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hanjisick · 2 years
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downtown, hidden in a strip of small businesses, every local’s favorite coffee shop could be found. one step inside, and it’s easy to tell why. the walls were covered in vines and paintings, small knickknacks and vases, a few plants here and there. a dusty record player sat on the wooden shelf for the eight boys to dance around to all day, singing along as they cleaned dishes and served warm cups of coffee. which drink would you choose?
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CARAMEL MACCHIATO. BANG CHAN. as the owner, he is a busy man. when he isn’t sorting through bills, he is working at his beloved coffee shop that he started from scratch, flashing his charming smile at every customer, always taking the time to listen to their stories. the elders who came for a simple black coffee loved him, and the teen girls squealed at his kindness. but the only person he wanted was you, the one who knew him like the back of your hand, his childhood best friend.
AMERICANO. LEE MINHO. some wonder why chan had hired him from how much he stood out compared to the rest of the energetic boys. he isn’t as talkative as the rest, choosing to quietly prepare coffee the exact way he was told to. but late at night, when there were barely any customers, he could be found dancing around to the music on the vinyl as he cleaned, a soft smile glowing on his face. nobody saw this side of him except for his coworkers.. and the girl who brought in her cat one day.
COLD BREW. SEO CHANGBIN from a distance, he looked quite cold. he wore a tight shirt, showing off his intimidatingly large muscles, and at times he was very focused on his latte art, trying to master it just as well as hyunjin had. but anybody who chatted with him would immediately realize just how much of a softie he was. which is why when you showed up with tears in your eyes, needing of a sweet treat from their bakery, he couldn’t help but try to comfort you.
CHAI TEA. HWANG HYUNJIN. he was always around the shop, whether he was working with his hair in a ponytail, chatting away with whoever was nearby, or sitting at the bar, painting their newest wall decoration with a cup of tea at his side. when you showed up by his side one evening, he expected you to ask for his number. “do you paint all of these masterpieces?” when he turned to you, he found passion in your eyes, not for him, but for art. that’s what caused him to fall for you.
ESPRESSO. HAN JISUNG. he worked the evening shifts, which meant dealing with college students hoping to pull all nighters. his energy was perfect for the job, platform boots squeaking across the wooden floor as he sang purposely off tune to the music into the late hours of the night. he handpicked every album, completely in charge of the music selection at the shop, something he was quite proud of. so when you grabbed his attention to compliment his music taste, he was over the moon, ready to ramble for as long as you’d let him about the current tracks.
COOKIES. LEE FELIX. “are the cookies any good?” you innocently questioned, staring at the cute plastic containers full of baked goods, specifically the heart shaped chocolate chip cookies. “well, i baked them myself, so they better be good.” “i’ll buy one and see for myself.” usually the freckled barista wasn’t nervous at comments like these, but your gentle eyes made his heart flip in ways that he didn’t quite understand. “i’ll take two more cookies and a mocha, please!” felix couldn’t help but smile wide, recommending you to try the muffins as well.
CAPPUCCINO. KIM SEUNGMIN (coming soon) seungmin worked the early morning shifts with a pep in his step that nobody else in the shop seemed to reciprocate. his energy seemed to light up the whole shop. people swore that he was the perfect person to start your day, singing along to the vinyl records as he started up the just-as-tired machines. “what can i make for you today?”
LATTE. YANG JEONGIN. (coming soon!) he was everyone’s crush. perhaps it was the way he dressed so nicely, his fluffy hair that always seemed to be a mess, his long fingers pressing buttons and washing cups. maybe his dimpled smile, or the way he sung along to music shyly, only when seungmin was doing the same. “i really like your voice,” he heard you say, a red tint spreading to his ears. “you could hear me?” “everyone can. you’re amazing.”
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dilfspitdrinker · 1 year
Let The Light In | Joel Miller x reader
Description: You’ve been babysitting Joel Miller’s daughter all summer. No matter now much you try to deny it, you know you’re into him. But it’s just a little crush that you thought could never be reciprocated, until one fateful phone call. The shift between you two is irresistible, and you’re in for more than you ever anticipated. A/N: I love the babysitter trope lol, also pre outbreak Joel makes me feral. Basically, I couldn't resist writing and posting this, it's lived in the notes app for long enough. Masterlist Chapter 2
Chapter 1
You listened to the rings intently, praying that Joel would pick up the phone but dreading the moment he does.
The fresh night breeze swept over you the moment you swung open the door, exiting the frat house. You didn’t know when it had started raining, but you didn’t care, it was still better than the suffocating atmosphere inside.
Joel answered on the fourth ring, “Hey, is something wrong?” The worry in his voice was apparent, and you couldn’t help but feel a little pathetic for having to ask this.
“I’m so sorry to bother you Joel, I know it’s late but… do you think you could pick me up?”
Before you could even explain yourself, he responded, “Of course I can, where are you?”
You told him the address, watching people stumble out of the door. You wrapped an arm around yourself, as if that could shield you from the downpour.
“Alright darlin’, I’ll be right there, stay put.”
“Okay, please hurry, I’m hoping to leave without anyone noticing-“
Bursting out the door was the guy you came here with, his whole demeanor looking irritated and volatile. He caught your gaze and walked over to you, feigning a more cool attitude.
“Hey, that’s where you went! Come on, the party’s inside,” he tried tugging you along, but you took a step back.
“I’ll be right in, I’m talking to one of my friends,” you attempted a smile, desperate to not provoke his anger.
He raised an eyebrow, “Your friend a chick?”
In a split second you decided that maybe you shouldn’t give any indication that you’re actually asking a grown ass man to come get you. The only response you could manage: “Yeah.”
“Cool, tell her to pull up,” he started walking back towards the door, “and hurry up, I got a drink waiting for you babe.”
Only after he closed the door did you go back to your phone conversation. “Sorry about that.”
“Who was that?” Joel’s voice turned low and serious.
“The guy I came here with,” you sighed, embarrassed.
“Why’re you hanging around assholes like that?”
“I don’t know, I have a class with him and he randomly started talking to me and he didn’t seem so douchey at first. But I should’ve known he’d be the same as every other frat boy,” you rambled, excluding how he’d been trying to get you to drink since the minute you two showed up.
Joel’s tone softened a bit, “Don’t beat yourself up darlin’. Nothin’ wrong with trying to see the good in others, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook the negatives, either. I’m almost there, alright?”
He’d have to be going at least 20 over the speed limit to be almost here. You were about to insist that he slow down, be careful, if you’re gonna get me I need you to actually make it here. But the rain stopped you from protesting as the chill seeped into your bones. About an hour ago it was such a warm night, you decided to forgo a jacket. Heavily regretted that now as your clothes and hair quickly got soaked.
A few anxious and cold minutes later, a pair of headlights finally approached. You cut through the lawn to meet him as the black pick up truck rolled up next to the crowded driveway.
“Hey darlin’,” he greeted you as you climbed in. God, you poor thing, you looked like a wet puppy, it made him want to wrap you in a warm blanket and scoop you up.
“Hi Joel. Thank you so much for getting me, I know it’s late.”
“It’s no inconvenience to me, I was still awake anyway,” he glanced over at you, adding, “And I’m glad you know that I got you whenever you need me.”
