#i definitely stole some songs from others’ playlists but i love picking and choosing from a bunch of playlists to make one super playlist
goatsghost · 1 year
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i’m enjoying myself making my dumb little character playlists for the batfamily 🥰
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wingsnwangs · 21 days
staff member's sexy time playlist songs idk i did this on my other blog and i have fun doing this so i'm just gonna jump right in - adding 1-2 songs ig. select muses because not all of them are developed enough / would have music playing. feel free to send individual asks for more insight or songs from the boys themselves!! they would love it!!
shikkie this man probably doesn't care too much about music during sex so I'm gonna chuck it out there and say something kinda generic along the lines of leave the door open by bruno mars, anderson .paak and silk sonic locked out of heaven by bruno mars
tae il another who wouldn't care too much, but would be really picky about it when it's discussed. feminine singers would be his main choice like two weeks by fka twigs moonlight by kali uchis
binnie oooo a tough boy to choose for. probably something loud-ish, to drown out the sounds when he's in his dorm room. would it be too clique to give this brash and abrupt boy rude boy by rihanna nails by call me karizma
hwa hwa is similar nam in the sense that the songs they dance to are definitely on their sexy times playlists. and he's such a coyote ugly 2000s pop girlie fanboy for sure, so can't fight the moonlight by leann rimes automatic by red velvet
noah FUCKBOY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER RIGHT HERE. you just know he's listening to some generic shit during sex, but also throws some women singers in there; yknow, to make the ladies feel like he's a feminist too pony by ginuwine 34+35 by ariana grande
yan an let's be real he doesn't have a playlist. it's just the sound of netflix or whatever show he put on to chill in the background. probably stole noah's playlist dangerous woman by ariana grande often by the weeknd
si woo si woo definitely operates on a vibe that's closer to rock than anything. pop music during sex just weirds him out. so that definitely includes the death of peace of mind by bad omens across the bed by volumes
dae sung manager hyung just doesn't do music, I'm sorry. he doesn't care for music during sex
yeol yeol??? music during sex???? it's just ambient noise. no care for it either. more likely to just chuck on the radio if they want noise. enjoy having sex to the 5pm news broadcast or whatever
mason fuckboy number 2. noah but with more curation, yknow? still a little generic with his choices though streets by doja cat water by tyla
nam nam fancies the 80s and 90s rock to dance to, and the same goes for his music choices for sex. not only is poison his favourite song to dance to, but his number one sex song pick too poison by alice cooper closer by nine inch nails
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kaalamarii · 4 years
Karaoke Headcanons
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I left out Barbatos, Simeon, and Luke but I’m pretty proud of this ridiculousness.
Hope you like it, anon!
Absolutely scoffs at the thought of karaoke
Cause he’s a bitch
Who in all the worlds would ever find this fun???
It’s loud
All these songs are abhorrent
ugh , these flashing lights are too much
But these drinks are pretty good.
Like, really good.
Lucifer has a lot of them.
Basically gets white girl wasted.
“I cAn SiNg WaY bEtTeR tHaN yOu CaN, sAtAn...”
MC and his brothers finally talk him into going up
Slurs his way through Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York”
Has a pretty good voice actually. It’s kind of deep and clear (despite the drunkenness) and fits the Sinatra sound perfectly.
He stays up for several songs and tries to fight his brothers when they try to pull him off stage
MC and Diavolo finally convince him to let someone else have a turn
And to get some water.
Wakes up the next morning with a hoarse voice and no recollection of the night until he sees the videos his brothers took
Probably bans them from their phones until he has a chance to delete them all
(he doesn’t know about the ones Diavolo has though)
Totally up for karaoke
“Gotta show off my talent”
Steals the bartender’s tips when nobody’s looking
Also steals the bathroom attendant’s tips
And other random stuff he finds
Takes a million photos and videos of drunk Lucifer
Chooses the common songs
“Don’t Stop Believing”
“Living on A Prayer”
“Sweet Caroline” (with his brothers and MC doing the BA-BA-BA!, of course)
Is a decent singer and actually puts on a pretty good show
Probably gets kicked out when they find out he’s the one stealing everybody’s tips
Lucifer makes him go back the next night to work to pay back what he stole
Isn’t super keen on going but is slightly interested because he saw karaoke on an anime once
MC talks him into going
Takes a handheld game with him and plays almost the entire time
Refuses to sing until MC calls him up to do a duet with them
And actually finds it kind of fun
Excited to find a couple of anime theme songs and a bunch of kpop
Gets jealous and sad sacky if MC does duets with anyone else
Poor baby is not a good singer
But he’s trying!
Posts commentary on the night:
“Lolololol lucifer is super drunk”; “Mammon just spilled drinks all over the place. Loser.”; “Satan just totally threw up in here rofl”
Gets angry when a drunken Mammon heckles him and refuses to do anymore songs
Pouts the rest of the night
Secretly downloads the songs he sang with MC and puts on one man shows for Henry in his bedroom
Also thinks karaoke is dumb
But Lucifer is annoyed with it so Satan’s down to go
Asks MC and Solomon what the most annoying songs to sing are so he can drive Lucifer crazy
“500 Miles”
“Achy Breaky Heart”
A very awkward rendition of “My Heart Will Go On”
It’s ridiculous because he doesn’t knows the words
But he’s so determined to give Lucifer a hard time
The drunker he and Lucifer gets the more funny it is to everyone else
They actually end up doing a really sloppy duet of “Bohemian Rhapsody” that astounds everyone
Sings out of tune, but isn’t the worst singer of the bunch
Mammon gets him to sing “Happy” by Pharrell Williams
Satan hates it.
