#i did NOT pre grieve I’ll have you all know
thiagodasilva · 1 year
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half an hour </3
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elisedonut · 6 months
Lightning round because i for sure got distracted and never finished after day 12
so here we go i wont go into too much detail for any of these I did skip a couple that i didn't have an idea for as expected but enjoy!
13. A fic with over 100k words 
Percy Take the Wheel by KittySmith
My personal favorite long Percy-centric fic!
Based on the concept of “What if Molly and Arthur died between the first and second books and Percy ended up being the brother to step up to take care of his younger siblings”
14. A favorite series
Harry Potter and the Ticket Backwards by viciousmouse
Gen Time travel Au’s my beloved. Another Harry goes back in fic but this one has a ton of focus on smaller characters Dudley, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott ect ect.
Also Harry convinces Percy to try to become a lawyer. 
16 A fic that made you laugh 
Hexes Are Not Romantic by Electroid
Flintley with Marcus being dumb and not going about this whole flirting thing very well. Very cute.
19. Fic with the hottest smut 
Points (not) Taken by Green
Flintley with honestly, again Marcus just not doing boundaries but i think about it alot, it’s probably one of my favorite Flintley works.
20. A fic rated G
Dancing Lessons by HPfanatic12 
Gen fic where Percy teaches Harry how to dance for the Yule Ball. Very cute and fun concept.
+ Ludicrous by mrsprobie 
Justin Finch-Fletchley/Percy Weasley, meet cute. Very cute.
23. A soulmate fic
Into Oblivion by hmweasley
Draco Malfoy/Percy Weasley, I know someone else has Rec’ed this one for this fest already but i am too it’s very interesting 
24. A holiday fic
Saving Christmas by A_Door 
Percy Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Very cute story of Blaise trying to show Percy their into him without saying it despite their many attempts going right over Percy’s head.
25. A fic rated T
wholly true by starsailing
Flintley, Once again awkward Marcus trying to court/flirt will never not be entertaining to me. In this case with gift giving 
26. A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about
There's Rue for You by Mr_Customs_Man
Flintley but only like kinda, anyway Ok so i’ll admit i'm stretching ending here. The part I think the most about with this is the end of Percy’s stay with Marcus but still I think about the regular ending too, because that whole last paragraph is just oof.
It’s fic exploring an AU where Peter polyjuiced as Percy after the fight and Percy goes through hell
27. A Muggle-AU fic
blueberry eyes ( seem to make time still ) by pandorascrate
Hannah Abbott/Percy Weasley. I liked that they didn't immediately get together. It took years in the story for them to get together. Also Percy feels good in this. I like the way he was written.
29. A post-canon fic More Lessons in Grieving as Taught by Dennis Creevy by angeladex
Gen Dennis and George talk after the final battle. Pulling Dennis into stories revolving around the Weasley’s grief for Fred is always really interesting to me and i’m not going to lie this one almost made me cry.
30. A pre-canon fic Life Lessons as Taught by Luna Lovegood by angeladex
Gen When Luna’s mom dies she goes to the burrow to tell the Weasley’s her family won’t be coming over for dinner after all and Percy walks her home. I really liked this. Percy’s reactions to a 9 year old Luna trying to weave around saying outright that her mom is dead was really good.
31. A fav amongst favs Vivaldi and Hot Chocolate by Patriceavril
Stan Shunpike/Percy Weasley, I’m very biased towards this one i won’t even lie but i love it very much. It’s cute, it’s sweet. Percy’s characterization is really nice. Stan’s characterization is really fun.
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oddballwriter · 2 years
What it’s like to date and be in a relationship with the MH guys
Summary: My headcanons on what I think it would be like to be in a relationship with Jay, Alex, Brian, and Tim. 
Warnings: I will occasionally bring up the events of the Marble Hornets series with them so be aware of that, but for the most part this is just what I think they are like as your boyfriends. Mentions of death, grief and grieving, being stalked, and holding in trauma 
Relationship: romantic
Author’s Snip: I know I said that I would have all the slenderverse guys together but I have a feeling that this is going to be a long one so I’m going to have them have respective posts.
Notes: Jay is canonically gay, this has been confirmed, if you do not identify as male/masc then you can skip his. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
I mentioned in my love language post that your relationship with him would be “low maintenance” 
What I mean by that isn’t that it hardly feels like your in a relationship but rather that being in a relationship with him is just easy and simple
You guys’ dates mostly consist of just having movie nights and over all just being in each others company 
I did say his love language was quality time after all
He’s not a pda kind of guy
He’ll hold your hand and maybe steal a few loving glances while in public but he’s not all over you, however when in private he will hold you close a little and have the occasional cuddle and kisses
You two are near each other all the time tho 
Wherever Jay goes, you go, and vice versa
It’s not like a dependency or that dramatic ass “I CAN’T STAND NOT BEING WITH YOU!” thing 
You and him just straight up follow each other around cause why not?
The whole group is used to you being with Jay all the time and welcome it since they think you’re cool
They actually think it’s weird when you aren’t together cause they’ve gotten so used to it
(w/ MH events)
If we wanna add in the events of the MH channel, you are probably right next to him in his pursuit of answers on what happened to Alex and what the hell his going on
Why wouldn’t you? You knew Alex too and saw his change in behaviors and decline before running away. Also, why not support your boyfriend in this weird little escapade?
Once shit gets heavy and you have to deal with two masked stalkers, a faceless monster, and the person you were looking for trying to kill you, Jay feels awful
He brought you into the line of danger
He honestly cares more that you’re in danger rather than the fact that he’s in danger
When he died you were obviously devastated and in shambles
He probably didn’t tell you where he was going because he knew it was dangerous and didn’t want you to get hurt anymore, he wanted you to be safe for once 
It was a stupid idea of him to even go there at all, but I guess he loved you enough to keep you safe from something that he felt could be the most dangerous thing of all
He’s a really sweet guy
Have you seen him pre-MH? He looks like a sweetheart
Not in that “uwu he baby” way but he just looks really sweet
I also hc that his love language is quality time but he actually wants to take you places and actually do stuff rather than just watch movies
I mean, you do watch a lot of movies but it’s not as simple as it would be with Jay
He talks all about his latest projects with you because film is his passion and he wants to be a filmmaker, so he’s gonna talk about it. Listen you him ramble, please. It lets him know that you care about his passions and are supportive of him
He doesn’t want you to constantly be around him, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to be around you, but sometimes he just can’t find an excuse to have you with him all the time
He would like to but, like, honestly, what are you really gonna do on a film set other than play assistant?
And his assistant you are not
He’s probably such dork, he looks like one and always has (/lh)
You have dork for a boyfriend
(w/ the events of MH)
If you were dating while the og Marble Hornets was being filmed then you probably noticed his change pretty early if not first to notice
Your little dates and hangouts get less and less and even when you do, there’s something off about him
At first you think like everyone else and assume that Marble Hornets is putting a lot of stress on him. He’s probably ranted about all the things going wrong on set
But then he gets worse and he just never comes to see you anymore
I’m gonna say that you weren’t infected with operator or showed no signs at all and so he leaves you alone 
He probably sent you a break up text basically just saying that somethings have happened and that you guys aren’t going to work out anymore and then just disappears off the face of the planet with not farther explanation
It’s not you, it’s him, he didn’t wanna get you infected and needing to do what he thought was ‘helping’
Jay probably asked you what Alex said to you before he left once he starts the channel but you only tell him what you know
You were pretty much in the dark about what he was seeing and going through
Boyfriend material, absolute boyfriend material
I don’t wanna pull the golden retriever boyfriend card but...
Look at him
I have no choice
Dude, dude, he loves you
He’s a very affectionate guy and he’s not shy to have some pda
If he wants to hold you and kiss you, he’s gonna hold and kiss you 
I hope you like physical affection, because that’s his love language 
He also says “I love you” and compliments you all the time
All the damn time
If you are very feeling bad about something or yourself, give him a call or have him come over. All that sadness is gone!