You nodded, suppressing a smile. Once your seatbelt was on, he drove away, and a sense of relief washed over you.
You’d been babysitting Joel’s daughter Sarah all summer, and in that time you and Joel had really grown fond of each other. Not that either of you showed it much. He was your employer, and at least 10 years older than you anyway. At best, you figured he thought of you as family. Still, you didn’t want to push it, since it would be all too easy for the lines to get blurry, and you both knew that. But he clearly cared deeply for you, and would often remind you to call if you need anything, anytime. And tonight was the occasion. You’d only convinced yourself to dial Joel’s number by telling yourself that there wasn’t really anyone else you could call. You were still new to Austin, and hadn’t made any solid friends yet this early in the semester. Sarah was pretty much your best friend now, and Joel…
It was a conscious effort to keep him at arms length.
He broke the silence, “So, I didn’t really think frat parties were your thing.”
“They’re not. I was barely there for an hour and already looking for a way to leave,” you laughed, shaking your head. “I don’t know what I was thinking. At least I knew not to drink anything.”
“Very smart. Good job looking out for yourself there.” You noticed the way his calloused hands gripped the wheel. “That guy, does he know where you live?”
“Yeah,” you swallowed, thinking of the same worst case scenarios.
He paused for a minute, hoping this wouldn’t come out the wrong way, “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. I don’t want you staying at your place alone tonight. You can stay at mine, I’ll set up the pull out couch.”
The truck came to a stop at an otherwise deserted intersection. A left would lead to his place, continuing straight would take you to yours.
He turned to you, “What do you think?”
The suggestion caught you off guard. The thought of sleeping at his place filled you with a sort of nervous excitement, like you were about to do something you shouldn’t. It definitely felt like you’d be overstepping a very delicate boundary. But he offered, so it would be no harm, right?
“I just want to make sure you’re safe,” he added, voice earnest.
The light turned green. He waited for your response.
“Sounds good,” you nodded.
The truck took a left turn, and you two were silent for the rest of the ride.
At his house, you stood in the living room, feeling strangely out of place. You had been here so many times to look after Sarah, but being here without that purpose made you feel like an awkward guest.
Placing his keys on the coffee table, Joel said without looking at you, “Alright, you go take a shower, warm up. Take as long as you need.”
The statement made you red in the face, but you weren’t about to refuse. You’d had a shitty night, you needed this.
In the bathroom, you winced at yourself in the mirror. You were a bit of a mess, and became newly embarrassed that Joel had to see you so disheveled. Your hair was soaked from the rain, and you knew that would make it dry all frizzy. Couldn’t hurt to wash it, even though that would take some extra time… Joel did just tell you to take as much time as you need. But you already felt a little opportunistic for agreeing to stay the night at his house, you didn’t want to take advantage of his hospitality by hiking up his bills. You sighed at your reflection. Your clothes were dark with rainwater, and peeling them off made you shiver. Take as long as you need echoed in your mind. The way his voice had turned so gentle made you shiver too.
You turned the knob until the water was nice and steamy. Sweet relief. Felt like a warm hug. Don’t think about Joel hugging you. You took a look at the shampoo options. A bright pink bottle with a unicorn on it, obviously Sarah’s. Smelled like an artificial fruit salad. The bottle next to it was dark green, the label declaring cypress and mint. You went with that one, trying to ignore the fact that it’s Joel’s shampoo. Something about that felt a little too intimate.
Then came two gentle knocks at the door, followed by his voice, “I set out some dry clothes for you in my room. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re ready.”
You sighed contently. You scrubbed your hair clean, soap and worries washing down the drain.
His room was right next to the bathroom, and out of sight from the kitchen. Wrapped in a towel, you scampered over to the bedroom.
There you saw some folded clothes set on the corner of the bed. Somehow it didn’t occur to you before that it would be his clothes. You slipped on the sweatpants, the extra fabric bunching around your ankles. The sleeves of the hoodie covered your hands entirely. Not allowing yourself to indulge your fantasies, instead you were a little mortified about this whole situation. You almost didn’t want to step out there and face him. But you had to, thinking it would be weird if you stayed in his room any longer.
As if to avoid creating a disturbance, you treaded lightly down the hall and rounded the corner into the kitchen. He was sitting at the small dining table, and quickly lifted his eyes.
He could hardly believe the sight before him. His clothes hanging loosely off your shoulders and hips. Hair still damp, framing your face. Straight out of his daydreams. Every time you came to look after Sarah, he secretly loved your little outfits and hairstyles, but you’ve never looked this good.
“Can I throw these in the dryer?” you asked, holding the bundle of your wet clothes.
His voice caught in his throat for a moment, “Of course-“
You already turned to do it yourself before he could offer. In the minute you were away, he noticed his heart beating faster than it should, and scolded himself.
Returning to the table, you eyed a plate of food that you hadn’t noticed before. “What’s all this?” you asked.
“Uh, sorry, it’s just leftovers, but I figured you might want something warm.”
You looked at him tenderly, voice soft, “Oh, Joel. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Taking a seat, you noticed that he sure was of course-ing all over the place tonight. You stared down at the reheated chicken and rice, wondering if he was uncomfortable.
From the corner of your eye, you saw the way he leaned in before asking, “You alright?”
You smiled a little, “Yeah, I just feel kinda bad for making you take me in.”
“You’re not makin’ me do anything.”
You lifted your eyes to meet his. God his eyes were gorgeous, just his stare was enough to charm you.
“Any plans for the rest of the weekend?” he asked.
You shook your head.
“Well if you’re not busy studying, I’m sure Sarah would would love to have you around. I’ll be here too, but I’ll still pay you.”
“You paying me just to hang around now?” you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning.
He chuckled, shaking his head. You finished your plate while you two talked about Sarah, her new friends, her plight with fractions. This felt more familiar, more comfortable.
He frowned, “Lately when I’ve been dropping her off at school, some boy is always there waitin’ to say hi.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that Joel. They’re like 12.”
“I know, it just gets me thinking about what it’ll be like when she’s in high school.”
“Cross that bridge when you get there.”
He sighed. “I just wish I knew what to expect.”
In that moment, you realized that this might be his roundabout way of opening up to you. You could only imagine how difficult it must be to navigate single fatherhood, especially having a daughter.
He cleared his throat. “I know this is none of my business, and you’re right, I don’t need to be worrying about it yet, but… do you have any boy advice for me?”
You laughed, maybe a little too loud, “You’re asking the wrong person, Joel. I’m not super experienced in that field.”
A playful glint appeared in his eyes that you’d never seen before. “What? Come on now, you’re too pretty to not have at least 10 boyfriends.”
You caught that, but shook your head.
“You tellin’ me you weren’t prom queen?”
“I was too dorky for that,” you waved him off.
“Well,” he leaned back in his chair, and your eyes skimmed over his broad shoulders, “here’s my boy advice for you.”
“I’m listening,” you grinned.
“Don’t hang around boys.”
“Gotcha,” you nodded, “so you’re saying I should go after men.”
He caught that, but dodged the implication. “Well, I’m sayin’ most of these college guys are still boys in here,” he tapped on his forehead.