Never admits that he had a lot of fun that night and actually found some new songs that he likes
Gets Achy Breaky Heart stuck in his head for weeks after much to his chagrin
(congratulations, you played yourself)
Asmo LOVES karaoke
Has a great voice and great stage presence
Gets super dressed up, hair, makeup, heels
Asmo’s a freakin’ star
Sings a lot of cheesy love songs and “dedicates” them to MC
Also sings a lot of sexually charged songs like
“Cherry Pie” by Warrant
And “Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred
Definitely does “Like A Virgin” and “I Touch Myself”
You know he and MC do a “All The Single Ladies” with complete dance moves
Flirts with the bartender to get free drinks
Takes selfies and live streams on Devilgram all night
Is interested as soon as MC tells him about greasy bar food
But also thinks it sounds like it could be fun
Just wants to eat and be around his favorite people
Likes all kinds of music
Isn’t a big singer but can carry a simple tune
Sings a bunch of random songs that everyone else picks for him
“If You Like Pina Coladas”
“Pour Some Sugar On Me”
Mostly does duets with the others though
MC and Solomon are impressed with how much alcohol Beel can put away before he’s even slightly tipsy
He doesn’t drink or sing much because he’s more interested in the food and watching the cute little shows his friends and family put on
Gets upset when the kitchen runs out of food and throws a bit of tantrum until MC steps in and promises to get him more food once they head home
Doesn’t really want to go but Beel wants him to and so does MC
So he goes
You know this bitch sleeps most of the night
Could be a good singer but doesn’t care enough
Doesn’t really go up on stage to sing unless it’s with Beel or MC
By himself he does a couple of songs, probably something slow like “Hey Jude”
Or something emo like “The Black Parade”
Doesn’t drink, it makes him too sleepy
Rolls his eyes at everything Lucifer and Diavolo say or do
It was Diavolo’s idea to take everyone to karaoke!
Solomon told him about it and he was so excited!
Friends! Music! Drinks! Diavolo couldn’t think of anything more fun!
He asks Solomon and MC’s advice for songs to sing and they pick a few for him
Of course, they troll him
“You should definitely check out this song called ‘Friday’ by Rebecca Black”
“Yeah, it’s really popular in the human world.”
“Also, you and Lucifer should do a duet of Summer Nights from Grease.”
“Make sure Lucifer does Sandy’s parts”
MC makes him a playlist on his D.D.D. and this cutie pie memorizes every song on there.
Makes Barbatos practice with him ahead of time.
Is a great singer, of course
And a very good entertainer.
Wants to stay all night, still singing as the bar is closing up and everyone else is falling asleep.
“We’ll be back next weekend!” (groans from everyone else)
Makes everyone go every weekend for a month and a half until Barbatos has to talk him out of it.
Everyone pulls cash together to get Diavolo a karaoke machine.
It’s one of his prized possessions and they all agree to a karaoke night once every two months.
Diavolo uses it constantly much to Barbatos’ dismay.
MC continues to add songs to his playlist.
Solomon and MC
Sing “What’s New Pussycat” 21 times, with “It’s Not Unusual” after the seventh “What’s New Pussycat”
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staystrange · 4 years
a sentence in the story of us
Schitt’s Creek • Patrick Brewer / David Rose Rating: T • ~4k words • ao3
David realizes he has no idea what he’s going to walk into since everything he’d meticulously planned for months had been completely ruined by the stupid rain. But to his surprise, he realizes that none of that matters to him anymore, that all he needs for the wedding to be the thing of perfection that he’s always hoped it would be is Patrick at his side. And that’s where Patrick is right now, his smile limitless and his eyes incapable of straying far from David’s as if they were connected by an invisible string. David knows in that moment with extreme clarity that he’s never been happier in his entire life, and he also knows that Patrick would say the same without so much as a nanosecond of hesitation.
Scenes and moments from David and Patrick's wedding reception.
Title from "This Promise" by Sam Tsui and Casey Breves. If you want to add some joy to your day, go watch the music video - it's five minutes of footage from their wedding and it's beautiful.
David Rose pulls away from his first kiss with Patrick as husbands (husbands!!) and rubs his hands up and down the fabric of Patrick’s sleeves, mouthing “I love you” to him without caring that his eyes are definitely crinkling at the corners. Their arms extend across each other’s backs as they walk back down the aisle and towards the door to head over to the Café Tropical (Twyla’s Cafe Tropical now, David reminds himself), where, if all is going according to their new plan, everything should be set up for their wedding reception. David realizes he has no idea what he’s going to walk into since everything he’d meticulously planned for months had been completely ruined by the stupid rain. But to his surprise, he realizes that none of that matters to him anymore, that all he needs for the wedding to be the thing of perfection that he’s always hoped it would be is Patrick at his side. And that’s where Patrick is right now, his smile limitless and his eyes incapable of straying far from David’s as if they were connected by an invisible string. David knows in that moment with extreme clarity that he’s never been happier in his entire life, and he also knows that Patrick would say the same without so much as a nanosecond of hesitation.
When they reach the doorway, Patrick pulls David into a side hallway, leaving their families and their guests to walk out into the miraculously clear early evening without them. “Don’t worry, I told Stevie to set aside a plate of hors d’oeuvres for you in case they’re gone before we make it over there,” Patrick says softly, leaning in even closer to David.
David lets out a breathy laugh, burying his head in Patrick’s shoulder and whispering “I love you” in his ear. Apparently, the three words that David had only ever said twice before meeting Patrick are the only words he’s capable of saying to him now, and the only way he can express the overwhelming emotion filling him from head to toe. “You told her to save me extra of the potato puffs, right? Because those are —”
“Your favorite, I know, and yes, I did,” Patrick replies, finishing David’s thought. David’s eyes slowly travel down Patrick’s body and back up to his face again, and he knows Patrick’s are moving along a similar path, the silence that now fills the Town Hall allowing them a moment to appreciate each other in their wedding suits without being interrupted. “Okay, I never thought I’d say this, but I am so glad you managed to resist all of my attempts to get you to change your mind about not letting me see you in your wedding suit before today. As soon as I saw you, I almost stole you away from Alexis and kissed you before you made it down the aisle,” Patrick says.
“Just kissed me? That’s it?” David raises an eyebrow.
“Well, I would have done more than kiss you but we were in public, at our wedding no less.” Patrick’s breath hitches on the word “wedding” this time, and the tears that David had thought he’d run out of during the ceremony manage to return enough to fill his eyes. “David, you look, well, beautiful isn’t a strong enough word, but it’s the only one I can think of right now,” Patrick continues seriously, clasping his hands together at the nape of David’s neck, careful not to touch his perfectly-styled hair.