Love is stored in the Brian 
Brian is a very friendly guy and gets along with everyone along with being pretty cool, so if anyone is being rude to you, he’ll kindly tell them to knock it off
But if someone is a complete asshole, oh boy, he’s gonna lay it down and tell them to get the fuck out of there with their bullshit attitude
No one is mean to his loved ones, especially his partner
(w/ events of MH) 
If I’m correct, in the series, its mentioned that he just went missing and he stayed missing since no one knew he was Hoodie the entire time
When he went missing, you got worried sick
It’s not like him at all to just vanish without saying anything to anyone, especially you 
You just hold onto hope that he’ll show back up and everything will be fine
You honestly wouldn’t even ask questions, you would just be happy to have your boyfriend back home safe
He does stalk you a bit as Hoodie, but he never lets you see him
He also doesn’t “check on you” as often either
He doesn’t want to rope you into the massive mess he’s in and put you in harms way so he just watches you from an even farther distance than he does with Jay and Tim and Alex
He also doesn’t wanna scare you either so he doesn’t do it as much
He just wants to watch over you and make sure you’re safe form all of this
You obviously never get to know whatever happened to him 
But I guess it’s lucky of you to live unaware
He looks so brooding and like he doesn’t want anyone to talk to him
But like, if you look at him when he’s not going through all nine rings of hell and then some, he’s just an awkward and shy person
But in a cute way
Idk but the fact that he’s kinda awkward makes him cute and charming in a way 
I’ve mentioned that you’re probably the first serious relationship he’s been in if not his first relationship at all, so he kinda doesn’t really know what to do 
Your dates are mostly late night drives around town and maybe going to an occasional hangout stop or go see a movie rather than an actual “proper” date
If you wanna go eat somewhere he’s fine with that but closed spaces with lots of people kinda make him a little nervous, plus he seems like he enjoys more quiet things with you
The quiet lets him and you focus on each other and that makes the date more special to him 
He’s a little bit scared to integrate physical affection at first and still occasionally is, but once you let him know that you are open for him the be affectionate like that then he feels comfortable 
Pda makes him nervous since he doesn’t like drawing attention to himself very much but he’ll hold your hand
One small form of pda that he’s okay with and actually loves is when you guys are sitting close together and you put your head on his shoulder 
He can’t explain why but it just makes him happy
In private, he likes to cuddle with you
He doesn’t really care if he’s big or little spoon 
But sometimes when he’s having a rough patch or moment, he prefers to be little spoon but won’t mention it
He very clearly/obviously went through stuff in his past and he has some baggage from it that he can’t let go
Help him with that
You don’t need to be his therapist or anything like that
Just, give him some reassurance that you’re here for him and that he can be vocal about the things he went through and how he feels 
(w/ events of MH)
I’m gonna format this that you and him get together after everything that happens 
I honestly think that Tim genuinely became a hermit and never made many close connections with anyone other than Jessica
But I guess you found a way 
He’s scared, really scared
He’s terrified of passing his disease onto you 
He’d obviously never tell you everything about what happened or either doesn’t say anything at all 
The most he’ll say is that in his past a lot of the people that he loved and cared about ended up getting hurt because of him 
He has such awful survivor’s guilt and is holding in so much
You might not know everything but it means a lot to him that you’re there and there for him
Sometimes when he’s having a rough night, he either calls you asking you to come over or if he can come over
Say yes
You’re the only form of comfort he has outside of therapist’s office
Tell him that he’s okay and that you’re okay
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chuckle-lore · 2 months
Episode 105- December 19th, 2023- Charlie Christmas Special 2: electric boogaloo
Charlie’s death is confirmed to be from ingesting white phosphorus and blowing up
Charlie came from a candy cane rift from hell but can only stay for 24 hours, this is most likely a punishment for Ted and Schlatt
9:15 Schlatt grieves over Charlie’s death, most likely has some form of regret for Charlie’s death or at the very least misses Charlie
10:00 Ted sent Schlatt to “good boy ranch” which is basically conversion therapy but for men who cry too much because Schlatt was supposedly too emotional. This begs the question how much control Ted has over Schlatt’s life.
14:45 Charlie explains his spectral form which is sorta clear goo that takes 14 days for morph into his ghostly form. It is both a very disgusting and painful process.
Charlie hasn’t chuckled once all year which makes sense because he was in hell up until that episode.
40:10 Ted says if he’d had perfect vision he would’ve been able to stop 9/11 AGAIN. Assuming that this wasn’t a slip up on Ted’s part, that means Ted has stopped 9/11 once but there was a second one that he he couldn’t prevent. It’s a lot to take in I know.
The Other Guy’s ™️ origin: Schlatt saw him inside of someone’s house in Pflugerville and took him.
Charlie canonically “nogged” himself after hearing the unlimited bacon question
1:13:40 Charlie is sent back to hell
Ted and Schlatt speculate on how dead Charlie really is and begin planning on kill him a second time. Ted mentions that they’ll need ghost white phosphorus which means: 1) ghost can die 2) there is such thing as ghost white phosphorus and it is obtainable to them 3) Charlie is either deemed as a threat or at the very least an annoyance to Ted and Schlatt
My thoughts-
This episode was such a slay. I kinda became a real fan of CS a little bit after Charlie’s death so I didn’t understand how much Charlie added to the podcast until this episode came out back in December. He just bounces off everyone so we’ll and I appreciate the fact he pre-plans his bits beforehand, it makes me wish that modern cs threw in a few more bits in general. Charlie was an absolute delight and he made my job so much easier when he just kept dropping lore bits.
This would’ve been a 10 or 9.5/10 but I do have a gripe with this episode. Back when this episode first came out me and my mom decided to let my brother watch the special with us. (He really wanted to watch with us and I thought it wouldn’t be a issue because episodes with Charlie are normally more tame.) Then the Mr. Hands section happened and I have to live with the fact my brother knows what Mr.Hands is because I vouched for him. We did not finish that episode. Because of that one moment I’m giving it a 8/10, great episode but I’m holding a grudge.
Things I noted-
Is Catholicism canon in the CS universe? Like is it the confirmed religion or is that just a Schlatt thing?
The other guy in the background>>>
It’s just really funny to me that Ted took Schlatt to conversion therapy
14:00 Gas stations eggs mentioned
The egg nog and candy cane bit might’ve been a nod to Charlie’s old veggie bit
How did Schlatt make eating the hook part of the candy cane sound more gay than sucking on the straight part of it
Living for Charlie obsessing over Tucker
Ted is 100% right on his opinion on store bought vrs. bakery cookies
Charlie glitching made me think my phone was broken lol
(Original notes, updates, +a comment that made me giggle under the cut)
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I’m no longer sick :D
I’m planning on going out to buy new colored markers for my notes to spice things up
THANK YOU FOR 60 FOLLOWERS!!! It is absolutely insane how fast this blog grew and I can’t thank y’all enough!!!
If we reach to 100 I’ll do a Chuckle Lore weekend with requested episodes (I am not doing a straight week of this lol)
Welp I’m going back into the mines now. Bye bye :]
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merlinbingo · 1 year
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Mod peach's executives have been decidedly dysfunctional lately, so she's going to launch right into this one before they disappear again...
In May, we got a wonderful 60 fills, created by 22 different people. All were either fic (47 fills) or art (13), and the ships were similarly focused.
Merlin/Arthur were once again topping the list at 36, and gen works second at 13. Everything else was under ten, with Merlin/Lancelot and Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine at three, Merlin/Gwaine and Merlin/Arthur/Knights at two, finally Arthur/Lancelot at one.
As for the fills themselves, they are as always hidden below the cut and sorted by ship and then by rating. Remember to check the warnings before clicking on the link, and give everyone the love they deserve!
Gen/no ship
Merlin grieves alone in a field in his favourite lilac tunic by royal_spud Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Merman by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fanart, mermay, lancelot Summary:
The Lake by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fanart, lancelot Summary:
Nesting Habits of Baby Dragons by AmeliaDogwood Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, 5+1 Things, Baby Aithusa, Everyone knows about Merlin’s magic Summary: “Make her give it back! It’s midwinter, Merlin! I’ll get hypothermia if she has her way!” “Stop being so dramatic,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Kilgharrah did warn that young dragons often have nesting instincts.” OR 5 Times Aithusa stole Arthur's blankets and 1 time he let her keep it.
Not My Fault - Merlin - Remix by DSabian Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, Arthur's POV, Merlin's Chaos, Leech Rain Summary: It's the Merlin 'Not my fault' story, but from Arthur's POV. Poor boy is subjected to leech rain, Merlin's explanation for the leech rain, and Merlin's disarming smile. But Arthur is nothing if not vindictive.
Video Chat by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: modern au, fanart Summary:
the last dragonlord by jopzer Rating: General audiences Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Summary:
The Monster Within by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: canon era, weird, other POV, strange, manticore Summary: ^*#&$@($@ plotted the utter destruction of Uther Pendragon, using skin-sacks and magic to try and save their own world. From Love in the Time of Dragons, from the Manticore's POV
Battle of Camlann by Stelle Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: fanart Summary:
Painting the pig by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: pre-canon, kidfic, merlin's in trouble again, fluff, hunith is a saint Summary: Merlin was in trouble again with that stupid pig of old Man Simmons.
C3 - Deals with Demons by EvannaWebb Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: fanart, flat color Summary: Morgause knew the price she paid
Mobster Arthur by KingAni Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
No lies, just you and me by HadrIanPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Fix-it, Merlin & Arthur Friendship, Divergence Canon, Court Sorcerer Merlin Summary: When Arthur asked Merlin what he should do with the Disir, Merlins answer changed everything
Becoming Melody (chapter 1) by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: BAMF Merlin, Good Morgana, Merlin & Morgana Friendship, Protective Gwen Summary: Merlin is tired for all the jokes the knights made about him Morgana had a simple solution
all i feel is true and absolute by Saurus Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Threesome, masturbation, Gwaine and Merlin putting on a show, spit as lube Summary: Falling in love with one person seemed wonderful enough, but falling in love with two and having them love you back? That was heaven on earth. And Arthur was certain sometimes that he had in fact died and ascended to the clouds above.
