#i definitely need a second hobby besides writing
poproccks · 9 months
John Dory Headcannons!
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★ Glove is a compression glove for an old injury; a major burn scar that lines his fingers, palm, and paw pads on his left hand. (Inspired by @teaOwOstache’s comic – I am currently writing a one-shot for them based on their amazing comic.)
★ Has about an inch of white hair from the sheer power of Crimp’s vacuum. I, personally, believe that the vacuum’s power accelerated the talent-leaching tremendously and caused physical effects to show sooner. (Also shown on Bruce and Clay)
★ Various scars from his years of camping, foraging, cooking, hunting, and other things related to the nomad life.
★ He is the third tallest of his brothers, being almost the same height as Bruce. Second shortest of Brozone.
★ He was left-handed before the burn incident – and had to reteach himself how to write with his right hand instead since his left hand shakes too badly to write properly now. His handwriting, while improved, still isn't as good as it used to be.
★ Has nightmares occasionally like Branch. I like to imagine they bond slightly over that fact once they do get closer – obviously, it's still nothing like Branch’s and Floyd's relationship.
★ Building off the last point, JD tries not to feel too bitter about the close relationship they have. He realizes that the fractured relationships he has with all of his brothers are his own doing. He’s doing his best to get to know them all now and learn about their interests and hobbies. JD still walks on eggshells around them all about 60% of the time after a few more major blow ups between them. He is John Dory, however, so he still crosses lines many times by accident.
★ Thickest and fluffiest tail of Brozone (more of a general HC but, tail hair/fur can move like Troll head hair/fur.)
★ Very active, and regularly takes walks, runs, etc around Pop Village to keep up his fitness.
★ Found Rhonda when he was in his early 20’s and she was a much smaller bug bus. (Inspired by @ohposhers) She grew rather quickly after that and they became inseparable. John Dory handles all of her repairs and anything to do with her healthcare. He becomes very anxious when he has to pass that responsibility to anyone else. Branch took care of an ailing Rhonda once because he was the only one in the village with the needed materials and ingredients for the medicine. (“Who's crazy now? Me. Crazy prepared,) The dull-toned troll basically had to beat John off with a stick to get him to listen/let him help the poor bus, basically like a Helicopter parent. I genuinely believe without her, John Dory would absolutely crumble. Troll dust.
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★ Stay’s in Branch’s bunker the most of the four others, besides Floyd who decided to move to Pop Village. When he’s feeling especially bad or wants to be alone, he will still retreat into Rhonda. She is basically an oversized security blanket.
★ Smells like either dust, fresh dirt, or rain. Definitely smells like something naturey. Branch smells like things similar, but it’s noticeably different.
★ Usually ALWAYS has something stuck in his hair or tail, no matter how small. Dust bunnies from exploring or helping clean, leaves, branches (ha), and other miscellaneous things.
★ Usually has the following in his hair pocket dimension; 2-3 bandaids, an extra glove, chapstick that he always loses, granola bars, and a small thing of water; just in case. Oh, and treats for Rhonda.
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★ Carries an old family photo of his brothers and Grandma Rosiepuff from right after Branch hatched. His parents were also in it, but have long been torn out.
★ His goggles, past and present, were from his father (Also inspired by @teaOwOstache) and so he takes begrudgingly good and meticulous care of them.
★ Definitely a victim of parentification/older sibling syndrome. (I’m not projecting, you are.)
★ The order of brothers he bonds or reconnects with the easiest to hardest; Floyd, Bruce, Clay, Branch.
★ Suffers from aches and pains when it's cold or rainy out. He refuses to admit it is because of age.
★ Self soothes by pulling at his jacket, running his fingers along the zipper teeth, or adjusting his goggles when anxious.
★ If he doesn’t want to make eye contact or is crying or about to, he’ll pull his goggles on. It’s easier to hide than to explain. He gets better about talking about it but emotions are always a sore subject and difficult for him.
★ Like most Trolls, John Dory can hiss, growl, and purr.
★ Dark blue paw pads, with blunt nails with chipped polish.
★ When he went back to the troll tree pod, after mourning what could have been, he collected mementos of his brothers and his grandma; Branch’s old baby blanket, Floyd’s old plushie, Bruce’s old hoodie, One of Clay’s old books and a blacket Rosiepuff knitted long ago. They’re hidden in a box on Rhonda.
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faerishv · 6 months
hellooooooooooooo! I really like your posts. I see you opened a request and..umm..can I place a request for Teru, Akane,Mei (tbhk) x reader who likes to draw and always draws anytime, anywhere. If you don't like it, it's okay…anyway, have a nice day :333
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hi anon im glad u like my writings, so sorry for the wait hope youʼll like this post as well, have a nice day / night
teru minamoto
he finds your hobby really interesting and adorable, you have a lot of talent and itʼs good that you practice everyday.
sometimes, when you have nothing to do, he invites you to the students council room and makes you sit beside him, he likes the silence thereʼs in the room while you draw whatever is on your mind while he finishes his work.
his grades are excellent so of course he shines in art class, he gives really good advices on how you can get better with your art, drawing / painting with him is really fun and relaxing.
if you gift him a drawing of him or you two together heʼll make sure to put it in a frame, beside the pictures with his siblings so he can see it everyday; heʼll praise you a lot and maybe gift you a drawing as well, as a thank you.
akane aoi
heʼs literally your number one supporter, always been since the start, he definitely takes pictures to every single drawing u make, even if itʼs just one doodle on the end of your note book or on your arm.
talking about doodling on someoneʼs skin, he will scream like a fan girl if you ask to draw on his arm, it could be anything really: smiling faces, lil shining stars, flowers.. he will cherish them till they completely faid away when heʼs washing himself up he will be sad about it too.
i wouldnʼt try to ask him for suggestions on how to make your art better though, he will always compliment whatever you draw, even if itʼs just a literal stick men, he cannot manage to criticize you and your art.
believe me when i say he will go feral if you draw him or both of you together. Imagine handing him a small drawing of you two holding hands w little hearts as decorations, and each second his face gets more and more red.. heʼll probably stick it to his ceiling, right in front of his bed so that it will be the first thing he sees in the morning and last thing he sees before closing his eyes to sleep.
mei shijima
i think she'd be really amused about the fact that you both like art and spend most of your days drawing, you both support and help eachother when the other needs help or suggestions.
since you two share the same passion, expect to do some works together with shijima, maybe like you both seat in front of eachother and draw the other or draw shared parts of a singular painting, you know things like that if you understood.. where you both have fun.
more than one time, she definitely chose you as her subject for various drawings / paintings for her school's art competitions, and every time she would win, sheʼd give you her art piece for you to keep it.
if you ask her for suggestions on how to get better at drawing, you better be ready cause she will say everything that is on her mind, she doesnʼt say it in a mean way of course but you asked her for art criticism and thatʼs exactly what sheʼll give you
i missed writing for tbhk to be honest, i hope this is what you were waiting for anon ^_^
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smolandweirdwriter · 1 month
Adaine definitely took up crochet or knitting over a winter break and ended up drafting spells like an improved mage hand to work on multiple projects at once
When Adaine began the process of therapy with Jawbone, one of the first things he suggested was that she find something to do to destress. Growing up, “hobbies” hadn’t been common in the Abernant family. After all, something to do in your free time necessitated, well, having free time. And why would you fill time (endless, immortal time) with something inherently unproductive, when you could be studying? 
But when her anxiety crept up behind her and gripped the back of her throat in a chokehold, when she couldn’t think or work from the sheer stress of doing so, Jawbone had suggested she find an outlet for her tension. 
She tried a few things but nothing really stuck. Besides, it was junior year. She was busy. She was stressed and her anxiety meds weren’t helping, but she didn’t have time to focus on that. During winter break, before they even begun packing for Fallinel, Adaine and Kristen had been hanging out in Kristen’s room so Adaine could help Kristen write an essay.
She sat down on Kristen’s bed and was shocked by the softness of the top blanket. Kristen noticed and smiled. The blanket was one of her only possessions from her family, something her mother had knitted for her a long time ago. Kristen noted how much Adaine liked the texture and told her that she had some needles from when her mom tried to get her into knitting. She hadn’t really enjoyed it, but she offered the needles and some yarn to Adaine, and helped her find tutorial videos on CrystalTube.
Adaine spent the ensuing days learning to knit. Her first attempts were very bad, little more than tangled balls of yarn in vague lumped shapes. But she liked the repetition of it, liked seeing the way the patterns took shape. She liked the predictability of knowing what the end product should look like. 
Her first proper knitting project was a purple and yellow hat that she shyly presented to Kristen. I know it’s not very good, but— 
Adaine barely got the words out before Kristen jammed the hat on her head and tackled her in a hug. It’s perfect.
Her second proper knitting project, she gave to Aelwyn. A grey hat with cat ears and face on the front. Aelwyn had laughed when she’d first presented it to her, and then proceeded to wear it every day for weeks on end.
With Ayda’s help, she modified a Mage Hand cantrip into what they called Majestically Munificent Multiple Mage Hands (because they liked the way all the M’s sounded together, even if it was redundant. “We enjoy it, and every word serves a meaning in the spell’s description,” Ayda said. “And even if the words are not all necessarily required, our enjoyment of the way it sounds can be compounded with basic utility. Therefore, we should keep them all.” Adaine hadn’t seen a flaw in the reasoning.)
M-M-M-H allowed Adaine to summon two Mage Hands that, by the spell’s parameters, needed to stay within 6 feet of each other. This way, she could knit with magic and work on multiple projects at once, or work on something else while she knitted. 
So Adaine knits now. When she’s stressed, before she goes to bed, after she’s finished her homework or when she needs a break from it, sometimes even when she wakes up. 
She knits hats, scarves, sweaters, blankets. She knits for her friends. She knits for her family. But most of all, she knits for herself.
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Ridin’ The Waves 🏄‍♀️ | Javy “Coyote” Machado Imagine
Takes place before, during and after the events of TGM
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TGM masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Javy “Coyote” Machado x pro surfer!reader (romantic), dagger squad (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, profanity, pop culture references, details of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 9.1k
Requested 📨 yes/no (for @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby)
Premise: From the moment she could walk Y/n L/n belonged to the sea. Riding the waves that started as a hobby, only to lead her to the world’s greatest sporting stage. It would take time before her dream of Olympic Gold would happen as surfing had yet to be recognized by the IOC. But in her pursuit of becoming the greatest female surfer of all time, Y/n found who she believed was the closest person to paradise.
Note: I gotta say writing athlete/Olympian!reader imagines with the dagger squad are truly some of my favorite. Gosh I cannot wait for next year because that means…..2024 Olympics 👀 Guys I’m almost done with my semester! I have less than two weeks and all i have left to do is a paper and final project !! Almost to the finish thank goodness and then I move in with my friend before starting my summer job! Hope y’all enjoyed this work and let me know what you think!
Be sure to watch the video I linked during the Rock’s segment. I didn’t make it up it actually was a segment during the opening ceremonies on NBC’s coverage.
“Is this heaven?” He laid on the surfboard beside her, feet in the water with the warmth of the sun hit his back. A cool breeze was starting to set in as the most beautiful sunset was before him, painting the sky an endless murrel of pink and orange. Only the subtle echo of the low tide filled his ears. Javy pressed his cheek onto the board, finding her smile which made his own appear at her words.
“More like paradise.”
Everyone had their own definition of paradise. Maybe it was the quiet plains of Montana or the mountains of Appalachia. Maybe it was strolling down the streets of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Rain pouring down on New York City with a steaming cup of tea in hand or driving down the Pacific Coast Highway with “California Love” blasting through the radio. Reading a book by the fire next to their soulmate, dancing with strangers at a concert. Ask anyone what they viewed as their own personal paradise and the responses will vary.
Y/n L/n felt she was in paradise almost everyday of her life. Waking up to the view of the ocean while birds flew overhead. Feet hitting the sand as she ran to the waters with her board, anxiously waiting to ride the waves. Salt water coating skin and hair, sun beaming down.
From the moment she could walk the beach became her second home. Having grown up on the island of O’ahu Y/n learned how to surf before riding a bike. Her parents surfed. As did her siblings. Getting an instructor wasn’t needed with a family who knew everything there was about the art of surfing. Y/n received her first board at age four, and from then on her life was devoted to the water. Owning more swimsuits than t-shirts and shorts by the time she reached fifth grade.
She was a natural at best. Always predicting when and where the best waves would be. Timing the push up so perfect others—even her family—were unable to keep up.
“C’mon, leave some for the rest of us,” her brother would groan, missing a wave due to her swooping in at the last second. Y/n only laughed in return.
“Gotta be faster than that.”