“You do too,” David replies, his fingers ghosting over Patrick’s sleeves again before coming to rest at Patrick’s waist. Their bodies press together, fitting together perfectly, and David is hyperaware of every point of contact between them like they’re flirting and dancing around each other in the store all over again. He sees Patrick glance down at David’s right hand, the light glinting off of his four gold engagement rings, and then at his left hand, bare except for the smooth gold wedding band on his left ring finger that perfectly matches the one in the same place on Patrick’s left hand. A tinge of disbelief works its way into Patrick’s expression - no, not disbelief, David realizes. It’s wonder. David kisses him then, and for a brief shocking moment he wishes he could stay in the grimy hallway with his lips against Patrick’s, in each other’s arms, sharing the same breaths, instead of joining everybody else at the café. But David knows his stomach would never stand for that, so he pulls back and sighs happily at his husband.
“Ready to head over, David?” Patrick asks.
“Ready when you are, Mr. Brewer,” David replies, picking up the bouquet of white roses he’d left on a nearby bench.
“It’s Mr. Rose now,” Patrick reminds him as they walk through the doorway, and he’s right, it is.
The door to the café is closed as they approach, but just as Patrick’s about to pull it open with his right hand (his left is holding David’s), Stevie cracks it open and smiles at the sight of them.
“Oh good, you’re here. We’re just about ready to introduce you two for your first dance, so wait for my cue. I’ll take those,” Stevie says, all business, as she reaches for the bouquet of flowers in David’s other hand, “and your potato puffs are waiting for you at the head table. Ronnie’s guarding them, and no one would dare mess with her, so no need to worry.”
“Thank you,” David says quietly. “You’re an incredible Maid of Honor.”
“I know,” Stevie replies with a smirk, but David knows she’s secretly pleased.
She slips back inside, and a few moments later, David hears her voice amplified through the café’s sound system. “It is my honor to present the grooms, Mr. and Mr. Rose, for their first dance as husbands.”
The door flies open, narrowly avoiding hitting Patrick in the face, and Jocelyn smiles at them with a hand on the door as David and Patrick walk into their wedding reception and take their places in the middle of the makeshift dance floor. The opening lyrics of “Simple Kind of Love” play from the speakers (they hadn’t been able to afford a live band or even a DJ, so David and Patrick had curated the perfect wedding playlist together) and David rests his head on Patrick’s shoulder again as they start to sway back and forth.
David remembers the day Patrick introduced him to what would eventually become their first dance song. It had been a rare day when neither of them was working at the store (the weather forecast had predicted so much snow that they’d decided to close the store for the day just to be safe), and David had woken up to the sound of Patrick’s acoustic guitar. He’d rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up, listening for a few moments before walking over to Patrick and pressing a good morning kiss to his temple. “Is that an original song?” David asked once Patrick’s calloused fingers had stilled on the strings.
Patrick chuckled. “No, not this time. It’s just a song I found the other day and liked.”
“Can I hear it?” Patrick reached for his phone, but David rested his hand on Patrick’s arm to stop him. “I want to hear you sing it.”
Patrick nodded, his fingers returning to the guitar strings. David was surprised by how much he related to the song, the lyrics describing a love so magical that neither person needed anything else but each other. A few years ago, David would have scoffed at the idea, but as he listened to Patrick sing, he realized that at the end of the day, nothing else mattered as much as Patrick.
“She’s queer and Jewish, too, by the way,” Patrick had said after the last notes had faded away.
“What?” David responded, still lost in thought.
“The artist who wrote the song, she’s queer and Jewish. She recorded it with her wife.”
“Oh,” David said, surprised.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, and Patrick started nervously picking at the guitar strings. “You don’t like it,” he said, his hands still again.
David shook his head at how wrong he was. “No, Patrick, I love it,” he whispered. “Can you play it again?”
David saved the original recording to his Spotify account, and he started listening to it whenever his racing thoughts kept him awake long after Patrick’s breaths had evened out next to him. He’d once woken Patrick up by crying while listening to it, and Patrick had smiled his fond smile that he only ever shared with David and reached for one of his earbuds so they could listen to it together.
When it had been time to choose a song for their first dance at their wedding reception, they hadn’t even bothered to consider another option.
As they keep swaying, David notices that Patrick’s singing along softly so that only David can hear, and David holds his husband even tighter as he mouths the lyrics into Patrick’s shoulder.
‘Cause you’re right here, and that’s all I need from you Forever dear, my soul will cling to you And I know that we’re the simple kind of love And we don’t need anything but us
When the song ends, Patrick presses a gentle kiss to David’s lips and then another to his favorite spot on the side of David’s neck, pulling him into a hug.
Stevie and Alexis run up to meet them in the center of the room, throwing their arms around David and Patrick, who are still locked in each other’s embrace. The force of their impact knocks the breath out of David’s lungs for a moment, but he doesn’t mind; he’s filled to the brim with love anyway. The four of them stay huddled in a group hug for a few moments until David has to gently nudge Stevie and Alexis back so that he has room to breathe (because unfortunately it is not yet scientifically possible to sustain life on love alone). Patrick laughs, taking David’s hand and pulling him over to their seats.
David’s only halfway through his stash of potato puffs when Stevie takes the mic in her hand again and taps it to get everyone’s attention.
“Is this thing on?” she asks, her voice echoing through the room as she shifts from one foot to the other. “Okay good.” She has a crumpled bundle of papers in her hand, and David can tell even from a distance that they’re damp with nervous sweat. “While David stuffs his face with potato puffs —” David tries to shoot her an incredulous look in response, but fails miserably because his mouth is, in fact, stuffed with potato puffs — “I guess now is a good time to give my speech. As David knows, I can’t be sincere to save my life, but he asked me to do this anyway. So David, if this speech sucks, it’s your fault.” Everyone laughs, and Stevie looks pleased.
She clears her throat and flattens the papers against her leg before holding them up in front of her face. “When I met David when he first moved to Schitt’s Creek, all he was to me was the guy who was living in room 8 of the motel who demanded extra towels all the time. Then, he became the guy that I got high with and the only person in this town that I actually wanted to spend time with. For a brief moment in time, he was the guy that I was sleeping with — oh, don’t give me that look, Roland, everybody knows.” David chokes on the bite of potato puff in his mouth, and Patrick’s eyes widen. “But then we realized that we’d be better off as friends, and that’s what we’ve been to each other ever since.