“You’re telling me.”
He grabbed your now empty plate, and announced while placing it in the sink, “The room’s all yours when you’re ready.”
You looked at him with confusion across your face.
He motioned toward the hall, in the direction of his bedroom.
It finally dawned on you, he meant he’s going to sleep on the couch. Immediately you protested, “Joel. Come on. I’m not taking your room, the couch is fine-“
“No, no, no. This is not up for debate,” he pointed at you, “You need a good night’s rest.”
“Joel I’ll sleep fine on the cou-“
“I’m not fightin’ you on this.”
You stared at each other for a moment, a stand off you knew you’d lose. You finally cracked under his unrelenting gaze, but had to make one last effort, “You’ve done more than enough for me tonight.”
“I’d do damn near anything for you,” he couldn’t stop himself from confessing, but he almost didn’t care if it meant you’d take his bed. He’d never admit it, not even to himself, but he wanted you there, and not just because it was courteous to offer. To know that you were wrapped in his sheets, head cradled by his pillow, your breath filling his space.
You let out a sigh, “Fine.”
“Good. Thought I’d have to drag you.”
You chuckled, and in your mind flashed an image of him picking you up and tossing you onto the bed, oh God he’s so strong he could do that so easily-
You banished the thought, pulling yourself back to reality, but another idea invaded your mind. “Thank you so much Joel. I really owe you for this.”
“You don’t owe me nothin’. I’m glad you know that I’m here for you.”
If this whole situation hadn’t already overstepped a boundary, this certainly would, but you really couldn’t help yourself. You took a step forward, pulling him into a hug. Every nerve in his skin suddenly became hypersensitive to the feeling of your hands on his torso, moving to his back. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, then froze. You smelled like him. You, in his clothes. You, with his scent. You, in his arms. He could only hope that his heart wasn’t beating too loud.
You pulled away from each other, hands lingering a second longer than necessary.
“Sleep tight, darlin’.”
“You too.”
“And sleep in as long as like.”
“Thank you.”
“Let me know if you want an extra blanket or anything-“
“Goodnight Joel,” you laughed, walking away from him finally.
When you closed yourself into his room, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
You both laid awake for a while, having the same doubts, ruminating on words, body language, tone, meanings that may or may not have indicated something else.
You tried to be objective. He’s naturally generous, kind hearted beneath a bit of a rough exterior. He was instinctually nurturing, look how devoted he is to his daughter. Besides, with her to look out for, he wouldn’t want some silly college girl. He takes his responsibilities as a father very seriously and as far as you knew, he avoided things and people that would disrupt her life.
You’re a sweet girl, he reasoned that you hugged him because that was your nature and nothing else. One night at his place didn’t mean anything beyond what it was: you called and he answered. He knew nothing would come of it, ridiculous to think anything would, really. Young, promising college students like you don’t go involving themselves with middle aged men with children, not unless the man was rich, which he definitely wasn’t.
These thoughts kept you both awake, so finally you each relented to the more hopeful side, even if it was just a fantasy to doze off to.
Cheek pressed against Joel’s pillow, surrounded by his scent, you sleepily indulged in the thought that he treated you special because he felt a special way for you. Maybe he’s even protective of you.
Hand tucked under a cushion, he entertained the idea of you knowing that you want a man who wouldn’t waste your time. Someone who has some real experience in the world and knows what they want.
He was starting to think that insisting you spend the night was the worst idea he’s ever had.
Chapter 2 Masterlist
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lanitalay · 8 months
Before I Say Goodnight
Chapter 3
A/n: Chapter 3 yay. Ngl i got feels towards the end. This is a sweet one. I kind of love the Band of exiles dynamic.
Other chapters
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“Great, Cassian will pick you up in the morning”.
“Ok” you say between bites. “I have to get some things done before morning, but try to sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow” she stands and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Ok so maybe this Rhysand can help. Hopefully.  If they are really worried about an unguarded portal then maybe they’ll hurry to send me back and close it up. The thought brings you a bit of peace. Finishing the stew you get up from the bed and place the bowl on the dresser. You look in the mirror and decide that you can’t wear the dress tomorrow,it’s far too long and, honestly, riding side-saddle was terrible, so you resolve to dig up your leggings and sports bra. Now that they have fully dried, the mud and sweat created a layer of crust and the smell… Ew. You bring them to the bathing room and scrub them until  they have returned to their normal color. Hopefully they’ll be dry by morning. An idea pops up. You take the damp clothes down the stairs and place them near the crackling hearth. I’m so smart. Then remember the bowl left on the dresser, groaning to yourself as you walk back up the stairs, pick the bowl up and return it to the kitchen. 
Jurian is sitting at the table with a cup of tea and a book. He looks quaint, much different then the rough looking man you’ve seen the last day. He looks up, sensing someone in the room and his eyes land on the bowl in your hands. “Beef stew is my specialty,” he says with a sly smile. “It was delicious, thank you” walking over to the basin, you wash the bowl and set it to dry with the rest of the dishes. “Tea?” He asks and motions to the pot on the wood stove. “That would be great, actually” you pour yourself a cup and sit down next to him. The tea is mint and there is another flavor that has hints of lavender. You breathe the scent in and try to ground yourself. Finding that if you are not doing something or talking you spiral and begin to think about home. Home. It's been more than 24 hours now. They probably think I’m lost in the woods. You shake your head and ask Jurian “are you human?” He looks up from the book and says nothing. You open your mouth and close it and then say “sorry, I just noticed that you have round ears and Lucien has pointed ears and also Vassa has round ears and the man from earlier had round ears but he had wings and… well in my world all humans have round ears so I'm guessing you’re human and if this is an offensive question I’m sorry. I'm rambling now. I’ll shut up” you look away and sip your tea. Maybe solo travel completely stunted my social skills. Oh god kill me now. Jurian chuckles “it’s fine, yes I’m human, Vassa is also human but she’s been cursed to be a firebird by day, Lucien is High fae and Cassian is Ilyrian. Any other questions?” About a million. “Vassa is a firebird by day?” That seemed like the most important detail. “Yes, it’s a long story though, and it’s also not mine so if you want more details ask her” fair enough. “Ok… how old are you?” He looked like he could be in his mid thirties but something about him felt off. “About 500” you choke on nothing and look at him wide eyed. He chuckles “I’m sensing a follow up question so I’ll elaborate. Yes I’m human, yes I’ve been alive for 500 years. How is that possible? Well 500 years ago there was this war that was fought by humans against the fae and I did some… bad things that got me dismembered and kept conscious in the ring and necklace of this truly awful female. Anyways, there was another war recently where a very powerful king found the cauldron and harnessed its power to resurrect me. Well, to put me back together and now here I am” he motions to himself and smiles bright. Jesus. “And I thought my life was hard, why did they resurrect you?” He sighs “The king was unhappy with the result of the last war and wanted me to help him invade the human lands and enslave the humans.” You put down the cup and ask “So there is no war happening currently?” “No, not right now but Koschei,he’s another powerful king, is up to something. Not sure what it is though”. “I see” you fiddle with your thumbs and ask another question “Vassa said that I’m supposed to go to the Night Court? Is it far?” He nods “ah, that’s right. Rhysand wants to question you. I suppose you have no idea where anything is. Come with me” he stands and walks out of the kitchen and crosses the house until he reaches two double doors. 