Her parents, surfers themselves, were basically her coaches. On weekends they were waking her up at the crack of dawn, breakfast on the counter and telling her to be on the beach when she was done. Then of course she had to apply sunscreen, the substance coating every inch of her skin. Once on the beach a thirty minute run and stretching was mandatory before she could get in the water.
Skipping such a step would have her sore all night.
“We’re gonna work on your 360, cutback, and tube ride before finishing the day with cleaning up your alley oop.”
“If I don’t make a lot of mistakes can we watch Lilo & Stitch after dinner?”
“Yes, that is a fair deal.”
Mistakes? What are those? Mistakes weren’t in Y/n’s nature and if they occurred it was a rare sighting. Only time Y/n ever did mess up on a maneuver was when she was first learning it. Once she had it down it was impossible to lose.
All the friends she made loved going to the beaches after school and on weekends—getting all their homework done during the school hours so their entire afternoon was free. They signed up for competitions together, Y/n entering her first at age 14 for the 2004 Juniors season after competitions in regionals since age 11. “You’re gonna win the comp, Y/n.”
“Oh stop playing,” she brushed her best friend off, only to hear the murmurs of agreement from the rest of the group.
“I’m serious! You catch the best waves and ride them perfectly. Those judges are gonna be amazed on Saturday—I bet you’ll even get a sponsor.”
Her best friend was right. Not only did Rip Curl—THE Rip Curl want Y/n to be the face of their new campaign, but the surfing world would know her name for generations to come.
“Welcome back to our coverage of the 2004 ISA World Junior Surf Championship here in beautiful O’ahu, Hawaii here on ESPN. We’re dwindling down on the final competition with the defending champion from last year's event, sixteen-year-old Carolina Kanoa, and newcomer, Y/n L/n. If you’ve been watching the competition then you know all eyes have been on the fourteen-year-old native of Kapolei here on O’ahu, who scored the highest in her heats and received all tens in the quarterfinals after a perfect run.”
“It was quite the sight, Tom. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so effortless in this competition. Y/n’s delivered a captivating performance each wave she’s catched—always getting the first one in her heats and pulling out a big score putting her high on the leaderboard. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see her on top of the podium today.”
“For anyone watching at home who are new to surfing or just want a little refresh on the scoring system, here is how it works: a panel of five judges determine a score one through ten, ten being the best, for each surfer on their wave based on degree of difficulty, innovative maneuvers, combination of major maneuvers, the variety of said maneuvers, and the speed, power, and flow. The highest and lowest score are thrown out leaving the remaining three, which are then averaged out. Now a surfer can catch as many waves as they please but only the two highest scoring waves will be added together to give the total score for that heat. From there competitors are eliminated until there are two finalists.”
Treading water, Y/n paid close attention to the scene in front of her. With only three minutes left on the clock, she was one wave away from crowning herself the Junior World Champion.
“Give me a sign,” she breathed in the salty air. Her thoughts were answered seconds later by a chill running down her neck, gaze snapping to the left where she saw the water draw back. Springing into action, Y/n paddled towards the forming wave, timing it at the perfect moment to end the competition on a bang. She heard the crowd cheer when she stood up, increasing each maneuver she did until finally riding out the end of the wave right as the bullhorn sounded.
Her heart pounded, “Did I just win?” Damn sure she did. Nothing could describe the feeling of holding the championship trophy at the top of the podium. And what made it ten times better, an ambassador of Rip Curl offered her a sponsorship. Before long Y/n’s name and face were plastered across all their campaigns. After winning the ISA Junior World Championships three years in a row—making her a household name in surfing—Y/n went on to senior international competitions. From there her glory only skyrocketed.
ISA World Surfing Games, World Surf League, Rip Curl Pro, Big Wave Tour, Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. Y/n’s little shelf of trophies turned into a full length china cabinet. Traveling back and forth from O’ahu to America. Sometimes even going to South America and Japan for international comps. By age 19 she had created her own maneuver earning her even more attention due to the level of difficulty.
“I don’t see what the fuss is about?” She chewed on a piece of spam, leaning her elbows on the kitchen counter. “All I did was add a couple of extra spins on my aerial.” Her mother gave her a bewildered look.
“That move in itself is difficult, Y/n. Not many perform it in competition and the fact you successfully landed one—with your little spoof nonetheless, people are gonna be amazed.”
“Well, I guess I just got lucky.”
Following high school Y/n turned professional and moved to Honolulu to attend the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa where she studied sports management with a minor in sports science. A family friend had an old Volkswagen Type 2 and Y/n was happy to take it off their hands, fixing it up to have the perfect beach van. Once classes were done for the day Y/n was packing it up with her board, cooler, boombox, and her closest friends.
“You sure this thing isn’t gonna break down on us?”
“Don’t insult Sandy. She’s as good as new,” okay that was a stretch, the van was literally 60 years old, “and I filled her up on gas this morning so we shouldn’t find ourselves on the side of the road.”
“Thanks for the confidence, Y/n. Much appreciated.”
It wasn’t uncommon for people to recognize her on campus. Having generated a public image in surfing—which many of her peers were also involved in—meant she was bound to hear, “Hey, you’re Y/n L/n?” “Oh my gosh I’ve been watching you compete since you were a junior competitor.” “Congrats on winning the Pro this year.”
There were times professors kindly asked, “Can you sign this for my kid? They’ve been into surfing lately and you’re their favorite athlete.” Taking photos with supporters happened occasionally as did giving advice to those wanting to get into surfing. It was a nice feeling for the woman to be able to inspire people and share the sport she loved.
Expanding the art of surfing to the world.
Four years of college seemed to fly by fast. Y/n was surprised she managed to pull through with a 3.6 GPA and graduate Cum Laude with everything in her life. A lot of the competitions were during the school year so Y/n had lots of work on her plate—thankfully some instructors were reasonable and allowed her to get an advance on the material. But she completed her degree with immense relief, aiming to get a career in sports going either by becoming a trainer or manager following her retirement from surfing.
“Y/n, It’s so great to see you again this year at the World Surf League World Championship. You recently graduated from the University of Hawai’i, you’re set to compete in today’s finals to defend your title—how many would this be for you? Number seven?”
Y/n chuckled with the reporter, brushing away a stray piece of hair. “Lucky number seven, yes. I’m so happy and grateful to be competing today—excited to hit the water and try to catch the best waves possible. Regardless of the outcome today I’m just really happy to be here again. I always look forward to this time of year—being able to compete and after working so hard in school this last semester, it’s definitely a relief to not have to worry about finishing a paper last minute once this comp ends.”
“There’s been recent talk of surfing possibly becoming an Olympic sport after much demand following the London Games this year. What are your thoughts? Do you think it’ll be featured in Rio and if so are you going to try and make the team?”
Since becoming a professional sport in 1959 following the first West Coast Surfing Championship in Huntington Beach, California, surfing had yet to reach the greatest sporting stage. The Olympic Games. Held every four years where thousands of athletes from around the globe come together to compete for the chance at gold. Duke Kahanamoku, the father of modern surfing and three-time Olympic freestyle swimming champion having won gold at the 1912 and 1920 Games respectively, first advocated the sport to be in the Olympics back in 1920. Had it not been for him, surfing may not have become as popular in the world as it was.
When it came to the Olympics, Y/n loved sitting by the tv to watch Team USA. Witnessing historic moments and record breaking finishes she was in awe of every athlete who came across the screen. Swimming, diving, track, gymnastics, soccer. So many sports events in a single fortnight. She hoped surfing would become an official sport in the Games. For she too had dreams of an Olympic gold around her neck.
Pausing for a moment, Y/n smiled at the thought of her becoming an Olympic Champion, “I think a lot of us can agree that we’d like to see surfing become part of the Olympic family. It’s one of the oldest sports and has its own professional circuit for decades now—I mean we’ve got people here today from Japan, Italy, El Salvador and Australia. Why not include it? And you can definitely expect me to be training the moment it is.”
It would be four years before Y/n could make do with that promise. On August 3, 2016, two days prior to the opening ceremonies of the Games of the XXXI Olympiad, the IOC announced surfing would finally be an Olympic sport.
“Exciting news for the surfing world,” the headline appeared on the screen of ESPN’s afternoon coverage, “the International Olympic Committee has just confirmed the sport will be introduced for the first time in its history at the Tokyo Olympics taking place in 2020–marking 100 years since surfing legend Duke Kahanamoku first started advocating for it to be featured. Professional surfing isn’t new to international competition having debuted at Huntington Beach, California in 1959. Since then there’s been several meets featuring surfers from all over the world—the most recent being the 2016 Rip Curl Pro where ten-time World Surf League champion Y/n L/n claimed the title once again for the fifth time since her senior international debut in 2007. L/n is just one of many professional surfers who’ve advocated for surfing to be in the Olympics over the years and expressed interest in competing for a chance at gold. With the confirmation by the IOC this morning, I’d say we’ll be seeing her at the trials in four years.”
The morning after the announcement Y/n headed to the beach to find her father propping her board into the sound. “So four years, huh?” Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, feeling the wind breeze past them.
“Seems like a long way, but it’ll be around the corner before we know it.”
“We better get started then.”
Morning, afternoon, evening. Every day Y/n was on the water catching waves left and right. Perfecting maneuvers, getting air in her aerials. When taking breaks she’d go on runs and to the gym. She still participated in yearly competitions and surfed with her friends, but her training habits became more intense as she prepped for Tokyo. When she wasn’t sleeping, eating, or competing she was on the water.
By 2019 Y/n had accumulated the most titles won by a female surfer with ten ISA World Surfing Games—formerly the World Surfing Championships, ten Rip Curl Pro trophies, five QuickSilver pro Gold Coast, five-time triple crown winner, and the 2016 champion of The Eddie Aikua Big Wave International. Winning The Eddie and becoming the first woman in history to do so after the event returned from a seven-year hiatus had Y/n on the front page of several sports magazines around the world. It was a huge accomplishment. Pushing Y/n as the favorite to win gold in Tokyo.
Towards the later end of the year, October in fact, Y/n found herself on the sunny beaches of San Diego, California. August to November were the best months to surf in the area, being it was late summer going into fall where the heat wasn’t excruciating. Still one had to wear a wetsuit to even touch the water.
Y/n was in town to visit an old friend from college and to help the Pacific Beach Surf Club with their beach cleanups and participate in a charity competition. Having traveled in San Diego a few times she was no stranger to the club and welcomed with open arms. Volunteering in their cleanups was the least she could do to prepare the beach for the charity event.
When they finished they all changed out of their clothes into wetsuits, wasting no time to hit the waves. “Hey!” Her friend yelled from where she was treading water, tone teasing, “be sure to leave some for the rest of us, yeah?” Y/n threw her head back in laughter.
“I make no promises!”
Anytime Y/n surfed out of training or competition she felt so free. No pressure to be perfect. No shouting from her father. No commentary from the sportscasters or questions from reporters. Only her, her board, and the beautiful sea.
She cheered on her friend and the people in their cleanup group when they caught waves. Complimenting them whenever they did a cool trick. In return they whistled and hollered for her. They soon developed an audience from the shore. Children and adults alike stop to watch them in awe. Instantly drawn to Y/n who glided effortlessly, guiding her board into a tube ride.
Unbeknownst to the surfer, a group of navy pilots had stopped their game of dogfight football to observe the show.
Jake whistled, “Damn she’s good.” Mickey agreed.
“I don’t think I’ve seen someone surf like that. She’s a natural.”
“Probably has been doing it for years,” Bradley commented, fixing his aviators. Natasha and Bob hummed in agreement.
“I think I’m in love,” Javy breathed out, simply in awe of what he was witnessing. The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen showcasing talent on a board he could only dream of possessing.
He wondered what her laugh sounded like, seeing her head tilt back at something her friend said. Even from the distance her smile was breathtaking. Hair pulled back into a tight bun, body adored in a wetsuit to combat the cool water. A cheeky smirk thrown at her peers when she started paddling toward a forming wave. Standing on the board like a pro and making all kinds of turns and tricks Javy knew he’d wipe out the second he attempted them. Speaking of wiping out, she hadn’t done it once.
Jake nudging him from the side snapped him out of his daydream, “Go talk to her.” At the nod of his head, Javy realized she was running across the sand, stopping when she got to an area of coolers, towels, and backpacks.
“No!” He hissed, eyes reading, ‘are you crazy?’
“Why not? Just go up and start complimenting her. Ask her how long she’s been surfing. That’ll start a conversation.”
Javy scoffed, “Easy for you to say, Mr. Ken Barbie Doll who doesn’t need a confidence boost when talking to women.” Jake went to rebuttals but the sound of Reuben coughing stopped him.