“I’d never called anyone a real friend before David, and I think the same is true for him,” Stevie continues, and David nods in confirmation. “Having David as my friend has been the greatest honor and, dare I say it, joy of my life. He’s the only person I’ve ever known who’s as sarcastic and cynical and self-deprecating as I am, and the fact that we’re so alike is oddly comforting. After Patrick first arrived in town and had that fateful first meeting with David about the business license for his general but also very specific store, I started noticing changes in David. They were small ones at first, like the way he would smile fondly whenever he said Patrick’s name and the fact that he never shut up about him. But soon enough, those changes got bigger. I watched David push himself so far out of his comfort zone just to make Patrick happy, and along the way, he began to let himself trust people and be vulnerable with people. I guess I learned how to do some of that too just by being by his side and supporting and encouraging him through it all. David and Patrick have something that most people, myself included, only dream about, and watching them fall in love has been such an honor. I’m so happy for you both, and David, I promise I mean every single word of this and I’m not just keeping up our friendship for the free wine from the store.”
Stevie folds the pages back up and slides them into her pocket, raising her glass of champagne. “To David and Patrick.”
The rest of the room follows her lead, raising their glasses, some of them more full than others. “To David and Patrick.”
“To us,” Patrick says, turning in his chair to face David.
“To us.” David clinks his glass against Patrick’s and drains it.
There’s a little bit of a lull in energy as the guests finish their first course (mozzarella sticks, of course), so Stevie plugs the aux cord back into her phone and puts the wedding playlist back on. “Run Away With Me” by Carly Rae Jepsen blasts through the speakers, and David, more than a little buzzed after multiple glasses of champagne, jumps up from his seat, pulling Patrick to his feet. “We have to go dance, right now,” David insists. “Where’s Alexis?” He spots her on the dance floor already, making up dance moves on the spot with Twyla by her side.
David starts to walk toward her, but Patrick’s hand in his stops him from moving more than a few steps away from the table. “You don’t want to eat your main course first?” Patrick asks, gesturing to the plates that had just been set down on the table.
David considers his husband’s words for a few moments before shaking his head. “No thanks, there’s plenty of time for that later. You can’t just not dance when Carly Rae Jepsen plays. It’s a crime against humanity.” He scrunches his face up at Patrick and Patrick relents, following David’s lead as he joins Alexis and Twyla on the dance floor.
Before David realizes what he’s doing, he’s scream-singing the words along with Alexis, and more and more people are joining them on the dance floor. Once the second chorus hits, she hands him off to Patrick who had been dancing with Twyla. On “we could turn the world to gold,” Patrick takes David’s hand and holds it up, twirling David under their raised arms. The laughter that bubbles out of Patrick is unlike anything David’s ever heard before, and if this is what being married is like, David wants to spend the rest of his life making Patrick laugh like that.
“Hey, Patrick, will you run away with me?” David asks when the song ends, batting his eyelashes at Patrick.
“I already did the whole running away thing, remember?” Patrick replies, not giving in to David’s tipsy banter. “But sure, as long as it’s not a permanent thing.”
They dance to a few more songs on the wedding playlist, including another Carly Rae Jepsen song (“You can never have too many of her songs on a playlist, Patrick!”); Patrick’s favorite Taylor Swift song; and “Closer” by Tegan and Sara, a song that David has always loved but has gotten quite a bit more airtime on David’s Spotify since he’d started dating Patrick. “Always Be My Baby” by Mariah Carey plays next, and as David takes a break from dancing, he notices his parents slow dancing together and looking at each other with so much love that he can’t help but smile.
A few moments later, David turns to Patrick. “So that’s why you insisted on putting this song on the playlist. You had already planned to sing it as part of your vows.”
“Indeed I did,” Patrick says, resting his hands on David’s shoulders. “David, you still haven’t eaten, have you?”
David smiles sheepishly. “No, I haven’t, but it’s fine, the people getting married never actually eat at their wedding.”
“Yes, but this is you we’re talking about, and your dad spent so much money on this incredible food for us. We owe it to him to go eat at least some of it.”
“Fine, I guess you’re right.” David rolls his eyes, but doesn’t object when Patrick gently nudges him toward the table. When Patrick doesn’t sit down next to him, he raises an eyebrow. “Oh, so we’re being a hypocrite now, aren’t we?”
“I’m going to go get us some water, okay? You enjoy the food, and I’ll be back in a second.” Patrick leans in and kisses David on the cheek before walking toward the drink table in the back. David watches as his mom stops Patrick along the way, giving him a hug and saying something in his ear. He can’t tell what she says, but by the way Patrick’s face flushes pink, he figures it’s either something incredibly embarrassing or something genuine and sweet, which would be uncharacteristic from his mother but on a day like this one, anything is possible.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees someone sit in Patrick’s chair next to him, and when he realizes it’s none other than Marcy Brewer, his mother-in-law, he swallows down the bite of food he’s chewing and smiles softly at her. “Hey, Marcy. Having a good time?”
“I just wanted to tell you that you and my sweet boy planned a beautiful wedding,” she says, her fingers twisting in her lap.
David shakes his head, surprising himself with his humility. “I had nothing to do with any of this. This was all Patrick and my dad saving the day when the rain sent me into a state of complete panic.” David takes a deep breath, willing the tears to stay at bay and knowing that he won’t be able to hold them back if this conversation lasts much longer. “Thank you for raising him and helping to make him the wonderful person he is. I’m so happy with him.”
“Oh, honey, thank you for making him so happy. That’s all we’ve ever wanted for him, and when we see how he looks when he’s with you, we know he did the right thing when he left and moved here, even though it was hard for us to wrap our heads around at the time.” David nods in understanding. “Welcome to the family, David.”
“Thank you, Marcy,” David replies.
David feels a hand on his shoulder, and he looks up to see that his husband has returned with two large glasses of water. He hands one to David and turns to Marcy. “Can I have my husband back now, Mom?” he asks her, leaning against the side of David’s chair.
“Of course. I was just officially welcoming David to the family.” Marcy stands and returns to her seat next to her husband, but not before smiling fondly at David. David can tell where Patrick gets his fondness from.
“I didn’t bring you this glass of water for you to not drink it, David,” Patrick teases, snapping David out of his thoughts. He rolls his eyes and raises the glass to his lips.
It doesn’t feel like any time has passed at all before Tina Turner’s “The Best” is playing out of the café speakers and Stevie and his dad are carefully moving David and Patrick’s wedding cake out into the middle of the room. David gasps at how beautiful it is, it being the one somewhat extravagant part of David’s original vision for the wedding that hadn’t been ruined by the weather. The cake is a soft cream color with white roses that match David’s bouquet and Patrick’s boutonniere spiraling down from the top layer to the base. The cake and the icing are both vanilla flavored, and the filling on the inside is a light chocolate buttercream. David cannot wait to try it.