A taste of honey part 2 by archaeologist_d Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: threesome, fluff, sexy times, canon au Summary: Gwaine attacks Arthur, trying to defend Merlin’s honour. It gets a little heated.
Quality Time by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fanart Summary:
It's not your fault by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Merlin & Lancelot Friendship, Supportive Lancelot, Merlin needs an hug Summary: Camelot was take back from Morgana and Morgause. Merlin and Lancelot talk
the sight of the starry night, makes me hope by saurus Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, Canon Universe, Romance, Soft Merlin Summary: Merlin and Lancelot finally admit their feelings for one another.
Shine for You Tonight by mithian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon era, established relationship, hurt/comfort, stargazing Summary: Merlin, haunted by a secret from his past, confides in Lancelot.
Look at me ~ i burn when you look at anyone else by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Jealous Gwaine, Merlin & Lancelot friendship, Merlin is bad at feelings, Pining Gwaine Summary: Gwaine isn't a jealous person. Until he saw Merlin and Lancelot.
Don't tell anyone ~ I'm still the same by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Trans Merlin, Supportive Arthur Pendragon, Supportive Knights of the Round Table, Gwaine being Gwaine Summary: During a journey, The knights and Arthur found out something about Merlin. The servant is surprise how they behave.
Easy As Breathing by Zaharya Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Established relationship Summary: Merlin and Arthur hunker down in Arthur’s chambers during a storm.
Easy As Breathing by Zaharya Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Established relationship Summary: Merlin and Arthur hunker down in Arthur’s chambers during a storm.
When your manservant is down with a toothache by royal_spud Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
can you tell me what it is you're afraid of? can you tell me why i'm afraid it's me? by saurus Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Merlin's behaviour is concerning to Arthur and he's determined to find out exactly what is going on. Summary:
Dragon Part 2 by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fanart, mini comic, dragon Summary:
i'd love to live inside your heart by Saurus Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, canon era, Arthur knows about Merlin's magic, short and sweet Summary:
when you're lost and tired (let my love take you higher) by heartsocold Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: modern setting, established relationship, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic fluff Summary: “Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” Arthur whispers after a few moments pass with nothing more than the sounds of Merlin’s soft sniffles. Merlin shakes his head. “I’m an awful father.” Arthur frowns, taken aback. “What the hell are you talking about? You’re the best father a child could ask for!”
requiem by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: digital art Summary:
Turn off the electricity and turn on life by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Alternative universe - no magic, Skaterboy Merlin, Artist Lancelot, CEO Arthur, 1960s, Blackouts Summary: On November 9, 1965 in New York, there was a blackout for 12 hours
Shine with a bright by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Fluff, Developing Relationship, Friendship/Love Summary: Merlin hated patrols and hunting. The knights and Arthur have a surprise for him. They will be very surprised by something he said
There are many things you don't know about me by HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General audiences Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: BAMF Merlin, Protective Knights of the Round Table, Protective Arthur Pendragon, Sassy Merlin, Pining Arthur Pendragon Summary: Merlin laughed at a nobleman during a training. The knights couldn't believe what they saw after that.
You and Me....for Forever by TrebleMaker07 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Same-Sex Marriage, Soft Arthur Pendragon, Merlin Wears a Half-Dress, Supportive Lancelot Summary: Arthur is getting married....and he's kind of nervous about it.
welcome the company of trees by slantedknitting Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fantasy, merpeople, merlin is a tree Summary: Freya and Will are young merfolk who take shelter in Merlin's shade and rest in the shallow waters there. They are Merlin's dearest friends, even dearer than the birds who nest and sing within his branches. One day, a hunter comes for the merfolk and Merlin trips him with a root. When the hunter returns without his weapons, Merlin speaks to him, striking up a friendship that will grow into something more--and allow Merlin to grow into something more, too.
Pride and Prejudice: Magic and clotpole edition by EvannaWebb Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Regency AU, Pride and Prejudice fusion Summary: The 2005 Pride and Prejudice Netherfield ball dance but make it poorly re-characterised Merthur
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Martian’s Masterlist!
Figured it was about time I collected all of my fics into one area, will ofc be updating it as I write more. It’s sorted by ship, including wherefrom they originate, with a brief description of what type (one-shot, chapter fic, same-universe if I’m feeling saucy) and a short summary of what happens. V proud of myself for figuring out how to link these tbh, but if any of the links isn’t working for the love of Pete please let me know. Fics with more than one chapter will be linked to the first chapter because...logic.
For the tags, I have chosen to only use the ship names, not __ x __ format, for the sake of trying to keep the tags somewhat in hand. I have, however, tried to use what I’m aware of being the most popular/common names for ships, as well as the alternate ones I’ve seen for more niche stuff. Also tagged are the shipped characters. If I add new ships, I'll have to reblog bc of the tag limit.
*Hands you the rabbit hole* Have fun going down!
CaptainCroc/GoldenHook (Rumplestiltskin x Killian Jones {Once Upon A Time}):
Is This Love Persevering? (It Feels More Like The End of the World): One-shot. Established CaptainCroc mourning the loss of Baelfire. Canon-divergent for the sake of Rumple actually getting to attend his son’s funeral.
Who Makes You See Color: Chapter fic, 14 total. CaptainCroc soulmates AU where one person sees color earlier than the other. Extends from pre-Dark One era to the First Curse being broken.
The Truth Echoes Darkly: Short series; part 1 for The Truth Echoes Darkly. Echo Caves AU where instead of Emma, Hook confesses that he loves Rumple for maximum awkward.
The Echo Goes On: Short series; part 2 for The Truth Echoes Darkly. Back in Storybrooke, Rumple finds himself obsessed with Hook and realizes that he’s fallen in love as well.
My North Star: One-shot. Established CaptainCroc vow renewal, featuring Hook’s inner thoughts about how much he loves Rumple.
Better Than Blood: One-shot. Pretty racy, but the point is thinking about the poeticism of having sex with your ex-nemesis.
Cherik (Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr {X-Men Movies}):
Sweetheart Will You Sleep With Me: One-shot. The night before they fight Shaw, Charles and Erik make the most of the little time they know they have left together and sleep in Charles’ room. Fluff, don’t get too excited by the title lol.
Baby While You’re At It: One-shot. Based on a Jessie Murph song. Angst with a happy ending. Charles is furious when Erik crashes a party at the school, so they have it out in the kitchen and get more-or-less back together by the end.
Espionage Husbands (Talos x Nick Fury {Captain Marvel/Secret Invasion}):
Locked In This Embrace: One-shot. Focuses on the forehead-touching scene from Episode 1, plus an original scene or two afterwards. Mostly Talos pining for Nick with a happy ending.
If You Are Gilgamesh And Did These Things: One-shot. Angst without a happy ending because the author was very upset and sad when Talos died. Nick is grieving Talos; Sonya isn’t helping.
Frankenwolf (Ruby Lucas x Victor Frankenstein {Once Upon A Time}):
Den of Blankets: One-shot. Ruby’s wolf instincts kick in during pregnancy and she builds a blanket-fort den. V fluff.
She Deserves To Have Your Name: One-shot (possibly same-universe as Den of Blankets). Victor has doubts about whether or not their child should have the name Frankenstein, but Ruby wouldn’t hear of anything else.
It’s Just A Dream: One-shot. Ruby has a nightmare spawned from her fears of being a bad parent; Victor comforts her.
As The Storm Blows Through: One-shot. Victor has anxiety during a storm because of what happened with Gerhardt, and Ruby comforts him.
Secret Admirers Are For The Subtle: One-shot. Victor anonymously sends Ruby flowers at the diner so he can drop by, “notice” them, and stick around to sketch them, all so he can spend time with Ruby. She’s on to him the entire time.
Blue Skies Smiling At Me: One-shot. Utterly fluffy beach fic. Ruby is having a good day relaxing with her friends, and it only gets better when her handsome husband joins them.
Frankenberry And The Fruit Brute: One-shot. Fun little Halloween fic where Ruby and Victor discover the General Mills cereals that match their fairytale identities.
Precursor To A Love Song: One-shot. Hyperion Heights AU where Ruby and Victor meet and feel an instant connection, even though they don’t know why. She’s a fashion designer and he’s a piano player/freelance artist. Potential springboard for a full chapter fic if I feel like it.
HatterHare (Mad Hatter x March Hare {Adventures In Wonderland}):
The First Kiss: One-shot. Just a fluffy lil idea about what their first kiss might’ve been like.
Every Bit Of You: One-shot. Projection’n’stuff about food issues basically.
Kalluzeb (Garazeb Orrelios x Alexsandr Kallus {Star Wars Rebels}):
Don’t You Know It’s Because He Loves You?: One-shot. Kallus discovers that Zeb is in love with him via a Lasat Honor Guard tradition.