“Uh guys….” He lifted a finger, their gazes following to find a family of four approaching the young woman. They couldn’t hear what was being said, but seeing her take a notepad from the little girl before scribbling in what appeared to be an autograph followed by the father snapping a photo with his phone, it was enough to conclude she was someone.
“Are…is she signing autographs?” Javy wondered aloud. He watched her sign the little boy's boogie board, posing for a photo with him before kneeling down to be on both the children’s level and smile for the camera. Hell even the parents wanted a photo, one of her friends coming over to hold the phone while they positioned themselves on either side. Then finally the whole family had a group one, saying their goodbyes and thank you’s to the woman who waved as they left.
“So she’s kinda famous,” Bradley said the obvious, everyone in a daze. Probably trying to figure out who the woman was, as none had recognized her as an actress or singer.
While they were busy investigating, Y/n unzipped her wetsuit leaving her bikini underneath and pulled on shorts with a graphic t-shirt overtop. “What are you guys doing after this?”
“We’re gonna grab some drinks at The Hard Deck. You down?”
“The Hard Deck?” She repeated with a tilt of the head. Never had she heard of the place.
“It’s that bar over there,” Y/n turned to the direction her friend was nodding at, eyes landing on a building not far from where they stood. “Great vibes, but I must warn ya it’s always filled with Navy fellas.” Y/n perked up slightly. Having lived on O’ahu all her life she was familiar with Navy personnel. After all, Pearl Harbor was located just on the coast of the island.
“Yeah, Miramar is not too far from here. It’s where the pilots train so expect to see some in flight suits.”
At around 6 the group packed it up and headed for the bar. Upon entry Y/n saw exactly what her friend had warned. The place was buzzing. Servicemen and women on every corner, music blasting from the jukebox. They approached the bar top to order a round of beers before settling over by the high top tables, splitting the group up since there were about eight of them.
“Check it out, Machado,” Payback clapped his friend’s back, making him turn to where his attention was. Javy’s eyes widened upon seeing the surfer.
“Did they just get here?”
“Looked like it. You should talk to her—especially since this is the second sighting in mere hours.” The pilot rolled his eyes.
“I don’t wanna come off as a creep, Fitch. What am I supposed to say ‘Hey, sorry if this is weird but I saw you surfing earlier—can I buy you a drink?’ She might throw me to the sharks.”
Natasha shook her head, “men.” A moment later Penny arrived with a tray of beers, placing them down on the seat beside Bob where the guys were shooting pool, “delivery for my favorite dagger squad.”
Thanks were sent her way followed by Jake asking, “Say Pen, you know those guys?” The bartender glanced over her shoulder to see who he was referring to, nodding with a smile.
“Oh that’s some members of the Pacific Beach Surf Club. They were cleaning up the beach earlier for tomorrow's charity competition. Expect the place to be packed if you drop by, it’s always a madhouse. This year they’ve got some of the best surfers participating.”
“Do you know if she’s one of them,” Javy tried to act cool when pointing out the woman.
Upon Penny’s smirk, the answer was clear, “Unless my eyes are deceiving me, I believe that’s ten-time world surfing champion Y/n L/n.”
“Ten?!” Mickey repeated, “Holy shit.” Around him the others were matching his expression. Javy immediately grabbed his phone to type in the name. Sure enough the image of the woman seated at the table appeared on his screen. Clicking on the Wikipedia page he started to read aloud for the group the opening paragraph.
“Y/n M/n L/n, born y/b/m yb/d, 1990 is an American professional surfer from Kapolei, O’ahu, Hawaii and a ten-time World Surf League Women’s World champion, the most titles won by any female surfer to date. L/n made her debut at the World Surf League Junior Championships at age 14 in 2004 in her native O’ahu, winning three consecutive times before turning to senior international competition where she’s won a total of forty world titles—including becoming a five-time triple crown winner. As of 2016, L/n is the defending champion and first women to win the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational. She is set to compete at the first ever U.S Olympic Trials in hopes of making the Tokyo Olympic Team where surfing will make its debut at the Olympics.”
“Well I’ll be damned,” Jake peered over Javy’s shoulder, watching him scroll down to view Y/n’s career statistics. Mickey appeared on the opposite side, whistling under his breath. Natasha took out her own phone to search herself, Bradley, Bob, and Payback all glancing over to see.
“She’s literally called the greatest surfer of this generation,” Bradley pointed out. “Talk about intimidating.”
“Now you gotta buy her a drink, Machado,” Payback concluded, igniting another glare from his friend. “Say you pulled an Olympian.”
“I’ll take it to her,” Penny offered, and before Javy could stop her the woman was back behind the bar. They watched her take a Corona from the cooler, add a lime and proceed to the table the athlete was at. “From the gentlemen by the pool tables,” Penny smiled at Y/n, nodding to the group, “the one the blonde is pointing at.” Turning her head, Y/n saw the guy in question pushing his friend’s hand down, a reddish hue on his cheeks when they made eye contact followed by a wave.
‘Well hello there,’ she thought, smiling at the handsome man. He was in a pair of basketball shorts and t-shirt reading NAVY in bold letters. The group he was with all scattered to make it look like they weren’t eavesdropping when Y/n approached, Corona in hand, “Hi.”
“Hello,” even his voice was attractive. Everything about him was. From his clear smooth skin to his dazzling smile. Toned arms and legs.
“Thanks for the beer.”
“Anytime,” he tipped the one in his hand, Y/n clicking hers against it. “Sorry if this is weird at all. I saw you surfing earlier and was trying to muster up the courage to come talk to you….but couldn’t find the words to say.”
Y/n smirked, gesturing to an empty pool table, “how about a game? Maybe it’ll help loosen your nerves.” Moving to a cue Y/n sees his grin widen, “I’m Y/n by the way.”
“I’m Javy, but you can call me Coyote.”
“Coyote?” She repeats with a chuckle, “That’s an interesting nickname.”
“Callsign actually,” he politely corrects before explaining he was a naval aviator. Grabbing his own cue while she sets up the rack, he added, “Wasn’t my doing.”
“Then how’d you get it?”
“Um…” he made a face, as though he was embarrassed to say. “I’ll tell you if you win this match.” A sound between a scoff and a laugh escaped her.
“So that’s how it’s gonna be.” Javy raises his hands in defense, laughing with her. “And if you win?”
His own smirk appears, “You give me your phone number…maybe even let me take you out.” Biting back a grin and fighting the warm feeling in her chest, Y/n removes the rack leaving the pool balls neatly centered.
“Challenge accepted, Coyote.”
It was safe to say both came out as winners that night. Though Y/n won the game and got the scoop on Javy’s callsign origin, he walked away with her number and plans to have dinner the following night after her charity event. Javy made the promise to come out and watch her surf, excited to see her in action. Hearing Y/n talk about the sport and her accomplishments was even cooler in person than reading it off the internet. From her amateur days to becoming a full blown professional. Winning countless championship titles, being the first woman to win The Eddie and her dream to win gold at the Olympics.
Javy was smitten.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She smiled when they reached her van at the end of the night. They talked for hours to the point they lost track of time. It was 11 o’clock and she had to be up at five.
“You said it starts at noon?” At her nod Javy continued, “I’ll be there. And I look forward to our dinner plans after.” Y/n felt the heat rise, hoping it wasn’t displaying on her face.
“Me too. Thank you for a fun night, Javy,” feeling bold, Y/n leans to place a kiss on his cheek. The action leaves him stunned, smile growing bigger as she pulls away. “See you on the beach.”
Now Javy had loved the beach before meeting Y/n. But his love for it and the ocean only grew the moment he watched her ride the waves. Cheering from the sand as she dropped down and glided the tide with ease. It made him want to stay there forever.
He understood quickly why she was regarded as the greatest female surfer of all time. Yeah it was a charity competition and not a world championship, but Y/n treated the waves no differently. She was a beast. Total control of her board, little to no mistakes.
Their dinner date was filled with laughter, flirty sarcasm, stories so outrageous one would think they were bluffing. Javy spoke of his time at Top Gun and his friendship with Jake. Y/n told him about her college days. Both engaged in conversations about dreams and aspirations. Yeah they had their dream careers, but one can always dream bigger. Dream about friendship, dream about love.
Dream about the future.
When the night came to an end, Y/n laid her head on the pillow with a smile on her face, “I think this might be paradise.”
23 July 2021–The Hard Deck, San Diego California.
“It’s almost time for USA!” Javy hushes everyone, grabbing the remote to increase the volume. The place was packed mostly with the squad's friends, colleagues, the Pacific Beach Surf Club, and college students from UC San Diego. Togethery they were gathered to watch the opening ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
The Tokyo Olympics.
Finally after a whole year of waiting the Games were finally being held. A global pandemic sure would be the only thing to stop the most iconic two-week sporting event in the world.
And Javy’s girlfriend, 12x World champion Y/n L/n, was there to be part of surfing's Olympic debut. Gold on her mind.
The two had been long distance the majority of their relationship, but FaceTimed nearly every day with promises to visit as soon as restrictions were lifted. Y/n traveled to San Diego in the winter of 2020 to mark the couple’s one year anniversary. Then Javy flew to Hawaii in the spring, spending two weeks in Kapolei where most time was spent surfing and late night drive on the beach.
“There’s no place I’d rather be,” he sang at the top of his lungs, windows rolled down .
“Than on my surfboard out at sea,” Y/n followed, smile wide on her face with her hair blowing in the wind.
“Lingering in the ocean blue.”
“And if I had one wish come true.”
Together they sang, “I’d surf ‘til the sun sets beyond the horizon!”
Y/n tilted her head back, “‘Āwikiwiki, mai lohilohi. Lawe mai i ko papa he’e nalu.”
Belting out together once again, their voices echoed in the night, “Flying by on the Hawaiian roller coaster ride!!”
“‘Āwikiwiki, mai lohilohi. Lawe mai i ko papa he’e nalu.”
“Pi’i nā nalu lā lahalaha. ‘O ka Moana hānupanupa.”
“Lalala i ka lā hanahana. Me ke kai hoene i ka pu’e one.”
“Heel, hele mai kākou ē.”
“Hawaiian roller coaster ride!”
During the Olympic surf qualifying event in Huntington Beach the whole squad was in attendance to cheer Y/n on. Javy embraced her in tears, lifting her onto his shoulders to the hollars and whistles of their friends and family.
Y/n was officially an Olympian.
Now usually during the parade of nations of the opening ceremonies Greece is the first to enter the arena followed by the countries in alphabetical order with the hosting nation entering last. Having waited a whole year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the world was excited to get the Games started. But to everyone’s surprise the order of the parade of nations would proceed differently than prior Olympics.
Greece still entered first, followed by the Refugee Olympic Team and then the nations paraded in based on where they fell on the Gojūon system. Japan would be the last country to march in, but for the first time ever the hosting countries of the next two Olympics entered before the hosting country. And what were those two countries?
France and The United States of America.
Paris was set to host the upcoming 2024 Games just three years away, and then in 2028 Los Angeles gets the honor once again of bringing the world together. The last time LA hosted was in 1984, and the last time America itself hosted the Summer Games was Atlanta 1996.
“Okay everyone shut up!!” The tv was turned to the loudest volume possible, all in attendance falling to hush whispers.
“Everything changes,” Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s voice echoes through the speakers, his silhouette figure walking into an empty arena. “The longest wait of their lives is over.” The beat of the music gets louder, building in pressure. “And the combination of their blood, sweat, and tears,” his face is revealed under the light, “finally arrives.”
The beat drops in time with the image of fireworks rocketing from the Rio arena, an announcer’s voice stating, “this is the moment that you all have been waiting for.”
“It’s not easy to bring the entire whole planet together,” the Rock states, “and it certainly wasn’t tonight. But, here we are.”
“It’s finally here.”
“The Olympics are finally here,” Gold Medalist Simone Biles grins.
“Yeah, I’m hyped up.”
“Can’t wait to show the world what I got.”
The image shows Dwayne once again, “Tonight we are all so lucky to witness the hardest workers in the room.” Then it changes to athletes training, from gymnast Sam Mikulak to sprinter Noah Lyles. “The athletes who are a brilliant tapestry of talent, commitment, and drive.”
“Drive, drive, drive!”
“Now what was once considered unthinkable just one year ago has become a glorious reality. We come together united to celebrate the Olympians who exemplify the very best in all of us.”
🎼 legs are shaking, hands aching, 🎼
Simone Biles appears, determination in her gaze as she races down the vault runway. “It’s Simone’s party and everyone else is just a guest,” Tim Daggett’s voice cuts in during the clip of Simone at the World Championships, followed by the Rock.
“She is absolutely the greatest gymnast the world has ever seen. But even if there’s nothing left to prove, there’s a chance to launch herself even higher into the rarest air of immortality.”