Stevie hands David a large knife, and David moves it so that he and Patrick can hold it between them. “Just so you know, if you shove cake in my face and not only ruin my flawless skin but waste perfectly good cake as well, I might have to ask for a divorce. You’ve been warned.”
“Okay, David,” Patrick replies. “Whatever you say.”
They wrap their hands around the knife handle and slowly press the blade down into the cake. Stevie helps them carefully lift up a large slice and slide it off the knife and onto a plate without dropping it, handing Patrick the plate along with a fork. Patrick loads a bite of cake onto the fork and extends it towards David’s mouth; David’s lips part, and the cake tastes every bit as incredible as he’d imagined when he’d ordered it. His eyes slide closed of their own volition and he hums contentedly.
“That good, huh?” Patrick asks, and David nods, opening his eyes again and taking the fork and the plate from Patrick.
“Your turn,” he says, a bite of cake already on the fork. Patrick opens his mouth and David slips the fork between his lips, serving himself another bite of the cake for good measure as Patrick chews.
“Oh, wow, David, I knew there was a reason why I trust your taste in food. This is on another level of perfect.”
“I told you it would be! I wouldn’t lie to you like that, Patrick,” David says, setting the plate with half a slice of cake left back on the table. Patrick picks it up again and jokingly pretends to throw it at David’s face. “Don’t you fucking dare. I wasn’t kidding about that divorce.” Patrick laughs and takes another bite of the cake instead. The opening chords of “I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)” lead Alexis, Stevie, and Twyla back to the dance floor, and David grabs Patrick’s arm and pulls him away from the cake to join them.
Many dances and at least one more slice of cake later, David is absolutely exhausted. Despite Schitt’s Creek’s small population, there are quite a few guests at the wedding, and all of them want their turn to dance with and talk to and congratulate David and Patrick. David appreciates it, of course, but all he really wants to do is talk to Patrick, kiss Patrick, just be with Patrick. Patrick, Patrick, Patrick. His husband.
“Ready to head out?” Patrick asks David quietly. “We have to be up early tomorrow to say goodbye to your parents, so if you want to make sure we have time to actually enjoy the rest of the night’s activities, we should go. Unless you’re too tired, in which case we can just go to sleep. I won’t be offended.”
“Are you kidding? I’m never too tired for you,” David replies, standing and taking Patrick’s hand.
“That’s a lie, you and I both know that, but sure.” Patrick bites his lip in an attempt to hold back his laughter and folds his suit jacket over his free arm. “Got everything?”
David nods. “Lead the way.”
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
Name 10 of your original characters. 
I’m not doing all OC’s because I have NO Male characters (that aren’t from original Stories) so I’m also going to be using Characters from other fandoms that I write Fanfic of. 
01. Rihannon (OC)-HP 02. Lucius Malfoy 03. Amara (OC)-Marvel 04. Loki 05. Marianna (OC)-TW
06. Peter Hale 07. Michael Langdon 08. Helena (OC)-AHS 09. Dandy Mott 10. Severus Snape
01. Who would make a better college professor, 4 or 10? What subjects would they teach? I mean Loki would make a hot teacher. But Severus technically is a Professor just of the magical variety. So he would teach Potions and Dark Arts. 
02. Do you think 7 is hot? How hot? OF COURSE! Proof 👇🏻 1-10 an 11!
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03. 5 sends 10 on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed? 
Well Snape only really serves Voldemort and Dumbledore lbr. Not sure what a WereWolf would have over him for Snape to follow her orders...
04. What is or would be 8’s favorite book? Loki does seem to like to read. I’d say Historical fiction on Asgard and Gothic or Historical Romance on earth like Pride and Prejudice.
05. Would it make more sense for 1 to swear fealty to 2, or the other way around? lol the first one. Especially in the bedroom.... 😏
06. For some reason, 4 is looking for a roommate. Should s/he share a studio apartment with 7 or with 3?  Obviously Loki would share an Apartment with Amara,they’re practically married!
07. 4, 9, and 6 have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss?
A God,A WereWolf and A Serial Killer...lol omg. They would definitely go to a fancy restaurant. Not sure what they would talk about...maybe brag about all the people they’ve killed or had under their control. I think Peter and Loki would draw the line at killing their SO’s though. 
08. 3 challenges 6 to a duel. What happens?  I mean good luck Peter...Peter is not one to back down from a challenge and he’s definitely tough but Amara’s a Valkryie with God like ability who knows how to wield daggers and swords....
09. If 3 stole 1’s most precious possession, how would they get it back?
 Idk what a Valkyrie would want with a Witch unless it was special potion of some kind. I think Rhia would sneak into Amara’s home while she wasn’t their and steal it back then vanish into blackness before Amara could catch her. 
10. Suggest a title for a story in which 10 and 4 both attain what they desire. 
The Staff of The Dark Arts
11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 8 and 4 to work together? it be begrudginly to reach their own goals and Loki is only partnering with Helena because he respects her and she’s the closest to a God,besides Thor,that he’s met on Earth. 
12. If 9 visited you for the weekend, how would you get along? Dear God....Um I think I’d be both scared and turned on lol but Dandy is really hard to please so...idk.
13. If you could command 10 to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be? well.... ;) jk. tbh I wouldn’t want to command Snape to do anything,he’s had too many people ordering him to do things as is. 
14. Has anyone besides you ever written for or drawn 9? Yes
15. If 1 had to choose sides between 2 and 9, which would it be? I mean Lucius obviously! 
16. What might 4 shout while charging into battle? Wow well this is very fitting for her. Did I mention Amara’s also a Shield Maiden.
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"We stay and we fight! We are Shield Maidens,protector of Asgard and with it The Prince!"
17. If you chose a song to represent 5, which song would you choose? I mean I have a whole Playlist lol. But I’d pick Unstoppable by Sia.
18. 3, 2, and 9 are having dim-sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?
 Ever the gentleman Lucius would let Amara have it and order Dandy to do the same. 