To Convince You That I Love You: Chapter fic. Kallus does risky things to prove he would do anything for love of Zeb, or that he’s worthy of him, and ends up getting hurt. Angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort.
Lokius (Loki x Mobius {Loki}):
The Man Of My Dreams And He’s Just Out Of Reach: One-shot (with a very long name lol). Mobius stands there across the street from Don’s house and misses Loki. Author was having some Feelings™.
Outlaw Queen (Regina Mills x Robin Hood {Once Upon A Time}):
A Slice Of Life: One-shot. Regina spends the day with her boys and thinks about how awesome it is to have them. V fluffy because the OQ family didn’t get enough of that.
Paxe/AxePaz (Paz Vizsla x Axe Woves {The Mandalorian}):
We Are Mandalorians: Our Love Must Be Forged: Chapter fic, 11 total. Axe and Paz slowly fall in love as they engage in the battle to retake Mandalore, more or less a fix-it for Paz dying in S3 canon.
PloKit (Plo Koon x Kit Fisto {Star Wars: the Clone Wars}):
Reader, Plo Married Him: One-shot. Plo and Kit share some quiet time just after their wedding.
The Tender Daily Ritual: One-shot. Basically just fluff; Kit helps Plo with lotioning his skin because it dries out in oxygen atmospheres.
Scogan (Scott Summers x Logan Howlett {X-Men Movies}):
Torn Between Love And Fear: One-shot. Scott wants to stay after sex and sleep in Logan’s room, but Logan is terrified of hurting him during a nightmare. Angst with a happy (and sort of spicy) ending.
You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours: One-shot. Logan and Scott discover they have a mutual pain kink and indulge in it together for the first time. Incredibly spicy, I'm so proud of myself.
Spones (Spock x Dr. McCoy {Star Trek TOS}):
I Could Drink A Case Of You (I Would Still Be On My Feet): One-shot. Based on a Joni Mitchell song; angsty with a happy ending.
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ravensilversea · 1 year
I'll Tell You How the Sun Rose
Title: I'll Tell You How the Sun Rose
Author: Raven_Silversea
Rating: T
Pairing: Colonnello & Aloy, background Colonnello/Lal Mirch/Reborn
Prompt: Reincarnation AU / Oblivious Flirting
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Nora!Colonnello, set during Horizon: Zero Dawn, Post- The City of the Sun Quest, Pre- Into the Borderlands Quest
“You could go back, you know,” Aloy says in the middle of looting a supply chest. “I mean,” she gestures at the bodies and destroyed machines all around them, “the killers are dead, you avenged your brother, and I bet Sona and Teersa will support your return-”
“I have people I’m looking for, kora,” Colonnello cuts her off. He tosses a broken arrow to the side and pulls another, still intact, one from the next body to add to his collection. Jumping down from the quarry ledge to the wooden platform Aloy’s crouched on, he splits his arrow collection in half and passes some to her. “I would have left years ago, but the Matriarchs wouldn’t give me the Seeker’s Mark, even though I won the Proving.”
Aloy frowns. “I thought you could ask for anything.” She does a cursory wipe of the arrows to remove any wet blood before slotting them into her quiver. 
Colonnello snorts as he haphazardly throws his own arrows into the quiver on his back. He’ll clean and organize them better next time they make camp, so there’s no reason for Aloy to glare at him like that, especially since she’ll also have to clean her arrows later. “Yeah, well, you’re not supposed to ask for leave to come and go from the Sacred Lands, kora.” He about-turns and starts walking towards the quarry exit, and the scrambling of boots against stone tell him that Aloy’s following. 
“So…” she drawls. “What did you get as your boon?”
Colonnello sighs, looking up to the blue afternoon sky and beseeching a dead god for patience. “I settled for changing my name and getting a post on the border.”
“Bet the Matriarches took that well.”
“Ha! They hated it almost as much as my mother did.” If his brother hadn’t been her favorite child before that day, he certainly was after. Not that Colonnello blames her for it. He’s always been a shitty son, and this is now the second life running he’s left his mother grieving while he fucks off into danger to run away from his own grief.
Aloy brushes past him and does a running leap to the first handhold. The sunlight gleams off her red hair, and her smile almost puts its brightness to shame. She’s so goddamn young, and his brother was too. Too young to hold all of Teersa’s hopes on her shoulders and far too young to die. 
His climb up the handholds and ledges is slower than hers, which she always takes a moment to tease him about. “Do I need to slow down for you, old man?” she asks from above him with a grin.
“I’ll show you who’s old,” he grumbles and hauls himself up and over the last ledge out of the quarry. He’s not old. He’s nowhere near old. Twenty is nothing compared to being a hundred despite being physically fifty. Just because she’s sixteen and wandering around with only one set of memories doesn’t make him old.
Well, he thinks as Aloy runs up to their Strider and does minor repairs on it before slinging her packs over it’s rear end already to get going and do the next thing. Maybe he is a bit old.
“One of these days, kora,” he says, mounting up behind her on the horse-like machine, “I am going to introduce you to the concept of a siesta.”
Aloy laughs. “You keep saying that and have yet to do it.”
“It hasn’t been ‘one of these days’ yet, kora.”
Aloy waits days to ask who he’s looking for, and Colonnello’s honestly a bit surprised she waited that long. She doesn’t exactly have tact and does have a desire to know everything about everything. 
The campfire crackles as Colonnello rotates the rabbits he’s cooking for their dinner, and somewhere in the distance, a Longleg blasts something. Probably a fox. Maybe some poor fool who got too close to the machine herd.
Aloy shifts so that she’s sitting directly across from him, which makes it hard to ignore her expectant expression.
He sighs and sits back against the rock behind him. How does he even explain that he’s looking for people he’s known most of his life but also never met? People who are long dead and possibly not even born, or born and don’t remember him? The stars and Milky Way above him give Colonnello no answers.
“Were they taken in the Red Raids?” Aloy asks quietly, already seeming to brace herself for his answer. She’s heard enough people’s stories at this point, Colonnello supposes it’s only to be expected that she starts there. Still…
“No. Well, maybe, kora. I don’t know.” He jabs the poker stick into the fire and nudges the logs until one’s back begins to crumble off. Pulling out the stick, he shoves the glowing tip into the dirt to extinguish it. “They aren’t Nora.” At least, he doesn’t think they’re Nora. Even without their memories, he’s pretty confident he would have recognized them.
At least… God, he hopes he would.
Aloy’s brow furrows. “Then how… you’ve never left the Sacred Lands.”
“Until now, yep.” Colonnello tests the rabbits, determines they’re cooked, and tosses one to Aloy. “It’s… complicated.”
“Complicated as in Rules of the Nora complicated or complicated as in why you know so much about the Old Ones complicated.” 
Colonnello gapes at her, even as Aloy takes a large bite of her rabbit and raises her eyebrow. She’s sharper than a tack, he can’t deny that no matter how much he grumbles about it. “Viper would skin me alive for dropping enough hints for you to pick up on that, kora,” he mutters. Aloy grins. 
Colonnello takes a bite of rabbit and chews it thoughtfully. “The second one,” he wags his pointer finger downwards in the air like he was picking a gameshow answer. “I knew them Before. In my last life.”
Aloy’s eyebrows climb so high, they almost get lost in her hairline. “Your what.”
“My last life. What part wasn’t I clear about, kora?” Colonnello says with a broad, teasing grin. “I have memories of the Old World when I was an ‘Old One’.” He fingerquotes, and Aloy screws up her face in confusion when he does.
She gestures at the air. “What was that? Why did you do that?”
“Oh it’s an Old Ones thing. You wouldn’t understand, kora.” He takes another bite of his dinner while Aloy makes a teakettle noise of frustration. 
He spends the rest of the meal explaining different idiosyncrasies of the Old World before there were machines and when the ruins were actually towering buildings people lived and worked in. But as they climb into their bedrolls, Colonnello knows Aloy isn’t done with their initial conversation. She’s far too nosy to be.
He’s right, of course. Aloy brings it up again one night while they’re riding along the road, right after they’ve outrun a herd of Chargers who took them going past as a challenge for about five miles. “You love her, whoever you’re looking for,” Aloy says.
Colonnello watches the last Charger disappear from the horizon behind them and turns back around. They literally spent most of the day sitting in a small cave waiting out a sandstorm, and she waits until now to ask. “Them. I love both of them, kora,” he whispers.
Aloy’s quiet for a moment. Colonnello isn’t surprised. While there are a few polyamorous partnerships amongst the Nora, she’s spent maybe a week amongst the tribe itself and most of that was spent helping in the immediate aftermath of the Proving. It’ll take her a moment to add the concept into her worldview, but only because she never considered it before. While she does, he looks over her shoulder to the road ahead, trying to draw centuries old constellations in the new starfield again.
“What were they like?”
Fuck, how to describe them? How to encapsulate all that is Reborn and Lal into a few short sentences when they were two of the Strongest Seven with reputations to match? 