As Simone lands her vault, it transitions into Katie Ledecky entering the pool. “The most dominant swimmer in the world.” “It’s just ridiculous!”
“She swims like a machine created to wreak havoc and decimate with impunity.”
“Katie Ledecky smashes her own world record!”
“But in reality she’s about the nicest person you’ll ever meet,” the rock’s face returns, bearing his own smile like Katie. “And kindness matters. Always.” Track star Noah Lyles running takes over. “He makes running as fast as you can look the way it’s supposed to look.”
Dwayne grins, “Damn fun.” The next athlete featured was the one they were all waiting for.
“On dry land she’s impressive, in the water she’s simply lethal,” the Hard Deck erupted in cheers, Y/n flashing onto the screens showcasing her drop in during the WSL World Tour.
“That’s my baby!!!” Her name appeared in big bold letters like the others, ‘Y/n L/n. Kapolei, O’ahu, HI.’
“Monstruos wave for Y/n L/n, but she handles it like a pro.” The clip shows her pointing to the sky in victory following her win. “She’s here to prove why surfing should’ve been in the Olympics ages ago,” the Rock looks proud, “and look cool as hell while doing so.”
The tone of the video shifts, bringing forth the raw and emotional reality of athletes who’ve given every inch of their soul to be on the world’s greatest sporting stage. “They’re kids from Minneapolis—.”
“Kenny Harrison!” A girl crosses the finish line in joy, soon embraced by her father. “Raleigh.”
Fellow surfer and native Hawaiian Carissa Moore is shown, “And Honolulu.” A baby in a stroller being pushed by her mother. “They’re working moms with unfinished business.” Allison Felix with her daughter.
“This is what makes all the sacrifice worth it.”
Simone Manuel becoming the first Black woman to win an individual Olympic gold at the 2016 Rio Games. “The barrier breakers who’ve proven the power of the platform.”
“I can’t begin to tell you what this means for the sport of swimming in the United States.”
“There’s Jordan—!” A montage of Gold medal winning teams flashed. The Fab Five. The women’s soccer and basketball teams. The women’s rowing team. The Fierce and Final Five of U.S Gymnastics. “And the teams that have dominated for generations with no intention of changing the script for this one.”
“Get the gold medals ready. Again!”
“These awe-inspiring multi-talented athletes are taking on the world.”
🎼 ‘You bring me back to life.’ 🎼
Between the music and feel good montage, some of the viewers in the hard deck were having trouble holding back tears. Chills racking up their body. It made them want to get out and start training to be a world class athlete.
“They really are the best of us. They’re bringing us together.”
“That’s a new world record!”
“And they’re about to give you, at long last, the greatest two-week spectacle the world has ever seen.” Close ups of Team USA’s Olympians rolled, Javy wiping his eyes when Y/n appeared. “It is their Games. It is our Games.”
Absolute chills.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am so grateful to have the honor of presenting to you….Team USA.” At the last word the Rock disappears, cutting to Team USA entering the Tokyo dome—the American flag flying high, “USA! USA! USA!” Though they couldn’t hear the cheers from the Hard Deck across the ocean, that didn’t stop the building from erupting in whistles. It was only the opening ceremonies so one could imagine what it would be like come the 26th and 27th.
When Y/n hits the waves for a chance at Olympic gold.
Tsurigasaki Beach, located 40 miles from Tokyo, was the place where it would all happen. The damp sand beneath Y/n’s toes felt comforting. Although the overcast skies made her worried. Tropical Storm Nepartak caused the waves to be more aggressive and unpredictable. It was going to be an interesting day of competition.
After qualifying with a big score in her heat the previous day, Y/n was set to compete in the quarterfinals that morning. From there the semi-final contestants would be decided, going straight into the event before finals that afternoon. Three events in one day if she made it all the way to the end.
“I’m going to be so sore tonight.”
Shortboard in hand, Y/n raced to the water the second the horn sounded. Instant shivers along her arms from the cold feeling. Cloudy skies prevented the sun from heating the water, “goodness gracious.”
Quarterfinals breezed by. Y/n started off strong with a score of 7 for her first wave, going on to claim two more, another 7 and an 8 bringing her total score to a 15. Putting her, American Carissa Moore, South African Bianca Buitendag and Japan’s Amuro Tsuzuki into the semifinals.
“Stellar performance by Y/n L/n of the United States. She had a bit of trouble on her second wave—which we can’t blame her for; many competitors have been having difficulty today due to the impact of tropical storm Nepartak on the tide. L/n’s score of 15 puts her at the top for the quarterfinals, but that can all change when we return for the semifinals in the next hour. It looks like she’ll be up against Japan’s Amuro Tsuzuki for one of two spots in the gold medal match.”
“That’s how you do it,” Javy clapped at the tv, the footage replaying Y/n’s competition highlights. “Semi-finals here we go.”
During the semis the pressure was on. Y/n could feel it all over, anxiety coursing when the horn sounded. Thirty minutes on the clock, ticking down to eliminate either her or Amuro. Usually her luck turns out for the better whenever she gets the first wave, however, Amuro beats her to it. Catching the next one Y/n focuses on pulling speed and managing her flow into the maneuvers, receiving a score of 6.2 on her first wave, 8.3 on her second and 7 on her third. Unfortunately a wipe out early on her fourth and final wave results in a score of 3.
“Is that gonna be enough?” Jake cringes, noticing the look of unease on his friend's visage. Y/n appeared shaken from the wipe out. Very rare has she ever messed up greatly in competition. But there’s always a first for everything.
Javy had a paper in front of him, writing down Y/n’s scores and the ones of her competitors to predict what she needed and if she was qualified to the final round.
“Her six and seven will be dropped, putting her at 11.30,” he taps the pen on the bar surface, “if Amuro doesn’t get another wave in the next,” Javy checks the time, “two minutes then it should put Y/n through to the finals.”
Amuro did in fact catch another wave before the horn sounded, ending their round in the semis, but it wasn’t enough. Her total score accumulated a 7.43, eliminating her from the final competition.
“One more,” her father/coach took a hold of her shoulders. “You’re almost there, Y/n.” Almost to the gold. “Rest up, you got one hour.”
He didn’t have to tell her twice. Picking up a water bottle and plotting on the sand Y/n downed the liquid and munched on an apple. To pass time she scrolled through Tik Tok, sent a selfie to Javy—who sent one of him and the squad back—and called her family in O’ahu to calm her nerves. She had already talked with Javy that morning before quarterfinals, promising to FaceTime him after the finals.
It was nerve racking. Regardless of how the event went, Y/n was guaranteed the silver medal. USA would take home both Gold and Silver in surfing’s debut being fellow American Carissa Moore beat out South Africa’s Bianca Buitendag in their round.
One competition left.
Bidding good luck to Carissa, Y/n took her position and waited for the horn. Thirty minutes on the clock. Thirty minutes to a gold medal.
“Here we go,” Payback announced in time with Y/n paddling out to sea. Javy rubbed his hands together, eyes glued to the screen.
“And the two Americans are off in the first ever gold medal match for surfing. Carissa Moore, the 2019 WSL World Champion, and twelve-time title holder Y/n L/n head-to-head to declare who will become the woman to win surfing’s first gold medal. Both have exemplified great performances today—it’s not easy doing a quarterfinals, semi-finals, and finals all in one day, but these pros make it look easy.”
“There she goes!” Nat shouted, earning cheers at the bar when Y/n caught the first wave of the competition.
“Kicking off with the first wave, in just two minutes of the clock starting is Y/n L/n. Dropping in beautifully, easing into the wave…..Straight into an roundhouse cutback, which she does flawlessly. Bottom turn, I think she’s gonna try and do a off-the-lip right here….and she nails it! I think she’s hoping to elongate this wave as far out as she can. Carving now and finishing with a 360 into an Ariel. Wow! That was a great start by Y/n.”
“Yeah that’s what I’m talking about!” Javy shouted over the cheers, grin plastered wide only to brighten more when the score came back a 8.7. “HELL YEAH! LETS GO!”
Carissa’s wave was impressive. She managed to hold it down with complicated moves to earn a 8.5. Both women scored huge on the first waves followed by 7s across the board. Nearing the final five minutes Carissa managed to get a 6.43.
“She can’t get anything lower than a 6.23,” Javy felt sweat pool on his forehead, suddenly feeling hot in the bar despite it being the ass crack of dawn.
“She’s got this,” Nat patted his back.
The clock was ticking down. Two minutes to go and Y/n had yet to find a wave. Placing her palm onto the surface, she took a deep breath, “please, give me a sign.” Not a moment later she felt something in her say to look right.
There, brimming about fifteen feet away, was the perfect wave.
Wasting no time Y/n’s chest planted to her board, paddling as fast as possible. Her heart was pounding, salt water splashing. Positioning herself in front of the forming body, Y/n silently called out to whoever was listening for strength.
“Wow she’s going for that huge current out on the west side. Moore is too far back—it’s gonna be L/n on the final wave of the women’s competition. With one minute to go she’s dropping in—.”
Y/n allowed the adrenaline to consume her, giving it total control as she dropped in. The highest wave of the competition yet, Y/n knew she’d be having a tube ride with how it formed. Picking up speed, she knelt slightly, paralleling her chest with the wall of the wave, the water curving around her. Blocking the world from her view.
It was just her and the sea. No one else.
Closing her eyes briefly, she pictured she was back on O’ahu in the water she grew up in. Sun beating down and gentle hum of seagulls.
Like she was in paradise.
The image left as quick as it came. Y/n snapping out of her daydream to exit the tube ride to the cheers of her father on the beach, curing back into the wave to finish on a high note by performing her signature Ariel. Smiling the whole way down just as the horn signified the end of the competition.
“And there you have it folks. The women’s surfing finals has officially come to a close—Y/n L/n ending her Olympic Games with a remarkable last wave. Absolute perfection with speed, precision, and control. That’s gonna be the highest score for her I feel.”
“C’mon, c’mon,” Javy bit his nail, knee bouncing from the anxiety of not knowing. Carissa’s total score was displayed first, 14.93. Y/n’s lowest was a seven, highest 8.7. Her final wave was amazing, but judging was unpredictable. Anything could happen.
Then in the blink of an eye the hard deck exploded.
“I don’t believe it! Tens across the board for Y/n L/n bringing her total to 17.00!! Y/n L/n has won the gold for the United States—Carissa Moore with the silver. USA goes one and two in women’s surfing at its Olympic debut!!! Take it all in, we are witnessing history,” the screen shows Y/n and Carissa embracing, leaning over their boards to congratulate the other, “Team USA has much to celebrate, the world of surfing has their champion. Y/n L/n adds gold to her name—surfing’s first Olympic Champion here in Tokyo!!”
Y/n laughed the entire time she paddled to shore, raising to her feet to race towards her father. She was soaking wet but he didn’t care. “You did it!” He yelled, kissing her head with tears in his eyes. “You’re an Olympic champion! I’m so so proud of you!” Soon they were greeted by Carissa and the rest of Team USA’s surfing members. The two women were lifted onto shoulders, American flags draped over their backs with photographers surrounding them.
It was a moving image. Two women from Honolulu and Kapolei, Hawaii won surfing’s first Olympic silver and gold medal. If only Duke Kahanamoku could be there to witness.
Back at the hard deck celebratory drinks were served and toasts raised to Y/n. Javy barely contained his emotion, eyes watering the moment her name came back the winner. Natasha and Jake embraced him in a hug, the guys whistling and hollering. Penny rang the bell.
“She won! Oh my God my baby is a gold medalist!! This is the best day ever!!”
The entire podium ceremony Y/n was on cloud nine. Placing the gold medal around her neck, she took a moment to stare at it. Disbelief and awe in her eyes. ‘Wow, I actually did it.’
When the national anthem came to an end Y/n did the traditional bite of the medal for the cameras. Posing with Carissa and Bianca afterwards, Y/n was ushered to interviews.
“Hello, Y/n,” the reporter beamed, “congratulations are in store—what an amazing moment for you. You’re the first gold medalist in women’s surfing at the Olympics. How does it feel?”
“It’s absolutely a dream come true. For years the surfing community has wished for this—to be in the Olympics and for me to be part of its debut, winning the gold medal…I-I can’t put into words how much this means to me. I’m so grateful and honored.”
“You’ve been around for a while now,” the reporter mentioned, “2004 was the first time we saw you and you’ve gone on to have a stellar surfing career. Winning the WSL World Surfing Games twelve times now—competing when it was still called the WSL World Championships and became the first woman to win The Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational in 2016. This is your first Olympic Games, surfing will be at the Paris Games in three years. Can we expect to hopefully see you there?”