When you walk in you see shelves and shelves of books. Oh my god it’s a library. Sick. “Here we are” Jurian says as he pulls out a large book titled “Geography of Prythian and its Surroundings” he opens up and gestures to the bottom of the page. “We are here, these are the mortal lands, pretty self explanatory. You showed up around here” he points “that is the Spring Court, there are seven, as you can see. The Night Court is all the way up here” he points to the north of the map. “Wait, so how am I going to get there tomorrow? That’s at least a few days by horse” he hums. “I’m pretty sure it's only a few hours by flight”. Oh no. There’s no way. “What?” “You’ll be flying, hope you’re not afraid of heights” he smirks, sensing your fear. “And if I refuse?” “Well, they are your best chance of getting back home. If you think I’m old just wait till you meet some of the people at Rhysand's court. They should know something about portals”. “That’s great” you say in a monotone voice. “Listen, I’m going to call it a night but feel free to stay here if you want”. You nod as he walks out of the library. There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep tonight. You resolve to stay and read the book. Gleaning as much information about this world as you can and not taking note of the time. You doze off on the chair and wake up to the sound of the book hitting the ground. Taking a deep breath and putting the book away, you make your way to your room and fall into a deep dreamless sleep. 
The next morning breakfast is the same: warm bread, cheese and tea. Lucien sits in front of you as you scarf down the meal, having woken up very hungry. “Do they have food where you’re from?” You swallow and scowl at him, “of course we do. We have bread and cheese and tea and chocolate and coffee”. I miss coffee so much and it’s only been two days. “Well you’re eating like a woman starved” you sip your tea and roll your eyes. “Why are you so grumpy? And if you must know I think I’m stress eating. It’s a normal reaction for someone in my situation. Is pie a thing here? I could really go for some pie right now” he seems unimpressed. “I’m not grumpy and yes pie is a thing here. I’ll see what I can do to find some, we are a bit secluded from the nearest village” you beam. “Really? You’d get me pie?” he nods “oh thank you!” You can’t help yourself as you get up from your chair and throw your arms around him in a hug. “I haven’t gotten you anything yet” you straighten up “but it’s the thought that counts”. 
“When is this Cassian guy supposed to get here?” you ask Lucien as you pack your bag for the trip. You suppose it’s only a day and you’ll be back by nightfall but you want to have your things with you just in case and having a water bottle and snacks is always handy. “Soon” you groan “but when-” before you can say anything else a knock comes from the front door. Lucien goes to open it and reveals Cassian waiting on the other side. “Sorry I’m late, the morning got away from me. If you’re ready we can leave now” he finishes looking at you. You get up and put the bag on “I’m ready”. 
“Ok so how does this work?” you ask Cassian. “Well I’ll carry you in my arms and then I’ll take off. It’s a little scary at first but I’m not gonna drop you. Promise” He flashes you a grin and you let out a shaky breath “Listen, I am terrified of heights so please, no sudden movements” he nods curtly and holds out his arms for you. You step closer and hear Lucien snicker at your visible discomfort. “Stop it, Lucien!” you whine as Cassian grabs you and you wrap your arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. “Ok, I’m ready” you scream as he takes off. “It’s ok, the take off is the bumpiest part” you try to speak but nothing comes out as you see how high you’ve gotten in a matter of seconds. You press your eyes shut, refusing to look down and try to steady your breath. I am at home watching tv. I just fell asleep. This is just a very long and convoluted lucid dream. “So tell me, how’s life with the band of exiles?” Cassian attempts to make conversation “Uhm… it’s fine, ah! They have been very nice and accommodating. Whoa!” you hold on even tighter as he dodges some rain. This is all the rain’s fault. Stupid rain. “Sorry and I’m sorry for offending you yesterday, it was not my intention” you gulp “it’s ok, I’ve been on edge recently, ha ha” you shut your eyes again “how much longer do we have left?” Cassian looks at you and you don’t see the pity in his eyes as he answers “about an hour” kill me now “oh god”. 
When Cassian finally puts you down you nearly collapse in relief. “Come on, the meeting is through here” you follow him inside the mountain building and try your best to keep up but his legs are probably twice as long as yours and you’re also still a bit dizzy from the flight. “We’re here!” he says as he walks into a dining room full of the prettiest people, or fae, you’ve ever seen. The male with night black hair and purple eyes says “yes the guest of honor, please sit” you nod and sit next to Cassian. The group all introduce themselves and then the female you now know as Feyre asks you “y/n please tell us, with as many details as you can recall, how you got here” and so you tell them. Trying your best to remember all of it. The rain, the wind, the rocks, the mushrooms. Rhysand then says “can you show me?” you look confused so he elaborates “I can access your mind and see everything you have seen, I would only be accessing that memory though” you nod “do i just sit here?” “Yes, it won’t hurt and it will only be a second” you look around and feel a gentle scrape within your mind and then you’re back in Scotland showing Rhysand what you saw. When he’s done you sag a bit, having to relive your last moments on Earth had been unsettling to say the least and watching yourself in a third person point of view made you want to scream at your past self to just stay on the path. I should’ve just kept walking. Rhysand showed Feyre and Amren and then Mor and then Azriel. “I’ll see what I have about portals, but I’ll warn you that I have never heard of traveling to a whole different realm. Other worlds, yes, maybe. A portal from point A to point B within the same world, of course. But this… this has bigger implications than anything I've seen before” Amren says matter of factly. Your eyes sting and your breathing becomes shallow. She can’t be right. “I’ll tell Nesta to get a group of priestesses to help research” Feyre says and then Cassian adds “I think we should add a patrol to the clearing, the weakened Spring Court borders and the portal business seems like a great opportunity in the wrong hands”. Rhysand and Feyre nod “I can send a few of my spies down there tomorrow” Azriel. “Y/n, you’re free to stay wherever you'd like. But we have a few rooms here if you want to help with the research. I’m sure Lucien, Jurian and Vassa have been very hospitable but they are pretty isolated and I’d feel better if you stayed here”. You try to take it all in but the despair… the sorrow is taking over you and you feel numb. They’re going to think I’m dead. A few tears fall and you nod, “I can stay, but I’d like to get some things I left at the house” . You were mainly thinking of the only change of clothes you had and saying goodbye to the exiles that had offered you shelter when you needed it the most. 
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neopuppy · 2 years
I've been having this reoccurring dream where I'm tied up and blindfolded and I'm getting the shit fucked outta me by johnny... but instead it's actually jaehyun fucking me roughly while johnny watches and does dirty talk so I think it's him.
(Shortening it to save you from my rambling) After fucking the life out of me in every position possible, johnny slowly removes the blindfold while asking "So? Did he fuck you good baby?" And as it sinks in, johnny then it turns into a competition/threesome and they take turns using me.