He settles on, “He was an asshole, and she could kick my ass,” to start.
Aloy bursts out laughing. “Sounds like my kind of people.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” Lal would absolutely adore Aloy. She’s the right kind of scrappy and smart that would make Lal want to take her right under her wing. Reborn would take those same qualities as a challenge, and he’d spent every waking moment trying to trip her up and make her even better than she already was. All in all, Aloy was scary now? The earth itself would quake beneath her feet after those two were done with her, and Colonnello wishes he could see it.
“Both of them were terrifying teachers, but they wanted their students to be their best. Reborn was just more willing to drag the more useless-appearing ones to greatness while Lal had a more sink or swim mentality.”
“Got personal experience with that one?” Aloy smirks over her shoulder, barely visible in the moonlight.
Colonnello chuckles. “It’s how I met Lal. I was assigned to her squad, and she ran me over with a tank- uh, those square-ish ruins with a canon we see along the road sometimes.”
“She ran you over with one of those?”
“Hey now! I lived didn’t I?”
Aloy gives him a squint-eyed look that says so much about what she thinks of that. She mutters something about it breaking his self-preservation a whole lifetime later, but he can’t quite make it out.
“Reborn was my best friend,” he continues. “Dramatic to the extreme, loved tormenting his students and seeing them shake in their boots, but he would have killed anyone who tried to touch a hair on their heads.” He trails off. “I’d be more worried about any Carja who tried to drag them off during the Red Raids then them to be honest. They were two of the strongest people in the world, and everyone knew it, kora.”
“Now you’re exaggerating.”
Colonnello shakes his head with a smile, but there’s no real explaining the I Prescelti Sette and the Arcobaleno Curse, much less his role in it. At least, not right now. Instead, he fills the night with stories about Reborn and Lal, both their accomplishments and their most embarrassing failures, as well as how they all ended up together. Just glossing over the curse and mafia aspects of it all.
They arrive at Meridian in the gray hours just before dawn. A man is waiting for them at the gates and introduces himself as Blameless Marad with a closed-lipped smile and knowing eyes, and Colonnello immediately pegs him as a spy. Unlike Viper, who had carried themselves with a disinterested air that allowed them to slide into the background unless you were willing to buy the information they had, Marad clearly wants them to know he has information and is not afraid to use it. It makes him dangerous.
Colonnello rests his hand on the hilt of the knife he keeps on his hip. Marad’s eyes follow the motion before cutting back up to smirk at Colonnello. “The Sun-King requests your presence, Aloy and Colonnello of the Nora,” he says. “If you would follow me?”
Marad leads them through the early morning bustle of the city, merchants and tradesmen only just beginning to set up their tables while guards conduct a shift change. The palace is separated from the city proper by a long bridge, and then by seemingly endless stairs dotted with Carja nobles also seeking an audience with the Sun-King.
Twisting her head at every noble they pass, Aloy’s eyes clearly track up and down the fine clothing, accessories, and distinct lack of weaponry. Their escort skillfully redirects her attention to their ascent with quiet lectures about the history and architecture of the palace while Colonnello pointedly glares at every noble who mutters something about rising early every morning for days and the “Nora savages” getting to skip the line. He may be able to restraint himself from picking a fight, but Aloy’s only sixteen and has the short temper to go with it.
It doesn’t stop Marad from dryly catching Colonnello’s eye when Colonnello starts tapping his fingers against his knife hilt.
They climb the last stairs and turn towards a balcony. The view is primarily blocked by a large metal-carved throne facing out over the city, and Colonnello has to respect the dedication to the view despite the security hazard. But then again, it’s not like any of the tribes have developed (or dug up any) snipe rifles yet, and arrows only go so far.
Three figures step out from the shadows of the throne. The first, a bare-chested man save for an open-robe and a large metal-and-machine-part necklace, wearing a geometric headpiece. Presumably, he’s the Sun-King. He greets them with a bright smile. The second is Erend, who pulls Aloy into a tight hug.
The third… It’s the tilt of his head that gives him away, and Colonnello is moving, brushing past the Sun-King mid-sentence, and wrapping his arms around the shadowed man just as dawn breaks over the mesa. Arms wrap around him in return as he breathes in the new but familiar scent of resin instead of gunpowder, oasis and desert instead of coffee, and sunlight which has somehow stayed the same.
Colonnello pulls back to look into the same gunmetal colored eyes he remembers and says, almost breathes it feels like, “Where the fuck have you been, kora?”
Reborn huffs. His stupid curly sideburns have also the journey from one life to the next, and Colonnello wants to pull them just to see them bounce again. “Right here, idiota,” Reborn says before leaning in and kissing Colonnello. 
It burns like the morning sun against the cold desert night, and Colonnello wraps his fingers in the curls on the back of Reborn’s head, pulling him closer as if to soak up all the rays and embed the feeling of this one kiss into his bones. Because last life, he had almost forgotten this feeling, up on that cold mountain with Lal and the other soldiers and endless swarm of machines and no idea if Reborn was still out there somewhere while the apocalypse rained down upon the world.
Reborn’s the one to break the kiss, leaving them both panting. The bastard smirks down at him, carefully untangles Colonnello’s fingers from his hair, and pulls away. “So,” he says, “When did you adopt a kid?”
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asachuu · 2 months
Paul "I'm not going outside for 6 years bc my partner is the only one i want to see" Verlaine doesn't actually grieve his partner trust me guys asachuu said so
Paul "I'm so sorry rimbaud now that you're gone I'm so terribly sad" Verlaine
my brother in christ asachuu can you actually read!!!!
-rimbaudthursday (sadly still blocked :( )
Um…anon…? I’ll scratch this up to an honest mistake, but…
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You are aware that in the very same sentence I do acknowledge his grief post-epilogue, plus that is something I’ve never denied once, I’ve spoken about it multiple times as well, right?
Also, you are aware that I’m talking about every single thing happening pre-epilogue, in which— I’m not sure if we’ve read the same novel, but I’d like to sincerely believe you’ve accidentally skipped over what I quite obviously meant and downright said— Paul explicitly states himself that he hated Arthur, which is then further told to us on multiple occasions, and thanked Chuuya for bringing upon Arthur’s death, all which happened following his betrayal and Arthur’s “first” death…right?
To put it very simply:
Yes, Paul does indeed grieve his partner very deeply, regretting his actions more than anything, AFTER THE EPILOGUE OF STORMBRINGER.
BEFORE THE EPILOGUE OF STORMBRINGER, he does not— in fact, he does the exact opposite, expresses his disdain for Arthur in both words and actions many times, and this is what I’m referring to back in that post— I have absolutely no reason to be talking about Paul’s feelings at the very end when it’s absolutely irrelevant to covering his entire past with Arthur, in which it could not be made more clear those are not his feelings yet.
Additionally, on the chance you’re trying to make an argument of Paul carrying the grief with him up until the epilogue in which it’s made clear even to the audience— I don’t know if this is your opinion, of course, but I’ll say it regardless, just in case that’s what you were aiming at— you wouldn’t believe me saying this, but there is, canonically, at least some hesitation and grief in Paul’s mind shown to us right before he pulls the trigger on Arthur, but that’s where it ends for the time being, until the epilogue. Whether or not Paul somehow “secretly carried it around”, which…I can’t say I haven’t seen people claim already, would not only be downright impossible to tell with his constant reminders that yes, he did, in fact, hate Arthur, but also, it would change absolutely nothing about his behavior if it clearly had no influence on it— before the epilogue, I’ll remind you— when he still betrayed his partner, still expressed his joy over Arthur’s death, still spoke harshly of him on multiple occasions throughout the entirety of Stormbringer and still was the reason his late partner died sincerely believing he was never doing enough for Paul and he was the one in the wrong the whole time, among other ways he behaved extremely coldly towards Arthur that render any potential hidden guilt in his heart completely irrelevant, because none of it softened, let alone prevented a single thing he’d ever done.
Now, anon, I very much don’t find any use in being rude to anyone, but I do have to say, since you’ve been so kind and sweet to me first— and please take this in the most neutral, non-personal way you can— before you question whether I can read or not, in the case this wasn’t a simple, innocent mistake of yours at all, could you please find out the answer to this question about yourself first? While I will gladly explain what I’m talking about to you if you need more clarification on it, albeit I would be much happier to do so for a polite request rather than anything you’ve sent me so far, if you’ll deliberately ignore half of my words in the exact same sentence you must have read to even come up with this, I won’t be able to try to correct or explain it to you even if I do so fifty times, because you could easily just cherry-pick whatever you want to read yourself out of my words while discarding the whole rest again.
Nevertheless, with all that being said…to answer your question properly, yes, I believe I am able to read, thank you very much for asking. 💕
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riality-check · 1 year
Rambling thoughts about Father’s Day and grief (of sorts) that I’ll probably delete in the morning because I need to stop oversharing on the internet.