“I wouldn't rule it out,” Y/n winked with a giggle. “Paris is in three years and I would love to return to the Olympics again. After dreaming for so long I don’t want to let it go so easily. Of course anything can happen between now and 2024 but with my family, friends, and boyfriend cheering me on with their endless support…” she gave a cheeky shrug, “I’m gonna work hard and get back in the water once I’m home.”
“We’ll be rooting for you, Y/n. I don’t think the surfing world is ready to say goodbye to you. Anything else you’d like to say before you have to go. Anyone you’d like to say thanks to?”
Instantly the Olympian brightened, eyes locking on the camera. “I wanna give a shoutout to my hometown of Kapolei on O’ahu—the place where this journey started on the beautiful beaches and waters of my home. To my family and friends, thank you for your love, support, guidance and always cheering me on even when the going gets tough. My dad, who’s been my coach since I was seven is with me here to share this win, I couldn’t have done this without him. To my San Diego family watching, you better save me a beer at the Hard Deck when I come visit next week,” she winks, knowing the squad would get a kick out of it. Then Y/n softens, “and finally to my boyfriend, Javy, who’s with our friends in Fightertown. I love you so much, thank you for being my rock during quarantine and pushing me to do my best. I can’t wait to see you and this is for you.” Holding up the medal, Y/n blows a kiss to the screen before saying goodbye to the reporter.
Upon landing in San Diego two nights later, Y/n was greeted by a celebration from her friends. Members of the Pacific Beach Surf Club were there, as were the dagger squad. Javy met her in the middle the second she exited the terminal, lifting her in his arms. “Finally your back!! I’m so fucking proud of you!” Setting her down, he kept his arms around her and the two jumped up and down like school children in a heap of laughter.
Finally they calmed, sharing a sweet kiss. “How was your flight,” he walked when they pulled away, moving to grab her carryon back.
“Long,” she moaned, leaning into his side. “But worth it.” Soon she was surrounded by their friends. Congratulations all around, Mickey asking to see the medal, Jake saying all her drinks are on him, Nat telling her how much she missed having another girl around. “I missed you guys,” Y/n pouted, “man I wish you all could’ve been there.”
“Don’t worry, Y/n/n,” Bradley patted her shoulder, “We’ll be there in Paris.”
“That’s quite a bit away, Roo.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “but there’s no harm in planning now.”
“Let’s let the woman rest before kicking her training mode into gear,” Javy teased, earning a playful nudge from his girlfriend. Together they got her bags and headed straight for The Hard Deck. They drinked, they danced. Javy and Y/n had a rematch of their pool game.
“This feels a bit like deja vu,” she smirked, chalking up her cue. Javy winked, puckering his lips in an air kiss causing her to laugh.
For a week Y/n stayed in San Diego before flying home to Hawaii with Javy. Again she was greeted at the airport by her family and friends she’d grown up with. The local news station was present, students from schools wanting to join in on the celebration. It felt amazing to be home after two weeks away.
They settled in at her Honolulu home, finding the perfect place to display her medal and ordered take out since neither was in the mood to cook after a 6 ½ hour flight. Once finished with dinner Y/n gave her boyfriend a knowing look, “Wanna watch the sunset?”
She didn’t mean sitting on her porch or even the sand. No, she meant taking the boards and laying out on the sea as the calm surface of the water kept them afloat.
Javy agreed, rushing to get his swim trunks on while she put on a swimsuit. Grabbing their boards they locked up the house and jogged the quarter of a mile to the beach, paddling out to get a front row seat of the descending sun. Colors of bright orange and pink painted the sky. A beautiful contrast to the deep blues of the ocean.
“Is this heaven?” He whispered, finding her eyes staring back at him from where her cheek pressed to the board. All the love conveying in the simple look. And with her gentle words, Javy felt all the worry and unease he ever experienced lift from his soul.
“More like paradise.”
TGM Tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan , @caitsymichelle13 , @poppyalice2001 , @cutelittlepotatofry , @luckyladycreator2, @americaarse , @elenavampire21 , @back-tooo-black , @wildellaa , @artemissunn , @pinkpantheris
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kxttqi · 1 month
Uhh i go by hershey(that was a joke) IM A GIRL OBVIII
id like to be paired up with a boy
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh haikyuu
I am a carefree clumsy weirdo who gets jumpscared every other second
i am VERY sarcastic and savage and could probably make you cry if i wanted to
okay ONLY if youre rlly sensitive but you get the point
idk my mbti but i am ambiverted and shy
i also get emotional very easily and am a crybaby cuz
Frustrated + very emotional = tears
yh i get frustrated easily
hobbies are voice acting, gaming, writing, editing and something else that i forgot
oh im also very competitive
Recieving love language physical affection and words of affirmation giving love languages physical affection
Romantic matchup plzz
my ideal date would prolly an amusement park or going somewhere to eat cuz i love food
Things i find attractive? I can find a good hairstyle attractive ig
also voice
You can do whtv you want with this info
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𝐤𝐱𝐭𝐭𝐪𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 . . . 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 !
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a/n: stella hi ur so real for the emotional part n the finding voices attractive 🙊 
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✧ headcannons
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ever since he laid his eyes on you he fell in love i think
he’d be INSANELY good at calming you down whenever you’re frustrated or on the verge of tears (after dealing with whatever the flip bokuto puts him through, it’s a piece of cake)
he finds your clumsiness adorable, and if you ever accidentally trip, he’s right there beside you, arms wrapped firmly around your waist to keep you from falling over
he knows exactly when you need some alone time and when you’re in need of comfort
if you’re having a bad day….
he invites you over and he’s laid out his futon with extra pillows as a makeshift spa bed with all of your favourite skincare products on the side, scented candles casting a warm n cozy glow around the room
he treats u like freaking ROYALTY, insisting you lie down and let him do all the work, massaging products into your skin with a gentle touch
akaashi is an extremely good writer; i think he loves reading/creating poetry, don’t be surprised if he sends you one of his carefully written poems about his love for you
speaking of which, you never have to beg him for “i love you”s ; he makes sure he’s said those three words to you at least once in a day
he always calls you pet names too, such as ‘love’, ‘darling’, and ‘princess’
cuddles are a staple whenever you two are alone, especially when you two are watching a movie, or when you’re playing your favorite games and he’s acting as a chair pillow for you
bro is the literal definition of comfort ugh
he doesn’t mind at all if you come off as too clingy or touchy, he thinks it’s absolutely endearing
he thinks he genuinely plays better when you come to cheer him on at one of his games
he always asks you before if you’re coming or not; he knows you’re competitive and enjoy cheering at his games for fukurodani
expect dinner dates, especially at fancy restaurants; he also doesn’t mind cooking once in a while and having a candlelit dinner at his place
i feel like amusement park visits weren’t really his thing, but after babysitting the thing known as bokuto ( /pos we love him !! ) for a year, he’s come to enjoy it
so naturally, he’d love to take you on amusement park dates, trying out every ride and game, and buying assortments of snacks from the stalls
aaaaand he always ends the day of with a ride on the ferris wheel, the two of you holding hands while the sun sets in streaks of pink and orange on the horizon
sometimes when the two of you aren’t in the mood for going out, he comes over to your place n you guys just draw stuff 
he likes sending voice messages
instead of texts sometimes
(pls his voice is so calming)
↑ usually when he’s at practice, as it’s easier than texting
he knows you enjoy listening to them teehee giggle
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✧ extras : moodboard (bc pinterest does not wish to torture me for once???)
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— all moodboard images are from pinterest and do not belong to me. full credits go to their owners
matchup rules !
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© kxttqi — do not repost, copy, translate or steal my works without permission.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Duskwood boys – their favorite way to pick up/carry you around.
Characters: Jake, Richy, Dan & Thomas
A/n: Tumblr suggested a post about this topic, so I was inspired by it and it’s not my idea. Unfortunately I lost the post so the credits for the idea go to the person. But I like this kind of writing and I wanted to do it for Duskwood, I wanted to start something like this for a long time. So if you have ideas that go in that direction, my requests are open for it. I hope everything is understandable and you like it. Have fun. 💚
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Definitely piggyback but from the front. Hands under your butt to lift you up so that you can/ must wrap your legs around his hips, as well as your arms around his shoulders, and he can feel your body as close as possible to his. It it Jake, it makes him feel like you need him to protect you. He wanted to be your savior as always and it made him feel like he was. He could also keep an eye on you. Whether on you, on your figure, or someone else approached you, even if it was not possible in your apartment. But after such a long time on the run, he was a little paranoid. He could observe every little emotional change in your eyes on the spot and immediately take care of any discomfort on your part or similar. Besides, he was addicted to your kisses and that way he could perfectly combine both. But also, of course, bridal style was one of his go-to’s. He loves to carry you on hands in any situation, and this position allowed it almost literally. You were everything and you deserved to be treated like a royal.
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Oh, he definitely loved taking you piggyback style, like a little backpack. Richy was quite and perfectly the most playful and funny. So he loved to piggyback you and then run with you. He loved hearing your laughter and the fun you have together. In addition, he enjoys the feeling when you have to completely cling to him. After all, this way he doesn’t have so many possibilities to hold you. So most of it to not fall down has to come from you, and he loved how much you trust him to still not let you fall and hold on to him. But Richy was also a fan of 'over the shoulder', also here, it was a very playful gesture and thanks to his job he had more muscles than you can see at first glance. And he loved to feel your trust when he carried you over his shoulder and you weren’t worried for a second because you couldn’t see where he was going but you trust him without ifs and buts that you can’t get hurt and he wouldn’t do anything bad to you.
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Definitely over his shoulder. I mean, the man loves to flex his muscles and show them. His loveling hobby was the gym, and he was a little macho who was more playful than he would let you see if one spoke to him normally. So he loved to grab your legs and throw you over his shoulder and then carry you to his destination. Of course, this also offered him the perfect view of your butt and allowed one or two claps on this. He always commented that with a little, rough and kinda dirty laugh. But he was a gentleman through and through, as he himself always emphasized, so bridal style was also something of a duty for him. (Also because this gave you a good view of his biceps)
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Definitely the most bridal style, it just suited him the most. He was the little softie, nothing negative, who always wanted to carry his partners on hands and always wanted to take care if them completely. He wanted to make sure his partner could rely on him 100% every second and you could feel how much he loved you. Of course, the bridal style had a meaning for itself in general. But in this way he could always perfectly look at you with eyes filled with pure love, look into your face and make sure that you could absolutely let youself down and he would always carry you on. He would never let you go/fall.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №12
Hobby edition!
Firstly, Author, what is YOUR favourite hobby? Besides writing? Mine is probably text roleplay if you're curious : D
I'm pretty sure that there was a list of hobbies for each character somewhere z or at least I've seen it written down that Tubbo likes gardening, but still, what is each character's hobby/hobbees?
Hobby swap. Every hobby gets sent to the person arter them in the order that you answered the second question in. How well does it go?
I do still remember that you wrote that Wilbur figures out that it has no hobbies when he doesn't have to get food so I suggest: Photography. I mean, they're already travelling through the USA and considering the fact that the foundation forgot about their existence they might as well have some fun and not hide constantly yk. Climb onto the statue of freedom or something. Why not. Might as well keep some memories!
Also it would just bee kinda ironic if Wilbur who has like the void thing which is the absence of light, photography as a hobby which is essentially capturing light.
5. What hobbies do you think whatever character/s would enjoy but aren't able to do due to their situation?
Man I don't think this one has an ounce of spoilers for Fault or content warnings!
1.Drawing. I find my drawing and writing is a very symbiotic process that keeps up passion about projects. I write a cool scene so I want to draw it, and while doing that I’m thinking about the story. Or I draw something sick as hell and am like well now I gotta put that in. I also like dnd but don’t play much alas.
2.I realized I was addressing the 5th question a little, so I’m going to put asterisks next to functional hobbies that they’re able to do on the run.
Tubbo gets the most exploration of hobbies due to the interlude WHiT Croplands. Tubbo definitely likes gardening because of Rhodes, though it’s also kinda cheating since flowers auto bloom once exposed to Tubbo long enough. Rosalind also has a lot of hobbies, and a bit of a problem with starting a new thing only to abandon it for the next project. So quilting*, painting, knitting. Tubbo also enjoys the Pokémon franchise. And they’re a dirty cheat at monopoly, can’t trust that guy at all. Also likes messing around in photoshop since they had an Instagram and needed to learn how to look like they badly photoshopped themselves into looking like a bug fairy thing.