19. What might be a good pick-up line for 8 to use on 3? “I’d go to hell and back for you.” ;) 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
20. What would 2 most likely be arrested for? Well he did go to Azkaban for working for Voldemort.
21. What is 1’s secret? Well Rihannon and Snape did have a secret love affair as adults but it didn’t remain a secret for long...
22. If 10 and 3 were racing to a destination, who would get there first? Amara has a Pegasus’s but Snape could just cheat and teleport. 
23. If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 6 or 4? Man both Peter and Loki would do really good at keeping you safe...I feel like it would be more likely Peter would though. 
24. 8 pulls a prank on 5. What did he/she do, and how does 10 react?
25. 7 goes on a reconnaissance mission with 10. What happens, and is it successful? To save Rihannon most likely from The Dark lord. I feel like Michael wouldn’t like Voldemort just because he thinks he’s all powerful. of course they’re successful!
26. 7 catches 5 in an embarrassing situation. Oh no! What did he/she do, and how does 9 react? I can’t see Marianna in an embarrassing situation...lol 
27. 10, 8, and 5 are at a formal dance of some sort (regardless of whether or not they want to be there). What are they up to? Severus would just be bored,he’s too old for this crap and neither Lucius or Rhia are there...Helena would just be scoping out new potentials for the Sanctuary, and Marianna seeing as she is a Teen would probably be having fun especially if her friends were there. 
28. 2 and 6 are in a debate round. What happens, and who gets the better of the other? Too tired to fill this out sorry. 
29. 5 offers to take you to a restaurant for dinner. How do you react, and what is 5’s response to this reaction? Sure,I mean I wouldn’t say no! 
30. 7 is feeling down in the dumps. What does 8 do to help (or make things worse)? Aw Helena holds Michael until he feels better,probably playing with his hair. 
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blakedeservesbetter · 7 years
I was tagged by @minikate--24-05 (aw, you want to get to know me better? that’s so sweet! hit me up, my ask box and tumblr messaging are always open! I’d love to hear from you!)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 29
B - Birthplace: Kansas, USA
C - Current time: 22:15
D - Drink you last had: store-brand cola
E- Easiest person to talk to: I’m not sure honestly. I have a hard time talking to people in general when it comes to serious things. Probably either Ash or Kate, two of my best internet friends. Narrow margins above several other people, who might overtake depending on circumstances/topic.
F - Favorite song: picking a favorite is almost impossible for me, especially on music - current favorites include Ease My Mind by Hayley Kiyoko, Brave Enough by Lindsey Sterling, and Last Hope by Paramore (plus many others)
G - Grossest memory: I haven’t had that many terribly gross moments. One of the worst is probably at work when I discovered a used diaper that someone had left in the middle of the store. Implications of such weren’t great.
H - Horror yes or Horror no: I'm not overly bothered by horror, but I don’t enjoy it even a little bit, so nope
I - In love?: Not currently, and kind of thinking that I may not actually know what being in love is, so not sure if I ever have been either. Might be some weird form of aro, haven’t bothered trying to research yet.
J - Jealous of people?: Very rarely. I’m mostly at peace with myself, and while I’d like better in many ways, I don’t begrudge people their blessings.
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: love is a combination of emotion and choice, and so love at first sight is plausible, but typically a bad idea because you don’t know what you’re choosing yet 
M - Middle name: Lynne (I stole it from my mom)
N - Number of siblings: 2 blood siblings, 2 steps on my dad’s side, 3 steps on my mom’s
O - One wish: gonna keep minikate’s answer here - for everything to be okay
P - Person you called last: ugh, phone... my friend Stephanie, almost two weeks ago - people have called me a couple times since then, but that’s my last outgoing call
Q - Question you are always asked: “wait, how old are you?” - apparently I look much younger than I am, and so my coworkers who don’t know my age are always confused when they hear me mention my divorce or my college degree
R - Reason to smile: good memes, good music, good food, good friends
S - Song you last sang: it was something from my rwby playlist while I was at work, but I’m not sure what. Probably I May Fall or Armed and Ready
T - Time you woke up: 8:45 cause I had work at 10
U - Underwear colour: currently none cause I go commando under my pjs, but today was black sports bra and red boyshorts
V - Vacation destination: probably Oregon... my mom’s up there and it’s really nice
W - Worst habit: procrastination, easily
X - X-rays: I know I definitely had dental xrays before I got braces, and on my arm when I broke my wrist, but I think that’s it. Went through a ton of tests when they were trying to figure out why I blacked out while drigving that one time, but I don’t think xrays were involved
F - Favorite food: rice, nachos, sour candy
Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo for western, Dragon for eastern
Tagging @blake-xiao-long @yangonfire @the-heart-alchemist @plastic-pipes @omgbumbleby @yangsmash @blakebelladonna-isms @astraas @blakeandyangarebae and @blakestealthkitty
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omgpourquoi · 7 years
Can’t Be Happening: The Playlist Fics
((Took me forever bc this whole song is so fucking them so choosing lines was hard like it was already written people. Got an ask about this that I filled with something else, but here it is! 
Also, I make fun of everyone acting like Dex lives in a hick town but then actually write this fic like he lives in the boondocks. Sorry not sorry, I’m from in the middle of nowhere in Alabama and have never been to Maine so.))
Song: for him. by Troye Sivan
There’s an empty bottle of coke rolling around on the floor board. Nursey sits in Dex’s passenger seat, kicking at it.
“You live in Maine, not Mississippi,” he announces in an incredulous tone.
“Wow, you noticed,” Dex replies, shifting gears as he makes his way down an empty road.
Nursey huffs a laugh.
“No, I mean, you drive a blue pick-up truck with a coke bottle in the front floorboard. You stole beer out of your parents’ mini-fridge. And you’re sneaking off with your boyfriend to the beach in the middle of the night. It all sounds suspiciously like a country song.”
“It soundssss,” Dex drags out the s. “like a good time.”
Nursey smirks in response, reaching his hand out over the console. Dex slides their fingers together.
Nursey was staying with Dex for pretty much half of the summer, supposedly sleeping on an air mattress in his childhood bedroom.  They’d been dating for a few months, keeping it on the down low, so Nursey wasn’t actually sleeping on the air mattress.  
Nursey reaches around with his spare hand to grab a beer.
They sit on near the dunes, watching the tide go out in the moonlight and drinking more beer than they probably should.