My father’s mother died in January, when I was four. It kicked off the worst year in my family’s life, the details of which I won’t share. I got sick, then better. My father got sicker in a different way, and it took him a lot more to get better. My sister was not old enough to go to school. My mother was trying desperately to hold us all together.
And the spiral started with that one death.
Just like I don’t remember everything falling apart that year, I don’t remember my grandmother dying. I remember her alive, bits and pieces of her sitting in a chair and commenting idle things as my sister and I ran around her, but I don’t remember her dying.
The first time I was aware of it, that my grandmother died, was when my mother said it to explain why my father was crying in the middle of our living room floor.
I had never seen him cry before. I was in pre school, I was already able to read, and I thought it was impossible for my father to cry.
But there he was. Six feet tall, but he felt smaller than me.
So, I did what any four year old would have done: I put my arms around him and I said, “It’s okay, Daddy. We can get you a new mommy.”
I didn’t understand, then, why that made him cry harder.
I don’t know why I’m thinking about this today. Nearly fifteen years have passed. I FaceTimed my father today, and we talked about the Red Sox.
We always start off by talking about the Red Sox during baseball season.
It’s odd to think about grief on a holiday where I can celebrate someone who’s still with me, especially when that grief isn’t mine.
I don’t think you can really grieve someone you didn’t know all that well. So, I don’t think I’m grieving my grandmother. I think I might be finally understanding just a fraction of how my father felt, sitting there on the living room floor, with his daughter telling him with full confidence that the impossible can happen.
It’s 10 PM. I’m sitting outside, listening to Bruce Springsteen, and typing this up.
I’ve never cried while writing something before.
I don’t know what the point of this is. I think it might be an apology of sorts.
Sorry, Dad, for making the same mistake that every other kid makes. For failing to understand the distinction between cruelty and kindness.
I promise I’ll study tomorrow. I’ll get a B+ in my class. Hopefully.
Happy Father’s Day. I know you’ll never see this because there’s no way in hell I’m letting you know about this specific social media presence, but:
I love you.
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runelocked · 9 months
holy branches - radical face
When you were young, you’d bite your tongue, / Calm, always did what you were told, / Never ran your mouth, lived life on tiptoes / Only felt peace if by yourself / When mistakes don’t count […] Now I live alone, / Work in the belly of machines, wring my soot-black hands / And I don’t sleep much / Days don’t feel much different from the nights
before the incident!!! when their relationship was good and william honestly thought of him as a pseudo-son!!!! he’s always been shrewd and james reminded him a LOT of his own childhood (except much worse), and this song gives the vibes of an older man trying to pass on wisdom about life to his son or smthn. it’s bittersweet in this context :’)
you’re a mirror i cannot avoid - bad books
But you’re a mirror I cannot void / Strung out and jittery and paranoid, / A leaky battery that can’t keep charged / Get in the car and say what you mean, / Explain yourself to me and I’ll try not to judge you more than you would, / Let me help, I promise not to tell
wails over this song and these two in particular. the tragic events at the diner messed them BOTH up good and i imagine this is from james’s perspective, grieving and trying his very best to cling to a man that is spiralling away from him. the beginning of the end for their dynamic :’) there’s nothing more painful than watching someone else become a shadow of their former self while you’re going through the same thing after all!!!
you’re somebody else - flora cash
Well you look like yourself / But you’re somebody else / Only it ain’t on the surface, / Well you talk like yourself, / No, I hear something else though / Now you’re making me nervous
one of my fav sad songs hands down and fits james and william after the incident TM. from james’ perspective and the part of him that’s devastated (presumably) that someone he’d admired and cared about did this to him… and the grief that comes with meeting the dark side of your heroes :’)
dead things - emilíana torrini
Sad things have to happen sometimes, / Let the snow melt in my mouth / Until my head hurts, until I’m out, / Makes me laugh a bit, makes me cry / Same way you confuse me all the time
this is a jump in time but in my head this song like. perfectly encapsulates how william feels about james as he’s spiralling further and further towards the springlock incident. james is a presence that constantly weighs on him and william is incredibly unstable at the end: he’s just as likely to laugh at james as he is to beg for his forgiveness (though mostly he’ll try to ignore him) — in fact! james is one of the main reasons he returns to try and destroy the animatronics, in the hopes he will pass on too ^_^ and we all know how that worked out ^_^
for the departed - shayfer james
I’ll write a symphony for the departed, / And I have no time for second chances / So I survive on bourbon, blood, and backward glances / And so, the scene begins, / Your cries become the wind / A desperate plea best left unheard / Then my contrived goodbye / A poet’s pantomime, / A drunken jester’s final words
wow look! it’s william having a complete paranoid breakdown over james the night before he returns to destroy the animatronics in 1994!!!! yeah this song captures his feelings towards james (and the others but honestly? it’s always been the boy that unsettles him the most) — i can picture a scenario where william thinks he sees james out of the corner of his eye in the middle of his own house and so, furious and frightened and full of bitter feelings, decides once and for all to put the kid out of his misery by destroying the things holding him here. sets out with an ax to destroy the machinery and end everything […] and is promptly surprised, scared, and springlocked forever !
( i had more for pre-incident dynamics but i didn’t want to bombard you with songs so have these !!!!!!! )
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justicerikai · 1 year
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #61 Birthday Present
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
TL note:
About teru teru bouzu from Wikipedia: “A teru teru bōzu (Japanese: てるてる坊主 or 照る照る坊主, literally "shine shine monk”) is a small traditional handmade doll made of white paper or cloth that Japanese farmers began hanging outside of their window by a string. In shape and construction they are essentially identical to ghost dolls, such as those made at Halloween.“
There he is
Terra: Ghost-kun,
Ohse: !
Terra: Do you have a moment to spare?
Ohse: Sorry, I had plans to die before the day ends.
Terra: Actually spare your life instead
Amahiko: Ohse-san, tomorrow is your birthday, right
Ohse: Eh..?
Ohse: …Ah
Amahiko: The 14th of June, that’s what you told us if I’m not mistaken
Terra: And since we want to give you a present, we’d wanna know what you’d like
Ohse: HUUH!?
Ohse: Buh… birth… birthday pres…
Ohse: EEEH!!? NO WAY!?
(Ohse panicking)
Terra: What’s wrong- just what is he doing-
(Terra and Amahiko trying to calm him down)
Ohse: F-f-f-f-for this shitty sore loser.. a b-b-b-birthday present…
Ohse: Not in a million years!
Ohse: It’d also be better for you to quit before it’s too late!
Terra & Amahiko: Huh?
Ohse: Tomorrow is a day of mourning.
Terra & Amahiko: Mourning?
Ohse: This piece of shit’s birthday shall be grieved.
Terra: What are you going on about
Amahiko: Please let us celebrate the occasion.
Amahiko: What would you like as a present?
Ohse: Eh… uuuuh…
Terra: Can’t you stop looking like a teru teru bozu on a rainy day?
Terra: What’s up with you? Are you not happy about getting a present from us?
Ohse: That’s not it! I couldn’t be happier!
Ohse: It’s more like, rather than not wanting anything… um… It’s that I’d be happy with anything instead, something along these lines, um…
Terra: Geez, that was the reason
Amahiko: You’d enjoy anything as long as we’re the ones who chose it, is what you were trying to say, no
Ohse: Yes…
Terra: That’s great then
Terra: Then we’ll go ahead and give him something we personally chose, Amahiko
Amahiko: Indeed
Amahiko: Do look forward to it, Ohse-san.
Ohse: T-thank you very much…
(Terra and Amahiko laugh, leaving Ohse be)
Amahiko: Ah, what kind of present are you going for, Terra-san?
Terra: I’m maybe thinking of cheerful clothes that Ohse-kun doesn’t usually wear
Ohse: Eh?
Terra: Gonna pick out the flashiest ones, it’ll brighten him right up
Ohse: U-um…
Terra: And you, Amahiko?
Amahiko: Perhaps I’ll give him some clothes too.
Terra: What kind?
Amahiko: Sexy ones.
Ohse: EEEH!?
Amahiko: Revealing as they can get. To make him bold and daring.
Ohse: E-excuse me…
Terra: Let’s go shopping at once, Sexy!
Amahiko: Roger, Beauty!
Terra & Amahiko: Lala lala lala lalalaaa~♪
Ohse: Please wait!
Terra & Amahiko: Hm?
Terra: What’s wrong? You’re suddenly being loud
Ohse: U-um… about the present…
Ohse: Ccccheerful clothes?
Terra: Mhm
Ohse: And, sexy clothes..?
Amahiko: Oh YES.
Ohse: …..!
Terra: What? Got any issues with it?
Ohse: No, no! Not at all!
Amahiko: Ohse-san…
Amahiko: Could it be that you aren’t glad about receiving these as a present?
Ohse: It’s not that I won’t be happy with it!
Ohse: You know you’re going out of your way to prepare a present for such a piece of trash of a human being!? It’s unbelievable! It makes me extremely happy!