Philza is seen doing a lot of meditating*, which is good for an embodiment of wrath. He’s probably picked up thousands of hobbies at one time or another. On speculation, he’s drawn to hobbies that involve fire and absolutely adores how creative humans are. Like part of Phil becoming a person was deffo influenced by humans changing the symbolic meaning of fire to include creation and protection. So metal work, glassblowing, anything with a combustion engine, etc. Philza was absolutely invested in the space race to an inordinate degree since they’re going into space with ROCKETS! He’s into cooking* and has a lot of random recipes that are nostalgic and tied to previous Collected. I can also see him doing a bonsai tree thing but like with a whole forest. Like sculpting how it grows over a few centuries. Ever see tree braiding?
I’m not sure if The Blade necessarily likes playing video games? I think he views it as a safe way to let The Blood God and voices go ham and appease their cries for slaughter. So it’s more The Blade disassociating while The Blood God plays, so I guess that makes video games his hobby instead. The Blood God finds it a little demeaning of his capabilities but at least The Blade is letting him out? His hooves and size would make it somewhat difficult, so probably tends towards turn based strategy games. The Blade does not let anyone around him when gaming for safety. The Blade personally prefers reading*, which is like narrating for an audience. The voices get really into it, and The Blade gets goofy and dramatic with it. It is difficult without his glasses tho given pigs are hyperopic.
Tommy likes video games, watching scary movies his mum forbid, and goofing around with his friends. He also gets into drawing at the Foundation using either his Red or Ros’ crayons. Not uh good at it but still it’s enrichment.
Wilbur has music* and that kinda it. A bit of a risk with instruments, given that’s extra weight to carry and the void could eat it but after a few messy obliterations over scratches the void has gotten the memo kinda. Wilbur likes the act of creating stuff to spit in the face of the void, but anything it makes runs the risk of eventually getting eaten by the void, which would really upset it. But music itself isn’t a physical object and so is safer. It’s a big coping mechanism for him to help calm down and control the void. The Foundation tried to ruin music for him but it didn’t work.
3.Tubbos wide array of hobbies would mesh well with Philza’s, and the gardening already aligns with the forest maintenance I hypothesized.
The Blade can’t meditate. He just can’t. He and Phil have a convo about it in the whumptober prompts thing since he’s frustrated meditating isn’t working and Phil just blinks and is like ‘? Why would my coping mechanisms be tailored to you? Come on mate let’s find something suited for you.’ All the fire related hobbies would also be no bueno bc he is very fluffy and very flammable. Might go for cooking tho, but on the whole he’s lazy and can just eat things raw so why bother.
Video games work out for Tommy, though I don’t think he’d be a fan of strat games. Reading is tricky with Red though, he needs someone else to hold a book. There’s a deleted scene where Tubbo and Tommy help each other read a book between the Red and dyslexia, with The Blade spoiling things and the pair getting salty.
Video games would drive Wilbur crazy since it doesn’t have the cultural background for them at all. Ever seen a grandparent try to play Minecraft? Plus he doesn’t like staying still in one place too long. Maybe a DS would work until the void tries to eat the cartridge. Scary movies don’t do anything to Wilbur because he IS a scary movie. And drawings are the worse for it since 1. Probably accidentally incorporates an evil rune subconsciously and gets cursed 2. Paper is Tastey snacc for void and prone to getting snapped up.
Tubbo canonically is bad at singing. I get the vibe Rosalind played the viola in middle school ? Sheet music can be rough on dyslexia though you can do stuff like use colored highlighters for different notes, though I don’t think Wil uses sheet music. They’d try to figure out simple tunes, very basic stuff. Tubbo wouldn’t be good but they’d have fun and annoy Wilbur.
4.There is the problem of photos getting eaten. I think he could convince the void that the camera itself is a dangerous creature that could vaporize them in a single flash of light if threatened. But if it could get the photos safe it would be a really good thing to help with its memory. Like visible proof xyz happened. Though I imagine what Wilbur and a human think is worth photographing is very different. Wilbur would have a blurry picture of a road captioned with something like ‘tastiest asphalt in Indiana’. Picture of random camping site ‘place where Phil admitted I was his favorite (this was not under duress)’. Picture of a lumpy cloud ‘if I got tall enough could I eat a cloud’
5. If Tubbo did beekeeping would that be like Mickey keeping Pluto as a pet.
Wilbur NEEDS to be in theater. Ideal enrichment for its dramatic soul. Interact with humans in a normal setting would be fantastic to work on the racism problem. It’s also the perfect medium for him since a performance is a one time thing that can’t be destroyed after the fact. Its main hold back would be the bad memory, but I think learning to value non survival memories could actually improve its memory and priorities. Theater is like 3 different character arcs for him. Also put him in a hot dog eating contest. I need Joey Chestnut to taste overwhelming loss.
Also put Tommy in an improv troop he needs it. Or therapy. He needs therapy as a hobby.
Alas having fingers holds The Blade back from a lot of things. But I think it would be funny to plop that man in a furry convention and try to scam people into giving him money to also make them giant crazy realistic suits. Would he do this. Never. It would be mean and require talking to a lot of people. However. It would be hysterical.
Back in Philza’s day, you could just be a leviathan monster in the ocean and eat entire whaling ships. But now you can’t anymore. Becuase woke.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 months
I'm a huge fan, and eternally grateful to you for leading me to His Valet 🙏🏻
I'm just coming off a serious Lisa Kleypas high and i'm not sure where to go next. I tend to like my romance angsty and historical. What would you suggest?
Thank you for everything you do!
Omg no need to thank me! 'Tis a fun hobby for me (and who knows, maybe eventually I'll publish a book or get into book marketing... the first is a dream, the second possibly a more practical dream given my professional background lol).
Needless to say, if you haven't read any other LaViolette books, she's probably one of my favorite Kleypas readalikes. Less Victorian Decadence (though they're amazing) because of the super high heat and queerness, plus the tendency towards non-monogamy or at least group shenanigans, but her other books like the Bellamys ESPECIALLY read like higher heat Kleypas to me a lot of the time. You probably know this—but the Bellamys give me "edgier Hathaways" vibes and they're all good so far (though Hyacinth and Selina particularly).
Primo historical angst who I consider from a similar like... field? As Kleypas? Is of course Elizabeth Hoyt. All of her books are solid to incredible, and Maiden Lane is just one of those series that I feel EVERY historical romance fan should read. Imo, they're best read in order (though full disclosure, I've yet to read book 1 even though I own it, and I'm kind of holding off because once I read it I'm done with ML and like Kleypas she hasn't published in a while...) but my top five would be Scandalous Desires (Irish river pirate Charming Mickey/moralistic Quaker widow Silence), Thief of Shadows (one of my all time favorites, virgin hero Winter with society widow Isabel), Duke of Midnight (craziest duke ever, Duke Batman Maximus/waaaay too smart for him Artemis), Dearest Rogue (the jaded former man of the law James with the woman he's guarding, Phoebe, who happens to be blind), and Sweetest Scoundrel (ultimate "rogue on the outside sweetheart on the inside" Asa and the uptight but secretly traumatized Eve).
Lorraine Heath, but of course! Just recommended her London's Greatest Lovers trilogy (available for $1.99 as a kindle bundle) and ESPECIALLY Waking Up With the Duke, but she honestly has several I would consider masterpieces/top favorites. Besides that one, I'd especially recommend:
--The Earl Takes All, a modern classic, also known as Gorilla Twins, one of the wildest books I've ever read
--When the Duke Was Wicked, aka (around these parts) (my blog, nowhere else) Rum on Lips, a beautiful widower rake book
--Between the Devil and Desire, the Jack Dodger and Olivia book, a FABULOUS interclass romance (though he's rich, don't forget it) with a hero who is perrrrrfect for Derek Craven girlies (Lovingdon from the above book is a little more similar to Sebastian, if Sebastian was actually terminally depressed and totally in denial about how hard he's falling for HIS redheaded heroine... I actually don't think St. Vincent really was that hard on the denial front once he was in it for real)
Joanna Shupe, of course! Her Fifth Avenue Rebels series is my favorite. I'd say she generally goes a *little* lighter on the angst than Kleypas, but it really depends on the book and they always have angst of some kind, and often a lot of groveling. I'd argue that her angstiest book that I've read is The Duke Gets Even, another all time favorite of mine. It's really pretty daring for the genre, imo, re: the source of the angst. Buuuut I would also recommend reading the series up to that in order for MAX gutpunch, and all the books are good to great.
I haven't read as much Jeannie Lin as I should have by now (just two books so far) but OOOOH The Dragon and The Pearl is so good. So angsty. There's such an anguished love confession in this one. Shoot it into my veins.
Sarah MacLean is definitely someone you can tell has been influenced by Lisa, and she writes great angst. My angst favorites of hers are A Rogue by Any Other Name and Day of the Duchess (the latter of which is another daring one).
Monica McCarty writes great angst—her Highland Guard series is medieval, but it definitely has the Kleypas-type heroes. And you get a LOT of like... "he doesn't love me" angst, some "we're on opposite sides" angst, some "we have beef and it still isn't over" angst throughout the series, which is really pretty consistent (I say as someone who still has a few books left).
Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie brothers books are SINGULARLY angsty in the best way, and give big Kleypas vibes to me. The Duke's Perfect Wife is an all time favorite of mine, made me cry, and is best read after the first three in order, but they're ALL great.
And I mean... I have to recommend Princess by Gaelen Foley, a recent favorite of mine that is SOOOOO deliciously angsty. The longing! The betrayal! The hero wants to get himself killed, assassinating Napoleon FOR HER (and also because he highkey hates himself). The Duke is also super good, and VERY angsty.
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anincompletelist · 8 months
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get to know me tag! :D
OKAY @bigassbowlingballhead I am combining your tag with the ones from @littlemisskittentoes and @read-and-write- even though those were SO LONG AGO NOW but I realized I haven't ever really posted much about myself on here (unless you've followed me over from @soldouthaz ) sooooo HERE IS THAT? <3 thanks for the tags friends I loved reading about y'all!
First Set
Last Film: No Hard Feelings jshdkjshd
Currently Reading:
the books sitting beside my laptop right now are:
- War of the Foxes / Richard Siken - Letters to Father / Franz Kafka - Time is a Mother / Ocean Vuong - On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous / Ocean Vuong - Devotions / Mary Oliver - The Cinnamon Peeler / Michael Ondaatje - Little Weirds / Jenny Slate
and fic-wise:
- I am hoping to finish the newest chapter of a sea of hope by acastle tonight - I just read A Thing of Beauty by @orchidscript last night (was wonderful!) - and I just compiled a list of all my January favorites here !
Currently Watching: The Bear is the next one up on my watch list if I ever manage to get around to it! love ayo so much!
Currently Consuming: a large diet coke from sonic skjhdkshd my beloved <3
Currently Craving: a cinnamon roll?
Three ships:
I used to write Larry so I guess that counts? skjdhsdjkh
First Ship: oh gosh, I think sterek, but also technically Eddie and Loren from a show called Hollywood Heights when I was in middle school skjdhkjshd
Second Set
Were You Named After Anyone?
yes! the story of Sarah in the Old Testament of the Bible! she was described as faithful, loving, caring, stubborn (ha), and loyal, and also ties into my adoption story :)
When Was The Last Time You Cried?
oh gosh, several days ago, I think? it was my birthday skhdkjshd (no further explanation needed)
Do You Have Kids?
I do not, although I am the certified and confirmed 'Mom Friend'
What Sport Do/Have You You Played?
no <3
Do You Use Sarcasm?
not typically unless it's with someone I am very comfortable with. I work in a lot of mental health conscious areas and am studying to be a therapist so I try not to use any type of humor that could be negatively interpreted!
What's The First Thing You Notice About Other People?
usually body language! I'd say I pick up on energy fairly well, so that too, if applicable.
What's Your Eye Color?
blue! (surprise I am Henry)
Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
cannot watch scary movies, I have far too much anxiety in general to have a need to induce it intentionally jshdkjhs. it doesn't have to be a happy ending though, so long as the theme/lessons are well done. I adore digging into films and picking apart all of the layers and symbolism, so anything with some emotional weight is right up my alley! but I enjoy a bit of everything :)
Any Talents?
I'm a photographer both as a job and as a hobby, and I work part time as a makeup artist as well! I enjoy writing in my free time (obviously) and I like painting and drawing, although I definitely wouldn't consider myself very talented in those areas skjdhksd. honestly anything creative I will try and probably enjoy!
Where Where You Born?
Texas (I am Alex actually)
What Are Your Hobbies?
I touched on it earlier but photography, makeup, reading/writing, anything creative and anything psych related pretty much!
Do You Have Any Pets?
I have three! all dogs, two chihuahuas and a dachshund :)
How Tall Are You?
5'5? (I have been telling people my entire life I'm 5'7 and at my last doctor's visit they informed me that I was a liar!)
Favorite Subject in School?
english and psych!