“It’s cold,” Nursey complains, snuggling into his blanket further, so that Dex can only see his vibrant green eyes and some of his curls.
“Nurse, it’s like 60 degrees. You basically live in Boston. You come from New York. This is not cold.”
“Cuddle me,” Nursey spreads his arms, reaching for Dex with the blanket.
“Oh, I see what you did there,” Dex laughs, sliding into the space.
Nursey leans on his shoulder. The sit in companionable silence, listening to the waves as they crash on the shore. Dex decides could die happy in this moment,  the sound and smell of waves pairing nicely with the heat of Nursey pressing against him.
“You say it a lot though, without saying it,” Nursey says like he’s continuing a conversation and not like they’ve been sitting in silence for the last half hour. He does it all the time, spouting lines of poetry or grocery items he meant to buy without realizing it. It was one of those little things that melted Dex’s heart every time.
“What?” Dex digs his toes in the sand.
“Oh. That was out-loud.”
“It definitely was.”
Nursey takes in a deep breath. “I’m gonna do something kinda crazy.”
“Yikes.” Dex had been friends with Nursey — and dating him — long enough to know that “something kinda crazy” could mean a lot of different things.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What are you gonna do?”
Nurse squeezes his hand.
“I’m gonna tell you that I’m in love with you.”
Dex feels a warmth spread from his chest to his entire body and he suspects it has nothing to do with the alcohol. His breath feels shaky.
He raises their joined hands to his lips, kissing Nursey’s dark hand.
“We make a really good team,” Nursey turns, his green eyes glowing in the night. “I know we’re so different, but, like, whatever I lack, you make up. And even from the start we’ve had this this crazy chemistry. And you’re that someone I can take jokes way too far with and sometimes it feels like we’re like two halves of a whole and I am drunk and rambling poetic stuff at you so I’m going to shut up now.
Dex swallows thickly.
“I really hope this won’t happen, but you’re worth it,” Dex exhales. “Derek Nurse, I would do anything for you and having my heart broken by you would be an honor.”
Nursey laughs lightly, a sound that Dex thinks also pairs nicely with the waves. Nursey rubs his thumb against the back of Dex’s hand before breaking the tension.
“Good to know I can count on you when I need help hiding the bodies.”
Rolling his eyes, Dex shifts so he can lean forward and kiss his boyfriend.
The Rules™ 
1. You send me a song from this playlist and I write a Nurseydex ficlet about a word, lyric, feeling, etc 2. You can also suggest songs that you think should be on the playlist. I’ll add it if I like it and write the fic. 3. I can’t write that they’re just singing the song more than let’s say…three times? Bc that’s just cheating. 4. Y'all can send suggestions with the songs but it’s okay if I don’t use them. I most likely will though
Other stuff: - Probably won’t get super smutty just cause people I know might see it? But also some of these songs are saucy™ so maybe? - Generally, I don’t do AUs. Not my cup of tea most of the time. But again, some of those songs super lend to it so, no promises either way!
Find the rest under the tag “the playlist fics”
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elementalchick1 · 4 years
Birds of Prey rewrite
Birds of Prey/ Harley Quinn Fix this story
My disclaimer: I ma more a Birds of Prey than Harley Quinn fan, though I love her in the cartoons and Suicide Squad. However, this movie was not good. Basically the story needs to be an empowering, funny, sexy, chick flick and it fails miserably. First, the costumes must be wonderful, not the trash bag thrift store panic shopping of the movie.
Synopsis: Harley and the Joker break up. Not sure what happened because it does not matter, but it happened when she was in prison. Harley does a drunken melt down, similar to the movie, but the soundtrack is “bang” by AJR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4THFRpw68oQ During this Harley realizes that she has no friends. They are all Jokers crowd, and the ones who are still friendly think they are getting back together. They are also all gangster groupies. One can even quip “girls just wanna have fun”. This is different from the movie because she thought she had friends, not just Joker. Harley is doing what she calls couch surfing, which means breaking into rich people’s second homes while they are out and eating their food and raiding their closets. Harley is arrested and Amanda Waller tells her that she is on indefinite probation if she can show she is rehabilitated. Basically the suicide squad can only be from activated criminals who have potential to be rehabilitated instead of the worst. “I want you on a chain, but they want you lobotomized or put down like a rabid dog. Your choice. Is this you or is this him?” She chooses mandated rehab. “Which one?” “I don’t care. You are the psychiatrist. DO them all” New Rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2qgadSvNyU
SO we have the joy of Harley quin going through 12 step (and other) programs.  Shot of a board at a Y/center with the Support Groups schedule. She takes the whole thing. Comedy montage of Bikram yoga mindfulness class, breaking the finger of a guy that gropes her, “SO sex addicts group was a mistake” etc. Visual quote of Fight Club support scenes. In “co-dependents no more” she meets Canary/Dinah, who she had seen around. Canary is assigned as her sponsor. Part of the fun is we are not sure who Canary means when she describes “Men in power are addictive. The surrender of control, the reduction to Id, seems like a type of freedom. But it is a cage. You are on their leash.”  Ras-al Ghul or Arrow? (Hint underlying message- all of the birds in the movie destroy their cages- or make new ones) HQ:“You know the 12 step programs don’t work if you are an atheist.”  Canary: “You know that placebos work even if you know it’s a placebo?” Therapy montage song options:  I Love me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vImvzQCb0o8&list=PL3oW2tjiIxvTKa5OYCIb8TdKjxSYuv5dg&index=23
I drive me mad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqBvK14JPGg&list=PL3oW2tjiIxvTKa5OYCIb8TdKjxSYuv5dg&index=36
In the different groups, she meets many people including Cassidy Cain in Klepto Anonymous. Harley co-opts and ends up leading several of the sessions. (I am OK with the casting of Canary but would like Camila Cabello. Though she could be Huntress.) Cassidy is a very different character from the movie. She is still 13, but smarter, and always on a phone. Running joke, it is a different phone in every scene. She is an epic pickpocket, appearing to be a clueless teen who bumps into people because she talks and texts and selfies all at once while actually picking people’s pockets and photographing security. She also gleans information and is the source of information on why people hate Harley.  “Wow. You should see his Instagram. He should be banned for those images. Just a sec. Done.” She is the definition of plucky comic relief. Casting should actually cast a minor. (Marsai Martin, Mckenna Grace, Brooklynn Prince.)