Terra: You’d like whatever we choose, yeah?
Ohse: Yes!
Amahiko: We’ll be off shopping then
Terra & Amahiko: Lala lala lala lalalaaa~♪
Terra: Just what’s the matter with you
Ohse: U-um…
Ohse: …!
Ohse: You cannot buy clothes.
Terra & Amahiko: Huh?
Terra: We can’t?
Amahiko: What’s the meaning of this?
Ohse: Both of you, this is something for just between everyone present here.
Terra: What
Amahiko: Hmm?
Ohse: Truth to be told, this shitty sore loser, is considering leaving this lifestyle of wearing clothes behind.
Terra: Excuse me?
Amahiko: In other words, Ohse-san, you are going to be nude the whole year round!?
Ohse: Yes!
Terra: Why be that unconventional?
Ohse: I’ve realized that luxury items such as clothes are wasted on someone as shitty as me, and I rarely leave my room to begin with and neither do I see other people.
Amahiko: I understand! It’s killing two birds with one stone!
Terra: Are you sure of… that?
Ohse: How commendable, Ohse-san.
Amahiko: Terra-san, we cannot dare to hinder such a revolutionary commitment. We better give up on the idea of giving him clothes.
Terra: Eeeh~?
Amahiko: Let us look at other things instead, Beauty.
Terra: What, like, seriously? Hey, hold on, like…
Amahiko: Gosh~ this calls for a celebration. Double meaning intended.
Terra: In what way?
(Amahiko drags Terra away)
Ohse: W-what a relief~
Fumiya: Woah. That spooked me.
Sarukawa: HAAAH!? What the hell are you doin’
Iori: W-w-w-w-what is this
Sarukawa: The fuck happened, oi, explain yerself-
Rikai: It’s a shame, Ohse-kun.
Rikai: I believed you had the potential, however- to think that you were a vulgar dunce who would stoop so low to such stupidity instead
Rikai: Live as you like. It has nothing to do with me anymore.
Ohse: Ah….
Ohse: Aaah…
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transboytwelve · 2 years
For the ask thingy, because I’m in an angsty mood: Thasmin, the doctor misjudged coming back from space prison—it’s been 10 years
OOO TEN YEARS THATS SO LONG (in true Me fashion it took me days to do this I’d apologize but it will happen again)
Send me a ship+au and I’ll give you a lil headcanon for it!
ok i went through a few scenarios with this and the one i like the most is: yaz moved on.
which is wild, but considering this is pre potd, pre lotsd eotd, pre flux, pre rotd even! i think she'd have worked past that anger we saw in rotd while she worked on her grief, and i think she'd come out the other side (mostly) unscathed.
ten years is a long time.
ten years in linear time is a long time, especially for a human.
and yaz has had all of that time to Get Over It, and i think she's stubborn enough that she would.
because, like, what choice does she have? she can't disappear again, she can't run off with a time traveling alien and forget her earth problems. What choice does she have other than to grit her teeth and bear it for however long it takes.
and eventually, that "however long it takes" turned into "a while" and that turned into "forever" when she got to the acceptance part of her grieving process.
and then the doctor comes back.
yaz is older now, like, what, 32 ish right? close to? she's got her own flat or maybe a house even, and a few plants, and a cat. and she never went back to police work but now shes doing social work, which she likes a lot better. and she's matured now. she doesn't get those urges anymore, and she doesn't run away as much.
and the doctor comes back. like, shows up on her doorstep, thinking maybe Yaz is visiting a friend or summat. no idea its yaz's house, and knocks on the door or just walks in like she owns the place. and yaz was washing dishes from the night before and looks up when the door opens and fully drops the mug into the sink.
the cut on her hand is kinda deep and she curses and and the doctor immediately rushes over to help cos she didn't mean to scare her! and she doesn't even notice how different yaz looks bc shes so focused on getting her a bandage and helping her wash out the cut
and shes holding yaz's hand and finally looks up and frowns because...she looks different.
the doctor isn't great with faces or remembering them but she'd remember yaz (she made a conscious effort to remember yaz in prison) and this yaz doesn't look like her yaz and for a second shes scared she flew into a different universe or something by accident
and shes like "yaz?"
and yaz feels like she's going to Throw Up, and not because of the cut on her hand.
and then the doctor finally registers everything in the house, like the dishes in the sink and the flowers in the vase on the window and the cat sleeping on the couch and the sweatshirt thrown over one chair and the pictures on the wall showing a life lived (showing YEARS of a life lived)
and shes like ..."oh."
and yaz is like "yeah."
and the doctor is like "how longs it been?"
and yaz pulls her hand away and steps back because holy shit
and shes like "ten years."
flashback to clara and the dream crabs and 13 feels like this MUST be a joke like that, right? like, there's NO way she's that late. no way. absolutely none. her ship has never steered her that far off course.
and shes like "no..."
and yaz is like "yeah, doctor. ten years."
And Yaz wants to be angry. Oh god, she wants to be PISSED. She wants to feel that anger she did in the months and years after, where she’d imagine the doctor showing back up in her flat with a smile and a stupid excuse as if nothing had happened. She wants to feel that emotion again because it’s at least SOMETHING, and not…whatever she’s feeling now
(Which like, it isn’t relief. It’s not anger and it’s not sadness and it’s not happiness either. Not entirely. It’s more like…acceptance?)
((And that’s when she knows she’s truly moved on, because she’s able to bandage her hand and make the doctor a cup of tea and sit on the couch while the doctor goes around her flat and looks at all the evidence of her life over the years, and Yaz doesn’t feel the pulling urge to run away in the tardis like she did in her twenties.))
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 months
The Good Son (1993)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Dammit, I already used “Good Son, Bad Movie” the last time I wrote a review for this thriller. I could wrack my brain to think of something clever but that pretty much summarizes it. The Good Son brings nothing new to the “Bad Seed” story. Its characters are flat and what’s set up doesn’t pay off in any satisfying way. This means you have the entire movie figured out as soon as the main characters are introduced.
10-year-old Mark Evans (Elijah Wood) is still grieving his recently deceased mother when he's sent to live with his aunt (Wendy Crewson) and uncle (Daniel Hugh Kelly) while his father is away on business. Befriending their son, Henry (Macaulay Culkin), Mark soon realizes the boy pretends to be nice and well-mannered but is actually a cruel sadist obsessed with death.
The story goes that in the early '90s, Hollywood felt like the time was right for a “classy” thriller about children and evil. Macaulay Culkin was cast as the malicious kid as a way to show audiences that he had greater range than they had seen previously. The problem is that Caulkin didn’t fit this part. Even if you don’t see his face and flashback to a Christmas favorite, you don’t feel intimidated. I'm not saying that because there are few things as non-threatening as a 10-year-old. To compensate, the film takes many cheap shortcuts. Rather than make the film feel darker and edgier, these actually make it feel uninspired. We see Henry smoke but that's only shocking because it's something a little kid shouldn’t do. You see it as a tactic to provoke a reaction. There’s of course the obligatory curse word thrown in to make the sensitive mothers in the audience clutch their pearls and the standard stuff you’d expect out of this movie - the kind of bad behavior anyone with a brain would notice and bring up in a family therapy session. Henry wears creepy masks around the house. He has a shed in the woods where he collects animal bones, hangs dolls with nooses and has built a lethal crossbow. Most important of all, he speaks in a tone that screams “evil” because he never shows any vulnerability or emotion and delivers all of his lines as if they come from a teleprompter. I’m not saying that Culkin gives a bad performance but his dialogue clearly comes from an adult. You never buy it.
Despite all of these issues, I’m going to say that the biggest problem with The Good Son is that everything surrounding the titular child is so thin and poorly written. The assumption is that Henry’s parents are too busy grieving over their dead baby (I’ll give you three guesses of what happened) to recognize what’s hiding in plain sight. That theory doesn’t hold up. Shouldn’t Aunt Susan be so paranoid about her remaining son and daughter (she’s played by Quinn Culkin) that she’d never let them out of her sight? Instead, the kids are free to do whatever they want all day. I know this story takes place in a small town but it just doesn’t feel right. No, Henry gets away with everything because she’s too busy standing on the edge of a cliff all day (I bet you can see where that’s going too), as if she’s a 15th-century maiden waiting for her pirate husband to sail back after months away. Even with all of these “factors” hindering Mark’s believability… there’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to expose Henry for who he is. Over and over, you think director Joseph Ruben (who also directed the lousy Sleeping with the Enemy the previous year) will use the tools he has on hand. The child psychologist who surely won't be fooled by the pre-teen's facade, the numerous incidents around town, the way a child who is still grieving his mother might actually act out and misbehave… but no. It’s nothing but squandered potential.