Dream Job?
any place I can help people. I would love to be involved in a cause larger than myself while also getting to do something I'm passionate about, so anything from an english teacher to an editor to a therapist to volunteer work!
open tag to anyone who would like to share! <3
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bloombubs · 10 months
Firstly, yes, you did tag it correctly! And second, please feel free to give me all of your thesis statements on Adrian Chase, if you wanna write a 10,000 word essay about that man best believe I will read it.
I also really love the idea of him having someone to come home to, to take care of and be taken care of by (and by God I love imagining I’m that person). I just want him to feel loved.
thank you for the ao3 help!!
adrian needs to be taken care of like the precious lil person he is and someone who accepts his....quirks for him.
As for thesis, of Adrian showing how he loves.......here we go:
Okay, small disclaimer before we delve into this: this is solely based on the perception I have in my head of Adrian Chase. This also isn’t listed in any particular order (just the order I copied and pasted it from lol). The more i wrote the more carried away I got oops. this isn't edited or revised but just pure nonsense spewing from the depths of my mind
Words of affirmation
In my mind, Adrian will constantly tell you that he loves you and that he misses you–especially when appropriate after the relationship develops. Without a doubt, he would compliment you on your looks, your new haircut, if he likes an outfit, if you smell good. He’s a chatty guy, he will say whatever comes straight to his mind. As for other things, I think you would tell him if you like hearing if he’s proud of you or deeper words of affirmations like “I value you”--he would say it, but he definitely says it in his own way. He definitely shows his appreciation better than words because in my head, I don’t see him being the best at articulating his feelings into words. But like, “you’re awesome!” or “dude (affectionately), you have no idea how cool you are for doing that.” Again, not as deep or romantic, but you know the intention of it. 
In bed? Different story. He loves praising you and….he loves being praised too. He will tell you how good you feel, how good you make him feel, complimenting anything his eyes land on, your skills, how in love he is with you. 
Quality time
Adrian is a sucker for quality time. Adrian in my mind is a bit clingy, but not in a negative way. I’m sure he gave you the proper space when you ask, but as mentioned in my other writings–Adrian wants to do everything with you from the most mundane activities to the most exciting. Doctor’s appointment? He’d be there holding your hand. Sitting on the couch with you and doing separate hobbies (Idk, I can see him cleaning his weapons and you’re doing a normal hobby, with the tv on in the background)? His favorite. Cooking dinner? He’s right beside you, or sitting down nearby to talk and ramble. Dancing in the living room together? He’s throwing it back. Singing horribly in his Vigilante mobile? You know it. 
Oh, don’t even get me started on his rambles. I’m not sure where this one falls in since it’s between physical touch and quality time, but I can vividly imagine this: two of you sitting on the couch, eating dinner, the tv playing in the background, your back is pressed against the arm of the couch and his is on the other, legs intertwined. Adrian is just talking, telling you random facts, stupid details about his day, going on about his missions that he promised he wouldn’t disclose with you (but does anyway), he talks about movies, the news—honestly, all everything and anything. 
Just seeing you in his line of sight is comforting enough for him. 
Coming back from patrols and missions truly makes his night when he comes home to see you, or knowing he’s hours closer to having you in his arms again.
He doesn’t want to miss a moment with you. 
Physical touch
This one definitely develops in the span of a relationship, all for different reasons. Emotionally, I think it takes a bit for him to understand what feels nice to be comforted and how you want to be comforted because each person is different. But also for him? He gives me touch deprived energy before you came into his life. 
He loves having you in his arms, making sure you feel safe and comfortable.
Basic things I’ve mentioned: massages, dancing, lotions on the leg, coming home and embracing you and lifting you off the ground with a twirl, peppering your face and neck with kisses, caressing your skin, needing to be touching you somehow, anyway. 
Brushing your hair, taking baths and showers with you, love bites, holding your hand while driving, back rubs to help you fall asleep, laying his head in your lap, his hand on your thigh when sitting together, totally fine with being either the small or big spoon. 
Obviously he can’t keep his hands off of you and you wouldn’t want them off of you. 
This man will make sure you’re satisfied before the night ends. He’ll keep going until you both can’t anymore.
Acts of service
Adrian shows his love with acts of service. I feel like this one tied with quality time, just in the sense that in the beginning of the relationship, these were the top two dominant ones. The basic act of service would be doing anything to protect you, right? It’s a given. Domestic wise? He would spoil you with simple things. I mentioned this before, but he definitely would love helping you apply lotion to your body, massages (physical touch, I know, but your body aches and he just wants you to be feeling your best self), if you cook, he cleans the dishes–or sometimes he cooks too. Holding doors open for you, developing photos you take together, killing the scary bugs, definitely pampering you wholesomely and in a risque manner—this man ALWAYS asks what he can do to make your day better. 
I can see him running a nice bath for you, pouring you a cheap glass of wine, heating up a towel for you when you get out, wrapping you up in one of his shirts or hoodies before pulling you into bed.
 Receiving gifts
This may not be the typical gift, but I can’t see him having a whole lot of money, but he sure is thoughtful. He’ll surprise you with your favorite snacks (this could be acts of service too imo), if you have a favorite show/band/book he will try to buy you something that reminds you of it, or even merch. He’ll fill your gas tank up without telling you because he wants to surprise you. He’ll definitely come home with dinner from Fennel Fields too. Oh!!! If they go on a mission a bit far, Adrian will pick up something random, but something that reminds him of you.
Do dick pics from days being apart count?
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
it is midnight and that means its saturday so i am here for my matchup 🤭 in all honesty i have been wanting to request one from u for so long bc i love the way u write your matchups loll, but ANYWAYS! could i pls get a haikyuu matchup? i go by she/her, im straight nd i’d like a romantic matchup 🫡 so im like 5’2 i think, dyed black hair (goes a bit past my shoulders and my natural color is brown), brown eyes, and i have a lot of freckles on my face. i have my septum and both sides of my nose pierced along with a few ear piercings.im an ambivert so how i act definitely depends on the environment im in but with the right people im very outgoing (very chatty lol). but my social battery also gets drained v fast so after big social gatherings i need some time to recover (usually recovering = taking a long nap). i get really snappy if i my social battery is drained so the whole recovery thing is v important lmao. i am also a very sleepy person, my friends like to joke that im chronically tired lmfao, i take naps almost every day and if im in a car, sitting down in class or doing something like that i probably will fall asleep. i cannot control it T_T i also trip, run into things, drop things, etc. all the time. my house could be dead silent and then out of nowhere u just hear a crash and “what the fuck” yea thats me sorry 🤫🤫 i also like to tease ppl a lot, not in a flirty way more like in a provoking way (i cant flirt i have 0 rizz). moving on!! some things i look for in a relationship r someone who can be patient with me and dont mind reassuring (if they do it without me asking its 100x better). i love when show theyre thinking abt me through little things like “oh i was at the store and i saw your fav candy so i picked it up” or “i saw your favorite flowers on my walk home and thought of you” id cry. also someone who isnt afraid to show they care (not in a sense of like pda but moreso they arent too prideful to do dumb stuff like dance with u at 2 am in the kitchen). anyways my type! they dont have to be like 7ft tall but maybe 5’9 or 5’10 +. i like funny guys but not funny at the expense of others. i also really like guys that are able to actually respect me as a person. i pride myself on being really smart and mature (when i need to be lol) and i genuinely would not be able to stand someone that saw me as any less than that. OK MOVING ON! hobbies/ interests! i love music. so much. music is my creative outlet and how i express myself. i annotate song lyrics. i connect with music through personal experience its just so so important to me. i am learning how to play the electric guitar so i can connect with it even more. my favorite artists rn are the 1975, mitski, ptv and sleeping with sirens:p although im always open to expanding my music taste!! i also like to play some video games(obsessed with animal crossing lately lol). aand my love language is words of affirmation. sorry if this is really long T_T and if you dont get to this no biggy but if you do tsym!<3
WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD THIS MORNING LMFAOOOOO. and that little note at the beginning is so sweet! i am so glad i am able to do a matchup for you anon!! okay, so i have a perfect little dude for you, but it may be random so bear with me. i love this man, so i hope you do too!
the character I chose for you is...
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ukai is flippin hot
i would love to be in your shoes
(he's my fav haikyuu character besides tanaka, so you're lucky frrr)
he would love your piercings
he's a piercing fella himself (he's what made me want to get my second ear piercings lmfaoooo)
like he thinks it's high key hot
he's also an ambrivert, so both of your personalities match up really well
he is totally understanding of your drained social battery (plus, he gets the same way) so he'll just let you nap while he works or leave you alone if needed
like will hold you in his arms and nap a whole day away when he gets the day off
you will always knock over things in his shop and he'll just laugh or wait for you to pick it up while dead staring at you lmfaoooo
he'll definitely know if you walk in when he hears a whole ass display get knocked over
he thinks it's cute when you tease him even if you say it isnt about flirting, his dumbass thinks it is which is fine by you so you can tease him more often
the real reason i picked this guy is because of what you said about him bringing you things that made him think of you
like this man will roll up with a chocolate bar and shove it in your hand with a pile of chips shoved in his mouth and say "I thought of you today at the store and grabbed this"
he doesnt see it as much, but you are over the moon about it
when he finds out about how much you love it, he will keep doing it
he is very patient and caring for you and literally only has eyes for you
he also always gets you to laugh, which always makes his day
please play music for him
he will have heart shaped eyes if you do
he will 100% play videogames with you, but you have to teach him how to play half of the time lmfaoooo
he will always tell you how much he loves you and how pretty and amazing you are frfr
if you go to any of his practices or games when he is coaching, he will brag about you
(i am so sorry this took so long i forgot it was in my drafts. i hope you love it nonetheless though!!!)
matchup rules --- pinned post
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I was tagged in this super cool Get to Know My OC game by @gummybugg !! Thank you a lot! Their answer is here
I choose my sweetest baby, Guan Zhuyu.
A dark figure walked past one of the pavilions in the household of the Minister Herald. Their chin was high and their posture relaxed. Good for me. I jumped at them from behind and pushed them to one of the empty rooms, which were used only during the day. Guan Zhuyu glanced around in panic but couldn't find any easy escape route. I flexed my muscles. They didn't really notice.
"Easy. I will ask a couple of questions, you will answer - that's all," I explained, trying to imitate Jigsaw. They nodded, clearly unimpressed by my amazing acting skills yet still worried. I decided to drop the act, "it's just a writeblr game. No gore."
1. Are you named after anyone?
Surely not. My courtesy name means beautiful writing (珠玉) and my given name is harmony (和) so... it is more possible that I was named after something. But I can't tell.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like... ten minutes ago?
3. Do you have kids?
No. Absolutely not. And I will never have them, don't even scare me. Guan Zhuyu dramatically fanned themselves.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Hmm... sometimes, for artistic purposes. However, I do not enjoy it.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their posture. Are they tightly upright? Is their head tilted? Second thing has to be hair, that's generally how I recognize people. Please, stop changing your hairstyles.
6. What's your eye color?
Dark like an eye of a raven.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oh, happy endings, definitely. If we can't have any of them in the real life, why don't let ourselves dream a little?
8. Any special talents?
Pouring tea. No one can do this more gracefully than me~
9. Where were you born?
In the capital city, on the outskirts. Growing up, my greatest longing was for the grand mountains of our kingdom, which I could so clearly see from our windows. Then I learnt that the side effect of climbing is sweat.
10. What are your hobbies?
Oh, I'm glad you asked. Writing poetry is my main passion, and I was very lucky to find a couple of friends who listen to them. Besides, I like to try new things whenever I have on occasion, meaning I have a new hobby every week.
11. Have you any pets?
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I am not a very athletic person. Running around the ministry usually fulfils my need for exercise, but I do enjoy some archery or qigong every now and then.
13. How tall are you?
Tall enough to see the top of head of the most of the men, just barely.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Calligraphy was a perfect balance between painting and writing.
15. Dream job?
No job. I am a parasite. What I like to do I do for no money and what I don't like to do... I have to do.
Zhuyu's gaze was eager and I begun to feel embarrassed. For a minute or two I was fidgeting with my fingers, then I finally admitted, "that's all."
"What a shame," they whispered and silently exited the room.
Gently tagging: @sam-glade @rains-inky-mind @lane-thepencilthing @uraniumwriting @unhinged-corvid
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ajaxhearts · 2 years
chapters, c. tartaglia
what's up bestays !!!!!! so i'm posting this because i had a little out-of-the-blue-writing-sesh at 3 in the morning since i was bored. i was so tired i couldnt bare another page saurrrr.... ANYWAYZ! hope you enjoy, love u guys <3
Chapter 1 Page 1: Without A Crush
Hellaur, it’s me. Writing this again… 
Day idontevenwannaknowanymore without a crush, and boy it still is as boring as it was before. Sure I have some fun occasionally, but that’s only when I’m doing random stuff or if I’m out with my friends. Besides that, basically my life is boring. All my friends seem to have someone they admire or like. Makes me feel like I’m the boring one in my group. Anyway, I hope someday I’ll find someone like that.