I also had this same dream but with hyuck and jeno recently and my god I hate how I'm single
keeping this short, but let your imagination run wild💙
warning: dubcon
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Johnny’s everything you could ever want in a boyfriend. he’s better than the dream man you wrote out on paper as a child.
he takes care of you, gives you a comfortable life and fulfills your every need. he’s almost flawless, almost.
one problem- you hate his best friend Jaehyun.
“does he have to come?”
Johnny sighs, you’ve been repeating the same question ever since he mentioned that Jaehyun would be joining the two you of you for your weekend getaway.
“he just got dumped, give him a break alright?” your boyfriend looks stressed, chucking a pair of socks inside his overnight bag. “I just don’t understand your problem with him? all he does is praise you and constantly remind me how lucky I am to have you.”
“he just..” you don’t want to tell him the truth, but Jaehyun creeps you out.
you met him before Johnny, always hanging out at the same bar you would peruse during your single days; even then he made your skin crawl. while your friends giggled over his dimples, you would frown, having caught his eyes on you everytime you looked around.
Jaehyun never said much to you, sending drinks your way, he’d raise a glass to ‘cheers’ you from across the room. winking and smirking while taking a sip without once breaking his gaze.
the way he watched you reminded you of a predator studying its prey, counting the hours and days; quietly planning the perfect attack.
once Johnny took up space in your life, nights out with your friends became less and less. they’d make fun of you for getting ‘wife’d up’, but your boyfriend always made Jaehyun a priority, canceling plans with you on different occasions because his friend had a rough day and needed a night out with the boys.
“it’s only a couple of days, Jaehyun loves the lake. we always went there when we were younger.” Johnny pets your arms, pleading with soft eyes. “if you’re good, I’ll have a nice surprise for you.”
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Jaehyun must know by now that he makes you feel uneasy. he still watches you with a glint in his eye that sets your spine into a shiver. he presses too close against you, laughs deeply while throwing his face into your shoulder to hide. uses any opportunity to graze your exposed skin, embraces you in hugs for much too long.
Johnny never seems to notice, your boyfriend never once has commented on his friends behavior. it’s hard to not believe you could just be making an issue out of nothing.
even now as you sit between the two of them watching a movie you agreed upon, Jaehyun offers to rub your shoulders because you keep shifting about.
“it’s okay..” you mutter, only moving so much to remove the contact of your bare thighs rubbing against his. Johnny spreads his legs open further making it impossible to get comfortable, stretching lazily like the couch belongs only to him, passing a yawn carelessly; too engulfed by the current movie to notice your discomfort.
“let him do it babe, Jae’s got good hands.”
Jaehyun says something too close to your nape, folding his legs to move closer to you. his palms smooth up your arms stopping at your shoulders with a firm squeeze.
“so tense..” he’s too close, breathing against your nape. digging his bony fingers into your shoulders, the flat planes of his stomach mold against your waist. everything feels firm, hard, setting your nerves off in a frenzy the more he works to relax your muscles.
“see, you two just needed more time to get to know each other better.” Johnny smiles half-lidded, watching his friend loosen up the knots in your neck.
he trusts Jaehyun, unfazed by the other man touching you. they share a knowing look between each other as your eyes fall shut drifting off to sleep, melting beneath Jaehyun’s touch after a long day of activities.
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“J-Johnny..” you’re panting, arching up releasing a shocked moan. struggling to detach your wrists tied together above your head. the panic you woke up to settling when your boyfriends familiar husky voice whispers by your ear.
“taking it so good baby, tell me how much you love it.”
“Joh-johnny..wha—“ even with your eyes covered, you know your boyfriend's body too well. the hands on your waist feel thinner, colder, more calloused.
“I said,” Johnny bites your earlobe, clutching a tuft of your hair in a balled up fist. “tell me how much you love this dick.”
“love it!” panting, you arch up higher. wriggling with your wrists bound together to the headboard above you. thighs aching from the unrelenting pace he’s been fucking into you at. “l-love it so much!”
“love it enough to beg for it in your sleep?” Johnny sneers, yanking harder on your hair. he rips off the tie covering your eyes, gripping your chin to look up at the man above you.
“begging for another man to fuck you while sleeping next to me.” his tongue clicks. teary eyed, you try to shake your head ‘no’, unable to get away from Jaehyun’s hands roaming over your body.
“you could’ve just asked baby,” he moans above you, growing sloppier with his thrusts. Jaehyun bends closer, wrapping your thighs around his waist while Johnny keeps your lips pouted for his friend to brutally maul your mouth. stilling against you as he spurts out the first load of cum inside of you to start the night.
the screams you let out go muffled beneath Johnny’s large palm covering the lower half of your face, the two of them telling you to shut up and take it. man handling you around into a new position with Jaehyun’s cum dripping down your thighs.
it doesn’t end there, Jaehyun grips your arms behind your back, pushing you to bounce up and down your boyfriends length. spewing filthy words into your ear about how long he’s waited to fuck you, how long he had to wait for you to finally fuck up and admit how much you want him.
he cups your jaw to make you look at him while Johnny hammers his hips up, jerking your lower half against his as Jaehyun squeezes your cheeks together until you’re crying.
“say it. quit fucking pretending.”
“no! no!” you’re shoved back against him with each of Johnny’s powerful thrusts. tugged into his chest with defined arms wrapped around your waist.
Jaehyun smirks, he knows you won’t admit it, because that’s the point.
you like the chase too much, you like that he can’t win with you.
while Johnny takes care of you and plays the perfect boyfriend role, Jaehyun gives you what you really want, a struggle, a fight. the quiet things you’re too ashamed to even admit in the dark.
that’s why it works, they both know exactly what you need, when you need it, how you need it.
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Hi! I hope you’re doing okay!
This is a very self indulgent request (you do not need to humor it!) but… Leon x a reader who has very bad heart problems.. constant palpitations, heart monitors, constant hospital and doctor visits, and just pure pain and discomfort at the most random times (even worst times.. ie. sex.. out on dates.. ) Obviously reader tries to laugh it off and tells him she’s fine but he’s always worried sick.
Sweetest Anon,
ALL my readers get to be included in any desire they would like!! I will totally do this for you! Just so you know i have very little knowledge on heart problems but tried my hardest for you! I hope you’re doing good and your health stays good angel <3
Warnings: Mentions of heart problems obviously. Slight mentions of smut!!
Who knew Leon Kennedy, the man who has fought for his life and for others far to many times was an actual saint. The best boyfriend anybody could ever ask for.
He always gave you his attention, showering you in affection even in times when you didn’t really deserve it. You felt guilty putting him through so much, or that’s how you phrased it. Leon just saw it as being your lifeline.
Leon cared more about your body than you did, when you first got diagnosed with heart problems after Raccoon City, he sat through every appointment with you, writing stuff down on his notepad as the doctor rambled on about risks and what to do and not. He loves you so much and you’ve always have and always will be his number one priority.
When Chris invited you and Leon to his big house party, celebrating his promotion, you couldn’t say no. Especially seeing the excitement Leon held for his best friend.
Pushing up the chapstick lid, rubbing it on your lips before Leon slid behind you, your hand coming to your chest to signal he scared the actual fuck out of you. His face instantly washing with concern as he gripped your shoulders.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurting? What happened?”
A laugh left your lips as you leaned back, your lips pressing against his cheek as you pushed passed him and out the bathroom.