The Bertinelli Diamond is a nice plot device, bringing in Huntress who is tracking it as well as the gangsters who killed her family. (BTW this needs to be recast with someone who has a charisma and can at least dance. Madison Beer, Nicole Maines, Hailee Steinfeld, etc. Huntress wears motorcycle leathers, a very Asian gang vs American biker look) HQ: “OOo! Italian leather!” The Huntress backstory is necessary but cut the bit about young Helena drawing with crayons. If she draws, it should be recognizable. She’s had art lessons since 2.
Harley sees Cassidy Cain on the street steal from a known gangster.  The chase begins. We can keep the glitter cannon/ prop room brawl, but it should be a gangster hideout not the police station, (unless she can get out of it another time and have a joke where Canary coughs “white privilege”) However, to preserve a better story arc, let’s move this to a gangster vault, and have this be where we meet the Huntress. Here is where we realize that Harley loves to hit things, but hates to shoot things. Huntress is fine shooting things. “Do you have to kill everybody?” “Do you have to blow up every crime scene?” “yes” Bad Guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyDfgMOUjCI
SO Harley has Cassidy and Huntress hanging around. Huntress wants to use Cassidy as bait while they wait for the diamond to drop. Funny bit as Huntress gets sucked into group, probably an anger management group. “I always wanted to be a teacher” Harley wants to finish her program and needs to check in with her sponsor. She is on step 8/9.
Canary: “DID you make your list” HQ: “ I think so.” Drops a ream of paper. “I have to apologize to everyone?” “It’s a start. And I know someone you could start with. It might be easier than the rest because she was hurt when you were in jail” HQ”????” Canary “Practice” Barbara Gordon is never referred to using her whole name. (casting: Liana Liberato, Kennedy McMann) The cop in the movie is completely unnecessary. Either have Oracle, “B” be in the movie or cast someone like Rosario Dawson to be a kick ass Hispanic cop and have her stuck in vice and always asked to work for ICE. Since Gotham city embodies the worst of our current world skewed through a dark lens of madness, having the women in the movie own that “the women in Gotham are the ones who have to clean up and deal with the shit and the fallout of all the crazies.”-B. “That ain’t me”-HQ. “You act like the only options are to be the ass who trashes the place or the maid. (I’m going to) Find something else”-Cassidy. The rest of the film is Bs first real run as Oracle, remotely feeding them information, using drones, shutting down the bad guys tech. “There’s more than one way to fight.”
At the climax, which does have a giant brawl of gangster thugs after the team, but all of the team, each having a dose of enemies. It begins with a girl power makeover scene as they are arming. Cassidy:“We should RUN!” Huntress: “I have been running and hunting my whole life. I want this over” Huntress gets carbon fiber outfit from B “Moves better than leather and is knife and bullet resistant, but not proof” Harley gives Canary the fishnets. “Just try them. You need some fun.” The girls make Harley stop with the white face. “Keep the Harlequin Loose the clown. “  Cassidy has a CIA briefcase she stole from the gangster prop room HQ: “Where’s ya get that?” Cassidy:” Stole it from the gangsters but can’t open it”  B:”Here let me” It is adaptive camouflage stealth tech armor. Cassidy: ”Yay! You can’t hit what you can’t see” HQ and Huntress: ”That’s what grenades are for” HQ: “Jinx!” B: “No grenades!” HQ:”we know. No Grenades! (softer)… inside”
Makeover song montage options: My way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5I4KwxMXAA
All the good girls go to hell:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PZsSWwc9xA
Nice to meet ya: (also might work for the group therapy montage)
The massive gangster fight proceeds. The movie does OK with this except for the dubious production design, and the lack of using Huntress well. And that all of the gangsters are completely incompetent. Note on the bad guys: We do not need a named bad guy. The “Black mask” was lame and sucked screen time. It can just be gangs, at least one run by the gangster(s) Huntress needs to kill. But just mafia, not stupid mask nonsense. As part of the makeover montage, they make a plan and set up a kill zone. B: Looking at Cassidy:”cough- Capture zone” Cassidy (on phone) “Please, what am I 12? Gotham only has kill zones.” B: “maybe we can change that” HQ: “Not tonight we can’t. Baby steps” Huntress snipes the ones with automatic guns that enter the building. Casandra fights and hides. Dropping stuff from vents, etc. When the dust settles, Joker appears: “DO I have to do everything myself?” He tries to talk Harley into coming back, She freezes, then realizes he is just distracting her so he can grab Cassidy.  It works. She chooses her new life and goes to get Cassidy.  She defeats him and kicks him off of the pier, possibly while analyzing him. “You were a horrible boyfriend!”
At the end, Birds of Prey is formed, with the good costumes. HQ:“I drop by every now and then, but I need to work on me. Cassidy stays with B, but we see each other all of the time” “Do I have to stay with you? You’re no fun” B: “I’m the only one who can pass a background check”
HQ; “I got an apartment. I had to get a roommate but I think it will work out.” There is a shot of the Help board at the Y/center with the “roommates” section and she grabs one of every tab numbers including one that says “Ivy” (Cameo of Evan Rachel wood or one of the CW redheads asking “Do you like plants?”) (This can occur earlier if we need a comic break)  
“And I got a job. Turns out in Gotham, group leaders can have an expired license.” Shot of Harley sitting in a bright spotlight with a notepad in a shadowed room full of figures in chairs with a highlight on a cape, an animal ear, etc. “Who wants to go first?”  
My Oh My: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fd2kkLmSDQ&list=PL3oW2tjiIxvTKa5OYCIb8TdKjxSYuv5dg&index=18
The man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqAJLh9wuZ0&list=PL3oW2tjiIxvTKa5OYCIb8TdKjxSYuv5dg&index=27
Good in goodbye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQZJsOSw1pU&list=PL3oW2tjiIxvTKa5OYCIb8TdKjxSYuv5dg&index=45
Bang bang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HDdjwpPM3Y
New Rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2qgadSvNyU
Burn the house down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnyLfqpyi94
Good as hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmbmeOgWsqE
Beach bunny Prom Queen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc6SSu5pnHw
Bored: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsPxaAVg584
Kings and queens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH1RNk8954Q
Sweet but a psycho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXBHCQYxwr0
All the good girls go to hell:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PZsSWwc9xA
Insane like me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeltAGwwsDQ
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