Signed, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 2: Cutie?
OMG! I'm finally in the Fatui Harbingers.. took me way too long and a lot of effort.. BUT BESIDES THAT, I saw someone at HQ and he was admittedly, kinda handsome.
I never paid much attention to this guy but after I focused on him for like, a few seconds; I realized how this guy was sorta attractive… in a sense. BUT! I wouldn’t say it’s a crush… not for long, probs. Maybe it’ll just pass.
Sincerely, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 3: In Denial
I can’t stop looking at him during training or when I'm in meetings. We just got partnered up for missions, too! I don’t honestly know what I’m feeling right now but it definitely can’t and won’t be a crush...
Stressed, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 4: No Longer In Denial…?
How do I even begin?
I can’t stop thinking about him and lately, I was called to stay after a meeting to talk with Signora about… my attention span during our meetings. She mentioned how I always seem like I have something on my mind; or someone. I OBVIOUSLY didn’t tell her ANYTHING but I think she's onto me, god. So that made me assess myself.. and I’m 50% sure this is a crush now… when I thought it could have never been.
Confused, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 5: Acceptance Stage
Okay, well hi. 
I think I have to accept the fact that I have a crush. My friends mentioned to me a few hours ago that I would always talk about him. No matter where we are, anytime, and what we would be doing. Even when we were just talking, APPARENTLY I’d always find a way to bring the topic back to him. GOD WHEN WILL THIS BE OVER. But yep, I think your beloved Y/N has a crush now.
Unbelievably, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 6: Friends?
HE WALKED UP TO ME EARLIER AND SAID IF HE WANTED TO BE MORE THAN JUST ACQUAINTANCES AND I FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I obviously said yes…….. So now we're friends, hopefully we'll grow closer?
Chapter 1 Page 7: More..
So I learned more about what he likes, what he dislikes, his hobbies, and more. I learned that his favorite color was blue, which is cute BTW!!!!!! because I like blue too.. hehe. Moving on, I found out he was a new Harbinger while I was still under training. He mentioned that he’s met me before but I had a hard trouble remembering. Now, I’m slowly getting to know the guy here and there.
Better than ever, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 8: Fallen?
Where do I start..?
For Morax's sake, he's so handsome. I can't even over exaggerate that! His hair looks absolutely perfect and soft.. His eyes are so endearing! He's got the humor that one needs in a guy. He's even better in battle but holy mama, when I see him battle, he looks so focused. His hair falls so freely and his face has utter determination. Ugh! I've been admiring him too much lately..
With love, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 9: Drew My Attention.
Getting to know the guy, he's very interesting.
We've talked about a few things while on missions, from how we came to wanting to be a Harbinger, to the reason why we decided to pursue our wants. He's quite the guy, there's a lot to him. More than I thought he'd have.
Intrigued, Y/N.
Chapter 1 Page 10: Close Call
So, right now, I'm being risky and writing while I'm on a mission with him.
Honestly, after working with him for a while, I've really seen how dedicated he is to accomplishing missions assigned to him. Though, it's a different story when he's in battle. He's so into it, like it's the only thing he lives for, he loves the heat of the battle, his eyes somehow.. sparkle. Yes, he's good at fighting but he always comes back to camp with wounds all over him. It sucks seeing him like that but it's what he's used to. Some part of me really wants to help him and pro-
Chapter 1 Page 11: Phew!
Sorry, almost got caught by the very guy himself.
He came rushing into camp asking for me to come with him. We went off to investigate the other camps present around us. Of course, he had wounds all over him; but there was nothing I could do. So, I followed him and our investigation went on. Were back at camp and he's fast asleep. Anyway, today was a long day.
Tired, Y/N.
semi-part 2 here.
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sakurahisuii · 2 months
Wait, What's living in the present? 🧘🏽‍♀️
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👋🏽Hello Friends!👋🏽
I was reading "You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero, and I don't usually enjoy reading. It would take months to read a book. I'm pretty sure I have had a book on anxious attachment for almost 2 years now. Reading is definitely not my favorite hobby. While I was reading "You Are a Badass," I was reading it on a lake beach with my sorority sisters while they were in the water. The chapter that I read was regarding living in the present. Which is something I'm not usually good at. I'm either stuck in my past or anxious about the future. It's either overthinking something that happened in the past, recalling past memories, being anxious about what's going to happen next, making plans for the next 6 months, or thinking about someone I shouldn't be thinking about. The one pillar of DBT that I'm the worst at is mindfulness. Mindfulness is truly my biggest enemy, besides time. Being mindful goes hand-in-hand with living in the present; no wonder I suck at staying in the present moment.
🧠What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the act of being fully present and aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Click here to learn more about mindfulness: What Is Mindfulness? (verywellmind.com) 🧠
Over time, I have gotten better at being mindful; I sure don't suck at it as much as I used to. But I still have a lot of work to do. My therapist always tries to get me to work on mindfulness, and I just tell him... "Yikes, that's a no-go for me." I guess I should listen to him (don't tell him I said that; he'll have a field day). While I was reading the one chapter in "You Are a Badass," there was something that clicked with me. Sincerto said, "When we get so wrapped up in our heads, we miss out on what's available to us right now in the moment" (p. 41). I mean, she is completely right, so why is it so hard to live in the present? Well, I can't give you that answer, but I can tell you when I have a hard time in the present. All my life, depression and emotions have been in my life. Everything else in life became second to my emotions. Then my emotions and thoughts became priorities. It's hard to focus on anything else when you have such emotions. Balancing my emotions is something that I've been working on for years because my brain simply doesn't process emotions the same way as others. Luckily, I have a ton of resources that I either found or someone told me. One way that I found to help me stay in the present is to identify my emotions and journal what caused them. I use an app that my therapist showed me called "How We Feel," and it shows a ton of emotions with definitions, and I can choose which one I feel like I'm feeling the most. I also use an app that I found when I was searching for BPD resources called "DBT Coach." I decided to subscribe to DBT Coach because I figured that I would be more inclined to use the app if I paid for it, which could be very helpful for me since I needed to use my DBT skills more. These apps together really have helped me take a small step back, think about what I'm feeling, and write a little. Now this is just a tiny step in the right direction, but it's more than I've done in the past. I try to take one of my ex-boyfriend's philosophies to heart a little more, which is to just live in the present and not worry about the future since we can't tell the future. I've tried so many times to apply that in my life, especially when it comes to being in love, but my second biggest enemy, time, always loves to get into my head. It feels like hours when minutes can pass by. I truly wish I could figure out when I always have this sense of urgency and why I have to basically "itch the scratch" to feel relief. I wish I could find it in my brain and rip out that programming (along with some other ones), but wouldn't that be so nice? I guess this also goes along with the mindfulness and impulsivity that I feel as someone with BPD. I guess I have to do a little bit more research and get some more work done. Wish me luck Until next time, friends!💝
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drac-onion · 11 months
Didn't get around to working on today's (er, yesterday's?) chapter. It is what it is. I'll see about getting two chapters done tomorrow and then posting them both. Apologies, but I just got sucked back into Persona 5 Royal as soon as I got home from work and I've been grinding away at that. I feel like I really want to go through the older chapters once all is said and done and clean them up and maybe add some Royal elements. Nothing major, just some references and maybe even some character appearances exclusive to Royal. Although, I'm limited by how much of Royal I've gone through at the time of writing. I'm on 12/8 right now, so anything up to then as far as Royal content is concerned. If anything, I can probably start writing Kasumi into some text conversations at least. Anything more than that at this point would probably be a bit too much. I've been very careful to not really include any of the main story in my works, besides some offhanded mentions. Why? There's not really a reason, I just don't think it's necessary to mention. Anyone reading P5 fics knows the story (I hope), so I don't feel the need to rehash things everyone already knows about, unless it's relevant to the situation at hand.
I think I mentioned it in a reply to a comment on BTM, but I do plan on also going through and reordering the chapters to be chronological when all is said and done, along with an epilogue of sorts.
This has been a valuable experience for me. I can't even recall a time where I was this dedicated to writing. It's very freeing, in a way, having a hobby to work on. I hope my writing appears to be getting better. I reread BHM a while back and uh, yeah, that one definitely needs a second pass. I think I heard somewhere that if you cringe over things you've done in the past, that just means you've grown. Here's hoping I'm not the only one who's noticed the growth.
Ramble over. Two chapters tomorrow (hopefully). Reading Together and Picnic. I have some ideas, so they shouldn't take too much brainstorming to come up with. I just hope the fluff isn't too...safe? Boring? Inconsequential? I would like to depict Makoto and Ann's relationship progressing over time, but it's hard to keep track of developments when everything is out of order. All because I felt like I had to apply a date to every single chapter...what a brilliant idea, writing myself into multiple corners like that. Oh well.
Ok, NOW the ramble is over.
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morehoneythanbadger · 2 years
Can I request first date imagine for Lewis and Fernando? Thanks and love the writing 🥰
A/N: 💕thank you & hope you like it!
First date with...
Lewis Hamilton: Museum date.
This little nerd would drag you to the museum but to be precise, to the space museum. I have a feeling he'd be into this kind of stuff, like planets, stars, constellations etc. and Lewis would want to share his knowledge and admire these things with you. Now, how did the date went? You both agreed to meet at the spot nearby the museum. Lewis made sure he was a bit earlier there than you. He was not afraid of hugging you, so the first thing when you met there was a big, but short hug. He insisted to pay for everything on that day so, even if you wanted give him money back for tickets and whatnot, he wouldn't let you to do so. That day you went throught almost every exhibition that was available. A time to time you stayed either sitting at the café or watching some documentary about the Big Bang. At the end of the day Lewis took you to REAL observatory to see the stars. "You really thought about every detail, didn't you?" you said to him with a smile when you both entered the building. He shrugged shoulders and responded with: "Well, I think details matter. Mostly when it comes to first date..and second..and third and so on.." you giggled and gave him a light punch on a shoulder. "Haha, nice one."
When it got finally darker but also colder, you both went to the highest point of the observatory to look for possible stars and comets. Underestimating the weather, you weren't wearing anything close to a definition of warm clothing so as a result your body shivered when the chilly wind hit your skin. Lewis noticed and without asking you any question, he unzipped his hoodie and put it around your shoulders. Even though at first you wanted to refuse it, but in the end you gladly accepted it under one condition. "Can we- Can we hug? You know, sharing the body heat." you suggested with playful smile and hoped for the answer your heart wanted. "Yeah, we should definitely share some..body heat." Lewis laughed at your witty question and then wrapped his big arms around your body pulling you as close to him as humanly possible. Returning back the hug you turned your glance to the sky, which was full of bright, shining stars. "This is so beautiful, Lewis. I really enjoyed the whole day with you. Thank you.." you whispered and felt gentle touch of his hand as he caressed your hair. "I'm just glad you liked it really. Ah-hah, see? The shooting star! Quick, make a wish." he pointed his finger on the dot falling down from the sky and while you were looking that way, he leaned to you and gave your cheek a quick kiss.
Fernando Alonso: Karting date.
Let me explain. All he wants is to have someone beside him who understands his job and hobby - racing. He couldn't be with someone who doesn't share his passion, so naturally, he's taking you to the local karting track to show you his ""work place"" . Of course, you don't need to be completely obsessed with motosport, but showing just a little interest would make his heart go 💓.
Now back to your date with Nando. It was Tuesday because on Wednesday he was already leaving for another race. He told you to wear comfortable clothes and added that he will take care of everything else. Came to pick you at your place and you both welcomed with a hug. "I'm happy you agreed to this." he said as you two were approaching the track. You nodded. "Of course. However I've never went karting so this is all new to me." you admitted with a bit embarassed blush in your cheeks. "Don't worry. I'm sure that after a few laps for warm-up you will be like a lighting." he smiled at you. You didn't even know what time it was but the sky turned dark already. At the end of the day, Fernando was right. You got better and better each lap but you were sure you wouldn't be able to do it without his help. When he drove you back home, from car's trunk he gently pulled out a bouquet of flowers which he managed to secretly put there while you were on the track. Both of you were standing in front of your entrance door facing each other. "Thanks for today. I had fun." you said to him and Fernando smirked. "I don't know what I'd do if you weren't having fun honestly. But also I don't want you to think that racing is all I can do. I'm a man of many talents you know." he added and you laughed a bit. "I'm ready to explore your other talents." "Does that mean second date?" You gave him a quick peck on right cheek. "Yes. Yes, it does.
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