“You’re ready, yes?”
You asked as you slid your shoes on, looking back at him.
“Yes, but you’re not. Here, take your medicine.”
So that’s what he came into the bathroom for. You sighed shaking your head as you looked up at your boyfriend. He kissed your forehead softly, grabbing the keys off the hook by the kitchen.
“I’ll be in the car!”
He yelled as you stood staring at the medication in your hand.
When you guys finally arrived, Leon ran to your side of the door, pulling it out for you with the widest smile on your face.
Chris saw you guys pull up, the door already opening. Chris was a great friend to you both, and you were so proud of his progress, he has worked TO hard.
“Congrats, Redfield I’m so proud”
You giggled as you gave him a quick side hug and a kiss on the cheek before skipping your way to Claire and Rebecca.
The night went on, to many hours passed. You rested your face in your hands as you closed your eyes. Remembering your doctors words, just focus on your breathing. But your heart was pounding, so hard you felt it in your ears. You cleared your throat, excusing yourself from the couch as you slowly walked to the kitchen where Leon sat with all his friends, your hand slipping over his shoulder. His hand reached up, grabbing at yours, him immediately turning to you as he felt how sweaty you were.
Though he loved Chris, he waved goodbye to everyone in an instant. And the moment you guys got home, he helped you out of your clothes and ran you a bath, his hands running through your hair, his lips gently kissing at your shoulder.
“Leon it’s just a heart monitor.”
You whined, half awake as Leon checked on you once again.
“I know, I know but you know I get so worried.. Let me worry”
Leon mumbled as he turned over from his position on the bed, kissing your lips softly. His arm lifted allowing you to snuggly press back into him.
“Worry all you want, I’m going to bed.”
You mumbled quietly as you rested your head on his chest, instantly soothed by the sound of his beating heart.
“Fuck, Leon..”
The squeal left your lips as Leon’s hips snapped into yours, your hands scrapping down his back. He was so toned and your hands slid so perfectly over every muscle on his back.
Your eyes squeezed shut, your breath hitching as you shook your head and grabbed at Leon’s shoulder.
Your nickname for him, his hips instantly stopping at the sound of your discomfort.
“What’s wrong sweetheart? Did I hurt you?”
Leon spoke, his worried tone very prominent as he pulled himself out of you, pushing hair from your face.
You shook your head as you sat up, your shaky hand pressing against your chest. Leon’s eyes went sad as he scooted next you, watching as the tears built in your eyes.
“Shhh, It’s okay, here let me get you water..”
Leon insisted that you guys go to the spot you guys met, but the restaurant was always so crowded and it made you so moody listening to all the chattering around you when all you want to do is focus on your boyfriend.
But he begged and pushed so much that you finally caved, wearing your nicest outfit. At first you thought he was breaking up with you, by the way the two of you sat in silence in the car, his hand resting on the gear instead of your thigh.
Your stomach started to ache as you twirled your fingers around. The car stopped, Leon reached into the backseat smiling as he handed you a single rose. Just like he did on your first date. You pouted at him before leaning over the center console kissing him softly.
Your dinner went fine, and it was actually quiet, the noise of the soft piano music being heard as you watched Leon finish his wine.
He stared at you so admirably. He sighed shaking his head as he reached into his pocket, digging for awhile before he pulled out a tiny box that looked even more tiny in his big hand. Your eyes went wide as Leon cleared his throat, pulling his chair out.
“I love you, and I think I’m pretty confident I’m going to love you forever, hopefully you’ll love me too.”
Leon laughed as he touched your knee softly.
“I’m not a big attention guy, but, for you I am. Marry me.”
Leon whispered as he stared up at you, your jaw slacked open, no words could describe how you felt. You just nodded your head rapidly, Leon’s twisted face turning into the most beautiful smile as he slipped the ring on your finger, pulling you to his chest, the two of you standing.
He pulled away from you, his hand pressing to your chest as he eagerly sat you down.
“Your heart is racing, do you need more water? Here do you want your medication?”
Leon went reaching for your purse as you laughed grabbing his arm.
“Leon, you just asked me to marry you, of course my heart is going to be jumping out of my chest.. I’m fine..”
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sevcasejay1chicago · 9 months
Peace- Matt Casey and Kelly Severide
Summary: Matt is having a hard time adjusting days after his encounter with Voight. You and Kelly are more than concerned, so you take things into your own hands. It may be extreme, but you are going with your last resort.
WARNINGS: possible spoilers for early CF, drinking mentioned, vomiting mentioned, violence eluted to
You and Kelly were worried about Matt. When you guys were at the station, Matt was putting in an effort to seem normal around the house. All though everyone could see past his façade, seeing as he was working Truck to the bone and short tempered, but nobody dared to say a thing. You and Kelly sat in the ambulance together, seeing as it was your ambulance as PIC, watching Matt run drills with Truck.
“What do we do?” Kelly finally broke the silence that had been sitting between the two of you for 20 minutes. Kelly normally knew how to deal with Matt, sometimes better than you and he was normally the point person for situations like this, but he was at as much of a loss as you.
“I don’t know Kel.” You whispered, reaching across to take his hand. “Voight did a number on him. He feels like he has to be ready and on the defense all the time. I don’t know how to reverse that.” You shook your head, squeezing Kelly’s hand.
“Yeah. My main concern is his change at home.” Kelly began, shifting toward you. “He hasn’t slept in three days, he stays on the couch while we sleep, but claims he eventually falls asleep there and is too sore to sleep with us. He barely eats or drinks anything. He never relaxes. He’s gonna run himself down or kill himself at this rate.” Kelly rambled. “It’s like we aren’t together anymore. I don’t know who he is.” Kelly wiped at the tears that were pouring down his face.
You looked up and made eye contact with Matt. You knew he saw this whole thing. You knew that even though he couldn’t hear what was being said, he knew what was going on. You ignored him in favor of the other man you loved, who was asking you for help right now.
“Baby.” You whispered, pulling Kelly into a hug. “We just have to give him time. It’ll be okay.” You said, rubbing Kelly’s back. “I’ll make it okay.”
——————————Time Skip—————————
You knew you were being extreme. You knew that if you needed Matt, he would come through. You also knew that if you got drunk, you would more than likely have a nightmare.
Around 3 am, just 3 hours after returning home from Molly’s, you laid asleep in Kelly’s arms. Matt had helped Kelly get you into bed before making sure that you and Kelly would be okay for the night. All three of you had been drinking, Matt was barely buzzed, Kelly was pretty tipsy, but you were trashed. You kept stealing shots from the bar (which you own in part), secretly going through with the plan you had plotted. Both boys were unaware of your plan or how much you had to drink. They never questioned it, just fell into caretaker mode.
You went from having a peaceful sleep to thrashing in Kelly’s arms. You flailed, smacking Kelly in the chest and waking him up. He realized what was happening pretty quickly once he heard you hyperventilating.
“Matt!” Kelly yelled out, reaching over to turn the light on.
Running could be heard coming up the stairs. Matt wasn’t sure what to expect as he took the stairs two at a time. When he stood in the doorway of the bedroom, he saw Kelly straddling your waist and you flailing beneath him.