Upon release,The Good Son was criticized for the way it took a child star and placed him in a film decidedly not appropriate for children. I’m not sure that's a fair criticism. If the movie had been really good, no one would’ve complained, particularly with the MPAA rating making it clear that this movie isn’t meant for young audiences. But it isn’t good, and when you combine that with the way it misuses its big names, The Good Son is just a waste. (February 25, 2022)
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verbo-s-e · 11 months
august 4, 2023 5:56 am
i’m on a train again. going somewhere in the middle of maryland. it’s pre dawn, the overcast sky a pearlescent blue grey. a storm is coming and not just up above me. my chest swells with choked sobs and silent streams of tears.
it’s funny in that, ‘not really funny at all’ kind of way how a single note of a song feeling like hope and light will take you back to a time when you thought the tide was changing in your favor. only to abruptly be reminded how very much it’s not and hasn’t. triggers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. you just never expect them and the hold they have on you.
it’s not just us. it’s everything. grieving and mourning the memory of who i thought you were, what we were and what we could be. it’s a lot. everything is falling apart and i so badly wish you were still in my corner to tell it about to. but you were never truly in my corner, we’re you? life has a way of painfully imitating art and now i’m asking myself — should i have fought? i tell myself i did. follow up question: should i have fought harder? i don’t know. is it too late? i don’t know. should i still move away? ye—- i don’t know. i know i’ll find the answers eventually, but it’s the uncertainty in the moment that is unsettling.
i thought i had clarity being 3000 miles away and for a brief moment i did. was even proud of myself for not thinking about you. but with the shitstorm that is my life, i almost wish i would have. that would have felt like a warmer welcome than what i feel right now.
what is that? well, dear reader, i don’t know.
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Live(ish)blogging my reaction to The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost, for posterity, part two: homoerotic landscaping, paul bunyan slashfic, and other tales
This section of the book contains Frost’s “seminarrative, semiphilosophical poems”. Utermeyer’s commentary apparently extends throughout the book, which is nice for context even if his worship of Frost gets on my nerves.
I don’t know if I’ll have something to say on each poem or not, but I’ll label each thing I’m talking about by the name of the poem.
“The Tuft of Flowers”
The pre-poem commentary description thing also describes the plot of mob psycho. The poem itself is sort of plain, but its story is memorable and sweet. It’s also much more homoerotic than I was expecting. Like obviously it’s just a soul-strong bond borne out of a deep shared love for nature, not inherently romantic or sexual. But like, all you’d have to do to make it explicitly gay is add one last couplet where they make out. Rhyme kiss with bliss, add some descriptions of nature to the mix, and you’re done. It would work!
Boring boring neighborhood gossip dr seuss ass meter oh shiiit neighborhood drama I’m now invested in hell yeah steal those blueberries Troll Reminiscence and that’s the end of the poem.
Very conversational. Would make for a great improv prompt.
“Home Burial”
A really interesting dichotomy between views of death. The fact that the husband is trying to force the wife to move on is probably speaking to how eventually coming to his nonchalant view of death is expected of those that grieve, but also fuck that guy for real. It’s cool to grieve in different ways, but he literally went down the stairs after he promised his wife he wouldn’t. He’s an asshole. The fact that their relationship is symbolic of death-mourning-whatever-tf doesn’t negate how much she deserves a divorce.
An interesting poem I wouldn’t hate writing an essay on.
“The Witch of Coös”
Wait so is the skeleton her husband? Huh? What? Is there a twist ending or am I just confused
“Paul’s Wife”
Hey Pauuul, Paul Bunyan (Paul Bunyan)! He’s 63 axe handles high with his feet on the ground and his head in the sky—
Is this gonna be like the nyan cat video where he gets a girlfriend? Aand that’s a slur. Thanks robert :/
If his wife is a tree is this gonna be like what happened with the entwives in lord of the rings? Also why is Murphy hiding in a shed and watching Paul while he’s near a body of water. Explain yourself, Murphy. You look like a skeezy anime protagonist during a hot springs episode. Get some fucking help, man.
Turns out the reason nobody knows shit about Paul Bunyan’s wife is that he’s overly possessive of her. Cool cool cool. Did I just read paul bunyan slashfic? Is that what this was? Problematic yandere paul bunyan, fluff, getting together, outside perspective, 1k. By robert lee frost.
There are more poems in this section but I need to go sit outside with my head in my hands and emotionally process the paul bunyan poem. I was expecting a tragedy and what I received was. Uh. Actually what was that, in sane normal human terms? I can’t describe it as anything other than paul bunyan slashfic. It was probably technically sweet? Like paul’s wife might be into being a cryptid, I don’t know her. Everything’s filtered through Murphy and his assumptions.
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"Nothing a good drink can't fix" from the hurt/comfort prompts. Geraskier, pretty please?
Here's a pre-relationship Geraskier modern AU with mentioned Yenralt and Yentriss and past Jaskier/Valdo.
“I think I’m going to die of heartbreak, Geralt.” Jaskier sprawls out across Geralt’s couch, limbs splayed dramatically and head tipped back. “I know I’ve said this before, but I mean it this time.”
“Hm.” Geralt pours two glasses of bourbon, making sure to add a couple extra ice cubes to Jaskier’s. His friend really can’t handle his liquor. “Nothing a good drink can’t fix.”
Jaskier opens one eye. “Is that from Yennefer’s stash?”
“So, your solution to be perishing from heartbreak is to have your girlfriend murder me first?”
Geralt snorts. “Yenn told us to help ourselves. She’s with Triss in Vizima this weekend. That always puts her in a good mood.”
She had also told Geralt to hurry up and confess his feelings to Jaskier “before that idiot ends up falling into bed with Valdo again, because for fuck’s sake, Geralt, I’m so tired of hearing about Valdo.” But Jaskier is exhausted and grieving, like he always is whenever he and Valdo have one of their infamous blow-up fights. The last thing he needs is Geralt fucking up their two decade long friendship by telling Jaskier that he’s loved him since they were eighteen.
“Budge up.” Geralt nudges Jaskier with his foot. “Yenn will kill you if she finds out you put your feet on the furniture.”
That gets Jaskier to sit up and take one of the glasses of bourbon from him. They sit in silence side by side for a while, both sipping their drinks and staring at the TV without really watching the game show that's on.
Finally, Jaskier asks in a quiet voice, “What is it about me, Geralt, that makes me so unlovable?”
Geralt frowns at him. “What makes you think you’re unlovable?”
Jaskier laughs without humor. “Vespula, Anna, the Countess, now Valdo. They all loved me for a while and then they just stopped and I’ll never know what I did wrong.”
“Only thing you did wrong is have shitty taste in people you date.” Geralt means it as a joke, but Jaskier grimaces. In a silent apology, Geralt reaches out to squeeze his friend’s knee. “There’s not a damn thing wrong with you, Jask. It’s their own fault for not seeing that.”
“You’re only saying that because you’re my best friend.” Jaskier flashes a weak smile. “You’re contractually obligated to love me.”
Geralt’s heart turns over in his chest. “I do.”
It’s the closest he’s ever come to speaking his true feelings for Jaskier aloud and he wills his friend to understand what he’s trying to say. But Jaskier just sighs and leans his head against Geralt’s shoulder, all the tension seeping out of him.
“You’ve been with me through everything, Geralt,” Jaskier says softly. “Through all that bullshit with my parents in college, through that horrible time I decided to bleach my hair, through getting left at the altar twice.”
“Through the six months you wore that ugly pink pleather jacket everywhere.”
“It was maroon, you uncultured swine.” He can hear the eye roll in Jaskier's voice. “I just wish that I could find someone else who was willing to stick with me through everything, like you. If I could find someone who cares about me half as much as you do, I’d be a damn lucky man. I just want what you and Yennefer and what Yennefer and Triss have. Is that so much to ask?”
Geralt swallows back a lump in his throat. “You’ll find them, Jask.”
“I hope so.” Jaskier snuggles a little closer.
Geralt stares down at the top of his friend’s head for a long minute, heart slamming in his chest. Through the thin fabric of his t-shirt, he can feel the rasp of Jaskier’s stubble and the gentle puff of his breaths. “Jask—”
Jaskier’s phone chimes in his pocket. Geralt’s heart sinks even as Jaskier fishes it out, because he already knows who it will be.
“It’s Valdo,” Jaskier says slowly. “He wants to talk.”
“Hm.” Geralt schools his face into careful neutrality.
“He’s sorry.”
“Course he is.” Valdo is always sorry. It never keeps him from being the same kind of shithead in a couple of months, once he’s forgotten how sorry he is. But Jaskier will always forgive him, because when Jaskier loves someone, he never stops, not really. “You can take that if you want. I don’t mind.”
Jaskier stares down at the screen for a moment, then turns off his phone and puts it away. “I already have plans tonight,” he says and returns his head to Geralt’s shoulder. “I’d rather drink bourbon with my best friend than listening to that asshole’s excuses.”
Geralt smiles and brushes his lips over the crown of his friend’s head. “Good choice.”
Hurt/comfort prompts
Tag list: @kueble @maya-the-yellow-bee @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @mosaicscale @tsukiwolf42 @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username
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