“What’s wrong?” Matt asked, grabbing the trash can by the door before sitting next to you and Kelly on the bed.
“She’s having a nightmare. She’s drank and had bad ones before, but she won’t wake up Matt.” Kelly grunted, taking another blow from your flailing form.
“Let me try. Watch out Kels.” Matt said. Once Kelly was off of you, they could see the difference almost immediately. You started calming down pretty quickly, but still didn’t open your eyes. Matt moved closer, placing a hand on the side of your face. “Baby. Wake up for me. It’s okay.” Matt said stroking a thumb over your cheek bone. Matt repeated this for a few more minutes, watching as you slowly started coming around before your eyes fluttered open. Tears immediately started pouring down your face.
“Matt.” You gasped, pulling him into a hug. “You. You died.” You breathed out, clutching onto him in fear of losing him.
“I’m right here.” Matt whispered, rubbing your back and looking at Kelly over your shoulder. Kelly shook his head, sending Matt a look of disappointment.
“I don’t feel well.” You groaned, pulling back from Matt and covering your mouth.
“Here sweetie. Just breathe.” Matt said, handing you the trash can he grabbed. Kelly climbed up behind you, taking your hair in his hands. Once he was sure he had a grip, he leaned forward and steadied the trash can for you.
“Why did you do this hunny?” Kelly whispered, kissing the side of your head. “You know that this happens.”
You looked up at Matt and that was all the answer Kelly needed.
“This is on you.” Kelly seethed.
Just as Matt was about to ask how it was his fault, you heaved into the trash can and all the attention was on you. You gasped and panted around another few dry heaves before you started puking.
“It’s okay baby. It’s alright. We are right here.” Matt said, holding your hand and rubbing your arm. “Just let it out. You’ll feel better soon.”
“It’s okay sweetheart. I’m right here. I’ve got you.” Kelly said, trying to keep his anger at bay knowing that Matt was the underlying cause of this.
After a few minutes, the vomiting finally ceased and you were just left hyperventilating. Kelly pulled you back into him, wiping your face with his shirt, and left Matt to deal with the trash can. You still felt very buzzed and you couldn’t get your thoughts in order.
“Baby. Breathe.” Kelly said, rocking you slightly and holding you close.
“Matt. I—.” You tried to tell Kelly what you needed, but couldn’t find the words. “You. Both of you.” You managed to get out, hoping that you were making some sense to your boyfriend.
“Matt!” Kelly called. “Come here and bring a wet cloth and mouth wash, please!” Kelly yelled, knowing exactly what you needed without needing to properly hear the words.
Matt came rushing in minutes later. He had the fresh trash can in hand, mouth wash, water, wet cloth, pain meds, and a small snack in his hand. “Here baby. Wash your mouth out, drink, eat, and take some medicine before you go back to sleep.” Matt said, sitting beside you and wiping your face before placing the rag on the back of your neck.
“Thanks.” You whispered, finally coming down from your panic attack as Matt and Kelly both tended to you. You washed your mouth out before drinking some water and eating a few pretzels.
“You gonna tell him?” Kelly asked, knowing exactly what happened now.
“Tell me what?” Matt asked, perplexed to say the least.
“I miss you.” You said, shaking your head and putting your pretzels down. “And I’m worried about you.”
“Oh baby.” Matt said, reaching up to cup your face. “You could have said something.”
“I know and I feel like we’ve tried.” You mumbled, refusing to look him in the eyes. “But you’ve been dealing with so much and I didn’t want to be a burden by pressing the issue.”
Kelly scoffed, rolling his eyes at Matt and snuggling you closer at the same time. “You could never be a burden. Ever.” Kelly emphasized. “You are the best thing that has happened to us and the best part of us.”
You nodded, silently crying. You knew this had gone too far, but you didn’t see any other way to get him to stop for just a minute. “Hold me?” You asked, reaching for Matt.
Matt nodded and laid down next to Kelly. Kelly helped you crawl over Matt and into the empty side of the bed before laying himself down behind Matt. Matt was trapped between you and Kelly, just like you had wanted. You and Kelly held Matt tightly as Matt clutched you in his arms.
After a few minutes, Matt let out a long, slow breath.
“You okay?” Kelly asked Matt, rubbing his arm and leaning down to kiss the top of his head.
“Yeah.” Matt sighed. “Yeah I am.” Matt chuckled lightly and snuggled further back into Kelly. “The voices are finally quiet.”
You turned your face up to look at him. “The voices?” You asked, wondering if you were hearing him right.
“Yeah.” Matt murmured. “Ever since the Voight thing happened, I just hear his threats in my head. Then I hear all sorts of thoughts about how you guys will never be safe with me around or how the other shoe could drop at any moment. I can’t sleep or think straight. I’m so tired.” Matt said, crying into your hair as you snuggled into him.
“Matty.” Kelly murmured. Any trace of anger or negative feelings against Matt quickly vanished.
“Sleep then.” You murmured. “Everything is fine. Jay has an undercover car on us at all times. He’s personally tracking Voight. We are safe. You are safe. Please rest.” You pleaded, trying your best to convince your boyfriend.
“Promise you’ll be here when I wake up?” Matt asked. “Both of you?” He tilted his head back and Kelly kissed his forehead.
“We aren’t going anywhere.” Kelly murmured against Matt’s forehead.
“Just sleep.” You whispered, lazily rubbing shapes into Matt’s chest while he finally fell into a much needed sleep.
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l0ve-bug-m1les · 11 months
Spider-Band With a S/o Who Hyperfixates on Things Hard
Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, and Pavitr Prabhakar (separate) x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None! (Except my attempt at British talking—)
Summary: Really what the title says—
A/n: This is actually an idea i had when i first fell into the spider verse fandom but didn’t have anyone to talk to about it. Glad ya’ll picked this one! Enjoy!! Also lmk if any of ya’ll wanna be on a tag list!! I know i don’t write all that much but still—
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Miles Morales 🌻🎧🌻
Bby is here for it
Always listening to what you have to say and never complaining
I have a feeling he’d be just as excited as you even if he’s got no clue what you’re talking about
He’d try to get into your interests with you no matter how outlandish they may seem
(I mean he’s basically a spider what’s so weird about fnaf lore—)
Definitely draws you things based off of the subject
“You said they were your favorite, right?”
Is always sending you memes and funny videos about your interest
Asks you for updates on your interest if it’s a series
Holds you when something bad happens and you’re sad
“Shh, shh…Hey, at least they existed, right?—Oh, no that made it worse—“
Going back to rambles, he’s always listening but maybe not always looking at you
But trust me
That boy could recite what you say perfectly
He just likes to listen while he works or draws
Has definitely made a mural of you and him in the world together (used it as a date spot. It’s true, he told me)
20/10 boyfriend
(I mean they all are but like—)
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Hobie Brown 🎸⚡️🎸
Will spend hours learning songs related to your interest
But then he’s like
“What? Oh, i been knowin’ this song, luv. What’re ya on about?”
Say for instance, you dive deep into an artist or band
Obviously, Hobie’s gonna ask you about them
But would never ask you for your favorite songs because he’s “Too busy writing his own”
So he just pays really close attention to the songs you talk the most about
(As i previously stated, he learns them all and plays it off)
When you figure it out he’s just like:
“Took ya long enough, luv”
He also listens to your rants about whatever it is (much like Miles and everyone else here but shhh)
But here’s why he stands out
This man can keep up
He can and will remember all about it, and basically know about much as you do
Steals things from stores that are from the series or whatever it is
“Hobie, how’d you get this?” “It was on display and i knew you’d love it.” “Wow! I thought you didn’t buy things from brands..” “…” “You stole it…”
You’re too busy loving whatever it is to stay mad
(But we all knew you weren’t mad)
If you think your interest is cringey then you’re WRONG
“But it’s for kids—“ “And? So what?” “Well…uhm….hm.” “Yeah. Thought so. Now keep goin’, I’m invested.”
(But also in general, bby. Love what you love and come to me if anyone says it “weird” or “cringey”. I’ll beat them up bestie<33)
All in all, a king<33
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Gwen Stacy 🩰🥁🩰
I’m gonna be honest
She is lost
Even if you go over things twenty times she still won’t get it
And that’s okay!
She takes notes and tries to keep up
Definitely proud of herself when she gets a detail right
“And then—“ “Wait, wait. Let me guess…He…he burned the pizzeria down, right” “Uhm—yeah, actually!” “*insert proud face*”
(Woah look at the trans flag colors^^^)
Definitely binge watches or reads your interest and learns as much as she can
She keeps a notebook full of her notes that she refers back to whenever you two are on call
She played it off as writing down some notes for school
But one day, she asked you to grab her suit from inside her drum set, and you found the notebook
It caught your eye because it had the name of your interest on it and you were like:
“Hey, Gwen? What’s this?” You showed her the notebook
I wish you could see my vision
When i tell you Gwen stood there for a good minute
I mean she stood there for several
She just admitted to it and was all red and fidgety
Since this is her world, she was cast in mostly pink and red hues and the space around her fluttered yellow
You end up going through it with her, and talk about your favorite bits
Overall? She deserves several gold stars and cookies
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Pavitr Prabhakar 🍵☀️🍵
Bby is here for it
Whenever you get excited he’s excited
When you’re on the verge of tears he’s already crying
He is your favorite character’s number one supporter
He’s always going on and on with you about your interests
Because unlike the others, he manages to actually get into whatever it is you’re talking about and not just keep up
It’s honestly a skill of his
I feel like Pav also has special interests that he dives deep into
Deep deep
Same as you so you two get along well :D
He’s always looking for the newest content and sending it to you always
“Hey! They said the next episode would be released next Tuesday!! :DDD” “There’s a new theory for the last volume!”
It’d be cute if that’s how you met and became friends
You spend sleepovers diving into your shared and separate interests with eachother
You know what’d be funny?
If he also info dumps onto the villains he fights
Hear me out
Pav tying up a villain who tried to rob a place and just going
“Yeah, so me and my partner have a theory for why—“
And the villain is just like
But they’d never say that because it’s Spider-Man
All in all, your number one hype man and best friend :]
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mrssabinecallas · 2 years
Here Comes the Bride
Callsign: Angel; Before becoming a navy pilot, Angel worked as a field medic for the navy. Many of her patients called her their guardian angel.
Y/n is used in this fic!
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw / Fiancé!Reader
In which the Bradshaws prepare for their wedding, but decide to play a joke for the first looks.
This is entirely inspired by a tiktok I saw. Also long time no see guys!! I haven’t been super motivated to write, but hopefully my old ideas come back and we can get those out to y’all :)
i am in love with this concept tho. i didn’t know how to end this so sorry for the abrupt ending lol
WARNINGS!! swearing, fluff, i’m a comedian
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(god this man is a snack holy fu-)
Rooster couldn’t have been more nervous for the ceremony. He hadnt thought he was actually going to be nervous, as he wasn’t feeling jitters at all leading up to the date.
You were trying your best to stay calm and collected, but Hangman was not making that easy. He appeared more nervous than you, running around, claiming it had to be perfect. He made you cry. Twice. Rooster would not be hearing about it for the sake of their friendship.
When the time for first looks rolled around, you were running around like a chicken with its head cut off. There was so much to do, how were you expected to sit there for an hour to get your makeup done?
“Can’t we just, like, cancel first looks?” you asked loudly, directed at your best friend and copilot Phoenix.
“What? No!”
“Tashaaaaa… I’m not ready! And Bradley probably is, and we would keep him waiting, but then I would start crying, and ruin alllll this makeup, so I think it’s better if we just don’t do it,” you rambled on and on until Natasha cut you off.
“Y/n, no. Put on your big girl panties, you wanted to include all the wedding traditions, we aren’t changing anything now. That means no cancelling first looks, no sending someone out for you, none of that-”
“Send someone out for me?? Holy shit, that’s genius Tash!!” you cut her off, and she looked about ready to break the mascara wand in her hand.
“Who the hell would even go for you? That’s not like a normal thing people do…” Hangman pondered over on his personal sofa in the window, with his glass of white wine and custom “bridesman” robe.
You and Phoenix just looked at each other and smiled. Instead of feeling fear, you were now about to witness the funniest joke of the century.
It was quite the hastle fitting one of your back up gowns on your wingman, but somehow you and Phoenix got it on him. He looked like an idiot, perfect. As the time for first looks rolled around, you grabbed your veil and a bridesmaid bouquet, handed them to Jake, and sent him on his way.
Luckily, you were ready for first looks as well this time, so once your little joke was done, you would go actually do first looks.
There was a window in the hallway overlooking the courtyard, where the first looks where planned. You saw Bradley and the photographer, no Hangman to be seen yet.
The photographer spotted you in the window, waved, and made a comment to Bradley, who you could see visibly tense. He wasn’t ready, he was scared. You were too, but you knew he was going to act all calm and collected as long as he could.
You remembered that you never updated the photographer on this prank, so you sent him a text.
“Hey, we’re gonna have a little fun, so I’m not coming out just yet. You’ll see, just try not to spoil the joke and make sure to take pictures! I’ll be out after the joke is over, Thanks!”
Just as the photographer read your texts and sent you a thumbs up, the doors you were supposed to walk out of opened, and there stood Hangman. Coyote and Bob were losing their shit beside you and Tasha, both recording on their phones.
You would see the photographer try his hardest to hold back from making a face, and you could practically see Bradley’s expression. It made you feel bad, but you knew he would loosen up after this little stunt.
Hangman waddled to the middle of the courtyard, and tapped Bradley on the shoulder. He took in a deep breath, and turned slowly. As soon as he laid eyes on his best friend dressed in one of your backup gowns, he lost it. Coyote and Bob were practically crying, and Phoenix was on the floor laughing. You had to hide yourself behind a wall to make sure Rooster didn’t see you when he turned to look in the window everyone was looking out of. That only made him laugh harder, seeing all his friends were in on the joke.
Once things had begun to simmer down, you headed out the doors and had your real first looks, which ended up with Bradley in tears, as expected. The pictures from both looks turned out fantastic, and you couldnt help but be amazed by the memories a small prank created.
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